#oh he's not mad. just disappointed :^)
heckyeahponyscans · 8 months
Generally I think it's fun when older characters get reused or reinvented for a new generation but man, G4 Tirek is so lame.
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jaxitaxibolehlaf · 7 months
Romancing "only" Halsin is completely worth it on it's own, but this dialogue has been in my head rent free since yesterday (especially Mizora's comment on Halsin)
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So I don't know if it was ever revealed how Duncan felt when we killed Malistaire all three times but I'm wondering if maybe some part of him could hate us for that too. Like you hear that and you go "but why. Malistaire was terrible and even Duncan knew that(?). Why would he hate you for getting rid of him."
But like I think it's so....... interesting in a very, very, very sad way how Duncan so easily latches onto anyone who directly feeds into his delusions of grandeur. And that's no fault of his own that he was manipulated by the nasty Schism but when you think about how desperately clung to the idea that Malistaire, easily one of the greatest necromancers any of us had ever heard of (at that time), somehow actually recognized Duncan's talents (even when canon supports that Duncan wasn't all that talented, at least no more than the next necromancer) and then praised him for it so often that Duncan believed that he would be the next Death Professor is. I mean ☹️
So like with that mindset I unfortunately feel like it would be quite easy to twist even Malistaire's death as something that's horrible and awful and all our fault. ESPECIALLY if the Schism was feeding into Duncan's already broken mind and shattered ego and was constantly telling him that everything bad that ever happened to him ever in his life was Our Fault. That's like a realistic conclusion that someone like Duncan could come to
And like, at this point in time, are Malistaire's crimes even a factor in how he thinks????? Was Duncan ever able to separate Malistaire's talent and skills and prowess from the terrible and awful things he did? If Duncan wasn't able to consciously tell that distinction in the first place I can't imagine it would be any better during the years he was being manipulated and isolated and lied to
Like in Duncan's mind it probably isn't, "maybe I shouldn't idolize a national criminal, or idolize anyone at all for that matter, and aspire to be like someone so harmful when I can recognize my own talent and build from there" it's probably more like, "you (the wizard) permanently got rid of a brilliant mind, an innocent person who just made a few mistakes, and someone who believed in me no matter what just so that you could be the better than me and loved by everyone else" and that's! very sad actually!
#this is all speculation btw idk if any of this is canon. how duncan feels about all this#i know i keep saying the exact same shit over and over but.... really not a fan of how the game handled duncan! sorry!#i know wizard101 isnt supposed to be about every single character gets a satisfying ending to their arc-#-meaning not everyone in the story will face consequences and/or find a happy ending and like thats fine they dont need to#but idkkkk its just imo really sad how essentially a kid suffers frrom something he cant control by himself (his ego)-#and then instead of getting help he is instead ignored (ambrose) and then manipulated and brought up by a cult#and then when it becomes super apparent how... TERRIBLE his life really is and we defeat him he just... goes back??????#we.... we LET him go back???? i mean we're not responsible for other people's bad decisions or mental health but bro....#and then when we tell ambrose he's just like “oh. too bad. well anyways-” AND IM LIKE WELL THATS THE REASON!!!!! NO WONDER HE'S FUCKED UP#NONE OF THIS IS ADDRESSED. NONE OF IT. WE KICK DUNCAN'S ASS AND THEN HE.... GOES BACK TO THE CABAL#i literally just got so desolate when (wallaru spoilers) because. okay. all that for nothing i guess#this isnt me being mad btw LMAO i know the tone probably reads as angry but im not im just disappointed#and tired. what is it with wizard101 in particular and just people suffering with no end. (me as i make my main suffer with no end)#but anyways yeah duncan has been in my head for a while. he's one of the guys that i love a lot BDKSNSKAJ#he's like a son to me and HE NEEDS A HEALTHY PARENT. HE NEEDS IT#not excusing his actions btw. he still committed crimes JRKDJSIEJ#i just have a soft spot for those villains in media who are doomed from the start yknow. (stares tearfully at morganthe and gf spider)#wizard101#wiz101#w101#text posts#duncan grimwater#im not normal about duncan at all he's probably the wozard oc i feel for the most other than malorn and us
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true-blue-sonic · 2 months
I imagine Espio messes up a recipe but Silver eats it anyway and thinks it's fine (he's eaten worse)
I get the feeling Silver would quite like cooking and baking, but just not in moments wherein he is busy or on a mission. And since that is often, I figure he'll just throw whatever he can together and eats that, if he gets that far in the first place. Thus, he'll probably have consumed a whole matter of things that were... unique in their combination, haha. But I think he really does not care so much about it! Food is food and time wasted is time wasted. So when Espio comes in with a recipe that's not exactly what he had desired, Silver will just down it with little complaint. And I figure he'll be happy to help out later and see if they can make it better together <3
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kavehater · 2 months
AAAH I have a mutual who’s 18 and he sorta kinda is flirting with this one guy who is a minor as a joke of course ( to which a concerned anon said that it’s weird ) but I can’t help but flashback to er*s
#granted the er*s situation was thoroughly complex and the reason she did those things was her copism with not being able to pull ( LLLLLLL )#and ik that guy doesn’t mean any harm etc etc he’s not messed up like some ppl#BUT I DUNNO STILL#sobbing#they’re pretty sweet so#hes*#OH AND HES IRAQI TOO I LEGIT COULDNT BELIEVE THAT#dora daily#lowkey kinda sorta sad that a whole anon was more concerned than ppl i knew and who knew my age#and freely saw it happen so readily#and everyone else on that blog#genuinely and utterly disappointed#it’s always protect minors until the minors need protecting goddamn#this is especially directed at rhy yeah I’m not censoring that#🤷‍♀️#too busy simping over minor characters who don’t have a time skip in canon and aging them up then complaining about it when ppl call out#the brain deadery of that behaviour#girl pls#you did not care about minors from the beginning literally bye#e[redacted] literally ruined my brain chemistry to say the least I will never go into how what she did absolutely muddled my brain never#told anyone and I don’t think I can ever tell someone ever#not to mention practically hyperventilating being unable to breath literally going into madness and ppl think that I’m overreacting and#telling me to shut up about it and blaming me for the situation as if I wanted any of this#lmaolmaolmao#all that and I was expected to do uni girl byeeee I need a good century to recover at least ☠️#the only thing I DID want is friends but clearly that was a hard ask when ppl can get friends just by existing on this god forsaken app#atp I don’t even know what to say literally just wth#yall say mdni with your dumbass banners and decorate it like something special when yall are the ones to keep from minors you disgusting#wastes of clean oxygen 😭 mdni my foot gross ass adults should’ve never trusted them#the way I’d give them therapy to their complex traumas ☠️ imagine relying on a minor for therapy
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misspickman · 4 months
transfem kon proposal could have been good if was good
#it was not. good#and i know theres a lot of transphobic assholes happy we didnt get it bc of that#but pretending that everyone who criticizes it is doing so only bc they cant handle kon being a trans woman. is just.#you cant see past the blind want for representation#again i would kill for canon transfem kon but everything about that idea was bad#and her characterization of kon was horrid and so clearly based on yj tv show#remember how when her first bit of kon writing came out and everyone was mad about it bc it was Bad and put him in a relationship with mgan#who he. never spoke to in comics before but suddenly theyre in an established relationship#and it was all around not good kon writing. but then the proposal came out and suddenly everyone is oh we were robbed..#as if anything about it was good except for the general idea of making kon a trans woman#also im sorry but i saw her replies on twt where she was saying being trans is about burning your past and leaving everything behind#or whatever. as if being trans is the same for all of us. and as if it makes sense for kon who isnt in a bad situation re family?#but of course it would seem that way if youre coming from yj tv show. where most of the clark and kon misconception comes from afaik#and her whole issue with conner and kon as his names? bc they were given to him by another person??#i know that we like. if we were to get trans woman kon. it would have to go with changing her name and everything#bc u know dc cant conceptualize any more complex trans person than someone who instantly changes their name and fully transitions in a sec#but the way she talked about the name issue as if its bad that clark named kon. as if he wasnt so overjoyed at getting that name.#'he said not to call him superboy and we kept calling him superboy!' girl he said that bc he wanted to be superman. of all the many ways#u can find trans allegory in kons story. that single line aint it#so sorry but every time im reminded of this i get so sad and disappointed u took the best concept and fucked it up so bad#and now all people think of when trans kon is mentioned is fucking sk*******#its so over (its not bc im about to forget about it again and ignore its existence)#txt#im sorry for being a bitch again but did u read that. thats not the kon we know. dont tell me thats the point bc its about transitioning bc#u do not become a whole other person when u realize youre trans#and sorry but i do think itd be nice to have trans kon without just turning him into a (new) oc
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thewitchqueen281 · 14 days
I need a fic of sklonda finding out riz is smoking and regularly getting drunk at fabians parties yesterday
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
HI BUD, FINALLY FINISHED MY PIECES I WANTED TO SHOW YOU here are my sketches for your lady reaper, please enjoy~
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1. Plays of the Past. MK and Co with Júhua watch a play, and a shadow watches them...
2. A Deal. Wukong and a reaper start to converse. Tired, friendly banter ensues.
3. Júhua's past includes a certain hooded stranger, who may play a part in the future, a sinister one ... (pay attention to the color of the pen used for each panel, word, and flowers. They mean something. You can ask. I busted my ass looking up chrysanthemum flowers and drawing them. Please remember this attempt of a pretentious, flowery comic is my first one.)
Enjoy! I hope they're satisfactory. How do you feel about the upcoming s5 of LMK? If they really gave SWK a reaper acquaintance, a neutral party towards him at least, how would it make you feel? Eat your meals regularly and sleep early! Have a good month!
lmao the Plays of the Past sketch is so funny 😂 and then Macky’s little mini panic seeing Júhua 👀 (ngl I thought of Dr. Doofenshmirtz when he was like “a reaper?…..BLACK REAPER’S DAUGHTER REAPER?!” and laughed a little too hard at that 😅) also, is that Tang giving a side-eye in that sketch too??? 😂😂😂
THE DEAL!! tbh loved writing that little scene between Wukong and Júhua 🥰 writing a dash of banter to establish what their dynamic is like, writing a hint of sunburst duo angst bc I am weak to them T^T, and spilling swk character study 💅
Júhua drawn in yellow to contrast her old mentor 🤧 yellow being her name and something her mother gave her AND IN THE NEXT PAGE IT IS MOSTLY WHITE AFTER SHE GIVES HIM HER MOTHER’S DEFINITION OF HER BECAUSE HE IS NOW REDEFINING IT 🫠
like bro, I haven’t even told you her whole backstory and yet you hit the nail so well wtf T^T (yes, I did see the mother cameos!!!! the first one shown with yellow and Júhua looking so innocent and with admiration. second one is white and walking away and Júhua’s face is blank and ahhhhhhhhhhhh 🫠)
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cantuscorvi · 7 months
The flat is dark and quiet when Raum comes home—suspiciously dark and quiet.
The silence stretches as he makes his way to the living room, but the automatic lights in the hallway reveal some black and gold party balloons set up in the corner, a hint of an impending doom.
When Raum makes it to the kitchen and turns the ceiling light on, he finds Anton standing in full view, surrounded by birthday decorations. There are more balloons, more black and gold that match the theme. Anton is wearing a golden birthday hat and holding a bottle of champagne that he pops, making resigned eye contact that reads: My apologies, I was made to do this.
"Surprise!" Nezumi springs from behind the counter, also sporting a golden birthday hat. He's wearing the brightest smile and holding a pug puppy with a golden bow around its neck. "Happy birthday, Daddy!" he chirps and trots towards Raum, singing a quick:
"Happy birthday to youuu~ Happy birthday to youuu~ Happy birthday, Daddyyy~ Happy birthday to youuu~"
Nezumi lifts the puppy to Raum's face. The puppy wiggles and tries to lick Raum's nose. "I couldn't resist when I saw him. Look at his wee wittle face. He has your eyebrows! Look! Look!" He brings the pug closer, and as it gets more excited, it manages to reach its tongue to Raum's cheek. Then it pees itself.
"Awww, I think he likes you," Nezumi laughs and wraps the pup in its blanket—a fuzzy blue with yellow letters that spell the pup's name. "His name is Corvin, and he's the cutest baby; just look at that adorable scowl. Hihi. Reminds me of someone." He flashes Raum a pointed glance. "But no matter. If you don't want him, Anton will take him."
Judging by Anton's expression, he was informed of none of this. He pours two glasses of champagne and sets them on the kitchen counter, looking like he wishes he could be anywhere but here.
"So. How was your day? Let me. Let me." Nezumi sets the pug down and ushers Raum to the table. "I have a cake ready, and then we'll drink and sing karaoke! Anton promised to sign a duet with me!"
Again, Anton pauses opening the fridge, halfway pulling out a massive red velvet cake, and gives Nezumi a frightened we-didn't-agree-on-this stare.
Nezumi ignores him. His attention is solely on Raum. He will try to put a birthday hat on Raum's head next—this one reads Birthday Boy!
There was a note of tension in Raum when he came home to silent darkness. This kind of unpredictability was Nezumi’s specialty. Whether it was for good or bad, well, there was an equal chance for both, he had learned. That was only a bridge that Raum could cross whenever he came upon it.
Still — he knew something wasn’t quite right the moment he came to the main room. The large windows projected the distant light of the city inside, and Raum could barely make out a silhouette in the darkness. He was quickly contemplating the best way to murder an intruder in his kitchen — until he moved toward the light switch, and he noticed the balloons in the corner.
He paused, puzzled for a moment, before something clicked. And then he shook his head and turned on the light.
Raum met Anton’s eyes silently, questioning, and the man’s face told him almost everything he needed to know. Raum frowned at him, before Nezumi excitedly popped up from behind the counter, beaming, and singing and… holding a dog?
Suddenly everything and nothing made sense. His expression slackened, lips parted with a sheer amount of bewilderment at everything taking place. He should have known by now that sometimes there wasn’t really a point in asking why, and yet he couldn’t help it in a situation such as this. Raum hasn’t given a shit about his own birthday in years, actively avoided acknowledging it even, so why—
“Why is there a dog in the kitchen?”
Nezumi brought the dog closer and Raum’s nose wrinkled at the smell of its breath. The closer Nezumi shoved it at him, the further he leaned back, until he took a full step — just in time to avoid being unceremoniously peed on. Wonderful.
There was a breakneck pace to those preparations that barely allowed him to react, and it grated on him enough to come to a full stop before Nezumi could even drag him to the table. He dug his heels into the floor as Nezumi tugged at him, stuck like a stone, refusing to move.
“Stop— stop that.” Raum wrapped his hands around Nezumi’s wrists to do just that, firm and tenuously calm, prying his hands away before the god-awful paper hat could touch his head. He gave Nezumi a a look of reproach, holding him at bay while he glanced around the wide space of the apartment. The clumsy, questionably well-intentioned disarray of it all made him feel repelled — like a cat that had its fur rubbed the wrong way.
There were two options to potentially salvage this night.
He could ignore all of this. Anton’s pained face. The too-sweet cake. The bug-eyed, wheezing puppy that pissed on his floor. Nezumi’s uncannily cheerful mood. He could retreat to his room and shut the door, or perhaps return the way he came and back to the car. He could choose simply to not engage. Or...
The ringleader in him could see this unbridled circus, and unfathomably, try and turn it around. Yes, everything may have been wrong, but this was his house, and it was his stupid birthday, and he could damn well make it right. But that was only worth the effort if he wanted to enjoy it. Perhaps he did. Perhaps he didn’t.
Another year had passed. Was there anything to celebrate in the first place?
In the end, it was hard to tell.
Anton was getting out little plates for the cake. In other circumstances Raum would almost laugh — whatever Nezumi had done to rope him into this plan, he seemed thoroughly whipped, to take those borderline humiliating commands. And yet, Raum found his suffering almost clownish, and deciding enough is enough, snapped his fingers to get the sullen man’s attention.
“Эй,” Raum practically barked, gesturing to the dog snuffling about the expensive carpet that he really didn’t want any pet hairs embedded within. “Вынести его наружу.”
Anton’s shoulders slackened with the relief of having a different order to fulfil. He scooped the little thing up in his arms and took him out to the terrace. Understanding the implicit instruction embedded in Raum’s clipped tone, he closed the door and remained outside with the dog.
Raum turned his attention back to Nezumi. He took a long look at Nezumi’s face, then sighed through his nose, finally letting go of his wrists. He grabbed one of the champagne flutes from the counter and quickly downed it. Ultimately, it had little effect on his mood.
“This is not how I like to do things.” His eyes narrowed, and in his voice was distaste, borderline contempt. “—Though, I’m sure you know that.” He gestured around at the balloons and the cake, then drank Nezumi’s glass as well. “All of this is more for you than for me though, isn’t it.”
He twirled the stem of the empty glass in one hand, and for a moment he still contemplated leaving. Truly there wasn’t much here at all that he liked this evening — in fact, it seemed as if everything was done to try and infuriate him, and that knowledge was entirely what left him oddly calm about the situation.
Raum looked at the little puddle on the floor. He set down the champagne flute. Made a decision.
“Clean that up,” he said flatly, pulling off his tie and tossing it on the table. He stepped around and carefully over the puddle, heading back towards the corridor. He grabbed his car keys off the shelf in the hallway, and didn’t look back. “I’m going out. Enjoy your birthday party.”
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siriuslynephilim · 10 months
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#this is so mind numbingly exhausting i don't understand how everyone else seems to just do it?#it was such a weird day#started out in a good mood but then boss scolded these two interns cause of a mistake#and like he wasn't shouting exactly but he raised his voice and said so many things like you are so careless im suffering so many losses bc#bc of you outsiders are going to think i don't have a good team and i don't have control over my team#and how we should always note things down because we're so distracted and not serious#and how before going home everyday we should report to him what work we did today#i understand that he's being reasonable (maybe? idk) but it sounded so eerily horribly like my dad i couldn't function properly for an hour#why are men so similar everywhere#why am i SO scared i could feel the disappointment radiating off him and he wasn't even mad at me and i felt like a failure#which is so embarrassing like girl stop you are a 20 year old adult woman you will not cry at your workplace because an angry man triggered#your dad issues#and upar se there was a new intern at work one year younger than me and oh my god he was so annoying#like i talked to him first bc i pitied him like what if he felt alone it was only his second day but boy literally could not stop talking😭#like ok it's kinda cool that this senior di she trusted me enough to be like you teach him this project report this when ive only been#here for 3 weeks but bhai😭 he's so annoying 😭 i have newfound respect for the di how does she handle all 7-8 of us interns i would go#crazy and shout at everyone and tell them to leave me alone 😭 but she's so patient and kind and answers dumb questions 100 times#but she's leaving this office permanently from next month bc of her ca final :( i mean very good for her she deserves better more money#better work hours better office etc. but :(( she's leaving :((#as you can see i have both dad issues and abandonment issues so fun lol
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taystawan · 2 years
#i was really disappointed in the kinnporsche ending in that i hated the way porsche became head of the minor family when he literally#hated everything about the mafia world and literally only stayed in the first place bc of his love for kinn and i hate the way#that he constantly went over the fact that he doesnt give a fuck about the main or minor families like ALL HE CARED ABOUT IS KINN fjsjjs so#for him to then become head of a mafia family is so strange to me like . a huge contradiction of his character#and dont even get me started on how that title rightfully belonged to vegas bc i'll cry like my boy is still being screwed over even after#everything its so infuriating and disappointing and kp kind of irritated me at the end of it all like in the last few eps they got on my#nerves bro bUT ITS ALL FINE AND HERE'S WHY: VEGASPETEMACAU 💘💘💘#that little found family of lost souls who havent experienced a loving safe place to land before in their lives and now they have#eachother to protect and be protected by and to feel safe with and to love and be loved by and a place where they can be tender and gentle#oh they make me so . achy inside but in a good way its a good thing its the best ending for them except for vegas not getting what he#deserved but apart from that its the perfect ending for my perfect best most favourite boys fhsjdjs <33333333#still praying for a kimchay short or smth just to resolve all of That but even if not i still cant be mad bc vEGASPETEMACAU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#dl
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begaycommittreason · 3 months
out of context things heard in wayne manor:
bruce: i understand, but pretending you cooked jerry the turkey is not a proportionate response to damian calling you a peasant again
jason: look there’s a right way and a wrong way to make food. there’s also the bruce way, which is the wrong way except faster and worse
duke: *frantically scribbling notes*
tim: do you think our relationship was kinda like incest now?
steph, horrified: never open your mouth in my presence again timothy
dick: so then he’s like—guys. guys are you seriously signing about me in front of my face. i learned it too—hey i do NOT have a butt chin take that back—
damian: i don’t understand, why does he wear such a ridiculous hat? is it like that margaret poppins woman grayson showed me?
tim, who watched the live action cat in the hat too much as a kid and is about to violently infodump: well you see-
dick: oh god it’s too late
jason: yeah the brats on his own for this one i’m not fucking dealing with that again
bruce: are you lying?
tim: always. anyway, like i was saying—
steph: hey what’s up with you and all the redheads
dick: …i’m not discussing this with you
steph, starting to chase him: gingervitus is a serious affliction! you cant run from this
dick, sprinting away: yes the fuck i can
duke: so is anyone gonna talk about the elephant in the room…
dick: look i was feeling sentimental and zitka jr. really isn’t any trouble
damian: she is magnificent
tim: so i dropped out and
duke: wait we can drop out of high school??!!?
bruce: NO.
duke: please bruce ap biology is beating my ass right now
jason: nah tim just got to drop cause bruce was dead and he’s a loser. the real problem is what you’re reading in ap lit right now, because i have thoughts on that curriculum—
duke: i’m not even gonna use half that material in the real world
tim: actually most of our villains have PhDs so their plans are based on pretty real science
duke: not helping timothy
cass, signing: why are brothers on the ceiling?
jason: tims in timeout from working on his caseload
cass, still confused: yes but why taped to the ceiling
duke: listen if you know a better way of restraining his psycho ass then i’m all ears
cass: and damian?
jason: oh he saw this as free range target practice so he had to go up there too
cass: they are plotting revenge up there
duke: think of it as brotherly bonding
damian: it’s not my fault he got in the way
bruce: you threw an eclair at lex luthor
damian: i was aiming for drake
tim: bruce we can’t take him anywhere
dick, holding back laughter: timmy you paid four separate people to come to the gala solely to ask lex if they could use his head to see if they had something in their teeth
tim: you have no proof that was me
duke: look steph, it’s not that we don’t want to help with this
jason: i don’t want to help
duke: it’s more that i don’t think we can physically fit that many people in a shopping cart, and your whole plan kind of hinges on that
alfred: i’m not mad, just disappointed in you.
every batkid, near tears: sorry alfred
bruce: listen—
tim, mouth full and brain empty: the ambassador to iran. crazy right?
dick: tim please
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yelenapines · 5 months
"you should be more kind i've told you this a thousand times. also you didn't know this but your grandpa who died this summer discussed this with me and your mom multiple times. you are such a disappointment why do you spend all day in your room. why are you so slow with german homework. socialize more you lazy closed off idiot. i haven't said this out loud but by the way i think you're an asshole lmfao. ok i'm done listing everything that's wrong with you let's pretend everything is fine and i didn't just call you cruel and selfish in like 5 minutes. woop woop look at me i'm such a good dad aren't i a fucking angel i had a bad dad and i don't treat you like him so you should be grateful about that and also be careful when you talk with me cause i could get mad and overreact at anything you say for basically no reason lmfao. you ruined the night by the way you horrible child" - my dad, totally and positively fucking helping with my already intense self-hatred
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the-biornicles · 10 months
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ladyhavilliard · 11 months
i just watched miraculous season 5 finale and i have thoughts and a lot of them are not positive
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evilminji · 4 months
"DO BETTER!" Says Now Televised Fanboy
He, Dash Baxter is a Phan-Stan!! It's kinda his thing. See, he's a fancy ass talk show host now. Married Paulie, moved out of Amity, actually DID something with his life. His parents? Did not approve. Long n short of it? He got kicked out.
Paulie's parents were PISSED.
Retaliated by giving him all the help he needed getting EVERY scholarship he qualified for. He went to a really nice college. Missed his girlfriend like mad. But she was off in Metropolis, terrifying weaker men. Conquering the fashion scene.
And SOMEHOW? Thanks to that long talk he had with Phantom (*incoherent fanboy gibbering noises* SO COOL!) he's worked to be... more of a LEADER, you know? Less of an asshole. Cause he's popular. People copy him. He can't be an asshole.
So, somehow, when he's punching out some try-hard that thinks he's hot shit for bullying a Nerd? He and the nerd get talking, right? Cause the guy got his glasses completely fucked up. And it's what Phantom would do.
But GET THIS? Guy's never HEARD of Phantom! Is super curious, cause he runs a small time Hero's show on the web. And, Dude? Is it your LUCKY DAY! Cause you just met THE number 1 fan of Phantom, hands down!! He makes his VERY spirited case, about why Phantom is THE best Hero to ever have lived. And this guy?
Just straight up BEGS him to join his show. Cause apparently? He was BORN for it. Which? Yeah. He HAS been giving speechs to the team for YEARS now. And Talking at fan meet ups. Leading fan meet ups. Hosting parties... actually, now that he thinks about it? He DOES do a lot of public speaking? Huh.
But still, he's about to say "no", when?
Dude mentions? He'll get to talk about Phantom.
It. Blows. Up. Absolutely EVERYONE is in love with his pretty face, hot bod, and STRONG opinions. But they ALSO have no idea who Phantom is! Paulie! This is CRIMINAL! Horrifying! What is going ON!?
Some bullshit information black out, apparently. At least according to her... friendly Nemesis? The Goth Dweeb. Who's engaged, apparently? So good for her. Unsurprisingly, it's too the OTHER Dweebs, but still. Bout time she started planning to drag them to a court house. She's the only one with any spine in that group! If she waited for THEM to propose?
Not even as Ghosts, man.
They'd get distracted by shiny nerd shit and whimp out.
Still... a world where NO ONE knows how Awesome, Phantom is? Not on HIS watch!
So he works it in. To every segment. It becomes "his thing". Oh? Super man saved a kitten from a tree? Cute. Well PHANTOM saved a bus full of Ghost Puppies from a shady, rouge, Goverment agency. Do BETTER, Superman!
The Flash, who is a cheap knock-off and stole his name, took down an Ice Villian? Adorable! PHANTOM stopped a Rouge WINTER SPIRIT with the help of YETI WARRIORS then assisted in giving FREE medical care for anyone who needed it! Here's a picture of him making GHOST ICE SNOWMEN for small children! Do BETTER, Knock-off!
What's THAT you say? Wonder Woman fought a GOD in down town paris?
Excellent work Wonder Woman. Flawless as always. But YOU, god-boy, are a disappointment! All that power! And WHAT do you use it for? Are you even supposed to BE here?? PHANTOM uses his power to HELP people! Is awesome and knows TONS of better gods! You're just salty you didn't make the cut!
And obviously? No one believes him. There's no record of this "Phantom" guy. The pictures look fantastical and vaguely glitchy/glowy. Not quite right. They GOTTA be photo shopped. Manipulated somehow. But? As a shtick? A fake "perfect Superhero" is kinda funny and unique.
And it's one hell of Fake Hero!
A Dead Champion? Who fights gods and monsters? Rouge agencies? Sassy and tragic? With a mysterious past? Pretty cool! There's even an Offical Comic from some guy that went to the same high-school as Baxter!
Of course, as Baxter get more and more popular? The "meme" hero, Phantom, get more well known? People get more interested in where Dash grew up. You know, just a bored Google. Maybe see if the hero was based off a local legend or something. But... huh...
The Town website?
Weirdly? Sanitized.
Like... like aggressively sanitized. All smooth edges and no details. Very "move along, citizen". Ha ha... it's part of the joke right? They get it! They'll just look up local restaurants or som-....
Hey, guuuuys?
Are you finding ANYTHING?
And! Nothing. And I do mean NOTHING! Triggers the "oh? Secrets???" Instincts of a Hacker, like finding a hard blank wall of "KEEP OUT". Especially when it's somewhere it rightfully shouldn't BE.
All it would take? Is ONE person, of decent skills and an account on Certain Forums, getting bored enough to Google the Dude On The TV(TM)? For the GIW's lil walls to come crashing down. Because yeah, you can stop ONE hacker. Even two. Probably five or six.
But how about thousands?
Hundreds of thousands?
From every time zone. Competing. Just to see what you HAVE and don't want them to see. Maybe they do something with it, maybe they don't. But fuck it, you're being RUDE and now they're CURIOUS. And THEN? Oh. Oh holy shit.
Not a meme.
Very real.
Not a joke.
The walls come crumbling down, down, down. Ripped apart by hundreds of hands. Emails sent to every sort of agency. The JLU line inundated with emergency tips. Not a joke. Not A Joke. Holy Shit, IT WASN'T A JOKE!
Phantom is REAL!
And there, on TV, stands the Man. The signal FINALLY breaching containment. Fighting off the invading God of the week. Built like statue, hair like an aurora borealis of white fire held almost delicately in place by a CROWN of ice, a suit made of void and starlight. Inhuman. Beyond human.
Here to help.
A laugh that crackles like ice and the snap of winter, rolls through the air like coming storms, rich and somehow warm. A smile that bares teeth, yet turns so KIND when he looks upon humanity, as though we are precious and worth fighting for. A living star.
A... a once living star.
And in the center of it all? Wearing his BESPOKE, custome made, Number 1 Phan full body outfit? That's right. Dash Baxter. Ha! You fuckers doubted him! Behold his blorbo and WEEP, ya fuckin casuals! The BESTEST of boys! The FINEST of Heros! Superman? Could NEVER.
And now? The weather!
@babbling-babull @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @hypewinter @hdgnj @mutable-manifestation
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