#or shoot a message if you enjoyed the first chapter!
i-am-hungry-24-7 · 22 days
[Ghost crashed into a car before he parked ours] - Mafia!TF141*F!Reader
Summary: You sigh when it's the fifth time someone fights in your poor tea shop this month. You just open it two months ago, in an area ruled by mafia called '141'. Maybe you should find their boss and give them money or what to stop the bullshit keeps happening in your shop. (well, here they come)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
To your surprise, Kyle, or Gaz – the model-like man introduced himself as – is such a considerate person with a nice sense of humor, at least compared to Soap or Ghost. 
That day you trapped yourself in the predicament with John, he seemed to sense your embarrassment, hence he just handed his boss a backup shirt without making fun of you like his boss, so you have a lot of time for the man. 
Like now, he’s sitting and sharing a plate of biscuits with you, enjoying a tranquil tea time accompanied by the pleasant smell of Earl Grey.
“You don’t have jobs to do today?” You raise your cup and ask, before taking another sip and watch Kyle finish his bite and reply.
 “Ghost’s in charge of dealing with the enemy today.” 
“Ehmm, okay” You refuse to figure out what ‘dealing’ means “What about others?"
"I killed mine yesterday.” 
Okay, you truly don’t mean this, but let’s just end this topic and move on. With a few biscuits down to your stomach, brainwashing yourself to forget what you heard seconds before with the sweetness, and buying you some time to come up with a better subject, you open your mouth again.
“Every time one of you comes here, you just scare all my customers away.”
“Isn’t that better?” 
“I need customers to earn money, Kyle.”
“You have us to pay you.” He points at the badge pasted on your wall. Of course, you’re not the one who put it on, you rather read the military smut out in front of all British than do it, but if you try to take it off, Soap will put a new one back, so in the end you just compromised and let him claim your shop publicly.
“This place isn’t only served for you guys.”
“It isn’t?” 
Is it possible to refute when Kyle flashes you a smile that you almost get blind and start wondering if he can replace himself as your lights and save you the electricity bill? Maybe counting this as one of Kyle’s humor will be better than explaining. All required is to ignore the evil glints in his majestic brown eyes while he questions you.
But even though Kyle said he doesn’t have work today, he doesn’t stay long after he finishes his tea.
“Gotta head back to help the boss.” He grins as he turns the knob and waves you goodbye.
What’s weird is that   after Kyle leaves your shop, customers start flooding back. Many of them are familiars of the shop, as you’re sure they’re 141’s lackeys too.
You remember them see you as one of the henchmen… Although they're not as afraid as when they first visit the shop because of your hospitable attitude, you can still sense the attentiveness in their demeanor.
No matter what, you’re going to figure out what’s  actually  happening.
“Hey, you.” You walk to one of the minions' sides. “Mind to tell me about why you guys always disappear when Gaz or Ghost or others come here?”
“We…” The guy’s eyes avert, shooting his friend a glance for help “It’s just a coincidence.”
“Coincidence?” Raising your eyebrow, you lower your voice to make it  menacing 
“It  really  is, ma’am, nothing to bother with the Sirs.”
“Show me, they must have sent some messages to inform you guys, right? Let me take a look, or I will…” You will what?  Actually,  you have no idea what you can do to these guys that can lift you  up  and throw you into a trash bin like a shot “Wait a second.”
Quickly running back to your kitchen, you come back with your most intimidating weapon – 
“Or I will hit you with my pan!” You wiggle your arm as a threat.
They don’t look scared of the pan for a tiny bit. Wait, you should take your kitchen knife instead, who the fuck will pick a pan? You idiot.
yet to your satisfaction, they still fish out their phone and let you have it, and you don’t waste any time as you open the texting app.
‘Announcement: Boss will arrive at the tea shop in 10 minutes, clear the shop immediately.’
So they  really  are scaring your customers off. Give the phone back to the poor guy with pity in your eyes, you bring him a few more biscuits.
You’re strolling through the aisles in the shop. You’re out of flour and sugar, and every Wednesday the groceries are on sale. You never miss these chances to build up savings.
What a nice shopping trip. Quiet, leisure, just enjoying your own time, picking up different brands of cereal and calculating which is cheaper like a competent broken adult. Things never go wrong when you’re alone.
“Hey lass!”
Well, you’re kidding, things go south too quickly. The voice’s too familiar. It must be a hallucination.
“Lass? Bonnie?”
 Don’t look back, keep walking. It’s not the detergent man with a stupid chicken crest yelling at you.
“HEY!” A hand pats you on your shoulder and makes you jump. Sighing internally and prey there won’t be any trouble caused by the man, you turn around and face him.
“Oh, Soap, Hi.” Shit, looks like you just can’t have a break from these men. “I didn’t hear you.”
“Even though the nan outside tells me te shut the fok up?”
“Yes.” you shamelessly admit, pro tip to confront people without shame “Why are you here by the way, Soap?”
“Oh, we’re in need of some things, so Ghost pulled off during our way home.”
You take a glimpse at his basket. A rope, a roll of duct tape, and a knife. 
They must be going on a picnic. Yes, don’t overthink. The rope is for securing the tent, the duct tape is for concealing the holes on it. Knife? they surely will need it when cutting apples.
The image of Ghost slaughtering… peeling apple you mean, with Soap and Gaz playing red light green light and John napping in the tent is so vivid in your mind that you need to restrain the laugh with a clear of your throat before you grunt in affirmation and restart your steps.
With Soap depriving you of your last respite, you choose to grab what you need and head to the counter. All you want is to get home, have a nice shower, and lie on the bed reading the new fic you found last night.
“Do ye need help?” He watches you shove the products in your bag, but 5 huge cartons of milk are too heavy for your weak limbs, you can feel your arms trembling under your attempt.
“It’s okay, my car’s near the door. I can carry this myself.” Again, cheekiness works every time. You don’t care about strangers staring at you struggling with the bag and exit the supermarket in a crab way, as long as it can bring you back into peace faster, and you almost tear up when you see your car, the white of it is like the lighthouse in the atramentous night.
Hey, but you don’t remember your car has a goddamn huge dent at its boot.
“Oh yeah, forgot to tell ye. Ghost crashed into a car before he parked ours, and he’s contemplating whether he should kidnap the driver when they come back and make them shut up, or just kill them.” Soap looks at you stopping in despair as he recognizes what you’re looking at. “So it’s your car aye?”
You don’t answer him, you just watch Ghost materialize from the Shadow beside your car and give you a nod.
Fuck your life.
a/n: ty for reading :D have a nice day/night!
Car -1, Peaceful night -1
tag list :D - @blackhawkfanatic @nexthyperfix @danielle143 @goodbyegh0st @reaperxxxxzz @kaoyamamegami @imyprice @cod-z @poppingaround @live-for-fluff @masterstr0ke @mall0ww
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not-neverland06 · 18 days
How About a Nuke?
Part VIII / Part IX
(Completed) Series Masterlist
Cooper Howard x fem!reader, The ghoul x fem!reader A/N: PLEASE READ, we have reached the end of their journey and I am so sad/happy/excited about it. I don’t even know how to feel honestly. I just want to thank everyone who has commented, messaged or reblogged this story. Your kind words and funny little depressed memes have been really uplifting for me. I was actually considering just giving up on this blog when I posted the first chapter. I haven’t had much inspiration lately or interaction I feel like, and you all have helped reignite that spark within me. Summary: There’s something keeping you tied to Cooper Howard, an invisible string wrapped around you both. You’ve fought against it as long as you could but he’s not gonna let you fight for much longer.
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It’s been a month and the bounty on her head gets bigger everyday. Normally the compound hires privately, they don’t like going through the agencies. He figures with Sylvie dead they’re struggling to find a new leader and they’re falling apart. Or they’re just desperate for her head on a stick. 
He sees her face everywhere, crudely drawn images of her varying in their accuracy. In some she has a hat like his on, in others her nose is the wrong shape, or her eyes are all wrong. No one seems to have a good grasp on who she is. Out of curiosity and a strange need to know she’s still alive, he’s asked around. 
There are different rumors as to where she’s hiding out. Some think she’s taken to hiding out in the caves near Filly. Anyone with half a brain knows that the area’s overrun by irradiated bears and other mutated freaks. 
There are those that say they’ve seen her wandering through the sands. Following that lead had led him nowhere. He doesn’t know where she is and it’s driving him insane. She’s like a constant itch in the back of his mind that he just can’t scratch. Days and nights are spent thinking about her and he hates it. 
He’s not sure what he’d do when he does find her. Whether he’d shoot her to repay the favor or just tie her up to keep her from leaving again. He’s conflicted on how he feels about her. He’s bothered that he feels anything towards her at all. And he knows that when she shot him, she was shooting to kill. 
She had no way of knowing that he would heal from that bullet. She’d watched him bleed out on the ground and left him for dead. He was impressed, as much as he wanted to be mad, he was almost proud in a way. 
Throughout their tumultuous lives and times together she’d always had to be guided by him. He’d shown her the ways of whatever world they were living in. She’d relied on him and he enjoyed it. The time had to come when eventually she wouldn’t need him anymore. 
It’s outside of Filly that he finds the most accurate poster of her so far. She looks like she did in their first movie together. A proper outlaw, wanted all across the Wastelands for her crimes against a bunch of sick fucks. If he could kill Sylvie again, he would. He’d kill all of them. 
Not that he’s condemning them because of what the compound’s doing. He’s dabbled in organ trade before, eaten people, he’s done a lot of fucked up shit. But he draws the line at trying to hurt her. He’s the only one who should be allowed to fuck with her.
He takes the poster down and whistles softly at the price under her name. It’s enough to keep him happy for a longtime. If he never wanted to take on another bounty he wouldn’t have to. Course, he was never in this for the money. A man’s gotta have something to entertain himself with at the end of the world. 
He wonders if she’s even still alive. Maybe a Deathclaw got her a day after she left him behind. He could have walked past her corpse and never even known it. He folds the poster up and slips it in his bag. He doesn’t know why he bothers keeping it. Possibly because it’s the closest thing to her that he’s got, but he doesn’t feel like lingering on that thought for long. 
He tugs his hat lower on his head and heads through the tunnel leading to Filly. He’s caused a lot of issues here over the years. Usually he kills most of the people who could identify him as an instigator, but he doesn’t feel like pushing his luck today. He needs more supplies and he knows Ma June won’t sell to him if he causes a fight beforehand. 
It’s louder than normal today, more people rushing around. They’re all congregating around something in the center of the marketplace. He turns to the left, heading up the stairs to try and get a better look at what’s got everyone so excited. 
“They found her!” A boy shouts, fidgeting in his spot next to him. He glances at him from under his hat and the boy pales before scurrying away from him. His lips turn up in a cruel grin and he finally gets a good look at what’s happening. 
She’s kneeling in the middle of the marketplace, two Knights on either side of her. He’s more surprised by the fact that she actually has picked up a hat in her time away from him. 
She seems to be playing into the outlaw routine more than he thought she would. 
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You’re embarrassed, honestly, that you let these two idiots capture you. Them and their useless little squires. 
You’ve found odd jobs through the Brotherhood when they need assistance looking for relics of the old world. Though, you’re really not sure how much use a toaster oven can be to them, but they pay good money for it. 
Once your bounty was posted and they figured out who you were, though, that stopped being useful. You can’t even hunt bounties because the agencies would just grab you and turn you over to the compound.
They clearly didn’t give a shit about women, you don’t get why they’re making this whole Sylvie situation such a big deal. 
You had to bribe Ma June by buying some of her junk, but eventually she’d helped you find some work in Filly. The people here are stupid enough that they don’t recognize you when they see you. Most of them are high or drunk so the only thing you have to worry about is wandering hands and not stepping in the middle of their brawls. 
From the patrons of the bar you hear stories about yourself. How you slaughtered the entire compound, even the children, which is so far from the truth you can’t help but scoff. Or how you apparently slept with a ghoul and you're carrying his mutant baby. 
You don’t even know where they got that one from. 
They also seem to think you wander through the sands, shooting anyone who gets in your way. It’s a comfort that no one seems to have caught onto you yet. But it’s also disheartening to know that all that’s left of civilization is a bunch of psychopathic idiots. 
What happened to natural selection?
You know your stint in Filly is up when two Knights walk in, their squires struggling to carry their bags behind them. You pull your hat further over your head and duck behind the bar. You try to keep your back to them and let the old man, Marley, who runs the bar deal with them. 
His shaky voice is cautious as he greets them, “What are Knights doing so far out here?”
One of their distorted voices rings out through the, now quiet, bar. “We got bored. Wanted to shoot some shit.”
You roll your eyes and focus on cleaning the cup in front of you. You spit into it, not enough water to properly clean it, and scrub at it with a stained towel. Marley hums, clearly displeased with the answer. You can hear his tottering steps approaching you and wince, praying he’s not going to do what you think he is. 
He tugs on your shirt with a shaky hand and you slump forward in defeat. “Deal with these jackasses,” he mutters, taking drinks over to a different table. 
You pour the only alcohol the bar has into two cups and keep your head down as you approach. “Heard that a woman took over for Knight Damien.”
One of them scoffs and shakes his armored head, “What the fuck is this world coming to?” You don’t know how they’re planning on drinking their liquor with the helmets on but you’re not going to ask stupid questions. You drop the cups in front of them, but your hand slips and one of them tips over into a Knight’s lap. 
“I’ve got it, sire.” Their squire lunges forward and begins vigorously scrubbing their armor. Your face curls up in distaste and you’re about to walk away when a metal hand grips your wrist. 
“Holy shit, it’s her!” Oh, you’re so screwed. 
They’ve got a fucking leash on you, it’s humiliating. The scarred and dirt-covered faces of the citizens of Filly surround you. They’re all leering, shouting at you and begging the Knight’s to share in the bounty. But the Knight’s aren’t listening, they’re just congratulating each other. 
“What do you think they’ll give us?”
One of them shoves their squire and he goes toppling into his large bag, feet flailing in the air. “Hopefully better fucking squires. I’m getting sick of this one’s stupid face.” 
The squire kneels down and shouts in a shaking voice, “I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you, sire!” God, you really hate these people. You wished they would just shoot you. Having to sit here and listen to them talk was making your brain go numb. 
The Knight’s distorted laugh rings out through his helmet. The other one glances over at you, “What do you think she did? I’ve never seen the compound this pissed off.”
“I dunno. Hey!” You know he’s talking to you, that they want an answer, you really don’t care to give them one. “What’d you do?” They stare at you for a moment and then he sighs when you don’t respond. He shoves his squire towards you and the kid goes stumbling over his feet. “Make her talk.”
He nods rapidly, head bobbing up and down. “Of course, sire.” Your hands twitch to your side and you give him a wicked grin as he approaches. 
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He’s debating going down there and trying to help her when the first shot goes off. He doesn’t even see it happen, he just watches as one of the squires drops to the ground. 
Those who don’t want to get caught in the crossfire are quick to move away from the area, hiding in their shops or shoving past him to get through the tunnel. He heads down the stairs, taking his time and trying to figure out where the shot came from. 
The second squire moves towards her and his head flies back, a hole between his eyes and his brains splattering across the ground. One Knight shoves the other one and points at their dead squire’s, “Did you not take her fucking gun?”
He’s been in those suits. He remembers how it felt, the power you get from being in them. How they make you feel like a big man. He also remembers how fucking slow they could be. She’s on her feet and running for cover before they can even start to grab her. 
She dives behind a stall and tugs a knife out of her boot, sawing at the ropes around her wrists. He can’t reach her before the fighting starts. Someone in the remaining crowd shouts, “Grab her! Get the bounty!” And all hell breaks loose. 
Someone runs at him and he shoots them before they can grab him. Shots start going off, the Knight’s mowing down anyone who tries to swoop in on their bounty. Everyone else is shooting blindly, just trying to get rid of the competition so they can claim her bounty as their own. 
He ducks under the hail fire and slides next to her as she’s reloading her gun. She glances over at him and frowns, “Didn’t I kill you?”
He hears a shout and watches as some half-feral woman charges at them. She shoots her dead and turns back to him. He gives her a wry smile, “You want to do this now, sweetheart?”
She peers over her cover and surveys the chaos going on around them. She sighs and glances back at him, “Why aren’t you dead?” 
He tugs one of his specially made bullets out of his bag and loads it into his gun. He lifts himself to his knees and aims at the weak spot on the Knight’s chest plate. They both watch as blood explodes out of the neck of the power armor, the Knight’s friend cussing as he watches him die. 
“Next time,” she turns to look at him, “aim for the head,” he instructs. She glares at him before making her way to Ma June’s shop. He follows, not willing to let her out of his sight again, and she ducks behind the barrels of supplies in front of the shop. 
“Clearly,” she winces as the Knight’s gun starts firing off again, “I’m not making it out of here on my own.” They dive to the side as bullets rip through the barrels they’re leaning against. They’re not gonna have cover for much longer.
He grins at her, “Sounds like you’re asking me for a favor, darling.”
The sounds of screams and bodies dropping is nearly deafening. A few feet away a bullet catches a man in the throat and he drops to the ground. They watch as he chokes on his blood and tries to claw his way to safety. Steps rapidly approach them and she turns to shoot a different man, his body dropping an inch away from them. 
He turns back to her and his lips turn down, “After you tried to kill me? You want my help,” he laughs at her and she glares. 
Before she can speak a voice rings out above them, “I got her!” He shoots at the woman on the upper level above them, half of her leg gets blown off and she tumbles over the railing, narrowly missing the pair. 
He turns back to her, “You’re asking a lot, darling.”
“You’ve fucking shot me, twice. I’m not asking you for anything.” Her lips turn down in a sneer and she looks at him like the very sight of him disgusts her. “I don't need your help. I don't need you.” She glances back over her shoulder, surveying the gore and the bullets flying around them. She checks her gun and he sees just how little ammo she has left. “I’ll handle this myself.” She snaps the chamber of her gun closed and moves to get up. He grabs her wrist and yanks her back down, ignoring the angry expression on her face. 
“Look, you might not want my help, but you need it, sweetheart. Just stay here.” 
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You watch as Cooper runs off, his guns firing before he’s even fully standing. You only wait a second before you’re running into Ma June’s and out her back door. She shouts at you as you barrel through her shop, knocking over her displays and shelves, but you can’t waste any time getting the hell out of dodge. 
You’re surprised Cooper was stupid enough to think you would actually wait for him. The Knight’s had called for an air evac out of Filly and if you stay there any longer you’ll be back in the compound before you can blink. 
You’ve spent a month evading them, you’re not about to let yourself get caught because of Cooper. 
You can’t believe he’s not dead. It’s not like you’ve been losing sleep over killing him, but it’s been hard to cope with the fact that you killed the man that was once the love of your life. Seeing him again, though, you wished you had shot him in his smug face. 
You’d forgotten, in the time apart, just how condescending he could be. He seemed to think you needed him to survive. You didn’t. 
At best, he provided the comfort of company. Poorly. 
Despite how much he undervalued you, you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You didn’t need him to save you. You would have figured your way out of there on your own, eventually. You’ve handled yourself a month in the Wastelands without him. You learned how to carve an existence for yourself out here and you did it without help. 
You race into the woods beyond Filly, putting as much distance between you and the sounds of fighting as quickly as you can. The trees around you begin to shake, the ground vibrating and a swirl of dirt and leaves rises into the air and whips you in the face. 
You look up and begin pushing yourself faster. One of the Brotherhood’s Vertibird’s is circling Filly. “This is not a hostile landing! Please remain calm!” You blame your distraction on the announcement. 
You would have heard him coming up behind you if you hadn’t been listening to whatever the Brotherhood was saying. Rope loops around your arms and you’re yanked backwards. Your head thumps painfully hard against the forest floor, rocks scraping you as you’re dragged across the ground. 
Cooper’s face appears over yours, a cruel smile on his lips. “Now, this seems awfully familiar.” He walks around you, boots straddling your waist and grabs you by the front of your shirt, yanking you back to your feet. “I thought I told you to stay put, sweetheart.”
You frown at him, shoving your leg up between his. He groans, doubling over while you shimmy out of the loose rope. “Honestly, after all the shit that’s happened you think I’m gonna listen to anything you say?” You step back from him, brushing the dirt off your clothes as best you can. 
You sigh in frustration when you realize that when the Knight’s had grabbed you, you’d lost your supplies. Cooper looks up at you and scoffs, “Missing something?” You eye his bag on the ground and start to go for it. He pulls the hammer of his gun back and you glance towards him. You’d forgotten what a quick draw he could be.
He’s fully recovered now, eyes narrowed in on you and gun pointed right at your chest. “See, a bullet to the chest might not kill me, but I reckon it’ll do a hell of a lot of damage to you. Why don’t you back up for me, sweetheart?”
You let go of his bag and slowly back away from him. He keeps his gun trained on you and stoops down, throwing his bag back over his shoulder. Your eyes dart to the hat on his head and your lips curl up when you spot the hole you’d put in it. 
Two hundred years and he’s kept that hat nearly pristine, you take no small amount of pride in being the one to ruin it. 
“The Brotherhood will be swarming these woods in a few minutes. They’re not gonna be too happy about one of their Knight’s being dead. Come with me, I can help you out.”
You scoff, “Like I’ll ever trust you again. You’ve shot me, sold me, and left me for dead, Cooper.”
He huffs, eyes narrowing and lips curled in a sardonic grin. You can tell he’s getting pissed off. “The choice is yours,” he tucks his gun back in his holster and turns on his heels. You watch in surprise as he stalks away from you. You had fully expected him to put up more of a fight, it almost hurts that he left so easily again. 
Then you hear the sounds of orders being shouted behind you. Metal creaking and stomping through the underbrush and you realize he hadn’t left but forced you between a rock and a hard place. You could follow him or let yourself get captured by the Brotherhood. 
“Fuck,” you mutter under your breath. You risk a glance over your shoulder and spot a rapidly approaching party of squires. You run in the direction Cooper went and find him leaning casually against a tree, a satisfied look on his face when he spots you. “Don’t say a word,” you warn, shoving past him. 
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He glances at her from across the fire and finds himself feeling almost at ease for the first time in a month. It’s been a while since he’s looked up to actually find her staring back at him. She might look like she wants to kill him, but she’s here. 
“You have to admit, we make a pretty good team, darling.”
She gives him an unimpressed look, “Yeah, Cooper, we’re so great at murdering people.” She looks over to the dead bodies of the raiders they’d stolen this camp from and shakes her head. “I forgot how much death you surround yourself with.”
“I surround myself with? Might I remind you, you fired the first shot, sweetheart.” Granted, he had shoved her out of her hiding spot and given her no choice about it. 
Her head shoots up and she glares at him, “You made me!” She opens her mouth and he grins. He enjoys provoking her like this. Even if the last time he had she’d shot him because of it, but it’s fun to rile her up. She always gets so pissed off, it entertains him to no end. 
To his disappointment, she closes her mouth and shakes her head, choosing not to engage with him. He sighs and rips off a piece of jerky. “When did you turn into such a wet fucking blanket?”
Her eyes flare with anger, despite that, he can hear how hurt she really is. “Maybe when you sold me!”
He tilts his head and runs his tongue over his teeth, “You ever gonna let that go? I told you it was a mistake. How was I supposed to know they were gonna breed you like a prize pig?”
She scoffs, the noise high pitched and shocked. She shakes her head and stares at him with wide eyes, “You are unbelievable.” He shrugs and takes a swig from the flask he’d stolen off one of the raiders. He’s not sure how they make their alcohol, or if they trade for it, but it’s fucking disgusting. He frowns at the flask and drains the rest of it before tossing it into the woods behind him. 
She sighs and runs a hand over her face, her voice tired as she asks, “What’s the plan here, Cooper?” 
He picks at his teeth and shakes his head, “With what?”
She leans against the log behind her and gestures at herself. “With me. What, are you going to wait for me to pass out so you can tie me up and send me back to the compound? I’ve seen the price on my head. I know how valuable I am to everyone in the Wastelands.”
He doesn’t know why what she’s saying bothers him so much but it does. “You really think I’d send you back there?”
Her face is devoid of anything as she responds, “Why wouldn’t you?”
It’s the bluntness with which she asks that, that bugs him. Like there’s no other possibility but him betraying her. Taking advantage of her while she was vulnerable and weak and then handing her over to the people who want her dead. He wouldn’t do that to her. 
He didn’t go through all this fucking trouble to find her just to lose her again. He wants to tell her as much but she’s on her feet and grabbing her bag before he can. “Look, I appreciate the help today, but I’m not interested in starting this partnership back up again. I think it’s better if we just part ways.”
He whips his gun out before he can think about what he’s doing. She freezes, still bent over and eyes his gun warily. “I’m afraid that’s not an option, darling.” He can’t let her leave again. And maybe this isn’t the best way to go about it, but he doesn’t know how else to stop her. 
“You gonna shoot me, Cooper?” She whispers, her own hand twitching for the revolver at her side. He stands up and grabs her wrists, ignoring the way she struggles against him. He binds her hands with his rope and he sits back down, 
“I’m not gonna turn you in and I’m not gonna shoot you. But you’re not getting out of here that easy, sweetheart.”
Her eyes narrow in on his, her fists clenched tightly in anger. “I killed two men with my hands bound today. What’s stopping me from killing you?”
He shrugs, “Nothing. There’s nothing stopping you, just like there’s nothing stopping me. But I’m not killing you, am I? See,” he leans forward, “I’ve fought too hard and spent too much time looking after you to just let you go now. We’re in this together, whether you want it or not.”
Her lips split in a sneer and she throws herself down on the log. “You’re all the fucking same. You treat me like a goddamn dog that needs to be beat into submission. I’m not some misbehaving pet, Cooper!” Her eyes well up and her voice breaks, “You don’t get to just leash me and expect me to be okay with it.”
“I’m under no illusions that you’re happy here, sweetheart.” He runs a hand down his face and she shakes her head in disbelief. 
“Then just let me go,” she’s bordering on begging now and his chest squeezes the longer she stares at him with those pleading eyes of hers. It’s not something he’s familiar with, this feeling, this longing for her to just shut the fuck up and stop making this so damn difficult for him. 
“I can’t,” he mutters, wanting her to just drop it. 
“Why not?” She snaps, dropping any pretenses of trying to get him to sympathize with her.
He surges forward and grabs her by the jaw. Her eyes widen in shock and he smashes their lips together, teeth clashing painfully. There’s nothing gentle or sweet about this kiss. Her teeth are ripping into his scarred lips until the taste of copper is spreading on his tongue. He groans, digging his fingers into her cheeks until her lips part. 
His tongue probes against hers, the taste of his blood spreading into her mouth as well. She whimpers, the noise stirring something in him he’d forgotten about. There’s an old desire bubbling in him that’s making him blind to the rest of the world. He wants her, more than he ever wants to admit. 
He’s wanted her for a long time before this and they both know it. How hard he’s fought against it, against moments like these. He didn’t think he was still capable of this feeling, this desire for her. But it’s consuming. She’s ruining him, running him in circles until he thinks he’s going insane. 
But it’s not the same gentle passion it once was. It’s as twisted as he’s become. The desire to possess, consume, covet until she’s his and only his to do with what he wants. His teeth dig into her, letting her blood overcome the taste of his own. He groans, his free hand grabbing her waist and yanking her closer. 
She tastes so much sweeter than he does, he wants to rip a chunk of her off and eat her whole. He’s so distracted he doesn't even notice her pulling out her gun until he’s shooting back from her. He lands roughly on the forest floor and groans, hands clutched over the bleeding hole in his gut. Pain radiates through his abdomen and he rolls onto his side.
He looks up at her in shock. She’s spitting their blood onto the ground, her bound hands wiping at her lips. “Asshole,” she mutters. She tucks her gun back in her holster and looks over at him. 
His eyes are wide in disbelief as he struggles to sit back up. The movement causes another wave of pain and he hisses through gritted teeth, “You shot me!”
She rolls her eyes and gives him a blank look, “You’ll live.” He limps back to his own seat and lifts his shirt, watching as the hole closes over slowly and the blood stops leaking. She watches as he heals and sighs, “Unfortunately.” He tugs it back down and sighs at the state of his shirt. 
“My shirt won’t.” He digs a finger into the hole and tugs on it, watching as it rips wider. Two hundred years he’s kept these clothes, she ruins them in a month. Un-fucking-believable. 
“Sew it,” she gripes, still wiping at her mouth. “I can’t believe you just fucking kissed me,” she frowns and spits again, bits of crimson lingering on her lips. 
He sighs and leans back against the tree. “Felt right in the moment.” It did, he wants to do it again. They’re even now, they’ve both shot each other twice. No reason for her to shoot again. 
He wants to feel the way she shivers against him and moans into his mouth. She can be pissed all she wants but she kissed back, she can’t deny that. He’s sure if she wasn’t tied up she’d be a bit more receptive to him. Or maybe she just needs time to cool off after the whole compound incident, a month seems like a reasonable amount of time. Then again, women are so damn unreasonable. 
She tugs a knife out of her boot and positions it between her knees. She places it between her wrists and saws at the rope until it falls free. She slides the knife back in her boot and tosses the ruined rope at him. 
He catches it with a sigh and glances up at her. “Why didn’t you do that earlier?”
Her eyes are alight with a challenge, “I wanted to see if you would let me go yourself.” Well, clearly, he had failed her little test. “I wanted to see if there was even a possibility I could ever trust you again.”
He gives her an unimpressed look, slightly pissed off about his shirt. He never should have taught her how to shoot. If he’d known it would come back to bite him in the ass he wouldn’t have. “And?”
She gives him a disbelieving look and shakes her head. “And instead of letting me go, you kissed me.“ She throws her hands up in astonishment and glares at him. “Why the hell would you think that was a good idea?”
He smirks and revels in the way she shivers at the sight. “Well, darling, I’ve always been better with actions not words.”
“Yeah,” her voice is a challenge, eyes hard and jaw clenched tightly in frustration. He loves the sight of her all riled up. He loves it even more knowing he’s the one getting her like this. “What were you trying to tell me with that little display?”
He doesn’t answer her question, not wanting to just yet. “You liked it, didn’t you?” Her mouth snaps shut and she looks away from him. He laughs, leaning back and giving her a smug look. “You can be pissed off at me as much as you want, sweetheart,” the nickname rolls off his tongue like a taunt and she sneers at him. “But you want me just the same as you used to.”
“Do you like hurting me? Is that why you keep me around? You’ve been alone for two hundred years, Cooper. And for the majority of them you’ve harbored this hatred for me because you thought I had abandoned you just like everyone else.” 
Her words strike a place deep inside him that has him on edge. She knows what she’s doing. He’s forgotten, in his time with her, that in the same way he can get under her skin, she can do it too. She knows him just as well, she’s just always been the better half of their duo. She never feels the need to stoop to the level he does. But she’s doing it now and it feels like a kick in the teeth. 
“And I’m the only one that’s actually stuck by you.” She laughs, but there’s an underlying pain to it. She looks away from him and wipes at her cheeks and his fists clench within his gloves. “Is this your revenge? You think by torturing me you get back at everyone whose ever fucked you over. I’m sick of it, Cooper. I’m not gonna let you use me anymore.”
“I feel for you,” he forces the words out. He doesn’t want to tell her this. He shouldn’t have to tell her this. She should just stick with him, it’s what they’d always done, it’s how it always should be. Them, together. But she’s fighting against that, against him, so much that he doesn’t have a choice. 
She’s backed him into a corner he doesn’t know how to get out of. “In a way I haven’t in a very long time. I can’t let you go. Don’t you get that, sweetheart? We’re in this together.”
She shakes her head and he sighs. “No,” she looks at him and just shakes her head again. “No, you don’t love me, Cooper, or you don’t want me at least. I’m not the same girl I was, that’s what you’re after. That idea in your head, of us together, that’s who I was. You were right, the Wastelands changes you. I can’t be her for you and I don’t want to be.”
He chuckles and she shrinks away from the sound in suspicion. “Newsflash, darling, I’m not the same man. I loved you a long time ago, sweetheart, but I’m not capable of that anymore. Not for the girl you were, anyway.”
She nodded, her arms wrapped around herself. She looked like she accepted the answer, but he could see beyond that, could see that she thought he was rejecting her. It hurt, she could hate him as much as she wanted, but that still hurt her. “Good,” she muttered, “she’s gone.”
“Well, good.” She shrank further into herself and he grinned.  “You. You as you are now. That’s what I want. I don’t give a shit about who we were, the only person I’ve wanted since I’ve been out here has been you. You’re the only person I’ve met who can actually keep up with me. I don’t give a shit if anyone in this godforsaken Wasteland lives or dies, but I give a shit about you. You’re also the only one who can knock me on my ass.”
Her eyes darted to the hole in his shirt and a small grin came over her lips. “Haven’t been shot a lot, have you, cowboy?”
“No,” he chuckles again and grins at her, “I haven’t. Though, I am still pretty pissed about the hole in my hat.”
Her tone loses a bit of her playfulness and she glares at him, “You more than earned that.”
He acquiesces and holds up his hands in surrender, “Maybe.” She scoffs at that and rolls her eyes. “But I think we’re even now.”
“Barely,” she mutters, rubbing at the bruises on her wrists. She glances up at him and sighs, a surrender in her eyes. “But, it’s close enough now.”
He stands up and she eyes him warily as he throws himself down on the log next to her. He holds out a hand, “What do you say, darling, partners?”
She sighs and stares at his hand for a long time. He doesn’t mind, he leaves it there, hovering between them. He knows she’ll take it. “Deny it as much as you want but this is how it’s meant to be. You can keep fighting it or save us both some time.”
She reaches forward and tentatively wraps a hand around his, she uses it to yank him forward, their faces separated by an inch. “Shoot me again,” she whispers, “and I won’t miss the next time I knock you on your ass.”
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“Oh shit,” you jump at the kickback on the rifle and nearly drop it to the ground. Cooper laughs and reaches around you, taking it from you. 
“Maybe I should have started you off with something with a little less kick to it.” He props the rifle against the tree and glances over to the cans you’d been shooting at. Well, you’d gotten one out of five at least. 
In all fairness this was the first time you’d ever handled a gun, you’re sure you’re doing fine for a beginner. He sucks on his teeth and looks at your targets. The serious look on his face cracks and he’s clearly trying to fight off laughing. 
You shove at his shoulder, smiling, “Shut up. I’ve never used one of these things before.”
He picks the rifle back up and starts laughing now, “You mean a gun?” 
You throw your arms in the air in defeat and slump into the patio chairs he’s dragged to the back of the cabin. “This is pointless, anyway.” He cocks the rifle and lifts it up to aim properly. In quick succession he knocks the remaining four cans off the fence. You roll your eyes at him, “Show off.”
He smiles and takes a seat next to you. You remain silent for a while, gazing across the yard and to the towering mountains across from his cabin. You appreciate him inviting you here. When you’d told him how overwhelmed you’d been feeling with all the new publicity you hadn’t expected him to drag you all the way out to his mountain home. 
You wouldn’t have accepted if you’d known it was just going to be you and him. You’d thought he was bringing his wife and kid, too. Spending a long weekend playing house with Cooper wasn’t going to do anything in getting rid of your crush. It was just getting worse the longer you were around him.
Waking up everyday and having him be the first person to greet you was going to send you into an early grave. You swear your heart’s never beat this fast around anyone else. He seems to be the only man who's ever had you feeling this head over heels. 
“I think it’s important you learn.”
You glance over at him, surprised at how serious he sounds. He’s still staring out at the mountains, but his gaze is distant. His mind is some place else. “Why?” You ask, voice quiet, afraid to spoil the moment.
He finally blinks, gaze darting down to his hands and the rifle still in them. “It’s easy for people to dismiss the war nowadays. They weren’t there, they didn’t watch as hundreds of good men and women died for them.” You frown, sometimes it’s easy to forget that he’d been fighting on the frontlines. He’s so good at being a socialite, you feel guilty that even you sometimes forget he was a soldier before he was Cooper Howard. 
His voice is heavy, the tension thick around the both of you. “They seem to think the war is over. I know it’s not, it’s just going to get worse. People can bury their heads in the sand as long as they want, but when the fighting is at their front door, what are they going to do?”
You reach out, hand covering his own. He finally looks up at you and you smile. “I appreciate it, Cooper.”
His eyes quickly look at your hand before looking back at you. “For what?”
You shrug, moving closer to him and lacing your fingers with his. You shouldn’t indulge yourself like this, but you can’t help it. He seems so sad and you only want to make him feel better. You just want to take care of him, the way he takes care of you. 
“For always looking out for me. You’re always there, I appreciate it. I appreciate you.”
The sad cast over his face finally breaks and he smiles at you. His hand squeezes yours once, then again and he looks back out at the mountains without saying anything else. You don’t think he needs to, that either of you needs to. Sometimes you understand each other better without words. 
You’ll always be there for one another.
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You eye him warily and he holds the jerky out further. “Aren’t you a little curious?” He taunts, waving the jerky around in front of your face. You know he thinks you won’t take it. That he’s just screwing with you. He’s been doing this ever since you agreed to tag along with him. Teasing you at every given opportunity. 
You snatch it from his hands and rip a piece of it off. It kind of tastes like beef, if not a little sweeter. There’s also that metallic radiated tang to it. You chew it slowly, savoring the slightly caught off guard look on his face. You swallow it down, forcing your face to stay straight and not give away how disgusted you feel right now. 
He chuckles, leaning back and looking at you with something that seems like appreciation. “I hope you know that was ass jerky.”
You gag now, glaring at him and tossing the rest of the jerky at his smug face. “You’re such a dick.” You take a swig from your canteen and swirl the water around your mouth. It gets rid of the taste well enough but you’re never going to get over the fact that you swallowed a part of someone’s ass. 
He suddenly gets serious, swatting at your arm and motioning to the front of the store. You crouch beside him, watching as a raider walks out of the front doors. You don’t get why they chose an old movie store for their hideout, but Cooper had it on good authority that they had a decent cache of supplies inside. 
The last time you’d followed him into one of these things, you’d nearly died, and then he’d sold you. You’re still not fully trusting of him. The only reason you’re with him now is because you need extra security from bounty hunters after getting booted out of Filly. 
If he wasn’t such a good shot, you would have never given him a second glance. Despite how much he insists the compound was an honest mistake, you find the trust slow to come. You’ll let him take the lead on this one, you’re not confident in him having your back if things take a turn. 
He moves forward and you hang back, keeping watch while he slits the guard’s throat. He lowers the body quietly to the ground and you creep behind him, following him through the doors of the store. 
This group is smaller than the last one you dealt with. Only five of them with no extra guards outside. Cooper ducks behind a dust covered shelf before they can spot either of you. You go to the other side of the store, moving slowly along the edge until you have a good shot. 
You take out one man and Cooper manages to hit two more before they start firing off their own guns. You dart back behind the shelf, willing to let Cooper handle the last two. But one of them dives behind the shelf and grabs at you. 
Another shot goes off and his friend’s body hits the ground while he rounds the corner with you. He’s got an arm wrapped around your throat and the barrel of his gun pushing so hard into your skull you can feel an indent forming. 
It wouldn’t be hard to shoot this guy, you still have your gun in your hand. Cooper seems to realize that, too, from the questioning look he gives you. You drop your gun to the floor, you want to see what he’ll do. 
Maybe you’re stupid, gambling with your life like this. But you don’t feel any fear, not from the guy holding you hostage at least. You just keep your eyes locked on Cooper’s. They’re so familiar to you, yet so distant. Like a stranger you’ve known all your life. 
He slowly rises from the floor, hands raised in the air in surrender. “Alright, let’s just see if we can’t talk this out like gentlemen.”
The guy holding you jerks you roughly, gun banging painfully against your temple. You wince but remain quiet. “Stay back or I’ll blow her goddamn brains out!”
Cooper’s eyes dart from your face to the guy. He huffs, frowning and pursing his lips like he’s trying to think of a way to talk himself out of this. He could leave, he’s got enough time to make it through the door before he fires at him. 
Or he could help you. 
It’s the only reason you let yourself get caught. If he wants your trust he’s going to have to prove it. Cooper looks at you and a grin splits across his face. It’s like he’s read your mind, from the knowing look on his face you think he might’ve. 
Then again, you never really needed words to talk to each other. 
With a speed that never fails to catch you off guard his hand darts under his jacket and he draws his gun. He’s shooting the man before you even get a chance to brace yourself. Your body gets dragged back slightly by the dead weight but Cooper moves forward and wraps a hand around your shirt, tugging you into him. 
Your hands shoot out, bracing yourself against his chest. He peers at you from under his hat and grins, “You didn’t really think I was gonna let you go that easy did you, darling?” Your eyes dart down to his lips, you feel like you can still taste him. 
The timing of his kiss might not have been appropriate, but he certainly hadn’t made it forgettable. Nothing about him was forgettable. As much as you wished he could be. You hated yourself for still letting yourself fall into his trap. 
Hollywood might have once labeled you as the most seductive actress of your generation, but Cooper had you beat. He kept you coming back even when you knew you shouldn’t. He had you wrapped around him and all you wanted to do was squeeze until he let you go. 
You push off of him, ignoring how much you want to pull him closer. You move towards their pile of supplies, “Let’s see what we’ve got.”
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There are a few different posters set up in the old movie store that intrigue him. But the one that’s caught his attention the most is set up directly behind her. Her back is to it, so she hasn’t gotten a chance to see it yet, but it’s all he can focus on. 
The Outlaw and The Sheriff
Their first movie together. 
He looks at her and huffs out a laugh, she glances up at him for a moment before she begins rifling through her bag again. She looks like she walked right off the fucking poster, hat and all. She’s the spitting image of herself, but she seems so different. 
Maybe it’s the eyes. The light there has changed, dimmed slightly from how it used to be. She used to seem so naive to the world, like a little lamb that just needed some guidance. Now, he wonders just how much of the world she’d seen before he found her. If maybe she had never been as innocent to it’s cruelties as he’d once assumed. 
She stepped into this new role of hers just as quickly as he had. You didn’t just change that quickly without knowing already just how awful people could be. 
“Sweetheart,” she looks up and he points behind her. She turns around and looks up to the poster.
She scoffs, moving to stand beside him, “I always hated how I looked in that.”
He glances over at her and shakes his head, “Probably shouldn’t show you a mirror anytime soon, then.” Her hands reach up to fiddle with the brim of her hat and she smiles, a real smile for once. 
“No, I suppose not.” Her hands trace over her lips, he glances back at the poster. At that old signature of hers. She always had to have those red lips. “It’s so different,” she whispers and he knows she didn’t mean for him to hear. Her eyes glisten and he frowns. 
He shouldn’t have shown her. It’s not like he enjoyed seeing those fucking Vault-Boy posters, he sure as hell hated seeing clips of himself. Why would she enjoy seeing who she used to be? Who they used to be?
Things used to be so simple. He loved her, she loved him. Now he’d fucked up so much he wasn’t sure she could ever look at him the way she used to. He didn’t want who she was before, he couldn’t handle that. This new her, well, he didn’t give her near enough credit. 
But he wouldn’t hate seeing someone look at him like that again. Endless adoration and unflinching loyalty. He knew he would follow her anywhere, he’d realized that a while ago. He didn’t have anything in the Wastelands, nothing but hate and spite to keep him going all this time.
Now, he had her. He just needed her to realize that she had him just the same. She had him wrapped around her and he hated it and loved it at the same time. Hated her and loved her for it all the same. 
He tugs his glove off before he reaches for her. He cups her cheek, thumb tracing over her lips before she turns towards him. His eyes meet hers and he smiles slightly at the familiarity and mystery to them. So much of her he recognizes and then there are these new parts he’s yet to discover. 
He wants to discover all of her. Learn everything he can about her all over again, feed his desire to consume her entirely. 
She pulls him in this time, her lips chapped and cracked. Her arms wind around his neck, yanking him closer and he tugs at her. She tastes as sweet as he remembers and it only makes him crave more. More of her, more of anything she’ll let him have. 
She pulls back from him, pressing her hand against his chest, slowly backing him against the wall. He lets her ease him to the floor and she throws a leg over his lap. She settles herself above him, both her hands tightly grasping his neck, crushing their bodies together, eyes gazing intently into his own. He doesn’t know what she’s looking for in him but she seems to find it when she leans in once more. 
She isn’t giving him a chance at control, she’s got a leash on him, pulling back anytime he tries to lead. He relents, following her as she slowly explores him. 
He’s not sure how long this peace between them will last before one of them inevitably fucks up. But they’re stuck together now. It doesn’t matter what happens, he’s not letting her get away from him again. 
She’s his, always has been, always will be. It’s been that way since before the fallout. He’s led her, guided her.
He had loved her as a different man. History always seems to repeat itself with them. As twisted as the world is, as twisted as they’ve become, they always seem to drift back together. No matter how much the both of them fight against it. 
He’s giving in now, giving into her. 
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
324 notes · View notes
sumirhatos · 3 months
Red Velvet - Joy x Male reader
7.3k words
TW: foot fetish, feet worshiping
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This is a continuation of Exposed addiction.
Thanks to Nether Blade for helping me with this chapter. ❤️🥰
"Miss Bae, but he works at JTBC, and we are not sure if he has any experience in advertisement filming" says the manager, a little bit confused.
"So what? He proved to be very professional last time, what difference does it make?" she says, raising her eyebrow. "Don't you trust my opinion?"
"N-no miss Bae, I'm just-" the manager was about to share his thoughts of disagreement.
"Then it's settled!" she interrupts him, putting on her Aviators and leaving the meeting room.
(Late night 11:26 p.m.) You were watching videos on YouTube until you are interrupted by a call
Usually you don't pick up calls when you are off work, but this time you didn't even bother to check who's calling...
"H-Hello?" you answer with a sleepy voice
"Okay, good, you are not asleep, I got work for you" says Joohyun.
"Ummm, what?" you reply getting confused by the voice, but being too tired to recognize the caller, so you check the caller's ID. It's Joohyun?!?!
"J-joohyun? I mean, Miss Bae!" you spill. "Sorry, didn't recognize your voice, I'm really tired right now, I've had a very long day and I didn't get enough sleep either" you explain to her.
The events of last night are rewinding before your eyes.
"W-what kind of job are you talking about?" you ask her to try to change the subject...
"Well, just a regular filming job you will manage. Wait for my message. You can thank me later. Bye!" she spills and hangs up.
"What?" you hear nothing but you've been hung up on...
"What the fuck is wrong with that woman? First she kicked me out of the hotel room. Now she offers me a job all of a sudden?" you curse before going to bed.
The next morning you receive the message from Joohyun.
"You were approved for the job by our managers, I'm absolutely sure Sooyoung will be happy to work with you again.😏"
"Wait, what? I have to film Sooyoung?" you reply to her, not that you mind seeing Sooyoung again.
"She will send you the deets later, you owe me one, pretty boy, enjoy the shooting ;)" she replies.
You initially met Sooyoung and the Red Velvet members a long time ago, the first encounter happened when you had just started your job as a part of a filming crew for MBC, being just 19 years old back then.
Red Velvet had just debuted as a group and were invited as guests on the Weekly Idol Show, that's when you met them for the first time.
The other members probably didn't pay attention to you at all, you were just one of the assistants for the filming crew.
But Sooyoung was different, she noticed a young member of the filming crew, the clumsy guy, who was just trying his best to be helpful.
After the filming she even came up to you and said "Fighting!", which was like a breath of fresh air for you after a long day of work. Maybe she was just trying to be polite? Or maybe she pitied you?
Yet somehow you later became sort of buddies, you were someone she could talk to during work, you were her guy in the filming crew, who helped her with small requests, like messaging her about the filming, sending schedules, and sharing other relevant information. Sometimes you hang out together as a part of a group, telling your stories, sharing your experiences in life and much more.
You wouldn't call it a close relationship or anything, but you became sort of friends, to an extent.
A few years later, life becomes more successful for you. JTBC, another broadcasting channel made you an offer you could never pass on, came with a new team, new place, new crew and new position for you: a fucking filming director! They even made their own show, Idol Room, which featured old hosts, from Weekly Idol.
Right away, you became THE guy in the team, so others finally started paying attention to you. Suddenly more people wanted to hang out with you, go for drinks and attend parties together or stuff like that.
Even idols started paying more attention and trying to suck up to you for different reasons. Sooyoung was not an exception, she also asked you for professional advice here and there.
You hoped she wasn’t trying to become closer to you just because of the new important role you had, but that she indeed considered you an interesting person worthy to hang out with. "Shit...This woman is fucking killing me", you say out loud.
"What's wrong honey?", a voice came from your bedroom, "is everything okay?", she adds coming to the kitchen.
"Well, I just got a message from Joohyun, she got me an extra job... I'm having an ad shoot for Sooyoung", you say with an annoyed face.
"Oh! You can try out a different type of shooting by taking this job and make some extra money as well. Good for you. Joohyun is so nice and generous!", she exclaimed with a smile, "She cares about people she works with so much and even helps them to get more gigs!"
If only she knew what a real bitсh Joohyun is...
"Plus, you have told me that you liked to work with Sooyoung in the past when you had just started your career as an assistant, remember?", she adds.
"Yeah, I guess'', you answer, "but it's Saturday and I wanted to spend the day with you... I should decline it", you add with sadness in your voice.
"Nah", she shakes her head, "It's fine, we can watch Netflix when you come home later today", she smiles. "I know how much you love your job and I don't wanna see you walking around with a sour face all day, feeling bad for not taking this opportunity", she comes to you and pats you on the head.
"Thank you", you simply reply to her, taking her hand and holding it for a moment.
"Okay, chop-chop then, don't wanna be late, right?", she says, clapping her hands.
"Yeah..." you reply to her, still annoyed by the fact that you have to work on a Saturday.
You get up and head to your closet, get dressed into a casual outfit: grey joggers, green loose hoodie with a zipper on top of an LA Lakers print t-shirt.
Then you head back to the kitchen, and see that your girlfriend is munching on her breakfast while watching some news.
"What are you wearing?!?! Are you going to a basketball match? Haha", she says giggling at you.
"Hey it's Saturday, my official day off. I can wear whatever I want!", you exclaim to her light tease, "And who the fuck is gonna stop me? Am I the director or what?!", you say proudly of yourself
"I was joking you little poopster", she says, slapping your thigh.
"Yeah-yeah, whatever", you reply, heading to the door.
You put your sneakers on and head out.
"I'll see you in the evening, I'll try to get home not too late", you say to her heading out.
"Hey, wait. Haven't you forgotten something?", she says, jiggling the car keys in her hand.
She throws them at you and you catch them like Lebron catches the pass from Davis to perform the slam dunk.
"Thanks", you say to her and go to your car.
**BZZ BZZ** your phone vibrates.
"Hello Mr. Foot Fetishist! 😏 I guess we are working again together! I've attached the details. See ya! 😘", was the message from Sooyoung
"Oh god, what is this nickname? Joohyun told you?", you reply to her message...
"Maybe 😋", she replies
You have kept your fetish in secret from her and other idols successfully so far and now Joohyun had to ruin this... And not just anyone, but Sooyoung? Now she’s gonna try to hide her feet from you. Great...
"Hope that nickname doesn't stick for too long though...", you murmur to yourself, while getting in your car.
Heading to the place Sooyoung mentioned in her message, you arrive in about 20 minutes. It's some 3-story building near SM Ent. headquarters.
"I guess bees don't want to get too far from their nest", you say while getting out of the car, you take off your hoodie and leave it inside.
Heading straight inside the building, you go to the 3rd floor, that's what was said in the description Sooyoung sent.
At the entrance to the studio you are stopped by some bodyguard in a suit.
"Can I help you?", he says with a disgusted face. Is it because of your outfit? Probably because you don't look like somebody who might be here for work?
"I'm a filming director from JTBC, here for a Barrel photoshoot with Park Sooyoung.
"Yeah and I'm Lebron James", he mocks you by pointing at your tee.
"Hey listen, I don't want any trouble and I think you don't want any either, right? I'm here for work", you tell him in response. Maybe it sounded like too much...
"The fuck? Asshole
"Guys where is my phone? I need to make a call, Sooyoung asked people walking around her, but then she stops when she sees you at the entrance to the studio.
You are mesmerized... She looks... Well, to say she looks like a goddess would be an understatement... Her makeup has already been done, her beautiful hair is also ready, curling over her shoulders.
She's wearing a white cropped hoodie, a short lavender sports skirt that barely covers her mouthwatering thighs and exposing to the world her long fucking legs, going down, on succulent feet she has light pink summer heels.
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Looks like no pedicure today, some toenails might look meh without any polish applied, but that's not the case for Park Sooyoung, her toenails are looking pristine and elegant in their natural color, signaling how well she looks after them. "Oh, there you are", she comes to your direction, "He's with me", she pushes away the bodyguard.
"I was about to call you, but unfortunately I can't seem to find my phone in this mess ", she says, pouting. So fucking cute...
"H-hello Miss Park", you reply, trying to be formal with her around other people even though you are sort of friends... "So um... I suppose it's a summer outfit photoshoot?"
"Yep, didn't Joohyun tell you about the job?", she asks, taking you by the hand and leading you inside the studio. A very bright place, a lot of light from the studio LED lights.
"No", you shook your head, "she didn't tell me anything about the job itself..." you add just staring at Sooyoung stunned by her beauty once again...
"Okay, we should get to work if we want to finish the whole photoshoot today, there are a lot of outfits I need to pose in", she says with a bright smile.
She then leans towards you and seductively whispers into your ear: "I hope you like it, oppa", she said, giving you goosebumps...
"This is gonna be a long day...", the only thought that crossed your mind.
"Um... Okay guys, let's start, shall we?", she asked without looking for an answer obviously.
"I can see that Miss Park is almost ready", you said, pointing to a girl going through her bags, presumably looking for her phone.
"Found it!"Sooyoung exclaimed, holding onto her phone and holding it up in the air.
"Okay, we are set to film in two settings, one is the regular white background and the other one is with the sand & beach theme", says one of her managers.
"Sounds interesting", was your response, "okay, let's begin", you added.  While you are usually supposed to instruct the person that is in front of the camera, Joy is a natural, the camera loves her. After all these years of knowing her, you have figured out there is not much direction to do with her, so you let her improvise.
She strikes a few poses, which you capture with the camera. Everyone on set is probably appreciating her visuals. The main thing that you are captivated with though are her amazing legs, her ample thighs, strong looking calves and last but not least, her feet, those succulent toes, the arch, the ankles... Fuck...
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"G-Good job Miss Park, you are such a pro", you comment a little bit nervously, getting yourself a smile in response from her. She knows you are staring.
"Okay, we will proceed with the next outfit", her manager said. Sooyoung left for a couple of minutes to the changing room.
Coming back she's wearing another lavender color outfit: long sleeve sporty top and very short shorts, once again exposing her amazing thighs to your eyes, completing the look with a baseball cap of the same lavender color, on her feet she had peach colored sneakers. Whole fit looks very beautiful.
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You take a few pics in the setting with sand and a few regular pics, after that she left for the changing room once again.
"Good, next!", the manager said again.
Couple of minutes later, she comes back in a surfing outfit with black tight pants, a tight light blue top and the same peach sneakers.
"Uhh... It's too hot in here", she says waving her hands in front of her face. All of a sudden she takes off her sneakers, freeing her appetising feet from their shackles . Playfully she shows her shoes in the camera and you took a shot of that. Sooyoung giggled at you. If only you could sniff those shoes...
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This girl knew exactly what she’s doing, those natural colored toenails are looking so fucking delicious, it drives you crazy. If you two were alone you'd have jumped at her to feast on each of her toes. The thought of it made you sweat even more...
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To shake off  the intrusive thoughts, you tried to concentrate on taking photos of Sooyoung, while she was posing.
Moving to the setting with sand she looked like a true surfer girl, who just came to the beach and is getting prepared to ride the waves.  She sits down and plays with the sand.
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You take more photos of her and they come out cute rather than sexy.
"Okay, time for the next outfit, I suppose?", you ask one of Sooyoung's managers.
Sooyoung gets up and leaves to the dressing room once again to return in a very cute blue chequered dress.
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"Okay, for the last two outfits we want the beach setting", the manager says.
"Oh, so I don't need my shoes then?" Sooyoung asks the manager.
"If you don't want to, sure", the manager replies indifferently.
Glancing at you, Sooyoung smiles and elegantly takes off the heels that she wore previously at the beginning of the shooting session and then tiptoes to the beach setting.
There is something about sandy feet... Something alluring that makes you desire her feet even more...
"Wish I could see her cute little toes"...
Right that moment as if she heard you, Sooyoung lifts her left leg a little out of the sand just enough for you to be able to see her cute toes.
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Those feet need to be worshipped, those toes need to be sucked, those soles need to be massaged and licked... Sooyoung looks at you and giggles once again. Can she actually read your thoughts?
You snap more pictures of her once again, while she is spinning around being playful in front of the camera.
"Okay, last outfit, Sooyoung", the manager says.
You check your watch and to your surprise you’ve already been shooting for 2 hours... It seems the time passed very quickly because of the hypnotizing beauty of Sooyoung, so you lost the sense of time.
Sooyoung heads to the changing room, as she passes you, she runs her finger down your cheek and gives you a hungry glance.
"Uhh... This girl...", you think, "What if somebody notices?!?!", it seems Sooyoung doesn't care.
It took a few minutes for her to return in another jaw-dropping outfit: yellow one-piece swimsuit that tightly hugs all of her curves, denim shorts, once again not covering her thighs and topped off with a blue cap on her head, kind of cute. Another perfect beach outfit.
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She sits down in the sand, her butt is resting on her soles, which are covered in sand once again, that swimsuit almost doesn't cover her back, leaving little to your imagination, such an amazing body, and such a pretty face, the face that you have splattered with your cum just a few days ago...
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Flashbacks from that incredible night are coming back to your mind making you feel fired up once again... She on her knees in front of you, her face painted with your load... Fuck...
Sooyoung looked at you with a smirk once again, as if she knew exactly what you were thinking right now. You stopped taking pictures, staring at her through the camera, you couldn't take your eyes off...
"Okay, good job everyone", her manager said,"and thank you for helping us with the shooting, sir", she addressed you.
"Uhh... Yeah, thank you guys, good job", you reply awkwardly to the manager and the whole crew, "I'll be happy to work with you next time if I have a chance", you add.
Meanwhile everyone started to pack their things, cameras, lights, screens and etc., Sooyoung gracefully stood up and headed to the changing room.
"Sooyoung we will be waiting for you in the van, to drive you home", her manager says to her heading out.
"Nah, that's okay, I have to discuss something with opp-", she stops mid sentence,"I have to discuss something with the director here", she continues.
"Y-Yeah?, you say with uncertainty, seeing her glare at you, "right, we have to discuss... Yes...", you try to come up with something, but nothing comes to your mind.
"Yeah", she glares at you, "Next shooting for Barrel, remember? I've told you that the contract includes a few photoshoots", she elbows you in the side, signalling to you to play along.
"Oh, yeah! How could I forget this? The next shooting, ha-ha", you say with an awkward laugh.
"Oh, okay, we can wait", the manager replies.
"It's fine, he'll give me a ride home, right?" Sooyoung smiles at you.
"Yeah, I will, definitely, I'll drop off Miss Park at her place, don't you worry", you try to reassure her manager with an awkward smile on your face.
"O-kay, see you on Monday then. Bye", the manager says. She bows to you and leaves the studio with other staff members.
Seeing them out you bow last time. Then you get hit by something on your back, you look at Sooyoung, she has taken off her shorts and threw them at you. That yellow one piece swimsuit barely covers her ripe peach... All of a sudden you are hungry...
"I'll be right back", she says getting into the changing room, "don't peek", she says smirking at you.
"I didn't even plan to", you reply to her. She shuts the door.
One minute later Sooyoung comes out wearing a white dress paired with white sneakers, her hair is tied back in a ponytail to reveal her cute forehead.
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"Okay, let's go", she says heading for the exit. You say nothing following her while checking her from the back. In addition to her juicy thighs she has very muscular calves.
Heading to your car you keep staring at her ass and legs.
"Enjoying the view?", she says, turning around all of a sudden.
"Yes", you answered firmly without any hesitation.
"Good", she smiles, "is this your car?", she points at a red sedan.
"Yeah, get in", you say, opening the door for her.
"Oh wow, so there are still gentlemen left in this world!", she exclaims with a grin on her face. You decided to say nothing, just replying with a smile.
She gets inside your car and you close the door for her. After that, you go to the back of your car to put your camera and your bag into the trunk and then go to the driver seat.
Sooyoung has already gotten comfortable in the seat beside you and was waiting for you inside.
"So, what did you want to talk about?", you asked her when you got in, put the key in and started the engine.
"Well, I just wanted to hang out with you, you've been busy not attending any parties, so I was wondering how have you been lately? Plus, my manager would have talked about work all the way, if I had taken the ride...", she says with a weariness in her voice.
"Yeah, I've been busy working on new stuff for our channel", you point out.
"I also don't want to go home alone...", she said with sadness in her voice.
"You should've invited your friends to hang out then", you suggested.
"Yeah? Who for example? My group members?" she asked.
"Yeah, why not?", you said to her calmly
"We see each other all the time", she replied. "So, I've decided to invite you instead. Joohyun told me that you are fun to hang out with", "Joohyun told me, everything", she said, taking off her sneakers, reclining her seat and putting her bare feet on a dashboard.
"A-am I?", you replied startled by it, trying to concentrate on the road instead of her legs.
"Do you like mine?" She asked with a grin obviously meaning her succulent toes which she was wiggling on a dashboard.
"Y-yes, of course", you gave her a short reply, peeking at her feet.
"Good", she said, shifting in her seat and putting her feet into your lap, "oh yeah, that's better", she added.
Moving her feet slowly all over your lap, she provokes an already forming bulge to get even harder, making it hard to concentrate on the road.
"Sooyoung, I'm driving!", you exclaimed, not even trying to get her feet from your crotch.
"You know, I never expected you to be a feet kinda guy, but now that I think about it, there were some hints to it", she smirks, grinding her right foot on your bulge.
"R-really?", like what?"
"Well, whenever I wore some open toed heels, you were complimenting my shoes, I just thought that you actually have taste in shoes'', she replied, still rubbing your bulge through the pants.
"Sooyoung...", you groaned.
"Should I stop?", she grinded her foot on your shaft even harder.
You say nothing... Yes, it's dangerous to drive like that. But what can you do? Are you even capable of telling her to stop? Of course not, you can't tell her to stop. Even if you did, she'd not stop what she's doing.
Smirking at you she brings her left foot to your right cheek.
"So, I need an answer, should I stop?", she repeats the question with a slightly seductive tone.
"No...", you finally reply, so she continues to smother your cock with her right foot and starts caressing your face with her left foot. Next move was kinda predictable. She placed her toes on your lips, you opened your mouth welcoming a few of the toes inside.
"Ooh, Joohyun did mention that you like feet, but she didn't mention you are so freaky about it", she giggled surprised at your initiative.
Her toes tasted weird, somehow you catch some alcohol flavour, so you dare to say: "your toes taste weird"
"Did you think I'd put my shoes on without wiping the sand off it?", she asked, "I used antiseptic wipes, also why would I want to poke you when my feet are dirty, it sounds disgusting...", she continued.
"Well, I wouldn't mind, because it's you", you said, taking her toes out of your mouth and switching to kisses.
"Ewwww, you are a freak", she resented, snatching her feet from you, "why would you want to lick dirt, yikes!", she exclaims.
"Nah, it's not like that, to be honest, but if it's someone I like, I'd do that", you commented on her antics,massaging her feet with your right hand.
"Yeah, it's more like a display of affection that I'd want to worship your feet even though they might be dirty", you reply, gently massaging her left foot with your right hand, rubbing her sole with your thumb, running it along the whole length of her foot from bottom to the tip of her toes, still wet from your saliva.
"Umm, so you like me?", she asks, getting shy from your words, you can notice that her cheeks are getting a little pink.
"Well-, you were about to answer, but you get interrupted **You have arrived at your destination** - the voice from the navigator announced
To your disappointment Sooyoung takes her feet off your lap and sits properly in her seat, putting on her sneakers.
"D-Do you want to come in?", she asks awkwardly, trying not to look at you. But why is she so awkward all of a sudden?
"S-sure", you reply with the same awkwardness in your voice.
You two get out of the car without saying a word and head inside the building, past the concierge desk, into the elevator and to her apartment on the 15th floor. Entering the apartment you are greeted by the sunlight coming from the all floor-to-ceiling windows at the side opposing the entrance door.
"Make yourself at home", she said, putting on some fluffy slippers, as went off somewhere.
"O-kay", you mumble, she probably didn't hear that anyway.
The whole apartment was dominated by light colours, bright curtains, pale walls, it's almost as if the light was radiated by the owner's aura.
You sit on a white chair next to the huge windows, through which you can see the whole city.
A minute later Sooyoung comes back with two beer bottles.
"Here, I figured you wouldn't mind something to drink", she says, sitting right next to you on another chair, she hands you one of the bottles.
"Yeah, thanks'', you reply, "the view is amazing, it's like the city is in the palm of your hand'', you continued, opening the bottle and taking a sip.
"Mhm, that's one of the reasons I chose this place, you can see each part of Seoul from here, the view calms me down", she comments.
You look at her, a gorgeous girl is sitting in front of you, drinking beer, "Yeah, it is indeed a peaceful sight to see", but obviously you were talking about her, not the view from the window.
"Can I take a picture of you? It's a very nice view, it will look good", you ask her all of a sudden, pulling out your camera, good thing that you have a habit of taking it everywhere with you.
"Sure", she puts down the bottle of beer and looks right into the camera "what should I do?", she then asks, acting if it was some other photoshoot.
"Actually, be natural, casual photos are the best, to be honest, I don't want you to be professional right now", you say while taking a photo of her.
"Okay, if you say so", she replies, relaxing in the sunlight, as it pierces her black hair curls, making her shine like the star she is.
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You take photos from different angles, zoom in, zoom out. After that she gives you a grin, pointing at her feet, and you gladly take a picture of her soles.
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"Do you want to kiss them, oppa?", she asks, looking at you with those sexy eyes of hers, looking at you in anticipation of what you are going to say.
You don't have to be asked twice, so you put down the camera, lean forward and place your lips on the bottom of her toes. First you kiss the toes of the left foot, going from the pinky all the way to the big toe, then on the right foot you go from the big toe to the pinky.
When you are finished you lean backwards, waiting for the next command.
"Cute, now lick my feet", Sooyoung giggles.
So you obey the same way you followed Joohyun's order the last time. You started to lick Sooyoung's feet, first the right foot from the tip of her toes to the bottom and then from the heel to the top of the left foot, savouring the salty taste of her delicious soles.
"Hihi, it tickles", Sooyoung chuckles looking at you, but she doesn't move, letting you do the job, "Now suck on my toes, oppa", she commands wiggling her toes in front of you.
You obey her once again, starting with her right foot once more, you suck on each of her toes, one by one, alternating between sucking, kissing and licking them, trying to clean every bit of her succulent toes.
After that you start licking and sucking between all five toes on her left foot while trying to envelope them in your mouth. Sooyoung's foot is definitely wider than Joohyun's, but you can't complain about that.
"Oh wow. Do you love my feet that much?", Sooyoung asks you, staring at you again with those lewd eyes of hers.
"Mmm, I guess the answer is yes'', she giggles admiring your thorough work, her toes are glistening with your saliva, those are surely clean now.
She leans forward and runs a finger down your left cheek "Such a submissive oppa, do you like it when I command you?", she asks you seductively. You nod in response.
"Get up and undress'', she said, and you don't ask why. Following her command, you take off your hoodie, t-shirt, joggers and socks. Sooyoung bit her bottom lip watching intently as you took off your garments.
Then she leaps at you and begins to touch your body, starting with the chest, she trails to your abs and starts going even lower, to the only part that remains clothed. With both of her hands she gently palms your prominent bulge up and down a couple of times, going lower to your ballsack, cupping it softly as massages your testicles.
"Mmmm, it feels so full, have you not been released for the past few days?", she asks looking right into your eyes and licking her lips, you just nod.
"Let me help you with that", she says, removing your undergarments, freeing your dick from its cover. Your cock springs out and bumps her into the face, Sooyoung bursts into a laughter because of that, which makes you laugh as well. 
"Your little friend is a quick one!", she giggles. She spits on your cock to lubricate it and proceeds to jerk you off.
Stroking your now naked shaft with her right hand at a good pace and continuing to grope your balls with the left, she extracts a moan from you indicating your pleasure. That's when she stops.
"Okay, continue oppa, you got one more foot to clean'', she says putting her right foot on the edge of the leg rest so you could have better access to it, leaning back into her seat, she closed her eyes waiting for you to proceed.
You kneel in front of her and do the same amount of worshipping to her right foot, sucking on each of her toes, leaving no dry space.
After that you grab both of her ankles and put the soles on your face. Her toes are on your cheekbones and while her soles rest on your lips. It's so soft, so divine and beautiful. It feels like time has just stopped completely. There is nothing in the world right now, it's just you and Sooyoung soles.
"Khm-khm", Sooyoung clears her throat.
"Oh, sorry, they looked so soft, so I couldn't resist to feel them on my face", you replied to her, kissing her heels
"Oh yeah?", she says, smothering your face with her feet, softly pressing them on your cheeks, "do you like that?", she asks without stopping moving her feet all over your face.
"Yes'', you reply between kisses and nibbles on her soles. Sooyoung produces a soft groan of satisfaction. After a few more seconds you go lower, her heels receive the same treatment of licking, kissing and sucking, making Sooyoung groan again.
Kissing her left ankle you go higher to her calf and to her thigh and then to her-
"S-Stop", she says all of a sudden, withdrawing away from you to sit properly in the chair .
"I didn't tell you to do that, are you impatient, oppa?", she says, her face getting red... Is she shy?
"Yes...", you reply desperately. Of course you are impatient. You want her, you want her so bad it hurts...
"I've noticed, but I'm not done playing with you", she says putting her feet in your crotch, "I think your friend wants to play too", she adds with a smirk on her gorgeous face.
She teases your shaft with her left foot, rubbing the tip between her big toe and her long toe, meanwhile massaging your balls with her right foot. It doesn't take long for you to leak pre-cum all over her toes.
"Fuck, Sooyoung...", you moan her name. She's doing a number on you.
"Lay down", she commands, throwing a cushion at you to use for your head. Then she stands up and goes to the kitchen to grab some unidentified bottle from the counter.
When she comes back you are already in a vertical position ready for your mistress in anticipation. She sits back on the chair and pours some brown-ish liquid substance all over her soles and toes.
"Hope you don't mind honey, I don't have anything else here haha, she laughs and pours it on your cock.
She proceeds to rub it into your shaft and balls with her feet.
"Oppa is so hard for me", she says, pressing your length with her sole against your stomach. She trails it from bottom to the top with her right foot all the way through your length, while pinching your ballsack with the toes of her left foot.
As a result of Sooyoung's work you start to moan each time she completes the stroke with her foot.
"You are already leaking, haha", she giggles, rubbing your precum with her toes, griding it just between her big toe and the second toe for a brief moment and then completely stops.
"I'm also leaking because of you oppa...", she says, slipping her right hand under her dress, trailing a slightly darker wet spot on her white underwear.
"Sooyoung let me taste you", you said, starting to get up to help her with her "problem", but she held you back in place with her feet not letting you move.
Instead, she slips her hands under the dress and slips the underwear off underneath. Then she slides it to her thighs, down to her ankles and then off her legs. She grabs them and throws them away.
"Do you like the view?", she asks, rubbing her now exposed clitoris with her fingers, while playing with your shaft with both of her feet this time.
She places your cock between her soles and starts to fuck you with her soft feet, it's not slow this time, in a few seconds she has picked up a good pace, making you grunt almost every time her feet reached the bottom of your shaft.
"Fuck, Sooyoung...", you moan her name helping her motion by thrusting between her soles.
"Do you wanna cum?", she moans, fingering and rubbing herself with almost the same pace of her feet.
"Yes, fuck, I'm getting close", you grunt, increasing the speed of the footjob even more.
"Ah-h, y-yes, I'm close as well, oppa", she moans once again, also increasing the intensity of her hand work.
"Are you gonna cum, oppa?", she asks, "O-oh, yes, yes give it to me oppa, she grins at you.
"Y-yes, Sooyoung, you are gonna make me cum so hard!", you grunt in a low voice trying to resist the urge to release your pent up spunk all over her feet. Just a little bit longer, just a little bit, you don't want this to end.
"Yes, yes oppa, blow it all over my beautiful feet that you love so much", she says staring right into your eyes.
"Gonna cum all over my soles? Or maybe you want to paint my lovely toes and tops white with your creamy seed?, she asks switching from fucking you with her soles to rubbing you with her lovely toes again.
"Fuuuuuck, Sooyoung-", you moan her name out loud, being unable to say anything else.
"I guess I should decide then", she says, coming to a full stop and then gets down on the floor. She spins around so her ass is facing you. She lays down on her stomach and places her feet back on your shaft.
She resumes fucking you with her feet in a reverse footjob.
It doesn't take long for you to reach your limits, bringing you to the edge of your release. 
You grab her by the ankles and help her fuck you with her feet till you cross the line of no return.
Sooyoung's name is coming out of your mouth in a moan of pure satisfaction. The volcano has erupted.
First spur is released from the tip of your shaft with quite a high velocity and lands on her right leg, droplets going here and there from the calf down to her sole.
"Yes, yes, give me all of your cum, yes!", Sooyoung demanded, slowly stroking you with her feet.
Second blob released in a string across the whole length of her left sole that you had just cleaned with your mouth, staining her foot from the heel to the toes.
Next spur was not powerful enough to make an "explosion", but as most of the eruptions happen, your hot lava was going down your length reaching sooyoung soles, which are still gently pumping your shaft on both sides.
"Wow. Oppa, if I knew you would have such a big load stored in there I'd not let it go anywhere but inside me", Sooyoung says in a surprise.
She sits up and reaches for your cock, now pumping the remaining cum out of you with her right hand.
The last few weaker pulses of your cock released the remaining cum on her fingers, milking you completely dry.
She flips over on her back, lifting her legs a little to show you her soles covered in your white paint. Then she spreads the cum she just extracted out of you all over her toes, rubbing your load into her skin.
Doing the same with her soles and after playing enough with her feet and your cum, she brings her hand to her lips and licks remaining semen off her fingers.
"Mmm, so tasty", she says with a giggle on her face.
"I guess honey helps", you say.
You are spent, laying there on the floor you feel completely exhausted after an intense high that you just had.
In a blink of an eye Sooyoung is between your legs sucking your cockhead trying to milk any cum that is remaining inside your half erected cock.
"Fuck, Sooyoung, please", you moan her name again, trying to get her off you.
But you are too weak to do anything, she ignores your plea as she’s pumping your shaft with her right hand in a tandem while bobbing her head all over your length.
This magical sudden blowjob on your sensitive cock makes you moan even louder than before.
She brings you to full erection again and with a pop she takes your penis out of her mouth.
"Shall we go for round 2?" Sooyoung asks, getting up and helping you up as well.
But right that instant you are interrupted by an intercom call.
"Oh come on, who could it be? "Sooyoung whines, heading to the door.
"Yes? Who is this?", she answers the call with an annoyed voice.
"Hey, Sooyoung-ah, it's me", you hear a very familiar voice from the intercom, but can't really recognize who it was exactly, definitely someone you know or met before.
"Oh, shit. Unnie, I totally forgot that we are having a slumber party tonight. Come in", Sooyoung replies and presses the button on the intercom, which opens the door.
"Get dressed. Quick!", she says to you slightly panicking.
You take all of your clothes and run to the bathroom to get dressed, meanwhile Sooyoung proceeds to clean herself and the floor with wet wipes she grabbed on the counter.
The bathroom is pretty big, there is a big bathtub and a separate shower, the sink countertop is filled with a lot of different skin care and makeup products. Well, that is expected for a girl like her, her face needs to be perfect all the time.
One minute later you come out from the bathroom and head back to the living room. Sooyoung and her guest are discussing something in the kitchen.
"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?", a girl with black long hair asks.
"Umm... Hello Miss Kang", you mock her a little by addressing her with her last name.
"Lol, drop this bullshit, we are not at work", she replies.
"I apologise, Miss Kang", you say and all 3 of you burst into laughter.
"Anyways, what are you doing at Sooyooung's place?", she raises her eyebrow.
All of a sudden awkward silence descended in the room...
"Uhh... Did I interrupt something?", Seulgi asked, breaking the silence.
"Not really, we were discussing some work matters", Sooyoung answers, "but we actually just finished, right?", she added, addressing you.
"Y-yeah, we just finished discussing the next photoshoot for the fashion brand Sooyoung is working now.", you replied, adding to the lies Sooyoung just said.
"Oh, right you've had the first photoshoot today, how did it go?", Seulgi asks you two.
"It went very well!", you answered, "Sooyoung did a great job, so photos came out very well", you added.
"Yeah, it was nice, but the painting is as good as the painter that works on it", Sooyoung said, winking at you.
"Well said Sooyoung!", Seulgi said approving her point. **BZZ BZZ**
Your phone buzzes. Incoming call your girlfriend.
"My apologies ladies, I need to take this call, might be important", you say to them, heading to another room.
You go to the guest room and pick up a call.
"Hello, what's up honey?", you reply.
"Hello, we need to talk", she says.
"Sure, what's the matter?", you say curiously.
"Not over the phone", she answers.
"Oooookay?", sure. I'll be home shortly.
"Okay", was her reply and she hung up.
What the heck was that? Uhh...
You head back to the kitchen to Sooyoung and Seulgi.
"Okay ladies, I gotta go home", you said.
"Oh, that's sad, I thought you gonna stay for a little, but it's fine", Sooyung says with a disappointed voice, "Hope we can hang out again like that next time", she winks at you, obviously alluding to continuing what was left unfinished.
"Yeah, sorry, duty calls", you both head to the door.
You put your shoes on and head out. But before you leave Sooyoung stops you and gives you a peck on a cheek, absolutely throwing you off guard.
"I-I'll see you later", she says right after blushing away. And just like that from a fling Sooyoung made this much more complicated.
"Y-yeah. B-bye", you said rushing out.
"Okay that was random, I'll deal with this later", you said out loud going downstairs to your car.
So you just head home, but you are unable to get thoughts of what just happened out of your head. That kiss on your cheek from Sooyoung... What the fuck?
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chelseasdagger · 7 months
Teacher - Chapter II
Frank Castle x Inexperienced F!reader
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Summary: You get invited to Frank's apartment again days after he gave you your first kiss. After a long makeout session, you rush to get to the bonfire and enjoy a night with your group of friends and even more of Frank's company
Warnings: age gap (reader is in her early 20s), cursing, drinking, dry humping, brief mentions of masturbation
Author's Note: It's finally here! I'm SO so sorry for the wait on this chapter! I've been working full time at my part time job and it's been crazy busy!! Thank you for being patient :) Oh! We have a taglist now, so if you want to be added, just let me know! As always, reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated :) Leave a comment or shoot me an ask!! I'd love to hear what you think!
Word Count: 6.6k+
Previous Chapters: I
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Ever since that afternoon when Frank gave you your first kiss, it’s all that’s consumed your mind. It’s been difficult to focus your attention anywhere that isn’t the image of his puffy lips, swollen from your kisses, that has been ingrained in your head. You’ve been spacing out more often—even softly tracing your lower lip with your finger to try and relive the memory of his tongue brushing your skin.
You’ve even let your mind wander off its leash at work. Your coworker rips you from your thoughts by calling your name and you look up with wide eyes. She smirks when she sees your frazzled expression and asks what’s on your mind. You flip through excuses in your brain before stumbling out an “It’s a good day?”
Your voice twists into a question at the end, obvious that even you weren’t sold on your words. She shoots a skeptical look your way before walking away from the front desk, leaving you to sit once again in your thoughts about Frank. Beams of sunlight pour through the glass windows at the front of the building and the heat on your face reminds you of his warm touch. You let your eyes close for a moment and you swear you can feel his long fingers curling behind your jaw.
Suddenly, a chime sounds out and your eyes shoot open, quickly facing the front door as you expect to be met with a client’s face. There’s not a single person in sight though, and you glance down at your phone and see its illuminated screen. There’s an alert on the display and as you pick it up to unlock it, you notice it’s from your close friend.
“I’m picking you up at 6 right?”
Your eyebrows pull together, trying to remember the topic of the conversation that she’s starting back up again. As your eyes scan the earlier messages on the screen, it clicks for you. The bonfire.
Every few weeks your friend group makes plans to go out and do something fun together. With busy lives and conflicting schedules, not to mention the range of ages, it’s not always easy to reconnect and make time to be with each other. But months ago there was a collective agreement to make the effort of seeing one another more often than not. It was something you loved, being able to be in the good company of everyone you cared for.
Admittedly, your favorite part of the group hangout was watching as the rest of them enjoyed themselves. Smiles thrown on their faces, laughter roaring out when someone cracks a joke, even comfortable silences—it brought you so much joy to witness. However, due to your more reserved nature and how you passed on drinking each time, you felt more like a bystander; always watching them let loose and wishing you could do the same.
“Yes pleaseee”, your thumbs press on the glass, typing out the message on the digital keys. As you hit the arrow to send the text, another message shows as a banner across the top of the screen.
“You wanna come over?”
It’s from Frank this time. Sinking your teeth into your lip in an attempt to stall your smile, you glance at the clock on the wall. Unfortunately, no amount of wishing makes the thin, red hand pass the black numbers any faster. With a quiet sigh, you begin to type another text.
“I get off in an hour. You’re still going to the bonfire tonight right?”
You anxiously tap your finger along the side of your phone, watching the little bubbles move as an indicator that he’s typing. Frank was the main reason you went to these monthly bonfires, and the idea of him not showing is certainly enough to make you consider twice about going.
“Yeah. Just wanted to see you before then.”
As if right on cue, your heartbeat speeds up when your eyes scan across his words. You don’t even try to fight the grin that grows on your face this time. It’s only been a few days since you last saw him, since your last kiss, but you’ve been texting him each day in between. The conversations have always been light, slightly flirty on his end, but you’re thankful Frank never pressures you to do anything.
Oftentimes you find yourself still in disbelief at how this all happened. Frank’s incredibly patient with you and has reassured you many times that this is all your choice. Hell, he hasn’t even asked for you to come over again until just now. Maybe he was trying to keep the distance to not overwhelm you?
But he does want to see me, the giddy, although nagging, little voice in your head reminds you. Rolling your eyes at your own thoughts, you sigh gently before texting him that you’ll drive over to his apartment after you get off. He replies back almost instantly.
“Can’t wait.”
You force yourself to drop your phone and not reread his message multiple times. It wasn’t a habit you normally had, but it became ever so prevalent with his messages. You pictured what other thoughts could be behind his often short texts and that wasn’t particularly helpful while you’re still on the clock.
The minutes felt like centuries as you sat at the desk. No amount of phone calls from curious customers or coworker gossip could act as a catalyst and make the time pass faster. You almost feel bad for being mentally checked out, but with something as good as this planned after you left, you really couldn’t help it. With your chin in your hand as you barely hold yourself up, you take one last hesitant glance at the clock. Two minutes left.
The second the time flips to the nearest hour, you’re clocking out; you’re thankful it was a slow day and you could leave right on time. With a shout over your shoulder and a wave goodbye to your coworker, you walk out the door and straight to your car. You don’t even put the GPS on–you have the way to his house memorized after the last time–and put on your favorite playlist to get yourself excited once again to see him.
Thankfully, the traffic isn’t too bad and it’s not long before you’re making the first turn into the neighborhood. You turn on each familiar street, winding the curves before you spot the black van with an empty parking space beside it once again. There’s no anxiety this time as you put the car in park, just excitement bubbling up and making your chest grow warm. You’re quick to grab your bag and rush up to the wooden door as you lock the car behind you.
You raise your hand and swiftly knock an upbeat tune on the door. It opens only a few seconds later, and there’s a strong arm winding around you as it pulls you past the door frame. A surprised yelp escapes you and his raspy voice sounds out with an apology.
“Sorry, kid, didn’t mean to scare ya.” He closes the door behind you before walking towards the couch. The room’s not quite as spotless as it was last time but it honestly makes it feel more cozy seeing as it’s been lived in. He motions for you to follow him to sit down and this time you make sure to sit right beside him.
He asks about your day and the two of you begin a light conversation. It feels like he really listens to you; he’s nodding his head as you speak, leaning slightly towards you, and for once you feel like you’re being truly heard. After some back and forth, Frank begins to talk more as something you say sparks up a memory in his mind. He’s excited to tell you, obvious from how he sits up with a wide smile, and you listen to him as he gives you some background information that’s necessary to understand the story.
If you’re honest, you’re not really sure you’re keeping up with the whole picture he’s trying to paint you. You couldn’t really help it, memories of the only other time you were here beginning to rush through your brain. His laughter sounds out, breaking your concentration of the memory, and you try your hardest to focus back on him. Frank’s so animated when he talks: his hands moving in front of him, his facial features physically showing how he felt, and let’s not forget the voices of his friends that he puts on to get a smile out of you.
But eventually his words continue to drone on and on and you’re beginning to lose interest. It's no fault of his own, you just can’t focus on anything other than his mouth. The meaning of his words dissipate until they’re simply just noise to fill the background. Your eyes never leave his lips, watching as they curl around the words or stretch into a smile as he laughs. Before you can even think through the consequences of your actions, you lean forward and place a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth.
His words stop abruptly and you watch as he turns his head to face you. There’s a short pause before he’s got his arms wrapped around you, immediately pulling you into his lap. You settle on your knees, straddling his thighs, and he tugs you even closer until you’re sitting right between his legs.
“Did you hear anything I was saying?” he asks, tilting his head as he stares up into your eyes. His gaze is too intense and you find yourself focusing on his lips instead. “You hear a single word or… did some kind of switch flip just then?” He squints his eyes as he asks, his tongue brushing over his lips.
“I just… I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” you confess in a small voice.
“That is just the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. You know that?” And queue the heat rushing to your cheeks. “Got any idea how sweet you sound?”
“Frank, c’mon,” you whisper, growing tired of his teasing.
“What, sweetheart? You wanna say somethin’ like that and not expect me to talk about it?” Again, you wish he would just shut up and kiss you already. “I’ve been on your mind that much? Must’ve been a damn good kiss for you to think about it days later, huh? Did you miss—”
You cut him off once more with your lips, your hands cradling his cheeks as you kiss him. You can’t even believe you did it, you never thought yourself the one to make the first move. Being desperate for his kisses is enough for the final push, you guess. His hands are quick to find your hips and you shiver at the touch, cursing yourself for being so sensitive. He pulls away when he feels your body’s reaction but never takes his hands off of you.
“That okay?” he asks, his eyes glancing up into yours. He gives another swift squeeze into your side before questioning with another “hmm?” You nod quickly, still reeling from the feel of him touching you there. Frank only tilts his head, silently requesting more from you.
“Y-Yes,” you stutter out, and he mutters the quietest, “Okay,” you’ve ever heard. His hand that’s wrapped around your hip begins to push you back and you’re quick to move with his movements. It’s a gentle push that has your ass grinding down onto the center of his jeans and you quickly grab hold of his shoulder to keep your balance.
“You okay?” he asks through a light chuckle. You nod and hum an agreement as you focus back on his warm touch that’s setting a fire alight on your side. He pulls you closer now and begins rocking you back and forth on his lap. The heat begins to travel down your tummy and nestles between your thighs.
Suddenly, Frank’s mouth is on your neck again and you almost feel lightheaded with how your body is trying to take in so much of him at once. He drags his kisses down your jaw, his hand never stopping the gentle pull and push of your hips. As you keep rocking on him, you swear you feel something bumping into you on each push down but you’re not very certain of anything at the moment.
His unoccupied hand smoothes up your side and his big palm grabs at your chest. A small moan gets stuck in your throat, resulting in a quiet whimper, as his long fingers squeeze into your soft skin. You break the kiss, your arms crossing each other as you reach for the hem of your shirt but his hands tenderly grab your wrists.
“You don’t have to…” he breathes shallowly, his breath fanning across your lips. His gaze locks with yours before he swallows thickly. He closes his eyes as he continues, “I’m sorry. I-I just got caught up in it.” You smile at the hesitancy in his voice and brush your thumb along his jaw.
“It’s okay, Frank, I wanna,” you reassure him. He loosens his hold, allowing you to continue your movements and pull your top off. His eyes move up with each new inch of skin that gets exposed and there’s this look in his eyes that sends a shiver down your spine. Once your head is clear of the fabric, you drop it onto the empty couch cushion beside you before moving to cup his cheeks in your smaller hands.
His lips are parted as he stares unabashedly at your chest. Brushing your thumb over the light stubble, you watch as he takes you in for the first time. Part of you is somewhat worried about his reaction, but his kisses were enough to leave your head clouded for long enough to push the anxiety away.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” is all he mutters before his hand pushes through your hair and he cups the back of your head. He pulls you into another kiss, his tongue wasting no time as it glides along yours. You moan against him sweetly as he lightly pulls on the strands. The sound must’ve spurred him on though, because he squeezes you over your bra once more. His insatiable fingers continue and your chest threatens to spill over the fabric cups.
You bring your hand over his and he immediately lets go of you. You shake your head with a grin, letting him know he didn’t cross any lines. Rather, you press on his fingers and make him hold you even tighter. He sighs into the kiss and digs harder into your smooth skin. Wanting to mimic him and clutch onto as much of him as possible, you push your palms flat to his chest and work them up towards his neck. You don’t even register the way you’re tugging at the neckline of his shirt until your thoughts slip and you mumble something against his lips.
“What was that?” Frank asks as he trails a finger down your cheek.
“Can… Can you take yours off too, please?” Your words come out as a whisper, your nerves acting up at the idea of asking that of him. He only smirks up at you before adjusting himself to sit up more against the couch.
“Guess that’s only fair, huh?” You watch as his hands come to the back of his neck, arms flexing as he pulls the shirt over his head and haphazardly drops it beside yours. When you see him shirtless for the first time, you’re pretty sure any thought you had–and ever will have–leaves your mind. Thick muscle wrapped in tan skin, broad shoulders that you’re certain would engulf you whole, and dark hair lining the skin under his belly button that trails below the waistband of his jeans.
“You alright there, kid?” he questions through a raspy chuckle. You hesitantly reach a hand out and lightly rest it over his heart. His chest is big and he fills your palm as his heart beats against your skin. You force your eyes to focus on his face again and he meets you with a confident smirk.
“You still with me?” His words are laced with a cocky tone and you don’t even give him the satisfaction of shrinking down again. Instead, you lean forward and wrap your fingers around his neck before kissing him harder than you ever have before. He grunts against your lips, his own hips bucking up as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss.
His hand wraps around to hold your lower back as he continues guiding your movements. With each roll of your hips into his lap, you feel his bulge against you. A wet gasp escapes you when you bump your clit on one particularly hard grind against him.
He feels harder underneath you each time you move, and it dawns on you what it actually means. He’s getting hard? Over me? The ever present voice sounds out again, words soaked in disbelief. Feeling more confident, you begin to buck your hips on your own as you grind faster against him. 
“Attagirl,” he praises, the kiss breaking once again due to his wide smile. He encourages your movements with one little word and his hand stops the push and pull, letting you move independently from him. He grazes his long fingers up your thighs before curling around, sliding his palms higher, and holding your ass in his big hands. Frank tilts his head to the side as he deepens the kiss and you feel the stubble scratching you, causing your hips to speed up of their own accord.
His bulge between your legs is warm–and admittedly thicker than you expected–which does nothing to help the burning at the pit of your stomach. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on before and Frank’s lips begin to wander, trailing down your neck. His teeth graze along your collarbone and your hands find their way to his hair. Brushing through the strands with a gentle pull at the ends, you push yourself harder into his lap.
He grunts before pressing his tongue flat to your skin, slowly licking his way up your throat and back to your lips. A curse slips from you and you shudder when you feel the cool air hit the wet patch he left behind. Cupping your cheeks in his large palms, he traces his tongue over your bottom lip before sinking his teeth into the soft skin. You whimper louder than you mean to, the sound causing Frank to tilt his head down and break the kiss. His forehead rests against yours as he pants gently, regaining his breath.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he whispers, dragging the tip of his nose down the bridge of your own. You giggle at his exasperated tone from the makeout session and rub your hands down his neck to his shoulder blades. The muscle is noticeable despite him not flexing and your mind starts down a path that you’re certain would do no good right now. Images begin to flash through your mind: Frank on top of you, your nails scratching down his back, his fingers tightening around a headboard. You give yourself a mental shake and bring yourself back to the present.
“What time is it?” you ask softly. Frank raises his arm up, checking the little display of his watch. Once you catch a glimpse of the digital numbers, you perk up as your eyes go wide.
“Shit, I gotta go,” Frank looks up at you confusedly as you speak. “The bonfire…” you trail off, hoping to jog his memory.
“What? No, you just got here, c’mon,” he groans. His arms wrap around your back and he tightens his hold while resting his head against your chest. With a wide smile, you brush your palms against the short hair at the back of his head.
“Frank, I’ve been here almost an hour,” you explain through a chuckle. He hesitantly looks up at you, his eyebrows pulled together and confusion clearly written all over his face.
“Really? I didn’t even notice…”
“Spent all that time when I first got here just talking. It’s your fault!” You tease him and his features soften.
“Well how was I supposed to know I had all this waiting for me if I shut up?” He pulls you snuggly towards his body and you feel the heat coming back to your cheeks. You shake your head when he drapes your arm back around his neck, his charm threatening to work on you once again.
“I gotta get ready,” you explain but make absolutely no attempt to leave your spot on his lap.
“Do you have to? You look great just like this,” his fingers idly move up and down your thighs. You find his little touches comforting and the butterflies flutter to life at his soft spoken compliment.
“My hair is a complete mess, thanks to you,” you scoff, “and I need to change.” You’re still in your outfit from work and want to wear something more comfortable, and warm, for tonight’s get together. Frank pouts as you speak but begrudgingly lets go of you, his hand keeping a hold of yours as you stand. You reach for your shirt and quickly pull it back on over your head and there’s a great, big sigh coming from him once your chest is covered.
Rolling your eyes at his theatrics, you run a hand through your hair in an attempt to look halfway decent. Turning to say one last thing before you leave, there’s a sight that makes your eyes widen as a chill rushes through you. Your hands clasp together over your mouth as you gasp, embarrassment settling in. Frank looks up cluessely at you, until he follows your gaze to his lap.
There’s a damp spot on his jeans, almost unnoticeable against the dark denim, but it’s clear what it is nonetheless.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t think I’d—I’m sorry,” you swallow thickly, trying to find anything to say to fill the silence. He’s hardly moved since he first glared down at the stain on his pants; his chest heaving and jaw clenching as he takes in the sight in front of him. The air is so thick you think for half a second you might actually choke on it. The next thing you see is the bulge in his jeans twitching to the side faintly.
You feel as though you might double over and grab your stomach for balance. “Frank?” you ask gently, but he continues to breathe roughly. You can’t even possibly begin to decipher what’s going on inside his head.
“Don’t ever gotta apologize for that,” he finally speaks up. His voice is gravelly and his jaw is clenched. He takes a long inhale and you can see him physically shake off the tension. “But yeah, you… You should probably change.” His normal cocky smirk is back in place and you smile, relieved.
Leaning over him, you press a brisk kiss to his cheek as a goodbye. You mutter one last apology against his skin before slipping out the door and shouting a farewell over your shoulder.
The entire car ride home you feel your skin buzzing. You’ve never felt so giddy in your life and you’re not exactly sure how you’re supposed to keep this excitement to yourself. Part of you wants to scream out from the rooftops just to let the energy out but you also haven’t exactly talked with Frank about if this is something to share outside the two of you.
The ride home is a total blur and before you know it you’re pulling into your spot at your apartment. Dropping your bag by the door, you make your way straight to the bathroom. After accessing the damage that Frank left with his greedy touch, you quickly begin to try and make yourself look slightly presentable.
Surprisingly, you’re almost ready when your friend sends the message to inform you that she’s arrived at your place. All you’re missing is socks, shoes, and jacket, which by your standards, is pretty good. You brush your fingers through your hair one more time, trying to get it to lie a bit neater. With one last glance over in the mirror, you shrug and decide it’s good enough given the time crunch.
Shoving your shoes on and rushing out the door with your jacket folded over your arm, you reach her car door and climb in. She begins to drive down the street, turning down familiar roads to the place where you usually gather for this sort of thing. She fills the car ride with her stories all about her day, her rude coworker, and the new guy she’s seeing. You nearly speak up when she gets to that last topic of conversation. It would be nice to finally be able to relate to something, but you know that what you and Frank have isn’t even serious. Or at least, that’s what you tell yourself as you bite your tongue and keep quiet.
The sound of gravel crunching under the tires reaches your ears and you perk up when you realize you’re finally here. After closing the car door and walking up to the fire pit, you notice your other friends already gathered around it. They greet the two of you kindly and pull you into hugs. You smile through the welcoming and scan their faces to check for Frank, but he’s not there.
Minutes pass and you find yourself pulling your phone out of your pocket to check the time every now and then. You watch as the sunset sinks below the horizon. It paints the sky a dusty orange before mixing and settling into soft pastel streaks of light. You’ve been here over half an hour and still there’s no sign of him. You get the courage to speak up and ask about him.
“Is Frank coming? I know he’s not usually on time but…” There’s a small chuckle sounding out from someone already a few drinks in.
“He texted me saying he forgot it was tonight. Should be here soon,” one of Frank’s closer friends, Curtis, replies to you. That’s weird, you think as you pout and wrap your arms around yourself. You wonder why he gave that excuse and what must’ve come up to deter him from getting here. It does little use, but you try to shake off the worry and focus on being in the company of the people you love.
You’re laughing loudly at a joke when you hear some light cheers and quickly turn around at the sound. Frank’s walking up slowly, shaking his head as the small group rags on him for being late. He scoffs, scratching at the back of his neck before being pulled into a few hugs by his friends. You’d give anything to rush over and pull him into an embrace as well, but you decide to not just run with your emotions.
Once Frank is sitting back in an old lawn chair and everyone is officially accounted for, Curtis lights the fire. It’s tradition to wait until everybody is together before setting the wood alight. There’s a moment of quiet crackling but before long the flames are roaring to life. You’re the first to walk up to it, stretching your arms out and melting at the warmth enveloping you when suddenly, there’s a nagging feeling in your head and you look over your shoulder to satisfy the small itch.
Frank’s eyes are glaring into your side, his expression hard and difficult to pinpoint. He’s holding his chin up in his hand and his eyes slowly begin to rake down your frame before shooting back up to your face. The lights and shadows from the flames dance across his features and you swear you notice his nose scrunch up for a second when his teeth sink into his lower lip.
A shiver runs down your neck and it’s not born from excitement like before. He looks absolutely pissed and you force yourself to look back at the charred wood. It could have absolutely nothing to do with you, you try to reason with yourself. But you’ve always been one to look for a flaw in yourself when someone’s upset, and no amount of logic can take away that instinct reaction.
The only thing you can think of is the mess you unintentionally left on him. He seemed okay when you left, but maybe that really bothered him. Whatever it was, he was definitely more cold than he was just hours ago and you wish he’d stop staring and talk to you already.
You plaster on a fake smile when your friend asks what’s wrong and insist that you’re fine. You mutter some excuse about the air being chilly and she finds a spare blanket to wrap you up in. When you steal a glance at Frank, you notice him acting in complete opposite of how he was moments before. He’s back to all smiles, holding his chest as he throws his head back laughing. You feel some of your own tension leaving at the sound of his cackling but you can’t help but wonder why that cold gaze was directed towards you.
The sky eventually begins to settle into the comforting deep blue and the fire shows no signs of dying out. You notice the cooler of beer sitting open and decide to walk over and grab one. Glancing down at the label, you notice it’s not the one Frank introduced you to. With a mental shrug you crack it open and toss it back without thinking. The flavor hits your tongue and it surprises you how much smoother it is than your first drink.
You get lost in the overlapping chatter of conversations and begin drinking more now that you’ve found a taste that’s enjoyable. The time passes and you slowly feel yourself relaxing more as the weight of the bottle in your hand gets lighter. It’s not enough to make you feel without control of your actions, but it definitely is enough to give you a buzz.
Eventually the chill of the night breeze picks up, and you begin to notice some people cuddling up to their partners. A few cuddle on a picnic blanket lying on the ground, some sit in each other’s laps. Regardless, you feel that uneasy sensation of being a spectator rising up again. You fidget with the bottle in your hand as you try and not compare yourself to the other couples when the sound of someone clearing their throat makes you look up.
Frank is sitting in his chair like before but this time his legs are spread wide apart. You lock eyes with him and he glances at his lap before looking back to your face. He runs a large hand down the length of his thigh, smoothing the fabric of his jeans, and it seems as though he’s presenting you a seat. You swallow thickly and make your way over to him, standing right at his knees.
“C’mon, it’s too cold,” he mumbles under the background noise of layered voices. You nod as he takes your hand, leading you to sit down on his legs. He’s quickly adjusting the blanket and draping it back over your shoulders before pulling your side into his chest. Your head aligns perfectly in the crevice of his collarbone and his body heat completely engulfs you. To say you’re happy you get to be close to him would be an understatement; you’ve been waiting for this all night but not sure if he’d make the move with an audience.
Each time he speaks, you feel his chest rumble against your cheek. His beating heart sounds out against your ear and you feel his fingers rubbing over your back. The warmth of his thick thighs underneath you remind you yet again of what occurred just a short while ago. You nuzzle your face into his shirt to hide from the thoughts consuming your mind, and he just continues talking while brushing over your side. Raising the bottle to your lips, you take another swig and swallow it down with a hum. Frank looks down at you and watches as you sit up higher against his chest to speak to him.
“Whatever’s in this is waaaaay better than what you gave me,” you whisper into his ear. Your voice isn’t slurred but it’s uneven in pitch, and he snorts–you’re pretty sure that’s your new favorite sound–before nodding.
“I’ll make sure to remember that, sweetheart.” His mouth is near your jaw and the breath fans over your neck. He didn’t even say anything sexual but that all-too-familiar warmth comes to life in the pit of your stomach again.
“Can I tell you something?” you ask in a quiet voice.
“Hmm?” His eyes never leave your lips.
“I missed you,” you confess. His lips spread into a wide smirk and you continue. “I know it’s stupid cause I literally just saw you but…” you trail off, staring down at your legs draped across his. “I got a little lonely when you didn’t show.”
“Yeah, about that…” He chuckles dryly and looks away from you. 
“Let’s just say that, uh, the problem you left on my jeans was the reason I was late.” He turns his head in the direction of the tall flames and his words slowly sink into your mind. Heat rushes to your cheeks and your stomach does a cartwheel as new images flash in your mind: Frank’s long fingers working the button of his jeans open, his fingers curled around his cock, head tilted back as moans fall freely from his mouth.
There has to be a work stronger than mortified to describe how you feel right now. You still can’t believe you did that earlier and now paired with his confession? You wouldn’t be surprised if you melted into a puddle of your own embarrassment and slipped away. That also explains that his look from earlier wasn’t anger, but something much deeper and faceted.
“What’s wrong, kid?” He must’ve noticed you tensing up in his hold.
“You shouldn’t have told me that,” you mutter. You’re almost certain you haven’t blinked since he told you. Frank bursts into loud laughter, causing a few others to look over at the sound. You can’t handle the new pairs of eyes on you and you wrap the blanket around you tighter as you turn away from their curious expressions.
The night grows colder as the hours pass and you don’t even realize that the flames have died down until a few people begin to stand up and stretch, saying they’ve got to head home. You sit up and rub at your eyes, blinking slowly at the few empty chairs and people waving goodbye.
“You okay if I drop you home?” Frank speaks up as he watches you pull yourself back together.
“Are you sure? Didn’t you have some drinks?” you ask through a yawn, your eyes scrunching closed.
“Nah, saw you drinkin’ when I walked up. Just had water tonight,” he explains. 
He helps you stand up, saying your collective goodbyes to the group, before walking you to his black van. You watch as he walks around to the passenger side, opening the door for you and making sure your seatbelt is buckled before dropping the blanket back in your lap. You’ve never had someone take care of you like this and you have to convince yourself he’s just being a friend to not put more emotions in his kind gestures.
You mumble directions to him as he drives, sneaking glances at his profile as he stares out at the open roads. The lights from the lampposts shine through the window, the shadows dragging across his features as he taps his fingers along to a song playing faintly on the radio. He engages the clutch as he brings the car out of gear, coasting to a red light.
“I have another question,” you say in a raspy tone. It’s the one thing about tonight you still can’t figure out.
“Sure are full of ‘em tonight,” he jokes as he turns to face you.
“The thing you said earlier, about why you were late?” you don’t dare to actually say it aloud. “I left a few hours before the fire started.” Frank shakes his head, biting the inside of his cheek as he stares at the scarlet glow of the traffic light.
“Tried a cold shower, sweetheart. Didn’t work,” he says simply. You don’t even say anything in response, just turn away from him and look out your window to avoid an even more awkward conversation. His chuckle sounds out in the small cabin of the van and you hate how your pulse speeds up.
“Just another left here,” you say after a while, directing him to turn into the neighborhood of your apartment. He parks along the curb with a clear view of your front door. The night is officially over and you want literally any excuse not to get out of this close space with him.
“Can I kiss you?” you ask in a small whisper.
“You don’t ever have to ask me that, kid.” You’re quick to unbuckle your seatbelt, leaning over and brushing your lips over his. Pausing for a second, you try to memorize the feeling of his breath fanning over your lips, before delaying the tease and pushing your mouth against his. He kisses back instantly and you suck his lower lip past your own. A not so stifled grunt escapes him and you smile knowing you can get to him in the same way he gets to you. You break the kiss and work your mouth down his chin and the underside of his jaw. He sighs heavily and suddenly places his big palm to your cheek, gently raising your face away from his throat.
“I can’t let you go any further,” he stares down at you. You sigh frustratedly between your teeth before sitting up with a groan. You pout at him and stare back at his lips, cursing the fact that you drank tonight.
“Oh, don’t give me that look. It’s late, you should head inside,” he nods towards the direction of your door. You hesitantly get out and drag your feet as you walk towards the small porch light. You unlock the door and look over your shoulder to see his van still parked. It isn’t until you step inside and shut the door that you hear the motor rev as he drives off.
You stumble into your apartment, brushing your hand against the wall until you miraculously flip the light switch on. You squint your eyes as you flinch away from the bright light and shuffle your feet forward down the hallway that leads to your bedroom. As you empty your pockets and drop your bag to the floor, you make your way towards the connecting bathroom.
Another yawn overcomes you as you struggle with taking your top off, your head getting lost in the mess of fabric. The jeans come off next and you try your hardest to hold onto the countertop before inevitably losing your balance as you try to pull your feet through the cuffs at the end of your pants. You try to breeze through your routine of getting ready for the night and eventually you're sinking into the soft mattress of your bed.
Three consecutive buzzes sound out as your phone vibrates on your nightstand, the display shining in the dark bedroom. You reach for it blindly and see text messages from your friend that drove you tonight.
“Did you get home okay?”
“Since when do you drink?”
“Also what is with you and Frank?” Oh no. A fourth one comes in as your phone vibrates in your hand.
“You have to tell me everything!”
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Taglist: @chellestrash @suitsofwo3 @avengerstower-houseplant @musicals-and-mermaids @castle-of-ruin @justalittlepickle @boo8008 @doublevirgogirl
502 notes · View notes
rabbitsrants · 2 months
What do you think of D.C.'s M26, do you think it was just a fire of pairs for us Shinran?
i think, in total there are two significant shinran moments worth talking about
i enjoy certain elements of the first scene:
ran impulsively goes after a member of the black organization and puts herself in danger because he poses a threat to haibara. their fight is AMAZING, i love how ran dominates pinga despite him attacking her with a knife
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something similar happens in the manga as well (chapter 434), so the writing for ran absolutely tracks here
chianti sees the fight and interferes by attempting to shoot ran - shinichi barely manages to save her in time
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here's the thing: i absolutely hate the writers for often reducing ran to a damsel in distress in these movies, that's an issue i'll further analyze in a bit
with that being said, i don't mind shinichi saving ran in this scene. it's an impactful shinran moment, cause so far the writing is similar to the manga
the only difference between chapter 434 and this movie is the fact that shinichi actually sees what's happening and is able to actively protect ran. i don't have a problem with that, because that's what shinichi and ran do - they protect each other.
what i love even more is how shinichi decidedly urges ran to stay put, i think that's also very in character for him:
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he wants ran nowhere near the black organization, for very specific reasons that i'll get into another post
so far, this is a well executed scene, right? it's a very realistic, high-stakes moment that we'd expect from the manga. so far, so good, right? RIGHT?!
no. cause this is where the movie writers fuck up:
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this is is supposed be ran??? no fucking way.
my girl is the definition of reckless and stubborn. she's not just the type of person who'll enter a burning house to save a girl she barely knows (chapter 174), she's also the type of person who refuses to waste a single second when human lives are at stake. no matter how much shinichi begs her to stay away.
chapter 640
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and she does this in chapter 822 on the mystery train as well: shinichi yells at the detective boys, sonoko and ran, he tells them not to leave their room, no matter what. and ran repeatedly attempts to go against his instructions because she's worried about haibara, despite receiving a text message that she's okay, btw. ran's intuition tells her that something is wrong with haibara, so she's gonna fucking look for haibara!!!
i need the movie writers to understand that my girl is absolutely unhinged. she cares about other people very deeply, to the point where she's incapable of watching from the sidelines as they potentially get hurt
so how would i have written this moment? what would've been a more realistic version of this scene?
shinichi and ran get into an intense fight: shin desperately urges ran to stay put, she refuses to listen. and then there'd be two possible outcomes:
a) ran continues to go after pinga and dies in the process (remember, ran was fully prepared to die for haibara in chapter 434)
b) shinichi realizes that he can't stop ran and offers her a safer way to help. ran accepts and they work together as a team to get haibara back
why didn't the movie writers go for this approach? my theory: they don't want ran to take a bigger role in these movies, so option b) was a no-go for them. obviously it'd make even less sense for them to kill off ran, but like i already explained, there's no way ran would just give up on haibara in that moment
so why include this moment at all? what's the point of starting such a strong scene if you're not gonna progress the plot?
the point is ran being a damsel in distress.
which brings me to the second shinran moment in this movie:
ran goes after pinga again and he kicks her off the balcony, she's about to fall and get hurt
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kuroda ends up saving her and shinichi feels inadequate
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idk who this woman is but this ain't ran
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a woman who's consistently depicted as strong, fierce and very capable of protecting herself:
chapter 43
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chapter 169
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and that's not to say that shinichi doesn't worry about her sometimes, ofc he does:
chapter 493
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but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's a fucking badass who can defend herself
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and it's not just that she's capable of protecting herself, she protects shinichi too.
chapter 5
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it's like the movie writers read the manga, took note of moments where shinichi comes through for ran but completely forgot that it's mutual, they come through for each other:
chapter 389
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chapter 1050
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the movie staff doesn't get ran, they seem to have no idea how strong or caring she is and i hate how much it's hurting the fandom's perception of her
in conclusion:
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visit the shinran library for more
199 notes · View notes
httpknjoon · 2 months
(re)starting over again | kth; 14
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plot | Your four-year relationship with Taehyung was going well and strong. Until he was involved in a car accident, resulting to him losing some memories. By some, it means everything that happened five years ago. Things he remember? His friends, his bakeshop, and his ex girlfriend from the past. With that, you tried to keep up, restarting over again.
words | 4.9K+
genres | fluff, angst, amnesia au
pairing | taehyung x reader, hoseok x reader
note | *cue that tiktok sound* okay, guys. we're back. did you miss us? hi! I'm back with my monthly update 💀 I already outlined everything. there are six chapters left in this series (not including the drabbles). thank you so much for patiently staying around. i appreciate y'all a lot. let me know your thoughts, enjoy reading!
main masterlist | series masterlist
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When did texting someone become so hard?
It has been exactly three days since Taehyung got to talk to you again. He offered to drive you home after your date failed to show up. You said yes. You two had a friendly conversation in his car. Like you were old friends, which you were. But were you? It’s complicated. For the first time in years, he heard your laugh and saw you smile just like in the photos he saw when cleaning up at your shared house. He remembered you waving at him with a soft smile on your lips before getting into your apartment building.
You also said you never changed your number and you would reach out. But he wants to update you about the small celebration the bakery will have later next week. He tried typing something but later erased it before he could even finish the first word. He doesn’t know what to type or how to begin a conversation. So he just typed a single character and hit the send button.
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It was past six in the evening. You were already in your PJs after a long day at work. Treating yourself with dumplings and beef fried rice from the nearest Chinese restaurant in your area, you let yourself indulge while your favorite sitcom plays on your TV screen.
“You’re not easy-going, but you’re passionate, and that’s good. And when you get upset about the little things, I think that I’m pretty good about making you feel better about that. And that’s good too. So, they can say that you’re high maintenance, but it’s okay because I like…maintaining you.”
You found yourself pursing your lips when your favorite character said that line. It was one of the quotes that stays in the back of your head almost every time. You were about to reach for the remote control to play it back again. But your phone, which you set into silent mode an hour ago, vibrated. Your eyebrows shoot up as you read who sent you a message.
From Jung Hoseok
Hi, YN. I really regret missing our date last time. Would you be willing to give me another chance with a cup of coffee this Friday? I know a great cafe around the city 🙂
The day after he failed to show up at the restaurant, you woke up to a text message from Hoseok apologizing again. You reassured him that you understood and he promised to make it up to you. You didn’t really expect anything from that and thought that he would just pass by like your past dates that Martha set up. So seeing him reaching out again was unexpected.
You smiled as you typed a reply.
To Jung Hoseok
Will there be tea? I don’t drink coffee.
You see those three dots immediately popping in, indicating that he’s typing. So you quickly typed in a follow-up message.
To Jung Hoseok
Just kidding! I’m okay with Friday. Around 5 PM?
He was quick to reply,
From Jung Hoseok
Okay. Should I pick you up?
You thought you would just feel pressured if he picked you up at your home. So you just offered an alternative.
To Jung Hoseok
We can just meet there :) Just send me the cafe’s location.
From Jung Hoseok
[location pin] 
To Jung Hoseok
Thank you! See you this Friday then.
From Jung Hoseok
See you, YN!
That’s a date for Friday, which is a few days from now. Even though he reached out again, you thought of keeping your expectations low. Because it helps avoid disappointment. You probably learned after your last dates with those guys you met before.
You continued playing the episode you were watching. Not even five minutes later, your phone vibrated again. You thought Hoseok forgot something. But immediately after reading the contact name, you froze staring at your screen.
From Aaa Love
Of course, you quickly recognized who it was. Suddenly, you felt a sense of nostalgia in your head after seeing that name for a long time. Years after keeping this contact hidden on your list, you totally forgot that you never changed his contact name even after the accident. You cannot even remember when you hid his name in your list. Maybe it was one of those nights you were drunk with friends and made some decisions.
Before replying, you renamed the contact.
To Kim Taehyung
Hi, Tae 🙂
While waiting for his reply, you recalled that night. You remembered feeling good entering your apartment even though your date didn’t show up. When Jisoo asked you how it went through a video chat, you said that the date didn’t happen.
“Then, why do you look happy?” she asked that time.
That’s when you snapped out of your daze, “D-Do I?”
“Yeah, you’ve been smiling ever since we got on this call.”
“Oh…” your lips formed a thin line before speaking again. “I… I saw an old friend in the same restaurant.”
The last time you and Jisoo really talked about Taehyung was still the time she showed up unexpectedly after her wedding. You cried, she cried.
“Really? Who?”
You wait for her reaction and you gradually see her eyes widen.
“What? What is he doing there? Did you talk?” she asked with surprise in her tone.
“Apparently, he’s doing some business here. And yes, we talked. He offered to drive me home.” you shared.
“It was nice.”
Your simple and short answer had Jisoo simply staring at you through the screen. It was like she was studying you. You knew she had a lot to say in her head based on her quiet reaction. But then, she just said,
From Kim Taehyung
Hello, YN. Just making sure I have the right number here haha
Taehyung finally replied. You let the episode play in the background as you tap on your screen,
To Kim Taehyung
I told you I didn’t change it!
From Kim Taehyung
I know, I’m sorry hehe
Just by the text, you can imagine him awkwardly laughing as he says that. Before you can reply, another text popped in.
From Kim Taehyung
Btw the celebration will be in the bakeshop. Next Saturday, 2 PM.
From Kim Taehyung
It’s a late lunch event with friends and family. We’re hoping you can come 😊
Reading that, a smile formed on your lips. With you working at school, you are usually free on weekends. 
To Kim Taehyung
Will do!
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“Can you put dinosaurs in it?”
“Of course, bud. Anything you like.”
Taehyung softly ruffled Jihoon’s hair, who remained focused on coloring his activity book. The little kid’s birthday is coming up soon and the preparations for it had begun. Since Jimin would be the one making the multi-layered birthday Jurassic-themed cake, Taehyung offered to make the cupcakes. 
A couple of toys, specifically, dinosaurs, are all over the table that Jihoon and Taehyung occupy. And ever since he arrived at the shop this morning, the kid kept talking about his favorite animal. Being the best uncle that he is, Taehyung listens while being quietly amazed by how much Jihoon knows about dinosaurs. 
“Ashley just sent a copy of the contract in our e-mail earlier. She wants us to review it first before finalizing.” Jimin spoke while placing an apple juice box on the table.
Jihoon scoots a little to accommodate his father sitting next to him. He stayed busy with his crayons. 
“Have you read it?” Jimin asked.
Taehyung shakes his head, “I haven’t. I think I left my phone on silent while doing those lemon tarts.”
“Well, I think you should read it. They put something they probably forgot to mention before.” his friend noted.
His eyebrows draw together before reaching for his phone. Taehyung immediately clicked on the file sent to him from Ashley. He carefully read word by word written in the document. He thought everything was already mentioned in their online meeting days after he went to Incheon. Until he read one of the sections of the contract.
Staffing Arrangements
The bakery agrees to temporarily assign one of its capable bakers to work at the restaurant in Incheon for four weeks, beginning on the first day of offering the pastries on the menu of the restaurant. During this time, the assigned baker will head pastry production, equip training for restaurant staff, and guarantee regular quality control. The restaurant agrees to cover the entrusted baker's salary, expenses, and even housing if demanded.
After pausing for a few seconds, Taehyung scanned his eyes all over that part again. Just to make sure he understood it right. He looked back up to Jimin, who had his arms crossed over his chest while waiting for a reaction from him.
“This means one of us had to stay here while the other had to manage around in Incheon.”
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September is usually dry and warmer in Incheon.
After living in this part of the country for around two years now, you already got better at predicting the weather and climate. But today, your predictions were proven wrong when you had to stay under a waiting shed while the harsh raindrops poured continuously. You were too confident that you left your umbrella at home.
4:12 PM
You looked down at your phone. It has been almost thirty minutes since you stood in this shed, waiting for your usual bus to arrive. But you don’t know why there have only been two buses that passed by. You were unable to get on any of those since both were packed, considering the unexpected rainfall. You tried booking a cab but there’s nothing around your area at the moment. Your friend, Aileen already left earlier with her husband while Martha offered to drive you home but you live almost twenty minutes away from her. So, you kindly rejected her offer. Again, you were too confident that you would be able to ride the bus quickly.
Puffing your cheeks, you began dialing someone’s number. He answered after the second ring.
“Hey, Hoseok…” you greeted.
He was quick to reply, “Hi, are you on your way? I’m driving to the cafe.”
“Yeah, uhm, I’m kinda running late for our date tonight.” you chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of your head. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, it’s okay. Everything alright?” 
“Haha, yeah. Just waiting for a bus to stop by here the school. It’s raining like crazy today.” you mentioned.
“Yeah, it is… you know, I can pick you up if you want to.” he offered.
Your eyebrows lifted, “Really?”
“Of course, YN.”
“Okay, thank you so much!” you smiled, finally.
“No worries. I’m on my way.”
“Okay, take care,” you said before ending the call.
With your plans of getting ready pre-date at your home canceled, you sat on one of the benches in the shed and touched up yourself quickly. You reapplied your lipstick with your front camera as your mirror. You ran your hand through the stubborn flyaways of your hair before tying it into the easiest half-up, half-down hairstyle you know. You’re still in your usual work clothes, a statement T-shirt (with a friendly and maybe corny quote written on it and jeans. Originally, you would wear something cuter. But this one will do. Even though the cool breeze makes you wish you wore something warmer too.
And less than five minutes later, a black Audi stops right in front of the stop. Your legs bounced restlessly. The windows were tinted dark so you cannot really see who’s inside. But the door on the other side of the car opened and there, you recognized the man from the pictures on Martha’s phone. Almost like sunshine, his smile as he made his way to you made you smile too. Your fidgeting legs had already calmed down as he stopped in front of you.
“YN?” He asked since this was the first time you two really saw each other.
You nodded, “Hi. You’re Hoseok, right?”
Although you were at ease with his arrival, there was still an awkward tension between you two. But it tones down when you two chuckled.
“Yes, nice to meet you.” he smiled again. He quickly noticed you hugging yourself. “It’s cold. How about let’s get you inside?”
“Sounds good.” you agreed.
Joining him under his transparent umbrella, your shoulders brushed against each other, and you could feel his warmth beside you. He opened the car door for you while ensuring no raindrop would touch your skin. You mumbled a small ‘thank you’ when you finally got to sit inside. You watched as he made his way back to the driver’s side of the car.
“Are you okay? Everything’s fine?” he asked immediately.
“Yeah, thank you again for picking me up,” you replied. 
“You’re welcome,” he replied before reaching for something from the backseat. 
Your eyes widened when you saw what it was. It was like your eyes sparkled as he handed you the small bouquet of yellow tulips, tied with a matching gold ribbon. 
“I’m really sorry for missing our date last time.” he apologized, watching you appreciate the flowers.
It has been so long since you received flowers. You cannot even remember when was the last time. So you cannot help but feel this funny feeling in your stomach while you look at the flowers. Especially since yellow tulips are your favorite.
“You didn’t have to. I understand why,” you spoke, tilting your head in his direction. Your voice was small and soft.
“Still, you waited for me alone in that restaurant. I cancelled last minute… Do you love it?”
“Of course, I love yellow tulips!” you exclaimed before taking in its subtle scent.
“I’m glad. I may or may not have asked Martha for help with those.” he chuckled.
Hoseok began driving while you find it more comfortable being around him. He has this infectious smile that brings more warmth in this rainy weather. It probably helps when he’s with patients.
“How long have you been waiting there?” he asked, starting up a conversation.
“Oh, you know, like half an hour.” you sneered at yourself. You hear him gasp. You chuckled, “To be fair, it is a rainy day. I can usually find a ride easily. I just didn’t expect that it would rain today.”
“It’s usually sunny at this time of the year,” he noted.
“It is. I was already waiting for the bus when the rain poured,” you told him. 
“I thought you and Martha usually go home together?” he asked, looking from the road to you for a quick second.
“Sometimes. But I feel bad for making her drive past her house for like twenty minutes,” you revealed. 
You tried offering to pay for her gas but she declined. Although she constantly assured you that it’s fine, you feel like an inconvenience, especially after a busy day at work. You are very aware it’s a you problem. But it’s just the way it is.
You shifted in your seat, “How about you? Did you have work today?”
He nods, “Ah, yes. I got off my shift earlier this day. Then went home to see my dog before dropping her off at my sister’s.”
“Oh, you have a dog?”
“Yeah, a senior dog but Mickey’s still the family’s baby.” he chuckled. “We take turns with her. Some days, she’s with me. Or my sister’s or my parents’.”
“So, you’re originally from here in Incheon?” you asked, curious when he mentioned his family.
He shakes his head, “No, we moved here when I was in high school. I left during college. Then, came back when I began working. I like staying close to my family. And you?”
“No, I moved here from Seoul two years ago.” you shared.
“And what about your family? They stayed there?” he asked.
“Nope, I’m an only child. My parents died years ago– Please, don’t say you’re sorry. It’s fine, it’s been so long.” you chuckled when you saw how his expression changed. “But I do have my Aunty Belle. She’s around the city too. She looked after me until I left to study in SNU.”
“You went to SNU too?” Hoseok exclaimed.
You beamed, “Yes– Wait, we’re here?”
He laughed, “Yeah.”
Distracted, you didn’t notice the car arriving in front of the cafe Hoseok talked about. He told you to wait for him, leaving the car with the umbrella. He opened the car door for you and helped you with the umbrella. He does the same thing when opening the cafe’s front door for you. And when a bell clangs when the door opens, you get reminded of your favorite bakeshop back in Seoul.
“I’ll be having iced americano and a slice of carrot cake. How ‘bout you?” Hoseok turned to you as you two stood in front of the staff.
“I’ll have green tea and banana muffins,” you answered.
After ordering, you two sat on one of the empty pearly white tables and chairs near the glass window while waiting. It was a well-lit place. It has a minimalist and clean aesthetic. Hoseok sat across you, tapping his fingers along to the music playing in the background.
“So, what made you agree to do this blind date?” you asked him.
“Well, I’ve been single for the last three months and I never really tried blind dating before so I said yes when Martha told me about you,” he answered.
“Well, I hope she said nice things.” you two chuckled.
“Don't worry, she did.” He assured you. “How about you?”
“Martha had been setting me up for blind dates these past few months because I’ve been single ever since I came here in Incheon. The last dates I went to were unsuccessful so she promised that this one was gonna be great. So I agreed for the last time.” you told him.
“And so far, how is this one going?” he asked cheekily.
You pretended to think for a second, humming as you rubbed your chin. He laughed.
“It’s going great. You get plus points for my favorite flowers.” you smiled.
“Even though I didn't show up last time?”
He seemed really apologetic about that. He brought it up again for the nth time even though you already told him countless times that it’s okay.
You puffed, “Hoseok, it's fine. I really do understand. I used to work at a hospital, things can get a little spontaneous. No worries about it.”
A staff member came with your orders. She carefully placed your drinks and food on your table. You can feel your shoulders relaxing as you feel the warmth of the tea on your tongue when you take a sip from the cup.
“How was it?”
You smiled, “Nice. Perfect for a rainy day. How did you find this place? I don't think I ever reached this part of the city.”
“This is the only open cafe I see whenever I get off from my shift very late at night. I love their coffee here.” 
You nodded while taking a bite from the banana muffin you ordered. And you quickly recognized its difference from your usual banana muffin. You look at Hoseok who's enjoying his cake.
“How was it?” he asked, pointing his fork at your muffins.
“This feels a little dry and the texture’s a bit rough,” you whispered, not really wanting the nice lady at the cashier to hear you.
You don't want to be critical. But you just got used to having a soft and fluffy banana muffin or even bread with the right amount of sweetness in it.
He leaned a bit forward, mirroring you, “Really?” 
“Yeah, seems like it had a lot of flour,” you added before offering him one of the muffins.
You watched him take a bite and chew on it. After gulping it down, you wait for his opinion.
“It is dry.” he nods before putting the muffin down. “You seem to know a lot about bread. Do you bake?”
No, but I know someone who put his heart out and is a perfectionist in baking.
Instead of saying that, you shake your head.
“Oh, no. But I do love a lot of bread and pastries. I just know friends who bake back in Seoul.”
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“Oh, I’m sorry. We probably didn't get to discuss that in the meeting we had.” 
Taehyung, along with Jimin, sat at the same table since that morning. Jihoon’s mom already picked him up earlier and the shop was already sold out by 5 PM so they closed early. Now, they are just having a call with Ashley about the contract.
“So, it means that based here on the contract, you want one of us to stay there in Incheon to oversee the pastries.” Jimin clarified.
“Yes, we just want to make sure that the quality of the products will be the same as what you have there in Seoul. Also, we thought that it might be better for our crew members to personally learn about it from the baker himself.” Ashley explained through the call set in loudspeaker mode.
Jimin looked at Taehyung who nods with that. This time, Taehyung has a question.
“You said that there would be a salary?” 
“Yes. There would be a separate salary for the baker who will be staying here with us for four weeks. And since traveling from Seoul to Incheon can be a hassle, if you want to, we can also provide temporary accommodation with complete furniture. My husband runs a condominium business here so the accommodation would be on one of his buildings.”
Both of the men’s jaws dropped with that information. Their eyes were wide as they met each other's gaze. They definitely didn't expect that information from her. They were unaware of how rich she was. They just know that she runs a great restaurant in Incheon.
Jimin cleared his dry throat, “Okay, thank you for clarifying it. But we hope you can still wait before we sign the contract since me and my friend still have to talk about it.” 
“Sure, of course. Just reach out to us whatever your decision is.”
“Thank you. Have a great night.”
As soon as Jimin ended the call, the two exchanged looks.
“So?” Taehyung began.
Jimin shakes his head, “I can't. Jihoon just began going to school. You know what my co-parenting arrangements with his mom are.” 
Taehyung nods. After learning about Jihoon’s existence, Jimin wanted to make up for those years he missed. He was hands-on in everything that his son takes part in. He is also helping Jihoon’s mom in looking after him since she is currently working in a nine-to-five job.
“It's fine with me. I went on vacation there once. It's nice there. Plus, we can split the salary.” He commented. 
And he didn't really have any obligations here in Seoul. Unlike his best friend. It would be easier and better if he went. Jimin can manage the shop while taking care of Jihoon. Taehyung is flexible in working everywhere. 
“It would also be nice to stay in a new place.”
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“No, but the living finances in Seoul are really more expensive than here.”
You don't sure how long has it been since you and Hoseok arrived here in the cafe. You already finished your tea while the ice on his drink has already melted. The only muffin left was half-eaten. The plate of his carrot cake was already on your after he let you finish it when he noticed that you liked it after giving you a taste.
“It is. That's also another reason why I came back here.” Hoseok exclaimed. “I can't stand living with another careless roommate again.”
You laughed when he referenced his bad roommate experience he told you earlier. Hoseok has been funny and nice ever since he picked you up today. He talked about Mickey, his life back in Seoul, and a little bit about his family.
“But you said you stayed in Seoul after graduating, right?” he recalled.
“Yes, I did.”
“How? Did you live alone?”
“At first, I became roommates with my best friend there, who’s also a nurse. That lasted for a couple of years... Then, I moved in with the guy I was dating at the time.” You told him.
“Like in his apartment?”
You shake your head, “We bought a house.”
His jaw dropped, “You bought a house? In Seoul?!”
“Yeah, we did some research and saved up for it starting from our first anniversary. Apparently, foreclosed properties are cheap there.” You shared it like a fact.
Taehyung was the first one to bring up the idea of living together a few weeks before your anniversary. After talking about it, you two did some research and went to a lot of open houses. Then, you found out about foreclosed properties. Taehyung and you looked in about four foreclosed houses before landing on the one you called home. 
“What happened to the house after you broke up?” He asked.
You purse your lips, “He's living in it. But we agreed to talk about it soon.”
How soon is soon though?
“So it was a good breakup?”
“Yeah. I guess so.” 
The last sentence was almost a whisper by the end. You cleared your throat as if something was stuck in it. It was your turn to ask.
“How about you? How was your last relationship?”
Hoseok leaned back on his chair, crossing his arm over his chest, “It was great for the most part. We’ve been together for only one year. I actually proposed to her.”
Your eyebrows scrunched together, “Really? What happened?”
“We had a lot of misunderstandings in the last months of our relationship. It can be about everything. But mostly, she gets mad whenever I have an emergency in the hospital and I understand that. So one day, we harshly broke up during a fight before I left for work.”
“So it's a bad breakup?” 
“Yeah, a bit bitter.” He sneered. “But at least I don't share any property with her.”
It was a teasing remark to lighten up the mood. You grimaced and rolled your eyes. He laughed.
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“The lady was too kind to ask us to go,” you said as Hoseok drove.
The moment you and Hoseok realized that the rain had stopped and the sky was already dark, you two got up and left. Hoseok insisted on paying, even playfully threatening to throw your wallet away if you ever pulled it out of your pocket.
“I’m sure she doesn't mind. She gave us free cupcakes.” He replied, pointing to the box resting on your lap.
“Are you sure you don't want to take this?” you asked because he handed you the box as soon as the lady gave it.
“Yeah, just update me with your review about it. I'm interested to hear more about your thoughts.”
You bit your lip from hearing that, “Okay.”
After a few minutes of listening (and singing along) to songs that played in his stereo, you arrived in front of your building. Of course, Hoseok opened your door for you. He helped you with the bag you brought to school so you could carry the flowers and cupcakes.
“Should I help you to your apartment?” He asked while you slid your bag into your arm, struggling. 
You gave up, letting him take your bag and the cupcakes, “Okay. Come in.”
You opened the door to your building and led the way to the stairs. He assured you that he was okay as you kept on looking back at him. And when you unlocked your apartment, you turned around.
"Do you want to go inside? Water, juice, or anything to drink?” You offered before putting the things on the counter near your door.
He smiled, “It's fine, I can't stay for too long. My next shift is at nine. I just want to make sure you'll make it to your door without dropping any of those.”
You looked down at your watch, “Oh my god. It’s already past eight. You should go! I should've taken a cab.”
“YN, it's okay! It's still early.” he chuckled. “Plus, I had a really great time talking with you.”
Your stomach flutters, looking at him. You noticed the same smile you saw earlier.
“I hope this isn't the last time we'll go out.”
You nodded, “Of course. Martha did it right this time.”
“How about next weekend? Sunday?” he asked.
“Sure, I’ll be back from Seoul by then.” 
His eyebrows raised, “Really? I’m going to be in Seoul for a conference on Saturday. When are you coming there?”
“The same day! I’m going to visit some friends.”  
“Maybe we can go there in Seoul together? So you don't have to commute.” He offered.
“That sounds good!” You agreed before looking down at your watch again. “But I think you should go now. I know you still have to do stuff before going to work.”
“Okay. Let's just talk about it later.” 
“Okay. Thank you for the flowers and everything, Hoseok,” you state before leaning in to give a quick kiss on his cheek.
He smiles, “You're welcome, YN. Tonight was great.”
“Text me when you make it to the hospital. Drive safely! Good night.”  You said as he walked back.
“Good night, YN.” He waved before walking down the stairs.
You closed the door to your apartment before leaning your back on it, looking at the yellow tulips on the counter.
What a lovely night.
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mysteria157 · 3 months
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Chapter One
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Pairing: Black Fem!Reader x Hitman Toji Fushiguro
CW: Profanity, Hints of Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Comfort
Word Count: Don't worry about it.
“I’m only going to say this one more time, Toji. I don’t do situationships. I don’t do friends with benefits or the occasional hookup. You want more? I want you to try. Earn me.”
His hands are so bloody, that if you ever knew the source, you would'nt want someone like him to try. He shouldn't be here, taking up so much of your time, asking for more. But he's selfish.
-or; Toji, a notorious hitman, moves to America for more money and a better life for his son. He didnt expect to sleep with you, let alone want more. When his dangerous life catches up to him, he takes on one final lucrative hit, but realizes this target has unseen connections hitting closer to home. Now he must navigate a perilous job while desperately keeping his criminal double life hidden from you.
Authors Notes: Hello! I hope you all enjoy this first chapter. As stated in the masterlist, this fic is a continuation from Maneater, so reading that will definitely help set the tone for this fic. I plan to dig deep with this story and really find my voice writing a different genre.
As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated! Enjoy and thank you for your support!
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Dividers: @royallaesthetics @eloquentmoon | Header: created by myself (fanart from Pinterest)
©mysteria157, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, plagiarize, reupload, modify, or translate (without permission) my work to other accounts and platforms.
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…women like you drown oceans -Rupi Kaur
*** You ***
The sharp sound of gum expanding and then exploding causes you to flinch, your eyeliner pen frozen just above your lid. Through the mirror’s reflection, you shoot a glare at the open closet door, where your cousin rummages through your clothes.
She’s in her own little world. If this were any other circumstance, she would have been scolded for her habit of popping gum—a top offender on the list of annoying behaviors ingrained in both of you since childhood. You detest the sound, and if you were closer, you would have punched her in the stomach by now.
You and your cousin typically get along well, but she enjoys testing your limits to coax you out of your shell. The only way to shut her up is by letting her tire herself out during her talkative rampages or swinging at her when you’ve had enough.
Every day with her is a gamble of which will come first.
Your eyeliner is still hovering by your upper lid, suspended in place as you watch another sundress get haphazardly thrown against the closet wall instead of being put back on a hanger where it fucking belongs.
You can’t bother with trying to get violent with her, you’re way too preoccupied with other thoughts. More incessant thoughts like how to play it cool on a date. It’s not that hard, right? Be yourself, get a gauge of the man trying to impress you, entertain a few hours of your day and then back home to relax.
If it were anyone else but Toji, then it would be easy.
You had buried yourself in double shifts and extended hours in the lab just to distract yourself from today. Anything to keep you busy and keep your mind off the fact that someone you are sort of interested in…wants to see you. And he reminds you every day when you look down at your phone.
Despite his admission of being a lazy texter, Toji is surprisingly consistent. But the messages take on a blunt form wrapped around a small pearl of care.
Toji: Eat breakfast. What good are you in a hospital if you pass out?
Toji: Stop taking on more shifts, its stupid. Go home and rest.
Toji: You better not be tired this weekend. 
No matter how hard you try to force your face to stay immobile, each text makes your lips twitch into a small smile. He masks his words in harsh deliveries, but the intention is obvious. The satisfying jolt that shoots up your spine when your phone buzzes with a notification from him should be embarrassing. It should be.
But you love it.
It’s absurd, really. Only two weeks have passed since you met him, hardly enough time to form any meaningful connection. Yet, that night at your uncle’s was unexpectedly delightful. Toji was, against your better judgment, charming and attentive, almost to the point of clinginess. And, undeniably, he’s attractive. And a fucking fantastic lay.
So, despite your instinct to ignore a man and the way they flaunt their feathers for your attention, you want Toji to bring that same energy as last time.
You lean your elbows back into the shiny wood of your vanity, focusing your attention on your eye as you lower the eyeliner to your skin.
The sound makes you jump, disrupting your focus and smearing the eyeliner across your temple.
“Rene!” you bark, slamming your eyeliner down on the vanity top with a force that makes your hand sting, and you yank a drawer open in search of a makeup wipe. “Stop popping your gum before I come over there and beat the shit out of you.” As you wipe off the smudged makeup, you catch the reflection of your cousin emerging from your closet.
She embodies a beauty that’s almost blinding, matched only by her lively personality. So naturally, heads turn when she enters a room, her chocolate skin seemingly radiant wherever she goes. With her thick, kinky hair always in a protective style and her unshakeable confidence in her intelligence and appearance, Rene caught Shiu’s attention immediately, and he’s been captivated ever since.
She is one of very few in your family who truly gets you, who sees the world with clarity and understands its nuances and how to navigate through it without compromising her ideals. Since childhood, you’ve stuck to each other like glue. She understands you and your guarded demeanor, you understand her and her loud personality. She’s one of your best friends.
But at this moment, as she stands before you in booty shorts and a tank top that accentuates her curves, her twist out cascading from a pineapple updo, and an outfit draped over one arm, she is pissing you off as she pops her gum againwith a cheeky expression.
“I like your makeup.” A sly grin stretches on her face, enhancing her soft features. You ignore her, feeling your defenses rise as she effortlessly peels back your layers. The liquid eyeliner glides against the smooth brown of your skin, forming a subtle cat-eye as you pretend not to notice her approaching you from behind.
She gracefully settles onto your vanity top, ignoring your lipstick casing that teeters over and rolls across the shiny surface. You shoot her another glare before moving to your other eye. “You should put on some mascara too. When you give him head later today, I’m sure he’ll love to see it run down your cheeks and—”
You swing at her not even a second later, landing a solid smack on the side of her thigh. “UM Ow?!”
“Um?? Shut the fuck up,” you growl, sneering at her with a leveling scowl that you hope cuts through her.
It doesn’t.
Rene snorts, shrugging off the vanity and moving to your bed to change her clothes. As she pulls your dark jeans over her thick thighs, you can’t help but wonder if you should dress more…sexy?  Your jean shorts reveal enough skin, and the jersey fits snugly around your torso. You’re no stranger to dressing to the nines and making heads turn just like her, but you value practicality more than appeal. It’s a football game, after all, and you love football. Why bother looking overly sexy when you’ll be screaming and stuffing hotdogs and pretzels in your mouth?
Despite the logic, a hand of insecurity tightens around your throat.
Rene, like the annoyingly clairvoyant bitch she is, tastes the shift in the air and rolls her eyes at you through the mirror’s reflection. “You look fucking amazing. Toji asked you out—frequently, I might add.”
The memories of his persistence flash through your mind in a rush. Heated touches in the backseat of your truck, sweaty skin sliding against each other, and your mouth dripping with moans of satisfaction were constantly interrupted by his repeated question.
“Let me take you out.”
As if he couldn’t get enough. As if he wanted more. As if he wouldn’t leave your uncle’s house that night until you flat-out told him to leave you alone.
You haven’t entertained a man since your cheating ex, so your defenses remain high and guarded, fortified with brick and mortar, armed to fend off anyone who comes too close.
But in such a short time, Toji managed to advance further than others with hard skin resilient to your attacks, and a constant insistence to be by your side. He’s spoken to you in ways that would have landed others in the ER, yet his words were always laced with harsh care to make you confront your own overreactions instead of hiding.
“Stop acting up and let me be nice to you.”
“You’re not mean to men; you just don’t do bullshit.”
“It’s okay to be a little excited about this,” Rene interjects, slicing through the thick current of your anxiety.
And you are, excited and a little nervous, though you don’t respond to her, simply reaching for your clear lip gloss to finish your makeup.
By the time there is a knock on your door thirty minutes later, you and Rene are ready to go. Your curls are piled high on your head, tendrils falling to frame your face and your hairline slicked with curled edges. There’s a subtle shake in your hands wrapped around the handle of your front door, betraying the calm façade you wear.  As you open it, expecting Toji’s familiar face, you’re met with Shiu, a toothpick in his mouth and a gentle smile playing on his lips.
You greet him warmly with a hug, letting him inside. He can only hug you for a second before rushing past you and toward the direction of your room, anxious to see his fiancé. “Don’t fuck on my bed!” you yell after him, loud enough for your cousin to hear.
It’s only a minute later when there’s a knock at the door that makes you jump, shocking you into reality again as you realize that you haven’t moved since inviting Shiu inside. In your stupidity, you look through the peephole and swallow the gasp at Toji’s distorted form.
“I can see your feet. Open the door,” his deep voice cuts, familiar and commanding.
Your fingers curl against the wooden surface of your door, nails scratching lightly along the veneer as you wrestle with the innate temptation to be stubborn. Besides Nanami Kento—another close friend and coworker—Toji is the only man you’ve let talk to you like this. He’s a little bit of an asshole, but beneath his rough exterior lies a tender core that beckons you to peel back the layers like an onion, eager to feel just how soft the bulb is in the center. You’re drawn to him in a way you can’t explain, and it’s a longing that ignites a hunger that you haven’t experienced in a very long time.
With a resigned sigh, you swing the door open to be welcomed by the sight of him, a picture that leaves you momentarily breathless. You swallow the drool that pools instantly in the back of your throat, curl your toes in your sneakers to resist the urge to spring forward and slant your lips against his, and bite the inside of your lip so the twitching on the sides does not turn into a gentle smirk.
“You look good, baby,” his words roll off his tongue effortlessly, his gaze sweeping over you with a knowing intensity. It feels as though he’s studying a heavily guarded masterpiece that he finally has his hands on to steal. He notices every stroke of paint, every blotch that makes you who you are and it’s with a concentration that leaves you dizzy enough to grip the door tighter in your hands.
Though only a week has passed since you last saw him, his presence still grips you with a force that borders on intoxicating. Clad in a black shirt that accentuates his commanding presence, his broad shoulders exude a magnetic strength that summons you, stirring a primal desire to dig your fingernails into him like you did that night in your truck. One of his hands is tucked in a jeaned pocket, the other is behind his back, and jet-black locks brush his cheeks as he chuckles, undoubtedly amused by the dumbfounded stare that you’re still shooting his way. His scar cradles the side of his lips in a seductive curl as he smirks.
God, he’s so—he’s so—
His presence seems to fill the entire room, a tangible force even without crossing the threshold of your home. An urgent ache surges within you, craving the warmth of his embrace, the security of his strength.
“You gonna let me in or just keep your mouth open for the flies?” His voice breaks the reverie in your mind, a well-known blend of annoyance that fills your chest immediately. You’re reminded of how effortlessly irritating he can be, yet there’s a strange allure in his confidence.
At this point, you don’t have a quip loaded up quick enough to shoot back at him. So, you step aside and hold your breath as his large body crosses the threshold of your home.
The last time he was at your door, he barged inside with a barely contained fury and pulled you into an argument that stemmed from your unwillingness to be vulnerable and his lack of expertise in expressing himself. It was a weird song and dance that marked the beginning of something you still don’t fully understand. Now, he’s here with a slightly different demeanor, calm and self-assured as he plants a firm kiss on your cheek as if he’s a hardworking husband returning home just in time for dinner.
You gape at his nonchalance, watching in disbelief as he kicks off his shoes and pulls his hand from behind his back, presenting you a bouquet of flowers in a manner that feels both rushed and sincere. You look down at the flowers, wide-eyed and blinking to make sure the reality you are currently in isn’t actually a simulation.
Not the cheap, wilted blooms you kind of expected from him, but fresh, vibrant flowers. Their white petals gleam softly, each grain of pollen in the yellow center visible in the light of your kitchen. The stems are freshly cut, wrapped in a simple red bow and your chest is fluttering with a severity that unsettles you.
“I didn’t know what kind you liked. And I don’t trust Shiu with an honest answer so…” His words trail off, leaving unspoken sentiments lingering in the air.
 Your lips curl around words that won’t form, and you mentally sort through your book of tricks. It’s a book you’ve spent years filling after countless experiences. Men will do just about anything for pussy. There’s no reason to be shocked at why they do the things they do—they’re all the same.
But even from that first day you met, you have already shuffled through your book when it comes to Toji. Every time you look up whatever trick he tries to pull, you come up with an empty page. There’s never a solution or a pre-written response that you can use. You have no choice but to figure this out on your own and fill in the pages later.
“If you don’t like them, you don’t have to take them,” he cuts into your thoughts, words edged with a trace of embarrassment that he’s trying to cover up with frustration. “Just give them back—” He reaches for the flowers, and you reflexively pull your arms away, much to your own shock at the way your body moves on its own.
“I like them,” you blurt out, your voice not as strong as you want it to be but thankfully steady as the words leave your lips. “They’re very nice, Toji. Thank you.”
He drops his hand, shoves it deep into the pocket of his jeans before clearing his throat and giving you a sharp nod. His eyes take in your face for only a second before they flit away to focus on a random spot in your living room, a hint of blush on his cheeks that makes the fluttering in your chest pick up in speed. It’s a weird feeling that will consume you if you don’t stay in control.
So, you push it down, swallow the pool of saliva in your mouth so it can help the glide, all the way down to the pit of your belly to extinguish the embers that threaten to lick to life. You shuffle past him and into the kitchen to fetch a vase, your mind sorting through the symptoms of various pulmonary diseases to distract yourself from the giddiness of him getting you flowers.
A normal thing. The bare minimum for a man. But it makes you feel great all the same. They aren’t your favorite, not even close, but it’s a gesture that shatters your preconceived notions about Toji that probably shouldn’t be there in the first place.
“What are they?” he asks, face still pink below his eyes that linger on the countertop instead of at you. You untie the bow at the stems and slide the daisies into an antique vase with crystalline ridges, shooting him a questioning raised eyebrow in response. One of his hands gestures wildly to the vase you are filling with water. “Your favorite flowers.”
“Snapdragons.” Toji throws you a quizzical look, his eyebrows pinched together in a clear display of confusion that makes you chuckle. You push the now full vase of flowers to the center of your kitchen countertop, the sight warming your stomach no matter how much you try to stop it. “They aren’t in season, but there’s a vendor here that sells them in the Spring and Fall. Growing up, we lived right next to a river where they would grow. My father would pick them every year and bring them to my mother as a gift. Whenever they wilted, he picked more and replaced them…over and over until they weren’t in season anymore.”
You dig your teeth into the wet flesh of your cheek to stop yourself from rambling, the need to talk more about yourself is at the tip of your tongue. He’s quiet as he takes in your response, eyebrows twitching with fleeting emotion before they smooth out into their usual calm expression. Maybe it’s your eyes playing tricks, but he looks as if he’s locked away your little nugget of information and is ready to move on to the next thing.
More of you.
That gaze is now free of shyness and taking you in, sharp and cutting and rough around the edges, his green irises sliding down to the exposed skin of your thighs, and they must beckon him because he makes his way towards you with a dominating presence that tightens your throat. He walks around the countertop, avoiding the sharp edge from biting into his side and now he’s standing in front of you, looming and dwarfing you without even trying. You catch a whiff of his cheap cologne—a different scent from what you smelled before—but still rich with bergamot undertones that make you more curious than bothered at his frugal mentality.
“Can I kiss you? Or you gonna smack me instead?”
Even though he’s teasing, he displays the growing knowledge of your boundaries and the lengths you will go to protect yourself.
“What, you want to get smacked, Toji?” you retort, lifting an eyebrow at him, your neck tingling from the strain of looking up due to his height. God, he’s such a big man. Big and burly and just enough to overwhelm you in a way that you crave so, so much.
“Nah. I want a kiss,” he confidently responds, blowing away the cloud of lust from around your head.
He’s too close and yet not close enough. He smells too good, looks too good with a voice that’s too deep and melodic for you to ride on logic for a full day, but you need him closer, so much closer and—
Your back brushes against the edge of the kitchen sink, making you tense at the realization that he’s backed you up against it and is looking down at you with that nasty smirk you entertain more than you should.
“You…” you begin, trailing off when one of his muscular arms reaches past you to rest onto the counter on one side, still giving you an escape route even though you’ll take being trapped against him any time of the day. “You already kissed me on the cheek when you walked in without asking me. Don’t be stingy.”
Toji clicks his tongue in disappointment, the sound pushing a rush of electricity down your spine that’s generating too much energy between your legs. He shrugs, broad shoulders pulling up and down, stretching his shirt in the most delicious way. “That’s not enough.”
Although lust is darkening your thoughts slowly despite your resolve, you still have enough common sense to remember the kind of woman you are. You’re someone unwilling to tolerate fuckboy behavior and would rather humiliate a man than give in to temptation that would only embarrass you in the future. You have to stay in control. Just for the rest of the day to measure his intentions with a level head. Even though you feel heavy with lidded eyes, you slip into that second skin of yourself with ease.
“Ask nicely,” you whisper.
He takes the bait—like they always do—and slinks further into your space, his broad and muscular form brushes against your softer one. Your gaze remains indifferent as he asks to kiss you in a sing-song voice that’s borderline annoying and teasing, threatening to make you laugh despite your resistance.
You take in his question with a noncommittal hum and slide a hand up the soft fabric of his chest. The muscles underneath flex and twitch beneath your palm, echoing memories of that unforgettable night when you could slide your fingers on the sweat of his abs as you rode him for all he was worth.
Your hand rests against his cheek, watching as he slowly falls for your trap, inhaling deeply with his lips a mere breath away from yours before you speak calmly and softly.
You stroke his cheek in a soothing manner before patting it a little too hard that’s close to a smack, yanking a grunt of frustration from him as he pulls away with an bothered growl. You relish in the sigh of his scar twisting when his face curls with annoyance, his eyes rolling and his arms folding across his chest like a child being denied dessert. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles from your lips, growing in intensity as his eyes narrow at you.
“You’re so damn annoying,” he pouts, and the fact that he truly looks put off for not getting a kiss only makes you laugh harder.
The sight and sound of cheering fans excite you, filling you with childhood memories of games with your father. As the four of you make your way through the large parking lot and in the direction of the stadium, you take in the display of emotions that cross Toji’s face as he is immersed in a part of culture unfamiliar to him. The intricacies of American sports are puzzling to Toji, you realize. While you wave excitedly to the fans who are tailgating and grilling food and playing cornhole, he looks on in disbelief. When you explain the concept of tailgating to him, his expression deepens even more. He doesn’t like the hecklers that litter right outside the entrance and try to sell nosebleed tickets twelve times the market price. He thinks porta-pottys are foul as he takes in the long line of people who wait along the side of the large parking lot. You can tell he’s a little overwhelmed, and aggravated by the new things he learns. But he doesn’t complain, content to listen to the three of you as he watches his surroundings.
Despite the array of emotions that engulf him, he keeps you by his side without a second thought. The closer you get to the stadium, the thicker the crowd gets. When you make it through security and begin the long journey up the stone circular walkway of the stadium, Toji wraps a muscular arm around you and rests his hand on your hip in a grip that conveys a protective strength that shoots fluctuating reactions through you.
At first, you think he just wants his hands on you, and you’re prepared to smack his touch away. But then your perception shifts; a random man bumps into you with a sharp elbow into your arm and he turns around with an angry expression ready to yell. The glare that Toji levels at him leaves the man sputtering and apologizing before he slinks back into the crowd.
Normally, you don’t thrive off blatant displays of masculinity, but the sight of the man running away from Toji’s imposing stare makes your stomach fill with a deep-seated lust that surprises you. Like you’re a cavewoman, watching her caveman beat at his chest when another caveman gets too close to you. Toji grumbles to himself about the sheer number of people, his voice tinged with frustration even though his reassuring touch is gentle as he guides you through the throng of people toward your seats.
Thankfully, they aren’t nosebleeds, and they give you a good view of the field, with players already warming up. There is a large group of kids who hang off the rails, squealing in delight as their favorite players come and say hello and sign their jerseys and footballs. The speakers boom with music and commercial ads, the warm air carries the smell of popcorn up your nose, and your blood pumps in excitement.
It has been a while since you attended a football game, distant memories of sitting on your father’s shoulders as you both cheered in the stands. Since his death, you haven’t had the drive nor the time to attend another. So, to be in this position again with a man you are still trying to understand, it’s odd. But it’s not unwelcome and you’re going to enjoy every minute of it. When you watch football at home with your family, you’re a different person. You are loud and unashamed to express your feelings when you watch the games unfold. You stand up and sneer and bark at the officiant who can’t even hear you. You argue with your family about plays and players who will never know you. You love every emotion that the game brings out in you, and you’re unashamed to hide it. Toji is going to see a side of you that will either push him away or make him slink closer for more.
So, when the game begins with the kickoff, you join in the collective screams of the crowd, waving a towel in the air adorned with the yellow and black of your favorite team that is playing.
To your surprise once more, Toji did his homework. He effortlessly explains the rules as you both watch the first quarter together, looking to you for approval to make sure he’s correct. His attentive nature transforms into active participation as he cheers alongside you, his voice deep and booming compared to your screeching.
In the second quarter, there’s an injury on the field and the clash of pads ceases for long enough that fans leave their seats for food and to stretch their legs. Shiu and Rene disappear to get themselves a drink and it’s just you and Toji in the middle of empty seats.
“You’re a screamer,” he teases, his voice low and appreciative as he leans on his thigh with a cheek resting on his fist. His hair flows in the warm air before settling on pale cheeks.
“Too loud for you?” you retort, even if mildly curious about what he thinks of this side of yourself.
Toji purses his lips as he regards you with relaxed eyes. “It didn’t take me long to realize you’re not a dainty little thing. And besides,” A smile stretches across his face, white teeth glinting with a sinister disposition before his lips load with a remark you know will be salacious. “I like my women loud.”
You can be loud if he wants you to be. Preferably in another place besides your car where he can thrust like a man mad between your legs and dig those gleaming white teeth into the skin of your neck—
For fuck’s sake. 
Your blood simmers in your veins at the suggestion in his words. His eyes watch your throat when you swallow a thick pool of spit and that smile grows impossibly larger, a Cheshire cat looking at you with nasty intent. He’s too aware of the effect he has on women, and you have to look away from him to resist succumbing to the seductive charm that he wields naturally.
You steer the conversation back into your hands. “You were so curious about me when we first met but I don’t know much about you. Are you here in America for a reason? What do you do for work?”
In your own line of work, observation is key; every subtle cue from your patients holds significance, revealing layers of truths that they usually try to conceal. So, when you notice the tension in Toji’s jaw at your question, the way his features contort subtly, it’s a detail you slot into a drawer of curiosity that takes part of the file cabinet of Toji in your mind.
“I’m a private investigator,” he confesses harshly, catching you off guard. It’s a revelation you don’t anticipate. His imposing features give you the impression of a firefighter or maybe even a cop. Not someone watching others in his car, bugging houses and apartments, and gathering evidence. A PI? You open that drawer of curiosity again and slot away this information as well. He shrugs away the awkwardness that your silence brings, nonchalant and dismissive, avoiding your gaze. “It pays the bills. The hours suck sometimes but…the work is easy.”
“So…naturally I can’t really ask about the things you do?” you don’t hide the inquisitiveness that coats your words.
“It’s nothing glamorous enough to talk about.” And that’s all he offers you in response.
You have a myriad of questions swirling in your mind, each vying for attention from a man who is as tight-lipped as you. How did he even get into this kind of work? Who are his clients? Cheaters, embezzlers…or criminals?
That and so much more brew in your mind, tumbling over the other but ultimately dissipating when you sense his reluctance, evident from his still-averted gaze and tense shoulders.
“What about family? You asked me about mine, but I never got to hear about yours.”
Granted, you only told him about the members of your family who danced in your backyard when you both were wrapped in one another two weeks ago. He doesn’t know about the more intimate parts of your family life. He doesn’t know about your father’s death, or the estrangement of your stepfamily. But that can come later. Toji hasn’t given you enough of himself.
Toji’s features now morph into disdain, souring the air between you. The bright emerald of his eyes dims with a grayish overcast, the liquid of the irises hardening like cooling lava.
His response is terse, laced with palpable displeasure that intensifies the acrid taste in the air. “There isn’t much to tell. I don’t get along with them, and they do their best to not get along with me either.” The timbre of his voice is lower, menacing enough to let you know it’s a subject he won’t entertain. At least for right now.
You open your mouth to speak again, to maybe apologize for making him uncomfortable, to reassure him that you wouldn’t judge him over something like this. He shifts in his seat, clasps his hands together and absentmindedly picks at a callous on the side of his thumb. The pink flush on his cheeks is not one of bashfulness, but of frustration and embarrassment. From the sliver of his eyes you can see, there is something simmering beneath the surface that might take you a while to unveil.
 “I do have a son, though.” The sentence shoots into the air and down your spine with a chilling clarity, breaking the flow of your thoughts as you blink in astonishment.
Considering he’s a grown man a few years older than you, it’s understandable. But the notion of him being a father never crossed your mind. The concept of children isn’t foreign to you; you see and take care of them every day. It’s the concept of children coming from him that’s a new development you have to consider.
While you believe you can handle a relationship with a single father, you’re upset at being told now, rather than before.
“You were with me all day two weeks ago and you never took the time to mention you have a son?”
You don’t hide your irritation. Once your trust is lost, it’s almost impossible to regain. Why would you give away sacred pieces of yourself to a man you wouldn’t trust to hold those pieces with care?
Despite your frustration, you rationalize.
Maybe Toji was nervous to bring it up? Some people may like to ease into such topics. This relationship, or whatever this is, is brand new and smooth. There haven’t been any cracks caused by arguments or behavior that is damaging.
But this isn’t about having a job that he’s not proud of or admitting that he is not financially responsible. This is about an entire child, a facet of his life that he cannot hide away. How long would he have waited to tell you if the topic of family hadn’t come up so soon? Would he have told you? Would he hide his son away and push him off to a babysitter on date nights so you are never aware? Would he sleep over at your house, so you can’t see the room that’s decorated for a child or the toys scattered about the floor?
As you wrestle with the growing anxiety that crawls across your skin, Toji fumbles for something in his pocket, his face a satisfying beet red as you watch him hand you his open phone. Bright from the illumination of the screen, you take in a picture of a young boy who bears a striking resemblance to Toji. His raven locks spiky and disheveled, his green eyes sharp and ethereal, and he wears a bored and calm expression just like his father. The chubbiness of his cheeks and innocence in his eyes tug at something in your chest; he can’t be any older than six years old. The sight of the boy makes you think of the many kids you take care of every day, and some of the frustration subsides within you.
“His name is Megumi,” he informs you, shy despite his rough exterior. He picks at the callous on the side of his thumb again, and one of his legs begins to shake in place.
The frustration dies down more. It’s a beautiful name, and as you look at the picture, a small smile tugs at your lips. You wonder what kind of a boy he is.
“Fuck listen—just I-I’m shit at this.”
You look up at him and take in the apprehension on his face. His lips are downturned in a gentle frown, the scar on the side of his face warped along with the muscles of his mouth. There’s a sense of shame in his gaze, and it somehow makes you feel relieved to know that he can feel just how upset you are.
“I don’t date women…I fuck them and stay around until they want me gone.” He doesn’t bother to sugarcoat his words. They shoot out of his mouth, piercing your skin with their directness. It’s a little painful, and you struggle to absorb his blatant honesty, feeling flashes of anger and indignation fill your chest as your lips part, ready to respond with directness of your own. “But you’re the first woman in a long fucking time that’s made me want more. So just…” he trails off, stuttering over what to say before ultimately growling low in his throat into silence.
You hesitate, lips flinching and syllables of fury dissipating in the small space between your top and bottom lip. “You gonna let me meet him?” you snap because you’re still mildly irritated as you give him his phone and pinch the muscle of his bicep with a harshness that reflects your fading anger and your desire to see him squirm for his actions.
He swats your hand away as if you’re a pest, moving his arm from you with a sneer that holds no malice. “No let me just lock him in my closet every time I want to see you—of course, I’ll fucking let you meet him.”
You throw him a withering glare, ignoring his sarcasm, and the smirk that slides onto his lips only makes you want to either smack or kiss him. The fact that you can’t decide on which only annoys you more.
*** Toji ***
“Gimme two hot dogs and a pretzel,” Toji mutters to the concession stand attendant. It’s halftime, and the walkways behind the stands are crowded with fans hurrying to go to the bathroom, or for more food and alcohol. You stand close to him, a welcome warmth that he wants more of but refuses to ask for on the off chance you deny him. He doesn’t feel like pouting for the rest of the day.
“And what’ll it be for the lady?” the attendant asks with a level of humor that is off-putting, a smile on his face that Toji knows you itch to smack off.
“It is for the lady,” you correct, a hint of condescension falling from plush lips that you still won’t let him taste. The attendant sputters, his face red as a tomato as he takes the rest of Toji’s order, doing his best to ignore the deadly glare you shoot him as he counts Toji’s money. A snort rattles from Toji’s chest as he watches you. He’s known from the beginning that you’re fiery, but seeing it firsthand fascinates and arouses him at the same time.
This environment is different for him, odd in every way, and a foreign ground that he’s unsteady on. The celebratory atmosphere reminds him of the loud laughter and fireworks from festivals that he could hear outside the Zenin compound throughout the year. He thinks of the Tanabata festivals he never got to experience or the years of Hanami that he was forbidden to enjoy. He could only take a small bit of pleasure in cherry blossoms in the Zenin gardens, blooming and scattering their petals on the well-kept grass to mark the beginning of the season. As a child, he was never allowed much. He was seen as ‘inferior trash’ that was insignificant and unworthy to be looked at let alone talked to unless it was to yell or belittle. Naturally, his family didn’t want others to see where said trash came from if they could help it.
He can’t think about it right now—he won’t. The thought of his family brings a tight coil of pain and anger in his chest, a coil he had used as fuel to cope with his dangerous decisions.
There’s so much more that he needs to focus on, like the fact that you’ve already taken a big bite out of one of your hot dogs. Half of it has disappeared from your hand, and there’s ketchup on the edge of your mouth as you chew. He notices the way you shift your hips from side to side in your seat, and the satisfied hum that escapes your throat. You’re satisfied, and while you eat with manners, you don’t hide your boisterous enjoyment, finishing one hot dog and moving on to the next, your pretzel wedged between the meat of your seductive thighs.
He’s been trying to be respectful all day ever since you denied him a kiss in the kitchen, but you’re tempting him. When you answered the door earlier in the afternoon, the hand that was in his pocket pinched the side of his thigh until the shameless thoughts could fade away.
You’ve graced his presence with shorts and a jersey, a yellow and black number that lays against your chocolate skin in a way that still seems to make you glow in the setting sun. No braids this time, your natural curls have fallen from your bun after screaming so much, framing your face and causing your gold hoops to wink at him. You didn’t wear makeup that night when he met you, so the sight of eyeliner on you today, and the way it accentuates the curve of your eye and the heaviness of your long lashes, it makes him shift in his seat.
He’s had to clench his jaw and bear the pain of his teeth grinding against each other to stop himself from ogling at the mouth-watering canvas of your legs. You’re all curves with dimples at the bottom of your thighs when you sit, and his gums ache to sink into the flesh so you can squeal and beg for him to touch you where you want it most. It’s been weeks since that night and he’s feigning for more. When you smile at him or shoot him a glare, it reminds him of that commanding aura you had in the backseat of your truck, and the back of his neck prickles with sweat.
While the thought of you skinning him alive if he decides to be a Neanderthal turns him on, he wants to be civil. In your kitchen earlier today, you allowed him to get close enough to feel the heat radiating from your skin, to catch the scent of coconut from your curls, tantalizing his senses until your firm ‘no’ sobered him up immediately. It was a stark reminder of who you are, and how little you tolerate.
He'll behave.
His eyes catch you guzzling down five heaping gulps of your beer, the foam coating your upper lip. You wipe it away with your finger, sucking the digit into your mouth, and popping it out completely oblivious to how sinful you look and Toji’s catapulted into that day when you sucked your own cum off his fingers.
He has to behave.
The vibration of his phone in his pocket sours his mood immediately, turning his gaze from your form as he digs into his pocket. It’s the third time it’s buzzed today, and he knows who it is. No matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he can only put off his job for so long.
Unknown: Good job on the assignment last week. 
Unknown: Your pay should be in your account by tonight.
Unknown: There’s another contract for you if you’re interested. Message me back and I’ll send you details.
“Everything okay?” Your voice pulls him from his phone, and he meets your curious gaze, one of your elegant eyebrows lifting in question as you assess him. “Something with work?”
“Yea,” he replies and regrets it immediately.
Lie #1
It’s not a complete lie—it is work—but the details…
Toji takes a long swig of his beer, attempting to soothe the shame that washes over him.
You really are a screamer.
Toji sits back in his seat, watching you with a wicked smile as you unleash a torrent of colorful language that makes his cock twitch. Even though you roar with the crowd, your voice rises higher.
“That’s a fucking flag! I should come down there and officiate for you instead you stupid piece of shit!”
Your curls brush the skin of your cheeks that puff in your frustration, your arms folding across your chest as you cock your hip and growl beneath your breath. You’re easily the loudest one in this section of the stands. Rene revels in it, egging you on by rooting for the opposite team and giggling when you bark at her. Shiu is content to watch the display, a fresh toothpick in his mouth and an arm over Rene’s shoulders as he idly twirls a lock of hair at her nape. You’re all yelling and sputtering indignation as you watch the game unfold, your team losing by what Toji has learned is a touchdown.
He knew this side of you was there. He could tell in the weight of your gaze that night. It's a side of you that he did not expect to see so soon. He soaks it in. He takes in the way you cuss out the man three rows down who won’t stop glaring at you. He absorbs how high-pitched the screech of your voice makes his eardrums shake, and he revels in the smile that forms on your lips when your team scores the game-winning touchdown.
When there are lulls in the game, you tell him about your career. You’re a pulmonary pediatric fellow at a hospital here in town that’s only a year and a half from completing your fellowship. You smile when you talk about the kids you take care of and your associates at work. You’re proud of your research and of how far you’ve come.
All of it, every part of you that you show him, is comforting. Warm despite how cold you appear. It’s a comfort he didn’t imagine having…ever in his life—especially a dreary life like his. But he soaks up this—you—as much as he can.
When the game is over, you’re elated and giggling, tucked into his side as he guides you through the drunken crowd. The moon is high in the sky, and it bathes your skin and makes you stand out in the crowd. You look up at him, smiling softly with a buzzed gaze that’s two beers deep.
“Did you have fun? Not bad for your first American game?”
“You screamed the entire time,” he teases, chuckling at the way you gape up at him and then sneer before turning away. He throws his arm around your shoulders, using the touch as a safe territory to keep his hands to himself, and pulls you closer.
You demand cotton candy which he indulges in as well before you both part ways with Rene and Shiu. The journey back to your apartment is a quiet one. As Toji drives, the warm July air fills the car, mingling with the faint strains of classic rock playing on the radio. Toji watches with flickering glances as you hum along, your eyes closed and the breeze wafting through your curls loose around your shoulders.
Something inside of him rattles. Whatever it is, it’s long-forgotten and buried deep within him, surrounded by cobwebs and dust that have accumulated over time since that dark day years ago.
*** You ***
From the short journey of his car to inside of your apartment, you repeat to yourself that you have to take this slow, for your own peace of mind.
You keep the most intimate parts of yourself locked away and only those who are worthy of you have a copy of the key. But somehow, and in such a short time, Toji has stolen a copy for himself and slotted the key into the door. But thankfully, the door is caught against the wall, hinges rusted over and ungiving.
You have to know more about him before you let him in to look at those parts of you. If you jump the gun and give him more so soon and end up hurt, it will throw you into a depth of pain that you promised yourself to never touch again if you could help it.
“You have a good time?”
Toji’s voice breaks the silence, his arms folding tightly across his chest, betraying the restlessness in his hands. His messy black locks, tousled by the late July humidity, partially hide his emerald gaze, which flickers briefly to meet your own before darting away.
Your socked feet pad across the hardwood floor, closing the space between you, and your head slowly tilts to look at him. Despite his façade of composure, his scar curves against his lips in a slight twist, twitching as he tries not to frown. Thin eyebrows pitch down in frustration, and you catch the way his fingertips drum against the skin of his biceps. He’s fidgety—nervous. Is he upset with himself? Ashamed that he couldn’t take you out on a proper date with dinner and a movie like everyone else expects?
Hopefully, he will learn that you go against the grain of proper in so many ways.
“I had a great time,” you confess softly, noticing the subtle relaxation in his stance at your words. The thrumming of his fingers stop, the tension in his shoulder fades. “You wanted to take me out and I let you. That all you want from me?”
He’s such an expressive man.
His face twists, perturbed by your bluntness and the prospect of delving into emotional territory. “I told you already that I want more.”
His declaration sends a fluttering through your heart that is reminiscent of the feeling you had when he surprised you with a slice of yellow cake. It’s comforting, and you want to lean into it. But it’s not enough to overwhelm you. You’re still in your right mind and still aware of your expectations even though he captivates you.
You press your finger into the firmness of his chest, hard so that the muscle pillows around your digit. The gaze you shoot up at him is unyielding, serious, and menacing enough that he straightens his spine just a little.
“Listen to me, because I’m only going to say this one more time. I don’t do situationships. I don’t do friends with benefits or the occasional hookup. I’m not saying things need to be serious with us but…you need to show me that you mean it.”
As you speak, you assess Toji, who shows no signs of amusement or ignorance. His posture is rigid, his back ramrod straight, and his deep green gaze locked onto yours.
“That night we had was great. I won’t deny that but…I won’t compromise my expectations and I don’t tolerate bullshit. I’m not going to let you fuck me just because we did it before. You want more? I want you to try. Earn me.”
You relish in the way his eyes widen, contemplating your words and the severity beneath them before his face smooths back into its usual cool demeanor. He unfolds his arms from his chest, and you curse inwardly at the way you immediately watch his shirt stretch across defined pectorals.
“You know you’re a feisty little thing.”
Heat from the way he speaks and annoyance at his lack of attention flare within you like wildfire. You open your mouth to yell, to bark at him to be serious, but the sound of his laughter extinguishes that fire inside of you instantly.
He doesn’t offer an apology for his comment and you don’t need one. You know you’re feisty and steadfast. It’s the only way you can function around men to survive, to stay afloat and still have a grasp of who you are. And if Toji couldn’t handle it, you definitely wouldn’t have slept with him or entertained a date that you thoroughly enjoyed.
“I’ll try,” he finally offers, voice soft but filled with conviction. Normally the small remark would offend you, but surprisingly coming from Toji, it’s enough.
Observing his behavior today and a little bit two weeks ago, you note his acceptance of your quirks and individuality—at least the bits you allow him to see. He marveled at the amount of food you ate and joined alongside you. He let you babble to him about every single player on your favorite team and how many championships they had won. He let you display your strength in your voice and personality, didn’t try to control or overshadow you like so many other past experiences you’ve had before learning how to rule the men in your life.
He let you be yourself.
And that thought makes you finally open your mouth to give him something he had asked for earlier, something you had previously denied despite your own desires.
“You can have your kiss,” you offer with a shrug, feigning nonchalance even though your heart picks up in speed as the implication registers on his face. “So you better do it right.”
It’s an invitation that he snatches away from your imaginary hands and tears open with thick fingers, greedy and growling with finality.
His sharp gaze traces the contours of your body, unabashed in its appraisal, leering at the pieces of skin visible to him. You know he’s been looking at you all day, but his observation now is intense, heavy and without reservation and you’re fumbling from the sudden rush of longing that pumps hot through your veins.
Toji inches closer, your hands instinctively find their way to his chest, his towering presence overwhelming your small stature. His height ignites an evolutionary desire in you that makes your mouth water, makes your cunt pulse with need beckoning for him to fill the mold he left inside two weeks ago. You’re still not used to climbing up the summit of him, so the air is thin once more, pulling the oxygen from your lungs and stuttering in your chest when a large hand cups the side of your neck and tilts your face up to him like an offering.
When his lips slide against yours, your fingers in his shirt tighten. His touch singes the ends of your nerves, boils the blood in your veins that pump fast throughout your body. Your skin is burning, searing when muscular arms hoist you up and wrap your legs around his thick waist before your ass is sliding on the cold marble of your kitchen counter, your lips still sealed against his.
There’s so much of this that feels like that night at your uncle’s. So much and yet not enough.
He drowns you with his touch, digs his fingers into the plump flesh of your thighs before yanking you, hard and with unforgiving impatience, closer to his body. The fabric of your jeans rubs too harsh against your wet panties, digs against the sensitivity of your clit and you repress the insatiable yearning to roll your hips against his.
Toji’s large hands slide up your body, traversing the mesh of your jersey that hugs you before cupping each side of your face again to tilt you sharper in the way he wants. Blue raspberry from the cotton candy you both indulged in after the game coats his tongue that licks your bottom lip in a silent request for entrance, and you grant him access, surrendering a whimper into his mouth as his tongue slides sinfully against yours. Tastebuds kiss your own, slide against them with whispered promise of satisfaction if you just relax and melt further into him. Just a little.
But you can’t, god you can’t.
You’re losing control and you have to stay strong. You have to stay above the waters of logical thinking even though you’re sinking with every stroke of his tongue, with every sweet, hot breath into your mouth, with every inch of flesh that your fingers dig into his chest because you need more. More than a kiss, more than what he’s offering, and you know he can give it to you. Toji can pull you into the inferno he’s raging inside of your body until your clothes are scorched off and his skin is sliding against yours sweaty, sticky, and undulating with every roll of his hips.
But he doesn’t give you more. He doesn’t pull you further into that fire.
The intensity of his kiss dies down slowly, his lips pulling away from yours with a wet smack as you pant along with him. Toji kisses your lips once, then twice, nips your bottom lip to seal everything he’s given before smirking down at you. Too devilish and arrogant and you don’t have a working brain cell in your head right now to correct him. His hands that cradle your cheeks slide down to your upper arms, giving them a gentle squeeze before he speaks.
“You still gonna let me be nice to you?”
His words are an echo of that night, his own way of telling you that he’s here. That he wants more—that he wants to give you more. You just have to let him.
With your head still swimming and the pulsing between your legs refusing to calm, you want him to be more than nice right now. But remembering the boundaries you have set, you nod instead and sigh into him when he kisses you one last time, sweeping his blue raspberry-flavored tongue against yours before pulling away, acting as though it’s nothing, as though you’re not sweaty at the small of your back and trembling with desire.
“Lock the door for me,” he commands, words devoid of a questioning tone, but filled with a sense of security and protection that you lean into.
“O-okay,” you manage to breathe, your heart slowing back into sinus rhythm, only to jump again as he places one final kiss on your lips, then your nose. You frantically bat him away before you lose consciousness, because any more and you’ll drag him into your room and disregard everything you said five minutes ago.
 You watch him saunter away, pull his keys from his pocket, and twirl them in his hand before winking. “I’ll text you.”
It sounds so ridiculous coming from his lips, from a grown man who looks as if he doesn’t even know what a cellphone is, let alone a text message.
But it still makes your heart jump all the same.
You can only nod in response because your throat is too dry and heavy in the back of your throat with each swallow you take. You follow him to the door and roll your eyes at his annoying smirk before he closes the door behind him, casting your apartment into silence.
Your fingers wobble as they turn the locks of your door into place. You’re lightheaded, brain flitting through salacious memories of what you both did weeks ago and what you could easily be doing now.
You throw your back against the door and sag to the floor with an annoyed sigh.
*** Toji ***
Unknown: There’s another contract for you if you’re interested. Message me back and I’ll send you details.
Toji: I’m interested. Send me what you have.
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The Grim Reaper's Guide to Breaking Every Rule of the Universe /// Prologue
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I'm not super happy with this prologue but I've done my best with it :'). Also I gave God He/They pronouns. Enjoy!
Summary: When touring America for the sake of it, you go to stay with your aunt in New Orleans for a while, taking up a peaceful part-time job restoring objects. But a few weeks in, a package arrives containing an old radio that's seen better days, along with a note seemingly written by someone who thinks they could fist-fight the Devil.
What you didn't know, was the hell of a path that was now set out in front of you. Not fist-fighting the Devil, but instead a very smug radio host who would have no problem spending the rest of his days driving you up the walls.
But two could play that game.
Tags: Demiromantic-Asexual Alastor x Demiromantic-Asexual OC/Reader - 1920s/30s New Orleans - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Violence (It's Alastor what else)
Word Count: 1227
Warnings: Uhhhh idk unless you count God as one.
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
Prologue // Chapter 1 >
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Before time began, there was her.
Cælitis (Definition): The divinities who dwell within the celestial planes. (Noun)
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The Universe – The Beginning
Perhaps it was a coincidence, or a mistake, or there was something far greater beyond the confines of the ever-expanding walls of the universe. They had accepted solitary, thinking they were the only one, the first, when they awoke to a dark abyss, with the veins of creation pulsating at his fingertips. This was what God thought when they reached out for the first time, light bursting from within, shooting out and collecting into a colossal sphere. A star, he had named it, and he had much fun for who knows how long, floating through the endless vacuum, using these fiery balls of fire and gas to light his way. He would make them every colour he could think of, clumping some together to form the nebulas, or shooting some off into the middle of nowhere, just for the sake of it. Sometimes, he would press atoms so close together they would form rocks of all shapes and sizes, letting them wander and float around until they began clumping together into similar spherical shapes. He even swirled some clusters of stars and rocks around, watching as they turned into disks that would spin forever – galaxies, he decided to label them as. Before long, the universe was scattered with clusters of stars, planets, and whatever else they felt like creating, some so big their size was incomprehensible, others microscopic in comparison, and the rest varying in between.
When God had decided to rest their powers for a short while, he hadn’t expected to awake to the feeling that something was off when he observed his work. A small ripple, something he wouldn’t have picked up on if he knew they were the only being currently in existence. It passed through them, and he quickly shot towards the nebula that sat in the centre of his universal domain, their birthplace, so to speak. And what he came across was something very wrong. And he finally came to the realisation that he wasn’t alone.
It looked like a cloud at first. A dark mass that swirled and flared it tendrils around frantically as it contorted in and out of itself. He wouldn’t have been able to see it if it weren’t for the carnage it had left behind, it’s pitch black silhouette a stark contrast against the flickering specks of light behind it – the broken remains of his precious stars and planets.
Though he did not fear it. They knew that if this being had come into existence, it was here for a reason.
The Goddess was a being not many creatures knew about, and God wanted to keep it that way. He didn’t want anyone to know he had an equal, someone, if aware of everything they could do, could rival him and his authority.
He was Creation, and she was Destruction. Not solely there to destroy everything, no. She was brought into existence to ensure there was change, to make sure God didn’t slow down, always keeping him on his metaphorical feet. He had welcomed change when they had first come across her, but not too much. See, he wanted things to progress, but on his terms, so when the flailing tendrils of the Goddess had parted to reveal a mass of black wings and hundreds of very curious eyes peering up at them, he immediately took them under his own wings, teaching them the timeline of the universe around them. Her naivety hadn’t flown past him, she had just come into existence after all, and at this realisation he was delighted.
Billions of years passed by under the tutelage of God, telling the Goddess that she was his creation, what was divine and what was sacrilege. She absorbed it all, enchanted by the ways of what she believed to be her ‘creator’.
At one point, Destruction was overseeing a supernova just outside the Andromeda galaxy when God had approached her, eager to show her something. Reluctant but curious, she agreed, allowing them take her to another celestial plane, gesturing his arms out wide and welcoming her to Heaven.
He introduced her to his creations, his hierarchy of the divine. From the Seraphims, all the way down to the angels. For a time the Goddess resided with them, telling them about her ways of existence, though it wasn’t always received positively. In fact, there was only one creation that was intrigued by her path of dismantlement, a chirpy seraphim named Lucifer, who would spend most of his free time following her around with wide eager eyes, asking questions a mile a minute. The Goddess would always answer truthfully, and soon enough God began to grow weary of the friendly exchange between the two.
It wasn’t long before he was dragging her back through the planes, until they came across a very colourful planet. Entering through the atmosphere, the two floated down until they arrived on top of wall that encased a very interesting sight.
For as far as the eye could see, there was desert, but within the confines of this wall was a lush paradise, filled to the brim with every possible plant. The Garden of Eden.
God revealed two creatures that he had brought into existence, their names Adam, and Lilith, and they were to create the human race. Though his idea didn’t last very long – Lucifer had trailed after the Goddess into Eden one day, going off on another one of his excitable tangents on whatever was flying through his head at the time, when he had come face to face with the cunning and evaluating eyes of Lilith.
Obviously most know what happened after that, and God had quickly created Eve, but when she and Adam both failed his expectations after Lucifer and Lilith tempted them with the apple from the tree, he soon made changes.
The Seraphim and his new wife were cast down into a new celestial plane called Hell, and God then turned to the Goddess, seething, accusing her – that she had planted those thoughts and questions into his creation’s mind. They wouldn’t hear any excuse, leaving her until near the end of Adam and Eve’s once immortal life on Earth.
When he approached her again, they said he had a new job for her, and she followed, hopeful for their friendship to be restored, though doubts began to creep into her mind when she saw what was before her.
Purgatory, he had revealed it to be, was where she would take mortal souls after their physical body expired and sort them between Heaven and Hell. Next was the Underworld, where, if a soul was displaced in either of the two afterlives, it would go there to remain for eternity, or if she decided to send it back to Earth to be reincarnated. It was her new domain, where she would reside when she wasn’t on Earth collecting new souls.
Distressed, the Goddess asked why she was to do this, but God said nothing, only explaining further on what her new purpose entailed, and she grew more and more distraught at the new path he had laid out in front of her. She was no longer to be regarded as Destruction, but instead would spend the rest of eternity to be called a new, more fitting name, one he thought described her purpose of being perfectly:
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alexia putellas fic recs (4/4)
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you are responsible for the content you consume‼️
✧*:·˚ hi everyone!! here is a list of all the fics that are my favs with tagged writers/authors ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ remember to like and reblog the works you enjoy in order to support each writer!! ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ however, make sure you read the information on each story themselves such as triggers & warnings ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ also, if you'd like me to remove your fic from this list, message me! ✧*:·˚
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ jealously or caring? by @magics-neptunes-things alexia putellas x reader | jealousy, discomfort with her feelings, a little angst.
-this one talk about jalousy and everything who can come out of it, whether it’s little cute reconciliations or a little more complicated repercussions.
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ i remember everything by @samkerrworshipper alexia putellas x reader | eating disorders, pain n angst with a softer ending
-maps and ingrid start start to notice reader getting thinner and eating less but alexia is so wrapped up in media and stuff that she doesn’t notice until reader faints at training. then mapi shouts at alexia and there’s some angst but it has a softer ending
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ alexia fic by @eimids alexia putellas x girlfriend!reader
-the reader is a billionaire but the team mistakenly thought that the reader is using alexia for money or fame because of how the reader dress just like simple clothes and the team tell the reader to leave ale alone
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ pet problems II by @woso-dreamzzz alexia putellas x reader
-your cat gets pregnant (It's all mapi's fault)
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ pet problems III by ^ alexia putellas x reader
-meeting the kittens is very stressful
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ pet problems IV by ^ alexia putellas x reader
-the first two kittens go off to a new home
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ pet problems V by ^ alexia putellas x reader
-it's adoption day for the last of the kittens
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ insistent by @leahluvr alexia putellas x reader | smut(nsfw, fingering)
-you get a national team call up but at what cost?
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ driving seat by @vixwritesagain alexia putellas x reader | top alexia, dom alexia, rough fingering, semi-public sex, dirty talk (let's just pretend she speaks perfect english, yeah?) affectionate degradation (slut and slut adjacent words), orgasm control/denial, choking
-alexia only has three moods after a game: hyper, tired, or horny. I'll let you guess which one happens here.
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ ubi amor, ibi dolor by @randombush3 alexia putellas x reader
-alexia and you as posh + becks part two. part one
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ ready, aim, shoot by @magics-neptunes-things alexia putellas x reader | angst, mention of war and bomb, accident, hospitalization.
-you’re a journalist and you were sent to a complicated place in the world. will the attack you suffered prevent you from finding your girlfriend’s arms permanently?
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ rebuilding the family aka family visits by @me-loving-woso alexia putellas x reader
-these are the previous Chapters: Monthly visits, Meeting the Family, The Aftermath
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ like mama by @mannersofrats24 alexia putellas x reader | a bit of angst, a bit of comfort
-there's no better feeling than holding your daughter's hand while watching your wife's football match, until your daughter runs off into a crowd.
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ morning motivation by @fcwoso alexia putellas x reader | fluffy
-alexia needed motivation to conquer the day, reader makes a poor attempt and somehow succeed
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part seven by @thesunisatangerine alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader | mentions of death/dying
-parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part eight by ^
alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader
⊹ ࣪˖⁩. betrayed by @repulsiveliquidation alexia putellas x reader | smut(degrading name calling, edging, spitting, choking)
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ off limits – part 5 by @wileys-russo alexia putellas x león!reader
-part one part two part three part four
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ off limits – part 6 by ^ alexia putellas x león!reader
-"ale where are we going?" you laughed, leaning back into your seat more as your girlfriend sped down the highway. "stop asking me princesa, it is a surprise!" was all you got in return alongside a toothy grin as barcelona raced past her window in a blur.
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ make it better by @girlgenius1111 alexia putellas x reader | angst / hurt comfort. smut. 18+
-a cure for frustration: part 2
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ the leather jacket by @alexiapp alexia putellas x reader | suggestive topic, talk of injury
-today marked the start of el clásico, i woke up to a tanned tattooed covered back of a blonde Catalan woman.
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ the party by @samkerrworshipper alexia putellas x reader | smut(cunnilingus, minors dni 18+)
-with your louis v. bag, tats on your arms. high heel shoes, make you six feet tall. everybody wants you, you can have them all
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part nine by @thesunisatangerine alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader | mentions of grief, suggestive material, hurt/comfort
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ in the middle by @codiemarin alexia putellas x leah williamson x reader | BDSM undertones, edging, fingering, dirty talk, semi-voyeurism, threesome where one person is watching the other two
-loosely based on the song In the middle by dodie. alexia and leah had a very short lived tryst in the past, but both being headstrong and controlling captains, nothing came out of that. y/n has dated both alexia and leah separately, but the three being in close proximity most times and the captains unable to deny y/n, agreed to try dating collectively and getting along for her sake.
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ friendly affection? by @inuyashaluver alexia putellas x reader | mutual pining, just idiots in love, spanish is in bold italics
-in which your childhood friend is extremely affectionate with you, you can’t help but wonder, is it friendly, or does it have a double meaning?
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ family dinner by @fcwoso alexia putellas x reader
-alexia's wish to stay home wasn't fulfilled but she couldn't do anything about the cuddly mood she was in, this lead to the perfect opportunity for her sister to tease her about it
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ motherhood – 2 by @magics-neptunes-things alexia putellas x reader
-second part of motherhood
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ twice the pleasure by @repulsiveliquidation alexia putellas x maría león x reader | smut, 3.6k
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ do you need me? by @girlgenius1111 alexia putellas x reader | migraine, vomiting, general sickfic things
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thefallennightmare · 1 year
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Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death.
Summary: Reader would do anything to make her parents happy and that included agreeing to an arranged marriage. She never expected it to be to one of New York's most feared Mob Boss: Bucky Barnes. He is anything but loving towards Reader however when her parents are mysteriously killed, Bucky makes it his mission to find out who were at fault. And in the process, ends up coming close to losing Reader.
Authors Note: Straight, flilthy smut in this chapter. That's all there is. enjoy ;) Tags for this will be open, just shoot me a message or comment if you're interested!
Tags: @alexxavicry @mdpplgtz03 @broadwaybabe18 @samsgirl93 @cherryflavoureds-blog @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @capsgrantrogersclqrosmgc @loumaaria-blog @queerqueenlynn @pampeop @cjand10 @purplerain85 @savannahcole99 @evanstanhoney @sebastianstansqueen @portrait-ninja @honeyglee @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @lilya-petrichor @valsworldofcreativity @buckycallsmeaslut
Arranged Masterlist
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The rain pelted against the open window of my old bedroom as I dragged my feet around, picking up whatever clothes I had strewn about when I was finding something to wear for tonight. The gala was tonight and the clothes I had brought with me when I moved in weren’t exactly gala official.  I was back in the closet, looking through. I had so many different items that I had decided to keep my clothes in the first bedroom I stayed in. 
My fingers traced through the clothes hanging in the closet when I froze on one of the only two dresses I had. The other was the dress I wore at my parents' funeral but this one, this was the one Bucky had gifted me on the first day here when we were supposed to go to dinner. 
And you ditched him. 
Shaking the thought from my head, I reached for the fabric with a scrunched face. It wasn’t really a dress for me so I had no idea how it would look once it was on me. 
It was a black, floor length dress with an open back but a low cut in the front, and skinny straps. It was gorgeous and that’s what I had reservations about. 
Sighing, I grabbed the closet matching pair of shoes I could find and crossed the hallway towards the shared bedroom between Bucky and I. The noise from the shower mixed with a soft 1940’s tune that played from the record player in the bedroom. 
The last few days were spent working my parents' case, chasing leads but running into brick walls at every turn. We came to the conclusion that people saw something but they kept quiet, afraid of the repercussions if they talked. It was frustrating and with the busy night ahead, Bucky suggested that we had a quiet afternoon. 
He opted on not working and we spent the time lounging on the couch as I forced him to watch the trash reality show I had been hooked on. Bucky never once complained, excited to spend some quiet time together; his vibranium fingers traced shapes on the bare skin of my ankle the entire time. 
The water in the shower seized and I tried to scurry out of the room before Bucky walked out. Even if we had gotten closer over the last few weeks, we still had yet to see each other naked. 
Bucky was patient, never rushed me into anything. It was sweet of him, really, but with the way his hand had been ghosting over my core almost every night when we slept, I couldn’t wait any longer. 
He walked out, towel hanging loose on his hips and water running down every crevice on his chest and stomach. My tongue rolled over my sudden dried lips at the sight of Bucky, a hunger burning low between my thighs. 
His lips parted in slight surprise, not expecting to see me. 
���I thought you were downstairs eating lunch,” he said. 
I nodded, remembering that was what I had planned to do but got distracted by choosing my outfit for tonight. 
“Uh, yeah. I-uh-got distracted,” my hands moved as I pointed around to the empty space around me. 
I was becoming a puddled mess of desire in front of Bucky and he knew it. With a hooked vibranium finger, he motioned for me to come closer; I obeyed. The air of the room had encased us in our own bubble of lust and I reached for his hips, nails grasping at the soft skin. 
“You know,” his voice was low, “All I could think about in the shower was you.” 
My core twitched. “Really?” 
Bucky nodded, his hand grazing to the back of my neck. “I almost forgot the way your lips tasted.” 
My heart jumped into my throat at how sexy his voice sounded; gruff. With a quick lick of my lips, I leaned up towards his face and brushed them over his. 
“Well, why don’t I remind you then?” 
His eyes turned dark and without another word, we crashed our lips together in a heated and needy kiss. Bucky began leading me towards our bed and softly we fell together, the towel on his hips barely hung on. My hands that were resting on his shoulders were now dragging down his chest and stomach, the softness of his skin caused me to smile into our kiss. 
I never imagined what our first time together would be like but all I knew was that I needed him now. 
Bucky nibbled on my bottom lip, silently begging for me to open my mouth so he could divulge into me, deeper. Our tongues pressed and folded together and I moaned into it when Bucky’s hands began pulling at the string of my sweatpants. My hips rose from the bed, hoping it would help him. 
He quickly broke from the kiss. “Wait, are you sure?” 
I gave him an answer by pulling his face towards me again, our lips resuming their previous action. My pants were shed in seconds, Bucky tossing them to the floor while attacking my neck in an array of kisses and bites. My nails dug into the skin of his back, a hiss falling from my lips when he found my sweet spot. 
“Bucky,” I gasped while bucking my hips into him. 
“Fuck doll,” he groaned. 
The sensation between my panties and his towel was causing my core to heat up and I suddenly needed to feel more of him. 
Bucky made quick work of my shirt, tossing it to the growing pile of clothes on the ground, and his pupil dilated when he took in the sight of my bare chest, his bottom lip getting caught between his teeth. With a vibranium finger hooked to the waistband of my panties, he slowly dragged them down my legs, eyes drinking every inch of me. 
His warm breath fanned over my swollen mound and I ran my hands through his hair, trying to force his face into me but groaned when he began kissing his way up my stomach. 
“Patience, baby girl.” 
My vision blurred while my head fell to the bed and Bucky began kissing me once again, my hands forcing his hips into me by grabbing a fist full of his ass. 
He groaned and began taking over the pace, our hips rocking together. The friction from the towel was almost making it worse so I hastily shed it from his hips, Bucky now standing in front of me bare. 
Even with the pouring rain outside, the sun had broken through the clouds and casted him in a golden aura as he stood almost God-like. The rays almost emanated from his vibranium arm and my body shook with ideas of how he would please me with it. 
My own gaze drank in every inch of him as it fell lower to his cock and my heart began to beat fast. Long, thick, and the precum that seeped out almost begged me to lick it up. 
“You’re gorgeous, doll.” Bucky mused. 
He hoisted one of my legs over his shoulder, vibranium finger slipping into my folds. HIs name fell from my lips in a needy moan. 
“I’ve been wanting to taste you for so long.” He breathed over my core. 
“Stop fucking talking and do it already,” I ordered. 
Eyes glazed over with desire; Bucky sent me a wink before his face disappeared in between my thighs. His tongue pressed circles in the perfect spot and I rutted my hips into him, begging for more. He knew my exact spot without ever touching me. 
With his tongue and now vibranium finger pumping in and out, I began to see white, the heat burning so low. Bucky could tell I was about to fall apart so he urged me along by pinching and pulling at my nipples. Our eyes locked in a brief second and his pupils had blown from lust. 
My back arched off the bed and my mouth fell open with a silent scream. My skin prickled as Bucky pressed his tongue harder into my sweet spot and I dug my hands into his hair, grasping at the ends. 
“So close,” I let out in a shaky breath. 
“Let go, doll. I’ve got ya.” 
With a final pump of his finger, I came hard all over Bucky’s face. My hips began to spasm into his mouth as he lapped up my juices. Once he was free from my center, I did the best I could to roll him onto his back, given his strength, and straddled him. The tip of his dick glided over my folds and I let out a strangled moan. 
I kissed my way from his lips, all the way down to his dick and licked up the precum that had spilled from its opening. While our eyes locked, my pussy throbbed at the sight. Bucky’s eyes were blown, filled with desire as he looked down at me. I rolled my tongue over my lips, to moisten them, and slowly lowered down onto him. A moan vibrated in my mouth when I finally tasted him; Bucky was fucking delicious.
My tongue pressed underneath the shaft while I bobbed my head up and down in slow motions, sucking up every inch of him.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so good,” Bucky uttered.
His hands ran through my hair, gently pulling on my scalp, and the action gave me what I needed to finish him.
Taking the rest of him that I couldn’t fit in my mouth in my hand, I continued my up and down movements until I felt him tense underneath me, legs beginning to shake.
“Doll, I’m going to-,” Bucky couldn’t speak, words coming out of a jumbled mess.
“Let go, baby.”
With my urge, he let go of his orgasm, his hot, sweet liquid spitting into the back of my neck. His ungodly groan of moans echoed throughout the room, and I pressed my legs together at how he tasted and the way he sounded when falling apart into my mouth.
Once I made sure to lick up every last drop of him, I kissed my way back up Bucky’s chest and started to kiss at a spot of his neck, leaving my mark. It didn’t last long, though, because I was flipped onto my stomach, and I internally squealed at what was about to come. 
With his vibranium hand, Bucky lifted my hips up from the mattress and pressed just the tip past my folds from behind. 
“Fuuuck,” I groaned into the pillow. 
His flesh hand tangled into my locks, forcing my face free. “I want to hear you, Y/N. I need to hear your sweet whimpers.” 
My eyes rolled to the back of my head. 
“Are you ready?” Bucky slightly pushed himself into me, not all the way. 
I nodded, the best I could in his grasp. “Please.” 
In one quick snap of his hips, Bucky’s entire length filled me up and then some. I felt every thick vein as he dragged himself all the way out before slamming into me once more. This lasted for a few pumps, a spew of breathy curses falling from both of our lips. 
“You’re so tight, baby. Feels so good,” Bucky muttered into the skin of my back. 
I pressed myself farther back into him, needing to feel more; anything to help chase my second orgasm. 
Bucky had me on my back before I could even process it, his thrusts causing me to almost black out. 
With his vibranium hand, he pinned both of mine above my head and began leaving a dark mark onto the skin of my neck, all the way down to my breasts. The thought of them being in view tonight because of my dress crossed my mind but I couldn’t stop the moan that echoed throughout the room when I realized that’s why Bucky was doing it. 
His hips moved at a brutal pace and I huffed along with each hard thrust. The pad of his thumb found my nub and started pressing slow circles against it.
My toes curled at the pleasure I felt spill through me and my eyes fluttered shut.
Vibranium fingers released the grip on my hands and gripped my throat, forcing me to look up into his eyes; my own almost rolling to the back of my head with how dominant he was. I was climbing closer and closer to the peak of release, it being so close.
He continued to rut up into me, the tip of his cock slamming against my walls. I hissed at slight pain but knew that within seconds, the pain would subside being replaced with sheer desire.
A quick thrust caused me to arch my back and my hands reached to the center of his back, nails undoubtedly leaving marks. A few more thrust from Bucky caused before me to grab his face and I crushed our lips together, it being what I needed to come hard all over his dick.
“That’s it, baby. Come all over this cock.” 
“Bucky,” I stuttered, body completely wrecked with the wave of euphoria that washed over me.
“Oh, fuck. Doll, I’m gonna-.”
Bucky’s hips stilled before burying himself deeper into me and spilled himself, my name coming from his mouth in a messy breath. I rocked my hips a few times, making sure to milk him dry. 
His vibranium fingers gripped my hips, no doubt leaving light bruises. But I didn’t care, the feeling of our climax together was all I could think about.
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
reverb • chapter nine
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synopsis: following his talk with Armin, Eren decides to channel his energy into something more positive but finds that getting back into the groove of creating is a lot harder than expected. Luckily, a much needed visit from a familiar face and someone very dear to him helps get the rapper back on track. But will he be met with warmth and words of encouragement or incredibly tough love? A confrontation between him and the fiancé of his scorned best friend takes place as well, where the pissed off rockstar has some choice words for the equally disgruntled EJ. How will Eren respond? Meanwhile, (y/n) uses her vacation time to rest, reflect and return to her roots. A lot of her past is revealed, including the reason for her sudden shift in mood at the airport. While back home, the budding star decides to pay a visit to her old stomping grounds, where she asks for advice from a trusted loved one. But what message awaits her and will she take heed? Also, the day of the infamous yacht party arrives and Armin, the gracious host invites both his best friend and (y/n). Who hadn’t seen one another in weeks so tensions are high and very awkward. That is until an incident brings the pair closer together than before. Will they be able to reconcile or has time and distance dwindled that lustful passion? 
content warning: flashbacks, smut mentions, mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of death, mentions of spirituality/tarot/astrology, depression, mental health, alcohol use, implied sex, lots of humor
word count: 12.3K (long as hell, I know!)
“You have to find something you cherish and pour your heart into it, otherwise, it’s all pointless..”
📝: here’s to hoping that I can get back to much more frequent and consistent uploads because boy do I miss this story! And I hope you all do too. I appreciate everyone for sticking around and showing this series so much love. It won’t be going anywhere any time soon. 💖
previous chapter >>> next chapter
eighteen years ago…
“Now you gotta put a little more flour in there. You want ‘em to bake up just right…and stir it real good. Think you can do that?”
“Yesmaam, I got it, gwanny.”
“That’s my girl! Alright, and while we let ‘em bake, we can get this kitchen cleaned up. Can’t enjoy cookies with mess everywhere now, can we?”
“No ma’am! We don’t want yucky stuff everywhere.”
“That’s right! You know Grandma loves you, sweet pea.”
“I love you too, Gwanny…”
“I love you too….—
present day
the words that had been spoken during (y/n)’s deep slumber began to trail off into reality as you awoke from unconsciousness. Shooting up from the mattress as you called out to the person who was so far away.  Unbeknownst, you had been doing this every single night since returning home from Texas. Three days had passed since the beginning of your month-long vacation and you had already slept through a majority of them. From the bathroom straight back to bed, with a small snack in between. An endless bout of depression you were struggling to come out of. But that’s how this time of year always went…you’d wallow and sulk, cry for hours on end until you exhausted yourself. It was a brutal and vicious cycle but hopefully, with a little help, you’d snap out of it. At least that’s what your best friend was hoping for when she all but broke into your apartment this morning and began cooking breakfast..something you weren’t aware of until you smelled the aroma of breakfast foods...along with another delectable item. The fragrant scent was so unique, you knew there was only one other person who could’ve created it, seeing as how the first one was long gone. “That’s—wait!”
hopping out of bed..bonnet and a large sleeping shirt were the only things that you were sporting as you wiped the remaining crust from your eyes and darted for the kitchen. It was there you’d spot someone sporting similar clothing with music playing and a stack of food displayed on the countertop. Bacon, eggs, grits and the most surprising? A pile of your Grandma’s famous blueberry biscuits. A recipe that has been in your family for generations! They were your favorite and every Sunday, after church, your granny would have a fresh batch waiting for you to pair with her incredible fried chicken and Mac and cheese. It was so nostalgic! However..you wanted to know what prompted all of this..
“Good morning, sunshine…you slept okay?” Niesha, with that charming, little southern accent. Her voice is light and soothing as summer rain and that gorgeous smile of hers even without a single drop of makeup on. Her natural hair styled into fingerwaves and wrapped in a silk durag, matching the PJ’s she was wearing. It was like being fresh out of high school all over again and you spent nights at her house. Staying up all night after work and dreaming about making it into a better situation. It seems that you guys had manifested this dream life and it was all coming to fruition. Sadly, at the height of it all, you fell into depression yet again. But alas, your best friend was here to pull you out of it. Scratching your eyes free of the sleep crusting around it, you took a seat at the kitchen counter in one of the barstools as she slid you a glass of orange juice. “Yeah, it was fine...Nie Nie, did you stay here all night?” your brow furrowing in concern as you took a sip but as always, she was playing coy and being cute. She wasn’t going to admit that she had watched you struggle and sob in your sleep as you called out to your grandmother. That was only after you had drank yourself silly..which was completely out of character. But it was to be expected and she’d stick beside you for as long as you needed her. Twenty something years of sisterhood and she damn sure wasn’t about to give it up now. Trying to downplay the whole thing, she just tried to change the subject and pretend the reason for her extended stay was some other reason. 
“Yeah, you know my man was supposed to come through last night but he got on my damn nerves again so now I got him on punishment.” to which you’d just giggle and try not to laugh too hard because her and this supposed man were not even in a relationship nor did they have any business together. Friends with benefits and a whole heap of drama. “You and Armin are still messing around, huh? I could’ve sworn you said you was done with his ass last week. Or was that before he brought you that new Van Cleef you’re wearing anddd that new Birkin?” making your best friend nervously cackle and scratch the back of her head. “Chileee, did I say that? Girl, you know I just be talking, you can’t pay me no attention.” The two of you were joking and playing around, which seemed to lift you in much higher spirits than before. As long as you were smiling, that was a good sign for your dear Niesha. “Anyways, enough about meee..are you feeling alright this morning, boo? Had me a lil’ scared there for a minute.” questioning now that you seemed to be in a much lighter headspace, sober and more than likely, better equipped to answer to now. Truthfully, you were still a little down and it wasn’t necessarily because you were grieving but because at the moment, you were feeling a little directionless. Right before you guys came home, you got more devastating news..but as you were preparing to delve into it, she’d hand you your plate along with a tall glass of orange juice and insist you eat before you upset yourself again and became ill. You’d thank her before divulging all of the details. 
“So you know I’ve been trying to get Granny’s house back from that bitch who took it and the state, right? Well..I had a meeting with my lawyer and he said they denied the motion to move forward with the case. Saying that she legally has control and it was signed over to her so there’s nothing I can do.” Feeling a hard lump in the back of your throat as you spoke the words out in the open. Now that you were saying it aloud, the shit hurt worse. Honestly, it was your biggest motivator for getting money and maintaining a life of notoriety. In your mind, you figured that if you obtained pretty substantial wealth and possibly enough status, you could get the best lawyers money could buy and snatch your childhood home back. Now it all felt in vain..
You were seventeen years old during the untimely passing of your grandmother from cancer..fresh out of high school without a clue about the world and nothing to your name. The only saving grace was the fact that you had her house she’d promised you since childhood in the event that something happened to her..or so you thought. As if losing the only guardian and family you’d ever known wasn’t enough, another hard blow came when you were forcefully evicted by the state only three weeks later and told that the rightful owner would be moving in. That person? Your granny’s caretaker. The middle aged woman in the pink scrubs and bright yellow Crocs who would always greet you when you came home from school..smiling in your face and being so friendly as your sweet granny lay on her deathbed. Only for that evil bitch to pull the dirty stunt of making her change her will when her mind began to deteriorate. It was a rotten trick but a legal one and there was nothing that you, a child without a red cent to show could do about it. To add to fate’s cruel sick joke, you then turned eighteen and because of that, you were too old for foster care. Technically an adult but feeling like a frightened little girl inside, you wandered the streets for weeks. Sleeping out of the car she left behind, trying to work during the day and stay safe at night. You were so scared and would cry for hours until you fell asleep in the backseat. It wasn’t until Niesha got wind of the situation and slapped the dog shit out of you for not saying something sooner. Then right afterwards, invited you to stay at her house. It was small and she had a younger sister, as well as her mom but they welcomed you with open arms. 
“We’re family, baby. You like a third daughter to me and I knew your granny for a long time. We gon’ make sure you are alright.”
A direct quote from Ms. Candice Daniels, Niesha’s mom and the matriarch of the close knit little unit of three..however, you couldn’t intrude for long and as much as you appreciated the hospitality, you had to figure out a plan for your life. Ironically enough, your saving grace came in the form of a family member who had just gotten out of jail and who also played a huge role in you choosing to do pole professionally and deciding to pursue a career in entertainment. Someone who’d be reentering your world pretty soon. 
“You know what? I had a feeling it had something to do with that and I’m so sorry, baby. I know you wanted it back.” Niesha, who was eating as well, reached across the counter and grasped your hands in hopes to comfort you. Even though she had already gone above and beyond, she still felt helpless and wished she could help. But she did have a bit of information that would possibly lift your spirits and possibly help you gain insight now that you were back home.. “But if it’ll make you feel better..your Uncle Bam came by real early this morning to drop off these biscuits..he said if they didn’t make you smile, he didn’t know what would.” Hence the pungent smell of butter and blueberries hitting your nose upon waking up. He was the only other person in this world with that recipe and skill to cook them. Although Niesha knew her way around the kitchen, it would take years to get that mastered. Seeing you beam in excitement at the name, she’d continue to share the rest of his message. “He also said for you to come see him today once you woke up and got moving. That he could sense that your energy was off and that he may have something to help you.” Releasing a sigh as well as a laugh, (y/n) nodded whilst taking a sip of juice. “Yep, that sounds like Unc. Lord, what does this man want now?” Playfully rolling your eyes and continuing to finish your food. As reluctant as you were, you knew he could help you through whatever. He had become somewhat of a…’spiritual advisor’ to those in the community in his later years. As gifted as he was with the ability to help others, your uncle was a bit of an eccentric. Even so, you loved him dearly and he was the only blood relative you had..or maintained contact with at least. If it weren’t for him and his partner, who knows what you’d be doing right now..
“I think you should go visit him. Get out of this house and talk to somebody. You’d rather pull teeth than go see a therapist so maybe he can figure out what you need.” And truthfully, she had a suggestion of her own that could help shift your mood and it’d involve a certain someone who had been responsible for your happiness in the past month or so. Even if you refused to admit it.. 
“Speaking of getting out of the house..Armin’s hosting a lil’ yacht party this weekend and he wants us to come. Said that he would love to have you there since you’re my boo and all. He wants to meet you since you missed out on the first function.” you'd listen to Niesha speak, trying to continuously sweeten the pot.. “..Really? He told you that?” “Yes he did and said that EJ would be there too.” which made your eyebrow furrow in response because if it was one thing you knew and two damn things for certain..
“I think y’all both full of it. That man doesn't come outside for nobody..especially no damn parties unless he’s getting paid.” Truthfully, they couldn’t deny that. He was very reclusive and didn’t really care to be mingling or out mixing among the crowd. That was, of course, outside of his one exception. “But he flew all the way to Texas just to see your ass so if you show up, he will too.  Even so, you couldn’t be sure if you were ready to see him quite yet. After all, it had been almost two weeks since you guys last saw each other or even spoke. A lot had transpired in your personal lives and neither of you felt it right to involve the other in your problems. Hence the radio silence from each of your end. You and EJ had a lot of fun together, you couldn’t lie. Being in a relationship wasn’t plausible at the moment though. But it seemed as if your meddling best friends were determined to play matchmaker and get their ship to sail..no pun intended! “Ion know, Niesh..I mean, I’m really not up for all that right now. We just got back off tour and I’m exhausted. Miss Ackerman’s got me booked for a couple gigs, and I have a meeting with Mr. Smith too so I just don’t know— “you mean my sis, Mika? Yeah, her and Jean are coming too. We actually hung out when you were gone and bitch, she is sum’ else.” “For real? What did y’all talk about?” and of course, you were the topic of discussion. About how hard working you were but that they wish you’d rest. How you first met her and how you were her favorite client. She said that you were so sweet and that she wished all of her talents were as good as her ‘precious (y/n)’. “That and the fact that she’d be praying for Niesha because Armin was as bad as it could get. “I told her not to worry ‘cause I’mma do his ass worst if he keeps playing with me.”  You were just shocked that your best friend and manager had become so close in your absence while you were in Cali. Which may have been due to the fact that not only was she your best friend but she was the only one of Armin’s women that she got along with. Niesha had a very high, infectious energy that made anyone love her. It got you wondering how EJ would react to her if the chance ever arose for the two of them to meet….  “So you all in the family now, huh? Guess I missed a lot.” Causing her to burst into her signature cackle and bop your nose.
“That’s right. So you two hermits have no excuse. You’re off the clock, you’re on vacation so enjoy it. Two people who are so busy trying to create a ‘dream life’ can’t even stop to live it. Besides, if I don’t return you to the group all happy and refreshed, them hoes gon’ jump me. They made me promise I’d look out for you so I want you to have a good time. Can you do me that one favor..please? It’s not easy seeing my sis all sad. I love you, (y/n). And I just want you to be good.” Just then, your heart would flutter and your resolve would soften. You could tell that Niesha, your uncle, even Brianne, Kelly and Syrai, despite being states away, all cared for you deeply. So the best thing you could do for them was try and make the best of this beautiful life you were given. As much as you had hoped to return to your childhood home, if for nothing else..properly say goodbye and get that closure..it was your past and you could never move forward if you kept dwelling on it. Reaching over, you’d wrap Niesha in a giant hug and the two of you shared a sentimental moment. “Oh, Nie Nie. I love you too, pookie. I’m sorry for being so down all the time. I didn’t even realize how I was affecting everybody else. You know what? Starting today, I’m getting out of this house. I’m done crying.” which elated Niesha because tears did not suit your pretty face. Flashing you yet another smile, your best friend extended her arm so that you guys could initiate your little secret handshake before pulling you into yet another embrace. The bond you two shared was incomparable. But for now, it was time that you guys parted ways. “Good! I’mma go take a shower and then I’m up outta here. Text me when you get back home, we can go out to eat or sum’.” You couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved, knowing that your tribe was as strong as ever now. You were in good hands for sure. 
“Alright. What you getting into today?” and the better question may have been what was about to get into her. Looking back at you with her tongue extended, Niesha was more than enthused to fill you in. “Oh me? I’m going to go see my boyfriend. He was in the playoffs game this weekend and he came back to Miami today.” Now, it was no secret that Niesha was by far the most promiscuous of your friends group and she kept her options wide open but dating a producer one day and seeing a basketball player the next was insane. She obviously had her hands full so you’d give her a bit of relief by getting up and taking care of yourself. “Girl, ion know what I’mma do with you.” “Pray for me. That’s what you can do.” Causing the two of you to burst into laughter. But you had to say, regardless, it felt good to have someone around that made you feel much lighter. For now, you’d follow up on your earlier promise of going to go see your uncle. And hopefully gain a little clarity on your situation. 
“I feel you, Granny. I know you’re with me but I don’t think you need to worry anymore. Still..what is that you wanna tell me? What do you need me to know?”
page break 
Unbeknownst to you though, you weren’t the only one hoping to gain some insight and get some help in your life right now. Although, you were probably a bit more perceptive to getting said assistance than the man you were seeing a short while ago. After sleeping in far longer than normal for what was probably the third day in a row, Eren found himself awoken to beaming sunshine and an empty bed, only surrounded by crinkled sheets and an empty Crown bottle near his pillow. Another long night of working on projects and downing liquor to drown out any intrusive thoughts that may have plagued his mind. From impending court dates to online chatter, he wanted to shut all of it out.  12:15PM displayed across the top of his iPhone screen as he rolled over and wiped his eyes. He figured there was no sense in lying here any longer and pretending to be asleep. Instead, he’d position to the side of the bed, step into his house slippers and stretch before heading towards the bathroom to perform his normal morning routine. Brushing his teeth, washing his face and getting ready for the day ahead. Or what was left of it rather…after a warm shower and getting his long locks styled into a half up, half down style and finally shaving that mustache and stubble that had begun to form, Eren felt like a new man. Now he was ready to take on any and everything…or so the hard working artist thought! Truthfully, it was that motivation and desire to curate something incredible that had driven him to a third night of drinking and producing. Sure, he was having fun with the whole process and having his friends over had put him in much lighter spirits but when it was all said and done, he was no more satisfied with what he was hearing than when he started. It was frustrating! However, his saving grace may have been coming a lot sooner than he thought..finishing up his morning routine and gathering his bearings, Eren took a look in the mirror along with a deep sigh before heading out. 
He’d make his way downstairs, shuffling in those slippers and sweats down the stairs to be greeted by one of his housekeepers, and truthfully, a woman who was like family to him. “Oh, good morning, Mr. Jaeger. Glad to see you’re feeling better.” An older lady with salt and pepper hair and the sweetest southern accent he’d heard. She saw Eren like a son and took care of him accordingly but she also stayed on his case just the same. An angel on earth if he’d ever seen one and the best damn cook in the world. His very first time trying the delicacies known as soul food was by her hands and he damn near cried it was so good. As always, the two would exchange a hug.. “Good morning, miss Gloria. Sorry, I was a little busy last night so I didn’t get to say bye..” chatting as the pair made their way to the kitchen, where she’d offer to make him breakfast but he’d have to skip out on that delicious meal today because he was determined to make his new hit or die trying! 
“You sure, baby? I can make somethin’ real quick. Can’t be working on an empty stomach.”
“I appreciate it, Miss Gloria. But I’ll be fine. This’ll do for now. I’m going to be in the music room for a little bit before I head out to the studio.” declaring as he retrieved a green smoothie and granola bar from the fridge. He knew that one of the key components to getting that perfect song but being a workhorse in general was nourishing his body. Or so it was what he was told! His mentor would kick his ass if she knew he was downing Dusse like water and smoking like a chimney. She told him that his voice wouldn’t be worth two farts in the wind if he kept that up. Unfortunately for EJ, he wouldn’t have to wait to be subjected to those lashings again..as Miss Gloria had a tidbit of information that she neglected to share with him. “Oh yeah! Eren honey, there was sum’ I forgot to tell you.” Before she could disclose said information, he was walking off, staring down at his phone; responding to a text about some upcoming projects he had been requested to work on. It was as he was rounding the corner to the open foyer where his grand piano was stationed did he hear..and see a sight that he was not prepared for. It was the notes for one of his earliest tracks, a song that wasn’t about violence or drugs but not the most tame either and yet, it was the most beautiful rendition he had ever heard. Only one person could take such a song and transform it this way.. 
“It’s about time you woke up. I would’ve had you doing vocal runs for an hour back in the day for showing up this late.”
That person was none other than five time Grammy-winning singer, songwright and the woman who taught the EJ that the world loved now, everything he knew when it came to composing; Vivian James-Ackerman. Some of his biggest hits were arrangements composed with her assistance. Oftentimes dubbed the Queen of Neo Soul, rivaling the likes of Erykah Badu, Ari Lennox and Lauryn Hill, Vivian James made some of the most sultry and vulgar lyrics sound like silk and her alluring presence had captivated the hearts of many, including her long time sweetheart and former musical rival, the AMG president himself, Levi Ackerman. Whilst taking some time away before the release of what could very well be her last album, the songstress decided to take a role at her husband’s company and her label as his creative director. So who better to help him derive inspiration and regain focus than the woman who helped kickstart it all. Seeing as how she was his biggest advocate and the one who landed him his audition with AMG years ago. Vivian never lost faith in her protege and she wasn’t about to start now. Even if his spark had dwindled a bit, his fire was far from being put out. As far as she was concerned, he had work to do! 
“Aunt Vi!” akin to that of a little child seeing a long distant relative, he’d come over and embrace her. In her eyes, he was still that sixteen year old boy who came to Miami without so much as a single dollar to his name, determined to make it. That’s who he was doing this for..
“Eren, sweetheart. I’m so happy to see you. I feel like it’s been ages. How’ve you been?” That was a question he barely wanted to answer. He was certain that everyone in the world had gotten wind of his recent arrest and his fight with Mikasa was probably all the talk behind closed doors at AMG right now. So she probably already knew the real answer. Even so, his response was: “I’m doing okay. Just been a little tired.” Taking a seat next to Vivan and a sip of his drink before she turned to the side to face him. She knew better than that and before she left here, she was going to make certain that he did better than just a measly ‘okay’. Furrowing her eyebrow, Vivian, leaned back and swallowed a lump in her throat before proposing her next question. “A little tired, huh? Well a little birdy told me that you’ve had quite the week. Care to elaborate?” Which was secretly code for ‘I already know the full story and truth so you might as well tell me anyways’. And so, he’d begin to explain how when he came back from Houston, he found his driveway swarmed with reporters, one of whom decided to dent his brand new car, which made him flip out. It was that little outburst that landed him with a nice little mugshot that was circulating the internet; spreading like wildfire on Tik Tok and Twitter..causing his fangirls and simps alike to fawn over the dark hair, smile and narrowed eyes. He had gone viral for his looks just as much as his music, which wasn’t shocking..but as if getting arrested wasn’t enough. He then found out the reason for said arrest and swarm of crazed paps at his door was one of his very own best friends. 
“I see.”
the only words she uttered before suddenly winding her hand back and smacking Eren upside his head shortly thereafter. To say he was taken aback by her sudden hit, that was an understatement! 
“Ow! What the hell, Aunt Vi?! Why’d you do that?”
and the answer was quite simple. Because somebody, anybody needed to knock some sense in that big ass, empty skull of his. And there was no one more fit to do so than her. Seeing as how his mom was all the way in Jersey and couldn’t lay hands to him, she’d make certain to keep him well disciplined in her absence, even if he was a grown man! 
“Because, Eren!..you’re always acting without thinking. I mean, honestly. Canceling on an important meeting like that last minute? What is wrong with you? We all thought you had gotten sick again and here you are gallivanting and acting like a damn teenager.” Taken aback by his mentor’s response, EJ merely scoffed at the idea that he had any wrongdoing in the situation. “I don’t understand why you’re mad at me. She’s the one that caused all of this in the first place. Why not just come talk to me like an adult. We’re best friends..” amidst his rambling, Eren would come to a realization that it took repeating aloud to truly understand. Among the complete irony in his statement as well. Here he was griping about concise communication yet it was his lack thereof that caused Mika to make the drastic decision to allow that article to be published. Sulking into his seat, he’d continue on talking..”..have been for as long as I can remember. We used to tell each other everything and when it came to my music, she always supported me. She’d listen in on all my recording sessions, give me feedback. Even though being an artist wasn’t her thing, she loved music. Her voice is still insane after all this time. She knew music..now it just feels like she’s only concerned about meeting a deadline or getting her next big break. Didn’t realize how much this industry changes people..even the ones you love..” It was then that Vivian would offer her input, caressing his back as he sat there, staring blankly ahead with a hand tucked underneath his chin. 
“That’s because you guys aren’t kids anymore. Honey, there comes a time in all of our lives when we have to do things we don’t want to. I’m sure she’d kill to sit up in the studio with you and everyone else, partying and making songs. But I’m sure she’d love it even more if she didn’t have to chase you to the ends of the earth just to do her job. She’s got a ton of pressure on her shoulders as not just the head of PR..but as a daughter, a niece, a soon to be wife. Eren, sweetheart, her priorities are different now and if you’re truly her friend, you’ll respect that. Was she wrong with how she went about it? Absolutely and she has to reflect on that if she wants to keep her position but I don’t think she’s the only one that needs to do some soul searching.” Honestly, there was no way that he could attest that. `It was true..they were all grown up now so there was no room for childish feelings and antics. Her actions were only a result of the selfishness he had displayed. Scratching his ear, Eren  would just release a loud sigh and shrug his shoulders once more. “Yeah, yeah..I get it.” Confessing as he stood from his seat and stared out towards the window. Her words were always so deep and meaningful..much like the lyrics to her songs. The messages in her music were meant to resonate with the soul, even if you couldn't comprehend them. She applied the same to how she spoke to others. Her spiritual persona was more than a ruse to sell albums..this was how she was.
“So what do I do? I mean, it’s not like my inspiration is just gonna come out of thin air. I can’t make an album overnight.” 
maybe so but he knew as well as she did that no one was asking for such an impossible feat. The only thing they wanted was for him to try...just then, the notes of a very familiar melody began to sound out from the piano, along with Vivian’s unmistakable and mellifluous melody. A sound that was untouchable by her peers and beyond. And a very familiar song..one that the two would sing all the time during his younger days. When they were finishing up a show for the seasoned veteran, she'd ask to hear him play. Many times, it was to gauge his vocal capabilities but others? She just truly loved bonding with him over music and the fact that he had the willingness to learn. At first, he was hesitant and didn’t feel like doing so but this song always brought him a sense of comfort and peace..it made him happy. “C’mon, sing with me.” Without uttering a word outside of the lyrics, the two would begin to belt out the tune as Eren slowly shuffled back towards the bench. Eventually, he’d sit back down and tilt his head over onto her shoulder as they finished out the verse. There was something so serene about just belting your heart out with someone you loved dearly..
“There’s my EJ.” Wrapping an arm around his shoulders, Vivian leaned over and placed a gentle peck to Eren’s temple and it brought him immense warmth. Having that motherly and familial love always kept him grounded. “No matter how long you take or what path you go down, I’ll always be proud of you. Everyone will. This is a marathon, not a race. You go at your own speed, and when you’re ready..you go make this album your bitch.” which brought forth a hearty laugh from EJ, who was in much higher spirits and much more motivated. “Thank you, Aunt Vi.” But there were still two obvious elephants in the room. One being..
“Now..about this young lady you’ve been seeing…” and it was in that moment that Eren would simply roll his eyes and continue nursing his shake. It was the last thing he wanted to address, especially when he hadn’t spoken to said young lady in some days. And the fact that Vivian was in on the whole ordeal had just made it worse. Of course, he should’ve known that his mentor would be the very person that Mikasa would go and cry to. 
“I don’t know what or who you’re talking about. I’m single.” What he should’ve known is that playing coy wasn’t going to work on someone who knew him as well as his own mom did. Eyeing his entire frame, Vivian placed a hand underneath her chin and offered up a smug grin in the process. “Oh for real?…so I guess the name (y/n) means nothing, huh?” The sheer mention of your name invokes an almost automatic smile on his features. Immediately, his eyes lit up and a faint smirk appeared..hell, even the memories of you guys’ shared time together began to plague his mind..that was until he snapped out of his trance! “Yes, exactly. I mean..it’s not like I don’t care about her or anything. She’s literally perfect, probably the only girl who’s had my attention but you know me..I don’t chase anyone. Besides, I haven’t even heard from her in a while. She’s probably long moved on by now. And I can’t blame her..shit, who wants to be attached to somebody who can’t stay out of trouble?” But just as Armin had told him, your absence had nothing to do with that. Trust, you had thought about him just as heavily but there was no way you were in the mental state to see him, less known behave like the girl he had seen in Texas. 
“Y’know..sometimes, I think you’re your own biggest enemy, Eren. I mean, cut yourself some slack, kid. It was one screw up and an invoked one at that. Listen, stop using this as a crutch to not confront your feelings. You rather sulk than to face shit and get it done. If you truly want this music thing to work, to shut your critics up or even get the girl you want, you gotta stop looking for an excuse in everything. “Someone who stays in trouble” please..she knew you had that mile long rap sheet when she met you at the club opening and still liked your ass. You wanna see her again, don’t you?” The very obvious question needed no answer but she wanted to hear him say it. She was absolutely correct..Eren would rather run and not be vexed under the guise of not giving a fuck because it didn’t require any effort but this time, that wasn’t going to fly. Either he confronted this or it would all slip from his grasp, including you. That decade-long music career he sacrificed it all for, his fame, his happiness..he was the only thing standing in the way of that! 
“..yes, I wanna see her.” “And you want to continue making music as well, right?” Receiving a nod shortly after..Vivian would close down the piano cover and slowly stand from her seat. Her work here was done and completed as far as she was concerned. But there was one more thing that needed to be said..
“Then go get it. Don’t stop until you have everything you want. You owe that much to yourself. God, it’s just like talking to that damn boss of yours. Levi used to do the same thing. Always looking for an excuse not to care about something. Pouring all his energy into work and a little bit into everything else, enough to get by. He’d tell me all the time that it didn’t matter if we ever got married because ‘we loved each other.’ And that was sufficient . Ten years with that man almost went down the drain until he came groveling because I told him I was done compromising. Being nonchalant gets you nowhere. You have to find something you cherish and pour your heart into it, otherwise, it’s all pointless..don’t sit around and lose it trying to be prideful..” 
As correct as she was, Eren was beginning to have his fill of lectures from those around him. All he wanted to do now was focus on his music and move past all of this drama. Rubbing at the back of his neck, he’d exhale a deep sigh and get up from his seat to show Vivian to the door. Although it was needed, he was tired of being fussed at! “I hear you..” sighing whilst walking her towards the door. Shuffling her expensive bag onto her shoulder, Vivian turned on the heel of her Giuseppe stilettos once more before embracing her sweet Eren and bidding him adieu. As always, she let him know that she loved him and he’d do the same. At the moment, he had felt much more calm and serene than he had in some days. He was excited for what was to come now; returning to that age old cliche…knowing that he could truly accomplish anything he set his mind to! But it would seem that his peace and quiet wouldn’t last for much longer. Once he saw Vivian out, he then did exactly as he intended and returned to his downstairs music room, in hopes of getting at least one of his tracks completed. However, that hope was short lived when only fifteen minutes after getting to work; barely even getting his mixing software booted up, he was so rudely interrupted!
“M-Mr. Jaeger, you have a guest!” the somewhat shaken voice of one of his housekeepers didn’t even register to Eren once he heard it or what she was saying. But he’d respond with a sigh and a bit of a frustrated huff, as he had no interest in entertaining anyone else for the day. He had business to conduct..regardless, his uninvited companion had other plans. “Too bad! Open this goddamn door..” and the second he heard the voice through the muffled sounds of the wooden barrier, he couldn’t help but to laugh because the only thought on his mind was kicking the ass of the person it was coming from! Because if anybody was going to catch it for interrupting him, it would be his sworn enemy. Granting his housekeeper permission to do so, she’d let him in and it was none other than the infamous Atelier Kiss lead singer, Jean Kirschtein. Without so much as even looking up from the screen, Eren donned that signature smug smirk whilst clicking away at the various settings. “You wanna tell me why your ugly ass is standing foot in my house and better yet, why I shouldn’t beat the shit out of you for showing up unannounced?” But Jean wasn’t phased by his threats or subtle attempts to get underneath his skin today..he had to avenge his woman’s honor and was here to do so regardless of what he said. “Not if I don’t kick yours first, you son of a bitch.” 
EJ, swiveling around in his chair to face the obviously irate male, who had been practically chomping at the bit to get his hands on him. About a week late in Eren’s most humble opinion, but to each his own. What pissed Jean off the most was that he was seemingly unaffected by the inevitable falling out between him and his manager. Meanwhile, her little boy toy was looking to rip the rapper to shreds. “Did you call my wife a coke head, you fucking asshole?!” To which, the obviously unbothered rapper would respond with a laugh. “I said she was..past tense Jeanathan. That’s your problem, you don’t listen and neither does she. You’re both a match made in hell, I swear.” As badly as he wanted to haul off and hit him, Jean could do nothing more than suck his teeth and huff. The sheer sight of him made the rockstar absolutely livid. Especially when he considered the fact that he had watched his fiancee storm around her office and their home, angry and upset about something she refused to share. He had not the slightest clue or inkling that it was this jackass who was the root cause. It wasn’t until he all but forced the information out of her did Jean get the answer he was looking for and despite Mikasa’s pleading for him not to press the issue, he hopped into the driver’s seat of his new R8 Spyder and sped over to confront him. What he didn’t count on was for him to be moving so casually without a single ounce of remorse or concern for what he said. Especially since they were supposed to be best friends. 
“Don’t try to play coy with me, you bastard. Mikasa told me everything and how you disrespected her. I don’t give a damn how long she’s been your friend, you don’t talk to my wife like you’ve lost your mind.” As composed as he seemed, Eren was truly ready to put this entire ordeal behind him and the fact that he was coming here, messing up his energy…had him ready to channel his less than savory side! Finally hopping up from his seat, he’d stand to face the other male and warn him to step off. 
“First of all, pump your brakes, boy scout. I didn’t ‘disrespect’ anyone..I know accountability isn’t exactly her thing but while she was bumping those gums of hers, did she happen to mention to you how she made the call to let those dumbasses over at TMZ publish that bullshit article full of rumors and had my driveway swarmed with cameramen? Or how she thought in that pretty little, empty head of hers that somehow, that would get me to put out some music? Did she tell you that or did she do exactly as she always does…fill your stupid ass head up with whatever you want to hear, bat her eyelashes and like the pussy whipped idiot you are, you came rushing over here ready to fight me, a week later..and get dog walked, I might add. All because she lacks critical thinking skills. Did I hit the nail on the head or what?” By that time, Jean had no comeback, argument or will to debate with him after that. With more context, it was clear that she didn’t have much of a leg to stand on. As badly as he hated Eren, even he had to admit that this whole situation could’ve been avoided. And that sadly, he was also not to blame!
Sucking and smacking his teeth, Jean would place his hands to his hips before looking to the floor in disbelief. “Tcht..whatever. I’m sure she had her reasons. You don’t exactly make her job easy y’know..” despite their differences, it seemed that the two had reached an impasse. There was no point in turning this argument physical because honestly, at this point..it was futile. Like he said, a week had already passed and even though tensions were still high between the old friends, adding fuel to a docile fire would spell trouble for everyone involved. If word got back that AMG’s two biggest artists had come to blows for the PR manager’s sake, President Ackerman would undoubtedly suspend or fire Mikasa and they’d be selling their music on Soundcloud for a hot dog and three dollars. None of which they wanted to happen. Returning to his seat, Eren released a heavy breath and kicked his feet up with his hands splayed across his chest. 
“Or so I’ve been told..listen, you know I care about Mika as much as you do. After all, she’s like family to me. We’ve been through a lot of shit together and I’ll be the first to admit, I give her a hard time, hell, sometimes on purpose. She may have pissed me off and I’m still mad with her but I don’t hate her..never could..I know an apology won’t mean a damn thing to her right now, but if it means anything..just tell her I’m trying, alright? You and I have never seen eye to eye and trust me, I pray for your downfall every night..” earning him a scoff and middle finger in response. Eren continued on as he glared up at the screen once more. Thinking of how the two used to sing and laugh together..a much simpler time before all the fame. 
“But one thing we can agree on is that she’s the best at what she does and deserves nothing but my all. I owe her that much.” and with the heartfelt declaration, it would seem that Jean had a newfound respect for his arch nemesis. He didn’t want to admit this to him but he figured since he took the high road, he couldn’t let him be the only one showing a shred of maturity. Exhaling a deep sigh, he’d pinch the bridge of his nose and stare towards the wall, avoiding eye contact as he proceeded to give a small amount of praise to the last person he wanted to do so for...in his own way, of course!  “...for fuck’s sake…you know she only goes to this extreme lengths because she believes in you, right?” which made the rapper double take, not fully grasping the point he was trying to make. “She’d never do all of this for anyone else. Hell, I don’t even know what she sees in you. Sure, she works hard for all of her clients..but you? Even though you ditched her, she stood in front of a room full of stiff ass execs and told them all that not one person on that label was a better artist than you and she was willing to bet her whole career on it.”
“Every client underneath my belt is an exact reflection of my managerial skills. If his next album doesn’t go number one, I’ll gladly relinquish my title of Public and Talent Relations Manager. But I think you and I both know, Mr. President, he isn’t going to go down so easily. You can sign whoever you want, try to replicate and copy his style a million times over but there’s only one EJ the Don.”
Those were her exact words and Eren truly couldn’t believe that she had placed such a huge wager on his success. Was she really willing to risk her entire career just for him? It was insane! But an indicator if nothing else that she was rooting for him. And it would seem that she wasn’t the only one in his corner.. 
“Do you get it now? So don’t make my baby look stupid, you inconsiderate asshole. She thinks the world of you..and even though it makes me sick to admit..she’s not wrong. You’re not half bad. So stop pissing around and show everybody you’re not washed up. Besides, it’s getting kinda boring on the charts without you to trample over..” offering up a snide smirk and from there, Eren knew what had to be done. Snickering, he’d mirror Jean’s sentiment. It would seem that the tension in the room had eased up quite a bit and they had come to an agreement. “Yeah, I’m sure it must be hard not living in my shadow all the time. It’s what you’re used to.” “Please, you’d still be sweeping the floors after my shows if Miss Vivian didn’t feel bad for your sorry ass.” granted, they could never just get along. But both men knew that he had something to prove and now that the air had been cleared about this entire situation, he was going to leave him to his devices and let him achieve that award winning sound only he could cultivate. But not before he gave a rather stern warning..heading to the door, Jean would turn and glare at Eren. 
“I’m glad we had this talk but let’s get one thing clear..you ever make my girl that upset again, I don't care what the circumstances are, I’m beating the shit out of you without a single question asked.” but as always, Eren dismissed him with another one of his sarcastic comebacks. “I’m pissing my pants just thinking about it.’ pretending to quiver before slamming the door in his frenemy’s face. “Have a good day, Jeannie Boy. Don’t come back to my house if you like not resembling Swiss cheese.” shouting through the door before taking his seat yet again. It had been a rather eventful, exhausting day already and it had only begun. For now, he was tuning out all distractions and focusing on what was important: his craft. His one passion and love in this crazy thing he called life. This is what meant the most to him and he didn’t have time to think about bullshit publications, angry fiances or even his manager’s asinine ultimatum. This was all about him and his next project. And this time, it was personal..in what was a move that was seemingly out of character, he’d retrieve the sleek silver iPhone sitting next to his keyboard and unlock it, going straight for the camera; where he’d film a very short ten second snippet of his instrumental he had been working to curate before scrolling over to the instagram app and uploading it to his story with it simply captioned: “working..” and immediately, thousands flocked to view it. This was a new era he was stepping in and he was excited for what it held.
Little did he know..more than success on the music homefront awaited him and in a strange turn of events, he’d be getting somewhat of a second chance on a missed opportunity. One that would be coming around a lot sooner than he expected..and in a way he’d never forget. 
       page break + time skip:  friday night, Miami Marina…Armin’s
yacht party commences!..
Friday, July eighteenth..a very warm and humid evening ; quite befitting for tonight’s events that would be transpiring. For what was being anticipated as the party of the summer, it was most certainly living up to its hype. It was only nine o'clock and people were beginning to file in by the droves to secure their spot on the Artlert family vessel known as the Cerulean, affectionately named after the crystalline waters it had sailed on in the past. The four hundred foot superyacht housed over twenty five rooms, a dining hall, three floors and a party area..ideal for housing the nearly one hundred invited guests on his list. A group of elite entertainers gathering to enjoy some fun and relaxation. Rappers, singers, dancers, influencers and models were set to join the infamous ArminHammer for this little shindig and with the chance to cozy up to the ever so handsome playboy producer and his equally attractive friends, none of them would turn this down. And of course, any other eligible bachelors coming aboard were hoping for their chance to shoot shots and score with some of the internet’s sexiest honies. Girls with top tier bodies and faces who were equally as fine in real life, strutting around in scantily clad bikinis..it was a dream. It was all about having a good time and letting loose. With AMG’s impending PalmFest around the corner, many of the participating talents were looking for a moment of cool down. With rehearsals and their own tours, albums and press releases also taking place aside from that, this weekend was one they were all looking forward to. Not for a lack of being able to afford their own cargo to cruise around on but because they knew if Armin could do nothing else, he could produce a hit and he could throw one hell of a party! Music was blaring from all ends of the deck..with everything from Young Nudy to Megan Thee Stallion, he made sure to curate all the songs that would get some ass moving on this boat. Among some of the first to arrive were his very own crew from the Dead Boys Society collective, Onyakopon and Connie Springer. Known to the world as Ony The God and Prince Cee. As talented as they were undeniably fine, the duo were known for their amped up, high energy trap tracks that would oftentimes feature Connie with his more higher pitched slightly auto tuned vocals and Ony with his deeper tone and more refined flow. They had released a plethora of songs together and even put out a joint EP that went crazy among TikTok users with their most viral song ‘Nike Tech’ being featured in edits everywhere. 
“Dude, glad y'all made it.”
“With all these fine ass hoes, you thought we was gon’ miss this? Please.” 
Both donning two piece Versace swim sets, torsos full of tattoos and expensive jewelry, including the VVS grills in their mouths..the two men wasted no time getting acquainted; greeting armin with a dapped up handshake whilst housing white styrofoam cups filled to the brim in their opposite ones. To say they were pregaming was an understatement. To satisfy his own curiosity, Armin asked if they had seen or heard from EJ, who no one anticipated showing up in the first place. But alas, the answer was the same as it always was when he got invited places. 
“Nah man, I tried texting him but he left that shit on read. You know his ass won’t show up.” Ony stated as he began to spark up a pre rolled blunt. Which was a little disheartening to Armin. He knew that the two had very different approaches to this lifestyle and that he definitely was on the more lackadaisical side but even if just for a night, he wanted his best friend to come out and enjoy himself. The three would settle into their seats on the outside cabin; an all white leather sectional that would soon be occupied by some of the beautiful ladies he had summoned. A few were down in the bathrooms getting changed or making touch ups. Everyone was set to be here at eleven before it left the marina, set sail throughout the night and then docked back here at three am to continue partying. It was going to be a fun night indeed..
“I wouldn’t get my hopes up either..he ain’t come out the fucking studio all week. Every time I call him, he’s at his computer. That motherfucker don’t rest for nothing or nobody when he gets started.” which was the truest sentiment they had ever heard. However, they couldn’t sit and dwell on what they knew to be the inevitable. Eren just wasn’t the partying type. Sure, he was by far the most lit when it came to being on stage but he wasn’t popping out on his own time. Just then, the trio would be greeted by more familiar faces and an unexpected surprise. It was Mikasa and Jean, who were all dressed for the occasion..or lack thereof! Sporting a similar outfit to the rest of the guys, the singer escorted his bride to be onto the ship first and when she stepped before the three gentlemen who had been sitting there, it completely took them off guard! 
“H-hey! Mika, Jean..what’s up?” “Hey, Miss Mika..” Although their hands and mouths were greeting them as a couple, all of their eyes were most certainly fixated on Mikasa! Sporting an all black microkini that accentuated her very tone, inked and curvaceous figure, it was no wonder why Jean was stuck like glue on her..that body was something crazy! Having only seen her in very formal business attire and Balmain dresses, this was a complete shift. Even during the days as a wild child performer, she had never shown this much skin. But that was then and this was now. No one would’ve ever guessed she was hiding all of that underneath there.
“Jesus Christ, boys. You’re not in middle school, act like you’ve seen a pair of tits before and pick your jaws up off the ground.” causing them all to snap from their trance. Lightly smacking her gum, she’d hold a hand up to Jean, who was eager to lash out about their perverse glares.  “Down boy..it’s fine. Besides, mama’s off the clock and ready to submerge my liver in enough vodka to sterilize a bullet wound.”  Armin, who had gotten up to greet his other bestie, was met with a playful kiss to the cheek as the two collapsed hands.
“Well you look amazing, Mika. Respectfully, of course.”
“You’re too charming.” 
But before he could show them around and even offer refreshments, there was one more surprise on the docket. “By the way, we brought someone along. I hope you guys don’t mind..” of course, any friend of theirs was a friend to their entire group. Waving a hand towards the stairs, Mikasa would usher the guest up and if they weren’t already blown away by their PR manager.. 
“This is my gorgeous assistant and newest member of the AMG family, Ms. Sasha Braus.”
Then she’d surely do the trick! A beautiful brunette with a slender yet toned figure and a sweet, innocuous face that would have anyone gushing over her. But it wasn’t just her looks that would win everyone over but that soon to be revealed, rambunctious personality. Although she was strictly business during the day, Mikasa had become well acquainted with the aspiring young entertainer from Kentucky and needless to say, the girl was a star in the making. Her charm, demeanor..she was hilarious! Not to mention, she had never seen anyone with an appetite like hers..an appreciation dinner for her hard work had racked up a three hundred dollar bill. Even so, she had been working alongside the youngest Ackerman to not only earn money to afford her expensive move from the countryside to Miami but experience as well. She wanted to break into acting and singing so under Mikasa’s tutelage, she was sure to make it. And with none of the professional restraints to hold them back, everyone else was sure to get a glimpse of what she dealt with on a daily basis!
“Miss Mika! You didn’t tell me you were friends with the Dead Boys Society..holy shit! Dude, I’m like you guys’ biggest fan.” which brought forth a warmhearted laugh from them all. They could see that she was clearly a ball of energy. “Well thank you, miss Sasha. And it’s nice to meet you. We’ve heard a lot.” “Look, if it was about that time in Vegas, I so didn’t cheat and clear out the craps table…I’m just one hell of a dice player slash flirt. I did however clear that buffet and let me tell you, best damn seafood I’ve ever had in my life.” Causing them all to erupt in chuckles. Needless to say the new addition was going to fit right in.. 
“Aye, Mikasa. Your girl is pretty funny. Aye, mama. You smoke at all?” Connie, who was sitting spread legged, waved her over as he toiled with his blunt and Sasha didn’t hesitate to accept. “If Prince fucking Cee is asking, absolutely.” and from there, it was like a friendship made by fate itself. She was wild, hilarious and unbelievably down to earth. The type of girl Connie loved to kick it with! Personally, he was over the baddie model types who were tens by all accounts but had zero personality. Inviting her over, the two began to spark up a conversation; Ony joining in shortly after and that left Jean, Mika and Armin to converse. Of course, the question lingering on Armin’s mind was the obvious elephant in the room. 
“I highly doubt he’ll show but..if EJ happens to come, are you gonna be cool with it, Mika? I know you two aren’t exactly best friends right now.” Her body language immediately told her answer as she tensed and leaned back against fiance, who was quick to coil his arms around her shoulders to calm those nerves. But she still chose to lie and wear a facade that it was all good.. “Yeah..I’ll be fine. Besides, like you said, I highly doubt he’ll come anyway. He hates everything that doesn’t involve work. Trust me, I won’t ruin your party.” “Yeah, and if he tries anything, I’ll just push him overboard.” Jean chimed in and invoked a laugh from them both. 
“Well let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. For now, let’s just have a good time..” and that was something that they could all agree on! Cheering, the trio worked their back over towards the deck and proceeded with the festivities. Pouring up drinks and sparking up blunts, the festivities were about to commence!..
About an hour and a half later, the once quiet yacht was now full of guests and booming with clamor. An uproar of loud laughter, singing along to various tracks and overall chatter filled the watercraft as more people began to file in..among the second wave of attendees to board was none other than the host’s alleged lady and her best friend..(y/n). Just like EJ, no one had betted on you showing face for the occasion but once you stepped foot onto the deck, you were surprisingly met with a barrage of drunken cheers and laughter.
“Niesha! (Y/N)!” 
“Hi, girls! So glad you made it..”
The first to greet you both was Mikasa, who was already a good five or six drinks into the festivities..downing a combination of vodka and tequila shots. Running her tongue along the rim, the short haired heroine made her way over and draped her arms around the two of you. It was most certainly a different light from what either of you were used to seeing her in. The normally strict and stoic manager was now as loose as a cannon. Licking alcohol off of her fiance’s exposed abs and dancing to provocative music. It’s what happened when the bigwigs finally let their hair down and have some fun. “You two look amaaazing.” donning in a drunken stupor. She couldn’t stop ogling either of you, which was to be expected. Niesha, sporting a lime green two piece with gold belly chains wrapping her toned torso. Her hair styled into perfect finger waves and her dark skin aglow with glitter. You on the other hand? An all white ensemble with matching fishnet cover ups. Thirty six inches of jet black Brazilian wavy flowing down your back and gold jewelry accenting your limbs. It was obvious that both of you were determined to have all eyes and attention on you. Which wouldn’t take long to attract..
“We could say the same for you, miss ma’am. Looking fine as ever.” Causing the executive to blush and give each of you tiny pecks to the cheek. “Well I’m not too bad. Listen, you girls better enjoy yourselves tonight. Especially you, (Y/N). You’ve been working so hard and the worst is yet to come so you better take advantage of this time off.” and you couldn’t agree more. Modeling gigs, club appearances and a special project that Mr. Smith himself had asked you to be a part of..it was a lot! But nonetheless, you were ready for what the future held. Tonight however, you were excited to celebrate and have fun. Whilst the three of you spoke, another person joined the fray. Someone who was only familiar by name alone but you had heard quite the stories about..
“Now, now, Mikasa..I know how you get when you’re drunk but please, don’t steal my girl. This beautiful lady here is spoken for..” just then, a blonde with tattoos littering his frame and a cup in hand scoured his way to Niesha’s side before tugging her towards him. He’d eventually wrap an arm around her waist, planting a searing kiss to her lips, along with a plethora to her neck. You quite honestly had never seen your best friend so happy! Despite her claiming that nothing serious was taking place between them. “Baeee, you gon’ mess up my makeup.” “I’m going to be doing plenty of that later on anyways, why you playing?...” muttering into her ear in what was supposed to be an attempt at being discreet. However, you heard it all and glared away awkwardly until they caught wind and straightened up. A far cry from her earlier trash talk about playing and dogging him. “My bad. Where’s my manners? I’m Armin. It’s..a pleasure, miss (Y/N). Please, make yourself at home. Drink and eat as much as you’d like..anybody my baby considers a sister is like family to me.” Such a sweet gesture for someone who had barely met you but you were certain that both Niesha and Eren had given him an earful about you. “Well thank you. Niesha’s told me a lot and it’s nice to finally meet you.” Accepting the sweet gesture, you’d shake hands but he was adamant on hugging you and coiled those toned arms around your frame. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all!
“Well, (Y/N)..girl, I hate to leave you but I..have some important business to take care of.” “Already? We just got here..” Not even a full fifteen minutes on the yacht and she was leaving you to go get some dick..unbelievable! But that was to be expected. She was fucking with the son of a billionaire after all and even though Niesha could pull anyone, men and women alike, she was stuck on him for various reasons. So you’d assure her that you were fine as she was being carted away by a gentle hand tugging her along. You figured she’d be preoccupied for the whole night..
“No sense in being a wallflower, I guess..”
Thinking to yourself as you glared around the deck at the various partygoers..everyone who was somebody in this city was aboard and although you didn’t make it your mission to get awestruck, it was kind of humbling to be rubbing elbows with some huge names. With a faint smile creeping across your lips, you’d take Mikasa’s sound advice and let loose for a little bit. You’d see a few familiar faces and even dance a little to the music with Connie and Ony, who had also come to say hello. However, it didn’t take long for your social battery to begin to tick. Having not even been there for an hour and you were feeling a bit out of sorts. Even with the clubbing, party goer lifestyle that influencers were expected to portray, you were the opposite and only truly popped out if a fee were involved. Even if socializing wasn’t your forte, you’d enjoy the night sky, open sea and a good drink. The atmosphere and vibes alone were worth it. Strutting across the deck, you’d pass a couple of attendees chatting about their trip to Venice on a private jet and their new designer bag they just copped. The other group chatted about getting to work with an artist from AMG. They had been dying to do so..before landing in a stool..where you were kindly greeted by a kind bartender. 
“What can I get for you, miss?”
“Strawberry daiquiri, please. Thank you.” Reaching into your little crossbody to retrieve a ten dollar bill for a tip. Even though you were certain he was being paid amicably for this gig. Nonetheless, you’d peer out over the railing, into the water below..just reminiscing. Six years ago, you were barely scraping up change for food and gas money. You and Niesha both. Working some dead end job and living on the left side of your uncle’s duplex..wishing, hoping and praying for a better life. Fast forward and you were being treated to complimentary drinks on the yacht of her boyfriend, who was worth more than anyone on it. Chopping it up with world famous rappers and meeting people you had only ever seen through a TV or phone screen. It was amazing to think about..especially when you considered the fact that a few videos of you twirling a pole in your living room had gotten you here..life was crazy sometimes! But it wasn’t the only thing occupying space in your mind. There was someone who had been weighing heavy there for a minute. Despite trying to pretend otherwise and that you had moved on, you were still thinking about EJ. You knew for a fact that Armin had invited him as well but unlike you, he’d never be able to just drag his best friend along to something like this. Even still, a small part of you had hoped to see him again. It had been weeks since you guys met up in Houston. A night like that wasn’t easy to write off..that was by far the best time you’d had in years. It replayed heavily in your mind; lingering for days afterwards. You were stuck!..which made it all the more depressing to think that perhaps, the little rendezvous meant nothing to him. He probably did this sort of thing all the time..fucking fans after shows, hooking up with models and singers. He was EJ the Don after all..any girl with working eyes and ears would drop their panties for him. Still, he was the first and only person in this business that not only captivated you. Not to mention how sweet he was to you, the very first night you guys met. Maybe it was all moving too fast and this was nothing more than some illustrious fairytale. You couldn’t possibly expect a renowned rapper of all people to be enthralled with you just because you gave him some ass. It was how the game went..just had to hold your head up, take your L in silence and move on. Besides, it wasn’t as if you were expecting a relationship anyways…one drink turned into three and your mind was running circles. 
However, all of your over analyzing and worrying would come to a halt when you heard faint gasps behind you along with footsteps and a deep, rather familiar voice speak out: 
“Sorry, is this seat taken?”...
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! please check out some of my other stuff in the masterlist. Likes are appreciated but reblogs would mean the world and help me out a TON! Also, considering leaving a little something in the tip jar if you’re feeling extra generous! 🫶🏾
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253 notes · View notes
wildlife4life · 4 months
Seven (+) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by super amazing @exhuastedpigeon @cal-daisies-and-briars @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @glorious-spoon @wikiangela @daffi-990 @tizniz @devirnis @watchyourbuck @hoodie-buck @loserdiaz @spotsandsocks and @diazsdimples. Thank you all so much!
Alright, so I know haven't been as active since dropping the first chapter of NFL Buck. I've just been sort of down because that same day, the Super Bowl Champs had their parade and rally, and just after it ended there was a mass shooting. My younger sister was there with some friends and they got away unharmed, but when she didn't answer my message for a long 30 minutes, I truly thought the worst. I've just been so sad and angry for Kansas City, for the US really and I just couldn't get into the spirit of writing. I'm not getting into the politics of it all today and my sister is coming for a visit soon, so I'm feeling marginally better. KC Strong.
First chapter of NFL Buck has been dropped, but everything else I've posted for this fic can be found here. Here is a snippet from the Eddie Begin's arc of NFL Buck.
Hurricane Harvey was relentless for almost four days, bullying southern Texas with unforgiving wind and an exurbanite amount of rain. Houston fire department and so many others worked day and night to help those who had not evacuated.  It was absolute chaos, and it blew through Eddie’s entire life. The storms had wreaked havoc on the cell towers, which meant service was spotty to none and radios became the main source of communication for rescuers. By some miracle, though, the internet connection at the firehouse held strong. It was slow and glitched out here and there, reminding Eddie too much of his time in Afghanistan. He watched his infant son grow up through a screen, with his very upset wife barely holding on and his parents hovering nearby, souring the video calls even further. Christopher was no longer a whimpering baby in his mother’s lap but looking at his saddened son on a glitching iPad screen with a tense Maddie sitting beside him, was too familiar.  Add in the argument he had with Buck just before, and the threat of danger just outside the firehouse, Eddie was back to being a scared 19-year-old in war riddled country. “Dad, grandma said we’re not going to visit Buck anymore. That he’s too busy. And Maddie tried to call him, but he didn’t answer and…” The eight-year old’s voice trails off, his lips trembling. Eddie bites his inner cheek hard. This was on him. He gave into his mother’s worries and demands about traveling through Texas during the hurricane.  Helena was too stubborn and being his mother, she knew every damn button to push, and Eddie was tired of fighting.  So, he reluctantly agreed to cancel the visit and his mother grinned a little too sharply before stating, “I’m sure Maddie will enjoy having her brother to herself.” Another ploy to take Christopher and Eddie fucking fell for it. Then his mother took it a step further by graciously telling Buck and Maddie herself, that Christopher would no longer be joining them in Dallas and to enjoy their time together for as long as they need it. Eddie knew his mother didn’t approve of his relationship with Buck, more so than his previous one with Shannon. The only reason she kept her mouth shut was the potential back lash of upsetting Christopher. But she already succeeded in having a hand in driving away Shannon and she probably believed she could do the same with Evan.
With this fic, there are a lot of canon events with twists. The usual timeline does not exists. But I hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @bekkachaos @theotherbuckley @lover-of-mine @buddierights @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @aroeddiediaz @giddyupbuck @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @buck-coded @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley @nmcggg
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robinette-green · 2 months
Late Night Day Dreams Chapter 11:
The Day After
You’re a Parts and Service Technician who’s been out for a week due to illness. An early morning phone call has you coming in at 6 am on your first day back instead of 10 pm like you had been planning on.
You just want to clock in, get set up and then seen your robot boys in the daycare but things don’t go as planned.
2,941 words
Princess Quest ending
Sun and Moon are 100% your boyfriends and it’s a secret but everyone knows
Punching my code into the keypad, I yawned, covering my mouth and squinting as my eyes watered.
6am was much, MUCH too early to be awake.
A phone call had startled me from sleep about 15 minutes ago. It was one of management’s automated voice messages, pre-recorded and riddled with breaks from a robotic AI voice.
“Hello, Faz Bear employee, NUMBER 13357. We are calling to inform you that you are needed to work MORNING SHIFT PARTS AND SERVICE TECHNICIAN. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation. Please arrive on time for your SIX AM shift. Thank you and have a good day.”
I’d been out sick for a week and today was my first day back. It was just starting much, MUCH earlier than I thought it would.
Jeff must have called out. He was the normal morning tech. It was odd though because usually he’d shoot me a text to give me a heads up if he knew he wouldn’t be able to come in.
Well if he was sick he’d probably be sleeping in so I’d text him later to make sure he was alright.
The keypad beeped, light glowing green for a moment before the large metal door that split the parking garage from the lobby started to lift.
Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I took a long sip of coffee while I waited for the door to rise enough to walk under.
Neon lights reflected off the polished floors of the lobby, large LED screens played ads of the band on the pillars and walls, and staff bots mopped the floors and did security rounds. Everything as normal at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizza Plex.
Well until I made it to the turn styles and noticed that the gates for the lower gift shop and the customer service counter were both raised.
They should have been lowered last night and the night guard wouldn’t have needed to raise them.
Okay, well, whatever.
Maybe one of the animatronics opened them and forgot to close them again.
Ducking into one of the ticket booths, I booted up one of the computers and clocked in for my shift. The computer played a little fan fair with children cheering in the background as the punch went through and I rolled my eyes. I don’t know who programmed it to do that but I wanted to have a conversation with them. We were just going to talk.
Taking another sip of coffee, I adjusted my bag again and started through the lobby and up the stairs to the elevators.
The plan was to go down to parts and service first and get set up then I’d check on the main four before going to the daycare to see Sun and Moon. I needed to at least pretend to do my job before I could see my favorite boys and once we’d gotten through the hugs and catching up I’m sure they’d enjoy coming with me on my rounds of the -
The elevator doors had opened and I was distracted by the upper half of Monty clawing his way across the atrium floor. Not even sparing me a glance.
“… the fuck???”
It took another long moment before I could pull myself out of my surprise and shock.
“MONTY!” I shouted, trotting to catch up to the torso crawling across the floor.
“Dude! What the fuck?”
He didn’t respond, continuing on his merry way, a growl periodically coming from his voice box.
I dropped to a knee and set my coffee aside so I could rummage through my bag. Luckily, my Faz wrench, a large, orange, two-pronged tool, was near the top.
Faz wrench in hand, I ran to Monty and practically tackled him, placing a knee in his back to press him to the floor. As the bot growled and scrabbled at the floor, ripping up carpet and scooting us jerkily forward, I forced the service hatch on the upper part of his back open and slammed the prongs of the Faz wrench into the slot I’d uncovered. With a twist of the wrench, Monty slumped to the floor as he rebooted.
What the hell happened last night???
As Monty started to boot back on, I moved to sit next to him on the floor, closing his service hatch as I did.
Monty blinked a few times then groaned, clutching at his head with what was left of his hands. Now that I was really looking at him I could see that the shells of his hands were also gone.
Did someone break him for his upgrade?
Were the others okay??
“Wha?” Monty shifted to look down at himself and then at me.
“What, in the swampy bottom Faz fuck happened to my legs!?” He demanded in his gruff cajun accent.
“Language. If I knew, I’d tell you. I just got here. Walked through the doors and found you crawling your way through the plex. I was hoping you could tell me.”
“ Hypocrite. You spend too much time in that daycare” Monty grumbled.
“Is everyone else alright?”
“Again, just got here,” I repeated, ignoring his jab at my own use of cuss words, before getting to my knees and grabbing the gator under his arms.
“Come here you overgrown backpack. Let’s get moving and find out.”
With Monty’s help and a good bit of struggle, I managed to get Monty into my back and stood. Turns out that he was still extremely heavy when only part of an upper body.
“You’ll grumble but we’re going to the daycare first.”
Monty did grumble a little bit, tightening his grip on my shoulders.
“Na, I get it. Need to check on your boys.”
Lugging the large gator along, I went back to the elevator to go back to the lobby. This route would be faster than going through Kids Cove and I wouldn’t have to walk as far with a heavy passenger on my back.
“Hey kid, put me down. I’ll crawl” Monty could tell I was already flagging.
“No. This is faster and I can have Sun and Moon carry you once we find them.”
The music in the elevator cut out and the announcer told us a Faz fact that was very clearly untrue.
Bears aren't extinct yet and most certainly don't eat pizza in the wild.
Monty and I waited silently for it to finish and now that we weren’t talking I could really feel his weight pulling me down, compressing my body.
“…Though if I change my mind you’ll be the first to know.”
Monty chuckled and the elevator doors opened and we were able to continue on.
We made it to the daycare check-in before I had to set Monty down but we were close enough that it didn’t matter.
I practically fell down, getting Monty to the floor without dropping him and my body felt oddly light and floaty as I stumbled to the 'side into fun' slide that went down into the daycare proper.
“SUN!” I called down the colorful plastic tube.
I’d been out for a week, they should be anxious wrecks to see me again.
The sudden crashing of an animatronic scrambling up the slide startled me and when Sun shot out, his arms wrapping around me I fell over, his weight crushing me.
“OH DEWDROP! I’m so glad, glad, GLAD! You’re back! So many things have gone WRONG! They made us get an upgrade WITHOUT YOU! It was HORRIBLE! And, and now Moon won’t talk to me! And he’s HURT an EMPLOYEE!! And we’ve had complaints! I’m not allowed to turn the light OFF anymore!! and, and, and OH MY GOD WHAT’S HAPPENED TO MONTY!!!” Holding me tight to his chest, Sun scrambled away from the torso of the gator that was crawling towards us.
“Woah! Easy!” I took Sun’s face into my hands, trying to calm him some.
“It’s alright.”
The large sunny animatronic melted into my touch, curling further around me.
Next time I get sick I’m going to let Sun and Moon squirrel me away in their room and let them care for me like they wanted because clearly I couldn’t leave for a moment without things falling apart… literally.
Monty sighed, resting his head on his hands as he looked at us over his sunglasses.
“We don’t know what happened to 'em,” Monty grumbled.
“I woke up like this. Your little human says they found me crawling through the atrium like this and gave me a reboot.”
It took a little longer to calm Sun down and after some coaxing and more hugs, I finally got him to let me go.
We decided that the first thing we would do was get Monty down to parts and service. I didn’t know what condition the others would be in and I might need Sun and Moon to carry them. That would be easier if they weren’t also carrying the gator.
I also wanted to check on Moon. From what Sun had said I had a feeling that something had gone wrong with whatever upgrade they’d gotten and I needed to make sure Moon was okay.
Sun scooped Monty up and carried him with one arm then snagged my hand, squeezing for reassurance.
Giving him a smile, I squeezed back.
I was going to fix this.
It didn’t take long to get down to parts and service. We placed Monty on one of the work tables and let him go into rest mode then I gently talked Sun into the repair tube. He was nervously pulling at a ray, the rest pulled into his face plate with worry.
“A-are you sure this is a good idea? Y-you haven’t seen the state of our room. H-he’s been destroying staff bots! I don’t want you to get hurt! What if something’s really REALLY wrong and he- and he-!”
“It’ll be okay, Sunny bunny,” I murmured, patting Sun’s hand as he sat in the large dentist-looking chair.
“You and I both know that Moon would never do anything to hurt me. We’re going to find out what they did wrong during your upgrade and I’m going to fix it. Promise. It’ll be okay.”
The door closed, sealing us in as I sat on my rolling stool and hooked up my laptop to the port in the back of Sun’s head.
“I’ll do a check on you first, then we’ll turn out the lights,” I said, already distracted by code as I dug through Sun’s files, Sun giving me a nervous affirmative.
They’d given Sun and Moon a battery that could outlast any of the other animatronic’s batteries but when they’d done this they’d turned off Sun and Moon’s ability to enter rest mode.
I grumbled something unsavory to myself as I turned it back on. Not being able to rest for a week was probably part of the reason Sun was so high-strung right now. Not resting on top of everything else going on.
Luckily everything else seemed to be in order…
“We’re going to take a long nap once we get everything sorted. Looks like you both need a snuggle and some rest.”
Sun took one of my hands in his, tilting his head slightly so he could look up at me with his white eyes.
“Please?” He asked, his voice so small.
I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Now it was time to check on Moon.
Giving Sun’s hand a squeeze, I reached over and placed a finger on the light controls.
“Ready?” I asked softly and after a moment of hesitation, Sun nodded.
The lights in the repair tube went out and dimmed in the rest of Parts and Service. Sun’s body convulsed and he made a pained sound that had me lurching forward.
“SUN?!?” I called out but as soon as it had started, it stopped, Moon’s red eyes glowing in the dark.
“Are you alright!? That sounded like it hurt!” I ran my fingers along the edge of Moon’s face plate where Sun’s rays had retracted, looking to see if something was impeding the change there.
A hand grabbed my wrist and squeezed. Hard.
“Ahh,” I hissed, free hand instinctively going to Moon’s fingers to try and relieve some of the pressure as my eyes flew to Moon’s.
“Sssss-starlight?” Moon growled, voice glitching.
Suddenly, Moon jerked forward, gripping his face plate with a hand and crying out, his eyes flickering purple for a moment.
“Moon. Talk to me, buddy. What’s wrong?” I scrambled for my laptop, clicking away with my free hand through Moon’s coding, wincing as I tried to ignore the way my other wrist was being crushed.
“S-sommmmme-thing’ssss. Ii-t’sss in-n-n-n-n my head. Connn-t-trolling-” Moon managed to get out, doing his best to fight whatever was trying to rear its ugly head.
“Hold on honey, I got you,” I murmured, typing as fast as I could with one hand.
There was something in his code, probably the same thing that had been affecting Monty when I’d first found him. Moon needed a reboot, that should clear out the virus like it had with Monty.
Moon growled, the metal of his face plate creaking as his grip tightened down, the grip on my wrist just as tight.
“J-Just a little longer. Hold out for me if you can.” I managed to say through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the way my bones were creaking.
Grabbing my Faz wrench, I was just barely able to get the prongs into the slot on the back of Moon’s face plate. With a grunt, I turned the wrench and Moon suddenly went limp, eyes going dark.
I pulled my arm free from his grasp and cradled it to my chest. By some miracle, it was bruised but not broken.
Leaning closer, I tried to see what Moon’s optics were doing.
“Moon? How are you feeling sweetheart?”
Red eyes flickering back on, I had to sit back as their head did a spin and Sun’s rays joined Moon’s hat.
“Happy Birthday!” Eclipse gushed and I sighed, smiling down at the grinning robot.
If Eclipse was fronting then everything must be working smoothly. This part of the daycare attendant could only surface when Sun and Moon were working in harmony.
“Not my birthday, Eclipse. Did the reboot wipe the virus from your system?”
“Sure did! We’re in tip-top shape! And we’re able to communicate again just fine as you can see!” Eclipse gushed as he sat up, reaching out to pull me into a hug.
“Thank you, Star Shine!” He whispered into my hair. Then in a much smaller voice, he asked
“Is it… time for that cuddle?” He sounded so anxious and sad, I wanted to immediately agree but we still had work to do.
But then I would cuddle my poor boys for days and we’d have a week-long sleepover. They deserved it after what they’d been through.
After checking on Monty one more time, Sun, Moon, and I set out to find Roxy, Chica, and Freddy and check on DJ Music Man.
We found Roxy in her salon, sobbing uncontrollably as she tried to hide her face. Her eyes had been ripped from her head, wires hanging loose from the empty sockets. Her hair had been thoroughly messed up and it looked like her snout had been bent giving her a permanent snarl.
The shock from losing her eyes had forced an auto reboot, purging the virus but it had left Roxy a wreck, sobbing and raging about the boy that had taken her eyes from her.
Sun and I promised over and over that she was still the most beautiful and that I would easily be able to fix her. I even told her that we could add whatever she wanted to her shell. New hairstyle, new colors, different earrings, whatever she wanted. We’d make a spa day of it.
This seemed to calm her down some and Sun and I were able to get her to parts and service, letting her sit in a chair near Monty’s table as she whimpered softly.
So this Gregory had taken Monty’s hands and Roxy’s eyes. I had a feeling I knew what would be missing when we found Chica.
And I was right but it was worse than I’d thought.
She’d been smashed by the trash compactor but was somehow still mindlessly wandering around and shoving food into what was left of her mouth. Someone had pulled her voice box out and taken her beak with it leaving Chica with a large hole in her face. Her shell was cracked in serval places and she reeked of trash.
I ended up having to have Moon hold Chica down so I could open the service panel in her back and force a reboot with my Faz wrench.
Even once she was rebooted, Chica seemed dazed and confused. Moon was able to converse with her via sign language but, just like Monty, she had no memory of what had happened.
DJ Music Man seemed alright, all things considered. He seemed to have the robot equivalent of a headache, holding his head, lying sprawled out on his stage. DJ had a vague memory of a boy running about the arcade but couldn’t tell us more.
No matter how hard we looked, we couldn’t find any sign of Freddy. He appeared to have vanished along with the boy that had caused all this destruction.
If this is what happens when I leave for a week then I guess I can’t leave ever again.
Not that Sun or Moon would let me.
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nerdpoe · 8 months
In the Shadow of Speculation Part 3
Part 1, Part 2, Ao3
The chapter TW blood tw broken bones tw description of a flashback abled verbiage tw self hatred tw (mild) forced parenthood equivalent (but in a ghost culture way.)
Ellie peeked at her older brother from behind her physics textbook.
Danny was surrounded by notes, a treatise on ancient magic’s uses in modern medicine spread out in front of him. He’d been studying it longer than she had, and showed no signs of stopping.
Frostbite had not only been delighted to teach Danny medicine, but he’d taken it so seriously that apparently, her older brother had involuntarily signed up for basically ghost college.
Ellie felt a thrill at being able to share the experience with him.
She knew it had bugged him, to miss out on going to college at the same time as his friends.
She was now going to college at the same time as Danny! So it was up to her and whoever she chose to share the college experience with him!
She’d drag Danny to all the keggers! She just…had to find them first. The one’s without drugs, or the ending with a shoot-out thing.
“Ellie,” Danny interrupted her thoughts, and she realized she’d been staring directly into his eyes for a bit, “How about we take a break? I found a recipe for those cranberry-almond bread crisps things you like from Costco.”
Ellie felt her jaw drop.
There was a recipe for that?
Before she could pull herself together enough to answer, Danny was already laughing and standing up.
“It’s the first batch I’ve ever made, but you seem to like them enough to tell me if I did it wrong.”
Ellie quite literally tripped over her own feet following him to the kitchen, only to stare reverently at the tupperware he presented to her.
Then she dug in, of course, because her job was to taste test and she took that job very seriously.
The score was: perfect.
They weren’t exactly the same, but they were homemade, which made them better automatically.
Ellie sat on the counter and enjoyed her snack as Danny puttered around the kitchen, making actual lunch.
His big brother instincts hit hard when they hit, and it looked like Ellie was going to have some leftovers going home with her. Danny tended to…overcompensate.
Which was stupid, because his ages didn’t change him being her bro.
“…You know you’re my brother no matter what, right?” Ellie asked between mouthfuls of baked goods, “Like, I don’t care what age you are or what form you’re in; you’re my brother.”
Danny slowed down.
Then he started for the flour.
Ah, fuck. He was going to bake away his feelings again.
“Danny wait, please, I only have so much room in my pantry and fridge-“
Alfred paused in front of the hallway mirror.
Mask firmly in place? Check. Amulet against scrying? Check. Special jacket meant to act as a talisman against offensive magic? Check.
He was as ready as he would ever be to enter the same room as the Justice League Dark.
The butler pushed the trolley into the elevator and began his descent.
He had to admit to himself, he was…curious. Normally, Master Bruce did not allow the Justice League Dark into the Cave.
It wasn’t his place, he knew that, but something quite serious must have happened for them to be allowed so close to Master Bruce’s home.
In fact, his employer hadn’t even had time to specify if it was the entire Justice League Dark or just a few people from it. Master Bruce had just dropped everything-quite literally-and made for the Cave.
The elevator made a soft chime as it reached it’s destination, and the door opened.
Alfred pushed out the trolley, completely silent.
It was meant for the cave; cushioned wheels, rubber padding to absorb the little bumps.
Which meant that Constantine had absolutely no idea Alfred was standing behind him, waiting for him to stop talking so he could offer refreshments.
“Bats, you don’t bloody understand; our entire dimension was nearly wiped out!”
“I would love to understand. You won’t explain. A text message saying the world was about to end was not explaining, it was fear-mongering. This entire conversation could have been an email.”
Constantine threw his hands up.
“Phantom was holdin’ the Infinite Realms back! An entire dimension, Batman! It’s denizens are built for combat, and if Phantom decides to turn from small-time villain theft to Actual World Ending events, that’s it! End game! Is that email material for you?”
Master Bruce grunted.
“Five years ago, mate, five bleedin’ years ago your government nearly buggered all of us. So yeah, alright, allow me to explain; how did this slip by you? You? The great Detective?”
“We were unaware-“
“Mate I cannot begin to explain how little that matters to spirits and demons strong enough to be gods.”
“Constantine, we are taking measures to ensure this does not happen again.”
“We need to do more than that, Bats; I’m sayin’ we need to…to do something to get their trust! Get on Phantom’s good side, turn ‘em to the side of good, whatever it-“
“Phantom is on the Justice League Roster, Constantine. He’s on the list of potential allies in emergencies, and we have already established a good relationship with him. He’s not actually a villain, he’s a trainer for young heroes. You would know this if you kept up with that list.”
The ‘like you’re supposed to’ went unsaid.
Constantine opened his mouth. Closed it. Pulled out his phone and frantically pulled something up.
Dropped the phone.
Stood there staring at his own hand as he processed what he realized everyone had known but him.
Alfred took advantage of his distraction to place a cup of tea into the man’s hand.
“Perhaps you should sit down, sir,” the Butler suggested.
Constantine drank the entire cup of tea in one go and sat on the floor.
Dan crossed his arms and stood his ground, careful to keep his face blank as he stared at Danny.
“You know you can’t do this in human form,” Dan sighed, “So the costume needs to be for the ghost one.”
“I think I can do great in human form-“
“It’s not healthy to keep your other state of being locked away, Runt. Plus, it’ll make it a hell of a lot harder to pinpoint who you are.”
“…I don’t want to.”
Dan felt steam hiss out of his nostrils, and tried to reign in his temper.
Ellie stepped in while he calmed down.
“C’mon, Danny! Please? Please, please, please? It’s super cute c’mon!”
Danny’s face turned red as he tried to deny that, covering his face as he sank down on the couch.
Dan carefully did not mention that Ellie was…kinda right. Dan was possibly biased due to fucked up ghost instinct, though.
“Danny,” Dan said quietly, “Robin was thirteen when I squared off against him, and he was really the only threat out of all those kid heroes. It’s fine; no one will bat an eye.”
This was important. The little Twerp would get more to feed his obsession if he was in ghost form while he did it, and it would give him time to actually be in his other form.
Both things he’d been trying to avoid.
But Dan was, as usual, willing to be the Bad Guy for Little Him.
Danny’s face grew redder.
The kid sighed.
A flash of light filled the room.
And a twelve year old looking ghost kid in a hospital shift sat in his place. The prosthetic, meant for an adult man, flopped to the side, unable to stay on the leg far too small for it.
Ellie made a soft, cooing trill and started patting at his hair.
Dan bravely held his own chirp in.
Danny, for his part, glared at his hands.
“Alright kid, let’s get you suited up,” Dan said after composing himself, instinct screaming at him to coddle the Twerp.
He wouldn’t do that, naturally.
It wasn’t like Danny was actually his kid, and neither of them would know how to recover from a lapse like that.
He turned away from the pouting kid on the cough and went into said kids bedroom instead, finding the prosthetic for his ghost form hidden in the back of his closet.
Dan frowned.
Hidden away like it was, that shit was indicating Little him hadn’t even tried to transform since he’d gotten to Gotham.
That…was so unhealthy. It was probably going to set back his recovery if he kept it up.
He’d have to ask Red Hood to keep tabs on how often the new Medic-hero went out, so he’d be able to chart how often he was transforming.
He knew the kid had issues with…well, all of it. His time as a core had reversed his age, and he’d only stopped regressing a year after Dan had left him with Frostbite. As far as Danny knew, he’d fallen unconscious a sixteen year old and woken up as a ten year old.
His mortal body had continued to age, chained by the constraints of the Timeline. So when he did transform, he was going from one form to a drastically different one.
Dan knew that the changes were probably extremely uncomfortable.
Dan also knew that he’d pushed far enough that night, convincing Tiny to transform against his will.
So he opted to say nothing about it to Danny, instead focusing on attaching the tiny prosthetic to the tiny leg.
“Decided to go apocalyptic style,” Dan hummed, testing the edges to ensure it was aligned properly, “Modified gas mask, only on the lower face, goggles optional, basic kevlar, medical satchel from the Far Frozen, all black, no identifiers.”
“Yeah, about that; are you sure you don’t wanna put like, a red cross or something?” Ellie cut in, her patting stopping as she leaned over their tiniest sibling.
Danny shook his head, a pout that Dan pretended not to notice on his face.
“No; identifiers work both ways, villains would be more likely to target me.” 
“Smart; keep them off your back long enough to move people out of the way. And what’s the plan if you get dragged into a fight?” Dan asked mildly, leaning back and looking up into a face that was far too young.
“End it.” Danny’s face was far too young to look that serious and dead-eyed, and Dan’s core lurched at letting a weak and injured ghostling free to enter into fights already.
“Not in a way that’ll hurt you, though,” Ellie sang as she danced towards the kitchen to raid Danny’s fridge.
The serious look faded, and Dan’s core eased a little.
“Don’t worry, I’ll dip as soon as I can.”
Dan nodded and stood up, reaching down to help the kid up.
“Well, get the fuck out of your own house then. Time to get to work.”
Danny gave him a shit-eating grin and tugged the gas mask into place, already fading from view.
Danny floated down the streets of Crime Alley, not even bothering to hide himself with invisibility.
He’d already performed triage on bystanders in a gang fight, set a muggers broken leg and ensured he knew the physical therapy he’d need to prevent it from becoming a chronic issue, and had gone over pretty much every homeless kid checking for lice or sickness, and treating it as he saw signs of either.
He was loathe to admit it, but Dan had been right. Doing acts of ‘protection’ while in ghost form fed his core far more than doing it in human form.
It was just.
He just.
His hands were too small.
His voice was too high.
He was too vulnerable.
The shadows were too big, too dark, and he hated it when they turned off the lights, he could never see what they’d done to him this time-
“Hey, new supes-you’s a medic, right?”
Danny blinked, and he was standing on a sidewalk in Crime Alley while a concerned Prostitute stared down at him.
He shook himself.
“Yea, do you need treatment?” Danny winced a bit as his voice cracked, and he clutched at his bag a little tighter.
Her eyes bored into his own as she searched for something, before her expression got softer.
“Me’n some of th’ girls were boutta turn in, but Joanne had some rough Johns t’night. Need some bones set and some stitches. You game?”
Danny tilted his head, assessing her.
She was not lying.
He allowed his body to deny gravity and floated up, nodding.
The woman led him to one of the better hotels in Crime Alley, and Danny caught a glimpse of a rather large man shouting at some other men.
From the pieces of conversation he could gather, that man was Joanne’s pimp, and he was ultra-pissed that she’d been hurt.
The woman in front of him gave a short whistle, and when the man’s head turned towards her she held a finger to her lips.
Her other hand made some sort of subtle gesture, but it wasn’t ASL and Danny had no idea what it could have meant.
It must have meant some variation of ‘calm down’, though, as the man stopped yelling, and even went so far as to keep a respectful distance from Danny as he was tugged past older man.
The yelling didn’t start up again until the door to the hotel closed behind him.
Then Danny was taken to Joanne, and…she could probably do with a hospital instead of some kid hero.
Multiple lacerations, visibly broken arm and fingers-it wasn’t pretty. But Danny had seen worse.
His right hand made an involuntary fist before he stretched out his fingers.
“She ain’t comf’table with hospitals,” Danny’s guide explained quietly, “If we don’ treat her here, she’ll jus’ treat it herself at home, an’ we all know that won’t end well.”
Danny let out a small breath through his nose and stepped forward.
“Hello, I’m just a medic, but what are you okay with me treating tonight?”
There was a new hero in the Alley.
Well, sort of.
The kid was clearly a Meta of some sort, but he was only focused on medical treatment.
Jason was also pretty sure he wasn’t a Super.
He’d know that glowing white hair anywhere, and the kids blue-ish complexion and pointy ears?
Nah, this was clearly Phantom’s kid.
Shortstack was older than he’d thought he would be, but Jason wasn’t an ectobiology expert; he had no idea how Infinite Realms Beings worked.
But this one wasn’t Phantom, that much he was sure of.
He felt the temperature drop, just enough to be unnatural.
“Your kids doin’ good work.”
Phantom hummed in agreement, slowly filtering into the visible spectrum beside Jason.
“Why Gotham, though?”
Phantom tensed.
Jason waited.
He was patient like that.
“The kid’s…sick. He can’t fight like I can, not yet.”
Jason couldn’t help but feel relief at that admission, if he was being honest with himself.
“But he’s a protection spirit. He has to protect, or he’ll do the ghost equivalent of starve.”
“Okay, alright; so have him help people and protect them as something that wouldn’t draw too much negative attention.” Jason nodded, starting to see the full picture.
“Yeah, and Gotham’s got uh…good ghost juice. For ghosts. You wouldn’t really get it, it’s a ghost thing.”
Jason turned to face the intimidating War Machine of an anti-hero, only to find the man wearing a perfectly serious expression.
He’d really just let that abomination of words tumble out of his mouth with a completely straight face.
“Fine, I get what you’re really here for. We’ll watch out for him.”
“Bats might have an issue.”
“Fuck Batman, a medic is a good idea.”
“No, I was saying if he had an issue that you should point him to me.”
Jason let out a wordless hum, watching the tiny head of glowing white hair bobbing on the streets below them.
“You think you could win against the Bat?” 
“In my previous world I not only won against him, but I murdered his friends and family. Yes, I can win against the Bat.” Phantom drawled, truth in every word he said.
Truth, and regret.
“Damn, threat received loud and clear. I’ll tell Batman where he can take his complaints, then.”
They tailed the kid for a bit, and Jason watched as Heather broke the kid out of a flashback on her way to Leslie's.
Heather, smart woman she was, recognized what was happening and did what Heather was prone to do; take immediate steps to help someone in need.
She distracted the kid.
Flashed the sign for ‘inside voices’ at Cody to make him shut up, and got the kid off the streets and away from those who would have taken advantage of Phantom’s protege’s lapse in concentration.
Phantom was a tense livewire next to him, energy shimmering at his fingertips.
“He started out in Crime Alley, Phantom, and we watch out for our own. He’ll be safer here than he would in Bristol.”
Phantom forced himself to nod, and with a deep, shaking breath the energy dissipated.
“…I guess I’ll just have to leave him to it, then.”
Jason watched the man turn away and leave stiffly, and found himself wishing Bruce had enough trust to do the same for his own children.
Then he shoved the thought from his mind and turned his attention back to the hotel; he had a toddler ghost to babysit.
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hungermakesmonsters · 5 months
Catch Me If You Can
Chapter Twelve
Plot summary : When your friend interviews for a position at Anvil, you have a chance encounter with Billy Russo. He takes you for coffee and, by the time you’re done, Billy decides he’s anything but done with you.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R 
Chapter Rating : R-ish
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] This chapter contains vague allusions to physical abuse/abusive past relationship. Some sex mentions. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : ~3.2k
A/N : This is set about a week after the last chapter. It's mostly angst and a little bit more about readers past. Billy kinda fucks up in this one.
It felt strange to long for someone you hardly knew, to miss having him close when you’d only been intimate for a couple of weeks. But, without Billy, you felt a strange sort of loneliness that should have terrified you, the sort of yearning you’d completely given up on before you’d let him force his way into your life. 
Days had continued to tick by with nothing but text messages and phone calls passing between you, leaving you longing to feel his arms around you again. You tried everything to push the feelings away; reading, catching up with old TV shows, anything that didn’t make you think of him.
But, the moment he told you that he’d be working from home and that you could stay over, you agreed, biking across Manhattan as soon as you finished your day.
He was waiting for you the moment the elevator doors slid open, kissing you and tugging off your clothes as he pressed you back against the wall. He fucked you like it had been six years and not six days since you’d last seen him, leaving you a trembling mess and reminding you just what you’d been missing out on all week.
Eventually, once he managed to finally put you down and take his hands off you, you found yourself on his sofa, eating Chinese take out while he sat with his laptop and tried to get some work done. Now and then, he’d shoot you an apologetic look - obviously, it wasn’t how he’d wanted the evening to go, but you were perfectly happy where you were, enjoying the food and just being near him. You distracted yourself by trying to finish reading the trashy romance novel you’d brought on the Kindle app on your phone.
When you needed a drink, you stood, heading for the kitchen, trying not to disturb Billy. You didn’t think twice about leaving your phone on the sofa, unlocked and on the page you were in the middle of reading - your first mistake of the evening.
“Her fingers sizzled a path to my cock,” his words caught you by surprise, and so did the laugh that followed, “sweetheart, if you’d wanted something to read, I could’ve found you a much better book than this horny trash.”
You turned back to him, feigning indignation; “I’ll have you know that horny trash is the only thing that’s been getting me through the last few days.”
He put down his laptop on the coffee table and slowly got to his feet, your phone still in his hand.
“You think a smutty book is a good substitute for me?” His dark eyes fixed on you, looking at you like he was thinking of all the things he wanted to do to you. You stepped away from the kitchen, back towards him, waiting for him to clear the distance between you and take what he wanted. “Does this stuff really get you going? Does it get you wet?”
You bit your lower lip, trying to to stop your lips from pulling into a smirk, but it was impossible.
“Have you spent this whole week with your fingers between your legs reading this?” Billy asked, stepping closer still. You bit down on your lip even harder, your cheeks starting to heat, before you managed to shake your head. “No?”
“Not my fingers,” you admitted softly, “and it wasn’t the book I was thinking about...”
“Not your fingers?” Your head shook again and he took a step closer. You might as well have been naked with the way he was looking at you, his eyes burning with desire. “Then what were you using while you were thinking about me?”
“My vibrator,” not sure why admitting to owning a sex toy to someone like Billy felt so scandalous.
“Fuck, sweetheart, if I’d known you’d been missing me so much I would’ve spent the last hour inside you, reminding you why nothing but me is ever gonna satisfy your sweet little pussy,” his voice turned low, uncontrolled. “Guess I’m gonna have to make up for lost time now...”
Your eyes dropped, noticing the way his sweatpants were already starting to tent, relieved that the conversation was getting to him just as much as it was you. 
“What about you?” You dare to ask.
“What about me?”
“How much did you miss me?”
“You mean did I jerk off thinking about you?” He asked and you nodded. “Every night with those red lace panties you gave me.” 
You breath caught at the admission and the look on his face, and you found yourself trying to picture it. Staring, you silently willed him to clear the distance between you and give you both what you clearly wanted. But Billy didn’t move, he seemed more interested in the moment you were sharing and wanted to see how far he could push it.
“I get hard just thinking about you, sweetheart,” he continued to confess, “I can’t stop thinking about you on your knees, sucking my cock.”
You made a show of licking your lips, despite the embarrassment you were enjoying watching him slowly lose control. He wanted you to break first, but you weren’t going to make it easy for him. “Yeah? You liked that?”
“You know I did,” he all but growled, knowing what you were trying to do to him. “You liked it too, didn’t you? You were so fucking wet when I got you home...”
You nodded almost shyly. As much as you wanted to carry on, you weren’t like Billy, dirty talk didn’t come easily to you, but you still managed; “want me to do it again, right now?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I want you to get on your knees and -”
But then your phone started to ring in his hand and the game quickly came to an end. You watched as he looked at the screen, the smile vanishing from his lips.
“Who’s Sam?” He asked with an unexpected sharpness that caused your stomach to knot. 
“Don’t answer it,” you begged quickly, suddenly. With your hand outstretched you moved towards him, needing him to give you your phone back. But Billy wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at the name on the screen and the picture that went with it.
The ringing soon stopped, but Billy didn’t give your phone back. Instead he started swiping at the screen, obviously looking for something. Your stomach dropped, realising that your phone was still unlocked and he had access to everything on there.
“Billy, give me my phone back, it’s not -” you tried to talk around the lump that had lodged itself in your throat.
“Call me back,” he started to read from your phone, obviously scrolling through the dozens of unanswered text messages Sam had sent, “we need to talk. I love you but I’m sick of this shit. Don’t make me come get you. Talk to me. We had a deal.”
“It’s not what you think,” you tried again, reaching for your phone. Billy stepped back, keeping hold of your phone. 
“And what do you think I think?” He asked, his tone enough to make you flinch. “‘cause I think forty-seven missed calls today, and fifty-two yesterday means someone really wants to talk to you.”
“It’s not like that -”
“Oh, isn’t it? So you get guys telling you that they love you all the time, calling you non-stop and begging you to talk to them?” It almost felt like he was mocking you, like he thought you were an idiot for even trying to convince that there was nothing going on.
“Billy, please, just listen to me...”
If he heard you, he didn’t seem to care. “Is this what does it for you? Is this why you finally said yes to me? Did I chase you enough, make you feel special? You just like the attention?”
“Stop it, just -” you raised your voice, desperate to make him listen, to make him hear you out.
“Is this what you want? You want me to lose my mind over you? Will you start ignoring my calls when you’re done with me?” Something almost frantic started to slip into his tone.
“No, Billy, I -” 
It was clear to see that he was spiralling out of control, that the thought of you with another man made him lose his mind. And it hurt - it hurt that he wouldn’t listen to you, that he thought you’d do anything to hurt him like that.
“If I obsess over you enough, do I get my initials carved on your body somewhere? Will you let me pick where?”
You stepped backwards, an uncomfortable breath catching in your throat. It only took Billy a second to realise his mistake. There was no confusing the sudden look of terror on your face or the way that your whole body tensed as you started to back away from him. Your eyes stayed fixed on him, wide and afraid, your lungs burning as they struggled to draw breath. 
Billy seemed frozen as the pieces fell into place and he finally understood; you hadn’t carved the S into your arm. Someone else had, against your will. 
And, now, despite everything about him that made you feel safe, despite every time you’d told yourself that he wouldn’t hurt you, you were overcome with fear.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t -” you flinched as he took a step, “- I didn’t mean that. I’d never -”
“Please stop,” you uttered quietly, voice breaking as you blinked back tears. You didn’t want to talk about it, not now, not ever.
“I didn’t know, you didn’t tell me - why didn’t you tell me?” A panicked anguish quickly filled his voice and, at any other time, you might have felt for him, but all you could do was continue to shrink away from him. “Tell me who did it - tell me, I’ll fucking kill him.”
The spike of anger in his voice did nothing to settle your frayed nerves. You knew it wasn’t aimed at you, but you had no doubt in that moment that Billy was capable of murder, and that he’d kill anyone who’d hurt you. But you didn’t want Billy involved, you didn’t want him to know about any of your scars or where they had come from.
“Was it this guy? This Sam?” He held up your phone, his knuckles turning white as he dared to step closer. Even though his anger wasn’t directed at you anymore, it still scared you.
You shook your head. “Sam’s my brother.”
Another secret spilled, another thing you hadn’t wanted him to know.
“You have a brother? I thought you said -”
You moved suddenly, before Billy could reach you - he was between you and the elevator, so  leaving wasn’t an option, but you needed space, you needed to be able to breathe. He called your name and you heard him following after you as you ducked into his bedroom and headed for the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
The moment the door was shut, you sank to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest.
“I’m sorry, I -” you could hear him on the other side of the door, but he didn’t rattle the handle, didn’t knock or try to get to you. From the broken tone of his voice, you knew that he was upset and, as much as you might have hated that at any other time, Billy’s upset was not your priority. “I’m a fucking idiot, I’m sorry. I - I never meant -”
You took a long breath, counting back from ten, trying to remember any of the coping mechanisms you’d worked on in therapy so many years ago. Despite the tears in the corners of your eyes, the last thing you wanted was to cry - you’d cried too many tears over the scars on your arms over the years and you weren’t going to shed any more. You were stronger than that, you’d spent years becoming stronger than that. 
“Please, talk to me?” 
You still didn’t answer. You couldn’t, it felt like you could hardly breathe.
He was pacing, you could hear it through the door. “I’d never hurt you - you know I’d never hurt you, right? I couldn’t, I -”
Still, you said nothing. A moment later there was a loud thud and you heard his footsteps moving away from the door and out of the bedroom.
As you sat, you tried to deconstruct everything that had happened, why it had upset you and whether it was reasonable to be upset about it; Billy going through your phone without permission (yeah, it was reasonable to be upset at that), him getting upset about Sam (yes and no, you probably could have handled that a little better), and the comment about that scar (yes but, again, he hadn’t known the full story).
But, the thing that worried you, the thing that had you panicked, was just how quickly it had escalated and how he hadn’t even tried to hear your side of things. Did you think that he could hurt you? No. But whether that was you being stupid and naive, you didn’t know. All you really knew was that something inside you felt safe with Billy, something inside you told you that he’d never hurt you, and perhaps that was the best place to start.
It took twenty minutes before you worked up the courage to stand and another five before you could bring yourself to open the bathroom door. Billy was nowhere to be seen but, to your surprise, he’d left your phone on the floor in front of the bathroom door. 
You grabbed your bag from the foot of the bed and carried it with you, but you didn’t head for the elevator. You weren’t going to run away.
Billy was standing by the windows, looking out at the view, looking every bit as lost and alone as you felt.
“We - we should talk,” you said softly, just to draw his attention. 
He turned, but he didn’t move towards you. He kept his distance, as if he didn’t trust himself anymore. When he caught sight of the bag in your hand, Billy let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he said, sounding like he knew he’d already lost.
“I know you are.”
“I didn’t mean -”
“Yes you did, Billy.” It wasn’t your intention to hurt him but there was no missing the flicker of pain on his face. He’d been upset, but he’d meant every word that he’d said to you, and you needed him to acknowledge that. “But what hurts is that you saw those messages and just assumed that I’d do that to you.”
“I know, I shouldn’t’ve, I just...” you could see the struggle on his face as he tried to find the words, tried to find a way to explain something that you weren’t even sure he could explain. You were starting to think it was just how he was wired - but that didn’t mean you had to accept it. “This isn’t easy for me.”
“Which part? Because it’s not exactly a walk in the park for me either.”
“I don’t do this,” which didn’t make it any clearer, but the frustration in his voice was unmissable.
“There is no this, Billy. You didn’t want this to be a relationship. We’re just - I don’t know, us.”
“Yeah, just us.”
There was something in the way he said it that had your heart sinking and it took a moment for the penny to finally drop.
“You wanna fuck other women, is that it?” And suddenly it all seemed pointless. “Of course you do, why wouldn’t you? Why would I ever think you might settle for me?” Because, of course, a man like Billy wouldn’t settle for you, scars and all.
You started to move towards the elevator, telling yourself that, this time, it wasn’t running away; you’d tried to talk to him, tried to figure it out, and leaving was the only option that remained. As much as it hurt, you couldn’t stay knowing that he’d never be satisfied with you, and that he clearly didn’t feel a fraction of what you felt when you were with him. (It was your own fault, you shouldn’t have let yourself feel anything at all for a man like Billy, you’d known from the start that it would end badly.)
“Stop -” he suddenly started to move towards you, “- I don’t want to fuck anyone else, that’s not what I meant. And I’m not settling, you’re the only one I want.” He forced the words out in an angry and uncomfortable admission - he didn’t even manage to look like he believed it himself.
“I’d be flattered if you didn’t sound like it bothered you so fucking much.” You spat back, just as angry.
“Of course it bothers me. I don’t know how to not fuck this up. I don’t know how to not make you leave me.” 
“My suggestion would be doing anything but this.” You reached the elevator doors, but you didn’t push the call button - you couldn’t bring yourself to end things, not while he was still talking.
“So, that’s it - we’re back to this?” 
“Back to what?”
“You, pushing me away, not talking to me.”
“I can’t do this if you don’t trust me.” You told him.
“I’m trying, but you don’t trust me either, do you?”
You wanted to answer immediately, to tell him of course you trusted him, but it wasn’t that simple. He was right, you didn’t trust him, not completely - you didn’t trust anyone completely. You couldn't, you’d been hurt too many times before. And maybe Billy had been too.
“Why don’t you do this - why don’t you want a relationship?” You dared to ask and Billy looked away almost as if he was ashamed.
“Because everyone leaves eventually? Because what I can offer always stops being enough... I don’t know.” He sounded resigned to it, like there really was no other way that he saw things panning out.
“And you think that’d happen with us? That I’d just leave you?”
He looked at you for a second before letting his gaze drop again. “You’re doing it right now.”
“That isn’t fair. You know why I’m leaving.” You wanted to be firm, wanted him to know that you were leaving because of his actions, not because of who he was but, instead, the words came out quiet, soft.
Billy didn’t answer, he looked defeated, like he’d given up. He didn’t talk again until you’d hit the call button and the elevator doors slid open.
“So, we’re done then?”
Were you? You hesitated, hating how quickly everything had fallen apart - how easily you’d both let it fall apart. Maybe it was just how things were meant to be; maybe neither of you were capable of sustaining whatever this was. But -
“No - I don’t know,” was the most honest answer you could give. “I just - I need some time, Billy. Can you give me that?”
“How much time?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “A few days maybe?”
“Okay,” he shrugged in return, looking like he’d already given up.
By the time you’d stepped into the elevator and hit the button, he’d already turned away from you. Billy didn’t say a word as the doors shut and you left him all alone. Somehow, you managed not to break down and cry until you’d made it back across the city and into the comfort of your own bed.
Chapter Thirteen
A/N : Well... I originally wanted to try and time things so I could have nice chapters come out over the holidays, but then this happened. Sorry! It really wasn't my intention to end the year on a downer, but don't worry, the next part is pretty much finished and will be up the same time next week!!
Anyway, I hope you're all doing well and, as always I really do appreciate all the love you've shown this series!!!
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The Golden Cage (Epilogue)
[modern! mafia boss • Aemond x female]
[warnings: sex content, oral sex, smut, angst, fluff]
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[description: Aemond works with the mob and finds a new accomplice. His attention is drawn to his daughter, trying to isolate herself as much as possible from their criminal underworld. Angst, domination kink, a lot of sexual tension.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous chapters: Masterlist
Ever since he'd come to her that morning when he'd sought comfort in her arms after Luke's death, their relationship had taken a different level that she couldn't understand. Her confession - her promise to be by his side - made him take it literally. And even though she meant what she said then, it surprised her.
She quickly realized that the Black Moon Club was owned by his family without even having to ask him. She knew that he was tired of her father complaining about him, screwing his daughter under his roof. One day she got a text from an unknown number and she knew it was him.
A: "Little birdie - BMC, today, at 9 p.m."
She looked at the message as if it were some kind of code, but then she understood what he meant. He wanted to meet her on his land, he wanted her to come to him. She pursed her lips at the thought.
She knew that her feelings for him were disturbing to say the least. Every time he fucked her, he drew from her the confessions of her fervent devotion and love, which he craved as much as a child in need of a parent's approval. Not that he wanted her to dominate him - his control gave him a sense of security.
She wasn't sure if she should give him what he wanted. On reflection she decided, that he was always the one who came to her so she could take that into account. However, she decided that she wouldn't make it easy for him.
Y: "I have an important exam tomorrow."
She answered him impassively, which was true. She knew that for some reason he was obsessed with her studies, her good grades, and her academic performance. He often asked her if she had prepared well for the upcoming exam.
She believed that deep down he couldn't bear the fact, that his family forced him to drop out of college to focus solely on their underground business.
She knew that he felt deficient in that regard. He constantly borrowed books from her when she no longer needed them. He also liked to watch her read, lying next to him, naked.
He would lie there, resting his forehead against her warm, soft shoulder, kissing it gently once in a while, looking at her. He fell asleep, and after a while she turned off the lamp, lay down next to him and dozed off. His big hand would find her then and pull her to him.
A: "I need you."
She pursed her lips as she read the words. She knew that he had defeated her. Since Luke's deat, there has been a huge division in his family, with shootings and homicides.
She knew he was here today but might not be tomorrow.
That she might have been the target of his uncle's attack, and that was why his men had followed her closely, watching her from afar. She pretended not to see it so as not to go crazy.
She gave in and went to see him at the appointed time. In front of the entrance to the club stood the same security guards with whom she had spoken many times. Now they didn't stop her when they saw her, letting her in right away. People in the club turned to her, curious.
She knew that she was some kind of enigma, a shadow woman who came and went by his side. Not that it bothered her. She had no intention of being his whore.
She had no problem being his property, though. She knew he was only pretending to objectify her. She was like a precious jewel to him, which he hid from everyone in the closet.
She saw him sitting on a sofa with several girls and other men, one of them leaning towards him, talking to him quickly, anxiously. He seemed to be explaining something to him, and Aemond didn't seem convinced by his explanation. She could tell from the smallest gestures on his face whether he was pleased or not.
He smoked a cigarette, staring blankly ahead, his face hardened, his lips tight. Whatever the man was saying didn't work, Aemond was growing impatient. She saw him roll his eye and say something slowly, low, the man next to him curled up.
She pursed her lips as she saw one of the girls, apparently accompanying them, cuddle up to his shoulder, whispering something in his ear.
She wanted to turn and leave, but then he saw her, his pupil narrowed. She could see that he stopped listening to what this helpless guy was saying to him, and focused only on what she looked like.
His gaze fell on her legs, on her pretty, black, sparkly boots, tied up in a knot, her white, soft, wool mid-thigh socks, her soft, black, velor dress with a white collar and long sleeves that hugged her waist so nicely. She knew that she did not fit into this interior, this music, these people who surrounded him and that was her goal.
She wasn't going to be absorbed into his world, snorting cocaine next to him like those girls, who were looking for sponsors and daddies. She wasn't desperate, because she had no reason to be.
But now, looking at this girl who was clinging to his arm, who was still trying to talk to him, not realizing that he was now looking only at her, she felt a pang of jealousy and pain.
She wondered if that was why he had invited her. To make her feel that he is her owner, not she his. That he can do what he wants, fuck who he wants. She pursed her lips at the thought.
She shuddered and took a step back as she saw him slowly stand up, stubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray. He blew smoke through his nose, ignoring the surprised look of the guy that he had apparently stopped talking to mid-sentence and the disappointed look of the girl, who was now looking at her, disturbed.
Aemond approached her unhurriedly, his black T-shirt tucked into his pants, showing how well built he was. She tried not to think about how her body reacted automatically to the sight of him with the moisture between her thighs.
He grabbed her nape with his big hand and obviously wanted to kiss her, but she turned her face away. He stopped mid-gesture, narrowing his eye. They stared at each other for a moment.
“You asked me to come, so here I am. What happened?" She asked, raising her voice a little, so she could be heard over the announcing club music surrounding them. Aemond looked at her thoughtfully, still holding her by the scruff of the neck.
“Something must have happened?” He asked dispassionately, and she felt a tightness in her heart. He must have seen her gaze soften suddenly, because a smirk appeared on his face. "You look nice with jealousy on your face."
She broke away from him, wanting to head for the exit, but he grabbed her arm and spun her around in a swift motion towards him, pulling her so that she crashed into him, slamming her face into his chest. He locked her in his arms and wouldn't let her go, her hands on his chest trying to pull away. He chuckled at her helpless efforts.
"Come on. Let's go fuck."
As soon as they entered one of the VIP rooms he literally pounced on her, shoving his fleshy tongue into her lips down to her throat. Out of the corner of her eye she saw, that he had chosen a room that had a nice double bed, not a couch and table like the others. Her whole body shivered as she thought that he had it all planned out.
He grabbed her hips and lifted her as lightly as if she weighed nothing. He headed for the bed and threw himself on it with her, she felt the pleasant smell of clean sheets around her.
Her breathing quickened, her muscles clenched in her lower abdomen as he quickly took off her boots and then her panties. It was not in his nature to pretend or subtly build desire. He got straight to the point, and his directness made her want it even more.
She sighed and shivered as his hands ran over her thighs and the material of her high socks, looking at the sight with appreciation. He grunted in satisfaction, seeing how wet she was, how beautiful it looked.
"I love it when you wear them." He said, slipping his finger under the material of her soft sock, stroking her bare skin underneath. “They're so fucking sexy. I'll fuck you in them, okay?" He hummed, and she nodded so eagerly that he chuckled, a smile of satisfaction on his face.
“Such a good girl. You deserve an award today." He grunted in appreciation and leaned over her, the tip of his tongue running timidly over her entrance.
Her whole body arched in pleasure at this gentle sensation, she trembled, a sweet moan escaped from her mouth. She felt him smiling, his hands tightening on her thighs, his mouth and tongue moving to her clit, teasing her with wet, circular motions. She clenched her hands to the sheets around her, pursed her lips, trying hard not to make any noise.
She heard him pull away from her, licking his lips, looking at her expectantly.
"Is this a punishment?" He grunted, apparently slightly amused by her efforts. She pursed her lips at his words, annoyed, her pussy throbbing all over, hot and swollen with desire.
"Take the girl from your table. She looked like she wanted to moan with you." She said, squinting, her lips parted, her chest rising and falling. She saw his eye gleam menacingly. She shivered.
He leaned over her again, and she arched back, taking a deep breath as she felt his tongue slide suddenly inside her, all the way to the end. He licked her in a fast, intense, perverted rhythm, immediately caressing and teasing the place that gave her the greatest pleasure.
Usually at first he was tormenting her by not allowing her to experience her full pleasure, but now he was clearly determined to bring her to orgasm as soon as possible.
She rose slightly on her hands, spreading her thighs wider in front of him, one of her hands automatically slid into his hair, pressing him closer to her, wanting to feel him even deeper.
She couldn't help herself, her hips responded greedily to his caresses, broken, powerless moans of pleasure escaped her lips every time the tip of his tongue brushed against her wonderful spot.
She began to pant, and they both sped up their movements, her moans getting louder and more desperate, he had never been so determined to satisfy her so quickly. She leaned back and moaned loudly in surprise as she felt a sudden wave of heat and pleasure run through her body, her insides tightening on his tongue, her hips falling against his face.
She heard his hum of satisfaction, licking everything that flowed out of her patiently, delighted. He pulled away from her and wiped his face with his hand, giving her a look so proud of himself that she pursed her lips in frustration.
"What's that face, little birdie? Where's the thank you?" He asked amused, starting to unbutton his pants. She swallowed softly at his words, looking at him, her chest heaving uneasily. She thought that if he wanted to play like that, she would drive him crazy herself.
She spread her thighs for him, pulling her dress up to reveal everything to him, her expression now soft, innocent, her lips parted sweetly, invitingly.
"Right here, between my thighs." She whispered, her hands on either side of her head in total surrender. "Don't you want to feel how warm I am inside?"
She saw his iris darken at her words, his jaw clench as he quickly unzipped his fly and slid his pants down, along with his boxers, leaving him naked from the waist down.
She parted her lips with a slight smile of satisfaction as she saw how hard he was, his cock throbbing impatiently, swollen. He squeezed himself at the base several times as he looked at her.
"Of course I fucking want to. I'm gonna cum in you a few times today, okay?" He hummed, taking her thighs in his hands, pulling them to him so that the tip of his cock pressed against her wet, throbbing entrance.
She nodded at his words and moaned softly, her hands gripping the sheets on either side of her head as she felt him slither into her a little, pushing her fleshy, hot, oversensitive walls to the limit.
“Yes, cum inside me as many times as you want” She mumbled and started panting with him, as he began to move at a fast, intense pace, his cock penetrating her all the way, stretching her hot inside painfully hard.
"Just like that. My girl likes to be taken care of, doesn't she?" He panted, thrusting into her fast, his thighs slapping her buttocks with all his might with a perverted, wet slap of their bodies, that made her nipples stick out. She moaned sweetly at his words, her body leaning back in pleasure, as his thumb began to tease her clit again.
"− y-yes − yes − please, take care of me −" She sobbed helplessly, wanting only to be fulfilled with him again, to feel his seed deep inside her, to feel how much he desired her.
She heard him groan low at her words, speeding up, the mattress creaking beneath them with each of his brutal thrusts into her tight pussy.
"You want to please me, don't you? So fucking come for me, squeeze on my cock a bit.” He purred in delight, out of breath, close to the fulfillment he needed. Her body began to tremble, heat gathering again in her lower abdomen, she felt that she was close.
"− I will, just please, touch me there −" She mewled and moaned surprised as his thumb began to massage her clit in circular motions, teasing her almost painfully, making her body try to pull away, thrusting into her with sticky slaps.
"− come on, babygirl, give it to me −give me what I want −” He panted helplessly and she leaned back, her mouth parted, her whole body tense.
A loud, sweet moan escaped her throat, as a second orgasm washed over her in wonderful, hot waves, her insides clenching against his throbbing cock. Feeling it, he tipped his head back, his hips pumping against her relentlessly.
"− that's right − fuck, yes! −" He gasped loudly as he cum inside her, breathing heavily, staring at her with his mouth parted.
He fell on top of her, pinning her with his body, his face against her cheek. She didn't think about it, just hugged him, breathing fast and he grunted contentedly. She could feel him pulsating inside her, the remnants of his seed spilling over her hot core. They both tried to calm down.
She felt his nose press against her soft skin, tracing it slowly up and down her face, inhaling her scent. He often did this after their close-ups, once in a while placing soft, wet kisses on her cheek. She sighed softly, closing her eyes. Hearing this, he spoke up.
"You're so silly, little birdie. Don't you knowthat you're the only one I fuck with?" He purred, placing small, sweet kisses on her skin. "The only one I cum in?"
She felt a shiver go through her at his words. She wondered why she cared at all. She tried to kid herself that it would be better if he finally found another object of desire, but she knew that wasn't true.
She was as addicted to him as he was to her.
"I wanted you to come, because I want to discuss something with you." He said calmly and she looked at him, turning to face him. His hand slowly ran over her cheek and hair. They stared at each other in silence for a moment.
“I want to move out of my family home into my new apartment. Move in with me. I want to have you by my side." He spoke softly, and she gasped, her mouth parted, completely taken aback by his proposal.
For a moment she couldn't get a word out. She looked down, afraid to say what was on her mind.
"I don't want to be your dependent." She said finally.
He pursed his lips and she knew that he didn't like her words. Still, when he answered her, his voice sounded gentle.
"Finish your studies. Find a job that suits you. Just be by my side."
Thank you for your journey, this is by far one of my favorite fanfics I've written here! 😭😭😭
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96
Others: @okfashionista @abrielletargaryen
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