#monkey king's daughter
the-monkey-ruler · 1 month
I was reading The Monkey King's Daughter (you can read the whole book for an hour) and apparently the protagonist is also Guanyin's grandchild? Can Guanyin be shipped?
I mean I can’t say like what are like the moral implications of shipping GuanYin itself cause that is so not my place but I’m still going to answer this cause it kinda of interesting when it comes to modern media. First off saying that like I have never really seen romance done with GuanYin. At least in a serious way. But if I had to take a guess it can be seen as 'possible' as much as like shipping anyone in Chinese mythos, in that isn't really taken seriously at all. In a lot of modern fan spaces there are a variety of crack ships for more humorous or hypothetical situations like I have seen literally the Star of Venus shipped with Jade Emperor just cause. But I don't see much with buddhas or bodhisattvas in either post-modern media nor in fan spaces. At least that isn't Wukong or Sanzang since they are both Buddhas. And I have done a whole thing about how Wukong for decades wasn’t seen as a romantic figure until like there was a huge character reconstruction, but that isn’t usually the case for most characters.
I would say that the most mainstream instance I can think off the top of my head is The Lost Empire (2001) where it had the main character has a romantic plot with Gaunyin herself. Of course, that wasn't really a masterpiece within itself but this was considered like a 'bad choice' more so that it was just a very strange and awkward romance at that.
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Funny enough I think I see more romantic for humor's sake on Guanyin in comic books or games as likes gags at most. Like in Westward comics (later a tv series) Guanyin has a celestial-turned-demon trying to pursue him that he always rejects. Another is more play for laughs but Guanyin in the Fei Ren Zai where people just don't know it's Guanyin and think she is so attractive.
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I've seen some games that have Guanyin as like a pretty boy/girl but otherwise nothing even close to a romance plot. Those are more just for like aesthetics of making every character look overly attractive to sell it.
The best I can say is that is just kinda strange and a little strange personally but I can't say that it can be taken seriously. I mean Wukong is supposed to be a Buddha by the end of the novel, so if The Monkey King's Daughter has it that a buddha can have a daughter then there wouldn't be anything stopping the author from having a bodhisattva having kids.
#anon ask#anonymous#anon#ask#sun wukong#monkey king#guanyin#chinese mythos#monkey king's daughter#Wukong is pretty self contained within Xiyouji himself so asking for a little bit of suspension of disbelief can be understood#but Gaunyin has a much longer history that is far more embedded with Buddhist mythology#She isn’t just a character in Xiyouji#and it would be limiting to her just to make it so#but I do think that might be the case in some media when it comes to portraying Gaunyin#esp since most modern interpretations of Guanyin are from xiyouji material just cause the sheer amount of xiyouji content there is#I rarely see Guanyin stand alone moves/shows and there are some trust me but most of her portrayals are within xiyouji spaces#there is a lot of conversation about xiyouji either being a reconstruction or a deconstruction of religion#and while the book is SATURATED in allegorical meaning whether in taoism buddhism or chinese lore it is also seen as satire of religion#people can take xiyouji as pointing out the flaws in humanity but also the flaws of heaven as well as it humanizes both gods and buddhas#this kinda of humanization can be seen as disrespectful to a certain extent but it is what makes these figures more engaging as characters#from a writing standpoint at least#this is me just rambling now about the interesting dycotomy that xiyouji has and has had with religion and how that can be see as today#to a certain extent a lot of directors take xiyouji plots as also their own way to show the heavens in their own way to convey satire#or humor as well depending on what their direction is aiming for#Some even go so far to make that heaven is just straight up the bad guy and that includes buddha as well which is a FAR more wild take than#just having romance in the heavens#But xiyouji does have it that we see these mythological figures have flaws#that heaven can lie or trick or they can take bribes and its up to the audience to interpretation as either satire or if it is critiquing#perhaps religion itself or rather the religious institutions since we do see both daoist and buddist monks as antagonists in the book#this as nothing to do with the ask at this point but i just wanna say my thoughts
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Yuebei xing, the Monkey King's Daughter
Due to her popularity on Tumblr, I've written an article about Sun Wukong's daughter, Yuebei xing (月孛星, "Moon Comet Star), a magic skull-wielding demoness from Journey to the South (南遊記, c. 1570s to 1580s). It combines new material with what I've already written on the subject.
I was interested to learn that her immortal-killing skull weapon has a possible connection to Medusa!
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swkbiggestdefender · 1 month
Every time I remember that wukong was an older brother I die a little the pilgrims were his little brothers (except tang sanzang he was more of father figure) and he lost them he lost his little brothers forever
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His family is gone and he can never have them back
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starrclown · 6 days
Hey Bud,
It's almost midnight here but what's your FrozenStar Duo hc? :D
Hey bud!! :D
I atcually have atcually have quiet a few! (Cause their one of my favorite duo's)
Wukong and Bai He have a Disney movie night once a week. Wukong tries to watch other movies but it's mostly the cat movies Bai He wants to watch. They watch Tarzan sometimes though (Wukong's favorite cause obviously.)
Bai He's favorite snack is apples and carmel. Wukong has to make it for her cause she gets carmel EVERYWHERE.
Wukong grooms Bai He like he grooms his baby monkies.
Bai He tells her friends at school about Wukong bit no one believes she's being taken care if by the Sun Wukong.
Wukong dyed the white in his hair to match Bai He's pink.
Bai He gets nightmares sometimes about Lady Bone Demon, Macaque and Mayor. She usually ends up climbing in bed with Wukong.
Bai He kicks in her sleep. Wukong has been kicked at least 12 times.
Sandy is who Wukong leaves Bai He with when he's training Mk.
Bai He HATES peaches. Hates their taste and texture. She will get sick if she eats them.
Sometimes Wukong doesn't wanna take Bai He to schools so he just let's her stay home.
Bai He's favorite breakfast is waffles with chocolate syrup and bananas. Wukong makes this on days either he feels like it or when Bai He has had a rough day.
I have more but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Might make more art with them. It's been awhile!
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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wonderlandsakura · 5 months
Niche Things I Think People should Write/Read More: Part 2
I ran out of tags, anyway Part 1 here. If part 1 and/or 2 gets like,, 100 notes, I'll add recs if they exist (someone asked so I did it anyway hehe)
- Fics where Izuku is such an amazing analyst (and the UA staff know it) that they just. Let him teach the class (or anything where they aizawa know he's more skilled and just leave him to teach so they aizawa can nap)
I would prefer it if he's a literal child that just gets the position, but sadly I haven't found that
The UA Analyst Kid of RogueVector's Announcer AU series on AO3 is the closest I think
I do have fic recs of him being an analyst and/or teacher at UA tho, but I'm too tired to find them
- Zuko is given A Child and Will Die For Them (he is so mother coded)
There's Bound To Be A Ghost At The Back Of Your Closet by anactualforrealadult is what I was thinking of when I wrote this, but it doesn't fit perfectly (btw it's zukka)
- Danielle Phantom and Dark Danny are Standard Danny's kids, I need this please I must be FED
Like a few of my reblogs, but I'll see if I can find them
- Monkey D. Wyvern, if you know you know
I'll add this soon, but you can find art for it on Tumblr too :))
- The Reluctant Kings friendship (Danny & Din Djarin)
The Phantom Mandalorian series on AO3 has Danny essentially adopted by Din, but it would be nice if there were fics where they're just friends who are unknowingly OP
- Mandalorian S3 dinluke fix-its /hj
I haven't been able to stomach actually reading these yet, but they do exist
- Gottlieb/Geiszler + Jayvik Xovers where they get to Science!
forming new limestone by wobbeegong on AO3, actually a favorite fic of mine, I was sad when I couldn't find anything like it after I read it but that might have changed
- Jinx being Silco's daughter even after time travel (Jinx the Sapphire of Zaun)
And I know this body's not mine (Wish I could crawl out) by Hopelessjoy14 is where I got this from, it's incomplete but good so far
- Co-parenting Koushirou and Mihawk; like not together but these 2 sword obsessed men are co-parenting Zoro
Doesn't exist yet, and I don't recommend looking if you don't want to get bombarded by bad misogynistic parent Koushirou fics :/, anyway I'm working on it
- the Shimotsuki-Dracule siblings, where in a Kuina lives! (but is severely injured/paralyzed) AU, Zoro gets to be hounded by not only little sister Perona, but also Big Sis Kuina (bonus if modern au)
Same as what I wrote for co-parenting Koushirou & Mihawk, I actually have a fic outlined (it's not modern au tho, but could be), but I'll probably never finish writing it. If I post it on Tumblr I'll link it tho
- Zosan gets accidentally married at WCI AUs cause why not, it's absolutely hilarious
Sadly doesn't exist somehow?? I'll have to check if that's still the case
You can see me screaming about the idea here tho
- I somehow didn't mention Agatha/Gil/Tarvek last time? But yeah, from Girl Genius, I want them to get married and rule Europia, is that too much to ask?
Sprocket for Your Thoughts by zombiecheerios on AO3 is a good fic about them getting together, if incomplete (also you kinda need to have caught up on the comic)
The Most Stable of Polygons by 1_NoName_among_many is like a shorter version of it tho
Then there's the Sparkgate series that originally introduced me to the concept of them ruling together (I've not finished even the first fic tho)
- Zoro being Soba Mask aka Stealth Black aka Sanji's overprotective guard dog/tiger (I read a really good fic okay??)
Fic is Stealth Black Unmasked by HaveMyWeedCookies on AO3
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yore-donatsu · 2 months
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An ordinary day for an ordinary little girl
(Theo the monkey boy is the @doodlesdreaming's OC)
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jermuniverse · 2 months
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sketching-shark · 7 months
Saw the expression meme. How about 2 7 11 and 15 for Wukong and his kids? You can decide who gets what expression between them. :3
Incredibly sketchy, but here's the immediate Sun family in all their expression-filled glory! From top to bottom we've got Sun Wukong, Luohou, Yuebei Xing, and Jidu. And thanks for the request anon; this is messy, but it was very fun :3
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The Sun Family Portrait 💖
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A full family portrait of The Reader's and Wukong’s children
Inspired by Isekai'd to the west @skittlescripts
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yznerpoo · 1 month
What if I make an LMK Villain oc inspired by the song Daughter of evil ?
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twisting-echo · 5 months
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A Chelsea (Ruby Gillman) and The Dragon King (The Monkey King 2023) with an evil/soft duo and father-daughter dynamic collage. Requested by MagicalMarissa
Twisting Echo~
I couldn't decide what background I liked best, so I decided to post all four. The collages on the right have a blurry, dream-like aesthetic.
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
The Monkey King's Daughter (2018) 猴王的女儿
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Screenwriter: Todd A. DeBonis Genre: Fantasy Country/Region of Production: United States/Mainland China Date: 2018-12-01 IMDb: tt4717944 Type: Reimanging
The Monkey King's Daughter® series was optioned as a major Chinese-American co-production Feature Film with an expected worldwide release scheduled for 2016. The announcement was made at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival by Mustardseed Media Group and Red Sea Media, in partnership with Beijing Chunqiu Time Culture Company.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26753003/
Link: N/A
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Yuebei Xing Video Game Character
I was looking for something regarding Yuebei xing (月孛星, “Moon Comet Star”), daughter of the Monkey King from Chinese vernacular fiction, when I came upon a video game character based on her.
“Sun Yuebei” (孫月孛) appears in the Japanese video game Touhou Monjusen ~ Bubbling Imaginary Treasures (東方門殊銭 ~ Bubbling Imaginary Treasures, 2021). She looks like a young, pink-haired human girl wearing red, femine clothing with a bright green bow and light, red armor. And like her old man, she wears the golden headband and tiger skin and wields the iron staff, along with her trademark magic skull.
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Here is an example of the game play. Sun Yuebei appears around min. 3:34 as an opponent of the player character.
FLASHING LIGHT WARNING!!! (I'm 100% positive that the developers hate people with epilepsy...)
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maxmemer · 5 months
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Haha dumb monkes argue haha
(not ship!!!)
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startheskeletons · 2 years
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Happy Autumn moon festival everyone!!! 🍂🥮🏮
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untamedakuma2 · 2 years
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One Piece Film Red Poster.
And the first person I look at is Shanks, sorry Luffy, you look great but hot dayyyyummm. Shanks ya looking 100% once again, ya never disappoint me
The look in his eyes tho 🫣🙈
I’ve also seen people commenting saying that Yamato will not join the straw hat crew because she isn’t in the poster. Personally, that doesn’t mean anything to me, her not being in the poster doesn’t make it official she’s not going to join the crew. Maybe Oda doesn’t wanna spoil too much in the movie so he’s leaving it for the manga. Guess we’ll have to wait and see though.
(Source from OROJAPAN @Orojapan1 on Twitter!!)
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