#nothing happened but neighbor with a dog that barks and screams at us from inside non stop
darkwood-sleddog · 2 months
more and more i become of the opinion my dogs are not reactive to strange dogs but in fact it is unreasonable to expect them to NOT be reactive when the dogs we pass are unwalked, understimulated rural hellions that thrash at the windows of their houses, bark at us and follow us for entire lengths of properties, snarl at us, run at us with tense body language etc.
is this because a neighbor (who does skijor!) moved in half mile down the road from us a half a year ago with the most polite, unreactive dog that my dogs glance calmly at as they walk by? as it is unrestrained (no underground fence) on the property? absolutely is.
is this because a few years ago a neighbor's very nice pitbull mix got out and when it walked up to us with polite calm body language my dogs reacted just as calm and we were able to walk this dog home? absolutely is.
like i am a human woman and have lived in areas with much larger populations than i do now. i remember being followed by strangers, yelled at by strangers in aggressive ways. it made me tense and yes...reactive in those moments to ensure my own safety and needs were met. but was it my fault for having to react that way? To call friends and family and be on the phone any time that i walked alone? to check in when i got to where i was going? to bring pepper spray and iron knuckles to walk less than 10 minutes away from home? I don't think it is. Rather it's the failure that allows that behavior towards me which is at fault. i should not have had to carry those things with me. or call a single soul.
same with my dogs. my dogs aren't reactive, i'm just the only person who walks my damn dogs in my rural neighborhood. even though we can walk for 4+ miles either way on safe dirt roads out of our driveway before we reach pavement. nobody else. walks. their. fucking. dogs. yes i manage my dogs behaviors, it can be embarrassing when they get riled up, but know what? it is not their fault so many other dogs fucking SUCK. and it is not those dogs' fault that they suck either. i encountered more politely behaved dogs when i lived in the suburbs and city than i do now because those dogs at least had some sort of experience with being around other dogs (passing them on the sidewalk even) out of necessity. Rural people truly just throw their dogs outside and expect that to be enough. if you're lucky they install a little underground fence that will maybe keep fido in the yard (like uwu WE don't want to have a look at a fence and we're going to make all our neighbors GUESS if our dog might run into the road at them uwu).
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jaxteller87 · 7 months
Traditions 2
A few days later, I found myself at the shop, and business was slow as it tends to get around this time of year. In fact, the workload has been so manageable that I’ve had the prospects sweep the parking lot just for something to do. I had taken my lunch break early when I received a text message from Amber. The text contained a picture with the caption, “You’re not going to believe this.” In the photo, there was a little black cat nestled inside a box.
I immediately texted Amber: “You bringing the cat home?”
Amber’s response came quickly: “Gonna take it to the vet first, make sure it’s okay. If all’s good, then yeah, we’ll bring it home.”
As I glanced at the picture again, I couldn’t help but notice a small red bird perched nearby, giving the whole situation an eerie sense of déjà vu.
Work at the shop passed quickly despite nothing to do, and after a short bike ride, I joined Amber back home to prepare the introduction of the cat to our kids.
“The vet said that despite being left alone for who knows how long, it seems to be in good shape,” Amber mentioned as we gathered around the big box. Buttercup and Hazel, our dog, curiously approached, sniffing the box before the kitty leaped out, playfully tapping Hazel’s nose and then Buttercup’s.
I was reminded of a similar situation as we watched that cat in the box. “Babe, have I ever told you about what happened at the clubhouse during bike week a few years back when everyone was paranoid about the Mayans?”
“No, I don’t think so,” Amber replied.
“It was during bike week in Charming, and tensions with the Mayans were higher than ever after a little scuffle on the highway. Chibs, Ope, Bobby, Tig, and I had just left the clubhouse one night; it had to be about two in the morning when we heard a commotion coming from behind the shop. Instantly, we all thought the Mayans were here to burn down our clubhouse or something.”
“Oh, damn,” her eyes perked up.
“Yeah, right? So, there we were, circling the area like drunken marines in the night, thinking we were as silent as ghosts. In reality, we were probably louder than Tig’s room that one time he snuck three Thai dancers in.”
“Ew,” she muttered.
“The rustling was plain as day. There we were, guns drawn, and I was even giving out hand signals like some green-beret special forces soldier. We were ready for a showdown. But just before Ope walked up to a pile of boxes and garbage bags, a little black cat shot out and ran right between his legs.” I couldn’t help but start laughing, which, in turn, made Amber start laughing. “I won’t even pretend like it didn’t scare me either. Ope screamed so loud, the neighbor's dogs started barking.”
“So, it was just a cat? Not the Mayans?” she asked amidst her chuckling.
“Yep. Just a cat. But the funny thing was Bobby,” I said with an ear-to-ear grin, “Old Munson jumped higher than all of us, which, considering that he’s, well, Bobby, was not only funny but also damn impressive.”
We stood there with a smile on our faces, watching our newest fur addition get acclimated with the family. “Over the years, I’ve come to understand that some people aren’t animal people, but how could anyone abandon such an innocent soul?” The kitty continued to squirm, eager to explore its newfound surroundings.
Finally, our children arrived home from school and daycare. “Hey! Guess what, you guys? I think Mama might have a surprise for you in the garage!” I said with a smile.
“A surprise!” they exclaimed.
Both kids eagerly followed me, their faces beaming with excitement. “Go look in the box, love bug,” Amber encouraged Mary. She eagerly approached the box, with Thomas trailing behind. “Mommy, Daddy, thank you!” Mary exclaimed when she saw the little kitty hop out of the box.
“Thank you, Mommy!” she squealed happily. I gently picked up the kitten and placed it on Amber’s lap, where it happily curled up, purring contentedly. Thomas waddled over and began gently petting the kitty. We fibbed when Mary asked if Amber had found the cat, as we knew that if we told her it had been abandoned, she would burst into tears. Mary got her soft spot for animals from Amber, who always had a tender heart for them.
Later that night, as we sat in the living room, “So, Mary, are you going to name that kitty Binx?”
Mary thought for a moment before replying, “You know, I think he’s more like Shadow.”
“Shadow?” Amber and I laughed, exchanging a knowing look.
After the kids and animals were sound asleep, I found Amber outside, gazing up at the moon. When I opened the door, she turned to me with a gentle smile.
“I know it was you, Mama. I knew it when I saw the red bird by the box. It’s like how the butterflies are for Mary. I haven’t told Jax this yet, but I know this stuff might seem silly to him. But thank you, Mama. The kids love the cat, and so do I. Lately, I’ve been missing you and Daddy a lot. It’s hard to believe it will be ten years at the start of the new year.”
I walked out onto the back patio and joined Amber, who was in tears. This was a ritual we had developed over the years. After her parents passed away, she would often sit in my lap and cry for hours.
The next morning, as I woke up with a yawn, the cat jumped from the bed and strutted over to Buttercup, giving her a playful tap on the nose.
A few days later, while working in the shop on a car, I noticed two little red birds hopping around. I did something I had never done before. “I’m taking good care of Amber, you know, and the little ones,” I chuckled as I spoke, almost not believing I was doing it. One of the birds edged closer to me, and I continued, “She’s my world, and they all are. We’ve created a little happy life for ourselves.”
“Thank you for sending the cat as a sign,” I smiled at the birds, and with that, they soared up into the sky and disappeared, leaving a sense of connection and comfort in their wake.
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lokilickedme · 3 years
Somebody help me chill, this is insane.
(under the cut because long and also pretty traumatic, for me at least)
Crazy neighbor, remember her?  Her son destroyed a piece of equipment we had attached to one of our trees at the fenceline last week, she denied it and called us insane liars - that’s the most recent craziness in the ongoing saga of the neighbor from hell.  I was sitting here reading my dash tonight and happened to glance over at the monitor for the surveillance camera husband got me the other day to watch that exact spot (where the equipment was smashed) and guess who I see bent over looking through the fence peering very closely at that exact spot?  Neighbor’s equally insane son, who we know did the actual dirty work.  And I, stupid like I am, took a screenshot of him and then immediately jumped up and ran outside in the dark in my pajamas (nearly 9pm, pitch black, their porch light is off because obviously they’re doing something they don’t want to be seen doing) and I ask “Excuse me, what are you doing?”
This lunatic immediately starts SCREAMING at me - I mean top of his lungs SCREAMING abusive threats, calling me a stupid psycho whore bitch, yelling at me to get my ass back in my house and generally just acting completely off his rocker unhinged nuts - and then his mother comes out and comes over to the fence and gets in my face while I’m just standing there and tells me to mind my own business.  I say I am minding my business, I saw him looking through the fence at my property right where we had vandalism happen last week so I came out to find out why he’s interested in my property.  She laughed in my face and said “No he wasn’t, he was standing right here looking at his phone like this” and she does this little pantomine of someone looking at their phone, which is funny because she wasn’t out there when he was doing it and there are no windows on that side of her house at all.  I ignored her and asked “What are you looking for?”  He kept screaming incoherent animal noises and insults from behind her so I asked again, “What are you looking for?”  And that crazy woman grinned at me and said “We’re just looking to see what kind of new devices you’ve installed!”
OMG.  She didn’t even take a breath in between lying and then contradicting her own lie.  And she’s grinning smugly at me the entire time, gesturing around pointing at our property cams and mosquito light (it flashes and apparently she thinks it’s watching her) and my bedroom window - which means she’s been snooping.  There is a cam sitting in my windowsill, aimed at the spot where the device was smashed.  Every bit of this equipment is on our property, some of it behind a privacy fence.  I tell her it’s none of her business what kind of devices we’ve got on our property, but she just yammers over me, and of course numbskull is still ranting like a psycho behind her, screaming at me to mind my own business and get back in my house and leave them alone.  At this point he’s pulled out his phone and shoved it over her shoulder toward my face and is recording me, which is just...fucking hilarious...because I’m literally doing nothing but standing there in shock and awe at how nuts these people are, and he’s still screaming abusive curses and names at me while he’s recording.
Anyway, for about 4.5 minutes we stood there with them shouting over me (I know the exact time because it was later discovered that our doorbell cam recorded audio of the entire event) and a little ways into it he screams “I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!”
At this point psycho woman finally turns around and says “Addison Case!” and pushes him back.  He lunges at me and she tells him to go call the police (??what??  I mean...I wish he had...my phone was in my hand frozen solid, locked up because of the glitchy surveillance app I had to install to see the camera, or else I would have called them myself - but my god they really thought I was the one the cops needed to come for??).  Meanwhile I’m just standing there on my own property in the dark in my pajamas, all 5 feet and 120 lbs of me, while this rabid animal - he’s a 21 year old college boy - is lunging at me and screaming nonstop, calling me a fucking whore bitch loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear it while his phone’s camera light is in my face blinding me.  Crazy lady smiles that smug shit eating grin of hers and tells me to get back in my house, leave her alone, and move the hell away so she can live in peace.
Wow.  Just...holy shit.
This is the person who has allowed her dog to attack my very small 8 year old son on our property and send him to the hospital with injuries last year, then attempt to attack him again 2 weeks ago (he is now 9 at the time of the second attack) - again on our own property (in our back yard this time, in our front yard the first time), has allowed her dogs (multiple) to bark all night long and keep us awake (she leaves them outside and then goes away for the weekend and they bark the entire time she’s gone), then she had her crazy violent son destroy the BarkBox we put in our tree on our side of the fence last week (we put it up as a humane way to get the barking to stop without having to listen to her call us insane liars every time we complain about it).  Yet...she kept repeating over and over and over for us to leave her alone and stop harassing her.
All I could even do was stand there shaking my head.  It was surreal.  And frustrating, because they wouldn’t even let me get a word out without screaming over me, and she was doing that infuriating Karen thing where they shove their hand at your face and grin smugly while they’re telling you what you better do or they’ll call someone to make you.
I actually started laughing, it was so ludicrous.  She’s committed all those vile offenses against us and we’re the ones that need to leave her alone.  We’ve had to file four police reports against her and we’re the ones that are making her life miserable.  I just can’t stop thinking about that Liar Liar movie where the repeat offender keeps calling his lawyer to complain that the cops won’t stop arresting him and the lawyer finally yells THEN STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!!
It’s just like that.  My god.
SO -
She tells him to call the police again, and this limp dick shoves that phone light right up to my face and says “You think she’s worth calling the cops over?  Look at her, she don’t look worth it to me.”  And bitch starts laughing.  My god, these people are subhuman, I swear.  I’ve never seen anyone act like this in my life, over a person doing literally nothing to them.
So she finally orders her rabid son (who is just about foaming at the mouth, I swear he’s making these barking animal noises at me, it’s weird as hell) into the house and they walk away, with him still ranting like a madman until the door closes behind them.  I immediately go inside my own house and call my husband, who was way out at the back of our property in our camper (he self quarantines each day after work out there to protect us because there have been a lot of covid cases at his workplace) and he didn’t know anything was happening.  He immediately runs up to the house and I tell him I caught neighbor’s thug son messing around at our fence and that when I went out he threatened to kill me.
Tom grabs something - I don’t even know what it was, I think it was this piece of board that was sitting by the door, we’ve done a shelving project recently and a couple of leftover pieces have been there for a few days - and he stalks outside toward neighbor’s house.  I hear him yell COME OUT HERE BOY!!! and I stg you guys, if I wasn’t on the phone calling 911 I might have thought about getting naked right there and then because damn.
So anyway, let’s not go there.  This is serious by god lol (look for this to show up in a fic soon though because material like this doesn’t get handed to you for free every day).
I call 911 and say the neighbor’s son just threatened my life and for them to come quick because he’s still over there but I know he’s going to leave any second (this is his mom’s M.O, the two times the police have tried to go talk to her she gets in her car and leaves before they can get from my house to hers, and I know he’ll do the same because COWARDS).  Tom comes back and says the little pussywillow wouldn’t come out of the house.  He’s breathing fire, you guys.  Pure fucking fire.  I tell 911 to get somebody out quick before the kid leaves, and just about 2 minutes after I hang up he does just that - we see him blast past our house in his truck and he’s gone, and then the police arrive about 3 minutes after.  I’m so mad I can’t see straight.  If they’d been able to see him in the state he was in, they’d have arrested him on sight.
Two squad cars (big SUV’s) pull up and block her driveway with full lights flashing, which makes me laugh because suddenly we’ve got neighbors coming outside to see what’s going on.  I meet the officers outside, and the crazy bitch next door does the same, yelling “Hello Officer!” and waving to them as they’re coming up to my porch.
They talk to me and Tom for a long time, I tell them everything that happened, they interview Big (he and Little were inside the open door and heard it all), we fill out our statements and talk with them more until one officer goes next door to talk to neighbor.  We can hear her dripping her fake sugar and spice while they’re talking on her porch and my husband loses his shit - he heads toward her house and yells “We got the entire thing on recording, don’t even try to lie!  Your kid, threatening to kill my wife?!?”  (he’s referring to the camera in my bedroom window, which actually only recorded about 2 minutes because I don’t have it set up correctly yet, but they don’t know that). The officer yells at him to get back, which, yeah - he shouldn’t have done that, but for god’s sake the woman’s peckerhead son just literally threatened murder on a member of his family, this is the final fucking straw and he’s mad.  And as he’s coming back across the yard the officer that stayed with me points at our new doorbell camera, just freshly installed as of about two weeks ago, and asks if it’s on.  We haven’t even really figured out how to use it yet, but yes, as far as we know it’s on.  The incident happened around the side of the house, but the doorbell records audio.
God bless technology.
I invite the officer inside the house and Tom gets his phone, pulls up the app for the doorbell, and starts skipping through the recording looking for the right timestamp.  Up till this point all they have is me saying the guy screamed a lot of abusive profanities at me and threatened to tear my head off, and they’re taking me serious but probably not that serious, you know?  Neighbors fight all the time, wars start over barking dogs, things get exaggerated, we’ve all seen the TV dramas.
Until Tom finds the segment on the footage and starts playing it to them on his phone.  It’s kind of quiet because we were a good distance away, but you can hear the guy screaming just like I said he was.  The officer asks if we have a speaker we can play it through so he can hear the words more clearly, because he needs proof of threat and that’s entirely in the words.
You guys, I’m tellin’ ya, sometimes you get a chance to fucking SHINE.  My husband is a musician and this cop is asking him if he’s got a good speaker.  So within minutes Tom’s got this huge venue-style amplifier designed for broadcasting music to the back wall of a freaking stadium pulled out into the livingroom and he’s hooking his phone up to it, and then he hits play and the other officer comes back from next door to join us and I can tell by the annoyed look on his face that neighbor bitch has likely charmed him and shed a plethora of persecuted tears and spewed her lies about how we’ve been harassing her forEVER and I think for a second that it’s a total loss now, he’s made his mind up in her favor.
And then...away we go.  Tom cranks the volume on the speaker and they both lean in to listen closely.
Just about a minute into the recording they have their proof - thugnuts screaming I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!
Both officers nod, close their notebooks, and the second officer makes a phonecall while the first one turns to me and says “That’s terroristic threatening and it’s a class C felony.  You’re going to need to go to the PA’s office with all the reports you’ve filed against them so far and all your evidence from tonight including that recording and hand it all to them.  They’re likely going to issue a no-contact so that he can’t interact with you ever again.”
This is a victory, but it’s just the first step, and I feel sickeningly disheartened that it’s all in my lap to do everything.  I want them to go demand his whereabouts from his mother and just go get his ass and haul him in.  But no, I have a ton of legwork to do now because these horrible people won’t fucking stop.
After several more minutes of me asking questions about what exactly we need to do and where we need to go, etc etc (I’m competent but I’m also fucking rattled, someone threatened to kill me tonight and I’m blanking hard on the instructions he’s giving me) they finally wrap it up and leave.  They’ve been in my house for a half hour waiting for me to finish filling out the report (I had to ask for more paper because honey I’m getting ALL the details in there) and I can just imagine how freaked out neighbor is when she sees what time they finally move their cars from in front of her driveway.
And now I’m coming down from the weird calm that I had through the entire event, and my heart feels like it’s going to EXPLODE.  I had heart surgery two months ago, do I need this??  The pathetic part is that I know now just how stupid those people are, and I know this won’t be the end from their side by any means.  We’ll start finding more stuff broken, or he’ll start climbing over the fence back at the back of the property to steal stuff from husband’s tool shed, or my tires will get slashed.  These people are that dumb and hateful, they proved it tonight.  He said if we had animals he would kill them, and then he made the same threat against me.  How stupid does a person have to be to stand there with his phone out recording himself ranting and making threats against a woman standing in her own yard in her pajamas?  Big tough man there.  And his mama grinning at me the whole time, telling me I’m crazy and she’s concerned for her own safety because of me, while her son is standing right behind her threatening my life.
I’m just...my god, I don’t even know what to think.  I thought people only acted like this in TV dramas, seriously.  I’ve seen some shit in my life but this particular brand of stupid has up till now evaded me, but now it’s been in my face and I’m sort of in shock.
I don’t like guns.  At ALL.  Tom has always had at least one hidden carefully away, safely locked up away from the house, but now there are two inside my house in immediate grabbing range.  He insisted that I let him show me how to use them.  Rules were laid down for the boys - never touch, never, don’t even get close to them - and now there is a box of shotgun shells on my fireplace mantel and a singleshot rifle by the door.  I hate this so damn much.
Don’t pick it up unless you’re ready to use it, he told me.  Without even thinking, I said back, “If I touch it it’s getting used.”
My god.  I told the cops that the drug lord that lived over there four years ago was a better neighbor than this woman.  They didn’t even laugh.
I guess they’re right, now that I think about it...it isn’t funny.
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beauvibaby · 3 years
no one knew – j.benn
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gif credit to the owner
a/n: this was totally random but I had so much fun writing this!
You smiled over at Jamie as he set up his laptop to do his interview, the kitchen cabinets falling as a background. “Shh, baby girl.” Your attention fell to the one month old cradled in your arms, her face contorting as she began to wail. Jamie glanced over, despite her screams he looked at her like she was the whole world, which to both of you, she was.
Well, for him, it was both you and Elle.
“I’m sorry, I’ll take her for a walk while you do your interview.” You assured him as he walked over, he nodded silently but put his hands out for her, still having a few moments before he had to be ready. You handed her over with ease, using the time to get her stroller ready with a few toys for her to stare at. “What’s wrong? Mhm, pretty girl.” Jamie questioned her softly, bouncing her in his arms lightly, you felt the warmth rush to your face as he caught you watching him, a soft chuckle falling from his lips as he turned his head back down to Elle who was calming in his arms. He walked over to where you were with her stroller, easily putting her down in it as she looked up curiously at the toys hanging above her. “It shouldn’t take me too long.” He mumbled, ducking down to kiss you quickly, you smiled against him. “Ok.” You hummed, it wasn’t the plan initially to hide her from the world for this long. You were going to post something when she was born, but she had made a grand entrance in the middle of the night via c-section and then before you knew it, a month had already passed and only the team knew of her, and your families of course. But the public was all the clueless, you and Jamie hadn’t been together for much more than six months before you’d gotten pregnant, not that you would change it, because by then you already knew Jamie was the one.
And he confirmed it by proposing the day you got home from the hospital with Elle, slipping her into a onesie that said “will you marry my daddy?” She had to be wearing it for nearly two hours before you even noticed, and when you did you burst into tears, terrifying Jamie who was in the kitchen making dinner for the two of you.
“What’s wrong? What, is she ok?” Jamie rambled, literally running into the living room where you sat with her sleeping in your arms. “Her outfit!” You laughed through your tears, looking at him with a teary smile, he gasped, throwing himself down to one knee, pulling the ring box out of his pocket, he’d been walking around with it all day. “Really?” You asked, looking at Jamie, his face fell. “Of course, I love you so much, who cares if we did things a little out of order.” He assured you, his smile returning when you whispered yes.
“Maybe tonight, we'll tell everyone about her?” You offered as he turned to walk back to his computer, he froze, looking back at you with a grin. He’d loved the time of her being just your little secret, but there already been more times than he can count where he’d just wanted to post a photo of her sleeping on his chest, or the way she grabbed one of his fingers and not even be able wrap her hand fully around it. “Yes, I like that idea.” He mumbled, letting you disappear out the door with her afterwards.
The walk was nice, and quiet, you’d stopped and talked to one of your older neighbors as Elle fell asleep in the stroller, your neighbor gushed over her, saying how much she looked like his granddaughter. You thanked him repeatedly for his kind words, more time passing than you thought, and it was beginning to get a little too cold for Elle outside, so you gave him a nice goodbye and headed back for the house, assuming that by now Jamie would surely be done.
You walked in the door, hearing nothing, so you smiled and carefully got the stroller inside, thankfully not waking the baby, until the dog realized you were here. It wasn’t his fault, he was doing his job, barking when someone got here, but you rushed to shush him, it was too late, Elle woke up and started screaming, those newborn lungs still amazingly powerful. Then you heard it, Jamie, still talking to an interviewer over video chat, trying to ignore the wailing of his daughter. You cursed silently, snapping your fingers and sending the dog to his bed as you lifted Elle up, trying to soothe her as quickly as possible. You knew she would feel better if she was looking out at the pool, something you and Jamie had learned quickly in her first few days of life, outside in general, but if she saw the water in the pool she was instantly happier. But the problem with that, you’d have to walk right past Jamie with a screaming baby. He glanced over at you, shooting you a soft smile, motioning you over, and you hesitated but then remembered you were going to announce her arrival today anyways, you guessed it would just have to be like this instead. “Give me just a second.” Jamie spoke, leaving his spot in front of the computer, you watched him take large strides over to you, taking Elle from you with a smile. “Come on, please. I’ve got to show off both my girls.” He gave you a small pout, you looked at him incredulously. “I look terrible!” You protested, no match for his strength as he pulled you along by the hand. “Jam.” You whined, he only winked at you before sitting in the chair again, this time with Elle in her little baby sweat suit due to the chill outside. “Sorry about that.” He spoke, as if he didn’t just appear with a baby that no one knew about. No one spoke for a moment, trying to decide if they should ask.
Eventually a female reporter spoke up, “and who do you have with you now, Jamie?” She questioned, and your smile widened as he looked down at Elle in our adoration. “This is my daughter, Elle.” He spoke fondly, adjusting her to be more upright in his arms as she drifted off easily, more than likely exhausted from her screaming fit. “And my fiancé, Y/N, is just over there.” He pointed off screen to you, motioning you over, and you listened, not before giving him a glare. You walked up beside him, smiling at the camera, “hello.” You spoke softly, “sorry for interrupting.” You laughed lightly, a chorus of no’s and it’s fine came over the speaker, everyone buzzing as they thought of how they would get to be the firsts to report that Jamie Benn had a secret baby and his girlfriend was now his fiancé.
You sighed dramatically as Jamie fell down on the couch beside you, he smiled, pulling you into his side. “She went down good.” He assured you, handing over the monitor that was pointing at the bassinet in your bedroom. You nodded, “did you pick a picture of her to post?” You asked him, looking through your own phone already full of pictures of her and him. You smiled at your favorite one, from just the other day, Jamie asleep on the couch with her asleep on his chest, the dog laying between his legs as well. All three of them fast asleep. “Yeah.” Jamie answered you, typing away on his phone, you doing the same as you opened up Instagram and uploaded the photo, your caption reading,
“My beautiful family, Elle Heather Benn added on December 10th, 2020”
You refreshed your page, the likes already pouring in, congratulations and comments of how adorable she is were flooding your notifications, but one stood out in particular.
jamiebenn14 tagged you in a photo
You clicked on it, taking in the photo you didn’t even know he’d taken the night you came home, you were looking down at her, she was sleeping on your chest, your left hand laid on her back, your ring on full display. Of course he put the tag right on the ring so everyone would notice it.
“The two best things to happen to me in 2020, I’m a lucky man to call these two beauties my own.”
You looked up at him to see him already staring at you. “I love you.” You whispered, pulling him in for a kiss, “I love you.” He murmured, pulling back to kiss your forehead. “So much.” He added, looking at the monitor and then back at you, his feelings plain as day on his face, love and adoration.
taglist: @vinceduhn @kempe @makarsy @literarycharleton @kiedhara @jamiedrysdales @klutchnetsov @meggomyeggo333 @sidscrosbyy @miracleonice87 (since you’re excited for the fic!)
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creepsmcstuffins · 3 years
Living with a Irish Fae
I live with a Dullahan. No, it's not some grotesque headless horseman that throws its head at you or takes its spine whip and snatches you up into a skeletal wagon. Nor does it throw a bucket of blood on you when you get too close to it.
Sorry, if you think that, but its.... Rather HE is just an asshole. Who eats all my food, leaves the lights on, terrorizes (not really though) my dogs and shits with the door open to the bathroom. He's am Irish bloke, with a smart damn mouth. And yes he does, indeed, own a horse. His horse is better company than the loud asshole that lives with me. His horse is a black stallion that goes by the name of Caboose. A friendly boy, and I even get to ride him, when the dullahan isn't working.
Cullen O'Houlihan. That's his full name. He's a bastard man. But I'm sure your wondering how we met. Well, I'll take you back a bit.
My name is Ebonie Brown. And I was driving home one morning after working a long 10 hours. The old country roads that I drive are usually empty. Save for the occasional deer or possum in or on the side of the road. And maybe if a neighbor, I say that lightly, left one of the gates open and a cow might be grazing along the road. In the early hours of the morning, the sun could be seen peeking over the mountains. I live in a heavily mountainous area, where a lot of agriculture is farmed. Mostly corn, if I'm honest. The sun was leaving the sky pink and red, lovely hues that I enjoyed seeing.
Without warning, a horse was in the middle of the road, barely smashing into the animal, I turned the steering wheel, swerving away from the horse. Not completely hitting it, but not missing it either. I hit its rear, or what seemed like a hit. Spinning out and luckily not going into a ditch or being bent around a tree, I got out.
"What the hell!? I could-" the horse still stood. Like nothing happened! Though it... It shimmered like a... Phantom of some sort... it... looked at me, with... Big black eyes... Empty hollowed eyes, black as night. It snorted at me, black smoke pooling out from its nostrils. I took a glance at the rest of it, like it's head, the body shimmered. Black shadows enveloped it, shifting at the horse moved his neck to look at me better. I shivered as it moved.
"Uh... nice horsey?" I asked, more of a whimper, and holding my hands up. In defense, hoping this... Nightmare wouldn't decide I was food... or something... Jumping at a rustling sound, coming from the tree line near where I was standing. The horse let out another snort. And a... A man came out. Tall... tall as shit. Im a 5ft 2in woman, a little overweight, if I'm honest. And he was a giant! At least 6ft... He was wearing black armor, accompanied by an obsidian sword and a spine whip.
I know. I know, I said that he doesn't use the whip, but let me continue.
This man... He didnt have a fucking head. Scratch that, he had a head, he was just holding it in his arms. The head looked at me. At my eye level. He had brown thick hair, and golden eyes. The eyes were shimmering like the horse's eyes and body. The head had gold light flowing from it and the body had a purple aura pouring from it. Power, dark power came from both, the horse and its rider. I stepped back, and stared at the head.
"The fok you starin' at?" It spoke, thick Irish accent prominent, "You ever seen a man at night like this, ya idiot!?"
I was speechless, frozen. I didn't expect the head to talk. It frowned at me,
"Well!? Don't stand there gapin' like a fish! SPEAK!!" His voice rang out loud and even made some sleeping birds flutter past us. The horse snorted, pawing at the ground. The head looked at the horse then back at me.
"You hi't 'em?!" He barked at me, snapping me out of my stupor,
"N-no? I.. I mean... he... i..." I stuttered, still not moving. The head huffed and the body moved, reattaching the head to itself.
"Whats your name?" He crossed his arms, and leaned his weight off to one side, the sword swinging as he shifted his weight.
"Ebonie... Brown." I spoke slowly, eyeing the sword more than the whip. Then looked back up at him.
"Well I'm Cullen O'Houlihan. And you hit Caboose. You hurt his feelings. Now. You owe us." He smiled evilly at me. I frown, starting to drown in whatever shitty possibilities he had in mind. The male bent down and smiled at me,
"Well Miss Brown. Where ya live at? I'm gonna need a place to rest m' weary 'ead." I shutter, and nod, getting back into my car. He mounted his horse and followed me home. We arrived at my mother's home... Thankfully she and my sister were sleep still. I parked and got out.
"Uh... what are you gonna do with... Your horse? He-"
"He'll be fine out here." Cullan yawned and dismounted. And strode up to me.
"Cute lil' house. Your Ma?" He nodded at the house. I nodded,
"Yeah. Come on... I only have one bed so..." I walked to my door, and unlocked it.
"Oh?" I could hear the smug look and smile on his face,
"Care to have a night with an Irish lad then?" He bent close to my cheek. I could feel Cullen's breath. It was cold, like a frozen wind, on a snowy December night. I hit him with the screen door.
"You can sleep on my dogs bed. I don-" Cullen barked out a yelp of surprise, rather than pain. I smirked and walked into the door. Slipping my shoes off. He followed, having to bend a bit to get through the door.
"Well. This is... not what-"
"Shut up. If your staying the night-" He threw a bag of money, gold rather at my head. And shot me a look, that said "that aught to be enough." I rolled my eyes. His armor melted, and transformed into comfy pajamas. Cullen gave a stretch and looked at me.
"Bed? I'm quite tired." I nodded, pointing at my room. Walking through the doorway, he plopped, face first into the bed. Snoring before I could walk in after him. I sighed, stupid bastard was supposed to sleep elsewhere. It's fine I guess... just for one night. I slipped in next to him, careful not to get to close to him. I pulled my plaid blanket close and then reached over pulling another blanket over Cullen. I huffed and fell asleep.
I woke up to clattering and a scream, I shot out of my bed. Cullen was looking for whatever, not stopping to look at him I rushed outside, snatching my gun and pulling the slide, loading a bullet into the chamber. My mom was screeching at the black (non shimmering) horse standing in the garden. Caboose was eating her cucumbers... I lowered my gun.
"Shit...." Cullen followed me out, spoon in hand, eating out of my applesauce jar. He was snickering.
"WHO ARE THEY!?" my mom yelled at me, pointing at Cullen and Caboose. I held my hand up and she stopped panicking.
"This is..." I paused... I didn't know what to say! What was I supposed to say!? As if reading my mind, Cullen stepped forward, pushing the jar into my hands.
"Hello!" His voice clear and friendly, he stepped forward and extended his hand,
"Im Cullen! Cullen O'Houlihan! Pleasure to finally meet you Miss Boyd! I'm your daughter's boyfriend." He smiled widely and as charming he could.
My mom took his hand and her eyes grew clear, as if I had mentioned this random ass man before.
"Oh! Cullen! I remember Eb saying something about you! Wonderful to finally meet you!" She smiled at the man, then scolded him,
"You need to move your horse though! He's eating my garden!" At a snap of Cullen's fingers, Caboose, the nightmare horse moved.
"So sorry about the inconvenience. I'll make sure he stays out of the plants Miss." He walked back over to me, flashing me a look. And he plucked the applesauce jar from my hand, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. And pressing our cheeks together.
"I hope you don't mind me crashin' here! I've got rent money for us." He pulled out a stack of money from his pocket and held it out to my mother. She gratefully took it and nodded. Leaving us alone outside to stare at Caboose who was eating the weeds next to my old red Chevy. Cullen didn't move, but stood still smirking at me, and gave me a pointed look.
"Well, Darlin'," he drew out the word, "Darlin'", "I guess your stuck with me." He kissed my cheek, his lips cold. And walked off. I sighed, now I have a.... I realized I didn't know what the hell he was. I turned and followed him inside,
"A Fae. Specifically a Dullahan." He mused. Ok so he could read my mind. Cullen looked at me and smiled, sitting in my spinning computer chair. I opened my mouth again, he spoke, this time in my head, smiling that stupid ass Cheshire cat grin,
"I'm here cause I'm curious. Tired living in the fuckin forests and meadows of Ireland. But the civilization was a bit much for me and Caboose, so I opted for a cooler area. The mountains was what he and I agreed on. You just happened to be unlucky to come across us. I found a dead dog in the road where you "hit" Cabose. And I wanted to give the poor thing a decent burial." Cullen finished his story and plopped the empty applesauce jar on my computer desk.
"This is my new home.... But if you move, I'll move with you."
So... I guess that'd the first thing? To write about... for now. My new boyfriend is a Dullahan. A legit one... his... head is floating over here now. I gotta go... I'll write again soon.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Yandere Overhaul, Dabi, and Tomura protecting their darling
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Chisaki Kai thinks through every move he makes, hoping for a minimal amount of errors in his line of work. This tentative approach sets him apart from most yanderes, as he thinks of almost everything when it comes to your needs. 
There is hardly ever a chance for anyone to ever physically harm you. Kai is the only person to verbally interact with you, your bodyguards being told not to speak with you. And of course, the people he has chosen to keep an eye on you have to be close with him and have his trust.
But it’s impossible to account for everything. There are situations that can’t always been foreseen, experiences that have to be dealt with in the moment. 
He doesn’t like taking you outside, he never has. There are too many elements not fully in his control, and it puts him on edge. But, if you’ve been good for a long time and have began to earn his trust, he might humor you with a few outings. They’d be in areas owned by the yakuza, to minimize any issues.
It was on a night like this. You were enjoying the fresh air, grateful for a chance to change your surroundings. Regardless of whether or not you genuinely like Kai at this point, or are only pretending, you’ve become accustomed to your... situation. 
Kai finds unusual delight in your giddy mood, used to your more sullen self. He mentally takes note of every expression you make, remembering every smile. But you couldn’t tell that he was enjoying himself, as he hides all emotion on his face.
He beats himself up for it later, but he should’ve recognized the face of the waiter who took your order. He mistook the young man’s behavior as anxiety for serving a yakuza and his lover, and didn’t think much of it at first. 
But when the waiter eventually pulls a gun to you, cursing Overhaul for ruining his life, Kai has to exercise all his self restraint. Your fearful reaction, your safety, all of it became almost choking to him. But even that is short lived, as Kai immediately figures out the best thing to do.
The waiter was threatening you, saying that he would pull the trigger; that it wasn’t a bluff. At this point, Kai’s bodyguards were just waiting for the order. But that wouldn’t be satisfactory enough for Kai, this person has insulted him on a level he wouldn’t tolerate.
“Kurata Yakumo, right?” 
The young man freezes, at the Shie Hassaikai leader remembering the name of an underling like himself. 
Kai begins to walk towards him, tentatively. He remembers almost everyone that works directly underneath him, this person included. He was let go of a month ago, he was caught stealing some money from drug dealings. 
“If I recall correctly, you have a sister in hospice, don’t you? It would be such a shame, if something were to happen to her. I hope you agree.” 
That’s all it takes, the vulnerable mention of Kurata’s sister making him shakily drop the gun. He never imagined that Overhaul’s knowledge extended this far.
At this, Kai wastes no time motioning to his guards. They subdue Kurata, who was an emotional mess. Kai ignores him, momentarily, going to press a hand against your shoulder. He was never the best at comforting, but he hoped the gesture was enough for now. You were pretty shaken up.
After safely escorting you home, Kai has a special request for the unfortunate soul who touched you. He would have several painful months ahead of him, every apology falling on deaf ears.
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Dabi’s apartment isn’t exactly in an amazing area. He has money, it’s just simpler for him to live on the down low. He has to move around a lot as well, so he doesn’t see any point in investing towards a greater place to live. The high crime rate surrounding his apartment complex helps him blend in further.
How he keeps you there is with threats. You could, technically, escape at any time if you were smart enough. He does have locks on all the windows, burnt off the fire escape next to them as well, multiple locks on the front door, and fully proofed it of anything you could use to get out. 
But the walls are thin, and you could scream for help. It’s a thought you’ve had many times, as you can always hear the neighbors surrounding you. But Dabi thought of that as well, coldly reminding you that he’s aware of where your friends and family live. That you just need to be a good girl for him, and nothing would ever happen to them. Simple, right?
As much as he hates it, he can’t always be with you. Most nights he’s away, working. This leaves you vulnerable, as he doesn’t trust anyone to guard you other than himself.
It was a cold night, and you were wrapping yourself up in blankets; cursing your inability to sleep. Dabi’s mattress wasn’t the most comfortable one, and it held unpleasant memories for you. So you were sitting in the living room, sipping on some tea he bought you for being good recently.
There’s an odd sound at the door, it almost sounds like fiddling. You don’t think much of it, once again, as Dabi might be coming home early. But you do pick up on the way the fiddling has been going on for a while now. Dabi had a key ring for all the locks, and it normally only took a minute or two for him to come in.
Maybe... he lost them? You can’t help but feel anxious, but wonder if he’s just trying to mess with you. That wouldn’t be unlike him, unfortunately. But the more concerned part of you wonders if it’s someone trying to break in. The sound of dogs barking, yelling, and sirens was common in this area, it didn’t take much to infer a break in would be possible.
Your quirk wasn’t the best for fighting, and Dabi had cut all the phone lines months ago. Your own breathing was growing more erratic, as you hide yourself in the bathroom. To your own dismay, there are no locks on any of the rooms inside -- Dabi doesn’t want you shutting yourself in, after all. 
The duo clad in black attire and masks find you eventually, surprised at your appearance. They look at one another, almost in a way of saying “What should we do?”, their hands full of a few expensive items. You want to scream, but you’re worried of all the attention it’d attract. If any. 
“A-are you okay?”
The one to the left kneels down, inspecting your shaking state. His eyes move to your neck, littered in bruises and bites. To your swollen lips, and glassy eyes. They begin to explain that they thought it was empty this time of night, and they had no intention of killing anyone. Just grabbing some stuff and running.
Dabi’s threat still looms over you like an ominous curse. You rapidly deny anything being wrong, but neither of them believe you. The man on the right was saying they should leave, taking what they had. But the one on the left said they couldn’t just leave you here. 
“Please, I’m... I’m really okay. Just go, please.” 
“You heard ‘em. I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
That voice. Fuck. That was definitely Dabi’s, and it was coming from behind them. They didn’t even get a chance to react, and neither did you. Blue flames erupt in front of you, the sudden surge of heat filling you with familiar dread.
Tears sting your eyes, as nothing but ashes remain of the both of them -- Dabi must not have cared about what they were holding. He walks into the bathroom, hands in his pocket, eyes glancing over at your huddled up form.
“You good, dollface?” 
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Tomura Shigaraki:
Tomura has a simple mindset when it comes to you. He doesn’t like anyone else being with you, seeing you, thinking about you, talking about you, breathing the same air as you. In his mind, only he had the right to these luxuries. 
But damn, were you good at begging. For months, you’ve been constantly pestering him about the midnight release of a movie. It had been something you were looking forward to before he had, well, kidnapped you. He was insistent on going to see it alone, but you kept giving him those stupid puppy eyes. How long can he say no to that?
It takes a while to completely chip away at it, but eventually, he’ll relent to you coming along. On extremely strict conditions of course. You were not to talk to anyone, or look at anyone but him. If you tried to escape, there’d be consequences. Anyone who you went to for help would be killed. He made sure you understood this.
After a few (Was that sarcasm? Were you seriously repeating his rules back sarcastically? Boy are you cheeky)... reminders of the stipulations, Kurogiri had the two of you set out on your way. He had the tickets ready ahead of time, as to minimize interaction with others.
The movie had gone fine, you were enjoying yourself, and thanking Tomura for the night out. You were both going back to an alley where Kurogiri was supposed to warp you back, but ended up being a few minutes early.
Much to your misfortune, you happened upon two figures exchanging illegal items. Tomura could care less about it, but the two of them had definitely seen you. Animosity and threats were coming from the one receiving money, since you had seen something you shouldn’t have.
Tomura was still intent on ignoring them, not wanting to talk to lowlife scum. Right when he was going to tell you to turn around, the dealer revealed a sharp object that glinted in the moonlight. A knife, and he was pointing it at you.
Tomura’s eye twitches, and a desire to scratch at his neck appears. The audacity of this person to threaten you was too much for him. He wastes zero times, lunging towards them and decaying their entire body. The person next to them, who was about to scream, is killed as well.
You barely got to blink while all this happened, Tomura moving faster than your eyes could catch. Nothing but settling dust remained, as they were removed from the world.
“So annoying...” 
Tomura huffs, his nails beginning to scratch at his neck. He looks up at you, grimacing. It’d take a while to convince him to let you out again, unfortunately. He doesn’t think much of it as he walks back over to your shocked form.
“What? Were you thinking I was going to play nice with them or something?”
His tone is almost mocking, as he sneers at your reaction. You never were a fan of violence, but surely you could understand this much, right? 
Your nice outing had been ruined, as you can’t help the image of their bodies becoming nothing but dust replaying in your head. It filled you with anxiety that Tomura couldn’t understand. If anything, it irritated him. Shouldn’t you be praising him for protecting you?
If you ever tried bothering to explain that you thought the person without a knife was a victim, not a threat, it’d fall on deaf ears. He’d get extremely angry about it if you pressed on it for too long, so it’d just be best to not mention it again.
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lstories · 3 years
Timor and Cole
No Fear story (part 1)(fearplay)
"The dragons of emotions, feared and respected around the world. The family was most respected in China and Japan as most of the world doesn't believe in the supernatural. The part's of the world that do belive make offers of everything the dragons might need as to not offend or upset them. The dragons lived in peace with the humans but never showed them there true form unless they needed to feed. Every dragon fed off the emotions and feelings of humans to keep the emotion tied to them in check for the world. If they didn't feed off of their preferred emotion or went too long without feeding the area around them would become corrupt with that feeling. That doesn't mean the dragons didn't feed of regular food as well but they didn't need to feed off as much as their size should've needed. All the dragons were respected for what they did, be it help or hinder the world. Some religions called them monsters and some called them God's. People everywere told stories and legends of them, some of great kindness from some and terror form other's. In China a whole year was named after them but it only encouraged there already massive egos, and because of that they tried to live in the most special parts of the world. The tallest mountains, the oceans, in cityscapes where they would pretend to be human or in dense forests where humans would dare each other to trek. Story's of old have been falling out as the age of technology was setting in and people believed less and less. This ment less hiding and more spectacular acts from the dragon's for all but a few.
A younger child named Timor, was the dragon of fear. He could change his form to anything he wished and create monsters and structures out of seemingly nothing so he could more easily scare humans. Because of a disagreement with his family, they banished him from coming back to the temple but this had happened before. Timor had to travel the world to find a new home, it took him nearly weeks to find a nice forest to make overwhelmingly scary in a almost empty town in (sigh)...... Oregon. A small town surrounded by forests with a smaller forest in the middle of the town where he made his temporary home. There is about a few thousand people here but it is fun to mess with them sometimes. A few missing animals found on the other side of the middle forest, a few missing road signs, and scarring the occasional drunk lingering outside the bar for a quick meal. An adult always makes for a bigger meal than a child but a child's fear always tastes better.
After he left his family he got quite lonely. No amount of minor fun he could have in his forest could compare to just talking to his family. So that's why I'm here, talking to you." Timor said, boredom covering his face after his story. The small orange ball with a crude mud face drawn on slightly shifts and falls on its side. "Great comedic timing Garrett" the dragon said with a small grin. "I'm hungry. I'm going to get a snack from town, you want anything while I'm out" he said while stretching his back "....." "Fine I'll get you sushi" He said trying not to sound upset. As he got up, he let the trees he was holding with his tail go and as they flung up into there original position pine needles sprinkled over the slightly burned ground. As the moonlight came back to the forest his black scales shone bright enough to light up the surrounding ground of the forest that would usually be covered by the trees. "you always want something fancy and its hard to get it back here before it breaks" he said under his breath without looking at the ball. "........" "Yes, you do. You always do" he yelled back at the ball with a single claw pointing at it. "......................" "NO I DON'T! You know what, I'll just get you a fried salmon" he said fully yelling at the ball while walking away. "....." "Oh screw off and I'll see you later"
Cole's POV:
"What I thought was going to be a nice Friday has now turned into that day" Cole thought. Every month it's something new. The 3 boys that always tormented him were his classmates. Everyone calls them Butch, Brock, and Brutes because no one knew there real names. He just decided not to call them by there real names anymore. Last time, they where framing him by breaking into the arcade and locking him in the extra prizes closet. Now there dragging him by his arms while riding there bikes. Only 2 of them were dragging him while the 3rd was tailing behind. Cole's jeans where ripped and his knees where bleading since he had to alternate between his knees, heels, and the sole of his foot. His brown hair was a tangled mess in the wind and his jaw was going numb from holding it tight for so long. He was on the verge of screaming but he knew that if he screamed or called for help they would start dragging him by his legs. They've been dragging him for almost 20 minutes and his legs felt like they were going to burst into fire.
Cole knew were he was but he had no idea where the were taking him or what they would do to him this time. Cole couldn't hear a car, no shouting neighbors, not even someone walking on the sidewalk. The only thing Cole could hear was the laughter of the 2 boys carrying him everytime he struggled to lift his feet up or maybe break free of there grasp and a few dogs barking when they passed a house with some. He tried talking about it but his teachers never cared about anyone except the teachers pet. His parents were only concerned about their daughter who was now the CEO of some big business and there drug addicted middle son. There wasn't a lot going on with Cole that his parents knew of so they didn't care to much.
Once they started to stop Cole began to open his eyes and see they were at the public pool. As they got there they dropped him flat on his face directly onto the cement. Butch picked him up and pinned him to the fence while Brock ran off to the edge of the nearby woods. Brutes, the one tailing them was more or less the ring leader. He carried a lot of tools including a par of bolt cutters he used to break the lock off the chain link gate. They dragged Cole to the edge of the pool and started to talk like Cole wasn't awake "hey I think his legs need some medical attention" Butch said with a wicked grin. "Ya, we should clean it off" Brutes said while walking over to the janitors closet. Brutes reached into his backpack and grabbed a mallet that he definitely stole. After a few swings he was able to break the entire door handle off and get into the janitors closet grabbing the nearest cleaning supplies he could. "This should do it" Brutes said while walking back over to Cole and Butch, cleaning supplies in both hands.
A minute later, Brock ran in and stumbled dropping all the rocks he was carrying for the group. He seemed scared to his core but he was hiding well enough from the other 2 but not enough to hide it from Cole. He knew what was coming and tried to get away but was still being held down by Butch. Brutes began to pour the cleaning supplies into the pool, grabbed Cole and jumped in. As they got to the surface, Cole couldn't move his arms and his legs and feet were being destroyed by the extra chemicals in the water. Brutes didn't feel a thing, he couldn't, he was born without most of his pain receptors and would always do the painful things for the group. Coles needed to keep his mind off the pain, it was the only way to get threw there torture. The forest always calmed Cole down. He memorized most of the outer edges of the woods neer the pool but this time when he looked back it was different. A few of the big branches were gone and he swore he could see some faint lights near the base of the trees. He didn't get a long look at the forest before he started getting pelted by rocks. As he jolted by the new pain in his chest he looked back to see Butch and Brock getting ready to throw more rocks. Stone after stone was thrown at Cole and Brutes, a few of the sharper rocks cut into Coles arms and hands with the water immediately surrounding it. After about 20 seconds of rocks being thrown at him he heard Brutes tell the others to stop. Cole could feel every impact point and his legs being burned from the inside out. Cole didn't have much time to think or react as Brutes pulled him under the water.
Cole tried to fight him but he didn't know he was going under and didn't get a full breath before being pulled down. He didn't want to let out the little air he had so he barely fought back. As he was fighting with what little he had left in him, Brutes grabbed Cole's head and opened his eyes to the chemicals. Cole tried to scream but couldn't with the little bit of air left in his lungs gone he had to get to the surface. Before he could move thow Brutes climbed onto his shoulders and jumped out, pushing Cole deeper down. As Cole finally climbed to the surface he was gasping for air and coughing up water struggling to move his lungs enough to breathe. Cole heard the bikes begin to move but couldn't open his eyes to see them.
The pain was started to get to Cole. It hurt to have his eyes open and he needed to get the chemicals off of him. Cole knew that there was medical supply's at the bottom of every life guard tower, he just had to find it. Cole looked as shut as his eyes could be. After a bit of searching and stumbling he found the supply box and forced it open. He found some eye drops in the with the rest of the supplies that anyone at a pool could need and more. Once he was able to force his eyes open enough to put the drops in all he could feel was euphoria from a lack of pain. Then the pain of his legs kicked in. The burning was unbearable but luckily there was bandages and gauze in the box too. He was used to this, those 3 would always do this sort of stuff. Cole wasn't the only one on the receiving end, there were 4 others the boys would go after. Logic dictates that they would all be friends and go back after the bullies like in books and movies, but not even the outcasts would be friends with Cole. "He's to cold and he doesn't seem feel anything. He's unnerving and unsettling and bad things seem to happen all around him." That's the other kind of stuff they said. Cole never bothered to memorize what they said because they would just say it again some other time. As Cole got the second bandage on his other leg he knew he had to get the chemicals off himself as soon as possible.
Cole found a small water fountain and hose by the side of the concessions stand people used for filling up water balloons that he had to use to wash cleaning supplies off himself. As he finished up washing as much as he could he felt like he was going to pass out. Cole needed to take a full shower to get the rest of the bleach of his skin and he really wanted to sleep, he needed to get home as soon as possible. His home was over 2 miles away from the pool and that was by going thru a forest. He knew if he went around the forest he would probably pass out so going thru the forest was the only option he had if he auctly wanted to sleep comfortably tonight and not have chemical's sleeping into his cuts. The water was starting to freeze on him, it might be July but the nights are still cold. Cole got up and walked out of the gate, he thought back to the fire works he saw a few days ago. His family very rarely ever got together but it was still nice when the did, everyone marvelling over the lights in the sky. He was walking along the outside of the fence, his mind raced back to the lights he saw in the trees. As he walked onto the edge of the forest he saw the broken branches, gashes in the trees, and large holes definitely made from something sharp and long, and very recently. Cole was never really afraid of anything but this was probably as close as he was going to get as his mind raced thinking of what could have made this. He used the thought of what could have made them to keep his mind off the pain and cold and soon he could see them, deep in the forest were the lights. Intrigued by the lights he knew he had to follow.
Timor's POV:
Timor's new favorite place to get food was at a small building that had some very tastey food covered in some crinkly coating. The building was next to a lake with some not so great tasting water so, he found another pond to drink from that was still in his forest. There are some fish in there too that he named and liked to talk to. "Grace, Gina, Gemma Gwen, and Genny with a G" he said just before taking a drink from the small pond. The fish were swimming around the pond rapidly as Timor came closer and further to the the pond. He talked to the fish as if they were close friends finding each other while shopping. "Ya, nothing big's been going on for me either but I did finally finish moving in with Garrett." he said while looking at the shiny fish before taking another drink. As he took one final sip he accidentally drank one of the fish while it was swimming by. He had to admit to himself that it felt nice having something moving around in his mouth, and it tasted great. Hunger almost got the better of him and he almost ate the fish whole. He let it swim in his mouth for a bit before letting it out "Oh, uh, s-sorry umm Gemma". As he said that he realized he was apologizing to a fish. At this point he knew he had fully gone insane. So he just walked away without saying anything else. He was fully alone.
As Timor was about to exit the forest he saw a group of humans. Three of them were on a small movement machines and the fourth was being dragged by his arms and bleading from his legs and feet. Timor was able to blend in with the forest just before anyone saw him. He tried to watch what they were all doing but there were to many branches in the way. One of the kids were running over and all Timor could think of was if the kid saw him and about how hungry he was for both food and emotions. When the kid came to the edge of the forest Timor was already halfway up the tree but the kid was just picking up rocks. Timor needed to feed off someone's fear so why not. He couldn't just roar at the boy otherwise the other's might hear him. He also couldn't have the boy scream or else the other's might hear him, but he could tempt the boy further into the forest. Timor started to break a few branches off of the trees trying to get the boys attention and after a few branches the boy looked up to see but saw only the trees rising and a dark night sky. As the boy was about to start running back Timor began to claw at the back of the trees while still invisible but the boy didn't seem to notice what was happening. As he ran back to the other humans, Timor saw that they somehow got into the the small lake that was surrounded by metal.
Timor watched as two of the boys jumped into the small lake. One of them seemed to stare directly at Timor and soon the two outside the lake stated to throw the rocks at the two in the water after a bit the two in the lake went underwater but only one came out for a bit. The second one was coughing up a lung as he crawled out. It started to freak Timor out so he ran back off into the forest. He watched the minor action from a far. After a minute the three left and the last one was stumbling towards one of the large towers next to the small lake. Once he got to it he began to open the small box on the side and began putting something in his eyes and putting some cloth over his knees but he ran out before he could cover his feet. The boy got a small rope and sprayed more water into himself. The boy walked out of the small lake sand got to the edge of Timor's forest and so the boys trek began, threw the forest where nightmares lay in wait and horrors untold lurk.
Timor knew his eyes glow in the dark and he would use that to start. Timor thought the boy would follow his eyes and he was right. The boy followed, trying not to fall while just walking. Timor would help the boy but only after he got his meal. Timor knew he had to be scarier and floating lights weren't going to cut it. Timor started to climb the tree behind him backwards while never taking his eyes off the boy until he reached the near to where all he had to do was close his eyes. Timor was able to stop the noise he made from jumping off the tree to the ground and started a spell. Timor watched as the boy walked past the tree where his eyes disappeared. Timor had to get in front of the boy before he could start his nightmares. It wasn't much of a problem as the boy seemed unfazed by the experience. Timor thought that anyone of his monsters could scare the boy, so why not a monster created in a mental hospital.
Cole's POV:
As Cole walked into the forest the lights he saw never moved or faltered. It was like staring at headlights of a still car but they didn't give off any surrounding light. The forest was still the same dark black and the ground was mushy and covered in pine needles but still not fully visible due to the dence trees. The lights were like a laser pointer, only shining into his eyes. As Cole drew closer to the lights started to go up one of the trees and vanished near reaching the top. He didn't have time to think of it, he knew he had to get home as soon as possible. Looking into why there were lights in the forest wasn't something he could afford to do right now, but he couldn't stop thinking of them. What were they, where did they come from, why did they leave. At least thinking about it kept his mind off the pain. While his mind raced he heard something to his left. A tall slender human thing was standing not even 10 feet away. Cole immediately ducked behind the nearest tree for cover but he didn't know if it had seen him. It had to be at least 8 feet tall and its arms and legs were out of proportion in every way. Its hands were too big, almost cartoonish in a way but it was covered in flesh like the rest of its body. Its forearms were slender, it didn't have any feet, its chest was just a ball with no features. It had no head but it had long thin legs. It wasn't bright enough to see the creature more clearly but Cole could tell it didn't have any skin and it was red everywhere. He didn't know what the crimson monster was but he knew he had to get out of there.
Cole studied the creature for a minute, but it just stood there. It was slightly swaying, barely even moving and it didn't seem to be able to stand uprite without help from something. Cole couldn't hear breathing or a heartbeat, the only sound it made was a small rustle when its nubs moved a bit over the pine needles. Cole tried to steer it away by throwing rocks in different directions but the creature never moved. Cole had no other options than to run or fight. Cole wasn't going to try to fight a monster, even if he wasn't feeling like an ice pack and the bruised cut it was trying to soothe. Cole needed to sneak past the monster, trying his best to stay out of sight and hide from the monster before running. As he tried to slip away the creature seemed to immediately notice him and without warning or preparation the monster barreled towards him. Not even the monster seemed to know what it was doing until it started to gain speed. Cole started to run as fast as he could with road burned legs and feet. With every ounce of strength he had left, he used and for once he started to feel frightened. As they ran, Cole could still only hear the nubs of its feet on the muddy ground. Cole looked behind him and the monster was gaining on him, not even a foot away but as he turned away he ran directly into a tree. Cole thought that one mishap would be the end of him as he started to turn around and slump against the tree. As he looked up the monster was gone. Nothing but his foot prints and small holes left by the monster. His leg felt like it was broken and he couldn't feel his chest. All the wind was knocked out of him and the feeling from the needles and pinecones tearing into his feet were becoming worse.
The pain was almost unbearable and he couldn't focus on anything for more than a few seconds. He was starting to realize how cold he was, the midnight air and the wind rushing past him froze the water still clinging on him faster. As he looked into the deepest parts of the forest trying to forget what was happening he saw movement. The canopy started to sway harder in the wind and the shadows of the branches seemed to move and cover the light. As the darkness began to set in, the last shadows of the trees seemed to move and make a tunnel of darkness. The last bits of light began to fade just as his eyes were getting used to it. Once the forest was pitch black and the tree Cole was leaning on became colder than when he sat down, there they were, the lights. The two orbs came closer and closer to him never faltering and never swaying the world was silent for a moment. No wind, no heartbeat, no breathing. It was still. And when the lights were right in front of him they seemed to talk. "Why are you not afraid" they said in a deep booming voice, but it almost sounded... fake?
Timor's POV:
Timor had one of his monsters chasing the boy thru the forest. A schizophrenic nightmare made real he found tormenting some hospital back in china. He had the monster staying right after the boy but just behind. The boy had barely felt any fear at all, he seemed to feel was the instinct for survival. Timor would not be denied some food by a kid. As they ran the boy looked back at the monster to see if he was alright and the split second he looked, the boy ran directly into a tree. As the boy slid down the side of the tree the monster raised a meaty hand and was about to kill the boy before Timor vaporized it, turning it back into a sort of dream essence. Timor looked back at the kid, bloodied, beaten, and freezing and knew he had to help now. Timor blacked out the sky and the forest, crouching so low his neck was almost touching the ground to be at eye level and stalked closer to the boy. This type of thing had happened before with his victims of fear, someone hurts themselves and are to badly injured to go anywhere and need help. He puts them to sleep and heals them with some magic his family taught him. Once they wake up there in bed and it all seemed like a bad nightmare. Timor never had problems scaring anyone, let alone some small kid before, so why this one he wondered.
Timor needed to know why this kid wasn't afraid of what just happened. "Why are you not afraid" he asked in a deep voice. trying at the very end to get the tiniest amount of fear out of the boy, but instead the boy started to chuckle while still shaking up a storm. "What's so funny" Timor said angrily still in a deep voice. The boy began to laugh "I-I'm about to d-die and the lights t-that take e-everyone away is t-talking to me in a f-fake voice". Timor was growing increasingly angry and was about to speak, but before he could the boy said "a-am I the star o-of a h-horror g-game or is this a n-nightmare" he said about to start laughing again before clutching his side in pain as a small drop of freezing water rolled down the injured skin. Timor grew furious and reverted back to his true form. The darkness that enveloped the two of them drew back and reverted to normal shadows. Timor's scales started to shift at his nose first and became visible again, and like a wave the rest of his scales started to shift and turn until his while body showed. "Y-your... a d-dragon" the boy said still shivering. "I am the dragon of fear mortal" Timor said in his normal voice.
Timor saw confusion come over the boys face but still not fear. "Could the boy not feel fear" he thought still angry that the first warrior to beat his monsters at there own games of fear was a child. "W-What do y-you want f-from me" the boy said, unable to sit still any longer. "I want to feast" Timor said while trying to look unfazed. "And you will do for a light snack" Timor said, now bearing his teeth and getting up to pounce. Hunger had finally set in as he had nothing to eat food or emotion wise in over a week. Timor had to get some fear from the boy, anger and hunger filling his mind only stopped by his reasoning. Timor only had to take 2 steps to finish the distance between him and the boy. Timor picked the boy up, lifting him high into the air. "If I ate you right now, no one would know and the nightmares haunting the forest would stop anyone from looking. So scream, beg for your life because you will be dead soon" Timor said trying to get any fear out of the boy before he would heal him and take him home. "I-If you were g-going to do a-anything, y-you would have d-done it by now. Your j-just stalling" said the boy with a smug smile, his teeth still clattering. Timor was fully engulfed in anger and hunger, and a human was mocking him and denying him food. Timor's mind was filled with the thought of food and he needed to eat. With the boy still raised, Timor open his mouth and dropped the boy headfirst into his maw.
Cole's POV:
The shadows seemed to pull away, slowly falling back on the branches that owned them. The lights in front of Cole started to gleam and just in front of the lights the air started to move. Scales started to flip over from nothing and become visible to Cole. A head was created out of nothing it seemed, the lights were the eyes of something huge. The boy could almost fit entirely in the jaw of the monster. It had thin needleish spines going along the back of its neck and as it began to back away and sit thin Cole noticed the monster's silver chest. Cole saw wings appearing from the top and filling out the air before tucking into it's back. The claws where sharp and long, deffenetly the thing that made the holes by the edge of the forest. The monster was a dragon, it was stoic and regal but its eyes seemed distracted. "Y-your... a d-dragon" he said trying not to shiver. "I am the dragon of fear mortal" it said in what Cole could only assume was it's real voice but, it still didn't seem right.
Cole's mind raced as thoughts filled his mind. "Are dragons auctly real. Was the monster he saw made by the dragon. Why would it show it true form now." The dragon watched Cole as he thought, and it knew what Cole was thinking. That made Cole wonder tho, "If it's the dragon of fear, why isn't it scary". The dragons face was still the same so there was no mind reading. "W-What do y-you want f-from me" Cole said before trying to move to run away. "I want to feast" the dragon said. Its face didn't change but its eyes were showing all the emotions Cole needed to see. "And you will do for a light snack" the dragon said slowly standing onto all four of its legs while bearing its teeth. It didn't even have to take a full two steps before it was right in front of Cole. The dragon picked him up with its... hands? Paws? The dragon held Cole between its claws and the pads of its front feet. They were warm and surprisingly not covered in mud or pine needle's. It would almost be comfortable if he wasn't almost 20 feet in the air with something sharp on his chest. "If I ate you right now, no one would know and the nightmares haunting the forest would stop anyone from looking. So scream, beg for your life because you will be dead soon" the dragon said, its claws pressing down harder.
Cole knew the only way to escape was to make the dragon mad. It might drop him in anger, or it might kill him also in anger. "I-If you were g-going to do a-anything y-you would have d-done it by now. Your j-just stalling". Cole knew this would probably be the tipping point for the dragon. Cole read that dragons were driven by the emotion they were connected to. As long as Cole didn't show fear witch wasn't hard, he could try to escape while it was mad. Cole was great at making people feel the emotions he wanted them to, and it seemed to work too well. The dragons eyes were burning with rage and its face was angry like Cole never seen before on anything. The dragon opened its mouth and turned Cole upside down, dropping him head first in the dragon's gaping maw. Cole fell, trying not to hit the sharp teeth of the dragon, landing directly onto its tongue. It was warm, and very wet. The pink walls surrounding Cole were pulsing and a constant heartbeat was audible further down in the dragons body. Cole tried to escape pushing back at the dragons mouth and trying to pull himself out with his feet. "This is the worst Friday ever" Cole said while in the mouth of a dragon.
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z-007 · 3 years
A Journey of Sadism (mental and physical)
I was born in the 21st of April 1992, in Jableh-Latakia. But, since my father was an employee for Total French company in Syria, I grew up in Damascus. At the age of 4, I was diagnosed with Diabetes type 1. It was very hard for me at the beginning when I was a child, and my mother suffered a lot, giving me insulin injections, which I found painful at that time, and analyzing my blood sugar to inspect what did I eat if the result was soaring sky high. I hated her at the beginning, simply because as a child, I didn’t understand the gravity of the situation. At 8 years old I went to a school that is Sunni Islamic Pre-Historic School in Dummar called -Young Scientists- something that I discovered later on to be ironic. In Syria, If you weren’t good at school, you were cursed, you became like a Boxing Heavybag. They also used Falakas, the art of whipping feet. It didn’t stop at that, simply because parents became part of this process too, using any tool at their disposal in beating their child, chair, water hose, hammer, clothes hanger, electric cables, let alone being slapped on the face in a way that I started feeling my bones were shaking, and my eyes will throw fire, or kicked in your head and started bleeding. All of this, was because my marks in Arabic, mathematics, history and geography were not good except in English. It was the best language to understand for me, and the subject in which I saw myself to be a good student. As a consequence of that, I started losing control and cause trouble to my so-called teachers at that time. Luckily in 2001, I found my sanctuary that took to a completely different world. It was the first time I saw James Bond in GoldenEye. I was so thrilled by the action sequence, the theme of betrayal and everything about it was cool. This was a turning point in my life to become a Bond fan. I also learnt how to sing rap songs like Faint for Linkin Park, and Bleed It Out. And all of my father’s friends who were French, British and Americans were impressed. It was something that I remember with a loving memory to those people. Later I watched the rest of the Bond films and the happiest moment in my life was when I found the complete DVD set in Tartus. Simply because no DVD store in Damascus had the complete set except one who was also our neighbor. The curse of buying films in Syria was that they were badly used CDs at the bloody beginning. It was very rare to have a CD converted from an original DVD. This greatest franchise in the whole world has sealed my internal wounds for not being a good student. Ironically, the mental case of mine came back to me when I was at High School, especially it was a time that determined who I am, luckily it passed with no harm to me, because a single mark changed future to some students .I forgot to mention, that the school principle when I was at the ninth grade, didn’t stop calling my parents and telling them not to spend a single penny on me, because he thought I will never be successful. But I brought a mark that was better than his children’s. In 2010, I became a student of English Literature in Damascus University, I remembered that I was not a bad student at that time with an average of 80 percent. But the Syrian Crisis began in 2011, the press was already screaming for blood and the political unrest escalated to the extent that we had to change residence. This was the bane of my existence to open my eyes and find myself in Latakia. I was simply cursed and hostile, because I didn’t speak like Alawaits, their accent felt like starving dogs, in other words, they bark. They are trivial, shallow minded wankers who had nothing inside their heads except clothes, mobile phones and narrating a fairytale about themselves having sex with girls and a horny 40-year-old women they come across and imagining penetrating their vaginas and sucking their nipples. I registered in Tishreen University at third year, I managed to transfer my documents to that platonic place. The professors didn’t like me, simply for participating in their lectures, and the fact that I spoke French, Spanish and a little bit Russian. As a consequence, I kept failing at University over and over. Moreover, I had different ideas, and University Professors are bigots and snobbish. Their opinion was the only one that matters. The impact of the mentioned earlier, had made my pain started with breakdowns, screaming my head off and security gathering around me like” what happened to you?”. Added to that, emotionally speaking, I had a horse sex drive in that Mohammadian society. Girls dressed in a way that said to male students, “come to me.”. The majority of women at that city showed their breasts, waist, legs, and what attracts me most their feet, especially, high heels, that gave them a very elegant look. For my good fortune, all I had in front of me was Pornographic DVDs and websites, so I kept masturbating from 11:30 pm until 10:00 am from night to daylight. Still wondering, how men attracted them, I didn’t have any idea, and the question kept circulating. I also hated the idea of marriage, especially that I always loved to live my life the way I fathomed. I didn’t like the idea of getting buried alive by being a bloody father and spend the rest of my life with only one Angry Factory, aka, one woman. The psychological problem kept increasing and started with depression; taking anti-depressants for a while and go back to my normal life when soothed down. I kept taking them every now and then. Students were not allowed to know about their mistakes at any cost, this was a University rule. Self-doubt has caused me to go to a neurologist who started doing me brain scans, simply, I just wanted to know why am I that stupid, for failing continuously and still I didn’t get an answer. I was always deprived of sleep, studying my arse off and my professors didn’t care seeing their students DIE and SUFFER in front of them. Everybody panicked from me, always avoided seeing me, treated as unusual man. At that time, due to the fact that I kept taking anti-depressants, they became ineffective and stopped giving me relief. Part of what killed me thousands of time when I’m still alive was realizing that I cannot become an MI6 agent at any cost. I simply wanted to do 1 % of what James Bond did, take notice, that I was not pursuing women, I was looking for action and suspense. I wanted to be stationed in the heart of ISIS or Spectre and operate in the shadows to protect Queen and Country. I didn’t like Hasan Nasrullah, Vladimir Putin who looked like a Bond villain or Ayatollah bloody Khomeini, even Ali Bin Abi Talib himself, and that’s why I was also crucified for being a James Bond fan. Family and friends made a laughing stock out of me. I started dinking excessively, and suicidal thoughts kept recurring to me. They didn’t stop driving me to bring a razor and wound myself to death, it wasn’t the MI6 job that destroyed me the most. It was self-doubt. Doubting my brain efficiency and abilities, and especially that I saw students whom I thought less capable to express themselves in English than I am. My family tried to see the professors in Tishreen University-Latakia, unsuccessfully. I simply couldn’t have any idea what is the main reason I kept failing over and over. How could I develop myself without knowing my mistakes?!!, I later told some people that I wanted to be an MI6 operative, I thought that might sooth my tension, however, it got things worse. I started attacking the professors while giving their lectures orally and physically. I also broke the classroom washbasin, and the entire classroom windows, then security staff gathered around me after 3 minutes, they were about to send me to an unknown destiny, later, everything stopped after the head of the English department told them not to take any action. The last problem I did was with World Literature professor, whose name is Noor AL Araby, she was a real bitch, I remembered studying her syllabus for a month, she told us that Virginia is not required for the exam, and she brought it. As a result of that, I wrote her three pornographic stories on the exam paper. Stories people see in Brazzers and Naughty America (Porn films companies). Everybody got pissed off, the story was about to be dragged from my house to a security branch for torture. Luckily, my uncle who was a Colonel in the Republican Guard he had connection to the President of the University, told the professor to drop out the case, but she was persistent to have my balls for Christmas decoration. She spread what I wrote her on the internet and about to send them to newspapers. My parents begged her not to and we had medical reports that proved that I had neurological and mental case. Then I was suspended from the University for years, from 2016, till now. She did all she could to destroy me to the utmost level. I was happy when I realized she got very agitated. Especially, there were students confirming that exam questions were paradoxical to the things she lectures about.
Suspension Time
At the time I was suspended it was a slow killer for me. Literary, I realized that I was the worst student in the history of the planet. I decided to follow Boxing, I remembered that I was fit enough for the game. I found out that I did well at round bouts on the ring. I could do sparring sessions, shadowboxing…etc. I was able to run at least 10kms per day, 300 sit-ups, 80 press ups and 20 pull-ups. I tried to be a champion but every time I kept persevering, in addition to that my left palm was broken and my right eye was wounded. I got cold and sick, and I realized that I had to spend at least 2 months with vaporizers, fertilizers and strong meds. I kept striving in Boxing with no success. I lost confidence in myself and felt humiliated. I said to myself, why didn’t I choose to work for the Syrian Secret Service, I went to the branches, and when they saw that I was discharged from the military because of diabetes type 1, they asked me to get lost. I was surprised when I found out that my dentist was an officer in the Ariel Intelligence in Syria, I told him the story, he said “this is not your fight, you might think that you can do well in the field, but your enemies are smarter than you, they know how they can take you down and destroy you once and for all. Second, we had people who kill targets, who can do silent killings, detonate and sabotage, whether male, or female, but they have nothing to lose, their parents are killed and very poor, working to make money, and you are a discharged, rich bastard and you want to join us. I’m surprised when you told me that. I was a James Bond fan like you, but believe me my friend, that the real intelligence work will never come up to your expectations. Once the film you watch finishes and the novel ends, go back to reality, what you look for does not exist. I realized that I couldn’t become an asset for MI6, or any spy agency in this world, I felt that I was under surveillance by my country. I knew that they could look at my messages, trace my location any time they wanted. That was not the real problem, suicidal thoughts and self-punishment ideas didn’t leave me. So, I talked to my uncle to send me to the Special Forces, or any Military Barracks to become a martyr, to take the bullets to my chest. I remembered when I drank wine bottle on my own, I told my parents that I wanted to wear a C4 charge belt and blow myself up inside ISIS. They were horrified, then I was unconscious and within minutes, I found myself inside the clinic, after I told my problem to the psychiatrist, about MI6 dream and the doubt that I’m under surveillance. He told my mother that I’m a Psychotic. I was injected with needles and medications that made me feel like cutting my head off. He also sent me to Damascus for electro-therapy (to take electricity directly to my brain). I also became a field of therapy by my Doctor, he was testing medications on me like Invega that made me shake while standing up. Hence, he decided to give me Zeldox 60 mg, second generation anti-psychotic. My only comfort was when I slept. Waking up to life while taking those meds was a curse. I lost my sexual drive (libido), I remember feeling dizzy all the time, I remember calling the doctor every time when I tell him about the side-effects concerning dizziness and loss of sexual drive, he kept telling me that what you say is incorrect and that it didn’t have any symptoms. By miracle, my father brought me lower dosage medication, life changed for me. I knew cat-houses in my city, every money woman I went to for an intercourse, they took a lot of money. They were abusing me. The sluts didn’t make me enjoy the intercourse the way I wanted. They were controlling me as well, and this is why I left them. After I told my psychiatrist that I reduced the dosage, he said that my condition will deteriorate. He confirmed to me that Chemistry in my brain was not right, then I told him to screw himself. Reducing the dosage had an effect as well. I remembered at a certain time that painkillers were like a bag of peanuts for me. And when night came I felt incredible fever in my head. I felt like being boiled alive. And I kept seeing nightmare afterwards, voices telling me that I will pay the price of reducing the medication dosage. Complete terror and horror kept chasing me for a very long time. After recovery, I logged into the James Bond groups on Facebook, they made me trivia to answer, did me a test about the James Bond 24 films from Dr.No 1962 to Spectre 2015. After I answered them all correctly, they called me Agent 00Zein. Made me an admin, and I had many friends from all around the world. In the 5th of October the global James Bond day , I celebrated with millions of the franchise fans. My great father, brought me a modern computer and IPhone X to follow up with these groups.
Nowadays, I’m not looking for immigration, nor women or anything else in this world. I have chosen to help my parents when they grow old, and help them. This is the best way I can pay them back. I decided to watch films about espionage world, read books, imagining the events and enjoy it fully and get my arse back to reality.
This is the only way; I cannot be punished.
I can imagine myself a soldier of 30 Assault Unit in Ian Fleming’s room 39 in WW2, or talking with Sir Alex Younger about my mission in VX or Whitehall. If not Sir Alex Younger, it could be Admiral Miles Messervy, Admiral Hargreaves, Madame Olivia Mansfield, or Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Mallory. And realize that” It was a matter of pride that the 00 Section has been chosen for this test. This painful experience kept coming back sometimes, notwithstanding, I have chosen to take with a pinch of salt, lol.
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
only you - ransom thrombey
summary: based off the prompt “you’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know”
pairings: ransom thrombey x reader
warnings: alcohol ? ramson thrombey ? chris evans’ dangerously blue eyes ?
a/n: ugh I love ransom SO much my god
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You pulled off your coat and shoes, jumping as they thudded loudly against the ground, “Oops.”
“Seems like someone had a good time.”
You jumped at the unexpected voice, squinting into your living room as you held your clutch up as a weapon, “Who’s there?”
Ransom’s annoyed face came into view, “Me, idiot. You planning to kill me with that bag?”
You tut, tossing it in his direction as you stumble over, “Why’re you here?”
“You invited me over. But, naturally, you forgot.”
You watched as he gestured to your current state, eyes racking over your frame. Your mouth fell open in shock as you realized that he was right, you had forgotten. Maybe the bar’s liquid courage might have been too much for you. You should’ve just gotten the Target wine.
Your hands found their way to his shoulders, “I completely forgot. I’m sorry, Ransom.”
“It’s fine. You’re here now, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, but…” A shy smile found its way to your lips as you shook your head, “I’m going to shower really fast, I feel gross.”
Without waiting for his response, you stumbled into your room, not hearing his soft grumble, “Not like I haven’t been waiting for two hours already.”
After waiting ten minutes more, bored of Twitter, Ransom realized that he hadn’t even heard your shower in the first place. He pulled himself off the couch and made his way down the short hall.
Pausing in the doorway, he took you in, sprawled out on the bed, arm bent at an impossible angle, phone long forgotten besides your head.
“Unbelievable. Did you even plan on showering?”
Your voice came out muffled by the pillow, but still loud enough for Ransom to hear, “So far.”  
He disappeared for a moment, returning with a bottle of water and some tylenol, “You’re gonna thank me in the morning.”
Begrudgingly sitting up, you swallowed the two pills he had handed to you with the water. You swallowed hard and winced, “Don’t I always?”  
Chuckling at your words, he put his phone down and started to rummage through your dresser, the room dark save for a small table lamp. He found one that seemed soft enough and threw it on the bed, eyes awkwardly falling to the ground as you changed.
“Nothin’ you haven’t already seen, bud.”
Rolling his eyes, his gaze lingered on the shirt before looking back up at you, “Is that my shirt?”
Shrugging sheepishly, you pulled back your comforter and tucked your legs under it, “Maybe.”
“You still have it?”
“Of course,” You scoffed. “It was your favorite, you only let me borrow it once.”
“Yeah, and then I never got it back.”
You didn’t respond, pulling the covers further around you, as you watched him sit on the edge of your bed.
“Do you want me to stay?”
Catching your shocked tone, he shrugged off his words as if they were nothing, “You know, stay? For old times sake?”
His charming smile made you sigh, already too tired to put up much of an argument anyway, “Fine.”
Watching as he slid off his jeans and slipped in besides you, you turned to face him, admiring his features. Especially his eyes. The longer you stared into them, the more shades of blue you could count.
“Liking what you see, Y/L/N?”
Rather than quipping a sarcastic response, you lifted your head from the pillow and pressed your lips against his, your eyes falling shut. It took him no time to respond, his hand finding its way to your cheek and holding you there to him.
With a light shove, you pull away, falling back against the pillow with a sigh.
“Can’t say I’m used to that reaction. Not good enough for you anymore?”
You hummed, eyes closed as you spoke, “The opposite, unfortunately. Every time I tell myself I’m over you… I fall right back.”
Ransom was silent as he took in your words, waiting for you to continue.
“Which sucks. Seriously. I know I deserve someone who gives a shit about me, but I can’t help myself.”
Glancing over at him with a sad smile, you ignored the shock on his features, “You, my friend, are irresistible.”
He laughed lightly, wrapping an arm around your waist, “Shut up. And come on… you can’t mean that.”
“I do, yeah. I don’t… I don’t want to do this anymore.”
He pulled back slightly, “Wait, did you invite me over to break up with me?”
You scoffed, “We were never together, you made that exceptionally clear.”
Not knowing how to respond, he moved his arm, watching as you still curled into his frame silently.
With a yawn, your words were quiet as you slipped closer to sleep, “I love you, Hugh, but you make even that ridiculously difficult.”    
Ransom was silent, letting what you just told him wash over him in its entirety. You loved him? He wasn't sure how that made him feel. All he knew was that half of his brain was screaming at him to run, and never come back. But the other half? That half was content watching you fall asleep curled up against him.
The sun was hot on your exposed feet at the foot of the bed. Your head was pounding. You felt like a group of elephants had just formed a marching band inside your skull. Whatever you had drank last night, had left you thoroughly regretting it in the morning.
You wanted to sleep the afternoon away, but the growl coming from your stomach told you you had to do otherwise.
Wincing as you pulled yourself out of bed, you slowly made your way into your kitchen, still not quite certain you were fully awake.
“Morning, cupcake.”
Ransom’s voice pulled you from your thoughts, making you jerk in surprise. Truth be told, you’d forgotten he was even over.
His blue eyes trailed up and down your disheveled appearance, “You look the opposite of well rested.”
“Shut up. Did you stay over?”
He nodded, passing a mug to you, “Yeah. You did invite me.”
“Oh. Yeah. I forgot about that.”
“Yeah, you did. I waited for a while.”
“Sorry… about that.”
He hummed in recognition.
“You were real drunk last night.”
“You were apparently real observant.”
You took a sip of the coffee he had passed you. It was just how you liked it. The coffee machine whirred and sputtered loudly in the back. You leaned up against the doorframe to the living room.
Ransom let out a loud sigh, “So listen.”
A spike of anxiety stabbed through your chest. And a throb hit the front of your skull.
“I know we’re not really together, but for like, your sake… I feel like we should stop seeing each other.”
“What? Am I still drunk? Am I hearing you right?”
“Yeah. This isn’t working out.”
“I was gonna say that.”
“Huh?” Ransom put his cup down on the counter and crossed his arms.
“That’s what I called you over to talk about.” You adjusted your posture on the doorframe so that you were standing straight up. Unknowingly, you also crossed your arms.
“Look, I get it. It’s not easy being broken up with by someone you’re not even really dating. But you don’t have to pretend that’s why you called me.”
“I’m not pretending!” You huffed. “That’s actually why I called you over.”
He popped his lips in response, shrugging, and quickly made his way over to his discarded coat on the kitchen chair, “Right. I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Woah woah woah, wait! Wait!” You followed him in pursuit.
“I was supposed to break up with YOU.” You explained.
“Well if the endgame was a breakup then why does it matter.” He said, matter of factly.
“Because… I was supposed to say some things and there were feelings I was… supposed to… feel? I don’t know, it just didn’t… It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
Ransom laughed. He threw his hands up in defeat.
“Then what do you want from me? Huh? What do you want me to do about that? Quit being fucking ridiculous.”
“You know what, Hugh? You’re a jerk.”
“You knew that when you met me.”
“The fuck is wrong with you,” you said. You could feel your jaw tighten. He was so frustrating.
“I’ll see you around, Y/N.” He said.
Another pang shot through your chest. You didn’t want him to leave. It was a stupid argument and you wanted to apologize and you wanted him to apologize and you wanted to have hot makeup sex on the kitchen counter. But he couldn’t read your mind.
“No, you know what Ransom? This is my house. I want you to leave.”
“Fine! I was leaving anyway, you’re just crazy!”
“Yeah! I know! You stuck around this long anyway! So-! So who’s the idiot now?”
“Uh, it’s still you!” Ransom turns from you and unlocks the door.
“You’re so fucking stupid, Hugh!”
He stops in his tracks. You think you have him right where you want him.
“You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.” He bites.
“Yeah. I know. And you suck.”
“Whatever. Don’t call me.” He huffed, opening the door, and slamming it behind him.
You listened to him walk down the hallway from your apartment, and pound down the stairs like someone was chasing him. You could hear the sound of the front door slamming too.
And then? Quiet. Your neighbors must be out of town or something. Or at work. No footsteps from above you. Not even the incessant barking of the dog who lived below you. Just quiet. You wished for some noise. Any noise really. Just to get you out of your own head, away from what had just happened with Ransom. That’s not how it was supposed to go. You placed Ransom’s cup in the sink and allowed yours to rest next to it. Maybe you’d come back for it later, make another cup. Ransom had brewed an entire pot just for the two of you. Asshole. Or maybe he just thought he’d be staying longer.
On your way to turn on the television, at least for some background noise, you heard a familiar ringtone from another room in your apartment that made you stop in your tracks. It wasn’t your own.
It was Ransom’s.
You raced to your room like it would stop immediately and the phone would be gone forever, but no. There it was. Sitting menacingly on your dresser where he had apparently left it. Still ringing, too. The caller ID was some unknown number. Probably some telemarketer. You watched the notification pop up for a missed call.
Huh. Don’t call me. Looks like he would be the one not calling people. Not anytime soon, anyway.
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ah-musing-musings · 3 years
Tropical Storm Nicholas musings
I live in the Houston, TX, US area, actually on the outskirts closer to the coast. Yesterday we experienced our first tropical storm of the hurricane season, Tropical Storm Nicholas. The energies during and after the storms are always so unique.
During the storm it's trepidation, anxiety, worry; the wild animal population panics and they try to find viable shelter to weather the worst of it. Last night a raccoon ran onto my porch; he scared me as much as I scared him, but I wondered and worried about the sweet thing all night. I tried to find the feral cats we feed, hoping the kitten was okay (stay tuned for kitten update; spoiler alert: she's just fine!). I obsessively checked the motorcycles (are they covered? at one point I was sure they'd have been blown off their kickstands, but of course they weren't and I was relieved to see them both upright and covered). Is the back patio safe? Are the chairs blown around? Did anything get removed from the yard? Sitting inside, I could hear the wind howling, shaking my bedroom window, and all I could imagine were terrified raccoons and opossums, cats crying for help as the rain flurried around them; I am exhausted this morning.
The morning after a big storm is always interesting. This morning was more akin to Ike's morning after as opposed to Harvey's morning after, thank the gods. Neighbors sweeping branches and leaves out of their driveways, pulling decorative evergreens back into an upright position (the evergreens have more shallow root systems than say, a live oak; I have only seen a few oaks uprooted by storms [typically tornadoes, which thankfully we don't get many of], but I've seen plenty an evergreen knocked over), clearing storm drains of debris, checking their vehicles and their property for damage. For suburban Houstonians, Ike and Nicholas were very much the same. We experienced minor flooding, 20-30mph winds, and rain. They both sounded worse than they were.
The energy though... being outside and seeing all of these people with nothing in common coming together to help each other... it evokes such a unique emotion, one I truly don't have words for. My heart aches with longing like it's full of appreciation for those who put aside petty differences in others' times of need. Ignorant of meaningless neighborly disputes (they keep me up at night with their barking dog, they parked in front of my house, blah blah blah...), these people come together to serve each other without disdain, without thought of themselves or the past. It both breaks and fills my heart, and it reminds me of being a child without all these perceived grudges and hang-ups. It reminds me of riding my bicycle with neighbor kids, no thought given to age/gender/race/religion; just enjoying the company of others, genuinely enjoying true camaraderie.
Harvey, on the other hand, decimated Houston and its surrounding areas; floodwaters caused drainage systems to fail, and a necessity flood-letting of drainage levees. The release of floodwaters from our flood control systems actually caused more damage than the storm, but it would have been worse if the barriers had broken. Millions without power for weeks on end, without food or water; it was devastating. I feel my mind has blocked out much of Harvey (something that happens frequently when I experience trauma; I call it my "Overactive Trauma Filter Technique") but what I do remember was frantic pounding at my door, a neighbor screaming about floodwaters and endangered vehicles. I was living in an (unfortunately notoriously poor and run-down) apartment complex in August of 2017. I hurriedly grabbed my rain boots and my car keys before bolting outside; the experience was incredibly disorienting. Imagine, being awoken from sleep by frenzied neighbors all trying to salvage their vehicles, then immediately stepping outside into the worst rains in 100 years. My car was indeed in danger of being overcome by the bayou overflowing just a couple hundred yards from the parking lot. I sprinted downstairs, and as soon as I stepped into the parking lot itself I realized my rain boots were ineffective; I ripped them off and... honestly I don't remember if I threw them or if I put them in my car... Some neighbors and I, out of necessity, decided to move the construction fence surrounding the only dry-ish land we spotted. There used to be a building next to mine that burned down about a year before I moved in, and the complex's solution was to leave bare foundation surrounded by a "temporary" construction fence. It took three grown men and myself to slide the fence close enough to the bare foundation, closer to the ghost of the building, so that we had space for our vehicles on the sidewalk and the surrounding grass. I get into my car which, fortunately, was able to start. The only option I have is to drive my little Chevrolet Sonic onto the sidewalk and into the grass, so that's exactly what I did. And glad I did, because it ended up being the only way to save my car from total loss.
The reason I tell this story is to demonstrate how, even in the direst of circumstances and when all seems lost, we can create light. Either by ourselves or with the help of those around us, we can accomplish incredible things. This situation stills warms my heart and occasionally brings me to tears; when I remember how grateful my neighbors and I were for each other that night, how one instance can shatter my cold view of humanity, somehow everything feels okay. If I can cooperate with the neighbor that accused my family member of stealing from him, who got kicked down the stairs by said family member for being aggressive and intoxicated, if I can cooperate with a person like that... then what can we as a collective accomplish when we collaborate with like-minded and like-moraled individuals?
Humanity doesn't always have to suck. Sometimes we surprise even ourselves with our capacity for selflessness and teamwork.
Thanks for reading; let me know in the replies if you have any similar stories of humans overcoming their emotional barricades to benefit the greater collective, or even just a nice story of people being cool!
Hope everyone in the Gulf Coastal area is safe.
p.s. The aforementioned kitten update: she was with her mother this morning! Her mother is tiny, barely larger than the kitten; mother picked her up and hurried into my open garage when she spotted me this morning. It was truly hilarious to see that tiny mother with her baby, almost as big as she was! I made sure to put extra food for them in my garage (I often leave my garage open before and after a storm, to encourage the feral cat population to take shelter and keep them safe).
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itachis-hoe · 4 years
listen, kiba wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote something for him. enjoy~~ feel free to request, I love writing angst and fluff and smut
inspired by “best friend” by rex orange county
i wanna be your favorite boy
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Her hands were broken, no—her wrists were completely snapped, she could feel the itchiness of her fingers, the nerves struggling to connect as the dull pain shot up her arms in waves. She couldn’t do any jutsu and she certainly couldn’t free herself now. She knew the blood seeping through her pants was from the pole stabbing itself through her side, or maybe it was the piece of rubble crushing her left leg. It was impossible to move—impossible to do anything except lay there and die. Her voice long gone and hoarse from the screams of agony, the warm tears slid down the paths of previous ones. Her vision was spotty. In her condition, she was lucky to have been alive that long—the pain had been unbearable. Now?
She couldn’t feel much, an uncomfortable pinch in her back, but beyond that, she could feel nothing. She could do nothing.
Nothing, but give in to oblivion and die.
Would they find her? Put her name on the memorial stone for her friends to stare at. She wondered if he would visit her grave. Probably. He was a good person.
It’s why she loved him.
She loved...
Her eyelids felt heavy, sleep taking over her, like a warm blanket. It reminded her of falling asleep in her parent’s bed when she was younger. Her mother’s cool hand on a feverish forehead, the tender brush of hands that loved her dearly. She missed her mother.
Just a little bit...
Her eyes fluttered closed, she could hear her name on the wind, maybe it was her imagination. She was dying. It was the end. There was nothing left. She only wished she could have seen him one last time, maybe told him she loved him. But it was over now. And she was going. And he’d never know.
She thought of him one last time with a weak smile on her face, and his name creaking out from her chapped and bloodied lips.
Her eyes shot open, her whole body felt light, and when she shot up from the ground, it felt like she was coming up from underwater. The first thought she had was that she was dead and that this was the afterlife. But as her senses came back one by one, she blinked and realized she was somewhere else entirely. Her hands went to her body, almost on instinct to try and free—
She was using her hands, her body was light...she wasn’t trapped...
Her surroundings came into focus. The village was still in ruins, but her comrades—the ones with broken bodies and glazed over expressions...they were up. Up and helping others like her. She shifted, whipping herself around and blinking quick as if everything would go away. Maybe it was all a genjutsu... but then...no, she would have been able to break something...
Her head whipped in the direction of her name, a bark echoed the exclamation and as soon as she could blink, a blur of white fur cane crashing into her chest. A warm tongue lapping excitedly at her face, as she fell onto her back, from the force of the large dog’s attack. She pushed on the creature’s fluffy mane and a laugh bubbled out of her lips, before a sharp whistle.
“Akamaru! C’mon, let up,” the boy in his familiar war paint and leather jacket ushered his companion to relax. When the dog responded almost instantly, she pushed herself back up, resting on her forearms, a lopsided grin on her lips. She stared up at her childhood friend, Kiba Inuzuka with a wave of relief washing over her. The raw emotion of seeing him squat down beside Akamaru, a boyish smile as he ruffled the panting dog’s mane. He was like fresh air after holding your breath for forever. Her eyes watered and a sob erupted from her chest, she went to lay back down her hands covering her face as the sounds around her blurred into white noise.
“_______!? What’s wrong?!” Kiba and Akamaru rushes to her side, and she felt him propping her back up, an affectionate hand rubbing her back through the ripped chuunin vest. She let out a shaky laugh, wiping at her eyes, looking mad, “I-I’m fine, I’m fine, really. I’m...I’m just so relieved, Kiba.”
When she calmed herself to look at her cute as sin best friend, her arms went to wrap around his neck, “I’m...s-so glad we’re okay, Kiba.”
His arms went around her waist and she could feel Akamaru judging his way in between them as if to say he was jealous enough to want to weasel his way in to the embrace. The two friends gave into the emotions of the whole day and sat quite exhausted from the weight of the battle. She moved her legs slowly, unsure of her every move and testing how her body would react. The damage had seemingly disappeared and she was still in shock. If Kiba noticed, he made no effort to acknowledge it. The Shinobi was quick to break the silence, a solemn expression on his features. It was foreign, but in these circumstances, you said nothing, “I...we thought you were dead.”
You couldn’t possibly fathom a suitable response.
“Akamuru found you...in the rubble. I-I...they said you were...they told me you were g-gone...I—“
“Kiba...I’m okay now,” she said with a gentle smile, and a hand over his clenched fists that had taken residence on his thighs. He was so emotional it almost made her worry—he was usually much cooler than this. “And I don’t know what happened but I’m glad to have seen my best friend first.”
She didn’t notice the way his lips tugged down for a microsecond, the knee jerk reaction at her proclamation of friendship. Instead she nibbles on her bottom lip. Deep in thought about her next words.
He loved when she did that. It was cute.
“Kiba...did...is Naruto okay?”
She had a red tinge to the top of her cheeks when she asked. Her crush for Naruto had rivaled that of Hinata. He’d known her for all his life and she was a smart girl—smarter than most girls he’d ever met. She wasn’t overtly cute, or brash, or even flirtatious. In fact, if anything, he realized she was very different than the girls in his class. But they were neighbors and had been friends since they could walk. A simple beginning stemming for the fact that she wandered into his house chasing one of the many family hounds.
When they’d finally become aquatinted after her mother and father were apologizing for their daughter’s curiosity. He realized she was like a cat. Wandering around town as a little kid, climbing into places she shouldn’t be and observing in silence. He steamrolled into her life with a boastful greeting and she accepted him almost too easily—but she was curious. He thought that maybe she’d end up liking Shikamaru. He was almost exactly like a cat. Bristly and brooding, but cool as a cucumber and a genius to boot. Or maybe Sasuke—every girl loved Sasuke. (Now that seemed crazy...)
But her sights had been set on Konaha’s infamous hyperactive ninja—Naruto Uzumaki. She would always say he was interesting—an orphan with no one else, but a smile to brighten a room. He saw her fall hard for his bright blue eyes and her curiosity probably blossomed into romantic feelings when she grew older. It didn’t help that Naruto left for three years and came back a whole foot taller. It was almost unfair, he thought. She blushed so hard when he came back he’d punched a wall.
She was head over heels for Naruto but so was his teammate, Hinata. Stuck in the middle of that little awkward fact, he chose to say nothing about it.
Except now...
She’ll cry if I tell her.
Then, I’ll be there for her.
She’s not gonna fall for me, just quit dreaming. Dumbass.
Kiba wanted her. She liked Naruto. Hinata loved Naruto. Naruto was...well, he was Naruto. (It was all very unfortunate.) Akamaru responded with a bark and she laughed, one she hid with the back of her hand. He would had let out a sigh if he weren’t already beaten down by life and love and everything else.
“Naruto’s...last we heard Naruto went off to fight Pain himself. But...I should tell you—“
“Why would he do something so stupid? This is Naruto...of course he would...” she held a hand to her forehead, shaking the bad thoughts away. No, he was fine. Naruto was always fine.
Her eyes found his, warm, but painted in different desires. She blinked at his incomplete thought. Her attention fully focused on him. “Is Hinata okay?”
“She’ll be alright, but...Hinata tried to protect Naruto, and Pain...he hurt her. Naruto kind of...he flipped out. It’s why he chased Pain down. ______, she told him. She told him—“
“Stop...stop talking, Kiba,” he noticed the tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. She felt herself bubbling up inside. It was...relief.
To Kiba he was seeing the girl of his dreams weep over the boy of hers. That wasn’t him. It was Naruto. It was always Naruto.
“Are you okay...?”
She wiped at her eyes. He felt powerless and Akamaru whines at the sight, wiggling closer to her shoulders, nudging himself into her face, trying to lap up her sadness.
“I-I’m f-fine,” she said. Akamaru wagged his tail, at the sight of her looking back at him with a smile. She was bruised and exhausted and absolutely stunning even in her state. And Kiba wanted to hate Naruto. “I’m crying because I’m glad she’s okay.”
“_______, you don’t have to be strong. I know...I know you have feelings for Naruto. And it’s alright to—“
He stopped when he saw the confusion etched on her features. He repeated himself. And she furrowed her brows together.
“I don’t have feelings for Naruto. I mean, I love him but like a sister loves her brother. I’ve been worried about him for as long as I can remember.”
“But...you’ve always liked Naruto.”
“No, I might have thought he was cute. But, Kiba, I wouldn’t do that to Hinata.”
Her hand went back to his and she pulled it into both of hers, filling the space between them. Her smile blossomed into a full blown grin, reaching her watery eyes. They were close. Close enough...
“I always thought...”
Without hesitation, she pulled his hand to her face, her cheek directly in his now sweating palm. He had never been that close to her face—always maintained a respectful distance between him and her. Never crossing that boundary—he was a loyal friend. A friend. She relaxed into his hand, closing her eyes and relishing his warmth. “Kiba.”
“Y-Yeah?” He was unusually quiet in his answer, shocked by the events unfolding too quickly before him.
“It was always you.”
Cue the fireworks in his heart. The absolutely blackout of his brain. From the moment she had smiled up at him at four years old, to the time when she decided she’d be the best kunoichi, to the time she cried about being on another team than him in their genin years. He was so sure that she’d never liked him. How could she...
“It’s always been you, Kiba. I wanted to see you one last time when I thought I was a goner. Gosh, I’ve been in love with you since I was six—“
He was so quick to kiss her. Kiba moves his free hand to cradle the back of her neck, pulling her up, his kiss was tender but passionate. Innocent but teetering on indecent. When he pulled away, her own hands flew to the brown of his hair, lacing together with his headbands long strips, she was nearly as frantic as he was as if they both felt that this was their first and last kiss before the end of the world. When she opened her mouth, his lips mirrored the action, their tongues shyly touching and tasting each other. It was embarrassingly tender.
And when they finally broke away, Kiba rested his forehead against hers, pulling her closer into his chest, she all but fell into him as they tumbled backwards against the earth. She fell into his chest and they stayed that way before Akamaru wriggled underneath Kiba’s head, propping his up like a giant fluffy pillow. His tail wrapped around them.
“I think Akamaru approves,” he smirked.
“I would hope he did.”
“You don’t have to say anything right now Kiba.”
“I just...”
“Kiba,” she looked up at him through her dark lashes, “it’s okay. We’ll talk about it later. Right now I just want you to kiss me.”
“If you had told me sooner, I’d have done it a long time ago.”
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angel-deux-writes · 4 years
I don’t think I’ve ever talked about this On Here, but I really want to tell the story of the guy who put in my kitchen floors because it was terrifying
im putting it under a cut bc it’s probably not that long, but who knows.
(scrolled back up after i actually wrote it to confirm that it is in fact long)
Some backstory is that I was INCREDIBLY lucky and got my condo very cheap in a neighborhood I already knew I loved. The other unit I’d looked at was a full 30k over my budget, but this one was perfect because the owner hadn’t updated ANYTHING since it was built in 1985, so it was just...awful. Awful rugs, awful floors, awful walls. My dad is like...the dad who loves a project, so he was all “I can fix all of this except the floors!!! it’ll be great!!”, so I bought it. We hired a local company to do the floors, not wanting to go to Home Depot or whatever (Which i still support in theory, just......not this company lmao). Everything except the kitchen and bathroom was originally carpet. Hallways, stairs, every single room. And it was cheap industrial carpet, too. Like the kind in office buildings. The dude who did the carpet was like “what the fuck were they thinking???” 
Also, one of the carpets had a truly upsetting rusty stain, so. My guest bedroom might be haunted. 
Anyway, the carpet guy was great. He was the owner of the company, and he was older and very kind. I had my mom come over with me when he was doing the carpets, but I didn’t even need her there. He was cool. His son was in charge of the hardwood portion (I say “hardwood”. I mean, like, the cheapest laminate while still looking nice lmao). He was less great. He had a team of like 3 dudes and 1 lady who would show up and work, doing my office/dining room and upstairs hallway. I know carpet is easier, but the carpet guy took one day, and these guys took a week and a half. They messed up a few times, and it was kind of stressful, but overall it was okay. They had to redo all the subfloors, because condos built in 1985 were almost universally built in buckwild, impossible-to-explain ways, so it took forever. The hardwood guys were loud as hell, but they were nice! 
At one point, one of the nicest guys accidentally broke a few of my kitchen tiles while putting in the transition from the wood to the tile. I was cool with it, tbh, but he offered a discount on a new kitchen floor because, shocker, the subfloor under the broken tile was really jacked up, and it wouldn’t be as simple as taking a tile from under the fridge and replacing it. I was like, okay, cool! We set it up. 
I did not hear from them for four months. Which, I get it. It was a discounted job, so obviously they wanted to do full-price jobs first. I have no problem with that. The same hardwood guys came back to do the subfloor, and then they were like “okay [the owner’s son] will contact you about the tiles. That took about a week. Finally, I got a date. It was a Friday, a day when my sister was already working from home, so she was like “yeah, I can handle it.” She works in interior design, so she’s used to dealing with construction people, and she was REALLY useful when it came to talking down the son of the owner, who was like...every bad stereotype about contractors meshed with a used car salesman. 
So I’m at work the day the tiling is supposed happen. My sister is fine at first, texting me about how the son showed up with one single guy, and then left, so it was only the single guy working. She was annoyed like “it’s supposed to take one day, right? That’s what they said? There’s no way he’s finishing at this pace. Why are they making this guy do the whole thing by himself?”. She called him “nice, kind of cute, but a very slow worker”. I was like ‘well, if they have to come back tomorrow, whatever, that’s fine’.”
Around 10:30 she starts texting me increasingly insane shit. 
“He’s talking to himself downstairs? Maybe he’s on the phone”. 
“He keeps dropping stuff and yelling SHIT really loudly.”
“Someone just showed up with a bag, and he let them in, and they chatted in the kitchen for like ten minutes, and then the person left, and they didn’t take the bag with them”. 
“He’s standing outside using the tile cutter and SCREAMING whenever it’s on.”
“He’s out in the rain and shout-singing something while he’s cutting tile”
I’m half convinced she’s making this shit up, but she’s uncomfortable so I tell my boss what’s going on and race home. When I get there, there’s a vaguely adam driver looking guy who seems nice enough. A little startled to see me, but we make pleasant conversation, I see that he’s not very far along, and then I go upstairs to see my sister. I brought her takeout as a treat, and we sit there for a while talking about normal things. Gradually, downstairs, the dude starts talking to himself. I’m thinking that’s still not THAT weird. Then he starts singing and clapping along. Okay, a BIT weird, but not terrible. I decide to go downstairs into the living room and play some Playstation. Like, maybe he thinks we can’t hear him upstairs and he’ll be more chill when i’m down there? NOPE! HE ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT! He does the barking thing again (and it is, in fact, the rugrats theme song), he’s working at a pace of about one tile per hour, and he starts singing a song that consists only of the word “bitch” over and over again. 
I’m texting my dad, freaking out, and he tries to get in contact with the owner or his son, but nobody’s answering the phone. My other sister and her friend are on their way for game night. My sister’s boyfriend should be home soon from work, but not soon enough. It is, at this point, 7 pm. There is absolutely no chance he’s getting these tiles done today. He’s not even halfway done. My kitchen is VERY SMALL, by the way, so this reasonably could have been done in a day with two people, but I suspect that because it was a discount job, we got the discount treatment. 
My other sister and her friend show up, and the guy is perfectly pleasant and normal to them. We all go upstairs into my sister’s room, and we sit there, waiting in silence for it to start again, hoping that maybe with more people in the house, he’ll be okay. 
NOPE! He starts singing the “bitch” song again. I distinctly remember my other sister whispering “I love this song” and pretending to groove, which was kind of funny but NOT THE TIME. I’m sitting on my sister’s bed clutching a camp axe like a maniac, because I’m like “we are going to be killed by this giant kylo ren asshole”. I’m still texting my dad, who’s like “if you need me to come over, I can, i’m out of work”, but at this point it’s almost 8 and I’m also thinking about my neighbors. Like, he can’t be here at night. He just can’t. He’s so loud even just doing regular tile things! 
I muster up LITERALLY EVERY IOTA OF COURAGE THAT I HAVE, and I head downstairs. I ask him when he’s planning on wrapping up, because I know there’s no way he’s going to finish tonight. He tells me it’ll probably take about two more hours. That is 1) absolutely not true and 2) not something I’m willing to deal with because I live in a condo with neighbors on either side of me, and one of my neighbors is a truck driver who gets up at like 4 am! So I explain that my friends and I have an obligation to get to, and I would love it if we could arrange for someone to continue the work tomorrow. He’s SUPER NICE ABOUT IT and is like “oh, okay, no problem!” He leaves. Just...walks into the rain. Leaves all his tools and his tile cutter. I move it inside because it was on my front porch and it is, again, raining. 
My sister, a Nancy Drew Game fiend, starts searching the entire downstairs and eventually finds the plastic bag that someone brought him. My other sister, who is a nurse in a hospital that primarily treats overdose patients, is like “yep, that’s drug residue for sure”. I’m like, okay, so he didn’t hurt any of us, and he was nice, just....high and weird. But it’s over now, so whatever. My dad says he’ll call the owner’s son the next day, and everything’s cool. He also says that he, my mom, and my brother will all come over to watch the football game at my house the next day just to be there (which...im less than thrilled about the football part, but sure). I also beg my friend to drive up from the Cape to pick up his hat that he left at my condo over the summer just so he can chill for a few hours in the morning. 
The next day, the same guy returns, with the owner’s son this time. The owner’s son is like “why did you only get this far along?” but otherwise doesn’t really say anything. The barking guy is TOTALLY FINE, totally polite. My friend lingers as long as he can, but there’s an ice storm coming, so he peaces out eventually. I’m alone for about an hour with the guy, and nothing happens. He’s quiet, even when the owner’s son peaces for a bit. My parents show up, we watch the football game, and nothing happens. I feel like A LUNATIC, because my dad is like “he seems fine now” and I’m like NO BUT YESTERDAY WAS TERRIFYING. 
Anyway, so that’s the story. I didn’t end up saying anything to the owner’s son, but my dad reamed him out a bit for sending only one person to do a job meant for two. And now every time I drive by that business I suppress a shudder, and sometimes the barking version of the Rugrats theme song still gets stuck in my head.
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Moral Arguments
Crowley doesn't exactly take assignments anymore, but sometimes he does things for fun - like answering the call of a broken-hearted woman summoning a demon on St. Valentine's Day. But what Crowley thinks is going to be a simple hex-and-go turns into more emotionally charged than he bargained for.
Inspired in part by this post.
“Creatures of the Underworld …”
“Yup. That’s me.”
“… on Earth and below …”
“… I summon thee!”
Crowley throws up his hands in frustration. Ten more minutes of this, and he’s going to start pulling his hair out.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m summoned! I’m summoned! Let’s get a move on, will ya? I’m late for a date!”
“Demons of vengeance! Hear my plea! Do my bidding!”
“Let’s have at it then, girlie!”
“Lords of the Dark!”
“Oh, bollocks! Here we go again!”
“I, Samantha Westin of West Berkshire, call you to my aid!”
Crowley, hidden between a dresser and a closet, in a shadow created by several taper candles throwing light, slides down the bedroom wall and sits. He’d been summoned here, but not really. Only very specific spells can truly summon him. It’s not a simple matter of yelling out, “Oi! Demon! Get your bum over here! I need you to do something for me!”
If that were the case, he’d never get a moment’s peace.
But this was different – an amateur incantation but on a day of the year when demons get the greatest (and easiest) opportunity to make mischief – and Crowley appreciates easy; when people from all walks of life will call for a demon like they’re ordering take away and invite them into their homes with little to no thought of the consequences.
St. Valentine’s Day.
Crowley doesn’t do much in the way of official assignments for the big bosses anymore, but old habits die hard, and this one’s too tempting to resist. He’s running late for dinner with his angel, but this was going to be fun. He could risk being a few minutes late.
That’s what he’d originally thought.
He’s closing in on over half-an-hour.
Samantha leans over a book on the floor in front of her. She reads a bit, then jumps nervously. She grabs a container of salt by her knee and spills it out in a circle around her.
A protective ring –a boundary between her and any potential evil.
“Aw!” Crowley coos sarcastically to himself. “She fancies herself a white witch! How adorable!”
He has to give her some credit. Whatever book she bought, it’s from someone who knows an inkling of their stuff. Salt is effective against evil creatures, but only minor ones, like the insects of the demon world. Still, considering no one would want their house invaded by a horde of demonic termites or zombie ants, it’s nothing to sneeze at.
“Find a photograph of the offending and fix your eyes upon it.”
“Okay, okay.” Crowley sits up, wondering if he should miracle himself up a bag of crisps. “Finally! Things are gettin’ good.”
“Tear up the photograph,” she reads, “and proclaim his sins into the dark.” She takes a deep breath, then lets it out. “Okay. Here goes.”
She begins to tear the picture in half, then fourths, and Crowley rubs his hands excitedly together.
“So let’s see. What did this crank handle do, huh, Sammy? Stepped out with another bird, I’ll wager.”
Samantha carefully places the torn pieces of the photograph into a small wooden bowl, part of her arsenal of witchcraft paraphernalia, and sighs. “He left me for my twin sister.”
“Ding, ding, ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!” Crowley licks his finger and marks a single, sparking tally into the air. “Well, you should take that as a compliment, love, really. He left for someone who looks exactly like you.”
“He stole my car …”
“Oh, we’re not done.”
“… broke into my house …” She takes a long breath, shuddered by the onset of tears. “He killed my dog …”
The grin that had been spreading on Crowley’s face falls into an immediate frown. “For Satan’s sake! This prick should be working for us.”
The woman stops, bites her lower lip as the tears gathering around her heart begin to fall.
“He hit me. Not just once. Not just twice. And he … he …” Her voice fails her, but she mouths the words, and Crowley rises to his knees, subconsciously gearing up for a fight. This is a new instinct for him, being protective of anyone, specially a mortal. He’s known right and wrong from day one. He’s felt anger over the injustices he’s witnessed, even remorse over the ones he’s helped cause. But, for the most part, he’s been fine sitting on the sidelines, inconveniencing people when he could for the greater good.
It’s a grey area – thwarting a crime. In the end, someone gets hurt or killed. When you’re in the business of harvesting souls, the who doesn’t necessarily matter.
Crowley simply finds a way to harvest a bit more selectively than other demons.
“Holy fuck!” he groans, tossing his head back and staring up at the ceiling. “Why? Why me? This was supposed to be a simple little fun hex-and-go. What am I supposed to do now?”
The real question, he discovers with very little wracking of his brain, is what would Aziraphale do?
“Sprinkle rose water on the pieces of the photograph and set them on fire.”
A conflicted Crowley watches the young lady search for her flask of rose water. He’d seen it beside her a moment ago – a simple vessel of water with roses floating in it that she probably prepared herself. She suddenly seems to remember where she put it because she spins around quickly with an anxious look on her face, mumbling, “No, no, no! Crap!” before she finds it tipped over onto its side. “Dammit!” She examines the empty flask, wet rose petals plastered to the sides, the water that had been inside soaking into her rug. She shakes her head and sets the flask down. “Of course! Of course! Just my luck! Now what am I going to do?” She gets on her hands and knees and goes searching for something to replace the water with. She finds another bottle within reach of her salt circle and grabs it. She reads the label, then gives it a sniff. She consults her book, and shrugs.
“Smells like roses. This should do.”
Crowley squints from the darkness to catch a glimpse of the label. This bottle isn’t rose water. It’s perfume. Not expensive perfume. The kind one buys at a corner market along with their milk and eggs on the way home. Perfume of that caliber is usually teeming with alcohol.
Flammable alcohol.
He watches as she gives the bowl a few spritzes, a subtle floral aroma filling the air. Then she goes for broke, untwists the top, and empties the contents into the bowl. The scent of roses smacks him in the face like a freight train along with an undercurrent of sharp and chemical. She grabs a book of matches, tearing four from the inseam, and strikes them.
“Jesus Christmas! She’s going to light herself on fire!” Flashbacks fill his brain of a heat seared inside his memory like a wound that refuses, even with time and treatment, to heal. Crowley leaps to his feet and materializes from the shadows, rushing at her, waving his hands to get her attention. “Stop! Stop! For Satan’s sake, stop!”
Samantha’s head snaps up. She drops her matchbook and scuttles backward, stopping when her hands hit the salt. With a snap of his fingers, Crowley extinguishes the flame before it has a chance to ignite the bowl.
“What the ---? What the fuck?” Samantha screams. “Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m a demon!” Crowley pats his chest dramatically as if she might mistake something else for the demon and him for a coat rack. “You know, the one you’ve been summoning?”
“I---I don’t believe in demons!” she yells and for a moment, all of Crowley’s worries about this woman setting herself, her house, and her neighbors ablaze dies with the absurdity of that remark.
“I … huh … what!? If you don’t believe in demons, why the bloody heck are you trying to summon one then? That’s literally the stupidest … you don’t dabble in magicks, young lady! That’s even worse than knowing what you’re doing!”
“It ---it wasn’t supposed to be serious! It was a coping mechanism!”
“Don’t talk to me about coping mechanisms! My entire existence is about coping mechanisms! Don’t do that!” Crowley snaps, catching her with his magic before she can jump to her feet and dive onto her bed for her cell phone. The bed is halfway across the room. Making a break for it would have taken her out of her circle. “Don’t break the ring of salt! Even terrible spells need to be ended correctly!”
“What happens if they aren’t?” she asks, relaxing when he releases his hold over her.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“Yes, I want to know! I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to know!”
“Cheeky little …” he mutters, fishing his phone out of his pocket, realizing how much this young lady and his angel would get along. “Let’s just say if you don’t want to know what it feels like to have your brains liquefied inside your skull and then drunk by demon maggots, you’ll end this spell. Meanwhile, I’m gonna call in some reinforcements.”
“Reinforcements?” Samantha swallows hard. “L---like … more demons?”
“Luckily for you, no. I run with a different crowd.”
“How do I end the spell?”
“Jump to the bottom of the page,” he says, phone to his ear. “It’ll tell you---Aziraphale?”
This isn’t the way Crowley saw this going. Back in the old days, he’d hex the guy and be done with it – make him go bald with his head hair growing out his nose, give him a festering boil on his face that would never heal, make him severely and flatulently allergic to his favorite foods. Only thing was, unbeknownst to the young lady who summoned him, she would be damned, too. That wasn’t even a demonic rule. That one came from the good book itself. It was the kind of two-for-one demons delighted in.
One that came with a divine loophole.
But not anymore.
For some bizarre reason, he’s taking this personally.
“Crowley?” Aziraphale’s voice barks over the line. “What the heaven has happened to you? You’re nearly an hour late!”
“I know, angel, I know. I got caught up with work.”
“You’re working? Tonight!?”
“I’m sorry. I’ll explain when I get there.” Crowley glances down at Samantha, reading through the spell, sniffling as the words take her back to why she was doing what she was doing a moment before. “I’ll be bringing work home with me. I need a little help.”
“There, there, dear,” Aziraphale says, handing Samantha a cup of tea. “Let’s talk this out, hmm? Tell us everything, and then we can come up with a solution.”
It took Aziraphale close to an hour over the phone to convince Samantha to get into Crowley’s Bentley and accompany him to his bookshop. When he did, he made Crowley swear he’d obey the posted speed limits.
When they arrived in under fifteen minutes, Aziraphale knew he hadn’t.
Remarkable seeing as they stopped along the way to pick up a friend.
“The solution is we should call the police!” Anathema says, bringing over a plate of cookies.
“I … I tried.” Samantha takes the plate with a small but grateful smile. “Everything he’s done, even with the evidence I have against him, and it’s still a his word against mine sort of situation. It’s almost like the police don’t want to listen. Like they think it’s not worth their time.”
“Sounds about right,” Anathema reluctantly admits, dropping onto a nearby sofa and accepting a glass of whiskey from an angrily hissing Crowley as he paces the floor.
Aziraphale watches on with sympathetic eyes. He’d asked Crowley in private why? Why did this mean so much to him? With everything he’d done in the past, why did this one woman’s plight trigger such a strong response? Crowley had confessed that he didn’t know, but mumbled something about those abusing the vulnerable beginning to get under his skin.
“So, what do you suggest, angel?” Crowley asks, peeking up when he feels his husband’s eyes on him. “What does it say in the rule book about dealing with a situation like this when the supposed good guys sit around with their thumbs up their arses?”
“Normally, I would recommend gentle persuasion, and if that doesn’t work, then a little forceful persuasion,” Aziraphale says. “But as I don’t feel the man in question would be receptive to that, and the authorities aren’t in the mood to help, maybe we should skip the usual steps and jump to the end.”
“And what’s the end?” Samantha looks nervously from Aziraphale to Anathema, then to Crowley staring at the man in white with a disbelief that erases the color from his face. All three have gone quiet, but they’ve seem to come to the same conclusion, and it stuns at least two of them.
Samantha is obviously missing something big.
“Well, you did summon a demon, my dear,” Aziraphale says kindly, but with a grave nod to his husband. “I’d say it’s about time that demon got to work.”
“Are you serious?” Anathema yelps, but not in a way that indicates she disagrees. In fact, she looks fully on board with this plan – whatever it is.
“What about the whole damnation clause thing?” Crowley asks in a lower than low whisper.
“Find a loophole, my dear. That’s what you do.”
Crowley grins, impressed at the ability of his innocent Aziraphale to straddle the grey line as well as he. During a discussion about guns, his angel had once said that they lend weight to a moral argument when wielded by the right people. He wonders if this falls under the same category. “Right. And what about dinner?”
Aziraphale escorts his demon to the door, kissing him softly on the lips before showing him out. “It’ll keep.”
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softjeon · 5 years
Featherlight | Pt. 4
• Pairing: Namjoon x Angel!Jimin • Side-Pairing: Jungkook x Angel!Yoongi • Genre: Fluff / light angst | Angel!AU ( → Gifset Trailer) • Words: 8k | AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of nightmares, anxiety, nsfw content
written with @cassiavioletblue
↳ Humans could hear their guardians, feel their voice inside of them like warm chocolate on a cold winter day. Usually it was enough for angels to whisper to their human, make them consider a different option or another approach. And then there were people who were effectively ignoring their inner voices and apparently Namjoon was just really adamant on not taking care of himself and getting himself into danger constantly.
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There was a loud scream piercing through the peace of the night. Somewhere the dog of a neighbor started barking, but it didn’t wake him. Jungkook threw himself around, holding on tightly to the pillow, nails digging into his sheets as he felt that familiar surge of adrenaline permeate his entire body. The memories began flashing through his mind like a camera, one by one, and they haunted him. He could see it again, the fires burning around him. He couldn’t escape.
There was fire burning, the smell of the smoke grew stronger. He couldn't get enough air into his lungs, and each breath was like fire searing his throat. The churning smoke reached Jungkook from behind, enfolded him, so pungent that his eyes teared at once. It was everywhere — fire coming into his mouth, going down his throat and filling his lungs. He was breathing fire!
“Mom!” Jungkook screamed out, coughing and crying in his sleep. There was no way to escape. Not this time. He would burn down with them.
Yoongi was awake in an instant. He didn’t sleep as deeply as humans did, ready to protect the person he was supposed to shield from any harm. Just that there wasn’t anything that he could defend Jungkook from. The younger screamed as if he was burning alive and in a way he was. Horror filled Yoongi’s being as he got a glimpse of Jungkook’s feeling. It hit him like a blow, knocking the air out of his lungs and making his wings spread out to their full size to steady himself. Then it finally clicked.
Jungkook didn’t need a guardian angel to protect himself from his surroundings. He needed one to protect him from his own mind! With a flutter of his wings he was on the bed, kneeling besides him and twisting his wings until they were like a tent, with both of the inside. “Jungkookie?” Carefully he trailed over the younger’s cheek which wasn’t that easy considering Jungkook was wildly moving against whatever was hurting him in his sleep. “You’re safe here. There is nothing that can hurt you. I won’t let anything harm you, do you hear me?” He knew that Jungkook wouldn’t hear his words, not really but his subconscious hopefully caught up on them giving Jungkook a feeling of peace and safety.
“Let go off me!” Jungkook whined, kicking and screaming at whoever was holding him in his dream. But they were stronger. They were always stronger. Her shadow too far away for him to reach anymore. “I want to stay with her, please!” There were tears rolling down his cheeks and Jungkook desperately let out a sob, when his body completely stilled out of a sudden. There was no heat anymore, there was only the heaviness that pulled him down, the sadness and loneliness that awaited him after the fire. And he couldn’t stop as it crushed over him like a wave over a shore, breaking all of his defenses and Jungkook cried. 
It didn’t help, no matter what Yoongi told him, what he whispered to him in his sleep Jungkook was still hurting, his heart still aching from too much pain. He felt so utterly helpless that his stomach clenched just watching the younger writhe in pain. When Jungkook finally stilled the angel thought that Jungkook had calmed himself down only to realize that Jungkook might have fought the dream - but he still had to face reality. And he had to watch as it crushed Jungkook’s soul. Yoongi folded over him, feathers trailing softly over Jungkook’s form as he wrapped him up in his wings, holding him against his chest even though Jungkook couldn’t feel it. He cried with him, each sob tearing through his heart as the younger cried his heart out and all he could do was to be there for him even though it didn’t seem to help.
The younger shivered, eyes blinking open when he turned to look at his arm. It felt like something had touched him there, softly caressed over his arm as if it wanted to protect him. Jungkook sniffled, before he broke again and cried some more. He didn’t want to think about it what it meant or if he was finally losing his mind. Namjoon had told him something sweet, that maybe someone was watching over him but now it only pained him more. Namjoon didn’t know about his parents, didn’t know about how lonely Jungkook was – maybe the other had an idea, because Jungkook was always by himself. Just him and his books. “I don’t want to be alone anymore,” Tears flooded down his cheeks and Jungkook turned to hide in his cushion, trying to hold back the sobs but it only made him shake with the pain.
“You aren’t, my sweet little boy. You are never alone. I’ll watch over you, every moment of every day. And even if it isn’t me then Jimin will be the one to hold you at night and guard you throughout the day. You are not alone. Not now, not ever.” He sealed his promise with a little kiss on Jungkook’s cheek, hugging the younger close to his chest and folding one wing over them like a shield.
Jungkook stilled when Yoongi’s lips touched his cheeks, a shuddering breath coming from his own and he looked up into thin air (and right into Yoongi’s eyes without knowing). He wiped over his eyes and yet still tears kept on falling as he looked around him, slowly reaching out his hand - but there was nothing, nothing that he could feel. And yet, Jungkook couldn’t stop and feel if there was something more, making Yoongi shiver effectively when he brushed over a wing without him knowing. He sniffled, pulling in the blanket a little over his shoulder as he let his hand fall again. Maybe Namjoon was right and there was someone watching over him. And yet, he couldn’t close his eyes again but stared ahead, ignoring the tears effectively, letting them soak into the pillow, until the sun rose up at the horizon again.
Yoongi stayed where he was because he meant what he had said about him not leaving Kook alone. Still he couldn’t help but feel insecure and vulnerable. He had gotten used to being untouchable around humans - as all angels were and even though there had been moments where he had wished that Jungkook could see him just to tell him how much he cared or that he was safe Yoongi wasn’t stupid. He knew that being visible to humans was something really dangerous. He didn’t want Jungkook to think that he had hallucinations or for him to feel self-conscious even in his own home because he knew that someone was watching. Being invisible was safer for both parties, angel and human alike, so it would be better if it stayed that way.
Jimin groaned when a constant beeping tore its way through his soft dreams and he turned to see where the awful sound was coming from. Blindly, he reached out for the nightstand, trying to find the alarm clock that was making those annoying noises right now and hit his hand on top of it.
He sighed softly, when it had finally died down. But the silence only held on for a moment, when Jimin realized where he was...and what had happened...and how late it was.
“Oh for heaven’s sake,” Jimin shot up, regretting the fast movement instantly when he saw stars dancing in front of his eyes and the throbbing pain in the back of his head was making him awfully aware of how drunk they had been. Jimin pushed the blanket away and got out of bed almost tumbling over the long seam of the pants he was wearing and then quickly went into the kitchen to prepare Namjoon’s breakfast and this time he made two vitamin shots. He desperately needed one too.
It had been days since he was in heaven. Although last night came pretty close.
Jimin rubbed the sides of his temples when he downed his shot. He could hear footsteps coming closer, knowing Namjoon must have gotten up. His heart jumped in his chest, cheeks flaring up and Jimin held out a cup of coffee for him. Now that he was done with his morning duties, Jimin was confronted with the memories of last night again and his eyes instantly wandered over Namjoon’s chest and down to the hem of his sweatpants. He sipped on his coffee, smiling at Namjoon nervously, not sure if Namjoon remembered everything that happened or if even Jimin remembered it correctly.
“Morning, Jimin.” Namjoon took the coffee that was offered to him, heat spreading on his face from Jimin’s reactions. The younger was skittish, first fleeing from the bed and now he was visibly panicking. So Namjoon placed the coffee aside. “Before things get really awkward between us I think we should talk about last night. Like... right now. Then we can go back to... to...”
To how things had been before? Did he want that? Did Jimin want that? His calm and collected facade was starting to crumble so he quickly sat down, pulling a chair for Jimin out as well. “Come one, sit.”
Jimin followed Namjoon and sat down, not sure what to do now. Worrying his bottom lip, the angel now felt weirdly naked without a shirt on but didn’t say anything. Namjoon wasn’t wearing much more – which distracted him, so he quickly shot his eyes up at his. “O-okay…,” Jimin breathed out anxiously. “I think I was drunk on that wine…I probably said a lot of nonsense…,” The angel reached out for him, just following his heart in this because everything else just was a mess right now.
“Hm, you might have,” Namjoon agreed, amusement clear in his tone as he continued, “You told me that you are an angel and are living on a cloud and stuff like that. You were really convincing.” With a wink he sipped on his coffee. If that’s what Jimin was concerned about and not the sexual part then it couldn't be that bad, could it?
Jimin’s eyes widened, chuckling nervously with Namjoon when he realized he had been spilling secrets just like that when he was drunk. He shouldn’t drink, not ever again. “That’s…that’s pretty dumb…,” Jimin raked a hand through his hair, avoiding Namjoon’s gaze and mumbled, “I guess I just wanted you to call me cute or something. I like it when you do…” Jimin blushed and hid his face in his hands. “Ah, please don’t look at me, Namjoon. Can you just…can you just get yourself ready and we…we can talk about this sometime else? I don’t regret it…but please…” The angel felt completely overwhelmed and embarrassed about his shyness and purity that Namjoon had just tainted. As much as he wanted to calm Namjoon, tell him that he enjoyed it, he needed to talk to someone else right now. Someone who was just an angel like him.  
“You don’t have to pretend to be an angel for me to think of you as cute. And if you like it when I call you nicknames then you just should have told you, because I actually like that too, sweetheart.” Namjoon sighed deeply when Jimin asked him to go get ready because he wasn’t sure if this is what they should be doing right now or if it would be better to just push through but Jimin seemed really overwhelmed right now so he gave in. “I don’t like leaving you like this. But if you need a moment alone then... I guess I have no choice. Just... please don’t stress yourself out about this, We are both adults, none of us is in a relationship so… we can … I mean…”
‘Have fun’ would have sounded wrong, Because it hadn’t been just ‘fun’ for him, he had wanted to sleep with Jimin and Jimin only.
“I know, I know…I’m just…shy,” Jimin mumbled and reached for his coffee to hide behind the cup, only breathing out when Namjoon was finally getting himself ready. It was quiet then and although Jimin searched for Namjoon’s closeness on their way to the shop, linking their arms, silently telling him that he was okay and hoping that he gotten the message, Jimin was still panicking.
“Yoongi!” He hissed the moment he had locked the door of the office behind him, hoping the angel would hear him. He was probably with Jungkook in a lecture or somewhere in the library as the younger had morning lessons. So, it should be fine to leave him, just for a moment. Jimin needed him desperately. “Yoongi! Please! I need to talk to you…please.” He nervously played with the sweater paws of the sweater he wore. Namjoon’s sweater. At least it was white.
Yoongi groaned quietly when Jimin started calling for him thinking the other was overreacting over something again. Like, when he had called him to help that deer because he had thought it was motherless when mommy deer had just been getting food. Or that time he had called him to help some snails over the street in the middle of a deserted street because he had been afraid that there might be a car. This time he needed to guard Jungkook though and he didn’t want to leave the younger alone, not after last night. Ignoring Jimin wasn’t as easy as he thought and when the other angel seemed to panic Yoongi finally gave in, letting his prayer pull him in and into the antique shop. Jimin was pacing and Yoongi sighed deeply and exhausted. “What did you do, Jimin. Is Namjoon in the hospital because he fell over his own shoes again?”
“No, no, no, Namjoon is fine. He’s more fine than ever…not like in handsome I mean; well I mean he’s handsome too but…he’s okay. He’s doing great, better actually.” Jimin could have face palmed himself, trying to keep still. “I have a question, ehm…so…” Jimin bit his lip and then concentrated a moment to change realms and let his wings spread freely. He had enough energy from cuddling up to Namjoon to do so. Not enough for going back to heaven, though. But Yoongi wasn’t allowed to find out – ever. “Do you notice anything different about me?” Jimin tapped his foot nervously. 
“Yes, I do.” Yoongi looked at him before answering with a deadpan expression “You’re even more nervous than usual and if Namjoon is fine but you still behave like this then you must have really, majorly fu...done something wrong. So come on, tell me, what is it? What happened that makes you act like this?”
“T-that’s it?” Jimin’s heart stopped for a second. “So, no one will see? Not even angels…Yoongi…I’m…” His eyes began to tear up as he rubbed his hands nervously on his jeans avoiding Yoongi’s hard stare. He couldn’t bear it right now.
“I…we…might have…I was drunk last night. Kind of. And…”
Yoongi’s stomach dropped at Jimin’s stuttered words, he wasn’t stupid, he had just needed a bit to put the pieces together; Namjoon was ‘better than fine’ and Jimin found him handsome and he had gotten drunk and now he was scared that his wings might look different and he was crying. “J..Jimin,” Yoongi carefully tried to reach out for him, voice weak and fragile, “Did he touch you? Did Namjoon..?” He couldn’t end that sentence, too terrified of what Jimin might answer.
Jimin nodded, “But I wanted it. I wanted him to kiss me so bad.” He stumbled forward and into Yoongi’s hold, wings hanging low as he shook from the cries, glad that Namjoon couldn’t hear him right now. “I told him I was pure, and he wanted to stop and just cuddle me. He was so sweet, Yoongi, but I couldn’t stop.” Jimin hugged the angel closer, “I’m tainted now, aren’t I? But it felt so good. I got so lost in it.”
Yoongi hugged him close and carded softly though Jimin’s hair to calm him, breathing out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness! For a moment I was scared that he might have… wait!” He stopped his caresses, trying to tilt Jimin’s face up but the angel refused to look at him. “Why... why are you crying then if you liked it? Do you really think that you’re tainted, that you did something bad? Are you afraid that you’re not a ‘good angel’ anymore because you experienced lust?” His voice was soft and questioning trying to make Jimin feel safe enough to open up.
Jimin wiped over his teary eyes, skin red and blushed but shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. Maybe…,” He sighed, shivering from the emotion tumult inside of him, “And I’m scared that…they will call me out for falling for a human like that. You said humans are all the same…that they will just take what they can get. You said I shouldn’t do this, to be careful.” His bottom lip was trembling and Jimin added quietly, “I’m just exhausted.”
“Minnie.. oh, Minnie…,” Yoongi opened his wings and curled them around both of them, shielding them from the world as if he could protect Jimin from heartache and sadness like this. “I’m sorry my words made you feel like you had to be scared. Not all people are like that. But... most of them are. And... I just don’t want your heart to get broken. It hurts so much more than you can ever imagine… though as it looks it’s already too late for you. That you had sex with Namjoon is pretty much proof of it. So... I guess we just have to work it out as we go? I guess you want to have Namjoon permanently as your protectee now as you can’t guard two people at once, especially not in a human body. I could ask up there if there is any chance that we switch. Maybe... maybe they’ll agree to it and then you can be with Namjoon and... I hope… that you’ll be happy.”
Jimin hugged his friend tightly, not knowing how to express that he felt so thankful for his guidance in this. Sniffling quietly, Jimin sighed when he felt the familiar energy rush through him. He leaned a little heavier onto the angel, practically latching onto his energy, needing a lot more than a quick hug could give him right now.
“I missed hugging you,” Jimin mumbled before he leaned back. “You’re really not mad at me? And you won’t tell on me? I just don’t want to hurt Namjoon.” The angel fumbled around with the sweater he wore, before quietly asking, “D-do you think…that maybe…he likes me too? Is it possible if…”
“Why would I be mad at you? I know you don’t plan on hurting Namjoon. So if you like to be with him and the other way round then it’s fine. You’ll see, it’ll be fine Jimin.” Yoongi wasn’t sure if he really believed that both of them would come out of this unharmed but it was too late now to change it and he really hoped that it would make them happy. It wasn’t often but sometimes, in rare occasions angel decided to stay in human form for longer. And a human life wasn’t that long. So Jimin could spend Namjoon’s whole life with him if he wanted.
“No, I won’t tell anyone. That’s private. No one needs to know.” He bit his lip when Jimin asked him if Namjoon might like him back, deciding to answer honestly. “I think that he does because Namjoon doesn’t have sex with people he doesn’t like. Though I can’t tell you how deep his feelings are or how long they’ll last. Just… enjoy it, okay? Talk to him, communication is key when your heart is into something. And don’t let him overwhelm you. It can be scary, all those new feelings and emotions, all those wishes and desires. You don’t have to deal with this alone though. Whenever you feel like it’s getting over your head or that you need help you can call me. No matter what situation you’re in or if it might be ‘embarrassing’ - I won’t judge, I promise. I’ll help. I want you to be safe, Jimin. You’re vulnerable as a human. So let me help you a little. Just to be sure, okay?”
“Okay,” Jimin nodded at everything Yoongi said, listening attentively. He was glad Yoongi hadn’t scolded him or asked if he was doing better or had been resting in heaven. He didn’t know how to explain that and even if Yoongi just told him that he would be there for him no matter what… not being able to go back meant a lot of trouble. And falling in love with a human did, too. The angel knew that it wasn’t a good sign and that his body needed rest sooner or later. He couldn’t stay human forever. And yet, even if Yoongi offered his help, he couldn’t ask him. Jimin was such a burden already.
“I’m fine, thank you, really.” He kissed Yoongi’s cheek in gratitude and then let go off his hands, to make sure Yoongi wouldn’t accidentally pull him with him and waved him goodbye. He needed to protect Jungkook after all. Only when he was alone again, Jimin gave in.
His knees began to tremble right away, a few feathers fell from him, but he didn’t notice when a painful gasp tore away from his lungs and Jimin collapsed onto the ground, barely holding himself up. He was panting and feeling completely exhausted. Something wasn’t right.
Something was awfully, awfully wrong with him.
Jimin leaned his head against the wall, taking a few deep breaths until the tremors ebbed down.
When Yoongi got back he was glad Jungkook was still sitting where he was supposed to. Although he had nodded off over a book at least he didn’t need to chase him like he had done with Namjoon all the time who sometimes got a phone call to pick something up and then had commuted to god knows where with Yoongi having to follow in a cramped train or smelly taxi. He sat down on a free chair besides Jungkook, glad that he didn’t have to stand until Jungkook woke up and then simply waited for the younger to come to.
Hopefully he got some rest with his nap.
But apparently Jungkook had only dozed off, to snap back up again. He groaned and rubbed over his face, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone had seen him fall asleep. Luckily there was no one. Jungkook yawned tiredly and turned to look at the clock. Today was an awful day, through and through. In about two hours, the results for one of the hardest tests he had taken so far would come out and Jungkook was awfully nervous. And tired. His night had been a nightmare – literally.
The younger got up from his chair, leaving his books and studying papers strewn all over the table (no one would bother stealing in a library anyways, everyone was busy with their own stuff) and only took his wallet and phone with him. He needed a few more books, or else the next exam would be a great failure. Pushing the button of the elevator, he waited patiently, moving out of the way as soon as a group of students pushed their way out and Jungkook just made it in before the doors closed and someone else could call it. Leaning his head against the metal walls, he sighed and closed his eyes again.
Yoongi was right beside him, contemplating if he should whisper to Jungkook to take his head from the elevator wall because it might be uncomfortable when the elevator would arrive and the younger would feel the little jolt directly in his neck. “Jungkook? Would you mind moving your head a little? I can place my hand at your head if you want and steady it a little. You’re really exhausted, aren’t you? Maybe we should have ourselves a nice relaxing evening tonight. You might sleep better with a hot shower and some tea after.”
Jungkook sighed softly in response. A hot shower sounded great right now, the younger thought to himself, his inner voice so familiar to him by now and although it sounded completely different than his own voice, Jungkook liked the sound of it. “Yeah, sounds like a plan,” He mumbled to himself and opened his eyes when he noticed a shadow in the corner of his eyes. Jungkook startled furiously as he blinked at the eyes of a stranger.
He was sure he had gotten onto the elevator alone.
There had been no one else but him and they hadn’t stopped.
His heart was beating wildly against his chest, ready to jump out any second, while he stared right back at the eyes of a beautiful stranger.
Yoongi blinked back and then turned to see what Jungkook was looking at all of a sudden. There must be something behind him that was very interesting. He couldn’t see anything though and his wings twitched nervously. “Calm down, Yoongi, he can’t see you. He probably just spaced out again while trying to answer a study question in his head. He can’t see you. He can’t...”
Jungkook cocked his head aside when he noticed something was off to the person in front of him. There were wings attached to his back and Jungkook gasped. Shaking his head, he tried to quickly come up with a solution for this. This was probably just a student who dressed up. They did all the time... maybe it was a prank for someone. But Jungkook couldn’t see the seam of the wings being sewn onto his jacket nor anything that made it seem like he was just wearing them as a costume. This was ridiculous. And then the stranger was talking about him. About him not seeing him…
To say Jungkook was utterly confused would have been an understatement. Maybe he was finally going crazy. The nightmares and stress had been just too much. And yet, Yoongi was still there. With wings and a glow around him that made Jungkook mesmerized. “B-but I can see you…” He whispered. The elevator sound went off and Jungkook startled again. The door opened but neither of them was moving.
“Who are you talking to weirdo?” A jock laughed at him when the younger didn’t move, he nudged his side, “Move, kiddo!” Jungkook looked at the guy and then back to the man with the wings, now feeling completely speechless. Didn’t he see him? He had completely ignored him. That couldn’t be.
“I said move!”
Jungkook hunched his shoulders over, mumbling a quick apology, eyes flickering back and forth between the stranger and the student who only shook his head at his weird behavior.
When Jungkook stumbled out of the elevator Yoongi followed, never leaving the younger out of sight, just as it should be. Just that Jungkook looked back at him with wide eyes and a shocked expression - which definitely should not be! He was supposed to be hidden, invisible, and inaudible and yet there he was, faced with the problem of trying to explain this situation to both his supervisors and the obviously scared boy in front of him. Preferably without freaking him out or scaring him off.
“Uhm, h...hi” His voice sounded incredibly shy and brittle. He wasn’t used to this he had never ever talked to a human in his angel form before. Jungkook could see him! As he really was!
Jungkook shook his head and then rubbed his eyes, walking ahead quickly just to stop and look over his shoulder again. He was still there. That strange guy with the wings.
“Hi…,” He waved awkwardly at him, “I…I…need a book, will you excuse me,” Jungkook nodded and pointed somewhere, hastily getting away – because whatever this was, it wasn’t right. Maybe he was really starting to hallucinate from all the lack of sleep. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Jungkook almost ran (if it wasn’t for the librarian to tell him to be quiet again) to the end of the long hallway somewhere between chemistry and physic books and where no one else was but him. Only there did he take a deep breath.
Yoongi stood frozen for a second, only his wings shaking a little, like tree leaves in a rush of air - then he ran after Jungkook, his feet silently tapping over the carpet as his weight wasn’t as physical as that of a human. He could see Jungkook breathing in a sigh of relief and reached out for him, still in disbelief that this was happening. He gently tapped on the youngers shoulder and Jungkook shrieked. “I’m... I’m sorry but why… how... since when can you see me?”
Jungkook shrugged his touch off when he startled, jumping around in defense. “I…what?” He furrowed his brows, confusion written all over his face, “Of course I can see you. Are you drunk? Is this some kind of joke?” Jungkook looked around, panicking slightly as he thought of the senior students making fun of him. Maybe this was just an awful prank. He took a few steps away for good measurement and gazed Yoongi up and down. “You shouldn’t be drinking in the library or else they kick you out and if this is some kind of a bad joke. It’s not funny!”
“Ye…yeah, I’m sorry, you’re right, I…” Yoongi tried to play it cool and leave Jungkook in his belief that this was just a prank. Unfortunately it shook him to the core to be seen like this and he was fidgety his wings picking up on it. They fluffed up a little, like a bird would fluff up his feathers in defense when he wanted to appear bigger and a few downy feathers sailed to the floor that had come loose from the movement.
Jungkook had always been one of the students that no one really remembered or had seen in the first place. He didn’t mind. And yet, there were people who called him weird, who thought it was fun to point at him. “Do you think that’s funny to me? To dress up like this? It’s not a joke to me!” Jungkook hissed, trying to still be quiet somehow. His eyes widened when his wings moved, and he backed up. “W-what are you?” He made an awful sound, stumbling back until he hit a bookshelf. He raked his hands through his hair in a desperate manner, when he realized he was definitely and finally going out of his mind right now. There were feathers flying onto the ground and with him, Jungkook sunk low, hiding his face under his arms.
“Great, now you made him cry.” Yoongi angrily hissed to himself, feeling utterly helpless again. It seemed to become a trend with Jungkook and he hated it because he wanted to help the younger more than anything else. Carefully he sat down at eye level with Jungkook and hold out his hands defensively. It probably didn’t help though that his wings were a little on the bigger side do when he sat like this they reach over his head even if he folded them neatly. “Please, please don’t cry Jungkook. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I was just surprised, I...” He started stuttering, not quite sure if he should tell him the truth like he wanted to or stick with the ‘this is just a prank’ narrative which would become a problem if Jungkook could see him permanently now because he still had to follow Jungkook to guard him, visible or not.
“How do you know my name?” Jungkook whispered and looked up at the stranger, whose eyes seemed more kind than as if he was about to hurt him. “What do you want from me? Can’t you just leave me alone? Please, just go…w-whatever you are, please.”
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise!” His voice didn’t waver this time as it was something that was deeply engraved in his heart. “I…I can’t leave you, it’s… a little complicated. But if that helps you I can be really quiet and you can ignore me? If... if that’s what you want?”
“What? Are you a creep or something?” Jungkook shot up a hand defensively, ready to protect himself when he stopped abruptly. Suddenly time seemed to stop. A gasp fell from his lips when the palm of his hand tingles, something that he had felt before. Something he had gotten so used to that he almost hadn’t recognized it. Jungkook slowly but carefully reached out for Yoongi. He didn’t touch, but rather felt his aura, the glow around the angel, closing his eyes as he felt the familiar feeling. Only seconds later, he snapped them open again and pulled his hand back. “Why can’t you leave me,” Jungkook’s voice sounded breathless, shifting a little further away from Yoongi, “T-tell me the truth.”
“Please don’t freak out, I can keep my distance if you want, It’s fine, you’re fine, It’s going to be perfectly...” He swallowed the rest of his nervous rambling down, contemplating whether he could risk telling Jungkook or if it would only drive him deeper into desperation. But Jungkook was looking at him with his wide, dark eyes, scared but honest and in a way also trusting him to not lie him in the face. So how could he betray this trust. “I’m… I am your current guardian angel.” He finally whispered, holding his breath because he wasn’t sure what to expect now.
The youngers eyes turned wide and he gaped like a fish at the man in front of him. His what? Jungkook gulped heavily, gazing at Yoongi not sure what to belief. His answer came prompt, when someone walked past them, smiling at Jungkook who probably looked pretty sad with his hunched over shoulders as if he wanted to hide. But the girl didn’t even glance at Yoongi, didn’t even care about his wings being in the way, she simply walked through him, leaving the angel shuddering. And Jungkook finally understood.
“Y-you’re my guardian?” Jungkook’s expression turned soft and then his lips shaped into a smile. “You’ve been there…with me…I felt you! I felt you, right?”
Yoongi sighed in relief when instead of running away screaming Jungkook’s expression turned into a smile. “Yeah, yes, I’ve been there with you. Not all the time, I’ve only been close to you for about a week or so, before that a friend of mine was your guardian but we changed…” The rush of relief made him chatty and when he realized that he was spilling heavenly secrets to a human lie it was nothing he blushed and quickly shut up about it.
“Anyway, I don’t know why you can see me, really. There are people who are gifted but they normally know this from when they are still children, getting used to it over time. Or sometimes something can trigger it, awakening their sensitivity to the otherworldly. But you… you just saw me! Or have you seen other angels before and just lost your vision for a while?” Extreme sadness or other overwhelming emotions could mess with the way you saw the world around you.
Jungkook couldn’t believe what was happening. He wasn’t going crazy (maybe just a little bit) and Namjoon had been right in the end: he wasn’t alone. Jungkook couldn’t wait to tell him later. The younger shook his head at Yoongi’s questioning. “I…I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone around before.” He whispered, blushing when someone passed the shelves and looked down at him and who he was talking to. But they couldn’t see anyone else but Jungkook. When they were gone and out of sight, Jungkook leaned closer. “Do it!” Jungkook whispered, “Do the thing where I feel so warm and cozy…whatever you do, please.”
“You… you mean now?” Yoongi wasn’t sure why he suddenly got shy when he had hugged Jungkook countless times before but it was different when Jungkook was watching him, looking at him, being able to hug him back. Angel wings were very delicate and so he fluttered a little nervously before inching closer, before their knees where almost touching. “I normally hug you. So if... if that’s okay I’d do that again now. And then... I... I fold my wings like this..”
“Are you always this nervous hugging me, guardian?” Jungkook asked quietly and giggled softly when he felt Yoongi’s presence and warmth all around him. He sighed and leaned into his body, gazing up at his beautiful wings. “I don’t know what others look like but I bet I have the most handsome guardian.”
“No, of course not! Normally you are snoring or watching tv or…” ‘Or crying your eyes out after a nightmare’ wasn’t a nice way to finish it so he kept silent. Just when he thought he had it back under control Jungkook complimented him sweetly and he hid his face a little in their hug while stretching out his wings even further. They weren’t as white as Jimin’s, a greyish hue on them making them look like goose feathers so he didn’t get compliments very often. “Th...thanks. You’re really pretty too, for a human.”
Jungkook chuckled at that, hiding a little deeper in Yoongi’s feathers. “Will you be there when I call for you now?” Jungkook asked, eyes tearing up but he ignored it, “I’m not alone anymore?”
“Of course I am. But you don’t have to call out loud - I’ll always be with you if you need it. Even though it felt like it you were never really alone.”
It had gotten late and Jimin still had no clue what to do.
He had hurriedly collected the feathers he lost in his panic to try and shift back and forth to test if he was still able to and placed them on Namjoon’s desk, when the human came in and looking for Jungkook who was supposed to help him out tonight.
“I don’t know where he is, maybe he forgot,” There was a faint smile on Jimin’s lips, one that seemed a little too tired. He had been fighting his thoughts all day, trying to avoid Namjoon to think about whether to tell him his secret or not. Did Namjoon love him, too? Did he just play with him? Would his feelings fade away, just like many humans did and it would leave Jimin heartbroken? Would he scream and run away from him if he ever found out? How would they even make it work?
Yoongi had told him he could shift into human form, but therefore he needed to shift back from time to time. To refresh his energies, to make sure his angel side wasn’t dying out. Jimin drew in a painful gasp. Quickly pushing the thought deep back into his mind. He could feel the headache settle in but still offered his help. There were a lot more things Jimin should think about right now, for example how to fix his shifting problem but the moment Namjoon came in, he couldn’t think about anything else but him. “I will help you. It’s no problem…I’ve been sorting stuff all day. Won’t hurt if I do it a little more.”
Namjoon, having no idea that Jimin was using up his last reserves of heavenly energy smiled happily at him. “Oh that would be great. Thank you, Jimin. Do you want me to explain the system or did you watch Jungkook last time he was here?”
Jimin shook his head. “No, I was busy with reorganizing your life, remember?” He laughed and then stepped next to Namjoon, fighting the urge to lean onto him and tried to concentrate. He followed every movement of his, listening carefully whenever Namjoon explained something and hummed in response. “I’m done with your office now,” Jimin spoke quietly, the weight of what it could mean to be finished with everything Namjoon needed him for in the first place weighing down on him. “You’re also following the schedule; no coffees after four, waking up at six and you even manage to take a shower in fifteen minutes.” Jimin giggled softly and gazed up at the human. “You should be proud of yourself.”
“Hmm…” Namjoon only hummed in thought. “I don’t think that’s really my doing. You can bet that everything would go back to normal the moment you would stay away. So I guess you need to help me with my morning routine forever now…”
“Forever? Forever is a long time… but…I’ve been meaning to talk to you,” Jimin’s voice sounded tired and he turned towards Namjoon a little more, holding onto the table to keep himself upright. Mindlessly, he took one of his feathers he had placed there, playing around with it while Jimin tried to figure out how to talk to him. “About last night and this morning…I…,” The angel averted his gaze, “I told you if I would be done with my work that I would try and get someone else to take care of you, but…everything just tumbled over and I might have been a little selfish. I like being around you, Namjoon.” Gazing up, Jimin could feel the tears burning in his eyes, “But I’m not made for something quick, or some love that will fade away in a couple of days. And I’m afraid I will be.”
Namjoon frowned a little when Jimin stated to talk so seriously. To be honest he had been so happy with Jimin around that he had completely forgotten that Jimin had actually said that. “That’s... totally not selfish. And I really like having you around me too... in case it wasn’t obvious before.” He rubbed his neck, not quite sure where Jimin was going with this when he saw the tears in Jimin’s eyes and his breath hitched.
“Minnie...” His soft exhale got swallowed by Jimin’s hasty confession and Namjoon reached out for Jimin immediately. “That’s exactly why I wanted us to talk about this right away. Did you worry a lot about this? Over if what happened was just a ‘one night stand’ to me. It wasn’t - or at least I don’t want it to be. I... I have to admit that I normally don’t sleep with someone that quickly but you...” He lowered his voice, “I couldn't resist you, really, you just sliced through all my defenses. But that doesn’t mean I'm only interested in sex, I’m interested in you. Everything, your past your present your possible future. I want to get to know you. And if... if that’s okay for you then I hope that... that there are no more fears now. And if there are then please know that you can always talk to me. Communication is important. We are two different people and therefore might have learned different ways of coping or different behavioral patterns. So please if you are ever insecure or hurt or confused please talk to me and I’ll do my best to make it right again.”
Jimin couldn’t help but lean into Namjoon, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed. “There are things I haven’t told you, yet.” The angel looked up and suddenly blinked, stars sparkling in front of his eyes and he quickly shook them off. “About me, where I come from, who I really am...I am scared that you will not like it,” Jimin’s hand wandered up to Namjoon’s shoulder to hold onto him. He leaned in a little closer, because kissing Namjoon was the only thing that felt right for him right now, while the world just seemed against him and this love. Jimin shuddered. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you,” He whispered, breathing against his lips, “I want to show you all of me.”
Namjoon was stunned into silence at Jimin’s confession. He hadn’t even dared to think of them as more than ‘two guys flirting with the potential of maybe becoming more’ and then there was Jimin telling him that he thought he was in love with him. It was a scaringly beautiful thing, to be told that someone might love you, especially if you were just as emotionally involved as them. However as this wasn’t the only thing Jimin had mentioned right now the flutter of his heart got dampened by Namjoon’s voice of reason. “Why do you think that I don’t like your past? You know you don’t have to be perfect for me to like you.” He carefully pushed a little further, knowing that Jimin worrying about him not liking what he was told could mean absolutely anything from a difficult family history to Jimin being involved in petty crimes.
“B-because it’s…,“ Jimin was searching Namjoon’s eyes, trying to find safety in them, to read his mind even though he couldn’t. But he wanted to know what Namjoon felt. “I’m so scared, Namjoon. If I tell you this…promise me not to run away or be scared of me please. Will you listen to me? Let me explain?” Jimin asked and held onto the human, hands shaking, “I know this sounds so awful right now, but I promise it’s really not what you think, and it will make sense when you know.” He was getting desperate. How could be sure that he could trust Namjoon and tell him his secret, if he didn’t know if he loved him back?
The more he talked the less Namjoon understood. He was really confused now. What could be so bad or scary that he would run from Jimin? From the boy he was so sweet and thoughtful and who had done so much to help him out of pure good-naturedness?
“Jimin, are you in trouble? Have you been with the wrong people? Do you need help?” He couldn't think of anything that would make him run from Jimin.
“No, no, no wrong people,” He felt weak. Jimin licked over his lips nervously; sweat pooling at the back of his neck. He paled visibly, only his rosy cheeks feverishly red as he tried to smile at Namjoon. Taking Namjoon’s hand, Jimin took a step back, wavering a little. “I know it sounds absolutely crazy,” He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and regretting it right away again, so he snapped them back open. “What I told you, when I was drunk…it’s true.” Jimin gazed up at Namjoon, confusion written all over the human’s face. “There’s a reason I’m so good at protecting you.” Jimin took a deep breath, before he concentrated on his wings and angel form. He wanted to bring it out for Namjoon to see, so he believed him. Jimin closed his eyes once more, biting his lip. The light around him flickered, his glow wavering just for a second for the human to see and when Jimin thought he had made it, the angel cried out in pain, losing his stance and his hold around Namjoon’s hand when he collapsed.
Namjoon knew that something was wrong even before Jimin opened his mouth. The younger’s eyes looked a little glazed over and he was sweating as if he was sick. He couldn’t ask him though because apparently Jimin was starting to hallucinate again.
Last time the alcohol had been  at fault but this time there was nothing like it involved and so he was helplessly overwhelmed, completely out of his depth and not sure what to say to this.
And then Jimin collapsed, screaming in pain while he fell to the floor, folding in on himself like a house of card.
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A/N: Oh oh oh...oh no Jimin. Oopsie!! What will happen now? 0o Only one more chapter to find out. <3 We love you guys. Thank you for all your support throughout this story!
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
The Merits of a Hero
Summary: Chase wants to be a hero, more than anything he just wants to help.If only Anti would stop finding him. A belated birthday post for Chase.
A/N: This is late, so very late, but I wanted to make something for the Septic Dad because he doesn’t get enough love.
“Okay,” Chase smiled, trying to be confident in what was probably the most dangerous mission he’d taken in weeks.
J.J was just watching him, giving an encouraging smile. Between them was Mark’s dog Chica, graciously loaned by Mark, much to his reluctance to have her be a part of their mission. Several pets had gone missing all over town for the past few months. At first the authorities had written it off as a regular occupancy, but the sheer volume could no longer be ignored.
So Chase was standing in the middle of a darkening street, most of the neighborhood hurrying inside sooner than usual due to all the disappearance of their pets, and the remaining pet owners wanted to keep the pets they had safe.
But using Silver’s dog as bait wasn’t the only thing that made it dangerous, it was the fact that the mayor was supposed to come in disguise and bring his cat since the man’s poor luck might help them catch the culprit.
“You okay?” J.J signed.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Chase signed back, scratching Chica behind her ears afterwards. “All I gotta do is keep tabs on two pets an’ the Mayor, an’ Anti obviously has nothing ta do wit’ missing pets so e’erythin’ should be fine.”
“Average?” Damien hissed as he walked up, not in a suit and with a hat obscuring his eyes.
“Yah have trouble findin’ us?” Chase smiled, looking at the cat carrier in his hand. “That’s yer cat?”
Damien smiled, “Yeah, I didn’t name him, but he won’t respond to anything else.”
Chica was looking at the larger dog, watching Damien cautiously. “So what’s the plan? Leave them out in the middle of the park and wait for something or animal control to get them?”
“This the part of town that most of the animals have been disappearing from, Abe set us up with a place we can leave them and watch from a distance. Then all we need to do is wait.”
The Mayor nodded, “Hopeful not too long.”
“If we can be done an’ have yah back at yer desk, wit’in an hour, we’ll do it,” Chase promised the Mayor.
“I’ve already closed up my office, I’m going home after this,” Damien told them. He looked at Chica. “Is this either of your dog? Or did you borrow one from the neighbors?”
“Nah this is Silver’s dog, aren’t yah Chica Beeka?” Chase smiled, scratching the dog again. “Her name’s Chica.”
“Let’s get to the house, I don’t like how exposed it is out here,” Damien suggested.
J.J was quick to agree and led the two to a house to a house that bordered a patch of trees. Once they got to the apartment Damien set the crate down. J.J quickly signed something at the Mayor and Chase interpreted for him. “Do you want us to set up some type of boundary for your cat?”
“No need,” Damien opened up the carrier door, and a black shadow jumped out, a bell tinkling and the moon hitting a pair of blue eyes that almost glowed in the dark. The feline jumped to the top of the carrier before using it to jump onto Damien’s shoulders. “He’s got good manners.”
“Wow,” Chase complimented, watching Damien stand and keep his cat elegantly draped over his shoulders. “Didn’t know cats could do that. What’s its name?”
Damien’s mouth became a flat line. “Damien.”
“You named your cat after yourself?” J.J smiled, his hands moving more than a little bit quicker.
“No,” Damien glared at him. “My . . . someone else named him and that name stuck, unfortunately. I would have preferred something else, but he won’t listen to anything else.”
The cat began hissing, jumping down from Damien’s shoulders. Chica began barking. All three of them turned into the direction the animals were reacting to. The trees began to shake, as if something huge was moving through them.
J.J tapped Chase and signed, “That’s not a coyote.”
“Yeah,” Chase said, as the reptilian head of a massive tortoise poked its head from the trees, its shell looked like it was made of metal plates. On the back of its shell, sat Anti like some flashy emperor.
“Aww, fook,” Chase muttered in panic.
“Chase, Jay Man, what’s—” Anti smiled, then looked at Damien. Then he began glitching,clearly furious. “Da fook you doing here?
Damien and his cat just stared at Anti, “There goes my evening.”
Then the cat hissed, Chica whimpered, trying to hide behind Damien
“What are yeh doing here?” Chase said, the fear palpable.
“You shut up,” Anti overannuciated. Then he turned back to glare at Damien, his eye glowing, “You and yer damn boyfriend have gotten on my last nerve.”
The tortoise’s head turned to look at the Mayor and the two animals with him.
At that moment something slammed into the side of the tortoise’s mouth, Chase was shaking, holding his gun. “Hey, An-Anti, p-p-ick on some-thin yer own size!”
J.J pulled out his pocket watch, already messing with the dial on top of it.
“Shove off, shitball,” Anti sneered, “my business is with the stuffed shirt.”
Chase looked at Anti, clearly terrified, and just shot at the tortoise again, the blast slamming into his jaw again. “No.”
The reptile roared, and started to turn, Anti jumped off, “Quit firin’ at my pet.”
“Quit having it eat pets, feed it somethin’ else,” Chase said.
The tortoise began walking away, and Anti looked from it to Chase, and threw up a portal into the Void for it to walk through. He looked angry, “Yer lucky he got hurt, shitstain! I’ll make you bleed fer this.”
Anti followed his tortoise into the void, everyone staying still until it didn’t open back up.
“So, you’ve got a boyfriend, he gave the cat the name?” J.J asked Damien, trying to cut the tense atmosphere.
“Don’t get me started,” Damien smiled nervous. Then he turned to Chase. “Thanks for that, I was sure that it was about to eat us.”
Chase just screamed, “I was sure we were dead.”
Damien just watched him, “Well that makes it even more commendable.”
“Yer too nice, I got lucky,” Chase was holding his chest, clearly trying to calm his racing heart.
“What is your superpower?” Damien asked.
“I can hit anything I aim at,” Chase held up his modified NERF gun. “I forget what Marv and the Doc call it.”
“Immaculate accuracy,” Damien told him. “That’s quite the useful power.”
“Really? Don’t think it’s all that special, can’t really use it in the missions I help out wit’.” Chase rubbed at the back of his neck.
Damien began scratching his cat’s chin, the black cat purring, “You don’t give yourself enough credit, I always thought you being selective of your missions was because you didn’t want to fight. I was wrong, I’m sorry.”
“Nah,” Chase not to show how that hit his ego, “I’m used ta that. I am kinda a coward, I tend ta avoid Anti like the plague.”
“Lies!” J.J repeated, wildly whipping his hand in a wide arc.
“But you still fought him, you didn’t even run, you’re a hero,” Damien reminded.
“You’re too kind,” Chase watched Chica walk over, calming down now that Anti was gone. Chase knelt down, “Hey, girl, we should get yah back ta Silver and UFO, huh?”
“I should be getting back too,” Damien decided.
“Yeah, let’s get yah back home b’fore anything happens to yah,” Chase hooked Chica’s leash back on. “Let’s go.”
“What about the house?” Damien asked.
“We’ll lock up and once yer back home I’ll run the keys back to Abe,” Chase promised.
“Very well,” Damien agreed and put his cat back in its crate. They walked him over to his house. The Mayor thanked them and Chase made sure that they had some kind of guard on the place to make sure Anti didn’t swing back around to attack him. Damien was already pulling out his phone as he was closing the door behind him.
As soon as Damien was gone, J.J cheekily signed, “You have a fan.”
“Stop that,” Chase pushed him back. The two of them heading back to Mark’s to return to Chica. Chase would promptly go to bed, sending a report to Marvin’s about the massive tortoise. His sleep was a little odd but relatively peaceful.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Legacy - Chapter 3
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Legacy: A Hawkeye Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  1732
Rating:  E
Square filled:   @marvelfluffbingo - Hurt/Comfort
Warnings:  Pregnancy, domestic abuse, post-endgame, angst, developing-relationship, hurt/comfort, smut, Laura and Clint have broken up.  Comic Clint/MCU Clint mix.
Synopsis: Nothing is the same after the events of Endgame.  When Clint has trouble returning to a life where his family hasn’t changed but he has lost everything, he moves back to the city and tries to move on as a single parent. When Nate finds you bruised and pregnant in the stairwell of his building, he decides that there might be another way that he can make Nat’s sacrifice worth something.
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Chapter 3
Clint was really beginning to enjoy the summer.  It had been a long, long time since he could remember actually really enjoying one.  Not since everyone had turned to dust.  It was a season that had been tainted.  The last time he had really remembered enjoying it was the one where his family had died.
Since then there were five where he’d been alone, furious and broken.  Where the summer was just an uncomfortable season where he remembered everything he lost.  Then there was one year where all he felt was guilt and melancholy.  Guilt over the fact he couldn’t be what Laura needed him to be and melancholy over a season he usually mourned.
This year had been better.  He had the dog now and his kids were with him.  He’d take them to Central Park and visit the Zoo or go to Heckscher Playground and let them run around in the water.  He’d taken them to see movies where they’d sat in the cool watching all the new features that had been made now half of Hollywood had reappeared.  He’d taken them to see the Mets play and down to Coney Island to visit Luna Park.  He was making the effort to be who they needed him to be at least.  Cooper and Lila had already lost one dad.  They didn’t deserve to lose another.  Even if he had already mourned their deaths.
One thing that was helping him a lot was you.  Part of it was probably a huge case of white knight syndrome.  He was aware of it.  He wouldn’t have joined the Avengers if he didn’t get a kick out of helping people.  He helped people a lot.  It was kind of his thing.  It was more than that though.  Yeah, he was happy he’d gotten you away from that asshole of a boyfriend.  Yeah, he was happy that he’d set you on your feet so you could do this whole pregnancy thing without the looming threat of a man that beat you or not being able to provide for them.  Mostly he just liked having you around.
He’d shut people out.  It wasn’t just that he wasn’t letting new people in, he’d also shut out the friends and family he already had.  Opening that door for you seemed to open up a little bit of the man he used to be before all this happened.  Not only that, without Richard looming over you, you started to come to life.  You were like a breath of fresh air.  Even after you moved into the apartment next door you’d come by to have meals with them.  Often bringing over some of the dishes the neighbors had been making, sometimes cooking from scratch.  While he missed eating pizza as much as he was, it was definitely good to that the kids were eating better.  Laura would be happy to hear it in any case.
You’d gotten a job at Stark Industry basically doing data entry.  It wasn’t much, but it was something that you could sit for and it would last you until you couldn’t work anymore.  On your days off you were with them.  You came to movies and the park and the zoo.  The kids had all bonded with you quite closely considering it had only been a month and a half.  He liked seeing you with them.  He liked you.  He liked himself with you.  He started to recognize the guy he’d used to be.  The one that was happy and flirtatious and hadn’t lost his family.
Which kinda sucked because he couldn’t see how there was any chance for you two to be anything.  He couldn’t properly hit on you.  The flirting was harmless but you’d just gotten out of an abusive relationship.  You needed time and space.  You’d already said you’d worried that he wanted something from you as payment.  He wasn’t exactly in the best place either.  How was he supposed to make a new relationship work when he’d fucked his marriage up so badly?  Not to mention you were pregnant.  It upped the stakes.  He had to be really sure that there was something there before he messed with your life.  The problem was that he was never sure about that kind of thing.
It has been Nat that has introduced him to Bobbi.  It has been Nat who has pushed him towards Laura.  He didn’t know if he had it in him to try without he smacking him over the back of the head.
As the summer drew to a close he had really started to relax.  It was a weird sensation after so many years where he wouldn’t let himself.  You were at his apartment with the kids waiting for Laura to pick them up.  You were all playing Mario Kart.  He couldn’t quite believe how much fun he was having.  The kids were being hypercompetitive.  You were shoving him every time he got in the lead to try and make him crash.  Everyone was laughing and screaming, but that good kind of screaming where you’re having so much fun it comes out as shrieks.  Each time you pushed against him he felt a warm tingle inside him.  That little flutter of potential.  He wanted it to go away but at the same time, he liked it.  He liked that he could feel that again.
You shoved him again making him fly his baby Luigi off the side of the rainbow road.  “Oh, that’s it!”  He said trying to grab your controller out of your hands.
“No!”   You squealed, climbing up the back of the couch.  He wrestled with you for it making everyone laugh and Lucky start to bark excitedly.
“Yes!  You want to play dirty, we’ll play dirty.”  He teased.
There was a knock at the door and Lila jumped up and ran over to answer it.  “Mom!”  She squealed.
Everyone froze and looked over to see Laura standing in the doorway looking bemused.
“Mommy!”  Nate yelled, running over to Laura and throwing himself at her.  She caught him and picked him up as she pulled Lila into a hug too.
“Hey, guys.  I missed you.”  She said as she held them close.
Clint stood a little startled.  He knew Laura was coming today but he thought he had a few more hours.  He checked the microwave clock but it was flashing 12.00 as it had been since the day he moved in.  “Are you early?”
“Yeah, sorry.”  She said.  “I totally misjudged how long it would take to get here.  I don’t wanna rush them out or anything.  I do have that baby stuff you asked for in the car though.”
“Oh, great.  Thanks, Laur.”  He said and introduced the two of you.  “How about we go get that and you guys pack up the last of your stuff and then we can all go out and grab an early dinner?”
“Sounds good to me,”  Laura said putting Nate down.
“You mind helping them out?”
You nodded.  “Sure of course.  Come on you lot.”
Clint followed Laura downstairs leaving you and the kids to pack up their things.  “I hope this stuff is okay.  It’s all really old now.”  Laura said as she made her way down the stairs.  “I forgot that until I was going through it and it was covered in almost a decade of dust.”
Clint sighed and nodded.  “I guess if it’s no good we can have a baby shower and buy whatever else.”
Laura looked at him and raised her eyebrow.  “We?  Is this your baby, Clint?”
“What?  No.  I’d have told you I was with someone.”
“Well, that’s something at least.”  She said with a shake of her head.  “Who is this woman, Clint?  Why are you doing this?”
“She doesn’t have anyone.  And her ex was beating her.  I… Laur, I couldn’t do nothing.”
“There’s doing something and then there’s bending over backward.”  She said.  “Do you want something to happen with her.”
“No.  It’s not like that…”  He said.
“Clint, I just saw you.  I know what you look like when you’re falling for someone.”
He sighed and opened the door for her to go outside.  “I just… Laura.  She needed someone.  I couldn’t be who you needed me to be.  I tried.  And I wish it was different.  But it’s not.  And she needed help.  I can give her that.  I should be dead and I’m not so I need to do something to make it count.”
Laura stopped and looked him over.  She approached him and cupped his jaw.  It was such a familiar move yet it was like it was something that used to happen to a whole other man.  “I miss her too, Clint.  Every single day.  And I miss you.  But you aren’t the man I miss.  I think he died right along with us, only we don’t remember that happening.”
Clint opened his mouth to say something.  To apologize or try to explain or something.  She put her finger on his lips.  “It’s okay, Clint.  I can’t even try to understand what those five years were like.  I’m not even sure I want to.  You aren’t who you were before.  But the world isn’t what it was before.  It’s different and maybe you’re right.  Maybe she needs you.  But maybe you need her too.  Just…”  She paused and took a deep breath, caressing his cheek with her thumb.  “Be careful.  For both your sake.”
He nodded leaning his head into her hand a little.  “I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”
“I love you, you know that?”  Laura said.  “If helping her, or being with her helps you find yourself, do it.  Be happy.”
He smiled sadly and nodded.  “I love you too.”  He said.  “I wish…”
“Me too, Clint.  But let’s not dwell on it anymore.  We’ve all lost too much.  Time to move forward.”  She said.  “Now help me get these things outta my car.”
Clint nodded and popped the trunk.  He did wish things were different in so many ways.  Laura was right though, it was time to move forward.  Most likely nothing would happen between you and him.  It was unfair of him to expect it would.  He could be your friend and he hadn’t made a new one in a long time.  That was a good start.
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