#maybe i should just text them like 10 or so years in the future like ' hi we never met however do u wanna come to my wedding???'
yickarus · 1 year
the urge to reach out to old internet friends not because you have anything important to share but just to be like "hey we're older now isn't that insane???"
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hanjisick · 2 years
yandere! seungmin — as your boyfriend, hcs.
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warning. this is not how i portray the members of stray kids or how you should either. this is purely for entertainment purposes.
mentions of murder, toxic and obsessive behavior. she/her pronouns for reader
it would start with you two sharing a class together
and surprisingly, you peaked his interest
unlike anyone had ever before
all of his friends had always nagged him about how he just wasn’t interested in dating
but once he saw you? maybe he wouldn’t mind a relationship
his little crush grew rapidly
everything that he did was based off of hours searching the web
he didn’t know much especially thinking he wouldn’t need a relationship for another few years
seungmin’s google history was filled with questions;
‘how to impress your crush’
‘how to talk to your crush’
‘how to appear more attractive’
‘y/n y/l/n’ was the most recent search in his history
after a spiral of searching, he found your social media accounts.
his smile only grew as he scrolled through your posts, learning more and more about you
to him, you were … nothing short of perfect in his mind
he began a notes app of everything you said that could be useful in the future
whether it was you complaining about running out of mascara, how badly you were craving a certain food, that you lost your headphones, he kept track of everything.
not wanting to lose you, he made fake accounts and turned on notifications for every media that you post on
in the early morning his phone had buzzed, and his first instinct was to grab it and check if it was you
seungmin became uninterested in any texts from his friends, so he muted them, just like everyone else.
everything on his phone had disappeared but you.
‘today sucks already. i forgot my coffee and i have a class at 10 :(‘
his heart dropped at the sad face, immediately jumping out of bed to get ready
to your surprise, when you had arrived to class, your order from your favorite coffee place had been sitting on your desk
looking around the room, you failed to spot seungmin in the corner hiding a large grin with the sleeve of his hoodie
he stole glances at you throughout the lesson, pride welling up in his chest that he was the reason that your day was better
the feeling stuck with him
seungmin became addicted to your happiness
every time he saw you, your coffee waited on your desk, along with anything else he knew that you needed, and sometimes a special treat as well if he had the time
eventually though, you would find out
going to class 10 minutes early was the plan, hoping to catch the person who was doing this
and you did
seungmin stared at you like a deer in headlights
you had never noticed him before now, why was he doing this?
it wasn’t as if you were mad about any of it, who would be?
you just had a lot of questions.
i mean, a cute boy had been making your day better for weeks now
all you wanted to do was figure out why he had been doing it.
“i can explain!”
“let’s just talk after class.”
with a hesitant nod, he left to sit down, his heart beating out of his chest
after, you invited him to your house to talk privately, where he confessed everything to you
you agreed to let him take you on a date
of course, it was nothing short of perfect, with him knowing exactly what you’d like
and you came to find out that seungmin was nothing short of perfect
almost like a puppy
all he wanted to do was please you and be around you
he never fails to show up to your doorstep with flowers
he would also carry around a polaroid camera around his neck to take pictures
your parents would absolutely adore him too
he learned who they are and what they would like
seungmin could easily fall asleep in your arms, especially in your bedroom
yet he’d always wake up hours before you, the position flipped with you buried into his chest
you would never know that he stays awake staring at you, his hands carding through your hair as he wonders how he can make you smile today
one day, you had told him to come over out of the blue
as he always does, he dropped everything to tend to you and showed up at your apartment in no more than five minutes, letting himself in with a spare key
where he found you crying your eyes out on your bed
he had never seen you like this and didn’t know how to react
the first instinct for seungmin was to always figure out how to make you happy, how to get you what you wanted
how to make the pain go away.
his mind was running as he gathered you into his arms, rocking you back and forth as he tried to understand what your problem was and how he could solve it.
but you weren’t out of a product, and you weren’t cold and needed a hoodie.
it was your best friend, the one that he also easily earned the approval of.
you two had a fight.
letting him scroll through the nasty texts she had sent you, his face hardened
it soon became apparent on how to help you feel better.
he needed to get rid of her.
seungmin spent the night at your house after blocking her number from your phone, telling you to ignore her messages for the night.
he cooked you breakfast after you had woken up, kissing you on the forehead and leaving once he was convinced you felt better
later that evening was his first kill.
there was no remorse to him, it was simply as much of a task as buying you new shoes.
you would have to be more careful for what you wish for, especially when it came to people.
even if it was something minor, like a customer at your job being rude, seungmin would find a way to eliminate them.
if it was possible, he would keep his secret from you forever as to not scare you away.
and he was smart about it— you never found out.
he continued to be your perfect boyfriend like he always is.
and in his mind, one day, you two will get married and start a family.
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nightmare-grass · 3 months
My Adventures With Superman: Where do we go from here?
- This show takes on the Superman origin story but focuses on his beginning as a young adult superhero, which is different from nearly every other depiction. He seems just out of college, like he’s 20 or 21. This would mean everyone else in the DC universe is younger too.
- People often compare Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent on equal grounds, like they’re supposed to be the same age, so maybe they’re going to be? I don’t know if this show is ever gonna branch out and show other superheroes, other places besides Smallville and Metropolis, but it’s a fun thought exercise.
- So maybe Bruce Wayne is also just starting his Batman journey. He might be in Gotham in a self-made suit, like in Matt Reeves’ The Batman, or he might be training all over the world still. We know Bruce is a genius, so he can learn any subject he wants in a shorter time than normal, so he might’ve skipped college to travel the world right after high school, training with the best fighters and the League of Assassins and studying college-level texts on the side because he’s just extra like that. 18 at the beginning of his training, and there’s varying accounts of how long his training took. Some say 7 years, some say 12 years, and that makes sense.
- If we want reporter Clark Kent interacting with billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne at all, we can’t have them be the same age. So! I propose a future season where we finally get more superheroes interacting with Superman so he can feel less alone in the world. For that, Bruce Wayne would just be returned home after a 7 year absence learning abroad. He’d be about 4 years older than Clark, but he’d be perturbed by their lack of height difference. Bruce wants to start his crusade against the criminal underbelly of his hometown, Gotham City, but to have the perfect cover story he needs to play up the rich fail son front of Bruce Wayne, and he’s not pleased about this perceptive reporter from Metropolis who’s built like a brick shithouse. See, Bruce isn’t dumb, and he keeps up on the news, especially about global security threats. Bruce knows about Superman, and he has his theories, but he develops a new theory once he meets Clark.
- Wonder Woman is immortal but people don’t necessarily know that. Wonder Woman is an urban legend Clark learned about in history class when talking about World War 1, World War 2, all the biggest global conflicts in human history. A goddess who comes out of nowhere, saves the day, and disappears for decades at a time. Diana Prince, however, is a mild mannered museum associate. As an immortal warrior born of clay, she always looks like a woman in her upper 20’s and speaks like a woman who is centuries wise. She keeps to herself mostly, but she keeps close tabs on global security threats, like Bruce does. She knew as soon as Superman came on the scene that she didn’t need to get involved as much anymore. She barely held herself back on Zero Day because the US government was all over that, and it would’ve been too high profile if she’d been involved. It didn’t even last long enough for her to fly over to help.
- In the comics, Bruce Wayne adopts the newly orphaned Dick Grayson when he’s 27. That means if I start Bruce Wayne at 18, give him 7 years of training, making him 25, and make him 3 years older than Clark at the beginning of the story, meaning Clark is 22 when Bruce is 25, then he gets to be Batman for 2 years before running into Dick Grayson, 10 year old, and adopting him. Then, he gives Dick a few months of training before letting him become Robin, so we have 27 year old Bruce, 10 year old Dick, and 24 year old Clark.
- The comics also say Bruce was 34 when he adopts a 12 year old Jason Todd. That means Dick was Robin for 7 years before he and Bruce had a falling out and Dick went solo, becoming Nightwing. Dick and Jason should have a 5 year age difference, if Dick was 17 when Jason was 12. Then, there’s a bit of time fuckery when it comes to Jason because he dies and gets resurrected as Red Hood. Jason dies at 15, and gets resurrected in the Lazarus Pit 3 years after his death, making him effectively 18 when he comes back. Bruce would be 39 at the time of Jason’s death, and 42 at the time of Jason’s resurrection.
- Superman would be 31 when Dick becomes Nightwing and Jason becomes Robin, then 36 when Jason dies, then 39 when Jason comes back as Red Hood. I think that fits rather well.
- Tim Drake came along only a short while after Jason’s death, like a month or so, so Bruce is 39 when a 14 year old Tim Drake becomes the third Robin. Clark would be 36 at this point still. And then Tim becomes Red Robin at age 17, following in the footsteps of his hero Nightwing who also went solo at 17. Tim spends 3 years being Robin, meaning he spends the time Jason is dead being the third Robin.
- Comics place Bruce meeting his son Damian at age 43, meaning it’s a year after Jason comes back and suddenly he’s got a new son he never knew about. Talia left Damian with Bruce when Damian was 10, following the grand Robin-adopting tradition. This means Damian was conceived when Bruce was 33, right before he met and adopted Jason Todd. Superman becomes 40 at the point where Damian is adopted as the new Robin.
- With this timeline, it’s difficult finding spaces for Barbara, Stephanie, Cassandra, Duke, and all the other important Bat Family members, but it’s not impossible.
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louisupdates · 1 year
DMA'S praise 'amazing' Louis Tomlinson: "He's really cool, we respect him a lot"
Louis previously cited DMA'S as a heavy influence on his second solo album Faith in the Future
By Carl Smith | 5 April 2023
When we spoke to Louis Tomlinson ahead of the release of his Number 1 album Faith in the Future last year, he couldn't have been more complimentary about collaborators DMA'S.
The Sydney rock three-piece - comprising Johnny Took, Tommy O'Dell and Matt Mason - inspired tracks like All This Time on Louis' second solo record after striking up a relationship with the One Direction star back in 2019; and the band would 'love' to see a team-up soon.
Chatting exclusively to Official Charts around the release of their brand-new LP How Many Dreams?, DMA'S guitarist Johnny explains how Louis influenced a track on their 2020 album THE GLOW.
"We got in the studio with Louis the first time we met him," says Johnny. "We sat around playing music; we played him some tracks off THE GLOW and played him the demo of Cobracaine.
"He’s obviously got a really great ear for pop music – and music in general – and he was like ‘maybe you should get to the chorus quicker.’ Just a little comment like that really helped. It was a good call, as a structural thing. We thought ‘yeah, we should get to the chorus quicker,’ and it ended up sticking."
When we tell him we admire DMA'S openness to working with an artist like Louis where many rock bands might have pre-judged his pop beginnings, Johnny explains: "When you’ve reached the heights that Louis’ reached, you’d have to be a little bit ignorant or naïve not to realise how much amazing stuff he’s picked up along the way. That’s my favourite thing.
"If I get into the studio with somebody who’s 10 years younger or 10 years older than me, I learn something new every time. That’s the great thing about any musicians getting together in a room; you just start talking and discover things through that discussion.
"Louis’ an amazing guy. He put me on the door for his gig in Melbourne, and I went backstage. We’d just played that same venue a few months before, and it was great to see him in Sydney. He’s just such a good guy. I love the way he champions young musicians. I really respect that.
"Louis’ really cool, I don’t have a bad word to say about that guy. He’s an amazing songwriter, too."
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And Louis isn't the only 1D lad to have impressed Johnny and his DMA'S bandmates. Liam Payne's also an artist the group admire.
"It was the same when I first met Liam," says Johnny. "He was the same as Louis; they’re these guys that are up on this level, but they love guitar music and music in general. They’re open to championing young bands, those bands that are smaller than them, and lifting them up. They’re passionate about the music and that’s what it’s all about; everyone lifting everyone up."
[The above text has been edited.]
“It was the same when I first met Liam Gallagher," says Johnny. "He was the same as Louis; they’re these guys that are up on this level, but they love guitar music and music in general. They’re open to championing young bands, those bands that are smaller than them, and lifting them up. They’re passionate about the music and that’s what it’s all about; everyone lifting everyone up."
So we can see a DMA'S and Louis collab at some point, right?
"I’d love to," beams Johnny. "That’d be awesome."
Speaking to Official Charts about his admiration of the Aussie trio last year, Louis said: "I loved DMA’s last album THE GLOW, which Stuart Price produced. That has dance elements in it but was done in a really authentic way.
"It doesn’t feel remotely contrived or like a f**king made-for-radio pop-dance hybrid. That was really food for thought for me throughout the process.
"They’re amazing. I’ve been lucky enough to meet them a few times. Johnny [Took] came to one of my shows in Australia. They’re just really f**king lovely lads, great blokes. They’re an amazing live band."
Catch DMA'S performing at Y Not? Festival in Pikehall, Derbyshire this July.
DMA'S new album How Many Dreams? is out now via I OH YOU/MUSHROOM GROUP.
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[Johnny Took and Louis Tomlinson in Melbourne, 26.7.22]
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furinafocalor · 1 year
all of these fics are centered around the ship Kaedehara Kazuha/Scaramouche (Wanderer)
links will be attached to all of them and the names will be underlined.
the ships with a * beside them are my personal favs please go check all of these fics out when you have the time!
*How to Bag an Idol by lynnthewaffle
tfw your highschool ex (who youre TOTALLY over) becomes the most famous idol of all time and you're the #1 top-charted streamer or Love is forged in distance and yearning and music.
10/10 I loved the tension and the heartburn it gave me after I finished reading all four chapters! This fic is around 23k words so I reccomend reading it when you have a couple of hours to spare. I felt like this fic did really well with the whole highschool romance to ex lovers who still have feelings for each other. It's definitely worth reading.
Black Orchids by too_indecisive_to_choose_a_name
KazuScara Week - Day 7 - Flower Shop While making an odd bouquet delivery, Kazuha meets a certain person that makes his cheeks turn peony pink only for that same person to come into his shop a bit later where Kazuha can’t hide his face anymore…
10/10 I swear I was smiling the whole entire time while reading this fic. I still have no idea what Black Orchids mean but oh well. This fic is a one-shot and is only around 3.5k words so please go check it out!
The Maple Leaf Harbinger by too_indecisive_to_choose_a_name
KazuScara Week 2022 - Day 2 - Role Swap Kazuha, the newest of the Fatui Harbingers finds himself questioning who he really has loyalty to when a certain wanderer takes Inazuma by storm. Kazuha finds himself seeking out said wanderer, only to meet him aboard a boat to find out the two of them really aren’t that different.
8/10 Another amazing fic by this author! I really loved the role swap au for some reason! This one's also a one-shot and shouldn't take too long to read.
Kuni? by too_indecisive_to_choose_a_name
That fucking bitch.   Honestly, Scaramouche wasn’t at all surprised that Childe bailed out on him, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be annoyed at the ginger. Come to think of it, when wasn’t he annoyed with Childe. He could already feel the wrinkles from frustration on his face starting to form as he read the texts on his phone. Childe 1:05 Hey so I kind of wanted to have a single room for myself so…I got one! Now we can both get our own separate rooms! Scaramouche 1:05 You fucking dumbass Childe 1:06 What the fuck is pissing you off now? Scaramouche 1:06 That means that I have to get a random roommate OR Scaramouche moves to college and his roommate is a forgotten childhood friend he’s all too familiar with, but hasn’t seen in years…
9/10 So maybe you should just go read all of this author's works. Listen, you don't understand what this fic has done to me. Just go read it... when you have a weeks worth of time to spare. It isn't complete btw.
my happiness is ours to share by lore_bee
"I"ve never really been one for romance. Although, if I ever do stumble upon the right person... who knows? My days as a wanderer might come to an end." "Paimon just had a great idea! Lumine and I are going back to Sumeru tomorrow. You should come with us Kazuha! Then you can definitely meet you future soulmate I just know it!" "Thank you for the intriguing offer Paimon." "Your welcome! So are you coming with us?" "...I'll think about it."
8/10 Another incomplete work. So far I really enjoy seeing Kazuha's journey with Lumine and Paimon. I think this fic will turn out really good when it's finished!
Cloud Cover by princesscas
Kazuha is the unofficial school matchmaker, and his best friend Scaramouche is the only person he can't seem to succeed in pairing off.
8/10 This fic is so so so cute. I just love it so much. It's a one-shot with around 5k words so please check it out!
It's Called Freefall by dilucae
As days turn to nights, little can quell the emptiness inside Wanderer's heart. Little, but not nothing. And seeing his lover again is certainly up there.
7/10 Short and sad. I did tear up a little. A memorable fic.
That's all I have for now! I'll probably continue updating this post if I find more fics worth mentioning! Follow my blog for updates. I also have posts dedicated to different ships. Check them out if you're interested! Here's a link to my XiaoVen and ChongQiu fic recs!
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joycieillustrations · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you to @the-reading-lemon for tagging me over on my main blog and also for encouraging me to get back into fic writing in the first place ❤️
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
A humble five! Though I plan on writing many more.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
158,634, of which 112,023 belong to Ex libris
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I just write for House of the Dragon, though I do have a couple of unfinished Gallifrey fics (and a few more that are unpublished) that I really do want to continue some day.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have five, but in order they are: Ex libris, Salt and Smoke, Office Hours, Causal Sequence and Stress Fractures
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Generally speaking I do not, though not because I’m not grateful for them! I have checking OCD, which I’m still trying to understand and develop coping strategies for, and unfortunately one of the ways it manifests is repeatedly checking emails, messages, texts, etc. to make sure that I haven’t ‘done something wrong’. It might sound dramatic, but it usually takes me a day to recover from the anxiety spike of just posting a chapter and I don’t have the energy to also deal with the repeat compulsions I would have if I responded to comments too, especially as I feel that if I respond to one, I should respond to all! Instead, I like to leave a note at the beginning of each chapter to let everyone know how much their comments mean. I really wish I could engage more, but currently this is what I can cope with!
In the last year, I’ve only responded to one comment and that was because I found the tone of it rude and upsetting and I wanted to let the author of the comment know.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Bold of you to assume I’ve finished a fic. Currently the one with the angstiest content is probably Salt and Smoke, though I promise the ending will have a happy note!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, not finished, but I think Ex libris will have by far the happiest ending - after all, we all know Corlys and Rhaenys are married with two children at the start of House of the Dragon!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I have the best readers ever and I get such joy from seeing both familiar names and new ones in my comments! I’ve only received one bit of hate thus far, which I think is pretty good innings.
9. Do you write smut?
I do indeed! My smuttiest one thus far is my modern AU for Corlys and Rhaenys, Office Hours, though there is a sex scene in Salt and Smoke and I have plenty of scenes up my sleeve for distant chapters of Ex libris and future fics too ;)
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not really, other than some oneshot AUs I have planned - Corlys and Rhaenys as Han and Leia, for example.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I’m aware! I only started writing fic again about a year ago, so maybe it’s a bit early for fic theft. I have had my art stolen though!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven’t, though I would consider it the absolute highest honour! I’m a translator myself (German to English) and I know how much love, time, and brain power translation takes, so if it ever were to happen, I would be the happiest fic author out there!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Other than plotting out an elaborate HP fic with my best friend when I was 11? Not really, though Office Hours came about after throwing some AU scenarios around with my friends, so they definitely helped inspire that one.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Currently it is obviously Corlys x Rhaenys, but I’ve adored Han x Leia for as long as I can remember. Twelve x Missy also dragged me back on to this website, so definitely have to give them kudos for that.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
About 10 years ago I made a very basic Romulan conlang for a school project and, while I was doing that, plotted out a fic focused on Sela, the half-Romulan daughter of Tasha Yar from TNG, so that I could see the language used in context. I think I only ever wrote a couple of thousand words, but it would be cool to take this relatively small Trek character and build up the world and culture of Romulus around them, especially since we now have a lot more material to work with since Star Trek: Picard aired.
16. What are your writing strengths?
My dialogue gets mentioned a lot in my reviews, which makes me really happy! I think it comes from doing a lot of theatre and listening to a lot of audio dramas! For me, there’s nothing more satisfying when you’re writing fic than when you read through what you’ve written and you can hear the rhythm and cadence of the actor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Making my sentences overly wordy or overly complicated. It’s something my teachers pointed out to me at school, I have a tendency to meander before I get to the point!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I actually do this already for my House of the Dragon fics! I love, love, love High Valyrian and it’s so fun to sink my teeth into a new language (especially as, seeing as it’s a conlang, there’s way less pressure to be perfect all the time). I did a degree in linguistics, so it’s been a blast from the past dusting off these old skills and learning about grammatical concepts I haven’t used before (such as the vocative, locative and comitative cases). I’ve never been so thankful I suffered through three years of Russian because it’s given me such a head start when it comes to a highly inflectional language like HV!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Like most people my age, it was HP. I wrote mostly about Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa: what can I say, I love a messy, mildly incestuous family.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably Ex libris, though Salt and Smoke is very close to my heart. Ex libris has just grown into this absolute monster of a fic - I originally thought it would only be seven chapters! - and I’ve learnt so much in the process.
I am tagging @backjustforberena and @youleavethetardisbrakeson and you, the reader, if you’d like to have a go answering these too! 🥰
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nokingsonlyfooles · 9 months
The website is migrating and so is my eyeball! (Updates!)
I got myself a clean bill of eyeball alignment! I am within normal range! It does still take me longer to focus because my left eye tries to "go exo" (which means "pull farther to the left," just like my political alignment!) but after a little over 9 months of practice, I'm able to straighten it out. I am, apparently, a hard worker and a fast learner. The doc didn't think I'd be able to fix it this well!
So I'm down to doing maintenance exercises, and I will need to deal with the effects of my age-appropriate presbyopia. Bifocals and progressives are a no-no for me. That's like an obstacle course, and my eye can't take it. That means [drumroll please]... LASIK and reading glasses! I need another checkup to confirm I'm a good candidate for the laser, and then I'll get me some surgery. Hopefully before the end of the year!
Now, as far as story updates go, it looks like your patience will be rewarded with a 12-pack! It probably won't all be illustrated, as I'll need some time for the surgery/new glasses, but I should be able to get you the text in a legible format!
The website is migrating servers today, from the one with the wishy-washy TOS to one that says "Porn OK!" and costs $102 FOR FOUR YEARS. After that, it'll go up to $4.99 a month for one site, but that's still less than I was paying before. My mortality can now be expressed in Hostinger contract renewals! I may live to pay for my webspace 10-15 more times! Max!
Technically, if we don't count labour, materials, and all the years spent in the red, I will be making a profit for the first time ever with just three Patrons! Thank you!
...And, of course, once I get my Canadian residency, I will be burning that Patreon page to the ground and building a new one that seems "family friendly" and has no adult-oriented history or flags. The naughty extra content will go on the site, available for free DL or name-your-price. I will probably lose that one Patron who never talks to me, but I think they've forgotten about that subscription and I don't feel great taking their money in that case anyway. Onward and upward! I hope I can replace them with more new supporters! (Or maybe they're still paying attention and they're just shy. That's cool too!)
In the immediate future, I will get an email notification when my site's all moved, and then I can see what needs fixing. Stuff needed fixing already, due to various updates, so some repairs are inevitable.
Nevertheless, if it's not too much of a disaster, I'm eyeing October 3rd as a restart date. Then you get (potentially) 12 weeks of content! Wow! Then I'll take however long a break I need to illustrate it and fix whatever else broke. Hopefully, I can keep working my my backlog of Tin Soldier illustrations too, but that's on the back burner.
All you Tumblr followers who are here because you like the stream of other people's content I curate: This is a threat. I am only here to get readers for my serial. I will do whatever else I need to put up with to get readers, but if I don't get any, I'm done and onto something else that might work. Y'all don't have to pay for it if you don't want, but I'm trying to build a community for some very patient and supportive people. I don't want to spend spoons for no community. I do not have a lot of spoons to spend.
People are doing complicated internet things to the site today, so no links yet, but once I bang it back into shape, I will get back to begging for attention in the best ways I can.
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 months
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jean and judit in which jean complains and then displays crippling horse-autism and judit sits there and puts up with it
okay back at it again with one of my longass headcanons text posts. lemme know if i should put this under a cut, it's long as fuck.
this ones about judit! and her mostly professional work relationship with jean. cw for implied parental neglect, lots of references to misogyny and sexism, jean being conservative, and jean being an ass as he is. also my numbering calculations
judit's mother and father would call her yoodit. She’s Hungarian in origin (elysium hungary would be in graad i think) but they’re revacholian French like everyone else. She's a mixture of a lot of things. (Just the way you have germans in Texas but they’re no longer German, just Texan). Named after her Hungarian / graadian grandmother who was a big humanitarian maybe. MAYBE jewish. Considering.
She’s 37, born in '14 -> had her kids when she was 21 and 23 respectively
Assigned to the unit 2 months ago but has been working in the rcm since ’41 since she was 27 (10 years)
One son (younger) one son (little bit older) -> 1 and a half years apart. 14 and 16. they're really close but they bicker a lot, as siblings do. Born in 37 and 35 (Judit 23 and 21 respectively) during the economic boom. initially wanted to be a secretary or some other stable office job to be there for her kids but chose the rcm instead. shes a little higher class than harry and jean, somewhere around lower middle class (tho the middle class is really rapidly vanishing)
She could’ve stayed home been there for her kids worked nearby but bc she was scared of the way the neighborhood was going (bad) and wanted to protect herself and her kids, she joined the rcm. she might actually have a house? Not sure. I think everyone has apartments, and hers is just a bigger one
while joining the rcm was initially a way to learn self-defense, it started to also become a way to change the future for her kids. She’s been working at the rcm since the kids were 4 and 6, and as a result she hasn’t really been there for them. But she’s been there for revachol. it's not intentional. she'd die for her sons but she also wants to ensure they have a world they can live in that's better than the current one. thus, for her sons, she chose the city.
Her husband is very A. Demanding B. Absent. He’s a lorry driver, and he’s very palefucked. He's often times gone for months on jobs. She mostly raises the kids herself
Two boys, the eldest Hungarian name but frenched, the youngest French name bc the husband insisted
Miklós (MEEK-losh) older (16 post-martinaise) and Théodore (Théo) younger (14 post-martinaise)
now the rcm info
Jean is very professional and put together and doing his goddamned job. he's depressed as fuck and half the time has to fight the 'i don't give a SHIT today i don't CARE' feelings but he pushes himself through it bc he's very much a guy who A. wants to do his job Right and B. feels like every moment he's not doing his job, someone's gonna' get fucked over badly for no reason, revachol's going to go to shit, and it'll all be his fault.
Judit gets transferred to his wing after her old partner died (a very gross older guy who she had a mediocre relationship with (they did some cases together, but the guy wasn't the best cop at all)). she also had a lot of trouble in a-wing bc of rampant sexism and misogyny. when she was still a naive fresh-to-the-rcm officer, she tended to mother everyone and try to get everyone to do their jobs and they've all used this as an excuse to belittle her and put her down and not respect her. so when her partner died she was a little bit relieved bc it let her move to a different wing. she felt a large amount of guilt that she A. didnt try hard enough not to get her partner killed B. that she didnt try hard enough not to make her partner do her job, C. that she was really relieved he's dead and no longer a part of the rcm and D. felt like he got what he deserved. it's been 10 years of this shit and it's so wearing on her.
i think she let him die
then she gets transferred to jean and c-wing and she's like oh fuck me not vicquemare bc everyone is scared of Jean bc Jean is so cold and professional and put together and she's like goddammit he's gonna be another fucking mysoginist and think he's better than me and put me in my place and exert his power over me. so she's like fuck I'm going to just have to deal with his ass
but then Jean is so calm and put together and professional and level-headed and just smart as fuck. He IS misogynistic but she finds out she can very easily put him in his place if she stands her ground and the more he gets respect for her the less he does it. shes VERY relieved bc fuck. i thought the rcm didn't have good cops anymore. his misogyny i can deal with (and she really does put him in his place)
i think jean's very buried optimisim/hopefulness that revachol can pick herself up out of the ashes and be reborn really makes judit start to believe in her job again. she really lost faith in the rcm and lost faith in revachol and had been seriously regretting choosing this hell, dead-end job over her kids, but then here's jean and despite how fucking grumpy and mean he is (and misogynistic and bigoted and misguided), she sees how he's actually truly trying and it makes her feel hopeful again too
She's not as smart as Harry (the way he can put three and three together) but not as intense either and very quiet and put together and calm in tense situations and best of all TRUSTWORTHY and RELIABLE
Coz jean was like 'oh great a fucking patrol officer and she watched her partner die great I got another fucking wreck that I'll have to fucking baby and she'll be stupid as fuck and know nothing bc she's a damn patrol officer (after ten years. still. (maybe she never got promoted coz she's a woman wahoo)) and also a goddamned fucking woman, women don't know anything fuck me. the last woman hurt me really bad. all women suck. fuck women.' But then she really quickly proves her worth and she's not scared of him like everyone else is and he finds he can't just easily boss her around and put her in her place bc she will outwait him like she is so goddamned patient and she is So pushy and unintimidated by his 'i'm the man and know better than you so you have to listen to me ' tactics. she's dealt with so much of that shit that it does NOT phase her anymore
And she's pushy and a good cop and really knows how to throw her authority around and really is really promising despite everything and jeans like THANK FUCK FINALLY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO THINGS AROUND HERE and it gives him respect women juice. she literally forces him to treat her with respect bc shes just another officer of the rcm and i really think it'll click into place for jean and he'll get over his misogyny. i believe in him, he's just misguided as fuck and has mommy issues
And the closer they get work-bondingwise the more he finds he can talk about just whatever and that he never has to worry about upsetting her or being a bother or being unprofessional or crossing any lines because she is SO CLEAR about them she always without a doubt says No officer I'm not doing that. No officer you need to be quiet.
She respects him a lot bc he is so competent and smart and willing to teach her when she fucks shit up and because of that afore-mentioned hopefulness. and even though he's gruff and yells at her about it and he's pissed at her fucking up and rough with her about it, he knows that she can take it, that she likes a challenge and can handle making mistakes, and he never doubts that she can learn better and trusts that she can do it right next time. And also. He knows she doesn’t take it personally. Hes pretty rough with her when she fucks up and no she doesnt like it (and TELLS HIM) but she also knows hes more pissed at the inconvenience of the situation than at her specifically (though he Is still pissed at her specifically, too)
There's a reason she got assigned to jean bc pryce saw that she could really learn from him
They're not good friends tho. Just good coworkers. They don't talk about personal things. He's still misogynist every now and then and bigoted and she's very liberal/communist/socialist and very pro women's rights (compared to jean's nationalistic views and oh we should become a great monarchy again. this was also a point of contention bw him and harry. i think jean'll get over this as well and learn better (he basically just wants power. bc he's got 'im not man enough' complexes)). She probably has lower pay than men. Her political alignment is whatever will be best for her kids and whatever will make their future a one they want to live in
Jean can get a bit insensitive and mansplainy and it drives judit NUTS but she always puts her foot down and puts him in his place. She's extremely clear about her boundaries and Jean who is a guy who has a hard time telling boundaries (maybe? still figuring this out) (also maybe part of why he's a good cop, he crosses the line and knows how to work it) really appreciates that
since she's lower rank than him also they have a very professional, emotionally cold way of communicating
also this thought: jean mansplaining and telling judit really in-depth about horse racing or whatever the hell and judit's just like 'yeah uhuh sure. great. cool' and jean's like 'you don't actually give a shit do you' and she says 'if you don't mind my opinion, sir, i really don't give a shit.' and he's like 'then why do you let me talk?' and she says 'honestly, officer, i don't think a lot of people let you talk.'
so y eah. that's my longass explanation and thoughts. thanks for reading!
EDIT: I FORGOT ABOUT CANON EVENTS AND HOW THEY BOTH DON'T DO FUCKALL but you know. it's bc jean is an ass and pissed at harry and judit can't actually do anything because hello she's way lower rank
edit 2: what if jean... doesn't get better... hmmm things to think about for sure. i do think there has to be some kinda' hope for the future and that harry's post-memory-forgetting influence rearranges shit. bc i think theres something to be said about harry loving the world so much that he stops the nuke from happening. and that he loves the people he's close with / bonded with and loves his community and that through that and through his helping those around him, he pushes back despair. so im kinda' like yeah. jean getting better is part of it. he's still gonna be depressed and grumpy and suck but maybe he stops being so hopeless. things to think about...
text transcript under cut as usual
Jean on the left: Fucking hate this fucking weather makes me fucking late. Judit on the left: I'm in no position to say, sir, but I don't think it's the weather. Jean in the bottom middle: It's gloomy it's fucking muddy it's wet there's traffic.
Jean on the top middle on horse: -> mansplaining horse-racing -> smiling bc of it Judit on the top middle on horse: -> 1 second away from getting him to SHUT THE HELL UP LIEUTENANT.
Judit far right: SIGH.
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The man behind the curtain
AN: I guess we never really try to look behind. Like find the man behind the characters, so here's to my early morning bus ride to work across Budapest.
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You have worked towards this for the past 10 years. It started as a hobby but now it was a fullblown business, a full blown carrieer. You can do this.
A month ago you got a call from a manager, asking if you'd be available for a 6 month long job in the US because the company they originally wrote up a contract with stepped back in the last minute and now they need someone who is amazing at making latex and make up look like serious injuries. You were so speechless at first, they asked if you are still on the phone. Of course you decided to drop everything you had planned and started planning your trip to the US from Hungary. You didn't really care about the money, or the world-famous actors in it, you just wanted to do what you do best, and maybe, just maybe get yourself some other jobs for the future.
So this is how you got to New York, jet lagged af, checking into a hotel for the night before heading to the filming location to claim your very first trailer.
You got in the shower, then ordered room service, then fell asleep. The next morning you felt better, but still werent a 100%. By early afternoon you were setting your things up in the trailer. You decided to go through the papers you got just to get the overall hang of the movie, what kind of bruises and scars you should probably prepare for.
Agent movie, shirts, tuxes, sci woman, hitmans. Good then nothing too major, nothing like in the vikings 3 years ago. You will be responsible for the main character. Your eyes search trhough the text.
Main male character: Sebastian Stan.
-Fuck. - you muttered. It was true, you didn't really care about the actors and stuff, but you had the biggest chrush on him for the longest time. -This should be interesting. - you thought as you made mental notes to not be creepy and overall just be a professional. You were just a make-up artist.
Then in the late afternoon, the other makeup artists, and costumers and stylists knocked on your door, inviting you out front to get to know you. It was a staff party.
-Oh, but then like you were like neigbours with him, Romania is right there next to Hungary right?
You were a little tipsy, nothing note worthy but enough to be brave.
-Yea, i mean, a huge part of it was part of Hungary actually.. but like back then until the end of the first WW. - you chuckled. - But i have to admit i don't get that after a houndred years how can hungarians and romanians still hate eachother over it. Like cmon.. you weren't even fucking alive. Let it go. It's not like they will connect those parts back now that the 100 years had passed. - you said the history nerd bubbling up. Suddenly their eyes started to sparkle as they were looking behind you. You didn't turn, before hearing a raspy voice behind you.
-So you think our nations should be friends then? - asked Seb with a smile.
-Well if not friends then at least like... neutral. We have it shit back over there just the same.
-Why not leave then?
-No opportinuties before, but you bet i would take the first. - you smiled before turning back to the rest of the staff, who were giving you faces of amazement, annoyance.
-What? - you asked before stepping away to the side to smoke. A girl named Lily approached you, she was a makeup artist as well.
-That was amazing back there you know. - she said and you cocked your head to the side.
-What was amazing? The history nerd bubbling up? - you chuckled.
-No silly, you talking to that god as if he was just one of us.
-Well isn't he one of us? I mean we are all here to do our jobs, he just happens to be a little more famous. - you giggled as you linked your hand in hers to walk back to the rest.
Seb was watching you from afar where the other actors and actresses were. The rest of them kinda thought they were better than the staff, just as the staff thought they were lower than them, you were the first who didn't give a shit about that, and he was glad that he doesn't need to spend the next six months watching someone tiptoe around him, looking to fulfill all his wishes.
3 days later the shooting started. Mostly just talking scenes, with a few fighting ones. You were only needed in the afternoon.
There was a knock on your door.
-Come in. - you said, and soon saw Seb's smiling face as you put down your coffee.
You looked at the paper they gave you.
-Busted lip, bleeding nose, cut on left eyebrow. Easy. - you said as you motioned him to sit down.
As you got to work you noticed that he was always looking at your face. After some time it started to annoy you so you stopped, looking him in the eyes as the latex dried.
-You can ask me your question you know. - you said to him sipping your coffee. He hummed a little before looking back in your face.
-Is this an act? - he asked.
-What act? Im just doing my job.
-No, 3 days ago, was that? You acted as if i was just another person.
-Well arent you? - you chuckled before resuming your work.
-I am, i just.. i never saw any of the staff behave so... normal.
-Listen Sebastian, if you want me to worship you or some shit just cause you happen to be an actor and not one of the supporting staff, then i have to disappoint you. You are only here to do your job, just as much as me, so that makes us pretty much equal. I won't go fangirling over you or the others. I also thought you get enough of that elsewhere... - you smiled at him as he practically beamed at you. It looked funny because you were currently filling his nose with fake blood.
-Well that's refreshing. Please never change. - he said. Then you two started to talk. THe conversation flowed freely, until his manager popped in to inform him that he is being late. After you had finished your job, he stayed to talk.
That was how your next weeks went. You somehow found friends in eachother. Also talking about cultural stuff. It mostly matched which made you laugh.
Today was the last day before a 1 month break so there was another party in some local club which the staff rented out for the night. Of course the actors and the staff sat on separate ends. You and Seb communicated with facial expressions, up until his girlfriend came up to him, sitting in his lap. She surprised him or something. The next time he looked back to you, you were talking with the rest of the staff, but your smile didn't reach your eyes.
The party was in full swing everybody was dancing, when you decided to sneak out for a smoke. Noone would miss you, even Seb had his girlfriend to dote on now.
Then someone fake coughed next to you in the dimly lit alleyway, exhaling the smoke.
-Not enjoying the party?
-I am, don't you? - you lied. You both knew it was a lie at this point.
-Not really. I planned to spend it differently. Apparently PR staff thought differently.
You just scoffed and smiled. You didn't know if it's really a PR relationship, or he just wants to get in your pants.
-And how did you wanna spend it then? - you asked.
After a little silence he walked up to you, a bit too close for friends.
-I wanted to dance with this amazing woman i came to know lately. Perhaps charm her a little, you know. - he said smiling, shrugging his shoulders.
-I doubt your girlfriend would've liked that. - you said looking to the side.
-It's a PR thing to help her get more acting jobs. I dont have a girlfriends since everybody is fucking fangirling or think they invented the spanish wax. - he said as he hooked a finger under your chin making you look up at him, his other hand snaking around your waist.
-Is it really a pr thing, or you're just bored and want a quick fuck? - you asked before basically running back to the party. Lily saw that something shook you up, you were on the verge of crying, so she took you to the ladies room, to talk.
-What happened (Y/n)? i never saw you like this. - she asked full of concern.
-I might not be here after the break.
-What? you can't just leave like that. What happened?
-He happened.. i .. i really want to believe him... and i really came to like him.. and he flirts... god he knows how to do it.. but how could i be sure that his girlfriend is really just a pr action and he isn't just bored and like fuck me and leave right away? I don't wanna be anyone's booty call.
Before Lily could say anything one of the booths opened, revealing the pr girlfriend.
-If you won't trust his word, then trust mine. It is only an act to get me more jobs, nothing more nothing less. I couldn't even tell you if he's good in bed or not, cause he always refused my advances.. - she said to you as she washed her hands.- He talks about you a lot though. - before leaving.
You spent the next 2 weeks in a hotel room. When you got a messeage from a number oyu didn't have saved.
-Shouldn't you be out, being a tourist?
-Who says i'm not? - you asked
-If you'd be i'd see it on your insta.. - the message came just as you got a notification of Seb following you, then another message came.
-I could show you some spots if you want..
-Yea, *snorts* and your PR team would be delighted about the articles saying you cheat on the missus with a lowly make up artist. :D
-Yea no, she has another fake bf now. Guess i'm too old huh?
-Oh so i'd be the rebound? :D
-Cmon just let me show you around, you can wear glasses and hats and shit. I'll come pick you up in an hour.
-Wait, how do you know where am i staying? :o
-*shakes phone* my manager?!
Then you start to get ready. You decided you'll just be yourself. He is still just a coworker. So high waisted black jeans, a hellfire club tshirt, but you cut off the sleeves. worn vans, and sunglasses.
When you walked down, he was already in the lobby, his eyes lit up as he saw you. He put a hand around your waist, greeting you with a small kiss on your cheek. He handed you a coffee as you stepped out to the street. You spent the day visiting touristy spots. His sunglasses really were pulling the Clark Kent effect, noone bothered you two. The last stop of the day was Lady Liberty. You were on a ship, he must have arranged it because noone was on it except it's crew and you two. As you stood next to the railing, watching the water, the statue, the city, you didn't notice him getting closer, only did when he put his arms around you.
You turned around in his arms, now facing him. He was smiling, looking into your eyes.
-What? - you asked smiling, not breaking eyecontact.
-You're amazing. - he said bumping his nose to yours.
-Is your next sentence asking if you can kiss me? - you teased him, and he just shrugged his shoulders.
-If it were, would you let me?
-An old man kiss me? hmm... let me think.. - you said teasingly as you snaked your arms around his neck, making you both chuckle. He pulled you closer, flush to him before he slowly kissed you. You never thought you'd get to do this, but now you did, it was as if you had done it a thousand times before, as if you'd be together for years now. It was so natural. He did not let you out of his hold for the remainder of the night. He only did when he escorted you back to the hotel.
-Do i get to take you on a date?
-Do you want to? - you asked shy.
-Course i want to, i only have what, like two months to convince you to stay. - he said before kissing you again.
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rappaccini · 11 months
..... had to reread sitting in a tree for gwenfic research and wow i still hate it! this is a sitting in a tree hateblog! all respect for gwiles shippers but this comic was everyone's introduction to them, and boy does it still suck! it is singlehandedly the worst thing gwen's ever been in! it poisons the concept of them as a couple! i went into reading it the first time excited to ship them, and closed the issue like 'they should never hook up anywhere in any context ever' and even after the spiderverse movies broke their backs to try and redeem this ship i still want to hiss at it every time i see it!
gonna number out all the things i hate about this shipping crossover here in a very incoherent, bitter, salty fashion because that's just how i get when i have to reread siat:
they have no chemistry. it's subjective, i know, but reading those issues, the vibe is just so fucking strange. the writers clearly think these two are into each other and the entire time you're like... oookay. they only met and interacted a few times before this and barely know each other too, so them being so touchy-feely is just... strange. especially when you consider--
the age gap. miles is 15/16, and gwen is 19/20. so, high school/teen and college/young adult. it is creepy seeing them canoodle and kiss. especially when you consider that miles is drawn to look so much older than he canonically is in those panels where they made out (and that they keep insisting that he's 'almost seventeen and she's barely two years older' but only in this issue), probably to downplay that he's a minor and she's a young adult. there's literally a subplot in siat where gwen infiltrates a nightclub that miles is too young for, so he sits outside texting her like a kid waiting for his mom to get done grocery shopping. and... okay. a 4-5 yr age gap is nothing, but not at this point, and given how slow marvel's internal time progression is, miles and gwen can't logistically get together without it being too weird until he's out of college, when they're 25ish and 30ish respectively. which won't be for another irl 10-15 years. it's simply not worth putting them both on a shelf (or let's be real, putting gwen on a shelf, bc miles is the far more popular character) and making them wait that much irl time, denying them other potential couplings and probably a lot of crucial development that'd take them further apart, and all for the possibility of a romance arc that does none of them any favors.
the fate meddling. the whole shoehorning of earth-8 ruins it beyond the point of no return. maybe the chemistry could've come later. maybe once the age gap became negligible they could've had something. but them only making out because they suddenly, randomly discover an alternate future world where they are a happily married celebrity supercouple who lead their equivalent of the avengers, are fabulously wealthy and beloved by the public, and have two superpowered spider-kids who keep. showing. up. to be all 'hi alternate mom and dad! we love you! let's team up!' is so fucking creepy. dangling two delightful spiderkids in front of a teenage boy and a 20yr old girl who barely know each other and are under a lot of stress and heavily implying 'you'd better kiss or these sweet kids won't exist and you'll never be happy' is gross. and it makes any idea of them hooking up feel like they're giving in to the pressure of adhering to someone else's narrative and surrendering to an arranged spidermarriage rather than trying to forge a sincere emotional connection of their own.
the sexism. specifically making gwen, the girl who is defined by standing in the shadow of her mainstream self being Spider-Man's Dead Girlfriend, finally get to have her own story where she gets to survive her peter parker, be the hero, and have a narrative about trying to keep her agency and find her place in a world trying to chew her up and spit her out, and for her characterization to be that of an antiauthority cop-cynical grungy musician girl with no desires for a domestic life, who is currently hated by the public and hunted by the cops in her world....... and then having her be informed by the equivalents of the gods of destiny that she will only ever be accepted or tolerated if she marries some boy (literally, a teenager. a boy.) she barely knows, abandons her world and everyone in it that she loves for him, has babies with him and becomes a hyperfeminine celebrity supercop, as all her musical ambitions seem to have evaporated in favor of her being a family-centered girlboss.... rancid. absolutely rancid. god no please no. run gwen stacy run. don't get kataang'd.
the comphet. it's a given to everyone who reads her comics-- and even most of the people making them-- that spider-gwen is not straight. she's unmotivated by sex and romance (or domesticity in general: this girl does not want kids), she turns down male love interest after male love interest, she has tension with her bandmates and much of her female supporting cast (though they seem more interested in her than she is in them). alternate versions of her have had even more overt queercoded vibes with her interactions with female characters (even spiderverse gwen is trans-coded). gwen is queer. she might not be gay but she's definitely not straight, and it's just the disney-marvel homophobia that won't let them say it. with that in mind... a queer girl being told by what basically counts as a god that the only way she'll ever be happy or accepted is if she marries a boy she isn't that interested in and has a nuclear family with him, and hey, it'll make sense eventually... fuuuuuck that. even the kiss reeks of comphet: gwen only does it because it's what she feels like she's supposed to do. with all this in mind, if they get together... man that's a bad vibe.
the shallowness: reading the miles issues of sitting in a tree, the way he talks about her is... weird. it's him bragging to his high school bros about how he met this super hot, super powerful older spider-woman and totally made out with her, and dude, she's gonna have my kids someday. and the gwen issues are just like 'so this boy showed up and god made me make out with him. anyway.' basically the vibe is that miles is into gwen because she's hot, she also has spider powers (and at this point given that he was being thrown peter's leftovers, that she's a version of peter's girlfriend, and he wants to be like peter.) and gwen is into miles because she sees hiding behind a relationship with him as an easy fix to her problems. that's it. that's what keeps them together. that's the depth of their connection. that, and that they look pretty when they stand next to each other. if they get together, good god they're gonna hamstring each other's growth.
anyway i'm just staring down the barrel of these two getting together in btsv. no matter how earned the payoff is in the movie, the consequences are that they'll likely be paired off in the comics then too, which almost certainly means that gwen, whose solo was cancelled and only appears in team-ups and crappy minis now, will be sent to be miles's supporting cast to largely exist as His Girlfriend for potentially years, and that the fundamental cornerstone of her character ('gwen stacy gets to be the superpowered protagonist of her own story without being any spider-man's girlfriend, regardless of whether she dies or lives to motivate him') will have been betrayed. that's the Big Fear, and it all started here, with fucking sitting-in-a-tree.
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onyourstageleft · 7 months
tw: pet health, animal sickness, cancer mention
idk how to do a read more on mobile sorry y'all but this is your chance to scroll on
so Peggy has some lumps under her skin. we noticed them on Tuesday night, there's two of them close together on her hip. called the vet this morning and they got her in at 2pm and took a biopsy and they'll call me back either Saturday or Monday with what's going on, they won't speculate or anything, but I did the very unwise pet parent thing and took to Google and based on everything I can find it is most likely fibrosarcoma which is a difficult to treat cancer and also expensive bc it involves surgery and continuous radiation/chemotherapy for several months and frankly I don't care how much it costs I will go into all the debt for this cat, I have a 9k limit on CareCredit and am unafraid to max it out + my other credit cards it's not even the money that bothers me, but if I'm right about what it is the prognosis isn't great for long term health and that is going to break me. She's my baby, she's only 7, she was literally the only thing keeping me from going off the deep end at some points in college, she's supposed to meet the kids I want to have in a few years, she's been here for most of my adult life and I will absolutely lose my sanity if I lose her anytime in the next few years. she has to make it to 10, ideally she'd be around for another 10 years past that but I'm realistic, I know 12 is perfectly reasonable so that's what the goal has always been, I literally can't do this without her. and my partners love her SO. MUCH. Peyton dotes on her, he's only been around for 5 of those years but he is so so in love with this cat, she is our baby, I would be lost without her so uhh if this turns out to be what I am afraid it is, don't be surprised if long form rant text posts become more common here bc I will absolutely lose more than a shred of my sanity.
also I guess don't be surprised if you see some sort of fundraising post from me in the future bc while I am unafraid to max out credit cards those bitches will want their money back at some point and I am unfortunately not a rich bitch, although quite frankly that is the least of my priorities rn, I just want to do whatever I possibly can for my baby. logically I know that I've done what I can but the anxiety is running away with me rn. like what if the tiny spot I felt on her a couple months ago and then couldn't find again when I looked for it was this before it got big what if I could have caught it earlier I should have been more diligent in checking or made a note of exactly where the tiny spot was initially so even if I couldn't find it again maybe the vet could have? I know I didn't put it off substantially and I really trust this vet they've been great but I could HEAR her as they were trying to numb and biopsy the spots she was so angry at them and once they shaved the area it looks SO much bigger than we could feel, like we knew there was one spot but were iffy on a second one and you can see them so clearly now they're big and slightly discolored and I am afraid. thankfully she hasn't been acting any different like she was literally having zoomies this morning but the idea of not having her zooming around makes me want to crawl into a bog and be preserved for a thousand years okay
anyway i know I've posted pics of her at some point but it's been a while so idk what I tagged them or where to find them but if you believe in literally anything at all I would appreciate an appeal on her behalf like I know there are so so many bigger things going on but Peggy Sue is my baby. other alises include Soupy Peg, Miss Ma'am, Peggum, Pegasus, Peggle, Soupiest, etc if you would like to be specific.
okay I'm gonna go take a bath now and try to read a book bc I need to not be on the internet rn, let's all spare a collective thought for my sanity
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aroaceaaah · 1 year
Mehn, síd, áŕá͡úyê͡î!
Writer ask thingy: 3, 8, 15, 20 !
Dia daoibh, fucker.
3.) What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need?
Everything I want to write for the WIP is Coming So Help Me God. If it doesn't fit but is still Mass Effect it's going in a supplimentary little oneshots catch all thing. That's been most of the brain atm, I've got some DW WIPs but I'm totally gonna get back to them I promise.
That Does Not Mean I have Never had half assed ideas I didn't write.
I wanted to make my DBH fic longer, I wanted it to be a whole thing about Connor getting super overwhelmed with being a Deviant and everything that entails and it was all a super thinly veiled metaphor for autistic burnout. I also briefly thought I would recreate the whole of DBH as a text-adventure that was naive hah.
I wanted to write a She-Ra fic focusing on what if Adora just let Catra come with her when she sneaked out of the horde to go find the sword in the first episode. It was gonna be a big long AU and basically everything would be different if that one thing changed. They were gonna be gay way earlier
I have a whole original thing I have never written much of at all but I do have ideas!! I also have Assignmence and Autism Special Interests which take precident a lot of the time.
8.) Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
This is a fun one because mostly no? Depends on how specific you get. I write fanfic, I read a lot of fanfic. In terms of genre, I love writing angst, if I do not feel 1000% confident that the angst will be held properly (no big dramatic plot twists or OOC stuff for drama or fuckin cliffhangers, dickhead) then I will just simply not read it. No. I do like when it's funny and nonsense and I write a lot of that, but I also like when random americans write about fucking Calculus man idk what I like that's between me, god, and a team of psychologists.
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
I am simply built different these are all easy hahhaa. I am shit at suggesting titles for others writing but for me I just title everything either a joke or a song lyric and wham done. Idk if they're catchy or enticing I have no idea I just want it to all line up so you can scroll and sing a really weird disjointed version of a song weeee
20.) Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
WELL!! You are gonna read this and be like "none of this was new information to me" but idc I'm saying it anyway (SPOILERS FOR MY MASS EFFECT FIC LOL)
ROBOT SHEPARD. I adored that as a concept, it literally wasn't my goal with Tis Grace I have notes from the beginning trying to focus on the, like, social implictations of being dead for a while but it wasn't holding water and then I was like what about the physical implications and then I was like WHAT IF SHE'S AN AI
it was great and there is SO much coming for that, there's stuff in my ME3 one that revolves around that and I'm so excited for. It's all foreshadowed and set up and it's fun because a lot of it happened almost accidentally. In terms of relationships, I obviously love the title lesbians, I swear I do even though they have been together for maybe 15 minutes in the fic but look. I wanted an explanation for why Liara isn't with you in ME2 and I could not think of a cheery one for that. I also didn't expect to be as obsessed with Jack as I am but honestly herself and Shepard genuinely having a close friendship? Miranda gets roped in for dramatic tension? They should have let me write the games idc that I was 10 years old
Anyway if you want a clue as to what happens next listen to the playlist it's. Fairly explicitly stated tbh.
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kiruamon · 2 years
Teacher-AU Part 5!
A new part!:D And more from Damien and Oz! Okay, admittedly, the future parts will be very Damien- and Oz-heavy anyway, but I don't think that will bother anyone too much, right?;D
For starters, here's a little fact check at the beginning:
Since most teachers aren't too eager to be in charge of detention when Damien is on the list of detention students, Oz/Teach volunteers to do it on such days.
Depending on how many students are in detention, Teach offers to assist students with homework or help them with questions about class material
However, if the students are too unmotivated, he will simply think of an alternative activity depending on the students present.
The activities have ranged from a cooking lesson in the home economics room, to quizzes, or an art assignment where the students were asked to depict the emotions they felt during detention.
What Oz enjoys most, however, are days when Damien is the only student in detention because then he can just listen to Damien complain loudly about the school administration or other things.
Most of the time they get into other topics and talk about whatever comes to Damien's mind.
Oz himself is rather reluctant to talk about himself, as long as Damien doesn't ask him directly about something.
(A little warning before we continue! In the following text Oz mentions how he was once impaled. The scene is not written very graphically. Also, Damien curses some more. Apart from that, the text is a little more light-hearted this time ;) )
When Damien has detention for the first time this school year because of a "little incident" in Ms. Feratu's class, it's Teach who says the following to him:
"You do know that, theoretically, you could just skip detention, right? ... Although if you should decide to do that, it will be pretty boring for me to watch an empty room for an hour."
It was clearly visible in Damien's face how much it had cost him to appear voluntarily at detention. His disgust seemed boundless and was reflected by his defiant posture. One elbow propped on the table, his head on his hand, he sat sideways on the chair while his tail, like that of an angry cat, whipped harshly through the air behind him. Because of this, Oz tried to look as relaxed as possible. Even if in reality his thoughts were going completely haywire right now. Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to supervise detention today. How had he managed to sound so nonchalant earlier? He felt absolutely not cool or like he knew what he was doing here. But...he had to pretend. Come on. It wasn't that much different from acting performances or holding a lesson, was it? Besides... besides, for once he had a chance to be alone with Damien this way. He didn't want to spoil that. So he pulled himself together. "I'm glad you're here," he greeted the disgruntled student in front of him, and he meant his words in exactly the same way. After all, he hadn't known if Damien would truly show up here. "Don't think it's because of what you said!" he got a snotty answer.
"I just don't feel like having the principal send another letter to my dads!" And he certainly hadn't turned around halfway through his walk out because he'd been thinking about how his dorky history teacher - even though he was already 10 minutes over time - might still be hanging out here in the room waiting for him. Which to his annoyance had been proven to be true! Which normal teacher watched over an empty room! This guy was driving him crazy! "Ah. I see." The voice projected into his head sounded so neutral that Damien wasn't sure if Teach was disappointed in his answer or not, which only fueled his anger even further. "So what now?" asked Damien in response, in a bad mood. Actually, he didn't feel like talking to his teacher, but he hated this stupid silence even more. The school was usually so noisy, but at this time of the day, a damn cemetery would be noisier! "Hmmm, Ms. Feratu didn't leave any assignment sheets for me. If you want to use the time to do homework or study, you're welcome to do so. I'm also happy to help out with any questions." Yeah, that figures. Like he was going to waste his time on bullshit like that. "Are you fucking serious?" Teach merely tilted his head a little as if honestly wondering why Damien was so upset. Didn't he get the message at all? After a short pause his teacher answered completely serious: "Absolutely. Otherwise I wouldn't have offered my help," he explained with that over-friendly smile he so often put on when he was teaching. "However, it was only a suggestion," Teach added, while Damien watched his teacher tap a finger against his right forearm.
To be honest, Damien didn't understand any longer what had made him come here. He should just leave. Whether he got the letter or not. That would be the problem of his future self. But just before he could get up, the gentle voice of his history teacher invading his head made him pause. "Then how about a game to pass the time?" A what? Stunned, he looked at his teacher, who was still smiling at him in amusement, his hands clasped together. What the heck was going on in this guy's head? Actually, Damien didn't feel like playing any stupid kids' games, but... he was a little bit curious now, what his odd teacher had in mind. He... could listen to it and in case of any doubt, he still could leave. At least it sounded better than Teach's first suggestion. "And what exactly did you have in mind?" the demon prince inquired suspiciously. The smile in Teach's eyes suddenly held a challenging glint that caught Damien's attention inevitably. After all, Damien LaVey had never run away from a challenge before. Could this be fun after all? An almost excited tingle of anticipation ran through his body, making him sit up straighter. "A very simple question and answer game," barely said, Damien could feel how his excitement abruptly vanished into thin air. That sounded outright lame. So the complete opposite of thrilling or fun. "We take turns asking each other questions to answer. The first one of us who can't or won't answer three times loses." Teach thought for a moment before continuing. "If you win, you get a prize. If you lose, there's no downside for you." The rules were incredibly simple. However, the thing that surprised him was that Teach mentioned specifically that one might not want to answer a question. It didn't sound like it was about stupid school knowledge. He couldn't stand that kind of stuff. But other than that, it didn't sound very interesting. The only reason why he even cared about it was the thing with the price. Sure, it could be something lame as well, but... what if it wasn't? On top of that, he clearly had nothing to lose either. All right, then. He could play along for once. If it got too stupid for him, nothing and no one was going to stop him from ending this nonsense. "All right. I'll play along with your weird game. So go ahead and start," the pyromaniac school bully said rather impatiently, gesturing for Teach to begin with his hand. Teach, despite Damien's rude words, literally had a beaming look on his face. Unbelievable. Just totally ridiculous~ How happy someone could get over such nonsense, Damien thought, as he rolled his eyes, not quite as annoyed as before, and the corners of his mouth twitched upward for a split second.
Teach, at least, no longer hesitated to come out with his first question. "What exactly did you do that got you detention today?" Pffffh! That was his fucking question? Damien could barely stifle a laugh. The dork couldn't have made it any easier for him! "Placed a bucket of Selkie piss over the classroom door, dumped out over the old hag." Nothing too drastic, therefore. "I really don't know why everyone is so fussy about this." Damien was almost expecting Teach to say something super tedious. Something like, you don't do that to others. That students should treat their teachers with respect. That such behavior was not appropriate. Something like that. But Teach just stared at him with eyes wide open in disbelief. And then... Then suddenly he just started laughing. Completely stunned, Damien watched as his teacher was busy wiping tears from the corners of his eyes while his laughter still echoed in his head. "O-oh my. So that's... that's really... well... ", Teach chuckled so hard that Damien had a hard time understanding the individual words properly. Somehow, though, his teacher managed to finish his sentence. "Now that I would have loved to see for myself." Damien's mouth literally dropped open. The guy was laughing! He just laughed at that! Wow. Teach took a noisy breath and took another deep one to calm himself down. "Okay. Your turn." Eh? Huh? It was his turn? His turn at wh- ? Oh yeah! Fuck! His head felt completely blank, which was why Damien simply asked: "You think that's funny?" Teach seemed clearly amused, though it was impossible for the heir to the throne to tell right now whether that was because of his question or his teacher's previous fit of laughter. Acting secretly, as if someone might overhear them - which was nonsense, of course, since they were alone here - Teach looked around before turning back to him. "Just between us?" he asked quietly in an overly cryptic manner. "As long as it doesn't involve anyone I like, my answer is yes," his teacher admitted with a little wink. Oooookay... ? Damien was still a little flabbergasted. He had not expected such an honest answer. And he certainly didn't expect something like this from Teach, who looked like he would follow any rule, no matter how stupid or unnecessary! "Your turn," he merely replied, trying to bring this newly discovered side of his counterpart in line with his previous image of Teach. This time Damien waited almost eagerly for his next question.
"Hmm. Ah, that should be good," almost grinning, Teach looked at him. "Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?" Damien was grinning now, too. "Dumb question! Chocolate. Vanilla is for boring losers who always play it safe." So it was his turn again! This time he really had to think of a better question. Just as he was still feverishly pondering, Damien noticed one of the little thingies looking sheepishly at him from over Teach's shoulder. The little things somehow constantly clung to his teacher. "What are those things?" Damien hadn't thought too much about it until now, but now that he had the opportunity and peace to think about it, it looked to him like they were connected to the body of the shadowy monster in front of him.
"You mean... ", Oz turned his head a little to the side to look at one of his tiny companions. "These?", he gently pointed his hand at one of the little phobias and Damien nodded at him eagerly. Ah good. "These are phobias," he said slowly, curiously watching Damien's reaction to his answer. Apparently his answer hadn't been very helpful for the horned demon. Just like in the old days. When he had first tried to explain to his former classmate what a phobia was. Oz gently pushed aside the wistful and nostalgic feeling that drifted towards the surface. Now was not the time to reminisce, as bittersweet as the memories might be. "Phobias are specific fears. Like those of spiders, of fire, of the dark, or of falling from a great height." Slowly, it seemed to click with Dames. "So these are your... " Oz held a finger to his non-existent lips, an amused smile in his eyes, and interrupted his overeager student in front of him without further ado. Even though he was pleased that Damien was suddenly so enthusiastically trying to learn more about him, he wasn't about to present him with all the answers on a silver platter. After all, they were still in the middle of a game. "Take your time to think about how you want to ask your next question, but first it's my turn again," he announced with a sly smile.
"So Damien. What do you think I am?", Oz was curious what Damien thought. Or maybe he already knew the answer? Some students who had asked Oz about it, he answered honestly, although so far no one seemed to believe him when he claimed to be the personified fear. So Oz didn't know exactly what was shared among the students. Or whether the higher years exchanged themselves at all with the students from the first year. Therefore, he was eager to hear what Damien would say. Despite the fact that the well-known truant wasn't too keen on thinking so hard about one thing, Damien took his time before opening his mouth to present his solution to him. "A shadow monster. Or a dark elemental," Damien seemed unsure himself if he was right about that. Good-naturedly, Oz shook his head. "Both of those are wrong, I'm afraid."
"But how should I-", Damien was about to protest, because the question was so unfair! Annoyed, the devilish demon straightened up, both hands propped on the table in front of him, and stared at his teacher with a dangerous and angry glint in his yellow eyes. But Teach interrupted him before he was able to knock the table over or set it on fire out of anger. "Don't worry. You answered the question itself correctly. It's just the solution that's wrong." Was his teacher completely off his rocker by now? What was he talking about? How could he have answered a question right and wrong at the same time? "What do you mean?" demanded Damien impatiently. "It' s quite simple. I had asked what you think I am. Therefore, there was no wrong answer. But I am neither a shadow monster nor an elemental," Teach admitted to him without showing any sign of being intimidated by his threatening attitude. Finally it became clearer what Teach meant. He had asked him a trick question, but not one to his disadvantage. Which kind of missed the point behind a trick question. Didn't it? Damien wasn't exactly sure if he should be annoyed or pleased by that. No, no, he was clearly leaning more towards the former! Anyhow, he slowly let himself sink back into his chair. "But it' s so weird to ask a question like that." "I was just a little curious to hear how you see me. Or if you might know the answer from one of the students in the upper grades." How he saw him? Damien didn't really know what Teach meant by that. Teach was just one of his teachers. And... he constantly stopped him from disrupting his classes, which meant that he was one of the few teachers at this school who stood up to him. Which was total crap! And maybe also a teeny-weeny bit cool. But apart from that, Damien actually knew hardly anything about him. Shouldn't you get to know your opponents better or something to be able to defeat them easier? Maybe this game, which seemed so childish to him at first, was good for something after all. "Whatever... so what exactly are you then?" Maybe he could have figured out the answer on his own, but somehow... now that he had the chance, he preferred to hear it from Teach's mouth. Well, not really out of his mouth. After all, Teach didn't have one. Damien just wanted to hear it from the guy himself! And strangely enough, this seemed to please his teacher. As if he had only been waiting for Damien to ask exactly this question.
Oz had been waiting for Damien to ask him this very question. He knew that either way, it would unavoidably come to this at some point. So why not now, when they could talk about it alone and in private? "Fear. Or what everyone understands by the feeling of fear. Whereas since I have a body, it might also be accurate to say that I am the personification of fear." To answer this time was much easier for him than back then. Perhaps because by now he was no longer so terribly afraid of admitting what he was. Because Oz knew that most people didn't believe him anyway. And those monsters who were important to him would accept it. All that remained was to hope that nothing changed. "That's why phobias, which are basically subtypes of fear, are also a part of me that only manifested in the course of time. The more different fears people and monsters develop, the more of them come into existence as well. But maybe it would go a little too far to try to explain all that in detail..." he muttered the latter more to himself than Damien. "Does that answer your question more or less?"
Damien expected a lot of things. But not this. At the moment, he was still trying to figure out if Teach was just brazenly telling lies to him. Whether it was the phobia thing or the story about how he was supposed to be a feeling that was somehow a person? How could something like that be possible? Was such a thing even possible? And then he claimed to be fear itself! Yet Teach was pretty much the complete opposite of scary. As far as he knew. His teacher just had to be screwing with him. And yet... yet... the monster before his eyes - or whatever he exactly was - didn't appear to be joking or making fun of him. "You're really serious about this? No bullshit? Honestly?"
"Yes. Honestly," no hesitation or doubt was in Teach's voice as he answered him. "It's okay if you don't believe me," he added more slowly. "No, I believe you," it immediately burst out of Damien before he had even given it a second thought. The words just bubbled out of his mouth. And what was even stranger, they felt right. Somehow he knew it was true. Deep, deep within himself, he could feel it. Even if he didn't understand where that unshakable confidence or trust came from. The trust that Teach wasn't lying to him about this. Though he didn't understand how all this could be possible. Maybe... he just wanted to believe him. Or something like that. Anyhow, he didn't want to think about such complicated stuff any longer!
He had wished for it, but had not dared to hope for such a thing. But Damien believed him. Oz wondered if Dames had any idea how happy these few, but for him so incredibly important words, made him? How they made his heart beat a little faster? The personification of fear would have loved to give him a hug. Here and now. Without any restraint. But... but that would have been awkward under the present circumstances... Being hugged out of the blue by his teacher was most, most definitely one of the things that would send Oz straight to Damien's hit list. And he didn't want to scare Damien away under any circumstances. Just because he didn't manage to pull himself together a little bit. So Oz had to hold his feet still and stay in character. And hope that he would once again manage to get Damien to open up to him. But that wouldn't happen today or tomorrow. It would take time. He couldn't allow himself to become impatient. "I'm glad to hear that. Very much so. I think you're the only one who has really felt this way about it so far." But just because he had to play his role didn't mean he had to hide his every thought or keep his joy a secret. "Oh, but I think it's up to me to move on." He briefly considered what question he might continue with. Oz wanted to avoid asking Damien too intimate questions on his part. After all, this was supposed to be fun and help them carry on a more casual chat. Besides, he knew how easy it could be for Damien's mood to tip if a sensitive topic was accidentally brought up. "Do you have a good movie tip for me? I still need something to fill my weekend with."
That Teach would look so grateful just because of a few words. Only because someone believed his story. What a moron! There was no need for getting so excited over it! Nevertheless, Damien couldn't help but feel a bit proud that he seemed to be the first one who knew about it and took it seriously. That made it a bit special, didn't it? Not that he was particularly interested in knowing about this stuff! But before he could give it any more thought, his teacher continued their little game, which he had nearly forgotten. "Sure I can, if you absolutely insist," the heir to the throne announced smugly. "Die Faster & Even More Angrier 7. You totally have to see that one! I learned so much rad stuff from that series! Like, for example... "
Cute. Damien was unbelievably cute when, like now, he started gushing all excited about something he liked. Oz listened patiently as the prince of hell, tried to describe the fast-paced car chases or jumped up from his seat to re-enact some of the choreographed fights for him to show how rad and metal the whole thing was. "In that case, maybe I'd better start at Part 1 and work my way up to Part 7." "I'm sure you won't regret it!" Oz smiled a bit more at Damien's boundless passion as soon as it came to extremely brutal or dramatic action scenes. Yes, Oz could pretty well imagine where his friend had gotten the inspiration for numerous of his crazy adventures and ideas. He chuckled lightly. "Yeah, I think so too. As soon as I have seen them, I'll let you know what I thought of them."
"So without suspecting anything, I went deeper into the cave and the next thing I knew, I was falling! I had not noticed the hole in the middle of the tunnel, which had opened up right in front of me. And what an horrific deep hole it was. I'm not a huge fan of falling from great heights. Even less so when there are big, spiky wooden stakes waiting for me at the ground." Oz frowned slightly as he thought back to how it had felt to be impaled. Damien, meanwhile, sat as quiet as a mouse in front of him, listening to his tale with unexpected interest. "It's downright painful to be pierced by an oversized toothpick. And very annoying and exhausting to detach from it again." Being impaled was definitely on his list of things he didn't want to repeat. "Anyway, I managed to get back on my feet, even if it took a little while. I looked around more closely and noticed a passageway at the edge of the pit floor. Big enough for one person to step through." "And what was behind it?" the young demon impatiently pressed him, unable to wait to hear more. "Behind it was a large room lit with torches and magic stones. And in the middle of it was... ", Oz paused dramatically to add to the suspense.
"Oh come on! Out with it!"
The entity stifled a laugh at his former friend's typical response. "To my surprise, I found a very modern kitchen studio there!" "You can't be fucking serious! How does something like that end up in a cave?" "Well, as it turned out shortly after entering the room, a cooking show was being produced there by the local goblins. They usually used the intruders that died in their trap as the main ingredient for their newest episode. I was quite embarrassed to be stared at by them like that. The mood was... a bit tense you could say. And I think they were also kind of uncomfortable to see that I wasn't dead or otherwise badly injured and therefore not suitable for one of their dishes." Sometimes it had its advantages to be an immortal being. ... yeah, sometimes... He returned to his original story. "To be true, I felt a little guilty about this whole matter. So I suggested they get a replacement that they could use. After all, I had packed some food for my trip anyway, which I had planned to use later. So I just let them have what I was carrying anyway and even got to help out as a guest on their show."
What a crazy story! Well, okay, maybe the cooking show part was a tad lame, but the rest was pretty cool! There was only one thing that confused him. "But how did you... I mean you said yourself that you got pierced by a fucking stake", so how on earth had Teach taken that so easily? He had barely finished voicing his concern when the doorbell rang. Teach rose from his seat and glanced at the clock above the door. "Looks like you made it for the day," he announced in a good mood. Damien furrowed his brows. Had time really gone by that fast? It didn't even seem that long to him that he was sitting here with Teach. And... shit! He had forgotten that the whole point of this game was to win! He had let himself be distracted by the relaxed atmosphere and Teach's questions! And actually all this should not have bothered him so much. After all, he had successfully spent his time here and could just leave to do whatever he wanted. But... Something still held him back. His feet just didn't move from the spot, even though he was already standing. Not knowing if there would be another opportunity like today left a sour aftertaste in his mouth. It was downright dissatisfying.
Oz had rather expected Damien to leave the room straight away to enjoy his freedom. But instead, the young prince was still standing next to his seat, restlessly shifting his weight from one leg to the other. Dames was obviously thinking about something rather hard, stepping on the spot, so to speak. Maybe Oz was wrong...but perhaps.... The eldritch being decided to take a shot in the dark. "How about a second round? Not today, but another time. After all, we're left with a draw. So if you ever feel like it, we can continue this." Oh, hopefully he wouldn't have to regret his words right away. Perhaps he had misinterpreted his friend's hesitation. Maybe it wasn't about that at all and Damien was about to snap at him for his words and Oz would look like the last self-centered jerk! Damien was staring at him so insistently that Oz felt like he was going to burst into flames at any moment. And not necessarily in a romantic way. Instead of an almost expected insult, the handsome prince of hell nodded at him approvingly.
"Next time, I'm so going to kick your ass at this silly game and get your lame prize! You betcha!", Damien now announced again with his usual confidence and a touch of unshakable confidence. Despite the overly loud or harsh tone in his voice, there was an amused grin on the pyromaniac's lips as he stormed out of the room filled with gleeful anticipation of the next match.
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sweater-equestrian · 2 years
[vent/ only rb if commenting]
having a full mental breakdown because of my shitty horrible family / barn. Romeo stays at my family members barn free of charge- this is because my dad has always helped them build their equestrian center, even before we had Romeo or planned to have Romeo. This free board has been our saving grace during tough financial times (including now) and is why I can “own” a horse in the first place. But they suck! they schedule farrier and vet visits without asking me or telling me in advance- I get a text the night before if I am lucky. My phone has been on the fritz and not receiving texts. I had no idea the farrier was today. I also have schizophrenia- this is key because between it and ptsd, my memory is HORRIBLE. I have always been forgetful, but at this point I have full memory loss. It also means I am prone to being nocturnal- due to certain symptoms, sleeping is hard for me unless I am like, eyes hurt levels of exhausted. I did not sleep today until 5 am, and as a result, slept through the farrier. Now I have my barn owners (and dad) calling me all morning- are they concerned about me, a known suicidal and severely mentally ill person? no! why would they be! I am instead met with hostility and shaming. This is a historical pattern- “why don’t you have a job????” “why are you working minimum wage and can’t hold down a job? you are too smart to burden your father like that” “excuse me??? we told you to water the flowers why we where out of town!!! if you can’t help us out, maybe Romeo should find somewhere else to live and someone else to live with” (that threat was a long sit down in which my aunt and uncle cornered me and cussed me out for not remembering to water flowers- I have memory loss. I had remembered to, by myself, take care of the four horses we had at the time and carry bales of hay out every day. My family was also doing poorly due to my dads alcoholism- something they encourage, fyi. They knew this fully and where more or less threatening to rehome Romeo on me, over two planters of $60 flowers being wilty. Mind you, they are top 1% of income. This family makes more in a year than my father makes in 10. They make more in a year than I make in 100. I was not doing it out of hostility. It was not about the flowers.). In response to me daring to talk back or defend myself, they go straight to threatening my horse- it has gone so far as for them to threaten to kill both Romeo, my dog, and my other animals, any time I say an opinion they don’t like- be it political, me trying to stand up for myself, me standing up for other family members, or even just like, me being quiet. I’ve had times where I see them doing yard work, and wave to be nice, only for them to come over and tear into me for not working or helping out more or for doing something ‘wrong’ (I recall one time when I was walking Romeo in hand around the arena, and he pulled me over to a weed. I corrected him by holding out treats to get his attention back on me, which worked. I got yelled at for not ‘teaching him a lesson’ and ‘giving him vices’ and ‘ruining [co-owners name] horse’. Because..... I didn’t instantly give him a bruise on his nose for being a horse and wanting to do horse things). I am equal parts mad at them (and dreaming of the day I can cut ties), but also feeling like the shittiest horse owner alive. I daydream of future horses all the time, but I don’t think I ever will- both financially and because I don’t know if I’m a good pet owner at all.
#idk sorry for the pitty party#i just keep fucking failing everything!!! I cant do anything right!!!#Not to mention I cant ride. both in the sense that I am talentless but also in the sense that I am literally too heavy to ride#im now over 27% of romeos weight- a weight that was last taken nearly 10 years ago when he was in performance shape mind you so#likely more than 27%#not too many horses can carry 300+ lbs once you account for me and tack#like that leaves me with beefed up stock horses in prime shape (out of budget and I don't know enough about horses to keep them#in that shape)#and then drafts#which i cant afford because they eat too much and our farrier doesnt trim them so like#id have to pay both for a farrier who does drafts (preferably barefoot) and the drive out fee#and considering I doubt i would find a farrier super close who agrees to trim a barefoot draft like#hachi machi that sounds like a 80-100 farrier visit which is just not money my family has#not to mention like the doubt that im even a good enough handler to handle a draft!#like I click with horses and have been able to handle some spicey horses but its all been like#ponies and arabian stallion yearlings and then like#just our hot headed quarter horse whos a push over once she trusts you#I have never once handled a horse taller than me nor ridden one#I dont know shit about biomechanics or how to do dressage#like frankly compared to yall on tumblr i feel like a stupid hick#but not even like a cool one who can do cowboy stuff like#it would be different if i could say dressage who? I know how to sort cows and lasso cows and do cool rancher stuff#but instead im like. hi i am too fat to ride my elderly horse so instead here is some stupid little clicker training with stupid tricks#that no one cares about or is interested in#idk i should stop deluding myself that im an equestrian and not just some idiot giving an old horse bad habits and failing to take#good enough care of him#if I cant remember vets and farriers and deworming reliably I shouldn't have the horse#i ruin fucking everything
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eilooxara · 2 years
https://at.tumblr.com/ruthbaeddelginsburg/698643025153458176/1ff6rweijvln Isn’t this kinda terfy :/ they only know they were male by looking at DNA (Xy chromosomes present) and/or body structure like pelvis shape being narrow
Wait. are you calling me a terf? My friend who reblogged that post from me? The people who classify bog bodies? Unclear.
As for me, I literally just scrolled through a Wikipedia article and noticed a trend and decided it would be funny to joke about how we need more women bog bodies
Like. What the fuck are you even doing? What is your goal here? If you think I'm a terf (I'm a trans woman btw) then what do you gain by bringing this to me? A terf would just be like "lol yup" or something to that effect. If you think that I'm being "terfy" by implicitly accepting the gender categorizations of bog bodies by the people who research them then uhhh that's not what a terf is
Also! Bog bodies often have lots of remaining flesh! Like, look up the Tollund man. He's got a face still. It's been a bit since he shaved. Is it possible that's a trans woman? Sure I guess. But they had proto-Premarin around the time the Tollund Man died, so idk. Maybe there'd be titties. They definitely had shaving, and the Tollund Man had access to shaving equipment, but he hadn't in a little while. If I were a trans woman in 300ish CE I'd shave. Now, he was definitely in a pickle--probably being ritually executed--so maybe he (or she?) totally would have shaved more recently given the chance.
But we don't know that, and adding caveats about it would have spoiled my joke. Not only that but it would not make the world any safer or better for me and all the other trans women. And neither does your message.
Like. You or I could not know what signals, if any, would survive on even the most well preserved bog body of a trans woman that could indicate her gender. Maybe his leather cap is a very girly leather cap by iron age Danish standards. Maybe it's the manliest cap ever. We don't fucking know.
And anon, I want to live in the world where I can make a goddamn joke implying that we need more women bog bodies Because Feminism without someone like you cropping up to spoil it
I want you to think about what world you are creating by sending messages like this. You are the one harassing trans women, the time-honored tradition of terfs everywhere
Perhaps they should take more care in applying gender descriptions to bog bodies--that's an opinion you can have--but take that up with archeologists, not me
All you're achieving here is pissing off a trans woman who made a joke that actually, if you think about it for 10 seconds, includes the baked-in assumption that I and other trans women would be gendered correctly by future archeologists if we became bog bodies
In fact my joke works just as well in a world where all bog bodies are gendered correctly (assuming there still isn't gender parity)
So you're not even slightly right! You're just shit-stirring, I guess, trying to get a rise out of me? I've written several paragraphs here, are you satisfied, anon?
Is this what you wanted to achieve?
Who are you and what are you building?
Think about it
Think about it while walking into an acidic wetland to your doom. I want the next bog body to be you, specifically. Pack a bag of typical supplies for this time period and maybe a clay tablet or something, with some text written in multiple languages. Just to help out, you know?
If researchers in 1000 years misgender your preserved corpse you can bitch about it to me then and I'll listen
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
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Okay so. Writing update, I did end up committing all the way to NaNoWriMo this year, but the breakdown of my miscellaneous mostly Batfam writing project is hilarious to me, so if you are interested in what my DC writing looked like in November, I did silly math.
The 50,500 words for my project this year was basically whatever writing of my own that I did in November and that I considered enough effort/part of a dedicated something (so not, like, text messages or whatever random thing) to “count” for the project. Most of it was various DC fanfics or casual comics analysis.
Out of the 50k words written for the goal (non-bolded percents are sections included within the percent group right before them):
52% was for my still in progress “miles apart” long fic (basically a canon divergent “what if a lonely place of dying but earlier and no Jason death and lots of early batbros + NTT and also stuff that I want to see more of from that era” fanfic)
But only 37% of my writing was the actual fanfic content.
15% was just me plotting that fanfic (canon divergent long fics take so much to plan ok) and also my in-text notes
Those notes include me wondering/asking future me editing questions such as “check Who’s Who on DCUI to see how tall Victor Stone is compared to Kory” (6’6” vs. 6’4” btw) and “should Gar really be sitting on people as an elephant, how much restraint does he need to have to not kill people??” (maybe he shouldn’t sit on non-invulnerable assassins when he weighs 2-7 tons?) and also “does Dick have a car in NTTv2?” (…I think so??? I would assume? but he seems to take a lot of taxis/fly with Kory instead??)
29% was just me rambling/writing analysis about some of the Batkids. Unsurprising but amusing that I was just rambling about them for 15k.
As part of that rambling, 13% was me figuring out a post-Crisis age timeline for Babs based on comics. Fun and necessary but sometimes agonizing because I have to cite comics I do not like...
More rambling, 10% was me analyzing comics for what pre-Robin Tim’s Batfam obsession looked like based on post-Crisis. It’s relevant to my fanfic, okay!
8% was another (TimBern) fanfic I started because I got stuck on a plot point in the long fic and needed something less plot-heavy.
4% another (WIP) fanfic mostly about Tim & Bruce. unfinished. idk where it is going.
3% writing for college assignments. RIP finals.
2% potentially finishing up a one shot about pre-Robin Jason that I don’t know what to do with (it doesn’t feel done...).
1% possibly finishing the draft of another Dick & Tim fanfic (an angst-heavy Red Robin-era canon divergence).
1% starting a Robin Jason & Dick fanfic that I’m also not sure where to go with (pls I just want them to be cute first brothers).
I must also note that during all of this I was going slightly nuts not having any current projects to write about the women in the Batfam...downside of setting my current main fic smackdab in one of the least gender-diverse era of Batfam (in between Babs retiring Batgirl & becoming Oracle, no less!). Which is how I ended up writing 6.5k of Barbara Gordon timeline. I only lasted that long because I had Donna & Kory for the New Titans parts <3 (I need to add more of them I have another short scene planned)
Anyway. I just found it fun to look at how much I wrote of what in this jumble of a project. I have done NaNoWriMo previously but it had been a while since I really committed to it, so it was fun to actually write this much again. Even if I, uh, probably neglected some schoolwork for it. oops?
None of these fanfics are ready to be posted btw, they are a mess, but progress is progress, and if I do some editing in December, maybe a few will be :)
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