#none of the other monkeys will sleep with him
ningadudexx · 1 year
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Sir if you are not going to buy anything then please leave
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sistertotheknowitall · 4 months
Danny is Some Guy with a not so secret admirer.
Part four? Post #four? I don’t know, none of these are exactly in order. Post one, post two, post three.
By the time Tim opened the door, Danny had his coffee made and handed to Mia at the register. He resolutely ignored her smug face and went back to making the other orders.
Tim had been a regular long before Danny had started at the coffee shop but it was three days into Danny’s third week when Tim had stumbled in at eight a.m. and did a double take upon seeing Danny. A very obvious double take followed by intense staring before Mia had cleared her throat. The blush that lit up Tim’s face was only rivaled by the one on Danny’s.
He had never had anyone openly stare at him before.
Mia had been insufferable ever since.
It also didn’t help that shortly after their first meeting Tim had started taking his breaks at the little coffee shop. It’s been three weeks, nearly a month and Wayne Enterprise’s CEO went from a bi-weekly regular to an everyday one. (Danny wondered if he should be concerned for the man’s caffeine intake but he only had the one cup every time so probably not.)
Originally, Danny had no plans to talk to Tim. It seemed obvious the guy had a crush on Danny if the constant looks over his laptop were anything to go by and Danny didn’t want to encourage it. Danny barely had time to make new friends let alone start a relationship.
There was also the added problem of what was quickly becoming his bat stalkers. How do you explain to someone that you were being watched by Gotham’s vigilante’s for no reason? (Or worse because he had made a poorly timed sleep-deprived comment.) Danny didn’t think you could without seeming suspicious.
Incidentally though, Danny’s plan went out the window when on a slow afternoon as he was cleaning tables and passed behind Tim. Once he saw the article the other man was reading he snorted.
Bruce Wayne and The Batman? Could This Be A New Romance For Gothams Most Beloved Billionaire?
It was one of those gossip rags that printed things like: Elvis: alive and well and Superman: a mild mannered farm boy? It was all nonsense.
Danny asked Tim why he bothered with the site and Tim responded that he found it amusing to read and that his family had a group chat where they sent the articles to each other.
“Okay. But Batman? Really? Your dad could do so much better.”
“You don’t like Batman?” Tim asked. Danny had slid into the chair next to him and shrugged. “I respect what he does but for as intimidating as he is, he also seems a little silly.”
Tim had given him an incredulous look and Danny hadn’t given him time to ask for an explanation, “and his kids can be just as rude. Like that flying monkey one.” Tim choked on air and Danny politely waited for him to calm down. “Kids? Wait - flying monkey one? Which one -?”
“The one always doing back flips with the blue bird symbol. He’s also a dick that gives hypocritical lectures about fighting.” Danny wouldn’t say he hated the guy but he wasn’t sure how many more lectures he could endure before going ghost and fighting him.
Tim had turned to Danny completely and was watching him with a look of disbelief, “you mean Nightwing?”
“Is that his name? Imma call him Dickwing.”
Tim had started choking again, this time Danny patted his back hoping to help. Yet it was all for not once he kept talking, “I think I’ve only had positive interactions with the one who looks like a walking red flag.”
“Red flag? Do you men hood-?”
“No, although he is definitely a red flag, I mean the other Red one. I’m sorry, I don’t know all these peoples names yet.”
“Danny!” Mia called.
Danny stood and patted Tim, who looked a little shell-shocked, on the shoulder. “Well work calls, see you later Mr. Drake-Wayne.” As he walked away he heard Tim mutter “it’s just Tim.”
(Tim for his part, placed his head in his hands and thought, well at least I have his name now.)
After that first interaction Tim stopped playing the lurker and started to actually talk to Danny and vise versa. Danny never asked if he still had a crush on him, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
Unfortunately, their growing friendship had only encoraged Mia as she happily sang “your boyfriend’s here!”
Danny, very maturely, did not stick his tongue out at her. He did however flip her off under the counter like an adult.
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woncoyo · 2 months
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☁️⠀࣭⠀𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾'𝗌 𝗈𝗇𝗅���� 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝖽?!
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pairing: hyung line + gn!reader genres: fluff, fluff, fluff warnings: none word count: 531 the one where there's only one bed.
author's note: i wrote this based on these prompts (click here)
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( heeseung ) you grumbled like a baby at the mere thought of sharing the bed with heeseung, but then, in the dead of night, he felt his arm grow numb from an odd weight, only to realize it was your slumbering body completely intertwined with his. the fortress of pillows you'd erected between you two lies in ruins, and you were sleeping so peacefully that he couldn't bring himself to disturb you. "and you said you'd rather die than sleep in the same bed as me," he whispered into your hair, stifling a chuckle.
( jongseong )  he slept on the floor and woke up to some noises coming from the bed where you lay. moans escaped your mouth as you drifted off, and jay intended to laugh or even record it if it weren't for the tears falling from the corners of your eyes. a concerned look took over him, and he gently grasped your shoulders, squeezing them until you woke up. your red-rimmed eyes and quivering lips left him puzzled, while it took you a moment to grasp your surroundings and his presence. "it was just a bad dream..." he murmured, his fingers trailing through your hair. you steadied your breath, feeling embarrassed by your vulnerable state, even though jay wasn't teasing you as usual. then, without a hint of shame, before jay could return to the floor, you grabbed him by the hem of his shirt. "could you, please, sleep here with me?"
( jaeyun ) you and jake had a heated argument after discovering you had to share the bed, simply because you both thought you were too large to fit together in such a small space. however, no one anticipated a cold draft sweeping through the night, causing you and jake to wake up the next day glued to each other: your face buried in his chest while jake hugged you as if you were a plush toy. "promise not to tell anyone about this?" you asked, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. — "tell what? that you couldn't keep your hands off me?" he teased. — "you were the one clinging to me like a monkey!"
( sunghoon ) the idea of sharing the bed with you didn't faze him in the slightest. however, you were adamant about maintaining a generous distance between the two of you to avoid any unintentional touches. yet, in the middle of the night, like two magnets drawn together, your bodies converged. you woke up to the sensation of gentle strokes in your hair, your face nestled against a sturdy surface. by the time you realize you were lying on sunghoon's chest, he was already quipping, "are you comfortable, hm?” too embarrassed to move away, you tried to stay still. "i know you're awake, sweetheart. you stopped snoring."
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© woncoyo.
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Early Adventure Time episodes: Ice King "kidnaps" Wire Princess, a vaguely humanoid heap of scrap with a smiley face painted on its "head" which he obviously made. Finn wants to stop him on the principle of kidnapping being bad, while Jake argues that since his "victim" is an inanimate piece of junk, no one's getting hurt and it might even quell his kidnapping thirst. After a series of shenanigans, Ice King attacks Jake, at which point Wire Princess speaks, revealing that not only was she alive, but consenting to the kidnapping as well, because of Ice King's fluffy beard. But now that she has seen him attack Jake, another fluffy thing, her heart is wavering and she must journey alone to find the true meaning of fluff. The end gag is Ice King screaming "She was alive?"
Middle Adventure Time episode: Raggedy Princess' kingdom is being attacked, and the assailant is revealed to be none other than Wire Princess, whose quest for fluff has turned destructive. PB appears excessively distraught by this, and it's revealed that she created Wire and Raggedy Princess (then known as cloth princess) in a recreation of the monkey experiment to best gauge her approach to ruling, in the early days of the Candy Kingdom. However, when the Wire Princess AI realized the candy people were more driven to Cloth Princess' caring nature, it logically concluded the only biological need of candy people is "fluff", and so tried her best to imitate Cloth's behavior, while Cloth Princess' deeply ingrained love for her citizens caused her to attempt to physically care for them. Declaring the experiment a failure, PB mind-wiped them both, gave Cloth Princess a new kingdom and name, and put WP in sleep mode, as well as left her in Ice King's junk pile. Jake, who has been listening, says "PB, that's messed up, man". Although they deliberate whether to reboot her again, she ends up being smashed by a gumball guardian or something. While everyone staress in shock, Raggedy Princess says "That's messed up, man. Also I didn't have time to say this earlier but I'm fine with either Raggedy Princess or Cloth Princess. So, um, yeah. Anyway, I'm going to call the cleanup crew"
Late Adventure Time episode: A strange techno-magical maze appears out of the blue in the Ice Kingdom. Finn and Jake explore it and find imagery of both softness and some sort of pre-apocalypse university, ultimately discovering it was created by Magic Woman/Betty mind-melding with Wire Princes, who was trying to reverse engineer an AI with love magic infused through Simon or whatever. She inadvertently mind-melded then, accidentally creating the semi-physical maze with her magic powers, and in turn realized that WP was, in fact, not only functional and aware this whole time, but she also had a slowed down perception of time. Finn and Jake sever the link after fighting some techno-nightmares. Magic Woman, despite only having been mind-melded for a day, has experienced a whole year, and appears distraught. But this is only momentary, as she declares that her accelerated madness means that her magic will grow exponentially stronger, and runs off appearing to have a plan. Finn and Jake are worried about Wire Princess going haywire (the pun is pointed out), but she clarifies (her voicebox is working now, but not much else) that actually, since she didn't have or understand emotions for most of her aware existence, she was just fine then. She then goes on a beautiful monologue about how, since she's now bonded to one, she finally, truly understands emotional beings and their complex needs. She renames herself "wire knight", and downloads her consciousnesses onto Finn's arm. A later episode has BMO and Wire Knight debating the trolley problem
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butterfluffy · 1 year
strawhats + d. mihawk with a healer!s/o
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· what would it be like being a healer, and an s/o to these people?
⠀⠀➧ unlabeled | strawhats, d. mihawk (separate)  x gn!reader | multi-character headcanons
⠀⠀➧ warnings — idk, none, ig? mistakes may be present tho.. so do ignore them, thanks.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed, sorryyyyy..!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: finally writing to clear out my inbox aAaaaAahhHhhHHHHh
req by @n0body-1mportant
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This trouble maker captain right here is always injured lol
So that said, you always go on healing your big, trouble maker baby
Wild card : Though he can take punches, kicks, and even stabs without screaming in pain—Luffy starts whining like a poor puppy everytime he comes to ask you to patch him up.
“Y/n...! Look, look, I'm heavily injured! I'm reaallyy hurt! Won't you heal me!? And, and! Won't you give me a kiss, too, for doing a great job in beating that bastard's ass!?”
Same as his captain, the first mate is always injured—due to fights, his harsh training, and other causes
..Despite always being injured, Zoro hates getting himself patched up. But if you're the one doing the healing so he could get better, it's all good for him!
Wild card : Zoro doesn't care if he's greatly bleeding out during a fight—but outside a fight, if he got the smallest cut, Zoro immediately dashes to you to get himself healed up..!
“Hey, so, I was peeling myself apples a while ago using that ero-cook's damned knife—now I got this cut. Heal it now, and eat these with me, yeah?”
Nami very much hates getting herself injured, especially getting scars
So Nami is quick to rush to you to get her injury fixed
Wild card : this happens quite rarely, since as said above, she hates getting scars—but, nami sometimes get herself injured on 'places' to see you flushed when she asks you to heal it~
“Babyyy..! Look, look! Look at my perfectly beautiful legs here! They've got a scar! Their beauty has been tarnished, so, please.. Take care of them, yeah~?”
Usopp avoids getting himself injured at all cost.
And when he does get injured, he screeches as he dash towards you with tears on his eyes, asking you to heal his injury ASAP.
Wild card : I have this headcanon for Usopp where he's a real clutz, so he always has an injury here and there, and wounds that he doesn't know where it came from.
“Y-Y/n..! W..When I woke up, I saw this new wound on my arm..! I..I don't know where it came from—it's probably from the spirits that I've angered, waaahh!!”
(it was caused by Luffy. He was dreaming that Usopp was a piece of meat, and bit him during their sleep. 💀)
As the left hand man of the ship's captain, Sanji is always out on a fight to support his captain, so injuries are unavoidable.
He's developed durability to the beating up he receives and shows it off his coolness to you, BUT AFTER THE FIGHT, he whines.
Wild card : This perv right here always has a nosebleed everytime you go patch up his beaten up ass, causing you more trouble.
“My loveee..! I'm injured, I'm badly hurt..! Everything's so painful, so please, heal me with your magic kiss—*you kiss him* *he nosebleeds*”
Robin isn't a big fan of getting injuries during combat, or whenever.
Though despite being injured, she handles it like a Queen! (You don't.)
Wild card : As said above she handles her injuries like the Queen she is, BUT, you don't—you're more panicked when she's injured as she stays calm while telling you some morbid jokes.
“Darling.. Please calm down. I'm not going to die, you know? All I got is this small scratch the size of a severed finger, so, don't worry about me too much, okay?”
SUPEEEERRRRR Franky right here who's a barely gets himself injured.
↑ Why? Because, he's a cyborg, a cool one who will barely get a scratch..!
Wild card : ...When Franky does get injured for some reason being during a fight or where else, he starts crying like a small child to you as he asks you to heal him...!
“Waaahh! This damned injury hurts so bad..! It's SUPEEEERRRR painful, I'm gonna cry! Y/n, Y/n, quick, quickly, heal me and ease my pain..!!”
The greatest swordsman? Injured?? Pfft, not a chance.
Though when he's going against strong fellas, he gets some scratches here and there, which he deals with by himself—not wanting to bother you.
Wild card : Mihawk doesn't show it, but, he loves, and finds it cute when you insist on helping him with his injury that he already had managed, or can obviously handle fixing by himself.
“My dear... I already fixed my injury, so don't worry about it. But.. If you really insist on using your ability to speed up the healing process.. Alright. I'll let you.”
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© butterfluffy 2023
⠀⠀ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs, and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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eyelessfaces · 1 year
tousled, stubbled, tired
miguel o'hara x reader
well basically I've been obsessed with the concept art for miguel so it is heavily inspired by those (x). not my fault he looks so boyfriend
summary: miguel is on the edge of a burn out, and he's the only one not seeing it.
warnings: none too important I think, just miguel being really tired because he works a lot. swearing, one small (and cringe) innuendo.
tags: gn!reader, established relationship, angst, fluff, domestic fluff, hurt/comfort?, nerdy miguel<3
word count: 2.1k
masterlist | taglist | ao3
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Miguel hadn’t slept at home in days; you had been fairly accustomed to him leaving in the middle of the night for safety matters in Nueva York and coming back early in the morning, but now that the threat was multiversal and now that he was the leader of the spider society, he didn’t even bother getting to bed in the first place.
He in fact barely even left the spider society; the rare times he did were for missions, and when he came back he didn’t even take the time to catch a break; he always had something to fix, something to build, a new suit to work on, a machine to program, meetings, briefings, then more missions.
You wondered how he still had all that energy and where it came from, and you wondered how he hadn’t burnt out yet. 
Even the small naps he took from time to time – against his will, you had found him passed out on his desk one day, head resting over folded arms, mouth slightly opened, soft snores escaping – couldn't possibly make up for his lack of sleep, and even though his mutation may grant him more stamina and allow him to stay awake longer than the average human being, the dark circles under his eyes were the visual proof of his fatigue, and it was all you needed to try to drag his ass back home so he could get some rest.
You watched from a distance as Miguel was sitting on the floor, a monkey wrench in hand and a screw sitting between his lips. He looked focused, a small crease forming between his eyebrows as he tried to fix his machine – you had no idea what it was for, but you figured it must be important considering the significant amount of time he had already taken trying to fix it. 
Miguel gasped in surprise at your contact, slightly jumping at the sudden feeling of your hands over his shoulders, your unexpected and unannounced presence tearing him out of his developing state of drowsiness.
“Shit you scared me” he grunted softly, grabbing the screw at his mouth before turning to look back at you.
"Sorry" you apologized, bending to leave a kiss at the top of his head, your thumbs rubbing where his suit was peeking out under the baggy clothes he had been wearing for probably way too long. His shoulders muscles were stiff and you felt them tense even more when he turned back to his machine with a small sigh.
You joined him and pushed the hammer and nails out of the way before sitting down next to him. 
"When was the last time you went to the cafeteria for something other than the coffee?" you asked accusingly as you looked down at the empty mug beside him on the floor, your hand resting at the back of his neck, playing with the hair there.
He shrugged, still looking at the open hatch of the machine in front of him. 
“A bagel won’t keep me awake” he muttered, his voice slightly muffled by the object in his mouth as he tightened a bolt, putting his tool back on the floor with a clinking before grabbing another.
“You still need to eat, you won’t get to finish fixing this machine if you die first” you scolded him as your hand left him, looking at him sternly.
He turned to you and let go of his screw before putting a hand at your arm, his tired eyes boring into yours.
“I'll eat, I promise, but I'll do that once I'm done. I’m really close to getting it, I almost have it solved.” he declared, tilting his head towards the machine as his grip around your arm lightly tightened.
You closed your eyes and nodded once before you opened your mouth to talk again, but Miguel had already turned back to work at his machine. You let out a small sigh and grabbed the screw he previously had at his mouth to fiddle with it.
"When was the last time you had a real night of sleep? Because I don't recall seeing you in our bed in what– almost a week at least?"
"Are we playing 21 questions?" he asked sarcastically as he turned to you again, clearly beginning to lose patience. 
You paused and looked away from him, a small sigh leaving your mouth before you looked back in his direction.
"We're playing 'I'm worried about my boyfriend', it's a game where said boyfriend barely takes care of himself and drowns in work and in which everyone around him witnesses his vital needs getting neglected." you said as you didn’t even try to make it sound like a joke, just blatantly showing him how upset you were.
He pinched his lips before his gaze dropped to his lap.
“Miguel” you called. “Take a break. Please. This is a request for now but if you keep on being stubborn this is gonna become an order” you said as you shifted closer to him. 
"I don't wanna fight with you. I really don't" you nodded as you put a hand to his shoulder. 
"And you would lose, because you don't have enough energy to outbid, and it's gonna hurt your ego so it's best for the both of us if you just listen to me" you explained, a smile appearing over your face when he softly chuckled and shook his head. "Okay?" you asked raising your eyebrows, awaiting his response.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay" he nodded, his half lidded, tired and bloodshot eyes looking up at you. 
"Good" you pinched your lips in a smile as you brushed away the shorter strands of his tousled hair falling over his forehead, before leaving a kiss there.
He tiredly smiled at you when you pulled away, leaning into your touch when your fingers ghosted over the light stubble on his cheeks that had grown over the past few days.
You shrugged. “I like it” 
“I don’t.”
You chuckled at his harsh response, your hand fully resting at his cheek. “Come back home with me and we’ll shave it.” you shrugged. “After a well needed shower” you continued, teasing him as you pinched your nose and faked a wince, making him nudge your side as he huffed out a laugh.
“I know it’s getting critical, I just haven’t had the time for it” he said grunting as he got up from the floor. “Lyla even said 'I don’t have olfactory sensors but I know that you stink'” he mocked as he took a higher voice and imitated the sassy attitude of his AI, making quotation marks with his hands.
You laughed at the a-bit-too-accurate imitation and got up too when he offered you his hand to help you up.
"Come on, let's get you something to eat and go back home"
You were already sitting on your bathroom counter, razor in hand when Miguel came out of the shower, towel loosely hanging around his hips. 
“Sure you don’t wanna keep it?” you asked teasingly, pointing at your own face to refer to his five o’clock shadow as he walked up to you.
“No. I don’t wanna look like Peter B” he grumbled as he joined you. You huffed out a laugh and caged him with your legs, bringing him closer to you.
He let his forehead rest against your shoulder, planting his hands at either side of the counter while you brushed his wet and dripping hair back, almost shuddering as you felt the gentle scruff of his stubble against your skin when his face shifted to your neck.
He tilted his head back up at you, the worn out expression over his face paining you. 
You took a hold of his face and shaved him in silence, and you didn’t blame him for the lack of conversation and clever things to say. He probably had been dealing with a lot of stuff this week, trying his best so things wouldn’t turn out to be catastrophic so he probably wanted it all to be quiet now.  
Following along his sharp and defined jawline, you shaved to the shape of his face, razor gently and thoroughly following each line, careful not to go too fast and slip and cut him. 
“I'm so tired. Working twenty-four seven didn’t give me time to realize it but now it's crushing me” he mumbled, his voice barely louder than a whisper so his movements wouldn't be too harsh and wouldn't make you slip.
“I know. It all comes crashing down one moment or another” you said with an empathetic smile, rubbing your thumb over his left cheek once you were done with that area. He responded with a small hum.
It didn't take too long for you to be over with your task, and you put the razor down by the sink before grabbing the aftershave bottle, squeezing the lotion onto your hands and gently lathering it over his face, appreciating the smell you never realized you were that used to.
"Done. All clean shaven" you declared as he put his hands at either side of your neck, smiling tiredly before slotting his lips against yours.
"Thank you" he softly smiled.
"Come on, let's get you dressed and let's get you to bed" you called as you jumped down from the counter, exiting the bathroom as he followed you to the bedroom.
“You know, at this point you could build us quarters at the spider society” you chuckled, rummaging into the closet looking for the same kind of comfortable clothes he had been wearing lately.
“Don’t tempt me, I could make that happen” he declared as he shifted from his sitting position to lay down onto the bed with a grunt. “That’s actually not a bad idea”
You hummed in reflexion. “I could look after you, make sure you’re not doing too much” you shrugged as you turned to him to throw him a pair of clean boxers.
“Forget about what I said. ‘Don’t need you to try to babysit me all the time, I already have Lyla for that” he chuckled as he let the towel down to put on the clothes you were progressively throwing at him.
“Where was she to babysit you these past few days?” you asked as you joined him and crawled onto the bed.
“Had to turn her off. You, I can’t” he teased with a small smirk plastered over his face before putting his shirt on, grunting as you pushed him back down onto the bed.
“Asshole” you playfully hit his chest, leaning down next to him. "Right, you could only turn me on." You stared at the ceiling as you waited for any type of response, a chuckle, a small laugh, a nudge, but nothing came, nothing happened. 
Your look darted to his direction, and you giggled as you watched him trying to hold back a laugh.
"That's a bad joke, for my defense I'm exhausted so it doesn't count" he shook his head, covering his eyes with his hand, desperately grunting.
"Yeah, right" you huffed out a laugh as you let your head rest over his chest. 
The tension quickly diffused, the atmosphere getting calmer and the room getting quieter as you absentmindedly let the tip of your fingers trace patterns over his chest slowly rising and falling.
"Thank you" he softly muttered, breaking the silence, tearing you out of your thoughts.
"What?" you asked, confused, your fingers stopping in their trail. 
"Thank you for dragging me out of there, out of this hole"
You paused and shifted so you could look back at him, propping your elbow next to his face, holding your chin in the palm of your hand.
"Miguel, you know I'll always have your back, right?" you rhetorically asked, your fingertips now tracing his face, all soft from the aftershave.
He nodded as his eyes darted to your face.
"Yeah. I know" he pinched his lips in a soft smile as he looked at you, fighting so his eyes could remain open. 
You mirrored his smile, leaning over so you could leave a kiss at his lips, running your fingers over the side of his face one last time.
“You can rest now. I got you”
He softly hummed before his eyes closed under the weight of the responsibilities weighing on him, a small sigh of relief leaving him as your fingers raked through his hair. 
It didn't take long for you to register he was asleep, his breath slowing down, the steady heaving of his chest and a peaceful expression over his face.
You couldn't bring yourself to move, couldn't bring yourself to leave him.
please give me feedback if you liked this, I appreciate every single comment and they motivate me to keep going!!
masterlist | taglist | ao3
spiderman 2099 taglist: @bubuslutty @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @mintgreen24 @dameronshandholder @spider-starry @jakecockley @midnight-the-shadow-wolf @cocodiem @pedropascalsidechick @spxctorsslxt @roxannarichie @vicolangelo @amb3rrz @inluvvwithme @friedwings @chaotic-neon-sign @foxglove-grove @ilovemiguelohara @pandq707 @gobblegluckgluckgod @weasleybuns @I-like-eating-leaves @doudou00125 @luxisluxurious @himesuedi @daisydark @koyukiki @tyranicalsaurusrex @violet-19999 @melaisnthere
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bombombooty · 5 months
lazy days with the strawhat pirates :)
the days on the sea aren't always full of action, and that's okay! in that moment, it's nice to take the time for yourself... and with your favorite strawhat!
chrs: Monster Trio, Nami, Robin, Usopp
cw: none, just fluff
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Monkey D. Luffy
and even if it may not be as much of a "lazy day" with the eccentric captain, it most certainly is still an enjoyable one. He who can't completely stay still finds fun in irritating others into hanging out or in his terms, "not being boring"- he says this all with a pout as he waddles around whining to his fellow shipmates
yet if it were truly a lazy day, and the rubber man succumbed to the rays of the afternoon sun, he finds his own enjoyment in stretching his arms all the way around you, gluing himself on and vowing to never let go (he doesn't let you go anywhere without him touching you)
develops a mischievous nature in the sight of the fridge, or what sanji swore to protect from the "hungry beast", but then eventually ends up stealing food after what feels like countless tries
you, always being by his side on these days means sharing food. even if he seems like the person not to, you are a clear exception to him. Whether it be a bite, a chunk, he will give to his favorite person in the world; right after, he drowns you in infinite kisses with that signature grin of his
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Roronoa Zoro
the swordsman is always tight-up, never letting his guard down, never letting anyone step all over him and his manly pride. However, that all disappears on a quiet afternoon when you pick up the sound of a certain green-haired man snoring incredibly loud
despite his restful sleep, it won't stop him from grabbing you and holding you tight as if it were a simple habit of his. He snakes his strong arms around you, not letting go until he opens his eyes cluelessly to you in his arms
in mention of that manly pride of his, he trusts you to watch in the distance as he lifts those large dumbbells of his; he finds his confidence raised to the roof when you're there
the poor man, dense as always. the crew always takes the time on moments like this to tease him about the lack of romance he brings to the table. Furious, he simply gives a large frown after protesting that he's a great lover
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Vinsmoke Sanji
and if every single day doesn't stop him from spoiling you with his passionate love, these calms day only fuel him more. It's a skill the chef possesses, finding himself to be quite the "professional" in his vernacular
the times he's not in the kitchen, he spends it with you. Looking out into the vast, blue, and majestic sea, he dreams of seeing it all with you- tracing patterns on the back of your hand and a kiss on the forehead, as he rests his head on the crevice of your neck
his romantic tactics comes into the light as he simply asks you to help him in the kitchen. It was just the two of you, sharing a moment together. He, of course, cannot help but flirt with his beautiful lover- in which it then becomes an ever so lovely kitchen date that lasts for hours
sometimes, when the strawhats could still be fast asleep, the blonde-haired man takes the chance to spread a blanket on the grassy floors and have a picnic (along with an occasional addition of the little reindeer, Chopper) with you. With smooth words like silk, it is almost as if he serenades you. It doesn't take long for you to utter a word of love to him, and his face is a flustering red
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• although the ship itself may be at peace, she still finds herself preferring an intimate, private spot to be with you. In the presence of just the two of you and her endless charts and maps, she'll pepper you with kisses and physical attention. She likes to bug you about her wardrobe, and sometimes, if you're lucky, the tangerine-colored hair woman rambles about all the things she'd like to wear, and their prices; you never see the end of it
• she could be busy logging away things, charting maps, and so on. But sometimes of the ship were too quiet, nami wishes for you to stay by her side silently so she feels more at ease. Don't mention it though, or else she'll kick you out
• with the help of sanji, she'll feed you and herself some of those precious tangerines and numerous drinks he sends down for the two of you to enjoy. Silently, she enjoys seeing the pleasant face you make when you take a bit of the tangerine or a sip of the drink, as she wraps you into a tender embrace that only happens once in a blue moon
• if the morning dawns or the sun falls, she'll gladly encourage you to do a skin routine with her, just so you two can talk endlessly about the infinite random topics that string to no where. As long as you're there, she always feels at home
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Nico Robin
• before you know it, she'll have you swayed into the thin sheets of spread out blankets with a book open, the only thing lit in the room being a simple few candles, and maybe a few rose petals. Slowly, she grazes her one of two hands against your hair, the other holding you close to her as you may also have a book- or perhaps not
• she simply wishes to listen to you speak, her undivided attention on you and your kissable face. You may not know what she's thinking, but as the waves collapse onto the Sunny, and the sun shines on the two of you, it's not hard to know that she's ready to press her lips gently onto yours at anytime
• she'll do anything you wish, just as long as she's there to watch- her quiet nature didn't mean she hated it, but she just loved when you do it. Everything about you drove her in a unique way of crazy, and the long-haired woman never wished to let go of it
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• believe it or not, the sniper was more of an active man. He'll be constructing a new device of his, or playing card games- something to keep him busy. Yet while he's busy he rambles to you, word by word as he makes up all these stories. One of them, being about a certain person in his life that was like an angel sent to him from Skypiea
• he likes to show you, and his little crowd (consisting of luffy and chopper) obvious magic tricks easy enough to amuse the lot of you in an instant, a hearty laugh coming from the curly haired man. His unwavering pride only bigger with you there
• he can be a crazy amount of shy in ratio to his cockiness when it comes to showing you some physical love. But in purpose of showing his love to you, when the sun is low and just the two of you stand on the deck, he'll gladly wrap his arms around you, kissing you in this slightly clumsy, but affectionate way in that unique way of his
(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
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songsbygumi · 2 months
Hiding tonight
| Megumi x reader
Summary- Your massive crush on Megumi Fushiguro is interfering with Maki's plan to win the exchange event.
Warnings - none other than poor english
A/N- This is a series (more like several stories) inspired by Arctic Monkeys' 'Suck It and See' and Alex Turner's 'Submarine' EP., no mentions of readers gender or name also can be read as GN :)
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You're stuck scrolling through his Instagram, lost in it for hours now. It's way past midnight, but you're wide awake, not a hint of tiredness in sight. You're too busy daydreaming about Megumi Fushiguro, imagining him touching your cheek, kissing you, all while you're swiping through the same four photos, none of which even show his face. Seriously, he needs to update his Instagram as soon as posible.
Suddenly, your phone buzzes between your hands with a new message.
Maki: "I can practically hear your brain whirring from here. Get some sleep, we've got training tomorrow."
You: "No clue what you're on about. You just wake me, I was sleeping."
Maki: "You better be. I'm not letting Kyoto win just because you're lost in fantasies about Fushiguro."
Your cheeks heat up, and your grip tightens on your phone. You've had a thing for Megumi for ages. You catch glimpses of him in the hallways, chatting with his friends, stealing glances through classroom windows and daydreaming during lunch as you fixate on him across the table, captivated by his deep blue eyes.
And when he's nearby? Forget about it. Like that time Maki introduced you to him and Nobara. With the third years out and Yuta gone, Maki persuaded the first years to participate and help win the exchange event. But her genius plan backfired when you froze up, stumbling over your words when Megumi look at you.
Maki: "Quit daydreaming and get some sleep. You can ogle him all you want tomorrow."
With a heavy sigh, you toss your phone aside and close your eyes, trying to sleep. But all you can think about is Megumi in his sport clothes, going toe-to-toe with Panda, wiping sweat off his face. You know you should talk to him, not necessarily about lovey-dovey stuff, just to break the ice. But you're way too shy, can't even look him in the eye. For now, admiring from afar will have to do. you're quite alright hiding tonight.
337 notes · View notes
matthewtkachuk · 4 months
bad at love
Breaking your brother's only unspoken rule—don't date his teammates—has never been an issue in your adult life. Until now.
pairing: jt compher x reader
warnings: angstttt, smut, a minor car accident with mentions of injury (broken bone/concussion), and the usual (alcohol, swearing, etc. etc.)
word count: 4.9k
a/n: hiiiiii @comphy-and-cozy i'm your super secret fic exchange writer! sorry this is a day late and a dollar short. one of these days @wyattjohnston is going to perma-ban me from participating in exchanges. until that date she remains my ever loyal editor. mad thanks to @thomasschabot for reading it first and telling me they loved it even though they're contractually obligated to do so and for physically being there when the fic idea popped into my head <3
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It’s not the first time you’ve shown up at your big brother’s house with a face full of tears and a couple bags full of all your worldly possessions. Despite your best efforts and well intentions—if you had to guess—it likely won’t be the last. 
It is the first time you’ve done so with him being a married man, and so it’s your sister-in-law whose comfort you really seek and are expecting to pop up behind the slowly opening door in front of you. 
Unfortunately for you, and for the poor soul you really don’t know that well, it’s not Kenzy who opens the door but the over-the-summer pick-up from Colorado. 
If it had been any of the other, more tenured of your brother's teammates, you might have been waved inside with nothing more than a sympathetic glance and an unspoken ‘again?’. 
Instead, JT’s look of utter confusion has quickly evolved into something more akin to a quiet rage, and you’re reminded that he is a big brother himself. The look is familiar to you, having inspired a similar one on Dylan’s face more times than you can count. 
It’s been a really fucking long day, and you don’t have the emotional bandwidth to have any sort of reckoning with some guy you barely know in your brothers drive way. 
JT’s in the middle of some sort of sentence that begins and also ends with “What—” as you none too gently push past him in order to finally gain entry to the house. 
The mix of sympathy and feigned disinterest that greets you on the faces of your brothers teammates who occupy the large sitting room has your stomach rolling uncomfortably. It seemed like the entirety of the Detroit Red Wings were always around to witness your spectacular failures. What must they think, watching you disappear with the next great love of your life, only to reappear once again with bags packed in a manner of months?
You could hazard a guess at what your brother thinks, the variants of ‘I told you so’ that live and die on his tongue without ever leaving his lips. He wraps you up in an infamous Larkin hug that serves to fix a tiny crack of your broken heart, and so you revel in it like you used to revel in the comfort when the pain you felt was because of falling off the monkey bars when you were a kid. 
But, he has a house full of hockey players to entertain and Kenzy has a glass of wine with your name on it. Dylan returns to the living room and you slide out to the back porch with your sister-in-law, briefly catching the eye of the one who let you in. You don’t see the telltale signs of judgment reflecting back at you, but maybe something else entirely. 
Outside you pour your soul alongside the Malbec. Curled up on the wicker chair under a blanket you tell Kenzy about Owen and the promises he failed to keep. She oohs and ahs at the appropriate times, commiserating without belittling you. 
By the end of the night your heart—and the bottle of wine—feels a little lighter. There’s a little less shame as you make yourself at home in the spare bedroom that might as well permanently be yours. 
Owen visits you in your sleep, breaking your heart again and again until his face morphs into one with a ginger beard and kind eyes. 
Those kind eyes become a fixture in your post breakup life. If he’s not hanging around your brother's house, he’s bumping into you at the local coffee shop you frequent when you’re in Detroit. If he’s at neither, he’s obviously at the games you attend in support of Dylan alongside Kenzy. 
At Dylan’s, you barely speak to his teammates and friends beyond simple pleasantries. At your coffee shop, it starts at small talk but grows to be considerable conversations that dip just below surface level. 
It’s at Little Caesars Arena where he really endears himself to you though. Warm ups are arguably your favorite part of the games you attend. You like to look out at the signs, from the heartwarming to the obscene—picking out your favorites and giggling about the latter with your sister in law. 
Dylan’s always been really good about tossing kids pucks, and his big bleeding heart only grew larger when he got the red C strapped to his chest. Some of the other guys, even some of the so-called vets are less good about it. 
JT’s just like Dylan, maybe even a little kinder hearted. He takes the time to read the signs that are meant for him, never turns down a trade for a puck and even gives a stick to a kid whose sign says he came all the way from Denver to watch him, his favorite player, play in Detroit. 
It warms your heart. 
So much so you don’t even notice you’re staring until Dylan’s slamming himself into the boards in front of you to startle his wife. She rolls her eyes and calls him a name not worth repeating while you try to pretend like you weren’t just fixated on his teammate. 
The thing is Dylan has never outright said his teammates are off limits. Not since you were a teenager making eyes at his USNTDP teammates anyway. 
The memory keeps you from looking JT’s way the rest of the warmups, but once the puck drops your eyes can’t help but wander. 
Wandering appears to be your specialty, considering you’ve gotten yourself lost in the underbelly of the arena. 
Your first mistake was leaving Ken’s side—she was your ferryman, guiding you down the River Styx, and without her, you were lost in Hell. 
Were you overdramatic? Maybe. Were you lost with no hope of getting out? Still overdramatic, but definitely a possibility. 
The walls begin to look the same, and you’re half worried you’ve accidentally fallen into a back room or something stupid when you stumble upon the one who caught your eye earlier. 
‘Stumble upon’ is a gracious way of saying you absolutely smack into him and fall on your ass. 
He hauls you up effortlessly with one hand and your skin burns beneath his grasp. 
“What are you doing?” you both say in near unison before he laughs. 
“I was getting my shoulder checked out, what are you doing all the way over here? Are you lost?”
Regardless of what he was doing, JT obviously has more of a reason to be found wandering the halls of the arena. And he’s right, you’re most definitely lost but you play it off like he’s crazy. 
“Me? Lost? No, I know exactly where we are,” you bluff. 
JT’s eyebrows raise and he nods slowly. “Which is…?”
Well, he’s called your bluff but he also gave you a key context clue. “Near the athletic trainer, obviously.” 
He laughs again and it has your cheeks feeling hot. 
“Okay fine, maybe I’m a little bit lost and maybe I was contemplating how I’d be trapped down here forever before you knocked me over.”
“I’m sorry, but you ran into me.” You roll your eyes and begin to argue, but he doesn’t let that happen. “Doesn’t matter, I can help you find your way out.”
You swoon dramatically, only half joking as you reply “My hero.”
Now that you’re no longer focused on navigating your way out of Pan’s Labyrinth, you’re free to focus on your close proximity to JT. Based on the way his eyes dart between meeting your own and staring at your lips, you assume he’s just as aware.
Is this not what you’ve been wanting since you knocked on Dylan’s door? But that’s part of the problem, and you’re sure JT is thinking the same. Not only is your brother his teammate—and you’ve always been off limits to your brother's teammates to your chagrin growing up—but he’s JT’s captain, too. There’s a million ways this thing could go wrong and blow up in both of your faces. 
You could get caught, and be forced to sit with Dyl’s disappointment. You could hurt the one person in your life who consistently showed up for you and loved you and cared for you. 
Not to mention you could risk it all for nothing—could crash and burn spectacularly as you were wont to do. Could fuck it all up with not only your brother, but JT too and be left with nothing. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d gone behind your brother’s back, but you had a sneaking suspicion things would be worse than they were when you were 15 to his 16. 
Ultimately you decide fuck it, because what’s life without a little risk?
Tentatively, you slide your hand over the rough beard covering his jaw. When he doesn’t flinch or move away from you, you lean in closer. 
He’s not pulling away, but he’s also not moving closer, letting you make the first move. 
It’s probably a terrible fucking idea, but you’ve never been accused of being someone who makes good decisions when it comes to romantic partners. 
The first press of your lips to his is cautious, barely a brushing of your mouths, just to get a taste. Quickly you become a woman obsessed. Unable to get enough, the kisses turn frenetic, bordering on sloppy. 
He reciprocates in kind, his mouth hot and heavy on yours while his hands grasp and pull and hold. His very essence consumes you, taking over all of your five senses and pulling noises from you that you didn’t know existed. 
If your arm burned from his grasp earlier, your entire body has caught fire. 
You’re unaware or probably more accurately uncaring of your public nature, despite your earlier hesitance. Now you just want more and more and more of JT, as much as he is willing to give and maybe even a little more. 
He seems to be on the same page, entire body wrapping around you and pulling you deeper and deeper. 
Unconsciously your hands begin to pull at the waistband of his pants and it’s then that the two of you finally separate. 
You’re worried you’re going to find regret in his eyes and excuses on his tongue, but he’s just looking at you intently. 
“Not like this,” he says. “Not here.”
“I don’t want to wait,” you protest, but he shushes you with his mouth. 
“It’ll be worth the wait.” 
And worth the wait it is. 
It's sexy at first. Clandestine meetings in dark hallways, sneaking in and out of JT’s apartment that’s on the same floor as Jake Walman’s, covert texts and quiet phone calls where you get off on the sound of each other's voices. 
It doesn’t take long for you to want more, though. To fantasize about not just what his calloused hands can do to your body, but what it would be like to hold one in your own while walking down the street. To show up at a home game and have everyone know you were there to support not only your brother, but JT too. 
It’s a fantasy that is only stoked by the comfort you feel walking around JT’s apartment in just his t-shirt with his number on the shoulder. By nights spent together at his dinner table, on his couch, in his bed. By sweet texts and stupid memes and random photos of things that made him think of you. 
You don’t dare speak your desires out loud though. For fear of JT not wanting the same thing or for fear that he would, you’re not quite sure. 
It’s a tough situation to be in. One where you’re worried you're heading to a fork in the road that has JT on one side and your brother on the other. 
You have no delusions about the two paths eventually forging back together again, know that you’ve come dangerously close to that intersection marked with a big fat caution sign. 
Probably you should speak to JT, get on the same page about where you’ve been and where you’re going. Following that, assuming he secretly yearns for the same thing you do, you should probably then come clean to Dylan. 
Probably you should do a lot of things, but unfortunately what is done in the dark always comes to the light and sometimes it happens quicker than you can make your mind up. 
A road win presumably has JT in a good mood. He’s texted you letting you know he’ll be home before midnight, requesting your presence in his bed. 
It’s an easy yes, considering you’re already in the aforementioned bed. It’s nice to get out of Dylan’s house, of the suffocating feeling that you’re intruding in someone else’s home, on someone else’s life. 
There’s really nothing particularly sexy about the way he finds you, but his eyes darken upon finding you curled up in his bed just the same. You’re not attempting to recreate a sexy pose from a boudoir photo shoot, and one of JT’s shirts and a pair of boy shorts aren’t exactly fancy lingerie. 
That doesn’t stop him from dropping his bag dramatically and stripping from his dress shirt and pants. 
“Awfully presumptuous,” you say as if the very fact that you’re in his bed in not much more clothing than he is. 
He shrugs, “Not presuming anything. I’m fine if you just want to sleep, but I’m sure as shit not going to sleep in those dress pants. Bad enough I had to sit through a plane ride like that.”
His tone is teasing, but the implication that he would be just as fine falling asleep beside you as anything else pretty well takes all the fight out of you. 
“C’mere,” you say instead of a catchy comeback, lifting the covers and inviting him into his own bed. 
He wastes no time sliding in beside you and curling up around your body. “Hi.”
You snort and hide your face in his neck. “Corny.”
“I’ll show you corny,” he says, but you shush him by pulling his face closer to yours until your lips brush. 
“Thought I was presumptuous,” he says upon breaking the kiss. 
You roll your eyes—“Shut up.”—and kiss him again. 
He doesn’t manage to keep his mouth shut, but at least this time it’s to slip his tongue into your mouth. 
The temperature of the room rapidly increases—between the weight of his body covering your own and your body’s reaction to his fervid kiss, you feel the need to lose at least one item of clothing. 
“I need—“
Luckily he quickly understands what you’re trying to accomplish by pulling at the hem of your shirt, lifting off of you long enough to assist in removing it from your body. 
He makes a noise of appreciation at the bare skin revealed to him before diving back into your lips, this time with one hand cupping your right breast. 
Appreciative noises of your own build in your throat when that hand slides down your body to dip into your underwear. It’s teasing touches at first, until you reciprocate by cupping him through his boxer-briefs. 
Finally you both shed that last remaining layer, uncaring of where they end up in the bedroom. There’s a brief pause while he rolls on a condom and then he’s entering your body like it was made for him and him alone. 
There’s no rush about his pace, just gentle thrusts and soft moans and sweet praises. 
Sex with JT is so good, better than with anyone else you’ve ever been with. He’s the very opposite of a lazy, selfish lover. It’s like your needs and your pleasure come first, and you certainly do too. 
The positioning of your bodies is so intimate, bodies close, mouths slotted over each other with intermingling breaths. 
You worry you’re getting too caught up in that intimacy, possibly running in a direction not quite warranted and so you seek to depersonalize it a touch. 
“Let me,” you say softly while gently pressing a hand against his shoulder, indicating you want him to lay on his back. He moves willingly, even helping you climb atop him. 
It feels just as good with you on top, and the bit of distance between your upper halves means you can breathe a bit better. 
It’s easy to get lost in the feeling, to tilt your head back and focus on your movements and the feel of his bruising grip on your hips. 
Feeling the pressure build in your stomach, you slide a hand down your abdomen to where your bodies meet while the other grasps your breast just for something to hold on to. The added friction to your clit is pulling you closer and closer as you move on top of him. 
He’s staring up at you with lust filled eyes, mouth open in a mix of awe and pleasure. A look of almost disbelief on his face. His hands are still on your hips, now helping the movement of your body on his when your body lights up like the fourth of July with your orgasm. 
It’s hard to keep moving while in the throes of pleasure, but it’s like JT can read your mind, gripping your hips and thrusting up into you until he finishes too. 
Your whole body tingles as you collapse on top of him, relishing in the feel of his arms wrapping around your body. Leisurely you kiss for a minute, until your heart rate returns to normal and you feel like you’re not likely to fall over when going to the bathroom to clean up. 
When you return, you’ve slipped on one of his shirts once again. There's a soft look on his face as you crawl into bed beside him. It only cracks when you quietly whisper, “should we order pizza?”
“I think you’re the girl of my dreams,” he laughs. 
The room is quiet, filled with only the sounds of your breathing and occasional kissing as you wait for the delivery. 
Finally the doorbell rings. “I got it,” you tell JT and pull on a pair of discarded sweatpants before pulling the drawstring so they don’t fall. 
You don’t bother to check the peephole, certain it’s your food which turns out to be a giant mistake. 
Not only is it not your pizza, it’s also the last person you want to catch you with sex hair in oversized clothing that obviously belongs to the guy you’ve just had sex with. 
Dylan’s mouth has dropped so far down it would be comical if it wasn’t also horrifying. 
“Dylan I–” you start to explain yourself but pause midway through. How could you even begin to explain?
“I can’t believe this.” He shakes his head, hands curling at his side. “Actually no, I can’t believe this from JT, I can definitely believe this from you.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you snap. 
Your brother laughs sardonically, “Well you’re not exactly known for making the right decisions when it comes to relationships.”
JT exits his room, no doubt lured by the loud voices and the lack of food. “Hey man, come on, let's talk about this like adults.”
“Like adults?” Dylan is incensed in a way you’ve never seen before. “Now you want to talk about things like adults? The time to talk was before you started sleeping with my sister behind my back.”
“I’m sorry you found out like this–” JT continues to try to defend himself, defend you while you stand there speechless. 
Dylan interrupts, “Sorry I found out or sorry you got caught?”
JT goes to respond but Dylan cuts him off again. “I trusted you dude. I told you she was off limits, and not only did you ignore me, you went behind my back.” He then turns to you. “And you? My teammate? Seriously? You couldn’t have chosen literally any other douchebag to treat you wrong?”
That snaps you out of your stupor. “JT doesn’t treat me bad!”
A different kind of look crosses your older brother's face then. “Well when he does, don’t come running back to my house and crying to me.” 
Dylan slams the door and you sit in the quiet of the room for a minute with your ears ringing. 
The reality of the situation hits you. 
“I can’t stay there, God not only am I a fuck up but I’m homeless too.”
“You can always stay here,” JT offers and it really bothers you that you can’t tell if he wants you to, or if he’s just offering because of his hand in the most recent blow up of your life. 
“I’m pretty sure his baby sister shacking up with his teammate he doesn’t want her with isn’t exactly going to win me any favors with Dyl,” you reply. 
“Well I’m pretty sure he’d rather you be here than living on the street.”
Ordinarily you think that would probably be true but the look on his face when you opened JT’s door is seared into your mind. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”
In the end you do move your things into JT’s apartment. Kenzy is the accomplice to your crime, helping you pack your things while the team has practice, wrapping you in her arms and telling you that he just needs some time. 
“He loves you,” she says. 
You’re not so sure. 
That’s probably overdramatic. You’re sure he loves you, and you sure hope he forgives you. You’re just worried that this time you’ve both done and said things you can’t take back and you’re not sure how things will move forward from here. 
It’s not all bad though. 
Living with JT is surprisingly easy, even right one might say. You fit directly into each other's lives like perfect puzzle pieces. His strict routines of practices and morning skates and games—both home and away—allow you the space to complete your own work on your own time. Cooking pregame meals together and curling up beside him when he takes his pregame naps quickly become some of your favorite activities. 
You dance around the feelings talk, never quite broaching the subject. But it can’t feel this right if it’s all one sided, all in your head, right?
He’s even kind enough to let you drive his SUV even though the price tag makes you nervous every time you’re behind the wheel. You’re not a bad driver, as evidenced by the fact JT lets you drive the Audi, but you are possibly on this side of over cautious as a result of a bad car accident in high school. 
Three home games after your fight with Dylan and approximately zero words or text messages exchanged between the two of you, you find yourself in the passenger seat. 
“I could have taken the bus,” you protest weakly, almost knowing exactly what JT’s response will be. 
“Over my dead body,” he laughs, eyes flickering over to you before focusing on the traffic in front of him. “Just pick me up after practice or text me if you’re still out and I’ll find a ride.” 
“I’m not gonna leave you stranded at the arena, of course I’ll be there after you’re done.” 
It’s oddly domestic, kissing JT across the console and then sliding into the driver’s seat that he vacates. You wait as he grabs his gear and walks away, you do really love watching him walk away. 
The moment is cut short by catching a glimpse of your brother's vehicle. He’s not in it, obviously already inside the arena, but the sight of it makes your stomach clench all the same. 
Thoughts of Dylan and his disappointment and worry that he’ll never forgive you flood your mind the entire drive. So much so that when the next light turns green, you let off the gas without realizing that there is a larger SUV running the red. 
It all happens so fast. The screeching of tires, the crunching of metal, the pop of airbags going off and then a blinding pain in your wrist. 
In the end, you’re pushed into the wrong lane of traffic, the other vehicle damn near in the passenger seat you occupied only fifteen minutes ago. There’s a distinct ringing in your ears and you offhandedly wonder if this is what it feels like to get boarded. 
“Are you okay? I’m calling 911.” The words sound like they’re underwater, and it takes you several seconds to realize they’re being spoken to you. Turning your head to the side, you try to get the words out to say you’re fine, but you’re blocked by the airbag that has gone off near your head. 
Emergency services come quickly, a perk of living in Detroit you suppose. Embarrassingly, it takes the jaws of life to peel off the driver's side door to get you out. A cop takes your statement and then you end up in the back of an ambulance. Despite your assurances that you’re fine, one raised eyebrow from the female paramedic and the idea that you’ve probably broken your wrist has you agreeing to the ER visit. 
It’s then that someone asks you if there’s anyone you want to call. Heartbreakingly, your first thought is Dylan and your second thought is you’re not sure he’ll pick up. 
Your third thought is JT and his SUV that you’ve probably totaled. 
One of the paramedics helps you dial the equipment manager’s number, the one you were instructed to only ever use in case of emergencies. If ever there was a reason…
When he picks up the phone, you have to explain that you’ve gotten into a tiny fender bender and if you could please speak with JT and yes I mean JT not Dylan. 
“Are you okay?” JT all but demands when he picks up the phone. 
“I’m totally fine,” you fib, and then concede based on that same female paramedic once again raising an eyebrow. “Okay so I might have broken my wrist but–”
“Which hospital are you going to?” he interrupts. 
You tell him, but try to say, “It’s okay you don’t have to–”
He interrupts again, “I’ll be right there.”
He hangs up quicker than you can ask how he’s going to get there without the car that you’ve wrecked. 
True to his word, he’s sitting on a chair in your hospital room when you return from getting an x-ray. He stands abruptly upon your entrance and takes the three strides to stand in front of you before hesitating, like you’re made of glass. 
You take matters into your own hands and slide your good arm around his back, careful to not jostle your injured wrist. There's a slight tremor to his body that you feel run through yours. 
“I’m okay,” you say comfortingly, rubbing your good hand along his back before pausing. “Your car though….”
The tears are already starting to pool in your waterline as he pulls back. 
His hands slide to cup your jaw as he speaks seriously, “I don’t give a damn about the car. It can be replaced, you can’t.” A tear slips out before you can stop it and he brushes it away with his thumb before kissing you softly. “I care about you. So much. And that phone call scared the shit out of me.”
Despite the less than stellar background and circumstances, his words have your heart leaping in your chest. “I really care about you too,” you whisper and kiss him again. 
“Where is she?” you hear coming down the hall and it occurs to you that your brother is still your emergency contact. 
“Did you tell him?” you ask JT who promptly shakes his head. 
You don’t even have time to step back from JT’s embrace before Dylan comes crashing into the room. JT wisely pulls away and gives Dylan the space to place his hands on your shoulders and scan for any signs of injury. 
“I’m okay,” you reassure him but the words feel hollow considering they’re the first you’ve said to him in more than a week. “Broken wrist they’re gonna cast and probably a concussion. Can’t say the same for the car.”
Eerily similar to JT, Dylan replies, “Cars can be replaced–”
“But I can’t,” you say in unison with him. “I know, JT said the same thing.” 
It’s like Dylan remembers his teammate then, eyes sliding over to where JT stands and then back down to your slowly purpling wrist. 
The room is silent except for the sounds of medical equipment and the faint sounds occurring outside the door. 
“I’m sorry,” you say in unison with your brother again. 
“No, I'm sorry,” he says first. “I’m your big brother and I’ve seen you get your heart broken too many times. I’m always going to worry about you but I was out of line.”
“I’m sorry we went behind your backs and I’m sorry you found out that way. We should have just talked to you, I should have just talked to you.” 
“Truce?” he asks, like you’re 10 and 11 again, fighting over something silly and trivial. 
“Truce,” you confirm, hissing when you knock your broken wrist as you pull him in for a hug. 
Later, when you’ve gotten over the guilt of totaling JT’s barely used Audi and the cast on your wrist is long gone,  it’ll be a fun story to tell at parties. About how it took an idiot running a red light for you to define your relationship with JT and to reconcile with your brother. 
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simp4gyu · 2 months
knee socks | c.bg
beomgyu x afab reader
genre smut, fwb to ??
word count 2.1k
🎶 arctic monkeys - knee socks
txt x arctic monkeys series 1/5
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This past winter had fucking sucked for you. You'd lost your dream job when the company you worked for collapsed. You hated winter as it was, and depressingly dreary days weren't helping. The early December days were dark and long, but you really tried to get back out there, searching for any jobs in a similar sector to you. After a day of job hunting, you'd returned home to find your boyfriend in bed with your sister. Not exactly ideal.
Naturally, you withdrew from everyone and mostly stayed home. Staying up through the night to watch shitty reality shows and sleeping in until the afternoon. Your savings would last you a while before you desperately needed a job again so you decided to make the most of it and be the recluse you'd always dreamed about becoming.
Your only ‘company’ was your attractive neighbour Beomgyu, who you'd occasionally bump into when getting your mail. You’d pad out into the hallway with your knee socks and oversized hoodie, trying to shield your face when you realised you weren’t alone in the hall. Beomgyu would just give you a small smile and a wave, but would never pry. You were sure your situation was pretty obvious to him and you appreciated that he didn’t feel the need to remind you of it.
When the new year approached, you decided it was time to get out of your lonely state. You'd reached out to some of your old college friends who you knew were party animals and then it was every other night you were heading out with them. Drowning your sorrows with tequila, rum and whatever liquor you could get your hands on. You’d flirt harmlessly here and there but none of the guys seemed to help take your mind off your situation. You needed a good stress reliever, and you weren’t going to get it from just anyone.
Pulling up outside of your apartment building, you stumbled out of the taxi for the nth time that month. Tipping the driver way too much, you headed to the door but your inebriated state made you unable to navigate the key code to enter the building. You cursed under your breath as you swayed and attempted the code again only to be declined entry a second time.
"Need some help there?" You turned to see Beomgyu stood behind you with a smile. You blushed, the embarrassment sobering you up slightly. "Thank you", you replied biting your lip. You were so humiliated for your cute neighbour to see you in this state, but again grateful for his 'I’ll mind my own business' attitude.
You were certain you looked a right state, boots in hand and exposed thighs red with the January chill. The rain drizzling down soaked your hair to the sides of your face. Thank god for Beomgyu being in the right place and time to save you from the rainy Tuesday night.
Beomgyu took a step closer to you, holding his umbrella over the both of you to stop the rain from further soaking you. As he reached over to type in the building code, you found yourself admiring him and his handsome features unabashedly in your tipsy state. The scent of his cologne intoxicating. He turned back to you, not breaking eye contact as he gestured downwards.
"Cute socks."
Flash forward to 10 minutes later and here you are, back pressed against the inside of Beomgyu's front door. Your body held up as Beomgyu essentially pins you against the wall with his hips holding you up. Your lips were all over each other, heated kisses being placed wherever they could reach.
You didn't want to waste a single second, but it seemed Beomgyu had other ideas, taking his time to caress and stroke your body. The touch made butterflies swarm in your tummy. Feelings. You couldn't be having those. You grabbed Beomgyu's face and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, hands desperately reaching down to open his trousers and reach his hardening member.
He couldn't find the urge to resist now when you squeezed his cock through the thin material of his boxers, his head falling back as he let out a low growl against your skin.
Your dress rode up and exposed your ass as Beomgyu held you in his toned arms, fingers snaking into your underwear to stroke between your legs. He had a cocky smirk on his face at the state of your wetness, but decided to bite his tongue and not comment on it - he was just as needy as you were after all. He was quick to pull your underwear to the side and take you then and there against the front door. You let out a sharp gasp at the way Beomgyu felt filling you up, the ache from not being prepped oddly pleasurable.
He fucked you feverishly, hot breath fanning over your neck as he panted in exhaustion. The grasp he had on your ass was sure to leave bruises, but you didn't care. You just wanted to forgot everything that had happened this past month, you just wanted to feel Beomgyu and nothing else. Feel his thick cock pounding into you. Feel his hot breath on your neck. Feel the grip of his fingertips on your skin. Over and over and over again until your mind was only full of him.
It was a nice distraction.
And that's how it all started.
It was like Beomgyu was a medicine, curing your January blues. Things still weren't great. Still out job searching, still constantly reminded of your ex boyfriend and sister's relationship whenever you'd speak to your family. One thing that had certainly improved was your drinking, not feeling the need to go out and drown your sorrows with booze, instead your reprieve was in the arms of your neighbour.
It continued this way for weeks. Casual hookups occurring in the dead of the night so not to alert anyone to your situation. You just didn't want anyone knowing about this. It wasn't as if you were embarrassed of Beomgyu, you were just embarrassed by yourself.
There was supposed to be no emotional attachment. Just casual, you couldn't afford to get too attached. But what the fuck was happening? Your heart was softening for him.
Tossing and turning in your bed, it took you hours before you finally gave up on sleep. You knew what was needed in that moment and it didn't take you long until you were on your phone and sending a text to Beomgyu with the two words that seemed to be a regular occurrence these past few weeks.
"You up?"
Barely a minute had past before the chime of your phone confirmed his response.
"Doors unlocked"
It was usual for Beomgyu to wake up to an empty bed after spending the night with you, as if you were scared to be seen with him in the morning light. That’s why he was so shocked when he awoke to the smell of eggs drifting in through the bedroom door and the sound of soft singing.
He made his way out of the bedroom cautiously, not wanting to startle you. He leaned against the doorway and admired you for a few moments in your innocent state. Clad in just one of his blue shirts and your trademark knee highs, your hips swayed as you sang one of your favourite songs. He was content watching you in your happy state, but wanted to have his hands on you.
"Mmm something smells good," Beomgyu mumbles in his sleepy state, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling himself into your neck. He didn’t want to comment on the fact that you were still here, afraid he’d scare you off like a deer in headlights. It was nice. He’d wanted to spend more time with you, but it seemed clear to him that you didn’t feel the same due to you always running off long before he woke up for work. He didn't want to lose what the two of you had (whatever that was), so was happy to just go with what made you most comfortable.
“Well, I tried making you an omelette, but it hasn’t seemed to go very well,” you poured and he peered into the pan. Personally, he thought they looked more like scrambled eggs, but his nose scrunched up as he smiled at your effort. He reached round and kissed you on the cheek softly and you froze.
"Beomgyu, I... think we need to talk-"
Beomgyu's heart pounded, he couldn't lose you, not now.
"Can we talk later?" He muttered against your ear as he gently nibbled on your lobe, making you weak at the knees. You nodded, easily swayed as he continued his ministrations down your neck causing you to let out little moans. After quickly reaching over to turn off the hob, he'd hoisted you up upon the kitchen counter, standing between your knees as he stroked them and played with the hem of your socks.
“Keep the fucking socks on,” Beomgyu growled, grazing his teeth against your neck and taking little nips, basking in how your body was responding to him. He gripped onto the underside of your knees and pushed them towards your chest, exposing your core to him. He situated himself snuggly between your legs, clothed cock gyrating against your thin undies.
Desperate. That's the only way you could describe the current situation. Mouths on each other like you were starved. Hands grabbing any part they could get their hands on. Every part of the two of you was pressed together and it was intoxicating. Beomgyu brought his hand up and tangled it in the back of your hair, bringing your mouth to him to envelop you in a passionate kiss.
You were both too needy to get undressed, only pulling back for a second to pull down his boxers slightly until his hard cock sprung out. You didn't waste a second, taking him into your hands and pumping him, needing to make him feel good. Needing him to know how good he'd been making you feel these past few weeks. His moans were so addicting. You swore you'd never heard something so sexy in your entire life.
"Need you now," you breathed out against his lips and guided him towards your core. He nodded and sunk into you, the both of you stopping to bask in the feeling for a second before he pulled back and began to drive his cock into your needy heat.
Your request to talk to Beomgyu was now long forgotten, your mind just filled with the rhythm he was fucking you open with. Mind dizzy with nothing other than thoughts of him. Your fluttering eyes opened to observe the beautiful man in front of you. Sweat gradually forming at his hairline as his fringe hung in his eyes. Chest rose and fell rapidly from the effort he was exerting. You swore you had never seen something so beautiful and sexy in your entire life.
Beomgyu’s eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to keep his erratic thrusts regular, balls slapping against your skin as he longed to get you to your peak. He was holding you up now, your body too weak from the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you. Your hands slid up the back of his loose fitting t shirt and took perch around his shoulder blades, nails digging into his skin in hopes to lose yourself in Beomgyu. He hissed with the pain but that only served to make him pound into you harder.
Bruising grip digging into your hips as he directed your body to meet his thrusts. Your head rolled back as you felt him hit that sweet spot inside of you that had you seeing fireworks.
Desperate moans of each others names were all you could communicate as you reached your high, the tightening around Beomgyu driving him closer to his own release. He continued to fuck into you slower now, not wanting to overstimulate you but being so close himself. The deep, measured thrusts helped ease you down from your high as his hips stuttered and he finished inside of you.
The sounds of your laboured breathing was all that filled the air as your bodies started to recover. When you were back down to earth and able to open your eyes again, you saw Beomgyu watching your face and trying to gauge your reactions. Neither one of you said a thing, but the silence spoke volumes; you didn't want this to end, nor did he.
"y/n, are you free today?"
He played with your fingers nervously, not able to make eye contact.
A/N so I started this trash 5 months ago and only just finished it 🙃 maybe expect the other 4 members sometime before 2050??? thanks
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0oolookitsme · 4 months
Double Date Day
The smut that I've left you guys hanging for in this fic, is coming sooner than you think it is! So, don't be too sad haha! Best believe, it is coming right after the next fic! Also, I like started writing this concept probably last year, if not the one before that; and I just COULDN'T write it! But finally, I've re-written it for the millionth time and while I'm not very happy with the way it has turned out, I still hope you like it!
Verse - Singer!Harry x Ceo!Y/n
Word Count - 3k
Warnings - None! A scene alludes to smut, but it doesn't happen!
It is Valentine's Day, also known as the Double Date Day in the Styles' house. And being one of the highly anticipated days for the family, a lot of preparation and antics take place throughout the day!
Please rb to share! | Masterlist
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It was showing to be a clear morning; and, as Harry laid in bed with his eyes cracked open seconds prior, he imagined the clouds softly moving along with the brisk wind, and the sun peeking in between, as if playing peek-a-boo with the world. He knew it to be a deceiving setting though, because no matter how bright the sun was shining after days of disappearance, the weather was still chilly and would bite at his skin were he to go out.
Turning to his side he met with Y/n’s crouched back as she slept, curled into herself. He couldn’t hear anything from her but the slow rise and fall of her figure indicated that she was still fast asleep.
His lips curled into a crooked smile as he formed a cocoon around her, covering her back with his chest, slipping his hand around her waist and tucking away his chin into the back of her neck – her hair that seemed to be had slipped out of the braid she’d made last night, fell on his face and Harry gladly breathed in the comforting scent of her shampoo. 
His eyes fell close, as if almost compelled to go back to sleep in her warmth. And, he had just begun to drift away when he felt the bed dip behind him. This was nothing new, still Harry opened his eyes cautiously and shifted his gaze to the scene going on behind him.
One of the twins was standing up on wobbly legs, bending down to, according to Harry at least, help another one up. And he’s only proven correct once Amore is standing tall again, and Andre seems to be holding onto her arm for his dear life while he tried to balance himself on the mattress. They shared a look at for a little, as if revising the same plan that they follow through on every fourteenth of the February, since they’ve turned three, and passed each other a grin with a thumbs up, like signing off a pact.
He silently grinned and before he could begin pretending to be asleep, his eyes fell on Y/n’s bare chest that was seconds away from revealing her breasts. Looking at the kids, he slid her flimsy shirt down her torso and, once done, unintentionally swung his legs up her calf like he always does, instead of being sneaky and stilled, hearing Amore squeak – “Daddy’s Awake!” followed by Andre’s giggling. 
Tilting on his back, a throaty laugh escaped his mouth because of getting caught and also at the sight of Andre’s blonde curls sticking out in all directions. “Good morning, my monkeys,” he sang funnily, wrapping his arms around their little bodies as they snuggled up on his right side with their never-ending giggles.   
“Morning daddy,” the two wished him back in hushed voices, as if Y/n wasn’t already awake by the sound of their sweet-sweet laughter.
Harry hummed for a little, before beginning – “It’s the double date day today, isn’t it?” He asked and felt them nodding on his shoulder. Looking down at Amore and laughing when she poked at his double-chin, he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“You know what to do, my love.” He began and turned to look at Andre, asking him if he were ready to take on the day. On receiving a cheery reply, he took the blanket off of him and got out with Andre clung to his chest, putting the boy back down once he was on the floor. 
“Enjoy you time with mummy,” he chirped at Amore and kissed both her and Y/n’s cheeks quickly before pretending to run off with his other little one cackling and running behind him.
On the very first Valentine’s Day that Harry and Y/n had celebrated as parents, they had come up with an idea to turn it into a double date day. For what reason, they aren’t sure – it just seemed cool to do, and now the family awaited this day every year with great excitement. 
The first time, Y/n had gone on a date with Andre and Harry had gone with Amore. It was nothing but another domestic little excuse to spend some more quality time with their kids. The second year around, Y/n and Amore went on one, while the boys went with each other and, for the third year, the kids had gone over to Anne’s, so Harry and Y/n had gone on a date. 
This year, they were following the suite of the February fourteenth on which Y/n was pregnant, and ready to pop any minute, sat in the bed with breakfast served to her by her lovely husband, who hadn’t even managed to get dressed because he had missed his alarm, surprisingly enough. Which meant, they were starting anew this year, and the whole family was going to be sat on one table and just chit chat like they do all the time and discuss Harry and Y/n’s first meeting for the thousandth time. 
Right now, Y/n very sneakily wrapped her arm around Amore’s frame and dragged her towards herself. She laughed lightly when she realized that she’d scared the girl as her eyes remained widened for a second too long. “Good morning, mi amore,” she chuckled, kissing the top of her nose and sighed when she snuggled closer to her. 
With her face tucked away in Y/n’s chest, Amore shyly greeted her back, “morning, mummy.” Her voice was muffled, and Y/n knew she wasn’t too far from slipping back to dreamland.
“Did you get anything?” Y/n asked, pressing another kiss to the girl’s hairline. 
The girl hummed and Y/n wondered how Harry hadn’t noticed such similarities between him and Amore. “There was a box beside my pillow, but I haven’t opened it yet,” she answered, and pressed a return kiss on her mummy’s chest through the ridiculous gaps between the shirt’s buttons, her body shaking with laughter when Y/n giggled.
“What about Andre? Did he get his gift?”
“Yeah! He opened his first thing in the morning!” Amore laughed. “He was very happy to see all that paint and the brushes,” she said, taking a deep breath right after. 
“When do you plan on opening yours, munchkin?”
“After the breakfast,” the girl mumbled and Y/n coddled her body closer to her, sensing that she was dozing off in her warmth. 
Amore began snoring and Y/n also gave in to sleep slowly and slowly, all while hearing the muffled but loud chatter going on downstairs. 
Harry simply couldn’t stop questioning Andre, who was sitting on the kitchen island – “You are always helping out your mum, why aren’t ya helping me?” He asked with a pout on his lips and a dramatic frown between his brows, all while opening the drawer for a fork.
On receiving no answer, he looked up to see Andre struggling to get back on the Island with a glass lunch packed with Strawberries. “What are you doing?” he questioned again, watching as he began putting some into the empty bowl Harry had brought out to stir some batter in. 
“Just a snack for the two of us,” he whispered with a finger on his lips. When asked to spill some details by Harry, he elaborated – “Amore told me she and mummy had some last night when you and I had gone to sleep,” with an angry and pouty look on his face.
Harry laughed loudly at that, realizing that Amore had tried to make a fool out of his son, and how she had succeeded. On seeing the little one grumbling and getting off the island, he tried to cover up quickly as he rushed to his side to face him.
“I’m sorry darling, but I think she might’ve been fubbing,” he said with an apologetic look, but chose his words wisely. “Don’t you remember you two had slept off on the couch and how me and mummy had tucked you in the bed?” He continued and chuckled when realization dawned on Andre’s face. 
“Well, cheer up and help your daddy now,” Harry grinned, patting the boy’s head and moving to take out another bowl. 
They spent the rest of the time in the kitchen just that way – Harry constantly spilling jokes and pulling on Andre’s leg, who just sat and brought him things with a pout on his mouth because of the teasing.
Every time, Andre would find a new spot to put flour on Harry's face and get a whiney ‘heyy!’ in return from his helpless dad whose hands remained busy the whole time. 
The boy was feeling done with Harry, wanting to be by his mother’s side now that he’d had his daily dose of dad jokes ingested in his system. Every once in a while, he’d dip his finger in the cookie-dough that Harry had left out to make biscuits later when the two girls were to join them in the kitchen. 
The one moment he finally felt at peace was when Harry asked him to decorate the pancakes with some maple syrup and passed him the bowl of strawberries he'd taken out earlier. And, as he got right to work, forgetting to breathe and blink as he put his all in putting everything in the right place on the plates, he didn't quite realize how long he'd been at it.
The wind outside was flowing in with free reign through the open kitchen windows, helping Harry in staying cool. A blow whiffed both of the Styles’ curls with a great force, causing a chuckle to escape Harry’s mouth.
“Andre? Are you done yet?” Harry asked from somewhere in the Kitchen, his hands on his hips as he looked at his child with tired eyes, but a lopsided grin on his face. He wouldn't want to disturb the boy’s work, but it had been ten minutes of him saying “just one more second" and Harry was growing antsy, trying to busy himself with making some fresh orange juice – but even that was done now, and he couldn't help himself any longer. 
“Why don't you go and wake up your sissy and mummy?” He exclaimed, knowing that Andre would not miss a chance to finally stick himself to his mummy after a long morning of having his dad annoy him. 
That pulled Andre right out of his zone, and he quickly rushed to get off the stool he'd been standing on the top of. “Yes, daddy!” He squeaked, a grin on his face that Harry caught sight of right before his gaze landed on the mess atop the kitchen island. 
A deep sigh left his mouth, and he rubbed his forehead a couple times before getting back to work, cleaning everything up as quickly he could. And also, to lick some of the maple syrup by his fingers off the breakfast because Andre had poured about half of the little bottle on the pancakes and situated the berries on the very edges of each plate. 
And, while at that, Harry quickly checked off the ‘maybe he'll become a chef’ off of his mental checklist about Andre’s career choices that he'd noticed so far – and laughed a little to himself, finally putting the glasses of the juice beside the plates.
And when he heard the kids running down the stairs, he immediately yelled out a 'Slow down, there!' while closing off the running tap. Quickly, he dried off the last two dishes and turned, frowning when he couldn't find sight of his wife.
"Where's mummy, love?" Harry asked any one of the kids, looking at them gush over the 'yummy' breakfast while drying off his hands on his pants, the kitchen towel hanging not far from him.
"Oh daddy, mummy said she would only come down if you'd ask her to," Amore quickly answered, like she'd forgotten to inform Harry that and went right back to smelling the juice. 
He stood there dumbfounded for a little, and then a giddy smile pulled up on his soft lips, quickly turning into a wide grin. He shook his head as he began climbing up the stairs hurriedly, brushing his hair out of his face with a jerk of his head.
"Now, what is this behaviour, darling?" Harry asked without having yet caught a sight of her, opening the door to their bedroom.
When he saw that she wasn’t lying in bed, the confusion caused his eyebrows to frown, until he heard the running water, and a look of realization dawned over his facial features -- causing him to turn towards the bathroom, to which the door was left slightly open ajar.
He could hear her humming a Fleetwood Mac song, potentially Landslide, with each step he took, and when he knocked on the door, all of the noises stopped at once -- the running water in the bath, her humming voice or the candle's crackling, all of it. A smirk tugged at one of his mouth's corners, and he called for her once again before asking, "Did you like your gift?" with a change in the tone of his voice.
As Harry’s mind drew an imagery of her wearing the lingerie he had got her as one of the gifts and had kept in the bathroom, he felt himself thickening in his pants. It was a colour close to Magenta, and Harry knew her body well enough to know how well it was going to suit her skin.
The thought of her chest freckles that lied rather at her cleavage peeking through was driving him insane and he was only growing more and more impatient with each passing second, his foot beginning to tap on the floor beneath. He knocked again, and Y/n swung open the door at that very second, like she'd just been reaching for the doorknob.
"Hi! Sorry, the hot water was feeling way too good this morning," she looked at him with a grin so wide that Harry was sure she had it on her face just to mock him.
She was dressed in her own clothes from head to toe but his cardigan was draped over her shoulders and Harry wasn't sure if she was doing all of this intentionally. Maybe somewhere, by the mischievous glint in her eyes, he knew -- maybe.
He jerked when she grabbed a hold of his face in the cold palms of her hands and calmed down when she pressed a chaste kiss on his mouth. "What are you thinking?" She whispered, her front teeth peeking out of her slightly open mouth, perfect contrast against her skin, as she stood so close to him that he could smell the scent of the creams she must've put on her face earlier.
His voice came out in nothing but a cracked whisper when he mumbled, "nothing."
He knew that this moment wasn't yet over as he followed behind her out of their bedroom and down the stairs. Feeling like a lost puppy suddenly, he almost only had eyes for her. That was until they reached the dining table, and he was reminded again of their kids, who must be ready for food by now.
"Mummy! What did you get?" Amore asked the moment she saw her mum, running away from Andre who seemed to be in the middle of showing her another one of his drawings.
Harry swallowed his laughter at the sight of his offended son and walked over to carry Andre over. "Mum's looking pretty, isn't she?" Harry whispered to him and grinned when the little one agreed loudly, causing Y/n to look over with a blush covering the highs of her cheeks.
"I'm not sure yet, I'll open mine after breakfast as well," Y/n shrugged as she sat on the chair Harry had pulled behind for her. Because she had panicked, she said she wasn't yet aware when in fact, she knew exactly what she'd been gifted – it was clinging to her body beneath the cozy clothing she’d gone for. So, now as she sat and brushed the girl's bangs out of her face, she wondered what white lie she would have to tell later.
Turning to face Harry, Amore asked him the same question. "What did you get, daddy?"
"Ah, it's this cute little dainty necklace! I absolutely am in love with it," Harry confessed, quickly passing Y/n a look of gratitude and adoration. "I'll show you once we finish eating, yeah?" He continued before Amore could force him to walk up the flight of stairs again.
"I know Andre loved his gift, he wouldn't stop going on and on about it when we were cooking," Harry spoke, making everyone at the table laugh. "Did you like yours, hm?" He asked his daughter.
Amore told him about how she would open hers along with her mum, and when Y/n was done putting pancakes in everyone's plates, the kids dug right into it, causing both her and Harry to warn the kids to slow down.
Shouts of praises and 'yum's were shouted at Harry, making him grin endlessly out of shyness. It was when he couldn't shrink his smile that Y/n announced him the new chef alongside Andre, making him turn to face her with pure horror coating his features.
Don't get him wrong, he absolutely loved cooking, and his son. But to cook with Andre in the same vicinity in the morning was something Harry was sure he couldn't do every single day.
The table roared with laughter and cackled all over again as Harry said that and they all continued with their breakfast with continuous chats, except for that one time that Harry choked on a berry’s crumb, causing Y/n to strictly announce that no one was going to talk with food in their mouth.
But then, Amore masterfully stole a sip of Andre's orange juice, making everyone lose it once again.
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monkiesimp · 1 year
Hey Hey! Could I request Marriage Headcanons for Macaque, Wukong, and Azure Lion?? You could add any characters to this if you'd like to as well! <3
THAT'S SO SWEET, YES. I tried my best so 😭 I'm sorry if I suck at this
- Being married with Wukong and living with him in the Flower Fruit Mountain is very nice and peaceful
- Mostly it's just the two of you, if he married you of course he'd want you to stay near him as much as possible!
- Expect cuddles all day, every day 24/7 because once he hugs you he won't ever let go.
- He never gets tired of cuddling you even if you're married and still craves for affection, he just loves it. Can you blame him? It feels so warm and comfy.
- Besides mostly being alone with Wukong, Mk does visit to train but as soon as he's done Wukong would immediately go over to you to see what you're up to.
- You and Mk get along pretty well, if he's injured you'd treat his injuries. You see him like your own son, sort of, but you really do love him! He's a good kid.
- You also bond with the monkeys on this island and they seem to like you, the monkeys even gave you a flower crown. They probably think you're their queen. Oh, well, you technically are their queen by now since you married The Monkey King.
- Seeing you bond with monkey's is the cutest thing Wukong ever saw, and seeing it every time makes him love you even more.
- Though you love being in Flower Fruit Mountain, you don't like staying there for all eternity and Wukong does take you somewhere else whenever you wish to.
- He always picks the best places to go to like 😩👌
- He just knows places very well, and every time he brings you to somewhere it's always new and it's always beautiful.
- You two use a lot, lot of sweet nicknames on each other. Like wayyyy too much.
- Macaque would have definitely tried to kidnap you to get to Wukong at one point once he met you and realized how much you meant to each other.
- But that was in the past, nonetheless let's just say Macaque didn't try to the plan twice after that.
- Overall, you two are very sweet and still cuddle every night together, Wukong got so used to it that he can't sleep without you near him.
- You two rarely ever argue, you understand each other and work your problems out.
- Macaque loves you very very deeply, once you two get married he just *might* be affectionate towards you in public.
- Don't get your hopes up though, he does nothing more than hold your hand, just small gestures.
- He isn't very comfortable being all snuggly in public and showing too much affection.
- But once you two are alone, he never stops holding you in his arms.
- He doesn't hesitate to cuddle you anymore like he used to in the past, now he would take first action to hold you close to him when he wants to be near you.
- He still loves to tease you and mess with you, seeing you so flustered when he teases you makes him love you even more, you're just so cute when you're embarrassed.
- Yes, you still are flustered by his teasing even when married. Have you seen this man? The things he can say and do are just... Wow.
- Mostly you do tease him back and play along but he always finds something to say that leaves you completely speechless.
- By now he told you pretty much everything about him, so you know about his six ears and his past.
- Unfortunately, you two do have arguments from time to time and it's mostly about Macaque wanting to get revenge on Wukong. You don't like it, it's almost like he's obsessed with getting his revenge more than he loves you.
- You understand what Wukong did was horrible, but is there really a need for revenge after all these years instead talking it out?
- Of course, you do end up forgiving each other but it takes some time because none of you want to make the first move to apologize.
- After LBD thing tho, it's more calmer and the arguments nearly perished away.
- Macaque would often take you with him on adventures since he travels a lot, he shows you all the beautiful views he knows of.
- You're always impressed by the views you see, each is unique and magnificent.
- During those times, it's the most beautiful times with Macaque. It always stays in your memory, Macaque always does something memorable you'd never forget.
- He gets intimative with you way too many times 😭
⚠️ S4 SPOILER ⚠️
Azure Lion:
- Ok, we all barely know about the guy so don't expect this to be good but I'll try.
- Azure would do anything and everything to make sure you always feel safe and comfortable
- He has no problems of showing affection when in public but he very rarely does it
- He's not a guy to cuddle, but if you want it and crave for it? He'd hold you in his arms as much as you need him to
- He's usually very busy and doesn't have much time to be with you, he hates it too.
- But you understand, which makes him very grateful to you.
- He rarely shows any affection towards you, so it's kinda platonic between you two most of the time - yes, even if you're married
- But he does make sure to give you enough love for you to feel happy
- You never have arguments either, if you do end up having one (it's always you who comes up with a argument lol) Azure can quickly calm the situation down and come up with a good solution to both of your problems
- Azure is a very calm lion, he's not the person to let his anger take control of him.
- If you ever want to go somewhere with him, he refuses for you to tag along because it's too dangerous, and he doesn't want you to be hurt
- You do end up being disappointed after that, but Azure always does something to make it up to you, whenever that be taking you somewhere or gifting you something.
- Though it's mostly platonic between you two, he truly does love you with all his heart and whenever he takes any action of affection towards you, you blush like crazy
- You simp for him hard. He knows it. You don't think he notices you glancing at his body? 🤨 He loves it tho and he finds it adorable and amusing.
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levisrations · 2 months
Dad! Levi: Trip to the zoo!
Warnings: none
It’s a beautiful Saturday to go out as a family, so you’ve decided to go to the zoo! Your 2 year old son is obsessed with animals so he’ll have a blast. Levi got snacks and spf ready while you got your wild little boy ready. Sporting a Tshirt and baby cargo pants, and those tiny Vans sneakers that you lost your mind over because how small and adorable they are!
You all get in the SUV and head off, all while listening to some coco melon. Your son is so excited to go the zoo that the whole ride he just keeps mentioning the elephants. Those are his absolute favorite right now. He’s a very talkative two year old, sure likes to ask questions as well. A lot of times he’s just repeating himself but you both find it funny and answer him every time.
Once you arrive and get him out the car seat, he’s immediately excited. “Where ephant mama?” As he walks along beside you holding your hand and Levi on his other side. “We’re gonna go see them are you excited?” “Yeah! Ephant!”
“Elephant” Levi corrects him. Your son smiles at his dad, “Ephant daddy!” “We’ll work on it” As you buy your tickets and make your way in, your son is ready to run around but you got a good grip on him. Levi decides to carry him and your son protests but quickly settles down once Levi points out the first animal. “Look bud monkeys”
Your son gasps and has wide eyes. “Woah! Monkeys! Look mama monkeys!” You laugh, “I see them baby, aren’t they cool” “Yeah!” You both laugh, amused by your son’s excitement. You pass by several enclosures, tigers, lions, capybaras, koalas, and then: Elephants! Oh was your son losing his little mind. “Ephant! Look ephant! Daddy look! Hi ephant!” your son waves at the Elephants and is squealing with so much delight. Both you and Levi can’t get enough of him. Pretty sure your phones have reached their storage limits on pictures and videos of him.
After a long day of walking around, learning about new animals, your son was tuckered out. Being carried by his dad, he rests his little head on his shoulder as he sleeps, arms flopping on his sides. Levi goes to put him in his car seat and your son mumbles, “ephants”. Levi laughes at his sleep talking son, “Yea we saw some elephants today, that was fun huh?” “Yeah” your son mumbles as he goes back to sleep. Levi gets in the car and you both look at each other and smile. Another successful family outing. Happy to be creating all these memories.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 59
Part 1 Part 58
“Please, Steve!” Nancy’s wheedling voice drifts to Eddie as he rounds the corner. “Jonathan already said no because he’s trick-or-treating, so it’s just going to be me and Barb.”
Steve’s leaning against his locker, frowning down at Nancy. It’s reminiscent of the year before, when the pair were circling each other like monkeys in heat, only it’s knocked on its head. Maybe even…upside down. Eddie chuckles, sidling up to lean against Steve by the lockers, knocking their shoulders together. A united front in the face of a determined Nancy Wheeler.
“Are you saying Barb’s not enough for you, Miss Wheeler?” Eddie asks, faux shocked. He puts a hand to his chest, swooning into Steve’s side just to make him laugh.
Nancy rolls her eyes. “Obviously not.” She’s clearly exasperated by Eddie’s presence. Somehow, almost a year of being friend’s-once-removed hasn’t warmed either of them up. Although, if all the interdimensional ass-kicking couldn’t do it, why would anything else? “It’s just–” she trails off, looking down at the books she has clasped daintily to her chest.
Eddie can almost feel Steve thawing beside him. God damn it. “Just what?” he asks softly.
Nancy peeks up at him from beneath her eyelashes. She doesn’t even look at Eddie. What a conniving little twerp. “Neither of us have been to a party since, well–” she stalls, tucking a curl behind her ear. “You know.” She whispers the last bit, looking around like she expects the men in suits to burst out of the walls because she mentioned a party from last year.
Steve stiffens next to him. Eddie takes a surreptitious step closer, glaring down at Nancy. Not that she has the decency to even notice. “None of us have gone to a party since, Wheeler,” he hisses.
Steve elbows him in the ribs. Like he’s the problem in this scenario. Eddie backs down, slumping down into the lockers and crossing his arms with a loud huff. Time to let Mommy and Daddy figure it out. Eddie grimaces, disgusted by his own thoughts.
Steve sighs, rubbing his face vigorously with his hands. “One hour,” he says, muffled through his palms.
“Seriously?” Eddie demands.
“Yes!” Nancy says, raising her hand in a tiny fist pump that would’ve been endearing on literally anyone else. “I’ll see you there!” She’s beaming as she turns around, walking away with a new bounce in her step.
“Where are we going?” Eddie demands.
Steve lowers his palms, sliding them down his skin, slowly revealing each tantalizing bit of his perfect face. “Were you invited?” Steve asks, turning and walking away.
“Dude, I know where you sleep!” He does not shout out in the halls of Hawkins High in bumfuck Indiana that where he sleeps is with Eddie in his bed. He has some self-preservation left.
Steve laughs, elbowing him in the ribs again. Same spot, too, the asshole. “Tina’s Halloween party?”
“Are you serious?” When Steve nods, he continues. “Ugh, Stevie, you’ve gotta stop letting Wheeler shoehorn you into these things. She’s the worst!” Eddie whines, drawing out the vowels in ‘worst’ past recognition.
“She’s not that bad,” Steve says, but he’s smiling. “You’re just her like–what’s it called? That stuff that always trips up Superman. Dustin mentioned it?”
He looks over at Eddie, a cute look of puzzlement on his face. Eddie wants to boop his nose, so he does, watching as Steve goes cross-eyed trying to follow the movement. “You mean Kryptonite?”
Steve snaps his fingers, smiling dorkily. “That’s it!”
Eddie’s heart flops pitifully in his ribcage. What a fucking nerd, dear god. “Okay, but do we have to go to a stupid party because Nancy Wheeler of all people wants us to?”
Steve shrugs, still smiling as they walk down the emptying corridors. “Last time we got kidnapped by a monster from a hell dimension, so really, Munson.” Steve claps his arm around Eddie’s shoulders, rubbing his hair like he’s one of the bastard children. “Things can only go up from here!”
Eddie can’t help the way he almost shrieks with laughter, almost bringing Steve down with the way he goes boneless. “You’re a total jinx!”
“Maybe, but you love me!”
Steve Harrington says it nonchalantly, like he’s not currently holding him up off the cold linoleum. Eddie’s heart does an unfortunate splitter splatter splat at Steve’s feet. Because fuck. He does.
Part 60
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect
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aroacewxs · 7 months
rui facts that are common knowledge atp but i just feel like repeating
hates vegetables because of their texture, and dislikes anything that has similar texture to certain vegetables. example: he hates watermelon because apparently to him the texture is just like a cucumber's? he's not very fond of many fruits either, albeit he dislikes them less than vegetables
only eats at places he's a regular at and becomes distressed when the menu changes. he picks off all vegetables from his food and sometimes emu helps him and eats anything he doesn't like
preferred rivers and lakes over pools as a kid. he would search for shiny rocks and the like in these rivers and lakes and show nene his discoveries
he owned many encyclopedias as a kid. one of them being one about poisonous plants. it had a bright red cover that scared nene LMAO but he read it over and over so now he can recognize which plants are poisonous or not
favourite animal is the platypus because he finds the fact that they are egg-laying mammals interesting
owns three monitors. has a tablet (owned this tablet since he was a kid) and a phone
horrible at packing! he's always thinking about worst case scenarios and possible hypotheticals that could occur during his travels, causing him to overpack and not use half of the things he brings. he mentions that this was the case when he went to america with wxs, and he struggled with the same problem when he was trying to pack for his kyoto trip in pandemonium
his favourite show he performed with wxs was the little mermaid. the show that made him feel the most nervous was a pianist named torpe, and the show that left the strongest impression on him was the one tsukasa performed with the others to convince him to join wxs again
dislikes cleaning because he finds it pointless when his room just becomes cluttered again sooner or later
worst sleep schedule known to man. has been scolded by wxs for coming to rehearsal with horrible eye bags
he people watches a lot. very observant of his environment and uses anything that catches his attention as inspiration for shows and other stories. this can be seen in island panic, where he makes up an entire possible conversation between three monkeys he was observing and in the area convo where he views students fighting to buy bread at the tuck shop as a metaphor for human nature and survival
his role model and inspiration is a director named tom gray! he watched interviews of him and read his books over and over
enjoyer of sci-fi
eats his taiyaki by first splitting it in half to avoid burning his mouth with the hot bean paste. interestingly enough, it is said in japan that the first bite you take in taiyaki determines your personality. rui breaks his taiyaki first before eating, making him a "person of action."
he deepened his interest for shows as a kid by imagining how he would adapt his favourite books into stage productions
there's a specific stool in his room that has remained since his childhood. also an orange box of toys(?) It seems
on the other hand, several aspects of his childhood room have changed: his lampshades are in the shapes of flowers now, his couch is patched up in blue, and he has multiple streamers and balloons. the balloons have little faces on them btw. he also installed a clock. the step ladder near his bookshelf is gone too from what i can see
ok that's all i can think of from the top of my head, hopefully none of these are incorrect,, i'll be very sad if something is wrong. if you know any fun rui facts that aren't listed above PLEASE enlighten me
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luna0713hunter · 8 months
Can I request cheek kisses with Luffy, but like platonic? Like, they aren’t biological related, but they act a lot like sibling and give each other platonic cheek kisses?
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Author's not : this is such a cute idea!hope you like it!
You'll always be my best friend
Monkey d.Luffy x platonic!reader
Summary : you always wished for a sibling growing up,but when you grow up with Luffy by your side and later join his crew,you understand you always had a brother by your side.
Warnings : absolutely none!,platonic reader and Luffy,friends who act like siblings , childhood friends
When you hear Nami's shout from behind you,you and Luffy share a mischief glance before starting to run for your lives.
You knew Luffy since you were young.
Ever since you remember,you always wanted a sibling. Someone you could play with and do adventures alongside. So when you met Luffy one day,up on a three munching on fruits,you particularly became attached at hips.
Luffy dreamed big,ever since your childhood days. He dreamed of becoming the pirate king;of becoming someone worthy of Shanks' crew. And when he shared that dream with you under a blanket in your hiding spot inside Shank's ship,you knew you would live by his side and help him achieve that dream.
"Luffy!y/n!! I swear to god when i catch you two -!"
Luffy laughs by your side and as you fist bump him,you jump behind Sanji to protect yourselves from a very angry Nami. Sanji balances a tray of drinks in his hands with practice and lets out a small yelp. He sighs in relief when the glass dont fall down and break,and looks from you two to Nami and up to Nami's hair.
"What the-"
"they colored my hair!"
There's the sound of another pair of footsteps as Zoro climbs up the stairs;having woke up from his nap by the commotion.
"whats all the yelling abou-Whoa."
And when Usopp pops his head from between the doors,his mouth hangs open.
"i knew you and Zoro were related!!"
"Shut up,Usopp!!" Nami combs his now green hair with frustrated fingers and suddenly she's taking out a small pocket knife.
"I'm going to kill you two."
Sanji holds up his tray of drinks and steps backwards slightly.
"now now,no need for violence, Madame."
"step back if you dont wanna get killed either."
You look toward at Luffy from behind Sanji's strong form and giggle.
"she looks just like Zoro!"
"i know right?!your plan was brilliant!!"
"uh,guys," Sanji whisper/yells, "i suggest you two start running."
And when Nami lunged forward,you two jump and run for your lives.
Its a while before the two of you can hide from Nami. You try to sit comfortably behind the many supply boxes and grin when Luffy offers you half a tangerine. You much on the juicy fruit, groaning upon the sweet taste and look at the young boy sitting comfortably beside you.
"it was fun. But i think we're in danger for a few days."
"yeah. I think Nami's gonna kill us in our sleep."
The thought of Nami's green hair has you two stifling your giggles again. Luffy leans in,and presses his sticky-tangerine lips to your cheek,making you squeal while giggling loudly.
"dude!!you got tangerine juice all over me!"
And when Luffy laughs loudly,you jump on him and push him back on the floor,so while wrestling,try to kiss his cheeks to make them sticky as well.
The two of you fall asleep together like that.
Just like your childhood days,where the safest place was in Luffy's brother like embrace.
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