#please somebody get into Phantom
bun-bun-selfships · 1 year
Bunny watches Phantom Encore at 6Am in an attempt to cope, a reaction:
I wish I was man enough for Larry to want to steal my legs
Willard and Boris more like Willard and BORING, why do they have such little character
God I’m gonna sob seeing this in person again arent I
Garbonzo please. Risk your life for your love. It’ll work on me. It will. I will fall. Probably before you fall.
I can make half the jokes Larry can make. I also cannot use my legs properly. I have them. But they’re very useless
How the fuck did I forget about Maestro being a wine mom
Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose
I started dissociating Larry’s already joined the union
Once Larry pointed at me when he said “lad” and I stand by that. This was absolutely an accident as there’s no way he could have seen through the spotlight. But I still stand by it.
I forgot how stimmy Happy Feet is oh my GOOODDD
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs layin on the ground?? MATT!!!!! (the actors name is Matt this is funny)
“THAT GUY GOT IT” one of my favorite parts of this recording. Maestro is so Maestro here
They’re back on the stage once again ;-;
The lil finger waggles is something I will never get over
Yes. Pls. Risk your life. For my love.
God he’s so Garbonzo. I don’t care what is real name was. He’s Garbo. Gar Gar for real.
“GARBONZO NO- NO GARBONZO” still so fucking funny this cast was so funny dear god
It doesn’t strike thirteen times it actually only strikes nine lmao
I don’t like alcohol at all but I’d drink wine with ghost dad. He probably wouldn’t want me doing that actually
““Nice living wage””
Uggghhhhhhh I miss the theater why does it have to be sitting in the mist until MAY at the EARLIEST :((
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braisedhoney · 10 months
i found just the most phenomenal voice line for dan randomly on youtube… and so i animated it for him!
some frames i liked (when i can get his hair to work lol)
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(jazz needs a best sister award tbh)
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ky-loves-jatp · 9 months
Happy 3rd Anniversary JATP 💜💜
I have 26 headcanons that i've never posted so in honor of the 3rd year i'm gonna make this an ask game!
Leave an ask with the number 1 - 26 and i'll post that headcanon from my list <33
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
Gonna throw up If I can't talk about them-
Bunch of Aiden analysis under the cut because he's just SO OBSESSED CODED AND NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT 😭 (I will be very weird about it)
The way it's so doomed from the start. He's already so fascinated by her. It's in the little jump he does when she sits in front of him, like a secret they're both in on, like her sitting in front of him is some obscure way of her inviting him into a conversation.
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Why is he like this (not positive but not negative either)
He has such a cocktail of personality traits and, most certainly, mental disorders, and his own history that makes it so, when he's in love, that it WILL blow up in his face.
The fact that he's been homeschooled for his entire life- he has no idea. HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW. He doesnt realize that its not normal. of course he doesn't :( His parents obviously leave him alone for long stretches of time and he doesn't seem to mind this. He hasn't had the chance to develop his social skills at all-
It's why he's so, let's be real, creepy. Ash makes it very clear she's not interested and he just keeps worming his way into her life. He plots so that she'll go on the field trip, he follows her around, he goes to her fucking house on the first day. LIKE, HELLO? RED FLAG?
He's having evil thoughts here I swear 💀
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And already so quickly after meeting her he makes Ash his priority. He asks to sit next to her, he engages and makes an effort to talk to her. Tries to joke around with her. Gives her a nickname. Touches her. He's so touchy.
And defends her!!! When Tyler gets pissed at Ash, he honestly goes off on him even tho he KNOWS Ash can defend herself- and he's so...dark about it. There's a threat hidden behind his words. He's MAD here, right? Tell me I'm not crazy, please-
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He also very clearly has violence on the forefront of his mind 💀 He's the first one to actively attack the phantoms; not to defend himself, not to defend somebody else (well, he pulls Ash out of the way), but for fun. And he's disappointed when they don't scream. He's sadistic, he likes causing pain, it's something he relishes in.
I mean look at how he smiles!!! None of the other kids have such an...active ENJOYMENT in fighting the phantoms, but for Aiden, it's almost like he finds relief in it, some way to vent out his frustrations. He's eager for a fight, for a thrill.
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That's how Aiden sustains himself, he pretty much operates under "I'm here for a good time, not a long time." Everything he does gives him a boost of adrenaline, no matter the consequences. He got into a fight? Eh, who cares about all the bruises, at least it got his blood rushing. Broke a bone while doing parkour or smth? Whatever, the way his stomach dropped when he was falling as totally worth it.
It's a very dangerous mentality to live with, obviously. He's an adrenaline junkie. He's an addict. More than anything else, Aiden wants something that makes him feel alive.
And what makes you feel more alive than love?
Like not to minimise or anything but he's known her for like. 2-3 months- and he's already SO scared of losing her. Like I just don't think he would have had this type of reaction with anybody else besides Ben. He would have absolutely lost his shit if Ash 'died'.
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He's a straight up love junkie. He's obsessive. Nothing beats the high love can give you. It overrules everything else. If Ash (or whoever he's interested in) feels bad because of smth, he's done with it.
He LIKED dying. He LIKED the adrenaline rush. But he won't do it again. Not because he had some realization that he didn't want to die, that he still wanted to live and do things, but because Ash was upset. Because this, this rush of care from her part, the way she was so scared of him dying that she was shaking, nothing could fill the hole in his heart better than that. And now that he has a taste for it, he won't let go easy. He will keep on living- if it means Ash will be by his side.
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Which is a very dangerous position to put her in. Ash already feels responsible for her friends, and she doesn't even know that Aiden has "put" his life in her hands, not that it's her responsibility, because it isn't, but she will certainly feel responsible if Aiden does something FOR her.
Like He's so fucking obsessed and he doesn't even realize it- like look at how he sees her 😭 THE HEAVENLY GLOOOOOOW, LIKE SHES AN ANGEL AND HE THINKS SHE CAN SAVE HIM. BABY SHE CANT, YOU HAVE TO SAVE YOURSELF.
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He could spiral so fucking bad. He could do some absolutely heinous things. Because he just doesn't know. He doesn't know how to love truly, yet. For him love really is that rush of adrenaline, the knife carving out his heart, he could be putty in her hands, or her executioner. This love that can be so obsessive, that he NEEDS it to function, like its water, like its the air he breathes. Its a compulsion, a fixation, a longing that burrows into your very soul. Ash doesn't even know what she's getting herself into-
Godddddd, it makes me so sick/ pos, it's SO FUCKING INTERESTINGGGGGG. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
I literally cannot function around this drawing 🫠
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The. The hand. That way he's grabbing her. He's pulling her back. Towards HIM. like "this is mine. And I'm not sharing." And that little fucking look in his eyes, he just looks SO fucking pleased with himself. And Ash looks so...resigned. they're so doomed-coded, i love them so bad.
I don't know how I was supposed to NOT make a killer au, when he's just...like that around her.
Love is a wonderful thing. But love is also cruel, it is vicious, it is possessive and obsessive, and it will leave carnage in its wake.
Romantic love is an obsession. It possesses you. You lose your sense of self. You cannot stop thinking about another human being. -Helen Fisher
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sajajhsbz · 11 months
Pairing: Sodo Ghoul x reader
summary: Since you joined the band, Sodo has been hostile towards you, but you would have never guessed the reason was jealousy...
warnings: Smut| fingering, unprotected p in v sex, creampie, choking, and spanking.
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"it's not my fault y/n can't play fucking right"
"I can't play? Please Sodo you got half the fucking song wrong"
"fuck you"
"you wish"
"ok ok ok" Copia intervened "Let's all calm down a moment and take a break, alright? Sodo" He nodded to him "Go have a smoke"
A grumbled "fine" echoed off the rehearsal room as he walked off, slamming the door behind him.
"god he's such a fucking drama queen" you sighed, having a sip of your water as you sat down between Phantom and Swiss.
"he always has to shout- and always at me! I honestly don't get what I've done to make him hate me so much"
They exchanged a look, a smirk playing on their lips.
"I don't think he hates you, sweetheart"
you snorted " 'sure looks like it"
"I think it's actually quite the opposite"
"What, that he wants to fuck me?" you asked, rolling your eyes "You all do, you perverts" you teased "And if that's the case, yelling won't get him anywhere"
they chuckled "We know baby, but you know how he is..."
"yeah, an asshole"
just then the door opened, Sodo's still clearly tense figure emerging from it.
"yeah" somebody whispered in response, but you were focused on him.
Copia asked him something, but his eyes set on Swiss's hand you hadn't even noticed was placed on your thigh.
He emitted a grunt that spurt of jealousy to answer Copia, and your eyes met for just a moment.
You definitely took note of that.
__ __ __
Only you, Phantom, and Sodo were left in the rehearsal room, as always the ones taking the longest.
You laughed at a funny remark Phantom made and slapped his shoulder playfully as you finished packing your stuff.
"oh I almost forgot" you recalled "Here is your pick," you said, fishing it out of your pocket to hand it to him.
"don't worry, keep it"
"Are you sure? Didn't you have this since you were young?"
"I did, but I want you to have it"
Your lips turned into that happy pout he adored
"thank you so much!" you smiled, throwing your arms around his neck in a tight hug.
He hesitantly hugged you back
"you were always my favorite" you whispered into his ear, sensing how he shivered under you
"thank you, handsome," you said again, kissing his cheek for a moment more than necessary before letting him go.
"n-no worries" he shook his head, poorly attempting at hiding his blushing cheeks.
He picked up his things as quickly as he could before rushing to the door.
"Uh-Uh, I-I'll see you later"
"bye handsome" you chuckled, watching him scurry to his room.
A loud sigh came from your right, and you caught Sodo rolling his eyes as you turned around
"oh don't worry you're handsome too" you teased, walking to him.
"You gave the poor kid a hard-on just for fun?"
"no, not just for fun, I'll take care of it later"
And there it was, that tick of his jaw as jealousy darkened his eyes.
"what, you're jealous?"
He avoided your gaze, pretending to be busy with his guitar's chords.
"you can tell me if you are..."
"I'm not" he spat
"so you're saying you haven't thought about me that way? that you haven't fucked your fist just last night imagining it was me?" you mocked, a sly smirk playing on your lips "We have really thin walls y'know?"
"fuck off"
You let out a dramatic sigh "Fine, then I guess I'll go keep Phantom some company since you seem to have a stick up your ass" you said, walking to the door, but before you could reach it, his hand grabbed your wrist, turning you around.
"I knew it" you grinned, as he stared right into your soul with his frozen eyes.
"shut up"
you smirked, ghosting his mouth, "Make me"
And at that, he'd had enough.
he crashed his mouth with yours, devouring you as if you were a fucking meal and him a starved man.
His tongue moved into your mouth, exploring all you had to offer as his hand gripped and groped like it was their duty.
He slammed you against the door, making you wince as your head hit the hardwood, he couldn't have cared less as he finally got a taste of what he'd been dreaming about for a whole year.
He didn't know why he had refrained for so long. He hated himself for wanting you this much, and all that hate was oftentimes wrongly pointed at you.
You let out a quiet whimper as he started sucking on your neck, your hand going straight to his long hair.
"see now, it wasn't so hard" you mocked him in between breaths "You could have told me earlier that this was all you wanted"
"I thought I'd told you to shut up"
You chuckled "you did"
"God you're such a fucking brat" his hold on your waist tightened "I think you need something to keep that mouth busy" he smirked "and as much as I'd like to see you kneel before me, I don't think you've earned my cock just yet" he taunted you, seeing the way your eyes had sparked at the proposal.
His hand traveled up your body until two of his long fingers reached your bottom lip.
"Be a good girl and show me how good you'd suck my dick"
You wasted no time taking them in your mouth, closing your eyes as you pretended it was his cock.
He groaned at the sight "Just like that-" he said, pumping his fingers in and out of your mouth as saliva pulled from your puffy lips.
You hadn't even noticed his other hand sneaking beneath your skirt, until you felt his thumb press to your clothed core
Your eyes snapped open as a muffled gasp attempted to flee your throat
"Yeah, I like you much better when you can't talk" he nodded, looking proud of himself.
"don't you even think about stopping" he growled, eyeing your lips as his fingers found their way inside your panties "if you do, so do I" he threatened, gathering some of your slick on his middle and ring finger and teasing your entrance with them
You moaned, but didn't need to be told twice as you resumed bobbing your head to suck on his digits.
"that's a good girl" he smirked in approval as he pushed his fingers inside of you, leaving you breathless.
"so wet for me" he murmured, kissing your neck as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, curling them just to the right spot "Such a good slut"
Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head with every movement of his skilled fingers, but you still tried to focus on your task, although his sucking on your neck really didn't help.
"aw, you're already coming aren't you" he cooed, feeling you tighten around him "poor baby" he continued, raising his head to look at you.
"you think you deserve to cum?" he asked, fastening his pace and causing your knees to buckle.
You eagerly nodded, giving him your best doe eyes
Yes I do, please,is what you would have said, if your mouth hadn't been so busy at the moment.
"yes? That's what you think?"
you nodded again
"We'll I don't" his movements cruelly came to a stop "all that teasing... that's not what good girls do now, do they?" he asked, his fingers leaving both your cunt and mouth.
"please" you begged, eyes suddenly teary
he chuckled "That's a sight I thought I'd never see, you begging me"
You wanted to punch him, but god, did you also want to come.
"please sodo" you prayed, bringing your hands to the tent in his pants "please" you breathed
"oh is that what you want? My cock?"
you nodded
"how come you don't use that mouth of yours when you should?"
"yes, sorry, yes, please fuck me"
"I don't know..." he taunted, but this time, you were ready to fight back.
"I know you want to" you spoke sultrily, slowly getting rid of your shirt "I know you've been dreaming about it since I first joined the band" You unhooked your bra and let it fall to your feet before slowly starting to stoke his erection "I know yo-"
You couldn't finish your sentence as he had gripped your hair, forcing your head up to look at him.
"You really are a fucking brat y'know" he grunted, suddenly turning you so that your head was pressed against the door "can't keep that mouth of yours shut for the life of you" he growled, as he undid his zipper.
His hand on your head traveled to the back of your neck, keeping you still, as his other hand gripped his cock and positioned it at your entrance.
"I'll see how you do with my cock deep inside you" he smirked, pushing into you without any warning.
"fuck" you screamed at the stretch. As much as he had gotten you ready, it still hurt deliciously.
" 'S too big for you?" he taunted, rolling his hips "I thought more of you sweetheart"
"shut up" you moaned, "just-please fucking move"
"don't have to ask twice" he snickered, as he started fucking you at a brutal pace.
"f-fuck- 'feels so-so good" you cried out, letting him use you like a doll.
You could feel him everywhere
"Yeah? Phantom makes you cry like this too, Swiss, any of the others?"
"So jealous..." you smiled, watching him from the corner of your eye.
He grunted as he slapped your ass in response "You really just can't help it, can you?" he asked, the hand on the back of your neck moving to the front of it and squeezing it tight.
A fire spread over your body, as a wave of pleasure took over you.
"look at you" he mocked "Finally fucking quiet" he murmured, bending down to whisper in your ear as his thrust didn't give signs of slowing "and all it took was my cock in your pussy and my hand around your throat" he bit your earlobe, making you cry out even louder "If I'd known, I would have done this a long time ago. Would have saved me so many headaches..."
And once again, the urge to punch him was overtaken by the need to come.
You were a mess. The only sound your throat could make were shameless moans as he pounded into you like it was his life-long duty to split you in fucking half.
"Such a good little slut for m-
A knock at the door distracted the both of you, but he didn't stop whatsoever.
It was Swiss
"WE'RE BUSY!" Sodo yelled back, starting to fuck you harder again
A loud moan climbed your throat as Sodo's thumb found your clit.
You had a suspicion that was exactly his goal.
You would have laughed if you hadn't been so cock drunk
"I AM"
Your moans had gotten louder in the meantime, and your legs were shaking as your orgasm approached rapidly.
"Fuck- I can feel you squeezing me sweetheart" he groaned "you wanna cum?"
"Please" was all you could muster
"scream my name as loud as you fucking can, ok?"
You nodded,
"good girl" he kept his pace "Good. fucking. girl"
And at that, a wildfire ignited in your body as your orgasm took over every inch of your being.
You quite literally screamed his name as you came, and just as you started to recover from the life-changing climax, you felt him still inside of you, as thick ropes of his come filled you up to the brim.
He pulled out of you and all you could do was smile as you turned to him.
"swiss is pissed"
"yeah well, I don't give a shit, I just had the best fuck of my life"
"you'll have to make it up to him"
"I have no idea how"
"I do"
"do tell"
And at that, you giggled, as you raised yourself on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear
"we should let him join next time"
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crusty-chronicles · 9 months
is there any chance you could add killua for the airheaded but strong s/o headcanons? If not, then no worries, I just love how you write them!
Yeah, I don't mind but it's gonna be platonic because I'm a little iffy about writing for him romantically. He's just a boy 🥺🥺🥺 This is mostly a crack fic.
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Honestly tried to kill you at one point
Oh you're strong huh?
Then proceeds to hit you with everything he's got, only to see that it hardly affected you. (Kinda like the way he first treated Zushi)
After that he's petty, but impressed.
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 You've earned his respect 🥳🥳🥳
You're basically Gon 2.0
And he hates it
Cannot take you two anywhere
"We should break the lock to get in." Gon suggested.
"Are you stupid?" You scoffed.
"What's the point of having a door if you're just gonna break it?"
And Killua is momentarily at peace that at least one of you has some sense. Until you open your mouth again.
"Obviously we should smash open a window."
And Gon is nodding along enthusiastically
"You're right! What would we do without you 🤩"
And Killua is just 😮‍💨.
He is the parent of the group and I will die on this hill
If Gon's the sun, you're a nuke
He's constantly dragging you away from Hisoka
Nope. Not today
Why do you insist on talking to strangers.
No scratch that.
Why do you insist on talking to creepy strangers????
It gives him a massive headache everytime you almost get abducted.
Honestly thought about putting a tracker on you to avoid this happening.
But then he remembers you're practically indestructible so he drops it.
Is afraid Illumi will come for you and hurt you.
He was never allowed to have friends, and after Illumi threatened you and Gon at the Hunter Exam, he's very protective.
But then he remembers something you said after Greed Island.
"The three of us are all gonna become the best of the best. We're gonna get all wrinkly and old together and still kick butt!!! We're gonna stick together no matter what!"
And it temporarily quells the fear of his brother.
It makes him look forward to that outcome and gives him something to fight a little harder for.
When it comes to fighting, he does get a little envious of how you and Gon just rush in without thinking.
And how you always manage to win despite the circumstance.
But he never feels left behind because of it.
Like with Gon, he won't baby you, just call you an idiot and move on.
You fell?
Get up loser.
You can't read?
Find somebody else to translate. Or he'll make you do it and be laughing nonstop while you struggle to pronounce the word "Apple"
"Gon what color's an orange?"
"An orange is the same color as it's name. Just like a lemon."
Please somebody take you two back to first grade.
Killua is begging.
Even though he won't baby you, he'll rush as fast as he can if you're in actual danger.
You got caught by the phantom troupe?
"Are you completely brain dead!?!!? Where are you!?!?"
Now he regrets not putting a tracker on you.
"This nice clown man gave me candy and told me to follow him." You tell him over CALL.
He is screaming and panicking.
You trespassed into the mountains his family lives to see him.
And when he gets there he sees you rubbing the monstrous canine's tummy. Petting him and calling him a "Good Boy."
Names he has called you out of spite: Idiot, Moron, Dummy, Psycho, Airhead, Ditz, and probably Pea Brain
On the bright side, you are Alluka's favorite person.
"Give me your ribs."
"Oh, are you hungry? Let's see if we can't find you a smokehouse for those ribs."
And it baffles both souls so much that Nanika accepts that as fulfilling her command.
Plus you have endless amounts of energy that works to drain both girls out. Even when they've both already swapped twice.
Killua designates you her official babysitter when he's busy.
You are a complete lunatic and moron, but you're one of the people he trusts the most.
Even if he does complain about you a lot.
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rustedhearts · 10 months
severed lamb: part iv: white horse (pastor!steve x fem!reader)
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summary: all your sinning plagues wyndgate with a summer storm. pastor steve tempts you with a drive home in the dark. you know it's wrong, but you just can't stay away.
uses she/her pronouns and female anatomy.
♰ severed lamb masterlist ♰ ♰ main masterlist ♰
tags: religious imagery/trauma, age gap (steve is 35, reader is 19), heavy petting, manipulation, abuse of power, coercion, a whole lot of god guilt.
recommended listening: if you know anything about anything, you'll listen to family tree by ethel cain.
♰ wyndgate, georgia, august 1981 ♰
The rain pattering down on the old tin roof of Wyndgate's Dairy Mart sounded like hail. The wheels of the cart squealed and hissed their way down the linoleum tiles of the bread aisle, metal jostling and clanking with every hurried step. You snatched a loaf of Wonderbread and tossed it in the back, rushing on before you could be stopped by somebody's mama asking where the cereal was.
Ever since you went to the church last week to see Pastor Steve, you felt like God set a pair of eyes on you. They followed you everywhere, scrutinizing your every move. Sometimes it was the gas station clerk handing you a pack of bubble gum. Sometimes it was your mama's friend Sal lounging on the sofa with a beer on his thigh. Other times, you were just lyin' in bed, feeling some phantom stare burn a hole into your head.
God was watching you. You could feel His judgement pouring down on you like that heavy rain. Drenching you in terrible, sickening guilt for all that sinnin'.
But when the lights went out and the world went dark, and no eyes could find you to set their judgement upon you, you awed. Warmth touched your lips where Steve's had been, buzzing and tingling like bee stings. Fingertips skating over the plump flesh, you felt the surface where Steve had set his tongue. How it wriggled and slithered, cleaning away remnants of sweet cherry blood.
Slipping the first knuckle past your lips, you pinched your eyes shut and imagined they were his. His hand heavy and fingers slender, skin hot and pulsing with blood, calluses firm and tough on your tongue. You wondered what sort of work a preacher got up to with hands like that. He taste came with a little tang of old sweat.
You skirted to a stop, jolting at the pull of the cart in your hands as it slammed into another. Eyes free of lustful fog, you gaped at your victim with warm cheeks and teary eyes. The woman, cradling a young child against her hip, glared at you beneath a set of blunt, blonde bangs.
"I-I'm so sorry, ma'am," you stammered, hand flying to your chest to fondle the gold cross.
She swerved the nose of her cart around yours, eyes sharp and narrow the whole way. "Best watch where you're goin', girl."
The woman whizzed past you with the child, disappearing down the aisle with the whoosh and squeak of rusty, damp cart wheels. You heard the child babbling something nonsensical an aisle over. Your heart hammered heavy in your throat, pulsing at the back of your neck. The Lord was watching you—and now, He was making a fool of you, too. More punishment for those filthy thoughts.
You adjusted, cleared your throat, and pushed the cart on. You had a list of things to get for Mama, and she wouldn't be pleased to know you were dilly-dallying.
Mama had been belligerent all week. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner consisted of cigarettes and wine. It was up to you to cook a meal, but trying to feed it to her felt like shoving applesauce at an infant. Mama's belligerence came with a temper that waxed and waned. You knew never which mother you were gonna get.
Today, she was quiet. She scribbled a grocery list, smacked a few bills on the table, and told you to 'get.' The sky only started to blacken and cloud when you were walking into town, toes aching and calves sore. If the trek to town wasn't bad enough, all the twirling you'd been doing only made it worse.
You weren't sure you could dance the sins away, but you did your best to try. To combat the lustful thoughts and memories of what you'd done at the church, you went to the barn and slipped on your new pointe shoes. But the feel of fresh, smooth silk on your skin, and the tough, gruesome squeeze of hard glue around your toes just reminded you of him. Those sensations were a gift from him.
On more than one occasion in the past week did you collapse to the sticky barn floor with heaving breaths, throbbing between your legs and writhing for air. Flesh slick with sweat, beading along the backs of your knees and crooks of your elbows, fingers sliding through the wetness to slip beneath your shorts. It was only when you brushed the soft, sensitive button beneath your underwear that you recoiled and gasped. The pulsing arousal shriveled away like petals wilting in the blazing sun, replaced with sharp-toothed disgust derived from the guilt only God and Georgia could provoke.
You swallowed thickly as you turned the corner toward the dairy aisle. The milk carton came with a black and white photograph of Bethanne Lee, a girl missing since January. She was only two years younger than you. You set the carton in the cart and turned her face away.
♰ ♰
A few miles in the direction of home, the sky shuddered with thunder. A streak of lightning slashed through the clouds in menacing white light, and then the rain came down again. You waited it out for fifteen minutes under the awning at the Dairy Mart, clutching the paper bags full of food with shaking fists. Now, in the shower, the paper thinned.
Shrieking, you did your best to shield them from the storm as you picked up the pace. Sandals slapping against wet gravel, squeaking over slick grass, you huffed and puffed and cursed your sinning for putting you in this predicament. This was more punishment from God, no doubt.
The crunch of tires rolling over the road, muffled by the noisy smack of raindrops on the ground, caused you to halt. Headlights beaconed through the hazy darkness. The world usually so sun-bleached and yellow, faded at the edges by time and rust, appeared grey and blue in its current plague. The bright car lights brought a sliver of white to it, blinding you until the vehicle screeched to a stop beside you.
The window cranked down, and dangling through the gap came Pastor Steve's leather-banded watch. Sleeves rolled to his elbow, cheeks flushed and swollen with heat, he tapped two fingers on the wet car door and passed you a smile.
"Need a ride?"
Temptation. The Lord's Prayer gathered on the tip of your tongue just at the sight of him. The burgundy of his sleek BMW deepened in the world's state of darkness. The swampy green and gold of his eyes seemed to adopt a muddy brown. And his skin, sun-kissed bronze by the Georgian sun, held a glowing shine.
Steve met his cheek to his shoulder, a coy grin toying with the corner of his lip. "Delilah. Come get in the car."
He cooed. He called to you the way you coax a stray to come close. Gentle, tempting, a smoothness that enticed. You couldn't blame your feet for stepping forward, arms hugged tight around the paper bags soaked thin with rainwater.
"Come on," Steve chuckled, patting the leather of he passenger seat beside him. "I ain't gon' bite ya."
Once you were next to him, Pastor Steve rolled up the windows. The patter of rain grew muffled, pounding on the roof of the car with sharp metallic pings. The heat in the car thickened immediately, and the murmuring whir coming from the vents led you to believe the air conditioning didn't work much. Your thighs suctioned to the seats, clamped close together, gathering pools of rainwater dripping from the grocery bags.
"Your mama send you to the store?"
You glanced at him, bobbing your head with a deep swallow. He switched hands on the wheel, and the whoosh of air came with a waft of his smell. Your stomach clenched at the presence of it, thighs tightening.
"Poor thing out in all this rain." Steve's mouth drooped into a frown, but his eyes were bright with an invisible grin.
Your shoes squeaked together on the car floor. The dry spots of the paper bags crinkled as you reached over them for your necklace. In the driver seat, Steve tore his eyes away from the road to watch you. Something about the way you fondled that cross—delicate, soothing ministrations—always made him twitch.
Before he could withhold himself, his hand darted across the center console toward your lap. His big palm swept over your thigh just beneath the hem of your dress, smearing droplets of rain into your skin. Your body gave a jerk, a sharp gasp tumbling from your lips. You caught sight of his knuckles over your lap just as his fingers slipped away.
"A lil' wet there," Steve remarked, lip quirked with amusement at the shortness of your breath.
"I-I—Pastor y-you can't—"
His hand returned, slithering over your leg until it disappeared beneath the skirt of your dress. You froze, watching with blurred vision as his palm traced the swell of your thigh. Your chest felt like it was caving in, lungs shriveling and leaving no space for air as the pads of his fingers brushed the elastic of your underwear.
Your body began to tremble: calves quaking against the seat, knees wobbling, stomach twisting and clenching. His index grazed the front of your underwear where slickness pooled.
"Here, too." His voice was quiet, airy with shallowed breath and wonderment.
But when you gazed over, his eyes were on the road.
The tip of his finger pressed firmly against your sensitive flesh cupped behind the thin fabric of your underwear, yanking a sharp gasp from your throat. You throbbed against his touch, hips shifting—you weren’t sure if they were aiming away from him or toward him.
Head turning toward the window, you caged your lip between your teeth to stifle the chance of more noises as the pastor’s touch roughened. Two fingers now, pushing into your pulsing core over cotton, sticky with the thrill. Steve took this moment to gaze over at you, delighting in your flushed skin and twisting body. He felt it settle into his own body—that aching need, that festering desire. Lust overwhelmed him. His pants strained around the crotch with his excitement.
“Does that feel good, Delilah,” Steve drawled, tone low and silky.
You inhaled deeply, trying to see past the fuzzy spots clouding your vision, trying to work your way through the tingles attacking your bones. Fingers curling into fists, you shifted back into a straight position in the passenger seat, muscles constricting tensely as pleasure swished around inside you. The grocery bags seemed to have clambered to the floor somewhere in the daze.
“W-we can’t—“
Steve disrupted the barrier: slipping a finger beneath the elastic band of your underwear, and bringing it to the smooth skin beneath. The warmth that waited for him made him huff a laugh, throaty and perverted.
He fixed you with a soft, endearing look, all round eyes and pouted mouth. “Can’t what? Can’t feel good? Doesn’t it feel good, sweetheart?”
Swallowing thickly, you nodded despite every bone in your body telling you to deny it. This was the devil overtaking you, making you give over to this sinful pleasure. Shame jolted in your body at the same wavelength desire did—they melded together until you could barely discern the difference anymore.
“How can somethin’ that feels so good be a sin?” Steve cooed, sweeping his finger through the pool of gooey cream collecting beneath your panties, brushing over the most sensitive part of your body.
Back curling off the seat, you mewled into the roof of the car and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Anybody ever touched you like this, Delilah?”
You shook your head fervently, banging against the seat with your thrashing. Your nails bit into your palms with a piercing nip. His voice, deep and lush like a sticky summer evening in the woods, only intensified the churning and whirling in your belly. You weren’t sure how much longer you could contain yourself. Heat swelled in your cheeks painfully, brought sweat beads to your limbs. You wanted to let go. But—
“N-no, never—never! M’ a good girl, Pastor,” you cried, bucking up into his hand as two fingers slid down toward your pulsating hole.
Steve swept his tongue over his teeth, licking away a grin as he placed his eyes back on the road. “Oh, honey. I know.”
Your breaths shortened to hoarse little gasps, wheezy and shallow. Pleasure wound its choking knot and you weren’t sure you could hold back from it much longer. Steve took note of the way your fists flexed and trembled, the way your face almost purpled with fight. He dipped the start of one finger into the tightness of your hole and watched your mouth gape with a silent cry you refused to let loose.
Always the good girl, always the angel. Couldn’t you sin just for him, the way he’s sinning for you?
“You’re right with The Lord, Delilah. I’m sure He’ll forgive you this once. Come on, sweetheart, it’s alright.”
Heaving, you shook your head again, giving a little hiccuped cry. “I-I can’t.”
Sighing, Steve tore his hand from between your legs and whipped the wheel to the right. The car jumbled and jostled over the shoulder of the road where the asphalt fell to grass. He parked beneath a lonesome tree standing tall in the field of grass and wildflowers. Once the engine cut, you realized how hard it was still raining. Beating down furiously on the windshield and metal roof, smacking agains the windows that fogged with the damp heat of your overworking bodies.
“C’mere, honey," he huffed.
Steve spun you in your seat, widening your legs with one push. Another gasp flew from your mouth as coolness met your core. Steve’s face remained steadily sure as he pushed your panties aside once more and returned his fingers to your aching, weeping cunt. A dull pain gathered in the nape of your neck as your head tipped back against the window, but all you could focus on were the width of the pastor’s fingers between your thighs, delivering a delicious quake. His thumb rolled and rubbed against your pearl, unleashing a sound never heard from you.
“Ask the Lord for forgiveness, Delilah. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and let go.”
As your face pinched with a wailing cry, Steve settled his eyes upon your sweat-slick body, writhing just for him. Planting one hand on the window above your head, the pastor fixed himself to hover above you, body heat ghosting your clammy skin like a breezy sheet. His breathing shallowed to mimic yours, overtaken by the rise and fall of your breasts, shuddering with frayed waves of pleasure still sparking inside you. The gold cross around your neck glimmered in the dim, grey light of the storm.
You gushed over his fingers, glossing his palm as he continued his gentle, massaging ministrations. Your cries fizzled to whimpers, deliriously searching for something to hold to find balance. When you lifted a shaky hand to his chest, Steve found pity on you and removed his hand. It swept over your thigh, down toward your knee, dragging strokes of sticky spend in its wake; until finally, it slid behind your knee to cup the pudgy flesh of your thigh.
Using his grip on you and the steady surface of the window, Steve dipped down until his mouth brushed your cheek. The skin there was hot, and soft like sheep skin, and he just couldn't contain the urge to encompass it with his mouth. A firm kiss, lips parted just enough to gather your taste on his tongue. It was the frenzy the stiff heat and sweet stench of your body delivered that had him baring his teeth and scraping them over your flesh.
You hissed, hands coming to feel the fabric of Steve's crisp button down soaked through with sweat. The cotton clung to your hands where you balled it into fists, squeezing in time with the dull, pin-pricking ache in your cheek from the pastor's incisors.
The moments of shuffling and readjusting came hazily, now flashes of colors and shapes in your memory when you thought back. Pulling your underwear back into place, cool where slickness gathered and soaked through. Smoothing your hair down, rubbing your fingers over the faint, sore scrapes on your cheek. Watching Pastor Steve put the car into drive, feeling it teeter back onto the road. Rain splashing with the force of the windshield wipers. The milk jug between your legs leaking condensation onto the floor.
Pastor Steve pulled into the end of your drive, where he parked in the soiled dirt and brought his hand to the back of your seat. You gathered the groceries back into your lap and gazed over at the pastor.
He smiled, flashing those sharp white teeth. "Say hi to your Mama for me, hmm?"
The walk up the rest of the drive was goopy and slick, and your shoes were caked in soupy mud by the time you reached the steps, hair dripping and dress soaked through. On the porch swing, lit cigarette resting in the hand on her knee, Mama watched the pastor's license plate zoom down the road. You stopped at the top step, petrified like stone. The sudden silence brought the rain back in a melodious spat.
"Y' get the eggs?" Her tone held the robotic grumble of Southern dissatisfaction.
Impassive, but frosted with shame.
"Y-yes, Mama."
Your mother raised the cigarette to her mouth, holding it at bay.
"Well alright now."
♰ ♰
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Salvation - A Luca Changretta/Reader One Shot Story.
So my darling @zablife put this in my brain, and it was going to be smutty, but it took a much more tender turn in the end. I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless.
Tumblr media
Words - 1,034
Warnings - Brief mentions of violence.
In Luca’s world, his status dictates he acts as judge and jury, but not often executioner. Usually, it’s another to squeeze a trigger, send a ballistic of hot lead into somebody, their final lesson learned in never crossing the men who loom like reapers within the shadows of the New York underworld.  
Until the code of omerta is forsaken so badly, he has no choice but to execute vengeance, when it’s on a level so personal, there’s no one else but him to bring down the final blow. For omerta, any bond is pushed aside. Friendship, blood, oaths, everything.  
And it never gets easier.  
The weight of it pushes down on his shoulders, the deed trailing along after him, like a restless phantom vying for attention, swirling dark as it flits through his mind. It casts its shadows, seeds itself, an implanted haunting no exorcism will ever remove. The stains of blood can be washed away, cleansed by soap and water. Stains of the soul take a much deeper scouring.  
For the wages of sin is death, so says the holy book. He knows it’ll come to him eventually, unless he’s particularly fortunate. It shan’t be the sacrilege of breaking omerta that ends him, though. He knows whatever reaper comes for him in the end will be nothing less than his own wages of sin have earned him. 
He examines his hands again in the car, although it was a gloved hand that pulled the trigger and sent his own blood down to check in at the gates of hell. They only contain the usual brandings, no blood to mark the deed, nothing outward giving it away. If his appearance matched the carnage in his brain, he would look as if he’d been launched headfirst into a blood-filled vat, dripping sanguine, no skin left without the slick wet of a crimson stain.  
He feels like he is walking through clay as he enters your home, feet heavy, limbs turned to stone and concrete. Luca Changretta is nothing if not a pillar of strength, but as with anything, if the pillar is subjected to blunt force trauma too many times, it begins to show cracks.  
It’s always you who patches them up again.  If anybody has a chance of banishing the phantom, it is you.
He moves through the house wordlessly after removing his coat and hat, his feet upon the stairs echoing through the hallway. Slow, heavy footfalls, his shoulders drawn up as you stand at the bottom to view him, biting your lip nervously.  
“Want me to bring you a drink up?”  
He never means to bite your head off, show his fangs like an agitated viper, but it does happen. When the tall Italian turns at the top to look down on you, though, it’s with a softened face. “Please, doll.”  
A little pang of worry nestles itself in your chest, his voice even quieter than usual. You knew he wouldn’t walk away from that particular hit unscathed, the damage being on the inside. It’ll be like a feral cat scratching against the inside of his skull in the days to come, sore, repetitive, vying for release.  
After all, it isn’t every day a man has to put a bullet in his cousin, after discovering he was a rat. 
Knowing he needs a little time, you wait downstairs until after the sound of running water has ceased, giving him a slither of peace before padding up, a large whiskey in your hand. He hasn’t bothered switching the lights on, some of your candles over in the corner lit instead, the room bathed in a dark gold glow.  
He seems to have been taken by the storm of his thoughts, not immediately registering your entrance into his calming space, a wounded, green gaze finding you eventually as you pass him his drink, seating yourself on the side of the tub. Your hand reaches for his face, cupping his cheek, the dark stubble grainy in texture against the soft of your fingertips.  
A sigh sweeps over your palm as he leans into your embrace, your thumb skimming his lips, a kiss pressed as finally, he smiles. “Thank god for you.” Leaning forward, he shuffles to the centre of the tub, the water whooshing around the narrow, muscular form as it cuts through it, Luca jerking his head back. “Come hop in here with me.”  
It’s usually you who lies between his long legs, legs you once coined sexy giraffe legs and made him laugh until his stomach hurt, a rarity for a man usually so taciturn, so quietly still. Your place now is to be the bearer of support, the bolster rod knocked in behind the great pillar to prevent it from toppling, ready to take the weight and repair the damage.  
His head rests between your breasts, eyes falling shut, long legs jutting out of the water where he’s bent them at the knees to make room for you. The steam rises from his skin, and you watch it curling up through the air while your fingers weave into his wet hair, nails combing through the raven strands and swirling over his scalp.  
It’s a practice he’s always found soothing, and you know he needs it, needs something to counteract all that is sharp and screaming in his mind. Your presence alone is tonic enough, but for him, it’s your touch which truly pours healing elixir over the emotional wounds lacerating him deeply. Your fingertips begin to squeeze and rake, easing the tension pulling tight over his head, a soft, relaxed grunt rumbling his throat.  
Your caress moves to his neck, the muscles hard and unrelenting, tension cording every muscle. It leads to his shoulders, your hands working with diligence, stroking, kneading and pinching until you feel them begin to become malleable. He feels it leaving him, the exorcism that is the pure brilliance of your love banishing all that hangs heavy upon him, the phantom chased away, shrouding itself from your light.  
“Feeling any better?” 
He lifts his chin, turning his head, the smile finally reaching the green twinkle of his eyes, picked peridot in the candlelight. “Always am whenever you’re near.” 
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody loves you, you got a friend (part 4)
Part 1, part 2, part 3
Please don’t look too closely at things if it doesn’t make sense…ignore it hahaha. (I edited it and tried keeping to a timeline, but I think screwed up somewhere lol)
Telling Eddie is terrifying.
Steve’s little over a month along, his doctor said something about seven weeks? Maybe eight? He’s not entirely sure to be honest and he’s getting off track right now.
He’s pregnant with Eddie’s baby and he’s currently standing on the stairs of a trailer, specifically, Eddie’s home. He’s nervous and scared, because this is huge and they’ve only been dating for two months. The ultrasound picture in his back pocket is burning a hole and he has to remind himself of his mom’s words.
“You’ll be okay, even if Eddie doesn’t stay”
But god, he wants Eddie to stay.
The door is pulled open and the alpha is all smiles, “Stevie! What a surprise-“ the smile fades a little as Eddie sniffs, “what’s wrong?”
“Can- can I come in?”
Eddie wordlessly moved aside, letting him in before closing the door and he feels eyes on him as he paces. “Stevie, what’s going on?”
He stops and simply pulls out the picture, “um, so, I’ve felt like shit for the last few weeks and my mom had me take this- well- um,”
Steve will be the first to admit; his way with words is absolute shit.
Eddie’s mouth drops as he finally sees the picture. It’s still only a blob, even just looking at the picture he, Steve, can still hear the heartbeat.
The silence is suffocating and they’re still only standing in front of the door, Eddie’s holding the picture in his hands and Steve is biting his bottom lip and shoving his hands in his pockets, then without much thought just blurts out “I’m keeping it”
Eddie just nods and Steve can’t tell if it’s a good nod or a bad nod. But at least he wasn’t thrown out.
“I can- can I?” The alpha mumbles out and looks up at him, he has tears in his eyes, “are- are we okay?”
He doesn’t know what’s been asked, but with the phantom heartbeat beating in his ears and Eddie looking like he does- Steve just moves and wraps his arms around the alpha.
“We- we’re okay. As- as long as you don’t hate me for being a dumbass and not being on birth control”
Eddie’s arms are tight around him and he feels his lips against his temple as a laugh bubbles out of him.
“I think, it’s not just your fault here, Stevie”
~ ~ ~
Telling Eddie’s Uncle Wayne is a whole lot easier than telling his own dad.
Luckily his dad is too afraid of his mom to do anything to him and luckily Eddie’s uncle is a man of little words.
“You both made a mistake,” the older alpha told them, “everything will be okay, I’ll help you both”
And that’s that, from Wayne at least.
His dad, looks at the picture as if it personally offended him, then promptly decides to leave. He doesn’t even yell and doesn’t say all the things Steve isn’t supposed to know about his mom. He packs his stuff, saying “You’ll have everything you need, but I’m leaving”
And once he’s gone?
They technically celebrate. Even though his father just walked out on them all because his son is pregnant at sixteen. He doesn’t want to know how he would’ve reacted if he knew the baby’s father.
His mom is laughing and crying. She has a glass of wine, her hands are shaking. For once he can’t tell how she’s actually feeling. All he knows, her scent filling the room is an odd mix of happiness and sadness.
“Oh Steve, I didn’t-“ she looks sad, but somehow happy, “Baby, him leaving is a good thing. I’m just, overwhelmed. He was,” she shakes her head and grabs his hand to squeeze it, “he wasn’t nice, I should’ve known and should’ve left him a while ago, you’re the only good thing he’s even done to me. I’m sorry I allowed him to be so, so hurtful to you”
He’s going to blame the crying on that he’s pregnant. Even with how much he loves his mom, how much they get along- hearing her apology meant so much.
I hope everything seems in line, I’ve been going back and forth on my wording. Tbh it’s probably all over the place still. Anyway, yay Eddie didn’t freak out 🥳 well I mean, he did but he didn’t? Hahaha
Next time we’re going to school AND the CC boys make an appearance ❤️
Taglist: @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @zerokrox-blog @callme-keys @maya-custodios-dionach @rajumat @yellowdevilkitten @munsonfamilyband @steddierthings @tartarusfairy @mx-jinxous @zombiethingy @lunaticmarunatic @izzy2210 @carlyv @thelittleclare @estrellami-1 @sierra-violet @grtwdsmwhr
(if you would like to be added to this OR my permanent tag list, let me know!!)
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
What if…. What if Shanks was ticklish and Buggy was the only person in the world who knows because would you go over and just try and tickle an emperor of the sea? Would you have the balls? I don’t think so. Buggy’s Chopchop ability was the bane of Shanks existence when they were young, but he would insist on being not ticklish at all, even when Buggy’s detached hand was finger walking it’s way up from his arm to his shoulder to his neck and he was already biting his lower lip and shaking because he knew what was coming.
Which also is the problem he’s facing in the current day, because you’d think Haki would help with being ticklish because you can anticipate it coming but it’s even WORSE actually because Buggy can just look at him funny and Shanks is already trembling and giggling because he’s the kind of guy who gets phantom tickles and he knows Buggy well enough to know when he gets the idea.
Buggy is torn between being pleased that he has finally found a weak point and thinking it’s the stupidest thing he ever heard and being mad about it (especially during the time when he’s still in denial about having positive feelings about him as an adult) and between being weirdly… moved? Nostalgic? Trying not to be touched? Because thing is: Shanks only lets him do that. There aren’t many people around who would still dare to try this with Shanks anyways, but let’s say Buggy sees Yasopp just kind of make a grabby motion towards Shanks in jest while they are out drinking and Shanks equally playfully slaps his hand away, which Buggy knows he wouldn’t have done if it was his hand and would have lead to a one sided twenty minute long tickle fight between them when they were younger. Tries real hard not to think about why that pleases him.
I don’t know either I was just struck with the mental image of Buggy with a shit eating grin on his face asking Shanks if he’s suuuuure he’s not ticklish at all? Reaaaally not even a little? While his fingertips lightly draw circles on his neck and Shanks going „NOPE! Ffffhhh. Not, ha-, not at all! Nooooo…“ while visibly holding back laughter. And it’s cute af
This is the sweetest thing ever and I'm dying reading this,,
I love this because I'm sure there are a lot of things Shanks and Buggy did only with each other together when they were kids that feel too personal and intimate to let anybody else do it. Shanks doesn't let other people tickle him, not because of being an emperor, but because that's something Buggy did to him when they were kids and he refuses somebody else to do it. And it's such a simple, stupid thing but,, Imagine these two trying to reconnect. Trying to get along again. And it's hard to be the way they used to be all of a sudden, so it's slow and it takes a lot of time for them to learn about the people they've become without the other. And as you said, Buggy sees the whole thing of Yasopp trying to reach out to Shanks and Shanks not wanting that. There's just this warmth inside of Buggy. Satisfaction. Relief. Whatever this is called. And he hates the feeling of getting soft and weak around Shanks again, but damn, it's just so fucking nice to see him react like that to his own crew, even, when Buggy knows he would never do that to him.
So he tries to prove that theory and after a few more drinks he reaches out to him and places a hand on his hip (trying to play it off like it's nothing and it's not embarrassing at all, when he's actually panicking). And Shanks not only lets him do it but sits closer to him. He places his arm around Buggy's shoulders and keeps laughing at somebody else's joke like nothing happened. He likes his touch and apparently, he keeps wanting more and Buggy hates how much he loves being like this again, even if they've changed. Even if the arm pressing him close it's not the left one like it used to be.
Shanks looks at Buggy smiling, oh so happy and satisfied it makes Buggy go insanely mad. So the clown just rolls his eyes and smirks, and decides to do the thing he always did to piss off Shanks and starts tickling him. His laugh fills the whole place and it's so damn lovely,,, Their crews just ignore them but share knowing looks of "Oh, these two are going to be so damn annoying now if they start getting along again".
And I think that, besides the tickling, there are so many things that they don't let other people do because the other used to do it with them. Like- Buggy let Shanks touch his hair all the time because it felt nice and apparently the redhead loved it, but now he fucking hates it when other people touch it. Shanks doesn't let people tickle him, as you said, but also despises it when somebody drinks from the same bottle/glass as him because he and Buggy used to share bottles of sake in secret back at the Oro Jackson and it brings back old memories. Etc, etc, etc and a thousand things more they did together and refuse to let other people do now.
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meowlod · 6 months
Furina LOVES playing with dolls. Wanna take her on a date? Let's play dolls first, so you two could easily plan every part of your true date by playing with madame Eleanora and monsieur Jahn.
She doesn't understand concept of giving flowers to somebody (they will be dead in a week, why), but then she discovers flower pressing so she could save every flower from every bouquet you gave her.
She loves when reader calls her cheesy names, but she is head over heels in reader if they make her her own nickname. :)
(Droplet, my rain, my brightest pearl etc I am stupid in this)
You and she has promise rings, so when you are not around she still can feel your phantom touch through the ring.
YES furina def looks like a doll person and i‘d glady buy her the dolls she wants!!! gift her dolls, and she would be so happy
POOR FURINAAA but yes, she won‘t understand the concept of giving flowers to smb because i think she never took flowers from somebody when she had to act as an archon until now because she feels much more happy! flower pressing is also so smart, good that furina found that out or i think she would‘ve either thrown the dead flowers somewhere (definitely not the trash, i think she would feel guilty for doing that) or she just kept them somewhere around her already messy bedroom. (i think she has a messy bedroom unless she cleans it up it would look luxurious)
YES. SHARP TEETH. I always hc furina as a woman who has sharp teeth. THIS should be canon. Sharp teeth would fit her a lot.
AWWWW THE OWN NICKNAMES furina would get so red at the nicknames but she loves it a lot!! she would also probably start calling you cheesy names but gets a little embarrassed after she says them.
the promise rings are so CUTE !!! that makes me so happy
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itshype · 2 years
My DC x DP Masterpost
Here is my masterpost of works that fall into the category of a crossover of DC comics and Danny Phantom. Mostly, these will be notfics. If any of the links are broken please message me ASAP. Edit: I will not be doing taglists because people are quite frankly abusing the idea.
What's a notfic?
So, this was really common in fandom like 10 years ago but it's less common now so I'm just including this quick explanation in case. Notfic/Not!Fic is the halfway point between an actual fic and a prompt. It mostly sort of has the tone of describing another fic to somebody, or working out an ongoing plot with a friend (e.g. Instead of writing out an entire set of dialogue, a notfic might just put "Jason and Tim discuss why they both want to fake their deaths").
Permissions Housekeeping
I totally don't mind if anyone wants to take all or part of what I've written for any prompt and write an actual fic or create another transformative work as long as I'm appropriately credited. If you're just taking the most oblique inspiration from something I've made I'd appreciate at least a tag so I can read it!
Also if you'd like to tag me in any of your works please do, provided that it's the first if it's in a series and not Jazz/Jason as the main pairing, please.
Kingmaker, Kingbreaker, Crowntaker, Realmshaker
Danny isn't the Ghost King but after defeating Pariah Dark the new king knows Danny has massive political influence.
Navigate any storm, with nothing but the stars to guide you
Danny is obsessed with space so the whole 'superhero' thing is on the backburner.
Please don’t pet me! I am working!
Repeat after me, SERVICE ANIMAL CUJO. (Minor Connor Kent/Danny Fenton)
It's a boy, congratulations... to me!
Danny insists Connor is his clone even though he's really not.
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Godhood
Danny gets caught and tells the JLA that neither he nor Vlad are ghosts.
New type of Vlad just dropped
When a ghost's obsession is destroyed, they get a new one.
Mother of the Year
Talia Al Ghul gets to be a good mother. As a treat.
Amorpho Whomst?
Danny, Dani and Dan trade off on responsibilities.
Halfa? Half a What?
Danny's half human, no one's sure what the other half is.
The second, secret Justice League
There's another Justice League that not even the Justice League is cleared to know about.
Excuse me, do you work here? Danny is sent to represent the first, non-secret Justice League.
Triple Threat
The Champion of All Magic and The King of All Ghosts have a mutual triplet.
Like peas in a pod [person]
Jason is healed of the pit rage but has a whole new problem.
There's a Mr Wight Hood to see you?
Jason adopts Danny instead of being the Red Hood.
The Wight Baby For The Job Sequel to Mr Wight Hood
You Make Miso Scared
Danny's always talking about soup time.
Reverse Bruce
Give baby Jason MORE PARENTS!
Work Experience
Danny has to learn about Ghost culture before he can rule it.
Mansplain Yourself
Constantine probably knows best about ghosts over the Justice League's newest member...
The Opposite of a Golden Ticket
International star Ember McLain is in danger
Haustoria Horror
Undergrowth's got Poison Ivy
Like and Survive!
Danny runs an advice website for young heroes
You're not the Boss of me!
Batman accidentally outs his family to Danny
This is a PSA
Danny's Wail affects the JLA
Floral Fiasco
Poison Ivy errs
How I Met Your Brother
Dan joins the JLA
The Manhunter's Manhunt
There's a miscommunication with the Martian Manhunter
The Green Knight
Jason lives (just this once)
The Job
Danny's gotta put food on the table (Also available in DP only version)
Always A King (DC x DP)
The Realms must have a king
Series: The Surprise Obsessions of the Ghostly Batclan (image heavy)
Ghost Bruce HC
Ghost Jason HC
Mini prompts
Danny Phantom vs The IRS ; part 2
Phantom's mistaken identity
Billy and Danny are secret twins
Danny scars the batfam
Superheroes need more therapy
All-caste Jason
Poison Control
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wangxianficrecs · 10 months
💙 Return to Sender by Thesaurus_with_no_words
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💙 Return to Sender
by Thesaurus_with_no_words
M, WIP, 72k, Wangxian
Summary: On yet another gray and eerie morning in the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian wakes up with his golden core back. It turns out he lost something else in the process. (Aka: Wei Wuxian's feelings towards certain people get erased. It changes things. Is it a curse, or a blessing in disguise? And can Wei Wuxian trust himself, his choices and his priorities, after losing a defining part of who he is?) Kay's comments: You know how some people in MDZS are really lucky that Wei Wuxian likes them? Yeah, so this story erases his memories of how he feels about people and gives him back his golden core during the Burial Mounds arc. It's because Jiang Cheng got himself cursed, because he insulted a deity and Wei Wuxian and said that he owed nothing to Wei Wuxian, so the deity decided to take all things that Wei Wuxian gave him: his golden core, his loyalty, his love and even the sword forms he had taught to the disciples. It's really fascinating to see how it all affects things and I love how this story portrays Wei Wuxian's relationship with the Wen remnants and the Wen siblings in particular. Excerpt: When he has finally worked some moisture back into his dry mouth, he asks, voice faint, "Who did I give it to?" The question earns him a long, assessing look. It makes his skin prickle. Finally, Wen Qing sinks down on the stool across from him, shoulders slumping as she drags a hand over her face. She sits quietly for a moment, elbow supported on her knee and forehead resting against her palm. Her expression is further hidden by the shadows of her hair. "You do not remember Jiang Wanyin." It's a statement, not a question. Wei Wuxian can't read what her tone of voice means, so he ignores it, focusing instead on turning the name over in his mind. He tilts his head and mouths it carefully, tasting the syllables. "Jiang Wanyin," He echoes, eyes narrowing thoughtfully, like he’s inspecting a freshly picked river stone for sharp edges. "Jiang… Cheng? Ah, I think I had a shidi by that name?" A thin thread starts unspooling, leading him fumbling towards faded recollections, like an old mirror splintered into shards. Lotus flowers. A bustling market town. The glint of fish scales as they turn in the water surface. Sunburns on his shoulders and nose. Kites hanging high on a summer bright blue sky. Wei Wuxian licks his lips, tasting phantom spice. "Yea, he was my shidi, back when I was still a part of the Yunmeng-Jiang sect." Wen Qing’s head snaps up, dark eyes searching his, "What else?" After pondering for a moment, Wei Wuxian can only say, "He was the sect leader's son. Quite the hothead. Later he became the new, and current, sect leader." "You remember that, but not your relationship?" Wen Qing probes.
pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, golden core transfer fix-it, kinda, bamf wei wuxian, lan wangji/wei wuxian get a happy ending, somebody lives/not everybody dies, burial mounds settlement days, not jiang cheng friendly, temporary amnesia, partial memory loss, literal emotional manipulation, unrealiable narrator, slow burn
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
I will also talk about Tyler because he's also not normal about stuff 🫠
Right from the start you get these signs he's protective to a detrimental level lol
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(BTW Aidlyn scene cuz I'm not normal about them ❤️ The way he literally wraps his whole body in front of her sent me lmao. Mans got his leg around her and everything 🤡)
He's pretty much like this with Taylor in all their scenes. In the Sorrel House he puts his arm in front of her when they see the phantom (that he does not think is real, considering his reaction).
He also has a tendency to drag Taylor away from situations with out asking for her opinion on it 🫠 He just kinda assumes she will want to go with him. Like when he drags her out of the house after saying the phantom was just a prank.
Sir. PLEASE. Kinda possessive of you-
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I don't think Red did this on purpose because like. She hasnt really brought up their culture/heritage or anything in the story so far lmao (I'm crying). But idk like just this behavior reminds me a lot of the guys in my family 🙃 I think Latino boys get kind of socialized to be more aggressive and protective of their families at their own expense. He definitely seems like the kind of brother to impose a curfew- He has control issues like. We all see it right? He's a control freak.
Obviously his dad dying has a lot to do with this. His mother took it extremely hard, so then Tyler "stepped up" to take care of both his mom AND his sister, he's been parentified since a very young age (he doesn't look older than 10 imo). I think he feels a need to "be the man of the house" so to speak. He genuinely does not seem to have any hard feelings towards his mom even tho she...you know, fucked up. if any of you know the "latino boys are mama boys" cliche, but.
(I do think Taylor has more mom issues because she kinda resents how Tyler has been parentified and she's allowed herself to be angry at their mom for leaving them to fend for themselves)
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Sidenote: It looks like his family is very isolated. Like, its strange that nobody came to help Marianna after Ethan died. This isn't always the case but usually Latinos have large families (my mom's family had to push together eight beds so all the cousins could sleep in one room lol) WHICH probably means Tyler's branch of the family is, so far, the first and only to have immigrated to the US. He's probably already a second or third generation tho, his mom has only one surname and he and his sister never seem to speak Spanish, so I don't think they learned it (probably some basics). I don't imagine they've ever been to Mexico except MAYBE when they were very young (its kinda rare to visit...since...it's so hard to get out of there in the first place...🫠 I dont think my parents have been to Venezuela in more than 20 years...but also Venezuela is in way worse condition, so...)
But yeah like. His protectiveness of Taylor is something that actively works against her and something she dislikes. She always looks upset when he drags her out of a situation or tells her what to do. She just wants to help :(
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Ofc she never says anything because for most of her life Tyler has put himself in a position of authority and is her caretaker. It's hard to speak up to somebody when they constantly say "I'm doing this for your own good, for your own safety, for-" Whatever. Taylor always believes Tyler does everything for her own best interests, so... even when she doesn't feel good about something, she'll still listen to him. It's a veryyyyyy slippery slope that can quickly become toxic, if it isn't already. Because besides being her brother, he's put himself as her parent figure as well.
He does the thing. You know. Where parentified kids try to overcorrect so they kind of coddle their own children and don't let them do anything because they're scared to death something is gonna happen to them 💀
I don't really know what the point of this was I just wanted to talk about how possessive Tyler can be and how unhealthy his attachment style is 😭 If I write Tyler and Logan angst tho just know it's gonna involve Tyler being overprotective and Logan being Not Cool TM about it 🫠
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robo-milky · 1 year
Thank you for replying to my ask and its good to know your well!
Epel keeping making his way in my heart as a better ship for Cloche 😭
And their relationship makes sense in this Au tbh- with how Epel would react and all. He is already shown as a protective friend. We also see in book 6 that he feels mad at himself for not helping and saving others from being captured.
Speaking of which a lil hc but Epel 100% become acts like a mother hen now towards Cloche. I can imagine him always telling Cloche how to deal with her injury from The eye incident and asking if it stung more in particular. Basically All over her those first days and basically breathing down her neck trying to make sure she's ok. He definite didnt let her do anything in school on her own and takes her to all her classes before leaving for his. Man does not care if he is late 🗣️
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The idea of Epel routinely checking up on Cloche and asking her if the wound still hurts is so sweet! Though that does make me want to explore the idea of if Cloche experiences Phantom Pain from time to time, because if she did— then Epel would still be as overbearing weeks/month after, reminding Cloche to take medication or even bringing/getting them for her. Somebody please hide Epel’s attendance from Vil /j
Ahhh thank you for your thoughts, and the HC is dead on! Are you a psychic?! Initially, one of the mini doodles for the previous ask was supposed to be Epel trying to accompany Cloche to Class A but being dragged away by Jack— so I decided to expand on that idea here. But FR— Epel is a surprisingly protective and caring friend! For sure, Chapter 6 shows this (development of his UM as well), and the scene of him being accommodating enough to peel apples for Idia and/or Yuu during the Sledathon event.
To quote an IRL— this AU is the ClochEpel era
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miss-multi45 · 5 months
HII! Do you think you could do the ghouls and ghoulettes with a reader who was getting yelled at by either another sibling of sin or maybe another member or ministry or the church for messing something up. After a long day of getting yelled and scolded out they just immediately go to the ghouls or ghoulettes, (i’m just in the mood for so comfort. i’m awkward with requests but i think ur a amazing author!)
ofc i can!! hope you're doing well now, darling ♡♡
don't you worry, baby he's got you.
swiss lifts you up bridal style and plops you down in his nest.
the sibling of sin went mysteriously missing after that.
ghouls need to eat, don't they?
"oh hey babygirl/babyboy/baby i- who the fuck made you cry?"
he heats his hands up reader to burn this motherfucker.
listens to everything you have to say, then hunts down the sibling of sin.
"baby shark. who did this to you?"
one of the only times he's in a hunting/murderous mood
he drowned the sibling of sin.
i'm not even gonna try to leave it to the imagination.
he knew somebody messed with your emotions, he could smell it. and he didn't like it.
"little ghost..who did this? tell me."
he calls you 'little ghost' because his name is phantom.
he gave the sibling of sin a physical warning.
he could smell it too.
brought you into a hug and sniffed you to sense which sibling of sin hurt you.
he scented you again, to take that disgusting siblings smell off your gorgeous body.
scared the sibling half to death.
he came to you, effortlessly scooped you into his arms and sniffed you.
you unfortunately did smell of the sibling, so he promised to scent you after he (poisoned) took care of the sibling.
he marked you, too.
"prince/princess, what happened?" he purred as you ran into his arms.
less than pleased when you told him what happened.
that same sibling has more than a few strikes in his book.
don't worry your pretty little head about what he did to them.
"lamb? what happened?"
you appeared at his door in the middle of the night, almost sobbing.
he let out a guttural growl when you told him.
him and the sibling are sworn enemies, and he knew one day they would go after you.
he dealt with them, and once he was done he left them in the dense woodland around to ministry to be eaten by the animals.
"aw, puppy. please tell me what happened, i hate it when you're like this."
after 4 minutes of constant nagging and him rubbing your thighs to calm you down, you cracked.
he was fuming when those words escaped your lips.
left for a few hours, came back covered in blood and reeking of fresh corpse, and kissed you like normal.
"hi baby- oh. why are you crying?"
lil cutie goes rabid.
she's always had a bad feeling about them, and it's now worsened because they had the audacity to go after you.
tears them apart with her pretty pink claws.
"my darling, please, answer me. what's wrong?"
2 seconds after she said that, she smelt the revolting scent of the sibling.
left you with snacks for 20 minutes, and came back completely clean.
you knew she killed them though.
"babe. baby. tell me what happened."
won't stop bugging you until you spill it.
sits you on her lap to make you more comfortable.
remained calm when you told her, but inside she was livid.
next time you saw the sibling, they avoided all contact with you.
"hey beautiful, say it right now. just say the word, and i'll murder them."
she'll gladly kill them if you want her to.
you said no, so she snapped their arm instead.
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