#osddid community
happy pride month for queer systems!
happy pride month for lesbian systems, gay systems, enbian systems, mspec systems, aspec systems! happy pride month for trans systems, nonbinary systems, genderqueer systems, multigender systems, abinary systems, atrinary systems, xenogender systems! happy pride month for intersex systems! happy pride month for systems who use "contradictory" labels! happy pride month for systems who use their cultural queer labels!
happy pride month for systems who use neopronouns! happy pride month for systems who change pronouns often! happy pride month for systems who use multiple labels! happy pride month for systems who change labels often! happy pride month who can't find their labels because of identity confusion! happy pride month for systems who choose don't use labels!
happy pride month for systems who can't celebrate pride month. who live in unsafe places, in unsafe families, unsafe regions, unsafe countries. happy pride month for systems who have to stay closeted because of environment. i'm with you & i remember you. you belong too. hope someday you'll be able to celebrate pride month.
happy pride month to queer systems!
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delphientropy · 22 days
(may edit/revise in the future)
you say the future is plural,
that there will be thousands nested in yours,
but i hope that your future is not true.
if it were,
every day, the news would be horrid.
every parent to hold a belt like a whip
every parent dismissive and neglectful
every friend hostile and hissing
every doctor cruel and unwelcome
every priest holding you down, you are devilish
every human to hold you as a freak
every water prepared to sink you.
your future sounds like a nightmare.
i hope the future is unity.
i hope the future is single.
i hope the future is one.
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moos3-th3-goos3 · 13 days
What if I just started going by a different name and pronouns and had different likes and ideas and memories and opinions and presented differently and acted differently... but like I'm still me though... no I'm not a system at all...
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sscarred-starss · 23 days
Friendly reminder that it's okay to get introjects from things, and it's okay to be an introject. i feel like a lot of systems feel embarrassed and try to avoid things they "might introject from" but remember that introjection isn't bad. We've done it too, we've avoided things we took comfort in because we were worried we might start getting introjects of the characters/people/other things in the media. But it's okay to be an introject, it's okay to have introjects in your system, and it's okay to feel that guilt, but that doesn't mean you should feel the guilt.
No matter who you are, introject, brain made, or something else, you are valid and it's okay. Unless you are "non-traumagenic", that is invalid.
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shattered-system · 11 days
Dissociative Disorders & Physical Disability.
Recently, I shared a technique I use when I’m in pain to my partner, a technique that I thought was fine and normal, and he just shook his head and said “that’s sad.”
This keeps happening to me.
Said technique was that I can shut off the majority of my pain by pretending the affected part of the body is not part of me and is like a piece of clothing/inanimate object attached to me.
Sure the pain is still there but it’s… filtered? Walled off? It’s like putting on noise cancelling headphones at a concert. It’s much less intense and I’m able to focus on other tasks without bothering with it, when otherwise I might need to hassle with painkillers (or ask my parents/teachers/doctors for help.)
I learned quickly as a kid that my distress was, apparently, always exaggerated, and always an excuse.
I discovered I could do this as a kid and learned to disconnect from my whole body easily, instantly, on command, in order to escape whatever situation I was in. I literally used to call what I now know is a dissociative disorder “leaving my body,” or just “leaving.”
And I leave a lot even on a daily basis. When going to see my psychiatrist, I waited in mental catatonia while my body chatted with a nurse and I got my vitals taken. It felt like I wasn’t able to even process what I was looking at. Reality and my senses are very loose, and sometimes I forget them.
And despite knowing I have a dissociative disorder, I didn’t realize that “disconnecting” part of your body from your consciousness wasn’t how most people automatically respond to discomfort? Or at least pain?
So it felt like being hit by a car when I was faced with proof that I am physically disabled.
I still feel stupid when I take breaks, or painkillers, or use a mobility aid. Like I don’t need them. I can just switch the pain off and make it feel like distant discomfort.
But if I do that, all my senses are dulled, and so is my reaction time, and my spatial awareness, even more of my grasp on the passage of time, and some of my motor skills.
I want to know if this is something anyone else experiences. I’m sure others do, but I feel really alone in this.
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would anyone be interested in a little discord groupchat (not a fully fledged server, just a semi-private hangout group) for systems/pwCDDs from tumblr to make friends & chat together? i can set up something like that & post the link! 🤍
everyone can have their own channel to post updates, memes, whatever, & we can add channels as we go for different topics. :-)
like or reply if interested! if a handful are down, i'll start working on it. xx
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persmo · 4 days
Good reminder that if someone can't accept and understand trans people the chances for them to understanding and accepting you as a system are low to nothing at all
If they can't understand and accept a consistent and simple change in one's identity, they won't understand constant changes, aka switches
Believe, we know for experience
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arofagfish · 1 month
guys self diagnosis can be tricky, and it's okay if you get it wrong.
if you one day figure out you were wrong, it's okay. it's alright, it happens, even professionals misdiagnose sometimes. don't beat yourself up over it.
anything you may have said before finding out you were wrong, came from a place of confidence in your condition, right? you genuinely thought X or Y, and had no ill intentions.
unless you purposefully faked or spread misinformation, I promise it's okay. it's not the end of the world, we make mistakes all the time.
realize you were wrong, take a breath, move on!!! yall got this I promise ^_^.
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Love you people who’re not able be open about struggles because scared of villainization for them.
Love you people who’re not able be open about struggles because they not taken seriously.
Love you people who’re not able be open about struggles because not able communicate.
Love you people who’re not able be open about struggles because can’t find words to describe them
Love you people who’re not able be open about struggles because mind block them from say it whenever they try. 
Love you people who’re not able be open about struggles because there no safe person to say them to, or they be in danger if told anyone.
Love you people who’re not able be open about struggles, for whatever reason. Know it hard, and been so strong so far. Hope you able be open one day, if it something want. If not want it, or not ready for it, then hope you able heal and cope without have tell anyone. Hope good things can outweigh the bad. Believe in you.
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cdd-systems-support · 16 days
shout out to systems with comorbidities. shout out to systems with personality disorders, shout out to systems with other trauma disorders, shout out to systems with mood disorders, shout out to systems with anxiety disorders, shout out to systems with schizospec disorders, shout out to systems with psychotic disorders, shout out to systems with neurodevelopmental disorders, shout out to systems with any other disorders.
shout out to systems whose comorbidities are connected with trauma that made them systems. shout out to systems whose comorbidities aren't directly connected with trauma but have impacted them. shout out to systems who were abused because of their other disorders. shout out to systems whose other disorders made them more vulnerable.
shout out to systems whose comorbidities were denied because they are systems. shout out to systems whose osddid were denied because of their comorbidities.
shout out to any other systems with comorbidities, any other experiences & connections.
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delphientropy · 20 days
anxiety is a normal, human emotion that is prevalent in everyday life.
an anxiety disorder is a disorder in which anxiety is bad to the point where it is distressing and interferes with your ability to do everyday activities.
orientation and gender are social constructs created based on feelings and attraction
having multiple, separate identities in your head is not a normal, everyday emotion, nor is it a social construct crafted based on emotion.
multiple identities is a product of your brain staying split due to dissociation and trauma. it is exclusive to DID and it's similar disorders. it is genuinely, scientifically impossible to form multiple identities without having dissociation keeping your developing brain split up.
your trauma isn't "enough?" you were a child. children just started developing, making it very easy for presumably "small" things to interrupt a child's brain's growth.
you don't remember your trauma? that's the point. dissociation and memories are separated between identities. therefore, it's far more likely than not that you do not remember past trauma.
dont have trauma? then it's something else.
schizophrenia is a disorder that can be caused by trauma, but can also be caused by inheriting it, abnormalities in the brain, and how you developed before you were born. schizophrenic people often experience delusions and hallucinations, thinking your thoughts aren't yours, hearing voices, amnesia, and mental confusion.
psychosis is a collection of symptoms during an episode where one is detached from reality. you can experience delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts and behaviors, and agitation.
depersonalization-derealization disorder is when you always or often feel disconnected from your body, feelings, and environment. this is caused by trauma, but can also be caused by anxiety and depression, drug abuse, neurocognitive disorders, and those with mentally ill parents have higher risk factors.
many normal human experiences can be confused for having multiple identities. this includes changing your personality depending on who you're interacting with, feeling like a "different person" during an episode of rage, forgetting a past memory, having fluid identity, intrusive thoughts, and "hearing voices" in your head.
any questions?
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moos3-th3-goos3 · 7 days
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sscarred-starss · 26 days
hey guys, im doing a little thing with a system masterlist in our notes app for all the explainations of different things in systemhood that we can get our hands on. can u reblog this with what you as a collective (or seperate alter) call different alters/parts/headmates/etc.? I wanna list as many as i can find
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shattered-system · 13 days
Btw Internal Family Systems therapy =/= CDD
IFS therapy is a type of therapy that can be used to benefit singlets as well as plurals. It involves things like inner child healing, as well as recognizing and working with different roles the brain takes on to protect itself.
The brain can do this WITHOUT the level of extreme dissociation it takes to be a plural system. Having different facets (for example, some presentations of BPD, a personality disorder that often comes with dissociative symptoms) doesn’t necessarily mean they’re fully dissociated parts.
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Your asks must contain ‘dummy thicc system culture is’ (ex. ‘dummy thicc system introject culture is’). It can be as broad or specific as you want.
What is a dummy thicc system? Essentially a system with a lot of headmates that isn’t polyfragmented for what ever reason.
There will be no syscourse on this blog and everyone is welcome to submit asks.
 Be respectful, and any ask that attempts to start discourse will be deleted.
Your ask will be deleted if it breaks our dni, or if it insults other people’s system
The blog does have two mods, but we may be a bit slow so be patient.
Please only submit things if you have over like 30 ish headmates. This blog is inclusive but it is meant for big systems (mainly for 100+).
basic dni
queer exclusionists
pro/neutral contact for the paraphilias that can’t be consented to
transid/transx, radqueer, proship
narc abuse truthers, anti self-dx, fakeclaimers
Tags for reach (let us know if you want to be removed!)
@plural-culture-is @polyfragcultureis
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persmo · 2 days
OCT Endo
I'm gonna present and explain what does OCT endo means, as we use it in tags to describe our instance to endos
OCT means "Oppositively Constructive To" as a different position to the endo opinion besides pro/neu/anti because none of those described correctly our position to the topic
By definition, being oppositively constructive means opposing an idea, proposal, or plan while offering constructive feedback, alternatives, or improvements. This stance involves a critical approach that seeks to improve or refine the original concept rather than simply rejecting it, aiming for a better, more effective solution
So this means we're anti endo? Not exactly, so we're gonna explain in detail and depth what we mean when we use oct endo as our position label
To make short the big story we're gonna skip a lot of background that made us be in this position, it's going to be the meaning, if you're interested on knowing the background for all of this and a more extended view of what we think about endos you can comment and will do a post if we see it necessary
We like the theory, but not how it's practice; we like the concept, not the endos/endo community itself
The concept of non disordered plurality is so extend and interesting in many ways, yes, we don't agree with many points, but we do agree, understand and feel ok with some others, like all of the things that exist we think it can be improved and refined, although some specific types of non disordered plurality are already well explained and established, but I'm talking of endos as a whole an not like and specific category of non disordered plurality
The concept of non disordered plurality is real, valid and we're half ok with it, we do find some ways of presenting it and some characteristics in this a bit off and offensive to disordered plurality, but we're ok with the concept itself
THE PROBLEM comes when talking about the endos themselves and the community that they have made it's when we enter the worst part of the things
All of the endos that we have met are horrible persons, actively tried to manipulate, use and abuse us, or are just immature annoying people that like harassing and feel moral superiority that end up being trash, we had have terrible experiences with endos, and we have seen the attitude and behavior of endos outside our experiences and almost always is just horrible shit (Bonus points because a lot of pro-endos are similar that this endos)
And even outside their horrible behavior and attitude, endos have ruined themselves, in the meaning that they ruined the concept of non disordered plurality, many of the endos that we have seen don't even understand it and it so... Strange and uncomfortable, I assure you many of disordered systems would not have any problems with non disordered plurality if it wasn't for this kind of behavior and misinformation/lack of knowledge in their own topics, it's so dumb for me to see how they claim to be something they don't even understand and try to make that their whole personality and shit like that, because it affects negatively in their lives and in others lives in the way they're doing it
We don't say all endos are like this because it's not, but you have to admit the the majority of endos are like that and it's... Horrible. For making up numbers we'll say that like 98% of endos are the worst of worst, and like only 2% it's the ones that are good or neutral, we needed to search through a lot to find some good endos and all the endos that have been interacting with us previously and the attacks we received here proves our point that the majority of endos are terrible persons, or at least are horrible
We're not going to say and specify our problems with endos and their community because that would be such a long post and I don't think somebody would even care to read it, but we indeed have a lot of things to say regarding endos and their community
If you think about it none of the to bands are right (endos and none endos - pro vs antis), endos didn't ruin the plural community nor the CDD systems, it was both bands that ruined the community, and instead of, you know, trying to help each other, understand and help the community, both parts are still fighting and are so attached to their beliefs and are so haters that they don't even care for the plural community and we get so fucking annoyed by that
Non disordered plurality is real, is valid, it exists, is the endos that make it horrible, they don't know how to express it and be mature enough to understand it, they've deformed it and now it's something shitty and it's presented in such horrible and dumb ways that it lose it's original concept (Generalizing and our personal opinion), I think the endo community and endos themselves can be better if they improve and understand, admit and work in their flaws, get better terms for them, stop the stupid fight and if they listen to people who aren't just haters, they can be so benefited by some good constructive feedback to improve and be better
So to conclude and made a little summary of this position:
Oct endo it's a stance in where someone it's against endos and they're community because of themselves, not the concept. Someone who's oct endo recognize the existence and validity of the non disordered plurality while having in mind some feedbacks, alternatives and improvements for a better understanding and expressing of this type of plurality in a non hurting nor malicious way, but at the same time is against actual endos for its way of presenting to the world, being critical with their existence in a constructive way and not just denying their existence and validation
People who are oct endo also have their personal preference regarding endo interacting (and some times pro-endo interacting to), some oct endo would prefer not to interact, interact with a specific group of endos or be ok with endo interaction, this stance isn't attached to a specific interaction boundarie
At the same an oct endo could have their own personal opinion and POV of endos, their community, and the concept of non disordered plurality, there isn't a specific rule on their POV nor opinion to use the label oct endo in themselves, just to follow the basics of the stance that has been described
And this is the end of the definition that we give to this stance
I hope we clarified this point and make our stance understandable, if you have any comment or question regarding this you can do it freely just be respectful, cause if you're not we're gonna delete it
We just explain the stance, not our complete POV and opinion on endos, so please have that in mind and don't deform things to claim we're one of the 3 basic stances or to attack us, make assumptions and claim your assumptions are real
Also anyone can use this stance, after all stances are for everyone to use, and take our example as a invitation to make your own stance if the actual ones (pro/neu/anti) doesn't describe you, just like us
Have a good day or night, and I hope this post doesn't end in problems, see ya
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