#mod yu
Whenever a couple comes to trial with their baby or babies strapped to their chest the judge would totally ask if he could carry them since it reminds him of something he and his wife would do when they first had children. (I headcanon judge to have been a judge for at least 50 years)
That is the cutest headcanon I absolutely love it!! The judge becoming a surrogate grandfather figure to the little ones is such a sweet idea!!
He sits the child on his lap and lets them play with his gavel while he listens to cases!
Aaaaaaaah this is so cute!!!
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mp100days · 2 years
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074 - mob cat
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Bruno: My nosey-ass sisters are mad I never told them I was gay until they found out last week.
Bruno: According to them they wasted all this time trying to find a woman for me when they could have found me a boyfriend by now.
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Suguru: I sleep with a cursed spirit under my pillow. Utahime: I sleep with a knife. Haibara: Both of you are pathetic. Suguru: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with? Haibara: Nanami.
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i'm running out of captions for these enjoy the image post 👍
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hyperstim · 6 months
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🟥 ⬛️ 🟥
⬛️ 🔴 ⬛️
🟥 ⬛️ 🟥
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trixibebe · 4 months
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
Can you please please elaborate about the Lore chanel in the yugioh protag's discord?
I am imagining some truly spectacular things that Jaden has extremely casually mentioned and NEVER EXPLAINED
Jaden Yuki absolute KING of casually saying the most wild thing you've ever heard in your entire life ad then moving on like it's nothing. He drives all the younger protagonists crazy, while Yugi and Yusei have just accepted that he is Like This.
The kids pestered Yugi to add the Lore channel just so they have a place to collect all the weird messages he sends. (Occasionally others get immortalized in the Hall of Weird and most of the guys consider it a great honor. Yuma is the proud car carrier of Second Most Bonkers Guy In This GC by messages in the lore channel)
Some notable examples include:
Until Yuya joins there is a ongoing disagreement between Yubel and Jaden on how many dimensions there are. Jaden says its twelve because Eisenstien and Bastion say so and Yubel says its nine because they were in space when the whole split happened. When Yuya joins and tentatively divulges that he saved four dimensions, Jaden ruined a very emotional moment by yelling “I TOLD YOU THERE WERE TWELVE!! :D” Cue everyone shouting "TWELVE???" So now they keep a running list of possible dimensions and Jaden refuses to confirm or deny any of them
Jaden: Was standing next to Chazz at the bus stop n he opened his umbrella n honestly nearly had a heart attack I thought the vampires were back for a second Everyone: Hey Jaden :) what :) do you mean :) "back"??
Shark thinks its really funny to write notes to Yuma in the language of his first life as Nash. One time Yuma posted a picture to show everyone what he has to put up with and Jaden was like “It just says ‘have a nice day, idiot’.” (Nash’s empire was composed of many cultures and languages, Jaden can only barely read it, but his kingdom in his prior life was a few hundred years down the line folded into Nash’s empire and the writing system adopted basically unchanged.)
But it drives everyone insane because one time Yugi was talking about Atem and Jaden went "Psh. I could have been egyptian royalty if I wanted to."
Everyone: ????????!?!? Jaden: You guys know I'm a king, right? Everyone: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!????!
Yuma has his money on closeted immortal, while Yuya's banking on time traveler.
Sometimes the dark world will lose an imprisoned monster and he’ll slide into everyones dms like - Hey - If you see a two story tall sarcophagus man - Chains on the wrists and ankles - Responds to “Exodia the forbidden one” - Lmk
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yami marik from yugioh. send him to the working at mcdonalds realm please. it would be funny
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yami marik from YUGIOH works at mcdonalds!
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fei-ren-zai · 4 months
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Art for CNY 2024
source: 1 2 3 4
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ask-the-luna-knight · 1 month
Can you do the 'is THIS your card?' trick? I bet you totally can't guess my card!
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Hey mods, are you all doing all right? Just wanna check in since you haven’t been active in so long :))
we're fine!! we're just working full time and our princess is in another fandom right now so muse is running low!
we will be back tho Mod Yu
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hazyaltcare · 2 months
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A Yugi Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters) kin stimboard with card shuffling, pendulums, and glitter.
✨️ 🃏 ✨️ / ✨️ ⚠️ ✨️ / ✨️ 🃏 ✨️
Mod Haze (🎮Greyson)
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tanyakennedy1899 · 19 days
finally got this dialog while recording
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klai-16xoxo · 1 year
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Ngl, I thought niji gonna continue their move with adding more numbers to each wave and we gonna have a 7 member XD
But lol I known also they wouldn’t do that but anyway~… I really love the design and ideas of the new three beautiful boys and the fact they actually share the same world and lore as the other waves from the JP side is new!!
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Tbh my eyes already fall for Vezalius Bandage somewhat so let us see if he going to be thrown to the basement along side mysta and Nina or nah~
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Speaking of Mysta, him and Rosemi gonna be the ones who doing the debut this time so everyone be ready to see the most Seiso (Rosemi) and unSeiso (Mysta) working together to welcome and introduce their new members to the family XD
Remember everyone to be kind and welcoming to our new livers and let us enjoy their presence in the Nijisanji family✨💕🌈
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incorrect-whos-lila · 6 months
Yu: Do you know how many laws you're breaking on a daily basis? Lila: One? Yu: No. Lila: Two? Yu: No. Lila: Is it one?
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