#petition for trans
An amendment to the Family Medical Leave Act for trans persons going through medical transition.
Hello again, 
I was away from social media for a bit to refresh myself. I am back and still trying to get more support for my vision - an amendment to FMLA that will award the same grace to transfolx that pregnant folx receive. If we work the neccessary hours, it should not matter what our FMLA is used for (within reason and qualifying criteria). Eligible employees should be able to get FMLA for the hard struggles they face during the first stages of second puberty.
First puberty was hell, but no one ever remembers that. Second puberty is hell on earth, but more so when you’re having to work for 8+ hrs a day on top of that. It doesn’t matter the physical demands of the job, what matters is the toll on the body as you go through those stages over again and the inability to get a grace period while you go through those changes. 
Please help me get my vision through to the US Department of Labor for consideration as an amendment to the current Family Medical Leave Act.
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Hey y'all, I'd appreciate anyone from the UK signing this petition to allow trans/nonbinary kids to stay closeted from their parents if they're out at school. It's obviously very important that children be able to keep potentially dangerous information about their identity away from their parents, and explore it safely in a school environment.
If it reaches 10k votes the government must respond, and 100k means they need to debate it, but any votes are good for raising awareness and profile.
If you're not from the UK please share this so others see it
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risottobismarck · 1 year
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my butch4butch & t4t illustration for the upcoming issue of @belovedzine​​ 💌🏳️‍🌈  
p.s. : i made a ton of color variations theyre under the cut 
p.p.s. : lyrics from nothing by petite league:’)
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catskincass · 1 year
UK folks!!
There's some new 'guidance' for schools in the works, which aims to force teachers to inform parents if a child is questioning their gender, or identifies as trans.
This would also involve refusing to acknowledge a child's gender identity without express consent of the parents AND the personal approval of the head teacher.
I can't stress enough how dangerous this will be for trans and queer children in the UK. Some of you may remember Thatcher's Section 28, a piece of legislation designed to "prohibit the promotion of homosexuality".
Practically, this bill legalised homophobia and orientation-based discrimination for years.
THIS guidance for teachers will be worse. This guidance directly targets trans children and puts them at risk of discrimination, harassment and abuse by the people supposed to protect them.
Below is a link to a petition you can sign to counter this guidance. If you can, PLEASE write to your local MP. If they are labour, it is likely they will have opposed Section 28 when it was released and, if enough determination is shown CHANGE CAN HAPPEN.
We cannot let this guidance get a foothold.
We cannot endanger trans children.
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mxactivist · 2 months
UK petition: Sandyford Clinic [Scotland] to immediately continue to prescribe trans kids hormone blockers
[ Sign here ]
Following the Cass Review, trans kids are no longer able to receive puberty blocker prescriptions from Sandyford, Scotland's only gender identity clinic for under 18s. This is devastating news for trans kids who will now see their bodies change in ways that will trigger dysphoria. It will ultimately cost lives as trans kids are driven to suicide. All this will happen because of some despicable, manufactured "trans debate", where trans kids, and adults, are being used as a scapegoat for society's problems. Trans charities and advocate groups are condemning the awful Cass Review all over the country. The only groups celebrating this dreadful document are anti-trans ones. Hormone blockers have been used for decades safely, and the vast majority of trans kids that go on to transition are happy. A common argument against blockers is that trans kids are not old enough to make such decisions. This is exactly what puberty blockers are for; to hit the pause button on any irreversible changes; to give trans kids time to make these decisions. We urge Sandyford clinic to immediately resume providing trans kids with their life-saving puberty blockers.
[ Sign here ]
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phosphofructokinase-2 · 2 months
Hello everyone. I’ve been seething these days because the medical school I go to is renaming a room after some transphobic, racist and misogynistic texas congresspeople that assisted our school with obtaining federal funding (basically making it so that student doctors don’t have to pay as much tuition, which really helps out low-income medical school students.) They are texas state senator Creighton and representative Metcalf.
HOWEVER as nice as this assistance was, I am vehemently against the naming of the room after these clowns.
1. Senator creighton supports legislation that is vehemently Anti-Healthcare.
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these are some of the “certain treatments” prohibited for trans kids btw:
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just purely hateful, knowing that gender confirming care SAVES THE LIVES OF TRANS CHILDREN. and we are training to be DOCTORS. with the goal of NOT ending lives. extending them even. there’s an oath about it and everything.
2. BOTH creighton and metcalf are pro-israel
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Again. We’re a medical school. training doctors to help people live longer, healthier lives. we do not support genocide.
I don’t even understand how making bills like this is even fucking allowed.
3. helping their representative community is their fucking job. We literally Voted Them Into Office For This Purpose. They are otherwise useless.
Honestly, their voting record gets worse. You can verify metcalf and creighton’s voting records at the links on their names.
the petition also has a much clearer and cleaner explanation about why this means so much to our school.
I know this feels like a relatively minor thing, but it means a lot to us. We want our school to be represented by those with a positive outlook on humanity. not a hateful one.
LINK TO PETITION: https://www.change.org/p/oppose-the-renaming-of-the-alc-and-teaching-theater-at-shsu-com?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABptQdaxLhejc49avWCzCpcrbVC7OzNmFOW8ihi-k6QjRLKBY18J6rkwIgXA_aem_AeheFM0DMHyuVsnbb611qTWiAQ4q9NNy-4ZEjjUW6ZB9Pyc3M2mMzOWxHY-Gg6B5gic
THANK YOU FOR READING PLEASE REBLOG AND LIKE AND SHARE and also sign the petition please it will take like 30 seconds.
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queerwelsh · 1 year
There are reports that the Government is planning to introduce guidance stating that schools in England must inform parents if a young person seeks to change their name or starts wearing different uniform. We believe this information should be kept confidential, unless the child chooses to share it.
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notvv0ltz · 6 months
❗🏳️‍⚧️ Petition to help Russian trans people to get German humanitarian visas
As you know, basically Russia has banned any way of transitioning for trans people and *fully* legalized conversion therapy. This month the government also has claimed that the "LGBTQ movement" should be on the list of extremist groups (lol what)
German queer activists (Quarteera) have created a petition to the Bundestag that suggests the ability to live in Germany for trans people from Russia. However, 50,000 votes are needed for it to be considered.
This is not the change org shit. This petition CAN work. Use translator if you need, it takes just 5 minutes to sign it. It is also highly advised to share this.
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Puberty Pardon - Time Off for Transfolx for Surgery and 2nd Puberty
It has come to my attention that I have not been utilizing all of my reach on social media platforms. I will now be doing daily shares here as well.
I am a trans man. I am twenty eight years old. I began HRT (testosterone injections) on January 27th of 2022 at the age of twenty seven.
HRT is not an overnight fix. It is a life long commitment. It isn't something you do for a couple of days, months, or years and just stop. Unless, you find you've reached a point in your life in which you are comfortable with doing that. Typically, you do not just stop doing HRT.
Changes take time. Just like first puberty. You will not wake up the day after your first dose with the voice, face shape, fat redistribution, etc that you have always wanted.
Puberty is different for everyone. Just like first puberty.
You may see those changes quicker than others. You may not.
For example:
1/28/22 -- I experienced a spike in my previously near dead libido. I used to only be able to get off if the conditions were right and I hardly ever had the urge, but that all changed on this day. The day after my first dose. I suddenly had THE URGE. It was unnerving and unsettling and all kinds of weird, but also, nice in a way.
But that's not always how it goes.
Some people may not even experience a spike at all in their libido. It doesn't mean that it isn't working or you're broken. Some people just don't have much of one to begin with. That's alright. We support our ace bretheren in this household just as much as we support everyone else.
As glorious as those effects may be that you're so excited to get and have, there is a less glorious side to it all. Like with pregnancy. It doesn't mean it isn't worth it. It just means there's ugly parts that people don't like talking about.
I experienced night terrors as well as hypersomnia and insomnia. All at the same time. I was working. I couldn't function well. My concentration dipped out, my numbers dropped, my manager and trainer had damn near weekly talks with me about what they could do to help.
They didn't understand that it wasn't about work. It was about sleep and the quality of it.
If I was able to sleep at night, it was interrupted horribly by night terrors or nightmares. If I slept during the day, it was the same interrupted sleep that left me feeling angry at the world when I woke up.
I was a zombie. A horribly moody zombie with a cracking voice who couldn't do anything to help himself aside from taking time off of work to try to catch up on elusive sleep.
I tried taking melatonin, sleep aides over the counter, lunesta, and some other prescribed drugs. Nothing helped.
I just had to ride out the phases.
Jobs don't understand that. Employers don't get it. They never will. I worked for a unionized EOE. I told them on 1/30/2022 that I had begun my medical transition. They didn't understand in February or March.
I needed time. Grace. To get through the first stages of puberty again.
Everyone forgets what it's like to go through puberty. It was so long ago for everyone. They forget that teenagers have a right to be so gripey and moody. Teenagers need more sleep, but schools don't accommodate that and they should. People going through puberty need more sleep.
No one accommodates that as they should.
This is what Puberty Pardon is for.
Puberty Pardon is there to allow you the time you need to adjust during puberty. Through the night terrors, nightmares, hypersomnia, insomnia, migraines, etc. You should be allowed time off just like a pregnant person who is experiencing changes due to hormones. They get covered under The Family Medical Leave Act, why not us?
Not only that, but trans folx should be able to feel secure in their jobs if they choose to have a surgery done. Yes, we should also build up time for the surgery and recovery times, but we should also have some grace the same as pregnant people do with their time off.
That's what Puberty Pardon is about. Please sign, share, and support so that we can get this petition off the ground and start getting the attention of those who we need to send this off to.
Thank you for your support.
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eziojensenthe3rd · 2 months
82,970 so far. Go a sign it already
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Tennessee signed a law forcing every trans kid to netball detransition in the next year. Please sign this petition to help it get overturned and share.
(This petition covers laws in these states Alabama, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah)
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lost-and-cursed · 6 months
Sign the petition for trans people of Russia
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Petition for easier admission of trans people from abroad into Germany (Ends December 18)
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If you have a few minutes, please sign the petition or at least share it (via repost or reblog).
It needs 50 000 signs (and has only 7k) and has less than two weeks to go.
Instructions how to sign it and credits under the cut
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Infographic: courtesy of Pomyla ruki (Washed hands)
Translation: courtesy of @lost-and-cursed and @anayaretta
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I am an Irish Dance teacher in the United States, and at the beginning of December, a transgender girl won first place at her regional competition, which qualified her to attend the world championships in the spring. Unfortunately, there is a lot of hate going around and she is facing a lot of harassment. They even had to remove her entire competitions results from where they were previously posted so people would stop seeking her out and harassing her. Transphobes have even started a petition to the CLRG (one of the two major Irish dance organizations which I and this girl are both a part of) demanding they create separate competitions for transgender people.
Up until this point, it has been CLRG's policy to let dancers compete in whatever category they're comfortable in, and that shouldn't be changed because some transphobes got butt-hurt that this 14 year old girl was a beautiful dancer and won.
If y'all can share this counter petition I found, I would greatly appreciate it. She needs some support right now, and I don't want something that has meant so much to me all my life to be torn apart by transphobes.
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mxactivist · 9 months
UK petition: Do not require schools to tell parents their child is transgender/non-binary
[ Sign here ]
There are reports that the Government is planning to introduce guidance stating that schools in England must inform parents if a young person seeks to change their name or starts wearing different uniform. We believe this information should be kept confidential, unless the child chooses to share it. For many trans and non-binary children, school is a safe space where they can escape any transphobia at home and live as their preferred gender. We are concerned about reports of new Government guidance that would require schools to tell a trans or non-binary child's parents if the child wishes to socially transition in school. This has the potential to put these children in danger of abuse at home This will not only affect today's children, but children of future generations. We need to stop this before it is too late.
Deadline: 27 October 2023
Signatures: 36,987 (track here) - 100,000 needed for a debate in parliament
Who can sign?
Anyone living in the UK, regardless of citizenship, and
Anyone with UK citizenship living anywhere in the world.
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destielmemenews · 6 months
Hello! I don't know who i should connect to about this.
You may be familiar with the general situation of trans and generally queer people in russia. Since the start of war in Ukraine, the law, that was in force for about 10 years and banned "LGBT propaganda" for minors (in fact, it banned any information to teenagers and any materials that are in any way related to queer people and potentially accessible to minors) was changed to a complete ban on “LGBT propaganda”.
In October of this year, russia completely banned documentary and medical transition for transgender people and significantly restricted their other rights. More specifically here: https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/07/25/vladimir-putin-trans-healthcare-ban-russia/ On November 30, the russian Supreme Court classified the “international LGBT movement” as an “extremist organization.” What this means exactly is explained in detail here: https://meduza.io/en/cards/russia-has-banned-the-so-called-international-lgbt-movement
The activist team “Quarteera” has started a petition calling for easier access to refugee status for trans* people from Russia in Germany (e.g. the possibility of applying for refugee status for people already in Germany without having to travel to russia to submit documents).
🟣 The petition can be read and signed here until December 18th: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/content/petitionen/_2023/_08/_22/Petition_156274.html
Residents of other countries can sign too. I would be very grateful if you would sign the petition and help spread the word.
The petition is in German, but anyone can sign!
According to Wikipedia, the group behind the petition is involved in numerous educational activities and demonstrations that aim to help LGBT+ Russian migrants and their families in Germany.
"Quarteera is a Russian-speaking non-profit volunteer LGBT registered association in Berlin, Germany. The association was officially registered in April 2011 and calls itself the "Russian-speaking group of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people and their friends in Germany"."
Quarteera's website (in Russian)
An informational Reddit post about the situation.
The petition
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noahsarkisfulloffrogs · 3 months
A part 2 to a previous post I made so I can raise awareness
By the way, here's a comprehensive list of individuals who've done stuff that concerns me, so without further ado
Ben Shapiro-
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Key Jean-Kay/Posey Parker- a TERF or transphobe whose more known in the UK (where I'm from) who posted this as a response to Brianna Ghey's death
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Libs Of Tiktok-
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Matt Walsh-
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Alice Cooper-
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Graham Linean-
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JK ROWLING- I'm not even going to dignify her with any image because she's notorious for doing that shit.
Rosin Murphy-
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Elon musk-
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Ricky Gervais-
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Blair White : It's full of subtleties, but if someone uses the word 'convincing' to say that someone's exploring their identity, then you're inciting hatred because you're creating a narrative that they're just confused and don't really understand themselves.
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This is a reupload BUT kalvin Garrah has done some serious damage too
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Raven-This might not seem harmful now, but this pronoun moral panic can lead to you being brought down a transphobic pipeline.
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Arielle Scarcella
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There's probably MANY MANY more, but please, THINK BEFORE YOU POST. These people spread dangerous rhetoric because it's easy to ostracise a social group, so PLEASE PLEASE think about what you say because you will tar your hands with the blood of hundreds of people, and that's something you can never wash off. (I'd encourage anyone to comment any other creators who do similar things.)
I want to start a petition so here goes nothing, but here's a change.org petition I made so hopefully countries or groups will be put into more pressure to DEAL WITH these individuals beyond demonetising them
Change.org- https://chng.it/LQx5JS6D9s
Also posts made by others on this include: https://www.change.org/p/youtube-stop-targeting-trans-youtubers?source_location=search
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