#never has been never should be im not here to work for someone its quite the opposite
krash-and-co · 6 months
friendly reminder this fandom isnt a job and you don't have to actively work to 'save the show' all the time, you can just have fun
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ardourie · 1 month
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ok cool ig im name dropping then, u are literally making up headcanons about me based on fucking nothing, i didn’t exclusively focus on the flaws of white trans people over cis white people if u actually read anything i posted instead of believing anons randomly accusing me of things you’d see my only issue is white people like YOU because you are white
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watering down the impact of racism and pretending that it isn’t as harmful when coming from queer people as if being queer is an inherently purifying or redeemable action, this website is overwhelmingly trans, our circles are majority trans, getting into disagreements with trans people on here is going to happen bc of how many queer people there are on this platform, if the only people you claim i harassed are users like ratliker i don’t want to fucking hear it, i’ve been having people call me a terf for years bc of standing up to her racism and black genocide denial, every single fucking time someone on here does something racist and a brown person points it out ppl around you run to call them transphobic, like ur doing right now! the second sentence of her post literally says i deserve to be called a terf for just talking about the racism happening on the poll, she said that HERSELF
i said hussie has done racist acts and has racism in their comic, that doesn’t make hussie evil or fans of it evil it just means we should actually acknowledge its there and not have viral post going around claiming that none of what hussie did was that bad bc they’re trans and if ur bothered by it ur automatically transphobic, as if that isn’t an incredibly fucked up thing to say, bc u said that urself on ur blog multiple times, here’s my original and ONLY post that made someone go and tell plaidos i sent death threats when that wasn’t remotely what i was saying
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plaidos posted this ask that immediately had ppl in my inbox calling me a terf and bigot for harassing a trans girl (hussie) and saying im a horrible person for sending death threats when i NEVER did that, had no reason to, and hussie isn’t even ON tumblr to do that
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she also stated that she meant i “started” the death threats instead of sending them which is still a fucking lie bc the poll that i was referencing was posted FOUR days ago and has ppl fighting and talking about death threats about hussie before i even knew it fucking existed, and she would know bc she was arguing under the post four days ago HERSELF
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how did i start death threats on a post i didnt find out about until 4 days after people were fighting under it? how the fuck does that work?
she then went on to slip up and reveal that she subconsciously thinks the queer community is only white bc when ppl complain about white queers they r complaining about latent racism, bc brown people exist in ur community and acting like poc criticizing white people (who will always be white no matter the other identities they have) means u hate queers is racist as hell
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shit like THIS is what hussie was doing on a constant basis
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these are just two examples you could google “homestuck racism” and find much more my only point that i ever made is that it’s insensitive and fucked up to act like anyone who doesn’t like or even hates homestuck for its racism is a transphobe or evil instead possibly someone deeply affected by hussies racism, and plaidos was under the original poll post i referenced arguing with black people calling them liars for saying hussie is racist and has antiblackness in his work:
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if you recognize hussie is racist and has racism in their work why the fuck are you arguing with black people about that fact? why are you pretending people are lying and making up rumors when hussies racism has been a known fact for a literal decade at this point, hussie was quite literally responsible for a boom in antiblack racism online in the early internet you cannot be so dense as to not acknowledge this, and i want to clarify im literally a homestuck fan, homestuck meant so much to me as a kid, and bc of that i know that online spaces for homestuck treated black people like absolute shit for complaining about the racism, i was bullied and harassed so much for even being upset at characters in the comic using the n word or mocking black people, im criticizing it bc i care about it being such a large phenomenon responsible for the normalization of my oppression.
not going over the homestuck racism workshop thing bc u ppl r being purposefully obtuse and i already talked about it here
if you don’t believe me, please go ask the people accusing me of these things for screenshots of me sending death threats, ask them to show that i have no transfem friends, ask them to show it bc every fucking time theirs never any proof, stop believing ask u read about me with no proof stop believing rumors, put urself in the shoes of others, would you want hundreds of ppl sharing post saying you did something you didn’t fucking do with no proof? ask yourself why you don’t see many black people speak out on racism on here and ask urself if maybe it might correlate to how we get demonized for it, if you think callout culture is bad why participate in it in a way where you don’t even have photo evidence backing for what your sharing
lastly, u people keep going on and on about the company i keep but are the same ones cropping out the trans girls im friends with and constantly talking to on my blog, you did it with the last situation regarding aaron bushnell you did it with the previous pregnancy callout, yall literally accuse every trans girl around me of being self hating or theyfabs, random trans women who simply shared my opinion have been harassed and accused of being sock puppets, i have a whole post about that in my pinned, but u don’t care, it’s easier to make me a scape goat and deflect criticisms of racism despite you being white and unaffected than it is to simply go “yeah some people are gonna hate media that has racism in it and that isn’t indicative of anything other than hating racism” your fucking white, can we be serious right now, you published ask saying i was sending death threats to hussie when that never happened and accused me of starting the anger on a poll i never reblogged that a bunch of my trans girl mutuals were complaining about 16 hours ago, so which is it? transfem opinions matter to you or they don’t? bc it seems like u just pick a fucking choose which girls to listen to and like randomly going after black people for not liking antiblack racism
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
ahhhh i just spent the last three days reading every post on the emtts tag and im in love with your whole little universe. i kept meaning to make a list of all of the little things but i kept getting distracted and forgetting so i only started at april 18th bc i NEED (subject to your willingness to expand/care act this particular part of your universe) to hear more about all of the little stories of steve getting arrested (particularly hopper arresting steve?? and them breaking into steves parents house?)
thanks for this amazing space!! you’ve made a universe that ive been thinking about constantly and that expands on the characters in such a beautiful mundane way, its very cool!!
ps i just read one of the follow ups in the death threat part where steve admits he doesn’t want to stop teaching bc dustin asks eddie about it and i think im about to cry holy shit
pps on the death threat part with diane oh god. like just steve having to figure it out in front of her and her explaining to him and him admitting to just not being ok i just
First, thank you so much! This is all so very nice of you to say and props for getting through everything in three days. It is quite a bit! It’s honestly amazing how much has been written in such a short amount of time. I’m only going to cover Steve getting ‘arrested’ and I’ll touch on Steve and Eddie’s breaking and entering at a later date.
Steve started having seizures a little after they closed the gate on the Upside Down for good or, well. They started noticing that he was having seizures after they closed the gate. It was heavily implied in the undertone of his doctor’s voice that these seizures were likely going on for a while and that they likely not going to stop anytime soon.
Steve took this news as well as anybody could.
Everybody was kinda waiting for him to have a breakdown over it, but it never happened because Steve was – well, he wasn’t fine. Obviously. But it is what it is, right? If the worst thing to come out of all this Upside Down stuff is that he’s a little dumber than he was before than how could he complain?
Max was learning how to walk again.
What Steve didn’t take well was his doctor telling him that he wasn’t allowed to drive anymore. In fact, he did not take that news at all. He completely ignored it, and he ignored the looks that Robin when give him when he drove himself to work, and he would say, “It’s not like I’m driving the kids around or anything. It’s just me.”
“And that’s supposed to make me worry less?”
“I pull over if I feel weird.”
He wasn’t actually driving all that much anyways. Robin got her permit and Eddie got the all-clear to drive again, so no one needed to rope Nancy into lecturing him about ‘the dangers.’ He didn’t need Dustin’s complaining or Eddie’s ‘hey, maybe you should listen to them’ or Joyce stopping him on his way out the door. And he didn’t need Hopper.
Steve was learning to accept that sometimes he needed help. He was doing better, but Steve practically lived alone despite the jokes people were making about him being at Eddie’s all the time, and he wasn’t going to bother someone just because he needed toilet paper.
Steve was sitting in his car outside of the Fair Mart, trying to remember why he needed to go there in the first place, when there was a knock on his window. He startled and blinked hard twice before looking over at the drivers’ side window. He frowned.
Hopper was standing there and he looked annoyed. He gestured for him to get out of the car and Steve frowned more, fumbling with his seatbelt before pushing the door open. For lack of anything else to do once he was out of the car, Steve said, “Hey, what’s up?”
Hopper frowned more like he was annoyed with Steve which was, in itself, was really annoying because Steve didn’t do anything. He was just here to buy… He was here to get… Wait. “Huh?”
Hopper sighed loudly and repeated himself. Slowly. “Give me. Your keys.”
Maybe it was Hopper’s tone or maybe there was some stock in what his doctor said mood swings, or maybe Steve was just tired of everybody treating him like a baby that needed taken care of and watched. Just when Hopper reached to take the keys out of his hand, Steve shoved him away.
Everything kinda blurred at the edges and the headache that’s been wedged in the corner of Steve’s jaw pulsed. He didn’t really take a breath until Hopper shoved him against the hood of his car.
Hopper cuffed metal around his wrists and said, “Good going, Harrington.”
Steve yanked on his arm and snapped back, “You’re not even a cop anymore. You can’t arrest me.”
“Call it a citizen’s arrest.”
Eddie laughed for four minutes of Steve’s five minute phone call at the police station. He laughed so hard that Steve knew that he was holding his side where the bites were the deepest because they were still tender, and Steve just rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up. Are you gonna get me?”
“Hm, yeah,” Eddie grinned through the phone. “Yeah. It’s a little ironic that the Prom K-“
Steve hung up the phone.
The ‘charges’ that Hopper (not a cop) threatened to ‘throw the book at him’ for were driving without a valid driver’s license. There was a part of Steve that knew that this was all just for show to teach him a lesson, but still argued that he had a valid license because no one took it away from him, and actually, “This is false imprisonment, right? Maybe I should call my family lawyer.”
It was even more annoying that Eddie – rolling into the building smelling like weed an hour later – agreed with Hopper. 
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rez-urrection · 3 months
I saw someone else on here saying how Rick needs someone with a different moral compass to go with him on adventures because otherwise it'd be an echo chamber of bad decisions, and thats why he brings Morty (very outspoken against him) rather than Summer (very often outspoken against him, however very much aligns with his violent impulses)
and I agreed with that, however I wanted to add my own theory as to why he brings only Morty, which kind of goes along with theirs.
I lost their post/url so I dont know who it is who posted that, but if I find it ill reblog with a link to their post, or if one of you find it youre welcome to do that for me !!
okay, so. it seems to me that another reason Rick would take Morty most times and not usually Summer is not only because Summer is more likely to become a moral echo chamber, but because Morty is the most likely in the family to not end up another Rick.
let me explain what I mean:
Rick has witnessed the citadel and how that ended up, he's implied to have witnessed the deaths of so many people (not just Ricks) for being too confident in their smarts. he knows that his life style kind of ruins you if youre as smart as he is because you start getting to know that you are.
this won't happen with Morty.
Morty is a lot of things; resourceful, highly adaptive, good in combat (when he can be), quick on his feet and passionate. but one thing he isnt, is like Rick.
Morty gets none of his traits from Beth or Rick. he isnt inhumanely smart (in fact its canon that he's quite the opposite), he isnt predisposed to being cold and uncaring, he isnt as impulsive (he still is, just not as much), the list goes on.
not only are Summer and Beth predisposed to end up like Rick, they have, on many occasions, acted exactly how Rick would've acted in situations. and to me, it seems like that scares him.
Morty however is very different to Rick, and Rick knows that very few Mortys ever end up even a fraction of the man he is.
Mortys are not predisposed to end up cold and uncaring, in fact Mortys are predisposed to be the exact opposite. Mortys are "hardwired for forgiveness." theyre empathetic, loving, forgiving. Mortys rarely harden into the kind of person Rick is, or the kind of person Summer and Beth would be.
Morty is the obvious answer to who Rick should rely on - he'll never be bad. Morty is good at his core. at least most of them are, of course just like there's outlier Ricks (c-137 himself), there's outlier Mortys, but as a general statement, Mortys are good at their core.
kind of off topic, but I also beleive that c-137 is good at his core.
let me explain.
he is, by admission, a different kind of Rick. he wanted to stay home, to be there for the girls, he was even willing to give up his dream of science just to be there for him.
when they died, so did a part of him.
he lost the love of his life, and he lost his daughter. he lost his perfect little family.
and what did he do ? go insane trying to find the person who did this to him, and get rid of them.
the things he did on the way were kind of a "in the grand scheme of things" type of situation.
again another blog already said this (here) (hopefully that worked), but when Prime said he c-137 could've been him- he already was. he was in the exact same situation that Prime was. he offered someone infinity, and they rejected it. but instead of going the way Prime did, which was killing the people around Bird Person to force him to travel infinity anyways, he just moved on. he got upset at first and tossed some weak insults, but he moved on. because, as the above post says, its not that big of a deal. it wasn't the end of the world for him.
now, im not saying c-137 has never done anything wrong. hes done a lot of things wrong. what I am saying is he's good at his core; his goal was never and still isn't just to hurt people. his goal is revenge and in his eyes, its a ticking time bomb. anyone in his way has to be swiftly dealt with because he's running out of time.
also - of course he can't show how much he loves Morty. he doesnt know if Prime is still watching him, but he does know that the Omega Device could very well still be on operation, and he finds out he was correct in this assumption in Ultmortricken.
if he had shown his love for Morty often at all, who knows what Prime would've done with that information.
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gamblersdoll · 6 months
Chapter 2
there is no way you're here, you damned woman.
you never thought your life could change simply because you existed. after all, you were just a person.
"so.. uhhh. I'm yuuji itadori." he chuckled awkwardly, putting his hand on the back of his head as he smiled warmly.
you would've taken it as weird, but it rolled off your mind very quickly- maybe even too quick.
"y/n." you said blankly. you still felt like you were being watched, but by another pair of eyes. you could tell it was gojo.
how he could even look at you through a blindfold was beyond you. but you eventually figured it out– he's satoru gojo after all.
nobara and megumi had been excused for that moment, something you caught onto, and yuuji was oblivious to it. you turned your focus onto the slits on his cheekbones under his eyes. maybe a bad fight and they somehow landed in the same place? by coincidence? whatever.
"im... also a vessel for a cursed spirit. sukuna." he said in a defeated tone.
" so... a parasite?" you tried to joke, but it came out more as a insult or a "i wish for instant death." thing.
"ohoho.. youre bold." gojo said, laughing in amusement.
you didn't really understand on what he meant, until someone chimed in.
"you still have got that damn attitude." the voice said, it didn't bother you until you looked over at yuuji to see some form of a mouth and red pupil on his cheek— replacing the slits.
"so.. I'm taking it as that's sukuna? hold on– I still have a attitude?? we just met." you said, folding your arms. "gojo? you have people watching me?" you asked, deciding on if you should fend for your life or should you ignore it.
"no no. sukuna knows you!" gojo smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder in friendliness.
".... and how is that??" you asked, pinching his index finger off of your shoulder. yuuji also looked at him, confused since he's quite literally never met you before.
"because, you're a reincarnation of someone he knew before he was a cursed spirit.. duhhhh." he said in a matter-of-factly tone. it would've irritated you if he hadn't just said the king of curses knows you.
you and yuuji looked at him in disbelief, you making the worst stank face in your life, because how in the ever lasting hell could you ever have known- no, have been close to the king of curses?! he has to be pulling your leg, a crude joke, because he's satoru gojo.
"she is??" yuuji asked, not sounding to bothered by it, but you were now irritated.
"yep! before she died and sukuna because a cursed spirit, they knew each other very well. they respected each other." he said, feeling very knowledgeable on you.
you remained quiet, now feeling dreadful. there was no way in hell you knew sukuna— nor the fact of respecting him or being close with him.
"have nothing to say, woman?" sukuna said in his domain to where no one would hear him, feeling proud to know he found you again, to either make you pay for dying and showing up after 1000+ years, or having to find a opportunity to get his hands on you.
"yeah, I call total bullshit. it's been years since that happened." you said, "anyway. I guess I'll be working with you, yuuji." she sighed, closing her eyes.
she didn't miss the way yuuji looked at her, nor did she miss when sukuna peeked through yuuji's cheek.
"sooo.. what's it like being reincarnated?" yuuji asked, both of you sitting in one of the dining halls jujustu high had established. you were originally by yourself, finding peace within that. but of course, someone always followed you.
"im not sure what you're talking about, pinkhead." you flatly said. you wouldn't fall for this dumb prank gojo started. and the more you heard it, the more you wished you weren't here.
"but gojo said-" yuuji started, before you started as well.
"gojo ain't said a damn thing." you butted in, "i need to see in writing of some book that I was in a past life. then maybe– maybe I'll believe it." said only by you. you can't fall for that.
in sukunas domain, he felt his anger rising.
"what if it's true though, y/n?" yuuji asked, twiddling his thumbs. he couldn't handle the tension... not with you.
"it isn't. " you stated, crossing over your legs that spilled onto the other one. you stared ahead, thinking of something else.
"... you're a very quiet person, aren't you?" yuuji asked, smiling at you. he wanted to get closer with you already. something about you made that in him. "could I get your uh.. number? for school purposes of course!!" he added, hoping he didn't sound creepy already only after a few hours of meeting him.
you only nodded, both of your iphones tapping each other to exchange numbers— thank god for that update.
"to answer your question, there's no way in hell he and I were ever close. that's just a fairy tale." you said, not knowing what you just started.
because in sukuna's domain, he wanted to kill you for even suggesting that. were you not happy with your history of him? are you calling history a liar??
why aren't you honored to be cherry picked by him?
he could only imagine what he'd say or do to you once he had control, once he was glooming over your frame.
you still look the same when you did 1000+ years ago...
"ill make sure to remind you of your place, y/n." he thought to himself, already enjoying the joy ride of being the king— and where you both left off.
honorable tags: @lisaaannna @coldbreadbouquetworld
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3xen · 4 months
just for you; g. s genji is rushed to your operation room, believing it'll be dr. ziegler to operate on him.
n. wrote this on three hours of sleep w school tmr, and i actually liked it sm! idk yall, im getting back into my game plz bare w me.
c. first meeting, mentions of mercy (angela), lowk crack
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“we have a patient in critical condition. he needs to be treated immediately.” god, angela where are you when i need you most? you double-take the patient in the gurney—genji shimada. his name had appeared more than once on your files. but never once was he sent to your aid. dr. ziegler was his primary doctor since she maintained most of his records and regular check-ups. 
the assistant rolled the gurney into the room. “please, notify dr. ziegler of mr. shimada’s status. im sure she’d want to know.” i inform, inspecting the patient with a cringe. his visor is damaged with a dent, wires sprouted from his shoulders, and his left lower limb seemed just too far out of place. 
“will do ma’am, ill be here if you need me.” the assistant left—leaving a tense silence in the air. 
“shimada, are you alright in there?” 
“im alright.” his words came out strained, almost as if he felt the physical pain being done to his body. you acknowledged that. as you moved to his side—determining how to treat the damages, he spoke in a soft voice. “is dr. ziegler unavailable?” and it made you wince. 
“she’s been transferred to overwatch headquarters in switzerland. i am so sorry.” he gave you a quiet hum—observing you through his visor. you looked attractive, beautiful, and it really intrigued him. you spoke in that angelic voice, had observant and quiet motions—he couldn’t wait to bury angela with queries. 
“your cooling system must have been tattered with. the wires don’t usually come out like this do they? reattaching your limb should be easy.. but, your wiring is jumbled—it’ll take a lot of time to install it properly,” in deep concentration, you furrow your brows, crossing your arms over your chest, and then sighed. “and, you must have suffered quite a blow to your face.” 
“ah, just a boulder. nothing special.” 
operations on flesh and bones were completely opposite of cybernetic and robotic parts. there was really no easy way to work around any mechanical part that ran on a code—not without guaranteeing its success.  
you stifled a quiet groan—turning away from your patient. you couldn’t admit to him you’ve never worked on a half-cyborg—actually, no one has in the nepal headquarters! 
“sorry, lets get to work right away.” 
you whisked tools in your hands from around the room—useless or not, you placed them on a moveable cart. “we’ll start on your leg, then work our way up.” 
as the operation began, you worked attentively. this must have been your most daring task yet. 
“doctor,” genji cooed once.
genji cooed again—not being able to make out your coherent words. “doctor.” and it didn’t take long before you sprang up. 
“you are too focused. it makes me worry.” wasn’t that a good trait of a doctor? i pulled back, blinking twice at a loss.
“i suppose you are right..” you directed your eyes toward him. “ive never worked on a specimen like you.”  you unconsciously lowered your head.
“a cyborg?” you nod. 
“only dr. ziegler specializes in those preposterous things..” genji chuckled, causing you to perk up.
“you seem informed about it all.” 
“she only taught me a few things. ive also worked on cassidy’s cybernetic arm aswell. thats my only experience.” genji stared in awe—you picked up fairly quick.
when he arrived at nepal headquarters—wounded, he expected dr. ziegler. his visits with her were short—she was a busy woman, he knew. and when he found himself being in a room with someone other than her, he accepted his fate of chaos and disaster. 
“how long are you stationed here?” 
“about 2 months or so.. they want me back in zurich as soon as possible.” genji nodded in acknowledgment. really, he was intrigued.
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© 3xen
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onlydeas · 1 year
i think i should step in and do heimdall headcanons he needs love !! 
ever since god of war ragnarok came out idk i just fell for heimdall. it be the assholes
Heimdall headcanons
Meeting Heimdall wasn't the best thing, in fact, anybody who encountered him never had the best experience, therefore he was always regarded as Asgard's asshole. But you know what? You had so much patience with this man, even if his pettiness had forced you to hold on by a strand of hair, and you couldn't even land a hit on him, so what was the purpose of getting angry? “im sorry im actually here to work with heimdall, odin sent me” His eyebrows furrowed "You have no idea who I am, do you? im heimdall" As he uttered his name, your eyes widened, "no, I'd rather be tossed from the wall now." 
sometimes you honestly wanted to quit your job but the fear you had for odin and the ego of not quitting and no matter how annoying heimdall is you will not let him win. you can not leave “why dont you just let me do my job alone you suck at fighting and you bore me” heimdall was your number one hater “ so if i were to take a tooth from you and sell it for money id be in the wrong huh” heimdall turned around feeling his teeth how could you say that he needs to be careful now and take care of his teeth or one day he’s waking up with none
Working with heimdall was a pain in the ass; how could one be so bossy? Why couldn't we simply have some fun for a while? No, you had to be on your feet with the man whose only friend was gulltoppr. “hey heimdall why dont we have some fun and explore Asgard” heimdall looked at you and only one word left his mouth “no” How could he be so irritating? Why couldn't he show you around and tell you about this place? "But why not? I believe I deserve it because I've been helping you around here." Heimdall gave you a sidelong glance "I already seen it all," you grabbed his arm and pulled him down to you. "I haven't seen everything, so please show me around."
heimdall looked into your eyes seeing how badly you wanted him to take you around he sighed and rolled his eyes “only once you’re honestly really annoying” you smiled and followed him towards gulltoppr and got on. The whole tour of asgard and heimdall explaining the history of it made you so happy you couldn’t believe you didnt ask for a tour a while ago its beautiful, heimdall took a glance at you, you appeared to be paying close attention to everything heimdall was saying. “you know heimdall for someone who always has something negative to say you aren’t so bad” you laughed, you payed attention to the beauty of Asgard while he was mesmerized by you
ever since that day heimdall gave you a tour he’s been surprisingly nicer to you even though he’s tried to drop you off the wall multiple times and still gives you his petty comments for no reason he was nicer while you put no attention to it heimdall was loosing his mind because he was developing feelings for you and he knew that he knew that really well every time you spoke to him his cheeks would turn pink and being a pale guy wasn’t really helping him he felt betrayed by his own body he didnt even want to make eye contact with you for seeing the future or reading your mind would hurt him if he found out you wanted nothing to do with him for someone who can not relax even for a moment this was driving him insane but he needed to be professional
heimdall was a bother to you keyword ‘was’ you couldnt stand him at all but being around him and learning more about him actually made you really happy he made you really happy you couldnt stand not being around him he was your partner after all how could an asshole to everything make you feel this way you would wait for him outside his place every morning to start the day you’d follow him everywhere hearing his voice made you so happy. you and him were like rosemary and thyme you both were amazing together you wouldnt even mind heimdall reading your mind with his foresight but lately he wouldnt look at you
his feelings only grew stronger day by day as much as he wanted to tell you how much you mean to him and how he would go to war for you he tried to focus on what you were here for ‘work’ he didnt want anyone getting in trouble because of his feelings so he pushed them so deep into his heart he thought the only way he wouldnt think about it was to ignore you and act like how he does with everyone. that only hurt your feelings so much why was he acting that way with you, you only wanted to tell him about your feelings but he wouldn’t make eye contact with you or even speak to you, he doesn’t know how badly his actions were hurting you “heimdall can we please talk, why are you ignoring me?” heimdall didnt look at you he only continued what he was doing “heimdall please listen to me”
as much as you tried to speak to him he would only turn his back to you this really was hurting you so much you thought you both were forming a really good friendship now out of no where he starts being a asshole to you again like how it first started “you left me waiting, you know im not really patient heimdall when i confronted you about not speaking to me you didnt say anything why are you doing this?” heimdall looked at you after so long and spoke “what is there to say (y/n) i dont need to listen to you we arent friends so give me space and stay out of my way” that really did it that broke your heart into so many pieces before he could even walk away you grabbed his hand “please dont leave me ive been going through emotions you dont even know about and each time i try to make you look at me so you can see how much i feel for you, you always ignore me!”
“what do you need (y/n)! what do you want?!” your eyes were filled with tears any second you could just burst into tears, you pulled him down and kissed him and for once someone actually touched him your tears flowed down your cheeks as you kissed him “i need and want you heimdall..i really truly love you so much” heimdall looked into your eyes seeing how much you really do love him he sighed in relief that you felt the same way he pressed his lips on yours holding you face
being heimdalls lover was such a dream I mean of course everyone would always ask you what do you see him that they dont with heimdalls cocky personality he was literally such a dream to you imagine just having a boyfriend who's rude to the whole world but with you hes so sweet and patient
heimdall couldn't keep his hands off you he just wanted to feel you all the time he wasn't fond of the pda maybe just holding your hand, kissing your cheeks and hugging you every chance he could get but in private oh gosh he doesnt stop kissing you, touching you he follows you everywhere seriously hes like a duckling he just cant get enough of you, hes so in love with you "heimdall..do you really need to follow me into the bathroom" heimdall nods you dont know if hes trying to protect you orrr hes just being a creep
his foresight is truly amazing he always knows what you want, when you want and how. sometimes he can be such a tease about it too I mean sometimes you want to kiss him but he dodges you and teases you about it when you fail to kiss him not just once, or twice but after hes done laughing and teasing you he gives you so much kisses to make up the ones you tried to give him "how could you dodge my kisses!" heimdall laughs kissing you all over
in heimdalls eyes you are everything he needs in his life he would never leave you, you being a mortal and him being a god gave him so much motivation into protecting you from all harm in the world he always says things like you were created in this world for him to love, protect, to hold, to feel you he can’t do anything if you arent in his life his words are seriously the sweetest thing ever he always knows what to say having a god as a boyfriend and not only that he is very intelligent but sometimes he forgets to think hes very impulsive he hates it when other gods ask you for favors why you? why couldnt they pick all the other mortals or find a god or something why bother whats his?
heimdall surprisingly talks about marriage with you everyone is so surprised since he seems like he’d rather be alone forever cause of his attitude with everyone he talks about marriage and a family how he wants to raise children with you he brings it up more then you do! even at random times like when you both are sleeping together��“so if when we get married should we get gulltoppr to be the flower-“ you groaned and sat up “seriously heimdall go to bed” heimdall sat uo to look at you “its a serious question y/n!!”
lets be honest im sure heimdall would be so clingy the way hes dedicated to protecting asgard im sure he’d always want to be with you its like he’d want to be apart of you he’s the type to stay so close to you never leaving your side for nothing who knows what other gods have in mind
you are what calms him every time hes about to explode he thinks about you he constantly whispers your name every second this man has anger issues he cannot relax for a moment thor literally has him on his last strand his strand is thinner than hair, everyone is very fond of you you changed his attitude he isnt so mean as before but when you arent near him he may explode any second “ just think about y/n yes think about y/n, y/n will get very mad if i do something wrong and i dont want that just imagine y/n” heimdall is smiling at a corner thinking about you so he wouldn’t start a war
whatever you want you shall receive even if he doesnt even know what it is he will find it or create it, his attention is all yours he could constantly stare at you speaking for hours but thats you, heimdall never stops talking and you admire him and how talkative he is. heimdall seriously loves you so much he’s balance he loves to give you everything you need from gifts, communication to love and attention
heimdall and you are seriously best friends and lovers heimdall always comes to you as if he was a best friend ready to spill gossip from anything he seems like he loves having those gossip talks its his second favorite thing and his first is you “yeah thors at it again im surprised Sif hasnt said anything to him she never does its usually thrúd” heimdall rolled his eyes and took a bite out of his food “heimdall you know you cant reason with thor plus hes went through a lot” heimdall looked at you “yes but he handles it with his drinking problem could never and would never be me” you sighed and smiled heimdall is a hater to mankind
(NSFW mild warning ig)
sometimes when hes in the mood if you know what I mean *side eye* its just the best thing ever looking into your eyes and seeing everything you want he'll do it hes so very dominate he always wants to be in control I mean why wouldn't he be he knows the future and he knows what you want during it he loves everything about you I wouldn't say even your imperfections because to him you are the most perfect being ever he loves you he needs you. hes so obsessed with everything about you, his voice is so gentle even when hes being cocky during it, it makes you melt just by him already knowing hes good at what hes doing to you
he can be rough not so rough he doesnt want to hurt you because he is way stronger then you since hes a god and hes extremely fast it feels like you're going into another realm. heimdall loves when you're being vocal during it he wants everyone to know you are his and what you and him are doing that very moment sometimes he can be a asshole and make you cry during it if he doesnt make you cry did you really enjoy it? im sure hes so good with his hands I mean his long fingers says it all as soon as he gets his hands on your body prepare for the best feeling of your life. cant get over his foresight its so attractive seeing into the future he just knows what to do to you. his eyes are the only thing that glows during that moment he always keeps his eyes on you even when you try to look away he moves your face back to him he makes sure to make you look at him every second
when you want to be top and he allows it hes just a mess he cant stop blushing he just cant get over how good you look being on top of him no matter who it is he hates being looked down on but you he cant get over it he loves it so much just holding you and looking at you he cant get his eyes off you
overall heimdall is such a dream hes a tall, strong blond, hes a god and not only that his eyes are so beautiful you get mesmerized with only looking into then hes a asshole to everyone but with you he will always be your number one fan and the person he loves the most and it shows everyone knows how much that man loves you and would live and die for you because you are and always will be the one for him as he always says “until my heart beats for the last time only then will i maybe stop loving you” keyword maybe but we all know even in death he’d love you forever even when hes reborn again he will love
i failed my presentation for AP Seminar for this i hope you all love this because that horrifying grade was worth it i love heimdall
if you guys want more let meee knowww !!!
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twistmusings · 1 year
i'm finally requesting the last part of the 'leading up to a kiss' series, this time for diasomnia. i feel a little emotional, i adore this series so much! of course, all of your works are lovely, but those pieces were the ones who truly made me fall in love with your blog. thank you for writing this! 💗
It has been very fun to write! I technically think I may have skipped Pomefiore so that may be something I write down the line, but for now this is the finale! Im so glad that you were here to join in on this ride with me!
Leading up to a Kiss - Diasomnia
CW: Malleus waxes poetic.🤢 (Otherwise none)
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus, being a prince, has rarely ever had reason to be afraid of anything. He's always been surrounded by people who would lay down their lives to protect him and make sure he can return home to rule Briar Valley safely, and he's never felt unsafe for even a moment with his attendants at his side.
And yet... he feels more vulnerable in this moment than he has in his entire life, looking at them. He knows-- has known that he is in love with them, and he finds himself underprepared for how raw it feels to know love like this. He's always assumed love was the way they described in story books-- unproblematic and easy-- and he's finding that he's woefully underprepared for it not to be that way. He knows that if they reject him, he would be hurt. Devastated, more than likely, and while he might heal with time, a resource he has in plenty, he can't help but to feel afraid of the possibility that they will turn him away now.
Now, when they're the person he trusts the most. When he believes he could trust them with something as delicate as his heart when he's been told to be careful so, so many times before.
He's struck by how beautiful they are as they stand there, smiling in the moonlight and looking skyward to see the stars. It seizes his chest, pulls it tight and steals his breath as he looks at them.
Maybe it's the fear that spurs him. After all, while he has more than enough time, he knows that if he is to dedicate his love to them that they are not so lucky. Knows the hurdles that will come with it, but in spite of that he can't help but to feel overwhelmed with how much he cares for them.
It's gentle-- feels to Malleus like he's moving in slow motion as he crosses to them. They look at him, and their smile goes affectionate. Malleus feels it in his throat, but he's already decided his course of action and now is no time to be paralyzed by nerves. He gently rests his hands at their elbows, giving them plenty of time to back away should they want to.
When their lips finally meet, it's gentle and nearly dream-like with how it makes Malleus' head swim. It's like it soothes something inside of him that screaming beast inside of him that screams at him that he's not someone they would want. And its incredibly warm. He finds he's never felt quite so at peace as he has in this moment. Perhaps they won't mind if he, selfishly, wants to linger just a little longer...
Silver is awoken by the feeling of sunlight on his face, and when he finally opens his eyes, he finds that he has to squint against the brightness while he tries to get his bearings on his surroundings. He lifts his hand to block the light enough to see, and when he does, he sees their face smiling down at him.
He groans, frowning.
"It happened again, didn't it?"
"It did. Hopefully we can find something to help soon, Silver. In the meantime I thought you could use a little company while you napped."
Silver blinks slowly, watching them closely. It had taken him this long to realize that his head had been propped up on their lap, and their fingers have been slowly stroking through his hair the entire time he's been trying to pull himself out of slumber. Despite his face being an impassive neutral, he can feel the way that his heart thrums in his chest, flustered. They were always so gentle with him, like he deserved to be looked after like this. Waking up and the first thing he saw being their face did something to him, it really did.
"I appreciate it." Silver says, measuredly. He adjusts so that he's sitting upright, though his gaze lingers on them for a moment longer. They don't get long to realize that he's debating with himself before he leans in, pressing a fleeting-but-firm kiss to their mouth. It's barely a moment, but there was no question that it happened. Apparently satisfied that he'd properly demonstrated his feelings, Silver gets to his feet and doesn't mention it again... at least not until he does it again later, when they have more privacy.
Sebek Zigvolt
He's been teaching them how to defend themself. They'd always shown a keen interest in it, and Sebek had received no small amount of teasing about how soft he was for the human who was so curious about what he did to train. Lilia often found it quite humorous how soft he would be toward them in comparison to Silver.
Well, naturally. Silver had learned how to fight from the best of the best-- Master Lilia himself-- he couldn't expect the human to know how to handle that from go. Besides, weren't most humans pretty frail anyway? There would be no sense in going all out and injuring them...
And then they threw him for a loop. He finds himself thinking, halfway between the air and ground, that this is not what they had practiced at all! Instead they'd gotten a grip on him about his waist and had leveraged his center of gravity to throw him. He's... impressed.
He lands hard on his back, knocking all of the wind out of him with a punched-out sound, and he stares skyward dazedly. How had they done that? They enter his vision upside down-- standing over him and smiling at him proudly.
"Did you like that, Sebek? I asked Lilia for some ways I could keep you on your toes!"
He blinks slowly, though they keep chatting at him about how Lilia had taught them the best way to get the advantage in hand-to-hand combat. He can't quite get himself to fully listen-- not with the sound of his blood rushing in his ears and the way that his heart is thudding in his chest. His face feels hot and if he could only get his wits about him he would probably have immediately assumed that he was dying, but--
This isn't... This isn't him dying is it? Oh shit. Sebek's brain is at war with his body because this is a human! He always questions his own mothers tastes. What kind of fool is he to be feeling like this toward a human?!
Regardless of whatever his mind is saying, Sebek's body is already moving on instinct. They kneel a little further down to check on him, and he finds his brain goes entirely silence when he meets their lips rather awkwardly at this angle.
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia watches them play, arms crossed and smiling from where he stands in the aperture that opens into the kitchen. Malleus is smiling, and Silver and Sebek are arguing while they are smiling wickedly, wads of play-money grasped in their hands. They were surprisingly adept at getting the others in his little found family roped in to play.
It was so nice to see them all acting their age. They rarely got to, and Lilia loved nothing more than seeing them enjoying themselves. They had so much ahead of them that they should enjoy the relaxation while they can.
"I'm going to get more snacks. I had better come back in to find you both alive an well, you hear?" They laugh as they stand.
"He forced me to sell Small World lane!" Sebek barks, and Silver snickers next to him, immediately launching the two of them into another argument. It's sweet, really, watching them playing together the way they did as children.
They are walking towards him, and they smile at him, pausing as they hold their cup.
"Do you want to play too? We're going to have another round after this." They tip their head and smile at him impishly. "Or are you going to chicken out again?"
Lilia's eyes glitter, pleased.
"You're few hundred years too young to compete with me, friend."
"Is that so? What's the matter, you afraid I'll get a leg up on you? Or are you just scared to show me what you're made of."
Their banter is always like this, fun and engaging. And just a bit flirty. Lilia plays dumb to it most of the time, and he always finds himself so thoroughly charmed that they ramp it up because they think he doesn't realize.
"Just say the word and I'll be happy to give you a proper demonstration." Lilia's eyes hood and he laughs, and their smirk only grows.
"Is that so? I dare you."
Lilia has never been one to back down from a bet. Perhaps it's a flaw of his, but he has no plans to make a change now. Instead, he antes up and steps forward into their space with a confidence that people rarely expect from his sweet face.
He meets their lips heatedly, one hand finding the side of their neck and the other helping to balance himself against their shoulder. He tips his head, finding the way that their mouths slot together comfortably. He's far from shy, dragging the sharp points of his teeth across their lower lips and teasing the tingling skin with the tip of his tongue. They seem dazed when he pulls back, and he can't help but to grin cockily. After all, that had only been a preview of his full potential.
"You are so lucky that Silver and Sebek are arguing. Otherwise I'm pretty sure Silver would have just screamed." They manage to spit out in spite of their flusteredness. It makes Lilia laugh with his whole chest.
Oh yes. This little challenge he has posed is going to be incredibly fun.
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lazulian-devil · 6 months
Are y'all ready for Book 3? No? Well, I dont care, do I now. You're already reading, its too late for you to leave now.
The Villains of Skulduggery Pleasant 3 - Batu
We arrive in the third book, The Faceless Ones, which seamlessly incorporates the consequences of everyones actions into even worse mayhem.
Following Vengous almost succesful attempt at opening the rift, a mysterious man named Batu (who is also the guy dealing with Sanguine at the end of Book 2 being all ominous) is behind the kidnapping (and murder, lest I forget) of all remaining Teleporters. Because he needs someone to teleport something through a portal in a different dimension.
(Tangent: Im sure Shunters didnt exist yet in Book 3. I feel like this should have been a Shunter thing and I can neither remember nor bother to find proof why the Anchor needs a Teleporter instead of a Shunter. In Book 8, Crayfon Signate quite literally does something similar with the Sceptre of the Ancients, looking for a Signature and then finding the correct dimension. Im pretty sure its about it all being a gateway instead of a direct transferal. If anyone knows, do tell.)
Alright, so. We have Batu/Paddy as our main villain and he is a brilliant and excellent one. But lets get the honorable mentions out of the way, so no villains feel ignored.
Our boy Billy-Ray Sanguine is of course part of Batus Squad, but so are the remains of the the Diablerie with Jaron Gallow, Murder Rose and Gruesome Krav. I honestly admit that I feel they are caricatures and the screentime they have is sufficient not to make them boring. They all die in the end anyways and its a shame that it reflects in the way they are so very one note and almost ridiculously "evil". On top of that, we also have a Seahag (in a lake. With corpses. I do love how dumb that is). Then theres Scapegrace and the second buildup for Thurid Guild.
I will be honest with you: Batu is an exceptional villain in terms of motivation, speech and arc. His surrounding villains are sadly one note caricatures, besides those that get to live into the next book (mainly Guild, Scapegrace and Sanguine). The others are often played for jokes or just to make a point on how cruel, wicked and horrendous the Diablerie and the worshippers of the Faceless Ones truly are. Which, yeah. Thats fair. But I always love myself some three dimensional side characters, so let me be a little sad.
Now, lets think about why Batu actually works:
Hes mortal. Evil, yes. But mortal. But he could have been magic. Technically, its his birthright.
And thats all, really. Its man grasping for something he could have never had and that he could have never been gifted. Its another case of fanaticism. Fruitless, sad and deadly.
Now, the SPU has a long history of ignoring of belittling mortals in the way that they are and who they are. This becomes more apparent in later books (the xenophobia/eugenics in Phase 2 for example) but its also pretty evident here:
Batu uses his mortality, his frailness and his visual weakness as a shield. If, for example, Batu was young and fit, it wouldnt quite work the same way. His age and behaviour is a smokescreen.
Funnily enough, he even points it out in his first interaction with Skulduggery and Valkyrie:
"Reach a certain age and suddenly, you're a nobody, suddenly you're not even worth counting." - Book 3, Chapter 13
That combined with his somewhat senile mannerisms, the whole old-man schtick is so very stereotypical. Because of course it is. Both readers and heroes alike are blinded by how much of a an old man™ Paddy really is.
Contrast this with Batus first appearance in Chapter 7 and 14. The way he speaks ist fundamentally different.
"You failed me, Mr Sanguine. I paid you to do a job and you failed me. [...] You will have a chance to redeem yourself."
Paddy doesnt hold power in conversation, hes a silly little man. Its on purpose, of course. Authenticity breeds trust and everyone can relate to an old cynical man, stuck in his ways. Batu on the other hand commands a room. Speaks with a high tongue, with precision. Short and accurate, no breath wasted. Naturally.
When you read the books and you are aware of the twist, there are a lot of things, behaviours and sentences that could make you raise an eyebrow. But our heroes dont have the time to question anything, so they dont. They willingly accept that this man owns the land with the rift, that he doesnt panic at the explanation of magic, that his questions are a little suspicious. Because then they would need to stop. And neither Skulduggery nor Valkyrie do such a thing. They are cocksure of themselves, remember? And Batu knows. Batu even bets on that, as all sorcerers he has met have been equally cocksure. And all his henchmen are too. He's playing all of them, simply because he knows how they work. He has weaseled his way into their homes, has fed their cats (s. Chapter 36), has seen their arrogance and sadly his cynicism proves right at every turn. He really is invisible to them. A mortal obstacle, to be dealt with to safe the world. Always the roadstop, never the destination.
In Chapter 20, Paddys reaction to magic is a smile, not fear. He knows magic exists. It entices him. The shock he displays is - of course - an act, but a very believable one. Sure, yeah, the old man doesnt mind anymore. Hes too old, he has seen too much. Magic might as well exist to him. And he was horribly stubborn this whole time, so it makes sense that he would have an equally spiteful response to magic.
We even come full circle: Paddy asks Valkyrie if she despises mortals for what they are.
"Someone who can run fast dismisses the people slower than he is. What if its someone who can run really fast? Then the slower people become little more than an annoyance, and then an irritation. Superiority breeds contempt." - Book 3, Chapter 20
(Quick sidenote: Its like he wants to be caught when you start looking for it? He himself is the one who runs fast. He himself sees the others as annoyance, as irritation. What a beautifully wretched thing to say.)
Essentially, Paddy is justifying himself here, but, again, reader and heroes are caught up in this very relevant question that plagues Valkyrie: Being detached from Humanity, from Family. Once again, Batu is using his understanding of the magical world against them. He is one step ahead. He recognises Valkyries youth and asks her specifically. Not Skulduggery, who would dismiss it. Her. Even further, he points out the massive flaws in the systems to her, as one of the first in the whole bookseries:
"So magic people view themselves as mages and everyone else as mortals. And that doesnt sound like a group of people elevating themselves to godhood to you?" [...] "... They have the power of gods, dont they? They have magic at their fingertips. Their affairs affect the world. [...] You hold the fate of the world in your hands. If thats not godlike, I dont know what is."
Now the avid reader might have noticed that once Paddy speaks about sorcerers and magic users, his whole old man™ act falls away. His speech becomes more like Batus, because he is Batu in this moment. He isnt acting here.
And why does no one recognise it? Because its a justified question. Again and again, Batus line of logic proves true: All sorcerers are playing god to an extend. A theme that will be picked up far more heavily between Book 7-9 and the entirety of Phase 2. So, as readers, its enticing to see someone challenge the presented Status Quo and as Valkyrie, this direct confrontation helps settle her own views as a growing Teenager into this magical world of god-pretenders. Batu fulfills both the role of a mentor and a villain, pointing out the straw that will break the camels back again and again and again in the following books.
He himself fights like a mortal: There are no fancy gadgets in the big fight. There are machine guns and grenades, painfully mortal weapons. Painful is literal in this sense. Batu chooses reliable weapons of war and not unpredictable gods. At least, in the beginning. There are also the Hollow Men, a whole artifical army of them. Which, broken down, is hilarious. The sorcerers, capable of destructive magic and definitely murder, are using the mortal weapons against the heroes. The army that is there to support them is one of magical stupidity, literal child friendly canon fodder. His army of magic men is one without mind, without question. And his Diablerie, despite actually having a brain, never question him either. They're all hollow men, one way or another. Some of them by power of creation and some of them simply because they are blinded by their own fanaticism, blinded by Batu and the true fight. So, he doesnt fight like a mortal at all. He fights like a mortal that knows the sorcerers. Using the best of both worlds, the most potent startegies each side has to offer. Additionally, there is also the implication of him commanding a massive army without even being there, which does underline his godlike aspirations as well.
Finally, when its revealed that he is indeed Batu, he declares himself "not a mindless drone" and "someone with a vision" (Chapter 36). But what is the root of all his evil?
"Magic." He said. "My father was a sorcerer. So was my brother. But not me. I just didnt have the spark, you know? But now, its finally my turn."
Batu feels robbed of godhood. And that is precisely why he is summoning gods to overtake the world. If he cant reach for divinity, everyone else who can needs to suffer for it.
[Val] "You're going to let a Faceless One take you over."
[Batu] "And then I'll be brimming with magic that ordinary sorcerers would never even dream about. They're not gods, Valkyrie. They're as pathetic as the people you left behind in your old life. But me? I'll be a true god."
But that isnt everything. Despite how much his mortality annoys him, he sees it as the one defining strength that seperates him from sorcerers. His mortality makes him powerful.
[...] "I was born without magic. Ive had to be strong. My will is iron. Im not going to be simply erased - not like the others."
His mortality makes him so powerful that he will rise above the mortals, above the godlike sorcerers and be able to Neon Genesis Evangelion Pilot his way through the world as a Faceless Ones vessel.
So now everyone can agree that Batu is another insane man in a series of insane villains, right? I dont need to spell that out. But before I go and give you a nice little ribbonbow for the ending, lets look at Batus death and how its described.
"Batu turned, spread his arms and raised his eyes to his god, and as it rushed to fill him, he screamed with terror and exultation. And then Batu was gone." - Chapter 42
The Faceless One described here is the one that is responsible for all the mayhem at the end of the book. Its by far the strongest from the bunch. So maybe some part of Batus willpower speech is true. But the written text makes it very clear that this is not the case. Batu is an excellent vessel for the strongest Faceless One. But nothing more than that.
Which is horribly ironic. The man that gained the trust of dozens of sorcerers, has perfected being a non-threat to anyone but believes himself to be worthy of the power of a literal god vanishes instantly. Just like everyone else.
But I love Batu as a villain. Waving all the weirdness aside. He is compelling because in the few moments that he is actually authentic, he is terrifying.
Not to mention he actually achieved what The Diablerie and Baron Vengous couldnt. He manipulated Skulduggery into revealing where the gate was. He used the ressources of the enemy to his own gain. The saddest thing about Batu is, that if he had put his mind to anything but godhood, he would have ascended anyway. He has all the ressources: smarts, wit, the ability to plan longterm, not to mention charisma and leadership skills.
He would have made a magnificent sorcerer. And thats just... incredibly compelling. Batu isnt strong with magic. He doesnt throw flames around, he isnt a walking skeleton. He is a cynical, old man that despises the hand he has been dealt and instead of accepting what is, he cuts from the world the pieces he thinks he deserves. And in this incredible determination blossoms a man that could have been anything. That had the skills, the mind, the speech to become something wonderful, something progressive, a change bringer.
Instead of recognising the talents he possesed, he focused merely on what he didnt have. Turned to evil, to spite. To bitterness and cynicism. He almost became the downfall of the entire world in his quest to prove that he was, indeed, as godlike as the rest of them.
9/10. Go Paddy.
Wanna read more of my breakdowns?
Here is Part 1: Nefarian Serpine and Part 2: Baron Vengous for you!
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yourlocalabstraction · 8 months
your soul design is so yumilicious I need all the details now on my dinner plate
fr tho I want to know all the soul design lore how did you create such a creature /vpos
I struggled the most with Soul ngl. I couldn’t really think of anything I could add that would differentiate him from the fanon standard. I’m a lil upset I couldn’t think of something more original, but nonetheless he turned out quite lovely !!!
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I started with the color picking. I was very insistent on making everyone’s colors proportional to eachother. The main colors should have (about) the same saturation/brightness, contrasting colors that are the exact opposite hue of the main color, respective black/grey/white values (soul’s ‘grey’ color is more teal bc color theory but yea), shit like that i guess. The final palette is on the right, it’s what I use today.
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Soul never got fully fleshed out concept sheets like the other two. I guess my brain just filled in the rest of the gaps without having to draw them. (I apologize for never finishing these btw. It’s been months man. I hope the blorbo doodles in the corner make up for it) The second image was done a lot later than the first btw. Idk if that matters but I’m bringing it up anyway.
His fit inspo came mostly from Pinterest. I just compiled a bunch of shit I think he’d wear. Plus a majestic cape because it makes him look plenty more epic.
OK MOVING ON. I decided that his main gimmick would be my take on his shaded side. The idea was to make it represent dissonance, and how it affects Soul. The shadow is basically just this fuckin void. It has no physical form, and you can just stick your hand in there if you’d like (he sometimes stores the trident there). However I wouldn’t recommend it. The feeling is indescribable, but very uncomfortable. The void has a life of it’s own in a way. It does not stay confined within the Soul’s physical form (or in my case, his lineart). When conflict is at a high, like, tridential regicide level high, the void will get very close to fully overtaking him. It only fully disappears once true concord is reached, and starts reforming when the next cycle starts.
Also, the mask !!!!! Throughout cacophony, Soul is having a huge fucking identity crisis and shit. He doesn’t really have a physical organ like the other two. He doesn’t know why he’s here, or what he did to deserve this, or why nothing he’s trying works, and just. What is he if he’s failing at his main purpose???? I think because of this, he doesn’t like showing his face around the other two. He needs to assert is power, and thinks that showing his face will make him come of softer and less of someone to obey, if that makes sense. He only really takes it off when he’s alone in his room or pocket dimension (still trying to decide if they have a mock ‘apartment’, or ever did at one point). But once he has the character arc in Two Wuv, it permanently comes off !!! Wahoo!!!!!!! If only the next cycle weren’t to start, resetting his newfound self image to its previous state !!!!!!!!!!
Ok this is getting long im putting a read more thing
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This image was very helpful for designing the tine shapes!! Guess which one is Soul’s !!!!!! (Spoiler alert, im pretty sure its either the 2nd or 6th ones in the 2nd row. However i genuinely dont remember. This may not even be the right image)
Soul also has a strange tie with eyes. If the halves have pissed him off to the point of no return, he does this fuckin analog horror stare that freaks the shit out of them (although heart cant see he remembers it very well. Plus, he just k n o w s that extra eye is there). I haven’t really played around with this, but I like the idea of a freakishly absurd amount of eyes hidden within the shadow. I should maybe like. Draw that sometime.
Also, expect a Soil patch update in the future!! I’d like to make his fangs more deranged, and maybe add an earth pattern to the cape. Right now, he has no symbols on him that represent him in the astronomy metaphor.
Uhhhh i hoped this helped??? If i missed anything you were hoping to know about, do let me know !!!!!!!
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haloabove · 2 months
Do you have a personal preference for how Bruce should behave in his civilian and vigilante persona respectively?
For example: Should he play up the dumb himbo angle, should he use excessive violence, does he do talk shows, is he straight/bisexual, etc, does/should he have kids, how is his relationship with Alfred (i.e. employee/employer or father-and-son, I don't mean romantic), is his smile obviously fake or can people not tell,...?
You can answer whatever you like, that list is just to give examples. Would love to hear your own headcanons, too!!
Have a nice day!! <3
Hello!! This is such an amazing question, I’ve been thinking about it for a bit now and here’s what i have for you :D (Its a long one so I’ve put it all under the cut)
I do think Bruce has a bit of a “snobby rich boy” persona especially when it comes to press because he’s overly protective of his privacy and in his mind that also includes his real personality. However, anyone that has spoken to him at events understands that this persona crumbles the moment someone challenges his intelligence. He knows he’s smart and he’s not afraid to show it if someone questions it but until then snobby Bruce stays at the forefront.
Im a strong believer in Bruce being a charming man and he knows how to use it to his advantage. He can talk his way out of any situation, a flash of his smile and a few charming words and people will do anything he wants. So when his company gets bad press or a rumour is spreading about him that he needs to nip at the bud, he’ll slowly increase the press appearances and maybe he’ll flirt with someone and let the media he controls snap a few shots and suddenly he’s working the narrative into something that benefits him and whatever he needs. It’s dirty play but the man never knew how to play clean.
I do think Bruce is bisexual and is fairly open about it but the man has never been in a relationship with anyone long enough to know what fits well for him outside of a purely physical relationship. As for if he has kids, I like to think he has his robins but the Bruce I have in my mind was never made to be a father. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be a good dad if it came down to it but he’s spent so much of his life just him and Alfred that when he has to suddenly stop his very active life for a person who is wholly dependent on him, I just don’t think he’d cope well when it comes to caring for young kids. However, I think he would be much better with older children (like 16-19 year olds) because while children still need affection from parents (which i think he would give in his own way), older teenagers are much less dependent on a parent which is the main aspect he would probably struggle with.
With his relationship with Alfred, I’m a big fan of the (not quite) father-son dynamic for them. Alfred raised Bruce for most of his life and Bruce probably views him as a father figure but will not see him as his father because neither of them will lean into that. Alfred views Bruce as a son he didn’t have, the son that he should never have had to take in. He saw him through the murder of both of his parents and had to emotionally support him through so many major life moments, filling in for where both his parents should’ve stood. At some point, it probably became less about how this is his job and more about keeping Bruce happy and healthy and letting him grow into a person Thomas and Martha Wayne would’ve been proud of.
As for the Batman persona, I’m really not sure about his whole “no-kill” policy because as a vigilante, should he have special rights into taking a criminal’s life but also then we also have to account for the view of should we be killing criminals or rehabilitating them which is a whole other kettle of fish I’m sure Bruce Wayne thinks about a lot. I don’t see why he should be excessively violent but i can understand the concept of equal force of violence. if a criminal knifes an innocent then Batman would have the right to stab them back, I think Bruce would follow this as much as he could but the man is 100% torn up about the ethics of his vigilantism sometimes but if he dwells too much on it then it’ll probably send him into a spiral so he doesn’t.
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pinkyjulien · 5 months
Hi, i really hope im not bothering you by sending a modding question... i am absolutely brand new to even thinking about modding, and i know theres a big discord out there, but ive mostly heard horror stories coming out of the community so im honestly terrified to even check it out... im just wondering if you have any idea if its feasible to make a mod of Padre's shirt for V? (The one w the sweater over a collared shirt, i feel like ive seen it on other random npcs as well) not asking you to do it or anything, but its one ive never seen in mods so idk if its already been tried by modders and everyone decided "nah this wont work". Again, so sorry if you dont want to be bugged with questions like this, you honestly just feel like one of the most approachable people ive seen in this fandom so far and trying to make any cp77 friends has proven extremely intimidating.
Heya!! It's always ok to ask modding questions, you don't bother at all 🤲
I can't blame you for not wanting to get your feet into big servers, it can get quite overwhelming and frustrating when nobody seems to notice you. Tho I recommend using them as modding-wiki extension! It can be useful to search for solution, plugins and softwares, discord exclusive tutorials, or catch someone's getting help for a similar problem for example. There is no need to be active :3 but no pressure ofc, just know that it's totally ok to join these servers to just lurk
Now for Padre's shirt! I won't be able to do it (not right now at least) so I'll throw infos and direction if anyone else wanna give it a try 🤏
Here's the path to Padre's mesh -
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Tho we can see its all wonky compared to a regular MA mesh, and that's because this one is specifically fitted for old' Padre (it's even in the mesh file name, _old)
To make a version useable for masc V, we'll need to combine a few meshes available in the same folder!
The main piece: t1_078_ma_shirt__sweater.mesh
The bottom part: t1_078_ma_shirt__sweater_shirt.mesh
The cuffs: t1_078_ma_shirt__sweater_cuffs.mesh
And one of the two available collar: t1_078_ma_shirt__sweater_collar_01.mesh or _collar_02.mesh
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All of these should already fit into one another, but if not a lil refit in blender should do the trick!
Then I can only point out to the Modding Wiki and its numerous tutorials for the AXL part (making a standalone clothing mod)
I also recently added my own AXL Workflow in my Tutorial Drive; I'm planning on writing a proper one, for now it's only screenshots from an old private tutorial I made for a friend, some infomartion are outdated (I've learned a lot since then as well) but it can still be useful, hopefully!
Thank you for the ask and for your kind words 🧡 I'm sorry to hear the community hasn't been too welcoming, but there are a lot of good souls willing to help and guide if needed!
A big server that I often recommend is The Cyberpunks; it's a fandom focused server, really chill and friendly, not based entierly on modding but its modding channels are pretty active! I lurk in there, you can catch me in the modding and screenshots area :>
If big servers are out of the picture, I totally recommend trying to get into a smaller server; small bubbles can be more comfortable when the members are well spirited and positive :3
I hope you'll find your place and people you vibe with 🧡 and hope the few info on Padre's shirt can be useful, to you or anyone out there seeing this that might want to give it a try! With a few recolors I'm sure it can be a cute, cozy corpo-ish attire ✨👌
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asmutwriter · 11 months
You Saved Me (Part 15)
DESCRIPTION: (season 11) After a long day at work you get back home and receive a phone call from an emotionally (or as emotional as he gets) Dean Winchester
A/N - I hope you guys don’t mind the fact that I write fluff content to try and help show the build up of their relationship. I feel like it helps you see their dynamic grow if it has some angst and fluff rather then just pure smut. I say this, I do have an idea for a smutty scene so stay tuned for that
From Beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: swearing, light implications of insomnia/anxiety, flirting, 
- This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
- Not been proof read
“Thank you Hope... for saving our son” the woman says as she holds your hands. You smile at her. 
“Its my pleasure to help” you look at her as she kisses your hands. She heads over to her son. You pick up the box that now contains the demon inside of it. Going to your car and driving to your secure lock up. Filled with various items used for securing demons and ghosts. Or cult items used for worship. Anything that youve dealt wih that holds significant power you have kept safe here. You place the new addition onto one of the shelves. Blessing the room before you leave.
You unlock your front door. Loking it again behind you as you place the keys onto the hook. Hearing a soft humming coming from the living room. You walk in. The two girls curled up under a blanket on the sofa. Billy on the floor with his back resting agaisnt the same sofa. The three of them watching a film “Sorry Im so late back. Had a problem at work that meant I had to stay overtime”
“Its ok mum. We ordered a chinese. Left some of it for you in the fridge” Anna says, titling her head to look at you. You smile. Going over and kissing the top of her head
“You guys all done you’re homework?” they nod “oh you guys are so good. I’ll be in in a second” you smile at them as you go into the kitchen. Grabbing out the leftivers and heatung it up. Then joinging them in the living room as they watch their film. Once it finishes they slowly make their way to bed. Lydia having a quick shower, Billy making them all a hot drink as Anna packs her school bag ready for the morning. You unload the dishwasher as you takj to him “Ive already said this to the girls but I have a work thing tomorrow afternoon so I wont be able to pick you guys up from school. You’ll have to get the bus back”
“God I hate the bus”
“I know. Im sorry. But I can drive you in so you all get a lie in” you smile at him as he chuckles. 
“When they come in here tell them their drinks are ready. Im going to bed” he smiles “night”
“Goodnight” you say as he walks out. A few minutes later and botht e girl walk in. They take their drinks and also say goodnight. Heading off to their rooms. You do your usual check of the house. Making sure all the doors are locked and secure before reteiring to your bed. Getting in you snuggle under the soft duvet. Jumping slightly as you hear your ohone buzz, Turning on the bedside lamp you pick it up. Why was he ringing ths late at night? you answer it. 
“Hey Rose” he says.
“Dean. Is everything ok?”
“Yeah. I just thought that I should be better at keeping in touch with you. As we always say we will and never do. Thought Id start the process of it”
“But this late at night?”
“Its not- shit sorry. Didnt realise how late it had gotten. I’ll leave you to sleep” you shake your head as you rest your head down on pillow.
“No its ok. Its nice to hear from you. Like you said, we need to keep in contact more often then we do as we always say we will” a soft chuckle coming down the phone. “Did you have a hunt today then?”
“Yeah. Had a bit of a weird case today and I needed to talk to someone to help clear my head”
“What was the case?”
“A banshee. It really managed to screw with my head today. Quite badly screwed with it infact. But thats enough about my life. How are you and the girls? And Billy now I guess?”
“Theyre all good. We had a bit of a ghost problem in our old house so we had to move but that was a few months ago now”
“A ghost problem? ANd you didnt call me?” you laugh slightly
“Im a grown up. I can deal with my own ghosts” a soft chuckle coming down the phone
“How did the others react to you javeing a haunted house?”
“Well... they dont know. Well the girls dont anyway. Billy saw the spirit. He doesnt liek talking about it as he thinks hes going insane but he saw her. I didnt tell the girls. I just said that we had to move. Thankfully they know how I am with staying in one place to long so didnt question it”
“They dont know about the ghost then?”
“They dont know about ghosts period. And I plan on keeping it that way. The less they know about monsters the better”
“I agree with you on that” you rub yoru eyes slightly. Standing up you wrap your dressing gown around you as you head to the kitchen. You dont register that he was talking to you as you walked until you hear him say your name “Kat?”
“Sorry what did you say?” he laughs, you can almsot hear him shaking his head
“I asked how long youve been in your new place”
“Oh gosh. About 9 months Id say” you grab a cereal bar from the cupbaord “how long have youlived in your place?”
“We moved in about three years ago”
“Its just you and Sam there right?”
“Yeah. I mean Cas lives with us too but not constantly”
“Ive not heard you talk about Cas before”
"Hes just a friend of ours. Hes an angel”
“An angel? As in...”
“Yeah. Feathers, harps, robes, all that shit”
“I jave images of you and your brother being serrenaded each morning as you wake by a random man wearing a robe and playing a harp” he laughs
“Sadly not quite that ammusing” you chuckle soflt
“Thats a shame. Id pay money to see that”
“I would too” you smile as you finish off your food. Standing up you turn off the kitchen light. Going back into your room you hang your dressing gown on the back of the door before you climb into bed. Sitting cross legged with the duvet over your lower half. “What does he look like then? This angel friend of yours”
“Why? You hoping hes cute so you can get laid?”
“Shut up” a chuckle going down the phone “no I was just curious as to if he looked like how the bible depicts them to look like”
“No. Similar to demons they posess people so they look like whoever they are possessing. But angels have to ask for permission”
“Oh at least they are keen on peoes consent to be a meat puppet” another soft chuckle down the phone. You smile down the phone
“Thining of friends, how is... whats her name...” a pause as he thinks. “Tash. Thats her name. How is she?” you let out a small scoff as you roll your eyes
“Im not sure. Havent heard from her directly in about 3 weeks. She moved to Spain”
“Please do sound more disapointed” you say sarcasticly “really helps buid up my attraction towards you”
“No I- I didnt mean it like that” you chuckle as he tries to backtrack
“Just keep digging dude. Keep digging”
“I just wanted to know how she was doing. Thats all”
“Oh of course. Defiantly not because you wanted to ask me for her number a you forgot to get it when you last saw her”
“SHut up” you smile as you grab your water from your side, sipping it slightly “do you have her number though?”
“I do. But I feel liker he new boyfriend might be a bit pissed at me if I gave it to you” you laugh as he lets out an annoyed sigh
“Just a quick thing. Next time lead with that information”
“Aww but it was funny hearing you sound all hopeful” you mock him down the phone
“Bitch” he playfully mutters down the phone
“Im offended. Truly” you let out a soft laugh as he pauses on the other side
“WHat did you mean by your attraction towards me?” you can hear the smirk in his voice
“Wh-what do you mean?” you curxe at yourself silently for sutterong
“You said that it helos build up your attraction towards me. Just wanted to know what you eamtn by that exactly?” the teasing in his voice evident.
“I said it sarcasticly so...” you shrug “wouldnt think to much into it” you smile as he lets put a soft ‘uh huh’ down the phone.
“You sure that it doesnt mean that you have secretly have the hots for me?”
“You wish” he chuckles slightly. His voice goi g lower as he speaks
“I dont make you squirm just by the sound of my voice? That you dont think of me on those lonely nights when its just you and your thoughts?” you move slightly. Trying to think of a good comeback as his words go straight to your core.
“Idiot” you mutter. He chuckles
“Thats the best you got?”
“SHut up. Its late and I wasnt expecting this conversation”
“SO what you have to have a comeback prethpught of?”
“How would me hanging up on you be for a comeback?”
“Ok ok. Im sorry” you roll your eyes “I get it though. I am devilishly handsome”
“I would so kick your ass right now if you were here”
“Oh Id like to see you try sweetheart” once again you can hear the cocky grin on his face. You glare at the wall as you hear him let out a soft chuckle. 
“how is Sam?”
“Hes good. He met someone tday that I think hes pretty keen on. Of course he would never admit that” you chuckle soflty
“Of course not” you smile down the phone “How about you? You got any fancy ladies?” he chuckles soflty. Pausing for a little bit before he answers
“Im very much single” he says, you can hear a soft smile on his voice “how about you? You got any special man? Or woman for that matter?”
“No. To both of those. I did go on a date a couple of weeks ago withh a guy”
“Oh yeah? How did that go?”
“It went well. Very well actually. Until I realised he didn actually like kids. Very much disliked children. SO I just kind of... left him... didnt really think we would becompatable considering I have three”
“Three? When did you pop anotherone out?”
“Im incorporationg Billy into the mix. Gotta include the adoptive son” he chuckles slightly
“Yes. Having met him I can picture him being quite upset if you didnt consider him one of yours”
“Oh very much so. He insisited we had new family pictures done proffesionally so he was part of them. Its cute to be honest. I think hes just happy that he has a family again. Only downside is that Im more outnumbered when it comes to thwm asking for a pet”
“Oh really?”
“Yep. Im not keen on getting a pet anything. Lyida really wants a pet cat and Anna was never bothered. So it was essentially even. But now Billy wants a cat to. SHes done some sort of jedi mind trick on him to want to get one I think” he chuckles
“You could get a cat”
“No. Dont you side with them either”
“You could though. Really help add to your stress levels I feel. Needing to look after another living thing” you roll your eyss at his sarcasm
“Theyd look after it well enough. They always forget to drink and eat themselves but are great at reminding each other to do it” he chuckles softly down the phone
“Yeah that sounds about right. Exactly like their mother”
“SHut up” you glare down the phone, hearing him let out another chuckle. You smile. There was something about bis  laugh that coule easliy light up a room. You mentally shake yourself before mvoing under your duvet. STretching your legs out under the soft sheets, hearing Dean let out a muffled yawn on th enother end of the line. You chuckle slighty “Am I keeping you up?”
“No. Defiantl not. I did ring you so its me whos keeping you up, surely”
“ou arent wrong. But it is-” you look at the clock on the bedside table “12:06am. So I understand if you’re tired” he laughs slightly. 
“Ive stayed up way later then this”
“We cant pull an all nighter”
“And why not?” although the tone in his voice was slightly mocking, the way it sounded made you realise he was asking it as a genune question as well.
“No we cant. I have work tomorrow. Plus I have to get the girls and Billy to school” a soft ‘oh’ leaves his lips. The sadness in his voice making your heart break. You shut your eyes. Trying to think of a solution that meets you both. “I would say that you’re welcome to come round. But its very late and I imagine you wont want to travel far just for the sake of a sleepover” 
“Id like to. A lot actually. But I shouldnt. Too much going on for me to leave in the middle of the night. I really wish I could though. More then you think” you smile softly as you nod
“I understand. You have a hectic life. Saving the world and everything. Cant be easy”
“No its certainly a pain in my ass” you chuckle softly
“Its been lovely hearing from you though Dean. But I really should go to sleep now. Sorry”
“Its ok. I should get some shut eye too” you smile down the phone softly “I’ll see you around Kat” you nod at his statement
“I hope so. Goodnight”
“Night”. Click off. You place your phone down on the side cabinet. Rubbing your hand over your face before settling down underneath the covers.
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acidrcins · 6 months
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did you hear the latest scoop ? we’ve got a new student joining us ! a little birdie told me that they’re called CHAE SEORI, but they kinda remind me of BAE SUZY — don’t ‘cha think ? you’re probably thinkin’ they’re just another TWENTY-SEVEN year old in their FIRST year of some MASTER'S DEGREE IN BIOCHEMISTRY , but wait ‘till you hear about their POISON GENERATION ! nifty, huh ? they’re pretty PRINCIPLED on nullivi, but you should watch out for their VINDICTIVE just in case ! anyway — if you wanna check them out, i heard they’re staying at the YELLOW HALL. oops ! you didn’t hear that one from me !  ༊*·˚
hello, i'm liv and v excited to b here! im a sl*t for anything superpower related and im also still off that gen v high so very excited to be here! all i can offer is this intro post, which i hope covers all the Key Aspects of miss chae seori. if i may summarize, shes just trying her best to be a good person while making questionable decisions and internalizing everything bad that her family has ever said abt her ‪♡‬ a cate dunlap wanda maximoff dupe rly
do like this post if u would like to plot because i would LOVE to and i much prefer d*scord hehe
also tw for mentions of nausea
𖥸 ─ basics
chae seori (often seen with gloves and a mask)
scorpio sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising
born 12 november 1996 in a small town in the outskirts of seoul 
currently a first year masters student, studying biochemistry & living in yellow hall
makes poison out of her fingertips & can infect those through physical contact or through air (if in close proximity)
there have been rumours going around that seori is able to give a kiss of death but she would like to debunk those rumors! her lips are harmless really its just the air around her
big on wearing patches but she wont tell you. will make u guess whether she has one or not. (justifies by saying shes just having fun)
𖥸 ─ personality
tl;dr morally grey girl, who's trying to prove herself as a good person (but it's hard when your powers are literal poison). a little bit of a manic pixie dream girl too
positive: principled, collected, intuitive, charming, inquisitive
negative: reticent, elusive, vindictive, temperamental, self-centered
alignment: chaotic neutral (the only principles she follows are the ones she sets for herself)
character inspirations: heavily inspired by gen v's cate dunlap, the hunger games' finnick odair, mcu's wanda maximoff, looking for alaska's alaska young, yellowjackets' natalie
archetypes: the vixen, the philophobic, the antihero
associated aesthetics: shades of gray, smiles that don't seem to reach your eyes, making questionable decisions but finding ways to justify them to yourself, dark eyes and darker nights, flirtatious touches with a hint of danger, red lipstick, unexplained headaches and waves of nausea
in control of her emotions but has tendencies to lash out. she is working really hard to be a good person!!! (by her standards) (she is thisclose to just saying fuck it and just embracing that she is a Villain tho pls someone enable her)
but she can get very resentful lmfao (example A: in her most recent biochemistry class, she told herself urself it was ok that the guy in class just mansplained a concept that she had already understood in middle school but then also gave him a wave of nausea once class ended because he was so fucking rude and deserved it)
keeps up a facade of being coquettish and flirtatious ( i never watched doona but that was the vibe i got from her gifs lmfao ) i think she can be quite charming tbh the queen of breadcrumbing ‪♡‬ keep them close enough, but never enough to touch. it's sort of a coping mechanism. safe space where no one can see what a shit person she really is and how she doesnt really deserve love
no one really knows much abt her and she intends to keep it that way
heavily motivated by wanting to know more! generally the kind of person who would conduct wild ass experiments or "would you love me if i were a worm" i kinda picture it like how finnick in catching fire is like he's paid with secrets!! same vibe with seori :D
𖥸 ─ background
pretty ordinary life growing up. parents are not particularly rich but they don't struggle either. happy small town family ‪:)
shit hits the fan when shes twelve and her brother is fourteen and they find out hes an anomaly. superhuman strength and speed. finds out after he saves a dog from getting hit by a car
if it had been anyone else, perhaps, they would've been the town's outcast but because it's her older brother, all conventional good looks with conventionally lauded powers, they worship him. he becomes the town's superman, girls come up and take pictures with him, he even gets featured in the town parade and seori is just there in the shadows
it gets even worse two years later when she finds out shes also anomaly! but unlike her brother, seori causes an incident of projectile vomiting after a particularly envious moment where her family forgets her birthday and instead, spends the day with her brother. it is messy and disgusting and it happens in the town center. no one forgets. and seori is no longer there in the shadows, she's actively cast out, whispers about why she cant be more like her brother and this is why anomalies should not be given rights
it takes seori some time to figure out her powers but she gets the hang out of it. not that it matters lol shes the black sheep, the 'villain' because goddamn shes literal poison. even her family treats her that way
she doesn't believe those words until one day she gets into a heated argument with her family. tells her mum that shes a person too and wails her father that no one has called her by her name in years and she's nothing but a stain in their family. they don't deny it and in a fit of rage and hurt and anger, she manages to cause irreversible brain damage to her brother
and that is the moment seori realizes she is the villain everyone talks about and she is the monster (doesnt help that her pupils are dark and her veins are black) !!! not a pretty look (think the monsters in sweet home before they transform kind of vibe) and so she runs
runs and runs and runs to seoul where she gets by on illegal means. she is ashamed of the things she has done (e.g., disrupting the storeowners vision long enough to get food to eat, sent someone into unconsciousness and pretended to be their granddaughter caring for them to get a house to stay, batting doe-eyes to boys who will buy her a pack of ramen) and since then shes actively working on being a better person
swears to keep her feelings in control, only uses her powers when justified (although her moral compass is cracked)
𖥸 ─ wanted connections
thank you if you made it this far! ‪♡‬ ‪♡‬ mwah mwah i appreciate u also i love plotting and just brainstorming so here are some rough ideas but OFC always open to talk !!
friends ! or better yet, friends who only meet late at night and you talk about the stars and your feelings and in the morning you pretend you have no other who the other is
someone who's immune to her....
fellow individuals in #STEM
ok this is really specific BUT what if.. our muses were enemies... and they kissed... and seori's feeling INTENSE emotions and accidentally fucks ur muses' vision up and gives them a headache and she has to pretend like it didnt excite her
she doesnt believe she deserves to be loved, so i would LOVE an angsty first love breakup thing. bonus points if she broke ur muses heart
she accidentally poisons u (she swears its an accident)
u catch her doing some immoral shit and tell her shes not a good person
a sam/cate situation. someone enable her to just fuck it youre not a good person so embrace it!!!
i love angst and antagonism so lets beef (ic)
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lokilysolbitch · 5 months
yeah so my childhood friend of 15 years chronically leaves me on read especially after i have a lot to say which really sucks ass because i actually used to have a whole system of different apps i texted her through so i wouldn't overwhelm one chat with all my spam and she would have time to read it when she wanted. but then a few years ago she was like "no you can spam me in the main app !! you can infodump and vent whenever you want !!" so i said "omg cool !!" and infodumped. and she fucking. left me on read and NEVER acknowledged it at all. and she still does it !!!!!!! that's actually partly why i post on social media at all, especially tumblr bc there's some random person who will want to read all that. anyways yeah im on read again and it's been twelve hours. she HAS spoken in a group chat where i can see her talking tho. which is even more sick rad and cool/sar
but yeah i'm gonna use tumblr for what i made it for, here's my bullshit. they're separate thoughts for the most part:
i'm keeping a count of eyelashes that fall out my eyelash bc for years it's seemed kind of excessive. yesterday was SEVEN. ALL AT ONCE. today is five. also all at once. i think the shedding ones get stuck in my lashes tho and don't come out until i try to get a single oddly placed one out of the way??? so maybe it's normal ???
me, whenever my playlist of my favorite songs plays my favorite songs: OH MY GOD I LOVE TJIS SONG
bro i found nail polish from when i was fucking SEVEN and that shit still works oh my god. the youngest polish i have is from when i was in middle school and most of them are still good. i wanna paint my nails again and i WILL be using these. the shimmery ones are fucking gorgeous.
OH don't get me started on my fucking catching fire nail polish that i got when i was idk 12 because i loved and love the hunger games. don't get me started. okay fine i'll start IT IS SO PRETTY AND SHINY IT FR LOOKS LIKE FIRE LIKE ITS GOT RED YELLOW AND ORANGE GLITTER AND WHEN THE LIGHT HITS IT AHDJWIS SKWW SKEDID
and there's also my mockingjay blue polish. one time i painted my nails with it and scrawled "mockingjay" on it with fine line black nail polish and i only regret it not looking neater tbh. i WAS the cringe hunger games kid and not much keeps me from becoming one again
i have so much pink nail polish. i've never in my life liked pink like That tho. why are there so many. the pale pink does hit tho i'll give it that. goddamn it's pretty
the ac in my room doesn't work rn and it is quite literally. 50 something degrees in here. i have raynauds. i just want to feel my fingers again
all i'm saying. is they should make the dsm 5 less relatable idk. i am winning the put a finger down challenge but at what cost
it's really weird how no matter how you feel about someone you'll still see stuff at the store and think "they would like this"
okay i got tired i'm stopping now
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jeannereames · 1 year
Cut the Old Queers Some Slack
This post brought to you by a review of Sandra Boehringer’s Female Homosexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome, which recent translation I posted about earlier with no little excitement. The BMCR review annoyed me for a couple reasons.
First was an assumption that when a book is translated, the author should retool it to modern terminology.* In the end, the reviewer said maybe just the forward from Boehringer should have addressed trans issues—which isn’t an invalid point—but other parts of the review seem to slam Boehringer for not doing more revisions for the new English translation (from a French original published in 2007). This leads me to….
Second issue: this assumes a uniquely Angliphone understanding, and even more, a British one (the reviewer teaches at Leeds), where the issue of TERFs is more pressing than in the US. Here, transphobia and transmisogyny is rooted more in religious objections than a subsect of radical feminists (who may not be religious at all). It’s not that the US has no TERFs, but it's not nearly the issue (ime) as in the UK.
Every country has its own quirks of bias. And the author is French. If I’ve learned anything about Queer culture in my almost 60 years on this planet, it’s that the pressing issues in one country are manifestly not the pressing issues in another—particularly across language lines. To assume they are (or should be) centers Angliphone culture in a way that annoys me.
OTOH, yes, especially US English-speakers have poor linguistic skills to read non-Anglophone scholarship as a result of bad public-school language education. But access to good language education is a matter of MONEY, which gets us into issues of social class, et al. That’s a different kettle of fish (which deserves its own post about wealth gate-keeping in academia).
But I do my best to remain cognizant that the ways we talk about queer culture and concerns differ even in Anglophone countries, never mind those of non-English speakers.
So that was my second big issue with this review.
The reviewer acknowledges that the original came out in 2007, and queer scholarship about the ancient world has moved on, particularly as regards recognition of non-binary ancient figures. But she can’t seem to keep from knocking Boehringer for not magically keeping up.
Folks, grant the Old Queers some slack here? When I was young, it was just LGB. Then LGBT. Now it’s an alphabet soup. I’m quite sure young queers who read “An Atypical Affair: Alexander the Great, Hephaistion Amyntoros, and the Nature of Their Relationship,” could take exception to my phrasing in places. Hell, I’ll revise portions of it for my bio on Hephaistion and Krateros.
But it was published in 1999! And I actually wrote the thing in 1996 as a class assignment, then revised it in 1998 for that 1999 publication date.
Remember, some of us have been in this fight a while. I do my best to keep up with current terminology—and do genuinely want to do so—but it’s kinda gauche to slam authors for material previously published, especially in such a rapidly changing field.
To expect an author to substantially retool a prior publication for a translation is uncool. Real revision takes a lot of time. Not something I think many people fully understand. It’s not a matter of a couple weeks’ tweaks. If she were to produce a revised/second edition, that might take years. I’d rather have the book translated than wait five years for Boehringer to revise it. I can take it in the spirit of its original publication date: 2007. Could she have been more straightforward in her new forward? Perhaps. But French concerns aren’t British ones.
*Let me also say—as someone whose work is currently being translated—we may not have as much control as readers assume. I sent a letter to the Italian publisher, all but begging them to PLEASE keep the Greek transliterations of names and Greek words with Dancing with the Lion. They said they would, but I can’t force them to do so. For all I know, the Italian translation could be a dumpster fire. I hope not, I trust not, but translations are dicey. And if academic translations are quite different from fiction, be aware of the limits original authors face with translations.
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