#like okay with a little fanfic i can make movie!mario work
unclemario64 · 1 year
just saw the mario movie
listen, toad, bowser, and luigi's characterizations were pretty great
i just wish i could say the same about mario and peach
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First of all, MARIO MOVIE SPOILERS!!!!
okay I watched the movie right right and I had this idea. And in no way do I claim this idea is original, just the circumstances for the idea.
Imagine for some reason Princess Peach needs to visit Bowser in the cage to deal with diplomatic relations and the remnants of his citizens and what they could do with their leader in a cage (they know when to stop fighting and when to lay down their swords, but they still want his whole guidance or whatever to figure out what to do with the kingdom and where to settle now that they lost). They have meetings every week and Princess Peach DREADS them because half the time she’s making decisions for him and he’s agreeing with whatever she says while EXCESSIVELY flirting and breaking into song with his piano (at one point they have to take it away from him so he can just LISTEN, and he finally stopped singing to her and just started playing it as a way of stimming since he can’t focus on what she’s saying without it). Then one day. let’s say Princess Daisy exists in the MCU (Mario cinematic universe) and her, Luigi and Peach hang out. One day they’re fucking around with dresses, wigs, and makeup, and they realize Luigi can pass as Peach (with a mask on. Also I’m like 99% this is the plot of an existing fanfic but then Bowser kidnaps Luigi mistaking him for Peach but that’s NOT the pathway I’m going), and when they’re done, it’s around time for Peach to visit Bowser, and Luigi the ever helper, offers to be there in her place. She denies it at first, thinking it wouldn’t work, but then her advisor comes in and gets confused when he sees two peaches, then she thinks “ok maybe this might work” and they have a go for fun to see if it works and oh DOES IT WORK. Luigi, the ever unable to handle flirting, just kinda goes with it, which ends up with Bowser still flirting but being more engaged with the conversation cuz now he’s getting a little back from their interactions. Especially when Luigi’s flustered, he just tries to be nice and it comes off as flirting back until eventually he accidentally DOES flirt back and it’s completely normal to him. The accidental and maybe sometimes purposefully flirting does makes him feel hell guilty because he’s making it seem like Peach is reciprocating Bowser’s feelings and Bowser thinks he’s the princess. Although the Princess reassures him that it’s fine he pretends she’s her while she’s off doing her own duties, Luigi doesn’t feel like she knows the extent of his worries. This goes on for a bit until one week there’s a mixup, and Luigi comes in because he was called in. He’s called in late for what would be considered their normal time and he presumed Peach wasn’t able to make it due to circumstances (a meeting going overtime, a situation in the kingdom, needing a second or breathe, etc). When that happens, he rushes his whole routine and come around again, about to enter and one of the guards TRIES to stop him (he assumes because he’s late) only to walk in on Peach already there. There’s pause, a moment, then “THERE’S TWO PEACHES????” Bowser’d get confused and excited and confused again. Luigi, the ever embarrassed, panics leaves promptly (his guilt reached a tipping point), running out without saying a WORD. Later Luigi comes back as himself and Bowser’s like ??? What do you want and he’s like
And Bowser feels betrayed and angry,,, but when he tries to shift his attention and romance back to Peach, it feels wrong.
And that’s all I have. What do y’all think??
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robsterskellington · 8 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Oh, boy. Okay, this will take a hot minute, but thank you, I appreciate the question. None of these are in order, they're just my favourites.
1. Bungou Stray Dogs- Confession: I grew up hating manga and anime because in high school, I had friends obsessed with them, and they tried forcing me to watch them and read them, then they got angry when I had no interest. But with BSD, my younger cousin just needed someone to talk to about it, and I wasn't about to be rude, especially when he made it sound so interesting! I got Covid and had to take some time off work, so I gave it a shot- the characters were interesting, the dialogue was hilarious and the story kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I caught up with the manga, and thankfully got into the franchise in time to watch seasons 4 and 5. I'm also working on a couple BSD fanfics with my cousin, they're just taking a while lol
2. Hollow Knight- I don't take recommendations for anything, like if someone tells me "You should watch ****", or "I recommend ****", my mind goes "Well, I know what I'm avoiding for the next several years!" Hollow Knight was a little different because my best friend spoke highly of it, and said that it would definitely be my kinda game. He was absolutely right, I have well over 550 hours on it, and I'm really good at the game. Still haven't beaten the Pantheon of Hallownest, though. The art is beautiful, the music is phenomenal, and I love the challenging Boss fights.
3. Sonic the Hedgehog- while I'm absolutely aware that a lot of the games are trash, the comics can be a bit of a mess, and the shows are... actually no, the shows are pretty good and I LOVED the movies, really looking forward to the third one. I binge watched Sonic Prime yesterday and loved it. But Sonic is what got me through high school, I love the fast paced gameplay, the stories were always interesting to me, and the characters were always able to make me smile, even on the worst days. Admittedly, though, I tend to like the games that people hated most: Sonic Unleashed would be my favourite Sonic game, because I loved the fast day stages, and I loved beating the everloving life out of enemies at nighttime. I enjoyed all the stupid glitches in 06, and I actually really liked playing as Silver because I had a better grip on his controls. Because I grew up playing on my DS the most, Rush, Rush Adventure, Colours DS and Chronicles were the Sonic games I played most, and Chronicles was easily my favourite, I liked the RPG style and the larger cast of characters to use.
4. Mario and Luigi/Paper Mario- since both of these are in the same franchise, I'll stick these two together, especially since I like them for near enough the same reasons. Each new villain that the games brought out always made me grin, I have a soft spot for both Fawful and Dimentio, though I love Antasma as well. The stories were really good, like Super Paper Mario made me cry quite a bit. I loved the RPG gameplay that most of these games had, I've always been great with my timing unless it's a Boss, in which case I always screw up somehow. The music is amazing, the stories are incredible and I love the humour. For both, my favourites would be Bowser's Inside Story and Super Paper Mario.
5. The Case Study of Vanitas- okay, so while BSD is absolutely my favourite anime, it wasn't the first one my cousin got me invested in, that would go to this one. The story was fascinating to me, I loved all the characters (except Moreau, he can die painfully, please), and it inspired another fic that my cousin and I wrote together. I enjoyed the character interactions and how much each of them grew in their own ways, as well as just how they all know how to do things while trusting each other. Does that make sense? Probably not, I'm ill and I'm rambling lol
6. The Nightmare Before Christmas- I never watched this movie until I was in college, and I only knew the basic premise because of Kingdom Hearts, but when an ex-friend of mine lent me her DVD of the movie, I was in love. The story was simple, but interesting. If I'd watched it as a child, Oogie Boogie would have absolutely scared the living daylights out of me, I still have a bit of a phobia of bugs and I can't understand why when they're relatively harmless where I live. This was the only Disney movie where I had actively learned to sing ALL of the songs. I haven't watched the movie in a while, so I should get back on that. Oh, and if anyone asks "Do you watch it on Halloween or Christmas?" The answer is both: it is both a Halloween and Christmas movie, though you could also watch it on Easter if you wanted to, just use the excuse that the Easter Bunny makes a brief cameo, making it an Easter movie for a few moments.
7. Five Nights at Freddy's- this was something a lot of my high school "friends" tried forcing me to like by making me play it without giving me any context, but I ended up liking on my own by watching YouTube videos in my own time away from them. I understand that the timeline is so convoluted that even MatPat seems to be struggling to make it all fit, but I've always found the overall mystery fascinating and the character designs are really cool. Springtrap used to make me more nervous than any of the Nightmare Animatronics, although that could just be the knowledge that the Nightmares are an illusion while Springtrap had a rotten corpse inside it. Obviously I know that the newer games are a bit more broken, but I still love them. After all, without Security Breach, we wouldn't have Sunny and Moon, and I'd argue that a few people on Tumblr's lives have gotten better from their existence alone.
8. Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival- this is the only series of horror games I can play without having a full on panic attack, so that gives it a few points. I'll ignore whatever nonsense is going on with the books and a will remain unnamed co-creator, because I am the sort of person who will separate a creation from creator. I won't let someone ruin something I love for any reason. Anyway, I always found that the premise was interesting, I liked the artstyle and loved the characters. The voice acting, character models and the little combat we had were all excellent. I do like how Dark Revival took the story, but I admit that I haven't played that yet, because I'm hoping it'll come out on the Switch eventually, since that's what I played Ink Machine on. Oh, and I'll be honest when I say that when the pandemic first started, I read a lot of the fanfics people created on this franchise, and it was because of them that I got this Tumblr account in the first place.
9. Kingdom Hearts- this was actually the first game I ever played on a console that wasn't handheld; my older half-brother came to stay with us when I was really young and he wanted to bond with me, so we played Kingdom Hearts together. I sorta remembered the game in college and watched all the games on YouTube before buying a PS4 with my first work paycheck and then buying the Final Mix games. Again, convoluted story, but I don't care. I love the characters, all the different worlds you can explore, how different the battle system is. I never played or watched any of the Final Fantasy games, so I don't know much about their characters, but Cloud has always interested me for some reason? Anyway, I loved the bond that Sora, Donald and Goofy (in that order), have together, and being able to watch them grow as friends and as a team, saving all the Disney worlds makes me feel like a child again.
10. Spy X Family- this anime, I actually did watch on my own, purely because I saw an ad for it and thought "This looks cute, let's see if it actually is!" And yes, it was. My cousin was so happy that I watched it because he wasn't sure if I'd like something relatively soft, compared to BSD, and I unintentionally got my best friend to watch it, when I talked to him about it. Now we're all looking forward to the new movie and new season! The characters are all quirky in their own ways, the story doesn't take itself too seriously while also fitting in dramatic moments and even some emotional ones. Anya is a precious cinnamon roll and literally everyone should protect her.
TL;DR, if I had to pick a top 10 things I like, in no particular order, it's Bungou Stray Dogs, Hollow Knight, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario and Luigi/Paper Mario, The Case Study of Vanitas, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Five Nights at Freddy's, Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival, Kingdom Hearts, and Spy X Family.
Okay, thank you for that question and I'm so sorry if you regret asking because I have no idea how to shut up when I start lol
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chessalein · 1 year
Tag people you want to know better!
Tagged by @corphoe
Favourite Color: Pink and sunflower yellow
Currently reading: Modding tutorials (I have a few books from Karen Rose laying around but somehow I don't feel like reading them. But I can reccoment!
Last Song: Max Raabe - Küssen kann man nicht alleine (You can't kiss by yourself. Its a rough translation but its about that you can't kiss if you're by yourself. Two people are needed for it. I have to think about Nori when listening to it, trying to get Jackie to kiss her but in the end all she gets is a smooch on the forehead. You get there sweety. Its okay ♥)
Last Movie: The Super Mario Movie (Were talking about cinema, right?)
Last Series: My name is Earl
Sweet, Savory or Spicy: Sweet~ I love cake. Especialy with strawberries ♥
Craving: ♥ A little purring furbaby ♥
Tea or Coffee: I'll take a hot cocoa please ♥
Currently Working on: Writing my Cyberpunk Fanfic "Bringing back the Sun", thinking about mods I would love to see in CP and learn to make them. Learning blender. I think of cute little drawings and animatics about Jackie and my OC Nori.
Oh lord, now comes the tagging. I'm so bad at this. I don't want to stress people out. People who I want to know better and don't think that they did this yet: @heywoodvirgin , @steelphoto @velmesh
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kroerms · 3 years
Oneshot || pairing: kenma x reader (gender neutral, but I tried to stay clear of any pronouns)|| genre: angstisch, hurt/comfort ||
warnings: depiction of depression/ symptoms of a depression || if I forgot to mention something, please feel free to tell me...
a/n: sooo, this is my very first fanfic since like 2013, please be gentle with me haha
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y/n: “I’m sorry, but I can’t make it to our date today…”
Kenma: “What do you mean you can’t make it? We planned this for over a week and are supposed to meet up in an hour...I’m already out of my house…”
y/n: “I’m really sorry, I just can’t.”
You sighed, tossed your phone next to you on the bed and pressed the pillow closer to your chest.
You couldn’t really pinpoint what triggered all these negative feelings. But your whole life there have always been these days where you felt completely drained of energy and the negativity of your own mind played tricks on you. You had always called it your “social battery” being empty. But in reality, it was more than just that. It was more than just not wanting to see your friends or family. It was a consuming tiredness paired with negative thoughts and sadness rooted deep within your very heart. Days like these would come and go, you learned that over the years, which is why you preferred to be alone on those days because you didn’t want to burden anyone with your pointless feelings. Sure, sometimes those feelings would almost consume you completely and would persist for weeks, but you always managed to handle them one way or another. You knew this all too well, you had had to deal with this part of yourself since your early teens after all and now that you were 28 it just didn’t seem like you were ever to grow out of it like your parents used to say you would. It wasn’t their fault though, since you never really talked about what it felt like to anyone after your so called friends seemed to dismiss it as just you being lazy and so your parents thought your tendency to hang in your room and lay in bed all day was just due to hormones. And you always felt like no one would believe you anyways and you weren’t prepared for all the follow up questions that would drain the last bit of energy you had, and so you stopped explaining yourself altogether.
You’ve known Kenma for a while now. The two of you started to form a friendship after you accidentally took his coffee order from the barista because he had ordered your usual. And with your head always being in the clouds you had just heard “vanilla latte” and without waiting for your name to follow the order you’d taken the beverage.
“Uhm, excuse me but I think this is supposed to be mine - well unless your name is Kenma as well, but I highly doubt that”, a monotone voice next to you spoke. Your gaze shifted from the to-go-cup in your hand to the man beside you. The faux blonde with the dark roots and the almost bored facial expression stood next to the take-out section of the coffeeshop, switch in one hand and the other in the pocket of his red tracksuit.
“Oh, I’m very sorry, I must have zoned out again. I sometimes get stressed in overly crowded places and tend to lose myself in my thoughts to calm down aaaand I just overshared, didn’t I?” You bowed slightly and handed the man in front of you his drink just as the barista called out your name with a “vanilla latte” attached to it. You quickly turned around to take the coffee so that Kenma wouldn’t notice the slight blush that spread over your cheeks from the embarrassment.
“y/n’s a pretty name, suits you.”, Kenma said, flashing a slight blush of his own as the words left his lips. “Well thank you...Kenma was it?”. The faux blonde nodded slightly. An awkward silence infolded the two of you. Just as you wanted to excuse yourself so that you could finally leave this utterly embarrassing situation, Kenma spoke up again: “well if you want to make it up to me for almost stealing my drink, I’d really appreciate a piece of apple pie from the bakery down the road. If that’s not too crowded for you.”
After that encounter, the two of you quickly grew closer and developed a bond to one another. Just like you, Kenma enjoyed lazy days at home gaming or watching movies together more than going out on adventures. So the two of you would often hang out at his house playing Mario Kart together or you’d watch movies on your projektor at yours. Sure, occasionally the two of you would go out to get something to eat or to watch his friends at a volleyball game, but these outings were rare. And it was because of those cozy little hangouts that you never once had to cancel plans with him, thus not once did you have to explain to him why you didn’t have the energy to go out and do stuff….well at least until today.
The familiar wave of guilt washed over you for not telling him why you had to cancel on such short notice. But you really didn’t have the energy to explain that your inner demons had taken control over your body and mind today. You were already feeling exhausted because work had been hell the last couple of weeks and it didn’t help that seemingly everyone in your family needed something from you which resulted in you spending your off-time after work either at your fathers house or your mothers. This left little to no you-time to relax and recharge yourself.
It was now near lunchtime on your well deserved day off and Kenma and you had plans to check out the new cat café that opened up just a few blocks from your home. But you hadn’t even made it out of bed, let alone under the shower yet. The comfort of the warm blankets was just too good. The mere thought of leaving this safe haven stressed you out and you had to hold yourself back from crying. You felt so overwhelmed with the world today that you couldn’t entertain the thought of participating in anything right now. All you wanted - no - needed to do was sleep until that heavy feeling on your chest would lift off and let you breathe again.
Just as you were dozing off, you heard your doorbell ring. You didn’t expect a package or anything today, so you didn’t exactly know who would want something from you right now.
Wrapped in your pink aristocats pijama and your very wild bedhead you padded to your door. What you didn’t expect while looking through your peephole was Kenma, standing in front of your apartment, arms full of paper bags.
“Open up, these are heavy you know! I know you’re standing behind the door.”
You took a deep breath before opening the door to let Kenma in. He immediately made his way to the kitchen, where he placed all the bags on the countertop before looking at you.
His gaze was intense. With what seemed like worry in his eyes, he scanned over your tired form.
“What’s wrong y/n?”, he asked.
“Nothing, I’m just tired, didn’t sleep enough last night I guess, but it’ll be better by tomorrow, so you really don’t have to worry about little old me”, you meekly said in an attempt to lighten the mood. You tried giving him the most reassuring smile you could manage, but it didn’t reach your eyes. You knew he noticed by the way his gaze softened. In one swift motion Kenma pulled you into his chest and cradled your head with one hand, while the other found its way around your waist, pulling you closer into him in the process. This took you by surprise, since Kenma and you didn’t really hug a lot.
“Tell me what’s really wrong y/n. I can clearly tell that you are not okay. You are a measly liar”, he whispered into your hair. Damn him and his observation skills, you thought. Well, this is it, you couldn’t hide that part of yourself from him any longer. You were scared to open up to him about that part of yourself, the fear of losing him because he didn’t want to deal with someone as broken as you are was immense.
“y/n?” Kenma spoke up again. You must’ve lost yourself in thought again, you didn’t even notice the tears that slipped past your eyelids and were making their way down your cheeks, before coming to a halt at your chin.
“I’m s-sorry, I - I don’t want to w-worry you… I just, I feel so tired and I f-feel like my battery is completely e-empty. I don’t feel like I c-can handle anyone, including m-myself right now. I j-just want everything to s-stop. I am exhausted, I feel like I a-am drowning within m-myself and t-there seems to b-be no lifeline”, you sniffled into Kenma’s chest. His hold on you tightened at that. He knew you got overwhelmed in crowds sometimes and that you preferred quiet, lazy meet-ups at home over going out. It was one of the reasons why he liked you so much, you didn’t expect him to be outgoing and you always accepted him for the person he was. He knew you were someone who liked their personal time and that the world, especially the people living in it would overwhelm you sometimes, but he had never seen you like this. Small, so fragile, almost as if you crumbled within yourself. As if the slightest blow of wind could knock you over and break you.
“Do you want me to leave? I brought food from that new café. I can just leave it here and go, if you need time to yourself…” Kenma said.
You were torn. On one hand, you really didn’t have the energy to entertain someone right now. But Kenma felt so warm and his embrace made you feel secure. As if the world couldn’t get to you as long as he held you like this. So you tightened your hold on him and shook your head lightly.
A small smile appeared on Kenma’s face.
“Alright, how about you go lay down on the couch then, while I unpack the food and we watch some cheesy movie together?”
The thought of leaving Kenma’s arms didn’t please you at all but you obliged and went to your couch in the open living room. You watched as Kenma started unpacking of cake slices, sandwiches and chocolates out of the bags. He even brought avocado-onigiri. Your favorite. After he displayed everything on plates he came over to put the food and two lemonades on the coffee table. He sat down next to you and turned on your TV. He started your favorite rom-com before he pulled you close to him again so that your head was resting on his chest. As the movie went on, he started to stroke your hair with his hand, while the other was on top of your arm that was draped over his torso. This was still very unfamiliar to you, but it felt nice.
“You know, you never have to hide your feelings from me. Not even the negative ones. I know I sometimes seem a little distant and I am not very open about my own feelings either but you mean a great deal to me and I’m always gonna be here for you. Even when you feel like drowning, I’ll always be a lifeline for you to hold on to. And I know I can’t fix everything, but I’ll try my best to help you with fixing what needs to be fixed.” he whispered softly. You closed your eyes, new tears forming in them making your eyelids heavy. Even if all those inner demons were loud within you, Kenma’s voice and reassuring words slowly drowned them out and you finally felt a bit of the weight on your chest getting lighter. You knew you had to work on these things and you would need more than just Kenma, you’d need professional help to cope with all of this, but with Kenma by your side like this, you felt like anything was possible. Before you dozed off in Kenma’s embrace you whispered back: “thank you so much for being here”.
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haechansfbuddy · 3 years
Pillows and Cuddles
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Please just ignore the title I'm not creative and idk what to call this.
Also pls feel free to request fluff/smut/reactions in my askbox I get v bored.
Before you leave just press keep reading I promise the fanfic is there
Yangyang x reader fluff <3
No one:
Tumblr: *looks at <3* what a funty bit of coding ya got there
You were staying at your best friends house since your parents were out of town, and you didn't like staying in the house alone. Only problem is, you had had a crush on him for years. Liu Yangyang, your best friend. You loved everything about him. The way he throws playful grins at you after making a sarcastic comment. The way his hair falls perfectly over his forehead when he runs his hand through it. His little giggles. His pretty face. The way he was so caring, for you, his best friend. But that was the problem, you were only his best friend. Nothing more.
"What are you daydreaming about?" Yangyang asks, smirking. "Nothing," you reply quickly. "You okay y/n, something doesn't seem right?" He seems genuinely worried, making your insides flip. "Yeah I'm okay" you sigh lightly at the effect he's having on you. "You sure?" He raised his eyebrow "wanna do something fun to take your mind off whatever it is you clearly don't wanna talk about" Damn it Yangyang, why do you have to be this nice. You want to tell him how you feel, but you're too scared he'll say no. "Yes please" you smile at him, and he gets out his movies.
You watch him going through them, before saying "so you don't use Netflix like normal people" He immediately rolls his eyes, smiling cutely. "Netflix doesn't have all the classics" You admire him quickly and argue "Netflix has labyrinth" He wastes no time to say "You only like it because you fancy Jareth" "Well, yes Yangyang, who doesn't fancy him, but I genuinely love the movie. I still think they should've kissed though" "You are the definition of hopeless romantic, if they kissed you would have cried and said you want what they have" "I am not that bad" "You are. But it's fine cos you look cute when you're looking at things with such passion in your eyes" It was true that you loved romance movies, but you did not look cute while watching them.
"Sooo" he smiles at you, holding up Romeo and Juliet, knowing you've both seem it countless times. You just let out a soft giggle and nod. You go and get snacks, and when you come in Yangyang is less across the sofa. "Yangyangggg" you whine and pout softly. "Don't pout, I was keeping your seat warm" you shake your head at the boy and hand him the bowl of popcorn, before leaning against him to watch the movie. You sat there reciting the movie as it played, Yangyang giggling occasionally at how well you knew it. "How many times have you seen this" he laughed "Lots, now shut up and look at how gorgeous Romeo is" "You like him?" He sounds disgusted. "Uh, are you blind, he's Leonardo DiCaprio" you say. Yangyang keeps talking, and you lightly slap him to shut him up, as it's almost done.
As the credits roll, you're crying and Yangyang speaks up "If you say you want a love like theirs I will deport you. I don't know what you're looking for, but killing yourself because your partner killed themself because you pretended to kill yourself is slightly extreme" You look up and wipe your tears, laughing at his comment "I don't want anyone to kill themselves for me, but I will say that if my man doesn't love me as much as Romeo loves Juliet, then ion want him. He just looks at you for a while.
Just as you're getting lost in his eyes, he launches a cushion at you, initiating a pillow fight. You start beating each other up with pillows, chasing each other round. But eventually you forfeit giggling, your asthma catching up to you.
Yangyang falls to the floor, bringing you with him, cuddling you closer to his chest. Your heart pounds faster, and you feel butterflies start to form in your stomach. "So.." He starts. "what do you want now, you ruined the moment" "I just wanted to know what was wrong earlier. You can tell me anything you know, I'll always try to help" You work up what little courage you have and begin "Well, I may or may not have a massive crush" and to your surprise, he didn't do his usual excited quizzing about this type of situation, but he said "tell me exactly how you feel, you don't have to tell me who it is if you don't want to" you started to panic more as he stroked your hair and gave you his full attention. "W-well I can't really explain it, the way I admire him I mean. He's so respectful and caring, and he's a good listener. He's so funny, and he has the cutest little laugh, which goes along perfectly with his adorable smile. And he has the prettiest eyes you could ever imagine. I can't put it into words how handsome he is, or how thankful I am to have him in my life. And he has the most beautiful voice, speaking and singing, he's just too perfect for this world" "Tell him that then" Yangyang said it so nonchalantly that it hurt. "But what if he only likes me platonically?" " then come over, tell me, cry into my chest, we'll play some Mario kart or watch a childrens show to feel nostalgic, and I'll tell you about how stupid this guy is for not seeing how beautiful you are, and how cute you look when you're tired. I'll scold him and make him regret not seeing how you're incredible you are, and caring and-" you cut him off "You really mean that?" " yes y/n, who came over to look after me when I was practically vomiting everywhere, even though they have a massive fear of vomit" "me" you answer "right. And who checks how much I've ate and drank before they go to bed" "me" "exactly, I bet this guy isn't half as caring as you, and he's incredibly lucky to have someone like you want him" That was it for you, you kissed him, and once he realised what was happening, he eagerly kissed back. You pulled back and smiled. You sat up on his lap and rested your head in the crook of his neck, arms reaching round to hug him "I love you Yangyang"
"I love you too. Now get some sleep princess, I don't want you yawning all day tomorrow"
*cries cos I wanna fall asleep in Yangyangs arms*
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #633: So.... About Sephiroth....(SSBU x Persona 5)
Ryuji: Ok. I know we should be focusing on Christmas Shopping and all, but can we PLEASE talk about how and why Sephiroth is in this mansion right now!?
Morgana: What?
Futuba: EX-F**KING-CUSE ME!???
Makoto: Futuba, what do we told you about texting out cuss words in our Groupchat?
Futuba: I covered up the middle words!
Makoto: Even still, that doesn't make it any less inappropriate. Please don't do it anymore, okay?
Futuba: Yes, ma'am.....
Ann: I'm already lost. Who's Sephiroth again?
Ren: Silver Haired guy with Long sword. He's also a one winged angel.
Futuba: The One Winged Angel.jpg
Ann: Wow he's hot. But alas, my heart still and will always belongs to my dear Shiho-kins~
Haru: Awww~
Ryuji: Okay, Ms. Shakespeare lol.
Ann: ಠ︵ಠ
Sonic: Cute lovers' stuff aside, let's not forget that this man has been the thorn in Cloud's side ever since day one......Whenever that is.
Haru: Goodness. I wonder what he has done to make Cloud-Senpai so upset.....
Morgana: That's what I've been wondering too now that I think about.
Futuba: Well, for starters, he murdered Cloud's best friend, Zack, and his companion named Aerith.
Haru: Oh my gosh, REALLY!!?
Yusuke: Oh dear.....
Makoto: Excuse me!!?
Morgana: My god! I didn't know all of that!!!!
Ann: Yep. Now, I'm definitely glad I don't any feelings for him now.
Ryuji: Right!? The guy's a ruthless monster! Even if he is cool looking!
Ren: So is he like.... Officially moving in the mansion now. I mean, I know people say that he's one of the new entries in Smash Tournament and all, but idrk.
Sonic: Well, he doesn't really moved in or anything. He only comes here for Ganondorf's League of Villains Club or whatever. Not only that, but Hades actually brought him from hell and everything.
Ren: Now that's freaky.
Ryuji: I know, right. I'm guessing this was after Cloud killed him in that Advent Child movie I watched a while back.
Makoto: I can't believe Hades would go as far as to bring someone back from the dead....
Sonic: Tell me about it, but there is another reason why he did this besides joining some villains club.
Futuba: For real!?
Ryuji: Hey!
Sonic: Yep. You guys remember that whole World of Light fiasco we all been involved in, right?
Ren: Yeah. Those were some really crazy times for all of us back then.....
Ryuji: But what does that have to do with anything?
Sonic: Well, you guys remember we all had to split into two groups to clear out all of the remaining forces of Galeem and Dharkon.
Morgana: Oh yeah, I remember now. We were all assigned to deal with the rest of Dhakron's mess.
Sonic: That's right. While you guys did that, me and the other half of the group face off against Galeem on our own. It was hard work, but eventually, Sephiroth came in at the right time to slice that thing in half, causing an army of Master Hands to disappear.
Ren: Huh. That's.... actually pretty cool of him to do that for everyone.
Sonic: Yeeahh, but.....
Ren: Oh god. What did he do next?
Sonic: Nothing too major.....He just attacked us is all.
Makoto: Why?
Sonic: I don't even know myself, Queen. He just flew in and bodied almost all of us without breaking a sweat. Greninja, Pit, Rosalina, Samus, Bayonetta....
Sonic: Yup! Especially her! And I haven't even gotten to the part of what he did to my poor pops!
Morgana: You're talking about Mario, right? What did he do to him?
Sonic: Wellllllll......
Sonic: Fatal Strike.jpg
Ryuji: HOLY SHIT!!!!!
Ren: ........WELL!!!
Makoto: Oh my god!
Ann: (‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)
Yusuke: This can't be real.....
Haru: Oh my goodness. I think I'm going to cry....
Sonic: Everybody, CALM DOWN! Relax! Mario is fine. I repeat: Mario is 100% fine! Look!
Sonic: Sike! He Missed!.jpg
Ren: Oh thank Goddess Mom.
Futuba: Right!? That is such a relief!
Makoto: I agree. I don't think my could take it if he actually got himself hurt like that.
Ann: Hey, Haru, are you okay at your end?
Haru: I'm doing much better now that my sweet little Mona-Chan is here with me~
Haru: My Little Knight and Shining Armor.jpg
Futuba: D'awwwwww~
Ryuji: Damn, Mona. You really are her son lol.
Morgana: Shut it, Ryuji.
Haru: Mona-Chan, are you embarrassed of me? :(
Morgana: No! Of course not, mom! I love you with all of my heart! Really!
Haru: I know you do, sweetheart. I was only messing with you is all. I love you too~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Morgana: Haru why?
Haru: I just wanted to see that adorable face of yours flustered. I'm sorry.
Morgana: It's fine. I forgive you.
Haru: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Sonic: Adorable cuteness aside, the plumber dad was in no harm whatsoever. And mom makes extra sure he stays that way too, cuz I just saw her hugging him like a teddy bear in their bedroom.
Sonic: Protective Momma Peach on Duty.jpg
Ann: Yeah. Not gonna lie, I would totally do that for Shiho if she ever gets hurt.
Makoto: I would do the same for Ren.
Ren: Why?
Makoto: Because you're a reckless idiot and I love you.
Ren: Love you too, 'hon~ :D
Makoto: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Futuba: Ignoring the blantly obvious Married Couple, I'm glad all of you guys are safe.
Makoto: ಠ_ಠ
Ren: ಠ︵ಠ
Sonic: Thanks, Futuba. If Cloud wasn't there to fight the madman, we all would've been done for.
Ryuji: Speaking of which, how does Cloud feel about Sephiroth joining the tournament?
Sonic: He's not too happy about it. But he has been ignoring him since a day or two ago, so that's something.
Haru: That's wonderful news. I sure do hope his presence doesn't cause Cloud Senpai too much trouble in the future.
Sonic: Same. The poor guy look like he's been stressed about it for days.
Makoto: While we're on the topic of Sephiroth, I think it's best for all of us that we stay clear from him for now.
Ren: I agree with Makoto on this one. If.the guy's that strong enough to beat half of everyone in this mansion, I stutter to think what would it be like if any fight him. So let's not get in his way, alright?
Ryuji: Right.
Ann: Roger.
Yusuke: Very well.
Haru: Okay.
Morgana: Good enough for me.
Makoto: That means you too, Futuba.
Futuba: Why me specifically?
Ren: Because we all know how much of a fangirl you are in almost everythingg video game related. Sephiroth looks like the type of guy who is dead serious on everything and I don't my baby sister to get hurt because of him.
Futuba: Rennnnnnnn I'm not a baby!
Ren: You are one to me damnit.
Futuba: ಠಗಠ
Ren: Okay. Okay. I kid lol. But seriously though, just try and stay away from him for me, alright?
Futuba: 'Aye, 'Aye, Captain!
Yusuke: I apologise to ask you this so suddenly, Sonic, but do you still have the picture you showed us not too long ago?
Sonic: The one Fatal Strike one? Yeah, I still got it. Why? You need it for something?
Yusuke: Yes. I must make a painting of this immediately!
Ryuji: Dude, seriously? Why?
Yusuke: I am not too sure about the reasons myself, but.... the dark, gloomy atmosphere of the picture alone has already peaked my attention. And it's telling me to create a masterpiece of it immediately.
Futuba: Of course you would be interested in making something like that, Inari.....
Ann: Could we just focus on our Christmas Shopping plans instead please? I don't even wanna think about that photo.
Haru: Me too. It makes me sad every time I see it.
Yusuke: Very well. I suppose I can try painting it in memory. Or at least, I hope I can....
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Legacy - Chapter 3
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Legacy: A Hawkeye Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  1732
Rating:  E
Square filled:   @marvelfluffbingo - Hurt/Comfort
Warnings:  Pregnancy, domestic abuse, post-endgame, angst, developing-relationship, hurt/comfort, smut, Laura and Clint have broken up.  Comic Clint/MCU Clint mix.
Synopsis: Nothing is the same after the events of Endgame.  When Clint has trouble returning to a life where his family hasn’t changed but he has lost everything, he moves back to the city and tries to move on as a single parent. When Nate finds you bruised and pregnant in the stairwell of his building, he decides that there might be another way that he can make Nat’s sacrifice worth something.
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Chapter 3
Clint was really beginning to enjoy the summer.  It had been a long, long time since he could remember actually really enjoying one.  Not since everyone had turned to dust.  It was a season that had been tainted.  The last time he had really remembered enjoying it was the one where his family had died.
Since then there were five where he’d been alone, furious and broken.  Where the summer was just an uncomfortable season where he remembered everything he lost.  Then there was one year where all he felt was guilt and melancholy.  Guilt over the fact he couldn’t be what Laura needed him to be and melancholy over a season he usually mourned.
This year had been better.  He had the dog now and his kids were with him.  He’d take them to Central Park and visit the Zoo or go to Heckscher Playground and let them run around in the water.  He’d taken them to see movies where they’d sat in the cool watching all the new features that had been made now half of Hollywood had reappeared.  He’d taken them to see the Mets play and down to Coney Island to visit Luna Park.  He was making the effort to be who they needed him to be at least.  Cooper and Lila had already lost one dad.  They didn’t deserve to lose another.  Even if he had already mourned their deaths.
One thing that was helping him a lot was you.  Part of it was probably a huge case of white knight syndrome.  He was aware of it.  He wouldn’t have joined the Avengers if he didn’t get a kick out of helping people.  He helped people a lot.  It was kind of his thing.  It was more than that though.  Yeah, he was happy he’d gotten you away from that asshole of a boyfriend.  Yeah, he was happy that he’d set you on your feet so you could do this whole pregnancy thing without the looming threat of a man that beat you or not being able to provide for them.  Mostly he just liked having you around.
He’d shut people out.  It wasn’t just that he wasn’t letting new people in, he’d also shut out the friends and family he already had.  Opening that door for you seemed to open up a little bit of the man he used to be before all this happened.  Not only that, without Richard looming over you, you started to come to life.  You were like a breath of fresh air.  Even after you moved into the apartment next door you’d come by to have meals with them.  Often bringing over some of the dishes the neighbors had been making, sometimes cooking from scratch.  While he missed eating pizza as much as he was, it was definitely good to that the kids were eating better.  Laura would be happy to hear it in any case.
You’d gotten a job at Stark Industry basically doing data entry.  It wasn’t much, but it was something that you could sit for and it would last you until you couldn’t work anymore.  On your days off you were with them.  You came to movies and the park and the zoo.  The kids had all bonded with you quite closely considering it had only been a month and a half.  He liked seeing you with them.  He liked you.  He liked himself with you.  He started to recognize the guy he’d used to be.  The one that was happy and flirtatious and hadn’t lost his family.
Which kinda sucked because he couldn’t see how there was any chance for you two to be anything.  He couldn’t properly hit on you.  The flirting was harmless but you’d just gotten out of an abusive relationship.  You needed time and space.  You’d already said you’d worried that he wanted something from you as payment.  He wasn’t exactly in the best place either.  How was he supposed to make a new relationship work when he’d fucked his marriage up so badly?  Not to mention you were pregnant.  It upped the stakes.  He had to be really sure that there was something there before he messed with your life.  The problem was that he was never sure about that kind of thing.
It has been Nat that has introduced him to Bobbi.  It has been Nat who has pushed him towards Laura.  He didn’t know if he had it in him to try without he smacking him over the back of the head.
As the summer drew to a close he had really started to relax.  It was a weird sensation after so many years where he wouldn’t let himself.  You were at his apartment with the kids waiting for Laura to pick them up.  You were all playing Mario Kart.  He couldn’t quite believe how much fun he was having.  The kids were being hypercompetitive.  You were shoving him every time he got in the lead to try and make him crash.  Everyone was laughing and screaming, but that good kind of screaming where you’re having so much fun it comes out as shrieks.  Each time you pushed against him he felt a warm tingle inside him.  That little flutter of potential.  He wanted it to go away but at the same time, he liked it.  He liked that he could feel that again.
You shoved him again making him fly his baby Luigi off the side of the rainbow road.  “Oh, that’s it!”  He said trying to grab your controller out of your hands.
“No!”   You squealed, climbing up the back of the couch.  He wrestled with you for it making everyone laugh and Lucky start to bark excitedly.
“Yes!  You want to play dirty, we’ll play dirty.”  He teased.
There was a knock at the door and Lila jumped up and ran over to answer it.  “Mom!”  She squealed.
Everyone froze and looked over to see Laura standing in the doorway looking bemused.
“Mommy!”  Nate yelled, running over to Laura and throwing himself at her.  She caught him and picked him up as she pulled Lila into a hug too.
“Hey, guys.  I missed you.”  She said as she held them close.
Clint stood a little startled.  He knew Laura was coming today but he thought he had a few more hours.  He checked the microwave clock but it was flashing 12.00 as it had been since the day he moved in.  “Are you early?”
“Yeah, sorry.”  She said.  “I totally misjudged how long it would take to get here.  I don’t wanna rush them out or anything.  I do have that baby stuff you asked for in the car though.”
“Oh, great.  Thanks, Laur.”  He said and introduced the two of you.  “How about we go get that and you guys pack up the last of your stuff and then we can all go out and grab an early dinner?”
“Sounds good to me,”  Laura said putting Nate down.
“You mind helping them out?”
You nodded.  “Sure of course.  Come on you lot.”
Clint followed Laura downstairs leaving you and the kids to pack up their things.  “I hope this stuff is okay.  It’s all really old now.”  Laura said as she made her way down the stairs.  “I forgot that until I was going through it and it was covered in almost a decade of dust.”
Clint sighed and nodded.  “I guess if it’s no good we can have a baby shower and buy whatever else.”
Laura looked at him and raised her eyebrow.  “We?  Is this your baby, Clint?”
“What?  No.  I’d have told you I was with someone.”
“Well, that’s something at least.”  She said with a shake of her head.  “Who is this woman, Clint?  Why are you doing this?”
“She doesn’t have anyone.  And her ex was beating her.  I… Laur, I couldn’t do nothing.”
“There’s doing something and then there’s bending over backward.”  She said.  “Do you want something to happen with her.”
“No.  It’s not like that…”  He said.
“Clint, I just saw you.  I know what you look like when you’re falling for someone.”
He sighed and opened the door for her to go outside.  “I just… Laura.  She needed someone.  I couldn’t be who you needed me to be.  I tried.  And I wish it was different.  But it’s not.  And she needed help.  I can give her that.  I should be dead and I’m not so I need to do something to make it count.”
Laura stopped and looked him over.  She approached him and cupped his jaw.  It was such a familiar move yet it was like it was something that used to happen to a whole other man.  “I miss her too, Clint.  Every single day.  And I miss you.  But you aren’t the man I miss.  I think he died right along with us, only we don’t remember that happening.”
Clint opened his mouth to say something.  To apologize or try to explain or something.  She put her finger on his lips.  “It’s okay, Clint.  I can’t even try to understand what those five years were like.  I’m not even sure I want to.  You aren’t who you were before.  But the world isn’t what it was before.  It’s different and maybe you’re right.  Maybe she needs you.  But maybe you need her too.  Just…”  She paused and took a deep breath, caressing his cheek with her thumb.  “Be careful.  For both your sake.”
He nodded leaning his head into her hand a little.  “I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”
“I love you, you know that?”  Laura said.  “If helping her, or being with her helps you find yourself, do it.  Be happy.”
He smiled sadly and nodded.  “I love you too.”  He said.  “I wish…”
“Me too, Clint.  But let’s not dwell on it anymore.  We’ve all lost too much.  Time to move forward.”  She said.  “Now help me get these things outta my car.”
Clint nodded and popped the trunk.  He did wish things were different in so many ways.  Laura was right though, it was time to move forward.  Most likely nothing would happen between you and him.  It was unfair of him to expect it would.  He could be your friend and he hadn’t made a new one in a long time.  That was a good start.
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bittywitches · 5 years
Promise (G.D and E.D fanfic)
sort of a continuation of my fanfic My Valentine, but not really. but sorta.
It’s a bit long, but I had a lot of fun writing this one. Hope you guys enjoy!
“He’s going to hate me!”
You’re sitting on the couch next to Ethan, holding his controller loosely in your hand as the tv screen illuminates, telling you “Congratulations!”, you’ve just kicked Ethan’s ass in Mario Kart. But your attention is not focused on your long-awaited victory, but on the incredulous thing that your boyfriend’s brother is trying to convince you to do. “He’ll never trust me ever again!” Ethan stands in front of you, hands on his hips. “Nah, he’ll be fine.” You gape at him. “Have you ever met Grayson?” He rolls his eyes. “Yea, he’s my twin brother.” “Then you of all people should know this is a terrible idea.” You huff, throwing the blanket off of you and storming off towards the kitchen. Ethan hastily follows you. “Come on, you know it’d be hilarious. Besides, he’ll get over it.” You scowl at him. He coughs. “Er... eventually.” You cross your arms. “You’ve got to be absolutely mad if you’d think I’d decide to do that. He’ll be heartbroken! I can’t do that to him, E. So leave me alone!” You reach into the cupboard to grab a bag of chips and try to escape to Gray’s room, but Ethan catches your arm. “Y/N, come on! Imagine the kind of video we could make with that-“ “You want me to pretend to break up with Grayson for a video?!” “No! No... just, give him a little scare.” He takes your chip bag, placing it onto the counter as you sneer at him. “Besides, anything he assumes is entirely his fault.” You throw his arm off of you, stomping off. “Ethan, you are an untrustworthy, dreadful, disgusting son of bi-“ “You’ve been complaining about how it’s too big for you anyway!” He throws his hands in the air. “Honestly, I’m doing you a favour.” You scoff at him. “I’m not complaining, it’s just a bit loose. Not too loose in a way that it needs to get fixed, but a comfortable kind of loose that makes it easy for me to play with.” Ethan blinks at you. “How can you use so many words to describe a ring?” You roll your eyes. “I just don’t want to lose the promise ring Grayson gave me. Mind you, that was two weeks ago!“ “Exactly, which is why it would be the perfect time to-“ “Don’t even think about it, you-“ “Just imagine the face he’d make, it’d be pr-“ “I’m not going to break my boyfriend’s heart just for one of your stupid videos!” Ethan gives you an exaggerated gasp as he puts his hand on this heart, giving you the most overdramatic expression of hurt and betrayal you’ve ever seen. “I can’t believe it...” “Don’t give me that bullshit.” Ethan wipes away a fake tear, turning his back to you. “Making videos is my passion, Y/N...” “Don’t you even-“ “..and you have the audacity to call it stupid?” He turns back to you, his lip quivering. “E, don’t you dare give me the puppy dog eyes.” “I wouldn’t have to, but you’ve offended me so much your making me resort to this.” “Ethan...” “But hey, it’s fine. It’s not a big deal, it’s just for a stupid video, after all...” Ethan’s shoulders slump and he begins to sulk off to his bedroom.
You sigh. “E, wait.” ———— A half hour of guilt-tripping later, Ethan has convinced you to help him with his prank on his brother. You sit cross-legged on his bed, arms crossed, as he finishes telling you what you’re going to do. “I still can’t believe I’m actually doing this.” Ethan laughs. “Come on, you guys need to spice things up every once in a while.” You groan. “Going out more than once a month is already too exciting for me.” You bury your face into your hands. “How do you expect me to do this with a straight face?” “Like the people in those shows do it.” He comes over and sits in front of you, one leg dangling off of the bed. “First you’re gonna be all quiet and serious, so when he comes over for your guys’ ‘talk’ he’ll be nervous.” “Yea, I can manage that. But there’s no way I can do the next part while keeping a straight face.” You peer up at him through your fingers. “Just pretend you're in one of those old movies.” He clears his throat and puts on a terrible female southern accent. “‘I don’t think this is gonna work out, sugar’,” he breaks character to smirk at you, and you snicker. “Okay, practice on me. Pretend I’m Grayson.” “That’s actually harder than you think it is,” you tell him, and he rolls his eyes. You take a breath, to keep yourself from giggling. you try to pretend you’re in one of those diners in those old movies, getting ready to tell your significant other that “it’s over”, and then slide your ring across the table, making it official. Returning the thing that made it official that you were theirs. Giving up the thing that makes you Grayson’s- “I can’t do it!” You slump forward onto the bed, burying your head into E’s pillow. “It’s too haaaaard...” Ethan sighs. “Come on, Y/N, you’ve got this. Just focus! Let’s try it again...” ————
“You can’t tell me what it is right now?” “I just think it’d be better if we didn’t do it over the phone.” “Why? Is something wrong?” “I just want to tell you in person, Gray.” “Ok... I’ll be home in around half an hour.” “Ok.” “Love you.” “Love you too.” You cut the call, and fall back onto Ethan’s bed. “Why’d you say ‘love you’?!” He exclaims. You sit up. “Because he said it to me!” He sighs. “You’re definitely gonna screw this up for us.” He looks up at the camera. “Guys, if this prank fails, know that it’s all Y/N’s fault!” “Oh come on!” You push Ethan out of frame. “You guys know that if I didn’t say it back he would’ve definitely suspected something was up!” Ethan laughs, leaning back in so he’s on screen. “Okay, we’re gonna have to wait until Gray’s finished running all his errands. See you guys when he gets home!” The camera turns off. ———— You’re sitting on the couch, playing on your phone when you hear the door click open. You nervously check the hidden cameras around the room, but as you hear Gray’s footsteps get louder you redirect your attention to your phone. He walks into the room, holding a bunch of grocery bags. He’s wearing a pair of Baby blue jeans with rips in the knees and a loose t-shirt. He kicks off his shoes and drops the groceries onto a table. “Hey, babe.” “Hey.” He throws his keys onto the coffee table and walks over to you. He takes your face with both his hands a plants a soft kiss on your lips. “I didn’t know you were coming over today.” “Yea, well there was something important I needed to tell you.” Gray sits down next to you, still holding your face with one of his hands as he brushes a few hairs out of your face. “Mhm?” You take his hands from your face. You need him to focus on you, or this isn’t going to work. But his arms make their way around your waist. He presses his body against yours, leaving a trail of kisses from your jaw all the way down your neck. “Grayson...” “Mm...?” He pushes you gently down onto the couch, his hands traveling from your waist to your neck as he kisses the bridge of your nose. His mouth travels from your cheeks to your ears, gently nibbling them. “Gray, please.” You hold his shoulders and push him off of you, so you’re both sitting directly in front of each other. You can see the disappointment in his eyes. “We need to talk.” He inhales, brushing the hair out of his face. “Of course. What is it?” You look at him, and you just can’t seem to get any words out. He looks so defeated like he’s already lost a fight that hasn’t even begun. You can feel the nervousness radiating off of him, and all you want to do is hold him. Why are you doing this just for a video? Ethan is going to owe you big time for this. You sigh, slipping the ring off of your finger, placing it in front of Gray. You look up at him and see his eyes widen to twice their size. “Y/N...?” He’s looking at you, waiting for something, anything to explain what your doing. “Baby...” You can’t look him in the eyes or you know you’ll break. You use so much willpower just to keep you from cracking a smile. But his eyes remain on you. You’ve got to tell him now or you’ll ruin the prank. 3... “Babe.” 2... “Look at me.” 1... “Y/N!” “The ring is too big!” You throw your head back and burst out laughing, and from around the corner, you can hear the laughter of a certain someone as well. “What...?” Grayson looks at you in disbelief as Ethan comes barreling around the corner. “IT WAS A PRANK YOU DUMBASS!” But he can’t even get the sentence out properly before doubling over, laughing. Grayson’s face flushes red as he exhales the breath he’s been holding. “Oh my god…” he slumps into your arms and buries his face into your chest, and you rub his back as your laughs turn into giggles. “I’m so sorry Gray..!”
His grip around you tightens as you hear his muffled voice. “I hate you so much.”
You run your fingers along the top of his head, playing with his hair. “It was all Ethan’s idea!”
Grayson looks up at Ethan. “You’re a prick, E.”
Ethan is on the floor now, still struggling to contain his laughter. Gray scowls and looks up at you. You see that his eyes are red.
“Babe, are you-”
“Yes, I’m crying! I thought you were going to fucking break up with me!” His voice cracks, and it feels like your heart has too. You hold his face in your hands, gently wiping away the tears running down his face. “Gray…”
He gets up off of your chest and grabs your face, kissing you with such desire that you can’t help but give a tiny moan. You wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. When you pull apart, he looks at you in a way that tugs at your heart.
“Promise you never fuck me up like that again, okay?”
You kiss his forehead.
“I promise.”
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magic-magpie · 7 years
Forever Yours, Prompto
Sheesh, I haven’t been on in a while. I just haven’t had the motivation to write or anything, and so I kinda stopped going on Tumblr ‘cause then I’d feel bad for not writing. Not that I need to write, but I want to. But I’ve finally written something! I’ve gotten hella into FFXV, and Promptis has become my favourite ship of the series (I guess that was to be expected... the character dynamics are strikingly similar to my OTP of all time). I just love they way they interact and the brilliant, wholesome friendship they share! And yes, I do wish they’d be more than friends. Idk, I just feel like they’d be a really awesome couple. I’m not past Chapter Eight yet, though. But anyway, have this little Promptis fanfic I wrote! It’s an idea I’ve wanted to do for so long, but I’ve only just now been able to execute it. First time writing for FFXV, so my characterisation’s probably not perfect. Prompto’s incredibly similar to America from Hetalia though, and I write America frequently enough, so hopefully the characterisation works! Words - 1,883 Also, imagine the strikethrough stuff to be like actual scribble-outs.
Dear Noctis To Noctis Hey Noctis Hey Noct,
Okay, so, um, I’m writing this in the dead of the night outside of the tent using my torch ‘cause why not, eh? I mean, I don’t WANT to write out here (it’s cold and dark and SHIT I THINK A SPIDER CRAWLED ONTO MY ROCK FUCKING SHIT I JUST MOVED TO A TREE STUMP HOLY SHIT IF I WOKE ANY OF YOU GUYS UP I’M SORRY OKAY NOW WHERE WAS I) but writing out here where none of you know I’m writing is kinda safer, don’t ya think? (haha that transition tho) If I was writing some poetry or story or whatever I wouldn’t have to hide it so much, but it’s... not that. D’ya remember when we DID do that kinda stuff, back in high school? We’d make up lame-ass stories on the rooftop at lunchtime, trying to make weirder and weirder ones. I remember, my favourite was the one about the boy named Alaric Wrye who was actually a wolf in disguise and would sneak out every full moon to howl at the night but then his parents found out and so he was sent to the Wolf Institution to become a fully-fledged wolf and had to take a whole load of wolf tests and shit and then when he finally became a wolf he was crowned King of the Wolves and everyone had to bow down to him and – 
I kinda just realised how WEIRD that story is.
I think your favourite was the one about the small ant who wanted to be a super-duper famous singer so he made a rock band and started playing in gardens and stuff but then he grew enough of a following to start doing world tours and basically this small ant band was like hella famous in the human world but because none of the humans could see him properly ‘cause he’s tiny he took drugs to make himself massive but the drugs kinda killed him so he died as a massive-ass ant.
Yeah, that’s pretty weird too.
...Why am I talking about stories again? I’m not even WRITING a story. I’m writing a letter. To you. You’re not ever going to see it, but it’s for you.
Man, this is weird.
Well, I guess you’re wondering why I’m writing this, huh? Well, you WOULD be, if I gave it to you. But I’m not going to. I guess Ignis would call this a waste of his paper, but it’s only one sheet!
Okay, maybe it’s a little more. But STILL.
...Am I EVER going to start on why I’m writing this? I SHOULD, but, like... even the thought of WRITING it makes me nervous. Writing it would be like... making it definite. Absolute. Certain. That kind of thing. Currently, I can still pretend it’s not happening. I can still pretend I’m not thinking these thoughts, I’m not feeling these feelings. The thought of putting it down, of writing it in stone (or, well, paper) makes my stomach go all weird. Y’know how people talk about getting butterflies in your stomach? Yeah, I’ve got a whole KALEIDOSCOPE (yup, the word for a group of butterflies actually is ‘kaleidoscope’! I found that out, uh... two minutes ago).  
Having a kaleidoscope of butterflies inside your stomach is a WEIRD sensation, lemme tell ya. Like, imagine if EVERY time I hugged you the kaleidoscope started fluttering wildly and made you feel the things those protagonists of bad dating sims feel (although it’s impossible to be as cheesy and awful as that ‘Namco High’ dating sim. God, that was HILARIOUS. And terrible. But funny. I can’t believe we stayed up all night playing that shitty-ass game. We could’ve played King’s Knight or Mario Kart, but nope, we play shitty dating sims.).
...I just gave it away, didn’t I.
Anyway, as I guess you’ve guessed (or WOULD guess if you were actually gonna read this), I... love you like you think you’re hot want to date you want to kiss you want to just do stupid romantic stuff with you
Ah, fuck.
Okay, now I’m ACTUALLY going to say it. Just... gimme a minute.
Well, I just walked around the haven about twelve times and scrunched up the paper and threw it and then ran to get it back and almost got into a fight with some daemons but here we are.
I’m gonna say it. I’m gonna say it. I’m gonna say it.
Look, Noct. You’re my best friend, and the best person I know (don’t tell Ignis and Gladio). You’re funny (sometimes unintentionally), nice, fun to be with, and have really great hair. I guess it was only natural that I... started to like you.
Not like as in friend-like (although I still like you like a friend too), but like as in... like-like. As in, I want to go on stupid dates and randomly kiss you and cuddle when we have to share a bed and stroke your hair and give you flowers and wear each other’s clothes and touch our foreheads together and do those nose bump things and just do everything I’ve wanted to do for years now.
There. I said it.
...Why don’t I feel better? Why do I just feel WORSE? That wasn’t supposed to happen! I was supposed to confess everything into this letter and then I’d feel unburdened and I’d be able to finally let go of these goddamn feelings for you!
Oh. Right. It’s because I’ve liked you for years and my stupid heart’s become too attached to you.
I looked up stuff on how to get over your best friend, but it was all pretty unhelpful. They were all telling me to distance myself for a while! Um, no thanks. First of all, I don’t WANT to distance myself. Like I said, you’re the best person I know. Why would I want to spend any less time with my favourite person?! That would just be... boring. And second of all, I can’t distance myself, even if I wanted to. We share a TENT.
So... yeah. I like you. I like you too much, and I KNOW I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it! I’m really sorry, but I... just can’t.
I want to tell you upfront, I really do. But I don’t know whether you like me back. Sometimes I get these little feelings that you do. I dunno, sometimes I just catch you looking at me with this odd little smile on your face and then you’ll suddenly look away... or sometimes you’ll be a bit more touchy-feely than you need to be... and you tend to gravitate towards me whilst we’re walking... and you always seem to be closer to me than friends should be in a tent. But then, well, I’m probably misinterpreting all that because I so desperately want you to like me too. It’s confusing, isn’t it?
And then, well, if you don’t like me back, confessing to you would just be a dick move.
YOU wouldn’t class it as a dick move. Hell, you’d be pretty chill about it. But... I would. You’ve got so much on your shoulders right now. King Regis was murdered, Insomnia fell, Jared was killed, you’re going to get married, we’ve got to take back Insomnia, you’re pretty much the King... the list goes on. I know you, Noct. You’d feel guilty over rejecting me, and it’d weigh on your mind more than you care to admit.
Especially because, well... ‘cause you’re getting married.
I don’t know if you love Lady Luna, I don’t know if you love me, I don’t know if you love anyone at all. But I do know that you’re getting married to Lady Luna, not me. And if I ruined your special day with a stupid confession, I’d hate myself for it. It’s your special day where people are celebrating your marriage. That’s a day that’s supposed to make you happy, and it will, even if you’re not in love with Lady Luna (and if you are, then you’ll be on Cloud Nine!). She’s your friend, and you’ll be happy with her. I don’t want you to look at me on your wedding day with pity, I don’t want you to look at me and remember that I’m not enjoying the day as much as I should be.
So I’m not going to tell you how I feel. I’m just going to... just going to bottle it up and act like I always do!
Although, I get the feeling that my normal actions don’t cover it up well. I mean, I don’t think YOU’VE guessed (you’re kinda as emotionally-perceptive as a rock), but I feel like Ignis has, and maybe even Gladio. They haven’t said anything, but, like, I dunno, they just give me these... looks, sometimes. Like, I’ll just be leaning on you whilst playing King’s Knight and Ignis will just kind of... smile? It’s a small, tiny thing, but he still does it, I swear on the Six. And then I’m SURE that both of them just sorta... glance at me whenever we start talking about your wedding. I might be imagining things, but... I swear I’m not. So, like, I try to remove suspicion. Whaddaya think all that stuff with Cindy is? Yeah, she’s cool and nice and pretty hot and would probably be fun to date, but it wouldn’t be half as awesome as dating you would be. I just gush over her so that you’ll actually believe I’m head over heels for her instead of, well, you.
Come ON, we’d be so awesome together! We could go on dates to the arcade and order pizza at three in the morning and stay up watching shitty movies and I know we already do that but we could do it as boyfriends instead of best friends and I just 
...Sorry. Haha, I’ve gotta work on keeping my fantasies in check, huh?
...I wish I was the one getting married to you.
Okay, right! I guess that’s, er, my confession done then! I’ve written my feelings in a letter addressed to you which you’re never ever going to read, and so I should stop wanting you so badly!
...I’m never going to stop, am I?
But... even if I’m never going to stop liking you, I’m still going to be your best friend. I’m still going to do stupid stuff with you and take funny pictures and loudly sing terrible songs at one in the morning. I’m never going to be the one who you kiss, but dammit, I’m going to be the greatest best friend ever! And on your wedding, I’ll be the best best man Eos has ever seen.
Because loving you means accepting that I’ll never be anything more than a best friend. But it also means finding happiness and enjoying the special bond we do have.
Well, that’s that. I was going to throw this away into the lake, but... I think I’ll keep it. Just, don’t wear my jacket, yeah? And ESPECIALLY don’t check my front pocket. I’m warning you, Noct!
Love From Yours sincerely Best wishes Forever yours,
Prompto ✌ 
P.S. Sorry about the wet patches. They’re... not rain.
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ladytitanium · 7 years
1,2,7 to 17, 19 to 23, 25 to 70
OKAY SO this got suuuuper long and I’m gonna answer it under a readmore but thank you so much for asking!
1. First game you played obsessively?
Definitely Minecraft. I got it around 2012 and played it whenever I could, although shortly afterwards I moved on to playing a lot of TF2 with some online friends.
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. 
TF2 and Portal 2 were the first things I ever wrote fanfic for, so I’d say those two are big and important for sure. More recently, though, Transistor and Pyre have been inspiring me to pursue more art and music.
7. Any games you have multiple copies of?
I have Portal 2 for xbox 360 and PC.
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?
I had a copy of Link to the Past in great condition, but my ex stole that and my entire SNES so :/
9. Most regrettable purchase?
No Man’s Sky is the obvious answer but I think I have some steam games lying around that I bought and played once, or just never touched. Not sure which ones, though. Usually if I’m going to spend actual money on something, I try to make sure it’s good first.
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?
No, but I’d like to someday.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?
Not in the sense of meeting people in an mmo or anything, but I’ve definitely bonded with people I’ve met over a mutual love of games.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games?
Nah, not really. I’ve been picked on more for not having played enough games, honestly.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?
I’ve never played Overwatch or most online competitive games, or any MMOs aside from like 5 hours of gw2.
14. Favorite game music?
Anything Darren Korb, the composer for Supergiant Games, has made. Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre OSTs will always have a special place in my heart. Honorable mention goes to the Portal 2 soundtrack.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?
I……. have a triforce tattoo…….. on my left wrist……………
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?
I tend to like watching people play games rather than doing competitive or couch coop type things, so it’s hard to say. I used to hang out with my friends while we all did playthroughs of the Mass Effect trilogy, though, which was wonderful.
17. Ever lose a friend over a game?
Nah. Had some arguments over the Souls games, though.
19. Favorite handheld console?
3DS, definitely, although I do have some nostalgia for the good ol’ GBA.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?
Portal 2, although it’s been a few years since I’ve played so I might not be as familiar with it as I once was. Barring that, Stardew Valley.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?
I can’t think of any, honestly, since I almost never played anything as a kid.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?
The occasional Zelda t-shirt, and my old Aperture Science tanktop. I’d wear more if I owned more.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?
TF2, I think? I used to play for hours every evening.
25. Were you ever an arcade game player?
Sadly, no. My mother thought arcades were giant wastes of time and money and would corrupt me and make me stupid. 
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?
No, I don’t get competitive much. 
27. Game that makes you rage?
Any kind of roguelike makes me angry just thinking about it. I hate losing progress. Really difficult platformers make me frustrated and angry too.
28. Ever play in a tournament?
Dear god no.
29. What is your gaming set up?
Currently, none. I have a shitty, half-broken laptop.
30. How many consoles do you own?
I own a Switch and a 3DS. I have access to an XBONE though.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?
I’ve never tried a Virtual Boy, but leaving the 3D on high on my 3DS is something I’ve only done once due to the nasty headache it gave me.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?
I don’t think so, no.
33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?
I had a Sonic handheld game from a happy meal, does that count?
34. Do either of your parents play video games?
My dad does, a lot. Mostly MMOs. I think my mother did too, but mostly Civ, some ancient Egypt themed MMO, and Guild Wars, from what I can recall.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?
I worked in a game store for about six months late last year/early this year. It’s the best job I’ve ever had.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?
Oh, tears, absolutely. Plenty of games have made me cry. FFXV, Persona 5, Transistor, Portal 2, the list goes on.
37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?
I actually have played it! Perks of working at a game store that sells Ataris. I was utterly baffled by it, so I think “worst game ever made” is a fair title.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?
I really enjoy all the walking simulators/art games I’ve played. I know a lot of people say they aren’t real games or whatever but I think most of the ones I’ve played are genuinely enjoyable experiences.
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?
...Portal 3, but with the same writers+VAs+team in general. I know that’ll never happen now but I need it like I need air.
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?
Motion controls can be hit or miss. I think they need to be integrated well and very functional to be enjoyable. Like, wii sports and stuff? I loved it. Those tilt puzzles in the shrines in BOTW? Absolutely horrendous. As for VR, I really want to try it someday. I think it’s neat.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into?
Roguelikes, Souls-like (where the only purpose of the game is to be as difficult as possible so people who master it can be snobs about it), and any realistic online-only FPS things like Call of Duty are the three main things I will never, ever touch.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?
Pokemon Ruby, absolutely.
43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?
All through the second half of high school, tbh.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?
I’ve never actually gotten to play arcade games much.
45. How are you at Mario Kart?
I’m only decent at Mario Kart Wii, because I played it a lot.
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?
Absolutely! Animal Crossing New Leaf and City Folk are games I love dearly and have spent a LOT of time on over the years.
47. Do you like competitive games?
Almost never. I only ever played TF2 with friends, and that pretty much extends to any competitive game I might play. Only with friends, and only sometimes.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?
So. Long.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?
Yeah, mages are kind of my thing. I get jumpy when I have to do a bunch of melee so I tend to prefer to stand back a little. I always went full biotic in Mass Effect for that reason.
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?
That’s a tough one. I’ve had a few concepts over the years, but none that have really stuck with me.
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?
Yeah, definitely. I lose track of time really easily if I’m absorbed in something.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?
All Pokemon games from gen 4+5.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?
Any DLC that adds characters or plot necessary for the full enjoyment of the game should be free imo. Skins/weapons/maps/non-essential quests and missions can be behind a paywall. Like, ME3′s From Ashes DLC should have been free, and I go back and forth between whether it was cool to have Citadel and Omega DLCs behind paywalls, but all the weapons/armor/alternate appearance packs I’m totally fine with being paid DLC.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales?
Only when I have money.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?
I never played any Sims games.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?
Never played Roller Coaster Tycoon either.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?
Minish Cap, I think? I tried to 100% Super Mario Galaxy but I couldn’t ever quite do it.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?
Oh, shit. Uh. Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon Sun (or Moon), and... I can’t pick a third one. Probably something with multiplayer.
59. Do you play any cell phone games?
Yeah, but most of them are just little time-wasting puzzle games.
60. Do you know the Konami Code?
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?
I’ve never traded in a game but I might if I bought a physical copy of something I didn’t like.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?
Does the Switch count, since till Splatoon 2 came out I only had BOTW on it? I’ve considered getting a PS4 just for P5 and Horizon Zero Dawn.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? 
I went to GenCon a few times when I was really young but I barely remember it, and I’ve tagged along to a handful of Warhammer 40k tournaments with my dad, but that was also like 10 years ago. So no, not really.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?
I’ve never bought a TV or monitor myself.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?
I had an Action Replay for shinies in X and Y.
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?
No, my first phone was a Windows phone when I was 14 because my mother hated technology and wanted to control me so a phone was way too much freedom and entirely out of the question :/
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?
I remember the first time I beat Portal 2, sitting on the floor in front of the TV and crying tears of joy. That was pretty great.
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?
I wanted to, but didn’t go to arcades enough.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? 
Transistor. Can’t think of a single bad thing about it, honestly. Persona 5 and Horizon Zero Dawn are near-flawless too.
70. Very first game you ever beat?
The first game I beat was Pokemon Ruby, but idk if that counts since I shared with my brother, and I think my dad had to help us beat the Elite 4 because we were young and didn’t grind enough. I took turns with Portal 2, too. Portal 1, maybe?
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #432: Ace Pop-Offs (Phoenix Wright)
Apollo Justice
Theme of Voltron Plays.......
Apollo: (Cheers Triumphantly from his Seat) YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!! I am Apollo Justice, The Champion of MARIO PARTYYYY!!!
Ema: (Rolled her Eyes) Calm down, Justice. It's just a video game.
Apollo: (Begins to Blush a Little Once He Finally Starts Calming Himself Down) Right..... (Chuckles Awkwardly) Sorry about that...
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) Goodness, Herr Forehead. I had no idea you had all of this much energy of excitement in you.
Wocky: Yeah, man. You alright?
Apollo: Yeah... It's just that....This is literally the first time I've ever beaten anyone in an actual Mario Party game that aren't the CPUs.
Ema: (Starts Smirking) Did you kept getting into Last Place or something?
Apollo: ('Scoffs') No! I got in Last Place only one time.
Ema: (Raised An Eyebrow)
Apollo: ('Sigh') Okay, fine. Maybe I got it four to five times....But I mostly get Second!
Klavier: (Chuckles Once More) Well, either way, I, for one, am happy for victory, Herr Forehead.
Wocky: Yeah. Even if your Pop-Off Theme is kind of Trash.
Apollo: "Trash"? Dude, this is the Theme of Voltron!
Ema: A Nerdy choice of a song if you ask me. We can think of a better Pop-Off Song than that.
Apollo: (Crosses his Arm) Yeah? Well, whenever either of you three win a game of Mario Party, you can try picking one of your own.
Ema: (Gives Apollo a Competitive Smirk) You're on, Justice.
Klavier Gavin
Guilty Love (Klavier's Theme) Plays......
Klavier: (Playing his Guitar A Little More Victoriously)
Apollo: (Unamused) Okay. Who idea was it to let Klavier play his own theme song as his Pop-Off Song?
Wocky: Better question is who let this man play the guitar in the house?
Ema: C'mon, you babies. It ain't that bad.
Apollo: (Raised an Eyebrow Towards Ema) You know, I'm surprised you're actually taking a liking to this, Ema.
Ema: (Shrugged) Hey. When you're dating a Prosecutor/Rockstar 24/7, you tend find "some" appreciation from his work.
Klavier: (Smiles Brightly) Well, Well, Well, my beautiful losers! How are you liking the performance so far?
Apollo: (Rolled His Eyes) It's Half Decent....
Wocky: (Annoyed) That shit been playing everywhere I go! It's already starting to get old, Gavin!!
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) Oof. What a tough crowd, indeed.
Ema: Eh don't worry about them, Fop. (Smiles Very Lightly) You're.... doing great so far.
Klavier: (Smiles Softly as he Gently Holds Ema's Hand) I humbly thank you for your undying support, Fräulein Skyes~ (Kiss the top of Ema's Hand)
Ema: (Blushes Heavily While Turning Her Hand and Herself Away from her Boyfriend) J-J-Just Finish your Pop-Off already, you stupid Fop!....
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly at How Adorable His Girlfriend is Being Right Now) As you wish, my dear~ (Continues Rocking Out to his Theme Song)
Ema Skyes
"All I Do Is Win!" By DJ. Khalid Plays.....
Ema: (Relaxingly and Triumphantly Bop Her Head to Her Pop-Off Theme)
T-Pain: All I Do Is Win Win Win No Matter What! Got Money on My......
Apollo: (Rolled his Eyes, Unamused) You know, this might be the most inaccurate song about you I've ever heard. You only won one game of-
Ema: (Have One Finger Towards Apollo) Shhhhhhhhhhhh......
Apollo: ('Sighs Heavily') .....Mario Party.....
Ema: Apollo.
Apollo: What?
Ema: Don't take offense or anything, but....You guys lost. (Gives Apollo a Smug Smirk on Her Face) And Losers don't complain.
Wocky: (Shrugged) She has a point, man. Won't do any good if we complain.
Apollo: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiiiine....
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) Oh, don't be like that, Herr Forehead. Ema won the game fair and square. The least we can do is let her enjoy her little victory for now.
Ema: .......Hey, Fop.
Klavier: Hm?
Ema: (Got up From her Chair and Made her way to Klavier) There's something I need to tell you.
Klavier: Oh really? Well, what ever could it be Fra-
Before he can even finish his own sentence, Klavier gets pulled into a Quick Passionate Kiss from his Girlfriend, Ema Skye's, before she starts pulling away.
Ema: (Took a Deep Breath) There....Now we're even.
Klavier: (Chuckles Once More) Honestly....You never seize to amaze me, my dear.
Ema: (Look Away from Klavier While Blushing) Whatever......
Wocky Kitaki
Apache by the Sugarhill Gang Plays.....
Apollo: Are we seriously doing this right now?
Wocky: (Got into Position to Dance for his Pop-Off Song with Everyone Unhappily Joining in) We are going to dance into the entire song! My Pop-Off, My Rules!
And just like that, once they start shaking their hips six times, the gang starts dancing around to the music. (Except for Ema, who starts doing a pretty lazy Robot Dance)
Wocky: Happier! I wanna see you dance with a smile on all of your faces!! Smiles!!
Klavier: You know, I'm not sure if the Sugarhill Gang really sang that song-
Wocky: Are you still talking, Gavin?!
Klavier: Well I mean-
Wocky: You lost, remember? Losers don't complain! All they do is dance!!
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly While Rolling His Eyes) Okay, Herr Kitaki.
Apollo: (Whispers to Ema) You know, I have no idea Wocky would be that interested in dancing.
Ema: (Whispers Back to Apollo) I'm surprised he even knows how to dance at all...
Wocky: Less Talking, More Dancing, 'Losas!!!
Rainbow by Songbird Plays......
Trucy: (Cheers Triumphantly From Her Chair) WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Trucy Wright. is. The CHAMPION!!!! Woohoo! YEAH!!!
Wocky: Damn.... She's even louder than you are, Justice.
Apollo: ('Sigh') She is my sister after all...
Ema: Can't believe your own sister beats us in Mario Party....
Klavier: (Smiles Sheepishly) Come now, you guys. Fräulein Wright won fair and square. Might as well let her have her moment.
Ema: (Glares Lightly at Klavier) You're only saying that because you didn't have to play.
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) I mean.... You're not entirely wrong on.
Trucy: 'Thena!
Athena: (Pops Up from the Kitchen) What's up?
Trucy: I Won!
Athena: ('GASPS') (Made her way to Trucy) Oh my God... Seriously?!
Trucy: (Excitedly Nodding Her Head) I'm the SUPERSTAR!!!
Athena: Holy Crap, Trucy!! (Gives Trucy a Big Hug) Congratulations!!
Trucy: (Giggles Softly) Thank you!
*Door Opens*
Maya: Hey, kiddos.
Pearl: Ummm.... What's going on here?
Athena: (Turns to Maya and Pearl) You guys, our girl Trucy just won a game of Mario Party!!
Maya: ('GASPS') NO WAY!!!
Pearl: (Smiles Excitedly) Is this really true?!!
Trucy: It's the Truth, Pearly! I, Trucy Wright, has become the SUPERSTAR!!!
Maya and Pearl excitedly make their way towards the duo and join in on the triumphant Group Hug while Squealing in Pure Joy.
Ema: (Getting Irritated by the Ladies' Squeals) God, this is worst than trying to dance to Apache.....
Wocky: (Glares at Ema) Hey! That song is a legend! It's deserve the respect it earns!!
Apollo: (Facepalms while Sighing) This can't get any worse than this......
Trucy: Oh, Polllllly!~
Apollo: (Slowly Turn his Head up to a Smirking Trucy) Yes, Trucy? What's wrong?
Trucy: Oh nothing~ I was just wondering if you still remember our deal or not.
Ema/Wocky: Deal?
Klavier: What is she talking about, Here Forehead?
Apollo: Uhh.... Nothing! It's nothing. Really. I mean.... (Chuckles Awkwardly) I don't even know what she's talking about here, ya know?
Athena: (Raised an Eyebrow Towards Apollo with a Playful Smirk on her Face) Pollo~ Come on now~ Don't try worming your way out of this one, 'hon~
Apollo: (Starts Sweating Bullets) Uh you know? (Got up from his Seat) Maybe it's time for us to get some snacks don'tcha-
Ema: (Grabs Apollo's Arm with a Smirk on her Face) Hold on there, Justice. I wanna hear what they're talking about here.
Wocky: Yeah! Us too!
Klavier: (Simply Nodded in Agreement)
Maya: Welllllllllll, you see.... Yesterday, all of us here made a bet to see which one of these two kiddos would win in Mario Party.
Ema Really now? And what, pray tell, did you guys beat on?
Pearl: (Giggles Softly) It was simple really. For you see, if Polly were to lose the game, he would get........
Trucy: A nighttime of Snuggles and Cuddles with his Loving Family!!!
Athena: Us!!
Wocky: (Burst Out Laughing) Pfft HAHAHAHA!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Ema: (Snickering) Holy Shit, Apollo Justice. What the hell did you gotten yourself into?
Apollo: (Blushes Bright Red) I don't know, okay?! I-I mean....I didn't know Trucy would actually win the game!!!
Klavier: (Smiles Sheepishly at his Friendly Rival) Maybe. But you do realize that anything can happen in Mario Party, right?
Apollo: (Facepalms while Groaning Once More) Now you tell me.....
Maya: ('Sigh') Polly, I don't even know why you're starting to get embarrssed now.
Trucy: (Pouts at her Big Brother) Yeah! You love our Cuddle Time, remember?!
Pearl: (Rapidly Nodded her Head while Pouting at Apollo as Well)
Wocky/Ema: Pftt AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) Herr Forehead! I had no idea you were a fan of Cuddles.
Apollo: Y-Yeah? Well....I like it, okay?! It's nice! I-It's Comforting and Relaxing! P-Plus, I get to do it with the people I love! So honestly, it's technically a win-win for me!!! S-So, Suck it!!
Trucy/Maya/Pearl: (Starts Giggling at How Adorable Apollo is Being Right Now)
Ema: (Smirks at Apollo) Spoken like a true Cuddler, Justice!
Wocky: (Snickering) Uh-Huh!
Apollo: (Groans Once More in Annoyance)
Athena: (Pulls Apollo into a Loving Hug) Ignore them, 'hon. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Cuddling with the ones you love, Pollo. (Gives Apollo a Loving Kiiss on a Cheek) I promise~
Apollo: ('Sigh') Yeah.... I know. Just.... Trying not to let it bother me too much, you know? (Smiles Softly towards Trucy) But in all seriousness though, Congratulations on winning, Truce.
Ema: (Nodded While Smiling) Yeah.
Wocky: (Smiles Brightly) Nice one!
Klavier: You did a wonderful job winning , Fräulein Wright.
Trucy: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks, you guys. NOW LET THE CUDDLING COMMENCE!!!
After Game Night was over with, The Everything's Wright Family begins to watch a movie while forming a Cuddle Pile with one another. And even though he lost a game of Mario Party earlier today, Apollo is still admittedly enjoying every moment of it with the people he knows and love.
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