#lov dis boi
kenny-lol · 2 years
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oprah shot
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aerticent · 2 months
can’t believe the worst person in the world (Elara) gave birth to the second worst person in the world (Maven)
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violetlunette · 2 years
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nosfelixculpa · 2 years
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pirrow scenes my beloved: (2.14) The Helmet Scene™
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processionaryy · 1 year
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death python n his boyfie's chicken nuggie bonding mid brakdown teehee
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yanderenightmare · 6 days
TW: noncon, bullying, angst, unwanted pregnancy
fem reader
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You were a real ugly duckling story when you were young. Pushed around and bullied for nothing, then drooled after the moment you grew tits. Kids are so quick to change at that age. You started hating them for it early on.
You’d keep to yourself most of the time after switching schools—wanting none of the previous to follow you. Still, you’d attend a party or two when you felt like drinking for free. You’d watch the boys act like fools and the girls act like whores with eyes lazy and drunken. But you couldn’t say you weren’t one of them—in your little black dress reaching just beneath the curve of your ass, low in the dip between your tits. 
None of you should have been drinking. You were all still too young for any of it, and none of you knew how to hold yourselves. But a part of your angsty heart romanticized it when you were puking up your stomach in the bathroom—both arms resting on the toilet seat with your head lying cheek-down against the soft and sticky flesh.
You still remember the smell and how you’d imagined the bacteria cling to your sweaty skin like a coat of grime. Something about it was so movie-esque, you couldn’t help but feel like the self-destructive lead in some bad teen drama.
A rude banging on the door had taken you away from the thought—a boy. 
“Oi! Open up—need’a piss!” he’d yelled. Audibly drunk. Not that you judged him with what you’d poured down your throat now in the toilet bowl—just clear spirits with a few suds of spit.
You sighed, lifting your head with a soft blink. Getting up slowly, you’d flushed your vomit and pulled your dress back down before sauntering over to the locked door. You’d twisted the key, and the guy behind it had barged in before you’d even opened it up. Pushing past you, he had his dick out and aimed at the bowl with a heavy groan with you still in the room, throwing his head back in acute relief.
Suppose you’d been just as drunk as he was, looking at him while he took a piss—no, rather… you were a little preemptive because of the shock. 
It was him. The reason you switched schools.
The memories leave you cold as a corpse as they flood you.
You had such a big girly crush on him back when you were kids. You were so embarrassing—following him around with pink love letters and chocolate, practicing writing a thousand Mr. and Mrs. in all your notebooks.
He was your Prince Charming. You thought he was just the coolest, smartest, most handsome boy you’d ever met, and dreaming of being his girlfriend made you kick your feet and scream into your pillow.
But then that dream kicked you in the stomach.
Turned out, he found you dumb and annoying. Actually, he found all girls dumb and annoying, but youespecially—following him around like a lost puppy, being so pathetic it made him cringe at the sight of you, staring at him always like you were expecting him to pull the sun down and gift it to you. You were a fuckingplague.
And he’d made sure to spread that sentiment. 
Soon, you’d become a social piranha—no one dared stay your friend much longer. You were an outcast—a loser—laughed at when walking the hallways, and no stranger to a half-empty milk carton being thrown your way—tripped and pushed and hair-pulled—people would steal your things or throw them in the pond or even try flushing them down the toilets. The only safe place became behind the locks in the bathroom stalls, but even there, it was hard to find peace with all the things people would write on the walls about you—the same nasty things written on your locker and desk and internet… 
The hopeless romantic within you died—and all your fantasies about Prince Charming did the same.
Bumping into him at that party after changing schools was only a twist of fate, as though making a cruel joke.
“What?” he’d bit out, his head lazily slanted sideways to give you a look, but then his eyebrow lifted in late recognition you’d wished hadn’t come. “Tch—why, if it isn’t little miss love hearts.”
He’d shaken off and zipped himself back up—didn’t bother flushing or washing his hands. Instead, he’d gone straight to you, and you’d stood there—still—eyes wider than they’d been for a long time. You’d have been more surprised he even remembered you, but in the oncoming of dread, you were a little too numb to feel much of anything except slightly hung up. 
“Speechless, huh? Still crushin’ on me?” he’d drawled awfully with a sloppy grin, resting his weighty body with a hand on the doorframe, shadowing you as you stood on the threshold. 
You hadn’t been the only one who’d grown up quickly. He was taller, bigger, stronger. In a tight black tee, you’d spotted the rich lines of his muscles. It made him look a little older than kids your age should. But you suppose it was the same with you with your push-up bras and G-strings and high-heels and smokey eyes.
“Barely recognized yah—lookin’ a little better since droppin’ out—or d’yah switch to another crummy school?” His hand had reached out, and your breath had stilled—throat tightening to a choke as he fiddled with a lock of your hair. He’d let out a laugh, entirely dismissive of the trepidation you’d felt stuck. “Guess that’s my fault huh? Since breakin’ your wittle heart~”
You’d wanted to say something snide, walk away casually once and for all. But more than that, you’d wanted to run. You wish you had. But none of the sorts happened. You’d just ended up standing there silently as if someone were capturing the look of pure anxiety in a portrait.
“Tch—since you’ve already had yer wet dreams come true, seein’ my dick—maybe you’d like to touch it too, hm?”
With a breathy hitch in your voice, you only managed to whisper out a weak, “No thanks.” Turning on your heels with wobbly knees with a single blaring thought on repeat in your head—just get out of there, just get out of there, just get out.
You wish you had, but fate had other plans for you that night.
“Oi.” His callused palm had wrapped itself around your arm and stopped you dead in your tracks. “Fuck’s that about, huh?”
Pushed up against the spine of the doorframe, you’d winced but felt too stunted to do much else. “Let go.”
“Tch—that’s not how it works.” He’d snickered again, breath soaked with beer and vodka and smoke while it wafted across your face in the damp heat of his words. “Dress like an open invitation—you can’t turn down the ones who come knockin’, slut.”
You shudder when your memories of the next events start playing. You’d suppressed it for years, but seeing his face and hearing his voice brought it all back. Standing before you, years later, on your doorstep, rubbing his hands together nervously while searching for the right words to say.
“Uhm…” He swallowed thickly. “Don’t—uhm—know if you remember me.” That’s a stupid thing to say. He scolded himself but stayed committed to it anyway. “It’s me… from middle school.” 
He made himself cringe—barely able to look you in the eye where you stood, unreadable expression donning your face. He doesn’t know what compelled him to track you down again after all this time, nor what he hoped to achieve by coming here—all he knew is that in between days of endless drinking and living his best but mostly empty life, the only part of his heart that still bothered feeling something real was hung-up on his memories of you. You, who could have offered him so much more if only he’d had the balls to take it.
 “I—I know this is—uhm—fucked up,” he excused himself in the same fashion a boy up for arrest would. “But I…” Swallowing thickly, he took a deep breath, hung his head, then let it go. “I did something unforgivable to you five years ago, and I’ve regretted it ever since.”
He looked up to see your features hadn’t changed.
“I’ve tried forgetting—‘cause it’s been eatin’ me up inside, but—this is fuckin’ selfish—but… I needed to let you know how sorry I—”
“Mommy! Who is it?”  The boy had broken everything off. He came running with stomping steps to attack your leg, peering around it to look up at the man standing there.
“Oh! It’s just a salesman, honey,” you excused—your smile a bit too tight to be called natural as you stroked the top of the boy’s familiar hair. “Mommy will be done real soon, okay? Wait for me inside, yeah? You can watch whatever you want until I’m done.”
The boy hadn’t noticed your discomfort, too blinded by the offer. 
“Really?! Score!” is all he squealed out before bolting back inside.
Old Prince Charming blinked. Once, maybe twice, maybe a dozen times rapidly. “Is that—"
“No,” you interrupted, closing the door once the man reached his hand out. Already having taken a step as though he planned on rushing after the kid, he stopped short when you placed yourself in front of the door, blocking him.
He breathed. Once, maybe twice, maybe a dozen times rapidly. “Shit—” Swallowing thickly, he combed both hands through his hair while staggering back. “It is, isn’t it?” He met the metal railing behind him with a clank. “I need to sit down—” Slipping down it until he’d dropped to the floor with a thud—still holding his head. “Fuck—”
“There’s no need for any of that,” you spat coldly. “He’s mine and wants nothing to do with you, so get lost before I call the cops.”
“That’s my son—” he objected, but he hadn’t a complete grip on the situation—voice an overwhelmed and weak excuse, something you easily stepped on and snuffed out like a spent cigarette bud.
“He’s my son.” You’d raised a strict pointer finger at his face in warning—like a sharpened knife aimed right between his wide eyes. A fierce scowl warped your face, huffing stiff breaths through a flared nose—lips in a prim line as you glowered at him in unfaltering disdain.
And his head was in such a state of turmoil that, for the first time in his life, no words could make it out on his tongue to refute it—remaining at a complete loss.
“You came here to apologize, right? Or whatever the fuck you call all that mumbling you just did,” you questioned in the gap of his silence, taking a step back while straightening yourself, looking down your nose at him—jaded with a voice just as cold—void of all emotion, as though you had none whatsoever to spare him. “Apology accepted if you go away and never show your face here again.”
And with that final sentiment, you turned your back and opened the door. 
You didn’t slam it, but you might as well have.
The metal grid he sat on began eating into his flesh, and the bars behind would soon make his back ache—and still, he remained sitting there for a while. Thinking of all the ways he’d ruined your life…
As well as all the ways you were going to complete his.
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BNHA – Bakugou, Dabi, Hawks
JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Toji
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not-lame-llama · 3 months
My thoughts on Percy Jackson as someone who is reading it for the first time (i’m on the Last Olympian) spoilers ahead!!!
- Past Nico would absolutely lose it meeting Present Nico. He’d be like strong emo boy? I lov him.
- Clarisse and Thalia have kissed at some point. They never spoke of it again.
- I love Sally Jackson. I’m waiting for her to have a seen where she grabs a sword and just cuts down a mf for her son. stab Kronos in the foot Sally! You got it bbg!
- Tyson tries to teach himself how to sew and makes a pegasus plushie for Percy. Nonnegotiable. He stabs himself in the fingers, has to get help from a crowd of cyclopes.
- Zoe is baby. Shoulda been better protected, deserves her place in the stars
- Dionysus has a stick up his ass or smth bro calm down why is your enemy a child. Same with Ares
- Percy coming back to find that Grover is dating a bush is fucking hilarious
- Percy seeing Aphrodite and saying she looked like Annabeth? Top tier.
- Also, I know Percabeth is the THING but him and Rachel was kinda cute
- Percy, dyslexic, solemnly reading the prophecy INCORRECTLY to a room of other dyslexics is just….Chiron, darling,,,,read it out loud or smth. Spare the poor boy
- OH MY GODS AND the way Annabeth said she’d heard it when she was ten and had had nightmares ever since??? Gurl literally admitted she had dreamed of Percy dying and it scared her real bad for YEARS
- There’s literally no way the prophecy actually means Percy permanently dies. Someone else does, or he does and then is reborn. There’s no way he just dies in five days
- bro has no chance against Kronos, why does he keep trying to stab him and then acts surprised when his sword just bounces off the Titan’s skin??
- ADHD does NOT help with battle sense. I speak as an ADHD who was tried MMA. It did not work out. These halfbloods are fucking lying.
- Why no Persephone children? I wanna be a Persephone child
- Grover shoulda become the next diety of the wild, or just a part of it, something stronger and magical tho
- Poseidón and Percy calling Paul Mr.Blowfish. That’s it. They’re twin dumbos
- Oh and that lil bitchy boy that corrects Poseidon all “I’m Poseídons son and HEIR” no. he’s a no. doesn’t exist. nasty.
- Luke is a no. Why do people like him?
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buttercupshands · 19 days
MHA didn't create some miracle way of helping others. It was never promised to be this way. And when it came to villains...
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Spoilers for manga all the way to chapter 423.
The only way to get anything in life in MHA was to be born "normal" like everyone else and that way of thinking never left Izuku with Toga getting the same treatment she did before from everyone from her family to her "normal" classmates. It was Ochako who helped Toga even if just a little by lifting the weight of all the feelings that Toga had.
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She couldn't save Toga the way one could save a civilian by saving them from harm. If it worked that way Dabi would've saved Toga even before Ochako could apologize for failing to notice Toga. She was so lazer focused on saving everyone else, that she was just another villain to stop, not a human.
Even if by the end of it Ochako helped Toga to deal with her grief, acceptance as it was wasn't something possible when a quirk makes you want to drink someone's blood from jealousy.
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We got a bittersweet ending with Toga, in which she probably died from blood loss just like her double did in MVA. If it wasn't for Twice she would've died back then.
Giving away her blood for Ochako wasn't a redemption or a way to save Toga in the end, more as it was her being true to herself until the very end.
Just like Twice chose to stay with the League even if Hawks offered him a way to survive that battle. He refused and died protecting his friends who accepted him instead of choosing to betray them and accept Hawks' offer.
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After Twice's death... It was a matter of time that more 'active' LoV members would join him as well. As sad as it is, we now can return to Izuku.
Who, after his time OFA-AFO quirk space, now wanted to help a "crying boy" he saw in Tenko just as before with Katsuki in chapter 1. He didn't forgive Tomura and didn't excuse the way he chose to solve his problems.
It didn't mean that Tomura would survive in their battle, even if Izuku didn't see killing others as a way to solve problems. He didn't understand Tomura, but he still wanted to try, and try he did.
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The rest of this post was nothing more than a contextual prologue to understand that it's not the first time a hero failed to save a villain and in Twice's case we know that he died and his death was the reason Toga started thinking about her own possible death and Dabi finally revealed himself as Toya.
The goal of saving a "crying boy" never was an end-goal for Izuku in the Final arc, since helping Tomura deal with his feelings just left him hollow with a goal that clashed with Izuku's. As being a hero for villains meant destroying the world for them to help them live freely.
But that was before AFO resurfaced.
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Sadly after that Tomura who was talking about making his own choices for a while now stopped doing that. Even if he still had a goal of helping villains and only villains, Tomura was almost gone. And his goals were now unreachable.
Izuku helped Nana who in turn kept Tomura from fading away entirely. In MHA there were countless situations where Izuku's help affected people by helping a different person to keep hope, All-Might being the first one and Nana being the last one at the moment.
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Hollow after Izuku helped him to get rid of his hatred Tomura could do the only thing he did - accept the situation as it was.
Accepting AFO as his Sensei, accepting Stain's ideals and Overhaul's deal was the way he solved his problems. Just like Izuku had a problem of understanding something outside of his norm, Tomura was accepting too many things, which lead to his downfall after accepting AFO's quirk.
Just like Twice could've given up everything that he had for his friends so did Tomura.
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With Izuku helping as much as he could let Tomura to finally rest as he wasn't really living ever since waking up in the hospital. With his body now affected by AFO's wishes instead of his own until the end.
In a way Izuku didn't succeed in his wish for Tomura to stop ever since PLF war arc. As he "kept fighting to destroy" no matter how hard Izuku tried to stop him.
The only thing he succeeded in was changing Tomura's mind about himself, instead of viewing himself as a monster he accepted that he was a human just like Izuku said. A "crying boy" who couldn't really destroy Izuku's hands in the end.
For a group of Villains who weren't supposed to get profiles of their own at the start of the series, League is slowly fading as the most memorable group that there was in MHA, getting backstories, their own Villain themed arc all the while being as human as anyone else.
As sad as their story is they were not "unlucky", they didn't need a happy false ending where they would need to change to be normal - they chose to live this way and they lived it to it's fullest.
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writingoddess1125 · 6 months
Soo I wanted to imput my own culture on this one!
COD Men + König Dating a Jamaican Women
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• You and König had been together for quite a while. Spending most of your guys relationship in Europe and in his home country.
• But when you make to offer of having him meet your family he is more then happy to accept!
• He didn't expect to take a plane to the tropicals however- Ending up in such a touristy area at first. Till you lead him off the beaten bath to a much more rural area to introduce him to your family.
• They are a but surprised at first, seeing such a large man. However accept him with open arms- Your Mummy especially.
• You handed your mother her drink, watching her as she looked at the new member of the family who was seated playing cards with your cousin- The shorts She'd bought clearly being a size too small to fit him comforbly.
• It was like she got the son she wanted the most- Immediately having him change into more comforble clothes. Fed him, and forced you to walk him around the prettiest parts of town.
• "Why does it feel like my Mum likes you more then me!?"
• Konig could only laugh at this and shyly disagree.
• However after your Mum took him shopping since she felt like he didn't have the proper clothes he couldn't disagree further.
• He absolutely adores the beaches of your home and spends so much time swimming he gets a golden tan in a short amount of time.
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• "Gonna need to order some better shorts" You mumbled- not wanting him to have a wardrobe malfunction while around your family. Your mother laughing at this and patting your hip- "Wen yuh climb tall trees yuh get langggg branches-"
• "MUMMY!"
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• You decided that it was time for Gaz to meet your family, wanting to take that extra step together.
• They are so excited to meet him they start chattering away immediately- However Gaz figures out very quickly...
• He is more then thrilled. Having wanted to take that next step with you for quite a while- So when the plan arrived at your home he was so happy to see your family there to meet you and him there.
• He doesn't know what the fuck they are saying-
• They had accidently assumed he knew Patwah and were corrected by you quickly. Since they assumed he was Jamaican like you-
• "Wait it's not just an accent?" Gaz asks softly to you, Which leads to you explaining that it's a Creole language called Patwah.
• Your Aunty however seemed to take the liking to Kyle the most. Seeing him as great husband potential for you- As well as dropping 'hints' about a wedding. Which was amusing since she had the thickest of accents out of your entire family.
• "Kyle lov, Wi wud waan (Y/N) married yah inna di yard. A nuh eh ah luk gud place tuh marry an av babies?" (Kyle Love, we would want married here at home. Isn't it a pretty place to marry and have babies? )
• Gaz didn't know what she said per say- But he did year the word Married and Babies.
• He does have a blast however, going out dancing with you, drinking with your family and having a grand time- But most was being fed near constantly.
• "Nyam up Maaga bwoy" (eat up skinny boy)
• Gaz was satted there in the kitchen of your family home, Staring as your Aunty adds another massive scoop of Rice and Peas to his growing plate. Filled delicious foods he could only dream of back home.
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• It seemed like there was no escape from this pleasurable hell- and he couldn't be happier
• Gaz nodded obediently as he took up more rice on his fork and continued to eat. You trying to tell your aunty to not force feed your boyfriend.
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• You bring up wanting Johnny to meet your family after officially meeting his- Seeing how it would be fair and should be a fun experience.
• Seems he found his people-
• Of course he is more then willing! Seeing it as a fun get away as well-
• When he arrives his naturally cheery personality wins over your family quickly. Ends up having a blast with them the first day and eats so much he almost gets suck.
• There is a mild language barrier- However it was overcome rather quickly.
• Your cousin seemed to absolutely ADORE Johnny. Taking the two of you out to clubs and different bars around the area.
• "We should buy a place out here- for times like this" He said, Leaning against you as the two of you walk back to your families house.
• Finds out quickly that it's relatively cheap in parts and having his nice military paychecks went a lloonnggg way here.
• Adsolutely loves the drinks. The Ginger beer, the Red Strike, Sorrel.
• Adores them honestly!
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• This man has met other half it seems as bottles seem to rain around him.
• "Yu Drunk?" Your cousin calls out to Johnny who is dancing against you with a bright smile on his face.
• "A'm Blootert!" He shouts. His accent so strong its funny-
• Johnny ends up so drunk, he's locked arms with your cousin, seated under the romada singing some imaginary song they had made up together.
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• You take the opportunity to get your hair braided as well- seeing how for once you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for it.
• It takes a lot of convincing on your part to get Simon to come meet your family. You'd been dating more then long enough and he finally agrees one day-
• However he still wears some form of mask- in his case a skull face mask that is still breathable while keeping him covered.
• Your family was a bit apprehensive of Simon of first- surprised by such a brooding figure you'd dragged with you.
• That was till your father stepped forward and welcomed Simon with open arms. Which lead to the rest of the family also being warm and welcoming-
• Simon accepts this and goes along with the kind greetings from everyone.
• Simon tags along, which surprises you. Ends up asking the hair dresser questions constantly.
• "Wah mek yu deh ask suh much?" Your hairdresser staps a bit-
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• "I want to learn how- do I can help her do her hair or our future children's" He says bluntly and truthfully.
• Wins over the whole Salon just like that.
• He has never met a group so God damn stubborn then your family- He can refuse all he wants but ends up being given or dragged some place.
• Getting a step by step on how to do different braids by the nice women at the Salon who baby him- even buying him lunch too.
• The soilder taking the day with your father. The two just enjoying the day together- Simon even smoking with him a little which made him relax more then he expected (You weren't there to tell him-)
• Didn't want a drink- Now has 4 he has finished. Refused an addional plate of food?- He had 3 more and some fruit.
• The only person who wasn't pushy was your father. Who was as stoic and laid back as Simon.
• Simon enjoyed the relaxing time with your Father- The two sitting on the front patio with their drinks sipping away as they occasionally chatted.
• This day being the same, When Simon got up prepared to be dragged to a other fun active place. But instead your father waving him over to sit with him.
• Looking to you as you just nod for him to go do as he pleased-
• By the time you came back, Both men were actually chuckling at some sort of joke together. That night you looking to Simon who laid in bed with you shocked-
• "My Dad actually likes you-" You say in disbelief. Simon only nodding and smiling at your words.
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• By the next morning he is as red as a Tomato and sunburned to high hell.
• John is willing to meet your family. Finding it would he a nice holiday and fun overall since he hadn't been to the Caribbeans since he was first in the military.
• When arriving he did notice some stares, since he was so clearly military and learned the distrust was real.
• But your family was open to him in extending that olive branch to him.
• Your uncle however- took some convincing. Which ended up getting John hazed of sorts.
• "Mek wi si wah yu gat Brit-" Your uncle Said with a grin. John of course accepting a challenge. From drinking, Dancing and more. Which ended up with the two shit talking each other-
• By the end of the night John and your Uncle were as thick as thieves.
• John even proud of the hand rolled cigarettes your uncle had given him.
• "Don't take his cigarettes-" You say calmly. Taking the homemade rolled cigarette from your boyfriend and handing him a packed one instead.
• While you were with some of your cousins catching up John sat out on a chair with your Uncles and cousins. The group smoking cigars and cigarettes and chatting away.
• Seemed time was lost on the both of you as John sat out in the sun far too long. Ignoring the reddening of his skin-
• Your poor Boyfriend tho-
• "Fuck-k" John mutters, wincing as he sits down with his arms held out. Your uncle laughing at him-
• You spend the evening rubbing Aloe in his skin and fanning his skin to help ease the burn.
• "Burned noice an criss Hm?" Your uncle said with a laugh making John give a fake glare at the old man.
• "Ah fuck ya you old geezer-" John winced out making the men around him laugh hard at his suffering.
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sanemisstalker · 10 months
As much as I sexualize and objectify him, I just know Sanemi would be so incredibly difficult to get into bed with. For good reason.
CW/ SEVERE Angst/ am.... am i depressed? Maybe, lol/ Discussion of CA / DV / Men's Mental Health / Sanemi is afraid of his dead dad / MANGA SPOILERS/ Panic Attack / ANXIETY / SH - Just general no good times as a result of Sanemi intentionally isolating.
This isn't headcanons or anything, I've just had my fair share of Sanemi run ins in my life, and I know He'd be afraid of you.
Afraid of himself and being just like his dad. He looks just like the bastard. If he didn't have the white hair, it'd be identical. He has those thousand yard stare eyes, and that big, imposing frame. After his mothers death, I just know he starred at that thing for days. Watching it fester and scar... it was easier before that one came in, to separate his face from his fathers- What an ugly gash.
And he was just like his dad, to Genya, at least. He wanted more than anything for Genya to just be happy, and he knew the stupid boy was doing it all for him. To earn his big brother's love that Sanemi had been intentionally depriving him of. And it sickened Sanemi.
He had to make it painfully clear to Genya every step of the way that nothing he did, no matter the triumph, no matter how proud Sanemi was- was ever going to make Sanemi snap and just say it.
Genya was too good to be good enough. Sanemi thanked his father, briefly, for that trait about himself. Sanemi turned everything off the day his mother died. Everything except for his dad.
Genya did not deserve a tie to the woeful underbelly of the world. Those silly things Genya said after Sanemi killed their mother were Sanemi's saving grace. He never would've been brave enough to start removing himself from Genya's life if Genya hadn't believed he opened the door.
It's why he tried to take his eyes when he found out Genya had been eating demons- Genya was a man he just couldn't protect anymore, because Sanemi kept tabs and he hadn't known that about Genya for a while, now.
It was all so... scary, Sanemi struggled to even think about it sometimes. Anytime he would a pit would grow in his stomach. Anytime he thought about snapping and reconciling with his brother, telling him how proud he was- that pit would be right back. It was like he was starving.
And God, when he meets someone he loves it stings. It stings because Sanemi was always the one walking the others out of the house when dad got bad. It stings because he knows exactly what that bastard did to his mom- he knew the movements intrinsically, and that's all he knew how to do to those fly away demons he'd been slaughtering for months as a teenager.
Back when he could still resceitate a smidge of his empathy for the things. He just started imagining them as his dad.
Because the pathetic piece of shit died before Sanemi could get penance. Kyogo should've been alive for Sanemi to kill, to get big and strong, and beat his father down into submission like Kyogo had been beating him, his mother, and his siblings down for years...
He should've been alive to do the bare minimum and protect his wife- to have fallen to slaughter in her stead. Because there should've been a bigger man in the house- To not only protect Shizu, but to protect Sanemi... but there just wasn't.
The love stings because every time he's reminded of how weak he is.
He loved Kumeno. With everything in his body, he knew he loved Kumeno. He wouldn't dare say a word. He had such a soft smile, Sanemi felt yet another drop of color fade from his vision as he watched Kumeno's smile fade away.
God, he loved Kanae more than he hated the world. He knew it radiated off of him when she entered a room- Because she treated him so softly. The news had shaken him for weeks. He doesn't even quite recall where he went or what he did.
He was greedy to want anything when he wore that uniform and wielded that blade. The first time in a long time he bothered to try and love, the world reminded Sanemi of his place.
And good for it, too, He'd figure. He would've beat Kanae, he bet. Would've reduced such a kind and caring woman to a sniveling dog beneath his fists.
It was better, that God took her away. She was safer from him dead.
His thoughts are never this formulated. They're thicker with self-bashing and the like. He can't bare to look at his face, only his torso- He crafted that himself, his dad was never this strong.
I know if he likes you, you'd just never know. It'd be like pulling teeth, but somehow worse. He doesn't sleep with anyone because that's disrespectful. No woman is an object to be used once, maybe seven times, and then cast off to deal with the brunt of it.
I'm sure beating up the Kakushi that made Mitsuri's uniform was more than cathartic for him.
I'm sure, if you manage to get through to him inspite all of this, he'd be afraid to touch you. He yanks his hand away, and never initiates kissing, even though it's all he wants to do.
He cries when he loses his virginity because fuck, god is going to yank you away. and he knows he can't do anything about it because he messed up and weak. He got so close to you, and god is going to smite you for it.
He's never the one that bares the runt of his sins.
He can't finish. He has a panic attack, it's visceral, and terrifying, he cant even manage to cry. It takes every bone in his body not to lash out screaming, breaking, and destroying while you cradle him against your chest, because God, fuck, he's a mess.
It would take him months to even consider it again. He begs you to leave him and find a man that can treat you better, because it just isn't him-
And it hurts because you see how strong he is to just be alive everyday. Sanemi has never been strong, though. And he doubts he will ever be strong enough to love you correctly-
It's not like him to quit, though.
God I might part 2 this, he's such a little fucker lmao.
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selene-19 · 9 months
This is on my mind for weeks...
Katsuki was almost killed thrice. First the Sludge Villain incident, then when he is kidnap by the LOV and third by Shigafo when he is stabbed. The thing is during those three incidents Izuku was there.
He was saved by Izuku when he was almost suffocated by the sludge villain. When Izuku saw that the person is Kacchan he's body moved on his own.
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Second he was saved by Iida, Kirishima, Shoto and Izuku. Izuku formulated a plan to save him from the LOV.
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Third he almost died but Izuku and Shoto was there. Such a heartbreaking moment. Izuku's rage and him losing control and then AFO seeing it.
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And finally he was killed by SFO because IZUKU WASN'T THERE 😭💔
The moment Izuku loses all his light because his sun is on the ground bloodied and 💔
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Izuku being dragged in the portal by Toga seperating him from Katsuki and then Katsuki being targeted by Shigafo and he fought till he's body can't anymore or his heart can't anymore. The heroes being there but still they can't save Katsuki 😭💔
Mirio saying he understands Deku and he can't forgive himself too means Izuku is blaming himself and the second page when Mirio said we need to keep fighting and don't give up means Katsuki dying is Izuku giving up of everything 😢
So we know that Katsuki would come back and live cause there is no world that Izuku would be the greatest hero when Kacchan is dead. Also Izuku needs him, the recent chapters is not looking good for Deku 🥹
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I always believe that Izuku being seperated from Katsuki didn't worry him cause he knows that Katsuki is strong and smart, that is his image of victory after all and there are other heroes with him. The thing is I don't know if he knows that Katsuki is his weakness and closest person or maybe he does (we don't know cause we doesn't have access to his pov anymore) but Shigaraki knows because of the quirk search. I mean those two stars are them and he said it must be fate 🥹
Katsuki doesn't even know it too. He was shocked when Shigafo only targeted him. The heroes tried their best protecting him but it's not good enough.
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The two were always together even in their not so good relationship during Middle School. Katsuki and Izuku was never been separated until high school. When Katsuki was kidnapped, Izuku said it was a total loss on him. During his vigilante era, he was hurt, depressed and lost, also it was hard on Katsuki too as he is worried and you can see the bags under his eyes. Being away from UA, his friends, teachers especially KACCHAN is not good for both of them 💔
Katsuki being Izuku weakness, his heart, his light, his beginning and end is so beautiful and poetic
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Izuku and Katsuki has been together since toddlers, they know each other their whole lives. Please, even when Katsuki is being a gremlin Izuku is still by his side. When Izuku needs help Katsuki is always there. Izuku has a big impact on Katsuki life and vice versa. They are childhood friends, rivals, the wonder duo, twin stars of Class 1A, the house arrest boys, All Might nerds/ All Might's Legacy, Deku and Kacchan and Deku and Dynamight 🧡💚
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marunalu · 21 days
Hi. Many fans disappointed with new chapter. I see many complaining. I am more pissed because of Bakugo.
I am now sure that in next chapter Izuku will be catched by Ochako or sonehow Shigaraki give Izuku OFA back or his original quirk. Dont know.
How do you think DFO will be revealed then Shigaraki and AFO destroyed? Both spirituality and phisicaly.
Well, its no wonder people are upset after that shitfest of a chapter. That propably was the most anticlimactic final bossfight I have ever seen in a manga and after all the talking how izuku wants to safe tomura, dude just dies and izuku is fine with it. He just failed his attempt to save the person he wanted to save the most, but hey I guess the fistbum makes up for it (it does NOT!) Im actually curious how the japanese fanbase reacted to all of that.
I mean, of course hori had to force bakugou in it for a final time. Hes his golden baby boy afterall. Izuku cant do anything without bakugous or other peoples help. He is not allowed to shine on his own in his own fight against the main villain in HIS story. Nope, bakugou needed to help to give the final blow to afo TWICE, because HE is the true VIP of mha! I have actually seen quite a few bakugou fan who were not happy about it. If even his FANS complain about how forced and unnecessary that part was, maybe hori should ask himself if his staning for that one specific character is not going a little bit to far. I mean, seems like we just were all dumb. At the beginning of the story we were told izuku is a useless loser because he cant do anything without the help of others and in the end it turns out it was true. How could we not see that comming? The mc was not allowed to defeat the main villain himself and needs others, espicially his abuser to help him. Wow, what a great message! And the most depressing point is that hori was clearly trying to make that look like a positiv thing. There is one thing I can say for sure. I will never touch any work from hori ever again.
If this was really the conclusion of the final fight, then congratulation hori, you managed to write a more rushed and horrible conclusion for your story, then tite kubo did with bleach (which to be fair was not kubos fault but shonen jumps). Hori did literally EVERY SINGLE character except bakugou dirty and in the end even startet to write against his own established themes in the story.
Regarding dfo: I already mentioned it a few times in the past. Im still positiv dfo is canon BUT I also said I dont think anymore that dfo will end in a satisfying way. Which actually goes against what hori said, that readers wont feel dissapointed when he reveals hisashis true identity. But, right now I dont see how hori plans to manage that even with a twist. Even if lets say the clone theory ends up true (which would be hilarious because I was JOKING when I came up with it), it still would feel like so much wasted potential. And the thing is, while it would make me happy if it turns out true I would still be mad about all the rest hori fucked up which would make it impossible for me to enjoy the dfo reveal. And as much as I love dfo, if it turns out the afo clone theory is true and hisashi is the real afo who gets a happy ending while tomura stays dead and doesnt get one after everything afo did to him and the rest of the lov stay miserable too, I will still give hori the middlefinger. The only way I would be able to enjoy it is if hisashi ends up as the afo clone who choose a different path then his original body. It would still make dfo canon just in a unexpected way and it could be interesting to see in hisashi that afo COULD have been happy if he had choose a similar way.
I dont know, maybe in the end there is really some kind of twist involved. Shonen jump still hasnt announced that mha will end in the next few chapters and normally they do that at least 5-10 chapters before the final chapter. Maybe we are just panicking over nothing and hori has everything planned out perfectly. Maybe there is more to come. We really cant say for sure. There are still some plots who need answers and I cant see how hori wants to conclude everything in just 2 more chapters. On the other side this final arc was horrible rushed, even more horrible written and all in all a big dissapointment and waste of a lot of peoples time.
Who knows maybe thats why there is a break next week. So hori can wait for the reactions of the readers and include whatever twist he may think could work.
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
here we go! the first of my So Much (For) Stardust x Steddie project! this was originally inspired by this post and my tags on it, but then Fall Out Boy released Heaven, Iowa and I haven't known a second of peace since. shoutout to @bayouteche for reading this through, as always, and to the Discord peeps for tolerating my FOB worm era. <3
A few deep breaths and he starts. 
“I can’t stand here and pretend that I know Eddie better than anyone here. I probably know him the least,” Steve starts, uncharacteristically nervous and sweaty with his friends’ eyes on him, all equally wet and red-rimmed. “But I can stand here and say without doubt that Eddie is—” 
He stands stark still, the realization that Eddie is past tense slams into him like a hammer to the skull. Steve clears his throat and wipes a hand down his face, pausing at the bridge of his nose to pinch the place he’s learned after years of practice will hold back the flood. It doesn’t work this time, tears falling at too quick a clip, crashing over the levee. 
“Was, one of the bravest people I know. Not just for what he did for us, for this town, for the world, but for showing up as himself in a place like this. And it’s… it’s so fucked that we have to honor him here in silence, in the town he died saving to protect his goddamn memory. That we can’t memorialize him as loudly as he lived, that we can’t lov—” 
A sob cracks his chest open unexpectedly, guttural and agonizing sounds spilling from his mouth.
He can barely say the word, can barely choke it out without giving it all away. Steve’s always fallen too fast, always fallen too hard, and this time, he’d speedrun through a sexuality crisis mid-apocalypse on his way to Eddie. But then he was gone. And he’s still gone, and Steve’s trying to put that into words without outright saying it, but how can say the word love now and not crumple to the forest floor under the weight of it? Of losing the possibility?
After a few long seconds, Steve manages to situate his metaphorical mask and continues as best he can. 
“Dustin, you said it best a few days ago. That more people should’ve gotten to know Eddie, and now they just don’t know how much they’ll miss. But I do. We do. And we always will.” 
A shiver runs through Steve, the wind and moonlight wrapping his scarred skin in what almost feels like an embrace. 
[read the rest of scar-crossed lovers on ao3!]
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 months
From the advice of @anastasian-dreamer : Here is a glimpse at killing butterflies.
Iida Tenya was… a bit different one would say compared to other children. He liked rules, he liked things to have it’s place. He disliked dealing with people who freqeutnly broke rules for no good reason, why on earth would you do that-
But he was a good person, everyone agreed. A good kid, full of joy and a desire to be a hero. His brother agreed.
To a point.
Iida Tenya was a good kid, and had a drive to be a hero. However he also had a more hidden side. A side Tensei was a little scared of.
Seeing your brother stare at your ex, and mutter about the way to rip their tongue out so they couldn’t use their Quirk was terrifying. It took Tensei ages to calm Tenya down after the messy break-up.
His parents knew about it to, which is why Tenya liked rules so much. They always had rules he had to follow so that he would be okay, safe and a good kid. He liked the rules, they were simplistic. Easy.
Going to UA was a test of his control, more so when Tensei was hurt.
Tenya’s plans grew dark and his mother Kin whispered she didn’t know if they could stop him or save him. Tomomi, her husband, just held her tightly as Tenya grew darker…
Only for a boy to save him. A bright boy with freckled cheeks and laughter. A boy Tenya began to follow and watch with awe. A boy the Iida family were so thankful to…
A boy who, over ten years later, laid in Tenya’s arms, blood trickiling down one freckled cheek.
“Ten…” Midoriya Izuku said, reaching up with bloodied fingers to press them to Tenya’s mouth. “Love…” He was gone.
Tenya sat there, staring at the man he loved more then anything as he passed on One for All. He barely noticed as the others came up to them.
It was supposed to be a routine supplies run. Izuku heading out with Bakugou to search. But Bakugou… he’d still been around when Tenya checked in. Scoffed about ‘not needing useless Deku’.
He deserved the punch, because here at the end of the fucking WORLD, he still acted like that? Still stuck his nose up and claimed to be better then the man who broke himself every day? Who had been the only one to hold back the villains until they were to many?
Izuku had been cornered by the Nomu, the ones set loose when Shigaraki decided he was bored of playing the benevolent leader to Japan after he’d managed to take power. (Or was it All for One? No one could really tell other then Izuku who hated answering that given the complexity.) His first attack had been on a school suggested by Dabi. A school where Todoroki Fuyumi worked.
They had been working behind the scenes then, when the reports came in. Fuyumi walked into her classroom of seven-year-old children to find them being ripped apart and eaten by a Nomu. The camera footage recovered saw how she froze, standing there watching her last student being eaten.
Then ice took over the entire room. Fuyumi killed the Nomu, running colder then anyone else could as she did so.
Shigaraki tried to arrest her for causing harm to a Nomu, but Fuyumi’s arrest didn’t last long when one of his own turned on him. They’d joined the LOV to make a difference, not kill children after all. Spinner escaped with Fuyumi, and the two became a machine as they took down various Nomu factories.
Shigaraki began releasing more then. Until it was just chaos, the man laughing from his lair along with those who stuck around him. People died each day, and the group gathered slowly dwindled as they were suddenly fighting Nomu they recognized.
Shouto lost an eye when he saw the Nomu form of Natsuo, and couldn’t react fast enough. Hizashi died when he was to slow against the Eraserhead Nomu.
Yet Tenya hoped. Izuku was still around, still alive. He could see Izuku, things were okay, things were better, right? They could work through it, Tenya knew Izuku was working on something with how he seemed more thoughtful lately…
Then he was sitting on the ground holding the man he loved with every fiber of his being, and nothing was okay.
“Izuku!” Ochako shouted, tears running down her face as she stumbled to the two of them. Shouto was barely a step behind her, looking horrified. Kirishima was behind them, looking sick…
And then Bakugou stood there with a stunned expression, and Tenya snarled, clutching the body of Izuku.
“He’s dead,” Tenya snarled as he tasted the blood and knew when Izuku gave him. Gave him One For All, wanting to make sure it would be passed on and maybe used to beat the Nomu.
It wasn’t worth it then, not with Izuku dead and Tenya wanted to, he wanted…
He moved faster then he thought and Bakugou flew back from the force of his hit.
“Whoa- Iida-” Kirishima tried, but Tenya backhanded him angrily. “Dude-”
“Izuku is DEAD BECAUSE OF HIM.” Tenya screamed. “We let him stay when he went against orders, and we lost Aizawa-sensei along with Momo. You vouched for him. We let him stay when he ignored all intel to try and take Toga’s base, and Tsu was captured. We let him stay even with every screen in Japan showing what torment Tsu is going through as Toga’s pet! We let him stay, and now look! Because of HIM IZUKU IS DEAD! Because he can’t be anything more then a selfish monster of a man who hates Izuku for no reason!” Tenya glared hard at Kirishima who opened his mouth before closing it.
“He always-” Bakugou wheezed, but Tenya turned his back on the blonde.
“Shouto…” Tenya said, and the fire user approached Izuku’s body to burn it. Inspecting the fallen Nomu bodies around, Tenya cursed.
That was obviously a fusion between Spinner and Fuyumi, the only other pair still fighting. Everyone else was dead. There was nothing left for them.
(Izuku was dead. Nothing mattered anymore.)
Ochako stopped Shouto to grab Izuku’s notebook, handing it to Tenya. The engineer user clutched it tightly, trying not to break as Bakugou cautiously approached them.
“Glasses, I should get One-” Bakugou said, but Kirishima stopped him.
“What the fuck are you doing Katsuki?” Kirishima hissed.
“I should get it, I’m the-”
“Stop.” Kirirshima snapped. He looked disappointed… and disillusioned, like he finally realized, after ALL this time that Bakugou only thought of himself.
“The only reason I’m not knifing you right now,” Ochako said calmly, “is because you are strong Bakugou. A good meat shield if needed.”
Tenya had to laugh at the look on Bakugou’s face.
They found their way to a house they were relatively certain was okay. A TV was in it, playing.
All TVs played, a Quirk from All for One. It was playing Toga’s sessions with Tsu, the frog girl a broken mess after three years, but still around so Toga could…
Shouto broke the TV before they could watch it all. Ochako stared at Bakugou unflinchingly as Tenya clutched the notebook like a lifeline. Kirishima didn’t look at anyone.
“I don’t trust him on watch duty,” Tenya said when they discussed it, staring at Bakugou. “I’ll go first.”
He wouldn’t sleep at all.
Sitting down, his ears open, Tenya finally opened the notebook. Izuku couldn’t keep all of his notes anymore, and now only had one that he always carried everywhere. He wrote only a little now. (He wished he could give Izuku a library to write it, as many notebooks as he could want.)
I have a Quirk that’s not part of One for All. Tenya froze at the sentence on the first page. What?
I haven’t told anyone yet. It’s time based. A few weeks ago, I went back in time for an hour, and I was the only one to realize it. I’ve been experimenting a little. I can so far go up to five hours back. I hope I can use it to fix this mess. Tenya flipped to a new page, confused.
I told Nezu and Momo. I can’t tell anyone else, not yet. I love Tenya, I would do anything for him. I can’t give him false hope. We’re running tests tomorrow.
It’s energy based, my Quirk. My actual fucking Quirk, not One for All. Apparently I’m a false negative in reality! I just didn’t have enough energy to go back enough I’d notice. A minute or two is easy to not see.
We experimented with the energy. I drained a Nomu dry and went back a week with Nezu. Could we all go back?
We ran the tests. Nomu have energy, but not the right kind. To go back far enough, I would need to kill four people. How can I pick and choose? I don’t even know if I could go back with more than just me.
Nezu is dead.
Momo is dead. She blew herself and the Nomu up.
Tsu was taken, and it’s Bakugou’s fault. I don’t know why he hasn’t changed, it feels unreal. Fake, his refusal to change.
I confronted him, and god. Bakugou is just… he’s refusing to change because it means he’s wrong. His fucking PRIDE is more important to him then surviving this damn fucking war. How did I not see this? How did I not realize it will always be all about him?
Bakugou tried to kiss me today. I punched him, reminded him I’m with Tenya. Apparently it means jackshit to Bakugou, who told me that he knew of my Quirk, knew we could go back and fix things, and actually be together with Bakugou getting One for All ‘like he knows All Might wanted cause Bakugou obviously deserves it’. Said some bullshit about being childhood friends to lovers. I killed him. I killed Bakugou and went back two months to prevent him from getting my journal.
Denki is dead.
Tenya’s rage at Bakugou grew reading the passage of the kiss, and grew more as various pieces of the puzzle put itself together. All the way until…
I told Ochako about my Quirk. It’s… I can’t. I can’t do it, I told her. But I said if I died I’d pass it to Tenya. Told her it would be up to her what he did.
Tenya lifted his head from the notebook to stare at the awake Ochako. She gave a broken smile.
“Do it,” Ochako told Tenya. “Do it, and make this world better.”
“I respected Izuku’s choice because he’d lose you. And he isn’t the type of person to hope on someone feeling the same. But you? I know you Tenya. You’ll make sure he loves you again.” Ochako said, snorting. “You’ll destroy the world for him, so take this Tenya. Take this chance, PLEASE.” she gave him a watery smile.
“...I’ll make sure to cause Toga the most painful death I can,” Tenya vowed. Ochako’s smile darkened. She was never with Tsu, incompatible sexually, but she loved Tsu more then anything. Queerplatonic you could call them. Losing the frog girl had broken something inside.
Tenya closed his eyes, feeling and…
“Do it Tenth,” a voice whispered. “Make my brother bleed.”
Minor notes: Bakugou is how he is here because to him Shigaraki proved might makes right. Shigaraki was the MOST powerful person and took over. So any redemption went down the drain because to Bakugou this just proved all his thoughts correct.
Thoughts anyone?
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mythicalmyles · 2 years
hi there ! your writing is literally like a saving grace to me 🥺🫶🏼! could i request Jeff with a younger male reader? + breeding, forced orgasm, punishment, & yandere
i was thinking maybe MC is considered super gullible and innocent. yknow, the shtick! thank you so much if you get to this!! i hope you have a great day (🫧 )
I like da way u think and im so glad ypu like my stuff that means sm i lov u🥹 hope u enjoy also i hope u dm me doing force squirting instead <3
(Name) sat quietly at his desk, headphones blaring through his ear drums. He sniffled and shuffled position in his chair before skipping a few songs before finally settling on one.
His eyes flicked to the time, 4.07 am. A breath shot out his nose as he flopped back against his chair, he should fix this. Instead he shook his head and continued staring past his computer, thoughts running through his head.
His thoughts always ended up on an old friend, Jeffery Woods. It felt like some distant fever dream, but it had happened. Sometimes he morned the loss of his old friend but fear would be quick to fill him after, the authorities had long lost count of his bodies.
(Name) wrapped his arms around himself as he felt his body tremor, dread filling his stomach. A horrible feeling filled his body, he couldn’t explain why he suddenly felt like a cornered mouse.
Hands gripping his shoulders had a scream tearing through the room, (Name) didn’t care how girly he might’ve sounded as terror filled every inch of his body causing him to lock in place.
He let out a winded yelp as he fell back with the chair, thankful for the cushioning. His eyes shot open and whatever noise he had began to make died in his throat when (e/c) eyes met blue.
Hed recognise those eyes anywhere, part of him quickly began to berate himself for thinking about this so much. “Hello sunshine.” Jeffs voice was completely different, not only was it deeper then last time they’d spoken but it held this tone of insanity in it.
(Name) knew he was fucked up, all the murders, the self mutilation it all had to go back to that day. (Name) quickly jumped up, trying to run around Jeff but failing as the other threw him onto his bed.
“Come in now, is that anyway to great an old friend?” Jeff laughed before quickly jumping on top of (Name), hands quickly restraining the younger. “Please Jeff, i didn’t have anything to do with that.” (Name) begged, eyes tearing up as he searched for anything on Jeff’s face.
Jeff giggled and shook his head. “I know that, silly.” Jeff’s tone was condescending as he stared down at the smaller boy trapped under him. “I'm not here to hurt you.. Much." He grinned and (Name) closed his eyes, his panic almost too much for himself to hand.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." (Name) blinked his eyes open, looking at Jeff's serious face. He let out a breath and relaxed in Jeff's grip. "What do you-" Jeff was quick to cut him off. "Don't worry about it." His thumbs lightly rubbed against (Names) wrist. "Plus, i only hurt bad people."
(Name) frowned but before he could speak Jeff continued. "I do research into the people i hurt and they deserve it, but the news would never tell you that." (Name) bit his lip, his dad had always raved on about people spying on them and that no one could be trusted.
"I would never hurt an innocent person." Jeff's face stayed serious as he lied through his teeth, (Name) ate it up. "What about your parents? Liu?" (Name) questioned, Jeff did his best to hide his aggrivation at the twenty questions he was suddenly being levied with but he sucked it up.
"Mom and dad... They. My face.." Was all Jeff said before bursting into tears, (Name) quick to hug him. "It's okay, we don't have to talk about it anymore, im sorry." Once (Name) apologised Jeff knew he had him, quick to hid his smirk by dipping his head down.
He pushed his head into (Names) neck who shivered as his breath touched him. Jeff moved his knees closer to his body, causing (Names) legs to spread around his waist. Jeff grinned as he felt the others breathing pick up.
Jeff pushed the others shirt up as his hand moved up (Names) stomach to begin flicking his nipple. A shocked gasp left him as he gripped Jeff's wrist, doing nothing to stop the stronger man. "Jeff, wait no." (Name) panicked as Jeff shushed him, his mouth moving to play with his other nipple.
A strangled moan left (Name) as Jeff's tongue circled his bud, he shook his head as his breathing became laboured. "Jeff, no." He tried to say more sternly, Jeff chuckled in response and kept assaulting his nipples.
Moans fell from (Names) lips as he tried to pull Jeffs hand away from his nipple. He paused to squeeze Jeffs wrist as his back arched and his eyes rolled. Jeff stopped only to make his way down (Names) stomach, slurping against his skin as he moved down. "Please." (Name) moaned out as Jeff pulled down his boxers, Jeff smirked.
"Want more already." A small cry left (Name) as he shook his head. "No-ahhh please stop." Jeff laughed as he easily flipped the smaller boy onto his stomach. Jeff stuck his fingers into (Names) mouth, fucking his throat for a few seconds as drool coated him. "Good boy." Jeff cooed as he pushed a finger into (Name).
A broken cry flew from his lips as Jeffs finger sank into him. "God, so tight pretty boy." A whimper left (Name). "Jeff please, you don't have to do this." (Name) begged through his moans. "I want to." Was all Jeff replied before pushing another finger in. (Names) moans raised in pitch as Jeff used his free hand to grip his hip and pull him back onto his fingers.
Jeff spotted lotion on the side table and quickly scooped it up, (Name) tried to run but Jeff was quick to dive on top of him. "C'mon baby, it's gonna feel so good." (Name) just shook his head and shivered as Jeff coated his cock in lotion. Jeff didn't waste time before pushing into the smaller, he let out a loud groan as his cock was gripped.
"So tight, so good." Was all Jeff could say before he gripped (Names) hips and began fucking him. (Name) let out a cry at the intrusion, Jeff's cock filling him more then he could bare. A strangled moan left him as Jeff roughly fucked into him, he could feel his own cock harden as Jeff assaulted his prostate.
Loud moans filled the room along with the sound of skin slapping as Jeff took him roughly. "Gonna breed you up pretty boy, fill you up with so much cum. You'd look so pretty full of my babies." (Name) gasped and flushed, his cock twitched at Jeffs words.
He shook his head though, quick to protest. "Shut up, what are you really gonna do pretty baby? I have my cock deep in this pretty little ass of yours. You're mine now." (Name) sobbed, he couldn't tell at this point if it was because of how good he felt right now or if he really didn't want what Jeff said.
"I should've taken you when i first say you, you looked so pretty." (Names) mouth opened, not sure what he was going to respond before a weird stabbing feeling filled his stomach. Panic filled him as he began fighting against Jeff again. "No, Jeff. Please, i'm begging, you need to stop please." (Name) begged as weird feeling filled his stomach and cock, he could swear he was about to piss himself.
He kept begging, instead jeff ignored him and grabbed his arms. He pulled them behind (Names) back as his hand gripped (Names) neck. Jeff gripped hard as he continued to slam into (Names) prostate, (Name) let out a loud scream as he squirted, his own liquid coating him.
(Name) sobbed, embarrassment flushing him, Jeff paused to smile in glee. "I've never seen a man actually do it!" He cheered, (Name) sniffled before turning around to Jeff. Jeff swore before gripping the others hair and connecting their lips. He pulled out and dove on top of (Name), their bodies flush together as Jeff pushed his cock back into (Names) hole.
(Name) moaned weakly as Jeff praised him, continuing to thrust his cock into the already spent boy. (Name) burned with over sensativity but it also felt so good all he could do was lie back and take what Jeff threw at him.
Jeff grinned as the other fully relaxed and submitted. "Such a good boy, so pretty." Jeff cooed as he ran one of his hands through the others hair. It didn't take too long for (Names) moans to pick up and for his to struggle again. "Not again, please." Jeff shut him up but pressing his lips to the others as he picked up his thrusts, his own climax coming close.
(Name) came again, cum barley dripping out his cock as he let out a high pitched whine. His whine turned into a yelp as Jeff suddenly slapped his ass, Jeff slapped his ass four more times delighting when tears filled the others eyes as he begged Jeff to stop. "You should've been a good boy." Jeff smacked his ass ten more times, delighting in the way (Name) tightened around his cock.
Jeff began thrusting into him again except this time he'd randomly smack (Names) ass delighting in the shout the other produced each time. Jeff stopped his slaps in favour of picking up his thrusts and chasing his release, (Name) came again and Jeff lightly chuckled as he hit his own release and pumped the smaller man full of his cum.
"Told you I'd breed you good."
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moonsb1996 · 6 months
Villains are those who have been abandoned by superhero society. TW: long post
It's something I've been wondering about for a while and how true it is. If that's the case, let's talk about it.
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From the picture above we get the idea of LOV using violence against violence. This is a good starting point for questioning MHA's superhero society: "The use of violence Solving the problem of violence” is it a good solution in this society or not? Of course, this is not a very elegant point when we come to Shigaraki's true, deeper reasons, what his true desires are.
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On the red circle layer is The entire cause of Shigaraki Tomura's character is his entire cause. "Destruction" has no other reason beyond that. Just because of what happened to him, "Shimura Tenko"
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The above scene is how Tenko felt. He wanted someone to lend a helping hand to him. And in the end, the person who came to help him was nothing short of an AFO, which is not all I have to say. Because there was another episode that happened and I felt like this was the little boy that Midoriya Izuku wanted to save?
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Wait a minute…I understand that it is about your father. Emotions take you…but Tenko's (Tomura) mother tries to hug him to comfort him. “My dear, everything will be fine.” But she died because of your power. Isn't that a matter of tragedy? Shigaraki ?? Are you relieved that you destroyed everyone in your family except your father??? What is this?? Okay, I'll try to calm down a little more. yes ! The story of Shimura Tenko or Shigaraki is really sad. And it's true. But is there anything else that makes me feel like this? This guy can't turn back.
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Okay….damn it! Is this a character worth reforming?? So ?? Blame nothing but others. I personally can float away, I'm not wrong. Everything is just me, me, me! Don't you believe it? Okay, let's continue.
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Oh! Here we go again with me, me, I'm not wrong! Society is too difficult to live in! In this ENG dub, it made me almost vomit about throwing shit at other people but never myself. Because that's what Toga, Himiko, and everyone else mostly do.
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I really hate this picture. Don't think too much about the black box.
And LOV's most famous words are!!
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And !
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There's nothing but me, me, you, they're the ones at fault, not me, no. (And I don't deny that Happening right now, but hey! You will talk to the Super Cop (Hero) for betraying the Villain. Even though he was sent to become a member of an underground organization? No need to say that they are different! In MHA, the hero is actually a super policeman, just applying stupid rules from cartoon heroes that aren't true in real life!)
And don't forget about you guys!
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oh ! These are truly the words of a "good person".
FAN : But but but ! The people of MHA deserve to die! Ps. And I don't mean the children who deserve to die.
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okay ! Tell me, what do you see in these 2 pictures??? If you don't see it, open your eyes and look wide!! okay ! That's all I'm going to complain about. Because some villains are… they can't reform!
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