#maybe.. she wouldn’t have ended up being this big of an anti hero.
sister-lilith · 2 years
what lilith wants is attention so of course she’s going to seek out the worst people imaginable because she knows that they are going to give her the time of day and make her believe that she is worthy in some way because so long as any attention is given to her, she doesn’t care that there’s a bad influence attached to the person (ie: duretti telling her to kill ava in season one & adriel manipulating her throughout season two). if anyone paid any attention to her, she’s gonna stick by them (it’s a double edged sword in this case) and believe their word because she thinks they’re not deceitful and actually care about her, despite knowing that those people may have some negative effects on her. she’s easily influenced, she just wants someone to care for her at all costs (which definitely says a lot about her and her self worth but that’s a different story for a different day). i hope that in season three she recognizes her self worth outside of everything else around her and that she is worthy in different ways. she needs the others with her, despite all the shit talk she spewed throughout season two.
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stardiveatnight · 2 years
the way the duffer brothers wrote eddie kind of set him up to be a main character in the next season
i’m just genuinely confused about eddie’s death. like i know i’ve ranted a lot about how it falls just in line with what the duffer brothers have always done, introduce a character only to kill them off… but if you compare eddie to barb, bob, alexei and billy, his whole involvement in the show and the plot was just absolutely different.
like, it genuinely felt more like they were trying to set him up as a main character.
barb… even though the way the aftermath of her death was handled was kinda horrible and how it seemingly only affected nancy, she didn’t have much to do beside be nancy’s friend and kinda be the angel on her shoulder during her relationship with steve. and her disappearance caused nancy to start investigating and eventually find out about the upside down.
while bob’s death was definitely avoidable, it’s always been obvious the show was planning on jopper being endgame. and he didn’t have his own story line, but he still affected the overall plot in many ways, and even though i would have loved to have him around i felt like towards the end of the season his death was very predictable. and at least it made sense that he did what he did right before he died. he just happened to die in the middle of it all.
alexei... i loved him to death but i feel like no one expected him to stick around for long. like, even if he hadn't died i wouldn’t have expected him to turn back up for season 4. his death was strange, the fact that it happened out in the open and no one but murray noticed was weird... his death was solely for shock value and to undermine the evilness of the terminator arnold schwarzenegger looking ass dude, okay. in the end, he had fulfilled his role in the plot so the writers killed him off, fine, but i also never had a feeling that they were setting him up to play a bigger role in season 4.
billy... well, i guess he is a bit different as he is around for two seasons. i'm still disappointed with the direction they took with his character, that they just made him the villain because they realized people didn't love him as much as they probably hoped they would and because of the emotional aspect of max being his sister... i liked billy and i would have loved to see them explore his trauma and his character more, maybe give him like an anti-hero role... yeah, i kinda felt they were setting him up to be a main cast member and then just didn't, but with him my confusion isn't so big as with eddie since billy was never really likable.
now eddie... unlike billy, the immediately introduce him as a super likable character, and since the audience sees what happens to chrissy, no one ever doubts that he is a genuinely good guy. i'm just so confused why they made him such an important character. like, why did they give him so many scenes alone, why did they make him a part of the whole nancy-robin-steve gang if they were just going to kill him off anyway? i get it, i get it, shock value, but with the way they wrote him into the story they totally set him up to be a main cast member in season five. kind of like with max in season 2. i guess i should have realized something was up when they didn't even try to create any sort of bond between nancy and eddie or him and robin but... i was hoping for all of that in vol. 2. instead we got a whole lot of nothing. he just feels so much more important to the plot than, say, barb in s1 or bob in s2. his death was meaningless, it was so dumb and it was just painful to watch. with so much of the vol. 1 plot revolving around finding eddie and keeping him save and involving him in everything that's going on, building his character and making him feel like an important part of the group... everything that happened to him in vol. 2 was just so shallow.
and i think that + how horribly written his death scene was is one of the reasons why people are so upset. because once again, just like with many other things this season, the duffer brothers set up an expectation (eddie is going to survive and become a main cast member next season - just like steve is going to die, byler is gonna happen or at least will is going to come out, there will be many emotional deaths), then feed into that expectation only to chicken out the last minute. i'm not sure whether they realize that they're only hurting themselves in the long run like this.
and maybe this is all just me in denial but still. this shit doesn't make any sense.
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
Chapter Thoughts: 363, Those Who Defend, Those Who Violate
O  I love the detail that Monoma is on his feet on the first page.  I went back a few chapters to see if it happened when Bakugou’s big power move rocked the arena, but no, Monoma was still seated after that.  But here, just like Aizawa has one hand on his capture weapon, poised like he wants nothing more than to leap into the fray, Monoma—who can’t stand Bakugou!—jumped to his feet so violently he tipped the chair over behind him.  I love Monoma, you guys.
(Continued below the cut.)
O  I’m amused at the idea that some of ShigAFO’s newfound disdain for Eraserhead is tied to Eraser sending students to the field instead of coming himself.  I feel like it’s one of those things that echoes threads of both Shigaraki and AFO.  Dabi expresses it most clearly, the idea that adult heroes roping students into these big anti-villain pushes is in questionable taste (“tacky,” as he puts it), but it’s easy to imagine Shigaraki having similar sentiments.(1)  All For One, meanwhile, has had strong opinions about the nature of the student/teacher relationship from the beginning of the series!  So of course he thinks Aizawa sending his student into a fight that is only going to get said student killed is a mark against Aizawa as a teacher.
O  Shigaraki’s hair is especially gorgeous this week.  My god, he could have walked out of a shampoo commercial.  (If the shampoo commercial was cross-marketing with Mad Max, anyway.)
O  As others have noted, I’m interested to see what Best Jeanist thinks he’s doing here.  Eyes down, not even looking at the oncoming opponent, shirt sleeves unraveling downwards…  I saw a lot of supposition about him trying to sew up Bakugou, maybe even do something about the kid’s mangled heart, if we’re going to get real wack with what kinds of “fibers” Fiber Master is able to control.  (I would like to note that if we find out Best Jeanist can control muscle fibers, I will be needing the Best Jeanist+Muscular fic yesterday, please and thanks.)(2)
O  I want to comment, “Nice to see Mirko confirming once more that murdering an unconscious guy in a science lab tube was her explicit intent at Jakku,” but she’s enough like Bakugou that I wouldn’t want to take her at her literal word too unthinkingly, especially when her word in the Japanese is exactly that kind of “slaughter/beat to death” threat that Bakugou uses all the time.  (Indeed, give or take some regional differences in her word usage, I think it’s the exact same.)
O  Egregious boob shot is egregious.  At least her snarl is intense enough that it’s showing forehead veins.
O  I have no idea how exactly Dabi is mimicking a move that Shouto uses ice for, but I am indescribably glad that it’s not Phoenix Quirk Nonsense.  I wonder if any of Endeavor’s sidekicks are actually going to bite it here?  On the one hand, Fire Is The Worst Super Power because it scales damage relative to the opponent’s determination, as has been proven by this very series time and time again, so I have my reservations that Dabi is going to suddenly get better at K.O.ing named characters than he ever has been.  On the other hand, the art of Onima and Kido being consumed by the blaze is a lot more convincing than usual.
Also, I’m not going to say they deserve it, certainly, but given how lethal the story is always insisting Dabi is, he’s long overdue for something that his opponents can’t just bounce back from after a day or two in the hospital.  And the sidekicks, with their defensive rationalizations about why they’re still on the field doing Endeavor’s work after the revelations about Endeavor’s abuse of his family, are just about as narratively perfect a target as Dabi could get.
Otherwise, I’m extremely amused at how all this makes Deika look in retrospect.  So Dabi is capable of just snapping out copied movies in a matter of seconds?  He doesn’t even need any time to practice or work it out?  And we know Dabi taught himself the flying trick after seeing Endeavor use it against High End.  He would have had just about two weeks to practice it before the League showed up to pick him up for the Deika fight, wherein he had to fight a flying ice user.  So if Dabi is really that good at picking up his family’s special moves, why on Earth did he let Geten keep the high ground for their entire fight?
Did he just not think of it?  Forgot all about it just like he had to be reminded about the chainsaw Noumu at the training camp or that sand hero he killed?  Or was he not confident in the move yet and didn’t want to risk falling on his ass and looking lame in front of the League and/or that insufferably smug ice user?  Inquiring minds need to know.
O  Looking forward to Iida getting to do something (anything) at this point.  Or horse sidekick guy, who we know came to this field of battle but who hasn’t been seen here once.  Or Stain, in an ironic reversal in who’s watching who in a sea of flames and Noumu.
O  I’m always amused at how consistent Dabi is with using epithets or derogatory nicknames for people younger than him—crazy girl, lizard, Boss—while people older than him get to be called by their actual names/titles—Twice, Ujiko-san, and now Skeptic.  Dabi being polite 
And speaking of Skeptic.
O  I am in mourning for a more colorful translation of Skeptic’s fazacon insult to Dabi. 
I'm going to be pretty frank about this, so if you don't want to read several paragraphs about fetish terminology in Japan, or if the discussion of fictional incest upsets you, please do skip down to the next bullet point.
"Daddy issues" is, at least in my experience, entirely sexless in the English idiom, but it is not a sexless insult in Japanese. It’s a clear Dad-themed equivalent of siscon or brocon, lolicon or shotacon, and all of those -con words are much more loaded with connotations of obsession, possessiveness, and inappropriate affection or attachment in Japanese.  They don’t have to indicate that the person being hit with the label is literally having (or wanting) incestuous sex, but there is, even in the most clinical uses, a meaning of, “You are too hung up on [X taboo target], to extremes that other people consider weird or uncomfortable.”
But that’s only the milder end of the implication!  On the more explicit end, those words are also in common slang parlance as fetish terms, especially when they're shorthanded like that instead of fully written out! If you do a google image search for ファーザー・コンプレックス, "Father complex," you will get both academic or journalistic-looking results, as well as a number of what appear to be BL manga covers. But if you do the same for ファザコン, fazacon, the ratio shifts sharply towards manga covers/art, and even those start skewing dramatically more towards scantily clad anime women making bedroom eyes at the viewer.
"Daddy issues," to me, is about male characters brooding and stewing over their controlling or abusive or idolized fathers; it's reflective of angst and resentment, not the excessive and unseemly attachment Skeptic is implying with fazacon.
Now, Skeptic is hardly the final authority on Dabi’s feelings about his dad, of course. Still, he did spend a month living in a cave with Dabi harping on at every second of the goddamn day about how much he wanted to be out there making Endeavor cry more.  Hard to blame the man for calling it like he sees it!
O  Skeptic's!  Pin-stripes!!!  Watch me spin out a whole headcanon about how he’s adopted Re-Destro’s mode of dress as a parallel to also taking up Re-Destro’s dream.  Skeptic always was the most proactive in RD’s inner circle about preserving Re-Destro for the cause, no matter what kinds of off-the-wall and/or psychologically abusive methods are required.  Love seeing him appealing to Re-Destro’s desires here, including advancing Shigaraki Tomura’s interests, because of course that was Re-Destro’s desire as well.
This kind of begs the question of to what degree Skeptic knows or is even thinking about the real Shigaraki’s current situation—but on the other hand, it’s not like he was ever a real Shigaraki loyalist—he wasn’t even at the crater, after all.  So it wouldn’t be a big surprise if he doesn’t particularly care what’s going on inside Shigaraki’s head right now, so long as it’s not obstructing Skeptic’s own goals.
O  I’m delighted to get the nod that FGI did try to eject Skeptic from his position.  Given how little the heroes have talked about him as an issue—he mostly seems to get lumped in with the rest of the PLF escapees, as if he didn’t hack into every TV screen in the country!—I wonder if the Feel Good Inc. corporate head honchos assured the federal investigators that Chikazoku had been ejected, locked out, no way he can do that a second time!  (panic sweating)
It’s also interesting that the FGI head honchos were even able to flee the country.  I tend to think the arrest nets had to be cast pretty wide, and you’d think a company one of the highest officers of the MLA was a boardmember of would fall under a lot of suspicion.  I wonder if that implies, then, that it’s actually relatively clean?
I have had the thought before that someone like e.g. Curious might find it useful to have a dupe above her on the chain of command, someone that attracts all the attention for her magazine’s radical politics while she gets on with business in a less dangerous position.  Easy to imagine Skeptic could be much the same, especially since FGI’s main use as an MLA asset is the infrastructure access, which doesn’t require an ideological bent in the same way that a magazine and a political party would, or that Re-Destro ran Detnerat with.
O  Interestingly, it’s in this chapter that we finally see a hint of quirk supremacist leanings from Skeptic.  He and Curious were always the two that talked least about it, which I’d always assumed was because their quirks had the least to do with what they actually brought to the table as warriors for Liberation.  Of course, as mentioned above, Skeptic’s been living in a cave for a month, and had all his friends and comrades imprisoned or worse on top of that, so it’s easy to imagine he’s feeling a few notches more radical than he was, say, 6-8 weeks ago!
Still, I can't help but feel that his phrasing here is milder than the way Geten described the same idea, and I like that Skeptic’s wording leaves room for skillful or intelligent wielding of one's meta-ability—that, contra Geten, it doesn't have to be about the brute power of the meta.  
It also stands out that Skeptic here is yelling about using one's quirk to get ahead in the world, as he....hacks into a computer system with no use of his quirk at all.  Further, in a true anarchy that brings down the old order, exactly how intact and reliable does he think things like the power grid and the internet are even going to be?  Is he thinking at all about how much less useful he’d be if no one was maintaining cell towers?  The fact that he glosses over that completely is probably partly the cave life talking, but it’s also a good example of the kind of cult-based double-think lots of the MLA are likely prone to. 
Anyway, like Skeptic and the Liberationists, I too would very much like to see the social categories of Hero and Villain abolished, so I remain highly curious(3) about whether Horikoshi’s going to actually do anything about all these radical binaries he has characters talking about, and the way those binaries encourage the dehumanization of members on both sides.
O  Finally, I’ve touched on this before, but while La Brava is the heroes’ obvious solution to a villain hacker, I don’t think she really works in this situation.  There’s nothing heroes can offer her that I can see them being willing to offer, so why would she accept any of their help requests?  Yes, clemency for Gentle Criminal would be an incredibly easy thing to enact in their position, but that would be like *extremely American voice* making deals with terrorists, and the series has never given me the impression that heroes are willing to be less than Maximally Harsh with villains.
Also, even if heroes/police were willing to bargain with LB, they don’t seem to have done so in advance, judging by Mandalay and the rest’s blindsided response to someone trying to hack into the system.  Exactly how fast would we be meant to believe that heroes could retrieve her, bargain, and get her appropriate equipment and access, all while Skeptic continues to make a nuisance of himself?
O  I have a lot of questions about the circumstances that are seeing the Todoroki family just wandering around through a crowd when Endeavor is as unpopular as he is right now.  Though Natsuo’s arm around Rei’s shoulder and Fuyumi’s touch to Natsuo’s hand do feel telling.
O  I never had the chance to talk about this before, as I wasn’t doing chapter posts at the time, but do you guys know what’s really dumb?  People in the tags back in Chapter 342 saying cruel or hateful and insulting things about this AFO spy dude:
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(And his lady friend, too, of course, but he was a bit more prominent, so he seemed to get more vitriol.)
Guys.  Guys.  This man was introduced literally five chapters after we saw the Aoyama family weeping in despair about how helpless they felt under All For One’s thumb.  People use AFO’s grooming as a handwave to excuse every negative thought Shigaraki Tomura has ever had.  Yoichi openly accuses his brother of manipulating and using people.  AFO comes into peoples’ lives when they’re at their most vulnerable and collects them for his nefarious purposes.  He gives poisoned gifts and then never lets people go.  We have seen all of this, multiple times, extremely explicitly.
And yet, somehow, people just forgot about all that the instant they saw someone new working for the guy.  Yeah, Bowl Cut here seemed pretty cynical in 342, much less tearful and sad than the Aoyamas were, but gloppy tears and distraught wailing are not the only way to respond to a life like the one the Aoyamas were living.  Every time this guy’s phone rings, he presumably has to worry about who’s going to be on the other end, whether his life is about to descend once more into intimidation, manipulation and the danger of being discovered and subsequently abandoned to the fury of a justice system that has no mercy for people who associate with villains.
It’s possible he’s just working for AFO in hopes of some kind of reward?  His final line back in 342, delivered with his standing very close indeed to his fellow spy gal, was, “Our future is guaranteed,” which leaves some ambiguity about what sort of future he’s expecting.  But living under AFO’s thumb is no kind of life at all, and it was absurd how quickly fandom forgot about that the red hot second they saw a new face following AFO’s orders, just because Horikoshi didn’t write in 60 pt. Font, “THIS MAN IS A VICTIM.”
I’m rooting for you, Bowl Cut!  You and hat girl and the leopard guy and the older lady with the ponytail, all of you do your best for your future!
O  I love AFO’s sense of camaraderie and identification with villains as a collective and I wish it was more genuine, or at least that we got to see more of it that isn’t openly and blatantly aimed at advancing his own ends.  What I wouldn’t give to know more about how he and Skeptic interacted, such that Skeptic expresses, “I’m going to do as I please!” sentiments more in line with Shigaraki’s words to the united PLF than anything Late Series AFO has ever indicated he’s going to permit when he becomes Demon Lord of the World or whatever.
And that's a wrap on this week. Thanks for reading!  More ask replies soonish.
1:  Not that someone who accepted a high schooler and a middle schooler into the League has the moral high ground there or anything, but, as ever, villains don’t claim to hold the moral high ground like heroes do, so I consider them under less obligation to live up to it.
2:  In light of 263’s spoilers, I would like to say that handing this task to Edgeshot is a waste and a crime.  More thoughts on that next week.
3:  Read as: concerned.
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lesser-mook · 1 year
Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #2 (Wonder woman vs The Anti-Life Equation? Wtf) *spoilers
Not feeling the hamfisted Nubia shit at the end of the comic but-
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Wish WW put up more of a fight against Darkseid, nerfed like a mf. In terms of feats punches from her on Darkseid would level that island. 
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ESPECIALLY seeing how she basically started a big bang later, SOMEHOW.
And that by itself has to be my biggest issue with the whole thing. That deus ex machina big bang.
And i genuinely don't know where the hell that came from.
I don't have an issue with Wonder woman pulling it off, but the context or foreshadowing of her being capable of that doesn't exist:
Not even in this story, maybe i need to read it again.
Superman cauterizing reality with heat vision is stupid, but it's not too off the cuff. Starting a UNIVERSE with no set up, when you clearly could've used that ability earlier? Yeah, that's a bit much, some My Hero Academia levels of Asspull.
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And going by the look on Diana's face (below) she was confused too, so what even was that? You know how much power/energy it takes to resuscitate/populate a Universe with celestial bodies?
So where was all that when Darkseid was fucking shit up?
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Also why is Darkseid & Superman's death linked to an exploding Sun, they've tanked far worse, they'd be fighting long after that sun poofed.
Trapping them in the source wall (if it's still there) would've been a better end or Superman fighting & forcing him and himself into the Anti-Life Equation.
Their deaths make no sense, especially Darkseid, he'd arguably outlast Supes after the sun died.
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#1's monologue boxes were very eloquent  but much too talkative,
not boring so much as indulgent. 
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ie. I GET IT, times are tough, move on.
Fun read, the casual panels are beautiful, action panels aren't as good, basic. Diana herself is gorgeous, i think this iteration might be better drawn than Benes, who loves to showcase ass cheeks lol. This WW is just very fair in the face, very elegant femininity, and i do like that hint of gray in her hair.
Definitely one of my favorite Diana’s visually, reminds me of JLU’s Wonder Woman.
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And that first kick Diana got on Darkseid was pretty well drawn, the rest could've used more emphasis of movement, and choreography.
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And while i have an issue with that piece of dialogue regarding Diana basically being all Highschool crush on Superman, wondering if his last thoughts were about her? 
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I don't have an issue with her loving him, it's canon that she has the hott's for Clark since Action Comics #761,818, etc. possibly predating that, those are just the examples i remember vividly
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It’s just those choice of words, just sounds off for Diana.
Maybe that’s just her being blunt in a moment of vulnerability, idk.
But her verbally alluding to her loving him "I loved him all the more for it", not out of character. Because again, it's canon that she does gravitate to his good nature being the anti-thesis to what most Amazons stereotype men to be.
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He's the exception and the apex. Why wouldn't their Amazon princess be attracted to a genuinely good man, especially in the End times
The execution could've been better by giving this maybe 2 more issues to flesh out some things like Supes & WW current dynamic, the deaths of the other core League members, setting up her being able to start a Universe. Just clean up the rough points.
Honestly all those pages spent shoving Nubia down my throat COULD’VE been a whole comic spent exploring those fine details i mentioned lol.
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Just wish that sudden power up could've had some clearer subtext, it's DC & she's a "Goddess", though of WAR, not creation, but it doesn't break immersion too much .
Best interpretation i got is in the void or absence of hope, she embodied Hope and physically manifested it in desperation or some shit. She was the only source of magic left in the Universe so it wouldn't be too big a stretch to just make shit happen and being a goddess could unleash some power she didn't know existed.
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I GUESS this is what happens to a god when there's nothing left of creation, she creates. No one left to believe in her, she believes in herself and starts anew, a universe, albeit unintentionally.
And she had Lanterns ring on her, the last Lantern ring in existence so maybe that played a part too. Who knows.
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In isolation, if that was the point, then that's actually a really sad, yet beautiful concept. Though it’s kind of lame that the Anti-Life Equation was defeated that easily, of all the heroes to pull it off, glad it was Wonder Woman to get this W. 
Otherwise, not a bad read. Swamp Things death is the biggest tragedy in the book so far, rip.
It’s only 2 issues, i recommend it.
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the-pink-album · 2 years
So Midnights…
So far I have only heard the first 13 songs. But since that’s original complete concept, I feel is a good starting point
Did I absolutely loved it? No. But then again I rarely really love anything on first listening. So this album could end up being one of my absolute faves. Who knows. But somehow I can already tell this album is going to be like Reputation for me. Not because of how it sounds (though it has a lot of that) but because I wouldn’t say Reputation is my favorite album of hers but yet somehow is the one I listen to more frequently. Is the one I skip the less songs. Is the one I listen to when that certain mood strikes. So in that sense Midnights is a big win for me.
The pop in this albums sounds great. Is a very neat pop album. Very on trend and so 2022 sounding with a Taylor Swift flare. And sonically I like it so much better than Lover. Which was an album I thought I love and then I only ever really listen to like 5 songs (though those are some of my all time favorite Taylor songs). I’m not at the highest point on my love of pop right now, so that is coloring my opinion of this album, bc at times it felt to me like background pop to play. Like 2 min has passed ant there was very few things I could remember about the song. Things do fade in the background a bit for me lately.
The lyrics are like always with Taylor the best part. And I love that because people often look down at pop for the simple lyrics and here she is proving that wrong. Sometimes it may not look that complex but the imagery it evoques is soo good, and few artist have the ability to display so much. It may be in appearance less poetical than folklore and evermore but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good
I guess overall my main issue is the fact that this time around there wasn’t that song that is THAT song for me. Maybe because a lot of these songs are very introspective in a way that really makes them feel as “hers” rather than the usual to me which is like this is her story but it resonates with me or reminds me of that, so I connect with it, aside from anti hero (which was also my fave along with Karma). Those are also the only two songs I can actually remember how they particularly sounded beyond “really good pop sound” most of the rest blended in my mind
I still have 7 more songs to listen to, and this ain’t going to be the only time I listened to this. I’m excited to see how my first impression change. With Taylor they always change for the better.
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olivieraa · 2 years
watching LOTR in six parts rather than three so just finished the fifth today
my opinion on Frodo still stands. I remember it being around the part where the spider came in that I was like UGH FUCK FRODO back in the day, but... when you have some convincing bastard talking in your ear, corrupting you, while the ring is bringing out your dark side, you’re... gonna fuck up! 
like in the end, people were INSTANTLY affected by the ring. Frodo wasn’t. he lasted that long. even when the ring was taking over him, it was pretty far into the journey before that happened. and then from that point on, Sam was always there to stop him.
Sam 100% is the true hero, but he never had the burden of the ring.
I think of it like.... like chronic asthma lmao. I struggle more than my friends do with shit. I went cave diving and rock climbing and I almost died from lack of being able to breathe. he struggles to breathe too.
then in terms of female characters.
I wanna mention the new series but first, yeah, this movie does not pass the bechdel test. an elven queen, an elven princess and a human princess. both princesses in love with same man. queen helps men via gifts and whispers on their quest.
all these women are so important to the story tho.
and here’s my personal opinion. I do not give a SHIT about seeing women in war. in reality, men start and cause war. since the beginning of time. its their doing, so Im not gonna be a all ~feminist~ about it and demand more onscreen women by the way of participating in wars. these characters are also expendable. they’re there... to die. I don’t care that henchmen are always... men. I. DON’T. CARE. I dont know why any feminist would literally petition for more women in movies by putting them in battlefields. 
yeah, I get it with the avengers or whatever. individial heroes and shit. 
I honestly don’t see how any more women could have been in the story.
now in the new series, they show a female warrior.  she seems very mc. maybe there’s tonnes of them in there. the confuing thing about that for me is, this is a prequel. LOTR seems anti-battle-woman. if this woman is a big hero, how is her name and the fact that she’s a female who could kick ass, not known by the time LOTR comes out. wouldn’t women have then been trained alongside men for battle because they’re almost/just as capable? women are shown in LOTR as mothers/wives/have magic. only one woman wants to go to battle. just one.
I’d understand if this was POST LOTR and maybe SHE inspired more women to go to battle. but the acts of the heroine in the new series dont seem to be known or mentioned. 
I’m 100% all for more representation on all minorities. heck there’s a black hobbit with an Irish accent. booyah. but there’s a way to do it wrong. the sex and the city sequel... was so bad I’m pretending its in no way connected to my fave show. I hope this series is just... a series. like Stranger Things. all kinds of people and the show is just perfect.
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My Midnights theories/guesses (with crossed out ones being ones I believed at one point but no longer do):
- “We lie awake in love and fear, in turmoil and in tears,” (alongside any other quote I use) refers to the whole album but especially Lavender Haze (love), Vigilante Shit (fear), Anti Hero (turmoil) and You’re On Your Own Kid (tears).
- “We stare at walls and drink until they speak back. We twist in our self-made cages.” is about Labyrinth.
“...  go searching—hoping that just maybe, when the clock strikes twelve… we’ll meet ourselves.” is about Snow On The Beach
- “...  pray that we aren’t—right this minute—about to make some fateful life-altering mistake.” is about You’re On Your Own Kid.
- Karma does not break the Joe track 11 trend and is a love song about how Joe is her good karma, further making fun of Karma (album) truthers. “For all of us who have tossed and turned and decided to keep the lanterns lit“ is also mostly about it given the similarities to This Love and us knowing that Joe and Taylor had some time loving each other but not being together before getting together.
- Sweet Nothings and Midnight Rain are also love songs.
- The bonus track will juxtapose Mastermind like The Lakes did with Hoax.
- Anti Hero will be the most relatable song to me but Lavender Haze and Mastermind will be my favourites from the album.
- ...Question? is about wanting to change (Are you ready for it?).
- Mastermind is about how she’s always working/writing songs at night and despite hating overthinking at times, ultimately she wouldn’t change it because it’s led her here lmao.
- Meanwhile the bonus song is about her finally finding some peace and ends with her going to bed lmao.
- As much as I want Maroon to be RED related, I think that’s the 2016/snakegate/kimye song.
- Vigilante Shit is about her going pop for 1989 when her label told her not to and that’s why she was holding the phone upside down like Cyndi Lauper does in the big 1980s hit Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
- There will be no collabs on this album and it will mostly/completely be self written.
- You’re On Your Own Kid is either a Never Grow Up/Soon You’ll Get Better combo about the realisation that the only person you know will be at your deathbed is you or the moment she realised Scott didn’t have her best interest at heart (so where My Tears Ricochet is the angry aftermath, this was the in moment fear and sadness of leaving Big Machine)
- Vigilante Shit is related to Anti Hero and You’re On Your Own Kid is related to Bejewelled (much like Coney Island/Tolerate It or Tis The Damn Season/Dorothea or the Folklore triangle is) and that’s why the phone was held differently. So for example Vigilante Shit and Anti Hero may be another version of The Man/The Archer where she comprehends how traits of hers can be both good or bad depending on the situation and You’re On Your Own Kid and Bejewelled may both be about valuing what’s important in life or the different ways Scott treated her etc.
- The songs where the phone was held differently represent the remixes and self written tracks. If I had to take my guess, Anti Hero and Vigilante Shit are the remixes and You’re On Your Own Kid and Bejewelled are the self written tracks.
0 notes
troquantary · 3 years
Edward Cullen: That Boy Ain’t Right
So I was doing a reread of @therealvinelle 's collection of Twilight metas, as one does, and in "Edward, Denial, and a Human Girlfriend" she mentions that she doesn't believe Edward is sane. I thought, "ha, yeah, he's definitely not," and also, "but wait, what does that mean exactly, please say more about that." But since she's already inundated with asks, I've decided to use my own head-muscle and explore this idea. (TL;DR: I start out more or less organized, synthesize some points Vinelle has made across several posts (and have hopefully linked to them all where relevant but please tell me if not), touch a little on narcissism, then take a hard left into the negative effects of being a telepath.)
Just a couple things to note at the outset, though. Theses have been written already (probably) about Edward as an abuser. Edward being insane doesn't negate that at all; he's definitely an asshole and just...a disaster of a human being. (I find it more funny than anything, but YMMV.) I'm also going to try to avoid talking specifically about mental illness and how it relates (or doesn't relate) to abusive behavior -- that's territory I'm not really equipped to discuss, like at all. My starting point is "Edward has a deeply warped perception of reality," not "Edward has X disorder."
So: deeply warped perception of reality. The evidence? Goes behind a cut, because my one character trait is Verbose.
Vinelle provides a great example of it in the post linked above, which I'll just quote because she does words good: "[Edward] keeps acting like his romance with Bella is a romantic tragedy, and all the cast of Twilight are actors on a stage making it as sublime as possible." Edward's the one to pursue Bella, but he does so with the full belief, from the very beginning, that it will never last; Bella will "outgrow" him, go on her human way, and he can spend the rest of eternity brooding magnificently over his too-short romantic bliss. [Insert premature ejaculation joke.] Turning her is never an option, even though Alice, Noted Psychic, says that romancing Bella will either end with her dead (exsanguinated) or dead (vampire).
This framing, where he's a dark anti-hero in love with -- but never tainting! -- the pure maiden and eventually leaving her in a grand, tragic sacrifice to preserve her soul? It's fucking bonkers. Bella isn't a person to him in this scenario. As Vinelle points out, Bella's never really a person to him at all; he falls in love with his own mental construct, cherry-picking from what he observes of her behavior and her responses to his 20 (thousand) Questions to convince himself that she is the ideal woman.
Bella's not the only one who gets the projection/cardboard-cutout treatment. Edward sees everything and everyone through a highly particular, personalized lens. He filters his entire reality, which we all do to an extent, but the thing with Edward is that he starts with his conclusions and then only pays attention to the evidence that supports those conclusions. Often that evidence consists of what he admits in New Moon are only "surface" thoughts -- but recognizing that limitation doesn't keep him from taking those thoughts as representative of what people are. Edward then becomes absolutely convinced by his own "reasoning" and won't be swayed from what he has decided is Objectively True. It's obvious with Bella; it's also painfully obvious with Rosalie. (Vinelle explains this and brings up Edward's raging Madonna/Whore complex in the same post, so refer to that again -- she's right.)
He also catastrophizes. Everything. Bella's just vibing in her room, rereading Wuthering Heights for the 87th time? She's gonna be hit by a meteor, better sneak into her room while she sleeps. Bella's going to the beach with the filthy mundanes their human classmates? She's gonna fall in the ocean. Jasper's cannibal pals are stopping by for a visit, but know not to hunt in the area? DISASTER, DEFCON 1, ALSO FUCK YOU JASPER FOR EVEN EXISTING IN MY AND BELLA'S SPHERE YOU UNSPEAKABLE BURDEN. Edward must believe that Bella is vulnerable and in near-constant peril, to support the reality he has created in which he is the villain turned protector and maybe?? hero??? (!!!) for his beloved. So when the actual, James-shaped danger arrives, he goes berserk, snarling and flipping his shit and generally not helping the situation. His fantasy demands that Bella remain human, so instead of doing the very thing Alice, Noted Psychic, assures him will neutralize the threat (and not just a threat to Bella, either, but to Bella's family and any other human James might decide to include in the "game"), he vetoes it immediately, no discussion. Bella Must Not Turn, and he sticks to those guns despite James nearly reducing her to ground beef, despite leaving Bella catatonic with depression (but human! success!) in New Moon, despite Aro's order and his family's vote and, let's not forget, Bella's clearly and repeatedly stated desire to be a vampire. It's going to happen. But he doesn't accept it until Renesmee busts out of Bella like the Kool-Aid man and the poor girl's heart finally, unequivocally stops.
Sane people don't behave this way. I don't want to slap labels on Edward, but I can't help but note that he comes across as highly narcissistic. He's the only real person in his universe, the lone player among us NPCs. That probably has a lot to do with him being frozen in the mindset and maturity of a seventeen-year-old boy, but I think it's also just...him, on some fundamental level. His failure to connect with others and recognize them as full, independent beings with their own wants and priorities isn't like Bella's failure -- she's badly depressed. Edward is...something else, and I get the sense that his sanity has been steadily deteriorating over time. And a cursory google of narcissistic traits turns up some familiar-looking stuff. He's self-loathing, yes, but also grandiose; he hates himself for the monster he is (and hates most vampires besides Esme and Carlisle for their monstrosity, too) but still feels superior to humans, to the extent that he felt entitled to human blood and resented Carlisle for depriving him of his "proper" diet. He eventually returns to Carlisle, but he's far from content -- the beginning of Midnight Sun finds him in a state of ennui, bored and dismissive of (if not outright disgusted by) everyone around him, that has apparently persisted for years and years. He doesn't play the piano, he doesn't compose, he doesn't enjoy anything...at least until Bella comes along and then he becomes obsessed to a disturbing degree with her and his new, romantic tragedy spin on reality.
[Next-day edit: I’m not sure where else to fit this in, but the way Edward casually contemplates violence against people who have, at best, mildly annoyed him is...chilling. I have a hard time writing off his strategizing how to murder the entire Biology class as a result of bloodlust -- it’s so calculated, nothing like the blackout state of thirst Emmett describes when he encountered his own “singer,” and that is probably the default for when a vampire is extremely thirsty. But even ignoring the Biology class incident, Edward still does things like consider, with disturbing frequency, how he might grievously injure or kill Mike Newton, all because...Edward considers him his romantic rival (despite Bella barely giving the kid the time of day). He thinks about slapping Mike through a wall, which might be an amusing slapstick image, except as a vampire Edward’s actually capable of turning this boy’s skeleton to a fine powder. So it’s, y’know, kind of sick when you think about it.
But even worse than that, when Bella tells Edward about how she flirted with Jacob to get at that sweet, sweet vampire lore, Edward chuckles and then, after dropping Bella home, flippantly observes that now that the treaty’s broken, why not genocide? I’m not even kidding, it’s right there in Midnight Sun; he seriously thinks about the fact that he’d be technically justified now in wiping out the entire tribe because a teenager tried to impress a girl with a spooky story. That is fucked. Remember, Edward was there with Carlisle when the treaty was first established. He knows how remarkable it is that they even came to a truce in the first place, that it was only ever possible because Carlisle is...well, Carlisle, and that it marks a pretty significant moment in supernatural history. He doesn’t care; he doesn’t respect it, or he’d never think something like “Ha ha, if I went and killed them all, I wouldn’t even be wrong. I mean, I won’t do it, but I’m just saying, I wouldn’t be wrong.”
Again: not the thought process or behavior of a sane person. (Or a person that respects life in general -- sorry Carlisle, big L.)]
Finally, whether he's a narcissist or not, I think the fact that Edward has constant, unavoidable access to everyone's thoughts is a powerful contributing factor to his instability. He can tune out the mental noise to an extent, but he can't stop it -- so he comes to rely on it like another sense. This causes issues with disconnect and lack of empathy, of course, but there's another facet to this shit diamond: he's basically experiencing a ceaseless flow of intrusive thoughts. His narration in Midnight Sun suggests that he "hears" the words people think, can "see" what they visualize in their mind's eye, and can sense the emotional "tone" and intensity of their thoughts. Therefore, perceiving Jasper's thirst through his thoughts makes Edward more aware of his own, "doubling" the discomfort. This would be a lot to deal with even from just his immediate coven members, but Edward gets all of this pouring into his head like a firehose on a day-to-day basis because the Cullens live right alongside humans. I know Meyerpires have galaxy brains or whatever, but that's a ton to process.
Besides the compounding effect on his own thirst when he "feels" the thirst of others, Meyer never suggests that Edward has difficulty separating his own thoughts from other people's; even when he was newly turned, he recognized Carlisle's "voice" in his head as Carlisle's. That would create a whole different host of issues around identity, but it looks like Edward's escaped that particular torment. However, I can easily imagine that what he does experience is just shy of unbearable nonetheless, with an eroding effect on his sanity over decades. He can't sleep to escape it; he's on a dishwater diet and probably (like the rest of his family) experiencing a perpetual, low-grade physical discomfort due to his thirst never being fully satisfied; and he's around far more people than is the norm for vampires -- even discounting all the humans, his own coven is unusually large -- meaning more noise.
Honestly, it would be weirder if he were all there, considering.
And even though I feel like I lost a sense of structure around where I started ranting about telepathy, I've written like 1.5k words about Edward fucking Cullen and I think that's enough for one post.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I’ve been seeing an uptick in “anti-RWDE” posts lately  — which is a phenomenon I’d like to comment on at a later date  — but for now one of them (quite unintentionally) made me realize something about the finale that I haven’t seen others discuss yet. 
So RWBYJNOR saves everyone, right? Let’s just put aside the animation for a moment  — which didn’t show any army members making it out  — as well as the forgotten side characters  — Maria, Pietro, Qrow’s group isn’t forgotten, but still left behind  — and take things on good faith here. We’ll read the finale through the thematic intention: RWBYJNOR saved “everyone” in the Kingdom of Atlas in Volume 8, deliberately contrasting them with Ironwood who was willing to sacrifice a chunk of the Kingdom in Volume 7. Forget all the messiness and just accept that regardless of the consequences  — like a destroyed Kingdom and a “dead” team  — the heroes are heroic because they didn’t give into a “lesser evil” thinking and managed to save everyone. 
Now, how was that possible? 
Let’s go back to the beginning of the seventh episode of Volume 8, “War.” Salem’s grimm have just burrowed through Atlas’ defenses and taken them out. The shields are gone. She flies Monstra into the fields and releases an army of darkness that immediately heads for the city. What’s the very first thing Ironwood does? 
Soldier: Yes, sir?
Ironwood: I am evacuating all citizens to the subway. Prepare Manta Squad Omega, and dispatch to every part of Atlas.
Soldier: But sir-
Ironwood: Now!
He evacuates the people, with “the people” meaning all the Atlesians and however many Mantle folk got to the city prior to Salem’s arrival. When this episode aired I mentioned being confused as to why the soldier was so hesitant. Why wouldn’t you want the people to get to safety when a grimm army is heading their way? Fans against Ironwood took the soldier’s side, claiming that Mountain Glenn proved that any underground evacuation is a death sentence and thus he obviously doesn’t really care about the peoples’ safety. Fans in support of/neutral towards Ironwood pointed out that this is a pretty big leap, no one is coming up with a better idea for what he should do instead, and that within these circumstances it reads like the soldiers is illogically against this idea simply because everyone is against Ironwood now. The show wants characters criticizing his decisions and making him out to look like a crazed dictator... even during moments when it doesn’t make any sense to be upset with him. Shooting the councilman yes, trying to keep the people safe no. Basically, this small exchange was a mess, but the rest of the volume proved that this was a sound call. The subway never collapsed and no grimm ever made it to that enclosed space to pick the civilians off like fish in an underground barrel. 
So, why didn’t that happen? Well, one answer is because Oscar and Ozpin destroyed the whale. But how did they have time to do that? Without the people dying while they were being tortured, talking to Hazel, escaping with Emerald, fighting Salem, etc.? A lot happened between Salem starting her attack and Oscar ending it, so why wasn’t 2/3rds of the Kingdom’s population decimated during that time? 
Because Ironwood sent his army out to keep the grimm occupied. 
Outside of Ironwood’s cartoon villain actions  — random murders and bomb threats  — which get the most attention due to how deliberately, over-the-top horrific they are, these are the two actions that get the most negative attention from both the story and the fanbase. The soldier seems horrified by the order to evacuate. Marrow is devastated that young adults are fighting in this battle. The fandom is disgusted by both aspects of Ironwood’s character: giving orders that, as general, he expects to be obeyed and having an army that follows those orders. Putting side that cartoon villainy, this is what supposedly makes Ironwood the antagonist here. These are the qualities that have existed since Volume 2, resulting in a “he was always a bad guy” interpretation. These are the qualities that have resulted in anyone who likes his character being labeled as a “bootlicker.” We know these qualities make the fandom hate him because otherwise, more people would be confused as to why a presumably heroic character randomly shot Oscar. Orders, armies, and general military associations are at the heart of Ironwood’s presumed villainy. 
So let’s remove them. 
Ironwood has no evil army. Ironwood gives no evil orders. Power and control lies solely in the hands of our non-military heroes. Everything is better! 
...well, no. Because we saw in Volume 8 precisely the choices our heroes made when the attack started: half of them focused on saving a single individual (Oscar) and the other half kept to the sidelines. At no point did our RWB group act after sending the message and prior to securing the Staff. AKA, during the attack of Salem’s army. We got a very explicit moment in which Ruby looked out the window at the battle going on and turned away from it, continuing to discuss ethics instead of joining the fight. The people of Atlas (which, again, includes many Mantle citizens) had no one but Ironwood and his army because a third of the group was trying to rescue Oscar (they never even had a plan to blow up Monstra — that was also Ironwood), a third of the group was up in Amity, and a third was sitting in the mansion. They did nothing to help the people of Atlas being attacked by grimm. 
Thus, if you remove Ironwood’s actions, everything goes to hell. There is no longer an order to evacuate to the subway. Maybe some people go there anyway. Most probably don’t. They run in a panic wherever they can. Hide wherever they can. Go back home for some semblance of safety. 
There’s no longer an army. Either it doesn’t exist because we’ve determined it’s simplistically bad despite RWBY’s grimm-specific context, or Ironwood likewise never gives the order to protect Atlas’ border. Salem’s army moves unimpeded through the city, killing countless people as it goes. How do we know? Because they’re civilians who can’t defend themselves and there’s literally no one else to help. Remember: Ironwood is not giving orders, there is no army, RWB is in the mansion, YJOR is in the whale, Penny is out of commission, the Happy Huntresses are in Mantle. Those in Atlas are entirely alone. In time, Oscar destroys the whale, but by then it’s too late. There’s no concrete way to theorize how many have died, but it’s inevitably a lot. Everyone else is scatted across the city, trying to survive. 
So this scene 
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no longer exists. 
When the group gets the Staff and creates portals for “everyone” to escape through, Mantle is ready to go. They’ve gotten everyone into the crater and can funnel them straight to Vacuo. Atlas, however, is in chaos. When Jaune enters the subway there’s only a few people there, many of which may be wounded or dying. He’s right back where he started, in Mantle at the beginning of Volume 8: needing to go door-to-door to find where people have hidden themselves, trying to convince them all to follow him (remember Oscar commenting to Ozpin about how difficult that was?). Except now, he and Nora are the only ones trying to get people to safey, the city is filled with far more grimm, a significant amount of time has passed for people to be killed or injured (making evacuating them even harder, both due to injuries and an unwillingness to leave hurt/dead/missing loved ones behind), he’s trying to convince these panicking people to go through magic portals, not just walk to a crater, and he’s aware that there’s a very short time limit for this task. 
Jaune returns in a panic of his own, explaining how difficult it will be to get that 2/3rds of the Kingdom to Vacuo. How many are already dead. Barricaded. Missing. Closeup on Ruby looking horrified, but then she rallies. They can do it. Atlas is falling, but residual dust gives them just enough time to find, calm, and evacuate those people. They’re heroes after all. Beating the odds is what they do. 
Then Cinder attacks. 
Suddenly, the group can’t evacuate people because they’re trying to keep themselves safe from her. Maybe Cinder gets the powers because Jaune was off looking for civilians, leaving Penny without a mercy kill. Maybe Nora dies because she’s still trying to help people on the city that plows into the one below. Regardless of how details might change, they’re not getting a spread out, decimated population through those portals before Cinder changes the wish and makes them disappear.  
In this version, the story starts with Ironwood wanting to sacrifice 1/3rd of the population to save 2/3rds and the future of the war. It ends with 2/3rds of the population dying instead. 
This is what I mean when I say the majority of the fandom wants to view a very complex situation through a ridiculously simple lens. The fandom wants to denounce every bit of RWBY’s fictionalized military, the context issues of that aside. The story wants to paint RWBYJNOR as the only heroes, in part because they succeeded in saving everyone (“everyone”) in the Kingdom when Ironwood gave up. 
But they only managed to save everyone because of Ironwood. Because he kept fighting for his people to the bitter end. This is why, though his horrific actions obviously exist in the story, they make no sense (he’ll threaten to kill his people so he can... save his people?) and mess up what little is working in the finale. The story wants us to celebrate the group for evacuating Mantle and Atlas, but the Atlas evacuation would not have happened if not for Ironwood’s actions  — the actions that are ignored in favor of having Winter blame him for everything and then killing him off. The rescue of “everyone” was very much a joint effort. RWBYJNOR’s win is not actually a contrast to Ironwood’s intended sacrifice, for the simple reason that their win depended entirely on Ironwood’s actions. 
If we’re going to celebrate the group getting everyone to safety, we should probably also celebrate the guy who got them all to an easy evacuation point and ensured they weren’t eaten before then. Does that mean Ironwood never did anything wrong? Of course not. As established, the story went out of its way to make him into a villain. Rather, it means that other parts of the story failed to maintain that black and white view, complicating the heroism of RWBYJNOR in the process. If we want Ironwood to be incapable of heroic action, always the bad guy, nothing good to say about him whatsoever... then we likewise need to accept that the group is rather unheroic in many regards too. That, on their own, they would have failed to save everyone, just as Ironwood’s plan failed to save everyone at the end of Volume 7. Because they chose their friend over a kingdom. Because they sat around in a mansion. Because by the time they took action again and tried to escape, without Ironwood’s help they would have lost a larger majority than they originally insisted be saved. 
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Yes yes yes yesyesyesyesyes ok!! So then can I request present mic? Doing anything??? No I’m kidding I do actually have a prompt. I was thinking abt mic’s radio show and specifically, if he had an s/o who wrote music. Bc u know he would help them produce it and then play it nonstop on air aaaaaa
a/n: yes!! present mic love!! i love him so much i swear! <3 he has my heart dkdkmn this is such a cute request please- i apologize for the late posting!!
summary: you're an ambitious, gleeful, songbird at heart, and though you're quirkless, you've captivated the heart of the music-loving, radio show hosting, loud, sweetheart, present mic!
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 1.3k
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You started as an intern. A beaming smile on your lips most days, always happy to be in the studio with Mic when he was teaching you the ins and outs of radio hosting.
You'd majored in music business, the end goal in mind of writing and releasing your own music, though most of your plans had fallen through, the only opportunity to get you back on your feet after college being this deal you couldn't pass up.
Co-hosting with Present Mic on his own radio show.
The offer had actually been given to you by one of your superiors at the studio you worked at, having seen your optimism when it came to writing music and your love of music in general.
They wished you good luck and would always welcome you back if things didn't go so well. But you kept your head up high and marched into that studio ready to take on the world alongside the loud blonde.
And down the line, three years later, you were surprised to say the least.
"Your coffee as usual." Hizashi sets down the patriotic blue U.A. thermos sent out to the teachers at the beginning of the year. Since you'd practically moved in 'unofficially' with Mic, unofficially because you weren't technically allowed to stay due to the fact you didn't work for the school, rather employed by Mic himself in his private studio, but you were the tiny exception since you did technically work in the school.
"Thanks! Hey, I was wondering if you could check this new thing I've been working on and give me some criticism, it's just a rough draft, the lyrics just kind of came to me after a shot or two at Vlad's birthday party the other night." You giggled as you tossed him the flash drive containing your latest project, the sensitive information contained on the tiny disc landing in the palm of your boyfriend's hands.
"Another song? You're blessing my ears so early in the morning. I'm dreaming! Pinch me!" He teases. Mic's been the biggest supporter of your music since he overheard the pipes you had.
You'd had that kind of night the second week of your internship, battling the oncoming hangover after drinking with your cool new pro-hero teacher friends, your thoughts turning to lyrics as you worked in the studio, the only light being the small lamp on the side Mic kept when he worked late too.
He'd forgotten his room keys in the studio again, something you realized he did often and as he stopped by to pick them back up, that's when he heard you. You sounded so angelic, almost as if you were some sort of angel.
At first, he thought maybe it was just a recording or some sort of dare he say, Melodyne filter while you were messing around in the mic at night.
But you weren't. Your authentic voice shell-shocked him, and he sort of listened to you the entire night until you nearly pissed your pants turning around and seeing him.
“Yeah, it’s nothing special really-” You’re back to reality as Mic quickly has his headphones over his ears, a large grin on his lips as he listens, his fingers tapping away to the beat already.
You work on other tasks, filtering through requests and putting them in the queue while Mic listens to your song, his heart pounding. You were so talented and he’d wish you’d give yourself a bit more credit. You have what it takes to make it big, and he’d support you every step of the way.
“You know with this and the other tracks you have, you’d have enough to push out an EP. All you need is a bit of marketing and producing, and I’d be more than willing to help!” Mic smiles, wheeling over to you, pressing an encouraging peck to your cheek.
“It sounds great, but who would wanna listen to what I write?” You giggle, toggling an advertisement as you glance over at the blonde.
“How about this, You let me help you, I’ll spread the trial around here at work and if it gets good reviews, we publish.” Hizashi is nothing short of persuasive, and for the rest of the week he has you in his studio, adding layer after layer, fine-tuning and weeding out bits of the collection of songs you’d written until you have an EP.
Long nights fueled by coffee, water, and tea, and takeout eventually land you with the very first copy of your own EP. 
In your hands, it’s palpable. It’s real. It doesn’t have any cover art, or a title, let alone who sang it, but Mic hands you a sharpie and you feel this fire coursing through your veins.
You feel more than accomplished.
You scribble some title down that you’d work on later and messily sign your name for Mic to make copies and then throughout the next week, you’ve got dozens of messages flooding your inbox telling you to drop it on some streaming platforms.
And the following night Mic is consoling your tears as you hit your first 100 streams. 
“I’m so proud of you.” He coos, kissing your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his kisses, patting you on the head.
“You’re so cheesy.” You tease him.
“Says you! You named an entire song after me.” Mic huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What if ‘my beloved’ was about Marty?” You giggle. Marty, the sparkly, beautiful, elegant, beta-fish you’d adopted as the studio mascot swam around in his tank, decked out with super cool aquatic music themed stuff.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Mic laughs, his long blonde hair sweeping over his shoulders. 
“Your hair always looks so nice down.” You snuggle into him, your fingers twisting around the ends. Hizashi shakes his head and stares down at you.
“And you’re as radiant as ever, my love.” Hizashi pulls you into him, snuggling his head into your neck, placing a gentle kiss to your skin as he holds you near to him.
“Do you sing, ‘Zashi?” You ask quietly.
“No comment.” Mic giggles, his laughs tickling your skin.
“Would you work on a song with me?” You ask sweetly.
“I would love to.”
Callers chime in every so often for requests, since Mic loves to annoy the listeners by playing your EP track by track almost daily. You have to knock some sense into him telling him that there’s a quota to fill and while you love how he supports you, you’ve got them stuck in your head too.
And when you play them every so often, your heart warms when someone requests one of yours to play. Even more so, when your songs rise to much more notable fame, you’re working on your own album, with the lovely producing of Mic, and it even features a lovely duet between the two of you.
In fact, something you’d found out with having so many connections to pros, was the amount of hidden talent.
You’d requested a song with Kyoka Jiro, the beautiful voice you’d heard at the school festival had belonged to her and you’d been wanting to work with her since she also shared a love for music, and though she was young, she seemed rather happy to sing, even if she might’ve been shy about it first.
An unlikely duo might’ve come from a dare, Hawks. While he was rather against the idea at first, his voice was smooth and mellow, and it clashed with yours perfectly for some sort of sappy anti-romantic love song. Whatever the case, it made charts. 
But Mic continued to be your biggest supporter, no matter how or if you got big. You’d always find your way back into his arms, messing around with him on the radio show, and dodging paparazzi whenever you two left campus.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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marmaligne · 3 years
Hello! Can I have some hc with a protective mama Reader with Naib, Helena and Bane. They are my precious baby. I haven't play this game since season 13 and I miss them so much ahhhhhhh 😭😭. Thank you, have a nice day ❤❤🌷 (sr, my English is not good)
✨ Your English is wonderful dear ✨
[Naib Subedar, Helena Adams, Gamekeeper] S/O Is Overprotective
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✨ As a reminder, my works will always include gn!reader unless specified by the requester! ✨
[Naib Subedar]:
* You had been at the manor for quite awhile now, and were a rather nice person, getting along with most other survivors, and even some of the hunters to boot.
* It was quite surprising actually. You’d walked in the first day with a tough-guy attitude and gruff personality, and you didn’t seem like a very approachable person.
* Then, some survivors such as Victor and Emily started worming their way into your heart. Liam [Lucky Guy] and Norton were some of the first people to offer you a seat at the dinner table, and from then on you were one of them.
* You had scars, though most could tell they were more physical than emotional, from some sidejobs you used to complete for a gang on White Sand Street—robbing people and competing in fights with rivals.
* You quickly learned that most people fought back. Rival gangs always intruded on your own territory, and you were always left on guard, defending the last remnants of your livelihood and your sanity.
* Maybe that’s why you’re so protective over your things. Never letting anyone enter your room, never letting anyone see the pain you hide. Opening up to people enough to make allies, but never enough to show secrets.
* Now Naib…. Naib helped you out a lot. It seemed he understood you, far more than others. For some reason, he was always there for you, watching your back when needed, acting like a shield at times—sometimes literally.
* You never really understood at first, how he seemed to know you so well. From what you knew, he came from halfway cross the world, from Nepal, in India—a child, a soldier, a weapon.
* You guessed his life was rather similar, and assumed he’d come to the manor for quite the same reasons but, it was hard to see through the scowl on his face.
* At some point, you began to recognize the signs, the irritation, the avoidance. You recognized the silence, and the stiffness that came from Naib when he ate and smiled and nodded at their questions. You saw the signs of a brother, somebody just as lost and broken as you were.
* Children in the bodies of adults, forced to live life too fast and too furiously. Damaged and done in, waiting for someone to save them, but too scared to cry for help.
* Unwilling to hurt others again, unwilling to change.
* You grew wary—observant—of him eventually. You joined in more matches with him as teammate, and sat next to him often at dinner. When you noticed he didn’t eat as much, you grunted in concern. When he fell asleep in odd places, you’d bring him a blanket.
* It got to the point where he found out about your help, and tried to dissuade you from wasting your time.
* You never really listened. In fact, your worries only increased. Others might not have recognized, but you saw the signs of fatigue and death written in the lines of his face. You’d seen it every day back on White Sand.
* He gave up on making you give up, tired of attempted persuasions. Eventually began returning the favours—Naib is the type to have a ‘you watch my back, I’ll watch yours’ mentality.
* Everything you’d do for him is returned in kind. It annoyed the rest of the manor to no end because the giving and receiving eventually reached limits unheard of.
* You’d throw yourself on a rocket chair to save him, and next game you’d have your own personal bodyguard tracking your every move.
* He’d never admit it, but he appreciates all you do for him, and hopes you appreciate his efforts in making your life a little better too.
* Though your protective tendencies know no bounds, he hopes you’re a little more cautious with throwing your life on the line for him like that. This is a death game after all, be more careful…. please?
* At some point, the whole manor hopes you two could just get together and kiss it out in some storage closet. If you’re dating, what’s the need to be so consistent in you’re protective tendencies? Then you’ll always be together, which means nothing can ever happen to either of you!
* To be fair, that’s what most of them thought until an incident after the confession, where Naib wouldn’t let you out of the medical ward for a week due to a few hairline fractures.
* Please Naib! Emily begs you to let her use the examination table! You’ve hogged it for 5 days and she needs it to identify the infection spreading on Aesop’s leg! Vera broke her nose! William sprinted into the gymnasium wall and shattered his kneecaps! Please leave!
* You once set fire to a couch because Naib stubbed his toe on it.
* Please stop it you two, Freddy can’t budget for anymore furniture, and we’re fresh out of chairs.
[Helena Adams]:
* Oops! Oh no her glasses! Aww shucks, Norton knocked them right off her face and onto the hardwood floor. She can’t find them because she can’t see, whatever shall she do?
* [S/o]! Please, she needs your help!
* You come in running with a pair of pliers, five bottles of anti-grease spray, and a box of extra lenses and a screwdriver.
* Oh how wonderful! You fixed her glasses—again—and saved her from the task of shuffling herself on all fours looking for them! Her hero!
* Helena…. praises you to say the least. You’re her best friend, her confidante, her…. big and strong, sometimes dumb partner!
* She adores everything you do for her, and tries equally as hard to do things for you that make your life necessarily easier, though it’s harder with her condition.
* She met you around the same time as everybody else, during your first days in the manor. Really, she didn’t actually know you were there until she bumped into a voice she didn’t recognize and became surprised.
* You quickly learned about her blindness, and made it your goal to form a friendship with her based on your willingness to help her around and get closer to her—she was very kind after all.
* Your protectiveness stemmed from the inherent feeling of a need to help guide and provide for Helena, much like a spouse would… jk, unless 👀….
* At some points, you were berated by her for your incessant protections, most of which made her feel highly dependent, which she didn’t like.
* She liked the feeling of being independent of others and being recognized as an autonomous, capable being. Especially considering what she came there for, it was a blow to her pride to be led around and pushed aside all the time.
* When she revealed these feelings to you, you had surprisingly promised her to cease in most areas of monitoring—however you still consistently check up on her—and settled into the realm of a relationship with her.
* Helena meets somebody who respects her opinions + acknowledges her intellect + isn’t a dingy asshole? Sign her up and slap on a ring, she’s marrying this person (eventually).
* She knows that your tendencies stem from a place of need and want, and tolerates most of them. Deep down, she likes being taken care of by someone who knows she can take care of herself. She really does love you.
* When you’re actually in a relationship with each other, you make sure to watch each others backs, more so you than Helena (because she can’t ‘watch’ per say), but you get the point.
* There was once an incident in a duo’s match where Helena became stranded on the Lakeside Fishing map. The terrain is rough, with piles of fish everywhere, randomly placed boxes and walls, and the barrels are bad enough when they don’t form a blockade.
* Her navigational skills, as good as they are with all her previous experience and staff, couldn’t for the life of her figure out how to move her way around a mess of box paths, pallets, and fishing stands.
* Most other survivors were occupied or dead—it had been a hard match against Jack the Ripper and Guard 26—and she was barred from reaching any form of help.
* So she screamed your name as loud as she possibly could across the map, and ended up attracting the attention of BonBon instead. During those moments where she could hear his clanks and heavy metalloid footsteps stalking towards her, the tick of a time bomb in hand, she heard a screech in the distance.
* A fierce battlecry—you came raging from around a windmill, propelled by William’s football and packing heat with a flare gun. BonBon, now stunned twice, stood there in astonishment, before chasing after you, who had grabbed Helena in your arms, running off at full speed.
* Your stamina bar, indicated by a small tab on your character, was running low, and you wouldn’t be able to run at full speed for another minute or two, having used your ability to buy time. Stopping near a closet, you lean down to place Helena on her feet, telling her to hide.
* Her blood trail was invisible from not actually having run anywhere, and she did as you said, making you promise to come get her when it was safe.
* You gave her a smirk and a small nod, assuring her that you would, before leaning in for a peck on the forehead as you shoved her into the locker.
* If only you could see her flushed in embarrassment.
* Leaving her to fangirl in the locker, you form a decoy in your arms—result of your max rescuer ability—and ran off once more, taking off around a corner just as Guard 26 reached your previous location, chasing after you and ‘Helena’ in hopes of landing two more kills.
[Bane the Gamekeeper]:
* How does it feel to love a deerman? Good? Okay!
* Bane as you know is a little…. rough around the edges so-to-speak, and he has a lot of edges.
* Once you get around all the hooks, chains, and bear traps, and beneath that creepy-looking deer head of his, he really is such a sweet guy!
* At least you think so. In reality, he still acts like a complete dick to everybody else, and only shows his soft side around you, but that’s because he knows he can trust you with his lands, animals, and secrets! All those others out there only wish to hurt what he—you—have, and he’ll make them pay for it.
* Honestly, in order for him to have fallen for you so hard to have let his guard down around you, you probably would have had to be at your most vulnerable point in life, or a hunter yourself. Like a scared prey animal, uncertain of its future, waiting for something to happen, and somebody to help, or a huge predator, ready to strike out at any moment.
* Once you worm your way into his cold dead heart, there’s no way out for you. He’ll keep you close, as he doesn’t want you to be poached away like his precious animal friends from the past. He knows how cruel humanity can be sometimes.
* When you come to find out about his less-than-kind history, it’s all you can do to pity him. Your sympathy knows no bounds, and you become clingier, though he quite honestly likes it.
* You don’t want what happened to him to occur again, and with all these other traitors and murderers in the manor, you’re afraid of what the others could do.
* You keep to his side a lot more, take walks with him in the garden, and enjoy tranquil picnics from time-to-time on Lakeside. Anything to keep him close to you and away from all the pain.
* Bane can obviously see what your doing, and noticing that your protectiveness doesn’t yet border on the insane, he allows you to continue in your devotions.
* It’s honestly sweet sometimes how you both adore each other so much, even if you know that one day one or both of you will have to leave. Whether it be through death, disappearance, or another means such as escape is a question of time, and one that neither of you know the answer to.
* If you’re also a hunter, than both of you know that while you two are happier now than either of you were in life, that your individual deaths and worths will eventually determine your fates—whether that be a happy afterlife, or an eternity of endless wandering.
* It’s well known that you’ll both disappear the day the game ends, your souls being put to rest as they should’ve been however long ago. Until then however, you’ll continue to hold on to and vehemently protect the relationship the two of you have, and you’ll fight until your soul vanishes from the earth for what you have to remain that way.
* Now, if you’re a survivor, this is where the relationship can be a bit difficult.
* Avidly defending the actions of your boyfriend during and after a match to the rest of your survivor buddies isn’t a very good look for you, or your reputation. It’s been many times where you’ve almost been chased out of the dining room because somebody was pissed at you for costing them the match, or being the only one spared instead of convincing Bane for a win or tie.
* As they say, if you can’t beat em’, join em’. Some survivors, such as William, Kreacher, and Freddy, have more than once suggested that if you loved a hunter so much, you should become one to be with him. Dating the undead almost crosses the line of what is humane. Aesop thinks you’re kind of cool.
* The hunters over on Bane’s side hate you more. Are convinced that you’re the sole reason that Bane goes friendly sometimes (even in matches without you in them), and that your relationship takes away from his brutal and violent persona and nature.
* Violetta and Michiko are the most tolerant of you, mainly because you gifted them silk and a hand fan for Christmas once when they wished for them in their letters.
* All-in-all, basically everyone blames you, but you keep going forward because who cares about all the nasty bi*ches in the world, am I right?
* Once, to prove the integrity and devotion of your relationship, you set Freddy’s room on fire and locked Kreacher in a closet. You looked Bane directly in the eyes and kneeling before him stated, “I have committed arson for you m’lord.”
* You couldn’t see it because of his deerish head and all, but Bane really went “Heart eyes motherf*cker.” on you in that moment.
* You love animals and set things on fire to prove your loyalty to him? Ticket for one please, he’s riding the simp train all the way to the station.
* Just, please don’t accidentally burn down the manor, he wants to spend as much time with you as possible before he disappears.
* Also don’t joke around with your life, it’s too precious, even when you tackle your own teammate or risk getting hit by Ganji’s cricket ball to save him from being stunned.
* He doesn’t want you dying before he does—has already he supposes—or disappearing without a trace.
* You promise you’ll stick with him until the day you finally leave this wretched place.
✨ Hope you enjoyed ✨
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loiterer87 · 2 years
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Ended up doing a couple of random marker ideas after watching Wandavision the other year. Particularly the episode introducing Monica Rambeau and deciding to give her her Photon powers towards the end of it (spoilers I suppose?).
Anyway, after that, I began thinking up a daft idea based on the NextWave comic I'd been rereading at the point. What if that ended up as an MCU tv series at some point in the future? Because the people who make things for the MCU are a lot more talented/ better connected/ smarter than me, they probably wouldn't make a series exploring some of the weirder cuts from Marvel comics and ripping the absolute piss out of themselves, I have decided to take it upon myself to draft up a pitch for what would make a NextWave tv series.
Read on to see what nonsense I came up with to amuse myself while scribbling up some character concepts for the look of the NextWave gang....
Imagine, if you will, a team of good-looking women, one average-looking guy and a machine... No. Not like that. Imagine, if your non-filthy and feeble minds can muster, a team of five superheroes! Can't properly see it? No? Well, that's what the visuals above are for....
Now then! Got them pretty pretty pictures seen and memorised? Well, tough titties, were carrying on! These lovely people and sexy robot are the NEXTWAVE squad! Agents of the Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort (hey that makes a nifty acronym, dunnit?)! So-called because they are being promoted by H.A.T.E. (A subsidiary of the Beyond Corporation) as the 'Next Wave of superheroes after that first colourful lot called the Avengers! It should have been easy, hire a bunch of randos with powers, dress 'em up all nice and heroic (maybe give them matching jackets to help with Brand-recognition) and have them fighting crime and big threats! That leads to merchandising, movie-deals, endorsements and of course, PROFIT! Easy right?
Well, no frankly. Not really. They hired Monica "I know Captain Marvel!" Rambeau as their field leader. That was a bad decision on management's part, but really how were they to know she had ethics and morals and things like that? Following that debacle, she managed to convince the rest of the team to go all piratey and leave H.A.T.E (Bet SHIELD took aaaages to make their acronym work).
Stealing something called the Beyond Marketing Plan, Monica and the rest discovered the origins of H.A.T.E. (More than SWORD did I reckon), the Beyond Corporation and their plan to do... something nefarious involving giant monsters, samurai robots made from cutlery, magical deals with dirty-minded other-worldly beings and blowing up chunks of America in the name of freedom!
Join NextWave as they face off against some of the weirdest bollocks in Marvel's archives twisted into something which might work in the MCU as well as the machinations of H.A.T.E. (Did they ever figure out what HAMMER's acronym was?) led by the probably deranged Dirk Anger (Nick Fury, except instead of Samuel L. Jackson's built-in cool, he's loud and prone to explosive bouts on impotent rage. He's also having a nervous breakdown (he thinks no one's noticing).) with an army of Broccoli Men and a flying headquarters which looks less fancy than that Helicarrier Fury and his mates had and more like someone drunkenly welded four submarines together and persuaded the thing to fly. But enough about them, let's meet our heroes!
Leading these idiots (her words) is good ol' Monica Rambeau! Given the codename Photon, Monica's not impressed with anything to do with her position on the team. In fact, she's annoyed most of the time, either by her team, her job or the fact her costume is one piece and that makes toilet breaks reeeeeeeeeally time-consuming. Yes, she's got fancy powers which involve manipulating various forms of energy and knows Captain Marvel personally, both of those qualities mean little when a giant lizard threatens to shove your teammate down his pants. (I'm not explaining the pants, just go with it...) She's the team mum whether she likes it or not and the only reliable one. The team's moral compass when they remember to look.
Mostly happy with this, I've only got a limited number of markers and sadly none of them covered the darker skintones. Really the only thing I'd change if I could.
Did you know there was an attempt to make another Vision level robot? No, not that white one from that other show. This one's different. He's got flesh-y coloured bits and purple. Also he's version 51 created by Dr. Abel Stack in his Machine Man project. Following the disastrous previous 50, Dr. Stack decided that he would raise Z2P459-X-51 as a son instead of the standard dump an AI in and hope for the best. There was one problem however, Stack was a crap dad. Eventually, after running away and enduring a long legal battle involving the rights of sentient machines, property and emancipation(?). X-51 was finally free and changed his name to Aaron Stack. Since then he's mostly been wandering around, experiencing the human world and stealing beer. He joined NextWave mostly out of boredom.
Armed with an amazing array of abilities such as flight, extendable bits and a lot of weaponry, Aaron could be a force to be reckoned with... If he gave a ****...
Did this one first, mostly he's based on the Vision's aesthetic designs but with Machine Man's costume in mind. There's a couple more little bits, but it mostly speaks for itself.
Prim, proper and more than willing to shoot you in the face if you keep staring at her chest. In fact, she's quite happy to shoot anything in the face given half the chance, if it's a monster. Trained from birth to hunt monsters, Elsa's childhood was... interesting? ...memorable?... Traumatic--It was traumatic. Ish. She's mostly over it. Or lying. She's got supernaturally enhanced abilities and an encyclopedic knowledge of monsters and folklore. And a well-stocked armoury. She's also very British and bossy. Insult her at your own risk.
Overall design's fine but look at that uzi!!! Don't draw many guns, but I'm pleased with that one!
TABBY! I think her t-shirt says it all... Redneck-'splody girl, Tabby is just like that dude Scorch from that one episode of Agents of SHIELD, remember him? Well, she's either one of whatever he eventually was classed as, or a mutant. If they're canon at some point. Tabby's shallow, crass and really lacking in a lot of things. Education, amongst others. She can also make things explode, using self-generated balls of destructive energy. Even people, which is why all the rest of the team have an infinite amount of patience dealing with her, especially as she's the youngest on the team. She's also the main reason the team left in the first place. Because she's a klepto and stole the Marketing Plan which led Monica to learning the truth about H.A.T.E. (Getting really tired of having to type the dots for this).
THE CAPTAIN! No really, that's his name! I mean, I'd have written his actual name up there if he could remember it. Having that power set known lovingly as the "Flying Brick", the Captain saw fit to put as much effort into his costume as his creators put into making him! He can fly, he can lift heavy objects, he's mostly indestructible! Now if only he was more intelligent, he might be able to do something useful with his powers... Frequent butt of jokes, the Captain suffers the most during the fights, usually with a good dose of humiliation. This might be part of some karmic justice in universe for drunkenly assaulting the beings who gave him the Heartstar of The Space Between Galaxies (his origin), or just because it's funny. He's from Brooklyn and is not actually a Captain of anything...
If you're still reading here, first of all why? It's should be clear that this is a comedic series. I envision it as someone at Marvel Studios said "Let's do a show that's like some horrific hybrid of our current output and one of them Abridged shows on Youtube!" and wasn't immediately sacked. Skewering everything from weird and wonderful comic tropes, character designs and maybe even some stuff poking fun at the hand that feeds, crossed with all the awesome stuff that makes the MCU shine. If this goes anywhere I may write up a small script for shits and giggles, I don't know.
So, that was my dumb idea behind this. If Marvel Studios see this and are interested(ha!), I'm willing to talk. I swear all these are real characters and in an actually published Marvel comic series, it is all real, even the lizard bit. I was also sober when I wrote this. Don't know why I felt the need to clarify that...
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just because you’re afraid it doesn’t mean you’re broken.
Titans 3.05
once more into the cold dark void of the internet with my stream-of-consciousness take on a superhero tv show...
spoilers ahead.
1. i cannot believe that among the first things i get to hear in this episode with my own two ears is the line 'eluded our overdudes'. why must you give me such pain along with so much joy, show?
1.5. scarecrow stringing jason along on this path to red-hood-dom is not something i would’ve ever expected, but does kind of make sense. 
1.55. i don’t know all the details of the original resurrection arc in the comics but i like that jason, weirdly, has a greater role to play in his own demise and rebirth? i think it makes it easier to draw a line between his past trauma, the demonstrably shitty and terrifying responsibility of being robin, the ways bruce and the titans wronged him, his responses to that, the reasons he turns to scarecrow, and his final evolution to red hood. it makes for a smoother character arc rather than a one that was interrupted for two decades before somebody went oh hey let’s resurrect that kid that the audience once voted to kill and make him an anti-hero!
1.75. what’s crane giving him? anti fear toxin? anyway, crane is a fucking creep and i’m not sure i want to see a whole lot of him on my screen.
2. oh, um, heads up: there’s a long sequence of unsteady cam + flickering lights right after the title card upto the 3:16 mark. it’s a bit headache-inducing so if you want to skip, you can go ahead and do that. 
2.45. that’s... weird... why would he dream about... donna...
ok, who am i kidding. i’m going to jump right into my theory about Why Titans Makes Sense Actually because the show itself is apparently not interested in explaining itself:
a) it makes no sense for jason to be conjuring up donna--who famously did not care much for him!--in his dreams. (he wasn’t even there when she died.) or for her to be telling him don’t go or there’s still time.
b) this leads me to think that that’s actually donna, in some sort of limbo between life and death, the kind of place where jericho used to be
c) rachel has demonstrated that she has the power to link the minds of the titans across great distances--she called jason and hank/dawn for help in 2.01, she linked up everybody later in the season, projected dick’s hallucination of his father into their brains without even realising she was doing it, and in the finale, she managed to get dick into conner’s brain. she’s in themyscira now. is this how she gets donna back to life? but reaching out to her in that non-space between life and death?
d) the next obvious question is: why isn’t donna appearing in the dreams of the other titans? she probably is, but they have better reason to be dreaming about her since they were actually close to her, unlike jason.
e) but why would she warn jason in particular? does she foresee jason entering the afterlife--however briefly? does she have an idea of what jason plans to do and what he will become?
f) anyway, more trippy mindscapes and weird psychic powers, yay!
2.5. my heart clenched when bruce comforted jason post-nightmare: clearly i’ve been reading way too much batfam fic. this is a side of bruce we haven’t really been told to expect by all the characters on the show calling him a ‘psychopath’ (*cough*unreliablenarrators*cough*) and him getting jason to speak to a professional speaks volumes about the kind of self-reflection he’s done post dick’s departure, and maybe some of the regrets he has with regards to how he dealt with dick’s traumas.
i mean, just look at him when jason dismisses his concerns! BRUCE IS TRYING JASON
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anyway, i have a whole lot more i want to say about this, but i’ll save it for later. 
3. i really like molly--and i love that she’s a friend from before jason got taken in by bruce, the implication that they meet up regularly and that she’s a grounding influence on him (tho clearly not grounding enough to not go along with his dumbass idea about confronting a child trafficker alone). 
3.5. aw, jason. robin was his armour against everything in the world that would throw him down and chew him to bits, but san francisco proved that even robin wasn’t enough to protect him. it’s really interesting how ‘disillusionment with the idea of robin’ is so integral to the traumas of both dick and jason but in such different ways. 
4. LESLIE!!!!!!! i even forgive her office being so goddamn blue because leslie! 
4.5. it makes so much sense for titans!verse leslie to be a therapist, because this show is so inward looking anyway, and therapist sessions are a useful tool to showcase this character work in a story. besides, at least in fanfic, leslie often seems to double up as a counsellor anyway. 
4.6. oh man. i’m not terribly convinced by walters’ red hood (tho i think that may be the point--argh. i’ll come back to this thought later. have to stop getting distracted!) but he plays the asshole kid that’s trying not to let any real emotion seep through really well.
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“you’d like me to punch you, wouldn’t you”
5. not sure what to think of batman’s little trophy case other than the show winking unsubtly at us and going look look - catwoman! the riddler! two face! you excited yet?! it’s like the scene from the end of amazing spiderman 2 when they were trying to drum up excitement for a sinister six spinoff by having harry osborne walk by a bunch of display cases with stuff from iconic villains in them.
... but then again, bruce does like to display a lot of shit in his batcave, including his dead robin’s bloodstained costume, so.
5.5. bruce is so soft with jason it’s killing me. beyond just trying to learn from his mistakes with dick, it speaks to his own genuine desire to balance his dedication to gotham with doing the best by his sons, although he’s often not successful with that. 
i love that titans is really playing the long game with bruce wayne, with each season and character-perspective sliding in fresh pieces of a bigger puzzle. titans’ bruce has always been a phantom of other peoples’ making, but now we’re getting the idea that he’s a whole lot more complicated than other people make it seem.
5.75. it really recontextualises some of his actions from previous seasons: the fact that he locked dick out of his security systems in 1.06 is likely his way of respecting dick’s independence and his desire not to be associated with batman/gotham anymore. jason knowing about bruce’s tracker while dick doesn’t is probably bruce trying to be more honest and upfront with his charges. bruce sending jason packing off to sanfran to spend time with the titans is probably not him passing on a big responsibility to dick (as i first uncharitably thought) but him trying to get jason out of the toxic influence of gotham for a while and a sign of his trust in dick as a leader and a mentor,
5.8. i mean, bruce is a prick, but he’s also human.
6. i think leslie is doing some good work with jason here, though she may have overstepped the line with her line about robin as a construct being projected by a man with BPD. her speculations about bruce’s diagnosis have no place in her session with jason, and if bruce confides in her, an egregious violation of patient-therapist confidentiality. 
(about the diagnosis itself... i don’t know. i can’t really confirm or refute this without a whole lot more information, and i’m not sure if the writer of this episode means BPD in the same way an actual professional might.)
6.5. i think a huge thing that gets missed out in a lot of recent comics as well as movies/shows is that bruce didn’t create the robin persona out of whole cloth. dick did. he’s the starting point of that legacy and to call it entirely bruce’s creation is blatant erasure of that. in fact, i’m surprised that dick doesn’t feature more in the conversations they’re having about the pressures of being robin. after all, the guy had been robin--bruce’s partner--for such a long time before jason. 
6.8. (and here’s the primal part of me that resonates the deepest with dick grayson--the Eldest Daughter part--that’s sort of resentful: that jason gets the therapy and softness and the learning from mistakes when it took years and years for bruce to reach out in any meaningful way to dick.)
7. oooh that was a great scene!
it’s fun to do these stream-of-consciousness live reactions, because the moment you step down from your soapbox, the episode goes right into tackling what you were just complaining about. bruce means well, he’s learning, but he goes about exactly the wrong way to help jason: taking away robin now can’t be read by jason as anything but a devastating judgment call from bruce. and iain glen really sells the moment that bruce realises this--too late--and his helplessness in trying to get jason to see that it isn’t jason’s fault that he’s trying to do this. he loves jason enough that jason is enough. 
7.5. aaaah so jason brings up the elephant in the room at last. dick got everything makes sense from his perspective, where getting to put on a costume and fight crime means approval, means being something stronger and better than you are. dick got to be robin, then nightwing, and a leader of a whole team of other costume-clad heroes. 
8. ... how did jason just walk into arkham????? this is ridiculous.
8.3. i mean, clearly jason’s not thinking straight, but betraying batman like this puts his possibilities of being robin again even further away. 
8.5. watching that chemistry experiment montage was strangely funny. this guy is looking for an antidote to fear? well, constantly mixing up and inhaling gases concocted by a mad-scientist supervillain is something only the very fearless--reckless to the point of foolishness!--would do. what’s to say crane’s not given you a formula for a drug that will keep you tethered to his every will and whim? hmmmm?
8.7. so he sought out the joker to... test the formula??? 
9. wow the “loud and clear... boss” hits different after a whole episode of them referring to each other as father and son.
9.3. waitwaitwait HOLD UP. wait a DANG MINUTE. you’re telling me that scarecrow had enough resources that he could not only have folks on the outside steal jason away and dunk him in a lazarus pit (i TOLD you that this show would bring up and dismiss ra’s al ghul in a ten second aside! I TOLD YOU) but also have his own little chemistry lab in the basement, AND have enough resources for jason to build his red hood persona???????? all of this in barely twenty four hours?
well there goes my ‘jason orchestrated his death’ theory. it was nice while it lasted. *cups hands to the sky* fly away, my baby.
9.6. a part of me is gleeful at the rushed nature of such an iconic transformation though, especially when compared to all the character work that went before it. we’re so used to getting the opposite that it’s fucking delightful to have a show that’s more interested in exploring its characters’ minds rather than battle scenes or recreating transformations from the comics. that’s taken such bold and exciting steps to fully convey all the nuances of its most recognisable character, bruce wayne, from casting an older actor to play him to unflinchingly showing just how damaging the vigilante lifestyle has been to him and the people he loves. BRILLIANT
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10. again, heads up: a whole lot of flashing lights between 40:28 and 42:00. 
10.3. i guess it’s the super-compressed timeline that’s really throwing me off. where did he have the time to get/develop the mind control thing from? or is it something that he got from the cabal of villains that he intimidated at the beginning of 3.02? very messy.
10.5. i love molly, i hope she shows up again this season.
11. aaaand that’s it! that was a solid episode as flashback episodes go, but now i can’t wait to return to the present.
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falconcoast · 3 years
ok but childe as percy just makes a lot of sense. i can't explain why it just does. grace this is brilliant
why thank you!! how about some pjoverse + childe headcanons while i’m at it? 
childe + pjo headcanons; 
- childe is undoubtedly the son of poseidon. my only evidence for this is his hydro and electro vision (which is pretty much in line percy’s abilities) 
- the camp loves childe. he’s a son of the big three, he’s effortlessly charming and suave, and he’s good at fighting. what is there not to love? 
- ability-wise, he’s definitely stronger than the majority of camp, as he’s one of the big three’s kids. his demigod abilities are a high focus on summoning water, and maybe a minor focus of his electro abilities. like how childe is in-game, he’s skilled at everything, especially sword fighting, but definitely not a bow user.
- he definitely be one of the kids that only spend summer at camp half-blood, since he has a family to go home to. 
- he’s definitely a quest kid that’s sent out by the camp often, since he’s so versatile and also very powerful. which probably leads to-- 
- he hates the gods. he just,,, yeah, he’s pulling a luke on us y’all. definitely the anti-hero in this universe. 
- it doesn’t help that childe values his family, either; while his family grows up together, his dad is just? not there? and because of poseidon he’s always going to be plagued by monsters and doing the gods’ will. 
- don’t call him ajax. it probably reminds of the great greek warrior he’s supposed to live up to. 
- the tsaritsa would be the one to get him into a mindset of actively going against the gods. she, like kronos in the series, would appeal to him about his father’s absence and how she would take far better care of him, and thus he would pledge himself to her. 
- this is pretty in tune with childe in-game; he sees himself as only a weapon of the tsaritsa’s doing. 
- childe, like luke, is charming, and is going to appeal to unclaimed demigods about how the gods have done them wrong. 
- if we’re saying that the tsaritsa takes the role of kronos, childe is definitely going to be her vessel. 
- and (spoilers for the next bullets; if you want to read the books), childe, craving bloodlust and war, will inevitably die at the end. i wouldn’t say it would be out of just being a vessel of the tsaritsa, but rather his own will. it’d probably be in a final moment of clarity, in which he realizes that the war and bloodshed was for nothing at all, and the tsaritsa never truly cared for him.  
- final words would definitely be “take care of teucer, anthon, and tonia for me, would you? tell them that i love them very much, too.” 
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theliterateape · 3 years
We Killed Jason Todd
By Matt Markman
In 1988 my friends and I killed a kid.
He was just a boy really. We had help it wasn’t just me and my pals. there were adults involved, lots of them. I mean we were young we were just thirteen and really couldn’t comprehend the ramification of our actions, the adults knew what they were doing. I’m painting it to sound way more sinister than it was, and in today’s society, wouldn’t trend on Twitter but maybe in the ’80s, it was probably considered quite ominous.
To set your mind at ease, it was Jason Todd. You know, Batman's sidekick, The Boy Wonder, Robin—well, the second Robin anyways. And I helped kill him.
I was big into comic books but my favorite was, The Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader, The Batman… He donned the best costume, he had all the money and was the most intelligent of all the superheroes. That last trait right there, the fact that he was considered a superhero and he had no actual super powers made him cooler than the other side of the pillow. You know how The Big Bang Theory has convinced the world it’s an Emmy-winning sitcom worth watching? I think it’s the fact that Batman was someone any one of us could actually be. Sure we needed to start with a base coat of genius followed by a splash of handsome billionaire playboy then train overseas in martial arts for several years, but if you had those things you, too, could be a vigilante. You ask me today and I'd stand by the fact that Batman would beat Superman in a fight, say ten out of ten times. This is not debatable because super beings from another planet are not real.
My favorite thing about Batman, though, is his ability to balance out good and evil. He spawned one of the greatest comic book villains and fictional characters ever created, The Joker. They have tried and tried again but in my opinion never got close to the Clown Prince of Crime—maybe Negan from The Walking Dead, he's pretty ruthless. The Joker is what would happen if a stand-up comedian became a criminal mastermind, so basically the plot of the 2019 film Joker.
My love for Joker made sense because growing up I was always more into the bad guys than the good guys. Watching and playing with G.I.Joe, I was always on the side of Cobra Commander, the twins Tomax and Xamot, and Zartan because they were always more glamorous and eye-catching than the boring ass Joes. Just once, I’d like that “knowing is half the battle” part at the end of the cartoon to have been Storm Shadow giving us kids a tip on how to fuck up Shipwreck and his stupid Parrot. Megatron, Skeletor, Shredder, Mumm-ra…
The list goes on, but the antagonists always resonated with me. they had a much better and more intriguing agenda than the good guys did. I know that wasn't the purpose, we were supposed to cheer on the good guys, like the idea of saving the world and all, but the mayhem… It’s like Alfred Pennyworth said, “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” It’s odd because the bad guys in my life were real, the bullies and I didn't like them at all. They tormented me daily unprovoked because I was short and had big ears. Perhaps my love for the dark side stemmed for my desire to be on that side because in real life there was no Superman swooping in to rescue me from the clutches of Lex Luthor. 
There were two sides, and good had a lack of champions looking out for the weaker, smaller good guys. The bad guys in my neighborhood, well, they were real and never really foiled and more importantly, they always got the girl in the end. Fuck the good guys!
My admiration for evildoers achieving their agenda was tested in 1988, Batman was running a four-part series called A Death in the Family. It was your typical Batman arc. Somehow, The Joker was going to get the upper hand on The World’s Greatest Detective only to be bested in the end by Batman. But this time, the third comic decided to do something nobody had never seen in the industry. The writers were going to give the fans the opportunity to decide where they were going to go with the story, only it was an option between two different roads, one quite unconventional. Apparently a few years earlier, one of the writers, Dennis O'Neil, had seen a sketch they did on SNL where Eddie Murphy held up a Lobster—Larry the Lobster—and was asking viewers to decide whether Larry was boiled and eaten or was to be set free. The choices were offered in the form of two phone numbers both costing fifty cents a call. One number was a vote for him to be freed and the other number was a vote for Larry to be murdered, smothered in butter, and devoured by Axel Foley. Ultimately, after nearly 500,000 calls, the people voted for Larry the lovable lobster to be pardoned with a 12,000 call margin. The popularity of this bit intrigued O'Neil and A few years later he decided to implement it in his Death in The Family storyline.
In the third book, The Joker had taken Batman's sidekick, the Boy Wonder, hostage. He’d beaten him bloody with a crowbar leaving a cliffhanger to be wrapped up in the fourth book. The last page of the comic was full page and at the top read in true ’80s Do the Right Thing fashion: “Robin will die because The Joker wants revenge, but you can prevent it with a telephone call!” They even phrased it to steer you down the hero’s path, like you can literally be Batman with one phone call. Underneath the imploring verbiage were two numbers, dial one number; The Joker fails and Robin lives, Batman would once somehow saves the day. However, call this other number and The Joker succeeds and Robin dies. Gruesomely.
Wow! They were going to let the fans decide the fate of Robin, really this was one of my earliest introductions to a reality voting competition type show. In my opinion, it was a bad idea. Robin was always the worst. Go back and read through an adventure or two involving Jason Todd and tell me he wasn't always whiney and bellyaching. He was never going to be iconic or cool like Bruce Wayne or even his predecessor Dick Grayson—the first Robin. See, Dick got pissed off, decided he was tired of being in Batman's shadow, ditched the Robin costume, threw on a black blue and gold costume, moved to another city and became Nightwing. Dick was a go getter, ambitious. Grayson’s Robin was a winner, Todd's Robin was an irritating little bitch; he was not an innocent lobster.
I went to my mother and asked if I could make a call that was going to cost just fifty cents and I would pay her back or she could just take it out of my allowance. She wanted to know what it was for and mostly wanted to confirm it wasn't for an adult sex line, which costs more than fifty cents a minute, but that’s a different story. It was nothing as tawdry as phontercourse, I just wanted to help murder an annoying teenage sidekick. My mother response was “Oh, yeah, that’s fine.”
I think after it was exposed that it wasn't phone sex anything else I said went in one ear and out the other, surely she didn't think I was actually voting for a plucky comic book sidepiece to be murdered by The Joker. So that’s what I did. I cast my vote along with a majority of DC comic book fans that shared my detest for the boy wonder. Ten thousand votes were recorded with a narrow margin going to Robin dying. I think the writers never suspected that fans would go that route.
O’Neal himself voted for Robin’s stay of execution. A man of his word, Batman issue #429 was released and Robin was killed by The Joker in an explosion and we were to blame for it. Sad to say but you give a bunch of comic book nerds the power I think it would go bad every time. That day we were all proud to be The Joker's henchmen. I felt like a soldier at the end of Star Wars cheering madly while The Joker received his metal shouting, “I helped that happen!”
So many shows these days embrace our fascination with the anti-hero with the success of The Sopranos, The Shield, Breaking Bad, hell Narcos had me rooting for Pablo Escobar—Pablo fucking Escobar. I wouldn't say I was a bad person growing up. Quite the contrary, I was a shy nerd with no power to do anything but pick my books up after they were smacked to the ground. What I’m saying is don't give me the power to make important life or death decisions with your franchise because myself and the other dorks will have the bodies of Orko, Snarf, and Jimmy Olson lying in a shallow grave, just tell me what number to dial… or text.
Matt started performing standup comedy in 2004 in Las Vegas and is now a regular at every major comedy club on the Las Vegas strip. He released his first comedy album in 2016 titled Uncut available on iTunes. More about Matt and his upcoming appearances can be found on MattMarkman.com.
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galactic-magick · 3 years
Family: Bruce Wayne/Batman x Reader
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Request: Could I please get Bruce Wayne x Reader? Where he and reader have a daughter and are married. They’re currently fighting because readers feels that Bruce is caring too much about the League than his family, before they leave to fight Stephen Wolf, they get in a fight things were said that weren’t meant but he comes back and FLUFF
Summary: Being married to Bruce Wayne has always been hard, especially with a young daughter at home, but things get worse when Steppenwolf threatens the world.
Words: 1300+
Warnings: angst (happy ending though)
Author’s Notes: Had a little too much fun writing this angst hehe, hope you like it anon!
Taglist: @candid-confetti​
You always knew what you were getting into when you married a superhero. You knew there’d be a lot of late nights, a lot of wounds, a lot of time away. When you had your daughter, you knew balancing a family with fighting criminals would take its toll. You knew it wouldn’t be easy, but you’ve always tried to get through it together.
Lately though, it’s been harder than usual. Bruce has become consumed with Lex Luthor’s threat, constantly coming and going without warning in search of heroes to help in a fight you’re not even sure is actually coming. Both you and Alfred have tried telling him there’s been no signs of other-worldly catastrophes, to no avail. You know he’s doing it to keep you and the world safe, yet it doesn’t always feel that way.
“Bruce,” you grab his hand, hoping to stop him from leaving again. “When are you going to take a break?”
“I can’t, you know that,” he responds firmly. “The world won’t be safe until we have a solid defense. I may be able to protect one city, but I need more help to protect everyone else,”
“Protect everyone from what?” you sigh. “Luthor is locked up, everyone else you’ve taken down is locked up. What are you so afraid of?”
“It’s the fact that I don’t know that I’m afraid of,” he puts his hands on your shoulders. “Please, honey, just trust me,”
“We miss you at home. Your own daughter rarely sees you anymore,”
“I’ll spend time with her soon, I promise,” he kisses your forehead and heads out the door. “I love you,”
 You desperately wish that was the end of it, and life would return to normal as soon as possible.
But that was far from the case.
Bruce was right about one thing: a threat was coming. A big one.
A giant alien called Steppenwolf has set foot on Earth, searching for three objects called “motherboxes” and planning to use them against humanity somehow. Bruce won’t tell you exactly what will happen if he gets all of them, but you’ve gotten Diana to tell you he is most likely working for an even worse enemy named Darkseid, who wants to control the entirety of the universe.
It’s terrifying to say the least, and part of you is relieved that Bruce saw this coming and is actively preparing against it. But even so, he’s still been struggling to keep his promises to his own family in the midst of it all. You’ve been trying your hardest to be understanding, to keep coming up with excuses to your daughter about why her dad isn’t around and manage on your own, but you’re starting to wonder if it’s worth it anymore.
What is this will be your reality for the rest of your lives? Who’s to say there won’t be more threats like this all the time, never catching a break and never getting back the man you love?
 The stakes keep getting higher and higher, everything moving too fast for you to keep up. Bruce is running directly into danger left and right, trying things that could get him killed. His team has supposedly brought back Superman from the dead, and Steppenwolf has now found the last of the motherboxes. They’ve fought him head to head once, and they’re planning on doing it again to destroy him and the boxes.
“Please don’t go,” you beg him. Most of the team has already gone outside towards the ship, and if you hadn’t called him he probably would’ve left without a word.
He huffs, “For once can you just let me do what I have to do?”
“I have been,” your voice raises. “But can’t you see how reckless you’re being? And you refuse to even talk to me about it? You could at least pretend that you care,”
“Don’t you dare tell me that I don’t care,” he points a finger at you. “Everything I’m doing is for our family,”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t have a family left to come back to!”
His face falls, and you instantly regret what you said, but it’s too late. He leaves, and you slump into the nearest chair, tears held back only by the anger you had been holding onto until this moment.
“Hey,” Diana comes up to you as she heads for the door herself. “I didn’t mean to listen in, but I think there’s something you should know,”
“What?” you groan.
“He hasn’t told you what will actually happen if the motherboxes unite so he doesn’t worry you, but they’re not just weapons. They’ll turn this planet into a mirror of Darkseid’s and kill most of humanity, and if Darkseid also finds the Anti-Life equation he’ll control what’s left of us. Bruce has also been having vivid dreams of a future where Darkseid wins, me and Arthur are dead, and…” she exhales. “You and your daughter are dead too,”
“I…” you can’t find any words to reply.
“We could all die out there today, whether we win or lose,” she shakes her head. “But I know he loves you, and if we make it out alive he’ll make sure you know,”
She puts her sword and shield on her back, and races out the door.
 You don’t sleep at all that night, waiting several hours before you hear anything.
What if he’s dead and that’s the last thing you ever said to him?
What if you have to explain to your daughter the next morning that she’ll never see her father again?
The tears finally come, streaming down your cheeks like a waterfall. It can’t end like this, can it?
Your daughter hears you, coming into the room and sitting next to you.
“Did you and daddy have another fight?” she asks.
You nod. You want to tell her it’s more than that, but you’re not sure how much her poor little heart can handle.
“You should stop doing that,” she says matter-of-factly. “You’re both so sad all the time now. People who love each other shouldn’t make each other sad,”
“You’re right, honey,” you sigh, pulling her close to you. “You’re right,”
 You must’ve fallen asleep on the couch, because when you open your eyes it’s almost dark again.
“Hey,” you hear your husband’s voice behind you. “I didn’t want to wake you, but-“
You jump off the couch and run to him, falling into his arms and burying your face in his chest. The tears start falling again, and he holds you in silence until you get over the initial shock and relief.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I should’ve told you what was really going on. I never meant to keep secrets from you and neglect our family,”
You nod, allowing him to wipe the tears away with his thumbs and guide your gaze up to his.
“I’m just happy you’re alive,” you smile.
“Everyone’s okay,” he says. “We destroyed the boxes and killed Steppenwolf. We might not be safe forever, but we’re safe now,”
“Safe enough for you to come back to us?”
“Yes,” he holds you closer. “And I’ll never leave again,”
“Yay! You’re happy now!”
You turn your heads toward your daughter walking around the corner and up to you.
“I knew you would!” she giggles, hugging both of you. “No more fighting, okay? You should love each other instead,”
“Love each other, huh?” Bruce smirks, leaning in to kiss you.
“Ewww not like that!” she covers her eyes, getting a laugh out of both of you.
“Later then,” he says to you, and you nudge him playfully.
You follow her back to her room to tuck her into bed, something you always did together before all the chaos, something that brings back a sense of normal. She tries to get you let her stay up more, get you to tell her stories or answer her random questions, but eventually she falls asleep.
“I love you,” he kisses you once you’re alone again.
You wrap your arms around him, never wanting to let him go, “I love you too,”
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