#man i've missed writing yandere asks though
rhey-007 · 7 months
I can't help falling in love with you
serial killer!Max Verstappen x reader || 18+
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Summary: Moving back to your childhood house was never in your plans, but after your parents' death you couldn't let go of it. After moving in and meeting your new neighbor everything seemed to fall apart, but you're too oblivious to notice the obvious.
Warnings/Tags: 18+, GORE (gutting), mentions of smut, kidnapping, restraining, torture, violance, female reader, creepy/jealous/yandere Max
A/N: It's Halloween y'all! So I decided to write a Halloween horror story :)) It's the first time I wrote something like this but I feel like it's good. And I've been writing it for past 2 weeks and can't seem to finish so there will be a part 2 on Sunday 😭 + sorry for typos 😬
Wordcount: 4364
Moving back to your childhood house was never in your plans. But there you were, standing in front of the small, falling appart house taking a deep breath and opening the creeking door. The noise was so loud you could bet the whole street heard it.
After one last breath you slowly walked in. The inside looked just as you remembered, but old, dirty and dusty. Family photos hanged where they always did – you were surprised your parents haven’t taken them down after you left – an old bouquet of dead flowers stood on the welcoming console – you already planned on keepping them as you loved collecting dried flowers.
Walking further in you noticed your old drawings still hanged on the fridge door – neither of them dirty or ripped – as well as all your magnets from various family trips. In the living room your baby blanket layed on the sofa.
It surprised you, everything as for right now showed that your parents never forgot about you even though you didn’t have any contact. You wondered if your room looked the same as you left it, and it did. You always thought your parents would change it into a home gym or something like that but it was left untouched, only your favourite teddy bear was missing.
Roaming the house further you’ve found it in your parents’ bedroom on the nightstand. Tears started to fill your eyes, you were so cruel for them for the past few years and they never forgot about you, even tried to have you as close as they could even though you were far, far away. Warm hands creeping around your waist shook you out of your trance.
“Hey, it’s okay...”
Your boyfriend George whispered and placed a kiss on top of your head before spinning you around and pressing against his chest into a tight hug. A few tears fell down your cheeks, wetting George’s shirt but he didn’t mind. You were greatful you had him, especially in such hard times.
After you calmed down the two of you went back downstairs to bring inside your suitcases and boxes with stuff. A young man, new neighboor, caught your eye when you left.
He was mowing the grass, or rather struggling with turning on his old lawnmower, and he noticed you too. He gave a sheepish smile and scratched the back of his neck while a soft blush appeared on his face. You chuckled a little and asked George to come over with you and offer help.
The man agreed with a sigh and soon you were standing in front of your neighbours house. It was way bigger and prietter than yours, which made you wonder and imagine what it looked like inside. It looked like a mansion outside so you thought it had to look so bougey inside too.
“Hi, we’re your new neighbours. Well... kind of... I lived here as a kid”
You explained quickly with a sweet smile.
“I’m Y/N and this is my boyfriend George, can we help you?”
You introduced yourself and George before offering help which the man reluctantly agreed to.
“I’m Max, nice meeting you. And I’m sorry for the problem... I really need to buy a new lawnmower but don’t really have time...”
Max sighed and smiled awkwardly at you while George tried to turn on the machine and you chatted with Max. He moved in a few years ago so he might have known your parents.
He admitted he was an owner of quite a big company, that was why he lived in such a luxury but you wondered why he opted for a small house in the suburbs instead of a flat in the middle of the town. He on the other hand, found out that you were a daughter of his late neighbours.
“They were good people”
He said, but you knew better. Max watched you closely as you talked, watched how your dimples showed when you smiled, how your ginger hair shined in the sun, how you fiddled with your fingers as if you were anxious but your demeanor said otherwise. Just in those few minutes the man was able to memorise your behaviour and ticks.
After a few tries and some digging in the engine, your boyfriend finally turned the machine on.
“There you go buddy”
He smiled kindly.
"Now excuse us, we gotta head back to unpacking”
He politely excused yourselves before leaving.
“I wish I could help but knowing my luck if I turn this shit off right now I won’t be able to turn it back on later. But! Maybe you could come over and eat supper with me and my friend? Will 6pm be okay?”
“Oh um... I-I'm not sure... We don’t want to be a burden...”
“Oh you wouldn’t, believe me. Daniel loves meeting new people and I could pay off the debt... Sooo? “
"I’ll have to ask George but I’m sure he’ll agree”
“Great! Then see ya later, good luck!”
“Good luck to you too!”
You waved goodbye before rushing off to help George with a heavy box. He insisted on carrying it in by himself, but you knew better to not let him or he’d break something, again...
By the time the evening came you were done cleaning almost the whole house and unpacking just the most necessary things. George wasn’t keen on eating supper with the newly met neighbour and his friend but you’ve managed to convince him with a fun time afterwards. It always worked.
You changed from your house clothes to something more suitable but still comfortable for a meeting and left dragging your boyfriend behind yourself. You didn’t even manage to knock or ring the doorbell when a tall, dark haired man opened the door and let you in.
"I’m Daniel. You’re new neighbours right?”
He greeted eagerly, shaking your hands like crazy. The man was full of energy which terriffied you a little, but it quickly changed further into the night.
“Daniel don’t scare them!”
Max’s voice rumbled in the kitchen .
“Come in, don’t be scared. He’s just excited! "
Walking into the kitchen you could finally take a good look at the interior. It was just how you imagined it to. Modern with a hint of vintage, light walls, golden chandelier hanging above the glass table and fully equipped and up to date kitchen – which you could only dream about. It was beautiful.
You sat down by the table after George pulled a chair for you, as he always would. You’d never thought you’ll find yourself a true gentleman but there he was, all yours. Inhaling the scent of the dish made you remember about saturdays at home.
Your mom used to always make lasagna on saturdays, it was so delicious, you remembered it’s taste even now when you haven’t eaten it for years – and you won’t anymore. Max sitting in front of you with a huge smile made you realize the table was fully set and Daniel and George already started to eat.
“Something wrong?”
The man asked quietly to which you responded with a slight shake of your head and a smile, before trying the food. It was delicious, so delicious you couldn’t believe the blonde made it.
„Homemade or ordered? "
Asking bluntly you felt George's elbow poke your side. It wasn't really polite from you but Max didn’t care.
„Homemade. I know it tastes too good, but I tried my best and it paid off”
The man admitted. He wasn’t affected badly by your question, instead responded with a warm smile that didn’t seem to ever fall. Your honesty impressed while your beauty amazed him.
The supper was enjoyable. Daniel turned out to be a really sweet guy, just a little overjoyed, considering the fact he scared you a tad at first.
Following the meal came board games and wine, even though George wasn’t happy to compete with Max against you and Daniel, but you kind of addpoted the tall man. He was too cute to ignore, making your boyfriend hella jelous, but you were going to recompensate him that later anyway.
The two of you won every round of whatever game, which didn’t please Max. You could see it. You could see the way the vain on his forehead throbbed while he struggled with George, how his hands curled in fists every time Daniel laughed at him, but he tried not to explode as best as he could.
You felt bad for the blonde. Daniel later explained that he was a bad looser but worked on it and that such session was good for him. It made you feel relieved at least a little bit.
When the night started to fall and more and more yawns escaped your lips George decided that it was time to leave. You reluctanlty got up and gave Daniel a huge goodbye hug before shaking Max’s hand and leaving the mansion with George’s arm wrapped around your waist.
When you made it to your new bedroom – which was an old guest room – you insisted on pleasing your boyfriend just as you promised, even though he said you didn’t have to as he knew you were tired. But you were too stubborn and soon George layed underneeth you half naked as you undressed yourself, his hands roaming your body.
Sitting up the man wrapped them around your waist pulling you closer while his lips planted soft kissed along your jaw then down your torso. You couldn’t bother to close the curtains, no one could see you anyway, especially in the dim light of your small nightstand lamp.
But a feeling of someone watching you was constantly appearing in the back of your head.
After you, left also Daniel, leaving Max alone in his huge house - as always. The man didn’t feel alone in it, not anymore knowing that a beautiful and georgous woman like you lived just across the street.
Instead of cleaning the mess Max made his way upstairs to his master bedroom. Not turning on the light but instead opening the curtains letting the moonlight in, the man sat on his bed watching every your move, trying to remember every detail about your body and how it moved.
He wished he was the one laying on the bed, surveying your body, touching your soft, pale skin as you undressed, instead of your stupid boyfriend.
The blonde couldn’t believe someone like George was able to pull you, such a sweet and mesmerizing creature. Have you not noticed his humongous, terrifying eyes staring into your soul? It was quite long since someone caught Max’s eye the way you did. All of them were awlays already taken, but not for long...
A few months passed since you moved back to your childhood house. Those few months were very calm and enjoying although you always had a feeling someone watched you. Watched your every step, every move, everything you did. Also some of your things started to disappear, or maybe it was just your amazing ability to loose them.
All the free time you had, you used to bring the building back to life. It looked way better than before. Fresh, pastel yellow paint graced the outdoors walls, pots filled with red flowers hanged from the ceiling on the porch, a white, wooden swing sat there too.
The only thing you still had to work on was the lawn, but you needed George’s help who worked longer hours than you, coming back home late in the evening, drained from life and any energy.
You told him multiple times to change the job as the money wasn’t adequate to working hours nor the amount of things he did, but he refused saying he won't be able to find a better one.
Sometimes you wondered if he enjoyed the work and exhaustement, that's why he refused to leave. Him not having a job wouldn't have changed much anyway, you've earned more than him anyway and your salary alone was able to cover all the expenses.
Max saw that too. He noticed how you struggled alone with the lawn, just to quickly give up and go back inside, how you did all the chores around the house by yourself which clearly pissed you off.
He noticed that your boyfriend came back home late, not able to please your needs or at least talk with you. If it was him on George's place he wouldn’t care if he was tired or not, instead being all over you the moment he came back home, doing everything you needed him to and more, talking with you about everything and nothing.
He couldn’t let you suffer because of him. No... He had to do something about that.
One night George didn’t come back home at all, which made you worry. He could either be cheating on you or something happened, there was no other option.
To addition to your worry he didn’t answer your calls nor texted back. It was midnight when you heard a car pulling up, you shot up from the couch and run up to the window just to be disappointed immediately.
It was just Max coming back from work. It was weird though, he never came back so late. You sighed and decided to call it a day and try to contact your boyfriend the next day. But he didn’t answer then either, nor the next day.
You finally decided to go to the police station and report his missing. They took it immediately and they assured you they’d try their best to find him. But they didn’t succeed...
That day George was back home way before you, wanting to surprise you with a dinner he was about to make, then try to clean the house as much as he could.
He walked into the house, not bothering to lock the door behind himself, then stepped into the kitchen and dropped the bags full of ingredients onto the kitchen counter.
After changing into home clothes, George started to prepare everything needed for the spaghetti, when he felt a huge pain in the back of his head and his vision went black.
The man woke up after a few hours, to the sound of classical music and sharpening knives. He tried rubbing his head, but was restrained, tied to a chair in a dark basement.
„You finally woke up Georgie”
Russell heard a voice say, but was unable to tell who the person standing in front of him was, because of the darkness. The lamp hanging above his head barely lightened him, not reaching far into the room. The man walked up to George and put his sharp knife under his chin, making him look up.
„You thought one dinner would be able to recompensate Y/N all the time she has to spent to keep the house in a good condition?... "
A sharp laugh vibrated through the room, until it suddenly stopped and the knife pressed against George's neck.
„You're funny "
The strange man stepped closer to George, the light finally hitting his face. Max smiled maniacally, he was going to have whole lotta fun...
Russell’s head hit the metal table, almost knocking him out before Max splashed cold water onto his face.
„Uh, uh, uh. No sleepin, we haven’t even started "
The man strapped him down then approached a trolley, his fingers running through the various torture tools he owned.
„What should I use first... "
Max wondered out loud while George tried to release himself, without success.
„Wha-what do you even want from me?! What have I done?! "
He screamed into the dutch'es face after he turned around, holding a pair of scissors then cutting George’s sweater in half.
„Oh you know well what you've done. If you were smart enough, you'd notice I even said it”
The man could feel Max's cold finger run down his chest to his abs. He picked back his knife and pressed it to George’s stomach, pushing it slowly in and listening how the man screamed in pain.
When the knife was deep enough, he made a sharp move, opening him up and revealing his intestinal tract.
„Looked at these beauties... "
Max peaked inside, opening the wound more and more while Russel choked on his tears. He breathed heavily, which was hard because of the toument, fear spreading through his whole body.
„Is this really... J-just about me... Not having time?... "
He managed to choke out while looking down his body, the sight made him sick. Max's fingertips were already covered in blood, from touching the intestines, his lips spread in a horrific smile, eyes shining in awe at the sight.
„I knew... I knew there was something wrong with you... You better stay... Stay away from her! "
He tried to fight, but the slightest move turned into an unbearable agony.
„Well... It's not like you’re gonna do anything about this lover boy. Not anymore at least... "
Max shrugged and flashed George his white teeth then his hand dipped inside his stomach to soon pull out the large intestine. Russell cried out in pain, closing his eyes which angried Verstappen.
Throwing the organ to the ground he opened his eyes with force. He clipped his eyelids pulling them softly out so his humongous, blue eyes could stay open the whole time and watch the terror.
„You're gonna watch how I ruin you, either you like it or not... "
The man whispered into George’s ear, his hot breath made a shiver run down his spine, their eyes locked. Max's hand traveled back to the wound, slowly creeping inside.
„I want you to say it... Say sorry for your absence... "
He whispered once again before straightening up and watching George from above. He studied his face, how his nose scrunched at the pain, eyes desperately trying to close and chest rising and falling rapidly.
He liked that sight. No. He loved it. He loved to cause him pain, thinking it was fair and well deserved. The man pulled out his small intestine, inch by inch, waiting for the apology.
„I-I'm sorry okay... I-I tried... I tried... I should have... I should have changed the fucking job god!... I fucked... I know I did... But it's not a reason to kill me you psycho!”
With one sharp pull his small intestine was out and on the ground, blood splattered everywhere, some sticking to Max's face. In that moment he looked like a true serial killer and George started to fear about you.
„That's the only thing I wanted to hear. Now... See you on the other side”
With that words Max reached for George’s heart pulling it out with one go and finally killing the man. He then stripped him off the meat and the skin from the face, hanging the later made mask obove his desk.
„Well... It surely was fun... "
„Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can’t help falling in love with you... „
It was a month since you last saw him. The first few weeks you cried yourself to sleep which hurt Max. It hurt him to look at you in that miserable state, crying over a man that didn’t even deserve you.
Weirdly, he was the only person able to fully comfort you. He invited you over for dinner or supper every day or visited you to join eating so you wouldn’t be alone, he helped you around the house – even hired a maid in the first weeks to help you.
The man was so sweet and caring, he made you forget about George by the time Christmas came. He then thought he finally had a chance with you until you appeared on his porch, holding a hand of some strange man, introducing him as your new boyfriend.
“Max, this is my new boyfriend, Sergio. Sergio, Max is my neighbour – obviously – and my close friend”
You smiled up at both men as they shook each other’s hands, Max gripping Checo’s tightly giving him a death glare. Max understood you tried to finally move on and live a normal life, but why couldn’t you move on to him?
After all those things he had done for you, all the nights he’s spent by your side, all the money he’s spent on you, you chose some stranger over him?
Blood boiled in his vains thinking about it and watched your new boyfriend hand him a Christmas gift. He accepted it only because of you, smiling sweetly when you were leaving.
‘’I don’t think he likes me...’’
Sergio whispered as you walked away but you just shook your head with a chuckle.
Checo was just as sweet as George. You tried not to compare them together but it was too hard. You've noticed they were really similar, but Checo had way more time for you than George did.
You've also noticed the change in Max's behaviour, it wasn’t anything big but after a year of your friendship you knew when something was wrong, you just couldn’t figure out what. It started when he met Sergio and from then on he was so cold towards him, not like towards George.
The vain on his forehead was about to pop every time he saw you two together, everytime you smiled because of the Mexican, every time you laughed because of him.
„Was he jealous? "
You wondered but pushed that thought aside. He couldn’t, he was your friend after all.
Sergio was a dream boyfriend, a knight on a white horse. He helped you around the house, didn’t rush your relationship letting you get used to him before doing something and most importantly he truly listened to you and didn’t ignore even the stupidest of your fears or needs, not like George.
But the dream quickly fell appart when you let down your walls and the two of you got too comfortable around each other. He moved in with you without even asking, as his landlord kicked him out.
You couldn’t understand why thought. He had a well paid job yet couldn’t affort a low budget apartment? Well, turned out he lost it some time ago and haven’t told you about it.
From that time he stayed home all the time, doing shit, occasionally leaving in the evening for a few hours. He was really stressed and frustrated, sometimes rising his voice at you when you did something wrong, but then quickly apologising and offering a massage to comfort you.
But that aslo passed rather quickly and with time his shouting became a daily thing. One day he hit you. A juicy slap across your face, leaving a red mark.
You were fighting over his shouting again but this time he didn’t hold back. That’s when you found out how he really was.
Brutal, disregarding your opinion, caring only about sex and a ‘maid’, in one word – despot. Yet he was so sweet at the beginning. You felt fooled...
You were too scared to tell anyone, so scared the man would hurt you even more and you had enough of bruises and cuts you tried so good to cover.
No one seemed to notice it, beside Max. He didn’t want to mention them though, as he figured you wouldn’t like to talk about it.
Every time he invited you over for dinner you either didn’t come because Sergio didn’t let you, or came just for a few minutes before the man burst in and dragged you back home angrily.
Max couldn’t understand why you just didn’t kick him out and leave him. Only two months after Checo started to be aggressive he disappeared. You felt so good when he didn’t come back home for a few days straight and quickly threw away all his stuff. You finally felt free...
Kidnapping Sergio was the easiest thing ever. The man wandered through the two , eventually stopping by one if the alleys and walking in. He lit a cigarette and watched the stary sky while waiting for a dealer. Soon a car parked in front of the alley, a hooded man walked out making his way towards Checo.  
He handed him the money and stretched his other hand waiting for stranger to give him the drugs. The man quickly took the money then tazed Checo, getting him unconscious.  
Slowly opening his eye, Sergio grunted in pain. His body was stiff, half naked, laying on cold metal. The man looked around, the only thing he was able to see was himself, but he could hear footsteps from behind. Trying to roll his head up, he noticed his hands tied to some machine and a back of a man, quietly humming an Elvis song.  
„Well... Well... Well... Look who has finally woken up... "
The Dutch smiled from ear to ear, making his way over to Perez.  
„Verstappen?! I knew there was something wrong with you! You better let me go or-"
„Or what? "
The blonde cut in.  
„It's not like you're gonna do something about this. You can’t afterall... Besides... You deserve it” 
Max hissed turning on the machine that bit by bit started to stretch Sergio's body. The Mexican screamed, wiggling and trying to break free but was tied too hard, only giving himself more pain.  
„You son of a bitch! You're a fucking monster! "
He shouted and spat on Max's face. The Dutch frowned and only turned up the speed slightly, after wiping his face.  
„I am a monster? Maybe tell it to Y/N, after all... You were the key hurting her. Not me... Now. You better apologize” 
He hissed and increased it even more, the screams and noises of breaking bones and muscles filled his ears, they sounded like honey. But Sergio wasn’t going to apologize. Nothing was going to make him to apologize for what he'd done. He'd rather die than say it.  
„Fine... "
Max sighed unsatisfied finally raising the pace to maximum. Sergio’s body teared in half, blood splattered everywhere making the man groan in pleasure and lick the blood off his lips.  
"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you? "
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aris-ink · 1 year
can you do a drabble for yandere!jungkook x female reader where the reader has rape fantasy and asks jungkook to act the fantasy one day? (they're in an established relationship) and a touch of breeding kink✨ will be great. btw if you aren't comfortable writing the first kink then you can completely ignore this.♡
this is literally just cnc, a theme I've dealt with before and something that does require consent in the first place. so, yes ofc baby, thank you for asking though, ily <3 also, this... is a bit longer than a regular drabble
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: romance
warnings: con noncon, dom/sub dynamics, mentions of safe words, role play, hints of fear kink (threats, allusions to kidnapping), some knife play, manhandling, degradation, impact play (face slapping), hair pulling, implied sadism & masochism, choking, outdoor sex, rough sex (including oral), breeding kink, creampie, love love love, aftercare <3
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It was a fact well known, truth be told; angels shouldn't wander around on their own in the dark, where twisted things tended to lurk. Yet somehow, here you were.
The greeting was murmured right into your ear, and you knew you were screwed.
It was past midnight and your shift ended over an hour ago. Too cold and tired to keep waiting for Jungkook, you gave up and started making your way home on foot. He'd lose it if he found out. He'd never let you go anywhere alone at this hour; but for the first time, he didn't pick you up right after work or answer any of your calls. And now, you were stuck in a dimly lit lot, devastatingly silent and empty save for the few cars parked there, with a muscular arm snaked around your waist and the sharp edge of a knife grazing your throat.
You could barely swallow, frozen in spot as the man's nose brushed your cheek, his chest firm against your back.
"Out for a walk?"
Caught off guard by the cold steel against your quickening pulse, you didn't really register the question. There was a possibility he could cut you up if you moved just an inch, and it was almost like he was teasing you with the threat. He gave your waist a squeeze, then nudged the back of your knee to coax you to move forward.
"Don't feel like talking, huh?" He sounded amused, though his voice was low, prompting a shiver as his words vibrated through your ear - and then through your core. "That's okay, I wasn't interested in talking either. I'm sure we can find some other good uses for that cute little mouth."
Left with no choice, you let him lead the way. It was naive of you to think that things couldn't get any worse. As you forced your legs to keep going, you were hit with a realization that made all the blood drain from your face. He wasn't steering you towards some dirty alley; or even towards the door of his car. He was steering you towards the trunk.
Your skin seemed to be crawling with static when you stopped before it, initial shock fading and alarms blaring through all your systems. He clicked it open with ease, inching the knife away from your throat. As if he needed it in the first place. You were all alone out here, and he was so much stronger than you. That much was obvious.
Your nails dug into his arm with unexpected harshness. You threw your head back in an attempt to slam it into his. He managed to dodge the blow, though - quite effortlessly, too - and your attack ended just as quickly as it began. It only earned you a surprised grunt, and a punishing yank at your hair that made your mouth fall open with a cry.
"Don't fucking test me," he hissed. His arm tightened around you roughly. "You'll be the prettiest good girl for me-" he whispered against your ear, "or you'll be the prettiest missing girl in the news. Your choice, baby. Yeah?"
The ground felt like it dropped from under your feet, liquid fire pooling in your tummy, making it sway along with the scenery around you. It was impossible not to notice how hard he was already, like he's been waiting for an occasion to pounce on you for much too long. His heavy pants warmed your nape, proving the gentler demeanor from earlier to be an act that was quickly unraveling the more you resisted him.
He pushed you inside, and your hands started to tremble, knees feeling weak. You didn't even get to turn your head back to glance at him in time before he shut the boot, plunging the cramped up space into darkness.
There was a few bumps in the road; you felt each one, exploring the smooth leather all around you. Mostly to familiarize yourself with your surroundings; but also to try grounding yourself and soothing your racing heart. The ride didn't seem long. It was hard to judge, though, when you were so pumped up on adrenaline and the air around you felt way too hot.
After all this, you had been right to expect to arrive somewhere deserted and unknown. As the trunk began to lift up, you were greeted with the bite of cold, night air and a masculine silhouette set against the moonlit sky.
He wasn't even bothered waiting until the damn car opened fully, giving you zero chance to take him by surprise again. He buried a tattooed hand in your hair, slapping the other over your mouth, both pushing you down with powerful force. In a knee jerk reaction, your own hands flew upwards to push him away, smacking against whatever they could reach; his arms, his shoulders, his chest. However, the strikes just seemed to bounce off of the thick muscles, doing little damage. It was pathetic how easy it was for him to overpower you, climb onto your chest, even with how you trashed under him. His fingers trapped your wrists, his crotch too close to your face, eclipsing the view of the woods behind him.
And yet despite all that, it was no easy task to unzip his jeans. Both of his hands were unsteady, partly from the arousal twisting through him, partly from your stubborn attempts at ripping your own hands out of his grasp.
Clenching his jaw, your assailant momentarily gave up on his pesky zipper. A loud crack pulsed through your entire skull, leaving your cheek sore and stars dancing around your eyes. He slapped you so hard the impact whipped your head to the side, then did it again. It was just enough to make him groan; just enough to give him the split second he needed to free his hard, aching cock and push his hips forward.
"Open," he snapped shakily, gritting his teeth when you started shaking your head, refusing him access to your mouth.
Taking advantage of his size, he shifted abruptly, imprisoning your arms beneath the weight of his muscular thighs.
And just like that it was game over.
One hand wrapped around his cock so he could aim better, one wrapped around your precious, little neck. He could feel a pulse beating from both sides, precum weeping from his flushed tip, dripping down your collarbones, your eyes dilating from the sudden lack of air.
It was the first time your gazes locked since he grabbed you in the parking lot. You looked so beautiful under him. Unable to help it, his hips kept thrusting forward in desperate need of friction, the wet head of his cock rubbing into your lips. A series of shallow, shaky breaths followed the motions, and he paid no mind to the mess he was making of you. In fact, the image only spurred him on. So did how impossible it was for you to get away from his raging hard on, no matter where your head turned.
At last, you gasped for air; and the moment you did, he groaned so loudly. Your throat was released and instead stuffed with his cock, fat and throbbing and way too long. It made your muscles constrict, instantly prompting you to choke. To him, though, it was the perfect fit, and he could have sobbed from the relief. The hooting and rustling of small, nocturnal creatures stirring in the bushes and the twisted branches of trees was utterly drowned out, replaced by the obscene, sloppy sounds of him rutting into your face, and the guttural moans fleeing him.
"Agh, fuck-" mindlessly, his fingers searched your skin, the rough pads pressing into your cheeks, squeezing, before burying in your hair again to tug at it.
He barely allowed you to catch a breath. Your lungs burned, thighs clenching and cheeks stained from tears. It was not mercy, but the tightening in his gut that made him stop abruptly, pulling out of your abused mouth. He left your throat and cunt aching and your head spinning, goosebumps breaking all over your arms.
"Fuck," he trembled as you coughed, leaning an arm above you. His cock twitched in front of your face, and even though you were the one being deprived of air until now, his chest heaved just as hard as yours. "I almost came."
He puffed out a laugh, looking down at you. His eyes were so dark, flashing with a dangerous desire that your cute, panic stricken expression had sadistically prompted to be voiced.
"Don't worry, sweetheart," he cooed, squishing your cheeks. "I won't leave you empty."
The words turned your knees to cotton. You whimpered, shaking your head from side to side more vigorously, but he was already climbing off you and grabbing you by the arms to flip you onto your stomach. Heels on the ground and your upper half still stuck in the trunk of his car, you felt like a ragdoll, weak and quivering under his control.
You gasped when his hand sneaked in between your legs, two long digits stroking you through your underwear. He gasped too.
"What a good, little bitch. Fucking soaked. I'm going to ruin you forever, baby."
Your tummy twisted up so hotly you whined, terrified you were going to come. And he barely touched you. The mortification of it was enough for you to try squirming away, but it was futile. He didn't care about your inner dilemmas or how many times you'd come. All he cared about was getting his cock into your sopping cunt.
And that was what he did. Pulling the ruined cotton halfway down your thighs and plunging inside you, stretching out your warm, tight hole. Pounding into you so suddenly you shrieked, a reaction that thrilled him to no end. And unlike you he was not ashamed to show it, moaning into your ear. It felt like he's branded you from the inside, and you couldn't do anything about how much you clenched around him, the pleasure searing and so different from anything you've ever experienced before.
"So close," he breathed, "fuck, you gonna take it? Gonna take my cum like a good girl?"
You whined, still shaking your head, even though you were tightening more at his words, massaging him like a little toy, made just for him. He fucked you harder, as though he was determined to prove to you that you were going to do exactly as he said - and cream his cock while you were at it.
"Yeah, you are. You'll take everything I'll g-give you, fuck. Gonna take my cum every night until this pretty, little cunt is nice and bred. A-all mine, yeah."
You shivered, muscles tensing and mind numbed out, wiped clean of anything but the impending orgasm making you sweat and tingle all over.
"Oh, baby likes that?" The strained question came out as another moan. "Yeah, you do? You gonna be my little cumdump? Oh god - fuck! -"
You weren't sure if you heard more praises or insults, or both as he came, or if the ones from earlier were still simply floating around in your mind; turning it into a haunted house, a ruin, where the ghost of his presence would forever remain. Just like he promised.
Your vision swam and your cunt began to spasm around his cock, sucking him in greedily. He helped you ride out your high with hard, deep thrusts that made you cry. It felt so good, and even better when he started twitching inside you, pump after pump of hot seed filling you up.
Despite the uncomfortable position, he stayed inside you for a while, waiting for the tremors of your orgasms to pass. Mentally needing to feel you close just as much as you needed him while they did.
You squeezed his hand after a moment. He reacted immediately, giving it a tender squeeze back and lifting himself off you.
The ride back home was comfortably quiet. Despite having checked up on you already, he got you into bed and washed you with a warm cloth, taking the opportunity to examine your skin for any marks or cuts. You seemed fine, your eyes fluttering closed at the gentle touches appreciatively, a soft hum escaping your lips.
"Baby," he murmured, his free hand moving to cup your face. "Stay with me. I'm almost done."
You tried to open your eyes, finding Jungkook already looking at you. He kissed your forehead, then put the cloth away, somewhat vulnerable and careful in his approach towards you.
"Was it too much?" He asked quietly, almost like he felt guilty.
Frowning slightly, you reached out to touch his cheek.
"I know my safe word, Jungkook." That didn't seem very reassuring, so you quickly added, "And the taps, too."
He trusted you; of course he trusted you. He had no doubt you would have let him know had you wanted him to stop at any point, but he couldn't help himself.
Since meeting you, Jungkook had learned a lot about himself. He started into the shadows and dug through his insides, trying to find answers to questions that made him lose sleep. But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find any. Among the blood and the guts and the bones, he couldn't figure out why. Why did his love have to be all consuming, with teeth and claws that longed to tear into you just so he could feel your heart in his hands? Just to feel that he owned it; like some kind of wild, vicious beast. He always tried so hard not to let the intrusive thoughts win, to control his impulses when he touched you. Scared to death, he'd often slow down, the cold flood of questions in his head putting out the heat in his body. Did he go too rough? Did he take too much? Why did he always need so much?
It wasn't until you gathered up the courage to speak up one quiet night that everything clicked into place, and Jungkook found the disturbing noise in his soul settling down into serene warmth. Maybe he was some twisted, sad thing that didn't quite belong anywhere but in the shadows. But shadows couldn't exist without light, and you were his. A beautiful, lonely angel.
How discriminatory of heaven. There was just no place for you among the righteous if your halo happened to be broken. It didn't matter if you weren't the one that damaged it; god never did take responsibility for the cruelty of his creations.
But as long as Jungkook's own heart was beating, you never had to worry about anything - or anyone - ever again. All beasts protected what they owned.
He leaned his forehead on yours, searching your eyes for a moment.
"Do you think I'm-"
"No," you whispered, already knowing what he was going to ask. "Do you think I am?"
That was different, Jungkook thought, offended by the mere suggestion. No matter what the world thought of you, to Jungkook you were the only good he's ever known.
"No," he answered immediately. "You're perfect."
Not messed up. Perfect.
With his pyjamas on and teeth brushed, he slipped into the bed, arms locking around your waist. He was tired of overthinking. In the end, nothing outside of this room really mattered, as long as what you had worked for you both. And as far as Jungkook was concerned, looking down at your peaceful face right next to his; it worked.
Your leg slipped in between his thighs, head snuggling into his chest, even in your sleep.
Yeah. It worked.
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umm, i've always been too shy to ask for a request for my favorite orv character, but i guess it's now or never i think. If it's not too much trouble, could you make a yandere yoo joonghyuk x regressor reader? (I've never seen someone write a yandere yjh And I always thought yjh has a lot of material to cover if he was a yandere, it can be any kind of scenario or headcanons of what a yandere yoo joonghyuk would be like for his reader/s/o, I hope that this could be understood because I'm not very good at English and I'm still practicing. ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙( my first language its Spanish maybe it's for that 😭, sorry if this request sounds weird or something) (btw reader can be fem or gn I don't mind (ノ´∀`*)
awh im so happy you got the courage to request hehe your english is amazing!! <33
yandere yjh x regressor reader
Yjh's pov
Regressing over and over again... tiring...so tiring. But you by my side with our memories, we'll be able to get through this together. Oh how i love you so. I can't imaging life without you. Please don't leave me. You cant leave me.
Your pov
I open my eyes to see the train again. I'm tired of this all.
[kill one or more living organisms]
i stared at the blue screen blankly. Why me? My eyes dulled at the sight of everyone panicking. you should all be hoping you die soon, the future holds only living hell. i hung my head low. That man...That wretched man. why must he come to me? A pipe was swung at my head as a passenger tried to kill me. It hurt. a lot. but what hurt more was knowing that he would always find me. I closed my eyes.
[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. I suppose dying on the train isn't too bad.
[kill one or more living organisms]
A pipe was swung at my head as a passenger tried to kill me.
[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. This is nice. my new home. Without him. I wonder how he must feel.
[you have died]
[you have died]
[you have died]
[you have died]
..............[you have died]
.............[you have died]
.........[you have died]
..............[you have died]
............[you have died]..........[you have died].........[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. But. Its different. Someone's shadow covers my body. I look up to find the man who gave me hell.
"You shouldn't have done all that. Do you know what I've had to do to regress to you?" A tightening grip on my wrist. It seems those days, weeks, months, regressing in the first scenario are over. My gaze meets his. I feel fear for the first time in a while. This man...is a man of few words. He speaks through actions. These actions are violence.
He sighed. "Will you fucking reply? I'm not talking to a brick wall here am i?" I stare at him blankly. I see. He's grown increasingly less patient. What can you really expect from a man like him. "Sorry." Now that i am in his view, I must not make him mad. Of course im scared but...i'm used to this behavior of his. somewhat similar to a child of sorts. "Sorry? Is that what you fucking call this?" He grabbed a fist full of my hair. I wince in pain. "I-I missed you love." That always gets him. He let go of my hair and hugged me. "I'm sorry [name]...you made me do this."
"Yes this is my fault. I'm sorry." A stab though his abdomen wounded him. I watched as he died. If only i could do this every times. Passing the first scenario and the constellation sponsor, i focused on rallying the allies he once had.
anna croft. i liked her. after all, an enemy of an enemy is a friend. but now i am well aware that she'd sacrifice me too if it meant achieving her goal. I must play my cards well.
ah. it seems i have fainted. i look out he window. is this the infamous demon realm? A man strides through the door.
No..it cant be! I-I killed him! Fuck! did something go wrong? "Are you feeling better dear? it was troubling to turn you into a demon but it was definitely worth it." He smiled sickeningly sweetly at me. Demon? What-What does he mean by that? I felt the top of my head but in place of where some hair should be was a pair of horns instead. "What did you do to me?.." I started to cry. I though- I thought i had escaped him! That I could be free and happy once more. Why? What went wrong?
"Ah you must be concerned of my well being! How kind of you to do so after stabbing me." I noticed the cold heavy metal chains that were connected to the bed frame. He slowly un chained the bed and chained it to himself.
I became...some sort of pet of his. Asmodeus, the demon king, was certainly amused. Turns out he had helped the vile creature in coming back to life rather than regressing. And for some reason, I couldn't die.
"I love you, [name]." He kissed my forehead goodnight. "See how happy we are? why did you want to stop me? stop us? I hope you have reflected on yourself..." He smiled at me, petting my head softly.
This really is hell.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hii, is your request open??🥺🥺
I love your post so much I was so happy when I found your blog, mostly because you have so many bsd fic skdkdkfkc I enjoy every piece of your work🤌🤌
Anyway, if your request is open can I ask for yandere Nikolai, sigma and fyodor with a s/o that had low pain tolerance? Like let's say s/o trying to escape the yandere but they got caught and the yandere punish them.
I'm sorry if my request don't make sense though feel free to ignore this if your not comfortable with writing this🥺
I wuv u so much I hope u have a good day mwah mwah
Thank you so muuuuuch and my requests are open :))
I just took a short nap and a dream about flowers, I think and now I feel weird.
Thanks for the request!!!
'•.¸♡ Don't you try and escape ♡¸.•'
Yandere!character x gn!reader
Warning! Extreme possessiveness, mentions of pain.
Feat. Nikolai, Sigma, Fyodor
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Nikolai could care less if you have a low pain tolerance, he needs you to know that you can never leave him, he owns you, he's the only one who can give you what you want.
He will be a bit more careful as to not kill you but as long as he knows you'll live you can expect a shit tone of pain.
His punishments are harsh and painful, sometimes you may think he will kill you but you always survive and that is the worst part of all.
He also torments your thoughts but not as much, he's mostly about physical pain and he will probably restraint your freedom further if you try to run away from him, the only man who could possibly give you the freedom you need.
Sigma doesn't want to hurt you, he only wants to keep you to himself, out there outside of the casino/his place (depending on how you have behaved and how much he trusts his customers and employees) there are people who will try to take you away and how knows what they might try and do, so he only hurts you when he has to and for you to understand how the outside world is cruel and how he will keep you safe.
If you have a lower pain tolerance he will try to be as careful as he can when punishing you, he also treats you as if you were made of glass usually.
He doesn't want to hurt you when you have behaved well, what kind of monster would he be then? Hurting you whenever he wishes, that is what he's protecting you from and not what he's trying to do.
Fyodor is certainly the worst, you know he can throw you or kill you whenever he gets tired or you miss behave to the point of no return. But then why does he keep you around? Why are you there? Well, he keeps you around because he loves you, he keeps you safe from everything round, he is the only one who can give you what you want, he's the only one who can give you the satisfaction you need, no one else will love you as much as him.
Besides what is love without pain? Without suffering there is nothing only constant pain which one gets used to until the pain feels the same and we don't realise what we feel is pain and suffering.
Oh, of course Fyodor cares about your pain tolerance, it only means what kind of suffering is best for you and when to inflict the type of suffering you need.
But why would you ever want to leave? What is the point in leaving him? He will keep you safe, give you what you want, no? He is doing it all for you and never for himself as stated at the beginning, he loves you and isn't using you for only one thing, no he loves you and needs you around, he told you himself so why would you try to escape? He's doing all of this for you so why escape? Just be a good partner and do what you are there for and hide your scars and bruises when guests are round.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I'm listening to a song about not needing love in a sarcastic way which I think is fitting.
I'm watching Moral Orel at the moment and it is one of the funniest shows I've seen
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy life when/if you can, sleep well.
-love, Az.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I sent an ask responding to the Izuku parts that I hope you got.(if not fml)
But I figured I should send a separate ask to talk about Miguel.
So like my thoughts have been centering on this scenario where you're his secretary or assistant because he is the CEO. He's a beta and you're an omega.
You guys have a purely professional relationship, tbh half the time he doesnt even realize you got you're heat and just finds out you called in when you dont respond. Really the only thing he cares about is you doing your work, getting it done on time, and not half-assing it.
But then he gets the spider DNA and everything goes to shit. Not only does the spider DNA give him extra abilities and enhanced senses, but it also gives him some alpha traits/tendencies.
He goes in to work thinking it'll help distract him and get him back in the rhythm of everything only to just get fucking hit in the face with your scent. Queue him rushing past because it takes everything in him not to just pounce on you.
But as I said, he only got a few alpha traits. He didnt actually become an alpha. So while he's out here wanting to just pin you to his or your desk, knot and claim you....he's completely incapable. His body is completely incapable of performing those actions and it only leans into his yandere behavior and tendencies.
I've also been think like(depending on how one writes abo), sometimes betas dont have a sent or if they do its extremely faint. Yandere beta miguel who cant even smother you in his scent because he basically doesn't have one, meanwhile you dont even realize he's changed at all because you cant smell it.
Though because he doesnt have a scent he would absolutely sneak into your house/appartment. Its basically the only upside in his eyes.
Also anytime you go into heat and have to miss work? He is immediately taking your seat from your desk and huffing it while he touches himself. Then at night as spiderman will come just close enough to be able to smell you but still not lose control of himself, absolutely getting off on your scent and sounds of pleasure from you using a toy.
God this shits been living in my brain rent free for like the last week and wont go away 😭
I got the Izuku ask :) trust me when I say I am simply dogshit awful at getting back to people and being consistent
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Picture if Reader is actually a really competent employee of his at Alchemax but Miguel like BARELY pays any mind to you because, you know, he's got all sorts of shit constantly stressing him out and occupying his mind on top of migraine, and suddenly you're going into work and bringing him his preferred coffee as usual when, he tries to make small talk? You've worked for this man for like at least a year, basically only speaking when necessary, and one day you lean over to put a coffee or some papers on his desk and that brings you just close enough for him to take in a breath of your scent which instantly helps alleviate his headaches
You're basically done giving him what he needs and you're literally about to leave the room when he suddenly calls out (almost in a "wait I need to catch you before you leave" kind of urgency) and you pause and look at him with those big eyes of yours he suddenly can't stop staring into when Romeo hits you with "so .... how are you?"
And you're just kind of stunned for a few moments because this is a man who basically doesn't speak to you unless he needs something, even when you go to him to pass along a message or something or other about his schedule and your secretarial duties it's typically just a sort of "got it, thank you" sort of response and you're sent on your way again, or given another task, so in ao forth. You basically can't get a good read on the man's personality because he simply doesn't talk to you enough or at least about anything other than work
He officially enters the Goo Goo Eyes Zone where when you like someone almost everything about them is so cute and had more meaning than it actually does and is basically finally seeing you for the first time. He FINALLY notices what kinds of perfumes/body mists you like to use to smell nice even if it's something you've worn for ages, the ways you prefer to style yourself, which little accessories or rings or whatever may be your favorite, little mannerisms you may have like clicking pens or singing little songs when you think you're along, like when you're doing something and it's you're just like occasionally singing, like he finds you washing a coffee cup in the break room all "--and its doooOooone!"
The need to learn more about you escalates because suddenly he's like "wait I've known them for all this time and never noticed all these things, what ELSE don't I know?" And it really is an obsessive infatuation. You live in a high rise where you don't really have to worry about closing your blinds or anything which is perfect for Miguel "don't you know i have enhanced senses" O'Hara to watch you from the roof of the next building over. You never lock your windows because, what's the point? He starts learning your schedule and meticulously taking all kinds of notes until it's the level of him outright entering your apartment to snoop through all of your things and potentially plant bugs and cameras
One day you're opening your window and kind of poke your head out to look at the city and you notice weird sorts of, almost gouges in the wall outside? What are those from? (Well sweetie, turns out, when you were going to town on yourself last night to relieve a little stress, he was the equivalent of like 10 feet away, clinging to your building, listening to and potentially recording every little gasp and finger flick)
But he gets SO frustrated when you're, you know polite, but, not exactly as receptive as he's hoped? When in reality he's still being awkward as fuck and you're still kind of adjusting to him paying attention to you, and it probably feels good to have him seemingly recognizing your efforts but like, you don't wanna. date him??? At least not so suddenly or anything, so he's trying to court you, but, it's becoming harder and harder to be around you at all, let alone when your heats start coming up. He could never tell before that your scent starts changing when That Time is coming around, gradually shifting and becoming something he finds differently hypnotic, something that makes him want to bury his nose in your neck while also, being buried in you period
He'll grow the balls to be more direct with you eventually, but he justifies everything by telling himself he just wants to get to know more about you, and that the stalking is just him trying to get to know you a little more, so when he sees you face to face he can win you over and make you his mate treat you better, obviously! He'll... he'll ask you out to dinner next week, he promises! But for now, he's just gonna, stay right here perched under your window, seeing and hearing and smelling everything
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
Pairing : Hwang Hyunjin x F!Reader
Word Count : 2.6k
TW : yandere!Hyunjin ; smut ; unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it) ; hint at a breeding kink ; foreplay is nonexistant in my smut and I always find a reason for it in the fic but it's really just because I'm bad at writing it I'm sorry ; let me know if I missed anything!! Request : (@whatudowhennooneseesyou) Can I please request yandere dom!hyunjin X sub!fem reader where they're making love & Hyunjin is just desperate & needy for her?
A/N : I'm so sorry this took so long, but I didn't forget it, I've been thinking of it a lot actually and I'm so happy that it's finally out. But also... your requests have me like "I need a man like that" and then having to do a double take like "I in fact do not need a man like that"
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“Baby…” Hyunjin whispered as his fingers traced delicate strokes along your shoulder, his pinky latching onto the spaghetti strap of the tank top you were playing with and looping it around his finger before letting it loosely fall once more. He couldn’t sleep, he needed you to help him. “Babe~~” He whined, the pout already tugging at his lips and you weren’t even awake to see it, not yet at least, but he had you stirring, jumbled nonsense leaving your lips as they smacked together and you rolled over. “Are you tired?” He asked, although your shut eyes and the lulled breaths that left your pursed lips was all the answer he needed. 
“Sleeping… Hyunnie…” You mumbled, your hand lazily lifting up from the mattress to tiredly pat his cheek, and his heart swelled, although he got this way over every little thing you did. Just hearing you breathe had him falling deeper in love with you, every single time he thought that he reached the bottom, he ended up falling another fifty feet or so, coming to the conclusion that his love for you was bottomless, he’d keep falling and falling, and he loved the feeling of it.
Sleep was out of the question, but watching you sleep was one of his favorite past times, so he propped himself up on his elbow, staring down you as you let out a little yawn, your lips smacking together quietly before you rolled back over. “Goodnight, baby…” He whispered, leaning in to press a kiss to your temple. You were his favorite movie, his favorite show, his favorite song… He just couldn’t get enough of you, he was addicted. 
The only problem that he ran into when staying up all night to watch you sleep was when you’d wake up in the morning and he’d be fast asleep, nowhere near close to ready for getting up yet. That meant that by the time his eyes did eventually open, your side of the bed was cold, and then he’d have to run out of the bedroom just to be close to you again.
He wasn’t sure why, but there was always a sense of panic when he felt your side of the bed cold, it meant that he had been without you for longer than he’d like to be, you were away from him longer than he wanted you to be. The cold meant distance, and that was something that he never wanted between the two of you. It was funny though because he knew that right outside the bedroom door, you’d be there, you’d always be there.
This morning was no different, his hand instinctively flying out to hold you only to find you gone, but the incoming sense of panic was delayed when he heard you humming from the kitchen, the running sink water just quiet enough to not muffle out the sweet sounds that came from your lips. “Baby…” He called out to you from the bedroom, and he heard the sink turn off, and then the sounds of your footsteps coming closer to the bedroom before the door cracked open and you peaked through the little slit between the frame. Gosh, you were perfect, a conclusion that he came to about a hundred times a day, but you really… you truly were. “Come here.” He reached his hands out to you, and you let the door swing open just a little more so you could roll your eyes at him. He didn’t even try to hide his neediness, it was there, and sometimes it even seemed like he was proud of it. 
“I’m doing the dishes, Hyunnie…” You cooed, but your words were severely contrasted when you walked further into the bedroom, standing at the edge of the bed beside him. “What were you up all night doing anyway?” You asked, reaching out to softly trace the bags that formed under his eyes from lack of sleep, pouting down at him as you did. He leaned into your touch, his eyes shutting momentarily as his lips pulled up at the corners. “Let me finish the dishes, and I’ll be right back in, okay?” 
You didn’t have a chance to even turn around before his arms were snaking around you and pulling you down onto the bed, locking you in against him as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. “Wouldn’t you rather be doing something else, baby?” He murmured, nipping lightly at your skin, feeling your body rise in temperature against him. “The dishes can wait… but I can’t… I want you… It’s been so long…” His hold tightened around you as he whined, rutting his hips against you to show you just what he meant, just what he wanted. 
“It hasn’t been long at all, it hasn’t even been a full 12 hours…” You retorted teasingly, rolling over in his arms so you could face him. “You should be too tired to be this needy… You should get some more sleep. I’ll be back when I finish cleaning, and then we can do whatever you want to do.” He always took your words as a promise, a vow, he held onto them like they were scriptures and he was a devoted believer in everything that you said… but right now… he didn’t want to cling onto the promise of later…
“I’m never too tired to need you, baby… I need you now…” His voice was already low, raspy and breathy as his legs entangled with yours, his hand moving along your waist and landing at your hips, his fingers digging into your side and pulling you closer to him. “Don’t make me wait for you… I’ll finish up whatever else needs to be done when I’m finished with you.” 
Was it your heart that was beating so loud or was it Hyunjins behind you? You were sweating, but goosebumps rose along every inch of skin that his fingers trailed across. “You haven’t even eaten yet… and you don’t like cleaning…” You whispered, and you weren’t sure why you were trying to find a reason to not do it when you wanted him just as much, maybe you were just trying to see how much he wanted you. 
His fingers inched further and further down, moving along your thighs before dipping between them causing your breath to hitch in your throat. “You’re all I need… and I can clean up for you. I know your body will be tired…” And then his fingers began to walk, slowly… up and up until he reached your panties, and you cursed yourself for deciding to only put on one of his shirts this morning. “Don’t you need me too?” He whined softly into your hair, his fingers sliding along the slicked lace of your panties, a moan building in his throat when he felt just how wet you already were. “It feels like you do…” 
Your legs clenched around his hand, the heat of embarrassment rushing to your cheeks and making you sweat. “Hyunnie…” You breathed out his name as you pushed your ass against him, feeling how hard he was through his sweatpants. “Don’t you have to work today?” It was the final question because all you really wanted to do was give yourself to him, but you didn’t want to keep him from doing what he had to do. 
“Even if I did… they can wait…” He pushed himself up, maneuvering between your legs and stroking his hands over your upper thighs. “I need you, baby… you’re so beautiful… god, you’re perfect…” He bit his lip, his eyes roaming over your body, memorizing every dip and curve of your figure. 
His nails dug into your thighs as he pulled you further down the bed, letting himself fall over on top of you as his lips crashed against yours, rolling his hips against your clothed slit, reveling in the moans poured from your mouth into his own. Every single one of his movements showed just how desperate he was, just how much he needed you. “Hyunjin… please…” You whimpered, pushing your own hips up to meet each and every roll of his hips, your fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt and balling it up in your palms to pull him closer. 
“Tell me how much you want me, baby… Tell me…” He groaned, his cock straining against his sweatpants, his head spinning as he tried to get the friction that he wanted, pushing his hips harder against you. “Tell me how much you love me…” He was so whiny, it wasn’t exactly different from any of the other times that the two of you had been together, but he was holding back this time, just enough to hear what he wanted to hear, to be needy, to be extra whiny, and honestly, you loved it. 
Submitting to him was far more fun when he was like this, you loved watching the look of lust in his eyes momentarily change to love and adoration before he took control once more. He always made you feel so special, so loved, like you were the only person in the whole world… And that only made you want him more, need him more, which was exactly what he wanted in the end anyway. “I love you, Hyunnie… I need you…” 
Your words were like gasps as you tugged at his shirt, trying to pull him closer, and the whimper that escaped him was barely audible, coming out as a mere breath when you rolled your hips up against him once more, showing him just how much you needed him. “Oh… fuck…” He gasped, pushing himself up just long enough to yank his sweatpants down, the tip of his cock coated with precum. He didn’t even bother to take your panties off though, pulling them to the side and lining his tip up with your entrance. “I need you now… I love you so much, baby…” He whispered, pushing into you slowly. 
He never had time for foreplay, at least that’s what he said… Although you were sure that it was just the fact that he didn’t have the patience for it. He loved being inside of you, knowing that he was the only one who would ever have you like this. “Shit… Hyunjin…” You gasped his name as you felt his cock stretch you, fill you entirely. He bottomed out instantly, knowing already that you could take him, but he also loved the slightly dazed look on your face when he did it so quickly, your mouth falling open as your eyes rolling back slightly before your eyelids blocked the look of pure pleasure in your eyes. 
“You’re so tight… so wet for me… Only for me…” His face was buried in your neck as he began rocking his hips, taking his time to feel your slick walls wrap around him, his cock coated in your arousal. “You’re mine… all mine…” He whimpered, his arms sliding between your back and the mattress to hold you closer, to push himself deeper into you, his tip pushing against your cervix with each thrust. 
They were slow, and his lips would trail down your neck, parting wherever he stopped to nibble and suck as the sensitive area, leaving love bites that had you squirming and moaning loudly beneath him. You couldn’t even manage words, your mind completely blank, in a haze of ecstasy. All you could focus on was the feeling of him inside of you, his lips working wonders on your skin as he marked you as his own, how tight he held you, and the whimpers and moans that left him whenever you clenched around his cock. 
“You keep sucking me in…” He mused, letting out a breathy chuckle as he nuzzled against your neck, his hot breath feeling cold against the saliva covered skin. “You feel so good, baby… I’ll never let you go…” He was speaking everything that he was thinking, the first thoughts that came up in his lust filled mind were spoken through moans and whines. “I need to feel you more… I want to fill you… So you can never leave me… You can’t leave me…” 
He quickly got up, grabbing your legs and moving them over his shoulders before leaning over you again, the new position had your back arching off the bed, feeling him so deep was dizzying and almost painful, it felt like you couldn’t breathe, but you didn’t even care as he started thrusting again, the moans of his name were cut short in your throat as your nails dug into his arms, leaving red crescents along the skin. “Won’t leave you… D-Don’t stop…” You managed to mutter as his thrusts became harder, pushing you into the mattress. 
“Are you gonna cum, baby?” He whispered, his eyes soft as he looked down at you. “Tell me when… I want to cum with you… Make sure you tell me, baby…” You nodded your head as a choked out moan left you, his words alone had your stomach tightening and your vision going blurry, your grip on him growing tighter still as your legs began to shake. 
“Cum… Cumming… Hyunnie…” You gasped, the words a sharp exhale as you tried to pull him closer, your back arching off the bed. His hands moved down your waist, pressed you against the mattress to keep you steady as he continued to thrust, your walls pulsating around him had a string of slurred curses and moans and whimpers all interlaced pouring from his lips like a waterfall. 
His hold on you was bruising, but the pain felt like nothing more than pleasure as his pace became faster, rougher, less rhythmic, chasing his own release. One more hard thrust had his tip pressed against your cervix as his cock twitched and strings of cum shot out, a feeling of warmth filling you, like hot water had been injected in your veins and it was coursing through your bloodstream, a fuzzy feeling that left you content and relaxed. 
Pulling out wasn’t one of his strong suits, not that either of you really cared, but he didn’t even pull out once he was done. His touch was gentle again, carefully moving your legs from his shoulders and placing them back down on the bed as he ran soothing circles over your calves, up to your knees, and then your thighs. “Are you okay, baby?” He asked, leaning over to kiss along your collarbone before moving up to your lips. “Are your legs sore?” 
You shook your head, smiling lazily up at him. “I’m alright…” You murmured tiredly, and he let out a small laugh as he lowered himself, his chest against yours and his eyes drifting shut as you ran your fingers through his hair. “You said you’d clean up when you were done with me…” You whispered, a small yawn escaping you, the warmth that you felt inside, and against you making you tired. 
He hummed quietly, rolling his hips weakly, reminding you that he was still in you, and he didn’t plan on pulling out any time soon. “I’m never done with you…” He mused, sleepy kisses being sloppily placed wherever he could reach without having to move too much. “I don’t want to leave… being with you right now… being inside of you… It isn’t enough. I need to be with you always… I need you with me… always…” He sighed softly, blindly reaching for the blanket and covering the both of you with it before nestling comfortably against your chest. “Let’s just get some sleep… I’ll get to the dishes when I’m ready…” 
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yahoodarling · 2 years
This is my first time requesting and uhh- Yandere!Al Haitham with also a yandere!male reader bc my current brainrot is yandere!male readers with add in handcuffs or even simple tied up to the bed al haitham- ehehe
Aww honey, thank you for trusting me to be your first <3
I wasn't sure if you'd want smut or anything so i just kept it SFW and focusing on the build up. Shout if you want something more nsfw, i only write it for requests that clearly ask for it. Anywho~
Yandere!AlHaitham X Yandere!Male Reader
Warnings: Yandere themes such as stalking, restraints and sedation
Al Haitham was a calculated man. He was always ten steps ahead of everyone else and with that came the freedom to control most aspects in his life. He was rather spoiled because of this, always eventually getting what he wanted, never stopping until he achieved his goal whether that be a research topic, information from others or even to have you in his grasp. He covered all his bases, never seeming suspicious, never revealing the fact that deep down he craved your attention and touch in his life. This was Al Haitham, the emotionless, stern genius scribe of the academia, why would he bother himself with being obsessed over someone or partaking in something so trivial as a crush?  That was the image he put out of himself to deter anyone from finding out the true rooted nature he had. He was anything but emotionless. Every time he caught a glimpse of your figure his mind flooded with thoughts, every time he saw you with someone he deemed ‘too close’ anger and frustration would bloom and every time you spared a moment of your time to talk with him hope, love, infatuation overtook his senses.  He believed he understood all there was to you, enough that he could control you. He only waited for the perfect time to stage out his flawless plan.
You thought Al Haitham was smarter than this. Really, for being known as a genius he was acting so obvious. To have his gaze on you was exhilarating, even more was knowing you took his full attention. You couldn't help but inwardly laugh as you felt Al Haitham fume at the sight of you talking to a fellow scholar. He was always somehow in a shadow near you and you loved it. It was rather cute to see Al Haitham develop an obsession for you, much like the one you had for him, however you were much better at keeping your interest unnoticed. You'd play Al Haithams game, let him follow you, let him make up reasons to talk to you and even allowed him to intrude on your private spaces, the recording device that sat in your room linked to his Akasha Terminal, the missing items of clothing or even allowing him to chase away people in your life. You knew he was doing this all and let him be, actinging innocent and unknowing while soaking in depravity and feasting on the obsession he gave you. When Al Haithams eyes weren't on you yours were on him. You felt rather proud, between the two of you you knew you were the more love sick individual. Al Haitham liked to watch you sleep? Well, not once had he broken into a house at the dead of night, loomed over a sleeping figure and studied their body with soft touches, whispering sweet words of encouragement and filthy praise like you had to him. You didn't need to try to force yourself into Al Haithams life, he eagerly did that for you.
“And what are your plans now?” Al Haitham spoke to you as you both sat enjoying a lunch out. 
“I'm not sure. Now that I've finished this task I don't know what to start with. I've been so busy it's weird to be free like this.” You played along
“I see.” Al Haitham nodded 
This was the perfect time to rile him up a little.
“I did have this one idea though.” Al Haitham perked his head in interest. “I think it would be rather fun to join the traveler on one of their adventures for a while. Maybe that will spark a new idea.”
To the average person they'd see Al Haitham and simply assume he was thinking about how valid your idea was but you knew you caused panic within him. If you left to travel it would be a lot harder for him to monitor you without being caught. You could only wonder how he was going to try to deter you from going.
“Don't you think that is rather fruitless? I recall my time with them and I'll say that they tend to focus on their own journey and don't like being disturbed. I think you'd find more success in getting inspired by revisiting an old concept you've had or perhaps starting a hobby rather than just involving yourself into someone else's life, maybe relaxing at home for a while. You have just completed a major task, give yourself time to recover”
How amusing, his desperation was so adorable you just wanted to reach over to him and hold him tight against you.
“That would be best wouldn't it?” you slumped in your seat. The twinkle of victory in Al Haithams eyes were anything but subtle as he cocked a smile.
“I would say so, yes.”
Al Haithams heart raced like crazy against his chest. He can't allow you to leave, he can't risk it so he finally made up his mind to bring you home with him and keep you there. Late evening in Sumeru City and you were preparing for bed, he could tell as he watched through the recording device as you settled down in your sheets and read a book in dim light. With him Al Haitham carried a light sedative just to make moving you easier and some rope in case he needed it. The prospect of treating you like he always wished drugged his mind as he found it hard to concentrate on camouflaging his actions. Getting into your house was easy and once he was inside he had to focus himself on his goal and not to be tempted into taking in your living space, all your decor and the smell of you imbedded in the house. Perhaps he will make a return trip and gather a few of your things to bring back and make your new home, his house, more comfortable. Soon he was at your room, leaning behind the door and peering into the room through the slight gaps where the door attached to the wall. He will be quick, the sooner he gets you sedated the less struggle you would make and easier it will make it for the both of you. He can't just run in though, that will scare you. Perhaps the power of confusion will buy him enough time to get close to you. Casually he walked through the door and into your room.
Of course you looked surprised suddenly seeing him in your house but since he was a friend rather than fear you looked deeply confused.
“Al Haitham? What- What are you doin-”
He kept walking up close, hiding the rope and sedative behind his back.
“I just had something urgent to tell you, it can't wait.'' He was now a step away from the bed.
“Oh? What may that be-!!”
Al Haitham quickly leaned over, attempting to grasp your arm, however, he never knew you were prepared, he never knew you wouldnt be so dumb as to let him take control.
Quickly you pushed the vial to the side and shoved the man onto your bed as you lent into a gap next to your bed, took hold of the handcuffs you kept there and immediately restrained him onto the bed frame. You took the rope he dropped and got on tying down the rest of his limbs while it was Al Haithams turn to be left in confusion. It happened so quickly. From being in control to being tied down in an instant.
You stood up off the bed, breathing roughly and just taking in the sudden change of mood. Excitement pooled in you, absolute glee flooded your veins as you needed a moment to recover from such an amazing feeling. You knew someday Al Haitham would attempt to kidnap you so you always kept a pair of handcuffs at your bedside and finally they were getting some use. 
“That was amazing!” you sang and looked at the man restrained in YOUR bed. “Haha, you can't imagine how long I've been waiting for this!” you knelt on the bed and sat yourself over this chest looking down on him and taking in the sight of his face up so close and awake. You held his cheekbones and caressed them with your thumbs, feeling over his pale skin and reveling in the feeling. You leaned down and gave his head a quick kiss, before pulling back and resting your forehead against his.
“You've made me the happiest man alive Al Haitham. Thank you! Thank you for feeding my love like this.”
He didnt know how to respond. On the one hand he was scared, not expecting this from you and being unable to move or resist and yet on the other you were giving him your full attention which he craved for. It was a mix of revelation and love he didn't know how to respond to. You traced his chest crevice with your hands and slowly calmed down. You wanted nothing more but to collapse and lay next to him and just adore him.
“You know, I think you were wrong today. I don't think it is me that needs a break, perhaps it is you.” You lay down beside him and brought his head in your arms to your chest where you gently threaded your fingers through his hair. “You've been thinking so hard and so much, don't you think its time to just be looked after by someone else? Let someone else do the thinking and you can just enjoy what you love.” Al Haitham finally gave into you, closed his eyes and hummed against you in agreement. 
“It's getting late my dear.” You said hushed “We can discuss this further in the morning.’ You pulled an extra cover over the two of you and switched off the last remaining light. The feeling of being next to the man you loved so dearly was euphoric and you'd do anything in your power to keep it so.
Perhaps Al Haitham will willingly stay with you and never leave your hold or perhaps you'd need to keep him tied onto your bed for the rest of your time. Personally, you liked that idea more but those things can be addressed in the morning. All that mattered was that you were happy and he was where he belonged. You both got the love you crave so dearly for
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stnaf-vn · 2 years
HELLO HI, HOW ARE YOU-AHH YOU MADE SUCH AN AMAZING GAME- I ABSOLUTELY FELL IN LOVE WITH FRIEND, honestly though he's like, my favourite Yandere in media that I've seen, mans got it all- I was so sad when I finished playing the game and got so happy to see you had a tumblr with so much more Friend content that I ended up going through all of it in one night, oops. Nonetheless, playing the game and interacting with Friend made me super happy and provided a great escape and break from real life, I absolutely adore the aesthetic and character designs as well! Out of curiosity, how many piercings does Friend have? SORRY FOR WRITING ALOT AND IF THAT ASK WAS ALREADY ANSWERED BEFORE AND I MISSED IT DURING MY 12 AM CONTENT CONSUMPTION-
(Omg thank you!! I' m so happy you enjoyed the game, and are enjoying the Tumblr as well! Thanks so much for your support!!)
"Aww, you're too cute sweetheart. I can't believe little ol' me makes you that happy. I must be doing something right~ Well, to answer your question, my ears are pierced, and below the belt is pierced as well. So, one piercing on each ear, and 3 piercings on my cock." ~ Friend
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dourpeep · 1 year
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
heheheeee hello koi- I'll be doing this for Genshin, ofc!
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Mmm, I don't actually have a character I hate, but I'm not particularly fond of the general fanon characterization of Xiao. I adore his character, and the man vs self struggle that's both the internalization of his past as well as his 'acceptance' is just *chef's kiss*.
But while he sounds edgy, Xiao's pretty soft. Sure his en voice is on the gruff/edgy side, but if we always just took voices at face value then ho boy would that be a world of trouble. I get it though, voices generally should (take v lightly) match the characterization, but I really like his en voice! Laila Berzins did so good!
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Yandere-ization is noticeably prevalent in Genshin, which I think just is because it just so happens they both became more popular (the yandere tropes/characterizations and Genshin in general) around the same time. It's not my cup of tea, but it's not the end of the world either. At one point, scrolling through ao3, I'd pretty much see a yandere fic every other work--especially for characters like Scaramouche or Xiao or Kazuha.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Making everything edgy- Genshin isn't really a just soft feelings game, and a ton of the characters have a pretty dark backstory, but I just am not super into this. It's probably because I'm also just tired of getting such dreary (?) stuff from fandom, but who knows. Specifically though making it seem like Kaeya and Diluc hate each other's guts, making Albedo seem like he's cold or purely calculative, Kaeya being only manipulative and sleazy, Diluc being only broody and grim, Xiao being overly rude and mean, Scaramouche (/j).
That's not to say I downright hate it, but man it does get a little tiring seeing it. That's probably why I tend to write only soft stuff- also writing angst puts me in intense pain
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
MERMAID--Merbedo my beloved...I want more mermaid fics and art! And I know it's mermay but (': I've been so busy that I don't have the time and I am down my tablet so I also can only do traditional art OTL
But anyway! Mermaid Genshin stuff! Give them fancy tails and pretty scales!!! More
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Soft poetic characterization of Kazuha, domestic Xiao, RUBEDOOO (subject 2).
I just love the idea of Kazuha just quietly musing over something, no matter it's importance, or maybe even just admiring the simplicity of something that's equally profound. Kazuha being flowery in his language with that dreamy feel but you can still feel the brewing storm within his mind- oiashdfioe
Xiao being (not) forced into a situation where he's with someone for an extended amount of time, shadowed by his worries about his karma effecting but also those silently brewing emotions that flutter at the simplest thing. Xiao not being very physically affectionate but instead leaving little gifts, or perhaps offering to take watch (like you're traveling together towards a common goal or something and he sees that you're nodding off while on watch so he sits there a little ways away to keep an eye on you while you sleep but also make sure no harm comes).
AND RUBEDO (': I miss him, I want more mhy please give me more of him because I KNOW he's not dead. There's no way--regardless of whcih Bedo is the Albedo at the end of Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, there's no way that he's dead. If the Bedo is Albedo, then he's clearly hiding something or making light of the situation. If it's Rubedo then that's self explanatory.
it doesn't even matter if he *actually* gets much more content I just wanna know my other boy is safe and sound (or maybe just alive yknow)
OH AND EULA! I get that there's that whole thing where people overreacted and took it way out of proportion (esp. on twt), but Eula is a great character! She's good for the trope of breaking away from what you're associated with and I feel like she could do with being included more in the game! I hope she gets another character story because I think she's pretty cool neat
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Scaramouche. I still am baffled that he's the reason I started writing for Genshin and why I have an unholy knowledge of his entire character and background like I think about it and wonder "the hell?"
Also his personality is exactly the type of person that pisses me off irl so I hate that I really like his character.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Peeps who hear 'Genshin' and immediately just- yknow the thing. Judging and stuff like "Oh. You're one of those people." Like, right back at you dude, you're one of those people who judge someone based off what they enjoy and just can't let people to enjoy what they like right? Yeah thought so.
smh killjoys just cause someone enjoys something that's not necessarily associated with good fandom doesn't mean whatever it is is immediately shit
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Hi Lovely... Consider me over the bend butt 🍑... Kiyoshi Teppei yandere (contra fem love interest) headcanons? Does an alternative universe like that exist? ALSO: you invented yandere kasamatsu so we are forever in depth to you! ❤️
note: this ask was sent in during an event; i currently only write for kiridai/imayoshi/haizaki/nash
kiyoshi would highkey be a terrifying yandere cause this man is absolutely delusional
he’s convinced that you love him just as much as he loves you, and that everything you do is just some way of showing love, one way or another
(or at least, that’s how you explain his lack of empathy - who knows what he really thinks)
and that’s a whole lotta love - the fact his motto is “with one’s heart and soul” highlights just how obsessive he is; his world revolves around you, all he’s ever thinking about is what he can do to ensure that you two of you will, in time, live happily together 
ultimately all kiyoshi wants is for the two of you to live the ‘proper family life’
he wants to come home to you ever day wearing an apron, telling him “honey, dinner’s ready - how was your day?”, and all your many kids surround the two of you, and you and he share a chaste kiss
and maybe you lot live in the middle of a rural area, where there’s no one for you to meet with except the local old ladies, and, on the weekends, kiyoshi chops up some wood for the fireplace, and you bring him tea and a towel to wipe away his sweat, and the kids are running around trying to catch bugs 
in short, not having spent much time with his parents has made kiyoshi determined to have a happy + big family, très traditionnelle
and you’d better not get in the way of that
anyway, yandere!kiyoshi’s love language is very much words of affirmations and physical touch
in particular, if you ever need to calm him down, telling him you love him, over and over again, is your best bet
of course, he doesn’t get angry with you, and he’ll never hit you 
(the closest he comes to that is being a little too strong with his actions)
but, if you keep insisting that he’s just an obsessive maniac, he might get a little disappointed :)
after all, everything he’s doing is for you
and it’s a little hurtful when you refuse to acknowledge that
cause your future kids wouldn’t want y’all fighting, right?
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sob4 · 2 years
(!!! Title says it. You are being shared by three monster who are strong enough to rival pirate's worth more than their own bountry, even combine. Unluckily, in dressrosa, they punish you.)
Warning: Yandere | Mature Content | DRESSROSA SPOILER | Inability to seek help | Poly Relationshop | etc
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read more! [you'll never knew how much i'm in for this. Plus this has been my whole imagine for days, can't keep my hand on pockets and starts typing down scenario! Love y'all and this is really hard, and i meant it– HARD to write.]
Your breathing become heavy as you watch the rest of your group runs to Dressrosa. Your heart are filled with excitememt as you stare at the toy's and human's who are un-usually cooperative with each other.
You might say this is childish or what but you have a thing for toy's even in your age. Maybe it's because it's a recollection you have that something to do with your parent's, toy's become your only accompany when they die for some reason's.
You look at your below when you feel someone–rather something tugging a dress that hugged your curve pretty that really suit's you whatever your size is. The color also blend amazingly to your skin color that without a doubt: make's you outstanding among women. And a mascara to hide your face since you have a pretty and decent bountry above your head.
"Are you a tourist, miss?" A toy in a form of a little human robot ask.
You slowly nod, still feeling unusual to a toy talking in their own will, plus they're also acting without a proper guide of someone. An incredible creation!
"Hmm.. Yes, why'd you ask..?" You are pretty sure yourself you blend with the crowd, — your style does'nt differ from others.
With the interaction, The three men who have stayed to your side voluntarily gaze at it. Their eyes locked to each other before looking at your way, seeing your little figure talking to a toy, who are obviously a man.
"Since your beauty is really outstanding, if i've seen you before– i without doubt follow you whenever you are."
At that sentence, as if a cue: your eyes gaze at the place where the other's stay earlier. And unfortunately but expected, three certain man have their eyes on you covered with pure raging jealous and possesive eyes.
You gulp before you look down at him and smile nervously, wanting to end the unconcious conversation you motivate him to continue.
"W-Why— that's really flattering! Though kinda creepy if you ask me," Truth. Experiencing man following your every movement is creepy, even add the fact you yourself have longed experience that.
Though, a wrong move you done to reply to his flirt. Without a single warning and great coated presence Haki, a kicked landed on the toy. You gasp as you saw Sanji kicked the toy, your mouth left agape as you see how much pressure have set on it. Even with the little beard that hide his lips, you could see the little smirk he pulled off.
Before you can even run toward the toy, a hand grip your wrist and a force of stretched hand hug your waist. With a little thud, Luffy possesively claimed you whole to the spot, making you un-able to move plus the way Zoro have taken off his hand that gave you a warning pinch.
With that, a crowd form around you. And little after, two men who are obvious a standing staff, or guard of Island landed in front of you.
"What seem's happening here, sir— mam?!"
You can't answer, since you can't even say a reason when the truth is it because one of your boyfriend snap since he is jealous. You'll be damned and sure get judge, and hated attention the most.
"He is hitting on my girlfriend, knowing she have me already. We are tourist here, i thought he is nice, quite the opposite." Luffy quickly answered
The crowd gasp, you're a little hopeful for them to move you away and interogate them for a misunderstanding since the toy seem nice. But all of it are wipe out as they release a word that seem's doubtful.
"He have human disorder!" One of the citizen shouted.
Without the toy explaining, you watch the guard quickly and harshly picking the toy who are moving a little and toss them in a so called disposal.
"I'm begging forgiveness, Madame and Sir! Toy here are made to be just a toy but a lot of them think they're actual human's and sometimes have their imagination reach heaven; flirting or suggesting they knew someone even that someone never have a recollection of them," The guard explain.
With that, the rest of the crowd leave the four of you. Though the gazes, glaring and surely incoming warning for punishment did'nt leave you. Add the fact that Luffy have a boner poking your ass from his back hug.
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Your eyes have tear's pooling on them as Luffy have his cock in and out on you, Sanji's cock on your ass and Zoro who are gripping your head while you suck him off.
Quite shameless but this is your punishment. In a alley near crowd places the three of them decide to fuck you dumb, knowing if you can't contain your vocal: you'll have the whole island knew your slutty side.
You are riding two cock's as Luffy and Sanji lay down and look at their dick dissapearing in your hole. Your whines that sent vibration to Zoro which he whimper in return, this is too good to be real; but lucky people like them can have this everyday.
"What a slut," Zoro commented, "Taking three cock in this place."
You whine as you bounce yourself on the cocks that sending you in your high. Those tit's bounce as you eagerly thrust yourself on each, the way Zoro grip your hair and force you to take his fat cock did not help as he hit the inside of your throat.
"Don't be harsh to Y/n-chan," Sanji hum as he enjoyly watch you bouncing. He inhale the smoke as he release it on your back, giving you a cool moment that made you want to cum on spot.
"I'm sure he just love the way my dick inside her ass."
"Huh? What'd you mean?"
And with that, the two fight: the only thing different is the way they speed their thrust on your hole. Your eyes roll down in pleasure as Sanji hug your body and hold your waist, bouncing you deeper in his dick that also made you feel Luffy who you knew the longest out of them.
Your eyes form heart as Zoro thrust himself, and have your mouth wide open as he pound his big dick that made you lose your breath for a moment only for him to gave you space also but for a spare moment to make you choke. But it did'nt make him startle a bit.
Your pussy leak again, feeling your high as Sanji hit the sensitive spot in you. Your hand flew to Luffy as he thrust himself too, thinking that raising the speed is 'fun' but pleasurable painful for you.
Your cunt burn as all of them drill you, your eyes have tears pooling as you moan and whine. Their moans and grunts, especially Sanji who behid you and his moans are sent on your ear, and Luffy who have his face stuff on your breast as he moan and gave kisses.
With that pace, you can feel the knot tightening inside you. You two thrust yourself, have your moans rapidly increasinv in volume.
"Fuck, Fuck– I'm near!" Zoro grunts as he thrust in your mouth, drool's all over your mouth and face with some precum that leaks.
With Luffy hitting all the spots that's delicious, the sensitive inside you. Your hands flew to his chest as you attempt to push him. No luck as he did'nt even have to be work up as he is far stronger than you.
Luffy giggle in your breast, as he sucked your nipples who are hard and sensitive.
Few more thrust of the boys, each of them stuff their loads at you. Heavy pants can be heard as you tiredly rest your body to Sanji who happily hug you in return.
Drool's mixed with Zoro's seed gather in your breast as it leak, Sanji and Luffy's load also pouring down as it was alot for your pussy and ass to take care off.
And yeah, this is one of the scene where you– are being punished.
But please, don't forget that you are in public! So people giving weirded look's are expected, darling:)
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hey hey!! I saw your ask is open... I don't really have anything to ask but I've had this in my notes for a while so i hope you can make something out of it. You seem to enjoy writing yandere so... Write it to your liking i guess? Anyways thankies ;)
"You cry and cry and cry, begging to be let go and then you just stop. Your stop crying for help. No more hopeful hopes to be saved or to be rescued by your beloved hero. By your trusted lover.
You just... Accept your fate to die at the hand of your lovers' enemy but it never came. The enemy... he never kill you, heck he doesn't even let you have a scratch on your delicate skin.
As if he was in love but with who? You? Yeah maybe with you."
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*brief cursing from bakugo
Your fiancé, Izuku midoria, was always worried about your safety, as he was the number one hero, and he had, many, many enemies who would just love to crush the quirkless lover dating the number one hero. You’d known him since preschool, you and him were best friends, along with a Certain blonde boy, eventually, in high school, as third years, you’d started dating, and here we are now, ready to be newlyweds. He was especially protective when… he was involved.
Bakugo, well bakugo had a big falling out with the two of you after graduation, you’d been in the business course, always checking up on the two of them and the class, bakugo had to watch as you and the quirkless deku became closer and closer, whippee! They’re dating now! It made him sick to his stomach to see HIS girl get sucked up by some manipulative bitch claiming to be a hero.playing fair wasn’t an option anymore, he’d only gone to that stupid hero school for you, and you only, once you left, he had no obligation to stay good, he wanted you, he wanted to hold you, to cuddle you, to love you, if he had to break the rules of society, so be it.
You hadn’t seen bakugo in over two years now, only heard of all the bad things he’d done on the news, your fiancé didn’t speak of him, jsut told you to be extra careful everytime a new occurrence happened. You missed the best friend you had, you missed the man who would hold you close when you got scared of thunderstorms, you missed the man who bought you food that your mother never allowed you to eat, you missed the sweet, loving, bakugo. You wished you could see him one more time, just speak to him once more.
God how you wished you could take it back
You’d done nothing but walked home ten minutes late, Izuku had called you, and you had explained that the lind was long at the store, and a few teenagers had held you up for a little bit, calling you a multitude of names, you were just the quirkless loser lucky enough to score the number one hero, you wouldn’t tell izuku that of course, he would worry to much. Then you were snatched up, you didn’t know by who, or why, but you did know that your wrists were tied with a gentle silk, you were on some concrete ground, harsh against your backside, and peopel were talking above you.
“Really! Fucking concrete? I though it’s you would be able to get it through your muddy little brain tgat I wanted her comfortable! In my bed! What. In. Fucks. Name. Did. You. Do” a gravelly voice spoke above you, sounding fairly familiar. But still muffled, due to the things covering your ears and eyes, you waited for someone to come and hit you, or for some quirk to make you feel pain, yelling was never a good sight… ever.
“S-sir, this is what we do with all captives. It’s against our protocol to bring them into your personal chambers-“
“Damn the protocol, I started this whole thing, you listen to me either way. You put her down there with all those bodies, and weapons! Go in against my direct orders dwarves punishment, I’ll deal with you later. Get out” the voice continued to speak, uoj flinched at the footsteps gradually coming closer and close to you. Hoping that they already got whatever they wanted with you, probably just to scare your husband.
“Darling? Are you alright? I’m sorry they scared you, I’ll have her felt with soon enough, Cmon, let’s get you out of here” the voice once again spoke, much closer so you could hear it clearly, it sound so familiar, why is it so familiar? Then your facial covering was untied, just to reveal, the one and only katsuki bakugo. And you panicked. You thought you could handle being face to face with a villain, one wearing the face of your best friend, but oh no, oh god no you couldn’t.
A scream left your lips, piercing his ears like a dagger, you squirmed away, tugging at the fabric tied around your wrists, a full gallon of panic washed over you, making your breaths shallow, your movements desperate, and your screams curdling. You started sobbing, tears left your eyes in involuntary streams, he jus looked so… different, the spiky blonde hair now has black freaks in it, highlighting his Red eyes, he was wearing a dark black suit, and everything about him just screamed “villain”. It terrified you.
“Get back-DONT TOUCH ME! GET OFF OF ME” you screamed, kicking at his face when he tried to grab your arms to calm you down, he just wanted to help you? Almost immediately your face was shoved into the ground, he steadied you, untiring your wrists, you hoped for Izuku, for someone, anyone to come help you. You always had someone to come save you, sometimes it was even bakugo before he turned, now… now no one was going to come, there wasn’t any hope to give anymore, you are utterly helpless and at the hands of the man you were once close with.
You waited for anything. He released pressure on your face, and he released your wrists, which you’d flung into his face, but still, you were waiting for this “villain katsuki” to make an appearance, this was his revenge right? Taking you away from midoria, killing you, just to make a statement, you waited for that lasting to come out, the one who raided Tokyo for money, the one who killed thousands. Not your katsuki, but a villain. You’ve accepted it, he’s gonna kill you for no reason, you’re death will be meaningless, you just wished you didn’t have to go so suddenly. You waited to see him, to feel any pain, to die. Yet, it never came.
Your cries silenced, as you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for th simp act of a billet in your Brain, or in your chest, or the slam of a baseball bat, or anything. If you stop crying, it’ll just be over quicker
“I’m not going to hurt you, I swear on it. Cmon? You knew me for 14 years! I would never, ever, hurt you, you’re way too precious to me for that” he grumbled, picking you up into his arms, which you could do nothing but cry into. This reminded you so much of those nights you would spend crying into his chest when you and Izuku hit a road bump j your relationship, when the two of you fought, bakugo was always there to soothe you, to snuggle with you, to rub your tummy and make you feel all the much better.
Maybe this was your katsuki, maybe he hadn’t changed at all, maybe this is just a dream! And you’re asleep in bed with izuku right now. No, Of course you aren’t, what idiot would think that?
“K-katsuki? Why? Why would you do all this? What do y-you even want with me?” You questioned, looking back up at him, meeting the eyes of your best friend, your katsuki. He smiled, a rare occurrence, stroking your hair out of your face, his touch was gentle, and warm as ever, he hadn’t seemed to cHange all that much, you know, from going firm a hero student to a supervillain. You missed this version of him, the soft bakugo that you only get to see when he’s with you, not the murderer, not the villain.
“I’m keeping you here because I’m in love, and I want to protect that love at all costs.” He lulled, giving you one of those excruciatingly sweet bakugo smiles, his mom had the same one, and his mom was the best. Wait… he’s in love? That’s why he bright you here? He wnTs his girlfriend to have a friend? Wow, so you’re gonna be a third wheel the whiel time, well that’s just wonderful. You wouldn’t take bakugo as the “in love” type, you really hoped his lover was nice, and you know, not a murderer.
“You did? With who? Can I meet them?” You questioned, suspiciously, if THE katsuki bakugo fell in love, it would have to be some amazing person. He has the highest of high standards, so any person to day him would have to be perfect, or he would be harsh, you’d witnessed it in person at multiple double dates where the girls would always run out crying.
“Oh y/n, too naive and innocent for her own good. I don’t fall in love with nobodies
I fell in love with you”
Tell me if you liked it! It was fun to write but I’m not sure how quality it is, as it’s 1:00 and my eyes are half dead.
Thank you for requesting! Have a wonderful day today! @wans-shit
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Omg it's been so long since I've gotten here in time when requests are open but here I am anyway I hope your doing ok and things went well with your visit with friends &Grandparents anyways I feel weird asking it but after reading your intepretation you caught my intrigue I'd like to request yandere Ging hc of him with a s/o who always tries to move b/c he annoys her but he keeps coming back !!! Feel free to make it soft 😊
It's been a while indeed since I've seen you so I'm happy you made it. Sorry that it took so long, but school enables me to only write one post per day😞. Buuut...I have only one week left before holidays and the last week we won't do much anything so I hope that by tomorrow I'll be able to write more again!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, stalking, Ging annoying the s/o, meltdown of the s/o
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🍎I feel you, darling. It has to be exhausting to never know when exactly this man comes back or not, the times he just pops up in front of your house or has already somehow broken in and acting like he is at home. Ging simply can't help making bad impressions on his darling due to his constant absence and the indifference he seems to possess whenever they're pissed and want to scold him for his behavior. As someone who would like avoiding such arguments, he either disappears yet again or at least tries to calm you down in a way that doesn't help in most cases.
🍎You think moving away will work, hmm? Sorry to tell you, but it won't. Despite the impression that Ging doesn't look like he cares much and is a rather messy person, he is a respected Hunter. Connections, the possibilities he has with the status of being a Hunter and his very own skills are nothing to be forgotten and so he will have the new location of his darling found out the moment he finds out that they've moved. It's not like he pushes you into a corner for it the next time he just appears in front of the darling's door, ignoring their flabbergasted impression and going inside.
🍎The Hunter has already figured out from the very first incident why exactly you wanted to move, you were happy in your old home with the only thing annoying you being him. Ging is aware of his behavior and that it often has you feel like you want to rip your hair out yet he never really considered it too deeply. That is the kind of guy Ging is and it makes him a horrible person in more than just one pair of eyes. It just feels like he is not taking his darling seriously and ridicules them and that hurts, not to mention that he is so often away.
🍎So maybe now is the time to start recalling his actions and that he's made you go livid to the point where you do not want to be with him anymore. It becomes more and more visible every time you move away, slam the door shut as soon as he knocks on it or just refuses to open it at all. Something he would call "overreacting" at first seems to only turn more and more turbulent until the very first time his darling has a complete meltdown in front of him whilst he was telling them to chill out. Hysterical screaming and yelling whilst starting to burst out in tears before pushing him with violence out, slamming the door shut behind him.
🍎That was the first time Ging shut up when witnessing all of this, freezing and not knowing what to do. Even after he has been kicked down he doesn't know how to act, only the cries inside the house accompanying his thoughts for a while until you seem to calm down a bit. Overwhelmed would be the word to use for him, the feeling of helplessness and confusion, the feeling of having no idea what exactly to do now. It is the very first time his darling has given him such a emotional reaction, a highly negative one. The turning point where Ging has to ask himself if things can really stay the way they are or if he has to do something.
🍎Obviously he acts like a horrible person, but maybe he just happened to hit the wrong nerve after pocking for so long at you, maybe you just had enough. And as much as he hates troubles like those, even he is not too dumb or lazy to think that he can just act like he always did. Not this time, you clearly despise him by now. And that is not the kind of relationship he wishes to have when with the s/o. But the biggest problem for him now is what he is even suppose to do. He's no expert and will never be. How does someone apologize to their loved one without ruining things even more?
🍎The sudden disappearance from this man is something you're used to and wish for and that is what happens after. But not exactly for the reason you think. Ging believes that what you need now most is time to calm down, visiting you right after your outburst is not a wise option. Additionally he himself needs time to think now on what he should do, how he can make things right again. Well, as right as possible at least. It's written all over his face that something is bothering him and some people actually speak to him because of it. And Ging...well, after some time he tells them in vague details what is on his mind.
🍎Such talks are what turns out to be a big help because some people are surprisingly helpful. Especially all those married people who somewhat sympathize with the Hunter tell him in return their stories and what they did to make up with their partners and lovers. Lots of different advices and stories and yet Ging finds himself still having troubles. He's never done anything like this before so he is more nervous than he would like to admit after he has been away for a bit, tracking down the new home of yours again. Something really has to change.
🍎Blocking the door with his foot as you try to slam it shut right in front of his nose again is within his expectations as well as the yelling and he endures it with the same angering calmness as he always does. It's all the same in his darling's opinion. Until the very moment where he actually pulls out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, handing them in a somewhat shy manner over. The man is highly embarrassed about it, not able to look his darling straight into their confused face as he stutters out an apology he has practiced beforehand. The practice was useless though, in front of the s/o this is a completely different thing.
🍎Instant forgiveness is not what you give him nor does he expect this. He did go too far about this time and he knows that he should stay to fix this. And he does. Somewhere else of course but it is the very first time he stays for a really long time since the grudge you have against him is not easy. During this time he comes to realize something uite importantt himself, how much of your life he actually missed whilst being constantly away. There are new hobbies and new friends you didn't know you had before and some of those friends are people he doesn't like. Because they're too close and you ignore him for them.
🍎It's rather silly since they're the only ones who kept you company whilst he was always away and he deserves this, but karma is a bitter bitch as he experiences himself. The relationship you two once had is in your eyes probably no more, increasing the danger of you falling in love with someone else, someone who will actually stay with you. Maybe that is why Ging turns unusually petty, following his darling around and biting his tongue when he catches them with one of those people he has officially recognized as love rivals. What a nasty feeling jealousy is and how frustrating your grin is when you caught him jealous for the very first time in a long while. Seems like the roles have reversed, haven't they?
🍎Using his connections is an option, but by now Ging is far too much provoked to do this himself. Not like he was planning before to use it, another drama with you is the last thing on his list he wants. His darling is letting him dance around here for quite a bit to the point where he accuses them mentally for being a sadist since he is pushed to do so many things he never did before and for that feels extremely awkward. Yet he goes through everything with embarrassment burning his skin, the desire to want the relationship far greater.
🍎The s/o comes to realize that he is serious as well, though doubting it at first. But the constant small gifts and the fact that he apologizes whenever he sees themplus tehe valuable fact that he stays around for a very long time convince them after some time. But forgiving him sweetly right after isn't what you would want after all the emotional roller coaster. You'll get back at him for everything before you shall grant him the relationship back. It takes a very long time and by the end of it Ging has probably the most frustrating months of his entire life behind him so it's safe to assume that now he knows how you must feel. Believe me, he has learned his lesson of a lifetime to treat his darling better from now on.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
Nikolay Lives Domestic Bliss Au
the only place he's alive is in our hearts 😭😭 a lot of our hearts though, apparently.
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FEMINIST MALEWIFE KING PLES JTEGKRM we're all so used to reading yandere that a man having respect for us turns us feral omg... these yan bois don't know what they're missing out on. if they had just a bit more respectful they could've made it so far 😔 too bad it's not their brain they're using to think with.
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THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!! as a resident childe simp (and childe slanderer depending on the mood), i feel like i know how to write him in a way that will appease the masses . since i write him how i'd want to read him. idk what that means about my taste, but so long as you guys are enjoying it with me, then at least we're all in it together. <3
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nikolay and darling: literally just vibing
childe, waking up in the middle of the night, shaking and sweating: something is wrong.
get over your crush already childe it's been years smh...
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a new member has joined our ranks!!! welcome comrade.
but really though, i'm happy that you decided to give the story a shot, despite not being a childe connoisseur. i imagine that reading yandere about a character you're not already the most fond of makes you even angrier over what nonsense they decide to pull yrhtjkmgelr
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i agree that lil ajax was super precious!!!! definitely one of those cases of going damn... wtf happened to him. this is what falling into the abyss for months does to a mf. darling is going to have a lot of adjustments, the one you mentioned being the most arduous. there's nothing worse than attending a coworker get together with your husband (who you hate) and one of his coworkers starts asking about your kidneys. or whatever dottore does, i don't know much about him.
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childe's in the distance going >:(( what about me though? that'd be a most interesting concept though, i've never thought about doing an OC x reader aside from some stuff that's collecting dust in my google drive rtjhnegkmr
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this feels like lancer from fate who just always ends up dying in some way or another, no matter the route he's in. perhaps nikolay will meet a similar fate... cursed by the time gods to always be cucked by a yandere. there are few destinies worse than this. tbh the aspect of writing an OC for reader-inserts that takes the most time is giving them a name so like... this is actually tempting. i can write their entire personality/backstory no problem, but thinking of a name?? near impossible. why is it so universally difficult for everyone...?
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PFFFF you know i was thinking of first contract zhongli right away as soon as a lot of the asks/comments related to nikolay. they can both mourn being ignored together or something. considering the stuff they do in their respective stories, it's not like they don't deserve it.
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afictionalwhore · 3 years
Learning Your Lesson
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A/N: This isn't the first fanfic I've written, but it's the first I've finished. It's on the darker side, which I have no problem writing, I don't want my blog to be only that. That Keishin kitchen one is coming I just gotta get through finals. Thank you @kogo for the idea! You mentioned it, so I took it and bolted. 
TW: noncon/dubcon, yandere, phone sex, masturbation, implied drinking
"Baby," Hawks cooed into the phone, "what's wrong?"
It was in the middle of his night patrol when you called him, the ringtone specifically set for you jingling throughout the empty streets from his jacket pocket. When he picked up, he was met with your soft sobs on the other end of the line. 
"Keigo?" Your voice barely audible. "Can you come get me? I don't want to talk about it here."
"(y/n), what's the matter," Hawks says, voice dropping an octave.
“You were right, Keigo,” you sob. “I shouldn’t have gone. I shouldn’t have gone out tonight.”
“(Y/n),” Hawks said, the seriousness in his voice chilling you more thoroughly than the night air. “What happened?” He was growing restless, pacing the same alleyway. He told you not to go out. You should have listened to him. You should always listen to him. He can only hope you learned your lesson this time. 
Since you and the Number 2 Hero began dating, Hawks had grown increasingly paranoid about your safety. If it had been anyone else, Hawks' possessiveness over you could have been seen as controlling; you told yourself that he only had your safety in mind. Dating a pro hero, especially such a high ranking one, came with its dangers, and your quirklessness made you an even easier target. If anything happened to you, Hawks wouldn't know what to do with himself, a fact he constantly reminded you of. 
You insisted on going out with your friends tonight. “Keigo,” you whined, stretching his name out like you were one of his teenage fans, “Please. I haven’t seen them in months.” You were just a quirkless nobody, making minimum wage and barely scraping by to make rent and survive your shitty neighborhood. Scratch the latter bit. You were just a quirkless nobody, but since your relationship with Hawks kicked off, the pro had moved you into his apartment, a much safer, much more suitable place for you, and you know longer had to worry about your safety. Except on occasions like these. Your friends, all either quirkless or with minor quirks that would be useless in protecting you should anything happen, were gathering to celebrate an engagement, and surprise surprise they invited you.
Hawks tried his best to persuade you otherwise, listing all the dangers of going out without him, or going out at all, especially when you were dressed like that. Your little skirt falling just over your ass. Anyone could drop their wallet behind you and sneak a peek up your skirt. Your shirt was much too tight; and where was your jacket? You're just showing off the goods for everyone, like you were asking for something to happen.
But you could not, would not be swayed. You missed your friends. Though you loved Hawks, “It's Keigo, baby,” he would insist, you craved your friendships, and you were overjoyed to find that they didn’t hate you for practically disappearing on them since your relationship with Hawks, "Keigo", had become serious. 
“What happened?” Hawks repeated, his impatience growing.
“It all happened so quickly,” you sobbed.
“(y/n),” Hawks quite nearly growled out. “What. Happened.” You were really testing him right now, what with interrupting his patrol, albeit his boring, uneventful patrol. How could he help you when you weren't telling him what was wrong.
"I was leaving the bar. You remember which one?" Your voice shook. Hawks held back a scoff. Of course he knew where the bar was. It was the very bar frequented by the League, nestled neatly into the roughest area of town; it's inexpensiveness appealing to your friends' cheapness more than the potential danger drove them away. He told you they couldn't be trusted.
"Well I was leaving," You must be shaking like a leaf. Hawks can hear it in your voice. "And I get this feeling, like someone's following me. So I walk faster, and I—" you cut. Soft cries filled Hawks' ears as he listened.
Hawks can feel himself growing tighter in his pants as you cry. He knows where this is heading. He told you not to go, but you didn't listen. It would be rude of you to ask them to reschedule to a date when Hawks could more easily pick you up, or even better, accompany you. You were too overjoyed when they reached out with an invitation despite your disappearance in their life. But now here you were, sobbing—god how he loved your cries—to him over the phone because some asshole had roughed you up a bit. What did you expect leaving The League of Villains' bar alone at this ungodly hour? 
As angry as he was over your stupidity, he couldn't deny how hot you sounded in your current state. His arousal was confirmed by the decent tent forming in his uniform pants. After a quick scan of the area, Hawks found a nearby alleyway to slip into. He was thankful his designated area to patrol tonight was rather unlively. Leaning against the rough bricks, Hawks found himself quickly undoing his belt, shoving his pants and boxers down just enough to free himself. 
"Go on, baby," Hawks said. It took all his self control not to let so much as a slight hitch in his voice show as he encouraged you to talk.
"Keigo, please. I don't know why I have to tell you all right now." you sobbed. "Please, just come get me."
"Baby," Hawks drawled, suppressing a moan as he languidly stroked himself up to full hardness. "I don't want you to have to relive this more than you have to. So you just tell me now, as detailed as possible. I can fill out whatever reports you would need to for you, and you won't ever have to think about this again." It was hard for you to argue with Hawks in your fragile state. “I know what’s best for you, baby bird. Tell me everything.”
So you did. You told Keigo all about the strange man who you guessed had followed you out of the bar. Who would just be lurking outside the League's bar waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting quirkless? Hawks would bet his next several paychecks just who would be doing exactly that.
You told Hawks about the rough, calloused hand over your mouth accompanied by the low voice in your ear whispering that if you so much as made a squeak, you'd be cremated on the spot. Bingo. At least he wasn't losing much in a bet against himself. Judging by the state of his hard cock in his gloved hand, he was actually winning here. 
Hawks would have just laughed at you had he not been so fucking turned on. He would have to look past that cheesy "cremation" line. How did you not know who was lurking around the sleazy bar waiting for a hot piece of meat, for you, to stumble out the bar, drunk and alone. Were you always such an idiot? How did you ever survive without him?
You told him about how you had been unceremoniously dragged into the alley next to the bar and shoved face first into the bricks of one of the bar's outer walls. Hawks' eyes fluttered shut, his mouth hung up as his head fell back against the wall he braced himself against. His fist picked up the pace, imagining your soft protests and how lovely your weak, slurred cries of "please no" would have sounded as your skirt was flipped up and panties ripped through. Knowing your attacker, a hole very well could have been burned through for easy access. He'd have to check once he got you home and asleep. 
Hawks continued pumping himself as you continued your sob fest, jerking his foreskin up and down over his angry almost purple head. God how he wished to be there, listening to your sobs, cooing at you that everything was going to be okay as he kissed your tear stained, brick scratched cheeks and stroked a finger over that pretty, abused pussy of yours.
His gloved thumb rubbing over his slit, as he pictured how badly your insides were wrecked, how that jacob's ladder would have scraped against your warm plush walls. Were you even wet? You had to be. After all, only a slut would have gone out when he told them otherwise. He could only imagine how rough the man in question was with you and your pliant body. In your drunken state, how hard could you have fought back? Not very hard, Hawks had gotten you nice and drunk quite a number of times, and that was exactly why he protested you going out in the first place. His breathing grew heavier the closer he came to his release.
"Keigo?" your feeble voice called out over the phone's speaker. "Are you okay?"
"Yea, baby. I'm okay." Hawks collected himself. Pull yourself together, man. "Are you okay? I'm just so angry." that you didn't listen to me. 
"Keigo, are you close?" Oh he was close alright. Just a few more strokes, a few more sniffles and whines from you, and he would be right there. 
“Please, Keigo. Hurry up. I’m cold and scared. Keigo, I’m so scared.” That's all he needed.
“I’m coming, baby. I’m coming.” Hawks said, praying you couldn’t hear the breathlessness in his voice. His brilliant wings puffed and gave a few strained flutters before shaking tensely as his hand stilled and streaks of hot white fell on the dirty street below him. You weren’t the most intuitive, so you’d probably attribute it to his anger.
With his lust no longer clouding his mind, a sudden worry stuck Hawks. 
"Did he cum in you?" Hawks practically growled.
"What? No. Why are you asking me this?" your confusion briefly pausing your sobs.
"Just checking to see if you need me to make a stop by the pharmacy," Hawks explained as he stuffed himself back in his pants. "I'm on my way. I just have to make a quick call, baby. I love you." He zipped himself up and fixed his belt back into place. He shook out and stretched his wings. Hawks couldn't remember ever cumming that hard. 
"No. Keigo, please don't hang up," you hiccuped.
"Baby, baby," Hawks cooed, "I gotta let the commission know that I'm taking off early. You don't think I'd just continue working after this?" A smirk worked its way onto his handsome face. He could imagine your cute face scrunched into a pout. "Do you have that little faith in me? It's the least you could let me do before I leave patrol early for you. You think you learned your lesson?"
"Um," your voice trembles, Hawks’ last statement confusing you. "I suppose." You weren’t sure what your lesson was; you just wanted Keigo to take you home.
"Good girl,” a dark smile finds his way on Hawks’ face. I'll call you right back. I promise," Hawks reassures you, the fear in your voice as you feebly protested was almost enough to make him hard again. "I'll let you hang up, okay? I love you."
"Okay," you sniff, "I love you too." 
Hawks hears the light click signaling that you hung up and glances down at his phone for confirmation before quickly dialing another number, his smile growing darker as he waited out the ringing. After about three rings, Hawks broke out in a full smile, his crazed golden eyes gleaming in the moonlight of the alleyway he had hidden himself into. 
“What you do want now, ya fucking pigeon?” a rough, gravely voice answered.
“Thanks, Touya. I really owe you one.”
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Hello! I'm Moosh (or just Paul) a 26 year old trans man and a humble welcome to my corner of the internet! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Current status; slow but steady.
Moosh's fandom Masterlists
One piece
Lupin III
Devil may cry
Star wars
The elder scrolls
Red dead redemption
Attack on titan
Some base blog rules!
My main is @mellumarbles, where I give updates and shitposts about my life and mostly is used to communicate to other writers.
This blog is not spoiler free from...pretty much all fandoms I cover, one piece in particular (which I am caught up and I do write for Egghead characters!)
Don't be an asshole. Whether it's just an ask to ask me how my day's going or you're dropping a request, please don't be rude or I'm most likely not going to respond.
Hey, trans rights. Don't be a dick and misgender people, including yours truly.
English isn't my first language, my native tongue is norwegian. Although I've been a good chunk of my live in America and have spent years learning the language I'm still not great with it at times so forgive me if my language can be 'clunky' I try my best to properly make sure I fix everything before I post but stuff falls through cracks sometimes.
I make shitty edits and jokes with my poor sense of humor.
Please tell me if links don't work!
Basic request rules
4 characters for headcanons and 1 for event/occasion only scenarios.
For alphabet requests I only do three letters a request!
I write sfw content for; gender neutral and male (But gender neutral requests always more preferred!)
Please be specific in your ask! I don't want to have to scrape the barrel for details because I have nothing to work with so please have basic details in your request! However, don't have too many details in your request because then you basically write your request in your ask and will leave...well nothing else is left for me to write?
If gender isn't specified in your request I will ALWAYS make the reader gender neutral!
I don't accept matchups at this moment.
No yandere. Don't even try to hide it, I've seen anons try this with other blogs.
No 'child' reader requests.
No Au requests I'm just personally bad at them and I'm not all that interested in them so I write canon only.
Polyamory is A-okay! (But depends on who are the two other characters)
I update my fandom of focus in the bio but when I get requests that aren't the fandom of focus the tend to take longer!
Some fandom specific rules for star wars in particular.
(NSFW related stuff under cut)
NSFW related rules
I will not write for characters under the age of 18. I will for sfw, of course with s/o as a minor, but NOT for nsfw. And for characters (one piece in particular) that become of age after a timeskip, for example Vivi, NSFW works will always be set after that timeskip.
No female readers when it comes to NSFW content. Male and gender neutral only! If you need more details please read this post.
Things that are an absolute no: pedo content, non con/forced, scat/pee, the omegaverse, furry (that includes minks and fish man) extreme degradation/humiliation, master/slave, daddy kink* and incest. If I missed anything feel free to ask if I will write for it or not! 
*Absolutely important; even though I will sometimes joke about it daddy kink has a deep trigger for me so I'm serious even if I use the term in a joke to refer to a certain character I'm usually not being 100% serious so please don't come to my askbox with all of the characters you think like being called daddy or whatever. It has a deep in real life effect on me so I'm begging please don't even try it.
For devil may cry I am completely comfortable writing devil trigger smut.
All NSFW content is tagged #sin content and NSFW request are hidden from the children's eyes with a read more link. If I find out any of you are minors looking under that read more link I WILL BONK YOU!
Trans men readers; I love you and I am more than will to take requests with a trans reader, but when it comes to NSFW trans male requests I won't take it unless it states does and don'ts of what the reader in the request is comfortable with. I don't want to have to go off my dysphoria to write it and everyone is different so I also don't want to unknowingly trigger the requester. So please gives necessary details but make sure you're absolutely 100% comfortable giving!
If you have any other questions feel free to ask!
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