#obviously maya comes first
rosicheeks · 1 year
what’s some good news from this week?
#hmmmm let’s seeeeeee#well the first one that comes to my mind which will be LIFE CHANGING IF IT HAPPENS#I think where I’m living weed is close to being legalized#it still has a few places to go through#but it’s a LOT closer than it ever has been!#and if weed is legalized that would be a GAME changer#it’s also been super sunny and it’s getting nice out so that’s always a plus#OH OH OH#also I think I’m going to be staying over at my dog sitting place in June and July and I’m SO EXCITED#a place to myself again?!?!#I get to smoke and paint and take pics and do whatever the fuck I want ALSO ILL BE WITH MAYAAAAA#also also alsooooo I might be able to dogsit for one of my neighbors dogs soon too!#of course it lands on the same day that I’m taking care of maya but I think the timing might work out?#obviously maya comes first#but omg if I’m able to take care of Murphy (neighbors dog) I would be SO HAPPY#Murphy is honestly the cutest fucking dog I have EVER SEEN#I don’t think I’ve ever met a golden retriever in real life and holy shit he doesn’t even know me but he LOVES ME#I was talking to his owner the other day about the dogsitting and everything#and I was giving him pets and love and he was twirling and looking up at me and kept kissing me literally all over#my face my thighs everywhere he could reach he is SO CUTE AND SO FULL OF LOVE AHHHHHHHH#some happy moments from my week 😌#thanks for asking lovely!!!#do you have any good news or happy moments you would like to share?? 🥰🥰#ask#🌸 anon
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cornertheculprit · 1 year
Mia: ...Phoenix.
Phoenix: Mia...! Umm... H-How is Maya doing!?
Mia: Physically, I'm not worried. She'll recover completely. But emotionally, she's been hurt very badly by this case.
Phoenix: I-I see... ...! You don't mean...! She's learned who Elise Deauxnim really was?
Mia: ...Yes. I went to the medical office and talked with her. I told her everything I knew.
Phoenix: ...But why?
Mia: Maya is stronger than you think... I knew she could take it... All of it.
i was thinking about this exchange and specifically mia's line of "maya is stronger than you think" and it kind of got me wondering if it was a moment where mia actually kind of misjudged phoenix's feelings on the matter. because phoenix DOES think maya is strong! even if he doesn't admit it out loud (because he's a moron):
Maya: ...And then you look at me, and, well... I'm the daughter of the Master, but I'm still just a little girl. And on top of that, I'm the suspect in a murder trial.
Phoenix: (Um... But I think you're really strong too, Maya, for all you've gone through...)
it may just be how i was reading it but phoenix asking "but why?" was not a question of whether maya was strong enough to take it but rather a question of "she's physically and mentally exhausted and we just saw her collapse on the ground from channeling dahlia's spirit for so long. why would you tell her that the person she saw get murdered right in front of her was her mother NOW." and yes i do think part of it was because phoenix wanted to hide it from her for a little while longer because he wants to protect her and hiding things is his go-to for pretty much everything but it was never a matter of him not thinking she's strong enough to take in the information. and yknow i think something else to factor into this is that in recent years phoenix has spent much much more time around maya than mia has. because mia's dead obviously i know that but also even before that...at the beginning of turnabout sisters one of the things maya mentions right off the bat is that mia hadn't called in a while. she was getting more and more distant. and meanwhile maya has been hanging around phoenix for almost three years now and spent the seven months between aa2 and aa3 staying with him instead of living in kurain village. even all the way back in aa1 it was to phoenix that maya admitted the heartbreaking thought that she wished she'd never woken up from being tased at all. and it's interesting to me how it seems like in this instance mia looks at maya and sees the strong little sister she left behind who can take anything the world throws at her and phoenix looks at maya and sees his best friend who CAN take anything the world throws at her but who has already been through so much and who he doesn't want to see suffer anymore. because he saw her crying in the detention center more than once he saw her admit she never wanted to see a knife again after 2-2 he saw her in the aftermath of morgan's betrayal and in the aftermath of the engarde trial and everything else. and the different perspectives they seem to have really do affect how they treat her.
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spynorth · 1 year
thinking about it and lucas is ... actually a considerable douche to most of the women he interacts with in the show. except for ros bc i’m fairly certain he knows there’s always a fork and/or pen nearby.
#he threatens to hit sarah. he is always short and 99.8% done with jo. he gives beth the fucking nASTIEST looks#he's so rude to dean's mum in the episode with them in series 7#the teenage girl who has the codes in the first ep of series 9 .. like ??#bro there had to have been another way to handle that i'm sorry#ruth he is such an ass too. kidnapping. drugging. the works.#the basic bitchiness to ruth i can forgive#but the kidnapping and drugging takes it a bit far#beth doesnt give in really so like .. hes not as mean to her#but he does give her the craziest looks and expressions lmaooo#and repeatedly tells her he doesnt like her#he's fairly good with elizaveta but shes only in like 4 eps total and tbh ...#in one of them he breaks into her (their old) kitchen and waits for her#so I MEAN.#he chases danielle down in series 9 (multiple times) and then puts her in a trunk. is rude as fuck to her before all that. then murders her.#so thats a big whoopsie#maya who is supposed to 'love' ... he just drags around everywhere like 'shut the fuck up i love you you're coming with me'#she's like a poor little ragdoll#maya: john i don't want to do this#lucas: shut UP WE'RE IN LOVE GET IN THE CAR#also he's very egocentric lmao. like he's smart (obviously) and he has every right to know/be proud of that but !!#i mean .. i think a lot of that 'better than thou' attitude comes from the fact hes walking around like#' yeah i'm screwing over the security service'#there's a bit of pride in that i think#but the ego and the subtle ways in which its presented is .. wild.
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kingdomoftyto · 1 year
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WAIT, FRICK, I think I've got it
holy SHIT that's a well-played twist
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cheriladycl01 · 1 month
Female Max Verstappen, Our Little Lioness - F1 Drivers x PlatonicF1Academy! Reader.
Plot: You are in F1 Academy after getting stuck in F3 with no progression so to get onto the scene of bigger teams you join the Academy with Rodin. Your dominance makes people call you the Mini Max Verstappen.
Credit to brasiliangp for the GIF
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You'd grown up in the world of motorsports, your dad being a racing legend and your mum being a MotoGP engineer.
You grew up with heroes like Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton at your doorstep. When you expressed and interest in karting at a young age your dad of course made prepartions to help you into your driving career.
And like most children of F1 drivers you had this natural talent in you. You were beating all the kids in your age range and were asked to move up. However, even with a dad known to the motorsport world people were apprehensive to take on girls in this sport.
You competed in many championships, in the UK, in the US, across Oceania and Asia. It was all a bit of a blur if you were being honest. You'd done as much as you could, in order to get yourself closer to F1. You'd driven Rally you'd done test drives in IndyCar, but getting a place in anything higher than Formula 3 seemed impossible.
So when Suzie Wolff offered you a place in the F1 Academy under an Disney Sponsor. You found it hilarious when a company you genuinely loved was wanting to support you. Your race suit was so cool having an overall Blue Colour same to the Disney + sign. And then there were characters splattered across it, ranging from Mickey to Flounder the Fish.
You loved the car as well having a similar style to your race suit being the same shade of blue. And having the Disney Logo plastered on the side.
F1 Academy was to get young women into the eye of the motorsport media, and that'd exactly what you needed. You were driving at the level of an F2 racer, and hated the fact that no-one would progress you.
So, F1 Academy should get you in the picture.
Your first race was in Jeddah, which you stormed through, winning both races there. Celebrations were great on the podium in Race 1 with, Doriane Pin and Abbi Pulling in P2 and P3 and then Race 2 with Abbi Pulling and Maya Weug on the podium with you.
You and Abbi were the same age, both 21 and you'd competed in some other championships with her before when you were younger. So sharing a podium with her twice on the first race was very special.
You were close with all the girls in the F1 Academy but none of them had seen you race and were shocked with the 13 second gap on both your races.
After that and some testing in Germany, it was time for Miami. The minute you touched down on American Soil from Lewis' jet you were so excited. You flew out the week early and Disney as your sponsors drove you up to Orlando with Abbi and Jessica as your teammates in Rodin.
You spent the week before the race going to each park and filming it for content for both Disney, as your sponsor, AMEX where you used an American Express Credit Card for each purchase you guys made as Jessica's sponsor and obviously stuff for Alpine as Abbi's.
You were out of qualifying when Lia Block spun out and went into your car from a bump on track that was later investigated and starting from P16, right at the back of the grid.
You ended up coming P3, still on the podium having made some insane over-takes and had incredible tire management throughout which made it so that you only needed one pit-stop unlike the others with two.
When it came to the second race however, you won as your second fastest lap had been allowed, so sharing a podium with Bianca and Amna. You were very close with the two of them, despite having different sponsors and being from different teams, you guys all gelled really well.
You'd left Miami in P1 of the Drivers Championship with 92 points.
Then you were invited to the Monaco Grand Prix, it was an exciting opportunity where you got to meet a lot of the drivers and constructures who knew who you were.
You also got to meet some of the current F2 drivers, people who hoped would maybe be driving with you next year. Ollie Bearman was the kindest, expressing how driving in F1 was and that it was such an exciting opportunity for him and there were talks of him going to Haas next year to prepare him for the Ferrari seat.
Then you joined the F1 group in Barcelona. It was a circuit you'd driven at before in real life. Not just online in a sim.
However, despite the June sunshine it rained and the hadn't called the flag early enough for visibility. You didn't anticipate how early Lena was going to break and you ended up skidding off into the gravel to avoid her and your race was over, no points in race one for you.
However, despite that it was still raining and you managed to come P1.
In Zandvoort you had won both your races with a 15 second time gap behind you in race one and a 8 second gap in race 2. It was a straining track however, one of your best and you'd proven that.
It was at that point that you had three teams come to you. All of them were F1 Academy teams and were proposing 2025 F2 racing for you. You'd done F3, and yes F1 Academy was a downgrade because the car was slower, but you saw no other way to get yourself on the scene.
And it was working splendidly.
Rodin, your current team, Prema and Campos had all asked if you had any 2025 plans. They were to attempt finding a way into Endurance, Rally or do F3 again, but ... F2.
You accepted the offer to take Zane Maloney's seat who was, by this point pretty set to win the championship. Good Car, Good Driver.
It was said to be annonced in Singapore that you would move into F2, and you were so excited. However, you were made to sign an NDA and couldn't tell anyone about it. You were bursting at the seems to tell someone, anyone. It was such exciting news.
Singapore came, and it was announced on media day that you'd signed a contract with Rodin Motorsport and would be promoted to F2 finally.
"Lewis, what do you think on Y/N Y/L/N moving to F2, after this F1 Academy Season?" an interviewer asks and he smiles.
"I think that F1 Academy is doings it's job really well. I've been watching Y/N for a while and it's definitely long overdue getting her into F2!" he smiles.
"And what do you think on her being referred to as the female Max Verstappen? A lioness?" he asks further making Lewis laugh.
"I'd agree with that statement, she's very strong, very dominant in F1 academy like she was in F3 where she won her championship. I think seeing her in F2 and getting her to that step closer to F1, it's important" he smiles.
"Thank you Lewis, oh here lets talk to Max! Max!" the interviewer shouts over your male counterpart.
"Hello!" he nods fixing his Red Bull hat.
"We wanted to talk to you about Y/N Y/L/N!" he asks and Max looks confused for a second.
"Oh, the Academy Driver?" he asks rubbing the towel across his face from the humidity of Singapore.
"Yes! Did you hear the news of her being promoted to F2!" he asks and Max nods.
"Yeah, I'm proud of her and a lot of people don't know it yet, but she's got lots of F1 teams fighting to get them onto their driver academy. I'd love to have her as in the Red Bull Academy, to mentor her ... as my mini me" he smiles and the interviewers nods before talking to him about the weekend ahead.
"Lando, Oscar. Hello, how are you?!"
"Hello!" Lando grins cheesily, and Oscar nods politely.
"We've just been going round asking people about the current news going around the paddock!" the interviewer asks to see if the McLaren boys are keeping up with the latest news in the paddock.
"About Y/N?" Oscar smiles happily. He and Y/N were pretty close. They'd met at a race and Y/N had ended up stealing Lily for most of the day as they watched the race and ate food. Her and Lily became really close friend after that so it wasn't uncommon for him to see you around.
"Yes! Thoughts?"
"Well, I think it just goes to show how well the F1 Academy is working to promote these young female drivers and it makes me proud of my sport that we are moving forward this way. Y/N is an insane driver and I could see her joining F1 in the next few years as and when a seat comes up. I think getting her into F2 now is really really important and I'm proud of her and everything she's doing!" Lando explains.
"I agree with Lando, it's really important her making these connections and I think she's so loved on the motorsport community that even if she doesn't make it to F1 there will be other top driving series that will be gunning for her. I hope she does get into F1 though!"
He then heads over to Carlos who smiles kindly.
"Hello Carlos!" the interviewer asked looking towards him.
"Hello, how are you!" he asks politely.
"We've been talking to your colleagues about Y/N Y/L/N!" he replied cheerily forcing the mic closer to the Spanish man.
"Ahhh she has done well, no?" he smiles thinking of the cheeky young girl that always brought him a small Tupperware box of Chili Peppers whenever they had race crossovers.
"Yes, we've had a lor of people talk about her driving ability but she's always quite cheeky with you, am i right in saying that?" he asks and Carlos laughs.
"Ahhh yes Y/N is a funny girl. She deserves everything that she has worked for thus far and more, and one day I hope i am still around in F1 to race alongside her" he nods before his PR team usher him off.
"DANIELLLLL" the interviewer shouts having to have the other Aussie in his segment before he was cut short.
"Heyyy what's up mate!" he says with his big smile, that makes anyone feel like melted honey.
"Just wanted to see if you were aware of the news of Y/N Y/L/N!" he asks and Daniel's smile widens even more.
"Oh she's a great driver right. She deserves that place in F2, and I think this is a really good step for her and other women in motorsport, I'm excited to see her progression from her onwards!" he smiles.
You watched each interview of the F1 drivers talking about you and it made tears come to your eyes, just the kind words spoken by your future colleagues and competition... it doesn't get better than that.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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Feelings (1)
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Hi guys :)
So this is a new serie and I wanted to thanks @cathhamel for encouraging me to post it. I don't know how many chapter it will have, it will depends of how much you like it I think.
I really hope you will like it.
Please enjoy ♥
TW : Suggestive.
PART 2 |
As long as you remember, you always have been in love with Alessia. She is a year older than you, but she catches your eyes almost as soon as you met her. She was sweet, full of talents and of course everyone seemed to like her. You liked her too, but it was more love than friendship.
It has been five years, and you never told her anything. Alessia is straight, always talking about her boyfriend at the time or the boy who catch her eyes. You can’t say that she’s a great friend, you never have been very close of her to be honest. You are way more friend with Maya, who you know since your first step together for the Lionesses. Alessia is closer with Ella or Mary, it’s not that you don’t get along. It’s more that you become very shy when it comes to talk to her.
Maya knows about your long-term feelings for Alessia. She sometimes teases you about it, but you seem so desperate about it that she doesn’t do it a lot. You tried to find others girls to help you forget Alessia, but you didn’t succeed. It was even more sad maybe, but that’s the life you choose to live. This gave you a little reputation maybe, but you decide under Leah’s advice not to give a fuck. You do what you have to do, and it will stay that way.
Finding a pretty blonde with blue eyes is even more difficult, because since 2022 you’re playing at Barcelona. Along Lucy and Keira, the Spanish team came for you. You were playing at this time in West Ham and at your age it was a dream coming true. You don’t hesitate to throw your life in England to go to Spain. You didn’t know the language at first, but you learned Spanish and Catalan very quickly. Way more quickly than Keira and even Lucy.
With this team you won a lot of things and with the Lionesses, you won the Euro Cup 2022. You had hope that maybe you can get closer to Alessia with the alcohol and the adrenaline of the victory, but you were wrong.
So now, you are here in Summer camp for the Mondial 2023, in Australia. Sarina had call you to be part of the team, so is Lucy, Keira and of course Alessia. Maya isn’t part of the journey, so is Leah because of her ACL. You were gutted to learn about her injury. Leah always have been like a mentor for you, unlike Lucy who always had the role of the big sister. But you miss Maya in Australia, to be honest.
And you missed her even most, when you learned just before the first game that your girlfriend at the time chose to busy herself during your absence with cheating on you. You weren’t In love with her, but you thought that you can trust her. You were wrong. It was not the breakup who was disturbing for you, but behind betrayed that way. It isn’t something nice, really. You broke up with her, obviously. She asked you for a second chance, which you refuse before blocking her everywhere.
“And she had the nerves to ask you for a second chance?!” Jordan almost shout when Lucy explains to her all the story.
You let her do it, tired of people asking you why you seem so angry and almost sad. You weren’t really sad, but you weren’t really happy too. It was a strange feeling to be honest. You don’t miss your ex-girlfriend, but you are most disappointed to see that another attempt to forget Alessia is failing.
“What a bitch” Mary sighs after Lucy’s nod.
She is at the same table as you this morning, like Lucy, Jordan and surprisingly Ella and Alessia. If Ella seems to be as shocked as the others are, Alessia doesn’t really says anything. But you catch her watching in your direction a lot of time when you look at her too.
You don’t know how Sarina heard about that, but you assured her that you can still play as good as always. So, she lines up for your first game, against South Corea. You scored that day, like Georgia, Alessia and Lauren James. The first win was unbelievable, playing in almost full stadium too. And scoring your first goal in a Mundial was amazing.
Georgia decided to head a little hiding party, inviting everyone who wants to come. You did but spend almost all your time drinking your beer while watching Alessia. She’s so beautiful that you want to cry. You know you will never have her in any way, why can’t you stop those stupid feelings?
You would need to confide in someone, but Maya is probably not reachable now, being in England, so is Leah. You have friends in Barcelona, but they are here too and probably asleep. And Lucy is nowhere to be found, either in her room or on the phone with her own girlfriend. So, you decide to go in your room too, maybe to try to drink something stronger to forget all of this shit.
In your room, you sigh, disappointed. Your fridge is empty, probably an ask made by the English Federation. You understand, of course you can’t get hungover right now. How did Georgia find those beer anyway? You lie down on your bed, looking at the ceiling for a long moment before deciding to take a shower.
You slowly take your things and head for the bathroom. You stay a long time under the hot water too, needing time to wash all your feelings of the previous day. When you come out, you have decided to focus on the games and your play, not everything else. You have to.
Sarina, your teammates, your friends and your family are counting on you to have a great result. Your family is still in England for now, in the north of England. They will come after the qualifications, hopping England will pass the qualifications. You want to make your family proud, of course. You left them to play football very young and are used to be far away from them. But you still love them and their opinion are the most important for you.
Only wearing a oversize t-shirt and a shorty, you left your bathroom with your hair wet. You will hate yourself tomorrow, but you decide to sleep like this, not taking the time to dry them.
You were going under the cover when you hear someone knock on your door. Frowning, you go to open it, wondering who can come to you at this time of the night. Maybe Lucy who just hang up with Ona and need to cool off. Things are awful in Spanish Federation and you are happy to be English right now. You open the door, waiting to be faced to Lucy. But you were wrong.
The blonde is looking at you, looking like she’s wondering too what she’s doing here.
“Hi” she says with her sweet voice. “Can I come in, please?”
“Uh, sure” you answer with a second late.
You let her in, closing the door slowly behind her. Her perfume is tickling your nose and God. What is she doing here? You turn to her, she is in the middle of your room, playing with her fingers.
“How can I help you?” you ask her, beckoning her to sit down on your bed.
She’s still playing with her fingers and rings when she starts talking, but you leave her fingers with your eyes when she starts talking.
“I learn what happened with your girlfriend” Alessia starts.
“Ex” you mumble, shrugging.
“Yeah. But I just wanted to know that if you need someone to talk about it, you can come to me. I know I’m not Leah or Maya, but if you need someone, it can be me.”
You look at her, surprised. You don’t know what you were waited about her presence in your room, but definitely not that. The gesture touches you, very clearly. But you don’t want to lie to her or that she imagines things.
“I really appreciate it, honestly. But I have to let you know that I wasn’t really in love with her.”
You shake your head negatively, then shrug your shoulders. It was weird to explain that the girl you are in love with why you weren’t in love with your ex-girlfriend.
“I trusted her and we had fun together, but I wasn’t in love. The betrayal still hurt, though.”
Alessia nods thoughtfully, biting her lips. And you have to take all your self-control to drag your eyes away from her. You feel like a disgusting teenager sometimes. Maybe when she left you will need another shower. Cold, this time.
“So, do you have someone else in mind?”
This conversation is unreal. Your eyes almost jump on Alessia’s silhouette with that question and you don’t know what to answer. Some seconds passes and you still haven’t answered anything. You gulp and take a breath, but Alessia is finally the first to talk again.
“I see you, you know. Looking at me.”
Ok, this is maybe the moment where you will die. You are mortified. You thought that you were being subtle about it, always looking when Alessia isn’t. You try to be respectful too, not staring at her in the changing room or when she’s not fully clothed. You feel yourself blush, a bright red blush, and you are definitely not ready for the last sentence leaving Alessia’s lips.
“I’m looking at you too”
It’s a whisper, that you probably wouldn’t have heard anywhere but in the silence of your room. You are now looking in her eyes, deep, looking for the truth.
“Alessia, if this is a joke…”
“It’s not!” Alessia takes your hand and comes infinitely close to you. “I swear it’s not.”
Her first answer was almost shout, unlike the second. Her eyes are in yours, her hand squeezing yours and you can think straight anymore. You lean to kiss her and it’s even more everything than you thought it would be. Her lips are sweet, soft and taste like strawberry. Just when you wanted to break the kiss to check that if your action were ok, a whimper left Alessia’s lips, and you just want to hear that sound again and again.
You extend the kiss, not leaving the opportunity when Alessia parts her lips. Your tongue caresses her bottom lip before starting to explore her mouth. You never felt so many feelings to be honest. You almost were shaking.
Wanted to feel her closer, you put your hand on her neck, taking her more against you. When she passes her hand in your now semi-wet hair, you make you fall delicately on the bed. Deciding not to lye on her right now, you lye next to her, on your front while she’s on her back.
When air became an issue, you break the kiss this time. Alessia’s lips were swollen, probably like yours. Her breathing was fast and deep, her chest rising irregularly to the rhythm of her breathing.
Alessia is the one initiating the kiss this time, taking you against her. You let her do it, obviously. This time your chest in on hers and the feeling adding with the kiss is driving you crazy. You manage to keep calm for more kisses, but when her hands are on your back and ass, you try to escape her arms.
“We need to stop” you breath difficulty.
Alessia’s disappointment is hard to miss and it’s flattering. But once again, you chose to be honest with her.
“Because if we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to stop after, Less.”
You saw in her eyes that she understands perfectly what you mean. She bites your lips, from under you and the gesture make enjoyable sensation right in your core. But you have to ignore it.
“What if I want the after?”
You don’t know in what parallel universe you are, honestly. But you need to check that she was being serious and sure of herself. And if she wasn’t drunk too, but you only saw her drink Pepsi tonight.
“I want it, Y/N” is her only answer.
You look at her eyes for several seconds before leaning it again, kissing her on the lips once again. The feeling is intoxicating, honestly. You don’t know it this is a one-time thing or not, but you take your time anyway.
Discovering her is like a dream and you take all the time necessary to remember every part of her. You touch, kiss and stroke every part of her body, trying to remember to what sound she makes at every move. You are kissing her neck, lying between her thighs with her in underwear when she speaks again, whispering softly.
“I’ve never been with a girl before.”
You leave her neck to be able to look at her better, looking at her babyblue eyes. You want her to be comfortable and make this night about her. Not about you fulfilling your fantasies, even if it’s the case right now.
“We still can stop it if you don’t feel right. Just one word and we stop”
She nods, biting her lip once again.
“I don’t want to stop. But I don’t know how to do things.”
She looks shy and you are filled with another feeling than pleasure or wanted. Alessia trusts you and it’s more than everything you ever wanted.
“I will show you” you smile softly.
She smiles back and you return of what you were doing. She seems to relax this time, letting her body fully in your hands. She’s still a little shy at first, but she seems to learn fast. And it’s just amazing.
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n30nwrites · 4 months
Now Sit (Shifter! TF141 x Male Reader)
Part 2 of Good Doggy
Masterlist here
Warnings: None really??? I'm not sure. Some awkwardness but that's cause Reader couldn't give less of a fuck. Some creepy behavior
Updated; 3/5/2024
Beta Reader: the lovely @letmelickyoureyeballs who's saving your guys asses right now
Part 1 here.
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The entire house was shrouded in darkness. The windows were covered up in thick fabrics of purples and blacks. You didn't have any lights on, instead some candles that were hastily lit when you had entered the building and a few lamps. Your eyes were thankful for the darkness after the long drive during the day.
Your first trash bag was filled with clothing fabrics, they all needed to be washed so you quickly filled the tub with warm water and laundry soap, sorting the fabrics by color before tossing in the divided groups. Starting with your whites.
You decided to bring more boxes in, figuring the more you unboxed the easier it would be when the rest of your stuff arrived. Your box labeled ‘Gear’ was the first box to be put up, putting it in the closet near the entrance so you could pretend it wasn’t there. Just looking at your uniform brought back memories that you wish you could ignore. The second box was just one filled with knives, your swords were in another container wrapped up tightly in the back of Maya’s car. The Knives were put into your bedroom, you would come back to organize them when you weren’t so hungry.
You had cash ready for your pizza. Along with a tip because people needed to be tipped well. Especially in the service industry.
So when a knock echoed in the open-spaced living room, you had the cash tightly gripped, exact change in one hand and in the other the tip.
Until a man who was very obviously not the pizza delivery driver stood there, your pizza in his hand.
Well you figured it was yours. And there was no way this man was a delivery driver. He was far too fine to be one, if you were honest with yourself.
He was 6'2 which immediately put you on your toes, athletic build with graying-brown hair and blue eyes. He seems to look like he's reaching his 40s, something that shouldn't be so attractive yet is.
God, you needed therapy.
But, smash.
Nope. Nope. It was just inappropriate thoughts of an impossible achievement. You didn't need a relationship, not after your last one. You needed solitude, you needed to live a normal life without constant stares.
"Why do you have my pizza?" You ask him, money being squished.
"I paid for it, figured I could do that for the new guy." He speaks and seems almost cheerful, which is strange.
"I'm not paying you back."
"You don't have to." He handed the pizza to you and you snatched it quickly, almost comically. "Okay, bye." You go to shut the door but he quickly protests.
"Wait, who are you?" He seemed desperate and you didn't understand it. You sat the pizza on the table you had set up right next to the door, which was supposed to hold trinkets and your keys but you hadn't put the bowl there yet. You rolled your hand, rubbing your wrist that had ached from just a minute of holding the pizza. It was something you were working on fixing, just not right now.
"Who are you?"
"John, I live over at that house." He points to the house that Stalker 1 and Stalker 2 stood outside of. It was big enough for you to assume they were roommates, or perhaps a family.
"Can you tell the guys to not stare next time? It was uncomfortable." You blankly told him, before introducing yourself, only saying your first name, same as John did.
"This is a pretty big house for you to live all alone in." He was fishing for information, John knew that it could come off creepy, but he needed to know something about this person in front of him.
His mate.
"I don't live alone." You tell him, and he believes you are lying to him. He doesn't hear another heartbeat, and Ghost and Soap said that you arrived alone. "My Partner is coming with the rest of our stuff."
Partner? Why the hell do you have a Partner? How could you not know that you have three (maybe four with the way this pattern is) men waiting for you, willing to do anything for you. He's angry, and he knows that it makes no sense to be. You had lived your entire life before meeting them, it's not like you could drop everything and move in with him.
Despite everything in his body screaming at him to take you into his home and keep you there, keep you safe. And it's unreasonable, and something he would never do unless he wanted to traumatize you.
His eyes slightly widen at his own thoughts, and he needs to take a step away from you. You muddle his brain, you confuse him. He's had partners in the past, but this was different.
You weren't even supposed to be here.
"I'm sorry for bothering you sir, hope you enjoy your pizza." He takes a step away and turns and you don't bother to say goodbye or even thank him. You shut the door and he can hear you shuffle around and grab the pizza.
Price hates himself for what he's going to do next.
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Gaz is almost surprised at the meeting. He says almost simply because he knew Price was going over to the neighbors, he watched the leader leave the house and pay off the pizza man. So something had to happen.
They just had to wait for Ghost to get home. Price was insistent on it, that everyone needed to be there and they couldn't wait nor do it over the phone.
He just wasn't expecting the words.
A theory that you were somehow mates with all of them. Price had revealed your status to him which caused Soap to blow up. It seemed ridiculous, all four of them connected to you.
But Gaz wanted it to be true. If he could just walk over and meet you, to find out.
If Gaz could no longer feel so alone because of you. He would do anything for that. So he didn't care that Ghost didn't seem to trust you, claimed you could be some creature putting a spell on the team, he didn't care that Soap wanted you for himself. He didn't care that Price was still talking.
He went outside and ignored the protests.
And he was lucky too, because a car had pulled up to your house and you walked out, sunglasses on and a large jacket which didn't fit for the weather.
But he could finally see if it was true.
Okay so I skipped my homework to finish this (i'm not gonna be this irresponsible I swear) and I made a poll here where you can decide on if reader is a human or not. I have plot points for both (probably a longer story if not human??? but that depends on what the people want) also please reblog and leave comments I usually lose interests with these and I'm trying not too. Gonna post a Masterlist for this soon, and if you want to follow the story you can follow the tag Good Doggy FF so you don't have to have notifs on lol.
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inbarfink · 10 months
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So the AA Fandom has no shortage of jokes about how our favorite Anime Laywers generally prioritize stuff like the Power of Friendship above more mundane concerns like 'getting paid for doing their job' but...seriously now, how often do they actually get paid for lawyering?
Well, welcome to...
The Big Overview of WAA Lawyers and Actually Getting Paid!!
The vast majority of AA Cases do not discuss payments for legal services explictly, so I will be Ranking how probable I feel it is the Lawyers got Paid. With a 0 standing for 'explictly and unambigiously did not get paid' and 1 standing for 'explictly and unambigiously did get paid'
The First Turnabout
That's an easy one, it is actually explicitly mentioned that no, Larry did not pay Phoenix for his services as a Lawyer.
And so, my first trial came to a close. Larry slapped me on the back and said, "Gee, Nick, it's good to have friends!" But I'm pretty sure he's not going to pay us. Unless you count the clock he gave Mia.
Which is brought up again months later during 'Turnabout Goodbyes'
Butz: Whoa… Nick. S-so, is that why you helped me out for free? Phoenix: Uh… yes. I helped you because I believed in you. (Except I don't remember saying I'd do it for free…)
So Phoenix expected and wanted to get paid, but he’s just, like, not assertive enough to get his money off Larry. And thus a long legacy of Not Getting Money was born!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0
Turnabout Sisters
Okay, so the subject of money does not come up directly in ‘Turnabout Sisters’ but like… Maya does not seem to have a lot of liquid funds on her at this point. For most of the games she generally relays on Phoenix to pay for things for her. At best right now she is semi-dependent on Morgan for cash - and considering her motivations, she probably came out with some excuse like ‘oooh Mystic Maya must prove her independence in such a dire situation or something, the whole Fey Family is broke we can’t afford to give you any more money I feel so bad ooooh’.
So I think if Phoenix got paid for defending her that was mostly a token symbolic gesture of gratitude more than actually anything that’ll help him pay the rent. And obviously Phoenix wouldn’t gain anything if he paid himself for that second trial of the case lol
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
Turnabout Samurai
Okay, so this is the first case where I think it is more likely than not Phoenix Actually Got Paid. There’s nothing textual, but I think with the implications of Phoenix starting the case fretting over how to pay the rent:
Phoenix: A month has passed since my trial. Mia's murder was the talk of the town for some time… But no one paid any attention to the Wright & Co. Law Offices… How am I going to pay the rent this month? Maya: It'll be okay. I'm sure some big client is just around the corner! Phoenix: Hmph.
And THEN his new Client is Will Powers who is:
a fairly sucessful actor whose life and career seems to be unglamorous but financially stable.
the first cilent Phoenix has who isn't a friend, a relative-of-a-friend or Literally Himself
generally just a really nice and wholesome guy.
It seems pretty likely to me that Phoenix and Maya got paid for this one!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
Turnabout Goodbyes
OKAY so, I've seen folks say that Phoenix would've probably done this for free cause he sees this whole thing as repaying a debt for Being Nice to Him in Fourth Grade because as we all know, Phoenix is a Certified Ridiculous Human Being.
Phoenix: This is my chance to finally pay you back. Maya: Pay him back…? Edgeworth: Pay me back? For what? I don't remember ever doing anything for you. Phoenix: Never mind… I guess you don't really need to know.
Buuuuut... Larry at the time was also part of that Class Trial Bestie Pact and Phoenix did expect him to pay I mean Larry is not the Love of His Life but still.
And more important, this case ALSO established that Miles has a problem expressing gratitude and overcompensate using financial gifts.
Phoenix: Thank you. Oh, wait! Umm… I was wondering, how much is bail going to be? Gumshoe: Don't worry about that. Mr. Edgeworth is posting the whole amount. Phoenix: What? Edgeworth…? Gumshoe: Didn't I tell you? He's grateful to her for what she did. Alright, pal. Well don't forget to go pick her up, okay? Phoenix: (Hmm… Maybe I can get Edgeworth to pay this month's rent, too…)
So I feel, like, regardless of what Phoenix wanted - at the end of this trial - Miles IS going to make sure he is GETTING PAID. Dude was probably shoving checks into his mailbox like a full month after the trial concluded.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.9
Rise from the Ashes
So... the person who initially hires Phoenix to the case is Ema Skye, a 16 year old girl whose main funds are her allowance. And Phoenix was kinda willfully ignoring his financial situation at the start and only took this case for sentimental reasons. (just more evidence that Miles was STILL sending him payments for 'Goodbyes' lol)
It's been two months since Maya left the office… Two months without a single trial. I've had offers… But none I took. That is… until the day that girl showed up.
However he does get 'formally requested' by her probably-well-off-considering-prosecutors-in-this-series older sister shortly thereafter.
Lana: … Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Y-yes? Lana: I believe our discussion here is ended. The rest… I leave to you. Phoenix: …! Um… you mean, you're requesting my services as your defense? Lana: Don't lose any sleep over it. Your client has confessed, after all. The case is over. Phoenix: Right… I'll do what I can to get to the bottom of this. Lana: …
And after a very long and harrowing journey of being in-conflict with his own client, Lana did end up being very grateful for what he did. And again, this case espacially emphasizes that 'prosecutors make the big bucks' - so she had both the means and will to pay him.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.6
The Lost Turnabout
Alrighty, so, Maggey is generally a nice girl and also a fangirl of Phoenix Wright and that gives her an incentive to support him financially...
Actually, I really love to watch court proceedings, and I always root for you to win! When I'm off duty, I like to come here and…
But with how unlucky she is, that might imply that she could have Money Troubles. Although on the other hand she at least has a stable job at the moment... But on the other OTHER hand she does mention how all the other lawyers 'laughed her off'
Just when I thought all hope was lost; when all the other lawyers had laughed me off… "Leave it to me!" you said! You! The one and only Phoenix Wright came to save the day! And just like that, I was moved to tears, sir! I'll never forget what you're doing for me, EVER!
Which usually I wouldn't note as a financial thing. Usually when an AA Defendant is like 'oooh I have no one else to turn too, all the other lawyers turned me down......" this is because the case is considered too impossible to win or Unbearably Wacky (or some sort of conspiracy like with Maya in 'Sisters'). But, like, this is a Tutorial Case. Phoenix won that one with Fucking Amnesia. The 'impossibility' of the case was not the issue, so, yeah, it might legitimately be the money?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.4
Reunion, and Turnabout
It's Maya Murder Trial Time Again! Pretty much the same as before with the two added factors being:
Maya is now officially employed in the Wright & Co. Law Offices during the duration of the trial.
AFTER the Trial, when Morgan is like, in jail - Maya might have a bit more acess to her family funds. Although they are established to Not Be Doing Well Financially in general....
A piece of cloth with a ton of finely-written characters jammed onto it. Probably esoteric knowledge only mediums should know. …Hmm, let's see… Here's one in English… It says… "100 Ways to Save Money". … Being a medium sounds like a rough way of life…
I think all in all these kinda even out to the same Chances of Getting Paid at last time??
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
Turnabout Big Top
So if you ever start discussing how pointless the AA 'middle cases' are - just remember this one crucial detail; they are the most reliable way Phoenix Wright gets food on his plate! We once again have a stranger (that Phoenix won't feel obligated to defend for free) that is very explictly Fabulously Wealthy.
He's not as nicey-nice as Will Powers is but I feel like paying Phoenix's legal fees is not something Max will bet an eye at.
Phoenix: It's a table for guests… There are some papers scattered on top. Maya: Ah! Look at this! Max's salary is written on this piece of paper. YIKES! Phoenix: W-What is it? Maya: I didn't know a magician… This salary is incredible! Phoenix: (She looks like she's about ready to pass out from shock…) How much is it!? How much is it!? T-T-THAT MUCH!? Maya: Incredible, huh? Phoenix: You can say that again.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Farewell, My Turnabout
Okay so this is the Big One. This one’s a really complicated one to determine.
Let’s just get the first thing out of the way, the fact that Phoenix “”lost”” the case does not matter one way or another. Criminal Defense Lawyers, as a general rule, do not work on a Contingency Fee Basis. That means they are paid regardless of the result of the trial. So if this was a normal trial, Phoenix would probably be paid.
But this was not a normal trial, was it?
Phoenix was FORCED to work as a Defense Attorney due to a KIDNAPPER. And, like, my first instinct is ‘if you are already forcing someone to work via criminal means, why the hell would you also pay them??’ 
Buuuuut….. This is MY instinct, not the instinct of goddam Shelly De Killer. 
Since Shelly’s whole thing is being the Honorable Assassin, and he has some level of respect towards Phoenix as like a Fellow Professional. I can see him thinking maybe wanting Phoenix to get paid for the work he is Coercing Him To Do Under Threat of Murdering His Best Friend for the sake of Honor. 
But also also, Phoenix’s terms are not officially with De Killer, it’s with This Asshole!
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And Matt Engarde is absolutely the kind of guy to casually take advantage of Phoenix’s frantic ‘please please just let me be your lawyer or my Friend is gonna Die!’ thing where, like, obviously getting paid is NOT gonna cross through Phoenix’s head atm in order to not pay/severely underpay the guy even though he can obviously afford it.
All in all, things are not looking good for this case’s probability, which is a shame considering how it ends.
Powers: Um, anyway… So, who's paying for this lovely dinner party? Maya: As if you need to ask! Everyone say, "Thank you" to Nick! Phoenix: Huh? Gumshoe: Ah, yeah… I'm kinda at the point where I can't even buy instant noodles, pal. So I kinda already put your name on the bill.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Memories
First time covering a Lawyer that’s not Phoenix!
Now, Mia’s client in this case is a college student who probably doesn't have tons of personal funds, and considering her own motivations for taking on the case she probably would’ve done it for free but…
At the time she was employed at the Grossberg Law Offices, and Phoenix hired just the office in general and then Mia took over the case just last night.
Grossberg: Still, you surprised me… What, with your earnest request last night… "Let me handle this case!" you suddenly said. And quite forcefully, too! Mia: I just found out yesterday. About the case, I mean.
So... really this is just the Vibes I get from the Grossberg Law Offices, being generally the more professional and by-the-book law offices compared to the utter chaotic energy of Wright and Co, that makes me assume that they usually reliably charge their clients and pay their lawyers.
There’s some evidence further down the line (which we’ll get to soon) that some of their lawyers do some pro-bono work - but I dunno if Phoenix’s case was extreme enough to necessitate that (I mean he might be a broke college student but his family would probably help him with the legal funds although that assumes they even exist) . So my assumption is that Mia probably did get paid. Probably?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.75
The Stolen Turnabout
So, Ron DeLite used to really financially struggle to keep up with his wife’s shopaholic habits - but that seems to have stabilized ever since his ‘benefactor’ showed up. So I’d assume he still has some funds left to pay his lawyer. I mean I guess it won’t be totally implausible if Desiree did manage to blow through them all…. Or maybe being a a high-spending shopaholic means that she’d want to pay extravagantly for her lawyer as well?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Recipe for Turnabout
It’s Maggey again! And now she’s:
Closer to a friend, or at least a friend-of-friend. Rather than Just Another Client.
Is probably in a more dire financial state than before, on account of being unemployed and also in jail for the last two months.
Also being a waitress isn’t that prestigious a job anyways 
And if anyone is gonna help her cover her legal fees it could only be Gumshoe which… does not bode well to anyone involved!
Pissed at Phoenix cause it took her some time to realize that no, that guy who got her found guilty two months ago is not him
So basically everything that changed since her last trial makes it less likely that Phoenix charged for his legal services. I'm sure she'd try her best by the end, but Phoenix might just wave it off to save everyone a headache.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Beginnings
So first things first I want to reiterate that Criminal Defense Attorneys generally get paid regardless of if they ‘win’ and while I couldn’t find any concrete statements about the matter - I believe they get paid even if their clients die mid-trial??? I mean, the legal fees just get added to their posthumous debts? So the lawyer would hypothetically be able to claim their due payment from the deceased’s remaining funds and possessions. If they wanted to, that is…
Cause, well, this is why I said the Grossberg Law Offices might do some pro-bono cases. Terry Fawles was, like, a part-time tutor who has been incarcerated for the last five years. If he has any family or friends outside that could help him with his legal fees, he never mentions them. 
So I’m really not sure if he bought Mia services or if she volunteered to do this pro-bono after hearing he had no options for legal representations out of concern for, like, prisoners rights. 
And even if he was supposed to pay Mia for her service, after the grim ending of the case - I’m not sure if she would’ve even tried to pursue getting her legal fees from Fawles’ posthumously/from his next of kin. From how deeply traumatized she was by that trial, I think that would’ve only made her feel worse about the whole situation. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.05
Bridge to the Turnabout
Iris is a nun from a small temple that is mentioned to not-be-doing-so-hot (cause it’s tied with the Kurain Channeling Technique and it’s been on a downturn since DL-6), but she does have at least enough personal funds to have her own cell-phone and occasionally go into town. So it’s not a lot, but I think it’s enough to get Phoenix at least a a symbolic token-of-gratitude payment.
Also, it might be possible Phoenix will wave off the fees due to the Personal Connection to the case. You know, he was doing this primarily to Uncover the Truth and get some personal closure for the Dahlia mess.... Or maybe not, cause he did still get paid (or tried to get paid, or forced to get paid) to save his two Fourth-Grade-Life-Debt Childhood Best Friends in court?
(And I do mean just Phoenix, Miles probably would never charge for his services as ‘acting defense attorney’, we don’t need that farce to get any farcier)
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.3
Turnabout Trump
Now this is a complicated one, let us list the factors here one-by-one:
1. As per Apollo’s comment in the next episode, the Gavin Law Offices probably operated strictly quid pro quo.
(Good-bye, quid pro quo. Hello pro bono. sigh)
2. Phoenix is supposedly friends with the boss of the Agency. And in reality, Kritoph Gavin has a very VERY vested interest in making sure the trial goes According to Plan. Incentivising him to at least give Phoenix a discount.
3. Phoenix is also not doing that great financially right now. 
4. Oh right, that entire law agency disbanded once the boss got arrested at the end of the trial!
…Speaking of which, I may be out of a job. I work for Gavin Law Offices, after all. (I still can't believe I just saw Mr. Gavin get led away in handcuffs…)
I think it is most likely that Phoenix got some sort of “”Friend”” Discount from Kristoph. But I really don’t know what happens if an entire law firm gets disbanded right after the trial cause the owner got arrested as a result of it. It probably depends on whether Phoenix was in agreement with the Gavin Law Offices who then assigned Apollo on the case or if Phoenix had an agreement with Apollo directly.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.5
Turnabout Corner
Oh hey, look! Another rare case of an Ace Attorney that actually discusses the issue of money directly!
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Well, I mean we know how much Apollo got paid for solving the case of Phoenix’s accident and Trucy’s panties (nothing) and for solving Eldoon’s Noodle Cart Theft (a free bowl of ramen). We don’t see them directly discuss the subject of payment regarding Apollo’s Actual Job…
Apollo: Your request… let me guess, something's been stolen? Alita: Um, your flyer… It says "now defending" so I thought… Apollo: Whaaaat!? You mean, you mean you want me to defend you? Me? Trucy: Maybe you can tell us what happened? Were you hit by a car? Did someone steal your stand? Or your panties? Alita: No! No… I'm not the client, actually. The client would be my… well, my fiancé, I suppose you'd call him. Apollo: Fiancé…? What happened to him, then? Alita: He was arrested this morning. The charge… was murder.
But as he was complaining before about not only being pigeonholed as some sort of a detective, but also not getting paid for anything…
Um… I was wondering when I get paid? We solved the case of your accident, and um, found a missing article of clothing.
And then getting this job and being so happy about it...
Trucy: Polly! You look as happy as a clam in its shell. Apollo: For a lawyer this is it, the place where the battle begins!
Implies that He’s Getting Paid - just as much as with Phoenix’s rent stuff in ‘Turnabout Samurai’ if not more. 
Also, I don’t think the fact that the person who hired him wanted him to fail and is now going to prison is a factor here.
As I already mentioned, Defense Attorneys get paid regardless of the outcome of a trial and logically that would apply both when they lose and when they win. Plus, I am pretty sure Alita filed her request officially through Wocky’s name or the Kitaki family in general and they were obviously very grateful for what Apollo did, and they had both the wins and wills to pay him.
So let’s give a big round of applause for Apollo Justice, the WAA Lawyer most likely to get paid!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.99
Turnabout Serenade
These kind of showbiz-focused Middle Cases are generally pretty good for Getting Paid Probabilities, but this case is a bit more complicated.
Cause the plot of this case hinges on Machi being so desperate for money that he was willing to risk death via cocoon smuggling,
Situation… I cannot explain. But money. I needed. Very much money.
That doesn’t necessarily mean he was unable to afford a lawyer - without details of why exactly he needed that Sweet, Sweet Cocoon Money we can’t be sure.  But it’s plausible that hiring Apollo was not out of his price range but he was desperate for something far more expensive. 
Considering his young age and… you know, until the final day of the trial he pretended to not understand a word of English, it’s also possible hiring Apollo was a matter handled by Lamirior and/or the duo’s agency. Both of which will probably feel committed to Actually Paying, each from their own angle. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Turnabout Succession
Now, HERE’S a complicated one! 
Going generally over the usual stuff, Vera is a pretty nice person and she’s clearly grateful for what Apollo and Trucy did for her. And while the Misham Family was driven into forgeries by financial desperation, at the present-time they seem stable enough that Vera could at least afford the rates of the WAA. If this was just another case, it’ll get like a solid 0.7 at minimum. Pretty typical stuff by now.
But this isn’t just one more ordinary case. This a weird sort of ‘Test Trial’ for the Jurist System with every factor - including the Defendant and the Attorney - arranged by Phoenix’s weird little committee.
Well, for one, I'll be chair of the Jurist System Simulated Court Committee. The chair constructs the ideal situation… choosing the case, the jurist candidates… …even the judge and the courtroom.
Apollo: So… what kind of case is the trial simulation about? Phoenix: Well, since it is the first run through of a new system, I wanted something simple. Trucy: Good thinking! No sense wearing yourself out on something too serious! Phoenix: True. The case is a murder. Apollo: That's not simple at all!! Trucy: By "simple", did you mean that the defendant is… Phoenix: …Guilty. Yes. Most likely. …So, good luck, Apollo. Apollo: Um… with what? Phoenix: With the trial tomorrow. You're defending, of course. Recall that I said it had something to do with you.
So I guess the question here, did Phoenix basically make Vera officially hire Apollo? Did the committee hire Apollo and they’re the one paying him? Is this another case of Phoenix trolling Apollo into doing Free Volunteer Work for him?
Honestly I wouldn’t put that past the AA4 version of Phoenix..............but also if he did that I doubt he would’ve missed a chance to crack a joke at Apollo’s expense about that. 
...You know, I started this thread of thought with the thought I’m arguing for a lower Getting Paid score for this case but I think I just talked myself into increasing the probability.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
Zero fucking chances Phoenix got paid on this one. HIS CLIENT DISAPPEARED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COURT PROCEEDING! And even if Phoenix gets paid before a trial is concluded (unlikely, since he didn’t know Larry wasn’t paying him until after the case was closed), he was his attorney for like half-a-day before he disappeared so wouldn’t have much of a chance either way.  And considering Zak’s character (and how he also tried to sabotage Phoenix’s current Poker-based career seven years after that), I doubt he put that much thought into Phoenix and his financial considerations to give him a down payment in case he had to to do his disappearnce act or whatever. The only thing Zak left Phoenix with when he left was his goddam abandoned child and ONE LESS BADGE!
So I think this case deserves a very special score!
Probability of Getting Paid: -1
Turnabout Countdown
It’s time for Athena’s first case! Or second case, depending on how you look at it.
Now, one of the major ways that Dual Destinies is gonna shake this Deep Serious Analysis up is that before we had, like, one Active Full-Time Lawyer at any time (maybe with a backup lawyer for Flashback Cases), and we now have Three Different Lawyers actively working together on the same cases. My main concern is primarily not which WAA Lawyers get paid for these cases, but IF any of them got paid at all. Still, shenanigans of cases changing hands officially and unofficially are gonna play a factor in my analysis as well.
And it’s here right from the start! We once again have a Lawyer defending their bestest friend in the whole world, and while some people’s instincts might suggest that means that Defense was for free, well… First things first, we already established Precedence for that back in the first trial of the first game with Larry (not for Lawyers getting paid by their friends, but at least expecting payment) and Juniper’s family is probably doing Just Fine considering she attends this super-fancy-pant prestigious Lawyer High School - so she would want to financially support Athena I would think.
And ALSO, Juniper technically didn’t hire Athena, Apollo was the one supposed to defend Junie in court at first. And although Juniper is… growing closer to Apollo at this point in canon, I don't think it's quite the ‘defend me in court for Free’ point of their relationship, compared to where Juniper and Athena are at. So this is just, like, one extra point to the Final Score!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
The Monstrous Turnabout
So in this episode, we actually have two different jobs we need to make sure if Apollo actually got paid for. We have the actual criminal defense case, and we also have Babysitting Trucy.
Trucy: Oh, we'd better hurry. Doesn't look Daddy's going to make it, so let's get going. Apollo: Huh? Where are we going? What about the job he mentioned? Trucy: This IS the job, Polly! You're supposed to keep me company today! Now, come on! Apollo: Another day of not being a lawyer. Should've seen this coming. Trucy: Well, this is the "Wright ANYTHING Agency," y'know. And there's no law-related work at the moment, so… Apollo: (Tell me again why I chose to "work" here?) Where is Mr. Wright, anyway?
That being said, Phoenix might still be a bit of a troll but the WAA is doing a lot better financially now that Trucy has those Sweet Gramarye rights and he’s not quite as mean to Apollo as he was back in Hobomode. So I get a feeling that even with this little runaround, Apollo is probably at least getting paid for chaperoning Trucy around?? Probably?
The actual case is actually a lot more clear cut. It is directly mentioned that Damian Tenma could probably afford lawyers much more prestigious than the WAA, it’s just a matter of the WAA being the only ones crazy enough to take on this ‘doomed’ case. 
Trucy: Apollo! Maybe this is your chance. Apollo: Chance for what? Trucy: To do the right thing and defend Jinxie's dad in court! Apollo: Who, me? Wouldn't a man like Mayor Tenma have access to more experienced lawyers? Jinxie: Umm… You wanna know what the detectives said? They doubted there was a lawyer who could get a not-guilty verdict in this one.
And with Mayor Tenma’s personality being based around being almost overly-generous and grateful…
Tenma: How… incredibly… RUDE! Apollo: Umm, sorry. Did I do something to offend you? Tenma: A visitor when all others shun me like a common criminal! And here I am with nothing to offer! I am the epitome of rude! Apollo: (………Wait, so he wasn't mad at me?)
I feel like it is almost a certainty that Apollo and Athena did get paid for this case! 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.85
Turnabout Academy
Okay so, it’s Junie again! Or Junie for the first time depending on how you look at it!
So all of the points I already brought up about Juniper from ‘Countdown’ still apply (save for the stuff about Apollo, of course) but ALSO this is right when Athena and Juniper reunited and their whole emotional arc in this case is about Athena feeling Juniper is being Uncharacteristically Cold and Distant towards her. So defending her on a Friend Discount would be a bit strange at this point. Maybe I can see Athena trying to insist she’d do it for free but Juniper refused?
Although I think that IS a bit weird that they had this big whole scene with Professor ScaryStatue taking over Juniper’s case and the issue of payment doesn’t even come up in passing. I mean, yes obviously, the issues of Trust and Truth and Aristotle Means being Sus as Fuck are the important things in this narrative but I’m suprised there’s not even a mention in passing. Like Means accusing Athena and Apollo of wanting this case back for the Money but they refute him???
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.8
The Cosmic Turnabout
Okay, look, I know I keep bringing up the Larry Precedence but it really IS quite relevant. If Actual Overly-Sentimental Human Disaster Phoenix Wright tried to charge a rate for his childhood best friend who was drifting through life doing weird odd jobs at that time. - Then Apollo, who is generally more practical minded, is probably going to charge a rate for his older acquaintance with the stable Astronaut Job. And while Solomon is a bit of a Space Larry, I don’t think he’d try and avoid the payment in quite the same way. Probably.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Turnabout for Tomorrow
This trial has Phoenix defending one of his own employees in a trial forced on by a hostage situation. I feel silly even extending this paragraph any longer. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.01
Turnabout Reclaimed
First things first, yes, an Orca cannot pay for an attorney - but I assume that the person who hired Phoenix is officially Sasha Buckler. Who IS a human being with her own funds capable of hiring a lawyer. Especially as we know that other lawyers turned her down specifically because her case is ridiculous (and not for financial reasons). 
Phoenix: What's the real reason you picked me, Sasha? Buckler: …Well, to be honest, I asked a whole slew of lawyers, but they all refused. They said stuff like, "There's no merit to taking your case," or "I'm not sure I can help." They're all as cruel as sharks, with hearts punier than whitebait!
She does mention doing a performance as thanks at the ending of the trial but that’s probably no replacement for Actual Money.
But I think most notable for our analysis about this case, is not actually any of the Orca stuff - it’s this exchange right here.
Blackquill: Today, the orca. Tomorrow, Sasha Buckler. You intend to save them both? Hmph. You say you "believe" in your clients, but isn't money really your true motivation? Why not admit you're only doing this for your own benefit? I could understand that much more readily than your empty, righteous talk. Athena: Our own benefit?! That's not why we're doing it! Phoenix: Now, Athena. Try not to let him get to you.
Yet another rare case of the game Acknowledging Lawyers Are Paid As a General Rule! And notably, when Phoenix and Athena deny it, they don’t deny the fact that they are getting paid - just that it’s not why they’re doing this. This is not exactly an explicit confirmation of Getting Paid to get the score up to a full 1, but it’s probably as close as we’re gonna get. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.95
The Foreign Turnabout
Okay, so Phoenix basically just bursted into the Courtroom and bluffed his way onto the empty defense bench despite the protests of his own so-called Client. Said client also only started unlearning his Defense-Attorney-Hate during that same trial. And is ALSO a tiny little child who has to work part time as a tour-guide to make end’s meet. I highly doubt Phoenix asked for anything more than, like, a very token rate or maybe a discount on his next tour. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.1
The Magical Turnabout
Considering how this case has a WAA Lawyer defending the actual CEO of the WAA, I highly doubt the WAA got any money from it. But maybe Trucy could give him some of her personal funds as a token of gratitude?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.2
The Rite of Turnabout
It’s MAYA TIME again! And while some consideration has to go to her bond with Phoenix or the possibility of some sort of Frequent Accused card the WAA issued for her - the fact that she is not currently a Coworker at the law office and has been an Actual Independent Adult for quite some time now means it is actually a lot more likely she’s able to pay Phoenix now than in any case in the Original Trilogy!
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.5
Turnabout Storyteller
This one’s a pretty average case. The Defendant is not a total stranger, but he is more of a friend-of-a-friend (and Simon was originally planning to get Apollo or Phoenix into the courtroom so the connection was even more distant when he contacted the WAA). He seems to be doing alright financially with his own noodle business, and he’s a pretty alright kinda guy. The only possible concern is that he’s too totally slushed to remember he’s supposed to pay his attorney. But then again, Simon might be ‘officially’ the one who hired the lawyer for the case.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.6
Turnabout Revolution
It’s time for the THREE CASES IN ONE SPECIAL!! Because we don’t just need to consider Dhurke’s trial, I think it’s only appropriate that we take into account both Apollo and Phoenix’s side of the civil case. They are both WAA Lawyers, after all.
On Apollo’s side, he is defending Datz Are'bal, an escaped prisoner/wanted revolutionary criminal in his own country hiding away in an abandoned building and making homemade lizard skewers for food- but Datz did apparently enter Japanifornia legally via legitimate means.
Apollo: What are the charges this time? Datz: Unauthorized entry, or something like that. They think I'm an illegal alien! And I can't prove otherwise ‘cause I lost my passport! Trucy: Is there any way they'd let you go? Datz: Not without my passport… If only I had it! Dhurke, AJ! You gotta find my passport! Apollo: …All right, we'll find it. (One more thing to add to our to-do list. Now, where might Datz's passport be?)
So he presumably has some sort of funds to pay Apollo for his legal services, at least a little bit. 
And with him being Dhurke’s best friend and knowing that he also struggled financially to make end’s meet as a defense attorney at first - I would like to think that’ll incentivise him to support Apollo financially if he can?
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Meanwhile on Phoenix’s side, while Phoenix uses the word ‘hire’ when talking about working for Atishon. Phoenix was once again coerced via kidnapping into the position of attorney. 
And THIS time, there is no Assassin with a Code of Honor who might consider paying Phoenix a fair rate. Both Atishon and his ‘benefactor’ are sleazeballs who would not pay Phoenix a dime if they can get away with it. Plus, with this being a civil case, there might actually be a Contingency Basis going on when Phoenix basically quit and then they lose.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.001
And finally, the grand event of this case - the Trial of Dhurke! 
So… Can a summoned undead spirit pay for an attorney? I suppose it’s probably easier in Khura'in than in other places. And it’ll mostly work the same as if the client died before the case finished, right? It’ll be considered a debt to be carried by their next of kin. Who in this case will be Nahyuta… but also maybe Apollo? Still, considering all of Dhurke’s living family ranges between ‘wealthy and well-respected’ and ‘Literal Royalty’ - I’m going to assume they’d be more than happy then to pay their Weird Brother for his help. 
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.75
Turnabout Time Traveler
And here we are! The last case, and a relatively straightforward one at that - at least compared to the last one lol!
Ellen herself does not have many funds as a housemaid, it seems - but since she literally just married one of the richest inventors in the world, I assume her husband is gonna cover the legal fees. The WAA Legal Team and Also Edgeworth and Ema also got an invite to the Wedding but I assume this is not instead of actual payment?
That is, of course, unless it’s technically Larry who hired Phoenix actually.
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Then he’s never getting the goddam money he deserves for his labor.
Probability of Getting Paid: 0.7
Average Probability Score for All Cases (not counting the Zak Bonus Round): 0.51721875
So what have we learned today? I think that while the WAA’s reputation for basically giving away legal services for free is not entirely unearned, it is perhaps somewhat exaggerated. While there’s certainly a lot of Shennanigans and their rates are probably not high (especially not for people they know), they still get paid for a decent amount of high-profile cases. I mean, this Getting Paid Probability Score is over the 50% mark at least....
And… the odd thing is that the First Turnabout really is the only time the subject of the lawyer getting paid is really brought up directly. I get that it might, y’know, ruin the Drama if we acknowledge that our Brave Heroes are getting paid to save people from being convicted of a crime they didn’t commit - or on the other hand of the equation, that they should get paid cause They Need Money to Live. But still…
Is the fact that the only time payment is brought up directly is when Larry isn’t paying Phoenix a bad sign for the general financial situation of our Anime Lawyers? Or is it actually a good sign? Like, that they only mention Larry not paying implying that every time it is not mentioned that means the client did pay them?
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mizusnose · 4 months
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Mrs. & Mrs. Smith
In which Mizu and fem! reader are assigned to top-secret missions that are high-risk under the guise of being one another’s wives. Violence and sexual/romantic tension ensue!
based off maya erskine’s new series—I’m obsessed..
You both are very cold, calculated killers that the government has placed in this mission. It’s meant to be a long term thing, months for sure, years? most likely.
The first time you both meet, it’s awkward. Mizu is all long pale limbs and a dark spill of hair against strong shoulders, stronger chest.
She eyes you as you blatantly check her out. “You know this isn’t real, right?”
And you shrug, bite your lip and get moved in. Ignoring the way you can feel Mizu’s glare on you as you walk up the stairs to your room.
Your missions are vague. A note at the door step in the mornings. Mizu wakes before you do usually, and when she saunters into your room, bedtime robe slipping off her rippling shoulders, you try not to drool too obviously.
She gives you the rundown and you’re dressed in an hour. The mission is simple: deliver an unmarked package, then leave.
Yet, as Mizu ties up her hair as you’re both being chased onto a boat where the designated drop point is, you feel your heart race—not from the adrenaline or danger.
Her jaw is sharp, cut into a jagged point where it slopes off soft and connecting to her ears—the ones that stick out slightly. Make her look younger. You blush despite the situation.
Fast forward to after dropping off the package when suddenly the package erupts and sends you both flying off into the pier.
You’re both soaking by the time you’re on shore, but you’re met with enemies who leave you no option but to surrender.
You try very hard not to focus entirely on the long katana pressed to Mizu’s neck: the heartbeat you can see flutter there as she quickly knocks the man unconscious.
As if on autopilot, you do the same: respond to her move, meet her in the middle.
More men come, but you’re both fighting: a flow that mimics the sea and the flow of clouds on a windy day. You flip Mizu over your back with ease, her grunts sending a deep heat into your belly.
When you both return home, Mizu showers, and you slip inside, hands finding her waist, her shoulders, the place on her neck where the sharp of the blade was earlier.
You kiss it, an apology. A promise, maybe. She cleans the dried blood off your forehead and you laugh, amused.
What? she’ll ask, confused. Nothing. Just, happy wife, happy life, right?
Mizu kisses you to shut you up.
The amount of blood loss from a bloody nose alone would have me in shambles..imagine seeing mizu in action…wow
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charmedreincarnation · 11 months
⭐️ my void sucess story ⭐️
Hi Maya! I entered the void last night using this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/717982229971730432/fulfillment-x-i-am-technique) and this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/718301527748608000/shifting-recourses-wposts ) post, so tysm!
I won’t get to into it, but I am living my best life despite all the doubts I had about the void. I always knew it was real but I was scared I would not be able to do it. If you’re someone who struggles with the logic behind this phenomenon I suggest reading that post, and also reading @gorgeouslypink blog. I think both Maya and pink understand and acknowledge that this stuff “isn’t natural” (in a human and logical sense) but also encourage us to both appeal to our logical mind and spiritual one as well. But I kind of do want to breakdown what I did, bc it was always annoying how some anon stories didn’t explain what they did lol.
⭐️I suggest reading one peice of Neville Goddard’s work. You don’t have to of course. You don’t even have to apply loa, but trust me it’s the shortcut to this type of stuff. I really liked at your command, and the power of imagination if you want recommendations.
⭐️read this (https://www.tumblr.com/gorgeouslypink/710749646282227712/doubts )post about doubt by pink. Don’t just read it, understand and internalize it. If you don’t and keep re-reading it until you do.
⭐️use some subliminals if you want.i know people say don’t put methods above you, but ehhh :// I just like to listen to music and it won’t hurt as long as you know you choose if they work or not with your assumption. I really like slade, solar subs kira’s domain (yes the scammer but her subs still work pretty well) and v1per, but use whoever you trust
⭐️find logical reasoning to help you come to terms with the fact it’s real. Pink talks about some on her page, and so does Maya. I used the technique I shared in the first paragraph which reminds me of a lazy sats, and combined that with my subliminal usage and after a week it worked
⭐️shifting methods are your best friend. There are so many great methods so find one that resonates with you. Also the shifting community is very open minded and not limited in any way, which is nice. They’re also starting to talk about logic and the law which is awesome. Again this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/718301527748608000/shifting-recourses-wposts) post has both resources for the logical and spiritual mind, stuff about the law, methods, and stories.
⭐️stick to 1-2 bloggers who help you feel the most motivated. Most bloggers say the something anyways so it won’t help you that if you read 100 bloggers instead of one. I obviously preferred pink and Maya but choose whoever you want!
Anyways, most importantly I manifested a complete change in my life. Nothing is the same so don’t limit yourself. From the way I look, to where I live, my career, age, love life, wealth, social life, family, friends, nothing is the same. Also I was 30 but I revised my age to 25. I’m just adding this so you know it’s not only kids dabbling in this special amazing ability! I also had very hard circumstances, ranging from poverty, assault, and depression. Most people in the world struggle, no one is struggling alone. Don’t let that victim mentality stop you from living your best life.
I know I say the same thing every time, but I’m genuinely happy and proud of you! Thank you for sharing all your amazing tips and recourses, and I hope you continue to always live your best life and it only gets better!
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hobvitr · 1 year
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pavitr prabhakar x reader
genre/warnings: fluff, friends to lovers, reader is insecure, comfort, unrevised writing.
note: i swear i try to write for the other characters but this little guy don't leave my head !!! i was wanting to write something like this for a while, i'm a Romantic at heart unfortunately.. recommended song: love like you - rebecca sugar
sinopses: your best friend invites you to be his partner at the school ball! he has no clue you like him more than as a friend.
the wind swung nicely around your clothes, the summer night doing favors to every person going to the ball. you were quite anxious about the event, as your best friend pavitr invited you to be his partner. you didn't know if he knew about your feelings towards him, but it seemed not, gratefully.
after all the three years together at high school, doing everything side by side, the feelings started to develop with much ease. sure pavitr playfully bothered you as a friend, who doesn't? but he was overly sweet about everything, always. you lost count of the times his hug was your comfort through tough times, his laugh the highlight of your day, and the lunch dates the best days of the week.
"do you want to come to my house and have a cup of chai?" he suggested, both of you making your ways to your respective homes. you didn't live far of each other, which make your visits rather frequent. "maya auntie said she miss you" you heard a little chuckle coming from him.
"yeah! anything for maya auntie!" you said excitedly with a grin on your lips. pavi rolled his eyes "you like her more than you like me, hm?" it was more like an affirmation than a question. "a lot more" you retorted holding a laugh.
making your way to his house, you excuse yourself before entering and sprint to go find maya auntie to say hi. "namaste, maya auntie!" you say with a big smile at her joyful look at you. "y/n! i see pavi finally remembered to told you to come see me" she hugs you affectionately.
"hey! I didn't invited you to come to chat with her instead of me" pavi come behind you both, faking a pout. "if you want to keep her to yourself, ask her out first!" maya aunt retorted playfully, but not letting the opportunity to annoy her nephew escape.
"what?!" his tone was desperate, both of you now with deep shades of red on your cheeks. "what? i'm just kidding, bhateeja" she laughs putting both of her hands on pavitr's shoulders. "you go make a chai for us, i'll get something for us to eat" she leave before pavi could protest.
"don't mind her, i don't know why she said that" he clumsily made his way to prepare the drink. "it's okay, i know how it is" your chuckle came out humorless. you took a sit at the table, staring at pavi's back.
your mind was racing at the thought of the feeling be reciprocate, but obviously your head became clouded with doubt and insecurities. is you good enough for him? is you the right person to make him happy? is you the person he'd choose to spend his days by side? oh, you don't think so.
"priy, what's going through your mind?" pavitr's voice caught your attention with the nickname he refused to tell you the meaning, taking you back to the present. "nothing, i think i just slept right here" you answer getting a laugh from him.
"sure... let's get inside, gwen already texted me asking where we at" he take your hand, pulling you inside with him.
just now you realized how good he looked in a suit and how damned you were from having to spend the night away with him without calling him boyfriend. the music echoed throughout the place, thankfully not a slow one. you two walk around the place holding hands and looking for your friends.
"gwen!!" you shouted, stunned by her beauty and pretty outfit. "you look so good" you say while hugging her. "look at you!" she replied, backing up to take a good look. "pavitr is so lucky to have you as partner"
gwen knew about your feelings towards him, because you told her and also, she is your best friend, she could sense at the beginning.
"yes i am" he said overhearing your convo, while greeting miles and hobie. you shared a desperate eye contact with gwen, letting only her know your reaction at his reply. you greeted miles and hobie affectionately too, setting a comfortable chat with all five of you.
after a little while, gwen and miles left to get drinks and you, pavitr and hobie stayed chatting about anything. "changing the subject completely, i still can't believe I'm the only one without a partner" he looked down at you both with a knowing look.
before you could deny anything pavi starts talking "it's okay to not have one, dude" he patted hobie's shoulder, trying to comfort him. you almost giggled at the interaction. the slow songs started to play, making you start to get nervous. love like you was the exact song playing and the next thing you heard was "i love that song" pavi say excited, directing his eyesight at you, and extending a hand. "care for a dance?"
you thanked mentally for the blue lights above at the ceiling, because you're sure you're blushing like hell. "only 'cause you asked so nicely" you say with a smile growing on your lips, getting one from him as well.
he took your hand, going to a more private spot (away from your friends). he didn't let go of your hand for a second, only letting go to be able to hold you properly for a dance. both his hands placed in your waist, while you shyly bring your hands to his shoulders.
"pavi" you called him briefly, trying your best to maintain eye contact. he hummed, with the most genuine smile on his lips. you wanted so much to confess to him right now, but you just couldn't let the words out. you were afraid it would ruin the rest of the night for all of you. "you look good" is the only thing you manage to say.
"thanks, priy" he replied, making you chuckle. "are you cursing me for saying you look good?" you ask playfully, after a while you were certain the nickname was something funny.
"who said it's a curse?" he grinned at you, making you lean your head slightly to the side, confused. "what else could it be?" you retorted with a chuckle, he doing the same. he didn't said anything for a solid 15 seconds, only staring at you swaying within the song.
"darling." he says, and you don't react, not sure if you heard or understood right. "priy means darling" he explained, lefting you with no doubts.
you kept staring at him, and he staring at you. the natural smile he always had getting more prominent. "i like you, so much i couldn't even stand one minute more without telling you" he confessed, being greeted with you smiling brightly at him.
everything in this moment was beautiful. him, the dance, the song, you. you giggled, trying to hide your flustered face from him.
"pavi, if you're messing with me I'll kill you, i swear." you laughed, closing the space between you to hug him tightly. your arms around his neck, his arms around you waist holding you just as thigh. "I'm not! i promise" he chuckle, nuzzling his face at the crook of your neck.
"i like you too, for so long..." you finally confess, backing up to take a look at his pretty face. "and a lot more than you like me" you say playfully, a hand going to caress his cheek with a thumb. "that was the dumbest thing I've heard you say!" pavitr retorted while laughing. "no chance, i don't like you, i love you" you could feel the joy in his tone, making you giggle and blush at the words. "whatever, 'cause i love you more"
he smiled before kissing you softly, ending instantly the discussion. you kissed him back with the most joy you've ever felt, finally being able to share this moment with your lover.
"you're still not winning the discussion" you say after the kiss "only if now You kiss Me" pavi enfatize in the phrase, making you hug him again and spend the rest of the night as lovers.
"c'mon miles, give me the money" gwen extented her hand at him, hearing a groan. "i should've known better, damn" five bucks was now on gwen's hand.
"aren't you forgetting something?" hobie ask to miles as well "fine, take it" another five bucks at hobie's hand.
"they owe me 10 bucks"
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reggieslocket · 2 years
prepare yourselves because i'm going to give you a bunch of reasons and hints that will show you the high chance of eddie being actually gay and him and steve becoming a thing >:)
1. "freak" as a queercoded word
let's start with the scene where dustin, robin, steve and max find eddie in the house where he was hiding and particularly on the dialogue between the five of them
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there's this scene where eddie says something about how the people in town are getting ready to hunt him because they think he's guilty and he says "hunt the freak right?" and we see robin giving him an almost sad but understating look before replying "exactly" and i find it curios that they made her respond that out of everyone, i feel like it could be because she kind of relates to eddie's situation? she also would probably be considered a freak by people if they knew about her sexuality and that's why i believe the word has a queercoded meaning, if you think about it, "freak" was already used in the past seasons when bullies made fun of will, who also happens to be a queercoded character (even though we know he's coming out this season)
2. the handkerchief code
the handkerchief code gained popularity in the 70s and later on in the 80s and it was used especially by gay men to let others know their sexual preferences and fetishes. there were different and specific meanings depending on the color of your handkerchief and where you decided to put it (left pocket or right pocket)
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now if you watch closely eddie can be seen wearing a black hanky in his left pocket throughout the seven episodes and of course these little details have their own meaning, in fact the black one was used to indicate S&M (sadomasochism) and as mentioned before the fact that it is placed in his left pocket isn't casual because that placement indicated that the person wearing it was a top (the dominant one in bed) while if you put it in your right pocket it meant you were a bottom (the submissive one)
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this whole hanky thing made quite sense for me except for the fact that it was hard to believe that eddie is into sadomasochism but then rewatching the show a few days ago i noticed some handcuffs in his room and i found it weird because honestly what is a 20 year old man doing with those? he's not a cop or anything and so the fact that they are in his room is a bit strange for me... i just hope that the choice of making eddie wear the handkerchief isn't casual but a powerful move by the duffer brothers in order to hint at his sexuality
3. joe and joseph's interview
this interview really do be getting my hopes up. basically the interviewer asks joe what season one steve would think of his season four self and he replies with "surprised, approving... approval" WHILE looking and smiling at joseph who is also grinning, like there's no way they aren't hiding something and i hope it's the relationship between steve and eddie and steve's bisexuality. plus the fact that even maya is smiling while it seems like natalia is the only one able to be subtle about the whole thing lmao
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then obviously there are steddie-antis saying that he would be approving of him and nancy getting back together but like... what should he be approving of? they were already a couple in season one so it wouldn't make much sense
4. gaten ships them as well
remember: if gaten ships it then it's canon
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i love how the first couple that came to his mind is steddie and how proudly he says their names. he seemed so serious while saying it that it made me reflect on the fact that it's not that impossible seeing it happen and if not in season 4 maybe in season 5 since i read somewhere that luckily neither steve nor eddie are going to die in the last two episodes of this season (i don't know if it's true but let's hope so)
5. the chrissy-eddie thing
almost everyone who hates the fact that we headcanon eddie as gay will give the same explanation that he is clearly straight because he was flirting with chrissy and honestly i didn't see that as flirting at all, i just thought he was being really nice to her like he is to everyone. she was having a hard time and he was able to make her laugh and loosen up a little, i didn't find it as something romantic and furthermore who says that every interaction between a man a woman has to be romantic?
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like friendship exists as well people?? and don't try and say "tHeRe cAn'T bE sO mAnY qUeEr cHaRaCtErS iN oNe sHoW, iT's nOt rEaLiStIc" like trust me it's more realistic having a group of only (or almost) queer people than one where everyone is straight and i know the show takes place in the 80s but gay people existed even then but they just couldn't openly say it so stfu
6. steve's attempts to find a girlfriend
we all know mama steve is trying his hardest to find a girlfriend but none of them really "suists" him right? what if eddie is the person that suits him? i mean it would be epic if he spent two seasons trying to find a girlfriend and then he ends up with a dude lol, i'd like to see bi steve happening so bad and i just know that robin would be super supportive of him and my boy dustin would be the happiest person on earth if his two dads got together
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you can't tell me that they aren't developing a little crush on each other or that they don't care about each other, just look at eddie's face and his loving eyes in that scene and steve staring at eddie's lips for the whole time. i swear if they are really trying to get nancy and steve back together i'll start a riot because honestly they would be so forced, it wouldn't be good for both of their character development and also my boy jonathan doesn't deserve this, they made jancy dirty this season and i'm still pissed ugh
anyway if you read the whole thing ily and thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
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tvseries-writings · 6 months
TW: suicide attempt
Me again, about Carina and Maya. So...I've been thinking and had an idea.
How about one, where the two come back home from a hard day and just want to cuddle with R and watch some movies etc., but they can't find R anywhere. One of them enters the bedroom and sees a letter, which turns out to be a suicide note, which, obviously, scares them a lot.
So they (frantically) continue looking for R and notice that the bathroom door is closed, so they get a spear key to open it (or just kick it open lol) and see R in the bathtub, wrists c*t open and the water having turned red.
The rest is up to you (but make r survive plssss).
If that's a too much, or too graphic, I can try to come up with another idea.
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The water is turning red and the pain is slowly fading as the cold makes you shiver. 
You look up at the ceiling, releasing the smoke in small circles that expand into the bathroom.
Maya and Carina hate it when you smoke inside the house but you think it won't be a problem this time; the deep cuts on your wrists are proof of that. 
You know you should feel guilty about what you're doing, about how it will affect them...but you don't, you feel free at last; the weight on your chest that has been plaguing you for months is gone, flown away as soon as you put the blade on your wrist with the intention of not stopping. No one stays sane for long under conditions of absolute reality, and that is exactly what happened to you. Maya and Carina's love was not enough and not because of them. You didn't want to be helped; it has to be this way and you know it, just like all the lousy foster families who for fifteen years of your life told you so, over and over again until you turned eighteen and joined the Army and later the Seattle Police Department. You've seen so much horror that you're not sure you want to stay in this world and you did what had to be done. That was it.
Suicide is said to be an impulsive choice, as irrational as murder is but it is not, the carefully folded letter on the bed that you, Maya and Carina share is proof of that. No act is ever completely impulsive, there is always premeditation behind it. And yours lasted more than four months; four months of false smiles and emotionless eyes.
But now nothing matters anymore, nothing, because you are finally about to leave this shitty world but also the loves of your life. It is not true that you do not feel guilty but you are sure that they will be fine without you, they will go on as they always have and they will not have your weight on their shoulders, not anymore. That is all that matters, the only thing that matters to you. Finally, for the first time in your whole life, you will do something useful and get out of their way. They will feel bad at first but then they will live a much more peaceful and happy life, you are absolutely convinced of that. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself to get the courage to go ahead in what you're doing.
On the news, on TV, in the movies people say that suicide is an extremely selfish and cowardly act but you don't think it is, there is a deep and primal courage in doing such an extreme act; not everyone is capable of it and not because they don't want to but because they don't have the courage necessary to cross the line and not look back. It is difficult, of course, but it is worth it. At least for you.
You are so weak that you can no longer hold the cigarette, which falls into the water and goes out with a sizzle. A sigh leaves your lips as you rest your head on the edge of the tub, beginning to sink into the now warm water. When you close your eyes, your last thought goes to Maya and Carina and their smile.
"I'm tireeed."
Carina sighs, nibbling her neck with her right hand and holding Maya's hand with her left. The young firefighter picked her up as soon as she finished her shift and now they are on their way home. Both of them are very tired and the only thing they want is to lie down in your bed and cuddle with you want to choose a good movie for all three of them to watch together. "Today we had to fight with an old lady who didn't want us to use her balcony to save a boy who was going to jump and only because according to her he was an immigrant."
Maya rolled her eyes, shaking her head and huffing in exasperation. As a captain, she certainly couldn't rail against an old woman, but that afternoon, the urge had really been there.
"Sometimes I wonder why people talk without thinking, really, I had to drag Vic away from the woman before he ripped her hair out, rightly so. Luckily we saved the boy but I swear sometimes I really don't understand why I keep doing this job."
Carina smiled, leaning in to kiss his wife as the latter slipped the keys out and opened the door before stopping to return the kiss. "Because you love your job even if people are horrible, just like me and y/n do, Bella ”
Maya smiles and nods, stroking Carina's face and lingering on the hazel eyes she loves so much. "You're right Car and about our girl...have you noticed that she's been a little distant lately?"
Carina nods, getting out of the car together with the blonde and walking, hand in hand, to the building where your apartment is located.
"She's distant, I tried to ask her what was wrong but she said she was fine...I'm getting worried though, it's not like her, it's been more than four months since she's been herself, I feel like I don't see that light in her eyes anymore that she had when we first met."
Maya sighs, pressing the button for the second floor and waiting for Carina to enter the elevator as well before closing the doors. "I had the same feeling, I think we should talk to her today, maybe after dinner...what do you think?" "I think it's a good idea Bella."
The two women smile at each other and then Maya inserts the keys inside the lock and enters your apartment. The hallway lights are off, as is everyone in the house except for the one in the living room and bathroom.
"Y/n, love, we're home!"
Maya shouts, placing her keys on the cabinet at the entrance and slipping off her coat and shoes before looking for you in your bedroom.
Carina does the same, only much slower than the blonde and then sits on the couch, opening the home delivery app to choose what you will eat tonight.
It is Maya who finds the letter. She has just slipped into a sweatshirt and sweatpants when her gaze falls back to the nightstand to the left of the bed and the white, almost snow-white sheet of paper with the words "To my loves" written in your handwriting.
A terrible feeling grips her stomach. The blonde snaps forward, grabbing the letter and opening it to read the words written on it. She only needs to read the first sentence to run into the living room to Carina. 
"Maya you need to calm down, what's going on Bella?"
Carina is startled to see the blonde so agitated and then, when she sees the letter in her hands, she snatches it from her and begins to read its contents. Carina, unlike her wife, gets to the third line before she completely panics. "No no no, she couldn't have done that, she wouldn't do that...she loves us Maya, she wouldn't do that to us not."
Maya shakes her head frantically, picking up the phone and dialing your number with trembling fingers. And then, when the sound of your phone ringing echoes in your bathroom, your soulmates have no doubt that you have performed the ultimate act.
Maya screams at Carina to call an ambulance as she bursts through the door after only two shoves. The horrendous spectacle before her makes her want to vomit but she braces herself and pulls you out of the tub by resting you on the floor. She checks your pulse and when she feels nothing, her heart seems to stop.
"Carina, come here!"
Maya begins compressions; she tries to hold back tears but fails to do so. When your wife enters the bathroom, still on the phone with 911 operators, her knees give way and she falls to her knees next to your lifeless body.
“S-She has no pulse, she cut both her wrists, she should have lost more than four liters of blood from the amount I can see...How fucking fast can you get here? Fucking fuck, Bambina please don't do this to us, please."
The ambulance will arrive in five minutes, and both Maya and Carina are not sure if they can continue compressions for that long.
On the fourth round of compressions, they don't know by what miracle, your chest rises and falls. Painfully slowly but it does and your girls breathe a sigh of relief when it happens. "It's okay love, we're here, don't you dare leave us okay? Don't you dare do it y/n."
Carina bursts into tears, lowering herself onto your forehead and leaving a kiss in your wet hair. Both are pressing towels on your wrists and the Italian is carefully monitoring your pulse as Vic, Andy and Warren enter the bathroom with the stretcher and first aid kit. When they see it's you, they are breathless for a few seconds before they get to work.
"Girls, we got her. Now you have to get out though, you know, let's go." Warren, despite their protests, escorts them into the living room and sits them on the couch before returning to the bathroom to give Vic and Andy a hand.
The doctor and the fireman remain silent for more than three minutes, both letting tears line their faces, before speaking.
"I can't believe she did that."
Maya whispers, squeezing Carina's hand and seeking, in that grip, a support, a consolation, that the Italian could not offer her. "I can't believe we didn't notice how sick she was Maya, we should have done something, we-“
Their talk is interrupted by the sound of the stretcher being dragged out of the bathroom. They both stand up and come toward you; you have an oxygen mask on your face and bandages wrapped around your wrists but your skin is still extremely pale. More so than your usual.
"We're taking her to Grey's Sloan, she's stable for now but she's lost a lot of blood and needs a transfusion and then she'll have to stay in observation...well, you know. You can ride in the ambulance with us if you want."
Maya and Carina cast a glance at each other, knowing that when you wake up you will be absolutely and fortuitously angry with them for allowing them to keep you in the hospital for three whole days but they know they have no choice.
Eight endless hours pass before you wake up; the realization of your failed attempt hits you even before you open your eyes, and the heart rate monitor alerts your girls even before you can. 
The blinding whiteness of the hospital room and the smell of disinfectant hit you so hard that for a moment you close your eyes, as if to childishly make disappear what is around us and what you have tried to do. But, of course, it doesn't work, and when you open them again, the worried and tired faces of your girls are just above your face. For the first time in the six years you've been together, you can't decipher their expressions.
"You scared us y/n, really a lot." 
Maya's voice trembles thinking back to how she found you a few hours ago. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to find me like this, not-"
Carina gives a nervous laugh before speaking (or rather, screaming), "better this way than dead y/n How could you think our world would be better without you? We love you, you are a part of our hearts, of our lives..without you we couldn't even breathe how can you not understand that!"
Carina screams, tears streaming down her cheeks and the only thing you want to do is to hold her in a hug and wipe away those salty water drops staining her face but you can't, you are afraid she will reject you and you know she would have every reason to do so.
"I didn't want you to find me alive, I'm sorry because once again I couldn't get one thing done right. I'm sorry because I'm still alive, that's why I'm sorry."
You whisper, shaking your head and holding back tears. You are so tired of living and right now, you really have nothing left to lose.
The two of them remain silent, shocked by what you said but also deeply hurt by Ilf noting that this is what you think of yourself. "Oh y/n, we love you and it hurts us to hear you say these things about yourself so yes, even though it goes against your wishes, we are grateful that we were able to bring you back and in time you will be too, we will help you love."
Maya sits on the bed next to you and caresses your face with such gentleness and with such love in her eyes that your heart cries a little for making them suffer.
Carina comes close and pulls you into a hug, so tight it hurts but you don't have the heart to tell her so you enjoy that squeeze, appreciating the pain of still being there with them.
"Bambina, I know you have it thinking that we would be better off without you but we are not, it will never be that way my love but I need you to know that I am very angry with you but nevertheless I love you and I will want to be by your side every second of your healing journey-"
"We both will be."
Maya nods, leaving a kiss in your hair and stroking your back.
You sigh, hiding your face in the hollow of the Italian's neck. "I love you, I love you so much but I am tired of fighting..I am losing miserably."
Carina shakes her head cn firmly, forcing you to look up and into her eyes.
"Then it means we'll fight for you, you just have to stay with us a little longer until you're better Bella but you won't be alone, not anymore.Non lasceremo che tu affronti tutto questo da sola (We don’t let you face this alone).”
"We love you y/n, you are not alone."
Maya whispers, leaving a kiss on your lips and then doing the same with Carina and then, both of them hold you in an embrace in that little hospital bed and, even though the weight on your chest is back and that feeling of freedom is gone, maybe you really are not alone and for them you could stay a little longer, just a little, for them. For their love and for the love you feel for them.
Thanks for Reading! Here is my ko-fi link and have a Great day!
Taglist: @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat  @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx@maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri@scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1  @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403
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cher-rei · 5 months
afterglow- pt.2 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold × fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
[wc: 2,1k] [part 1] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8]
genre(s): friends?? to lovers, work romance, fluff
warnings: swearing
notes: guys I totally forgot that curtis has a girlfriend help💀 so I'm just gonna remove her completely and in here they're not together... it's for the plot I swear
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"what the fuck?!"
"jamie!" your sister's voice echoed through the house to your bedroom that early wednesday morning. it was normal for her to scold at you whenever you swore anywhere near her. which was all the time seeing as the two of you shared an apartment.
you didn't bother apologising as usual though and sat up straight in your bed, your blankets dishevelled and a look of confusion plastered on your face. "no way," you gawked at your phone screen and ran your fingers through your hair to try and comprehend what had just happened.
"there's really no reason to be shouting at 7 in the morning." you brushed your sister's comment off, the older girl taking it as a sign to join you on the edge of your bed to see what had gotten you all riled up.
she let out a heavy sigh as she moved you over so that she could sit with you. "speak woman. I don't have all day."
you took a breath and turned to look at her, eager eyes staring you down for any sort of explanation you could give her. "Okay so basically I just woke up and obviously my first instinct is to check my insta and twitter notifications because I got a bunch."
she gave you a look. "which isn't anything new. probably just a few followers or something."
you pointed your index finger in her direction. "exactly. but then--"
you turned your phone in her direction, your twitter feed showing up. "--I saw that I was being tagged like crazy. only to realise that this whole liverpool pr thing is blowing up."
maya gave you another look. as if you to say 'what did you expect?'. she began to get up from the bed but you quickly caught her wrist and pulled her back down again, urging her to stay for the rest of the story.
"jamie," she sighed. "you have an entire fanbase, of course they're going to go crazy over something like this."
you shook you head. "that's what I thought. but then I decided to go check my instagram notifications because apparently..."
you turned your phone screen to maya, displaying your follower list and lo and behold right at the top, your most recents followers queued up.
"what the fuck?!"
you jumped up at your sister's reaction. "that's what I'm saying!"
jude bellingham was one thing. but the entire liverpool squad?? there was no reason for that to happen at all. you were just some random twitch streamer on the p.r team, nothing more.
was it because I kicked the ball on monday?? it was so because I kicked that ball on monday.
you weren't going back to the training center for a while though. there were too many errands to run and meeting to sit through. and today's meeting at 10 was sure to pile even more projects on your table.
the match on saturday against wolves was going to be a premier league match so a lot of preparation had to be done for the interviews. yesterday's meeting already gave you a headache so today was going to be something for sure.
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"is jamie not coming in today as well?" curtis asked no one in particular while his eyes roamed the hallways, yet there was no sight of the girl anywhere.
from beside him, trent quirked an eyebrow and nudged his arm. "you're on a first name basis already huh? you work fast."
curtis scoffed at his comment, recalling mpnday afternoon's events all to clearly after jaimie had left. "hey I'm not the one who stalked all her socials the second she left."
"what?" trent raised his hands in defence. "she looked familiar so I had to check."
"who looked familiar?"
the two jumped up at the sudden question, their glares shot at dominik who had pushed in beside trent who only shook his head, not bothering to brush off dominik's arm that was slung over his shoulders.
"the new p.r girl," he answered and put his phone away.
trent shot him a weird look and then to curtis who was smiling from ear to ear with an 'I told you so' look. "what so you're all just on a first name basis? how did that even happen?"
the conversation carried on until they got to the field and even during their warm-up session. but it still seemed off to trent who grew more an more confused whenever someone chimed in with an "are you talking about jamie?"
it didn't make sense to him. they barely knew her or had any decent conversations. what difference did asking about where she was from or how many siblings she had make? but either way, the team wondered why trent has such a big issue with it.
"did you guys know that jamie's a twitch streamer?"
"what the hell?" trent groaned in obvious frustration when ibou chimed in while they were doing their laps around the field.
"what? are you just going to call her 'ms carter' for the rest of your life?" ibou asked again with a low chuckle which got a small shrug from trent.
"obviously not. it's just that she's a staff member and has a job to do." he turned his head to look at curtis who seemed fed up either the mini lecture that he was getting, but he felt that it needed to be said.
"she's not here to be your friend or--"
"--I fully agree with you trent. I'm glad some of us have common sense," harvey retorted out of nowhere.
seriously. they didn't even know he was there. the smallest of the group was adorning a look of determination as he jogged alongside his teammates. one that screamed, 'I hate jamie carter.'
ibou scoffed from beside him. "oh shut up. you're just mad because she's taller than you."
the group couldn't hold back their laughter as they watched harvey go quiet, a look of defeat on his face as she shook his head to the side. he'd get her back. one day.
but with trent's issue, everyone's argument was that they were just trying to make her feel comfortable. and he could give them the benefit of the doubt there, he knew how fans tended to react to situations like this and their presence in general was probably a lot to her.
but there was no reason to be involved with her personally. okay so what if he was the first one to follow her on Instagram?? when dominik saw that he was stalking her account his first instinct was to take trent's phone and follow her, just to tease him.
but then everyone followed her so that was kind of pointless.
after a bit more back and forth banter curtis let out a sigh. "but either way, she's friends with jude in a way or something." he gave trent a cheeky smile and the right back couldn't help but roll his eyes, knowing very well where he was leading with this.
"and any friend of jude, is a friend of mine," he finished and put his hand on his chest causing ibou to laugh but oh boy he wasn't finished just yet.
curtis took a moment to clear his throat and looked behind their group to see dominik running along with darwin and cody, laughing about what ever.
"if this is like any movie I've watched, then someone is walking out with more than just a premier league trophy."
that earned him a harsh slap on the arm from ibou but he didn't care and instead ran up in front of trent, now taking the liberty to jog backwards to take him head on. "what do you say? are you going to keep that 'ms carter' thing up until she becomes mrs alexander-arnold"?
everyone immediately halted at the sound of virgil's voice booming from the front with robbo and salah. "am I going to have to chase you to make you run any faster?"
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you sat in the meeting room that afternoon with your laptop in front of you and your attention drawn to the front where the projector was with the media teams director, marvin colesmen.
he was a a slender man no older than 40, with blonde hair that was styled to the side. he wore a polo shirt underneath his blazer with a very obnoxious pair of socks as well.
"regarding our performance, we're doing fairly well but there's much room for improvement. but let's all thank clara for the last minute camera replacement last week since the last one broke."
everyone at the table immediately turned to look at someone who you remembered to be shaun. all he did was roll his eyes, and judging by the death glares he was receiving he definitely broke that camera.
mental note: don't break anything. ever.
"ms carter?"
your head snapped to the front at the call of your name, a bubble of anxiety filling your stomach now that you were put on the spot.
"do you have any thoughts on anything I've said?"
thoughts?? I don't have any thoughts??
"uhm..." you sat upright in your chair as you trailed off to formulate a response. "I think that more attention should be drawn to the team's more laid back promotional content."
great answer.
marvin tipped his head to the side at the response in intrigue. "care to elaborate?"
not really.
you licked your lips as you thought. "coming from a supporter, the occasional training video and interview don't really attract attention."
you watched as marvin urged you on with a nod. "and I think we should expand our content to something more entertaining. it'll be more rewarding for them team that way as well, I'm sure they're tired of answering the same questions every other week," a small laugh left your lips but you immediately stopped.
the room was dead silent and the atmosphere was a little too hostile for your liking. it was obvious that everyone was waiting for marvin to either shoot you down mercilessly or agree with you. but the experience was nothing short of terrifying.
the director nodded his head and continued to mutter something to himself before sending you a smile. "I'm giving you a week to come up with entertaining alternatives. if you convince me enough, I'll give you what you need since you'll be with the team from next week onwards unless I need you. you'll be joining them on the trip to molineux saturday morning as well. I'm sure the fans wouldn't mind seeing you in the booth either."
what's that supposed to mean?
when the meeting was finally over you didn't waste a second and rushed to pack your things and get in your car. you needed to hurry if you wanted to miss the rush hour traffic but of course you were wrong and sat in the car for an extra 40 minutes. lovely.
by the time you got back home, you felt as if every bit of energy had be drained from your body. you dropped your keys onto the counter in front of the door and kicked off your shoes.
you let out a groggy "yeah" and dragged yourself to the kitchen where your sister was finishing up supper. you didn't say much and took your usual seat on one of the barstools and rested your head on your arm.
"so," maya poked your head. "how was work?"
as an answer you gave her a mumbled run down of your day, and by the time you were done the only words she heard were "broken camera".
she let out a hum regardless to show that she was paying attention and continued to stir the pasta in the pan. "well a kid fell down the slide today. I know I'm the teacher but I still laughed."
you couldn't help but cough up a laugh at her sudden confession. you looked up at her with a smile and she slumped her shoulders. "I just hope no one saw."
by the time you had gotten out of the shower. finished your night routine and ate dinner you were surged with a sudden burst of energy and needed to get it out. after a bit of scrolling through your socials and interacting with your followers and a much-needed poll on instagram, you decided to start a twitch stream.
and boy did it lead somewhere.
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exaltedfuzz · 17 days
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for being such a Mia enjoyer!!! I just played the trilogy for the first time and ur art is truly filling my intense craving for more Mia (and Lana!!! RTFA was honestly SUCH a good fucking case!!!! And omg THANK YOU for opening my eyes to startskye??? Cannot believe I didn’t see their potential when playing thru they are AMAZING, truly nothing better than toxic yuri)
Thanks Anon!
Love Mia. She's become a favorite of mine recently. Such a funny character with so much presence even though she dies 20 minutes into the first game. She really does leave an impression, and I like the way that all the characters around her have been so affected by her. Like, in her court record profile in JFA(?) where Nick describes her as his "mentor and friend forever" or something like that. Tears in my eyes... And, obviously Godot. It gets me that he ended up killing Misty, when Mia's mission was to find and save her. Ouch... Lana too, with her telling Ema that if she ever needs a defense attorney, Mia's the one to call. Also, her saying she's a little jealous of Nick for having her as his mentor, when she herself was likely something of a mentor to Mia when they were students... Everyone who comes across Mia is just enamoured, and it really gets me. Massive impact on everyone in her life. I'm glad Maya got to hug her again in that picture where she's being channeled by Pearl... I think it's from JFA? Don't remember now. Wonderful character. Love her.
Love the way we get to see her grow up a little from T&T too. Wish we got to see more of her in action. Nobody haunts a narrative like Mia Fey...
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And glad you like my Lana posts! RFTA was a case I never got around to when I first played AA as a kid, and I'm so glad I finally played it. Incredible case with so much going on... Love the characters. A really strong supporting cast, I feel. A really nice addition to the first game. Have become a fan of Angel too. Ridiculous whenever she's on screen and so vicious and bitter. One of my favorite witnesses... Starrskye is insane. Messy. A lot of fun.
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Thanks for the ask!
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