#maybe return to some of my favorite fics or authors
starryserenade · 1 year
Myth & Magic Chapter 4: Bound
Fic Description: When Tir Na nÓg--the fabled land of the fae--falls to a dark power, the destinies of two young mice are set in motion. As each struggle to make their way in an ever-darkening world, they must learn to trust one another, or risk forever losing that which they hold most dear.
Chapter Description: Recollections, Revivals, and Regrets
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Child of earth, come heed to me
Loose your ties, be bound to sea
Let your breaths be turned to song
That words of old may right new wrongs
Then light the fire swathed in tears
The heart of Fand among Mac Lir’s
Deep fog hung over Minnie’s thoughts, the melodic curse heavy on her ears. When had she heard it last? Yes…she recalled…the day she had lost her crown, lost everything, and unwittingly traded her freedom to that faceless creature–the Voice, as she’d come to call it. It was all a trick, she had determined. A cruel game set forth by the fae that she had no hope of winning. She had done her task, hadn’t she? Night after night, she’d sung her song to keep the fairies at bay and the forest concealed. Day after day, she’d waited for the one she’d been promised would arrive.
But she had never again heard the one that had called her, nor heard so much as a whisper of further help. The emptiness remained in her chest, the unfinished memories in her head. And any hope of finding these answers on her own had been shattered the first time she’d tried, her water-bound body nearly frozen by the frigid forest air.  
Had she tried again? For she suddenly found she could not move, her own breaths still and silent.  The fog refused to leave her mind, no matter how she fought to see through it, and fear settled upon her like a thick blanket of snow.  She could not breathe. Could not see. Could not feel. Could not cry. Again, the name she didn’t know raced to her tongue in a call for help, but she couldn’t remember how to form the word.  So she was silent. Silent and frightened and endlessly cold.
Until the faintest ray of warmth settled in her palm. It startled her at first, but she could not help but settle into it–a feeling so wholly kind and wonderful that she hoped it would never leave. And to her delight, it not only remained but spread about her whole being, driving away the frost until she felt she’d been wrapped in the softest embrace.  Bathed in light, the fog began to leave and her thoughts returned to her. She remembered a boy above the ice, his eyes kind and hopeful, and wondered what had become of him. Then she recalled his fall and her rescue, and the fairies that had driven them away. He’d been injured as they ran, she realized with a start, but she could not remember anything more. 
Minnie thought to resist the growing urge to wake, determined to recall the boy’s fate. But she felt something like a tear fall upon her chest and the faintest pressure against her hand, and it drew her from her uncertainty. Letting the warmth consume her, she drew in a breath and blinked, light gracing her vision as she opened her eyes. There was no ice or snow, no shadowy fae or dark creatures. Only warm sunlight, a gentle breeze, and the tear-stained face of a trembling mouse staring back at her.
“Mickey…” she breathed, his name feeling strangely lovely on her lips. His heartbeat fluttered under her palm, her hand locked in his and pressed against his fur, and she felt her own heart melt at the sight of the worry and joy sparkling in his eyes. Fiery heat raced through her veins, something more than the feelings that flushed her cheeks. There was a magic in this, a meaning she had yet to uncover. She could not deny how utterly right it felt to be held in his arms, nor the heat that sprung from them every time they touched.  It made her wonder if maybe, just maybe, she’d not been waiting in vain after all. 
“What are we?” she questioned softly, still drifting in a daze.  
He blushed and turned his head, and Minnie came to herself in a brief stroke of embarrassment. She’d been caught up in his eyes– oh, what eyes… –and had nearly forgotten just how intimately close she was held. 
“Careful,” Mickey cautioned gently as, with a small gasp, she made an attempt to rise on her own. He spotted the effort it took for her to move and lent a supportive hand behind her back.  Minnie trembled with exhaustion even so, and she murmured a word of thanks when he moved to her side so she could lean against his shoulder.
For several minutes, neither said a word, each savoring the moment to finally breathe uninterrupted. The clouds rolled by in the skies that surrounded them, deep silver waves that shifted endlessly in the wind. Though the rain fell in torrents under their shadow, it never touched the ground where the two mice lay. Only warm sunlight shone down on their faces, and Minnie could not help but turn her head to look Mickey’s way. His eyes were nearly shut, blinking lazily against the fatigue that plagued them, and his cheeks lay flushed with a feverish pink.  But still his hand gripped hers, as if fearful she might be struck by the cold should he dare let go. Who was he, she wondered, that he would so quickly loose all qualms to trust her , the cursed girl who’d nearly lured him to his death? 
There is one who seeks you…
The Voice’s words played themselves back in her mind, but she was hesitant to believe they’d been fulfilled. To deny it was to neglect every bit of magic that had sparked between them thus far. But to accept it…
She was afraid. For though he was wonderful, and thoughtful, and kind…there was no familiarity in his eyes when he looked her way, and no recollection of his presence when she stood beside him. She had determined long ago that the hole in her heart–that cherished memory stolen from her–would return the second she reunited with the one who was meant to fill it. But it had not. And so accepting that this mouse was the wanderer she’d been promised would find her…was to accept that the one she’d once loved was still lost as ever.  
She swallowed and looked back out at the world. Rolling hills stretched before her eyes, leading towards what she knew to be a vast ocean and a castle overlooking it all. This had been her kingdom once, not all that long ago. She had abandoned it, abandoned her people and her friends, to chase someone that was now little more than a scattered dream. How could she return to them now?
Mickey’s touch suddenly seemed too hot and with a brief shudder, she pulled away.
The boy shook his head and blinked drowsily, glancing at Minnie with a confused look that seemed almost hurt. But she only swallowed and avoided his gaze. “You’re tired,” she muttered quietly. “We should find a place to rest.” 
She would see him to safety, she decided, and then she would return to the lake. Perhaps if she was back when twilight struck, she would not be too late to keep the forest’s spell alive.  
Beside her, Mickey cleared his throat and stood, wobbling slightly on the leg where the net had snagged him. When Minnie looked at him, his tail was drooping, face shadowed with embarrassment. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean t-” she began, heart sinking. But Mickey quickly interrupted with a nervous laugh.
“No, no, you’re right!” He flashed her an awkward grin, shaking the water from his tail as the rain began to start again. “I’m exhausted. There’s a village just upstream. I know someone there who might be willin’ to help us.”
Minnie knew the town he spoke of, but said nothing. It was worthless now to say things that would only make him wonder more about her. So she simply nodded and grabbed his hand as he held it out for her, hoping the villagers wouldn’t recognize her when they arrived in town. But Mickey winced as he helped her stand and she caught glimpse of a wound beneath the tear in the fabric of his trousers, something like a deep burn peeking through. She bit her lip. How the net had done that, she didn’t know, but she hated to watch as he grimaced with every step.
“Mickey, you’re hurt,” she noted, concerned. “Do you really think you can get all that way on foot?”
He opened his mouth to respond but before he could do so, something seemed to catch his attention. He turned away from her, tail twisting in curiosity as he looked out over the moors. Minnie followed his gaze upstream, heart fluttering nervously when she spotted a dark spot moving over the horizon.
“Mickey?” she asked cautiously.
He didn’t respond, but a moment later his face lit up with a grin and he exploded in an energetic wave. “Looks like we won’t have to walk after all!” he smiled widely, but despite his enthusiasm, Minnie moved behind him as the shadow grew near.
A wooden cart pulled by a rather unseemly mule came into view, driven by a figure who waved back with nearly as much vigor as Mickey. The difference was that he was nearly twice the mouse’s size as well, and so had a distinctly lanky way about the way he moved. Had Minnie not been so cautious of the stranger, she might have laughed. But as it was, she was not quite prepared to face another person so soon–someone who could recognize her as the princess who’d left them all behind. It was lucky enough Mickey hadn’t. So she hung back as much as she could, snatching Mickey’s cloak from the ground and draping it around her to hide her face and form as much as possible.
Mickey walked–or rather, limped–to meet the man as he approached, and was greeted with an enthusiastic “hyuck!” which Minnie took to be some sort of laugh. 
“Well, hi there, Mickey!” the man exclaimed, grinning profusely. 
“Goofy!” Mickey grinned back. “Boy, am I glad to see you! But what are you doin’ all the way out here?”
Goofy scratched his chin. “After I sent y’off, I started thinkin’ how un-neighborly-like it was to let y’go on your lonesome. And when y’didn’t come back, I got to worryin’ the fairy got you!” He leaned back and smiled. “Sure am glad I was wrong! Guess y’didn’t find the white trout after all though, didja?”
“Well, not exactly…” At this, Mickey softened his voice and cast a quick glance over his shoulder. He caught Minnie’s eye and grinned softly, tilting his head as if to ask her permission for an introduction. She drew in a timid breath, nodded, then took a few steps forward to come into Goofy’s line of sight.
Goofy straightened up as he saw her, throwing her a curious glance.
“Gawrsh, who’s your friend, Mickey?”
Mickey flicked his tail and grinned, grasping Minnie’s hand. “Goofy, meet your ‘fairy’. Her name’s Minnie. Minnie, this is Goofy.”
The man’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked at her, then back at Mickey, then back at her. “Pleased to meet ya, miss fairy ma'am!” he exclaimed with a tilt of his rain-soaked hat, then turned to Mickey once more. “Awful pretty for a fish , isn’t she?” 
“You’re tellin’ me,” Mickey replied absentmindedly, looking back her way. Minnie, nervous as she was, could not help but blush and grin, struggling to hide her amusement as Mickey came to realize what he’d said and stuttered frantically in an effort to recover. “I-I mean no! That’s not…she’s not-!” 
He looked back and forth between Minnie, who had momentarily forgotten her dilemma and was failing to conceal a series of giggles, and Goofy, who just seemed confused. Finally, Mickey tossed up his hands in defeat. “Oh, nevermind,” he grumbled, rubbing behind his ear as he quickly changed the subject. “Thing is, we had a bit of trouble in the forest,” he explained. “And we could really use a ride back to town, if it’s not a bother.” 
“Well, why didn’t you say so? A friend of yours is a friend o’ mine. I’d be happy t’help!” Goofy answered without a moment’s hesitation, and gestured to the back of the cart where a load of hay was covered by a thick canvas. “Hop on in! It’s nothin’ fancy, but make yerselves comfortable and get some rest in on the way!” He leaned in again and lowered his voice. “Between you and me, Mick, you look like y’need it.”
Minnie heard all of this and was having quite a difficult time not fully bursting into a fit of laughter. Goofy was quickly beginning to grow on her. She watched as Mickey frowned, mumbled a sarcastic, “Gee, thanks Goof,” and then turned back to Minnie to guide her to the back of the cart.
“Sorry about him,” he grumbled as he lifted her up. 
“Oh, don’t be! He’s funny!” she laughed. He rolled his eyes, letting out a puff of frustration, but when he caught the glint in Minnie’s eye as she held out a hand for him to climb up, he seemed to soften. 
“S’pose you’re right,” he chuckled, and lifted up the canvas so the two of them could escape the rain amidst the hay. “After you."
It was surprisingly dry and cozy underneath–a welcome break from the damp moisture and cold of outside–and Minnie found herself feeling quite drowsy. Mickey settled into the hay beside her and she listened as he shivered and released a deep sigh. His cheeks had only grown a darker shade of crimson, and his body trembled feverishly. Every now and then he would wince as a piece of hay brushed against his wound.
“Mickey?” Minnie whispered quietly, unsure if he’d fallen asleep. But he peeked an eye in response and turned to look at her. 
“What were you doing in the forest?”
“Heard a story…just wanted to see if it was true, I guess.”
“Did you know it was dangerous?”
“...Had a hunch.” He snorted just before he continued, brandishing his words with a chuckle. “Goofy thought you were an evil fairy, actually.”
“What if he’d been right?”
“He wasn-”
“But what if he was? What if I hadn’t been there to help you?” Minnie pressed, turning on her side to look at him. “Why would you risk that?
At this, he was quiet for a few moments. Minnie wondered if he’d drifted back to sleep before he finally responded, a bit quieter than before. “I dunno,” he murmured. “Lately I just…it just feels like I’ve been missin’ something. I thought maybe there’d be something there worth finding.”
Was there? She nearly asked, but bit her lip before the words escaped her. A moment went by with nothing but the sound of the rain around them.  Then Mickey shifted, letting out a tired yawn. 
“For the record…” he started softly, words slurred by exhaustion. 
But he trailed off as his breaths settled into the rhythm of sleep, and Minnie was left alone with her thoughts. She wondered why her heart felt so tight and why the idea of leaving him only worsened the feeling. They’d only just met. He would be better off without her there, she was sure of it.. Something slipped across her cheek and she held her hand to her face. Teardrops stained her cheeks. 
No. I can’t stay.  It was all she could do to convince herself. She had made a promise. Had said she would wait. She could not give up on it now. Though she tried to stop them, the tears refused to stop falling. So she curled around herself, clutching her heart as her body wracked with growing sobs. “ I can’t stay,” she whispered, urging herself to understand why. “ I can’t stay…”
For the first time in years, she had the warm company of another soul beside her. Yet somehow, even after all her waiting, she had never felt more alone.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
The James first time fic was so cute!! Maybe could you do a part 2 where it’s like the aftercare? Maybe readers kinda sore? If not that’s fine. Your my favorite author on this app have a lovely day/night🫶🏻
Thank you lovely, hope you have a lovely day/night as well !
cw: mature themes, nudity, reader experiences soreness from penetrative sex
the prelude (mdni)
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 683 words
James is smearing kiss after kiss onto your neck and shoulder, one after the other like it’s all he plans to do for the rest of the night. He’s got his hand splayed flat on your abdomen, your back pressed to his front and one of his legs sprawled over your hip. Your breathing has slowed, and now despite the newness of the night’s events and the dull ache blooming between your legs, you’re halfway to drifting off from the steady comfort of his warmth. 
“How are you feeling?” James asks, lifting his lips from your shoulder.
You chuckle softly. “I’m feeling pretty good at the moment, thank you. And how are you?” 
“Come on.” He squeezes the pudge of your stomach, but you can hear the smile in his voice. “You know what I mean. Turn around, sweetheart, look at me.” 
There’ll never come a day when you’re not happy to oblige that directive. James’ hand slips to your back as you roll over, rubbing back and forth a couple of times while he studies your face intently. James can actually be quite perceptive when he puts his mind to it, and you know he’s trying to put that skill to use now, scanning you for dissatisfaction or hidden hurt. You kiss him on the chin. 
“I had a great time,” you reassure him. 
“I wasn’t too rough with you?” He strokes the underside of your breast with a gentle thumb, looking troubled. 
You bite down on a grin at the memory of his far less delicate treatment of that breast a few minutes before. “Not in any way I didn’t like.” 
James’ smile is almost sheepish, his head dropping onto the pillow as his eyes look into yours honestly. “Yes, well,” he says, humor lightening his tone, “be that as it may, it would still be normal for things to be a bit sore afterwards.” 
“Would it?” 
Unintentionally, some of the levity has sapped from your voice. James’ expression softens. “Yeah, angel. I mean, not always, but it was only your first time.” He glances down your body. It’s a bit thrilling how casual that’s become. “Are you hurting?” 
“Only a little,” you admit. You use your gentlest tone, but your boyfriend’s eyebrows bunch sympathetically nonetheless. “I don’t think it could have been helped, though. It was…” You look away from his eyes, face heating slightly. “It was a tight fit.” 
James chuckles. His lips find your forehead, warm and soft. “M’sorry, m’love,” he says. “Do you want to have a bath? Warm water could help.”
You sigh, shifting closer and pressing the bridge of your nose to his neck. “I just want to stay with you.” 
“That can be arranged.” He pulls away, and when you protest: “Two minutes. I’ll be right back.” 
It’s undoubtedly more than two minutes, but James eventually makes good on his promised return. You won’t let him carry you to the bathroom, but you take the hand he offers to climb into the tub, and then he’s settling in behind you, your body between his legs and your head pillowed by his chest. The warm water is an instant relief, muscles you hadn’t even realized had been activated by the night’s activities uncoiling. James helps them along. His big hands migrate down to your thighs, massaging carefully underneath the water. 
“Oh my god.” You turn your head up to his, kissing him reverently on the cheek. “Jamie, I mean no insult to your skills in the bedroom, but I think I can say with some confidence now that this is better than sex.” 
James’ laughter shakes the both of you, his hands stilling on your legs so as not to hurt you. He brings one out of the water, taking your chin and angling your face so he can kiss you back properly. 
“I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong,” he says, lips curved and chest still bumping with laughter beneath you, “but let’s remember to keep things in perspective, sweetheart. There’s plenty more sex to be had, I might change your mind yet.” 
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slut4fangs · 1 year
🍒 double cherry pie 🍒
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pairing: female reader x eddie munson
summary: you and eddie have been friends for years, until one day you decide to ask him what the handcuffs on his wall are for *wink wink*
warnings: 18+, smut, slight innocence kink but reader is playing dumb (strategically), come eating lolz, possessive eddie, bestfriend!eddie makes his return, not proofread i was really excited to post this one haha, and the rest is a surprise
author’s note: this idea came to my head and there are so many eddie fics it’s possible some version of this exists somewhere else, but anyhow my brain wouldn’t shut up about this idea until i wrote it down haha. please reblog and comment i love to hear your feedback it keeps me encouraged to write! okay ilysm enjoy babes
not proofread be nice - xoxo, slater
Eddie Munson was good at getting what he wanted needed out of you, he needed you more than he needed air to breathe. Not that you noticed though, you two had been friends for as long as you could remember and Eddie had always been inching closer and closer to having you all to himself. In your time as friends, Eddie had decided he would be your first everything. I’m talking all of the bases, first base aka kissing, second base aka touching above the waist, third base aka touching below the waist. And lastly, he planned on a home run, because in his mind no one else deserved to have you like that but him. He had been a guard dog of sorts, protecting you from any heartbreak, which meant scaring off anyone who tried to get their hands on you. It wasn’t easy, some were persistent, leaving notes in your locker, walking you to class, nothing or no one got between Eddie and his favorite girl. His girl.
“What are these for,” you feigned innocence at the handcuffs that adorned Eddie’s poster cluttered walls. You knew exactly what they were meant for, you just wanted to hear him say it. The confused look on your face nearly took Eddie’s breath away, now was his chance.
“For bad girls,” Eddie chuckled at his own ridiculous behavior. God, you were driving him crazy without even laying a finger on him.
“Oh?” Your voice rant with curiosity and interest, maybe you could be bad. Just this one time, maybe. Eddie was shirtless in his tight black jeans and he really couldn't have looked more delectable than he did at this very moment. The temptation was there for the taking.
“Mmmhm,” Eddie sat on his bed, hands placed behind him to prop him up.
“Mmmhm isn’t much of an answer, Munson,” your heart raced, you really couldn’t help toying with him a bit. He thought you were none the wiser, but you had a hunch for what all of his odd behavior meant lately. You were just unaware of how much he actually liked you. It was bordering on obsession and Eddie couldn’t help it, he adored you, always had. The tension the last few weeks were palpable to say the least.
“Well I could show you better than I can tell you…” Eddie smirked knowingly at you, sitting up to rest his hands on his thighs.
“And what is that supposed to mean,” you blushed sweetly. Eddie loved when he made you blush, if he only knew how many times you had blushed and turned away so he couldn’t see turn red. It happened more often than you liked to admit.
“You’re a hands on learner aren’t you,” Eddie trailed off hopefully.
Say yes, say yes, say yes Eddie thought to himself.
“How’d you know,” you smiled at him, of course he knew that he’s known you forever. He just hoped you’d say yes, and he was halfway to getting that yes.
“Hand em’ over then,” Eddie held out his hand and you took the handcuffs off the wall careful not to scuff the paint, not that Eddie would care. He worshiped the ground you walked on, after all.
“Okay…,” you say handing them to Eddie, and to your delight he pats his lap as if to say ‘take a seat.’
Straddling his lap you try your best to stay calm and cool about the whole situation, but it was a long time coming and you could’ve screamed if you weren’t so nervous.
“Now,” Eddie begins, holding the handcuffs out to you, “hands.” You place your hands in front of you waiting on further instruction, giddy as a kid in a candy shop.
Eddie cuffs your wrists and snaps the clasps shut sounds so final, heart pounding you smile and say “now what.”
“Now…you’re stuck with me,” Eddie places your cuffed hands around his neck and presses your body to his, you can feel how hard you’ve made him and you audibly gasp. Eddie’s hands are palming your ass, “nice skirt,” his hands are under your skirt now, fingers skimming the lace detail of your panties. “Cute,” Eddie comments, a small groan escaping his pretty mouth.
“Ditto,” you wanted nothing more but to kiss him in this moment, but good things were worth waiting for.
“Ditto? Are you calling me cute?” Eddie looked a mix between amused and confused. No one has called him cute since he was a little kid, it wasn’t a compliment he was used to. The frequented compliments came from the punk girl who worked the gas station near his house, and one of the older waitresses at his work. Sarah always complimented his hair and jacket, and Mabel always told him how handsome he looked with his hair pushed back as he worked. She had said he looked more and more handsome every time she saw him, she felt like she watched him grow up in the blink of an eye. And Sarah thought he was cool, but she liked women only, Eddie just happened to be the prettiest boy in town. Plenty of girls liked Eddie, but he was taboo, town gossip ensured his dating life was much more complicated than it should ever be for someone in their early twenties.
“Yes,” you sigh, a little dreamy sigh that had slipped out before you could stop it. “You’re cute, but you’re also hot.”
“Hot?” Eddie raised his eyebrows in shock, you’ve never really commented on his looks, you thought he already knew how good looking and charming he was. But you were getting the memo that he didn’t actually know, and you thought someone should let him know, you’d be damned if it was anyone else but you.
“As hot as the trailer gets in the summer when the window AC unit goes out and you hit it and cuss it out until it works,” you say making Eddie’s mouth drop. Were you really admitting you had feelings for him by making a reference to his shitty AC?
“Oh my god,” is all Eddie can say, “how long have you been in love with me?” And just like that his smartass attitude had returned with a vengeance, he knew you liked him now so all bets were off, no more tiptoeing around the truth.
“Quit it, are you going to show me what these handcuffs are for or not, Eddie Munson?”
“I could have you cuffed to this bed and screaming my name, but I don’t think you’re ready for that yet,” Eddie says and you scoff. “Don’t get an attitude with me,” Eddie smirks at the brat straddling him, “patience is a virtue, Princess.”
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes and wish you could cross your arms in protest. How did he know what you were and weren’t ready for? What was his fucking deal? “Whose the tease now,” you remark, not able to hold that one back when you should’ve been feigning innocence and keeping face.
“Oh, so you were doing that on purpose? Aw my little tease, how cute,” Eddie boops the tip of your nose with his finger.
“Shut up,” you retort.
“Be careful, remember I’m the one with the key.”
“What are you trying to say?” Your attitude was palpable at this point and Eddie was getting fed up. Before you knew what was happening Eddie had you flipped you onto the bed and a hand holding your cuffed wrists to the mattress above your head.
“I’m trying to say I’d be careful if I were you, I might keep you here like this forever,” his other hand held your cheek so gently like you might break.
“Is that a threat?” You’re the one smirking now, staying here under him didn’t seem like a bad fate after all.
“You’re going to kill me,” Eddie whispered, thinking of how to hold himself back when you were here, waiting for him to touch you, wanting him almost as much as he wanted you. Eddie knew he wanted to take his time with you, first base was the end goal but god the home run was right in front of his face, begging him to go further than he thought you were ready for.
Before he did anything else he had to know for sure, because it looked as though you could’ve already had your first kiss. Not that it would change his mind about you, he just wanted to be your everything, that was all. “Has anyone ever kissed you? Honest answer please.”
“No! Oh my god, I’ve been waiting for you,” you whined and writhed beneath him, he could feel his dick brush against you and he hissed at the feeling.
“You have no idea how what that means to me,” Eddie said reaching over you to his nightstand for the key.
“I think I have an idea,” you nodded your head towards his crotch and he laughed unlocking the cuffs.
Tossing the handcuffs to the side Eddie laughed and brought you back up to his lap in an instant, for a lanky guy he really had the potential to toss you around and that made your mind run wild with the possibilities.
“Kiss me already, what are you waiting for?” You ask impatiently squeezing Eddie’s arms.
“Waitin’ for that beautiful mouth of yours to quit moving,” Eddie brushed his thumb along your bottom lip teasingly and you nodded, closing your mouth, eyes big and glassy. He melted at the sight of you. “That’s more like it,” Eddie held your face and your hands held onto his arms in vice like grips. Eddie and you met half way, lips brushing slightly, “close your eyes,” Eddie directed making you laugh. Your laugh was cut short by him pressing his mouth to yours, he quite literally took your breath away. The kiss was soft and warm, gentle at first, Eddie ran his tongue across your bottom lip and you opened your mouth for him. The two of you melted together nicely, a sweet kiss turned pornographic and animalistic the way you two had both waited for this moment forever. Eddie moaned in your mouth and you pressed yourself against him, he was still sensitive but didn’t break the kiss even though it hurt. He thought it hurt too good to stop. His hands raked down your hips and then back up, you would’ve gasped when he groped your breasts but you were too busy devouring him to break the kiss. Too busy to question his hand under your skirt, feeling how wet you were for him. You could feel him smile as he ran his finger through your folds, two fingers stretching you out deliciously you couldn't fight the urge to rock back and fourth on his fingers, and that's when you pushed against him until his back hit the mattress. You broke the kiss and stared down at him, he cheeks were flushed and he looked breathtaking.
"Hmm," you sat up and fiddled with his handcuff belt buckle, he was looking at you with awe and curiosity. What were you planning to do next? He decided that would be your choice. Much to his surprise you started unbuckling his belt and undoing his jeans.
"Are you sure about this," Eddie held the waistband of his jeans, waiting on that yes again.
"I've never been more sure of anything, Eddie. I want you, I want this," you said and that's all it took for Eddie to peel his jeans off while you took your shirt off. Not feeling shy, not feeling anything but how right this all felt. Eddie's fingers slid along the waistband of your panties and slipped them off with ease, when you sat on top of him with no barrier in between the two of you he sighed with relief. Rubbing yourself on him was making his head spin, he let out a string of curses when you licked up his neck, kissing and sucking until he had you flipped over on your back again, giggling up at him, you knew just how to drive him wild.
"You're trouble," Eddie pumped two fingers in and out of you torturously slow, curling his fingers in a come hither motion over and over again until your legs felt like jelly and the sounds coming from you sounded rated R. You whined with his tongue on your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin until there was sure to be a big hickey in the shape of Eddie's mouth. But you didn't care what people would think, nothing could ruin this.
"You're sinful," slipped out of your mouth and you surprised yourself at the sheer smoothness of your words, something about him made you comfortable enough to say these dirty things.
"Mm, maybe my mouth is," Eddie's tongue circled your breast, sucking on your breast staring up at you, you knew Eddie's mouth wasn't the most sinful thing about him with his cock pressed to your tummy. You run your hands through his hair and whine, tears rolling down your cheeks from the overstimulation. "Feel good, Princess?" Eddie kissed your lips and smiled devilishly down at you.
"Mhm," you nodded.
"Mhm isn't much of an answer, baby. Need to hear you say it," Eddie parted your thighs further apart for him, angling himself closer to you and rubbing his cock up and down your folds, almost pushing himself in but not yet, not until you said it.
"Need to feel you inside me, please, Eddie," you held his face and swept his hair out of the way, your hands running through his hair were quickly becoming one of his biggest weaknesses. He couldn't deny you of what you wanted any longer, when the only thing you wanted was for him to be closer.
"Fuck," Eddie cursed burying himself into you halfway, "I don't know if I'll fit, relax for me. Ok, baby? How does that feel?" He kissed your cheek and wiped a tear away.
"More, please," you dig your fingernails into Eddie's back and he laughs, relieved he wasn't hurting you. "Feels good, Eddie, need more," you scratch down his back, cherry red nails gripping onto his waist, your hips moving against his, giving you everything you asked for and more. You really weren't expecting him to be this big.
Your kiss marks all over his chest and neck he tells you "you're making a mess of me, trying to ruin me for everyone else?"
"Isn't that what you're doing too?" You smirk up at him knowingly.
"That obvious, huh?"
"Yes," you cry out, your orgasm finally hitting you in waves.
"Oh my god, Cherry," Eddie said using that cute nickname only he could call you, no one else. Keeping the same pace he held you close and soothed you through the intensity, kissing you everywhere. "Let me see your tongue," you stick your tongue out and let him spit on it and makeout until you feel him release inside of you.
Then Eddie does something you never could've seen coming, he isn't done with you yet. He finds a comfortable place for his head between your thighs, biting and sucking at the plush flesh inside your thighs, there he kisses you pussy and sucks at your clit making you shake. Licking you clean, and lapping his come out of your pussy, you watch in amazement as he winks at you while his tongue fucks your pussy, the most sinful thing you've ever seen and felt.
You wondered just how long he planned to do this, if you only really knew how long he'd thought about having you like this. The hickeys on your neck were enough to scare anyone away from his Cherry pie.
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moonyinpisces · 6 months
please can you hit me with some fic recs for like, the best good omens smut out there thaaanks
oh hell yeah. i’ll try to keep it to fics that are majority smut in some capacity (or insane foreplay THEN smut), not fics that just happen to have smut. here you go:
a kind of magic by equestrianstatue (4k) — miracled orgasms. need i say more. my favorite smut has a little bit of divine ecstasy in it (this should Not be a surprise if you read my fics) and this one delivers!
lie back and think of dinner by jessthereckless (11k) — this is such a classic one and the entire fic has crowley so so sexy and aziraphale just unable to do anything about it without causing natural disasters. one of those fics where the non-smut scenes are able to get equally as filthy as the smut ones
tidy by hibye (3k) — so so funny and in character. aziraphale dresses in a maid costume in an attempt to seduce crowley and it works in the way that i’m sure none of you are expecting, but is also in character for crowley. really fun fic
blame it on my juice, baby! by attheborder (7k) — sex potion fic. good omens as a fandom really truly needs more sex pollen/sex potion fics. i consider it a societal failure that there aren’t more. this one is awesome (love this author too)
an unperfect actor by equestrianstatue (2k) — short and sweet facial smut fic. nobody look at me. this author also wrote the first fic on this list and i like so many of their fics so highly recommend!
white tide by hardlyfair (13k) — something about this makes it like. the hottest smut i’ve ever read so even though it’s more like 30% explicit, i’m counting it. the lead up gets me like every time. maybe it’s the pirates, or the detail-rich writing voice, but i return to this one FREQUENTLY
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Coloring Pages And Baby Fever
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content: leo valdez x daugher of poseidon! reader fic warning: maybe cursing but i really don't think so??, toothrotting fluff, discussion of kids and futures and whatnot author's note: this one BRO THIS ONE- i dont even want kids idk where this came from fr. also, leo is a girl dad. everyone can stfu if you don't agree. her middle name is his momma's name, obvi. but that's just a headcanon, a COVEY headcanon jk jk
y/n always held a soft spot in her heart for the younger half-bloods. she arrived at camp at seven and she was a sobbing mess inside the hermes cabin then the poseidon cabin. she couldn’t imagine going through that at a younger age. which is why she always volunteered to run the younger kids activities rather than participate in some of the more grown up games. today was coloring of greek mythology. y/n wasn’t sure what part of the internet chrion pulled these from, little explanations put in bold next to the coloring pages and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know. maybe a past apollo child, grown up to be an illustrator just for camp half-blood. y/n was detailing away at a cartoonish hippocampus, smiling softly at one of the girls who ran up to show y/n her drawing of her mother, athena.
“aww, phoebe, it looks so good!!” she mused, excitedly looking over it, shamelessly ignoring the scribbles over the lines and the mixing of wrong colors. in phoebe’s defense, she was only eight.
“thanks, y/n!! i based it off of how my daddy describes her all the time!” phoebe explained, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.
“must be accurate then, you clever girl!” she joined in, smiling widely at her before handing the paper back, settling a hand against her back and pointing towards chiron, who was resting in the shade with a book in his lap, “now, go show mr. chiron and tell him what you learned.”
“okay!!” the girl bubbles, snatching her picture back and racing towards the centaur, who looks up with a warm smile towards the girl, happily indulging her. y/n felt a poke against her ribs, spinning around with a warm look since she knew who it was.
“how are you so good with them?” leo huffed, crossing his arms as he stared down at his terrible doodling of the battle of troy. he taken up following y/n to kiddy camp; one because he loved spending as much time as he could with his girl, and two because harley asked him to start coming. y/n glanced down at his work, nearly melting at the sight. helena took a striking resemblance to y/n and troy to leo, something that wasn’t lost on the girl.
“i dunno. exposure therapy? i used to teach little kids how to surf a long, long time ago,” y/n laughed, shaking her head slightly before pointing over at his drawing.
“that’s what you think helena looked like?” she questioned with a smirk, pointing a blue crayon at him. his cheeks warmed up but he didn’t lose his cool.
“yup. what do you think of troy? handsome guy, isn’t he?” he pushed, leaning closer. y/n snorted, shaking her head at him.
“the hottest,” she agreed with a roll of her eyes, earning a shove against her shoulder.
“don’t be looking at other men! so disrespectful to our relationship!” leo huffed, setting a hand against his chest in mock hurt. y/n laughed harder, leaning against his shoulder before pushing off him with a shake of her head, looking around her boyfriend at the shy child on the other side of him.
“can you believe this guy, harley?” y/n asked, smiling warmly at the little boy, who looked up at the older teens with wide-eyed wonder.
“he’s pretty silly,” harley agreed, swinging his feet under the table happily.
“the silliest,” she added, wrinkling her nose at the boy before looking down at his coloring, “oh, super cool coloring of the argonauts, harley!”
“thanks! leo’s told me all about this story,” harley stated, smiling up at his older brother, who returned the gesture.
“sure did. one of my favorites,” leo hummed, eyes growing distant at the thoughts that swarmed. the nightmarish time he had on that damn boat, the constant fighting, the constant worrying, the weight of the world on his shoulders. he snapped out of it as y/n subtly set a hand against his thigh, though she didn’t acknowledge it. he rested his hand on top of hers, pressing his lips to the top of her hair without another thought.
“did he? hmm, i don’t think i've heard it before. you wanna tell me about it, harley?” y/n asked, tilting her head at the boy. i’d heard the story hundreds of times - chiron reused the same website every year so one kid always ended up telling her the story at some point - but she knew harley was having a bit of a hard time. leo had been stressing about it for a bit now and she figured she could help.
“you really haven’t heard about it?” harley questioned, frowning slightly as he didn’t believe her. panic flared in y/n’s eyes and leo was quick to save her.
“y/n is so busy with all her quests and training that she barely has time to listen to stories, harley,” leo reasoned, shrugging his shoulders like it was common sense.
“oh. i guess that makes sense,” harley muttered, glancing down at his feet for a moment.
“come on, harley. i’ve got time now! i feel like i'm missing out on something big. come here, between leo and i,” she told the younger boy, putting on a pout.
he laughed a little at the look on her face before squeezing between leo and i, setting his drawing down on the table and using his cubby fingers to point at specific people in the drawing. he rambled on and on about it, clearly something that fascinated him. y/n asked questions like she was confused by the topic and gasped at the appropriate moments.
leo just stared at her over harley’s head, feeling his heart race and his mouth go dry and the tips of his ears light on fire only for him to quickly snuff it out. he started to imagine what it would be like to do this in the kitchen of their home and instead of harley in the middle, a child of their own. a wedding band on both of their hands and vows stronger than the river styx. y/n caught his gaze over harley’s head, giving him a soft smile and leo melted at it. he loved her with everything inside him and he could feel the love from her radiating off in waves. from the way she looked at him to the smiles she gave him. he could feel it. like the sun when your eyes are closed. that warmth that manages to seep through your eyelids
“aren’t they just the coolest?!” harley exclaimed, proudly wrapping up his story.
“yeah!! super cool. jason reminds me of someone but i can’t quite think of who,” y/n mused, tapping her finger against her chin in false thought. leo snorts, looking away as he covers it with a cough.
y/n glanced across the table, noticing a little boy following along with what harley was saying, but trying to be as subtle as a child can be. she knew him, ryder, one of the new hermes kids. she already had a feeling the stoll brothers were rubbing off on him, based on the sunglasses set upon his drawing of apollo. he was around harley’s age and her eyes twinkled at the opportunity.
“hey, harley,” y/n whisper down to the boy, leaning down to his level. he looks up at her with wide eyes, asking a quiet ‘what?’
“i think someone else wants to hear the story of the argonauts,” she tells him, nodding her head towards ryder, who looked shocked that the attention was on him and quickly dropped his head and returned to his drawing. harley paled slightly and began wringing his hands, nervously.
“hey, dude, it’s okay. we’ll be right here the whole time. just start talking and it’ll just flow. trust me. it’s just like at the forge. it’ll start to flow,” leo cut in, setting a gentle hand against the boy's shoulder. harley took a deep breath before blowing it out.
“just like at the forge,” he mumbled before grabbing his drawing, his small fists crumbling the drawing the slightest bit before he moved around the table and up to ryder, who looked at him, intrigued. leo and y/n both leaned forwards to hear better, though they pretended like they didn’t, trying to give harley his space.
“h- hi, i’m harley. i’m from c-cabin 9, son of hephestus,” harley managed to get out, holding his hand out to the blonde boy.
“hey! i’m ryder! cabin 11, son of hermes,” ryder told him, proudly, shaking harley’s hand vigorously. harley couldn’t help but laugh at the rapid hand shake and y/n set her hand over her heart at the action, giving leo a look as tears filled her eyes. he laughed at the emotional daughter of poseidon, rubbing a hand over her shoulders.
“do you want to hear the story of the argonauts?” harley asked, tilting his head, much like leo. surely a habit picked up over time.
“totally!” ryder cheered, nodding his head as his blond hair ruffled about and he moved over, giving harley space next to him. when ryder looked away, harley gave the older couple a proud thumbs up with a toothy grin before making a shooing motion with his hands.
“are we being sent away?!” leo asked, incredulously, with his jaw dropped.
“i think so. little rascal,” y/n replied, shaking her head at him before standing up, taking both of their drawings. she shot a glance over her shoulder, watching the two boys excitedly talk to each other and tears filled her eyes all over again.
“i’m so proud of him. oh, gods, i’m gonna cry,” y/n gasp out, laughing at the craziness of it. leo laughs with her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. y/n started thinking about how she'll react when their son does the same thing, which brings on a whole new wave of tears. their son. leo and hers. y/n looked at him, her lower lip wobbling. he sees this, tilting his head, a little worried.
“i love you so much,” she whisper to him and he smiles, his brows unfurrowing.
“no need to cry about it, hun,” he laughs and y'n hits his ribs and shove him away from herself. he quickly comes back and wraps his arms over her shoulders, locking them together just over her chest.
“i love you too much to put into words,” he replied, shoving a kiss against her cheek.
“that’s a first,” y/n bit back, hearing a chuckle from behind and feeling the rumble of his chest against her back.
“leo, y/n, you’re off shift. we’re taking over,” will says, nodding towards one of the demeter guys he was with. she give him a thumbs up and a smile before a little girl looks over at them with sad eyes.
“y/n’s leaving?!” she asked, tears already pooling.
“hey, it’s okay. will’s a super good friend of mine and he’s so much fun! i promise you’re gonna have a blast, honey. plus, you get to spend tomorrow with me!” y/n tells her, rubbing a hand against her shoulder before nodding at will to take over, which he did, kneeling next to her and asking about her shirt to distract her.
“they don’t react like that when i leave,” leo pouted, slinging an arm over y/n's shoulder and she raised a brow at him.
“because you don’t interact with them, dear,” she mused, leaning into his side with a bright smile as they made our way towards her cabin.
“touche,” he replied, nodding his head before he glazed off for a moment before wetting his lips and opening his mouth, “do you think i’d make a good dad?”
y/n paused at her cabin door, frowning at this question as she looked over at him like he grew three heads.
“the best dad. what a stupid question. i expected better than that, hothead,” she tells him, swinging the door open and walking towards her side of the cabin, set aside for the girls, though it was just her.
“i’m being serious,” leo argued as he shut the door, still frowning a bit, “i mean, i have no idea what a good dad is supposed to look like. and i can’t talk to those kids like you can. and-”
“leo.” y/n cut in and he stops, snapping his eyes up to hers and taking a calming breath.
“if i thought you’d be a bad dad, we wouldn’t be together. if i had any inkling that i couldn’t put my future in your hands, i would have never wasted my time getting to know you. and you’re good with the kids, but in your own way. like, harley. you could talk that kid off a ledge. and it’s not just because he idolizes you. it’s because he trusts you, leo valdez. just like everyone else does. just like i do,” she told him, gently setting her hand against his chest. y/n reaches her other hand up to his cheek, rubbing it with her thumb. he draped his arms around her waist, pressing his head into the junction between her neck and shoulder. him, pressing kisses to the sun kissed skin. y/n paused for a moment before pulling him impossibly closer.
“i want one,” she muttered against his curls, hiding her head in his shirt. she could feel the confusion radiating off him.
“one what?” he asked, always wanting to meet her every request.
“a baby. of our own,” y/n whispers, her voice cracking a bit, the thought scaring but exciting her. leo pulled back to see her eyes, to which he smiled softly at the look in them. one he could only describe as love.
“me too, y/n,” he states, firmly, like it was already set in stone but then he tilted his head at her, resting his hand against her cheek, “but, it’s a bit early.”
“lee,” y/n pouts, sinking into his hand a little though she knew he was right. he laughs lightly.
“i gotta put a ring on that finger of yours first. get a nice house away from all the monsters and gods. then we can revisit this,” he reasons, tucking his hand inside of hers. he talks about an escape that will never come but she doesn't tell him that. instead, y/n closes her eyes and pictures the house, cozy and lived in. she pictures the wedding, leo at the end of the aisle in a suit, percy walking her down the aisle like she always promised him he would. y/n pictures the nursery, set up for a little girl who looks just like her dad.
“okay…we’ll wait then,” y/n whispers against his lips, pressing hers to his softly before pulling back, “i’d wait lifetimes for you; for that.”
“you won’t have to. not in this lifetime,” he mutters before pulling her back into his lips, more of a collision than a kiss. she couldn’t help but smile against his lips, knowing she'd found the kind of love she always wanted. the kind that transcends death and age; the kind of love that is generations in the making.
three years later, on that same day, y/n and leo would find out they were expecting their first child.
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genshinluvr · 11 months
Masterlist 2
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🔞 = Contains Smut, suggestive themes
❗ = Contains triggering content
🫧 = Self-indulgent (will make a separate masterlist for it soon)
🧋 = Author's favorites
🌸 = Requests
✨ = Mini-fics
🧧 = AUs
[All contents listed/linked down below are also posted on my AO3]
• [ Coming Soon ]
Not What You'd Expect [Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader] (One-shot series):
Summary of Not What You'd Expect [Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader]: Who knew that getting Isekai'd into Genshin Impact would get you into many situations that you've never thought you'd get yourself into! Whether the situation is life-threatening or just one of those soft and fluffy moments, you don't think you'd want to leave the game any time soon! And it seems like they don't want you to leave any time soon either! So, you might as well enjoy your stay while you're at it!
• Weaseling in (Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader, Neuvillette x Isekai'd!Reader x Wriothesley) [Published on July 23, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Weaseling in": The men left to grab some food while you stay back and wait for them to return. When they return, they see that you're not alone. The two strangers from Fontaine are chatting you up— only they recognize the two strangers with familiar faces from the last time you got lost in Fontaine.
• Sick Days 2 (Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on July 30, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Sick Days 2": The men are sick, and it's your duty to nurse them back to their healthy selves. Yes, the men are sick— all twenty-seven of them are ill, and you're the only one who's taking care of them. Some of them made it easier for you, but others made it complicated for you. It's a good thing you don't have emetophobia.
• Where I Truly Belong (Various Genshin Men x Villain!Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 6, 2023] ❗
Summary of "Where I Truly Belong": Your arrival at Teyvat was sudden and you thought you'd be welcome with open arms and new friendship. However, you were terribly wrong. You were ignored, threatened, and chased out of the regions in Teyvat. One day, on the heart island outside of Liyue, a portal opens and an opportunity is given to you. An opportunity where you have power and control over fate. Perhaps this is where you truly belong.
• Mr. Sweet Talker (Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader, Lyney x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 20, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Mr. Sweet Talker": Aether and Paimon managed to snag free tickets to the magic show in Fontaine! It's all thanks to a certain famous Fontianian magician. Who knew he could be such a sweet talker?
• Happily Ever After? (Various Princes!Genshin Men x Royal!Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 27, 2023] 🧧
Summary of "Happily Ever After?": There was a small kingdom on Teyvat where a king and queen kept their child locked in a tower for over two decades— the public and other kingdoms do not know what this royal Highness looks like, nor do they know much of this person. However, twenty-seven princes set off to free their royal Highness from their high-rise prison. Maybe you will finally get your happily ever after by finally getting your freedom.
• Burning Desire 4 [Al Haitham's Route] (Various Genshin Men x Iskeai'd!Reader, Al Haitham x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on September 3, 2023] 🔞
Summary of "Burning Desire 4 [Al Haitham's Route]": Awaken from your slumber due to the burning pit in your stomach, you decide to take a shower early morning, hoping it will cool you off. After your shower, you leave your bedroom to see a shirtless Al Haitham reading a book at your desk. You weren't sure why Al Haitham is in your bedroom, but he has his reasons for visiting you.
• Watch the World Burn (Various Genshin Men x Villain!Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on September 17, 2023] ❗
Summary of "Watch the World Burn": [This is part 2 of Where I Truly Belong] Those who have wronged you, chased you out of the region, and ostracized you will all go down with Teyvat. You will watch the world burn as bodies around you fall to the ground one by one.
• Where's the Update? (Genshin Filler Chapter) [April 1, 2024]
Summary of "Where's The Update?": You and the men go and visit the person who writes the script for every project you all do.
• [ Coming Soon ]
Brightest Star in the Universe [Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader] (One-shot series):
Summary of "Brightest Star in the Universe [Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader]": You were thrust into the world of Honkai Star Rail without warning and any recollection of your memory. Blade and Kafka refer to you as the fallen star. You don't know what it means, and you think it sounds ridiculous. After meeting the men from the Honkai Star Rail universe, these men can't help but feel drawn to you. As if there's this invisible line that's pulling them closer to you. Just when you thought your stay in the Honkai Star Rail universe couldn't get any weirder, the universe keeps proving you wrong.
• Anything for the Star (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on July 22, 2023/July 23, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Anything for the Star": March has a theory that the men would do anything for their precious shining star. However, you thought it was ridiculous. Due to you being skeptical about March's theory, March decides to put it to the test because those men would do anything for the star, right?
• Final Moments (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on July 30, 2023] ✨, ❗
Summary of "Final Moments": You're somewhere alone, bleeding, and on the verge of death. Everyone is scrambling to reach out to you, but you're not picking up your phone, and no one knows where you are. Not even Nanook knows your whereabouts. You didn't think you could die in a universe you didn't belong to, but you were wrong. At least you were able to hear their voices in your final moments, right?
• Seeing Stars (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader, Nanook x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 6, 2023] 🔞
Summary of "Seeing Stars": Your and Nanook's intimate moment was interrupted by your Astral Express traveling companions. Caelus spots a hickey on your neck, you make a poor excuse regarding that hickey, and all of a sudden, you find Nanook balls deep inside you. Needless to say, Nanook is called the Aeon of Destruction for a reason. And that reason isn't because of destroying the universe, but because he's going to be destroying your insides.
• Anything for the Star 2 (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 20, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Anything for the Star 2": After being sandwiched between Gepard and Sampo's chest due to March claiming you wanted to be sandwiched between the two men from Jarilo-VI, you fainted. You soon regained consciousness and now have to deal with the aftermath, and you're also on the hunt for March around the Astral Express.
• Trouble in Paradise (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 27, 2023]
Summary of "Trouble in Paradise": Nanook has always communicated with you through your dreams because both you and Nanook are connected with each other. But now that Nanook has taken a human form, there's no need to communicate through your dreams! You were certain that it was just Nanook who could communicate with you through your dreams until Phantylia showed up.
• To be Reborn (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Vidyadhara!Isekai'd!Reader) 🧧 [Published on September 3, 2023]
Summary of "To be Reborn": Waking up in Scalegorge Waterscape, you have no recollection of your past life. You are reborn— you are a Vidyadhara— hatched from an egg. A young blond boy awaits your rebirth, the same boy who volunteers to be your protector. Your past life remains a mystery. Your relationship with three particular men remains a mystery as they gaze at you longingly from a distance. Sometimes, it's a curse to be reborn.
• Well, Shit. (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Toddler!Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on September 17, 2023]
Summary of "Well, Shit.": Well, Shit. This isn't supposed to happen. How did this even happen in the first place? Yanqing was tasked to watch over you while General Jing Yuan and your traveling companions were out on a mission. Who knew it would end up with you turning into a toddler?
• Where Are the Updates? (HSR Filler Chapter) [Published on April 1, 2024]
Summary of "Where Are the Updates?": The person who writes the script for your and the men's future project is visiting the Astral Express. Everyone is wondering what is their future role in the projects (and Sampo is being Sampo)
• [ Coming Soon ]
Asks w/ Mini-fics:
• [ Coming Soon ]
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tkwrites · 5 months
Private Lessons - Quinn Hughes x Sarah (ofc)
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: Private Lessons
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah (OFC) 
Warnings: None? If I should add any, please let me know. 
Summary: As requested by @eyesthatroll, Quinn teaches Sarah to skate.
Word Count: 3,300
Comments: After taking a bit of a breather, I’m back with a requested fic. 2 months after you requested it, your wish is my command, Mari. I hope you enjoy it!
This was an interesting exercise for me to write something requested by someone else that wasn’t necessarily my own idea. I wrestled with it and got in my head a lot about it, but ultimately, I like the result I finally came to. 
Thanks for your patience and support. Please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see in their universe! I can’t guarantee I’ll write it, but I love the inspiration and challenge these requests bring! 
eyesthatroll asked: tory!! i absolutely adore your writing 🥹 maybe if it’s in your wheelhouse, you could write quinn teaching sarah to skate (or them going skating together) for the first time. i think that would be very adorable 😭 it’s totally fine if that’s not in the cards for the series though, don’t feel pressured! love ya! 🫶🏽
Private Lessons
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
At the end of every season we have a family skate. It's on the 15th. I'd like to bring you if you can come. 
Sarah knew this was a bigger deal than his crafted to be casual text was letting on. If it really was casual, he would have mentioned it before he left for the three game road trip.
She also knew dating a hockey player meant she would have to face her fear and past failure eventually. Even if a team event wasn't involved, it was such a big part of Quinns life. She wouldn't be able to avoid it forever. 
Does everyone skate? 
Usually yeah. Not all of the partners do, but most. 
I've never skated before. 
Desert flower, remember? she sent with a picture of a blooming cactus. 
He laughed. There are lots of different skill levels there. People bring their kids and stuff.
Meaning what? That I'll be the only adult with training wheels? 
No wheels ;) 
She sent a gif of someone rolling their eyes. I'd love to go with you, but I really don't want to be the only one who doesn't know what they're doing. Could I persuade you to give me some private lessons? 
I guess that depends on what you’re willing to give me. ;) 
I mean, there’s not much I wouldn’t give you. What do you want? 
A long pause passed in their conversation. When she finally read his response on her way home, her cheeks pinked so much, she had to put her phone in her bag for fear of giving herself away on the train. 
That’s how they ended up at a mostly empty training rink the Wednesday night after he got home. 
She found him waiting for her in the lobby, surrounded by a swarm of kids all jockeying for his attention. It looked like a whole little league team was getting out of practice or a game right as he arrived. They were so excited, acting as if he came in just to see them. 
Sarah waited off to the side, watching him sign autographs and give advice, and talk to each of them. She was tired and hungry, but seeing Quinn in this element gave her a new side of him to admire. He was patient and kind, and invested. She remembered him telling her how he always liked to talk to kids because he remembered how much it meant to him when his favorite players were willing to stop and talk. Seeing that quite literally come full circle was a gift she hadn’t expected to see.  
When he finally looked up and met her gaze, he flashed her a grin and mouthed, thank you. 
Smiling in return, she nodded to an empty room off to the side before settling in with her laptop to work on her publication. 
A big sigh announced his presence a while later, as Quinn slid down the wall to sit next to her on the floor. “Sorry about that,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her temple. 
“It’s fine. I always have stuff to work on, and seeing you with the kids is sweet.” 
“Winning me some brownie points?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows. 
“Like you even need them.”
Sarah closed her laptop and turned her head so they could finally say hello properly. 
He pulled her close to deepen the kiss. Even though he'd gotten back in town after midnight the night before, they hadn’t seen each other until now. He'd debated going to the aquarium after practice, but remembered they wouldn't let him back without a pass the last time he’d tried. Besides, he didn’t want to interrupt her work so close to finals. 
The urge to climb into his lap was so strong, Sarah had to pull back from the kiss before she made a public spectacle of herself. 
“I missed you,” he said, trailing a finger from her cheekbone to her jaw. It felt like the road trip was finally over now that she was back in his arms.
“I missed you, too.” 
“I have to confess something,” Sarah blurted, nerves eating her from the inside out as he showed her how to tie her skates.
Quinn looked up from pulling her laces tight.
“I’ve been skating before.” 
One of his eyebrows cocked up, “you have, have you?” 
“It was terrible. It was on a first date with this guy when I was a freshman, and I’m pretty certain the only reason he suggested it was so he could get his hands on me.” 
Quinn wrapped his hand around her calf and joked, “I guess it’s a good thing I’ve already had my hands on you, then.” 
“You’re not mad?” she said, surprised.
“About what? That I’m not popping your ice skating cherry?” 
Laughter barked out of her mouth before she explained, “no, that I lied. I mean, I didn’t really lie. We went on ice, on skates, but no real skating was involved.”
“Now I feel like you’re lying,” his voice was teasing. 
“After half a wobbly, too touchy lap, I fell and broke my wrist.” 
The bemused smile dropped off his lips, “oh my god, Sarah, why didn’t you tell me before?” 
Her bottom jaw moved as she worried the inside of her lower lip. “I didn't know when it would come up.” she said. “I mean, if anyone can teach me to skate, you can. But that's why I wanted it to be just us first.” 
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve broken lots of bones skating,” he said, stroking her leg. 
She smiled tightly. “I bet none of those were from you falling down.” 
“I don’t know, maybe? You’d have to ask my mom, but I fell plenty when I was learning, that’s really normal.” 
“It just feels like one of those things that I'll never live down, you know?”
“Well, you and I are the only ones that know now.” 
“Yeah and Josh Jackson and all those people at the Reno rec rink.” 
“You keep in touch with everyone who was there that night?” he joked, hoping she would see how ridiculous her worry was. 
A hand flew up to cover her face as she blushed. “I guess it just lives in my head every time I think about ice skating.” 
“I know the feeling, but it was one time seven years ago, right? And you’ve got a better teacher, now.” 
She dropped her hands so she could meet his gaze, giving him a hopeful smile. 
He changed the subject. “Are these too tight? Can you move your toes?”
“Yeah. I mean, no they're not too tight.”
He smiled, stood and held out a hand, “come on. I can't promise you won't fall, but I'll do my best.” 
As they walked through the tunnel to the rink, she said, “This is the weirdest feeling.”
“It can't be worse than wearing heels.”
“Have you ever worn heels?”
“Well, no,” he admitted. 
“Then you can't say a damn thing about it. At least in heels, the ball of your foot is on the ground. With this, it's like my feet are suddenly half an inch wide.”
“You're thinking too much.”
“What am I supposed to do, not think?”
“Don't think so much,” he said, stopping at the boards and turning around. “Okay, I'm going to get on and help you on, okay?”
She nodded. 
He bit back his smile at the determination on her face. “It's slippery, so be prepared.”
“Gee, thanks, Hughes,” she said, flatly. “I had no idea ice is slippery.”
He laughed. She’d never called him by his last name. Of course it would come out when she was nervous. 
“I'll have you the whole time. I won't let you go until you tell me to,” he promised, reaching to help her through. 
She stepped on and immediately over corrected, jerking back. 
He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her against him to keep them upright. “Calm down,” he said, trying to sound soothing. “I know it's a weird feeling.” 
In all actuality, he didn't know. He'd been skating so long it sometimes felt easier than walking.
 “Just hold on and let me pull you.” 
Skating backwards, he took her on a lap. Her fingers were hooked around his elbows, so he was forced to awkwardly hold the backs of her arms.
“Can you relax? I’ve got you.” 
She glanced down and felt her legs wobble. Visions of the ice rushing up to kiss her on the temple made her dizzy. 
“Look at me,” he said in a voice that couldn’t be ignored. 
Sarah met his eyes. The dim lights over the rink made them a sort of muddy green she’d never seen before. 
“If you keep looking down, you’re going to fall,” he said. “You go toward what you look at.” 
“I just want to make sure my feet are right.”
“Do you have to watch your feet when you’re walking?” 
“Well, no, but this is new.” 
“Sure, but once you get over the fact that you’re on the ice and used to your skates, it’ll start to feel more natural.”
“Yeah, I’ll just get over that.” 
He shook his head, and moved on. “Okay, start picking your feet up like you’re walking.” 
“Like I’m walking?” she repeated. “That seems really counterintuitive.” 
“It’s not that different from walking, you're just gliding instead.”
She leveled him with a deadpan, sarcastic look.
She was about to ask him how she was supposed to walk when she couldn’t lift her heel or push off with the ball of her foot, when she realized arguing his syntax wasn't going to get her anywhere. This was a case where she had to swallow her pride and ask for what she needed. 
“Can you break it down, like the physics of it, for me?” she asked. “It helps me to see all the steps before I do something.”
As he talked her through the mechanics of skating forward, she held onto his arm. She had so many questions he’d never considered, like how he used his edges to push off. 
Skating was so automatic on his part, he didn’t even have to think about it. He’d never had to break down what he was doing like this. 
Seeing how his legs worked up close and in slower motion helped her envision doing the same things herself. 
“Okay, come back here.” 
He moved in front of her again. 
“You make that look so easy,” she said, a bit of a whine in her voice. 
“Sarah,” he said, swallowing the bite in his tone, “I've been doing this for twenty years. I do this for a living. I'd hope I make It look easy. I couldn't take over writing one of your papers, or come into the aquarium and start taking care of Walter.”
“Yeah,” she said, resigned. 
“I know it's frustrating that you can't pick this up right away, but no one can. You can’t read your way into skating well.”
That touched a nerve and she glared at him. 
He let go of one of her hands so he could hold his up in surrender. “All I mean is that you just have to physically get used to it. How long did it take you to perfect your golf swing?” 
“That’s different.” 
“How is that different?” 
“I started that as a kid.”
“So? You can learn things now. You learn new things all the time.” 
“Yeah. It just feels so daunting. I really don’t want to look like an idiot in front of all your teammates.”
“No one will care. They’re just excited to meet you. We can come back every night I’m in town if you want. Or you can just not skate.” 
That caused distress to fly over her face. “No. I can’t do that.” 
“Why not?” He glanced behind him out of habit, even though there was no one else on the ice. It was a clean sheet too, freshly zambonied after the pee-wee hockey game that ended right before they arrived. Perfect learning conditions. 
Sarah recentered herself by pulling a breath down her spine, “this is such a big part of your life. I want to be able to participate.” 
“Yeah?” he asked, a half smile lifting the right side of his mouth. 
“Yeah, and like you said, I have a better teacher now.” 
“Tell me about your day,” he said.  
“Okay,” she answered, dubious of his intentions. 
“It’ll help you to stop thinking about what your body’s doing. I think you’ll find it will sort itself out if you let it.” 
He could tell she didn’t really believe him, but went ahead anyway, telling him about the little boy at the aquarium that afternoon who had insisted he’d caught an octopus as big as Walter and thrown it back the last time he and his mom had gone fishing. 
“I mean, maybe he did,” she said, shrugging. “But his teacher gave me this look like, ‘don’t believe a single word he says’. I felt bad, She just looked so tired of him.” 
Quinn laughed and decided not to point out that she was skating perfectly naturally now that she was out of her head about it. “What happened in class?” 
“Well, even if I get a C on my comparative physiology final, I’ll still pass the class.” 
“That’s huge, Sarah,” he said. 
“Yeah, it's such a relief, but then, Paul dropped that he's adding a test on top of our publication. Thankfully it’s not a huge part of my grade, but still, more on the pile. He’s calling it a review, but that just means it’ll cover everything we’ve studied this term.” 
“That doesn’t seem fair for him to add that at the last second.” 
“Well, he can do what he wants, so,” she shrugged. “He said he thinks we need it. I think he's just being a controlling jackass.” 
“Can't you report him or something?”
“For what?”
“For changing the syllabus so late.”
“Well, he's the head of the program, so I can't complain to him, plus if I went to the dean, I'm pretty certain she'd tell me ‘this is graduate school, and you should grow up.’” 
Quinn winced. 
“Yeah. He's just a dick because he can be. He’s the lord over this little kingdom and he wants us all to know it.” 
She shook her head, “I’m sorry, we can be done talking about him.”
“You can keep complaining if you want.”
“No, it's okay. It just makes me more mad, which makes me not want to study, which only shoots me in the foot.” 
“Okay,” Quinn said, “I think you’re ready for me to be next to you.”
“Yeah, you’ve been skating fine for the last five minutes.” 
She looked down as if to confirm, “I have?” 
“It’s not like you were standing still.” 
“But you’ve been pulling me.” 
“I was, but I’ve mostly just been holding your hand, keeping distance. You've been moving yourself forward.”
“Really?” Shaking her head, Sarah laughed a little to herself, “you really are a better teacher.”
He gave her a wink and spun to stand next to her. 
“Keep talking,” he encouraged. 
“About what?” 
She didn’t know what to look at now. There were empty stands, and scratched glass, and the whole smooth sheet of ice, lines etching a curving lacey pattern around the perimeter. 
“Whatever you want.”
“I don't -” glancing down, she remembered his advice and jerked up. The sudden movement caused her to promptly fall on her rear with a frustrated grunt.
Her hands fell to her sides in a gesture that said, why is this so hard for me? 
“You're doing great.”
“I just fell down.”
“So? I fall all the time. You just need to learn to get back up.”
He did fall, and she was always so impressed with his ability to just pop back up and continue playing as if nothing happened. 
He coached her back onto her feet, and they continued around the rink as he told her about the road trip he’d just come home from. Only five days away, but the comeback overtime loss and two wins made it a huge confidence builder. 
He admitted that though some of the strain was lessened for the next month with their guaranteed spot in the finals, he still felt so much pressure to perform. 
“There was this moment on Friday, though, where we were just gelling, you know, and it felt like ‘we deserve this now.’” 
“Of course you deserve it. You work your ass off for that team, Quinn.” 
Throwing her a thankful smile, he said, “I mean we all do it together.”
“And you’re a big reason everyone is buying in.” 
“Look at you, learning hockey talk.” 
“That is something I can read my way into.” she joked. “Plus your mom explained a bunch of the idioms to me.” 
He laughed. 
She fell twice more, but got up each time. The last time, she even managed to do it without his help. 
“You’re doing great,” he praised, moving in front of her again, “you’ll be a natural in no time.” 
Pulling herself to him with their clasped hands she winked, “it's because I have the best teacher.” 
She was close enough now that he would just have to lean in to kiss her. He did, because he could. They were apart so much, it only made sense to take advantage when they were together. 
Whenever people kissed on ice rinks in movies, Sarah was always struck with what a dumb idea it was. It seemed incredibly stupid to not pay attention to what you were doing on such a volatile surface. 
In reality, when Quinn kissed her, she melted. It felt so romantic. Cold, but cozy with his warm body pressed against hers, and the confidence in knowing he wouldn’t let her fall. The only sound was the pleasant scrape of their skates on the ice. 
Suddenly, everything she’d stopped herself from saying over the past few weeks came bubbling up into her mouth. 
Just the night before, she’d felt on the cusp of saying something other than “I miss you,” at the end of their goodnight phone call. She had bit it back, not wanting that first time to happen over the phone. She felt like the moment had to be perfect. 
Fuck that, she thought, now. She didn’t want to hold it in anymore. Plus, wasn’t this moment perfect enough? 
Pulling away, she waited for him to open his eyes.
After a moment or two, Quinn realized she wasn’t teasing, and met her gaze, “what’s wrong?” 
“Nothings wrong.” 
Suddenly, it felt too formal. They weren’t in the Elizabethan era where one declared their feelings in some kind of a grand speech, but she couldn’t not say it. It felt too disingenuous to keep holding it in. 
“I just…” she brushed her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck as she ran over a few possibilities in her mind rapid fire, dismissing them all for being too much. Honesty, it seemed, was proving to be the best policy. “I just really love you.”
Quinn could feel his eyes crinkling closed as his face melted into a goofy smile, one reserved only for family and people close to him.  
It felt like something broke open in his chest, finally set free. “I love you too.”
Sarah giggled and it came out a little watery. She never expected to cry when she told him, but her body always did like to cry over big emotions. 
Quinn wiped her tears away with his thumbs before tilting her face up to his. 
This kiss was softer, not as hurried. Desire giving way to something deeper – less fickle, and more settled. 
As they walked back to the locker room, Quinn realized, suddenly, that he'd left something unsaid. He tugged on her hand, and she turned. 
“I’m really proud of you,” he said. “I know you were really nervous.”
She leaned up to kiss him. “Thank you for being a very patient teacher.”
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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zairene · 8 months
TYPES OF KISSES. miles morales & hobie brown
* ˚ ✦ synopsis: their favorite types of kisses, or how they like to kiss you.
* ˚ ✦ genre: drabble / headcanon (?)
* ˚ ✦ author’s note: first fic back & its miles + hobie !! whoop ! also new layout because i really didn’t like my last one !
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MILES MORALES — forehead and cheek kisses ✦
miles morales kisses you on the forehead in those vulnerable moments. the moments where he’s giving you some sort of reassurance—this is with the assumption that you are aware of his superhero identity—letting you know that he won’t get hurt. he won’t put himself in danger to the point where he can’t come back from it. he’s broken this promise on many different occasions but it is not intentional. miles isn’t content with this lifestyle, but as long as he could protect his loved ones from the evil forces in this world he doesn’t mind. miles morales kisses you on the cheek in those innocent moments. when he’s dropping you off home after a date or when he’s proud of you for something you did. maybe even when he’s wishing you well after you have to go away on vacation for an extended amount of time. times like these often remind him that he’s still a teenage boy but burdened with the responsibilities of an adult.
HOBIE BROWN — neck, collarbone & on the lips kisses ✦
hobie brown kisses you on the neck when you both are cuddling in bed. when he doesn’t feel like turning your sleeping figure over to ask for one on the lips. hobie brown also kisses you on the neck when he gives you a hug from behind, often while you’re in a mirror getting ready for the day. “good mornin’.” his groggy voice would say, while you return the phrase with a soft smile on your face. hobie brown kisses you on the collarbone while giving you a massage—he’s good at giving those—you claimed that you “desperately needed” after a long day. his hands roaming your body, massaging every tense part of your body while you rambled on and on about your day. hobie brown kisses you on your lips whenever he just feels like it. you could be talking to him about something that happened and his hand would slither around the back of your neck and gently pull you in for a kiss. you would question him and he’d just shrug. “i dunno, just felt like it.” hobie brown also kisses you on the lips in your moments of despair. when you’re upset, crying, or just simply not feeling the best. his first instinct is to pull you in for a hug, giving you some words of encouragement or some advice if the situation needed it, then he would pull away and press his lips on yours, smiling sightly against them after realizing how much he misses doing that to you every single time.
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merthur fic recs: sof's masterlist
(inspired and encouraged by the ever-lovely @romanticeulogizingelegies <33 ilysm babes)
hello, there! these are fifteen fics that i've collected over the years as my favorite merthur fics of all time. they come in all sorts of genres and lengths and vibes, so buckle up!!
Sorcerers & Knights, and their long-lost Prince by DracoWillHearAboutThis [30k, 9/9]
"Can't you watch where you're going?!" Arthur snapped. 
"You ran into me!" the other man exclaimed, incredulous, and Arthur stilled because he knew that voice. And that accent.
He looked up and found himself face to face with a flushed, indignant Merlin Emrys, tour shirt drenched with coffee. Bloody hell.
"That shirt is Dior," was all that came out of Arthur's mouth, without his permission, and the singer's face hardened.
"Well, bugger for you," Merlin snapped. "Might have to wear off the rack, for a change, like the rest of us. Maybe the money you saved with that could go to your precious charity."
Arthur blinked, the blow of the other man's words not even hitting him before he heard Gwen Smith shriek from down the corridor.
"Merlin! You can't say that to the Prince of Wales, oh my God!"
Merlin is the lead singer of the popular British band called Sorcerers & Knights. Arthur is the Prince of Wales. Their paths cross and destiny unfolds.
fellow merthur/rwrb fans rejoice, this is practically a rwrb AU! except Merlin is the lead singer of a rock band, Sorcerers & Knights, and Arthur is the prince of Wales. the romance between the two of them is so insanely sweet, and i love all the outside commentary from the rest of the cast:)) i also recommend literally anything else by DracoWillHearAboutThis !!
Caesura by StormDancer [52k, 1/1]
Merlin is a writing prodigy with the world's most angsty case of writer's block; Arthur is an overachieving Econ major struggling to escape his father's shadow. Together, they fight crime!
Well, no, they don't. But they do fall in love.
College AU where Merlin is an undiagnosed unmedicated ADHD anonymous prodigy author who takes a course on his own work, meets Arthur, a fan, and they fall in love?? omg. on another note, Merlin's characterization in this fic is INSANE! he's giving deranged thought daughter and im obsessed
all ye faithful by schweet_heart [26k, 1/1]
After an eight and a half year absence, Arthur returns to his father’s house for Christmas, determined to find some closure and finally let go of the past. Merlin, as ever, gives him a reason to hold on.
wow. this fic. there's just so many good things to say about it, but i'll start with the beautiful depiction of parental abuse. Uther isn't physical, and he never does anything too obviously harmful, but it's the little things he says and the overall toxicity of his presence. and then the way he acts with Mordred, Morgana's son, while Arthur watches and wonders why his father never treated him like that?? it's brilliant. absolutely brilliant. the whole fic is a small town AU where Merlin and Arthur were together in secret and broke up as teenagers, and meet again when Arthur comes home. everything about this fic, from the breaking-up-and-making-up to the beautiful depiction of abuse, is so amazing.
Of Lemon Drops and Lizard-Cats by supercalvin [26k, 2/2]
When Inspector Arthur Pendragon went into work that morning he didn’t expect to get on the bad side of an attractive paramedic whose dessert-related insults were surprisingly scathing. Then the same man turned up at the police station, with a clever glint in his eye and his daughter in his arms.
When Merlin Emrys became a single father he made one simple rule: he wouldn’t date until Aithusa was old enough to understand. Merlin had always had his hands full with his daughter and never had a problem with this rule until Arthur stepped into his life. Then everyone he knew started conspiring against him.
single dad paramedic Merlin?? smitten detective Arthur?? mutual pining but self-forbidden romance?? it's amazing. and the domesticity of this fic... let's just say i finished it and couldn't stop thinking about families for the next week. the outside commentary from the rest of the cast in the department is top tier, and Aithusa as Merlin's daughter is the absolute cutest thing
wanna be your end game (my youth is yours) by ladililn [63k, series]
Merlin grows up in Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, so does Arthur.
this fic is actually a series, and it's genuinely so adorable i have no words. them?? growing up together?? badgering and arguing and teasing?? but truly being there for one another, always, when it came down to it?? elite. the absolute greatest. and their completely oblivious mutual pining never fails to make me giggle <3
after the storm (are you leaving) by Imagined, Scarlet_Ribbons [60k, 6/6]
“Gorwin is my King,” Merlin says, golden eyes fixed flatly on Arthur. “And I work for him. That’s what it says.”
“That’s what what says?” Arthur all but roars, wishing he had a sword just so that he could swing it at something. He needs to let all of this anger at something, anything, he’s just not sure at what and he doesn’t really care anymore.
“The treaty you signed."
Arthur lends Merlin's aid as a sorcerer to an allied kingdom. He doesn't expect to find Merlin, two years later, in shackles, and only a mere echo of the person he used to be.
this fic is beyond devastating. a warning that it is extremely dark, with a lot of addiction and (non-sexual) slavery. overall, though, it's so beautiful. the way that Arthur forces himself to allow Merlin to leave, and then finds him absolutely destroyed?? then stands by his side through all of it and never gives up on him?? such a beautiful fic, as well as everything else written by these two authors
secrets i have held in my heart by arthur_pendragon [20k, 8/8]
Merlin carves himself into Arthur’s soul while the song of summer trails behind them in the sultry air; while the trees haggle with the sun over the price of autumn — separation. Arthur will forever remember this week in which he obtained his heart’s desire and had it ripped away from him.
wow ok so i'm really not exaggerating when i say this is the best fic i've ever read in my life—it's so heart-stoppingly beautiful and painful and the writing is gorgeous and genuinely i don't even know how to communicate how good this fic is. it's friends-with-benefits but also secret-mutual-pining and angsty and hurtful and ahhhh. so so so good.
Next to You (It's the Rule) by LunaMyLove [62k, 8/8]
Arthur and Merlin have a special relationship. They always have, even when they were prince and servant. While many question it when first noticing, eventually it becomes an understanding in Camelot—and even among some other countries—that where there is Arthur, there is Merlin. And, where there is Merlin, there is Arthur.
Arthur and Merlin's relationship as witnessed and explained by others.
Also, or
Five times someone realizes that Merlin is the Queen, one time Merlin realizes it himself, and one time he owns it.
this is one of the funniest fics i've ever read! if you're familiar, it's very reminiscent of CaffeinatedFlumadiddle's writing. Merlin and Arthur's relationship is hilarious, very mischievous-cat and cat-owner. i also adore Mordred in this fic—he's so squishy and adorable idkidk
since we're alone, you can show me your heart by isolationqueen [7k, 1/1]
Going on a month long road trip though Europe with Arthur is probably a terrible idea. Only, Merlin has never been able to say no to Arthur.
modern road trip AU my beloved!! ughh i love the bitchy pining in this fic, and how protective and jealous Arthur gets. just them going from club to club in all these different places.... so good!! always recommend <3
More than I bargained for by follow_your_fire [27k, 3/3]
Arthur's had enough of hearing about Merlin's unsurpassed bedroom skills from his friends.
There's no way Merlin is better than him, is there?
Well, only one way to find out.
this one is for my porn-with-plot girlies!! Arthur being gay for Merlin is the funniest thing ever, and watching him be so bewildered and confused the entire fic but covering it up so that Merlin doesn't suspect a thing is top tier. and then Merlin being soft?? and loving?? and fluffy?? and then Arthur just doesn't know what to do..... SO GOOD!!
A Collapsing Star With Tunnel Vision by objectlesson [8k, 1/1]
“Perhaps we are doing her a favor then,” he says, pausing to chew the inside of his cheek before adding in a measured, careful voice. “I wouldn’t want to live without my love, either.”
Arthur whips around in the saddle to stare at him, eyes hard and dark, like the storm clouds building on the distant horizon. “What love? You haven’t got a love,” he snaps, like he’s the sole keeper of all Merlin’s secrets.
'Arthur acting different with Merlin alone than he does with the knights' my beloved!! this fic is so poetic and beautiful, with Arthur being ugly and mean but so in love and Merlin is equally so ahhhhh. so insanely good. lots of monster hunting and metaphorical discussions. im obsessed with this fic you don't even understand
Nicest Thing by idlestories [19k, 1/1]
Arthur has been best friends with Merlin since they were eleven, and in love with him since they were sixteen and he realised what that was. Too afraid to risk the friendship, he's resigned himself to never telling him how he feels.
Now, high school has just ended, it's their last summer together before university, and Arthur? Arthur is just trying not to think about it.
Featuring: loneliness, pining, drunk Merlin, driving lessons, and more than a few poorly-executed teen movie clichés. Covers June-December the year they start university.
this fic is so criminally underrated it makes me homicidal. one of my top three favorite fics of all time, do you understand me? it's so. it's so good. the pining?? the yearning?? the split as they go to different unis?? the summery poeticism of the writing?? i'll never get over this fic. i think about it every day. amazing.
time, mystical time by andiwriteordie [17k, 1/1]
Finally, the man tears his gaze away and meets Arthur’s eyes once more. “I seek the aid of your Camelot,” he says, but his voice sounds more hesitant now, as if he’s had to change his response for some strange reason.
Merlin can’t help but believe that reason is him.
“As for who I am,” the man says with a bit of a chuckle, and he glances around the room again at familiar faces, at his friends. “I am Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot.”
When a mysterious stranger shows up to Camelot claiming to be Arthur from the future and seeking help for his sick consort, Merlin learns some things about himself, about Arthur, and about a future he never dreamed was possible.
Arthur from the future time travels back in time to find Merlin, the only person powerful enough to save his cursed consort, an older Merlin?? i physically cannot. this fic is so good. shows two sides of the same coin (ha): Merlin and Arthur, established with Merlin's magic out and proud, and then Merlin and Arthur, unestablished and Merlin's magic still a careful secret. and Morgana in this fic is elite!! she's absolutely hilarious and completely done with merthur's bullshit
For Want of a Nail by 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf [235k, 44/44]
Fleeing from Essetir in the bloody beginnings of the Purge, Hunith finds herself on the doorstep of old friends. That's all it takes to untangle the skeins of destiny and weave a new tapestry.
long fic alert!! but oh my god i love this fic. Leon being Merlin's older brother?? elite. Arthur and Merlin going through angsty mutual pining?? top tier. and then later on, this fic features probably my favorite OC of all time: Bellegere, Arthur's cousin and Agravaine's daughter. i love her so much and you can pry her out of my cold dead fingers. just such a good fic!!
what is this feeling by redkay [13k, 1/1]
“Get out of my sight, and don’t come back until you can prove to me why I should allow you to remain in my service.”
Merlin stares at Arthur, confused. His tone was ominous, and it certainly sounded like a threat, but Merlin can’t quite work out what part is supposed to have him shaking in his boots. He’s halfway back to Gauis’ chambers when it dawns on him: Arthur actually thinks this stupid, degrading job is something he would be willing to fight for - as though Merlin’s life wouldn’t be complete without the honor of scrubbing the sheets Arthur manages to soil on a disturbingly regular basis.
In which it takes Merlin a bit longer to warm up to Arthur than it does in canon, but he gets there in the end.
we deserve more of Merlin being genuinely bitchy and pissy at Arthur!! the show really did make him Arthur's #1 fangirl wayyy too quickly, but this fic fixes that right up. it's so funny, but so heart-touching at the same time. a classic <3
wow, this list is so long overdue it's insane, but i think this was the right time to finally put it out there. i hope you like these fics!!
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circle-with-me · 1 month
in this light, you are mine - jolly karlsson x nick ruffilo
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collaboration with @deathblacksmoke
pairing: jolly karlsson x nicholas ruffilo
tags/content warning: ⚠️ 18+MDNI!! au of sorts // tattooer nick/non-bad omens band jolly,roommates to lovers, pining, rough oral sex (male receiving), handjobs, anal fingering, anal sex, overstimulation, cum eating.
tag list: @concretenoah @malice-ov-mercy @sitkowski @somebodyels3 @baddestomens @cookiesupplier @collective-heartbreak @tearfallpixie @broken0mens @collapsedglasshouses @lma1986 @lacktoesandtoddlerants @meekahy @to-be-written @sammyjoeee @catharsis-in-darkness @unicornfairytail @itsafullmoon @slutfornoahsebastian @cheyyyyr @agravemisstake
word count: 4.2k
sign up for my tag list here
author’s note: this fic has been teased for quite some time now and i appreciate everyone’s patience and support as we’ve shared snippets and hyped it up. working with my bestie @deathblacksmoke has been incredible. i think we’ve created something wonderful and hope to share more with y’all in the future. thank you to our lovely @darksigns-exe for the beta 🩷
dividers by @saradika-graphics 🩷
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“Where is it?!” Jolly grumbles, angrily sifting through his clothes hamper for the third time. He has checked his closet, under his bed, his drawers, the laundry room, everywhere for his favorite hoodie but it was nowhere to be found. The hoodie was a bright yellow and navy thing, very hard to miss. It was merchandise from a hockey team in his hometown in Sweden, even if they weren’t that great, it was still comfortable.
He racks his brain thinking of where it could be when he remembers his roommates' propensity to steal his clothes. Normally, Jolly wouldn’t mind sharing. The issue is that Nick takes his possessions without permission. His favorite snacks frequently disappear from the pantry; his shirts are stolen without being returned.
Jolly even found he had used the last bit of his very expensive shampoo when he was in the shower. He became so enraged that he jumped out of the shower in only a towel, covered in soap. The moment he located Nick he began shouting at him in Swedish, pointing the empty shampoo bottle at him. Nick just stood there, red-faced and flustered.
Jolly’s shampoo was left alone after that.
He surmises he’s discovered the culprit of the missing hoodie, instantly stalking down the hallway to Nick’s room. Jolly bursts through the door without knocking, annoyance plastered all over his face. The look swiftly fades as soon as he lays eyes on the younger man.
His roommate was indeed wearing his hoodie and while Jolly expected to be perturbed he instead found himself entranced. It wasn’t the hoodie itself so much but that he was only wearing the hoodie along with some white crew socks. It was so large on him that Jolly wasn’t even sure if he was wearing boxers underneath. He definitely looked, however, unable to take his eyes off how it had ridden up Nick’s thighs in the position he was sitting.
Nick says his name but it’s more of a question – an inquiry as to why Jolly just angrily stomped into his room. Jolly doesn’t answer, however, slowly backing out of the room and walking back to his own. He lies back on his bed huffing, attempting to make sense of what just happened.
They haven’t been roommates for long — maybe six months at the most. Jolly was left alone in the house after his last relationship ended. His band wasn’t big yet, but they went on small tours throughout the year. He didn’t want the house to sit by itself while he was gone so he placed an ad for a roommate.
Nick was the only person who replied that was even remotely suitable to live with. He had a job at a local tattoo shop and a good head on his shoulders. He even liked some of the same music as Jolly. Nick assured him that he was quiet and would barely know he was there, so he took a chance.
Their schedules being what they were, it was rare they saw each other during the day. Nick always stayed late at the shop and Jolly either was out of town or playing local shows late into the night. Both of them slept well into the afternoon if they didn’t have plans and kept to themselves.
One night, Jolly returned home to find Nick cooking, almost every dish in the kitchen was sitting dirty in the sink. Jolly had no idea how it took that many dishes just to make spaghetti, but he overlooked it. He teased Nick about what could possibly possess him to cook a whole meal at two in the morning and he shrugged as he handed Jolly a plate.
“My mama always told me that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
Jolly remembers how he had to fight away the butterflies in his stomach that night. The sweet smile Nick gave him didn’t help. The tightness in his throat made it difficult to swallow down the feelings he wasn’t ready to deal with yet.
After that, their late-night kitchen meetings became more frequent. They weren’t always over a huge meal. Most of the time they had stove top ramen or ice cream. Jolly finally felt like he was starting to get to know his roommate more, but the more comfortable they became the more he felt the need to pull away.
Jolly found himself staring at him longer than he should. He’d walk around in nothing but thin pajama pants, his soft belly slightly protruding over the waistband. Often he would catch himself wondering how it would feel to run his hands down the sides of Nick’s torso. Was he ticklish there? What kind of soft pretty noises would he make when he nipped at the flesh by his hip bo-
Jolly shakes his head, clearing the thought out of his brain. Just the memory of his filthy ideas were enough to get him worked up. He pinches the bridge of his nose, willing the stiffening in his pants to go away.
But he does feel something — a giddy sort of nervous energy when he arrives home to find Nick’s car in the driveway, wondering what he’s up to and hoping for another chat in the kitchen. A longing for Nick not to steal his hoodies, but to give them to him to wear when they’re apart. It’s a feeling he wasn’t expecting, hasn’t known quite this well before, but it’s enough.
It’s enough to have him moving back towards Nick’s door, knocking lightly before twisting the doorknob once more.
Nick sits perched comfortably atop his bed with one knee bent up against his chest and the other looped around the front of him. His arms are wrapped around his leg, head gently laid on top of his knee. The black-rimmed glasses he wears are screwed up on his face from the angle but he doesn’t seem phased by it. His black hair is tied into a bun that shakes slightly when he laughs at whatever he’s watching on tv. Jolly can’t seem to muster the strength to look away.
Nick glances over at him, propping his chin on his knee. He speaks but Jolly can’t hear him from all of the blood rushing through his ears. He’s far too preoccupied with the way Nick’s hand is now drifting against his thigh. Jolly swallows harshly, pushing his tongue out to wet his suddenly dry lips.
Nick smirks, patting the space in front of him. Somehow Jolly manages to push himself forward to sit on the bed with him. He opens and closes his mouth a few times to speak but finds he can’t articulate his thoughts. If he’s being honest, he’s unsure if anything going through his mind should be spoken out loud.
Jolly has a hunch that Nick knows what he’s thinking about though. He doesn’t miss the way Nick’s eyes wander, from his eyes, down to his lips and back up again.
Without thinking, Jolly takes Nick’s face in his hands and kisses him firmly on the lips. There’s no discussion, no exchange of words between them, but something about the look on Nick’s face told him it was okay.
Nick fumbles with the bottom of Jolly’s shirt to tug it over his head. Jolly complains to no one in particular about the inconvenience of clothes. Nick smiles against his mouth, nipping hesitantly at Jolly’s bottom lip. He breaks the kiss, to Jolly’s protest, lying back against his pillows in an invitation for him to follow.
Using both hands to spread Nick’s legs, Jolly kneels between them. He taps a finger on Nick’s knee as he contemplates where he wants to start first. He detects a hint of self-doubt on the younger man’s face and rushes to set his mind at ease.
Their lips collide with each other, to his surprise Nick is the first to request access with his tongue and Jolly gladly allows him. He moves his hands to the hem of his hoodie, gliding them up Nick’s thighs. He jumps at the contact and gasps into Jolly’s mouth. He chuckles, continuing his exploration.
Jolly wraps his fingers around his hips squeezing at the flesh. Nick makes another sound akin to a whimper. He squeezes again, another whimper.
“Mmm.. So responsive.” Jolly says, nibbling at Nick’s lower lip. “I haven’t even made it to my favorite parts of you, yet.”
Both hands slide up Nick’s belly, pushing the hoodie up as they move. His muscles twitch when Jolly’s fingers brush at the top of his waistline and he forces himself to hide a smile. Nick is ticklish. The flesh of his stomach is just as soft on his lips as he had imagined. The noises he makes when he sinks his teeth into him are even better.
Nick’s fingers dig into Jolly’s shoulders. Jolly bites down a little harder and he hisses, earning a quiet apology and his tongue soothing the area. Nick rolls his hips but Jolly presses him back down into the mattress.
“Patience, raring,” Jolly says, dragging his tongue over the patch of hair at the bottom of his stomach. “I’m still playing.”
Jolly feels his cock twitching against his chest. It takes every ounce of restraint not to pull him out of his boxers and suck him off. He hasn’t done that in a long time, though. Probably since his mid-twenties. His skills have gone to shit.
Nick interrupts his thoughts when he wiggles beneath him, a demanding whimper commanding his attention. Jolly cocks an eyebrow, waiting for him to use his words.
“Why’d you stop?”
Jolly crawls up his body, their faces now parallel to each other. Their lips graze, and Jolly pulls away playfully when Nick tries to kiss him.
“Sorry, love.” He pins him down with the weight of his hips, grinding Nick’s hard length against his own. “Bit distracted by everything I want to do to you.”
Nick wraps his hand around the back of Jolly’s head and crashes their lips together. The surprised noise he makes at his sudden surge of confidence turns into a strangled moan as Nick pushes his hand into Jolly’s sweatpants, closing his hand around his cock.
The expertise of Nick’s hand working him over has Jolly seeing stars. His touch is just on the right side of too rough. Reluctantly, he pulls Nick’s hand from his pants. Nick makes it clear he’s not pleased, however Jolly never lets go of his wrist—spitting in his palm and returning it, moving his hand for him to spread the saliva over his cock.
He stifles his moans against Nick’s mouth, and he swallows everything Jolly offers him. It doesn’t take long before he’s buried in the crook of his neck, hips desperately jutting into Nick’s fist. He nips at every centimeter of skin he can reach, uttering praises after each one. Nick’s hand moves faster in time with his thrusts, filthy gasps flooding his ears.
His orgasm builds quickly and he wants to succumb so badly, but he pulls Nick’s hand away again. He doesn’t complain this time, a smirk playing on his lips. Jolly sits up to catch his breath, passing a hand through his hair. Nick follows, seizing the opportunity to mark up his stomach.
Jolly can’t resist admiring him as he methodically nibbles his skin and soothes the area with his tongue. His thick eyelashes flutter so prettily as he blinks. The full lips that press against his body are soft, his top lip bearing a perfectly accentuated cupid’s bow.
His nose, Jolly thinks, is his favorite part. It grazes against him and he briefly wonders what it would be like to feel it pressed into his stomach while he’s deep in Nick’s throat. A shiver runs down his spine at the thought and he absentmindedly squeezes the back of Nick’s neck. His eyelashes flutter again; blue eyes moving upward to meet Jolly’s.
“Was starting to think you would never catch the hint,” He mumbles against his stomach, sucking another bruise into the flesh. “I’ve been waiting for a long time for you to make a move.” He slides his hands down Jolly’s sides, flexing his fingers around his hips.
“As you can see, I had to take matters into my own hands,” He pulls away slightly and Jolly’s grip on his neck tightens. It eases when he sees Nick’s fingers dipping into the band of his pants pulling them down enough to release his aching cock. The way that Nick licks his lips at the sight of him is dizzying.
“You mentioned one night how it drove you crazy to see your partners wearing your clothes. So I decided I’d give it a shot.” Nick takes him in hand, collecting the mess that had gathered at his tip. Jolly bucks into his hand and he smirks. “I guess it worked, huh, baby?”
Jolly removes his hand from Nick’s neck and places both hands on his shoulders, his hold now bruising. He’s putty in his hands and Nick knows it. A cocky smile spreads across his face as he slowly jerks him, occasionally placing soft kisses and licks on the head but nothing more.
“N-Nick…” He whines.
“Do you ever think of me?” Jolly groans at the question, his mind racing through all of the times he’s come over his fist thinking about the beautiful boy beneath him. He manages out a pathetic yes, eliciting a quiet laugh from Nick.
“I’ll tell you about a time I thought of you and then you can tell me one, how about that?”
Jolly doesn’t answer, he just stares down at him in anticipation.
“That day you got mad about your shampoo,” Nick giggles. “You came out of the shower dripping wet. Face all red. Yelling at me. So angry.” He wraps his lips around him and Jolly gasps. He pulls away as soon as he feels Jolly start to push into his mouth.
“It was so hot seeing you mad, hearing you yell in Swedish. You were so upset I bet you didn’t even notice how hard I was.” He reaches his hand underneath and massages him, a quiet “fuck” falling from his lips.
“You know, we should really invest in better towels, Jolls.” Nick says, wrapping his tongue around the velvety head. “I could see the outline of your dick through that paper-thin towel you had on. I came so fucking hard touching myself that ni-”
Nick’s sentence is interrupted by Jolly’s thick cock being shoved in his mouth. He waited as long as he could, but when a pretty boy is bragging about touching himself to the thought of his cock — why shouldn’t he give him what he wants?
Nick struggles to adjust to the girth in his mouth. Jolly grips his messy bun, his other hand grabbing his chin. He soothes his jaw, encouraging him to relax. With each thrust into Nick’s mouth, his eyes fill up with tears. The way he looks up at him as he swirls his tongue around him has Jolly feeling feral.
“That’s it, Nicky. Take it all. Cocky boys get their mouths stuffed.”
Muffled gagging noises send vibrations straight through him as he hits the back of his throat. A tear rolls down Nick’s cheek and he’s quick to wipe it away with his thumb, rubbing lightly over the cheekbone as a silent check in. Nick taps his thigh once in reassurance. Jolly smiles and praises him, his fingers twisting into the hair at the nape of his neck.
“You wanna know if I ever think about you, huh?” He grunts, rutting into Nick’s mouth. Nick hums in response, eyes fixed on Jolly.
“That night — God, that night you came to my show. We got really drunk afterward. You were bending over the pool table at the bar lining up your shot.”
“Had on those skin tight black jeans, fuck, when you looked back and winked at me. Knew you had caught me.” Jolly swears he can see Nick smiling around him. The glint in his eyes gives away that he remembers exactly what night he’s referring to.
“Couldn’t decide if I wanted to drag you into the bathroom or take you home and shove that pretty face of yours into the mattress.” Jolly pushes Nick’s head down further onto him and he gags. Tears fall freely from his eyes but he makes sure to give Jolly another tap to keep going.
“Instead I just fucked my fist in the shower when we got home. Moaning your name and hoping you couldn’t hear me.”
Nick moans at his confession, swallowing around him. Jolly throws his head back, pulling his hair by the roots. He slows down, drawing himself down his tongue until he pops out of Nick’s mouth. Gasping for air, he immediately grabs Jolly’s shaft to place him between his lips. Jolly laughs, pulling him off of him by his hair.
“Is my pretty boy drunk on my cock?” He breathes. Nick nods almost too eagerly, saliva falling from his open mouth. Jolly licks his lips, dragging them between his teeth. “Do you want me to fuck you like I’ve wanted to all this time? Fuck you in my hoodie and make you mine?”
Nick scrambles up Jolly’s torso to beg against his lips. Jolly lets him plead, plant kiss after kiss against him, relishing in the moment he’s wanted for so long. He gently pushes him back onto the bed, leaving Nick looking bewildered. He discards his sweatpants on the side of the bed, never breaking eye contact.
At the sight of Nick on his back for him, wide-eyed and eager but so very shy, his brain empties. This beautiful boy, putting all his trust in him, so pretty and pliable—he has to give himself a moment to enjoy it, to find his center.
Slowly, he lowers himself to cover Nick’s body with his own. As he kisses him, he savors the way Nick sighs into his mouth, threading his fingers through Jolly’s hair and relaxing further into the mattress.
He suddenly finds himself underdressed, completely bare above a mostly-clothed Nick, and he needs it to change immediately. Nick lets out the prettiest little whine when his boxers are slid down his legs. It’s music to his ears.
“Do you have—” he starts to say, burying his face in Nick’s neck, exasperated. Almost all of his confidence from moments ago has dissipated. It’s been a long time, is the thing. Without putting much thought into it, he couldn’t say when he last did this. He came in here so unprepared. But he has to get inside him. “Do you have lube, Nicky?”
Nick nods urgently. Jolly swears he can feel him vibrating beneath him.
“Bedside table,” he says. “Top drawer.”
He feels out of his element, shaky and unsure as he pours some lube out onto his fingers. He’s not exactly a novice, he has experience, but something about Nick and this entire situation makes him feel like a blushing virgin again. He has to make this good for him. He has to make it perfect so he can have it again.
Lying on his tummy with Nick’s legs slung over his shoulders, it all feels so real. Nick is the one presenting himself, vulnerable and bare for Jolly for the first time, but it’s Jolly who feels on display. It’s Jolly who feels like he has a hell of a lot to prove.
He gets his bearings with an experimental little swipe of his index finger around the tight ring of muscle. Nick moans so sweetly at the first push in, relaxing for him impressively, and Jolly finds his confidence coming back to him.
“Jolls,” Nick whines, already bearing down impatiently on his finger. The squirming has him wondering if he should press a hand to his hip, hold him down, but he decides against it. He’ll let the boy have his fun. “Jolls, please, more. I need it, baby, please.”
Never one to say no to such a pretty boy, especially when he begs like that, so polite, so sweet, he adds another finger. The relaxation, once again, is immediate. Nick accepts him so readily, almost like he was prepared for this but—no, he won’t think about that. Even as he pulls his fingers back out, going back in with a third just to see.
It’s a stretch, but barely. It’s suspiciously easy.
“You’re already open, aren’t you, love?” Jolly asks. Though the angle isn’t perfect to see Nick’s expression, he can see the way Nick lifts his hand and covers his face, so fucking shy. “Taking my fingers so easily, Nicky. You’ve been playing with this pretty little hole, haven’t you?”
God, he wishes he could see his face. He wishes he could have a hand on his soft skin as it heats with embarrassment like he knows it is right now. It’s enough, though, to see the way Nick nods so urgently. He knew it.
“Please, Joakim,” Nick gasps. He’s so desperate for it. Jolly thinks he feels pretty similar. “I need you to fuck me.”
How could he ever say no to that?
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For all of the urgency he felt previously, suddenly he finds himself no longer needing to rush. The man who is so beautifully wrapped around him breathes into him like he’s his only source of oxygen. He continues to meet Jolly’s thrusts even as they slow into a languid pace.
The slower Jolly moves inside of him, the more anguished Nick’s whimpers become. He presses his head against the pillow, moaning Joakim repeatedly and he isn’t sure he can go back to hearing him call him Jolly ever again.
He kisses the tears streaming down Nick’s face, whispering quiet praises. Alternating between his neck and clavicle, he leaves soft bites marking his territory. They’re mostly for him. A reminder to himself that this moment is real. For once, he’s not going to open his eyes and it all be a fantasy.
Jolly grabs the headboard for leverage; pushing long and deep strokes into him. His other hand holds onto his waist, pinning him down to keep him in place. He feels Nick squirm beneath him, desperate for more.
“J-Joakim.. Ahh.. Please..”
“Shh. It’s okay, love.” Jolly whispers into his skin. “You’re doing so good for me.”
Nick threads his hands into his hair, pulling him in for a needy, wet kiss. His efforts to plead for more again fail as Jolly grinds deep into him. He feels Nick’s legs tremble around him and he doesn’t mind when they loosen a little. He runs his hand up his thigh, back to his hip, and underneath his hoodie to Nick’s dripping cock.
He cries out, arching his chest into Jolly’s as he begins to jerk him just as slowly as he rocks into him. Nick whimpers something unintelligible, squeezing his eyes shut. Jolly observes him as he falls apart beneath him, never imagining anything or anyone could be this perfect.
“I-I.. F- Oh-oh my god.” Nick stutters, dragging his lips between his teeth.
“I know, baby. It’s a lot isn’t it?”
Jolly’s question is answered when he feels Nick clench around him. He loses his grip on the headboard nearly falling on top of him but manages to recover in time. His resolve breaks, snapping his hips and moving his fist over Nick faster. He gasps then whines and Jolly fucks him harder, desperate for him to make that sound again. Nick’s cock twitches in his hand, and he feels him tighten once again.
“You’re so close, raring. I can feel it. Let go for me, I’ve got you.”
Nick chokes out a sob; white hot ropes of cum pulse over Jolly’s hand and onto Nick’s belly. Nick watches as he works him through it, panting, fingers clutching the sheets. Jolly presses their foreheads together and their eyes meet. Nick pushes his hair out of his face, pressing their lips together. Jolly sighs against his mouth, kissing him harder, lips curling into a smile before he’s gasping and releasing inside of him.
He’s barely caught his breath before he releases his hold on Nick, pushing his semen coated fingers into his mouth. Jolly hums, savoring the flavor - he tastes just as good as he imagined. Nick wraps his hand around his wrist, tugging his hand towards his own mouth. Jolly smirks, allowing him to taste what remained of him. It’s a filthy yet beautifully intimate moment between them, and he can’t look away.
They settle into each other's arms, sinking as far into the mattress as possible. The silence between them is comfortable. He listens as Nick’s pulse slows down; the rise and fall of his chest lulling him into a sense of security. He wants to tell him everything, every single thought and feeling roaming inside of his head. For the moment, he’s perfectly content laying here with his beautiful boy, softening inside of him.
Jolly’s fingers twist around the hoodie strings. It’s almost funny how upset he was such a short while ago. He can’t imagine it belonging to anyone but Nick now.
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augustghosts · 4 months
Stewy Hosseini x female reader
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A classic tale of fucking your ex at your friends wedding. We’ve all been there, I think.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: 18+ pls, minors will be blocked! Not proofread which is defo a warning, lmk if you spot anything ive missed. Smut. Oral f!recieving and protected pinv. Alcohol and drugs are mentioned slightly.
Little authors note sorry: Hey everyone i am actually alive lol. 5 months later i return writing for someone new… not out of character for me. I watched succession for the first time recently (late asf to the party i know) and i read some amazing stewy fics so i thought i’d add my piece because i’m obsessed with him. Sorry to all my tommy miller babes on here, i swear i tried writing for him again but my inspiration for tommy fics seems to have gotten lost. I really struggled when i tried finishing my half way done tommy series lol. But when i started writing this one it just floooowed and i finished it in like a few hours. Maybe my tommy love will come back someday but for now…. This. Hope someone out there enjoys lol <3
You’ve felt eyes on you all night. Everywhere you go you end up meeting his eyes across the room. Eveytime you look over at him, he’s already looking. He should be the one that's embarrassed, you’ve caught him looking at you multiple times, but you’re always the one who ends up looking away first and feeling your skin heat with the embarrassment of being caught. While he shamelessly stares at you over the rim of his glass, that awful fucking smirk gracing his lips and he watches you squirm. Honestly, it’s kinda creepy. And you almost hope he approaches you so you can tell him that.
Towards the end of the night he starts to close in, starts inching closer to you. He starts making conversation with the people around you, people at the bar next to you, and eventually your friends. Asking them how they are, how it’s been such a long time. Then, he finally gets to you. He takes his time looking you over before he speaks and you’re determined not to be the first one to talk, so you let him stare. Both of you standing in silence for a few seconds before he finally speaks.
“You look great.”
”Thanks.” Keeping it simple seems safe. You want to tell him he looks good too because fuck, he does. He always does. He notices your eyes drifting over his suit and tie and he chuckles.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“Uhm,” He trails off - pretends to think. “I’m at a fucking wedding, and i’m enjoying myself.”
”Yeah?” You ask, he nods in agreement. The way his eyebrows raise tells you he’s still being sarcastic, still mocking you. “Watching my every move all night is how you enjoy yourself?”
“Actually, yes.” He confirms. “Watching you squirm all night was pretty fun.”
”I wasn’t.” You attempt to defend yourself, downing your drink. “I was just-“
“I’ll get you another.” He cuts you off, snatching your glass out of your hand - not even bothering to ask. You almost try to protest, but you don’t see the point. You know him too well, you know how stubborn he is, once he gets an idea it’s hard for him to let it go. If the idea he’s got tonight is paying for your drinks, then so be it - who were you to complain. You sit down on the stool next to you, watching as Stewy makes the bartender laugh as he orders your drinks. You're kind of pissed that you still can’t figure him out sometimes, you know him better than most people - maybe better than anyone, but he still confuses you. It has been a while since you last saw him, but you conclude that he hasn’t changed much.
When he comes back with your drinks he puts yours down in front of you and asks: “Still your favorite?”
You nod, kind of pissed that he got it right. You try to convince yourself that he didn’t actually remember that small detail. That he’s just been watching you order them all night during your staring competition.
“So, how’s your family?” You ask, cringing at how lame you sound. You just don’t want to let him start a conversation you don’t want to have.
He smiles, because he knows what you're doing. “They’re fine. I still don’t see them much, but they’re good.”
”You’re still too busy to see your family?” You joke.
“Mhm,” His smile almost looks genuine as you joke with each other. “I’m always busy.”
“Busy stealing people's money?”
He laughs then, a genuine laugh that makes you laugh as well. God, you don’t want to admit that you missed him. But everyone else just seems so boring after him, you’ve never found the same thing you’d had with him with anyone else.
“You never really understood business did you?” He laughs.
“I understand perfectly.”
“Sure,” He agrees. “I explained it to you enough times.”
“Yeah, and bored me to death.”
”Is that why you broke up with me?”
His question completely catches you off guard and you almost choke on your drink. You almost want to ask him if he purposefully said that while you were taking a sip, but you’re too busy trying to supress your coughing.
“Jesus, it was just a question.” Stewy laughs at you again, his warm hand coming to rest on your back as he watches you almost choke.
“Fuck you.” You say pointedly, after getting yourself back under control. ”You know why we broke up. Also, I broke up with you?”
”You did.”
“Stewy, it was amicable.”
“Was it?” His face goes serious again and you instantly miss the sound of his laugh. You just sigh, taking another sip of your drink. This was exactly the conversation you didn’t want to have.
“I thought you said you were enjoying yourself,” You say after a few moments of silence. “Don’t ruin it now.”
”I lied.” He says. “I always hated those two, I can't believe they actually got married.”
”Match made in hell.” You agree, both of you laugh softly again.
“You know I also lied earlier when I said you looked great.” He says, surprising you. You brace yourself for whatever joke he’s going to make about you, you shouldn't have pissed him off, he can get mean when he’s pissed off. It’s not his fault, it’s just his defense mechanism - but nevertheless you brace yourself for his comment - and he surprises you again by saying: “You look fucking incredible.”
You open your mouth to speak, but no words come out. You opt for another sip of your drink instead and he watches you in amusement.
“I only came because I hoped you would be here,” He continued. You still can’t tell if he’s being serious or not, that damned smirk on his face makes you think he’s making fun of you, but those big brown eyes look so sincere.
“Stewy, stop.” You sigh.
“Come on, baby.” He murmurs, he leans forward in his chair and places his hand on your knee. The nickname makes you tense up. Makes a familiar heat spread through you. “Let me get you another drink and take you up to my room.”
Fuck. He’s fucking good at this, and he knows it. He knows exactly how to get you. You’re trying to think, but the alcohol and the way his thumb is rubbing your knee is clouding your mind. He waits patiently, watching as you look down at his hand and back up to his face. Your eyes stop at his lips before meeting his gaze.
“Alright,” You say, you swear you can actually see his eyes light up. “Go get me another drink and show me your room. Then I'll decide.”
“You got it.” He grins and practically jumps out of his seat. When he returns he holds out his hand to help you off your stool, the heels you decided to wear and the drinks weren’t a good match. He hands you your drink, although you don’t really want it now. His hand finds its place on the small of your back and a fire lights up somewhere inside of you. His touch feels so familiar - comforting. He leads you out of the bar and to the elevators. Punching in the right number before the doors close, leaving you both alone in the small space. It suddenly feels too quiet.
You want to touch him, but once again you don’t want to be the one to make the first move. You don't want him to know how desperate you are for him, although you think he already knows. He’s watching you in silence, his eyes dark and wanting. A look you’ve seen a million times before - a look that makes you excited. The elevator ride is short, Stewy isn’t the type to kiss you in an elevator, and you know that, so you’re not disappointed when the doors open and he hasn’t touched you or said a word.
He gestures for you to leave first, putting his hand on the door so they don’t close on you, or him. Some people would find this strange, the silence, but it’s a game you’ve both played with each other before. A game you both enjoy. He guides you to his room with a hand on your back, just like before. When he unlocks the door and opens it for you, you suppress a gasp. As usual, Stewy needs to have the best of the best. The bride and groom's room probably isn’t even this nice. They probably couldn’t afford it - Stewy can.
“Well?” His voice sounds from behind you.
”What do you think? You said you would decide when you saw the room. Is it good enough for you?”
”Uhm,” You pretend to think as you set your drink down on the dresser, turning around to dramatically inspect the room. It earns a playful eye roll from Stewy. He knows what impresses you and he knows he already has you. He already had you down at the bar.
“I think it’s okay.” You conclude, turning to face him. He hums in sarcastic agreement, looking you up and down. He’s playing the game again, who is going to end it first. Who is going to lose. You don’t like losing, and neither does he. But honestly, haven’t you already lost? He has you in his room for christ sake. He has you standing in front of him, already dripping and all he’s done is touch your leg a little and look at you the right way. So you put aside your pride and step towards him, you bring your hands up to his cheeks and roughly bring his face down to your, finally connecting your lips.
His hands immediately find their home at your hips, pulling you tightly against him. The kiss immediately turns from an innocent kiss to a hungry and passionate one, his tongue dominating your mouth. You both know each other's bodies so well, there's no need for taking it slow or asking questions.
“Fuck, Stewy.” You sigh as he backs you towards the bed, gently setting you down and climbing over you. Kissing every inch of your skin.
“God, I missed that.” He groans, marveling over the way you sigh his name. “I missed you, baby. I can admit it. I want you so badly.”
You moan softly at his words, at the way his lips feel on your neck - at how right this feels. You had missed him too. He catches you off guard when he pulls away to ask, ”Have you been fucking other people?”
“Sorry?” You giggle, “Why are you asking me that now?”
”Have you?” He presses.
“I ju- maybe.” You stutter, already missing his lips.
”I know you’ve been fucking as well.” You accuse, suddenly defensive. You push yourself up onto your elbows, despite still being trapped underneath him.
“Yeah, I have.” He says coolly.
“So?” You ask, irritated. Why was he doing this?
“So, none of them were as good as you.” His words earn an eye roll from you. “Nothing can compare to this pussy.” He adds, his hand sliding down to roughly grip your thigh and bring it over his waist. Oh, shit. His half hard cock is pressing perfectly against your pussy in this new position, the material of your dress and his suit pants keeping you apart. “And, i bet none of those guys fucked you the way i do.” One of his hands comes up to grip your chin, his other keeping him above you. He forces you to look him in the eyes as he asks, “Did they?”
“No.” You practically squeak. “None of them were like you. No one is like you, Stewy.”
You’re not even lying, after having sex with Stewy for so long nothing compared. You had gotten accustomed to a man who knew what he was doing, to a man who was generous in bed. You had gotten used to a man who could make you cum. No one had achieved that after him. Your answer obviously pleases him, he grins and leans down to kiss you again.
He ends the kiss and stands up leaving you spread out on the bed, you whine underneath him, chasing for more. He ignores you and slips off his suit jacket. He makes a show of undoing the top button of his shirt and loosening his sleeves in order to push them up to his elbows. Fuck, he looks so good. You almost want to tell him, but you don;t need to. He can see the way you're watching him, that look in your eye. He knows what you look like when you’re turned on - and this is it. He grabs your thighs and pushes your dress up to your waist, getting a good look before sliding your panties down your legs, throwing them over his shoulder somewhere.
“I’m gonna fuck you like you deserve, baby. I know what you need. I can’t wait to taste you.” He rambles as you whimper in anticipation, he presses a kiss to your ankle as he watches you buck your hips.
He has his mouth on you before you can respond. Just as you remember, he is painfully and infuriatingly good at it. He still eats pussy like it's his second nature. He still looks up at you through his gorgeous lashes as he traces your clit with his tongue. He has to hold back from grinning against you as you writhe and whimper. He groans as you sigh his name and run your hand through his hair. You remember how much you love it when he’s like this, when he's animalistic and loses his composure.
Your legs tighten around his head as he digs his fingers into the flesh of your thighs. It’s fucking embarassing how quickly you barrel towards your climax, but it has been a while. And no one else devours you like this, no one else is this good. You should have expected it. He recognizes it immediately, breaking away from you for a second to speak.
“Are you gonna come for me, baby?”
“Yes! Please, Stew.” You moan, your hands grabbing at his hair attempting to push him back down. He smiles wickedly, licking his lips as he watches you.
“God, I love it when you beg for me.” He mumbles before diving back in, allowing you to push his head down and maneuver him.
"Please make me come," you groan, arching your back. “I'm so close, don’t stop.”
And he doesn’t stop, he continues to lap at you and work you though your orgasm as you come against his mouth. His beard delightfully scratches your sensitive skin, leaving behind a delicious burning feeling. He’s painfully hard now, after watching you come and hearing you moan his name. You begin to push at his head when you come down, usually he would tease you a little now, knowing how sensitive you are and make the most of it. But he’s so fucking desprate for you, he has been all night. He’s been dreaming about being inside of you for hours now.
He’s instantly on his feet, undoing his belt and undressing. You follow suit, weakly sitting up - doing the best your legs can do when they feel like jelly, you lift your dress over your head and throw it on the floor with his clothes. He’s climbing back on top of you, kissing you hungrily. His lips and chin are still wet with your juices and you moan into his mouth as you taste yourself on his lips.
“How do you want me?” You ask breathlessly, fully prepared to submit to him- to do whatever he asks.
“Fuck,” He groans at your words, having to pause for a second. “Can you turn over for me?”
You smile, leaning up to kiss him one more time before turning over and crawling to the middle of the bed, pushing yourself up onto your knees and holding yourself up on your elbows, so your back is deliciously arched the way you know he likes. You grin as you hear him groan behind you, his hand petting your ass before he delivers a light slap to it. He steps away from you and you hear the rustling of a condom wrapper, did he have that in his fucking pocket? His words from earlier repeat in your head, ‘I only came because I hoped you would be here.’
“Plese fuck me, Stewy.” You moan softly, knowing exactly what he wants to hear. “I need you.”
”How bad?” He teases. The head of his cock is ever so slightly pressing against your entrance, he’s hardly holding back as he waits for your answer, pushing in slightly.
“So bad,” You sigh, pushing back on him so he slips easily inside of you. You both moan loudly, you love that he’s so loud and shameless in bed. He stays still once he’s bottomed out.
“Yeah?” He says through gritted teeth.
“Yes! Please move. I need to be fucked properly, only you can do it.”
The sound he makes behind you is heavenly, you knew that would work. He pulls out of you before pushing back in slowly. He always does this, he starts slow and then builds up to a bruising pace. All you can do is whimper beneath him and beg for him to fuck you faster. Your pussy sucks him in greedily, his cock pushing against that spongy spot inside of you with every thrust.
“You take me so fucking well. Like you were fucking made for me.” His voice is deep and raw.
”I think I am,” You moan. “You feel so fucking good!”
“Are you gonna come for me again, sweetheart? Gonna soak my cock?”
All you can do is furiously nod your head and moan beneath him, the sounds of your pussy squelching as he fucks you is almost embarassing. You don’t have time to think about it because he’s pulling out of you and gently flipping you over onto your back. He lifts your legs and rests his knees on the bed, throwing your feet over his shoulders and he leans over you. He guides his cock back into you and dives down to kiss you, his tongue pushing past your lips in a messy kiss. You’re both moaning into each other's mouths, not minding when your teeth momentarily clack together.
“Come on gorgeous,” He groans, he’s breathless - pressing kisses to your face between his words. You can tell he’s close too. “Come for me. Squeeze my cock. Let me fucking have it.”
He feels you tighten around him as you come, his name leaving your lips like a fucking prayer. Your hands tightening around his neck, nails digging into his skin.
“Fuck, that’s it. You look so beautiful, baby.” He talks you through it, still fucking you as you come around him.
“Oh my god,” You moan. “Come inside of me, Stewy.”
You know he’s wearing a condom, but the dirty talk is hot. He thinks so too, because that's all it takes for him to come. His head is buried in your neck, his teeth biting into the soft skin under your ear. No doubt leaving a mark, but you’ll worry about that tomorrow. Right now all you can think about is how hot he sounds when he comes, you love that he isn’t quiet, that he isn’t afraid to groan your name into your neck.
He stays still for a second, lifting his head and kissing you - gently this time, before he pulls out. You rest for a minute while he discards the condom. You hear rustling and sniffing while he’s in the bathroom and you almost want to yell out to him - this is why we broke up. But you ignore it, getting up from the bed and breezing past him as he leaves the bathroom. You close the door behind you, taking the hotel robe off the back of the door and cleaning yourself up, doing what you need to do. You wonder if you should shower, but decide you should probably go back to your own room to do that.
When you leave the bathroom he’s sitting in the bed under the covers, the tv remote in his hand. Your dress and underwear have been picked up and folded on the chair beside the bed. It makes you smile, how can someone be so thoughtful but so selfish at the same time. That’s why you broke up, you need to keep reminding yourself.
“So, I guess I'm gonna go back to my own room.” You say as you gather your things. You’re on your way back to the bathroom with your clothes when he speaks up.
“Okay,” He says, respecting your decision. “Why?”
”Why?” You repeat, stopping your tracks. “Don’t you want me to go?”
”No. I want you to watch tv with me.”
”Seriously?” You laugh before you realize he’s being serious.
“Yeah, seriously.” His face is impassive, and hard to read. But you can’t resist those big brown eyes and you drop your clothes back onto the floor and slip into bed with him.
“Hey,” He whines as he looks at your dress. “I picked that up and folded it for you and you just threw it on the floor again.”
“Sorry, how rude of me.” You laugh at the mock pout on his face. You’ve sat pretty far away from him and he eyes the space between you.
“Come here.” He says lifting up his arm so you can cuddle into his side. God, you shouldn’t be doing this, you should have left. But he smells good and this bed is so comfortable.
“Will you stay the night here?” He asks quietly
”I shouldn’t.” You sigh.
“I know.” He agrees.
Of course you end up staying the night, Stewy is very convincing. With his promise of round two and a warm shower in the morning, it’s hard to resist. He also promises an expensive breakfast after the shower, but he says, ‘only if you behave yourself.’ You spend the whole night talking and laughing with him. Not only is he the best fuck you’ve ever had, he’s also the funniest person on earth. He’s got the kindest eyes you’ve ever seen but he’s also the biggest assole you’ve ever met. He’s so confusing, but that night you decide that maybe taking a little more time to try and figure him out won’t be so bad - only time will tell.
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trustfratedjin · 10 months
Aight, here we go
Keep in mind that the 18+ warning does NOT only apply to smut, so please read the individual warnings on EVERY fic, thank yeowww :)
Little Do You Know by @yoongiofmine Complete 18+
Relax, It’s Our Honeymoon! by @birchandspruce Complete 18+
You Complete Us by birchandspruce Complete
wild, wild, wilderness by @kimnjss Complete 18+
home sweet castle by kimnjss Complete 18+
The Plot Twist ft Soulmate!AU by @blog-name-idk Ongoing 18+
The Line Between Love And War ft Soulmate!AU by @purpleyoonn Ongoing
baby (you complete us) ft Soulmate!AU by purpleyoonn Ongoing 18+
Unorthodox by @beahae Ongoing 18+
The curious move-in to apartment 27 by @sor-vette Ongoing 18+
Got the music in you baby by @minniedaisies One Shot
Love Starved by @hollyhomburg One Shot 18+
The Sex Strike by @borathae One Shot 18+
The Book of Soulmates by @alpacaparkaseok Complete
Moonchild by @jeonggukkiepabo Ongoing? idk hehe 18+
Between The Bloodshed by @agustdakasuga Complete 18+
Ethereal ft Fantasy!AU by purpleyoonn Complete 18+
Ride With you by @jellifysh Ongoing 18+
The Way Of A Criminal by agustdakasuga Ongoing 18+
Thou Shall Not Steal by @xherxx Ongoing 18+
House of the Omegaverse ft Dark!AU by @sopejinsunflower Complete 18+
Lone Wolf by @sopebubbles Ongoing 18+
Before I leave you ft Dark!AU by @hollyhomburg (READ THE TW FOR REAL) Ongoing 18+
Royal!AU / Historical!AU
The Return of an Empress by @you-are-my-joy Complete 18+
Fall of Empire by @aloneatpeace Ongoing 18+
Abundance by @angelicyoongie Ongoing 18+
100% sure i've read more but i can't remember any of em rn lol
Death Valley by @bangtangalicious Complete 18+
Everything Falls (Into Place) by blog-name-idk Complete 18+
Thesis It by xherxx Complete 18+
The Apartment Games by @softiejoon Maybe discontinued but here for the aesthetics
Kings of Campus by @luxekook Ongoing 18+
Journey to the dick by @whatifyoulivelikethat One Shot 18+
Sharing is Caring by @theharrowing One Shot 18+
Recrudescence ft Idol!AU by @chimchimsauce Complete 18+
To have, to hold, to make you stay by sor-vette Complete 18+
All the Kinks ft Multifandom, Multi!AU’s by @helvonasche Complete 18+
Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things by jellifysh Complete 18+
Boyfriend for Hire by @remedyx Ongoing 18+
Audios by @youmyjhope 18+
Sh. by @wwilloww Ongoing? idk hehe 18+
Need by @bang-tan-bitches ft KNJ, JHS and MYG ft A/B/O!AU Complete 18+
The bias room by @chimivx ft MYG, KTH and JJK One Shot
Desperate by borathae ft PJM, KTH and JJK One Shot 18+
Floored by @lavienjin ft JHS, PJM, JJK One Shot 18+
Stretch You Out by @chateautae ft KNJ and JJK One Shot 18+
bitten & knotted by @jamaisjoons ft JHS and KNJ One Shot 18+
Magic Hands by @breadoffoxy ft PJM and KTH Complete 18+
Fucking Around by @tanniefm ft PJM, KTH and JJK One Shot 18+
The Art Of Self Restraint by @scribblemetae ft PJM, KTH and JJK One Shot 18+
The Sope Surprise by @chelsea-chee ft JHS and MYG One Shot 18+
The D Box by breadoffoxy ft KSJ, MYG and JJK One Shot 18+
Swiss Miss by @here4kpopfics ft KNJ and KSJ One Shot 18+
Bigger & Better by lavienjin ft KNJ and KTH One Shot 18+
Package Deal by @hoseokhasmyheartxx ft JHS and MYG One Shot 18+
Rain On Me by @dawnagustd ft KTH and JJK One Shot 18+
When i tell you my hand is cramped from all the clicking and my eyes are blurry for staring at the screen for 8+ hours...
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Stay tuned because I still have to post the recs from each member and one final giving a massive shoutout to all my favorite BTS fic authors of all time (including everyone here and many more hehe)
You'll notice that some authors weren't properly tagged, that's cause tumblr wouldn't let me tag more than 50 users, so I made sure to tag the writers AT LEAST ONE TIME in case there were more than one of their works mentioned here :)
Btw, if any of the links don't work or there is a mistake or anything, please let me know so I can fix it :)
373 notes · View notes
kiki-writes-stuff · 4 months
𝐓𝐞𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐓𝐞𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : none
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐥: please note that I'm a manhwa only, so my perception of the boys is based solely on what we've seen up till chapter 60 of the manhwa and researching their wiki pages and mbtis (studied for it like a damn test omg 😭).
a/n: this was inspired by this fic by @starry-nights-garden, ik ya'll are here for testar and not ateez, but they're an amazing author so if you happen to be an atiny do check them out!
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𝐁𝐚𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧:
Always puts you first
This may seem like something to be expected in any healthy relationship, but our little baby hamster takes it to a whole other level
He’s very shy and hesitant at first
But once he gets comfy with you and gains a little more confidence in his understanding of you and your needs…
Ooooooh boy you better prepare yourself
You mention in passing that you’re bored? He’s already running through his schedule in his head to try and find an opening so he can swing by your place with a list of activities he thinks you might enjoy
Something happened to upset you? He’s all ears, will find a way to slip out of practice just so he can videocall you and listen to you vent to get it out of your system 
You miss him? He’s honestly upset with himself for not realising he’s neglected you sooner, immediately drops whatever he can to make time for you
I still feel like he’d overthink and second guess himself a lot tho :(( always worries that maybe he isn’t giving you what you need, or that he’s too much or too little :((
So please give this baby lots of smiles and assurance! He needs to know that he’s reading your cues right, and that what he’s doing genuinely makes you happy
Because your happiness is always his top priority
𝐑𝐲𝐮 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐨
Taking care of you
Now, one thing I’ve noticed about our boy Chungwoo is that he’s got a really strong sense of responibility and obligation, and I’m sure that’s something that would carry into the way he treats his partner
He sees it as his duty to make sure that you’re safe and comfortable at all times
The kinda guy to treat sidewalk and door rules like Law
If anything’s bothering you he makes it his personal mission to fix the problem
Which causes some friction at the beginning of your relationship because sometimes he can be a bit much about it
Like offering slightly unsolicited and overly practical advice 
That friend’s been giving you a hard time? Just ditch em cuz they obviously don’t deserve someone as amazing as you 🙄😮‍💨
Or blaming himself and getting frustrated if he can’t do anything to help fix the problem 
But eventually you talk it out, and once you assure him that it isn’t his job to make everything okay, and that he already helps you so much by being there to support you, he concedes and learns to be more chill about it
Still gets upset when you’re upset
But he knows to channel it in healthier ways now
Like helping you out with little chores when you’re stressed, checking in and offering to take care of more tedious things like laundry and groceries when he can
He never asks for anything in return because it’s HIS job to look after YOU
But is still absolutely not so secretly over the moon whenever you reciprocate that energy
Kicking his feet and giggling kinda happy that one time you dropped by the practice room to bring him lunch (bonus points if you made it yourself!)
𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧:
Little things
My baby 🥺💕
My sweet precious little faerie prince 🥹✨️🌸
He’s gentle and soft in the way he loves you
But dear god it could not be less subtle 
Will bring you these random little gifts
Usually food (snacks, chocolates, coffee, milkshakes, muffins)
But sometimes it’s just things that reminded him of you
Like a stuffed animal that looked just like you, a sticker sheet in your favorite color, a keychain of a character you love, a postcard with a picture that made him think of you
Sends you texts throughout the day too
Pictures of flowers, the sky, a book he thinks you might like, a cute cat he saw on the way to the studio, a selfie Eugene forcibly took with him
Little reminders to eat, stay hydrated, “The weather report says it’ll be a bit colder than usual and that it might rain today, please make sure you dress warmly and bring an umbrella with you!”
Will randomly ramble about how much he loves you when he thinks knows you’re asleep or busy so you won’t read the texts till later
“I saw this quote on pinterest earlier today about how ‘intimacy is safety’ and I just wanted to tell you that that’s what you are to me. I always feel safe and comfortable when I’m with you, like there’s no one else in the world but us and I don’t have to worry about saying the right words or being misunderstood because I know our hearts are both fluent in silence, and as soon as I’m with you I’m home.” 
He thinks of these things when he’s with you tbh, like when you’re having coffee together and he watches the way you laugh and scrunch your nose when you smile
But he’s worried that if he tries to say it it’ll come out wrong :((
So he sets the feeling aside and it ends up accumulating into this neverending well of love and affection that he just HAS to let out somehow
So, basically, you’re on his mind 24/7 and he needs you to know that
You’re such a wonderful person ofc you deserve to know how loved you are :((
And so does he!! He’ll get all shy and squirm a bit whenever you tell him how much he means to you, or when you lean your head on his shoulder and thread your fingers through his own
But he’s smiling and blushing
If he’s feeling brave he’ll bring your hand up to his lips and kiss your knuckles
Adbhsafwilfhawliu I’m just so soft for him I’m sorry 
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐧:
Makes you laugh
There’s nothing he loves more than hearing you absolutely lose it
Even if you say you sound like dying frogs trapped in a windshield wiper
Will insist that it’s the prettiest sound he’s ever heard
He’s lying, it’s not
But it makes him so happy to hear you so what does it matter?
The way your ears turn red and your face flushes as you try to hide it in a pillow or your hands
Or better yet his shoulder or chest
Sejin absolutely has physical touch as a love language 
His favorite thing is the way you cling to him when you laugh
Even if it means you hit him a few times in the process
Because sometimes a lot of the time once you’ve calmed down you don’t really move
You stop putting all your weight on him sure
But you stay tucked into his side and he gets to put an arm around you and look at the way your eyes are still sparkling and your lips are pulled into this giant grin
Bonus points if you’re shorter than him and he can look down at you without you really noticing 
Our boy is whipped
But not whipped enough to spare you from tickle fights 
If you’re a ticklish person he can and will use that to his advantage 
There have been one or two occasions where it got really intense and someone hit the other person in the nose or kneed them in the stomach
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐞:
Makes time for you
This boy is literally singing and dancing for his LIFE okay
He’s a twenty nine year old in the body of a 20 year old with the soul of a sixty seven year old man
He doesn’t have time for all this trivial nonsense
Unless ofc you wanna go to that cute cafe you mentioned last week
Or that movie you really wanted to see is coming out this Friday
And yk if you really must have that spa day where you spend hours doing his nails and putting on face masks….
Who is he to deny you?
Sometimes his poker face does bother you
You’ll be rambling about something or enthusiastically making plans
When you suddenly realise he hasn’t said anything in a while
You feel bad and backtrack, apologising and saying you’re probably boring him or rushing into plans when he’s already so busy with performances and practice and whatnot
He actually looks surprised 
Quickly tells you you have nothing to be sorry for, he loves listening to you talk :((
And he’ll set aside time so you guys can go do the thing, ofc he will when you’re so excited about it >:((
He’s so matter of fact and blunt about it that there isn’t much room for doubt, and you’re back to happily telling about whatever it is that’s got your interest this week
Except this time, if you’re really paying attention
There’s this tiny smile resting contentedly on his face
Everything else can wait just a bit, just for a little while longer
𝐂𝐡𝐚 𝐄𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞:
Is your personal hype man!!
Eugene is one of the most passionate people in any universe, and he’s pretty straightforward when it comes to voicing his thoughts
So there’s no way he’s not the most vocal partner ever 
Whatever it is, whether you’re hitting an important academic/professional milestone or working hard for a personal goal, he’s right there cheering you on
Will catch you off guard sometimes though
Like he’ll suddenly get all serious, and tell you in the most sincere tone of voice you could imagine that he’s really proud of you
Before grinning and grabbing your hands
Will swing them back and forth while talking about how lucky he is to have such an amazing s/o
One of his favorite things is when you’re trying to choose an outfit for something and he gets a personal fashion show
He’s not really all that into fashion himself but he loves seeing all the outfits you come up with
Applauds and wolf whistles every time you step out
Except when he doesn’t 
There have been times where he goes quiet and says he doesn’t like an outfit
Confuses you because excuse?? You KNOW it looks good on you???
After some interrogation he grudgingly admits that it does look amazing on you… He just doesn’t want anyone else to see you in it 
He knows you’re a grown adult who can wear whatever they want wherever they want
But he still gets just a little bit jealous
You’re so gorgeous he can’t help it :((
After some cheek kisses and assurance he’s all good tho
10/10 would have an album on his phone that’s just pictures of you
𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐑𝐚𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐧:
Includes you
My precious bby pt.2 🥹✨️
Now, we all know that Raebin is our little producer genius and very much introverted 
So when inspiration strikes and he’s caught up in the thick of it, he can sort of retreat into his own little world
And when he’s all tired from being around the other members and fans all day
He loves having you there with him
You don’t have to be doing anything in particular together, definitely don’t have to be talking (he loves you but his social battery can only take so much)
He just wants to know you’re close :((
He won’t be the one to instigate, but his brain fizzles into static noise for a second or two if you pull up a chair beside him (which is in there especially for you btw) and curl up next to him 
Doing work on your laptop, reading a webtoon on your phone, or reading a book 
You make eye contact when he looks over and you guys share a small smile :((
He’s so happy that you’re comfortable enough in his space to treat it as your own
Does the same if he’s in your space 
You could be sitting on your bed and he’ll sleepily shuffle into your room
If he’s awake enough he might stand just inside the door and knock a bit on the doorframe just to get your permission before walking in
But if he’s real tired and you guys have been together for a while baby feels so comfy and safe he briefly forgets manners and propriety and walks right in
Flops onto the bed beside you and lays his head on your tummy or thigh depending on how you’re sitting 
Falls asleep almost instantly if you start running your fingers through his hair 
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Jottings: Season 7, episode 8. Just fucking try me
By TPTB's Sovereign Decree, this season is - as we all know - split in two, which proved to be at the same time abysmally disrespectful to ***'s subscribers, frustrating - to say the least- to Netflixers, but involuntarily prescient, given the current SAG-AFTRA stalemate. The protracted strike scenario (still a possibility) would have truly flunked OL, drowning it in a sea of irrelevance and effectively making all promo impossible. So, let us count our blessings and bide our time: it ain't over till the fat lady sings. For the time being, we are still haunted by Sinéad's moving huskiness. For the sake of speculation only, I wonder if they are going to stick with this option until the official end of Season 7, as an homage of sorts. Or promote somebody else, while time and space are still available to do so.
You are definitely going to need tissues for this one. And any random type of your favorite comfort food. It is intense. It is almost impeccable. SS & RR sketches are tolerably short. S is supercalifragilistic. C is giving it her all and she is just perfect. And all the rest are flawless. So, pardon the sarcasm deficit and perhaps also my less fluid quill: you surely know, by now, my struggle with encomium is real.
The bonnie wee swordsman moment immediately brought to this book outsider's mind the exceptional fanfic author on AO3. So, if you still missed Flood My Mornings, by some obscure glitch in the Matrix, do give it a try. It is one of my top 3 , with #1 being @zeya-zg's TRS (it packs a punch, takes great risks and does so with grace). And yes - blasphemy ensues - the swordsman's fic is simply better than Herself in so, so many ways. A good starting point for a Droughtlander of undetermined amplitude (what in the name of hoo-ha is 'the story continues next year' supposed to mean?), for example. But I digress.
With Saratoga 2.0 in plain, inevitable sight, I incorrectly presumed we would see the blue light mojo - is it in Bees...? more plausibly so - and I am glad C saved JAMMF's finger. My sick mind did try to imagine a mutilated limb at some point in time, failed to do so and had to reboot entirely. I am grateful to the writer for having spared me a potential ordeal, in this respect. I am, however, less grateful to the same writer for butchering up to the point of no return the very delicate scene between Rachel Hunter and Young Ian, who initially fail to get their (impossibly to reach) bearings. It feels contrived at first, reads as injudicious as trying to become proficient in Thai after spending three hours on Duolinguo and jumps on the storyline's windshield out of virtually nowhere. The main weak point of this season (spare SS/RR's endless death row sojourn) has to be the blatant injustice done by the writers to characters I wanted to see and hear more of: the Hunter siblings, Buck Mackenzie and yes, William himself.
Speaking of William, there is an epic but fleeting moment outside Simon Fraser's tent, just after Jamie gives him his tricorn hat, that made me wonder out loud. Who are you, first and foremost, Ellesmere: a courtier? a soldier? a son? All three avatars briefly cross his face and if that is not prowess, I don't know what is. Enthusiastic kudos, again.
Cynical, lunatic, despicable me ugly cried three times in a row. Laudanum. Simon Fraser. The Scottish shores. That is a lot for one single intake.
Spoiler: I must have eaten something that disagreed with me. For such an inconsistent character, Simon Fraser saved his soul with this intense, dignified and subdued moment. There is something akin to a Roman deathbed scene one could perhaps find in Tacitus' Histories, essentially thanks to S's perfectly mastered gravitas. So yes, you can cry for the sudden demise of a secondary character you had no sympathy for and on top of that be surprised by your own tears.
A death that proves instrumental for their return to Scotland. And maybe it is time we acknowledge the simple fact that Scotland never really was just a trope of all this intricate narrative scaffolding, but a character in its own right. It is alive and it prompts the kind of raw, irrational emotions able to make your tears well up all the same in Bilbao, in Vancouver, in Seattle, in Athens or in Cairo. And it doesn't matter if you could not place Inverness on a map before finding out that well, people do disappear all the time, or if you were haunted since forever by majestic visions of glens & lochs. You will fall and you will fall hard, despite all the misgivings and the shortcomings, of which there are many.
We leave them teary-eyed on a boat sailing near the Scottish shores. It is a carefully chosen and very effective parting moment. Overall, this was an excellent half-season, if you chose to ignore Mordor's endless, reckless and soulless bitching. I sometimes wish for all these people to suddenly develop an interest for origami or find another obsessable rookie duo or simply try to be happy on their own. Nothing more, but nothing less.
This Droughtlander will be a massive pain in the rear. Mark me. And I am finally allowed to hope for better sleep patterns. But hey, no regrets: it was worth it, always is. They are worth it. A lot.
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Gif choice could only involve a ship. Credit given to @avasetocallmyown. Very elegant :)
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karalovesallthegirls · 4 months
ooh would you share any of the fics you read obsessively and always return to?
Excellent question thank you for asking!!!! I tend to read pretty much anything I can get my hands on, but I prefer re-reading stories that make me feel a very specific kind of pain lmao. If I read a story that has a moment where I feel an ache in my left arm and my chest in general - which is, of course, where all the love and sorrow lives inside my body - then you can bet I'll be rereading it again and again. Here are some of those fics and the moment that make my body ache.
where it bent in the undergrowth by abcooper Fucking banger right here. Incredible, 10 out of 10. I always have a weak spot for a morally compromised and confused Lena. -Pain moment: Lena freezes, and then rolls to the side. “I’m sorry,” she says distantly. “I shouldn’t have done that. I... thought maybe you wanted me to.” A Ribbon in Time also by abcooper I think abcooper has a very interesting way of writing supercorp. Their approach to Lena always allows her to be more grey in her morality and values, which creates a richer, more interesting story. This one has such fun dark themes and nuanced pain, with many pain points. -One pain moment: This is a set-up, Kara realizes. Lena asked her to pick up this package specifically because she needed Kara in her office for this.
where there's desire, there's gonna be a flame by Valkyrees the moral of the lesson so far is that I love a Lena that's a little evil actually!!!! This fic delights me
-Pain moment: “So you said that to save me from feeling embarrassed?” Lena snorts. “No one said anything about love. Your articles are just the highlight of my week. It’d be like if your favorite YouTuber fell off the face of the Earth. Or died suddenly, by your own hands.”
Where Lamps Go to Die by WastedOn God this fic fucking SLAPS. I feel it so deeply in my chest so many times. I love a plot that tricks me with its silly goofy premise only to smack me in the face with pain and love. It's always a top five for me. - One of many pain moments: They hug. Lena relaxes into it, then says "I'm so worried about you" into Kara's shoulder. It's simultaneously the best and worst feeling in the world.
it's a boy! by bs13 This fic is my white whale. I yearn for this fic to be finished with every fiber of my being, but it seems very unlikely. The author replied to my desperate comments saying the muse has fled for this one, so I will just long for it forever. It's fine. -Biggest pain moment: “Hi, baby,” Lena breathes against his head. “I missed you.”
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gynnnicsworld · 4 months
Hellooo! i was wondering what your all-time favorite hurt/comfort fics are? also I love your account, I scrolled through not too long ago and immediately was like yes, I've found my people
*screams internally* oOH GOD, thank you for asking that, I've been waiting for someone to ask that and I'm so glad this is happening! OK.
From what I can see in your profile picture, do u like spn too? Do u have any favorite couples there? cause I have a long list of fics in that fandom too *wink wink*....
Please ask me questions to recommend fics, because I have been trying for weeks to organize a part 2 of rec list but I haven't been able to, I have too many fics and I have no idea how to start organizing them. So by asking questions like these you help me recommend some fics and get organized. thks u <3ily
Life's (Kate's) a bitch and then you (she) dies
by: Littleredridinghunter
While everyone is busy saving Jackson, Stiles is taking a beating in the Argent's basement. When his dad gets hurt, he leaves a note for Scott that he is getting away from everything and to never contact him again.
Too bad Scott and the pack take him at his word....
One year later and they finally see Stiles again but it isn't a happy reunion. Can they repair all the damage that has been caused in their time apart?
(This is one of the most recent fics I've read and it left me completely destroyed and in love at the same time, the author of this fic is the same author of most of my favorite fics. Anyway, all the fics I've read by this author will appear here. (oh by the way you would like to know that spn characters appear here.))
by: TheTypewriterGirl
God, this fic is BEAUTIFUL, it's glorious, this fic can basically be described with any adjective that refers to beauty and perfection. But there is pain, a lot of pain, this fic must be praised.
There are illustrations that complete the beauty of this fic. Like this↓
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Yes, you guys definitely have to read this fanfic.
You haven't read it??? WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING?? RUN TO READ IT.
I downloaded the fic because I don't want to lose it, I would cry if one day this fic is deleted.
It's all part of the master plan - Sterek version
by: Littleredridinghunter
every fic that I put here you must read it, truly and seriously, you HAVE to read it, you can't not do it.
Sense of Home
by: siny
Home can be a place, but it can also be a person.
After the events with the Nemeton, Stiles starts suffering the consequences of their sacrifice. A journey he attempts to make on his own, but only becomes worse with every step he takes. In the process he seeks comfort in an unexpected place and it draws him toward an unexpected person.
(This fic explains one of the theories quite well, maybe you know this theory x if that theory caught your attention, you will love this fic).
hold me tight (you'll be alright)
by: orphan_account
Stiles is captured by the alpha pack for over a month before escaping. Derek finds him in the woods and takes him home.
"And if you bleed for Beacon Hills once, you can be sure you'll bleed for it again."
(Tthis is a fix fic, but it's really good. I actually have many VERY good ones of this type.
God, I actually have a colossal mountain of fics to recommend and I have no idea how to start organizing them.)
It's where my demons hide
by: Littleredridinghunter
Stiles was used to his life going to hell. He'd just never expected it to be quite so literal.
When Rafael McCall returns to Beacon Hills after a five year absence it brings back lots of unhappy memories for Stiles, he'll do whatever he can to keep his secrets buried in order to protect those closest to him.
With Rafael's return Stiles discovers that secrets are always revealed, even if this particular time it's because of supernatural interference.
(By the way, I don't have an order, because all the fics that I'm putting here are really good and all of them are my favorites. BUT this fic right here is probably my favorite among favorites, this fic has a way of destroying your soul and putting it back together that you will love and hate at the same time and leave you wanting to read more.)
A Melody That Climbs And Then Falls
BY: siny
They won the fight against the alpha pack; the nightmare was apparently over.
That was until Stiles fell on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth when Derek reached him.
Or the fic where Stiles gets an internal bleeding for saving Derek, only a tragedy like this would make Derek realize his true feelings.
Peter betrayed them all and is currently missing. Allison and Stiles are buddies, as much as Derek and Erica.
Can't rely on me
By; Littleredridinghunter
Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it's a lot worse than anyone knows.
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
by: jjmash
Stiles' magic accidentally creates a lifelike echo of Derek's baby sister who died in the Hale fire. Between games of tag and trips to the zoo, Derek helps Stiles pick up the pieces of himself post-Nogitsune possession.
(This one is short but sweet and sad.)
Finding His Home
by: OKDeanna
Derek Hale was a lot of things, and none of them very good. Yet, the one thing he couldn't shake was the one thing he knew he shouldn't want. But when an unexpected late night call reveals Stiles Stilinski has been injured, he will stop at nothing to get to him. Even if it means opening himself up in ways he never has before...
(I love that in the sterek fandom we have these unspoken truths, like the fact that we all know that no matter what, Derek is always going to believe and care about Stiles whether he's in Mexico or on the other side of the world, if Stiles calls, he'll go to Stiles.)
Wait For Me
by: Hedwig221b
“Stiles, we know about your Spark,” Scott looked at Stiles with desperate eyes, trying to convey something. “He is the Werewolf who's been chasing you. You must run. We’ll help you…”
Stiles stared at his friend, genuinely concerned for his sanity, because the nonsense he was sputtering was really fucking confusing.
This one is really good but fucking confusing or something, it really made me hate certain characters here and scream in frustration but I always trusted stiles/derek.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
(This fic will always be in my favorite fic recommendations, because I read it at a difficult time for me and it helped me a lot emotionally to move forward, so yes, this fic is one of my favorites among favorites, and I will always mention it at every opportunity. Plus we have Derek healing and that's beautiful because Derek deserves nice things just like Stiles.)
okay, I'm going to stop here because I have some things to do, but actually I have more favorite hurt/comfort fics. But I won't be able to put them all here right now, apologies for that, but please send me another question for a second part, but I think at the moment you have several fics to read.
I hope you like them, and please do not hesitate to send me messages to talk about all these incredible fanfics, I will be waiting for your comments. (and thanks again for the question)
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