#people would have rightfully rioted.
Obsessed with like the three people ive seen who pull the "why are you hating on a woc" card on loreen like. I cannot express to you how non-personal this whole thing is. People don't hate on her because she is loreen, they just rightfully hate everything she stood for this year (unjust jury votes, undeserving wins, beige boring songs, the entire country of sweden).
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 7 months
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10:30 ー NANAMI KENTO. and the dark awaits us all around the corner; but here in our place, we have for the day, can we stay a while and listen for heaven?
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“I can feel you looking at me.”
“How do you know? Your eyes are closed.”
A brown eye opens to see you, unsurprisingly, resting your chin on your palm. Guilty as charged, you’ve been watching him. “I can’t truly enjoy our joint day off if I don’t look at you lovingly before you wake up,” you grin and despite your boyfriend’s best efforts, he chuckles lightly. “It’s Sunday,” you remind him unnecessarily with a giggle. “The world works differently on Sundays even if you’re a big bad jujutsu sorcerer with a world record of black flashes.”
“I regret letting you and Gojou meet,” Kento’s tired sigh only makes even more laughter bubble from your lips. You don’t know many people from the sorcerer life Kento told you about, but Satoru is a riot. Any choice of confections and the white-haired man will quickly divulge all the stories he has about Kento’s teenage years. Part of you is certain he’d do that even if sweet treats weren’t on the table though. “Have you been up long?”
You shake your head before falling back onto your side, “not too long." It's rare Kento has time to himself from his work as a sorcerer. It's complicated but you can understand the gist of it. Curses don't stop and thus, neither can he. You'll treasure the time he does have, at least.
You have been ever since he told you the truth about his job. What being with him would entail. He said it wouldn't be fair to keep it from you began getting serious.
It's only a matter of time before Kento retires and he can rest as much as he deserves. Malaysia. We should go on a trip soon. He's always wanted to go.
A comfortable silence falls over your room as you look at each other with a pair of matching smiles.
"Good morning," the blond's voice rumbles with a tired but satisfied hum. He reaches out a hand and you meet it halfway.
You kiss the back of his knuckles before pressing your lips to the tips of his fingers. "Morning," you whisper before holding his hand to your chest and twining your fingers.
You close your eyes and lean into his warmth. I never knew I could love somebody this much. The world is cold and cruel but Nanami Kento is proof that, despite that fact, there is still warmth and beauty to be found in it. "Let's just stay in bed today."
"And abandon our plans for brunch?"
"Yes," you say resolutely. There's no where you'd rather be than at home with your boyfriend.
Kento's thumb brushes the side of your fingers, "I normally wouldn't fight against staying in but it would be rude to the employees if we didn't go in for the reservation."
"Okay, okay," you groan. This is what happens when you make reservations and you're not selfish enough to inconvenience restaurant staff. "You take your shower fir-"
When you open your eyes, Kento is gone and the vibrant color and warmth of your room went with him.
The bed feels too large for one person.
Your hand isn't covered by another a few sizes larger than your own; it isn't engulfed in a palm that is a strange dichotomy of rough and soft. Instead your hand is in the open and bare, save for the ring gracing one of your fingers.
Finding it was an accident during a manic cleaning episode a few days prior. Kento had it hidden away neatly in a cupboard you almost always forgot you had.
Reality sets in and your giddy smile drops.
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1 WEEK AGO. OCTOBER 31, 2018 ; 23:15 ーThat's the time Itadori Yuuji tells you three words that destroy the center of your universe.
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“Nanami is dead.”
Yuuji can’t look you in the eye when he tells you this, he can't bring himself to look. His fists shake at his side, but he forces himself to stay still awaiting your reaction. You're quietー too quiet. He closes his eyes to brace himself for whatever your reaction will be.
"It's my fault. I'm sorry. I couldn't..."
Will you yell at him?
Will you rightfully bring your hands down to strike him?
Or will you merely sob and have it haunt him for the rest of his days?
Nanami's gone and there's nothing of him to bring back for you.
"You've got it from here."
The least Yuuji can do is tell you what happened to the man that would never return home to you. Not even in pieces. There are so many bodies that can't be identified. So many people who will never go home to their families. Families that will never see their loved ones again.
He can't tell all of themー but Yuuji can at least tell you.
There's movement in front of him and Yuuji welcomes however your emotions have chosen to manifest. Yet when he feels your arms wrap around him, his eyes jolt wide open. "He saved you, didn't he?" Your voice is soft, melancholic. Sadness clings to your tone but he can't mistake the blithe and relief mixed in it.
"He saved you, didn't he?"
"I-" Yuuji's cracked lips feel even drier. "But I-"
"Don't ever apologize to me for living," it's the angriest you've sound since he stepped foot in your house and even then it's a delicate anger. "Kento saved you because he believed in you, I believe in you too. There's nothing for me to forgive."
The warm tones of the apartment you once shared with one of the greatest individuals Yuuji's ever known is beginning to blur. "I don't know what I'm fighting for anymore. I can't ever protect anyone that I want to save. Nanami should be here-"
At those words, you hug him even tighter. "I know that man better than anyone," you tell him firmly with that knowing tone all adults possess. "Kento didn't regret anything and I know he would do it all over again. I'm happy and blessed that I was able to fall in love with someone with such a big heart. So trust me when I tell you that Kento adored you and he would happy you're alive. I'm happy your alive. It's the job of us adults to worry about you troublemakers. So please, don't blame yourself. Kento would want you to hear that."
When the tears spill and the sobs rack his body, Yuuji feels resentment more than grief. All the while you hugged him tightly, rubbing circles into his back. You who should be crying right now if anything. You who should be angry at him.
He wants you to be angry at him.
"Why can't you just be mad at me?" Yuuji whimpers into the crook of your neck.
You kiss the side of his head despite how undoubtedly gross it must be from the sweat and blood and dirt its collected over the night. "Because I love you, you silly boy. Me and Kento."
That's what breaks him the most.
“Are you sure you don't want to spend the night?" Your expression is one of concern as you both stand at the door. "I can whip up something while you're in the bath. I'm sure I can find something of Kento's that you can fit."
Yuuji's grin is weak but he shakes his head, "it's okay. I've got a ride back to the school. They're probably sick of waiting for me."
With a smile and a final exchange of farewells, you close the door with a sigh. Yuuji is a strong kid, you know that much. Still that doesn’t stop you from worrying about him. I hope he takes everything I said to heart. Even just a little, bit by bit, until the boy is able to believe your words fully. You know the man you love, Kento wouldn’t have regretted anything.
I should have tried a little harder to convince him to stay for at least a shower and dinner. That driver could have waited a few more minutes. Or I could have invited them in to eat as well. You press your forehead against the door, welcoming the coolness on your skin. You’ll check on Yuuji tomorrow you think as silence truly settles over your apartment.
It's in that silence that you finally notice the shaking of your hands. No they've been shaking the entire time. You're thankful Yuuji was too distraught to notice.
He's gone, that's all that had been racing through your mind when those three words left Yuuji's lips.
I can’t let this poor boy see me cry.
It wouldn't have been fair to him. He blamed himself enough, you could see the self-hatred all over his face.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
It’s simultaneously a relief you can’t hear Yuuji’s footsteps anymore as much as it fills you with further dread.
Kento isn’t coming home.
Your chest heaves dryly as quiet gasps slip from your lips and your knees buckle.
He's gone.
He's gone.
Your throat clenches as a sob finally escapes your throat.
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jewish-vents · 2 months
'bout a month and a half ago I sent in a rant about how scared every Jewish person has been since 10/7, since "the world stopped pretending it cared about us" well I'm done being scared. Now I'm just fucking angry. I'm angry that people think we deserve this. I'm angry that people are spreading misinformation on purpose. I'm angry that I can't do anything except pray that things will turn out okay. I'm angry that they get to march in the streets and I'm forced to stay inside so I don't get stabbed. I'm angry that they get to scream in my face how I'm a "colonizer, genocide supporter, kill babies for fun" and I'm forced to stay quiet so that I don't get killed. I'm angry that they get to shut down bridges, airports, disrupt society, riot, be violent and everyone calls it activism. But if any Jew dares to ask that our family be released from their torturous kidnappers we're jumped on. I'm angry that Jews are celebrated for 'refuting their Jewishness' but to denounce Hamas is something none of these people can seem to do. I'm angry that nobody fucking cares.
I wish I could punch someone and call it 'activism'. I wish I could march in the streets begging for my family to be saved. I wish I could scream in the faces of the people who hang "rape is a valid form of resistance" posters. I wish I could do anything. but I can't even tell my classmates and coworkers why I'm not coming in on April 22nd, I can't explain why I can't answer an email on Saturday.
Thank you for reaching out again!
You know, it was quite cathartic to read your vent. I too feel angry, many of us do. And anger can be a scary emotion to have, especially when society tries telling us we're not allowed to feel it. But you are. Feel that anger, talk to it, understand it. It comes from a place of deep pain and betrayal, and like any other emotion it is not only valid but important. Hold your anger like it's a child and say what you wish people would say to you. Ask it things like "why do you feel angry? What do you want to tell me? For how long do you need to feel angry? How can I help you feel better when you're ready to feel better?". Within what's safe for you and others, don't shy away from your anger. If you need some ideas of ways to cope with that anger, to express it in healthy ways or to calm down, don't be afraid to reach out and ask.
Also important, don't let only anger exist. Remember to hold space for other emotions.
Stay safe, and honestly get rightfully angry once in a while
- 🐺
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robertreich · 1 year
The Hard Hat Riot: A Forgotten Flashpoint in America’s Culture Wars
Missing from most history books is a key moment leading to the culture wars now ripping through American politics.
In 1970, hundreds of construction workers pummeled around 1,000 student demonstrators in New York City — including two of my friends. The “Hard Hat Riot,” as it came to be known, ushered in an era of cynical fear-mongering aimed at dividing the nation.
The student demonstrators were protesting the Vietnam War and the deadly shooting of four student activists at Kent State University that occurred just days before.
The workers who attacked them carried American flags and chanted, “USA, All the way,” and “America, love it or leave it.” They chased the students through the streets — attacking those who looked like hippies with their hard hats and steel-toed boots.
When my friends in the anti-war movement called to tell me about the riot later that day, I was stunned. Student activists and union workers duking it out in the streets over the war? I mean for goodness' sake, weren't we on the same side?
According to reports, the police did little to stop the mayhem. Some even egged on the thuggery. When a group of hardhats moved menacingly toward the action, a patrolman apparently shouted: “Give ’em hell, boys. Give ’em one for me!”
The construction workers then marched toward a barely-protected City Hall. Why? Because the mayor’s staff had lowered the American flag in honor of the Kent State dead. In a scene eerily foreshadowing the January 6th Capitol Riots, they pushed their way towards the building.
Fearing the mob would break in, city officials raised the flag.
The hard hats also ripped down the Red Cross banner that was hanging at nearby Trinity Church. They stormed a Pace University building, smashing lobby windows with their tools and beating students and professors.
Around 100 people were wounded that day, many of whom were college students. Several police officers were also hurt. Six people were reportedly arrested, but only one construction worker.
My friends escaped injury but they were traumatized.
The Hard Hat Riot had immediate political consequences. It was, in my opinion, a seminal  moment in America’s culture wars.
Then President Richard Nixon exploited the riot for political advantage. His administration had been working on a “blue collar strategy” to shift white working-class voters to the Republican Party.
“Thank God for the hard hats,” Nixon exclaimed when he heard about the riot.
But rather than passing pro-labor policies to court workers, which would go against the values of the pro-business Republican Party, Nixon sought to use cultural issues like patriotism and support for the troops to drive a wedge between factions of the Democratic Party.
Nixon invited union leaders, some of whom were involved in the riot, to the White House. They presented Nixon with a hard hat inscribed with “Commander in Chief”and an American flag pin. Nixon praised the union workers as, “people from Middle America who still have character, and guts, and a bit of patriotism.”
Nixon’s strategy to use the Hard Hat Riot to appeal to blue collar voters paid off. In his 1972 re-election campaign against the anti-war Democrat George McGovern, he secured a victory with ease and gained the majority of votes from organized labor – the only time in modern history a Republican presidential candidate accomplished such a feat.
The Hard Hat Riot revealed a deep fracture in the coalition of workers and progressives that FDR had knitted together in the 1930s, and the later alliance of Black Americans, liberals, and blue-collar whites that led to Lyndon Johnson’s landslide re-election in 1964.
The mostly white construction workers who attacked the demonstrators had felt abandoned — and forgotten – as the Civil Rights movement rightfully took hold. They felt stiffed by the clever college kids with draft deferments, and burdened by an economy no longer guaranteeing upward mobility.
The class and race based tensions that Nixon exploited would worsen over the next half century.
I witnessed this when I was secretary of labor during the Clinton Administration. I spent much of my time in the Midwest and other parts of the country where blue-collar workers felt abandoned in an economy dominated by Wall Street. I saw their anger and resentment. I heard their frustrations.
Many Democrats, whether they will admit it or not, have not done enough to respond as Republicans have destroyed unions, exacerbated economic inequality through trickle-down nonsense, tried to gut just about every social safety net we have – and stood in the way of practically every effort to use the power of government to help working people.
Today, the right is trying to channel that same anger and violence against the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ+ community, particularly drag queens and transgender people, and whatever they consider “woke.”
It is the same cynical ploy to instill a fear of “the other” as a means to distract from the oppression and looting being done by the oligarchs who dominate so much of our economy and our politics.
As such, today we face the same questions we faced in 1970:
Will we finally recognize that we have more in common with each other than those who seek to divide us for political and economic gain?
Can we unite in solidarity, and build a future in which prosperity is widely shared by all?
I truly believe that we still can.
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chronicsyd · 30 days
So with S2 of Arcane now only being six, SIX months away I’ve had Way more than enough time to think about what could Possibly be in store for us this coming season. Now fair warning this is just gonna be a jumbled together mess of thoughts until we get more art, teasers, trailers, etc. so, take that as you will and let’s get into it.
Firstly, one of the first teasers we got this year confirmed something that we’ve been speculating for a while now and that is that Vander is Warwick. For those who don’t know League, Warwick is a character who’s merely described as “a past Zaunite gangster looking to atone for his sins before being experimented on.” And watching Vander from S1 that description matches him to a T. Now, what that means for Vi and Jinx in S2… well… I don’t have definitive thoughts besides it’s going to be heartbreaking for Vi.
Next, the aftermath of Fishbones. Idk if S2 is going to start directly after that or if there is going to be a short passage of time but as for who I think is being taken out. Right now, I think Cassandra is definetly going to be one of those people. It would be a blow for Caitlyn, yes, but it would be added motivation for Caitlyn going after Jinx. As for Mel… I don’t have a definitive answer for her. Yes it would add motivation for Jayce as well but the reaction for such a fan favorite would probably be extreme. Do I think all of the Counselors are going out. No absolutely not, but I do believe that a good chunk of them are going out.
Next, Vi being an Enforcer/Sherif Caitlyn’s right hand woman. If you only know Arcane, Vi becomes an enforcer in League and, while Arcane is a “retelling” of sorts according to Riot I don’t think this is something they’re going to be leaving out. And as I said, Caitlyn becomes the Sherif of Piltover after Marcus’s death. Now, how exactly will they go from the s1 finale to That, I don’t know… because right now, Vi hates everything enforcers stand for (rightfully so). I think Caitlyn being sherif and Jinx’s actions will give her no other choice in this scenario but we’ll just have to wait and see I guess…
The teaser we got a couple years ago. If you all remember very quickly after S1 we got a very short teaser featuring Caitlyn, Vi and Jinx. All I can say for sure is that Caitlyn wants to go after Jinx but doesn’t want to do it solo, convinced that in doing so, she or Jinx is going to die as a result. Vi, however, Does wants to do it solo, very obviously feeling guilt after what Jinx has done and I feel like the aftermath of Fishbones might be as bad as we expect. As for Jinx “I’m glad it’s you. Had to be you.” I’ve been piecing this for a while because I do feel like she’s saying it to Vi, it would make the most sense but it’s the way she’s delivering the line that made people question it.
Now… for the most recent news about Jinx’s va about recording lines for her. She claimed that she was crying and it’s not going to feel good. Now, do I think Jinx is going to die this season? No. I don’t. While she had significant breakdowns in s1 I do believe that it could possibly be among the same lines. Just worse than we’ve ever seen before.
Now one of the writers (I think) on Twitter was asked if Caitlyn knows Vi was on the other side of the door when Jayce’s workshop blew up. And the response was “not yet”. I do believe that this is going to be revealed in s2. Now how/when/why are the circumstances where this gets talked about? I have No idea. And I have no idea what Caitlyn’s reaction is going to be to this news.
I do believe Caitlyn and Vi’s relationship is going to be developed more in s2. They have been confirmed as a couple in game but as we know, League and Arcane aren’t the same thing, but but this is basically the major relationship of the show and I think it would be a dumb decision on their part to not give it the time it needs.
Do I think Arcane is ending after s2? I don’t think so. If they follow the same 9 episode format as s1 I don’t think 9 episodes is enough to tell the whole story they want to tell. I don’t think it’s going to be an extremely long running show like say, Supernatural (which should have ended Seasons before it did but that’s a rant for another day) all in all… I think they have way more they want to show us than they’re letting on. It’s just a waiting game for now.
Honestly, I don’t have much else to say until we get more details closer to November but I’ll be sure to talk more when we get more.
Bye! I can’t wait! :)
(And if y’all have anything to add that I’ve missed so far, don’t be shy)
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seginbeats · 8 months
Things had been unusually quiet on Giacomo's end for a few months now. Despite his music career finally kicking off successfully, he'd made very little public appearances unless they were directly related to a show he was DJing, or if he was invited out by his friends.
Truthfully, he had been spending a great deal of time with the Segin Squad, and the rest of Team Star's groups, hyperanalyzing the strange activity happening in Paldea, and scrutinizing the way that the region as a whole had been operating. After their stint with hacking into the Paldean league, and getting away with it for some time, numerous teenagers affiliated with the rag tag street gang had dipped back into the habit out of breaking through firewalls and sneaking into various government progreams, out of a need for uncovering what was being kept from everybody.
Paldea was extremely crippled; people continued to leave the region, and security around the crater had been increasing-- while money was being funneled into this tightened security, there were still sightings of strange people occupying the entrance in Medali. Not to mention, the vacancies in certain important seats made it difficult for Paldea to cater to the ever-restless population. The actual breaking point for Giacomo, however, was the disappearance of Cereza-- nothing was done by any of the adults to address it.
Giacomo himself had been growing frustrated with how things were being ran-- and three years of criticism needed to be let out. If nobody was going to do anything, then, he was going to give a voice to his peers who were rightfully skeptical.
In the morning hours, the algorithms of several popular social media apps was throwing one reel up onto the top of everybody's feeds: it displayed a QR code, with music produced by DJ Vice playing in the background. It looped after 10 seconds. This reel would appear to anybody who's GPS had clocked them in Paldea over the past few months.
If one scanned the code, it would send them to a website, with a statement in bold letters:
Paldea Is Censoring Me
My fans know that my latest songs speaking up about how things are ran in this town have been buried under the algorithm, and censored on the radio.
Stuff is happening right in our backyard, and the people in charge aren't telling us the truth. Me and my squad have proof that things are being covered up. If nothing was being kept a secret, they wouldn't be working so hard to censor me, and keep us away from the crater.
They're not gonna listen to me, or any of us! So we're gonna MAKE them listen!!!!
We're gonna demand that Paldea divert more money into supporting its citizens, instead of covering up their secrets. Then we're gonna force them to hear our greavances. A clean sweep of all the teachers after Team Star rioted was a distraction to keep us from doing more. Enough is enough.
Join us outside of the academy on October 1st, we're gonna block all the entrances for a protest, and get our voices heard. And if that doesn't work, we'll Star Barrage 'em like we've always done!!!!
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blackswaneuroparedux · 11 months
Les troubles civils révèlent les fractures profondes d'une nation.
André Gide
Well, living in Paris is never boring. It's been a wild few days. And who knows what the weekend will bring. Where I live in Paris is untouched (so far). But people are rightfully scared as the unfolding violence and chaos spreads across Paris and beyond.
Nanterre, the suburb of Paris where the murder victim, 17 year old Nahel lived - and died - has once again become the scene of unrest. Hours after a peaceful march in his honour ended violence broke out. Office buildings were vandalised and a bank was set on fire. As the evening drew on police officers arrived in large numbers, in vans and on bikes.
Around five thousand officers were sent to Paris suburbs after some 170 police were injured and 180 people arrested overnight on Wednesday, when Mr Macron was at an Elton John concert - the optics of which have just reinforced the view that this is a President who is very much out of touch with his own country.
At a crisis cabinet meeting on Thursday, Mr Macron called the violence “unjustifiable” as scores of cars were set ablaze and police were attacked with fireworks and in some cases firearms. Shops were looted and state buildings, police stations and schools set on fire.
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In Montreuil, in the north, some young people armed with batons have destroyed a pharmacy, McDonalds, ATM and other shops. Police have responded with tear gas. The entrance to the town hall of Clichy-sous-Bois, in the eastern suburbs of Paris, was set alight by protesters, according to videos shared online.
Buses and trams in Paris were stopped at 9pm in and around Paris and a curfew from 9pm to 6am was imposed in the Parisian suburb of Clamart until Monday as authorities struggled to keep control. In Nanterre’s Avenue Pablo Picasso, dozens of vehicles burned as fireworks were fired at police lines, along with stones and Molotov cocktails.
According to text messages sent between officers and seen by BFM TV, police said they were totally swamped, had run out of rubber bullets and were forced to withdraw from various districts after being personally targeted.
Conservative politicians have been screaming at Macron’s government to call a state of emergency and send in the armed forces. But so far both Macron and his Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne have ruled it for fear of escalating the situation.
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A state of emergency was called by then-president Jacques Chirac during the 2005 banlieue riots. That was the first time the measure had been taken in 50 years. Ten years later, the French government declared a state of emergency following the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks. The measure lasted two years. Thursday night, various government ministers said a state of emergency was not being considered. Whether this is still their position as the unrest persists and intensifies remains to be seen.
I suspect the Macron government is haunted by the possibility of a repeat of the weeks of sustained violent protest sparked by the death of two young boys of African origin during a police chase in 2005. That incident, in Clichy-sous-Bois outside Paris, triggered weeks of unrest with France declaring a state of national emergency as more than 9,000 vehicles and dozens of public buildings and businesses were set on fire.
The government seems to be caught flat footed. The riots have spread way beyond Paris and some its poorer and more multi-cultural suburbs to other cities such as Lille, Bordeaux, Nantes, Lyon, Toulouse, and Marseille. It’s a shit show.
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The heart of this civil strife is the age old issue of the role of the police in society. It would be a grave misunderstanding to see the French police and all that ails them through an English or especially an American lens. France is not America. This has nothing to do with race or even systemic racism (whatever the lazy way of thinking that is). The police officers in Paris and other major cities are multi-ethnic and many are married with partners across ethnic lines. To think this is white on black is incredibly dumb.
This isn't even about class. The British Met police are now mostly recruited from university graduate class when before they were blue collar. Unlike the British Met, the police in France is overwhelmingly blue collar and live in the same social locales as they ones they police. It's one reason why they don't take any shit when they stop someone. They can be brusque and yes even borderline brutal. But to wrap this all in a bundle and a bow and call it racism is simplistic bullshit.
As one of my French colleagues - who managed to make it out of the banlieues (poor social housing suburbs of Paris) and managed to get good schooling and make a decent life for herself - put it well: the problem with the police is they are meant to protect citizens but they really serve the state. This is the fracture between state and society.
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Some say sending more police in is like pouring gasoline on a fire - but what else can a responsible government do to avert chaos and further civil unrest? They have to be seen to act.
And yet that mistrustful relationship is many have with the police which has prompted the anger. People in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods such as Nanterre say officers aren’t working to protect them - it’s a common refrain one hears. However true it may be it doesn’t absolve the rioters themselves - many of who are just looting for the fun of it or are far left agitators - in these areas who have gone beyond protesting a tragic murder of a young man to openly looting and destroying cars, family owned stores, commercial stores, schools, and businesses.
Pauvre France.
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May I have top three times, when Soap made Riot laugh so hard, she teared up? Doesn't have to be intentionally. Doesn't have to be a full story, just three sentences will be fine too!
This one made me laugh out loud, because my hc is that Soap gets the kicks off making others laugh, and Riot was a hard one at first (he's still trying with Ghost)
Ok in no particular order...
3 - I headcanon that since they met they align their leaves as best as they can to spend it together, maybe a week or two with Soap's family up in Scotland and the rest of the time traveling around the world. After being destined to different units (Soap to the 141 and her to Gibraltar and then HeadHunters) they still did the same (with even more reason because now they saw each other maybe once a year?) and met either at the airport or wherever they were going on holiday together (and yes, they shared rooms and even bed, platonically, most of the time, cheaper and safer)
So one time when she absolutely lost her shit at the airport was the first time he appeared with the mohawk, and she laughed so hard she had to sit down while he acted all offended but was glad that she was so giddy
2 - The first time he trapped her in a hug and tickled her. Because Riot is ticklish. Like, VERY ticklish. And he bear hugged her after an argument when he had been a little shit and she was rightfully pissed and started tickling her until she was hiccuping and laughing all teary eyed and trying to squirm away but she couldn't (well she could but would not hit him in the groin, mind you).
1 - And the one I think he'd remember more fondly would be the first time, not long after becoming friends in boot camp (she slapped to oblivion some Welsh idiot that was making fun of people's accents and that time Johnny was the target. She's always beating bullies now that I think of it).
They were doing paperwork or studying or something and Johnny got so frustrated at something that he started ranting (like in the video of the Scottish lad stuck in a roof), and slowly his rant turned into Scottish gibberish while Christine just stared, without understanding a single word. Then she started giggling and he ranted more, and she ended up laughing on the bed, hugging her sides and absolutely losing it, with tears streaming down her eyes, being that the first time she laughed in his presence (and the first time since her parents and grandad died the previous year but he didn't know that)
Everyone needs someone like Johnny in their lives
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
do you have any tatum or randy headcanons?
Lots! I’ve answered asks on some before so I’ll try to summarize those and add some new ones
Bisexual with a preference for women later in life because she finds most men annoying.
She’s into riot girls & other femme-fronted bands- think Bikini Kill, Garbage, and Hole
If she lived past 1996 she would become a fashion photographer or a fashion editor for a fashion magazine. She’s incredibly stylish but she also seems good at managing people
The stuffed animal on Sid’s bed (the one Billy picks up and plays with when her dad almost catches them in the movie) was a gift from Tatum. She won it for Sid at a fair
She’s known Sidney forever because their moms met before they were born.
He was a Pokémon kid, I know this in my heart. He had a meticulous collection of trading cards in pristine condition that will be worth a whole bunch of money in 20 years. Edit: @devilledgreggs rightfully pointed out that Pokémon didn’t come out until 96, which makes Randy a Pokémon adult. Somehow this seems even more in character to me.
He’s got a fear of rats because of the mascot at Chuck-E-Cheese
He gets stupidly good at dance-dance revolution when it comes out, which is funny because he’s a terrible dancer when he’s not playing a video game (he isn’t actually a bad dancer, he just gets in his head about i)
I don’t mean to call the guy out but uhhhhhh… Autism (source: me and my own autism and also @lucidalcomings . We have concluded this.)
He and Billy have been in the same class together since kindergarten, and they never really got along although Stu sort of brought them together by being friends with both of them. He actually kind of likes talking to Billy about movies, not because he respects his opinions, but because Billy has almost always seen whatever obscure shit he’s talking about
I hope that scratched the itch anon!
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expectopatronum81 · 4 months
It always amuses me when someone calls james 'just a rich pureblood white boy'. Yes, he is canonically all of those things, but that isn't his entire character or personality? Since when did it become ok to restrict or boil down a character's personality to their social status? People would hv created a riot if someone did that the other way round, say, to someone like Snape (and rightfully so), so why is it ok when it's done to a rich and privileged character? The reason why that sort of narrative is plainly wrong is because it promotes harmful stereotypes and doesn't acknowledge a person outside the societal barriers placed on them; the entire point is defeated when this logic is only applied to some sections and not to the others
Yes, James's personality and choices were heavily influenced by his privileged upbringing and social status, but that doesn't constitute his entire personality. He is a flawed and complex character, or at least as much as he could be as he's dead before the series even starts (honestly pretty impressive writing there)
For fucks sake, he literally decided to turn into an animagus for his werewolf best friend at age 12, when the entire wizarding world would have shunned him. He fought for the lives of muggleborns and other minorities in a war that didn't even personally concern him. He could have just moved away and lived his best life in luxury and safety, but he threw himself into the war right after graduating school (at just 17/18), stayed for his wife and friends and fought for the greater good. His last action was his attempt to protect his wife and son as he faced voldemort without a wand in hopes that they'll escape
If you read the books and just understood 'privileged white boy' that's on you for choosing to focus on selectively picked sections, not on the character itself
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thelostdreamsthings · 11 months
Understanding the NATO summit:
The steam for the US proxy war in Ukraine is running out. No commitment is given to Ukraine to obtain NATO membership because the West has come to realize that they can’t win a war against Russia and that peace will only be possible with a neutral Ukraine.
Ukraine will never be a member of NATO. Zelenskyy has realized this and is fuming in Vilnius, attacking NATO as disrespectful and calling the conditions absurd. In a moment of clarity he acknowledged what’s really going on:
"It seems there is no readiness neither to invite Ukraine to NATO nor to make it a member of the Alliance. This means a window of opportunity is being left to bargain Ukraine’s membership in NATO in negotiations with Russia."
That’s exactly right. NATO has lost this war. Biden has lost this war. The lunatic Democrats have lost this war. The uni-party warmongers have lost this war. The EU has lost this war. Ukraine and Zelensky have lost this war.
Russia wins and rightfully so because everything that happened in Ukraine was a fraud against the Ukrainian people perpetrated by a failing US empire in its final stand against a rising multipolar world.
Zelenskyy was never a leader who did what’s best for his people. He will be remembered as a US puppet and actor for foreign interests. 350,000 Ukrainians dead because of him and his puppet masters in the US. He lost $12.7 trillion worth of land and resources to Russia because he did not sign the reasonable peace agreement that Russia had proposed to him. Instead he fell for empty promises from Biden that the US will support Ukraine until victory. What a fool.
The good news is this war may be over soon. The West has lost its appetite to throw more money into the Ukrainian black hole. With the US and EU entering recession they have enough problems at home. Protests and riots will become regular news. Biden wouldn’t stand a chance in the next election. His brain is Swiss cheese and the only alternative for the Democrats is Kennedy.
Trump will use the fatal mistake in Ukraine and the dire economic outlook of the US to run a successful campaign. Kennedy, who says all the right things, would be his only real obstacle but the Democrats have messed their country up so royally that Trump seems like the only choice.
The reality is that it doesn’t matter who the next US president is. The insurmountable debt burden combined with de-dollarization in global trade and the rise of BRICS+ are going to send the US into a decade long depression with unseen levels of poverty and violence.
Hopefully humanity dodged a bullet and nuclear war is no longer imminent. At least that is my read of the situation right now. But things could flare up again if peace negotiations fail. Russia may be tempted to take Odessa and turn Ukraine into rump state without access to the sea. Russia is holding all the cards. Let’s see how Putin plays them.
Putin’s ONLY mistake is not starting the Ukraine special military operation sooner than he did.
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Zelensky is not just angry because he's short, has no friends and was rejected by NATO..
He's also angry because Putin currently controls 100,000 sq km of Ukrainian territory.
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New York Times publishes op-ed claiming that Donald Trump's popularity is due to fact that he is a moderate.
What happened. On Monday, the NYTimes published a guest editorial by Matthew Schmitz entitled, “The Secret of Trump’s Appeal Isn’t Authoritarianism.” (The article is behind a paywall and I am not wasting one of my gift subscriptions to make it available.)
Mr. Schmitz's thesis is “Mr. Trump enjoys enduring support because he is perceived by many voters — often with good reason — as a pragmatic if unpredictable kind of moderate.”
Schmitz then attempts to normalize Trump's hate speech, racism, calls for violence, and erratic behavior as something we should expect from a lovable old uncle who doesn’t know when to stop saying stupid things.
Why it matters.  Democrats rightfully feel that the media is sleepwalking into a fascist regime by normalizing Trump with false equivalencies, reckless “both siderisms,” and inane “whataboutisms.” They do so in the pursuit of alleged “fairness” that obscures and denies the truth. While the media rises to the challenge on occasion, they relinquish any progress—and credibility—they achieve by pandering to the likes of Matthew Schmitz.
As I was preparing to explain why the NYTimes is acting recklessly by publishing Schmitz’s laundering of Trump's Nazi rhetoric, a reader sent me a piece by Jonathan V. Last in The Bulwark that does a better job than I ever could. See Jonathan V. Last, The Bulwark, The New York Times Is Part of the Effing Problem.
I urge you to read Last’s essay, start to finish. But if you don’t, the following gives the gist of his criticism of the Times:
The piece is filled with both euphemism and the passive voice, all in an attempt to obscure reality from readers and present a sympathetic case for Trump.
Look at this passage:
“To be sure, Mr. Trump’s wild rhetoric, indifference to protocol, and willingness to challenge expertise have been profoundly unsettling to people of both political parties. His term in office was frequently chaotic, and the chaos seemed to culminate in the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021.”
This might be the most misleading passage ever published in the paper of record.
It was not Trump’s “indifference to protocol” which was “unsettling” to people. And the “chaos” of Trump’s term did not “seem” to culminate in a “riot” at the U.S. Capitol.
If you came down from Mars and simply read today’s NYT op-ed, you would have absolutely no idea that [January 6 was a violent insurrection]. Instead, you’d think that Trump was some kind of a ne’er-do-well or scamp. [¶]
But you gotta have both sides? I guess?
The Times does this a lot—running cover for authoritarians by publishing outrageously misleading “opinion” pieces in the name of airing “both sides” of the debate.
I won’t catalog the many ways that Schmitz attempts to excuse, minimize, and normalize Trump's hate speech—Jonathan Last does that ably in his article.
So, should you cancel your subscription to the NYTimes? As I suggested yesterday, the better strategy is to write to the Times to let the editors know what you think about their decision to normalize Trump immediately after he invoked Hitler’s “poisoning the blood of our nation” speech.
Many readers have asked how they can reach the journalists and editors at leading newspapers. Please see the helpful links posted in the Comment section by readers in response to yesterday’s newsletter: Comments - Help shape the narrative! - by Robert B. Hubbell (substack.com).
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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espionisms · 25 days
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{may calamawy, 39, bigender, she + her} We are so glad to see you safe, QUEEN MARIAM ORTIZ NÉE SALAH of SPAIN! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are PASSIONATE and DEVOTED enough to handle it. Just don’t let your AMBITION bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES, INCLUDING CRIMES, TO ENSURE YOUR CHILDREN'S SECURITY.
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name : mariam ortiz, née salah. occupation : ruling queen of spain, originally from egypt. born : july 18th. orientation : bisexual. languages spoken : english, spanish, portuguese, coptic. previously : the warrior-queen.
you were never a person to be walked over. born as the eldest ortiz, it was your destiny and your duty to eventually take on the crown. spending the majority of your time out amongst the people, wishing to understand them, causing riots of those in court because you were unstoppable once you began. even from a young age, you found a cause to become devoted to: the unseen, the cast-out. never in a kingdom that you ruled would any of your civilians be ignored. even though it's taken much of your empathy and your energy, you throw open doors and you are a demand to be seen. you are turbulent, determined, and rightfully raged. this is not the first coup that you have seen. the first you have been in charge of, but kingdoms are a chessboard and everyone is some kind of a player, even if they believe themself to be above the game. leading up to your firstborn, you had little care for your own well-being. you would be involved in the people's riots, your fists and weapons swinging as though you were a soldier; you would steal back from your own kingdom's coffers if you noticed someone took taxes greater than their need. you saw your siblings following in your footsteps — and this both pleases and terrifies you, especially now that the reckoning has occurred. your country is divided. in your opinion, if that is what the people want, then so be it. but there are people calling for the return of the true iron fists. not wanting any part of the revolutionaries, bringing back some semblance of colonial kingdom. it is not something you agree with — and yet, you are afraid. your children need to be secure. their safety and their futures could outweigh any cause that you once have stood beside, snuck out to defend, pulled a sword against. now, you find that you would pull your sword for your children — even if it's to protect them from theirselves. you feel dread about the exile. that you may be next. and if you are, then you will leave them in good standing. you and your partner are mighty, wielding your weapons of words and steel as you need to. you will go to any other kingdom that requires you; you will stick to your purpose. trying to keep tabs on the whereabouts of your children, however, has you another kind of paranoid. what will happen if they are all taken away from you? it's better for the world if no one finds out. at night, you tell yourself that everything is fine. that the workings of god are greater than any plans you could attempt to lay in the grass. and yet you also know: you refuse to let go of the puppet strings.
daenerys targaryen ( game of thrones ) ; sasuka uchiha ( naruto ) ; cortana ( the halo series ) ; malenia, blade of miquella ( elden ring ) .
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redjennies · 2 years
And also like, when Molly died you could clearly see Matt giving context clues that it was a high level enemy and also physically see him taking Molly's like bc the characters pushed for the encounter when they were unmatched.
Here was like not committing to the "cold blooded bady" by just dropping everyone like flies but not fully killing them, felt like using them as the props to pull the only correct answer from Imogen.
I want to trust Matt bc I've been un this position before (at first I felt that the final arc for MN was a bit rushed) and really showed me my ass but this feeling is just so different.
Sorry, I'm rambling in your ask box, will wait to read you once you see how the session concludes
oh I'm done with the episode. I realize that's not clear with my post but I made it after finishing the episode.
and yeah like it's apples and oranges. if Otohan (just realized I've been spelling that wrong) had just come out killing like Lorenzo did, I'd be singing a different tune, but she didn't start killing people until after Imogen came out of hiding which just makes the whole "this is specifically for Imogen's character development" of it all that more transparent. like it really doesn't matter to me if Matt's giving them "agency" after some railroaded curbstomp battle that was only about one character, when making multiple player deaths about a different character completely removes my investment because why? why should I care? if we're going to play like this why on earth should I give a fuck about anyone who isn't Imogen?
I think that's something people aren't getting. Molly died because death is dice rolls and because of player errors. every single member of Vox Machina died for similar reasons or it was at a high enough level that their death was an outcome within reasonable expectation (read: people are gonna get disintegrated when there's high level wizards afloat). in campaign two, Matt didn't drop Trent on the party when they were level seven and intentionally kill Beau and Jester with practically no room for them to do anything to save themselves and hold a bloody unconscious Nott on a dagger just to make a point to Caleb that he needs to come to the dark side. people would have, rightfully, fucking rioted if Matt had pulled something like that because people HATE Caleb in a way absolutely nobody actively hates Imogen.
so yeah this is not Molly and this is not any of the deaths that happened in Vox Machina. this is exactly what I described above but with the names changed from Caleb to Imogen.
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rathologic · 2 years
Can you please explain what was going on between Oyun and Isidor? I know Oyun murdered him but that's it. I don't know why or why Isidor was looking for him. And what was with that side quest where Sticky saw everything? I feel like I missed something and I'm very confused
SO there are several different layers of conflict between them, but bottom line, isidor's murder was a political move suggested by big vlad to tighten his and oyun's control over the Kin. it's a little unclear which of them suggested it! BV denies having him killed, but lara-in-the-pit on haruspex day 11 (who cannot lie) says it was done on big vlad's orders, but oyun says it was his idea...
anyway, that was all done because Isidor as the head of the Burakh family rightfully held the title of Warden, but he'd stepped away from the position and let Oyun carry out the rites so that he could focus on medicine. before the start of the game, Isidor discovered someone had been infected with the sand plague and began to take measures to prevent it; he knew that to make a cure, he would need the sacred blood from the abattoir, but also that oyun/BV wouldn't allow him access to it -- so, after doing some other errands, he went to big vlad to try to convince him to let isidor take the blood / get oyun to stand down! unfortunately it was like 2am at the time and big vlad got annoyed at being woken up under threat of doom, ignored him and sent him away, and was like "ok oyun let's just kill him now".
so isidor had been preparing himself to challenge oyun formally, but oyun came in and murdered him first :-)
the actual timeline goes like this:
isidor informs oyun that he intends to reclaim the position of Warden before leaving for the steppe; he expects oyun to vacate the sacred stones by the time he gets back
isidor buries the blood of an infected person in the steppe, hoping to prevent an outbreak, and returns to his house. while he's in the steppe, he encounters a woman who says she's going "to the warm people"; at some point, he tells rubin about this encounter, but nothing else (it's unclear at what time)
murky sees him "sit down for a long time and not move"
grace sees him burn all of his clothes, wipe down his body and then burn the rag (to be clear. he did get dressed again before continuing to do things)
isidor writes diary entry p.133, which is the List of children
this is probably also where he writes his letter to artemy
past midnight, isidor leaves his house and visits Simon; they converse in simon's Focus for some time
after simon, isidor goes to the Lump and knocks on BV's door to try to convince him of the danger. BV rejects this out of hand, so isidor tells capella about it instead
somewhere along the way isidor tells young vlad that "some kind of outbreak started in the steppe camps"
isidor also visits governor saburov to warn him of "an upcoming storm", which saburov assumes is riots in the Termitary (it's unclear where this falls in the timeline; possibly before simon?)
at this point, sticky broke into isidor's house to see whether he'd brought anything cool back from the Steppe (seriously it was just b/c he was a kid trying to see interesting things); he hides inside a wardrobe upon hearing him return
notkin tries to see what's happening at isidor's house as he's returning, but isidor chases him off and won't let him get close
sticky (scared, hiding) hears isidor "pour some water or something", then oyun comes in; they converse for some time, then all goes quiet
eventually sticky notices a silhouette in the room, one with "the head of a woman but a lump of a body" that he thinks is a spirit; it's said to glide around the room rather than walking
about two hours later sticky notices isidor is dead
plague devours the town -_-
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autistrope · 4 months
…So, I haven’t rambled about my OC playlists here. I do them both “Fits the Character in some Way” and “The Character would like this genre!” because I like making things unnecessarily hard for myself. I also make them strictly 1 hour and 30 minutes long (according to spotify).
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some of them are my OCs, some of them are my Girlfriend’s OCs, most of them I try to spin a story out of the songs but it’d only make sense if you already knew the character and what they did in both their own story’s canon and ‘Displacement’ canon (basically an excuse we both made for all of them, magic past, technical futures, and completely different timelines and worlds, to crossover) which i don’t usually talk about them online because I can’t draw and I think people would rip me apart for it asdkjnekajndkajnddkj
…not all OCs listen to music that I like, making this a bit finicky, that and spotify likes to remove songs sometimes which is annoying because I can’t keep going back and changing it!…
Anyways, Links (in the titles) and Descriptors below the cut!!
An Anti-Folk/Folksy playlist for a terminally ill elven mage who has no real ability to talk to others without her severe anxieties getting in the way. Ends up summoning something she really shouldn’t have.
(One of mine)
Kawaii EDM/Future Bass songs for the little therapy bot that could! Unbeknownst to him, both he and his creator will become a major point in history for Constructs everywhere.
(One of My Girlfriend’s)
🤡🌈 Confetti 🍭🤹‍♀️
A Circus Music Playlist for a genuinely friendly alien clown who loves to make cotton candy art, who ends up finding more people like her thanks to a homeless wanderer… even if they aren’t clowns like herself!
(One of mine)
A bunch of more rebellious rock/punk songs for a genuinely deplorable magic user who while being known for starting both parties and riots at every tavern, has broken so many laws in her desire for “Freedom” that people start to take notice…
(One of Mine, Unfortunately)
More Vintage feeling tracks for a chicken rancher who tries her hardest in the face of adversities, such as her parents passing too soon, her brother becoming a murderer, and eventually her own mental health.
(One of Mine)
An Electro Swing playlist for a Robot Construct History Teacher who’s (rightfully) developed some serious trust issues after everything that’s happened to him.
(One of My Girlfriend’s)
Psychedelic Trance for an Eldritch Entity taking on the form of a tentacle monster that eventually reshapes everything in it’s own image just by giving people what they want…
A playlist of Piano Pieces for a tea party loving woman who witnesses her sisters be taken from her far too young and, without outside help, may never recover from it.
(One of Mine)
A Ska Playlist for a Rudeboy Musichead who’s just as surprised as everyone else why he’s suddenly a skeleton despite previously existing in a world where that was thought to be a complete fantasy.
🪄 🔳 Gramarye📓🌒
A Minimal Techno playlist for the exhausted royal mage who should have payed closer attention to their things before someone else got a hold of it.
(One of Mine)
Electro House for a drunken, party loving larcenist who would do anything for a chance to live a better life and get out of the criminal group he’s stuck with. (One of Mine)
Darksynth songs for an android sex worker who loves himself some horror movies! Was just having some playful fun himself before he discovered a collective that helps people like him.
(One of my girlfriend’s)
🫂🌙 Interactionism💫🦋
Mostly Neurohop and Neurohop adjacent songs for a lil guy who, despite how his species typically is, was raised to be so much softer by a member of a softer species.
(One of my girlfriend’s, but the species is mine.)
A special playlist for a receptionist who has had e-fucking-nough.
(One of my Girlfriend’s)
🩸🔪 Juvenile ☠️🥪
a Nu-Metal playlist for an edgy boy with a much worse brother who, after escaping said brother, discovers that he might not exactly be as human as he thought through the help of a homeless man.
(One of Mine)
Indietronica for an aspiring dork detective who’s absolutely ecstatic about being brought to a world where a bunch of other more fantastical species have been suddenly brought, too… until he actually has a reason to try and ‘play’ detective…
(One of Mine)
🔸🔩 Malignance 🖥⚠️
Future Rock/Metal for an aggressive and unstable entity who is trying to understand and adapt to this suddenly far less life-or-death world inhabited by “Humans”.
(One of Mine)
Filter/French House Songs for a… uniquely coded creature who studied the extinct species who invented the internet before everything goes downhill.
(One of Mine)
Mellow Gold/Soft Rock for a clumsy, definitely human caregiver who’s doing his best to help others despite having notable gaps in his own memory…
(One of my Girlfriend’s)
An odd mix of songs for a little girl who somehow woke up after being stabbed in the back by her own sister and vows to grow up to make sure people like her don’t get off scot free at any cost…
(One of Mine)
a weird mix of funky breaks and weirdcore for an eccentric child who wants to be a taxidermist when he grows up, and discovers (much to his delight) that his best (and only) friend is secretly an alien!
(One of Mine)
A Permanent Wave playlist for a Bartender keeping all of his secrets under his skin and most of his loved ones under the Pub itself, away from any prying eyes with hostile intentions.
(One of Mine)
Cello pieces for a woman who wants to make her (pen) name known across every species for being the first author of her species to write thriller books here.
(One of my Girlfriend’s)
🖤 🍃Quixotic🔋🫥
A playlist of Angsty Soundcloud ‘Hyperpop’(?) for a dating simulation wondering where his ‘master’ disappeared to…
(One of Mine)
🖥 🐏Rootkit⚖️🎥
Acidcore for a vengeful hacker who’s discovered that her and everyone she’s ever known has a chip in their head, and wants to target whoever/whatever’s responsible…
(One of Mine)
Ragtime and Dixieland for a woman who’s (poorly and stereotypically) pretending to be ‘crazy’. So ‘crazy’, in fact, that she couldn’t have possibly done any calculated murders while stealing someone else’s identity! Not at all!
(One of Mine)
Industrial Metal for some scabby prick who’ll do anything for a fix, even convincing two teenage boys to steal for him in exchange for a place to stay. also he shouldn’t be trusted near woman fyi
…also he dies twice in the story this playlist is trying to tell heehee
(One of my Girlfriend’s)
Lo-Fi Jazzhop for a spray-painting stoner living in her buddy’s basement with a clown, a cat, and some british kid. Isn’t subtle with her love for all things space, which she believes might just be ‘home’…
(One of Mine)
Epicore for an archer who desperately wants to be the hero of not just her own story, but the story of the island! Has the skills for it, but having the personality of a golden retriever might get in the way of her dreams…
(One of Mine)
An Indie Rock playlist for a man who was kicked out of his house by his poor ol’ sister and is making ends meet with this fantastic device he had commissioned! What a swell and pleasant and innocent man!
(One of Mine)
🗺☕️ Wanderlust ☀️🛤
Rock songs for a homeless drifter who loves the earth and all of its rich cultures, but is secretly on a mission to rescue as many of his own… kind as he can…!
(One of Mine)
…also, i am making more! :}
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