#pls ignore my emo ass
rewh0re · 9 months
-3.0k, kind of a repost but a heavily edited one, very slice of life ngl, they kiss (sorry), reader is sad in the beginning, oblivious idiots in love, bad teenage confessions, they're both too scared to confess and are idiots I'm sorry there's no gentler way of saying this, pls read I worked my ass off editing this shit:( REBLOGS + INTERACTIONS ARE APPRECIATED!!
a/n: happy birthday rin you sweet sweet child, I love his emo ass sm he'd probably hate me but I have enough love for him for the two of us (ew, can't believe I said that)
Who knew that a boy you met on a rainy midsummer's evening could turn out to be such a vital part of your life?
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A cool gentle breeze and a mildly chilly weather was not very common in the midsummer. But it had rained earlier. The atmosphere still had the lingering smell of wet soil brought about by the winds and the temperature drop was pleasant. You liked it. This felt good. It also distracted you from the lump that you felt in your throat and the tears that were threatening to fall down your now very glossy eyes. How long have you been sitting under a stray lamp post beside the children's park now? You had absolutely no clue and neither did you want to know. It was late at night and you knew the sane thing to do was go home, wash your face and go to bed. Call it a night maybe. But the body sometimes refuses to follow the mind. It just doesn't move when your much rational part asks it too. It stays rooted at the spot. Maybe it was one of those moments for you. You think at some point a stray calico cat came by and rubbed herself against your legs. That made you smile. Cats were good, they were sweet, they made you feel nice about yourself when they decided they liked you. But your sole companion of the night had also gone away and you were alone yet again.
That's when he came by.
You did not notice him at first. A stranger holding his bicycle, looking at you with his face contorted in pure confusion. Rin was just passing by when he saw you, sitting on the bench in all your sadness and melancholy, tears almost spilling out of your eyes, lips quivering. He could vaguely make out your hands clenching and unclenching inside your jacket pocket. He didn't know what to do. Should he just ignore you and let you be or ask you if you were fine. He decided on the latter. 
"Uhm, the weather forecast says it might rain tonight," he awkwardly let out the words to your idle figure.
You only turned your head at him slowly in return. You were kind of pretty he'd give you that.
You were puzzled as to why a random boy was suddenly telling you about the weather forecast, "huh?"
"The weather forecast. It might rain tonight. You better get to your home," he didn't understand what your deal was. Sitting all lonesome on a stray bench with no people around. It was unsafe too. Unless you were some sort of serial killer which was highly unlikely because what sort of serial killer looks like they're about to lose it all beside a random park late at night.
"Oh," you turned away and went back to your thinking or whatever it is that you were doing. Rin started regretting his decision of even bothering you in the first place. He should've just been on his way, letting you bask in your self pity. 
"Do you have an umbrella with you," you looked at him again before silently shaking your head.
He started to look for something inside his bag before pulling out an umbrella, "you can take this. My house isn't far from here, I'll reach in some but you can just keep it in case it rains. Uh also, you should get going as soon as you can, it can get pretty unsafe so late at night."
He waited for your reply but it never came. You just looked at him with the same wide eyes and quivering lips. So he nervously kept the umbrella beside you and walked away with his bicycle.
That was his mother's favorite umbrella that he gave away. He was gonna get it from her.
You stared at his disappearing figure. You saw as he turned the corner and finally went out of sight.
"What a kind soul," you thought to yourself and the tears finally fell.
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It had been about a week since you last met the kind boy who gave you an umbrella. It indeed did rain and you ended up using it on your way home. It had been a week since you kept waiting at night to return him his umbrella but he never came. You were about to give up and just keep the umbrella till you decided to wait after school and see if he shows up.
And much to your luck, he did. He was on his bicycle, riding it as the wind ruffled his dark hair. His teal eyes were focussed on the road and he had a deadpan look on his face. You smiled wide at seeing him.
"Hey! Guy on the bicycle!" You screamed and waved your hands so he could notice you. He slowed down his bicycle until it came to a complete stop in front of you. It was the same location except now, the park was filled with little children's laughter from running about and playing and the buzzing of people's voices. There were birds chirping on the trees as the summer sun shone at a distance. You looked very different from the first time he saw you. A wide smile on your face with eyes almost in the shape of crescents as a result of your smile. Your hair was more put together and you were in a school uniform. He gathered you too, were a high school student.
"I'm y/n, hi, nice to meet you," you finally introduced yourself. Rin wasn't the kind of boy to think much about people's looks or about people at all. But something about you was so mesmerizing to his eyes. He found you to be absolutely gorgeous, something he didn't really notice the first time he saw you.
"Yea uh I'm Itoshi Rin," he looked at your outstretched hand before slowly accepting your handshake. He took his hand away from yours as soon as he finished giving it a polite shake.
"I am the person you gave your umbrella to last week, if you don't remember me. I just wanted to return it to you and thank you for helping me," your wide smile now turned into a polite one as you took out the umbrella from your backpack and handed it to him.
Rin blinked at it twice because he never did think he'd get his mother's favorite umbrella back or see you again for that matter. But he did and you seemed better than before and he was glad you looked good.
"Well then. Thanks again. I'll get going. Have a great day," you waved at him as you turned around.
Rin didn't know what exactly came over him. He just felt this sudden boost of confidence as he saw your figure walk away from him. He did not want you to go. A sudden vile feeling rose in him as the realisation dawned that if you left he would probably never get to see you again. So with his heart almost jumping out of his ribcage, he uttered the words that he almost stumbled over, "let me walk you to your home."
And even though your eyes were as big as saucers the moment he said those words, you couldn't be happier that Itoshi Rin decided to walk you home because something in you too, said that having him as a friend would be good.
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Rin and your friendship started with awkward hellos and hi's and silent walks to the school. Turns out you lived close by and your school too, fell on the way to his. So each day he would walk you to your school and back home.
Eventually, what started as an awkward interaction turned into excited rants from you about books that you've read and movies that you had seen. Rin listened. Rin always listened. Sometimes he'd talk about the horror movies he'd liked and the mangas stored in his bookshelf.
Walks to school and back home turned into weekly hangouts after school. Sometimes at your house and sometimes at his. You learnt Rin loved soccer and he learnt you were not much into sports. He had gasped in disbelief because, truly, how can someone not be into sports? He was forced to watch the notebook with you and you were forced to watch Insidious with him. By now both of your parents had come to know of your new friendship. Rin's mother loved you and your mother always saved extra cookies for Rin when she baked. Summer slowly faded into autumn and the leaves outside turned crisp and brown and Rin would never let you see the faint smile that adorned his face when you so joyfully stepped on the crunchy leaves. With autumn came the realization that you had fallen for Rin. And unbeknownst to you Rin had slowly fallen for you too. If he thought you were pretty when you cried, he thought you looked absolutely stunning when you were laughing. Yes, even when the laughs were followed by snorts.
Rin realized he might have fallen in love with you and that terrified him because Rin did not do love. Rin did not know how to love. He never gave two thoughts to a relationship but with you, he was willing to do so. It was all so new for him, the feelings were so new that it terrified him. He was too scared to tell you.
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"Mama bear says a very happy birthday dear Rin, and she sends some of this homemade, special chocolate cake to you," was the first thing Rin heard from you as he opened his door and you let yourself in.
"Mama bear? Seriously? And you won't say happy birthday to me?" Rin narrowed his eyes at you as he shut the door and followed your figure towards the kitchen.
"Shut up, I wished you at exactly twelve in the midnight. I have receipts too. My call history also has your name. Now, do you want the cake or not Mr. Itoshi?" You took out a knife from his kitchen drawer and pointed it at him.
"Can't say no to that," he opened the package to find 8 slices of beautifully decorated chocolate cake.
"I'll take one!" You were about to pick a slice when he swatted your hand away.
"Your mom has already fed you with them. These are mine. Back off," he took a slice and closed the package.
"Rinnie-" you whined.
"Do not call me that. Ever," he pointed at you before taking a bite from his cake. Your mother baked heavenly delights, he thought. The cake was so freaking delicious. He felt like he just entered the realms of God for a moment when it almost melted in his mouth.
"But rinnie-" you saw him eat the cake, savoring each bite.
"Why are you so mean? Just let me have a piece please. She did not let me eat much of the cake and there's not much left at home either. Just one bite please I-" you found yourself shutting up as Rin shoved the last bite of the cake into your mouth.
"That will shut you up," and it did. Your mother was the best baker in town and no one could argue with that fact.
You spent the rest of the day at Rin's house with him forcefully making you watch midsommar this time. You loved spending time with Rin. While Rin was so immersed in movies, you were immersed in his face. He looked so pretty focussed.
"What?" He turned around to look at you.
"What?" You asked confused.
"You said I look pretty when I'm focussed?"
"Oh I said that out loud?" You giggle to yourself. "But yes. You do look pretty when you're focussed."
"You're pretty too I guess," you laughed at how he grumbled those words out. 
“Hey Rin,” you called out his name and he hummed in reply, face not moving from the screen. “Happy birthday. I'm glad to have met you, you know.”
A pink hue covered Rin’s face slowly as you played with his hair. You had never seen Rin blush before and you were absolutely savouring the moment. He looked beautiful. He was beautiful.
“Shut up and watch the movie,” he muttered under his breath as he unconsciously leaned in on your hand. Your smile widened at his actions.
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"Some girl confessed to me today," Rin scoffed when he picked you up from your school gate.
You could almost hear the little crack of your heart the moment Rin had said those words. You were too big of an idiot to not confess and now, someone else was doing it in your place.
"Oh? What did you say," you gulped as you feared his answer. 
"No, obviously. What makes you think I'll say yes?" He shook his head as you both walked down the hill. You let out a quiet sigh of relief.
"Well, why not?"
"I...kind of already like someone," Rin blushed and the crack in your heart increased. How much more till he completely breaks your heart?
The rest of the walk back home was excruciatingly quiet and awkward. You did not know how to act around Rin, you wanted to be far away from him. As far as possible.
"Who..who is this person you like?" Something in your voice seemed sad and bitter. There was a tint of jealousy which didn't go unnoticed by Rin. He was observant, he was oh so observant.
"Uhm a very close friend," you nodded your head silently at his words. You had so many questions. When had he met them? How long had they been 'friends?' Was he closer to them than he is to you?
"They're sweet and really nice. Kind too. Always there for me when I need them and I think I just really like this person you know," You looked at Rin to see him smiling so fondly. You internally begged him to stop as he went on about how genuinely good this person was. He did it. He broke your heart unknowingly. You realised you should have never asked about this person, that way you would be saved.
You were glad as you saw your house in the distance. Quickly waving Rin a goodbye, telling him you had a huge amount of homework to complete, you ran off towards your house. You'd distance yourself from him, you thought. Just stop talking to him for some time till these silly feelings go away.
Rin could only stand there under the orange sky of the evening as he saw you go nearer to your house and then it hit him. You thought he was talking about an entirely different person. You definitely did not get that he was talking about you. And with how weird you were acting there might have been a slight chance that you liked him back. Rin sucked at love and he sucked at declarations of love too. He had probably messed up what you both had by directly not telling you that he harboured feelings for you.
"Shit!" He ran after you as you entered your main gate and within some seconds he was there, grabbing your wrist, panting slightly. You turned around to look at him and then at the place where his hand held yours.
"Rin...." You started, confused as to what was happening.
"It's you," he stated. God he sucked at confessions. He never confessed to anyone before and now he realised why the people in his school lost their minds over it. It was terrifying with how his heart was beating erratically in his chest, hands shaking slowly.
"What? Are you okay? You seem a bit out of place," Your voice was lost. What was he speaking about? You genuinely didn't know if he was okay.
"God damn it, it's you I like!" There it was, laid out in the open for you. 
Your eyes were about to pop out of your socket because did you even hear that right? Itoshi Rin liked you? You were the person he was so fondly talking about? There were so many questions waiting to burst out of your throat.
"You like me?" You asked.
"I do,"
"You're not joking?"
"Absolutely not,"
"Rin, I swear to god if this is some kind of sick joke I will-" and he cut you off.
He cut you off by pulling you in and crashing his lips against your. You reciprocated immediately because this is exactly what you dream about. You felt his hands on your waist trailing there as you held his face. It was no way a gentle kiss, in fact it was rough, clearly a kiss between two very inexperienced teenagers. You separated for breath before you chased for his lips once more. You kissed him more gently now, relishing in the taste of mint that he had taken earlier. His lips were slightly chapped but they were nonetheless heaven to you. His cologne took over your nostrils and you couldn't quite believe that all of this was happening.
"Fuck," you pulled away as you were out of breath. This felt like a fever dream.
"Fuck indeed," and all he could do was smile after that kiss. It was his first with you. It was all he hoped for.
You both started laughing at god knows what. Maybe it was the fact that you both were two oblivious idiots or the fact that what you craved for for the longest time had taken place finally. Rin was holding his knees and you were holding your tummy. You turned to look at him, he was so beautiful, you thought. He was so beautiful and he loved you. Your laughter ceased into a smile. So genuine and full of love for him.
"What?" He looked at reciprocating the look you donned.
You met Itoshi Rin on a rainy midsummer’s night and fell for him on a cool autumn’s day. Who would have thought that a boy who met you at one of your lowest points would lighten up your life in such a way? But this was real, Rin was real and the love you held for each other was also real. At the end of the day, this was Rin, your Rin. This was love.
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 2 months
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Also @oohbuggypie made this post and mentioned Don's swearing he was gonna get snake bites once he went into his emo arc and Carmen had to talk him out of it AND I LITERALLY THINK ABOUT THAT EVERY FUCKING DAY IT'S SO FUNNY TO ME 💀 anyways I made this bc I didn't feel like doing a whole separate drawing 😭
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kamiversee · 3 months
cho kinda reminds me of the song emo boyyyy.. ykwimmmm
saw this guy at the mall last week - got the kinda look to make me freak (real)
that long ass hair and the tightest jeans my chemical romance on his hee (canon in tfl that he dresses emo ⛓️💔) (i love his pigtailed hair 🫶🏽)
he looked so sick like he was dying but if i said he wasn’t hot then i’d be lying (realest ever please kiss me cho ☹️)
please, handsome, don’t be coy c’mon fuck me emo boy
longass chorus of “c’mon fuck me”’s and “hey emo boys,”
said i looked like hanna beth and bitch i almost lost my breath (i don’t got anything for this line pls ignore me)
wanna fuck in the back of the hot topic? (pls 🙏)
lift me up and then i drop it (since we rode him in a car)
he bought me tickets to warped tour (he didn’t.. he got tatted instead)
should i go? well bitch for sure (i don’t got nothing)
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I will spam this fanart til’ I die bc this is exactly how I picture him in tfl and he doesnt just fit tht song HE IS THT SONG.
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silverflqmes · 3 months
ignore that im on my selfship account it’s luma lmao
some selfship questions for u and tooru <3
•does tooru get you flowers? if so, what kind?
ldoes tooru like to read books with you? or does he secretly collect all your favs and binge read them?
•what shows do you watch together?
•have you guys had any thoughts on marriage? (sorry if this makes you uncomfy i’ll note it for the future)
•do you guys match icons on like tumblr or insta?
•what couple do you resonate you and tooru with? like for example me and scara kinda resemble harley quinn and the joker (minus the toxicity)
•what video games do you guys play together? if you play genshin together, who does he main / what team does he use and do you do cute genshin couple things?
hi luma! no worries, i figured it was you😭 woohoo selfship questions, i’ll do my best to answer those<33
— tooru is the flower giving type!! i think he’s the kind of person to read into flower language and symbolism cuz like, it’s tooru.. he never does anything haphazardly and always wants to provide the best, so he definitely looks into their meanings before choosing accordingly depending on the occasion or mood<3 red roses are a common ( given their symbolism for love and passion ), forget me nots are also some he frequently sends ( often as a reassurance to me, along with himself ), daisies ( he remembers how i used to really like them as a kid, and brings them as a reminder of those times ) and a combo between lily of the valley and larkspur ( they’re the flowers of our birth months<3 )
— i think he would show interest in what i read and i would beg him on my hands and knees to read my favs, specifically the folk of air series, to scream with him!! bonus if he decided to annotate and swap copies with me so we could read each other’s comments<3 furthermore, he serenades me to sleep by reading on stressy nights :’) and just cuz his voice is so<3
— definitely star wars oriented shows.. the clone wars has consumed us wholly and we have not recovered from the siege of mandalore.. sitcoms FOR SURE, i love friends a completely normal amount, seinfeld too, modern family, big bang theory, king of queens, etc. anyway, other than that we’d probably watch a lottt of slice of life / romance anime since it’s super comforting and silly<333 although some shonen anime make certain exceptions ( owari no seraph my love ) OH AND CARTOONS BC OLD SPONGEBOB HUMOR >>>
— TOORU IS DEFINITELY A MARRIAGE KIND OF GUY and like same i want marriage too but later down the line cuz i wanna enjoy the youth and sillying around of dating.. but i think we would unironically refer to each other as husband n wife.. and act like a married couple.. proposing is gonna be a challenge because he wants to do it but i ALSO want to do it like babes let me get on my knee pls and propose to you like the king you are smh
— i don’t think tooru would be on tumblr, maybe he would be if he indulges in my nonsense.. so probably instagram!
— we are anakin and padmé for sure and take turns, although misaki and usui are definitely us too, as well as kuronuma and kazehaya ( THEY MAKE ME SO EMO AND NOT NORMAL )
— we play a lot of wii and ds games together pre timeskip, specifically super mario bros, mario kart, mario party, wii sports, just dance — all that jazz, and i would have begged him to indulge me in my tekken addiction despite the amount of times he would get his ass handed to him BAHAHAHAHA ( he’s petty bc i use asuka since she counters attacks ) now post timeskip, we would definitely play ssbu because it’s just sm fun ( a-and um um sephiroth…. ) — now i would get my ass handed here instead.. and of course we cannot forget the hit game GENSHIN IMPACT!!! bro mains either tartaglia, ayato or alhaitham because i am not normal about them and he makes it a goal to tease me using them.. think he probably uses vaporize a lot to stick to my synergy or spread; as for couple things, we definitely take each other to pretty locations we found or help one another with grinding / quests. if there are also co-op games, those too!! for the rest, we’d probably take turns on ffvii since it’s single player and i have a tendency to throw a controller at someone when things get too heated.. prepare yourself tooru!! especially if sephi is the final boss..
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
Helloooo I've come across ur acc and I'm enjoying the headcanons/stories u make!!! I saw that u were open for requests so I hope my request is fine w u!!
Can I request emo doctor (law), and fire boy (ace) w their s/o (fem or gender neutral) who has dark humor? YK those types 💀 like "what if this is my last day alive LOL"
Feel free to ignore if it makes u uncomfortable!!!
a/n - dark humor omg 😭 I feel like ace would laugh his ass off everytime 💀
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, gore on Zoro’s part
Dark humor x One piece
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- this man is already so tired
- your jokes make him so concerned for your mental health
- law your mental health is a piece of shit you have no right to talk
- a house was burning down in front of you guys, crumbling down with ashes flying in every direction
- the house was made entirely of wood, debris and splinters clogging up the atmosphere with smoke
- “That doesn’t look good..” -Bepo
- “Hah! That looks like my life!” -you
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- “it’s a joke law. Ok?”
- “it didn’t make me laugh.”
- he’s so done with your humor I swear
- once he asked if you were ok and if you needed to talk 💀
- when you said it was just your sense of humor my man was so confused
- Like- why???
- he started to ignore you whenever you said one of your “jokes”🗿
- yes he’s concerned af for your mental state
- pls reassure him that you’re fine lmao
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- ace lowkey has the same type of humor tbh 💀
- one time, on a mission, you were tasked with taking out a specific enemy in the marines using your sniper
- You were fairly used to these sorts of jobs, so it was no problem for you
- when you came back, your lovely boyfriend, fire fist ace was waiting for you
- “How did it go?” -ace
- “I took him out.”
- “On a date?”
- …
- *uncontrollable wheezing*
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- god you two were laughing for hours without ever stopping
- whenever one of you would start to breathe again, oh god you just started laughing again
- “We went to the shithole of a place called my life.” -you
- “babe don’t I make your life a bit better than a shithole??”
- “… you’re right.”
- *uncontrollable wheezing x2*
- Marco’s done with your guys’ shit 💀
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- Zoro didn’t give a fuck until he heard one of your jokes
- you were on your way to complete a really dangerous mission with Zoro, and you couldn’t help but crack the joke
- “Heh, what if this is my last day alive?”
- Zoro waited a couple seconds before looking over at you
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- “y/n what the fuck??”
- the realization of your joke hit him like a bigass truck lmao
- you tried to get him to laugh, but the moss head wouldn’t budge 💀
- on the mission, you snapped one of your opponents’ arms straight in half, the bone protruding from his elbow
- “Looks like my soul :)” -you to his broken bone
- Zoro looked at you with his sword in his mouth
- …
Zoro inside rn:
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- he’s so done pls 😭
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a/n - god this was funny 💀
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borathae · 18 hours
Chapter 22
oc definitely needs a wheelchair after her flabbers were gasted ♿♿
I didn’t even know that he could cook.” HE PUT THE KOOK IN COOKING I’ve seriously never seen him that productive before.” sex so good, boi got enough energy to complete his missions/side quests
“that dude’s so happy today.  Very suspicious when the emo is happy👀
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“Le food is served”, he says in a fake French accent. DOES HE KNOW FRENCH??? what languages do they all know??
“No we didn’t!” you and Jungkook exclaim at the same time, haha they are so annoying like your besties and they just announced they did xd
“Was it fun?” Seokjin teases, making weird sex noises afterwards.FUCK OFF I LOVE U TOO MUCH
“I. Hate. You. Guys”, Jungkook whines, hitting them with the kitchen towel repeatedly. HES PROTECTING HER *sorry not sorry kook
“JK come back, we were only teasing!” oh no he went away, jack come back
He is carrying the biggest pout on his lips, kicking the air with his feet in a constant rhythm. FUCK GO KISS HIS POUT AWAY
punching whoever pressed you against the wall straight across their face. this is a cool way to show she is learning from yoongi
FUK JIN TALKING WITH HER, IM SOOO WUWU OVER THEIR FRIENDSHIP AND BANTER i just love this whole thing you know?? the plot the writing, smut, description, smell, banter, emotions FUCK RVERYTHING AAAAH
woah whats going on? is it his weak arm? right arm hmm WOAH WTF huh did he run to his room?
2seok pls 😭😭 them completely ignoring her, like parents talking about their kid
“I was hoping you’d forget about it” hobi pls💀 jin is a menace for giving him the uncomfortable talk
yay guessed it was his uniform he was a pretty popular guy in his unit. He feared nothing, was well known for his strength and stamina on the battlefield and from what I heard he had perfect aim too.” damn soo cool oh shit being that good must have hurt when he got turned and felt all worthless/guilt
fuck thats so sad wtf, ok now did he for real lose all of the comrades or is there someone still left 👀👀()oh that would make sense why vampires would be there
wait i think im confused?? so enemies killed everyone, a ripper came and saved kook by feeding him blood and he would have survived as a human BUT THEN SNAPPED HIS NECK? WTF
yeah he definitely got the saddest origin story idk even know what to say, he would definitely get your ass if he knows he is a character written by you 😭
They won’t even notice it. You just need to be quiet i doubt that but ok
The curtains dance in the wind. It is not a beautiful dance, almost as if they wanted to escape the cold. But you can’t escape it, you have to face it in order to get to Jungkook.  yeah im marrying this paragraph
I still didn’t return to my parents, I still couldn’t kiss my darling goodbye, or pat my dog’s head one last time. No, for my family I died on that battlefield” shit he never saw them afterwards and now they are dead 😭😭😭
yall now dont fall from the rooftop. imagine dying cuz u kissed so hard u fell off the roof😭😭😭 DAMN HE TOOK US INSIDE THE ROOM WHILE KISSING SETTING NEXT LEVEL STANDARDS OOF
he knew how impossible such a request for a monster like him is, but now that he can hug you and kiss you he realises how stupid he was.  😭GIVE HIM ALL THE HUGS
SHIT THAT TOOK A TURN that we all xpected but still got scared
“Don’t move away from me”, he orders, controlling your mind on instinct. fuck, all the progress just went down the drain (it didnt, but thats what he is going to think and go back to his shell😭)
It is not an unbearable burn, almost as if a little droplet of hot oil landed on your skin when you grill bacon. is her skin sensitive from horny and scared or is it actually "vampire saliva heat magic"?
fuck im so sad alexa play truth untold
oc definitely needs a wheelchair after her flabbers were gasted ♿♿
hahahah there are no lies in this statement ajfjdsf
I didn’t even know that he could cook.” HE PUT THE KOOK IN COOKING I’ve seriously never seen him that productive before.” sex so good, boi got enough energy to complete his missions/side quests
HE IS SO CUTE!! GOSH I love how he is so happy that he is just doing lil house stuff <3
“that dude’s so happy today.  Very suspicious when the emo is happy👀
no but I love the memes cause this was definitely them at Kook ahahha (in a fond way)
“Le food is served”, he says in a fake French accent. DOES HE KNOW FRENCH??? what languages do they all know??
OKAY I WANNA TELL YOU but it will be revealed. actually fuck it jfsadjf
Jungkook can speak Korean & English fluently
Hoseok can speak Korean & English fluently, he can speak German with a heavy accent and he knows a decent amount of Japanese
Seokjin can speak Korean, English & French fluently and knows enough German & Italian to get around
Yoongi can speak Korean & English like a native speaker, he knows almost every European language to different levels and knows a secret language I can't reveal yet for spoilers reasons
the others I won't reveal right now because of spoilers JFAJDSFJ
“No we didn’t!” you and Jungkook exclaim at the same time, haha they are so annoying like your besties and they just announced they did xd
“Was it fun?” Seokjin teases, making weird sex noises afterwards.FUCK OFF I LOVE U TOO MUCH
“I. Hate. You. Guys”, Jungkook whines, hitting them with the kitchen towel repeatedly. HES PROTECTING HER *sorry not sorry kook
like it's so cute goshhshshsh :(
GAAH I forgot this part :( omfg I'm so SOFT for him 😭
punching whoever pressed you against the wall straight across their face. this is a cool way to show she is learning from yoongi
like she is actually so hot
FUK JIN TALKING WITH HER, IM SOOO WUWU OVER THEIR FRIENDSHIP AND BANTER i just love this whole thing you know?? the plot the writing, smut, description, smell, banter, emotions FUCK RVERYTHING AAAAH
gaah this is so great to hear thank youu 💜
woah whats going on? is it his weak arm? right arm hmm WOAH WTF huh did he run to his room?
yay guessed it was his uniform he was a pretty popular guy in his unit. He feared nothing, was well known for his strength and stamina on the battlefield and from what I heard he had perfect aim too.” damn soo cool oh shit being that good must have hurt when he got turned and felt all worthless/guilt
I'm actually crying 😭😭😭
wait i think im confused?? so enemies killed everyone, a ripper came and saved kook by feeding him blood and he would have survived as a human BUT THEN SNAPPED HIS NECK? WTF
YES that is exactly what happened. like that Ripper was evil cause why did you do all that???
yeah he definitely got the saddest origin story idk even know what to say, he would definitely get your ass if he knows he is a character written by you 😭
yes yes 100% 😭😭 no but the more shit I put my characters through the dearer they are to me JFJADSJF I am evil like that apparentLY FJADSJF
The curtains dance in the wind. It is not a beautiful dance, almost as if they wanted to escape the cold. But you can’t escape it, you have to face it in order to get to Jungkook.  yeah im marrying this paragraph
heheheh thank youu 💜💜
I still didn’t return to my parents, I still couldn’t kiss my darling goodbye, or pat my dog’s head one last time. No, for my family I died on that battlefield” shit he never saw them afterwards and now they are dead 😭😭😭
yall now dont fall from the rooftop. imagine dying cuz u kissed so hard u fell off the roof😭😭😭 DAMN HE TOOK US INSIDE THE ROOM WHILE KISSING SETTING NEXT LEVEL STANDARDS OOF
he is so hot and romatnic and sweet and hto andnasf and nfads
he knew how impossible such a request for a monster like him is, but now that he can hug you and kiss you he realises how stupid he was.  😭GIVE HIM ALL THE HUGS
It is not an unbearable burn, almost as if a little droplet of hot oil landed on your skin when you grill bacon. is her skin sensitive from horny and scared or is it actually "vampire saliva heat magic"?
oooh good questionnn 👀
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nothingbizzare · 1 year
Slides in here again. Smirks
Is there anything in particular that influences how you choose to draw certain characters?
I think I have mostly an full ass method of making and draw certain characters
First of all ,I READ A LOT AND I SAY REALLY A LOT SOOO fanfics /headcanons writings influenced a big part of my way of drawing certain characters as well my knowledge of the characters .Like u can see in the first Giorno art I made on 30 June he doesn't look like the giorno in my head and certain aspects like having no eye lashes or not curly hair or even an aspect what got to be fugos after but we get it after .
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With time I started trying drawing more and more thouse characters sooo I started being inspired more and have preferences and character notes /headcanons like how I took in example 3 characters and make a short 5 -10 points characterisation of stuff I wanna add or character personality wise for inspiration for the last and final part ,MY favorite
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SHAPES LANGUAGE ,and siluets (i do them all the time till I perfect them )where I add like my up ideas and characterizations into designs shape language
Like I draw Fugo and Gio practically like contrasts !!!!and add my inspiration about old 70'-90 -2000 culture khfgjfjgjgfjyf
(Pls ignore my horrible English mistakes I am soo tired)
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The finalis actually mostly I got inspired little detiles like big eye lashes and eyes for giorno from artists like @/joljulep , really sharp nose for fugo and really sharp shape language for fugo from @/sboopie and @/corpsoir flower ,roses shaped rolls is just I saw a bunch artist do this but no one sharp soo I did thus for fun (i don't wanna bother people by tagging them just for tutorial and my own way of interpreting characters)
In rest is mostly taste and what u like mostly ,influence (like having an emo faze in preteens soo I draw fugo with a bit of emo aesthetician sometimes just FoR fun )
In general this is a long process of months and hundreds and hundreds or doodles and art but IS SOO FUN TO DRAW hope this can give u some idea of how I do character designs in general and the influence I take from overs to do this :D
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igbeh · 4 months
I just know they saw my cringe ass emo ass post about them im so embarrassed sorry guys pls ignore my parasocial behavior
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lapata-lupt · 5 months
bor kya fucking chutiyapa hai meri life like I cant even stop crying and my parents are on my ass to go to a family trip with them and if I say no they are just fighting and screaming at me and m just here I just wanna stay alone cut and cry I can't ignore it and just swallow it anymore I just wanna mourn the loss of someone I fucking lived and I can't even have that I can't tell them m just a fucking moody child for them like m fucking 20 pls leave me alone pls I wanted to go to his place give him back his shit but now I gotta like act like m ok just an emo kid who can never be happy and like stay with them and listen to them just fucking fight all the time bc that's all they do like leave me alone please please please I am begging u please
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wongguk · 7 years
a love post
here we go. now that i am extremely emotional and thankgul for my beloved friends that i made here i decided to write yall a little something something so that you all will now how grateful i am for you.
DISCLAIMER: it might be cheesy and gross but that is how i am, also the mentions are not in order cause i love you all the same!
@photosynthesizingparkhyungsik my moof my love my first ever friend on this site. i still remember the time when we were yelling at each other for being in the same fucking timezones [yet here we are not able to skype lol]. man those were crazy times werent they? anyway now that we are so deep down with them friendship i am really glad we decided to message each other. i want to thank you for always listening and dealing with my late fucking ass replies you are clearly a gem that i dont deserve i love you 
@wonhosjaan ummmm the actual love of my life? hello :( there is no one that loves mehreen as much as i do so jot that down. thank you for talking to me, you are literally the best wonho stan i have ever met :( you are so sweet and kind and thank you for taking care of me and yelling with me about wonho. and also for making me watch his vlives to ruin and save my life at the same time. you are literally the best present in my life what did i do to deserves such an amazing person like you? :((( i love you so much and you know i am only soft because of you. ps.: lets not forget to make our dream date once okay i will go to london just for you i love you
@limechangkyun CRISTINA!!!! my ghost friend my emo partner in crime :( i love you but you probs know that already cause it is a love post after all. i am glad we get to witness each other’s procrastination at their finest [read: exam season] damn... why are we like this......... also i hope one day we get to visit each other cause we could go to an all time low concert together or a monsta x one and i could tell changkyun to date you because honestly? goals, my ship should sail i have only good intentions
@jewishtransboy Jas, first of all i want to tell you how proud i am to be able to tell you i am your friend? like omg i am so happy and proud of you, you can’t even imagine. your snaps? my fave thing in the day pretty much. YOU SLAY THOSE OUTFITS BOY AND YOU SLAY MY EXISTENCE WOW I LOVE YOU OKAY??? also can i just add that i am glad u sinned yourself into exo with me cause it makes me happy that i am not alone. also let us be thankful for lananh to connecting the wholesome threesome bless
@ukihyunnie umm lananh? my queen? my lover? wow??? i am just a fan of yours really and i am so happy i got to be friends with you. like literally the day we started talking should be an international holiday. you are the funniest i have ever met, my meme queen, and you are so lovely you deserve all the love tbh, and i never lie when i say that you are my bias wrecker honestly. and thanks for being a trash with me for kiho you are the one who saves me during these dark days
@yteen oh so hi my child hello well you will probs see this and go like ew reyka is back with some emo shit and damn u are so right? so in all honesty thank you for talking to me and always listening. you are my lil squish that i want to shelter and protect for the rest of my life. thank u for blessing me with your selfies like damn legendary? iconic? never done before? an actual angel as your name would suggest. there is many things that i am thankful for and one of them is bap but like??? thank you for being here honestly wow you are so great i love you
@chanxyeollie aluri wow you know i have missed you a lot so now that that is out of the way I LOVE YOU and thank you for being here and telling me how you are. i am always looking forward for your long messages telling me about whatever crazy thing has happened to you and like you make me laugh so much in public ppl are staring and i am like i haVE FRIENDS STOP IT so yea. and like i hope you know that a kpop concert with you is still on my bucket list that is the only thing that matters to me aight
@sunprincehyuck so taki i know we havent talked in ages and you will probably not see this post cause school and stuff but i am really worried about you? honestly i miss you a lot i hope you are fine :/ and just so you know i love you with all of my heart and i hope we can talk sometime cause i miss you like crazy :((((  i actually got this idea from you because you are so lovely? and nice and wow i dont deserve you
@ purple anon - so like clearly i don’t know your acc name for reasons but i wanted to mention you in this. thank you fore messaging me your messages lightened up my days and i miss you and i appreicate you like a whole lot i hope we can talk again soon and i hope you are feeling well and keep being hydrated and stress less get some vitamins and keep on smiling i love you :(
@letmeknow-tomorrow here we are you lil shit you ready for my emo ass? so like 10 years heh? what a waste. OKAY YOU KNOW I AM JOKING BUT I COULDNT LET THIS OPPURTINITY SLIP FROM MY BARE HANDS LIKE SAND. so yeah i am happy we started talking when we were two fetus. this is one hell of a ride. we had our ups and downs. we spent a lot of time together and a lot of time seperate but we are still going strong. it almost like nothing has changed ever since we befriended each other. i think this is how having a soulmate would feel like? but that is really cheesy let me not say that ew. anyway thank you for dragging me down into this kpop mess and honestly in many other messes cause without you i would be NOWHERE honestly. you were always there for me and supported me and my dreams and my ideas that were never born because of my procrastinating ass but- you know them so that is fine. [if you know it the whole world knows it cause you are my world bro] literally i could sit here all day and never be able to finish why i love you so much and why i am so thankful for you so i will stop now but so you know i miss you and i can’t wait to meet you again
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cheekblush · 7 years
i wish i was someone's favorite person..
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jjks-bf · 7 years
It's very important to have music as it can show us ranges of emotions and can be used when our own words fall short. Music is not always written words or carefully constructed notes, music is in everything we do. In the way our heart beats, and our bodies move. In the world around us as it spins to the song of the universe. Music is in our emotions and our souls.
Music for me personally is as important as the air I breathe, without it, I would die. Many types of music have played into my life, embeded into my being before I was even born were the sounds of gently strummed strings on a guitar, the soft melody of a piano worn with time. Growing up there was always music, the only constant in life and death.
Music is the thing I can turn to when the cacophonny of life's many songs begin to drown me. The sounds grounding me and keeping my atoms together, always there, waiting like a favorite sweater on a chilly autumn day. The lyrics seeping into me, expressing things I'm not capable of, the bass lines like the subtle breaths we take, pounding drums like a rushed heartbeat.
For me, I have ADD and it becomes quite hard for me to focus and coherently string my thoughts together but with music, it becomes easier to be in the moment. Music lets me comunicate with those around me and create friendships with others from across the world. Many things can separte us as people, some things that shouldn't separate us, do. But rythm and chords, the language of song, is universal.
Music is what binds us all together, what we can all relate to each other on is music, the code of the universe. I have a few friends I've never met face to face, never heard their voices and hardly have a thing in common with them, but through our love of a group, we've become a small family that holds each other up and guide one another through struggles. We live practically worlds apart, but through music, we found each other, found a place we belong.
One of my favorite things about music other than it in itself, is that it is valid. It's been scientifically proven that music is helpful and can stimulate the brain, not only listening to music but creating it is very cathartic to a person's wellbeing.
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gh0stchoir · 2 years
Been thinking abt all the kids styles as like teens (15-17)
And idk why but I keep thinking abt Hoagie only wearing whatever he can find LMAO- LIKE HE HAS NO STYLE AND JUST WEARS WHATEVER
Pls I miss this show sm I haven't watched it since like 4th or 5th grade
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inaflashimagine · 4 years
“worst songs to have sex to” with Haikyuu!! Boys
Characters (aged up): Kuroo, Akaashi, Oikawa, Asahi, Bokuto, Sugawara, Nishinoya, Iwaizumi, Osamu, Atsumu, Ushijima, Tsukishima, Kenma, Tendou
Warnings: only 18+ pls. NSFW (smut crackfic. vaginal and oral sex, dick riding, thigh riding, unprotected sex, fingering, nipple play, mentions of food play)
A/N: Every time I try to write smut it just turns into a crackfic. When my friend sent me a spotify playlist called, “worst songs to have sex to” by vradin, I just had to make this. Please enjoy and please listen to the playlist on Spotify (such a gem).
Kuroo Tetsurou can’t even get past the first song on the playlist during your make-out session. As soon as you hear the lyrics “In the arms of the angel,” your mind shifts to those ASPCA commercials with the sad animals and you immediately start bawling. Instead of consoling you, Kuroo just breaks out into his hyena laughter. You guys don’t have sex for weeks. 
Akaashi Keiji manages to ignore at least five songs as he’s pounding into you, focusing on your load moans instead. Both of you haven’t had alone time in so long and are so desperate for one another that the songs just become background noise. That is until the nursery rhyme “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain” starts playing. You literally feel Akaashi’s dick go soft inside of you as he lets out a disturbed gasp, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. None of you end up coming round anything that night.
Oikawa Tooru is actually the one who proposes the playlist during your date night. While you start giving head, the a cappella song “Enormous Penis” just happens to be playing. You gag when you hear, “~Take a look at my enormous penis~!” and immediately halt, wondering if you actually heard those words correctly. “Oh wow, they made a song about me and featured it on this playlist?!” Oikawa exclaims, as if he should be the one who’s surprised. He soon is shocked, though, when you abruptly leave the room. Oikawa frantically asks if you’re going to return. (You don’t.)
Azumane Asahi isn’t even paying attention to the songs. Rather, he can’t take his eyes off your bouncing breasts as you ride his cock. You’re both about to come when you quicken your pace and you relish the sight of Asahi letting out breathy moans as his hands grip your ass tighter. But then you both suddenly hear the words, “Jesus, Take the Wheel” loudly bellow throughout the bedroom. And. You. Just. Stop. Moving. Asahi is instantly concerned upon seeing your shell-shocked face. A minute later, you shake your head and get off him–murmuring something about going to hell–before putting on your clothes quickly and heading home. You can’t even look at Asahi in the eye for days, and when he asks why you’re being like this, you finally burst out, “WHY MUST YOU LOOK LIKE JESUS?”
Bokuto Koutarou has the strangest taste in music and you really regret letting him choose the playlist for tonight when “Cotton Eye Joe” comes on. You feel like your vagina is being invaded by a freaking jackhammer because Bokuto is matching his fingering pace to the fast song. He even hums to the tune happily while you’re seeing stars in your vision. You’re sore for days and revoke your boyfriend’s music privileges, an action that puts Bokuto into immediate emo mode.
Sugawara Koushi is sucking on your nipple while kneading your other breast, delighted to hear you calling out his name and tightly grabbing the strands of his hair. However, as soon as “My Heart Will Go On” comes on, Suga quickly starts crying on your titties. You try to comfort him but he keeps on gasping in between sobs, “JACK C-COULD’VE FIT ON THE DOOR!”
Nishinoya Yuu can feel himself getting sloppy, both of you knowing that he was getting close. “Faster, faster!” you beg until a certain theme song starts playing. You’re mortified when you hear the tune of “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” but Nishinoya is revived. He screams, “BILL BILL BILL BILL!” with each thrust until he cums inside you. Both of you never speak of it again, but whenever someone mentions Bill Nye they always wonder why both of you tense up and avoid all eye contact.
Iwaizumi Hajime groans and tugs on your hair while you pull down his briefs and get down on your knees. He tries his best to contain the excitement already bubbling inside him. Yet that bubble immediately bursts when Smash Mouth’s “All Star” fills throughout the room. And just like that, his boner is instantly gone. But now whenever he hears the song in a public setting he needs to find a bathroom, stat, and you never stop teasing him for it. 
Miya Osamu has used food in the bedroom before whenever you two wanted to try something ~new~. And you know that he truly loves food and cooking. But you can’t help feel slightly annoyed when, in the midst of him going down on you, “Fruit Salad” starts to play. He just lifts his head and looks blankly at you before saying, “I’m hungry.” He then goes to the kitchen and makes fruit salad. The man doesn’t even make you one or at least offer some of his... 
Miya Atsumu, upon hearing what happened with his brother, mocks Osamu endlessly. Osamu dares his twin to listen to the playlist with his s/o and report back if he actually manages to fare better. However, a cocky Atsumu fails two songs in, with both of your clothes fully on. He enjoys the friction between both of you as you ride his thigh until he listens to DJ Casper telling him to clap his hands and cha cha real smooth. An hour later Atsumu has still locked himself in the bathroom as you try to convince him to let you in. You hear him continuously muttering, “Shit, I lost the bet. I lost the bet.Ilostthebet.”
Ushijima Wakatoshi has you slightly concerned as he continues to fuck you senselessly, his face so unfazed despite the numerous awkward songs that have already been played. By the 10th song, which is Spongebob’s “Goofy Goober Rock,” you can no longer stand it and tell Ushijima to stop. “How are you not even turned off by all of this?” you question, genuinely confused. Wakatoshi blinks and takes out his ear plugs before asking, “What did you say?”
Tsukishima Kei is incredibly puzzled as to why you keep on giggling while he is going down on you. He was sure he knew where the clitoris was (at least, he has plenty of times before). But everything begins to make sense when he hears what song is playing in the background, the annoying voice of the singer grating his ears. “Really? ‘What Does the Fox Say’?” he says, disappointment enunciated into every syllable. You only respond with another giggle and a “Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!” The next day he unfollows you on Spotify.
Kozume Kenma thinks he’s having the best blowjob of his life until a familiar tune starts playing. “Oh my god!” he gasps when he realizes the song, but you interpret that as a good thing. That is, until you look up and see his face, pale as a ghost. Before you ask him what’s wrong, you suddenly recognize the tune as well. “Is that the Wii song?!” you squeak. A day later, everyone but you is confused to see Kenma announce that he is selling his Wii console.
Tendou Satori has enough stamina AND kinkiness to endure through each song. Being the Guess Monster, he sometimes predicts what’s gonna play next (and is correct) and enjoys listening to some of them (particularly when he dances to “The Macarena”). By the end of the playlist, you can’t even walk. Don’t even ask.
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wistfulrat · 3 years
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this week’s fics! feat. bakeries, bookshops, bisexual awakenings of the angsty and fluffy sort, wolfstar goddads being tender as hell, desi harry reconnecting with his culture, domestic drarry, a lap dance set to akon’s smack that, and more!
But That’s History by @ebbet - 54k - T Harry Potter starts his first year as Muggle Studies Professor only to find that Draco Malfoy has been hired to teach History of Magic.
listen to me. this is one of the funniest drarry fics i've ever read. i was cackling in my bed at 2am because harry’s internal monologues throughout this fic are unhinged. insanely quotable. “what was he, a lothario” and “you were crushing me with your muscular thighs!” are lines that live rent free in my empty head. harry has never played anything cool a day in his life. there’s a faculty meeting where the teachers are planning the yule ball and debating the merits of a DJ when harry decides he must defend his muggle-music-loving honor by dancing seductively to akon’s smack that while a blushing draco loses his mind. i fucking screamed. and the best part is that in between the comedic scenes threading the overall story, you have extremely tender moments of like, padma patil helping harry become a more rooted desi by sharing their cultural traditions, harry proudly donning his sherwani. draco wrestling with his past, going to harry’s lgbtq+ club for students, being sheepish with ron and hermione. ugh, comedic writers with emotional depth are clever and talented as hell!!
Realities, Unfurling by @ebbet - 45k - M Draco Malfoy is released from Azkaban into a changed world.
incredible collage-fic told from multiple povs. 8yrs post-war and everything’s changed. the current state of the magical world unfolds via slice-of-life snapshots from a truly stunning cast. non-binary harry whom is running a non-prof org dedicated to building tolerance and establishing equality for marginalized identities. post-prison-release draco whose life will be changed by the internet. neville’s tender relationship with blaise. andromeda’s fiercely protective mothering. remus and sirius being alive and very hot and just, the tender goddads harry deserved. cho chang being brilliant. baker pansy’s softened edges. found families abound. harry being flustered by their crush on draco and making personalized playlists on an iPod nano.
that all might sound narratively cluttered but the author more than pulls this off. glorious, start to finish.
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 83k - E This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
cinematic. a love letter to oregon’s expansive landscapes and lively cities. it’s harry finding home in unexpected places and people. in the vast silence of rolling fields, endless coasts, and starry night skies big enough to feel like you’re adrift in space. and it’s also the lingering, intimate quiet of early mornings in a bakery, sitting on a park bench overlooking the city as you eat ice cream next to your crush. it’s harry watching ginny and luna dance and work around each other like bees. it’s the slow unfolding of harry and draco’s relationship as they fill each other’s quiet. finishing this fic is like waking from a good dream. transporting, immersive, lovely. 
Harry Potter and the Bisexual Awakening by @writcraft - 20k - E Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
first of all, i feel very seen by draco being a gay-who-can’t-drive. it’s called representation. but mostly i love the ease of harry and draco’s banter, a flustered harry discovering his sexuality, and the way this fic addresses biphobia. also very emo over this exchange: “I think I might be scared of you, but probably not for the reasons you think.” “Yes.” Draco stares at Harry. “I think I might be scared of you too.”
Forged through flowing water by @tedahfromtayla (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 40k - E When Hermione sets up a diplomatic mission to begin repairing the damage British colonisation did to Indian magical communities Harry isn’t going to pass on the opportunity to visit and help his family’s home country. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions about the personnel she had recruited for it before signing on because Malfoy surely has an ulterior motive to be there.
so much to love about this fic. the beautiful settings, from kolkata to mumbai, to the holi festival and colorful lively streets, to remote cave settlements and old intricate temples. it’s harry in the homeland, reconnecting to his family’s heritage and confronting the weight of imperialism in his history. it’s nipping the white savior complex in the bud. this part: That is what England left behind. That is what it still stands for, despite whatever mask of respectability and honour it presents. . .You don't get to step aside and let someone else deal with the mess. You have to listen and learn and then act, Malfoy, you need to learn how to fix your own mess. This is why we're here. my indigenous ass cheered. HP certainly sells the british fantasy but HP fanfic?? fuck jkr, fuck the crown. i love that this fic doesn’t romanticize england’s history. i love that we get to see the vast resilience and beauty of post-colonial india.
Purity Control by yrfrndfrnkly - 28k - T In which Harry tries to ignore his trauma with fantasy Quidditch but Malfoy's Thereness™ is distracting and all his classmates want to talk about are unicorns, virginity, and Muggle music.
tender 8th year fics where they go from bristly as fuck to understanding and soft 100% guaranteed to make me emo as hell. all the teens have traumas and no one wants to talk about it but eventually Things are Talked About. it’s good of the adults to finally notice. everyone just wants someone to hold their hand. and this part: “You’re the only person around here who’s a bigger mess than I am.” “I thought maybe we could be a mess together,” pls don’t look at me as i weep over their gentle empathy.
Advent, a comic by dustmouth - WIP - T It's Harry and Draco's first Christmas together and Draco is determined to live his full yuletide fantasy, come hell or high water.
dustmouth, patron saint of whimsical drarry. whose illustrations singlehandedly reinvented wizarding fashion. whose cheeky and tender comics are like a soothing balm to the utter depravity of this carnal world. harry and draco being domestic, draco’s xmas spirit brand being “traditional unhinged”!! extremely my shit. we’ll absolutely be reading this all december.
Little Spaces by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd​ - WIP - E Draco's back from France and working on the spell damage ward at St Mungo's with Hermione, who invites him over for dinner. Without telling Harry. This is a roleplay, which means Harry is written by one author (lazywonderland) and Draco by another (dracoladon).
the switch in distinct character voices works so well for this fic!! tonally i feel like i'm watching an episode of the office. i personally love harry and draco being Pissed Off at how much they want to bone each other. the battle of the tapenade was the most riveting dinner scene i've read in a minute. clever, hilarious, emotionally tense. can’t wait until that inevitable moment post hate-sex when they’re gonna be like “oh noooo it’s a Heart Boner as well!! >:((” hell ya we’re subscribing for chapter updates.
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise by @teacup-tai​ - WIP - E In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon.
non-magical bookshop AU. remus and sirius’ relationship is a marvel. the ease of their affection with harry makes me so emo. draco’s friends being insistently present even as he tries to isolate himself. this is a story about acceptance, found families, and falling in love at a distance. the intimacy, the longing, the tenderness. what a fic!! i keep coming back to this part:...he looks at ease, inside his body, a body he needed to fight for. He’d made peace with his struggles and his scars. And Draco realises he wants that. He wants to be at ease inside his body, the body that now carries a virus. He wants to be at peace with his own existence. you hurt for draco so deeply but you get moments like these where he affords himself a kindness that feels foreign and it’s just!! the boys navigating grief and learning to be vulnerable. so good.
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sunsumu · 4 years
hi!! can i request some manager headcannons for aoba johsai or fukurodani and how they interact with the team?? i’d really love to see some cute and crackhead moments
my two favourite teams i love them sm was it unfair making seijoh’s so much longer because i like them more? yes. do i care? no.
aoba johsai manager hc <3
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okay so oikawa approached you to ask you to be their manager
the glares you got from other girls when they saw you talking to their beloved oikawa-senpai <3
as soon as you entered the gym, yahaba saw you and then dropped the ball in his hands
he then immediately ran over to kindaichi and started whispering to him
then there’s a ball at your feet and yahaba is running over to you
“yahaba shut the fuck up and leave our new manager alone. no one wants to hear your crusty ass flirting”
iwaizumi is immediately next to you and he takes you aside to whisper something to you
“i’m really sorry. if shittykawa forced you into this, don’t feel bad about leaving alright? this team is a mess and oikawa makes rash decisions.”
“mean iwa-chan! she agreed of her own free will!”
“wait actually? oh i’m so sorry then you should leave while you can”
hanamaki and matsukawa like to fuck with literally everyone and they will use you to help them
they got the whole team in to prank oikawa
they pretended that they were actually part of a fucking basketball club
you even borrowed a bunch of basketballs from the actual basketball team
oikawa fucking shrieked and started crying
you always comfort them after losses
the whole team takes their losses really hard so you always try to comfort them and maybe treat them to some food after
they all really respect you even kyoutani
kyoutani literally respects you more than oikawa and it lowkey pisses him off
you like to give motivational speeches before games and literally every time there is at least one tear shed
so we all love them but some of them are not the smartest
cough matsukawa cough
you sometimes tutor them if they need extra help!!
the whole team treats you like you are their lord and saviour and im pretty sure most of them had a crush on you for maybe at least five minutes
whenever you go to a game, you have to stop oikawa from finding ushijima to beat him up
“no because youre going to come crying to me when he ignores you”
“no youre gonna walk up to him, he’s gonna say ‘you shouldve come to shiratorizawa’ and then youre gonna start crying”
you try to get kunimi to participate in more activities but so far nothing has worked
the man just wants to sleep but like hell you’re gonna let him get what he wants
theyre all really chaotic and stupid and they would honestly be lost without you
fukurodani manager hc <3
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lets get this straight even though theyre not they are FUCKING LOUD
bokuto does not shut up. ever.
yukie and kaori invited you to the team since both of them were third years and would have to leave eventually
as soon as you entered the gym, bokuto immediately just started talking to you about everything and anything
konoha had to come up to him and yell at him to shut up
akaashi teaches you the basics of taking care of bokuto’s emo mode and soon enough you have the list of over 34 weaknesses memorized
team has sleepovers sometimes <33 but the only way they can be summed up is “ALL HELL HAS BROKE LOOSE GOD IS DEAD AKAASHI IS WEEPING”
this team is fucking WILD right
there is never a dull moment in practices
between bokuto’s screaming, konoha beating up bokuto, and washio silently judging everyone, you’re not sure what you’re meant to pay attention to first
yukie tells you to just ignore them and she takes you to hang out with her and kaori
yukie and kaori are probably your best friends at this point
whenever you have practice matches with nekoma, kuroo tries flirting with you which leads to the whole team glaring at him
kuroo saw his life flash before his eyes that day
whenever you’re at training camps, you all stay up really late playing games and stuff
akaashi always wins. everyone thinks he’s cheating
they are disasters and they need you to function basically
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