#obi-wan and qui-gon fanfic
jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Vague Obi-Wan lore from Bloodshed, Crimson Clover shitpost:
Obi-Wan, eyes glowing, in an empty room: *talking in some ancient language no one can understand*
Some Random Jedi: ...is that not...concerning?
Qui-Gon: Last night I caught him floating on the ceiling and chanting ritualistically. When I asked what he was doing he told me that Master Katri was teaching him an old Je'daii mantra...so I consider this an improvement.
Some Random Jedi: ...isn't she dead?
Qui-Gon: Yes, which is why I will not be asking again.
Dooku, who literally just wants to eat and go to bed: *walks into his Temple quarters*
Ḩ̸̡̬̝̰̤̺̜͎̩̾͆̏̿̔̐̈́ȩ̸̨̛̫̟̟͕̲̭̻̖̘̘̀͊͂̕͜͝ͅl̴̛̞̘͙̲̪̭̟͓̳̳̟̀ĺ̶̛͎̲̩͔̋̋̎̇͐̿̏̽̍͒̍̎͝ȍ̸̱͚̮̤̩͖̰̣̔͗̾̍̏̆ ̶̡̛̠̞̝̻̖͔̜̫̈́͜M̷̧̗̜͕̘͈͙̠̜̼̔͊̎͋̓́̒ͅa̴̺̜̫̻̠̻̭̯͉̣͖̮̠͒ͅş̷̘͓͔̟͎̈́́̉t̷̩͔͓̳̠͈̩͇̖͈̯̰͛̆̄͂̓̏͝e̸̱̜̾r̴̛͍͙ ̸̛̟̞̠̺͓̙̩͒̍͝Ḋ̵̛̼̯̘̗̖͗͌̃͋̿͝o̸̢͕̜̭͎̫̙͌́̿͊̈͛ͅo̵̹̼͚̻̫͓̻̳̻̭̳̐̅̉͑͆̊͂̔k̶̡̨̳͓͎͖͉͔̟̹̪̼̣̎̈̈́̇̒̈́͌̀̀̌̿̑͘ū̶̬͎̀͒̊͑̽̀͘͝
Dooku, backing out the door: Nope...nope...not tonight...I'll room with Qui-Gon...just...hell no...
The real reason he was so ready to stab Obi-Wan in AotC
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samantha-rae-velcher · 7 months
Master List Pt. 2
Streamers Dream - smut
Games of the many - smut
Joysticks and pushing buttons - smut
Sticks and stones - smut
That one look - smut
The punishment unforgotten - Violence/smut
A need for it and her - smut
The stress is real - fluff
"Im sorry, honey" - fluff
Roomies or More? (Egos) - smut
Yancy NSFW alphabet - smut
Love mistaken for hate (Wilford Warfstache) - fluff
Don't fear the reaper (Darkiplier) - smut
Dark lust (Darkiplier) - smut
Static (Darkiplier) - smut
Warp core breech Pt.1 (ISWM) - fluff
Warp core breech Pt.2 (ISWM) - fluff
Seeing Stars (ISWM) - fluff
Blue tint and cold tiles - smut
Me and the Devil walking side by side (Daredevil) - fluff
Sorcerer Supreme (Doctor Strange) - smut
More like Einstein (Tony Stark) - smut
Two tons of iron (Tony Stark) - smut
Green-ish (Bruce Banner) - smut
Tender Touch (Scott Lang) - smut
The speed of light (Pietro Maximoff) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.1 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.2 (Bucky Barnes) - fluff
Courts of Green Pt.3 (Bucky Barnes) - Violence/ fluff
Feathers and Swords (Clint Barton) - smut
Hawks gold (Clint Barton) - fluff
As beautiful as an angel (Yondu Udonta) - fluff
Fear makes love (Ronan the accuser) - smut
Sharp as steel (Wolverine) - smut
Blades that steel the heart (Wolverine) - fluff
Obviously not that obvious (Drax the Destroyer) - smut
Tattoo Buddies (Chato Santana) - fluff
Soldier Boy (Rick Flag) - smut
Slice and dice (Captain boomerang) - smut
Scars and stripes (BOP Victor Zsasz) - smut
Guns of blazing love (Aaron) - smut
Maybe evil Maybe not But just about (Shane) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.1 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.2 (Negan) - Smut
Barbed Wire Pt.3 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.4 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.5 (Negan) - smut
Barbed Wire Pt.6 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.7 (Negan) - Violence/fluff
Barbed Wire Pt.8 (Negan) - fluff
Star Wars
The light within (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force of two (Qui Gon Jinn) - fluff
The force binds all (Obi Wan Kenobi) - smut
The intimidating side of things (Boba Fett) - smut
Orders (Poe Dameron) - angst/ fluff
Black ink (Darth Maul) - smut
The Witcher
How The Witcher men react when you cry - fluff
Bard and Bells (Jaskier) - fluff
Gotham Villains teaching s/o to shoot a gun
Gotham Villains when s/o doesn't answer the phone
How Gotham Villains react to their s/o getting shot
Sexting with Oswald Cobblepot - smut
Gotham's King and Queen (Oswald Cobblepot) - angst
I will kill you (Oswald Cobblepot) - fluff
Emperor Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.1 (Victor Zsasz) - smut
Smoking Roses Pt.2 (Victor Zsasz)- smut
Tainted Riddle (Ed Nygma) - fluff
What am I? (Ed Nygma) - fluff/Violence
Five-O (Jim Gordon) - smut
Stalked (Jeremiah Valeska) - Violence/fluff
Fantastic Beasts
Blue fire and silver smoke (Gellert Grindelwald) - fluff
Heaven without fear (Credence Barebone) - smut
Boardwalk Empire
Gentleman with a dark side (Arnold Rothstein) - smut
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cerulianvermillion · 1 year
Jedi culture is so fascinating... I'd love a post-war everything is okay AU where we get a taste of Jedi culture. Not the clone wars-era jedi culture that we know of...but actual jedi culture. Like the one obi-wan grew up with, something ahsoka and even anakin never got to experience because of the war. Like the ones we see in the books about obi-wans padawan years, of course, combining canon and legends in a way that makes sense- maybe we can have the younger ones of the disaster lineage learn a bit about Tahl, more Tahl is always a good idea. Maybe we can delve into Mace and Qui-gon's years of padawanship and being initiates- or maybe even old jedi culture, the one Yoda is familiar with.
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agere-fics · 22 days
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🍄 you're a little during the phantom menace time period 🍄
caregiver!qui gon and big brother cg!obi wan headcanons (sfw agere)
• qui-gon is your main caregiver here
• he looks after you, keeps you safe, gives you healthy, appropriate rules to follow
• he shows you how to mediate and calm yourself when you're anxious
• he's not quite strict, just firm and protective.
• obi-wan is your big brother caregiver
• he likes to start up mischief with you, get you to say bad words, and pulling harmless pranks on qui-gon and the other padawans
• when the council calls in qui-gon for a talk, he knows for a fact that it's about something you and obi wan pulled.
• qui-gon likes that you help obi-wan remember that he's still young too. the jedi council always talk about being logical, grown, responsible, and to act like you're an all knowing ethereal being. qui-gon disagrees and knows how important it is to just be young.
• so even though your antics with obi wan can get a tad annoying, qui-gon really appreciates it
• your big brother obi wan likes to use the force to fly you around or tickle you. he'll also withhold snacks sometimes by flying it high up where you can't reach. he lets you have the snacks after a couple seconds however ajxhs he just likes messing around
• he also likes helping you through nightmares. often you'd find yourself in his bed needing a cuddle and he gives that to you while half awake
• you and obi wan often play games on the holo tech
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1-800-zombify · 8 months
I’ve got my eye on you
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Mullet!Padawan!Obi-Wan x Enby!Padawan!Reader
Warnings: Reader being a lil thirsty, Obi-Wan has a mullet 😩, reader’s 🤏 this close to ditching the Jedi Code
Summary: Y/N hasn’t seen Obi-Wan in a while, but when they finally catch a glimpse of him — they almost go feral.
SOMETHING HAD CHANGED IN Y/N, some could say something was unlocked. On the surface, the Jedi may assume Y/N’s discipline and loyalties were being tested, truly. To Y/N’s observant and keen master, it was hormones.
When the master-padawan duo walked the temple’s perimeter and ran into Obi-Wan, the conclusion was insanely evident. At the end of the hallway, he was just a beige blob with Jedi robes that fanned out with powerful strides.
“Who is that?” Y/N asked, faintly gesturing towards the approaching figure.
Their master tilted her head, squinting at the tall apprentice. She chuckled, “Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Jinn’s padawan. Have you not met?”
Y/N’s brows shot up. Their fellow peer was meters away, but close enough for Y/N to make out the softness in Obi-Wan’s eyes, the metallic lightsaber handle attached to his belt, and his hair.
“Obi-Wan?” They whispered with mild surprise. As the said padawan passed by the pair, Y/N immediately craned their neck, following Obi-Wan’s unfamiliar silhouette.
The master laughed wholeheartedly, affirming their inquisitiveness, “Yes, that is in fact Obi-Wan.”
Y/N was shameless. They stopped dead in the hallway, turning to watch Obi-Wan practically strut until he disappeared down a corridor. The sounds of his heavy boots were long gone, but the ghost of him was still fresh in Y/N’s memory.
There was something so different about him, it was alluring and exciting. Last time Y/N took a good look at Obi-Wan, he was a significantly shorter teen with a scrappy buzz cut. Years ago, he was the annoying, reckless, immature boy that was shunned from being taken in by another Jedi Master.
But this Obi-Wan was refined. He easily towered over Y/N and their master. There was confidence, borderline arrogance, that Y/N could pick out in his relaxed posture. His hair had grown out into a shaggy mullet, his jaw squaring and freckled with moles.
Y/N was amazed. His existence only lived in idle gossip amongst other apprentices, but Y/N had never paid much mind to those. Seeing the change made Y/N believe that maybe… straying from the Jedi Code wasn’t too bad…
“Obi-Wan,” they repeated in an astonished mumble, earning a knowing but exasperated sigh from their master.
"Do not be enamored by his good looks, young one, for that is not the Jedi Way."
"Yeah, I know but..." Y/N bit their cheek, tilting their head as they tried to envision Obi-Wan strolling down the corridor again. "Damn," they uttered to themself.
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," their master tutted. She shook her head with mock disappointment, the decorative beads in her hair clinking from the subtle motion. "I taught you better than this," she sighed.
They blinked hard, turning to the Jedi Knight with a huff, "You did not."
Her thin dark brows arched. "Just as I were to suggest talking to Master Jinn..." she mused.
"He has nothing to do with this."
"Well, I was gonna ask him and his apprentice to join us on our next mission, but seeing how you —,”
"I am grateful," Y/N began suddenly. They took a dramatic inhale and continued, "I am grateful that the Council assigned me to you when I was a youngling. I thank Maker everyday for sending you to me."
She stared blankly at them, "Okay, Y/N."
"I would break the Jedi Code for you, Master,” Y/N whispered, pressing a tender hand over their heart and clutching the fabric of their robes. “Just say the word."
In one motion, she pushed past Y/N and slowly increased her stride, forcing her apprentice to follow in tandem. “Haha,” she mumbled. “I’ll see what I can do —,” she cleared her throat loudly, jabbing Y/N’s side harshly. “But no funny business, do you understand? You can admire him from afar, but do not fly too close to the sun."
"Of course, Master,” Y/N nodded, subconsciously rubbing the side of their stomach tartly. They shared a one-sided toothy grin. "Don't wanna melt from his hotness,” they added jokingly.
"May Maker have mercy on you.”
time skip
In his camel-colored uniform, Obi-Wan brushed past his peers congregating around the cafeteria entrance. He froze in thought and in step, scanning the lunch room that bubbled with chatter.
Y/N wanted to be subtle with their fixation. With their rowdy group of friends surrounding them, the location to which Y/N’s eyes fell was easily drowned out.
And then Obi-Wan looked directly at Y/N, and they had glanced away so quickly. Their neck almost snapped.
Kriff. Kriiiifff.
Y/N ducked their head slightly and slouched to an atrocious degree. They awkwardly scooted closer to Prie, who comfortingly patted their back unbeknownst to why they acted so sheepishly.
“Are you gonna eat that?” Ropal pointed his fork at the dried fish on Y/N’s tray, daring to just snatch it from them.
Y/N shook their head, inching the plate towards him. Ropal hummed a meek thanks, stabbing the silver prongs into the meat.
“Hey!” Jape pushed Ropal’s greedy hand away, as he seemed to scoop up half of Y/N’s lunch. “The fish — only the fish, Ropal,” he snapped. “Why’re you always stealing their food?”
“I’m not? Y/N said I could have it.”
“You’re taking all of the rice.”
Y/N was mentally groaning and kicking their feet in anger. Could they just shut up for a second? Y/N was trying to watch a certain apprentice across the lunch room. Jape and Ropal, Ropal especially, had the tendency to jump on the bandwagon regardless of what it was. If Y/N seemed to be spying on someone, then they’d start spying on that person, and it would all go downhill.
Y/N squinted. Obi-Wan was weaving through the crowded maze of tables, muttering apologies as he bumped into chairs and shoulders. Who did he usually sit with? Who was he looking for?
“Y/N?” Prie nudged them. “What’s gotten into you…?” Prie tilted her head, trying to follow Y/N’s precise gaze. She scoffed, “Oh, don’t tell me…”
“Shut up,” Y/N snapped, pushing the side of her face the other direction.
Prie pretended to smile, “You’re kidding.”
“It’s nothing,” Y/N groaned, turning to properly look at their friend. Prie mockingly nodded in agreement, tapping her calloused fingertips against the tabletop. “It’s nothing,” Y/N repeated affirmatively.
“It would be really bad if it wasn’t,” Prie commented. She propped her arm up, leaning her chin into her palm. “And I don’t really believe you,” Prie said in a singsong tone.
Y/N frowned, “Why not?”
“Hey, Y/N.”
Y/N whipped their head around, eyes blooming into large saucers, as their heart began to palpitate. They were face to face with Obi-Wan, a new reinvented Obi-Wan. He was gorgeous.
“Hello there,” Y/N squeaked.
Obi-Wan smiled, sliding into the seat across from them. He crossed his arms, leaning onto the table. “I was looking for you,” he stated.
“You were?” Y/N choked, sitting up straighter. They picked up a utensil, prodding at their food, trying to occupy their awkward hands.
“Of course,” Obi-Wan said, earning a skeptical look from the other members of the group. Prie coughed, waving Jape and Ropal’s attention away from the end of the table. “I overheard our masters talking about an upcoming joint-mission — to Vena, I believe. I just, uh, wanted to let you know.”
“Ah, well, thanks.” Maker, give me strength. Oh my god. Y/N pursed their lips, the best solution to containing the childish urge to giggle.
“Do you want to research together? I think it’d be very beneficial —,”
Obi-Wan’s bushy brows raised a few centimeters. He chuckled at their enthusiasm, nodding. “Right. I’ll see you after training then,” Obi-Wan says.
“Yeah,” Y/N mumbles, watching him stand and walk away.
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phoneycam · 10 months
Codywan but Hanahaki disease
I just remembered that i challenged myself to write shit and the randomiser just made me angstie with this one.
Y’all know how the disease work right? If not, here is the fanlore page to explain a little.
Resume: Obi-Wan is painfully remainded that he loves too much... in multiple ocasions.
1. Quinlan Vos
2. Satine
3. Cody
There is this disease that is just kinda normalized by the galaxie. It’s normal to fall in love with someone you shouldn’t, everyone is beautiful and gorgeous in their own way you know? So there are clinics, doctors, specialized post-surgery treatments and things like that.
But for the Jedi it’s a delicate topic. For a jedi to have the hanahaki disease is rare and not always well recived. It’s a bit of a taboo subject let’s say. 
A good amount of people think that they are incapable of getting this disease. Those who know are divided. Some think it shouldn’t be treated any different than any other medical condition, other that it’s a test from the force to prove padawans or to redirect them to the light side, and the most extreme think it’s a sign of the force that they are not destined to be part of the order. 
So imagine the shitshow that unfolded when Obi-Wan, not even a padawan yet, was rushed to the healing halls after spitting a flower mide training.
This unruly and loud 11 year old youngling was having a harsh time with some rather rude bullies when he got to know a chaotic young padawan that kicked their asses. Quinlan Vos was with who he would get like house on fire. It didn’t took long for both of them to become an inseparable and terrifying duo. 
Obi-Wan was a goner before even knowing what that meant. So after some time, Quinlan is gone on a mission with his master and Obi is missing him crazy while trying to train (and failing) and in one of his moments of like, recalibrating his breathing he hears some classmate.
“Surely he’s missing his boyfriend” 
And it is like a whiplash of emotion just colliding. The frustration from the failing training session, shock from realizing something he didn’t wanted, shame and the rage directed to the other younglings, homesickness from Quinlans absense and just plain and suffocating fear. 
He felt horrible, like he’d being punched in the stomach multiple times... 
He wanted to vomit...
and he did.
It would take time for everything to go back to normal. After the surgery, Obi-Wan would start being more quiet and fearful, but when everybody kept avoiding him and yet the looks and whispers still followed him, that fearfullness became anger. Anger he would lash out at anyone who was close enough to make him snap and then escape. 
He wouldn’t even get close to Quinlan for years. Only when he was back from certain kriffed up planet overbeaten by a useless civil-war did he brakedown to finally get a hug from a friend. 
((I will explain Qui-Gon later if someone is interested ùwu7))
The second time it happens he was 16 and in another war infested planet. 
Satine was insufferable. After getting separeted from his master, Obi-Wan was condemned to protect this blonde girl that seemed to enjoy getting in his nerves at any given moment, even when they were on a clear danger scene, calling him by several... innovative names, laughing when he tripped or just hitting him when she thought he said or did something stupid.
He was honestly starting to question if this misssion was worth his sanity when a bad encounter gets them to bond while hiding. They where both badly hurt and without any other option, were forced to truly depend on each other.
Over the rest of the year it would grow to become something more, but it wasn’t the time nor the place to let it flourish.
They had become important for the other in that certain way that would meet the needs of both of them at the moment. But they never got to become friends in the first place. So when the moment to split came, they both knew it wasn’t meant no matter how much it hurt. And it hurt.
Qui-Gon was silent during all the farewell. He wasn’t stupid, he knew something was up as soon as they had been reunited, so he wasn’t too surprised when the flowers came. They had barely left land when the cough started and by the time they where hitting lightspeed, Obi-Wan got send to the back of the ship where his master performed a highly clandestine surgery with the help of the medical droid.
When he wakes up after the surgery, Obi-Wan proceeds to pass the 5 stages of grief. Qui-Gon is nothing but patient through the hole process. 
When his padawan tries to play dumb to himself, he just remaind him of the flowers. When he gets defensive, he just projects calm and serenity through the force. When the anxiety grows to much to the point to ask to please not to tell to the counsil about it, Qui-Gon promises to never tell a soul and when the inevitable brakedown comes in, he comms Quinlan to wait for them in the landing pad.
the fifth stage would take a long time to come. In fact, Qui-Gon wouldn’t even be alive to see it happen. It would be almost two decades and it would come in the form of a person. 
It would be the start of the second year of war. Obi-Wan was putting an unhealthy amount of sugar on a cup of caff when he stopped himself at a realization. He didn’t like sugar on his caff, hell, he didn’t even licked caff! So why in the name of the force did he had it in his personal space??
His commanders voice startles him. He turns around to be comfronted with a familiar sight. Cody was only using the bottom part of his armor, one hand resting on the bed he was currently sitting on and the other holding the datapad he was previusly compiling. A worried look acompagning his slowly not so relaxed position.
“Is everything ok sir?”
Oh dear...
The realization would come... peacefully. Of course it would be Cody. His wonderfull commander had crowled into his heart slowly and deliberately without knowing. With the reasuring presence, strategic mind and dry humor, it was just logical that Obi-Wan would fall for him... Also because he couldn’t do anything about it. They are at war, he is his superior and he had a duty to fulfil.
The jedi took a deep breath when the familiar sensation starts to fill in, only this time, he doesn’t panic and run to the madical hall. No, this time is different. This time he isn’t overcome with anything if not acceptance. 
This is his commander, who he loves dearly and can’t do anything about it.
So, with a reassuring tone and adoring smile, he responds.
“It’s nothing my dear, just questioning myself about the amount of sugar I see you consume”
Cody watches him closely for a couple seconds before smirking. They both know he is lying but this is not the time to talk about it.
“Sure sir, don’t you worry about it. It’s what keeps my sweet personality alive, other wise it would be crush by tha amount of useless paperwork we are given”
Obi-Wan just chuckles covering a discrete cough and turns to finish their drinks. 
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ironborealis · 2 months
Lineage Cousins AU pt.2
Part 1: (link)
The Council is calling it a 'sabbatical' -- a chance for him to rest, reflect, and 'recover' from the stress of Galidraan and Komari being found unfit for Knighthood.
Only a senior padawan, Komari had slain twenty well-trained Mandalorians in their armor on that snowy battlefield. Then she'd turned to him, smiling brightly and so very proud and he'd known that things were about to go horribly wrong. He could see in her eyes that what she wanted was more than just the approval of her master -- she craved something from him that he could never provide her.
He'd dispatched his second, Master Syldatna, to take Fett on to the Governor, as the Senate ordered, while he pulled Komari back into the ship -- one of the many mistakes he made that day -- to try and make the foolish girl see reason.
She'd kissed him as soon as the door to the ship had shut.
He'd pushed her away, tried to make her see that this was a silly fantasy brought on by a post-battle adrenaline crash and likely not enough meditation (his own master's cure all for every wor).
They would forget it ever happened and neither would speak a word of it -- no one, but especially not the Council had to know.
There was shame enough on his lineage for having lost his grand-padawan to Falling so recently, and he'd not double down on the disgrace by losing his own padawan to something as fleeting as lust.
Komari was strong-willed though, something he both admired and cursed about her at times. Trying to make her see reason with a calmly stated rational argument was rather like trying to hold onto sand with a clenched fist -- a futile effort.
He'd been blunt, the only way to get through to her when she got this way: After the battle today he'd been ready to nominate her for her Jedi Trials. All of that was now in jeopardy with the revelation of her inappropriate attachment to him. She had until they returned to Coruscant to decide whether to become a Knight or to chase a foolish fantasy that would never be.
He hoped it'd be an easy choice for her to make in five days. Yet, when she stepped before the Council he'd known with only the intuition that a master could have about their padawan that she'd failed him. With a grieving heart he informed the Council of her attachment. Her subsequent outburst at his 'betrayal' had killed any future she may have had as a Jedi Knight.
She'd stormed off to join a task force headed towards Baltizaar, hard-headed as per usual, determined to prove both him and the Council wrong.
At least she'd finally broken her unseemly attachment to him.
Then the Senator from Naboo had disclosed to the Council the terrible truth of Galidraan -- that he and his fellow Jedi had murdered hundreds of innocent Mandalorians and assisted in selling the sole survivor of the massacre into slavery. The Council had bowed their heads in collective shame and then interrogated him for hours trying to find some fault in him that caused the confrontation to turn into a conflagration -- unwilling to say a word against the Senate who had not only given him the poor intelligence in the first place, but had demanded the surrender of any survivors to the Governor. Surely, the fault for this catastrophe lay mostly with the Senate --
The Council had demurred and invited him to take a period of reflection, which then was formally extended into months once word had returned of Komari's death at the hands of the Bando Gora.
This unwanted "sabbatical" is really a chance for him to set all his affairs in order with the Council none the wiser. Jenza has been hinting for years that with their father gone there could be a place for him on Serreno. Their brother is certainly making a mess of it currently.
There's no denying that he's grown tired of the Council's scheming and politicking that saw Mace Windu promoted to a Council seat before him.
Perhaps he may even be able to do some good once he slips the Senate's leash on the Jedi.
He's sorting through his personal library, deciding on which book he should pass on to Jocasta for her collection and those that he will keep for himself when the message comes.
It takes him a moment to realize that his communicator is going off, a series of strident rings. He's of a mind to ignore it -- commiserations on the loss of Komari have been pouring in non-stop, to the point where he'd actually silenced the Sith-cursed instrument just to get some peace...
Except... there were very few who had permission to override his silencing of the damned thing... and none would do so without a good reason.
He digs through the stacks of books to retrieve the obnoxious little device with an aggrieved sigh.
The message is short:
.obiwan kenobi.
.the boy must be trained.
The brevity and lack of capitalization meant that it could only be Qui-Gon. Some excuse about the keys being too small for his fingers, if he recalls correctly.
How interesting that Qui-Gon should reach out to him now, after a decade of strenuously avoiding him without an explanation ever given.
Stranger still that Qui-Gon would recommend to him some initiate washout who'd wound up in one of the "Jedi" Corps... Qui-Gon knew how he'd felt about the Corps, Stars knew they'd had enough "debates" on their utility to the Order back when Qui-Gon was his padawan.
It's a week or so out to Bandomeer, to go and gawk at Qui-Gon's newest pathetic lifeform and try and figure out what about the child had enchanted his former padawan so.
What does a delay of two weeks really matter in comparison to leaving the place that has been his home for over 60 years?
The limited space aboard the ship means that there really is no escaping Kenobi -- they're sharing a berth space at the Queen's command, along with Anakin, although he suspected there was enough space among the ship crew's quarters for *one* of them to bunk down there instead...
He's careful to never leave Anakin alone with the man, even though he knows that it's illogical. Kenobi did not see him at his best the last time they met all those years ago on Bandomeer, and he won't have the man dripping poison into the boy's ears.
Kenobi has been thankfully reserved at every strategy meeting, his attention mostly focussed on his own holopad where he jots down notes that he doesn't share. Qui-Gon would accuse him of shirking his duties, were it not for the occasional well-thought out suggestion that Kenobi offers when the silence grows too long between himself, the Queen, and Captain Panaka, as they desperately grasp for any semblance of a real plan to defeat the Trade Federation that isn't dependent on an outrageous amount of luck.
He'd sworn to himself that he would be civil to Kenobi as befits a Jedi Master, but after four days his patience with his unwanted companion has grown as thin as a Tooka's whisker. Especially the last two nights when Kenobi has taken up with the Queen's handmaidens after dinner in the mess hall until late into the night. The mess unfortunately shares a wall with their berth, and he can hear their raucous games of sabacc, what he's pretty sure are poetry readings, and occasionally Kenobi's lilting voice singing lover's ballads --
Speak of the Sith and he shall appear.
Qui-Gon groans internally as the door slides open to reveal Kenobi performing the sort of overcomplicated bow down the hallway that would not look out of place in one of those Alderani "historical" holodramas.
"Good night, fairest ladies," Kenobi calls out -- and Force, Qui-Gon thought Rael was bad!
There's a flurry of giggles, before a chorus of "Goodnight, Ser Kenobi"s comes from the handmaidens.
He's mollified to note that Kenobi's garments are undisturbed, the folds still crisp. Not that anything too untoward could have happened in a place as public as the mess hall.
Tonight it seems the handmaidens have elected to play with Kenobi's hair, arranging it in a braid that encircles his head like a crown. Kenobi's hair is still too short to do a proper version of the style, and short pieces hair stand out from his head. The handmaidens have covered these in some sort of wax that makes them curl up sharply at the tips.
Kenobi looks like a sun-bleached Zabrak.
"Good evening, Master Jinn," Kenobi takes a seat on the bunk opposite of Qui-Gon's, and begins to undo the braid, held in place with what is revealed to be an alarming number of pins.
"Kenobi," he replies, but it comes out sounding hostile so he adds, "You seem to have been having fun."
Force, that came out even worse.
Kenobi lets out a vague hum in response, running his fingers along his scalp to break up the last of the braid.
"Rabé was eager to experiment. Apparently Stewjoni hair is supposed to be more naturally inclined to sculptural styles than their own, and Eritaé and Sabé decided to join in."
"Not Padmé, then?" He's glad that not everyone seems to have fallen for "Ser" Kenobi's charms.
"No, I rather imagine the Queen has other things on her mind than pantomiming Courtly Love."
Kenobi reveals the Queen's identity so casually that Qui-Gon barely resists the urge to suck at his teeth - he can feel the ghostly cuffing of Master Dooku's palm on the back of his head every time he's tempted to.
My padawan will not act like a common farmer was the frequent rebuke.
Judging by the length of Kenobi's hair -- it's practically tradition for young Knights with hair to let it grow untamed for a time once they're no longer obligated to wear the traditional padawan cut -- Kenobi must have been knighted two to three years ago.
Qui-Gon thinks he may have received an invitation, but he'd been terribly busy with the mess in Ankorhajj that he absolutely couldn't tear himself away to attend something as frivolous as a lineage brother being knighted.
Then Master Dooku left the Order shortly afterwards and there hardly seemed a point in reconnecting with Kenobi at all. Their Master hadn't even deigned to leave a note.
"They're teenagers," He scolds, because while Qui-Gon's not unfamiliar with the concept of 'Courtly Love' in the Naboo sense, he's also aware how quickly attachments can form. Attachment has been the downfall of so many in their lineage...
"They're children preparing themselves to fight in a war," there's a flicker of what can only be described as an 'infinite sadness' in Kenobi's eyes, before the anger that Qui-Gon remembers most about Kenobi as a boy burns it away.
"The Naboo make a sport of Courtly Love. I'm already a lost cause by their rules, since my vows as a Jedi warn me away from developing the sort of jealousy required to even be capable of 'love' by their definition." Kenobi sighs and his anger cools, his gaze becoming distant.
"If pretending with them for a few hours every evening, however, keeps their minds off the horror that awaits them upon return to Naboo, then it's no hardship for me to entertain them."
Kenobi's expression becomes haughty and Qui-Gon is unpleasantly reminded of their mutual master. "It should comfort you to know that Captain Panaka has volunteered to act as their chaperone. He stopped looking ready to disembowel me after a couple hours last night and tonight started regaling us with the details of the courtship of his first wife. A romance worthy of a holodrama I believe was the consensus,"
Kenobi melodramatically collapses back into his bunk as if swooning.
This conversation is not going any place where Qui-Gon thought it would. He feels like he should apologize, but he's concerned that if he gives even a little that Kenobi will take a whole parsec. Their master certainly knew how to, and made certain to teach his padawans the skill.
"I should not have been so hasty in my judgement," Qui-Gon settles on. "I do not know you well enough to make such judgements about your character."
"And whose fault is that, brother," Kenobi replies with only the faintest hint of bitterness, as he sits back up and begins to remove his boots carefully.
They both sit in the uncomfortable silence that follows as Qui-Gon fights the urge to feel stung by Kenobi's accusation.
There was a grain of truth to it after all, at least from a certain point of view. Kenobi had messaged him multiple times in the early years of his padawanship, but there had always been something more important that needed Qui-Gon's attention immediately. Once Qui-Gon found the time to write a response months might have passed and he frequently found himself with nothing to say at all.
Eventually, Kenobi got the hint and the messages stopped.
Force, why couldn't Kenobi be satisfied that Qui-Gon had found him a master to make him into a knight and leave it at that?
Kenobi has moved on, placing his boots at the end of bunk, and standing as he begins removing his leather obi.
Kenobi pauses, staring into the dim red glow of the wall chronometer for a moment, before looking over his shoulder at Qui-Gon with an absolutely wicked look on his face.
"It's ten in the evening, Master Jinn, do you know where your padawan is?"
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At nineteen, Padmé Naberrie has her life under control. As padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn, she gets to travel the galaxy helping people. As lineage sister to Obi-Wan Kenobi, she has an inbuilt best friend and someone to help stop Qui-Gon causing mass disturbance. When the three of them depart on a mission to Kamino, she doesn't expect anything out of the ordinary.
Then, of course, her world collapses with the discovery of the clone army. As the galaxy dissolves into war, she finds an unlikely ally in Anakin Skywalker, a revolutionary from Tatooine who helped to lead his planet to freedom from the Hutts. Now trying to help a clone revolution and fight a war, Padmé makes up her mind to find the Sith who started all this.
Inevitably, this will either destroy the Republic or destroy her. She hasn't quite worked that out yet.
chapter four: It was irrevocable: some part of Padmé had died on Naboo and she would never be able to heal that gaping hole inside of her.
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Today's odd fic idea.
Same age fic seems to be quite popular... So here it is, with a twist.
The Force, for reasons unknown, chooses to send a thirteen-year-old Ani back in time, dumping him off in Qui-Gon and his newly chosen padawan's quarters... But, the Force isn't finished, it also brings back a thirteen-year-old Luke.
Qui-Gon now has three highly diverse and gifted boys in his care, because the Force (wanting to make Master Jinn's life a real headache) also makes it clear that the three of them are meant to stay together...
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exonerin · 3 months
Eight of Cups [AO3]
Eight of Cups [obikin | Qui-Gon revives and kicks up a storm of trouble for the boys (typical) | Anakin discovers he has a Padawan braid kink and a daddy kink | Obi-Wan has issues he won't work through]
With the authors for the @topwan-obikin revealed, I can start talking about this fic and the bonus chapter.
I promised I would write a bonus chapter if people were interested.
The answer was yes. Like yes.
ETA: Friday?
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
One of my favorite headcanons that I use in my fic is that Mace and Dooku never get along...unless Obi-Wan is involved.
Like they're willing to set aside every single argument and difference and whatnot when it comes to Obi-Wan, just because they're both so protective of him and they know he loves them both and don't want to hurt him by being horrible to each other in his presence.
And yes, this means Qui-Gon got his ass handed to him x2 after he left Obi-Wan on Melida/Daan
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drauthor · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Thanks for the tag, @shootingstarpilot! Sorry this took so long, I've been all the over place with stress and also writing ideas, big oof
I have a couple ideas that I've been tossing around but I finally gave in and decided to write the time travel fic of my dreams. I write in my head all day, every day and I don't know if this is going to interest anyone, but it interests me and by god, I am going to write my stupid Codywan time travel/dimension travel shenanigans - fix-it
(I forgot the fucking writing, shit--)
Jinn arches an eyebrow and Cody can see the intrigue flicker through his eyes. “You don’t know?” 
“Obviously not.” Cody is impressed at how neutral his voice comes out despite the irritation churning in his stomach. “I don’t even know where I am.” 
Jinn’s eyebrows make a break for his hair line even as he’s shoved aside, a young child squirming their way to the front. Cody leans back as the child leans in, eyes wide as they practically vibrate where they stand. 
“You’re on Tatooine!” 
Cody’s stomach drops out from under him and all he can do is stare. Tatooine? How was he on Tatooine— 
“It looked like lightning spat you out of the sky! One second there was nothing, and then—BOOM—you were on the ground, and you wouldn’t wake up, even with the screaming and Mister Qui-Gon trying to talk to you!” 
Lightning. Fuck. Obi-Wan, what happened— 
Cody presses the knuckle into the corner of his eye harder and pulls in a careful, measured breath, focusing on the way the air fills his lungs, forcing them to expand in his chest. He digs his free hand into the sand, rubbing the grains against the pads of his fingers.  
He’s—apparently—on Tatooine. A few moments ago, he was not on Tatooine. He had been on Coruscant, walking through the Sith-forsaken hallways of the Senate building to meet with Chancellor Organa. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were due back from their mission in the Outer Rim and were expected to meet with the council before lunchtime. Cody had been looking forward to lunch. 
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cerulianvermillion · 1 year
Do the jedi have like. the star wars equivalent of sword dances? I mean lightsaber fights already look like dances, but like what about the ones that are actually intended to be dances? like imagine dancing with a lightsaber- that would be sooo pretty to look at. I imagine that obi-wan isn't like super good or an expert or anything, but there's a couple that he knows and loves and does really well, especially when he's on his own. Qui-gon was really good at many and taught him to do them and it stuck, and on those nights he was grieving he just dances listening to the force. Nobody dances quite like obi-wan, though. Like he doesn't know a lot of dances but he's really really good on the ones he does know, and plus points to the fact that obi-wan is probably also musically inclined.
Anakin is really good, too, like qui-gon, he caught it much more easily than obi-wan did. It probably started out as him accidentally seeing obi-wan do it when he was younger, and then trying to emulate and failing lmao, and then it became like, and alternative way of meditating for Anakin? like at some point Obi-wan realized that dance could totally work as a way of moving meditation and decided to teach anakin himself and enroll him in classes, and I think anakin would really get into it especially during the war. Padme would like it, she has an eye for stuff like this so sometimes she helps point out details to anakin.
Ahsoka learns from anakin because anakin is definitely the type to add sword dance into ahsoka's curiculum, but he prefers teaching her himself because he just so happens to be really good at it. Ahsoka would like it! like she's not as into it as anakin is but sometimes she practices when there's a lot on her mind or like, when she wants to show the clones what she learned. oh, the clones would absolutely enjoy watching ahsoka dance, and ahsoka would totally convince anakin to do it with her. Sometimes they'd convince obi wan. When she leaves the order she still practices, it's her way of staying connected even though she'd never come to realize it herself. And when (if?) the whole oder 66 thing happens, the sword dance is one of the few jedi culture bits that not many outside of the order knows, and she preserves it.
I like to think that she'll teach luke, one day. like maybe directly, or maybe she'll leave him a set of holo-recordings that he finds, and then luke would try to emulate and learn, and because he's Padme's and Anakin's son, he'd catch on and learn quickly. It won't be a perfect imitation, so Luke just uses his gut (the force) and adds new bits into the missing portions of the dance. He'd teach leia too, like leia is not super interested as luke is, but this specific aspect is actually super fascinating to her, so maybe she'll learn a bit, while also assisting him in doing some research about it. It surprised her how it helps her clear her mind.
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swbumblebee · 2 years
Personally, I don’t think grown up Anakin and Qui-Gon would get on, at all. Qui-Gon’s expectations seem ridiculously high and I imagine he’d find Anakin lacking in control and temperament. And Anakin’s need to be constantly informed and in the loop with plans and decisions just wouldn’t work with Master “The force told me too” and “Ask for forgiveness rather than permission” and I think would lead to a lot of bitterness.
With this in mind, here’s a Snippet Of Nothing about what, or rather who, they do have in common:
One would think, having one’s beloved Master return from the Force fifteen years after the fact would be amazing, wonderous, and the answer to all of life’s problems.
And it was, at first. Obi-Wan Kenobi (once he had regained consciousness after a slightly embarrassing fainting spell) had wasted no time picking up where he’d left off, relishing in the more experienced Master’s wisdom and knowledge. Their rhythm had been slightly off for a short while certainly, but it stabilised as they both adapted to their new roles; not as Master and Padawan but as colleagues and friends. Qui-Gon’s steady presence at his back once again bolstering Obi-Wan in times of need.
It was similar for most of the other Jedi who had known Qui-Gon, and some who hadn’t; Despite his eccentricities and dislike of explaining his reasoning, most recognised a man who had much to offer the order and were happy to have him back once again.
Some, but not all.
It had been a very disappointing moment for Obi-Wan when he witnessed Anakin and Qui-Gon, the two most important people in his life, seem to mutually come to the decision that they were incompatible. An unstoppable force and an immovable object.
It happened gradually: the first few times they all met Obi-Wan had been delighted to simply sit and watch them be enthralled with each other, basking in their lineage’s completeness. But little by little, over the course of a couple of shared missions and many shared meals, it became clear that it was not going to be the partnership of the Councils dreams and instead devolved into snaping and pettiness as they lost patience with each other’s completely opposing viewpoints and styles.
It was a real shame, because as two of the most skilled and powerful members of the order, it made a lot of sense to pair them as mission partners.  
With a buffer, of course.
And so, Obi-Wan Kenobi now had two fully grown Jedi to babysit and keep out of trouble on a regular basis…
“We need to stop at Samutis”
“Why? We don’t have time.”
“The Force wills it, young one. We will stop”
“No we won’t! You can’t just-“
Obi-Wan shook his head at his smug Master and irritated former student for about the millionth time as he crossed the hanger.
“Anakin” he barked. “Get in the ship. And you” he turned his ire on his old mentor “Stop winding him up” he scolded.
The older man opened his mouth to argue and Obi-Wan simply held up a hand.
“We will stop if you can come up with a flight plan that means we get there with enough time” he compromised.
Compromising and adapting seemed to be all he did these days, constantly trying to balance the two large personalities out and disappearing into the middle ground.
It was exhausting. And so incredibly frustrating.
“Something has to be done Mace, I can’t go on like this!” he whined into his rapidly disappearing second pint. The other Council Member gave him a sympathetic look from across their usual table in the Happy Tankard.
“You’re doing so well” his friend reassured him tipsily. “They’re just – they’re just different, they’ll come around. They just need something to bond over.”
Obi-Wan snorted.
“They most cert – certainly will not” he retorted. “They’re completely, completely different on everything.” He grumbled taking another swig of his ale. “Though once they did agree on how much they hated my plan. That was a nice moment I suppose” he added thoughtfully.
Mace arched an eyebrow.
“Did that plan happen to involve you? Maybe…in danger?”
“Well, I suppose, why?” The younger Jedi thought for a moment.  
His irritating friend just shook his head.
“Classic Kenobi” he said with a sigh.
“Oh shut up.”
The busy Master didn’t get the chance to think on his friend’s words before he was once again on a mission with his two favourite pains in the ass, and it had once again, gone sideways.
“m’fine” he managed to rattle out between chattering teeth as the clone medic he’d been leaning on passed him to a comrade who continued all but dragging him to the medical tent. “Legs are jus’ a bit wobbly” he tried to explain as he shivered in his freezing wet clothes.
“No Sir, you’ve been shot twice.” the medic corrected him in a long-suffering tone.
“Hmm?” Shot? Then why was he so wet? And cold?
“You’ll be fine sir, just stay with me.”
The moment Kix got hold of him Obi-Wan felt himself getting more and more distant from the situation, noises and feelings happening around him as he floated above it all on The Good Drugs.
“Where is he?”
“What happened?”
And then two familiar voices cut through the haze.
“Sirs I need you to be calm he’s-“
“M’fine” he mumbled quietly into his lovely soft pillow. “M’ok.” He tried to prop himself up to look at the two worried faces in front of him, but it was terribly difficult.
“Jus’ tired” he reassured them.
“He was shot off a gun tower and into a frozen lake” someone explained in clipped, unhappy tones. Obi-Wan turned baleful eyes on Kix.
“Wasn’ my fault” he muttered.
“I know Sir.” Kix gave him a gentle pat on the leg. He turned to Anakin and Qui-Gon, now crowding the room. “I’ll be right outside. Do not, under any circumstances, agitate him” the chief medic instructed sternly.
“They’d better go then” Obi-Wan mumbled, smiling a little at his joke and simultaneously waving a clumsy hand to beckon them closer.  
He patted the hand he now appeared to be holding.
“S’alright, you’re allowed.” The hand was squeezing his now. “Brilliant” he attempted to explain. They were so brilliant. 
He tried to look at them but the room was now spinning. Obi-Wan could feel two presences brush fondly up against his own in the Force and he chuckled. They were so achingly similar.
“Wish you’d get along.” He said with his eyes closed. Guilt flooded the force and he attempted to bat it away but the hand holding his own stopped him. “Just need to find something to agree on” the wise council master explained.
It really was that simple.
He could hear the two of them speak, he assumed it was the usual defences and excuses, but couldn’t be bothered to pay attention.
They were so stupid.
“Stupid.” He explained with a quiet sigh, before leaving them to it and having a well-deserved nap.
Everything was less fuzzy when he woke up.  As a reflex, he cautiously began stretching limbs and tensing muscles, taking stock before fully committing to consciousness and everything it brought with it.
Ow! Hmm not quite 100 percent. Never mind, he’d delt with worse. 
“None of that now.”
An admonishing voice to his left has his eyes flying open in surprise, blinking at the bright lights of the medbay, and the form of his old Master, sitting next to his bed watching over him with concern in his eyes.
“Hello there”
His voice was gravelly, and it took a lot of effort to speak, but his characteristic greeting prompted a relieved smile from the older Jedi.
“Good afternoon. Here”
Obi-Wan took the offered cup of water gratefully, as a large arm came behind his shoulders to prop him up whilst he drank.
Anakin bustled into the room with a bundle of something in his arms, his eyes lit up when he saw his Master awake, but seemingly doubted his ability to answer a simple question, he addressed Qui-Gon.
“How’s he doing?”
“Better, but in need of much more rest.” his former Master answered just as Obi-Wan opened his mouth.
“Right yeah, I figured.” Anakin placed the bundle down to reveal a flask of tea, some kind of lunchbox and an extra blanket, a particularly fluffy one.  
“Here, thought you might like some bits” he said by way of explanation, giving Obi-Wan an uncharacteristically shy smile, placing the tea and food on the bedside table and throwing the other end of the blanket to Qui-Gon, on the other side of the bed.
“Oh thank you Anakin that’s very kind of-er…” Obi-Wan started smiling gratefully, only to pause as his two companions shifted the blanket across him and started tucking it comfortably.
“What…is happening?” he asked, mildly alarmed as he watched the two move around him, now plumping his pillows, straightening his blankets and filling the water jug.
Qui-Gon shrugged.
“Just making sure you’re comfortable” he said unhelpfully, pouring out the tea and producing a book from somewhere in his robes. Obi-Wan’s current read.
Anakin, nowhere near as cool under his Master’s gaze, flushed a bit.
“We just…thought you might some stuff.”
His dubiousness must have shown on his face because Qui-Gon chose that moment to make a strategic exit.
“Reast well Obi-Wan, we’ll be back shortly.” And with that they were both gone.
The baffled Jedi tucked up in bed stared at the door for a few seconds longer.
What in the galaxy?
His recovery was, unfortunately, far from complete (in Kix’s view) when they reached Coruscant, and Obi-Wan was ordered to rest and recuperate for a further few days.
Usually, this involved Obi-Wan promising to be on his best behaviour, and then promptly breaking that promise the moment Anakin and various medical professionals turned their backs.
But not this time. This time there were two of them.
And so he had spent the last two days more comfortable than he had ever been; lying on the perfect arrangement of cushions and blankets in a perfectly clean living room, with a constant supply of tea and books and holos and company.
It was weird.
Extremely weird.
But before his thoughts could turn into a full-blown existential crisis, the door chime went.
Both Anakin and Qui-Gon pre-empted his shuffling to get up with an unwarranted telling off. Qui-Gon going so far as to hold out a hand as if to push him back into the sofa nest.
“Come in!” Anakin yelled at the door. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.
“Good evening”
The curious form of Mace Windu appeared in the doorway, eyebrows raising in surprise at the occupants of the room.
“Hello Mace” Obi-Wan greeted flatly from his nearly horizontal position.
“Master Windu”
There was a strange silence as they all took each other in.
Mace’s lips twitched up in a smile.
A very knowing smile.
Bastard. I hate it when he’s right.
Obi-Wan scowled at him, physically nudging away a plate of biscuits and metaphysically batting away the two concerned and suspicious force presences that filled the space around,
He was pleased, in one way, that the two most important people in his life were finally getting along.
He was displeased, in many other ways, that they had bonded over ensuring he was aggressively taken care of.
Bonding indeed.
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thesassypadawan · 7 months
Love's In Our Hearts On Life Day *part 1* (Master Qui-Gon x KnightReader)
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Summary: After making the difficult decision to leave the order, you find yourself celebrating a truly memorable first Life Day with your new family.  (Pairs well with *NSYNC’s song Love’s In Our Hearts On Christmas)
Warnings: Contains fluff, fluff, and more fluff!
Note: Fireworks *part 2*
            You had never seen such a beautiful sight.  The streets were all decked out with strings of twinkling lights and glittering glow globes.  Music and laughter filled the air.  All the while, snow fell softly to the ground.
            It was Life Day.  A time for celebrating family and friends, those that were loved the dearest.  And you were so grateful to be sharing it with your three favorite people.
            “I’d be careful if I were you, kiddo!”  You called out from the bench.  “That patch of ice over there looks kind of rough!”
            “What, I don’t see any…OW!”
            You tried your best not to laugh.  There sat poor Obi-Wan on the rink floor, ice crystals in his hair, a pout on his face.
            “I thought you said you knew how to skate, young one?”  Qui-Gon teased the 14-year-old as he glided on over.  Offering his hand, he added with a small smirk.  “Or was that just a boastful lie?”
            Obi let out a heavy sigh as he was hauled back up onto his feet.  “I assumed the force would guide and show me the way.  I suppose skating is a lot harder than it looks.”
            “It is,” Qui replied, clapping him on the shoulder.  “However, the less you think about its difficulty – the easier it becomes.”
            Obi-Wan gave a determined nod.
            “Good,” Qui-Gon chuckled.  “Now why don’t you go give that a try and remember – just have fun.”
            “I will,” Obi beamed up at him.  “I promise.”  The youth then raced off into the crowd of fellow holiday-goers, grinning the whole time.
            Qui lingered for a moment, before coming to join the two of you.
            “Well, took you long enough,” you giggled in greeting as he sat down beside you.
            “Hello, to the both of you too,” he replied warmly.  Placing a kiss on the top of your head and a large hand on your stomach.
            A slight blush dusted your cheeks, your hand coming to rest atop his.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Obi-Wan look so happy,” you said fondly, watching the teen make another lap around the rink.
            “Agreed,” Qui-Gon nodded, a small smile on his face.  “It would seem life outside the temple suits us all quite well.”
            Your heart swelled with joy.  Part of you had worried that the decision to leave the order was a mistake.  But, hearing him say such things and seeing your boys truly at peace, you knew the right choice had been made.
            “Thank you,” you whispered, leaning against him.  “Thank you for giving me a family, for such a wonderful Life Day present.”
            “I should be saying the same to you, dear one,” Qui muttered, wrapping a strong arm around you.  “If it weren’t for you and Obi-Wan, I would be nothing but a lonely, old man.”
            You gave him a playful nudge.  “Stop it, you’re not old.  You wouldn’t be able to keep up with Obi if you were.”
            Qui-Gon hummed appreciatively at your words.  “Speaking of our son, when do you plan on telling him he’s going to be a big brother?”
            Gazing out over the ice, you smiled softly as you spotted a waving Obi-Wan.  “Today, I thought it would make a nice memory for our first Life Day together…all four of us.”
            Pulling you in closer, Qui-Gon murmured.  “I couldn’t think of a more perfect way to celebrate.”
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the-greatest-8 · 4 days
Obi-wans master was dead. Or at the very least, claimed to be.
Master Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi who by all accounts while unconventional- or even downright rebellious when in regards to the council, did not seem to be dead.
Understandably, there were concerns over his mental well-being. Namely because despite the evidence, this being his continued physical existence, Master Jinn claimed to have died. To a Sith apprentice no less, then became a force ghost for awhile, trained his Padawan from the other side, and promptly returned to the land of the living. Obi-wan on the other hand?
Obi-wan did not mind his Masters new beliefs, even if he did not necessarily believe in them. He was actually quite pleased, Master Jinn had never been more open then he was now. The Master-Padawan bond between them was essentially flooded with warmth, peace, and pride. It was a vast change from the usual closed off disappointment, fear, and sadness his Master was never quite able to fully shield. Obi-wan would be more conflicted about his feelings if his Master didn't seem so content with where he was. Though, Obi-wan mused, the majority of the council did not share these feelings in the slightest; and neither did the healers.
If anyone could be said to share Obi-wans feelings, it was Grandmaster Yoda. The Grandmaster could be found next to Master Jinn in the gardens, engaging in lively debates over the differences between living and not. Grandmaster Yoda did not appear overly concerned over Master Jinns beliefs, in fact, he appeared to be the only one willing to humor the man. Or- and Obi-wan did believe this to be the truth, Grandmaster Yoda took great pleasure in watching the frustration his fellow Council members had whenever they came across these 'discussions'.
Master Yan Dooku on the other hand, appeared to be regularly nursing a headache. However, his pains had nothing on Master Windus, who upon hearing Master Jinns claims, promptly collapsed for three days in force induced agony. Master Windu still would flinch when looking at Master Jinn, and had taken to desperate measures in avoiding him.
Healer Che was a different story entirely, where some Masters either took to avoiding Master Jinn or seeking him out with questions- Healer Che hunted him. She sought to drag the giant of a man kicking and screaming to Med-bay, but had been entirely unable to do so up until this point. Obi-wan admired his Masters talents- up until he was betrayed in the efforts of evasion. Now, Obi-wan would point to his Masters location whenever asked. Often laughing as his Master fled as fast as humanly possible from the irate healer.
Obi-wan reflected on this, while watching Healer Che march her way towards his distracted Master; whom was engaged with Grandmaster Yoda in one of their 'discussions'. Perhaps this time his Master would loose this game of mouse and tooka.
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