#lo de los clones
cabezadeperro · 2 years
Hi! Not sure if this counts as a prompt or not, but I was wondering if you could share some of your Fox headcanons? In the ask game you said you had a lot of opinions on his character that aren’t shared by the fandom at large. Only if you want too, of course 😊
lol no it's not a prompt, dw! and i love talking about my blorbos, so
first let's get out of the way the fact that i am by nature a pretty contrary person who likes doing things their own way, and that i don't always have thoughts and opinions about stuff, but when i do,,,, oh boy.
back when i started outlining the falling man i realised i didn't quite know who My fox was. there were a couple of relatively widespread characterisations, and back then i already was starting to not enjoy that particular interpretation too much.
so i started thinking about him and trying to figure out what kind of character he could be, because let's be real: like cody, he doesn't actually have like an actual personality in the show. he's a plot device, like most minor characters in the clone wars cartoon.
and i have to confess something else: i don't like the whole inhibitor chips thing too much. i know why it exists and i think it works within the context of the show, and it's absolutely horrifying, but i like my characters messy and complicated and doing awful shit in full possession of their will and thoughts, and i don't like how the chips basically robs the clones of their agency, so.
i think most of the more popular fanon characterizations hinge on the idea that fox wasn't himself when he shot fives. however, the way i write him is built on the idea that he knew what he was doing and did it anyway. i explained it to my friends as "ned stark meets classic noir detective" iirc.
i do think there is a tendency to woobify him in fandom, and while i do not like that very much (i'm allergic to woobies in general lol), i think he's someone who's been living in survival mode for a very long time.
i think he was chosen specifically for the coruscant guard because he's clever and cunning and competent but lacks a certain. hm. he knows the system's fucked and how to thrive in it but he still can't see a way beyond its limits. he has married his sense of self to the things he can do for other people and to the way other people perceive him. he doesn't believe in the system and he doesn't trust it, he only trusts his brothers, but he will work and work and work for the system because that's who he is and what he does. and he knows that by doing this he's actively harming his brothers and isolating himself and making everyone miserable, but he is like a rat in a cage, and he just can't see a way out.
i like thinking about him as cody's opposite, in a way, and that's also one of the reasons why i ship them. cody's priority is his duty to his brothers; fox's priority is his duty, and then his brothers.
i think he's very lonely and very depressed in that functional way some of us get. i also think he is by nature very kind and very selfless and very brave and very. honourable, in a way? he has a moral code and he sticks to it as much as he can. he's also an adrenaline junkie and can be very um. casually, viciously brutal in a very workman-like way? and i also think that he's very easy to like and love once he allows himself to take off his bucket, and one of the most infuriating people in existence. he doesn't say shit, ever, and expects you to guess what he thinks and feels and why he does the things he does.
i have headcanons for his relationships with some of the clones, but this is long enough lmao. sorry!!!!!!
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galactic-rhea · 1 month
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"She's so young"
You too, were young, Ani
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alitxu · 8 months
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Ahsoka y Anakin. Clone Wars.
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manaosdeuwu · 9 months
todas mis compañeras del secundario se ven iguales hoy en día
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thefulcrumfiles · 2 years
Yo después de ver que Cody saldrá en la temporada 2 de bad batch: YA DENNOS EL ARCO CODYWAN COBARDES
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vampiromano · 1 month
es como q on one hand es re gracioso q milei la pase mal pq es un hijo de remil puta y burlarse de él siempre está bien. pero on the other Q CULPA TIENEN SUS PERROS. SUS PERROS Q MALTRATÓ DESDE Q NACIERON Y Q SEGURO MURIERON A CAUSA DE SU MALTRATO Y NEGLIGENCIA. PQ ESTAMOS BURLANDONOS DE SUS PERROS (no de q "tome consejos de ellos" o sus falopeadas, eso está bien pq es burlarse de él, pero de los bichos en sí me refiero) CUANDO ELLOS SON SUS VICTIMASSSS. AJDKWKDK AMIGO UN TOQUE DE HUMANIDAD NO TIENEN? PQ LES DA RISA ESOOO. eran animalitos inocentes. no hicieron una mierda. no es su culpa haber sido propiedad de un enfermo del orto al q hay q cagar matando
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elgeriatricodedanikun · 11 months
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Vista El rey de los clones. Documental sobre un científico coreano y como juega con la clonación convirtiéndose en el rey de ese campo hasta que le acusan de ciertas cosillas.
Para ser sincero pensaba que la clonación era un tema mas tabú y menos avanzada de lo que realmente esta.
Es interesante si te fascina el tema de la clonación pero es un poco meh porque el único tema caliente es como se apropio de cientos de óvulos
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mothmage · 1 year
ffs why do shows still offer an audio dub with no corresponding subtitles (im looking at u, season 6 of clone wars on disney+ that has TWO spanish audio but no spanish CC)
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expedientegonk · 2 years
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rixhindie · 2 years
Una mano sobre el gran muro, puede escuchar detrás un grupo de muertos, les teme aún, pero teme mas perder a quienes quiere. Supone que la vida dentro de otra comunidad era el mismo asunto, luego de la prisión vino este nuevo aire a un hogar, calles y manzanas enteras protegidas por muros fuertes y seguridad que daba un nuevo aire de seguridad, después de todo, ahora había equipos enteros y enormes que salen a explorar, podía concentrarse en sus actividades sin miedo a que mandasen a Beau a reconocimiento. Aunque aún tenía pesadillas por las noches y era mas usual que caminase hasta la habitación del rubio y se metiese en su cama, seguía dándole algo de pena asumir que le gusta su compañía y ese día se había levantado con dos pies izquierdos. 
Hace un tiempo que no sonreía, se mantenía en un estado en que los días solo pasaban y las noches no le dejaban dormir, ese día se mantuvo acomodando unos libros que habían llegado, los ha leído todos. Extrañamente no había visto a Beau donde normalmente estaba a diario, pensaba que estaba molesto por ya pasar varias noches sin dejarle dormir, le entendía. Ignorando por completo la hora, no fue hasta que un compañero le trae un mensaje urgente que Zac sale de su mentalidad de bibliotecario y lee la nota -Beau te busca, es urgente, en casa- Teme lo peor y su rostro se torna pálido junto a un sudor frío que le recorre la nuca. Arranca un camino veloz dejando esa especie de biblioteca a cargo de ese compañero mensajero, la tarde se había obscurecido y las luminarias del camino eran su guía a casa, pero al llegar no veía ni escuchaba nada, eso le dio mucho mas miedo a lo que fuese a encontrar. Se apretó una mano al pecho sintiendo que eran malas noticias, no quería eso. Con la mano en la puerta empujó de forma suave, como si fuese a despertar a alguien. @scorpiusmmalfoy​
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cabezadeperro · 2 years
I love your characterization of Fox and was wondering how you imagine he got the scar on his neck? It’s made a few appearances and I’m super curious.
Have a great day!
hi!!!! i'm glad you like him!! he's one of my most beloved blorbos and i think it shows lmao
i actually mentioned it in a fic (friends in high places, fox/mereel skirata, rated M), but i'll share the relevant section here:
He speaks like each word hurts. Mereel read the report: a botched assassination attempt, a very sharp vibroblade and a very dead Zabrak. The only reason Fox isn’t dead is that one of his medics apparently knows how to work miracles with the equivalent of a glue gun and some tape.
sorry, it's no that original lmao. a few more details: it happened during the first six months of the war; fox almost died; it didn't heal properly at first; before it happened he used to be pretty talkative, not as quiet, but afterwards he basically stopped speaking, and it wasn't just because talking hurt
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siap-oses · 9 months
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Me da ternura cuando muestran a los clones de niños. Seguro Topher y Abe estaban curiositos jaksja
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elbiotipo · 2 days
Cuándo se arma la conspiración clonan? Yo creo que no existen.
Hay muchas teorías conspirativas en Twitter, acá hay algunos datos:
Según uno revisó en el internet archive, para la empresa que los clonó en realidad son 4 perros (del original que estaba muerto y/o murió en los últimos años)
Todas las fotos existentes muestran 4 perros
Pero entonces por qué Milei dice que son 5? Porque para él Conan está vivo, evidentemente
No ha habido una sola foto de él con "sus hijos de 4 patas" que no sea IA o la promo de la empresa, uno pensaría que si los quiere tanto subiría una foto al instagram no, como Alberto con Dylan?
Por eso aclaro que "todas las fotos existentes" simplemente NO HAY OTRAS FOTOS
Se hicieron caniles a gran costo en la Quinta de Olivos (residencia presdiencial argentina) con aire acondicionado y todo, que se usaron de excusa para que Milei siga en el Hotel Libertador porque no se podía mudar ahí sin sus "hijos de 4 patas"
Esto es muy importante porque las reuniones en Olivos tienen que ser agendadas, en el hotel no, entonces nadie sabe cuantas reuniones ni con quien tuvo en esas dos semanas (creo no me acuerdo) que estuvo ahí como presidente sin ninguna clase de agenda oficial
A todo esto los caniles en Olivos parecen estar totalmente vacíos, y según se cuenta los perros están totalmente desacostumbrados al contacto humano
(recordemos que los perros de Alberto, Macri y CFK no tenían absolutamente ningún problema en vivir en Olivos)
Algunos dicen que capaz están en una guardería para perros, pero claramente con Milei no están
Eso sí, los perros existen, y eso es sabido. En el departamento de Milei los vecinos se quejaban de que eran agresivos y ruidosos
Según lo que cuentan en el libro "El Loco", Milei no podía hacer que se lleven bien (porque es un pelotudo que tiene mastines en un departamento de Capital), entonces lo que hizo es poner unos ganchos en el piso, atarlos con correas ahí y darles de comer.
El departamento de Milei terminó así con 4(?) perros que se odian, haciendo sus necesidades ahí en el piso, dejando "un chiquero" como tengo entendido que él mismo lo dijo una vez. Es realmente espantoso, vomitivo, no sé que decirles
(algunos especulan que como los perros son clones no se reconocían y por eso se odiaban entre ellos, no soy experto en perros y dudo pero le da un aire más siniestro a todo)
Se sabe también que uno de los perros lo atacó a Milei y le dejó el brazo hecho mierda, así que tanto cariño no les tiene parece
Entre una de las cosas que dijo es que él y Conan se encontraron originalmente como gladiador y león en el coliseo romano. Sería una anécdota más pero Milei y Karina fueron a Roma y se sacaron una foto ahí
Hay que hacer todo un megapost del misticismo de Andrew y Leley Javier y Karina la verdad.
Milei consultó con un científico argentino, Daniel Salamone, sobre como clonar su perros. Ahora lo puso a cargo del CONICET y es el tipo que está desfinanciando todo a sus órdenes lol
Y la última es que algunos dicen que la empresa de clonación de perros es una estafa y Milei pagó 50.000 dólares(!!!) por unos mastines cualquiera
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A DC X DP IDEA#14 His name is not Bruce Wayne, it’s…
Imagine dis…
It is another dimension travel between two fandoms but what if instead of having a Batman or even a Bruce Wayne in this dimension we have a Phantom? 
Dick, Jason, and Tim are adopted by a well-known billionaire while Damian is a clone that escaped from Vlad before the brainwashing program was even added to the family.
Daniel Nightgale a billionaire industrialist, his godfather the founder and CEO of Vlad Co. gave him the entire company as a 21st birthday gift. Renamed as The Triple Pack Inc, a weird name yet their quality in terms of products as well their services was something nothing to laugh at. 
 Daniel Nightingale created a great legacy for both his hero persona to his mortal life.
 A legacy that Dick, Jason, Tim, Ellie, and Damian Nightingale, all carry themselves with confidence as they strive to make their father proud as well look them in the eyes with pure adoration.
 Each vigilante from Gotham had just turned in for the night after they have just busted a large illegal export of various technologies from different tech companies which had just been robbed senseless. While they didn’t know where the cargo was headed, they manage to stop whomever the client from gaining state in the top technology.
 As Oracle logged off and went upstairs to catch the meager sleep she has ever since she entered this lifestyle, under the pile of confiscated tech she didn’t see the faint glowing of a mysterious green crystal that resembles a kryptonite, nor having the entire Wayne manor covered by a white light as each resident of the manor is now deep asleep.
 Waking up Dick felt that his bed had shrunk, but he knew that his old room in the manor had stayed the same aside from the different trinkets as well as furniture seeing that he was no longer a child. As he tries to grab more hand full of the blanket before Alfred wakes them up but he noticed an extra baggage in his bed thinking that one of his brothers had just had a nightmare and decided to sleep in his bed, the moment he turned to face whichever brother snuck in his room he has faced a shocked face of himself looking at him wide-eyed. 
 Now note this duplicate is quite different from him, a bit taller as well having a bit broader shoulders as well a bit paler than Dick is. Dick immediately woke up and tried to get away from the intruder by kicking the stranger, it seems the stranger has the same idea and tried to kick Dick as well, but both fell off the bed. Just as they were about to fight off, multiple shots of guns came from the direction of another room just across the hallway, both Grayson (I couldn’t write his nickname without reading it weirdly) and an intense star off went to the door and lo and behold they saw double of their siblings. 
 Bruce is with that “face” indicating whether he should join in to stop the said fight or gather intel, in the end, he joined due to the fact the female double of Damian got him with a kick on the chest after tiring him out seeing that his son fought off two doubles of himself, one a female and one a paler and blue-eyed version of himself. This didn’t go as planned seeing another double join the fight, a buffer version of Bruce Wayne with a goatee and his hair tied grabbed him by the shoulder and joined the fray. 
 Each member of the Bat clan is now fighting each double of themselves, Dick who is about to ask and try to de-escalate the fight joined in due to the fact his “clone” suddenly helps Jason’s double make him join in.
 Tim who was giving a hand to each member who was being pushed back suddenly had someone to keep him busy since the Demon brat’s double didn’t like that he is helping the others and joined in fighting, suddenly his double appeared still sleepy and disorganized, immediately joined in when he saw the commotion. 
 Jason fought his double when his double’s weird-looking gun looked like it ran out of battery, he pulled out a Lazarus green glowing sword and bought it into their gunfight, after cursing himself for not charging the gun the night prior. Now remember it is quite dumb for a person to bring a knife into a gunfight but the moment Jason’s double cut through a bullet as if it was butter, he knew that his double didn’t downgrade when he pulled out that knife. 
 It was when Alfred their butler and another person who has black hair and black eyes add to the fact that he is also wearing the same uniform their butler currently is wearing, shot out a green beam from a weird gun forcing them to be quiet. To try to figure out things.
After some exchange of information, the Bat clan was in a different dimension alongside their butler/grandfather. Both sides were able to be civil enough to move from the hallway and move to a study room. Each person sat with a clear distance between the two, now that both won’t attack sensibly, they could spot the difference between the two. 
Tim’s double told them to call him Timothy, who is healthier and taller which made Alfred ask his younger alternate some tips on how he made them, especially Tim to be able to eat healthier, Sebastian, merely chuckled and said it is because of their father.
Jason’s double introduced as Jason Peter Nightingale and told them to call him Shade, instead of black hair and having a single white streak shade has full on white hair and has a single black streak on his head. Glowing green eyes made Jason uncomfortable seeing that his alternate might be in the state of his Pit rage.
Damian asked who is the person besides their double, who was introduced as Danielis, gesturing at the female version of himself. Danielis introduced the person beside them as his twin sister Danielle also known as Ellie.
Bruce is wary, every time they dimension hop he self is evil to the point, they destroyed the world or enslave it, but the buffer version just rolled his eyes as if sensing what his other version had thought of it. Then Ellie laughed at Dan’s expense and exclaimed that maybe he shouldn’t have destroyed the last timeline so Dad and grandfather wouldn’t ground him.
At Ellie’s exclaim the Bat clan warily looked at Dan who is about to quirk up a snark back, you destroy one timeline and everybody is against you.
 When the front door suddenly made a loud noise, indicating someone entered the manor.
 Each of them immediately went to hide including their versions as Sebastian stayed standing on his feet. A large and very broad man entered, with black hair and blue eyes. Ellie immediately revealed her position along with the others to pile on the stranger whilst yelling Danny or Dad, while the bats stayed at their hiding spot. As the others are laughing and speaking at the same time to get the man’s attention.
After cleaning off any imaginary dust his clothes may have, he just stands in a corner waiting for the rest of them to be quiet, which immediately indicates that it is not often to have their father is quiet.
After calming down and looking at each of his children, he sighed very loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose, and asked very loudly to his children why on earth they created a portal to another dimension when they have a perfectly good and working one at the basement.
Each of them began choking and shenanigans ensues as two fathers try to keep their respective children from either killing each other, trying to take over the world, or even how they complement each other to the point their very sanity is at stake.
Sorry I haven’t much posted I haven’t had many ideas to write on.
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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nasukichan · 8 months
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Clone Mutation Research post#2
Hello! I am one of the clones that works at Clone Mutation Research. A few days ago this mutation was shown, which we named “Florecita” Although she looks threatening, she is harmless. The first time we saw her, she scared us too. We carried a lot of equipment and weapons, but it turned out that we didn't need it. Florecita just calmly followed us to our building. After some time of study, we determined that she is not dangerous, the only thing she does is offer you flowers through her mouth. The flowers are not dangerous either, on the contrary. They are daisies, very beneficial for us.
¡Hola! Soy una de las clones que trabajan en Clone Mutation Research. Hace unos días fue mostrada esta mutación a la que pusimos de nombre “Florecita”Aunque tenga un aspecto amenazante, es inofensiva. La primera vez que la vimos también nos asustó. Llevamos un montón de equipo y armas, pero resultó que no hacía falta. Florecita simplemente nos siguió tranquilamente hasta nuestro edificio. Después de un tiempo de estudio, determinamos que no es peligrosa, lo único que hace es ofrecerte flores a través de su boca. Las flores tampoco son peligrosas, al contrario. Son margaritas, muy beneficiosas para nosotras.
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The cause of this mutation was a desire. This clone, before mutating, was lying in a field of daisies. The peace that field brought her, made her want to convert or merge with it. Her limbs and body enlarged and stretched, wanting to become roots. Flowers grew on the back and the blue body is due to the low temperature at that time. We keep her in our building because despite being harmless, people are often scared of her.
La causa de esta mutación fue un deseo. Esta clon antes de mutar, estaba acostada en un campo de margaritas. La paz que le trajo ese campo le hizo desear convertirse o fusionarse con él. Sus extremidades y cuerpo se agrandaron y estiraron queriendo convertirse en raíces. En la parte de su espalda crecieron flores y el cuerpo azul se debe a la baja temperatura que hacía en ese momento. La mantenemos en nuestro edificio ya que a pesar de ser inofensiva, las personas suelen asustarse de ella.
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roxineedstosleep · 2 months
All I’m thinking about is the clone!reader character thing wacking one of the bat boys with their cane any time the get the chance they just walk up to them and SMACK! A bat gets bonked
Also who would be their Wilson in the sense that they are a dr house variant
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Clon! Reader every time he smack some Robin with his cane: Oopsi whoopsi. (?)
Buuut. About Reader’s Wilson!
Javkovy sería su Wilson. Su mejor amiga, también tiene una especie de bromance allí. Luz sería su Cuddy. Él no es tan sarcástico con ella. Pero sí. Las únicas mujeres por las que se mostraría pleased en dejarse controlar.
Y la batfam… esos serían los pacientes estúpidos con los que debe tener una actitud cordial.
Alfred? Mmm, Reader do not hate him, but also do not love him like the other kids. Since Alfred was always busy or trying to transform Reader to be Dick all the time. Alfred would be like the person who prepares coffe in the cafeteria. Usefull but not close at all.
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