#merman!joel miller
kedsandtubesocks · 16 days
what the water gave us
Merman!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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summary: the fairytales were half true, the merman you found is indeed handsome but oh so grouchy
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI, merman/human relationship, unspecified age gap (reader’s age is not mentioned but Joel is older) instances of blood & injury, brief violence, Joel still being a terrifying force even as a merman, very light discussion of grief & loss of a loved one (Joel with Sarah & reader with their father) grumpy but soft!Joel, sharing food as a love language, use of nickname, protective!Joel, slightly possessive!Joel, f!oral receiving - along with spicy moments, mentions of mating & merfolk courting rituals
word count: 7.6k
a/n: here it is - the nice final surprise for our mermay mini series, this is for all of us who would kiss fuck the handsome merman lol! Thank you to @pr0ximamidnight for letting me scream about this & to @the-wild-wolves-around-you for always being the best support - and to you, if you’re reading this, thank you so much ♡
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The sun hangs low against the sky, painting the world in a soft orange creamsicle shade. Sliding your shoes off, you sink into the soft sand and walk the shoreline.
You love your aunt and uncle dearly. But having such a large get together at their house to meet the neighbors and their friends just got too much. It’s why you politely excused yourself and ended up here.
The crash of the waves, the peaceful quiet of the thankfully vacant beach, it all settles you while you walk aimlessly getting lost in your thoughts.
Until a sharp deep growl pierces the air.
The noise sounds close, electrifies your skin, and makes you stop. That’s when you notice trickles of blood in the water.
Petrified your eyes follow the trails.
Then you come across a sight you can’t believe.
By the long stretch of rocks leading out from the shore into the sea, a man sits half up on the rocks.
Older, distinguished in the wrinkles around his face and beautiful grays in his curled hair, his skin however seems drained of color. There’s also a huge gash against his side as if he was impaled.
Even though he’s partially out of the water, you notice, the skin at his hips don’t lead to legs. Your eyes go wide.
Another snarl of a growl comes and you realize it’s this man. His face fiercely stares you down in menacing terror.
“You’re hurt!” You blurt out.
“Get the fuck outta here!” He howls, even has an accent of someone from this area.
“You’re bleeding out too fast!” You don’t even know medical conditions that well to know this isn’t good.
On your walk here you noticed a few beach towels left vacant on the shore.
You immediately turn around and bolt.
The man screams out a curse, yelling at you to stop, but you don’t. Thankfully you don’t have to search too far down the beach to spot one of the forgotten towels. Quickly grabbing it you then rush back.
The strange man is still on the rocks, but it’s obvious he tried sliding down them in an escape. However it opened his wound up more.
“Wait!” Now you cry out. “I know this isn’t much but this can stop the bleeding for now!”
You offer weakly that you could maybe try to get medical attention, but even weary his eyes go wide, and he snaps out a fast sharp no.
“Then you need to wrap this around the wound or press into it.” You offer the towel.
“Y’don’t think I know how to handle this, ya dumb human?” He snarls.
Human. So he isn’t human like you suspected.
“Your wound is getting worse.” You urge now, promising you won’t get others but have supplies that can help.
“Do what ya fuckin’ want.” He snarls.
Gingerly, you place the towel down on a rock then scramble out of the water and head back to your family’s beach home. Thankfully everyone has moved upstairs, allowing you to sneak in, grab a first aid kit, then leave.
You just hope the man hasn’t left or gotten worse.
The sky grows dimmer. The sun almost vanishes beyond the horizon. And thankfully, the man is still on the rocks.
Yet his eyes flutter in and out of consciousness.
Keeping the first aid kit as dry as you can above the waves, you rush into the water towards him.
He’s barely awake, might not even fully notice you’re beside him now. But quickly you unpack things fast on the nearby rocks and tend to the wound as best as you can. The man hisses a half growl at the padding you place to stop the bleeding. Then you use an embracing amount of large bandages over the wound.
The bleeding doesn’t seep through the wraps and it’s enough for now. You’re afraid of leaving him here, but you’re more worried about moving him. So taking the towel you grabbed, you delicately drape it over his body, keeping his face open.
He seems human enough from his upper body. This mystery man is also handsome, scarily so. But the sky is getting dark, and you need to get home. Gathering your things you return to the beach house.
“Hey, where’d ya go?! And what’s with the first aid kit?” Your mom says a bit surprised.
You explain with a half lie that you went walking on the beach and helped a guy who got cut.
“Well look at you! What a hero.” She grins warm and her words feel soft.
That night you barely get any sleep and think of the man on the rocks. Earlier, when you were panicking trying to tend to his wound, you didn’t have time to fully look into the ocean at his lower body. But you caught a glimpse.
You saw a partial marine like body, a sea creature like tail even among the cloud ocean water.
A merman, you had possibly helped a merman.
Now you just hope he makes it through the night.
Scrambling awake the next morning, you make an excuse of wanting to enjoy the beach bright and early, and head to the rocks.
Of course he’s gone.
You almost knew he wouldn’t be here. A piece of you did hope, faintly hoped, he would be. Even the towel is gone.
Out in the ocean a loud splash, like someone slapping against the water, arrives.
There floating in the waves, only seen from the chest up, is the mystery man. He’s okay. He’s here. He’s alive.
“You’re alright.” You exhale relieved.
This man glares at you fiercely. It highlights his weathered wrinkles but also intensifies his handsome features. There’s an intimidating and hardened nature radiating off this gorgeous creature.
“Why did ya save me?” He flat out asks, and you’re stunned.
That’s what he came here to ask you about?
Your face even scrunches up slightly confused, but you tell him the truth.
He was hurt. You had to try and do something.
The answer does soften his features. If anything his eyebrows furrow harder.
“Y’fuckin’ tell anyone about me?”
For possibly being a mythical being, this man does speak very human. You shake your head no, promising you didn’t and won’t ever tell anyone.
He scoffs, distrusting.
With sharp narrowed eyes, he gives you one final look before slipping back into the water.
You sit on the shoreline for what feels like hours, but he doesn’t return.
A bit dejected and quiet, you head home.
Later, trying to get your mind off everything, you decide to enjoy the time you’re here and head into the water.
The wind provides a nice breeze, and the sea swirls around you. Slowly you trek deeper into the ocean letting the water rise. Eventually you comfortably float and glance back towards the shoreline. Your mom lounges in her lawn chair with the recent book she just bought. The sky, beautifully soft this morning, now seems dimmer with all the clouds moving in.
A wave crashes over you from behind.
Powerful and large it drags you under. You were so focused on watching the beach you didn’t even see it coming.
Now you’re under the water, caught beneath the sea.
The saltwater stings your eyes as you try swimming against the current. But you’re a bit disoriented and even trying to just float back to the surface seems harder.
Suddenly warm solid hands are on your hips pulling you up. You’re guided up to the surface. Sweet air fills you and you cough through the stinging in your lungs. You’re kept above the water, held up.
You whip around trying to see who helped you, but there’s no one around.
Someone screams your name frantically. Your mom and your aunt on the edge of the water shout for you.
Weary from the waves you slowly swim, practically float, back to shore before your family scrambles to help you out. They rapidly ask if you’re okay, covering you with towels.
“We saw you go under and didn’t come up for so long.” Your mom explains still very worried.
“Did you guys see that shark?!” From behind by the beach house, your uncle calls out as he comes running.
“Wait, shark?” You blurt out.
Your uncle rapidly explains how he saw the fin poking out of the water around you.
“Could have been a dolphin.” Your aunt offers.
“No, definitely looked like a shark. Thank goodness you got outta the water.” Your uncle playfully ruffles the towel over your head.
A few bystanders sitting nearby ask how you’re doing and also comment how they swore they saw the ominous shark fin swimming around you.
A shark. It doesn’t make sense. You felt strong very human hands on you. You knew a guiding force saved you.
But then the thick cotton clouds above pop and the rain comes. After heading inside and deciding to rest for the day, your gaze stays watching the harsh waves. The storm and ocean move in tandem. You wonder about the man you met, if he’s safe in the water.
Maybe it’s all the talk of the supposed shark in the water, but before you end up fading into a nap, you swear you see a fin swimming in the current.
- 𖤓 -
“You gonna be okay with us heading to the museum?”
For the millionth time you reassure your mom you’ll be fine staying back and getting more rest. The rain from yesterday’s storm stayed, a quiet downpour thankfully not as strong. After everyone heads out, you see this as an opportunity to head out to the beach.
With the rain, the shoreline is vacant. So with your umbrella you head to the beach. The murky water under the dim sky seems more mysterious and your eyes scan the waves, maybe waiting for something to appear.
“Glutton for punishment or somethin’?” The familiar twanged voice.
Immediately you snap your gaze to the side. There in the water, closer to the edge of the shore, is your mystery man.
You blurt out how worried you were about the storm and about him. His eyebrows furrow.
“Ain’t nothin’ I can’t handle.” He answers muttering.
“And you,” he asks, nudging his handsome chin towards you. “Y’doin’ alright?”
Your heart jumps in your chest. He came to check up on you.
Nodding firmly, you thank him gratefully. You knew it had to be him who saved you in the water.
The man simply nods.
You swallow hard then blurt out if he’s seen a shark.
His face hardens confused. It’s actually adorable with how curiously his dark eyes shine.
“A shark?” He mumbles.
“Yeah, thought I saw a fin in the water.” You don’t want to tell him your uncle did as well.
“Wasn’t a shark.” He answers gruffly, almost a scoff.
You want to press more, ask if it was a dolphin instead when your stomach instead growls loud. Your eyes go wide embarrassed.
One of his eyebrows raises.
“Sorry, need to grab some lunch soon.” You sigh embarrassed.
“Then head inside, lil’ minnow. Go get somethin’ to eat.” He says firm.
Before you can reply he’s sinking back in the water. But as he swims away that’s when you catch it faintly -
A sleek fin towering out of the water.
The shark creature is him.
Also…you realized he just called you a little minnow and for some reason, you find it oddly affectionate.
The next morning a mess of crabs clutter the beach. Even the neighbors besides your family’s place head to the shore to admire.
“It’s like the sea wanted us to have a crab bake.” Your mom laughs.
“They normally don’t wash up on the beach in this many numbers, it’s odd.” One of the neighbors explains to your uncle.
While everyone eagerly moves to get the crabs, your eyes stay on the water hoping to spot a fin among the waves.
At night, once everyone is asleep, you quietly slip out and head to the beach. The patio lights from the beach homes cast a soft illumination. The crashing waves among the abyss beyond are strangely calming even with the darkness of sea and sky stretching out wide.
Patiently you sit at the edge of the water, not even knowing what you’re truly doing here.
“Persistent one, ain’t ya?”
His voice emerges from the darkness and your soul almost jumps out of your body. This time the mysterious man flutters up from the waves and is closer than before.
“Why were there so many crabs on the beach?” You ask quickly and curious.
“Don’t know. Crabs are fuckin’ weird little shits.” He replies bluntly with a hard grimace.
A part of you thinks he does know why.
“How’s your wound?” You ask.
Gingerly he lifts himself closer to the shoreline and then goes to rest halfway upon the beach allowing you a sight of his torso.
The area where the wound is healing up nicely and you even grin relieved.
But him being half out of the water onto the shore also allows you a better glimpse at his lower body.
Tail. He has a tail.
It’s sleek, a deep stormy gunmetal gray, that in this dim lighting almost seems like a lovely rich blue. Faintly you can even see the dorsal find at his lower back.
It’s beautiful.
He’s beautiful. Lovely sun and age spots pepper his skin. His bare chest is broad and seems strong. This man from the sea is burly, solid, and aged, a force of the water that speaks of his power that’s weathered the tides
You don’t even realize you’ve said something, much less called him beautiful, until your mystery man responds.
“Y’think I’m beautiful?” He sounds terribly confused.
“Weirdest god damn human I ever met, lil’ minnow.” He adds muttering.
“I have a name.” You huff back, gently teasing.
Your lips twitch at his reply, and you give him your name. This beautiful merman stays quiet.
“And you? What’s your name?” You ask cautiously but hopeful.
No reply comes. You’re worried you’ve pressed your luck.
Until he answers, and you discover this merman’s name is so lovely.
“Don’t normally see ya around here.” Joel comments.
You perk up asking if he lives nearby.
“More or less.” A cryptic answer.
You explain that you’re here for the summer. After finishing up for the semester you and your mom decided to take a break out here.
“Younger than I fuckin’ though.” Joel says harsh under his breath, and annoyance bristles in you.
“Probably not as young as you think.” You argue back, even explaining you’re just starting grad school so the break was needed.
Joel scoffs, not looking convinced.
“Maybe you’re just an old barnacle.” You fire back, teasing.
Surprisingly, this man from the water snorts amused. The sound is precious. You want to ask him more, learn more about him, but a tratorious yawn escapes you.
“Head to sleep, lil’ minnow.” Joel mumbles.
“Not tried.” You huff, but another yawn betrays you.
“Mhm.” Joel hums, and you think you see a twinkle of amusement in his deep eyes.
There’s so much you want to say, maybe even ask when you’ll see him again. But rising up off the sand, you hear a splash in the waves.
The spot where Joel rested is now empty. A wistful ache settles into your chest.
However the next morning though, an impressive mess of clams and oysters are on the beach. A bright bubble of a laugh almost escapes you.
When the night rolls in, you again sneak back down to the beach. This time you bring some of the leftover sushi from dinner.
You don’t wait for long before Joel swims onto the shoreline.
You greet him with a warm grin. His focus however is on the container on your lap. His handsome scrunched up face seems grumpier.
“What’s that?” He rumbles.
“It’s just fish and rice.” You explain opening the container. “Thought we could share.”
“It’s sushi.” He flat out says and your eyes go wide. He knows what sushi is and you even admit your surprise.
“Yes I know what sushi is.” He replies a bit crabbier. “Don’t live in a fuckin’ damn cave.”
“Where do you live?” You ask now.
“Somewhere.” He replies flatly not answering, so you don’t push it.
Instead you return to the meal before you.
“Since it’s fish, thought you might enjoy it.” You offer.
“You…brought me food?” His voice sounds steeled, cautious. You realize how suspicious it sounds and how hesitant he would be.
“It’s fine, I promise.” You reassure and even prove it by chomping down on one of the California rolls. Trying to ease the tension you ramble about the different types of sushi you like and those you don’t care for too much.
You realize now you must sound ridiculous. You’re about to clamp your mouth shut when very cautiously, slowly, Joel reaches over and grabs one.
It’s like feeding a stray cat and not wanting to scare it. You can’t help but turn to stare and see his reaction. He plops it in his mouth and cutely chews thoughtfully.
“Well?” You ask a bit hopeful.
Joel simply shrugs, almost bored, not even speaking on the taste or if he likes it.
But you do notice he reaches for another one.
In the quiet night, you and Joel simply sit enjoying this space together. You try to ask more about him and about his world. But the dry unamused look he gives his answer.
Joel instead is the one asking questions about where you live, what are you studying for, and one question that knocks you out surprised.
“Y’dont got a mate.” It’s more of a statement than a question, but you still almost choke on a sushi roll.
Stammering, you ask him what made him say that.
“Don’t have the mark humans wear that they’re taken.” Joel comments then moves to point to his ring finger where a wedding band would sit.
“Some couples don’t wear bands.” You argue back.
“Oh? Ya one of ‘em then?” He challenges.
Deflated, you mutter out a low no.
“Why?” Joel asks direct.
“Why what?”
“Why don’t ya have a mate?” He questions serious and his thick voice crawls over your skin.
You shrug, not knowing how to fully answer. Instead you half heartedly tell him you haven’t found anyone yet.
“Don’t sound like a good enough reason.” Joel replies.
Now you’re annoyed, even feel your face scrunch up at his casual tone.
“Why do you even care?” Your question comes out a bit sharper than expected.
Joel shrugs. “Just don’t make sense why a young thing like you is alone.”
Immediately you fire back that you’re not alone. You have friends and family that love you.
Now you stare at Joel hard and fully annoyed. His dark eyes scan your face while he stays composed, unable for you to read.
Your phone chimes with a text notification breaking the moment. You decide to call it a night. Joel is quiet when you move to leave.
The air hangs thick and tense. Internally, you try reasoning that you’re literally talking to a mythical being. This merman was bound to have a strange view of human customs.
You simply tell him good night and walk back.
Before you head inside, you turn around to the shore unable to stop yourself.
Joel very visibly is still in waves. His upper half floats among the obsidian sea with his dark eyes hyper focused on you. However once you spot him, let your eyes lock into his, the merman sinks into the water.
That night you dream of a man from the waves so handsome and real in your arms, but it feels as dangerous as a storm.
The following morning, instead of creatures fit for a seafood restaurant waiting, the most lovely shell sits on the sand.
“Oh that’s pretty.” Your mom even coos. It is.
Cherished and still in awe, you place the shell on your dresser.
Later that night you return to the beach again. This time time with a bag of chips.
Joel arrives hastily.
“The shell is lovely.” You tell him.
“Don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout.” He answers simply, but his gaze stays eyeing the chip bag. Your heart warms even at his grumpy reply.
Opening the bag, Joel wrinkles his nose.
“Smells salty as hell.” He sneers.
“Says someone who lives in saltwater.” You snort munching on one of the chips.
“That’s sayin’ something if I say that shit is salty.” Joel huffs.
“They’re delicious.” You clarify holding out a chip to him. Joel’s face scrunches up even more, you laugh.
“What’s with all the sudden human food?”
You shrug. “Just a nice late night snack, thought we could share that’s all. Let you maybe just try more human food.”
With a cautious hard frown, Joel leans forward to the chips in your fingers and moves to bite it. In the process though his lips slide over your fingers.
His mouth is hot, wet. You even feel the brush of his tongue against your fingertips and try not reacting.
Joel makes a face as he chews, maybe not aware of what he just did. Your heart however rages fast and you ask if he liked it.
Now Joel’s eyes flicker to yours. You notice him swallow, notice how thick and bare his neck is and how you want to kiss it already.
He shrugs. You’re learning that’s a very common Joel answer and can’t push for more.
“Your mother. She seems nice.” He suddenly says.
You’re surprised he noticed her earlier out here. She’s been enjoying reading while you stayed inside enjoying a nice nap.
“Yeah, she’s pretty great.” You admit with a soft smile.
“Just you and her?” He presses and you agree happily.
“Where’s your father?”
You didn’t know you’d be discussing this with him. But you explain gently that your dad passed away when you were younger.
“Oh.” Joel’s voice pops a bit. “I… I apologize.”
You reassure him you’re alright. You were young, a child then, and appreciate his sympathy.
“Besides my mom always told me if I ever missed him, I just had to look up.” You tell Joel.
“What?” He asks and you turn your gaze up to the sky.
The stars are faintly out but so sweetly twinkling in the dark.
“My mom said my dad sits with the stars now, watching down and always shining bright to remind me he’s always with me, even when I can't see him.”
The words still warm you to this day.
Joel stays silent.
“And you? What’s your family like?” You ask returning your eyes back to earth, back to this son of the sea.
Joel continues to stay quiet. His focus now falls to the sand where you sit. You should’ve known he wouldn’t respond to something so personal.
“Got a brother, but he doesn’t live too close. He’s gotta pod of his own now.”
He has a brother. And they call their families pod. This information warms you, feels precious and rare.
“I had a pup.” Joel admits.
He had a child.
“Lost her many years ago.” He mutters soft.
Your heart shatters deep in your chest.
“Joel, I’m so incredibly sorry.” You tell him earnestly and sympathetic.
You gently ask him what her name was.
“Sarah.” A lovely name.
You glance back up at the sky. You don’t know anything about merfolk culture, how they honor those who have passed. But you can at least honor her the way you know how.
“Sarah is definitely up there too among the stars, watching over you.” You say reassuring.
The stars seem to twinkle back.
Again, Joel stays silent. You’re worried you might have stepped too far.
“Thank you.”
But in the soft breeze of the night, you almost miss his kind soft whisper of a reply back.
You and Joel sit in a soft silence for the rest of the night.
Waking up the next morning, from the view of your bedroom window, another shell sits on the beach.
This goes on for a little over a week. You sneak down to talk with Joel, even teach him how to play tic tac toe in the sand and discover he’s a sore loser.
Then beautiful trinkets arrive on the beach the following mornings.
Some were dazzling sea glass pieces you want to find a way to make into a necklace. Once he even left you a weather and a very old waterlogged broken compass.
You cherish it all.
But then one night, Joel doesn’t show. You wait, and wait. But no appearance of your merman. And no new seashell or trinket sits on the beach the morning after.
Again you head down to the beach at night. Still no sign of Joel.
You try not to get wrapped up in worry. But soon a week passes.
Now you’re worried, fully wondering what could have happened. You don’t even know where he lives to say you can simply go check on him. You feel a bit helpless, frustrated.
At the week’s end, your aunt wants to take you and your mom to a nice dinner in town. That night enjoying the nice meal, your eyes still drift to the view of the sea. Watching the soft waves, the dreamy sea, you simply hope Joel is okay.
When you get back, you head straight to bed and wonder if you’ll see your merman again.
In the morning, you almost don’t look out the window, like you’re trying to slowly detach yourself. But you do.
On the beach sits a new shell.
You practically fly out of the house and down to the shore.
Later that night, Joel this time rests on the edge of the water - waiting for you.
He’s never looked more beautiful in the moonlight.
You exhale relieved, welcoming him back. Joel’s eyes seem endless as he stares at you nodding
“Sorry, had some things I had to sort out.” He explains, even apologizes. You don’t even want to press why or get upset that he simply vanished.
He’s here and he’s alright. That’s what matters.
“I know it might be too personal, and you can tell me no,” you begin weakly. “But where do you live around here?”
You rationally explain it’s simply to see and make sure he’s alright. You even vow to keep it a secret.
“Worried about an old ass barnacle like me, lil’ minnow?” Teasing, he’s faintly teasing.
But you do worry about him. Even tell him that. Joel doesn’t reply for a moment.
“Tomorrow, come ‘ere early. And I’ll show ya.” His voice is as steady as a river.
You barely get any sleep that night. Before the sun even reaches over the horizon, with the sky faintly showing signs of waking up, you head down to the shore.
Joel already waits for you. He’s ethereal in the morning light. The soft cotton candy sky paints him in a delicate glow.
You walk along the shore while he stays in the ocean and you follow his lead. The guide of his fin from the waves would look menacing, the sign of a terrifying shark in the water. Yet you follow it without hesitation. Thankfully the pace is easy and you enjoy the fact that you simply have him by your side in his own way.
Slowly you walk further away from the familiar beach homes and down towards a more secluded part of the coastline. The houses begin to dwindle. Those still standing houses seem older in their style, rickety and abandoned.
Compared to your family’s beach home that sits further back on the land, these homes sit right above the water.
Weathered from their location, they seem like ghosts watching you. Eventually Joel leads you to a home that’s collapsed.
Halfway in the water, halfway in the sand, it is a cluster of debris and scattered remnants of a home
You watch Joel swim into it from the sea.
So this is where he stays. You find a small alcove to duck under and then step in. Surprisingly, the beach house had collapsed into a father cozy like alcove.
The echoes of the ocean softly swirl all around. When you glance out the opening, it gives a clear sight to the sea where Joel must freely swim in and out hidden by the cover of this remnant.
He’s made a home out of these hollow bones. He emerges out of the water, and his freshly slicked back hair has always made his face seem sharper. But here in the soft atmosphere he seems even more dreamy.
You earnestly thank him for showing this to you and even admire its coziness.
“Y’like it?” His voice is gruff as you continue taking in the space. Yet you feel eyes on you the entire time.
“I do.” You admit truthfully.
That’s when you spot the towel you gave him. It’s crinkled up in a ball, still covered in some dried blood. But he kept it. That reality gets logged in your throat.
You go to sit down on the sand and slide off the bag you brought. You didn’t know how long the trip was going to take and trying to add to the lie you told your family about going to search for sand dollars, you added the bag.
Now it proved handy as you pull out the box of assorted fruits you packed.
Feels like it’s been so long since Joel and you have done this.
Handing him an orange slice, he bites down on the whole thing not even letting you finish explaining not to eat the peel. You shriek a bit panicked, but he mumbles about you worrying too much.
“Well, someone’s gotta worry for you.” You huff back.
In this seemingly short yet expansive time you’ve known him it’s like you’ve become completely bonded to this strange man.
In very common Joel fashion, he settles into silence. Playfully taking an orange slice, you put it in your mouth then smile at Joel.
He snorts a faint type of laugh and it’s everything.
This time you also notice how close he rests on the sand next to you now, closer than he’s ever been before.
“Y’know…” Joel begins soft. “Never got to thank ya for savin’ me.”
His tender low rumble almost mixes in with the crash of the tide. You think of the blood stained towel still here.
“It’s okay. And you’re welcome. Plus I think we’re even now at this point.” You gently tease.
A deep hum comes.
“Ain’t like any human I’ve ever met.” He says even lower than before.
Something indescribable claws in you, and you glance at him. Joel is undeniably gorgeous, the most beautiful being you’ve ever seen.
His usual slicked back curls are starting to dry, highlighting their light fluff, and you ache to brush back some of his strands. However his intense gaze bores unflinchingly into yours. It’s like his eyes spark a fire in your chest burning everything in its wake.
Before anything can be said, Joel suddenly snaps up sharply glaring out to the sea.
“Need to get ya home, lil minnow. Gonna storm soon.”
The sky looked so clear on your walk here. Even now it doesn’t seem like a storm approaches. But you trust Joel. The minute you reach the beach house, thunder rolls in the distance.
Later, in the shower, your mind drifts to Joel. Your thoughts have been with him so much. But now they cross into a more sticky territory.
Joel resting beside you earlier was the first time you had ever seen him fully out of the water. Your eyes snuck as many glances as you could trying to commit the sight to memory.
You knew his golden skin bled into the color of his tail. But his tail, now that you fully saw it, was magnificent. Strong, sleek and sturdy, it speaks of how much power he holds as a son of the sea. Yet you can’t stop wondering where his reproductive organs were.
You knew he had a daughter but you also don’t know if maybe he adopted her. You didn’t want to ask about merfolk procreating, but your mind swirls with thoughts of it. Thoughts of something slippery slick, simply Joel’s, slithering in between your legs clouds your imagination and your throat goes dry.
You’re so caught up in those thoughts, you don’t even head down to the ocean that night.
Instead you dream of merman and the taste of saltwater on your lips.
The beach is crowded today. You should’ve known the weekend would bring in more crowds. The amount of people must have deterred Joel away from leaving a gift.
You admit you were a little heartbroken when you didn’t see anything on the beach this morning, but you understood.
Now you sit peacefully in the water and search for more shells in the sand to add to your growing collection.
Eventually a soft beach ball gently bumps onto you.
“Sorry!” The splashes come, and off to the side are a pack of three frat boy like guys.
“Kinda got away from us.” One of them says bashfully.
“It’s okay.” You reassure.
“I like your swimsuit.” The guys smiles, and you thank him.
“You wanna come hang with us? You look lonely.” One of them asks then takes a swig of his beer.
Politely you decline, but thank them for the offer.
“Aww,” another says, swimming a bit closer. “C’mon. Gotta be better than just sitting here doing nothing.”
“I’m fine.” You kindly try to stay composed, but you already don’t care for how persistent they are.
“Man just leave her, she looks like a fuckin’ prude anyway.” One of them laughs, and your gut feels uneasy.
Fucking pieces of shit.
You don't even reply, not knowing what else they can do. Skin feeling tight, you want to get out of the water now, and hope they leave soon.
They snicker and laugh with each other, talking amongst themselves. It makes your skin crawl even more. Now you really decide to leave.
Suddenly a horrified scream comes.
It’s male, pierces through the air with pure agony.
You whip your gaze around and find blood spilling into the water. One of the guys that was just speaking to you is the one screaming, holding his leg swearing something attacked him. Another one of the guys then collapses into the sea as he screams. More blood colors the waves.
“There was something in the fucking god damn water!” One of them yells.
Off to the distance someone yells ‘shark!’ and terror fills you fast. The panicked commotion arrives. You frantically scan around.
The fin barely moves above the waves, but you catch a glimpse before it dips below the water.
From the shore, your mother screams your name begging you to get out. You return to land but are determined to find Joel.
“I’m gonna take a walk, clear my head.” You tell your mom.
“There’s a shark in the water! Just stay inside for the day.” She urges.
Promising you won’t get in the water you even reassure her you’ll have your phone on hand. With an apprehensive sigh, she nods.
You practically fly down the coastline.
Even in the middle of the day, no one pays you a second glance. Thankfully further down the beach the commotion trickles down until it’s just you and the sea. Approaching the decayed and vacant homes, this time they feel like guards keeping you safe.
Immediately you slide into Joel’s alcove. You’re not sure it was him, but something inside just whispers it was.
You discover a sight.
Joel sits halfway out of the water and snaps his face up to you. His eyes are what you notice first. Even with how dark they are, his pupils are now slits, reptilian like. Then when he spots you, they expand and dilate as his face crumbles.
He mutters out your name.
You spot his hands - now instead claws with faint traces of blood staining them.
Before you is an apex predator, a true hunter of the waters. And he’s glorious.
The blood seems to confirm it was him in the water. He attacked those guys.
“Go home!” He barks, a fierce growl.
“Did they hurt you?” You ask softly, approaching him with hesitant steps.
He repeats his words, roaring at you to leave, but you don’t. Even with how fierce and terrifying his voice rages, you move, almost possessed, to kneel on the sand beside him.
“Are you hurt?” You repeat again gently.
He pauses before barking out a quick no.
“You were in the water?” You question low.
“I…” you’ve never heard Joel hesitate like this. Your eyes stay on his claws.
A moment passes.
“Always try to swim nearby when y’get in the water.” Joel admits, like he doesn’t even register yet that he's speaking.
Your heart gets tangled in your throat.
“Normally I stay far away and deep enough, but those fucking boys… the things they said.” He snarls disgusted and vicious.
He attacked them because of you. That reality rearranges your soul.
You now gingerly reach down to the water and gingerly grab his hand. Reflectively he almost draws away.
“What’re y’doing?” He mutters sharp.
“There’s still blood.” You whisper back then start pouring water over his hands, cleaning him.
The emotions surging in you feel too deep and strong to describe, but they consume you. You rinse his hands, being cautious of the sharp edges, watching the water fade away the crimson more and more.
It’s quiet in the alcove. Just you, him, and the soft sound of the waves. When his hands are free of blood, you gather one in your grasp. His talons are sharp. He’s dangerous, and you adore him. You gently draw it up to your face.
He doesn’t stop you. You even worry this might be too much, possibly overstepping. But this feeling in your chest is so raw you can’t stop.
You lean into Joel’s palm and gently kiss the center of it as your eyes close.
“Thank you.” You speak, barely recognizing your soft voice.
Suddenly you’re jostled. Your eyes snap open petrified thinking he’s shoving you away. Only to find he’s instead swiftly pulling you closer.
You’re only allowed to process that in a blink before his lips crash into yours. You inhale sharp but eagerly scramble to grab onto him now.
He tastes like the sea, of something deep and ancient but beautifully Joel, and your mouth opens up to him wide and greedy.
You can tell he hasn’t kissed recently, or maybe kissing other merfolk is different, but he’s messy. Teeth clink and crash, but it’s fierce, truly him.
Like the surge of a wave Joel moves against you unleashed, and you draw him closer now moving to rest back against the sand.
Joel shifts moving over your body with a clumsy but earnest ease as he continues kissing you fervently.
Your hands run up his broad and strong shoulders while his hands, claws no more, now map your body out.
“So god damn soft.” He says hoarse and deep against your lips. Then Joel burrows his face against your neck and inhales.
“Smell s’good.” His voice trails off while his lips begin kissing and nipping against your skin.
Your body reacts, rising up to grind against him.
“Joel.” You whisper out his name and he growls. The vibrations of it rumble against your skin rattling your bones.
“Wanna mate ya.” He mutters low, as if smoke leaks into his voice. “Wanna make y’mine.”
“Please please please.” You beg him dizzy and clawing at him.
Joel licks at your skin, and your eyes close in bliss.
He’s a force, dizzying and consuming like the sea itself, and you happily fall under his current. Your swimsuit top is discarded and Joel makes quick work diving down your body to your bottoms.
Without warning he shoves his face into between your legs, flat against your pussy and inhales deep. The most powerful groan rattles the air and you whine.
“Wanna taste, want more.” He mutters possessed, clawing at your bottoms that you shimmy out of.
Now you squirm a bit self aware, very hyper aware, of how intently Joel pokes and strokes around your folds with eyes focused.
You even shift your legs hoping to close them when he growls.
“Don’t hide. S’mine.” The possessive nature leaking out of his voice makes you drip.
That first lick he takes against you, you almost come especially when he groans debauched.
“Taste so fuckin’ good, knew y’d taste so fuckin’ good.” Joel mumbles.
What he lacks in his full knowledge of your body, he makes up for that in how fervently he lets his tongue explore and dive into you. It drives you mad, and your hips trash trying to press into him more.
When you come, he moans loud.
Lips wet with your essence Joel crawls up your body in a daze kissing you as much as he can.
Now he grinds down into you and you feel a very new sensation, a hard bump against your core.
Joel draws back and you now fully see the new raised area against his front torso. His hand palms it, the same way a human would, and he hisses. You ache to touch him.
“Wanna make you feel good too.” You mutter.
Joel blinks back at you, still hazy in his dark eyes. But he leans down and bumps his head against yours soft.
“Starlight, y’sure you want this?” You sure you want me, is what you hear.
You nod and kiss him soft on the lips.
A part of you wanted to be afraid, to not face the growing desire for this creature of a man. But when Joel and you become one, it feels as if the world becomes whole. Like this is what it’s always meant to be, you and him.
Your legs sliding against his tail, his teeth biting into your neck with an aching promise wanting to break the skin, you discover a crescendo of passion like no other, a crashing of the land and sea.
He is yours, just as much as you as his.
Now curled against him on the sand, your merman keeps you in his arms tracing his fingers against your shoulder. Every inch of you feels sore but in a delicious way. You enjoy resting against his sturdy frame.
“You’re still so warm.” Joel mutters a bit in awe.
“And you feel nice and cool.” You smile wiggling closer to him even while being practically glued to his side.
“Can I ask…” you begin hesitantly, and he hums a rumble of a noise that sounds like he’s giving you the okay.
You ask him why he suddenly vanished for that week.
Joel sighs, dreary and deep.
“Didn’t wanna face how… close I was gettin’ to you.” The reveal makes your heart flutter.
Softly you rub against his solid chest then lean to kiss it.
“Glad you came back.” You tell him, and he simply nods.
However even in this soft afterglow, a small doubt trickles now in.
“Hm?” He sounds as if he’s falling asleep against you.
“Is this… Are you sure this is okay?” You ask delicately.
Joel snorts.
“Yeah, s’okay.” He reassures you. “Been practically courting ya this entire time anyway.”
He says it almost casually, like if it’s an afterthought. Your mind however skips over itself.
You bolt up to look down at your merman still lounging on the sand. His face scrunches up pouting at the loss of your body next to his.
“Wait? Courting?!” Your voice shrills.
Joel rolls his eyes and tugs at your arm trying to get you back into his embrace.
“What do you mean courting?!” You continue sqwuaking.
“You sound like a seagull.” He deadpans. You swat at his shoulder urging him to please explain.
You even stare at him determined. An adorable almost bitterly bashful expression colors Joel’s handsome face. Those deep eyes of his dart away from your stern gaze.
“S’nothin’. Been takin’ care of you same way you’ve been takin’ care of me, that’s all.” He replies gruffly still seeming embarrassed.
Suddenly it all clicks.
A few semesters back you took an ecology course for a science credit. You faintly remember a lecture about how different species mating behaviors. Your professor even made a comparison of a man winning a game of billiards against another guy to establish himself as a strong opponent.
In essence, sometimes mating rituals were about proving you were a strong provider and protector.
Joel had been doing this all along. The way he protected you on the beach, the various seafood critters left on the beach, the way you also fed him, along with the beautiful seashells and trinkets he left -
It had all been his own way of showing his affection and intentions.
Your merman opens his mouth to say something, but you pounce on him quickly. You kiss him pouring in all your devotion you can, and Joel welcomes you greedily.
Eventually a text from your mom comes asking if you’re alright and it gently bursts the bubble you’ve been happily sheltered in. Begrudgingly you kiss Joel many times goodbye. He of course swims by your side the entire walk home.
Later that evening, you sneak back out to the shoreline and kiss your handsome myth of man so many times under the moon's watchful eye.
“So you’re mine?” You ask quietly among the crash of the waves.
Joel nods firm and steady. “Just like you’re mine.”
You float in a dreamy bliss and wish more than ever you don’t have to leave him for the night.
“Don’t worry, lil’ minnow.” He reassures you with one last soft kiss. “I’ll be in the water.”
It’s a promise, a vow, as true and beautifully ancient as the sea.
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stalkurs · 3 months
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Red Dead Redemption
» Javier Escuella
IT (2019)
» Patrick Hockstetter
» Artic Merman » Yandere! Prince
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» W.I.P
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» W.I.P
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» W.I.P
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Last of Us
» Actor! Joel Miller
Baldurs Gate 3
» Possessive! Jealous! Astarion » Astarion
Red Ded Redemption
» Dutch Van Der Linde
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blue-sadie · 8 months
.Request Page.
A place for my different fandoms brain rots
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut =🌹 Lime = ⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere = 🍁
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(H) kakeru Sengoku - Her Little Merman 🌺
(H) Keishin Ukai - Assistant Manager 🌹
(HMC) Howl Pendragon- A Thing Of Beauty 🌺
(LOK) Mako & Bolin - Brothers Charm 🌹
(MHA) Katsuki Bakugo - Silly Nicknames 🌺
(MHA) Shota Aizawa - Villainous Love 🌹
(MHA) Shota Aizawa - Little Helper 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
(H) Asahi Azumane - Pregnant Hungry 🌺
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(QFC) Garrett Touch Says All 🌺
(A&TAE) Dimitri & Cale Tucker - The Tucker Twins 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
Different Aus.
Nsfw/SFW Alphabet.
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Hayden Christen - Yn Moment 🌺 Jamie Flatters - Admiring The Interviewer 🌺
Henry Cavill - Distraction 🌺
Oscar Isaac - Wavering 🌺
Jamie Flatters,Tedros Pendragon,Neteyam - One Room 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
Jack Champion - Past Experiences 🥀���
Jamie Flatters - Attention Thief 🌺
Jamie Flatters - Bakery Girl 🌺
Jamie Flatters - When Fate Intervenes 🌺
Stephen Lang Hard At Work. Prt 2 🌺
Avatar Cast - Dream Come True 🌺
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(BG3) Astarion - Love From Cold Lips 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - For Your Pleasure 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Flaunting Treasures 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Sweet As Sugar 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Red As Cherry 🌹
(BG3) Halinsin - Size Difference 🌹
(HL) Sebastian Sallow - Dazzling Smile 🌺
(TLOU) Joel Miller - The Tiredness 🌹
(BG3)Astarion & Halsin - Vampire And The Bear ⚘️
(BG3) Astarion & Gale - Love From The Gods 🌹
(BG3) Astarion & Harleep - Jealous Much 🌹
(HL) Sebastian & Ominus - Bros Before... 🥀🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(BG3) Ascended Astarion - Truly Broken 🥀
(BG3) Astarion - My Darling Baker 🌺
(HL) Sebastian Sallow - Lace Me Up 🌺
(BG3) Astarion & Halsin - Lust Filldd Touches 🌹
Different Aus.
(BG3)God Astarion & God Gale -Praises From The Gods🌹
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
(BG3) halsin - NSFW
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(HP) Draco Malfoy - A Bubbly Companion 🌺
(It) Bowers Gang - Plaid Skirts 🌹
(MR) Newt - Second In Command 🌺
(MR) Gally - Soft Spot 🌺
(RH) Prince John - Fall From Grace 🌺
(T) Paul Lahote - Second Head 🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(A) Kane - Stop Your Breath 🌺🌹
(FG) Walter Mckey (keys) - Cuter Then Puppies 🌺
(MR) Newt - Glow Of Embers 🌺
(TF) Santiago Garcia - Friend Of A Friend 🌹
(TF) Santiago Garcia & Frankie Morales - Movement Of The Hips 🌹
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(F) Savitar - A New Day Has Dawned 🍁
(OBX) Rafe Cameron - Uncontrollable??? 🌹
(SN) Dean Winchester - Jealous Much 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove - Addicted 🌹
(ST) Eddie Munson - Something A Bit More 🍁
(TVD) Stephen Salvatore - The Classics 🌺
(T) Jason Todd - Cold Stares 🌺
(TW) Derek Hale - Big Bad Werewolf 🌹
(VK) Ivar Ragnarsson - Tracing Tattoos 🌺🌹
(OUAT) Peter Pan & Felix - Princess Treatment 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove & Eddie Munson - High And Mighty 🌹
(TW) Stiles Stilinski & Scott Mccal - Rain Check 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington - You Wouldn't Dare🌹
(T100) Bellamy blake & John murphy - little convincing 🌹
(TVD) Damon and Stephen - Elana Really... 🌼🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(911) Eddie Diaz & Evan Buckley-Something To Look At 🌹
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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@sweetirilly @neteyamyawne @greekgods15 @laylasbunbunny
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of-house-atreides · 2 years
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Moon Knight
Midnight Friend: Steven x reader
He Said, She Said: Steven x reader x Marc
The Neighbour's Little Games: Steven x reader
Voices: Steven x reader drabble
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Under the Veil: Duke Leto Atreides x OFC x Jessica
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The Mandalorian
Nova: Din x OFC
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Game of Thrones
Rosebud: Oberyn x blind!Tyrell!OFC
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Triple Frontier
Enchanted Frontier: Vampire!Santi x Werewolf!Benny - Merman!Frankie x Fae!OFC - Werewolf!Will x OFC (hiatus)
Supernatural Frontier: TF!boys x oc (hiatus)
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Fic Recs:
MCU, Triple Frontier, Oscar Isaac fic recs (December 2021)
Moon Knight fic recs (May 2022)
Miguel O'Hara and JOEL MILLER fics (June 2023)
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
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Wow, thank you so much guys this is just wow. I know I say this with every milestone, but it still amazes me that people think I'm cool enough to follow and/or like my little AUs and stories. Really I appreciate each and every one of you. All of you bring me so much joy and support and if I could hug each and every one of you I would, with consent of course!
Anyway, to celebrate, since I don't have much time do to school unfortunately, I figured we'd just do another fic vote! So under the cut is little descriptions of wips I have, and a link to a Google form. Vote as many times as you would like and again thank you guys, I love you all very much!!
Your Eyes. // Your eyes hold everything that my soul thirsts for. (Agent Whiskey x Reader)
Reader is a forensic pathologist for the statesmen and ends up on a mission to find out why there are so many suspicious deaths happening in a smaller city with Whiskey as her partner. During the mission, the Reader lowers their guard and sleeps with Whiskey, but when all is said and the mission is done they feel like they only have one option, run from the mess they've caused. (Prequel)
Texas (Joel Miller x Reader)
This I do plan on being a series of snapshots of Joel and the reader getting together after Joel comes back to Jackson with Ellie, so post the first game and before part II. The first part would be Joel meeting the reader after Tommy assigns her to show him around Jackson and get him used to the community. Basically Joel dealing with Reader teasing him and slowly getting him to warm up to her.
Happily Ever After (Clan Leader!Paz x Reader Epilogue)
Just a sweet follow up with Clan Leader Paz, who he still pines after like he did in the FIC, though with a little twist. Will be happy and fluffy, nothing like the sad stuff I have been writing for him, I promise!
Oh Ana (Dark!Ezra x Reader)
Ezra has been trapped on the Green with the emotionless and untalkative Number Two for too long when he comes across the Reader. The second the Reader shows him a trembling smile, though is full of fear he refuses to acknowledge, Ezra swears he's been sent an angel. Quickly he disposes of Number Two and steals you away, whether you want to come or not. (Not sure how dark this one will get, but it definitely is gonna be a little like "the fuck Ezra??") Got the idea while listening to Oh Ana by Mother Mother (shocker)
Di'kut p. 2 (Soulmate!Paz x Reader)
Just a follow up to Di'kut soulmate fic. Follows Reader and Paz working through and healing from how mean he has been to them, and reader learning to trust Paz and allow themself to start loving him back.
Cooking Lessons (Stardew Valley!Din x Reader)
A continuation of Planting Seeds, with reader gives Din another cooking lesson, and teaches him how to find and gather all of the ingredients, as well as how to cook them. Set before the events of Planting Seeds, so lots of pining, and Din being sweet!
The Merman and the Lighthouse Keeper Ch.5 (Merman!Din x Reader)
Reader and Din have a late night chat, while everyone's favorite old lady, Edna, is dealing with resurfacing memories of her lover while keeping an eye on what Empire Labs is up too.
This is gonna come soon, even of it isn't voted in for the 800 followers fic. I apologize for the wait!!
For the Pain We Endured (Soulmate!Boba x Reader)
Soulmate AU: You feel whatever pain your soulmate feels and vice versa
Will be angsty seeing as Reader has endured a lot of pain through Boba, and Boba thought he didn't have a soulmate because you were always careful to not get hurt and cause him more pain. Post Mandalorian s2.
Vote Here!
Tagging my permanent taglist just because: @mysticalgalaxysalad @phoenixhalliwell @moodsare @perpetual-fangirl900 @night-snows00 @dumbass-simp-for-fredweasley @stargazingthenightaway @meabravo @just-here-for-the-moment @masteracewindu @litakino
35 notes · View notes
newmanspaul · 4 years
Aries: Gregory Peck, Spencer Tracy, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, William Holden, Doris Day, Anthony Perkins, Debbie Reynolds, Ann Miller, Billie Holiday, Karl Malden, Warren Beatty, Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Lon Chaney, Steve McQueen, Ed Begley, Melvyn Douglas, Alec Guinness, Leslie Howard, Jayne Mansfield
Taurus: Jimmy Stewart, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Don Rickles, Orson Welles, Tyrone Power, Rudolph Valentino, Gary Cooper, Henry Fonda, Shirley MacLaine, Shirley Temple, Anthony Quinn, James Mason, Ella Fitzgerald, Lionel Barrymore, Phil Silvers, Jack Klugman, Harold Lloyd, Mary Astor, Simone Simon, Margaret Sullavan, Eve Arden
Gemini: Judy Garland, Bob Hope, Dean Martin, Errol Flynn, Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Tony Curtis, Rosemary Clooney, Douglas Fairbanks, Burl Ives, Al Jolson, Stan Laurel, Vincent Price, Basil Rathbone, Rosalind Russell, Hattie McDaniel, Priscilla Lane, Josephine Baker, Jeanette MacDonald, Peggy Lee
Cancer: Ginger Rogers, Eva Marie Saint, Natalie Wood, Olivia de Havilland, Barbara Stanwyck, Lena Horne, Jimmy Cagney, Milton Berle, Yul Brynner, Peter Lorre, Red Skelton, Jane Russell, Gina Lollobrigida, Leslie Caron, Farley Granger
Leo: William Powell, Myrna Loy, Mae West, Clara Bow, Norma Shearer, Esther Williams, Walter Brennan, Robert Mitchum, Louis Armstrong, Peter O’Toole, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Alfred Hitchcock, Maureen O’Hara, Lucille Ball, Shelley Winters, Dolores del Rio
Virgo: Lauren Bacall, Gene Kelly, Sophia Loren, Claudette Colbert, Greta Garbo, Donald O’Connor, Ingrid Bergman, Peter Lawford, Fredric March, James Coburn, Fred MacMurray, Peter Sellers, Raquel Welch, George Chakiris, Vera Miles
Libra: Jean Arthur, Carole Lombard, Montgomery Clift, Rita Hayworth, Deborah Kerr, Charlton Heston, Mickey Rooney, Lillian Gish, Groucho Marx, Buster Keaton, Bela Lugosi, George C. Scott, Lenny Bruce, Walter Pidgeon, Greer Garson, Joan Fontaine, Brigitte Bardot, June Allyson, Julie London
Scorpio: Richard Burton, Rock Hudson, Vivien Leigh, Burt Lancaster, Gene Tierney, Grace Kelly, Claude Rains, Joel McCrea, Johnny Carson, Burgess Meredith, Hedy Lamarr, Eleanor Powell, Veronica Lake
Sagittarius: Frank Sinatra, Kirk Douglas, Sammy Davis Jr, Edward G. Robinson, Rita Moreno, Lee Remick, Boris Karloff, Lee J. Cobb, Ricardo Montalban, Irene Dunne, Agnes Moorehead, Gloria Grahame, Betty Grable, Julie Harris
Capricorn: Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, Ava Gardner, Marlene Dietrich, Loretta Young, Ethel Merman, Eartha Kitt, Janet Leigh, Lew Ayres, Ray Bolger, Sal Mineo, Danny Kaye, Oliver Hardy, Oscar Levant, Ray Milland, Elvis Presley, Jane Wyman, Kay Francis, Barbara Rush
Aquarius: Kathryn Grayson, James Dean, Paul Newman, Clark Gable, Jimmy Durante, Jack Benny, Lana Turner, Kim Novak, Ronald Colman, Ernest Borgnine, Randolph Scott, Vera-Ellen, Donna Reed, Jack Lemmon, John Barrymore, George Burns, Arthur Kennedy, Cesar Romero, Jean Simmons, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Pisces: Jerry Lewis, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Harlow, Nat King Cole, Sidney Poitier, Cyd Charisse, Lee Marvin, Jackie Gleason, Edward Everett Horton, David Niven
274 notes · View notes
papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
Desi’s TOPS Picks!
July 9, 1955
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For the July 9, 1955 issue of TV Guide, Desi Arnaz was tasked with picking TOPS - Television’s Own Promising Starlets!  Arnaz picked six young women he believed would be popular and successful on television in the years to come. This was a rare time that Lucille Ball was not part of the article, except for her name being dropped as Desi’s original TOPS pick.  There is not even a photo of Lucy!  
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The cover features Clara Ann Fowler (1927-2013), known by her stage name Patti Page, a singer of pop and country music and occasional actress. She was the top-charting female vocalist and best-selling female artist of the 1950s, selling over 100 million records during a six-decade long career. Page's signature song, "Tennessee Waltz", was one of the biggest-selling singles of the 20th century. Page had three additional #1 hit singles between 1950 and 1953, "All My Love (Bolero)", "I Went to Your Wedding", and "(How Much Is That) Doggie in the Window".  In 1955, Page was seen in “The Patti Page Show,” her own 15-minute television show and was a frequent musical guest on variety programs. 
Here’s a closer look at Desi’s TOPS, along with notes about their career since 1955: 
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MARJIE MILLAR was born on August 10, 1930 in Tacoma, Washington, as Marjorie Joy Miller. In 1935, she won a Shirley Temple look-alike contest at Tacoma's Roxy Theater over 200 other local contestants. Mogul Hal Wallis took an immediate interest in her. In March 1952 she was named "Miss Hollywood Star of 1952."  She was crowned one of Hollywood's new deb stars by Hollywood hair stylists in 1953. She was known for Money from Home (1953) and About Mrs. Leslie (1954). In July 1955 she had just finished two seasons on ABC TV’s Emmy-nominated series “Where’s Raymond?” starring Ray Bolger. After Desi’s recognition, she did the film When Gangland Strikes (1956). She was married to Charles Candoo, John Dennis McCallum, John Florea, and James Sidney Rollins Jr. She died on April 16, 1966 in Coronado, California.
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Desilu Connection: On “Where’s Raymond” she acted opposite “I Love Lucy” character actors Elvia Allman, Bobby Jellison, Shirley Mitchell, Verna Felton, Jay Novello, Joi Lansing, and Wil Wright, as well as creative staff Argyle Nelson, Claudio Guzman, and Dann Cahn. The series filmed at General Service Studios, just like “I Love Lucy”. 
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FRANCES RAFFERTY was born on June 16, 1922 in Sioux City, Iowa. During the Depression her family moved to Los Angeles in search of work. Frances was signed by MGM at the age of 19 and began with a dancing bit in Presenting Lily Mars (1943) starring Judy Garland. She was a war-era cover girl for Yank, the Army weekly. Unable to secure starring parts, Frances remained a B-level co-star. She died in 2004 at age 81. 
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Desilu Connection: Lucille Ball was instrumental in casting Rafferty in Desilu’s hit sitcom “December Bride” (1954-59), where she played Ruth Henshaw in 156 episodes, including one that starred Desi Arnaz as himself!  At MGM, she was in the films Thousands Cheer (1943) and Abbott and Costello in Hollywood (1945) with Lucille Ball. 
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VERA MILES (nee Ralston) was born in Boise City, Oklahoma on August 23, 1929. Miles won the title of "Miss Kansas" in 1948, leading soon to small roles in Hollywood films and television. series. The same week this TV Guide hit the stands, she appeared in the film Wichita, starring Joel McRae as Wyatt Earp. Coincidentally, Miles went to high school in Wichita, Kansas. Her main claim to fame was as one of Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘blondes’ appearing in Psycho (1960) as Lila Crane, Marion’s sister. Miles also did the 1983 sequel playing the same role. 
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Desilu Connection: In 1958, Miles did “Mr. Tutt”, an episode of Desilu’s Colgate Theatre, produced by Desi Arnaz. In 1966, Miles appeared on an episode of “The Bob Hope Show” with Lucille Ball. 
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JEANNE BAIRD was born on March 28, 1927 in Du Bois, Pennsylvania. She got her start in TV’s “The Living Christ” as Martha in 1951. 
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Desilu Connection: In 1955 she did an episode of “I Married Joan” (NBC’s answer to “I Love Lucy”) which filmed at General Services Studios, same as “Lucy”.  
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PEGGY KING was born in 1930 and known as "Pretty Perky Peggy King" when she appeared on “The George Gobel Show” (1954-57) and guest-starred on many other TV shows. In 1952, MGM signed her to a contract, which led to a cameo in Vincente Minnelli's The Bad and the Beautiful and a series of commercial jingles for Hunt's tomato sauce. These last brought her to the attention of Mitch Miller, who signed her to a long-term contract, under which she made two best-selling albums. She sang the Oscar-nominated song "Count Your Blessings" on the 1955 Academy Awards telecast, and both Billboard and Down Beat magazine named her Best New Singer of 1955–56. She was nominated for an Emmy in 1955, the same year this TV Guide was published. The Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia inducted King into their Hall of Fame in 2010, which led to her resuming her singing career in 2013.
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Desilu Connection: There is no known direct connection between King and  Lucy and Desi, although both were associated with MGM and Vincente Minnelli. It is likely that Desi is just listening to the Hollywood critics, who praised King highly and predicted she would rival the greats.  While she had a moderate success, she never achieved the legendary status of Garland, Shore, Whiting, or Stafford. 
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VIRGINIA GIBSON was born on April 9, 1925 in St. Louis, Missouri, as Virginia Gorski. In the fall of 1943, she was a dancer in Roll Up Your Sleeves on Broadway. Gibson was signed by Warner Brothers in 1950 and made her film debut in Tea for Two (1950). On television, Gibson was a regular on “Captain Billy's Showboat” (1948). She also starred in “So This Is Hollywood” (1955) and was a regular performer on “The Johnny Carson Show (1955–56). In 1956 she returned to Broadway to play Ethel Merman's daughter in the musical Happy Hunting, earning a Tony nomination for her work. She died in 2013 at age 88. 
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Desilu Connection: Gibson is perhaps best known for playing Liza, one of the Seven Brides for Seven Brothers in MGM’s 1955 musical.  Lucy and Desi were also at MGM during this time, and even mentioned Seven Brides on an episode of “I Love Lucy.”
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If the idea of Desi Arnaz and young female talent rings a bell, it should!  Ricky Ricardo was often faced with a green-eyed Lucy when surrounded by beautiful Hollywood starlets. It happened in “Don Juan and the Starlets” (ILL S4;E17), which coincidentally (or not) was aired around the same time as this article was being written for TV Guide! 
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Lucy again got jealous of Ricky fraternizing with up-and-coming young talent in “Desert Island” (ILL S6;E8) just a year later. 
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Editor’s Notes: Considering the well-known circumstances of the Arnaz divorce, and Desi’s reputation as a womanizer, it might be easy to conclude that producer Desi had some sort of personal interest in promoting these attractive young ladies in TV Guide. However, I’m not so sure that is a reasonable assumption to make. First, articles of this sort were rarely written by the ‘author’ (Desi) but by press agents, with approval of the person with the byline. The extent of Desi’s control of the list or the text that accompanies them is up for debate. In fact, some of these talented women are only tangentially related to Arnaz publicly, and some - not at all. 
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When all is said and done, the only one on the list that has approached icon status is Vera Miles, due mainly to her participation in Hitchcock’s Psycho. While Frances Rafferty was on a weekly TV series (”December Bride”) the show has not fared well in syndication and is largely forgotten by today’s viewers. However, Rafferty is the most likely to have been ‘Desi’s pick’ due to her working on the Desilu lot and appearing with him in an episode of the show. At the time, Peggy King was certainly the odds-on favorite for stardom, so her inclusion was a no-brainer.  Virginia Gibson took a left turn back to Broadway and earned a Tony nod, so that interrupted her trajectory toward Hollywood fame. Sadly Millar and Baird’s careers fizzled and are only remembered today by die-hard fans. 
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kedsandtubesocks · 23 days
under the water: a mini-series masterlist
there’s something lurking among the texas waves
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this is my first time writing for mermay and I’m a bit nervous, but after taking inspiration from my trips to the Texas coasts I thought why not enjoy some merfolk magic with our favorite Texan fellas, now let’s jump in… the water is fine
arriving to shore soon -
🪸 part of your world | javier peña x mermaid!reader
you shouldn’t have come back, but you had to…you wanted to see him, your handsome land dweller
hidden treasure still below the surface -
⚓️ what the water gave us | merman!Joel Miller x f!reader
he’s a terrifying force of the water and you so achingly adore him
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if any of you lovely sea angels take interest know I appreciate you so much & can’t thank you enough ♡
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kedsandtubesocks · 9 months
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Howdy there traveler, I’m Erika & I’m glad you stopped by!
I am slowly starting to get the hang of being a writing blog but i’m still a work in progress so I appreciate your patience and understanding!
⚠️ this blog and my writing are 18+ MDNI also - please do not repost my work on other sites
It’s a multi fandom wilderness beyond this point but I hope you enjoy!
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Pedro Boys
Let’s Rodeo - Fic Series masterlist
Cowboys Like Us - Headcanons
Seasons of You - Stardew Valley AU fic series
Joel Miller
‘give you something to dream about’ - sports bar & Texas football Joel Fic
‘your heart, a sonnet’ - author!joel miller fic
‘what the water gave us’ - merman!joel fic
Trick or Treat blurb
Din Djarin
Cowboy Din Djarin Ficlets (1) (2)
‘This Tornado Loves You’ - Cowboy!Din x Reader Fic
‘Hold On, Hold On’- Cowboy!Din x Fem!Reader Fic
‘In the Dead of Night’ - Creature!Cowboy Din x F!Reader Fic
Modern Rodeo Cowboy / Bull Rider Din
Haunted/Spooky Cowboy Din Ficlet
Din x Naboo Queen!Reader
Jack Daniels
Dieter Bravo
‘Go Play Your Video Games’ - Dieter x YouTuber!Reader Fic
‘your favorite kryptonite’ - comic bookstore owner!Dieter Fic
Marcus Pike
Guardian Angel Marcus
Marcus + spooky stories blurb
Javier Peña
‘Bendecido’ - Javi x Fem!Reader One Shot
Husband Javi P headcanon
‘part of your world’ - Javi x Mermaid!Reader Fic
Lucien Flores
this high of you & me - Drug Dealer!Lucien AU Fic
Ezra (Prospect)
be your hallowed ground - Colonal Era Demon!Ezra Fic
pedro guys + sports headcanons
pedro guys + monsters
Satoru Gojo:
‘all of this (& heaven too)’ - hades!gojo x f!reader
Jedi!Gojo x Mandalorian!Reader (2)
‘in the woods (somewhere)’ - mothman!gojo
‘Fright Night’ - Ghost Face!Gojo
Professional Baseball Player Gojo, 2nd Drabble
Happy Birthday Gojo Drabble
God of Winter!Gojo
A Galaxy Far Far Away - BNHA Star Wars AU tag
Mandalorian Bakugou
Jedi Shouto
Jedi Izuku
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fandom-blackhole · 6 years
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Updated May 26, 2023
fandom-blackhole & co jukebox - spotify playlist open for everyone to add music and listen to other's, including my own! RULES
Ao3 • Taglist
Smut ♡ Ongoing + Drabble ◇
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Hayloft Series ♡
Bargaining- The Last of Us AU (Coming Soon...)
Oh Ana (Coming Soon...)
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rain > Snow
Bucket Bois
Modern AU Asks ♡
Mando May 2021
Paz Vizsla
Mobster AU ♡
Hockey! AU ♡ P2 ◇
The Five Marriage Proposals of Clan Leader Vizsla Epilogue (Coming Soon...)
I'll See You in my Dreams- Soulmate AU
Greek Tragedies- Ancient Greece AU
Letters- War AU
Di'kut- Soulmate AU
Din Djarin
Priest AU My THOT P2 ♡ ◇
Merman!Din AU Series +
Planting Seeds- Stardew Valley AU ♡
Boba Fett
To be seen or unseen P1 P2 ♡
NSFW Alphabet ♡
The Big Bad Wolf ♡ +
For All the Pain We Have Endured- Soulmate AU (Coming Soon...)
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Episode Watch Through Thoughts
Joel Miller
Northern Attitude +
Empty Clicks ◇
Lies That Have Lead to Heartbreak ◇
Breakfast ◇
How am I to Tell You?
I'm goin' to Jackson
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Your eyes.// Your eyes hold everything my soul thirsts for. (Coming Soon...)
¤ Prequel ◇
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AU/Trope Mash-Ups Asks +
Sinful Sundays ♡
666 Followers Celebration
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