#manipulation trigger
henriiiii-1001old · 11 months
A Mother's Love
something i wrote inspired by @moonflwer-gutz's insanity (positive) over a short story called "The Yellow Wall-Paper" by Charlotte Perkins Stetson. my friends want me to make an au out of this, and if i do it will NOT be titled the same thing as the title of the story i linked here.
buuuut i hoe you guys enjoy!!!! i spent 3 hours on it when i didnt mean to so i rly hope you guys like it </////3
quick trigger warning for paranoia inducing content, self harm(???), bit of blood, and a LOT of manipulation and gaslighting. read at your own risk
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kneelingshadowsalome · 5 months
one of my favorite things about Kö is how differently he would treat his Darlings male friends vs female friends. like a male friend is constantly walking on a wire and every move is hyper analyzed "what do you mean GOOD morning?? are you implying she wasn't having one before? that I could not make her mornings good enough?? Liebe I told you he's got his eye on you let me beat him up"
meanwhile a female friend could straight up walk in and honk her titty and he would probably be like 🤷‍♂️ "women are such affectionate creatures, who am I to get in the way of a beautiful feminine friendship I wonder if they kissed before"
I know he's vaguely aware that he's being a bit of a hypocrite, that he's probably more jealous than the average man (god save him from being counted among any kind of "average" ever) and holds a few double standards, but that still doesn't mean he should get therapy. It's not that bad, right?
Besides, every guy is trying to flirt with you. That's how dudes are! He of all people should know...
But let's not dig into that too much. Besides, you shouldn't be giving these men any attention because that only gets their hopes up. 'Friendzone' is a place he's more than familiar with himself, so let's not pretend that any of those little charmers are actually trying to be your 'friends'. And, uh, do you see him having any female friends? No? That's for a reason, Liebe <3 (um, yeah we have a theory what the real reason is König)
But to be honest, König doesn't even see other women when he started dating you. He's becoming almost impolite, muttering "Ja, ja," to some girl at the mess when she's only trying to wipe the table. He's too busy stalking if you're online because why haven't you responded to his message? :( He sent it like five minutes ago.
Sees you give your female friend a kiss on the cheek, she tries to do the same, you somehow end up colliding so that you nearly peck each other on the mouth and start to giggle because of that. His heart just warms from seeing how sweet you two are... He even lets out a little heh, heh when he sees the friend smack you on the butt in the kitchen, leaving a floury handprint all over your ass. You two look so adorable when trying to make sourdough bread together. Doesn't the world just become thousand times better place with women in it?
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lunarin64art · 1 year
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Underrated Parallel
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These two duos are actually so similar, it’s surprising that the fandom hardly acknowledges it. 
 First off, both of these duos are shown to both spend time investigating together in private. (Gonta and Ouma mainly doing so in chp2) While also sharing the dynamic of one being hyper intelligent, mysterious, as well as having a lack of trust in their classmates, and the other being more naive yet enthusiastic. There’s also of course the fact that they both share the same color scheme. (Toko and Komaru also share similar qualities as well but that’s for a different post.)
 Naegi and Gonta also have alter egos included in their executions. And were both unconcious during the events leading to their investigations/trials.
Also, if you let Kirigiri be found guilty, both her and Ouma die from being squished by a press...(on chp5)
Then lastly, they’re similar in that Kirigiri and Ouma used Naegi and Gonta to survive so that they could defeat the mastermind.
 As a side note, I’m surprised that there aren’t many people who acknowledge how similar what Ouma did to Gonta in chp4 is to what Kirigiri did to Naegi in chp5. It’s especially weird how people will claim that gontouma is toxic because of chp4 but then see nothing problematic about naegiri. Like, I get that Ouma comes across really rude and aggressive on chp4 but that was on purpose to make everyone vilify him. 
 He never treats Gonta the way he did on chp4 on any other part of the game. He’s almost too nice to Gonta in some instances (specifically on the jpn version since the NISA translators ruined Ouma’s character). Also, Ouma’s motivations for what he did were much more selfless than Kirigiri’s. You can’t even really say he did this because he saw his life as more important than Gonta’s as he immediately locks himself in his room and plans his own death afterwards.
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(Which correlates with how the writers decided to make Gonta/Ouma be the only ones to like the Survival Flag and the Death Flag. As it imo implies that Ouma gave up on survival once he knew that Gonta no longer could because of him)
 I also find it strange how there are still people who actually think that Ouma didn’t care about Gonta. That was legitimately one of his most obvious lies in the entire game. His end talk with Kaito wouldn’t make any sense otherwise, nor his interactions with Gonta on TDP and DRS. I really do think that people need to play V3 more than once to to get a proper understanding of their actual dynamic though.
 (And not through letsplays since they will give you their own biases.)
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packet-of-staples · 11 months
Alright we’re in the home stretch!!
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Day 111 - Messing around with panels. Theres more to this I just haven’t finished it
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Day 112 - He grows a little every day!
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Day 113 - You’re never fully dressed without a smile!
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mossyberries · 3 months
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ragepuffdraws · 1 year
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🩸Blood & Manipulation🩸 After barely escaping Azkaban, Sebastian isn’t willing to risk losing one of the last people that truly cared for him.
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pxaoaxp · 2 months
i had a suicide attempt today.
i survived. i literally "failed to fail".
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egberts · 6 months
the way he actually redacted one of the messages I sent him in a post about me 🤦 I deleted my reblog with them because in good faith I was trying not to fight with this random dude over an accident but he is actually constantly trying to manipulate the narrative by intentionally deleting and leaving things out so if he wants to post "proof" of things then i will gladly join him in showing the entire message I sent him and not just the one that he decided fit his narrative of "being attacked"
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the aforementioned replies have been deleted though, because alana shared proof that the post was originally mine when he started calling us toxic for lying and ganging up on him. I'm actually genuinely not trying to be involved in random drama over what I thought was a misunderstanding but im also not going to let the other person keep trying to "prove" I'm in the wrong by literally manipulating the narrative
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Who wants to watch maxxxine with me this summer
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mayasaura · 2 years
You know. Not that John isn't at times an incredibly manipulative man, but I don't think he can be fairly said to have manipulated G— into the whole bomb thing. Like he very much just handed G— a suitcase containing a nuclear bomb, and said "Take this nuclear bomb and use it to go hold Melbourne hostage."
And G— did.
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
liam doesn’t remember theo helping hold him back from nolan. he doesn’t remember theo repeatedly keeping him from doing something he’d regret. he doesn’t remember theo carrying him to the truck and placing him in the passenger seat. he doesn’t remember theo wiping the blood from his knuckles before starting to drive. all he remembers is waking up to theo smiling at him softer than he ever has before and doing his best to offer him comfort.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 months
"when we don't get support for how we feel, any amount of feeling can feel too much" (and it may make us feel attacked too especially if we were never allowed to feel our own emotions)
(people pleasing can be considered a form of manipulation as we try to make others feel good so that we feel good and relaxed -yeah)
I highly suggest you to listen to this video if you can and feel like, it's so well done and eye opening imo.
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tomurakii · 7 months
Dude I know I'm deep into my Gale obsession when seeing people's dumbshit takes actually makes me angry. Someone on instagram called him easy and a gold digger??? How do you live with yourself.
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girlbloggerbby · 1 year
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lafillecanelle · 6 months
all men are the same
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hibiscuswolverine · 6 months
Byakuya conning Makoto into putting higher priced item on his Christmas list. He’s goes over Makoto list the first time and is dissatisfied because 1 he knows Makoto is being polite and holding back 2. All his list totaled out too was 600 and some change and he’s offended because does Makoto genuinely think he’s poor??? How dare he? That’s the equivalent of Starbucks coffee to him barely pocket change in his eyes. What a jackass.
So when they go out Byakuya makes sure they stop at malls and is basically like “wow makoto does this look nice? And makoto is like “oooh yeah-“ then pales immediately when he sees the price and byakuya jots it down. He also takes note when makoto lingers on something and jots that down as well. He doesn’t stop at objects though, he goes as far as trips, cars, homes, an island or two.
Course he doesn’t get him *everything* after all there’s still February
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