#or powerful drugs ig
daisychainsandbowties · 7 months
all worries aside… this is the funniest thing i read today
> #& i was??? until i realised they'd been calling me by my deadname #which i simply do not respond to because i forget it legally means me #so yeah no wonder i was 😐😐 at them
me, alone on my trolley in a dark room with extra blankets piled on top of me to try and stabilise my temp, looking like that cat who fell asleep under the weighted blanket:
🤔🤔 who is this person they all keep coming in here to check on?
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1-800-helltalia · 2 months
currently thinking about how a nation's body would handle substance abuse like. latvia can canonically have 40 drinks without getting drunk, and i see england and russia characterized as heavy drinkers pretty frequently
so i've come to the conclusion that nations are a lot tougher physically than humans. i mean, they can die and come back to life; i don't think it's much of a stretch to say that their bodies can tolerate extreme drinking/drug use without showing any wear and tear, right?
it's even more tragic from a psychological standpoint, if you believe that nations can feel emotions just as strongly as humans can. having to go through hundreds (or even thousands) of years of tragedies, wars, anguish, with no easy way to truly die... i honestly wouldn't be surprised if they all struggled with addiction in some way, shape, or form
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randomwriteronline · 1 month
Perditus grunted a little as he adjusted his leg while laying down against the rock. It was a pleasant day, all things considered: the sun was warm without being smoldering, the winds were strong but not as harsh as usual, and he had something to make the pain a little more bearable.
With his eyes shut he fished a flint lighter and a medicinal sghitt out of the pouch under his thigh armor.
He didn't bother looking as he heard footsteps approach quickly; medication stuck between his teeth, he clicked lazily until he caught the telltale crackle of papery tissue catching fire, took the longest, deepest inhale he could, soaking in the acrid taste and familiar burn in the back of his head, and let an enormous cloud of septic-smelling smoke blow out of his mouth with a growling sigh.
His fellow debtor sat beside him nervously, scanning the horizon.
"Any news?" he asked.
"I was going to ask you," the Glatorian replied.
"None, then."
Hard nails tapped far too quickly against the rock.
Perditus took another drag. The numbing effect was starting to take hold of his anguishing limb.
"Do you think it'll be soon?" Atakus asked.
The Tapyri exhaled: "Maybe."
"Yes or no?"
"Maybe, I said."
"Maybe means nothing," the other said, glaring at him with his typical nervous anger, the fact that the larger being still wasn't looking at him inconsequential: "Will it be soon, yes or no?"
A shrug: "Probably, yes."
"You think?"
"Unless he wants to observe these freaks of nature do their merry little dance in a new environment for a while. But I'll bet a guy like him has already watched them long enough to get bored by now."
Another pause.
The hard nails were now scratching at the stone.
Another long drag and a puff of smoke.
"Do you think he'll kill us before or after the plan's done?"
"Who knows," Perditus answered lazily. He reclined his head to better bask in the sun. "Before would be a little annoying. For us, of course, he wouldn't care if we never saw what all this thankless work has been for. But then again we're his cannon fodder - maybe he'll wait till he has no need even for that."
He played with his sghitt, turning it between his fingers.
The knowledge that his eventual instantaneous murder would be inevitable had slowly but surely numbed him to the very same fact across the span of the many, interminable centuries that had passed since the day he'd started wracking up this blasted debt, and his only request (which he knew would never be taken into consideration) was to be allowed to die slowly, painfully, so that he could at least feel the life leave his body properly; but Atakus had never managed to make peace with the horror of their shared fate, and now that the moment was drawing near he was every day a little closer to losing his mind completely to the horror of his situation.
Frankly he was surprised the Potori had lived this long, with as anxious a disposition as he had. He'd always imagined he'd get out of his shackles with a stroke.
And yet here they both were.
Awaiting the second coming of a cruel god.
And while entire species were about to be massacred into heaps of melting, wailing scraps any second or day or month now, they were sitting against a rock under a pleasantly warm sun bathing in its light.
He could hear the Agori's irregular breath become louder.
"How's your leg?" Atakus asked in a fruitless attempt at changing the course of his spiraling thoughts.
"Hurts as usual." Perditus replied. "How's your heart?"
"Beating too fast," the Potori answered, "As usual."
The Glatorian's hand leaned over to the smaller being, offering the sghitt between his index and middle: "Take as many as you need."
The medicine was taken from his fingers by significantly shakier ones. He listened to the air slither with a long hiss into Atakus's lungs for the first time; the second was a little longer, a little less frantic, followed by a loud sigh; the third time was slow and deliberate, finally a little more at ease.
He listened to the sound of Skrall armor scraping against stone as the Agori laid back against the warm rock with him. A smaller hand placed the medication back in his palm, and he hummed gratefully before taking another drag himself.
The wind picked up slightly and dragged the smoke away from them.
He opened his eyes blearily, squinting in the sun.
Such a nice day.
Something far, far away, up in the clear sky, exploded. He saw the burst, a blot of bright hot color tearing apart the stratosphere, and long lines of white and faint red as pieces of whatever that was tried to land on Spherus Magna; but the destroyed body was barely above the size of a dot from where he was, and its meteors shriveled up into dust before coming anywhere close to the highest point available for them to strike, and in the end nothing of whatever tragedy had just transpired mattered at all.
The Glatorian hummed.
"Did something happen?" Atakus asked, eyes closed.
"No," his companion reassured him. "Relax."
The Potori did not respond, and got a little more comfortable.
Perditus glanced at him.
Maybe it made sense - he mused for a second, a second only - for Velika, of all cruel, paradoxical beings, to one day have complete and total control over this cruel, paradoxical world.
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morvantmortuary · 6 months
late last night, I figured out how to compile my scrivener drafts to epubs (finally)
it is. immensely surreal to see your own work show up like a book in your ereader for the first time, let me tell you that.
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yeonban · 3 months
Being in Tobias' mind is such an intriguing experience bc you'd typically expect him to only care about getting richer and richer for riches' sake like most other "villains" do, but all he wants is excitement, fun and the feeling of being alive. He couldn't care less if his life were to be put at stake, nor if his entire wealth were to vanish overnight. Sure, he's confident he could get it all back if it ever happened, but it also shows what money is to him. A means to an end, rather than the goal to strive for
#muse: tobias.#At the end of the day he's using that money to have FUN rather than for power or influence or what have you that maddens people#and it Shows bc I've glanced over some of his former threads and he fr just. offered to buy an entire clothing line for a blond woman#NOT because he wanted her favor; but simply bc he wanted to see what her REACTION to it would be. for funsies and whimsies#Does he do what will bring him most money? Sure. Does he do it FOR the money? Naww#If he had to do smth he disliked or didn't felt like doing; he would Not do it even if money was on the line. Exceptions: indebting people#If anything he'd think putting that money on a hook and dangling it in front of bosses (re: leaking that there's a chance to gain it)#while simultaneously getting in their way would be a x100 funnier experience. And usually it'd still end up bringing him $$$#I'm trying to remember what he's used his money for thus far and tbh it's been the usual (drinks-drugs-cigars-luxury) AND pampering others#except I??? realized a while back that he's Never gotten drunk. NEVER. so all that money goes moreso into subtly manipulating people#He's even willing to forgive their debts at his owned bars & clubs as long as he imagines that way's going to end up more exciting#I feel like he's one of those bosses people would prefer to have over the alternatives bc it feels Easier to deal w him than live in fear#which is fascinating bc it's true that Tobias isn't bloodthirsty and /can/ be counted on; but imo it's scarier to not know what tf he wants#Bro jumped out of a window and waited for Gevanni to catch him just to give that man an experience resembling a heart attack LIKE. 😭😭😭#It's good if you can manage to /befriend/ Tobias bc it means you're safe from him... but if you get in /other/ trouble then it's a 50/50#if he'll help you or find it more amusing to watch til the last second. Altho ig AT LEAST he'll intervene before things get Too bad for you#If you're not friends w him/he doesn't find you entertaining & it's too much effort to help you tho... sayonara.
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I want to start drawing and writing original pieces again
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tswhiisftteedr · 1 month
Not to be rude but you accidentally put val's story in vox's masterlist instead. Srry I didn't feel comfy dming you. Nothing against you at all I'm just a coward wanting to hide in anon haha. Ig while I'm here could I get vox general hcs pls?
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What the Tv do? ☆ Vox General Headcanon + Drabbles (SFW & NSFW)
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☆ Vox General headcanon + Vox x Gn!Reader(Employee!Reader??):
Some general thoughts about the tv man and also his relationship with the ‘reader’. This is silly, this is fun, fluffy and smutty.
Warnings: Mature Content, Not Proofread, Drinking, Death(literally overdose on coffe nothing gruesome), Drug use(c0caine and others substances), Sadistic Tendencies, Dub-Con, Power Imbalance/Power Play, Obsessive and Possessive Tendencies and Acts, Stalking, Voyeurism & Exhibitionism, Boss x Employee, Pet Play?(Just collaring and slight animal based pet names), Valentino.
Words: Total: 5496 = Sfw - 2609 + Nsfw - 2887
Note: I only wrote 1 drabble, i might add more if people request it about the specific headcanon they want more on. so I’m not good with request like these, I like when they are more specific so I have sort of something to base my writing on, so sorry if you anon or people don’t like what I’ve wrote, r.i.p. >:/ Though tell me if you want more!!
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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☕︎ Coffee addict and 𓏊 Alcoholic
Vox is the figurative and quite literally incarnation of the ‘don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee’ phrase.
But we’re talking coffees instead of coffee with him — two cups straight out of bed to be precise. When totalling the day’s consumption, Vox indulges on average, 6-7 cups of 10 oz coffee; in addition to his morning coffees, he likes to have a mid-morning cup, then two during lunch and finally 1-2 cups during the afternoon depending how late he is working.
Is this per say, ‘healthy’? No, not at all, Vox couldn't care less — worst ‘worst’ case scenario, he quote on quote dies, the coffee he had intake ends up intoxicating him due to the splurging amount of it, turning this mondaine drink into a lethal liquid for the overlord’s body. His heart would stop, sub-consequently, him and his body would be out.
Though the good thing — or bad, it all depends on your angle — about hell is that in about the span of 10 minutes his body will have fully regenerate and be back open for business. Some sinners call it it a curse, he calls it a blessing, as this part of the ‘eternal punishment’ practically makes him immortal.
So is he going to work on regulating his caffeine intake? Obviously not!
Worst thing he gets from his ‘little problem’ is a heart attack, and they don’t permanently keep him down. — Sure, they hurt like a bitch, and he would rather not be having them at all to be truthful.
But he honestly he doesn’t see his bimonthly cardiac arrests as that steep of a price to pay. (Honestly how can such a smart businessman be so dumb about his health. * face palming and baffled at the idiocy of it all *)
Now when alcohol is the subject of conversation, Vox takes a slightly different approach, albeit one still characterized by overindulgence.
You see, he prides himself on being the epitome of a charming, classy, and self-controlled casual drinker, compared to his drunkard of a pattern —Valentino— our lovely show host with anger issues and both inferiority and superiority complex is a sophisticated and savvy man.
However, beneath this facade of self-control, which he upholds quite well to the public eye, hides his obvious alcoholism issues.
While he may not be stumbling and blubbering around, picking fights,— in most instances at least— Vox is certainly what you might call a “day drinker."
In fact, this is actually a canonical trait, which was displayed in episode two of the show; Him discussing with others Vees on how to deal with the radio demon’s comeback, a drink in hand.
I presume thatit was a scotch on the rocks due to it’s colour but also it’s historical relevance in relation to Vox’s person— Scotch whisky poured over ice, gained popularity in the 1950s primarily in Western countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
It became a symbol of sophistication and leisure, often enjoyed in upscale bars, clubs, and lounges frequented by the affluent and fashionable crowd of the era.
Additionally, its popularity was bolstered by the rise of cocktail culture during the mid-20th century, as well as the increasing availability of Scotch whisky in international markets. — this fits quite nicely Vox’s character as it is both a drink of his time on earth but also one that remains relevant in the contemporary era.
It easily mirrors Vox's overarching desire to maintain relevance and significance, both in the present and in the ever-evolving future.
The overlord definitely adhere to ‘it’s five o’clock somewhere’ religiously. Though he does prefer to enjoy his daily drink around 5 p.m. PRT (Pride Ring Time).
He will occasionally enjoys a drink with his lunch, often opting for wine, although this isn't a regular occurrence for the man.
As someone constantly under stress, with his mind racing to keep up with the ever-changing trends and opinions in hell, Vox is a type to indulge in a nightcap or two before bed.
It helps him unwind and achieve the relaxed state of mind necessary for a restful night's sleep.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 Sleep
While the notion of ‘Vox's dreams playing on his screen while he's asleep’ is an amusing concept for fanfiction or artwork, I personally find the idea of ‘the VoxTek logo bouncing around like the DVD logo’ to be more fitting for Vox.
Before delving further, it's important to note that initially, it wasn't necessarily the VoxTek logo projected on his screen; however, I'll address this shortly.
The reason I lean towards the DVD logo concept is because I find it unlikely that Vox's screen would be completely black during sleep. A completely dark screen would imply the device is completely off, no energy is being received or given by it, which would suggest that it is no longer alive. Having some activity on Vox’s screen while asleep would signify that his program is still active, indicating he's still functioning, essentially alive.
Now regarding the widely shared headcanon, I have my own personal take on it.
When Vox first manifested in hell, his 'real name' appeared on screen. By 'real name,' I mean the one he had on Earth, which I believe wasn't Vox —That name seems too futuristic for a person born in the early 1900s or the kind of name you'd associate with a 1950s businessman— Vox is a name he chose for himself after death, symbolizing a fresh start, though I do think that his real name might also have started with a V.
(This perspective extends to other 'Vees' as well, although Velvette seems more plausible as a given name, I suspect it might not be her original one. Valentino, on the other hand, feels like a name assigned to him, but he too might have adopted a new one after death.)
Initially, Vox was unaware of his old name appearing on his screen while he slept since he wasn't conscious during that time. It wasn't until about half a year into his time in hell, during which he introduced himself as Vox to everyone, that one of his acquaintances pointed out this aspect of his physiology. Something along the lines of "Who's V———?" or "Why does V——— show on your screen while you sleep?" triggered a cascade of reactions in him.
Firstly, he panicked, realizing that people had access to his old identity. Secondly, he was puzzled by this phenomenon since no TV he had encountered displayed such behavior, which was normal considering DVDs weren't invented before 1996. — Hell sure was weird, he possessed technological features as part of his physiology before they were even invented— Lastly, this revelation instilled in him a new fear of sleeping.
This behavior stemmed from Vox's desire to construct a fresh existence in hell, complete with a new identity, image, empire, etc. The thought of others accessing his old name and exploiting it to uncover details about his past, including his behaviors, weaknesses, and tactics, filled him with dread.
As a result, he became hyper-vigilant, refusing to sleep unless he was certain of his solitude, fearing the potential repercussions of his former identity being known.
It wasn't until the mid 1960s that Vox had finally managed to upgrade his system, replacing ‘V———‘ with 'Vox'. However, even after this upgrade, he still harboured reservations about sleeping around others for about a year or two. He feared a potential glitch that could revert his screen to displaying his previous name.
Around the late 1970s he had made an adjustment to this aspect of his body once more, replacing 'Vox' with the VoxTek logo after a certain moth had suggested it.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Sexuality
Our beloved Tv Demon a canonical bisexual man, but I personally believe that while he may have bisexuality as his sexual orientation, — his attraction to men was something he only came to realize after death. Although there were subtle hints of his attraction to the same gender based on how he felt about them, he unfortunately didn't grasp them while still alive;
It would have been the late 1950s, and Vox had been in hell for about a year or two. In his earthly life, he had been with his fair share of women, and even in the "surprisingly not so fiery pits of the underworld," his ability to attract partners hadn't diminished much once got over his TV head appearance and let place for his charming and savvy persona to take over.
His love life seemed unchanged, perhaps with occasional exploration of new kinks, until that fateful night of October 11, 195X...
Vox had gone out for a drink after a grueling day at work, back when he was still toiling away at a low-paying job in an electronics factory, toasters, vacuum, etc. Despite the shitty work he had to go through, he had the perk of taking home broken scraps, which eventually played a role in his rise to success. But let's refocus on his night out, shall we?
He walked into his newfound favorite spot, a comedy bar where he sought solace in laughter and libations after a hard day. Arriving just as the performer began their set, he headed straight to the bar for his usual whiskey on the rocks, with nothing else on his mind. It wasn't until the comedian delivered a particularly hilarious joke that Vox turned to look at them and found his attraction piqued.
It was evident that they were a man with the specific style flashy outfit and makeup they wore. The voice was also a dead giveaway. The person now standing on stage, delivering one funny punchline after another, was a drag queen – a stunning one in Vox's eyes.
He couldn't tear his gaze away; there was something irresistibly captivating about the humorous individual on stage.
After the performance, as they made their way to the bar, Vox seized the opportunity. He introduced himself, and they exchanged pleasantries. They shared drinks and engaged in lively conversation, making for a truly enjoyable night that ended with a bang, quite literally.
In the morning, as clarity returned, Vox couldn't help but feel confused. He had never been attracted to men before, so he initially chalked it up to the alcohol or the fact that his night companion appeared so feminine that he mistook them for a woman.
However, as memories of the night flooded back, he couldn't deny his genuine attraction to every aspect of his partner, even the unmistakably male parts.
Initially, it felt strange to Vox as he reflected on the experience. However, after hours of deep contemplation, everything started to fall into place.
Vox realized he had always felt an affinity towards men, though expressing it as "liking men" might have appeared odd to outsiders. When he used that phrase, it wasn't in the context of sexual or romantic attraction but more of an admiration.
Yet, upon further reflection, he acknowledged that his feelings surpassed mere admiration.
He had never entertained the idea of it being anything akin to sexual or romantic attraction, but his recent encounter forced him to reconsider as he contemplated his life and the events of the previous night.
Vox liked men;
— Vox had always been drawn to the men of his time who exuded masculine confidence and assertiveness, finding their presence alluring and desiring to be in their company constantly.
He liked when they wore classic masculine fashion, such as tailored suits with narrow lapels, fitted jackets, and straight-leg trousers. These outfits oozed sophistication and professionalism, and Vox admired the attention to detail displayed.
Additionally, he liked when men would add classic accessories like fedora hats, skinny ties, cufflinks, and pocket squares to their outfit, they added to the polished and stylish appearance.
The preppy style also appealed to Vox, as he admired men who wore V-neck sweaters, button-down shirts, khaki trousers, and loafers. This style exuded a sense of casual elegance and refinement that he found attractive.
He also had a penchant for rebellious men who embraced a non-conformist aesthetic, often seen in leather jackets, denim jeans, white T-shirts, and motorcycle boots.
Vox liked when men were smart and witty, could keep up with the conversation and also teach something along the way.
Vox liked men who exuded strength and athleticism, finding their ability to handle themselves physically appealing. For instance, witnessing a fistfight between coworkers would stir his emotions, initially attributing his excitement to the violence of the altercation.
However, he would inevitably find himself gravitating towards the winner, intrigued by their display of strength and skill, and feeling drawn to them in some inexplicable way. There was something about winners that captivated him and sparked his desire to get closer to them.
He like men who were daring, adventurous, and unafraid to push boundaries, they appealed to his sense of excitement and thrill-seeking.
He liked men who were ambitious, goal-oriented, and willing to pursue their dreams with determination might have resonated with Vox on a subconscious level.—
After his one-night stand, Vox was determined to clarify things once and for all. Following another grueling day of work, he ventured out again, this time to a gay bar, seeking the company of someone who embodied the traits he found most appealing in men, wanting to ensure it wasn't just the alcohol or the femininity of his previous partner. Without delving into detail, let's just say he had quite the night and afterward, there was no doubt in his mind: ‘he liked women, and he definitely also liked men.’
Following that experience, Vox began seeing more individuals of the same gender. However, he still held onto the notion that while he might be attracted to men, he didn't believe he would be interested in them as anything more than sexual partners. That was until he met Alastor...
Initially, Vox approached the radio demon seeking friendship or perhaps a partnership, given Vox's burgeoning company and rising status as an overlord. However, he soon found himself enamored with Alastor. Unfortunately for Vox, his feelings were not reciprocated. After that, Alastor distanced himself from Vox, leading our TV host to regard his old love as an enemy.
In response to the rejection, Vox decided to cease seeing men altogether, engaging in a series of short-term relationships with women. However, he soon realized he was simply idealizing Alastor and shifted his focus from woman to men for meaningless relationships, attempting to prove to himself that any other man was better than "that Bambi bitch."
But this approach only intensified the emptiness he felt. Recognizing the detrimental effects of his frantic behavior on himself and his company, Vox resolved to regulate and get back on a more business focused path.
The fact that rumours began circulating about his supposed "homoerotic relationships," was also a big push into getting back on track, as a word like that getting out was detrimental to business, since being gay was still stigmatized even in hell, during this time period.
It was around the late 1970s, with the rise of gay rights activism, that Vox began publicly dating men. Coincidentally, this was also when he met and began his business partnership (and more) with Valentino.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ Names
Vox has a penchant for using endearing or patronizing nicknames, regardless of the gender of his employees. He will refer to them as "sweetheart," "doll face," or simply "doll."
In moments of frustration or when faced with resistance, he's not shy about using terms like "little girl" or "little boy," or even "kid," to belittle those who question him.
Additionally, he might employ terms like "Princess" or "your highness" as forms of condescension, no matter the gender of the person he is addressing.
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𓊔 Party
Despite Vox's obsession with his and the Vees' image, when it comes to partying, he becomes a total animal — I’m talking ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ type of wild.
Lavish gatherings marked by obscene spending and excessive drug intake, especially cocaine.
Vox typically indulged in doing lines off his desk or the luxurious crystal table in the lounge. However, what truly exited him was snorting lines off someone, getting his rocks off at their inability to refuse his advances and delighting in the control he exerted as he pinned them down to prevent any squirming.
The slight anxious tears and nervous mewls from whoever served as his snorting surface always stirred something within Vox. While he would grow irritated if they moved too much, the subtle signs of fear, such as the wetting of their eyes and trembling breath, would quickly reignite his unstable emotions. He found himself intensely aroused by their scared state, and more than once, he acted on these desires…
You were a VoxTek employee, more specifically; Vox’s secretary.
As Vox's secretary, navigating Alastor-related tantrums and enduring the grueling hours could be incredibly taxing, but the job itself had its perks.
Thanks to your position in the company, you enjoyed luxurious accommodations in the finest suites the V Tower had to offer.
Despite the challenges, Vox could be surprisingly pleasant, his charismatic charm reminiscent of his earlier days when his hypnosis wasn't as potent. And beneath the unconventional exterior of his TV head, there was no denying the appeal of his well-built physique.
Given the close proximity and constant interaction with Vox, it was inevitable to develop a small crush on your boss. His magnetic presence and the fact he was practically the only person you interacted with regularly since he requested you to work closer to him about three months ago only fueled this infatuation.
You liked your boss, but at this moment, you couldn't stand him;
It was 3 a.m. on a Sunday, the one day of the week you were supposed to have some semblance of off-time, with the luxury of sleeping in until noon.
But instead of enjoying your well-deserved rest in bed, you found yourself reluctantly entering the elevator, begrudgingly making your way to the usually closed-off top floor of the building.
Why? Because you had received a threatening and slightly slurry phone call from your boss, demanding your immediate presence or else face termination.
With your livelihood seemingly hanging in the balance, you complied without questioning, even though you loathed every second of it.
After punching in the code provided, you entered the lounge area of the top floor to find all three Vees lounging about. Valentino was enveloped in smoke, while music filled the air.
"Y/N! So glad you made it! Come 'ere," Vox exclaimed, his gestures frantic, urging you to approach quickly. He appeared laid-back, friendly, and strangely excited, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor of coldness and condescension.
Confusion clouded your expression as you approached the couch, unsure of what to make of Vox's sudden change in behavior. Velvette, noticing your bewilderment, chimed in with an explanation. "He took some MDMA before he called you — actually, he couldn't stop blabbing about your ass once that stuff kicked in," she divulged matter-of-factly, adding another layer of peculiarity to the already bizarre situation.
‘Ah, he’s high — that explains the weird friendliness.’ You thought to yourself.
But before you could dwell on it too long, Valentino's words snapped you out of your thoughts, "Yes, little Voxxy over there couldn't stop talking about how much he wanted his little secretary with him right here. He just had to call you, despite it being the middle of the night. I'm sorry you're losing your beauty sleep right now, cariño," he said, his tone tinged with insincerity from false remorse. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he finished speaking, adding to the surreal atmosphere of the moment.
“Val, Vel! You can’t tell them that! Or they’ll, they’ll… fuck!” Vox began to say, but something mid-sentence seemed to frustrate him.
Before you could question it for too long, Valentino answered that question for you. “They’ll figure out you have a little crush on them. Aww, don’t worry papi, it’s not like they can say no to you either way,” the moth darkly announced, frightening you, as it was technically true that you had to obey whatever order your boss gave you; it was in your contract after all.
To your somewhat relief, Vox scoffed at his part-time boyfriend's comment, as if to convey that he wouldn't behave in such a manner.
"Shut the fuck, Val!" Vox began, his frustration evident, before redirecting his attention back to you. "And you, lay down on the table." Confused by the request, you briefly wondered if he was joking, but the seriousness etched on his face made it clear that he wasn't. Resigned, you followed his instruction and laid down on the table as he commanded.
As soon as you complied, a smile spread across Vox's face. "Good, good. Now be a good little secretary and stay still as I do some lines off you, m'kay?" he instructed.
Before you could process anything or say something, he pushed your shirt all the way up, ending just under your chest, and tugged your bottoms down slightly — exposing your whole stomach.
Attempting to voice your discomfort, you were promptly shushed by Vox. "Shhh, you're being a table for me right now, and last time I checked, tables don't talk, now do they, sweetheart? So be a doll and shut up," he said, eliciting laughter from the two other Vees.
You complied with his instructions and remained silent as you felt him pour some powder onto your abdomen. Knowing the drugs he usually made you order on his behalf, it was probably coke.
With that, he quickly formed about three lines and began snorting them. The sensation felt odd and somewhat ticklish to you, but what you didn't expect was for him to lick the parts of your belly where the powder had just sat — long lines that started from top to bottom, causing you to squirm involuntarily.
Vox didn't appreciate your movement, because ‘how dare his table move?’. In response, he firmly gripped your waist on both sides and forcefully slammed your hips against the table as a warning to ‘stop moving’.
However, his claws dug into your skin, causing you to cry out slightly. Upon seeing the small tears in your eyes, his mood shifted once more, from aggravation to something more lustful.
He relished the sight of you with tears in your eyes, so he decided to inflict a bit more pain. With a predatory glint in his eyes, he bit at your sides, knowing that you couldn't retaliate due to the hierarchical difference between you.
His bites started from the top, gradually getting lower until they ended up just above your crotch. With a slight, heavy breathing, he remarked, "Now what do we have here? A snack for me? You shouldn't have." As he removed your bottoms, leaving you in your underwear, a slight moist patch formed due to the position you were in.
Sure, Vox was an entitled asshole, but god, did he look and sound incredible when he was being mean and bossy. How could you not get aroused, especially when his face and long tongue ass were so close to your intimate parts.
"You want me to play with you, darling?" Vox asked in a manner that almost made it feel like you had a choice. There was something about it that suggested he might respect your decision if you said no—sure, he wouldn't like it, but he definitely had this thing where he wanted you to want him, to beg for him, to need him. Forcing himself on you wouldn't align with that desire.
You nodded, but he tutted at you, wanting a verbal answer. "No, no, no, it's 'Could you please, sir?' or 'Would love to, Mr. Vox,' or 'Please, I need you, Vox.' You've got to speak up if you want me to do anything to you, got it, dollface?" he clarified, emphasizing the importance of explicit consent, whether it was due to genuine respect for your boundaries or just his enjoyment of your yearning for him, it was a bit unclear. However, knowing Vox, he probably just got off on your embarrassment.
"Yes, sir," you said, feeling embarrassed. "So? Do you want me to give some love to these," he asked, tracing the outline of your underwear, "lovely parts?" He perked up.
"I would love for you to, sir," you managed to speak out. With a 'perfect' from your boss, he was now eagerly devouring you with his tongue, sending small pleasurable shocks through you as he did. No part of you down there was left un-licked.
Just as you were about to reach that sweet, sweet release — Vox removed himself from you, causing you to whine at the loss of pleasure.
"Don't worry," he said, but before you could complain too much, Vox lifted you up and threw you onto the couch, your face soon hitting the satin pillows. As you heard the sound of his belt unbuckling, you felt your hips being repositioned, leaving you face down and ass up.
Vox quickly pumped his cock a few times, not needing much as it was already hard from the sight of you writhing due to his tongue. Getting close to your ear, he whispered, "Cuz I'm not done with you, dollface."
Then he promptly shoved himself inside of you. Thankfully, whatever he was doing with his tongue a couple of instances ago had prepped you, because, woof, did the stretch sting.
After giving you a few moments to adjust, he began pounding you into tomorrow, playing with your front and sending small shocks here and there. With no regard for his colleagues sitting right beside him —or should I say colleague, as in singular—Velvette had left as soon as he began working you with his tongue. However, Valentino remained, watching the scene unfold with keen interest.
Your soon came undone due to his rough ministrations, but he was far from done with you...
⫘⫘⫘ Ownership, ⛌⛌⛌ Humiliation & Collar
If you haven't already figured it out yet, Vox is a sadist. He thoroughly enjoys power dynamics and the act of humiliating others.
Continuing from the previous headcanon, picture yourself as either hired as his secretary or as a low-ranking demon in his company who catches his eye. If you're the latter, he'll undoubtedly arrange for you to be transferred to work closer to him.
But anyway, my point is, as soon as you're in his close proximity, he'll literally makes you his bitch on call in the blink of an eye. And obviously, you can't refuse because, one, he's your boss; two, he's an overlord; and three, he's Vox.
Who would refuse that hunk? Even if you weren't initially attracted to him, you'd find yourself becoming so after a couple of weeks, even if it's just some weird mild attraction—you're still into him.
Once he's got you in his grasp and has fucked you at least once, this is when he begins to play with you. He'll make you start wearing a vibrator under your clothes at work, ordering you to remove your clothing every morning and show him, to ensure you did it. Then he'd send you on your merry way.
If he wasn't physically with you, he'd be watching you through his cameras.
And every time you would be talking to someone and he deemed it too long, you weren't paying attention to him, or you were zoning out/getting distracted, he would turn the vibrator on to 'get you back on track'.
Though he did like to sometimes turn the vibrator on just to tease you. For example, you're in the middle of telling him about a shift in his appointment in a room full of people, and he would suddenly turn it on to fuck with you.
He also has a huge thing for pulling you by your soul chain. He just loves, loves, loves summoning it out of nowhere and just tugging you along with it.
For instance, you could be telling him about some issue concerning a recent project, and he would tell you to come closer so he could hear better.
As you walk closer towards his desk, he deems your pace too slow. Without warning, he summons and tugs at the chain around your neck, causing you to fall to the ground.
In an attempt to brace the fall, you put your arms out, catching yourself and ending up on all fours.
But as you try to get up, he would tut at you, ordering you to “Crawl to me.” You’re humiliated, but you still do it as he watches you like a hawk, a satisfied grin on his face.
If you also happen to scrape or bruise yourself when you fell and some small tears form in your eyes, let me tell you, he would get so bricked up as soon as he noticed them.
And of course, he would make you blow him, though it would end up with him face-fucking you, as it usually did.
He would also hold your head down as he dumped his cum down your throat, then he would pull your nose with his free hand, saying that “you don’t get to breathe until you’ve swallowed it all.” And of course, you would do it because you don’t want to literally choke to death on your boss’s dick.
Once he was sure you had swallowed it all, he would finally release you, allowing you to take some air in. Then he would make you stick out your tongue, and he would spit in your mouth, making you swallow that too.
𐂯 Training
He liked using small electrical charges as a ‘training method’, and this method has two stages. This would happen after he already had you as his personal toy— I mean, ‘secretary’.
At first, he uses electricity to reprimand you whenever you weren’t paying attention to him, questioned him, said no to things, or did anything that he considered as bad behaviour.
He would shock you, making you associate ‘bad behavior’ with pain, so you would end up automatically correct yourself before you even do or say something.
If you take a bit too long to ‘adjust’ to this new way of acting, he might resort to a little bit of hypnosis, but he would prefer not to.
He gets off on the fact that he can train you to behave just with his words and actions, without the help of any special ability.
Anyways, when he is sure that he has drilled into you what proper behavior is, he’ll employ phase two. He’ll start training you to enjoy the sting of his electricity.
So, whether he's fucking you, giving you head, touching you, or basically providing any sort of pleasure, every time you would be close to reaching your peak, he would send jolts of electricity through you, gradually increasing the dosage over time.
Things would get to the point that a small shock from him would be enough to get you turned on, and bigger shocks would be able to literally make you cum.
ฅ Pet
For the most part, he wouldn’t see secretary!reader as a partner. It’s only after a while, like a year or more, that he would start considering it.
He views them as his romantic interests, but not on his level. To keep face with the other Vees, even though they both knew about his crush from the beginning because he was so obvious with it, he would call you his pet.
Sometimes literal ‘pet names’ like puppy, kitty, bunny, etc. (Personally, I would love for him to call him his bunny <3.)
What he calls you all depends on your appearance and behaviors. For example, if you manifested with a more feline appearance, he would call you his kitten or kitty. If you didn’t have animal-like features but for example, were very needy, had a tendency to follow around, and were a sucker for praise, he would likely call you his puppy.
𓌏 Punishments
Besides using electric shocks, he is definitely into spanking as a form of punishment—whether it involves pulling down your pants or lifting your skirt, spanking you for every ‘transgression’ you’ve committed is something he’s totally down for.
It can be a really strange experience if you weren't a masochist to begin with because he'll end up having you conditioned to enjoy physical punishments;
For example, he would be spanking you, and you find yourself getting turned on, arousal literally leaking due to his rough treatment of your behind.
Edging and overstimulation are also big in his book, though each has its own set of circumstances where they would be implemented.
For instance, if you weren't paying attention to him because of someone else, he would overstimulate you to the point where you couldn't think about anyone but him, asserting his superiority over whoever had your attention.
If you weren't paying attention for any other reason, he would edge you, because ‘how dare you ignore him when he should be the most important to you!’.
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ricegobbler · 3 months
ok ngl I did this bc I’m bored. I might open requests, but idk yet bc I’m always busy. So I’m NOT opening any requests atm but I may soon!! I also didn’t do all the cons in this bc I’m so tired. So I’ll do the rest of them maybe tmrw.
Ok anyways this might be a lil bad since it’s my first time :( but enjoy either way!
Also I’m using ‘Y/N’ bc idk what else to use even tho I think I’m supposed to use it.
Warnings‼️: Mention of fighting(s), injuries, drugs (calling Megatron the druglord basically) slightly suggestive (mainly for Megatron and kinda for Knockout?)
(Megatron, Starscream, and Knockout)
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-Ah yes, our favorite drug lord☺️
-When he first saw you he thought of you as any other Decepticon on the Nemesis, a weakling basically.
-Every time he’d see you he wouldn’t really think much or care honestly, like I said, you were treated and thought of like any other Decepticon by the warlord. So the two of you wouldn’t rlly interact.
-But then, the first time you fought the Autobots in front of Megatron really changed his perspective of you. Yes, you still weren’t that special out of everyone else, but you did cause something special in his spark.
-After the battle, slamming Bulkhead into the ground, Megatron actually said something to you. Praising you for your strength and courage.
“I’m quite impressed, Y/N..” Megatron praised you, arms behind his back as he circled around you. “A fem with that much strength and power is quite…alluring~”
Your optics widened, feeling a bit of a shiver run up (or go down) your back. “A-alluring?…” You repeat, “Yes…very alluring..” he responded back, he then stood behind you and placed a servo on your shoulder, gripping it a little tightly.
“I’m quite glad to have you on our side~ you’ll be very useful….” He whispered into your audial.
-After that day he started treating you differently. Definitely favorite treatment. He wouldn’t get mad at you for your fails and would just brush it off, leaving the others (Starscream and Knockout) jaw dropped.
-Sometimes Megatron would com you to see him, privately. Whenever this happens the only thing that ever happens is some little conversation. Sometimes they’d be about the war, but mostly about each other and stories of both of your lives before the war. Sometimes he’d just praise you too tho, not that you minded though, praises from him were just 🙏
-I feel like he’d fall for some strong fem. Of course, he’d still be stronger. But he would love your strength, courage, wisdom and seriousness, and sometimes he’d get a little…riled up at the height difference between the two of you.
-When he finally confessed feelings for you (he wrote a poem and recited it to you💔🥹) you were treated WAYYY differently. Being called “my queen” or “my dear,” and he would fucking force the others to call you their queen.
-how he kisses?? Passionate. He’s so rough and touchy while kissing too omfg. PDA?? Hell yeah. He don’t gaf abt who’s around, he’d grab your waist in front of everyone and whisper the most…innocent..things to you!☺️
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-Our favorite high heel cunt!😝
-Just like Megatron, I feel like he wouldn’t really care about your presence, BUT, he would definitely talk to you about how everything goes in the Nemesis. While doing so I feel like he’d trail off and start talkin abt overthrowing Megatron💀
“-And then I get to overthrow that scrap of a warlord! YES! I will offline him soon and..” He paused and slowly turned his head to look at you, you just blinked confusingly and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Are you alright..?” You ask, “I’m fine. Moving on!..” he responded.
-Yeah. Anyways.
-When he first saw your skills against Autobots, he was surprised. He’s never seen a fem do that much damage. Of course, he doesn’t say anything about it. He’s pretty quick to brush it off anyways.
-Sometimes he’d just fucking burst in your berthroom and tell you orders. Why? Bc he’s SIC ig😒
Starscream bursting into your berthroom, “Y/N!” You quickly turn your helm to look at him. “Huh”
“As your second in command I order you to do [whatever idk]!” He yelled, hands on his waist and everything.🤦🏻‍♀️
-But the more you two interact the more he realizes he doesn’t mind you being around. He seems more comfortable with you. How would you know? He’d rant to you about how he’d make you his SIC once he overthrows Megatron😭
-Then he finally falls for you. I honestly see him being hella nervous around you but tried showing off to you. One time he tried showing off he could take on Megatron, next thing you know you brought him to the Medbay-
-the way he’d confessed would be so sweet but funny too istg.
“Y/N…I..I’ve fallen for you.” He said, “you what?..” you asked, he quickly stood up, transforming into his alt and flew through the halls of the Nemesis while yelling back “I LOVE YOUUUU..!”
-After that little fail you found him in his berth in the corner like he was in time out and you just giggled. You gently rubbed his back and smiled. You also told him you fell for him and his wings fluttered.
-He’s quite silly, and you loved that. Secretly in his berthroom you’d praise him and cuddle with him (he rlly needs it🙁) he’d call you names like “my spark” or “love.” PDA?? Yes, but not in public. Sure, he’ll hold your hand sometimes in public, but in the Berth is the best place. How he kisses? Amazing. Not as suggestive as Megatron, but they’re so sweet. Soft kisses<33
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-The best flirtatious man ever😍
-He heard about your arrival from the rumors around the Nemesis, at first he was actually intrigued. He wanted to know what you looked like and what your personality was.
-Everyday he’d wait for you to come to the Medbay if you had any injuries. Of course, you didn’t. So what a shame 😢
-But he’d hear any new thing about you from either Starscream or the rumors around.
-But when the day of you fighting the Autobots for the first time he was finally able to see you in the Medbay to treat some wounds you had gotten.
You, covered in wounds, entering the Medbay for the first time and meeting optics with Knockout. “My my my….you’re the new fem, hm? Nice to meet you Y/N, the names Knockout~”
-curse his flirtatious side.
-when he finally treated your wounds and scratches he just smirked at you.
“Thank you,” You said to him, “No problem, doll~ it was wonderful to meet you..” he responded.
-After that, the more missions you went on and the more you’d get hurt you’d stop by to get treated. Even the smallest wounds you’d get, you’d still visit him! You mainly liked his personality though.
-The more you came by the more he got comfortable with you, he’d start ranting to you about random things. Once, he ranted to you about his paint being scratched by Arcee and Bumblebee.
-Sometimes when Knockout had no one to treat you’d come by and talk to him. You loved his sassiness, it was so funny😭 you’d also praise him too, saying how you loved him paint and how shiny it was that day. In return, he’d praise you too.
-whenever you two hung out you would just sit on the medbays bed and swing your legs back n forth since you didn’t reach the ground. Knockout found it quite amusing, he’d definitely tease you for it.
-When the two of you got close, you started falling for him first. Mostly because of his flirtation…yeah…like I said, curse his flirtatious side😢
-Of course he’d still flirt with you, making you flushed everytime you’d leave the Medbay after your daily conversations.
-When you finally confessed he just started saying how he knew something like this would happen. He also felt the same, so yay! Then he started teasing you hella again.
-He’d obviously call you things like “doll” or “dollface,” like omg.😍 How he kisses?? Also passionate, not rlly touchy tho..he just holds you by the waist n that’s it. Praises EVERYDAY. Only if you praise him tho. PDA?? Same like Starscream, not in public.
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ykscarlett · 4 months
headcanons || valeria garza || pt.1
warning: this is only my opinion about her!!, minors dni, a slight mention of smut, lesbian relationship, a little bit angst ig, grammar, if I missed something, please write to me about it.
a/n: the first post. I'm really looking forward to your opinions and reblogs.
copying, translation, and use hc without my permission is prohibited & ykscarlett only on tumblr
with love, scarlett
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My headcanons about Valeria (without mentioning revealing her as ‘el sin nombre’ and meeting with Ale) + bonus "if you are finally in a relationship with Valeria."
A former officer of the Mexican Special Forces, and now the leader of a criminal cartel, can show feelings? Can she be gentle to someone? Seriously?
Or maybe to lo– no, not to love, but rather, it's very good to improvise that she feels something for her partner, because she is very good at pretending. Too good, I'd say.
Love is something unknown to her.
Something that she failed to feel both as a child and in adulthood.
Something forbidden.
Something that she is deprived of and that she will never feel.
Let's be honest, she won't be able to love someone.
But I'm not saying she doesn't need love.
She didn't read the romantic books that all her girls-classmates flowed from. (and yes, her parents forced her to get a good education first, and then go into the military)
She didn't date anyone from school, while other girls switched boyfriends.
She realized that she was attracted to girls only at sixteen, when a pretty stranger in a club kissed her.
And she always used girls only to satisfy her pleasure. Of course, there are hints of sadism in her, after all, she personally tortures all her prisoners, but sexually there is a difference.
She will never cause real pain.
It can humiliate you, it can turn you into a wet, whimpering mess, it can make you faint from the pace and overexcitation, but it will never hurt if we engage in intimacy with you.
Well. In her opinion, love is overrated. This feeling is nothing more than a facade of a person's emotional weakness. And Valeria cannot allow herself to be weak in something, and especially towards someone.
But if you ask her "What is love for you?", I think she will answer something like this: "It's hard to explain.. it can mean something different to everybody. It's a feeling, a connection between people. A desire to protect someone more than yourself, and to be there for each other, no matter what. And it can be an incredibly powerful force, one that can change the world and bring people together in unexpected ways. For some, love is simply a chemical reaction, a biological instinct driven to perpetuate and propagate our species. And for others, it's a mystical concept that transcends time, space and logic."
She was definitely not in a real healthy relationship, I guarantee you that. And there's not much time for love when your life is constantly under threat. She had many affairs with girls and women, several with men (there were only two of them, the first was a trial, the second was proof that the opposite sex had no chance with her; and no, she did not date Alejandro, if they were together, Mexico would be on fire)
She's in the drug trade, man. This is unacceptable to me, drugs are evil, but in the case of Valeria... I do not know how to justify this, it is unacceptable to me.
She's a first-class manipulator. She can achieve absolutely anything she wants, only if she really wants to. Single–mindedness is another important character trait of hers. She will use any goals and any connections, any ways and break any rules to get what she has in mind... Or who.
But Val is not as bad as you think, I'm describing her. I think she just won't let herself fall in love. She's afraid of hurting someone she loves...to whom she will get attached because of her activities. She is engaged in criminal cases and every night she falls asleep (if suddenly, thank God, she gets the opportunity) with the thought "will I survive tomorrow?".
She's being hunted. Many. She runs a huge drug cartel, makes big deals, runs criminal gangs... Another reason to be alone and sometimes ask an assistant to order a little fucktoy.
But what if you win her heart so that she practically forgets about all her principles?
How you got to her, decide for yourself, whether it's captivity, recruitment or your own decision. There are many options.
At first, she will deny feeling for you.
She will try to avoid you everywhere and in everything, she will start talking even colder, but she will surreptitiously watch you and with her own hands she will take care of that bully who is part of her cartel to show him that it is better not to even talk to you, let alone touch your waist. I don't think I need to say that the next day, and in fact, he will never appear in this building.
Initially, she will be a 'secret' lover. She will show signs of attention, but as imperceptibly as possible and goddamn you will understand that this is her, this is a woman who has not been trained in anything.
You will hook her, most likely, not with beauty, but simply with yourself. Time is important for Valeria, if it does not concern one-night stands. Time to take a closer look, time to realize, time to fall in love, time to come up with a way to confess, time to try to forget you, time to realize what really is...fuck..fell in love.
She notices the little things.
She is very attentive and sometimes it's even creepy. She notices if you have eaten before she sends you to transfer the goods, if you have not eaten, then she will send one of her assigned ones along with a package of typical goodies. She notices you drawing little drawings in the margins of your notebook while she talks about upcoming deals. She notices that a patch has appeared on your index finger, apparently you accidentally cut yourself with a knife again, imagining yourself *some famous chef* and be sure that there will be a pack of patches and one flower on your bedside table.
Valeria has never liked flowers. But for your sake, she became addicted to the colors of red. Red...as blood...and even here she went crazy. In my opinion, she would always give a long red rose with uncut, sharp thorns.
Without noticing it, she becomes softer towards you than towards her other 'employees'.
Since she is a woman with money, she can pamper you with gifts that you have been dreaming about for a long time, and the cartel's personal courier will say that it is from an old relative/aunt/former classmate/fourth cousin on dad's sister's side.
Okay, let's move away from the period of easy falling in love and move on to some of the facts that await you in a relationship with her.
Her gentle nature may or may not reveal itself. She can gently kiss your lips and easily cover your entire neck with bruises, which is why you get sidelong glances from your teammates and an arrogant look from V. She can gently and slowly play with your pussy, treating it like a crystal vase, or she can spank your pussy, bite your hips until red stripes appear and fuck hard with a strap-on.
Speaking of the latter, she doesn't have many. One is standard, one that you can safely accept and enjoy it, the second is an ordinary dildo with protruding parts and the third is a long one if you've done something and she can't wait to vent her disappointment on you.
Before entering into an intimate relationship with you, she will definitely discuss what is acceptable for you, what is not and what is categorically not. This is another manifestation of love on her part.
If you return wounded after the mission, she will swear at everyone and take you to her office, where, cursing menacingly, she will begin to treat your wounds, after which she will gently kiss each one, as if taking all the pain for himself.
Another bonus.
A few days ago, she asked you to sleep with her. Of course, you agreed, and a few minutes after her proposal, you were lying on her chest in her big bed, in which she practically does not sleep, because sitting on a chair is more familiar to sleep and she stroked your hair. She can't help but wonder why she's showing such tenderness to you. Her brain tries in every possible way to reason with her, to return her to her usual cold and inaccessible lifestyle, to her comfort zone. But she moves away from these thoughts to thoughts of you, who is peacefully snuffling on her chest like a child.
Grinning at the comparison of you with a child, she pretended not to think about how just yesterday you sucked on her tits, sucking them to such an extent that your drool flowed between her large and soft breasts, continuing to stroke your head and occasionally kissing your forehead.
But she was gone for a long time last night. She's back in her office. You knew that for sure. Before your relationship, you often ran to her about assignments and even late at night she was always there.
So you got out of bed, wrapped yourself in a blanket, put on your slippers and went to her office. You knocked.
"Busy." Her menacing voice rang out.
She's unhappy about something, you thought, and whispered. "Valeria? May I?"
When she heard your voice, she froze in place and only after a few seconds shouted, "Come in, cariño."
You went inside and sure enough, Garza's desk was filled with papers, empty coffee cups and wrappers from her favorite candies. I'm sure she has a sweet tooth. It sounds silly, but I think it's almost the only thing that will make her smile out of pleasure, not disgust or something like that.
"Can't you sleep without me?" She replied sarcastically.
"Yes." You answered quite seriously and she understood it.
She patted her knees and said meekly, "Come here, dulzura."
When you sat down and put your arms around her neck, resting your head on her shoulder, she leaned her ear against the top of your head and put one arm around your waist, continuing to work with documents.
"Sit here for now. I'll be done soon and we'll go to bed, I'll take you to bed. Sleep well...mi pequeña princesa."
covers: https://pin.it/5K9iR3NJ7
the meanings of some words in Spanish:
cariño - darling
dulzura - sweetness
mi pequeña princesa - my little princess
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Summary: Life leads you to treacherous roads after deciding to enter the dangerous life you knew well not to follow.Having gojo by your side inviting you deeper and deeper into all that’s wrong in the world, inciting you to be selfish and carefree wasn’t supposed to be to your liking, so why do you shiver with adrenaline every time he decides to be the devil on your shoulder?
Contents: Mafia boss gojo x secretary reader.(civilian au ig)
-Secret crush Gojo!
-Yandere Gojo
-Physical altercation I guess.
Gojo being an egocentric bitch! Wealthy gojo! X no nonsense reader.
Warnings: trigger warning if you’re not interested in anything mafia like drugs or violence related. The narration of this story is inspired by Latin and Asian mafia.
🏷:@busyreader17 @starlight5cat @xavlyzn (I love y’all for tuning in I appreciate your comments🫶🏻🫶🏻)
Chapter 3
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Some dew drops are seen sliding down the windows of a custom Gulf Stream jet ;due to the rain as it lands on a clandestine pathway in the city of Shanghai, China.
As the wheels below the jet deploy you feel a soft warm hand tap you on shoulder waking you up out of your slumber, as you feel the jet tremble due to the landing;you gasp yourself awake due to the strange circumstances of your awakening.
-“Good morning Miss, I hope your flight with us has been lovely. I’ll leave you a cup of coffee ,a bottle of water and some ibuprofen in the case that you require them. Mr Gojo and Mr Geto are waiting for you outside the jet so you can all head to Báisè de huā villa. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be taking my leave.-“ Said the flight attendant before taking a bow then leaving.
You wink your eyes in hopes that I’ll help you understand what the fuck she just said,since you slept too little, you were still a bit drunk from all the whiskey from a few hours ago. You popped an ibuprofen then exited the master bedroom which you don’t remember getting into. You notice that your top is now lingering a scent of a mens cologne, but you shrug the thought off and conclude that the alcohol is just messing up your senses.
As you strut through cabin corridor,you quickly spot the jet door.Which leads you to an unknown country full of posibilites or new found problems. You tip tap down the jet stairs in hopes of finding warmth in one of the 5 Ford Everest parked by the path way, but you soon notice that in front of you is your boss and his god mother standing proudly before 2 lines of 20 men , 10 on each side forming a hallway to the vehicles while respectfully bowing down to them. Out of instinct you decide to take a step back to process the power demonstration being held before your boss, you knew he was a shady man but you’ve also never thought of him like anything else but a coworker; as you take a step back you also realize you’ve stepped out barefoot and now you have an un pleasantly wet foot.
-“Fuck.”- You comment making heads turn your way as you practically announce your arrival, as their workers noticed you ;one of them ran over to you to place and umbrella over your head.
As your presence is known; Gojo swiftly turns around and looks at you with slight amusement sparking his blue orbs.
-“How shameful,I should fire you.”-He recites while walking over to you, while making some weird hand gestures tu one of his men.
-“Be my guest.”- you reply as you gather your hair up in a pony tail to look more presentable.-”Lovely weather isn’t it?”-You comment as you rub your feet together trying to fend off the cold.
He scoffs strolling over to you ,knowing he wouldn’t fire you in his wildest dreams, a few seconds after ;the assistant whom he was signing to handed him a box. He then proceeded to crouch his tall figure to the ground , it looked as if he was bowing down to you, then he took some slippers out of the box to then grab an ankle delicately to slip then on. As of you weren’t already nervous due to this unexpected action,the look of his men piercing you made you anxious.
-“I can put them on myself you know. Stand up you’ll get your suit dirty.”-You mumbled squatting down to take the slippers from his hands.
-“Don’t tell me what to do.”-He expressed looking you dead in the eyes as he snatched back the fluffy slipper from your hand putting them back on your other foot.
3 figures could be seen sitting down in the main dining room of the Báisè de huā villa, it is currently 2 pm and all of you just woke up from a few hours of sleep after you guys arrived from the landing site.
You were now in an impromptu business meeting as your boss explained to you your obligations as his secretary while on this very important work trip.You timidly smiled as you see how the passion for his work ( truthfully power hunger) sparked a passion in his eyes ,as he explained to you how he wanted to add Chinese territories to his reign; starting with Shanghai.
Todays meeting was very important ,here he would be meeting with a very noteworthy drug supplier that worked with very few clients due to the quality of its goods and mainly to avoid getting dragged in between gang wars, the goal for today is to be accepted to the client list and negotiate prices.
You were perfect for the job
He knew that from the moment that Geto and he started stalking you, after seeing how you built wonderful companies from zero, that you were the only one capable of fulfilling their expectations. Yes, you were young, and many people may associate that with immaturity, but your age only highlighted your strategic thinking and endless energy.
You started to supervise some work your underclass men sent you to Japan when you noticed a clothed reflection on your computer screen.
-“Do I bore you?”-The deep familiar voice questioned.
-“Sometimes.”-You snapped back in annoyance due to his stupid questions.
He frowned from your unexpected reply , your tone making him a little sad. He knew you were a woman of firm character,a quality he admired about you ,so he started to worry of what would happen if you found out about what him and geto did.
-“Are you being sincere?”-Gojo asked in a more serious tone.
-“Dead serious.”-You reply as you smile from ear to ear at his “playful” questioning.
As soon as he realized you were playing ,the stress left his shoulders , he sighed and cackled at himself due to his behavior. He barely recognized himself, the guilt is eating him alive, he needed to makeup for it fast.
-“Want to go shopping?”
The busy Nanjing road if full of locals and tourist.The infrastructure of the shopping districts is breathtaking , the afternoon sunset is reflecting beautifully on the buildings decorated by big led screens and beautiful compositions of glass.
In the big sum of people, Gojo and you found peace due to the fact that, to the naked eye, you were no different from any tourist. Your boss stayed close to you as he scanned the environment with his icy blue eyes; he hid his hands in his cashmere pockets as he looked down on you.
-“I have a surprise, c’mon, follow me, princess.” - Your heart skipped a beat as you heard those sweet words come out of his pink lips. For some reason unknown to you, your boss only let out those teasing words in front of you. You decided not to think much of it since you knew he had his fair share of good-looking girls behind him. You knew your place, his secretary, nothing more.
His calloused, cold hand grabbed yours as he calmly walked through the crowd; he looked ahead so calmly. You felt embarrassed for thinking anything of his nonchalant attitude. But to him, oh man. His heart was running a thousand miles per hour; the only thing he could do to hide his blushing cheeks is to look ahead. Your hand felt so warm, so soft, so small against his; that only led him to wonder what the rest of you feels like. For a woman with such a small frame, you surely had too much attitude. He’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t fantasize about all the ways he could tame that cheeky attitude of yours. In the end, that white-haired man decided it was better for him to stop such wild thoughts before he started having issues controlling his breathing.
When both of you arrived at the store, the sales assistant immediately recognized the tall man beside you and promptly led you to a private room. It seemed to be a private dressing room; it was composed of a luxurious cream sofa, a extravagant white wood table, and what seemed to be another small room to dress in. On top of the table was a black suede box with a red bow that screamed open me!
You look over to the grinning figure beside you for permission, and as soon as he gives you the green light, you scramble to open the mystery box, which reveals a beautiful turquoise Qi pao with tiny white flowers detailing the side of your hip. The cloth ended at mid-knee and seemed like silk; it glided beautifully under your fingertips, and the stitching was impeccable. Once the sales assistant noticed you were satisfied with the dress, she took her leave.
-“You shouldn’t have.”-You gasped.
-“Oh, but I did.”-He sweet-talked as he started getting closer to your face.-”How about you model that piece for me as a thank you.”
-“Model for you?”-you giggled.-“I’d rather pay credit.”- You say as you searched your purse.
-“Fuck.”- He mumbles under his breath as he drags one hand on his face.-“I’m starting to think you get a high from contradicting me, when will you stop playing dumb, my dear.”-he taps your forehead with his index finger as he mutters this sentence.
You grab his hand, catching him off guard.
-“I don’t know if fooling around with me is your source of entertainment for today, but please consider that it’s not normal for a man such as yourself to grab my hand and plan surprises for me and take me to foreign countries. I’m aware it’s all for business reasons, so I beg you to keep this as strictly professional as possible.”
With a swift movement; your hand still in his, he turns you around to face the mirror as he positions himself behind you, towering over you as he hugs you with the arm you're both holding hands with. You gulp at the sight of his broad shoulders contrasting your own back, at the way you're engulfing yourself with his aroma, sweating at the way he dared to rest his head on your other shoulder just to whisper…
-“What if it wasn’t for business, what if the absolute truth was that you drive me crazy.”-He groaned as he looked intently at your cute expressions through the mirror.-“The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you make me want to have some damn morals just so I can have the right to talk to someone like you.”
You shake your head as you refuse to accept the reality of the situation you're in.
-“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Gojo.”
He bit his tongue in anger and frustration; all he could do is tighten his jaw in hopes he wouldn’t say anything stupid.
-“Good, cause all that’s not the fucking case.”-He left the room after spitting that out in resentment at the way you turned down his feelings as he was a beggar. He knew it; he’s a fucking idiot for ever having hope; all he’s done on this trip is embarrass himself in front of you. Having to swallow his feelings these 2 years drove him to insanity; all he wanted was to include you in his life’s plans, why couldn’t you accept that?
Oh, he clearly knew why.
It’s because you deserve better.
You deserve a Prince Charming who will offer you peace and warmth, someone who works a 9-5, someone who has a family life to offer you, probably someone who doesn’t have to carry a gun in his waistband to protect himself from all the bad things he’s done in the past, someone not crazy enough to kill for you or even better someone who’s not masochistic enough to live with the burden of his unrequited sentiments towards you.
But in the end, he knew he was selfish; that’s how he got to where he is today. He knew damn well you deserved better, so why did he still have the irresistible urge to steal you away, to drown you in his feelings to the point where you couldn’t deny them.
He laughed, no cackled at himself outside of your dressing room; you had no idea what you had coming.
Three champagne glasses clicked in celebration of a newfound business project. Tonight’s meeting has been a success, even though you’ve been burning your brain cells trying to decipher what the hell happened at the boutique this afternoon. You were clearly distracted but not to the point you forgot why you were here in the first place.
You sat back into your seat, participating in idle chit-chat with the supplier. Meanwhile, your tight turquoise Qi pao emphasized your waist, the slit by your thigh earning some stolen glances from your boss as he still acted indifferent towards you after today's spectacle.
Geto could already smell what was happening between you two, but in reality, he didn’t care one bit to even ask about it. So all he could do was stand by the door, keeping watch for any potential danger.
The meeting concluded wonderfully, so you said your goodbyes to the supplier to excuse yourself to the bathroom, allowing yourself to think straight for a few minutes before returning to your chaotic reality.
As you finished washing your hands, you touched your nape with your cold hands with the hopes of cooling down your body heat. After fanning yourself a few times, you exited the bathroom.
But to your surprise, you found a familiar face in the hallway.
-“Miss! You’re Gojo’s secretary right?”-The supplier asked, waving his hands at you to come over.
-“Yes, sir, can I help you with anything?”-You answered with a grin.
-“If you’re so very kind, I’d like to know what kind of jet you both traveled here in, because I’d also like one that can hold as much cocaine as yours do.”
You chuckled at the poor guy in front of you, too drunk out of his mind to comprehend what he’s saying.
-“Sir, we didn’t bring any cocaine; the only thing the plane carried were the three people that were in the room with you.”-You smiled as you explained the situation to him.
-“Don’t try to act sly with me, young woman! Your boss just told me that he secretly brought over 400 kilos in that jet of his; he brought them to sell over here while I released some of my product to him.”
As he uttered that sentence, your heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach. This morning you were used as a drug mule, and you didn’t even notice it.
You truly thought he would respect your boundaries.
How foolish.
You start to tremble as you start to imagine what could have been if the navy or the immigration officers wanted to inspect the plane and found the three of you with all those drugs in it.
You run back to the bathroom feeling sick, thinking that by slim chance your hard-worked career was almost over. No, your precious life was over if they decided to try you for drug possession in a country as strict as China, all because of his stupid greed.
You dried your sweat as you quickly mapped out an exit back to Japan without your two business partners finding out about you knowing their dirty little secret. Now you knew you couldn’t trust them; it was idiotic of you in the first place to do so.
You quickly ran to the entrance unbeknownst to the fact that Geto was trailing after you since the moment you left the dining room. Sure, he could have prevented the supplier from telling the truth, but that would’ve been even more suspicious in your eyes, so he finally had to let the truth break free.
You signaled over one of the cars that Gojo put at your service; all you hoped for was to get your passport back from the villa and take the first flight back to your home country and maybe even treat yourself to a little crying session in the taxi.
But the moment your hand met the car door handle, a cold force pulled you back by your free hand.
-“Please, baby, let me explain.”-Gojo stated out as he felt his heart rip to shreds due to the liquid pearls forming in your eyes.-“You weren’t supposed to know; I knew we weren’t gonna get caught, so I didn’t want you to know since I knew you’d get nerv-“
A smack was heard echoing the Shanghai streets as Gojo held his red cheek after his sentenced was slapped into the air since you decided to give him a taste of what a liar like him deserved.
-“I fucking hate you!”-you yelled out while pointing a finger at him while wiping your tears with the back of your other hand.-“ I wish I never met any of you motherfuckers!”-You said as you pointed to Geto and his crew.
What surprises all of them next was your ability to get lost in the busy Shanghai streets after crossing a simple street.
Gojo didn’t hesitate to chase after you into unknown territory wishing he could turn time back, unbeknownst to himself that some threatening enemies were watching close by.
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
A/n: Holy fucking shit man , i hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I hope sacrificing my spine for the time I edited this in one sitting is worth it. Any suggestions or comments let me know!! Have a good day 🥸🫶🏻💋
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xxaraaq · 6 months
𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝘽𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨
Sypnosis | You had worked you ass off to build up your... distinguished business. When a powerful and crazy man strikes up a deal you can't refuse, how will your relationship with him flower?
wc | 2.05 k
cw | Toxicity, death threats ig, office sex, talks about drugs and other illegal activities, unprotected sex, etc.
Brothel owner! Reader x Mafia boss! Sukuna
A/N | Hey yall. Ik i havent posted anything in a while but I hope this makes up for it. It's lowkey nasty so have fun with that.
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You worked hard to get where you were. You kissed more asses than you could count, laughed at stupid men's jokes to feed their fragile egos, and laid down in satin sheets with people you wish you could strangle while they slept. 
But you had made it, and now you were thriving.
You had finally gotten your own establishment with hundreds of beautiful women to please the money right out the men that visit them once their families rest for the night, it was a truly booming business. And you treated your girls right, with ample security and consistent checking for anything out of the ordinary. So many came flocking to you, you had to turn them down. And it hurt your heart seeing good profit like that walk away, but you had a standard you had to keep. Too many girls means not enough space, and that’s where it starts to get messy.
But you have your assistant, Toji Fushiguro to help out. He was all the muscles and glares to keep any unwanted company away, but sexy enough to keep the women occupied with their daily eye candy. It also helps that he’s as obedient as a dog and obsessed with you. You tell him all the troubles you go through, and he listens with a hum, massaging the knots out your shoulder as you groan in relief. And you appreciate it, letting his rough hands roam your body as you spread your legs. It was a fair exchange, and it was easy. Practically everything was.
Until he came.
You knew who he was – everyone did. And everyone knew that death followed him everywhere he went. They called him crazy, cruel, and cynical. You just thought he was an excellent businessman. You didn’t want him knocking at your doorstep, but you couldn’t help but respect his ways. He worked in a way that people feared and respected him. It amazed you if you were being honest, for not many men could do what he does how he does it.
He came to you with a deal. You hide drugs and counterfeit money for him, he supplies you with free men for security and any pardon you want from the police. It was a fair exchange, and you knew you couldn’t reject it anyways. So you shook on it and told your managers to round up all the girls to tell them as well.
It started out as strictly business. Short, muted phone calls about when the next shipments would arrive. Then for some reason, you wound up with his personal numbers. You declined at first thinking it was beginning to get friendly, but he brushed you off, saying that it was merely a way to keep in better contact. You knew where he was trying to head with you, but you were a curious person, and you wanted to see where this headed.
He started showing up more, through the back door of course. He would interrupt your business meetings with a care in the world, and you would have to deal with it, dismissing your employees while he stood stoic and tall, as if he was a cheeky kid proud that he got his way. 
“You can’t keep bursting into my room in the middle of the evening. People will think you like me.” You say, eyes peering at him as he walks towards you. “Since when have you cared about what people thought of you? If I remember correctly, you’re the owner of a brothel.” He sneers, talking to you as if you’re below him. You’re eyebrow quirks, picking up on his attitude. “Don’t put words in my mouth Sukuna, I didn’t say I cared about what people thought of me. I said, what will people think of you if you keep acting like I'm your mistress.” You spat, face wrinkling up in annoyance. His glare at your tone did nothing but make your cunt throb, but he wouldn’t know that, not until he fucked you at least.
“You are my mistress, or have you forgotten the meaning? He says, standing between your legs. You looked up at him with a gaze full of hatred, and he smirked at that. You did hate him, truly. But you couldn’t deny that he made you feel like no other, no matter how many people you’ve slept with. “What do you want?” Your eyes meet his as you stand up. He grabs your waist with a borderline painful grip. Something must be wrong, for he’s never held you this tight. “One of my men, a very truthful man, told me that he saw you with Gojo a week ago. Is he lying?” And it was. He wasn’t the only man you entertained, he just happened to be the best. You weren’t a sex worker yourself, but you liked to endeavor in sleeping with powerful men. It was a game to you, and you love seeing them come back for more. It was an addiction, and you were an addict.
“You’re not the only strong man in my life, y'know. You’re not as special as you think.” You caressed his chin, jawline sharp and newly grown stubble coming about. “Yeah, and who else do you fuck when I’m not here, hmm?” He questioned, looking down at you as you play with his tie. “I mean, obviously there’s Gojo. Then you have Suguru, they’re like two peas in a pod,” You laugh, “They’re great when they’re apart, but those boys are such a tease when I get them together.” You can see him get more agitated by the second, and it just spurs you on more. “I also fuck Toji on occasion, seeing as he’s the one most available. Really reliable, that one.” You smile to yourself, hands moving up to his hair. “There are more, but those are the ones I remember the most.” You tease, feeling your ribcage ache as he squeezes harder. He probably doesn’t even notice himself doing it, and that reason alone makes you grin. “You got anyone else to add to your list of clients?” He asks. It strikes a nerve, and you push yourself away from him. “Don't speak to me as if I’m a prostitute.” You snide, chest contracting in anger. “Aren’t you though? I mean, you fuck people for money, you dress clad in what? A dress that your boobs are bound to spill out of? In all ways besides actual, you’re no better than the girls you employ.” He says, sitting down in your chair.
If you could kill him right now you would. But even through anger, you’re not stupid. So you relax your face and stride over to him all so calmly, like he never degraded with such harsh words. “Is my boy mad because he feels like he’s being replaced?” You taunt, voice going up an octave. You sit in his lap like you’ve done it one thousand times before. His hands come up to your waist like second nature, and you lean in to whisper in his ear. “Well you are, so if I were you I would do something about it instead a throwing a conniption fit over the other men I fuck when you’re not here.”  
He pulls you back by your hair, smashing his lips into yours. You moan into him, grinding against his clothed cock. He lifts you up into the air, swiping all the contents off your desk. “That shits important you fucking idiot.” You curse, unzipping his pants. “Stop acting like you don’t have the means to replace it. 
He was right, but that’s not the point. 
You lift your hips up for easier access as he rips your underwear clean off. He stuffs it in your mouth flipping you over before you can react. You brace yourself on your forearms as he drops to his knees, lifting your dress off your ass, spitting a glob of saliva onto your already soaked pussy. “You’re one crazy bitch, you know that? Getting all wet for me as I demean all you’ve done to get where you are.” He snides, running his thick cock over your hole. You want to chide back, but you're breathless as he thrusts into you. The desk shakes as he ruts into you from behind. Your arm mindlessly reaches for his, grasping onto his bicep. He pins it to your back, leaning closer to your ear. “You had all this to say about me acting like a baby, but you’re crying and babbling like one. I remember you saying you hated hypocrites. Where’d all the fucking atitude go now?” He kisses you back, biting after. You shudder at the pain as the force almost breaks the skin; but a deranged, primal part of you wanted him to do it again until he did. 
He flips you on your back, clasping your thighs to pull you closer. “Keep em’ up.” He grunts, rubbing your clit in big, slow circles. You pull your legs up to your chest, spreading them wide to give him a view. He chuckles, slapping his dick on your now swollen cunt. “What would the girls downstairs do if they saw their beloved madam get spread on her desk like a used slut?” He asks, kissing his way from your ankle to the front of your foot. “What would your wife say if she saw you fucking me like a ‘used slut’.” He full on laughs at your remark, slowly pushing himself back to chastise you for your slick mouth. “If you’re gonna fuck me, then do it right.” You say, grinding your hips in search of friction. “Oh?” He hums, head nodding to the side in mock confusion. 
You don’t get another word in before he fucks back into you, harder than ever before. “Ohhh shittt.” You mewl, head throwing back by the sheer power of his thrusts. He grabs the nape of your neck, pulling your forward to look into your eyes as he gives you the best fuck of your life. “You got something to say baby? I can’t hear you over your pussy y’know. You’re gonna have to speak louder.” You could say he’s tormenting you at this point. And you hated to say that you loved it. “C-cum in meee.” You moan, eyes rolling to the back of your skull. “You said what? I can't hear you baby, ya’ gonna have to speak louder than that.” He banters back and forth, thrusting getting sloppier as his core tightens too. “I s-said I want you to c-umm in mee.” You sob, tears streaming down your face. “You forgot the magic word princess.” He runs on, poking at you to set you off. “I’ll fucking kill you you son of a bitch.” You curse, reaching up to pull him towards you. You smash his face into yours as the band in your core snaps. “Fuckkkkkkk.” You wail, legs shaking as you ride out your orgasm. Sukuna follows right after you, shooting hot spurts of cum into you as his groans fill the rooms. All you hear is heavy breaths as he collapses on top of you, sweat and slick covering both of your thighs and torso. 
You draw shapes on his broad back as he rests between your legs. “If you ever sleep with Gojo again, I’ll kill the both of you.” He says, standing back up. You knew he was being serious, but you liked to press his buttons. “I’ll invite him over the next time you come then. You’ll learn how to share better that way.” You roll your eyes, closing your now aching legs. He sucks his teeth, fixing himself as you do the same. “Your mouth will be the reason someone kills you one day.” He says to himself, shaking his head with a snarky smirk gracing his face. 
You walk towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “That day will not be today, and that person will not be you. Count on it.” You whisper, pecking his lips. He will never cease to be shocked by your articulation. “Now get out.” You command, straightening yourself out in your compact mirror.
He might fuck you like a dumb whore, but he’ll always know that you’ll always beat him at his own game.
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ikissjae · 2 years
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PAIRING … jung jaehyun x female!reader
THEMES … angst, smut, and ig some fluffy?
LENGTH … 5.4k.
WARNINGS … TOXIC relationship. this is a bad, codependent, parasitic relationship i do not idolize nor condone this kind of relationship by any means. abuse of power. corruption kink. religious themes. throat/face fucking, aggressive at that. reader is restrained at one point, nothing crazy. fingering (fem receiving). jaehyun isn’t a great guy. please let me know if i missed something! MINORS DNI.
NOTES … i wrote this fic literally years ago as a chanyeol fic lol! again, mind those tags as this is a darker kind of piece. hope yall enjoy! rbs, comments, and asks are always appreciated ♡
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ㅤㅤㅤ© ikissjae 2022. translating and/or reposting is not allowed.
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Jaehyun reminded you of fire.
Out of control. Hot. Angry. Suffocating. 
Jaehyun was like a burning building you wanted to get out of but couldn’t find your way out because the smoke was so thick and heavy. The horrifying part wasn’t that the building was burning down or that your lungs were burning from the smoke, oh no no, it was that you didn’t want to get out.
You wanted to burn to the ground surrounded by Jaehyun.
You can’t explain how you got yourself here pinned down in the backseat of his car, dress riding up dangerously high on your thighs, and your baby hairs plastered to your forehead from the sweat that harbored there. 
Hot. It was so hot in his car. Suffocating almost. 
That probably wasn’t from the heat, that was probably due to the large boy weighted on top of you, his large hands holding tightly onto the lacey fabric of your dress. You loved this dress. It was a pristine white and had the prettiest lace pattern you had ever seen. You wore it every Sunday. Today was no different.
The boy’s lips stayed attached to your neck as you laid there, complacent, your hands rested barely on his waist. You were scared to touch him. You didn’t know what was right and what was wrong. Jaehyun pulled back from your neck to look down at your face. You just blinked up at him, letting your hands move from hovering over his waist to rest heavily on his broad shoulders.
Jaehyun was so big. It was stupid you two kept making out in the cramped backseat of his beatup old car. If you felt confined, you couldn’t imagine how Jaehyun must’ve felt.
“Wanna try something new?”
Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41. 
The verse rang through your head once Jaehyun’s offer hit your ears. Your eyes scanned his face unsurely, watching his pretty pink lips quirk up into a smirk at your hesitation. There was always something dark in his eyes. Something impure.
Jaehyun was impure. 
He was, as your father affectionately put it, a “troubled youth” and needed some help “improving himself”
Your father loved fixing things that never needed to be touched in the first place. Jaehyun was one of those things. He’s been drinking since he knew how to hold a bottle, fighting since he knew how to walk, and smoking since he was fourteen. He told you that once when he was taking you to church.
You, on the other hand, were pure.
You never drank, you never smoked, you never even thought about doing any type of drugs, and you had never kissed a boy till Jaehyun appeared in your life. You remember night vividly. He looked harmless, honestly, soft features and dressed all nice. Your father talked so highly of the progress he and Jaehyun were making, how Jaehyun’s life was only improving since your father started taking him to church. 
Jaehyun was the devil in sheep's clothing. 
You remember how intense his gaze on you was. How hot it made your cheeks and made you advert your eyes from him and onto the green beans on your plate. You should’ve known then and there he was laying the trap out so he could keep you locked in his burning house forever. 
God, if only you knew.
“What’s the new thing?” You wondered breathlessly. Jaehyun hummed as he sat up, looking around the backseat before nodding to the front. 
“Get in the front. There’s not enough room back here.” You complied so easily, soothing your dress down and sitting up to crawl over his center console and into the passenger seat. You didn’t even ask where he was taking you. You just listened to him without thought. You were his lapdog practically. 
You couldn’t help it. Jaehyun was interesting. He had so many stories, so many tales, some of drama, some of loss, and some were just funny. He was so interesting. You never met anyone like Jaehyun before. 
Once the boy settled in the front seat, you propped your elbow up on the center console and rested your cheek in your palm, watching him turn on the car with stars in your eyes. You adored Jaehyun as much as your heart could allow you too. You knew it was futile but you couldn’t help it, he was looking to be adored.
After a beat of you staring, Jaehyun turned his head towards you, brows knitted together and a scowl on his face. You simply batted your lashes at him, smiling warmly up at his gaze.
He didn’t warm up. He never did. But you had hope one day he would.
One day, Jaehyun would feel the same way towards you. 
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“I like looking at you like this.”
“I don’t care. It’s weird.” You laughed softly at his rebuttal, shaking your head.
“It’s not weird. You’re just handsome.” Jaehyun scoffed, beginning to drive out of the church parking lot. “I like looking at handsome boys.”
“I’m the only handsome boy you’re looking at, let’s be honest, angel.” You preened at that nickname. Angel. You loved being his angel. A celestial being in his eyes. It always made your cheeks burn. You sat up finally, looking out the window as he sped down the empty road that desperately needed fixing.
“Where are we going?” You asked after way too long of not knowing. Jaehyun glanced over at you then back at the road.
“My apartment.” Your eyes lit up at that, the excitement clear as day on your face.
“Really? You’re really taking me there?” You asked leaning back over to rest your hands on his bicep. Jaehyun couldn’t help but to smile a little at how excited you got over the minsecule of things. It was cute. You were excited to see his apartment, something he didn’t see as a big deal, but you saw as a massive deal.
Jaehyun never took you to his apartment. It was like a shadowy part of his life you didn’t know about––Well, a lot of Jaehyun’s life was like that.
“Yeah,” He chuckled quietly, “We’re trying something new, right? Why not do it somewhere new?” New for you, not new for him, but you didn’t say that. You just bounced excitedly in your seat.
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Jaehyun’s apartment was rather messy. You weren’t surprised. His car was messy so why wouldn’t his house be too? He guided you through the disheveled living room, arm tightly wrapped around your waist as you looked around trying to take in your surroundings. You didn’t want to sound pompous but, god, this place was a dump.
He opened his bedroom door, letting you walk in first and look around. You were a curious little thing. Jaehyun liked that. He liked how little you knew about the world, how sheltered you were from everything dark and twisted. He liked showing you those aspects of the world, slowly and cautiously so you wouldn’t run away or get scared but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like when your eyes got all wide and full of fear.
“You should get an aloe vera plant.” You finally conclude causing his lips to quirk up with a small laugh as you hooked your fingers in front of you, smiling up at him. “You need something alive in here.”
“I got you, don’t I?” He tapped the tip of your nose at that. You giggled up at him, rocking back and forth on your heels anxiously. Jaehyun hummed down at you, waiting for a response with that same smirk on his lips. You nodded quickly, hands still laced in front of you.
“You got me.”
It felt like a promise. A one-sided promise.
Jaehyun pinched your cheek playfully before nodding towards his bed. You looked down at the black sheets, humming stiffly as you sat on the mattress the springs squeaking beneath your weight. Your hands rested in your lap as Jaehyun towered over you, his eyes dark with something you didn’t know. You didn’t know a lot about Jaehyun.
Jaehyun tilted his head down at you, tucking hair behind your ear in one last gentle act of kindness before he dropped his hand to begin undoing his belt.
You bit your bottom lip as he stared down at you, his eyes falling to your fidgeting hands.
“Let me just see your hands,” You didn’t hesitate to put your hands up, palms facing him. He easily took your wrists into one of his large hands. You swallowed thickly up at him as he wrapped the belt around your wrists tightly and expertly. You wondered how many times he’s done this with other people.
You let out a soft gasp when he tugged on the belt, pulling you towards his hips till you were in front of his zipper. You swallowed thickly, looking up at him with big adoring eyes as he trailed his hand up and to tangle into your hair.
“Open your mouth, angel,” Your jaw immediately dropped. He hummed in slight pride, nodding his head down at you. “Tongue out.” You listened to that command without hesitation as well, staring up at him pathetically as he let go of your hair to take off his jeans letting them fall to his knees. 
You’ve seen Jaehyun’s dick before, it just happened. You didn’t plan on it, but it’s happened multiple times now. 
“I don’t think I said you could talk,” There’s a pang of hurt in your chest, but you stared up at Jaehyun with big doe eyes as he gently tapped your jaw. “Just shut up and keep your mouth open.” You swallowed thickly but dropped your jaw again, watching as he pulled his boxers down to join his jeans.
This was new. Jaehyun took his dick into his hand, stroking slowly like he was teasing himself.
You haven’t seen a lot of dicks in your life––Okay, you’ve only seen Jaehyun’s but you’re going to assume that he’s on the bigger side. You have nothing to compare him to but a big boy has to have a big dick, right? 
“Gonna fuck your throat,” You tried to wring your wrists with your hands but the leather restraint around your wrists stopped you causing you to whine softly, “Hit my thigh if it’s too much, got it?”
You blinked up at him a few times, scared to speak again thinking he would snap at you again. So, you nod as your eyes fall downward. Jaehyun snapped his fingers causing him to look up at him again. 
“Look at me and don’t look away till I say so, understood?” 
You took a second, but nodded. You could feel your tongue getting dry. Jaehyun gently smacked the head of his cock against the palette of your tongue with a wet smack. You shut your eyes tightly before quickly opening them again––You’re a good listener.
Jaehyun smiled down at you, putting one hand on the back of your head to push your mouth towards his dick. 
You balled your fists up, your nails digging into your palms as Jaehyun ran a hand through your hair. He was gentle at first, not pushing you too far or too fast, just a gentle guiding hand. It wasn’t bad. You weren’t enjoying it but you didn’t hate it.
It was for Jaehyun. You’d do anything for Jaehyun.
He didn’t taste like anything really. There was a saltiness but that was easy to ignore. You kind of had a hard time breathing but it wasn’t impossible. Truly, it could be better but it could be worse.
“Deep breath through your nose, angel.” His deep voice knocked you out of your thoughts. Of course you listened, you always did, taking a deep breath through your nose as he put a hand on the back of your head and pushed down until your nose pressed against his stomach.
You shut your eyes tightly, loudly sputtering and gasping around his cock. Your throat spasmed around him trying to catch a breath but to no avail. You could feel tears flood your eyes and roll down your cheeks, unable to wipe them because of your restraints. Jaehyun groaned down at you, twisting his hand in your hair a little tighter to hold you down on his cock.
Everything was getting so messy. You hated messes. You didn’t want to be messy. Messes are bad. You weren’t a mess.
“Fuck,” You gagged around his cock again, trying to focus on breathing through your nose but it progressively got harder. “You look so cute with my dick down your throat, angel.” 
He thought this was cute? Rapid tears running down your cheeks and drool pooling from your mouth? Gagging around his cock? You were 90% sure you didn’t look cute right now.
You shut your eyes tightly before hitting his thigh with your tied together hands, whining up at him pathetically before he pulled you off of his dick with a deep sigh.
Once off his dick, you coughed trying to catch your breath as Jaehyun watched you turn away from him, blinking hard as your chest heaved a little bit. Jaehyun cooed patronizingly down at you, laughing at how you still struggled to get it together.
“So cute,” He coos, running his knuckles over your cheek. His words didn’t feel sincere anymore. They felt mocking. You looked up at Jaehyun with a sniffle, clearing your throat with a deep breath through your nose. 
“I–I don’t think I like it,” You tell him as you put your hands on his thigh, “I-I’m not good at it.” It was a lame excuse that you knew he wouldn’t accept, but it was worth a shot. “My throat hurts already. I–”
“It’s supposed to hurt,” Jaehyun interrupted, putting his hand back in your hair. You whimpered up at him, eyes wide and lips swollen. “If you make me cum, I’ll give you a surprise. You want that, baby?”
You swallowed up at him, batting your wet lashes up at him.
He knew you liked surprises. He knew you too well.
Slowly and unsurely, you nodded. Jaehyun smirked as he leaned down, sloppily colliding his lips with yours. You whined softly at how his tongue licked into your mouth, groaning softly at your still sweet taste before pulling back with a wet smack. 
Messy. Things were so messy.
Jaehyun grabbed you by your jaw, easily opening your mouth again so he could slide his dick into your mouth. You inhaled deeply through your nose. It didn’t help, really, you still gagged and your eyes still watered the further he pushed you down. When your nose brushed against his stomach once again. Jaehyun snapped his fingers above your head causing your wet eyes to look up from the carpet, looking up at him with the smallest whimper.
“Look at me. I want you to look at me when I fuck your face.”
Jaehyun’s never been poetic.
He was gentle at first, like he always was. His hips smooth and and slow, his cock easily sliding from the back of your throat to the tip of your tongue. You didn’t mind the pace, you slightly enjoyed it even, but with time his hips snapped harder and faster. 
It was only a matter of time before his cock was hitting the back of your throat repeatedly. The soft cute sounds you were making, morphing into dramatic gags as tears ran down your cheeks again. 
You wanted to close your eyes, you wanted to wipe the drool from your chin, you wanted to use your hands again. 
But it didn’t matter what you wanted. It was about Jaehyun. It was always about Jaehyun.
At least he was handsome, he looked so good when he felt good. He sounded like heaven too. His baritone groans were so harmonious and a blissful distraction to your throat getting fucked.
“Oh god, you’re doing so good, angel.” You hated how his compliment made your cheeks burn. “You’re no angel, huh? What angel sits around and gets their throat fucked?”
You tried to shake your head but you couldn’t move your head that much. 
You were an angel. You were his angel. 
“You’re just a whore, hm?”
You shook your head again, this time letting out a soft sound of protest that only made him fuck into your mouth harder. His hand in your hair turned iron tight as you gagged around his cock again, spit dripping from your chin and onto your dress. You hated how wet your face was, you desperately wanted to wipe your cheeks or your chin––You wanted to be clean again. 
“You just need to be put in your place,” Jaehyun groaned, brows knitting in as more little sounds left your throat. “I’ll put you in your place, baby. I’ll show you what you’re really meant to be.”
You thought he was just talking to talk, you couldn’t understand what he was saying or what it meant. The ache in your jaw was pretty distracting, your jaw going slack and eyes glossing over as both of his hands went to either side of your head for more control. His cock now sliding in and out of your throat with little resistance, the only sounds in the room are his rough groans and the crude squelching sounds from your throat.
While your eyes were staring up at him, listing like always, your mind was elsewhere.
You wished you were in the car again. You wished he was on top of you again. You wished you were kissing again. You liked kissing Jaehyun––No, you loved kissing Jaehyun. He has the softest plumpest lips, it was heaven kissing Jaehyun.
You don’t have anyone to compare him to but you bet he was the best kisser in the world.
Hastily, Jaehyun pulled you off of his cock, jerking himself off causing your eyes to drop to watch him jerk himself off but he grabbed your jaw and jerked your head up.
“Sorry.” You whispered hoarsely, watching him bite his bottom lip as you watched his face with parted spit-slicked lips. Jaehyun’s chest heaved as his breathing picked up. The small grunts he was letting out turned into loud rough moans, his head falling back as he came in thick strings of white.
A string of cum splattered on your cheek causing you to grimace a little, feeling even dirtier than before. Jaehyun watched you as he came down from his high, breathing deeply through his nose before wiping his cum on your cheek.
“Jae!” You squealed, jerking away causing him to laugh at your reaction. You whined loudly, struggling to stand from your position from the ground. The ache in your knees almost immediately once you stood, you ignored it to lift your tied hands with a clear of your throat.
“Take it off.” 
Jaehyun raised his brows at your tone, immediately knocking back into your place. 
He stared down at you for a second before taking your hands into his, untightening the restraints around your wrist and letting your hands free again. Once your wrists were free, you quickly wiped at your face. You didn’t know what you were wiping off at this point cum, tears, drool––You wanted a shower. You sniffled softly, holding you tainted palms out to him with a pout on your lips. Jaehyun looked at your hands then back at you, brows raised like he was supposed to do something.
“Just wipe them on your dress.”
“I don’t want to wipe them on my dress.”
You blinked at him.
“It’ll get dirty.” Jaehyun scoffed a little bit at that. “I don’t want it to get dirty.” He shrugged nonchalauntly like he was supposed to help you.
“There’s drool all over it already,” You bite the inside of your cheek at how dismissive his tone was.
“Wipe it on your dress.” It wasn’t a suggestion anymore. It was a demand. 
A demand that made your throat tight and your eyes dropping to the floor. Slowly, you wiped your grimy hands on the hem of your dress, brows knitting together in disgust as the white darkened to a dark grey. 
Jaehyun grabbed your chin, jerking your face up to look up at him. You stared up at him, eyes wide and innocent just like he likes.
“Do you want to shower?”
You nodded. He dropped your chin, pulling his boxers up and kicking his jeans off before striding over to a drawer. He pulls out a large black t-shirt, handing it to you before nodding towards the door across the room.
“Towels are in the cabinet.”
You looked at the door, holding the shirt close to your chest before looking back at Jaehyun.
“You don’t use 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, right?”
Jaehyun looks back at you, brows raised as he lets out an amused chuckle. He shakes his head.
“I–uh–No, no I don’t. I use regular shampoo and conditioner.” He walks back over to you, putting his hands out to help you up. It took a second for you to get back on your feet, your knees aching almost unbearably and legs feeling like they’re not there. You held tightly onto his hands, closing your eyes at the headrush you got from standing up, sighing at how light you felt.
“You okay?” Jaehyun asked with a quiet laugh. You didn’t answer just leaning forward and resting your head on his chest with a small sigh. It takes him a second but he wraps one arm around your waist and places his hand on the back of your head, playing with your hair as you let your eyes close.
“Go shower,” He whispered, “I’ll be right here when you get back.” You let out a small sound of protest before standing up straight, sighing. Jaehyun stared down at you, arm still loosely around your waist as he leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head.
“I’ll be out in a minute.” You whispered, patting his chest before walking into his small dingy bathroom.
You don’t spend a lot of time in the shower. It’s small and makes you feel claustrophobic. The ends of your hair get wet but you avoid washing it, you already did so before church. 
You stepped back into Jaehyun’s room, wearing the oversized black shirt he gave you. Jaehyun looked up from his phone as he laid on his bed with one arm behind his head. He doesn’t say anything, just pats the empty space next to him.
You smiled, skipping a little as you approached the empty side of his bed and crawling next to him and resting your cheek on his chest with a fond smile. Jaehyun wrapped an arm around your shoulders before leaning in and kissing the side of your head.
Your arms easily wrapped around his torso as you watched him mindlessly scroll through his twitter timeline, both of you just laying in silence.
“We go to sleep now?” You whispered, eyes never leaving his screen but your voice clearly tired. Jaehyun looks down at you, patting your shoulder before getting up to turn off the light, silently agreeing with you. He seems to do that a lot. Showing his agreement instead of vocalizing.
He wasn’t good with words. Typically only saying critiques and crude jokes. You’ve chalked this up to him never learning how to properly communicate his feelings. You can’t be too sure though as you know little to nothing about Jaehyun before you met him.
He was a mystery. Easily, a big part of why you liked him so much.
Jaehyun climbed back in bed, turning you on your side so he could slot himself behind you, holding you to his chest with one arm around your waist. You always fell asleep easily. Something about the darkness just made it easy. Plus, Jaehyun was warm and comfy to be pressed against.
He hooked his chin over your shoulder as his hand slowly bunched up your black shirt to reveal your underwear. You opened your eyes slowly, turning to face him with a small sound of interest.
“Let me give your surprise, angel.” He whispered, gently bumping his nose with yours before colliding your lips smoothly. He pulls away from your lips, slipping his fingers into his mouth to get them wet.
It’s a crude sight to see but you can’t tear your eyes away from him. With his free hand, he held your thigh tightly, resting your leg on his hip to keep your legs spread. You let him manhandle you into the position he wanted, only letting out soft whimpers and sounds as you brought your fingers to your mouth.
Without missing a beat, he slid his wet digits down your stomach and into your underwear. You whimpered when his digits slid against your soft folds, rubbing circles into your clit. You gasped against your fingers, your hand quickly dropping from your mouth to hold tightly onto the hand that held tightly onto your thigh.
“You’re such a good girl,” Jaehyun cooed, “Bet you’ve never been touched like this before, hm?”
Your face got red red at that, shaking your head with a small whimper. Jaehyun’s the only person to ever touch you like this, you know he knows that but you nod along to his words, silently agreeing. It feels like your body is overheating with pleasure as he presses harder into your clit as the circles become slower and more diligent.
Jaehyun watches your lips as pretty little moans fall from them, kissing your neck with a groan. You arched against him, squeezing his hand with a louder than usual moan. Your cheeks immediately got red at your volume, but you couldn’t help it. You just felt so good.
Abruptly, Jaehyun removes his fingers from your underwear. Before you can complain or ask any questions, he manhandles you onto your back and pulls your underwear down your legs. He spread your legs apart so he could lay on top of you like in his car.
You were panting at this point, the ache in your core only growing as he slid his hand back between your legs, lips only centimeters from yours.
“You ever had someone inside you, angel?” Your eyes widened at his words, shaking your head in response. Jaehyun smirked down at you, humming at your answer as his finger stroked over your entrance. You looked between your bodies with knitted brows before looking up at him with concerned eyes.
“Is it going to hurt?” You whispered, nerves burning in the pit of your stomach as he shakes his head. 
“Just relax, angel.” He whispered soothingly, “I would never hurt you.”
Your throat still ached and you could still feel his belt around your wrist. But you still believe him, pressing your palms against his chest and looking up into his eyes with a soft smile.
Slowly, he pushes one finger into you, causing a small sound to leave your mouths, your brows knitting together in confusion at the forgein feeling.
“Is this what sex feels like?” You whispered, causing him to laugh a little down at you, sliding his finger in and out of you to test the waters, causing you to moan softly at the smooth glide. You were told sex was going to hurt. One girl even told you she bled after her first time. Easily, that scared the shit out of you and made you steer clear of sex, saving it for marriage. Well, that was until you met Jaehyun.
You can’t think too much about that. You’ll feel guilty because Jaehyun isn’t your husband, hell, he’s not even your boyfriend.
“I can’t really describe sex to you, gonna be honest,” He starts as he slowly working his finger into you. Jaehyun leans down to press his forehead to yours, “Your pussy is really tight. I bet fucking you would feel like fucking heaven.” Jaehyun says. You throw a hand over your head, covering your eyes in shame with a pathetic whine.
“No, no, let me see you, angel,” He chides. You take the hand off your face and look at Jaehyun, keeping eye contact. His finger inside you starts to pick up speed, and soon you can feel a second finger pushing in alongside the first. The burn from the stretch makes you whine, arching your back against him, eyes tightly shut.
“Tell me how it feels, baby,” Jaehyun groans, finger moving faster, curling upwards. You blink your eyes open, panting again, trying to think of anything to come out of your mouth to please him. He seemed to like how you struggled to get yourself together, smirking at how every time you opened your mouth to say something only moans came out.
“G-good.” You finally got out with a whimper.
“Aw, that’s all you can say?” Jaehyun taunts, moving his fingers faster, curling them upwards. You gasped up at him, digging your nails into his arms at the new sensation. This must be what euphoria feels like, you can’t think of another word to describe the feeling other than euphoric. “It feels good doesn’t it, angel? You look so good right now,” You look down to watch his fingers slide in and out of you, curling up against the bundle of nerves inside you that made you look back up at his face. “You think this feels good? Wait until I get my dick in you.”
Your eyes rolled back at his words, nails firmly digging into his biceps as you arched your back up against his chest. A loud moan rips through your throat, your eyes shutting tightly.
“Jaehyun, Jaehyun, Jaehyun,” You repeat, like a prayer , your legs start shaking against the mattress, abdomen muscles tightening. Your cries of his name turn to incoherent babbles, just you making pathetic sounds again.
Jaehyun groans into your ear at how tightly your walls contract against his fingers, kissing the side of your head as you try to ground yourself but failing. You felt like you were in the clouds, like you were floating somewhere, you just felt so good. You never imagined anything could feel this good.
Jaehyun lifts his head from the crook of your neck, staring down at you with a smirk, brushing your hair from your forehead back.
“Look at you,” He hummed, tracing your bottom lip with his index finger as he slowly pulled his fingers out of you, “So pretty.” You let your eyes open to stare into his with a small whimper. Your eyes drop to his lips, tilting your head at the urge to kiss him. You lifted your head to collide your lips. He held the side of your face, humming against your lips with a small moan.
“My pretty, pretty, angel.” Jaehyun whispered, kissing your forehead causing you to shut your eyes. You undug your nails from his biceps so you could wrap your arms around his torso to pull him closer. 
It took him a second to recuperate, wrapping his arms around you to hold you tightly to his chest. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, pressing a kiss under his jaw before pulling back and resting against the flat pillow beneath your head.
“Did you like your surprise?” He asked with a cocky smile, causing you to giggle softly. Your cheeks grew pink at that, covering your face with one hand. Jaehyun rolled off of you, giving you the ability to feel around for your underwear.
You finally found them by the end of his bed, slipping your underwear back on with a small ‘hmph’ sound, causing Jaehyun to lift his head and watch you. You soothed your shirt down, letting it rest at your knees, looking up to lock eyes with him in the dark, blinking a beat after him.
“You going to lay back down?” Jaehyun asks.
“Where else would I go?” You huffed, crawling back to your spot and laying down. Jaehyun doesn’t answer, just lets out a grunt and pulls you to his side.
The rest of the night was silent and cold.
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tigertofu · 11 months
ok i've been chipping away at this Thing for a long time and i think it's finally ready to be vomitted out into the internet. without further ado, here is my
Stupid-Long List of Trevor Headcanons
divided into chronological sections !
((the NSFW shit is hiding at the bottom))
CW's for: mentions of drugs/alcohol, addiction, cannibalism, violence, gross sex stuff. typical Trevor things
and heres a gif of him cuz ig thats the tumblr thing to do idk i never made one of these lists b4 :x
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the past
• he's a scorpio and the reason he has a scorpion tat on his hand is bc he's like. very mildly into horoscopes. he was born some time in november
• he doesn't have a middle name cuz his mom didn't give enough of a shit to give him one
• despite playing hockey and golf as a kid, he was never really that into the sports themselves. he only did hockey because he saw it as a way to beat up other children and not get reprimanded for it, and he did both in the hopes of being good enough at something to earn his mother's praise for once (it did not work :()
• hates his dad bc of how he treated his mom and is glad he abandoned him at that shopping mall when he was a kid
• he (w/ Brad's help) would play "pranks" on (aka BULLY) poor Lester during the north yankton days. some fav pastimes included (but were not limited to): pantsing him, hiding his walking cane, and replacing his asthma medication with laughing gas
• was highkey jealous of how easy Michael could get girls during the north yankton days. when he actually was able to convince a girl to come back home with him, he would make sure to be loud as hell about it so that Mike would know he wasn't the only one getting chicks
• all of his hand tats and a lot of his other tats were done in prison, even tho he was only in for like 6 months
• prison was a mixed bag for him. on one hand, anal. on the other, having to restrain himself from arguments and physical altercations so he could get out early on good behavior
• went thru a breakdancing phase in the 90's (i THINK this one might be canon. idk. could've sworn i've heard him try to tell Lamar this in an attempt to impress him. pls feel free to prove me wrong or right)
• one of the scars on his eyebrows is actually the result of getting a fresh eyebrow piercing ripped tf out during a barfight in the 00's. prob for the best that it was cuz we all know that shit wouldve ended up getting infected and rejecting out of his face anyways
• he moved to Sandy Shores not just because it's nice and isolated, but because it was the place most opposite of north yankton he could think of. never any snow. he absolutely fucking hates cold weather and snow because it reminds him of a certain bank heist that happened in '04
• between Ron, Chef, and Wade, Chef was the first one he met after moving to Sandy Shores. they used to cook meth together in a trailer out in the desert (another one that i THINK is canon but im not sure idk. it all blurs together, idk whats canon and whats not anymore, my brain is too rotted from spinning Trevor around in it like the world's most dried out little shriveled husk of a rotisserie chicken for the past three years, the fog is coming, yk how it is)
• he acquired Liquor Ace the same way he "acquired" the Vanilla Unicorn. the previous owner just mysteriously disappeared one day. nobody in Sandy Shores cared tho once word got around that the new owner was gonna start cooking crystal in the upstairs and selling it
• yk how in the game he said that his heart momentarily stopped once cuz he put an axe thru a power cable? he did that cuz the power had gone out in the middle of him watching an Impotent Rage episode he hadn't seen yet. for some reason (was prob very high and very angry) he thought that he could bring the power back by hitting the sparking wire with an axe. it didnt work. he smelled like overcooked bacon for a week afterwards. he enjoyed that part tho
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the present
• he makes Ron cut his hair with a pair of rusty kitchen scissors when he needs a trim. he used to go to the nice barber lady in Sandy Shores but got banned after loudly moaning about how good her nails felt on his scalp once
• once smoked an entire cigarette in one long inhale. Wade witnessed this and found it extremely impressive
• he'll eat pretty much anything but he especially likes foods with strong flavors. salty, sour, super sweet, spicy, etc cuz his taste buds are SHOT from the years of smoking/drug abuse. he abuses condiments, especially hot sauce
• thinks that any restaurant that doesn't have a drive-thru is a "fancy" restaurant
• LOVES candy cuz the meth has given him a major sweet tooth, but prefers anything with chocolate over fruity/gummy candies
• has a weird fascination with eating raw meat.....of any kind. except for sushi. he thinks sushi is "fancy prissy city people food"
• also has a weird fascination with making stews/soups similar to the eyelid one that he tries to feed Michael in that one cutscene. it's the only type of food he knows how to cook. may be a comfort thing for him because microwaving a bowl of canned soup was the most effort his mother ever put into making a meal for him when he was a kid. and she did it like, twice, maybe. he for sure remembers both times very clearly tho and considers them to be some of his fondest memories
• will go for days without eating anything solid before finally sitting down and consuming enough food to feed a family of 5. sometimes he just like. forgets that eating is necessary for survival
• can open beer bottles with his teeth. between that and the meth habit, its an absolute miracle he still has all his teeth
• go-to pizza order is a large meat lover's. he tries to make vaguely sexual passes about "loving large meat" at the poor pizza delivery guys every time he orders delivery. does not tip, but will say shit like "hey, if you come inside i've got a little tip for ya" while the delivery guy quickly vacates the premises
• honestly? i think there is a good 50/50 chance on whether or not he is ACTUALLY a cannibal. maybe he posters as one cuz he likes the reactions it incites, maybe he genuinely enjoys the psychosexual intimacy of consuming the flesh of another human being........ who knows !! not knowing is half the fun :)
• ok ok hear me out u know that stupid tiktok sound that was going around a couple years ago that goes "hi my name is carmen winstead -- HAAAAAHHHGGCHH" ??? look it up if u don't cuz that's what his snoring sounds like. the fucking "HAAAAAHHHGGCHH"
• once he's asleep he is out like a fucking light. guy could sleep thru nuclear war
• is not opposed to drinking hand sanitizer when out of other sources of alcohol. it tastes just like the shitty moonshine Ron makes in his backyard anyways and gets him even drunker so why not !
• hates horror films bc they make him angry. at least, any of the ones where somebody survives at the end. thinks the murderers in them are stupid. starts yelling shit at the TV like "HE'S GETTING AWAY YOU STUPID FUCK,, WHAT ARE YOU DOING !!!!"
• believes baby pink and orange are "his colors"
• will sit on his sofa or bed and try to shoot any cockroaches scurrying around his place with a pistol for funsies when bored sometimes
• enjoys playing darts at the Yellow Jack with anyone who'll play him but absolutely fucking sucks at it cuz of his shaky hands. accidentally threw a dart into another bar patron's head once. will rage and insist his opponent cheated when he loses. will then get physical if anyone tries to tell him its impossible to cheat at darts. is much less of a sore loser when playing with Mike, Frank, or Lamar tho he will still grumble about losing for up to hours on end afterwards
• is an illegal immigrant bc he never became a US citizen. does not own an actual ID, but has several fakes lying around, all with fake birth dates and fake names that are wildly varying levels of believable
• will absolutely flip his fucking lid if Wade comes around him while wearing Juggalo face paint
• speaking of Wade. yk how he has a shitty tattoo of his own name on his arm? (at least i think he does. i tried looking to see if he does and i couldnt tell so now im unsure if thats just yet another detail that my brain completely made up or smth that i actually saw). ANYWAYS, Trevor gave it to him (stick n poke. it was a longggg process but Wade didnt mind too much cuz he was high at the time and consented to it beforehands anyways) when Trevor first "took him in" cuz he kept forgetting his name and got tired of referring to him as "Hey, you" (which Wade did not respond to most of the time anyways)
• is an ugly crier. like, a butt-ugly crier. snot, drooling, wailing, red face, the whole nine yards and he is loud as hell about it too
• loves back rubs cuz ofc he does he's an old man. often makes Ron or Wade give him massages
• his boomer-ass super-zoomed-in LifeInvader profile pic was taken by Ron. it took them a dozen tries before they got it
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• he sucks at eating out.........kinda? but what he lacks in precision and consistency he makes up for with sheer (sloppy. slobbery) passion. and endurance. can stay down there (and will, if you let him) for hours
• is not much better at blowing. "accidentally" uses too much teeth every time
• ~4 inches. MAYBE 4.5. good girth tho. not cut
• has a thing for chubby/thicc ppl
• is a biter and won't ask before biting so uhh watch out ! part of the reason for the above is bc there's more to bite
• loooooves loves loves to suck on things. fingers, necks, tits, dicks, anything. also looooooves having it reciprocated. particularly likes shoving his fingers in your mouth
• loves to involve mouths as much as possible. spitting/being spat on, the aforementioned biting as well as being bitten, eating food off of your body or having food eaten off of him, the type of makeout sessions that involve shoving each other's tongues down each other's throats.. anything that involves mouths and/or the motions of eating drives him fucking wild
• will beg you even when not explicitly told to when he's not feeling dominant. will beg and beg and beg and beg and it's hot but can also quickly become incredibly annoying
• but he LOVES to be annoying on purpose too. via the begging, or by teasing/edging, mocking, etc. loves to get a rise out of you and loves the attention (even if negative.. ESPECIALLY if negative) it gets him
• occasionally cries after sex. will expect you to hold him while he does. will start to angry cry and say you don't actually love him if you refuse
• now ik this one is nothing groundbreaking and seems to already be the general consensus amongst the Trevor enjoyers but im gonna say it anyways. he def has a thing for public/semi-public sex. be careful about sitting next to him while in any public space. he WILL try to touch on you and it WILL be in a way that makes it obvious to everyone in the immediate vicinity what's going on. does he do it on purpose as an exhibition thing? maybe...... does he genuinely think he's being slick about it? also maybe. if ur with him, expect to be banned from multiple establishments
• lowkey has a breeding kink in the sense that he loves to finish inside (not just bc it feels nice but also bc of the intimacy of it) and thinks that pregnant women are hot as hell
• is most likely infertile due to the years of meth use tho
• loves to both overstimulate and be overstimulated. just bc you've both climaxed doesnt mean he wont keep going for god-knows-how-long
..................andd that's all she (i) wrote. ty for reading !! i've got more shit to say about Trevor cuz ofc i do but this is already like 2k words so if u wanna hear my headcanons on anything specific at all,, pls do throw it in my ask box ! <33
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loving-n0t-heyting · 10 months
“Antipsych isn’t about rejecting treatment or drugs, it’s about autonomy, it’s about power, it’s about refusing to accept as self evident a system of carceral state authoritarianism maaaaan Ⓐ”
Yea, well, that’s nice for yr private definition of antipsych. I am against treatment, when the treatment involves fucking antipsychotics
Taking antipsychotics is, under most or perhaps practically all circumstances where it happens , a terrible and shortsighted idea that you should not act on. The psychosis-alleviating primary effects fade in the long term, while debilitating side effects like tardive dyskinesia and diabetes persist, even after quitting the drug. Meaning that one’s initial experience of the drug is not an accurate guide to its overall costs and benefits. And, in the meantime, you get a high chance to experience the agonising all-consuming torture of akathisia or the stupefying self-obscuring haze of zombielike cognitive impairment, both leaving you precious little mental acuity with which to carefully weigh these pros and cons anyway. Later generations of atypical antipsychotics are an improvement in some of these respects, but these risks have not gone away and can still fuck you up for life. It’s not fucking worth it
Do shrinks and friends infringe on patients’ autonomy in forcing antipsychotics on them? Sure. But you know what else constricts the patients autonomy here? The meds themselves. If anything diminishes your bodily freedom, it’s your legs compelled to twitch by akathisia and your eyes and neck twisted up for hours by dystonia. If anything robs you of your personal agency, it’s a permanent stupefied haze incompatible with abstract thought. If someone forces you at gun point to guzzle lead paint, the problem isn’t only—the problem isn’t even mainly—that you didn’t get to choose what you did or didn’t drink: it’s that you have just ingested poison, and this is bad news
Should ppl be forcibly prevented from access to haldol if they have somehow gotten it into their heads this is their heart’s utmost desire? Uhh I mean, ig probably not. Not that this seems like a particularly pressing issue here in the real world. But if yr radical critique of psychiatry as an institution centres an abstract notion of bodily autonomy to the exclusion of the devastating nature of these particular pharmaceuticals, I am tempted to say it is less than useless
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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Klaus Hargreeves x Sister!Reader
Summary; Most people hate their siblings. This is not the case for two of the Hargreeves. A big brother, his baby sister, and a whole load of chaos.
CW: cringy tries at inserting lyrics, swearing, a bit angsty, mention of drugs, bad writing ig, not proofread
WC: 1908
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On an early Saturday morning, the Hargreeves' children were awoken by Pogo. They were all fourteen at this point and were used to being awoken early in the morning to do training. They reached for their training gear, but Pogo stopped them.
"Ah, actually, today your father needs to discuss and announce something, so training is delayed for the hour" All the Hargreeves children were confused, but dressed themselves and lined up in the living area. Their father came into the room and, to their surprise, was holding a small infant. They gasped in surprise, staring at the child. "Children, this is number 8. They, like you, have powers. They have the ability of water manipulation, and I will be raising them alongside you."
They all stared at the child, taking in their features and their peaceful expression. Klaus stared at them; he felt a strange connection to this kid. Reginald placed the child into a bassinet and left the room, and ordered the siblings to get back to training. They all wanted to stay for a moment and process what was going on, but Grace shooed them out of the room. Klaus stepped outside so his mother would get off his back but went back into the living area once she'd left. With shaking hands, he reached for the baby. He gently picked up the child, and her eyes fluttered open and stared at Klaus. Her expression changed to one of confusion, and Klaus panicked, thinking she would begin to cry. Much to Klaus' surprise, the baby began to giggle. At that moment, Klaus just knew he'd have a special bond with that little girl.
*4 Years Later*
Klaus really did love her. He did. But not even his love for her could make him stand the thought of spending a second longer in that house with his cruel father. He felt terrible. Most of the Hargreeves' children had left home already, moving out and pursuing a new life. Klaus had held off on this for a while, wanting to stay for (Y/N). But he just couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to stay and protect her, she still had at least twelve more years here, and God knows what their father would do with her once none of her siblings could defend her. After the fight Klaus had with his father, though, he couldn't stand the thought of staying in that house anymore. He felt horrible, he couldn't leave without a goodbye, but you were nowhere to be found at that point, likely somewhere with Grace. He sighed, collecting a few of his things that he didn't mind leaving in your possession. He grabbed a photo of the two of you from his nightstand. The photograph captured one of you and Klaus' many good memories. In the photo, you were on Klaus' bed. Klaus was tickling you, and you were laying on the bed, shrieking, giggling, and kicking. You had a bright grin, and Klaus was looking up at you with pure adoration in his eyes. He felt tears swell in his eyes, reminiscing on that precious moment, but he blinked them away. He grabbed your favourite glittery gel pen and began to write on the back of the photo.
Dear (Y/N/N), I'm sorry, but I have to go. You need to know that I still love you, though. You're the most amazing little sister in the world, and I'm gonna miss you. I'm sorry for leaving you but I can't stay any longer. I'll see you soon, sunshine. I'm gonna miss you so much.
- Klausy"
He felt horrible for leaving the poor girl behind; she was so small and vulnerable. He'd come back for her someday. He put his things into a pile and left the photo and note on her bed. A tear rolled down his cheek as he went to leave your room. Just before he left, he grabbed one of your stuffed animals. You and Klaus always played with it when you were little. He shoved into his bag and walked out of your room. He shut the door, climbed out his window, and didn't return to the Hargreeves' mansion for years.
*12 years later*
You were 16 by now. It had been a long time since you'd seen any of your siblings, and you missed them dearly. You hadn't seen or heard from Klaus since he left that note on your bed. It broke your heart when he left, he was your best friend. You still had all your brothers belongings that he left in your room and kept whatever he left in his bedroom. You were 4 when he left and had grown a ton since he had left. It had been 4 years since you had seen any of your siblings. The last one of your siblings you saw was Luther before he went to the moon, even then, he didn't ever talk to you much. You liked watching the news or movies to see your sister, Allison, or your brother, Viktor, or even your other brother, Diego. Your father had recently passed away, and you were devastated. He was a cruel, cruel man, but he was still your father. However, this meant a funeral would be held.
You prayed that Klaus would come to it, wanting nothing more than to see your favourite brother again. It was finally the day of the funeral. You changed into your black dress, with tights and your black converse. You got dressed and applied your makeup before heading downstairs. There was a knock on the door, and you ran down the stairs to answer it. Your eyes blew wide to see it was Klaus. You went to leap on him, but he stopped you. His eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed out of it. You quickly realised that he was on drugs and likely didn't recognise you, considering how much you had grown up since he last saw you.
"Klausy?" You said quietly, in shock. He stared at you, perplexed, until he remembered that nickname. "Oh (Y/N/N)!" He shrieked and hugged you tightly. "Oh, how I missed you, sunshine!" You smiled happily and hugged your brother back tightly. It was weird to see him now, he looked so different. But it had been 12 years of no contact, and you also looked drastically different, so you couldn't say much.
*a few hours later*
You had spent your last few hours greeting your other siblings and doing other random things but spent the majority of it bonding with Klaus. He was amazed at how grown up you now were and felt a pang of guilt, knowing he missed all of your childhood. You both went over what you had been up to for those past few years and Klaus listened intently to every word you said.
It was nearly time for the funeral when you heard something outside. Everyone rushed outside, and you saw something that looked like a bright blue portal. You stared in confusion, hidden behind your brothers. Much to your surprise, a boy (who looked a couple years younger than you) fell from the portal. All your siblings seemed shocked to see him, as if they knew him, but didn't expect him to be there. He looked somewhat familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it.
"Does anyone else see little number Five? Or is that just me..?" Klaus said, unsure if the drugs were causing him to see things.
The boy looked around, staring at the faces of his siblings. "Shit."
You had now properly introduced yourself to Five and realised where you recognised him from. He was in the painting over the mantel. He knew of your existence from Viktor's book but was somewhat glad to formally meet you. It was now time for the funeral... it didn't exactly go down well. Diego made some ballsy remark, and it all kicked off. Him and Luther began to shove each other. You watched, eyes blown wide. You were stood with Klaus underneath his pink umbrella. Klaus watched as they fought, pushing you behind him and putting his arm out in front of you. Your breath hitched, you were scared at the sight. Klaus encouraged the fight until he saw your reaction. He covered your eyes, "Oh cmon, not in front of the kid!" As the words fell from his mouth, they crashed into Ben's statue. You heard the crash and Allison bluntly say 'Well, there goes Ben's statue.' Klaus did enjoy watching fights but wanted you away from the scene.
You sat down on the sofa, shaken by the scene. You knew Diego was violent and ballsy but you never expected him to do such things. You were staring into space, paying no attention to your surroundings until you felt the sofa dip beside you. You turned your head to see Klaus. "Hey sunshine, so much for a funeral, huh?" He laughed breathily, taking a puff of his cigarette. You looked down, Klaus noticing your dejected state. He put an arm around her. "Cmon, sunshine, no need to get down about it, they're just moody old men. They'll be fine." You smiled softly up at your brother and he grinned at you.
"There's that smile, huh." He said, attempting to make your smile even wider by tickling you. You began to shriek and giggle as he poked at your ribs. He laughed softly, remembering the picture he had left on your bed all those years ago. The memory was bittersweet, he loved it but couldn't help but associate it with abandoning you all.those years ago. He vowed to never leave you like that ever again.
*dallas, texas, 1963*
It had been a while since you ended up in Dallas, after going through that portal. Luckily for you, you landed with your big sister, Allison. She took you under her wing, allowing you to live with her. She told Ray that you were 16 and just looked a bit old for your age and that she had you when she was in her teens. Ray loved her and believed it, he accepted you as his own daughter. But nothing made you stop missing your big brother. Allison sent you to school in order to not arouse suspicion. You weren't the biggest fan, but it helped you to keep your cover. One day, you'd had a pretty shitty day and stormed into the house. You hoped to collapse onto the sofa and just lay there. As you slammed the front door you heard a man's voice as well as Allison's. You peeked into the living room, seeing Klaus. "Klaus?!" He looked up at you, "Oh, sunshine! Just the girl I wanted to see!" He leapt up from the sofa, taking you into his embrace. Allison smiled, opting to leave you two to have a moment. He pulled away, wanting to see how much you'd grown since you last saw each other but noticed your tear-stained cheeks and red eyes. "Whoa, whoa, woah, what happened to you sunshine?"
"N-nothing, it's fine." You sniffled, averting your gaze to the floor. "Talk to me, what's going on?" With this, your eyes teared up again, and you broke down crying, explaining what had happened. Klaus held you, stroking your hair and consoling you. "It's gonna be okay sunshine, you should know I'll be there for you." You smiled up at him weakly, and he dried one of your tears. "If we have each other, we'll both be fine." He said with a soft smile.
A/N: I'm aware this is a bit shit but im js tryna get back into writing so i tried this out :) hope you like reading it <3
TAGLIST: @book-place @shefollowedthestars
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This is more or less a speculation, not a theory.
I have read some pretty decent post act 3 Arcane fanfics, yet one thing always bothers me a little bit about them. It is an obvious thing that Viktor will return to Zaun at some point, like this is inevitable. The same goes to his falling out with Jayce. Many people have created some cool scenarios on how it will happen, and i appreciate every single one of them.
With that said, i really cannot imagine Viktor getting banished as an event that starts it all. For a simple reason.
I don't think Viktor would have been bitter about it.
With the way he acts in the last episode of season 1, i believe that he'd think it was deserved. The thing he could be charged for would be an illegal experimentation and the manslaughter of Sky Young. Things he feels so guilty about he tried to off himself. He has very little time left, and if the trial is a necessary procedure, he'd probably accept it. Would he be upset? Of course, but i don't think he would even try to put an effort to avoid it, once people find out. And at the peak of panic in Piltover after Jinx's attack, the whatever the hell is left off the council would try to ensure that there is still at least a renmant of government control. Just like in act 1, that was literally the reason why Enforcers were trying to arrest 4 kids.
If anything, i think it would be Jayce who'd be the most desperate in this situation. "He'd be mad at Viktor for killing an innocent person" he literally did the same thing (if you think about it, Jayce have killed so much more people besides that kid, we just don't discuss it because in the show they are presented as scary monsters, not human beings that got drugged the hell up and now have their entire ripcage obligarated. But y'know, that's the point of this scene). "What about Viktor's illegal experimentation?" What Jayce did with Vi was also kinda illegal? I mean, he is a councilor, he can do whatever the fuck he wants ig, but before hand it was clear that other councilors would not want that to happen.
I imagine that Jayce would do anything in his power to cancel this trial. Viktor is his best friend, person who he has such a close bond to. And while what he did was wrong, he isn't much better. Yet it is Viktor, his dying friend, who is punished.
I can see Viktor actually being like: it's okay Jayce, it needs to happen, i will be okay (he's lying but trying).
So yeah i don't think that Viktor being banished to Zaun would be a death blow to their relationship.
Buuuuut you know what would probably make more sense (at least to me :3)?
Viktor's punishment being working on hextech weapons against Zaun.
Think about it. Jayce in an act of desperation convinces other councilors that as a co-founder of Hextech Viktor would be a viable asset in designing weapons that would "protect" Piltover against Zaun.
Well wouldn't that make Viktor absolutely fucking furious. Viktor may have ****kinda**** accepted his death but making him work AGAINST the city he spend his entire life wishing to improve and protect? Over his dead body, he'd rather be eaten alive by rats in Undercity alleys than do such a thing.
It works for me much better because it keeps Jayce's character much more consistent. Like, it's understandable why would he do it (he doesn't want his friend to die) but also highlights his change in priorities after season 1. Like, he told Silco that Undercity doesn't stand a chance against Piltover, and well, one rocket proved hin wrong. Now there are dead people in Piltover. I think he'd be more radical, more bold, maybe even less forgiving and 100% stressed af.
Does he want to keep Viktor safe? Yes. But does he find building weapons is now necessary when they are at war? Also yes. And considering the "I'M from the Undercity" scene he also tends to forget that Viktor is not, in fact, Piltovan, that as much as he loves Jayce, he does not associate with Piltover society. He is from Zaun, it is an important part of his indentity. Something that Jayce keeps neglecting.
It also doesn't change the fact that he still feels guilty over the death of that ONE child. Not the countless men in chemtanks, that are as much victims of Undercity's terrible state as Viktor is really. I think that when he'd make a decisions "a necessary decisions to keep them saved" he'd think about them, scary, crazy monsters with blades. Not that one kid. Kid feels so much more personal, people who attack them-not.
I'm not saying that is how the conflict in season 2 will look like, nuh-uh, it's just me making some fanfiction prompts lmao.
Anything could happened since them. Viktor trying to sabotage their work which would end up in an explosive and dramatic break up once Jayce finds out? Yep, i can see that. Add some fire and leave Viktor crying on concrete floor, now we have some nice parallels. But i can also see Viktor fucking off right there and there, or other stuff i dunno.
So yeah i have fanfic ideas.
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