#low quality poem
zentropyart · 7 months
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"Death of an angel"
a small comic about the feeling of not having much time left
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stardotnet · 3 months
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yes, there will be singing
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ginadope · 4 months
I am away, and life Was an inside job! Yet, as old longings Pass me by in familiar places I can only hide my face - were I invincible... Were I!
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silvery-stars · 10 months
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the stale end of summer, dripping away, a poem by me - this summer is gold melting in the sun.
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fellhalcyon · 2 years
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please take care of my heart for me.
tin + tol, triage, 2022.
[for francis.]
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buddhistanchovies · 7 months
Being in love is sending each other shitty poems we find and being sarcastic about it but still loving the poem all the same
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눈물 위에서 피는 smile, 다시 펼쳐질 순간과。
{a smile that blooms from my tears, a moment that will unfold again}
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vimbry · 1 year
tmbg will have me feeling emotional at a song with the lyrics "I can supersize that, please bring your car around" and "this car is protected by viper"
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cerezzzita · 2 years
— aesthetic words to fill up your vocabulary ♡
✦ if you're tired of using the same repetitive words to describe feelings or actions on your writing, here are some aesthetic words that are not frequently used to help you evolve your vocabulary better and also maybe help you with creative titles <3
ABENDROT: the color of the sky while the sun is setting.
ABIENCE: the strong urge to avoid someone or something.
ACHROOUS: colourless.
AEQUOREAL: marine, oceanic.
AESTHETE: someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature.
ALIFEROUS: having wings.
AMITY: warmth and heartfelt friendliness in a friendship; mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship.
AMORIST: someone who is in love; someone who writes about love.
AMBROSIAL: fragrant, delicious.
ANTHOMANIA: great love for flowers.
AQUAPHILE: someone who is an enthusiast of all things related to the water.
ARENOCOLOUS: living or burrowing in sand.
ASPERSE: change falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone.
ASTERISM: agroup of stars; a constellation; a cluster of stars.
ATTAR: essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers.
AUREATE: golden or gilded; brilliant, splendid.
AURICOMUS: with golden or yellow colored foliage.
AVIOTHIC: the strong desire to be up in the air or to fly.
BALTER: to dance artlessly, without particular grace and/or skill but usually with enjoyment.
BATHIC: pertaining to depths, especially of sea.
BELAMOUR: the one who is loved; a beloved person.
BELLICOSTIC: aggressive, belligerent, warlike.
BENEFICENCE: the quality of being kind or helpful or generous.
BERCEUSE: a quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep.
BLÁFAR: indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health; attractive and possessing charm.
BRONTIDE: the low rumble of a distant thunder.
BURBLE: to speak in an excited manner.
CAELITIS: the divinities who dwell within the celestial planes.
CATHARSIS: the release of emotional tension, especially through kinds of art or music.
CELERITOUS: swift, speedy, fast.
CERAUNOPHILIA: loving thunder and lightning and finding them intensely beautiful.
CHEVELURE: the nebulous tail of a comet.
CINGULOMANIA: a strong desire to hold a person in your arms.
COCCINEOUS: bright red; scarlet.
COCKAIGNE: an imaginary land of luxury and idleness.
CONSTELLATE: to eluster; to compel by stellar influence.
COSMOGYRAL: whirling around the universe.
CORDOLIUM: heartache; heartfelt sorrow.
CORUSCATE: to reflect brillantly, to sparkle.
CRAMOISY: of a crimson color.
CREATURELY: a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else.
CRYSTALLOMANIA: an obsession with crystals and other crystalline objects.
CHRYSALISM: the amnotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
CLINQUANT: glittering with gold and silver.
CLYSMIC: cleaning, washing.
CUPIDITY: greed for money or possessions.
CYANEOUS: a sky-blue color.
CYNOSURE: guiding star; a object of common interest.
DARKLING: of or related to darkness.
DÉCLASSÉ: having fallen in social status.
DEIFORM: god-like or divine in nature.
DEMERSAL: that lives near the bottom or a body of water.
DESIDERIUM: an ardent longing, as for something lost.
DISPITEOUS: cruel and without mercy.
DOUX: sweet, soft, mild, gentle.
DRACONTINE: belonging to a dragon.
DYSANIA: the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
ECCEDENTESIAST: someone who fakes a smile.
EFFLORESCENCE: a period or state of blooming, blossoming.
ELEGY: a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
ELEUTHEROPHILIST: someone who advocates free love.
ELYSIAN: beautiful or creative, divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
EMACITY: desire or fondness for buying things.
EMPYREAL: pertaining to the sky; celestial.
EPHIALTES: a nightmare; the demon Incubus that supposedly causes a nightmare.
EPICARICACY: the joy that results from others misfortune.
EREMOPHOBIA: the deep fear of stillness, solitude, or deserted places.
ETHEREAL: extremely delicate, light, not of this world.
EUMOIRIETY: happiness due to state of innocence and purity.
FLORENTIS: abounding in flowers; being in bloom and adorned with plentiful flowers.
FREICEADAN: guard, garrison, watch, sentinal.
FULMINATE: cause to explode violently and with loud noise.
FURCIFEROUS: brat; rascally, scandalous.
GLOAMING: twilight, dusk.
GRAME: anger, wrath, scorn; sorrow, grief, misery.
HALCYON: calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous.
HELLION: a rowdy or mischievous person.
HELIOPHILIA: desire to stay in the sun; love of sunlight.
HEAVENIZE: to render like heaven or fit for heaven, to purify and make a holy place or a person.
HENOTIC: promoting harmony or peace.
HIRAETH: a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was.
HOLILY: belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power.
HYPNAGOGIC: the state immediately before falling asleep.
IGNICOLIST: a worshiper of fire.
ILLECEBROUS: attractive and alluring.
IMPLUVIOUS: soaked with rain.
INCANDESCENCE: light produced by high temperatures.
INCALESCENCE: the property of being warming.
INCENDIARY: designed for the purpose of causing a fire, likely to cause anger or violence.
INEFFABLE: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
INSOUCIANT: free from worry, concern or anxiety.
IRENIC: aiming or aimed at peace, promoting peace.
IRIDESCENT: producing a display of rainbow-like colors.
INVIDIARE: to envy.
ISOLOPHILIA: a strong preference and affection for solitude.
KALOPSIA: the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.
KALON: beauty that is more than skin deep.
LACONIC: expressing much in a few words.
LACUNA: a blank space; a missing part.
LATIBULE: a hiding place, a place of safety and comfort.
LAMBENT: to glow or flicker softly. Luminous, light or brilliant.
LIMERENCE: the state of being infatuated with another person.
LONGANIMITY: still suffering while planning revenge.
LOUCHE: disreputable; morally dubious.
LUCELENCE: the state of being fine and beautiful; shining, brilliant.
LUCIFORM: resembling light in appearance; having, in some respects; the nature of qualities of light.
LUMINESCENCE: light produced by chemical, electrical or physiological means.
MALTALENT: the negative emotions of wanting injury or harm to befall someone; a hostile behavior or attitude towards someone considered an enemy.
MARMORIS: the shining surface of the ocean.
MAZARINE: a dark blue color; rich blue or reddish-blue color.
MELIORISM: the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world.
MÉLOMANIE: an excessive and abnormal love and deep attraction to music and melody.
MERCURIAL: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes.
MESMERIC: appealing; drawing attention.
MORDACIOUS: biting or given to biting; biting or sharp in manner; caustic; capable of wounding.
MORPHEAN: of or relating to Morpheus, to dreams, or to sleep.
MOXIE: courage, nerve, determination.
NEBULOCHAOTIC: a state of being hazy and confused.
NEFARIOUS: wicked, villainous, despicable.
NEMESISM: frustration, anger or aggression directed inward, toward oneself and one's way of living.
NERITIC: pertaining to shallow coastal waters.
NOETIC: of or associated with or requiring the use of mind.
NOIRCEUR: the state of being pitch black in color; a state of lacking illumination.
NUBIVAGANT: wandering in the air, moving through the air.
NUMINOUS: spiritual or supernatural; surpassing comprehension or understanding; mysterious.
ONEIRODYNIA: restless, disturbed sleep, characterized by nightmares and sleepwalking.
OPHIOMORMOUS: snake-like.
ORPHIC: mysterious and entrancing, beyond ordinary understanding.
PAVONINE: characteristic of a peacock; resembling the tail of a peacock; as in colors; iridescent.
PETRICHOR: the scent of rain on dry earth.
POIESIS: creation; creative power or ability.
PORPHYROUS: purple; of purple hue.
PLAXONDRY: the mix of introspective nostalgia, sadness, and calmness felt when listening vaporwave and its related genres.
PRATE: to talk excessively and pointlessly.
PROCELLOUS: tempestuous, stormy.
QUIDDITY: the essence of something.
QUIXOTIC: extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical or impracticable.
RANTIPOLE: a wild, reckless young person; to be wild and reckless.
REDAMANCY: the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.
REDOLENT: having a strong distinctive fragrance; serving to bring to mind.
REMEANT: coming back, returning.
RESPLENDENT: having brilliant or glowing appearance; dazzling and impressive in appearance through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
REVERIE: a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
RODOMEL: juice of roses mixed with honey.
ROSEATE: rose-like; overly optimistic.
RUTILANT: glowing or glittering with red or gold light.
SANGUINEOUS: accompanied by bloodshed.
SASHAY: to strut or move about in an ostentatious or conspicuous manner.
SCIAMACHY: a battle against imaginary enemies; fighting your shadow.
SEQUACIOUS: lacking independence of originality of thought.
SERAPHIC: beautiful and pure; having a sweet nature befitting an angel or a cherub; of or relating to an angel of the first order.
SERENDIPITY: finding something good without looking for it.
SKINT: having little or no money avaliable.
SOLIVAGANT: someone who wanders or travels the world alone; a solitary adventurer.
SOMNIATE: to dream, to make sleepy.
SORTIGER: delivering prophecies of the future; having the qualities of being oracular.
STELLIFEROUS: having or abonding with stars.
STELLIFY: to transform from an earthly body into a celestial body; to place in the sky as such.
SUCCIDUOUS: ready to fall, falling.
SPUME: a white mass of bubbles or froth on the top of a wave.
SYNODIC: relating to or involving the conjunction of stars, planets or other celestial objects.
TARANTISM: the uncontrollable urge to dance.
TEMENOS: a sacred circle where no one can be oneself without fear.
THANATOPHOBIA: fear of death.
TYYNEYS: the state of peacefulness; absent of worry or fear, being composed and at ease.
ULTRAMARINE: beyond the sea; greenish-blue color.
VELLEITY: a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.
VENERATION: a profound emotion inspired by a deity.
VESPERTINE: in or of the evening; setting at the same time as, or just after, the sun.
VERDANT: with plants and flowers in abundance.
VERMEIL: a liquid composition applied to a gilded surface to give luster to the gold.
VERTICORDIOUS: to turn the heart from evil.
VIOLESCENT: tending toward violet color.
VORFREUDE: the joyful anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.
WANDERLUST: a strong desire to travel and explore the world.
WHIST: to hush or silence; to still, to become still.
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cerezzzita©, 2022 · all rights reserved
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tanuki-kimono · 6 months
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Cw: We are going to talk here about periods, and sex education in the past. Read this note according to your own sensibilities :)
How women dealt with periods during Edo period, article by shunga enthousiast Shungirl who made a paper pad following instructions found in makura bunko 枕文庫 - ie ancient sex books illustrated with erotic ukiyoe.
One of such makura bunko is 渓斎英泉 Keisai Eisen's 閨中紀聞-枕文庫, first published in 1822. It details Chinese remedies recipes for menstrual pains and irregularities, give tips about sex, and information about menstruations and pregnancy. From a modern point of view, some beliefs are outdated, but it was then such a bestseller it went through several reeditions.
Several words were apparently in use during Edo era to designates menstrual period: keisui 経水, gekkei 月経, tsukiyaku 月水, etc.
When girls went throught their first period, their females relatives or nannies would taught them how to deal with them. One method was to use paper as sanitary products (please note people without easy access to paper probably dealt with periods differently).
__________ 御馬 paper pads
Sanitary pads, such as the one recreated above by Shungirl, were then called mima 御馬 (probably as a pun on true "mima" which were then fine horses own by noblemen, or attached to sanctuaries as mounts for gods etc) or simply ouma お馬 ("honorable" horse).
Ouma were made from inexpensive recycled paper called Asakusagami 浅草紙. Sheets were folded 8 times, tied with twisted paper strings (koyori 紙縒), and then wrapped with another layer of folded paper. It was secured once again with paper strings.
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Part of the strings could be left long so to tie around the waist, or/and pad was hold into place by wearing fundoshi 褌 loincloth (which would also help prevent leaking on inner tights).
Asakusagami quality was low (it was also used as toilet paper) so paper pads had to be changed often, meaning you had to fold quite a lot of them to go through your period!
Shungirl folded the pad above following instructions found in the book 実娯教絵抄, which provided several other "models":
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__________ 詰め紙 paper tampons
Another method for dealing with periods were tampon-like paper bundles which were inserted into the vagina, the 詰め紙 (tsumeshi? I am not sure of the reading).
This method may have first appeared in red-light districts (?). Beside its use for periods, prostitutes also used those tampons as method of contraception (OP has an interesting article on this subject).
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By the end of Edo period and into Meiji, paper tampons were widely used even by women who were not prostitutes - despite voices branding this method as unsanitary.
__________ About girls' coming of age rites
Menarche (first period) was an important milestone for girls, and was celebrated as such via specific rites (shochō o iwau 初潮を祝). Those differed a lot from places to places, and also depended on social status.
Celebrations would concern close family, but often spread to wider community who could received for example a festive meal (sekihan 赤飯) for the occasion (some Edo era senryû poems stress how mortifying this publicity could be!).
Interestingly, some traditions were also pretty sweet: in some places, mothers would sew 3 stiches into their daughter's underskirt (koshimaki 腰巻き) as a good luck charm, hoping their periods would last only 3 days <3
Those rites were part of coming of age traditions (seijoshiki 成女式) which marked the start of a young woman adulthood. Another example is the blackening of teeth (ohaguro お歯黒) which usually started around 16-17 years old.
Celebrating menarche publicly was a way of advertising that the girl was no longer a child and would "soon" be a bride. Yet, if menarche often took place around 13-14 years old, in reality it was somehow unusual to have girls married so soon!
Before marriage, especially in non-noble/samurai families, young women often started their sexual life via flings or yobai 夜這い ("night crawling" ie pseudo-secret nighttime encounters) before any wedding actually took place.
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yzashaven · 10 months
✰ ━━━ how they show affection for you <3
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FEATURING scaramouche, tartaglia, xiao, albedo, thoma, kazuha, alhaitham, cyno x gn!reader
WARNINGS some are prob ooc 😭
NOTE (omfg these images are so low quality LMAO) on my past blogs, i usually only write nsfw so this is like... a change of pace? sort of... anyways hope you enjoy, likes and rbs are ofc appreciated! also, referring to wanderer as scaramouche since his name is player dependant
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okay so hear me out when i say he seems like the type to take you to places with the prettiest views (shout out to his birthday voiceline) whether it be views of the sunset, a flower field, an ocean or beach view... as long as it's a pretty site to see, he'll take you there! scaramouche loves the way the places give him a peaceful feeling, and the way that it's just the two of you there? he's in paradise and heaven combined.
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a bit similar to scara, tartaglia would take you to places. and by places i mean his homeland, snezhnaya, for the snow and to see his family. his little brother, teucer is certainly very fond of you, and tartaglia loves to watch you spend time with his siblings. he's such a family oriented guy... another thing he'd do is cook delicious meals for you! ranging from simple snacks to your personal favorites, and definitely some snezhnayan delicacies~
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xiao is sweet to his lover, no doubt. but that doesn't mean he'll ignore his duties as an adeptus and focus on them. he expresses his love by protecting you... and maybe sharing his almond tofu. need his help? call out for him and he'll be there in an instant. also this whole love thing is very new to xiao, soo he's not used to things like hugging and kissing, yk those kinda stuff but he'll get used to it eventually. he does really like your company though, brings a smile to his face.
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we all know albedo is a very amazing alchemist, he can make basically anything within a few hours or even minutes. he'd use his skill and powers to give you sentimental itemsㅡ such as a bouquet of flowers that never wither or ones that glow in your favorite color. If you don't really like flowers, don't worry, he can make whatever it is that you want! oh you want a dragon? he'll try and will come back to you with a small, cute, non-hostile looking one that protects you <3
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he is sometimes busy due to work for the kamisato clan and being the "fixer" in inazuma, but he never forgets to make time for you! his love language is definitely quality time as he loves to just relax and accompany you wherever. another way thoma shows affection is through doing errands and other things for you such as cooking, cleaning around in your teapot realm, curing for your wounds if you ever get hurt, and maybe doing a commission or two of yours!
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kaedehara kazuha... he's such a romantic man when it comes to his lover. he'll write you a poem literally every single day and compliment you every minute. kazuha also likes to run his hands through your hair as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear while you watch the sun set together at the best vantage point in wherever it is you're traveling at. he also definitely introduced you to his mom(beidou) so he takes you with him on the crux for fun adventures together! or just taking naps as the boat sets sail.
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as the akademiya's scribe, alhaitham is often busy attending to those missions along with his personal investigations and other matters. so to prevent any lost time, he takes you with him. you're quite the strong fighter yourself so there won't be any problems, right? and if something bad does happen, he's your savior. despite talking sharply at times about how you weren't being careful or being reckless, he still loves you and will be happy that you're safe. alhaitham would reassure you about that too. also you study together at the akademiya library sometimes, he really likes having you around :3
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cyno is a man of few words but reassures you about how much he loves you and would quite literally tear apart, limb from limb anyone that tries to harm you. cyno keeps a close eye on you especially when he senses danger is near, he wouldn't even wish for anything bad to happen to you. as the general mahamatra, fighting is practically his specialty which is why he uses that fighting experience and knowledge to protect you even if you tell him that you can handle yourself, he insists as he doesn't want to risk losing you like that.
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mrs-snape5984 · 2 months
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“As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face…”
“Save your tears, it'll be okay. All I know is you're here with me…” (“Here with me” by D4vd)
Suffering from ME/CFS makes me feel like my whole world is falling apart in front of my eyes. Since I’ve already lost so much joy and so many abilities due to this devastating disease, my continuing loss seems to increase even further.
As some of you might know, do I love to write my own stories about Severus and Julia just as much as I enjoy using my tumblr blog as some kind of journal, whenever I’ve commissioned another artwork. It’s my way of rolling out a red carpet for the artists of Snapedom…it’s my way of honouring them for their talent in their profession. Commissioning those amazing people and letting them make my ideas and fantasies come to life, is my very own manner of coping with my physical and emotional pain.
And now, this coping mechanism seems to crumble into pieces as well as everything else, that I’ve already lost! It hurts me to admit, that my brain fog takes advantage of my capability to create vivid images with my words. My thoughts are getting blurry and chaotic. I’m struggling to find the right words to express my emotions (it’s even worse in my native language German than in English!!)…and this scares me to hell!
My mind was the only place, where I could find some shelter from my infuriating and terrifying reality of losing myself to ME/CFS. What if I forfeit my only - just barely existing- talent now?? How should I flee this nightmare of existence if writing wouldn’t be an option anymore?! How should I express my gratitude towards all those marvellous artists of Snapedom, who are all weaving my emotional comfort blanket with each piece of their art?!?
I don’t want to give up on my writing…and I won’t…even though my pride would probably fade away with each badly written chapter of my fictions…and with each unworthy post on my blog. I must admit, that I’m already acknowledging the loss of quality. 🥺
I found an inspiring poem about the importance of staying resilient, no matter how difficult the hardships of life might become, and I want to share it with you:
"KEEP GOING" (Better known as "DON'T QUIT") by Edgar A. Guest
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and debts are high, And you want to smile but have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must, but DON'T YOU QUIT!
Life is queer with its twists and turns, As everyone of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won if he'd stuck it out, Don't give up though the pace seems slow, You might succeed with another blow.
Often the struggler has given up, When he might captured the victor's cup.
And he learned too late, when the night slipped down, How close he was to the golden crown,
Success is failure turned inside out, The silver tint on clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
My dear @mmad-lover, I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for your dedication to this stunning piece of art and believe me, it was worth every single second of waiting! Paula, I was incredibly touched to hear, that my request seemed to be something special, something personal to you. I can assure you, that, indeed, all of my ideas have a profound meaning to me and I’m glad that you’re such an empathetic person, who sensed that particular importance of your art to me. Your devotion to this drawing is palpable in every single detail, every line of your brushes. You created exactly the mood, that I wished for Severus and Julia. It doesn’t matter that the world is burning to the ground around them, they will always have each other’s backs! Just like I’m relying on Severus for more than 21 years now. Thank you for everything, you precious soul! I’m glad that I met you and I hope, we’ll stay in touch. 🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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And The Papers Said
TW: ABLEISM & EUGENICS by Michele Sommerstein
Part One And the papers said Michael Hickson, a black disabled man. And the papers said Hospital. Texas. COVID. Infection And the papers said Killed. For his doctor did not feel And the papers said that a… quadriplegic could possibly have a quality, of life. And the papers said and thus was not worth saving And the papers said (was not saved) disabled people are not of worth message repeating and… sent.
And the papers said the doctor had the audacity to say And the papers said it's not personal, to Hickson's wife, And the papers said There are set criteria from the state And the papers said As to who will live and who they let die And the papers said Michael Hickson. a black disabled body, that did not comply
Once again, reunited Eugenics & Capitalism America's not so secret friends fucking each other furiously for the sake of mindless fucking, like machines wallowing in their own stains, covered in their own blood and filth, crimes. unclean Disgusted? You should be.
Part Two Shortages! Hospitals! Ventilators! Low! This, that was avoidable & created by the vulture capitalists who see death… elated - pandemic as an opportunity! Cha-ching! Soulless! Shortages! Created by, the powers that be Like when, Cuomo – the hero praised at times for merely being, better than Trump! (Raise the bar! This drinks on me) cut funding, healthcare. home care. hospitals (before and during the pandemic) Shortages! So the billionaires would be spared from paying their fair, share, of… taxes Shortages! While marginalized people are blamed for, “costing too much” the audacity of austerity…
Shortages created when patients, infected knowingly sent to nursing homes, locked up. death traps, unleashing COVID on the people in places where social distancing was never, even, an option.
Part Three There are those, who will hear these words, shrug and nonchalant they will say things like Well, these things happen, what can you do? Those who are complacent, able bodied, complicit, still living but numb. They will repeat, their response so casually even to the face of those visibly disabled, as if it's nothing in a tone used to discuss sweaters and their… plans for lunch as if we as a society can't do better? (We can. We must.)
Who taught you about disability? Who lied to you saying disabled people are less than, undeserving? That we are better off dead?
Part Four And the papers said… His wife implored, insisting, knowing he lived a full life. And the papers said for in her eyes, in her heart, her love's life was worth saving. And the papers said, doctors withheld treatment including hydration… nutrition read: starving him for six. days Michael Hickson. a black disabled body that did not comply. “Michael Hickson, [a black disabled man] died leaving, his wife and five children, behind.“
About the poem: I originally wrote this poem because, so often as a disabled person, you read these headlines and it’s absorbed into you, but there's not always an outlet to really express the emotional toll.
So often, I'd read the headlines and somewhat shut down because I can’t feel every time I read something like this, but it’s still in you. Michael Hickson was the first time I read an article that actually included a name when they were discussing “state criterias' and the pandemic. The conversation between the doctor and Hickson’s wife was recorded and when I heard it, it just hit me on a deeper level and I had to write something.
That said, to learn more about the intersections of ableism & racism, I suggest checking out the following peoples: @Imani_Barbarin , @VilissaThompson , @BlackDisability & @powernotpity on Twitter.
You can read more about Michael Hickson’s story here: https://notdeadyet.org/2020/06/adapt-of-texas-protests-hospital-killing-of-michael-hickson-a- black-disabled-man.html
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Day 26: A Timeline of Desires - Illustrations (Good Omens)
I had the pleasure to read the first drafts of second @floscrap-blog Flomacaroon's Good Omens Poem, and... that was a thrilling experience :-p
So I couldn't resist to draw some Red Art (and more) illustrations just for her.
Please don't hesitate, go and take a peek !
Summary: Crowley sees Aziraphale's secret poem without his knowledge. He decides to write back an answer and hides it between the pages of a book in Heaven. A special book he knows Aziraphale will get his hands on...
My HQ Illustrations here on Ao3! (and low quality below the cut)
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Share the Ineffable love! Don't forget to 💕/ reblog ;-)
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cartmankisser · 1 year
stares at you cutely eyes wide while foaming at the mouth….i see you write for welcome home!!!!!!! could you write wally darling and eddie dear (separate ofc) dating hcs ^_^
eddie seems so sweet i lobe heem…
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— when wally realizes that he has feelings for you, i can imagine it going two different ways.
the first way would be that he would be very honest and sincere when he confesses! he’s always very direct with his words, especially when they’re meaningful! he might like to take you on a special date or find some other special way to express his feelings!!
the second way, and my personal favorite, is that he straight up just… doesn’t ask to be your boyfriend. all he knows is that he likes to be near you, so he’s just gonna follow you around like a lost puppy begging for your attention!
i think that wally would be a very attentive partner though, always making sure that you feel loved and appreciated!! i feel like he would be pretty affectionate, often expressing his feelings through quality time with you! sometimes he can come off as a bit clingy, but why wouldn’t he want to be around you all the time?! :D
i think he would enjoy simple, low-key dates like picnics in the park, playing together at home, or going for a walk through the neighborhood. he loves his neighborhood a lot, so i don’t see him wanting to get out of town often
wally is a very creative person, so he might surprise you with little gestures like writing you a love poem or painting a portrait of you!! he would try to be very cheesy romantic and would always find ways to make you feel special!
he’s a very loyal and devoted partner, so he would always be there for you, no matter what. he would be very protective and somewhat possessive of you and would do anything to make you feel as special as you are to him!!!
— when eddie realizes that he has feelings for you, he would be a little nervous about confessing his feelings, but he would be very honest and open when he finally does, even if it ends up being a bit awkward.. he’s just relived to get everything off his chest!
he would be a very caring and thoughtful partner, always making sure that you feels supported and loved. he might be a little nervous about showing affection, but i can see him trying to express his feelings through small gestures like holding hands or leaving little notes for you to find. maybe even writing love letters every day to drop off with your mail!!
i feel like he would enjoy spending time with you in quiet, intimate settings where you can really connect and get to know each other!! he might like going for walks in nature, trying new hobbies, or staying in to watch movies.
in the relationship, eddie would prioritize honesty and communication. he would want to make sure that you always feel comfortable talking to him about anything, and he would be a great listener when you need to vent or share your thoughts.
eddie is a loyal and affectionate partner. he might be a little reserved at first, but he would open up more as he becomes more comfortable and secure in the relationship!!
overall, eddie would be a very kind and dependable partner who will always be there to support you with cuddles and kisses!! he might be a little shy showing his affection outwardly at first, but he would always show his love through his actions and thoughtfulness!
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kazumiku · 5 months
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NSWF (crossposted on AO3 @Kazumik)
SUMMARY; Kazuha's one-sided pinning turns into an overwhelming infatuation—an obsession that needs to be unleashed somehow, someway. So, he spilled his guts out in a poem that claims you are his, only before hiding you away from the world to prove his audacious words to be true.
READ WARNINGS; ooc, dark themes, has blood and violence, rape, dubcon, yandere Kazuha, the reader has alexithymia (i think)
you have now been warned...
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Enigmatic, you are. Walking through the hallways with an unbothered look, strangely calm amongst the loud voices of students crowding every corner of the hall, their voices having silenced by your thoughts, inaudible in your ears as you saunter towards your classroom.
Nobody paid you any heed when you slid open the door, and you couldn’t care less. Making your way to your seat, body relaxed and leaning against the back of the seat once you’re sat. Your classmates had minded their own business, but there was a feeling at the back of your head that somebody was staring, your eyes wander to meet with unfamiliarly familiar scarlet eyes.
Kazuha was his name, as you remembered from some time ago, he had handed you a small envelope with a poem inside. Each stroke by his pen used, word by word, written with underlying possessiveness, forming each stanza to subtly declare you as his. Shameless was an understatement, he will do anything in his power to at least stare at you, his gaze invasive, it was hard to brush off, even for an individual like you.
“Forgive how I ogle, admiring you, as I’m lost in my own bubble;
Your blasé magnificence guides my forlorn gaze,
Spiraling my once working mind into a compulsive haze.
My doll, for only you I must craze.
Fear not for I mean no harm;
To wound you is a sin, my goddess, I shan’t.
But, dear, my patience wears thin.
Worry not your pretty mind, sooner, I’ll make it even.
You did not know how to answer that, ghosting him in terms of letters as you were unwilling to be his pen pal. His poem sent shivers down your spine, the bad type of shivers, the one to make your throat dry and your eyes wide from his audacity. “Sooner, I’ll make it even.” It’s silly, you thought.
What? Was Kazuha going to kidnap you and force you to love him or something? Impossible, he looked too lanky to do so.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It almost felt like you spoke to soon, groggily opening your eyes to the sight of a plain, dim lighted room, having to squint your eyes as your surroundings were unintelligible to your disoriented vision. Where were you? Only the gods can tell.
The only memory you could recall before your world submerged in black was you, walking home peacefully. Well, peacefully until your breathing was cut short by what seemed like a chloroform rag covering the lower-half of your face, held onto place by a firm hand that snaked from behind you, forcing you to inhale the mind-numbing drugs to succumb you into a temporary, yet deep slumber.
“What the… where am I?” You winced quietly, your mind throbbing in pain. The room was cold, yet it seems only you, and, well, the noisy rats at the corner of the room, being the only thing that breathed inside there. It was eerie, like the low-quality horror films you used to adore watching as a kid. But, this time, it was in real life, and not in some lousy made movie.
Few moments have passed, with what seemed like an eternity, when in reality is was a few minutes, there was finally movement going on in the room—other than the rodents that reside with you in the same room—the door peeked open before a head of familiar platinum blesses your gaze. Chains clanked as you tried to shift, only then did you notice the heavy shackles around your ankles and wrists.
“Ah, you’re awake,” The man’s silvery voice graces its way into your ears, a smile playing on his lips. A twisted one, his scarlet gaze as dim as the lights offered, why is little to no illumination. “I was wondering when you’d wake up,” Kazuha jested casually, presenting a tray in his hand. “I brought you something to eat. You must be tired, poor little thing…”
He knelt to meet your point of view, placing the tray on the floor in front of you. As much as this unnerved you, as your muscles were screaming, aching for you to run—a bored face masked your inner conflict as you glanced down to the dish, a simple plate of fried fish, having a nice aroma that you’d probably eat it. But not when you’re restricted, only being kidnapped, your stomach churning in… fear?
Who knows.
Kazuha was quick to catch on your reluctance to eat, sighing inwardly before he reached down for the spoon. He simply opted to feed you in your stead, not wanting you to starve under his care. “Say ‘ahh’ for me, honey,” He instructed with a sickly sweet voice, tipping the fish-filled spoon just at the entrance your lips as he waited for your cooperation.
You responded in a jaded stare before looking to the side to an empty corner, peering at nothing in particular. “Am I in a basement?” Your sudden question earned a hum from him before he chuckled and nodded. “What an astute observation, my dear, you’re right on the money.” The platinum boy praised before patting your head, like an owner would do to its pet.
You moved your head back away from under his palm in unease, though it wouldn’t show how shaken you are in terms of facial features—though the twitching of your hand was proof of your uncertainty, Kazuha, being the attentive person he was, hastily caught on, smirking in amusement at that. So that’s how you show emotion, huh? He was starting to pick up swiftly on how to read you. Skillfully at that.
“Don’t touch me…” You whispered, voice laced with indecision. Nevertheless, Kazuha did not falter, still aiming the spoonful at you. “Open your mouth wide, dear,” He was resolved in his decision to feed you, which you gleefully ignore.
The corners of Kazuha’s lips drew down, clicking his tongue at your continuous defiance, it was like a switch flipped as he went straight to the point. His free hand lunged towards your face, seeking your jaw before moving higher to pinch both sides of your cheek, leaving your lips to part open for the spoonful to enter. Before you could think of spitting the food, you started chewing, the fish well-cooked and seasoned perfectly to match your liking.
A pleased hum vibrated from his throat seeing you eat, that sweetly unnerving smile of his dawning back to view in his face. “That’s a good girl,” Kazuha praised, earning you another pat on the head. You couldn’t even move your head back before his slender fingers made its way to grasp on your locks, leaving you to quietly wince as you busy on chewing.
“Don’t think about even defying me or my wishes, you won’t live see the end of it, my love.”
With that same velvety voice of his, his threat reverberated through the empty basement, asserting his authority over you in a sugar-coated, honeyed manner that makes you want to gag.
Kazuha’s fingers then untangle from your hair, stroking the side of your face before he placed the spoon back on the tray and went back up to his feet, leaving you to sit alone on the icy floor, chained to the equally cold walls.
“I still have matters to attend to, I trust that you’re able enough to feed yourself.” He declared, leaving you to your own accord as he disappeared up the stairs, a glimpse of light seeping out from the open door before he shuts the exit behind him, leaving you to willow in the shadowy room, unaided, chilly and alone.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Time has lost its worth in this little space you’re now resided in, and, surprisingly enough, you are taken good care of throughout the duration of your elongated stay, occasionally cleaned and fed good dishes that are cooked by his own hands. The only way you could tell that time is moving from the outside was by Kazuha’s feeding times, giving you the usual three meals a day. But now, it felt like he’s given you food for countless of times now, the days turning to weeks, to months. It’s been a year, probably, and you still wouldn’t be sure of how much moons had passed.
Any disobedience ever endeavored throughout is only to be met with punishment, punishment meaning pain—along with pleasure that leaves you conflicted on what to genuinely feel about your captor, yet in never shows in your face, making it all the more exhilarating in Kazuha’s scarlet eyes.
“You’re so much like a doll,” Kazuha comments, his voice husky, a contrast to his usual velvety voice but still holding the same volume of tooth-rotting honey that charmingly rolls out of his tongue. “You always keep a straight face, like you’re bored… Heh, even when I…”
He trailed on his words then your head flew to the side with a loud slap reverberating through the room, leaving a prominent, red hand-mark on your cheek before he grasps at your hair to move your face back towards him, crimson eyes glimmering with shiny stars of admiration at your seemingly unfeeling expression. You looked so beautiful like this. You were meant for him, he’s certain.
“Shit— you like that, don’t you? You’re squeezing around me so much,” He groaned, his cock throbbing inside you, each engorged vein prodding, rubbing against your velvety walls. Even cockwarming him felt good, by how thick he was. At first, you’d tear up through droopy eyes, but now you’re trained to take his cock, to feel how much he’s stretched your puny hole up every time you felt too rebellious. But Kazuha’s just disciplining you, he’s clarified that many times.
His whole length sat inside you snugly, a perfect fit, all for him. “It’s too much… p-please, I’m sorry… I want you to move…” You panted, heartbeat pounding loudly inside your tightening rib cage. You felt so stuffed, overwhelmed, wanting to frown—But you’re simply unable to, always having that default look on your face even when he’s tormenting you both physically and mentally, molding your body to his taste, twisting your mind to have the same corrupted morals as him.
Turning you into the perfect pet for him. Only for him.
He chuckled, licking his bottom lip as one hand held your hips so you won’t squirm away, the other hand stroking your forearm, reaching down to trace at the shackles on your wrist. Clearly, he doesn’t trust you enough to let the cuffs off, simply opting to keep you like this for your whole life, perhaps. Maybe if you weren’t such a bad girl. Kazuha doesn’t mind, though, he prefers you like this, tied down. It assures him that you won’t slip out of his grasp.
“Hmm, are you sure that you’re sorry, my lovely?” You choke out a yes, bobbing of your head vigorously as you glance at him through damp lashes, your breath hitching as he suddenly pulled out until the tip was the only thing left in you, earning him a whine that bubbled from your throat.
It seems Kazuha was satisfied with your keen nodding to his question. And, without warning, he plunged back into your depths with a wet squelch, your jaw dropping loose as he bottoms out inside you. Then he repeated the motion, seeking the perfect pace that made you throw your head back, eyes rolling as his dick hit all the right spots inside you with practiced ease.
The obscene noise of your sweaty skin meeting his resonated throughout the room, bouncing off the walls along with your high-pitched whining and his low grunts, his firm hands now making way to grasp your thighs and pry them further open before draping them over his shoulders, the chains attached to your legs jittering as he does so.
His cock met the maximum capacity of your depths, the tip of his cock flush against your cervix that it made you see stars, your body shuddering and writing against him weakly. Drool started to trickle down your chin, but that didn’t stop Kazuha as he descended his lips onto your moist ones, drenching his mouth in your saliva before his tongue slid out to enter yours, drinking up your loud noises that it becomes gurgled.
“You’re so warm, my love… You’re mine now, aren’t you?” Kazuha grunted, slightly muffled as he claimed your body as his, his scarlet eyes brimming with possessiveness that will only look your way. He loves you, he loves this, and he loves ravaging your body so much. Mine, mine, mine, that was the only thing that echoed through his mind.
Your stomach churned as a familiar knot formed, your pussy tightening even more so in a vice-like grip around his girth, the action soundlessly telling him your climax was drawing near. And, with that, the rhythm of his hips sped up, now pounding you down onto the floor relentlessly as he pulled his lips away from yours to travel down to your neck, littering your supple skin with red-purple marks along with occasional nibbles that left bite scars.
With one last harsh thrust, you scream loudly with a strained voice as he bit down on your shoulder hard. Hard enough to draw blood, yet the pain seems to only enhance the heightened arousal you felt as your vagina fluttered around him, the knot in your stomach undoing itself as you coat his whole length in your climax with a heavy pant.
But he didn’t halt there, even when you reached up to grasp his forearm and beg him to stop. Even when tears trickled down your flushed cheek. Even when your typically dormant face finally contorted into one of pained overstimulation. Even when your nails dig onto his flesh, clawing, leaving red scores to form on his skin.
Nevertheless, Kazuha was selfish, seeking out his own well-earned orgasm as his hips stuttered, thrusts losing its rhythm as he sloppily plunged himself in and out your abused cunt.
“Shh… b-baby, I’m almost there,” Kazuha assured, breath hot against your skin as he licked the bruises that formed throughout the expanse of your neck and shoulder. “You’re doing so well, my love, just a little more… mmh, I love you, I-I love you.…”
His voice went quiet as he bottomed out fully, cock twitching inside you one last time before spurting out ropes of white liquid, flooding your womb with his warm semen, claiming you as his completely and utterly. You could only fall limp on the ground as he remained inside you, ensuring all his load stayed inside your pussy.
“I… I l-love you too…”
You’re his. You’ve always have been, and forever will be.             
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notes; erm this is a peace offering for not updating, so i hope u enjoyed (stoner scara is rotting in my unfinished works.. ive been rewriting it bc i didnt like how i wrote it initially, and im still working on it)
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