#like please engage your brain
dxringred · 2 years
took the bullet, went through the first three ste/ddie fics that appeared in the ronance tag, and-
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except you are.
so. fic #1. 6k words. robin’s name is said 12 times in the first chapter, but there are no ronance interactions. it’s said 3 times in the second chapter, but, again, nothing ronance. it’s just steve briefly talking to robin about nancy at one point and suspecting that she likes her.
fic #2. 11k, 7 chapters. robin’s name is said 33 times. for the most part, there's no ronance apart from a few chapters where it’s incredibly minor or referred to. there’s actually more rock/ie, and nancy doesn’t seemed fazed by them at all. 
fic #3. 39k. 10 chapters. it’s also tagged with rock/ie even though they’re not going to get together, so i don’t know why the hell you’d do that. robin’s name is said 150 or so times. there’s no ronance for several chapters and then either very minor interactions or interactions that are only referenced. in chapter eight, robin finally admits to steve that she likes nancy, and then it’s more background interactions. 
doesn’t take a genius to see that none of these should be tagged ronance lmao, and if i’m being honest, besties, i think we’ve just gotta start oppressing ste/ddies at this point. 
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canisalbus · 8 months
just a quick ask to tell u it makes me super happy seeing the detail u go into when pointing out stuff u like about other people's art of ur ocs :3 it's so rare to see but it's so so motivating!! <3
Thank you! I don't take any interest for my art for granted, and if someone goes through the trouble of drawing my characters for me, I feel like trying to write a proper response is the least I can do. For a visually oriented person, receiving gift/fan art is a huge deal, it means someone considered my goobers worth their time and effort, they've probably been thinking about them more than a little and found them inspiring in a way or another, and I find that terribly flattering. It's extremely fun and interesting to see other people's takes on them. And I've drawn stuff for people as well, I know how nice and rewarding it feels to receive a response that is longer than a word or two. Positive comments like that can linger in people's minds for a long time, at least for me they do.
#this comes with a big serious disadvantage though#it often takes me a long time to write that response#my social batteries are extremely small and a lot of the time by the time I go online I feel too worn out to engage with people properly#I'm autistic anxious and severely depressed my spoons are in short supply at the best of times#I've always had really hard time putting my thoughts into words in a way that I find satisfactory#so I keep putting off reblogging gift art#because most of the time my brain is too smushed to formulate that meaningful comment I want to give#maybe that sounds dumb and fake#but this is something I've struggled with for years and I feel extremely guilty for keeping people waiting like that#often weeks sometimes months even#and potentially making them feel underappreciated and unnoticed#I'm also genuinely very scatterbrained and unorganized and I miss and forget things I'm supposed to do all the time#not to mention that I tend to have trouble keeping track of my mentions and dms and asks I'm only one person#so if you've ever drawn something for me and I didn't/haven't responded yet#please know it's not personal it's entirely my fault I'm kind of a mess#and chances are I'm still very much attempting to get back to you#feel free to remind me if you feel like I might have not noticed your post I really don't mind at all it often helps me a lot#and please if you can don't delete the post even if it seems like I didn't see it#because again sometimes it takes me a long time to respond#thank you to everyone who has stayed endlessly patient with me though I appreciate it#sorry this spiraled into a list of apologies and excuses this is actually something that bothers me a lot#because it's largely a mental health thing but easily comes off as ungratefulness#I'm trying to work on that#answered#anonymous
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saturngalore · 8 months
the animal face challenge bringing out the causal racism in simmers 😭😭😭😭
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ritz-stimzz · 3 months
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🕸 🕸 🕸 × 🕸 🦟 🕸 × 🕸 🕸 🕸
kind of tithe themed stimboard
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reticent-fate · 2 months
having a lot of niche kintypes is extremely fun when you suddenly find yourself the host of the system after 4 years of Not being that bbjhgfdbgjhbdgd
it's a little bit annoying having to try to figure out what the most comfortable mental image for me is at a given moment because of it
there's not really a useful outlet for this either since i'm just kind of stuck in the identity blender of schrodinger's kinshift
brain please just tell me if i'm in gogglehead mode, catboy mode, or biker mode so you can stop making the windows boot noise at me fnbsdfbjhsdbfds
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
One of the WORST parts of having OCD is that some of the Fears™ are actually humanly possible, so it's not like my response can just be, "Oh that'll never happen" or even "I've never seen that happen, so it's probably unlikely."
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ariesbilly · 1 year
The way this fandom totally overlooks context too is like…damn y’all really are stupid rip
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goldensunset · 6 months
but like bro i really have not done much drawing lately at all
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bibiana112 · 2 years
abt ur reblog abt fandom stuff, i will happily oblige to ask if ur brain gave u anymore thought of the no apocalypse junpei finds quark au? love love love aoi's role in it and i think abt it a lot so im curious! literally happy to listen to anything abt it this is my entire shit
Oh!!! Sadly I don't have much on it, no, but I do have the initial little exchange that made me think about it, a lot of times my brain just runs with a back and forth dialogue and if I like it I write it down and only if I like it a lot do I go back and write down the descriptors and rest of the context to how the scene plays out in my head but it's sadly not happened to this as fun as it would be of a scenario to think about my brain checked out after I wrote down Aoi being super embarrassing to Akane by talking about when she was a baby and bossing the two around cause they called him in to babysit for being the only one there who knows anything about tending to another living being
Okay actually I read the thing again and apparently I thought of this as an au on my version of the au where the kurashikis don't do any of the vlr or ztd stuff and just work with sois on random esper stuff after a couple years so they don't have to be on the run anymore but they still have more restrictions than other agents, so there's a little joke that's like hey do you this violates probation? And idk there could be a plot there somewhere also they're at least in their late twenties by that point if not early thirties and Junpei and Akane aren't married cause this isn't canon they don't get officially hitched as soon as they look at each other again
I guess I'll add what I actually have here, hold up I'll give the bare minimum of context so they're not talking in the void
Once the door cracks open and Akane gets up in a huff to greet her brother with one rant after another, none of which Junpei even directs his attention to or try to follow, he gets up from his seat carefully. Holding a little blond baby draped in a single blanket they had lying around in his arms.
Aoi already got the heads up of what's happening from Akane earlier, although she didn't sound as eloquent as usual. Tenmyouji was out and somehow came across an empty lot which somehow had a baby crying in it and somehow it wasn't just him hearing things but an actual child that was abandoned there when he went to look.
And somehow, he thought bringing the kid home with him was the most logical course of action, which Akane couldn't agree with less. There were a thousand other ways he could have helped and as far as she's concerned this is one of the worst ones.
Before they could get into an even messier argument the crying started up again and she elected to call her brother in for backup before she had a Moment™ over how irresponsible it was for her stupid fiance to come home with an infant when he has yet to successfully keep a plant alive on his own.
Despite how set off by such an unpredictable event his sister was, Aoi wasn't seeming terribly unsettled. In fact after he's done helping Akane cool off and sending her to take a breather along with a glass of water for herself, he walks up to Junpei rather giddy. Which Junpei will never get used to seeing from him. He'll much less get used to hearing him make a high pitched voice as he leans in to lend a single finger for the baby to grasp with his whole entire chubby little hand.
"Aww... where did this little guy come from?" He spends a little bit like that, Junpei also smiling fondly while Akane, from far over the corner table, silently judges them both. It's late at night and she got herself coffee instead of plain water. Then Aoi's voice goes mostly back to normal, dropping harshly to an incredulous tone as he pulls his face away like he didn't want the infant to notice the change in tone. Although, his hand doesn't move away. "Seriously though, are you guys gonna keep'em?"
"That's the idea!" "We're *not* keeping it!"
"Ah, I see what the emergency really is. You needed a babysitter while you tear each other to shreds, I mean, sure, at your service. Hey, hold like this." With that Junpei's arms are free, he does watch for what his brother-in-law to be shows him to be the correct way of properly resting them over the shoulder and then how to support the baby's neck and head with how he was doing it earlier.
"Did you give them a bath after bringing them in? Even wrapped up on this it's far too cold outside. How long's it been exactly?"
"Uh, only a couple hours, sun was already down. And no, of course I didn't, how do we even do that? You can't just put him in a shower."
"Well, no duh. You need a little plastic bathtub, eh- honestly even just the sink will do, as long as it's shallow enough to hold them up."
"How do you even know this stuff."
Akane joins them, getting close while paying attention only to what they're talking about. Unfortunately, it's Aoi who's talking.
"Mom and dad had me help dry Akane after her first baby bath–" "Aoi..." Her hand goes instinctively to pinch his arm but it stops halfway, then it stays there as she closes her eyes and inhales deeply defeated by the fact she can't shut him up this easily without risking him losing his balance.
"She was soo tiny. I don't know about being this small, but I think she was heavier."
"Aoi. Aoi. Please, shut your mouth. And I'm pretty sure you just couldn't hold as much weight back then."
"Hm. Maybe." He shrugs. Then completely takes the subject over a one hundred and eighty degree turn. "Do you think this violates probation by the way?"
It's Junpei who answers.
"That's... A fair question."
He didn't think of the legal implications of bringing a baby off the streets to his house which just so happens to be the same place his criminal mastermind girlfriend lives. In fact, he was much more hopeful she'd be all altruistic about it and how it's the right thing to do instead of getting hung up on it being an impractical solution or that he's just fooling himself wanting to skip right to raising a kid together or whatever.
"We are not on 'probation', and we're not adopting a whole human child because of an impulse *you* had, Junpei. Our technically legal position is only yet another reason we should–"
Aoi interrupts her before she can get on a roll ranting again.
"Can you guys argue at the grocery store? This thing is gonna get hungry sooner rather than later and we can't exactly feed them with instant ramen."
"I have other things on the kitchen, I'll let you know!"
"Yeah, well, but I don't figure you treat yourself to baby formula on the weekends, now do you? And a can of energetic won't do it either, jackass. Now, get moving!"
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maccreadysbaby · 8 months
Some of My Favorite Ways to Describe a Character Who’s Sick
pressing their forehead into something cool or comfortable (this could be an array of things. the table, the floor, someones leather jacket, their water bottle, the countertop)
warm to the touch, or heat radiating from them (could be noticed if someone’s gauging their temperature with their hands, hugging them, or just generally touching them)
leaning into people’s touch, or just spontaneously leaning on them (like pressing into their hand when someone’s checking their temp, or just, like, literally walking up and laying their head on them from fatigue. bonus points if the character is usually feral and the other is scared to engage™︎)
falling asleep all over the place (at the dinner table, on their homework, in the car, in the bathroom — just being so exhausted from doing literally nothing)
being overly emotional (crying over things that don’t usually bother them, like their siblings arguing, or their homework, or literally just nothing)
stumbling/careening/staggering into things (the wall, furniture, other people. there is no coordination in feverish brains. running into chairs, hitting the door, falling over the couch, anything and everything)
slurring their words (could be from fatigue or pain. connecting words that shouldn’t be connected, murdering all of their conversations with the excessive use of ‘mm’ and ‘nn’ in place of words) (this is my favorite thing ever)
being overly touchy (basically like a sick kid — just hold them, please. do that thing where you brush their hair back out of their face, or rub circles on their back, or snuggle them. they won’t care. bonus points if this is also the feral character and they refuse to believe it afterwards)
being extremely resistant to touch (flinching away when they usually don’t so someone can’t feel the fever, not letting themselves be touched because they’re so tired they just know they’ll be putty in their hands if they do)
growing aggressive or being extremely rude (it’s a defense mechanism — they feel vulnerable and are afraid of being manipulated or deceived while they’re ill)
whimpering/whining/groaning (this was in my “characters in pain” post but it’s so good that i’m putting it here too. this shite is gold, especially if it’s just an involuntary reaction to their symptoms)
having nightmares caused by a fever and/or delirium (crying and murmuring in their sleep, or being awake but completely out of it and convinced they’re somewhere else)
making themselves as small as possible (curling up into a ball everywhere they lay, hunching over slightly when standing, wrapping their arms around themselves)
TW for vomiting below cut !!
sleeping in the bathroom floor because they keep getting sick over and over (bonus if someone finds them all weak and pitiful. bonus bonus if they find them there in the morning only to learn they’ve been there all night)
using their hands/other body parts to clamp over their mouth so nothing can come out (like pulling their knees up to their chest and using that, or like, their arm, y’know) (~maccreadysbaby who has emetophobia suddenly gets very awkward about this post~) (~yes i have a phobia of puke and still write this happening to my characters, shut up~) (~it’s about the hurt/comfort okay~)
sympathy pukers (people who aren’t the sick ones but get nauseous/vomit when they see someone else throw up) (~aka me~) (~okay I’m done now~)
dry heaving (it’s gross, but good for making your characters absolutely freaking miserable)
rolling/churning/spinning/cramping/ lurching and all those awesome words that describe what stomachs do when sick (i hate these words with a deep, fiery passion. but they’re good for writing or whatever)
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soyoursoulisgreen · 7 months
5, 11, and 30 for the artist ask meme!
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
It's increased over time! Well, actually, it's been a bell curve, kind of. Maybe more like a roller coaster lol. Obviously before I was online I wasn't sharing any of the stuff I drew; I drew for about seven years before posting anything - casually, for my own entertainment - and then for a while I was posting almost everything in some form or another; if I didn't post the original doodle, it was because I cleaned it digitally! But I got pretty burnt out on that haha - it does still come and go in cycles lol. Nowadays I probably keep back about 30% of what I draw? Although it can be hard to quantify - if you upload to an audience of zero, is it actually online? Haha ♪ Or an audience of one! Just because it's shared using the internet as a middle man, does that count as "posting"? :0 I don't know! I think it's an interesting question tho!
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Yes! It really depends on what I'm drawing; my go-tos are always Reddit story readings since I don't have to think too hard about picking one, they last a while, and they keep my auditory brain occupied while my hands and eyes are busy. For a couple days of Requestober, especially the Portal/Stanley Parable days but also the song prompt, I was listening to themed stuff - GLaDOS lines, Narrator lines, the aforementioned song haha. I hate having to stop to pick the next thing! It makes editing my footage harder and throws off my flow :P
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
A lot of my Law Abiding Citizen stuff probably - LAC is such a good series!! I wish more people would see it/were still into it. We're few, and I was late to party, but my love still burns! If I had to pick just one thing tho, I think it'd have to go to one of my Just Desserts comics - I cried while drawing it initially, and I still think Charm's transition from her smiling-crying face to her angry-crying face is so well done ♥
#Woah an original post#Ask#Ask me#Thank you! :D I had to think about these! Especially the first and last one!#I've been trying to find a good balance of drawing for myself/allowing myself space to mess up while also being proud of things#It can actually be hard to thread that needle lol - sometimes I'm like ''Well it's alright :/ But this bit is good! But out of context....'#It can be hard to be judicious! I really do want to show off a lot of it but I also want to leave room for myself!#I've been working on an all behind-the-scenes project over the course of October :3c#I'm almost ready to start compiling it! I'm buying myself a bit more time haha ♪#And of the audience of none thing - that behind the scenes project? Technically it's online right now - but on my Patreon lol#Tree falls in a forest and all that haha - it's a secret for as long as anyone else dictates! It's interesting :3#Plus there's also the thing of showing your online friends but not the wider public - where's the line?#How many people have to have seen something for it to count as being ''posted online''?#Even still - I always draw for myself haha ♪ I just also happen to share a lot lol but that's kind of a side effect of being pleased pfft#I have gotten so dry on things to listen to haaaghhh - I know I have a bajillion podcasts at my disposal but my brain is so pickyyyy#It has to be low-stress and not a bummer but interesting but not Too interesting that it becomes Inspiring- pfbtl >:P#I'm actually listening to something right now as well lol - I listen to music when I write and stories when I draw :D#I can't get 'em mixed - brain is picky lol (But really it's because it engages different parts of my brain that need attention)#It was also hard to answer the last one since I still kinda consider myself a fairly small artist haha - I like a lot of my art!#Even my old stuff :D Sometimes even especially my old stuff!#What counts as underrated when a lot of my stuff trends towards being on the quiet side? :0#That said I've been absolutely delighted by the Property of Hate and Portal turnout ahh <3 <3 Makes me happy to see them being enjoyed!!#Anyway sorry for going so long apparently I had Thoughts™ lol
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snezfics-n-shit · 8 months
I am legitimately so tired idk if I can keep going until the 30th, but I'll give myself until then and if there are new entries, that's fine, but if there aren't, that's fine too
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kaijuposting · 10 months
"Saw traps for people with moral OCD" is a phrase that has embedded myself into my brain because, well, Saw traps for people with moral OCD are everywhere.
Stuff that basically amounts to...
"You have to listen to my opinions on [issue], or else you don't care about [issue]. (Constantly talks about how people like you are the absolute worst.)"
Anything that's functionally like, "you have to let me tear you down over things you can't control or you're a bad person."
Anything that's functionally like, "you have to let me vent to you whenever and however I want or else you're a bad person."
"If you enjoy X media/trope, you just hate Y people."
"Everyone knows that X thing is harmful/hateful; if you engaged in it, it's just because you were fine with perpetuating hate/harm."
"You should have just known better/should know this already!"
This thread over here talks about the inherent issues of putting this kind of stuff out there. The TL;DR is that it really only works on people who are mentally unwell and have poor boundaries, while just pissing off everyone else. It really doesn't matter if you're technically correct; you're still attacking people, and that means they're not wrong to block you.
I think that many of these Saw traps are created when people effectively write posts directed toward people who don't want to help, rather than the ones who do. Like, if you catch yourself writing an angry, shame-laden post, ask yourself: who are you writing it for and what are the odds you're going to change their minds? If your mental image is some smug fuck or angry reactionary, you're writing for the wrong person. Write for the person who's curious, who's willing to learn.
Also? Work on figuring out how to transmute negative feelings into positive, encouraging rhetoric. EG:
"Why is there no X positivity?" -> "Let's hear it for X!"
"No one cares about Y problem!" -> "Hey, we need more recognition of Y problem" or "I haven't seen many people talking about Y problem, so here's some info on what's up."
"If you don't reblog this, you don't care about [group]" -> "Please reblog this, it would mean a lot for us [group]."
And if you're really super duper frustrated and want to vent with a lot of nasty words and sentiments? Consider taking it to a private vent channel or a journal or somewhere that a stranger with moral OCD/scrupulosity isn't likely to run across it.
Remember, most people don't want to hurt anyone. More people are ignorant than malicious. People naturally want to do the right thing, so if you feel like you have to guilt them or shame them into it, there's probably a fundamental communication issue somewhere, or they simply lack the context to understand why what you're saying is so important.
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Trope blender strikes again!
Since the formation of the Justice League Dark to deal with supernatural threats, Diana had been acting as the team's 'Superman' for lack of a better term.
It was, however, not a position she was entirely suited to, as ironically enough when engaging supernatural threats she was better suited to the same role that Batman played in the Justice League, engaging with superior training, tactics and specialised tools while also acting as battlefield tactical command.
With the lack of any other candidates however, she made do. But not for long.
Thanks to a wandering little girl, Diana had gained a new cousin and uncle who were refreshingly free of the hubris of the Greek pantheon, as well as an unexpected (and terrifying) meeting with her Grandfather who was far different from the stories, she supposed death and a few millennia would calm someone down. She was pleased however to add some paternal family members she could enjoy calm moments with.
Her Uncle was willing to help, however his backlog from the previous King in addition to the repairs and ongoing negotiations for reparations with the United States government made her feel guilt for placing further demands on him.
Her younger cousin however was more than happy to "get out of the house", her Father's comments about the expansiveness of a TARDIS castle completely ignored.
Ellie was already training with her old friend Pandora (So many happy reunions) so Diana was more than willing to take her to Themascerya for an initiation to the Sisterhood of Amazon's. Danny was ecstatic that his daughter was making friends.
Now Ellie as Banshee is JLD's front line fighter and Diana is the tactician, a dynamic duo of their own. Diana is so proud of her little cousin.
Which is why today was very..... Strange.
Basically the JLD have to head to the Watchtower for some threat, Ellie is super pumped because SPACE and Diana is excited to take her smol bean cousin to the Watchtower for the first time.
Batman and Co arrive and Drama TM occurs because "Holy shit that little girl looks like a Talia with blue eyes", Damian starts accusing and mouthing off, Ellie freaks because her Dad has warned her about the League of Assassins, so she freaks and bails.
Diana is explaining who Ellie is, how they're related when Uncanny Valley Danny in human form comes out of a portal in his "Royal Casual" work attire. Loose jeans,button up with vest, fluffy slippers with a coffee mug in hand. He's facing Diana, paying 0 attention to who else is there beyond "cool space station".
"Hey niece, why is my daughter running through my castle screaming about killer birds?"
"Ah, I believe she is referring to Robin being a former member of the League of Assassins." Diana replies.
Batman and the rest of the Justice League are tense, assessing this possible ally who RADIATES power and death. Anyone affected by death can feel it like static in their teeth during a lightning storm. Those who have been into the Lazarus Pits feel safe yet the overwhelming urge to KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING.
"Well shit, someone actually escaped from the Fruit Loop Supreme? Anyone who gets away from my asshole grandfather is alright by me." Danny replies as he turns to look at the various heros, taking a sip from his mug.
"Danyal?" A faint hopeful whisper as Damian takes his mask off to look at his Brother (HOW, HOW? HE LOST HIM HE'S HERE HOW?) His dead twin somehow here and changed so much.
"Well shit, didn't expect this."
This entire time Bruce's brain is making crunching noises.
It's not the extra son that's apparently God of the Afterlives. It's not the granddaughter.
Diana is his son's niece. Bruce had sex with his grand niece. Barbara is right, he needs therapy.
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abbyshands · 2 months
i need more sub ellie omg that was so good
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PALESTINE LINKS | before engaging !!! | click before you fic ♡ | m. list | join my tag list!
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♡ a/n; this is an old req but !!! finally getting around to it so let’s hope this suffices. been having breeding kink brain rot the last few days so this was more than necessary <3
♡ pairing; sub!ellie williams x dom!fem!reader
♡ warnings; ellie calls reader mommy/mama/ma'am, use of a dildo, choking (r!receiving), sweet degrading (pretty slut, sweet whore), praise, nicknames for ellie (hun, baby, sweet girl, pretty girl), titty sucking, huge breeding kink, reader refers to dildo as her cock/dick, dildo is referred to as reader's cock/dick, etc
♡ synopsis; you had been out on patrol, all fucking day. so, when you're finally back home, finally back in ellie's arms, she's not afraid to show you just how much she missed you.
♡ wc; 1.6k
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she said “fuck me like i’m famous,” i said, OKAY.
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ellie had all but jumped into your arms as soon as you had gotten back from patrol, face buried into your neck, hands around your body. she was needy, your poor baby, pent up all day from you being gone.
and you couldn't just leave her like that, could you?
you were kneeling in the midst of ellie's legs, spread wide open for you, her pretty pussy soaked as you pumped your black dildo in and out of it. ellie's head was cocked backwards, auburn hair messy over the pillow as small whines escaped her lips.
"m- mommy, fuck," she cussed as her body squirmed, her hands rested on your hips as her face went pink. "please, can you, fuck, need you to, mmm," she spluttered. she couldn't properly get her words out, not when you were fucking her like this.
but you wouldn't let her off that easy.
"what, baby? c'mon, use your words for me," you rasped, beginning to rub your thumb over ellie's swollen clit as you forced your dildo in and out of her cunt. ellie let out a small groan of annoyance as she bit into her bottom lip.
“f- faster, mommy. c’you move faster?” ellie whined, pale green eyes wide and dilated as ellie looked into you. and if moves could speak? she'd be fucking begging.
you take it upon yourself to force your cock deeper into ellie's cunt, causing a mewl of your name to escape her lips, her body jerking. you can't help the smirk that crosses your face when it happens, and, of course, it only encourages you to give her all that she's asking for.
“mhm. whatever my pretty slut needs,” you hum, pumping your black dildo in and out of ellie's pussy as fast as your hand will allow you to.
ellie's response is quick as her head falls back into the pillow behind her, because just like that, you've got your girl right where you want her. “f- fuck! feels so, fuck, good. don’t stop, mama.”
“not gonna, hun. nah uh. gonna keep fucking this cunt ‘til my baby’s making a mess all over my cock, yeah?” you rasp, and now, you move closer. you move so you’re hovering above ellie on your knees, while managing to make your access to her cunt even better than it'd been before.
“mmph, y- yes, mommy,” she whined brokenly, clearly liking the view of you on your knees. maybe a bit too much, but not that you minded at all.
ellie only grew more desperate, more needy, as time went on. you'd be concerned she was being a bit too loud, to the point where people outside of your shared home could hear you. if you gave a fuck.
“god, shit,” ellie moaned as she reached her hand out to grasp your neck, veiny hands closing around it in a somewhat rough grip. you let out a groan of your own once the pressure seeps into your skin, your eyes shutting in pleasure in no more than a second.
“oh, would you look at that. is mommy fucking her girl dumb? god, such a sweet fucking whore," you praise your good girl, even if the rasp in your tone makes you sound pretty whorish yourself. "all cockdrunk for me when i’m only using my hand. must really like mama’s dick, hm?” you tease.
ellie nods eagerly in response, like you'll suddenly fade away if she doesn't. she forces herself to look into your eyes just to drive you crazy, and she does. "mmm, y- yeah, w- want you to, fuck, put a baby into me, mommy. canfeelyousodeep.”
well, that was new. and ridiculously welcomed.
you and ellie had had talks every once in a while, about what it would be like to have a baby, if you could. who would get who pregnant, who could handle it better. silly discussions of the sort that were usually just that: silly. but now? fuck. you hadn't known it would go to your girl's head like this. you hadn't known how much it would go to yours.
and what kind of person would you be to not oblige?
“is that right, hun? need me to fuck a baby into that pretty little pussy of yours?” you voice, and the words come out easily, as if you've said them to ellie over and over again in the past. ellie's brain seems to click right there, because she enables a moan so pornographic from her lips, it's criminal. illegal.
ellie doesn't have enough time to find herself embarrassed by what she's just said. she's too damn needy, too wet, too far gone, to really say much at all. barely, she manages to mutter a few words in response. “mmm, yes, please. s’all i want. you’re all i want," she says, and it's obvious her words are genuine. she needs you. no one else. just you.
“such a good girl. god, so fucking tight. pretty hole’s just begging for me to fill it, huh?" you groan, her words making you ravenous, and her whines making you crazy. you move in closer to ellie, your lips a mere few inches away from hers, before going on. "wanna be filled in mommy’s cum so bad, don’t you, yeah? my pretty slut needs me to fill her up?"
ellie's speechless, pausing, just to whimper as loud as she can, her eyes rolling back into her head as she begins to feel your index rubbing her swollen clit. you give her her time, fucking her into submission as you wait for her to become coherent once more. and when she does? 
you know she's a wreck for you.
“y- yes, ma’am. so bad. please, i’ll be so good for you. s’good, just, just—please," she splutters out finally, voice broken, whiny, and goddamn desperate, and all you could think about was how pretty she was. too pretty for her own good. and just to cap it?
she was all yours.
“i know you will. such a pretty little slut for me, hm? needy girl. gonna make you a mama, yeah? just like you want,” you rasp.
but you’re nowhere near done.
“god, my sweet whore can’t get enough of me, huh? let me use this pretty pussy all day if i wanted to. how long have you been craving me, baby?”
ellie’s way too quick to answer. “all day, mama. patrol’s too long, fuck. could barely manage," ellie easily obliges your ask, and you can't help but chuckle, nor can you help what you do following.
but ellie doesn't seem to mind.
you bend down from your knees and use your lips to latch onto one of ellie's pretty nipples, which is rock hard for you. you've got her moaning easily as you swirl masterfully around her breast, all while your attack on her pussy never ceases. “poor girl. probably getting yourself wet, pretty legs all pressed up, body begging for some release," you say, words coherent, as your lips remain on ellie's nipple. "well, don’t worry, hun. mommy’s here to take care of you. right?”
ellie nodded eagerly, her hand remaining on your neck, but now being on the back of it. words failing her badly, she can only manage a broken, little, “r- right.”
maybe if you were feeling mean, you'd make your girl say a little bit more than that. but right now, from the way ellie was looking up at you, to how fucking soaked she was? you decided to be a bit more generous than usual.
your movements on, in ellie's pussy, and your lips on her nipple, make it impossible for her to hold on for much longer, as you knew it would. actually, it'd been your goal from the jump. her grip on your neck grows rougher, and you know you've got her now. “fuck, mommy, so close, s’close. can feel you in me, fuck," ellie whines.
“i know you can, hun. gonna fill my pretty girl up, yeah? make a fucking mama out of you like you want," you groan as you feel her fingers close around your neck's back, cutting off more of your oxygen, and sending a rush of butterflies down to your own cunt. "just keep being good for me. give you as many babies as you want.”
“mmph, as many as i want, mommy?” ellie whimpers. oh, does she like that idea.
you smirk, adoring the way ellie's words flow so prettily from her lips. adoring the way only you can make her feel like this; how the gorgeous brunette below you was yours and yours alone. “mhm. whatever my baby needs? she can have.”
and, finally. . .
“f- fuck, m- mommy, gonna cum. please, can i cum?”
you quicken your pace, moving your hand as fast as you possibly can as you force your dick in and out of ellie's cunt at a goddamn sinner's pace. it's only then that you decide to allow ellie's body to have all it's been begging for. “mmm, ‘course you can, sweet girl," you rasp, easily. "c’mon. make a mess for me.”
she doesn't need much more than that.
you have ellie finishing in seconds once you give her permission to, and the brunette girl is gorgeous as she buries her face into the pillow, voice a whiny wreck, your name falling from her lips. her back arches up into your hand as you talk her through her orgasm, your own face growing warm as you watch her fall apart for you.
“oh, fuck, thankyou, thankyousomuch," ellie hurriedly moaned out as her rear side came back down to the bed. her green eyes bored into yours as she panted, pale cheeks hot in a rosy blush. "you’re so fucking good. fuck.”
“y’think so, baby?” you smile at her, slowly but surely removing your cock from her cunt once you were sure she was fully pleased. ellie returned your expression, but it wasn't in the form of a smile, or a grin. she was smirking.
you knew full well what that was about.
“i know so. now, can i make you feel good, too?”
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reblogs are very much welcomed (get it?) <3
divider creds !
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porcalinecunt · 4 months
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🎀 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ thinking about aot men who’d be the softest doms ever . . .
cw — fem!reader. size kink (erwin) body worship (jean, levi) praise kink. lots of breedings. edging, fingering, some nipple play (levi) sub!armin (implied)
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ author’s note! : hi hi! it’s been a while since i made an actual post here. apologies! life got busy, but i finally have time to make fics again :D there might be some changes on this account but we’ll see! anyways, please enjoy and feedback is welcomed! 🤍
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➸ jean kirstien.
he’s already so much of a sweetheart, so it’s not shock he’s carry that to the bedroom. he’s needy but slow, as it’d be way too easy to accidentally hurt you. the size difference aroused yet made him a bit nervous. (the first time was quite a hassle!) nonetheless, jean gave you the fuckin’ princess treatment every time the both of you would get intimate. kissing every inch of your body while caressing your hips with his large hands. he’d gently lay your down, not pulling away from the sloppy kiss the two of you are engaging in. did i mention that this man is huge? he adores watching you struggle to take him completely, squirming and whining as he stretches your smaller cunny inch by inch.
“j-jean..’s too big!” you whined, watching through glassy eyes as your boyfriend hovered over you, sinking himself deeper and deeper into your weeping cunt. your legs twitch in a failing attempt to keep them open, something jean would immediately notice. “does it hurt babe?” he asked in a groan, hazel eyes carving holes into yours through hooded lids. you could only shake your head as he took it as a confirmation to bottom himself out. your eyes rolled to your brain and your jaw went slack as jean watched in awe. “look at you..taking it so well f’me.” he sighed, slowly beginning to pump you full as ecstasy filled your senses. the only thing you could hear were jean’s sweet praises, telling you how much of a good little girl you were for taking him so well and patiently. your head grew hot as the feeling of his dick stuffing you full began to overwhelm you. “good little girl, always taking my dick so well..fuck you’re so cute!”
➸ erwin smith.
oh my god. erwin. what more can i say, he’s a gentleman in bed! anything you ask for, he will do without hesitation. want him to knock you up? done. want some head? he’s already on his knees. sad after a rough day? he’ll stuff your cunny full until your filled n happy. anything your heart desires, he’ll give it to you with all the adoration he has for you. ♡ even better when you realize how big he is. how he can easily pick you up and fuck you silly in mid air if he really wanted to. even better, how massive his fucking dick is, enough to make your mouth water just by the thought of it.
“e-erwin!” you whined, watching your husband’s face as he stared down at you. a gaze full of softness and love, a stark contrast to how he was treating you. a smile to his wife while fucking her slutty pussy like an attention deprived whore. “how did i get so lucky? what did i do to deserve such a beautiful girl as my wife..” he breathily chuckled, fucking into you at a slightly faster pace. erwin started down at you, from your flustered smile to your breasts and stuffed cunt, every last detail on you brought him closer to the edge. “good girl..my good girl. you deserve every inch i give you..”
➸ levi ackerman.
contrary to popular belief, levi isn’t the mean and rough dom many make him out to be (still adore that levi tho!) but rather, a gentle and passionate type of dom. he’s not the most romantic, but oh boy, when he is..buckle up. this man will treat you like your his final meal on death row, savoring every inch of flesh you have on your body. kissing you from your lips to your clit, muttering sweet nothings while pumping his slender fingers inside your cunny. he sings his praises when he’s balls deep in you, calling you names like ‘princess’ and ‘darling’, anything that fills your stomach with butterflies if its not his cock. your legs are already trembling from his voice alone, not helping the fact his groans are fuckin’ perfection.
“settle down princess, i barely did a thing.” levi carassed your breast with one hand while finger fucking you with the other. all he needed was two fingers and his wrist as he flicked it with a quickened pace that almost forced your thighs shut from shock and pleasure. while your mouth was closed, tiny whines still manage to spill through as your husband’s thumb moved it’s way to your clit, adding to the overstimulation. with his other hand, he tugged and played with your nipple while letting go just to take a gentle squeeze to your whole breast. you’re thighs shook as your orgasms reaches closer and you grabbed the coller of levi’s loose shirt for support. “‘s becoming too much princess? you wanna cum all over my fingers?” he spoke in a gentle and low tone, making you nod eagerly to his question. “How cute, shit—if only I could do this everyday.”
➸ armin arlot.
armin armin armeeen! <3 you already know what kind of man he is. his partner’s pleasure is a priority he takes very seriously, from letting you choose the position to making sure you orgasm first before he spills his seed inside you. he gives you princess treatment even after sex, not letting up until you knock out from exhaustion. he fucks you like your a goddess, hitting every sensitive spot in your while singing his praises. he wants, no, needs to see you cum around his cock as it’ll make the night worth it. he won’t lie, seeing you whimpering and shamelessly getting off to him servicing you never fails to push him over the edge and nearly fuck a baby in you. this man is a keeper!
“t-this good enough for you..?” armin sighed, watching you take in his dick inch by inch until you’ve completely sat down on it. “y-yeah..fuck you’re huge..!” you whined out, grabbed his thighs and trying your best to move while the overwhelming pleasure had you shaking. the blonde placed his hands on the plush of your hips, firmly holding it as he lifted you up from his cock before slamming you back down on it. a yelp tore from your throat, nails digging into the flesh of his thigh and your eyes screwed shut from the sharp pleasure. “right there! armin fuck..!” you mewl as he guided your hips, slamming his cock in and out of you at the pace you desired the most. his blue eyes peered through his bangs as he grew redder and redder from the expression you wore so beautifully. mouth parted open in an ‘o’ shape with slightly arched eyebrows, pink washed over your face with red sitting right on your cheeks. fuck, he was insatiable. “yes..just like that love, just like you wanted. always taking it like the good girl you are. ♡”
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© porcalinecunt 💌 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ do not steal, translate, or use my work and claim as your own.
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