#like to me sharing food and having meals together has always been associated with so much love
backslashdelta · 1 year
#mine#personal#tw death#thinking about how when someone dies the reaction is to bring food to their family#like casseroles and miscellaneous baked goods and whatnot#and tbh I never thought about it too hard but when I did I was always thinking like#yeah that makes sense. they're grieving and dealing with funeral arrangements and are probably busy and don't have time to cook#but like now I think it's not so much that. it's just that it's almost a universal way to show love#like here I am so sorry for your loss. Please have this food I took the time to make for you#and even if it's not homemade there's just something about giving food to others that is so. loving? idk#like to me sharing food and having meals together has always been associated with so much love#I feel like there is something really special about sitting down to eat a meal that's been prepared by someone you love for you#or having someone enjoy food you've made for them#or even if it's bought! it doesn't need to be homemade. the thought is there either way.#and like idk it's nice to express condolences through words obviously but it also can be awkward and just. idk.#maybe food is just my love language lmao I don't know#but what I do know is that I am having a lot of feelings about this right now#I will eat my cheese tea biscuits and I will eat my butterscotch tarts#and while doing so I will be reminded of how much I am loved and cared for#I have always treated food as a bit of a comfort and regardless of whether or not that has always been the healthiest outlook#I think in this case it really is kind of a beautiful thing that this is what we do to express our condolences#I feel like I'm not quite expressing the thoughts that I wanted to express but I'm not sure how to say them in a better way
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ryukatters · 9 months
kaaatttt 😭😭😭 i need some satoru headcanons to heal my soul... what is he like as a bf??
ask and you shall receive my love (writing this to heal my soul)
content: modern AU, fluff, nsfw headcanons at the end
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“mmm..i think i deserve a little treat right now.” 
except he says that at least 5 times a day and you will also be given a little treat. he does not care if you don’t want to eat kikufuku right now, you will be accompanying him to get some. 
speaking of, this man is basically eating 24/7. if gojo leaves your side for any reason while you guys are home, just know he is scavenging the kitchen for scraps like the raccoon he is. 
food is one of satoru’s main love languages. there’s something oddly satisfying and strangely warm about his loved ones eating and sharing a meal together, even if they tend to make him the butt of the joke in every single dinner conversation. 
will force you to become a sanrio girly idc (if you aren’t one already)
“babe, look!” "satoru, we have enough cinnamoroll plushies at home." "so you hate me then?"
the type to pick you up and spin you around whenever you two hug. he’ll spin and spin until both of you are dizzy and crash onto the couch.
attention whore. also just a whore in general but mostly a whore for (your) attention. will absolutely do the MOST to make sure your eyes are on him— i’m talking about poking your cheek, locking your phone if you’re scrolling through tiktok next to him, and it doesn’t even take much for him to start begging. he’s a loser like that.
scarily in tune with you. satoru is a lot more emotionally intelligent than he likes to let on around others, but he picks up on a lot of things. both of you are at a function and he can take one look at you and know that it's time to pack it up and go home.
is very sentimental about the things you give him/the things you two do together. before you started dating, satoru wasn't really one to collect tiny trinkets or keep ticket stubs because he thought they were just a waste of space. after you two got together, he started keeping virtually everything in a little box hidden in his closet. he realized that it's nice to give sentimental value to the little things, because then the memories associated with them live on in something physical.
he just... can't keep his hands to himself LOL. and like not even in a sexual manner either (sometimes), he just naturally gravitates towards you and is almost always touching you somehow— hand fiddling with your jewelry or hair, arm around your shoulder when you're sitting, arm around your waist when you're standing, playing footsies, whatever.
this man is painfully in love with you, and he makes it everyone's (mostly nanami's) problem. manages to bring you up in every single conversation with a lovesick grin on his face.
you will rarely ever hear satoru address you by your actual name. it will always be some variation of baby, babe, sweetheart, love, etc. uses snookums, cupcake, sweet cheeks, cinnamon sugar roll, my little sausage mcgriddle <3 on a rotating basis to annoy you
you know those couples that just have this pent up sexual tension between them for no reason? like y’all could just be looking at each other but to everyone else it feels like you two are just eyefucking ​​😭 that’s you and gojo
no matter how long you guys have been together for, that spark between you just doesn't go away. people can see the immense physical attraction between you two.
is somewhat of an exhibitionist LMAO. he literally gets horny at the worst times and will drag you to the nearest supply closet, even if it means breaking the door in the process. who knows, maybe his real kink is vandalism
enjoys when you put up a bit of a fight/act like a brat. it makes putting you in your place so much sweeter.
very vocal— talking, moaning, whimpering. he sounds very pretty. he's extremely receptive to your touch so simply rubbing your hand along the bulge in his jeans has him moaning like a pornstar.
say it with me: satoru gojo is a pussy👏🏻pleaser👏🏻!
really likes going down on you. he thinks he could stay in between your thighs forever if you'd let him.
nasty. will cum inside you and clean it up with his tongue.
oscillates between wanting to overstimulate you and deny you. sometimes he does both. the way you get this hazy look in your eye and become so pliant, so needy for him gets him going.
he gets strangely possessive during sex. maybe it's a way for him to affirm that you really do love him and find him attractive.
"i'm the only one that can fuck you like this, right? make you feel this good?"
is a fan of snacks during aftercare LOL. you could have just had the most wild sex of your life, with the two of you panting as you lie in bed before satoru rolls over and opens his nightstand drawer and pulls out a pack of oreos before shoving one into your mouth
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Some of these aren't even bf headcanons they're just how I think he'd be LMFAO
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sakuralovespossums · 3 months
Yandere Dazai x Fem Reader
(Part 1)
Yandere Dazai x fem y/n story, where Dazai had kidnapped y/n and is determined to persuade her to commit double suicide with him on a specific date. So y/n has to try to avoid falling for his mind games, all the while trying to escape before the day of their planned double suicide arrives.
Warning: Romanticized talks of suicide
During your captivity, Dazai acts very patient and calm (pretty much like his everyday self) almost like he’s isn’t holding you hostage in his own apartment.
He studies your flaws, personality, fears, traumas, everything to figure out how he can best manipulate and break you.
Every day he’ll ask you if you’ve decided to commit double suicide with him in a casual tone or silly act. If you say no, he’ll shrug and ask again the next day. They still have plenty of time before the date of their double suicide, he’ll break you eventually.
There’s a high chance you will eventually break. This is Dazai we’re talking about out. He wasn’t known for being the Port Mafia’s best interrogator for nothing.
If you still haven’t broken by the due date, he’ll be surprised (and maybe a bit impressed) by your mental durability. So he’ll just use more aggressive manipulation tactics.
He’ll take away more of your freedoms (books, drawing, tv, etc) to make you feel more isolated. He’ll also focus on finding what it is that keeps your sanity intact and break it.
During the time of your captivity, he’ll be trying to get to know you more and always ask questions about what your life was like, any loved ones, interests, etc.
Not just so that he can manipulate you, but also because he genuinely wants to get to know you more and form a real bond. You’re gonna be his suicide partner, after all!
You probably won’t get to know much about him though since he’s already pretty secretive of his past life. But he’ll tell you things like his favorite foods, books, his associates at the ADA and how much he likes to bother them.
I imagine a lot of moments between you two being shared in peaceful silence. Like, you guys eating dinner in quiet, cuddling on the couch together while watching TV, reading, or napping.
Dazai loves those moments, while you’re playing along as you think of a way to escape. He knows this though but doesn’t say or do anything about it since he knows you’ll eventually give in and learn to love it as he does. If not, well………like I said earlier, he still has time to work on that.
He’s a very affectionate and cuddly person. Always has you wrapped in his arms whenever you cuddle, sleep, or when you’re doing chores.
It scares you the way he easily sneaks up on you from behind and wraps his arms around you as you cook your breakfast. He nuzzles against your neck before asking why you left the bed (putting on a fake pout). You simply play along into your strange “loving couple” facade and say that you were just craving French toast. He kisses your shoulder and asks for some himself.
“Well, I would make some for you. But someone ate all the bread!”
“But belladonna!! It was just too delicious that I couldn’t help myself!”
“……………maybe I can…….go out and buy some—”
The finality in his voice as he whispered into your ear felt like a knife slicing into your heart.
What terrified you the most about your captor wasn’t his final plan with you (as concerning as that sounds) but rather the fact that you could sense an underlying darkness to him that kept you on edge.
Beneath his smiles, goofy acts, loving acts, and comforting demeanor was a dangerous being who you had no idea if you could manage to outsmart or avoid not being killed/injured by.
“What if we made French toast our final meal together!!”
“I won’t do it, Dazai. Not matter what you say or do, I won’t let you drag me with you to death.”
“………………my love, who said I would drag you with me? When we both leave this life, I’ll make sure we do it willingly together.”
That might have been the most horrifying sentence you’ve ever heard.
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ponkwan · 2 years
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⌗ ⸰ ₊⠀SVT HEADCANONS ! (03)
random boyfriend gestures i associate each seventeen member with.
p.s. this is a repost from another previous blog of mine !
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the type to send you money to buy food or instead have food delivered to wherever you are when you send him a message saying you’re craving for a certain meal or is really just plain hungry. i think we’re all pretty much aware that seungcheol is 100% sugar daddy material lmao, so i feel like he’s totally not one to be greedy in making sure that you get what you want at times you need it (though this mostly applies to just food and practical things as he isn’t going to let you be too spoiled either). i see him always doing this as a surprise too, like in moments when you least expect it or sometimes when you don’t even ask for it at all.
the type to call you frequently. i don’t mean this in a clingy way though, but it’s more like he prefers calling you than texting you whenever the both of you aren’t together and are at your own businesses for the time being. i see him being the kind to do this at random hours of the week too, sometimes when you’re not counting on it to happen, or he’ll send you a quick text as a warning if he knows you’re busy, and as you answer your phone, you’ll always be greeted with his loving tone, asking how you are and if you could meet up soon because he misses you.
the type to do things for you without being asked to. i see him as a domestic man, and i also see him just quietly helping you with your chores whenever he’s visiting your apartment—cleaning the dishes when he sees that you were too busy to do them yourself, fold your laundry, fix the bed, change the light bulb, assemble that table you’ve been postponing to do—and to even more intimate and domestic things like combing your hair, slicing food and putting it on your plate, readjusting your clothes when it gets disheveled outdoors, and giving you his jacket without hesitation when he sees you’re cold. all of that with a soft smile on his face while he’s doing so.
the type to keep little notes about you (mental notes or literally paper notes on anywhere he likes). he strikes me as the kind of guy who has a record on when your first and last day of period is; the kind of guy who remembers what your favorite childhood meal was or what your favorite song was in high school that you only mentioned to him once or twice. i just think he’s someone who pays attention to you a lot yet as unintentionally quiet as he can too, perhaps either somewhat shy to be obvious or he just doesn’t feel the need to have it broadcasted that he does, trusting that he doesn’t have to be grand in his actions for you to understand what you mean to him.
the type to see through you even when you try hard not to show anything too much, especially when it comes to matters like weakness or being tired. he can look at you and notice that you might be acting a little different because of working too hard from your job or your studies, and will subtly try to lift your mood up by suggesting something that he knows will inevitably make you relax. he might ask if you want to order take-out from that one fast food chain you love, insisting that it’ll be his treat, or maybe prompting to do a hobby that you love just to take your mind off stressful matters.
the type to go all out when it comes to helping you. i see him being the kind of person who can willingly do something against his nature just to make his significant other happy as well. for example, you might let it slip that you have to pick up a relative at a certain time that you’re already busy with, and he’ll straight up volunteer to do it for you instead just so you can rest more on that day (even if he’s quite introverted for the task lmao). i also think he’s someone who may watch an entire movie franchise or read a book series you told him you liked before just so you can talk about it with him—plus, share a possible similar interest with too—and he’ll be more than happy to feed into your enthusiasm and give the same energy back.
the type to do random declarations of love or affection. i imagine him being the kind of guy who often doesn’t speak of how much you mean to him, but when he does, you’ll really feel his sincerity through his words and the way he’s saying them to you in that instance. he’ll say them out of the blue, like when you’re watching a movie together and he finds himself more invested in you than to the film—or maybe you’re cooking something for him or just praising him because of the new song he just made—sweet words spilling out of his mouth without warning and then you’re looking at him intently, smiling and blushing in acknowledgment.
the type to give you updates of his day by sending tons of pictures and videos. this might be a common thing for boyfriends lmao but you can’t deny that he seems to be the kind who really does this in real life. he’d be sending you photos of what he’s eating for breakfast, of his outfit before he leaves for work, might send a video of the buildings that passes by as he rides a car to go to a schedule—just literally everything he deems as something he wants to share to you. there might be instances too wherein he sneaks a voice message in if he’s too bored to type or he’s plainly bored and wants some of your attention.
the type to ask you out for impromptu dates. when a schedule gets canceled or he finds out he’s apparently free for the day, his first thought will be hitting you up and asking if you wanted to go out on a date with him. if you say yes, he’ll be thrilled and will be quick in sending you the details, like what time he will be picking you up and where the both of you will be joining together for the date, making it obvious that he put some thought on this before actually asking you. sometimes, he might not even ask you, he’ll just surprise you by picking you up from where you are and declaring that he’s planning to take you out for a date right there.
the type to always know what you want or need to hear at the right time. i always sense a calming and wisdom-filled vibe from him, so i feel like he’d be that kind of guy who’s really good at making you feel better, motivated, or just validated with his words. i see him being very gentle and thoughtful when it comes to speaking his mind as well—and the type to send you quotes from the books he once read that he knows might help you with your current situation. i think he’s someone who also sends long messages whenever you’re venting through chat. basically, the personification of comfort and a warm hug i think.
the type to be your human alarm clock or just someone who likes to remind you of things. i imagine him calling you in the morning after texting a message that you haven’t replied as fast as you usually would, or would call in the evening as he’s eating his dinner just to ask if you’ve eaten yourself. oftentimes, he might leave homemade food or side dishes in your apartment and would put sticky notes on them, reminding you when they are best eaten and what they are best partnered with. his caring nature too would give you vitamins and have your phone’s clock set to when you should take them since he knows how forgetful you can be, wanting you to take care of your health just as he’s trying to take care of you.
the type to randomly send you music just because it reminded him of you. this is pretty predictable and kind of cliche but doesn’t he really give off that kind of energy? like making a playlist of songs that reminds him of you or your relationship, or recommending tracks that he knows you’ll like. he might even buy concert tickets one day for an artist that the two of you like, but i have a feeling that once there, the both of you wouldn’t be able to fully concentrate on the artist, but perhaps on the songs and just each other instead (bonus: i see him doing that thing wherein he hugs you from behind during a ballad and sings the lyrics to your ear).
the type to share a lot of inside jokes with you. it’s no question how he’s a funny guy, so i think he’d be someone you’d be sharing a lot of inside jokes with as he makes every other situation out there funny whenever appropriate enough. furthermore, he’s just someone who knows how to make you laugh the hardest, gives you the reactions you want when you’re delivering your own joke, and someone who knows how to play along to your dumb and funny tactics too just to please you. he always has a way with his lines and actions that guarantees a smile on your face every single time.
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thank you for reading ! feedback is always appreciated ☻
⌗ ⸰ ₊⠀ all rights reserved. no part of my work is to be reposted / translated / used in any kind of platform without my permission. i only use this account to post fics.
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elizaditton · 2 months
Too Small To Be Afraid (Chapter 16)
Cover / Master Post / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N & T/W: Hey guys, just as a heads up I wanted to let you know that this chapter contains an intrusive daydream of Kaylin's that may be uncomfortable or traumatic for some of my readers. It deals with food and the idea of humans and pertheans eating together. I wanted to convey how this makes Kaylin uncomfortable without making my readers uncomfortable. I've thought a lot about what I've written and I don't believe I've crossed any lines, but for those like me who like G/t but struggle with the idea of food or sharing a meal in that context (and of course, the fears associated with that), the content may be uncomfortable to read. I just want to make it clear that my content does not and never will contain fetish material. My writing will always be safe for work content as I strive to please God in all I do. With that being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
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It was only about a month ago that Dad and I packed our bags and moved half way across Koronia, and now it's already Rosan. At first, I wasn't expecting much from my dad's hometown, but I've been blown away with how much has happened since we arrived in Chancelor. I wasn't expecting to be forced into attending a deskmate school, and I certainly wasn't thinking I'd ever become friends with a perthean. I always worried about what would happen if a perthean found out about my fear, but never in a million years would I have ever predicted that one would actually want to help me overcome it!
Derrick and I have met up after school a few times now, and although these meetups have been helping me a little, I'm still not sure what my deskmate has in mind for us in the long run. Surely there's more to this than practicing eye contact and learning how to step onto a perthean's palm without falling over.
I think through what could possibly be next as Brittney and I make the trek from the cafeteria back to the pickup area.
"I really wish we could all just have our lunch together, you know?" Brittney says with a huff, interrupting my thoughts.
"What?! What makes you say that?" I ask, my heart skipping a beat at her suggestion as I desperately try to keep my mind from forming any pictures of sharing a lunch table with pertheans.
"It's just... we'd have so much more time to hang out as a group if we had our lunch together! Since this school is so focused on getting humans and pertheans to get along, you'd think they'd want us to have meals together, right?"
I hadn't thought about it before, but I guess what Brittney's saying makes sense. I was surprised when I first found out I wouldn't be sharing Physical Education or lunch periods with my deskmate, but in my relief, I decided not to question it. I suppose separating for P.E. makes sense since it's not a good idea to mix humans and pertheans for strenuous activities like exercise, but what about lunch period?
"Come to think of it," I start, a part of me curious to know and another part of me fearing the answer, "why do we separate for lunch period, anyway?"
Brittney's eyes narrow as she looks away, her lips pouting.
"It's all that Steven's fault!" she says.
I blink. "Steven? Who's Steven?"
"Soaring Steven, back in the twenties. Lunch period was shared here until he had his deskmate throw him across the cafeteria to see if one of their friends could catch him. Landed in a girl's soup and even broke some bones in the process," Brittney says.
I shudder at the realization that humans are light enough to pertheans to be thrown across a room by them. Not only that, but we're small enough to swim in their soup, too! I'm relieved that I don't have to suffer through a shared lunch period with my deskmate, but I can't stop myself from shaking at the idea.
I turn from side to side only to realize that I'm surrounded by mountains of colossal foods stacked much taller than I am with no way of escape. I spin around to face a wall of green fabric that I trace up, up, and up to my deskmate's enormous face. He ravenously gorges himself on nearly half of the sandwich in his hand—tearing off a hunk bigger than me—and thoughtfully chews his meal, his eyes locked with mine. My legs tremble beneath me as I stumble backwards, my eyes darting anywhere but the sight in front of me. This isn't happening.
As I continue to inch away from the perthean in front of me one of my feet makes contact with a thick metal prong, causing me to let out a yelp as I fall flat on my back. Lightheaded and out of breath, I sit up and discover the object was one of the tines on a huge fork.
A massive digit rests under my chin and leads my gaze back to the tall perthean boy in front of me. He gulps down the rest of his sandwich while his big blue eyes scrutinize my fallen form.
"Kaylin," he chuckles. "You're so... tiny, you know that?"
I stare into those massive blue orbs of his as blood rushes to my cheeks, making my ears hot. Anxiety floods my nervous system leaving me incapable of doing anything but quiver where I sit.
"Anyway," Brittney says, interrupting my thoughts again, "after that incident... the school decided it would be best for deskmates to have 'less time for shenanigans' or something like that. If you ask me, they shouldn't have punished the whole school for a couple of students' idiocy!"
I stare down at my quaking hands. Tears prick the edges of my glazed eyes, and one or two trail down my face. I try to steady my breathing, but my lungs begin to take in more and more air at an increasing rate.
"Hey," Brittney says, turning to me. "Kaylin, are you—"
Something crashes into Brittney and I, interrupting our conversation and sending us both to the floor along with the contents of our open bookbags.
"Hey! What's the big idea?!" Brittney says, dusting herself off as she sits up.
"I-I'm sorry, I couldn't—" utters a boy on the floor in front of us. He coughs, lowering the tone of his voice. "I mean, it was an accident."
Brittney sighs. "That's okay. Here, let me help you with your books."
"Th-that won't be necessary." The boy says, brushing his black hair away from his green eyes before scrambling to pick up his books.
I rub my head, which throbs from the impact with the boy. I blink a few times, staring at him. He's familiar to me, but I'm not sure why.
"Hey, wait a minute," I start, remembering my encounter with that boy from my apartment last week. "Aren't you—"
The boy looks to me, eyes wide, and shakes his head vigorously. He grabs the rest of his books from the floor and stands, running off to the balcony without another word.
"Ugh! Rude! And hasn't he ever heard of a bookbag?" Brittney grumbles. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I say, picking up Brittney's Algebra textbook and passing it to her.
"The nerve of that guy! 'That won't be necessary...' just who does he think he is bumping into people and then running off like that?"
As Brittney passes me my Koronian and Biology textbooks, I can't help but wonder why Sam was in such a hurry to get away from us. He's run away from me twice now, which I find a little odd. And why wasn't he wearing his glasses? He probably could have avoided bumping into us if he had worn them.
"Hey, what's this?" Brittney says, picking up my sketchbook and flipping through the pages.
My heart sinks heavily in my chest. I've never let anyone look through my sketchbook before! Most of the drawings in there are unfinished sketches, many of which I never ended up being happy with, and none of which I feel too excited about sharing. But as Brittney flips through the pages, her eyes widen in awe with every new piece of artwork she lays eyes on.
"You made these? They're incredible!" Brittney exclaims.
"They're not that great, really." I say, reaching for the sketchbook.
Just as I'm about to take the book away from Brittney, she lets out a big gasp and turns the interior toward me. On the pages are two nearly completed sketches of Captain Tristen and Merlot from Stranded, respectively. They're old drawings, and not ones I'm particularly proud of. My insides convulse and cringe as I'm met with the sight of improper foreshortening and all sorts of rushed, sloppy details.
"You draw Stranded?! You know this is my favorite show ever, right?!"
Brittney babbles on elatedly and at a rate I find myself straining to keep up with. I can hardly make out what she's saying, but from what I can tell she's gushing about some recent revelations about Merlot and how she was able to predict them in her fanfic.
"Anyway, here! See? This is my cover!" Brittney says, pulling out her phone and swiping to Splosion. She shoves her phone into my hands to reveal the cover for 'Jack And Merlot: A Frame Of Mind,' which consists of a crude doodle of the titular duo holding hands.
"Oh, um... cute!" I respond, my mind still struggling to process what she's going on about.
"Do you think you could draw me a new cover?" Brittney blurts out, her hands clenched excitedly.
"I-I don't know... wouldn't it be put online for anyone to see?" I ask, the idea of strangers seeing my art making my insides flip.
"Well, yeah, but they don't have to know who drew it unless you want them to!" Brittney responds, folding her hands together and pleading with her big brown eyes. "Come on! Pleaaase? Your art is so good!"
I think for a moment as I look into Brittney's unrelenting puppy eyes. I guess it wouldn't hurt to draw her a picture for her story, especially if no one has to know I'm the artist.
"Sure," I finally answer.
"Yippee!" Brittney exclaims, jumping up and down like a little kid.
"Come on," I say, handing Brittney's phone back to her and taking back my sketchbook. "We're going to be late for sixth period!"
"Oh! Right!"
Brittney turns and hurries down the hall to the balcony. Before following after her, I quickly flip through my sketchbook and land on a page with a finished sketch of a perthean boy and a human girl laughing together under a cherry tree. My cheeks redden when I lay eyes on it and my insides flip around again. I let out a sigh, relieved that Brittney didn't get this far into the book.
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"So!" Brittney exclaims from the balcony, her hands secured on the railing as she beams up at my deskmate. "Your birthday! What do you have planned?!"
Derrick rubs the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. "I didn't exactly plan anything."
"Come on," Brittney says, "there has to be something you'd like to do on your special day! Can't you think of anything?"
Derrick places a hand under his chin and closes his eyes, thinking for a moment. "Well, I won't be home until around five, since I have... an appointment."
Kevin looks up from his phone. "You made an appointment on your birthday? What for?"
"I— well, yeah. It's a... doctor's appointment. I forgot to reschedule," my deskmate says, glancing in my direction. "But if you guys want to come over to my house at 5:30 or so, we could hang out? Maybe play some games?"
"I'm in!" Brittney hollers, pumping her fist in the air.
"Sure," Kevin answers, his eyes once again glued to his phone. "Need us to bring anything?"
"You could bring some games if you have any, but other than that nothing comes to mind," Derrick says.
Brittney turns to me, her eyes wide with excitement. "You're coming too, right Kaylin?!"
The world begins to spin as the others' eyes all turn to me. Me? Go to a perthean's house? No way! The enormous classrooms at school are hard enough for me to deal with as it is, but an entire house? I don't think I could handle it! The sheer scale of everyday items would overwhelm me for sure!
"I... don't know," I say. "I think my dad needs me home for... something." I mentally kick myself for not being able to think of any kind of real excuse.
"I'm sure your dad won't mind!" Brittney reasons. "After all, birthdays only come once a year!"
I look around at the group. Brittney's grinning with her hands pressed together, gazing at me expectantly. Derrick gives me a knowing smile, his brows upturned. And then my eyes fall on Kevin. His narrowed brown eyes look void of any life as he stares me down from above. My gut twists and turns as the weight of his stare presses down on me.
I can't go to this party. No way. Not if he's coming. How did Derrick manage to become friends with this guy, anyway? Was it just because of Brittney? And why is Brittney even with this guy? They're complete opposites! My fear may include all pertheans, but it's pertheans like Kevin that really terrify me!
"Kaylin?" Brittney says, pulling me from my thoughts. "What do you say?"
"I-I'll talk to my dad," I stutter. "But I really think he needs me for... that thing."
"Great! See you all there!" Brittney spins around with her arms stretched wide and heads for the door. I don't think she registered what it was I said at all.
"Hang on there, princess," Kevin says, causing Brittney to come to a halt and turn back around.
Princess? I never expected a guy like Kevin to call his girlfriend something so sappy!
"Yes, my prince?" Brittney answers, clasping her hands together as she flutters her eyelashes.
"If you're going to Derrick's place, you might as well come with me. You can't get there by train, you know," Kevin says.
"I guess you're right," Brittney giggles.
Kevin looks over his shoulder, presumably to see if any teachers are nearby, and then offers his open palm to Brittney who runs and leaps into it with a loud 'wheee!' The way she flew into his hand without a second thought makes me think about how I can barely even walk onto Derrick's open palm without struggling and stumbling. How does she make it look so easy?
"Shh!" Kevin hushes his girlfriend. "I'm not supposed to pick you up this way in here!"
"Sorry," Brittney says, her lip protruding in a pout.
"See you later," Kevin says to Derrick before walking off, mumbling something to Brittney about how he doesn't want to get in trouble 'again.' I guess I'll have to ask Brittney what that means later.
Derrick looks at me and laughs.
"What?" I ask.
"I'd like to see you jump into my hand like that," he says.
My face reddens, and I immediately avert my gaze. "D-don't be ridiculous! What those two did was dangerous!"
"I know, I know," Derrick says. "It's just that..."
His unfinished phrase hangs in the air for a moment, causing me to wonder what it is he means to say. I look back at my deskmate, his gaze fixed on me. What emotion is filling his eyes I can't say, but what I do know is that something has to be weighing on his mind.
"It's just that what?" I finally ask.
"Nothing," Derrick says, shaking his head. "I'll see you out back."
With that, he turns away, leaving the balcony behind him as he heads down the hall. My heart sinks in my chest. What isn't he saying?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I heave a sigh as I close the door behind me. I feel bad we didn't cancel our meetup for today, considering it's Derrick's birthday and all.
"Hey," he says with a smile, approaching the balcony and placing his hand on top of it. It's sort of become routine for me to walk onto his hand at the start of our meet ups, not that I've gotten any better at it.
"Hey," I answer as I approach his open palm.
The size of his hand still manages to freak me out, but at least I'm not as averse to it as I was when he first started helping me with my fear. After a bit of wobbling and struggling, I manage to position myself in the center of my deskmate's palm and sit down.
"Sorry for making you come out here on your birthday," I say with my head down as I nervously twiddle my thumbs. "I know there's other things you'd rather be doing right now."
"Aw, come on, you know that's not true!" Derrick beams at me from above. "There's nothing I'd rather be doing right now than helping out a friend."
I smile back at him, though his words don't reassure me completely.
"Now," he starts as he moves beside the balcony and gently sits down, "since you've been improving so much this week with both eye contact and with walking onto my hand, I thought we'd try something new. If you're up for it, that is."
"Something new?" I ask, my gut immediately beginning to twist. "Like what?"
"Would you be up for trying shoulder etiquette?"
"Shoulder etiquette?"
"Yeah! I'd place you on my shoulder, and you'd stand there," Derrick explains. "It's a formal form of etiquette that even the teachers use, so we can practice it during school as well."
My mind flashes back to orientation day, when I saw most of the school staff going around in pairs like that. I remember Derrick had asked me that day if I wanted to try standing on his shoulder, and I coldly turned him down. A weight fills my chest as I think about all the ways I was unkind to Derrick before we became friends.
"Okay," I say, "we can try it."
Derrick nods and lifts the hand I'm in up to his shoulder. My core tightens and my heart thrashes about within me as the distance between us gets smaller and smaller. As I find myself nearing the crook of his neck, I begin to feel heat radiating from his body like a space heater. He's so warm! My insides do a somersault, and my cheeks redden as I release a shuddering breath. I don't think I've ever been this close to anyone before, let alone a perthean!
I slowly rise from my place in Derrick's palm, carefully maneuvering past his fingers and onto his shoulder. I nearly slip once or twice as I struggle to maintain my balance, but manage to secure myself by grabbing onto the collar of the white button up he's wearing under his blazer.
"How are you doing?" He asks, removing his hand and leaving me stranded on his shoulder.
My eyes can't help but wander downward until I'm gazing helplessly at the hard concrete below us. Even though my deskmate is sitting down, I'm still so high above the ground! A fall from this height would certainly kill me! I let out a yelp and slam my eyes shut, gripping the collar of Derrick's shirt more tightly lest I slip and fall to my death!
"Hm, not good?" Derrick asks. "I suppose it takes some getting used to. Just hold onto me, you'll be fine."
"Mhm," I hum as I try to keep myself from trembling. If my legs continue to quake like this, I'll slip for sure! I have no idea how the teachers or the other students at school manage to go around like this!
"So, while you're getting adjusted..." Derrick begins, "is there anything you'd like to talk about?"
"Um..." I think for a moment. "You're turning eighteen, right?"
"Right. Just two more years and I'll be an adult."
"How has preadulthood treated you so far? Do you feel prepared for adulthood?" I ask.
Derrick hums, thinking through my question. "Well, I guess it beats being a teenager. I still can't drive, but I'd say I can cook, clean, and budget decently enough to live on my own if I wanted to. I'll probably wait until university to move out, though. What about you?"
"I've learned a lot from my dad. He's a good teacher. He taught me nearly everything I know about being a preadult. Cooking, cleaning, budgeting... although he's not very good at home repair..."
"Did your mom teach you anything?"
My heart plummets to the ground, and my guts twist and turn tightly within me.
"I... well, my mom died when I was only six. It's just my dad and me."
"Oh... I'm sorry," Derrick apologizes.
"No, it's okay. I'm over it. It was a long time ago," I sigh.
I bite the inside of my cheek, unsure of whether I'm being honest or not. It's been years since my mom passed, but I've always longed for her to be a part of my life. I wonder all the time what might have been if only she hadn't...
"You know, I guess my mom did teach me something," I say, letting my mind go to the past. "I remember when I was a little girl, I'd watch her make different pieces of artwork. I was so fascinated with how she was able to draw such fine details and pick such beautiful colors to paint with. I have a memory of her sitting down with me and teaching me how to draw different flowers. Pansies, bluebells, rotizelles... and although I'm still not very good with flowers, she did instill in me a love for art."
"I remember you said you liked to draw when we first met, and I've seen a few of the doodles in your notes," Derrick chuckles. "I have yet to see a finished piece from you, though. Especially since you're always hiding your drawings."
My face gets really hot really quickly as my mind turns back to the sketchbook I brought with me to school. "A-actually," I stutter, "there's... something I wanted to show you."
"Something you want to show me? Really?" Derrick asks, surprised. "Am I finally going to see one of your drawings?"
"I-I— well," I stammer, embarrassed, not really knowing what to say. Is what I'm about to do really a good idea?
I reach into my bookbag and feel around for my sketchbook. Pulling it out, I turn to the page with my finished sketch of the two of us laughing under a cherry tree and look it over for a moment.
'It's hideous!' I can already hear my deskmate say. 'Is that supposed to be us? What an ugly art style!'
"Kaylin?" Derrick asks after a long silence.
"I— um...! H-here, I... made this for you," I sputter. "For your birthday!"
I grip the collar of Derrick's shirt with one hand, and with the other I stretch out as far as I'm able and present my sketchbook to him.
"For... me?" Derrick asks, taking the sketchbook in between his thumb and forefinger.
Silence fills the air as my deskmate stares down the human-sized book in between his fingers. My heart pounds and pounds while my insides swarm with butterflies! What will he think? What will he say?! I almost wish I never brought this up! I'm sure he'll think it's a pathetic gift! I knew my art wasn't good enough to be shown to anyone, so why did I ever think it would be a good idea to make this dumb drawing for his birthday?
Derrick gasps. "Wow, I don't know what to say."
I try my hardest to slow down my breathing, but it's no use. My whole body shakes as I brace for the impact of whatever criticism is about to come my way. He hates it, doesn't he?
"Kaylin, you drew this? This is amazing!" my deskmate exclaims.
"I'm sorry! I knew it wouldn't be good enough!" I say, only to blink a few times in confusion. Do my ears deceive me? "Wait, what did you say?"
"This is amazing! Is this what I think it is?" Derrick asks.
"I-it's... you and me," I answer, "under that cherry tree we saw the other day."
Derrick continues looking the drawing over. "Wow," he says again.
"I-I can send you a photo of it, if you want," I suggest.
"That would be great!" he says, handing the sketchbook back to me. "After all, I'm sure you wanted to keep your book."
I put my sketchbook away and quickly open up my phone to send a picture I took of the drawing to Derrick. Once I send it, his phone buzzes almost instantly, and he unlocks it to view what I sent.
"Thank you, Kaylin," he says, gazing at the drawing once more. "Really. It's a wonderful gift."
A warmth fills my heart, soothing any remaining anxieties I had about the drawing and leaving me with a grin that stretches from ear to ear.
Time continues on in the blink of an eye, and before we know it, we've already reached our usual time of departure.
"Well," Derrick says, carefully standing up from his spot beside the balcony, "I guess we better get going."
My heart races and my eyes widen as he stands to his full height. I look beneath me at the ground below and watch as it gets farther and farther away. If the distance to the ground when he was sitting wasn't enough to kill me, this distance will surely do the job! My vision doubles as the scenery around me spins and my insides churn and convulse! I grab onto the collar of Derrick's shirt with a death grip, lest I topple down toward the unforgiving concrete below!
"Sorry," Derrick says. "I tried to be more careful, since you're on my shoulder."
"N-no, you're fine, it's just that... I feel like I..." I trail off, unsure of how to describe what's going on inside of me.
"You feel like you're going to fall?"
"Y-yeah," I murmur, trembling where I stand on my deskmate's shoulder.
"Don't worry," Derrick says, pressing a hand against my little frame and gently pinning me against the side of his neck. "I'll keep you safe."
Is this... a hug?!
I blush. Hard. My trembling increases as I'm wedged between Derrick's hand and his neck. What do I do?! I can't move! I can't escape! I begin to breathe in and out at a rapid pace, shuddering more and more with each exhalation.
After a few seconds, Derrick removes his hand, releasing me from what had to be the most frightening embrace I've ever been on the receiving end of!
"Hey, listen," he says. "About earlier... you really don't have to come over if you don't feel like you're ready. I understand that the idea of visiting a house twenty times bigger than what you're used to is likely overwhelming to you, especially if other pertheans are involved. But, in case you do want to come, I thought I'd ask anyway—would you like to come over?"
"Um, yeah! Sure," I say, Derrick's words going in one ear and out the other as I try to calm myself down.
"Wait, really?" He asks. "You'll come over?"
"Sure," I say. "I just... need a moment." I try to steady my breathing again using the techniques I learned in therapy as a kid, still not registering what it was Derrick just asked me.
"Alright, well, we should get going then," my deskmate says, walking away from our spot behind the school and heading toward the sidewalk beyond the school grounds.
I'll have every opportunity to think through what just happened when I get home.
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mariacallous · 3 months
The inside cover of my grandmother’s cookbook is inscribed with her handwriting, “Think of me when you cook.” It is a copy of the same spiral-bound book that has been given to all of the women in my family. “The Sephardic Cooks: Comé Con Gana” has somehow made its way from one synagogue in Atlanta to Sephardic communities and families from New Jersey to California. It has all the classic recipes, including a section titled “Main Dish Pastries.” These dishes are the cornerstone of the Sephardic tradition, desayuno.
The word “desayuno” literally translates to “breakfast” in Ladino, the dying Judeo-Spanish language historically spoken by Sephardic Jews. Yet, the meaning extends beyond that one meal. In Sephardic culture, desayunois a category of foods associated with the large Saturday morning meal that would be served after Shabbat, including egg dishes and savory pastries. 
These desayuno foods are some of my favorite things to eat and the ones I most associate with my own family traditions. The blocks of crustless quajado (spinach quiche) that always seemed to be in my childhood freezer, ready to thaw for lunch. The doughy, cheesy spinach boyos my grandmother would have ready for our breakfast every time we traveled to visit her. The pasteles (mini meat pies) my great-aunt taught to a room filled with four generations of cousins at our family reunion last summer. The rice-and-cheese-filled bureka pastries my mom comes over to make with my kids and me. 
While delicious and crowd-pleasing, these are also some of the most time-consuming recipes to prepare. I picture my great-grandmother standing in a friend’s kitchen as all the ladies of the community work together to knead mounds of dough, mix a vat of filling, fold and crimp sheets and sheets of burekas. Whether this is accurate or just my imagination justifying why it feels intimidating to make these by myself, desayuno pastries do not align well with today’s fast-paced, individual lifestyle. Save for the times my mom comes to bake with us (importantly, bringing a container of prepped filling), making dough and pastry from scratch is not happening in my kitchen. 
I hope to be a part of the thread that keeps Sephardic traditions alive, yet I do not want to let perfection be the enemy of my intentions. I think my grandmother would agree. While she baked burekas with all of her grandchildren and always had a freezer full of freshly baked rosca (coffee rolls), she was never one to turn down a good shortcut. She developed her own boyo recipe featuring Hungry-Jack biscuit dough as the base and once described to me a full lentil soup recipe, only to end it with, “or you could just buy a can of lentil soup.” She loved when I would call her to share that I had tried a Sephardic recipe, such as cinnamon biscocho cookies or lemon chicken soup. Whether my attempts had been successful or a flop (like my rock-hard biscochos), her smile would be audible through the phone saying, “I’m just so glad you tried.” 
As Sephardic culture and traditions fade and assimilate, food provides an important outlet to preserve history and share it with family and friends. More important than getting it right or spending hours in the kitchen is remembering our traditions, trying recipes, talking about or simply eating Sephardic foods, regardless of who made them.  
In that spirit, I would like to propose lowering our standards, for the greater good of keeping traditions alive. Consider a desayuno with fewer parts or with a little help from the freezer aisle. Rather than the large spread my ancestors would prepare for days in advance, consider making one thing from scratch (though I won’t tell if you cook zero things). You could make a batch of burekas or a quajado, arguably the easiest of the Sephardic breakfast dishes, or even just prepare a pot of hard-boiled eggs. Supplement with frozen spanakopita, Ta’amti Bourekas or a Trader Joe’s Greek cheese spiral for a full table. 
Nothing will taste quite like homemade pastries fresh from the oven and I still aspire to make them (occasionally). Yet, even when I munch a makeshift Sephardic meal, I will be thinking of my grandmother, just as she inscribed in her cookbook. As long as we are sharing food together, talking about Sephardic traditions, remembering meals and people who matter to us, I will call it desayuno. I think my grandmother would be proud. 
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geometricalien · 10 months
I have this HC where on Seijūrō's & Kōki's 1st, 2nd & 3rd dates, the former took the latter to fancy, 5-star restaurants, either at a posh, upscale hotel or just the place itself. But then Kōki learns that Seijūrō never experience what most people had, so on their 4th or 5th date, Kōki initiates it, treating Seijūrō to fast food restaurants, izakayas, ramen shops & best of all: street foods.
!!!! This has "I'll share the best of me, just like you" all over it. Very classic people from 2 different cultures meeting and exchanging, all that is left is to merge and create a new. They could make something together on their 6th or 7th!
I think akashi has had these types of foods before but it's. Few. And sparse. And only a couple of times are they gold in his memory.
There is no doubt in my mind that he was force fed some "street food" by his classmates at the cultural festival in Rakuzan- especially when oreshi came back. "The school body president is coming! Quick get a stick of takoyaki for him to try!" And he is way too nice and conscious of how bokushi might have acted that he can't say no. And. It's decent. But it's overshadowed by the expectant look of 6 girls waiting for his praise. And that happens like 20 more times that day alone.
He definitely heard about the hijinks the rest of gom got into after practice- getting ice pops (and stopping a robbery) or grabbing maji together (kuroko wanted to see who could eat more- aomine or murasakibara- murasakibara lost to their surprise) and akashi laughs at the retellings since he always has a car to catch and lessons to go to after practice. Except one day when akashi asked his dad if he may help midorima study for a semester final coming up (the midorimas have been associates of the akashis for years, he couldn't say no to just one study session if midorima's tutor was "sick") and instead of studying the gom went to maji, insisting akashi try this and that until the only thing akashi remembers being the salt left on his tongue, the smiles of his friends, and the light feeling in his chest.
As Bokushi I imagine the uncrowned kings took him to an izakaya as a victory meal which he explained to his dad as "a necessary upkeep for morale" but oreshi only faintly remembers that as he finds being around a team he doesn't entirely remember stressful. That is until after another victory they ask him if he wants to go out to eat and celebrate- he says yes. And they expect him to order the same thing bokushi always did- except he doesn't. They then redouble their effort in welcoming and embracing akashi to the team.
In this sense, I do truly believe akashi would treasure going out to these hole in the wall - "common food/restaurants" since he is with Furihata and furihata is sharing this with him- for him.
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m34gs · 1 year
In your own head canons, what are the dorm leader's one (1) favourite junk food?
Ecstatic to answer this! Thank you for asking, friend. (For everyone's information, I did get clarification from Kim: no healthy snacks, no desserts like cakes or puddings, talking about junk foods like candy, chips, chocolate, etc.)
Riddle: For Riddle, I would say "Creme Savers"; specifically the strawberries and creme flavour (don't judge me, that is how it is spelled on the packaging lol). I just think he would love the sweetness, and I think the red and white candy goes very well with his aesthetic.
Leona: Honestly, black licorice. I don't know why, to me it just suits his vibes. I can picture him chewing on it while he lazes in the sunshine. Also, I imagine that he would think it's funny when Cheka first asks him for candy and he gives him the black licorice and watches his nephew just make the absolute most disgusted face after trying it.
Azul: I think Azul would enjoy the very expensive type of chocolates. You know, like the Purdy's chocolates or something; and typically the cream-filled ones. I think he tries to avoid buying them though, because he doesn't want people to know about his personal likes and dislikes. And because I think he is still shy about his past as a chubby octo-mer baby and I don't think he wants anyone to associate him with anything that might lead them to connect the dots and figure it out. (But I think Jade and Floyd usually get him some once in a while. Jade leaves it discreetly in one of his desk drawers in the office for the Monstro Lounge. Floyd puts it in the most obvious places to see how quickly Azul will try to smuggle it out of sight of everyone else.)
Kalim: Kalim likes chips! They're salty and delicious and shareable! I think Jamil probably has to avoid the chip aisle altogether if he brings Kalim shopping with him, unless he suddenly wants ten bags in the cart and a puppy-eyed Kalim begging him to let them buy the chips so he can share with everyone.
Vil: I think Vil likes peppermints and other mint candies. He's done modeling and acting and many other things that put him in the public eye, and has many obligations. There's likely been more than once he's been late to a meal because of publicity things, so having a few mint candies to suck on probably takes the edge off the hunger, while also giving him fresh breath (which I think he'd find important when acting. It can be incredibly hard to act when someone is in your face and all you smell is coffee breath or the traces of onions from their salad).
Idia: Idia canonically has a line for his SSR card when he is on the home screen that goes "want a gummy worm? I just love bright-coloured candy". I adore this line with all my heart. And I love that it extends to all brightly coloured candies! Therefore, I think Idia would really love Jolly Ranchers (or the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of those). They are very vibrant and bright, the original candy is a hard candy so you can suck on one for a while as you game, and they have very strong flavours. I feel like he would really enjoy them and have a bowl of them nearby when he's gaming, especially late at night. (and Jolly Ranchers are also one of my favourite candies and Idia is my favourite, so by that logic: yes.)
Malleus: Malleus is one of the fae, and so I think he would actually enjoy strange combinations of human foods. Like, not abominations or whatever Lilia creates in the kitchen. Just, the mixing of two flavours that you might not think would go together at first, or that when you think about it seems an odd combination. I think he'd be delighted by caramel-filled dark chocolate with sea-salt on top. The combination of sweet, gooey, and salty is interesting and, in my opinion, mildly addicting. I think he'd find it a bit fascinating and I think he'd enjoy one or two during tea time with Yuu/MC on the regular. :D
Thank you for this very fun ask, I hope you enjoy these answers! As always, I love discussing Twisted Wonderland headcannons with you; and I would love to hear your own opinions and thoughts on what you think each Housewarden would like! Especially since you wouldn't tell me before because you didn't want to sway my opinions lol :)💜
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crazyblondelife · 10 months
Old Fashioned Southern Peach Cobbler
The peaches have been so sweet and delicious this summer and there is nothing like a ripe fresh peach! I bought a few more peaches than we could eat last time I went to the farmer’s market so I decided to make a peach cobbler with the really ripe ones and just the smell of it baking brought back so many memories for me!
When I was a little girl, we traveled to Hartwell, Georgia often to see my grandparents. It was a long drive but we went at least once a month, if I’m remembering correctly, because my grandfather (Pops) had Parkinson’s Disease and wasn’t doing well. My main memories of him were lying in bed and I don’t remember the year he died, but I wasn’t even 10.
That is a sad memory, but there are fond memories as well! My grandmother, we called her Big Mama, (she was tiny), was a great Southern cook! I remember her picking greens (turnip, mustard, etc.) from the garden and making a big pot along with cornbread and pinto beans. I still love that meal to this day! She made a fabulous pound cake and she canned everything. I have memories of eating oatmeal with her canned pears on top and I can still remember the taste of those pears, but I’ve yet to find a recipe that tastes the same.
When we were there in the summer, sometimes all my cousins would be there as well and it was a house full of people! The adults wanted the children outside as much as possible and I have memories of Big Mama giving us whole peaches, peel and all, and sending us outside to eat them. They were so sweet and juicy and the juice ran down our faces as we devoured those peaches. Of course, we had no cellphones and her television was not the greatest (she mainly used it to watch football games), so we found things to do and I don’t ever remember being the least bit bored! It was certainly a simpler time in many ways.
I’m sure my Big Mama made peach cobbler although I don’t remember…my mother made the peach cobbler I remember eating and the recipe I’m sharing today is very similar!
“The history of peach cobbler as a Southern dish dates back to the early 1800s when African Americans started to combine fruits like peaches with spices and flour to make a sweet, tasty dessert. This combination was then covered with a biscuit-like topping and baked.”
My cobbler recipe doesn’t have a biscuit topping (I’ve made those and don’t like them as well), it has more of a sweet batter that cooks with the peaches and has the most amazing flavor. It’s crunchy on the edges and soft and bread like on the inside. It is indescribably delicious! Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you’ll feel like you’re in food heaven!
When this cobbler came out of the oven, I realized that I had no vanilla ice cream but I wasn’t about to take the time to go and get some! We ate it right away! There is still a small serving left that I’ve hidden in the back of the refrigerator and I’ll eat it when I can sit on the front porch and savor those last few bites!
There are so many good memories associated with food, especially if you grew up in a household where food was regularly prepared and you ate as a family! I think that’s so important and hopefully families are trying to make it a priority. My mom made lunch every Sunday after church and we ate dinner together almost every night. We also went to her mother’s house at least once a week to eat a meal! We rarely had a “fancy” dinner, but believe me when I say that it was always good and summer dinners with garden fresh veggies and corn bread were my favorites!
That was a long preface to a peach cobbler recipe, but for some reason, this one just brought back all the memories! I know you’ll enjoy!
{"image":"https://i.imgur.com/letdEcK.png","name":"Old Fashioned Peach Cobbler","prepTime":"PT15M","cookTime":"PT40M","totalTime":"PT55M","description":"This fabulous Southern dessert will become a favorite!","yield":"5","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Suzanne Smith"},"recipeIngredient":["5 or 6 fresh, ripe peaches, peeled, cored and sliced (about 4 cups)","3/4 cup sugar","1/4 teaspoon salt","For the batter:","6 Tablespoons unsalted butter","1 cup unbleached, all purpose flour","1 cup sugar","2 teaspoons baking powder","1/4 teaspoon salt","3/4 cup milk","ground cinnamon"],"recipeInstructions":["Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.","Add the sliced peaches, sugar and salt to a saucepan and stir to combine.","Cook on medium heat until the sugar is dissolved and helps to bring out juices from the peaches. Remove from heat and set aside.","Slice butter into pieces and add to a 9x13 inch baking dish. Place the pan in the oven to melt the butter. Once melted, remove from the oven.","In a large bowl mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Stir in the milk, just until combined. Pour the mixture into the pan, over the melted butter and smooth it into an even layer.","Spoon the peaches and juice over the batter. Sprinkle cinnamon generously over the top.","Bake at 350 degrees for about 38-40 minutes. Serve warm, with a scoop of ice cream, if desired."],"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Recipe"}
What are your memories of food and growing up? Do certain foods bring back memories? Leave a coment and let me know!
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Recipe Ownership: Are Recipes Considered Intellectual Property?
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I'm a huge fan of cooking and I love trying out new recipes. But recently, I've been wondering if these recipes are actually intellectual property – is it wrong for me to use someone else's recipe without giving them credit? In this article, I'll be exploring the concept of whether or not recipes can be considered intellectual property. The idea of copyrighting something as seemingly simple as a recipe may seem strange at first glance. After all, many traditional family dishes have been passed down through generations with no one taking ownership over them. But in today's world where food bloggers and celebrity chefs dominate the culinary scene, it's definitely worth considering what exactly counts as intellectual property when it comes to recipes. Maybe You Also Like: - Are Recipes For Making Proteins - Are Recipes Protected By Copyright - Can A Cake Recipe Be Used For Cupcakes What Is Intellectual Property? I've always been interested in the concept of intellectual property. So when I heard that recipes can be considered intellectual property, it got me wondering what exactly qualifies as such. Intellectual property is any creation of the mind that has some sort of economic value attached to it. This includes things like inventions, literary works, and even artistic designs. It's important to note that while these creations are technically owned by the creator or company, they have limited rights over how their work is used. When it comes to recipes, this means there may be certain restrictions on how you share them with others. Depending on where you live, your local laws will dictate whether recipe sharing requires permission from the original author or not. Usually a simple acknowledgement of who created the dish is enough for people to legally use someone else’s recipe without fear of breaking copyright law. However, if you’re making money off someone else’s cooking then additional permissions might be required. No matter which country you reside in though, one thing is certain: Respect the hard work put into creating something new - no matter its form! That way we can all benefit from each other's creativity and enjoy delicious meals together! Is A Recipe Considered Intellectual Property? When it comes to the question of whether a recipe is considered intellectual property, the answer may surprise you. Recipes are indeed protected under copyright law and can be seen as creative works that deserve protection from unauthorized use or copying. This means that if someone were to copy your signature dish without permission, you could potentially sue them for infringement. Not only this but cookbook publishing companies generally require authors to sign contracts which allow them exclusive rights to publish and license their recipes - further demonstrating just how seriously some people take the matter! From a legal standpoint, copyrighting recipes requires a certain level of creativity and originality in order for it to be eligible for protection. If a recipe contains elements such as unique cooking techniques or new ingredients not previously seen before then chances are it will qualify as an original work worthy of being copyrighted. In addition to this, any accompanying text associated with the recipe – like instructions on presentation or plating up – would also likely fall within this category. Considering all these points together, there’s no doubt that recipes should definitely be taken seriously when it comes to intellectual property laws. After all, a great deal of hard work often goes into crafting one-of-a-kind dishes so why shouldn’t chefs receive due credit? It’s clear that having access to proper recipe licensing agreements is essential for anyone who wants to protect themselves against potential infringements down the line. Protecting Your Recipes I'm sure we've all had that feeling of pride when someone compliments us on our cooking. We love to show off the recipes we have perfected over time, as if they are works of art! But is there something more to consider beyond just wanting to share? When it comes to recipe sharing and cooking ethics, we need to be mindful of intellectual property laws. Whether you're a professional chef or an avid home cook, developing unique recipes can take years of practice and patience. As such, those creations deserve protection from being copied without permission. It's important to remember that although recipes may not be protected by copyright law in many countries, certain elements of them may still qualify for protection under other forms of intellectual property. It's essential to understand how our actions today impact future generations and the culinary industry as a whole. For this reason, it's important to research what legal protections are available in your country before deciding whether or not sharing your beloved recipes with others is a good idea. Respect for intellectual property rights helps ensure that people who spend countless hours perfecting their culinary skills will continue creating amazing dishes for everyone else to enjoy! Plagiarism And Recipes I often hear people ask if recipes can be copyrighted or protected in some way. It is true that copyrighting recipes has been a hot topic, especially with the emergence of recipe databases and other online resources. In my opinion, there are certainly elements of intellectual property when it comes to recipes. For example, I believe that someone who creates their own unique combination of ingredients should have a right to claim ownership over their creation. However, this does not mean that all recipes are necessarily bound by copyright law. If a recipe is simply an adaptation from another source or an idea commonly shared among many cooks, then it may not qualify for full protection under most laws. That being said, protecting your original work through trademarks or patents might still be worthwhile depending on the situation. In regards to recipe databases and similar sources: while they do contain information which could potentially be owned by others, most such sites operate within certain fair use guidelines so as to protect themselves against lawsuits and other legal issues related to plagiarism. Provided these precautions are taken into account, using existing recipes without giving due credit should generally be avoided in order to respect the creative rights of those involved in creating them. The Future Of Recipe Intellectual Property I'm sure many of us have felt the frustration when a delicious dish we've crafted is copied and shared without credit. As cooks become more creative and inventive, protecting recipes as intellectual property has been an increasingly important issue. In this section, I'll explore how recipe monetization and sharing affects the future of recipe intellectual property. The world of consumer technology has made it easier than ever to share our recipes with others online, whether through social media or cooking blogs. While this can be beneficial to both chefs and consumers alike, there are still questions about who owns the rights to any given recipe. Without some form of legal protection, anyone could take a recipe that isn't theirs, make changes here and there to call it their own, and then sell it for profit without giving due credit or compensation. Fortunately, recent developments in IP law provide some recourse for those seeking to protect their original work from being misused or stolen. Through various forms of copyright protections like trademarking or patenting recipes – even registering them with governmental agencies – creators now have options for ensuring they receive recognition for their inventions. This should help incentivize further innovation while allowing culinary experts to benefit financially from their creativity too. It's clear that the future of recipe intellectual property will depend on finding ways to balance public sharing with private protections so that all parties involved can reap the benefits of new creations without compromising ownership rights. With proper safeguards in place, everyone stands to gain something from preserving these hard-earned works of art in the digital age! Frequently Asked Questions What Is The Legal Definition Of A Recipe? When it comes to discussing the legal definition of a recipe, there are many factors to consider. Recipe authorship is an important aspect and understanding culinary ethics can help determine ownership of a recipe. Generally speaking, recipes cannot be copyrighted as they are considered facts or ideas rather than original works. However, certain elements used in creating the recipe could potentially be protected such as photos or illustrations used along with written instructions. It's best to consult legal professionals when considering intellectual property rights associated with recipes. Are Cookbooks Considered Intellectual Property? When it comes to recipes and cookbooks, there is an ongoing debate about recipe ownership and rights. Are recipes intellectual property? Many people believe that a talented chef or author should be able to protect their work under copyright law - just as any other artist can do with their creative works. While the exact legal definition of a recipe has not been determined, some courts have ruled in favor of chefs claiming copyright protection for certain aspects of their recipes. Ultimately, whether or not cookbooks are considered intellectual property depends on individual cases. Are There Any Laws That Protect Intellectual Property Related To Recipes? Yes, there are laws that protect intellectual property related to recipes. Recipe authorship and ownership can be protected under copyright law. It’s important for recipe authors or creators to understand their rights in order to ensure they receive appropriate credit and compensation for their work. Copyrighting a recipe can help prevent someone from stealing your original ideas and profiting off them without permission. If you want to make sure no one else takes advantage of your hard work, consider looking into the legal protection offered by copyright law. What Is The Best Way To Protect A Recipe From Plagiarism? Protecting a recipe from plagiarism can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be. The best way to protect your recipes is by copyrighting them or registering them with the US Copyright Office. This will give you the legal right to take action against anyone who steals or misuses the recipe without permission. Additionally, make sure that all versions of your recipe are kept in a secure place and only shared with people you trust. Finally, use proper citation whenever citing other sources for ingredients or inspiration when creating new recipes. With these steps in place, you can rest assured knowing that your recipes are safe from theft and misuse! How Can I Copyright A Recipe? If you're looking to copyright a recipe of your own, there are some important steps you should take. Recipe ownership can be protected by registering your work as an intellectual property with the US Patent and Trademark Office. Another option is to license your recipes so that they cannot be used without permission or compensation. If you'd like more information on how to protect your recipes from plagiarism, consult an experienced attorney who specializes in intellectual property law. Conclusion Overall, recipes are a form of intellectual property and can be protected from plagiarism. It is important to know the legal definition of a recipe in order to understand the best way to protect it. I believe that copyrighting a recipe is the most effective way for me to ensure that my original work is not stolen or used without permission. Additionally, understanding how cookbooks are considered intellectual property under certain laws can help me better protect myself as an author. In conclusion, protecting my recipes requires knowledge about intellectual property law and proper steps towards copyright protection. If you're looking for more delicious recipes to try, be sure to check out The Disney Chef's recipe categories! Whether you're in the mood for something sweet like a cake recipe, something savory like a chicken or pork recipe, or something fresh like a vegetable or seafood recipe, there's something for everyone. And if you're a meat-lover, don't forget to check out the beef recipes category for hearty and satisfying meals. With so many options to choose from, you're sure to find a new favorite recipe to add to your collection. Read the full article
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Eva Longoria Lets Her 4-Year-Old Drink Her Coffee; Here's Why
Image Source: Getty / Daniel Perez / Stringer Award-winning actor, director, producer, and activist Eva Longoria doesn't talk to her son about whether food is "good" or "bad." Rather than label certain foods as healthy or unhealthy, she wants him to remain curious. "I want his relationship to food to be very healthy," she tells POPSUGAR, rather than get bogged down by negative associations. "He's at an age where he eats everything," she says about 4-year-old Santiago Enrique, whom she shares with her husband, José "Pepe" Bastón. "If I'm eating something, he'll ask me about it. For example, he's obsessed with my morning coffee. He'll ask if he can have some, and I'll say, 'Absolutely, but you might not like it.'" From there, he goes through his five senses, first smelling it and then touching it ("It's too hot!"). She says, "That curiosity, I support." At a barbecue recently, Santiago was able to accurately label everyone's drinks. "My friend had a margarita, my husband had wine, and someone had a beer, and he just goes, 'That's a margarita, that's wine, that's a beer,'" she says, laughing. "I don't know if it's a good thing that he knows the name of these drinks, but it was very funny." His curiosity goes beyond tasting: Santiago loves to be part of the action in the kitchen, too. "I love cooking with him when he gets involved," Longoria says. "You can't care about the mess or if eggshells get in the bowl. It's like free play." She encourages him to taste ingredients and have fun with it. "So he's really comfortable in the kitchen." Image Source: Courtesy of Eva Longoria and Kellogg's The two of them have traveled together as part of CNN's new show "Eva Longoria: Searching For Mexico," where she tastes the unique cuisines across the country. In Mexico City, her son tasted his favorite dessert of churros and hot chocolate. Back at home, breakfast remains close to their roots. "We're a Mexican family, so we make flour tortillas every morning," she says. "Santi loves the masa and rolling out the tortilla. He'll take his cookie cutter and make a heart-shaped one." She's taken Santiago with her to India to give food to orphanages and to Mexico to provide clothes to children. "He asked me, 'Why don't they have shoes?,' and so I explained to him that not everybody is as fortunate as we are to have shoes," she says. "That's what you want, to spark that curiosity. I'll never tire of answering his questions." Philanthropy, like food, has always been close to Longoria's heart. She's partnering with Kellogg's Breakfast For All initiative, which donates $1,000 (equal to 10,000 meals) to No Kid Hungry for each purchase of an Eva's Breakfast For All Bundle (which includes several breakfast items as well as something signed by Longoria). "I don't think people realize that hunger is such a big issue in the United States," she says, adding that one in eight children live with hunger in the country. "I was excited to be part of this effort to relieve some of the burden on families." Above all, she aims to set a good example for her son. "You have to show them the human you want them to be, because you can't talk to your children about charity and philanthropy, but you can show them. That's what my mom did with me, and now I'm doing it with my son." Related: Eva Longoria Supports Serena Williams, Pointing to Double Standards For Working Moms https://www.popsugar.com/family/eva-longoria-teaching-son-food-49149035?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
The price of kindness
Slight yandere! Thoma x gn!reader
CW: Yandere
If there’s one thing you learned during your time on Ritou island is that everything has a price: the favors from the locals, advice and guidance from the other merchants - all of it needs some sort of payment, be it mora, goods or… services.
At first the notion of doing anything of that sort summoned the taste of pungent bile in your mouth and you quickly swatted the thought away, yet the time and desperation brought you to the very bottom and made you rethink your convictions.
In the past you travelled across the seven nations, selling foreign specialties and oddities to the curious locals - powder made of dried qingxin flowers, known for its medicinal use, windwheel asters and dandelion seeds that Mondtstadtians seem to cherish so much, strange alcohol made of cacti juice and other desert plants. Your wares were never particularly useful or meant to last long, but the number of people earning to try and taste something exotic and different has always been big, so you decided that your stock is good enough as it is.
And it was good enough: Inazumans, despite worshipping the unchangeable and immovable archon of eternity, has always been open to something new. All, from little kids, to the gray haired elders have visited your stall, their eyes shifting from one curiosity to another. A lot of people left without buying anything, but even more did purchase, be it a small flower or collection of Liyuen poetry. Mora flowed your way and it would continue to do so, if it wasn't for the Sakoku decree.
Isolation cut the Inazuma off from the rest of the world and locked you on Ritou island. As it was already said your goods were never meant to last long, so it wasn’t a big surprise when they started to crumble and rot once you couldn’t find buyers in the other Ritou settlers - all of them are also travelling merchants, who have seen the wonders of the seven nations and took little to no interest in your own collection of exotica.
International Trade Associations tried to help your quickly deteriorating situation, yet there’s only so much one can do in your conditions - with no goods to trade you quickly run out of mora and had to take on odd jobs to make ends meet - one day you were sweeping and mopping floor, the second you helped to organize ledger and count finances.
You did everything to keep your head above the water, yet it still wasn't enough and one day you found yourself rethinking the proposition one slimy samurai has made you weeks ago. He has lusted after you, you knew it from the way his eyes lingered and devoured your body, how he would turn his head every time you passed by, the sensation of his gaze lingering on your skin remaining for hours afterwards.
“You will crawl back to me”, he said then, a dirty smirk plastered over his face: “once you get desperate enough”.
And now you found yourself slowly approaching him, hesitation and doubt screaming from every step. His lips curled upwards, as he saw you, and that’s when your savior appeared.
Thoma, as he introduced himself later, entered your life as a red-golden hurricane - he acts and talks like a local, yet his features and hair betray his foreign roots. He interrupted you, putting himself before you and the samurai, the latter got angry at this, his fists clenching and eyes narrowing at this slight, yet he yielded and went away - he must be someone of importance then.
Thoma then turned to you, giving you a charming smile and asking whether something was wrong and you found yourself speechless. You couldn’t stand near that person, couldn’t even look at him - for a single moment you felt so dirty and disgusting for even considering selling your body. Your cheeks blazed and you lowered your eyes.
“Everything’s fine”, you softly murmured examining your shoes, instead of looking into those green eyes.
“Oh, really?”, he leaned closer, bending a little to examine your burning face: “You look like you need a good meal”.
This remark, said so casually and nonchalantly, sent another wave of shame, and you wished to leave, until he proposed to the dinner together. You wanted to decline this - Thoma, despite his charm, is nothing more than a stranger to you, yet the aching pit of your stomach grumbled again and you agreed.
You ate a full meal that day, a welcome change to the weeks of fasting, and learned that Thoma was a good soul, looking out for poor foreigners stuck on Ritou island. You believed none of that of course - no one can be this good without expecting any kind of reward, but you still swallowed the words of objection down - the food you were eating was delicious and plenty, something that you dreamed of for the last few days.
He seemed to take a liking to you, judging by the times he invited you to eat or provided you with basic necessities - this wasn’t without a payment of course. As a compensation he demanded you to tell the stories of your travels, of the sights of the snow swept forests of Snezhnaya or vast seas of grass in Mondstadt, and different meals you tried in Liyue and Sumeru.
“I want to learn about different nations”, he exclaimed once you asked why: “and you’re the best person to ask”. You didn’t buy that explanation either - his eyes lingered on your body in the same way that samurai’s did, yet he was nice enough to try to hide them behind a nice facade of curiosity.
“Oh, that’s good to hear” you replied, taking a bite and thinking what to do: “I have a lot of stories to tell”.
Thus your trade began - he provided you with money and food, and you returned these favours with the tales of your travels - Thoma, despite the lust he holds for you is a good listener, genuinely attentive and involved, and you doubt he will act on any of his carnal desires, he’s just too.. nice for that.
If a time on this island taught you anything is that everything has a price and if the price for Thoma’s kindness is just a shared meal and a couple of stories, then you’re fine with it - only a madman would decline the offer this generous.
Weeks slowly merged into months after your initial agreement when he returned to you again - today he’s holding a paper and a treasure in your eyes - the permit to travel across the Inazuma with your full name already written in the blank.
“Is it..?”, you come closer to him, eyes wide and unbelieving of what you saw.
“Yes, dear [First], it is”, Thoma laughs and comes closer to you - just now you realize how tall he is, how much he towers over you: “With this you can travel all across the Inazuma”.
He waves a sheet before you, just a bit out of reach - the gesture that you understand right away.
“And what’s your price?”, you decide to stop beating around the bush, asking straight to the point. His smile turns wider, a “so straightforward, aren’t you?”, thrown your way.
“A good kiss would be a good start”, he finally tells you, leaning in even closer.
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Exact Replica
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Request: "Hi! I really love you're writing and was wondering if you could do prompt 25+29 for Kuroo Tetsuro from Haikyuu? And could it be angst to fluff? (Maybe Kuroo was ignoring the reader due to lots of work/stress so reader feels neglected?) It's totally up to you tho! Ty so much!!"
25. "Would you notice if I was gone?"
29. "I didn't mean it."
↠ Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x F!Reader
↠ Warning: angst to fluff, mentions of pregnancy and kuroo's sad childhood
↬ Word Count: 3.7k
↠ a/n: okay this is my longest one yet. I swear the prompt screams angst to fluff so much that I go into it.
↳ from Go! Go! Gogatsu Event
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Kuroo Tetsuro achieved many great things in life after graduating from his university, with multiple acknowledgements and honors. Landed a position as a young CEO from a sports association at the age of 24, he had enough money in his pocket and bank to stable both of you financially. Life was good to him after having to build from the roots  of his ruined childhood; the only years of defeat Kuroo doesn't ever want to repeat. His father and mother were in the same position as you both are; owning your own shared house, good working environment, investments and stability, married.
Up until this day Kuroo questions why his parents split. They were fortunate that they had every thing completed, sadly it was the family and love that wasn't taken care of. You could be the happiest person, yet the void inside would still be there, Kuroo thought. Foolish people were to neglect something more valuable than any object that is given. Whether it was his father or his mother that stopped nurturing what they both bonded for the longest time, they were both fools to let each other go over something simple. He vows to never let history repeat itself.
But now the tables seemed to have flipped for the both of you. Your lives not far from what he had ran away from. If Kuroo could eat his words back, he would've now that he was running late yet again to coming home, forgetting about the promise he swore to about joining you after a full month of being occupied in his office. Coming home to have you already tucked in bed, but suffering in silence.
Most days he didn't bother greeting you in the morning and night. As a good wife, you understand. He was a busy man with an important position to maintain.
There were times where you'd be tapping your foot down on the floor as the clock strikes at an ungodly hour with your messages still not bothered to be replied to or even read. But you understand. He's working! Always doing what he can for the both of you like the good husband he wanted to be.
Even if sometimes he'd come home without a kiss or a simple, "I missed you." you understand. He's drained. No time for silly, endearing affections. You've done them a lot before back when you were younger. You're adults! Married! A married partner shouldn't be feeling so needy when the other was only doing their part.
Even when sometimes your insecurities would kick in whenever you'd visit your husband to drop his forgotten lunch again, only to see him flocked by different women; probably secretaries, interns, and assistance.
You understand. You always did took such good care of what you two have.
Well had.
His home office door slams shut, awakening you from your nap on the couch. Didn't Kuroo notice you when he walked in? Looking at the clock you noticed it was near 11:30 PM since he's arrived. Late again, maybe he hasn't eaten anything? No worries, you thought sadly. Stretching your aching muscles, you made your way to the dining area. So far dinner was left untouched once more. Just how many times has it gone to waste because you continued on cooking for two?
Or rather, three.
You beam at the sudden reminder while preparing your husband's plate. You'd always miss him whenever he'd come home, never had the chance to surprise him at the right time of your little discovery about a week ago. Fear did struck you because of the possible reactions he'd give, but you were so excited in sharing the news that a couple would share the equal happiness from, you couldn't contain it any longer.
Maybe you should've chosen another time unbeknownst to you how your husband was hunched over his desk, clearly in displease of the previous events that had occurred during the meeting back in his office. Hence why his work stack added more piles of predicaments, only fueling his headaches more wishing he could just lay down peace and quiet without disturbance.
He grumbles at the knock on his door, only typing furiously with emphasized taps on the keyboard. You, not sensing the emitting aura from the room took it as a response for you to enter. It surprised you a bit on how disordered his home office had become. It was obvious his coat had been thrown carelessly as it lays on the floor, wrinkled. Carefully placing the plate full of food on the small coffee table at the side, you gingerly picked up the article of clothing. Lightly trying to smoothen out the lines before hanging it behind his door and turning back to your husband.
"Tetsu?" cautiously calling out his name, you were kind of wary at the fact he didn't turn to see you unlike he does before whenever you'd enter the room. "I brought you your dinner. You came home pretty late." you tried to maintain the light hearted tone of your voice to hide how nervous you were in telling him the big news.
The atmosphere was kind of eerie when all he did was hum meekly from your words. Feeling a bit disheartened from his lack of attentiveness, still forcing a smile, you padded a little closer behind him with your hands clasps together. "I also wanted— well needed to tell you something." averting your eyes away from him as you prepared in your head. With a small hope he'd turn around for once after a long time.
"Can it be another time? I'm in the middle of stuff here."
Another time.
Why is it always next time? It's frustrating enough to not see him or have him speak to you even for a moment, but this made your stomach churn in an unpleasant way. Frowning at his poor reply, you gulped a few of your sentence back. Not fully trusting your emotions getting in the way, "You never really talked to me before, Tetsu.. I get that you're busy, but it wouldn't hurt for you to give a little minute for me."
Even just a second as long as he'd finally notice you.
"(Y/n) if you understand then why bother? You can clearly see I'm busy." chest huffing out a harsh sigh, still not bothering to turn around. Gripping your hands tightly, your patience were starting to snap. "You're always busy, Tetsu! I never had a proper conversation with you again." raising the volume of your voice a little made his actions come to a halt. Chair revolving around to face you. His appearance made it obvious how exhausted he has been; tousled hair that he usually takes longer to style, the light forming bags underneath his eyes from the screen and lack of sleep. The visible annoyance marked in his expression. But couldn't he say the same for you?
"Fine. Here, you have my attention now. Are we talking properly now?" his way of provoking you wasn't in the right place. It only made you look at him in disbelief because you've grown to never meet such side of your husband before. The news you had originally planned to share vanished from your head, replaced with the restrained emotions that has been building up inside your heart, tipping over.
"Tetsu, what is wrong with you?" looking at him now seemed like you were talking to someone else. His words were curt and short with no intention of prolonging the conversation, itching to get back to work so he could be done with it. "I already you I'm just busy. I would be done by now if you didn't want to talk properly with me." he says as if he's the one in distraught. "Seriously, nothing's wrong but I think you aren't. You're never like this."
"That's because you never cared to noticed in the first place!" wailing out the collapsed emotions that has weighed you heavily. It was too late to stop yourself from voicing out the things your husband left aside. A full month of being a good, understanding image of a wife thrown away to the rubbles without even appreciating the the long nights of you waiting up for him, cooking meals even though the next day they'd end up being in the trash, tolerating the coldness of the used to be warm sheets, putting up with the insecurities you took upon yourself to hide to avoid troubling your husband further when all you wanted was for him to assure you that he still loves you and only you.
The fascade you put up just for him crumbles. And it infuriates you more of how he still doesn't notice.
"(Y/n), you know I've been working! There's so much stuff that needs to be attended for just so you and I could live normally!"
"Tetsuro, we are stabled, it's okay to slow down a bit. How is this any normal to you when you don't even realize how this affects me?!"
The chair slides back roughly against the floor with a loud creak as he towers over you. Glowering eyes with a dark expression looming over his face, clearly now enraged. "You're being selfish right now. I'm here doing what I can to support us and all you could think of was you, you, you. Can't you see I'm doing this for you as well? God what else do you want from me, the world?"
"I only wanted you to give me your time and attention even just for a second, Tetsuro! I've been doing my best for you all this month and I never said anything to trouble you!"
It hurts when he said how you were being the selfish one when it was the opposite. It dawned to you that all those days of giving your all for him wasn't once noticed. "Will you ever grow up already? Attention? Really? We're adults, (Y/n) not teenagers for fucks sake. My time is just wasted because of you!" he doesn't stop there even if you've had your mouth already shut from how he portrayed you as. His words were beginning to leave a deep scar in you as you quiet down to the next line.
"If you think that nothing is troubling me, there is! And you just happen to add in for crying out loud!"
There were no words exchanged after his meltdown. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he looks away from you— who's eyes were already watery. Unable to even tell your side anymore at the ache of your heart. "So..I'm just troubling you then?" quivering out your words, Kuroo clenches his jaw as the bubbling frustration was being held back with the last bit of restrain he had.
"Would you notice if I was gone, Tetsu?"
Instead of being alarmed by your chosen form of sentence, you watched with sad eyes as your husband pulled back his chair and faced his workload. He didn't even noticed you're already crying silently, "Not now, (Y/n). We'll talk later."
He doesn't even noticed how you walked out sobbing with a shattered heart nor the door in the living room closing. Leaving him alone for the next few hours in peace like he wanted.
Time went on quickly when one doesn't take their eyes off from their consecutive workaholic state. With a groan, he almost slams his laptop shut before stretching his bones, slowly relaxing the tense muscles. It's up to his co workers and assistance to deal with the load he's prepared to dump onto them after they threw all theirs to him. Hoping to freshen up his face, Kuroo tidies his desk up before making his way to the door. Stopping in realization of the now cold dinner that was left on the coffee table.
His stomach growled loudly at the lack of food it's digested in the longest run. It was still good if he heats it up, he does miss eating home made meals than his stale ones back in the cafeteria of his workplace. Grabbing the plate carefully he first made a short journey to the kitchen to heat up his food. Unusual it was to have all the lights out in the house. You'd always leave some opened when he was awake. Then again the guilt started to crawl up to his chest knowing he's the cause of why you'd forgotten.
Now entering the bathroom with water running down his face, he plans ahead the apology he owes you when he wakes up tomorrow morning. He could reschedule his own time since he is the boss. He closes the faucet right after he was done rinsing. Looking around for the towel his eyes caught something below the small organizer you put up next to the sink. Grabbing the towel above the first part of the organizer, bending down slowly to avoid getting cramps, his actions were quick to grab the object that caught his attention the moment it seemed so familiar and surprising.
Pregnancy test. Two lines for positive.
Having a child with you was the last thing he's yet to accomplish from his list, and here it was. As much as he wanted to be in denial, it all felt like surge of contentment drowns him in because he was going to be a dad. However his body began to tremble whilst still holding the test and staring intently at it. The previous guilt that was crawling beneath his bones became a dark, desolated hole of anxiety and fear that ate him whole. The things he's said and done will never be taken back no matter how he apologizes to the past events a few hours ago.
Hours ago. It was already 2:25 when the fight had ceased. Deep down he knows he couldn't wait until the next day to plead for forgiveness. After all, he did vow to never leave you both a day feeling heavy alone. Kuroo felt nauseous of how much of an asshole he had treated you. Like starting a game of volleyball once more, he was beyond nervous when he approached your shared bedroom. There was no excuse of his actions indeed as he solemnly enters the dimmed room. He sighs a little shaky when he closes in your bed, "Baby?" he starts, "Baby, are you awake?" it was one of the little things he's memorized that you'd do when you both aren't in good terms. You never really slept, just pretended because you always had the heart to wait up for him.
When he gets no response he reaches out to pat you, only coming to the sense that the sheets were left untouched; no warmth traced behind. You weren't there, any where. His blood runs cold and immediately fishes out for his phone in his pocket, speed dialing your number while he circles the entire area of the house in case you'd be there. Now he was more terrified when he hears the familiar voice mail from the living room couch where you had slept while waiting for him.
You left your phone. His wife wasn't home— his pregnant wife.
"Fuck." running a rough hand through his tangled hair. The lump on his throat grows but he refuses to let out a string of sobs. It was his fault you were gone at such an ungodly hour. Kuroo felt more than a bigger asshole than before he's made you come to the point of leaving home. Just as his mother did and never returned. The one thing he swore you two would never be the same came to life, only thought now is Kuroo doesn't know whether you've left him for good after being a neglectful husband and to have dishearten his own beloved wife like that.
"Would you notice if I was gone?"
Rang in his head as he stood outside the neighborhood, running. Chasing after a hallucinated image of you any place he tried to remember you'd be in. A fool he has been to have left you in a loveless marriage. He loves you, he really does. He can't imagine a life without you in it. Just as it was about to become the happiest he's wanted, he pushed it all too soon. A bad husband, he cries. "(Y/n), please come home." legs aching and panting from having to study all areas. It was pitch black; there were no opened spots for you to even go at an hour of slumber and chaos. The only convenient store did not even have you in it. You were no where to be seen and Kuroo breaks.
Of course he'd notice when it was all too late. The past he's ran away from was still the place he's returned now that the house was only occupied by nothing but rotten memories of the love he didn't took care of. The exact replica of a married life he desperately tried to dodge. "I'm so sorry." for the lonely nights he's left you to sleep, over thinking of what may have been your fault and always figuring him out tirelessly. For the small efforts of adoration he didn't took a glance at and gone to waste. For the words that were never even meant for you to ever feel. For being a neglectful husband. He was sorry he noticed too late how he ruined his precious wife.
Now he's left you on your own out in the dangers outside. If anything horrible happened to you he will forever be crushed. But the world thinks that second chances are given to those who truly deserve them after you came in quietly, slipping off your sandals and waving back to your friend who had dropped you off home. Your short break to the convenient store changed when you met up with her and drove back to her place to rant about what happened. Being the sluggish person you are whenever sadness hits, you never noticed how long you've over stayed. It wasn't like your husband was going to know if he still was working.
Much to your surprise that he wasn't, you stifled a gasp to find him with his hands holding his head that was leaned down on the table. His shoulders were lightly jolting with escapes of audible sniffles, indicating that he was in fact crying. If he looked exhausted before, it wasn't enough to describe his current state; as if he was a man who'd lost every thing as he sat there with all hope lost. Your foot padded on the creaky part of the floor in attempt to tiptoe over his hunched back to comfort him. Squeaking in the awkward situation you've put the room in when Kuroo turns his head behind to see you standing there a bit frightened, but concerned when you saw how disheveled his face looks.
"Tetsu—" his name got cut off short from when you almost tripped over your balance at the sudden impact of Kuroo throwing himself into your arms with his weight. You couldn't make out what he was mumbling on about, but you melt to his embrace even if he squeezes the living day lights from you, afraid that he was going crazy and you weren't real. "Thank God," litters of kisses were placed on your clavicle, "You're back."
He repeats, slowly convincing himself that you are indeed home in his arms, safe, no harm detected. Just home. "I'm so sorry.."
"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of what I said, I-I'm so sorry." your bodies swayed gently to the sound of your hushes and his cries of apologies. "Please don't leave me like that again. I was so scared."
"Shhh, it's okay, Tetsu. I'm sorry. I'm okay— we're okay." leading him to sit down at the couch, you placed the bag of different brands of sweets and junk on the table before facing your husband. You had to stifle in a laugh watching him wipe his nose, you couldn't help but be reminded of a mini Tetsuro by looking at him. The argument that stung you faded when he took a hold of your hands and mumbled another apology.
"You shouldn't be sorry for anything. I should be.." flickering his eyes from your belly to your bloodshot eyes from your own fiasco back in your friend's place, he slides in closer next to you where your shoulders touched. "I haven't been a good husband lately, have I?" he looks at you expectantly. Frowning, you still nodded. Tired of hiding your own feelings from him.
"I know you're busy most of the time, Tetsu. But I just wanted you to recognize me as your wife." thumbs quick to swipe away the tear that had shed from your eye, "We're in this together, remember?" he pulls you right from the arm, shoving your face to his chest in need to hold you for all the times he should've. Ignoring the dampness of his white long-sleeved polo, breathing in the scent of your sweet shampoo. You were still so forgiving and understanding despite on how equally tired as he was you are.
"I'm so sorry I've made you feel as if I never cared anymore. You never deserved that." his lips found it's way to the crown of your head. "I don't deserve you, and I really don't want to lose you after me being stupid." giggling through tears, fist connecting a soft punch on his chest, bubbling a chuckle to the surface as he lightly pulls you away from hiding.
"I really didn't mean all of those things I've said, baby. I love you and only you." stroking ever so lovingly your cheek, you don't catch on to the fact that his other hand was placed over your stomach protectively. Making a silent promise to not only you, but the soon to be new addition to the family that he will never again neglect what he should've cherished more and looked after than the constant worries at the back of his head.
Because he will never again repeat the replica of a broken family he once was born in.
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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kimageddon · 3 years
Star Wars Fics
I was challenged by @ashotofspotchka . So I did it.
The Prompt
Made this a Tech x Reader fic. I got inspired. And became a bit longer that intended.
I heard y'like Tech?? @eyecandyeoz @fallenrepublick (tag a fan!)
The Wedding
Well this was a right mess to be in. How had you even gotten into this situation? Oh of course… Cid. As much as you admired her, she was a tricky one. If not for her you would have never been invited to her salon, nor would you have met the most frustrating band of men you’d encountered. And their adorable little sister of course.
Had you not taken that job with them a few months ago, you would not have gotten to know them so well. Not been put in so many ridiculous situations and nearly losing your head. You wouldn’t have that new scar across your thigh… and you wouldn’t have grown to like them so much.
Damn it. Your mentor always told you not to get too attached to people, one never knew when they would find each other on opposite sides of the field so to speak. Casual acquaintances were one thing. Friendship was not a good idea. Anything more was downright dangerous. You told yourself it was alright to have a little affection for them. That it was alright to laugh and make jokes, to share a meal with them, to make them smile. That was alright… wasn’t it?
You let out a sigh wishing the ceremony would soon be over. Not that it wasn’t lovely. Of course it was. The venue was beautifully decorated, from the flowers to the guests, everything was stunning. A perfect picture of romance and love and devotion.
You usually detested weddings. There was one incident when you were young and… well it spoiled the idea of them to you. Though this was… actually rather nice. The group, you included, were tasked with providing security for the wedding as a favour to one of Cid’s associates. It was one of the more ridiculous missions… though even you had to admit, you cleaned up alright in a silken dress and heels. It had been a while since you’d had to go undercover and this was… well it was rather fun.
The downside of course had been seeing the boys in their suits. It wasn’t good for your heart. If they looked a picture of badass intimidation in full armour, then the five of them in suits were just perfect.
Hunter even had his hair swept back, though it took you a second to recognise him without the bandana. Wrecker had been a little grumbly about feeling unprotected but was very pleased when you told him he was very handsome. Crosshair had rolled his eyes at first, but gotten very offended when you snatched his toothpick from his lips. Echo had a moment when he was finally dressed. You’d been tying his bowtie when he’d let out a little huff and gave a small smile, saying he “felt human again.” Your heart broke at these words because even with his brothers he still felt… lesser. You had been quick to assure him that he was more human than anyone you knew and that the prosthetics meant nothing on that. Seeing him puff up with pride again was worth nearly getting shot last week.
Even Omega had a pretty dress on and flats tied to her ankles with ribbons. You and she had picked a dress to match Hunter’s suit specifically, she looked up to her big brother so very much, you often thought he was more like a father really, but kept these thoughts to yourself for now.
The last one to join you was the one that affected you the most of course. Tech stepped out onto the landing platform looking like a million credits and like he should have a hot woman on each arm. Like he could make any woman swoon with just a wink.
Hot damn.
Of course he would not do such a thing, and was just looking around, observing the surroundings for possible points of attack, vulnerability and in general taking in the surroundings. As you were also meant be doing. Internally you swore and after drinking in his obliviously gorgeous self, you’d returned to praising the way Omega had pinned her hair without needing your help.
Tech had of course been one of the members of the self-proclaimed ‘Bad Batch’ that you had found the most interesting. He always knew at least five facts about the planet or target or mission that the others didn’t. Always reading, always observing. His eyes behind his goggles were never still. One could think him cold if they didn’t look close enough. But he had a deep passion for knowledge, for technology… its no wonder he had chosen such a name. Practical. To the point. You liked that about him. You like quite a bit about him as you recently discovered. The way he could fix anything. The way his eyes lit up when he talked about learning new things. The way he was so damn efficient at his job, he knew the Havoc Marauder inside and out. The little smile when the two of you shared an inside joke. Or the way he rolled his eyes whenever one of his brothers exasperated him. The way he was always right there to help Omega over large stones or down the stairs of the ship. He was so thoughtful like that, despite not really talking about it.
Actually no. No, you didn't like that. It was just positive observations. That’s all. He was a colleague… maybe a friend. Maybe. There was nothing more to it, you told yourself. There wasn’t anything meant in the little brushes of your fingers when you two passed items between each other. Or passed in the hold of the ship. Or when you were squashed together when hiding from Imps. He didn’t think like that. Right?
Currently, you were standing on one side of the large room, waiting for the bride to arrive. On one side were you, Hunter and Crosshair, standing alongside the pews. On the other, was Omega, Echo, Wrecker and Tech. You wished Tech was on your side of the room, then he wouldn’t be in your vision at least. Not that it meant anything! You were allowed to admire the handsome technician of course, but that's all it was. He certainly wasn’t looking back at you every minute or so either. You were probably imagining it. You had to keep your eyes out for any breaches in security. Any guests acting strange. Certainly not staring at the drop-dead gorgeous clone in glasses across from you.
“Feeling alright, Feisty?” Hunter asked in a low whisper. You smirked at the nickname, apparently you had made an impression on them in the first mission when the client had gotten too mouthy. “Your heart rate is higher than usual.” He added, and you could hear definite amusement in his tone.
You pursed your lips together, trying not to smile from embarrassment. “I’m fine Hunter.” You replied out of the corner of your mouth. Another sweep of the venue with your eyes-- oh kriff Tech was looking your way. Your eyes met for just a second before you tore them away. You heard Hunter chuckle.
“You sure?” He muttered, folding his arms,
“Shut up, Hunter.” You retorted with a soft huff. He chuckled again and you felt your face grow hot. By the nine moons of Endor you wanted to run. It was then the music began and you steeled yourself. The ceremony was beginning.
It was lovely, really. Very sweet, lovely and romantic. The Togruta and his Twi’lek bride seemed very in love if the look on the groom's face was to be believed. He practically lit up like a beacon on seeing her. You had the brief thought... would anyone do that for you? Before immediately pushing it away. Those sorts of thoughts were dangerous. You were sure that it was going to be boring… but you couldn’t help but get a little distracted when they began to say their vows.
“...my darling. There is so much I want to say to you. So much I have felt and left unsaid, I am sure you know just how I feel just by the way I look at you.”
Your eyes instinctively flicked to the otherside of the room. You glimpsed his eyes on you and was immediately caught in the depths of his soft brown eyes. The gentle and kind look you had seen many times, but thought nothing of. He was just kind, that’s who he was. In this moment though-- you were sure there was… a little more to it.
“...It was not easy to let myself open up… to bring myself to acknowledge my feelings but in one moment I knew they were endless and unrelenting. I love you from the depth of my soul and I never want to be apart from you…”
Oh hells… these vows were so saccharine sweet that normally you would be gagging… but these ones hit a little too close to home. You couldn’t stop your eyes from being tugged toward the suited clone trooper opposite you, no matter how you forced them away, to scan the room for danger, they were always drawn back to him. Always him.
“...When I met you you were just so wild. Such a firecracker…!”
There was a laugh across the room and you almost jumped, reminding yourself you were in a crowd. Though none of them paid attention to you. Only one.
“...It was like seeing the sun for the first time, with you in my world colours were brighter, food was sweeter, I found myself longing for times when we could be together, even in the small moments…”
You recalled the times Tech and yourself had been together, doing maintenance, repairs, listening to the music through the entertainment channels. The little laughs, the simple things.
“...not everything was easy, and there has been so much danger…”
You remembered your last serious injury, the piece of twisted metal sticking out of your leg while you hauled ass back to the ship, firing behind you to cover the boys. The way Tech’s eyes had become as big as moons when you finally collapsed, and they saw how bad the injury was.
“... but I always trusted you to get me through anything. I love you, my darling. With all my heart, and soul and with every beat of my heart and breath in my body. I will be yours even after all the stars in the galaxy burn out.”
You had been unable to tear your gaze from Tech’s for the last minute or so and you could feel your face burn. It was only when the vows were done and the bride and groom kissed, their hands wrapped together in a red ribbon and the other guests clapped in support that you snapped out of your little reverie. You joined, half-heartedly in the applause but you felt… strange. You really wanted this mission to be over. Or a drink. Yeah, a drink would be good.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 5)
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Summary: Sam moves back to town and under Dean’s roof meanwhile the reader learns more about Dean’s hesitancy in certain areas of their relationship... 
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, mention of accidents, PTSD, past sexual assault, injury
A/N: Parts of this series are told from two different POV’s. Dean’s POV are written from limited third person. Reader’s POV are second person (like a typical reader insert). Enjoy!…
Reader’s POV
“Uh…” you said the next morning as you found a strange man in the kitchen. He spun around and you recognized the face. “Sam?”
“Y/N,” he smiled. “Nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you said. You walked over and he gave you a hug. “You get in town early for Thanksgiving?”
“Yeah, something like that. Dean said he might be out and to just let myself in,” he said. “Sorry, I thought I had the house to myself.”
“It’s fine,” you said, tugging Dean’s shirt down a little, grateful you at least had put a bralette on underneath. “He took my sister to an appointment. They should be back soon.”
“Cool,” he said as you went to make yourself a cup of coffee. “So um, I actually was going to surprise you guys today with some news. Well, you and Tessa.”
“What’s that?” you asked, grabbing your favorite mug.
“I’m moving back to Lawrence,” he said. 
“Really? That’s great. He misses you so much,” you said.
“Yeah. Got a job at the big firm downtown. McKluskey & Associates,” he said.
“I heard really good things about them, at least when I worked at Hawthorne I did.”
“Oh Hawthorne is the worst,” said Sam. “They dump paralegals all the time.”
“Yeah. I was one of them. But I’m doing really good at Dean’s office. I just finished my first certification so I get a little pay bump for that,” you said.
“Nice. I know he loves getting to pop in and see you during the day, even for a minute. You’re very cute in scrubs apparently,” chuckled Sam. “I actually was going to talk to you about this but um, I was going to see if I could move in here for a bit while I look for a place. Is that cool with you? It’s totally okay if you’re not. I get it if you and Dean want your own space.”
“I’d love for you to stay, Sam,” you said with a big smile. “I really would like to get to know Dean’s family, his real family.”
“I’d like to know his new family,” he said. You both turned when you heard the front door open, Tessa giggling.
“I don’t believe you old man.”
“I am thirty one you little shit,” laughed Dean. “I so have been skydiving!”
“He definitely has,” said Sam. Dean poked his head out from the foyer and gave you both a big smile. “Hey De.”
“Sammy! You managed to get those days off work early?” asked Dean. He slipped out of his boots and jacket, quickly walking into the kitchen with a bag in his hands. He set it down on the counter and gave his brother a hug, Sam shrugging. “What?”
“Got that new job. Starts next month. I was wondering if I might still be able to crash here with-”
“Of course,” said Dean, quickly looking at you.
“I already told him it was cool,” you said, Tessa slowly walking inside. She set her starbucks cup down on the counter and got out her breakfast burrito. “Tessa this is Sam. You’ve said hi to him once or twice on the phone.”
“Hi,” she said quietly, looking at Dean.
“Sammy would you mind giving us a real quick second alone?” asked Dean.
“No problem,” he said. He excused himself to the bathroom and you got out your breakfast from the bag, Dean giving Tessa a nod. “Go ahead.”
“I want to see a different therapist,” she said. You sat back and looked at Dean. “If that’s okay.”
“What happened today? I know Dean sat in on your session.”
“I didn’t particularly like some of the comments the doctor made,” said Dean. “Tessa’s eighteen, not five. I think she should start going to a doctor for adults. Tessa’s not been happy with him for awhile she mentioned. I have a colleague from my med school days that specializes in young adults.”
“Tessa why didn’t you tell me you don’t like the doctor.”
“Because you say I have to go no matter what,” she shrugged. “I know there were only a few that we could get covered too.”
“I have a new health plan and we’re definitely going to switch you over to somebody different,” you said.
“Dr. Ketch is good. I used to use him when I was around here,” said Sam, walking back inside. “I was gonna call him up myself, try to get a spot in again.”
“I was thinking of Arthur for Tessa actually,” said Dean.
“Why do you go to therapy?” she asked Sam.
“Lots of reasons,” he said. “Pretty sure everyone in this house has so no need to by shy about it.”
“I’ll call Arthur,” said Dean to you. “It’ll be better for her Y/N.”
“You’re the doctor,” you said. You unwrapped your food and started to eat, Dean digging into his own meal while Sam sucked on some kind of green smoothie.
“Are you like a health freak?” said Tessa with a mouthful of food. Sam sipped some more and shrugged. “Good. He won’t touch my ice cream.”
“Oh I love ice cream,” smirked Sam. “I wouldn’t count on it being safe around me.”
“Are you teasing me?” she asked.
“Am I?” said Sam, slurping his smoothie again. Dean rolled his eyes and whacked the back of Sam’s head. “Ow.”
“She’s tougher than you, Sammy. I’m sure you two will harass each other to death,” said Dean while he ate.
“Mhm,” he hummed as Toast ran in through the doggie door. “You have a dog!”
“Yeah. This is Toast,” said Tessa. She leaned down and unclipped his vest, Toast rushing over and sniffing Sam. “That’s Sam. Don’t let him eat my ice cream.”
Toast barked and Sam looked at her.
“His vest isn’t on. You can pet him,” she said. 
Ten minutes later Sam was in the backyard with Toast and Tessa, tossing around a ball and smiling like a little kid.
“Well we won’t have to worry about those two getting along I don’t think,” said Dean as you watched out the back window.
“I wasn’t too concerned. I know her sessions are private but what exactly happened today.”
“We talked a bit about how she feels about me being a part of your lives. She does like me, she cares about me even. But she’s still getting to used to sharing you with someone else. Tessa’s doing fine aside from an uptick in nightmares recently. Her doctor was very negative though. He doesn’t help her reframe things. I’m not a therapist but even I can do a much better job than he was. We talked after on the way to get breakfast and I think it’d be better for her to go to someone that helps her progress more, handle things on her own in healthy ways. Tell me to shove it if I crossed a line but it’s my honest opinion.”
“If Tessa thinks she wants to try a new doctor then I am all for it,” you said. “I’m glad you went with her after last night and everything.”
“She’s your sister...but…”
“I know. You watch her back and I’ll watch Sam’s?” you said. He smiled and nodded. “So I was thinking...you know how we were talking about that taking care of you thing last night?”
“Yes?” he said. “What’d you have in mind?”
“I was wondering if I couldn’t give you a little spa night tonight. A nice bath, massage, a fresh pie…”
“Mmm, that does sound nice,” he said. “But that sounds a bit extravagant.”
“Trust me?” you said. He threw his head back but sighed. “Good boy. You’ll love it. I promise.”
“How was your bath?” you asked that night, Dean’s skin all warm and soft as he laid on his belly in a pair of black boxer briefs in the bedroom.
“Nice. My skin feels all smooth. I should use the tub more often,” he hummed. 
“You definitely should. I’m gonna give you a back massage now, okay? I’m gonna use a bit of some special lotion with oil in it,” you said. 
“Go for it,” he said into his pillow. You straddled his back and squirted some lotion onto your hands, rubbing it in a bit before you put your hands on his back. You worked him slowly for a few minutes, Dean’s muscles tensed more than you realized. After a while he loosened up and you slid your hands to his lower back, Dean tensing once again. 
“You okay? I didn’t hurt anything?” you asked.
“I’m okay. Just don’t take off my underwear,” he said.
“I’m not going to. I’m almost done and then I’ll get your feet,” you said. You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, Dean closing his eyes. He was still for the most part, his feet not too bad and his back was all dry by the time you told him he could roll over. He didn’t move though and you figured he was comfortable where he was.
You washed up your hands in the bathroom, whistling as you came out, the bedroom empty.
“Dean…” you said, the back door open. You stepped outside, Dean standing by the railing and looking at the backyard. “Dean it’s cold out.”
“I need a minute,” he said. You went inside, taking a seat on the bed, Dean coming inside a few moments later. He wouldn’t look in your direction and you took his hand when he crawled back on the bed. “Thank you for the massage. It felt very nice.”
“You’re welcome.”
He moved his hand away and you looked across the room. 
Only to have a pair of boxer briefs be dropped in your lap. You turned your head and Dean was laying back on the bed, naked, his face red. 
“Dean, what-”
“I’m not going to get over this if I don’t try and I don’t want to be scared of you so...there,” he said. You smiled and laid back, bringing your head over close to his. 
“Want me to get naked too?” you asked.
“No. I uh, think he’ll get excited down there and I’m not...ready for that,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, cuddling as close as you dared. You laid an arm over his waist and he eased, his fingers toying with your hair. “Proud of you.”
“You don’t even know what happened.”
“No but somebody hurt you so I know this is hard for you and I’m proud of you for facing your fears.”
“It’s not as bad as you think,” he said. “It was just...judgement free zone?”
“Always,” you said.
“I got stupid. I’d had a little too much. I let...I let the chick I was with tie my hands together, to the headboard at the motel we’d stumbled into. I shouldn’t have done that with a stranger. It was fun at first and everything and then I mentioned...fuck it, I said sometimes I like when a girl sticks a finger up there, like the tip when I’m getting a blowjob and it can feel good, you know?”
“I’ve met guys that like that. Nothing wrong with that,” you said, kissing his arm. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes.
“I told her a tip of a finger. At most.”
“What happened?”
“She stuck a whole lot more than a tip in. Without prep. She didn’t care that I told her to stop. She did what she wanted after that and I was so freaked out and it hurt that I just...laid there until she was done and untied me and I never saw her again.”
“She assaulted you.”
“I did ask her to do it.”
“You asked for a tip of a finger, not whatever she did not to mention you said to stop. I don’t blame you one bit for being scared Dean.”
“I’m not scared of you,” he said. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, nuzzling his shoulder. “I’m just not ready for somebody else to touch me like that yet.”
“That is so okay,” you said. “I got you a little present.”
“I don’t need presents,” he said.
“I think you’ll like it. Stay right there,” he said. You got up and walked over to the closet, slipping inside and pulling out a bag. You carried it out to the bedroom, Dean sitting up on the bed.
“I hope you like it,” you said. You gave him the bag and he unwrapped it, smiling as he took out the new onesie and nice boxer briefs. “They’re supposed to be really soft and comfortable.”
“I love it, Y/N,” he said. “I’m gonna wear this thing like all day tomorrow.”
He took out the boxer briefs and tugged them on, smiling to himself.
“Oh wow, these are great. They’re so soft and comfy,” he said. He ran his hand over his thighs and nodded. “I know I’m okay with you. Give me a little more time is all.”
“Take all the time in the world. I don’t like you cause I want to have sex with you. I mean I do want to but it’s not why I want you,” you said as you sat back down.
“Why do you like me?” he asked. You shrugged and he tucked your hair behind your ear. “Cause I helped you guys out?”
“Because you’re kind...and you understand not being ready to be a parent...and you make me smile for the first time in two years. I missed being happy.”
“Me too,” he said. “I am very much down for a cuddle though.”
“That I can certainly do, Winchester.”
“Tessa…” you said as she was pulling on her boots by the front door the next afternoon. “Did you finish your history paper?”
“Yes,” she groaned. She put on her jacket and grabbed her purse. “Can I go? Hailey’s waiting.”
“Home by seven at the latest,” you said. “You have school in the morning.”
“I know,” she said, hooking up Toast into his vest and leash. “Later!”
“Have fun,” you said. She waved and took off with Toast, nearly knocking Sam off his feet as he came inside. “Careful, Tess.”
“Sorry, Sam,” she said, taking off with Toast outside. 
“No problem,” he said. You sighed and he chuckled, kicking off his sneakers. “That Tessa’s friend? Expensive car for a high schooler.”
“Hailey’s dad owns a string of car dealerships. Plus her mom’s a doctor so they’re kinda rolling in it,” you said.
“True. I’m in the market for something new myself. You’ll have to give me the name,” said Sam, padding into the kitchen for a drink.
“Anytime. We always got a friends and family discount. Maybe we can sneak that in for you,” you said. “By the way, what happened to Dean? I thought he was working out with you in the garage.”
“I think I went a little too hard for him,” chuckled Sam. “He was laying on the floor last I checked.”
“Try not to kill my boyfriend, Sam,” you said with a smile.
“I’ll do my best,” he said. “I was gonna apartment hunt this afternoon if you’re interested.”
“Why don’t you stay here a little longer?” you asked. “If you want.”
“I don’t want to get in your and Dean’s way. You moved in not long ago yourself. I’m sure you guys want your space.”
“We have a barely eighteen year old living with us that’s gonna be here for a long time. Space isn’t really an issue,” you said. “And that was...we needed to get out of our old house. You’re so not in the way.”
“I’ll hold off for a bit then,” said Sam with a nod. You smiled and went out to the garage, Dean laying on the floor with his eyes shut.
“You alive there?” you said as you squatted down and poked him.
“I am never, never, never, working out with that psychopath again,” he said. He peeled open an eye and you ruffled his sweaty hair. 
“Well I think Sam’s gonna stay here for awhile so you may have to suffer some more,” you said. 
“Really? Good. I’d like him to stay. I think he was concerned about getting in your guys way though.”
“We can share,” you said, wiping your wet hand on his shirt. “Plus you’re extra hot all sweaty like that.”
“Am I now?” he smirked.
“Yes. Sweat is how you cool off so you must be extra hot. I thought you were a doctor, Dean,” you teased. He rolled his eyes and ran his hand over his face, wiping it on your arm. “Gross!”
“If I had the energy I’d give you a noogie,” he said. He sat up and leaned forward, stretching himself out. “I didn’t realize I was out of shape.”
“You’re really not. Sam’s a skinny little rail and all muscle that’s into running and that high intensity stuff. I bet you can bench press more than Sam any day,” you said. 
“Yeah but he’s still pretty healthy. I am a doctor. I ought to practice what I preach.”
“Dean. You’re healthy and hot. I mean, work out with Sam if you want but don’t cause you think you have to, you know?”
“I know,” he said.
“Why don’t you do yoga with me tomorrow?” you asked. “It’s more fun than you think.”
“Sure,” he said as you helped him sit up. “I was thinking maybe once I’m not all sweaty I could…”
You both turned your heads as you heard a dog howling loudly. Your stomach dropped as Dean quickly got to his feet. He walked out of the garage and to the end of the driveway before he took off running.
“Call an ambulance!” he shouted back. You ran inside and looked for your phone, Sam watching you run around.
“Are you-”
“Sam give me your phone!” you shouted back. He took his from his pocket and tossed it at you, before you were rushing out to the garage. You jogged outside and to the end of the driveway, Sam already running down the street along with a few other people that were outside to the two cars that were smashed together a few blocks down.
You sprinted down, the voice on the other end of the phone saying help was already on the way.
“Tessa,” you said as you got up to the accident, Dean sitting with her and Hailey on the side of the road. She was crying hard, Dean holding onto her but he gave you a smile. 
“She’s okay. Few bumps,” he said. You became aware of the dog whimpering and turned around, Sam helping get Toast out of the backseat. He was hurt, badly from the looks of it. “Y/N. Take Tessa and I’d call Hailey’s parents too. Tell the paramedics and any doctors she sees about the previous accident, medications, the seizures, all of that, okay?”
“Okay,” you said as you sat and he stood. “Where-”
“I got my own patient,” he said as he took off his shirt. He tossed it to Sam who started using it to put pressure on one of Toast’s injuries. “Sammy, I’ll grab the car.”
The guys headed back towards home, Tessa burrowing her face in your shoulder.
“Toast is gonna die,” she said, wrapping her arms around you. 
“Sh,” you said, holding her close. “The boys are gonna do their best to get him help, okay? Don’t worry about it. Hailey, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she said, holding her wrist with her other hand. “It wasn’t my fault, I swear, Y/N.”
“That’s debatable,” mumbled Tessa. You hugged her and glanced over to the man sitting on the other side of the street, some people over with him.
“It’s okay. We’ll make sure you guys are okay and everything, I promise.”
Dean’s POV
“How’s he doing?” asked Dean as they got stuck in traffic. Toast was still howling and whimpering in Sam’s arms in the backseat when Dean checked his mirrors. “Fuck it.”
“Dean,” said Sam as Dean pulled onto the shoulder and drove up to the light, taking a right on the red and speeding down the road. 
“It’s fine. Vet is right around the corner.”
Two Hours Later
“Mr. Winchester,” said the nurse, popping into the waiting room. Dean and Sam both got up and followed him through a pair of doors into the back of the office where a doctor in scrubs was walking out of another room.
“We can’t save the leg,” said the doctor. “It’s shattered, muscle’s been shredded, veins are-”
“Is Toast gonna live though?” asked Dean.
“He should. He is banged up pretty good but no signs of major damage aside from his leg. We’ll amputate and get him on meds. If he does well he can go home tomorrow.”
“That’s great,” said Sam.
“You want to go through with the amputation then?” they asked.
“Of course,” said Dean. 
“The bill is going to be around four thousand for the procedure,” the doctor said. She waited and Dean stared at her, blinking slowly.
“I don’t care how much money it is. Fix my dog,” said Dean. The doctor went back inside while Dean got a bill for the service, Sam pursing his lips when Dean returned.
“Y/N’s gonna want to pay that.”
“Y/N ain’t gonna know about it,” said Dean, shoving his wallet back into his pocket.
“Her sister was just in another car accident, Sam. She’s freaking the fuck out right now I’m sure. Besides, Toast is a living creature. He’s their family and he’s starting to be mine too. Can you imagine if I had to ask my patient’s families if they wanted to go through with life saving treatment cause it’s expensive? I put it on an installment plan. I won’t even notice.”
“Does Y/N’s insurance cover it?”
“Not something like this. If it was your dog I’d be doing the same thing,” said Dean. “Toast is gonna be alright and that’s all that matters so don’t say a word about this to either one of them.”
“Can he still help Tessa? With a leg gone?”
“I don’t know if he’ll meet the legal requirements of a service dog or not after this but that dog loves her. He’s still gonna watch her back, maybe a bit slower now is all. Y/N and Tessa are gonna have to decide if they want to get another one or not. She’s been going close to a year with no seizures though.”
“That’s really good, isn’t it?” asked Sam.
“Yeah. It doesn’t mean she won’t ever have one again but it means she’s doing good. Toast could probably handle things fine on his own, depends on what they’re comfortable with.”
“That kid’s pretty tough.”
“I know she is. She reminds me of you a lot.”
“Y/N reminds me of you. Except nicer,” chuckled Sam.
“I wasn’t your maid. You could pick up after yourself,” said Dean, leaning back in his chair. “They’re miles ahead of where we were.”
“She know we knew her dad?”
“Yeah. She knows he helped but not the extent of things.”
“Ever think it’s funny, you ending up with the her of all people?”
“No actually. Our families seem to fit together is all,” said Dean.
“I can second that,” said Sam, Dean’s stomach rumbling. “I’m gonna go grab some food for us. Call if anything happens.”
“Will do, Sammy.”
Reader’s POV
“Hey,” you said later that night, the guys returning home. Tessa popped up from the couch, rushing over. She teared up when she saw no Toast and Dean shushed her.
“There’s good and bad news. Good news, Toast is gonna pull through,” he said. She sniffled and looked to Sam then back at him. “Bad news...he lost a leg. He won’t be able to be a true service dog anymore.”
“I don’t care. Where is he? When can I-”
“He’s recovering from his surgery. The vet said it’d be a few days before he can come home. Tomorrow night at the earliest,” said Sam. “Maybe we can see him tomorrow after school?”
“Tessa’s staying home tomorrow but we’ll definitely get you over to see him,” you said. 
“Good. You need to stay home and rest, Tess,” said Dean.
“The hospital didn’t even take me. I got a few bruises,” she said. Dean crossed his arms and Tessa rolled her eyes. “I wanna go see Toast.”
“Toast is resting and I don’t speak dog but you are the most important thing in his life and I know he wants you to rest too,” said Dean.
“But I’m fine.”
“Come here,” he said. He grabbed her arm and ducked outside, talking to her on the front porch as Sam ran his hand through his hair.
“Which leg?” you asked. “Toast.”
“His front left one. He’s got some stitches on his body. He’ll be okay.”
“She still needs a service dog,” you said. 
“We’ll deal with it tomorrow. I’ll keep an close eye on her until we figure something out,” said Sam.
“Don’t know what we’d do without you boys,” you said. You shut your eyes and he gave you a hug. The door opened, Dean and Tessa returning inside. You glanced over to him but he just smiled. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just had a little talk,” said Dean. “Now off to bed and turn off your alarm. No school tomorrow, okay?”
“Night,” she said. She jogged upstairs and you heard her door shut softly, Dean taking a deep breath. He took a seat on the couch and closed his eyes.
“She alright?” you asked, taking a seat next to him.
“Yeah. I just...put things in a different perspective for her. Your perspective. She’s gonna go a little slower for the next few weeks. Toast is gonna need her to look out for him until he gets used to things.”
“I know she didn’t have a concussion or anything and it’s been a while since she’s had a seizure,” you said. He smiled as Sam went to the kitchen, returning with three beers. “Thanks.”
“No problem. They wouldn’t have let you guys come home if she wasn’t cool, right?” asked Sam.
“Let’s just watch her carefully for the time being. She might not need a service dog but she’s only going to get more independent and a year from now she’ll be in college and she’s gonna be on her own more. I told her she’s gotta think about that,” said Dean. 
“Is that boyfriend Dean or doctor Dean talking?” you asked.
“It’s I care about my girlfriend’s little sister Dean,” he said. “Trust me. If I had doubts, I’d be calling for her to get a service dog lined up tonight. I think it’s a peace of mind thing right now. She can change her mind later if she wants.”
“It’d give me peace of mind,” you said.
“Yeah but take it from someone who was the younger sibling, let her choose if she wants it or not,” said Sam.
“Alright. Maybe...maybe Toast can get a prosthetic and still go places with her at least,” you said. “Or maybe he’ll be okay on just the three legs. Just slower.”
“I think she’s much more open to that,” said Dean. You nodded and sipped your beer, taking a deep breath. He threw his arm over your shoulder and tucked you into his side, kissing the top of your head. “She’s a tough kid and Toast is a tough dog. They’ll be okay.”
“She deserves a break,” you said. 
“You both do. It’ll turn out alright, sweetheart. I promise.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
First Date(s) With Mr. Compress
Request: such lovely dates, all of them! you're spoiling us darling <3 now this really put me in a mood, would you consider making a first date for mr compress aswell? i would just love to see what this gentleman would have in store for us
A/N: I want him back,, i just wanna see him and his theratics again (also takes place little after mva arc) (i also did two parts for this because i wrote one as already having an established relationship but the first date for the brothers wasn’t established so you get two!)
The Very First Date:
Atsuhiro has had his eyes on you for a while now, but he’s never quite made the move to go after you. It’s difficult to do so with his reputation and lack of actually being able to go and do something with you. His anxiety comes in waves, his hands fiddling with a marble letting the small, cloudy object roll over and under his knuckles as he approaches you. His words catch in his throat, his mouth drying and the fears of humiliation roll over, heating his body and lighting him aflame. It’s difficult for him to try to be composed- he usually is and he can keep a level head but asking you out on a date is something that he just can’t do. It was a spur of the moment that he had come up to you and asked if you would like to go out, nothing that he was able to plan out and he regrets taking this leap; he wishes that he had planned what he could ask you. The marble is held in his hand, his eyes meeting yours and he asks you if you’d like to go on a date with him; something simple, his smile appears for a moment- crooked and charming as ever.
Taking the initial leap to asking you out- while proved to be effective considering you did agree- also proved that he should always plan before leaping into action. He doesn’t have a clue as to where to take you. He wants you to have fun on this date and the goal of it is to have you go out on another date with him. However, he can’t figure out where to take you. There’s only so many places a villain can go out without being reported to the authorities and he doesn’t want to risk you being caught up in his affairs. He’s been on plenty of dates before, so he does have an idea of what to do and how to entice you, but it isn’t seduction that he’s seeking- at least not yet. He just wants to take you out and show you that he’s fun and that you can have a fun time with him.
On the night of the date, he arrives with a bouquet in hand. He’s made sure to choose flowers that mean only good things, that establish love to prosper and to be long lasting. He gifts it to you, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles, telling you that you look lovely tonight. With you in hand, he leads you outside, helping you into a car and closing the door behind him. He didn’t want a classic date, he wants to show you off and he manages to find the perfect location. He takes you to go play pool and while it’s more him to show off his skills and watch you lean over in order to get the perfect score, it’s something fun and new for the both of you. After so long in hiding and not being able to do anything in public together, this is the perfect place. He wants to watch you struggle for a bit so he can come be your savior- he’ll lean up close behind you, wrap his hands around yours and let his lips brush against the shell of your ear, only to have you miss your shot. His grin is cheeky and he’ll shrug it off, not wanting to tell you that he wanted to win the “playful” game.
The aim for this date is to be something that you’ll remember. He wants to show off a bit with you, to have you roll your eyes at his antics but still notice him. The bar is less than perfect, a few unsavory guests that he would rather not have you associate with, but it’s what he has to work with. At the end of it, he pulls you to a somewhat secluded table, a shared platter between the two of you as you eat and chat among the low music. You two joke over a plate of half-finished food, your arms crossed above the table as you lean towards him, your eyes closed as you laugh at a story of his. The tips of his ears burn, his cheeks colored red as he stares at you. His hands twitch at his sides, his eyes glued to your smile, only to dart to your hands and lift back to your eyes where you finally open them. All air has left his lungs leaving him feeling constricted, a tight feeling that coils around him and leaves him breathless as his heart pounds against his chest. He wonders for a moment, a fear that settles at the base of his stomach, that his heart is giving away how he feels at that very second just looking at you.
Of course, all good things must come to an end. He takes you by the hand and interlinks your arms once more. Staring straight ahead and speaking so quickly that his words slur together, Atsuhiro sneakily holds your hand, palms touching and his fingers covering yours, only to stop speaking and smile widely when you interlink hands together. He listens to you talk about your woes and lows, watching as you wave your hand in the air, and he must look so love-stricken because you turn to him, a heavy flush against your cheeks as you ask him if he has anything to say. The corner of his lips twitch upwards and he simply asks if you would like to have another date. It’s too early for all the deeper kinds of emotions that he should express or even know what he’s talking about, but he knows that he wants another date, he wants to spend more time with you. At your door, he raises your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles once more, bidding you a good night and behind closed doors, he swears that he can still smell your perfume.
The First Actual Date In A Long While:
It’s rather difficult for Atsuhiro to take you out on a date given his status. He really wishes that he had met you earlier in his life- when his identity wasn’t plastered and he could simply just take you out during a late night. During the relationship, he does his best to mimic an actual date with you. He’ll set up a nice table for two, have white candles with dried wax at its side, light up the room, and offer you a meal that he could best prepare for you. He does what he can for you but to him, it isn’t enough- it’s never a proper first date. He wants to take you out and show you off. He wants to interlock arms and help you into a car without it resulting in a high speed chase. If he could, he would have taken you out so many times, visited various places and gave you the life and fun that you deserve, but he’s here- he’s fighting the long fight and he knows that one day the winner will be decided, but for now, it’s just you two together and without a proper date night.
When the League of Villains evolves into the Paranormal Liberation Front, he’s finally found a way to have a date with you. He’s a high ranking officer and the city is able to cover for his identity- at least most of it. So, he comes to you, eager and his smile wide underneath his mask. He doesn’t just want to tell you to get ready- he wants to have the joy of asking you and having you accept his offer. With a nervous heart, he walks to you, his breath held and face kissed red with ears hot as he calls your name. He holds your hands in his and sits you down, and with your hands in his, he asks you out on a date- something simple, just to test the waters of this new city. It isn’t until he’s in his room that he’s realized that he doesn’t have a date planned. It’s been so long for him that he doesn’t have anything planned. He doesn’t want the classic dinner and a movie, he wants something special. He wants this date to be considered one of the best ones that you’ve been on.
On the day of the date, he arrives at your room with flowers in hand that he gives to you gracefully. He holds his hand out, a cheeky smile on his face as you place your hand in his. The city is safe enough for him to go out without the fear of being arrested or at least an attempted arrest. While the city may be damaged, there are bits of it that have remained relatively untouched that he’s grateful for. The point of the date is to have fun and you’re going to have fun and enjoy every minute of it. You both eventually arrive at a community theater house. The play is fine- nothing too grand, and the performances fine, but he likes to sit at the back with you, hold you close and hear you hum along to the few songs sung. He’ll whisper snide comments to you, let his lips linger close to you for a moment, his hands curving around your tummy. He’ll back away when you smack his arm playfully, his laughter muffled by the palm of his hand so as to not draw attention. The play ends and it's nothing noteworthy, your comments about it as polite as can be while he can merely roll his eyes and change the topic on the way to the next location that he has set up.
You both arrive at a secluded area of the town- right at the edge, the trees blocking the view from the city lights and the faint sound of the city life still in the air. The trees are stung up with lights, white and yellow twinkling lights that dangle from the trees and the debris round clear, few flowers freshly placed at the ground if the dark soil is anything but a give away that he had worked on this- the only other give away is the flowers matching the ones he gave you. He fiddles with his phone for a minute, a marble expanding until a speaker is revealed, and there’s a short pause of silence where the wind brushes against the nape of your neck. When he turns back around, the phone connects, a loud beeping ruining the quiet mood as he walks towards you, his hand held out a song playing. The lyrics are unheard, only the sweet melody of the song played as he holds you close to him. There’s no real dancing, just simple swaying as you rest your head against his chest, your hands resting and grabbing loosely at his shirt. His words are delicate as he tells you what he wishes life was like, promising that one day, it will be like that, a gentle kiss is placed against your head, acting as a promise and as gratitude for coming along with him.
Once home, he rests beside you, under the covers and grabbing at your body, pulling you close to him. Atsuhiro will always like to think of you being the dependent one- to fall for him first and wanting him close by- but he knows that that isn’t the truth. He’s the dependent one in the relationship, the one that needs to be held and kissed, to have your lips brush along the scars that decorate his body. He needs tenderness, he yearns for it. A show is played in the background, the voices garbled in his ears, his head resting on your chest as your hand holds his. His free hand traces shapes along your body, goosebumps pricking your body from the cold feel of him, as he offers a kiss as an apology, letting his eyes close slowly, as you twist an end of his hair around your finger, the apology taken. He falls asleep to your beating heart, the way that you chuckle as the television plays and how you continue to play with his hair, letting the tips of your fingers scratch along his scalp and soothe him.
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