#non-binary language
tepli-mravenci · 11 months
The other day I was on a walk in the evening with two of my friends (both girls) and we were talking about how safe or unsafe we feel in different places at night and one of them said she always carries a pocket knife with her and the other one said
"See now I feel pretty safe, you have a knife, I'm tall and" she turns to me "your gender presentation is weird enough to confuse a potential attacker."
I've never felt more gender validation in my entire life.
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spanishskulduggery · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 - Non-binary Translation in Spanish
A while back I had mentioned that when I learned how to change language settings for Baldur's Gate 3, I was curious to learn how they would adapt the non-binary [no binario] option into Spanish since Spanish (like many Romance Languages) is very gendered
What I saw actually surprised me a bit
Usually in game translations with different genders, English tends to treat you as a "they" even though it's usually male or female; and in Spanish most of the lines are gendered, or phrased in a very ambiguous way in translation like speaking of your character as una persona "a person" rather than "he" or "she", or "they"
This is one of the first times I've seen the gender neutral -e endings used in an official setting
For the purposes of this, and any future posts on this, I decided I would try to play as a non-binary gnome cleric. I should also mention that when you start up the game in Spanish and you do the character customization, everything starts you with the base word (i.e. masculine by default, or possibly agender but looks masculine)... as in you can choose to be elfo "elf", semielfo "half-elf", humano "human", semiorco "half-orc"... choose between bárbaro "barbarian", mago "wizard", brujo "warlock" and so on
My default character creation screen read gnomo, clérigo for "gnome cleric"
But the way your character is addressed by others is what changes
The first NPC you interact with is "Us" a little brain thing you can choose to help. If you do it calls you "friend":
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Nosotros: Somos libres. Tenemos nuestra libertad. amigue Us: We are free. We have our freedom. Friend [nb].
The word used is amigue
For the sake of understanding Spanish grammar, you probably know amigo/a "friend". The G here is a hard G. The gender neutral ending is E... but the combination of GE is pronounced like an H sound in Spanish [la gelatina "gelatin" for example is like "hel-a-ti-na"]. To preserve that hard G sound, you have to add a UE to it... so amigo/a becomes amigue for non-binary
[if you study Spanish this is the exact same grammar you'll see in turning -gar verbs into subjunctive forms; why pagar would turn to pague]
The next person you come across is Lae'zel:
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Lae'zel: Tsk'va. No eres une sierve. ¡Vlaakith me bendijo en el día de hoy! Juntes, tal vez podamos sobrevivir. Lae'zel: Tsk'va. You are no thrall [nb]. Vlaakith blessed me today ["on this day of today"; emphatic]. Together [nb plural], we may (yet) survive.
Interestingly, there's first siervo/a meaning "servant" or "serf" or "thrall"
What I found very interesting was that you have une... un and una being "a" are used for indefinite articles; the non-binary form seems to be une
What threw me off though was seeing juntes... now junto/a is "together" [lit. "joined"] but juntes implies a non-binary plural.
I don't know if this is because in Spanish grammar it would imply that non-binary trumps feminine [the way amigos "friends" could be male+female or multiple male, as opposed to amigas "friends" being all female]... or if it's maybe an error or something else; the game treats Lae'zel as a woman in every other regard so I think it's the first one which is a situation I somehow hadn't considered. I had just assumed it would be juntos ...or juntas if you played female
Next I decided to rescue Gale first because he uses a lot of adjectives/professions and I wanted to see what they looked like:
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Gale: No serás clérigue por casualidad, ¿verdad? ¿Médique? ¿Cirujane? ¿Increíblemente hábil con una aguja de tejer? Gale: You wouldn't happen to be a cleric, right? A doctor/medic? Surgeon? Unbelievably skilled with a knitting needle?
First is clérigo/a "cleric" being used in non-binary as clérigue. Similarly we have médique which is the non-binary médico/a for "medical doctor"
[just like above C turned to QUE to preserve a hard C/K sound; you'll see this with subjunctive and even preterites of -car verbs... why atacar "to attack" will turn to ataqué "I attacked" and ataque in subjunctive... because CE has a soft S sound in Latin America, and can be lisped in Spain]
And next is cirujane... the word cirujano/a is "surgeon"
Finally important note - hábil being "able" or "skilled" is a unisex adjective, so there is no change in any gender - masculine, feminine, or non-binary
*Note: I did miss it but at some point someone used the article le to describe my character. The el and la "the" are the masculine and feminine definite articles; le is non-binary "the" which still catches me by surprise because it looks French to me
I've been told since I made the original post that people have seen the non-binary E ending used in other things, but this was special for me to see. I'm curious how the other gendered languages available treated non-binary options
It was a fun surprise for me, especially for some modern day Spanish linguistics in a VERY big modern game, with non-binary word choices being heavily prominent. It's a bit of a learning experience for me
If I find any more fun examples of NB language being used I'll let y'all know as I go
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foryoupeko · 9 months
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drawn by @hajihiko
I would like to remind everyone the main point of this comic was that Fuyuhiko is a sweetie true yakuza boss who has the inherent desire to take care of people!
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souldagger · 10 months
so normal about the gender fuckery of the Polish murderbot translation (lie i am on the verge of tears)
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queerism1969 · 10 months
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ghosts-and-glory · 2 months
Next person who misgenders Shamura in my comments, inbox or tags gets beat to death.
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mraplejuic · 3 months
our new literature teacher started her intro with neutral language like "good morning everyone (masculine form), everyone (feminine form) and everyone (neutral form)" which is a pretty big deal in our language and now all the stupids are mad at her for some reason.
THEIR WORDS, NOT MINE: "BRO THIS IS A qualified teacher that went through years of studying shouldn't she know better?!!!!!1!1!1!!" "i told my dad about this and he said he's gonna transfer me out of school"
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queermasculine · 5 months
Similar sentiment to the person talking about butch being a culture and not ftm lite, as a genderqueer lesbian it can feel difficult to be seen as a butch woman by people who only view the binary (want to be so clear I love butch women!!). But this page really reminds me that just because others view me that way doesn’t mean I can’t find pride in the term butch! It’s always the identity I’ve gravitated towards, and I don’t want to have to check any ounce of perceived femininity at the door (especially when I can’t check my physical body at the door) to fully embrace butchness. Idk if this makes any sense but this is easily my favorite blog I follow, thanks for bringing hot and strong people onto my feed as constant reminders.
happy to serve🙏 and yeah i really empathise with what you're saying. i personally identify in part as a butch woman (alongside transgender and genderqueer) but i don't always feel comfortable describing myself that way because of the overwhelmingly feminine association the word "woman" still carries.
like i've noticed that the more i describe myself as a butch woman to non-butch queers or straight allies, the more comfortable those people seem to get calling me words like "pretty" or "queen" or "lady", or "forgetting" that my pronouns aren't she/her, or otherwise ignoring the very obviously masculine presentation and preference that is so important to me. adding "butch" in front of "woman" seems to do very little to stop most people from projecting femininity onto me anyway, unfortunately.
so i think i understand what you mean when you say you don't like being seen as a butch woman by people who only see the binary. i don't much like it either, even as a butch woman.
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achillean-yearning · 6 months
oh to play with a guys hair, to put little braids in it, to braid little strands of it and twist others… oh to run my hands through a guys hair and lightly comb my fingers through it… oh to give a little scalp massage mayhaps…
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brokenfoxproductions · 9 months
People who use neo pronouns and neo genders are actually really awesome.
Like, not only do you understand yourself well enough to self identify your gender outside of what was assigned at birth, but you're creative and have enough self understanding to literally make up a new term that didn't exist before? That's some fantastic Shakespeare level shit.
Y'all are literally visionaries and people don't give you enough credit. It's so fucking amazing whenever people are literally able to find a term that they relate to despite the fact that that term is rare and has barely been talked about before.
Y'all are literally trailblazers and you are a vital part of the LGBTQIA+ community. MOGAI and neo identities are what are able to keep our community evolving to be more inclusive and just better for everyone in it.
Edit: I have a DNI list. Please respect it.
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spyld · 5 months
Bonjour! Je voulais juste vous demander (et aussi demander vos abonnés) comment dire iel (où they) en allemand et en russe. Je suis en train d’apprendre les deux et comme j’utilise iel/they en français/anglais, je voulais vraiment savoir comment faire la même en allemand et en russe. Désolé si vous n’êtes pas qui je devais demander, je sais que c’est parfois très compliqué et parfois il y a beaucoup de réponses. Merci tellement!
Что такой “they” (местоимение) по русский? Я изучаю русский язык и я хочу знать. Это «они» или что-то другое? Спасибо!!
Ich möchte gern wissen wie sagt man „they“ auf Deutsch. Vielen Dank!
(ask from spyld 2023)
Nice question!! So I'm throwing it open to other languages too!
How to be gender neutral in x language??
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mysticdoodlez · 6 months
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interlude: MADE BREATH and SKIN
Watcher Noah Sebastian x oc (Taylor)
Word Count: 2.7k+
A/n: so up to around chapter six, I was up in the air over whether Taylor would a) start a relationship, and b) go with Nick or Noah. The interlude was bare bones until Taylor made up their mind, but I always had in my drafts a version where they went with Noah. Some talks on the discord happened and I just went "fuck it we ball" and I expanded the draft to a full-blown one-shot. Also: I KNOW ANTLERS AREN'T SENSITIVE LIKE THAT, BUT HE'S A DEER GOD. THE RULES DON'T APPLY TO HIM.
In other news, I tried to write without limitations like last time, cuz non-binary folk who are okay with their body parts and being called "good AGAB" exist out there too, people! So, if mentions of female body parts or female terminology shuts you down, then this won't be for you.
Cw: language, supernatural themes, sexy stuff: oral (oc receiving), slight monster fucking (monster, demi-deity, whatev), pet play if you squint, unwrapped p in v (be safe, kiddos), telepathic dirty-talk
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“I don't need to be babysat. Like they're gonna try to break into my house and kidnap me,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Well, too bad. Like I have anything better to do than babysit you,” Noah said, shedding his leather jacket he had over his hoodie. I could hear the playful undertone in his voice, thankfully. And to be honest, I was kind of glad he was here.
“Need help?” I commented as he pulled his hoodie up.
“Nope,” he said, lifting it up above his head. I mainly watched just to see how he could manage to get it over the antlers that were sprouting from the sides of his head, but I would be lying if I said I didn't sneak a peek at the part of his stomach as his shirt rode up. “Jeez, do you have to keep this place like a sauna in here?”
“It's not even seventy degrees in here,” I said, trying to avoid staring too long after he managed to get the hoodie off, but I still couldn’t get over the fact that he was actually that… big under all that clothing. He was now down to just a cut-off tank, leaving all the binding sigils that ran up and down his arms and across his collarbones and shoulders on display. Honestly, combined with the muscles, it made me want to punch him.
But still, after a while, my eyes were drawn back up to the antlers. While not as wide and impressive as the last time I saw them, they still seemed to make him seem taller and bigger than he already was.
“My eyes are down here.”
His words snapped me out of my reverie before he flipped down onto the couch beside me. “What're we watching?” he asked. When I looked down into his eyes, with his face drawn up into a smirk, I was almost taken aback when I noticed the smattering of freckles under them. The Lost Boy Who Would Become King.
“Does it hurt?” I blurted out.
“Does what hurt?” Noah asked.
“The antlers… when they grow out. Do they hurt?” I clarified, curiosity getting the better of me.
He blinked. “N-no?” he replied awkwardly, like no one had bothered to ask that question of him before. “Mostly they’re just sensitive until they reach their full point. Kinda itchy, too.” His thigh bumped against mine.
“Has anyone touched them?” I asked.
“No, usually people are too busy screaming ‘Ah, don’t kill me’ if I get—“ I cut him off with a backhand to the chest. “What? It's true!”
“I meant like Nick and the others,” I huffed, leaning back.
“Nah, they're not stupid enough to–” Noah said, but then stopped dead when I pressed my thumb against one of the points.
“Shit, I’m sorry, did I hurt—“ I stammered, pulling my hand away until I noticed his eyes. They seemed to pin me to where I was sitting.
“No, you’re fine, it's just…” Noah swallowed thickly, “I didn’t expect it to feel like… that.”
“Like wha…?” I trailed off as I realized what he meant. Oh.
My hand, which was still hovering near his head, fell back down to his antlers. Curiosity getting the better of me, I traced a light line from where they met his skull up to one of the first points. He shuddered under my touch, a small moan slipping out.
“Stop that,” he gritted out.
“Stop what?” I asked. I meant for it to be an honest question, but I didn't think he took it to be like that. Especially when his hand shot up and snatched my wrist away from his head.
“Stop teasing,” he said with a low rumble, dipping his head down to where he was eye level with me. My heart stopped when I saw how dark his eyes were.
I felt his other hand snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him. As ironic as the comparison was, I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. “Is that why you asked about them? So you could see me like this?” he asked. I was practically on his lap at this point, my knees straddling his thighs. He dipped his head lower to nuzzle his lips against my jaw.
The movement snapped me out of my paralysis, and I finally found my voice. “Aww, is Bambi sensitive?” I cooed, reaching my free hand up to run a finger up his antlers again. He shuddered against me, breath panting and ragged, and I froze up again when I felt his dick begin to harden underneath my core.
“I said watch it,“ he growled, grabbing that hand as well. “Do you like being a tease? Touching me like that?” He pushed me onto my back, pinning my wrists to the armrest above my head. He easily was able to hold both of them with one hand, those long fingers wrapping around them as he freed a hand to roughly grab my jaw. “Touch me again, and I’ll build you up to just leave you here wet and needy.”
My eyes widened a little bit as I took in what he said. “No—“ He cut me off with a small squeeze. The little puffs of breath he let out ghosted over my ear, making me shudder in his hands. When he finally let go of my jaw, it was to only run it over the hollow of my throat and stop. He leaned down, his lips leaving light but wet kisses along my neck.
A soft whimper escaped my throat, and my legs squirmed under his. He chuckled, my only warning before he bit down on the sensitive flesh between my neck and shoulder. A sharp gasp left me, which turned into a moan when his teeth retracted to let his tongue sweep over the mark.
“I want everyone to know what’s mine, little rabbit,” he whispered. “I want them to know that you belong to the Watcher of the Woods.”
The possessive tone he used slightly pissed me off, but as he alternated between biting and soothing at my tender skin, I could barely care. That's when I realized, despite my fogged-up brain, my mouth was close to the base of his antlers. So between keening, I let out a breathy moan that I knew would hit them.
His reaction was instantaneous. He let out a loud moan against my wet skin, hips involuntarily shunting forward against mine. The straining in his jeans pressed against my covered core, earning a sharp inhale from me. I didn't know how dizzier I could get.
Noah pulled away to look me in the eyes. “Seriously, Taylor, if you want–”
“Noah, I want you, monster or not,” I panted.
For once, Noah was stunned into silence. He hovered over me, jaw slightly dropped as he took in my words. He then brought his lips down to lock with mine in a messy, heated kiss.
There was no gentleness in this kiss, and I didn't expect any. This was a man starved. He finally let go of my wrists and trailed his hands down my chest, my waist, to my hips, then trailed them back up, under my shirt this time.
His thumbs ran small, feather-light circles around my nipples. “No bra?” he asked, smirking against my lips.
“Never wear one,” I admitted.
“Good. Off,” he commanded. “I wanna look at you.” He pulled away to give me space.
Somehow I knew what he was talking about through the sex-addled white noise, and I lifted my shirt up and over my head. I flushed under his gaze that slowly raked over my body.
“I could absolutely devour you,” he admitted, leaning back down, lower this time. He ran his tongue up my sternum, up the small slope of one breast, and closed his mouth around my nipple. I keened and squirmed as he flicked the tip of his tongue over the hard peak, feeling helpless as he teased the other between his thumb and fingers.
Eventually, after both tits were given enough attention, he pulled off with a soft pop, biting into what flesh there was. He left little nips as he trailed down my tummy until he finally reached the waistband of my jeans.
“N-Noah…” I whimpered, trying to get his attention.
“Yeah…?” His eyes flicked up to mine as I gazed down my body at him.
“Please… not here,” I pleaded.
He blinked, his dark brown eyes darkening further. “You don't want me to fuck you on the couch?” he asked.
“P-please n-no.”
Suddenly, with supernatural strength, he hitched my waist over his shoulder, pulling up and taking me with him. I let out a small yelp of surprise, but soon he was taking me back to my bedroom. My world was just an upside- down view of the back of his top and ass. If I could just manage to get my arm up, I could just–
Before I could smack anything, he roughly tossed me onto the bed. He crawled up between my legs, undoing the button and zipper of my jeans. I wriggled my hips as he pulled my jeans and underwear down in one fast motion. With a groan, and without tearing his gaze from between my legs, he carelessly tossed the garments somewhere on the floor. “Fucking hell, you've been wet this whole time, haven't you?” he asked, leaning down.
“Are you okay with this?” Noah asked. I stared at him in surprise, and he rolled his eyes. “I might be a monster, but I'm not that kind of a monster.”
“Fuck, of course Noah. Just fucking–” My tirade was cut off as he dove down like it was his last meal. My hips lifted off the bed in surprise, and he lifted my legs over his shoulders, wrapping his hands around my thighs and pulling them down against him.
I couldn't think of anything past the feeling of his tongue flicking over and around my clit, spearing into my pussy and then flattening as he licked long stripes up and down my slit. All I could do was grab the top of his head, tangling my fingers in his long tresses as I tried to keep myself grounded.
“Oh, God, No… ah–” was all I could manage to get out as I shook like someone possessed. His fingers dug into my thighs, the pain of his nails pressing in only adding to the pleasure. It felt like the more I reacted to him like this, the harder he worked to make me feel good.
I looked down at him to see that he was already intently staring at me. Somehow his dark eyes seemed to be bright when they met mine. I felt him smirk against my lower lips and then I heard,
Speaking into my head, hearing that praise, sent a bolt of pleasure through me that had me arching, releasing onto his tongue as I swore up to the ceiling. He lapped it up, not relaxing his movements one bit, and the overstimulation carried me into my second orgasm, my scream tearing through my throat.
He slowed down, kitten-licking me through my aftershocks, and then finally pulled away, settling me back down onto my bed. “You good?” He asked, like he didn't just completely shatter me.
Through ragged breaths that hurt my throat and my swimming vision, I nodded. Dear God, that was–
“He's not here, and by the end of tonight, I'll have you screaming my name like you worship me.” His growl sent ripples throughout my body. Noah crawled up on top of me, caging my face between his hands, and kissed me roughly. I could smell and taste myself on his lips.
“Noah, please I need you,” I managed to say between fervent kisses.
“Say my name,” he demanded.
“Pray for me.”
“Please, Noah.”
When I opened my eyes, it was him shoving his jeans off, but what made me gasp was the sight of his antlers, now the crown of bone that I remembered. With his hair wild and tangled from my fingers, and the tattoos spread all across his now naked body, he truly looked like the forest god he was.
He perched over me, leaning down to kiss me hard enough to stoke the fire in my belly again, and trailed two fingers up and down my still-slick folds. He slowly pushed them into my hole, alternating between curling, scissoring, and pulling them out before repeating the cycle. I was a moaning, whimpering mess that could barely talk when I realized that he was lining himself up.
“N-Noah, f-fuck… please,” I near sobbed.
“Shhh, I've got you,” he said quietly, gently brushing some damp hairs off my forehead. He then slowly, tortuously, pushed in, making me cry out in pain and pleasure.
“Ohh god, Noah, a-ah!” I said. “'s n-not gonna f-fit.”
“Yes it will,” he rasped. I was so glad that he too was having a rough time handling me like I was handling him. “I know you can do it.” He then pulled my legs up and hitched them around his waist, nearly folding me in half. With a few more shallow thrusts, he finally bottomed out, hitting a spot in me that turned my moans to something primal.
“There we go, good job. I told you you could do it,” he muttered, kissing the bridge of my nose. The feeling of me clenching on his cock had him groan, a sound that seemed like it came from somewhere deep inside him. “You ready?”
“Y-yes, Noah.”
His pace was steady at first, torturously slow. I rolled my hips to meet his, and his hands flew down to them to encourage the movement. “Go on… Take what you need,” he said, voice hitching at the end. I reached up to wrap my arms around his wide back, feeling the muscles flexing underneath my hands. His forehead dropped to mine and our lips brushed together in unison.
he said, a hand reaching up to cup my cheek, tilting my face so our lips could finally press against each others,
Noah, I’m gonna - I’m gonna… I was desperately close, and his pace just kept getting hastier. I knew I was about to topple over the edge, and Noah was going to push me over with no remorse.
he said,
When I opened my eyes, I saw his big doe eyes focused on me. I couldn’t hold it anymore, and I screamed his name as my head rolled back against my pillow. I swore I nearly blacked out, or at least the edges of my vision turned black, as my vision blurred. I felt my sweat-slick skin press against his as my back arched completely off the bed.
Noah chased his own release a little bit later, thrusting into me while growling something that might’ve been words in the other tongue, or just gibberish. Soon after, his hips stilled, and his body sagged onto me, the weight and warmth being welcome.
We lied there, chests heaving as we tried to catch our breath, and I found myself gently scratching at his scalp. My fingers gently brushed against the base of his antlers, and I stilled.
“You’re fine, I can’t feel anything when they’re fully grown,” Noah muttered against the skin of my neck.
“You know that, but not when they’re forming?” I asked.
“Like I said earlier, it never came up.” He chuckled airily.
We stayed like that for a while, his body like an anxiety blanket, until my body decided I needed to get up. Noah thought otherwise, as he wrapped his arms around my midsection and pulled me back against him every time I tried to leave the bed.
“Lemme up, I have to go to the bathroom and take a shower.”
“Only if I get to join you,” he said with a sly grin.
“Those things aren’t gonna fit in the shower,” I said with a momentary glance up at the antlers.
“Oh, I’ll make them fit.”
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deservedgrace · 15 hours
cult jokes are a symptom of and contribute to the simultaneous sensationalizing of cults (cults are all dark cloaks and animal sacrifices and devil worship and group suicide and despicable/unhinged beliefs) and diminishing of cults ("uwu come join my CULT XD we're gonna make cookies and WORSHIP SATAN teehee"), but i'm realizing how they go so hand-in-hand with the mindset of "only ~stupid/evil/crazy/etc.~ people could possibly join a cult. if it were me i would simply not fall for cult propaganda."
the diminishing part means that people don't take you seriously if you say you're an ex cult member or talk about your experiences in a cult or believe you are a current victim of a cult, because cults are just silly little groups that have weird beliefs but are otherwise innocuous. the sensationalizing part means people will also not take you seriously because if it was Actually a cult cult, that does harm and has evil beliefs, you should've known better because any reasonable person would have seen through it. the other side of "only an [xyz] person joins a cult" is "i am not an [xyz] person so i will never join a cult or be victim to propaganda and other cult tactics." the other side of "if it were me i would simply not fall for propaganda" is "someone falling for propaganda is fully a choice and a personal failing on their part." and combined they make: if you were [xyz] enough to join a cult and fall for propaganda, that means you deserved it.
people who would never make jokes about any other kind of abuse but feel perfectly fine making cult jokes used to kind of baffle me, because why is joking about personal abuse a problem but large-scale/group abuse is fine? why is it suddenly funny when you're the one that wants to perpetuate the abuse? but if your belief around cults is: "your experience wasn't that bad [diminishing], and if it was that bad [sensationalizing] it was your own fault and personal failing [i would simply not fall for propaganda], which means you deserved what you went through [only stupid/evil/crazy/etc people join cults]" and you don't understand how cults or cult tactics work, cult survivors/victims probably feel like a fair target for jokes (they are not, to be clear).
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apricior · 3 months
okay, so this has been on my mind as someone who uses more than one set of pronouns in english but only one in his native languages:
feel free to elaborate in the tags!
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lunian · 8 months
still so strange discovering my gender, so many times I think "that's what any women can like/do/prefer/feel too, you are not something different actually" but then getting back to "yes but no, I like it bc I feel like something different.. more than woman, more than man... it's neither, it's both, it's something third, its something i want to be but who i still havent found yet, but its there and its waiting to be born" and I still don't know what I mean by that
but its coming up to be someone cool, I hope
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beebuus · 29 days
best part about Portuguese is that the word for taxonomical "genus" and the word "gender" are the same. word. literally the same word, "gênero".
bitch my gender is Boops, my gender is Homo, its
fucking Hotwheels.
the world is a beautiful place (for portuguese speaking people, its hell for everyone else)
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