#mha asai
Shinsou: I hate all those things that were like, “they used to be so strong and funny…. ThEn [insert trauma here], now they are a shell of what they once were”
Shinsou: I can be traumatized and still be strong and funny. I’m the funniest fucker I know
Tsuyu: yesterday you said that you wanted to enter a coma so you didn’t have to deal with an authority figure being mad at you again
Shinsou: both can be true, am I not allowed to have duality, tsuyu??
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redbluenight · 1 year
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Deku vs. Class A
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everendering · 1 year
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The strongest Tsuyu
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donutwatches · 2 months
MHA 2.22 - Yaoyorozu: Rising - part 1
Happy Easter! Today we celebrate Easter with the rise of Momo!
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Froggie makes the bird man go WHOOOOOSH!
It upsets me that the bird king doesn't know how to fly. Sucks.
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That's right. Put respect on Tsu's name. She doesn't get phased.
It is good to have focus on how calm and collected Tsu is under pressure in the same episode where we see Momo wavering under the weight of her insecurities. It contrasts the characters.
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Girl up-chucked for victory. I am torn between 'yuck' and 'cool use of frog facts'.
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I just want to pat Dark Shadow on the head and say, 'good puppy'.
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Meanwhile, these two goobers are goobering. Is it weird that I am jealous of the Karate Kid here? I want Iida to give me a piggyback ride.
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Momo is STILL hung up on her tournie loss. I feel like there were characters that had far more embarrassing fights, but they did not have their self-esteem evaporate like Momo's.
Kaminari vs. Leaf Pokemon was worse, Sero vs. Todoroki was worse, and Aoyama vs. Ashido ended with someone in their underpants. None of them are letting it hold them down to this extent.
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Why did the Spiderman theme just start playing?
Those are some strong electrical wires. Ninja Sensei is risking electrocution just to get the drop on his students, lol.
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CALTROPS? I don't know what is funnier, how hardcore Aizawa is going, or Todoroki's 'are you serious?' reaction.
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Bless his heart, he looks so confused.
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I love Aizawa's teaching style. Toss ninja traps at a student, and then dish out the most helpful critique after. 5/5 on Rate My Professors.
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Todoroki took charge when Momo was being indecisive, and didn't really formulate a real plan with her. Momo was letting Todoroki steamroll ahead and not speaking up because of her insecurity.
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No Momo, just leave him bobbing in the air like a goddamn Christmas ornament.
I do not want to hurt the feelings of Momo fans. I am not a hater, but I have to be honest that Momo annoyed me in this episode. Girl, get it together.
Click here for the masterlist
Click here for part 2
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edcom02 · 2 months
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My Hero Academia/X-Men.
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
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Horikoshi, what are you up to?
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scftizuku · 4 months
Movie 4!!
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So, how are we feeling about the new movie trailer? I am still trying to figure it out.
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cathmasart · 5 months
could also substitute tsuyu for jinx, i think i just like colourful girls w long hair
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sorenhugo · 8 months
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Ponyo tsuyu
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roseghostart · 10 months
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🐸 Lo-Froppy 🐸
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Tsu: I want to be be swept away in the wind
Shouto: No
Shouto: you’re a small dog and the wind is a giant hawk
Tsu, laughing: I’m a dog?
Shouto: yes
Shouto: the only reason you won’t be swept away is because we will go fucking feral
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doughnut-doodles · 1 year
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I started season 2 of MHA today! Tsu has been my favorite character so far. Who’s your favorite character?
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myherochedaia · 11 months
Camping fluff? In this economy?
Yes because I said so.
It takes a few tries before the smoke of the campfire doesn't trigger anyone, but this is going to be fluffy so I'll overlook the trauma for now.
Inko fusses for hours before Izuku leaves. He's never gone on a trip with friends like this and as happy as she is to see her son being accepted and cherished, she still worries over his safety.
Izuku finds a hero grade taser in his duffel bag.
Jiro's parents sent her with nearly a gallon of sun screen and bear repelent.
Momo has never been camping before but she's read loads of books and has over prepared to the extreme. She warns everyone several times that bear repelent is NOT like misquito repelent, you spray the bear, not yourself.
Kaminari accidentally sprays himself anyway.
Kaminari hates camping, but the bugs leave him alone since he's a human bug zapper. This makes him a very desirable picnic bench companion come meal time.
He loves the attention.
Tsuyu, Shoji, and Ojiro race up the trees and play tag up in them.
Kirishima is practically glued to Katsuki's side the whole time.
Katsuki does not appreciate that at all. Nope. Not even a little.
Shinso has a bright yellow sleeping bag that he definitely didn't buy to imitate Mr. Aizawa.
Sero, for unknown reasons, is a master at making s'mores. He takes full advantage of this.
Sato, dessert master, can't make a s'more to save his life. He eats raw marshmallows like a heathen because they keep catching on fire.
Shoto uses a little of his fire to let his tent mates roast s'mores even after lights out.
Toshinori LOVES camping. He shows everyone the best places to set up their tents and how to make tin foil dinners. He ever teaches everyone a game he learned in America, Horseshoes.
Jiro leads every one in campfire songs at Momo's insistence. Mina sings the loudest, followed only by Dark Shadow.
Koda is so at home in the mountains. He's a bit more outgoing that usual, joining Kirishima, Bakugo, and Uraraka for their many, many hikes.
Iida is much a hovering big brother for the whole trip. Making sure everyone reapplies sun screen and bug spray every few hours and is drinking plenty of water. He also makes sure the buddy rule is strictly enforced.
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donutwatches · 4 months
MHA 2.19 - Everyone's Internship
So I got out of a 3 hour long power outage and started making this post, but the power went out AGAIN. I was getting worried that I wouldn't be able to post today, but I have resorted to finishing this on my phone!
Only 1 part for this episode since I am pretty sure most of it was filler.
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I love this Seal Hero. Does he only exist in filler? He is cute.
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Ok so the Froppy side-quest was fun, but I don't have a ton to say about it so....let's skip forward.
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So what did you do for your internship? Oh, I just helped handle a HOSTAGE SITUATION.
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Meanwhile, our tough guys are cleaning trash in the park (also an important job mind you). It reminds me of Deku cleaning the beach.
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I LOOOOOVE this as an internship for Uraraka. She really locked in to working on hand-to-hand combat after her experiances at the Sports festival. I just hope we get to see her put these skills to use.
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I never thought I would see an image of Uraraka swinging a knife. Yes girl, stab me.
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Say what you want about Bakugo, but he is efficient. It is always on sight, no questions.
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This made me laugh way more than it should have.
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This is the exact sort of PR lesson that Bakugo needs. Someone like Stain would scoff at this, but BJ (lol) is right that presentation matters. People are more likely to trust a hero with a good image.
Bakugo is adorable with his new hair style and those jeans, 😆.
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Ah. The brutal honesty of children. Something tells me this is going to end badly.
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It is like his Dad is telling him to do his chores. Basic politeness is hard work for Bakugo. Best Jeanist is asking A LOT just by telling him not to scream at children.
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Aaanndd who could have predicted this outcome? His insecurity runs hella deep for him to get so defensive because of little kid comments.
The way Bakugo's hair poofed back up when he yelled is comedy gold.
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Something tells me an angry Pomeranian on the lose is going to have a starring role in these kids nightmares come bedtime.
Bakugo is terrible but so funny to me, idc.
Click here for the masterlist
Click for episode 20
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namachuki-mb · 1 year
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College AU doodles
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aashi-heartfilia · 11 months
The world in which Toga survives...A single chance!!
In chapter 395, when Toga was looking around the destruction she has single handedly caused, we also see Tsu, Jirou, Tiger and Kamui woods lying nearby. They're not dead per say but extremely exhausted and who wouldn't be after being trampled by the tsunami of SMP.
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We know that Tsu, Ochako and Hawks share the same Blood Type, so maybe Tsu could just wake up and stop Toga from donating all her blood to Ochako.
This is the only chance where I can see Toga surviving.
Because even in the Todoroki family arc, Shouto just came in at the last minute and the whole chaos wouldn't have been sorted out if it weren't for the entire Todoroki family to show up.
The final confrontation was always about Shouto and Dabi, but the family support was also needed.
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Just like with the TogaChako arc, the main confrontation was between Ochako and Toga but other people will be needed to save Toga and who could be a better person than Tsu?
Ochako is Tsu's best friend and she is literally dying. Plus she also saw Toga sacrificing herself for Ochako, so maybe Tsu could just come in the clutch and be the final nail in the coffin.
It would be a very good conclusion to Tsu's arc as well because she started out as a Standard Everyday Hero, following all rules and seeing those who are not following them as villains but now she would give her blood to save a so-called villain, i.e. Toga.
We have already seen that Tsu was willing to confront Toga, because Ochako wanted to sort it out with a path of Understanding but what about Tsu's POV?
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I think Tsu will volunteer to save both Ochako and Toga! She has already been a big part of this story for a long time.
It would be a great way to show how far she has come!
Then just like Aoyama, maybe Toga can join UA.
What is the best place where she could live, without the fear of harassment or being killed? That's UA!!
Plus, Shinzo was also going to join the Hero Course right? Shift Shinzou to class 1B and add Toga to class 1A. This way both classes will have equal students!
Plus, with all the Toga merchandise with her wearing a school uniform and also the RECENT ANNIVERSARY ART!!
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They were all wearing the same themed costume as Toga!! This could be such a big foreshadowing!!
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She will JOIN UA!! Horikoshi planned it from the start!!
She could just share a room with Chako and they will have a fun girls night every now and then.
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Chako would tell her more about her family and I think Ochako's parents would love Toga! Why don't they just adopt her already?
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Plus, Ochako will always make sure no one harasses or bullies Toga. They can also have those girl chats and go to places together. Ochako is basically Toga's babygirl and Toga loves to dress up Ochako.
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So they go shopping together and get lots of stuff! Ochako does a lot of hero work, so that she doesn't run out of money to buy stuff for Toga.
Now Ochako has one more person she wants to provide with a better life❤️
Cheers! Sunshine!
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