#planets in the 11th house
astrosky33 · 6 months
Friendship in Astrology
The 11th house rules over friends so your 11th house planets can give insight on the type of friendships you experience
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✧. ┊Sun in the 11th house: You likely have had good friendships that have brought you lots of happiness in life. Your friends are likely very generous, creative, and help you develop a lot in life and/or as a person. Since the Sun rules over leadership you’re prone to being the “leader” in your friend groups. People with this placement are also more likely have to friends that are celebrities. It’s possible you weirdly attract a lot of friends similar to your father. At worst it could indicate having egotistical friends, friends that are attention-seeking and choose attention over you, or friends that are overly prideful
✧. ┊Moon in the 11th house: You have friends that are very caring of you and your feelings. You likely have more friends that are girls or feminine than friends that are guys or masculine. It’s possible you weirdly attract a lot of friends similar to your mother. Your friends can pick up on your emotions really quickly and know when you’re feeling down. You could have a few childhood friends that you’ve kept your whole life. At worst your friends will constantly hold you back by keeping you in your comfort zone, be overly sensitive, and/or complain a lot about their feelings without listening to yours
✧. ┊Mercury in the 11th house: You may meet lots of friends on social media and/or keep close friends that you met when you were young all the way into adulthood. You likely attract friends that are good at communicating with you. You become friends with people quicker when they share similar interests with you or have similar perceptions about life that you do. You may not really like having friends that are different than you, only ones similar to you. At worst you could attract friends that gossip a lot about you, are constantly forgetting about you, try and change you for the worse, and/or copy everything you do
✧. ┊Venus in the 11th house: You are likely to have a lot of friendships that turn into something more (a friends to lovers type vibe). You attract friends that are very charming, cheerful, feminine, sympathetic, and/or friends that share similar values to you. You likely have mostly female friendships and not so many male ones. Since Venus rules over attraction you also likely attract lots of friends in general. People want to be friends with you all the time, sometimes without knowing why. You may have a lot of friends that are very pretty. At worst you may attract friends that are overly possessive, stubborn, indecisive, and/or they may choose love over their friends
✧. ┊Mars in the 11th house: This is a challenging placement when it comes to friendship since Mars is a malefic planet. You may experience lots of conflict in your friendships that can commonly be caused by your friends viewing you as competition/trying to be competitive with you or go through friends quickly since Mars represents conflict, competition, and speed. Your friends at worst could pick lust over you and have sexual relations with someone you’re romantically involved with or have bad anger issues. On a lighter note it can indicate often being the leader of your friend groups, having a lot of male friends or friends with masculine energy, making lots of friends through sports you play, having friends with benefits, and/or having friends who bring out the more ambitious and determined side of you
✧. ┊Jupiter in the 11th house: You attract friends that are optimistic, successful, wealthy, wise/knowledgeable, honest, devoted, and/or popular. Since Jupiter rules over abundance as well you naturally attract a lot of friends in general with this placement. Not always but often people I see with this placement were really popular in school and were friends with everyone. You may go on lots of adventures or travel a lot with your friends. You attract friends that help you grow a lot as a person and in life in general. At worst you could attract friends that are overly blunt, have a hard time accepting their wrongs, and/or are really impatient
✧. ┊Saturn in the 11th house: This placement is a bit challenging when it comes to friendships since Saturn rules over challenges/struggles. Although you may have minimal friends since Saturn rules over restriction/lack, the friends you do make you will keep for a long time since Saturn also rules over old age/longevity. It’s possible you weirdly attract a lot of friends similar to your father. You also attract friends that are responsible, hard-working, consistent, and/or self-disciplined. At worst you may struggle with forming friendships because this placement can cause people to be weirdly intimated by you, you may attract friends that show a lack of care for your emotions, and/or friends that hold harsh grudges against you
✧. ┊Uranus in the 11th house: You attract very intellectual, friendly, unique, free-spirited, and/or independent people into your circle. You may have a lot of friends that are lgbtq+. You likely have lots of internet friends or friends that you originally met online before meeting in person. A lot of people, maybe even before knowing you, will have a friend-crush on you (a huge desire to befriend you). At worst you may attract friends that are rebellious, chaotic, and/or lots of ups and downs with friendships in general
✧. ┊Neptune in the 11th house: You attract friends that are very kind, compassionate, creative, glamorous, selfless, spiritual, and/or that are good at keeping secrets. You may have a lot of similar dreams/wishes as your friends. With this placement if you are a manifestor it’s important to surround yourself with people who don’t make you doubt your dreams or it could ruin your spirit and in turn ruin your manifestations. At worst you could attract friends who lie and deceive you, mirror everything you do/act addicted to you, and/or you may attract people who act like your friends when they’re secretly your enemy
✧. ┊Pluto in the 11th house: You attract friends that transform you and your life a lot, are powerful people, are infatuated with you, and help you evolve as a person. Pluto in the 11th house indicates having very loyal friends who’d do anything for you. This placement can also indicate having friends with benefits similar to Mars in the 11th house. At worst you may attract friends who manipulate you, are unhealthily obsessed with you, use black magic on you, try to destroy your life, and/or that pass away too soon. This placement, I’ve noticed a lot of the time in my readings, can also indicate having a stalker/stalkers at some point in your life
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Note: If you don’t have 11th house planets just check the ruling planet of your 11th house sign -> ex: 11h leo - sun
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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beyonsatan · 9 months
How to spot an amateur astrologer who's misleading you and doesn't know as much as they're letting on 🤏
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Some people that read this are gonna think I'm being toxic or a bit excessive and that's fine, not that what other people think even matters anyways but...I just don't like when ppl are getting scammed and lied to and also because alot of people charge (way more than I do) for readings and it's alot of misinformation that gets around with these readings and money in additional to time is being wasted so I see this as me doing people a favor. I'm going to go over some things only a person who has absolutely no knowledge of astrology beyond social media will do
• they associate the outer planets, neptune, uranus and pluto with the signs aquarius, pisces and scorpio. This is like the most obvious sign and I talk about it so much not just on here and because the outer planets change signs every decade or so, they're generational planets, not personal ones so think long and hard about what "personal" even means and then get back to me. It isn't really fair to assign the signs I listed above to planets that aren't personal and then to assign the rest of the other signs to the inner planets that reveal so much more about our daily lives than the outer ones do, it just seems so elitist to me honestly and overall misleading. The signs themselves literally rule over certain aspects of our life and they get their meaning from their traditional rulers. Aquarius being an outcast ? That comes from saturn not uranus, pisces being spiritual gurus with lots of love to give, that's from jupiter not neptune, Scorpio being a sexual sign that confronts us with our trauma, weaknesses and mortality? That comes from mars 😫
• 90% of their posts begin with "astro observations." This one especially I think is gonna upset some people because it's all you'll run into across astrology Tik tok or like I said even on here and everyone eats it up because they get an ego boost off of these posts that don't offer anything real or helpful in your everyday life but I wanted to say that a lot of these posts are just so surface level from the observations down to the critiques especially since so many speak from a personal place and arent objective enough about it. You'll read things like "moon in the 2nd house can indicate you like savory food" which even if that were true there's so many other things to consider with that placement like what it's aspecting, what sign is it in, is it fallen etc, if they're not elaborating on why and where they read this, it's null and void and they're making up shit as they go like i'm actually ROTFL as I type this 🤣
• they associate the houses with certain signs. Among everything I listed before and after this, this is probably THE most misleading one because I've had so many people come to me thinking that they had an exalted venus because their venus was in the 12th house and I really don't mean to laugh when people tell me this but hearing this did give me one hell of a chuckle ☠️. This idea that the signs have some proximity to the houses (like i mentioned in a previous post) is what created the grounds for people to think pisces is this misguided damsel in distress junkie who has no sense of direction and is more likely to fall victim to a drug habit which is just not true. Having alot of planets In this house is an indicator of partial drug use or habitual however having planets in pisces in NOT, like it's not even similar a little bit 💀💀💀 people keep getting pisces meaning from neptune and the 12th house and it's a mistake westerner astrologers especially Americans continue to make and it plays a role in why astrology is so ridiculed. Just like having personal planets in the 1st house isn't like having planets in aries because the 1st house isn't even the joy of mars, its the joy of mercury which finds exaltation in Virgo. Sounds familiar to you guys?
• they give devised meanings to "empty houses." What I mean by this is when certain people teaching about astrology say things like "having an empty 2nd house means you will struggle with money" or "having an empty 3rd house means your academic performance will be poor." This is not something that they read up about, learned with a teacher or on their own, this is something they're making up as they go. I would never tell a client that "your empty 1st house means you don't exist and lack an identity" because that's just illogical. Empty houses do not mean anything at all lmao. When houses are empty you look at what planet is ruling that house and what house that planet is in to get an idea of how that empty house is being served in the horoscope. It is impossible to have planets in every house and there are going to be at least 2 empty houses in a horoscope
Ps: i'm not looking down on anyone for choosing to believe these things, I used to be like everyone else just learning everything about astrology online instead but if you're anything like me, at some point your curiosity is gonna get the best of you and make you ask these people where they are learning this stuff from, who is their teacher and where are THEY learning these things from, what books do they read, you know what I mean? I just want people to know the truth and who they're learning from. You can continue to believe the things that alot of self proclaimed astrologers teach their audience because i broke through a facade, that's fine but I'm not concerned with "letting people enjoy things" in order to maintain feeding their delusions, the truth is meant to hurt
Hope this helps xx
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astrolovecosmos · 10 days
If you're a writer take a look at your Mercury placement for inspiration 🖋️
1st House: Baby you're the inspiration! Dig deep into your identity and practice introspection for your work.
2nd House: What do you value? What will you work hard for, protect, collect? Use that for your inspiration! Maybe take inspiration from the material world or nature as well.
3rd House: Pay attention to your community and family (especially siblings, extended family, and family arguments or rivalry) for inspiration. Knowledge and research may be your best friend as a writer. Speak your mind and explore your emotions through writing, journaling, or blogging.
4th House: Family, home, your private life, or maybe your own inner world of coping, emotional sensitivity, and depth are your muse!
5th House: Having fun with your words and stories may be a good starting point! This is the house of creativity, joy, and celebration. Here creativity should stem from passion, discovery, and maybe romance. Be brave and even dramatic or ridiculous in how you write and how you get inspiration.
6th House: The house of routine, health, and work may not sound very inspiring but things like daily writing exercises or challenges may be very helpful for you. Time management and aiming to reach goals with your writing is going to be highly productive. Inspiration for you may come from ideas around altruism and what makes you feel like you're making a difference.
7th House: Take your inspiration from your relationships, fights, competition, rivalry, deals, and romance. Seek inspiration in others. Find a true muse.
8th House: The skeletons in your closet may be the best inspiration. Your fears, secrets, pain, depth, and vulnerability.
9th House: Your beliefs can be a major source for inspiration/creativity. Taking inspiration from other works, research, and knowledge may be your style too. Diving into a subject like history, sociology, psychology, religion, laws, journalism, politics, etc. can be very motivating.
10th House: Rely on your sense of purpose to give you inspiration. Reflecting on society or authority can give insight too.
11th House: Look to your friends for inspiration and friendship dynamics! Zooming out to collective trends and feelings can be a powerful tool as well for your writings. Tap into your aspirations and highest dreams too.
12th House: Using writing as a tool to explore your subconscious may be useful. Taking inspiration from your dreams, imagination, and even the darkest parts of you may be key for you as a writer.
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occultwaters · 26 days
Painful placements in astrology I
💜 Sun square/conjunct/opposite/inconjunct (quincunx) Pluto. Inconjunctions should be maximum 2/3 degrees. If I see this in a natal chart it would indicate to me that the native has had issues with their father or figures with authority in general. Could also be men in their family. I have also noticed the fathers side of the family were absent, early on they could have been separated. The separation could be due to many threats. If not cultivated well, this aspect is common amongst serial killers and people notorious for being bullies.
💙 Moon square/conjunct/opposite/inconjunct (quincunx) Pluto. Inconjunctions should be maximum 2/3 degrees. Now this would indicate a person who has issues with the mother figure in their family. This could also indicate issues with the women figures in their life. These people are also very distant with their mother’s side of the family. Like harsh Pluto and Sun, they were separated early on. Which again potentially could’ve been due to threats to their safety in general. If not cultivated well, this can lead to mental health issues, especially those relating to Pluto. Dark obsessions and desires etc.
💜 Having square placements to personal planets, this alone is very hard to deal with as there is strong friction no matter which side you look at. These people need to work on the aspect and appropriately release the energy, depending on the house, sign, and degree.
💙 Pluto in 12th. These individuals harbour a lot of their trauma in the subconscious. They have probably also seen some crazy things in the spirit world. It’s like they attract that sort of attention without really meaning to aswell. These individuals may also have very disturbing dreams and sleep paralysis.
💜 Saturn/Uranus/Chiron in 11th. This is a constant cycle of feeling alienated from society. These people may feel like they never found their group of friends. They crave for a home they’ve never had. These are also the type of people who have had friends make secret group chats behind their back and never include them. Just because Uranus is at home here, doesn’t make it any easier. This is also true if these placements are in Aquarius.
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💙 Harsh Venus and Saturn aspect (square, opposition, inconjunction). Or Venus in Capricorn/aquarius. These people were made to feel unworthy of love and care when they were younger. There’s a constant battle between loving oneself and self destructive behaviours. There is an imbalance with their feminine side, due to masculine/ figures of authority, making them feel like they weren’t good enough.
💜 Harsh Moon and Venus aspects (square, opposition, inconjunction). Again made to feel like they weren’t pretty enough and probably dealt with a lot of toxicity from maternal figures. There is also an imbalance with their feminine side due to issues with women, and maternal figures. These people also a lot of the times refuse to acknowledge their emotions and bottle things up a lot.
💙 Having inconjunctions/quincunx aspects. They need to be at a maximum 2/3 degree orb. This is similar to opposition. But the difference here is that two signs that have no similarity are making a harsh aspect. There’s bound to be heat and constant internal conflict. This one is about learning to balance the scale of energies from both areas.
💜 8th house placements. These people are constantly undergoing transformations in their life. They can easily leave everyone on delivered for months and when they return, they are no longer the same person. Then the cycle repeats. There’s a lot of trauma in these people’s lives, and a lot of it comes from family. But they’re also naturally talented when it comes to things like the occult. This aspect is powerful for astrologers as it gives the native the talent to deeply study and observe people for long periods of time. This also includes psychology.
💙 Saturn opposite/square/inconjunct Pluto. Again inconjunctions should be maximum 2/3 degrees to be truly felt. This is more of a generational aspect (may reflect the society more so). These individuals dad could carry some sort of deep trauma. This is a pretty heavy energy so will require a lot of work for the generation that has this. In addition, the themes of the abuse they dealt with surround feeling restricted from expressing oneself in regards to what Pluto represents. They seem like the sheep or the scape goat of the family. Also if they have siblings that don’t have a similar aspect, if they make a mistake, the punishment they receive can be harsher than if their sibling was to make the same mistake. Their dad/ authority figures in their family can also be/ may have been involved in the dark side of structured systems and have a lot of experience and knowledge regarding the world from that.
© 2024 occultwaters. All rights reserved.
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astrogre · 6 months
Money In The Houses 💴
To be precise each house can show you something about money, for an example your 6H can show daily services you subscribe pay for like Netflix or HBO. but there are 4 primary houses that specifically focus on and show us about money these are: The 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house and 11th house. They all show resource accumulation in different ways. 2nd house and 8th house are the main houses to focus on for money astrology, secondary would be 11H and 5H then all the other houses have their own subtler money relevancy.
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2nd house, The house of Values and Possessions, it shows:
stored wealth like income, earning potential, salary, savings, assets, possessions (like jewels, cars)
- how you spend
- how you earn
- the kind of assets and possessions that you own
- what you spend on
- how you perceive the value of money
- how you save
- The skills and talents you use to make money for yourself
- the state of your financial stability
- Your attitudes on saving
2nd house is money earned through your own personal efforts, the skills that you have, your blood sweat and tears. Money here is made through you and your efforts alone. It is long lasting assets and the kind that are considered when calculating your net worth.
Look at sign ruling this house and the planet. Do they work well together or contradict each other? E.g a Virgo ruled second house with Uranus inside has two energies that contradict one another, Virgo needing to be picky on purchases VS Uranus being impulsive and purchasing what it wants so when these two energies work in the same building you may even feel bad for purchasing things before doing research on it and get disappointed with your purchase because you just went for it in the moment
Finding where the 2nd house ruler planet is in the chart shows the best topics, best places , best way you can earn money that’s beneficial to you.
Eg. If your 2H was in Virgo, look at 6th house what’s inside of it? And where mercury is in your chart. Mercury (ruled by Virgo) in this case shows you how you can can excel in an industry under the topic of the house it’s in. Whereas the 6th house and The planets that would fall into the 6th house, would indicate industries you’d do well in that are a combination of the planets in there and what kind of work you could do/what planet energies you can emphasise to gain more money on your career based on the 2nd house.
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5th house, the house of Gambling and risky investments, it shows:
investments in startup companies ,gambling, investing in penny stocks
- how much you may make from investing, gambling and creative endeavours
- Money made from personal hobbies, creative talents and projects
- how lucky you are at earning money from risky investments
- Your approach to gambling
- How you spend resources on leisure activities and entertainment
- Attitudes on risky spending/gambling
- The outcome of your gambling and risky investments
This would be your trading 212 and creative artist placement. I can imagine people that invested in crypto currency back in 2008 and people that purchased nfts having this house active. 5H placements can make you lucky in the industry you are in, it can give you that boost in industries that require you to need to have luck or attention to make it. This can be entertainment stars, the lottery, entrepreneurship or just being really blessed with income from taking risks for fun. I’ve noticed natives with this house active tend to be successful businesses investors, gamblers, fashion designers, actors and artists, because these industries also require a bit of luck to make it, that’s why it’s also known as thie “star” house for celebrities. If planets here are beneficial native just happens to have the right things happen for them at the right time.
Key figures with 5th house active/stellium: Timothee chalamet, will smith, Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen, Calvin Harris, Mozart, Elon Musk
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11th house, the house of tangible material gains:
ready to be spent wealth like, liquid cash, profit, products (clothing, food), promotion from work
- money made from your public image and things your known for (fame)
- Your financial status and social standing
- How you can gain profit and wealth online
- Money made from your ideas, goals and inventions
- How money comes easiest to you
- The type of resources acquired from
- What part of our lives we may live in luxury or can afford to spend more on (E.g 11H sag being luxury travel)
11H is on hand liquid cash, things like stocks , disposable income, the tangible stuff that you can actively spend, it’s pretty unexpected too like 8th house except 8th house income comes from places you didn’t know about but 11H gains come from sources you always knew about but are just suddenly now benefiting you out of nowhere. You know how some people can be famous and still be broke, with a prominent or beneficial 11 house, you automatically get money along with the attention from their public image. This is because 11H is naturally the representative of social connections, networking and communities but also because of derivative astrology
The 10th house represents your career, public image and the 2nd house represents money/finances so you count 2 houses starting from 10 using Derivative Astrology (10 => 11) meaning the 11th house represents money made from our career and public image. This is why this is known as the influencer house.
People tend to use their fame and wealth from this house to start businesses. This house works really well with 8H because it kind of forces other people to acknowledge you. It’s a little different from the 5th house in terms of getting money from your inventions -In the sense that the very concept behind your creations bring you material gain whereas 5th house are blessed for expressing themselves and in risky situations (not strictly exclusive to creative arts, but the art industry is naturally a hit or miss industry). This house is very similar to 2nd house however I’d say 2nd house is more long term but 11H is quick and easy, makes you appear wealthy like rappers and celebrities living a lavish lifestyle but don’t have something to fall on if it runs out. 2nd house is longevity and allows a native to live off their assets if necessary.
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8th house, The house of inheritance, joint resources and investments, it shows:
inheritance, debt, taxes,investors, gifts, joint resources,insurance, the money people owe you
- how much resources you receive from other people
- How much assets, money and resources you may share with others and inherit
- The individuals you may inherit from,have joint bank accounts, shared resources with that financially bless you
- where your resources from other people come from
- the kind of people and industries that may invest/donate/give to you
- How you handle and manage your debt and loans
- your ability to adapt to financial challenges and a complete change of class or income, essentially how you handle financial transformations
- How much you may leave for others when you pass away
- Your ability to repay financial obligations like debt and taxes
- The financial downfalls or sudden financial gains that come from unexpected sources or a source you didn’t know about (8th house is a house of secrets and in the dark so you don’t really see it coming)
- Attitudes towards other peoples resources and the concept of debt/loans
- What kind of resources, assets and things you may receive from other people
Honestly 8th house covers a lot in finances, it’s the kind of money you get for literally no reason, like you can just be sitting there and money falls on to your lap, it can be known as the nepotism house, resources gained not as a result of your day to day efforts (unless making aspects to 6H/Saturn), but a thing you get all at once as a “here you go, well done!”. You really don’t see it coming either, having a blessed 8H is good but you also need to maintain your inheritance otherwise you can end up losing it all that’s why it’s important to have a grounded 2nd house. The kind of people that tend to have this house active and beneficial would be people that are blessed with money in their darkest of times, natives put in the will of their family, people that marry into wealth, being involved with financial contracts that benefit the native more than the other.
E.g Uranus here would want it’s independence, Pluto would feel entitled to others finances and therefore native would excel in taking money from others, Jupiter is lucky here so you would just be blessed with inheritances and financial gains from others even though you didn’t plan for it.
Also look at the ruling planets of this house, say if you had an Aries 8th house, locating which house Mars is in your chart can show you which kind of places you can be given money from most, E.g your Aries is in 11th house and your Mars is in 3rd House you would make great financial gains on the topic/themes of networking, social media E.g. online companies giving you their products in hope of you trying them, being recommended for bonus or accolades because someone you vaguely know mentioned you to their boss, whereas Mars (Aries planetary ruler in 3H) could also indicate who you get your money from like siblings, people you share your ideas with etc.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🍁🎸Life Events✈️🌊
🔥5th house also shows playground, park, recreation, theater, risk, gambling, stock trading. So leos are the ones who will often own shares or trade with them. At the same time, they like to take risks when it comes to money.
✈️Sagittarius is a sign that loves to travel and always looking for meaning in life. Their lives are always interesting. When they go through a break up, their cure is travel.
🍋Gemini rising is always extra with their decisions. I've never seen a gemini that wasn't “crazy”. Always making dangerous or reckless decisions. Many times I notice that they damage the skin on their hands and face. I think they enjoy not always knowing what will happen next and they like to be surprised. That's why they often get caught up with people about whom they always learn something new and who are a mystery.
♥️How you give love to others and how you behave in love depends on your Venus. Venus shows the most in relationships with others. Someone with Venus in Scorpio will always feel deeply and be protective when it comes to love. Persistent and self-sacrificing. Someone with Venus in Sagittarius will be passionate and demanding. But the person will have an opimistic approach to love and will always want to create an atmosphere. Someone with a Venus in Aquarius will have a hard time giving love to others and many times want to be free with their emotions. Someone with Venus in Aries will be passionate but the passion will not last long if the person does not give enough love to them. And many times they can be selfish.
🫀Mars also represents your desires, drive, passion and energy that we give. What we do and what we put our passion into is shown by what our mars is like. When you feel a person's energy, you feel their Mars. So the energy you give to people u give it with your mars .
👄The 11th house shows our relationship with friends. How important friendships are to us and how we view them. The more planets are in this house the more the focus is on friends and the relationship with them.
🧁4th house shows our relationship with family and how we behave when we are with them. Our view of family and how we accept them. Taurus in 4th house maybe you can grow up in a family where money and material values ​​were very important (you got everything you wanted, but maybe you lacked love). Scoprio in 4th house maybe you grew up in a family full of secrets and intensity. Many times I notice that these people have a difficult relationship with their mother.
🌙The moon represents how you feel and where you feel best and with whom. What puts you in a better mood. Moon in aries walking in nature, sports activities will quickly put you in a good mood and feel better. Libra moon when you buy something you will immediately feel better or meet a friend for coffee.
🌊Neptune and 12th house show the past, dreams, illusion, unconscious, subconscious, alcohol, drugs, psyche. People who have many aspects with Neptune will often look for solutions in substances. I think that people who have a north node in the 12th house and many aspects with neptune are better off staying away from substances. Because many times they become someone else when they are drunk or high and do things they are not aware of.
🌏The 9th house represents your view of the world and how you deal with it. How do you welcome people and how close is the foreign country to you. Where do you find meaning and what inspires you to move forward? How quickly you give up and how optimistic you are. The sun in this house will get great inspiration to live life to the fullest and to find something to cheer you up even when you're in a bad mood. Libra in this house will find inspiration through the beauty of life. You will always remain optimistic about some things. But you may be divided into two worlds. Someone who will have empty 9th house will be more difficult to cope with spirituality, optimism and the meaning of life. The will to live can quickly pass you by.
🛴🚿The 6th house describes your everyday life, daily routine, lifestyle, work, immune system, your body.It also describes how you cope with everyday life. Someone with capricorn in 6th house has a pretty busy day, a stable job usually, takes life seriously. However, these people are often sensitive and can often get sick. These people often get cold feet. Someone with gemini in 6th house will always have an interesting day, there will always be something new and usually things will not go according to plan. But these people have a very good immune system and are warm-blooded. You rarely get cold (even when it's cold and others are frozen, you can still wear short sleeves).
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harlronica · 2 years
psychic/intuitive astro placements for the planet Jupiter (pt. 2)
In Astrology, Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. A Starseed origin in alignment with this planet illuminates the power one carries during this incarnation. This origin would hint at the grail line you're tied to the most. This would be the aspect of your oversoul and your higher mental masculine plane. 
Jupiter is where we seek wisdom, wish to expand, and where we often have a lucky card to play. Dangers here can come from recklessness or an over optimistic attitude- wishing to get away from the routine of mundane life- where we want to experience something in its fullness. An interest in Law and Justice over the houses themes can also be found in the area of Jupiter. Mostly, this house will be full of positive vibrations and will.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological houses for the planet Jupiter* "I Grow"
1st house: when Jupiter is found in the house of Aries this usually signifies (of course, always take in account the chart as a whole and not just this placement) that the chart holder has a spiritually evolved soul. These people come on strong and always have a forceful first impact on those that they meet. This position is similar to having a natal Sun in 1st house.
3rd house: when Jupiter is found in the 3rd house (home to Gemini) - this house will expand your mental power. These people are very intuitive and absorbent of their surroundings/body language of others' in general. Very open-minded with an ability to speak or write better than others, and they are very imaginative people. Even poetic. They're always looking for ways to expand their knowledge and advance in their spirituality. Very knowledgeable on almost any subject. This can go for Jupiter in Gemini or Jupiter in 3rd house.
4th house: intuitive and spiritual. When Jupiter is found in the 4th house (home to Cancer) - these people are likely to be spiritually blessed and would have inherited some sort of talented characteristic from their ancestors. What this talent may be will depend on the chart as a whole. This can range from supernatural powers, advanced intuitive or psychic abilities, and the possibility of being a witch.
8th house: when Jupiter is found in the 8th house (home to Scorpio) - psychic abilities, healing capabilities, with a very intuitive/spiritual mind are quite likely. This is an aspect that signifies spiritual protection. These people are likely spiritually protected in moments of danger (of course, this would depend on their chart as a whole.) If they get close to dying, it's likely that Jupiter in the 8th house will save them. Of course, nobody can escape death and everybody has to face it eventually.. Lol. Some may say that those with this placement have nine lives. This aspect can be quite similar to someone with a natal Jupiter trine Neptune (which also serves as great spiritual protection from the spirit realm.)
9th house: when Jupiter is found in the 9th house (home to Sagittarius) - it gives for prophetic abilities and a strong intuition. Jupiter will feel most comfortable here in it's home house. Some may say that these people are born lucky. They hold a deep, spiritual wisdom and because of this they are likely to start receiving success early in life. Very intellectual people who are born spiritually enlightened.
11th house: when Jupiter is found in the 11th house (home to Aquarius) - these people have strong intuitive abilities. They are likely to easily sense danger in their community/when in a social setting while still maintaining their humanitarian composure. This allows them to easily remove themselves from the situation before danger arises or escalates. A good example would be the character in a horror movie that quickly escapes while everyone else stays back to take their chances and die... Lol. Meanwhile still encouraging others to take on the experience because they don't want to make themselves seem "better than" in a way and may be a little confused as to why they sense danger from the experience in the first place. So they don't want to discourage others. It can be similar to a Jupiter in 8th house, however, this is usually a level of intuitiveness that comes directly from within and on a personal level. Whereas Jupiter in the 8th is likely the spiritual realm itself taking over in any dangerous situation. These people seem to get what they want relatively easily because they are supported by the Universe. Jupiter in the 11th house indicates great spiritual insight and expansion and like Jupiter in the 9th, is known as a spiritual blessing.
12th house: when Jupiter is found in the 12th house (home to Pisces) - these people are likely to have a strong sense of spirit and guiding divine force. They can provide/hold profound insight and understanding about the inner and subconscious aspects of the mind. Likely to be psychic and intuitive depending on how Jupiter is positioned in the chart.
Note: not all astrological houses are listed. If your Jupiter house is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What house is your Jupiter in? Mine's in 11th! :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
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nevaehrenee444 · 20 days
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can anybody provide any valuable info on my chart please? 🤍✨🕊️🦋
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flickeringart · 1 year
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Sun Conjunct Uranus:
Cosmic Curators Of The Sky
The aliens of the planet have finally come down from the ethereal planes through air and lightening. These wonderful creations know the ways of the universe, and have come down to teach us how to be a direct communicator of the source. These sky babies know the realms that they belong to, and are certainly aware at a young age that rebellion will be the only benefit that this world can give.
When society tries to tear them down, they pull them self back up and allow the lightening strike to create a powerful vibration that can be heard for many days, decades and centuries. These beings know how to be the first to do it, and even if you dont think they're on to something. You'll soon regret it down the line.
These babes know the universe all to well, so they are able to pick up on frequencies years before it becomes well know.
The Godmothers, Godfathers & Godtheys of the zodiac, they are hear showing us the way to the promise land. One thing is for certain with Sun/Uranus individuals is that they are always going to be who they are even if their misunderstood. They dont care if you dont like them. They dont care if you dont find them funny or great. They know who they are and they will rebel from the norm. Because its not who they arm.
As soon as something becomes to popular it loses its taste buds. This is because their aware when something becomes waaaay too popular, it looses its value. Society takes out all the goodness that was in something right before it comes too mainstream and evidently looses its flavor. So its on to the next with these individuals. They no longer care to be apart of something that was once pure gold, because society has a way of sucking out the pure energy.
This is who they are, gold. the purest gold. But they went through hell to keep it, others dont like them because their too different. However this proves to be some sort of subconscious jealousy they are caring, but with all Uranian individual, their light stays shining because they allow themselves to real and be who they are no matter what.
Their connection to source shows them that their inner genius is connected to having eureka moments or what I call brain blasts (thanks, jimmy neutron). They are too good with connecting to the mind that they create some of the wildest things that nobody couldnt of possibly thought of. Always challenging themselves to be more, do more, they will eventually come up with something just out of the blue. Traveling through unknown doorways into the psyche, ignoring the rules and going in with their own formula to the point they create their own blue print. Geniuses, man.
Its okay for you to have those moment where you feel bat shit crazy, having to hold your head up after having all these erratic thoughts/notions playing in your mind. this is how you create though, a lot of times you have to get into the groove of making something and pushing those thoughts out while doing it. This is how you transmute the energy thus creating something wild and new in the process. You're not all that crazy. Your mind goes into different waves of expressing yourself and is trying to tell you to wake up and create. Think bigger and higher when it comes to your mental state, its not always leading you astray. Its taking you to the path thats unknown to you because thats your life story. You dont know where this journey is leading but you must allow yourself to grow in it, then you evolve you'll realize this journey is not for everyone because its the path that keeps people from the reality they were born into. You transform society through the art of the mind, you play by your rules and create traditions out of them in the process. We need you because we need to be shown multiple realities and not just the 3d reality where everything is the same.
You teach us this, and we are grateful to have you cosmic beings. Prepare to be taking up to outer space, you know just where you're going, even if you dont know it.
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ninelivesastrology · 10 days
The 11th House rules fandoms and if you have a malefic (Mars, Saturn) in or ruling your 11th House, I can guarantee you have been obsessed with a fictional villain or at the least, a morally grey character.
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geeta1726 · 2 months
What are the effects of 7th House Lord (Saturn) of the Navamsa Chart in the 11th House?
In Vedic astrology, the Navamsa chart is a divisional or D-9 chart that provides additional insights into the marriage and spiritual aspects of an individual's life. When analyzing the effects of the 7th house lord (Saturn, in this case) in the 11th house of the Navamsa chart, it's important to consider various factors for a comprehensive interpretation. Here are some general effects that may be associated with this placement:
Social Connections and Networks:The 11th house is traditionally associated with friendships, social networks, and gains. The presence of the 7th house lord in the 11th house may indicate that partnerships and relationships have a significant impact on your social circles and networks.
Gains through Partnerships:This placement suggests that partnerships, including marriage, may play a role in your financial gains and achievements. Business partnerships or collaborations with others could be favorable for financial success.
Harmony in Relationships:Saturn, as the 7th house lord, brings a sense of responsibility and discipline to relationships. In the 11th house, there may be a harmonious and supportive dynamic within your social and professional networks.
Balancing Personal and Social Life:Balancing your personal life, especially your close relationships (7th house), with your social life and aspirations (11th house) becomes important. Finding equilibrium between personal commitments and social activities may be a key theme.
Focus on Long-Term Goals:Saturn's influence in the 11th house may bring a disciplined and methodical approach to your long-term goals and aspirations. You may be patient and persistent in working towards your objectives.
Spiritual Growth through Relationships:The Navamsa chart is also associated with spiritual growth. The placement of the 7th house lord in the 11th house could indicate that your relationships contribute to your spiritual evolution, and there may be lessons to learn in this area.
It is important to note that individual interpretations may vary depending on specific planetary aspects, conjunctions, and the overall context of the entire birth chart. For which you can use Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional software which can analyze your entire chart in detail, providing a more personalized and accurate understanding of the effects of this placement.
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astrolovecosmos · 11 months
Chart Ruler in the Houses:
Your chart ruler is the planet associated with your rising sign. e.g. Libra rising means your chart ruler is Venus, Sagittarius Rising means your chart ruler is Jupiter. The chart ruler can be similar to the rising in that it represents an aspect of your self-expression. It can also act like a guide or marker to areas of life that greatly impact you and motivate you. See below the chart ruler in each house:
~1st House~
Individuality is not only important to you and your life, but questions surrounding individuality, developing it - these are a big part of your life lessons, struggles, wins, and fulfillments. How you develop as a person, your self-expression, independence, and how you stand out acts as motivation. Early life may have been unique, intense, or hazy depending on the planet, but frequently revisiting it or taking inspiration from it is common for this placement. Having your chart ruler in the 1st House may indicate someone who has high expectations for themselves and their life or even "destiny". It is common for these individuals to be on either side of the scale with pessimism vs. optimism in their approach and view of their own life. A fear of being rejected, ignored, and possibly used or controlled may exist here. When the chart ruler is in the 1st House these people will always ask themselves who they are and/or may have a huge drive to always prove themselves or define themselves. They may face many challenges involving depth, intensity, intimacy vs. shallowness and detachment. Self-love and acceptance are their strength, their crown.
~2nd House~
The 2nd House is a house of the physical world but also our relationship to the physical world which many times can be highly intangible. The most straightforward way to understand this is through ideas around value and resource. The 2nd House is what we value from our favorite piece of clothing to our loved ones to our own self-worth. This is also the house of security, quality, spending, resources, energy that is taken or received, it is physical manifestations or materialism which can extend to ideas of the spirit having a body (6th House may be body and health, but the 2nd also has connections to the body and physiology, especially the throat, neck, voice). When the chart ruler is in this house challenges, lessons, and guidance may seem very practical with lessons about work, money, and possessions. Other times it can be hard to recognize or follow with lessons about restraint, boundaries, or defense. The chart ruler pulls on individuals to practice self-care and stability. People here may feel like their stability, safety, and maybe sanity are frequently questioned or being threatened. They learn early on how important options, skills, tools, money, space, being resourceful is. These people for many reasons may also constantly seek comfort and contentment. They want the peace that comes with more passive attitudes towards living like attraction, patience, routine, and indulgence or relaxation. The 2nd House is also about potential and when the chart ruler sits here motivation can come from self-belief. Endurance and determination are their crown.
~3rd House~
Self-expression, learning, communicating, connecting - all of these things are brought front and center with the chart ruler in the 3rd house. Motivation can be from a curious mind or possibly a bored mind, being highly involved or removed from a community, or social status or pressures. Learning from others is very important for this placement, even those who are shyer may crave this. Many of their internal conflicts or conflicts throughout life may involve some sort of lone wolf. vs social butterfly themes. Their main motivation may come from, their self-expression and personality shaped by, or possibly one of their guiding lights in life may be their siblings, extended family, students, or possibly a teacher in some form. These individuals are likely observant, mentally quick, possibly talkative or social, and likely adaptable. Even if someone with this placement has a lot of fixed sign influences, life will pull them through many situations that will demand flexibility or an open mind. There is a focus on how these people are in their attitude towards others in their most immediate environment and inner circle outside of highly intimate or hierarchical roles like a spouse or parent. Think friends, coworkers, siblings, their network, their community. The planet will have a lot to say about this, Venus for example indicates a very easygoing, nice, possibly loving attitude. Mars may mean competitive, aggressive, or passionate interactions and relationships. The Sun or Pluto can indicate power struggles. Saturn indicates a lot of responsibility, reputation, maybe burdens form being part of a community. This attitude or approach to their community will be extremely important to them. Knowledge and adaptability or an openness to learn are their crown.
~4th House~
This individual's motivation and personality may be heavily based around family somehow. They are prone to holding onto old feelings and grudges and this may be a major drive for them. The 4th House can represent our homelife, our private life, private selves, ancestry, cycles or patterns, intuition, and nurturing. Having a happy, safe, or stable home is a need for everyone but here their home life may impact their most basic self-expression constantly. A hurt or disturbed home life may be worn on their sleeve somehow. The 4th House can represent our parents both in a literal or metaphorical sense. I wouldn't be surprised if those with their chart ruler in this house find that they seek a parent type of relationship with others frequently OR has to parent themselves or others somehow. There may be a great drive to carry on a family's legacy or to start a new found family with this placement. Questions and insecurities may frequently revolve around one's place in their family, starting a family, or leaving one. This person may be good at hiding intentions, may be highly private or guarded, receptive, perceptive, and sensitive. Where they feel most at home can be determined by planet and sign but the chart ruler in the 4th indicates that there is a huge need to always "return" home or feel at home in the self, with others, and in a place. Getting in touch with one's past or heritage may be important to them throughout life. An understanding of the pasts' impact on the present and future is a major theme and lesson. Understanding and caring are strengths of theirs to cultivate. But...Loyalty, love, and trust of family is their crown.
~5th House~
A general love for life may be a major motivation for this placement. The 5th House is the house of recreation, love affairs, romance, drama, creativity, creation, pleasure, celebration, hobbies, self-expression, vibrancy. Expressing the self through what one creates whether that is art, a reputation, food, crafts, ideas, debatably children are all important to this house. The chart ruler in the 5th House may have a huge desire to leave a legacy or impression through what they make and share. There might also be a drive to indulge, experience, and love. This house has a positive reputation but the chart ruler here depending on sign, planet, aspect may indicate a struggle to enjoy life or express one's creativity. There may be a need to shine, fight, rebel, create a new path. A desire for adventure, admiration, romance, and leisure can exist in a way that is desperate or hard to satisfy. The 5th House has been interpreted as a place of self-discovery, carefreeness, play, or self-creation and in this sense, there is a huge push to be confident in oneself and to let your energy or vitality burn. The 5th House has also been interpreted as a place to look at how you learn and celebrate others and through them also learn about and celebrate the self. This can take a lot of giving and risk. Because of these aspects bravery and generosity is this chart ruler's crown.
~6th House~
This is the house of the everyday - habits, work, physical health, cleanliness, collaboration or teamwork, routine, service, help, support, practicality, skills, work ethic, pets, efficiency, uses. On paper this house can sound dull but similarly to the 2nd House the relationship of the tangible to the intangible can make interpretations or manifestations of this house sometimes hard to recognize. Work and health are two very common motivators for this placement. Other common motivators may be a desire to be useful, to heal others, to fix something, or possibly to be part of a team or cause. Depending on the influences involved a chart ruler in this house may spell out a person who craves recognition or reward for their status, good deeds, or accomplishments. There is nothing inherently wrong with this but it may cause a lack of fulfillment for the individuals. The chart ruler in the 6th House may work themselves to death or be distracted from people or things that truly feed their soul and help their mental health because they can get distracted with "the right way" to do things, with daily tasks they need to check off, or a sense of heavy duty. In this way modesty may be needed not to humble but to cut through the b.s. of more shallow pursuits and relationships. Some with this placement may need to be brought down to earth sometimes, just not in the way they or most may expect. Some may fear leaving their routine and habits, easily getting stuck in ruts. This will take courage to break routines or unhealthy habits, but it will also take self-discipline and even gratitude. Being thankful for the past and the present may help them to overcome fears of regret, failure, losing, or even imperfection. Boundaries, self-worth, discipline, physical and mental health, and self-sacrifice are all subjects that can make or break this placement's expression. Those with this placement likely want to be part of something that is bigger than them. Something that gives the everyday purposes or light. They can find this in the simple things and in everyday happenings. Because of that humility and gratitude are this chart ruler's crown.
~7th House~
The house that is all about relationships, you can expect that having your chart ruler here means plenty of action, karma, lessons, struggles, highs and lows to one's friendships, romances, rivalries, and enemies. This may have been a person who learned early on how important it is to get along with others or possibly to stand out from others. The chart ruler in the 7th does not automatically make one easygoing and cooperative. Mars or Aries in this house may drive someone to be competitive, overly independent, or antagonistic with others, finding this to bring them the most excitement or even peace in their life. Questions about relationships and who they are to others may always be part of their life. The 7th House is about projection and how you present yourself to others and how others reinforce your self. Those with their chart ruler in the 7th may find that they have deep insecurities about being loved and accepted. The chart ruler here may indicate someone who struggles a lot with boundaries, people pleasing, and balancing the needs of themselves vs. the needs of others. Even with a hotter or more self-focused influence like the Sun or fire element can find themselves easily losing themselves in others or forgetting to take care of themselves. Equality, respect, and honesty are pillars they need to build in their relationships. Some with this placement may need to unwrap their ego from their relationships and loved ones, others may need to overcome a fear of loneliness. They feel fulfilled when in a happy relationship. Things like self-love and healthy boundaries will be important for this placement but I would say their biggest virtues, what they will find strength from is with both unity and independence. 👑
~8th House~
How does the house of secrets, the taboo, intimacy, sharing, death, rebirth, inheritance, loans, and the metaphysical and occult motivate one and their life? This darker house can have abstract or intangible influences on one's self-expression. First those with their chart ruler in the 8th likely have a strong connection to their intuition, emotional side, depths, religious or spiritual beliefs, or psyche. They may have learned at a young age the importance of listening and of staying away from or investigating the dark, scary places of themselves and others. They learned about monsters under the bed or in the closet early on. One of the physical ways this house manifests is through physical intimacy. The 8th House rules over all forms of intimacy, physical or not. Those with their ruler in this house will likely have a life greatly impacted by this somehow. Maybe they are in tune with their body and libido, others may struggle to tame it or get in touch with it. Maybe they easily become attached and close with others, or maybe they are extremely guarded and detached. Chart ruler in the 8th commonly indicates someone who is more secretive or private. What they share or don't share with others may be a huge focus. Rewards and punishment for being overly open or overly closed may be a common challenge. A fear of looking weak, wrong, or bad can exist. Speaking of fear, this house rules over it. I could see someone with their chart ruler here struggle with nightmares in their life. This may be someone who struggles with timidness, or even acting cowardly. Others may be addicted to adrenaline, finding it an escape or confidence boost. Some assign psychology to this house and with this can be a huge desire to know and master the self. With the ruler here their self-awareness game may be strong. This is also the house of transformation and joint, inner, or (will)power. These people may very likely have vibrant, passionate, intense inner selves or personal lives that are very much hidden or a mystery to others. Abuse, trauma, and life-changing events are not exclusive to the 8th House but this placement may find immense insight, wisdom, and empowerment from them. Just like the cliche of the phoenix, they get stronger after turmoil, rising from the ashes. Vulnerability and compassion are their crown.
~9th House~
This is the house of travel and higher education but also philosophy, beliefs, meaning. Having your chart ruler here indicates high energy, enthusiasm or a zealous nature, curiosity, and optimism. A passion for learning and exploration, an open mind and heart, or a desire to be part of something higher and greater than them are common motivators. They may frequently find themselves asking philosophical questions throughout life or big pictured questions. Some simply like to think and wonder while others get too stuck on "what ifs" in their life. This placement is likely passionate about their beliefs and opinions. Even if their beliefs aren't rooted in religion or the spiritual, they may be opinionated and forceful about them. Being highly open and changeable about your beliefs may be a theme too. This could be a person who is very open-minded to different religions and cultures and wants to try them all in some capacity. Either way belief is central to their life and character. The 9th House can be associated with worldly matters, foreign affairs, how culture and ethics differ, form, and are practiced. Being a globetrotter may be a common manifestation or being highly active in politics or foreign relations. This house is also about rituals, publishing, hopes, the future, storytelling. Those with their ruler in this house may find they have a complex relationship with truth vs. lies or illusions. The duality between hope and despair may exist in their conflicts and challenges. There can be a thirst for knowledge, especially specialized, privileged, forbidden, or secret knowledge. These people may live in their own cages or horizons based on their beliefs. Their worldview may mean everything to them. Belief either in themselves or something else and curiosity are their crown.
~10th House~
Status, reputation, or reward, especially the material kind are the most likely motivators for someone with their chart ruler in the 10th. The 10th house is about career, reputation, ambition, public life, authority, parental influence, discipline, recognition, purpose. There may be a huge need for a great sense of purpose. Responsibility and reputation are hot topics for those with their chart ruler here. These may be two things that haunt or bring joy to them throughout life. A fear of failure, embarrassment, or a lack of control can be a huge challenge for this placement. Seeking approval from or rebelling from an authority figure may be a huge drive for some. Their self-expression is focused and monitored, criticized and restrained so it fits within their society or family. Matters of support and providing are important for those with this placement. Both receiving it and giving it may be challenging or rewarding. Those with this placement may be passionate about campaigning for or providing for those who lack help much like they may have lacked when younger. These people typically strive to be helpful, depended on, the leader or decision maker, the problem solver. Even those that are more independent, unconventional, and rebellious may find themselves leading a rag-tag team of outcasts. Control issues and obsession with career or work can be challenges. Many with this placement find purpose and identity through their career. Some are driven by places of fear and insecurity around control. But it is commitment and honor that makes up this placement's crown. Through these virtues/traits they can find strength and energy.
~11th House~
The 11th House is the house of social awareness, collective action and consciousness. How one fits in with society or a group is very important here. Individuality has a place in this house but the story is more about how one fits in or stands out with their individuality than just defining that individuality. The 11th House is also about friendship, acceptance, alienation, awareness, trends, the higher mind, intellect and intuition, wishes/aspirations. This tends to be a hopeful and extroverted house in terms of its general influence. Having your chart ruler here means you may find meaning and direction by being part of organizations or groups. There may also be a struggle to find people you belong with. Motivation tends to come from social expectations/pressures, societal norms, rebellion, isolation, idealism, or fear of missing out. Friends and peers may be very important to those who's ruler sits in this house. From an early age this individual learned the importance and need for acceptance by one's peers or may have found refuge, learning, and understanding in them. Expanding their mind and knowledge through others may be a drive for them. Having a charismatic and confident self-expression may be important for some, or finding those who celebrate or are attracted to their unique sense of self-expression. Those with this placement may sympathize with or find purpose through humanitarian pursuits. There can be a part of them that wants to do good on a large scale - to help humanity, the world, society. Motivation and a guide for the self may come from seeing the big picture and caring for groups or humanity. But depending on the sign, planet, and aspects having your ruler in this house may also cause one to be highly selfish and focused on how a group can benefit them. There may be a desire to control or dominate a group of people or organization. Conformity and nonconformity can also be pulled to one of the extremes with this individual. Getting carried away with group fear, hope, promises, deception, and division can also happen with these people. They can understand the pros and cons, the depths of tribalism. It is important for them to learn quickly a healthy separation between the self and the group. But ultimately tolerance of others and cooperation are this chart ruler's crown.
~12th House~
The House of the subconscious and hidden or secrets can be tricky to explain. When the chart ruler is in the 12th House one's motivation can be elusive or at times, they may feel that they lack motivation or that they struggle to express and define the self. Being introverted or shy is common with this placement. Getting to know oneself is a lifelong path for many with this placement. There can be a desire to be found, to discover from the self and from others something meaningful, a desire to be connected spiritually, for intense intimacy, or possibly a feeling of wholeness. They themselves may struggle to pinpoint their desires, needs, and motivations, but once discovered they can be highly empowered. This is also the house of isolation, loss of power, loss of ego or identity, and loss in general. This person may confront many uncomfortable questions, truths, or experiences surrounding loss. This house shares similar themes with the 4th and 8th Houses - family karma and secrets, depth, psychology or psyche, spirituality, magic, intuition. A yearning to understand the self can be present for those with this placement. There may also be a drive to understand themselves and others through spiritual lenses. A drive to heal and help may exist here as well. This house covers many intense and bleaker subjects, but it is associated with surrender, forgiveness, reconnection, rebirth, reparation, hidden strengths or potential, and the good and bad of spirituality, oneness, and karma. People with this placement may be natural healers, counselors, or teachers. Fearing or embracing loneliness and separation may be a common manifestation. Through the dynamic between creation and destruction that this house has, they can find great insight and power from their pain. Empathy and listening to one's soul or intuition are what makes up their crown.
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whatsupbomb · 1 year
🧐 Sometimes people mistake planets in natal chart for something they're not because of their own personal problems 🧐
For example, many people think that Moon is our mother not because Moon rules over female fertility, but because they have cold and detached mothers. Some people think of random people in their life as their real mothers (aunts/teachers/older sister/friends/grandmothers). Real mothers would be represented by Sun because of it's heat and closeness to us
Another example is how many people think that the 5th house is our kids. 5th house rules over our real estate (house etc.). In other words our "possesions". If we see our kid as our own possession then it will be represented by the 5th house. But kids don't belong to their parents. In my opinion kids are the 11th house ruling over upbringing, charitable work and gratuitous help. If we love our kids, we would help them to put them on their feet
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astrogre · 6 months
House Transit Money Observations:
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Sun in 2H transit is at the same time every year and tends to be minor pay raises, a month of spending a lot of money, in that season your bank account either spends more or less
Full moon transits for money houses (2H, 8H, 11H) maybe mean new clients, payday, good money, generally brings good money.
Mars in 8H transit triggers 8h theme of need to put bigger deposit on something or purchase an investment (moving house, expanding business using funds)
Mars in 2h transit can make you have impulsive spending, motivation to put out projects and work for yourself
Jupiter 2H ups your spending, you get more work like more clients, more salary, more inspiration to start your business, eclipses especially are when people may decide to freelance
Transits of Jupiter, Saturn, NN, SN are important to see bigger and lasting changes to your finances.
Jupiter 8H transit can be a big bonus at the end of the year, or an influx of money at once as it’s not a result of your day to day efforts but a thing you get all at once as a “here you go, well done!”
11th house transits is usually when you receive an elevation in the financial quality of your life, like being able to buy from a more premium store for food, having enough income to pay for better clothes etc.
Moon in 2nd house transit, purchasing things for emotional fulfilment, you’re in your retail therapy phase and that’s okay… just don’t overdo it 😅
Saturn 2H transits usually are kind of stressful, being restricted financially, to give a wake up call to the native like “I need to get my finances up”. A 3 year long period when you are getting better financial structures, learning how to manage your money but only after you have a better understanding of 1. how you make money, 2. how you want to structure business, 3. what makes you most money is this lesson mastered. Each Saturn transit picks up from last time teaching you more about how to manage, expand or distribute your finances.
Saturn 8H same as 2H but also having to pay other people, outsourcing, bringing on other people, having to share your finances more.
If any of your money houses in your natal chart are empty (2H, 5H, 8H, 11H) and there’s a planet transit in that house it will activate the the house giving it energy to manifest in your life and make it a contributing theme in your life you are working with
E.g a native has empty 5H under the sign Pisces. The sun hits transits for this house for a month and during that time period the native may suddenly find themselves being noticed and working really well in their creative endeavours and having a ball in risky investments or gambling for their own personal enjoyment
North Node, South Node transits (as they’re opposite) if one is in 2H or 8H so will the other. This transit brings constant themes at the same time for a year and a half to 2 years of how you save, invest, what’s worth your money, what your skills are worth. How you can plan for your financial future.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
North Node & Your Purpose Part 2
❤️North node in 7th house- here you have to find your place in relationships. Relationships are basically a big part of your life and getting along with others will bring you a lot of joy. Your relationships will be more meaningful. Finding the right person in this life will be a challenge. Finding justice in this world and defending others will also be something that will mean something to you. You have to find a part of yourself and balance it with others. You have to find a part of yourself that is opposite to your rising sign.
🌊North node in 8th house- you have to find deepening and things that are deepened. To find the light in the darkness. You have to find your power that is hidden within you. Also you can discover the truth earlier than others and deal with the dark parts of life better than others. Transformation is part of your life and so each transformation makes you stronger and better. You can feel the emotions and souls of others more strongly and intensely than others. You have to follow the psychology of life and you can be good at helping others discover the darker parts of themselves.Here you can also be more familiar with death than others. You have power over darkness. You have the power to feel things more strongly than others, but you can also control them. Your purpose is to show the hidden part of your life. To start over and leave behind everything that doesn't serve you. Your goal here is also to learn to let go. If anyone knows what it's like to be in the deep, it's you.
🎑North node in 9th house- Your purpose is to follow your faith in something, to be more optimistic. Find inspiration. I think the best example of this north node is the movie "eat pray love". You have to go on a trip alone and find yourself there and faith in yourself. Get to know other cultures and the world in general. I think this is where you find the greatest inspiration and independence. To find love elsewhere and feel places and the world with your soul. You can be a good teacher to others and teach them a lot. Your view of the world can also change the view of others.
🎤North node in 10th house- your purpose is to show others who you are and become someone. Pushing yourself to become successful and not letting others tell you who you are. At the same time, to step outside your comfort zone. To become strong, determined and confident in what you do and what you are. Here, the north node can also push you to grow up and become more responsible and accept responsibility. Here I notice that people have a hard time coping with adulthood. You have to find your role in this life.
🥑North node in 11th house- your purpose is to follow your dreams, goals and difference.You have to follow what you really want and what represents freedom to you. At the same time, not following the system or others, but following yourself. Follow what feels most like you. Here you will find happiness with friends (true friends) and when you have your own circle of people who are close to you. You have to follow the social life or get used to it. The strength of this house is that it is constantly focused on the future and never dwells in the present. They are often attracted to groups, clubs, and organizations where they can share their passions with others. You are also very creative and you can easily think of new ideas and perspectives that can move the cultural needle.
☁️North node in 12th house- your purpose is to follow your subconscious, the intuition you have. You have to listen to your inner voice. At the same time, follow your artistic abilities and also your dreams, because if you want them enough, they will come true. Here, people also have a good ability to manifest. Living by the sea or something related to water will bring you a lot of peace and inspiration. You have to find a way to deal with your subconscious and spirituality. These people encounter the spiritual side of life at least once. These people also very well always know what it means to suffer and can take other people's suffering away. They have a good intuition for the subconscious of others and see hidden intentions. The past can be a part of you and you have to discover parts of it in this life so you can move on.
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