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Puberty Pardon - Time Off for Transfolx for Surgery and 2nd Puberty
It has come to my attention that I have not been utilizing all of my reach on social media platforms. I will now be doing daily shares here as well.
I am a trans man. I am twenty eight years old. I began HRT (testosterone injections) on January 27th of 2022 at the age of twenty seven.
HRT is not an overnight fix. It is a life long commitment. It isn't something you do for a couple of days, months, or years and just stop. Unless, you find you've reached a point in your life in which you are comfortable with doing that. Typically, you do not just stop doing HRT.
Changes take time. Just like first puberty. You will not wake up the day after your first dose with the voice, face shape, fat redistribution, etc that you have always wanted.
Puberty is different for everyone. Just like first puberty.
You may see those changes quicker than others. You may not.
For example:
1/28/22 -- I experienced a spike in my previously near dead libido. I used to only be able to get off if the conditions were right and I hardly ever had the urge, but that all changed on this day. The day after my first dose. I suddenly had THE URGE. It was unnerving and unsettling and all kinds of weird, but also, nice in a way.
But that's not always how it goes.
Some people may not even experience a spike at all in their libido. It doesn't mean that it isn't working or you're broken. Some people just don't have much of one to begin with. That's alright. We support our ace bretheren in this household just as much as we support everyone else.
As glorious as those effects may be that you're so excited to get and have, there is a less glorious side to it all. Like with pregnancy. It doesn't mean it isn't worth it. It just means there's ugly parts that people don't like talking about.
I experienced night terrors as well as hypersomnia and insomnia. All at the same time. I was working. I couldn't function well. My concentration dipped out, my numbers dropped, my manager and trainer had damn near weekly talks with me about what they could do to help.
They didn't understand that it wasn't about work. It was about sleep and the quality of it.
If I was able to sleep at night, it was interrupted horribly by night terrors or nightmares. If I slept during the day, it was the same interrupted sleep that left me feeling angry at the world when I woke up.
I was a zombie. A horribly moody zombie with a cracking voice who couldn't do anything to help himself aside from taking time off of work to try to catch up on elusive sleep.
I tried taking melatonin, sleep aides over the counter, lunesta, and some other prescribed drugs. Nothing helped.
I just had to ride out the phases.
Jobs don't understand that. Employers don't get it. They never will. I worked for a unionized EOE. I told them on 1/30/2022 that I had begun my medical transition. They didn't understand in February or March.
I needed time. Grace. To get through the first stages of puberty again.
Everyone forgets what it's like to go through puberty. It was so long ago for everyone. They forget that teenagers have a right to be so gripey and moody. Teenagers need more sleep, but schools don't accommodate that and they should. People going through puberty need more sleep.
No one accommodates that as they should.
This is what Puberty Pardon is for.
Puberty Pardon is there to allow you the time you need to adjust during puberty. Through the night terrors, nightmares, hypersomnia, insomnia, migraines, etc. You should be allowed time off just like a pregnant person who is experiencing changes due to hormones. They get covered under The Family Medical Leave Act, why not us?
Not only that, but trans folx should be able to feel secure in their jobs if they choose to have a surgery done. Yes, we should also build up time for the surgery and recovery times, but we should also have some grace the same as pregnant people do with their time off.
That's what Puberty Pardon is about. Please sign, share, and support so that we can get this petition off the ground and start getting the attention of those who we need to send this off to.
Thank you for your support.
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sensiblereblogifposts · 4 months
I'm going to break my very strict format for once because I need your help. For the past 9 years, the irl human behind this blog has been involved in the effort to save a museum from incompetent and money hungry executives.
The museum is filled with precious objects, telling the story of the history of technology, and how it relates to art and society.
Many of these are objects are large, but delicate and have been in place for over 30 years.
No one within the museum's community trusts the CEO, who was appointed by a hostile former government, and prefers renting out museum spaces for business functions over educating the public.
In a few days, the museum is set to close down for renovations. Yet none of the staff or volunteers have been given any clear details about these plans. All we know is displays which have inspired generations will be torn down, likely never to be restored.
We have a petition asking the new government to step in and stop the closure:
If you could sign this, you'd be doing the human behind this blog a massive favour.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
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Mrs Speechie P
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rickybaby · 6 months
Laila I hard agree with your tags RE: Italiano leaving. I’ve seen people joke that Danny must have fucked his girlfriend or something but I don’t think it’s anything personal (in that way)
If I had to guess I’d say it was something big, maybe business/money related. I kind of hoped Daniel just realized what a shit trainer Michael was (I can rant on his bs practices all day, but he pushes some unsustainable and sometimes outright dangerous ideas like extensive fasting, etc. etc. which have always rubbed me the wrong way). BUT I think in reality Daniel hasn’t really acknowledged/processed how NOT OKAY that whole McLaren stint was for him. He still talks to Zak, all the McLaren mechanics, friendly with Lando and Oscar, so if it was just “Michael let him down and wasn’t putting his best interests first in McLaren” I think Danny would have just let it go.
One thing he’s not stupid about though, is his money/business (and also, what a lot of people don’t acknowledge, his privacy). We don’t really hear a lot about Danny post-season. So I feel maybe the fall out had to do with Italiano going on podcast after podcast talking about Daniel and then also (presumably) raking in money for it. Again, all allegedly completely-just-going-from-my-own-vibes, Michael Italiano do not sue me
I do think there was a catalyst that led to their break-up sometime after the last race last year, because if I remember correctly, Jack (Doohan) had mentioned that Michael would be training him for F2 while still working with Daniel during his year off. But then, this never happened and MI ended up going to AT. All I'm saying is, whether something happened or someone sat Daniel down and talked to him about it, Daniel on his own would never have realised how harmful whatever MI preached was. And i think whatever it was, really hit Daniel hard because every time he's talked about coming back this year, whether it's the lone wolf comment or other things, he's constantly talked about how he's approaching training differently and how he's realised prioritising his recovery and rest is important.
Regarding your comment about whether Michael wasn't putting Daniel's interests first at Mclaren, I think a lot of people got the same impression, especially if you go by his comments on his Pitstop appearance this year. The way he framed it kind of implied that he was annoyed at Daniel's decision to take a year off and there was the implication that this derailed his own career and aspirations, which fair enough.
But coming to whether it could have been money/business-related, I feel like this is more like it. You do get the impression he was more in it for the money and the fame. Forget the part about dming girls and the cheating allegations, but the side-hustle part of it?? With the F1 season getting more and more hectic and trainers like Brad and Angela leaving because they can't keep up with the strain and time demand of the new calendar, how can you have the time to dedicate to other private clients? To me, it just means you're not really giving your 100% to the driver you are meant to support. Then, there was the mask debacle thing in 2020, his whole 'merch' collection and the way he continued to make money off his posts of Yuki this year.
And then the privacy thing - I know just because Daniel looks like such an open guy that people don't realise how private he is. Even during the whole mclaren debacle, not one person from his side ran their mouth in the press when you constantly have the family or friends of other drivers making snide comments or liking posts they shouldn't. And then, there's mr. Italiano making appearances in dodgy podcasts and obviously whatever he says, people are bound to take it as him meaning it about daniel because that's who they associate him with. And then the whole leaking of his private medical info, coming after the one and sole sighted interaction of theirs must have come as such a betrayal to Daniel
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vilwil-brr · 3 months
so. in light of recent news, I’m logging on here so I can delete what i have written for cwilbur - I was already debating on leaving it up or not anyway - and I’ll be changing my username once I figure out a new one. I know this hasn’t blog been focused on his characters for literal years, but I figure it’d be best to let y’all know - especially considering the username change.
I will probably continue to be inactive for the next month at least, but will be active for the next few days trying to edit things here, if anyone wants to talk through asks or DM’s. I hope you all are doing well, and I hope Shelby continues to receive the support she deserves.
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farmcores · 10 days
hey i've been in a psych ward in southeast europe. it was necessary, and it fucking sucked. genuinely, no one mistreated me, it's just that the doctors have very little time for each individual patient and i was truly at rock bottom. and overall. it still saved my life. it was a safe unchanging environment with a routine and people who knew what i was going through. it was weird being the youngest there at 21, it was weird getting the pills from the nurses in tiny paper envelopes one at a time, it was weird and sucky and uncomfortable as fuck. if it came to that again, tho, i would do it again bc my alternatives were all so much worse. i wish you so so so much luck and wellbeing, stay strong, mwahmwah from another mentally ill girlie.
this is v v helpful information thank u so much!!
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suchafuckingriot · 3 months
Wilbur Soot as an abuser
cw, physical abuse, graphic descriptions of physical abuse
this analysis seeks to break down the supposed type of abuser wilbur is for the purpose of showing people what abusers can look like and why they do it the way they do. especially in this instance, where it can feel ambiguous or exaggerative to call that person an abuser when you’re in a relationship with them. WARNING: this post will be uncomfortable and sad to read. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED.
first and foremost, go watch shelby’s stream. she said exactly what she wanted to say and she said it very well, and i’m not going to synthesize it. additionally, the only reason i feel comfortable writing this in the first place is because i’ve experienced the exact same thing, bites and all. because of that fact, some of this information might be biased towards my own experiences, but know that this essay is not about wilbur as much as it is about this one type of abuser. this is not drama or gossip like usual, it is meant to be educational and give awareness to a covert type of abuse that is often hard to recognize, a type of abuse that i know and understand. it is also meant to explain why it happens, as i’ve seen a LOT of questions about “why biting?”. remember, wilbur is just our poster boy in this instance. you could swap his name out with any other, he’s just who sparked the discussion this time. anyways,
How it Starts
remember my post from a while ago about wilbur and manic pixie dream girls? (if someone could send it to me i’d like to reblog it) there is a simple process to wilbur’s attraction to women:
find “special” girl -> rizz her up -> it fails -> spiral into self loathing bender -> (“update me on your life and now you’ve found the one, but i don’t like his eyes…”)
find “special” girl -> rizz her up -> it works -> oh wait she’s not special to me anymore -> she’s supposed to be special -> but she’s special i cant not like her she’s such a catch -> she loves me and i hate her -> i’m in love with the fact that she loves me -> (“you’re just so painfully punctual, i’m starting to get bored”)
and here we get to what happened with shelby.
she was his childhood crush. she is also petite, beautiful, very cutesy, giggles, is very sweet, has a distinct personal style, is SHUBBLE. to name a few things. she is a perfect dream girl for wilbur to chase.
wilbur catches her -> he loses interest -> the ego boost and additional benefits from dating shelby is so great that he values her status as his girlfriend above her as a person -> she is still a person with relationship needs -> he lashes out at her in seemingly innocent ways in attempt to satisfy both his ego and the needs of a relationship. which brings us to
Biting/“Playful” Injury
love bites are a fairly common form of affection. the important distinction to make is that they are usually gentle, and done by someone because they know it’s silly. it’s a human thing to do. a very common question i’ve seen: why did he bite her?
because when you are in a relationship with someone you resent (as shelby said) and you get the inclination to physically harm them, you know you can’t. this is obviously bad, and wilbur knows it’s bad, so he picks something that can be turned into a joke. wilbur is a known biter. this gives him a justification that shelby will take and so will everyone else that sees it happen, especially since his mom backed it up.
the bites serve to
-allow him to hurt her without feeling guilty
-affirm his ego that she’ll stay with him even if he treats her poorly
-provide a visible marker to other people that she is “his”, further affirming his ego
the bites being in her skin allowed people to see them and she’d be forced to explain that he was the one that did it, he could show them off himself if they were together, they could be passed off as a silly joke, and he got the satisfaction of hurting her under a “safe” pretense. especially because he set up a safeword, he got to justify in his head that he was not a bad guy or abusive for doing this. the bites are a mark of possession, like a brand. it’s gratifying that he’s the only person that gets to do this to her.
there is also something… attractive? romantic? about how much someone will endure for you. this type of abuser loves to stress test how much you’ll take from them before breaking. they feel validated that you’re willing to do that for them, so even if he had to stop doing it on her arms and move to her legs instead, it was still gratifying that she would take it.
one question i saw a lot: is it a sex thing? not necessarily. it could be, but in this case and in my own experience i don’t think it is. i don’t think it sexually gratifies them, just fuels their ego.
i would also like to add, biting is not the only way this can happen. here are a few more examples of covert physical abuse, from my own experiences because that’s the best way to word them:
my ex would “crack my knuckles”, meaning bend my fingers a dangerous amount until they forcefully popped, framed as an inside joke
"playfully" shove me, making sure to do it hard enough that i was knocked into a wall and would hit my head
pinch bruises into my ribs so they would hurt when i laughed
back to shelby/wilbur, her story of him pinning her down and asking her to try to push him off, then gloating when she couldn’t
i just think it’s worth noting: shelby wanting to be a bunny on origins smp, then wilbur modifying her lore saying she was a bunny until he killed her because he was lonely and wanted another ghost around. that shit was not normal
i would also like to add, often the person being hurt in this scenario does express that they are being hurt, that they do not like it, and that they don’t want it to keep happening. the abuser will dismiss it because the ways they harm you are “a joke”, or they may set up a safe word or fake apology or negotiation in attempt to placate you. or they will guilt trip you. know that almost never are any remedies they try to provide you genuine. you will not fix your relationship. they do not care about you, they care that you satisfy their ego. they want to harm you, and they will not stop.
if you suspect you may be in this situation, get out of it. nobody deserves to be hurt by their own partner or be made to feel resented by their own partner. research all of the different types of abuse, and figure out the best solution for your situation. like shelby said, she was the one that broke up with him, which is the case for a lot of these scenarios. i pulled the trigger in my own relationship. it might be scary, or not feel right, but if you can come to the conclusion that your situation isn’t right, you can leave it too.
wishing everyone happiness, health, and healing,
(p.s. in the tags)
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gaymageclub · 1 month
sometimes i get comfortable with my current life and i forget why i need to move somewhere else so very badly
and then other times i have awareness brutally slap me in the face again as i am reminded just how different i am from all of my friends here. just how few people there are who share my values to any reasonable degree around here.
i love my friends here, but i can never love them without reservation unless they suddenly start caring about things that they've never cared much about before
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usachxxn · 7 months
Apologies for the recent inactivity but please know that I stand with Palestine on the ongoing genocide being perpetrated by Israel and anyone who stands with Israel or is “neutral” on the current stance can fuck off my page
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mafaldaknows · 2 years
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Instagram: johnp.shanley
JPS knows what’s what 🫣🦃👀😂
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Turkey Day (re)Hash 🦃
BTW, there are variations of this recipe all over the internet. It’s not exclusively “hers”. Maybe InStyle removed the link because she recently got caught scamming the press disguised as a “friend” and colluding with his stalker in a vicious smear campaign against Armie Hammer, and InStyle didn’t want to be associated with someone who would actively try to destroy someone’s life.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 9 months
No, I don't believe that every single person who joins the police force does so just so they can have an excuse to hurt people, and act like overgrown school ground bullies. Obviously.
I'm sure that there are some people who become police officers out of a genuine desire to help the community, and, well, 'protect and serve'.
However, they're still part of a system that actively targets, oppresses and dehumanizes people, regardless if they've actually done anything wrong.
Even if they're literal CHILDREN.
The justice system is INCREDIBLY broken and corrupt, and like it or not, even if someone starts out as the most innocent, purehearted lamb of a cop and yes even if they're someone you know and love, one way or another, they won't stay that way.
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psikind · 10 months
hey so. childhood friend of mine commited suicide late july and his dad’s trying to fund the money for his funeral service - if people have the money to donate please do the service is in 3 days (august 5th) and he’s very close to the goal but otherwise it’d mean a lot if people spread the link around -> https://gofund.me/f04d9bf0
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charliespringverse · 4 months
Carmy is denying his aroace identity because he feels that a romantic connection would undo the pain of his abusive parents!! but the kitchen and the true friendships in there is all he's ever needed!
‼️‼️ the way he gets with the person that everyone tells him is perfect for him and has a genuinely nice time with her and STILL ends up feeling like he's failed bc being in that relationship makes him feel like he's unable to have what he wants and what he "deserves" at the same time....... like baby ur not broken ur just spending 110% of your energy fighting for something you dont actually want or need
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Where's that energy for Taika? Like. You're Incorrect™ in the first place but. Yknow. Seems like a Choice™.
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savage-rhi · 1 year
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santicazorla · 1 year
pls share your favourite things about jorgi boy and why you like him so much 🧐 📝
here's my extensive list of reasons to love jorgi:
he's very silly, this man cannot go 10 seconds without laughing
despite said silliness he also brings experience and encouragement and calmness to our very young very passionate team (its amazing to have craziness and passion but when things get !!!! you need that old man to tell everyone to chill out a bit)
he's got big green eyes 👁️👁️
he gives literally everything he can whenever he can
he's very silly 🤪
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