#like woke up mid squirm and mid making a little noise(?????) i think ?????
pawbeanies · 3 months
in a horrible embarrassing no good turn of events i woke up today squirming and grinding against a pillow between my legs ..?? was i doing it in my sleep ..???? it will forever be a mystery to me...
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hornime · 3 years
watch and learn | iwaizumi hajime x f!reader x team japan
there were two things they all had in common: the growing bulges in their pants that they were urgently trying to distract themselves from, and the fact that their full attention was on you.
warnings: 18+, timeskip!everyone, BIG MANGA SPOILERS BASICALLY, exhibitionism, voyeurism, orgasm denial
w/c: 3.1k
a/n: now i don’t know if iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer learned about female orgasms when he was studying sports science at irvine BUT he def knows how to show a girl a good time which is reason enough for me to write this. also, i read this article to prep for this piece and it was super enlightening, so i do recommend giving it a read if you’re interested!
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in the middle of his morning run, iwaizumi slowed momentarily to check the repetitive buzzing of this phone, curious as to who was messaging him this early. when he’d left the apartment, you were sleeping, and you had the tendency to still be sleeping by the time he returned, so who else could it be?
he unlocked his phone, quickly finding the source of the notifications: the team japan group chat.
[06:43 AM] miya: hey @iwaizumi—you know stuff abt the human body right?
[06:43 AM] miya: cus like you studied it in college and shit??
iwaizumi rolled his eyes. i spent four years in america to earn my degree, came back home to support my country’s olympic team, and dealt with the biggest idiots of volleyball, only to get treated like this?
[06:44 AM] iwaizumi: yes, miya. i took many courses on the human body. in fact that’s the purpose of my job. to know the human body. because i am a fucking athletic trainer.
[06:44 AM] miya: okay okay i get it. dumb question
[06:44 AM] iwaizumi: why? is something up? you need help or anything?
[06:44 AM] miya: uhhh kinda
[06:44 AM] miya: @hinata i’m not fucking asking this
[06:44 AM] bokuto: bro just do it
[06:44 AM] miya: @hinata @hinata @hinata 
iwaizumi cocked an eyebrow. what the hell are they going on about?
[06:45 AM] iwaizumi: so am i needed or...
[06:45 AM] hinata: YES
[06:45 AM] hinata: we had a question
[06:46 AM] sakusa: by “we” he means him, miya, and bokuto
[06:46 AM] suna: yeah don’t bring us into this
[06:46 AM] hinata: don’t listen to them! both suna and sakusa wanna know too
[06:46 AM] iwaizumi: okay. what’s up
[06:47 AM] hinata: we wanted to know how to make a girl cum
he chuckled in disbelief.
[06:47 AM] iwaizumi: you’re telling me that you guys are in your mid-20s, literal olympic athletes, and you don’t know how to make a girl cum
[06:47 AM] iwaizumi: have you never done it before??
[06:47 AM] miya: NO
[06:48 AM] bokuto: ME TOO
[06:48 AM] bokuto: i think
he laughed out loud, briefly startling another runner on the sidewalk.
[06:48 AM] iwaizumi: you guys are unbelievable
[06:48 AM] hinata: i mean she says she finished but idk what i did to make that happen
[06:48 AM] bokuto: ^^
[06:48 AM] hinata: so like i wanna know how to actually do it
[06:48 AM] suna: actually im kinda interested in this too
[06:48 AM] aran: i pray for your future girlfriends. this is painful to see. im out
[06:48 AM] kageyama: i’m with aran on this one. you guys are dumb
[06:48 AM] hinata: shut up. you suck.
[06:48 AM] miya: cmon iwaizumi, help a guy out
[06:48 AM] sakusa: it wouldnt hurt for you to give us some pointers at least
iwaizumi sighed.
[06:49 AM] iwaizumi: @miya @hinata @bokuto @suna @sakusa meet in the locker room after practice. ill give you guys a lesson in the art of pleasing a woman
to teach effectively, he needed a volunteer, though he was sure you wouldn’t need much convincing. you’d always loved the attention, and the biceps, of the pro athletes. he spun on his heel and jogged home.
you woke up to the sound of your apartment door opening, your boyfriend creeping inside, forehead damp with sweat.
“hey,” you said quietly, making your way towards him.
“hey, baby. sorry for waking you up, i was trying to be quiet.”
you giggled sleepily. “s’okay, haji. you spoil me too much anyway, always letting me sleep in for hours while you’re off doing god knows what.”
at that, his eyes crinkled in amusement, and as you tried to step into a hug, he shuffled back. “woah there, baby. i gotta shower, ‘m all gross from my run. and then,” he gave you a peculiar look that you couldn’t quite place, “i got a proposition for you.”
after his shower, he waltzed out of the bathroom, steam wafting out from behind the door. his tanned body made you feel things you definitely shouldn’t be barely an hour after the sun’s risen, and you reached out to massage the tension in his shoulders. “so, what’s your proposition?”
“well,” he hesitated. “it’s a bit... unconventional. the team asked me to show them how to make a girl cum,” he took in your intrigued expression. “and it’d be a lot easier to explain if i had someone to do a live demonstration with. so,” his eyes flicked up to you. “that’s where you’d come in.”
“a... live demonstration? like you’re gonna make me cum in front of them?”
“yeah, essentially.” he gave you a devilish grin. “you want that, baby? wanna show those boys how a real man treats a gorgeous woman like you?”
you rubbed your thighs at his words. “yeah,” you purred. “i do. wanna show them how good you are to me.”
and that’s how you found yourself nestled between iwaizumi’s muscled thighs, back pressed against his chest, completely naked, with five of japan’s best volleyball players staring at your body in awe.
practically an expert in his field, iwaizumi knew the human body inside and out. this had many benefits; of course it allowed him to catapult up the ranks and work with the country’s best athletes to keep them at the top of their game, but it also had a unique side effect: an overwhelming vault of knowledge on how to make a woman feel good anywhere. 
you’d seen the proof firsthand; he knew exactly where to push, prod, stroke, and tease to have you cumming in seconds, over and over, as many times as you wanted. he was amazing, and you were well-aware just how lucky you were to have such a talented man in the sheets.
“oi,” iwaizumi snapped his fingers, drawing each of the players’ eyes away from your glistening cunt. “pay attention. i know more than anybody that she’s hot as fuck, but you gotta listen to what i’m saying or else there’s no point to this.”
he lightly pressed his lips against your collarbone, slowly tracing them against your jaw, the contact making you squirm. “if you wanna make a girl cum, first thing you gotta do is make her comfortable. if she’s worried about how she looks or sounds or smells she’s gonna be too stressed to let go.” he moved his hands to grope your tits, his calloused fingers brushing over your hardening nipples. “so reassure her, tell her how irresistible she is, how pretty her moans are, how tasty her pussy is. shit like that. the sexier she feels the better it’ll be.”
he leaned into you, whispering into your ear. “feeling good, baby? we can stop whenever.”
you nodded weakly, afraid to open your mouth, barely holding in your whines as his palms worked wonders on your chest and stomach, sending shocks of heat wherever they touched. 
you craned your neck up to observe the men before you. atsumu was flushed red, wringing his hands as if he was worried they’d do something embarrassing if he didn’t keep them occupied. hinata was bouncing his leg up and down, wiping his palms on his shorts as he took in the plushness of your thighs. bokuto was basically drooling, greedily tracing your soft curves with his eyes. suna maintained his indifferent expression, but the reddening tips of his ears showed that he was a lot more hot and bothered than he let on. sakusa stood quietly to the side, leaning against the wall, mask tucked under his chin as if he’d just realized how much the temperature had gone up in the room.
there were two things they all had in common: the growing bulges in their pants that they were urgently trying to distract themselves from, and the fact that their full attention was on you.
"make sure to try different things; there’s multiple ways to make a woman cum. only like a quarter of women experience orgasms just from penetration,” someone made a sound of shock. “yes, the number is that small, bokuto.” 
his fingertip slowly trailed past your belly button, dipping into the mess between your thighs, causing you to slightly arch your back into the solid chest supporting you. “foreplay with the clit is your best bet; even stupid fucks like you probably wouldn’t screw it up too bad.”
hinata opened his mouth to speak, but iwaizumi anticipated his question and continued.
“i know you’re wondering where the clit is. it’s around here, under this hood of skin,” he slid his digit between your labia. “s’not gonna come with a label so you gotta explore a little bit. i know where hers is like the back of my hand, but for you guys, with your girls, you’re gonna have to move your fingers around. slowly. and pay attention to her expressions.” he began to rub in a circular motion around your clit, causing you to make small whimpers of pleasure and shift your hips to meet his movements. 
“if she clenches up or twitches when you feel a certain spot, like this,” your legs flexed as he increased the pressure, “that’s the clit. be kind, it’s not a volleyball. be gentle n’ make small circles, whether it’s with your fingers or your tongue.” 
he thought for a second. “speaking of which, oral’s important. very important. most women cum when they’ve been eaten out, so use your mouths for something more useful than just dirty talk. suck on the clit, maybe tongue-fuck her a ‘lil, but your main focus should always be the clit.”
he removed his hands from your sopping pussy, and you made a pathetic noise of frustration. “’m sorry, baby,” he muttered seductively in your ear. “don’t wanna have you finishing too early. lesson’s barely started.”
he turned his attention back to your audience, his lustful tone being replaced by a more instructional one. “there’s other places that’ll help a woman orgasm, too: her nipples, her neck, her ears—”
“her ears?” sakusa questioned. he blushed profusely as everyone turned to look at him, surprised that he’d opened his mouth. “what? we were all thinking it.”
“s’a valid question,” iwaizumi said. “yeah, you can lick ‘em if they’re sensitive. hers are.” as if to prove his statement, he licked a stripe on the shell of you ear, making you wiggle helplessly at the stimulation. “‘n leave kisses everywhere else. feels good for them just like it does for us.” he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and forcing your movements to stop as he traced patterns with his tongue all around your neck.
“something you should know about an orgasm is that it’s something called a positive feedback loop.” he looked up and was met with five blank stares. shouldn’t have expected anything from these dumb jocks, he lamented. “basically that means that, once you start releasing sexual tension, things will feel better and better until you climax.”
“oh!” atsumu chirped. “like how my sets get better and better throughout a game.”
“no, not really,” he quipped. “your sets suck throughout.” atsumu frowned at that.
iwaizumi exhaled exasperatedly. “the general idea is that the body gets more and more sensitive, muscle contractions become more and more frequent, and touches feel more and more stimulating until you cum. all right?”
they all made noises of understanding except for bokuto and hinata, whose eyes had glazed over at the first mention of an academic term. whatever, iwaizumi thought. they’ll get it through example.
"don’t worry about it too much if you don’t get it, that’s just an orgasm on paper. in practice, though, this is the crucial step: listen to her. she knows what feels good. never forget that you’re just an idiot with a cock.” he took a breath, gathering his thoughts before proceeding with his lecture.
“if she tells you to slow down, you slow down. if she tells you to go harder, you go harder. if she tells you to keep doing what you’re doing, you...”
“keep doing what you’re doing”, they all chimed in at staggered times.
“that’s right. don’t go faster or else you’ll mess up the rhythm and she won’t cum. and you wanna make her cum, don’t you?”
they nodded simultaneously.
“so if you keep up the tempo and force that feels good to her, you’ll be fine. questions?”
suna spoke up. “what about,” he choked on the word. “penetration?”
hinata hummed in agreement and bokuto jumped in. “yeah, what if i wanna make her cum on my cock?”
iwaizumi made a weird face. “that’s some pretty advanced stuff, but i guess i can go over it. when you try it, though, you have to be patient. with both of your bodies. s’not rocket science but s’not always easy. also it depends on the woman but sometimes she physically won’t be able to finish from penetration alone. just make sure you’re communicating.”
his swirled two fingers over your hole before shoving them in, your wetness making it easy for him to thrust in and out as your entrance stretched to accommodate him. “f—fuck!” your eyes flew open at the intrusion and you body lurched forward, but you were held back by his strong forearm. “ohmygod, oh my g—ah! feels s’good haji, s’good!”
“i know, baby, i know. you’re taking it so well.” he turned his attention back to the men, each of who were gulping heavily. if that didn’t signal to you that they were evidently affected by your moans, the way they shifted in their workout shorts did.
“boys, focus.” he curled his fingertips, brushing at the spongy spot at the top of your walls, ripping a pleasured wail from your throat and causing tears to prick at your eyelashes. “when you’re fingering her, you’ll feel an area inside that’s a bit soft and squishy. that’s the g-spot.”
you trembled in his arms as he mercilessly struck the same place over and over again with his fingers. “when you’re fucking her, try to keep the pressure building there, but it’ll be harder to make her finish since you can’t see what you’re doing.”
your breath hitched as iwaizumi’s incessant movements brought your body tantalizingly close to your release. he suddenly stopped and you almost sobbed in disappointment, until he plunged his fingers impossibly deeper.
a guttural scream of ecstasy came from within you, and your eyes rolled back as he began playing with another part of you, your body putty in his hands. “hngh, haji, ah! so good, s’good...” you threw your hands back around his neck, nails digging into the skin as you desperately tried to keep yourself grounded. your soft moans filled the air.
“stop clenching,” he hissed. “can barely move my hand.” you tried to relax but failed miserably as the tips of his fingers grazed your cervix. 
“holy fuck,” suna muttered. “you’re a god.”
“she sounds so pretty,” atsumu said in amazement.
“i wanna make a girl feel good like that, too!” bokuto sulked.
“you can do it, bokuto!” hinata hit him on the arm. “just listen to iwaizumi. clearly he knows what he’s talking about.” 
their eyes refocused on your figure, writhing in pleasure, prompting white hot waves of arousal to pool in their stomachs. 
“yeah,” sakusa said. “clearly.”
“stop talking,” iwaizumi ordered. “and listen. beyond the g-spot is the cervix, which is basically the end of the vagina. if you’re long enough,” he briefly scanned each of their faces, “which i’m sure you are, you’ll be able to reach it if you bottom out.”
“haji—hajime, please.” the stimulation was coming absolutely unbearable, and you could tell he was sadistically holding you at the edge, refusing to give you the satisfaction of finishing. “lemme cum, please. please lemme cum, please, please, i can’t—i can’t take it ‘nymore!”
“what was that? you can’t take it anymore? gonna cum?” you helplessly bobbed your head up and down, hoping that he’d give you permission. “well,” he growled, “we can’t have that happening, can we?”
he abruptly halted his thrusts, pulling his fingers out of you with an embarrassing squelch and popping them into his mouth. pearly tears rolled down your cheeks as you grieved the loss of contact and relief.
your viewers looked on in horror, feeling immense sympathy for you; you just looked so dejected from being denied yet another orgasm.
“why didn’t you—why didn’t you let her cum?” bokuto asked.
“why do you think?” iwaizumi snapped. “don’t want you guys to see her when she does. that’s for me, and only me.”
“oh, okay,” he responded, disgruntlement clear in his voice.
iwaizumi’s glare could cut glass, it was so sharp. the possessiveness that had enveloped his mind made him hyperfocus on just one thought: being alone with you. “so, any other questions? if not, we’re done here.”
you pouted at that, not wanting the demonstration to be over. “but haji,” you mumbled into his collarbone. “i di’nt get to cum. and i wanna.” you looked up at him, eyes wide with want. “please make me cum.”
iwaizumi sent a harsh glance to the players that nonverbally communicated his message loud and clear: get out. they shuffled awkwardly out of the locker room due to the hardness between their legs that they would most definitely need to deal with soon.
your boyfriend turned his attention back to you. “’m sorry, i know i had to deny you a bunch of times. i just really hated the idea of anyone but me seeing the cute way you look when you cum.”
you made a small noise of acknowledgement and a little whisper of it’s okay, haji. he looked down, sensing the way your poor, desperate cunt was pulsing around nothing, the erotic sight injecting him with the pure need to ravage you.
he shifted his head to kiss you passionately. “why don’t i make it up to you?” he breathed between your parted lips before picking you up by the backs of your thighs, forcing you to lock your ankles around his waist. 
he delicately situated you onto one of the recovery beds at the back of the room, before murmuring something that made your pussy throb in anticipation: “i’ll make you cum whichever way you want, however many times you want, all right? all you gotta do is lay back and take it.”
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
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Happy 13th Deancasversary! This is 1166 words of abject fluff in celebration. Post-canon but of the Good Canon that lives in my head, which is what they deserve. :’)
Or read it on AO3
Dean had no idea what time it was. Early, probably. It was impossible to tell without rolling over and looking at the clock, and he wasn’t nearly awake enough to bother with that yet.
He took in a deep breath in the darkness of his room and puzzled over the wispy fragments of the dream he’d been having before something woke him up. Calling out for Cas in the echoless nothingness of the Empty, silent footsteps pounding into the void, and the talisman that Rowena had made for him biting into the flesh of his palm as he struggled to cling to that tiny beacon of hope. He relived some variation on that dream almost every time he slept since he’d experienced it live and in the flesh. Now that he was well and truly awake, Dean could fully appreciate the results. It had truly become his favorite daily ritual.
Cas stirred in his arms. From months of experience, Dean knew he was likely waking from a similarly intense dream. Without even thinking about it, Dean’s hand gently ran up and down Cas’s back, soothing him into wakefulness.
“Hey, Cas. I got you. I’m here,” Dean whispered.
They were the first words he’d said to Cas when he’d found him in the Empty and wrenched him free from its inky grasp. Now he made sure they were the first words Cas heard every morning. As Cas blinked up at him in the darkness only illuminated by the soft glow of the clock behind Dean’s shoulder, Dean smiled down at him and gently ran his fingers through Cas’s mussed hair.
“Morning,” Dean said quietly.
Cas closed his eyes and hummed, resting his head back on Dean’s shoulder.
“Is it really, though?”
Dean laughed. “Far as I know, yeah. It was after midnight when we went to sleep, so technically it’s been morning for a while, no matter what time it is.” Cas opened his mouth and Dean kept talking because he knew what Cas was gonna ask next. “And no, I have no idea what time it is. Someone needs to let me put a clock on his nightstand so I can see it without having to move.”
Cas grumbled out, “We don’t need two clocks.”
Dean shrugged. “Then you’re gonna have to let go of me if you wanna know what time it is.”
Cas held on tighter. “I don’t care what time it is.”
Dean’s heart fluttered the same way it did every time they had this conversation. And then he grinned, because he was about to throw a new line at Cas. Maybe he should’ve said something sooner, but he wanted this to be special. They’d kept far too many terrible secrets over the years trying to protect each other. He wanted just once to keep a secret for all the right reasons, and he’d been waiting so patiently to finally share the joy of it with Cas.
“Yeah, sure, but do you know what day it is?”
Cas was quiet for a minute, trying mightily to recon with linear time without whatever automatic calendar had been built into the angel mojo he’d left behind in the Empty.
“Some time in mid-September?” Cas suggested hesitantly. “It might be Saturday. Is that specific enough?”
Dean laughed softly again, giving Cas’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “It’s thirteen years to the day since you gripped me tight and raised me from Perdition.”
He wasn’t sure what sort of reaction that statement would inspire in Cas, and waited only a few tense moments to find out. Cas squirmed in his arms so that he could see Dean’s face. Unsatisfied with the fact that Dean was mostly backlit from the clock, Cas reached over his shoulder and switched on the lamp, and then squinted against the warm glow that filled the room. Dean laid back and smiled up at him while Cas blinked down at him.
“September 18, 2008. Thirteen years ago today. Dean...”
Dean shook his head and pulled Cas back down. “We’ve known each other thirteen years.”
“That suddenly seems like a very long time,” Cas replied. “Thirteen years ago I would’ve barely noticed the passing of centuries, and now this one ordinary day seems like an important milestone to be celebrated.”
Dean hummed with satisfaction as Cas snuggled back down against him with a contented sigh. He fumbled around behind him on the nightstand for his phone, and snapped a quick picture of the two of them looking all sleep-warm and satisfied together. They just looked at themselves for a minute until Dean’s phone screen timed out and shut off, and Dean slipped the phone onto the shelf above their heads.
“We look content,” Cas commented after a silent moment. “Happy, even.”
“Well, yeah, Cas. Probably because we are, right?
Cas smiled up at him again. “In ways that I never believed were even possible, yes.”
Dean huffed out an amused little noise. “I wonder what we would’ve thought about that picture thirteen years ago?”
“I would’ve thought it was some sort of sorcery most likely,” Cas replied. “You probably would’ve claimed it was photoshopped.”
Dean laughed again. “Yeah, probably. We had no idea the sort of shit we were in for back then.”
“I’d do it all again in a heartbeat,” Cas replied. “As long as I knew we’d still end up here. I’d choose you every time, Dean.”
Dean kissed Cas’s forehead and hummed in agreement. “I’m starting to realize just how true that is. You kinda did that a lot over the years, even when I had no idea and it just felt like you were leaving me again.”
Cas looked up at him, heartbreak clear in his eyes. “I don’t want to talk about leaving you right now. I never want to do that again.”
“You damn well better not,” Dean replied. “After all the trouble I went through to drag you home last time.”
Cas nodded, and then pulled Dean into a deep and tender kiss, one hand gently holding Dean’s cheek. “Now you’ve gripped me tight and saved me from the Empty. I think we’re finally on the same page. We’ve saved each other. You told me once that you’re supposed to keep gifts. And this is a gift I never thought we’d be allowed to have.”
“It makes a great story, though,” Dean replied. “Past us would never believe it.”
“I think past us would be very happy for present us.”
“Well, yeah, they’d agree we deserve to be happy. Even if they were a little confused about it back then.”
Cas slid his hand down Dean’s shoulder to the place his handprint had been burned into Dean’s soul in the moment they’d first technically met. “I’m beginning to think that past us couldn’t have had any idea what happiness truly meant.”
“I have it on good authority that they eventually figured it out for themselves,” Dean replied. “Happy anniversary.”
Cas squeezed his shoulder and grinned. “Happy anniversary, Dean.”
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Double Heart | Chapter Twelve ~ Cosima
|previous part|
Pairing: Haldir x OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3433
Warnings: None
**Read on Ao3 under the user “bonjour_rainycity if you prefer!**
A/n Sorry for the delay! Thanks for your patience and for reading :) Also, I’m so glad you liked the cuteness of the last chapter <3
I wake to an insistent pounding on my door.
I grumble against the noise and the sunlight, pulling the thick duvet over my head.
“Cosima,” a voice sings from behind the wood. “Rise and shine, it is well past lunchtime.”
I crack open an eye. The sun shimmers aggressively, forcing me into a state of awareness. Too early. But Rumil’s wake-up calls and knocking are insistent, so I haul myself out of bed and dress quickly, running a washcloth over my face and a brush over my teeth. When I’m decent, I swing open the door to fix Rumil with what I hope is a withering glare.
He grins brightly. “You look tired.”
“Wow, thank you,” I deadpan, opening the door wider to allow him in. He jaunts to the chaise lounge and reclines on the pillows, evidently in the mood to borrow the luxury of my guest room.
I offer him a glass of lemon water and pour one for myself, then sit on the couch opposite him.
He gives me a sly look. “You know, Haldir came into our room quite early this morning.”
I freeze mid-sip.
Rumil nods gleefully. “Woke me up—quite rude, if you ask me. Though I do have to wonder, what kept him out so late? Surely he was exhausted from his long day at the borders.”
I take a deep breath, trying to relax the tension that has shot its way into my shoulders. Rumil just likes to tease. You didn’t do anything wrong or scandalous — not even anything of interest.
He continues. “And then I come to visit my friend out of the goodness of my heart and find her sound asleep at two in the afternoon. She greets me at the door with such dark circles under her eyes — did she sleep at all? What was so interesting that kept both my brother and my good friend awake into the early hours of the morning?”
I roll my eyes, trying to seem nonchalant about it. After all, there’s no reason to feel cornered like Rumil is so obviously trying to achieve. “I couldn’t sleep. I was on my way to the gardens when I ran into Haldir and he ended up coming with me.”
“To the gardens?”
“Late at night?”
“Yes, Rumil,” I huff.
He looks positively delighted. “And what did you do to pass all that time in the gardens late at night by yourselves?”
I squirm under his gaze then force myself to stop. It looks suspicious. “We talked a little. And then stargazed. At some point I fell asleep, he woke me up and walked me back to my room. The end.”
“The end,” Rumil echoes dubiously.
“Yes,” I insist, just about done with this conversation. It’s ridiculous — we did nothing to warrant this questioning. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask your brother.”
“I did.” My eyes blow wide in disbelief. Somehow, Rumil looks even more smug than he did a second ago. “He quite forcefully told me to leave him and you alone. Such a strong reaction over a little thing, wouldn’t you agree?”
I fight the urge to groan loudly and instead take a sip of my water. I cross one leg over the other. “Is there something you would like to say or are you just here to interrogate me?”
He shrugs, looking completely unapologetic. “No, I think I am done for now. I’ll let you know if that changes, though.”
“Please do,” I snark.
He stands, placing his glass on the table. “I did actually come here for a larger purpose. Orophin and Lavandil went riding and missed lunch, so we’re having an impromptu picnic in one of the towers. It has some lovely views. Would you join us?”
The emptiness in my stomach begs me to agree, but the word ‘tower’ gives me pause. Rumil guesses the direction of my thoughts and huffs. “The tower is encased in stone, it is perfectly safe. You would have to jump onto the barrier and lean over to be in danger of falling off.”
I consider his words. That doesn’t sound too bad, and I am hungry. “Alright,” I agree. “But I’m inviting Alex.”
Rumil makes a noise of general acceptance and gives me directions to the tower. Before leaving, he snatches one of the thicker quilts from a storage basket. “Cost of attendance is the blanket we use to sit on. See you there!” With a cheeky wink, he disappears, leaving me feeling whiplash from the quick turns in our conversation.
Before leaving to find Alex, I pull a few pillows from the seating area. They’ll make for some extra cushion on the hard stone. And, since Rumil annoyed me, he will not be getting one.
At my knock, Alex throws his door open, greeting me with a wide smile. “Hello, Cosima.”
Well, that’s not what I was expecting. I blink and step into his room, careful not to tread on one of the many books and scrolls scattered around the floor. “Uh, you’re more chipper than I thought you would be after yesterday. How are you doing?”
He shrugs, throwing his hands into his pockets. “I mean, it didn’t feel great to find out that Elrond can’t help us, but I am holding out hope for Lady Galadriel. In the meantime, though, I’ve borrowed some materials from the library to see if there’s anything I can learn to help in getting us home. Most of them are in that Elvish language—Sindarin—so I’m having to learn the basics of the language first. Baranor offered to help — we’re meeting this evening after he’s done with his shift in the healing wards. Want to read the English ones with me and then come along? I’m sure he’d be fine with teaching you, too.”
“Um…” I trail off, feeling guilty. I’m attending a picnic with my friends while Alex is pouring over resources and learning the language of this land — he’s doing something helpful to try and get us home.
But if I’m being honest, I don’t want to do research right now. It’s not like there’s likely to be anything we could do, anyway. The best option is to just wait for Lothlórien and see what Lady Galadriel says. I clutch the bulky cushions tighter in my arms. “Can I take a rain check? A few of us are going to the tower to have a late lunch. That’s actually why I came here. Want to come?”
Alex looks at me like I’ve grown a second head. “You don’t want to see if there’s something in these books to help us?”
I shift my weight uneasily. “Not now…I haven’t eaten yet, and I already said I would go to the picnic. And I mean, come on, how likely is it that there’s something in those books Elrond isn’t aware of? It’s his library.”
“It has forty-two thousand volumes.”
“He’s lived a long time,” I defend weakly.
Alex’s eyes tighten into a glare.
“Look,” I try, “I’m gonna go eat, but what if I joined you and Baranor this evening? It’s smart to learn the language. And then maybe later I can help you look through these books.”
He sighs and shrugs his shoulders, looking frustrated but resigned. “Yeah, that’s fine. We’re meeting at five-thirty on the second floor of the library.”
“Okay,” I exhale, relived to have avoided a larger argument “I’ll be there. You sure you don’t want to come eat?”
He shakes his head, crouching to the ground to pick up a particularly withered scroll. “No, I ate in the dining hall. See you tonight.”
“See you,” I mumble, backing out of the room. I feel bad for not helping him, but hopefully joining him and Baranor tonight will smooth things over.
Following Rumil’s directions are relatively easy and, before I know it, I’m navigating the hallways to one of the towers built into Elrond’s home.
I stop in my tracks and turn at Haldir’s call. He jogs to catch up to me, having just entered the long hallway, and greets me with a pleasant smile. As always, he looks perfectly rested and put together — not a strand of hair out of place. Today he wears a tunic of deep grey, his clear blue eyes standing out in stark contrast.  
“Hi!” I wait for him to fall into step beside me. Unbidden, Rumil’s gleeful teasing enters my mind, and I feel my face go hot. What? I clear my throat. “Are you going up, too?”
“Yes, it’s—here,” he pulls the four bulky pillows from my grasp into his. My arms drop limply at my sides, suddenly relieved from their task. To give them something to do, I tug on the sides of my dress, trying to smooth the wrinkles that have somehow already appeared.
Haldir continues. “Rumil insisted it would be fun and it’s such a nice day I figured, why not?”
We turn a corner and begin our ascent up a tall spiral staircase. I remember a snippet of our conversation from last night. “Has Glorfindel come around?”
The edge of Haldir’s mouth pulls into a frown. “No. I talked with Elrond anyway and he’s agreed to my plan. It has set Glorfindel and myself at odds though, since I went over his head.”
I purse my lips. Though Haldir doesn’t say it, he’s clearly bothered by this outcome — it’s obvious he hoped to resolve things peacefully with Glorfindel and gain Elrond’s support. I hurry to try and make him feel better. “You did the right thing. So what if you went over his head? If it keeps people safe, I doubt it really matters how the plan came to be. And as commander, isn’t it his job to recognize advantageous strategies regardless of where they come from? I wouldn’t worry too much about being at odds with Glorfindel — the two of you will reconcile soon enough. And in the meantime, it’s good that Elrond agreed with you. Now Imladris has more time to better prepare.”
Haldir pauses on the step above me, turning with his head tilted slightly to the side.
I freeze. “What?” Did I intrude? Did I offend him somehow?
“No, it’s—I…” He sighs, offering me a soft smile. “Thank you.”
Oh, good. I breathe out in relief, returning his smile. We resume our climb.
“Elrond gave the order to call up the entire force and rotate the soldiers — they should all be switched in about a week. He’s asked me to oversee their training, to teach the strategies I use with my own guard in Lothlórien.”
I snort. “You’re going to work while you’re on vacation? That’s the most you thing I’ve ever heard.”
He rolls his eyes, but the smile never leaves his face. “It’s important and something I enjoy, so I am happy to help. I haven’t forgotten my offer to you, though.”
I furrow my eyebrows. Huh?
“Do you still want to learn how to defend yourself?”
“Oh! Yeah, definitely, if you’ve got the time.”
He steps onto the landing, moving forward to make room for me. “Of course I’ve got the time.”
I step up next to him—
And immediately return to the staircase.
Haldir alternates between looking at me in confusion and scanning his eyes over our surroundings, wondering what would make me practically jump away from the landing.
He doesn’t have to wonder long.
“You said it was encased in stone,” I shout accusingly over Rumil’s wailing laughter.
“Did I say encased? I meant made of. Whoops, my mistake.”
“Rumil,” Haldir grumbles in annoyance, but that only seems to make his brother laugh harder.
The tower is not, as Rumil promised, encased in stone, but rather a circular platform with only a roof and four stone pillars to protect from falling. There is no guard wall or even a thin railing. And we are stories above the ground.
“Cosima, it’s alright,” Lavandil coos, though her encouraging words are damaged by her giggles. “Elves have wonderful balance, no one is going to let you fall. And look—we are set up right in the middle.”
“If it helps, I can shove Rumil off the tower to demonstrate elven reflexes,” Orophin offers through a chuckle.
This does make me feel slightly better, and I crack a small smile. On the step above me, Haldir waits patiently. Maybe I’m just being silly. I take a deep breath and step up to join Haldir on the landing.
And nearly sway in fear.
To my right and left are open sky — and too many feet below, the hard, deadly ground.
I suck in a sharp breath.
Rumil waves in joyful greeting. “Good to see you both. Now do sit down, Cosima, I worry you will faint and tumble over the edge.”
His words resonate with a very real fear and I scurry forward and practically throw myself onto the blanket. Haldir follows closely behind, offering a cushion to myself and Lavandil before using another to hit his youngest brother over the head. Even in my nervous state, I can’t help but join Orophin and Lavandil in their shocked laughter.
“Didn’t our parents teach you not to lie,” Haldir drawls, dropping the cushion to my left and sitting upon it. He tosses the other to Orophin, raising an eyebrow at Rumil as if asking him to challenge his choice.
Rumil grins, completely unaffected. “Then I apologize, dear Cosima, but your face was hilarious. And don’t you know we all like you too much to let you die?”
I huff, rolling my eyes and feeling better as long as I focus on the faces of my friends rather than the nearness of the edge. “Thanks.”
Lavandil wisely changes the subject. “No Alex?”
I shake my head. “He’s doing some research today. I’m supposed to meet him in the library at five-thirty — Baranor’s going to teach us Sindarin.”
A chorus of approval runs through the group.
“That’s a useful skill,” Rumil nods, taking a sip of what looks like orange juice.
“I’d be happy to practice conversation with you once you learn the basics,” Lavandil offers, and I accept readily. From the little I’ve spoken with her, I like Lavandil, and it would be nice to spend more time with her.
Tired of being the focus, I turn the conversation on my friends. I gesture between Lavandil and Orophin. “How did you two meet?”
Lavandil launches into an animated account of her relationship with Orophin from start to where they are now. Apparently, they met eight years prior when Haldir and Orophin were part of a company escorting Lady Galadriel to Imladris. Orophin was taken with her immediately, but it took Lavandil a little longer to come around.
“I always swore I would marry an architect—anyone but a solder,” she laments with comical exaggeration. “But eventually he persuaded me to give him a chance, and I haven’t looked back since.”
Orophin takes her hand in his and squeezes, staring at her like she’s the center of his world.
I don’t want to pry, but I do wonder how elven relationships differ from human ones. Just the time they’ve been courting—eight years—is much longer than I think is the standard for humans. I am lacking in memory, but surely with how short human lifespans are, they get married quicker? I make a note to ask Lavandil or Rumil about this later. Though, with all Rumil’s teasing of late, Lavandil is probably the safer option.
After I learn how Lavandil and Orophin got together, I have a lot of other questions about the lives these friends of mine lived before I knew them. As afternoon passes into evening, I discover that Rumil—unsurprisingly—has been the instigator of no less than four human bar fights, Lavandil once snuck from her childhood home to try and explore the mountains (and was promptly sent back to a furious mother), Orophin is apparently the life of the party after a bottle of Elvish wine, and, in his first few years of the guard, Haldir constantly challenged his superiors, to the point where they would send him off on solo trips just to be rid of the relentless suggestions. Before I know it, the first stretches of sunset streak through the sky and it’s nearing the time I set to meet Alex and Baranor.
I stand, sighing with no small amount of regret. I wish I could stay here with them all night. “I’ll see you tomorrow! I’ve got to get to the library for lessons.”
Rumil waves goodbye. “I’ll drop the blanket and cushions in your room. You know, as penance for tricking you.”
I roll my eyes, concentrating on his face rather than the open sky all too close to my feet. “That doesn’t even begin to cover it, but thank you.”
“Do you know the way?” Lavandil looks up at me with mild concern. I assure her that I’ve visited the library before and am mostly confident in my ability to not get lost.
Haldir wraps an apple and some bread in cloth and passes me the bundle. In response to my raised eyebrow, he quirks a knowing smile. “Baranor is likely to keep you well past dinner. He loves his lectures.”
I chuckle, agreeing that Baranor probably will, and thank my friend. After a final round of goodbyes, I hurry as quickly and carefully as I can to the security of the stairwell and head in the direction of the library.
Sindarin is complicated. Baranor seems to have an endless reserve of patience — how? I have no clue.
Alex struggles just as much as I do, but it is clear that he is more dedicated than I and pushes to keep his attention into the late hours of the night. I’m grateful Haldir had the forethought to send me with food, as are Alex and Baranor, who share the dinner. By the time ten o’clock rolls around, I’m fighting back yawns. I think I’ve got the alphabet down, though that isn’t even technically Sindarin — it’s the writing system called Tengwar — so I don’t even have any conversational phrases to try with Lavandil.
At midnight, Baranor finally calls it, acknowledging that he will need some sleep if he is to put in a full day tomorrow of researching with Elrond and doing a shift in the healing wards. But he graciously commits to teaching us three evenings a week after dinner and maintains that, after practice and time, we will improve.
We say our goodbyes and I practically stumble out of the library. I can think of nothing more than my plush duvet and cool mattress. Alex, on the other hand, somehow almost vibrates with energy. He seems rejuvenated, renewed, and for the first time, I recognize him as the same man in my memories — no longer is he weighed down by malnutrition, injury, exhaustion, and defeat. But it’s more than that. He’s no longer angry — hope lights up his eyes. He smiles broadly and insists on walking me to my room.
“Worried you’re gonna fall over, Cosi,” he reasons, sending me a wink. Even in my tired state, I have to blanch. It’s like being with a whole new person. But at the same time, I know this person. I like this Alex. At the very least, I know what to expect from him — he’s the friend I remember.
Though I do worry…what will happen to him if this search for answers is a dead end? What if we can’t get home?
I don’t want to think about how he would feel, then.
I don’t want to think about how I would feel, then.
We climb the stairs and reach my door, pausing outside it momentarily. I turn to my friend, giving him a sleepy smile. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Me too,” he agrees, leaning against the doorframe. “I just needed something to do. Now I don’t feel so helpless. And you’re okay? After yesterday’s setback?”
I sigh against the drowsiness. “Yeah, yeah I’m good. Don’t you worry about me.”
He nudges my shoe with his. “Good. Alright, I’ll leave you alone. Sleep tight, Cosi.”
I smile, waving as he walks down the hallway. “Night, Alex.”
Entering my room, I see that Rumil kept to his word and left the folded blanket on my couch with the four pillows stacked neatly on top. Still doesn’t atone for all his foolishness today. Crawling into my bed, I instantly fall asleep.
A/n Thanks for reading! Let me know if you would like a tag :) Comments, likes, and reblogs make my day! 
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Tolkien tag list: @anangelwhodidntfall @eru-vande
Haldir tag list: @tolkien-apologist
Double Heart tag list: @lainphotography @themerriweathermage @thophil2941btw @kenobiguacamole @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse @from-patroclus-with-love @boywivlove @ordinarymom1 @my-darling-haldir @sweet-bea-blossom @moony-artnstuff
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handmaid - 06
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, sexual content (18+)
A/N: i’m so happy you guys are enjoying this reader specifically. i have a soft spot for ingenues mostly because i was always type casted as the ingenue when i used to be in musicals and love to defend ingenues (mostly cosette bc everyone hates cosette FOR ZERO REASONS STOP HATING COSETTE).
 i was a bit afraid she would come out as very annoying (once again she is heavily inspired by cosette and christine and everyone hates cosette for, and i shall repeat again, no reason) but i’m rly glad everyone seems to enjoy this version if y/n. hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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White. That was the very first thing she saw, the pure white, unspotted celling of her bedroom as she woke up. The sunlight warmly caressed her skin, reminded her that she did not remember when or how she had fallen asleep. If she had purposely done so, she would’ve closed the curtains but the warmness of her face told her otherwise. 
Lazily, she raised her chest from the bed, sheets bunched up in one of her fists pressed against her chest. Y/N glanced over to the alarm clock on her nightstand, 5 AM, and then to her figure, she was still to get out of her undergarments and petit coat from last night. She guessed, she must’ve fallen asleep waiting for Gwen. As that came into her head, she rushed out of her bedroom, her feet padded over the dark floors until she reached her friend’s room, gently and slowly opening the door. Her worries subsided once she saw her friend sleeping on top of her duvet, dress and shoes still on. Well, at least she was home.
      - I’ve already checked on her. - Y/N slowly closed the door, her breathe getting stuck in her throat as she recognised Sebastian’s voice. In all honesty, she still did not know how to react around him, specially after last night. 
Nevertheless, she turned around, her body facing his despite the distance between the both of them. He was in much more casual wear, a far cry from the constantly pristine pressed suits he wore, wearing a loose white tee shirt with some grey sweatpants. Still, despite being dressed in approachable clothing, he still looked more intimidating than every man she had ever met. Who was she kidding? Even the loose tee and sweatpants were probably more expensive than everything she owned all together. 
Sebastian, on the other hand, felt his throat and mouth water up at the sight in front of him. The once very polished hairstyle had collapsed, probably during her sleep, and she was bare faced, rid of any makeup. However, it wasn’t that which sparked wild thoughts in his mind, it was what she was wearing. A white lacy bustier met by a voluminous white petticoat and a garter holding her stockings in place. She looked straight out of his wildest fantasies and he had to clear his throat before he could say anything else to her.
     - I can get the maid to prepare you some breakfast, if you wish. - he tried to look at anything but her body but god, did she looked like the most delightful thing he’d ever set his eyes on. - Anything you want. 
     - I think I’ll just sleep for a little longer. - she gave him her signature sweet and soft smile. He just nodded, afraid his voice would fail him as she passed by, her floral scent invading all his senses. She always smelled nice and he felt like a teenage boy admitting just how her scent alone drove him wild. Flowery, fresh, exactly what he expected someone of that level of naiveté to smell like. Innocent. 
As she disappeared from the hallway onto her bedroom to sleep until a regular hour, Sebastian bolted into his and from there straight into his own personal bathroom. Taking his clothes off, he stepped into the shower and turned the cold water on. He knew better not to think that way about her, specially her of all people who’d probably be by his future wife’s side for the rest of her life. Yet, he couldn’t. He couldn’t stop thinking of her plump lips, her polite sweet little smile and how the lace stood against her skin. Fuck. She was the most gorgeous little thing ever created.
The water rushed down his back, pooling at the porcelain floors of his shower while his hands were held up against the dark marbled walls. His lips were slightly parted as his mind took him back to her, her breasts caged by her bustier, her slightly parted plumped lips she would bite on whenever she felt any sort of embarrassment ... god did he want to bite that lip himself. At this point, half his mind was telling him to go for it while the other half was telling him he was going to hell for this, for thinking about such a precious thing is such a dirty manner. Hell didn’t scare him, he already had a first class ticket there so he might as well relish into the sins of the flesh. 
His hand lowered down from the wall down to his bulge, mind fixated on Y/N, on the memory of when he had first meet her. God, she looked even more stunning on her knees and he couldn’t help but imagine her plump lips around him, taking all of him with those innocent eyes starring up. 
He gripped his cock, taking a long initial stroke up and down and then a few more times. A loud groan escaped his lips as he pictured her on his bed, how pretty she would look moaning and squirming under him as she brought her to the best type of pleasure possible.
     - Fuck, Y/N ... - he moaned, thumb swiping over the red tip and threw his head back. He stroked himself a couple of times more in corkscrew like motions, groaning as he reached his release. - Fuck. 
He leaned his head against the wet marble walls, feeling the cold water rush down his back. Fucking hell, how was he gonna cope with her constantly padding around his house with an innocence of a Disney princess come to life. As he stepped out of the shower, he heard a knock on his door. It better not be fucking Gwen, he thought to himself. The last thing he needed was for Gwen to come over and annoy him with trivial questions. 
Sebastian pulled his underwear and sweatpants from the floor, putting them on before walking to the door of his bedroom, opening it to see a very concerned Y/N standing there. 
    - Are you alright? I heard you calling out for me? - god fucking damn it, he thought to himself. There she was standing worried about him and all he could think about was picking her up and throw her into his bed. - You have very thin walls. 
    - I think it might just be your lack of sleep playing tricks on you, angel. - Sebastian glanced at her face wondering if she had bought it, yet considering she was very tired and it was 5.30, she did. However, there was a hint of worry in her eyes. 
   - Are you sure? You look really red. - she raised her hand, moving it to touch his forehead which she would’ve done successfully had Sebastian not grabbed her wrist mid air. He knew that what he needed the least right now was for her to touch him. If she did, he would’ve probably need to jump back into the shower and stay there for a good hour. 
    - I’m alright, Y/N. Go back to bed and sleep. - Y/N wasn’t very convinced he was alright but decided to return to her bedroom nonetheless. She sat on the edge of her mattress, wondering if sleep was ever gonna come back. 
After a few minutes rolling around in her sheets, she came to the conclusion she couldn’t go back to sleep. Y/N got dressed in some leggings and a big hoodie, finally getting rid of the petticoat and the bustier that was starting to make her rather uncomfortable. Opening the door to her bedroom slightly, she peaked her head out, watching Sebastian walk into his office followed by a couple of men, already fully dressed up. She preferred him in his casual wear but by the sheer amount of men following him into his office, she guessed he was about to have a meeting. She sighed, grabbed her phone from the dresser by the door and went down the stairs to the kitchen where one of the maids, Amelia, was. 
   - Good morning, Miss Y/N. - the middle aged woman smiled at the handmaid, the first person she saw today. - What would you like for breakfast?
   - It’s okay, Amelia. I can do it myself, you don’t need to tire yourself. 
   - Miss Y/N, it is my job to take care of you and Miss Gwen. - she turned the kettle on before standing on the opposite side of the balcony. - I can cook you whatever you want.
   - I don’t wanna be a bother.
   - Miss Y/N, if you don’t ask me for food, then what am I supposed to do for the rest of the day? Mr. Stan doesn’t take kindly to people slacking off.
   - Could I get a poached egg on toast, then? - Y/N still didn’t feel comfortable asking for stuff. Technically and contractually speaking she was an employee like Amelia and the other bodyguards yet she still got treated like Gwen. Her mind kept screaming at her it wasn’t exactly fair. - But I do the dishes later, deal?
   - If you insist, Miss Y/N. - Amelia turned the toaster on, slicing two slices of sourdough bread and sticking them in the device before setting the water to boil in order to poach the egg. Y/N just stared, enjoying the low sounds of the kitchen appliances until screams started coming from Sebastian’s office which made her skip a breathe, not expecting the loud noise.
She could hear him scream at his men from his office in a language she had never heard. She wasn’t afraid of him screaming, the time to be scared of him was long gone and she would fear him more whenever she disobeyed him rather than when he screamed at his goons. Y/N was more than used to hear powerful men scream at their employees. She sipped on her tea, eyes moving from his office’s door at the top at the stairs to Amelia who was equally drinking the hot beverage, ignoring the noise. 
In the middle of all the noise, a very annoyed Gwen, still wearing her red gown, came down the stairs. Her eyes were still filled with sleep and laziness while the rest of her features showed a completely lack of ignorance towards the noise that probably woke her up.
   - Amelia, get me the greasiest plate of bacon you can manage and a cappuccino. - Gwen muttered, her head pounding at any amount of noise as she took a place next to Y/N. - This house fucking sucks. 
   - Maybe if you didn’t get drunk that wouldn’t have happened. - Y/N raised from her seat to help Amelia with Gwen’s breakfast order, turning the coffee machine on. The heiress just scoffed, leaning against the plush leather seats of the high chairs standing by the balcony. Who needed a mother’s reprimanding nature when Y/N was around? 
The handmaid placed a cup of coffee in front of Gwen who immediately downed half of it, along with some pain killers to take care of the impending headache caused by too much fine wine and champagne. Nevertheless, much to Gwen’s annoyance, the screams got louder as the door to the office opened and a bunch of very grown yet very scared men walked out still being screamed out by Sebastian who then closed the door with a bang. 
Gwen waved at the men as they entered the lift, her flirtatious nature still shining over the impending doom of her hangover. She was flirty and no matter how engaged she was, she was still gonna be herself and Y/N had to applaud her for that. 
  - I’m gonna take Sebastian some tea. Gwen, please make sure you take those and drink plenty of water, please. - she warned, silver tray in hand. 
Mr. Forrest always enjoyed a nice cold glass of whiskey after a blown out fight with his associates, however, Y/N thought that alcohol wasn’t something Sebastian should be having after last night. Despite him not showing any signs of a hangover, he still had downed a significant amount of champagne flutes while she was by his side and what he needed right now was some nice chamomile tea. 
Filled with courage that was slightly wavering, Y/N climbed the stairs up to his office, fist lightly knocking on the wood of the door. When no answer came, she knocked again but this time she got a very arrogant “What?” back.
  - Sebastian? - she opened the door up to a fringe, eyes roaming inside the office.
  - Y/N, what is it? - his tone seemed to soften as she walked into the room, closing the door behind with her foot. He had to say, he was rather disappointed she was no longer wearing the lacy undergarments. - Is that for me?
  - Yes. - she placed the silver tray on top of his desk. - I thought you would need something to calm you down.
  - The sentiment is sweet, angel, but I severely doubt tea is gonna calm me down. - he sighed and she furrowed her brows. No problem or worry was big enough that it couldn’t at least be temporarily forgotten with a nice warm cup of tea. 
  - Is everything alright? - she asked, concern on her voice. He bite the inside of his cheek lightly before replying to her questions, wondering if he really wanted to explain mob business to her. - Sebastian?
  - Just need to get some affairs in order. Take this as a lesson Y/N, if you want something done correctly do it yourself.
  - I’ve known that since kindergarten. Did they not teach you that? - he chuckled, not being used to hearing her joke around.
  - Please warn Genevieve that I’m going to Paris late this evening to get it sorted. Not that she cares very much about my whereabouts but just in case she wants to smuggle someone else into my home. 
  - You’re going to Paris? - her eyes lit up at the mention of the French capital. She had gone there once with Gwen but she mostly hanged around the resort flirting around with as many men as she could and, as per usual, Y/N had to follow her around to ensure she didn’t get kidnapped or taken advantage of. Not that it was easy to take advantage of Gwen, she just ... needed constant supervision to make sure she made the safest and soundest decision possible. 
   - Don’t get so excited, angel. It’s an highly overrated city filled with people that can’t do their job correctly. - even with the backhand comment, there was still a sparkle in her eye. - If you’d like, you can accompany me but I assure you it won’t be as fun as movies make it sound.
   - Oh no, I can’t ... - she played with her fingers, looking down at her shoes in disappointment. - Gwen is a bit ... sick from last night and I have to take care of her.
   - So? - he lifted an eyebrow at her statement. - Ask her to come too. I’m sure she won’t deny a free trip to Paris.
tag list: @sideeffectsofyou​ @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea​
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nerdypanda3126 · 3 years
Playing with Fire – Ch. 3
Luka and Marinette decide to be friends, Luka gets some much-needed sleep, and an uninvited guest shows up. 
Read on Ao3 
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Later that evening, she waited for him as she watched the sky streak through with pink and purple from her spot by the window. As if on cue, Luka glided down from the roof and landed in the courtyard again, and her flames flickered to life around her. Of course, he would know the time of day the change hit as well as she did. 
She heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. When he saw her, he stopped, hanging in the doorway as if unsure if he should enter or not. There was a pause between them, as each waited for the other to say something. He tapped his slender fingers against the stone archway rhythmically. Finally, he sighed. 
"Um, earlier… you mentioned supplies," he said softly. "I can get you anything you want. All you have to do is ask." 
Her curiosity got the better of her. "How would you manage that?" 
"There's someone who passes through occasionally. A friend. I can give him a list." He glanced over to the corner and smirked. "I've already got pillows down."
She blushed all over again. He chuckled and came over to sit opposite her, dangling his leg just as she was.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked after a moment, following her line of sight out over the mountains.
He was probably talking about the view, but she was watching the fires flickering to life in the streets of her village down below and in the homes of everyone she knew and loved. Her parents would be sitting down to supper right about now. She wondered if he was right about them. What they would say if they knew of her fate. 
She hummed to avoid answering him. In the corner of her vision, she saw him look over at her, but she almost felt like if she didn't keep her eyes on it, the village would disappear entirely.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly.
She let out an incredulous scoff, smiling despite the traitorous tear that slipped down her cheek. 
"Whatever for?" 
"For… earlier. For trapping you here. For cursing you. For... everything." 
"You don't need to apologize, Luka." She wiped her cheeks hurriedly and sighed before she tore her eyes away to look at him. "You saved my life. I can't possibly repay you for that." 
She started to reach out to take his hand, but pulled back, remembering the effect she would have on him. Instead she tucked her hair back behind her ear. 
Maybe we can be friends,” she said shyly, “if you want.” 
He didn’t answer right away, and when she glanced up at him he was miles away, his eyes still on the horizon, his profile thrown into sharp relief from the fading light. When he turned to face her, she jumped like she’d been caught at something, and for the first time since she’d met him, his smile reached his eyes. 
“I’d like that.”
For some reason—she didn’t know if it was the low tone of his voice or those intense eyes or the way he sounded like he truly meant it—she blushed all the way to the roots of her hair. 
He released her quickly and leaned back to lay on the stone floor, dangling both his legs off the side and staring at the ceiling instead of at her. Without those eyes on her, her blush cooled and she let out a breath before she scooted back and mirrored his position. 
“Although I’m still half-expecting you to murder me in my sleep,” he muttered before he turned his head to look at her, his sideways grin entirely at odds with his words. 
She shrugged and scooted a bit closer to him so their heads were leaning together, not quite touching. “I’d at least wait until morning. Without pillows, you’re the comfiest thing here.” 
“Good to know. Maybe I’ll strike them from my list then, self-defense and all that.” 
A realization hit her as she stared up at the ceiling with him and she started giggling. “You know something? I didn’t even bring a weapon.” 
He let out a snort of laughter. “Some dragon killer you are.” As her giggles overtook her, he quirked his eyebrows and that teasing grin grew. “What were you gonna do, throw a bucket of water on me and expect me to go out like a candle?” 
She shoved his shoulder, completely beyond speech. At her brief touch, his eyes turned to slits again and he waved his forked tongue at her while he had it. 
“Though that still implies the foresight to bring a bucket of water, which you also neglected,” he continued. 
She waved at him to stop as a stitch started forming in her side, but he pushed on, apparently enjoying making her laugh. “No, no, I know, you thought you’d slay me with your feminine wiles.” He was laughing with her now. As she made to shove his shoulder again, he squirmed away. “You thought I’d fall so madly in love with you I’d die on the spot, that’s it, that’s what happened.”
She rolled over into his side, laughing harder than she ever had before, only partly intending to stop his tirade. His laughter faded into a soft hissing as his scales replaced the broad chest she’d been leaning on.   
Their laughter quieted together and she looked up at him. When he’d changed, he’d laid his head back again and closed his eyes and his bright blue fire was flaring in his throat. She shifted so she was more within his protective coil as his tail came up to curl around her. His wings were splayed out across the floor and she hesitated before she ran her hand over the delicate membrane. 
Something like a hum came out of him, although it was deep and rumbly. A purr? That wasn’t quite it either. She traced the ridges of the bones that stood up and he shivered before he grumbled good-naturedly and pulled them away from her, turning on his side instead with her tucked into the curve of his stomach. 
“What? Are you ticklish or something?” 
He kicked her lightly with his back claw, pretending it was because he was adjusting, but even in dragon form he had a wicked smirk. 
“Fine, keep your secrets. You’ve got like a thousand books on dragons. I’ll figure it out myself.”  
 She woke as the first rays of light streamed into the open window. Carefully, she extricated herself from the hold he had on her and managed to stand away from him before their bond forced them to switch. He didn’t even move, and if it weren’t for his heavy breathing she would’ve really worried about him. 
He made that humming sound again as she settled into place with him, already resigned to using him as a pillow until further notice. But he was comfortable, that hadn’t been a lie. And he was warm. She fell asleep easily, only a minute or two behind him. 
True to her word, she started in on her research as she let him sleep. And as it turned out, dragons could be ticklish. Hers definitely was. She tucked that knowledge away for the next time he was teasing her.
Her stomach grumbled about mid-morning, so she went out and gathered what she could within the limits of their tether. Based on his reaction yesterday, she didn’t think he’d be too happy if she woke him by yanking at it again. When she climbed back up, he’d shifted to pull his tail in between his claws,  but other than that, he was still solidly passed out. 
The journal tugged at her curiosity again. Her eyes slid over to him. The little pink forked tips of his tongue were just barely poking out between his lips. Completely out. She couldn’t help but smile. For all that huffing and grumbling he’d done yesterday, he was kind of cute as a dragon. 
Still, she didn’t want to sniff around in anything too personal unless he was willing to let her, so she hid it under a few different books and tried to pretend it wasn’t there. 
When dusk started to steal her light to read by, she snuck out again for food and came back to tuck herself into his coils again. Unconsciously, he tugged her to him and draped his wing over them both, making that humming noise again as his fire flared to life in his chest. 
When she woke up ahead of him again for the second day in a row, she really did worry. Was it normal for a dragon to sleep so long? Was it okay that he was? If not, if he was sick, if something was wrong with him, was there even anything she could do? 
And just like the other night, as soon as she was curled up against him with his heavy, rhythmic breathing under her, she fell straight asleep. 
She bent her head back to his books with an entirely different question to answer, keeping an eye on him the entire time, ignoring her grumbling stomach as the sun climbed its way through the sky. 
Finally, when the tower was just starting to cast a shadow on the clearing, he groaned and lifted himself up on his claws. He looked around blearily until he found her, then loped over to rest his chin on her shoulder. She pushed back from the table, eyeing the stacks of very flammable paper she’d been leafing through. 
“How long was I out?” His voice in her ear made her jump, even though she knew he was there. He straightened up to lay his hand on her shoulder instead. 
“Almost two days.” 
He hummed in response. It was different from the hum he made as a dragon, but reminded her so strongly of the noise he'd made when she was in his coils that her stomach did an odd little flip. She stood and turned to wrap her arms around his waist and hug him tightly, nuzzling into his shoulder as she did. He stiffened at first, surprised by her gesture, but laid his arm across her shoulders to return the hug.
“Don’t scare me like that,” she grumbled, headbutting him as she did to emphasize her point. “I thought you were actually dying or something.” 
He chuckled as he started rubbing her back in comforting circles. “I don’t think I’ve slept like that…” he started, then paused to think. “Ever. I’ve never slept like that before.” He looked down at her in his arms and smiled warmly. “I guess having my savior around really does help.” 
Without thinking about it, she reached up to trace the circles under his eyes. As she smoothed the pads of her thumbs over the fragile skin, she couldn’t tell for sure, but she thought they looked lighter. He certainly seemed more relaxed than he had been yesterday. 
"I'm glad you got some sleep." 
His cheeks warmed under her touch and he reached up to pull her hands away, stepping back as he did. Her blush answered his as she realized she'd been standing maybe a little too close to him. He cleared his throat and looked away, over to the table that was strewn with his books. 
"You've been busy." 
"Just reading. Catching up, you know." 
"Anything interesting?" 
She bit her lip as she hesitated. "Well, the one I'm interested in I haven't read yet." 
“Which one?” 
She pointed to her stack, unwilling to go near the stack of paper and set it aflame, but also unwilling to let go of his hand. He followed her direction and dug through the pile one-handed until he landed on the small leather bound journal.
"I forgot about this thing." He sat in her chair and she kept a hand on his shoulder as he flipped through the pages. "I wanted to learn to read and write. My friend, the one I told you about, he helped me. Although I have to admit I wasn't the best student." He chuckled again as he found a page that was ripped in half. "I had a temper, and a tendency towards tantrums. Honestly he probably taught me more about patience than anything else. Not intentionally, I'm sure, since patience is hardly in his vocabulary."  
Watching him flip through the pages, she could see it now, the illegible scrawl morphing itself into letters followed by words. Rips and holes and singed pages where he got frustrated, lessening as he got towards the end. 
"Do you care if I look at it?" she asked. 
He stiffened for a brief moment before he visibly relaxed and laid it back down on top of her pile. "If you want. There's not much there, really." 
"Lukaaaa!" Someone sang from below, loudly enough for it to carry up to them, and terribly off-key. 
"Speak of the devil," Luka muttered. 
Marinette turned her head to look out the window, but whoever was there was approaching from the other direction. 
"Is it your friend?" she asked.
“Come on, you great scaly beast! I know you can hear me, and I haven’t got all day!” 
Luka’s lips pressed together into that thin line, but also curved up into a smile. His thumb rubbed against her wrist lightly, apparently taking comfort from their joined hands. As an answer, he tugged her gently towards the stairs, and she followed, wondering who it was that could make him so instantly on edge and excited at the same time. 
When they got to the bottom, Luka stopped and turned back to her. “I have to warn you. He can be a little… well, odd. He…” He chuckled, embarrassed, before he continued. “He thinks he can see the future. Or, I don’t know, maybe he actually does, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. If you’re not sure what to say, do this—” He held up his free hand with his thumb tucked over his middle and ring fingers, his index and pinky extended all the way up. She mimicked the gesture and he nodded in satisfaction. 
“Perfect. It means…" He paused to think then shook his head. "Okay, honestly, I don’t know what it means. Some sort of music he swears is all the rage in the future." 
He stopped and looked at her, his eyes brighter than she'd ever seen them, and grinned before he took a quick breath in through his nose and let it out through his mouth and shook his shoulders as if settling his scales.
"Kid! Where you at? Seriously, you gonna make an old man—" 
The voice yelped before a thud resounded through the clearing and Luka hid a snicker behind his hand as he walked out with Marinette onto the stone path. 
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writtenbynath · 4 years
On Intelligence
I posted this on my patreon, but it was so cute I wanted to share it with everyone. @consensualhypnofics
"The thing with intelligence is that it's actually very hard to measure." 
We were lounging on the couch on the porch, watching the sunset. I stared at her as she spoke, fascinated by her bright eyes. I could listen to her speak for hours on end.
"IQ tests measure a very specific set of exercises that you can become better at if you just practice them hard enough." 
I nodded in agreement and stroked her cheek in admiration. She smiled, enjoying the soft shiver that ran over her skin as my fingernails brushed her jawline.
"So with practice," she continued to reason, "you can perform better at IQ tests, making it seem like you are improving your intelligence. But isn't intelligence more than just IQ?"
"I certainly think so," I whispered, interrupting her with that voice that always caught her attention when I used it. "It has nothing to do with IQ that you are so good at focusing on my voice whenever implicitly ask you to. Like you're doing right now…"
Her eyes glazed over, staring off towards the pink clouds on the horizon as her jaw sagged open so that there was a hint of teeth visible behind her lips.
"Good girl. You are so good at understanding exactly when I want you to let your mind go blank and sink into this deep, thoughtless, eyes open trance that you are in now. But I'll make it even easier on you. Whenever I snap my fingers, you can instantly let your eyes stare just like this, your thoughts and whatever you were saying just goes on pause until I wake you up again with another snap of my fingers. There is no need to remember what happens while you're in trance, actually forgetting what happens in trance, makes it easier to remember exactly what you were saying before I snapped my fingers. You know exactly how to do that, so why don't we try that now?" I snapped my fingers, and said in a light, upbeat voice: "So what is intelligence, really?"
Life returned to her face as she resumed her monologue. With a smile, she said: "Certainly, IQ is a factor of intelligence, it measures…"
I snapped my fingers and she froze, her mouth still open mid-sentence. Her eyes opened wider without blinking at all. Her cheeks flushed but her face was blank, devoid of thoughts of emotion.
"Every time I do this again and again..." My voice was husky and raw with anticipation. "And you drop into this mindless space you won't remember, this empty-headed trance, it will go easier, faster, more automatic and outside of your control." I snapped my fingers.
Her eyes blinked and then she continued without missing a beat: "...reasoning, language and arithmetic skills, and those are important to intelligence, that's true, but you'd think there is more to being intelligent than just that."
"Like what?" I gave her an adoring look, excited by every little change in her facial expression.
She started to count on her fingers. "Well, for example being well-read, especially when it comes to philosophy, is a sign of intelligence. And debating…" 
When I snapped this time, her gesturing hands dropped limply down into her lap and her eyes crossed as they widened. I shuddered with arousal at the blank look on her face, and I had to take a few deep breaths before I woke her with a snap again.
Her hands veered up to continue gesturing along as she spoke, and the intelligence returned to her eyes. "...is often seen as an important skill as well, which I guess leads back to reasoning, but coupled with public speaking and critical thinking."
I stared at her, in awe of her ability to keep going, despite my silly tricks. I didn't have anything to add, but luckily, she didn't need me to.
"And that is unfair and inaccurate when you think about it. Many people who have difficulties with public speaking are still very intelligent." She touched her chin, too lost in thought to notice the way I idolised her. "When we talk about artificial…" 
I snapped and she slumped. Her eyes rolled up and stayed there, barely visible under her drooping eyelids. Her lips were parted and looked so delicious, I couldn't resist touching them with the tips of my fingers, feeling how soft and numb they were. With a sigh, I sat back with my hands in my lap again, and then snapped her awake.
The change was miraculous again, especially in her eyes. But there also wasn't even a hint of trance in her voice. "...intelligence, we mean a programme that can learn things quickly, so perhaps intelligence is really about the ability to learn."
"In that case, you are very intelligent, my dear." I grinned at her.
She frowned. "Why would…"
Snap! Her eyes unfocused and stared straight through me, into oblivion. Her frown softened into a vacant expression. It was more than I could bear, so I quickly snapped her out of it.
"...you say that?" The frown was back. She was beginning to suspect something was going on. "This is not just your usual complimenting me."
I blushed as I smiled. "No, I'm talking about how quickly you can learn to respond to new triggers and commands."
She laughed and shook her head. "I should have noticed that you were playing with my head. The colour of your cheeks always gives it away."
I clutched my illusory pearls in mock shock. "Me? Play with your head? I would never!"
"Not that I mind at all…" She gave me a flirty grin.
I chuckled. "You don't mind that I play with your mind?"
She stuck out her tongue at me, and I seized the opportunity to snap my fingers. She froze in place, her mouth falling open further, showing more tongue. A surge of arousal rushed through me as I looked at what I had done. I reached out to touch her cheek, and I even brushed her tongue with my finger, but there was no reaction, not even a blink. Just that vacant, cross-eyed look, her mouth open, her tongue out.
"You are amazing…" I muttered as I tried to calm myself. But my heart kept on pounding as she remained perfectly still and utterly oblivious. I raised my trembling fingers in the air and finally managed to snap her awake.
As the life returned to her face, she shook her head, grinning. "My mind is yours to play with, Nath. My pleasure."
I lunged forward to grab her and kiss her. It was unexpected, she startled but only for an instant. Then her hands ran up my arms to hold me as we kissed.
"You're amazing…" I whispered, my lips still on her mouth.
She bumped her nose against mine. "So are you…"
I took a deep breath to make sure I got my hypnotist voice right. "Remember, my sweet. You can allow the memories to come back, of all the moments you're forgotten for me just now. Remember all of it." And I pulled her close into a hug, knowing that she'd want to hide her face. She squirmed in my arms, and made that high-pitched noise she always made when I gave her too much compliments.
"Oh Nath…" She gratefully buried her face in my chest.
I slowly rocked her in my arms, and mumbled: "You are brilliant, my dear."
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hazbincalifornia · 3 years
Chapter 24:  Blitzo goes back to work.
Warnings: As always, mpreg, and an IMP death relating to hanging.
Likes, replies, and reblogs are all appreciated, both here and on ao3!
Ao3 link
“Welcome back, Blitzo!” Millie smiled from her seat atop Loona’s desk as Blitzo threw the door to the office open. “I know it’s only been a couple of days, but I’m sure it-”
“Millz, love you to death, but put a sock in it before I do it for you,” he growled, eyes narrow and fists clenched tighter than a politician’s asshole as he chucked his already-drained iced coffee cup into the trash. Loona shuffled in behind him and dropped on the couch, pointedly focusing on her phone screen.
“Geez, who whizzed in your cereal? Something happen?” Millie blinked, bouncing herself up a bit on her seat to keep at his eye level. “Can we help?”
Moxxie emerged from Blitzo's office, shuffling papers. “We’ve managed the cases so far just fine, but I need you to sign off on-”
“You can sign my-” Blitzo sucked in a deep breath, pinching his forehead before letting it out. “Fine, everything’s fine.”
Moxxie raised an eyebrow. “I take it something went wrong. That, or you’re just sex-hungover. That can happen, you know-”
Millie cut him off with a click of her tongue, and his mouth snapped shut. “Moxxie, we don’t need the honeymoon story, I think somethin’s really wrong. He looks all slumpy, like a willow-weed in the r-”
“Can both of you lay off? I don't need the tag-team act right now.” Blitzo wove around Moxxie and his pile of paperwork to enter his office- the one that Moxxie shouldn't have been gallivanting in and out of. “You two deal with the client, I just really, really want to fucking shoot something, so tell me when the deal’s done, alright?”
Millie sucked in her cheek and Moxxie glanced over to her before his eyes flicked back to Blitzo, whose fingers twitched before he slammed the door in their faces.
Three sharp knocks on the door. “Sir? It’s time to go, unless you want us to work by ourselves again. We’re more than capable-”
“No, I’m up, I’m up.” Blitzo scrubbed at his eyes- any attempts to fall asleep at his desk and make up for the complete lack of any kind of rest last night had been thoroughly thwarted by his brain going at a hundred miles an hour. (The coffee wasn’t to blame. Probably. He’d fallen asleep on way more than the piddly single one he’d downed in the past.) Mostly, it had been wanting to throttle Stolas mixed with wanting to throttle himself, and then imagining rapidly escalating scenarios of where he might be able to chuck the kid once they popped out. (Currently, he was at ‘trying to slingshot them up to Heaven just to see what they’d do with it.’ In all likelihood, it’d be crucifix batting practice.)
“It’s one that the client said might be suicidal, but she seemed quite self-important and thought that her boyfriend wouldn’t be able to live without her anyway, so I wouldn’t trust that.” The chair creaked as Blitzo got up, but if it was because it was a couple years old and salvaged from the back of the circus’s dump or because of the deadweight around his gut that had officially turned his shirt into a crop top was anybody’s guess. 
As he entered the main room, Moxxie was rubbing a cloth over the musical note on the side of his gun, and Millie fussed with a length of rope while humming to herself.
“I’unno sugar, the client said he was kinda hefty…”
“We have other options if it breaks, and clients often exaggerate that sort of thing. Besides, it just needs to hold him long enough to snap the neck, or at least asphyxiate him. Then they’ll just assume it broke after he died.”
“I’m just saying, it’s more cleanup.”
“Well, this is the kind of rope they can usually get topside, so I say we- oh, good, you’re here.” Moxxie pointed to the paper piled up on the coffee table. “I already did all the hard bits, I just need your signature.”
“Right, right. Signature. Got it. Then we get to go kill something, right?”
Moxxie glanced over at Millie, and the look they exchanged passed way more information than Blitzo’d ever be able to parse. Must be a marriage thing. Must be nice, too. Being able to know what each other was thinking and shit. Real useful.
“Yeah, hun, then we can go kill something. Nothing like some good ol’ violence to get the blood pumping, right?” Millie smiled as Blitzo dashed off a loopy B on each of the papers. Most of them were bills, a few were paychecks that he’d probably just forgotten in the mess of the past few months since Moxxie would know better than to try and slip extras in since it would destroy the budget anyway, there was one approving the repairs for the fire, right, right, this was why he let Moxxie handle all the boring shit, at least it was easy to just sign the dotted line- there. Done.
Blitzo cracked his knuckles, tail snapping in mid-air. “Right! Let’s go fuck somebody up!”
“There we go!” Millie gave a little laugh, punching his arm as Moxxie picked up the Grimoire and opened to the right page before drawing the circle with his free hand. Loona was still settled on the couch behind him, nursing a sports drink from the fridge and half-watching the three of them, head tilted slightly.
Moxxie nodded to the portal, setting the book down on the desk. “Right behind you, sir.”
The guy didn’t even fight back when they woke him up and strung him up. What a wuss. Hangings were usually fun since they squirmed and made funny noises while trying to break free if the neck didn't snap when the chair dropped, but it wasn’t nearly bloody enough for Blitzo’s taste today. Oh, sure, he’d clawed at the rope that had manufactured nylon sharp enough to carve out blood from under his nails, but his face was purpling at a rapid rate, so they probably didn’t have to do anything other than let gravity finish the job for them, especially considering his kicks were starting to slow anyway.
“You want to go watch some wrestling death-matches when we get back home? I heard they’re bringing the Big Boar in, he’s some sinner who was a lucador back in life. That’ll get some of that killer instinct out.” Millie gave a playful growl as she rummaged around in the target’s belongings. Blitzo watched her hips waggle for a moment before she made a little ‘hmmph’ at a pin-up cowgirl calendar.
“Hmm… tempting, Millz, tempting.”
“Pride wrestling’s more like good ol’ fashioned blood sport, especially when they get the guys that can regenerate limbs!” She ground her fist into her palm with an intense look. Moxxie rolled his eyes as Blitzo leaned against the wall.
“Pl-ease… sa...ve..” the human wheezed out before Moxxie poked at his stomach, and he coughed up blood directly on the little imp before falling limp. Moxxie grimaced, using the man’s somewhat-sweaty bedsheet nearby to clean himself off.
“Perhaps you could invite his highness? I remember him saying something about-”
“Nope,”  Blitzo snapped out immediately. “Not gonna fuckin’ happen.”
Moxxie raised an eyebrow, dropping the sheets. “It was just a suggestion, sir. Had too much of him over the past few days?”
“You could say that,” Blitzo muttered, a hand resting on his stomach, and Millie's eyes softened.
“Aw, you could have said something. He ride you too hard?”
The fingers curled inwards, claws dragging above the surface and lighting it up red, forcing him away from his own skin. “Something along those lines, yeah. You two can drop this anytime, you know.”
“Well, at least the little one will be out of your hair soon,” Moxxie said. “Just a few more months, then I would imagine it’s just visitations now and then. You said that you’d already discussed things with him about custody, right?”
Blitzo swallowed, the hand raising up from his belly to rub at the back of his neck. “So, er, about that-”
The wood groaned as Moxxie took a step forward. “No. You didn’t.”
“Come on, Moxx, he was drooling over it, how the fuck was I supposed to know he wanted me to-”
Moxxie threw up his hands. “What have I told you? To think about what you’re doing! What do you do? Throw yourself-”
“Oh, you think this is my fault?”
“Of course it’s your fault!” Moxxie folded his arms. “What did I say when you were considering keeping it? That it was going to be a big responsibility! You barely can call Loona civilized and she’s somehow a legal adult, what in the seven rings would you fuck up if you had to raise an actual child?”
“Exactly! I don’t fucking want to!” Blitzo spat out with enough venom to make Moxxie’s fingers tighten on his arms. “That’s the point, I thought this was just going to be for a couple of months and then yeah, maybe getting to see them now and then wouldn't suck the worst ass if they turn out cool, but I’ve got other shit to do! I’m a busy guy, and I’d definitely fuck it-”
“Blitzo…” Millie reached out a hand before curling it into a loose fist in midair. “Hun, I’m sorry.”
“Yes. Thank you, Millie.”
“Although…” She gnawed on her lip for a moment, and he groaned.
“Don’t you start-”
“Why did you adopt Loona then? I’m genuinely wonderin’, that’s all. You love her to bits, why’s this different? If you hadn’t done that I wouldn’t be askin’, but… you like being a dad.”
“I…” He trailed off. There was a scuttering in the wall behind him, like a roach or some other grimy-grody pest, and a chill drilled down the vertebrae of his spine as a shiver ran through his bones. Why was the sweat dripping down his side cold, like condensation on the side of a frozen water bottle? Damned drafty house. “I wanted to be there for somebody, somebody that I chose to be, and that won't-" He cleared his throat, shaking his head to start over. "Anyway, she’s a good kid who's figuring her shit out and I like hanging out with her. I'm glad to be her dad. That's different."
“Why would this be so bad, then?” Millie repeated. 
Blitzo scoffed. “ ‘Cause I got Loona when she was older and I had to go through a buncha bullshit to sign the papers instead of just getting nutted in and having it sprung on me? That was an active effort, and teenagers are basically an entirely different species from babies, I’ve only had to clean up her shit a couple of times-”
“Did not need to know that,” Moxxie muttered.
“-Shut up Moxxie, but anyway, point is, Loonie was already walking and talking and has her own tastes and shit, most babies are just worthless little parasites until they’re, like, ten. I was a fuckin’ miserable little thing to deal with according to literally fucking everybody, so why the fuck would I want to inflict that on myself when I can help somebody that’s already gotten through most of the annoying phase? Plus, her sense of fashion kicks ass. Babies can't pick you out dope outfits." His tail snaked up and tapped his shoulder. "Point to me, excellent reasoning.”
“She’s still your daughter, and you still have to deal with a lot from-” Millie tried to continue, but Blitzo held up a hand.
“Look, it’s just different, okay? The apartment’s crowded enough. I’ll figure this out somehow.”
“...If you’re sure,” Millie said, shifting her weight on the creaky floorboards. “How did the prince take it?”
“Ugh, you really think I want to get deep into his little wah-wah I-thought-you-knew bullshittery?” Blitzo snorted. “I don’t give a shit what he thinks, he should have been upfront about the fact that I was going to be ruining both me and the squirt’s life instead of just being a fuckin’ incubator for cash. End of story.”
There was a nudge from inside of him that was much sharper than usual, and Blitzo’s eyes snapped down.
“Did you just fuckin’ bite me?”
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Love Stress - H. H Story
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Prompt: "Y/n," Harry whined, but your eyes were still fixed on your laptop, "Give me attention!"
          A person would think that being in lockdown with your significant other would be a wonderful time due the time you would have to spend time with them. However, they do not count the stress from work due dates getting closer and the more work getting pushed onto you because your boss thinks that you are at home and have nothing better to do than to work all day. After graduating from university with a business administration bachelor’s degree, you thought the job you had would be fun, but it is hard-tiring work at times. Compared to your boyfriend Harry, who is a photographer, so his work is more fun and interesting. 
       The projects that are assigned to me can either take two hours to complete or it could take a whole day requiring zoom meetings with co-workers to complete it causing some disagreements between Harry and you at times. For example, there was an important deadline that you had to meet but Harry wanted you to model for his photoshoot. You tried to finish it beforehand so that there was enough time to help Harry, but of course, your boss added more work onto that project so that next morning you woke up early to add on those additions. That night before you went to bed early to Harry’s surprise because the plan was to be done by the afternoon to be able to model for him because you were done your work. A sneaky and needy  Harry had a different plan though, he climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you in close to his chest while peppering kisses on your neck making you make sweet noises to his ears.
          Squirming against his body as he starts to suck harder on your sweet spot on your neck while pushing your hips into his front making him groan and gripping your hips while softly grinding back making you buck and causing friction between you two. Pushing him on his back so that you are straddling him, he grips your hips helping you move in a motion that created pleasure for both of you making you moan out, “Harry, please give me more.” Harry smirks and slyly comments, “Of course love anything for you,” flipping you over so he is on top kissing your lips and grinding harder bringing you both close to finishing. He goes harder while you lift your hips to meet his thrusts and kissing him deeper and more passionately as this moment has not been able to happen lately due to work. He groans and you both come together he lays down and says, “Who knew dry humping could be so hot? I mean I just wanted a kiss but that was way better love.” You laugh into his chest as you rest onto him to get some sleep. You look up to him saying, “I am sorry that we have not been able to be together much, but after next week I WILL have a week off to spend all my time with you. I love you so much I wish I could make you know that more.” He cups my jaw gently tiling my face upward saying lovingly, “Baby, please do not apologize. I understand work is important and I am here for you always. I am always going to support you. I love you to the moon and back.” I lean up and kiss him sweetly and lay back down dazing off to sleep onto Harry’s warm chest. The next morning as you try to get out of bed early, you feel Harry’s arms tighten around my waist as he cuddles deeper into you. You smile amused and admire how lucky you got to be with someone like him, leaning over kissing his forehead as he holds onto to a pillow that you switched to be in your place. Looking back once more to make sure he is okay; you go to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. After getting ready and grabbing the necessary paperwork for the day to finish off the project, you decided the kitchen was the best place, so you do not disturb or wake anyone up. Setting up the office space took less than expected and you got started working right away, in your dream last night the solution to the problem showed up and it helped you to be able to turn in the project before being able to model for Harry’s work. 
       A pair of footsteps enter the kitchen but you are to wrapped up in your mind and work to notice that it is Harry and that he has placed a cup of tea near your phone on the table and how he sadly walked away with a frown on his face and his head down disappointed that you could not even be able to his photoshoot even if that is the only one thing that he asked for you to do. You are halfway done and see that it is only about ten in the morning and there is plenty of time to get ready for his shot at one. Smiling to yourself and unconsciously sipping on the tea which you remember that you did not make and suddenly think Harry must be awake, not putting together that he must have seen you working and thought you could not do the shoot for him. Pushing the thoughts away, you get to work and finish so you can get ready to make your boyfriend happy again.
Harry’s POV:
       I wake up to an empty bed which is normal and see she put a pillow to cuddle into him, it’s a nice token of her genuine niceness but it does not compare to her warmth and love that her body radiates. I hear typing going on in the kitchen knowing it is her and decide to make her some tea and to see what she is up to. I quickly freshen up and go to the kitchen seeing her working with her determination face and laugh to myself as she is adorable when she wants to finish something. As I finish the tea and place it near her phone, I look at her screen and see that it's her big project that is due to today and get a little upset and annoyed she left it until today as she agreed to help me. I shake my head and try not to be selfish and understand that sometimes her work is more important but this shoot is not only for a brand but a chance for us to bond in the day time not only during night time. Then an idea pops up and knowing it may upset her not only because he is replacing her but also that the girl, he is asking is someone who she is not so fond of. I think for the future what is better and decide to text Sarah, “Hey, I know this is last minute, but could you please do a photoshoot for me today?” I get a response in less than a minute with an “Anything for you handsome 😉” I shake my head and make myself get ready for the day and what it is to bring.
     I do the finishing touches as I hit the save button and see Harry walking around back and forth, I ask out loud, “Love, are you okay?” He stops mid-step looking at me with an odd expression on his face answering coolly, “Yes, I am fine that is if you even care.” I stop typing the email of my boss and turn in my chair as I ask calmly, “Please repeat that, I must have heard you wrong. I care about you and your pacing and gathering are not exactly quiet. I am trying to do an important project here.” He scuffs,” Of course you are assuming that your work is more important than mine. Just because you have a degree and I do not make you better.” I gasp angrily and turn around before I say something, I regret but decide to move along and let him calm down and do his own thing. He mumbles to himself, “Of course you are not going to admit that I am correct. You can never apologize even when you are wrong.” I feel my eyes tearing up and feel one fall down slowly and wipe it quickly before he catches it and comments something petty but it's too late as he already came over and looks at me like I am in the wrong here. “What now you are going to cry because I insulted you, I thought you were so mature, what happened.” I ignore him as he continues, “You know I thought I could trust you when you said you would always help me but now, I am not so sure. I feel like you have changed, and I am not sure I am a fan of it.” I take a deep breath and snap, “Please if you know what’s good for you walk away. I am trying to finish this and be done with it, but your talking is disturbing me.” He walks away finally but not before saying the last few words that hurt the most. “I wish I sometimes have never run into you.” I instantly grow cold and go back to work sending off the email but sit at the computer before hearing him walk away. 
       I feel tears freely run down my face and see Tom walk into the room and greet me a good morning. When I did not answer he turns around and sees me crying and shaking and instantly pulls me out of the chair into a hug and kisses my forehead. “Tell me what’s wrong, I will make us breakfast.” I nod my head and make sure all my work is turned incorrectly shutting the laptop for the next week. I smile and go to the kitchen where Tom was cooking breakfast and sat on the kitchens island chair. Tom turns around and smiles as he sees me not crying anymore. He asks gently, “Did Harry and you get into a fight? I heard a little about it this morning. But from last night I thought all was good.” I blush and mumble, “Great you heard that, but yes Harry and I fought. He thinks that I am not supportive of him and he pushed in my face that I have a degree and that he does not make me more superior to him. Which is not true by the way. So please tell me what to do.” Tom analyzes what I said and says,” Well you can still do the photoshoot for him, maybe that will make him forgive you.” I nod my head and run to Tom to hug him out of happiness.
      As I am getting ready, I play our favorite playlist of songs on Spotify and jam out finally relaxing after completing that big project which was a huge part of my job’s requirement. Harry is a wonderful and understanding boyfriend but sometimes he does not realize what stress I am under with working on these projects. I do the finishing touches as I head towards the door to go surprise Harry and hear a laugh that sounds familiar. Sneaking out the door quietly and walking around the corner, I see someone who I am not a huge fan of since Harry’s friends consist of some girls that flirt with him knowing he is taken. She is draping her hands all over his arms, but he seems uninterested and pushes her off nicely. I smile at that but still get upset that he had replaced me without even asking if I could still do it with my workload. I turn back around so I do not say anything that I will regret and feel my eyes tear up slightly. One of the boys must have heard my footsteps faintly because they called my name out and I had to otherwise Harry and the others would think that I am spying on them. I walk out slowly and as I do, Tom smiles at me and compliments, “Wow, you look beautiful. Doesn’t she Harry?” I see Harrison in the corner of my eye give Harry a look of caution as to choose your words lightly. Sarah on the other hand says before Harry could say anything, “Yes she does, too bad I am the one who is doing the photo shoot,” while smiling at me with an evil glint in her eyes. I look away from her and look directly into Harry’s eyes that show a combination of emotions. 
       He clears his throat and says, “She always looks beautiful; however, I did ask Sarah to do the photoshoot this morning since Y/n work was demanding her attention even though I asked last night.” He mumbled the last part, but I still heard it. I gather the courage and say, “I had a plan to get up early and finish the project so I could help you. This morning instead of asking if I can do it, you assumed it and instead of asking. Now you will not even let me do it because you asked someone else. I even dressed up” He looks annoyed now and spitefully says, “At least Sarah gives me attention. You are so busy with work that you barely give me a minute and I only see you at night. So, please forgive me for not choosing you because you got dressed up.” I feel tears running down my face and say, “Well I am sorry for wanting to make you happy by putting myself through more pressure to finish off my work and taking the time after months to make time for you.” While the words linger in the air, I walk away to make myself calm down so the situation does not get out of hand.
         As the evening goes on Harry does not do the photoshoot, he sent Sarah home and kept the set up in place in case you walked out and used Tom or Harrison as a back shoot in case things did not pan out. He had planned to apologize and make it up with cuddles and a movie night with taking out which was your favorite kind of date night. He included Tom and the boys in the plan. At approximately five, he walked over the bedroom and saw through the slightly open door that you were still dressed up and sighed in relief that you were able to do the photoshoot if you still wanted to. Knocking on the door softly he entered as he heard a faintly come in from you. He walks in and sits down close to you as he discretely puts his hand nears yours knowing you would try to slyly hold it. He turns to you and as he says, “I am sorry for acting the way that I did out there, I was just upset that I wanted to do something with you but I saw that you were busy and wanted to make things simpler for you so I asked another person. I did not think that it would upset you so much, you can never be replaced.” You look into his eyes and see that every word that he said he meant. “I did not mean to overreact; it is just that I did not want to make you upset so I tried to juggle everything and make it possible,” I say as tears stream my face now. He moves closer to so that he is holding me by my waist and letting me rest into his chest. “No, no please stop crying love. You mean the world to me, and how you try to make everyone happy is beyond me. I am the luckiest man on earth and if would like to do the photoshoot, I saved it for you.” I look up smiling, “I would love to.” I lean up and kiss him passionately, he kisses back with more love than ever. We both pull away and laugh at how our love is strong enough to overcome any fights.
         We both walk out and do the photoshoot; the whole time was full of laughter and happiness. Tom and Harrison watched from the living room ever so often making comments about how lucky Harry was to have someone like Y/n. The rest of the night after editing and sending out what was necessary, Harry gave you the best date night that was well deserved for both of you.
@littlekidsteve​  @tom-holland-is-spiderman @follow-tom-holland-is-spiderman @parkerpeter24 @frenchfrostpudding @osterfieldnholland  @fanficparker @mymoontom @marvels-blue-phoenix @holytingle @petertiingz
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writethehousedown · 4 years
Burning Desire (Jankie) - Katy
A/N: prompt 4/7 and y’all know I had to give you a lil sickfic for ‘heat’ 💛
Jackie was an early riser. As the self proclaimed ‘Queen of New York City’s evening life’, she sometimes woke up just as Jan was coming in for the night.
Both had a rare night off, and decided to make the most of it by staying home, watching movies and getting a good night’s sleep, cuddled around each other.
Jackie woke around 6am, carefully unwrapping herself from Jan’s vice-like grip. She pulled the blanket off of Jan, knowing how getting too hot in bed can make her feel when she wakes up, before heading to the bathroom to shower. She liked her showers skin-searingly hot, her favourite motto being ‘if you don’t feel like you’re about to pass out once you get out, it wasn’t hot enough’. Every body product they had was lavender-scented, it being a smell that calmed and soothed both queens. Just as Jackie began lathering the floral body wash over her arms, she heard a thud. She stopped her actions, listening past the gentle stream of the water to try and identify where the noise was coming from. It couldn’t be Jan, she thought, knowing her girlfriend would still be asleep well into the mid-morning. Her mind settled on it being the cat knocking something over with his tail, laughing softly at the thought of the fluffy pet sitting on top of the kitchen counter, and just as Jackie’s heart settled back down, she heard sobs.
The shower was slammed off, and Jackie’s heart thumped in her chest as she grabbed a towel and ran back into their bedroom.
She didn’t know what to expect, thinking maybe Jan had had a nightmare, seen something sad on the news or banged her toe on the doorframe, again. But she definitely didn’t expect to see her girlfriend, completely nude except for her thong, pacing unsteadily around the bedroom with tears streaming down her flushed cheeks and a pack of frozen peas on her forehead. Jackie rushed over to Jan; absolutely terrified she was about to faint and hit her head on the bedframe, wrapping her arms securely around Jan’s waist as she tried to get her onto the bed.
‘It’s so hot. So hot.’
Jan was mumbling under her breath, completely oblivious to everything happening around her. The only words Jackie could make out were ‘too hot’ and everything made sense when Jackie eventually got her lying down on the bed and was able to take a proper look at her.
Jan’s eyes were blown wide, glassy and unfocused. Sweat ran down from her neck, covering her whole body with an uncomfortable sheen. Her mind was somewhere far away, the clear fever-induced delirium taking over her thoughts as she tossed and turned and squirmed away from whatever she could see. Jackie’s heart broke as she looked at her girlfriend, knowing she had to act quickly to try and bring her fever down.
Jackie was reluctant to leave Jan alone, even for just a second to run back to the bathroom and get some painkillers, knowing the possibility of her accidentally falling off of the bed was very high. She began to shake slightly as her inexperience in taking care of ill people caught up to her, before mentally slapping herself for focusing on anything other than getting her very sick, very sweaty girlfriend better.
Carefully, she approached Jan, stroking her hair off of her forehead, before lifting her up, cradling her to her chest and holding Jan’s wrists to stop her hitting Jackie in the face. Jan wouldn’t stop writhing in her arms, and Jackie had to make a pit stop in the lounge on the way to the kitchen to lie Jan down on the couch before she hurt her.
Jan seemed to settle ever so slightly as she was put down, so Jackie took her chance and rushed to the kitchen, filling up a glass of water before grabbing the painkillers and the thermometer from the bathroom cupboard. She returned to Jan, who was thankfully still lying on the couch. Her eyes were now closed, but she was still shaking with the intensity of her body heat. Jackie sighed softly, still feeling a little unsure of her caretaking skills, before putting her hand on Jan’s shoulder and shaking her.
‘Baby, can you hear me? It’s me, its just Jackie. You’re not well, honey, you need to let me help you take some painkillers. Jan, it’s just me, come on darling.’
Jackie kept whispering over and over again, shaking her shoulder harder and harder every time. She was beginning to think of calling for help, before Jan took in a huge breath, her eyes shooting open and body going rigid. Jackie immediately took her hand, tried to soothe her.
‘Hey hey, it’s okay. You’re okay, baby, I’m here. I’ve got you.’
Jan went from looking at Jackie like she was a total stranger to thinking she’d hung the stars in the sky in less than 3 seconds.
‘Yes honey, it’s me, I got you. How you feeling?’
‘So fucking hot. Why’s it so hot? It’s the middle of February and we live in New York. Wait, are we in New York?’
Jackie had to stifle a laugh as her girlfriend mumbled to herself, adorably confused.
‘Yes baby, we’re in New York, we’re home. You’re running a fever, okay, that’s why you’re so hot. Now you’ve gotta take these tablets for me okay, baby? They’ll make you feel better, I promise.’
‘No no Jackie don’t wan-’
‘No, Jan, you have to. Come on, let me help you.’
Jan looked at Jackie like she’d just run over her cat, before promptly bursting into tears.
‘Oh Jan, baby, no, no need for tears honey. Come here.’
Jan crumpled into a ball as Jackie pulled her into her chest, feeling the intensity of the heat radiating off of her girlfriend. She continued to sob into Jackie’s chest, pressing as much of her overheated body onto Jackie’s far cooler skin as she could, sighing in relief as she rested her legs on Jackie’s cold feet.
‘Off’ Jan mumbled, trying to tug on the shirt that Jackie had thrown on in her panic, clearly wanting to try and cool her face off on Jackie’s torso.
‘I’ll take it off’ Jackie started, before pausing as Jan gave her an impatient stare. ‘If you take the pills.’
Jackie knew Jan had a strange thing against taking pills, remembering Jan saying something about fearing she would choke on them many months ago. But right now, she had no choice, and Jackie was getting those tablets into her, no matter what.
‘Jackie I can’t I don’t want to, don’t make me please please plea-’
Jan’s words got cut off as Jackie switched their positions and rolled on top of Jan, straddling her. She sat Jan’s upper body up, and pressed her knees firmer on each side of Jan’s legs, ensuring she couldn’t try and run away.
A glass of water, along with two pills, was pressed into Jan’s hand. She didn’t dare look up; she couldn’t meet Jackie’s gaze without crying and even through her delirium, she knew she didn’t feel great and needed to take the painkillers. Jan was lost in her thoughts, the next thing she heard being
‘I’ll let you sit on my face when you’re better if you take them.’
Jan took them immediately.
As promised, Jackie took her top off and Jan fell asleep cuddled as close to her girlfriend as humanly possible. Every part of Jackie was clinging to their leather couch, Jan so lovingly making Jackie very hot and sweaty. She’d lay there all day if it meant Jan got some rest though and started to get better, so she wrapped her arms even tighter around her sleeping girlfriend and closed her eyes.
‘I can’t believe you’re actually stuck to the sofa?’
‘Why are you blaming me for your sweat, bitch?’
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clairefrser · 4 years
Tumblr media
Title: Zoey’s Extraordinary Baby Skills
Show: Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Ship/Relationship: Zimon (Zoey x Simon)
Characters: Zoey Clarke, Simon Haynes main // feat. David Clarke and Mitchell Clarke (Zoey’s nephew, and David and Emily’s new baby son)
One Shot | SFW | Fluff | 1,943 words
Summary: Zoey has committed to babysit her nephew one Saturday when Simon drops by unannounced.
Notes: Special thanks to @bookreader525 @rebeccabunchs and @itsalwaysfour​ for editing and beta reading.
This is my first story in years, but I’m contributing because there’s so little Zimon fics out there, so please let me know if you enjoy it. More possibly to follow. 
This story is set about six months after the finale. Zoey and Simon’s relationship is still very new. They have been seeing each other for about a month.
Zoey’s eyes shot open. The sound of someone banging on the door left her heart ready to jump out of her chest. She grabbed her phone thinking she had overslept, but thank god...it was Saturday. Zoey giggled at herself briefly before the knocking continued. She glanced back at her phone. Six unread text messages from David.
“Zoey...are you still asleep...the hell? ZOEY!?” David’s voice rang from outside her apartment. Her phone started to ring. Oh nooo.
Zoey ran to the door almost losing her balance. She swung it open with a force making David spin around swiftly, his phone to his ear. 
“Umm, hi, did you forget something?” His words were pointed and short. 
“David I am so sorry. I didn’t forget, I just overslept.” She shifted her attention to the baby in the car seat, her voice going up a few octaves. 
“Hiii little man, you ready to spend the day with auntie Zoey?” David walked in, setting the carrier gently on the floor. He looked up, obviously still annoyed at the way Zoey so lightly brushed him off. Zoey looked back up and rolled her eyes, defensive. 
“I didn’t forget, David, I swear.” 
David shifted his weight, crossing his arms like he always did whenever he was in lecture Zoey mode. “I was getting a little worried, you know. I thought you were looking forward to today, it being your first full day with him and all. Not to mention Emily and the realtor are waiting on me.” 
Zoey smirked. 
“Of course I was–I am looking forward to it. I just had a late night. I promise I’m good; we’re good. I’m sorry I made you late.” She grinned in a playful manner.
David’s face squinched. “I’m only forgiving you because I need you. You’re literally our only option today, so hey, don’t lose him or anything. Here’s everything you should need. If you need anything else or have any questions, call either of us. We’re sort of expecting it.” 
Zoey tilted her head, offended by his words. “Ha ha, you’re funny. Will you leave now? I’ve got some bonding to do with my nephew, sir.” Zoey picked the infant out of the carrier and planted a big kiss on his cheek. “Say bye to daddy.” 
David looked back before closing the door. “Be good.” 
Zoey smiled back. “I’m sure he’ll be a perfect angel.” 
David grinned, “Yeah, actually I was talking to you.”
Zoey shushed him as the door shut. “He'll like me better than you one day!”
********later that morning**********
Zoey tiptoed into her kitchen. A children's television program played vibrantly in the background. She had studied Emily and David’s various parenting techniques many times since baby Mitchell was born, including using the TV as a means of keeping him entertained. Her little nephew had fallen asleep not even two hours since David had dropped him off. Seems little man doesn’t enjoy getting up early on Saturdays either, Zoey thought to herself. 
Just as she began to take out a bowl for some cereal her phone started buzzing. SIMON. Zoey felt her face turn warm. She smiled shyly, unable to control the way her body reacted when it came to him. She answered the phone, flustered. “Hey, you. I didn’t think I’d hear from you until tonight?” Simon had been out of town visiting family and Zoey had been counting down the hours until she could see him again. They had plans to get together tonight once Simon was back in town.
“Hey, I couldn’t sleep last night so I decided to go ahead and come back early this morning. I was sort of hoping, maybe, I could come over to your place and bring you some breakfast?” Zoey loved how unpredictable Simon could be sometimes, despite being able to literally read his mind. 
Zoey’s thoughts snapped back to her sleeping nephew in the next room. “Um, Simon, I um, I would love to have breakfast with you, but…” She was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Come let me in, I’m right outside.” Zoey froze. Well, this should be interesting.
She opened the door to a very handsome Simon holding up a take-out bag. She was suddenly very aware she was still in her PJs and hadn’t brushed her hair since her abrupt wake up call this morning. “And you’re here, now...at my apartment...with?” 
“Bagels,” Simon cut her off again. “Did you just wake up? I hope you have a coffee maker, their espresso machine was broken.” He brushed by her and walked to the kitchen counter. He smelled so good. She watched him as he set down the bag, taking contents out one by one. Seeing Simon in her kitchen, so domestic, was not something Zoey was prepared for. It was so unexpected, and very sexy. It took him stopping mid task to snap her out of her trance. “Um, Zoey, what’s that sound?” Zoey heard it too. Oh no, the knocking woke up the baby. 
She sighed and started into the next room, leaving Simon looking confused. Zoey placed her hands over her face, distorting her words into muffles. “I was trying to tell you, but you didn’t really give me the chance.” Simon followed Zoey into the living room where the trail of noises were coming from. 
Simon stared blankly. "Hmm...okay, yep...and...that’s a baby.” 
“Yeah, Simon I’m keeping my nephew today. Did I not mention that to you?” Okay, so maybe I DID forget.
Simon watched intensely as Zoey picked up the crying infant and sat down on the sofa. She was so…wow. It was strange seeing her with a baby. Not strange as in unnatural, but the complete opposite. It was blissful. He was mesmerized. He continued to admire her as she comforted and soothed her nephew. 
Zoey noticed Simon watching her. “Is this too weird? This is weird isn’t it?” 
Simon smiled as he sat down next to her. “Surprisingly, no. Not really. I mean yeah, a little, but...in a normal, I’ve never seen you with a baby before, kind of way.” 
Zoey tilted her head, curious. Simon continued. “It’s nice though. Different, I mean...I’m enjoying seeing this side of you.”
Zoey shifted her weight so that she could face Simon. “Not to make this weirder than it already is, but...do you, ya know, like kids?” 
Simon didn’t hesitate before speaking. “Sure, I love kids. I have six nieces and nephews combined. They are a lot of fun.” 
Zoey looked down. She was a bit embarrassed he didn’t understand her question, and annoyed she didn’t ask it better. 
Simon noticed her blush. The realization hit him like a gut punch. “Oh, wow. You meant, do I want kids?” 
Zoey used the baby to try to hide herself squirming in her seat. She wished so badly to rewind time and redirect this entire conversation. “Forget I asked. I have no idea why I asked you that. That was crazy,” Zoey giggled nervously. 
Simon laughed and shook his head. “Do you want to hear the answer?” he asked in a cheeky way, as he raised one eyebrow. Zoey reluctantly nodded. 
Simon proceeded cautiously. “I always loved kids, but I never really saw myself as a dad I guess. Not sure if that makes sense. With Jessica, she wanted kids, but I didn’t get excited at the thought when we were together. I always figured it would grow on me eventually.” 
Zoey continued nodding along. She was unsure of where this was going and she felt herself getting nauseous. “Has it?” Zoey asked, her voice squeaky and faint. 
Simon smiled again. “Not until recently.” 
Zoey’s head shot up. Simon still held on to that cheeky expression. “I’m not saying I have any expectations, Zoey, but when I told you that day that I was going to go the other way this time—I meant that. I want it to be different. I want us to be happy. Whatever that looks like in the future, kids or no kids, whatever. That doesn’t matter, okay. This thing, me and you, us, it's still very new. I just want to enjoy our time together. I don’t care too much about the rest right now.” Zoey’s eyes sparkled with emotion, but she couldn't stop smiling. She stood as she struggled to find the words to respond. Simon stood with her. “Zoey, let me take him off you for a minute. See if you can find that coffee machine. I need some fuel soon or I'm crashing. No sleep remember?” 
Zoey didn’t fight him. She handed the baby off to Simon. He had definitely done this before. She gave him a soft smile and kissed Mitchell on the cheek before walking into the kitchen. She couldn’t help but look back. 
Simon began to coo and talk with her nephew, and now she was seeing a new side of him. One she didn’t hate. He was a natural, and it was doing things to her. Making her feel ways she didn’t understand. There was just something about seeing the guy you like holding a baby. Zoey had heard friends use the phrase “ovaries exploding” before but never really thought she had experienced what they were talking about until this very moment. She thought about the fact that Simon didn’t ask her the same question. Do I want kids? In that moment her body definitely did. Her mind raced as she continued to watch them from the kitchen. Then she heard it. It was a distant hum growing louder, distracting Zoey from the wave of desire she was feeling below the waist. A heart song—coming from Simon.
When tears find your eyes and you're feeling like life's got you down
When you feel so alone when there's nowhere to go, don't you cry
When you're thinking you can't go on
'Cause everything you try just goes wrong
I'll be that shelter in the rain
If you say you need a sunny day.
Then I'll be that sun when you need it to shine
And I'll move mountains and lakes,
If you say that they're in your way
Just like the stars I'm your light when it's too dark to see
Just say the word and I'll be whatever you need
And know that you'll always have me
That's what I'll be
Another one Zoey had not heard before. She knew it was for her, though it was almost sung as a lullaby for the baby. A future with Simon. She suddenly had a tinge of desire for it. All of it. Zoey found herself lost in a vision. A cliche: nice house with a yard, two kids and a dog. Them…happy. 
Lost in her own head, Zoey realized there was no more music. She looked around confused. “Simon?” 
She walked around the sofa to find the most Instagram worthy image her eyes had ever seen. Simon had fallen asleep, along with her tiny baby nephew who was now sleeping peacefully on Simon's chest. The physical intensity she had felt before was back. Whelp, yep...goodbye ovaries for sure. If this was a preview of a future with Simon, she didn’t mind it.
Zoey grabbed her phone and took a photo. She smiled as she reviewed it, then looked back at the picture perfect moment in front of her. She breathed in deeply as she soaked it in. The joy. In that moment she truly believed she had found the joy Simon had talked about so much. Maybe they even found it together.
Yeah, I don't hate this. I can live with this.
song found here.
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ravenforce · 5 years
Ithaca Pt. 2
Word Count: 2031
Warning/s: None
A/N: Hey loves, a deal is a deal. You got part one to over a hundred notes, so here’s part two. Natasha’s playing a huge part on this arc. So, I thought it’ll be good for you to get to know her in this alternate universe. Let me know what you think of it in my inbox or the comment section. Xx
PS. If there are any grammatical mistakes I’ve still overlooked, I apologize.
Parts: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5
5:30 AM
The alarm clock on Natasha’s bedside table reads. She blinked twice at it before sighing. She woke up earlier than her alarm again, not that she’s actually excited to go to school. Today, she’s actually supposed to tour the new transfer student, which is, by the way, is not her job as the Student Council President but Clint is out of commission for the week for some Intercollegiate archery competition in Washington DC. So, as President, she had to step in and do it.
‘At least, this is gonna be different from yesterday’, she thought to herself as she rolls out of bed.
Living in Ithaca since she’s a child meant Natasha knew the city like the back of her hand, knew almost every single family in town and went to school with the same kids since the beginning of her existence. It also meant being friends with founding family kids like the Odinsons, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, and Steve Rogers since forever ago. She was the only girl in their group until Carol Danvers moved in when they were eight. Maria transferred to their school and was easily adapted to their crew when they were thirteen. The last addition to their gang was Valkyrie and Wanda, who migrated somewhere from Europe when they’re fifteen.
Six years after, a new person arrives in Ithaca. The school didn’t give her a lot of information regarding the new student, only that it is a woman and Stark level intelligent. She tried to dig up info on her own, and thankfully she didn’t have to go far for a source since apparently the new girl is close friends with Tony and best friends with Maria. Maria is one busy nerd to track down though, and they don’t share a lot of classes together. So, Natasha wasn’t able to get too many details from her aside from a departing comment.
“Relax, Nat. She’s amazing; smart but not obnoxious like Tony,” Maria said before practically running towards her next class. She considers herself pretty intrigued.
‘How can someone be as smart as Tony and not be obnoxious? That sounds like an oxymoron,’ Natasha thought to herself.
6:00 AM
Natasha is the only founding family kid who liked being awake at the wee hours of the morning. She likes getting ahead of everybody, and she thinks better when the world is still asleep. So, being in school at the crack of dawn isn’t new too for anyone. Even the groundskeepers let her nowadays.
“Good Morning, Miss Romanoff,” the old security lady at the studio greeted her. 
“Good Morning, Mrs. Miller,” Natasha smiled before logging in her credentials. 
“Early start today?” Mrs. Miller asked politely and jovially. 
“Yes, Clint is away for a tournament. So I have to give the grounds tour to the transfer student later,” Nat explained with a smile. Mrs. Miller didn’t respond and just waved Natasha inside.
Natasha’s been doing ballet ever since she can remember. At first, she was doing it because her family wanted her to and all of the founding family children are doing one extracurricular activity every after school. Thor has been sailing since he learned how to walk, Loki, on the other hand, preferred fencing. Clint tried equestrian for awhile but his heart and talents were really in archery. Steve got so good in lacrosse that he ended up with a sports scholarship playing one. Tony chose chess because he deemed contact sports barbaric; he believes the battle of the wits is better than a physical brawl, which Steve always take as an offense. 
Being the only girl in their group, Natasha decided that ballet is her yoga. The boys know not to come within a hundred yards of the studio whenever Natasha’s practicing. Ballet has become Natasha’s sanctuary away from the noise and the usual ruckus of the boys. She shed everything inside the studio but today, Natasha finds it nearly impossible to focus on the movements and the music. Her thoughts keep drifting to the conversation she had with Tony the day prior about the new student. 
“Nat, what are you fuzzing about? It’s just a school tour,” Tony complained. He was tinkering around his home lab when Natasha arrived and being a regular visitor, she was allowed to roam and look for Tony herself. 
“I just wanna know what she looks like. So I know who to look for in the morning crowd,” she whined. 
Tony put his stuff down, pull the safety goggles off his face and looked at his friend. If Nat has been any other girl, she would have melted in the way Tony was looking at her. 
“Oh, trust me, you won’t miss her,” Tony said simply before smiling and walking out of his lab. “She’s breathtaking, in more ways than just physical.”
Natasha groaned and scrambled to follow her friend and bug him for more information.
7:00 AM
Natasha cut her practice short since she couldn’t focus. She showered and got ready in record time. She was leaning against the handrail of the front steps of the school, scrolling through her Instagram feed when she looked up and saw a face she didn’t know. Her fingers hovered over her phone mid-swipe, thankfully she had enough grace at that moment not to have her mouth hanging open as she gaped at the transfer student. She’s wearing a very preppy outfit, which wasn’t really Natasha’s style or the style girls she usually goes after but something about this girl that makes her stomach flutter with nervous butterflies.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” she asked, all trace of her nervousness gone when the girl came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.
“Who’s asking?” the girl asked.
Natasha watched the girl take her in. She reined in the urge to squirm under the Y/N’s eyes. For God’s sake, she’s Natasha Romanoff. Various girls all over town wants her, she’s by no means gonna squirm under a stranger’s beautiful eyes.  
“Natasha Romanoff. Student Council President,” she introduced herself confidently to take back control. “Pleasure to meet you.”
Natasha smirked as the new girl blushed profusely before smiling up at her. “Pleasure is all mine,” she said.
‘Breathtaking is an understatement’ she thought to herself when she saw Y/N’ smile. Natasha’s not a sap, she doesn’t plan on being one but at that moment, she thought she’d do anything to make you smile at her every day.
“I’m here to give you the grounds tour,” Natasha explained before pulling the door open and prompting you to walk with her.
Usually, when she had to cover grounds tour for Clint, Natasha almost always wraps it up under forty-five minutes. She just points which buildings houses which classes, where the important areas are such as the library and the mess hall. Today, with you by her side, Natasha found herself giving her first, in-depth school tour. Literally giving out facts and even stupid trivia when she remembers it.
Natasha walked as leisurely as possible to prolong her time with you but she knew you have a 9 AM class. And she might not be as nerdy as Tony but she’s not gonna skip class, let alone make you on your first day of school.
8:30 AM
Natasha’s one of the quiet ones in her crew that’s why she get along spectacularly with Maria. Both of you filled the walk towards the art building with polite small talk about which classes you two take, how you finished a degree at eighteen and in one of the toughest schools in the country at that, and how you’re friends with Maria and Tony. God, Natasha didn’t want the tour to end. She didn’t want you to stop talking, which is new because Natasha finds it annoying when people don’t know when to shut up. She wants to get to know you more.
Her heart sunk a little when she caught you discreetly glancing at your watch but by the number of kids watching the two of you in the hallway, she knew that class is fast approaching. She decided to be a little playful.
“Oh,” Natasha gasped and frowned. “Am I boring you?” she asked quietly.
“What?!” you exclaimed, earning a few curious looks from students in the hallway.
Natasha watched the emotions play out across your face, and she thought you’re even more fascinating. She’s been friends all her life with Tony, another Mensa student, another genius. She thought you’d be obnoxiously cool and a little indifferent like him but in the past hour and a half, Natasha found you brilliant but not condescending, warm, and empathetic.
“No, no, you’re not boring. I was just wondering if I’m allowed to skip the first period on my first day of school because this is by far the coolest school tour I’ve ever done,” you rambled on.
Natasha couldn’t help but grin. If she paid attention to anyone else other than you, she would have noticed several students openly gawking at the toothy smile on her face. Natasha’s reputation was not built on being chummy with just anyone, especially new kids. But she wasn’t looking, she could only look at you. She will be caught dead before she admits to having a school girl crush at first meet but at that moment, in that crowded hallway, she decided she definitely likes you. She just has to find out if she has a fighting chance.
“You’re cute when you ramble,” she said matter-of-factly. “And no, you’re not allowed to skip the first period because you’re here.”
“Oh,” you said before glancing at the classroom door.
Natasha took a step towards you and tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “See you later, Y/L/N,” she said slowly, watching the blush crept up from your neck before dusting your cheeks.
‘Beautiful, so beautiful,’ she thought before turning on her heels and gracefully walking away.
“Blushing doesn’t mean she’s gay. Maybe she’s just the shy type, I can work with that,” she murmured to herself while walking to her classroom. She looked up when she heard soft muttering in front of her.
“Danvers!” she growled. Carol’s pressing a girl between her toned body and the wall.
Carol didn’t even have to look to know who it is that interrupted her. She knows that voice anywhere. “Tasha,” she said sweetly.
Natasha didn’t smile, she only continued to glare until the girl pushed Carol away and scrambled to get to her classroom. Carol swipe a hand through her hair before turning towards her friend. Natasha glanced at her watch.
“You’re ten minutes late already,” Nat started. “And your class is on the other side of the campus.”
Carol ignored the fact that Natasha still knows her schedule. She walked towards the redhead until she’s toe to toe with Natasha. Natasha didn’t step back, she’s used to Carol always invading her personal space.
“I got that class in the bag, Tasha. Relax,” Carol whispered before leaning in, kissing Natasha close to her mouth, and running away.  
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(tiny) Pain in Your Ass
Characters: Loki Laufeyson x Reader, Thor Odinson
Word Count: 2,292
Warnings: Loki as a child, minor angst, mostly fluff
Summary: Loki is the most annoying person you’ve ever met, and even more annoying as a child.
Squared Filled: De-Aged // Thor // Accidentally hurt by a friend
Fandom: Marvel
Author’s Note: This is for @marvelfluffbingo and @marvelbingo and @badthingshappenbingo respectively. If you have any requests, please send them in! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Flipping pancakes, you enjoyed the silence for once in your life. Being an Avenger on Asgard meant there wasn’t going to be a boring moment in your life. Thor and Loki didn’t make it possible for you to find peace in the way you wanted. Every day was spent trying to fix someone else’s problem or to try and fight for your life. There was never a dull moment except for the mornings. If you woke up early enough, you could find the golden castle in complete silence, save for the patter of your feet as you walked down the long hallway.
The only time you had for yourself was spent making breakfast for yourself. You found it easier to manage everyone else’s problems when you had blueberry pancakes in your stomach. Before going to the kitchen to cook, you had checked Thor’s room to see if he was still sleeping. The slightest of noise would wake either brother, so you put your ear to the door to see if you could hear his loud ass snoring. After not hearing anything in the few seconds you had with your ear to the door, you thought it was best to just leave them alone and cook your food. It was too early to worry about the grown-ass men that were the Odinsons.
When your pancakes were done, you started plating them when the kitchen door opened. The silence in the castle was shattered by a little kid screaming your name. That was weird, you didn’t know any kids. But why did this one sound like the God you had a crush on? Abandoning your food, you walked out of the kitchen and into the dining room to see Thor holding a squirming child as he tried to get out of his arms.
“Would you fucking stop?” Thor growled.
“Let me go!” the child yelled. He looked so familiar, but you didn’t know any kids much less had any that knew your name. His long black hair was greasy but tame, his skin was paler than anything you’ve ever seen, and those blue eyes were so captivating it made you gasp. No, it couldn’t be… you could never forget those eyes.
“Is that how you speak to kids?” you teased as you crossed your arms.
“This isn't a fucking kid. It’s Loki,” the God sighed as Loki got out of his grasp and ran to you. The little kid grabbed your leg as tight as he could, terrified to let you go.
“Thor, what did you do?” you growled lowly, scared to even touch the man you loved.
“Nothing! I left him alone for five fucking minutes, and when I come back, he’s a fucking kid. He won’t stop screaming your name, and whenever I put him down, he cries. Please, take him so I can figure out what the hell went wrong.”
“Went wrong? What were you two doing?!”
“Why are you guys shouting? It’s seven am,” Sif asked as she walked into the dining room. She was staying in the castle while her place was being renovated.
“Go ahead, Thor. Tell our friend how you turned Loki into a kid who not only wants me, but won’t let me go,” you groaned as you tried shaking him off, but the smile on his face meant he only took that as a sign to play.
“What did you do?” Sif sighed.
“Just, take him, Y/N. Okay? I’ll be back with a cure once I figure out what went wrong.”
“Thor, don’t you dare leave him with me!” you yelled, but the eldest brother was already out the door. Turning to your lovely best friend, you tried giving her the sweetest eyes possible. “Sif, please…”
“You’re on your own. Loki is annoying as a grown man, I don’t want kid him.”
“Fuck you,” you spat as he went back upstairs.
“Potty mouth!” Loki yelled.
“Loki, seriously? Get off me,” you groaned as you pushed him off your leg. That only encouraged him to snap back on, and you knew this was going to be a very long day. Thanks to your superhuman strength, the weight of him was practically nothing as you walked back into the kitchen. There was a reason why you hated kids; they were so fucking needy, and Loki was no exception. You were just lucky he wasn’t using his magic to fuck with you. Taking a seat at the table, you began eating when the little sorcerer untangled himself from your leg to climb onto the bench by your side. He reached over and stole some of your food with no regards to how you were feeling.
“Loki,” you growled. He stopped mid-bite to stare at you like a little kid would if they got in trouble, “this is my food. Go watch some TV or something. Okay? Leave me alone.”
“No!” he yelled before climbing onto your back. “Piggyback ride!”
“Thor is fucking dead,” you muttered to yourself.
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Since breakfast was ruined, you decided to get a head start on your day by doing some of the chores you neglected to do during the week. The first thing you needed to do was clean your room since Natasha, Wanda, and Shuri were coming to Asgard over a few nights, and you wanted your room to be clean for them. Your sleepovers were always hectic, and the condition of your room when your friends left always proved it, so it didn’t matter if you were cleaning up, but it made you feel better.
Upon reaching your room, Loki ran inside before jumping onto your bed. The first thing you needed to do was change your sheets, so you pushed the little kid off the bed before stripping it.
“Hey!” he complained before popping his head from the other side.
“Stay out of my way. I am trying to clean my room. I didn’t sign up for babysitting, so don’t do anything that will piss me off,” you sighed as you pulled your bedsheet off. Loki immediately grabbed the bottom corner piece as he pulled, needing to have a little fun. “Loki, seriously!”
“Loki, seriously!” he mocked you.
“I don’t know why Odin rescued you from Jotunheim,” you snapped which caused all the happiness in his body to dissolve. His face fell at that unnecessary jab, and he let go of your sheets. His big bright blue eyes filled with tears, and you immediately felt bad for saying something in the first place. Little kid Loki showed a lot more than adult Loki, and it broke your heart to see him cry. Dropping the sheets, you ran to him before picking his small frame up. He started to struggle in your arms, but you held onto him tightly.
“Loki, I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, okay? I don’t do well with kids,” you sighed.
“I’m sorry,” he said in a small voice.
“No, you don’t get to be sorry. Here,” you placed him on the bean bag in the corner of your room before taking one of your throw pillows and spraying it with the perfume you always wore. Handing it to him, he clutched it as much as his tiny arms could. “Stay right here while I clean my room, okay?”
“Okay,” he sighed. Satisfied with his answer, you quickly cleaned your room. Your laundry basket was filled to the top, a new change of sheets on your bed, and you had time to dust your room as well. Loki watched patiently on the bean bag chair with his face in your pillow. Because he was so good, you decided to let him have a bit of leash this time.
“Want to help me with laundry?” you asked.
“Yeah!” he screamed as he got off the bean bag and ran out of your room with the pillow still clutched in his tiny hands. Chuckling, you followed after him to the laundry room. If he was like this as a kid, you kind of felt bad for him because all he really wanted was some love, and you’ve expressed how bad of a parent Odin was to Loki plenty of times.
“Okay, you can hand me the clothes,” you said as you started the washing machine. Loki was much better company this time around, but that didn’t stop him from acting like a little shit from time to time. Looking down at him, you saw he had one of your bras wrapped around his torso, so you snatched it away from his little body with an eye roll. He giggled very loudly, and you caught yourself thinking if he was a giggler as an adult. Seeing him as a child got you thinking about him as an adult. Like, what would he do if you yelled at him for being in your way as an adult? He would just smirk and continue to do it like the asshole he is. But not kid Loki, he was something sweet.
After the laundry was done, you thought it would be best to watch a movie to pass the time. Wherever Thor was, you hoped he was finding a cure because this little guy was taking a lot out of you. While Loki put on the movie, you got the popcorn, and soon you two were watching whatever he picked out. He decided that he didn’t want to be on his own side of the couch and crawled into your lap.
It was weird to see Loki this way because he would never do this as an adult. He showed so much emotion, it was hard to accept that when he turns back, this will all go away. It was also weird that he wanted you when adult him and you hated each other. Well, “hated” each other. That was code for “secretly in love with but too stupid to say anything, so I’m just going to stew in my feelings and lash out at the worst possible times while denying it until I die”. He was already screwed too much in his mind, so you didn’t want to put the pressure of a relationship onto him.
As the movie progressed, Loki began to get sleepy. Kids had endless amounts of energy that quickly dissolved at the most random times. From screaming to running around to getting on your nerves, it tired him out quickly. Before you knew it, he was putting his head on your shoulder as he slept. Looking down at the boy, you swiped his hair away from his eyes as you kept him comfortable. He looked almost peaceful, and you didn’t want to disturb him.
“I did it!” Thor yelled as he came barging into the castle. This woke Loki up, and he began whining as he nuzzled his face in your neck.
“What the hell? You just woke him up,” you snapped at Thor.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want to wait until he’s had a good night’s sleep, or did you want him to take the cure?” he sassed back.
“Come on, Loki. You need to drink this,” you said when Thor handed over the drink. He didn’t want to, but since you asked, he complied with your request. “When is he going to change back?”
“Should be by the morning.”
“Should be? You don’t know?”
“Hey, they didn’t really have a manual on what to do when my sorcerer of a brother who likes to get into a lot of trouble gets turned into a kid. So, yes, I don’t know.”
“Come on, Loki. Let’s put you to bed in your room,” you said as you picked him up.
“No, I wanna sleep with you,” he mumbled sleepily.
“Someone has a crush on the babysitter,” Thor smirked. Flipping him off, you trekked down the hallway to your clean bedroom. Placing Loki on the bed, he nuzzled under the blanket while you changed into pajamas.
“Just stay on your side,” you said before getting comfortable. You don’t really remember much except that he scooted closer to you and placed his head on your chest.
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Something felt different. There was another person in your bed, but he was a kid. Wait, did that cure even work? Opening your eyes, you saw a very naked and adult Loki laying on your body. Blushing immensely, you tried to scooch out from underneath his embrace without waking him.
“Where are you going? You’re warm,” he chuckled as he pulled you back into him. His face nuzzled deeper into your neck, and he placed a few kisses on the patches of skin he could reach.
“Loki Laufeyson-Odinson! Get off me!” you exclaimed as you pushed him off. All he did was laugh as he saw the discomfort on your face as well as your reddened cheeks.
“I thought you always wanted to share a bed with me.”
“Get the fuck out of here. And put on some clothes!”
“I think you enjoyed last night. Cared for me in the way you wanted to. Me turning into a kid was the best thing that could have happened to you,” he said as he stood up without shame. Covering your eyes, you threw the first thing you could grab so he could cover himself up. He caught the throw pillow you gave him when he was a kid with a smirk.
“I’m keeping this. I’ll come back every so often to get you to spray that perfume that drives me crazy,” he laughed as he grabbed a throw blanket to wrap around his waist. He left the room but not without leaving an imprint on your mind. If the stress of your everyday life wasn’t going to kill you, he certainly was.
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kitten-keith · 5 years
When you Sleep
I don’t like this title either. Or even this fic very much. like I really LOVE parts of it? But the whole fic? MEh. Whatever maybe someone else will enjoy it.
Also it’s got some themes from previous fics like Touch starved Keith, and Cargo Pilot “behind the scenes” canon compliance. But like primarily soft IMO. It’s just... primarily soft.. NSFW-y for a minor blowjob when Keith loses all sense hahaaaa (Meaning I did, I lost all sense, don’t mind me.) Despite the title, surprisingly /not/ a lot of Somni cause they mostly just cuddle a lot. And like. Keith was mostly asleep for that one bit so. meh. Uhhh what else.
4544 words. Klance pre season 2.
Lance gets a little touchy with Keith during a sleep over that starts... things.
Have fun.
It starts easy, when the Paladins have all gone to sleep during a team bonding exercise in the wilderness of a planet whose name Lance had trouble pronouncing. He wasn’t sure how he got stuck sleeping between Hunk and Keith but when he stretches his arm out into the empty space on his left, he is too tired to realize just how close he is to the red Paladin.
It’s his waking up before the others that inevitably leads to his downfall.
Or if he was feeling particularly irresponsible, he supposed he could blame the softness of Keith’s cheek or the little crinkle of his brows that made it impossible to pull his hand away.
As it stood, when Lance woke up first to find that Keith had somehow coiled around his arm with his cheek in his open palm, he really couldn’t help it.
When his thumb rubbed over the skin and Keith leaned into him… when he made the most delicious little noise and his whole body squirmed a little closer…
It all gave Lance a terrible idea and frankly he didn’t want it.
Well— he wanted it, but he knew it wasn’t even a slightly good idea and least of all with Keith, so he tried to pull away.
And that was when Keith opened his eyes.
His mouth seemed to say Lance’s name, but no sound came out.
Instead there was only a soft sigh and the very slow tightening of Keith’s grip on Lance’s wrist.
Lance’s heart beat wildly in his chest at the small motion, realizing they were so close he could make out the shine in Keith’s eyes.
“What are you—?”
“Sorry it just… felt nice…” Keith’s eyelids slipped down part way, obscuring them from Lance’s view, “Felt really… good.”
Lance took a breath. Shaky, unsure. The others were still very much asleep but who knew for how long.
This was already a highly compromising position for the two of them to be in and now Keith was telling him he liked it? And not letting go?
At the silence Keith seemed to get a little less brave and his grip lessened.
Lance felt a coldness seep into where his hands had initially held contact. He didn’t think he liked it.
“I’m sorry, you did that by accident…didn’t you? F-forget I said anything.” Keith’s eyes darted up for a second before he looked back down and rolled over turning his back to Lance again. But that one second had been enough.
So, the position had been a little telling. So what?
He scooched over just enough that when he put his hand out to softly run up and down Keith’s side, he was comfortable and could easily make it look like he was mid-stretch if someone woke up and saw.
Keith jumped at the initial contact, small but noticeable thanks to his hand on his body, but in the silence and barely morning light he seemed to melt under his fingers.
By the time Shiro woke up, Lance had settled for carefully playing with the ends of Keith’s hair, something far less damning than a hand on his waist, and their morning started without a hitch.
They didn’t talk about it.
It just becomes this thing that they do, migrating toward each other during easy or vulnerable moments.
Lance realizes quickly that the reason Keith is so receptive is because he’s starved of physical affections. He leans into every touch from every one of his teammates, Lance isn’t special.
Well. Not like that anyway.
Lance is special because he knows, and he provides Keith with a comfort none of the others even realize he needs.
Lance is special because, unlike when Shiro will pat his shoulders or when Pidge will lean into his side, Keith knows Lance’s touches are deliberate. And Lance is special because the night Keith falls asleep on the couch in the rec room— what happens there is purely for Lance.
 It had been weeks already. Small touches stretching on forever, warmth settling under skin. Lance’s favorite thing to do at this point is to graze his palm over the small of Keith’s back, feel him arch just the smallest bit, curving in a way that might keep his hand right there. But Lance always pulls away because the point is to graze not to settle. If Keith wants more, he has to say it.
 Lance is waiting for him to say it.
 And it’s from the rec room couch that he does.
 Lance sees that familiar tuft of black hair and casually lets his hand trail through it as he walks by the couch to turn off the television set Hunk must have left running when he left his movie companion for whatever dire feat of engineering had been required of him.
When he walks back Keith’s eyes are still shut but his lips have parted just enough to look so so inviting.
But Lance won’t. It’s not an invitation if Keith doesn’t say it is. And even though Lance has had the thoughts, the thoughts he spent so many years pushing down at the sight of those indigo eyes, acting on them beyond the touches Keith had already asked for was not on the agenda.
 So as much as those lips may have said to him, Lance steadfastly refused.
Or at least...conditionally refused.
Because he truly can’t help softly placing his hand on Keith’s cheek, his thumb sliding gently over his bottom lip, feeling the change in texture. Keith let him touch like this, so this much was fine.
If anyone were to walk in it would not be fine anymore, but thankfully most of the castle inhabitants had retired to their own chambers for the evening. They should be okay. Lance should be okay to fawn over the man who did such things to his heart…
 Not those feelings. Don’t think about those feelings.
 As Lance resigns himself, pulling his hand away, Keith opens his eyes.
Once again, his throat is dry when he tries to say his name so it’s inaudible, but Lance is starting to memorize the motion; the shape his lips make around his name, he loves it.
A tiny sliver of pink tongue slides over Keith’s lips and Lance prides himself in not freezing up over it, “Morning, Samurai.”
“Morning— it’s not, is it?” Keith mumbles out, his voice returning groggily.
Lance kneels down in front of the couch and smiles cheekily, “Nah, you’re just the loser who passed out during the Altean equivalent of the parent trap. You should probably find your own bed before it is morning though.”
Keith mumbles something inaudible then, Lance watches his lips move with a quirked eyebrow but can’t catch it, whatever it is, it isn’t his name.
 Keith stretches and sits up, his legs coming down off the couch to land beside Lance’s.
“Uh... were you…?” Keith’s hand is raised as he presses his finger tips to his lips.
Lance feels the heat start to build in his face, but he knows he did nothing wrong, so he says as much, “I didn’t kiss you if that’s what you’re thinking.”
 “R-right…” Keith looks back down.
Lance is silent and considers standing again. At this angle he has a nice view of Keith’s collar peeking out of his shirt and he wants things he knows he still shouldn’t think about.
But then Keith speaks again, “Did you… think about it?”
Lance is quiet.
“...b-because you could… if you wanted to… I wouldn’t be mad…”
Lance is silent because he’s not sure he’s hearing Keith correctly over the pounding of his heart and the blood rushing through his ears.
“W-while you were asleep...?”
Keith’s face lights up red so fast Lance almost can’t stand it. His view of his collar lets him watch the blush disappear into his shirt and god Lance wants to see his bare chest heat up with his face in this way.
He wants…
Keith is staring at the ground and his chest is heaving slightly in his own panic, “I just— I mean— I like waking up to your hands on me it feels really— I’m not trying to be weird or anything it’s just that you— uh...fuck.”
Keith deflated into the couch and Lance can’t help but chuckle even with his own nerves buzzing erratically under his skin, “figured you reacted a little strongly… I don’t mind Keith but shouldn’t a first kiss…” Lance allows himself to trail off because he wants to stick his foot in his mouth at the term.
First kiss.
First as in first of many.
And what was he doing trying to give more meaning to a kiss with a guy who simply had a preference for his hands in his sleep there weren’t any—
“First kiss…?”
Lance feels like he’s vibrating he’s so angry with himself he’s so sure he ruined everything—
“Guess you’re right…” Keith’s voice is suddenly so much steadier. Like logic has finally returned to his sleep hazed mind and he’s ready to clarify for Lance that they’re nothing and should keep it that way.
Except he doesn’t. Instead he leans forward with one carefully placed hand tilting Lance’s face toward him and he lets their lips come together softly. It’s so unlike the red paladin and yet so like him all at once Lance doesn’t know what to do for a long moment. And that long moment takes up all the time of their lips pressed together, and the hesitation clearly weighs on Keith because he already has an apology slipping past his lips and Lance isn’t here for it.
He lurches forward and smashes their lips together, it’s uncoordinated and confusing but Keith melts under him and his mouth opens against Lance’s tongue and suddenly he can taste him. He can taste Keith and he can feel him all around him as his arms wrap around his neck and pull him in closer. Keith’s tongue massages his and wills noises out of Lance he’d never thought he’d make before. It’s exhilarating and mind numbing all at once and Lance may or may not climb onto the couch where they spend the rest of the night tangled together kissing the life out of each other until they both fall asleep.
 And thus, came the shift.
Because when Lance wakes up it’s to Keith’s lips on his neck pressing simple soft kisses. It’s to Keith’s arms around his waist holding him so so close. It’s to the minute rolls of Keith’s hips against his, rubbing their morning wood together in a way that makes Lance’s head spin.
“F-fuck..!” Lance groans and Keith stops instantly like some spell was broken.
“Oh—oh my god Lance I’m so sorry I— “
It’s more of a stretch than anything else but the motion of Lance’s body against Keith’s rubs them together harshly and Keith breathes in rapidly through his nose in a panic.
“This is seriously a thing for you isn’t it…some kind of fetish?” Lance mumbles sleepily, sure to keep his voice as amused as possible, show Keith that he’s not mad.
For added measure he pushes his hips forward just a bit more and watches Keith’s eyes roll back in his head as he tries to chase the feeling, his fingers digging into Lance’s sides as he clings to him.
“L-lance I—”
“It’s either that or you were asleep subconsciously reaching out to me in your dreams, so which—”
The full body blush is back, and Keith’s eyes shut tight and he buries his face into Lance’s chest and Lance honestly can’t believe it.
He can’t believe it he can’t believe it he can’t—
His heart is thumping around so fucking hard.
“W-were you really…”
“I didn’t mean to! You just— I—” his voice is muffled by Lance’s shirt and Lance feels like he is simultaneously dying and thriving all at once.
“Were you dreaming about me…?”
Keith’s lips move but he can’t hear what he says.
An alarm goes off through the castle and the conversation needs to be placed on hold.
Lance almost dies on the mission. They’d passed a planet that was clearly under attack and had suited up to defend it. There were civilian families to protect that weren’t quick enough to find shelter. Maybe Lance should have been more careful.
Still, while he doesn’t need a pod Pidge smacks him over the head the second he emerges from the blue lion.
Shiro says nothing though he looks like he can argue. Hunk pulls him into a full embrace talking very loudly in short phrases that sound like he’s chastising a dog: “don’t you ever do that again!”
Allura breathes a sigh of relief upon seeing him all in one piece, asking him to please be more careful. Coran congratulates him for saving the family but quietly warns him that glory only feels good if you’re alive to feel.
Keith tosses his helmet to the ground sometime between Pidge’s smack and Hunk’s hug, he buries his face in his hands while Allura speaks, and he’s out of the hangar well before Coran is done.
 Lance is fine. Broke a bit of a nervous sweat when that cannon fire was conveniently knocked off course. But he’s fine, the civilians were fine, the Galra retreated and everything was okay.
 He doesn’t see Keith except for a passing glance into the training room as Shiro exits. He considers going inside, asking Keith to talk, either about why he was so upset or maybe even travel back to that nice happy place they’d been while on the couch together. But he decides against it. Keith will come to him when he’s ready, he’s sure of it.
 A few weeks pass. Keith is still receptive to touch. Even occasionally initiates it by brushing their hands together or leaning his head down against his shoulder when no one is looking. But they don’t talk.
 Before they are supposed to go on separate missions, Lance to go find some brilliant prisoner, Keith to find materials for their teluduv, Keith finally pulls him aside.
Or rather, it’s as they’re both exiting their rooms that Keith suddenly gets this light in his eyes and turns, abruptly pushing Lance right back into his room and shutting the door behind him.
 “Uh—yes Kei-mmph!”
Keith’s lips are on his again, and he realizes how much he missed it from the one night that felt so long ago.
But they were supposed to be leaving. They hadn’t even gotten into their armors and Allura was still in a bad mood from having to work with Galra. Hell, finding out Keith was one too still hadn’t blown over.
Keith walks him right up to the bed and shoves him down, quickly climbing on top of him to straddle his hips and reattach to those lips.
They had to go. He loves every feeling of Keith’s body against his, but they had to go.
He tries to grab him, push him off, but his brain never finishes its command because it got as far as “grab him” and his body refused to let go. His fingers dig into Keith’s hips and it makes him moan into Lance’s mouth in a way that excites Lance way too much.
He lays back, taking Keith with him, enjoying his warmth and his weight as he presses down. Lance isn’t sure what got into him, but he wishes it could have happened sooner, before they’d been assigned these missions they were now probably going to be late for.
“Keith—babe, they’re gonna come looking for us…” Lance finally managed to croak out as Keith moves to his neck. When Keith bites into the juncture at his shoulder and collarbone Lance cries out loudly, eyes rolling back as Keith already massages over the bite with his tongue, his hands tugging at Lance’s pants.
“Doors locked.” Keith explains simply, he bites him again, and Lance can feel himself hardening against all his better judgment.
Keith’s hand undoes his button and zipper and in mere seconds his hand is moving.
Lance is melting and panting and so bloody confused.
“Keith, we haven’t— Keith— hah— Keith seriously!?”
The red Paladin freezes before circling back up to Lance’s face, his eyes are hard, determined, and Lance’s body is suddenly so tightly strung staring into those eyes with his hand on his cock he doesn’t know what to do.
The hand tightens, Lance whimpers, and Keith leans in towards his ear, kissing his earlobe lightly as he says, “I need you to cum for me, Lance.”
Lance breathes deep and Keith’s hand slides up his shaft, only then allowing him to realize Keith isn’t wearing his gloves. Keith’s hands are so soft and smooth, always protected under those tacky things, and they feel so good.
“W-why…?” Lance hazards to say out loud. Keith chuckles in his ear and Lance is positive he felt his dick twitch at the sound.
“Because I need you to know what you’re coming back to… maybe…” his hand slides over his head, smearing precum and making Lance grit his teeth to keep from groaning.
“Maybe knowing will keep you from doing any stupid stunts this time around…”
Keith’s hand is slick as it rubs over his head and up and down his shaft, slowly raising in speed.
“K-Keith you don’t have to— mnn..!— you could have just— hah fuck Keith— it feels…”
Keith shrugged as he slid down Lance’s body, the implication very much clear.
“Sure, I guess with you something simple and cheesy and romantic would have worked… but this is more fun and if I’m being honest, I panicked.” He chuckles again and leans his head down to kiss Lance’s hip.
Lance smacks himself in the forehead, “a panicked hand job, definitely how I wanted us to go.”
“Well I mean,” Keith nuzzles his side and Lance’s breath catches, “Spur of the moment decision Lance, yeah. But… I’m definitely not panicking right now. Should have done this ages ago…”
He turns his head to get right up close and personal with Lance’s member and Lance releases a tiny shriek of embarrassment that quickly shifts into something deeper as Keith’s tongue comes out to press flat over the curve of his dick.
And then Keith is moaning, and Lance is overheating because Keith is so unbelievably hot and his tongue feels so good.
“Keith, please...!”
“You taste great, Lance.” He says it with a smile and Lance can’t fucking breathe!
“Now let me make you cum so you come running right back to me.”
Keith’s lips come down over the head of Lance’s cock and Lance can’t help but buck his hips.
“Really—really couldn’t just— SAY—Nnn! Keith...!”
His mouth was hot, really hot, like warm hot not sexy hot but also sexy hot and Jesus— Jesus did Lance mention he’d never gotten a blow job before?
Like there’s been some hand stuff and some like. Cuddling that got a little heated before (hell, that time on the couch wasn’t that long ago was it?)
But Keith coming at him like this— too much too much too—
“Keith— f-ahh— “
Keith’s hand moved down under his shaft to massage his balls as he increased his speed, spit trailing down to make everything feel way too—
“Hnn! C-cuming! I’m cumming! Keith you have to— “
Keith sucks harder and his tongue swirls around his head and Lance looks down just in time to see his smirk.
He has just enough time to think, “sexy fucker.” Before whiting out.
By the time he comes back to his senses Keith has white seeping out of the corner of his lips and he is still sucking and massaging his cock, like he wants every last drop of his cum and Lance feels his soul ascending.
Only to plummet back down as someone bangs on the door, “Lance! What are you doing in there?! The door is locked! You best get your butt down to the hangar in the next five dobashes or so help me!”
The voice sounds further away toward the end, to the point they can barely make out Allura’s going: “and where the quiznak is KEITH?!”
 Keith finally lifts up, visibly swallows and licks his lips.
“Alright. Now you can go on your mission… knowing you have to come back and return the favor, or you’ll be officially labeled a selfish lover.”
Keith hops off the bed like he isn’t ignoring his own erection pushing on his leggings and Lance is dumbfounded.
Keith chuckles while Lance pulls up his pants, “I’ll have you know if we had more time I’d— “
“You’ll just have to show me when we get back.” Keith scoops his gloves up off the floor where he’d apparently tossed them at some point.
“For the love of god, Keith, what even brought this on?!”
Keith pauses at the door, sighs deeply, and turns back around.
“I was mad. I was really mad. That I’d finally gotten up the nerve to kiss you and I almost lost you the next fucking morning. So. I was mad. And I decided I didn’t want to—to... but now… I’m a freaking Galra, Lance. And we’re fighting a war. And I’m not— we’re not… maybe we don’t have a lot of time and I was wasting it by being... angry.”
He walks back up to Lance and kisses him so hard he ends up on his back again. Lance nearly chokes because he doesn’t have the chance to catch his breath and he refuses to be the one to pull away.
It makes his moan come out faster, louder, a little more desperate and maybe Keith hears it and worries because he pulls off then. He kisses Lance’s cheeks and his nose while he catches his breath and he breathe in too.
“Bonus, I really, really wanted to kiss you. And I wasn’t going to wait another minute to do it.”
Lance feels his chest swell a little at that, having gotten enough breath in his lungs he grabs Keith by the back of the neck and pulls him in for another kiss.
It’s quicker, and softer. Lance has the moment to register his own taste on Keith’s tongue before he remembers Allura’s warning.
“I still think you’re nuts. Who jumps straight to blowjobs— “
Keith huffs another laugh. “Who cums after like five minutes— “
“YOU SIR do not get to judge me! You pounced on me! I was not prepared!” Lance kisses him again before he can rebuttal and when Keith is sighing, his lips looking soft and wet and bruised and perfect, he rolls his eyes and grazes his hand over his cheek.
“You wait though. I have to prove myself when we get back now. Cause you’re freaking nuts.”
Keith laughs so hard he’s still chuckling when his suit is on.
It takes a dark look from Allura for him to stop. Lance doesn’t like it. So, he suggests a kiss for luck, realizes that he and Keith haven’t exactly gone public yet and immediately turns to Allura because— well no one would think that was weird right?
He was protecting Keith’s privacy!
It was a joke!
He didn’t think she’d actually do it—
The minor heart attack he had when he felt something against his lips that was so very not Keith should have been punishment enough. Finding out it was a mouse?? Even worse!
 But ya know. Go figure, you get a blowjob from the guy you’re kind of falling in love with and then joke about kissing a girl in front of him— yeah okay he probably deserves Keith’s fury when they return to their rooms after the mission. When Keith keeps his head lowered and tries to keep a pace ahead of him at all times, make it to his room first.
And when he does and Lance reaches out to brush the small of his back, test the waters, he feels Keith pull away for the first time since it all started, and his door shuts behind him.
So yeah. Yeah okay he deserved that.
 It’s also why later that evening comes as such a shock.
He hadn’t had the energy to go through his usual skin care routine. Struggling against the obsessive thoughts to let himself into Keith’s room and curl up beside him, explain what had happened in his ridiculous brain to think that was a good idea. Not even to make good on their little agreement he just wanted to forget how awful it felt to watch him pull away!
And Keith didn’t want to waste time being angry. He’s just said that. He’d just said that!
And then Lance had to go and make him angry.
He should get out of bed right this second and apologize. Keith would forgive him once he understood, once he knew Lance was serious and absolutely wasn’t taking advantage of him— which. Should probably mean Lance shouldn’t let himself into Keith’s room while he’s asleep. Because Keith is so soft when he sleeps and they both know how he is and—
Okay new plan. Getting up early, waiting patiently outside Keith’s door for the red Paladin to come out for his morning training, and then apologizing. With everyone fully awake and not inclined to be distracted.
Solid plan.
 When it feels like he’s just finally gotten to sleep, having been anxious and worried all night, something warm comes to lean against his side.
He’s tired, and it’s comfortable, and he doesn’t know if he slept through his door opening and closing or if the presence just materialized out of thin air, but he isn’t complaining.
He thinks he may have mumbled Keith’s name.
He probably did.
He knows he did. Because he knows it’s Keith’s face pressing into his neck and breathing him in. He knows its Keith’s hair brushing his cheeks and he knows it’s his hands pulling him close.
 Lance softly wraps the arm not bound by the covers and Keith’s weight around him, still a little apprehensive that he might pull away again. That this might actually be a dream and it’ll all go away when he opens his eyes.
He doesn’t risk it, but the pressure remains.
“Goodnight…” Keith mumbles finally, he sounds put out, like he’d struggled to come to this conclusion, but Lance doesn’t mind.
Just whispers his name again with a contented sigh and kisses the top of his head.
 In the morning, when Keith wakes up first with an angry little growl and straddles Lance’s waist to ask what the fuck he was thinking Lance does his best to keep his brain on track.
And when Keith inevitably accepts his groveling and kisses him softly, (“this one’s actually for luck.”) Lance feels all the tension ease from his bones before flipping Keith onto his back and cuddling into him.
“And whenever you wanna collect on your side of things just uh. You let me know, yeah, babe?”
Keith laughed and wrapped his arms around Lance’s head, “yeah right... maybe later.”
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blog-sliverofjade · 5 years
Omega Protocol 23: Bite Me
Summary: In the mid-21st century, the elite decided to cement society’s strata into our DNA, creating a genetic caste system. One of the early Omegas is cryogenically frozen and forgotten. Revived nearly two centuries later, she has no idea what she has become and has to navigate a strange new world while surrounded by Alphas, whatever those are.
Leading the military arm of his people in exile on a dangerous planet is no easy feat for Captain Niklaus Reed.  He has to build and secure a settlement against megafauna straight out of the Ice Age before families start arriving on the distant planet.  When an Omega is found in an old research base, things become… complicated.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17Chapter 18  Chapter 19  Chapter 20  Chapter 21  Chapter 22  Chapter 24
Word Count: 2172
Credit to @pandabearer for beta reading!
           Waking up to yet another bland room and ensconced in a bed that quietly registered her vitals made Emma want to scream, but the pounding in her head made her reconsider that urge.  Easing to a sitting position woke other pains in other places.  She winced, hissed, and grunted with each shift until she managed to swing her legs over the edge.  Geez, and she’d thought she was sore after getting knotted through her heat.  That was nothing compared to this.
           “We have got to stop meeting like this,” she muttered with a rueful pat to the mattress.  The bed must have tattled on her because a knock came at the door a minute later.  “Unless you’re Dr. Nguyen or Mihaela, go away.”  The door swung open to reveal Captain Reed.  Since there’d be no getting rid of him, she sighed and waved him in.
           “Where do you think you’re going?” he frowned.  She suppressed a shiver.  Since when was she afraid of disappointing him?  She must have hit her head harder than she thought.
           “To my own room,” she replied.  As inappropriate as it was, he wanted to kiss those primly pursed lips.  He could have fallen to his knees in gratitude that she hadn’t lost the spark of temper whenever he’d overstepped his bounds as she saw them.
           “You have a concussion.”  He could hear the edge of a growl to his voice, but she barely batted an eye.  “Do I need to sit on you to make sure you stay in bed, like you did to me?”
           “I did not sit on you!”  Her protest died as his grin grew.  “But that explains the headache.”  Grimacing, she squirmed to lay back down.  Her features were too pale and drawn for his comfort.  He’d crossed the room before he knew it and had to stop himself from touching her at the last minute.  Fists held uselessly at his side, he couldn’t force himself to turn away from her.  “Ok, fine, please help me before you have an aneurysm or something.”
           Slipping one arm behind her shoulders and another under her knees, he picked her small form up and laid her back down a bit higher on the bed.  She stiffened with a sharp inhalation and dug her fingers into his shoulders, mouth pressed into a thin, white line.  By the furrowing of her brow, he presumed she was hurting rather than afraid of his touch, yet he didn’t linger more than he had to.  If he wasn’t so focused on being gentle, he would have noticed the delicate sniff she gave his shoulder as he withdrew.  He hooked a foot around the chair in the corner and dragged it behind him while she fiddled with the bed controls until she was comfortable.
           “You’re not afraid of me,” he observed once she settled back with a contented sigh that was music to his ears.
           “Should I be?” she quirked a brow.
           “After…  You were after.  Afraid, that is.”  The memory of her dark eyes wide in terror still speared through him like a lance.  Now they were focused on the ridiculous pink camouflage blanket pushed to the footboard.  He took the bundle of fabric and unfurled it to drape over her legs before retaking his seat.
           “You were scary then,” she confessed in a tiny voice, still unable to look at him.  “You were…  you smelled kinda like him.”  With a heavy sigh, he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, wracking his brain to come up with the words to explain.
           “I was feral,” he began, studying palms that a short time ago were covered in blood.  “When we or someone close to us is in danger we go a little berserk in their defense.  I was… I was worried about you.”  For someone who was a member of the Council, negotiating the terms of exile, and accustomed to commanding people he found it ridiculous he was tongue-tied.
           “Is it only Alphas?”
           “Any dynamic,” he shook his head.  “Although we are more susceptible to it than others.”  She gnawed on her bottom lip until it was pink and swollen.  He ran his hands over his face to shake thoughts from his mind that he had no business thinking.
           “I didn’t know there were other people here,” she said to finally break the silence.  “On the planet.”
           “You weren’t the only person experimented on here,” he began.  Waiting for him to collect his thoughts, the Omega reached for the water on the side table.  He nudged it closer so she didn’t have to move as far.  “The early Alphas and Betas weren’t easily controlled.”  She snorted at the idea of trying to control the Captain, or Barbie, or Chimi, or anyone she knew in the here and now.  “They were stronger than the scientists, and more of them, almost all of them permanently feral.  Before long they killed their creators and had the run of the planet to themselves.”
    ��      “I guess I should be grateful that they didn’t find me back then,” she murmured, eyes a little too glassy.  “Otherwise this might have happened sooner.”
           “This shouldn’t have happened at all.”  A crack punctuated his snarl.  He followed her startled gaze to the piece of broken armrest in his hand.  Scowling, he tossed it into the corner.  “What were you doing out there, anyway?”
           “I’m s-sorry,” she whispered, hunching in on herself.  “I was too afraid of losing even one of the chickens.”  The one flock was all they had.  They couldn’t afford to lose a good layer.  His silent glowering was worse than any yelling he could have done.  To her shame, she trembled uncontrollably, still unable to look up from her fists tangled in the sheets.
           “And what if we lost you?  Over one chicken?” he asked softly.  She recoiled as if he’d struck her.
           “Technically, I’ve lived for far longer than I should have,” she mumbled, plucking idly at the soft blanket.  It was Barbie’s, which, last she saw, was in her room.  It still carried that smell of home, such as it was.  “Besides, I’m a liability and a drain on resources.”  A growl like the one he used at the nomads’ camp erupted from his chest.  Before she knew what she was doing, she tilted her bowed head to the side, exposing the line of her neck.  Niklaus moved so quickly all she saw was a blur at the corner of her eye, then felt a bruising, tearing pain before everything went black.
           What had he done?  No one knew if she could be Claimed, being the first of them.  The instincts didn’t develop until the second generation, there was no precedence for bonding with one of the originals.  What if she couldn’t and there were problems?
           “What-?” Dr. Nguyen rushed in, summoned by the noise, and stopped when she saw the bite.  If she wanted to harangue him for his rashness, she put it aside for the little female.  After an agonizing eternity, the doctor had results from the bed sensors.
           “Well?” he barked.
           “Does she know what you did?” she snapped back.
           “Is she ok?”
           “Answer my question, Captain.”  She spat his title derisively, hands on her slim hips.  “Did she agree to this?”
           “No.”  His molars ground painfully with his need to shake her until answers spilled out.  He would accept any censure as long as she would be fine.  The Beta’s right hook caught him by surprise.
           “After all that she’s been through, you…” she hissed, words failing her in her anger, and shoved him out of the room while he was still recovering from the shock of being attacked by the normally mild-mannered doctor.  No matter how deserved it was.
           “You can’t keep me from her.”  Only Emma’s need for Nguyen’s care kept him from fighting back.
           “Oh, but I can.”  She folded her arms and spread her feet as if she’d be any kind of barrier between him and the door.  The protective rage pouring off her would have done credit to any Alpha.  “Mihaela, please grab an Alpha grade sedative.  Don’t worry about needle gauge, I doubt the good captain will cooperate anyway.”  She activated her comm wristband.  “Lieutenant Triggs, I recommend that Captain Reed be relieved of duty due to mental instability.”  She paused as she listened to his response.  “Come to med bay and see for yourself.  I suggest that you bring a couple of your people to make sure he cooperates.”
           The throbbing ache at the juncture of her neck is what woke her.  She didn’t recall getting injured there.  There was a strange tension at the edges of her awareness.  It sharpened, feeding into her own.  The voices arguing in the distance wasn’t helping her calm down any.  The monitors barely started to beep a warning over her agitated state when Nguyen came bustling in.
           “You need to calm down,” the doctor crooned.
           “You do realize that telling someone to calm down doesn’t work, right?” she asked with a cocked brow.  Nguyen ignored the snarky response as she turned off the alarm and studied the readings.  “What happened here?” she asked, gesturing to the thin skin bandage on her neck.
           “You were bitten.”  Her blithe tone sent the fine hairs on Emma’s neck to prickling.  She froze.  Bitten?  That didn’t match up her with recollections of the assault.  Sure, memories could get fuzzy while protecting the psyche, but she was fairly confident that it wasn’t from the nomads.  Wincing at the pull of the wound and the pain between her legs, she swung her legs over the side of the bed.  The doctor moved to stop her.
           “Let me up.  I’ve spent enough time in hospital beds to last a couple of lifetimes,” she glared up at the Beta.  With a sigh, Nguyen helped her to stand.  “Now, is this what I think it is?”  She pointed to the mark.
           “It is,” she nodded with as much grace and solemnity as Emma had seen when she was given the diagnosis.
           “Is there any way to break it?”  She knew she was rapidly approaching hysteria, but couldn’t bring herself to care.  The squirming knot in her chest wasn’t easing up, which wasn’t helping any.  Rubbing at it with the heel of her palm wasn’t making it loosen.  She was pretty sure she’d only succeeded in bruising her breastbone, but she couldn’t stop, wanting to carve the odd sensation out of her like a parasite.
           “Emma…” Nguyen began soothingly.
           “Answer me!”  The doctor wet her lips and sighed, shaking her head.  Continuing to dig at her chest, the Omega began pacing the small room, her quickening steps mirroring the manic spiral of her thoughts.  I’m trapped.  I was finally starting my life.  Free of illness.  Got a job.  Making friends.  Real choices.  He ripped that away from me because he thought I couldn’t function as an independent adult.  Because of what they did to me.  It’s all been taken from me again!
           A slender hand gently tugged her wrist away from her breast.  Startled, she looked down to find her own smeared with crimson.  Nguyen said something, but she couldn’t hear over the pounding of her own heartbeat and ragged breathing.  The older woman was leading her towards a hospital bed.  No, she didn’t want to go back.  She was better.
           Shivers wracked her body and she sank down to the floor, ignoring the twinges in her backside.  Dropping her forehead against her drawn up knees, she tried to breathe through the impending panic attack.  Thoughts buzzed in her mind like the inhabitants of an upended wasp nest.  Society might have drastically changed during her extended snooze, but she was pretty sure both parties still were supposed to consent.  A curiously soothing sensation bloomed between her breasts as if in response.
           The foreign feeling had the opposite effect.  Anxiety shot through Emma like poison.  The doctor was speaking to her, but a curious droning filled her ears, drowning out all sounds.  She jumped to her feet and dashed for the exit, all physical discomfort forgotten in her terror.  Throwing the door wide open, the hall was thick with people who turned to stare at her in surprise.  Cold sweat trickled along the hairline of her temples and slithered down the small of her back.  Footsteps from behind spooked her into jackrabbiting again, leaping to her right.  As if someone had pressed play on a paused movie, motion erupted in the corridor.  Bodies roiled and she ducked and dodged, diving through at least one pair of legs.
           Flesh covered coils of steel wrapped around her from behind and lifted.  She threw her head back, but dazed herself against a chin instead of a nose.  Her bare feet collided with at least one set of genitals and a face before they were pinned.  A sting in her arm brought ice seeping into her blood.  Her last coherent thought was, I don’t want to wake up different again.
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anonfanfic · 5 years
How about Niko hurts Eve somehow and Villanelle looses it, she disappears for a few days and next time Eve sees Niko, He’s beaten black and blue.
Eve was exhausted, and not just a normal type of exhaustion, she was working on 36 hours of being awake. Her feet ached, her head felt like it was going to cave in, and all she wanted to do was sleep for days. She opened the front door with the full intention of literally crawling up the stairs and hopefully falling asleep somewhere near her bed.
Niko was the first thing she saw when she walked in. It took her longer than it should have to realize he was putting on a jacket.
“Where are you going?” Eve asked, not sure if she actually said the words out loud or just thought them. Her brain felt like it was swimming in a swamp filled with tar.
“Out for drinks with work friends.” Niko had been cold for weeks now, his tone tonight was downright icy.
“With Gemma?” Eve retorted, not bothering to hide her disdain.
Niko stopped all his movements with his arms outstretched for his scarf. “She’ll be there. Why does that matter to you?”
“It doesn’t,” Eve conceded, she didn’t have the strength to argue and she knew the toll her work had taken on him. “When will you be back?”
Niko resumed his action, wrapping his scarf around his neck and looking at Eve with a blank look on his face. He shrugged and pulled out his keys from his pocket. “Not sure. Don’t wait up.”
Eve could feel a heated bubble of anger rise to the surface. It was a mixture of work, stress, and how Niko was treating her. She couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Niko, wait.” Eve reached out and grabbed the keys in his hand.
Niko let out a sharp breath through his nose and Eve saw patches of red appearing on his cheeks.
“I’m done waiting, Eve.” Nico ripped the keys out of Eve’s hand and turned to walk out of the house. “Don’t wait up.” He repeated as the door slammed shut behind him.
Eve looked after him, wondering if he’d come back in to apologize. It took her a second to realize that she wasn’t feeling anything. She wasn’t upset that her husband had just stormed out of the room. She wasn’t happy to finally be alone. It was more of an apathy. Eve felt nothing in that moment.
She was suddenly aware that something felt like it was dripping down the fingers of her right hand. Her palm felt numb and her fingers tingled. Eve lifted her hand and saw a long jagged cut along the length of her hand. When Niko had grabbed the keys from her he had pulled so hard he had cut her hand.
Eve stared at the blood now beginning to slide down her wrist. She felt herself becoming hypnotized by the red streaks snaking down her skin. Eve shook her head, blinking rapidly to bring herself back to reality. A burning sensation was starting to set in now, making her squirm a little as she walked into the kitchen and directly to the sink.
Eve leaned over the sink and was surprised by the wave of dizziness that hit her. She turned on the faucet and gingerly stuck her hand under the steady stream.
“Damn it,” Eve hissed, the water at the bottom of the sink swirling with different shades of red. The sharp pain hit Eve like a live electrical wire running through her veins. She felt alive and more awake than she had in weeks.
She sat there for a few minutes just letting the water wash over her overheated skin. After the initial shock disappeared, Eve felt her body start to shut down again. She quickly cleaned and wrapped her hand. Eve had no desire to stay up and wait for Niko. She crawled into bed, the fingers of her uninjured hand playing with the edges of her wrapping. The last thing she remembered thinking before sleep took her was if Villanelle would have been able to do a better job wrapping her injury.
Eve woke up and felt her injured hand pulsing under her pillow. Her head ached as she sat up in bed and looked over to see Niko’s side of the bed had never been touched. She lifted her hand up and looked down to see the white bandage stained crimson at her palm.
She looked over at the clock and jumped out of bed. She had been so exhausted last night she had forgotten to set her alarm. She was already an hour late for work. Eve ran into her closet and threw together an outfit. Her hand throbbed a few times reminding her of its presence. Not wanting to wait anymore time, she grabbed some extra dressings for her hand and ran out of the door.
Eve clutched her hand to her chest and she walked into the office. She saw her team already sitting at their desks working away. Eve looked around cautiously and didn’t see Carolyn in the room. She breathed a sigh of relief as was made her way over to her desk.
“Eve.” Carolyn’s voice made her freeze halfway to her seat. “We’ve been waiting for you. Follow me.”
Eve looked over at Hugo who gave her an unhelpful wink. She threw her purse down on her desk, but took her wrappings and followed Carolyn out of the room. Eve walked into the interrogation room and stopped mid-step when she saw Villanelle leaning back on one of the folding metal chairs.
“Hello Eve.” Villanelle let her chair fall forward gracefully. She landing on the balls of her feet on the hard floor without a sound. Eve was still so fascinated by Villanelle. She wanted to know everything about her. It was like every layer she thought she had figured out was just another piece to an impossible puzzle.
Villanelle’s sharp, intense gaze went directly to Eve’s injured hand. Eve barely had time to breath before Villanelle was standing in front of her. She took Eve’s hand and cradled it.
“What happened?” Eve was surprised by the concern she heard in the assassin’s voice.
A phone rang behind them and Eve heard Carolyn excuse herself from the room and answer the call. Everything outside of Villanelle gingerly unwrapping her bandage was just white noise.
“I..I cut myself,” Eve lied. She knew Villanelle would look for any reason to have alone time with Niko. Though she knew the moment she stumbled over her words she had opened the door just enough for Villanelle.
“This cut is deep. How did you do this?” Villanelle asked, tossing the old bandages on the table and taking the new wrappings from Eve.
Villanelle looked up at Eve, her injured hand held in Villanelle’s cold hand. The touch, though innocent, was sending intense waves straight to her core.
“Knife,” Eve blurted out, the waves in her stomach cause it to contract sharply.
“A knife? Dull? Serrated? This doesn’t appear to be a sharp knife wound.”
Villanelle was testing her. Eve knew that Villanelle had killed enough people with knives to know the marks they leave.
“A key,” Eve confessed partially, still not wanting to mention Niko’s name.
Villanelle seemed momentarily satisfied, her dark eyes going back to work wrapping Eve’s hand. It was interesting to Eve - Villanelle’s eyes always seemed to change and adapt. They appeared different shades depending on Villanelle’s mood. The darker the eyes, the more dangerous the situation. At least that was what Eve had picked up on in their limited time together.
Eve’s eyes came into focus and she saw Villanelle staring at her.
“I asked you if it was too tight.”
Eve flexed her hand, still in Villanelle’s gently grasp.
“It’s fine. Thank you.” Eve smiled, slowly moving her hand away.
Villanelle moved close to Eve, leaving barely any space between them.
“I know he did this to you, Eve.” Villanelle’s tone was low, a growling whisper. The waves in Eve’s stomach were now crashing over her. The hair on the back of her neck standing up. It should scare her, being this close to someone who had taken so many lives. It was moments like this Villanelle let the predator come out, ready to hunt down whoever displeased her.
“Villanelle,” Eve whispered, feeling her heart begin to race as Villanelle’s hand started to slowly run up her arm. “Don’t..”
“Sorry about that.” Carolyn walked back into the room, looking down at her phone.
Eve moved away from Villanelle, breaking the contact between them and suddenly feeling cold in the nearly empty room. Carolyn got right down to business and Eve had no time to work through her feelings before she was dismissing Villanelle on her next mission and sending Eve back to her desk to do research for their next target.
Eve tried to keep her mind off of Villanelle. She didn’t want to think about what could have happened if Carolyn hadn’t come back into the room at that moment. Eve’s mind went to fantasies of Villanelle pinning Eve’s body to the long metal table in the room. Their breath mingling together as their lips move ever closer. Eve thought about Villanelle’s lips dragging across her overheated skin, the blonde taking little nips at the right moments.
Her phone buzzing on her desk brought her back breathing heavily like she had just come up for air.
“Niko?” Eve was surprised to hear from her husband, sure he was too stubborn to apologize first.
“You keep that crazy bitch away from me. Do you understand?!” Niko’s voice was loud, but muffled.
“Niko? What are you…Vill…What happened?” Eve stammered, figuring out exactly what had happened as she spoke.
“I don’t want to see her…or you. I’m packing my things now. Keep your pet on a leash.” Niko spat before ending the call.
The phone slide from Eve’s face, dropping into her lap. She felt numb again. It was like the world was spinning around her and all she could do was hold on to her chair to keep from falling away.
Eve packed up and ran out of the office. She had been doing this all day, running from something or maybe running to something. She wasn’t sure anymore.
She got home and threw open the door. Eve walked in and smiled when she smelled something cooking.
“I’m so happy you..” Eve was walking to the kitchen when she stopped. Villanelle appeared in the doorway, an apron around her waist and her long hair tied up in a tight bun.
“Good, you’re home.” Villanelle smiled, turning and walking back into the kitchen.
Eve stood in the middle the room, her mouth hanging open. She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting walking into her house, but seeing Villanelle had completely thrown her.
“Eve, dinner is ready,” Villanelle called.
Eve had no idea what was the right move. She could leave, just walk out and pretend she’d never come home. Her stomach growled as another amazing scent hit her nose. Eve decided she needed answers and the only person who had them was sitting at her kitchen table waiting to eat.
“I’ll be right there.” Eve put her things down and grabbed a letter opener from the front table. She would need something if Villanelle had after dinner plans.
Eve walked in and saw that not only had Villanelle cooked, she had also set the table.
“Where’s Niko?” Eve tried to sound casual as she sat down and tucked the letter opener under her right thigh.
Villanelle laughed, though Eve didn’t hear any humor in the sound. It was like a lot of what Villanelle did, a play on the emotion she should be feeling.
“You know the answer to that already, Eve.” Villanelle took Eve’s plate and piled it with shepherd’s pie.
“Do I?” Eve asked, trying to pull out any information from Villanelle.
The plate was placed in front of Eve and with it Villanelle leaned in, her mouth almost touching Eve’s ear as she spoke.
“I broke two ribs, a few fingers on his right hand, I punched his face a lot, and left short and shallow cuts along his face. Would you like me to continue?” Villanelle voice was soft, like speaking sweet nothings to a lover. It was in complete dissonance from the words she was saying. Eve hated that she felt herself squirm as she listened.
Eve squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head sharply. “Why would you do that?”
Villanelle took Eve’s chin between her thumb and pointer finger and turned her face. Eve opened her eyes to stare directly into familiar dark eyes.
“Because he hurt you. He hurt you, Eve.” Villanelle asked, not letting go of Eve’s chin.
“You’ve hurt me,” Eve countered, feeling her throat tighten and tears burn the back of her eyes.
“That’s different,” Villanelle answered dismissively, letting go of Eve’s chin and turning back to serve herself.
“How is that different?” Eve asked, upset by the double standard Villanelle was setting.
Villanelle didn’t answer, she stayed silent with her back to Eve and continued piling food onto her plate.
“How is that different?” Eve asked more forcefully, standing up from the table.
“Because he understand what love is! He can feel it!” Villanelle shouted, throwing the pan of food across the room. It hit the wall with a loud crashing, sending potatoes, meat, and vegetables around the kitchen.
“I love you, Eve. But I don’t know! I can’t understand it! I just know you make it seem..easier…better. But I don’t know how.” Villanelle was clearly getting frustrated, running her long fingers through her hair. “Niko says he loves you and yet he still hurts you. He doesn’t deserve you. You know that.”
Eve could hear her heartbeat in her ears, thundering against the loud voice of Villanelle. Her palms were slick with sweat, her injured hand clammy against the wrappings. This was one of the moments that felt like it should be more dangerous. Villanelle should scare her. Eve should want to run. Yet, all Eve could think about was how it would feel to hold Villanelle in her arms.
“I know…I know.” Eve’s voice broke, but she cleared her throat to make the words come out clearly.
Villanelle eye’s focused on her. Her head tilted curiously, like trying to read her reaction. She turned toward Eve and started to walk over to her. Eve watched her lithe body move, cat-like in her direction.
“You know that you deserve so much more. You deserve to see the world the way you’ve always wanted to.” Villanelle smiled and reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind Eve’s ear.
“I do.” Eve’s voice fought to come out of her dry throat. Everything felt like it was moving so much slower. Her heart the only thing beating at double the speed as Villanelle moved closer still. Their bodies were now touching completely.
“I can give that to you. And you won’t need that letter opener.” Villanelle smiled, looking over Eve’s shoulder to the metal object still laying on Eve’s chair.
Eve’s heart suddenly stopped. Her breath felt like it had frozen solid in her lungs. This was the moment when Villanelle shut everything off. She would turn cold and Eve would be once again fighting for her life.
Villanelle looked back into Eve’s eyes. She lifted a hand and ran her thumb over Eve’s lips. The fierce stare almost a physical force bearing into Eve’s body. Villanelle slowly leaned in her lips inches and then centimeters away.
“Do you want a taste of that life?”
Eve couldn’t speak, there was no part of her body that was working properly. Everything inside of her was screaming. She felt like the entire room was on fire and she was ready to burn with it. She wanted Villanelle to turn them both to ash.
Eve nodded, finally and completely giving into the darkest side of her.
Villanelle smiled and Eve felt that smile as it burned into her lips. And it tasted exactly as Eve had dreamed it would for so many nights. 
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