hanjiist · 1 year
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guess who got to meet Hajime Isayama :)
here’s what we talked about:
he was so kind and humble! he asked why I loved Hanji this much and said he’s glad he drew a character that people can love to that extent (I told him Hanji is like my 3rd parent...) - he said in the beginning, he thought it would be fun to add a weird character to the story, but as events proceeded, Hanji became more and more duty-focused, serious and reliable. i said one of my favorite scenes is when hanji is very tired and shakes in stress in the military hq, he said he’s really surprised i like it and the other Hanji in the sign also liked this scene. i told him i wanted to hug Hanji during that scene and he understood. i believe he really got what Hanji meant to me and that’s why Hanji’s smile is different in the illustration he made me compared to the one he made for the other Hanji fan.i asked if Hanji’s death was planned from the beginning, he said no, he only planned for Armin, Mikasa and Eren’s ending, but the role of the adults in SnK was to guide those three, tell them about the world and transmit their mission onto them. basically Hanji was meant to give out their duty to the next generation. which was why Hanji had to end up that way. i think it’s beautiful and very much like them, believing in their values and something greater than themselves until the very end
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studycupoftea · 2 years
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Today is your opportunity to create the tomorrow you want
If you're interested, watch my first study with me video and tell me what do you think 💬
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elemephstudies · 1 year
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What a beautiful Sunday morning in Madrid today. I visited a market and it was ✨
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sweetchotimochi · 2 years
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hello! its been a while, but i finished school this week! i did very good on my finals but im so tired now. im still thinking about what to do with all this freetime because i am used to being so busy... so i’ll rest fully since my family and i are going places! i will also try to be more consistent in posting about my studyblr and have more content in place for you guys ᕙ(^▿^-ᕙ) in other words, i am playing cookie run more often again. im still going to kind of miss being at school but with all this time, i have more stuff to do! thanks everyone and hope to see you guys soon. ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ have a great week! 
june 3rd, 2022 🍀
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dearantheia · 11 months
if you ever see me writing spencelle fics pls look away i’m in my feels rn
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justalittlenote · 1 year
Satu Tempat Tujuan
Berulang kali, ya terus berulang-ulang rasa sakit itu menggertak jiwa dan raga dan tanpa ragu semakin menghujam diri. Siksa diri menggelapkan semua hati. Mengaburkan mata dengan air yang tak berhenti. Gumaman bibir yang terisak-isakpun membunuh diri sendiri.
Lelah yang menghujat diri untuk mencoba terus bertahan pada satu payung yang telah lusuh dan berlubang, sehingga rintikan-rintikan hujan dan petirpun menyambar tiada henti. Detak jantung berdebar seakan mengejar maut, dan tubuh yang semakin melemah tak berdaya tapi tetap mencoba berjalan hingga tak tahu arah untuk kemana.
Satu tujuan, hanya butuh satu tempat tujuan untuk diri ini bersandar dan berteduh. Hanya satu tempat itu yang diinginkan diri yang lelah ini. Tempat dimana tanpa ada rasa sakit maupun menyakiti diri lain. Tempat dimana hanya ada diri ini untuk menjadi tenang & tersenyum tanpa paksaan. Tempat dimana hanya untuk diri ini merasakan tulusnya cinta dan kasih sayang, bukan tempat yang penuh dengan kedustaan.
Tuhan, akankah diri ini menemukan tempat itu di dunia ini suatu saat nanti?
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shoujogrl · 1 year
hi hello (❁´◡`❁) it’s been forever lol i was supposed to write a review of my impressions for fruba s3 and the anime series as a whole but forgot (´。_。`) but whatever time has passed & even though i have a test on friday and have a lab report due i just wanted to write this update post just saying hey i’m alive and watching dystopian movies more than anything (*/ω\*) && i watched skip and loafer ep 1 omggg my faves are alive they’re moving!!! such a sweet story i hope many people watch it (& also don’t confuse it as a shoujo (;′⌒`) i’ve seen many ppl call it a shoujo already...) but yeah not really engaging with anything else other dragging myself while reading six of crows and starting the hunger games film series last night <(_ _)> hope everyone reading has had a lovely easter weekend and to anyone fasting i’m so sad that ramadhan is almost finished o(TヘTo) it went by so fast!! bye-bye wishing u happy days <3
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ainotes · 2 years
Aku dan isi kepala ku.
Aku sering merasa penasaran dengan hal-hal aneh.
Saat berdiri di atas loteng lantai tiga, aku melihat ke bawah dan menjadi penasaran. Bagaimana rasanya jika aku melompat atau terjatuh ke bawah?
Saat melihat perempatan jalan yang ramai oleh kendaraan aku menjadi penasaran. Bagaimana jika aku berdiri di tengah ramainya kendaraan itu dan tertabrak?
Saat sedang menyalakan kompor, aku menjadi penasaran. Bagaimana jika api kompor itu membakar ku?
Saat duduk di ruang keluarga, aku menjadi penasaran. Bagaimana cara menghilang dan memutus semua ikatan dengan keluarga ku?
Jika aku hidup seorang diri tanpa siapapun yang dapat aku andalkan. Apakah aku dapat bertahan hidup? Apakah akhirnya aku akan merasakan bagaimana rasa makanan sisa yang sudah basi di tempat sampah? Atau aku akan lebih memilih mati kelaparan karena mempertahankan ego ku? Atau aku akhirnya akan menjual jiwa ku karena rasa putus asa?
Ada satu pertanyaan yang sering kali hadir.
Jika aku tidak pernah ada, apa kehidupan orang-orang disekitar ku akan menjadi lebih baik?
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gintoki-sakata · 2 years
I love Gintoki and Tsukuyo to bottom of my heart
Thank you Sorachi for creating such a perfect relationship.
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studycupoftea · 2 years
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30. Aug. 2022.
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elemephstudies · 10 months
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I woke up today at 05:30AM for going to the office and in the end I went to the cyclo-indoor class. I was absolutely dead so I spent the rest of the day reading in the swimming pool ❤️‍🩹
Instagram: eleme.bdf
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sweetchotimochi · 2 years
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hey! as its getting closer to finals week i have less time to post and stuff.. i promise once it’s summer i’ll try to be more consistent! (ง︡'-'︠)ง anyways, this weeks spread i went v black and white, bc i had some prints laying around and i wanted to use them! i recently found out about oneus!! v underrated band. and also listening to nct.. /// i have been watching less anime recently but thats bc im so busy with work.. i do watch youtube more tho lol. i also was playing ace attorney throughout this week, maybe thats why i didn’t watch anything (¬‿¬) anyways finals is coming soon, hope u guys do well! thank you! 
may 15th, 2022 🍀
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aklievvel · 2 years
Sevgili dost
Kimim ben?
İnandığım mı yaşadığım mı?
Ben miyim bu?
Gökyüzüne bakan bu gözler benim mi?
Duyduklarım sahici mi?
Peki yaşanan bu hissiyat karmaşası da mı benim kalbimin ürünü?
Sahi kimim ben sevgili dost?
Neyim, neciyim?
Nereden geliyor, nereye gidiyorum?
Bu yürüdüğüm yol benim mi?
Ayaklarım basıyor mu sağlam?
Aynı şeyi hem delicesine isteyen hem de aynı şeyden son sürat kaçan da mı benim?
Nedir bu dengesizlik, nereden gelir, çaresi nedir?
Sevgili dost, ne olacak bu bilinmezlikler?
Kim verecek bu suallerin cevabını?
Ah sevgili dost!
Ben beni bulabilsem keşke.
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nanokakiba-moved · 2 years
There are 3 things my favorite thing about MAO
Characters - who are sympathetic and not annoying. I find antagonoists interesting and not irritating. I really love reading MAO. I realize that at the very first moment I may not like someone, but as of today no one annoys me and I like all characters
Nanoka - She's really cute and fighting, which I like. I really didn't think Rumiko would make the main female character that I really like!
Mao x Nanoka - They're wonderful! They treat each other equally and fight, support each other! Their chemistry and dynamics, the development of relationships and feelings is beautiful.
Mao is 100 times better.
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