#my brain is going so fast atm
tatsugiriroll · 1 year
(Looking at my non-fruitchat mutuals) they don’t even know. they don’t even know about the squidtective DICK HARDBOILED, brain-eating homewrecker, roguelock, and gay married to a real man from the real New York…
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olive-fics · 9 months
☆ Hockey player Abby Anderson Head Cannons ☆ (Fem reader)
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I NEED. Hockey player Abby.. Sorry these are kind of short my brain has been mush. For the girls! <3 Men please DNI!
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1-Abby is known for being the team's biggest romantic, She always talked about you or snuck your name into any conversation she could...Whether she's at practice, in the locker room, or hanging out with her teammates, she finds ways to slip her girlfriend's name or stories about their relationship into conversations. For example, if her teammates are discussing their plans for the weekend, Abby might say something like, "Oh, my girlfriend and I are going to that new restaurant downtown. She's been wanting to try it for ages.."
2-Abby would keep photos of you or good luck charms in her locker before games or practices just for good luck.
3-Abby is the first to defend her girlfriend if anyone tries to bring negativity into their relationship. She's fiercely protective and loyal of you.
4-Right as games end and players are free to leave the rink the first thought to Abby is you, no matter how the game went. She'd rush over to the stands to leave the rink as fast as she could to hug you and talk about how the game went as she got out of her gear.
Helping her take off her skates and putting one of those cheesy university jackets on her was almost like a ritual after every game, you loved her so much.
5-Post-Game Cuddles: After a win, Abby and you would celebrate with cuddles on the couch with hot chocolate and a cheesy show or movie.
-If Abby's team lost that night she would get very upset, not at your or her teammates but she would need some comfort in any way from you. That could be either cuddles where You're holding her, letting her lay her head on your lap or chest or just soft kisses with small muscle massages. Abby becomes especially cuddly when she's upset. She seeks the warmth of your arms, wanting nothing more than to be held close and reassured.
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Okay sorry there isn't much like I said in the intro.. I have no ideas atm.. :,)
Please send me requests in my bio!!
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onewithblankets · 1 year
pro tips for administering your own t shots
aight so i’ve been doing the whole self injection thing for nine/ten-ish months now, and as someone who’s always been, and still is, a little squeamish around needles, here are some things that help:
when you wipe down the injection site (I do my thighs, intramuscular injection) with an alcohol wipe, wait a little bit for the skin to dry before sticking the needle in. i’ve found this helps reduce the sting a bit.
listen to music. it helps make the whole process a little less nerve-wracking when you’re humming along to a song you like as you prep your syringe.
along the same lines as the last point, I like to use certain beats of a song as a ‘countdown’ almost, to hype myself up for the injection itself. instead of going “three-two-one” and then sticking the needle in, i’ll go “alright, i’ll put on cotard’s solution and stick it in when he starts screaming.” definitely makes the anticipation of the needle itself more bearable.
the anticipation is always worse than the actual injection. don’t let your own brain psyche you out of taking your t for fear of pain. i came into intramuscular injections thinking it’d be awful pain all the time, but half the time it’s barely more than a slight sting and usually doesn’t feel like anything after I put the bandaid on. i think i was more sore in the first couple weeks than i ever am now, though, so i may have just gotten used to it.
don’t inject too quickly, once you have the needle in your flesh. testosterone is pretty thick, so it’ll be a little slower coming out, and trying to push it too hard too fast will just make it uncomfortable or a little painful. 
do all the prepwork and keep everything together in front of you before you even uncap the first needle. make sure you have all the alcohol wipes, needles, vial, bandaids, and sharps box right next to you. you don’t want to pull your needle out of your thigh and then realize you don’t have a bandaid to put on the bleeding hole. that stuff gets everywhere.
alternate your injection sites. don’t do the exact same spot every single week (or however frequently you do your injections) or it will build up tougher tissue and make it harder for you to do injections. i just switch between left and right thighs every week.
once your t is in the syringe, keep your fingers/palms FAR AWAY from the plunger until the needle is inside you. you do not want to know how many times i accidentally squeezed some t out of my syringe because i was moving things around and absentmindedly squeezed on the plunger just a little too hard
check out Howard Brown! very good high quality videos on how to do subcutaneous and intramuscular injections + how to draw medicine out of the vial in the first place. highly recommend.
that’s all i can really think of atm. might update this later if i think of more things/figure something new and cool out for myself, though. hope it’s at least a little helpful for some of you funny internet people.
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xiaoriae · 1 year
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— PAIRINGS ; albedo, childe, diluc & kaeya x gn!reader (separate)
— NOTES ; hello world! i am currently trying to repost all of my old works to this brand new blog, and maybe rewrite some of them along the way. thank you for a beautiful small community of 50 followers atm <3
with all these tiktok trends going around, you figured that it wouldn’t hurt to try this old trend on your best friend. with the camera set in position, an oblivious best friend by your side, and the nervousness creeping up in you after so hard masking the little (huge) crush you had for them, what would be their reaction?
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he hummed, face still looked down onto his papers instead of actually properly responding to you with how you wanted him to.
you scoffed defeatedly. of course your best friend wouldn’t even look at you when he started to indulge himself in his favourite subject of all-time, alchemy.
for the millionth times, you called him out once again.
so when he mouthed a, “what?” to you, finally concentrating on your face, putting down the pen in his hand, you mentally thought, did you really want to do this?
the camera had been adjusted nicely behind you, perfectly knew that albedo wouldn’t notice the trend you were about to dive in. he was always oblivious with these kind of things anyway.
“what is it?” his right hand tugged some strands of his beautiful hair back to actually see you standing like a statue in front of him. chills and sparks were running through your whole body, you were about to kiss your best friend, how couldn’t you be so nervous about it?
a perfect metaphor of you were going to confess indirectly at him.
so your mind thought it was better to end this quick, as albedo was about to continue his question regarding why you were just standing there when suddenly your lips were pressed against him.
it felt like a fleeting moment, too fast for him to register your quick actions of pulling and crashing your lips onto his, it was too short.
too short for him, and he wanted more when he saw you flushed before quickly hiding yourself behind your palms.
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you didn’t know what exactly had gotten into you, all emotions hit you like a truck when CHILDE literally pushed you away the moment you tried to chase his lips and ultimately failing the trend.
“what are you doing?” you couldn’t keep up with his gaze, facing everywhere but his face short after. he was taken aback, sure, but why did he give you his lopsided smirk at this very moment?
you felt like crawling under the bed, this was super embarrassing. you should have thought the numerous possible consequences that came from it before doing this trend with much confidence, but now that the trend backfired, all you could do was simply taking your phone back and standing up from the side of his bed.
tonight was supposedly be a movie night, cuddling while watching cringe-worthy shows that your best friend had terrible taste in.
now with the tensions in the air, the silence was too loud, you knew that your friendship had went downhill and all the playful mood had been thrown out of the window.
stupid of you to do the trend on him in the first place. stupid of you to feel hurt by how quick he avoided you. stupid of you to have the audacity to think that he liked you back.
you felt like crying, and before the tears could slip out from the corner of your eyes, childe pulled you back into him, kissing your forehead softly. “hey, do not cry,” and then, his lips were on you, pecking you gently, as if he would break you if he actually kissed you deeper.
your brain malfunctioned before he pulled away. you wanted to capture the moment again. there was no way he just kissed you, so tender and so soft that made your heart dropped.
“i won the trend before you,” he smiled, as your jaw dropped. he could only giggle when a hard smack was felt on his shoulder before he drowned you with his cuddles.
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forcefully pulling DILUC to your side, it was safe to assume that he was pretty confused seeing you setting up your phone in front the both of you. “let’s do a tiktok video,” you said.
he almost visibly tilting his head when he heard you. “i do not think i am the most suitable person to accompany you.”
“wait, wait, hold up. you are complaining way too much, sir,” you brought a finger to shush him on his lips. 
the little action coming from you was bold, and diluc silently adored you for that. you did it solely to avoid him acting like a grumpy, old man. “for the sake of me, your most wholesome friend, let us do this cute dance,” you showed a video, a tutorial video to be more specific, for him to see, undoubtedly the trendiest dance on the application as his stoic face remained unfazed.
“what is the purpose behind this?”
“nothing, i just want to promote my best friend dancing.”
he turned towards you, eyes slightly becoming wider at the thoughts of future him humiliating himself for the internet to see.
“good lord, diluc, of course no. it only serves for entertainment purposes because you are so boring!” you almost cracked a laugh but diluc actually decided to try, which surprised you to no end.
you didn’t expect him to agree but you could at least try.
after many twists and turns of learning the whole tutorial, diluc somehow excelled in those steps than you. even his mind processed things faster.
bringing your index to press the record button, you and diluc moved naturally according to the sound. he looked so comical with his stoic face that was the total opposite of his body.
when your back faced him in one of the steps, you pivoted yourself, ultimately clinging onto his shoulders and kissed him.
it was an instinctual move to be honest, his arms automatically wrapped themselves around your waist and you swore your heart exploded. the taste of his soft lips made you smiled against him.
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“angel, what are you up to, hm?” KAEYA could be the death of you one day. did he really not notice how weak your heart was when he casually flirting like you weren’t his best friend in the first place?
with the fact that you might have actual feelings for him. yes, kaeya was unreal.
“uh.. i just, you know, scrolling tiktok,” you murmured, it didn’t help with how the old trend that was resurfacing coincidentally came across your page when kaeya suddenly decided to check up on you.
it didn’t help with how the trend involved a best friend. fate was something else, truly.
“and why are you stuttering?” if you could shut kaeya’s playful and flirty attitude, you would have done it sooner. how you did end up with kaeya as your best friend was still a lingering question for you and for everyone else around you.
feeling slightly shy all of sudden, you shut down your phone and threw it on the coffee table before you. “n-nothing, it’s just a video.”
“yes, but why do you look so red?” kaeya got suddenly too close, the room also felt a raise in the temperature and you panicked. “if you could be honest, maybe i’ll be honest too.”
“what do you mean by that?” you finally had the courage to voice out.
“want a straightforward answer or not?”
“w-what? kaeya, i swear if you keep on acting like this—
"then what? answer me first,” now that the video repeated itself in the back of your mind, you gulped down harshly, eyes trailing down to his lips.
kaeya seemed intrigued with you and everything that was going on. “i will take that as a yes,” he got too close. “yes i saw what video you were watching and let me do the honour, hm?”
“here,” a kiss, a tender kiss landed on your lips. it was so light, and you already felt dizzy.
“cute,” he pecked your nose before you hid your face in his chest.
the thought of doing the trend on him did come across your mind, but you were too shy and it seemed that there was no need for it anymore.
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all rights reserved © berrywoo 2023 strictly on tumblr only. any form of wrongdoings under the copyright law is strictly prohibited.
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teecupangel · 7 months
I had a thought earlier: What if Ezio was Desmond's Sage?
Basically, the usual setup with Desmond using the eye to contact Ezio in the library and offering to send him back in time to save his family, but due to the damage he's sustained from the Eye, he can't come with. Once this moment in the Grey is over, he would die. Ezio begs him to come with him, through any means possible. He refuses to leave behind the divine being he is the chosen Prophet for. The being who is going against Fate itself to give him his family back. Desmond just can't say no to Ezio and tries to see if there's anyway he could come with Ezio. He doesn't want to die if he can avoid it. It's then, through the connection with the Eye and the Apple, that he learns about Sages. With a few modifications for Ezio's safety, that could work. Instead of consuming Ezio's mind to take over, he would just live alongside him. When he tells Ezio of it, Ezio accepts.
When Ezio wakes up, it is to his childhood bedroom. Everything is how it was when he was 17. Is 17. It worked! His family is alive and well! Did the Sage thing work?
"Desmond, are you here?"
'Yes Ezio, i am.'
Just a thought i had. I imagine that Ezio could let Desmond have control of his body, but Desmond is pretty chill with just watching though Ezio's eyes.
Ezio would have mind conversations with Desmond, which worries his family a lot when they catch him just staring emptily though the air. That and his complete switch in behaviour.
There's probably so many routes to go here, but i'm too sleep deprived to think atm. XD
It doesn’t take long before Desmond realized that all the modifications he made for his consciousness to become part of Ezio had turned him to be the least invasive Bleed to ever be conceived.
Did this count as possession?
Was Ezio even a Sage or was Desmond simply a sentient Bleed?
Did that mean that the Bleeding Effect mimicked the experiences a Sage goes through when they start ‘getting’ the Isu’s memories.
Didn’t that mean that there was a possibility that the Animus was based on the research the Isus made to create the-
“Desmond, as interesting as your thoughts are about this subject, I’d prefer it if you were to. Focus!” Ezio was unable to stop himself from raising his voice as he punched one of Vieri’s hired muscles as Desmond liked to call them. The man staggered as he took a few steps back and Ezio swiped his feet before stomping on his groin.
There was a few scandalous looks thrown his way at that attack and Ezio just shrugged.
It wasn’t his fault that Desmond’s skills in unarmed combat bled through to him during these situations and Desmond fought shamelessly dirty.
‘In my defense…’ Desmond quipped from his mind, ‘I was taught that honor and shame have no place when you’re getting ganged up by Templars.’
Ezio grunted as he dodged a punch aimed for his chest, quickly grabbing the wrist and pulling him forward to unbalance him before delivering a high knee strike, making the man gasp as Ezio kneed him on the throat.
Okay, that one was from one of Desmond’s Bleed, not Desmond himself.
But then again…
Desmond was his Bleeds and his Bleeds were him. When he thinks about it that way…
“Desmond…” Ezio gritted as he smacked an incoming kick from another man, quickly jabbing the man’s side before suckerpunching him.
‘Sorry, sorry. My brain’s wacky at the moment.’ Desmond said.
That was an understatement.
Desmond had been in Ezio’s body for only a few hours. They had went outside to try and get a lay of the land and found out the date by Vieri throwing a rock at Ezio and giving Ezio the scar on his lips.
So yeah…
Desmond was still not used to being this… entity inside Ezio’s mind.
“Don’t think too hard.” Ezio backhanded a goon’s cheek hard and fast enough that he was able to topple the surprised and hurt goon with his mind quickly making it known that it was a common technique Altaïr used to do. Ezio tried to focus as he said, “Let’s just get this over with then we can have our mental breakdown in our room, okay?”
‘Yeah, okay.’ Desmond answered and Ezio felt Desmond focus.
It was like his senses became clearer.
His body became lighter.
He could predict everyone’s next move.
To borrow Desmond’s expression at the moment.
Holy shit.
(Desmond doesn’t know it but because he made Ezio his Sage, he is technically a being that has access to Isu senses which he can pass down to Ezio. Ezio’s human body can’t take much of it though so there’s a time limit and that is how Federico comes in and save them because Ezio and Desmond starts getting a headache after using it too much.)
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enjoyjellime · 2 months
I've had this on my mind for ages now, so I'm just going to say it. The Spirit Hunter series releases follows the Shrek formula. Is this anything? Idk I'm tired.
Death Mark = Shrek
The first of the series and a brand new IP, it takes already existing tropes and blends them into something new, while also adding a bit of raunchiness to stand out from what came out at the time in the genre. Introduces characters that we'll come to know and love.
NG = Shrek 2
Normally considered the best of its franchise, and has updated (upgraded?) a lot from the first one. We are introduced to new characters and their relationship dynamics within the same universe. Both involve a quest with a ragtag group that has them saving someone who's been caught up in the antagonists scheme in some way. The main character is out of their element and annoyed most of the time.
Death Mark 2 = Shrek 3
Considered a drop off and even a disappointment from what came before. Some say the pacing is too fast, and some characters are ooc. We're introduced to characters we're probably not going to see or care about again. The more important story characters got some more background and lore moments, but it doesn't make up for the media as a whole. Has to do with a school of some kind.
is this anything? I was literally in bed one night trying to sleep and my brain was like "I noticed something with the death mark series"
So if the series were to continue this formula with Death Mark 3 (or NG 2, whatever comes out first) We could possibly predict how the next installment will be. From what I can think of with Shrek 4:
It was considered an extreme step up from the movie before it, but a pretty okay movie in general. Some things it's praised for is the writing, good emotional beats, and mature themes.
Introduces a villain character that is liked for just how good they are at being evil. Said character makes a deal with the main character that kicks off the events and suffering of the main character.
Something to do with being sent to an alternate reality where things are similar, but different in some way.
Main character feels annoyed at having so many new people in their life, but come to appreciate them more by the end of the film.
(This is all I can think of atm, if you can think of some other stuff, feel free to comment or reblog about it)
"oh really?"
"Yeah, okay, so. You know Shrek right? Wait where are you going"
Brains a bit sillay sometimes.
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melloeyed · 10 months
Double Trouble (Pt. 4)
Johnathan Ohnn (The Spot) X GN Reader
A/N: Sorry for the long wait!
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After the shortest 5 minutes ever, Spot and Y/N finally managed to steal an ATM. Going to a different convenient store, the two took each other’s advice and things went by fast and smoothly!
Spot teleports the stolen ATM in a alleyway with the duo both following suite. They both laughed and high five each other, celebrating their simple victory.
“Yes!” Y/N cheered, “We got the mulah! And the plan actually worked!”
“I told you it would! You were right about teleporting the cashier out of there too! And the best part is nobody got hurt!” Spot giggled.
Finally, a successful mission! Y/N and Spot were finally relieved by this outcome. The day began horribly with a lot of downs, but perhaps it was all worth it at the end. The two finally had the money that they needed and were about to come home with their pockets full! Now the least they could do now was find a way to bring it back home.
As the two push the large ATM across the ground to a new portal, they look at each other with excitement. “So, what are we gonna do with all this money?” Y/N grunted, pushing the heavy machine. “Well…I guess the first thing we should do is buy what we need with all of this cash.” Spot huffed, struggling to push the ATM. The machine made a loud scraping noise against the concrete ground, causing the duo to slightly wince out of discomfort. Y/N lets out a loud sigh out of tiredness.
“I dunno know about you, but the least we could do is think of a plan of how to transport this thing!” Y/n panted. “That’s shocking coming from you! Considering how much stronger you are than me.” Spot replied, huffing out of exhaustion.
“Really? You actually think I’m stronger than you?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t think so, I know so! You said it yourself.” Spot answered.
“Since when?”
“A couple of months ago. You said I was the brains and you were the brawn.”
“Alright, now let’s hurry up and take this home before Spider-Man notices that we’re gone.”
“I highly doubt that he’ll notice, but okay.”
Pushing the ATM through a portal, the duo end up reappearing on top of a building. While Y/N stretches with exhaustion, Spot cheers as he pushes the machine to the new portal below him, only for the machine to portal above him, hitting his lower back causing him to grasp himself out of pain. Running towards him, Y/N chuckles nervously as they caressed his back where the ATM hit him.
Eventually, Spot and Y/N found themselves in another weird situation. Attempting to teleport the ATM again, the duo found themselves flying through the air again through mid-air portals. Y/N and Spot jet through portal to portal as the two hysterically yelped. “Johnny, can you maybe try not to kill us this time! The whole flying-through-the-air thing was fun, but we should really get going!” Y/N exclaimed. “I’m doing my best!” Spot exclaimed back. Like rockets, the spotted duo continued to fly through the air, clutching onto the ATM for dear life.
As soon as Y/N began to feel nauseous, Spider-Man shows up and crashes onto them in mid air.
“Oh, come on!” Y/N shouted.
“Well, if it isn’t Spider-Man!” Spot huffed, “Back for another round, I suppose?”
Spider-Man huffed as he clutched onto the side of Spot’s face, attempting to battle him while in mid air. Y/N grunts as they wrap their left arm around the vigilante’s neck, attempting to make him let go. After a sloppy battling within the air, the ATM manages to fall on top of a police car, crushing its top while shattering the front window along with the battling three falling inside the car through another portal.
“Hey!” A man’s voice shouted.
Looking behind them, the trio see a police officer outside the car with a shocked look on his face.
“Officer Morales!” Spider-Man yelped in shock, but then cleared his throat and said with a more deeper voice, “I mean, um-Officer Morales!”
Spot wraps his arm around his neck attempting to strangle him while Y/N struggles to sit up in the cramped vehicle. Spot looks at Officer Morales feigning innocence. “This is not what it looks like!” Spot said, calmly. Teleporting out of the car, the three end up flying through the air portal through portal. The cop yelps in surprise as he runs towards them, avoiding the people walking on the sidewalk.
“Hey! Hey!” Officer Morales shouted, “My kid goes here, man! I’m on the PTA! You know how many lemon bars I gotta bake for that?!”
Portaling through the busy streets, the fighting trio continue their silly prattle. Flying through one portal, Y/N begins to get dizzy as their dots begin to shift across their body. “Yeah, I’m really starting to get tired of this whole flying portal thing!” They groaned.
“Just bear with me, Dot! We just need to-“
“Wait, I have an idea!” Y/N exclaimed.
“You take care of Spider-Man while I’ll take care of the cop chasing us!”
“What?! Dot, I don’t think-“
“M’kay, fun talk, bye!”
Y/N moves themself away from the portals, falling on the concrete street. They giggle in excitement as they dodge another speeding car, while running towards Officer Morales.
This moment was perfect! Y/N was finally about to get dangerous. Not only were they excited about getting ready to beat the crap outta them and Spot’s nemesis, but they also get to fight a cop on the same day! Now this is what Y/N called getting dangerous!
Adrenaline rushed through Y/N’s veins as they ran across the busy street, dodging the panicking cars. Getting into their own action, the dots on Y/N skin began to glow in anticipation and excitement as they catch up to the running cop. Meanwhile, Spot and Spider-Man are busy fighting while engaging in conversation. They portal in and out through the hallways of a professional high school, startling the students that walked by. Spot aggressively wraps his arms around Spider-Man’s waist as the young hero tries to push him away.
While Spider-Man pushes Spot into another portal, Y/N catches up to the cop, preparing to attack. They throw a glowing punch towards the cop’s head but he dodges it in panic. “Hey! Are you serious?!” He asked, exasperated. “You damn straight I am!” Y/N laughed, maniacally.
“You left in the middle of our fight!” Spot huffed, angrily.
“I did not! It was at the end!” Spider-Man replied nonchalantly.
“It was inconsiderate and super rude! And a little cocky, ah-!”
Falling into another portal, Spider-Man and the Spot end up falling onto the middle of the street. Officer Morales ends up catching up to the two, nearly leaving behind Y/N.
“Yeah, you got me agreeing with the bad guy!” Officer Morales, exclaimed.
“Bad guy?” Spider-Man chuckled, “He’s barely a villain of the week!”
“What’d you call me?!” Spot asked, seething with anger. “You realize I’m right here right?”
Y/N jumps onto Officer Morales’ back like a feral animal, wrapping their legs around his waist while throwing their fists onto the back of his head. He yelps in pain and surprise as he began to lose his balance. “Hey! What the?! Get offa me, ow-!” He shouted.
Another portal opened beneath the group, making them fall in, slamming onto a public water tank. The four swirled frantically in the water, eventually teleporting to a busy construction site, bringing a large geyser of water with them.
Y/N was bent over on their knees and elbows as they coughed out water while clutching onto their neck. They look around and see the construction workers running away in panic. They then look forward and see Spider-Man and Officer Morales struggling to stand up. Anger courses through their veins as they begin to stand up, but they instantly freeze once they realize where they were.
This horrible place…
“Of course we’d end up back here…” Spot said, ominously.
Y/N darts their head towards Spot has he clutches onto a metal sign that reads, ‘Alchemax’.
The dots on Y/N’s body begins to shift as they look back forward. Spider-Man and Officer Morales are standing up and are bickering back and forth like a father and son. “Hey, you know what? You are just like my son!” Officer Morales spat. “I am?” Spider-Man, replied. ”I…that’s so silly! Imagine that!”
“Back where it all started!”
Spot angrily lunges towards Spider-Man, causing them to fall over a ledge.
That was where the destroyer collider was.
Without hesitation, Y/N jumps off the ledge, falling into the large portal that Spot left open. On the other end of the portal, Y/N ends up falling harshly onto the hard concrete ground while Spot was busy battling Spider-Man mid air again.
“The crucible of our connection!” Spot shouted, dramatically.
“Hey, don’t try to wow me with big words!” Spider-Man snarked back at him.
“Damn it…” Y/N groaned, shaking their head. While looking up see Spot and Spider-Man in the air, Y/N attention towards them breaks when they see the familiar white hexagons on the ground.
Out of every moment of pain that Y/N had experienced throughout their life, they will never forget the pain that they felt on that dark and fateful night. So many bad things have happened to Y/N and Spot throughout their lives. But nothing could possibly compare to the horrible things that happened on that very night on Alchemax. How quickly their lives changed then and there. How horrible their transformation was.
All because of a god damn spider.
Y/n hands begin to shake as they gulped quickly. Their heart begins to beat faster as they slightly pant in panic. They shake their head, snapping themselves out of it and immediately run towards Spot, completely ignoring the officer (who was now scared for his life). “Is it all coming back to you?!” Spot asked. “What are you talking about?!” Spider-Man said, angrily.
Spot clasps his hand on the bottom of the vigilante’s chin and turns his head towards a familiar sight. The fighting duo were now looking at the iris of the destroyed collider from last year. Spot could feel a angry chill flow down his spine while staring at the large dead machine.
“The creation of events!” Spot replied.
“…Wha…?” Spider-Man said innocently.
Meanwhile on the ground, Y/N runs around attempting to shoot Spider-Man, releasing the polka dots from their palms like cannons. Sadly, the polka dots kept missing him and only ended up hitting and melting other objects. They growl in frustration as they prepare to fire with their dots glowing, but once again, they end up flickering off. Y/N huffs in anger.
“A-fucking-gain?!” They shouted.
Finally falling onto the ground, Spider-Man bounces off of Spot, making him somersault backwards falling to the ground. Y/N instantly runs to his side while Spot stands back up preparing to attack. “You got a lotta nerve trying to play dumb from your own mistakes, Spider-Man. Are you that arrogant?” Y/N said. Spider-Man flinches out of confusion as he quickly raises an eyebrow.
“What?” Spider-Man said, ”No! I don’t even-“
“Destiny brought all of us here! You see now, don’t you?” Spot asked. “I-I really don’t!” Spider-Man, replied confused. “I am your nemesis!” Spot shouted, throwing portals at him. “You’re not my nemesis!” Spider-Man replied, annoyed. He backflips into the air, dodging the flying portals while shooting webs from his wrists towards Spot and Y/N’s direction. Y/N and Spot both chuckle in triumph as they both dodge the web line as it fired into the portal behind them.
“You missed!” Spot teased.
“Sucker!” Y/N giggled.
“You can’t contain The Spot and The Do-“
Spider-Man yanks onto the line of web, pulling out a large pile of broken metal and concrete from the portal. The debris ends up falling on top of the spotted duo, making them groan out of surprise and pain. Spot and Y/N angrily look towards Spider-Man as he walks in front of them. They began to feel déjà vu as they took in their surroundings.
Spider-Man was really starting to act like an asshole at this moment. He literally had no idea what sort of trouble he was putting himself into! He had the audacity to arrogantly battle his sworn enemies in the very place where Spot and Y/N’s fates were sealed?! The utter arrogance and disrespect!
Hot adrenaline began to course through Y/N’s veins as they began to grow livid. Spot sighs in anger attempting to push himself up from all of the debris on top of him. “You really don’t remember what you did to us? What we did for you?!” Spot asked. “Uh…no.” Spider-Man replied, nonchalantly. “I swear you’re so annoying…” Y/N muttered.
“I worked at Alchemax…” Spot began.
Y/N darts their head towards Spot in slight panic as he began to explain himself. “I ran a test on this collider that brought a spider here from another dimension. It escaped and it bit you! My spider made you Spider-Man!” He exclaimed.
“…What?” Spider-Man said.
“You ran through the cafeteria…you hit me with a bagel!” Spot said, angrily.
Oh yeah, that part.
“I’ve hit a lot a different villains with a lot of different food!” Spider-Man exclaimed.
The dots on Y/N’s skin began to glow in fury towards the young hero. Unbelievable! Spot was finally explaining the origin of his troubles towards Spider-Man and now the damn brat had the audacity to make jokes?! In a heavy moment like this?! Y/N swore Spider-Man was just begging for death at this moment!
Portals began to form above Spot as he began to crawl through them, portalling his way out of the debris and eventually standing back up from it. “You make your flippy…little sassy jokes and everyone loves them. But no one knows what it feels like to be on the other side of em’!” Spot said, his voice slightly cracking. Spider-Man raised his hands carelessly.
“I’m just trying to lighten the mood!” He said, nonchalantly.
That was the final straw for Y/N.
When Spot turns around to help them out of the debris, Y/N only roars in anger as they keep their eyes on Spider-Man. The dots across their body flicker and burst, causing the debris on top of them fly off in different directions. Spot and Spider-Man flinch in shock at the explosion as Y/N quickly stands up, dusting themselves off aggressively.
“Lighten the mood? Lighten the mood?! Well let’s see if you can lighten the mood after knowing this! I was a journalist who worked for The Daily Bugle. I dedicated my life to exposing the many secrets of Spider-Man and what he could do. After the old Spider-Man died I went to his grave for pictures, but instead I saw you!”
“What…?” Spider-Man yelped, softly.
“I saw you knock out a random guy. I saw you running from the police while carrying a body. An about throwing a bagel at my partner…you made me choke on one!” Y/N said.
Y/N remembered how they nearly choked on a random bagel that flung onto their face on that night last year.
“You guys must really not like bagels.” Spider-Man quoted.
“I remember taking pictures of you that night. And I took pictures of you on your trip to Wilson Fisk’s penthouse. My pictures made it to the public and made you known across Manhattan. If it weren’t for my pictures, the new Spider-Man wouldn’t have such a good image!” Y/N exclaimed.
“We created you! You created us.” Spot said, gesturing his hands between him, Y/N and Spider-Man.
“Spider-Man, why did you create those two?” Officer Morales asked, bewildered.
“I didn’t! They’re talking crazy!” Spider-Man exclaimed.
“We were in this collider room when you blew it up!” Spot yelled angrily.
“And you didn’t even bother saving us!” Y/N added, angrily.
Y/N shivered in fear as they remembered the night that they had transformed. How the bright dotted colors struck their skin.
How painful the transformation was…
“Because of you, I lost my job, my life, my face…my family won’t even look at me!” Spot cried.
Y/N darts their head towards Spot as he looks at Spider-Man angrily. A look of worry began to spread across their face as the spots on his body began to shift and flicker, reflecting his anger and irritation.
The thought of Spot being this angry was understandable, but still shocking for Y/N. They had a feeling that he must’ve had something nasty in mind for Spider-Man if he was this mad. Spots began to float from his pale skin, forming portals around him. A chill ran down Y/N’s spine as Spot slightly hunches over in anger, making him look more like a monster than a human.
“I made you into a hero! You made me into this! LOOK AT ME!” Spot shouted, his voice distorting.
He runs towards Spider-Man in angrily as portals surround him. Y/N runs after him, the dots on their body shifting and flickering. Spider-Man and Officer Morales back away in fear as the duo get closer.
“You did this to me! Look at me! I’ll make you respect me-!”
Spot and Y/N’s left foot falls into a portal causing it to teleport to their rear.
Kicking their own butts.
In sync, the duo ends up falling into two separate portals after falling in front of the Officer and vigilante in awkward positions.
“Johnny-!” Y/N said, before disappearing into the portal.
“I am your neme-!” Spot said, before falling in a portal.
The spotted duo disappeared.
After the portals disappear, Spider-Man and Officer Morales are left in shock as they stand in awkward silence.
“Wha-where… Where’d they go…?” Officer Morales asked.
“They…kicked their own butts!” Spider-Man quoted.
Meanwhile outside, a portal opens in the middle of a dirty alleyway. Y/N screams as they fall into a green dumpster, slightly bouncing off of the large black trash bags from the impact.
Sitting up in the trash, they grasp their head as they groan in pain from the long fall. After taking in their surroundings, Y/N huffs in disgust as they quickly scurry out of the dumpster, peeling the garbage off of them in the process. They softly land onto the concrete ground, peeling the rest of the garbage off of them.
Y/N sits up, expecting to see Spot looking down to them, but then sees no one. They look around in panic and see that no one was here. They instantly exhale in realization.
Y/N was alone.
“J-Johnny…?” Y/N said.
Taglist: @moanutt @nxrdamp
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
im sorry i havent been interacting much lately- im having a rough time atm and havnt felt like myself but im working on it!
ANYWAY this has been on my mind and it is genuinely getting me thru the day so i j have to share:) imagine ur having a bad day. like the worst of the worst, everything that could have gone wrong has. and to top it off you woke up feeling awful about yourself- total bad brain day. you get home irritated and exhausted and on the verge of tears and go straight to ur room, completely bypassing eris (this can be pre twins or post twins) and hes just sitting there confused as to why you j kept walking. at least until u accidentally let a bit of emotion down the bond and IMMEDIATELY eris is coming to you. he sees u crying and it shatters his heart bc why is the love of his life crying. so u explain ur day and how bad ur feeling ab urself and he just sits and listens and reassures u and makes you feel like the most loved person in the universe (bc by him you are).
v much realizing how heavy hurt/comfort it is so u can definitely ignore it but im fr wishing for an eris to help me thru it rn <3
Hi my dear,
I am sorry you are going through it rn, I totally understand and get it. You are not alone and don’t worry, Girl dad!Eris will always save the day because you are his heart, soul, and world. 
Okay, so you just wake up not knowing that today was going to be a rough day. Honestly you had a lot of hope that the day was going to go really well!
Eris woke up early this morning because he has been busy adjusting the laws that Beron had set into place. He is working hard to undo them to make Autumn Court a better place for his people, for his little girls, and for you. 
When he finishes getting ready, he crosses the room towards your form that is still laying in bed, fast asleep. He wakes you to give you your first good morning, a habit that formed when your bond had initially snapped into place centuries ago 
He kisses your forehead, stroking your hair back as he gently murmurs, “I have to go to my office, I love you so so much my pretty, and I will see you at breakfast.” 
And you smile back, bleary eyed, leaning up to peck him on the lips, telling him you would be up soon, sending a stroke of love down your mating bond in reassurance. 
You watch tiredly as he tip-toes to his favorite babes who were still sleeping peacefully in their bassinets, and gives them each individual kisses.
You are too tired to hear what he whispers down at the two, but you are 100% positive it is something along the lines of, “Be good for your mama my beautiful babes. Papa will be back soon, and he loves you more than anything.” 
And then he walks out the door, winking at you as he shuts it softly behind him. 
By the time you fully wake, it’s been almost an hour since Eris started his day. Marwa and Twila are still asleep, and so you get up with a sense of motivation to get yourself ready. 
Since the babes were born, it had become increasingly difficult to find time in the morning to get yourself ready before breakfast. Usually, you would need to get yourself dressed and appearing somewhat presentable after you fed the girls their breakfast. 
At first, this worried you. You didn’t want to appear like you were lazy or “letting yourself go” when you arrive to breakfast, frazzled from wrangling the girls out of bed and to the kitchem still in your pajama’s with some dried drool at the corner of your lips from the night before
But the way Eris would look up from where he was seated at the dining table when you would wake in with your babes hand in hand... 
The way his eyes would spark with the fire that ran within his veins... the way his face would illuminate with utter joy and peace... the way he always stood in greeting, hugging his babes and putting them in their seats... the way he would pull your chair back for you like the gentlemale he was, tucking you in your seat right next to him before pressing a kiss onto the back of your hand
And if he was feeling incredibly risky, whenever the girls would be focused on eating their breakfast, he would press kisses all the way up your bare arm, right up to your shoulder, whispering something along the lines of how stunning you look this morning 
And you would always flush at his compliments, preening under his gaze, any worries that you previously carried slipping away like a leaf within the wind drifting to the ground off a tree
But this morning... you had the time to get ready. Your perfect babes had decided to sleep in. So after taking a quick peak to ensure that both were still dreaming happily, you race towards the en-suite bathroom to rush to take a bath 
You soak in the tub for 15 minutes, scrubbing every inch of your skin and allowing for the sunflower oil to hydrate any dryness you were experiencing. You even have time to wash your hair with your favorite rose scented shampoo and conditioner.
You smile, knowing that you have your morning all planned out perfectly. The moment you get out of the bath, you will apply some light rogue to your lips and cheeks to brighten you up today. And if you have the time, you will make sure that your hair is somewhat tame from the bird-nest it was from last night’s late night activities with your husband...
Your perfumed scent and fresh, soft skin is likely going to drive your mate insane during breakfast.
And, so, when the babes run off for their morning riding lessons with their Uncle Luc after breakfast... well... whose to say what Eris will do to you?  
Hopefully drag you into his office to have his way with you while the girls are away for a couple of hours before returning to work
But as you get ready... as you stare at yourself in the mirror... you can’t help but feel off. Something about the way you look today feels off.
Entirely off. 
The way your rogue is settling on your cheeks is not flattering, and no matter how many times you wipe it off and reapply, it is making you look like you painted yourself this morning to look like a clown. Even the way the rogue stains your lips is wrong. 
Fresh face without any makeup will have to do. Eris has never complained before, and he never will. He loves your bare face. He often prefers it because it let’s him paint your face with his cum. 
So you sigh in dissapointment, but let it go ultimately. At least you can still fix your hair the way you want. Maybe you will curl it to frame your face? Maybe you will straighten to highlight your cheeks? The possibilites are endless, right! 
Your hair is not working with you today. No matter how you try styling it, it falls right back into place, resting in a messy way. You even tried applying a small portion of the gel your mate uses in the morning to help with it, but your hair ends up feeling a bit crusty and greasy, even though that never happens to Eris. 
You’re now feeling a little demotivated... you take a quick peak into your room, noticing that both your babes are awake now. Thank the mother they are just babbling at each other, distracted by telling each other about their dreams. 
Soon they will realize that their papa is gone, and that mama is in the bathroom, and they will run to receive your morning lovings of hugs and kisses before you help them get ready for the day. 
That leaves you with a couple minutes to at least dress a little nicer this morning. So you run into the closet, picking out a flowy sage green dress that Eris had bought for you a couple of days ago despite your closet being full of other clothes. 
“I wanna spoil you my beloved. Besides, I already bought Marwa and Twila dresses that match yours. So maybe you can have them wear their dresses when you wear yours. Just so I can see my most beautiful girls and perfect mate matching.” 
Gods, the way he treated you had your heart fully leaping into his hands, without any hesitancy or doubt, for him to hold close to his own heart
But even the dress is not fitting right on you. The way it hugs your hips shows off the dips that had developed after having your girls. And you didn’t necessarily hate them per say... but it wasn’t something you wanted highlighted to your mate and the entire autumn court for that matter
And then you start to think maybe it’s not the rogue or the hair or the dress... maybe it’s me. I mean your body has changed a lot since having your girls. Your breasts had enlarged with milk for the babes, and your hips had widened for the birth. 
And you hadn’t bounced back like you thought you would. 
And obviously, Eris never gave you any pressure or stress about it. In fact, the male worshiped your body. Pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, and post pregnancy. He was obsessed with you in the best way possible. 
But for some reason... today was just not working with you. And you felt dejected that you had wasted your time this morning trying to get ready for your husband, only for it to not work out, when you probably could’ve snuck into his office to have a quick few... private... moments. 
Alas, you didn’t have time to think on it too much because the girl’s came running into the room, clinging at your legs begging for their morning kisses and hugs. 
Your heart sung at their love, and you felt a small tug at your bond as the wave of emotion seeped down to where-ever Eris was this morning. 
So you lean down, pick up your girls, pressing kisses all over their faces as they giggle at you, and move to get them ready, pushing away any discontent to the back of your mind. 
You had no time to let this bother you anyway. After breakfast, and hopefully some alone time with Eris,  you needed to head out to different towns across Autumn Court to gather intel on any concerns the people had, to reassure the people that you and Eris were working hard as high lord and high lady to ensure their prosperity, to ensure that you would be different from Beron. 
The girls are incredibly difficult this morning. They want to see their papa, and they want their papa to get them ready this morning. So you press your lips together, promising them that papa will join them for breakfast if they get ready quickly. 
A couple of temper tantrums later, the three of you arrive at the breakfast nook only to discover Lucien in the place of Eris. He sends over a sympathetic smile at the downcast look that crosses your face, letting you and the babes know that their papa had to head out to the border to deal with something that had come up. 
You tug at your bond in worry, and your mate replies almost instantly with reassurance and apology which you wholeheartedly accept. Things like this happen. Things like this will happen as high lord and high lady. Things will come up and interrupt your morning and that is okay. 
But damn, does it mother above fucking suck.  
The only reason the babes don’t have a meltdown over the lack of thier papa’s presence is Lucien’s promise for some candies later if they eat quickly and get to the stables for their horse riding lessons. He squeezes your shoulder in warmth as he is pulled away by his favorite nieces, who immediately give you a hug and kiss in goodbye, once they finish eating. 
You head out to town as soon as you finish your own breakfast. 
The sooner you get this done, the sooner you can see Eris and spend some time with your babes, together as a family. That is the only thing you look forward to for the rest of the day. 
But your time in town only further worsens your mood. Compliant after compliant after compliant. All of them being valid and equally concerning. All of the citizens of the Autumn Court had suffered for centuries under Beron’s rule, and once the fear of Eris disappeared with his kindness, feelings of anger arose within the general population against the Vanserra family as a whole
At some point, you had closed off the bond to Eris because you feared he would pick up on your general distress that was progressing into outright sorrow, discomfort, and grief. 
There wasn’t much you could do besides take the brunt of the anger as high lady, reassure the people that you and Eris were working for them, for the people and not the members of court, to undo the heinous laws Beron had inacted, but advise them it would take time. 
Town after town after town. 
So many families, so many elderly, so many women, so many children had suffered. So many perished with the high taxes and tithes they would were forced to pay, not leaving them with enough money to even buy food. 
And the children... they looked at you with such hope... and once you earned their trust with a couple of candies and friendly conversation, they would sit near you trying to gain the favor of their high lady. They would tell you of losing their fathers to the war, losing their mothers to famine because they would sacrifice their food for their babes... 
It nearly broke you. 
And by the end of the day... by the end of the day you just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep the day away. Intense sadness squeezed at your heart, leaving a lump in your throat, and nausea that had your head spinning. 
You didn’t want the girls to see you like this. You only wanted them to see you happy, to see you content. You and Eris had agreed that the babes would grow up with no concern for either of their parents, that you would put on a front so they felt safe, so they felt normal. 
Nor did you want your mate to see you like this. You didn’t want him to worry about you. 
Part of your sadness stemmed from your overall day being couldron damned. Another part from your lack of time around your mate and babes. Another part from your doubt of yourself in terms of your ability as high lady and even in terms of your beauty. 
It just... the day was not working out the way you wanted it to. And the day refused to work out the way you expected it to. Every surprise was a sad one. There was nothing happy about what happened today. 
So when you got home, nearing sunset, you walked straight past where your mate and the babes were seated in the sitting room. The girls were in their own world, taking turns trying to read the book that was settled on the floor in front of them as the hounds cuddled into their laps and surrounded them in a protective circle. Eris had been leaning on the couch, a content look spanning his face with a soft smile crinkling his freckle covered cheek, watching his perfect babes politely hand off different pages to each other, watching them point at the little pictures in the book and pointing it out to the hounds that were around them who oddly looked like they understood every word the babes spoke to them. 
Your mate had been the first to notice your presence along with the hound he had gifted you for protection when you had accepted the mating bond. The hound trailed after you as Eris stared after your distancing form in confusion, you hadn’t even spared him or the babes so much as a glance as you stormed towards your bedroom. 
A sense of dread fills the male as he feels a pulse of sadness through the bond. He hadn’t felt anything from you since this morning, but he had chalked it up to you being busy. He hadn’t thought you were upset in any form. He felt his heart drop, maybe you were angry he had failed to join you and the girls for breakfast. 
“Watch over the babes,” he commanded the hounds who had sat up, ears pointing backward and down in alert at their masters orders, surrounding the girls in a circle. When the babes asked where their papa was going, “I’m gonna check on your mama, my Marwa, my Twila.  Don’t worry. we will be back with dinner okay?” 
They nodded in reply, confused because their mama usually always greeted them with kisses and hugs whenever she came back from work, but they didn’t ask their papa any other questions as he hurried after you.  
Eris finds you curled under the covers in bed, and you don’t even peak out to watch him approach you as he settles down on the bed on your side. His feet settle onto the floor on the side of the bed as he angles his body to face yours. He can smell the saltiness of your tears in the air which has his heart racing, trying to think of any reason you could be upset. 
Gods forbid, had you been hurt while out in town? Were you upset with him? Were the girls too rough to deal with alone this morning? 
He would never forgive himself if anything had happened to you. 
Nor would he forgive the person who was stupid enough to upset you like this. 
And Mother have mercy on him if he found out that he was the reason you were upset. He would rather light himself on fire alive than be the cause of your pain. 
“Beloved?” he whispers when he hears your sniffles coming from underneath the covers. He presses a firm hand into what looks to be the outline of your shoulder, before peeling the blanket away from you. 
Bile rises in his throat as he clocks in the tears streaming down your cheeks, your hand pressed into your mouth to muffle your sobs, and eyes squeezed shut to hide the pain that was no doubt reflected in your beautiful iris’. 
His heart shatters into a million pieces, not understanding what has happened that has upset you so. 
But he quickly jumps into action. 
Immediately shifting to lay on top of you, to allow his body weight to act as a grounding source, to allow his warmth to stabilize the adrenaline that is racing through your veins, to press kisses anywhere he has access to. 
His hands run up and down your sides, squeezing at your waist and hips before pulling you up into him, molding your body against his as his arm wraps tightly around your waist, his other arm reaching up to finger the ends of your hair. 
“What happened my beloved? Has something hurt you?” 
You don’t even reply, you just bury your head into the junction of his shoulder and neck, inhaling his cinnamon and apple scent, tinged with the afternoon rain and leaves, allowing for the sound of his heartbeat to calm your own. 
You finally open your side of the bond, allowing all your feelings to flood towards him. He takes a sharp inhale, overwhelmed by the rush of negative emotions, but doesn’t say anything. He wants you to share these feelings with him. He wants to lift the burden of these feelings in any way he can. And if that means letting it go onto him, then so be it. 
You shake against his body for a while, tears soaking into his shoulder as he strokes your hair, at some point pulling you into his lap and rocking you back and forth. 
And when you are ready,  you finally begin to tell your husband about your day. About how the day started off so perfectly with him waking you up, and how you felt so motivated to feel pretty for him. How nothing worked out and it left you feeling insecure. How the girls were upset that their papa wasn’t there in the morning, instead they were stuck with mama (even though you know that is not how they meant it to sound, they are only babes for mothers sake). How the towns people had so many concerns. How the children of the court had suffered. How upset you were that these things would take time to fix. How upset you were that you couldn’t relieve the peoples pain with one law, with one all included fix. How much you missed him throughout the day. How much you had wanted some alone time with him... some private time... how disappointed you were when he wasn’t there at breakfast, and how you just were not feeling good. Not feeling good about the day. Not feeling good about the state of the court. Not feeling good about yourself. 
And he listened. Stroking your back with one hand, and your hair with the other. Pressing kisses into your temple and forehead, onto your cheeks and corners of your eyes every time a new tear tried to slip out. 
He didn’t interrupt you once, allowing for you to get all your feelings out there. Only sending strokes of love, appreciation, pride, longing, and want down the bond that tied your two hearts together. 
And when you finally finished, tears all dried out, breathless from your rant, his hand came up to your chin, gripping it to force eye contact with you. The bond had tightened into one of pure devotion streaking down to reach your end, encasing you with your mates love. His amber iris’ stared into yours, flicking back and forth, reflecting only honesty and truth as he began thickly, “My beloved, you are the most stunning female I have ever seen, ever had the pleasure knowing, probably the most stunning female to have ever existed. You are the definition of ethereal, elegance, dazzling, enchanting, and alluring. Your beauty exceeds that of the stars, moon, and sun. There are not enough words to describe your beauty, really there are no words that can accurately describe it either. You are just going to have to take my word for it, and I promise you that I will prove to you ever day how bewitched I am by you. I am so sorry your day didn’t go as you wanted it to. I was actually hoping to join you sometime later today, but I got pulled away by the border issues and I just didn’t have enough time. I am sorry you had to deal with all that on your own. Things for the people are very emotionally charged right now, but I am so fucking proud of you. I am proud to have you as my high lady. I, and the people of this court, are incredibly blessed to have you as high lady, my beloved. You handled things beautifully, and in ways that I couldn’t have done better myself. You are allowed to have off days my love, but I am here for you. And I am going to remind you every time you have one of those days, actually, I am going to remind you every day, that you are my entire heart. My whole soul. And my world, along with the babes. My universe revolves around you. And you are the most loved person I know. The babes absolutely adore you, and while they were complaining in the morning for you, you should’ve seen how they cried when they realized you would be gone for the entire day. It took hours to console them beloved, hours. I was nearly about to rip my hair out before I brought in the hounds to distract them. You are their world. You are the perfect mama to them, and I assure you that you are their favorite being to exist, and I cannot help but feel the exact same. I love you so much, and it is going to be okay. I promise you.”
Your lip trembled at his devotion towards you. Everyday, your mate managed to surprise you with the amount of love and affection he held towards you. Everyday, over and over again, he proved that he was the only being that you could ever possibly want or need to be happy, to be content, to live. “Thank you, Er,” you whispered, leaning forward and capturing his lips against yours. They moved slowly and passionately against each other, pulling away and coming back. Gasping against each others lips for air before shifting to press against each other with no space left in between. His tongue slipped between your lips, ushering into your mouth to stroke at your tongue causing a shot of lust to course through your body. He leaned back, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth, eliciting a soft moan that had him surging forward again.
Both Marwa and Twila’s little voices squealed at their parents display of affection, you shoved Eris away at the sound of your babes, immediately glancing over his shoulder to see the two of them scrunching their tiny faces in disgust. The both of them must’ve snuck in at some point during Eris’ speech, and- 
“Mama, Papa was sucking your face off!” Twila screamed, leaping across the room towards you. Marwa following behind her just as quickly. Both landed on their papa, causing Eris to fall back with an “omph” 
Their tiny fingers shoved into Eris’ sides trying to tickle the male to get him away from their precious mama with their best effort. Luckily for their papa, he was not very ticklish. 
Unluckily for them, the babes were. 
He locked eyes with you, amber iris’ lined with mischief that caused you to giggle and nod. You both snatched one of the girls away, sending soft brushes across their torso and behind their knees where they tickled the most, sloppily kissing every inch of their faces you both could reach.  Their little screams of laughter that followed, soothing the last seed of ache in your heart. 
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it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.
**please read!**
hi there, this is my first time publishing a long fanfic on tumblr. updates will be a lot slower here as i like to post longer chapters on tumblr (at least 1-5 chapters need to be written before posting to tumblr) just as a personal preference. that means updates will take a lot longer here than other platforms so please follow me on wattpad or ao3 if you'd like to support me more or read this book faster. find me at @ insaneintheemembrane thanks!
in which a burnt-out detective/vigilante meets the ninjas.
a trans-fem!reader with spiderman? powers x ninjago boys & girls.
slow updates
i will make a male and gender netural version of this book if its wanted! please check out my profile for other books,
posted books; > into the fog (fem!reader x dbd) - only ao3 and wattpad atm > its not paranoia if theyr're really out to get you (fem!reader x ninjago) - all platforms
upcoming books; > teen by day, wicca by night (fem!reader x twilight) > fight for me (sodapop curtis x fem!reader x steve randle)
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chapter 1 & 2
A/N: the timeline is fucked and I've added my own parts to spice up the plot so it isn't similar to other fanfics. i do attempt to stick somewhat to the order of things though. please excuse the spacing, this was copied to multiple sites from notion.
warnings: mentions of blood & violence, swearing words: 1906
chapter 1
i didn't know where i was going or why i even the station, i just needed to get out, needed to do something, anything else. nothing made sense, my thoughts were irrational and i wasn't stable enough for this case. i needed to hand it to someone else, but i couldn't, people were counting on me to solve it.
i'm amazing at cases, this is what ive always wanted to do, what i've dreamed of, so why couldn't i? when it mattered and when it counted why couldn't i solve a singular case? what was wrong with me, why was my brain acting like this? god, it felt like my brain was running at 100 miles per hour.
i kept walking, turning different ways when i felt like it. eventually i came to a tea store. outside was a huge poster for fresh tea and pastries on a discounted price for the winter.
'yes' i thought, 'exactly what i need.'
i walked into the store and was immediately greeted by the smell of an intrusive citrus tea. it flooded my senses and slowed my brain down almost instantly.
"hello dear, something i can help you with?" a calming voice asked.
i spun around to see an older lady, she had grey hair and kind green eyes. she was wearing a light coat of well applied makeup and was smiling at me while holding a cup of tea (which seemed to be the culprit of my relaxation.)
"i, uh, i saw the uhm." i tried to explain using my finger to point toward the window, but my eyes were very obviously glued to the cup of magic the woman was holding.
she followed my gaze and lightly chuckled. "you like the smell of this tea? its ours new brand of organic lemon balm tea, otherwise know as melissa. It increases GABA activity, meaning it's a fantastic choice for calming you down andddd getting to sleep at night!" "sounds just like what i need."
i look from the cup to the shelves, they are covered in hundreds of boxes of tea, ranging from all different colours and types. on the shelves behind the counter sit at least 200 different teapots.
"well lucky for you we have an offer on this type of tea, as its new. 2 boxes for £15. although you do need a good teapot to brew this kind of tea to a high standard. so for an extra £15 ill through in a teapot as well." she responded, putting down her teacup, grabbing two boxes of the tea from the shelves and walking behind the counter to select a teapot.
this woman moved fast, i hadn't even said i wanted it yet.
"right okay, £30 sure." i nodded approaching the counter.
as the woman turned back around she knocked the shelf causing one level to fall. without thinking id hopped over the counter and caught the shelf before it could cause any real damage.
"oh woah, those are some… fast reflexes. and your quite strong too. hm" the woman said stepping back putting the teapot she had selected for me on the counter. she then turned round and looked me up and down.
i propped the shelf back up and sighed nervously.
"aha, yeah well, i am a detective so quick reflexes and all."
"sure sure, whatever you say, just seemed a little… unnatural is all." she responded with a smile.
i walked back round the counter, pulling my purse out of my oversized winter jacket. it was like this woman could see right through me. read me like a book - as cringey as that sounds. i pulled out three 10s and handed them too her. she bagged up my things and handed then to me.
"have a nice evening and come again!"
"thank you."
i spun around making a b-line for the door, 'freedom!' i thought, right before the door opened in front of me and i crashed into the stranger that had walked through.
"woah! sorry about that, wasn't expecting you to come through." i said apologetically, regaining balance.
i looked at the guy in front of me, he was solid and hadn't even wobbled when i bumped into him. he had fiery brown hair, gelled up into stupid spikes. he had beautiful light brown eyes, but they were currently looking cold and sharp right at me.
"watch where you're going next time." he half-shouted.
i scoffed, looking at him in disbelief. i was being kind and apologising! what was this assholes problem?
"kai! don't be rude to customers." the woman that had served me said from behind.he rolled his eyes walking off to the back grumbling about something. the woman started to say something but id already walked out, fuming.
like my shitty day could get any worse, not only am i in a slump at work, i nearly exposed my powers to the tea lady AND that guy was unnecessarily rude.
i angrily walked back to the station and set my tea down in the locker room. i ignored everyone's confused looks and sat back at my desk, head in hands.
chapter 2
blood dripped down my face and onto my vigilante suit, not like i wasn't already covered in snake juices and blood but it was still an inconvenience. i had been on my way home from work when i heard cries down an alleyway. a group of snakes had stolen a baby. very original.
i dipped into the alley, stashed my bag and tea in an old bin and changed into my suit, before saving the baby. i fought of the serpentine and found the mother a few streets down crying out for her lost child. a few of the slimy bastards got away so i tracked them through the city, to the sewers. it was some kind of hive for all the serpentine clans too meet. how freaky.
that's when i saw them, the ninja. the most irritating men you will ever come across.
4 arrogant, cocky, colourful men in pyjamas. they call themselves ninjas but fail to do the simplest of tasks, not to mention they are always in my way. they believe in no killing unless absolutely necessary, i believe some people just aren't worth keeping around and that not every life is worth saving.
it's fair to say we don't see eye to eye.
they were all here, trying to fight off the serpentine horde and (to my misery) winning. this place must be important because they were all here blue, red, black and… pink? since when was there a pink ninja? what happened to the white one?
i saw the one in black get knocked down and decided to be his knight in shining armour. i pulled down my hood and used my webs to swing myself into the fight. i grabbed the snake on top of the black ninja with my webs and flung him into a wall. the ninja on the ground looked up at me and nodded, swiftly getting off of the ground, rushing back into the fight.
i rolled my eyes, although he couldn't see that. we continued fighting until the serpentine were dead, tied up or knocked out. i'd been scratched a few times but nothing serious. most of the blood on me wasn't mine, not that you could tell whose blood is what anyway, a certain breed of these filthy things exploded into blue goo when it died. extremely gross. there were only a few stragglers left, but i thought that the Pyjama Men could handle them on their own - they were big, scary ninjas after all. i turned on my heel, prepared to leave, when i heard a scream behind me. i looked over my shoulder to see the pink (white?) ninja being lifted up by his neck. the thing lifting him was grotesque; it was like a hybrid snake. it was bigger, stronger, and covered in markings, and metal.
the remaining ninjas rushed to aid their friend, while i took care of the less powerful serpentine who were trying to assist the hybrid. dealing with the remaining serpentine was easy, and i dispatched them quickly while the others did their best to help their icy companion.
the poor guy was choking and struggling as his teammates desperately tried to get the thing off of him, attacking them with everything they had. their golden weapons, powers and strength didn't work so i helped out and tried my best to strike the hybrid with my weapon. nothing worked and the thing just shrugged us off or threw us back. i eventually got fed up and webbed the guy's hands up, he dropped the icy ninja to try and get the webs off. the fire ninja grabbed the ice ninja and we all ran out of there while we still could. there was no point fighting something so strong, especially since we were very under-prepared. plus i could sense that the ninja still weren't my biggest fans even after i just saved them.
we ran out of the sewers and hid in an alleyway. i lifted the bottom part of my mask, revealing my mouth and gasped for air. it stunk in the sewer and i appreciated the fresh air. part of my hair fell out of the mask along with it.
"are you a girl?!" exclaimed the blue lightning ninja.
"i thought that was obvious?" i responded, looking his way.
"not to me."
"it was obvious, you're just a dumbass jay." the earth ninja said rolling his eyes while checking on his injured friend.
"your name is jay?" i asked.
"oh for fucks sake cole!" the red one exclaimed.
"and yours is cole?"
"shut up you two!" the injured white one shouted, his voice sounding croaky and sore. "she knows too much about our identities now, we will have to take her to master wuu."
"yeah good idea. besides, we still need to discuss whatever that monster was." the red one replied nodding, a hint of disgust in his voice toward the end.
"im not going anywhere with you lot." i started backing up, they came toward me and i turned around and bolted.
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sotwk · 5 months
I didn’t realise that you answered so soon! You are thanking me?! I am thanking YOU, my friend for your fast reply and beautiful writings.
Yep my crying was definitely the good kind and much needed, I’ve to say. I’m an emotional type of gal (also a wreck). Toddlers are such treasures and your little boys sound so sweet too, I hope your husband is feeling better and that the weekend was great for you all. 
“He's just that shy, slightly awkward and nerdy guy who might get overlooked for being quiet, but he's actually a hottie who's unaware of his own sex-appeal.”
This, like, this is so true and I couldn’t have said better. Thranduil needed those 3/4hundred years cooking, it did him good for his temperament. 
We have brothers! YES! 
First age is definitely tragic, those boys needed more time for sure, they deserved to see their little sister happy, luckily the two youngest had each other for a time and yes I want to know more about the cousin I just know he is just as wonderful as the Thranduilions. Can’t wait! 
I definitely overlooked the references to the cousin in the other ffs, and as soon as I have a few minutes I’m going to go get another look. 
Also I'm very curious about Glorfindel and his family, his granddaughter (great-granddaughter? don't remember atm sorry) is a great oc already.
With love, 
Anon who asked about Celebrian
I am thanking YOU, my friend for your fast reply and beautiful writings.
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I wish I could tattoo this in my brain for the down days when I feel like my writing is nothing more than "silly nonsense" or "a waste of time". Your encouragement and eagerness to discuss my AU with me is a treasure beyond price and I am so grateful to be one of the writers you have chosen to spend your precious time on.
I admit one of the main reasons I have so far mostly danced around going into detail about First Age ancestors (Maglor, Círdan, Glorfindel, etc.), is because I have low confidence in my knowledge of the Silmarillion (I read it once, years ago, and so my recollection of all those details is not exactly solid), and I am intimidated by the expertise of Silm fans. Those I am mutuals with are sweethearts, but I have run into some less kind ones, unfortunately, so I'm a little gun-shy.
Anyway! Here is what I can offer/clarify for you regarding Glorfindel in the SotWK AU:
SotWK AU Headcanons: About Glorfindel
Glorfindel is the son of a Vanya father and of Findis, daughter of Finwë and Indis. This makes him not any mere "kinsman" of Turgon, but his most devoted cousin.
Glorfindel secretly loved Elemírë (oc), the twin sister of Elenwë, who had followed her sister and brother-in-law across the Helcaraxë.
But the Exile made their love story a turbulent one, and they did not confess their shared feelings until the Long Peace, although when they did, they married soon after.
During that peace they had one child, a son called Ingwil (oc).
Ingwil became the grandfather of Itarildë (oc), who would become the wife of Crown Prince Mirion and daughter-in-law of Thranduil. Thus you can see that Itarildë (the Quenya name of Idril) was in fact named after her grandfather's favorite cousin.
I mentioned this in a previous post, but in my Fili x OC fic, "The Only Gold", Anariel, Thranduil's granddaughter, is called "my kin" by Elrond: "This is her home, Master Gloin," Elrond responded sharply. "Where you are the visitors. We practice great tolerance in Imladris to make allowances for cultural differences. But I will not abide the harassment of anyone, least of all my kin."
This also means Glorfindel provided the Vanyar ancestry that resides in Crown Prince Aranion (Thranduil's grandson and heir), so that in the Fourth Age, Eryn Lasgalen is ruled by an elvenking with the blood of all three clans of High Elves.
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There you go! Perhaps someday I will write a story about First Age Glorfindel and the OC wife I created for him. It's a wonderful romance sitting in my head! But my to-write list is super long as is, so I can make no guarantees.
I feel like I can fancast just about any character in Middle-earth, EXCEPT Glorfindel! (Maybe because I already used Henry Cavill for Mirion, haha.) If anyone has any good suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them!
Tagging just a few friends I know who have a particular fondness for Glorfindel: @modernmythic @aduialel @wareagleofthemountain @g-m-kaye
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vasyandii · 5 months
Hi, love!
1- Is Nak quick to anger, or does she stew and simmer until she explodes?
2- Has Sebastian ever made her so mad/hurt that ge had to seriously grovel?
3- And the other way round?
4- Who would have a worst time if the other got seriously injured in the field?
5- Little stupid scenario:
Krueger: Nikokai, why the FUCK do we need this midget
Riot: Midget, wow! Your head must hurt for coming up with that one. I would see the steam coming from your ears if you weren't wearing a tablecloth
Nak: *wheezing*
Krueger: IT'S A VEIL
I love you 🫂❤️
[Going Backwards!]
-"This one's from Christine Vega."
- (small wave small smile) "Hello Ma'am, I hope you're well. "
- "Wow. That's the most enthusiastic I've seen you throughout this."
[Who would have the worst time if the other got seriously injured on the field? ]
- "Phayvanh." LAUGHS
- "That was fast."
- "I don't have to think about it. It's you"
- "Are you questioning my abilities as an operator?"
- shit eating grin "I am."
- "I saved your ass countless times."
- "So have I."
- Laughs "You should be more grateful. I'm great."
- "You should be fired."
- "You should be in jail."
- "Reckless."
-"Chicken Shit."
[It's undecided]
[Has Sebastian ever made her so mad/hurt that he seriously had to grovel? The other way around?]
- "I don't think so?"
- "No, not yet."
- "Yet?"
- chuckling "I'm on a personal mission."
- "You're actually such a dick."
[Is Nak easy to anger or does it simmer]
-"I'm easy to anger, I suppose."
-"No, No you're not."
-"You definitely let it simmer."
-"I punched you in the face my first month here, that's not simmering."
- "It wasn't instantaneous, you were holding back a bit. When you're annoyed you make a face."
- "A face?"
-"You know, like.."
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- Laughing, "Wha..Was that it?"
- "You're..not really doing anything."
-"I don't even know how you're able to make your face like that."
- "What face??"
[This is what he's talking about.]
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[Shrimp guy's brain is fried rice atm sorry]
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wulvert · 1 year
ok so! these guys r rly early in development still but I will loredump! but nothings concrete atm all due 2 change)
SO as i have stated I'm really bad with names- most of my ocs don't get names until really late stage, so I usually call the girl with the pink and yellow eyes PZ or lot/lottie as a placeholder, the other one, with the metal back parts doesn't even have a placeholder so for this I'll call her axe (bodyspray) (lynx here but still)
so- essentially, pz is the first human on earth to have contracted an extremely destructive alien parasite, that under the right circumstances can eat planets and destroy solar systems. but its kinda gone wrong and hasn't noticed her brain- so she's still in control of her body (whats left of it) and it hasn't managed to feed on enough alive stuff at a fast enough rate to do any actual damage. she doesn't really have many internal organs left, or bones. she doesn't remember much and is pretty lost at the moment. shes a little creepy
axebodyspray is a human, but was abducted from earth as a baby and raised as a member of an alien species- they do this because they send people out to gather information from certain planets and any destructive events that could impact the greater universes society, and its easier to do that when you blend in with a planets species. if that makes sense. unfortunately for her, alien planets are much harsher than earth, earth is considered rly cushy and soft as far as atmospheres go so humans are considered physically really fragile- so their human (and similarly squishy aliens) members of society are usually kept in safer environments as kids, then undergo pretty intensive surgery when they reach adulthood to make them more durable and capable of more basic stuff, most of her joints are metal and a lot of her skins been replaced by metal shells. they do try to keep them aesthetically still human esp under clothes, axebodyspray is wearing clothes in that picture thats not her body- but she's pretty metallic under them. her torso, legs and stuff, her necks been reinforced a lot (that's more careful and under the skin, they try to keep openly metal stuff where humans would wear clothes. she's very precious abt her hands even on earth because they haven't been meddled with at all, and she considers them the most. janky unstable things ever. but her hands are very normal. she usually wears protective gloves. she doesn't like it when people crack their joints, she hates accidentally doing it to the bone joints she has left. which is like. probably just her hands/wrists.
so, axebody spray has been sent to earth to investigate a lost blob of parasite (its blobby) and loses contact with her superiors. so shes stranded on earth looking for this blob and hoping she doesnt get caught up in a planet destroying mess. but the blobs just a freak girl. whos trying to keep her job. and she forgot what her job is. and axebodysprays never really been hugged before. and pz is angsting when she can bc sheliterally. is a skin bag of goo.
scifi bullshit aside they ere GAY
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mono--chromatik · 4 months
Heyy!!! your ocs are so cool. I'm sorry if this is a rly dumb or annoying question [or if it has been asked before!], but can you summarize your ocs' lore?? As in, the general conflict/background/plot/story whatever?? Im so interested in it, but I genuinely have only a small clue of what's going on!! Thank you!!
nono you're totally fine! i like talking abt my ocs anyway (i tend to get asks regarding some, but if i havent answered them its because im still fleshing them out
I've been spending a lot more time with worldbuilding as of recent as opposed to characters in specific so in terms of written-down stuff i dont have much, which is what my toyhouse is for! it's only greyscale, saturate and my sona (whos unrelated) on there atm but i dooo plan on publicizing character pages in bulks when i have them ready. that said, i'll be using this ask as a dumping ground for the current information swimming in my brain soup tyvm
Also the actual story itself isn't fully written so i cant offer much on that end, so srry. I'll answer what i'm able to
Lost Connection is set in a world where government bodies have created a dome situated far out in the ocean with the purpose of creating a re-enactment of human society using machine bodies and AI. They first started as basic but large machines with barebones programming, enough to get them moving. They were supplied with material and tech used to create more machines that gradually got better as the years went on.
Fast forward to today, with slight assistance from human moderation without their knowledge they had created a similar society to humans that caters to the robots (mechanic facilities, clinics specifically for accessorizing because god knows the trouble a machine would go through having to get an ear piercing without damaging wiring, that sort of thing).
The surface of the dome is split up into separate parts in the same sort of sense the world is split up into countries, since the robots don't know anything outside the dome and as such perceive it as just, the world. There is also the underground of the dome which was initially intended as a prison system but overtime became more of a dog-eat-dog world packed with criminals. Machines beneath the ground are much more physically imposing and are prone to violent behavior.
LC has 3 main characters. Greyscale, Saturate and Inforn.
Greyscale is a 11'8ft disproportionate white cat who has earned notoriety through media coverage, some being truthful while others being made up and muddying the waters. Despite the stigma however they would never go out to actively hunt down someone without a good enough reason as to not put herself at risk. It prioritizes self preservation and is often reserved.
Contrasting him is his daughter, Saturate. A 1'9ft Frankenstein of a robot who was illegally built out of parts found in a junkyard, including her CPU, which wasn't wiped of any previous data and effectively made her start off life with the programming of a 10 year old kid and miss out on almost an entire childhood, only being updated a few times before being left at 13. Due to the unorthodox way she was built she has been mistaken for a rodent more than she has been identified as being a bear. She is constantly anxious to some degree and actively makes an effort to keep people far away by being hostile.
The two of them live in an old hotel where they mostly have to hide in. Unfortunately due to trespassers or journalists they find themselves threatened with being discovered quite a lot. To combat this, Greyscale is incredibly territorial and would go out of their way to make sure the person who set foot in the hotel wouldn't leave. Most of the time, the body of the trespasser is later on utilized as a source of components, skin and motor oil. Greyscale has no qualms harvesting these whether or not the person is dead or alive, and the parts tend to go towards repairing Saturate, the weaker of the two. As a result, she has experienced dying on a couple of occasions, only to be unethically brought back from the dead.
And opposing these two is Inforn. A 6'5ft black cat who works in a news network as a reporter and anchor. He is responsible for most of the misinformation on Greyscale, yet could never bring himself to go near her. By indirectly putting the two in a dangerous living situation they have developed an immense hatred for him overtime. Stakes would most likely raise if he somehow found where they were hiding.
wagghhge I THINK. i think i've spilt my brains enough. theres ofc some other guys too but if i went on about more ppl this ask would quickly turn into a book chapter, so i'll leave it with the main information
AND for future reference i'll tag this post in particular incase the question is repeated
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kafus · 5 months
i'm really glad that i started with pokemon at the time and age that i did. there's a lot of reasons for this but i'm thinking about two in particular atm:
i was precocious with academics as a child and constantly felt bored by stuff that was considered to be for my age range. playing pokemon leafgreen for the first time on my 5th birthday required me to read dialogue/signs/etc, do some basic number processing, and use logical thinking to get to the end in ways that other games i had tried did not, and it gave me the freedom to do so at my own pace without having a cartoon character in annoying voice ask me if i can do XYZ like most edutainment games at the time lol
pokemon was easy to pick up in terms of controls, 99% of it is moving on a grid and navigating menus, which once their UI was learned, were incredibly easy to control. there is no need to have fast reaction time or the ability to do complex controller input. so long as i was willing to engage with the rpg mechanics i felt confident as a 5 year old with some motor skill issues with navigating the game
it's interesting to me because a lot of people don't like RPGs and even if they play pokemon, they may not like the RPG aspects of them, which is fine. but for me all of the RPG mechanics of pokemon slotted perfectly into my child brain that craved Brain Stimulation and only had a history of edutainment games prior. it really showed too because as i got older i did shit like discovering that IVs/EVs existed before they were ever so much as mentioned to me, of course i didn't have the name for them but just for fun i experimented with raising two of the same pokemon species to the same level after hatching them from eggs (level 20 or something) and noticed that despite being the same species and level, they had different stats, which must have meant pokemon were genetically different from each other. i found the math-y stuff genuinely interesting before i had any context for competitive etc later in life
additionally even now i sometimes struggle with more complex controls, like i love legends arceus but i think it took me longer to figure out navigating that game than most people and games that are more difficult or require more complex inputs or better reaction time tend to be really inaccessible for me. i'm very happy to just interact with a menu, i love turn based battles and the notion that they are objectively outdated when i find them genuinely engaging is so annoying
i started thinking about this because i tried to get my mom to play let's go eevee a while back since it's a pokemon game made for beginners basically, but i did not anticipate just how difficult she would find basic navigation using the controller - catching pokemon, the main part of the game, was incredibly frustrating for her, but she could do the battles alright. with pokemon moving in an open world, 3D direction, it requires you to get used to the controller if you don't want to be falling off stuff and running into pokemon constantly. and while SV isn't particularly hard to navigate or anything, and kids are getting into tech earlier and earlier than they ever were when i was little, i still really appreciate the simplicity of control when i was younger and i think it's interesting how much other people hate the relative slowness of RPGs and value freedom of movement and action a lot to the point of considering turn based gameplay really outdated while it's still my preferred way to play video games lol
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poisonouspastels · 4 months
ok have an ask that isnt a spam link: tell me uhhhhh 5 facts. about a current project your working on. can be anything just infodump a lil bit mayhaps
Oh god okay I have a lot of things I'm working on ATM <- bearer of the multitasking curse. so I'll try to narrow it down uhh -Currently wanting to delve more into a project called Canvas, which aims to be a M&L inspired RPG game featuring Rose and Thorns, which if you've been on this acc for a while you probably have seen them before. If not don't worry about it lol (MC AU is taking up a majority of my brain space rn though so this will mostly be me talking about that. Cause that counts.) -I don't really get to talk about the other players in the MC AU much but they all kind of have their own "thing" so to speak. Like I know at the very least I've mentioned Efe is a blacksmith and Sunny is the redstone guy, but you also have Kai who makes carvings out of the cherry blossom trees they live around, Noor and Ari who currently find themselves in the desert digging up and restoring old relics (mostly pottery), Makena who does glasswork (living near the beach there's abundance of Sand) and Zuri who weaves different things out of bamboo. -Diamond is a resource that isn't actually commonly used as its typically too heavy to be properly utilized in armor outside of trims, which are just for show anyway. It most often gets used in swords and pickaxes, there's rarely ever exceptions, especially since it takes a LOT of diamond even just to make one tool. As of the battle of Ender, there's only two diamond tools that exist. (Efe owns a sword (self made of course) and Steve a pickaxe) -Herobrine has been bitten by cave spiders so many times that he's developed an immunity to their poison. He can chug a bottle of it as a cool party trick (cool as in gives anyone a heart attack who doesn't know) His legs are also covered in scarring that never properly healed because of this. His years spent in the caves sure were something. -The way healing potions work in the MC AU varies based on injuries. External injuries like cuts are applied directly and heal at a fast rate (think like how the holy grail works in Indiana Jones) and leave behind no scarring if the wound is small enough. But any internal injuries such as broken bones or wounds that go far deeper than surface level require consumption of potions over time and speeds up the healing process instead of practically fixing the injury outright. Still extremely useful though. Incidentally, this method is also used to grow back teeth, but neither ways can grow back things like missing limbs.
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charmspoint · 3 months
🌿for the writers truth or dare!
Thank you for the ask!
Ask game
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Cradling your face in my hands
Idk about you anon in particular, but I've found that I often have writers blocks the most when I push myself too much. I'm currently in a writing low, which is normal because I'm right off a really really big project and I need to replenish my energy. I also had a really big writing block when I came crashing down from 2021 when I wrote a truly dumb number of fics for me. This one happened because I got caught up in the fandom craze and tried to pump out a lot of high quality fics fast, because that is what fandom demands from writers and artists these days. Fast and quality. This of course wasted a lot of mental and emotional energy which couldn't be compensated by the at the time abysmal comment frequency (Recently I've been getting a lot more comments and I hope everyone else is too. It would feel nice to be out of this dark feedback era).
So to reiterate.
Your body is not a machine.
Think about what is happening around you in life. Are you stressed about school, college, work? Are you having social problems? Are you spending too much time online? Do you feel like you constantly have to be pumping out projects or people will stop paying attention?
From my experience, writing block is very rarely about the inability to write itself. Inability to write is a side effect of something else. A big project, complicated outside factors, external pressure, or just the fact that you got a new game and you are using all your time to play your game and not doing anything else (person who is not obsessed with BG3 atm). Usually when these are dealt with and you renew energy after them, writing will come back on its own.
You need to be kind to yourself.
I find this to be the best advice in many situations.
Pushing yourself to do what you can't do at the moment will only result in further frustration. Yes, it's good to have a writing habit, but I advocate for that to be a low goal one. My goal is 200 words a day. Sometimes I don't manage to do this because life is complicated but 6 days out of 7 I do. This keeps you on track, doesn't let your brain stale, but also isn't just torturing you.
If you are lacking in creativity you need to EXPERIENCE THINGS. Read that book you've been putting off, start a new manga, watch a movie, beyond that, take a daily walk, go to a museum, discuss ideas with your friends. I hate the phrase media consumption but I do like eating imagery and your brain NEEDS to eat. It needs to experience different art forms to be able to produce ideas of its own. Fanfiction is fine too, but unless you know a really amazing writer who brings a lot of new things into their work, I wouldn't recommend it, because in the end fanfiction is just exploration of a familiar thing. Thing you are stuck on. DON'T function only on fanfiction.
Let your material REST. If you are stuck on the fic, shove it in a folder and don't look at it for a week. Try not to think about it too much, do some of the things above and let your work rest. After a week you'll forget the finer details of it and will be able to look at it more objectively, which might help you resolve the thing you were stuck on. Also sometimes when you read your own fic a fresh you get those 'I´m a fucking genius' moments which is always great.
Don't create on anyone's schedule but your own. I know how incredibly hard it is, I've felt it too, with fandom today which is overly picky, overly judgy and not very grateful. With a fandom that seems to more and more treat its creators as content machines instead of people sharing their passion projects. DON'T WRITE FOR THOSE PEOPLE. It's hard but don't write for the comments in your inbox. Don't set a schedule you can't meet. I've been writing a 17 chapter fic for almost 3 years now because I want a weekly release schedule but I don't want a weekly writing schedule. If your fic takes 6 months, a year or 10, let it take that times, don't shove it out before you feel ready.
Realize that sometimes writing just won't go, no matter what you do. Realize that you aren't a failure or a fraud for this, that it means nothing when it comes to your skill and ability, that the greatest writers ever had struggled with the same thing. Some days you don't have time to write, some days you aren't in the mood to even do the bare minimum. These days will exist and be kind to yourself on them. Your writing won't escape anywhere. Come to terms with being human and come back to it tomorrow.
Hope any of that rant helps hzbjhvh!!!
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