#macronutrients and aging
healthmatters520 · 7 months
Macronutrients and their role in promoting healthy aging
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Does What You Eat Really Impact How You Age?As the years pass, it's natural to wonder how we can stay strong, active and mentally sharp even as gray hairs multiply. Many assume aging is out of our control, an inevitable physical and cognitive decline. But is that always the case? While genetics play a role, emerging science shows lifestyle behaviors significantly influence how quickly or slowly changes manifest. Chief among these is nutrition. What we choose to put on our plates each day may actually determine how we feel and function decades later. Sounds unbelievable? Keep reading to discover how the macronutrients of carbohydrates, proteins and fats impact our aging journey in surprising yet easy-to-incorporate ways. Learn how small diet tweaks can naturally support well-being as the odometer clicks over. Now that's a valuable aging tip worth knowing! Let's explore the fascinating role certain foods and nutrients serve in either promoting healthy longevity or accelerating age-related issues from the inside out.
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Carbohydrates: Fueling Brain Power Into Later Years
We all know carbs give us quick energy. But did you know the type of carbs in your diet also impacts how well your brain continues firing as decades pass? Higher blood sugar levels caused by sugary or processed carb consumption increase inflammation levels throughout the body. Over the long term, this chronic inflammation has been linked to a higher risk for diseases commonly associated with aging like Alzheimer's and diabetes.Research shows that following a low-glycemic diet focused on whole foods minimizes dangerous spikes and crashes in glucose levels. High-fiber carbs from brown rice, oats, quinoa, beans and vegetables take longer to break down, releasing energy more gradually to prevent sharp insulin swings. This steadier blood sugar also benefits mood since fickle hormonal changes won't disrupt brain chemistry as readily.
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Moreover, studies note diets abundant in complex carbs correlate with smaller declines in cognition among elderly participants versus those with simple-carb dominant diets. Fiber-filled carbs benefit digestive health too, removing irritants that may impact brain function if constantly circulating. Choosing complex carbs packs an antioxidant punch protecting neurons from age-related oxidative damage as well. As you age gracefully with care regarding which carbs land on your plate, your mind will stay sharp to enjoy the golden years!
Proteins: Preserving Muscle As Movement Slows
While muscles naturally lose mass and strength with passing time, smart protein choices help sustain mobility and independence longer. Proteins provide building blocks for both repairing aged tissues and producing neurotransmitters overseeing physical function. Aim for high-quality plant sources like lentils, chickpeas, Greek yogurt or fish to fuel anti-inflammatory processes slowing age-related muscle wasting or sarcopenia.
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Research links proper protein intake to retaining muscle strength by 30-50% compared to low protein consumption as adults age. Strong muscles support activities of daily living and ward off falls and fractures associated with frailty. And small amounts of weight training a few times per week aids protein assimilation into muscles when combined with adequate intake.Protein also benefits bones through producing connective collagen fibers. Alongside calcium, its building blocks renew osteoblast cells formulating bone matrix as density lowers naturally over time. Healthy intake plus weight-bearing exercise protects against breaks exacerbating with maturity. Proactive protein power allows comfortable enjoyment of hobbies, travel and quality time with loved ones much further into the future!
Fats: Supporting Brain and Joint Health as the Decades Pass
While certain fats like saturated varieties from red meat gain a bad rap, unsaturated fats play crucial aging-supportive roles. Olive oil, nuts, avocados and wild-caught fatty fish furnish anti-inflammatory omega-3s improving cognitive and mental function. Studies link higher consumption of these "good fats" to minimizing risks of dementia and memory loss as people age.
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Omega-3s help compose cell membranes throughout the body while producing hormones regulating everything from mood to movement. They also deter chronic inflammation silently speeding deterioration from the inside. Lean protein sources assist omega-3 delivery into tissues rather than turning to fat stores. Monounsaturated fats like olive oil additionally promote skin health by aiding collagen III synthesis curbing wrinkles.Furthermore, joints need lubrication to keep mobility smooth even as cartilage naturally thins over the decades. Omega-3 fatty acids soothe erratic joint discomfort as anti-inflammatory compounds. They join glucosamine to regenerate connective tissues when combined with suggested supplements and exercise. A tasty, mostly plant-based diet supplies versatile fats supporting brain, joint and cardiovascular function deep into the golden years ahead!
Macronutrient Needs Change with Age
Our nutrient needs slightly vary as the decades pass. In younger adulthood, bodies prioritize maintenance and growth requiring slightly higher calories and macros overall.For most adults ages 19-30: - Carbs: 130g or 45-65% of calories - Protein: 0.36g per pound of body weight or 46g daily average - Fat: 20-35% of calories or 44-77g Into middle age between 31-50 years: - Carb needs modestly decrease as activity may slow - Protein amount is very similar - Fat intake can increase up to 30% of calories for hormone support After age 50 metabolism naturally declines up to 3% per decade. To maintain weight: - Carb needs adjust lower again while still getting fiber - Protein rises slightly to 0.45g per pound to preserve muscle - Total calorie needs decrease by 100-300 daily on average While quantities subtly shift, balance stays most important. Regular physical activity, stress management and enough high-quality macros allow energy levels, activity enjoyment and natural aging processes to thrive even decades later. Understanding our individual stage of life aids smart nutrition planning.
Additional Ways to Age Well
While macronutrients strongly impact aging, other lifestyle factors aid longevity too. Portion sizes matter as excess pounds burden joints and organs. Slow, steady weight loss through balance works best if weight creeps up. Aim for meals providing energy, satisfaction and nutrition in moderate amounts.Staying active keeps muscles strong, bones dense and blood sugar stable naturally. Any activity beloved helps—from gardening to water aerobics. As little as 30 minutes most days suffices. Over time physical activity promotes more restful sleep assisting recovery from daily stresses.Good sleep hygiene supports mood and health at any age. Create a calming routine before bed and limit screens. Also manage stress through hobbies enjoyed, social contact valued and deep breathing when worries surface.Proper hydration from plain water aids cognition and digestion too. As we age, thirst signals weaken so drink regularly even if not thirsty. Water flushes out toxins and keeps tissues functioning well.In conclusion, small lifestyle changes reap big rewards for longevity. Macronutrients, weight, exercise, sleep, hydration and stress relief work synergistically in maintaining wellness from within long-term when consistently incorporated.
Making Simple Choices That Pay Off
In summary, the macronutrients so integral to our daily energy and routine maintenance take on increased importance the longer our life's journey continues. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats all contribute significantly to preserving independence, brain power and mobility as natural aging adds years. Choosing whole, minimally processed options supplies balanced nutrition supporting well-being from the inside out.Small adjustments like focusing on high-fiber carbs, lean protein and plant-based fats supply anti-inflammatory support protecting against diseases heightening with time. Together with moderate calorie control, physical activity and managing stress, optimal macronutrient consumption benefits both healthspan and lifespan. While aging remains inevitable, these lifestyle habits empower continued thriving later in life through nutrition’s disease-prevention arsenal.With some mindful food prep and simple choices, you can feel your very best at any age. Remember - what you eat truly matters now more than ever. Use your favorite recipes respecting your body’s needs and enjoy! Making nutrition a priority sets the stage for active joy far into your senior years. With small daily efforts, your future self will thank your present self.
Do I need to count macros to reap benefits? No, focusing on balanced whole foods like vegetables, beans, wild-caught fish, nuts and olive oil provide benefits without counting. Variety ensures adequate nutrients. Do supplements replace a healthy diet? While some supplements aid certain conditions, nothing substitutes for real food and its synergistic combination of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients promoting wellness. What if I have a sweet tooth? Indulge mindfully - focus on berries, dark chocolate, yogurt. Limit added sugars as they contradict benefits. Artificial sweeteners impact gut health and aren't much better long-term. Can I build muscle as I age? Yes, strength training 2-3 times weekly preserves metabolism and independence. Protein supports muscle synthesis. Start low impact and focus on form over weight lifted. Will aging-targeted diets suit at any size? While nutrient-dense whole foods benefit all, portion size matters too for sustained energy, mobility and disease prevention. Make small, balanced tweaks regardless of current size. Read the full article
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scientia-rex · 6 months
Wound Care
Ok so, take this with a BIG grain of salt, because I may be a medical doctor BUT you need to know how much wound care training we get in medical school: none. Zip. Zilch. There may be medical schools where you do, but mine wasn't a bozo factory and there was NO wound care training. Everything I know I learned from one of several sources: an intensive 2-day wound care course I did in residency (highly recommend), the local Home Health wound care nurse (highly recommend), a completely batshit insane old white male doctor who started our learning sessions by yelling Vietnam War stories at me (do not recommend), a hospital wound care nurse (highly recommend), and experience (oh god do not recommend).
The first thing you need to know is that wound healing varies dramatically across the course of a lifespan. Kids? Kids will heal. If they don't, get their ass to a pediatrician because there's something genetic going on. Young adults will heal. Middle-aged adults will heal. You know who doesn't heal for shit? The elderly, and people with severe illnesses, and people with uncontrolled type II diabetes.
Your body needs several things in order to heal. It needs macronutrients, so you need to be able to EAT protein, fat, and carbs. If you are on total parenteral nutrition, aka TPN, aka IV nutrition, you are going to be worse at healing. If you are starving yourself, you are going to be worse at healing. If your body is desperately funneling all the calories you take in to surviving your COPD or cancer, you are going to be worse at healing.
It also needs micronutrients. If your diet sucks, you won't heal. Take a multivitamin once in a while.
There are two CRITICAL skin components to healing: collagen and elastin. Guess what we stop making as we age. Promoting collagen isn't just good for "anti-aging," it's good for NOT ripping your skin apart. Taking oral collagen is probably bullshit because your body is going to have to disassemble it to get it across the intestinal membranes to absorb, but it's also harmless, and if your diet REALLY sucks, who knows. Give it a try. Collagen is made of amino acids; think protein.
Another absolutely crucial component is blood flow. As people age, they start to develop cholesterol plaques lining arteries that eventually pick up calcium deposits. This makes blood vessels less elastic, which is a problem, but eventually also blocks them off, which is a much bigger problem. If someone has the major blood flow to their feet decreased by 90% by arterial stenosis, they are not going to heal for shit AND their foot's gonna hurt.
One component of blood flow I hadn't thought about before going into medicine is fluid retention. The way your body works, blood exits the heart at a very high velocity, but slows to a crawl by the time it gets into capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in the body. Water is a very small molecule and can leave the blood vessel, especially if there aren't big, negatively-charged molecules like proteins like albumin in the blood vessels to hold the water there. And we're built for this--some water is supposed to leak out of our blood vessels when it gets to real little vessels. It gets taken back up by the lymphatic system and eventually dumped back into the bloodstream at the inferior vena cava. But if you aren't making albumin--for instance, in liver failure--you may leak a LOT of fluid into the tissue, so much that your legs get swollen, tight, the skin feeling woody and strange. This isn't fixable by drainage because the fluid is everywhere, not in a single pocket we can drain. And because it puts so much pressure on the tissues of the skin, it often results in ulcers. Congestive heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure--these are all common causes of severe edema, aka swelling due to fluid in the tissues. And they're a real bitch when it comes to wound care, because we have such limited resources for getting the fluid back out, which is a necessary first step to healing.
Pressure is another common cause of wounds. Pressure forces blood out of those little capillaries, so you starve the cells normally fed by those capillaries, and they die. It's called pressure necrosis. Very sick people who can't turn themselves over--people in the ICU, people in nursing homes--are especially prone to these wounds, as are people with limited sensation; pressure wounds are common in wheelchair users who have lost some feeling in the parts of their bodies that rub against those surfaces, or diabetics who don't notice a rock in their shoe.
So, if you're trying to treat wounds, the questions to ask are these:
Why did this wound happen?
-Was it pressure? If it's pressure, you have to offload the source of the pressure or else that wound will not heal. End of story. You can put the tears of a unicorn on that thing, if you don't offload the pressure it won't heal.
-Was it fluid? If it's fluid, you have get the fluid out of the issues or else it won't heal. You can sometimes do that with diuretics, medications that cause the body to dump water through the kidneys, but that's always threading a needle because you have to get someone to a state where they still have juuuuust enough fluid inside their blood vessels to keep their organs happy, while maintaining a very slight state of dehydration so the blood vessels suck water back in from the tissues. You can use compression stockings to squeeze fluid back into the vessels, but if they have arterial insufficiency and not just venous insufficiency, you can accidentally then cause pressure injury. The safest option is using gravity: prop the feet up above the level of the heart, wherever the heart is at, at that moment, and gravity will pull fluid back down out of the legs. Super boring though. Patients hate it. Not as much as they hate compression stockings.
-Was it a skin tear because the skin is very fragile? This is extremely common in the elderly, because they're not making collagen and elastin, necessary to repairing skin. If this is the case, make sure they're actually getting enough nutrition--as people get into their 80s and 90s, their appetites often change and diminish, especially if they're struggling with dementia. And think about just wrapping them in bubble wrap. Remove things with sharp edges from their environments. I have seen the WORST skin tears from solid wood or metal furniture with sharp edges. Get rid of throw rugs and other tripping hazards. I had somebody last week who tried to a clear a baby gate and damn near destroyed their artificial hip.
The next critical question: why isn't it healing?
-Are you getting enough nutrients? Both macro and micro?
-Are you elderly?
-Are you ill?
-Do you have a genetic disorder of collagen formation?
Fix why it's not healing and almost anything will heal. If you're diabetic, find a medication regimen that improves your sugars and stick to it. If you're anorexic, get treatment for your eating disorder. If you have congestive heart failure, work with your doctor on your fluid balance. Wear the damn pressure stockings. Prop up your feet.
If, after those two unskippable questions are done, you want to do something to the wound--apply a dressing, do a treatment--that's a whole other kettle of fish. I'll write that later. The dryer just sang me its little song and I need to put away the laundry.
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 3 months
gaming with him
(cw: they play a shooter video game (might contain inaccuracies); age gap 25/41, nsfw, MDNI, smutty smutt with some butt stuff, bit of spanking; evolving their dynamic a little more)
the part before: talking on the phone
Ding dong.
Oh, that must be him. I put the ladle down and hurry to the front door. I open it up and his tall stature is filling the whole doorframe. His broad shoulders, the worn leatherjacket almost brushing the sides.
“Hi.”, he says, smiling at me, his long dark hair falling to the front as he looks down at me.
“Hi.”, I smile up at him and step to the side to let him in.
He almost hits his head when he steps through the door, the top of his hair brushing even as he ducks down. “Ah shit.”, he curses, and I laugh, before I get cut off by his lips on mine. A short, but big kiss.
“Sorry, my apartment isn’t made for giants.”, I say, as I close the door behind him.
He pulls of his shoes, the huge combat boots falling to the floor, before he puts them neatly on the shoe rack.
“I noticed that. Your bed is so tiny, last time I actually hit my head when I woke up.”, he tells me, a jokingly pouty grimace contorting his serious features.
“Awww, you need me to put a kiss on it?.”, I say, teasing him.
But he actually bows down until I see the top of his head. I laugh again, grabbing his face, coming closer to press my lips to his hair with his loud smooch.
“Better now?”, I ask, when he straightens back up.
“Much better.”, he says, shedding the leatherjacket, hanging it up right next to mine.
“Any other body parts you need kissed better?”, I tease him. And I half suspect him to just whip his dick out. I mean, I wouldn’t mind.
“Doncha know it.”, is all he says, while wiggling his eyebrows at me.
I roll my eyes, not being able to stop grinning. "Come on, big guy. I uh- actually cooked for us. I hope, that's okay.", I say.
He shoots me an amused look. "You cooked, how dare you.", he jokes with a serious expression on his face, following me to my kitchenette where the pasta is still bubbling away on the stove.
"No, it's uh veggie bolognese, so we can both eat it. I made it, so it has a bunch of protein, though.", I explain.
His hand strokes over my back until it rests against my waist, as he stops beside me. "I won't crumble into bits, if I don't have all of the macronutrients perfectly balanced for one meal. So, don't worry about that, okay?", he tells me.
I nod. "Okay.", giving the sauce another stir.
"Thanks for cooking for me.", he says.
I beam up at him. "You're welcome."
When the pasta is ready, I fix us two plates, a BIG portion for him and a smaller one for me, and we sit at the little table in my living room, that I barely use to eat at. Most of the days I just have dinner in front of my computer.
Mimi is not leaving him alone, the little minx totally enamored with the huge man, sitting on his lap while he eats. I offer to take her off his hands, but he refuses. The big metalhead with the black kitty that almost doesn’t show up against his dark clothes. Patting the small purring ball of fur, his big, tattooed fingers scratching her head, while he shovels the pasta into his face with the other one. It’s a picture for the gods. I lift my phone and snap a quick pic, his eyebrows shooting up at the same time as I press the shutter to save the moment.
After dinner I show him around my apartment which is done with a twirl around the main room and opening one door. I mean, he already knows the bedroom and the bath, so I don’t need to show them to him.
But I drag him into my “office” which is more like a hobby gaming room. It only has a desk and a bookshelf which isn’t anywhere near as impressive as his. He still inspects the books, his eyes lingering on my collection of classic romance novels and the anniversary edition of Lord of the Rings.
“I forgot the books I picked out at your place by the way.”, I comment.
“Pity.”, he says, shooting an amused look my way. “Seems like you have to drop by again someday.”
“Pity.”, I echo, grinning up at him.
He turns to look at me, sitting in my chair, and his gaze pans to the computer screen.
“So, games, huh?”, he asks, his voice sounding as vague as his question.
I chuckle. “Yeah, games.” I can see interest peek through the grimace on his face. “I have a lot. Too much, I can’t play them all. From Animal Crossing and Mario Kart, Baldur’s Gate and Witcher 3, to WoW, Counterstrike, ... Plus a bunch of strategy and puzzle games.”
“I don’t know what any of those games are, so you can tell me all about them.”, he says, leaning over the back of my chair.
“You never played any or just no shooter games?”, I ask him, recalling what we talked the night before on the phone.
He shrugs. “When I was younger, a friend of mine had a console where we played Super Mario, but yeah, didn’t have one of my own. Or a PC. And then later I didn’t really get into it anymore. You know, other stuff to do.”
“Yes, I see.”, I say, smiling up at him from my chair. “You wanna try?”
“Uh sure, but you gotta show me the controls.”, he answers.
I get up and let him take a seat. I want to scream (internally) when I see the big man in my gaming chair, his stature way too tall for one that is fitted to my size, almost bursting out of the seat. The backrest isn’t high enough to support his head. His thighs press against the armrests. It looks ridiculous, but he grins at me.
“So, Counterstrike? Or Animal Crossing?”, I quip, while I start the first game on my computer.
I put my headset on his head and show him how to move, the most important shortcuts. How to aim and shoot. And the ridiculous nature of our situation right now is everything but lost on me. I let him try the shooting range first, instead of queueing up for a match, I’m not a total monster.
He looks at the screen, inspecting all of the pistols and rifles. Starting to list stuff off as he goes through them, talking more than I ever heard him talk before. I just listen to him rambling like a madman who finally gets to talk about his hyperfixation as he explains the differences of the various types and models, the recoil, the spray. All the stuff I never bothered with when playing those games.
He finally found a few that are to his liking, and he chooses one of them.
Actually playing the game though? He fails miserably. Running into everything, like a bull in a china shop. He’s just aimlessly pressing buttons, his big fingers hitting more than one key on the keyboard all the time. If it was possible, he would have knocked everything over.
His shot? You couldn’t even call that aim. My small computer mouse is too small for his big hand, the sensitivity too high for him. I dial it down a bit, which helps, and I try to coach him through it, telling him which buttons to press, but I can see that frustration sets in.
“Come on, you almost had it there.”, I cheer him on, as he misses another one of the targets.
He grabs me and pulls me into his lap. "You play, I'm better at this stuff in real life." and puts the headset on my head.
"Wait, I’m not sure the chair can support both our weight!", I say.
But he doesn't let go of me, letting his head rest on my shoulder and pulling me closer. "If it breaks, I'll buy you a new one, okay?", he grumbles.
"You mean like the panties you ruined?”, I ask pointedly, hiding a little grin. The panties he ripped while we were fucking and never replaced.
“Uh, maybe.”, he answers, his face contorting into an apologizing grimace.
I laugh a little at that. “I’m just teasing you.”, I say. Pushing the one side of the headphones back to hear him better.
I adjust the height of the seat and come closer to the desk again. His one arm snakes around my waist, while his other hand strokes down my thigh. The fingers softly squeezing the supple flesh. I try not to let it deter me, as I queue up for a new match.
I shoot him a look, but his eyes are fixed on the monitor as his thumb softly strokes over my inner thigh. The only hint that he's totally doing that on purpose, is the little twitch of his mouth.
The match loads up, and I look forward again. Choosing my weapons, waiting for the time to count down.
I wait for the teammates to spread out, following one of them down A. Trying to concentrate on the game while I can feel his hand inching further up, closer to my pussy. Teasing. Grazing over it, with his fingertips.
My breath halts in my throat, and I bite my lip not to make a sound. Not giving into it, not giving him the satisfaction.
I see the enemy duck behind the wall, lining up the rifle, waiting for his head to pop up again. A moment before I take the shot, his fingers stroke over my clit, pressing down on the sensitive nub. A choked back moan drops from my lips, and I lose my focus. I miss the shot entirely, cursing, dropping my cover and getting mowed down by another enemy teammate. He chuckles, pressing soft kisses to the side of the face, moving down to my neck.
"Seems like you got hit.", he murmurs, his hot mouth coasting over the soft skin, which sends shivers down my spine. I squirm against his lap, feeling his hard length press against my ass.
The next round starts up and he nudges me. "Come on, Liebes, it's starting again."
“Yeah, yeah.”, I groan, moving with his touches, while trying to play the game.
"You can do it.", he whispers, his breath hitting the shell of my ear. His huge hand, the one that has been sitting on my waist, slips under my shirt, until he reaches my tits. Pulling down the bra a bit and toying with my nipple. Stroking over it with his thumb, making it stiffen up. Rolling the pebbled tip between his fingertips. Pinching it. His other hand circles my clit, still over the cloth of the leggings, and I feel how my wetness seeps into my panties.
I whine and bite down on my lip, my eyes fixed on the screen, trying to find the enemies. But honestly, right now, I'm just glad, I didn't get the package, because my mind is distracted by his teasing touches.
It gets even worse to focus on the game when his fingers slip into my pants, down to my already soaked underwear. He hums softly as he strokes over the puffy wet lips, his digits sliding further down until they push inside me. Just one at first, then quickly the second.
“I have a confession.”, he whispers, the voice dark and needy, as he works himself inside me slowly, stretching me.
“What confession?”, I ask, sounding breathy.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about sinking my fingers into your warm, wet pussy again.”, he drawls, being knuckle-deep inside me now. “Especially after hearing yourself do it yesterday. Knowing that you were fucking yourself with your fingers… Getting off to my voice...”
“You liked that?”, I breathe, needing to hear it, while in reality I can barely stay sane right now.
“Yes.”, the answer more a growl than the actual word.
I can’t hold back the moans any longer and his soft hums against my neck are killing me, while he presses kisses to it, and the motions of his fingers pressing into me are not helping at all.
"König, please, I-", I start, but I break off when he strokes over the sensitive spot deep inside.
"Hm, what do you mean, Liebes?", he says.
"More, more.", I sigh. My hips move of their own volition, searching for more friction.
He chuckles, the deep cocky sound, so close to my ear sending a shiver down my spine. Fuck, I don't think I can ever get enough of that. "What do you want me to do, Fräulein?", he asks, puffs of air hitting the shell of my ear. "More of what?"
I groan, a little bit, between trying to play the game and his teasing, my body and mind and torn in two. His fingers stop moving inside me, and I whimper. On the one hand I can focus better now, on the other hand I just want him. Need him. To do me.
"Come on, you can tell me.", he drawls, his voice low and soft.
"I-" The words won't come out of my mouth. I can imagine it, I have the pictures right in front of my eyes. But the words... Saying it out loud is another thing.
It even had been easier yesterday on the phone. Or when we texted. A simple “yes, please”, a small comment here and there. Teasing him a little. But fully voicing my thoughts… I don’t know why I am having a hard time with it.
“You can tell me what you want me to do, just say the words and I'll do it.”, he promises, pressing his cheek against mine.
Another round starts up and I'm already getting flamed in chat. But all my brain can think about is all the stuff I want him to do. His other hand is softly caressing my hips and thigh, while his fingers are still inside me. Not moving on their own.
"I don't know.", I finally whisper, running down one of the corridors and getting eliminated. Again. I sigh, slumping into him. His warm scent engulfs me, his huge pecs are my soft pillow.
"I know that you like it when I take control. But I also wanna hear from you. I want to know what you want.", he explains, his voice gentle. "What you like, what you don't like, what you fantasize about." He makes it all seem so... easy. Normal. No big deal. “Yesterday on the phone… I liked how you told me what you wanted.”, he adds.
It was easier, lying in my own bed, engulfed by darkness. His deep sultry voice and my own thoughts the only company. Now in the light of day, sitting here, right in his lap – while still playing a video game or at least trying… It is a completely different scenario. But I know what I want, I just need to tell him.
I swallow, once, and then I just blurt it out: "I want you to bend me over the desk and just eat me out from behind." Breathless and meek, but I said it out loud. See, it wasn’t that hard, right?
It is all I can think about right now. The memories of how he ate me out like that when I was bent over the bar are plaguing me and I just need him to do it again.
The sound coming from his throat, low and gravelly, is sending a pang of need straight between my thighs and my pussy clenches around his fingers. "Good girl.", he whispers. Oh, his voice does something to me.
He doesn’t wait and just gets up, pulling me up with him, until we both stand. Bending me over the desk, just like I said I wanted him to, so my forearms rest on the surface, my hands still on my keyboard and mouse. I can feel his erection pressing against me, as he positions me, his fingers slipping out of my pussy and his hands grabbing the waistband of my pants.
"Like this, hm?", he asks, and pulling them down. The panties must go as well, of course.
"Yes, just like that.", I whisper. Still a little... shy? No, that's not the right word. “Maybe kneeling behind me?”, I suggest, my voice barely audible.
He drops to his knees in an instant, his hands on my asscheeks. His fingertips are digging into them, pulling them apart, and I can feel my own wetness against the skin that still coats his fingers.
“For you, always.”, he drawls, huffs of air hitting the wet skin of my exposed pussy with every word. He just presses his face against me, licking me like a starved man. His tongue dips into me, he’s fucking me with it. Lapping up my juices.
And all I can do is take it while my eyes turn up and I can’t even really see the screen anymore. It seems like I failed miserably at actually playing the game.
He pulls back a bit, his lips brushing over me. “You have another round to play.”, he grumbles. The game is long lost for me and my teammates, and I can’t focus on it anyways, so I just let go of my mouse and keyboard.
“I can’t. I- Fuck.” My words turn into moans, when he licks up, dragging his tongue over my pussy. “I give up.”
He chuckles, the soft sound sending a shiver through me, before he repeats the move from, the tip of his tongue drawing a trail up, until he almost reaches my other hole. My eyes widen and my spine stiffens up. Would he…?
“You like that? When I play with your ass?”, he asks, his voice so close and deep, puffs of air coasting over the sensitive skin when he is speaking.
My breath hitches in my throat, the blunt dirty words making me choke up, but I answer: “I- I like it, yeah.”
“Good, cause I like it too.”, he says.
He pulls back a bit and spits, the filthy noise making my cheeks heat up. I can feel his saliva hit my puckered hole, the wetness dripping down a bit, before he catches it with his hand.
His fingers are softly massaging, the light touches sending zaps of pleasure through me, until he dips into me, the stretch of just one digit making me almost lose my mind.
He dives in again, his finger matching the rhythm of his tongue dipping into my pussy. And then his mouth drops down further until his lips close around my clit, sucking, gentle at first before it gets more intense. The sensations catapult me over the edge, and I come hard against his face. He doesn’t stop eating me out as I rub myself on him, feeling the tip of his nose nudge against my wet folds. Same with the roughness of his 5 o’clock shadow. Fuck, I’m really losing my mind over here.
"Please, fuck me, I need you to fuck me hard.", I sigh, throwing all my reservations out the window.
"Did anybody ever tell you that you beg so prettily?", he growls, I can feel the vibration against the sensitive skin of my pussy. Fuck, I just want him to do that again.
He gets up from the floor and a condom out of his wallet, and I hear him unbuckling his belt, the clang of metal telling me so. By now it has become quite the recurring theme, me trying to break his concentration while he puts on the condom. Shimmying my hips. Rolling my ass back into his lap. Teasing him to make him pound me even harder.
I’m putting my all into it today – a little pay back for how he distracted me while playing. I slowly move back and forth, until the swell of my butt hits his thighs, as he rips the foil packet open and rolls the rubber down on his dick.
He tuts. “Needy.” The word is a reprimanding growl while he spanks my ass. Once. Another little tradition that makes me giggle, relishing the faint sting of the slap. His fingers grip the supple flesh, his hips rutting forward, and I sigh. He lines himself up, slipping inside, just the tip. My breath halts in anticipation, I wait for him to push into me, stretch me around his dick. But he doesn’t.
I look back at him, turning my head, craning my neck. The big man is towering over me, behind me, just standing there. His hand still on my ass. And his gaze on my face.
The tip of his mouth tips up, the smirk getting wider. "Fuck yourself back. Come on.", he says, and he chuckles when he sees the expression on my face. “What? You moved your hips so prettily, just a few moments ago. You can do it.”
I groan, but the imagination alone and his little coaxing order make me even hotter. I push myself onto his dick, until my ass hits his lap. Deep, so deep. Pulling back again and feeling every inch of him slip out of me.
“But I asked for you to fuck me.”, I whine.
“Yeah, and then you had to be bratty.”, he answers. “Trying to tease me.” His voice deepens. “And brats don’t get what they want.”
Well, it seems like I did that to myself. I sigh deeply and start to move again. I can feel the wetness seep out of me when my ass hits his lap over and over again, making a total mess of him.
He doesn’t do anything, he’s just standing there, watching me fuck myself on his dick. I can feel his heated gaze on me as I bounce on him, my motions getting smoother, finding a rhythm that is driving us both crazy. Stretching my pussy around his girth, colliding with him, an immovable wall of muscle. A very turned-on immovable wall of muscle, judging by the soft groans that drop from his lips.
His hand grabs my buttcheek, squeezing a bit, before he spanks me again. That little move spurs me on, pushing myself back harder. But it doesn’t have the same impact as when he does it.
I just want more.
“Yes, Liebes?”
His hand comes down on my ass once more, the palm colliding with the supple pillow, and the sound it makes fills the room. My hips stutter and he almost slips out of me when a shiver shakes my body.
“Please, fuck, I need you to do me.”, I beg, sliding onto his dick again, stopping as he’s seated deep inside me. I look back at him, catching my breath a bit.
“Will you be good then? Next time?”, he asks, pushing some of his hair back that’s falling over his face.
“I will, yes.”, I breathe.
“Good.”, he growls, his hands grabbing me, while he starts to pound into me. He pulls my hips back into him, packing a punch to his thrusts. The slaps of skin against skin are loud and almost obscene, intermingling with the moans that get pulled from my lips when he bottoms me out.
My whole body gets shaken, the surface that I’m still holding onto moving with every push. My headphones get shaken off my head, tumbling onto the desk. The clank of plastic hitting plastic resounds when they fall onto the keyboard. But I don’t care about that right now.
The tip of his dick hitting me deep inside floods me with arousal, my mind filled with hazy pleasure. It doesn't take long, a few hard deep strokes, and my thighs start to shake. I actually have a hard time keeping myself up. My legs buckle, but his arms steady me, as I cum around his dick.
“Fuck, Liebes.”, he groans. “Squeezing me so tight.” The last word drops out when he comes as well, pushing into me one last time, his groin colliding with my ass. I slump down and sigh, my cheek resting on my arm, as I relish the last waves of my subsiding orgasm.
He pulls back, pulls out of me, and I still just stand there, bent over my desk. Naked from the waist down, while he only got his dick out. I breathe in and out, trying to pull myself together, slowly straightening up.
He’s already gotten rid of the condom, zipping himself up again, when I turn around to put my arms around him. He leans down and gives me a kiss, a long overdue one, his hand stroking down my back, while I snuggle into him.
The waistband and lap of his jeans are a tiny bit sticky with my wetness, I can feel it as I’m pressed up against him like that. He doesn’t care in the least bit, sitting down in my chair again and pulling me into his lap. Softly playing with my hair, basking in the little comfortable silence.
“You okay?”, he asks then, pushing some strands back, brushing them out of my face, while his eyes search for mine.
“Yes. I probably got reported by my mates, but that was totally worth it.”, I answer, grinning at him.
He laughs and presses another kiss to my lips. “Yeah, sorry about that.”, he says, with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Oh, you’re not, and you shouldn’t be.”, I tell him, and I can tell by the look on his face that he is in fact not.
"So, what are those animals and why do they keep crossing?", he asks me out of the blue. I burst into laughter, almost falling off his lap. Still laughing a bit, I get the controller and start up my Switch to show him the villagers on my five-star island, while I snuggle against his chest and he wraps his arms around me.
next part: breaking the bed or more stuff in the Masterlist ~
a/n: @kathy-ifnt planted the idea for such a scene in my mind and i just had to do it... i played some CS but not a lot, generally i'm more of an RPG/WoW girlie, but i didn't wanna make you sit through me explaining how to heal a dungeon run, lol also tried to evolve their dynamic a little more explicitely... stay tuned <3 and thanks for reading as always <3
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themedicalstate · 2 years
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The Effects of Alcohol: How Bad Are They?
Notes from The Huberman Lab Podcast episode #86: What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health.
Low Amount of Alcohol?
12–24 drinks per week, on average, or more causes neurodegeneration (a slow and progressive loss of neuronal cells). The “On average” is important. It means that if you have1–2 drinks a day, or 3 each day of the weekend, you’ll have the negative effects either way.
Study: Associations between alcohol consumption and gray and white matter volumes Results: People who drank 1–2 drinks on average per day (considered “low amounts”) experienced a thinning of the neocortex.
Alcohol Metabolism
Alcohol is water soluble and fat-soluble. In other words, it can pass through all the cells and tissues of the body. This is what explains its damaging effects. When you ingest ethanol (alcohol), which is a toxic substance, the body has to convert it. How? NAD converts ethanol into acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is poison to the body, it kills cells.
Then, the body converts acetaldehyde into acetate, which is something that the body can use as fuel. If the body can’t do this conversion fast enough, acetaldehyde will build up in the body and cause a lot more damage. This conversion happens in the liver. This process is metabolically costly. And there’s no real nutritive value in the calories. That’s why alcohol is “empty calories”.
Alcohol Effects
The acetaldehyde is what leads to the effect of being drunk, which is a poison-induced disruption. Regular drinkers, when they drink, feel very energized and feel very good. Occasional drinkers have a briefer period of feeling good.
So, what happens when we drink alcohol?
Some amounts of acetaldehyde and acetate cross the blood-brain barrier, so they pass into the brain. Disruption in top-down inhibition. There’s a suppression in the activity of neurons in the prefrontal cortex (involved in thinking, planning, and suppression of impulsive behavior). Alcohol suppresses the neural networks that are involved in memory formation and storage. There are also long-term neural circuit changes…
The more often people drink, there are changes in the circuits that underlie habitual and impulsive behavior in ways that make those people more impulsive outside the times in which they are drinking. And when they drink, impulsive behavior is even stronger.
This aspect is fortunately reversible.
If there’s a period of abstinence these neural circuits can return to normal, except in cases where the amount of alcohol was massive and was ingested throughout a huge number of years.
Food and Alcoholic Absorption
If you eat something prior to or while drinking alcohol, it will slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, particularly if it includes all major macronutrients (carbs, fats, and protein). If you are already drunk and eat something, it won’t diminish your drunkenness.
Alcohol disrupts the mood circuits, by first making them hyperactive. Then serotonin levels drop (that’s why people feel less good, and go for another drink). But as people drink more and more, there’s a depression of alertness and arousal. That’s why people pass out, get sleepy, etc. Chronic drinkers (and people with a genetic predisposition for alcoholism), as they ingest more and more, they feel great.
Propensity for Alcoholism
Factors that might explain the propensity for alcoholism:
Energy: If you see someone who is energized by alcohol all night drink after drink, that’s someone who is more likely to have problems with alcoholism.
Blackouts: if you are someone who suffers blackouts, then the likelihood of having problems with alcohol increases.
Age: People who start drinking at younger ages, are more predisposed to developing alcohol dependence, regardless of family history.
Alcohol and Stress
Alcohol changes the relationship between the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenals → The HPA axis. People who drink regularly have elevated baseline levels of cortisol (not just when drinking, but always). As a consequence, these people have more anxiety and stress.
Gut-Liver-Brain Axis
People who ingest alcohol are inducing a disruption in the gut microbiome, which is extremely important for overall health. Alcohol kills the healthy gut microbiota. The disruption of the gut microbiome and the inflammatory features of alcohol impairs the neural circuits that control the regulation of alcohol intake, which in consequence causes more drinking. How to replenish the gut microbiota? 2-4 servings of fermented foods per day.
Pro-inflammatory effect: Alcohol also induces a release of inflammatory cytokines. The lining of the gut is disrupted, so you can develop a leaky gut (bad bacteria can pass into the bloodstream).
Sleep after alcohol is not as good, so even if you think you are “sleeping like a baby”, the architecture of sleep is disrupted. The sleep is not high quality.
Tool: get those gut microbiota healthy again, as alcohol killed many of those healthy bacteria.
Headaches: occur due to vasoconstriction. Tool: Deliberate cold exposure: increasing levels of epinephrine helps with alcohol clearance. However, be careful: Alcohols lower core body temperature. If you do cold exposure with alcohol in your system, there’s the possibility of experiencing hypothermia, because alcohol disrupts how your body regulates temperature.
Tool: Ingest Electrolytes
Alcohol is a diuretic. It causes dehydration. Make sure you ingest enough electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and magnesium) to replenish the proper levels, and drink two glasses of water for every alcoholic drink. Types of Alcohol That Induce The Worse Hangover. List, in order:
It’s not true that sugary drinks induce a deeper hangover.
Alcohol Tolerance
Tolerance refers to the reduced effects of alcohol with repeated exposure. When you start drinking, there’s an increase in dopaminergic and serotonergic transmission. After that, there is a long and slow reduction in dopamine and serotonin. As you have more tolerance, you get less of the “good” stuff and more of the bad stuff. If you abstain from drinking, these systems can reset.
Resveratrol can be very good for your health and increase longevity. Wine has resveratrol. However, the amount of red wine that you’d need to drink to get the resveratrol needed is too high, so it is detrimental.
Alcohol and Cancer
Alcohol changes gene expression, which therefore causes cancer, particularly breast cancer. Alcohol accelerates the proliferation of the wrong types of cells. Breast cancer in women: there’s a 4–13% increase in the risk of breast cancer for every 10grams of alcohol consumed. 1 glass of wine is around 10grams.
Mitigating cancer risk: Folate and vitamin B12: decrease the risk of cancer, but it does not offset it.
Alcohol and Pregnancy
You should never drink alcohol when pregnant. That’s it. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure during the mother’s pregnancy. Consequences include: Diminished brain, organ, and limb development.
Alcohol and Hormones
Alcohol increases the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
Source: Medium (by Juan Pablo Aranovich). Image: Krisanapong Detraphiphat/Getty.
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fitscientist · 6 months
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Understanding FDA Guidance on Protein Claims: Demystifying "Excellent Source" and "Good Source"
Welcome to fitscientist! I'm a food scientist irl and I see a lot of misconceptions about packaging claims out there - I'm trying to be more active on my tumblr (instead of just reblogging/queuing pretty pictures - which obviously I will continue to do!!) and I'd like to share my expertise with you all so we're all more knowledgeable about food labeling, packaging, and more - especially as we are all on our fitness journies together :) The more you know!
Today, let's dive into the fascinating world of FDA guidance for protein claims. Yeah yeah, we all know protein is good for you, but when you look at a food label, do you really know what you're getting?
We often come across terms like "excellent source of protein" and "good source of protein" on food labels, but what do these claims really mean? Let's break it down:
1. Excellent Source of Protein: - According to the FDA, a food product can be labeled as an "excellent source of protein" if it provides 20% or more of the Daily Value (DV) for protein per serving. This means that consuming a serving of such a product can significantly contribute to meeting your protein needs for the day.
2. Good Source of Protein: - A food product can be labeled as a "good source of protein" if it provides 10-19% of the DV for protein per serving. While not as high as an excellent source, choosing foods labeled as good sources of protein can still contribute to your daily protein requirements.
It's important to note that these claims are based on the protein content per serving of the food product. Different products may have varying serving sizes, so it's crucial to check the serving size stated on the nutrition facts panel to accurately gauge the protein content you'll be consuming.
3. Daily Value (DV): - The DV is a standard reference set by the FDA, representing the recommended daily intake of a nutrient, including protein, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. For protein, the DV is set at 50 grams per day, which can vary depending on individual needs.
4. Consider Your Individual Needs: - It's important to remember that individual protein needs may differ based on factors like age, sex, activity level, and overall health. While these claims can help guide your choices, it's essential to assess your personal protein requirements in consultation with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian.
5. Protein Quality Matters: - While the FDA guidance focuses on the quantity of protein, it's equally important to consider the quality of the protein you consume. Complete proteins are those that contain all essential amino acids required for muscle repair and growth. Look for sources like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and plant-based complete proteins like quinoa and soy.
Remember, protein is a vital macronutrient necessary for several bodily functions, including muscle repair, satiety, and hormone regulation. By understanding the FDA's guidance, you can make informed choices to meet your daily protein needs. Remember to check the serving size and consider incorporating a variety of protein-rich foods into your diet for optimal health benefits. Stay nourished! <3
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice nor guidance for front-of-pack labeling claims. Please consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized dietary recommendations, and consult with a regulatory professional for guidance on product content or other claims for your own products.
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verashalurks · 1 year
I know this is like dying but I’ve waited so long to post this cuz I wanted to get as much as I can but since I haven’t seen another alternate m*leven ship name in forever, I’ve decided to post all the alternate m*leven ship names I’ve seen.
miley cyrus
Keke waka 
Misaligned Fallopian Tubes
machine gun
Macadamia nut
Minecraft mobs
moon landing conspiracy
melted marshmallows
maroon 5
Of Mice and Men
Marty McFly
Milk of Magnesia 
M-1 Rifles
Malnourished Skin
Mona Lisa
Mushroom Raviolis
Monoclonal Antibodies
Mamma mia
mozzarella sticks
machine gun kelly
zoo wee mamas
magdalena bay
minimum wages
malt vinegars
mocha monsters
Marley and Me
three musketeers
Miranda Sings
mobility exercises
Malnourished Foreskin
minnie mouse
monkey ooh ooh ah ah
Meryl Streep
Maple Syrup
mickey mouse clubhouse
Macaulay Culkin
Molotov Cocktail
meatball choppers
milky cereal cup
monkey see monkey do’s
meth lab
mac and cheese
Marvin martians
milk and cookies
Tickle Me Elmos
mad mothers
mixed signals
mighty morphin power rangers
Mosquito bites
Mug cakes
Moldy milks
malted milk
Mcdonald's happy meals
moose mooses
macaroni n cheese
maternity leave
moustache mountain
mocha cake a la goldilocks
moo moo
master of puppets
Monster of Men
Melted Cream Cheese
mosh pits
Megatron Titty
Machine Gunner
metric system
milk cartons
Milan champions league
malfunctioning minotaurs
moaning myrtle
meep city
mount vesuvius
mango salsa 
Mitochondrial Disease
Machine Gunner
Moldy Mozzarellas
malt powder
machine gun kelly
Manila papers
Merlin’s Beard
mein kampf
mediocre meat loaf
Mambo Jambos
my little pony
Menstrual cup
misanthropic villains
Moldy bread
Melon rinds
Moldy macaroni
Magical miscarriages
Mauled maggots
Machine gunners
Momento Morí
Misused toilet
meeting micky mouse
melatonin deficiency
McLovin It
Married Salamanders
mister mustard
Mario Kart
Mouse rat
marshal mathers
Mick Jagger
Mud Stain
Manatee Turd
Mario run
Mint-chip icecream
mineral water
Mario Kart Wii
mild salsa
muffin mans
Midlife crisis
Mac & cheese
Middle aged vans
Super Mario 64
Malcom in the middle
Magic Mike
Microbial virus
Materasso Eminflex
microsoft software protection platform
Micheal Jackson
Magnetic dipole
Marble Countertop
Michelin star
Masachussets Institute of Technology
Mango Juice
Mary had a little lamb
Mark of Athenas
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healthy444 · 1 month
What is the right diet for losing fat?
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The right diet for losing fat varies from person to person based on individual factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, and any underlying health conditions. However, there are some general principles that can help:
Caloric Deficit: The most important factor in losing fat is to consume fewer calories than you expend. This creates a caloric deficit, prompting your body to burn stored fat for energy. You can achieve this by reducing your calorie intake, increasing your physical activity, or a combination of both.
Balanced Macronutrients: Your diet should include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Protein Intake: Protein is crucial for preserving muscle mass while losing fat and can help you feel full and satisfied. Aim to include a source of protein in each meal, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, tofu, or tempeh.
Healthy Fats: Include sources of healthy fats in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish like salmon. These fats can help keep you full and support overall health.
Complex Carbohydrates: Choose complex carbohydrates over simple ones. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat products provide fiber, which can aid in digestion and help you feel fuller for longer periods.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates, measure your servings, and pay attention to hunger and fullness cues.
Limit Processed Foods and Added Sugars: Minimize your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages as they tend to be high in calories and low in nutrients. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary calorie consumption.
Meal Timing: Some people find success with intermittent fasting or eating within a specific window of time each day. Experiment with different meal timing strategies to see what works best for you.
Consistency and Patience: Losing fat takes time and consistency. Focus on making sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle rather than seeking quick fixes.
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and mindfully, savoring each bite, and stop eating when you feel satisfied, rather than full.
Include Fiber-Rich Foods: Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help regulate digestion, keep you feeling full, and support overall health.
Limit Liquid Calories: Be cautious of high-calorie beverages such as sugary sodas, fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages, as they can contribute to weight gain without providing satiety. Opt for water, herbal tea, or other low-calorie options instead.
Be Flexible: Allow for flexibility in your diet to accommodate social occasions or cravings. It's okay to enjoy treats in moderation, as long as they fit within your overall calorie and macronutrient goals.
Track Your Progress: Keep track of your food intake and progress toward your goals using a food diary, mobile app, or other tracking tools. This can help you stay accountable and make adjustments as needed.
Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Inadequate sleep can disrupt hunger hormones and metabolism, making it harder to lose fat.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can lead to overeating and weight gain. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or spending time outdoors to support your fat loss efforts.
Include Strength Training: Incorporate strength training exercises into your fitness routine to build and maintain muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, so increasing your muscle mass can help boost your metabolism.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to fat loss. Stick to your healthy eating plan and exercise routine even on days when you don't feel motivated. Small, sustainable changes over time can lead to significant results.
Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or online communities who can encourage and motivate you on your fat loss journey
Having a support system can make it easier to stay on track and overcome challenges.
By incorporating these additional points into your fat-loss diet, you can optimize your efforts and increase your chances of success. Remember that what works best for one person may not work for another, so it's essential to find an approach that fits your individual preferences, lifestyle, and goals.
Before making any significant changes to your diet, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or dietary restrictions. They can provide personalized guidance tailored to your individual needs and goals.
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elikaina · 10 months
Hiori and his relationship with food
TW// calorie counting, ED, restrictive eating
I feel like Hiori has a very complicated relationship with food bc of the strict diet his parents enforced on him from a young age to become the best striker. He probably never had any sweets growing up, either. If he has, it's probably something like keto protein pancakes. (In Hiori's profile, it said that he dislikes cotton candy bc it's mainly sugar)
Like, he would try his best to avoid anything that would require eating out with others cause it would potentially off-balance the macronutrients, and he might not know the calories of it. But if he can't escape/avoid eating out, he would either sit there w/o ordering, just to spend time with his friends, saying his not hungry or get a salad (or something healthyish that he can estimate calories) which earns him weird looks if they are at a fast food joint.
On his profile, it also says that he buys yakult, which is a probiotic mik drink from the convenience store. His parents are so strict that he's overly health conscious. His food anxiety is another thing he's escaping from at Blue Lock.
I feel like when he wants to eat something his parents say is bad, he won't eat it by himself. He will share it or take a bite or two and give it away to someone. Hiori would also have a hard time trying new places. This is especially prevalent when he is dating.
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iamanathemadevice · 8 months
Losing weight
I just blocked a post that turned up in my timeline yelling about how losing weight was pointless and unnecessary and too difficult and harmful. It claimed you can be fat and healthy, that diets are dangerous and counter productive, all the usual fat-positive stuff.
The thing is, for some people, it's true. You can be fat and healthy. If you're young, active, genetically blessed, and lucky, you can indeed be very fat and still have all the right numbers. It's certainly true that fat !=ugly or unattractive or sexually inactive or anything else to do with appearance and desirability.
And if you're an old person, having a little extra padding is actually a good thing.
But if you're like me, a short person (158cm) who weighed over 110kg a couple of years ago, and who's been heavy almost all my adult life with the weight carried mainly on my gut, it's more likely that this level of overweight is doing you harm. You get into middle age, and your blood pressure starts to worry your GP. As does your blood cholesterol. Your knees start to hurt a lot, and you might even have already developed osteoarthritis.
And one day, after having metabolic syndrome for a long time (essentially, pre-diabetes) your yearly blood test tells your GP you are this close to full-blown diabetes, and she sends you to a diabetes educator who gives you a very serious talk about losing weight, cutting carbs, and other modifications to your life. Even if you are active.
After having watched a close friend die of diabetes just months before.
Let me tell you, uncontrolled diabetes II is a nasty, undignified way to die.
All the fat positivity in the world won't change this fact. Now, you have to choose. Life, or death with years and years of poor health before it.
You have to choose whether you do nothing about the adipose tissue in your abdomen which is making your pancreas dysfunctional, and hope that medications will somehow save you from all of the complications of diabetes; or you do whatever you can to either prevent tipping over into the full disease or winning yourself a remission.
You then have to cut carbs and cut calories, educate yourself properly about macronutrients, exercise more, and keep doing this until your blood sugar normalises, and then you have to keep doing this.
Once you get down to an actual healthy weight, you have to keep it off and it. is. hard. Your body is fighting you with higher levels of ghrelin to keep you hungry. Society is bombarding you nonstop with advertising all those yummy things that you can only eat in tiny amounts, if at all (and if you're like me, it's almost impossible to stop once you start with some of the nicest things). Your friends and family won't make it easy either, in all kinds of ways.
Your body, brain, society, social media, and your intimate circle are all arrayed against you in your battle to lose the dangerous weight and keep it off.
The only things on your side are your determination, and your doctor (hopefully). And it doesn't take much to disable these two supports in your battle.
Still. It's possible to win. It's definitely possible to try, fail, try again, and keep trying.
It's also possible to look at social media posts telling you that overweight is healthy blah blah, and ask yourself if you feel healthy in your body? Does your weight stop you living the life you want to life? Is your doctor happy? Have you had the blood tests, and are they all good? Then great! Go on with your chubby self and have the best life!
But if those things aren't true, or you're an older person, or you don't know what damage overweight could be doing to you, then please - don't take your advice from some shrieking Tumblr post. Do some cold, hard research of your own. Ask for help in understanding it if it's confusing or contradictory, because there is a mountain of misinformation out there.
I'm not here to tell you that being fat is bad or that you are bad for being fat. I'm here to tell you that serious overweight is linked to a lot of serious diseases, and if you're not lucky, young, and fit, it's worth finding out the real risks.
Then do what you've gotta do. Because you're worth it.
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weightloss15days · 1 month
The Science Behind Weight Loss: Understanding Calories and Metabolism
Weight loss is a complex process influenced by various factors, but at its core, it boils down to the balance between calories consumed and calories expended. In this post, we'll delve into the science behind weight loss, focusing on the role of calories and metabolism in shaping our body composition.
The Basics of Energy Balance At its simplest level, weight loss occurs when you consume fewer calories than you burn. This creates a calorie deficit, prompting your body to tap into its fat stores for energy. Conversely, weight gain occurs when you consume more calories than you burn, leading to a calorie surplus, which is stored as fat.
You can try the 15-Day Cleanse - Gut and Colon Support
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Understanding Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic physiological functions at rest. Factors such as age, gender, weight, height, and body composition influence your BMR. While you can't change your age or gender, you can increase your BMR by building lean muscle mass through strength training and staying active.
The Role of Physical Activity in Weight Loss In addition to your BMR, physical activity plays a crucial role in determining your overall calorie expenditure. Activities such as walking, running, cycling, and strength training not only burn calories during exercise but also elevate your metabolism, leading to continued calorie burning even at rest.
Balancing Macronutrients for Optimal Weight Loss While calories are king when it comes to weight loss, the quality of those calories also matters. Balancing macronutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, and fats – in your diet can help you feel satisfied, maintain muscle mass, and support overall health. Aim for a diet rich in whole foods, including lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
The Importance of Consistency and Sustainability Consistency is key when it comes to weight loss. Rather than focusing on drastic short-term measures, aim for sustainable lifestyle changes that you can maintain over the long term. This might include meal planning, regular exercise, mindful eating practices, and finding healthier alternatives to your favorite foods.
Achieving weight loss requires a combination of understanding calories and metabolism, adopting a balanced diet, staying active, and maintaining consistency in your efforts. By creating a calorie deficit through diet and exercise and prioritizing nutrient-dense foods, you can achieve your weight loss goals while supporting overall health and well-being.
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oziva · 7 months
Creating a Comprehensive PCOS Diet Plan for Optimal Health
Introduction to a PCOS diet plan
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects many women of reproductive age. One of the most effective ways to manage PCOS and its symptoms is through a well-balanced PCOS diet plan. A PCOS diet plan can help regulate hormones, improve insulin sensitivity, and support overall health. In this article, we will delve into the essential components of a PCOS diet plan, highlighting the importance of balanced nutrition and lifestyle modifications.
Understanding PCOS
PCOS is characterized by a range of symptoms, including irregular periods, excessive hair growth (hirsutism), acne, and ovarian cysts. It is also often associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and infertility. While PCOS is a complex condition with no cure, its symptoms can be managed effectively through dietary and lifestyle changes.
Key Components of a PCOS Diet Plan
Balanced Macronutrients:
A PCOS diet plan should include a balanced distribution of macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Aim for a well-rounded intake that includes whole grains, lean protein sources (such as tofu), and monounsaturated fats (found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts).
Complex Carbohydrates:
Choose complex carbohydrates for your PCOS diet plan like whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats) over simple sugars and refined grains. These complex carbs are digested more slowly, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance, a common issue in PCOS.
Fiber-Rich Foods:
Incorporate plenty of high-fiber foods into your PCOS diet plan, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Fiber helps regulate blood sugar and improve digestion, which can be especially beneficial for those with PCOS.
Adequate Protein:
Protein is crucial for muscle maintenance and hormone regulation. Include lean protein sources like beans in your meals to help maintain steady blood sugar levels, as part of your PCOS diet plan. 
Healthy Fats:
Opt for healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil in your PCOS diet plan. These fats can help reduce inflammation and support hormone balance in the body.
Watch Your Portions in the PCOS diet plan:
Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating and promote weight management. A registered dietitian can help you determine appropriate portion sizes for your specific needs. A PCOS diet plan needs it! 
Take Low-Glycemic Index (GI) Foods in your PCOS diet plan:
Foods with a low GI are digested more slowly, leading to more stable blood sugar levels. Examples of low-GI foods include whole grains, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, and most fruits. These will form a part of your PCOS diet plan. 
Limit Sugary Foods and Beverages:
Reduce or eliminate sugary snacks, desserts, and sweetened beverages from your PCOS diet plan. High sugar intake can exacerbate insulin resistance and lead to weight gain.
Manage Carbohydrate Intake in your PCOS diet plan:
Some individuals with PCOS may benefit from a moderate reduction in carbohydrate intake. A low-carb or ketogenic diet can be effective for weight loss and blood sugar control but should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Adequate Hydration:
Staying well-hydrated is important for overall health and can help with weight management in your PCOS diet plan. Choose water as your primary beverage and limit sugary drinks and excessive caffeine.
Lifestyle Modifications
In addition to a PCOS diet plan, lifestyle modifications can significantly impact the management of PCOS symptoms:
Regular Exercise:
Engage in regular physical activity to improve insulin sensitivity, manage weight, and reduce stress. Aim for a mix of cardiovascular exercises and strength training along with your PCOS diet plan. 
Stress Reduction:
High-stress levels can exacerbate PCOS symptoms. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies that bring you joy.
Adequate Sleep:
Prioritize quality sleep as it plays a crucial role in hormone regulation and overall well-being, specially with a PCOS diet plan. 
Weight Management:
If overweight or obese, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can have a positive impact on PCOS symptoms. Even a modest weight loss of 5-10% of your body weight can lead to improvements.
Medication and Supplements:
Some individuals with PCOS may require medications like birth control pills, anti-androgens, or insulin-sensitizing medications. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine if these options are appropriate for you. Additionally, certain supplements, such as inositol and chromium, may support insulin sensitivity.
A well-structured PCOS diet plan, combined with lifestyle modifications, can be a powerful tool in managing the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It's essential to work closely with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian who can tailor a PCOS diet plan to your specific needs and monitor your progress. By focusing on balanced nutrition, regular exercise, stress reduction, and maintaining a healthy weight, you can take significant steps toward improving your overall health and well-being while managing the challenges posed by PCOS. Remember that managing PCOS is a journey, and with dedication and the right support, you can achieve positive outcomes and lead a healthier life.
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rolax321 · 9 months
"Unlocking the Secrets of Metabolism for Weight Loss"
Metabolism is often considered the hidden force that influences weight management and overall health. Understanding how metabolism works and learning to leverage its power can be a game-changer in your weight loss journey. In this article, we will delve into the secrets of metabolism, exploring how it affects weight loss, and uncovering practical strategies to boost your metabolic rate for more effective and sustainable results.
Metabolism 101: What is it?
Metabolism refers to the complex biochemical processes in our bodies that convert food into energy to sustain life. It includes two essential components: anabolism, which involves building and repairing tissues, and catabolism, which involves breaking down substances to release energy. Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) represents the number of calories your body needs to maintain essential functions at rest. Understanding these components is crucial in unlocking the secrets of metabolism for weight loss.
Factors Influencing Metabolism:
Metabolism is influenced by various factors, some of which are beyond our control, such as age, gender, and genetics. However, lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, and sleep, play a significant role in shaping our metabolic rate. Discover how these lifestyle choices impact your metabolism and learn how to optimize them for weight loss success.
Nutrition and Metabolism:
The food we consume has a direct impact on our metabolism. Certain foods can temporarily boost metabolism, while others may slow it down. Explore the concept of the "thermic effect of food" and learn about metabolism-boosting foods that can aid in weight loss. Additionally, understand the significance of macronutrients and meal timing in supporting a healthy metabolism.
Exercise and Metabolic Rate:
Physical activity is a powerful catalyst for improving metabolism. Regular exercise, especially strength training, helps build lean muscle mass, which elevates your metabolic rate even at rest. Incorporate different types of exercise into your routine, such as cardio, strength training, and high-intensity workouts, to maximize calorie burn and enhance fat loss.
Sleep and Restorative Metabolism: Quality sleep is often underestimated in its role in weight loss. Sleep deprivation can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to increased appetite and decreased metabolic efficiency. Explore the importance of restorative sleep and develop healthy sleep habits to optimize your metabolism and overall well-being.
Hydration and Metabolism:
Staying hydrated is vital for maintaining an efficient metabolism. Dehydration can negatively impact metabolic functions, leading to decreased energy expenditure. Discover the link between hydration and metabolism, and learn practical tips to ensure you're adequately hydrated throughout the day.
Stress and Its Effect on Metabolism:
Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your metabolism, leading to weight gain and metabolic imbalances. Learn about the stress-metabolism connection and explore stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises, to support weight loss efforts.
Understanding the secrets of metabolism empowers you to make informed decisions on your weight loss journey. By optimizing your nutrition, embracing regular exercise, prioritizing restful sleep, and managing stress, you can boost your metabolic rate and create a more conducive environment for weight loss. Embrace these strategies and transform your metabolism into a powerful ally in your quest for a healthier and happier life.
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health-factory · 10 months
 How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Weight?
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Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but understanding the role of calorie intake is crucial.
 In this article, we will explore the topic of calorie consumption for weight loss and provide valuable insights for both men and women who are looking to shed those extra pounds. 
By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how many calories you should eat to reach your weight loss goals.
I. Understanding the Basics of Weight Loss
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The relationship between calorie intake and weight loss
The concept of a calorie deficit and its importance
II. Determining Your Calorie Needs
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The role of basal metabolic rate (BMR) in weight loss
Factors influencing your daily calorie expenditure
Calculating your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)
III. The Science of Safe and Sustainable Weight Loss
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Setting realistic weight loss goals
The recommended rate of weight loss for optimal health. 
The importance of gradual changes in calorie intake
IV. Tailoring Calorie Intake for Weight Loss
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Different approaches to calorie restriction (e.g., fixed calorie intake, percentage-based reduction)
Adjusting calorie intake based on individual factors (e.g., activity level, age, gender)
V. Quality of Calories Matters
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Emphasizing nutrient-dense foods for satiety and overall health
Balancing macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) for effective weight loss
The role of fiber in controlling hunger and aiding weight loss
VI. Monitoring and Adjusting Calorie Intake
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Tracking calorie consumption using food diaries or mobile apps
Recognizing plateaus and making necessary adjustments
Seeking professional guidance when needed
VII. The Psychological Aspect of Calorie Intake
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Developing a healthy relationship with food and mindful eating
Overcoming emotional eating and cravings. 
Celebrating non-scale victories and focusing on overall well-being
Finding the right balance of calorie intake for weight loss is a key component of a successful weight loss journey.
 By understanding your individual needs, making mindful food choices, and seeking sustainable progress, you can achieve your weight loss goals while prioritizing your health and well-being.
Remember, consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian is always recommended before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine.
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kristy-kuar · 11 months
What is the best diet for healthy living?nutritious Your Body for Optimal Well-being
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In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a sound life style has become more probative than ever. A crucial aspect of achieving overall well-being is adopting a balanced and nutritious diet. patc countless diets claim to be the ultimate solution, it's requirement to understand that thither is no one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, the key lies in finding a sustainable eating plan that suits your mortal needs. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamental principles of a healthy diet, focusing on whole foods, balanced nutrition, and mindful eating.
1. underline Whole Foods:
The foundation of a healthy undefined is built upon whole foods—nutrient-dense, unprocessed, and minimally refined ingredients. These admit fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, legumes, nuts, and seeds. unit foods provide a wide array of necessity vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, promoting optimal wellness and reduction the risk of chronic diseases.
2. strain for Balance:
Achieving balance in your diet means incorporating a variety of macronutrients and micronutrients. Your body requires carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats in appropriate proportions to function optimally. Carbohydrates provide energy, piece proteins support weave repair and growth. Healthy fats, so much as those establish in avocados, olive oil, and nuts, help with nutrient absorption and supply essential fatty acids. Additionally, ensuring a sufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals is vital for maintaining overall health.
3. Mindful Eating:
In our fast-paced lives, it's soft to fall into the habit of mindless eating. Mindful feeding involves paying attention to the sensory experiences of eating, such as the taste, texture, and aroma of food. By eating mindfully, we tin better recognize our body's hunger and satiety cues, preventing overeating and promoting better digestion. Slow down, savor apiece bite, and listen to your body's signals to nourish it adequately.
4. Hydration Matters:
A healthy diet is incomplete without specific hydration. Water is essential for various bodily functions, including digestion, nutrient absorption, temperature regulation, and toxin elimination. place to drink at to the lowest degree eight spectacles of water per day, and adjust your intake supported on your activity level and state of affairs conditions. Remember, thirst tin much be FALSE for hunger, so staying hydrated whitethorn help curb unnecessary snacking.
5. Customization is Key:
Every someone is unique, with different nutritional requirements, health conditions, and personal preferences. Consulting with a documented nutritionist or dietitian put up serve you design a personalized eating plan that caters to your particular needs. They put up provide guidance on assign sizes, food combinations, and any undefined restrictions you may have, ensuring you're on the correct track towards optimal health.
6. Moderation, Not Deprivation:
Adopting a sound diet doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite indulgences altogether. It's all about temperance and finding a sustainable balance. Allow yourself occasional treats or "cheat meals" spell ensuring that the legal age of your meals are nutrient-dense. Enjoying your favourite foods in moderation put up help you maintain a positive relationship with solid food and keep feelings of deprivation, making your healthy feeding design more sustainable in the long run.
When it comes to a sound diet, there is no thaumaturgy bullet. Instead, focus on nourishing your personify with a balanced and sustainable approach. underline whole foods, strain for balance, practice mindful eating, stay hydrated, and try professional steering if needed. Remember, healthy eating is a lifelong journey, and small, homogenous changes can lead to significant long-term benefits for your overall well-being. So, start today and make sound choices that will empower you to live your
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vikkain · 1 year
Final Update!
Hi everyone! I am back with an update on my current eating habits. Shown below is the updated food tracker that I consistently filled out for the second half of the project.
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My experience in this half was a lot easier than the first, considering that I simply had to determine the correct macronutrient proportions for me and log whether or not I achieved that for the meal. However, it was expectedly more difficult to actually eat balanced meals because of the different factors I was surrounded by, hence, the factors column. Because of this, I learned how to be more aware of why I couldn’t eat a balanced meal for the day and work around these factors with what I could. When I couldn’t work around these factors, I learned to accept that there are some things I cannot control and focused on more balanced eating the next meal.
The theory that allowed me to define my past and current eating behaviors is Classical Conditioning by Pavlov. The unconditioned stimulus would be feelings of hunger and the unconditioned response is finding something to eat. In the past, my conditioned response when hungry or during mealtime would be not eating a full meal with balanced macronutrients and even picking out the nutritious things from my meal. Another aspect would be buying junk food to snack on later in the day. With this project, my new conditioned response would be filling myself up with nutritious food and imagining a plate filled with healthy divisions of macronutrients.
The process did not only teach me to eat better. It taught me how to identify my responses, unconscious or not, toward different unconditioned stimuli. I realized that we tend to create behaviors that are actually harmful to our well-being in the long run, hence why observing them from outside ourselves is important as we are able to actually work on bettering our circumstances.
What I would like to recommend for those who wish to pursue a behavior modification project of the same nature is to find out the amount of macronutrients your body needs. It is dependent primarily on your age, body weight, and height. It is important to establish these because it would help in setting the target percentages for your goal. Once you have this mental picture of what should be a balanced meal for you, it would be much easier to condition yourself to create a plate.
With this, was I able to achieve my goal?
✓ Eat 3 balanced meals a day and consume more nutritious yet cost-effective food by the end of February, and continue to do so after the end of this project (April), to maximize the advantages of a healthy diet.
I believe that I have achieved this to some extent. I started eating more nutritious and cost-effective food, however, not so much as eating 3 balanced meals. However, I went into this project knowing that 3 months is not enough time to fix up years of imbalanced eating habits. This project helped me to be more mindful of the factors that affected it, which I believe will help me improve in the longer run.
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damianritmeester · 1 year
keto dessert
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Here’s What’s Inside The Best-Selling Keto Desserts Cookbook For Men & Women Over The Age of 50…
Step-by-step instructions for creating every single delicious recipe
Macronutrient profiles – protein, fats, carbs – for every serving of each recipe
Complete list of every ingredient to make each recipe along with a picture of the finished dessert
They contain nutrient-rich ingredients that can…
Strengthen Your Immune System
Boost Your Metabolism
Provide Youthful All-Day Energy
Improve Mental Clarity & Focus
Satisfy Sweet Tooth & Sugar Cravings
Now you can finally enjoy your desserts, knowing that each dessert is nutrient-rich and great for your health!
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