#lord tion
tantive404 · 2 years
Glup Shitto moments from the Star Wars radio drama
Lord Tion is an Imperial nobleman and a protege of the Grand Moff Tarkin, introduced in episode 2 of the 1980 NPR Star Wars radio drama adaption, titled “Points of Origin.”
This episode is set a few days prior to A New Hope, exploring one of Leia’s “mercy missions” undertaken for the Rebel Alliance, as well as how she got her hands on the Death Star plans.
It’s quite intriguing as an exploration of pre-ANH Leia, and it may also be of interest to anyone in search of villain x heroine crumbs…
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You see, Lord Tion is arrogant, deeply loyal to the Empire, and also… quite taken with Princess Leia.
“And here she is… the shining jewel in the Organa crown”
Here he is, flirting with Leia while she is inspected for her mercy mission. I notice he is somewhat copying the infamous face grab move from his mentor…
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Hilariously enough there are two different visual depictions of Tion. One blond, and one dark-haired. The dark haired version is, in my opinion, quite nice-looking.
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His admiration for the Princess comes to a head when he invites himself to Alderaan for a dinner party with Leia and Bail… and ends up proposing a marriage arrangement. Let me tell you it is a very, very botched proposal.
Tion: "Alderaan could prosper from a closer link to the Empire. I could provide that link." Bail: "Perhaps you could make yourself clearer, my Lord?"
Tion: "A marriage between your daughter and me would benefit all of us."
Leia: (exhales slightly) "And what are you offering?"
Despite her obvious misgivings about this proposal, Leia uses it to coax information about the “Death Star” project out of Tion. Since this guy is apparently not the brightest, he begins to brag about the Empire building a battle station that can destroy planets. Leia and Bail are naturally horrified; the worst has been confirmed.
Tion: "A new order is emerging, and I intend to be among those who lead it. Your daughter can share it with me and Alderaan can prosper from it."
Leia: "Blood and death?"
Bail: "Leia, I--"
Tion: "From an Empire that will rule unchallenged because of that battle station--" Leia: "A galaxy of slaves, is that what you think I want?"
Bail: "Leia, calm yourself--"
Tion: "I'm offering you a place in the Empire, Leia. And yes, a galaxy at your feet."
Leia: "An Empire of oppression? Under a DEATH STAR that destroys--"
Bail: LEIA!
In her anger, Leia has slipped up and revealed her rebel allegiances, moreover, that she knows the code name “Death Star,” and, as Tion puts it, “only someone with rebel contacts could know that name.”
He resolves to summon the Imperial authorities and have both Bail and Leia questioned… but Leia is not about to take this quietly.
She and Tion get into a little tussle, wherein she grabs hold of his blaster, accidentally firing it and killing him.
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With this act, Leia has (momentarily) protected her family and their rebel secrets, but she has also killed a man— possibly for the first time. She begins to sob into her father’s arms. They bury Lord Tion and claim that that he died in a hunting accident… covering up the truth.
It is now time for Leia to retrieve the stolen Death Star plans, beginning the events of the original movie <33
There’s a part of me that finds the thought of a dark AU with Leia forcibly being married into the Empire (especially if it’s to Tarkin) both twisted and fascinating, so I did indeed appreciate this segment of “Points of Origin.”
And the idea of an Imperial officer who is inspired by Tarkin’s ideology having a crush on Leia is amusing indeed! :3
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reverintherevery · 2 days
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aita-alternia · 5 months
$ am I the azzhole for cullin some fucker that was botherin my kind of pity friend even though he waz her matezprit? $
$ zo for context my moirail’z azhmate’z moirail (cerulean, 8 zweepz, letz call her MAM) had a matezprit (indigo, I dont fuckin know how many zweepz) who we all fuckin hated cause he waz a huge azzhole. $
$ he waz really into the hemocazte, like he’d treat her like zhit even though zhez cerulean. hed hit her and tell her to know her place and it was real fucked. he thought MAM’z morail (teal, also an azhmate of my own moirail so I know her pretty fuckin well) waz a lowblood and wouldn’t let MAM see her. $
$ anyway my moirail (im not fuckin tellin you hiz specific hemocazte cauze I know your gonna make some fuckin azzumptions about our relationzhip once I drop my hemocazte but hez pretty low on the zpectrum) waz gettin worried about hiz azhmate, so he azked me to check on MAM. $
$ anyway I zhow up to her hive, zhez not there. weird for MAM. MAMz moirail figures out whatz happening and zendz me an addrezz. ok then. I go to the addrezz, try and do the polite thing and knock. nothin. $
$ anywaz I kicked the door in and there the fucker waz. cornerin MAM. MAMz pretty zmall zo zhe had this huge indigo fucker cornering her, and zhe didnt have her weapon. I zee her blood on him. hed just finished zayin zomething vile. $
$ I (violet, 8 zweepz) cut hiz fuckin head off. made a huge mezz. zplattered everywhere. MAM waz in zhock zo I took her to her moirail and explained what happened. $
$ anywayz zhe haznt talked to me since but my morail zayz zhez still recoverin. but I think zhe genuinely pitied that guy even though he hurt her. and I culled him in front of her. $
$ Im pretty sure that MAMz moirail agreez with what I did, and my own moirail zupportz my actionz, but Im not zure about MAM. $
$ AITA? $
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
not to keep harping on but definitely the complaint i see that really sticks in my craw is that the only reason or the main reason robb planned to banish catelyn to seaguard was because of their argument over jon. it’s certainly a factor but they have spent the entire war arguing over every decision robb makes! ned tells robb “keep your mother in your council” but robb really does not! he has her there, yes, he lets her speak, yes, but oftentimes he will disregard her advice without any appeasement, misstep badly, and be worse off politically in the exact way she warned him of. she’s not the only person he blows off - he’s not exactly nice to edmure either, for example - but cat is right when she suspects there’s an element of “kings are not supposed to have mothers” and “wedded to his war" and she clocks this long before the argument over jon! robb tries to get rid of her at the beginning of a clash of kings when all cat has done is urge him to continue peaceful negotiations with the lannisters!
robb is angry because he’s in over his head and he knows it, and it's got very little to do with jon! robb is losing this war and his best friend was the son of a man who crowned himself and lost the war!! robb knows exactly what’s going to happen to the north if he loses and despite everything, he cannot seem to win despite being a near prodigy in battle tactics. and here his mother has been this whole time, fighting him on every front - just like the lords but he cant punish them for disagreeing can he? - and being so frustratingly right about more things than his lords, and now they’re picking at this wound in their family that has never been allowed to heal and a lot of resentment that both robb and catelyn are feeling at their general situation gets focused in on each other. this is such a tully thing too (pls remember these are canonically unpleasant people!) because look at lysa projecting years of resentment onto sansa, look at the entire cat, hoster, edmure situation, or even hoster & blackfish’s relationship. family is so important to them but in times of stress, “doing everything for family” becomes an anchor pulling them down, until the only thing left is to lash out at each other.
most of the lords are happy to let this nonsense play out! catelyn does not even have the privilege maege & dacey mormont do at being head of their own house - she’s just a wife, just a mother, just a first born daughter. when she disagrees, they don’t see an equal arguing with them, they see a woman sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. they do not give a single solitary shit about like, ~the plight of bastards~ they just believe, like robb, that sansa is currently “tainted” by her marriage to a lannister and can’t be allowed to inherit, that arya is dead, that the boys are dead, that jeyne is not yet pregnant, and a bastard boy castle raised who looks like ned is better than no boy at all (see edric storm, addam of hull, and larence snow). these men have not spent the last fourteen years cooking in their resentment over this situation the way catelyn and robb have!
jon is a reason. but so is rickard karstark, jaime lannister, willem lannister, tion frey, renly baratheon, walder frey, and theon greyjoy. ned is a reason as well, and bran, sansa, rickon, arya, hoster, edmure, perhaps even lysa and sweetrobin. jon is the final straw but robb isn’t (only) sending catelyn away because of some righteous fury on his brother’s behalf! he’s sending her away because she is an easy, socially acceptable target for all his frustrations and failures and fears that he can project on, and punish, in a way he cannot punish his enemies, his lords, or himself.
and catelyn is as always very aware of the deeper motivations in her son’s mind, and resentful that she doesn’t have the power to push back; she’s just a mother, after all.
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hearteyedfeelings · 2 months
That CON VER SA TION WOWEEEE. So so needed and for so so long. Just gonna type my inital thoughts cause I want to and why not.
Laudna. Dear Laudna, oh you poor loveable naive dummy. (Said with so much love). She grew up alone. Yes she had her parents and maybe the odd friend here or there but she grew up alone. And then she died in the most horrific way, alone. She woke up alone. She then spent 30 years of her life alone- but this time even more so with her own killer in her head feeding her.
And then she met Imogen, beautiful capable Imogen. A light in her lonely life, the first real light. Now she’s seen Imogen grow in power, in confidence. And she feels like her loneliness, her insecurity, her own head is bringing the love of her life down. She thinks she’s keeping her from flying but she doesn’t realize she’s keeping her from flying too high.
Imogen has been on step away from falling in with Predathos since she first felt the pull. The only thing, just like the words out of Imogen’s lips, the only thing that’s keeping her grounded is Laudna. Imogen’s heart is out walking around as a dead but not so dead woman with a rat bird as a familiar. Without her she’s, well we saw, she’s desperate. Willing to bargain with the her love’s killer to get her back. She’s sleeping with her dead body and ready to fight the Lord and Lady of Whitestone, the city of Whitestone. She tore down a city block, she exhalted, she crawled into hell after her. Laudna is Imogen’s tether, her red thread wrapped around her wrist, without her there isn’t.
Without Imogen- Laudna doesn’t have her light, her anchor keeping her from falling back into the dark.
Without Laudna Imogen flies too high never to be seen again.
They’re co-dependent. They’re ready to destroy the world to get the other back. They never want to leave one another. They want to protect each other above all else- the gods, Predathos, Exandria be damned.
They’re also scared.
Laudna is scared she’s holding Imogen down.
Imogen is scared Laudna will leave her and fall away.
They’re ride or die in the worst and best ways. I’m so curious to see how their story goes. I’d like to believe they have a happy ending though. Maybe. Probably not, but hey it’s good to have some hope and crazier things have happened eh? It’s D&D after all.
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fortheloveofarchons · 5 months
You help Pierro with a bath...
C.W. Bathtub s3x, bathroom s3x, m@sturb@tion in bathroom, possessive behaviour, possessive s3x, fingering, cunnilingus, and aftercare
Full version is on my Ao3! Kudos and comments are much appreciated!!!
Help me out here, would you?”
It’s been a long day for the Director of the Fatui Harbinger, and all he needs in this harsh winter of Snezhnaya is a warm bath. Supposedly, all you had to do was to prepare a bath for him– making sure the temperature is right, prepping some bathroom essentials, pouring some scented essential oil into the bathwater, and occasionally adding in some flower petals… 
Just because.
And you would leave the moment he steps into the bathroom. But this time, he grabs you by the arm, whispering words into your ear. 
“Stay. That’s an order. ”
You blink. Once, twice, before snapping to the present moment. Your Lord Pierro is right in front of you, where he’s slowly undressing himself, layers of coat dropping to the ground. While the tap continues to pour the hot steamy water, your mouth opens ajar from seeing his physique. His body, weathered by time with battle scars, is slowly revealed in front of you. 
His sinewy muscles ripple beneath his skin, and he proceeds to remove his belt. You quickly turn around, covering your cheeks with your hands, your ears gradually burning hot like the temperature of the bath water. You could still recall the metallic clink of his belt echoing softly in the bathroom. The leather belt slides through the loops with a fluid ease, a routine he performed countless times. His pants, snugly fit, follow suit, pooling at his feet. 
…Finally, he removes his briefs with a sense of ease, unveiling the entirety of his mature physique. 
You could hear the rustle of the last fabric falling to the ground. 
Soon, you could hear him reclining in the bathtub, the water caressing his skin, a bit of the water poured out from the bathtub due to his weight. The room is filled with a tranquil ambiance, punctuated only by the occasional sound of water gently lapping against the sides of the tub.
“If… If that’s all my Lord, I will be taking my leave–” 
“Turn. Around.” He orders. “Now.”  
You slowly turn your body to face him, your hands still covering your face. You open your hands to see him sitting in the bathtub relaxingly. The water reveals the contours of his well-maintained muscles, a testament to a life of battles and vitality. Steam rises from the surface, adding an ethereal quality to the scene. 
“Didn’t I tell you to stay?”
“Well, yes. But–” 
“Now,” The soft lighting casts a play of shadows on his features, accentuating the lines and contours on his face. “Wash my back for me, will you?”  
“I… Yes, my Lord.” 
His demeanour exudes a calm satisfaction, and the relaxation in his posture reflects the release of the day's tensions. 
Holding a washcloth, you dip it into soapy lather, the scent of a mild, soothing soapy smell mingling with the steam. Before you could wash his back, your hands are shaky, and your heart is racing. 
With a shaky sigh escaping your lips, you begin to wash his back, your touch is like a blend of gentleness and hesitation.
He closes his eyes, savouring the solitude and the sensation of warm water soothing tired muscles, and your gentle wash on his back. The rhythmic scrub from your washing  becomes a gentle backdrop to the ambient sounds of the bath. As you get to scrubbing his lower back, your thoughts clash each other in your mind.....
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tinyladofladdies · 1 month
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my testimony 🌊☆⋆。🪼 (of how i returned to God and truly came to know Jesus for the first time after being a distant believer turned atheist) . . 𓆉︎ ࿔*
Romans 8:38-39 — For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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like many, not all, Christians, i was raised in an american Christian church, knowing who Jesus was my whole life.
from the youngest i can remember, i was attending some sort of church, usually with my nana on my dad's side and then for a bit, with my parents at a different church in town. i attended VBS most summers, went to sports camp at a different Christian church, got to a point where i served the coffee station in my nana's non-denominational church, went to 3 services a week with my other grandma, and as a child, i genuinely loved praying and had a deep understanding of the gravity of what Jesus did for us; i remember as a child feeling genuine sadness thinking of how Jesus died for our sins while being innocent. i loved God.
yet still, once i got to around 6th & 7th grade, i could no longer find myself believing in God. i wanted to believe in something; i attended many sweat lodges with my kaka (grandpa), called myself an "omnist" at one point (someone who believed all religions had an equal possibility of being correct and therefore all religions deserved equal respect). but, very quickly, i started identifying myself as an atheist.
there were many reasons for this; when i was a child, my dad went to prison. i saw drugs all around me, both my dad and my aunt being addicted, as well as other distant family members who i didn't meet, to the point that my dad went to prison for 8ish years and i wasn't allowed to see my aunt anymore for several months. because of my dad's addiction, my mom worked hard, multiple jobs, and i was usually with my dad, and as a young child, felt responsible for my two younger siblings at the time. whether i was with my aunt or dad, i felt responsible for keeping my younger cousin and my two younger siblings at that time safe. there was an unnecessary pressure on me, now that i think back i had a lot go anxiety even as a child, and i know these things added up, because by the time i was 8-9 years old (when my dad went away), i became severely depressed. the first time i physically self-harmed was in 3rd or 4th grade, and i had deep suicidal ideations. i was exposed to things as a child that i shouldn't have been (it's hard to comment on this, because i know i had weird behavior and severe guilt as a young child that was definitely influenced by trauma, except i believe some things happened to me that i repressed because i can't remember). i developed a p*rn & m*sterb*tion addiction still in 3rd or 4th grade, and long before that, sexualised myself as a child. leading up to 6th or 7th grade, my addictions got worse, i was still suicidal and depressed, taking very poor care of myself, and i could no longer feel that there was any God watching over me. so, i became an atheist; i then despised being at church with my nana, i didn't want to stand during the worship music even though, before, i would sing with my whole chest, and i just remember wanting to cry and run out one time because i absolutely did not want to be there and did not want to be standing. one morning, i stayed home from church and my nana got upset with me and told me i could not come to her house unless i came to church with her, and when i told my mom i no longer believed in God, she said i had no feelings or empathy. i say all of this, not because it's easy or to be glorified or because i want my family members to feel any guilt over things they said in 2018; i have fully and completely forgiven both my mom and nana, and my relationship with both of them has drastically improved as well as my relationship with God because of their own faith. however, these things are important to be raw about. the hurt i was already experiencing being added onto made me a stronger atheist, and i know that many people feel the same thing or have been through the same thing, and i want to offer them empathy and hope in Jesus. i don't glorify my trauma or sins, i acknowledge them and how severe they were, but i use this as a testimony to glorify GOD and how far HE has brought me and how much HE has healed me, forgiven me, and saved me from.
from the time i was in 5th grade, i identified as bisexual & pansexual, and from 9th grade to the beginning of my junior year, i identified as non-binary, trans, and every queer label under the sun. i was bisexual, i was lesbian, i was a gay man, i was aromantic, i was hypersexual, i was every "mogai" label that i came across on the internet, i was radically queer and this journey as well influenced my view and idea of God. i was a radical queer inclusionist, i was a radfem/terf, i was pro-choice, i used God's Name in vain and viewed myself worthy to be referred to as a "god," i believed in astrology signs and "vibrations," and the "divine feminine," i talked badly about Christianity while calling myself a Christian, all of these things.
and while some of these sins are at different points in this timeline, before or after i became a Christian, all of this throughout my walk added up to who i am, how i view God and what my relationship with God is like here and now, today.
in the summer of 2019, i moved to california from kentucky with my family after being raised in ky my whole life. i was 13, i was battling extreme intrusive thoughts which caused, yet again, more anxiety and suicidal ideation, and i still did not believe in God.
my family & i lived in hotels for the first month or so that we got out here, where i isolated myself as much as possible, battled my own thoughts, and spent way too much time in my head.
when we finally found and moved into a house, where we still live today, my mom, siblings, & i found a church that is a 5 minute walk from our house. i started going with my family, asked for a Bible i believe the first Christmas we had here, and back then, shortly before and after covid first hit, i took a lot of walks. i would pray. i would ask God for silly signs to prove Himself real to me. i got to this point, and this was now in my 8th grade year (where i dropped out of school due to severe anxiety and developed a horrible reversed sleep schedule...whole other story), where i started believing in God again, but now i felt fear because i believed God was real, but i couldn't really believe. and if i did, i didn't want to follow Him, which made me feel even more guilt; i didn't and still don't know why i felt this way.
i do know, that my relationship with my family was getting worse & more toxic, there was still deep sexual sin in my life, and i was still struggling mentally. i was becoming a worse person to myself, to my family, and to all other people around me. i felt isolated, i felt unreal, i felt anxious, and i felt guilt.
i got a point where i was so delusional and mentally detached that i thought i wasn't even human.
i remember that when things kind of built up, and fights with my mom got worse, and i said or did something i know i shouldn't have, i would just pray; crying & sobbing for hours on end, praying, asking God for forgiveness and help. i think the first time i really repented in prayer was during these times. i knew, and i told God this, that there was something within me that was causing these attitudes, behaviors, and sins, and that i couldn't do it on my own. i wanted so desperately to just act different, be different, be better as a person, and i told God that i just did not know why i couldn't just change myself, knowing that everything in my life was wrong. i just couldn't.
one of the last times i prayed one of these long, desperate prayers, i remember distinctly telling God that i felt like i was too far gone for Him to save me or help me. i don't know if this was a saturday night or a few days before the next Sunday, but i know that the next time there was church, "something" (which i now know was the Holy Spirit), compelled me to go. this was still during covid, church was in different area of the building than the main services used to be, everyone was 6 ft. apart with masks, it was bizarre. but the message that day that stuck with me was "nobody is too far gone for God's love."
that was the exact thing i prayed. and all this time i was asking God for a sign, He spoke to me in the most direct, beautiful way.
as a kid, even with my extreme love for Jesus, i always felt that in order to pray "that prayer," or to even be baptised, i had to get my life together. i had to be kinder, be a better sister and daughter, stop sinning, at least for long enough that i could finally be worthy enough to approach Jesus and tell Him i wanted Him as my Savior.
but for the first time, that lie was undone. i left that service early because i didn't want anyone to see me crying, i cried all the way home trying to hold back the tears, and as soon as i got to my room, i fell down with my head bowed on my Bible and i repented; i admitted everything i had done that had been weighing me down for years, and i finally said the words "Jesus, i accept you as my Lord and Savior."
i finally admitted Who Jesus was, that i believed what He did for me, that i needed God's forgiveness, and that i wanted God's guidance for my life.
now, this was january of 2021 (it's actually funny because for a long time, i thought i was saved shortly after my 15th birthday, but it was actually a month-ish before that birthday, so i literally got my salvation date wrong LOL).
i have to admit, that after praying that prayer, although i felt the peace and presence of the Lord in a way i never had before, i started going to church but i didn't start living for God for a very long time. and even with going to my church, i eventually stopped because my stepdad and i got into a fight where he basically said "why are you even going to church if you're gay?" and while that didn't stop my belief in God, i felt ashamed to pass my stepdad walking out the door on Sunday mornings.
a lot of sin in my life actually got worse after i came to Christ; i was still gay and trans, still sexually sinning with my addictions, still not being the best family member, still being a very toxic person, and still using the Lord's Name in vain and using God's Name in fights to defend things that aren't even biblical.
it wasn't until august of 2022, the beginning of my junior year, that i made the step to start going to church again, to get baptised, which i had put off for so long, and to start taking God seriously. i started going through the verse of the day in the youversion Bible app every morning, i started praying every day and more consistently throughout my day, i started trying to learn more about who God actually is, and i started serving in the kids' ministry at my church. eventually i started attending and then serving in the highschool ministry, i started serving in the choir and greeting team, and for the first time, i really sat down and examined my sins & behaviors; even after beginning to take Jesus seriously, many sins, even sinful thoughts as well as behaviors, continued, and it took a lot of help from the Holy Spirit, a lot of self-control, a lot of mindset & heart attitude change, and a lot of repentance, to get to a point where i knew exactly how God wanted me to live and started putting it into practice.
in the very beginning of building my relationship with God, i felt peace and joy like never before, and thought "why on earth did i never follow Jesus before?" but as with every believer, the enemy started attacking and i had, and still do currently, have to navigate through spiritual attacks; i have slipped and sinned and messed up seemingly "way too far" into my Christian walk, knowingly, knowing what is sin and what isn't. it took me absolutely forever to finally and honestly surrender my false identity of homosexuality & gender identity over to God (and His love, comfort, and patience was so present with me through that long process), it took forever to unlearn things i had been taught by the world or that i had somehow believed (and that unlearning process is still continuing sometimes as i read the Word of God and get closer to Him), it took forever to finally manage my thoughts and temptations, and even recently those thoughts & temptations have caused me to either slip or fall into anxiety.
my testimony is still being written every day, but all of this is a testament of God's EXTREME goodness, faithfulness, and grace.
i have been under severe spiritual attack for the entirety of 2024. there are days when my thoughts seem beyond control, where my ocd presides over genuine interaction with God, where i don't feel God's presence almost at all. i have fallen into a deep depression, anxiety, ocd, and a lot of my passion to live out my life as it is right now has diminished, and that's hard.
but God has been faithfully speaking to me through His Word, through my family, through my Christian friends and mentors. He has been teaching me how to relearn prayer and interaction with Him, His presence and protection have brought peace and encouragement like never before, even when i'm in a dark season where it seems like i should be feeling everything but peace or encouragement.
but God is building me up and preparing me for whatever seasons are going to come next, and all of this is to say, God is real.
God is patient, God's grace never runs out; the message that led me to salvation was "nobody is too far gone for God's love," no matter what you have said or done, how broken you are, Jesus is victorious over every single part of the battle. that message is still true.
God loves you, God is near to you, God's grace & patience are extended to you and me time and time again, and God has a plan for you. He created you to know Him and He will meet you right where you are.
one of my favorite verses (and chapters, really), is the one quoted at the very top of this post, but i will reiterate it time & time again for as long as i live . . .
I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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🫧 ⋆。˚꩜ : creds . .
dividers: roseraris
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jessfandrawer · 2 years
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Inspired by this reblog originally from @oo0lady-mad0oo (is this the right way to tag/mention on here? I'm crap with social media). The most challenging bit was making Eddie and Chrissy look like themselves, and the placement of the dreaded pencil hand. I think each piece mostly came together though!
He was waiting all night for her ask him for something so he could drop that line. ;)
Music I was art-vibing the most to: Carly Rae Jepsen's E-MO-TION album, Lord Huron's Vide Noir album (especially Moonbeam), I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness.
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
[Honestly my whole blog could just be Raiden and Richtofen fics and I would lose no sleep at this point, love them way too much.]
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The Birds and The... Birds
[Lord Raiden x Amab! Reader smut]
[Amab reader]
[Hinting at a secret relationship]
[Smut shared between two men 18+ only]
[Slight praise kink]
[Mutual mast*rb*tion]
[Joi in a way]
[Raiden really said 'show me how >_<']
"Awe man! Dude it was awesome." Johnny boasted about his activities from the previous night.
The loud, boisterous voice of the earthrealmer earned the attention of lord Raiden, who was just a few feet away. 
Johnny's retelling of the previous night, to his friend and fellow earthrealm champion, did not go unheard by the protector of earthrealm. Although the slang Johnny used was foreign and confused Raiden, his mind swarmed with questions. 
Raiden knew who he could ask, he would just have to wait until the training for the day was over. The strange words lingered in his mind, he began to mull over the best way to ask for later.
"What is hooking up, as Johnny cage calls it?" 
The booming voice of Raiden earned your attention, you quirked an eyebrow in confusion, "I beg your pardon, lord Raiden?" 
"My dear, please, no need for formalities, there's no one around." He spoke, moving his hands to your shoulders, he leaned down placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Wait, but what did Johnny say?" You asked, turning to face the large God standing before you.
"That he 'hooked up with someone last night' and he went into large detail of how great it was but he did not, happen to explain the meaning of such words." Raiden, although he did love humanity, was very disconnected from their culture.
"Umm, well, hooking up with someone, Elder gods-! Where to start...?" You paused, waiting for the words to come to you, "Us, humans, you are familiar with us, yes?"
"Yes." He spoke, only slightly amused at your teasing.
"We have basic instincts that ultimately drive us, similar to other animals, one of these instincts is procreation..." You paused, looking back at Lord Raiden, who now wore a slight blush, "Although, Humans have kind of evolved past, the need to procreate, every time, and now crave the action that would typically led to procre-"
"Yeah, yeah. I get it, my darling." He waved his hand dismissively. 
"So.... when your not dating or married to someone but you have s*x, as we call it, you would call that 'hooking up'." You explained, your heart was racing and embarrassment reddened your face.
"Hmm, O-Okay then." Raiden spoke softly, his glowing eyes avoiding your own, his finger to his lip as if he was deep in thought.
You let out a struggled breath as you wondered what he was thinking, "Rai?" 
He glanced up at you, "Yes, my dear one?" 
"Everything okay?" He only nodded, before looking away again.
"Have you hooked up with other humans?" 
You bit your lip, unsure of how to answer, "well, I've had s*x yeah, but I've probably been more selective than Johnny Cage." 
"Selective?" Raiden asked, seeking your gaze, "How are you selective?"
"Well, I've only shared such activities with people I got really close with in my relationships." You explained, wearing a crimson sheet on your cheeks, "and Johnny, I doubt has ever had such intimacy with men..." 
Raiden allowed himself to laugh, chuckling slightly, "probably true, yes. But if all humans are driven by it, why not have more of it?" 
You inhaled deeply, "well, some people don't feel the need as heavily and I, personally, find that I can, usually, please myself quite well on my own." 
Once again, you averted your eyes in embarrassment. You could feel your heart pounding in your head, as your godly lover hounded you with questions. There was one question, you knew would be next, one you dreaded.
Raiden's mouth opened as he began to speak, your blood ran cold.
"How do you do that?" 
"Umm.." You stalled the words, "well, that is something we, humans, call... m*sturb*tion." You closed your eyes tightly, "it's when you please yourself, it's different depending on what set of... parts you have."
"How would people like us do it?" Raiden asked, he had already seen you naked, because you would often stay and sleep at his Temple.
"W-Why so many questions, Lord Raiden?" You asked, his eyes were wide and he was staring intently at you.
"I'm... I am curious." Was the only answer you got.
"W-Well, I typically prefer um taking my hand and doing it, but other men, or some women, may like to have something inserted into them. Really depends on preference." You were over this conversation, you had already had your fill of your lover's sudden interest in this topic.
"What do you do with your hand..." Raiden paused, looking at his own much bigger hand then glancing at yours, "to please yourself?" 
"Raiden, do you want me to walk you through it?" 
The question was hypothetical, it was supposed to be hypothetical, typically you would have never been so bold. You were just embarrassed and slightly irritated, it was only supposed to be a witty comeback. 
Raiden's red face deepened, his white eyes widened, his mouth opened but only for a few moments, snapping shut before any words could leak out. When Raiden nodded you couldn't believe your eyes, "I want to know. I am extremely... curious."
A hand covered your red face, "Okay... Take off your pants.." 
Raiden obliged, nodding slightly as he unbound himself from his trousers. 
"You may wanna sit down, then I'd typically recline back and grab the base of my... p*n*s." You instructed, feeling not only embarrassed but less than intimate.
When you turned back to face Raiden, he had done what you said, he looked magnificent. Your mouth went dry as your eyes traced down his body, to his godly, no pun intended, c**k.
The God of thunder's flustered face, met your own, his hand awkwardly placed on the base of his large c**k, "L-Like this?" He hesitated.
"Mm... Not exactly, loosen your grip, it may be easier for you if you start moving the hand." A flash of something flashed over Raiden's face, but you couldn't tell if it was confusion... or fear.
"I-I don't know about that." Raiden stammered, uncertainty laced through his words.
"What's wrong, hun?" You asked, looking softly at your troubled partner, "I thought you were curious."
"I... I am." Raiden said, basically pleading.
"Hmm, what would make you feel more comfortable?" You pressed a finger to your lip.
"Maybe, you should show me how to..." The thunder God whispered.
The swiftness in which you turned to face him, almost alarmed him. Making him think he had said something outrageous, "What was that, Lord Raiden?" 
"Maybe.... You could show me and I could do what you do, since you're the expert here." He spoke again.
You opened your mouth to speak, but that thought was quickly shut down as your jaws suddenly fixed tightly together. You were speechless, Raiden's gorgeous, blank, white eyes stared at you, picking you apart.
"M-My Beloved?" Raiden called out, your eyes quickly flicking back up to his own. His gaze now showed worry, perhaps he thought he had went to far.
You shook your head, "Umm.... Yeah, Raiden, give me a second..." 
You walked out the door, leaving your flustered and sexually frustrated lover laying on his back, with his c**k in his hand.
On the other side of the door, you placed both of your hands over your red face. Taking in deep breaths, you tried to calm your racing heart, thoughts and fears pounded away at your mind. 
"My dove...?" Raiden called out, you could hear movement and slight shuffling, "I am truly sorry if i-" 
'F**k it.'
You opened the door, still red in the face, Lord Raiden had stood to his feet, sloppily tucking himself back into his trousers, "I was simply curious, I would never attempt to upset you."
"Sit back down, Raiden." He paused, mouth snapping shut as he sat back down, "get yourself situated again."
His eyes widened slightly, nodding as he loosened his pants from his body. A deep breath was let out from your lungs, as you followed suit, stepping out of your pants and throwing your shirt to the side.
Raiden's white eyes, traced your figure, you were so much smaller than the thunder God before you. He staring made your c**k begin to harden, still hidden from raiden view. 
"Here, it works better if it's got something to lubricate it, I'll just-" You had gotten closer to Raiden, who tensed at your sudden closeness.
Glancing up at him, you placed your lips to the top of his c**k, before pushing him into your mouth. He sucked a breath in, his head moving back at the sudden sensation.
After you had sufficiently moistened him up, you removed him, your hand gently pumping around him. His hips moved against your hand, needing more, but to his displeasure you removed your hand.
Moving to sit beside him, palming your own c**k through your underwear, "...F**k-" 
Raiden's lidded eyes moved to you, watching as you disrobed, you licked your hand and began moving around your own c**k. Raiden's eyes focused on your hand as he placed his hand back in position.
“Just start with pumping, all the fancy twisting feels good but we'll take it slow for now.” You spoke in between huffs of breaths. 
Raiden nodded, copying your movements, his breathing strained as he focused on his movements. 
Your eyes watching his movements, a smile found your face, “Yeah, you got it.”
Looking up to see Raiden's glowing irises staring intently at you, his teeth gripping his lip for stability.
“Feels good, Rai?” 
He could only nod, words were lost in the sense of euphoria washing over him. The sight drew a chuckle from you, taking your free hand to grab at his jawline, placing a kiss to his lips.
“You're doing great, baby.” You praised, causing a small moan to slip from his mouth.
Moving away from Raiden you continued to pleasure yourself, hips moving against your hands. Raiden also attempted it, but the stimulation obscured his rhythm. 
Soon your own thoughts were focused on your own rising climax, forgetting about the thunder God right beside you. You speak your hand up, twisting your wrist as you did, moans leaked from your lips.
The moans were melodious to Raiden, his eyes narrowing on you. Continuing to pleasure himself he watched as you tossed your head back, squeezing your hand tightly around your c**k while you pumped it. 
Raiden noticed the way your hand and hips began to stutter, your eyes shut tightly, “Yes, yes, yes… F**k-!”
The white strings dripping down the base of your pretty little shaft made Raiden wince as he tightened his own grip. 
He could feel an unusual yet pleasurable tightening sensation, he chased it, slamming his hand down faster and harder. His face soon contorted into a pleasured grimace, as he groaned low and loud.
Your lidded eyes watched as his hips involuntarily stuttered into his hand, small bolts of lightning buzzing off of his body as he hit his peak. Pumping out the white ooze, I leaked down his large c**k, your body moved before you could think about it.
Licking up the base, catching Raiden's c*m on your tongue before moving to suck on his tip. Making him squirm beneath you, “Ah-! Wait… my dove, please-”
He snaked a hand into your hair, tussling it slightly, his lidded eyes found your own as you let him fall from your mouth.
“You are absolutely amazing, my darling.” He spoke the words softly.
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themotherofblood · 2 years
Caught Up in a Moment
Tywin Lannister x Reader
Tears of Gold Au
A/N: now if somebody had truly protected Sansa in the books/show
tw: Mentions of blood, animal death and suicidal ideation. Smut! breeding kink vibes, unprotected p in v (wrap before you tap lovelies), quickie
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Yet another fitting, another horde of dressmakers had invaded the Red keep, this time both you and Tywin were the subjects of this torture. The dressmakers laid fabrics on his shoulders to choose from as he mostly replied in grunts and glares, you could barely breathe in the corset they had put you in, to fit the metal armoured corset out front. One thing your good daughter had major influence over, was how the ladies dressed in King’s Landing. Though you would go along with it, just so the dressmakers give her good reports, only to change it near last minute. You took a deep breath of relief as you ladies undid the outlandishly tight corset, you were sure that had you worn it any longer. It would have bruised you.
You were let out earlier than your husband, to your surprise. You sons had laid out in the sun, out in the varenda with pillows and sheets on the ground. Around them were different coloured berries that now their nurses were mushing into seperate bowls as per your order. The boys loved their about to be sister by law, and their lady “Sasa” loved them very much too. While she was child herself, you’d hoped that having her own children would give her more comfort, or perhaps a reason to find light in the situation she was imposed to. It would be rather daft to think she’d be elated at the union, Tyrion wasn’t a horrible person, a little explicit at times but a good man nonetheless.
A sheet of thick paper laid prepped on the ground as the handmaiden tried her best from letting the little lords rip at the paper, you watched as they garbled nonsense at one another, other than a few words they could already say. Like mama, papa, Sasa, Jams, Eci, and Tion. Both boys would turn one in three fortnights, and you looked at them as how so much time had already passed. Both boys positively lit up as they saw their mother approach them, Jamie stood up with the help of the handmaiden and slowly waddled over to you in wonky steps.
“Ah my love, mama missed you.” You kissed each of his pink cheeks making him giggle, walking over to lower yourself on the sheets, “Mhmm, the berries are yummy huh?” You asked Tyeon as he had already dipped is hand into the mushed pigmented fruit and began licking his hands. “We have a mission today. We are going to make a gift forLady Sansa’s wedding.”
Both boys looked at you like puppies trying to decipher what you said, Tyeon immediately picked it up by garbling out “Sasa!” Before screeching out a high pitched giggle and Jamie mumbled “Gif.” Under his breath as he played with your hair.
Tywin had taught you this, his experience in raising children was one up yours. He had strictly instructed the staff to not communicate with the children in a cooed voice, instead speak to them as if they understood every word. This worked perfectly to their merit as both boys quickly began picking up common words. While the mother in you couldn’t help but coo at them as you put them to bed, most days you spoke to them as normally as you could.
The handmaidens and you spent the next while, dipping your sons hands into the berry mush and making imprints of pigment with their hands, while originally this was to be done with the finest paint that money could buy, you weren’t sure if the raw minerals would be safe in their sensitive skin, instead you opted for berries. Even lion managed to get a few paw prints in, to which he spent a good while, licking at his paws to clean out the sour taste from his toe beans. You made a few thumb prints of your own, next to the tiny palm prints of your sons. By the end of it, the paper was covered in palm prints but you weren’t quite done, your sons held an admirable amount of concentration through this endeavour and yet both of them were covered in berry juice, same as the skirts of your gown and your chest.
“Dada.” Tyeon smiled with his half grown smile, Tywin was stood resting against the posts that held the varenda’s arch ways. He walked over to where the lot of you were sat, the maid stood up to bow at him while he waved her away.
He lifted Tyeon onto his lap as he sat down, “Quite the mess you’ve made huh?.” He asks as Tyeon pressed a sticky palm onto his father’s cheek. He caressed the little boys head before handing him to the maid.
“Have them bathed please.” You told the maid before kissing the top of Jamie’s head. “Get you all clean?” You asked him, hoping he would mimic one of the words and so he did, “keen.”
“I suppose I could use a basin of warm water and a new dress.” You said while inspecting the purple and red mess that coated your dress and neck, you placed four rocks on the corners of the parchment so it could dry in the heat of the sun. While Tywin inspected what it is that his sons and lady wife had attempted to make, you saw the confusion in his face an elaborated.
“The hands are petals, I’m going to paint the rest when it has dried.”
A basin of warm water was placed in your room, before the maid stood stead for anything else that you might require.
“Leave us.” And on cue, every staff personnel poured out your quarters, leaving you and your husband alone. The second the door shut, you were onto him. Legs on either side of his lap as you straddled him, your hands on his face as your lips met, frantic and needy. You had begun trying again, your moon cycle had held a perfect cycle again, since the birth of your boys eleven moons ago.
This time the act of procreation was different, with the conceiving of your sons, it was a subconscious duty that always remained at the back of yours and Tywin’s minds. It was duty to be fulfilled, your end of the bargain. For Tywin this time, it was appreciation, it was the view, the prospect of it. He wanted see you swell, and truly admire it, this part of him that wanted to keep you full of him was primal, animalistic and also a problem. Tywin Lannister had a reputation to uphold, which was hard to achieve when you would prance into a room, looking absolutely devour-able and salacious and all he wanted to do was bury his cock, balls deep within you and fill his seed to the brim within the warmth of your walls.
Every moment of time was used in efforts to see you full, baths together would end up with you bent over the edge, a hand on your mouth to silence your brazen moans as he fucked you on the small council table. Late nights when he would return from his day of work, only to rouse you with your cunt full of his cock. Any moment he could steal you away, he would to use your sweet little pussy and leave it full to its brim.
You had detached your lips from Tywin, getting up to walk to your room, hands working on the front bodice of your gown to undo it. Your husband followed close behind, pawing at your small clothes and then removing them off you. You rested your palms against the table, where a basin of warm water awaited you, to clean the sticky berry residue on you. Tywin beat you to it, taking the wash cloth and dipping it into the water, before pulling you to him, your back flush against his clothed chest. He ran the cloth on your chest, all the while finding himself occupied in marking your neck like the true multitasker that he was. You began to grow frustrated, however your husband was done soon enough.
You bent over the table, presenting your sweet little cunt to him, as he shook his head in amusement. His hand quickly undid his trousers and let his cock spring free from his breeches. He shamelessly took in the view in front of him, his eyes raking down your back to your pussy before resting the tip of his cock in your folds. Teasing his cock within your wetness as he slid his cock over your clit, circling it at the swollen flesh before pushing in, making you and him groan in unison. He spent no time in letting you adjust, his fingers held your hips as he drew himself back and pushed back in before setting a determined pace of full and hard strokes into you.
“This what you wanted wife?” He grunted
“Yes, yes!” Your breathless whimpers and whines filled the room as you clutched onto the table harder, as your head fell, pressed to the table in pleasure. You felt Tywin’s hand snake upward to lift your body up, his fingers digging into you jaw as his forehead fell on your shoulder. This was war for him, and he’s never lost one that he waged in his life
“Give me another babe.” He grunted in your ear, reaching forward to play with your now swollen clit. The pressure within you grew, his cock hammering within you as he whispered obscene things in your ears. You cried out as that ever so familiar tingle spread through your body, clenching around your husband’s cock as he fucked you through your peak
“Fuck.” He panted out, his rhythm faltering as his orgasm hit him, his arms tightening its hold on you as his body spasms, his seed spurts within you yet again, to the brim just as he promised.
“Ah these are perfect!” You commended the dressmaker, admiring the fine blue tinted leather. You paid the man his gold before folding away the fineries, taking them along with you to visit Sansa. You felt terrible for not being around for quite a while, motherhood had you consumed in responsibilities and your desires in other, because if you weren’t mothering, you were fucking your husband.
The knight stationed by her quarters announced your arrival to Sansa before you entered, you immediately engulfed the girl in a hug, radiating all your comfort within you to her. As her wedding neared the more people were afraid that she’d run, making Sansa spend most her days in her chambers.
“I’ve missed you.” She whispered, her voice meek and sullen
“And I, you.” You reassured as you pulled back, it is only then you found a familiar face stood at the corner of the room. Shae. You tried not to react but Sansa cleared your confusion.
“She is my new handmaiden.” She clarified, with the certainty she said it, you were sure she had no idea who Shae was.
“Ah, well good. She can help dress you.” You said walking past her to lay down her present on the bed.
“Riding clothes?” She looked at you confused as her hands ran over the fine leather.
“You and I, the Kingswood and cake. Doesn’t that sound like a party?” You nudged her shoulder with yours.
“But, the queen-“
“You are not to step out the capitol.” You mocked Cersei’s words. “Being queen regent, especially with another on the way; gives her only so much power. Being the Hand’s wife, gives me more.” You smirked at her.
“Go on change! I bet you’d look fearsome in it.”
You had taken four of your household guard and Fredrick, you watched a small joy spread through Sansa as she saw the brown stallion you procured for her, you had taken the same route as the one Tywin took you down, you watched as Sansa took in the scenery, she looked content for a moment, feeling the chilly air through her hair and the earthen smell of the woods unlike the shit and perfume that coated Kings Landing. The green of the trees made the red of her hair strike out further as your trotted deeper into the woods, until you reached the clearing. The two of you set down the blanket and few snacks that you’d brought along with you, the whole while laughing about how the brown stallion had taken a liking to Starlight. You two spoke of all the things you’d missed at court, about the dresses Sansa had made for her and the ones being made for you, and yet a more serious issue lingered on her lips. Which she eventually voiced.
“Were you afraid of your wedding night?” Sansa asked hesitantly
“In truth, I was. Yes.” You did not want to lie to her anymore than the people around her already were. “Lord Tywin was kind about it though, as any well raised lord should be.” You reassured her,
“Di- did it hurt?” She finally asked what she really wanted to.
“For a bit, though it fel- felt good after a while.” You blushed and Sansa’s eyes widened. She’d changed the topic after that.
“Could you walk me down the aisle?” She asked
“I could ask.” This wasn’t a promise you could make since the wedding was to take place at the sept, and their rules were rather strict.
“I always envisioned that it would be my father, my mother would dress me in ivory and all my brothers would be there.” Her lip began to quiver the more she talked, you placed a comforting hand on her back, rubbing it up and down to console her.
“It isn’t much but, I will be there with you. The whole time.” You gave her a sympathetic smile.
“Promise?” She whispered
“Promise.” You tucked a loose hair behind her ear. “Now, would you like to learn how to shoot?”
You sighed, dropping your quiver of arrows and your bow next to the door of your quarters, as you walked in, you stopped cold at Cersei sitting at your husband’s desk while he wrote his letters.
“Surprised you came back.” Cersei sneered
“And… why wouldn’t I have?” You questioned her, choosing to ignore her tone.
“You took Sansa beyond the capitol! What if she ran!” Cersei’s voice raised as your looked at her unamused.
“I suppose there is an explanation coming?” Tywin spoke up, leaning back into his chair.
“She is miserable, locked in her room of most days. A little kindness would hurt-“
“What if she ran!” Cersei cut you off.
“She wouldn’t have.”
“You do not know the first-“ This time you decided to cut your good daughter off.
“She wouldn’t have run. Sansa Stark is no good to us, if she throws herself from a balcony.” You huffed out an annoyed breath.
“Just like your mother.” She sneered before pushing her chair to get up.
You saw red at the way she mentioned your mother, there was much of what Cersei concocted that you had tolerated in the past year and a half, her harmful words, attempts to humiliate you, turn your husband against you but this is where you drew the line. Just as she was about to brush past you, you grabbed onto her forearm, your bloodied gloved fingers digging into her porcelain skin. She whipped her face at you, angered as she tried to pull her arm.
“Watch how you speak of my mother, you won’t be queen for long.” You dug your fingers in even harder as you levelled her up. She turned her head back to look at her father to defend her, but Tywin was intentionally focused on his correspondence. You pushed her arm away, freeing her from your hold as her eyes raged in furry before storming out of your quarters. You let out an annoyed breath, looking back to where your husband sat, who was now looking at you.
“She is right, Sansa Stark is a political ward, she would have run given the chance.” Tywin’s voice was stern. “But I understand what you did was necessary, I hope you took guards or we are about to have a much lengthier conversation.” He raised a brow at you.
“I took four, and said political ward is about to be your daughter by law. It would be unbecoming of me as a mother to not protect her, should I pray for a daughter for us some day.” You explained your positioning.
“What did you bring?” He asked, changing the subject as he eyes your blood stained gloves.
“Rabbits, would have tried for something bigger but Sansa was overcome.” You pulled your gloves off, walking to the basin to rinse your hands. “Had them sent to the kitchens for supper.”
“What’s with all the letters again?” You had taken note of all the correspondences again, he hadn’t received or answered these many since the battle of the Blackwater.
“Scullion crew of some sort, the brotherhood. It’s maddeness at Riverrun.” He explained while wiping the ink off his hands. Clearly looking forward to the supper as he walked towards you.
“I’d like to see you hunt someday.” He said, leading you to the hearth. That’s when something that you and Sansa were talking about, hit you.
“There was something I had been thinking of earlier, husband.” A smile spread on your lips as you thought more about it.
“Go on.” He narrowed his eyes at you.
“You were a knight once.” You smile grew further.
“I was. Yes.” He raised his brows, curious about where you were going with this.
“I wonder if Ser Tywin Lannister was as grim and broody as Tywin Lannister, The Great Lion, Lord of Castley Rock, Warden of West, Hand of the King and Saviour of King’s Landing.” You jested climbing onto his lap as you ran through all his titles. “Am I missing a title?” You giggled, making him scowl at your antics.
“Oh wait I am.” You cleared your throat before continuing “Sheild of Lannisport and Protector of the Realm.” You listed as if you were announcing his arrival to the court. “I wonder if sleeping with Ser Tywin Lannister would be different.”
His hands reached up to hold your face, pushing your stray hairs away from your face. “You are getting braver, aren’t you? His voice held a thrilling threat to it. “Behave, and tonight I just might show you how sleeping with Ser Tywin Lannister would feel like.”
Ah, toying with your husband was never a dull affair
next chapter
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goodqueenaly · 1 year
By the time of the series Catelyn whilst always conscious of her origins as a Tully of Riverrun is also mostly comfortable as Lady Stark and wholly committed to her Stark children. Meanwhile you have Cersei, Johanna Westerling and Sansa's own marriage where everyone involved has very strong and contrasting opinions on how marriage affects their identity and duty to the house they married into. I wonder does a highborn girl's education explicitly cover bridging this gap in their expected future?
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I mean this has been the hell of dynastic marriage for as long as dynastic marriage has existed (and has been as true in real-world history as it is in Westeros). The point of a dynastic marriage, often times, is to unite two Houses for political advantage or in a show of some level of political unity; the expectation is that the children of this union, carrying the blood of both dynasties, will be the living symbols of this alliance. There is often as well a secondary expectation that the lady or princess so married will use her position (especially if she is married to a lord or king) in order to advance her birth family’s position, securing positions and other favors from whatever court or family she has married into for relatives by birth.
Yet while a highborn girl’s education usually includes lessons in heraldry (in order to identify the key power players of the realm) and games like come-into-my-castle (in order to reinforce the hierarchical relationships among these families), little else might be ordinarily expected by any given highborn Westerosi girl prior to her marriage. Often (though by no means always) raised among their birth families until the times of their marriages, and sometimes unaware of whom they will marry until relatively late in, or indeed after, their educations (thanks in part to shifts that can occur in Westerosi political alliances, as Sansa herself experienced), highborn Westerosi daughters may come to their marriages with little to no training on how to balance the interests of their birth families and those of their marital families. Too, because these are marriages of people as well as dynasties, individual personalities can shape and shift the outcomes of such unions.
Nor are these situations always easy to manage even apart from the lack of such training. After Lysa Arryn , for example, disappointed the hopes of blue-blooded Vale aristocrats by marrying Littlefinger and naming him Lord Protector, Lord Hunter commented that “Lysa Tully was never truly of the Vale, nor had she the right to dispose of us”, linking her foreignness to (so he saw it) her inability to rule properly as Robert Arryn’s regent. If Lelia Lannister, to take another example, might have easily transitioned from princess of Casterly Rock to queen of the Iron Islands as the wife of the xenophile, pro-mainlands, Faith-following King Harmund II Hoare (with the ability to advise him and their elder son in such interests), she would have found her position substantially and brutally altered in the reign of her usurping, fundamentalist-leaning second son, Hagon Hoare. If Ellyn Reyne, for still another example, enjoyed a “reign of Reynes” as de facto Lady of Casterly Rock, Tion’s death and, relatedly, her lack of a child by him left her unable to assert such dominance within House Lannister going forward, and open to a forced remarriage with substantially less opportunity for advancement in the Westerlands. These are just a few examples, of course, but the point stands that dynastic marriages are not always easily navigated by the women and girls for whom they are made.
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burntcyanide · 9 months
lord of lligtnhing shifts hijz gaze !!! points his strong finger our way !! el ectricity escape s !!!! leave s destruc tion in his wak e!!!!!
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god fuckign da,mn it
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asoiafreadthru · 11 months
TYWIN LANNISTER, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Shield of Lannisport,
His wife, [LADY JOANNA], a cousin, died in childbed,
Their children:
SER JAIME, called the Kingslayer, a twin to Cersei,
QUEEN CERSEI, wife of King Robert I Baratheon, a twin to Jaime,
TYRION, called the Imp, a dwarf,
His siblings:
SER KEVAN, his eldest brother,
His wife, DORNA, of House Swyft,
Their eldest son, LANCEL, squire to the king,
Their twin sons, WILLEM and MARTYN,
Their infant daughter, JANEI,
GENNA, his sister, wed to Ser Emmon Frey,
Their son, SER CLEOS FREY,
Their son, TION FREY, a squire,
[SER TYGETT], his second brother, died of a pox,
His widow, DARLESSA, of House Marbrand,
Their son, TYREK, squire to the king,
[GERION], his youngest brother, lost at sea,
His bastard daughter, JOY, a girl of ten,
Their cousin, SER STAFFORD LANNISTER, brother to the late Lady Joanna,
His daughters, CERENNA and MYRIELLE,
His counselor, MAESTER CREYLEN,
His chief knights and lords bannermen:
SER GREGOR CLEGANE, the Mountain That Rides,
SER HARYS SWYFT, father by marriage to Ser Kevan,
VARGO HOAT of the Free City of Qohor, a sellsword.
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chronicallyhaughty · 1 year
Two barks and a yowl
So maybe he had lost his temper, and gotten handsy, but certainly nothing worse than Rommath’s done to him. Nobody could call it unprovoked, besides. It’s just not usually when the mage is handling cursed relics. Note to self: exercise further restraint when foreign druidic magics might be involved.
[HalduRomThemar, AO3, Ko-fi]
There’s a cat on every corner in Silvermoon. From the pampered pets of the elite to the hard working feline companions of the tradesmen to the scavengers and prowlers of Murder Row, they’re a well established part of the city’s soul. Dogs are rarer, beyond the odd hunter’s pet from a faraway land, most young sin’dorei taming and bonding with the wild lynxes and dragonhawks of Eversong. There used to be some number of hounds along the southern border where there was trade with the neighboring nations, sturdy beasts bred to guard home and hearth against wolves and bears, but the practice had been destroyed along with the villages and citizens who dwelled there.
That said, neither creature is typically found in the Regent Lord’s office, making the present tableau quite unusual indeed.
The cat is big, sleek in conformation and a beautiful inky black, perched firmly on Lor’themar’s paperwork, stance wide, back arched, and tail fluffed to mind-boggling proportions. It is making a very alarming growly noise, matched by the dog with its front paws on that same desk. The hound is not one of the typical Lordaeronian guard dogs, its coat longer and a more golden yellow, teeth-bared muzzle sleek and without those typical jowls, with its ears hanging by its cheeks rather than pointing up at the sky – although at the moment they’re pressed back in a sign of aggression, as the cat swipes at it and it snaps back with a frightful speed. Damningly, both animals’ eyes glow a familiar, fel-tinged green.
“Atten-tion!” Lor’themar bellows, sending the cat into the air and the dog scrambling into something akin to parade rest. The cat has inadvertently flung papers all over the room, and clearly it is only now that either of them seem to realize that they’d left the door open. The dog starts barking and the cat starts yowling, and so, to both confirm his rising suspicion and attempt to outrun the headache building at his temples, Lor’themar promptly turns on his heel and marches back down the hallway, ignoring the people peering out their doors at the noise. The beasts forgo their dispute to scramble to be close on his heels as he turns the corner into the magisterial corridor, finding the door to Rommath’s office flung wide open. It is empty – but for the strewn about piles of clothing on the floor.
Lor’themar puts his hands on his hips as he considers these, and the cat stalks by to sit primly upon the red and gold robe while the dog quickly follows suit to flop on top of the blue hauberk with a sigh.
“Rommath. Halduron. I don’t suppose you speak?”
The dog whines pitifully as the cat bares his teeth.
“Of course not. That would be convenient, and we can’t have that,” Lor’themar grumbles, pressing forefinger and thumb against the bridge of his nose...
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🪦💀 ℂ𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 ℝ𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕 💀🪦
Lord of Bones has a gorgeous new cover from the amazingly talented @graphicsbygeka!
Stay tuned for the cover reveal for book 2, coming soon!
ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ʙᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴅᴜᴇᴛ? ʏᴏᴜ’ʟʟ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴛᴡɪꜱᴛᴇᴅ ᴘᴀʀᴀɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴏ:
🪦 Labyrinth/Beauty and the Beast vibes
💀 Enemies to lovers
🪦 Masked MMC
💀 Gøré/un@l!v!ng/viølencé
🪦 K!dn@pping
💀 Bre@th pl@y
🪦 Dübcøn
💀 Sømnøph!l!a
🪦 Wax and ⛓️ play
💀 Degr@d@t!on/hüm!l!@tion
🪦 Pr!m@l pl@y/ch@se
💀 Bønd@ge
🪦 Imp@ct pl@y/p@in pl@y
Read Lord of Bones: Death Bound Duet #1👇
Pre-Order Queen of Carrion: Death Bound Duet #2👇
#darkromance #gothicromance #enemiestolovers #demonromance #monsterromance #villainromance #darkparanormalromance #darkfantasyromance #monsterfudgers #kindleunlimited #halloweenromance #rkpierce #aidenpierce #aidenpierceromance
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