#maybe dad will say like 'oh getting rid of something? woah'
finally I am finished with it
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One Piece Chapters 94-102
So... this is it... the One Piece post where my chapter numbers reach triple digits... four googol digits to go...
Chapter 94 - The Other Villain
The other villain? Is that like the other reindeer?
Anyway, Lufpy isn’t dead. The mouse cop says that since Arlong has now been defeated, it’s time for the Reign of the Mouse Cop, but Zoro says that’s annoying and everyone beats up the mouse cop.
Lufpy still wants a ship musician. I hope the musician is the most powerful character of all time. Even though I’m pretty sure One Piece has run out of protagonists-I-have-any-familiarity with, so if there were a super cool musician I think I’d know about it. Maybe in the final arc, they’ll finally find a musician and it’ll solve all their problems? That’d be great.
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Oh, this is kind of like Homestuck. There’s a whole segment of Homestuck named after “speakercrab”. I guess it makes sense that the cops in this series would get Homestuck traits, to make it more obvious that they’re the bad guys.
Chapter 95 - Spin, Pinwheel
Everyone eats food. That’s good. You need to do that to survive.
Now that Nami has gotten a tattoo removal, she wants a cover-up tattoo. Maybe she... should have asked for that earlier...?
Meanwhile, Usopp has turned out to be the ship musician all along. Huh... he’s... “turned out”... to be that way...? Ha... that’s funny... it feels so strange... why do those words... feel so familiar?
On Nami’s way out, she leaves behind a lot of money for the community, but steals each individual community member’s money. All the money is for the community and none of it is for the individual? Is that like... enforced communism? That’s scary. Nami is going to turn her home village into Cheese World...
Remunerate shameful maggot Genzo likes babies. This is the big reveal about him that this arc has been building to.
...Huh...? “Remunerate shameful maggot”...? Why did I say that...? This is scary...
Chapter 96 - The Meanest Man in the East
Nami has a new character trait: Buying newspapers from a bird and reading them like she’s a nuclear family’s dad. Actually, come to think of it, Nami is kind of the dad of Lufpy’s crew, isn’t she? Which I guess makes Lufpy the mom. No wonder they’re the two best characters; they’re the ones that aren’t children.
Characters who aren’t children are always the best characters, that’s why I like Susie Deltarune better than Sans Undertale.
Something doesn’t add up here.
Why did I say “remunerate shameful maggot”...?
Well, that aside, the navy thinks all Lufpy’s antagonists have been pretty Bad Dudes. Which makes Lufpy the Ultimate Bad Dude. So now they really want him dead. The mouse cop helped with that too!
The time when our heroes will enter the Grand Line is fast-approaching they PROMISE... but first they want to do a little tourism.
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Woah... did the palindrome girl get promoted from Sweet Bro tier to John Egbert tier? What tier will happen next? I guess there’s that person from that VN who makes a chart detailing how the Five Genders are man, woman, nonbinary, clown and horse. I dunno I haven’t read it.
Anyway, best-case scenario for what this means: Lufpy is getting rid of Zoro and replacing him with someone else. Then later on Lufpy and Zoro meet again on the battlefield of jokes, once Zoro has mastered the world’s funniest joke offscreen. Like Lars from Steven Universe.
Meanwhile, Hawkeye is meeting with Lufpy’s favorite redhead. And being a little ableist about it, but that’s fine, because I think vampires should be allowed to do whatever they want. That’s why Usopp is allowed to be racist! Wait, is Usopp a vampire? But vampires steal people’s blood! I thought better of you, Usopp.
Chapter 97 - Kitetsu III
Have Nami’s legs... always been like that? I mean, I know about the “One Piece Woman Curse” or whatever, but I could have sworn her legs were completely unremarkable before. Well, whatever.
Meanwhile, at Zoro, where actually-relevant things are happening, Palindrome John Egbert is a complete nerd. I guess that’s why she wears glasses.
Indemnify embarrassing bug swords can be cursed.
...huh...? “Indemnify embarrassing bug”? Why did I say that?
Zoro throws a cursed sword at his own arm, but it’s okay. In fact, everything is so completely okay, Zoro gets multiple free swords.
Chapter 98 - Dark Clouds
Lufpy encounters his old foes, the uh... the woman who liked pink, and also her minion Nose [...]. Remember when there was a woman who liked pink? I guess maybe she was feeling left out because she didn’t really get to be an important antagonist. Except it’s not time for her to be an important antagonist. It’s time for Nose [...] to be an important antagonist... again!!
Meanwhile, there’s also a cop. He likes eating cigars and his pants like eating ice cream. I don’t know what his shirt likes eating because he’s not wearing it.
Anyway, Lufpy is about to die.
Chapter 99 - Luffy Died
Hmm, remember last post when I said the chapter title “Die!!!” should have been saved for a chapter where Lufpy died? I still don’t know what a “Luffy” is, but for some reason, using this chapter title for a chapter where Lufpy dies feels... even more right.
Nami doesn’t care about Lufpy, she cares about the weather. How “Dad” of her... to uh, not facilitate the “Mom”’s survival. Well, you know what they say: “I hate my wife”
Zoro and Sanji are gonna try and prevent Lufpy’s death. How, um, childish of them, to not want to have a dead mom? I dunno. This metaphor is kinda wearing thin. I guess they already have a dead grandma because Nami has a dead mom. I don’t really want to talk about dead moms anymore. There are better tropes, like uh... pirates.
Lufpy ends up surviving arbitrarily, so Sanji asks if Zoro is religious. But Zoro converted to Atheism, remember?
Cops want Lufpy dead anyway.
Chapter 100 - The Legend Begins
Wait, what were the first 99 chapters, if not a legend?! This story is only JUST NOW a legend? That’s kooky!
Nose [...] and the pink-loving woman want to kill Lufpy, but the gluttony cop already called dibs, so he puts them in a net.
Finn the Human and Jake the Dog are back and ready to enact mischief, but using an egg, Usopp can negate that, which is great for Nami.
Palindrome John Egbert accosts Zoro, so Lufpy makes Sanji move on without him. It turns out Palindrome John Egbert wants to get killed by Zoro because of sexism reasons, so Zoro blows up at her for being too palindromic.
The gluttony cop uses his smoke powers to overpower Lufpy and Sanji, but a cloaked figure doesn’t seem to like gluttony, so it’s not that big of a deal. Also, Nose [...] and the pink-loving woman are no longer in a net.
Lufpy and his crew do that “team huddle” thing where they all put their hands in a circle, but they use their feet instead. Wow, Lufpy really does have a foot fetish!!
Anyway, it looks like everyone’s paths are gonna cross at the Grand Line soon. And then the story will be almost over. Epic
Chapter 101 - Reverse Mountain
Hmm... 101... pirates... hmm... Pirate101... you know who MY favorite Pirate101 character is? Lucky Jack Russell. People shouldn’t play MMOs for children though unless it’s ToonTown. And I think people should play ToonTown Corporate Clash instead of ToonTown Rewritten. And a Reverse Mountain is called a valley.
Lufpy is hanging upside-down from the ship’s slippery figurehead. Doesn’t he die if he falls out of the boat? Well, I guess that would be okay. His entire life from here on out is basically “bonus lifespan”, so he’s all good to die whenever he feels like it.
...oh, it’s not a valley, it’s just a mountain called Reverse.
Anyway, our plucky pirates are now in a place where there’s nothing wrong with the weather but there are one thousand creatures. They need to sail up the mountain, but they break their boat, so instead of sailing up it normally, Lufpy uses his inflation fetish to, well, hmmm... everything turns out okay in the end.
Chapter 102 And Now, the Grand Line
There’s a big whale like in the Bible, so Lufpy fires the ship’s cannon. I wonder how Zoro, as an Atheist, feels about this whale?
Well, Lufpy punches the whale in the eye, so his friends get Jonah’d, including Zoro. This must be so sad for Zoro. Zoro’s entire religious stance turned out to be wrong. ...Except it all turns out to be a big hoax. So much for religious people ever being right about anything.
...Huh... It all... turns out...? Does... it... turn out... a certain way? Why... why does it feel like...
Something’s terribly wrong... this is no good at all...
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fluffymcu · 3 years
Hi this is quite quite unhelpful but I'm dying for some Tony x teen reader. Maybe with the reader being a mentee or something. I can't think of a exact scenario but the people in this community have started to severely neglect poor Tony 🥺🤣
It’s not unhelpful at all! I love Tony! And I completely agree there’s not enough Tony content anymore 😔😔😢
I’m a bit rusty but let’s give this a go!
Tony was like a dad to you. After spending 2 years helping him at the compound after school and meeting all the avengers on the way, they became like your second family.
Your situation at home wasn’t exactly ideal. You never really went deep into that but let’s just say you enjoyed spending your time out of the house. So naturally you always looked forward to heading over to the compound to help Tony.
As the months went by, your relationship with Tony grew into a father-daughterly bond. And if course, Peter was like a brother to you, since you’d known each other since 4th grade.
You were currently on your break right now. Tony was in a meeting with the team so you had a couple of hours to yourself. You were scrolling on your phone while the tv played in the background. You had made yourself comfortable on the couch, bundled up in blankets.
You were the type of person to get pretty bored easily. Peter was out doing his evening swing around the city so it wasn’t long before you fell asleep, bathing in the warmth of your fuzzy blanket.
You don’t know how long you had slept but apparently you slept until the meeting had ended because you woke up to light chatter and a whiny Bucky.
“Ughh, Tonyy, get your kid off the couch, she’s been here ages. I wanna sit down.” He whined, softly kicking the foot of the couch to wake you up. You stirred softly and turned your body to snuggle the backrest. “Hey. Get up. Come on.” He said with an unimpressed face.
You groaned in annoyance and shrugged a shoulder at him. “Bug off. I’m sleeping.” Bucky rolled his eyes.
“I’ll sit on you.”
You turned and opened an eye to peek at him. “Don’t. You’re like 300 pounds.”
“Well, get up! There’s no space for anyone else. And for your information, I’m 225.” He deadpanned, beginning to poke at your belly until you’d move.
“Hehey!” You flinched harshly, letting out strangled squeaks since you realized you were pretty tucked in your blanket.
“Aww, you made yourself a little burrito and not you can’t get out; how fun.” Bucky teased with an un(apologetic smile, continuing to poke your belly.
“Aaah! Stop! Ihihit tihihickles!“ You laughed, wriggling in the blanket like a worm. “Gaaah! Buckyhyhy!”
“Tony come onnn, your kid’s being stubborn. She won’t get off the couch.” Bucky yelled, smirking at your giggles and poking at your sides, alternating spots to keep you guessing. You were still half asleep, making you laugh harder than you should be at the tickles, snorting and squealing every time bucky would poke you.
A moment later, Tony strolled in and took in the scene. “Kid, come on, Bucky likes his couch time. And plus, your break is over; back to work. Let’s go.” He said, waiting for you at the end of the couch.
Bucky still wasn’t letting up, but neither were you.
“Noho! You had a 3 hour long meeting and ended it right when I took a nap. Now you gotta wait on me until I finish.” You giggled, turning on your belly, hoping that would stop Bucky’s attack.
Tony raised an eyebrow at your smart reply and looked at Bucky. “Did you hear what I just did?” He asked.
“If I say yes, will you help get her of the couch?” Bucky asked. Tony sniffed and wordlessly walked over to your “sleeping” form and looked at you for a moment.
“Well, kid, if you wanna play it that way, I guess I can indulge in this little challenge you’ve gotten yourself into..” he shrugged, sitting and straddling your back, making you stiff up.
“H-hey, what are you doing?” You asked, wiggling a bit to try to get out. You should have tried to get out of the burrito when you had the chance!
“What do you mean?” He asked, digging his fingers on each of your sides, scratching at your ribs making you scream and flop around as much as you could. “I’m getting you off the couch.”
“Nohoho!! Tohohony plehehease!” You cried, pulling at your arms to get free but the more you tried, the more energy was zapped out of you. You couldn’t even kick your feet out since they were tucked in too!
“Gonna have to get rid of this…” Tony started, ripping the blanket off and technically freeing you, but quickly targeting under your arms. “Theeere we go, now we’re talkin.” He smirked.
You were screaming and kicking, finally able to turn around under him to fight him off. However you were already too weak to fight him with your whole strength, so he was easily able to keep the upper hand. “Well that was a mistake.” He shrugged, clawing his fingers and vibrating them into the middle of your belly. You arched your back with a scream and grabbed onto his hand in hopes of tearing it away.
“STOHOHOP TOHOHONY!!” You laughed, letting out tired giggles. “BUHUCKY HEHEHELP ME!!“
Bucky laughed loudly. “Are you kidding me? After you so politely told me to bug off and continue to hog the couch? Haha- you’re funny.” He chuckled, shaking his head. Tony chuckled along with him and lifted up your shirt. “Oh, what do we have here, Ms. Y/n?” He hummed, digging a finger into your belly button, making you arch your back with a high pitched squeal. “I see… an adorable little belly that’s hungry for raspberries.” He teased, scratching at your belly button relentlessly.
“PLEHEHEhehease dohohohont.” You laughed, throwing your head back in defeat. “I’ll get uhuhup! I prohohomise!”
“A bit too late for promises, hun.” He quipped, leaning his head down to blow a long raspberry on your belly, shaking his head into it to make it that much worse.
The scream you let out was surely heard throughout the compound and you pushed at his head with all the strength you had left. “DAHAHAHAD!” You instantly gasped as you realized what you slipped out and felt your face heat up hotter than and oven. “WAHAHAIT!”
Bucky gasped a bit and Tony was surprised by the word but didn’t relent in his attack. Bucky was grinning widely and Tony poured his lips to tease you. “Awww that’s too cute. You called me dad.” He teased, digging his fingers back into your ribs, giving them a few shakes to make you squeal.
“NOHOHO I DIDNT, STOHOHOP!” You we’re so embarrassed and upset with yourself. How could you let that slip out?
“Aww, I’m pretty sure you did. I heard it. Did you, Buck?” Tony teased, looking up at Bucky.
“Definitely heard it.”
“Yup! 2 against 1, y/n/n. You definitely said it.” He smirked, blowing a raspberry in the crook of your neck while squeezing at your sides. Your saliva caught in your throat with a squeal and you began coughing. Tony quickly let up and helped you sit upright. “Wooah, you okay? Don’t wanna kill you now. You alright?” He asked, rubbing and patting your back as you coughed a few more times.
You nodded shyly with a frown on your face. Tony noticed and his smile dropped a little. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Bucky took this as a cue to give you both some time, so he walked out the living room with a smirk on his face. He’d get his time on the couch later.
You sighed and shook your head. “I didn’t mean to call you dad. I just- I don’t really know why I did. I’m sorry. If you want me to stop coming to help for a while I understand.” You shrugged lightly. Tony furrowed his eyebrows and and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Woah woah woah, what are you talking about? Why would I want you to stop coming over? You’re family, y/n!” He exclaimed, taken aback by your reaction. “I mean that. I know your situation at home isn’t good. And I also know what we mean to you. But now its time for you to know what you mean to us. And I’m sorry it wasn’t made clear before. But you’re literal family to us, y/n/n. We love you. You know how many times Peter has called me dad before? Now, are we related by blood? No. But he is literally the son I never had. He’s my kid. And so are you! Not one person on this team is related to anyone else here by blood… but we’re as close to a family as anyone can be. And don’t ever think for a second that you’re not part of it. You don’t have to be embarrassed that you called me dad. I actually found it quite endearing! And I’m glad that you see me in that way, cause I see you as my daughter too.” He smiled, kissing your forehead gently with much love.
You had tears in your eyes threatening to fall. Your own parents had never said something so heart-touching like this to you. You felt your heart burst with love and you instantly threw yourself into Tony’s arms in a tight hug. He quickly returned the gesture and held you tight. “Thanks, Dad.” You grinned, hugging his impossibly tighter.
Tony smiled and ran his hand up and down your back, his heart warming at your new name for him. “Of course, honey.”
Blood don’t mean a thing.
Ooof I’m really rustyyyy but hopefully y’all enjoyed 😂💙
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 7x04 Beauty
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I freaking adore this episode! 
Storybrooke, I missed you!
Belle finally gets to travel the world! She’s wanted that since season 1, bless her.
Tilly! Loml! I remember being like, yay, fellow autistic! 
Who was Tilly’s ex-girlfriend? Was she real or just part of her fake memories? I still think it was Ivy. Give me all the Curious Archer/Rainy Rook love triangles! Ivy and Robin would absolutely hate eachother. I need more fics of this now! I may have already written one xD. Can’t believe we didn’t get any Alice with Ivy or Robin with Ivy interactions.
I love Tilly. Have I mentioned that??
Woah! That scared me!
I’m so happy for Belle, getting what she always wanted.
Love when Tilly speaks in riddles and all the Alice in Wonderland references!
It makes me so sad that Rumple feels like he was so intent on getting rid of the dagger that he didn’t feel like he focussed on Gideon as much as he wanted to.
What a freaking sacrifice Belle made. She allowed herself to age really quickly so Rumple could be free of the dagger. But wouldn’t it have been a better idea to wait until she grew old naturally and then they could go to that realm?
Is putting pills in a sandwich even effective? Not to mention she only took a small bite. 
When Tilly says, “You mean her pills”, does she mean they are Victoria Belfrey’s pills because she thinks she cast the curse or does she mean they are ‘Tilly’s’ pills because she doesn’t recognise herself as Tilly but rather Alice at this point? 
Oh my God, Tilly be careful jumping out of a car like that! If her Papa found out.
Really love that scene. I think that’s when I really fell in love with her character. Brb gonna watch it 3 more times!
But does time stop in the Edge of Realms? How did Belle age so fast if that’s the case.
This montage was genius.
Omg that parallel to her falling as she pulls the curtains! Stap it!
I feel like their search for Lucy should be more urgent. No time to chill, guys!
She doesn’t remember who Tilly is. It must be so confusing and frightening being half way between real and false memories.
The Alice in wonderland references! 
Omg I’m tearing up! This episode istg!
Omg you can’t give us all these flashbacks like this! I can’t handle it! 
Gaaaah! My eyes!!
Omg poor Rumple. 
They straight up killed Belle! But honestly it was such an emotional scene and episode in general I’ll excuse them. This rewatch really endeared me to Belle. I miss her already!
Tilly’s remembering!
Oh crap!
Did he instruct her specifically to shoot him before the curse? 
Gideon volunteering to straight up stab his dad lol. 
But Belle just said something about him needing to accept that their love transcends death and then they can be reunited. Maybe that’s what he did before he gave his heart to Wish Hook.
So because he went back in time, the time he went to has two Rumple’s (if you don’t count Wish Rumple). One of them is presumably travelling with Belle and Gideon while this one goes to the NEF.
How did we as a fandom not figure out that Alice was the Guardian earlier? He literally told us the portal would take him to the moment the Guardian was waiting for him and the portal took him to Alice. I wonder if Rumple figured out it was her straight away.
First Knightrook scene! Excuse me while I scream! I remember thinking her being Eloise or his daughter was to easy to figure out but I hoped it’d be her.
They’re playing the wrong sides! Love that detail! He moved the black rook next to the white knight! 
Like father like daughter with Lucy running off all the time.
I wish Henry stayed with them.
I wonder if Ivy really likes Henry or if she just wants to get to Jacinda. She seemed to have no interest in him in the EF. She literally tried to kill him. 
Amazing episode!
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cloud9in · 3 years
Driving Lessons Pt 2 (Poppy x Bea)
Long awaited. I hope you all enjoy. This is the finale of the series but I think that Bea and Poppy’s high school stories should be continued.....
Read Part 1 HERE
Tags: @samanthadalton @somewillwin @baexpoppy @poppysmc @clowneryme @thedaft1 @zigxryanz @aleiramacaii
Word Count: 2.6k 
Pt 2: The Date
Friday night had arrived and Bea’s nerves were at an all time high. She practiced breathing exercises that conveniently popped up on Youtube, there was no room for thoughts other than that of a blonde cheerleader. The buzz of her phone prompted her to jump up in excitement. 
1 message from Poppy🙄
 Poppy: I’m 99% sure that you haven’t forgotten about our “date” tonight. But if you did I’m not here to remind you. I’ll be here in 5 minutes. Remember, dress casual. ❣
 A familiar grin crept its way onto Bea’s lips as she reread the message about twenty times, taking note of the heart at the end. It may seem conventional, but even that was a lot coming from Poppy. Another message popped up which induced a smirk from the brunette. 
 Poppy: No, I am not driving the Benz.
 Bea set her phone down and spun around to check herself out in the mirror. She wore black ripped jeans with a red plaid design in the holes, red converse, and an oversized grey and black long sleeve. This should definitely fit Poppy’s definition of casual, right? 
 The blonde arrived outside of Bea’s house just as she reached the front door. Poppy was the first to react, her jaw threatening to drop open as she took in Bea’s appearance, all of it. Luckily, she was the queen of poker face’s and masked her thirsty expression….Bea on the other hand, failed horribly. She stood there wide eyed, her hands hanging uselessly by her sides as she studied the blonde. Poppy wore a white and pink checkered wool skirt, a knitted pink sweater, and a white crop top. Her jewelry also dazzled brightly against her neck. The blonde watched Bea amusingly, “you can quit ogling me now...:”
 Bea darts her eyes away self consciously. “Your uh...jewelry is distracting.” Really Bea. Nice going. She winces at her excuse and Poppy arches an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the flustered mess of the brunette in the moment. 
 “Hmm..well come now. I don’t like to waste time.”
 Like a puppy being offered food, Bea follows Poppy into her silver Range Rover. She gapes at the pristine interior and the stars on the ceiling. “I thought those star things only existed in Rolls Royce’s.” Poppy smirks appreciatively, her fingers flexing on the steering wheel, “Oh they do, but I have my ways.”
 Bea tries to convince Poppy to tell her where they’re going, but she scoffs immediately, not even turning her head in the brunette’s direction. “It’s a surprise.”
 “I didn’t take you for a girl that likes surprises to be honest.”
 “Well then there’s a lot you don’t know about me, Hughes.”
Bea fought the urge to ask Poppy to elaborate, to tell her every last detail about her. What flavor of ice cream she liked, what she loved to do on a rainy day, but there’s that moment of insecurity  that pushes her away from indulging in those thoughts. She didn’t want to seem overly-interested.
 But maybe that’s what Poppy wanted.
 The sudden quietness becomes obvious and Poppy peers over at the brunette, “I could always let you test drive this one. Maybe brush up on your driving skills?” Bea side eyes Poppy suspiciously, memories of Monday night’s driving lessons infiltrating her mind. “I can’t tell if you’re being serious right now..”
 “Of course I’m not! You don’t think I remember what you did to my other baby?! You’re lucky you were hurt in the process, otherwise who knows what I would have done…” Poppy glances quietly over at Bea, her eyes carefully scanning the scar that sits on her forehead.
 Bea smiles sheepishly, her hand reaching up to move her locks back. “I don’t think I wanna know- wait hey! What do you mean I was lucky-”
 “Oh please, you were lucky that I took you to a hospital. You are crazy Hughes, you know that?”
 “Crazy for you? Well now that you mention it…”
 Poppy rolls her eyes but can’t stop the smile that erupts on her face. “...Just let me take a look at it later. I need to make sure it’s healing right.”
 “Whatever you say doctor!” Bea mock salutes the blonde which earns another heavy eye roll, emphasis on heavy, but she didn’t mind. The opportunity to be less than an inch away from Poppy’s luscious lips again? Hell yes.
 “Okay, but what did your dad say? I’m sure he understood it was a complete accident.”
 “Mhm tell that to the insurance company. Which reminds me, you will be receiving a bill in the mail sometime next week for all the damages.”
 Bea nearly leaped out of her seat as her head snapped towards the blonde, who looked like she was having a great time. “Pop...you’re joking right...that is a thing you are doing right now.” Poppy rolls her eyes with enjoyment, letting out a soft chuckle. “Don’t get your panties in a twist, Farmsville, I know you can’t even afford a tire. 
 After continuous bickering which almost prompted Poppy to unlock the passenger side door and kick Bea out...psychically, while they were doing 80 on the freeway, she eventually pulled into a parking lot. The only main source of light was the huge sign illuminating the words, “Animal Shelter”. Bea blinks in confusion for a few seconds before realizing she was the only one in the car. Poppy had already started walking towards the entrance, greeting a man with a….smile? Oh yeah, Bea was definitely curious now. Poppy actually looked relaxed when Bea had finally caught up with her. The blonde noticed her approach and hummed to herself, “took you long enough, hurry lets go inside.”
 “Pops-did you take a wrong turn...this is an animal shelter...”
 The blonde rolls her eyes so far back into her brain as she grasps onto Bea’s words. “No I did not take a wrong turn you imb--.....this..this is the place I picked.” The brunette flicks her eyes continuously between Poppy and the entrance before shrugging, a surprised expression on her face. Before Bea could say anything else, Poppy grabs her hand and pulls them into the store and into the column where cute puppies reached for them. A beautiful smile immediately lit up Poppy’s features as she bent down to pet one of the baby bulldogs. This gesture immediately enraptured Bea as she watched...Poppy? Or whoever this was. 
 Not wanting to disturb the moment Bea leans down to the cage next to her and picks up the golden retriever who happily licks her face. “Woah okay there boy, a little too much tongue.” She holds up the puppy as he barks playfully and wiggles in her arms. 
 “I’m definitely not complaining about your destination of choice, but can you tell me why you picked it?” 
 Bea gazes over at Poppy who looks like she’s in her true element. The blonde sighs and stands up, brushing her skirt down. “Well my parents own the place…and well to put it bluntly, some of these animals don’t have much time left.” 
 She turns towards Bea, watching her safely caress the puppy in her arms, and smiles, “I figured you have a close connection with animals and would want to make them feel loved before they go.” 
 Bea watches Poppy with a warm look in her eyes, and it was funny because Bea had been around the cheerleader a lot, but this...was different. Almost incredible. And Bea knew that this was the start of a feeling that she would never get enough of. 
 “I would. Thank you.” 
 The two girls spend a good amount of time playing with the animals. Poppy helped Bea feed newborn strays with a bottle of milk, more than often grabbing a hold of the brunette’s hand to steady the slight tremble. Bea didn’t want to admit she was nervous because Poppy was very close to her. And Poppy would never admit that Bea was doing everything right, but she wanted to hold her hand because it felt incredibly soft for a girl who worked on a farm everyday. 
 But she wasn’t the only one who was very observant that night. Bea kept her mouth shut about the situation, but this new side of Poppy blew her mind. There was so much to ask, to say, but the moment was too valuable to ruin. 
 The time seemed to go by quickly as the shelter started to close down. The time they spent with the animals felt fulfilling but Bea never missed the solemn look on Poppy’s face as she watched one of the older cats rest peacefully. There was so much to learn about the girl, and Bea thought it was best that she kept this date going.
 Food. That could work. 
 “Hey pops...I know I said you could pick the place but there’s somewhere else I want to take you. If you’re up for it.” 
 If it was anyone else, Poppy probably would have cussed at them for taking up too much of her time. But this was Bea, and something in her couldn’t say no. “As long as it doesn’t involve you and I in a forest alone.” The brunette laughs easily, wrapping her arm around Poppy’s waist without a second thought. “Oh please, do you really think that’s how I’d get rid of you?” 
 Poppy seems to lean into her touch, letting her strawberry blonde locks brush up against Bea’s cheeks, “I doubt you’d be the one getting rid of me darling, but sure.” 
“....Alright I take it back! I’ll even let you drive the car because I am not eating at a diner.”
 “Oh come on, they have the best milkshakes in town!”
 The brunette drags Poppy towards the diner without letting go because if she did, Poppy would probably scream bloody murder in the middle of the lot. 
 Bea led her towards a booth in the back, only then freeing her arm. Poppy plops into the seat after realizing there was no way she could charm her way out of this. “Don’t look so bummed out, you’ll change your mind when you try the famous strawberry milkshake.” 
 “I have never had a milkshake in my life.” Poppy visibly cringes, her posture stiffening at the thought of a sugary liquid infiltrating her body. 
 “Well today is your lucky day baby.” Bea winks at her and calls over a waitress who seems too comfortable with laying a hand on the brunette’s shoulder. It wasn’t evident whether the severe blush on Poppy’s face was because of Bea unknowingly using a pet name or because of the mystery girl who decided to do the most in her presence. 
 “We’ll have the regular Tasha, oh and the strawberry milkshake please.” 
 “Just one? What about your friend over here?”
 Poppy snaps her head up at the waitress who seemed to scan her every move. Something Poppy was definitely used to. Her hands are the first to make a move, slowly trailing their way up Bea’s arm from across the table. She doesn’t take her eyes off the waitress as she speaks softly. “Oh we’ll be sharing it honey. Put a cherry on top too okay?”
 The waitress reverts her eyes from the two and walks away without a word. Poppy watches her leave, biting her lip with satisfaction. 
 Bea can’t help but smirk to herself. “Oh you cannot take your eyes off of her can you? Relax, she’s an old friend.”
 The blonde scoffs, keeping her hands on the surface of Bea’s skin. “I don’t care who she is. Does she flirt with every customer in here? What happened to having class? Or some sort of decent? I mean do you talk to pigs like this?
 Bea squints her eyes and sighs warily. “Poppy this is not a five star restaurant, and that’s what you call being polite and kind to well known customers. People here are normal, not trained robots.” 
 Poppy shrugs to herself, her eyes darting around to the wall decorations and other people who are chatting happily with their families. The atmosphere did feel warm and peaceful, nobody sat up straight and practiced proper table manners. Nobody judged her for who she was or what designer she wore. There was room to actually breathe. Bea could sense the blonde slowly starting to adapt and relax in their new environment and she couldn’t be more grateful for making the right decision. When their food had come, Bea slid the milkshake towards Poppy and smiled shyly. “It’s all yours if you like it, we don’t have to share.” 
 “Nonsense Hughes, I can’t possibly drink this all by myself…but I call dibs on the cherry.” She steals the cherry from the top and plops it into her mouth, eyes sparkling from the burst of flavor. It was nothing compared to the milkshake though, Poppy swore she saw stars when tasting the sweet liquid. Bea laughs as a whipped cream mustache develops on the blonde’s lips after hogging the shake for herself.  
 “I’m paying for our next date by the way.” 
 Bea peers over at Poppy who walked her to her front door, “oh so there’s gonna be another one?” She can’t help but smile at Poppy’s sudden shyness. 
 “Well I enjoyed tonight, a lot. Maybe more than a lot.”
 “I did too.”
 The silence that consumed them wasn’t exactly uncomfortable but it was enough to make them stare at each other. Bea’s mind started to fog as she thought about finally closing the distance between them. She wanted nothing more than to mask the silence with a kiss. Bea looks at Poppy, who seems to be lost in thought. 
 “What are you thinking?”
 “You’re usually deep in thought when your eyebrows scrunch together like that. Or maybe you’re just planning on jumping me as soon as I turn around.”
 Poppy smiles softly. “Do you know the feeling when the thing you wanted the most is right in front of you, yet it still feels unreal and almost impossible.” 
 Bea takes a deep breath and nods, “I do.” 
 Okay Hughes you’re gonna kiss her in 3. You’re gonna make the move. Come on. 
 But of course Poppy had other plans. 
 The feeling of Poppy’s soft lips had caught Bea completely off guard. A hum of pleasure escaped her mouth as the heat started to increase between them. Bea grabbed hold of Poppy’s cheek and steadied the kiss, her eyes slowly started to shut as she sunk into the warm, smooth feeling. Bea smiles into the kiss as Poppy’s tongue begins exploring the depths of her mouth, and she bites back a moan when the blonde takes her bottom lip between her teeth, tugging it slightly, feeling the desire pooling in the pit of her stomach. Poppy places her lips back on Bea’s, passion igniting once more as Bea begins to dominate the kiss, her hands finding her way to the blonde’s waist, pulling her in even closer. 
 Poppy felt like she could kiss Bea forever, if it wasn’t for the need of oxygen. When they both finally pulled back, the blonde laughed with joy. “That felt so amazing.” 
 Bea wanted to blow a huge sigh of relief that Poppy initiated the kiss, because imagine fucking that up. She just held her close and basked in the moment. Her lips swelled with excitement as she still felt the ghost of Poppy’s tongue tracing it. Poppy always had something to say, but right now there was so much more she could do. And the first thing she would do is finally make Bea hers.
if you want to be tagged in any Poppy fics let me know.
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Maybe in Another Life - Dean x fem!reader part 4
In this universe, Chuck had won, Dean, Sam, and (Y/N) were the only ones left. They must find another reality to live so they can find a way to bring back their own. But after getting separated, (Y/N) must find her Dean while working with this universe’s hunters.
Also Season 15 spoilers
(Y/N) was a young hunter down on her luck. She was on her last twenty bucks and her last tank of gas. She wanted to get this hunt done so she could go down to Vegas to hustle a couple old men out of a couple hundred bucks. Selling pictures of her body wasn’t honest work, but it was work. 
For right now, hunting was more of a duty than a pay bill, her parents had been killed by a vampire clan with (Y/N) narrowly escaping. So when she heard that the vampires who killed her parents were back in town, she wanted revenge. The only problem was that she had to team up with John Winchester. The guy was a complete hardass, military-like instructions. He had little to no respect for anyone, including his own kid.  
After the hunt and telling Mr. Winchester the place on her body that he could place his dusty, crusty lips on, she was walking back to her car or as she liked to call it, the mansion. Behind her, she could hear a car pull up and John Winchester saying he would be back soon. She looked over her shoulder, seeing John getting in a car and his son, Dean watching the car leave. 
His eyes then landed on her. Dean started jogging towards her car. This outta be good. The guy was a flirt... A good flirt, but a flirt nonetheless. But something told her that behind shell was a heart of gold and so much trauma, it reminded her a lot of herself. Alone in a dark world that kept getting darker. 
“What’s wrong? Daddy dearest kick you out?” She asked as she opened the door and threw her bag into the passenger seat. 
“Uh no, he went out on his own for a hunt.” He looked at the ground awkwardly, “I wanna apologize about him. He’s kind of-” 
“An asshole?” She finished the sentence.
Dean slipped his hands into his pockets, “I was gonna say rough around the edges.” 
“If by rough you mean sandpaper.” She looked at him, “Sure.” 
Dean smiled, his bright green eyes sparkling, “I guess. Uh, where you headed?”
She sighed and looked at him, “I dunno. Wherever I can earn my next dollar.” She got into her car and closed the door, turning the key. And turning the key. The key, turning. Car not starting. 
“Son of a bitch!” She slammed her hand against the wheel. Dean gave her a innocent looked, leaning down into her window. 
“Did you know this model is notorious for just not working?” 
She looked back at him, “I am well aware.” She rested her head against the steering wheel, “It was all I could afford at the time. And now I’m screwed.” 
“Well...” He opened her door, “You could hitch a ride with me.” She turned her head, narrowing her eyes at him.
“What’s the catch? Because this.” She motioned to her body, “Aint free.” 
Dean backed off quickly, holding his hands up in surrender, “Woah woah, sweetheart. I ain’t that kinda guy. Not that you’re not...” He looked her up in down, “Incredibly beautiful. But I feel like you deserve it after my dad said what he said.”
“You mean when he told me that the reason the vampires killed my parents was because I wasn’t strong enough at the ripe age of ten?” She got out of the car, grabbing her bag. 
“Yeah, pretty much.” He smirked, “I also wanted to apologize for that over a slice of pie at that diner we passed on the way into town.” She hummed, tapping her chin as she walked to the back of her car, hitting it just right so that the trunk opened. 
“I don’t have any money.” She said, “So I can’t pay you back until later.” 
“I don’t have money either.” He shrugged, reaching into the trunk and grabbing a suitcase of all her worldly possessions, “I’m just really good at shooting pool.” 
“Hey dad, it’s Dean again... Why aren’t you answering your phone? And what the hell was that voicemail you left me?” (Y/N) watched Dean grip onto the payphone tightly. They were sitting outside an apartment near Stanford university where Dean was going to talk his brother into trying to find their dad on a hunt that he hadn’t come back and hadn’t answered his phone. In the days since Dean and (Y/N) had been driving, they had actually gotten to know each other very well, they were becoming close friends. 
After the line went dead, Dean got back into the Impala and cursed, gripping onto the steering wheel. 
“Look, you don’t have to be apart of this if you don’t want to.” Dean looked at (Y/N). 
She shook her head, “You’re not getting rid of me that easy, Dean-Bean.” She reached into her bag of cherry twizzlers, taking a bite, “Plus.” She said around the candy, “He may be an asshole, but he probably needs help.” 
Dean chuckled, leaning over and taking a bite of the twizzler in her hand, “I appreciate it, sweetheart.” He winked.
“Awh.” She pouted dramatically, “I don’t get a fun nickname?” 
“How about snookums?” 
“Oh absolutely not.” She laughed. 
“Sugar booger?” 
“The Spanish word for no is no.” 
Dean shook his head, “Alright, alright. How about sweetheart when you’re sweet, and sweet-tart when you’re a little crabby?” 
“I do not get crabby.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Really?”  He raised his eyebrows at her. 
She rolled her eyes, reaching down on the floor of the car in front of her and pulling a burger out of the bag, “Shut up and eat.” 
After the semi truck crashed into them, John, Sam, and (Y/N) were left with minor injuries while Dean was left in critical condition. He was in a coma, hooked up to a wall of machinery and a breathing tube in his throat. 
(Y/N) had been confined to her room with a broken ankle, kept in touch by Sam who would come in to explain what was happening. Dean was in the space between life and death and John was going to summon the demon he had been searching for to get revenge against him for... well, for everything.
As she lay in her bed, tears in her eyes, she spoke to no one, but hoped he was listening.
“I don’t know if you’re hear right now, Dean. But...” She inhaled deeply, “But I want you to know that I love you.” She chuckled, “And I know you’re probably thinking that I’m only saying this because you’re having your out of body experience moment and you could die. The reality is that I love you. You put up that flirty, whore persona, but I know who you really are. Those nights when we’re alone and we talk about our lives together and depression backstories. I’ve never trusted anyone more. And I love you. So...” She looked around, “So please, don’t die on me. I don’t know if I can do this without you.” 
Finally, (Y/N) had managed to get into a wheel chair in the night, the night that Dean woke up. The night John died in the basement of the hospital, giving his life for Dean’s. 
Sam was passed out asleep in a chair next to Dean’s bed while Dean was wide awake, staring out the window. 
“Hey...” She said softly, rolling up to the side of his bed. He glanced at her, a small smile pulled at his lips. 
“How’s it goin’, hot wheels?” 
She sighed, “You were literally in limbo this morning, but now we’re laughs?” 
“Gotta get through the pain somehow.” He looked back towards the window. She reached out and took his hand, giving it a slight squeeze. 
“I’m sorry about your dad.” She said, “My last words weren’t kind to him. If I would have known...” 
Dean shook his head, “Nah, you had every right to talk to him like that. Especially after the last few days.” He looked down at her, “I heard you by the way.” 
Her eyes widened, “No, you didn’t.” 
“Yeah, I did.” 
“No, no, you didn’t.” 
“You called me a whore.” He spoke in a hushed voice, taking a small glance at Sam before looking back at (Y/N). 
“Well, you are.” She shrugged, “Kinda.” 
Dean rolled his eyes and sighed, “Look... My point is... The feelings are mutual.” Her eyes widened. 
“I was on death’s door, I’m not gonna deny what I’m feeling anymore.” He brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss on her knuckles, “I love you.”
As they started searching around the town, Sam was finally able to get ahold of Dean. 
“Dean? Dean, is everything alright?” Sam asked into the phone. Jack and (Y/N) head’s snapped back towards Sam on the phone. Her heart felt a little less heavy then. Dean was alive and that meant she hadn’t lost everything. 
“Okay, we’re in downtown Hastings, we really need to plan out our next move.” Sam said. After a moment, Sam looked up at her, “Yeah, she’s still here.” 
That was the other thing that made her heart feel heavy, call it survivors guilt. She came from a dead universe, just like all those hunters had, and she was still there. 
It was scary being on an empty planet. You never realize how much noise the world made until the world had gone silent. Everyone in Hastings was gone. Everyone in Minnesota was gone. The whole world. They were all that was left. They made to an intersection on an empty street. Cars stopped or crashed where they were last operated. The soft puttering of the Impala made them pause. Dean parked it on the street corner, getting out and looking around the abandoned town. 
Dean walked over to the group, closest to (Y/N), reaching down and holding her hand. She welcomed this touch, knowing it well. He was devastated, he needed something to ground to the world. He was shaking slightly, not enough to be detected by the human eye. 
“Everyone's gone.” Sam said, “You see anybody on the way here?”
“No.” Dean answered, sounding like he didn’t believe it himself. 
“I couldn't save anybody. Billie-”
“It wasn't Billie. It was Chuck.” Dean said. 
“What?” Sam and (Y/N) asked together. 
“Where's Cas?” Jack asked. It was only then that she realized that Cas was no where to be found. And when Jack said his name, Dean’s hand clenched down on hers. 
“Dean?” Sam asked hesitantly. 
Dean looked everywhere but the Nephilim, “He saved me. Billie was coming after us, and Cas summoned the Empty. It took her. And it took him. Cas is gone.” Jack looked like his whole world had fallen apart, and it had. His father was gone. 
“This can't be happening.” Sam shook his head. Maybe in a state of shock. 
“It is, Sam. I think everyone's gone.” Sam shook his head, bringing his phone out and making a call. 
Dean dropped her hand, walking to the young boy, “Jack, I'm sorry.” (Y/N) stayed in his position in the street, looking around. 
This was impossible. They had no option. No plan. It all seemed so hopeless. Maybe she couldn’t save them... She couldn’t save this world. How could she save a world that was already gone?
They made their way to a diner in town and made their way inside to regroup. The diner looked like everyone had dropped what they were doing - eating- and disappeared. Food was still on the table, the fryer was still crackling in the kitchen. On the television was what was supposed to be a football game, but all the screen showed was an empty stadium and an empty field. 
“Hey,” Dean motioned to the TV, “It brings a whole new meaning to the term "sudden death." He turned the bar’s tap off so the stream of beer coming from the stout ceased. 
“Do you think we're it?” Sam asked, “All that's left?”
Dean chuckled darkly, “Yeah. You, me, her, Jack.” He looked out to the window where Jack was sitting on a large cement planter. He asked for space to come to terms with the fact that Castiel was gone. He needed it. Honestly, they all needed it. She had lost Cas before, but losing him again was twice as hard. Dean had poured himself a pint. Alcohol had always been his vice. 
Soon enough though, Jack made his way inside, staring at the hunters, “Hey. So, um, what now?”
“I did this.” Sam spoke up, “We could have just given Chuck what he wanted, you know, his grand finale. But I resisted. I pulled the thread. I thought we could beat this game, do it better. We tried to rewrite him, and the whole world paid the price.” Sam looked at (Y/N), “I’m sorry. But you’re mission to save us... I ruined it.”
“Sam, we can-” 
“We can what?” Sam interrupted his brother, “There's nothing left, Dean. No one left to save. Everybody's gone.”
“You can't just give up.” Jack spoke up. 
“What other choice do we have?” Sam snapped back. 
Sam and Dean decided to hash it out with Chuck, agree to his ending of brother against brother. If it meant that they could get things back to the way it was, maybe they could try something new. They had dropped (Y/N) and Jack off at the bunker before leaving. 
The two were left at the bunker, hoping the plan would work, but frankly their nerves were shot that hope seemed like a fever dream. (Y/N) had made food but both of them were too emotionally devastated to really eat. 
As (Y/N) was cleaning up dishes, Jack walked into the kitchen silently. 
“(Y/N)?” He asked. 
She turned and gave him a soft smile, “Yeah?” 
Jack came around, grabbing a dish towel and slowly drying off a bowl, “I was just wondering what I was like in your world.” 
She hummed, “You’re pretty much the same. I think you ate a little more nougat though.” 
“I feel like I was happier.” He said, drying a cup. 
“Why’s that?” 
Jack paused his drying and looked up at her, “Because I would have had you since the beginning. You have been so kind and warm to me. Even after all the things I’ve done.” 
She looked at him, handing him a plate, “Jack-a-bug, you have powers that angels have had millennia to master.” She looked at him, “You’re still learning. When you’re learning sometimes you do things you didn’t mean to and you feel awful. But for how long you’ve been with us, with how much you’ve learned, I think you’re doing great.” 
Jack nodded and then looked at her with a head tilt that reminded her so much of her friend in the trench coat, “Jack-a-bug?” He asked. 
She let out a small laugh, “Oh yeah.” She shook her head, “That’s what I called my Jack. I had a lot of nicknames for you. Sweet boy, Dean two, Jack-a-bug. I’m pretty sure he hated it though.” 
“No.” He said, “I like them. They make me feel... Special.” 
She smiled, cupping his cheek, “That’s because you are. Not because you’re a Nephilim. Because you’re ours.” He smiled weakly, then excused himself to bed. 
(Y/N) was sitting at the world map table, waiting for the brothers to get home. When they did, she stood up from the table, look expectantly. Sam only shook his head and went straight to his room. Dean however stood in the entrance of the room. 
“What’d he say?” She asked. She had an idea of the answer, but she needed to hear it. 
“Uh, he wants us to rot here.” He said casually. He walked into the room, cupping her cheeks in his hands, “So what do you say me and you play catch-up over some whiskey?” 
“Dean-” She said, holding his wrists to take them off her cheeks. 
“Sweet-tart.” He sighed, looking down at her, “There’s nothing we can do right now. Or maybe at all. Please.” He rested his forehead on hers, “Can we please just... Let’s just have tonight. No universe difference, no your Dean my (Y/N). Just be mine for tonight.”
“Okay.” She said softly, giving his hands a squeeze, “But if you call me sweet-tart again, I’m gonna drink your good whiskey that you hide in garage.” 
He narrowed his eyes, a sly smile on his face, “How do you know where I hid that?"
She hummed and leaned up, rubbing her nose on his, "Who do you think put it there in the first place."
He chuckled, dropping his hands from her face to her hands, pulling her towards the garage.
Read part 5 here!
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blessednereid · 3 years
LFLLLL Prologue: Mutual Pining
Series Masterlist
WC: 3.5k
Taglist: @rogershoe
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        Lydia's House
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"Lydiaaaaaa!" You had barged into Lydia's house unannounced that afternoon. You had work that afternoon, but you called in sick, not physically, but emotionally. And only Lydia could help you. 
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Lydia's mom, Natalie, had come out of her office because of your shouts.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Martin, I didn't realize you were home. Your car wasn't in the driveway," you apologized.
"It's fine, dear. Lydia's upstairs taking a nap. You know how much of a heavy sleeper she is."
"Thank you, Mrs. Martin."
"Please, I've told you many times. Call me Natalie."
You nodded before heading upstairs, where Lydia's room was. 
You opened her door, and as you thought, she was lying on the bed, snoring and drooling. A sight you had gotten very used to since you first met her in third grade. 
"Lydia Lorraine Martin. We have a code-red!"
Immediately, Lydia jolted up from her bed and began flailing her arms in the air. She lost balance before falling off the side. 
"Oh, MY- Ugh." You went to help her sit back upright on the bed, sat next to her, and laid your head in her lap. 
"Y/n, what's wrong? Why did you wake me up?"
"We have a code red!!"
'Code reds' were what you and Lydia had when you caught real feelings for a guy. 
When you were younger and in middle school, Lydia had gotten a crush on the cutest guy in your math class. 
On Valentines Day, she wrote him a card and put it in his locker. The card said, "I think you're cute♡︎ What do you think about me?" Later that same day, she found out that almost all of the kids in your two's class had read the card. And on top of that, the guy was a huge jerk about it. 
Since then, you and Lydia vowed to never catch feelings for anyone until you were at least twenty-five. 
"Who is it, babe? What happened?" Lydia asked with a concerned tone. 
"It's Isaac."
"Your partner for the World History project?" 
"Yeah, him," you sighed. "We started getting closer, and he started talking to me, and we bonded over our moms' death, and there were carnival rides and vampires and freezy pops!"
"Woah, Woah, Woah! Slow down!"
"So basically, I did what you told me and took him to the county carnival, right? Then, he told me about his mom dying, and we talked about that, and then we went on rides and fought about their pace, and he was fine after like a two-hundred-foot drop. So then, we went on a rollercoaster, and after that, I was cold because I was wearing a light jacket."
"Okay, keep going…"
"So then he warmed me up by giving me a hug and then led me in the building, and we just hung out there until like five? Then when we were doing the slideshow, he started asking me about my room and shit, and when we were done, we watched that show I told you about, with the high school vampires."
"Oh, the babysitter one?"
"Yeah, that. So, he was actually interested. And then we just kept watching it together throughout the week since we finished the project. And then when we were presenting today, you know I have that stage fright. He just held my hand and calmed me down, and he listened to me after we were done, and he actually cared about it instead of dismissing it.
"Not that you dismiss it, Lydia." She nodded. 
"Anyways, after that, GB had to talk to us, and she ratted me out about writing his name down, and then he got slightly mad at me but not really, and then I explained. And he just told me he would see me tomorrow for our movie night…" you trailed off, debating whether you should tell her the last part.
"So that's when you realized?"
"After that, I turned away, and then he kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, 'see you tomorrow or something like that!"
Lydia chuckled. "So you have a code red?"
"Lydia, I have a hang-out with him tomorrow. I'm not gonna be able to fucking think straight!" 
"Babe, just go and see how it goes. Maybe it's a 24-hours thing, you know? Just adrenaline. It affected you like this because you don't go out."
"Lyds, it's not like that. It's different."
"Y/n, that's what I tell myself before every hookup," she deadpanned.
"Okay, yeah. You're right. It's just a 24-hour thing."
"It's just adrenaline, babes. Nothing more, nothing less."
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  Movie Night
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'Nothing more, nothing less…"
Those were the words that kept repeating in your head as you twisted Isaac's hair around your fingers around Isaac's hair as his head rested in your lap.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
You blinked rapidly.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine!" 
"It's just, you're not watching the show?" 
"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something."
"Whatever you say, princess…" 
Princess. The pet name made your heart flutter, and you thought you would explode. 
"Give me a minute, please!" was all you said before picking up your phone and dashing out the room.
You headed to the bathroom and dialed Lydia's number right after texting her "Code Red Emergency."
"It's not a 24-hours thing, is it?" she said when she picked up.
"Okay, here's what we're gonna do…"
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 Previous Day
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He watched you as you turned around. His nerves crawled through his spine, and he curled and unfurled his fingers before finding the confidence–, no, before finding the ability to move.
When his lips touched the side of your face, his heart was set aflame. 
'How did I just do that?' he thought. But entirely different words came out of his mouth. 
"See you," he said, and he internally pumped the air when he saw your lips curl upwards into a smile.
When he reached class, his actions had finally sunk into his mind. 
He went to his seat where his friend, Dillon Karis, sat beside him. Dillon was the only friend of Isaac, and they had known each other since middle school. 
Dillon turned his head to his friend, whose urgent tone caught his attention.
"You know that girl I was telling you about?" Isaac said enthusiastically.
Dillon scoffed. "You mean the one who's been taking up all your Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights?
"Yeah, I remember her."
Isaac rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Dude, I think I may actually like her…"
"Holy—" Isaac cut him off.
"Shut up!"
Dillon took two breaths to calm down before speaking.
"Explain. Now!"
Isaac threw his head back.
"I don't know. It's just the way she makes me feel." He smiled. "It's like… the way my mom used to tell me about how she felt about my dad? It's weird."
"Bro, you barely know her. Are you sure?" 
"No, I'm not sure, but I think."
"Well, let me know. This is interesting. Shoulda brought some popcorn today, as I had planned," Dillon burst out laughing, and Isaac followed.
"Dude, I have to go to her house tomorrow."
"Why? I thought you already turned in the project." 
"We have our movie night," Isaac said before realizing what that might sound like to his friend. 
"Oh shit! So y'all already been going on dates?"
"No! No…" Isaac pointed his finger at his friend, signaling him to stop.
"Dude, so what are you gonna do?" 
"I don't know…"
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Movie Night
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Isaac was now highly flustered as he laid his head in your lap. You didn't bring up the kiss, so he assumed he either made you uncomfortable or you didn't like him enough to care. 
He looked at your face to see if there were any signals or indications, but he saw that you were completely zoned out. 
"Y/n, are you okay?"
You blinked before saying, "Oh yeah, I'm fine." 
Isaac raised his eyebrows before turning his attention back to the television. 
When you dashed out the room with little explanation, Isaac took his emotional matters into his own hands. He had decided to get rid of his feelings, sure that they were unrequited.
He headed out of your room and knocked on Stiles' door. 
"Come in!" he heard faintly, and he opened the door.
"Isaac, what's up?" Stiles had barely looked up from his work.
"I know we don't know each other that well, but I need some advice, and I figured that you probably know a lot about girls…"
"Not really, but I'm flattered you would think that. Please come in!"
Isaac stepped into the room and sat on Stiles' bed.
"Is this fine?" to which Stiles nodded.
"So, Isaac. Tell me what's going on," Stiles said before clasping his hands together. 
Isaac took multiple deep breaths. He was about to ask your brother how to get rid of his feelings for you. Who does that?
"I have a crush… on this girl. And I know that she doesn't like—" 
"You know, or you think?" 
"I think, but she's given no sign of liking me…"
"Okay, continue."
"She doesn't like me. And I was wondering if you knew if there was anything I could do to… get rid of the feelings I have…"
"Oh boy. Isaac, I wish I knew. I'm in that same position. However! I wouldn't tell you if I did know. Because you never know, right? Unless they've told you that they don't like you, you don't know for sure. And even then, it could happen in the future."
That was not the advice Isaac was hoping for, preferring to put himself out of his misery before he could get in it. 
"Alright, thanks, Stiles."
"No problem, bud!" 
Isaac walked back to your room, where you were laid down on your back. 
"Hey, where did you go?" 
"Nowhere, I just needed to… uh.. get some air." 
You squint your eyes, and even Isaac wasn't convinced by his lie, but he didn't say anything else before he laid beside you. 
"Lydia is having a party next Saturday. You should come."
"Oh, I don't think—"
"Please, Isaac? It'll be good for you to get out of your house like Mrs. GB said."
He couldn't resist the tug on his heart when you flashed your pouting eyes, and he had to give in.
"Fine, I'll see what I can do. That's not a promise." 
"Yay!" You exclaimed before pressing a kiss to his forehead. The action made Isaac's heart race, and all he wanted to do at that moment was kiss you. 
In fact, it was all he thought of for the next few minutes. 
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Isaac's Daydream
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
"Yes, babe?" you responded to him. 
"This is the spot. Stop going ahead of me." 
You mouthed an "Oh" before laying down on the blanket he set by the flowerbed. 
"So, whose house are we breaking into right now, Mr. Lahey?" you teased. You and Isaac were sitting in the backyard of a foreign house you had never seen, but you followed Isaac anyways.
You scoffed a 'what' as you had never seen the house in your life.
"Mines. Ours." He smirked.
Your face of pleasant surprise made his racing heart slow, as he thought you wouldn't like it. 
"This is our house?" 
"Well, it was my grandparent's house. They left it to me when they died. They said I can only get it when I turn 18, and now since we're together, It's our house."
You leaped onto his lap and kissed him feverishly. 
"This is the best surprise ever!"
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
"Isaac!" You yelled, and Isaac didn't know what you had said before. 
"Sorry! I just zoned out."
"It's not a problem."
"So, do you want to watch a scary movie?" 
You actually weren't planning on doing any of what Lydia had suggested you do, which was to just come outright and tell him you like him. 
Instead, you chose to suffer in silence, thinking there was no way possible that Isaac liked you back. And even if he had, you two would be better off as friends… Right?
At least that is what you chose to tell yourself.
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Isaac Leaves
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When the movie was over, Isaac went home, and you prepared for bed. 
That night you dreamt of things you wanted in your life that you couldn't have. 
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Your Dream
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
"Hey, Isaac?"
You two were curled up together on a couch watching a movie, much like your reality. However, a few things were different.
"What are we having for dinner?"
"Babe, we're in a hotel, and the only restaurants have a pre-set menu. If you want food, you either get what they have, or we Postmates." 
"But neither sounds good. I want Pasta!" 
He sighed. "Then lets Postmates pasta, babe."
"But I want you to make it," you pouted. 
"Okay, how about this." You turned to face him to hear his proposition. 
"I get you dessert with the food they have here, and I make you pasta tomorrow?" 
You smiled and wrapped an arm around his neck.
You hummed before saying, "That sounds perfect," and he kissed you with a burning passion.
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╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
"Y/N! WAKE UP!" Stiles woke you up from your dream. 
"WHERE'S THE FIRE?" You flailed around before falling off the bed. 
Stiles chuckled loudly. 
You groaned loudly before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him, effectively knocking him down but not ceasing his laughter.
"Relax, Relax! Dad's taking us out for breakfast."
You rolled your eyes heavily. "Ugh, I hate you. GO! Let me change!"
"Wait! Wait! I have a question…"
"What's going on between you and Lahey?"
You looked down and away from him. "Nothing," you murmured. 
When you looked back at him, his eyes were narrowed, and his forehead was crinkled. 
"I don't believe you one bit."
Your face heated. 
"There's nothing going on, Stiles."
He scoffed. "We may be fraternal, but we're still twins, Y/n. Whatever, I don't like him anyway."
"Why not, Sti?"
He moved his face closer to yours, and you craned your head back for air. 
"Because I'm your brother, I'm never gonna like any guy you date. None of them are worthy of my sister."
"Well, you don't have to hate him because nothing is going on."
"Hmmm... Sure," he stated simply before walking out. 
You got ready, wearing an off-shoulder baby blue top that was slightly… starchy in texture, as well as a pink plaid miniskirt and black slip-on sneakers. 
When you got downstairs, your dad and Stiles sighed a heavy "finally," and you mocked offense. 
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Waffle House
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
You got in the car and began driving. You looked out the window enjoying all the sights while Stiles tried to coax your dad into talking about cases. 
Your dad turned and pulled into the parking lot of the Waffle House.
You sat at the counter and talked until someone came to get your drinks order. 
"So, Stiles, when are you going to bring a date home?" your dad asked with a squint. 
"Not anytime soon, He's still stuck on Lydia."
Stiles blushed. "Well, I mean, It's working. She knows who I am. "
"No, she doesn't. But… I do know this girl—" Stiles cut you off. 
"If it's not Lydia, then no, thank you. I'm stuck on her like white on rice."
Your dad interjected your argument. "Stiles, you sound like a stalker. Normally, we arrest people like you."
"Okay, Let's change the subject. Y/n, wanna tell dad about Isaac or should I?" 
You rolled your eyes. "Why should I? There's nothing going on?"
"Wait, who's Isaac?" your dad said while whirling his hand beside his head. 
"He was my partner for a project I had for World History."
Stiles laughed. "We presented on Friday. What have you guys been doing in your room?"
Your dad's eyes widened. "Why is he in your room?" 
"We just watch movies, Dad! We do nothing else!" 
"I highly doubt that. In fact, why don't I ask Isaac right now?" 
You blanched. "What do you mean?"
"He's coming up behind us," he said, looking past your head. 
You began choking when you saw him in your peripheral version. 
"Can I get you something t- Stiles!" Isaac popped up from behind you and began to ask for your drink orders. 
"Hey, Isaac," you said as you turned around. 
"Hey, Y/n!" His intonation was normal, his facial expression was off. 
"What do you want to drink?" he asked, though his focus was on your dad's squinted gaze pointed directly at him. 
"Can I get a coffee?" Noah spoke up first. Isaac jotted down his order.
Stiles followed. 
"I'll get an Arnold Palmer!" he said while raising his hand. 
"Is that on the menu?" Isaac asked confusedly.
"No, but it's half of a lemonade, half of an iced tea in one glass."
"Okay… Arnold Palmer." 
"Y/n," the lovestruck boy said with a smile. "What about you?" 
The corners of your mouth turned up. "It's not on the menu, but is there an option for an iced coffee?" 
"Uh, I'm sure there is." He knew there wasn't, but he also knew you didn't like hot coffee much. 
"Are you sure? I don't want to--"
"It's fine, Y/n," he reassured.  
He walked away and headed to the kitchen to tell the cooks the drink order. 
"I need an iced coffee, a regular coffee, and A half-and-half lemonade-iced tea. Please," he added. 
Isaac glanced outside the kitchen window and gazed at you softly. He admired the way your eyes glimmered in the sun and how your hair bounced with every gesture you made. From this, he began to appreciate how amazing your hair looked and how the light refracted off of it. 
He smiled a lopsided grin as he watched the way your lips move. He imagined how they would feel on his. Soft. Smooth. He had the notion that you were probably experienced in that field, more so than he was. 
No. He couldn't imagine that. When he thought about the things he just thought, it sounded creepy and perverted. Besides, there was no way that you liked him back, so even thinking about it would just lead to further heartbreak. 
He grabbed your table's drinks and walked back, trying to ignore your smile because he couldn't stop the race that his heart ran whenever he saw it.
"Alright, here are your drinks."
"Isaac, can I talk to you outside?" asked Stiles.
"I'm actually working, so I can't do that. But, I can take your orders."
He jotted down each of your orders and went back to the kitchens.
"Stiles, I swear to God, I'm gonna hurt you."
"Not my fault you're over here pining after Lahey but won't do anything about it."
"Up your ass and off your high horse, Stiles!" You did your best to be quiet with your statement, but your dad still heard. 
"Hey, hey!"
"Sorry, Dad," you and Stiles said simultaneously. 
You watched the cooks prepare the food in front of you, but you hoped to see Isaac somehow, even though he was in the back.
You thought about his messy hair and how it felt in-between your fingers... How his eyes dilated with each smile, and the tiny specks of green in those ocean blue eyes were always able to calm you down.
You noticed how his lips were never chapped and how his cheeks looked like apples when he smiled, and the one dimple that was prominent in those moments as well. 
You wondered if this was how Lydia felt for the boy that caused their entire concept of code reds or if you began to feel something much more for the boy with the shy demeanor and quiet voice. 
When Isaac came back, you thought about how you could try to confess your feelings. But, you knew that if Isaac was barely willing to talk to you for a long time, it would be a snowball's chance in hell that he liked you the same way. 
"Alright, here's your waffles and your hash-browns, Y/n. Your sandwich, Sheriff, and your All-Star breakfast, Stiles."
"Thank you, Isaac," you said with a smile.
He turned to leave before you called out. 
"Um, Isaac!" He spun around on his heel at your calling with a questioning look on his face. 
He walked back towards you, prepared to write something else down on his order pad. 
"Movie night, tomorrow?"
He smiled. "Yeah, sure." 
"Dorota, you cannot tell me you do not like him."
"Mieczysław, I do not." 
Your dad cut in. "Sweetheart, and if you do?"
"I don't. Can we just leave it at that?" 
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peepeepotter · 4 years
Chapter 2: You have a very beautiful...wand.
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Draco kinda body shaming George/male body insecurity, and just...so many uncomfortable moments. If you’ve watched the show you’ll probably get over it sooner. Also cursing but y’all might have to get used to that with me, I curse like a sailor.
Word Count: 2.5K
Series Masterlist
A/N: If you would like to be added to the tag list you can message/ask/comment and I’ll add you! If you asked to be added and you weren’t on the tag list, let me know! I forget a lot of things, haha.
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“So where are you taking her for dinner?” Draco sat at the island in the kitchen, staring at George as George reached into the fridge to grab a beer.
“Uh. I don’t know. The Three Broomsticks? I don’t really know if you can call it a date.”
“Well, first off. The Three Broomsticks? Our bar? Don’t ruin the bar, dude. Take her literally anywhere else. Second off, why wouldn’t it be a date?” Draco asked.
“I don’t know, she’s the first person I’ve gone out with since Angelina.”
“Woah, big deal alert!” Y/N said as she walked into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. “I wanna be included in these conversations! I’m a girl, I can help.” She smiled.
“Yeah, but you’re Y/N. You’re like...you’re more like a puppy than a human girl.” Draco turned, giving her a disappointed look.
“Whatever, either way. I guess I’m nervous so I asked this girl out because I don’t really care how things end up with her.” George offered as an explanation. Y/N cringed at that. She knew she had to start getting used to how the men in this loft talked about women, but she couldn’t help but think of herself in that same scenario.
“Well, are you going to go hit the gym?” Draco asked. George furrowed his eyebrows.
“To get rid of your belly.”
“What are you talking about?” George asked, looking down at his stomach.
“The little pouch where you keep your extra cookies.” Y/N smiled, pinching her own little “kupa” as she and Ginny called it.
George stood in front of his mirror in his bedroom, his shirt lifted just enough to see his lower stomach. His brow was furrowed. He didn’t have that big of a tummy. Sure, he wasn’t carved like Draco, but who the hell had time to work out to be that muscular? It’s not like he had—what did Y/N call the look she liked?—a dad bod. He took his shirt all the way off.
He turned around and started playing music on his record player. Y/N had started showing him more muggle music, which was a bit more his vibe. Reggae started playing when he put the spindle on the vinyl. He turned it up as loud as it could get.
Y/N looked up when she heard the reggae music playing from her bedroom. She smiled, glad that George was enjoying the music she had introduced to him. She looked back down at the paper she was trying to grade, but kept getting distracted by the blaring music. She sighed, and thought for a moment. She didn’t want to ruin his appreciation for muggle music, but she really wanted to have these papers graded by the end of tonight so she could give them back to her students tomorrow. She got up from her bed.
“George!” She shouted over the music as she walked across the hall to his bedroom.
“George!” She called again, now knocking on the door. She supposed he couldn’t hear because of how loud the music was. She sighed, just opening the door as she rolled her eyes.
“Geo—oh my god.” She covered her mouth with her hand, the other hand still on the doorknob as she walked in to see George fully naked.
“Y/N! Get out!” George yelled, grabbing a pillow to cover his manhood. Y/N squealed out a giggle and slammed the door shut, running to her room. She closed the door to her own bedroom, now both hands covering her face. Just when she felt like she had gotten close to one of the guys in the loft, she saw him naked! She felt so embarrassed, and she couldn’t imagine how George felt.
“I saw George naked yesterday.” She whispered to the other three men in the loft’s kitchen.
“Wait, you’ve seen George naked before I have?” Draco asked.
“Well, he was playing music really loud, and I kept yelling to turn it down. I even knocked on the door and waited, but I figured he couldn’t hear me, so I just walked in.”
“Oh god.” Harry put his head in his hands, leaning onto the kitchen island.
“Poor guy. He must be so embarrassed.” Said Neville.
“Well, not much to be embarrassed about, amiright?” Harry offered, lifting his head up and chuckling.
“Well, that’s true.” Neville laughed. It helped cheer Y/N up, and she laughed, nodding too.
“Wait, so all of you have seen George naked except for me? I haven’t seen one of my best friends—”
“Only friends—” Harry interrupted.
“Naked?!” Draco finished.
“It’s not a big deal. Why are you making this a thing?” Y/N asked, turning to Draco.
“Well, wait, how have you two seen him naked?” Draco asked, ignoring Y/N.
“He’s basically my brother. We grew up together. Shared locker rooms, bathrooms, pools, penis fights.” Harry shrugged.
“We were in the same house at Hogwarts. The guys all shared the bathrooms.” Neville offered.
“Literally what the fuck—” Draco droned on. Y/N heard George’s door open and rushed to the front door, attempting to block it.
“Listen George, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to butt in on you while you were...well while you were doing whatever you were doing but you couldn’t hear me over the music!” George had sunglasses and a hat on, attempting to avoid anyone looking at him at all. When Y/N blocked the door, he walked up to her. Her breathing stopped when he came close to her, not expecting him to get so close. He picked her up from the armpits and moved her to the other side of him, quickly turning around and opening the door to make a quick attempt at leaving.
“That was awful.” Draco said from behind Y/N. “But at least you’ve seen his penis.” He sighed.
“Why do you WANT to see it?” Harry asked, also behind Y/N.
“What if he dies, and aurors need me to identify his body, but the only thing that’s left is his penis. I’ll have to say ‘Sorry officer, I can’t help, because I’ve never seen his penis.’” Draco said dramatically.
“Again, why do you want to see his penis?”
Y/N sat at the kitchen island, eating her dinner alone. George stormed into the apartment and into the kitchen, getting a beer out of the fridge.
“I have something for you!” Y/N said, grabbing her purse from the stool next to hers. She took out a stick decorated with phoenix feathers and other various animal feathers. “It’s a feeling wand. When someone has the feeling wand, they have to share their feelings. You see, I am feeling like I want to know what you’re feeling.” She smiled, jutting the wand out towards George. He gave her an empty stare, leaning against the counter, drinking his beer. He rolled his eyes, leaning onto the kitchen island. He grabbed the wand, and held it for a long moment. Then, he broke it in half.
“Believe it or not, this is not the first time someone has broken my feeling wand.” She looked back into her purse, pulling out a nearly identical, although significantly smaller wand. “So I keep a travel-sized one.” George rolled his eyes again. “Come on! Let’s just talk about it!”
“You want to talk about it? You ruined my date!”
George’s date, Persephone, welcomed him into her apartment. She grabbed his face, bringing her lips to his nearly immediately. George kissed back out of instinct, but as Persephone tried to take his shirt off, he inched away from her. She pulled away, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Do you want me to go first?” “Wha—”
Before George could even finish his thought, she had her shirt off, and she had not been wearing a bra. He gestured towards her, confused.
“What—look at you!”
“Okay, now it’s your turn!” She smiled. George mimed taking his shirt off and throwing it across the room. Persephone quirked her head to the side out of confusion.
“I don’t understand. Do you want to like...take it slow?”
Which is exactly how George ended up awkwardly cuddling with this girl for two hours before she fell asleep and he left.
“I didn’t mean to!”
“Any time I take off my clothes I just hear your weird little laugh! This is very damaging to my ego.” He yelled, walking to his room.
“I’m sorry! It wasn’t funny!” Y/N said, running in front of him and blocking the entrance to his bedroom. “You have a very beautiful...wand.”
“Then why did you laugh?” He crossed his arms.
“It was just an awkward moment and I don’t know how to deal with that!” George once again picked her up, turning around to set her down.
“You need to stop doing this! I’m trying to have a mature conversation!” Y/N yelled while he lifted her into the air, eyebrows furrowed in anger.
“A mature conversation? You laughed because you saw my penis, you can’t even say the word penis, and I’m the one stopping you from having this ‘mature’ conversation?” He asked, turning back around to face her.
“I’m sorry.” She sighed.
“I just want to have meaningless sex with beautiful women.” George sighed.
“Maybe you don’t want that! Maybe you’re not ready for that!”
“I have a wand. I want meaningless sex with beautiful women.” He rolled his eyes, turning around and entering his bedroom.
“You know what you have to do now?” Draco suddenly asked behind her, anyone could hear the devilish grin in his voice.
“What?” She asked, hoping he could point her in the right direction of fixing her friendship.
Which is how Y/N ended up butt naked wrapped in a towel, in George’s room, waiting for him to get back home. Now she faced his mirror, quickly opening and closing the towel. “I can do this.” She huffed. She turned around towards the door when she heard the front door open and shut, but quickly she heard a female voice moaning at George. “Oh my god.” She whispered, laying down quickly on the ground. She had never wished so much that she owned an invisibility cloak than she did at this very moment.
George and Persephone entered his bedroom, making out. Persephone sat on the bed, asking him to take his clothes off. With renewed confidence, he took his shirt off. Y/N started crawling towards the door, hoping the activities taking place would distract the two from seeing her. However, as George pulled his pants down, he came face to face with Y/N. They both started screaming, and she stood, abandoning the towel, attempting to escape. She couldn’t open the door, it was stuck. She closed her eyes tight, and breathed out.
“Can you open the door?” She asked, turning around. This time, George covered his face with one of his hands, trying not to laugh. Persephone was horrified.
While the nudity fiasco was happening, Neville, Harry, and Draco sat on the couch in the living room.
“I still don’t really understand why you want to see it so bad?” Harry asked.
“Look, it’s just weird. For some reason it’s making me feel left out. And you know what? I’ve been having a rough go lately. My students are really struggling to understand this one concept that I don’t know how to reteach to make it easier for them. Plus, the girl I've been in love with for a decade is very likely going to get married here soon.” He huffed.
Neville and Harry glanced at each other when he said this last thing. They had both had a feeling that he had been in love with their mutual friend, but he had never said anything. They both knew their fellow charms teacher and friend was engaged, and she had been one of the first people after the war to forgive and befriend Draco.
“We’ll see what we can do.”
George stood, ranting about privacy and personal space while holding the feeling wand. The other four in the apartment sat on the couch, this time Y/N was fully clothed. Harry raised his hand, requesting the feeling wand.
“I feel like Draco has been having a very tough time lately.” George furrowed his eyebrows, confused about what this had to do with anything he just said. Neville took the feeling wand next. “I feel like Draco has been friends with you for a really long time, and has gained your trust enough to see your penis.” Neville said, George covered his face with his hands.
“Oh my god, I need to move out.” George mumbled to himself. Neville handed Draco the feeling wand.
“I feel validated.” Y/N was really struggling to keep in her giggles at this point. She didn’t really understand why Draco cared so much, but found the other boys' support kind of endearing.
“THIS! This is what I mean! I just want to go one day without someone seeing or wanting to see my penis!” George yelled.
“I feel like George is yelling.” Neville said, holding the feeling wand. George snatched the feeling wand out of his hand and stormed off to his room.
George heard a knock at his bedroom door. “Come in.” He said. Y/N entered, her eyes covered and started knocking on the wall of his bedroom. “Y/N,” George laughed. “I said come in, you can stop knocking and open your eyes.”
“I’m sorry I ruined your hookup.” Y/N frowned, coming to lay next to George on his bed. “I really just wanted us to get back to normal and Draco said something along the lines of ‘he showed you his now you show him yours’ and for some reason I listened.”
“It’s okay. But it was definitely stupid to listen to Draco’s advice. Next time go to Harry for advice.” George laughed, turning on his side to face the girl next to him. She stared at the ceiling,
“I’ve been working on something.” She grinned, turning on her side to face him.
“Go for it.”
“Penis.” Y/N said calmly, without any hint of a smile or laugh.
“I’m proud of you.” George chuckled, reaching over to pat her shoulder. “I’m sorry I made this such a long thing. I think, by the way, that maybe you’re right. I don’t think I’m ready for meaningless sex with beautiful women.” He scrunched his nose.
“You mean Persephone won’t be coming back.” Y/N held back a smile, avoiding dumb thoughts in her head.
“She definitely won’t be coming back.” George laughed, remembering the fiasco. Y/N sat up, ready to leave. She paused when she got to the end of the bed, looking back at him.
“Did you...did you see like...everything?” Y/N’s cheeks shone red under George’s dim lighting in his room. He giggled.
“Everything.” He confirmed. She blushed, standing up and walking to the door.
“Goodnight, George.” She turned around to smile at him.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He smiled in return.
Tag list: @yllwtaxi @ememseay @droppingthegloves @wassup-peoples @dejayoon @astoriaplease @postsbyjenipeo @edmunds-torch @ummmlana @kennreid @charming-fan-girl @expelliarmusmyass
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Hatter Troubles
This is basically a chapter where your dad is Hatter himself, finding out about the relationship, or that they like you or something.
You two thought it would be best if he didn't know. You loved your father, but the way he had been acting recently, about the games and the cards in total, made you two keep quiet.
You couldn't sleep. After your dad saying he was going to play in all the games coming forth starting tomorrow, your mind wouldn't stop playing through every worst case scenario. The thoughts running through your head made you stay up, staring up at the ceiling. 'Want Arisu...' you thought. He'd always made you feel better when you were sad or after a particularly hard game. So, you decided to go visit Arisu. Sure, it was the middle of the night, but who cares? Hopefully not him. And if you knew him, he was probably up. But there was a small chance he wasn't. You hoped he was up, so you wouldn't feel bad about waking him.
You got out of your bed quietly heading to your door. You opened it softly, looking out into the hall cautiously, hoping there was no militals walking around on their patrols. Especially Aguni. You could tell Niragi or Last Boss any lie, and they'd be easily tricked. Well, Niragi was a bit harder to trick, but he usually didn't care, and would mind his own business. You tread quietly to Arisu's room, knocking on the door once you got there.
You heard shuffling from behind the door, and saw the doorknob twist. The door opened, and there was a sleepy Arisu standing in front of you. He yawned, rubbing his eyes tiredly, giving you a tired smile when he saw it was you. "Hello?" He greeted, although it sounded more like a question than anything. "Hi... I'm sorry for waking you up... can I come in?" You asked, feeling bad you woke him up. "Yeah, come on in. And it's no problem. If you woke me up, it must be serious," he said, stepping aside for you to be able to come into his room. "No one saw you, right?" He asked, yawning as you stepped into the room. You shook your head, and he closed the door.
      He lead you over to his bed, sitting down. He asked you to do the same, but you rejected his offer, feeling a bit to anxious to sit down. "What's wrong?" He asked, sensing your nervousness. "It might be stupid, but when dad said about him joining all the games starting tomorrow... it's just made me uneasy. I can't sleep," you explained, pacing on the floor. He nodded, and grabbed your hands, bringing you into him. You fell onto his lap with a short shriek. "Risu! Stop, you can't do that!" You laughed, lightly pushing his shoulder. "Oh yes I can," he smiled back.
He smiled down at you on his lap, before sighing. "You know... when Chota hurt his leg, I was so worried. So... as a way to get over the fear and anxiety, I talked to them about it. I think... If you talk to your dad about how you feel, it could make you feel better," Arisu advised, rubbing your shoulders. He was just trying to make you feel better about the situation, sharing his personal experience, hoping it would help you. He gave you a kiss to your forehead. "Mmm... you're the best boyfriend ever," you muttered into his neck. "Well, it's my duty as the best boyfriend to take care of the bestest, most amazing girlfriend in the world," he laughed, as he begun to tickle you. You screamed, laughing and trying to get him to get away from his attack. "A-arisu!" You squealed, trying to get him to stop. The once quiet hotel room was filled with laughter, and screams.
You two had started chasing eachother around the room, you trying to escape his attack, and him trying to tickle you. You had fallen on the bed, tripping over something on the floor. In an attempt to save yourself, you had grabbed Arisu's shirt. So that's how you ended up in the position you were in now. You were under Arisu, your arms above your head, and to stop from crushing you,  he held himself up on his forearms, caging you in. "Woah, I was not expecting to walk into that," a voice said from the entrance of the room. You froze, turning your head slowly to the door. "H-hi dad," you stuttered as Arisu got off you. Arisu stayed quiet,  and looked down, waving awkwardly. "I- I promise we weren't doing anything. I tripped and he fell a-and we got like... that..." you explained, a blush on your face. "Ok... I mean, it's none of my business what you two do," Hatter stated after clearing his throat awkwardly. You let out a quiet sigh of relief. "I don't mind you being with him, just be careful," Hatter said. "Thank you," you said, walking over and hugging your dad. "Now, get to your room. It's late, and I might let you be with him, but sleeping in the same room is a no for now," your dad said, giving you a soft smile. "Ok... Bye Arisu! Thank you for your advice. Goodnight dad," you said as you walked out the door.
"If I break her heart I'll throw myself off the roof, don't worry."
"I... was not expecting that, but ok. Deal."
"But on that note, I would never hurt her. I promise I'll always protect her."
"You keep that promise for me, ok kid?"
(Reader has a noise sensitivity for sudden loud noises for this specific one)
Hatter had honestly never paid attention to you two. He assumed you would never be into a guy like Niragi, so what did he do? Ignored it.
It had been just another boring meeting, talking about the games, theories, how many had died. All normal things at the meeting. Except when a topic that had everyone going back and forth came up. Niragi, seemingly having enough of everyone being so indecisive on something he viewed so easy, stood from his chair, slamming his hands onto the table. You jumped in your seat, closing your eyes tightly. You grabbed onto the edge of the table tightly, your knuckles turning white. He noticed, but kept on with his business.
At the end of said meeting, he found you out in the hall. 'I've got nothing to lose by talking to her. Well.. except maybe my head, but besides the point. Let's see where this goes.' He thought, hoisting his riffle onto his shoulder as he walked over to you. You noticed him, and smiled to yourself. "Hello Niragi - San," you greeted, turning to face him. His brain froze, but he shook his head, ridding from the rather nasty thoughts he was having. "Hey there," he said. Your eyes looked him over, focusing on the gun. "You got safety on that thing?" You asked, nodding over to his gun. He shook his head. "Why would I? No rules," he reminded. "I prefer archery to guns, but anyways, was there something you needed Niragi?" You asked, holding your hands behind your back. "Uh, yeah. Why did you jump in the meeting? Don't lie saying you didn't, because I saw," he asked, looking at you. His eyes seemed to study every detail of your body. "Oh.. you saw that? I'm sensitive to sudden loud noises," you explained. He made an 'oh' sound, nodding awkwardly. "Well... good luck at the games tonight!" You chirped, patting the top of his head. He stared in shock, watching you walk away. "Did she just?" He muttered to himself, "I think she did."
"Hatter, I can take care of her," he responded to the man in front of him. "I don't trust you with my daughter. She's special to me, I don't trust you won't kill her, so no," Hatter said, a smile on his face, though the subject was making him rather annoyed. "Listen, I wouldn't hurt her. Besides Aguni, I'm one if not the most powerful of the militals," Niragi stated. "Then I'll just send her with Aguni, I'm glad we had this talk!" Hatter deflected, wanting Niragi to give up. But, he underestimated how stubborn Niragi was. "Then you'll have no one to go with you in your games. I can and will protect her. Send her with me tonight. Her visa expired soon," Niragi almost begged, but he didn't. He had some self respect as to not beg, especially over a girl. Maybe back in the old world he would, but now? No way. Hatter thought for a moment, taking into account how out of character it was for Niragi to act this way. "Fine. But if she comes back with so much as a scratch, you will feel what it's like to be at the receiving end of your gun," Hatter threatened. Niragi left the room after, and shuddered. He was not really scared of anything, but an angry overprotective father had now been added to the list.
There were many situations where your noise sensitivity was bad. Case 1 being the horns that sounded before the games. Case 2 being guns. And case 3 being yelling. So that's why you stood shutting your eyes tightly, holding your hands over your ears. "N-niragi, stop too loud..." you whispered besides him, hoping he heard you. He heard you, and stopped, looking to you. You were shaking your leg, eyes screwed shut, and hands over your ears. "I'll deal with you later," Niragi spat at the guy in front of you two as he led you off to a desolate corner. "You ok?" He asked. "I didn't think you cared, but yes, I'm ok," you responded, still twiddling your fingers. "I don't care. But your dad does," he said. Obviously he cared. "Oh... um... thank you for that. He was getting a bit... touchy," you thanked. Truth was, Niragi has been watching the guy ever since he went up to talk to you. Niragi was a great liar, as much as people thought he was a moron with a gun. Once he saw the guy touching you, and your face of obvious discomfort, he decided to step in.
"Learn how to defend yourself against people like that," he stated, going to leave. "People like you, you mean?" You said, stopping him in his tracks. The way you had said it without fear or hesitation made him turn back to you. "People like me?" He questioned. He tried to hide his smirk. It was interesting to say the least. You were just acting like a scared little mouse. What happened to her? "People like you. People who think hiding their weaknesses makes them less weak. People who bully the weak, because they've been the weak. People who hate the weak, only because it reminds them of what they were. So when I say people like you, I mean people who have finally snapped. They're tired of getting pushed around, so they use their newfound power to push others around,'' you stated. You kept eye contact with him the whole time, watching for a reaction. He had none. 'How boring...' you thought before you sighed, walking away. Suddenly, he grabbed your wrist, pushing you into the wall. He trapped you, having his arms on either side of your head. "You don't know anything about 'people like me' but I know a lot about you. Especially your weakness," he whispered. You stared back, unsurprised by his actions. "People like you are so predictable," you both said at the same time. "Predict what I'll do next then," you said. "You'll hit me, try to run away, and I'll chase you," he guessed. "Wrong," you whispered, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him to you. "So wrong, it's funny," you whispered, your lips centimeters away from his. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "You piss me off. Switching in between the shy, sweet one to the independent, badass, tease," he said. You giggled, letting him go. You started walking off, leaving with the words, "See you tonight at the game!" He stared off at where you had been not even a minute ago, thinking about what had just happened.
"Dad, I promise I'm ok! Niragi protected me," you giggled as your dad checked for the hundredth time that you were ok. Niragi stood behind, waiting for this to be over. Hatter sighed. "I guess you protect her just fine," he said, walking off. Niragi rolled his eyes, starting to leave the room again. "Thank you, Niragi. I wouldn't be here right now if you hadn't helped me back there... I made a stupid mistake. Um... I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I wasn't trying to be rude... or a tease," you said, grabbing his arm. He chuckled, turning to face you. You let his arm go, seeing as he was paying attention to you. "No problem. I'm the one who asked to go with you, so it would be stupid of me to let you die. And apology half accepted. I'll be off now," he said, going to leave once more. "Hey, um... do you want to walk around?" You asked. "Can't. I'm going for target practice outside the Beach," he said, nodding his head to the riffle over his shoulder. "Then I'll go with you," you stated. "Loud noises. You don't like them, remember?" Niragi said, trying to get you to stay. What had happened earlier today was still definitely fresh in his mind. "... I can deal with it... please? I just want to talk? Please?" You pleaded, looking at him with the puppy eyes. 'Goddammit... say no, say no, resist against the cute girl.' "Fine. But only this once. Let's go walk around," he said, giving in. 'You fucking idiot...'
By just this once, he meant it happened all the time. You two had gotten closer, and Hatter had definitely noticed.
Niragi watched the party going on in the pool area from the balcony of one of the rooms. You had explained your noise sensitivity to him in a bit more details. Like, listening to loud music was ok, because it wasn't sudden. Which is why you were who he was watching currently. He saw you waving at him with a smile. He waved back, smiling to himself. He could see you laugh, before one of the girls pushed you into the pool. He winced. "She's not going to be happy about that..." he muttered to himself before laughing a bit. "She likes you, you know," a voice said behind him. He quickly cocked his gun, aiming it, before seeing it was Hatter. He let out a sigh of relief, putting the gun down. "Just me. No need for alarm," Hatter laughed. "Like I was saying, she likes you. Won't shut up about you in fact," Hatter repeated. "Sure she does," Niragi stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Believe what you want. But, in any case, she does. And before I wouldn't have let you near her, but after seeing how you've stopped some of your usual habits, and how you protect her, I'll allow it. It's only fair," Hatter said, before leaving.
"I didn't change shit. Crazy old man," he whispered to himself. 'Well, we did stop banging on doors if she's near. And started killing the traitors when and where she won't hear. We tried to stop making loud noises at meetings if she's there. And we still go on walks when she asks us to, even though we said only once.' His mind told him. He scowled at his thoughts, realizing they were right. He walked back over to where he was, scanning the party for you. "Damnit... where'd she go?" He muttered to himself, not being able to see you. "Where'd who go, Gigi?" A voice said besides him. He turned to the side quickly aiming his gun again. "Jesus fuck, (Y/N)!" He shouted, seeing was you. You squeaked at his sudden shouting, hiding behind your hands. They shook slightly, and he cursed himself for yelling at you. "You can't sneak up on me like that, you could get hurt you damn idiot," he sighed, putting his gun down. " 'M sorry..." you apologized. "It's... it's fine, just be careful," he said, patting your head awkwardly. Your hair was wet, and you were dripping water onto the cement floor of the balcony. A few minutes went by, and neither of you had spoken. You stood in comfortable silence looking down at the party going on. Niragi had been trapped in his thoughts. They went between wanting to scold you for the nickname you had used, and telling you how he felt. After a few minutes, you spoke up.
"Can I do something a bit crazy?"
"Uh... Crazy is good most times, so... go ahead."
Those words were all that was said before you pulled him into a kiss.
"I like you. A lot, actually."
"Are you ok?"
"Mhm. Totally fine. I like you too.''
"Does this mean I can call you Gigi now?"
"No way in hell princess." (No way in hell senpai-)
It was almost an instant connection with Chishiya and yourself. You two had a relationship in which everyone could see you guys liked eachother, but no one had confessed. You two acted like a couple too, so many people were confused. He didn't say anything, not because he was scared... ok, well maybe a little bit, but because he didn't want to have a weakness. You also had the impression he only liked you as a friend, so no matter if you liked him or not, you assumed he wouldn't like you.
"Chishiya, gave you seen (Y/N)?" Niragi asked. "No. Why are you looking for her?" He responded.  "None of your business," Niragi scoffed, walking off. "I suddenly have the urge to find (Y/N) to piss him off," he stated to himself, shoving his hands in his pockets, and walking off to go find you.
He eventually found you in the meeting room. "Hi Chishiya," you greeted, your back still turned to him. "How'd you know?" He asked, walking besides you. "You walk quietly, and your walking pattern is distinct. And you don't smell like alcohol, chlorine, or booze," you stated. "Noted... Anyways, Niragi is looking for you," he stated. You groaned, hanging your head. "Is he? Alright... guess I'll see you later? There's a meeting tonight, so... see ya then," you said before leaving. He watched as you walked out, your footsteps getting softer the further you got. "Something's up with her, but what I can't figure out,"he muttered to himself.
When he returned to the meeting room, there was a couple of people. Hatter wasn't going to be at tonight's meeting due to some other business, so the number two was in charge of this meeting. Among those people were you and Niragi. You laughed at whatever Niragi had said, making Chishiya huff. He sat down in his usual spot, glaring at Niragi who was still talking to you. Why did he feel the need to talk to you so much? Hadn't he been out the whole afternoon with you?
You finally sat down besides Chishiya smiling at him. "Hello again," you greeted. "So what did the psychopath want with you?" He asked, a tone of anger in his voice. "Target practice. Dad wants me to be prepared, and since Niragi is one of the best shots here, he's been teaching me. Not alone of course, Aguni is there. Obviously," you explained.
A few minutes into the meeting, you yawned, looking out sleepily. "Stay up late again?" Chishiya whispered, keeping his eyes out on the table. "No... they just have me on night patrols... I'm so tired," you whispered back. He nodded, going back to paying attention to the meeting.
Not even a minute later, he felt a weight fall onto his shoulder. He looked out of the corner of his eyes to see you asleep on him. He smiled to himself slightly, before looking back to the meeting, acting as if nothing had happened.
After the meeting was over, Aguni asked if someone could take you back up to your room. Many of the men there offered to do it, but Chishiya stepped in. "I'll take her. She fell asleep on my shoulder, and honestly the 'princess of the Beach' shouldn't get touched by the dirty hands of these men," Chishiya states, using sarcasm and his usual tone of knowing better. Aguni held back a laugh at his words, but nodded. "You sure you can carry her?" Niragi asked. Chishiya knew this wasn't Niragi wanting to take you back to your room, it was Niragi poking fun at him. "I've carried heavier medical equipment. Please shut the fuck up and let me through," Chishiya said, hoisting you up. Niragi scoffed, walking away.
Chishiya carefully placed you in your bed, covering you up with blankets. " 'Shiya... Stay," you muttered, grabbing his hand. He froze up for a minute, looking down at your sleepy eyes. With your other hand, you held your body up. "Only... only for a little bit. Until you fall asleep," he muttered, getting into bed behind you. You turned, hugging him tightly. "Thank you 'Shiya... you're the best," you yawned, quickly falling asleep. He ran his hand over your hair, not wanting to get it caught and wake you up.
"You need to take better care of yourself... honestly, it's one thing if I don't, but you? You need to live through these games," he whispered, knowing full well you wouldn't wake up. "You're so sweet.... I really wonder why you stay around me... You're asleep, so it doesn't matter what I say, but I hope you know I... I quite like you. A lot actually. So... yeah," he whispered his confession, softly getting away from you. "Dream a little dream of me," he sang as he left the room. A song he'd heard once. But it was fitting. He hoped you dreamed of him.
When he went to leave, he heard someone call out for him. He turned to see Hatter, Aka, your father, Aka, the person who could kill him for what just happened in your room.
"So, she asleep?" Hatter questioned. "Yep. No funny business, I promise. I just stayed with her till she fell asleep like she asked of me," Chishiya stated, placing his hands up in mock surrender. "Oh, I have no doubt. She trusts you, so I don't have a reason to kill you. Yet," Hatter said, a bit too cheerfully for Chishiya's tastes. "Trust me?" He asked. "Yeah. Likes you too," Hatter mentioned. Chishiya felt a weird feeling in his stomach. Like... is that what they called butterflies?
"Likes me? Really. Interesting," Chishiya commented. "Won't shut up about you, actually. Chishiya this, Chishiya that. It's annoying sometimes, but...  it's nice to see her happy," Hatter said, smiling too himself. Happy? You felt happy around him?
"She hasn't been this excited or happy about anything since... since she was very young. I don't really mind you, just... don't hurt her," Hatter stated, walking away. Chishiya was still trying to reel in the fact that you liked him. You talked about him. To your father. "I'll... I'll confess when she's awake next time."
Last Boss
"Taka! What're we doing today?" You asked when you reached the target field. He jumped, startled by your voice. "Oh... hello (Y/N)... and we'll be doing basic blocking and striking today again," he mentioned. You smiled, and nodded. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and watched his face slowly turn pink. "You're so cute," you teased. He looked away, stretching his hand out to you. You grabbed it happily, pulling him along.
There was only two people allowed to touch his katanas. You and him. That's it. You because you were his lovely amazing girlfriend, and Jim because... they're his. Obviously.
His body was behind your own to position you as he was teaching you, making sure you were correct before moving on.
"OK and then I can do thi-" you didn't get to finish your sentence because as you went to strike, you fell. Instead of letting Last Boss witness the utter act of embarrassement, you brought him down with you.
You landed on top of him, still holding onto his shirt. "Well... we've been in this position before haven't we?" You questioned with a sweet smile on your face. He blushed, knowing what you were referring to. He sat up, you still in his lap. "Come on, there's no need to be shy about it Samu," you giggled, kissing his forehead. "Well no... but yes?" He responded. You shook your head, kissing his lips. He pulled away almost immediately, making you pout. "We could get caught," he said, his hands resting on your waist.
"You're dad would quite literally kill me. And if not him, Aguni. You're aware of how scary that man is, right? And how protective both of them are of you?" He stated. You frowned, knowing that Last Boss did not enjoy PDA. Especially since no one knew about you two.
He sighed, caressing your face with one of his hands. "I... fine. But we have to be careful."
A few innocent kisses and touches turned into a full make out session that left you both gasping for air, and wanting more.
"So uh... is this what you meant by Last Boss helping you?"
You had never jumped away from anything faster than you did when you heard your father's voice.
"H-hey dad," you stammered, looking around, not wanting to meet his gaze. "Hi, so just wanted to let you know we have a meeting in a bit, and to be ready. That's it," he said nonchalantly. A but to nonchalant for your tastes.
Your DAD had just walked in on you two making out, and that was his only response? No fucking way.
"I-im sorry about... about that," you apologized, looking down in shame. "Don't apologize for that. Who cares. As long as you're safe and happy, I could care less who you're with. Plus, he's decent. And pretty smart, so I'm ok with it," Hatter explained, patting your head. You smiled up at him. "Thanks dad," you said. "No matter what, you'll always be my little princess, so... go have fun. I'll let you two be," Hatter stated. "Oh, before I leave, Last Boss?"
"Hurt her, and I'll hurt you back, got it?"
I love the idea of Hatter being a supportive dad who's just like "as long as they love you and you love them, who gives a fuck?"
And honestly. I just needed some fluff today.
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fandom-necromancer · 3 years
A thing of beauty
I stumbled about this post of @isibakeoven and I just had to write it! I hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077 | Characters: nomad!V, Johnny and more
‘How could this even happen?’ ‘I don’t think I have to tell you of all people how something like this can happen’, V spoke loud for once. They were alone in their apartment, so why bother? V smiled, petting Nibbles laying next to her on the ground while the small kittens tried to clumsily climb on her outstretched legs. ‘No shit, V. I meant that this is now happening on top of everything else! We are supposed to get rid of the chip, save your life. And now we have to look after… kittens?’ ‘They are cute though.’ ‘Damnit, V.’ The construct likely had wanted to sound frustrated, but there was a certain softness in his voice too. ‘They look all wrinkly…’ ‘Don’t listen to him’, V chuckled and lifted up one of the tiny cats that had repeatedly tried and failed to get a good grip on her pants. ‘You are perfect.’ ‘Well, we can’t keep them. They will grow up and need more space. And I doubt some mercenary that could die any given day could take care of them.’ V sat the little one down on her lab and watched amused as it tried to get underneath her jacket. ‘Didn’t know you would care this much.’ ‘Hell, V, what do you think of me? Who doesn’t like cats?’
V couldn’t help but grin as Johnny sat down next to her, watching the kittens mill about with a tiny smile on his lips. He was right, of course. Even Nibbles herself had been a heat of the moment decision and it was better than leaving her out on the streets. They couldn’t keep them all. But what should they do with them? ‘You could sell them to some rich corpos’, Johnny shrugged. ‘I mean, we would make a fortune with real cats and they would have a nice home with everything they could ever need.’ And that was coming from someone who hated these people. It made V think about it, but ultimately their guts told them no. ‘Fine, any other idea then?’ V watched the kittens play and sighed deeply. Who in this rotten world could they trust still? And who could take good care of a cat? Instinctively a few names popped up in their head. ‘Really? Your mercenary friends?’ Johnny asked. ‘Come on, they are as bad as you are. And don’t you dare give one to- You’ve already made up your mind, right?’ V chuckled. ‘Yes. Once they are old enough, it’s time for a roadtrip!’
The meows of the kittens in the box on the passenger seat were almost heart wrenching, but they had grown quite a lot already and begun to rearrange what little furniture V had in their apartment. Besides, V knew they would find a loving new home. ‘But that’s not your only reason, is it?’, Johnny asked from the backseat. ‘It isn’t and you know that, you are in my brain’, V sighed and stopped at the red light. ‘So what? You really want me saying it out loud?’ ‘Maybe so you know it’s bullshit. I won’t let you die, V, and that’s final.’ ‘Even if we find a solution for the chip that works – and I highly doubt that – as you said, I could die any other day. Might as well give my friends something to remember me. Something good in a world that doesn’t give a fuck about you.’ ‘Hell, you’re getting my level’s of cynic here…’ ‘So far I haven’t had the urge to blow up a building yet, so I would say I’m good for a few more days.’ ‘Har, har’, the construct laughed sarcastically, but continued to look out of the window the rest of the ride.
‘Hey, V!’, Judy greeted them at the door and frowned as she saw the giant bow in their arms. ‘Woah, what’s that?’ ‘Complications? It’s a gift. Will you let me in?’ ‘Err. Yeah… Gifted complications?’ V just entered her flat and put down the box on the kitchen counter. ‘You know, the cat I told you about? Nibbles? Well, turned out she was pregnant and left me a bunch of kittens I can’t keep. You want one?’ ‘Do I… V, the only animal I ever cared for are fish and- Oh my god, they are so cute!’ She had already leaned on the counter, looking through the bars and watching the little cats stumble about. ‘Aren’t you just the cutest?’ She put a finger through the gaps and promptly pulled it back. ‘Ouch!’ She pressed on the small cut but smiled. ‘Oh, I definitely want one!’ ‘Then pick one’, V laughed and pointed at the box. ‘Who of you was the one to scratch me, hm?’ She pulled out one of the cats and held her up. ‘Gonna call you Limónita!’ V shook her head, but watched, as Judy was already cuddling with the little thing seeming completely enamoured. ‘Do you have someone for the rest of them?’, she asked. ‘I have an idea, yes’, V answered. ‘Gonna drive by a few friends, see if they would like one.’ ‘Alright! Tell me if you can’t find homes for all of them, I could ask a few Mox.’ ‘Thanks. I will come back to that!’
‘One gone, six more to go’, Johnny commented, as V sat back down in the car and drove off. ‘Yep. Next stop: My favourite Ripperdoc.’ ‘Really? You want to give that butcher one?’ ‘That butcher saved my life countless times. And he is one of the few actually decent people out there. He will take good care of a cat. From all of them maybe the best as he actually settled down and has a more or less safe job.’ ‘Whatever you say…’
V stopped as close to the clinic as they could and stepped out with the box, hurrying down the stairs. Misty was the first to greet them, surprised to see them there. ‘V. What brings you here?’ ‘Is Vic free at the moment? I have something. For both of you actually, if you are interested.’ ‘He should be, I can call him. A surprise?’ ‘Yes.’ V put the box down on a near table and nodded towards the ripperdoc that came out of his room. ‘My cat got kittens. I’m searching for people to give them a home. With the way I live, it’s… difficult to take care of even one, don’t mind all of them.’ They didn’t mention the biochip, but both of them knew what they were implying with that. Viktor took one of the kittens out of the box and scratched it behind the ear with his mechanical extensions. Misty took one, too, surprisingly catching the one that liked to ride on shoulders. She laughed as the kitten clawed the way up her arm and watched the other one that was calmly accepting the pets. ‘Any idea for names?’, Viktor asked, eyes not even taken off the cat for a second. ‘Ying and Yang would be fitting. See? Yours even has a little black spot at the ear.’ ‘Isn’t that a little cliché?’, the doc asked and earned an in-depth explanation from Misty why they were the perfect names. V watched them a little, but in the end just took the box and stole themselves away.
‘Who’s next?’, Johnny asked, arms crossed behind his head. ‘Goro.’ Wait, what? I thought you were against selling them to some rich fucks!’ ‘I am. Takemura is a friend.’ ‘He’s Arasaka.’ ‘He’s Ex-Arasaka at best. And he will take good care of them.’ ‘Maybe, but… God, you’ve doomed that cat.’ ‘To the nice life of a spoiled kitty?’ ‘To sit through hours of meetings…’ ‘He’s a… You know what, I won’t even try. He’s nice and will love a kitty.’
V was proved correct in the end. She met Goro in a flat in a shady neighbourhood, but he had managed to tidy his temporary home up as if it was the corpo mansions he must be used to. He had been sceptical at first but as soon as he had taken a look into the box, he was almost instantly smitten with them and had sat down on the sofa with the kitten on his lap. He obviously tried to keep up a professional, stiff appearance, but as V left, they could hear the delighted ‘I hereby swear to protect you and care for you, Kitty-sama-‘ before the door fell into the lock.
She was still laughing when she came back to the car and drove off to her next target. ‘A cop. You are giving your cat to a cop?’ ‘I’m giving my cat to a loving family that always will have someone around to play with. I grew up knowing a family and I will always treasure those memories. Whatever kitten they pick, it will have a great life.’
‘V!’ They hadn’t even parked the car yet as the kids had spotted them. ‘V is here!’ ‘Are you staying to play?’ They laughed picking up the box. ‘I don’t think so. I have to speak with your dad, is he home?’ The children ran off to fetch him and V followed them, hoping the kittens would stay silent for a little while longer with the kids around. ‘V! What brings you here?’, River greeted them with a wide grin. ‘I’m looking for a home for my kittens. I can’t keep them. You look more of a dog person to me, but I’m not sure, so I thought I’d try.’ The man looked at them wide-eyed, then looking into the box. ‘You think I should… You would give me one?’ ‘I trust you to take good care of them’, V just nodded. He reached into the box and carefully lifted out a cat as if worried to break something. ‘So small’, he laughed, looking at the kitten fondly. He got to his knees, so the children could get a good look and a few pets, too. When he stood back up, he looked at V. ‘I will. This little kitty will have the best life I can give her.’ ‘Thank you.’
‘Okay, that was nice and all, but I have to stop you right there’, Johnny commented once again, as V was back in the car. ‘Kerry… Hell, he can’t even watch after himself. You… You’ve been to his house, okay? This should be obvious!’ ‘We both know that’s you being jealous he actually got over it and is successful now.’ ‘Yeah, well, because we turned up! Who knows what happens when we are gone.’ ‘I thought you said not to think about that because you won’t let me die?’ ‘I… Listen, you said you wouldn’t let me die either. So, I already know this will go to shit.’ ‘Kerry changed, Johnny. I trust him with a cat.’ Johnny sighed and vanished. ‘Why do I even try?’
At least the house was in less disarray than when V had last visited. The security was less hostile, too, allowing them to pass by and park right in front. ‘Hey, V? What’s up? Come in!’ He didn’t even acknowledge the box, leading them inside and pouring them a drink already. ‘My new song may be the best one I ever made; I’m telling you. I’ve made great progress!’ ‘I’m happy to hear that. Maybe once it’s ready, you could celebrate with a feline friend?’ The Rockstar turned around and only then saw the box, curiously looking into it. ‘Where did you get those cats?’ He had already taken one out to get a closer look. ‘They are worth a fortune, somehow I can’t believe you paid for it. Job gone wrong?’ ‘No, I took in a cat I found and she was pregnant. Now I’m looking for a home for them. Interested?’ ‘Interested?’ Kerry pulled the cat to his chest protectively now that he realised, he might get one. ‘I would love to have a cat! I just always saw the costs and… Well I guess my life style isn’t the most stable one. You would just… give one to me?’ ‘Sure’, V shrugged. ‘I mean you have the money to care for one, a place to live and I know you are a softie underneath that craziness.’ ‘Oh, I will take so good care of you’, Kerry chuckled. ‘I don’t need half the space I have; I will transform this home to your wishes.’ He smirked at V and addressed the cat again: ‘You’ll be the most spoiled cat in the world, and I will call you Johnny, so it fits!’
‘Oh, you won’t, you son of a-‘ V had to will the construct away not to laugh and left Kerry with his cat. Back in the car they felt sorry for the last cat in the box. ‘Don’t worry, you will get a nice home, too. You will like it. Always on the move, seeing the world. You will have a big family and believe me, nothing is better than laying in the sun on a warm dashboard seeing the world pass by.’ V felt Johnny’s eyes on them and sighed. ‘What? Back with the Bakkers we constantly picked up stray dogs and cats. Not that there were a lot. But I remember one that loved riding with us.’ Johnny answered by lifting up his hands in surrender and looking out through the window once again.
The drive to the Aldecaldo Camp took quite a while and the sun was already setting, as they reached the edge of it. It was in the progress of settling down for the night, the few guards on post nodding towards her and greeting her friendly but brief. It wasn’t far to Panam’s tent anyway, so V just passed them. ‘V! What a surprise! How are you?’ ‘Good. And you?’ ‘Can’t complain. What do you have there?’ ‘My cat had a litter. I found homes for all of them except this one. Wanted to keep the ride out here for last, you know how the city can get at night.’ ‘Okay’, Panam said, waiting for more. ‘So you want me to take the kitten?’ ‘If you want it’, V nodded. ‘I think you would take great care of a cat. And the Aldecaldos are there too.’ ‘But we will be on the move constantly, do you really think I should take her instead of someone in the city?’ ‘No one I know has a stable life, Panam. And with you I know the kitty is safe. You can always put a tracker on her collar or something if you fear her getting lost. If you want a cat.’ ‘Oh, I would love to! Thank you!’ She took the last kitten from the box, pulling her close to her chest and already looking for one of the larger trailers to keep it in for the beginning. ‘I will take good care of you kitty, V!’
‘And that was the last one of your kittens, V’, Johnny concluded on their way back. ‘I think your friends will give them a good home.’ ‘I hope it brings them joy. A little bit of good in this world.’ ‘Don’t be so pessimistic. The world may be a disaster, but if you know where to look, there will always be a little bit of good.’ ‘A thing of beauty?’, V teased, maybe not nearly as jokingly as they might had wanted it to be. ‘Who knows? Maybe?’, Johnny sighed. ‘However this might end, they will remember you, V. You won’t be forgotten.’ V lowered her head, gripping the steering wheel of the Porsche a bit harder. ‘And neither will you.’
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sunsetsandcurves · 3 years
boggie and mixtape?
Reggie's never really liked silence.
He's not sure why- Alex likes saying that with the amount of noise that's always reigning in his house, he'd appreciate some quiteness for once, but he doesn't.
There's something about the stillness that comes with silence that he hates. It makes him uncomfortable and anxious and just- it makes him feel like he's ready to combust. And the best way to get rid of silence has always been music, so whenever he's not playing, there's something else playing so he can distract himself.
When he's home, though, he has to use this really old that his dad gave to him- he's used to opening the front door, climbing the stairs and locking himself in his room, his headphones pressing comfortably around his head and his mom's voice buzzing faintly in the background.
And then one day the damn thing stops working, and even if Reggie tries and even reads the stupid manual he realizes there's nothing he can do to fix it, so he throws the thing at the wall and its pieces crash around him.
It's stupid, but he apologizes in a whisper to the shattered machine and bites his lips to keep himself from crying. He liked the walkman and he hates the silence but his parents don't really like music and now he doesn't know what to do.
He spends the next day in a bad mood, irritated with every single thing. Luke asks him what's wrong and Reggie just swallows the lump in his throat and shrugs.
Bobby's the one who grabs his forearm just before he leaves band rehearsal that afternoon, making him walk towards the back of the studio. He's frowning and he looks like he's trying to figure out what's wrong with him by staring really intensely.
"What happened?" Bobby asks in a whisper. Reggie feels himself pouting.
"Nothing. I mean, not nothing, but it's stupid."
"It's not stupid if it has you looking like someone just kicked your puppy. We played Long Weekend all afternoon. That's your favorite song."
Reggie smiles a little. He told Bobby Long Weekend was his favorite song forever ago, and somehow he seems to remember that even if his current favorite one is Now or Never.
"My walkman broke," he confesses. "And I know it's not a big deal but I don't have money for another one and you know how much I hate silence so- I don't know. I'm sad I guess."
Bobby licks his lips.
"Well, that sucks."
Reggie scoffs. "I know. Thanks for the encouragement."
Bobby smiles and grabs his hand, and then kisses his cheek. These kind of interactions between them are kind of new, but he loves them.
He doesn't know what they are, but he's okay with that. Bobby is Bobby, and Reggie loves Bobby. That's it.
"You can borrow mine if you want."
Reggie shakes his head. "It's okay, Bobert."
Bobby pushes him a little. "That's not my name, Reginald."
The next day, he's still in a bad mood. He hummed to himself to avoid the silence but then his mom asked him to keep it quiet with an annoyed smile and Reggie hasn't made a single noise since then.
When he gets out of his house to get to band practice, Bobby's waiting, standing in front of the street, a knowing smile decorating his face.
"Woah, whose body do I need to hide?" Reggie greets.
"Hi yorself, idiot. Here, um, I got you something."
Bobby hands him a little, red box, and Reggie loves gifts so he tears the wrapping paper apart and he feels his mouth opening when he realizes what the gift is.
"Bobby..." He starts.
"It's not the best walkman out there, but it will do I guess. I know you need it, Reg. Oh, and- check inside."
Reggie's hands are trembling a little as he checks inside the walkman. There's a mixtape inside, and Bobby has written Reggie's name with his horrible handwriting (it's even worse than Luke's), and there are a bunch of song names written in the back.
"You made me a mixtape?" He asks, unconsciously bringing the gift close to his chest.
Bobby grins. "Maybe. You know I love making them, and well- there are a bunch of songs that remind me of you so, um- yeah."
Reggie hugs him, passing his arms around Bobby's neck, breathing him in.
"Thank you," he croaks out. "This is the best gift someone's ever given me. I love- I love it."
Bobby grins again, and Reggie realizes his stomach seems to do a backflip every time Bobby smiles.
"You could learn how to make them. Come over and you'll make me one and we can interchange them- it would be cool. If you want to, I mean."
Reggie nods.
"Of course I want to."
Bobby buries his hands in his pockets and nudges him with his shoulder, starting to walk to the studio.
"Cool. I'll even let you put country songs on them."
Reggie jumps a little. "Oh, you're going to love them.
Bobby raises an eyebrow.
"I probably shouldn't have said that."
Reggie takes his hand. "Yeah, you probably shouldn't have."
Send me a ship and a word and I'll write a little something!
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thefeelswhale · 3 years
The Nervous Energy in Everything - Part 4
Author’s Note: TW for narcissist parent. 
It was the most magical moment of his entire life so of course Hitoshi’s dad had to barge into it.  
“Why don’t you show Hitoshi your room?” He said to Izuku who jumped guiltily at the reminder that other people were in the room. 
“Oh! Um.” Izuku turned bright red and some of Hitoshi’s instant and embarrassed irritation with his father must have leaked through their connection because he gave Hitoshi a concerned look before tugging him away. It was clear to everyone involved -except his father who didn’t question it when he got his way- that Izuku wasn’t obeying an adult so much as he was getting Hitoshi away from his dad. “Here, it’s this way.”
Izuku’s room was little and would have been plain except for all the All Might posters.
“Wow.” Hitoshi turned a slow circle. They were still touching, but switched to holding hands. To his surprise they were still getting a little bit of transmission, but not to the degree they’d gotten from touching their marks. 
“Ah, haha.” Izuku rubbed the back of his head. “I’m a little bit of a fanboy.”
Hitoshi had a strong recollection just then of when he was twelve and still had his bedroom walls plastered in band pictures. They’d been torn down after he turned thirteen and got into a fight with his dad. Hitoshi didn’t remember what it was about, but he remembered what came after. It was one of the few times his uncles had been forced to intervene. Uncle Shouta had appeared in the doorway with a kind of stillness about him that Hitoshi never wanted to see again, took in the wreckage of the bedroom, and quietly said “I want a word” while maintaining eye contact with Hitoshi’s father.  
Hitoshi never found out what they talked about, but his dad never set foot in his room again. They didn’t even make eye contact for a week afterwards. His dad had offered to replace the posters a couple of times, but Hitoshi hadn’t trusted him not to do it again the next time he got mad so his walls had been bare for the past two years.
“It’s good.” He said, unable to convey his weird gratitude that his soulmate was allowed to like what he liked at home. 
Izuku cupped his own cheek with his free hand and Hitoshi was enveloped in something that felt like a hug from the inside out. 
“Woah.” Hitoshi wobbled on his feet and landed on the bed, hard on his butt. “You’re going to have to show me how to do that.” It felt amazing. “I had to sit out of bond management class in grade school.”
“It’s not hard.” Izuku sat next to him. “I’ll teach you whatever you want.” He promised. “I don’t have a lot of practice though. Ka… my old soulmate. He wore a cover all of the time.” He rubbed his wrist like it was an old aching wound. 
No guesses about where his first mark used to be. The skin was a little paler there when Hitoshi caught a glimpse of it.
His heart sank a little bit at the reminder that he wasn’t Izuku’s first. It didn’t matter, he reminded himself, because he was going to be the only one from here on out and anyway who in their right mind wore covers? Izuku’s old soulmate sounded like an asshole.
Hitoshi had had his soulmark for less than a day and it was amazing. He never wanted it sealed off. If the material of his shirt wasn’t thin enough to transmit bond contact he’d be shirtless at that very moment. Maybe it just went to show that any level of privilege could be taken for granted if you were born to it.
“What happened to him?” Hitoshi asked, but Izuku shook his head.
“Nothing. He’s fine.” There was a rich and terrible vein of unanswered questions in that statement. Hitoshi had no idea where, if anywhere, to start. “We just broke.” Izuku looked down and started to fidget with his hands. “You don’t have to be jealous.” He turned his face away. “I’m the one who gave up.”
Interestingly, Hitoshi realized he could tell when Izuku was telling the truth and when he was lying. That hadn’t exactly been a lie. Izuku didn’t really believe he’d been the one to break his old soulbond, but he didn’t have any better answers either. 
Hitoshi remembered the feeling that had crossed over to him when his soulmark came in; the grief, the disbelief, the… he didn’t really have a word for it. It had been like falling in love, but in reverse. ‘Giving up’ was one way to describe it, but to feel like that and then be able to truthfully say the other person was ‘fine’? He couldn’t believe it had been so simple.
“Hey.” Hitoshi had no idea what he was doing except that he didn’t like the idea that his soulmate’s first instinct was to not touch him. He caught Izuku’s wrist and gently tugged him closer. “C’mere.”
Izuku hugged like he’d heard of the concept or maybe seen it on TV once, but had rarely put it into practice himself. He was reluctant and awkward at first, but sank into Hitoshi’s side with enthusiasm as soon as he’d figured out where his arms went. 
He’d meant to keep the conversation going -to learn everything about his soulmate that he’d missed before they found each other- except he didn’t have a lot of experience with this kind of hugging either. He got plenty of affection from his uncles and his mom whenever she could slip it in past her quirk; turns out it was very different when the person you were hugging was both a cute boy and your soulmate. His brain shut down and it was kind of like being affected by his mom’s quirk, except way nicer and he was aware of everything going on. 
Someone tapped at the door and Izuku sat up to say, “Yes?”
When the door opened Hitoshi was aware just long enough to recognize his mom’s pinched and unhappy expression before everything whited out. 
He came back to himself alone in the room with an unhappy, anxious Izuku.
“You’re back.” Izuku cupped his face and titled Hitoshi’s face this way and that; checking his pupils, Hitoshi realized. When his mom quirked someone their eyes went totally white. 
“I… what happened?” He looked around. “Where did my mom go?”
“She left.” Izuku wet his lips. “I don’t know what happened. She wouldn’t talk to me.”
“No, she wouldn’t.” Hitoshi shook his head to clear it. He felt weird. Usually his mom’s quirk felt like the first few seconds of waking up from an amazing nap. This time it was… not like that. “Her quirk activates whenever she pays attention to someone.”
It was an amazing villain’s quirk if you were inclined that way, but super debilitating if you were an ordinary nice person. There were lingering side effects too if she accidentally used it on someone too many times. Hitoshi was immune to that part. He already loved his mom as much as he could, but strangers got weird obsessions with her. As a result she didn’t get out much and was totally reliant on her husband, who was also immune to her quirk by dint of being her soulmate.
“Oh yeah? Is it eye contact or just any amount of…” Izuku clapped a hand over his mouth. “Not the time.” He muttered and refocused on Hitoshi. “She hugged you really tight. Then she left. Maybe…” He gave the bedroom door an uncomfortable look. “...maybe we should check?”
Hitoshi was starting to get a bad feeling too. His dad had been trying to get rid of him earlier. That wasn’t a good sign, but he’d been too blissed out by meeting his soulmate to pay attention.  His mom couldn’t intervene whenever he started acting up without making it worse. She was stuck as a bystander.
“Yeah.” He grabbed Izuku’s hand. “Just for a minute.”
Only, his parents were gone by the time they went into the living room. A little round lady with Izuku’s features, softened by age and gentleness, looked up from where she was locking the door. 
“Oh, there are my boys.” She went over to pat their cheeks. “What an exciting day! How do you feel about something special for dinner? Do you like pork, Hitoshi-kun? We like katsudon for celebrations here, but I’ve got a full fridge. We can probably make anything you like.”
“Am… am I staying for dinner?” Hitoshi asked with a sinking stomach. He was pretty sure he knew what had just happened.
“Well, your father mentioned how much you’d like living with your soulmate.” She chuckled. Yup. She’d been Persuaded. “I just knew Izuku would love having you around too so I offered to let you live here.”
That… person had hustled him out of the room so there was no one around to stop him from manipulating Izuku’s mother into taking Hitoshi off his hands. His dad’s quirk, Persuasion, was incredibly difficult to protect someone against. The only way to stop him was to know about his quirk in advance. Usually Hitoshi knew to interfere before it was a problem --just, not today.
For whatever reason, Hitoshi’s dad had never liked him and made no bones about the fact that Hitoshi needed to have a new living situation lined up as soon as he turned eighteen. He was jovial most of the time and seemed to be kind of aware that he wasn’t acting right. Sometimes he’d try to make half-hearted overtures or make up for whatever awful thing he’d done or said recently. He wasn’t violent --much. He hadn’t ever hit Hitoshi, but he would break stuff or call him names or misrepresent him to people; making Hitoshi seem stupider or more trouble than he was in reality. 
Hitoshi knew the root of the problem was his mom although he could never blame her for it. She was the one who’d wanted a kid and his dad, for all his other faults, would move heaven and earth to get her anything she asked for. It just turned out that sharing her attention was the one thing he absolutely could not do or fake.
“Ma’am. I’m really sorry.” He gulped, realizing he didn’t know her name yet. “My dad used his quirk on you. It’s called Persuasion. He can talk anybody into agreeing with him or into doing something to make him happy.”
“I… what?” Izuku’s mom blinked slowly; the artificial happy buzz leftover from giving in to Persuasion was fading. Sometimes telling a person about his dad’s quirk right after helped them shake it off. It looked like this was one of those times. “I… I may need to sit down.”
“Mom, over here.” Izuku seemed to know what to do when she wobbled on her feet. “Hitoshi, there’s a little bottle in the end table over there. Could you grab it?”
The bottle contained honest-to-god smelling salts when Hitoshi got it. Izuku accepted it and cracked it open under his mom’s nose. The smell was ghastly, but startled her into clarity. She blinked hard and patted Izuku on the shoulder.
“Thank you, dear.” She patted her cheeks to settled herself. “Did…” She looked at Hitoshi and something in his expression made her pivot from upset to concern. “...honey, are you okay?”
His dad had just ditched him with strangers. That hug from his mom had been goodbye and he wasn’t even awake for it. No, he was not okay. 
“I can call my uncles.” Hitoshi swallowed on a hard, sore lump in his throat. “You don’t have to worry.”
“I’ll let that pass because we don’t know each other that well yet.” She got up and patted his cheeks with both hands. He had to bend over so she could do it, she was that tiny. “I’m going to worry. Ask Izuku. I worry about everything and this is definitely worth worrying about. Call your uncles please. Then we can discuss the situation.”
“It might be a bit before they can come get me.” Hitoshi apologized. “They’d have been here, but they had to work.”
“That’s fine, dear. You can have dinner here and we’ll work everything else out as it comes.” She glanced at her son. “Izuku, don’t forget to make that other call.” 
Izuku’s shoulders turtled up. “I won’t, mom.”
They had to split up to make their phone calls. Izuku seemed no more enthusiastic about makin his than Hitoshi was to call Mic’s station office. 
Ami-san, the agency-side receptionist, picked up on the first ring. “Present Mic agency and radio station!” She chirped. “If this is an immediate emergency then tap the line and I’ll start a trace on your number.”
“It’s Hitoshi.” He usually liked chatting with her, but his heart wasn’t in it right then.
“Oh, hi, honey!” Ami-san cooed. He’d known her since he’d been born and had spent more than one afternoon in a bassinet under her desk as a baby when his uncle’s station/agency had been located in the back of a garage. “What can I do for you? Mic told me the good news! Did you want me to slip him a note?”
“Could you?” He decided to just rip the bandage off. “My dad used his quirk on my soulmate’s mom.”
“You’re joking.” Her good mood evaporated. “He’s on probation! He knows he’s on probation!”
“He talked her into offering to take over custody of me.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” She got real quiet. “I… I’ll let Mic know. Don’t call Eraserhead until Mic can talk to him first. If she presses charges….” Ami-san let the sentence trail off without finishing it.
Quirk misuse laws operated on the three strike principle. If they reported it, this would be his dad’s third strike within five years. He’d gotten off with petty fines the last two times he’d gotten caught; convincing a cabby driver to pick him up over someone else and talking a panhandler into leaving him alone. Most people didn’t notice Persuasion, but sometimes someone with a really stubborn will or certain mental illnesses could shake it off by themselves and if they did they knew he’d tried to quirk them. If Izuku’s mom pressed charges then his dad was going to jail this time.
Hitoshi didn’t actually care about that much except for the ways it would affect his mom. She couldn’t work. She couldn’t talk to people. She had a small disability stipend and did some work as a freelance writer, but it hardly brought in anything. If his dad went to prison, even for a few months, then she would be the one who suffered most. 
The one thing his dad could be counted on was to not work against his soulmate’s interests. This time he either hadn’t thought far enough ahead or was banking on Hitoshi protecting his own mother over a stranger.
“We’ll make it work.” Hitoshi decided out loud. His uncles were proof she could live with other people. It wasn’t ideal, but they used a whiteboard and messenger apps to talk. 
“I’ll have Mic call you as soon as he’s off the air.” Ami-san promised. 
Hitoshi sat in the little tatami room he’d used to make his call. Someone had turned it into a computer room at some point, but it had a curious empty feel to it; like it belonged to someone who was long gone.
Izuku was finishing up his own call when Hitoshi went looking for him.
“...not yet.” He was saying. “The officers took my statement and samples off me at the second incident. The paramedics didn’t say anything when they sent me home, but Death Arms and Kamui Wood were… um… yelling so it was hard for them to talk. I’ll go if you think I should… yes, sir. Under the Dooku foot bridge. Through the manhole there. No, he had to leave once I came to. He left his autograph.” He paused and gave a dry little laugh. “Yes, sir. It was in two soda bottles. I noticed the one with the eyeballs in it was still moving. That’s why I hit it in the eyes afterwards.”
“Bakugo Katsuki.” Izuku was still talking. “Yes, it probably got into his mouth. That’s how it happened to me; the nose and mouth. I wasn’t… I couldn’t breath. I don’t think he meant for me to live.” He wrapped his free arm around his knees. “He said something like ‘twenty seconds and it’ll all be over.’”
Hitoshi stood frozen in the door. He’d thought what his dad did was the worst thing that could possibly happen to him that day, but as he listened he realize Izuku was describing a villain attack; an attempted murder on himself. 
They had been within inches of never meeting each other in this life.
There were a lot of reasons Hitoshi wanted to be a Pro Hero. His uncles were a huge influence on him, but part of it was to prove to himself that he was nothing like that man. Now there was a whole new third reason.
“Yes, I’ll come in tomorrow after school if that’s okay.” Izuku said to the police officer he was apparently talking to. “Oh, um, the registry matched me up today. Ah, haha. Yes. Thank you. It was really good timing, actually. Okay, thank you. Goodbye.”
He ended the call, tossed his phone onto the bed, and flopped face first onto the mattress. 
Hitoshi suddenly understood why Izuku’s first instinct was to comfort him through their bond before. He had no idea if touching was good or bad right now. It looked like he had a lot to learn about being a soulmate. 
He tapped on the doorframe and Izuku looked up at him. The helpless smile that eased across his face did a lot to sooth Hitoshi’s exposed nerves.
“Hey.” He sat up and smiled, a little tired looking. Now that Hitoshi was looking he noticed a line of road rash up the outside edge of Izuku’s forearm, ending just below his elbow. It looked red, angry, and fresh. “How much did you hear?” 
“Enough to have a small heart attack.” Hitoshi felt like he was getting a green light to go over there so he did. Izuku catted into his touch so that his palm skated over the handprint on Izuku’s cheek. He got a brief window into his soulmate’s state of mind: he was tired for sure and running out of steam, but secretly (guiltily, even) glad to have Hioshi around for even just a little bit longer. “How did I not feel you get attacked?”
“Oh, that was me.” Izuku squirmed guiltily. “You’re supposed to pull away from the bond if you’re in danger and you don’t know where your soulmate is or what they’re doing. What if you were on stairs or handling a knife or something?” 
This was getting complicated.
“I guess I’ve got a lot to learn.” Hitoshi admitted. 
He was kind of angling for another extended hug, but a faint call of ‘supper!’ echoed down the hall. He could smell food too; really good food too. His mom tended to cook really healthy and he liked that, but the smells coming from Izuku’s kitchen were rich, fatty, and indulgent; comfort food on a day when no comfort could possibly be enough. Maybe he needed to move in with them after all…
Uncle Mic called while he was helping clean up. Izuku waved him off with a smile.
“Where are you?” There was wind in the background. “That son of a bitch isn’t answering his phone.”
Oh boy. Present Mic was swearing. This was bad.
He rattled off Inko-san’s address. “I’m okay.” He said. “My soulmate’s mom is mad at dad, but she seems okay with me. She fed us and said I can stay as-as long as I need to.”
“Okay, that’s ---good?” Mic took a breath and Hitoshi could picture him tugging on his hair. “Then I’ve got time to get out of costume. She’s probably not up to having a pro hero showing up on her front step, huh?”
“It’s been a rough day.” Hitoshi agreed and shielded the receiver so his voice wouldn’t carry. “Izuku, um ---my soulmate. He got hit by a street killer today. He’s okay. There was a hero in pursuit, but Inko-san almost fainted earlier. I don’t think it’d be a good idea to push it.”
Present Mic was, objectively, A Lot.
“By a… a what?” Mic snapped. “I thought you were in Aldera?”
“I am, I am.” 
“Hang on.” Mic carried multiple phones and Hitoshi could hear him get out the one he used exclusively for internet. It had a distinct noise when you unlocked the screen. “Aldera… street attacks…” He was quiet for a moment. “...well, alrighty then. This went down while I was on air. No wonder I missed it. Your boy is scrappy. He beat the crap out of some guy trying to kill a middle schooler with his backpack. All Might was responsible for the takedown. Okay, I’m a little less worried. The villain was a purse snatcher who escalated. That’s less terrible than a possible serial killer in the area.”
Hitoshi compared that to what he’d heard. “That sounds about right.” If he was right then that was the second incident. The first incident must have been when All Might caught the guy the first time. “Could you… could you talk to him about it? I don’t think the police really interviewed him.”
Hitoshi only had second hand knowledge of working with the cops, but he’d never heard of one taking a statement over the phone. Plus there was the matter of Mic’s official report only mentioning the second attack. There was a good chance that officer had just pretended to take the report and had really blown Izuku off. It wasn’t entirely negligent. People sometimes tried to insert themselves into big incidents, especially if it showed up on TV or a big name hero was involved.
“Sure can, buddy.” Mic’s tone went concerned. “Are you all right?”
Hitoshi couldn’t find words to describe how he was feeling. It had been easier to have opinions about Izuku’s problems. “It’s nothing I didn’t already know.” He said at last. 
“We’re coming to pick you up.” Mic promised. “If Hiroshi thinks he can kick you out of the house then he’s got another think coming. We’re gonna make this okay.”
“Okay.” Even Hitoshi could tell he didn’t sound convinced.
The doorbell rang about thirty minutes later. Izuku had pulled him over to the TV to watch the nightly Hero Report and got super into it. Hitoshi liked getting his after action breakdowns from spotter blogs and podcasts. Listening to his soulmate talk about the action on TV was like that, but better. Inko-san watched with them -alternating between that and an embroidery project- and seemed to amuse herself by asking her son questions about what was going on even though she clearly knew the answers.
Uncle Shouta stood at the door sans Uncle Mic and he looked pissed.
“Hitoshi.” He stared into the house over the top of Inko-san’s head. “We’re leaving.”
Hitoshi started to look for his shoes, but drew up short when Inko-san san said, “No. I don’t think you are.” 
She sounded like she was just barely keeping her knees from knocking together and when she stared up at Hitoshi’s uncle she looked like a bunny trying to stare down a Balrog. 
“Excuse me?” Uncle Shouta was dressed down for the evening, but spiritually channelling Eraserhead more than he normally would when faced with a middle-aged homemaker. 
“I am not comfortable sending Hitoshi-kun back into that house.” She didn’t back down and Hitoshi’s heart did something complicated and painful. “How does that --man act at home if that’s how he treats a stranger? Hitoshi-kun is my son’s soulmate. That means I have equal rights to him and I don’t want him back under that man’s roof.”
“It’s not his roof.” Uncle Shouta’s tone was a little less obstreperous than before. It might not seem like it, but Hitoshi’s maternal uncle responded best to logic and that was a good counter argument. “It’s my roof and all his shit’s gonna be in the yard as soon as I get home.”
That… answered some questions Hitoshi had been nursing about his family’s living situation. His dad had a good job and made good money, but he deferred to Hitoshi’s uncles in ways that made no sense --unless he was living in their house. 
Inko-san’s chin wobbled, but firmed up. “Then you can have Hitoshi-kun back as soon as he’s gone.” 
Uncle Shouta’s unsettling black gaze slid towards Hitoshi. “You okay with that?”
Hitoshi found the strength to nod. “Don’t kick mom out.” He probably didn’t need to ask. Uncle Shouta had been looking after his sister long before her soulmate or son came into the picture. Like Hitoshi, he wasn’t totally immune to her quirk but he didn’t get the creepy side effects from it. 
“I can’t stop her if she decides to go.” His uncle warned him and that was exactly what Hitoshi was afraid would happen. He looked back to Inko-san. “I’ll be back with an overnight bag for him.”
“Thank you.” Inko-san relaxed slightly. “I don’t know if we have anything comfortable to lend him for the evening.”
“It’ll be taken care of.” Uncle Shouta stepped back into the shadow of the open air corridor outside Inko-san’s door and vanished like Batman. She carefully shut the door when she realized he wasn’t going to say goodbye and was quiet until she got into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water.
“Your uncle is… an intense person.” She said at last.
“He’s an Underground Hero.” Hitoshi explained and Izuku bopped a fist into his open palm.
“Eraserhead!” He realized out loud. Somehow it wasn’t surprising that Izuku knew about Eraserhead. He didn’t have a big following and was mortally embarrassed by what fandom he did have, but the people who knew about him at all often knew him very well.  
“Is he?” Inko-san relaxed a little further. “Well, then I hope he punches your father right in the nose.” Both her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she realized what she’d said.
“He might.” Hitoshi was a little worried about that. As ever, he didn’t really care if his dad had to deal with negative consequences except for how it affected his mom. 
Mic showed up with a packed overnight bag and his school stuff right about the time Hitoshi was wondering if he was going to have to sleep in his boxers. The upshot was that Inko-san had laid out a double futon in the living room floor without having to be persuaded to let them bunk together. She might have even let them share Izuku’s bed, except there was no hope in hell that they’d both fit on his undersized twin mattress at the same time. 
 Izuku did not recognize Mic, who was harder to spot out of costume because -unlike his husband- he actually put effort into it. He swept in and dazzled Inko-san straight off. Turned out she was weaker to a megawatt smile than to intimidation.
Despite that, Mic looked tired and kind of sore. Hitoshi REALLY hoped it wasn’t actual physical soreness from beating someone up. He still swept Hitoshi up in one of his big bear hugs. “Heya, kiddo.” His voice was a little raspy. “We’re working things out at the house. Shouta’s with your mom. Your dad… well. He’s, uh… he’s checking into a hotel.”
Inko paused as she set down a cup of tea on the coffee table for Mic. “Without Ayame-san?” She asked, confused.
Mic coughed. “Yeah, without Ayame-chan.” He sounded a little down. “She locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn’t come out unless he left. Shouta was still getting the story out of her when I had to leave. I think your dad still has her phone. I’m gonna go get her a new one after this and then you guys can text again.”
His dad keeping his mom’s phone for her wasn’t quite as creepy or controlling as it came off as, but Hitoshi couldn’t deny his dad liked gatekeeping his mom’s access to other people more than he should have. 
Hitoshi’s mom’s quirk was called ‘Siren’ for a reason. She could stun anyone she concentrated on, but the more subtle obsessive secondary effects weren’t universal. Hitoshi, Uncle Shouta, and Uncle Mic were immune because they were all either related to her, super gay, or both.
They’d figured out some loopholes that let her talk to other people. She could text so long as she didn’t hit ‘send’ herself or carry the phone around. Emails were safer, especially if they used a service that routed her outgoing mail through a couple of servers before delivering it. 
“Oh my.” Inko-san sat back on her heels. She glanced at Hitoshi. “I’ll let you two talk.”
“No, I…” Mic took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “...sorry, this actually concerns you too.” He glanced at Hitoshi. “I don’t think there’s a good way to bring this up so I’m just gonna do it.”
Well, that wasn’t unnerving at all. 
Izuku leaned into his side. He’d been quiet since Mic showed up, but stayed very close to Hitoshi. His presence was more settling than words could describe.
“Your mom says she wants a divorce.” Mic spoke slowly and carefully “Your Uncle Shouta is prepared to ram it through as soon as he possibly can. Knowing your dad though, he’s going to make it as ugly as possible. Some stuff is going to come up and we didn’t want you to have to know about it, but if I know Hiroshi he’s going to drag it all out into the open.”
That was how his dad operated when he wasn’t getting his way or felt under attack so Hitoshi didn’t necessarily agree. He knew his family situation was weird and most of it could be explained away by the fact that his mom needed a lot of support, but could be exposed to too many people. 
Not all of it.
Hitoshi’s dad made really good money. He could afford to buy whatever services she needed. They didn’t need to live with Hitoshi’s uncles, but they did.
“You’re not worried that he’ll try to get full custody of Hitoshi-kun, are you?” Inko-san asked. “I’ve heard of men doing that sometimes, even if they don’t get along with their children.”
“That’s, uh, not a concern for us.” Mic coughed and rubbed the back of his head. “That’s what I came to talk about really. You see… ah…” He squinted at Hitoshi and tried to smile. “Hiroshi isn’t your father. I am.”
Izuku reached over without a word and clapped a hand over Hitoshi’s sternum, squelching his first furious response before it could even happen. Hitoshi covered his soulmate’s hand with his own, holding it there and making use of the soothing vibrations of their bond for a couple of seconds before he could ask questions that weren’t ‘Are you out of your goddamn mind?’
“It’s not what it sounds like.” Mic hastened to reassure him. “You see, Ayame-chan wanted a baby really badly. Hiroshi turned out to be infertile. I was just a donor. You were born through IVF.”
That was way less bad than what Hitoshi had first assumed, given the way Mic had phrased that. For one awful moment he thought Mic had cheated on Uncle Shouta ---with Hitoshi’s mom no less.
“We thought Hiroshi was okay with it.” Mic went on to explain. “He seemed to look forward to you at first, but things changed when you were born. I think it wasn’t real to him before that or he hadn’t thought about what it would mean to be a father so…” He fought to keep an uncharacteristically grim look off his face and only met with middling success. “...he refused to let his name be listed on your birth certificate. Normally it doesn’t matter, but he made such a stink about it that the hospital agreed to put my name down. I’m your legal male parent and I share custody of you with Ayame-chan. Hiroshi isn’t involved.”
Holy crap.
Did that mean Uncle Shouta was both his uncle and stepdad? How did that even work?
“It’s going to be hard to get the divorce decree.” Izuku piped up. “I heard there’s precedent now for not granting separations to soul mates if one of them has a quirk disability and there’s no evidence of abuse.”
“Oh believe me, little li--guy...” Mic slid his glasses back on. “...my lawyers are used to way higher stakes. They’ll chew him up and pick their teeth with his bones. Shouta’s been after this for a long time too. No one was going to take her soulmate away from her, but if Ayame wants him gone then we’ll run him out of town on a rail.”
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i have food poisoning and it sucks, but it meant i could just lie in bed writing, so here we gooooooo
As Tommy paddled the boat, Tubbo watched their communicator. “It sounds like she’s not at… wherever we’re going anymore.”
Tommy cursed. “Any clue where to go now then?”
Tubbo glanced down at the messages.
<CaptainSparklez> She’s not there anymore!
<Rendog> How? It’s surrounded by water
<CaptainSparklez> She’s a shapeshifter, not a hybrid.
<Crumbl> yuoll nrrver find mee sprinklez
<CaptainSparklez> Again. You’re a shapeshifter. Why are there feathers left behind.
<Crumbl> I dinit mumch them.
Tubbo looked up and scanned the ocean before pointing out on the water. “Those feathers over there! It’s looking like she left them behind.”
Tommy smiled and turned the boat to follow the trail of feathers. It took a little bit, but the pair did reach land near a forest, though it had started raining. “Where do you think she is?”
Tubbo shrugged. “Don’t know. We don’t even know what she looks like.”
A calico cat walked nearby, then ran as the pair walked near it, making Tommy notice it. “Hey, must be a village nearby. Maybe she’s there for shelter?”
“I hope so. But she might just be hiding under some trees.” Tubbo suggested. As they continued to walk, Tommy saw movement near a tree and started to run toward it. Tubbo watched him run and then noticed the coloring of the form. “Tommy! Wait! That’s a-” The mob exploded. “-Creeper…”
“Aw myan!” The cat said as it sat down next to Tubbo, making them jump.
“Did that cat just talk?!” Tubbo said, nearly shouting from shock.
Said cat changed into what resembled a cat hybrid that reminded Tommy vaguely of Fundy. “Ye! I’m Crumb!”
“Cool! I’m Tommy and this is my friend Tubbo!”
Crumb tilted her head. “Ooo, really? Well I came here with Sparklez, he’s my dad. But i’m hidin’!”
“Want to hang out with us while you hide?” Tubbo suggested and the shapeshifter nodded, changing back into a cat and flopping over Tubbo’s shoulder. “Let’s boat back to your place and show it to Crumb.”
The now trio got into the boat and Tubbo watched as Crumb used her paw pads to type on her communicator and send a message.
<Crumbl> sprakle i made frends!
<Crumbl> Im gonna play wit tonmi and tubbox
Tubbo laughed. “I actually can be a Tubbox.” Tubbo said, making Tommy speak up as well.
“Tubbo in a box, what will he do?”
“Uwwu I’m so good at this!” Crumb replied proudly and Tubbo could feel her purr.
“So is what the captain said true?” Tubbo asked. “Are you really a shapeshifter, not a hybrid?”
“Ye! I um, I’m a badass shapeshifter!” Tommy and Tubbo tried not to laugh at the sound of this cat with a voice like that saying something like that, but they couldn’t hold it in and Crumb also started laughing along. “I’m super strong and beat the Ender Dragon when we had lotsa random potion effects!”
“That sounds so cool.” Tubbo complimented Crumb and then the three of them continued to chat as they rowed along.
Sparklez was glad to see another message from Crumb and see she had made some friends. When he read their names, he froze for a moment. It couldn’t be. This was nowhere near where he should have been. He shook his head. No, it was just coincidence. Crumb probably just misspelled it when typing.
<CaptainSparklez> Alright Crumb, have fun. Just don’t get in trouble.
He laughed as a message came back, distracting him from his previous train of thought.
<Crumbl> No prmosed! Were ginna conmit crim!
“I’m a danger to society!” Crumb shouted as she pounced on a chicken, no longer just a cat, but looking like a very squishy cat that could be mistaken as a stuffed animal at a glance. She had wanted to stay a cat, but by complete chance, another calico cat showed up and Tommy and Tubbo nearly went after the normal cat. She also liked how the pair approved of such a squishy looking cat going left and right killing mobs.
When a parrot flew above her, she jumped to try and grab it, but it was just a little too high for her to reach. “Come down here! I wanna eat you! Mumnch and crumnch!”
The parrot squawked and flew over to land on Tommy’s head. “Oh, leave this one alone. I think this is one of Grian’s. Part of his pesky bird delivery service. 
“But it just looks so tastyyy! Crumb jumped again. It made Tubbo wonder how much of it was just how she acts, or if being a cat so long made her act like one.
“Oh, speaking of Grian. He sent me a message.” Tommy says as he pulls out his communicator. With the flood of messages from the visitors - well, one in particular - Grian sent the message on their own private chat.
<Grian> bring Tubbo if you want but it’s parrot brain hours
<TommyInnit> he probably won’t be coming. We made a friend with one of the guests. Don’t really want to leave her all alone.
<Grian> that makes sense.
<Grian> and bring any extra wheat you can
<TommyInnit> okay, definitely not letting Tubbo come. It’ll shatter my manly image.
<Grian> dad left me books about shifting and I’ve had plenty of time to read. Did you know I can just give myself a beak or talons without shifting completely?
<TommyInnit> woah, hey. Alright big G, I’ll be there as soon as I can.
Tommy looked up to see Tubbo glancing at their communicator. “He messaged me directly, H is talking too much.” Tubbo nodded. “Big G wants me for something. Okay if I let you two hang out by yourselves?”
“Ye! We’re gonna have lotsa fun together! And den we can go see my dad!”
“I can’t wait to meet him!”
Tommy waves and then starts to boat off, using it as a platform once he’s far enough out at sea to safely use his elytra. He stops at his base and goes through his chests, making some hay bales. Afterwards he flies to the mansion and up near the roof where he knows Grian is going to be. 
It was a room made in one of the side roofs of the mansion. The main one sat above the great hall with windows wide open, but the areas to the side were a little more closed off. This one also had a large window, but there usually wasn’t much in there.
Right now however, the place was littered with a few beds and wool and hay bales. Grian was in the center of it all, wings spread out. In the small room they looked much larger. 
“Hey, I brought the hay.” Tommy joked, holding out the bundled wheat. Grian immediately took it and started spreading it around. “Hoo boy. Are you sure you don’t want Mumbo here, orrrr?”
“Oh he definitely wants me here.” Mumbo’s voice speaks up as he pushes a wing off him, only for it to flop back down, pinning his legs. His tie is loose and his suit is a mess along with his hair. “It’s been fine for a while. Just stay in bed, maybe wake up in the middle of the night to a nightmare. I forgot how he gets when he’s like this.”
Tommy nodded. He had only really seen this twice. The first time he managed to decline, much to Grian’s dismay, but the second time there was no way out of it with Grian now knowing they were brothers.
Tommy knows he could have said no this time, but seeing everything that happened the day of the war and the night following made Tommy worried, and he wanted to be there.
Grian smiles as he finishes moving blocks and beds and carpets around. He nudged a few stray pieces of wheat and cotton around with his feet and wings. He knows it would be so much easier to use his hands, but it just doesn’t feel right. 
The avian stares at the nest he’s built. It’s perfect. Maybe a little small for right now, but that’s just because the kids are still on their way. He thinks that he could make it bigger. Big enough to fit the rest of his family, but they aren’t around. So he settles for Mumbo and Tommy. 
He pulls Tommy into the nest, making sure he’s comfortable before putting each of his wings around Tommy and Mumbo. Mumbo half bats the wing away as feathers get into his mouth, but he’s too exhausted from helping to set this up in the first place to complain much more.
Grian holds them close. He could lose everything else if he still had the people he cared about most. He would do anything to protect them.
Crumb is excited as Tubbo boats the two of them towards the shopping district. She really wanted her dad to meet her new friend. And Tubbo was very much a new friend with a nickname and everything.
When they landed, she hopped out of the boat and shifted to a hybrid form before running off to find her dad. Tubbo was left running behind her, aging a little trouble keeping up.
“Sprinklez!!! Look at my new friend!” She jumped into her dad’s arms, shifting back into her cat form. He looked around not seeing anyone for a moment before a panting Tubbo caught up.
“You… couldn’t have… waited for me?” Tubbo panted out, trying to catch his breath.
“Dis is Tubbox! He has another friend but but but I don’ have a good name for him yet so he’s just Tommy.”
Sparklez smiles and shifts Crumb to hold out a hand. “Nice to meet you. Captain Sparklez. But most people just use my last name or even just use Jordan. The one exception being Crumb who likes to call me Sprinklez or of course just Dad.”
Tubbo’s eyes sparkle. “Wait, you’re the Captain?! I’ve heard so much about you! You travel across so many worlds and are known for the songs you’ve written and your curse! I mean, the curse isn’t the most popular thing to know about, but uh…”
Sparklez just laughed. “It’s fine. I’m sure I’m going to get rid of it soon enough. Glad to meet another fan, especially if you’re friends with Crumb now.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty pog.” Tubbo jokes and they continue to talk. He doesn’t give his real name since Crumb seems to like using ‘Tubbox’. He doesn’t know how much it could change their life’s if he did.
The netherite blocks go up and there’s the sound of redstone being messed with. He looks out to watch as the lava slowly disappears. Across the chasm he can see an equally black and white figure. He can already feel the energy on them.
Even with his admin powers gone, he still has some tricks up his sleeve. And there are always strings to pull.
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Impress Me
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Jake Jensen x Single Mom!Reader
Warnings: Language, Porn Mentions (Use of MILF) Summary: All you wanted was to go to your daughter’s soccer game and an couple of assholes took their damn time to get rid of their abnormally large hummer. The driver happened to be a bit attractive and end up your way again.
Nothing like a nice Jake Jensen fic for all you beautiful people out there! 
This is a true story that happened yesterday, the guy parked like an asshole with a large hummer and to tell you, our town is not a big place so there is no point on driving a large vehicle to show off chicks. It ain’t cool.
Unless you’re Jake Jensen and/or Chris Evans
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You were rushing around the house, searching every room for the item that had been missing since. Your daughter, Ava, couldn’t stop asking for it. It was important for her game. “Mom, have you found them yet?” She shouts from the living room. You groan at her last and final shout as you lifted yourself up from looking under the bed.
“No, Ava!” You sighed, “You sure you didn’t leave them at grandma’s house?” Your sister comes in and she already had your daughter’s duffel bag. “The game doesn’t start in another hour. You can stop at the sports shop and get new cleats.”
You groan and turn to see your daughter and sister. “Okay. Sweetheart, I’m gonna grab you new ones, okay?”
Ava pouts, “But I loved those shoes.”
You roll your eyes, “Ava, just this one time, okay? After this, we can call grandma. Do you remember what size you got?” Your sister looks at you strangely while your daughter crosses her arms, “As a mom, shouldn’t you know that?”
You nod awkwardly and turned, “Yeah, um, Liz, can you take her there? I’ll meet you guys there.” Your sister nods and reaches for your daughter, “Come on, Ava. Let’s go.” Your daughter follows your sister out and you let out a sigh. Taking another look in every room, searching every crevice and no sign of your daughters shoes.
And they were neon yellow shoes, you could’ve saw them anywhere with the bright highlight. 
With that said, you took your keys and hopped in the car. Luckily the sports shop was not that far from the field where your daughter would be playing at. Your sister kept you updated that Ava’s shoes weren’t in her car or the bag. You knew they had to be at your mom’s house.
Maybe at your ex-husband’s house. Shit. Not long ago, you filed the papers. It was nothing involved with your daughter. You both started to fade apart. He wasn’t rude or a penniless guy. There was something you both knew it wasn’t gonna keep up.
Especially for Ava, you both shut down for some reason.
After that, you had custody for Ava but she always visited her father 5 times a month. Soccer was coming from her dad. He taught her everything and he signed her up for soccer. He still supported her. You liked him for that.
He came to games if he could. His work always got to him, but he always made plans for Ava. You just never saw yourself having a future with him no more. But for Ava. Of course.
You pulled into the parking lot just in front of the store, seeing people go in and out of it as you rummaged in your bag for your card and you lifted your sunglasses on top of your head.
You stepped out and rushed in, asking the worker where the soccer shoes were, he happily took you over. Shin guards, soccer balls, jersey’s, you found the cleats just on the end. You almost bump into a couple of men in the aisle. One of them let out a ‘woah’.
“Sorry,” You say kindly, the man grins, “You’re good, ma’am.” The three other men, one wore a cowboy hat, one with a grey beard but looked intimidating and a taller man who look twice as much. A woman happened to be with them as well. 
“Pooch,” The beard man says as you raced down the hall, the man turns, “What?” The two men shook their heads at the guy. “Have you guys seen Jensen?” You ignore their conversation and searched the right size of shoes. You spot the ones that looked like your daughter’s.
You reached up and take them in hand, immediately running back to the cashier. You reached for your phone and see a text from your sister. They’re already stretching on the field. You groan and did all your swiping and pin code. Not taking your receipt, you ran out the door.
Coming to a stop once you met the front of your car, you groan. 
A hummer parked next to yours. “How am I-?” You throw your arms up and sighed. You hear someone come by and they head to the hummer. “Excuse me,” You ask, the man turns and jerks his chin up. “Yeah?”
You point, “Is this your hummer?”
The man turns to the large car and nods, “Yeah?” You point toward your car, this time, “I can’t get in my car. Can you park somewhere else?” The man walks up to meet your side and see the problem. He then points, “I’m in the line, so I don’t think it’s a problem. Just squeeze through. You look small enough to do it.”
You gawk at him, “Excuse me?”
The man holds his hands up, “Sorry. Just hop in your passenger seat and slide in-”
“Just move the damn hummer!” You say, the man laughs and reached for his chest. “I have friends inside, can you just wait for a couple minutes. They’ll be out in a second.”
“I’m in a rush! My daughter has a game!”
He nods, “I can see that. I can go grab my friends and I’ll move the hummer.” You would’ve kicked the front of his car, pull the crowbar that hadn’t been used for a situation like this from your trunk and go psycho. All you could do was throw your arm up, “Fine. Asshole.” You walk to your passenger side and threw your purse in the back.
You start to lean in till you lifted your head up to look at him again, “You know, this town doesn’t feel impressed by your huge ass vehicle. It just makes you more of an asshole.”
The man puts his hands on his hips and quirks a grin, “I wasn’t trying to impress anyone. But I’m glad you kept me informed about it.” You hopped in the passenger seat and would’ve been in the most awkward situation when the man watched you slide your ass into the driver’s seat. 
You sighed heavily, turning on your car and stared at the man. You look down to the center console and saw your drink. Your eyes lifted up to him.
You rolled your window down and grabbed your cup. “Hey, asshole!” You called out, the man and held the cup out. “How’s this to impress you?” The man’s face drops when you open the lid.
“No, wait-!” You dump the drink over the side of his hummer and you threw the cup on the floor of your car and pulled out. The man reaches for his head and drops them to look at you. You didn’t look back. But hell, did it feel good. Never in your life ever stood up like that for an asshole. But why the heck did he look good? 
He groans to see the liquid drip down the side of the hummer as his friends come out.
“Hey, Jensen, you ready-? Woah, what happened here?” Pooch asks, seeing the spill on the door. Roque sighs, “Who’d you piss off this time?” He asks, Jensen shook his head and opens the door. “Just shut up, we’re gonna be late for my niece’s game.”
The group look at each other and gave questioned looks before jumping in.
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“Mom!” Ava calls, you rush over to her and sat her down. “Here, let me help,” You got down on your knee and began to slip on her new shoes, tying them and making sure they were a perfect fit. You thanked God they did. Ava grins, “Thanks, mama.”
You grin and nod, “You’re welcome. Now, go have fun.” Ava smiles, jumping onto her feet to head on the field with her team. Her pink jersey with the number 5, you loved seeing her in her jersey. She sometimes wore it around the house and knew how passion for soccer. 
You always saw your ex-husband in her.
Somewhere in the bleachers, someone was bursting out in laughter before slapping the man’s shoulder beside them. “You pissed off a woman for not moving the hummer? You really are a dick-”
“Hey, some people should be able to use that rock in their head that they call a brain,” Jensen says, glaring at Pooch. Cougar leans over, “Roque’s right, though. You really made a dick move.”
Jensen shakes his head, turning to the field to see his niece out in her pink jersey with the Petunias. He sees another girl run for the group and playfully tackles his neice making him grin. His eyes seemed to follow where the girl had ran from, seeing a familiar woman on the sideline. 
“Shit,” He grits.
Pooch turns, “What’s up, now?” Jensen leans back a bit and inhales, “She’s here.” All three men, Pooch, Roque and Cougar look around. “Oh, shit! Where? Is she cute? Hot?” Pooch asks.
Cougar used his binoculars and spots her. “Hey, she’s the girl Pooch was flirting with.” Pooch glares, “What? I was not! Give me that!” He snatches the binoculars and looks down. “Oh yeah...” He says, seeing you walk up to the bleachers. 
“That’s her?” Pooch asks, staring at Jensen who shook his head. “What a coincidence that her daughter is friend’s with my niece.” Roque pats Jensen’s back like a proud man, “A mom? Is she single?” Jensen grimaces at him. Pooch cackles, “Ah-ha! This man got himself a MILF-!”
“Can you guys shut up? We’re at a kids game!” Jensen shouts, the parents around the group glare at them, causing all of them to shut up for a second. Jensen leans back to the boys, “I don’t know if she’s single. What I do know is that you all are thinking the wrong thing.”
Roque chuckles, “You turned red the second you saw her-”
“You know, I’m gonna move down,” Jensen began to stand up and move while Roque grabs him before he could. “Ah-ah. No, you aren’t. You’re watching her,” He says, Jake shakes his head. “I’m not watching her. What do you think I am, a freak?”
“Be sure to wave,” Roque waves over to you and Jensen turns to see your face look over and he immediately leans back. “Roque, dammit!” He grits. Luckily you don’t notice Roque waving as you turned away and spoke to your sister. Pooch purrs, “Ooh. She’s got a friend.”
“Guys, can you cut that out. The game is about to start.”
You sigh in relief and watched your daughter run to the sideline with her group. Your sister turns to you, “What’s up with you?” You turn to her and furrowed your brows. “What?”
She grins, “Look, your daughter’s out there and that Hummer asshole is not gonna bother you anymore. Just let it go.” You shook your head and saw that the game began to start. With that, you quietly watched the game and cheered when the Petunias made a goal.
Halfway through the game, the Petunias were in the lead. Ava was on a roll and you were proud of her. The other team looked defeated but the kids were all tired. You were sure Ava was tired as well.
You watched as Ava took the ball from the other team causing you to jump up. “Yes!” You shout, “Go baby!” You watched as the other girl beside her runs to her side.
Roque touched Jensen’s shoulder and pointed, “Look.” Jensen turns to you on your feet, cheering. Jensen looked out to the field and saw what had to be your kid. She had the ball, but then he noticed his niece run up and collides with your daughter. “Oh!” His boys all say loudly as the two girls fall on the field.
Jensen stands up, “I gotta-Hey!” Your sister stands up as you rush down the bleachers to your daughter on the ground. The coach blows her whistle. “Ava! Hey, are you okay?” You asked, your daughter nods while you look to the other girl.
Number 21. 
“Hey, sweetie, you alright?” You hear clamoring behind you, a man runs up to what may be his kid. “Hey, you alright?” He asks, he lifts up his head to see you. Your sister runs up, “Excuse me? Your daughter needs to watch where she runs-” You stammer toward your sister yelling. Jensen furrows his brows, “She was trying to help! The field is slippery, I saw her slip.”
“Well, tell your daughter to watch her footing,” Your sister grabs your daughter’s shoulder and guides her to the bench. “She’s my niece, actually,” Jensen adds. You watched him as he nods once, “Hi. Nice to see you again.” You turn away and followed your sister to have Ava sit down for the rest of the game.
Jensen checked on his niece and made it back to his friends, Clay was laughing. “Wow, that was a scene to watch.” Pooch cackles, “Her sister was feisty. What’d she say?” He asks. Jensen sits down and looks over to you and your daughter. 
Going back to watch the game. Luckily the Petunias had won and Ava was feeling a bit better after she hit her head pretty hard. With enough water, you took your daughter’s gear and packed it up. 
You settled Ava in the back of your car, “Wait, mom,” She says, stopping you from closing the door. You nod, “What’s wrong?”
“I forgot my bottle at the bench,” She says. You look over to the field, seeing a couple of people leaving and packing up. You gave her a nod, “I’ll go look for it. The air is on so you can stay cool. I’ll be back.” Ava nods as you closed the door and made your way back to the field.
Everyone seemed to be gone and emptied the field for you to be able to search for a bright blue bottle.
You checked the bench where you last sat, you peer up on the bleachers to see water bottles, other things but not your daughter’s water bottle. You sighed till someone spoke up.
“I’m assuming you’re looking for this,” A familiar voice said, you turn to see the hot blonde guy you dumped your whole drink on his hummer. He grins, eyes squinting from the sun shining in his face. “Your daughter is number 5, I saw her little name on the bottom of the bottle with her number. I thought I’d have to chase you or meet you at another game.”
You take the bottle into your hand and grinned slightly, “Thank you.”
He shoves his hands in his pockets and you held the bottle tight in your hands. He nods, “Not trying to impress you with my charms, this is just being nice for you. You seem kind of out of it today.”
“Yeah, I-...” You shake your head, “I’m sorry I dumped my drink over your car. I was just stressed from the past week and-” 
He lifts his hand up, “It’s all right. I understand. I know a thing or two about chasing soccer gear for family.”
You grinned, “She’s your niece?” Jake turns to his niece down the field with his buds all cheering for her, he nods. “Yeah, my sister is on a business trip. I know how passionate my niece is with soccer. Your daughter is one tough player. She took the hit like no other. I’d see them cry after.”
You smiled, “Yeah, well, she gets it from her father.” Jensen didn’t notice a man with you during the game. Was he the type to not make it? So much for making a move by Roque’s advice to apologize and ask you out.
“Didn’t make it?” He asked.
You peer up at him in question. He lowers his head, “Sorry.” You look down at your daughter’s bottle and sighed. “He only sees her 5 times a month.” Jensen glances up to you again. “Makes it to a couple games and he spends time with her on the field to practice,” You say.
Jensen nods and turns to see his friends were gone. He turns back to you and grins, “Can I take you back to your car?” You didn’t know this side of this guy. And hell, you felt even more bad on how this guy was nice but can be such an asshole sometimes.
He was like no other.
You agreed and walked back to the lot with him, “The name’s Jensen, by the way. Jake Jensen,” He says, you look over, “My friends call me by my last but you don’t have to.”
You pull the corner of your lip and nodded, “I’ll decide on it.” Jake smiles at you and the two of you look forward to see the same hummer beside your car. Just like last time. Jensen curses under his breath. Roque opens the driver door and peaks out.  “Aye, Jensen, what took you so long?” He asks, a huge grin forming on his lips. Jake turns to you to see the silent glare as he nods, “I’ll move the hummer this time.” You grin.
“You better.”
You watch as he rushes over to the front seat, pushing Roque into the back. He rolls his window down and pulls out, giving you the chance to hop in your car. With a small grin, you opened your car door. Jensen grins, “You know, if you really wanted to impress me, you find the day to go out!” He says.
You lightly laugh and shook your head. “I’ll see you at the next game, Hummer boy.” Jensen rolls the window back up with a smile as you hopped in your car. Your daughter completely confused.
“Who was that?” You turned on your car with a small smile, “A new friend.” Ava leans back in her seat and looks out the window, nodding. “I like him.” You hear from her, causing you to look in the rear view mirror to see her eyes look out the window. You then pull out.
“You asked out a single mom?” Pooch asks, he pats Jensen’s shoulder, “Way to go, man!”
“Hummer boy? Looks like someone’s got a nickname,” Roque laughs making everyone in the car laugh. Jensen shakes his head, “It was a joke, now shut up, I’m driving.” Through the rest of the day, his buds teased him, pushed him around like he was the young guy in the group. 
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Wake Up - Episode One, Part Two
DISCLAIMER - I don’t any of these characters except for Liv Patterson. Also please don’t take credit for something that you didn’t write. The songs mentioned here will be linked down below. Please stay safe ya’ll. Love you guys and just be kind.
Los Angeles, 2020 - Los Feliz High School
Teenagers walk out of their classrooms heading towards their lockers and next periods. A teenage girl clearly avoiding all human beings walks amidst the crowds towards her locker opening it.
“Hey Underachiever”
The girl looks towards the friend standing beside her, smiling, “Hey disappointment, hey good-for-nothing”
“Hey you guys” Lia smirks leaning against the lockers.
“Okay,” Flynn says, “I know you don’t want me to ask you this but have you figured out whatcha gonna do today?”
“I’ll know in the moment” Julie shrugs off.
“Seriously girl?” Lia asks, “That really all you're giving us?”
“You know what Ms. Harrison said right… this is your last chance,” Flynn says
“I know” Julie replies looking at the other girls, “I was there.”
“See you at the rally,” The girls turn to find Carrie walking around handing out flyers.
“Ugh, what is she handing out?” Flynn asks.
“Umm desperation” Julie says.
Carrie walks up towards the trio, “Here you go” she says passing them all flyers, “My groups performing at the spirit rally tomorrow! I’m sure you guys have nothing better to do.”
“Huh, nothings way better than having to watching you Carrie.” Lia snarks
Flynn, quickly adds on, “OMG Carrie thanks.”
“Oh My God Malia, Flynn,” Carrie retorts, playing with her necklace, “Don’t bother coming!”
Carrie sashays away. Flynn crumples up the flyers, while Lia sticks her tongue out behind Carrie. Julie smiles watching Nick lean against a pole.
“Nick?” Flynn asks exasperated, “Still girl, you KNOW they’re gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies.”
“Yeah but Nick’s a sweetheart”
“Huh” Lia scoffs, “A sweetheart dating a demon. How ironic.”
“And you’d actually have to talk to him to know that… and remember…” Flynn says, “only one of them have to be a demon to have a demon baby… DEMON” Flynn yells towards Carrie.
“Yes girl!” Lia laughs high-fiving Flynn as the girls quickly look away from Carrie.
“Now there’s that smile,” Flynn says to Julie, “Let’s go prove everybody wrong.”
The girls leave the lockers and enter their music class, taking a seat next to each other
“Nice job Nick,” Ms Harrison tells him as he finishes up his guitar solo, “Almost as good as your game against Glendale. Okay we have one last performance, Julie?”
Julie slowly gets up from her seat and makes her way towards the grand piano.
“Yass Julie! Let’s go my Queen” Lia yells from her chair as Flynn smiles towards Julie giving her an encouraging look. Ms. Harrison spares Lia a look making her sulk down her chair smirking. Julie slowly sits down.
“Take your time” Ms. Harrison tells her.
Julie’s hands hover above the keys for a moment, and slowly stands up. Lia and Flynn share a look and stand up too, “I’m sorry…”
“Is this when we clap?” Carrie says.
Julie runs out and Liv and Flynn are right on her toes, Lia bumping into Carrie on her way out, “Watch it Carrie.”
Julie’s home - after school 
“Oh good you’re home,” Julie’s dad walks down the stairs towards Julie and Lia as they study together, “I was about to go watch your brother’s game, Hi Lia.”
“Hi Mr. Molina! How you doing?”
“I’ve had photoshoots all day. Didn’t even get a chance to eat, but I got a phone call today.”
Julie looks over at Lia across the table and back towards her dad, “Yeah I figured as much.”
“Yeah, well it was my realtor friend…”
“Oh!” Julie smiles towards Lia, and glances back at her dad, “That.”
“Yeah and she says if we’re serious about selling the house then she wants me to take some pictures, for the websites. Which means we have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff… and maybe you can… tackle mum’s studio?”
Lia watches Julie’s face fall and catches eye contact with Mr. Molina, “You’re the expert… your brother and I wouldn’t even know where to begin. It’s okay honey if your not ready I can…”
“No,” Julie looks up at Lia then at her dad, “It’s alright. Maybe i’ll try tonight.”
“Yeah,” Mr. Molina gets up, “yeah awesome yeah, thank you and don’t forget the loft. You know those old instruments that were there when we moved in? They need a new home.” Mr. Molina gets up.
“Mum would like that.”
“Yeah she would… Oh god I’m gonna be late,” he starts reaching in his pockets trying to find his keys.
“Under the mail”
“Your a life saver”
“Bye Mr. Molina”
“Bye Lia”
Later at night, Julie and Lia walk down to the studio
“You’re sure you’re up for this, we can turn back right now,” Lia asks standing at the door with her hand on the handle.
“Yeah… I think I need to”
“Alright,” Lia slowly opens the doors, “After you ma’am.”
Julie walks over to the light switch, flipping it. She slowly makes her way towards the grand piano and sits down. Lia slowly puts a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m so sorry mum,” Julie starts, looking up, “That I haven’t been in here…”
After a moment of silence, Lia breaks the moment up, “C’mon Jules, lets go check the loft.”
Julie climbs to the top while Lia spots her from the bottom. “Hey look at this,” Julie makes her way back down, “It’s some sort of CD?”
“C’mon lets play it”
The girls take a seat, bopping along to the 90’s rock song.
1, 2, 3!
Take off, last stop
Countdown till we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart…
“What the hell is,” Lia turns from looking at Jules to in front of her, “That…”
Three boys literally fall out of the sky, like literally. Julie and Lia stand up and look at each other.
Groans and other pain-filled noises
The boys slowly start to get up, all out of breath but still looking fly. “Ohhh… woah! How did we get back here,” the cute middle one says.
Julie and Lia look at each other and back at the boys, “AHHHHHHHHHHA”
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” the boys all huddle together, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
Lia grabs Julie’s hand as everybody continues screaming and drags her towards the house . They run into Carlos and Mr. Molina in the driveway.
“Woah wait slow down guys,” Mr. Molina grabs onto Julie, “You’ve look like you’ve seen a ghost”
“We did!”
“Cool!” Carlos chimes.
“Not cool”
Julie runs away pulling Lia behind her, dragging her up the stairs and into her bedroom shutting the door all while screaming, “AHHHHHHHHH”
“Omg girl please stop screaming,” Lia begs, as Julie texts Flynn 9-1-1 on their group chat.
“C’mon Flynn, 9-1-1 means 9-1-1!” Julie cries.
“Okay lets all just take a breath, ghosts don’t exist right, those were just three boys who like broke into the studio, yeah they broke into a studio by… popping outta nowhere, Oh my god I’m going crazy I…” Lia rambles on as Mr. Molina knows on Julie’s bedroom door, poking his head into the room, “Hey”
“Ah… dad”
“Hey just wanted to make sure you’re okay”
“And that’s my cue to leave, I’ll be downstairs” Lia says, walking out.
“You don’t believe me do you dad?”
“Honey, of course I do I see your mum all the time”
“This isn’t like that”
“I know it’s different for all of us”
“Dad… you’re not listening to me… I SAW something out there,” Julie grabs onto her dad pointing towards the shed.
“Alright, okay okay,” He takes a seat, “I’m listening.”
“Tell me what you saw, it’s just you and me here”
“You sound just like Dr. Turner”
“Well maybe seeing Dr. Turner again isn’t such a bad idea”
“DAD,” Julie takes a pause, “Can we just drop it?”
‘Alright, dropped,” he slowly gets up sticking out his finger, “We good?”
“Yeah,” Julie smiles, crossing her finger with his “We’re good.”
As soon as he leaves Julie slowly creeps towards the window as Lia rushes back into the room. Lia peers over Julie's shoulder, “We’re going back aren’t we?”
“Okay fine,” Lia rolls her eyes, “We clearly need to watch more horror movies, but this time,” Lia looks towards the wall, “We go in prepared.”
Back at the garage
Julie walks in first with a cross in front of her as Lia slowly makes her way beside her, looking for, well three ghosts.
“Are you still here?” Julie questions as Lia glances around, “Whatever you are…”
They look around the room and when they don’t find anything, Julie drops her hands to her sides.
“See, nothing,” Lia says walking towards the middle of the room, “we clearly just imagined that whole thing”
“No, I know I’m not crazy!”
“Well we’re all a little crazy”
Julie and Lia turn to face each other, “Ahhhh,” Julie sticks the cross in front of them.
“OH My…” The pink sweater ghost pleads, “Please stop screaming!”
Lia slowly puts her arms around Julie pulling her back “Well who are you?”
“YEAH,” Julie continues, “And what are you doing in my mum’s studio?”
“Your mum’s studio?” The boy with the very Zac Efron haircut asks, walking around the girls as they follow him with their eyes, “This is OUR studio,” he protests as he slides across the grand piano, “Okay trust me fine, yes the grand piano is new and, and… and… MY COUCH!” The boy jumps onto the leather couch sitting against the wall. Lia slowly pulls Julie closer to her.
“But that is definitely not my six string…” he looks around and slowly backs up back to his friends, “Can you give me just one second? Just give me a second. Thank you.”
Lia and Julie slowly separate as the boys huddle in front of them.
“What is going on?” He whispers, “How did they get their stuff in here so fast?”
“Maybe… just maybe,” the boy in the leather jacket inputs, “Maybe they are witches. There’s chairs floating in the ceiling.”
“Okay there is no such thing as witches,” The dude in the pink sweater retorts while the Zac Efron doppelgänger looks around.
“You sure? Because I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts!” “Huh that’s fair”
“Okay so,” Efron says, “We’re going with witch?”
“No we are not going with witch. They are not witches. Look they’re just scared.”
Lia and Julie look at each other very, very confused. The pink sweater guy slowly walks up to them, “Why are you in out studio!”
Julie goes to punch the dude with her cross but her hand goes through the boy. “Okay c’mon,” Lia slowly pulls Julie away, “How did you do that!”
“Okay clearly they don’t understand what’s going on,” the boy murmurs, “Okay look…” he starts, “We’re ghosts… alright we’re just three ghosts and we’re really happy to be home,” Lia gives Julie a side glance, “Soo… thank you for the flowers, they really brighten up the room.”
“We’re actually in a band called Sunset Curve,” the Efron boy starts.
“Tell your friends,” Leather boy smirks.
“Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. It was gonna change our lives.”
“Umm I’m,” The sweater boy says, “I’m pretty sure it did.”
“This is freaking me out!” Julie pulls out her phone, Lia slowly pulls Julie closer to her, and pulls Julie’s cross back in front of them.
“Umm what is that,” Efron boy asks, pointing at Julie’s phone while the boys look kinda confused, “Uh what are you doin.”
“It’s her phone,” Lia says.
“Stop talking to them Lia,” Julie interrupts, “They aren’t real. There's no such thing as cute ghosts.”
“Oh so,” the leather boy steps up, smirking, “You think we’re cute?”
“Seriously dude!” Lia exclaims.
“Soo…” Pink sweater leans over, “Who you calling.”
“I’m googling sunset swerve.”
“SUNSET CURVE!” The boys say synchronized.
Lia rolls her eyes, as she looks over Julie’s shoulder.
“Whoa there is a sunset curve,” Julie looks from Lia to the boys, “You did die… but not last night… 25 years ago?”
Lia grabs onto Julie’s shoulder tighter as the boys protest, “25 years ago? No. No. No. That’s impossible,” Leather boy starts, “After we floated out of the ambulance all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex,” He points to sweater dude, “Cried.”
“WELLL,” Alex squeals, “I don’t think I… I think we were all pretty upset… okay”
“But that was just for like an hour,” Efron boy starts, “We just showed up here.”
“Look,” Julie shows them her phone, “I’m just telling you what my phone says. See, you died in 1995,” Julie glances back at Lia, “When you were seventeen - it’s now 2020.”
“So we’re in the future?” Leather dude asks.
“Wait so,” Alex asks, “It has been 25 years? I have been CRYING for 25 years? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!”
“Well you’re a very emotional person,” Leather boy starts.
“I am not!” Alex protests.
“Thought you were afraid to come out here?” Carlos walks in, “Talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?”
“Huh he can see you,” Alex says to leather boy.
“No” Lia interrupts, “No he can’t”
“Ahh what do you want Carlos?” Julie asks.
“A normal sister for starters, dad’s calling you for dinner. He said you could stay too if you wanted to Malia. Stop being weird and come eat.”
“He couldn’t see you…” Julie starts, glancing back at Lia.
“I mean yeah that’s… ” Alex starts, “Usually how ghosts work?”
“Look…” Julie starts, dragging Lia behind her and towards the doors, “I’m very sorry about what happened to you guys but you have to leave.”
“But wait we,” the Efron boy starts, “We didn’t get your guy’s names.”
“I’m Lia,” Lia says, “She’s Julie.”
“Cool, I’m Luke… ” Efron Boy starts, coming closer. Julie pulls out the cross again and Lia grips onto her, “by the way… and this is…”
“Reggie,” leather boy says, “Reggie. I’m Reggie, hey.”
“And Alex, how’s it going.”
“Ba dah”
“I… I need to leave, I’ll see you tomorrow Jules… I just. I have to go home,” Lia stutters as she runs out of the shed.
“Lia!” Julie says as the boys look on curiously, “Okay?”
Julie walks out leaving the boys behind.
“They seem nice,” Reggie says.
“Did you miss the part where Julie kicked us out…” Alex asks, “Yeah? Ok.”
Lia’s Perspective - After walking out
I’m so confused like what is happening. Mum and dad don’t talk about him much but it has to be him right? In a rock band. Died in 1995 - when he was seventeen. I’m so confused. It would make sense right? Being able to see my brother and his band mates. But he doesn’t know who I am. Or that I even exist! And how could Julie see them too, but Carlos couldn’t. My entire life had been hindered by someone I had never met and today I met him.
“Ugh this is so frustrating!”
Come on Malia Patterson, pull it together.
Once I get home I say hi to mum and dad and head straight upstairs. Instead of heading back into my room, I walk down the hall towards the bedroom that was always closed. A room that held many memories, many I will never know and some that I created.
Dad wasn’t home yet and I had been playing with my small guitar in my room. It wasn’t very good but I was only six. I had been writing a song and I wanted to show my mum. I wandered out of my bedroom and called out for her.
“Momma! MOMMA?”
I saw the door that was always closed open. Mommy always told me to not go in there alone. I slowly crept up towards the door and found momma sitting on the bed with tears falling down her face.
“Momma? Momma why are you sad?”
“Ohh… my sweetie, come here.”
Slowly I walked in and looked around. Walls covered with posters and a worn out acoustic guitar on the wall. Slowly I crawled onto the bed and touched my momma’s face.
“Momma why are you sad? Why are you crying?”
“Ohh I just miss your brother.”
“Momma why did he go away. Why can’t he come home?”
“Oh baby. Your brother is somewhere else. Somewhere happy. We want him to be happy right?”
“Yes momma. But I want you to be happy to!”
“Mommy I wrote a song, do you want to hear it? Maybe it can make you happy. And maybe Luke can listen to it and be happy too!”
My mum gently brought me onto her lap.
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t know.”
“What’s going on here?”
He came and sat with us on the bed.
“Malia was just going to play something”
“Yeah mommy, are you ready”
I jumped off her lap and started playing the song I wrote. That moment is one I don’t think I’ll ever forget. My high pitched screech going along with the untuned music from my guitar. The regret and remorse on my mother and the wet tears against my dad's eyes. I tried so hard to make them smile and I promised that one day I’ll make them happy no matter what it took - I promised to bring Luke back to them.
I chuckle to myself. I slowly open the door and walk in, closing the door behind me and flipping on the light switch. That moment was 10 years ago. After Luke’s death they had never come into this room until i was born and became curious about why this door was always closed. They never let me listen to rock music or listen to Luke’s music. Literally they’ve blocked the work rock from all my devices. Still, I would come hear and just take in the rock posters and listen to the few tapes left behind. I slowly reach for the guitar that I used to sneak into the room to play with. After I hit a certain age, mum took away my tiny guitar and would not let me play any “rock” instruments. Unfortunately for her I took after my big brother a little too much. She always used to say she couldn’t take the idea of losing another child. Sitting on the bed I quickly tune it and strum the worn out strings. Slowly I started playing that song I made all those years ago.
I’m sorry I can't be who
You’ve wanted me to be
I always tried to make you smile
But I’ll never be
Able to make you feel like he did
I’ll try my best to make you smile
And never cry again
But if you ever get sad
I promise to
Come and sing this song to you
Cause every time your tears fall
My heart breaks a bit
Cause I will never be able to
Make you smile like he did
I smile to myself, a little chuckle coming out as I gently place the guitar on the bed beside me, and lay down on my back. Is it possible that If I could see him, mum and dad could too? This whole thing is so confusing. And surreal. I met my brother. My big brother. My big brother who doesn’t even know I exist. I wonder what he’s like. Dad always said I reminded them of him so much, it hurt. I wonder how alike we really are. As my thoughts overrun my brain, I slowly close my eyes, thinking about how I could finally bring Luke back home to mum and dad and make them smile again.
The Next Morning - The Molina Household
Julie headed to the studio before Lia would pick her up to head for school. Yesterday had been a hard day for Julie but it must have been confusing as hell for Lia too. Julie wished her mum was around right now to talk to. She would have known what to do.
“Guys?” Julie asks, looking around the studio, “Guys?”
She slowly walks towards the grand piano, touching the words her mum had written. Julie lays them out in front of her and hovers her hand above the keys. Her hand slowly trembles as she starts to play.
Here's one thing I want you to know
You got some place to go
Life's a test, yes, but you go toe-to-toe
You don't give up, no, you grow
And you use your pain
'Cause it makes you you
Though I wish I could hold you through it
I know it's not the same
You got living to do
And I just want you to do it
So get up, get out relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
The sunlight slowly streams through the window, almost as if Julie’s mum was hugging her
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Mr. Molina smiles, hearing his daughter sing again for the first time in a year
Better wake those demons
Just look them in the eye
No reason not to try
Life can be a mess
I won't let it cloud my mind
I'll let my fingers fly
And I use the pain 'cause it's part of me
And I'm ready to power through it
Gonna find the strength, find the melody
'Cause you showed me how to do it
Lia makes her way towards the shed and pauses at the sound of Julie as a tear falls from her eye
Get up, get out relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Carlos stands outside, smiling, happy that he’s got his sister back
So, wake that spirit, spirit
I wanna hear it, hear it
No need to fear it you're not alone
You're gonna find your way, oh
Julie stands up, feeling the music and passion running through her veins as she sings her heart out
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
Luke, Alex and Reggie whoosh in behind Julie and look on with admiration, empathy and betrayal
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
When you feel lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, mm, wake up
Julie slowly sits down, releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding onto. She reaches for the sheet music to see her mum had written, ‘Julie you can do it, Love Mum” She holds onto it as tears fall from her face as she looks up to the sky. The boys whoosh outside just as Lia comes in. She see’s Julie, takes a seat beside her and just holds onto her.
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*this GIF is not mine cause I literally do not know how to make GIFS... it is however made by @juliecurve​ so thank you for that
Now or Never. Performed by Sunset Curve
Wake Up. Performed by Maddison Reyes
*the other song is just made up of lyrics I actually wrote when I was eight like I legit found it in my notebook so I apologize I might change it in the future but for now these lyrics are important to our character Liv and they MIGHT give an insight to who she is as a human being
ALSO lemme know if you want me to write all the parts in the show (like scenes that don’t involve Lia - like would you have liked me to write Julie talking to the boys about her mum even though Lia wasn’t there - you can just message me about this or write it down below if you wanna see me do that) 
Again love y’all. Stay safe, be kind. Oh and tell your friends 😉 
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babygurlkamya · 4 years
Can’t Get You Out Of My Head(Luke Patterson x OC) Part 2
Description: Los Feliz high school is a school full with extremely talented kids. Most of the students at this school could sing, dance, play an instrument, or all three. Anastasia Madden was of the few students that could do all three. Anastasia was known around the school for being a varsity cheerleader and one of the members of Dirty Candy (Which has honestly never shown her real singing talent). Anastasia never cared about being popular and likable to people it just happened. Anastasia never cared about being popular and likable to people it just happened. When her friend Julie Molina lost her mom and stopped playing music it hurt Anastasia to see her like that. Anastasia, Flynn, and their former friend Carrie tried their best to help Julie. Carrie started to distance herself from them and soon took the spot first chair and in music class.  After Julie fails to play in music class and runs out in fear. Anastasia decides to hang out at the Molina’s household to check up on her. Ray(Julie’s dad) asks them to help out cleaning Julie’s mom’s studio. They find a CD in a box and decides to play it to help them clean. When they play the CD three boys appear in Julie’s studio. What will happen?
Warning: Swearing
Word count: 2466
Here’s my Masterlist!!
A/N: Thank you for liking part one. So I decide to give you part 2 tonight. So enjoy!
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“Hey, Julie. I was wondering if I walked around singing WAP would that be weird?” Anastasia said as she entered the Molina home.
Julie not even looking up at Anastasia who just walked into her home said: “Yes that would be weird.”
Anastasia sat down next to her at the table opening her backpack and pulling out her homework. “What about if I was dancing around town?”
Julie looks up at her friend wondering why she’s asking these questions. “That would be worse and probably get you arrested.”
“Well, know which one I’m doing then.” 
Julie looked at her friend like she was crazy before playfully hitting. “I’m not even going to ask why.” 
Anastasia giggled as she looked down and started to work on her homework with Julie.
“What happened to you?” Asked Julie as she noticed the bruises. 
Anastasia didn’t even look up from her homework to answer her friend. “Fell during a stunt but I’m alright, don’t worry. Also, what are you going to tell your dad?”
“There’s a reason why I asked my dad to ask your mom if you could spend the night,” Julie said looking at the redheaded girl across from her. Anastasia looking back at her shaking her head at the girl's plan. Speaking of Julie’s dad after Julie finished that sentence. He had just started to come down the stairs of the house.
“Oh, good. Your home.” Said Julie’s, Dad Ray.
“Hello, Mr. Molina.”
“Anastasia, you know you can call me, Ray.”
“Sorry, Ray,” Anastasia mumbled before going back to doing her homework. Ray chuckled at her.
“As I was going to say, Julie, I was just about to go watch your brother’s game. I’ve had photoshoots all day. Didn’t even get a chance to eat.  Ray said sitting down on a stool near him looking at Julie.
“But, I got a phone call today,” Ray said, causing Julie and Anastasia to look at each other.
“Yeah, I figured as much,” Julie said, taking off her glasses. 
“Yeah. Well, it was my realtor friend.”
“Oh, that,” said Julie with a sigh of relief.
“Yeah, and she says if we’re serious about selling the house, then she wants me to take some pictures for the website. Which means we’ll have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff. And maybe you can... tackle Mom’s studio and since Anastasia is here she can help you.” Ray asked.
Anastasia looked at Julie to see if she was okay with it since her mom’s studio.
“You two are the experts. You know Carlos and I wouldn’t know where to begin. It’s Okay, honey. If your not ready, I—“
“No. It’s alright. Maybe we’ll try to tonight.” Julie said, grabbing Anastasia’s hand for support who was quiet but just nodded at Ray.
“Yeah?” Ray clapped his hands together. “Awesome, mija. Thank you. Oh and don’t forget the loft.” He pointed to the two girls in front of him. “You know the old instruments that were there when we moved in?”
Both girls nodded.
“They need a new home.” He said before getting off the stool.
“Mom would like that.” Said Julie.
“Yeah, she would. Oh, god. I’m gonna be late.” Said Ray as he started to look around for his keys.
“I believe they’re under the mail.” Said Anastasia breaking her silence to help Ray out.
“You’re a lifesaver. Bye, girls.” Ray said before leaving the house.
“Bye!” Both girls said.
“Are sure you want to do this Julies. We don’t have to.” Asked Anastasia.
Julie quietly nodded. Anastasia watched her but didn’t say anything else because she didn’t want to upset her.
As it hits night time the two girls finally make it over to Julie’s mom’s studio. They both push the doors open. Julie was hesitant to walk in there. Anastasia walks in there first before stopping to look at Julie.
“If you’re not ready we don’t have to,” Anastasia said with concern.
“No, I’m ready.” Said Julie before walking straight in.
“It would be wrong to do the WAP dance right?”
Julie chuckled. “Very wrong, funny but wrong.”
“Just trying to make you happy.”
Julie walks towards the lights to turn them on. Anastasia looks at the loft before going up there. Julie walks to the grand piano in the center of the room. She circles it for a good five seconds before moving the papers on the bench and sitting down.
“I’m sorry, Mom. That I haven’t been here.” Said Julie.
Anastasia waited a couple of seconds before speaking up. “Hey, There’s a guitar case, a keyboard and some drums stick up here. I also found a CD in a box up here. Want to listen to it? Anastasia grabbed the Cd before coming down from the loft.
“Sure, let me see it.”
As Anastasia started to come down from the loft she handed Julie the CD and went to sit down on the couch. Julie hands over to the CD player, takes the disk out of the case, and places it in there to start it. Julie walks over to Anastasia to sit down next to her.
The song started to play.
“ONE! TWO! THREE! Take off, last stop! Count down till we blast open the top! Face first, full charge—“
The girls were nodded to the music and soon covered their ears with their hands when they heard screaming.
Three guys appeared out of nowhere and fell to the ground moaning and groaning. The two girls stood up in complete shock. Anastasia rubs her eyes thinking that she’s just dreaming.
“Whoa!” How did we get back here.” Said one of the boys.
Both girls started to scream, causing the boys to scream, jumping up and holding each other. Julie pointed at them before running out.
“Hey don’t fucking leave me here with them.” Said Anastasia before running out quicker than people during Black Friday.
“Dad!” Screaming Julie as her dad and brother were approaching the front door of the house.
“Woah, Hey.” Said Ray catching Julie. “Woah slow down.” Ray was catching Anastasia next. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“We have!” Julie yelled.
“Cool.” Said Carlos Julie's little brother.
“No, it is not cool Carlos.” Yelled Anastasia.
“Run!” Screamed Julie as she ran to the front door. Anastasia was quickly running behind her. You could hear Julie screaming as she headed upstairs to her room.
“Julie, what are you doing!”
Julie grabs her phone and starts to text Flynn. “Come on, Flynn. 911 means 911. Why aren’t you answering me?” Julie whispered, shouted.
“Maybe it’s because she’s busy.”
Anastasia jumped and held her chest looking at Ray.
“Dad,” Julie said, sighing. Anastasia sat down on Julie's bed looking at both of them.
“Sorry. Just wanted to make sure you guys were okay.” Ray said walking into the room.
“You don’t believe us do you?” Asked Julie as she folded her arms.
“Honey, of course, I do. Mija. I see your mom all the time”
“This isn’t like that.” Said Julie.
“I know. It’s different for all of us.” Ray shrugged his shoulder.
“Mr. Molina. Sorry I mean Ray, you're not listening to us. We saw something out there.” Said Anastasia getting up pointing to the window.
“Alright, Okay. Okay. I’m listening. Tell me what you saw. It’s just you and me here.” Ray sat down in the chair.
“You sound just like Dr. Turner,” Julie said, crossing her arms.
“Well, maybe seeing Dr. Turner again isn’t such a bad idea,” Ray suggested.
“Dad!” Julie shouted.
“Can we just drop it?” Julie asked.
“Alright, dropped.” Ray held his finger out. “We’re good.”
Julie held her finger out. Ray and Julie looked at Anastasia motioning for her to join.
“Anastasia, Your family too. Come over here mija. Said Ray.
Anastasia smiled and got up and joined them. They crossed their fingers shaking them.
Ray snapped his fingers and left the room.
Julie and Anastasia looked at each other then looked toward the window.
“Get your cross, Julie.” Said Anastasia before grabbing her phone and heading downstairs. Julie soon followed after her as they headed to the studio.
Anastasia used her right foot to slowly open the door letting Julie walk in first. Anastasia walked behind her quietly praying.
“Are you still here? Whatever you are.” Said Julie.
“Maybe, this is one sick dream.” Said Anastasia.
“I know we saw something. We’re not crazy.” Said Julie looking at Anastasia.
“Well, we’re all a little crazy.”
Both girls turned around. Anastasia had jumped knowing it was one of the boys that said that. While Julie started to scream holding up her cross.
“Oh my god! Please stop screaming!” Said the taller of the three.
“Who the hell are you guys and what are you doing in my friend’s mom’s studio?” Asked Anastasia, giving them a glare.
“It’s my mom’s studio.” Said Julie.
“You’re mom’s studio? This our studio. Trust me, my.....” said one of the boys as Julie held the cross to him as he slid on top of the piano and went over the couch.
“The Grand piano is new, and.. and.. and... MY COUCH!” He said, throwing himself onto Julie’s couch.
Anastasia looked at Julie weirdly. “This is completely not making sense at all.” Saying out loud then whispering to Julie saying “He kinda reminds me of Troy for High school musical.” Julie lightly hit her trying not to laugh. “Sorry” she mumbled with a smile.
“That is definitely not my six-string.” He looked at both of the girls. “Can you give me just one second?” Julie held the cross up to help yet again as he started moving back. “Just give me a second. Thank you.” He turned around and immediately look at the other two boys in the room.
“What in the world is going on.” Whisper Anastasia.
“I don’t know. This is all crazy.” Replied Julie.
“Maybe... Maybe they’re witches. There’s chairs hanging from the ceiling.” The girls heard.
“If I was that would explain so much.” Said Anastasia to Julie. “We can hear you, you know.” The boys chose to ignore the comment she made and continued their conversation.
“They are not witches. Okay, look. They are scared. Let someone with a softer touch handle this.” The blonde boy turned away from the other boys and walked to the two girls.
“Why are you in our studio.” The blond raised his voice.
“OMG, that made me feel so much better about this situation,” Anastasia said sarcastically, rolling her eyes causing one of them both to quietly laugh. Julie then stuck her through his chest and pulled it back. Anastasia jaw dropped.
“Oh my gosh! How did you do that?
“Clearly, you're not understanding... they don’t get it. Okay, look. We’re ghosts, alright? We’re just three ghosts, and we’re really happy to be home. So thank you for the flowers. They really brighten up the room.” 
“We’re actually in a band called Sunset Curve.” Said the shortest one.
“Tell your friends.” Said the boy in a leather jacket.
“Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. It was gonna change our lives.” The boy said.
“I’m, uh... I’m pretty sure it did.” Said the blond.
“This is freaking me out.” Said Julie. Anastasia pulls out her phone and so does Julie.
“What is that? What are you doing.”
“These are our phones,” Anastasia said.
“No. Stop talking to them, they aren’t real. There’s no such thing as cute ghosts.” Said Anastasia. As soon as she said she covered her mouth.
“Oh, you think we’re cute?” One of the boys said causing Anastasia to send them a glare. Anastasia looked back at her phone.
“Who you calling?”
“I’m googling Sunset Swerve.” 
“Sunset Curve.” The three boys said together making a motion of a curve with their fingers.
“Wow, don’t get all upset.” Said Anastasia before tapping Julie motioning her to look at her phone.
“Whoa. There is a Sunset Curve. You did die but not last night.” Said Julie.
Anastasia looks up from her phone. “Twenty-five years ago?”
“What? No. No, no, no. Th-Tha- That’s impossible. After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird, dark room where Alex cried.” Said The boy next to Alex.
“Well... I don’t think... I think we’re all pretty upset. Okay.” Alex said in a high pitched voice.
“But that was just for like an hour. We just showed up here.” Said the short boy.
“We’re just telling you what my phone said.” Said Anastasia showing the boys her phone.
“See? You died in 1995. When you were 17. It’s now  2020.” Said Julie.
“I’m sure you can call 2020 a living hell.” Said Khaila.
“That’s an understatement.” Said Julie.
“Wait, so, this is the future.” One of the boys asked.
Anastasia smiled and nodded trying to reinsure the boys in front of her.
“Wait. So....so, it has been 25 years.” Anastasia nodded. “I have been crying for 25 years? How is that possible? Alex asked.
“Well, you're a very emotional person.” Said the boy in the leather jacket.
“I am not!”
“Thought you were afraid to come out here. Talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?”
“He can see you”
“No, he can’t.” Said Julie.
“What?” Carlos questioned.
“Uh, what do you want, Carlos.”
“Normal sister, and somewhat sister, for starters. Stop being weird and come eat.” Carlos said before leaving.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Said Asia talking about Carlos. Julie held her back.
“He couldn’t see you.” Said Julie.
“Yeah. I mean that’s......usually how ghosts work.” Said Alex looking at Julie.
“Look, I’m very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn’t your studio anymore. You have to leave.” Said Julie getting ready to walk out of the door.
“But wait... we... We didn’t get your names?” 
“It’s Julie.”
“I’m Anastasia.” 
“I- I’m Lu....ke by the way.” Said Luke as Julie held her cross in front of him. “And this is...”
“Reggie. I’m Reggie. Hey.” Said Reggie smiled and waved to the girls
“Alex. How’s it going?” Alex said.
“Ba-da,” Luke said.
“Okay.” Said Julie coldly before walking away. Anastasia walked out but soon stopped and turned around to the boys.
“I’m really sorry about her. She’s normally not like this. If you need a place to hang out I can help.” Anastasia said smiling at the three boys before walking off.
“They seem nice.” Said Reggie.
“Did you miss the part where Julie kicked us out?” Alex looked completely annoyed by Reggie.
“Anastasia did offer us a place to stay since Julie kicked us out.” Said Luke.
“See that’s nice.” Said Alex talking to Reggie.
A/N: Please let me now if you want to be apart of the taglist!!
Taglist/ @taehyungsrealgucciwife
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