#plus when i tried to tell them about my attempt they just said i didnt need to tell them things i didnt want to
skeletonmaster69 · 2 years
#vent tw#continuation.#its always weird when dying feels better and when it doesnt#for a few years it always got worse at the end of the school year#but my attempt was a few days before halloween#and now im sitting here thinking about how id do it if i werent such a coward(not even crying about it for once! progress)#in the middle of the summer.#sometimes i wanna say all this in the vent channels of servers with friends#but i cant because everyone has their own issues and im not gonna be a cause of them for people#plus when i tried to tell them about my attempt they just said i didnt need to tell them things i didnt want to#which wasnt the point. the point was it started to feel imaginary in my head and i thought telling them would make it less inaginary#especially since nobody knew it was happening st the time#i kinda wanna swallow another bottle of pills#it was so easy to just put them in one at a time#i went to school as if nothing was wrong. if i hadnt been a coward i couldve come home and laid down#and maybe i wouldnt have woken up to complain about dumb problems ever again#it wouldve been so nice#plus its not like anyone wouldve cared back then#both my best friends dont talk to me anymore. im a burden on my family. none of my dnd characters are good enough#everyone would get over it#i wanna make another scab but if all goes well ill already have 2#and besides i dont wanna feel soft flesh slowly squeezing out of my mouth until a single bit of skin is between my teeth and i bite it off#i wanna feel the pressure of a pencil digging into my skin carving a line across deep enough to stay there#i want to feel flesh between my nails and the biting pain of it coming off#i want a knife that im too scared to use#yknow i was right when i said my diary brought out the worst in me#writing makes all the ugly stuff come out#my drawings are pretty and not personal and made so i can show other people#everything i write ends up sad and ugly
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dromaeo-sauridae · 1 year
drop the spoilers of the bad stuff real
under cut incase anyone else cares about spoilers. im assuming you mean the stuff i mentioned before that was making me want to leave, it wasnt due to the movie itself it was really just stuff that i personally didnt want to watch and wasnt prepared for. read reviews and warnings before going to movies kids this was a doozy 👍 tw for animal abuse and experimentation
gotg3 goes in depth about rocket’s backstory, if you dont know he was part of a bunch of experiments. i closed my eyes for most of it cuz experimentation stuff especially on kids or animals grosses me out real bad. they go into it REAL HARD all throughout the movie, idk how much they actually showed but my mother and sister said there was a part where they mutate a turtle and its apparently really gross.
rocket has friends who were all experimented on as well and when he tries to break all of them out they all get killed. hes kept alive because of an anomaly in his brain(? im gonna be honest i was covering my ears, the sound was HORRIBLE it was so loud it gave me a headache so i had my eyes closed and ears covered at this point. thats why he managed to escape and survive, they didnt want to damage his brain).
the whole plot of the movie is the guy who did all this shit to rocket wants him back so he can have his brain, and while attempting to kidnap him rocket gets shot (or hit i couldnt tell, the whole scene was complete chaos and again i had my ears covered cuz FUCKING LOUD). theres multiple fairly graphic scenes where hes convulsing n shit, and they have no way to help him due to the guy (I CANT REMEMBER HIS NAME HES JUST THE GUY TO ME I NEVER READ THE COMICSSHSHAH) installing a kill switch on his heart so that if any surgery or anything gets done itll kill him.
it was bad enough to make me cry over a raccoon and i cant stand raccoons irl they make my skin crawl. but i always liked guardians and rocket was my favorite (i have two cats named rocket and groot. i love em) so watching this kinda sucked. i will say though, i havent watched a marvel movie since i think endgame and i havent been impressed with anything they do, but all of the stuff i couldnt watch aside (plus like 1 other thing)… its a good movie. i probably wouldnt watch it again and suffering through chris pratt being emo that his girlfriend lost her memories(???? I DONT REMEMBER THIS FROM ENDGAME BTW?? WAS THIS IN ANOTHER MOVIE) was really annoying, it was good. i liked the ending and was prepared to see rocket die horribly, which didnt happen thank GOD.
all that to say the VERY FIRST SCENE OF THE MOVIE made me so nauseous i almost threw up and seeing the part where rocket figures out that hes a raccoon made me cry. good movie probably wouldnt recommend
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thediaryofs0nic · 1 year
I have a problem... well... several. I'd say I needed professional help but no thats not it even. I need to go back in time and be taught proper self control as a young kid, I need to be loved by my father, and I need to be taught not to resort to anger in frustration. I dont think people can be perfect but I do think they can be better. I know my mother tried her damndest to be the best mother she could and she achieved it in my eyes. My father on the other hand, to his admittance, was a manipulative, avoidant, asshole who didnt care to watch his mouth or behavior. He thought he was worthy of attempting to control my view on him and the world and he thinks he's succeeded. He is so lost on his narcissistic, egotistical, high horse that he can't see how he's harmed people. He can not see that he is the problem and refuses to feel any important emotions. He suppresses the important ones and expresses the rest in anger. Boys don't cry or at least they do in private because crying is shameful and a sign of weakness. Two genders but you can be whatever you want. I love you yet I'll call you a clown when you finally seem happy. You're brilliant and important but you're not trying hard enough. I've watched you scare away countless people and the only ones you still have are internet trolls or people that need to be around you why tf do you think you don't have friends. My cousin hangs out with you because he likes laughing at your shit takes plus its not like your moral "lessons" are getting through to him he literally has 4 kids all to different women. He isn't too bright.
My parents have also lost themselves into their political ideologies. My mother thinks Ben Shapiro is brilliant and my father wishes death on all Democrats. From the blatant sexism to the upfront racism (all from father) I don't feel safe around him all the time. There are times I remember being in fear of my father drinking a little too much and attempting to kill me. There are times where my father has inadvertently called me useless and said my life wasn't worth anything. ((Context: He said suicidal people/people who commit suicide don't care about anyone and shouldn't have been born to begin with)I was in therapy for my depression and had been sh for a few months at that point) Really racking up the great father points there. When I said I wanted a nose ring he angerly asked if I wanted to be a cow (I just thought they looked cool and I got one the second I turned 18). I was fighting with him about something at the dinner table (I was summoned even when I didn't want to eat with them) and got into a fight over whatever with him and then he interrupted me and started talking to my mother who was crying (because of him) and I responded (because he was only gonna make her feel worse) he didn't let me finish and in a cross, angry, pointed tone through clenched teeth said "not everything is about you" LIKE A FUCKING 4TH GRADER. It made me highly angry so I went up to my room and fumed in my notes app so I could tell my therapist. I hate my father. He also mentioned to me that he wondered what id be like if they didn't give me all the hormones in the milk because he thinks I act the way that I do (feminine and like men) because of the food. He genuinely thought that was a good talking point with me, the queer in the household, his only child, the one person with mental health and identity issues in this house... GO FUCK YOURSELF. God fucking damn it I don't like him at all. He implied my existence wasn't valid or real, that I am not the person I couldve been. I DONT GIVE ANY FUCKING SHITS WHAT I "cOuLDvE BeEn" YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS APPROPRIATE. GO. FUCK. YOUR. SELF. He also told me genderfluid wasn't real for no reason when I had literally thought of going by that. The thing is I NEVER mentioned that anywhere near him, when I said the word and that it made me comfortable to my friends I wasn't even on the same floor level. He wants me to kill myself at this point. I could probably think of more but im too angry now and it's 3 am so maybe ill stop.
(My mother rarely defended me when she was the only one I was comfortable talking to so she knew how I must've felt hearing a lot of those things)
Tldr: I hate my father
Overall conclusion: He will never enter my living space once I move out of this bitch.
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Meeting and Dating Benny Rodriguez
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You and Benny met when you were younger. You’d lived in the neighborhood your entire life and with Benny and the boys being the only kids around your house; and the fact that you were a bit of a tomboy in general, they were who you made friends with.
- Like most young boys, they weren’t too keen on some little girl butting into their games, but you were persistent! It took you a couple weeks and a whole lot of effort but soon enough they let you stay and play without any complaints. After that, the rest was history.
- You’d sort of always just been one of the guys. The main reason you were allowed to stick around was because they nearly forgot you weren’t one. You played baseball, weren’t afraid to get dirty, and never acted all “prissy”; you were the only type of girl they’d ever be caught dead letting into their crew.
- And; without any opposition from you, that’s how things went on for a few years. It wasnt until you got a little older that you realized that being “one of the boys” maybe wasn’t the ...greatest thing in the world.
- You sort of always had a thing for Benny. It was easier to brush off and not realize when you were younger but as you got into your teenage years, it became more difficult to ignore.
- And thus, your dilemma finally became obvious. You’d spent so long being one of the guys that you were completely sure Benny only saw you as that; he sure acted like he did.
- So a million thoughts raced through your head. You wondered if you could change how he saw you, if you wanted to, how you’d do it, should you do it, when you’d do it, etc. Maybe you should try some makeup, change your clothes, your personality; should you stop hanging around him so much?
- You had no idea what to do ...so you tried a few things. You dressed a tad bit girlier; not enough to have the gang on you or ruin your ability to play, and wore your hair down, and ...nothing happened.
- All you got was a few comments from the guys asking “what’s up with the hair?”. Soon enough, you were grumpily pulling your hair up into a ponytail after getting not even the slightest reaction from Benny.
- After several attempts, you’re at a loss and somewhat frustrated. You debate just telling him but the day you decide to, you chicken out and stay home.
- Your mother tells Benny you aren’t feeling well when he asks if you can come out and play and you watch from behind the curtain guiltily as he leaves your front steps, casting one last look from behind his shoulder at your window.
- You don’t show up to the field for another day or two before deciding that you need to go back, missing your friends and fresh air. You figure you can play it cool like always, and you do, getting welcome back slaps on the back and shakes.
- You play for a few hours before the boys have to go home and you’re left on the field alone with Benny. You’re just about to walk out as well ...up until Benny calls after you. With a deep breath, you jog back over and stand in front of him.
“You feeling better?” he asks and you both nod, one after the other.
“That’s good. I missed you out here,” he says before seeming to realize what he said. He laughs slightly before following up with a “Yeah-Yeah sucks at playing your position.”.
- You both laugh before he asks “why don’t we play, just you and me. You throw and I’ll hit”. And you try to turn him down, telling him that you should be getting home, but then he gives you that smile of his and a “come on” and you just can’t refuse.
- So you get in position and the two of you play, swapping turns back and forth when you have to run and catch the ball.
- On one of your last few throws, he runs over to hand you the ball but doesn’t immediately let go. Instead, he leans in and presses a chaste kiss to your cheek before running back to his spot on the field, casting a look back at you and subsequently a smile as he does.
- The two of you kiss for real when you’re at the edge of the field, getting ready to walk home. He calls your name and you pause, standing still as he grips your shoulder and leans in, planting a peck on your lips.
“Why’d you do that?” you ask, though it’s obvious that you don’t mind.
He merely shrugs and grins at you. “I wanted to.”
- You can’t help but smile back, letting him wrap an arm around your shoulders and walk you off the field.
- There isn’t a ton of pda in your relationship but there’s a bunch of contact: high fives, his arm around your shoulders, his leg touching yours when you sit next to each other. He just doesn’t want the guys on your case for the rest of the week for a measly kiss in front of them. 
- Affectionate hair ruffling. 
- Hand holding, usually when the gang isn't around; unless it’s Smalls. 
- Forehead and cheek kisses.
- Soft kisses.
- He has your picture on his dresser and you cant help but smile every time you see it. 
- When it really comes down to it, he’s got a huge soft spot for you. He may treat you like one of the boys most of the time but there’s a twinkle in his eyes that tells you you’re definitely different from them to him. 
- Excited hugs, usually after he accomplishes something big or you get good news. 
- Sitting in between his legs, usually with his chest pressed against your back.
- He doesn’t mind cuddling, even if it’s sort of in front of the gang, mainly because his style of cuddling is his arm draped over your shoulder and you resting against his side.
- As though he’d allow you to not have a nickname! He doesn’t really use petnames except; maybe, when he’s using them as jokes or sarcastically, but you’ve probably had a nickname since you were little that he still uses.
- Although, he does say “that’s my girl” to himself or just outloud whenever he gets all proud of you; like when you score a homerun.
- The boys definitely tease him about you. Its the one thing they have on him.
- He lets you win when you guys race. You’re absolutely aware of it but you think it’s cute so you both jokingly pretend he didnt.
- He’s always there to help get you out of a pickle. If you have a problem it is both your problems the minute you tell him.
- He always brushes off your praise with a halfhearted and playful scoff but in actuality, he loves it whenever he gets a compliment from you.
- There’s definitely been moments where you’ve been in his room with him and asked about some sort of clothing item and he just casually asks if you want it. And ...You’re damn right you do.
- Randomly being carried away from things isn’t all too uncommon for you. He likes to pick you up, whether it’s just by your armpits or in a piggyback ride.
- Walking home from school together. 
- Spending your summers together. 
- Expect a lot of random visits and him calling you to come hang out. If he wants to see you, he’ll just come knocking on your door. 
- Smalls is sort of like your adoptive child, even though you're only like two years older than him. You’re just always looking out for the younger boy and making sure he feels welcome and all that. 
- Getting introduced to Beast and Mr. Mertle. 
- Knowing tons of baseball facts because of him.
- Playing catch in the lot. He goes easy on you but to be fair; he goes easy on most people.
- Looking after him and making sure he doesn’t over exert himself.
- I’m sorry but you’ll have to just accept that baseball is his priority a lot of the time. It’s his “life” and you’ll just have to accept that if you want to be with him. 
- He would genuinely ask you to marry him in complete awe if you were to ever get him baseball game tickets. 
- He makes a big deal over your birthday, well, him and the rest of the boys. They all cheer when you arrive at the field, giving all their “look who it is’s”and slapping you on the back.
- Going to the movies ...after they put up another screen.... He’ll usually grab your hand and keep glancing over at you whenever you go, he just thinks you’re really pretty.
- Hanging out in the treehouse together. 
- Going to the fair with him. 
- Pool dates.
-  A lot of your dates get invaded by the gang, especially if they involve pizza …or food of any kind really. 
- His mother probably insists on giving him some money every time she hears he’s going to hang out with you because she wants him to be a little gentleman and pay for your “date”.
- Even though you’ve always sort of been seen as just one of the guys, you’re serious bragging rights for Benny; both to the other boys and to Phillips. All it takes is one visit to the pool with them and suddenly they’re all a little envious of their leader.
- Though, to be honest, all the boys in the group have probably; at some point, had a crush on you or thought that you’d end up together because it just makes sense, you know? They weren’t in love but they had those little “why am is my heart racing” type of moments with you.
- Even though he brags about you, he’s still a jealous boy. He pretty much glares at any other guy; besides the guys in the gang, you’re with. Even if he’s doing something else, he finds it difficult to concentrate. The minute you arrive back at his side, he’ll ask why you’re hanging out with them, usually with a subtle; or not so subtle, insult directed towards them.
- Even though he knows you’re capable of holding your own, he’ll still always jump to stick up for you because it’s just a habit of his.
- He’s protective of everybody in his gang so that obviously includes you. He isn’t above fighting; or at least embarrassing, someone who’s giving you a hard time or literally carrying you to a safe distance when you’re near something he deems dangerous. Plus, he’s always the first one at your side no matter what’s going on.
- The two of you don’t fight a ton. You’ve been friends for a while so you sort of already know what rubs each other the wrong way and can avoid them because of that. If you are fighting, it’s probably about something stupid and you wind up just leaving; for one reason or another, as he calls after you.
- That being said, you usually just resolve things after a bit of arguing; without you having to walk off. As an apology, he’ll give you a sincere “hey, I’m sorry, alright?” before making some joke along the lines of asking if you want to hit him. You’ll hug and he’ll kiss your head and everything will be settled.
- You don’t tell each other that you love each other a whole lot; it sort of just isn’t Bennys thing, but you show each other you do with your actions.
- In the future, you’re there at every single one of his games, cheering him on.
- He probably asks you to marry him right after highschool. He just can’t wait to make you Mrs. Rodriguez.
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yungbud · 3 years
Hi! Hope you're staying safe & healthy! If you're comfortable writing smut & certain kinks can you write a smut with Dom where the reader hears he'd be into spitting in someone's mouth & the reader has wanted that for awhile but gets shy when asking him for it so he gets dominant & says "Daddy won't give you what you want until you ask like a good girl" & then rough sex with hair pulled & choking but also praise kink from Dom calling the reader good girl & pretty girl 🥺 thank you if you're able & comfortable writing this!
Pretty Girl
Word count: 2.5k
Req?: yes
Warnings: smut including slight degradation
The day had finally come to an end and you’re sitting in bed all wrapped up in your pajamas and watching Doms interviews when something happened.  Of course, you weren’t watching them to find something, it had just happened. The only reason you’d even been watching them was because Dom had been so busy lately and watching him goof off on camera made it feel like he was right there with you, even when he couldn’t be.
But instead of this particular interview giving you a warm feeling in your chest, it was giving you a warm feeling in your tummy. This has happened before, but usually it was his lips, his tongue or his tattooed fingers that caused the reaction. This time, he had said something that made your cheeks go red just thinking about it.
He had been reading thirst tweets and someone had mentioned him spitting in their mouth, to which he replied that he was “kinda into that.” The thought alone had you unconsciously squeezing your thighs together. 
Your tongue jutted out to wet your lips as you set your computer to the side, lifting your hips as you pulled your pajama pants just past your knees. Dom wasn’t home, so you’d have to take care of this yourself. You pull the blankets up with you as you maneuver into a comfortable position, spreading your legs as your mind reels with impure thoughts.
You start off slow, pretending it’s Dom’s hands touching your thighs instead of your own. You think about what it would feel like to kiss him as his hands roam your lower body, sliding their way up to play with your tits. How his warm tongue would feel licking at your nipple as he used his fingers to play with your nipple, how he would get impatient and suck your breast into his mouth.
 Your hand made its way between your legs, rubbing small circles on your clit. You were getting more and more worked up by the second, but you took your time, wanting to prolong this as long as you could. You thought about his lips on yours in a rough, sloppy kiss, your teeth clashing together as his mouth easily dominated yours. 
You slide your underwear down your legs with your pajama pants and attempt to return to your, ahem, activities, but as you try you realize your underwear is constricting your legs a bit so you opt to take them both off, thoughtlessly discarding them somewhere across the room.
Dom’s tongue was definitely (one of) his best assets, and he loved to tease you with it in whatever way he could. Because of this, whenever you were making out Dom would sometimes use a lot of tongue, like he said in the interview that started all this, he was a licker. Usually that would be off putting, but with Dom it was actually pretty hot, but to be fair that went for most things with Dom. Now that you thought about it, you were surprised the idea of a spit kink hadn’t come up sooner. You were definitely into it, it was one of the many reasons you loved making out with him, letting his tongue roam your mouth as you thought about it roaming… other places. The idea of his spit, something so personal, so nasty being in your mouth was so hot, although it wasn’t just your mouth. You found yourself thinking of him spitting on your face, your ass, your wet pussy, it was disrespectful and degrading and-- and... so, so fucking hot.
You eventually managed to finish yourself off, your orgasm leaving you relaxed and ready for a nap. You snuggled into the warm pillow, ready to let sleep overtake you when you were startled by the door opening and the very british voice that greeted you.
“ ‘ello love!” You give Dom a tired smile, pulling the blankets up some more “what’re you doin?” 
“Takin a nap.” 
“Hm, really? Tire yourself out?” 
“Uh- excuse- excuse me?” You say, stumbling over your words. He couldn’t have meant it like that… unless? Was he outside the door? Had you been moaning? You thought you’d been pretty quiet, save for the rare whimper. He grabbed the pair of underwear hanging from the door handle, holding it on display in front of you.
“Awh, don't be shy. Everyone does it love, nothin’ to be embarrassed about.” Dom says, walking over and booping you on the nose as he smiled down at you. You made momentary eye contact before your eyes flicked away from his, settling on the open door in front of you. 
“What were you thinkin about?” He asks, cutting off your meek protest of his insinuation, your eyes flicked up to his and away again. 
“Was it me?” he asks, cutting you off before you can answer. You gave him a small nod and when you continued to avoid eye contact he leant down to give kisses all over your face.
“No need to be embarrassed, love. It’s normal, plus I find it kinda hot. I wanna know what got you so worked up you couldn’t wait for me to get home.” He says, rubbing a hand over your stomach. Dom had always been so forward and it made you nervous at times. Especially when he’d basically just caught you masturbating to him.
Dom hummed, kissing and nibbling at your neck before making his way down. The thoughts from minutes before came flooding back to your brain in one big, sinful heap. You took a deep breath as he sucked at your sweet spot, bringing your hands up to tangle them in his hair. He began kissing his way up your jaw, making his way to your lips before capturing them in a kiss. Doms lips felt like soft, plushy pillows as they easily overtook your own.
You lightly tug at his hair, arching your back against his hand which is making its way down your stomach, squeezing as he reaches your upper thigh. Dom took the hair pulling as an invitation to deepen the kiss, propping himself up on his knee that sat between your legs and placing a hand beside your head to steady himself as you kissed, his other hand holding your leg. He broke the kiss momentarily, flipping you both over in one swift movement.
His hands remained at your hips, gripping them ever so slightly as if he was worried if he didnt you might slip away. You continued to kiss, hands wandering each other's body, getting completely lost in one another. Dom began to get impatient, pulling his lips away from your own as he began leaving quick, wet kisses down your neck until he reached your breasts.
“Lemme see those pretty tits.” he mumbled, partly to himself. There was no hesitation as he took one into his mouth, sucking at your nipple, his tongue flattening against it before he began to lick.
 It was then that you realized you still weren’t wearing any pants, your bare pussy sat on his sweats, resulting in a small wet patch from your arousal. A blush came over your face for what felt like the hundredth time tonight. Dom noticed you looked embarrassed and began gripping your hips a little tighter, guiding you as he led you to ride his thigh. When you tried to speed up  Doms grip on you tightened, ensuring that you only went at the pace that he set. You let out a huff, your hips moving achingly slow against him.
“You want more?” He whispers, you give a small nod in response “Hm… Use your words.”
 You remained silent, you knew exactly what you wanted to say. You wanted to tell him to pin your arms above your head and spit in your face so you couldn’t wipe it off, feeling it drip down your face as he relentlessly fucked you and if you were too loud to put spit in your mouth with his hand around your throat so you couldn’t swallow it, forcing you to sit there and taste it. But alas, your words were the only thing stuck in your throat..
“Okay, fine. You don't have to ask.” He says, completely removing his hands from your body. You began whining in protest, grabbing at his hand and attempting to place it back on your hip.
“Ah, ah, ah. Daddy isn’t going to touch you until you use your words. So, be a good girl and tell daddy what you want.” This didn’t exactly help the fact that you were nervous, but you knew he would hold out until you did what you were told.
“I want you to spit in my mouth like you said in the interview.” you mumbled.
“Speak up, I can't hear you.” He prods, you weren’t sure if he was teasing you or genuinely didn’t hear, so you attempt to swallow the lump in your throat and repeat yourself, avoiding eye contact as you did so. When you finally managed to get the words out, Dom stayed silent for a moment and you were beginning to get worried you had said something wrong when he finally said something.
“You want me to spit in that pretty little mouth?” He asks, you nod in confirmation before remembering to use your words.
“And on my face.” You say, finding it easier to speak now that you’d gotten the lump out of your throat. He smirks at that, green eyes staring directly into yours as he decided just what to do with you.
“Was that so hard?” He asks, hands returning to their grip on your hips as he slid you up and down his thigh, pushing you down against him. He watched you from his laid back position, eyes wandering from your face, to your tits, to your pussy rubbing against his sweats and back again. He could barely believe the view in front of him, his dick growing harder by the minute, your wet pussy soaking through his sweats only fueled his arousal. You reach down, rubbing him through his sweats at the same pace he slid you over his thigh. Dom lets out a moan in response, tightening his grip on your hips and speeding up the pace. It continued like this for a few minutes before his movements stopped abruptly.
“You know what? Get off me. What do you think you’re doing, hm? Rubbing my dick while you ride my thigh like a little whore?” You go to respond, but he cuts you off “It was a rhetorical question. Open your mouth.” He demands. You do as you’re told, not wanting to get in more trouble than you already were. His warm spit hit your tongue caught you by surprise, you closed your mouth and swallowed without thinking, Dom let out a huff at this.
“Did I say to swallow it?” 
“No, sorry daddy.” you whisper “again please.” you open your mouth once again, the sound of him spitting in your mouth building pressure between your legs.
“Get on your knees and keep it there.” He demands. You oblige once again, holding your mouth open for him.
“You want it? Hm? You want daddy’s dick in your mouth?” He asks, stroking himself through his sweatpants that barely concealed his boner. You weren’t sure if you were allowed to close your mouth to talk, or that if you did you would accidentally swallow his spit, so you opted to nod up at him. He seemed to accept this answer, pulling his pants down, allowing his hard dick to spring free. He let out a hiss as he wrapped a hand around his swollen prick, giving himself a few strokes before tapping the tip against your tongue, teasing you before sliding it in. 
You close your mouth around him, hollowing out your cheeks as Doms hand comes to pull your hair into a makeshift ponytail, leading you slowly up and down. You could taste the precum that had already started to bead over on his tip, flicking your tongue around it before taking more of him down your throat. Dom lets out a groan at the feeling of his tip hitting the back of your throat
“Good girl, take daddys dick down that pretty throat.” He moans, rubbing his thumb across your cheek as he stared down at you, looking away just as quickly, a barely audible “fuck.” falling from his lips. You hummed against him, the vibrations against his dick.
“You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth. Such a pretty girl.” He says, at this point you were so worked up you thought you might explode if Dom didn’t touch you soon.
“Daddy, please.” you whine, your voice raspy from the former dick down your throat.
“Please what, sweetheart?” Dom asks, moving a piece of hair out of your face.
“Please fuck me.”
“Of course, whatever you want princess.” He says, making his way on top of you. He didn’t bother teasing you, figuring you both had had enough of that for today. Instead he lined himself up with your entrance, sliding his tip between your folds to gather your arousal on his tip, making sure he was nice and lubricated before finally pushing in.
Dom took his time, wanting you to feel every inch of his swollen prick before moving in and out of you. You knew he had wanted this as bad as you did as you felt him throbbing inside of you, desperate to fuck you senseless. So he did, making sure you were comfortable and starting out slow but quickly building up to a pace that made you scream, the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, punctuated by whimpers for “More! More!”
Dom never had been good at controlling himself.
He once again grabbed a fistful of hair to move it out of your face, tugging slightly as he stared down at you, pounding away at your pussy.
“You look so pretty beneath me.” He says, causing you to blush and close your eyes. As you do you hear the sound of Dom spitting followed by the feeling of something warm and wet dripping down your face.
“Look even prettier with my spit running down your face.” He spat in your mouth again, placing his hand around your throat and choking you. You felt the pressure building up in your stomach, you tried to tell Dom you were about to cum but, between your approaching orgasm and his hand around your throat it came out in unintelligible sobs. Dom got the gist of what was happening by the way you writhed under him, he continued his pace as you rode out your high, feeling your walls pulsate around him and coming soon after you.
You stayed that way for awhile, laying there together with him still inside you as you both came down for you highs. Dom lifted his neck to kiss you on the forehead and wipe his spit from your face with the blanket.
“I mean it, you know.” He says, looking down at you as he played with your hair.
“Hm?” you inquire
“You’re so fuckin pretty.” You blushed again, hiding behind your hands. “Stop, let me see you.” He says, pulling them away and placing a chaste kiss to your lips.
“Come on, let's go take a bath.”
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Alright let's try this Soulmate body switch AU I'm also attempting this whole "make a tag" thing... bare with me, ive only actually used this app for like 4 days now im gonna go with "RayMakesSoulmates" for now... uhm, idk what else to go with uhhhhh yeah, names Ray btw...
Okay here we go. The idea of switching bodies is something a bit strange to me so let me make this work for me.
Basically it happens once a year after you either turn 17 or meet your soulmate. If its the latter then there has to be alot of turmoil and confusion on one side to trigger the first switch because it does not happen at the first encounter. However after the first encounter you'll sometimes have little blurry dreams that are in fact core memories of your soulmate. But theyre always too blurry to point out who's involved and sounds are too muffled to pin point any specific noises words or what have you.
Now, the dreams don't happen every night but they happen often enough that you are made aware that you have met your soulmate at some point recently.
So after Zuko visits the south and they begin their cat and mouse game around the world Zuko often has blurry dreams of white with black falling what he thinks is people screaming and what he knows is muffled crying. While Sokka has random dreams of what he thinks is someone moving away into the darkness and someone screaming out to them but he can't figure out what they're saying. Another dream he has is a blurry glow of bright blue and crying. There's also one that shows up more often than the other two, its when he sees what he believes is someone moving towards him saying something, but its muffled, then a bright light and muffled screaming and crying.
However after Ba Sing Se Sokka has a dream that's clear and vivid, not muffled and not blurry. After he takes a moment from shooting up to a sitting position he realizes that this is not a dream, he's switched bodies. Standing up and moving the blankets off of him he looks around and sees the there are fire nation items everywhere, it looks like he's in a royal bedroom. He elects to keep calm as he moves towards where he thinks is a bathroom, he is correct and when he looks into the mirror he freezes. His heart drops into his stomach. Sokka can hardly believe what he's looking at. Staring back at him is not his face, but Zuko's. He reaches up to touch the scar on Zuko's face. While yes he has control over his body and he doesn't exactly know how to act 'firenation' let alone 'fire nation royalty' he stands straight. "This won't last longer than 3 hours." He reminds himself
"What won't last longer than three hours?" Azula's voice breaks through
Instantly on edge and irritated Sokka- ahem Zuko turns to Azula "what do you want Azula?" He says in a voice thats much less irritated, theyre siblings right? So they have to be chummy right
"Oo! You sound so much less angry!" She muses "disgusting, anyways, Mai wanted me to let you know she's leaving today"
Why would he care about that? Oh they must be friends? Maybe they're dating? Okay, don't screw this up "uh, okay"
"Aw don't be so sad Zuzu~ you two would have never worked out anyways, her and Ty Lee switched bodies just three days ago. It was honestly was kind of amusing watching her string you along" This is not how siblings normally talk to eachother. He just glared at Azula "alright alright sheesh, ill leave you alone" he found something to write on and quickly jotted down the conversation because if he was given that information Zuko would need it.
Meanwhile Zuko shot awake and found himself lying next to appa Katara and Aang, so he is alive huh? Confused he figured he must be dreaming until he realized his vision was clear and nothing was muffled. He was below deck on a fire nation ship. He paused a moment before he stood and noticed Sokka's boomerang beside him. He lifed it and saw Sokka in the reflection. His reaction seemed to mirror(haha get it) Sokka's when he saw Zuko in the mirror. But he dropped the boomerang and it made a loud bang which woke the other two up "Sokka what are you doing, the sun is barely up"
He paused and cleared his throat. Okay, sure he's been chasing them he needs to not blow this "uh, sorry, nightmare"
Katara shifted and turned to him, a genuine look of worry in her eyes "do you want to talk about it?" She asked in a tone that reminded him of his mother. Genuine love.
He forced himself not to tear up at the memory and just shook his head "no, I honestly can't remember it. Just scared me is all" the hesitation in Katara's expression before she responded was strange to him
"Alright, if you say so, do you mind going and asking dad to change the course? We need to stop and get supplies"
His hesitation and expression probably made her realize what happened "okay, youre not Sokka right now are you?" He froze and nodded slowly "alright, you dont have to tell me who you are, but I'll help you through the motions, Aang and I switched back in Ba Sing Se, that was the day when you questioned why I said I'd fly around, er- or that was when Sokka questioned me" okay she was a little more accepting of this than he thought.
"Uhm, okay, yeah, right, uhm, I don't want to blow this so can you just uh show me around? I'm sure Sokka knows all the people he's- oh agni he's gonna meet my dad" zuko internally cringed.
In that moment it seemed to click with Katara "alright, so you're telling me your Zuko"
Zuko flinched and backed up against the wall "look I dont know what you want me to do about this, but I promise you that I'm not going to ruin anything, I know I messed up, hell Sokka's probably noticing that my family doesn't work like yours does. I've been so confused my whole life okay, I'm sorry I betrayed you in Ba Sing Se, my sister has a way of manipulating me. I just hope he doesn't get hurt, he probably doesn't know he needs to keep his mouth shut in my family." Zuko was panicking when Katara reached out
"Zuko, zuko what do you mean?" Her voice shaky
"Look I cant tell you everything, I cant tell you my life story not right now, I need to get through with this. If we meet again, which I hope we do, ill tell you then. But right now, please just show me what Sokka goes through day to day. I know he's not gonna like what happens on the other end, I just hope it doesn't go too bad."
Katara nodded "alright well. Let me walk you around and let you learn the peoples names, ill just say hi to them and say their names." She paused "but first, tell me about your mother, i dont know if I believe it anymore"
He sighed before telling her the entire story.
Meanwhile at the palace Sokka was sitting in a war meeting knowing to keep his mouth shut unless spoken to. He didnt want to set people off or let them know he wasn't actually Zuko. The topic of the earth kingdome came up and Ozai turned to him "Zuko, you've spent time among the Earth kingdom citizens. What information do you have?"
"Uh, the Earth kingdoms citizens are strong willed and hopeful, as long as they have hope they will not yeild"
"Hmmm, I see, we need to crush their hope"
"Well, thats not what I-"
"I think we should take their precious hope and burn it to the ground!" Azula cuts in
"Yes, yes good idea Azula" Oh no
About an hour after the meeting the switch flipped, Sokka made notes about everything that he found important in time before the switch was over.
After they switched back Sokka found his sister and grabbed her shoulders "Katara, I have to tell you something, I just got back from a body swit-"
"And your soulmate is Zuko? I know, he cried when I was nice to him, what happened on your end?"
"Well, his whole family is mean to him"
"I was in a war meeting and found out their plan for the comet"
After relaying the information he found they discussed it with Aang.
Let's skip ahead to after the failed invasion and to the air temple when Zuko shows up.
"Hello, Zuko here"
No fighting it in this one
"Get your jerk bender butt over here" Katara and Sokka said practically in unison.
>im gonna wrap it up here. And yes Katara would notice its not Sokka and would totally pick up on Zuko, she's observant
>and no Azula wouldn't notice at all because she's used to Zuko being stand offish with her. Plus Sokka is so much better at impersonations than Zuko
@chaoticidiott @roman-does-nothing @bisexuallsokka @transzukostanblog
I dont know if I did this AU justice, I tried.
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reluctant-mandalore · 3 years
hello i just wanna say I loveeee your blog and your fanfics!! <3 can you write a thing where the reader is telling some things to Din that's from their homeworld Earth?? like explaining social media, pop culture things, and some animals?? i'd love a struggling Din trying to comprehend what a DM is (>艸<) o(>V<)o
Warnings: Fluff, Earth things, light flirting, not beta read, din is confused af
Word Count: 1342
Pairing: Din Djarin x gn!Reader
a/n: I won’t lie. I had a bit of trouble with this one, and I don’t think its any of my best work. But I hope its enjoyable either way! Its a little dialogue heavy, I was exploring dialogue with this piece for sure, but I also felt like it did better with more than less in terms of them speaking. I didn’t have much inspiration in mind for this one, but honestly I still think its still a little cheeky fic with a healthy amount of fluff between Din and the reader. Soooo enjoy! 
Edit: og fic had a “whats a dm?” convo but it didnt really flow right so I removed it and did the spilling the tea thing instead. Hope that was fine anon! I mean... I still have that convo in my scrap doc now, so if you still wanted to see it I could publish it as a blurb. But its really up to y’all if you want to see Din confused over a dm. 
The Mandalorian had immersed himself in looking through that datapad he currently held in his hands. Double checking the list of supplies you both had picked up the day earlier and making sure it had all been placed in the correct storage areas. A task which he found dull, but had busied himself with anyway. If there was one thing he hated—it was a disorganized ship.
This is where you had found him when going down to the hull. Spotting him among the many crates within its vancity and practically skipping over to join him. A bright smile on your cheeks and excitement bubbling inside of you for the day that you two had planned together.
“Hey Din! Ready to head out?”
The Mandalorian had glanced up from what he was doing, allowing his gaze to connect with yours. Soon feeling himself smile at the sight of your own grin. He had nodded in assurance, before going back to fiddling with the datapad in his hands, “I well be, just got to finish up with this here. Are you?”
“Yup! Ready whenever you are tin man!” You had said with a wink, sitting on one of the closed crates and watching as he went about his work. He had rolled his eyes under the helmet at your nickname, choosing to ignore it for the time being though and going back to focusing on the task at hand. Finding himself wanting to get it finished soon so that the two of you could leave.
“Oh, before I forget.” He had suddenly spoken, lifting his head from the screen to look towards you again, “We got a message from Fett earlier when you were busy.”
“Oh we did?” You replied nonchalantly, standing again and patting away the dust now on your clothes. Before pulling up closer to him and taking a peek at the device he was still holding, “What’s the tea? Spill it for me.”
Din had paused in his movements slowly looking up to connect his gaze with yours once more. The confusion he felt evident even with the helmet shielding his features from your view. The realization of your slip up causing a wave of embarrassment to rush through you. Although, your shyness had soon left at hearing the next question he had asked.
“What is this... spilling of the Tea?”
“It’s just a saying.” You said, resisting the laugh that had pulled at your throat from his choice of wording, keeping it down as you smiled at the confused man, “Sorry Din, I sometimes forget that you don’t always know all the same lingo that I do.”
“Ah I see... So it was one of your Earth sayings then?”
You had rolled your eyes at his words, a teasing grin playing on your lips now, “Of course it was, what did you think it would be?”
Din had shrugged, looking away again as he felt himself blush in shyness, even though he knew you wouldn’t be seeing his heated cheeks anyway, “I dunno, maybe it's one of those weird animals you were talking about the other day.”
“Hippos aren’t weird!” You had gasped in mock shock, putting on a show of seeming offended from his accusation, “They’re cute!”
“Yeah sure,” He had said, the teasing smile he wore evident in just his voice alone, “Whatever you say, Cyar’ika.”
“You’d think they were too if you actually saw one.”
After your words, you had moved away from him again, going over to look through the crates of supplies he had scattered around him. You had poked through them with interest, making a face of disgust at seeing some of the protein bars you didn’t like littered within. The expression had earned you a huff of laughter from the armor covered man. The sound of it making you let out a small giggle yourself, a flush of warmth heating your skin, as you both soon found yourselves falling into a comfortable silence.
“What does it mean?” He had asked suddenly, after some time had passed, breaking the cloud of silence within the room, “The spilling of the tea I mean. Why would you spill tea over a message?”
Hearing him speak you had looked towards him, letting out a small laugh at his questioning. His naiveness over the ordeal making your heart flutter and roll with affection for the man. An odd need to pinch his metal cheeks pulling at your mind, though you stopped yourself from doing so, knowing he probably wouldn’t be too fond of such an action.
“Well it doesn’t literally mean spilling tea.” You had said with a shrug, “It basically just means sharing some good gossip.”
Din had hummed in understanding, “I see. Though I can’t imagine Fett sharing any gossip like that.”
“Are you kidding?” You replied, giving him a look of doubt, “I bet him and Fennec sit up on that throne of theirs gossiping all day.”
A loud laugh had left the Mandalorian at your theory—a rare treat that you found yourself overjoyed with—watching him shake his head at the silliness of it all. He never knew how you came up with these ideas of yours, but they always seemed to bring a smile to his face either way.  
“You know I’m right!”
“It’s not that,” He had said, another chuckle leaving him, as he set down the datapad and put everything else away, “You have such strange things from Earth. They seem unreal at times.”
“Oh I see…”
“I mean. I like learning Earth things from you, no matter how strange they may be.” He had said, looking away almost bashfully as he tried to work out his choice of words, “I… I like getting to know more about you.”
A heat had flushed through you at his confession, your heart thundering loudly within your chest, “Well in that case... I can teach you more Earth things.”
You had moved closer to him after your words, a flirty tone finding itself laced within your voice. One of your hands trailing up his chestplate and resting upon it as you leaned into him. Now toying with his cape fondly as you continued speaking, “I wouldn’t mind and it would be something nice to do together.”
“Sure.” He had managed to reply, his mind feeling fuzzy with your sudden closeness, “As long as it's not one of those strange tik tok trends you were doing the other night.”
“Tiktok isn’t strange! It’s fun!” He had looked at you with his brows raised, the helmet hiding them, but his skeptical gaze still obvious,  “Ok maybe it's a little strange, but I promise you’ll enjoy it. You should learn one of the dances with me later. I can teach you one!”
“I don’t dance.” He had replied quickly and sternly. Turning away in an attempt to leave the conversation, though you wouldn’t let him get away with it that easily.
“Oh come on Din…” You pouted, moving around to his front again and giving him your best puppy dog eyes. The sight of them managing to melt his heart in an instant no matter the situation, “It’ll be fun! Plus, you wanted to learn more about Earth stuff right?”
Din had sighed, realizing how his words were now coming back to bite him. Giving you one final look over before admitting defeat, knowing he wouldn’t win this stand off with you anytime soon, “Fine. But you don’t tell anyone.”
“Pinky promise!” You had said with a cheeky smile. Soon holding out your pinky towards him in offering, wanting him to swear the promise with you in that manner, the same way that two foundlings might.
The Mandalorian had rolled his eyes underneath the helmet again, but still possessing the bright smile spread across his cheeks. Soon he had held his own pinky out, interlocking it with yours and giving a firm nod of approval. Another flush of warmth flooding through you at the gesture and causing for your heart to flutter happily once more.
“It’s a deal.”
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babysizedfics · 3 years
Virgil moves and talks so quietly that no one hears him (and he hates it)
virgil is naturaly very gentle in pretty much everything he does. he moves so quietly around the house because he wears socks and always walks on his tiptoes (which is an autistic trait) and he also speaks so softly hardly above a whisper unless he's laughing or yelling that he always scares people who didnt know he was right behind them.
and it sort of upsets vee. not so much that he moves silently but doesnt like that he accidentally scares people and he really doesnt like that people can't hear him when he speaks - when he was first created as a four year old he was completely mute and it took at least a year for him to finally learn to speak at five years old and even then he was still selectively mute and only semi verbal otherwise.
so he's had to deal with not being able to communicate his needs effectively a lot. he still goes mute sometimes if he is overwhelmed and when he is regressed he is semi verbal. so he feels sensitive about the fact that even when he finally CAN communicate with words most of the time, he feels like he can't do it right because he cant force himself to speak loud enough.
like one morning logan will be waiting for the coffee machine to fill his mug and virgil will come into the kitchen and say 'good morning.' when logan doesnt respond virgil gets nervous that maybe he did something wrong and his mama is angry with him
so he doesnt try to speak again just in case it would annoy logan and he moves around silently on his toes getting breakfast
it isnt until logan hears the fridge door open and close that he looks back and his eyes fall on vee. virgil freezes a little but logan smiles softly at him. 'good morning virgil. when did you get here?'
'uh a couple minutes ago'
'oh my apologies, i didnt hear you come in' then logan turns back to his coffee and picks up his mug.
'i said good morning' vee whispers, worried that it would sound like complaining. but logan doesnt even hear him say it so vee gives up on talking and just sits next to logan for breakfast in comfortable silence (thats underlaid by shame on his part)
patton will be doing the dishes and humming and virgil will tiptoe in and say 'hi dad' but patton doesnt hear it over the running water and keeps washing up. virgil fidgets a bit on the spot, anxious that it feels like he's eavesdropping on patton even though he isn't trying to at all
he tries a couple more times to say hi to his dad when theres less noise coming from the plates in the sink but still theres no response. so he tries to speak louder 'um dad, im behind you'
and for him it was louder than usual but for other people its more like a slightly quiet soft voice... so patton doesnt hear him still, even when he turns off the water and dries his hands.
virgils heart hammers in his chest because patton is gonna turn around and think virgil was spying on him even though virgil tried to speak to him a few times by this point. 'please dont jump' virgil whispers desperately, knowing that he's essentially talking to himself now
and of course when patton finally turns around he does jump and he yelps loudly at seeing virgil and even though virgil expected it it startles him and he flinches and his eyes immediately water (he gets really annoyed by how easily he cries sometimes)
patton sees it and quickly calms down and goes over to pull him into a hug 'oh im sorry honey, i didnt hear you come in. did i scare you?'
virgil tries to breath evenly to stop his chest from shaking when he speaks. 'i - um i tried to talk to you... a few times' virgil mumbles into his shoulder
and patton smiles a little because he's kind of soft for how gentle virgil is all over including his voice and he apologises again and kisses virgils head and they move on.
it helps virgil not feel so bad about it when it happens with pstton because he always holds him and kisses his head in apology, plus patton finds his quiet voice endearing and at least thats a positive because virgil gets fawned over by his dad a bit
but the worst is when it happens with roman.
roman will be in his room singing while he works on some artwork. not even that loud, just singing softly as he concentrates on his paintbrush. virgil was feeling lonely and bored and kind of jittery and anxious for no reason in his room and usually roman lets him watch when he's doing art and it calms virgils anxiety and is fun to just sit there in silence in romans company.
so he knocks on romans door gently and peeks his head in. roman is faced away from him at his easel on the other side of the room still singing under his breath a little. virgil tiptoes into the room and calls 'roman? can i watch?'
theres no response so virgil takes a deep breath and tries to speak out 'ro? is it ok if i come in?' and he thought it was loud but clearly not because roman isnt even singing at full volume and he still doesnt react to him at all.
virgil actually feels that familiar anxious swirling of dread in his tummy now. he hates not being heard when he does want to speak and he hates that it always shocks someone and that they must think he's sneaking around on purpose.
he starts clawing and pulling at the hem of his skirt and tiptoes closer, only a few feet behind roman now. he tugs his sweater sleeves down and bites his lip. roman still doesnt notice him. virgil takes a shaky breath 'roman, please' and it was actually quieter because hes so nervous now of what will happen when roman hears him and sees he has come in without permission... he hates this.
roman still doesnt show any sign of knowing virgil is there... so virgil tentatively reaches up - his hand shaking - to poke romans shoulder with one finger. 'ro?' he whispers, hating that his voice trembles
roman screams and immediately jumps and spins around. 'dear f*cking zeus! Virgil what the f*ck!' he yells, eyes wide and almost angry
and virgil can't help it. the yelling shocked him so much and roman is so much bigger and towering over him and he looks angry and now vee is shaking and his vision is blurry with tears.
roman instantly backs down, the shock on his face melting to sympathy. 'ah sh*t, i'm sorry vee...' and he puts his palette and brush down and gently places his hands on virgils arms in an attempt to comfort him 'i didnt mean to yell, im sorry.' he says gently, rubbing his hands over virgils arms 'why didnt you tell me you were here, titch?'
'i d-did!' virgil cries, his voice thick with tears 'i tri-ied to - to talk and you didn't h-h--' he cuts himself off with a strangled cry. he's just as shocked as roman by how hard he's crying
roman feels awful and immediately pulls vee into a tight hug 'no no its okay vee, shh. im really sorry i didnt hear you'
vee just sniffles into romans chest and wraps his fingers in romans sweatshirt tightly. a cry comes out thats more like a little squeak and without realising it his thumb slips into his mouth
roman pulls back from the hug to see his little brother sucking his thumb. sometimes virgil sucks his thumb as an adult for comfort so he has to check 'vee, are you feeling tiny?'
vee doesnt really understand the question and tugs at romans sweatshirt and whines, looking up at him with wet pleading eyes
and roman feels his heart break a little. he feels so guilty that he apparently scared virgil into his regression.
'okay baby, here we go' he leans down to wrap his arms around virgils back and under his thighs and hoists virgil onto his hip. then he sighs 'let's go find your papa to change you'
'bipa?' vee squeaks through his remaining tears. he sniffles again and roman feels guilt wash over him again
'yeah, clever baby, papa's gonna get you a diaper' he whispers and wipes his thumb under vees eye to catch another falling tear
vee whimpers quietly and buries his face on romans shoulder so roman takes it as a prompt to start moving and carrying virgil out of his room to find patton
roman really would have liked for adult virgil to watch him paint but he thinks its all his fault for yelling that vee regressed from fear. so he decides painting can wait, he wants to make it up to his brother with lots of cuddes and playing games to make the baby giggle for the rest of the day
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brelione · 4 years
Marvel Movies (Rafe,Topper,Kelce X Reader)
Tumblr media
This takes place about a month after this.
Mentions of choking,fighting,Captain America Spoilers,Kelce being a Disney Hoe
Series Masterlist
You could hear the sound of “Lost In The Woods” from frozen two along with the sound of a car door shutting.You grinned,looking outside your window to see Kelce walking up to your front door.He had been obsessed with the sound track since you,Rafe,Topper and him had watched it last weekend.He swung open your door,pointing at you. “DONT YOU KNOW THERES PART OF ME THAT LONGS TO GO INTO THE UNKNOWN!”He sang,swinging his arms to the tune of the song that was now playing from his earbuds.
You smiled,taking out your phone to record him. “Kel,what are you singing?”You giggled,zooming in on his face. “Bitch,you already know!!!”He said it to the same tune,making you bite your lip to hold back a snort as you saved the video to your snap chat memories.He sat down nexto to you on the couch,pulling out his earbuds. “Rafe and Top are late?”He asked.You shrugged,checking the groupchat to check what time Rafe had left his house. “Kind of but like its fine.Its my night anyways.”You reminded him.Kelce nodded,pulling his legs onto the couch and resting them across your lap. “What are we watching?”He asked,looking up to see nickelodeon on the TV.
You smiled,telling him it was a surprise before throwing his legs off you and going into the kitchen to snack prep.He followed you,not wanting to watch nickelodeon. “Hey,do you remember those brownies we ate when we were little?Like the ones with the colorful chocolate things?”You asked,opening a bag of doritos and pouring the chips into a large bowl.His eyebrows furrowed as he thought about it,grabbing a capri sun from your fridge. “Debby Ryan brownies?”He asked.You turned to look at him,the empty chip bag in your hand. “Do you know who Debby Ryan is?”You asked,laughing at him.
The realization hit him,making him laugh too. “The girl from tik tok!The meme one!”He answered.You nodded,throwing the empty red bag away.You grabbed the bag of sharable m and m’s,pouring the colorful candies into a bowl as well before bringing them both into the living room and setting them down on the table.He somehow ended up laying down half on top of you,the back of his head resting on your stomach.You didnt even hear Rafe pull up,the door opening with him standing with a paper bag in his hand.You missed the way his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed at the sight of Kelce laying on you,he quickly covered it with a smile.
Topper was right behind him,you turned your head to look at the blonde.You immediately burst into laughter upon seeing the pink,purple,yellow and green striped shirt he was wearing. “That’s gotta be the ugliest shirt ive ever seen.”You grinned,running your hand over Kelce’s curly hair.He rolled his eyes,sitting on the floor while Rafe put the paper bag down on the table next to the M and M’s,pulling out the contents.Sour gummy worms,dark chocolate chips,werthers caramels and a can of your favorite soda.He held the can,sitting at the end of the couch by your head so you could rest your head on his lap.He held the cool can to your forehead,knowing that you liked the feeling of the coolness.
You removed your hand from Kelce’s hair,putting on Disney Plus. “OOH-are we watching Winnie the Pooh?”Topper asked.You laughed,shaking your head as you went down to the row of Marvel Movies.Rafe had only ever seen Iron Man 2 so he wasnt very familiar with the films.Kelce preferred DC and Topper just sucked.You eventually came to The First Avenger,pressing on it.You squealed as the movie started,excited to annoy your friends.
 “I have a husband in this one too.”You smiled,remembering your huge Bucky phase in sixth grade that Rafe couldnt quite understand.He had only seen your Winter Soldier hoodie so he didnt really have a good idea of who Bucky actually was besides the fact that you loved 
him.During the scene where Steve received the Serum Topper had sat up,glancing between Steve and Rafe. “Am I the only one that sees a resemblance?”He asked.You sat up slightly,Kelce moving off of you so you could turn and look at Rafe properly.
He blushed,turning his head and looking away so you had to cup his face and get him to look at you.He bit his lip slightly,looking down at you.Topper rolled his eyes,regretting bringing it up in the first place. “Steve is more handsome.”You grinned,returning to your place on his lap.Kelce broke into laughter along with Topper,Rafe just a red mess as you continued watching the TV. “Isnt Spencer your husband?And 10K?”Kelce asked.You nodded,still watching the movie. “I thought Spencer was the love of your life?”He waited for your answer.You rolled your eyes. “I can have multiple loves of my life.”You answered,still watching the movie. “Can you pause this?”Topper asked,looking up at you from the floor.
You paused it,a bit annoyed. “What?”You asked.He opened a bag of sour gummy worms,popping one in his mouth. “How many husbands do you have?”He asked.You bit the inside of your cheek,thinking about it.Spencer Reid,Newt,Draco,Percy Jackson,Jack Frost,Peter Pan,Zuko,Prince Eric,Kristoff,Aladdin,T’Challa,Killmonger,Dallas Winston. “Uh...16.”You answered.Rafe laughed,fingers brushing against his chin as Kelce just looked up at you with wide eyes. “Who?”He asked.You blushed,counting off on your fingers. “Spencer,Newt-”Topper interrupted you. “Who is Newt?”He asked.You glared at him. “Do you not pay attention on Movie Nights?Eight months ago we watched The Maze Runner,the handsome blonde boy with the british accent.”You explained.He tried not to laugh at your passion for the topic.
 “Draco Malfoy,Percy Jackson,Jack Frost-”You were interrupted again,this time by Kelce. “The animated dude?The albino one?”He asked.You sighed,nodding.Rafe’s eyebrows knit together,frowning down at you. “You have a crush on an animated albino?”He asked.You sat up,looking between the boys. “You’re gonna tell me hes not cute as hell?Dont even act like you’re not a simp for Meg,Rafe.You too,Kelce,I saw the way you looked at Elsa when she let her hair down!”You reminded the boy.Topper laughed,forgetting that you knew all his secrets. “Dude,you were in love with Ariel when you were 10!”You exclaimed,making the boy shut up. “Who else?”Rafe asked,still curious. “Um...Peter Pan,Zuko-”You were cut off once again. 
“Birth mark dude from Avatar?”Rafe asked.You huffed loudly,stealing the bag of gummies from Topper and eating one. “ITS A BURN!”You nearly shouted. “You have such terrible taste in men.”Topper rolled his eyes.You glared at him,biting hard on your lip. “Get out.”You told him.He bit back a smile,looking up at you. “What?”He laughed.You pouted. “Go stand in the rain for two minutes.”You told him.He shook his head until you got off the couch,grabbing his hand and dragging him to the door. “You’re being mean so you have to stand in the rain.”You told him,opening the door.
He blushed,stepping outside and into the rain.He would never do this for anyone else but the smile on your face was worth it.Rafe looked outside the window,recording Topper standing in a T pose as water drenched his ugly shirt and hair.Once the two minutes was up you opened the door again,letting the wet boy come inside.He smirked before hugging you tightly,getting you completely wet. “TOPPER!”You shouted,pulling off your wet t shirt. “Dammit.”You huffed,pulling off your wet shorts and leaving yourself in just your bra and underwear. Dancing in bikinis multiple times so it wasn't that big of a deal but you didn't notice their wandering eyes. You turned to walk upstairs to change into new into new pants while top or just stood a blushing mess. 
At this point you'd forgotten about the movie and you were more focused on annoying your friends.Topper  knew better than to sit on your couch in wet clothes but unfortunately he hadn't brought a new pair to change into. So when you return downstairs in a tank top and pajama bottoms you saw topper in just his boxers sitting on your couch watching the movie.You went to sit on the couch,being pulled into Topper’s lap.When the scene of Bucky falling off the train came along Kelce had become attached,standing up to shout at the tv while you started crying a bit,Topper kissing your forehead lightly. “WHERES THE NEXT ONE?”Kelce asked.You grinned,grabbing the remote and moving on to Winter Soldier. 
“Theres like a ton of movies between these two but like we can watch those eventually.”You shrugged,ending up wedged between Rafe and Topper,Rafe’s fingers twisting your hair and tracing figure eights along the back of your neck. “On your left!”You spoke at the same time as Sam,grinning.Kelce grinned. “So thats why you always say that!”He put the puzzle pieces together.When Nat pulled up you saw the way Topper’s jaw dropped,you smiled. “I know,right?Shes like really fucking pretty.”You grinned,head against Rafe’s chest.Topper had began to doze off when Bucky came on with his metal arm,waking up fully again when he heard you whisper “He could literally choke me with his metal arm.”under your breath.He burst out laughing for a reason that Rafe nor Kelce could understand,plotting to use it against you in the future.
Somehow Topper had managed to fall asleep against your leg while Rafe had gotten you onto his lap,your head in the crook of his neck as you watched Steve get the living shit beat out of him.Kelce was on the edge of his seat,completely invested in the story. “Can we watch the next one?”He asked.You smiled,pleased with his excitement. “Tomorrow morning,okay?”You asked.He huffed but nodded,grabbing the blanket he usually used.Rafe pulled a blanket over the two of you,allowing you to sleep on top of him.The four of you must’ve slept in pretty late,waking up to your 1 P.M alarm that told you to take your daily vitamins.You groaned,attempting to move but being held by Rafe.
You yawned,seeing Topper in his deep,drooling double-chin sleep.You flicked Rafe across the head so he’d wake up,the brunette waking with a grumble. “Rafe,you gotta let go.”You smiled,kissing his nose tiredly.He grinned,letting you off his lap.You shook Kelce’s shoulder as you walked by,your shorts riding up.Kelce got up with a groan,the blanket rolling around his body like a burrito as he stumbled into the kitchen.You got yourself a glass of water,putting your four vitamin pills into your palm.He watched as you took them,grinning at you. “Good girl.You want breakfast?”He asked.You shrugged,still tired.Topper walked into the kitchen,wiping his face of drool and carrying the bowl of m and ms.
 “Hey,do you still have those frozen strawberries?”He asked.You nodded,watching as he grabbed the bag of fruit from your freezer along with almond milk,whipper cream,hot fudge and banana. “Where’s Rafe?”Kelce asked,his question being answered by the universe when the Steve Rogers look alike walked in,turning on the keurig.Kelce put some bread in the toaster,taking out the eggs and a frying pan and starting to make some scrambled for Rafe,some fried for you and an m and m omlet for Topper.Speaking of the blonde,he was pouring frozen strawberries,fudge,banana slices and almond milk into the blender,switching it on and dancing to the sounds of the strawberries being crushed.As the eggs began to cook Kelce quickly handed Rafe his mug before grabbing a glass,putting a layer of m and ms and whipped cream at the bottom,adding two spoon fulls of sugar,some milk and mixing it all together until it was a colorful slop,pouring ice in the cup before brewing some italian coffee to top it off.
As it brewed he rushed to flip the eggs,cursing when he realised the edges were burnt.He tossed it onto a plate,sprinkling some italian seasoning on it and taking the toast out of the toaster for you.He grabbed a jar of your favorite jelly,spreading a thin layer on both slices,reaching over Rafe’s head to hand you the plate.You thanked him,ripping the slice of toast in half.Topper turned off the blender,pouring its contents into a glass and making a huge mountain of whipped cream before sitting across from you.You smirked,reaching your fork over to get some whipped cream.He gasped,jaw dropping as he stared at you. “So you’re gonna put me in the rain for two minutes and now youre taking away my whipped cream?Do you wanna fight?”He asked,leaning forward.
You used your fork,knocking over the mountain of whipped cream before getting up and running down the hall.He ran after you,grabbing you by your wrist and pinning you against the wall of the guest room,panting.You two stared at eachother for a while,his bare chest pressed against you.His eyes flicked between your eyes and your lips,leaning down so his forehead was pressed against yours.So much was happening at once,you couldnt even comprehend it.But then from the kitchen you heard an argument starting,Topper letting go of your wrists as they two of you went back to the kitchen. “The third one is the best!” “FUCK YOU IN THE ASS,BITCH!”You walked in,looking between the two boys. 
“What is going on?”You asked.Kelce looked over at you,spatula in hand. “Which Descendants film is better?Two or Three?”He asked.You shook your head,sitting back down to eat your toast. “Fuck-dammit,Topper!You made my toast untoast!”You exclaimed,waving the uncrunchy bread.Kelce frowned,eyes softening. “Do you want me to make you more?”He asked.You shook your head. “No,its fine,Kelce.”You grinned,taking a sip of your coffee.It was sweet and creamy and pretty good,somehow Kelce always made the best coffee no matter what he put in it.Rafe looked between you and Topper,sensing that something had happened in the room.He hoped that Topper wouldnt intentionally hurt him like that,hoping Kelce wouldnt either.A plate of scrambled eggs was put in front of Rafe along with a bottle of barbecue sauce,making you stare at him in disgust. “I cant believe you put barbecue sauce on your eggs.”You shook your head,taking a bite of the toast and getting excited when you heard a crunch. “Oh-hey,dont worry!It didnt untoast”You grinned,enjoying it.
@sexytholland​ @28cnn​  @popcrone818​ @fttayla​ @cherryobx​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @drewstarkeyobx​ @poguestyleskye​ @judayyyw​ @jjtheangel​  @outerbongs​  @copper-boom​ 
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Will Graham x reader, eventual Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, some cancer talk, murder talk
Author’s Note: I am having a grand time making Alana more likeable and hating Jack Crawford on main :) the boys y’all. This is shorter in terms of words but it’s the same length because I did more dialouge this time round. Also yes I used two gifs of Will from a scene I didnt’ even rewrite because WOW
I took lines directly from the script so some may seem familiar.
Official Episode Summary : Jack and Alana are contacted by a former colleague, Dr Chilton, who believes he has The Chesapeake Ripper in custody, but then one of his patients commits a murder that matches The Ripper's profile.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif) 
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“Where are you going?” you asked as you slid on your shoes. Will was doing the same thing beside you although he typically wouldn’t be up this early for class. He let out a shaking sigh.
“Baltimore State Hospital,” he told you, meeting your eyes through his glasses. You let out a small scoff and leaned on your back foot, looking him harder in the eye.
“They gonna let you out?”
“That is to be seen,” he admitted tiredly. 
“Why are you going? I thought you were going to try and talk to Jack about all of this stuff and how it isn’t good for you,” you said. He opened the door and gestured for you to walk through. You would have to take separate cars. The hospital was far too out of the way for you to drop him off on your way to work. 
“I tried and then he pulled me right back in,” Will said. You walked down to the cars together and you shook your head the whole way.
“You don’t have to do it you know.” 
“I know. I guess he’s right though, people will die and I’ll be stuck in my classroom without helping anyone,” he said. He had too much of a heart for this job. People like Jack were heartless, taking what they pleased to get a good end result. You hated seeing him this way, so people pleasing. “As for why I’m going, Frederick Chilton thinks he has the Chesapeake Ripper in his hospital.” You scoffed.
“Doubt it. Did he kill someone?”
“A nurse yeah. The same way the last ripper victim was found.” 
“I thought the last ripper victim was never found.” He nodded and shrugged.
“The last one they did find.” 
“Good luck. Try and stay in your own shoes.” He kissed you quickly.
“I’ll try.”
You got in your respective cars and drove opposite ways out of the driveway.
Much later that day the door opened to Hannibal's office. You had started to put things away because Hannibal didn’t have any more patients. You trained your head to see who it was and around the corner was Jack Crawford, looking visibly shaken. When he saw you he didn’t look happy.
“I often forget you work here,” he said bitterly. You were glad you had become a nuisance to him. A constant reminder that what he was doing to Will was wrong. 
“Yeah well,” you said, putting your rain jacket on. There was a steady sprinkle outside when you had gone out last. “You don’t have an appointment.” He nodded.
“I was just...in the neighborhood,” he said meekly. Jack was clearly sad. Something was wrong, he wasn’t willing to challenge you. Perhaps the murder earlier had been trying. You only hoped Will would come in in one piece. 
Hannibal opened the door. 
“Agent Crawford,” he said, not seeming very surprised. “Does he have an appointment?” Hannibal asked at you. You shook your head.
“No you’re finished officially for the day.” 
“May I take your coat?” Hannibal asked Jack. “You may go for the night Y/N,” Hannibal said as he ushered Jack into the office. You nodded and started to get ready at a steady pace now that you were allowed to go. 
“I’m not staying I-” Jack started and then turned to you before the door shut behind him. “Will looked a bit shaken about the crime scene today. In case he pretends he wasn’t,” Jack said simply. You nodded slowly, startled that he thought to even tell you.
The door clicked shut behind him and you were alone
At home that night you waited up for Will to get home. It didn’t take him very long after you got back but Jack was right. He seemed distracted if nothing else.
“Hey,” you called as he came in, looking up from your spot on the couch. He waved meekly and put his jacket down and slid his shoes off. He greeted the dogs and then walked over to you. He sat down on the couch beside you and put his forehead directly on your shoulder. “Good day then,” you teased and he groaned, bringing his head up to look into your eyes. 
“Did you find your murderer?” you questioned. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“I ran into Jack at the office today. He said when you did your thing at the crime scene you were a bit...startled,” you said, attempting to put it nicely. You never asked about what he did at crime scenes. You had only seen him do it once. 
“It was a particularly odd one,” he admitted. “It was the mind of a killer but not really the killer I wanted. He smacked a nurse around a room, gouged her eyes out,” he told you. You imagined Will doing that. You shook the thought out of your head quickly. 
“I have part of the day off tomorrow. Can I come catch a lecture?” you asked. He nodded,shrugging but glad at the change of conversation.
“Sure. We can drive together.” 
He put his head back on your shoulder and you rubbed his back, fearing trouble ahead. 
The next day Will had a small lecture that he did. You hung around afterward between classes and before you had to do anything really. You grabbed him coffee and when you walked back inside his hands were in his head, eyes closed through the cracks of his fingers. You walked over slowly and he startled himself awake. 
“You tired?” you asked, handing him the coffee. He shrugged. “You looked like you were dreaming.” He shook his head and took the coffee happily.
“I’m okay.” Jack and Alana walked in then, one of them happy to see you.
“You awake Graham?” Jack asked and he nodded again.
“I get that a lot but yes I am.” 
“I should go to work Will,” you said and he nodded stiffly. You put an arm on Alanas and she shrugged.
“Call soon,” Alana said and you nodded. 
“I will.” You gave Jack a curt courtesy nod and he gave one back. 
That day you were in office, your feet on your desk as Hannibal was in session with somebody. Your phone started to ring and you picked it up after finishing some last numbers for payment.
“Hello,” you said absentmindedly. You hadn’t even looked at the caller ID.
“Hey, you busy?” It was Alana. 
“When I agreed to call soon I didn’t mean the same day,” you joked. She laughed on the other end and it was nice to hear her laugh. She was one of your only friends that wasn’t Will or Hannibal and while you thought she looked at you professionally you looked at her as a friend.
“Well are you busy otherwise? I could use a wind down,” she admitted. 
“What’s up?” 
“I don’t think this guy is the Chesapeake Ripper,” she admitted. 
“Neither does Will.”
“Neither does Jack,” she said. You scoffed
“You mean he still has functioning brain cells?” you questioned. She chuckled and you clicked through some things randomly on your computer, having exited out of work.
“He thinks he’s getting phone calls from Miriam Lass,” she said. 
“Isn’t she the last Chesapeake Ripper victim?”
“A note on ‘victim’,” she said tiredly. You raised an eyebrow.
“Perhaps Jack has lost all his marbles.” 
The back door opened which indicated Hannibal was finished with the session. He didn’t have another for about thirty minutes. You clicked on an article from tattlecrime.com, another by the infamous Freddie Lounds.
“You see the new tattlecrime article?” you asked. Hannibal walked into the waiting room. 
“It’s already out?” 
“Huh? I gotta go, I’ll call you later. Take care of yourself Alana.” 
“You too.” You hung up the phone and put it down. Hannibal walked up to the desk and you gave him a sheepish smile. You weren’t technically supposed to be on call while you were working.
“What’s the new article?” he questioned, clearly having heard the end of the conversation.
“Here. Says this guy Gideon is the Chesapeake Ripper,” you said, scoffing. Hannibal looked it over and this real dark look went over his face. You watched him and he quickly reserved it once he noticed you were looking. 
“You don’t think he is?” You shook your head.
“From what I’ve heard about him, no. Plus Will doesn’t think so.” Hannibal raised an eyebrow.
“Is that right?” 
“I don’t think Jack does either. Freddie Lounds huh. Once a hack always a hack,” you murmured, closing the article out. He looked over at you.
“Why doesn’t Jack?”
“Supposedly he’s getting calls from Miriam Lass.” He hummed.
“Who do you think is the Chesapeake Ripper?” You shrugged.
“From what I gathered, someone much more charming and intelligent then this guy.”
Hannibal smiled. 
You picked Will up from the observatory because you took the car to work. He climbed into the passenger seat.
“Do you ever think we should just take two cars?” he asked. 
“No, it saves gas money. What do you not like riding in a car with me?” you asked. He shook his head.
“We have two cars.” There was a moment of silence.
“Why am I picking you up from an abandoned observatory?” you asked him finally. He let out a long sigh.
“We tracked the calls Jack has been getting here. He said he’s been getting calls from-”
“Miriam Lass, Alana told me.” He nodded.
“We found her phone. And her arm.” You raised an eyebrow as you drove out onto the main road.
“Pleasing.” He nodded. 
“So we’re guessing the ripper isn’t Gideon.” Will shook his head.
“That my faithful girlfriend is very right.”
“Then who do you think it is?” you questioned, echoing Hannibal’s question to you earlier. He shrugged.
“I don’t know yet.” 
You drove home talking lightly about other things, trying to keep your minds off of a serial killer at large.
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 21: occlumency
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Chapter 20
"So how is this gonna work?" I said taking off my robes and laying them on the table. He finally looked at me and for a second and looked as if he was already tired of me. I folded my arms waiting for instructions. "First off I want to know what you know already?" he asked leaning against his desk. "Well Beauxbatons taught me pretty much everything well I read a book there about it, except how to actually do either" I said smiling up at him. 
He hummed in response and thought for a moment "And may I ask for the real reason as to why you want to do this?" he said brows furrowed. I looked around for a second thinking up a good excuse. "I just don't want anyone in my head" I said looking down. "And you would also like to get into people's heads as well?" he said a sarcastic look on his face at my doubled sided statement. "Well why did you learn how?" I said looking at him and leaning against my table. "I had to." he said in a cold tone as if to say don't ask anymore questions. "Look if you don't want to do this you don't have to," I said looking sad and turning to grab my robes. "Y/n it's fine, plus Albus suggested that it wasn't such a bad idea" he said quietly, I paused for a moment, turning to him confused. He told Dumbledore? "What? You talked to Dumbledore about me?" I said more confused and worried than anything. He sat up straight off his desk and his face displayed a look of guilt almost. Like he wasn't supposed to say that. "Yes, I asked him for permission." he said turning and fiddling with papers on his desk. I'm not amazing at reading Severus since he was so hard to read, but I sensed he was lying and walked over to him. "Why did he think it was a good idea?" I said suspiciously and raised an eyebrow. He opened his mouth to speak but then paused for a moment. "You'll have to ask him yourself." he said, still not looking at me, whatever he wasn't telling me I would find out one way or  another. "Severus" I said in a more confident tone, to which he looked up at me with a glare. "Are there people that want to invade my mind?" I said spitting out any conspiracies I was cooking up in my head, I remembered the night when I was spying on him and Dumbledore's conversation about the Death eaters in Hogsmeade, they were talking about a girl and I still wondered if it was me, and that's why he was so secretive. "What no of course not if there were I'm sure you'd know" he said reverting back to his normal cold tone. As if he could intimidate me at this point. "Let's begin shall we?" he said, stepping around from behind his desk.
We stood apart from each other but first Snape raised his wand locking the doors. I looked back from the door to him, I guess he didn't want anyone to disturb our lesson. "Relax, and clear your mind of all thoughts and emotions, make it blank and calm" he said in his silky voice. Yeah cause this is so easy to do when all I can think about is the very man in front of me. "Okay." I said closing my eyes and doing my best to clear my head. "I'm going to attempt to enter your mind, now this may seem scary if you don't succeed in deflecting it, but it's going to be hard to get it on your first try." he said in a more apologetic tone, "Try not to see all my thoughts please" I said worried, I was determined to not let him in at all, I couldn't risk him seeing my feelings for him, I didn't consider the part about him actually having to try to read my mind in order for me to protect it. "I can only see if you allow it, now once I say the word you are going to start out with a simple shielding spell, or you can try a disarming spell on me understand?" he said and I nodded smiling "Although I prefer you don't do the second" he said in a serious tone.
I closed my eyes once more and cleared my head, numbing my body and looking into my mind and silencing everything else around me. I took a deep breath and slowly nodded my head, my hands sweaty, signaling I was ready. Shield my mind, this should be easy. I pulled my wand from my skirt and steadied my feet. "You must shut down your mind the minute I speak and the moment you feel me get into your head, it's going to be tricky your first try, so be prepared." he said softly. I kept my eyes closed, I didn't want to risk looking into his eyes and leaving my mind vulnerable. "Is it going to hurt?" I asked before he began. "No, although it may uncover hurtful memories" he said in a more somber tone. I shook my head and got ready. I heard him let out a breath and felt him raise his wand, "Legilimens" he said softly. I could feel him enter my mind almost instantly, it was a strange feeling, just them I saw memories flash before my eyes. Me seeing my mom cry, it was like I was on display for him to see, I was almost in that moment again. I tapped her shoulder, she yelled at me. Snape was trying to stay out of the more personal parts of my mind, although that was a difficult task. It was gone fast as soon as it ended, a new one popped up. My first day at Beauxbatons, a big smile on my face as I walked in, my blue shiny new uniform. Another, my second year, the mean girls that picked on me, this was when they decided to ruin all my textbooks by throwing them in the toilets. He seemed to move on quicker from that one, then it was my fourth year, my sister was talking to me about defending myself against them, teaching me the spell to get them off my back, her smile and her comforting voice, telling me "you won't have anymore issues with them" smiling and hugging me. I tried shielding my mind, I didn't want to see anymore, and I didnt want him to see them either. I kept muttering a shielding spell trying to focus it but it didn't work. I felt him exit my head and I opened my eyes with a small gasp.
   "Are you ok?" he said in a comforting tone. I looked up at him breathing out, "Yes, im fine, I tried but clearly it didn't work." I said looking down. "That is ok we can take a break." he said softly. "No lets go again" I said confidently, I was gonna figure this out one way or another, and taking a break wouldn't help. "As you wish." I closed my eyes again taking a deep breath and making sure my mind was empty again, I focused on the quiet and tried my best to not have a single thought. He raised his wand "Legilimens" he said once again and I tried my hardest to shield it, I didn't feel him in my head yet, but I could feel him fighting it, I pushed as hard as I could to resist it, but I let it slip by thinking about the man that was standing before me that was watching out for me. This time he was in a different part of my head. Me and my sister watching a movie, turning up the volume to drown out the sound of our parents arguing, "they are foolish" she said trying to lighten the mood, "I wonder what they argue about all the time" I said looking at the door, "Nothing important" she reassured me smiling down at me and turning back to the movie. I squeezed my fist around my wand trying to get him out, but another memory began to play, this one more deep. I was standing in the living room, my dad going on about how Albus shouldn't visit anymore. I never understood why he had a newfound hatred for the kind man, it almost came out of nowhere, the same time he began to grow cold to us and changed into a man that wasn't my father. A man that didn't care. "But dad I don't understand? What did he do?" I said, raising my voice to him. "Thats none of your concern! It's between him and me!" he yelled, "He's my godfather you can't just kick him out of my life for no reason!" I yelled back, I was never afraid to fight my father. He continued yelling, but Snape skipped through. The next one that showed up was a particularly dark day, I was sitting on the stairs, wearing a black dress I had stashed away now, tears rolling down my cheeks. It was the day of my sister's funeral. My mom and Dad stood in the living room not aware of my presence, they were arguing as usual, I never understood why they couldn't remain civil for one day. "Our daughter is right upstairs and she just lost her sister, we do not need her hearing us argue today!" my mother yelled at him, I couldn't recall what they had been arguing about in the first place. "I know i'm not an idiot!" he yelled hands up in the air, "This is all your fault and you know it, thats why you wont even bring yourself to talk to her, Constance would still be here if you hadnt made that stupid mistake!" my mom cried out. I always wondered what she meant by this, I never understood why she would blame my father, as far as I knew what had happened was not something we could have prevented. I never brought myself to ask. I stood from my spot on the stairs and they looked over in my direction. I looked at them with a cold expression, "You're an awful person" I said to my father with tears in my eyes, "Connie knew it, and I know it, and so do you." he grew red in the face as I continued. "I don't know what's infected your mind, what's caused you to act...crazy, but you need to kill it before someone else does!" I said, raising my voice, venom lacing every word. This was the most morbid thing I'd said to my father, but I never punished myself for saying it. "You little bitch! Who do you think you are talking to?" he said growing more angry, he began stepping closer to me getting in my face, I didn't falter, I was never gonna let this man know he got to me. "It should have been you, a million times it should have been you!" I yelled, hot tears running down my face, only this time I could actually feel them, and they were real. He grew nearer and I recalled what happened next, this wasn't something I wanted Severus to continue to watch, almost forgetting he was in my mind uncovering these messes, I squeezed my eyes tight and fought with everything in me, shielding the rest of my brain and slowly attempting to shove him out. I needed to be able to do this, I know I can. He ended the memory and a new one popped up, I was taken aback not expecting him to get to this part. It was the night in the astronomy tower, he was there talking to me. No he can't see this, he would find out too much, and I would never be able to face him again. I pushed this memory out controlling my emotions to where it was out of his reach, and blocked off, it only triggered another memory, this one even more recent. I was brewing Amortentia, Draco had just taken a whiff, It was my turn. Come on y/n don't let him get this far, focus. "Your turn! Better hope it doesn't smell like filch!" I leaned over the cauldron taking in the scent. No come on focus calm yourself, he cant find out. Leather shoes. Relax. Parchment. Clear your mind of all emotions. Firewhiskey. I released my grip on my wand, relaxing my whole body and resisting, pushing him out further and further. The memory slowly faded away. Come on. I let out a breath and the memory disappeared completely. I felt nothing and my body was cold. I opened my eyes and saw Severus standing in front of me, somber look on his face, breathing heavily. I turned away from him, sniffling and quickly wiping the tears off my face. I didn't want to see his expression. He knows why I was crying and why I wouldn't tell him. "Y/n." he said calmly. I breathed out, my heart beating fast. "Y/n look at me" he said softly. I fiddled with my fingers and turned back to him, not looking in his face still. What is he gonna think? What will he do? I can't even fathom what he's gonna say. "I'm sorry." he said kindly "What for? You just did what you needed." I said shaking my head and looking up at him. "You did good, it was your first try and you were able to get me out." he said with a small smile. "And what about what you saw?" I said looking in his deep black eyes. I needed to know, I didn't want him ignoring it. I needed to know what he thought or else I would go insane. He stepped closer to me, "Your sister seemed lovely" was all he said and I looked at him confused, "And your father was indeed as you described him" he added. What was he talking about? Doesn't he know this isn't what I meant? He's a smart man, why is he being so oblivious. "That's not what I'm talking about," I said quietly. He looked in my eyes and almost stared through me, reading my expression, he stiffened up a bit, but his face seemed apologetic. "I see no need in picking through your personal matters Y/n" he said, turning to walk over to his desk. I picked up my wand and followed him over. He can't just leave it at that. Not after what he's just learned. "This was a bad idea, I should have never suggested we do this, I let my pride get in the way and didn't consider the consequences" I said looking down at my feet. "Ms. L/n I do not know what you mean, you did exceptionally well." He said in his more normal cold abrasive tone. "My Amortentia" I stated, looking up at him to try and read any expression he may have, he looked away for a moment then back at me. "It's late, we have taken up a lot of time, you should go to your dormitory, we will continue on Friday. And i'll see you for tutoring tomorrow" he retorted sitting down in his chair and grabbing papers to grade. I stood shocked, why was he avoiding it? Was he gonna tell Dumbledore? Was he gonna have me expelled? But he just sat there not giving me another thought. I grabbed my robes and slowly walked towards the door. "Goodnight Y/n, I'm very proud of how well you did." he said in his usual tone, not looking up from his papers. Why wouldn't he talk about it? Were we just going to pretend like nothing happened? Did he not understand what this meant? I had so many questions. I took a breath easing my thoughts. "Goodnight Severus" I said as I walked out and headed to my room.
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warmau · 4 years
☆ pride & prejudice!au doyoung others: yeosang
something catches the heel of your boot as you make your way through the freshly wet grasslands of the countryside
there had been a horrible storm last night and you were worried that your dear sibling had been caught up in it after your parents had sent her off on horseback to that rich mans manor
you stop to look up at the now sunny and expansive blue sky
what was his name? 
your sibling had fawned over him all week after first making his acquaintance at the ball you’d been forced into attending
you try to remember, but all that you recall is the name of his perpetually scowling and stone-faced friend
kim doyoung
other guests at the ball had whispered about him, some kind of surviving heir to a handsome estate and a gigantic load of money
he was even wealthier than the young gentleman throwing this ball, and from the amount of frivolous furniture and expensive wine strewn around the place
that was saying something
he had been beside the man your sibling was being obviously courted by the whole night 
and when you’d had enough of the brooding silence
you had introduced yourself - or you had attempted 
with one glance that seemed to take in the entirety of your existence 
he had stated his conclusion
“plain, everything about you agrees with the status you and your family are currently in.”
your sibling had a hard time swallowing the statement, but they were easily quelled with their new potential partner
you, on the other hand, just smiled in response 
and everything about your pompous attitude makes me happy to report that rich people are just as self righteous and despicable as ive always assumed them to be
you hadn’t said it outloud - you wanted to - but youd just driven your nails into the skin of your palm behind your back
at home that night your sibling had told you to forget about doyoung, and you had assured her you werent about to live by the gospel of a man born with a golden spoon in his mouth
plus - he was nowhere near your type anyway
you were much more interested in selfless men, with some inklings of kindness and manners
plus, you didn’t think he was all the handsome anyway.
(that was partially a lie, for his lean but broad figure and dark eyes were charming - but it didnt matter. his character shined very, very well through)
finally, after an almost two hour walk - you make it to the manor
and you remember the name of the man who owned it
“im here to see sir taeyong.”
the maid takes a look at the boots you have on - mud and leaves stuck to the toes. the hair you’d tried to make presentable before leaving was now slightly curled with a bit of sweat and the hanging dew still in the air
your skin was glowing with it too, the shawl around your shoulders hanging slightly crookedly
“and you are?”
“my sibling is here-”
“ah! of course, come in. ill take you to the drawing room.”
you’re not surprised at the size of the halls and the ceilings that arch up, you feel like you’re in a church rather than a home
but you presume rich people must enjoy the ,,,,,,,,,, open space
when the maid announces your presence you step inside and into a room of three pairs of eyes
one is taeyong
the other is a women, who might assume is the sister of taeyong or the last person in the room
“sorry to disturb-”
“heavens, what is on your feet?”
the women points out
you look down and think - isn’t it obvious? it’s just mud
“did you walk here?”
another voice, deeper, asks
you look up and see doyoung’s gaze fixed on you, a quill in one of his hands
“ah yes. my sibling took our horse here, but i generally do enjoy the exercise.”
taeyong is the only one in the room that gives a little laugh, the other two occupants eye you over again
“by the way, where is my sibling?”
taeyong hurries over and with a sympathetic look explains that they’ve caught a cold and are staying in one of the rooms upstairs
you vaguely remember how persistent your mother was about not allowing your sibling to take the carriage - even when the greying clouds had been peeking through 
it was probably the plan all along, im sure sir taeyong has enjoyed taking care of them immensely
“ill take you!”
taeyong begins, but suddenly doyoung is at his side and as taeyongs hand reaches to hand you the key to the room - doyoungs interrupts and your hand brushes his instead
a small sound emits from you as you step back
but doyoung quickly turns away and calls for a maid to do it instead
you follow the maid up to the room
hands cradled in one and other as you push away the instances thats just happened into the corners of your mind
you unlock the door to the spacious room where your sibling is almost drowning in the extravagant velvet blankets in a lacquered black wooden bed
you can see that they’re paling and shivering and you think its ridiculous what people do to have the attention of someone they love
although, you’re pretty sure your sibling is innocent in the case of this situation
you talk for a bit and before you get up to go, their hand touches your wrist lightly
“i didnt know if it would be important to mention but sir doyoung asked about you.”
the surprise perks you up a bit
“what did he ask?”
“he asked if id relay an apology to you,,,,,,about his comment at the ball.”
as quickly as you’d been interested, you let out the tension in your shoulders
“ill tell him you did, but honestly im just more irritated he’s brought it up again.”
your sibling’s smile is weak and you leave them to rest
you intend to start the long walk back after you’ve excused yourself
but as you say your farewell in the drawing room, the sound of a chair pushing back breaks through your words
doyoung stands and the weight that has hung in the room since your arrival shifts
“ill see you out.”
you’re not sure if that’s a suggestion for which you should give an answer (your answer would be no) but he’s already making his brisk way toward the hall
you follow and are a little bit peeved that he doesn’t stop at the doors
you’re side by side now, and a well halfway through the sprawling path that leads off the property 
the lack of explanation irks you - am i so unworthy of even a word?
you stop and he seems only to notice a few paces later as he turns around
there’s a good five or so feet between you - and from now on you think you’d like to keep it that way
“im sorry if this is crass, but i must ask - do you intend to make the treacherous walk back with me?”
the high collar of his perfectly pressed shirt seems to stiffen around his neck
you can’t help yourself and jab for further measure:
“as you’ve noted about me before, the place where i come from is indicative of my class and so i dont think you’d like it much sir.”
his eyes - usually dull and cast to the side are suddenly transfixed on your own
“ive already inquired that your sibling pass on my sincerest apology for th-”
“oh don’t bother.”
you uncross your hands and the shawl falls a bit from your shoulder 
it exposes just a bit of the curve of your neck from the swoop of the line of what you’re wearing and you don’t notice it in the split second of the motion
but the nape of doyoungs neck seems to sweat at the slightest baring of skin
“you don’t have to pretend to want to be in my company simply because your friend is entranced with someone from my family. although it may spite you that he has fallen for someone poor-”
“i never intended to insult you or your family. i apologize, but i don’t think i can keep repeating it until you’re satisfied if that’s what you are asking of me.”
your hands reach your hips now and you lean forward, the strands of your hair are still a little wild since you had no time to brush them back
and the stance makes doyoung take a careful step back 
although he’s dealt with many prying persons in his life, and he’s been accustomed to earning the immediate dislike of them 
something about you right now is less so an annoyance as it is - rather engrossing 
he thinks if you come any closer the heat that’s its way up his jaw might tickle its way onto the rest of his face
“im not asking you to do anything for my pleasure, sir doyoung. i would never ask someone so untouchable to perform any kind of favor - especially not you.”
“not me?”
he snaps from the momentary daze of fascination
you straighten up and march forward, passing him and nearly brushing your shoulder against his
the steps are quick and you are deliberately making them loud to aid your message 
but for some unknown reason they play out like a slow scene in doyoung’s mind
the smell of the dew and honey float by him in the ends of your trail and he swallows a lump that rarely ever grows in his throat
you turn back when you are once again at a good distance
“yes you, ive met enough new people in my life to know that some are just not meant to be my companions, much less even a neighbor to greet occasionally when we cross paths.”
your look is fiery, but not dotted with the usual sparks of momentary greed driven anger doyoung is so used to
instead the flames are yours, and although your expression reads as if you would like nothing more then to take a hold of his throat and wring him out
doyoung is in awe of the beauty that radiates from all around you - like a glowing halo of the setting sunlight
“and i believe you would agree as well - that you and i should keep our interactions to a minimum, and at best, we should never meet again at all!”
with that you start your march again - but his voice only reaches out to you after a minute of a pause
“i was going to offer that you take my carriage hom-”
“no thank you!”
you wave your hand and doyoung stands as he watches you disappear into the countryside
the rapid beating of his heart and sweat on his palms is new 
its different
he’s never reacted like this to someone before
he doesnt realize he’s standing there thinking about the shadow of your back until taeyong runs out to ask him what happened
doyoung doesn’t know how to answer that
what did happen? you had chided him, but he would have done nothing more than to keep hearing such sweet, rude words come from your mouth again.
you keep walking - the fuming anger dying down a bit with each step as you think about the look on doyoung’s face
he hadn’t responded with as many quips as you’d expected, or even turned away to ignore you completely
you know you should forget, but as you near home you bring your hands together and the only thing left on your mind now
is how it had felt when your skin had brushed his 
ugh - what i wouldn’t do to keep telling him off! although now im sure he’ll never want anything to do with me again.
oh, but how wrong you are. 
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Obi Wan x Padawan Reader Never Lie to Me
Pairing: Sith Obi Wan Kenobi x padawan reader
Summary : Reader misplaces something important and tries to find it before her Master can find out.
Warnings: language, sexual themes, *slight smut*
Hello my loves! Ok so I absolutely love Sith obi wan but for some reason I struggle to write him. I tried something and hopefully it's not complete trash like I think it is lol anywaaaaaaays enjoy😚
18+ readers only!
Oh this was bad...this was very very bad....
Okay y/n don't freak out, you can hide this! You can totally hide this!!
Fuck no you couldn't
You groaned sliding down the wall of your chambers. How could you be so stupid?! Losing your lightsaber like that?! Did you have a death wish?!
You could only imagine how enraged your master would be.. you shook your head violently dissipating the horrible thoughts.
No no no, it would not come to that becasue you would find it. It probably fell somewhere by your speeder. Yeah it's there for sure.....probably.....
Sighing you stood up and grabbed a cloak to cover your hip and the usual missing weapon spot that hung there.
You couldn't help but imagine all the horrible scenarios that ran through your mind if Master kenobi found out.
One included merciless unending training, not letting you rest for even a moment.
Another image had you bent over his knee whilst he.... ughhh you could already feel the sting.
Your master and you had a...unique relationship to say the least... he was your master in the ways of the dark side, so you had a strict student master dynamic during training.
He took your training very seriously, leaving little room for error. But as some point his punishments got more....creative..
You couldn't help but feel your face heat up remembering that time you screwed up a mission and he saw to your reprimanding. From then on your relationship became more....personal.
He didnt give you any special treatment, and didnt allow any distractions during training. But the times after training...when he would call you to his chambers and.....
You couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat, or two, or twenty, and you couldn't help but to recall those moments..
That scent...
Those whispers..
His fingers.....
"What are you thinking about?" A smooth voice cut through your indecent thoughts like butter. You whipped around startled that the man in question was now standing right behind you.
Quickly you made sure your shields were up, something you had made sure to refine. You didnt want him hearing all your dirty thoughts during training...
"I-I was just thinking about the mission.." you took a step back trying to regain your composure. Why did you always manage to act like a floundering idiot when he was around?!
"Hmm, is it really the mission that has you so flustered?" He mused stepping closer.
"Or something else?"he smirked knowingly.
Bastard, he must've read my thoughts before I realized he was here...
"It's-" you attempted to change the subject before he cut you off.
"And I know you know better than to lie to me don't you?" He said slightly more serious. A familiar dark edge to his voice.
You gulped, "Yes master..."
"I was thinking of other things..." you trail off averting your gaze hoping he wouldnt make you say it out loud.
Although he'd technically seen you naked quite a few times now, you still felt so embarrassed regarding anything or your "intimate moments". This was due mostly to the many embarrassing things he made you do....well ok to be fair you didnt REALLY try to stop him...but the second those moments were over you could barely look him in the eyes.
You felt those familiar warm finger gently lift your chin. You met his deep gaze,
"Speaking of other things...you did rather well on the mission, we were able to conquer the planet thanks to your efforts, so I suppose a reward is in order...dont you agree darling?" He whispered the last part in your ear making you shiver slightly.
Oh how you enjoyed those rewards of his...quite possibly the only time he would treat you gently. Well there were those times he wasnt so gentle either...actually maybe you liked those more...
You place you hands on his chest and gently push.
"A-actually master I wondered if I might have your permission to leave the ship I..wanted too...look around a bit more before we have to leave!" You hurriedly came up with an excuse.
He stepped back, eyeing you for a moment before nodding his approval, "Alright, be back before nightfall" he warned and continued walking down the hall.
As soon as he was out of sight you let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully he bought that story. You quickly made your way to the ship's exit and onto the lush planet known as Misano.
Normally you would've liked a chance to explore and maybe even sneak some souvenirs back. But you had no time for that now. If you didnt find that saber soon you were toast. And it didnt help that Misano turned from a tropical paradise to a frozen tundra trap by nightfall. It was truly a unique planet.
But you could admire it another time, preferably when your life wasn't on the line...
You looked up at the setting sky as dread washed over you. You had scoured and searched for your blasted saber for hours but it was no use. You had retraced your steps multiple times and even question some of the citizens to see if they knew anything.
You didnt want to even humor the idea but now it was the most likely truth. Some lowlife had probably picked it up and would soon be rolling in credits.
You pulled your cloak tighter around you as the wind started to pick up. You knew you should start to head back before it got too cold but honestly freezing to death sounded better than whatever punishment you master would enforce...
You were now full on shivering as you made your way back to the ship. The sun had set long ago and you now knew why everyone kept warning you to get inside. Your boots the only reason you could trudge through the many layers of snow.
You must've questioned every suspicious looking citizen however no luck. Your saber was probably gone forever and on top of that punishment you were sure your master was going to be angry that you disobeyed and stayed out later than he permissed.
Ughh I should just let myself freeze over...
Another half an hour later you finally made it back to the ship. Immediately you dragged yourself through the halls to your room and ordered your droid servant to run a hot bath. You were extremely lucky that master kenobi hadn't spotted you yet.
You could barely feel anything and felt horribly tired. Even the steam rising from afar felt like heaven as it reached your frost bitten skin.
You removed your practically stiff cloak but had no energy for the rest so you plopped fully clothed into the steaming water, immediately sighing in relief as you slowly felt feeling returning to all parts of your body.
You rested your head back and took a deep breath, inhaling the warm air.
*achoo* fuck...
you could already feel your nose becoming stuffed and there was a slight scratch in your throat. Perfect, getting sick was just what you needed.
After you were fully warmed up, you drained the water and lazily wrapped a fluffy towel around you. You felt the exhaustion of the mission plus everything afterwards tenfold as soon as your body hit the mattress.
You spread out lazily letting the cool sheets relax your now warmed body, covers discarded on the floor.
Your eyes drooped slowly closed once, focused on the space by the end of your bed, you tried to fight off sleep but it was proving difficult,
You opened them but slowly they drooped closed again,
The third time however you saw a blurry outline of a man.
"M-master!" Like a rocket you sat up, heart beating out of your chest. You quickly pulled up the towel over your chest.
"Y-you scared me..." You placed a hand over your beating chest trying to catch your breath. You had been too tired to even sense him coming.
He stood with his arms crossed, an unreadable expression on his face. "I distinctly remember telling you to be back before dark did I not?" He stepped closer until he was right at the end of the bed.
Oh Crap hes mad.... you sat up a little straighter trying to ignore the fact you were practically naked in front of him.
"I'm sorry master, the time got away from me..." your mouth feeling unnaturally dry as the lie left your lips.
You hated lying to him. Well you hated what usually happened when you lied to him and he found out....
He eyed you silently before leaning over the bed intimidatingly close. He leaned next to your ear before speaking,
"You're lying" a dangerous edge to his voice now
You felt your heart stop and a rush of panic fill you. Fuck fuck fuck.
Slowly he came back into view.
His eyes were a threatning color now. A silent deadly warning to choose your next words carefully. You had just broken his one rule. And he knew...
You felt a million emotions running through you. Fear, for getting caught breaking his most important rule. Shame for being stupid enough to lose something so important. And Guilt for lying to the one person you never ever wanted to lie too...
"Ah I-I'm Sorry!!" You blurted out suddenly. "I-I didn't mean too! But so much was going on with the mission!! A-and I must've been distracted and I swear I tried master I really did! B-but no one knew anything and then it started getting dark and cold a-and I didnt know what to do so I came back, but I didnt want you to be disappointed or mad so I didnt tell you the truth and I'm so so so sorry!!" You bowed your head breathing heavily, hardly realizing that your explanation made no sense. Your eyes shut tightly shielding you from his whatever horrible expression he surely had on his face.
A few moments of dreadful silence passed before you felt him shift.
"Look at me" you barely felt the ghostly touch of his fingers guide your chin up.
You sucked in a nervous breathe when you realized you were only inches from his face. His eyes were dark and penetrating. Whenever he looked at you like this you felt completely exposed. Like he could see right through your soul.
"Now calm down and tell me the truth little one" he said dangerously calm. Sometimes that was even scarier then when he yelled...
Taking a deep breathe you gathered your wits and with a deeply ashamed tone you confessed, "I lost my lightsaber.." you could feel burning at the corner of your eyes but you continued through it, "I looked for it everywhere but..." you looked down again dejectedly. What a dumb apprentice I am.. hes probably so disappointed in me.. "I'm sorry Master.."
You waited for what felt like hours until he spoke, "I know" he said in an even tone.
Your eyes shot open in surprise, "w-what?"
"How many times must I remind you nothing happens without me knowing about it."
"So then..." he knew you were lying all along...
"Yes my apprentice" he grasped your chin slightly harder now but still somehow gentle, "When will you learn..." he slowly ran his thumb over your bottom lip, dragging it down, "that you can't hide anything from me.." he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I know..I'm sorry, I was just afrai-" he cut you off with a sharp slap to your thigh.
"What have I told you about lying to me?" he caressed your bare thigh making it harder for you to focus.
"That-that I am never to lie to you...no matter what..." your breath hitched as his hand inched closer across your thigh and to your most sensitive area. However just when he was inches away he abruptly removed all contact.
You immediately felt sad at the loss.
"Exactly, and yet you did exactly that" he nodded his head, "I'm disappointed little one, especially since if you had told the truth..." he reached behind him grabbing something and bringing it forward, "you could've saved yourself alot of trouble"
You let out a gasp, "My saber!!" He let you take it from his grasp, you beamed finally feeling whole again.
"But how did you..?" You asked confused where and how he had found it.
"It fell when you jumped on your speeder during the battle" he explained nodding slightly in exasperation.
So this whole time he had it?! And that means he knew all day that you.....
"I shouldnt have lied" you apologized sincerely. "I just didn't want to disappoint you..especially since I did so well on the mission..." you mustered the best regretful expression you could. "Are you angry with me...?" You couldn't help but ask.
After a moment he smiled slightly, resting his rough palm on your cheek, "No..well not anymore, I was more upset that you risked your health by staying out too long, however I do sense your deep regret, so this time I'll let it slide"
Whoa did I hear that correctly, hes going to let it slide?? My master?? Had he hit his head during battle??
"Thank you Master, I promise it won't happen again" you meant it this time.
"Oh I know it wont pet" you shivered at the pet name he called you. He suddenly force pulled you closer until you were basically straddling him. You let out a shriek.
"Because this time.." he placed a firm hand on the back of your neck pulling you in for a possessive kiss.
He pulled away slightly and you felt his hot breathe by your ear, "I'll make sure you remember what happens when you don't." Suddenly you were on you back, towel thrown across the room.
"Whaa what?! I thought you said I was off the hook?!" You blushed fiercely as he force held your hands and legs to each corner and stood back to admire your helpless form.
He smirked wickedly, "I said you were off the hook for staying out too late.. however..." you gasped as you felt invisible fingers begin to tease your most sensitive area.
"For lying to me.." he eyed you with a gaze now hooded with lust and a dangerous glint, "You will be punished until I am certain you've learned your lesson my darling..."
***************************************************Thanks for reading!! I had alot of trouble writing sith obi wan but I tried my best. Let me know if you guys liked this enough and want to see similar Sith obi wan x apprentice fics. Alsoooo 👀if enough people want a mini 18+ continuation of the *cough* punishment.....lemme know🙈
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heavenlymisa · 4 years
could we maybe get some first date hcs with,,, todoroki, bakugo, and kaminari?
an; of course!!! ty for the headcannon, anon!!! enjoy!!
now that im looking back at this- i just now realized that i confused karminari for kirishima- ill make a seperate headcannon for him! sorry for the confusion!
shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, and eijiro kirishima x female reader (seperate)
Shoto Todoroki
Tumblr media
⤷ he would ask the girls (execpt for you) what to do for a first date. you two have been dating for 1 month, but never had a first date because of school.
⤷ after hours of planning, stressing, and switching up the plan, he figures out what to do.
⤷ rollerskating rink.
⤷ he’s never been to one, but the girls were talking about what you like to do and rollerskating was the first thing that popped up (sorry if that isnt your favorite thing to do 🥺)
⤷ after figuring out what to do, he texts you to meet him in the common area afterschool after you change out of your school clothes. of course you said okay, but you were skeptical about this.
⤷ the next day, afterschool, you got dressed into a white graphic tee and a black skirt. you checked yourself in the mirror that in your dorm, went downstairs, and waited in the common area.
⤷ you waiting on him for about 5 minutes until you heard him behind you.
⤷ “sorry to keep you waiting. i couldn’t pick out what to wear.”
⤷ you turned around and was met with todoroki in a black turtleneck and black jeans. if you didn’t die the first time you saw im, you have officially died now. sorry, i don’t make the rules.
⤷ “you look beautiful.”
⤷ nevermind, you died now.
⤷ you thanked him and returned the compliment. he nodded his head, grabbed your hand, and he lead you out the door of the dorms.
⤷ “so... where are we going..?”
⤷ “you’ll find out.” he said with a smirk. f u c k
⤷ after 15 minutes of walking and small talk, you two finally made it to the skating rink. you two went inside and saw all of the strobe lights flashing everywhere and people skating.
⤷ you hugged todoroki and thanked him tremendously for taking you here. he of course hugged back and said ‘you’re welcome.’
⤷ todoroki went and paid for the general commission and two pairs of roller-skates (with endeavor’s debit card. make his pockets hurt😋). you two put on your roller-skates and went to the rink.
⤷ well, more like you went to the rink, todo was struggling to stand up. you went back to him and helped his to the rink. he thanked you and attempted to skate
⤷ keyword- attempted.
⤷ he busted his ass.
⤷ you snickered to yourself and attempted to help him up.
⤷ key word- attempted.
⤷ you busted YOUR ass.
⤷ now you both are on the floor looking like boo-boo the fool 😔👊🏽
⤷ but its okay! you two eventually got up and you helped todoroki with skating. he quickly learned how to skate and was skating like a pro on the rink.
⤷ you two raced and todoroki won majority of the time, but you were happy that you could teach your boyfriend something.
⤷ you grabbed todoroki’s hands and started to skate backwards while he skated forwards. oh god he loved when you did that.
⤷after you two were tired, the both of you went back to the dorms to be met with the 1-A girls pestering about the date.
⤷ you told them that you would tell them later because you were really tired, and they understood!
⤷ so you two and todoroki both took a shower (separately) and mysteriously not really ended up sleeping in todoroki’s room.
⤷ everyone was surprised when you and todoroki walked out of his room together.
katsuki bakugou
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⤷ i think kirishima would bully bakugou into taking you on a date when you two hit 2 weeks.
⤷ “i think bakubro is scared of taking dear old n/n on a daattee~”
⤷ “scared!?! i’ll shOW YOU SCARED-“
⤷ he snatches you from your room and drags you downstairs. literally everyone is watching you being dragged by bakugou and not doing anything.
⤷ “yall hear sum...”
⤷ “hm.. might be the wind.”
⤷ bakugou ignores your pleas and cries of him kidnapping you until you two make it on the train.
⤷ you two sit down on the train and bakugou covers your mouth before you even have the chance to talk.
⤷ “im taking you on a date, nerd. dont get too cocky.”
⤷ you pulled his hand down a little whispered, “where?” 🥺
⤷ “you’ll see! just.. shut up..” he looked away with the ᴛɪɴᴇsᴛ blush on his face. you decided to not pester him with it, so you just lay your head on his shoulders and closed your eyes.
⤷ holy fuck, he loves that.
⤷ when the train stopped, he grabbed your hand and walked out of the train. you two were walking for a good bit until you two stopped at.....
⤷ a carnival!
⤷ your eyes lit up as you looked at the bright lights, tents, and the P R I Z E S
⤷ you went behind bakugou, wrapped your arms around his waist, and buried the side of your head to his back.
⤷ “thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!!”
⤷ bakugou patted your hands and hummed.
⤷ “alright loser,” he unwrapped your arms, guided you in front of him, rested his head on your shoulder, and wrapped his arms around your torso. “lets not waste my time. i got shit to do.”
⤷ you giggled as you both walked inside of the carnival.
⤷ you both first went to get some food. you got a funnel cake while bakugou got a hot and spicy turkey leg 😳
⤷ he kept on sticking it in your face and you kept on running away while he was hot on your trail, waving the turkey leg around 😔
⤷ after you two were done eating, you two played games!!
⤷ he won you many prizes 🥺 including an ugly ass bear that you B EG GED him to throw away.
⤷ he forces you to keep it 😔
⤷ on the plus side, you got a v cute panda bear ! you named him suki 💕
⤷ after that, you two went to the photo booth!!
⤷ he tried to back away from it, but you shoved him into the photo booth.
⤷ i wish i could draw so i didnt have to describe the poses
⤷ first picturee!!! : you made a peace sign and smiled while bakugou was in the back with his hands folded.
⤷ second picturee!!! : you and bakugou were both staring at each other
⤷ third pictureee!!! : your finger was stuck in between bakugou’s neck and head (youre tickling his neck 🤪👊🏽) while he has a smile on his face
⤷ fourth picturee!!! : he was staring at you while you had a cheeky grin on your face. #noregrets ✨
⤷ you two got out and you quickly grabbed the two print outs before bakugou even had the chance to rip them to shreds.
⤷ he stared at you for a little bit and snatch one from your hand.
⤷ the amount of ST RE S S you were under when he snatched it from you 😐
⤷ he stared at the pictures for a couple of seconds and shoved it in his pocket while grumbling about something and walking away from you
⤷ you smiled and ran up to him. you swear for a faint second he had a smirk on his face. oh well 🤪
⤷ when you came back, the bakusquad stared at you two.
⤷ bats eyelashes BLA N K S T A R E 👁👄👁
⤷ but mina completely took you away from bakugou and shoved you into the hallway.
⤷ “soo... how was it??”
⤷ you thought for a second before replying.
⤷ “best first date ever.”
eijiro kirishima
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⤷ baby boy already had this day planned since he first SAW YOU
⤷ not tryna be on some yandere stuff but LOOK AT YOU!!
⤷ how could he NOT think about you!!
⤷ anyways, on the weekend, kirishima knocks at your door.
⤷ you answer it and he grabs both of your shoulders.
⤷ “are you free right now?”
⤷ “ye-“
⤷ congratulations, you are officially being dragged away by kirishima.
⤷ you decided not to question his frantic tactics and just let him lead you.
⤷ lmaooo yolo bitches 🤪
⤷ you guys have been running around town until you two arrived at a.....
⤷ arcadee!!!!!
⤷ he literally DRAGGED you in and got a shit ton of tokens.
⤷ “y/n, come on!! unless you feel like getting beat today!”
⤷ “ohh... this is war...”
⤷ and thus the war between y/n and kirishima started <3
⤷ you two played lots of games in the arcade and even ate some snacks as a mini truce.
⤷ you two were racing on the motorcycle next.
⤷ you got on the motorcycle and look to your right, waiting on kirishima.
⤷ then you felt a body behind you and hands wrap around your torso.
⤷ you jumped and looked back to be met with your dopey boyfriend having a big grin on his face.
⤷ “i was thinking that we could do this together.” 🥺
⤷ “if we’re doing this together, youre driving.”
⤷ he jumped up to the front and grabbed on to the handles. you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder.
⤷ holy fuck he loves you.
⤷ he let you choose all of the motorcycle styles, the person, and the location. what a manly thing to do 🥺
⤷ “i should get a motorcycle when i get my license!”
⤷ he crashed into a tree.
⤷ he completely ignores it.
⤷ but at the end he does get first place soo... 😎 yolo
⤷ but little do you know... he was recording you two!
⤷ he’s glad he did because he loved to look over to his phone and see you concentrating on the screen 🥺
⤷ he cant believe you’re his wtf.
⤷ anyways, when the competition was over, you were the winner by 14 points!! (kiri probably let you win but whatever 🤪)
⤷ you two decided to save up your points for the next time you come.
⤷ going back to the dorm was a peaceful walk. you two walked, hand in hand, and basked in each others presence. <3
𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑠 <3
𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑔𝑜𝑢’𝑠 𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑢ℎ𝑜𝑒𝑠
𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑏𝑜𝑦’𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠
let me know if you want to be apart of the taglist!! <3
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Hiro was walking behind Chiaki and Imposter, the two walking towards the administrative building where Hajime had gone, when he suddenly stops moving. His head shoots over to the spirit, as does Chihiro and Leon. "...What?!" Hiro says in disbelief.
"Hiro?" Chiaki calls back to him, the two living companions having stopped walking. "Is something wrong?"
Hiro turns his head to look at her, his face pale.
"I'll take that as a yes." Imposter grimaces, running over to the clairvoyant. "What is it? Did you have another vision?!"
"Not...exactly." He answers. "But I dont have time to explain. Gundham...Gundham's in danger! I-I think he's being attacked by Mukuro, Junko's sister? I-I dont know!"
Hiro was breathing heavily, and was on the verge of a panic attack. People were being attacked now? Like, he knew that if he didnt stop Junko lots of people would die, but someone was actually...being hurt.
Was it because of him?
"Hiro, calm down." Leon's voice cuts through the panicking man's thoughts. His best friend places a ghostly hand as close to his shoulder as he can. "Relax. You got this still, alright?"
"We can save Gundham and stop Junko, you j-just need to take a breath." Chihiro chimes in with a comforting smile.
Hiro looks between the ghostly apparitions of two of his closest friends and nods. The anxiety and guilt in his gut doesnt go away, but it lessens enough for him to take a breath and look to a now extremely worried Chiaki and Imposter.
"The spirits also said we needed to find a...Peko Pekoyama?" He says to them, scratching the back of his head. "They say she's a-"
"Swordswoman. The Ultimate Swordswoman." Imposter interrupts the fortune teller, having regained his own composure. "Its not a bad idea. She is extremely skilled in fighting."
Chiaki places a finger to her chin. "Maybe we could ask Akane and Nekomaru for help? They're extremely powerful fighters, too. If they were in a fighting game, they'd be a top tier choice!"
Everyone gives her a puzzled look for a moment before Leon's ghost speaks up. "We could also ask Sakura, and possibly Mondo! They'd be very strong in a-"
"No." Hiro cut Leon off with a shake of his head, and his allies give him a surprised look.
"No?" Chiaki repeats with a tilted head. "Why not?"
The underclassman frowns and rubs the back of his head. "'Cause, like....there's already a lot of people involved in this mess." He mutters. "The more we tell about Junko's plan, the more'll get hurt. Plus the more likely that a mass panic will break out."
"But if the authorities were to know, they could apprehend Junko and stop her easily." Imposter points out.
"If it was that easy dont you think the spirits wouldve suggested that?" Yasuhiro counters. "Clearly she has more power than even the police. Which is the whole reason I dont even see how I can do this!" He glances over at his ghostly friends and sighs. "But I have to at least try so...if the spirits think Peko is the best option, we'll go with her. But I dont want to drag anyone else into this, ok? Please?"
Everyone was quiet for a while, until Leon snorts. "I'm impressed. Usually you would have run away crying by now. Guess you're taking this seriously."
Hiro rolls his eyes. "I dont really have a choice. I'm still terrified and I feel like giving up with each development. But I dont want to lose any of my friends."
Imposter smiles softly at that and bows his head. "I respect your dedication, Hiro. Very well. We wont tell anyone else of your visions."
Chiaki nods in agreement. "We probably wont even have to tell Peko." She muses quietly. "Just mentioning one of our friends being in danger should be enough."
Hiro nods. "Alright. Since you two know her best, why dont you both go get her?"
Imposter raises a brow. "And what are you going to do?"
"You could sneak over to the administrative building and see how things are going." Chihiro suggests.
Hiro grimaces at the idea but sighs. "I'm gonna...go to the administrative building and scope things out....stealthily."
"Do you think you can manage that?" Chiaki asks.
Hiro hesitantly nods, and after a shared look between the two upperclassmen, they say their goodbyes and hurry to find Peko.
Yasuhiro bites his lip and lets out a large breath, turning towards his destination. "Alright...let's go."
When Hiro arrives at the scene, he is horrified by what he ses.
Gundham is all but leaning against the wall of the building, gripping his right arm with his left as blood drips from it. His shirt is sliced open in several places, blood splattered onto it. There's a large gash on the left side of his face, just below his eye, that flows even more blood down his cheek, and his usually styled hair has come undone, falling into his eyes as his chest rises and falls heavily.
The breeder glares daggers at his opponent as he attempts to catch his breath. "Y-you...vile fiend!" He curses at her, placing a palm on the wall to steady himself as he tries to walk forward despite his shaky legs. "You will never take down GUNDHAM TANAKA!"
"I'll admit. I'm impressed." Mukuro says, ignoring Gundham's words as she stalks closer. Hiro notices there's not a scratch on her, and that terrifies him even further. "Most people would be long dead from the wounds I've given you. You're much stronger than I anticipated." The teasing smile that had been on her face quickly falls to a frown as she pulls out a throwing knife. "But this game ends now. You will no longer get in Junko's way."
Hiro's eyes widen in fear. No...no, this cant happen! He was supposed to save their lives, not end them faster! Could he intervene? But what could he do? He'd just get himself killed!
As he wracks his brain for how to save Gundham, he notices Imposter and Chiaki running his way, and behind them, a girl with a sword on her back.
Peko Pekoyama.
Hope rises in his chest for a moment, before its replaced with despair. Leon and Chihiro understand as well.
"...they wont make it in time." Chihiro whispers, the three of them slowly turning to watch the horrific scene unfold before them.
Mukuro grips the throwing knife in her hand, readying herself to throw it. Gundham meanwhile takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, seemingly accepting his death. Smirking at this, Mukuro throws the knife and-
A hamster's squeak is cut short.
Gundham slowly opens his eyes in confusion as to why he had felt no pain. They widen in horror at what he sees instead. Maga-Z, one of his beloved Dark Devas, had been impaled by the knife in his stead, apparently having stowed away in his scarf.
"No....no!" Gundham cries out in agony as he picks up the tiny corpse of his pet, tears forming in his eyes.
"Well, that was unintentional." Mukuro shrugs, pulling out another knife. "But at least you get to taste the sweet nectar of despair before you d-"
Mukuro suddenly falls to the ground, Peko standing behind where she had stood with a wooden sword above her head.
Hiro lets out a breath so big he almost passes out. "Oh thank Father Time!" He exclaims, rushing over to join the others.
"We got here as fast as we could." Peko says, sheathing her sword and glaring at Mukuro.
"I dont think it was quick enough." Chiaki replies softly, looking over to where Gundham was knelt down, cradling his falled subordinate.
There is a solemn silence as everyone gives Gundham his time to grieve.
Eventually he stands, still holding Maga-Z in his hands. "I thank you mortals for your assistance." He says, his voice quiet and broken. "I know you did what you could. Maga-Z gave his life to protect me, and for that he shall be remembered." He looks down to the hamster, then to Hiro. "I am aware we are in a hurry, but do you mind if I bury him? You can go ahead. I will find you."
Hiro gives him a sad smile. "Of course. And if you see Sonia, bring her along."
"Though, maybe see Mikan first?" Chiaki suggests. "You're very hurt."
Gundham simply nods before heading off.
The others watch him go for a moment before Peko breaks the silence.
"I will bring this one back to my dorm where she will cause no harm. At least until we figure out what to do with her."
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan." Hiro agrees. "Just be careful, alright?"
Peko smiles at him and nods. "I will, do not worry." And with those final words she picks up Mukuri and walks off as well.
Theres another silence, no one knowing what to say, until it's broken again. This time by Hiro.
"So...where exactly would Hajime be kept?"
A/N: So uh...I'm sorry? 😅 Dont worry I hate myself for this lol. But now you know shit's getting real! So in the next post is really when my lack of DR 3 knowledge will shine lol.
Also in case it wasnt clear, I dont want too many characters to know about Junko's plan, cause then the tension is kinda gone.
But yeah! Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! ^_^
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For A Greater Good Fun Facts and Self Assesment (spoilers)
Long Post
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What worked and what didn’t:
I think the overall structure worked pretty well. The most difficult part was, with the plot and subplot already created, scattering all those ideas throughout the text in such a way that at least made some sense. I regret not writing more about Mer Yankelevich, I feel like the crumbs I left on the way were not enough; in my attempt to make it subtle it lacked information about her. The key piece was of course her sister, and I should have introduced her sooner.
MC’s evolution. I feel like Kate’s learnt a lot with this experience (I’m not only referring to the Deathly Hallows or Grindelwald) When it started, she was very discreet and kept a low profile, not knowing what to do really, not taking more risks than necessary. And then she ended poisoned and splinching just to protect a document she thought was important. I hope her evolution is noticeable for the reader.
Worldbuilding. Grabbing HP concepts that were forgotten and full of potential, plus a dash of original ideas from me and blending them with muggle features was my absolute favourite part of the process.
On that note, I dont own these concepts: Durmstrang, Igor Karkarov, Nerida Vulchanova, umbrella flowers, fanged geraniums, billywigs, Appare Vestigium, glow-worms, trick wand, chamaleon ghouls, 
If you’ve read the fic and thought: “everything happened so fast” or got a general odd feeling about the timeline it's because I made a series of  monumental mistakes: setting a chapter limit, telling you about it and then tried to stick to it.  At first the idea sounded nice: this is my first “big” story  with complicated components. I should (and I did) do an outline of what I want to happen in each chapter and stick to it methodically so I don't forget what's happening or lose track of the plot. Well...it kind of backfired. So I wrote the first 3 chapters and at that point I thought “okay everything is going as planned, I’m going to put it out there”, bam, instantly cursed. After that it got ridiculously difficult to make the story that I wanted. Why? I needed chapter space that I convinced myself I couldn’t add. Dumb.
The major consequence of this was the lack of character backgrounds. It started out good, but as I kept writing and publishing I realised that I missed some great opportunities to make amazing ocs. That’s Corentin’s fault in a way: he wasn't going to be a major character, really, just a piece to help Kate a bit. But we all fell in love with him so what was I supposed to do? Also, Sheyi Mawut owns my heart and he got just a bit of spotlight. A shame.
I wish I had written more about them, but I think I wasn’t ready just yet to make it even more complicated.I just wanted to prove I could concoct a mystery plot and now that I know I can manage a fair amount of information I think I can take it a step further and deepen new ocs a little bit more.
I’m thinking about the datura series and I know why I got blocked and tired of writing it; it wasnt going anywhere because I wasnt prepared, and I didn’t do the months of outlines and planning that I did with this one. I’ll come back to the datura story one day, subjecting it to a sever rewrite. The ideas are there, I just need to be organised.
Although the chapter limit was problematic it was also a good exercise of managing space and deciding which things were unnecessary for the story. I dont think there’s any filler chapters, perhaps the last ones, but there is important information there too so... However this sentence  from the blog  wordsandstuff reassured me (and I think I did a good job at that?)
If you set out to write 10 parts and you write a fantastic story in 8, you haven’t failed and it’s not too rushed. Concise writing is an underrated talent. Focus on how effectively you engage the reader, not for how long.
I spent more than year writing this! When I started, I had a lot of ideas, I wrote the last two chapters then the first 3 and I really thought it was going to be that way with the rest of the story... okay... lesson learnt. #humbled
Other thoughts:
I received a couple of comments on ao3 that said that they were pleasantly surprised. Maybe I should change the tags because they are misleading? Clearly this wasnt what people were looking for lol.
One particular comment stood out to me and quoting it said:  “You did not choose the easy way with a fiction with so few characters from the fandom.”  And I’ve been thinking about this since I read it. It didn’t occur to me that there were few mystery fics (maybe I should write more things like that? Maybe throwing some power couple detective work 👀 ) In any case, I’m glad  I contributed with something different to the fandom, and the fact that the Charlie bits are very scarce but people who read it still liked it is really flattering.
I wanted to make sure that all the characters had strengths and flaws, I didnt want to severus-snape them so maybe I overdid it with that bit of introspection kate does at the end...
Also, I did the kiss and fade thing twice to mention sex. I know some people dont like that but since it wasnt the point of the story and I havent done research on how to write sex scenes I didnt include them. I have that on my “to learn” list.
Writing the whole thing was incredible. It's my first ‘big’ project and its not a great work (there are some things I wish I did better, thats what you get when you are an agatha christie wannabe) and not writing more character backgrounds will haunt me to this day,  but I think it's at least good for a first series and I’m proud of it. I loved spending hours doing research and trying to piece together this puzzle. And of course I’m not an expert and I dont want to sound pretentious (like this is my first story) but if you are planning to write this type of genre I can be another source of tips and tricks for you.
If I read the story after a while and I dont cringe, I would call that a success.
Bakunawa really belongs to Filippines mythology
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Snapdragons have different meanings, one of them being: “grace under pressure or inner strength in trying circumstances”
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The entrance to Grindelwald’s room was going to be in the duelling classroom, strangely shaped as a triangle. I had this system where one of the round candle lamps descended and lined up with a line on the floor (serving as separation for duels) it created the Deathly Hallows symbol. I couldn’t make that work because it wouldn't make any sense for Nerida Vulchanova to shape a room like that.  Here are some sketches:
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Lucius Malfoy was going to appear as the Ministry employee that goes to Durmstrang, but after revising the events of the OoP I realised it was impossible.
Kent Jorgensen was going to be around Kate’s age and the charms teacher and he would have a small crush on her. After seeing some pics of Pen Medina, I rewrote the character completely.
The series was going to be 6 chapters long (I’m glad I decided not to) one for each month. The chapter names were ridiculous: January of Beginnings, February of reputation, March of Students, April of Discoveries, May I? and June of Endings. #tragic
The Dolohov family was going to be a part of the plot but I had to erase that part because it was unlocking another layer of complexity that I just couldnt handle.
I dont remember exactly the chapter but I got really confused with the names Rhode and Hodges and there’s one chapter where I accidentally mixed them (I corrected it I think), but for a while I could stop calling Rhode, Hodges, and vice versa lmao
Here are some sketches that helped me describe and imagine things
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Thank you for accompany me in this journey, especially if you endured the process with me lmao. You’ve been here for over A YEAR! <3 Mindblowing
Also I’d love to know your opinions about the way you read the story, I mean, I know some people read it as I published, and some other readers found the story already finished, what are the differences? Should I stop the updating system and drop a story all at once? I know it is difficult to keep up with a complex story if there’s a lot of weekly or monthly gaps between the chapters, so I wanted to know.
Sending you a virtual hug 💜💜
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