#m: nct u
kjdkive · 2 days
hiii if you have the time pls do more haechan bf texts i love your posts so much is insane lolol hope you’re having a great day !!!
boyfriend! haechan texts
warnings: very suggestive i think, nicotine/vaping mentioned because i truly believe haechan vapes too and i just lost mine so i AM going feral
a's/n: thank u for requesting more texts and i'm so sorry for taking so long anon! :( been going through some stuff but i hope you're having a great day too! and for everyone else reading, requests are always open!
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nnon0 · 1 day
JJH fic recs
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been getting a little hard trying to find long fics to read these days but here are some that i complied in the last month or so :)
(🫀) -personal faves
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all these years @domjaehyun
WC: 34.1k
fluff, smut, angst; childhood friends-to-lovers!au, college!au, neighbors!au
Just friends @lonelyharmonies
WC: 22k
Strangers-to-friends- to-lovers!au , college au
what happens when you wake up in someone else’s bed after getting drunk in a party?
(🫀) Only @ppangjae
WC: 21.6k
almost!lovers au
You like to believe crossing paths with Jaehyun after graduation is just pure coincidence. He always comes and goes. But what if he decides to stay? To stick around? To give what was an ‘almost’ a chance?
Romeo roulette @wincore
soulmate au, office au, fake dating
if finding your soulmate is the same as a damn game of Russian roulette, you are determined to not pull the trigger at all. except, you know who your soulmate is and he doesn’t—and given a choice to pretend, you find that jaehyun is the lesser of the two burdens to bear.
he fell first and he fell harder @taurusdaylight
WC: 18.7k
Basketball captain!jaehyun, childhood-friends-to-lovers
jeong jaehyun really loves basketball. but also, he’s terribly in love with his childhood best friend of seventeen years, you.
(🫀) all i wanted @yutaholic
WC: 17k
heartbreakers, smut
A year has passed since you last saw your best friend, Jaehyun, but the man who returns is not the boy you once knew and loved. Jaehyun will barely speak to you and you don’t know why, but you both may be exactly what the other needs to mend your broken hearts.
(🫀)The Apple of My Eye @sehunniepotwrites
WC: 17k
school! au , teacher!au , Kindergarten teacher!jaehyun
As a young and handsome kindergarten teacher of two years, Jeong Jaehyun was used to receiving presents during Teacher’s Appreciation Week. This, however, was the first year Jaehyun wanted to give a present of appreciation to someone else—his new and ever-so-lovable teacher’s assistant.
(🫀)song for a little sparrow @ppangjae
poet!jaehyun x painter!reader , strangers-to-lovers
As a burnt out painter, you packed one suitcase and flew a one-way trip to Paris in hopes of finding your passion again. In the city of love, the last thing you expected was to bump into a man who doesn’t believe in love. But you do, and you find yourself showing him the wonders of love and falling in love. Just don’t fall in love with him.
I like me better (when i’m with you) @tyonfs
friends to enemies to lovers, sports au , smut
there was no one else on the planet that made your blood boil like jeong jaehyun did. you never thought your feelings toward him were anything past pure hatred, but when you were lost in the feeling of his lips on yours and his hands on your body, you couldn’t help but think that maybe a part of you didn’t completely hate his guts. 
Someone to Bring Home @rouiyan
WC: 10.2k
Med student!jaehyun, College au, Brothers best friend , home for thanksgiving
synopsis — “if you’ve been waiting for fallin’ in love, babe, you don’t have to wait on me.” (sanctuary - joji)
Boyfriend material @mochidoie
WC: 6.2k
fake dating au, strangers-to-lovers , slight angst
Although you and Jaehyun had never spoken a word to each other before this class project, he asks you to be in a fake relationship in order to prove to his longtime crush that he is boyfriend material.
Back up Valentine @tyonfs
WC: 2.9k
you don’t have any unrealistic expectations for valentine’s day considering your love life has never flourished, but the least your best friend could’ve done was not summon an intergalactic army of an alien species during your first blind date ever.
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S.C.S; ayakashi @starlightkun
heavily based off yet another otome game, ayakashi: romance reborn ; bc of this, all the lore used in here is inspired by/based on/taken from the lore of the game, not the actual lore of traditional ayakashi/yokai stories
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sunshyni · 3 days
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✎ n.a: finalmente respondendo esse pedido aqui que eu 'tava louca para escrever desde que recebi!!!
✎ avisos: menções ao Jaehyun, tá um teco sugestivo e provavelmente com alguns erros, mas relevem isso, depois eu arrumo KKKKKK
✎ w.c: 1.2k
Boa leitura, docinhos!!! ☂️
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Você enviou uma última mensagem para Jaehyun respondendo sua pergunta sobre onde estava o brinquedo favorito do filho de vocês de 3 anos e ergueu a cabeça para encontrar Johnny te avaliando. De repente você se sentiu nervosa e ansiosa com aquela observação toda, mesmo que ele estivesse ocupando o cargo do seu melhor amigo há 2 anos.
Você não pode deixar de reparar que o restaurante que o Suh escolherá se parecia e muito com a sugestão de lugar para primeiro encontro que você o presenteara, um lugar a primeira vista chique mas que servia hambúrgueres do tamanho da cabeça de um recém nascido, ele estava vestido da forma casual de sempre, a calça jeans de lavagem clara e o suéter verde eram o bastante para torná-lo deslumbrante, mas você se vira passando uma camada além da conta de rímel e gloss labial diante do espelho.
— Como tá o meu bebê? — Johnny questionou depois de vocês dizerem seus pedidos para o garçom, obviamente ele estava se referindo ao seu filho que tinha puxado toda a aparência do pai, e você sabia disso só de olhar para aqueles olhinhos e um par de covinhas idênticas as de Jeong Yoonoh, mas em questão de personalidade, pelo menos todos os créditos eram seus.
— Ele amou aquele triciclo que você trouxe de...
— Nottingham — Você assentiu com a cabeça afinal Johnny viajava tanto devido a sua carreira muito bem sucedida de DJ que você até se confundia nos nomes das cidades que ele participava de festas badaladas.
A verdade é que vocês se conheceram por causa de Jaehyun, aproximadamente 4 anos atrás, numa situação atípica em que você bebeu demais e vomitou o que pareceu dois meses de digestão de alimentos, Johnny te ajudou segurando seu cabelo e tudo mais, mas na noite passada você acidentalmente acabou dormindo com um dos amigos do Suh, o que foi bastante certeiro considerando que você carregou no seu ventre uma miniatura bastante fiel de Jaehyun.
Você namorou com o Jeong durante o período de 2 anos, no entanto mesmo com o término ainda eram amigos e dividiam a guarda de um menininho que amavam mais do que qualquer coisa, Johnny acabou se aproximando de você após isso, mas nada indicava que era porque ele gostava de você, levando em conta que vocês dificilmente conversavam sobre questões amorosas.
E que bom por isso, porque você sentia-se estranhamente incomodada com a menção de Johnny visto nas festas em outro país na companhia de alguma estrangeira gostosona. Ele não sabia, é claro, mas já estava ficando difícil esconder que você o queria, sentia isso em cada partezinha do seu corpo.
— Eu gravei um vídeo olha — Você ofereceu o próprio celular para Johnny que encostou os dedos longos nos seus no processo e fez com que você sentisse as faíscas novamente, você instintivamente culpou seu período fértil e o fato de que fazia muito tempo que não saía para um rolê adulto, embora soubesse que a resposta dessa questão começava com a afirmação de que você estava apaixonada.
— Fofinho — Ele te devolveu o celular com um sorriso brilhante no rosto, Johnny era assim, fazia questão de presentear seu filho com presentes do mundo todo, te pedindo fotos e atualizações do pequeno todos os dias, surtando toda vez que ouvia o desajeitado e adorável “Tio John” sair da boca do menininho — Acho que eu tô gostando de uma mãe aí, isso me torna meio cara que curte uma milf?
Johnny não fazia ideia do quanto todas aquelas perguntas sobre primeiros encontros e como se comportar perante a pessoa que você se sente atraído estavam te perturbando, você tomou um gole do copo de água que descansava na mesa até então e não ousou olhar nos olhos dele naquele momento porque era bem capaz de revelar a frustração que tomou conta do seu corpo após a questão. Afinal, será que ele tinha mesmo te trazido para um restaurante perfeito, vestindo roupas perfeitas e perfeitamente perfumado apenas para te dizer com detalhes sobre a pessoa que ele desesperadamente queria beijar?
— Não... Se ela não for casada, tá tudo bem se envolver — Você afirmou, brincando com os dedos repousado no seu colo de forma impaciente e se lamentando por ter escolhido sua melhor calça jeans – a que delineava seu quadril melhor do que qualquer roupa – numa ilusão de que naquela noite participaria finalmente de um encontro com a pessoa por quem estava caidinha.
— Ela não é — Ele falou, rápido demais para o seu gosto — Mas e então? No encontro a gente faz o que?
Para você era muito difícil acreditar que Johnny não sabia a logística de um encontro, afinal de contas ele era lindo, tinha grana e era bom de papo, o tipo de cara engraçadinho que você não conseguia ignorar e no final terminava com uma aliança no dedo pista por ele mesmo. Então, estava começando a considerar que ele estava brincando com você, testando sua paciência como uma lição para uma professora do jardim de infância, no entanto você preferia ter que lidar com mil crianças na faixa etária de 5 anos do que com um único Johnny de olhar sedutor.
— Pelo amor de Deus, onde você quer chegar com todo esse interrogatório? — Foi a sua vez de questionar irritada com a situação toda — Quero dizer, você é um DJ foda e realmente tá pedindo conselho amoroso pra uma mulher que é professora da pré-escola e tem um filho de 3 anos? 'Cê tá de zoação comigo?
— Você não sabe mesmo, né? — Você queria muito desferir uns bons tapas naquele rostinho bonito quando Johnny desviou o olhar do seu e sorriu, como se você fosse uma criança inocente questionando a origem dos bebês. Você o chutou por debaixo da mesa, mas aquele gemido baixo de dor em união ao sorriso sem vergonha só serviram para seu cérebro descartar aquela ideia dos tapas e trocá-la por uma bem melhor, que envolvia beijos demorados e molhados e muita mão boba — Eu tô usando essa técnica tão antiga de sedução só pra ver se você se toca que eu tô na sua há muito tempo.
— Johnny, eu tô boiando sério — Você tinha uma expressão de confusão cobrindo seu rosto, que Johnny tratou de tirar de você quando ele afastou a cadeira, colocou seu rosto entre as mãos e te beijou, mesmo que ele tivesse que se inclinar desconfortavelmente devido a diferença de altura, no entanto nada mais importava agora que os lábios do Suh estavam sobre os seus e a única coisa que você conseguia ouvir de fundo era um coral de cupidos cantando alguma coisa melosa de forma afinada.
— Agora deu pra entender ou 'cê vai querer que eu desenhe? — Você sorriu contra os lábios dele, os olhos fechados extasiada demais com o que havia acabado de acontecer, sem compreender como as coisas tinham alcançado aquele nível, mas se deliciando com o ocorrido.
— Esqueci de te falar, mas a sobremesa é fundamental num encontro — Você começou, sorrindo como se tivesse se tornado milionária nos últimos 2 minutos — Mas, nesse caso acho que a gente já pode pular pra essa parte essencial.
— Qual das sobremesas? — Ele perguntou todo assanhadinho e você o beijou novamente, incapaz de resistir a todo aquele charme magnético que ele possuía.
— Pode ser as duas?
Johnny sorriu, ignorando completamente de que tinham feito pedidos e deixando o restante, mal se contendo até chegar no estacionamento e descansar as mãos grandes nos bolsos traseiros da sua calça apertada.
— O seu pedido é uma ordem, mamãe.
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aewinse · 1 day
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𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟳 ★ ( 윈윈 )
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── ۪ ♡ ۫ Wɪɴᴡɪɴ Mᴏᴏᴅʙᴏᴀʀᴅ
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hand-along · 2 days
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aiirene · 20 hours
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다가와 맞춘 angel eyes
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그 눈 속에 날 비출 때
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my delight 모든 낮과 밤
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nanazluvs · 2 days
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we used to be a proper country
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mins-fins · 22 hours
&&. its easy to let go around you, mark is so glad he has you as an escape.
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pairing: mark lee x m!reader
genre: angsty but it ends fluffy, idol x regular joe
warnings: mentions of overworking
word count: 1.4k
notes: wrote this for the n01 markf ever in the world!!!! if yk who you are, yk who you are 🫶 anw, i am so terribly in love with mark this is absolutely vile 🙁 save me from this insanely pretty canadian man (DONT SAVE ME), if you can forgive me for not updating for literally TEN DAYS, take this as my apology.. i am so so very corny so those little ending love confessions come from real words i have said to my own very real bf 😞 again sorry for not updating for very long my knee is pretty injured AND life is so shitty.. okay i love you all bye 😓
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you won't try to come up for an explanation as to why you were up at one in the morning.
yeah you were tired, but you were still up making coffee in your kitchen. your mind was racing with thoughts of work, god your job stresses you out so much, it's going to end up killing you one day, you can't close your eyes without hearing the loud shouting of your manager and overbearing customers who think they own the world.
sleep has never came easy to you, so coffee at one in the morning it is. the aroma of roasted beans makes it's way around the air of your kitchen, a smell that has become a staple of comfort to you, yeah the excessive coffee intake might kill you someday, but right now? right now you felt like you were in heaven.
your coffee drinking is interrupted by a knock at your day, your head shoots up like your a deer caught in headlights, and you blink at the unmoving wooden door of your unit. you're not expecting anyone, and especially not at one in the morning. your mind races with questions as you place the heated mug onto your kitchen counter, groaning silently as you make your way over to the door.
you can't think of who could possibly be at your door, maybe your manager? one of your coworkers? a guy from amazon delivering a package originally for your neighbors?
the last option seems like the most probable one, so when you open your door, you prepare a small sentence for the delivery person you expect to be at your door. "for the last time unit 17 is on the second floo—"
you pause as you open the door, it is not a random delivery guy from amazon. when you look up to meet the eyes of the person who had knocked on your door, you come face to face with a person you had missed more than anything.
you find a small smile coming to your face at the sight of your boyfriend, but your smile falls as you take in how he looks. his eyes are red and puffy, he's fidgeting with his sweater strings, and he's bitten his lips so hard that they've begun bleeding. your lips turn downward at the sight before you, he looks stressed, he looks miserable.
"oh god, hi babe, i didn't even know you'd come around".
mark blinks at you, continuing to fidget with the strings of his sweater, the sweater he's wearing is one you bought for him back last year when you went on that trip to vancouver. "sorry" he whispers, blinking again. "i just— i don't know i feel overwhelmed".
you tilt your head, immediately getting what he meant by that. you open your door wider, pausing mark's fidgeting momentarily to grab his left hand to intertwine it with yours. "come in" you don't wait for his response, just tug his hand gently, lurching him forward into your unit and smoothly closing the door behind you.
you catch on to mark's heightened anxiousness, but he seems to be want to be avoiding that topic as much as possible. "did something happen?"
mark is quick to shake his head, way too quick, you narrow your eyes at him and his weird change in behavior. "no, nothing, i'm just.. work, it's all becoming just a little too much for me".
ah, a small frown forms again on your lips. mark is a hardworking person, you know that, but it sometimes all gets to his head, those unbearable thoughts that he's not doing well enough, the unbearable feeling of anxiety that settles whenever he thinks about his future as a musician, the feeling that he's not doing enough even though he already does so much.
you hate that this has become a familiar sight. a distressed mark with tears welled up in his eyes, clearly trying his best to stay put together as he stood in front of your door, each time, it seemed to be getting worse and worse.
you've seen mark at so many of his lows, many more than you like to count, and just the thought of him feeling like he isn't doing enough upsets you.
you're not thinking about anything else when you step forward, not your untouched coffee on the counter, not your shitty job, nothing but making mark feel better. your arms wrap around him instinctively, and you loop your left arm around his waist to pull him into a hug, a hug he doesn't try to fight.
you hear a small sniffle leave mark as you tighten your hold on him, a few years escape his eyes, wetting the top of your sleeve, but you don't care, much too busy embracing him. "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry" your words are nothing but a small whisper in the expanse of your apartment, as if a secret shared only between the two of you, but mark hears your words well, he hears everything he has to. you raise and press a kiss to his forehead, an act of affection that just makes mark even more emotional than he expected.
"you shouldn't have to feel like this, you work so hard, you do so much.."
your mutters only get a small chuckle in response, and you just snicker as well.
mark has always found it easy to let go around you, it's been a staple of your relationship since forever, even before you began dating. around you, he doesn't feel like he has to put on a show, he doesn't have to live up to all of these unrealistic expectations. with you, he doesn't have to be world famous idol mark lee, he doesn't have to be star trainee mark lee, he doesn't have to be perfect, flawless mark lee.
with you, mark can let go, he can just be himself.
mark has no idea what he'd do without you.
when you pull away, arms still caged around mark, he doesn't let go immediately, head still pressed against your shoulder.
nothing else matters at the moment to you. so, instead of trying to move away from him, you let him begin moving you backward, you just allow for him to, lightly squeaking when he pushes you onto the couch and quickly moves to lay on top of you.
you giggle at his dedication, but he doesn't say anything more, just wraps his arms around you and lays his head onto your chest, listening to the beating of your heart. "you tired?"
mark just nods against your chest, letting out a small sigh as he cracks one eye open to glance at you. "y/n?"
"i love you.." he mutters, grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with yours. "love you so much, i'm so happy i have you".
you laugh. "mark—"
"hush" he places a finger against your lips, cutting off your oncoming words. "let me finish" he gives a tired smile as he continues.
"i can't believe how lucky i am to have you, your always here taking care of me and i.. i can never figure out how to repay you, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, everything becomes much more bearable with you, i love you so so much it's literally driving me crazy".
you blink as you listen to mark pour his heart out to you. he has always been like this, oh you're so in love, even at some of his lowest points, he never fails to remind you that he loves you, and that he feels so deeply for you. his words always strike you in a strange place, they always get a smile and red face out of you.
oh mark lee always knows how to leave you speechless.
"hey" you whisper, noticing mark slowly looking away from you. "you don't have to repay for me for anything, i'm your boyfriend, i'm always going to look after you because you're wellbeing is important to me, and don't start with all of that, you're one of the best things to happen to me".
mark snorts silently. "love you".
"love you more".
mark leans closer, moving his soft hand against yours. "i know" he whispers.
you run your fingers through his hair, slowly coaxing him to sleep with your ministrations.
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loserlvrss · 1 day
꒰ 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 ꒱ 김정우
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summary : you're bummed that it was raining, but your boyfriend always knows how to cheer you up
genre : little angst, fluff, jungwoo x afab!reader, drabble tws : angst (tiny bit in the beginning), language, kiss author notes : sorry my stories are going to be short and sporadic until i finish school next month word count : 0.7k
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you looked out your balcony doors with a pout on your face. you had taken a shower almost two hours ago now, putting on makeup, and doing your hair. you smoothed over the floral sundress you bought last winter when you were so excited for it to finally be spring. and now that it was, you planned a picnic for you and your boyfriend, however it hadn’t stopped raining for three days. and the during the short moments it did, the sky was overcast.
of course, your boyfriend didn’t mind having a movie night with takeout (maybe he’d even convince you to netflix and chill) but you weren’t in the mood for something you and him did all the time — you wanted to warm your skin in the sun, taking, giggling, and eating.
not be condemned to your apartment because of the stupid rain.
you felt discouraged, and honestly a little depressed. this entire morning you had willed the clouds to clear up, knowing this was the only day between your boyfriends busy schedule that you two could do something other than after midnight; it seemed that recently you only got to see him if he was sleeping next to you, and it was getting a little underwhelming.
you loved him; seeing him enjoying himself on stage and during variety shows was the highlight of your day. you just wished that once in a while you could pretend that you two were the only people on planet earth, and that nothing could ever go wrong if he was by your side. that he was only yours and you didn’t have to share him with literally millions of people.
“hey baby, it’s okay…” his arms wrapped around your mid-section, locking together in the front. you pouted further, feeling him nozzle into your neck and press light kisses. “we can do other things today, it’s not like our time together is limited.”
“but, that’s just it, isn’t it?” everything added up had taken its toll and now the tears swelled with your heart, “you’re always busy — i-i’m always alone. i miss you, you know? i just wanted a sweet little date with you, but it seems like the universe hates me too!”
he paused any and all movements, “too?” suddenly, your back was no longer pressed against his chest; your eyes, full of tears, meeting his. “do you think i hate you, my love?”
you sniffled, “n-no! that’s not what i meant. i’m just — i miss you all the time — it’s we only ever see each other at night. i love watching you live out your dream, but i want a place in that too, even if just a little.”
“i know you wanted this to be perfect,” his lips pressed to your forehead, causing your eyes to close and a couple of the stray tears (you’d been holding back) to fall. “but, i already think it is. i think you are, and everything you do and put up with. i love you, don’t forget it, okay? you’re my dream, everything else can come second.”
you nodded, looking up at your puppy-like boyfriend, a wide smile now plastered across his face.
“besides, we already have everything,” he broke from you, walking over to the couch and taking the remote from the cushion. you watched curiously as he turned the tv on and searched ‘swaying grass’ on youtube. “and now we’re outside; sunny, breezy! see, y/n. it’s not all bad.”
he took your hand within his, motioning you into his chest for a hug, voice close to your ear, “besides, as much as i love that dress, not everyone needs to.”
you swatted his chest as he laughed in your your direction, “shut up.” you cracked a smile, and he looked at you adoringly.
as cringey as you found it, if all the stars went dark, you knew he’d be the only thing that’d light your way. the love you held for him was indescribable, and you never dared try in fear of not doing it justice. jungwoo knew you inside and out, every fiber on your body had been carved to his memory — he cherished the ground you walked on, loved what you found imperfect.
you really had found the perfect person for you to live out your fairytale with.
he smirked, cocking his head to the side, “there’s my girl,” he stated at your upturned lips, you about melting into the carpet at his words, “now, let’s go on that picnic date, okay?”
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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ilwonuu · 1 day
saw ur posts and i really hope you're feeling okay now! if you feel like writing i wanna ask for some reqs where in the established relationship reader realized just how much jungwoo loves her bcs she's on her periode week and jw is taking care of her nicely without hesitating even adjusting his works and providing his help to accomplish reader's workload. thank you so much i really hope you're doing good and having a happy days ahead <3
thank you so much same for you:( i love this idea bc im always soft for jungwoo<3 thank you for requesting i hope you enjoy hehe,,,
*๑♡՞ kim jungwoo
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ᖗ pairing- established relationship, idolbf!jungwoo x fem!reader
ᖗ warnings- fluffy fluff , mentions of period pain/cramps, reader is not feeling great thru most of this, jungwoo is a sweetheart <3, he loves reader sm bye,,,,lmk if i missed something
ᖗ a/n- hi mls!!! i missed posting and i haven’t written for jungwoo in a while and i think he might be one of my biases,,,anyways i hope u guys enjoy<3 not proofread 😪
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you have been rotting in your bed for hours. you asked your boyfriend to bring you some extra feminine products just incase. he was quick to respond to your text. he sent you a text saying he would be home soon with everything you need. you sighed in relief feeling so thankful for him. you cuddle up into your blankets as you wait for your boyfriend.
you watch whatever dumb dating show you had on earlier. your pain on the first day differs but this time is was painful as hell. you took some ibuprofen but it hasn’t started working yet leaving you to suffer. you hear the front door open making you smile to yourself. you see your boyfriend with a bag from the store.
“i asked you for a couple things- baby you didn’t have to get all this.” you sit up to face him as he brings the bag over to your side of the bed. “i know you did. i wanted to get your favorite snacks and some more stuff just to make sure you have it. i’m sorry you don’t feel good sweetheart.” he sits on the bed next to you. he pulls you into a gentle hug as he rubs your back.
“how was your day other than that? did you rest mostly?” he massages your back looking at you for your response. “it was good. i was missing you all day. i was just watching tv and cleaning a little but i gave up on the cleaning very fast.” you smile at him as he smiles back. “yea? i was missing you too. don’t worry about the cleaning i will take care of it all.” he rubs your cheek softly as you lay against his chest.
“how did you come home so early? i thought you had long schedules today?” the two of you move to lay down under the covers together. he pulls you close as he faces you. “yea i had meetings mostly but we got done like right before you texted me so i was quick to get you things.” his hand is resting against your hip as he gently massages your side. “you’re gonna put me to sleep baby.” you laugh as you close your eyes.
“come here.” he says pulling you to kiss him. you kiss him back quickly melting into the kiss. he holds your side gently as he kisses you softly. “i really missed you.” you pout looking at him. “i really missed you too, honey. you were all i was thinking about during my meetings.” he smiled at you again. he leans down to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“i love you.” you sigh at the cramps you feel. “rest honey. see if you can nap? i love you more.” he looks at you with a soft expression as he helps you get comfortable. he rubs your back softly until you fall asleep next to him. he just smiles as he watches you sleep peacefully.
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jungwoo woke up early that next morning to make sure you had enough food. he made you your favorite breakfast when he saw that you were slowly stirring awake. you watched him bring in your breakfast as you fully wake up. your cramps already kicking you in the ass in the first few seconds of you being awake. you sigh at the feeling but smile at your boyfriend.
“you ok sweetheart?” he sets the food down on the side table as he climbs back into bed. you kiss his lips quickly as you climb out of bed to go to the bathroom. “i’m fine! don’t you worry.” you smile back at him as you quickly use the bathroom. you come to your bedroom feeling a little bit better as you crawl next to your boyfriend. “you didn’t have to make this for me. thank you- wait what time is it don’t you have dance practice today?” you ask as you start eating the breakfast he prepared for you.
“oh yea! i do i just told them i had my girl to spend time with. we pushed it to this afternoon so i can stay with you a little longer. then i can bring home dinner for us!” he smiles at you softly. “how are you feeling though? need medicine, water, anything you need i will get it.” he smiles to himself as he feels the need to help you without thinking about it for a second.
“i’m feeling okay today- my cramps are killing already but i think i just need to finish eating this and it’ll help. thank you baby.” you smile back at him as you continue to eat. “ok. let me know if that changes. as for now i’m here to give you love.” he kisses your head as rubs your thigh softly. you finish your breakfast after a bit with a smile. you look over at your boyfriend to see him already looking at you. you start to tear up as your thoughts start to clutter your head.
“baby? what’s wrong?” his expression is a more serious one as he pulls you closer to him. “n-nothing- i just- you’re being so nice to me. i feel so shitty and here you are making me feel so much better- cooking me breakfast? jungwoo you are too much.” you start to cry as he holds you in his arms. “sweetheart i will do absolutely everything for you. you are my main priority. i don’t need anything else but you. i will always be here when you don’t feel good.” he kisses your cheek as more tears fall from your eyes.
“honey- i love you so much okay? come here.” he pulls you closer to him as he kisses your lips. you kiss him back as you feel him pull away. he kisses your tears and gently wipes them away. “my pretty girl. i love you more than you know.” he smiles at you sweetly as he rubs your hair back. “i-i love you jungwoo.” you sigh into his arms as you stop yourself from letting more tears fall. “you are the best boyfriend i could ask for.” he shakes his head.
“you’re the best girlfriend i could ask for. you deserve the best only you know that. i will never give you less than you deserve. now let’s cuddle until i have to go to practice, i don’t want to leave your side until i have to go.” you laugh at him shaking your head. “what about my online classes? i haven’t done any assignments for this week.” you groan thinking about your work. “don’t worry about it until i leave! when i come back ill help you he smiles kissing your head as you two stay tangled in each others arms for the next hours to come.
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cumyongie · 2 days
Taeyong, scolding: You're either lying or stupid!
Mark, panicking: I'm stupid I'm stupid!
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ssanacherry · 2 days
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머리 아픈 이 짓이 너무 지겨워 무릎 꿇고, 가슴치고, 울어봐도
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cococunchy · 2 days
ft : immortal!mark lee & immortal!reader
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they always said that picking out all the petals of a single vine of a wisteria tree would grant immortality, but you were never one to believe them. so here you sit, under a wisteria tree in a world of vast skies and endless fields, as you have since the beginning of the invention of the printing press, since the beginning of being able to record works of writing, including this ‘myth’ the world had convinced you was fake.
“are you new here?” you ask, noticing a little shadow from behind the wisteria tree. “are you new to immortality in general? because it’s not as fun as mythology made it seem”
“new here, not to immortality” the man, you figured, said. from his voice alone you could tell he was no older than thirty, and from the tone of his voice you assumed he’d been immortal just as long as you have. “i’m.. mark, mark lee. it’s nice to meet you” he awkwardly smiled a bit, getting closer to you.
you nod, introducing yourself while watching him walk around the tree and sitting next to you, crossing his legs as he leaned back against the centuries old tree. “how long have you been alive?”
he thinks for a little while, barely a second for the time you’ve both been alive and well. “around four hundred years? i’m not so sure, haven’t seen a calendar in ages” he jokes, but it probably was true. in this limbo of a world you two were currently in, where people who’ve been stupid enough to pluck the petals of a wisteria reside, no earthly possessions had been allowed in, including something as simple as a calendar.
“i see.. me too.” you smile at him, the first person you’ve seen for a hundred years, a tug at your chest telling you to not give him a reason to leave made you hold his hand, putting your hands on the ground as you stared up into the vast sky of your beautiful curse.
“be my friend? i’m sure we both need one.” you ask, wanting his consent before making him stay with you for eternity until the Gods decide on what to do with this world of endless life.
“i’d like that, my friend” he intertwines his fingers with yours and leans on your shoulder, needing the interaction to help stay sane, as the same for you. it was pleasant, a feeling that neither of you had felt in so long, a sense of peace and belonging, being with someone who could not leave you without genuine reason and a broken heart.
“friends for eternity?”
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(unedited so if there are any mistakes pls tell me ���)
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sunshyni · 6 hours
| Cobertor – Lee Haechan
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notas: bom, como vocês devem saber, ultimamente eu estou completamente obcecada pelo Hyuck, olhei minha ask, vi esse pedido desse homem em específico e não consegui me conter KKKKKK
contém: viagem à Tailândia, muitas palavras no diminutivo, Haechan meiguinho, tá sugestivo e lá para o final tem a descrição de um toquezinho mais caliente.
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“Tô aqui fora. Abre a porta pra mim”
A tela do seu celular se iluminou com a mensagem acompanhada por dois emojis de olhinhos pidões que combinavam com o remetente, você terminou de colocar a tarracha no brinco, se olhou uma última vez no espelho do banheiro da suíte, largando o celular na mesinha de cabeceira e praticamente correndo até a porta do quarto do hotel.
— Entra logo — Você apressou Haechan que mexia no celular extremamente relaxado, sem dar a mínima para os seus amigos hospedados no mesmo hotel que poderiam surgir inesperadamente e pegar vocês dois no flagra — Você tá maluco? Minha amiga tá hospedada nesse andar, 'cê sabe, né?
— Aham — Ele esboçou um sorrisinho de canto, se livrando do capuz do moletom preto e revelando a cabeleira do mesmo tom. Gentilmente Haechan capturou sua mão, te trazendo para perto, fixando os olhos na sua boca e roçando o narizinho perfeito na sua bochecha — Tá com medo que todo mundo descubra que a gente tá de chameguinho desde o começo dessa viagem, é?
— Vou acabar com a minha reputação por sua causa — Você riu, sentindo cócegas onde Haechan te beijava um zilhão de vezes na nuca, se encolhendo toda e gostando muito das mãos masculinas repousadas na sua cintura — Você não devia já tá arrumado? A gente vai naquela balada que o Ten comentou, não?
Lee Donghyuck finalmente te encarou e fez uma careta como se dissesse “eu realmente marquei presença nesse evento?”.
— A gente precisa ir mesmo? — Ele perguntou e você abriu o zíper do moletom, ajudando-o a tirá-lo de forma casual — Prefiro ficar vegetando aqui. Com você. No ar-condicionado enquanto a gente termina o que estávamos fazendo noite passada debaixo do cobertor.
— Haechan, a gente tá literalmente na Tailândia — Ele ignorou completamente seu protesto e te conduziu até a beira da cama, se ajoelhando no seu colchão enquanto você permanecia diante dele, acariciando o dorso da mão dele com o polegar em movimentos circulares sem sequer perceber — Eu me arrumei pra isso, e o pessoal já deve tá se reunindo no saguão.
Haechan fez uma varredura pelo seu visual, correndo os olhos para a sua mini saia jeans, a blusinha colada no corpo e os cabelos no seu natural, ele tocou sua bochecha com a mão desocupada e beijou seus lábios de levinho, provando o gloss labial de cereja que era uma de suas recentes aquisições.
— Você tá gostosa, mas será que você pode ser gostosa só pra mim hoje? Quero te curtir um pouquinho, só nós dois — Ele disse, te convencendo aos poucos, te acariciando e te beijando com o intuito claro de te amolecer, e fazer com que você mudasse de ideia — Fica aqui, vai. Só hoje, a gente inventa uma desculpa, envia no grupo e você não precisa dizer que caiu no meu papinho sem querer.
— Eu não cai no seu papinho — Você afirmou com toda a convicção que conseguiu fazer com que seu corpo passasse, Haechan segurou sua nuca com firmeza, roubando a frase que já estava pronta na ponta da sua língua, e fazendo com que você demorasse mais segundos do que os necessários para montar o que iria dizer novamente, odiando o fato de que Haechan tinha os olhos semicerrados de forma sedutora e ficava te provocando, insinuando um beijo que nunca vinha, mesmo você tentando capturá-lo e obtendo no seu lugar um sorrisinho de quem sabia aprontar como ninguém — Eu só... Me fiz de difícil.
— Prefiro quando você vem facinho pra mim — Você sorriu e ele te beijou devagar, tirando proveito de todo fôlego dos seus pulmões, deitando o seu corpo no colchão e ficando por cima, as coxas lado a lado do seu quadril, tomando cuidado para não jogar o peso em você enquanto te beijava feito um profissional, te deixando toda molinha e calorosa.
Era final de ano, desde o ensino médio seus amigos guardavam essa ideia de viajar juntos para algum lugar inusitado do mundo, vocês disseram que fariam isso assim que encontrassem seus primeiros empregos e ganhassem seus primeiros salários, no entanto o plano se concretizou apenas cinco anos depois, e agora todos vocês estavam desbravando a Tailândia, ao mesmo tempo que você e Haechan desbravavam um ao outro. Hyuck sempre morreu de tesão por você, mas desde o ensino médio você o achava imaturo, um bocado infantil; Até duas semanas atrás, que foi quando você o vislumbrou como um homem crescido, vestindo roupas formais, a camisa social branca dobrada até os cotovelos e os óculos de armação levemente grossa realçando seu visual executivo enquanto ele folheava as folhas da apresentação da própria palestra.
Se você pudesse apontar aproximadamente quando essa loucura entre vocês dois teve início, certamente diria que esse foi o ponto chave para fazer com que vocês trocassem olhares confidentes durante todos os passeios em grupos pela Tailândia, sorrindo um para o outro quando ninguém estava de olho e unindo as mãos sempre que se distanciavam dos demais. O clímax de toda essa história aconteceu enquanto vocês estavam conhecendo uma feirinha de comidas de rua típicas, quando Haechan te puxou para um beco de iluminação amarela e te beijou, incapaz de ficar mais que dois minutos encarando seus lábios e não podendo te tocar. E como aparentemente fazer as coisas no escondido era mais gostoso, alí estavam vocês dois trocando beijos e carícias enquanto ambos os celulares bombam de mensagens vibrando sem parar na mesinha ao lado da cama queen size.
Você até tenta alcançar seu celular, mas Haechan te impede, recolhendo a sua mão estendida, entrelaçando seus dedos nos dele e repousando suas mãos dadas acima da sua cabeça.
— Vai mesmo me deixar aqui sozinho precisando de você? — Ele questionou todo dengozinho e utilizando daquele drama que você já estava acostumada. Você tinha certeza que agora os amigos de vocês tentavam em vão entrar em contato através de uma ligação, considerando que os dois celulares começaram a tocar ao mesmo tempo, no entanto você não conseguia pensar com plena sanidade com Haechan sobre você, praticamente implorando para que você não fosse embora, ele pegou ambos os smartphones, silenciou o seu e enviou o áudio mais cara de pau impossível para o grupo em que todos estavam reunidos.
— Tô malzão, galera. Hoje não vai rolar, não — Ele disse fingindo uma tosse como o bom ator que ele costumava ser, você sorriu, invadindo a camiseta dele com as mãos e arranhando suavemente suas costas ao mesmo tempo que ele se aproximava de novo para beijar sua boca — Que foi? Eu tô malzão mesmo, precisando de você e você querendo ir pra farra sem o seu amor?
— Você é ridículo — Você falou baixinho já que o rosto dele estava a uns cinco centímetros do seu — Me diz, como eu posso te ajudar, amor?
Você questionou com um sorriso inocente no rosto que não condizia com as coisas promíscuas que você queria fazer com ele, Haechan praticamente derreteu em cima de você ao escutar o apelido carinhoso, para ele parecia até que estava vivendo um sonho, aquele tipo de sonho que nos deixa com um sorriso de orelha a orelha pelo resto do dia.
— Você sabe o que eu quero — Você segurou a barra da camisa dele, elevando-a e ajudando-a a descarta-la no chão do quarto, imediatamente Donghyuck procurou pelos seus lábios novamente, sentindo falta da textura e do seu gostinho de cereja, seus cabelos escuros estavam ligeiramente bagunçados, suas bochechas vermelhas e a boquinha inchada de tanto beijar e essa era uma visão que você não fazia ideia que esperava ver há muito tempo — Não quero só te beijar hoje. Posso te implorar se você quiser.
— Acho que eu gostaria de te ver de joelhos, Donghyuck — Você o arranhou de novo, porque gostava de vê-lo fechar os olhinhos com uma fina camada de desejo, tão transparente quanto a luz do sol, gostava de sentir seu batimento cardíaco aumentar com cada frase que deixava os seus lábios. Definitivamente, Haechan te queria, tanto que não conseguia pensar racionalmente sobre isso, o que o atormentava, ele queria desesperadamente ser seu e não se importava se tivesse que se humilhar para tanto.
Um sorriso cresceu no rosto de Haechan e você o beijou suavemente no maxilar, sua blusa em pouco tempo tendo o mesmo destino que a roupa do Lee que beijou sua clavícula, te adorando como o completo louco que ele era quando o assunto em questão envolvia você.
— Fala sério, você jogou algum feitiço em mim, né? — Se agradeceu mentalmente por ter escolhido o sutiã com feixe frontal, no qual Haechan não teve dificuldades alguma de tirá-lo devagar, te provocando no jeitinho característico dele, ele beijou o espaço entre os seus seios, murmurando inebriado o quanto você era cheirosa, contornando seu umbigo com beijinhos carinhosos que fazia todo seu corpo se arrepiar e entrar em combustão.
— Na verdade, não precisei de nenhum feitiço pra te deixar assim.
— Não fala desse jeitinho... Assim eu gamo mais, se isso é humanamente possível — Ele disse num sussurro beijando a sua barriga e retornando novamente com o olhar na linha do seu, a mão dele subiu pela lateral do seu corpo, passou pelo seu ventre e finalmente o dedão encontrou o mamilo de um dos seus seios, estimulando o local em movimentos circulares, você segurou o fôlego depois sua respiração se acelerou com o movimento constante e cuidadoso.
— Tá arrependida de não ter saído com o pessoal? — Ele questionou e você balançou a cabeça em negação.
— Você tinha razão — Haechan sorriu, segurou seu rosto e te beijou docemente — Não tem problema ficarmos essa noite no hotel.
Donghyuck sorriu diante de toda a sua inocência.
— Acha mesmo que uma noite vai ser suficiente?
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totheseok · 3 days
home is where the heart is
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Jung Sungchan x reader
synopsis: Sungchan and y/n are family friends but y/n moved abroad and they lost touch, now y/n is back in Korea for uni and it's just so happens sungchan is attending too and now he's helping her readjust and navigate through life in Korea. What could possibly go wrong?
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stage six: oh... um...wow?
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warnings: swearing
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taglist (open): @seungzzzz @wccycc @syupakingcowbaby @billiondollarworth @revehae @yyangj3lly @wonychu @dutifullyannoyingfox
comment ask or message to be added to the taglist :))
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taexoxosgf · 2 months
s, smut | f, fluff | a, angst | suggestive is noted
give all these authors so much love please!!!! i had to include as much as possible!! supa long fic rec list ;) recommendation masterlist here
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this is (not) easy *personal fav [ friends with benefits!mark x fem! reader ] s,f,a
sweet cream, cold brew [ nerd barista!mark x fem!reader ] s,f
raw. [ established relationship ] s
delphinium , part two [ virgin religious!mark x pagan reader ] s,f
the marriage and baby project [ fake dating au, roommate au ] s,f,a
sunday kind of love [ frat!mark x inexperienced/soft fem!reader ] s,f
flipside [ street racing au, strangers to lovers au ]
cherry flavored thoughts [ perv nerd!mark x popular fem!reader ] s
gorgeous [ college/football au ] s,f
follow through. [ bestfriends to lovers ft. haechan ] s
eyes on you. [ roommate's brother!mark x fem!reader ] s
watch me [ barista!mark x fem!reader, voyeurism ] s
pretty boy [ shy!mark x openminded/playful fem!reader ] s
surviving no nut november [ mark x fem! reader ft. haechan ] s
safety zone [ university au, best friends to lovers, roommates au ] f,a, suggestive
spider boy; 이민형 [ spiderman!mark x fem!reader, established relationship ] f, suggestive
closed doors. [brother's friend!mark x fem!reader, roommate au ] s
jealousy [ almost step-siblings au ] s,a
deal with it [ established relationship, argument au ] s
real talk [ line chef!mark x fuckgirl!reader ] s,f
on edge [ boyfriend's brother!mark x fem!reader, infedelity au ] s
play with me [ bestfriend!mark x fem! reader, car sex ] s,f
give me the greenlight [ street racing au, childhood friends to lovers ] s,f,a
nervously in love [ established relationship ] s,f
across the room *self promo hehe [ idol!mark x idol fem!reader ] s
roomie high [ stoner roommate!mark x fem!reader ] s
suck my kiss [mark x bandmate fem!reader ] s,f
may i be blunt? [stoner!mark x fem!reader ] s
the best man. [ stranger!mark x fem!reader, wedding au ] s
elevator pitch [ frat boy!mark x fem!reader ] f,a
craving you like the devil craves heaven [ priest!mark x succubus!reader ] s
kiss u right now [ best friend!mark x fem!reader ] s,f
this is new [ loss of virginity au ] s,f
rule breaker [ rockstar au, band au ] s
limit. [ gryffindor!mark x fem!reader ] s
mixtape moans. [ shy!mark x cheerleader!reader ] s
make me sin [ churchboy!mark x fem!reader, childhood friends au ] s,f,a
mark me in your heart [ drug dealer!mark x bartender!reader ] s,a
monetary value. [ rich kid!mark x rich kid!reader ] s,f,a
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