#my poor cat someone please help them
samberrybay · 2 years
They are waiting. They are still waiting.
And, honestly, it is all they can do
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So... Yeah. Fuck the server but i would post the art of my baba because i drew this for TOO long. Not gonna tag server itself as well :)
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bastardcherub · 1 year
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man these cream craving have been something else… I wish I could have some, like, right from the source, yknow?
say… You wouldn’t just so happen to be able to help a poor girl out, would Ya..?
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skyburger · 3 months
"fnaf is the scariest game ever" "no its silent hill" "well i think its resident evil" everyone shut up!!!!!! youre all wrong. its actually zack & wiki quest for barbaros' treasure (on the nintendo wii) but only the level "keeper of the ice". that level scared me so bad as a kid and you can tell because its the only individual level i remember the name of off the top of my head. like there is nothing scarier than a) being chased and b) being on a time limit. and you know what this level has? BOTH OF THOSE. this level is still scary to me im like AHHHHH!!!! and then i die
#i had to google horror games after i thought really hard for silent hill and fnaf#because like. resident evil is just not a horror game in my mind... its just cool zombie game...#to be fair though. the only one i actually played a portion of was re6 which is probably the least scary one in the whole series#anyway do the kids still find silent hill and fnaf scary. i dont know.#well the former id say yes given how prevalent ps1 horror has been in recent years#fnaf i have no idea. im a massive wuss so its scary when i play it for myself#but watching someone else play them especially when i know them well isnt scary#and ive watched fnaf videos for YEARS#so i dont know. (old man voice) these damn kids... back in my day we watched markiplier scream at freddy fazbear and we LIKED it!#anyway its objectively a horror game and thata literally fine thats all i needed for this post#MY POINT HERE. my point here#IS THAT HIT ZACK AND WIKI LEVEL KEEPER OF THE ICE. IS SOOOOO SCARY#its not that scary but i see tjat level and im like 3 years old making my mom play this level for me again#and for the record yes me and my sister really did make our mom help us with z&w#she remembers helping us with frost breath the most because we like did notttttt get that one at all#and she could never remember how to do the mirrors based on what combination of stands is there (because tjeres like a few variations)#so she always had to look up a guide 😭😭#my poor mother on fucking gamefaqs or something in like 2010... legends only#anyway if you have no idea what level im talking about (any of my oomfs reading this that isnt end) (hi end) PLEASE look up this level#and i need you to think of like a 5(?) year old making her mom play this game.#this aforementioned child is still a massive wuss as an adult btw. some things never change#anyway watch that level and think about how someone like me. whos already a scaredy cat!#imagine how someone like me felt at age 5 possibly younger playing this level#I WISH I COULD LIKE CONVEY EMOTIONS OVER TUMBLR. why cant i attach a .emotion file to this post#anyway ramble over <- hes said that like a million times today#scariest level in a game ever...!!!!! FUCK that keeper of the ice bitch im GLAD he died#muffin mumbles
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ellieslob · 3 months
★ streamer ellie!
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ways to help palestine!!!
S★ she started with fornite and minecraft gameplays but went viral for playing girly video games and screaming with pure rage and desperation if she loses or if her chat tells her the outfit she made was ugly asf😭
S★ she deadass will say “u guys clearly don’t know about fashion like i do” n then pull outfits like this:
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S★ she used to be so fucking afraid that her face reveal went like dream’s that she posponed that shit for like a year. when she finally did it she ended the stream, turned off her phone and went to bed covering her body completely, while sniffing and crying “my career is over ”
S★ after her face revealed her account went even more viral, people started to make thirst traps of her and edits, videos, even fanfics, she got a little more comfortable with showing her face. her favorite edits were to songs like ride, baby by me, hey daddy (daddy’s home) and a song in spanish called vaquero, they were just so funny to her😭
iloveellie: she’s daddying so hard‼️
ewisinthechat: aw you guys really see me as a father figure?😺🫶
brondon444: 😭
kvcjjsaj: 😭
loverboydsa: 😭😭😭
“hey why is everyone crying in the chat, is everyone okay?”
S★ she really loves the cat emojis, specially this one 😻
S★ out of all her platforms (aside from twitch) she uses twitter the most, she tweets without a second thought in that head, without filter, like zero hesitation and then apologizes if she said something way too controversial.
ewisinthechat2: have you had that feeling when someone is so stupid you want to stab your eye with a fork? #kys
ewisinthechat2: k, i guess u have not😅…
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S★ she was practically new to tiktok, so the first moths she had her likes public, she didn’t even know that was possible on the app. but if you click on it all you could see were shit post and memes that a dad would like, all except for a big section of aprox thirteen videos, one after the other, all with the same girl.
sckerforellie18: did u guys saw ellie’s likes? i think she’s stalking that poor girl😭
elliesaheymamasg: she’s so hot wait😩
heyemogirlbb: it’s her @girlypop666
S★ the chat started to tag you to every single one of her videos on tiktok, her photos on instagram, tagging you on things like “hi, could you please date my mom?🤗” or “my new mommie😻” EVEN in her questionable tweets telling you “we know she’s crazy but give her a chance😭”
S★ one day you waked up to your phone being practically broken from all the notifications, you still had your little pink iphone 6 and you had to buy another one because of it.
girlypop: hi um i don’t think we really know each other but people are tagging me on your videos😭 love them though
S★ ellie was in a stream, the chat had to make her laugh and spit the water so she was reacting to videos that her chat had send her. when that notification appear on the screen, she read it, gulped the water, looked dead ass serious at the camera and turned off the stream.
elliewilliasm: omg hi, im so sorry i didn’t know, I’ll tell them to spot
elliewilliasm: spot*
elliewilliasm: STOP**😭
you laughed in your new phone, she was funny, and for what you had seen in all the posts that you were tagged on, very pretty too.
girlypop: hey would you like to grab coffee sometime?
S★ she was exhausted when she jumped to her bed, after all the crying, screaming, jumping and the extreme tweeting that just said “YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES”, she unlocked her phone again.
elliewiliasm: yeah sure :)
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 5 months
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[7:09 pm]
(cw: parents!au)
Every parent knew what silence meant. Silence meant some huge mess was being made, someone was hiding, being mischievous, general mayhem being had. This was especially true in your home with your daughter and 3 cats. It was never this quiet in your house with the four—five troublemakers in your house. It couldn’t be the main troublemaker because he was sitting right next to you, fully invested in a a reality tv show.
“Jaemin, listen,” You said quietly while you muted the tv.
He looked at you quizzically, “I don’t hear anything… what could she be doing now?”
“It’s not her nap time yet, I have a very bad feeling about this,” you replied nervously.
Your daughter had a sweet face, she was nice and friendly in public. She always waved at strangers with a huge smile on her face. She knew to stay by your side when she wasn’t sitting in a shopping cart. She very rarely threw tantrums, a perfect little angel. People had even told you so.
In the comfort of your home on the other hand, she was hyperactive and loud. She wreaked havoc on the daily. And the cats were either right her side or far, far away from her. There was no in between. When the cats decided she was being too much your daughter would try to climb their scratching posts to reach them or pull on their tails. The poor animals. When they decided to help her the house was loud, something got destroyed, scratched, or simply broken.
The last time the 4 of them had joined forces you needed to buy a new bookshelf for the living room with all new frames for the pictures that filled up some empty spaces on the shelves.
“Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes,” Jaemin offered. You rolled your eyes but complied. Softly hitting your fist against the palm of your hand. One paper and one rock, you lost.
“Wish me luck please, and have your credit card ready to shop. Oh my god, I think I’m gonna be sick,” you muttered, standing from the couch and walking toward your daughter’s room, but not without pouting and sending pleasing looks to your husband.
You tiptoed quietly to her open door and took a peek inside. Oh good, she was playing with her baby dolls. Wait, since when were they covered in fur?
You ran back to the living room whisper yelling, “Honey, you have to come see what your daughter is doing!”
Jaemin tilted his head back and shut his eyes, “why is she only my daughter when she’s being naughty?”
“It’s not even that bad, no new furniture. Just come see!” You tugged on his arm until he was up and quietly sneaking behind you.
You both peeked into the open door and watched as your daughter swaddled up one of the cats, Luke. And he liked it! He was purring and nuzzling into your daughters small and unusually gentle hands. “Ok baby! It’s time for a nap!” She told the cat before placing him in her toy bassinet. The poor doll who it belonged to could be seen face down under her bed.
“And for the other baby, it’s lunch! Time for your bottle,” she told Luna, picking up the cat and holding her like a newborn while holding a toy bottle to the cat’s mouth. And poor Lucy was sitting on a doll bed with a bonnet tied below her chin, but she looked unbothered.
“I think the cats… like it?” Jaemin whispered in confusion.
You looked at him, “weirdly enough, I think they do too.”
You and Jaemin continued to watch the four of them play and interact. They were all calm and playing happily, until, she turned and caught sight of you.
She bounded over to you and jumped into your arms, knocking the wind out of you.
“I’m practicing!” She smiled brightly.
“What are you practicing for, baby?” You asked her, moving some hair out of her face.
“Daddy said he’s going to get me a baby brother! So I have to practice being a good big sister!” She smiled, stating it like it was obvious.
Your fave dropped, looking at Jaemin with a raised eyebrow, “did your dad say that? That’s news to me. What else did he tell you, baby?”
Jaemin’s face dropped and your daughter began spilling all their secrets. How he always bought her candy before ballet, they sometimes snuck some ice cream together after you were asleep, Jaemin put sugar in her cereal, and how he promised her new toys if she didn’t mention anything about a new sibling. “Do I still get my toys daddy?”
“Uh! No! She would not be getting any new toys!”Jaemin yelled in his mind.
“You can ask daddy later, he’s about to be in very big trouble.”
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nymphany · 11 months
Fic contains: taboo / dark content please read this warning if you are triggered by any of this material
Reader info:
Referred with: she/her/girl/you
British! Pan! Short! Afab! Feminine! Reader
Coming soon: cat, bunny, mouse, deer, bear, cow, lamb and bird version
♡ callsign: cadaver!
♡ oh where to start with this little ball of energy!!!
♡ shes so dumb </3 but she's good at her job so that's all that matters
♡ it was a surprise to 141 to be presented with the least intimidating hybrid as their newest addition to the team
♡ this bubbly little thing who was practically shaking in excitement, her tail wagging so hard it looked like it was about to fly off
♡ naturally the men were disappointed that they're newest member wasnt some unbeatable tank but instead a tiny thing who was fueled by praise and treats
♡ speaking of praises and treats gaz cant help but spoil you!! Price tells him not to
"she wont listen if you give her so many treats"
"shes a good girl she always listens"
• hes right you do always listen, you're very obedient maybe too obedient
♡ despite his denial of your treats, your favourite man is obviously price <3 something about puppies and grumpy old men is a match made in heaven !!
♡ you like his ear scratches the best especially when you're in his office with your head on his lap
♡ he says he only likes you for your work but everyone knows that's a lie especially when he pays extra attention to you during lunch. Hes just making sure you eat all your food so you're big and strong
♡ you know how some dads pet their dogs my giving their back a good smack and rub? that's what hed do to you <3
♡ he has a wide selection of beef jerky in his office but you only eat it when someone feeds it to you <3 they're not allowed to hand it to you or place it infront of you they must feed it to you directly!! Makes you happy (you try your best not to nip at their fingers when they feed you but you just get so happy you cant help it)
♡ ghost can never be sarcastic around you your dumb brain cant handle it :( "go count every grain of rice in the kitchens if you're so bothered 'bout the numbers" and you do!!! he feels horrible because he knows you suck at counting :(( it must of took you ages to even get to 50
♡ its okay because it gives soap and gaz an excuse to pamper you!! You dont exactly understand why you're being pampered (must be because you're such a good girl for counting all that rice) but you accept it. It does make ghost feel so much worse for making you do things he didnt mean </3
"You're such a good puppy! You're so good at listening and you're so pretty!"
"Gaz that's enough I already said sorry"
"Aw come on Lt you made the poor thing count every grain of rice cant expect us to not rub it in can ya"
♡ ghost does make it up to you eventually, he takes you on walks around the base and points out secrets and tells you their stories
"Oi pup Do you see that dent in the wall?"
"Johnny came back after a night out and rammed himself into it thinking his shadow was an intruder"
♡ they always have atleast one of your chew toys on them at all times after they noticed you chewing the inside of your mouth, your fingers, their sleeves or just anything you could fit in your mouth
♡ your team must smell like you all the time, always, forever !!!! Whenever you get them alone youre immediately licking them!! Sometimes you bite but you're working on it <3
♡ if they come back from somewhere you have to smell them, what if they smell like another hybrid hmm?!?! >:((
♡ which is why you hate baths.
♡ they wipe away all your hard work I mean come on it's not easy to get the scent of your four favourite men nor is it easy to scent them!!! They're constantly around other people >:(((((
♡ luckily you arent the smartest so it's easy to trap and lure you in with kisses <3
♡ some one HAS to be in the bath/shower/ room with you
1. you cant be trusted not to eat the soap (smell nice ≠ taste nice)
2. Its scary in there
3. You get distracted and forget to even get in the bath/shower
♡ they treat you so well though !!! your ears and tail are always so soft when you let gaz wash them, he takes such good care of the soft fur and he never ever let's the bubbles  stay in your ears and he spends a good long time near your tail but you have no idea why <3
♡ soap likes washing your body! He loves watching you relax as he takes his time to make sure you're clean, he loves letting you lean against him as he washes your back and loves watching the suds run down your body. hes so sweet that he makes sure to pay extra attention to your sensitive areas <3
♡ price is the one tasked to dry you off, you seem to only listen to him anyway (of course you do, your dumb doggy brain has to listen to the leader of your pack)
♡ he pulls you against him using your towel as leverage, he so graciously put it in the dryer to warm up so you're all toasty and warm. You sit in his lap while he rubs your body dry whispering praises about your "bravery" to even go into the bath/shower
♡ Which leaves ghost in charge of your skin care!! This big scary man lathering your body in lotions and creams so you're all soft and smooth. He loves the moans and whimpers when he presses down on your weak spots <3
"Oi mutt stop licking the moisturiser"
"No no nooo :((( Say the thing :((("
"....Simons says stop licking the moisturiser"
♡ you never wear clothes after your bath/shower, they're lucky to get underwear on you, you need to be as open to they're scents as possible!! Maybe you'll wear their clothes but only maybe
♡ our puppy wasn't meant to meet Alejandro and Rudy until the mission was over but she said her nose could be put to good use and laswell couldnt help but agree (puppy definitely didn't bribe her or anything puppy hugs do wonders)
♡ at first alejandro didnt even see the girl behind the mountain sized men, assuming it's only ghost and soap coming along
"This is cadaver, our k9 unit she'll be coming along with us"
"Ah un perro! you'll be very useful"
♡ it was a tight squeeze in the backseat, two military men left little room but it's okay you enjoy sitting on their laps so it's not much different
"So they call you cadaver?"
"Yes sir!"
"You good at hunting corpses?"
"Uh huh! very good! The best!"
"Good because we're looking for a dead man walking"
":00?? A zombie :((("
♡ overall you got on very well with alejandro and Rudy <3 whenever they passed you they always gave a light scratch to your ear
♡ you dont understand the language but you like the attention and that's all that matters, they're so nice and help you cool off in the sun,  you just need to get naked so they can help cool you off just let them help dont even worry about it
♡ you liked graves when you met him he got so hyped up on missions the energy traveled to you
♡ although he definitely tries to make you loyal to him and him only (mmm yummy dark! Graves <3<3) hes always been a fan of hybrids especially the vulnerable ones. Hes best at love bombing you, filling you with treats, pets and roaming hands. Hes a sucker for puppy girls
♡ valeria made you cry when you met her :(( well it was actually rudy but he didnt mean to he felt awful :(((
"Perro estúpido, solo eres una perra reproductora, ¿no? no hay pensamientos en esa linda cabeza tuya"
"Thank you :D"
"Dont thank her shes insulting you"
• he gave you so many hugs, treats and kisses after he apologized profusely he forgot how sensitive you are he just didnt want you to thank her for insulting you :((
♡ mommy valeria tho so shes easily forgiven with a few fake compliments.
"You must think twice as hard with that brain of yours"
"Oh no! I dont even think once! :D"
♡ you entertain her, although she does wonder how it would feel to live in your head for a day
"Even the dogs in Las almas know not to bark at me"
"Oh no silly! We're in a shipping container"
"Yes in Las almas"
"Since when"
♡ thinking about how puppy got to keep valeria company while the big strong men go fight, guard dog duties !! Dont ask her how she got naked... and why valerias fingers are pruned... that's not important and you should mind your business
♡ cadaver has a muzzle and harness <3 !!! If you've ever been checked for harness safety you'll understand the feeling of being tugged around and how easy it is to want to jump someones bones
♡ always at odd hours too but you cant help it !! you have a lot of energy and you're too dumb to put that energy to good use :(( so it's only natural you jump on everyone and everything <3
♡ nesting with all of their clothes and belongings and they cant stop you or they'll get viciously attacked (you will cry)
♡ sticker collection (scented ones are the best) + mask decorating with ghost !!!!!
♡ konig is a scary big giant man whose just a silly guy at heart but jesus christ he needs to shrink
♡ the first time you met him you actually didnt see him, assuming the sun had exploded and the solid black mass that obscured your vision was the end of the world only to be corrected by an apology from the wall itself
"ah I'm so sorry I didnt see you there"
"Me neither :D"
♡ so big and scary but so warm and protective!! Ghost doesn't like you near konig he doesnt like sharing his toys with kortac
♡ you still hang out with him whenever you get the chance!! <3 friendship bracelets for all!! You did however underestimate how big these mens wrists were and cried when they wouldnt fit
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ NSFW ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ oral fixation all the way !!
♡ mouth cockwarming!!!! Below prices desk? Yes!! Feeling sleepy and need to suck on something?? Soap is your guy!! Want to learn about the human anatomy? Rudy is there to help
♡ sweaty balls in my mouf
♡ slobbering on them until they scrunch up like raisins, suck the man juice out of them
♡ our puppy has a leash and collar so it's only natural they use it on you, held back by the neck as one of them is pounding into you
♡ puppy likes scent and prefers sex before
and after a work out
♡ listen... piss kink
♡ I just feel like they'd be in a meeting and she tries so so sooo hard to tell someone she needs to pee but they keep telling her to hold it (graves) but she just cant price made sure to keep her hydrated during lunch :(( it's too much and her bladder isnt big enough
♡ whimpers fill the air the sound of dripping water accompanying it their heads turning to face her as sobs bubble out of her mouth along with apologise while she so desperately cover her face to avoid the embarrassment. Her thighs clenched desperately to stop the stream but her attempts were In vain
♡ the first to realise what had happened was soap the fact that he was sitting next to her and had perfect view access to her entire body
"Aw pet don' cry its jus' an accident, happens to the best of us"
♡ :(((( shes so upset but our boys dont mind shes usually so well behaved and she obviously didn't mean to do it on purpose
"Oh puppy you tried so hard to tell us and we completely ignored you didnt we?"
"Uh huh"
"Yeah? And we didnt listen when you said you couldnt hold it did we"
"No i- but I- I did try to hold I really tried hard b-but I couldnt an- and now I've made a mess"
♡ they cant ignore the arousal they get from seeing her soaked and sobbing <3 they know it's wrong, shes upset and embarrassed but they just cant help it
♡ graves is a gross man who looks like fix it felix but dont let that fool you he 100% loves the control he gets from a piss kink especially for our puppy, he likes making you hold it and then mocks you in a high pitched voice but your dumb little brain thinks hes comforting you
♡ I think simon is more one for fucking you until you pee, he usually does it in the shower so he can wash off but he doesnt mind getting dirty, he likes the feeling of your cunt squeezing and gushing around him especially if you try to tell him to stop. Youre gonna pee? Yeah? Do it
♡ gaz is someone who likes to watch you pee he loves the view <3 the fluttering of your cunt draws him in road trip side of road
♡ Johnny, similar to his L.T, is someone who teases you until you pee. Rubbing your clit until its puffy and sore and you cant hold yourself up right let alone your bladder
♡ alejandro and Rudy like watching you wiggle they'll purposefully fill you with liquid and press on your tummy just to watch you squirm, they have bets on who can make you loose it first
♡ price pees in you
♡ theres a reason hes your favourite
♡ you know how I talked about scenting??... I hate to break it to you but she has definitely peed on them/their stuff at some point
♡ you mostly pee on price
♡ "what are you doing"
"Where are you pants"
"I dont know"
"You're not gonna pee on the floor are you"
"That's right you're not because that would be bad"
"Thats right bad"
"Just a little"
♡ heats are always a pain for you :(( so horny and so wet desperate for someone to fill you with the pups you need. You drive the team crazy with your whimpers and cries but they know you cant help it, you're just achey :(((
♡ bullet vibrators are your best bet as they obviously cant fuck you 24/7 so that small buzzing of pleasure keeps you satiated until they can get their hands on you, the first time you had your heat you couldnt get the small thing out :(( your fingers were too small and it was so slippery you couldnt grasp it :((( you're so lucky your captain is kind enough to help you <3 dont think about his fingers wiggling inside you hes just trying extra hard to get it out that's why hes pumping them in and out of you
♡ sometimes they have to keep you in a cage because you wont stop begging to be stuffed, they dont want a rookie to think that they're allowed to overstep their place just because your in heat
♡ you hump everything!!!! Nothing is safe they take their shirt off for one second and it's on a pillow being jumped by no other than you!! You absolute fiend!!!
♡ you follow them around everywhere you love being around you favourite men!!!
♡ when 141 go on a mission you're left with Rudy and alejandro who always give in to you whines and begs <3 they treat you so well always stuffing you full when you need it, letting you have as much cum as you please, it makes the 141 so jealous that they have to fuck you as soon as they get back!
♡ graves probably pimps out puppy to his shadows there I said it
♡ konig isnt to slick with his touches either, he may think hes going undetected but that's only by our dumb mutt the other men are fuming with him. He let's you sit in his lap, his bear like hands inbetween your thighs rubbing along your most intimate areas you dont exactly connect what hes doing and hes completely okay with that just grind yourself back on him.
♡ he probably asks horangi to help him out, probably stretching you to prepare for the brute of the man
♡ definitely think gangbangs are a big part of your heat, vibrators, plugs, rope and muzzles are all items your familiar with. I like to think they just come and go when fucking you it's almost like a brothel
♡ they definitely finger fuck you while doing mindless tasks, brushing their teeth? You're bent over the sink pushing yourself back onto them, doing paperwork? Being cockwarmed by your snug lil cunt, lifting weights? You're bouncing on their cock weighing them down
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etheries1015 · 7 months
Hello! I love the way you write! Would I be able to request the reactions of some of the twst boys to MC telling them they snore (whether it's true or not)? I think Malleus, Riddle, and Azul would have fun reactions, but anyone you feel like writing would be great! Thank you!
Thank you for the compliment heuheu... much appreciated <3
When they snore
Featuring: Malleus, Riddle, Azul, Rook, Vil
General warnings: Gender neutral reader
The moment you told him he snores, he was concerned. Was he troubling you with his sleeping habits? Were you unhappy sleeping with the fae because of this, to the point where it was noticeable? The moment the words left your mouth, he began to word vomit.
"Is that an issue? Is my snoring preventing you from getting a night of good rest? I...Suppose I could sleep elsewhere if it will grant you a full night of sleep.." Que him going down a rabbit hole of solutions, you couldn't get a single word in. Eventually, it came time for classes to begin, to which you hadn't the chance to explain your statement to the panicked fae.
When night fell and it was time for bed, his tail swayed sadly as he stood in the doorway. "I suppose I shall sleep out here, my love," He said, as lightning of vibrant green flashed outside your window.
As he turned his back and began to sulk away, you quickly ran up behind him with a bear hug.
"Malleus, would you stop and listen to me for a second?" You laughed, "When I said you snore, I was going to tell you it was cute. Like an animal snoring lightly. You seem so at peace curled up in bed with your light snoring..."
The lightning went away as fast at it had came, and you felt his tail wrap around your waist as he turned to face you, arms pulling you close.
"Ah...ahem. I apologize for my unbecoming behavior before, then. I...was rather saddened at the thought I caused my beloved to lose well-needed sleep."
He's never been called cute before, but he's also never slept in the same bed with another person. So I suppose there's a first for everything <3
Snores like a cat. The first time you had slept in the same room, the first thing you noticed was his high-pitched yet soft snores that were short and far between.
The morning you woke up, the first thing you said was; "Did you know you snore?" Riddle blinks at you a couple times before hitting you with his annoyed face (you know the one.)
"Snoring is perfectly normal," He told you, "It's caused by the rattling and vibration of tissues-"
You got a lecture on the scientific reasoning behind snoring. When he finished defending the nature of his sleeping habits, you finally hit him with the "You snore like a little cat! It's cute!"
His face turns as red as his hair, as always when he becomes flustered.
"W-w-wha- a cat?! How dare you compare me to a cat! I..I am not a cat..."
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.." You seemed pretty guilty about upsetting him, he muttered "I suppose I'll let it go..." and moved on.
All in all, as long as you aren't losing sleep because of him, he will forgive you for your previous teasing statements. However, from that day forward, you have noticed his ears take a rosy hue with shy glances your way before he heads to bed...
"Did you know you snore? Pretty loud, too. Is that like...a merman thing?"
His face turns red IMMEDIATELY. He was so embarrassed. The first time he allows someone to be near him in such a vulnerable state, and he blows it by being a snorer. A loud one, at that.
"Snoring is not common for merfolk! Being under the sea, most don't struggle with such a thing...but I would say being above water, the air that goes through my soft palate-"
Great. Another scientific review on snoring. Only Azul, on the other hand, cannot seem to keep eye contact with you.
"Please don't tell anyone. You must sign on it!"
You spent an hour comforting poor Azul, telling him it's nothing to be ashamed of, and giving him lots of hugs and cuddles. But he still continues to insist you sign a NDA to the information you had uncovered.
He was incredibly shy about having you sleep with him again, yet you managed to convince him. Azul is much more insecure than you may think about his image, however, you always seem to break his walls down.
Although, you did notice he began to wear nose strips at night, with books on sleeping habits and potions to help with snoring...old habits truly die hard.
Give him extra cuddles for the existential crisis you had instilled in your poor octo boyfriend <3
Oh boy. You had no choice but to tell him. He snores like your average forty-year-old dad. You genuinely lose sleep over it, even waking him up
"Rook, Rook. Honey. Please. I can't sleep. Your snoring is just too much, I'm sorry."
He actually finds it kind of amusing? For some reason? He asks you excitedly to tell him more about the things he does when he's sleeping.
He didn't really take you too seriously until he noticed the physical wear and tear. The bags under your eyes...
"Mon Cheri! Your eyes...have you not been sleeping well?"
"Rook. Your snoring. It's horrendous. Please."
He spends an hour doing EVERYTHING under the sun to help his snoring, for your sake! Moving around how his bed is set up, mouth exercises, the way he sleeps...He refuses to use strips, he doesn't like how they feel, and says it prevents his senses from being at their 100%.
He finds a way to help alleviate it, and you end up investing in some sleep time headphones. You make it work, because dealing with his sleeping habits is better than sleeping without him~
"Did you know you snore?"
He stares at you with his jaw open and his eyes wide. What...what do you mean he snores when he sleeps? Does he sleep with his mouth open? Does he look utterly ridiculous when he sleeps? All of these questions he bombards you with.
"Vil! Vil. I was kidding. I'm sorry. You sleep so quietly that I have to check if you're still alive sometimes. You're like a sleeping statue of perfection."
He was not amused. He almost had a heart attack and invested in the world's most expensive treatments.
Tackles you to the bed and ruffles up your hair, laughter ensuing at your silly little prank.
"Well, it's YOU who snores, potato. You're lucky I let you sleep here and not outside like a dog," He chuckles. He says this, yet you knew he loved you too much to go a single night without you by his side.
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27thswan · 6 months
❝ 𝐰𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞. ❞ hsr x reader
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synopsis. daycare teacher of lil kindergarteners meets one of her lil kindergarteners' parents, or in this case; parent. a father.
warnings. march, dan heng, and the trailblazing twins as welt's kids. yanqing as jing yuan's. silver wolf as blade's. bailu as luocha's.
author's notes. i love making song lyrics the titles of my fics !!
pairings. blade, jing yuan, welt, and luocha x gn!reader (seperately)
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jing yuan first meets you at yanqing's kindergarten. while he picks up the cutest child in the world; aka yanqing, he sees you walking up to him, and dear god were you pretty.
he zones out while you talk about how swell yanqing had been doing in class! so much so, he gets a candy bar! yippee!!! zones back into reality when he sees you carrying his son, in your hands.
the exact moment he wanted to put a ring on your finger already, he didn't know yanqing's teacher would be so... attractive.. and kind..
kind of red when you pat him on the back for being a good dad
blushy and stuttering everywhere when you decide to ask if he had a mother.
"o-oh he d-doesn't really have one" "oh, i see, my apologies for bringing it u-" "its okay, its fine d-don't worry!"
the way you both got to talk more was outside of school, where he bumps into you, spoiling your drink onto the gravel of the sidewalk.
immediately apologizes and offers to reimburse you for the fallen drink, but he realizes it was you, your soft spoken voice telling him there's no need to compensate the drink at all
will take the chance and hold your hand on the way back to the café you got your drink at.
and while you were in shock at how he was so persistent about it, it was definitely very cute. you did notice the small tint of red on his cheeks.
asks you out with a cute lil pick up line he wrote down quickly, along with his number, in hopes for yours. and thankfully you did give it.
and spending the afternoon with his happy crush wasn't so bad. getting to know you as a person, in a quiet cat café, with no one to bother you both, other than distant meowing.
oh no! it just happens to be raining! and you didn't bring an umbrella, and he didn't either..
running back to his huge home, which was nearby, and thankfully yanqing went out and unlocked the gate for you both in a raincoat.
heavy rainfall, it didn't seem like it'd stop anytime soon. so you really had just planned to stay 1 night. how cliché...
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welt picking up his fussy children from daycare, march, dan heng, caelus, and stelle, poor guy couldn't help but fall for you
how.. do you have.. the patience.. to take care.. of 20 kids..
it's attractive to him tbh, hats off to you, but man you were hot as hell, and he looked like he just got off a 20-hour shift.
was kind of embarrassed, he was falling for someone at first sight, really fell for how good you take care of his kids
how do you get them to sleep so easily, how do you get them to stop being mad and eat their vegetables..
amazed, and will ask questions. and gives you his number, just in case he'll need help with his little circle of kids.
the kids probably have called you mom/dad by accident too, and i mean march, dan heng, and the two gray haired twins.
loves the way you take note of what each child likes, so you remember what each kid would like as a gift at the end of the month.
giving the twins toy baseball bats so they'll get better soon, giving dan heng books of fiction, and facts, and gifting march a polaroid camera to capture moments in time, for her to look back on.
god just marry him already. how the hell are you actually so good at doing what you do??? no way you remember what 19 other kids like.
needs someone like you, so that's exactly what he'd do. had the courage to ask you out while hanging out, bowing and everything, arms out presenting a gift to your liking. please accept it!
you do accept it! and land a passionate kiss on his soft lips too!
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blade is not good at socializing with others for sure. even as the father of his former younger sister; now that he was old enough and financially stable, he became her father legally woo!
silver, who blade nicknames silver wolf because of her ign (in-game-name) on her and his favorite game to play together, takes a lot from her older br- i mean her dad. and because of that, she tends to be just as quiet as him (unless she's close with the people she talks to, only then does she talk more)
but blade's recently noticed how while she rambles about school and how she started making more friends at kindergarten. he was proud to say the least, but he also noticed how often she mentioned a certain name, yours.
"who's y/n, silv?" he quietly said, looking over to his small daughter who sits slightly across him, coloring on sheets of paper happily. "my new favorite teacher. they helped me make my new friends today."
he nodded, deciding the next day when he picks her up, that he would try to meet you
and oh god
gosh uh you were definitely attractive, kind of peeked through the window while waiting for silver wolf, and oh wow
hasn't been more thankful that silver wolf sees him and brings you over to him to introduce her two favorite people to each other
ok he may be a bit socially awkward but he has his way with his actions, and when he does speak, it might be short, but it's poetic.
oh but he's also like "no way you remember to give each child a gift to their liking" how do you remember all those little peabrains' interests?
no way you gave silver wolf animal crossing
he's in love, very clear.
older sister kafka def teases him about you when you come over to tutor silver wolf (over call because kafka works internationally lol)
anyways pls marry him soon or he'll explode
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luocha adores his daughter; bailu. teaches her all the rights and wrongs, and the rights from the wrongs, left from right, alright you get my point.
but recently he's felt like she's growing a little more distant from him, because yes he's a busy father, and also because she's met someone new
his daughter, his bailu wouldn't replace him right??!?!?! all jokes aside, he just noticed that bailu started to mention a name of a teacher more often; you.
"you should meet them papa! they're a very nice person!" bailu says, dragging him alongside her for him to meet you because you taught her how to draw stars!!
oh gee gosh you kinda cute.........
"they taught me how to draw different shapes, pa! look! its a star!" bailu quickly ran over inside the classroom to snatch the paper with her masterpieces bestowed on it. proudly showing it to her pretty blonde-haired father who's in awe of the cute teacher who taught his daughter HOW TO DRAW STARS/.11?!!@>@
he's like "oh. oh." he's a doctor but this the first time he's ever felt like this for someone.
and ohh bailu knows how he feels about this. she KNOWSSS, and she got her dad!! will definitely set you both up (somehow)
yes shes in kindergarten but she just built diff
i hc that luocha likes coffee because he has to stay up and do doctor stuff, and he has specific favorite brands that he can't always get (because for some reason he's that busy) so he has to get the cheap brands (that he hates because its all just instant coffee)
and bailu knows abt that, so she goes secret shopping with you while you and the rest of the class are on a trip (there are other teachers present there while on the trip you are responsible adult here!!!!)
"aren't you 5? why do you want coffee?" "papa"
then she puts those coffee brands he loves in a lil gift box + a bracelet you both made for him (most was you but yeah)
and she gives it to her dad once you both come back
ok he asks you out the end
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i'm tired sowwy for making luocha's part short
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isatoru · 10 days
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PAIRING ❤︎ Itoshi Rin x GN! Reader
SYNOPSIS ❤︎ Rin is puzzled by how he finds himself indulging in your smallest and strangest desires (by his definition), ones he doesn’t understand why agrees to in the first place. Must be something supernatural, he thinks. Or that’s just love. Or both.
WORD COUNT ❤︎ 2K (?? still short lmao don’t be fooled <3)
CONTENT + WARNINGS ❤︎ SFW ; this work may be sfw but my blog is 18+ !! no minors please // domestic fluff // gender-neutral reader ; no physical descriptions // i’m only adding a cw just cuz my blog is 18+ lmao // he’s a little mean in this but he loves you sm i promise // the classic he does pushups and you ask to be under while he does it trope // just short n sweet!!
NOTE ❤︎ omg finally posting writing after 2 years everyone be nice 2 me 🙂‍↕️🙏 easing into posting after so long w smth sweet;;; ily and ily itoshi rin… my grumpy kitty… also posted to ao3 if you'd like to read it there!!
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Itoshi Rin takes only thirty minutes to warm up and then another thirty to actually warm up, to hit peak performance in his workout. 
The sweat trickling from his hair, sticking to his forehead, now reaches the sides of his cheek— hot and regulatory, jaw clenched unconsciously as he does it, the blood is rushed pumping to his arteries and his eyes are dead set staring at the living room couch just in front of him, fixated at the leather and its crevice linings that spread throughout. 
When alone, he is always far too focused and absorbed in himself that he never pays attention to his surroundings, not in the slightest. Only to the current fast-paced beating of his heart and the grip on the ground to steady himself in his push-ups. And the voice in his head to keep at it, push, push, push. 
More notably, in doing so he does not realize immediately that someone has slipped between his arms that ground him, beneath his leveled torso, that it seems wrong otherwise in this position — almost ensnared in his hold.
Even though a trap is far from the intention.
You never fail to take him by surprise, even after all these years of dating you. 
It makes Rin feel restless in an irritating yet somewhat… endearing way. You take him by stupid surprise and it can be nice. Just a bit.
(He would never admit it to you outright, though. He’s always afraid of what can rush to your head easily. There’s no stopping you then.
Not that you ever could be stopped.)
He feels like a cat — enjoying its solitude and peace as it relaxes, lounging — flinching away from its owner who suddenly lunges (often) at the poor thing with its overwhelming affection and love, leaving it wide-eyed and flustered every single time, processing the shocking betrayal of its peaceful afternoon.
The exact same scenario is applicable here. Though, that’s said in loose terms. Rin is, after all, not a cat — and you are not his owner. 
Yet, you persist as if you are. You are a nuisance — that is a fact. (One he denies on the inside, but that’s digressing.)
“What the hell?”
The pang in his heart is purely from shock and the interruption of his workout, and definitely not because of the sloppy grin that adorns your features, soft and tender eyes staring up at him when he meets them, his own widened.
(Your grin with intent, totally scheming intent, he thinks. Bewitching, even. Usually harmless, in fact, but that’s digressing again.)
“Sorry, sorry!” You squeak beneath him, toothy grin stretched as you lift your hands (in an attempt) to push him back up, help steady his grip — not that he needs it after all, he manages just fine. “Don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.”
Rin doesn’t react to your comment (you’d argue it’s a compliment, a playful one that reminds him of how much you find yourself attracted to him, but he only blankly stares at you each time) because he doesn’t want you to think you’re as charismatic as you try to be. He has never found you so, in fact, and he won’t in the foreseeable future.
(There is not a threat of a grin on his own face at this moment, not one. Not a single one.) 
There is visible redness to his cheeks, though, and a crease beneath his lashes that seems to be a grimace but it’s an unconscious attempt to not appear flustered, not in the slightest. 
He argues it’s the intensity of the workout, in his head.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He says, ignoring your comment.
You pout and he grimaces more in response.
“Well, if I were to answer that correctly I would say that I think I’m doing something to annoy you—per usual—but,” You quip, bringing a finger to his chest. “I will say the truth instead. I just want to try something cute with my boyfriend.” 
Rin only blinks, and surprisingly his irritation hasn’t set in — not just yet. It is about to, though.
(If irritation in this scenario meant the rate of his heart spiking due to unwarranted… cuteness; he feels the word at the tip of his tongue and it makes him want to throw up. It’s too much, he thinks.)
“Get out,” he grunts, softly.
You squirm for a minute beneath him and his eyes watch as you… make yourself more comfortable?
“No can do, I’m afraid,” You laugh. “I’m stuck here for the time being.”
Rin would never admit that, on days like this, he’s so used to your constant and useless pestering that is meant to be affectionate, that it never actually disturbs him. It disrupts this balance he maintains in his schedule, his peace of mind sometimes; but it doesn’t actually disturb anything. He’s just often easily irritable and grouchy. 
(Or there’s something supernatural going on… you somehow make it go away by some magical force Rin doesn’t see. That has to be it.)
Even so, in some way, he has to avoid it because it is too much — not with the way his heart spikes. 
He finds himself mumbling that as he jerks his knee to sit back beside you, to no longer be hovering over you, when your fingertips suddenly grasp the fabric of his shirt, yanking him back down he almost stumbles if he wasn’t so stable at doing this.
Rin’s arms almost felt wobbly. Almost. 
(His lips almost touched yours and it’s frankly insulting that your intention wasn’t to kiss him. Completely not because of his grip, he never falters.)
“Oh—no, no, no!” You urged. “You’re not going anywhere. Keep doing those push-ups, boy.”
He narrows his eyes at you.
“Go be weird somewhere else until I’m done,” Rin grumbles. “You’re distracting and an obstacle in my way.” 
And then again, you laugh, louder it makes his grip a slight bit unsteady. Only a slight bit.
“Only Itoshi Rin calls his lover an obstacle unironically,” You sigh. “You’re lame. Let me have this.” 
“I could crush you,” he says. “And this is very cringeworthy, even for you.”
You gasp in clear offense and pinch his bicep. He doesn’t react to it in the slightest, his lips are pursed in a firm line as usual.
“First off, it’s not cringe, that’s rude — this is something couples do all the time,” You retort, brows furrowed in anger it makes Rin slightly unstable. Slightly. “Second, nothing gets past you, Rin! You could even do hand standing push ups like this and it would come naturally to you — so what’s the excuse?”
He wonders that too.
“Lukewarm couples,” he clicks his tongue. “Even more cringeworthy.”
You lightly smack his bicep and it makes him deadpan. Like an insect that flew by and collided with his skin aggressively; you are literally harmless.
And yet, he's feeling a bit dizzy, like one would be after a sting or something.
“We are not just any couple, Rin! If the activity itself is ‘lukewarm,’ then that should be a sign that we as a couple should turn it around,” You remark, raising a finger like the absolute nerd you are. “‘Un-lukewarm’ it, if you will. What do you say?”
Rin still scowls at you, but it’s much gentler than earlier initially — he doesn’t want to do this, he doesn’t want to do stupid and banal things other lame couples do. 
“You’re weird and annoying.”
The very idea makes him want to stick his tongue out in fake disgust... 
“C’mon,” You pout, “for me? Please? Pretty please?”
But… it’s also coming from you. And it’s never been easy to actually deny you of anything, even when he complains — it’s a phenomenon, really. What causes him to succumb to all that is you? 
There is that effect you always have on him that is impossible to resist and Rin still thinks it’s some sort of outside force, something supernatural, he���s so sure of it. Now more than ever, he will never learn to understand. 
Especially when you prod at him with a face like that… it makes something in him always stir. And it’s never been him.
“Fine,” He grumbles, rolling his eyes. “Do what you want, I don’t care.”
“Yay!” You squeal gently, feet kicking softly beneath him. “You won’t regret this, baby. Pretty soon you’ll ask me to be your workout partner too!”
“No,” Rin says dryly, pushing himself back up again.
“You’re right,” You gesture, “I have to introduce you to other couple workouts before that… but this’ll do for now.”
Rin lowers himself down to your level, and his nose brushes against yours for a moment that it makes you wrinkle yours cutely in response to the sudden touch, but he goes back up like it was nothing — not smiling, not blushing.
“Wow. You’re always so serious, lighten up,” You huff. “Also so handsome, my god. Especially from this angle, it makes me wanna… hmph.”
He does two more pushups before noticing your silence, your lips wobbling like you want to say something and he grumbles before indulging you.
“Makes you want to—what? Do more of this crap?” He grimaces, raising his brows. 
“No,” You laugh. “Makes me wanna… kiss you. Kiss you stupid, at that.”
Rin pushes himself back up and looks straight ahead, away from you. A vein twitches in his head when you whine at the loss of eye contact.
“Can I kiss you? Please?” You pout, tilting your head.
It’s supernatural. He will never learn to understand.
“You’re a pest,” He huffs.
It doesn’t surprise you when he says that, but it always takes you by surprise, even more so, when his eyes narrow and bore into yours. 
And he gives you what you want. 
The kiss is a little unsteady with his arm, a little salty due to the fact he’s sweating and it probably tickles down to his mouth in the process, and a little—no, very sweet. Your hands on his face, your thumbs rubbing his cheek bones, back and forth beneath his lower lash line — he didn’t mind it. It felt nice, nicer than he’d like to admit — it makes his grip falter slightly and it almost makes him scowl at that. 
It’s just a kiss. Yet, you’re overpowered here, it’s definitely supernatural. 
You’re so happy. And he feels it when you grin into his mouth. 
When he pulls away, you giggle in such a ridiculous manner that if it wasn’t you he’d call you a loser and physically cringe. Instead, his cheeks grow hotter and his lips aggressively shut, his eyes narrowed still but glad to be staring back at you. Natural, now.
He feels a little dizzy. But he manages. Kiss him stupid, you did.
“That was so cute, I’m—!”
“Shut up.”
You close your eyes so aggressively in excitement and nod fast. Alright, sure, whatever. You got what you wanted, after all.
“I’ll deal with you later,” He murmurs, pushing himself back up.
Everything about love in theory was always lukewarm to him. That was, of course, until he was subjected to it by your presence, and he’s never been the same about it since.
Supernatural… yeah, right. 
Rin actually learned a while ago to understand that there’s nothing supernatural about your love or learning to tend to it, even when it disrupts the balance of his so-called nature, it’ll always live in you. In all its ways that he’s learning to grasp.
He’ll learn to grasp it in his hand, just like he learns that he simply can’t continue his workout now that you're here, looking up at him like that; just like he learns to click his tongue and say “screw it” to finishing his workout because he can’t stand it, just like he picks you up off the ground to carry you to the bedroom with a scowl., indulging in whatever it is that you want. 
He may never learn to fully express it, but he’s learned a few things from doing what you love. And that is small, stupid, things like these make him love you more, somehow. And he’ll learn by always giving it you when you ask, even if it’s ridiculous by his definition inherently. 
Love is… not impossible, not "supernatural;" and it’s certainly not out of this world to fall for it more with you every time.
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nawoken · 19 days
   Yes, because I got bullied by both of the games I played so... I'm here to rambling some stuff that has been stuck inside my head since forever.
How about... Reader with cute aggression, especially for those small, fluffy creatures, like... cats! (Ơ w Ơ).
You can't help squeezing, kissing, and biting (lightly) those cuties. Yes, you have Grim, but he won't let you pet him since you're too much, his words.
And TWST boys that by some accident, maybe from alchemy class or their clumsiness. They, unfortunately, have turned into those mischievous creatures.
   You don't know that. You just walking around, minding your own business or headmage supposed to be business. Then, you saw it, a cat with the fluffiest fur and cutest eyes you've ever seen run by. And you know, you've fallen in love :)))
   TWST boys, now in cat body don't know that they're in danger, roaming around freely with the hope that someone they know will realize and help them.
   Oh, is that our calm and kind prefect? Surely, they can help our poor boy, right? No! They're deadly WRONG!!!
   The next thing our boy knows after approaching prefect is that he's trapped in your embrace, being kissed, squeezed, and petted while you compliment him on how smooth and healthy his fur looks.
   Damn it, prefect! He is not an actual cat, can’t you see it?! The answer is… No, you can’t. You’re busy admiring his cuteness.
   He is struggling, embarrassed by your doing. Some of them might feel ashamed since it feels like he is taking advantage of you… or the other way around, some just aren’t used to being pampered. But, the worst thing is… prefect, please don’t rub your face on his stomach! Mmraooo!!! :’)))))
   After a while, you finally stop, he sighs out of relief, … but why do you look at him like that? D..do you finally realize that he is not a cat?
   You stared at the poor creature in your hand, thinking. And, this made him concerned, what are you planning to do?
   Before he can do anything, you chomp on his face, more specifically, his muzzle … Yes, you do it without your teeth. But... YOU BITE HIM!!! ON HIS FACE!!! C...CAN THIS COUNT AS A KISS?!
He is panicked and stunned while you're in heaven. This might be the sweetest cat you've ever seen, he doesn't even bite or scratch you when you do all this to him.
Suddenly, pink smoke emitted from the cat, and with a "pop" sound, it turned into a human. Not to mention, you know him. Is it a good or bad thing? You don't know, the only thing you know is... you're DOOM!
You should know that this is a magical world, so you can't just hug any stray cat on the street, it can be anyone, not to say this is your crush. But you got tricked! By those sparkling eyes! And those fluffy ears! And now you can die from embarrassment.
Now, you're the one who panics while he just stands there, not knowing what to do or to say. The cure for this potion, it's a true love kiss. (Another version of the "The Princess and the Frog" potion but instead of a kiss from the princess, it's a true love kiss, why not? :))))
You two end up looking at each other for a whole minute before he decides to speak up but are cut off by you. "Please, just forget everything, this is so messed up of me, I promise I will try to make it up to you somehow, but please just erase that shameful thing I have done from your mind!" (QAQ)
Then you ran off, left him there with bewildered expression.
That's longer than I expected :'D
But, yeah, this has been stuck inside my head for too long, finally it can appear under the sunlight...
You know, I want to make a request for that idea. I've followed so many good TWST writers. But, well I'm shy and don't really sure how to, so I just keep it in.
The idea for this post is... I have a cat, she's been suffering from my cute aggression. Ehe, poor her, but she never bites me when I'm chomping on her muzzle. So sweet of her.
But yeah, I can't stop laughing when I think about TWST boy turning into a cat and being chomped on. That must be terrifying for him, but they still tried their best to not scratch you, their dear prefect. Except: Riddle, it's just his reflection, and he feels regret right after. And maybe Leona? Or, he just shows his claw to threaten you but doesn't actually do it.
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Nom nom :3
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maezysworld · 30 days
test subject x the ghoul pt 1
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Pairing: cooper howard x fem! cat mutant & sniper reader (thats a mouth full lol)
I've never really written stories like this but i think this is a fun idea so ill try my best anyways please please please msg me if you have ideas and or suggestions (i am sensitive please be nice LMAO)
Warnings: slow burn, writer is dyslexic, might be slightly out of character, a whole lot of guns, not proof read
context: you are part cat due to being experimented on you have the cat ears and eyes along with all there senses (i do plan on making a full backstory)
your on the search for a doctor who has a large sum of caps over his head, you could care less about the caps you don't have a lot to do in this world so you take any opportunity you can to have some fun no matter how risky it could be. considering the amount of caps, you already know it will be quite the task but you don't mind playing with your food.
you've asked around the wasteland a little (not that a lot of people really said anything useful) but any information you got led you to a town called filly. you entered filly walking in trying your best not to draw more attention to yourself, the gasmask your wearing doesn't really help with that but you don't really need people knowing you have animal ears and eyes. you take in your surroundings as you walk with a crowd looking for the highest most excluded building you could see when a ghoul catches your eyes, you walk a bit slower admiring him for a moment watching him roll a vile in between his fingers before snapping out of your trans and picking up you pace again.
you get to the top of the building staying low to the ground making sure no one sees you up here before laying on your stomach and pulling out your sniper riffle. you sit and watch everything for about 7 minutes until a familiar doctor falls into you glance. you don't even bother lining up your scope to his head, you don't feel the need to someone else is bound to get him after you shoot him regardless but that's more then okay with you, you don't mind playing a waiting game.
you see him talking to a vault dweller just before an older woman who seems to run a shop approach them, you try you best to listen in but all you can seem to make out is the shop owner saying something about getting out of here. "this gasmask is fucking me over" you whisper with a sigh readjusting your arm a bit to be more comfortable.
suddenly the ghoul stands up, along with a few people just now noticing there's a ghoul in the town as they cautiously speed walk away from the area. the ghoul shouts something about this doctor having a hefty price over his head as almost everyone moves away from the man. a sly smile grows on your face now knowing hes involved with this bounty as well. the shop owner says something and before she can even finish her sentence the ghoul shoots the mans foot off, the poor vault dweller just stands there in fear and confusion, a wave of sympathy overcomes you knowing you were just like her you almost wish you still were.
the old woman shouts "i gotta 1000 bottle caps for who ever kills that fucker!!... but you dont get SHIT if i kill em first!". your not to sure why but after hearing that you start to focus your scope on anyone who starts to even look at him. the ghoul holds his gun out gun on the trigger ready to shoot just waiting for someone to make the first move as he looks around in a circle. a man in a black hat and googles pulls out his gun but before he can even pull the trigger the ghoul shoots him in the chest, his bullet exploding on impact. immediately after more people start shooting at him, he turns in a circle again shooting anyone who try's to get near him as you shoot the people from a distance. in all honesty you know he probably doesn't need your help but still you continue with out a reason to be doing so. you see someone trying to come at him with a knife from behind and just as the ghoul turns around to attack you shoot the man with the knife and the glare of your scope hits the ghouls eye and he looks up as you give a slight wave right before pointing to signal behind him as a brother a steel knight shows up.
you see the old woman and the vault dweller go run and hide into the shop bringing the doctor with him. you know you wont to much to the walking tin man so you decide to go down and listen in. you try your best to sneak in with out anyone seeing you but as the ghoul is on some broken steps you look over at him and with out a doubt he was looking dead at you before getting right back into combat. you ignore it and continue to snoop in on the others.
you keep your back pressed tightly agents the wall. hear the woman convince the vault dweller to take the doctor to moldaver, you've heard of the woman but have never had any encounters with her based off the things you've heard you know this will be a good time (you would have never found anything about this situation fun before the war). you start making your way out of the building after hearing that its plenty for you to go off along with now having both the doctor and the vault dwellers sent. you decide to hide in a ally and wait for things to die down before leaving.
after about 9 minutest you don't hear metal clacking or guns shooting you start to leave filly. you didnt get to far outside of the town before you hear a gun cock behind you "aint you a little over prepared?" you hear a mans voice with a southern accent referring to your gas mask. you turn to face the voice seeing the ghoul you've been eyeing this whole trip "doesn't effect you now does it? is the gun really nectary after i helped you?" you scoff offended but knowing youd do the same "now i aint ask you to do that for me, did i?" he says finger on the trigger. you think for a moment 'rude ass' you think to yourself "i guess not, but a thank you would be nice" you say with sarcasm in your voice. The Ghoul keeps his eyes upon you as you speak, the gun never moving. He lets out a short laugh at your attempt to engage. "You want a thank you for a job half done? bailed in the middle of a fight.. not that id thank you anyways i didnt need your help smooth skin. what's you goal here you tryn to steal my bounty" he says sounding more relaxed than he should be. "not necessarily, i don't want the caps if that's what your worried about." the gun never wavers even as you speak. "so just what do you want then?". "entertainment, not much to do in this world." you say with a smile on your face, not that he can see it. The Ghoul is surprised by your answer. He lowers his gun slightly, looking you up and down, but still doesn't trust you. "You ain't got better things to do with your time? Like finding food, or water, or caps?". those things are all fairly easy to come across for you, your sneaky and when you want something you take it. "lets say that all comes easy" Something you said intrigues him, and his gaze lingers on you a little longer. He shifts his weight to his left foot, and holsters his gun. "You saying food, water, caps just comes to you?". you relax abit more now that his guns down "i never said that, its just easy to get. now i have some information that may be of use to you, and im more then happy to give it under one condition" The Ghoul's interest is piqued. His curiosity getting the better of him, he nods his head. He wants to see if what you're peddling is actually worth something. "And what would that condition be?". you feel excited, youve never traveld with someone much less had company in years and the though of him agreeing (even if its not very friendly) makes you happy "i come with you on your bounty." He considers it, still not fully trusting you, but also intrigued by your offer. "And why the Hell would I want you along for a bounty hunt? Why should I trust you? What's to stop you from just turning on me? "he responds "you interest me, my weapons aren't out now are they? if i wanted to kill you i would have done it while i was on the roof" you say slightly muffled from your gas mask. He looks at you for a moment, thinking it over. He didn't like the idea of traveling with someone he didn't know, but he wouldnt mind the help from someone who knows how use to use a gun(not that he'd ever admit that). "Fine, we'll go after the bounty. But the second I even get a hint you're planning something, I'll kill you where you stand. We clear?". "understood." you say trying your hardest not to sound excited. He nods, then turns and begins walking away the dog standing behind him following. He calls over his shoulder to you.
please let me know what you guys think of this and im open to any suggestions and ideas ( i would also love name ideas for this) :)
notes: @s-lock-doctordonna I LOVED YOUR IDEAS AND I WILL BE USEING THANK YOU <3
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user2772636 · 4 months
Douzième Fille
12th girl
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Having to be in pairs for a group project, two people with mixed feelings work together to create a presentation. Going into eachothers houses is easy until a certain cat wants to play cupid. Feelings erupt, and miscommunication has to be endured. A soccer game in the rain might prove that Descamps listens more than he should.
Joseph Descamps x Reader
Warnings: bullying (poor pichon), boys being boys, very confusing feelings, angst bcs of achilles and patroclus (maybe even joseph and reader???), miscommunication in the enemies to lovers department, swearing
This chapter has references to The Song of Achilles book (ik its not the right timeline, but we have to do this for the angst so bare w me)
Chapter three: He is half my soul, as the poets say
The scores of our exams are being published. I sit in my seat, eyes scanning the numbers and fingertips smoothing out the paper. Most of them are in the ranges of 12-16, which is good enough for me.
"As you know, this is a school where we like to experiment with new methods. Next week, we are going to try a new approach." I look up from my papers, interested in the proposal of something new.
"You're going to prepare a presentation, working in pairs. You'll be working with the classmate sitting next to you, and then you'll present your work in class together. And for a sense of free will, you can present about any subject. How does that sound?"
I look to the girl next to me. Her name was Louise. She's quiet most of the time and keeps to herself. I smile softly. She smiles back.
The teacher clears his throat, eyes on Descamps and Dupin. "You two, of which I already expect a chaotic presentation, will be paired with someone else." His eyes land on me and Louise. Please, no.
"Descamps and Pardine, Louise and Dupin. Please remember your partner." I internally groan, placing my head into my hands. I look to my side, already seeing Louise and Dupin waving to each other, Louise giggling. I groan again. I don't look at Descamps. He doesn't, either.
Pichon raises his hand. "What if we're sitting alone?" The class laughs. I look at Pichon in pity.
"Well, you can work with Ms. Sabiani." The teacher says in response.
"Look. Pichon is blushing. He's turned pink like a pig." Dupin says, and the class laughs again. Even Louise giggles. She likes him, it's obvious, but what is there to like? I roll my eyes.
"That's enough, Dupin." The teacher shouts at him, the smile on his face gone. Annick raises her hand.
"Do we really have to work in pairs?" She asks.
"That's the whole point." He answers. "And I'm warning you, half a pair's work will result in half the grade."
As I walk down the stairs, I look up when I hear pigs oinking. I wasn't wrong. Descamps' group of friends are pigs.
When I spot Simone and Michèle in the bench under the tree, our usual spot, I make my way to them.
"Help me gain some decency to go up to Descamps and not punch him in the face." I groan as I sit on the bench with them.
"It's unfortunate for you. Our teacher could've picked anyone else." Michèle says, pity in her voice.
"Should I go talk to him now or later?" They don't answer because they see Descamps make his way towards us.
I fight the urge to start an argument with him. About anything, really. Just to get him to stay a bit longer. I clear my throat at the thought.
"Your place?" He says, now standing infront of us, hands in his pockets. I nod once, and he walks away.
"Thank god that was over quick." Something deep inside me knew I didn't mean that.
Jean Pierre walks towards us with a book in hand. I look at Simone with a teasing smile, but there's something in her eyes I can't really tell. Like she knows something.
"Here, this is yours." He hands Michèle the book. "I put it in my bag by mistake." Michèle thanks him. He walks away with a 'see you later'.
Michèle continues to complain to us about her grades. Simone sighs, mind floating away. I look at her confused. I'll ask her about it later.
I look towards Applebaum. We make eye contact, and I smile. He looks away, fear in his eyes. What's up with everyone today?
In one of those rare moments, my parents are home for dinner. We sit in the dining table, enjoying our food.
"Someone's coming over tomorrow. I know you won't be here, but I thought it'd be better if you knew." I tell them, handing small bits of food to George.
"Oh? What will you be doing?" My father asks, cutting his food into smaller pieces.
"Group project. We'll probably just stay in my room." I pet George as he eats his food.
"Are we going to meet her even after the project?" My mother says, looking up from her food.
"He, actually. And no." This makes them pause, silence surronding the room. My father clears his throat.
"A boy? And both of you will be in your room?" He says, placing his elbows on the table.
I take time to process this. "Papa, no. It's not like that." I turn red in my seat. "Trust me, it's just a project. Nothing else."
"Of course we trust you. It's just, you know. You're a teen, and teens go through... stuff." My mother says, stuttering a bit. I cover my face with my hands.
"Mama, please don't make it weird." I groan.
"No, it's perfectly normal for your age. If you want, we can forget about it-" I cut her off.
"Yes, please. Forget about it." I cut my food aggressively, face as warm as my plate.
We stay quiet as we finish the rest of our dinner.
"The league of nations, L.O.N..." I fade the rest of the discussion out, watching the way the sun rests on the trees leaves, the birds tending to themselves. Last nights conversation clouds my mind, and I catch myself smiling for no reason.
I sigh every time, biting my lip in my own embarrassment. I glance at Descamps. He's focusing on the lesson for once. Nothing will happen at my place, right?
He feels my gaze on him and gently turns his head. His eye meets mine, and there's a small quirk on the corner of his lip.
"Quiet at the back." Ms. Giraud calls out suddenly.
Descamps looks away. I purse my lips, something stirring in my chest. My breathing is faster, and I feel warmer. Have I gotten sick already?
Annick walks into the room, hair tousled and frizzy. Ms. Giraud shouts at her, and my ear drums are about to explode.
Ms. Giraud gives Annick detention, and with every word Annick said back, an hour or two more.
Ms. Giraud continues to piss me off every second of the day with her strictness and very clear jealousy towards Annick. She finally continues the discussion, and I (annoyingly) decide to finally listen.
I wait right outside the gate for Descamps. He comes running to the gate but slows down when he sees me, acting like he wasn't just leaping to get here.
"Hey." He says, acting nonchalant. He even has his hand in his pocket.
"Hi. Let's get going." I keep my face blank as I lead the way to my place. We walk in silence, listening to our footsteps next to each other.
Once we make it to my flat's building, I go up the steps, stopping in front of my door and unlocking it.
We step inside, the flat looking warm with the sunlight entering through the windows. I lock my door and drop the keys on my kitchen counter.
"Your coat?" I reach my hands out. He throws his coat to me, the heaviness of it making me stumble. I scowl but hang it anyway.
"Head to my room. Down the hallway to the right." I say as I grab a few supplies from my father's office.
"Want me in your bed already?" He calls out once he's inside. I hear a yelp.
I run to my room. "Descamps, are you okay?" I ask worriedly. He stares at George.
"What is that?" He points to George, who's currently walking toward me. I bend down and pet him, planting a kiss on his head.
"This is George." I carry George and craddle him like a baby. I walk towards Descamps with the furball in my arms. I rock him slowly.
"You can touch him if you want. He doesn't bite." I smile at the orange cat, then look up at Descamps. He's staring at me with the most soft look I've seen him wear. My heart thumps in my chest.
He clears his throat, hand going up shakily to pet George. George purrs when Descamps pets him. There's now a smile on Descamps face, as warm as his stare.
I bite my lip at the proximity. I memorise as much as I can about him.
The way he was breathing, like he was on a bed so soft he could sink into it. The way he smelt like faded cigarette smoke and expensive cologne. The way his bones moved under his skin as he bent over to take a closer look at George. The number of times he's blinked, the number of times he's laughed under his breath.
I dive deeper into my trance as he looks up at me. The way he stared now is so different from the way he did all those times before. Like we knew something that we haven't acknowledged yet. Or chose not to.
Something falls in the kitchen, and we snap back to reality. My face warms up, the lighting from the windows making it clearer.
Descamps walks away from me, clearing his throat again. "The cat's ugly." This makes me snap my head to his direction.
"What did you just say?" My brows furrow, defensive of the cat sleeping in my arms.
He rolls his eye. "Nothing. Let's get the project started, I guess." I glare at him for a couple more seconds, then I gently place George down on the bed, excusing myself to get more stuff from my father's office.
When I'm halfway to my room, I hear whispering. I peek at the slit on my door, wondering what was happening behind it.
Descamps is petting George, whispering words as if he's hushing a baby to sleep.
My aura softens, and my heart bursts with admiration. I accidentally drop something and curse to myself. Descamps hears the thud on the floor and pushes himself away from George. George continues to sleep.
I open the door then close it gently. "Let's get started."
"Do you have suggestions?" I ask Descamps. He doesn't answer, his head turned to the side. I sigh.
Before I could say anything, he talks. "What's that?" He nods to the book on my shelf. It was a copy of the story of Achilles and Patroclus, with a notebook strapped on the front.
"It's nothing important." I shake my head. He purses his lips in thought.
"Can I see it?" His question catches me off guard, his head finally turning to look at me. No one's ever showed interest in my books or notes. I stay quiet, then after a while, I nod.
He gets up from the bed and grabs the book. He takes the string that attaches the notebook to the copy off. He scans the back of the book and hums.
"We can base the project off of this, if you don't mind." He holds up the paperback and the notebook. I'm stunned in my place.
"It's really not that interesting-"
"It must be if you had a whole notebook dedicated to it." There isn't even a teasing tone when he said that. He meant it genuinely.
"Fine." I sigh, grabbing the notebook from his grasp.
"Good." "Great." "Amazing." "Piss off." "Whatever."
"Mind if you read it to me?" He says. "I have a feeling I'll understand better when you say it, since it's your work."
I nod, hesitantly. I opened the first page of my notebook. Most of the stuff I've written in it is a summary and a review of the book.
He leans back on my pillows. I let him. I started to read.
"Patroclus was a young prince, exiled from his kingdom for accidentally killing a boy, and was taken in by their neighbouring king, King Peleus."
George purrs as I pet him. I shift to a more comfortable sitting position. Descamps' eyes are on me.
"When Patroclus first saw Achilles, it was in a competition run by Patroclus' father. He described Achilles as if he was looking at a painting made with precision and grace." I flip the page. George walks over to Descamps' lap. I huff, ignoring it.
"When they met and officially talked, Patroclus thought he'd hated Achilles. Achilles and his beauty, his speed, his perfection. In the years that pass, they grow to be attached to the other." George meows. The meow that indicates he wants petting.
I pause my reading, and Descamps looks at me confused. "Why'd you stop?"
"George wants pets." Descamps makes an 'oh' sound and pets George. He meows again.
"Maybe he wants you." Descamps says, petting the fur baby on his lap. I sigh and lean in close to pet George. With the uncomfortable position, I shift to sit beside Descamps on the bed. I clear my throat and pet George. I continue to read.
"They knew everything about each other. What they'd prefer, like how I like the rain too much to cover it with an umbrella, but know I'll get sick without it. That's how the two worked. They knew every detail, every routine, every habit, every movement. A love you'd have to fight the gods for."
A page is flipped, smoothing out of paper echoes in the room.
"Achilles and Patroclus loved each other with every inch of their heart and soul. Quoting the book, Patroclus states, 'He is half my soul, as the poets say'. Along with the famous paragraph." My eyes switch to the next page.
Descamps shifts in his place, leaning back on the pillows, looking at the pages where I'm reading off of. I start to relax, leaning back, too. George purrs.
"I could recognise him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
I take a glance at Descamps, and he's already looking at me. George snores in his sleep, making the aura of the room warmer. More comfortable.
His eye dropped to my lips, and I could've sworn I was hearing a heartbeat as fast as the wind at fall. I glance at his, pink and soft, like a cushion ready for rest.
When we lean in, slowly, too slow, my heart drops as he pulls away and stretches. I furrow my eyebrows, a dread of realisation. He's been toying with me. I close my notebook and gather my things.
"Where are you off to?" He asks. I don't answer him.
"Hey," He grabs my arm. I take it back from him. "What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing." I say coldly. "I'll finish this project myself."
"What? No. This is a group project remember?"
"I can't keep doing this. You're too hard to work with." I stack the books and materials in my arms.
"We haven't even gotten anything done yet." He flops his hands in the air.
"Exactly. You're too distracting."
"What did I do? I've been quiet the whole time."
"Yeah, well, that's the problem. You're too quiet. You aren't suggesting things."
"What does that have to do with anything?" He raises his voice.
"Just shut up, okay? Just leave. I told you I'll finish the project by myself." I get up from the bed, heading to my father's office.
"But I don't get why you're suddenly mad!" He stands up, following me.
"You don't have to know. Just leave me alone, okay?"
"Fucking fine. You're being too stubborn anyways. Do all the work. Getting pissed off for no fucking reason." He grabs his coat from the rack, putting it on. He doesn't even glance at me, opening and shutting the door with a loud slam.
I even out my breathing. It was going fine. Then I think to myself, what was? Me and Descamps, going fine? I laugh at the thought. I hated that boy. I hated him with my whole heart. My mind travels to the notes I was just reading.
Patroclus had thought he hated Achilles in the start, too. I shake the thought out of my head, slipping against the wall to sit on the floor, knees to my chest.
I hear tapping on the floor boards. I look to my side to see George, meowing softly. I take a deep breath in, then reach my hand out to pet him.
I hate him. And I know I do. He lingers in my mind like a fog in the mountains. The way his aura had softened, his smile, his warmth. I hated the thought of him, but then he smiled, and like Achilles, his face was like the sun.
Night comes, and I lay in my bed, windows slightly open for the wind to come through. I'm restless, not getting a blink of sleep. I'm halfway through the project already. If Descamps had helped, it'd take longer, I think to myself, trying to still feel angry.
I don't feel angry at all anymore. There's a sort of regret in me for pushing him away. But at the same time, it's what he deserved. We had leaned in, and I didn't even know what I was expecting. I should've expected him to pull away, but what was he going to do in the first place?
Was he going to whisper in my ear? If so, what would he whisper to me? Was he going to say something about how I write, how I speak? A thought so blurry pops up in my head, and I brush it off. But it felt warm, so safe, so soft. There was a scent stuck in my head as I reminisced on the thought, trying to figure out what I was thinking.
I fall asleep in the process, dreaming about the thought instead. Limbs touching, bending, adjusting. I taste cigarettes and strawberries. I smell smoke and expensive perfume. I feel something soft against my lips, hands cupping my face, my neck, my head, and my waist.
He felt warm, tall, and heavy against me. I hold onto the dream, relaxing.
I wake up, sweat coating my skin. George sits on the window sill, the sun making him shine like gold. I sit up and stretch. I get off my bed and head to my bathroom.
My hair is messy, and I have a bit of dried drool on the corner of my mouth. I wash my face to give myself some energy. I take my clothes off lazily, tying my hair up and getting inside my shower.
Once I finish, I comb and fix my hair, head to the kitchen for a quick breakfast, grab my things for school, including the unfinished project, and head to the front door.
A stack of paper tied with string greets me. I furrow my eyebrows. There's no note. I squat down and pick it up. I instantly know who it's from.
It's an essay about Achilles and Patroclus, detailed and opinionated. Written on the last piece of paper, sitting at the bottom of the stack, it reads, "I bought a copy. Finished it for you."
I stood still, processing the words, flipping through the papers to double check if they're authentic. I let out a scoff of surprise. My head snaps to a nearby clock. I'm going to be late if I don't start walking now.
My feet carry me to the front gates of Voltaire, the familiar faces and light chatter calming me. I spot Simone and Michèle, and I make my way to them.
Rain starts to fall. The rain always brought me comfort. The different sounds it made when hitting different objects, the way it sways with the wind, the smell it gives the grass after.
I lag behind Simone and Michèle as they make their way to the field. I look for my satchel, then remember I'd forgotten my umbrella. I curse to myself, finding the satchel. It felt heavier than usual. I look inside, then see a clear umbrella. I open it and twist it around, gaping in awe. There's a note in the bag. I open to read it.
"Don't get sick from what you love." The note said.
There's only one person I've told about my love for rain.
I head outside, hiding my red face once I see a drenched one-eyed boy. I smile to Simone and Michèle, spotting them seated on a bench. I glance behind me as I sit down, finding an eye already looking at me with a small smile. His smile drops, and he looks away when I catch him. I purse my lips.
We watch the match, getting my mind off of the boy with ash brown hair. Once the match finishes, we all make our way home. I look up, seeing the rain pattering against the clear umbrella. I smile, watching the water droplets slip off the plastic, hearing the pattering of rain.
The next day, I repeat my routine. I thoroughly read through Descamps' essay, rewritting it to fit in with mine. I should be thankful, and I am, but Descamps is making my head hurt with the way he acts. I walked to school, going subject after subject, until our presentation finally came.
Earlier, I'd slipped him the script, tucking it in his bag. I hope silently that he's memorised it.
Annick and Pichon are presenting in front of the class. I smiled softly, impressed by the presentation, and refreshed with the dynamic of the two. If only things had gone differently with Descamps, we could've been good friends. But we aren't. I don't think we ever will.
Once they finish, our teacher calls me and Descamps to the front. My anxiousness radiates off my body. Simone and Michèle give me a reassuring look. I nod at them slightly.
My eyes meet Descamps, and we're standing at the front of the class. They're quiet, and my eyes scan all of them. Surprisingly, Descamps starts.
"Me and Pardine are going to present the story of Achilles and Patroclus and the debate of their relationship; romantic or platonic?" Descamps looks at me, his hand hovering at the small of my back for support.
I start, and faster than I thought, I finish the presentation. The room claps, as they do with the others. I glance at Descamps but see him already walking back to his seat. My smile dropped slowly, remembering I was still on his bad side, and vice versa.
I walk back to my seat quietly. I don't even hear the score because my mind is too occupied with the thought of him. Would we stay angry at eachother always? At the same time, it shouldn't matter. I hate him. Right?
I shake my head. I hate him, surely. I should. I dig deep in my head for a reason. Bullying Pichon and Michèle, toying with my feelings (feelings I'm not aware whether it's good or bad), the way he acts, and smells, and feels when he's near.
I fucking hate him. I really do. I hate him, I repeat in my head. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.
Then, like earlier, something inside me knows I don't mean it.
At the end of the day, I make peace with solitude. My mind wanders, and I notice that every time it does, they always end up with the face of a one-eyed boy.
Sure, Descamps gave me a finished essay for our project, and sure, he gave me an umbrella that was clear so I could see the rain. So what? I still hate him. Maybe just a little less now.
End- Chapter three: He is half my soul, as the poets say.
Next- Chapter four: Flashy Magazines
End of chapter three. Rollercoaster of emotions this one. It's a bit shorter than usual because i took out a bunch of the scenes in the series to focus on the emotions of reader and hopefully u guys get what im trying to give. Thanks for reading, requests r open, and see u next chapter!!!
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emeraldoodles · 2 months
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The Master Post from Serizawa Week 2024
I had lots of fun participating! Mine are little snapshots from the week, linking one day to the next.
If you would like more story read below.
Thanks @ygodmyy20 & @acermp100 for letting me bound ideas off you the whole week. Also, @yu-artist for sharing the Seriweek prompts!
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Monday, March 25th - Friends
Serizawa made going back to school look so fun Minegishi decided to join. Sometimes Dimple/Yoshioka likes to stop by and say hello. Today he was a distraction to Serizawa, so he had trouble paying attention and listening to the homework assignment.
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Tuesday, March 26th - School
Poor Serizawa, having to stay up late to finish an assignment. At least he's not alone. The cat's name is Gizmo! Thanks @acermp100 for the cat name suggestion. @secretagent9 I really love the idea of a Gundam name, but not being a fan I didn't know what to choose.
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Wednesday, March 27th - Outfit
Reigen and Serizawa were hired to exorcise mischievous spirits that kept harassing the maids at a cafe. Serizawa was very tired from yesterday's school assignment and not on his A-game today.
Reigen volunteered to lure out the ghost by wearing a maid's outfit, but maybe he just wanted to wear it. Serizawa is wearing his cute butler outfit! The maids were very excited to dress him up, not so much Reigen
Reigen: Those brats! Wont even help me tie my apron. Grumble. *struggles to reach behind*
Serizawa: Here, let me. *zips up and hooks Reigen's dress and ties the apron*
Reigen: *many hand gestures* Competition, that's what is is Serizawa! I'm competition because of how good I look.
Serizawa: *chuckles* You do look good sir. Very pretty, very cute.
Reigen: R-really? *blush* I-I er, I mean of course! Now! Let's get to work!
Poor Reigen, he got ice water dumped on him several times that day. He wasn't feel great before the exorcism, but was wiped out by the end the assignment.
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Thursday, March 28th - Food
Mrs. Serizawa is teaching Kastuya how to cook, so he can stop living off instant noodles. Today is a hearty beef & leak stew!
Mrs. Serizawa: Remember, the leaks need to be thoroughly washed.
Kastuya: Nods, Nods!
Mrs. Serizawa: Also, the more passion and enjoyment you put into your cooking will reflect in the final dish. So, relax and take it slow and your love will shine through.
Serizawa is learning how to make tonjiru soup. He wants to make it for someone "special" this week.
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Friday, March 29th - Spring
Dimple: I don't get it. If you're worried about Reigen go check up on him.
Serizawa: I don't want to intrude on his privacy.
Dimple: Ugh, you two are impossible.
It was an unusual day. Reigen didn't show up for work and Serizawa just got a message from him saying "I n68 sick".
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Saturday, March 30th - Comfort/Bravery
Serizawa: Reigen, please eat a little more.
Reigen: No, I feel so sick.
Serizawa: But you've not eaten since Thursday. Here, let me get you just some broth.
Reigen: Kastuya...
Serizawa: Y-Yes?
Reigen: I.... I... Bucket. I need the bucket.
Reigen proceeded to dry heave into the bucket while saliva and tears fell in. Serizawa rubbed his back while he continued to convulse for several minutes.
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Sunday, March 31st - Birthday
Serizawa went over to check on Reigen, who surprised him by throwing a little birthday celebration. It was just the two of them, but Reigen originally had planned something bigger. Luckily, the present, a multiplayer game, arrived on time, so they could play together.
Reigen was still sick, and drugged up, and making bad decisions. But Serizawa didn't mind. A love confession from Reigen made this the best birthday.
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soooo as you might've noticed I've watched ep 5 and 6 of hazbin hotel and i'm
and I have so much to say so I should do it here, obviously
with spoilers, obviously
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I just adore lucifer and his relationship with charlie and the way they are getting closer during the episode and how charlie is literally dad's daughter and their song is absolutely adorable
alastor and lucifer's duo is iconic as hell(haha)
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AND of course this little fun fact of alastor also being on someone's leash that's great and I love how there are more and more mysteries coming out
despite the fact that alastor's confrontation with lucifer about charlie's father figure is most likely manipulation from alastor I hope we see more, you know, human qualities of alastor and learn more about him
I mean we've got this man swore so I don't think it's a big deal now
and also we now know these are the ears, clap clap
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despite my sympathy for alastor though... PLEASE NOT HUSK damn alastor got him shaking, poor cat man:(
i love how after ep4 huskerdust are doing this little things like sharing popcorn and giving each other soft looks and stuff that's really good for them and I'm glad they're taking this slow
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let's just say I'm happy to see that neither all demons or all angels are dicks
and YASSS I adore character development and the way hotel's crew become a family for each other
like the way they try to protect each other in ep5 during the attack or them just having nice time together, you know
also I loved this tiny detail that now, in ep6 angel now is able to openly tell about how hard was his day and have a rest not being afraid of looking weak/not always sexy as fuck AND omg these scene in a club where angel stands up against valen(pls die)tino and calls hotel's crew his friends got me emotional. boy made big progress
and as huskerdust fan I can't help but love the way husker helps angel make right delicious and supports him (these bitches gay, good for them)
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i'm excited about feb 2 and upcoming episodes
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lizz-crimson · 10 months
MK Characters Intro Banter With Monster Hunter Reader!
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In this scenario the Reader is a monster hunter from the Monster Hunter game franchise! I love, love, love MH, and I also love, love, love, MK! So why not bring them together!? Reader is gender neutral and is simply called 'hunter' in these.
Tags/warnings: Language, talk of violence (against people and animal-like monsters), Monster Hunter termanology and references, Reader is a funny monster hunting badass!
Characters: Liu Kang, Scorpion, Raiden, Johnny Cage.
Part 2 Part 3
Liu Kang
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You: "Y'know, I hunt dragons for a living."
Lui Kang: "Is that a threat, hunter?"
You: "Just a friendly heads up."
Liu Kang: "What are those blades made of?"
You: "My dual blades? These are made from the parts of Rathalos and Rathian I've hunted."
Liu Kang: "They are pulsing with both flame and poison..."
Liu Kang: "My dragon fire does not effect you nearly as much as others."
You: "These talismans aren't for show, Liu."
Liu Kang: "Let's see if I can't knock them off!"
You: "I'd love to see you get into a kick-off with a Seregios."
Liu Kang: "A Seregios? Another monster of yours?"
You: "Just imagine a golden parrot with knives for feathers. ...They also kick really hard."
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You: "Never thought I'd meet someone as angry as an Odogaron."
Scorpion: "My rage cannot ever be sated."
You: "I can't imagine how hard that is.."
Scorpion: "Have a taste of hellfire!"
You: "Please no, I've already hunted a Magnemalo today.. "
Scorpion: "I will prove a much bigger challenge."
You: "It feels odd fighting you."
Scorpion: "How so, hunter?"
You: "I only ever fight monsters. I feel I may go too hard on you."
Scorpion: "That longsword is impressive."
You: "Thanks! It's made from that Teostra you saw me hunting earlier!"
Scorpion: "You mean to tell me you successfully slayed that creature?!"
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Raiden: "What are these Elder Dragons you speak of?"
You: "They are the scientifically unexplainable monsters that roam my world. I have fought and slain many."
Raiden: "Impressive. We could use your skills in defending Earthrealm."
You: "A Zinogre would be a good companion for you, Raiden."
Raiden: "I have no interest in pets."
You: "Not even a dragon dog with natural thunder abilities?"
Raiden: "I must admit, you are hard to strike with my lightening."
You: "I had to get good at dodging thunder attacks when a Kirin went berserk back home."
Raiden: "Your world has made you versatile indeed."
You: "Raiden, help me test out my new weapon!"
Raiden: "Are you welding an axe or a sword and shield?"
You: "Both, baby!"
Johnny Cage
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Johnny Cage: "Damn, you take hits like a tank!"
You: "Armor and food, Johnny. Armor and food."
Johnny Cage: "What are those cats feeding you!?"
You: "Ready to face the music, Johnny?"
Johnny Cage: "Wait, you mean that's not a hammer?!"
You: "I'm gonna play the Ninja Mime theme while bludgeoning you to the pavement!"
You: "No Johnny, you cannot pet the monster I captured."
Johnny Cage: "Why not? It's just a big turkey!"
You: "A Kulu-Ya-Ku is stronger than it looks!"
Johnny Cage: "You beat that poor thing to death!"
You: "Unfortunately, that Pukei-Pukei became to aggressive near my village. I had no choice."
Johnny Cage: "Well pookie-pookie didn't know what hit her.."
Hope ya liked these! I keep saying I'm gonna post write stuff here but never do lol
Here's the monsters mentioned in these interactions for those curious! I put them in a lil collage in the order that they were mentioned!
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Can I request please headcanons of Alastor being faced with an AMBUSH! A SUPRISE ATTACK (from his s/o wanting hugs and kisses).
Yes. You don't understand. Hhhmmn-
Headcanons of Surprise Attacks
Warning! ⚠
⚠ Fluff, just a ton of fluff. Kisses, hugs, cuddles. ⚠
Romantic: Alastor X Sweet Reader
Alastor would often get into other's personal space and bug them with some physical contact. Which was ironic, considering that he hated when it was done to him.
Though, no one has really tried. Unless they had a death wish.
The only demon he was ok with being close was you. His wonderful significant other whom he adored and treasured.
Most of the contact you've had with each other was hand holding, or anything Alastor pulled you into. Hug, spin, dance.
Until one day~
You surprised him with a peck on the cheek. "Thanks hun!", you said, taking the word puzzle you were stuck on and walk off to go finish the rest.
He stared off into nothing for a while and then place a hand on his cheek where you kissed him. He stood there, thinking about it. It didn't feel terrible, it didn't bug him to the point of destroying anything.
Instead it felt nice. The Radio Demon wouldn't mind if you did it again.
You began hugging him from behind while he was cooking. It felt nice and warm. Alastor wasn't much of a hugger but he felt like turning around to hug you back and melt into your hold.
Then there were morning kisses. He'd wake up to you kissing his face, and you'd smile when realizing that he had woken up. "Good morning!" Its a wonderful morning.
Sometimes you had a bad days, coming home and surprising him with hugs.
"Darling?", he says questionably, wrapping his arms around you.
"Bad day. Cuddles.", is all you'd say.
With that both of you would go into the living room and cuddle on the couch, where Alastor would be able to appreciate how nice the hugs were. Soft and warm.
Whenever you would ask for help with making something, he'd help as much as he can or give you ideas.
You'd light up when things turned out right and turn to grab his face. "Al! You're a genius!", you'd say and pepper his face with kisses.
After you walk off humming a tune, Alastor is left blinking, trying to process. When he does, his face flushes. Covered in lipstick stains too if you wear it.
God this thing is so fluffy-
You still surprise him. Hugging him randomly. When you let go he pulls you back in for more. Now you've got him hooked on hugs.
With morning kisses, he craves good night kisses. And he gathers enough courage to ask you for some. "Darling, if you don't mind-.", he clears his throat. "Could I perhaps get a goodnight kiss?"
"Aw, my poor deer.", you coo and pull him closer. "Of course."
While you're busy give him good night kisses, his little tail wags.
When he starts working with the hotel, he feels a bit upset that you're not around to give him affection.
Lol, he's addicted.
Then he brings you over to the hotel one day. Cuddling with you once both of you are in his office.
He starts bringing you around more often, feeling overjoyed whenever you enter his office.
When he sees you kill someone for the first time, his heart is fluttering. Carrying you off for kisses and cuddles.
Husk walks in on the two of you in the middle of kisses. "Nope.", is all the cat demon says before walking out and closing the door behind him. He'll think twice before entering the office again.
It isn't long till he starts giving you surprise kisses as well.
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~Seline, the person.
ML for Alastor🎙
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