#my hairs at best ✨wavy✨
messylustt · 11 months
what is your hairstyle called? i like it and i want my hair to look like that too 🥹❤️
omllll this made my day — this is the inspiration pics I used.
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It’s a wolf cut essentially just obviously the shorter version.
when I first got it done it looked more “pixie-ish”. i much prefer it grown out a bit now.
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cutiepieloves131 · 1 month
Sidereal Vedic Beauty Indicators Pt.2​
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ˋˏ✨ˎˊ Dhanishta: Very blessed and lucky placement! Dhanishta natives leave people to be starstruck and fascinated by them, and best believe the same goes with their beauty. Dhanishta individuals have glamorous and prepossessing beauty their feature medium to full long lips, triangular or rectangular face shapes, chins that are often quite squared, voluminous hair, and small to medium upturned eyes. They're the bombshell type of beauties, many blonde bombshells and celebrities have this placement in their charts, Dhanistha arose #2 highest after Pushya for women in Claire Nakti's beauty icon survey video. 🌟
Dhanishta Women {Left to Right}: Aaliyah, Jayne Mansfield, Megan Thee Stallion
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ˋˏ✨ˎˊ Ashlesha: The ultimate seductress~ Ashlesha individuals are the true rulers of seduction. They're incredibly sexy and enthralling to the masses, with their cat-like beauty they're bound to be the center of trends just like the viral siren eyes vs doe eyes trend on tiktok, I noticed women that have siren eyes have Ashlesha placements in their big 3. Ashlesha natives features are sharp feline eyes that's medium to small in size that are very seductive, medium to large cheekbones, typically thin to medium in fullness, a pointed nose tip, with a narrow but gently wavy/bumpy bridge, and oval or oblong face shaped face. Extremely compelling people~🐈‍⬛
Ashlesha Women {Left to Right}: Sydney Harper, Marsai Martin, Edrianna Terrae
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ˋˏ✨ˎˊ Hasta: Oh my gosh these people are beauteous and exquisite beings I swear! Hasta natives possess fairy-like beauty and even look like pixies it's so crazy! Hasta people have high and sharp cheekbones, thin to medium lip fullness, diamond face shape, medium to large almond eyes, naturally thin and arched brows. I'm completely blown away by their dazzling beauty, it looks like they popped right out of a fairy tale. What such magnificent beauties~🧚
Hasta Women {Left to Right}: Elsa Hosk, Jayde Pierce, Bella Hadid
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ˋˏ✨ˎˊ Purva Phalguni: All I have to say about folks that have this placement are truly radiant and breathtaking... Purva Phalguni natives beauty is out of this world, their sultry and natural beauty magnetizes plenty of outsiders and what I noticed about them is that their skin and hair shines beautifully in the sun, its like the sun were meant for these people. Purva Phalguni folks beauty includes gleaming curly hair with a low and defined hairline, rounded forehead, horizontally long & bushy brows, reflective almond eyes that are radiant and dramatic tones with touches of gold and even reds, medium to full lips and a slightly squared lower lip, and a delicate square face shape. 🐀
Purva Phalguni Women {Left to Right}: Zendaya, Taylor Hill, Kat Graham
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lathalea · 2 months
Entangled 3/10
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Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield x Dwarf OFC (The Hobbit) Rating: G (subject to change) Warnings: ANGST Summary: Arranged marriages are common among the dwarven nobility. After reclaiming the Lonely Mountain, the Kingdom Under the Mountain needs to be rebuilt. Thorin agrees to marry a lady from the Blue Mountains, securing a mutually beneficial alliance with the Broadbeam Dwarves. Lady Mista is said to be a practical and hard-working dwarf-woman, willing to give him an heir who would secure the line of succession. A decent queen material, his advisors say. If only Thorin could let go of his past… You can find this fic on AO3 (search for lathalea). ✨ Chapter list: Chapter 1 (Prologue) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3... ✨ Entangled Masterlist
Azsâlul'abad - the Lonely Mountain (both the mountain and the dwarven kingdom known among Elves and Men as Erebor)
Tumunzahar - Nogrod (my headcanon for this story is that the dwarven city of old had been rebuilt and populated by the Broadbeams)
‘Urdêk - local name of ‘the Lonely Mountain’ (referring to the dwarven Halls within the mountain), used by its inhabitants
Zabdûna undu ‘Urd - Queen Under the Mountain
‘Urd - local name for Lonely Mountain (referring to the Mountain itself)
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Later that night
Mista sighed, finally freed from the weight of her crown and royal garments by Katla, her new maid. The girl knew her duties well and quickly helped her change into her sleeping gown. As soon as Katla curtsied and left the bed-chamber through a gilded door, wishing her queen a “fruitful night”, Mista – who did not feel like a queen at all at that moment – poured herself a glass of water. Her throat was parched, and her whole body felt stiff. She glanced at the other door in her chamber; the dark walnut door that led to the King’s chambers, but it was still closed, and no sounds seemed to come from the other side. Apparently, she still had some time for herself.
Mista took off her glasses and squinted, looking into the mirror in an opulent golden frame. This sumptuous object hung on the wall in her new chambers in the royal wing of the dwarven kingdom of Azsâlul'abad. The reflected image was blurry, and so she squinted harder, stretching her neck forward. Finally, she made out a dwarf-woman, plain and far from being a beauty, her mousy hair unbraided — except for her marriage braid – and still adorned with scores of diamonds. Diamonds are the bride’s best friends, an old saying claimed. Yes, she was a bride and she was wearing a luxurious, crispy white sleeping gown. Why? Because, by a turn of fate, on this very day she fulfilled her dearest, her most secret wish: today she wedded the only Dwarf she loved. 
Mista became Thorin Oakenshield’s wife – and the Queen Consort of Azsâlul'abad.
And now she was waiting for her lord husband to fulfil his marital duties.
A knock on the door — the dark walnut door — jolted her from her reverie.
“Come…” She cleared her throat and tried again, hoping her voice did not tremble too much, “Come in.” 
She had barely enough time to stand up and straighten the silks of her sleeping gown. It was hard not to notice that her fingers were trembling more than her voice.
The King Under the Mountain, Thorin II Oakenshield, entered the room. Gone were his crown and his opulent wedding attire; he wore plain bedclothes, but his dark, wavy hair streaked with silver was braided only with his marriage braid, exactly like hers, just as the tradition dictated. She couldn’t stop herself from admiring his strong shoulders, his lush beard pleated into two thick braids, and his regal profile. Years passed since their first meeting in Tumunzahar, and yet her heart fluttered as if she were that girl hiding behind a statue again. “Good evening, My Lady.” He stopped by the fireplace, slowly taking in the room. Surprised, Mista could not help but notice the tension in his movements. Surely, he could not be nervous, was he? Not him, not now, away from the prying eyes. He was the fearless hero of Azanulbizar, after all, and she was only a bookish, unremarkable girl. It simply could not be. “Good evening, My Lord,” she replied and stole an apprehensive glance at the four-poster bed beside her. “Are your chambers to your satisfaction, My Lady?” Her newly wedded husband asked, putting his arms behind his back and taking in the room as if he was seeing it for the first time. Was he? Impossible, Mista scolded herself. Princess Dis informed her that he hadoverseen the renovations himself to ensure they offered the utmost comfort to his new wife.
Mista cleared her throat and took a deep breath.
“Indeed, they are, My Lord. I am very grateful. These rooms have exceeded my expectations by far,” she admitted truthfully. She was used to the comfort and splendour of Tumunzahar, but Azsâlul'abad’s opulence was unmatched.
“I am glad to hear it. If you  are ever in need of any one thing, please do not hesitate to ask for it. As the royal consort, Lady Mista, you shall receive only what is best in my kingdom.” He spoke in a steady tone, his low voice slightly hoarser than before.
“Thank you, My Lord, for your generosity,” she lowered her head, wondering whether he was just as uneasy as she was. He thanked her with a nod and observed her silently for a few moments. Mista knew very well how she must look in his eyes and swallowed in embarrassment. Her figure was not what they call “statuesque”, her bosom was too small to be considered enticing, and so, if anyone asked Mista, the low cut bodice was a waste of the tailor’s skill. Besides, she was a bit on the stocky side, and not in that feminine way that was so highly admired among dwarves. As her mother had pertinently put it, “curvaceous” was not the word that described Mista’s figure. Apparently, she resembled a stone slab the most. Crude, angular, and plain. To put it simply, she knew well that she was not the most graceful nor alluring woman in the dwarven kingdom of Azsâlul'abad. Therefore, she felt a bit of relief at the fact that her new lord husband’s gaze did not stray below her neck.
“Let us sit down for now.” He pointed at the two armchairs standing nearby, “and talk.”
Mista hid her confusion at this statement, and joined him quickly by the fireplace. Talking meant that the moment she both dreaded and hoped for would be delayed.
After a few moments of silence, the King finally spoke, his voice solemn, “We have found ourselves in quite unusual circumstances, My Lady. We have been joined in the eyes of Mahal and our people, and are expected to consummate our union. I believe, however, that the best course of action would be for us to wait until we… are better acquainted with each other.”
“Oh, I see…” she replied, taken aback. Something stung in Mista's chest. Was she that unalluring to him? She mustered all her strength to appear unmoved and quickly added, “That is very… thoughtful of you.” “I gathered that you may not feel too comfortable,” his throat bobbed as he looked away, “sharing your bed with someone you have only met for the first time yesterday.”
A surprised, nervous chuckle escaped her, but she stifled it quickly, “Are you jesting, My Lord?” “I am not certain I take your meaning.” He frowned. “We met for the first time in Tumunzahar, at the feast in honour of your family’s arrival to our city,” she explained, cheerily at first, and then — not so much as the signs of puzzlement became more pronounced on his face. The King, her newlywed husband, knitted his eyebrows together. A ball of ice began to grow in her stomach. 
Mista added, her voice barely audible, “And you… you asked me to dance.” “Did I, My Lady?” he tilted his head slightly and looked above her head, perhaps attempting to recall the event. “That must have been… eighty years ago?”
“One hundred and three,” she interjected quickly and then felt her cheeks burn instantly. “I wore a blue gown adorned with sweetwater pearls and you asked me about them. We discussed pearling; I believe you wanted to try it yourself in order to find a pearl for your sister.”
Recounting those long-gone events she treasured in her memory for so many years, she saw an absent expression on his face and the enthusiasm in her voice slowly died off. Mista had hoped that the King, Thorin, would easily recall how he laughed at her silly dragon story or the moment when he showed her how to make a raven out of her dance card to her mother’s utter bafflement. Sadly, the handsome features of his face said the opposite.
“My apologies, My Lady,” he replied, shaking his head slowly. “I am ashamed to say it, but I must admit that I cannot recall that particular event. It seems that too many years have passed since then.” Silence fell after his words and she lowered her gaze, clasping her hands on her lap to prevent them from shaking. Suddenly, in her well-warmed-up room, she felt cold.
“Forgive me, I seem to have forgotten my manners,” Thorin Oakenshield stood up swiftly and made a small bow. “I did not mean to imply that your age…” “No offence taken,” she swallowed the lump in her throat as he sat back down. “We are not younglings any more. You were correct, My Lord. That feast happened long ago. Anyone could have forgotten.”
Anyone. But not Mista. She kept on cherishing the memory of that meeting, and when she first heard about the offer of marriage, she could not believe her ears. She thought that perhaps Thorin Oakenshield remembered her fondly for all these years and… nevermind. It was clear that she was mistaken. He did not recall Mista at all. Why would he? She was simply one of the many uninteresting maidens he had danced with. Plain and easy to forget. So unlike her stunningly beautiful sister Adla who never learned the bitter taste of rejection; whose husband waited impatiently for their wedding night – and with whom Adla now had three sturdy sons.
Thorin Oakenshield drummed his fingers on the armrest of the chair but remained silent. Mista stared at the elaborate pattern of the carpet under her feet. Somewhere deep in the bowels of the mountain the mine bell struck for the third time since midnight when the King poured wine into two goblets that stood on the nearby table. Only then did he finally speak. “As you know very well, My Lady, this… marriage,” he said that last word with a hint of uncharacteristic hesitation, “was to serve several purposes. Did your father inform you about all the clauses of the contract before sending the proposal to me?”
Her eyes widened. 
“Before…? I do not understand. Were you not the one to offer the alliance between our houses, My Lord?” Thorin II, the King Under the Mountain, frowned, “The offer came from your father.” “Oh… I see,” her throat tightened. Her eyes pricked. “Were you not aware of this?” The King’s eyes searched Mista’s face. “Father spared me the details,” she admitted, trying to ignore the dull ache deep inside her that seemed to come in waves. It was not the first time Lord Tair, her father, did something of this sort, but she promised herself it would be the last time. The Lonely Mountain and the kingdom beneath it was beyond his reach. 
“I have been informed of the cornerstones of the deal: you give the Broadbeams of Tumunzahar the trade licences and I…” Mista swallowed. “I give you heirs.”
Somehow, she managed to keep her tone of voice casual. Her voice did not tremble this time. What a relief. Perhaps she was not as alluring as Adla, perhaps her husband — unlike Adla’s — was set on delaying the consummation of their marriage, but at least she kept her dignity intact. She would only need to hold in the tears until she was alone again. 
“That is indeed a very straightforward approach,” the King offered with a nod. “I understand that this must sound to you like a soulless contract, but rest assured that I aim to follow all the clauses of the agreement. And as the Queen Under the Mountain, Zabdûna undu ‘Urd you will be treated with the utmost respect due to the royal consort.” “Of course, My Lord, I did not expect anything less of you,” she uttered. He had been a true gentledwarf when they had met for the first time, after all. One hundred and three years ago. “Your reputation is that of an honourable Dwarf. That is why I agreed to this marriage.”
“Then I will strive to maintain it. May I reciprocate by saying that although I do not yet know you well as a person, your conduct gives you great credit. I admired how composed you were during the ceremony, but perhaps that is not a surprise, knowing that you come from such an ancient and noble house. And I have heard of your admirable work in the Blue Mountains. All those traits are exactly what the kingdom of ‘Urdêk needs from its Queen,” the King gave her a small smile.
“I am happy to hear it, My Lord,” she whispered, looking at her hands on her lap. Your admirable work. Warmth spread in her chest. “May I ask what ‘‘Urdêk’ means? I don’t think I am familiar with this word.”
“Forgive me, this is how we call this kingdom – our home within the Mountain,” he offered. “We do not often use it when talking with outsiders. But now, you are one of us, My Lady.”
Mista’s throat tightened, but she was somehow able to utter a handful of words. “Thank you, My Lord.”
“The task before us both,” the King continued, unaware of the sudden wave of emotions that washed over her, “is to serve the Kingdom Under the Mountain to the best of our ability. Our people will rely both on you and me now.”
Our people. You and me. Those words rang in Mista’s ears like the loudest mine bells after a discovery of a new gold deposit would.
“I will strive to learn my duties as fast as I can and help you with your work, my king,” she replied, feeling his gaze on her face, but unable to meet it.
“Perfect. Time is of the essence, so Lord Balin has taken the liberty to find a capable secretary for you. She will introduce you to the way things are run here. And if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask him. You can trust him – he taught me most of what I know about ruling this kingdom. He will be more than happy to offer his advice to you as well. There is a lot of work ahead of us; my wish is to make the Mountain fully habitable to our people as soon as possible.”
“You can count on me, My Lord,” she replied enthusiastically. “The people of ‘Urdêk, the Longbeards, the Broadbeams, and everyone else — our people — are returning and they deserve to find new homes here.”
“It brings me great joy to hear you say it, My Lady Mista,” the King took a goblet in his hand and raised it, as if to toast her, before taking a sip. “Once again the proverbial generosity of the Broadbeams turns out to be worth its weight in gold.”
“As you know, I have never visited Azsâlul'abad before, but I have heard many tales of its greatness of old. What I have seen so far only confirms these tales — and I wish to help return the Lonely Mountain to its former glory if I can.”
She looked timidly at the King from under her eyelashes and saw a flicker in his eyes as he peered at her.
“And I will do what I can for you to feel at home here, My Lady,” he gestured at their surroundings. “This kingdom is now yours as well.”
“You are very kind, My Lord,” Mista bowed her head reverently.
For a moment, they sat in silence. 
“Well, this was a productive conversation, My Lady,” he clapped his hand against his muscular thigh and then rose from his chair. “I will not impose myself upon you any further. You must be exhausted after today’s ceremonies. Allow me to bid you good night,” King Thorin, her husband, made a hasty bow and returned to his chambers.
The sound of the closing door echoed dully in the silence of her bedchamber.
For a long while, Mista stared blankly at the dark wooden surface behind which her newly wed husband disappeared, without even once addressing her as “wife”. She was barely aware of the tears that fell from her face onto the soft fabric of her nightgown. Even this elegant piece of clothing was not enough to make her alluring in the eyes of the King. If she only were as enticing as Adla…
It was Mista’s wedding night and she felt like the greatest fool in the world.
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✨ Chapter 1 (Prologue) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3... ✨ Entangled Masterlist 💙💙💙 Read it? Like it? Spread the love and reblog it! 💙💙💙
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
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Zoro and His Feelings with You (NSFW/FLUFF)
Black Fem Reader , because she calls Zoro “nigga”…like once…twice WC: 1.3K
CW: (un)Established Relationships, Soft Zoro, Implied Virginity Loss, Light Smut all together, Fluff, Zoro is shy about his feelings, Reader is described to have curly hair
@roronoaswifey Happy Birthday!✨(its still 9pm over here :(()
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“I’m not even that dirty.”
You’re never sure why Zoro always had this hate of putting some water on his body but you knew once you both started hanging out more he would either bathe with you or sleep somewhere else. As stubborn as he can be he did at least agree to two baths a week. The second only being if he needed it.
And after today he needed it.
“You smell like blood, sweats, and tears you are not sleeping with me.”
“It’s not even th—“
“Sleep outside I don’t give a damn.”
Ever since you and the bafoon became more closer in your situationship, Zoro deemed more clingy to you.
He always found himself around you, taking your hand to go somewhere, and even caught himself staring at you a few times. It was so awkward on his behalf.
Eventually you caught on to it. That he liked you more than a crewmate, but dammit he made it hard to talk to him about it. He was never great at expressing romantic feelings expect through his flustered cheeks when you tease him.
“I don’t need a -“
“Shut up you smell like 40 cans of bounce that ass—“
You move his face forward as he sits comfortably between your thighs in the hot water, he actually acted like a child, pouting while you washed his hair.
“You’re such a baby..” You said, rubbing harshly into his scalp, your acrylic nails scratching him just right he began to sink further into your touch. You heard him mumble a little with his head now laid softly on your breast.
“‘M not.”
“Are too.”
“Raise yo voice at me again, nigga.”
The bickering between you both continued. It was always like that between you both, one moment you’re cursing at him about how horrible his diet is, the next you’re debating about which alcoholic drink is the best.
But you loved it.
It felt, natural for you both to feel so comfortable, especially since you’ve been more than that a few months ago.
Which is why this was bothersome.
Because here you are: now facing him on his lap, naked in the water as he scrubs your chest, surprisingly no sexual intent behind it, just casual conversation as he touches your body. Washing your bare torso and cracking jokes.
“….I think if you just started working out with me I—oi—.”
He looked at your face, it was an unread look behind it, Zoro’s rasped voice helps you look at him with a crooked smile,
“You alright?"
You knew by saying yes you'd be just wasting his time and yours denying because he always managed to see through your bullshit. How could you hide the look though? You always happen to catch yourself thinking about Zoro and you when you're with or not with him.
"Aye--" His hands emersed from the water to hook his finger under your chin to look at him. His sudden boldness! You gasped, taking a second to look at his features, pretty skin, shining from the water, his beautiful dark grey eyes, the subtle indentations on the corner of his lips that form dimples when he laughs with you, his natural wet wavy hair attaching to his forehead.
And those lips,
those damned lips you--
So much, you missed so much from that night.
He was so surprisingly soft. The way he held you close, the way how though he was embarrassed he couldn't stop his body from moving on its own, the way he didn't leave a mark of your body unkissed.
He was so..
And you missed it.
"Common, speak to m--mph!"
You couldn't help yourself. You had to kiss him, there was no way he didn't want to be kissed if he was that close.
It may have been wrong, but then why did it feel so good? Why are his palms cupping your cheeks? Why is he breathing harshly but not letting go? Why did you feel Zoro deepen the kiss?
"I--" You both stuttered, Zoro's face couldn't get any redder.
"I'm so sorry." You spoke softly at him, his eyes as wide as can be, pupils small, and chewing at his lip.
It was so awkward between you both you wanted to rush out the tub, but instead--
"Fuck---" Zoro hummed into your mouth. You couldn't stop yourself not tonight, you felt his hands ghost over your spine to arch into him, your slit grazing against his hardening cock on his abdomen. Fuck, you missed the feeling of him.
If only you knew how much he missed the feeling of you too.
"w-w-wait wait. Zo-!" You moaned as his fingers tugged at your scalp, and the other down to your ass to give a tight squeeze to lift you a little on his muscular thigh while he nibbled lightly at your damp neck, pushing away your ginger curls. The room somehow felt hotter and steamier and though you didn't want it to end,--
"Z-zo....are w-we...ah-!"
"Are we what...?" He pulled back a little to look up at you, breathing out of his mouth.
You paused again, but Zoro wasn't having it, so he gave your butt a small swat underwater, "Are we what?”
"...Are we....together Zo...Like...in a relationship ..."
You nearly had the made choke on air. He laid back on the tub trynna straighten up, but failed horribly.
"You ask that now?"
"Yes now you ass. I just..."
"...I just haven't stopped thinking about that night we had together,...and how we got close, but....never done it again and most importantly....never...um..."
"...talked about us...I know." He looked to the left for a moment, wiped his flustered face and looked back at you, "....I have thought.....you know...about us too...and....I don't know I thought it can go unsaid that you'd be my woman now or something."
"....excuse you, you didn't even take me out on a date--"
"Those times we left the Merry together--"
"No nigga that wasn't a date that was us doing errands....but...you um....you....you said I'm yo woman?"
"Nah say it.."
Zoro scoffed, you both were now aware of each other's intention with moving forward in your relationship, but just for good measure you have to tease a bit, so you looked down to his brown blushing tip and rub your thumb on it earing a hiss from
your man.
"Common." You coo'ed in his ear now grabbing the base of his cock to slowly stroke up and down. "Say it."
"ah ah that's not nice....say...it." You applied more pressure to squeezing him, his hand gripped at your forearm, gritting his teeth. "Move your fucking hand, Zo. And say it or I stop."
"...you're my...fucking woman...pleasedontstop."
He sounded so pretty, his chest rising, you were satisfied with his answer enough to kiss him again stroking his cock, and now tugging his hair, his uncoordinated hand went from one breast to rub and pull on to the other as you slid your tongue his mouth.
Back like nothing left, the room got hot again, you began to grind on his thigh for more simulation for your clit, whining out his name brought a chill to his spine, he needed to hear more.
He took advantage knowing your sensitive areas from last time. His lips latch on to your breast and suckle.
“You! Ah! Fucker..” a choked out moan mixed with a giggle fall through your lips with him.
He was such a cocky bastard despite his red cheeks, his middle finger slightly circling your clit to push out the orgasm you been aching for, but
He stops. Admiring the angry pouty fucked out face you have from your stolen orgasm he pecks your bottom lip and suggests to finish in your room
Since you're his woman now.
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aeaesabella-hyv · 18 days
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) Teaser
Act 1: 𝘐𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦!
"Ohgeezohgeezohgeez!" A hurried Y/N began muttering out loud. Hurriedly pouring the freshly brewed coffee into a cup with such practiced ease but with a slight shake.
The coffee shop was never this packed before. A waitress rushing to place the perfectly made brews by the barista right on time and the correct table. Talking soon covered the whole room with a slow and steady hum.
Yet, Y/N is steady, but not slow.
Being understaffed, she was the only one working behind as her co-worker did the cashiering and the other did the serving duty. She made sure not to make a mess and made extra extra sure not to mistake a order or else she'll be dead.
"One order for Mikayla? Iced Americano please!" She rang out, ringing the bell to hopefully catch the attention of the so called 'Mikayla.'
A pretty girl stood up and got hers, thanking Y/N before leaving the store. Y/N felt a short happiness rush through as she heard the small thanks and continued back to her work.
Soon, the numbers began to dwindle down only leaving a small numbers. Three students and one elderly who was only eating salad.
Y/N sighed in relief as she was finally able to sit and rest her hands and feet. Although the ringing of the bell from the door rang out and Y/N was immediately shot back awake.
It was a tall man with wavy violet hair. This, combined with the gold laurel-like accessory on his head. Y/N was already tired and asked her friend who previously served to cover up, since there was less costumers.
Y/N went to the back and did a slight doze before her clock chimes. Trying to get the most amount of rest.
That was until only five minutes has passed and she was already hearing a complaint in her sleep.
"What is this? I ordered for a black coffee. I did not ask for this abomination." The guy with the violet hair said, placing the indeed black coffee on the counter. Xinshi, Y/N's co-worker trembled. "S-Sir! that is our best black coffee! took from the–" "Spare me your nonsense. Clearly, you do not know how to make a simple drink. Who is the one in charge of making all these?"
Y/N stepped out, still half high from her short doze. "Here.." she raises her hand up as she went over and took care of the problem. "What seems to be wrong about the drink sir?"
"Well, clearly this wasn't evenly poured. The fact I had to spit this out mid-way on my walk was absolutely unpleasant." The male complained.
"Well, sir. It says here on the register you ordered a Americano." She says, trying to be as nice as possible even with the stares from the students. The elderly long gone since then.
"Nonsense! I asked your.. friend directly for a black coffee. I am a busy and important man and I need coffee to start my day." He spat out, marking the friend part as if he despised the word.
"Oh, Xinshi~ Did you hear him say black coffee?"
"I-i.. I kinda heard it.. I must've mixed it up.. Im sorry Y/N.." Xinshi admitted.
"See? I won't have this tolerated. I expect a refund for my coffee."
— End of Teaser.
Description: ✨
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makemeadoll · 7 days
Here's my pinned thingy 💖
Well, there's not much to tell about me. I'm just a person who wants to experience being as far away from normality as possible ✨
Just to clarify:
⚪️ My goal is not bimbofication as usually portrayed in here. I like my brain, it works just fine and it's nice to be smart enough to make good enough choices while living in real life 🌸
Don't try making me stupid for the sake of it!!
⚪️ I simply want to be a doll! I want my mind to turn off when it's not needed and just see, feel and do what whoever is playing with me wants me to 🤭
I want to experience body transformations! Maybe one day my body is the perfect shape, perfect skin, perfect boobies and my hair is long and wavy and silky and gorgeous in any vibrant color possible, and another day I'm from another race or species or world hehe.
I want to forget I'm human and just feel pleasure and mindless obedience, because that's what I'm made for!
So, please:
• No hateful degrading stuff
• No shaming
• No threats
• No pushy messages
• No unsolicited pics
• No asking for pictures, videos or audios from me
• No IQ reduction or dumbification
✨Yes hypno files
✨Yes mantras & instructions
✨Yes inductions and hypnotic language
✨Yes spirals and cute mesmerizing visuals of any kind
✨Yes asks attempting to control me and make me a doll and experience new things
✨Yes erotic hypno stories
Sexy stuff is welcome and encouraged, just follow those guidelines and we'll get along nicely
Be imaginative and nice, and I promise I'll do my best to be the perfect doll for you 💖
(I'll probably modify this in the future as I get better with words and also more experience with Tumblr)
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notquitedeadpod · 4 months
Do you have any specific appearances in mind for Alfie, Casper and Neige? I'm so curious, even if it's just a vague idea or direction.
Hmm, yes and no. Really, the only canon way they look are their descriptions in the show. But there are some things to do with the way they look which I've given a lot of thought to which I'll kind of. Waffle about. These are not really canon things, though, and fall instead into a category of dubious canon, where bc I'm the author I can't really fully escape the implication that everything I say about these little guys has more authorial power, but also this is stuff that's not necessarily consistent or anything that would come up within the show itself.
In the beginning I wasn't really thinking much about how Cas looked beyond the fact he has a lot of very dark, curly and wavy hair, which he should probably take better care of but just doesn't have the emotional bandwidth. I don't think he'd ever cut it off, though, it's important to him. Besides his hair and the angularness of his features, he changes in my head when I picture him in my head. Pretty consistently he has kind of medium toned skin, which you get the impression would be a lot darker if he was able to be in the sun more. When he does go out in it now, he tans fast and gets an extraordinary amount of freckles. He has brown eyes and very angular features, a long nose, a sharp brow. He's tall, ish, but not massively so. He has kind of a medium build, he clearly takes care of his body, but it's all for function, not for looks. He dresses in a way that's not exactly untidy, but I think he sort of just. Puts clothes on his body rather than carefully dressing himself in outfits, if you know what I mean?
By contrast, Neige is small, below average height, and his features are sort of soft and androgynous. His hair is pale gold and very well looked after. He likes to keep it cropped in a similar style to that you see on greek statues, but he has been known to let it grow longer if that's fashionable. There's an almost cherubic softeness to him, in my head. His hair and his skin, all shades of gold, but his eyes are a very striking blue, so when his kill drive is activated and they turn red, it's very noticeable. It totally shifts the colour tone of his face from angellic/ethereal to earthen and fiery. Neige also ✨gets dressed✨ like he is going for a look pretty much whenever he's choosing clothes. Is he fashionable in the sense that he's on trend? Fuck no. But there's something bold and stylish about him, having just decided to put on whatever he thinks makes him look hottest. I think he's accutely aware of his prettiness and sees it as a potential power. He uses his clothes to accentuate that where he can. Basically, for Neige, his body is first and foremost a tool, and you ought to keep your tools in the best condition possible so they can be functionally optimised.
Because I think of the show from Alfie's perspective, his appearance is the least developed. I think he has a lot of issues with his looks, but he's not hateful of himself. He's like. An average amount of good looking. He puts time and effort into how he styles himself when he has the energy to, but there hasn't been a lot of time for that since the events of the show started, poor lamb. He has mousy brown hair which he thinks is boring, a lot of freckles.
I hope that was at least fun if not necessarily informative!!!
--- Eira xxx
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✨🌟💫Golden Trio DR💫🌟✨
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<{ • First Name: Mars • }> <{ • Middle Name: Fynn • }> <{ • Last Name: Black • }> <{ • Nickname(s): None • }> <{ • Age: 16 • }>
<{ • Pronouns: He/Him • }> <{ • Gender Identity: Genderfluid TransGuy • }> <{ • Romantic Orientation: Gay Demiromantic • }> <{ • Sexual Orientation: Gay Fraysexual • }> <{ • Other Orientations: Ambiamorous; Homoqueerplatonic • }>
<{ • Parent(s): Sirius Black and Remus Lupin • }> <{ • Sibling(s): None • }> <{ • Other Family Member(s): Harry Potter (god-brother)(cousin); Draco Malfoy (cousin); Other Unnamed Family Members • }> <{ • GodParent(s): James Potter and Peter Pettigrew • }> <{ • Partner(s): Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Best Friend(s): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Fred Weasley; George Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • Friend(s): None • }> <{ • Dormmates: Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy; Blaise Zabini; Freddie Lilac • }>
<{ • Hogwarts House: Slytherin • }> <{ • Wand Type: Hawthorn, 11”, and Thunderbird Tail Feather • }> <{ • Abilities: Expert at Legilimency • }>
<{ • Description: Wavy Black Hair (wolfcut, i use it sm i know, but i love it); Black eyes; Lean, muscular body; Top and Bottom surgery scars; Several scars all over body; Oval face; Sharper jawline • }> <{ • Style: sweatshirts and sweatpants; baggy jeans; converse sneakers; flowy black and white shirts; lots of jewelry (rings in particular); tons of piercings • }> <{ • Positive Trait(s): Intelligent; Sarcastic; Good memory; Witty; Funny; Quiet; Book-ish; Creative • }> <{ • Negative Trait(s): Whiny; Anxious and Depressed; Tired always; Easily Overstimulated • }>
<{ • Hobbies: Chaos-making with the Twins; Potion and Spell-making with the Twins; Poetry; Painting; Searching the Hogwarts Grounds to add more sections and rooms to the Map; Reading • }> <{ • Likes: Food; Sleep; Spending time with cousin; Working out; The Library • }> <{ • Dislikes: Bullies; Schoolwork; Bedtime; Boredom; Time away from partner and besties • }> <{ • Favorite Class(es): Potions and Divination • }> <{ • Least Favorite Class(es): Astronomy • }>
<{ • Pet(s): Ferret (GreenBean) • }> <{ • Extra: Schoolwork is easy and I can always get it done quickly; Voldemort and the Death Eaters (or any alternatives of those) do not exist; Sirius, Remus, James, Regulus, Peter, they all live and they’re all good; Cannot die; Cannot get significant trauma there; None of my family or friends can die • }>
<{ • Schedule • }>
<{ • 6:00 AM-7:00 AM: Breakfast Time • }> <{ • 8:00 AM-9:00 AM: Potions • }> <{ • 9:00 AM-9:30 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • 9:45 AM-10:45 AM: Charms • }> <{ • 10:45 AM-11:15 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • 11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Herbology • }> <{ • 12:30 PM-1:30 PM: Lunch Break • }> <{ • 1:40 PM-2:40 PM: DADA • }> <{ • 2:40 PM-3:10 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 3:20 PM-4:20 PM: Divination • }> <{ • 4:20 PM-4:50 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 5:00 PM-6:00 PM: Magical Creatures • }> <{ • 6:00 PM-7:00 PM: Dinner Time • }> <{ • 7:10 PM-8:10 PM: History • }> <{ • 8:10 PM-9:00 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 9:10 PM-9:40 PM: Astronomy • }> <{ • 9:40 PM-12:00 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • Curfew: 12:00 AM • }>
<{ • Classes • }>
<{ • Potions (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Charms (Ravenclaws and Slytherins): Luna Lovegood; Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • Herbology (Hufflepuffs and Slytherins): Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • DADA (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Divination (Slytherins and Ravenclaws): Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Magical Creatures (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • History (Hufflepuffs and Slytherins): Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Astronomy (Slytherin and Ravenclaws): Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }>
<{ • Me In This DR (Picrew Form) • }>
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brazilianreader · 28 days
Lisa Cuddy's hair
In addition to Cuddy's beauty, intelligence and natural air of sensuality, one of the things I like most about her is her hair.
But I can't choose which one is my favorite (definitely not the one with bangs, it gives me triggers at the best of times)
Cuddy starts the series with long, straight hair, I theorize that it's due to the strong global trend that “beautiful hair is straight hair” that was on the rise during the 90s/00s (a tremendous idiocy that only made millions of women feel feel bad about themselves, but let's not focus on that issue now)
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After the fringe hairstyle in S5 (oh, and here I am talking about it again), I really don't like the hair in Ep Piloto, not for a specific reason but what came after was much better, I'm also grateful that they evolved in the Show's Hair Department.
I think straight hair at the back is very beautiful and here we have it ✨ wavy hair ✨
I don't know if “wavy hair” is the right term, but that's what we call it in Brazil.
It turns out that this hair does things to me, she looks so stunning and has so much personality when she has this hair (haha, it makes me look like Addison Montgomery at first, I absolutely love Addison's hair in her debut on Grey's Anatomy)
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rizykim · 1 month
Found you / Kim Sunno
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Pairing: Prince Sunoo × Princess Aliona (Instead of y/n and cause this is for a friend ✨)
Summary: Aliona is mated by the higher ups for the future of the kingdom and the only way to find their partner is by attending a ball. She was upset about how she wouldn't be able to be with her real lover since childhood but for her surprise it was him.
Word count: over 1K (Didn't check,sorry ;-;)
Warning: Fluff,angst and crying
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"Your highness..." The maid called out from behind the door along with three knocks,gaining my attention from my trail of thoughts "It's time..." She said as the princess sighed heavily. A sad frown decorating her beautiful features painted with a light touch of makeup to bring the best of her beauty. Her hair styled to a lovely wavy bun with white pearls from the purest of bays. Her body wrapped in the most expensive fabric, tailored by the best Taylor of the kingdom. Light yet worthy jewellery on her neck and ears,representing her status. Her hands covered in silk gloves to complete the whole dress. She looked breathtaking. Almost unbelievable of how she looks perfect as if from a painting.
She stood up,adjusting her pink poofy dress,grabbing her white mask,a brief moment of looking at it with bored eyes "And so,my fate is decided by a pathetic mask" she tsked,annoyed of how a mere piece of face coverage gets to decide who she will have to spend the rest of her life with.
It has been a custom since the earliest of the era,the royalty heirs-who does not have anyone in mind to get engaged with are set up with an yearly ball. The kings and queens;their parents choose their partner after a negotiation with the other family and sends their child a matching mask to which they must wear at the ball to find their partner.
As childish and fun it sounds,Aliona despises her parents for setting her up instead of giving her a chance to reveal who is in her heart. The mere thought of not being able to spend the rest of her life with him makes her heart break into a million bits. Her eyes tearing up,almost spilling out of her painted eyes but she didn't let them fall.
'I am the future leader of the kingdom my mother and father put their heart and soul into bringing this towns people to wealth. I can't let them down. I will find a way to be with him' She consoled herself with deep breaths, tarring her eyes away from the mask as she put it on her face,tying the ribbon behind her head tightly as she huffed a breath out one last time before her fine heels clicked against the marble tiles to the door,leaving to her carriage.
At the ball,the first thing she saw the moment she entered the grand venue was the already matching couples dancing and talking with smiles. Happy of finding their mate. She scanned the area,the light traditional instrumental playing in the background, gorgeously dressed couple of various kingdoms already begining to elegantly away with the melody.
Aliona couldn't help but to picture herself with him,dancing just like this 'but that would take a lot longer to happen' she told herself walking through the room,in search of her specific other.
She looked wherever her heels took her to but there was no site of her own mask. She huffed,starting to feel annoyed of how she'd have to search for her mate-when she felt a small tap on her shoulder. With curiosity,she turned her head to see a dashing prince,dressed in all white along with his hair which was stilt with a ravishing slick. Her eyes widened slightly realizing that he had the other mask.
"Good evening m' lady" he said in a polite manner and bowed with one hand behind him. Aliona felt his heart accelerating,she felt a rush of all sorts of emotions she couldn't understand. Fear? Anger? Relief? She couldn't pinpoint it "G-good evening" She said briefly,her voice almost cracking if it wasn't for her looking away and offering her hand. He took it gladly and laid a tender kiss on her hand that she felt like a electric feeling was sent through her body at.
"Mind for a dance?" He requested,his arm extended in asking for her hand. With hesitant movement,she let her hand come in contact with his hand as he pulled her to the center of the room,his hand finding it's way to her waist while the other interlocked fingers as their bodies collided with the melody.
Both of them starred into each other's eye closely,observing every detail of their faces and masks,taking in the fact that the person Infront of them is indeed their fated other.
"You look beautiful tonight my lady" He complimented with a smile,his round soft like cheeks spreading at how he smiled so vividly. Aliona looked away,not pleased with how a man other than who she loved finds her beautiful.
"Is something...wrong?" He asked worriedly,his smile dropping with sadness of how his words were ignored.
"No...nothing is wrong..." She said stopping her steps,letting go of her grip on his hand and shoulder and stepped back "I-I need to step out a little" She said quickly,still avoiding eye contact and left.
The man reached his hand out and was about to speak when she had already left through the doors to the front garden.
The princess hugged herself to keep herself warm from the chilly breeze. Her eyes admired the starry night above the grassy lands. Her feet lightly walked along the small stone path leading to the big stilt lake.
Another tired sigh left her tinted lips. Her heart feeling heavier with every thought about him. The heir of another kingdom. Prince Sunoo of I-Land.
They were kids of 6-7 when they first met at a gathering. Sunoo was being the little mischievous boy he is and was running around in the open field while both families talked over matters. No one was paying attention to him as he ran through the lavender fields. Everyone was occupied under the big tree,gathered around a table to discuss matters while the little girl was giggling to herself watching him when suddenly a yelp came from him as he disappeared.
Worry took over the girl as she stood up and rushed to the last place she last saw the boy. She tried her best to scurry herself through the flowers to see him on the ground. Holding his wounded knee and in tears.
That was when her sweet gesture of helping him to calm down by giving him her precious candy that everyone knew the little princess was too greedy of sharing. He was stunned,his crying came to a stop seeing her hand him her candy without any hesitation. He was surprised if how the grumpy girl was being thoughtful.
Ever since that day,they have grown closer and closer. Playing,studying,sharing their happiness and sadness with each other always. It was platonic and pure untill they grew up. Sunoo was the first to confess which took Aliona by surprise but she didn't hurt his feelings by turning him down, because she had also developed feelings for him too.
But, unfortunately it didn't last long since he had to travel far from home for family matters. 5 years,5 torturous years went by with only occasional letters sent between the 2 lovers. It was shattering when the princess heard she had been mated with a man she doesn't acknowledge.
"Seems like you have a lot on your mind princess" A voice suddenly spoke from behind, gaining her attention as she looked behind to see the man she is paired with.
The princess stayed silent. Ignoring his presence to adore the night view of the slow breeze on the water, wavering so peacefully. The moon shining down on the surface,bringing the whole scenery togeather.
"Alright..." The prince nodded his head in understanding her silence.
"Why are you so upset princess?" He voiced out,only to hear nothingness.
"I thought you'd be happy to hear my voice again"
"And why would I? Do I know you? I think not" The princess sassed with tone.
"Oh,have you forgotten me already?" He said "I'm sorry,do I know you?" She repeated with emphasis,looking at him.
"Indeed,I was one of the few people you let to be at your side" He announced with a smile which only confused the princess even more.
"Sorry but I don't remember letting anyone associate with me closely" She said turning around to leave when he spoke up again,making her stop at her tracks "Says the little arrogant princess that shared her precious strawberry candy with me once. Hm,that was such a long time ago" she turned around to face him. He was facing the lake,his perfect skin glimmering under the moonlight along with his white medieval wear. The golden bordering showing itself more detailed under the light.
She would be lying if she said she doesn't find him attractive,but her heart has already chosen her other and refuses to comply against her decision.
"Beg your pardon?" She waited,hoping for him to continue whatever he is trying to imply on.
"I think we were around at the age of six or seven if I remember correctly. I still remember the worry face you made. That was the moment I began loving you within my heart" He said,slowly turning around to face the princess with his tender smile still decorating his lips. He connected his eyes with her confused ones. He chuckled to himself 'She is still adorable' he thought to himself and reached his hands to his head. Untying the dark blue silk cord of his mask and removed it.
The princesses face dropped,an audible gasp making it's way out of her tinted lips. She was at disbelief. She was awestruck. She felt like her eyes were betraying her. Her heart felt like thousands of emotions were swirling inside of her,but none of them-she could express nor point out.
"It's been a while, princess" His words began to make her heart beat. A feeling she lost with him back then,came back to her. She was still shocked in place. Her hand slowly made it's way towards his face to feel if he's actually there or if she's dreaming,when he took ahold of her hand and snuggled it against one of his plush-like cheeks. His eyes falling at the warm sensation.
"Is...is it really you?" She happens to voice out meekly.
"Who else would it be,my love?" The small smile along with his loving tone set it off for her. With a slick move,she threw away her mask and hugged him tightly. Her arms wrapping around his torso as she started to sob into his chest.
"Aliona,oh dear don't cry hm? Please don't cry" One of his arms found it's way around her small shoulders while the other patted her head dearly. He wasn't expecting such a reaction from her. He hated seeing her cry ever since they were kids and seeing her do so because of him pained his heart.
"How can I not cry dummy! How-how could you do this to me! I was beyond the verge of losing myself for how I would have to engage to a man I don't love and you,you are here playing tricks at me!" She yapped through her sobs,slightly hitting his chest in anger.
"Aw my deepest apologies my love,I didn't mean to hurt you. I only wanted to make an appearance when you least expected it to" He said holding her close to him. A smile spread on his lips with realization of the moment. He was finally back and was at the moment of holding his dear beloved in his secure arms.
"Aliona...Thank you...for still holding onto me. I thought you would have long forgotten me and moved on with another man. But I was wrong. You held onto me" He said making her look at him with his thumb and index under her chin.
"How can I ever forget you? You were my first and I wanted you to be my last for a reason Sunoo..." He brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear,looking more closely at her long waited beautiful face.
"I apologize again for making you sad. I really am hm?" He said staring into her eyes,his hand resting at the side of her face,holding her like she was the most fragile of all he ever made contact with. His eyes were beginning to tear up with a mixture of many emotions. Happiness, sadness,glad and most important of all,the feeling of finally having her by his side.
"it is not a problem,what matters is that your back" She said,a tear rolling down her cheek as she smiles brightly at him. Sunoo wipes it away with his fingers,hating the sight of seeing her cry.
"I am so ashamed of myself for making you cry Aliona,I feel so guilty-"
"No no, don't" She cut him off,shaking her head "It-it was alright. I mean it,all I care is that your here now"
"I promise,I won't make you cry again once you're my princess" He said kissing her forehead. His heart was still feeling heavy with regret.
"You know I love you so much princess. I really really do. I came back just for you. I was ready to see you with a different another,as long as you were happy and safe-when I heard the rumours of us being paired,I was more than thankful. I rushed back to the kingdom as fast as I could,just so I could prepare myself to present Infront of you. I thought I almost lost you"
"No,never...I won't ever leave you" She said with a laugh making the latter laugh along. Their foreheads connected as they laughed at their silly moment. Both of them were in tears but were happy and laughing.
"I love you so much Aliona...I love you...I love you..." He repeated a few times,his thumb caressing her cheek.
"I love you too Sunoo...I love you with all my heart" She said staring deeply at his eyes when he pulled away. He took a breif moment to admire her beauty once more.
"If you don't mind,may I have the permission to kiss my beloved?" He asked in a joking tone to which she nodded her head and before any other thought could cross her mind,she felt his soft lips land on hers. Their long awaited love of years,where now finally flowing through their hearts.
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livealittleoc-cb · 9 months
Small Update!
The drawing in Joo’s section is drawn by his faceclaim and credits go to him!
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✨: It’s been a nice morning~ I woke up early and actually felt refreshed, I’ve decided to cut down a bit on work and have been focusing on my tattoo stuff. I also been trying to get more sleep- *chuckles* I’m currently working on a back piece for a regular client.~ I’m glad to see them coming around and I’m excited to do another back piece, they’re my favorite thing to tattoo~
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🍹: I’ve been having such a good week~ I went back to Germany to meet with an old school friend along with my cousin! This is the last pictures I took before I came back home from meeting them and I will say I had the best cameraman 🫣 *laughs* He made sure I didn’t fall and told me stupid stories from when we were in school to make sure I smiled in all my pictures 🤣 In all I had a great time back at my hometown 🥰
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💀: One thing people might not know about me is that I like football or soccer I prefer tennis but don’t tell me brothers- *ruffles her own hair a little* I don’t have a favorite team so my brothers constantly give me jerseys of their favorite teams so…I’m repping one now~ *grins* But yes I went back to Spain, in the human side of the map, for a bit to meet my brothers and dad there so we can watch a local game along with watching some bullfighting, to my distaste- *rolls her eyes with a huff* off topic though, I straightened my hair~ It looks great I think, a lot better then when it’s all wavy~
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @divineblood-cb @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @3rachabot @san-cb @jinju-oc @hoteldelluna-rp @enhanced-cb @camboys-com @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @multeez-cb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @neonvandalsxcb @doom-bc @hybrid-babies @hearthstone-apothecary @theboys-oc @bikerxskz @richkids-cb @seokmin-cb @vandalxhyunjin @sk-cb [DM + / -]
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jokerislandgirl32 · 5 months
Zach and Violet Kiddo Refs!!! Vera Edition!
Well, I already gave you Varina’s details, so now it’s time to share the details about Vera! Zach and Violet’s second oldest daughter! I am putting a cut below because it’s a lot again! Please note there are mentions of pregnancy and drinking, but they are only implied/ minor mentions!
Feel free to ask any additional questions about Vera!
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Vera Vanica Varmitech
The Basics:
Birthday: December 14th, 2019 (4 years younger than Varina)
Drinking, A Fashion Show, and a Christmas Wish: Violet and Zach had been told they never would be able to have another child after Varina’s traumatic birth, but they wanted more children and Varina kept asking for a little sibling every year for Christmas…until her wish finally came true. Vera is the product of a wild night at one of Donita’s fashion shows when Zach and Violet were there to provide security (Zach’s Zachbots) and entertainment (Violet sang in the show). Donita gave them a little too much to drink….and Vera happened…As such, Donita often claims Vera as her own child, and they form a very strong bond.
Name Meaning: Vera - True; Vanica - Gift of God. Named for the fact that she was a true gift from God (see section above 😊). It should be noted that her name is pronounced “Vaira,” Zach and Violet collectively agreed that they hated “Veara” as a pronunciation.
Nicknames: Ve (By Zach and her siblings), Ve-Bee (By Martin), My Protégée (By Donita)….others to be added?
Physical Features:
Hair Color/Type: Dark Brown, but a shade lighter than Varina’s; long hair, but not as long as Varina’s - it goes to the bottom her rib cage; her hair is naturally wavy/has lose curls. She prefers to style it in a ponytail, down, with headbands and hair accessories, or with braids.
Eye color/ Shape: Emerald Green, round - they look just like Zach’s eyes. She uses darker eye makeup (browns and greens) to accentuate her eye color.
Signature Colors: Lime Green, Rose Pink, Black, and ✨Sparkle ✨
Style: Girly-Chic, preppy, formal, high fashion (she’s a girly-girl and complete fashionista).
Height: 5’4” - She’s taller than both Violet and Varina, something she likes to tease them about 😂.
She has Violet’s face structure: a muted triangle, she has Violet’s lips, she has Zach’s nose, she has pierced ears - two sets of piercings to be exact, and she has a mixture of Zach and Violet’s builds. She has a fair skin tone that is somewhere in between her father’s and mother’s, but it is a bit darker than Varina’s. As a child she had freckles.
Personality/ Relationships:
Personality: Sassy, sweet, caring, creative, intelligent, devoted, determined, ambitious, confident. Vera has Zach’s drive and determination, and Violet’s sassy attitude and heart. Vera is the type of person who knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to put in the work or effort to achieve her goals. This does not mean that she’s heartless though, she never wants to hurt or harm anyone with her actions, so she tries to ensure that everyone she works with or associates with is treated fairly and is comfortable with her and her decisions. She goes the extra mile to make sure those around her are loved and cared for.
Relationships With Family: She’s a total daddy’s girl and mommy’s girl. She is a loving sister to all of her siblings. Given her position as one of the older children, she does take on more of a caring role toward her younger brothers and Victoria, but nothing like Varina’s motherly role. She’s more of the older, wiser, fun sister they can come to about anything with no fear of judgment. She has the strongest relationships with Varina and Vallen, they both, in many ways, are her best friends.
Love Interest/Future Family: Due to the demands of her career, Vera does not pursue love until later in her life, she is well into her 20s when she finally decides to start dating, and even then love finds her unexpectedly. When visiting with the Wild Kratts crew on break from her touring schedule, she becomes reacquainted with a fellow Wild Kratts Kid, Nolan (please note I only ship her with the fictional version of Nolan, not the actual person, and I only ship them together as adults).
As children they were great friends, but once they are adults their friendship blossoms into a romance. I imagine that once Vera is in her 30s she decides she wants to start a life with Nolan. She still performs locally and releases music from time to time, but does not tour. Nolan is very supportive of her career and encourages her constantly, being so proud of the fact that she uses the proceeds of her career to help others and animals (see section below for more info).
They marry and have a couple children together (I feel like a boy and girl 😊). She and Nolan, along with Vallen and some other former Wild Kratts kids, eventually take over the Wild Kratts organization, carrying on the legacy of the original Wild Kratts Crew (@creativegenius22 helped me figure out the relationship/dynamic between Vera and Nolan! Thank you!).
Zach’s reformed by this point, but he still grips about the fact that his daughter married a Wild Rat and is a Wild Rat, so a similar reaction as he had with Varina and JJ.
Special Talents/ Future Career: Vera is very intelligent like her parents, and while she thrived academically in school (always making the honor roll and getting good grades), she decided to channel her creativity for her career. She is a skilled pianist, singer, and gymnast, and she excels in ballet and lyrical dance. When she became a teenager she decided she wanted to pursue a career as a musician. Much like Violet, she gets started locally around her home, performing in talent shows, etc.
Donita observes Vera’s talent and decides to take her on as a model and performer for her fashion shows (at this point Donita has stopped using animals for fashion), just like she did with Violet. This is Vera’s start and she gains a strong fan base. After a couple years she decides to go out on her own, but is nervous to perform alone.
Vallen had joined her many times when she worked for Donita, so once he graduated from high school, they form a sibling duo group much like Velvet and Veneer. They often donate many of the proceeds from their shows to animal conservation and cancer foundations; in particular they help donate to the Kratt Brother’s Animal foundations. They perform together for a few years, then Vallen quits to pursue a career in zoology, at which point Vera comfortably becomes a solo musician.
A Few of Her Favorite Things/Fun Facts:
Christmas and Valentine’s Day are her favorite holidays. Even though she doesn’t have a romantic love interest to celebrate Valentine’s Day for many years, she just loves love and enjoys the day with her loved ones.
She typically consumes a pescatarian vegetarian diet, loving fruits, vegetables, fish/seafood, bread, and sweets. She will eat red and white meat on occasion, but it is rare, it typically only happens at holidays if it’s a dish she really likes.
Music: She love boy bands and pop music, some of her favorites are … Britney Spears, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Michael Jackson, Big Time Rush, The Wanted, Conor Maynard, Halsey, and Melanie Martinez.
Animals/Nature: She love all animals, but her favorites are nearly any type of bird (humming birds, cardinals, peacocks, doves are just a few of her favorites), butterflies, dragonflies, big cats, domestic cats, rabbits, pandas. She also loves all types of flowers, but roses are her favorite flower. Spring and winter are her favorite seasons.
She is not as outdoorsy as her other siblings, she, like Zach, prefers to stay indoors, but she will go outside and enjoy nature when the weather is nice. She becomes a Wild Kratts kid early on.
She loved Sofia the First as a child, and other classic Disney movies and shows, like all the princess movies: Princess and the Frog is her favorite animated movie. Another interesting show she enjoyed was Green Acres: she loved Mrs. Douglas’s sense of fashion. She absolutely loved the High School Musical Series, Ryan and Sharpay being her favorite characters. She also loved Trolls…especially Velvet and Veneer 😂. My, my, wonder why she became a fashionista and singer…
That’s all I can think of for now, I’ll start on the twins next! Victor will be up first!
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lathalea · 1 year
For the Sweet Bingo, hopefully no one else has thought to ask for kissing on a ferris wheel and Thorin. I think it could be interesting if Yrsa somehow made an appearance. I do love her! Ultimately, it is your playground. Hopefully the muses are kind. Happy writing!
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Hello hello @sweetestgbye! Guess what, it's finally happened, here is your request for the Sweet and Spicy Bingo by @fellowshipofthefics-- sorry it took so long and enjoy! :)
Relationships: Thorin x Yrsa (from Blame it on Cider)
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Author's notes: A modern take on Thorin and Yrsa's relationship. Since @sweetestgbye gave me a free hand with picking a Sweet and Spicy Bingo prompt, I chose "soulmates".
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“Are you crazy, Thorin? I’m not getting up there!” Yrsa huffed and stomped her foot. And stomping her feet while wearing those new ruby-red high heels was a very difficult thing to do. But she was on a date with the hottest guy at the uni, a.k.a. Thorin Thrainsson, a.k.a. her boyfriend, and she just had to look her best. Especially since today he wore his hair (his amazing hair!) loose and he smiled at her with that soft little smile of his that softened his features, and looked at her with his dreamy blue eyes… making her knees unusually weak. But she was sure the cider they had just been drinking was at least partially to blame. She took another sip and stole a glance at the huge Ferris wheel, the newest–and biggest–attraction of the local amusement park. No, she was most certainly not getting up into that monstrosity, even though everyone in her home town kept on talking about how great it was. For a whole week Yrsa tried to ignore all the Instagram pictures or TikToks everyone kept on posting: “Look, this is me on the Ferris wheel!” “This is me and my bae kissing on the Ferris wheel!” “My doggo takes a ride with me on the Ferris wheel!” “Cute baby’s first time on the Ferris wheel!” “Mikey gets sick again on the Ferris wheel!”
Somehow, Yrsa did not think it was great at all.
“I got us tickets for the midnight ride, see?” Thorin took out four green tokens from the pocket of his leather jacket and purred seductively. “We’ll have the whole pod only for us. It's a full moon tonight, just think how romantic it will be: you, me, the moonlight in your fiery hair…”
“Thorin Thrainsson, I know exactly what you’re doing and sweet-talking me won’t work!” Yrsa poked her finger into his chest (very hard chest, she might add, and a very enjoyable one too, especially when not covered with that black rock band t-shirt he was currently wearing. She was referring, of course, to how well-defined his muscles were. She needed to see his bare chest often. For science. She needed to pass her anatomy exams somehow, right?), “I refuse to become one of the slaves of the consumerist society and go on this ride to hell! Besides, we can do so many other things, like go for a walk in the park…”
“At midnight? I thought you didn’t like that cemetery nearby,” Thorin furrowed his brow.
“Well… true, but still… We have options! Lots and lots of them! And all of them are on the ground!”
“Yrsa,” Thorin murmured, his half-lidded eyes cast a smouldering glance at her. “I know you’re not a fan of heights, but I’ll be with you all the time, holding your hand, just like I do now. You will be fine. I promise.”
Yrsa looked at their joined hands and then back at Thorin’s face. Very handsome face. And that wavy hair of his, dark as the night around them. And the way his lips moved… and she knew what these lips were capable of doing when they were alone. And they would be very much alone during the ride on the Ferris wheel. She swallowed.
No, Yrsa had to stand her ground.
“I won’t be fine! Can you imagine me hanging in the air, 300 feet above ground? It’s not natural!” She waved her hand emphatically, her ruby-red nail polish sparkling in the lamplight.
“I thought that this could be something special,” his rumbly voice reached her ears despite the hustle and bustle of the amusement park around them. “It’s our first anniversary, after all…”
“Oh. Is it? Yes, you’re right! How could I forget? it’s August, and our first kiss was at that wedding… You were so unbelievably grumpy, remember?” She chuckled.
“Only because you kept on brushing me off all day long!” Thorin grunted.
“I was just after a messy breakup,” Yrsa sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m still ashamed of how much I’ve drunk that night. But I’m glad you hadn’t given up on me then.”
“It’s not often I wake up next to a gorgeous woman who insists I’m her soulmate and then falls back to sleep, drooling on my chest…” “Hey!” Yrsa protested.
“... in a very cute and feminine way, of course,” Thorin grinned.
“Nice save!”
“Thank you,” Thorin made a mock bow, making Yrsa giggled and took another sip of cider from her paper cup.
“One year already, huh?” She hummed. “Our anniversary. I’m sorry, I feel so stupid, I should have remembered…”
“You remember all the Latin names of the bones in the human body and I remember the important dates and appointments. That’s how we roll, right?” Thorin pulled her close so that she was facing him now.
“Right,” she pecked him on his bearded cheek. It smelled like cider, strawberry ice-cream, and that sandalwood fragrance she had given him for Christmas. “Has anyone told you you’re the sexiest mechanical engineering student I’ve ever met?”
“Not often enough,” he rumbled, his lips drifting towards hers, but Yrsa tilted her head back.
“Am I not getting my one year anniversary kiss?” Thorin frowned.
“It depends,” Yrsa wrinkled her nose. 
“On whether we are going on that contraption from hell,” she pointed at the said contraption moving in a steady, circular, and slightly sickening motion above them.
“Yes, we are,” Thorin said with conviction.
“No, we aren’t,” Yrsa said with conviction.
“So… are you withholding kisses from me? It’s blackmail!”
“It’s called a self-preservation instinct!”
“Yrsa. The Ferris wheel is safe. I swear. It’s brand new, it passed all the tests—I was helping with the fatigue tests, remember? You will be alright!” Thorin squeezed her hand. 
“I won’t!” Yrsa shook her head. 
“Look at that kid, he just got off the Ferris wheel and he’s beaming!” “It’s Mikey Dorisson, he’s going to puke.”
“No, he’s not, he’s… oh. Well.”
“I told you.”
“But his sister looks happy!”
“Because she’s just uploaded another TikTok vid of him puking,” Yrsa scowled.
“Well, you won’t puke!”
“Because I’m not going!” “Even if I ask you to close your eyes so that I can give you one kiss for every minute we’re up there?” Thorin purred, pecking the tip of her nose. “Hmmm… how about one kiss every ten seconds?” Yrsa batted her eyelashes innocently. “That can be…” Thorin started.
“What’s up, bro? Hiya, Yrsa!” A dark-haired teenager in a worn, navy blue baseball cap waved at them.
“Frerin! What are you doing here?” Thorin growled.
“I came to see how you were doing! Yrsa, have you said ‘yes’?” Frerin gesticulated excitedly.
“He meant the Ferris wheel,” Thorin interjected, but Yrsa clearly saw the deadly stare he directed at his younger brother.
“I don’t— Ouch!” Frerin made a jump. “Ah, yeah. Right. Sure. I meant the Ferris wheel. So, are you going?”
“I’m not sure. I haven’t prepared my last will yet,” Yrsa whispered conspiratorially, making him laugh.
“I wouldn’t go if I were you,” Frerin replied with a glint in his eye. “Can you imagine spending so much time alone with my big bro? He’ll probably start telling you everything about the centrifugal force and all that other boring stuff! And what if you catch a cold? It’s very windy up there, you know. Oh, and…”
“Shut up, Frerin,” Thorin groaned, clenching his fists.
“Actually, Thorin was about to bribe me with some cotton candy…” Yrsa stated.
“Were I now?” Thorin’s eyebrow travelled up his forehead. Slowly.
“Yes, you were, “ Yrsa exclaimed enthusiastically. “Cotton candy and that big white teddy bear from the Mirkwood Shooting Gallery.”
“You know how I hate that stuck-up guy who runs the place,” Thorin sighed with a frown.
“But the teddy bear is sooo cute!” She batted her eyelashes again. It always worked. “Please?”
“Well…” Thorin hummed, but Yrsa knew him well enough to know she had already won. 
“And you better keep on hugging me all the time we’re up there,” she wrapped her arms around his upper arm and pecked his cheek. “Deal?”
“Deal!” Thorin pulled her into his arms and kissed her right on her lips, most probably ruining her ruby-red lipstick, but at that very moment she did not really care. She could never say no to his kisses. So she reciprocated.
“Guys! You’re disgusting!” Frerin groaned theatrically. “I’m going to get some ice-cream. Who wants some?”
Sadly, no one replied to him. Thorin and Yrsa were too busy.
“I’m going to name him ‘Beorn’.” Yrsa hugged her giant teddy bear as she settled herself in her Ferris wheel seat.
“Like that guy who rented us his vacation cabin?” Thorin wondered. 
“I don’t see the resemblance.” “Well, Beorn here is… fluffy.  Just like that guy. He reminded me of a big teddy bear.” She chuckled and sat the bear on the seat opposite her.
“Beorn? A big teddy bear? Didn’t you mean a big, rabid bear?” Thorin put his arm around her shoulder.
“No, that’s you,” Yrsa grinned, but then the Ferris wheel started moving, making her pale. “I’m going to need that hug and kiss now.”
Thorin, of course, complied.
 “Yrsa…” Thorin whispered as their lips parted. “You can open your eyes now. We are on top now and the view is…”
“Not even a tiny bit?” He murmured into her ear and moved away before she could protest.
“Nuh-uh,” she shook her head, her eyes still closed.
“Not even if I tell you that I have a little something for you? For our anniversary?” Yrsa decided that Thorin using his deep, purring voice had to be classified as a crime. She couldn’t say no, could she? She opened one eye. Just a little bit. Just to see why Thorin had stopped embracing her.
What she saw made Yrsa open her other eye and gasp. Thorin was kneeling on one knee in front of her and held something in his hands.
“Yrsa… I have to tell you something. You knew it from the moment we first met, but it took me a whole six months to realize that you were my… soulmate.”
“T-Thorin?” Her voice trembled. Somehow, Yrsa forgot that she was sitting in a small pod 300 feet above ground in darkness, sailing through the air with the moon hanging above them. “What are you saying?”
“I’m trying to say that you are the one I want to spend my whole life with.” Thorin opened the little box he held in his hand. Against the bottle green velvet, something glittered like the stars above them. “Will you marry me, Yrsa?”
Before she drowned in the low, velvety rumble of his voice, in the deep blue sea of his gaze, Yrsa managed to whisper, “Yes.”
At that very moment, she was not afraid of heights at all.
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hotnhowling · 1 year
Imagining Ardyn frenching me whilst my hands are tied and then slipping down and making out with my—
ALRIGHT SO im coming back to this old ask with something rather new and out of my element, as a little birthday gift for a dear friend of mine (And my favorite dirty anon 👀) @hauntedadagium 🖤🌹
With visual art being my main form of expression, I very rarely sit down to brainstorm a fanfic, so forgive me if this isnt my best work ;_;)
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Words are still hard for me and english isnt my native language, BUT!!! Fuck it!!! Brain empty, no experience, but lots of love for you and Ardyn so here have this emotionally loaded, corny, semi-smutty Ardyn x Reader fic my beloved!!!!! Enjoy 🫴✨
You were shoved against the wall with a hungry grunt, his knee between your legs, his hands tight around your arms as he sank closer to you - Pulling you flush against his chest. The metal of Ardyns clasp and belts dug unto you uncomfortably, yet you could hardly care - Numb from his touch, drunk off of his presence. You wanted to touch him so much. Run your fingers over his prickly cheek, fingertips tracing the sides of his jaw where the hairs ran soft and wavy; But you were bound, tied.
"Ardyn -- " A whisper, a plea - And the hands that were so tightly wrapped around your arms suddenly moved gently, gently down to your shoulders, squeezing in acknowledgment to your call. Ardyn leaned back, his eyes searching yours - The amber of his gaze was so deep, so sincere, you were sure a part of your heart melted when your eyes locked.
The way you called Ardyns name grounded him; Hell, the very way you existed within his life both soothed and drove him insane at the same time. It was a force unlike any other, a love that held on and mended even the darkest parts of him. He couldnt get enough of you, just like you couldnt get enough of him. Lips parted with uneven breathes and nose flaring as he struggled to contain himself, the chancellor moved closer as he whispered back: "Yes, my sweet? Are these too tight for you…?" He emphasized with a gentle caress to where his scarf tied at your wrists;
You never understood how he was capable of moving with such dangerous intensity, yet just as sensually, maintain a tenderness so passionate it kept sipping at your core, overwhelming you with love and need. Its moments like this that you realize how intense the air between you were, how enthralled you are by him, how complex it all was. How more than anything, the man before you - However volatile and dangerous, was yours to love. And how that love often brought you here, down his chambers, under his frame; and into his heart where he kept you safe.
You snapped back into reality from under your affectionate daze, blinking rapidly as you remembered to reply back to his question: "No I…They're alright, I just - Fuck, I want to touch you." A weak grunt left your mouth as you struggled to move your hands again, managing to hoop around his neck with an awkward hug, impatiently tugging at his wine-colored locks.
Ardyn let out a light chuckle; "Allow me to undo these for you, then…" Swiftly, he lifted your arms, kissing at your elbow as he went- Quickly enough, the knot was undone, and your hands were finally free to roam. It was then when Ardyn chose to pin them under his own hands again, interlocking your fingers as he placed your second over his chest, right above his heart before leaning in to kiss you deeply.
"mmph —" You barely had time to react before his eager mouth claimed you; Ardyn was just as impatient as you are and it showed. You were so familiar with his taste by now, oh how deliciously his tongue demanded your own to come out and play. You greeted him with obnoxious vigor. Instantly, your hold around him tightened; Your interlocked fingers moved in unison to strengthen their hold, your hips pushed against his forming bulge and you mentally cursed as his knee dug deeper onto your aching core, rubbing at you tantalizingly.
Making out with Ardyn was a sensory overload; He could end people with his voice, flay with his lips, rip you apart and build you back up again. And - he was wonderfully fuzzy, too. Fuzzy in a way that had your cheeks flushed as his tiny prickles scraped atop your skin. Like the most pleasant sandpaper, feeling him move against you, the texture of him, the occasional sharp exhale that tickled you before he separated his talented lips with a wet pop only to kiss you again at a different angle; his sturdy nose sinking onto your cheek.
The more it went on, the more you became aware of the unbearable heat that was forming between the two of you; From the molten wetness of your french kiss to the suffocating clothes still clinging to you, the desire to rip it all away burned like fire. Sweaty and impatient, you peeled yourself away from under his hold only to shove his ridiculous attire away, starting with his coat. The chancellor stumbled back from the force of your impatient actions, he nearly tumbled backwards if he hadn't stabilized himself by catching onto you, grasping at your arm and pulling himself closer.
"My, my~ Y/n…~ Y/n, Y/n. " He repeated, tilting his head down at you, voice growing huskier and more dragged out with each repeat of your name. He practically beamed at you with the way his eyes glinted, such characteristic, dangerous delight. "So…Impatient?" He whispered lowly, a smirk tugging at his lips. Helping to your cause, he wasted no time shedding away at his coat and shirt. The inhuman force in which he tossed the heavy article of clothing aside startled you for a moment. You imagined the same strong arms pinning you down to the floor and taking you right then and there. You gulped.
"Ardyn. " You breathed out his name again, "Now, please."
The sight of Ardyn's bare chest and his inviting expression made you instinctively step forward, your boots echoed in synch with the beat of your heart.
His eyes squinted as a daring, loving smile stretched across his handsome features. He raised his arms, extended wide and gesturing to you coyly: "You want to touch me so bad...?" You nod, your hand already reaching to caress atop one of his scars, the jagged one across his shoulder. The scars you spent nights kissing and loving…Comforting their aching past away...
"Then come, come touch me…"
Without moment hesitation, the back of his knees buckled as you slammed onto him; recapturing him back into an intense kiss; A loud ouf escaping him upon impact. Grabbing at his chest, squeezing at his sides, you cant even decide in your yearning haze; you just need to feel his skin, you need to feel him. Delighted at how eager you were, Ardyn reacted accordingly, letting out a breathless chuckle that rolled like a purr~ His arms came to wrap around you, stroking at your back, fingers entangled in your wild hair…Muffled moans mixed with the occasional excited grunt kept escaping him like soft rain and it makes you kiss him even harder.
You've shared a primal desire to devour him just as much as he wanted to devour you; However the difference between you was that he loved taking his time - But you? You wanted it now. Overwhelmed and needy, you pulled away from your sloppy kissing, dragging your sore lips all the way down from the side of his jaw to the center of his throat - Stopping to suck at his adam's apple, waiting for it to bob down so you could feel it jump under your tongue. Ardyn swallowed heavily as you expected him to, his shaky groan rumbled in your ears, making you even bolder. You stopped to nibble at his neck, sucking and biting and savoring the salty taste of his sweat covered physique like some carnal beast.
Having been tied for an entire hour, teased under his tantalizing ministrations and denied of relief most definitely played its part. Something stirred within you - And you acted on impulse.
With a sudden pull to the back of his wild hair, you ensnared him under a dominating grip. Ardyn hissed at the unexpected shift, a mixture of pain and arousal painted his voice when he cried out, golden eyes squinting shut only to open wide with a curious glint. Your voice was thick and heavy with want when you spoke: "Down, on your knees. Now."
Ardyn froze momentarily, your domineering order going straight to his cock.
Immediately, he dropped to his knees; Satisfied with his compliance, you inhaled deeply; Heart aflame, and fingers tight around your belt as you hurried to undo it...You silently guided him closer to your core. Catching onto the implication…When Ardyn raised his head again to look up at you, he wore the dirtiest grin you were hoping to see stretch across that face.
Licking his lips, the chancellor bowed; "With pleasure…Your Majesty~ "
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just-mysme · 2 months
Hello~! I was wondering if you’d like to do a mystic messenger and stardew valley matchup trade with you? Romantic matchup please :3
My name is Casey and I’ll be 25 in June. My pronouns are she/her.
I’m 5’4 and my body type would be a little chubby, but also curvy. I guess I have an hourglass figure too? I have big green eyes and I wear glasses. I also have many piercings (nose and few ear piercings) and my hair is shoulder length wavy hair and it’s dyed a burgundy color.
My preferred age range is 22-27
Personality: My friends would best describe me as cute and sweet with a hint of spice lmao. I’m shy and awkward around new people and it can take a while for me to warm up to someone. But once that happens, I’m much more talkative, playful, giggly and bubbly. I also have a sarcastic, mischievous side and a tad bit moody. I suffer from anxiety, ptsd and depression, so I need someone who can be patient and understanding. I like to cause some mischief here and there, but watch the chaos unfold after lmao. On the contrary, I do dislike confrontation…so I try to avoid it if possible. My humor is a bit dry, awkward and dark. So, most of the time I’m the only one laughing at my joke 🫡. My personality type is INFP and I’m also a Gemini. It’s hard for me to make friends and maintain friendships, but I’m super loyal and loving to my loved ones! I’m also super sensitive and often times to show my emotions I cry lol. I love hard as fast which can be a double-end sword in relationships. I can be social when I want to, but I’d rather be reserved and observant of my surroundings in social settings. I also curse a lot 😅.
Likes/dislikes and hobbies: I love kids and animals! I have two cats of my own named Jasper and Mochi 😍. And I’d like to have kids in the future. I have an unhealthy obsession with anything cute and fluffy. Such as pillows, blankets and stuffed animals. I enjoy traveling, anime, Kpop, nature, watching trashy shows lol, gaming and napping! I’d literally nap all day long if I’m allowed to 😅. Anything spooky and creepy intrigues me! Especially tarot cards and ghost hunts! Even though I love to travel I’m also a homebody and would rather stay home. I absolutely HATE spiders (arachnophobia), crowds and loud abrupt noises and changes. Also can’t stand rude people!
Aesthetic/style: I’d best describe my style as whimsical goth. I LOVE cottage core and wearing long flowy skirts and tops. But I also love to style with a hint of gothic here and there. I prefer darker colors and reds, purples and black. I also wear a lot of boots and corsets.
Ideal type: I do prefer someone older than me and taller than me. But I’m more than ok to date someone a couple of years younger than me. I’d like someone who I can be playful with, someone who I can banter and tease without getting upset. I have two cats, so I definitely need someone who loves cats just as much! I’m not much of a physical person as physical touch can give me anxiety. But if it’s coming from my s/o, I become so clingy and cuddly! I’m also a little possessive with my s/o 😅. My love languages are words of affirmations and gifts. I love giving gifts to loved ones, especially the little simple gifts that makes me think of my love for them.
Thank you so much and I’m excited to do this trade with you! I hope you have a good day/night~ 🥰
Your MysMe matchup is…
Saeyoung Choi✨
it was quite tricky picking a mysme matchup for you, but ultimately i went with saeyoung because i felt as though you two would get along VERY well
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HC’s for your relationship…
The more he learned about you, the more intrigued he became, you two would balance each other out, the conversation would never end with you guys!
Playful bantering? Hello?? You guys would absolutely start playing jokes on the other RFA members. He’d start it and you’d take it and run… Think about all the jokes he’s played on poor Yoosung, he’d never catch a break when you and Seven are both online!
Cats. Do I need to say more? The fact you have two cats of your own, Jumin would probably thank you for finally getting him away from Elizabeth 3rd. He’d come over to your place, saying he was there just for the cats (even though you being there was a big factor as well😅)
He’d be the type to be like “what are you watching?” and then watch all 27 seasons of it with you, no matter how “trashy” the show is! He’d even start gossiping with you about it!
The “hint of spice” in your personality reflects his own, so when you two are together, it brings it out on both ends !!
About your relationship…
We both know it takes time for him to accept you, that’s because of his secrecy. You two help each other open up, and become comfortable around one another. He appreciates you, and dedicates everything he has to you. He would walk to the ends of the Earth for you! He’d be very cuddly with you, so long as you’re alright with it! He’d always triple check, just to be safe!
✨Your SDV Matchup✨
I had SO much fun with this trade, thank you for trading with me!! I hope you enjoyed!
(Note: I saw your post last night and laughed that we both gave each other Seven😅)
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vendetta-if · 1 year
HI WKJA';L;P.L';EWFLKFDS.;; its the same idiot who asked whether it was okay to post my sequel mc so ummm- here am i in all of my glory (and by glory i mean repulsiveness ���) i unfortunately lost the drawing i had of my sequel mc so for now use your imagination while i try to find it 💀 but anyways- my sequel mc's name is Rei :D (he/him) he is mixed in terms of ethnicity but he does have some Scottish blood inside of him 😎 REI'S APPEARANCE: ➭ clothing style: cutesy and pastel coloured clothing (he also has an obsession with overalls <3) ➭ height: gremlin (short, 5'4) ➭ eye colour: hazel ➭ skin colour: rosy ➭ hair texture + colour: strawberry blonde and wavy ➭ hair length: shoulder length
»»————- ★ ————-««
FACTS ABOUT REI: ➭ loves to put colourful stickers on literally everything he owns (motorcycle, phone, motorcycle helmet, etc C:) ➭ pranks his family at every time the opportunity presents itself (luka, jackal, and his older brother 😋) " DAD 1 AND DAD 2 HOLY SHIT SEND HELP I ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED MY TACO BELL CRUNCH WRAP SUPREME AND NOW THERE'S BIRDS IN MY ROOM " *proceeds to sneak up behind them and dump a bucket of feathers covered in maple syrup when they enter his room* ➭ frenemies with ash and rin (context; rei is ridiculously overprotective of my other mc, remedy / remi) ➭ an actual menace to society ➭ loves to wear loose fitting / baggy clothes (because it makes him look cool with his clothes flapping everywhere when he zooms on his motorcycle and get chased by the police for going over 200 mph) ➭ i would say he would be crushing HARDLY on santana and skylar and cries because he cant choose but i dont even know if they are both ROs in the sequel 😭 (totally because i dont want the two of them to feel left out because i love the four ROs in the main story 💦) ➭ has an unhealthy obsession with exploding things (he wants a grenade launcher for his birthday) ➭ loves to fight on vehicles (by that he means shooting at his enemies while riding his motorcycle because he feels like john wick in a michael bay action movie) ➭ stubbornly believes that he makes the best waffles and refuses to use the waffle maker because he, and i quote: " I CAN MAKE BETTER WAFFLES THAN A GODDAMN STENSIL " (though everytime he forces someone to try it they end up vomiting because it's overcooked to oblivion - which he covers it up by putting unholy amounts of whipped cream and sprinkles) ➭ loves to bother his dads and brother for attention and affection every time after he completes an assasination (he likes getting showered by compliments and receiving strawberry milkshakes from his family) ➭ may or may not have a depressing past before getting adopted ✨ »»————- ★ ————-«« anyways i think thats all i have for rei so far- SORRY ABOUT THIS CESSPOOL OF CRINGE BY THE WAY 🤡
Ayy, hi, hi! ☺️👋 Thanks for sharing your Sequel MC!
Always love little gremlins 🤭 The big brother will have even more of a blast teasing short MC.
RIP to both Ash and Jackal for the pranks, though💀 But they would still love and be proud of Rei ☺️ And aww, Rei being protective of your Vendetta MC is so sweet 🥹
Fight on vehicles though 🤭 I might or might not have plans for that in the sequel 😏 As for MC’s past, Luka and Jackal adopted MC when they were still very little, so there might not be too many memories that your MC could even remember before being adopted 🤔
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