#lord tion x leia
tantive404 · 2 years
Glup Shitto moments from the Star Wars radio drama
Lord Tion is an Imperial nobleman and a protege of the Grand Moff Tarkin, introduced in episode 2 of the 1980 NPR Star Wars radio drama adaption, titled “Points of Origin.”
This episode is set a few days prior to A New Hope, exploring one of Leia’s “mercy missions” undertaken for the Rebel Alliance, as well as how she got her hands on the Death Star plans.
It’s quite intriguing as an exploration of pre-ANH Leia, and it may also be of interest to anyone in search of villain x heroine crumbs…
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You see, Lord Tion is arrogant, deeply loyal to the Empire, and also… quite taken with Princess Leia.
“And here she is… the shining jewel in the Organa crown”
Here he is, flirting with Leia while she is inspected for her mercy mission. I notice he is somewhat copying the infamous face grab move from his mentor…
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Hilariously enough there are two different visual depictions of Tion. One blond, and one dark-haired. The dark haired version is, in my opinion, quite nice-looking.
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His admiration for the Princess comes to a head when he invites himself to Alderaan for a dinner party with Leia and Bail… and ends up proposing a marriage arrangement. Let me tell you it is a very, very botched proposal.
Tion: "Alderaan could prosper from a closer link to the Empire. I could provide that link." Bail: "Perhaps you could make yourself clearer, my Lord?"
Tion: "A marriage between your daughter and me would benefit all of us."
Leia: (exhales slightly) "And what are you offering?"
Despite her obvious misgivings about this proposal, Leia uses it to coax information about the “Death Star” project out of Tion. Since this guy is apparently not the brightest, he begins to brag about the Empire building a battle station that can destroy planets. Leia and Bail are naturally horrified; the worst has been confirmed.
Tion: "A new order is emerging, and I intend to be among those who lead it. Your daughter can share it with me and Alderaan can prosper from it."
Leia: "Blood and death?"
Bail: "Leia, I--"
Tion: "From an Empire that will rule unchallenged because of that battle station--" Leia: "A galaxy of slaves, is that what you think I want?"
Bail: "Leia, calm yourself--"
Tion: "I'm offering you a place in the Empire, Leia. And yes, a galaxy at your feet."
Leia: "An Empire of oppression? Under a DEATH STAR that destroys--"
Bail: LEIA!
In her anger, Leia has slipped up and revealed her rebel allegiances, moreover, that she knows the code name “Death Star,” and, as Tion puts it, “only someone with rebel contacts could know that name.”
He resolves to summon the Imperial authorities and have both Bail and Leia questioned… but Leia is not about to take this quietly.
She and Tion get into a little tussle, wherein she grabs hold of his blaster, accidentally firing it and killing him.
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With this act, Leia has (momentarily) protected her family and their rebel secrets, but she has also killed a man— possibly for the first time. She begins to sob into her father’s arms. They bury Lord Tion and claim that that he died in a hunting accident… covering up the truth.
It is now time for Leia to retrieve the stolen Death Star plans, beginning the events of the original movie <33
There’s a part of me that finds the thought of a dark AU with Leia forcibly being married into the Empire (especially if it’s to Tarkin) both twisted and fascinating, so I did indeed appreciate this segment of “Points of Origin.”
And the idea of an Imperial officer who is inspired by Tarkin’s ideology having a crush on Leia is amusing indeed! :3
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tantive404 · 8 months
Dear Author- Star Wars Rarepairs 2023
Hello wonderful author! Thank you so much for writing for me! This is my first year doing the Star Wars Rarepairs Exchange and I'm so excited to see what you have in store… I just know it will be lovely!! <3
DNWs: -Explicit sexual content. I'm okay with some things of that nature being tastefully implied, but I don't want descriptions of genitalia or sex acts. -Sequel trilogy content -Modern AU -Major Character Death between the characters involved in the ship (they can certainly threaten to kill each other though XD)
Likes: -enemies to lovers tropes, villain x heroine ships -forced or arranged marriage -Leia whump or angst-- I love seeing that girl vulnerable and in perilous predicaments, but still maintaining her strength of will and fighting back. -political intrigue (lends itself particularly well to tarkin x leia) and drama -power dynamics -captivity -banter
Leia Organa/Wilhuff Tarkin I am OBSESSED with these two… Ever since I noticed the way he grabs her face during their scene together in A New Hope, something just clicked within my brain. I love their absolute hatred for one another, how they are each so devoted to their opposing causes, and how his desire to subdue her and defeat the Rebellion could manifest into a twisted obsession and desire… They have a great tension and chemistry, and some fun silly space banter. Feel free to lean into the darkness and creepiness.
Prompts: -Something exploring their dynamic pre-ANH, where Leia is working as a rebel spy and Tarkin is suspicious and attempting to catch her in the act of treason. A game of cat and mouse ensues. -Leia and Tarkin strike some form of deal in the hopes of each benefitting their side of the war. How might this develop their relationship? I'd love to see Tarkin manipulating Leia, and Leia's efforts to sabotage him. -Bad end to ANH… Tarkin lives, or the Rebellion loses, and Leia must deal with her grief and desire for revenge… meanwhile the Grand Moff decides he wants something more for the Princess than execution -Missing scene from her captivity and interrogation on the Death Star. Who knows what could have occurred between them behind closed doors?
Leia Organa/Darth Vader These two have the chance for layers and layers of DRAMA and irony. I love the possibility for a sweet twisted "knight and princess" motif, as well as Vader being SUPER protective and possessive of Leia, with her bringing out his more "honorable", "good" side… and Leia reminding him both of Padme and of his former self. I love Leia being a complete sass machine to Vader and being one of the very few people who is able to stand up to the Dark Lord… Perhaps he finds a strange sort of respect for her through that. Also, they're really just a very aesthetically pleasing couple. The size/height difference and the black armor against the white gown. They're truly a villain and a heroine who are meant to be pitted against each other.
Prompts: -Through some strange set of circumstances, Vader and Leia must put up a temporary truce and are forced to work together begrudgingly -Vader protects Leia from a more dangerous foe, and she comes to gain a strange sense of respect for him. -Vader is haunted by his memories of Padme and uses Leia as a fill-in for her of sorts…
Leia Organa/Wilhuff Tarkin/Darth Vader Something of a twisted love triangle where Vader and Tarkin are fighting for control of the Princess, and she is caught in the middle of them.
Leia Organa/Lord Tion Tion is a character who appears in the second episode of the Star Wars Radio Drama-- an arrogant, pompous Imperial officer and devotee of Tarkin who becomes Leia's suitor. Despite her disdain, she briefly permits his courtship to learn more about the Death Star… and everything goes disastrously wrong after he proposes marriage. As an enthusiast for Leia villain ships, I was in love with the MELODRAMA potential caused by this character.
Prompt: -What if the proposal/courtship was allowed to go further, and things turned out differently for them? It would be interesting to see Leia enter into a relationship with an Imperial in order to obtain rebel info…
Rogue One: Jyn Erso/Orson Krennic I enjoy the potential that the clash of these two strong personalities might bring, and the connection which they hold to one another's past. Where Leia and Tarkin will have a heavy amount of verbal sparring, I imagine Jyn and Krennic would have some physical sparring, too. It's also interesting to delve into his relation to her father.
Prompts: -AU where Galen's family returns with him during the construction of the Death Star, and Jyn grows up in high Imperial society, rebelling against the expectations placed upon her, and eventually catching Krennic's eye. -Alternatively, the Erso parents are made to offer Jyn as a bride to Krennic in order to ensure their safety… She's not happy about it, but wants to protect her family. -Something where they survive Scarif and have a chance to build a relationship from there… complex and hate-filled, of course.
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