#like it keeps going up and down for some reason
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This by @ghouljams for some reason made me wonder what the men would be like when sick.
Price: Gets extremely congested and his snoring gets so much worse. He's practically a chainsaw. His sneezes are obnoxiously loud. His only saving grace is Vicks Vapo Rub. You have to rub it on his hairy chest so he can get some sleep. His bedside is also littered with snot filled tissues. Some tea and cough drops would be much appreciated if given. He sucks on them obnoxiously too but you don't mind as long as he's getting better. At least he's not stubbornly working unlike someone else you know. He has the most sense compared to the rest of the men when sick. But that doesn't mean he isn't stubborn when he wants to be.
Simon: He's also congested but tries to play it off as allergies (That man doesn't have allergies). Will not admit he's sick until he's physically unable to move due to the fever. Like he'll have to collapse onto the floor before he admits he has a cold. Will complain about being babied when you push him to lay down but secretly loves it. Likes being tucked into bed and told to rest because he can't say it to himself. Loves chicken soup and would propose to you if you make it for him. Will not admit it but he likes when you pat his head while he's resting. Overall he's difficult to deal with at the start but he's docile when pushed to rest.
Kyle: Suffers from extreme muscle pain when sick. Everything gets aggravated when he gets hit with a fever. He hates moving especially when he's running hot. He's another stubborn man, he'll only rest when things get bad. But is surprisingly willing to go to the doctor straight away when you say so. Would be eternally grateful when you massage his sore muscles and run him a bath to help his blocked sinuses. You'd have to keep his fever low by placing cooling cloths over his forehead. Also some muscle gels would do him wonders. By far the most agreeable when you tell him to do something to help his cold. He takes his medicine on time and he eats the food you give him.
Johnny: The most needy man you'll ever meet when sick. A total baby. Needs constant attention 24/7. Wants blankets, plushies, snacks, you name it he's asking you for it at some point. Is a nightmare when taking meds because he doesn't like the taste or the fact that the pill is too big. He's sticks to you like glue unwilling to let you leave more than 10 mins at a time. WILL COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING! Only until he can speak though. His sore throat quickly shuts him up. He needs to hear you talking constantly now that he can't hear his own voice. The constant chatter soothes him. He also thinks handjobs would help sweat out his fever... among a variety of other methods he'd like you to try too.. Worst patient ever!
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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reiderwriter · 3 days
In Case I'm Mistaken
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Chapter Five of I Can't Help Myself
Summary: Your first run-in with Spencer Reid since he left you so spectacularly is fraught with tension. Sexual and otherwise.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI pregnancy symptoms, morning sickness/ throwing up, fingering, rough sex, semi-public sex, penetrative sex, choking, slapping, creampie but she's pregnant already, mild case details, etc.
A/N: We're halfway through! I sincerely hope everyone enjoys how stupid and oblivious Spencer is being because I can't promise he'll wise up anytime soon lmao. If you're enjoying the series, let me know in the comments ♡
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When you left Spencer's apartment, you expected a call or a text or an email in the next three days. Penelope told you that's most likely when they'd wrap the case and when he'd be back at his apartment to see the stunt you had pulled. 
You tried to force yourself back to work in the meantime, and it almost worked. Until you had to spend three hours a day crouched over a toilet bowl, emptying your stomach lining again and again. You had spent almost a full month like that before you realised you hadn't heard from him. 
First, it was cases, then it was casework, and then it was cases again, but if probed, Spencer truly would have no idea you'd tried to get in contact with him at all. And it seemed he didn't care in the slightest.
He'd been home, but he hadn't been looking for anything out of place, so he hadn't seen anything out of place. Certainly not a bookshelf spelling out “CALL ME WHEN YOU GET THIS.” It was your choice to leave the cryptic message though, and you hadn't exactly left him any notes to say that you'd dropped by. 
But finding out you were pregnant on a night you'd half-expected to throttle the man who'd impregnated you (verbally) and then having cried on his couch with one of his very close female friends? Yeah, you were confused and lost, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. 
With emotions and hormones running high, you couldn't even tell if Spencer was purposefully ignoring you or not. 
The only saving grace in that month was your promotion. 
It literally could not have come at a better time, and you'd enjoyed signing the papers greatly knowing you'd be blindsiding your boss with a pregnancy announcement in the next three months, should you be able to carry the baby successfully to that point. 
You'd had your first check-up without a call from Spencer. You'd picked out your first baby outfit without a call from Spencer. You were pretty confident that you'd give birth to the goddamn baby without a call from Spencer. 
Which is why when you found him in your office a month later, you wanted to wrap your hands around his neck and slowly choke the life out of him. 
Between classes, you'd taken to running to the bathroom to hang your head in shame, not over morning sickness at all yet. You'd taken to keeping cereal bars and pregnancy safe snacks in your office in case you needed something else to help you power through the morning. 
That morning was worse than others, with less than half your students in attendance and still two hours to waste standing up in front of a podium - department rules. 
You'd thought you were going to expire in front of that toilet bowl, sending up your prayers as you checked your watch and realised you'd have a class again in an hour or two that you weren't fully prepped for. 
So you slinked back to your office and tried to throw yourself onto the sofa, but unfortunately for you, a large man was blocking your way. 
“Can I help you?” You eked out, voice weak but still able to convey all the annoyance you felt at the door. 
“Sorry, sorry, this is your…?" The man said, smiling down at you. You had to give it to him, the man was good looking but you just waited for him to stand aside again. 
“Do you mind?” You said, gesturing to the door you now knew the man was blocking. He wasn't letting you in for some reason, and you couldn't for the life of you figure out why. It was your goddamn office for christ's sake. Your snacks were inside. 
“Sorry, following orders.”
“Right, and whose orders would those be Mr…”
“SSA Luke Alvez,” he said, holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
You'd have introduced yourself politely under any other circumstances but in reaching out his hand and giving his title, you'd seen the flash of his FBI badge on his hip and knew exactly who was behind this. 
“Son of a bitch,” you muttered, ducking under the man's arms and slamming the door to your office open to find Doctor Spencer Reid huddled over some files, two women flanking him on either side. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” 
The two women looked taken aback, straightening immediately as they looked between you and Spencer. He was slow to take his eyes off whatever it was they were working on, as if playing with you once again. 
You really regretted keeping his desk around, seeing how comfortable he looked there, how normal it was for you to see him there.
“Doctor Y/N. Nice to see you again.” 
“Nice to-?” You scoffed and slammed the door once more. “Yeah. Okay.” 
One of the women quickly excused herself from the situation, almost as soon as she realised that once you'd finally locked eyes with Spencer, neither of you looked away. 
“I'm sorry to intrude, my name is Supervisory Special Agent Emily Prentiss, I'm the Unit Chief of the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit. We really wouldn't be here if it weren't an emergency.” 
You had to give it to the woman, but she caught on quickly and stepped between the two of you, breaking eye contact and forcing your attention onto her. You introduced yourself quickly. 
“Doctor Y/N Y/L/N. I trudt that if you're here, something bad has happened.” 
You noticed a flash of something as Emily shook your hand, hearing your name. It was subtle, and it was quick, but you saw her eyes flick to your stomach and then back up, and you froze. 
She knew. Penelope hadn't exactly broken your trust - you never told her to keep a secret from anyone but Spencer - but you felt your guard go back up twofold. 
“Emily, can I talk privately with Y/N for a moment?” Spencer asked, and you resisted the urge to cradle yourself, to cover whatever it was she may have seen in your appearance or the way you held yourself that became your tell. 
You wanted to tell Spencer you were pregnant, sure, but you'd wanted to tell him a month ago. Now? Now you were pissed off. 
The older woman quietly bowed out, reminding Spencer to reconvene with her in another hour. She shut the door quietly after she went, and you listened carefully to the retreating murmurs of her and the other agent down the hall until you were confident you were more or less alone. 
And then you picked up the nearest book and threw it. 
“Y/N! Listen, I can explain-” 
You threw another book, and this one hit his arm. He winced and rubbed it quickly as he flinched away from you, picking up your third weapon. 
“Explain what? Explain why you've commandeered my office for secret FBI business? Explain why you left me behind like a discarded cum rag after we had sex? Maybe you-” 
“Y/N, I had a case, I didn't want to-” You threw another book, but he batted it away this time. 
“Can we just talk like adults, please?” He stepped forward and grabbed your wrist just as you reloaded with another book, forcing the tome from your grip in a few seconds. 
“The Norton Anthology? Really? You'd bludgeon me to death with that thing.”
“It has some interesting essays on psychoanalysis and literary theory. You should be honoured that I'd even think of throwing it at you.” 
He just scowled and sat you down on the couch, following you there to sit next to you. 
“Why are you still so frustrated? I thought we moved past this- this resentment?” 
For the last few weeks, you'd hoped that Spencer was just clueless about what you were going through. That he'd been swamped with work and hadn't seen your message. But getting the confirmation in real time was winding. 
The air was knocked from your lungs, and you had to fight to fill them again, refusing to let yourself be so downright pathetic.
“What resentment did we move past exactly, Spencer? Because I remember the sex, but I do not remember your apology.”
“Why should I apologise?” The sincerity in his voice had your fingers itching to knock his lights off for him.
“Well, gee, for a starter, maybe for finding my address online and showing up to my house uninvited and unannounced.” 
“I did announce it. You just blocked my number and email.” 
You scoffed and threw yourself back in your chair. 
“Number, yes. Email? No. You sent it from an unauthorised network email. All your emails sat in my spam folder until last month.” 
He furrowed his brows at the news, but you just crossed your arms and waited for whatever he'd say next to get out of taking responsibility. 
“I'm sorry.” 
To say you weren't expecting that was an understatement. You felt so uncomfortable with the words you fidgeted in your seat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. 
“Yes, well…” 
Standing, you moved to your desk and grabbed the snacks you'd come here to find, slamming your desk draw shut and keeping the desk between you, sitting in your chair. 
“We're working a case.” 
“I can tell.” 
He leant over the desk and grabbed one of your snacks, opening a cereal bar quickly and taking a bite. 
“Three of the students in our faculty have gone missing in the last 30 days.” 
You nodded as you listened, but your eyes were on your snack, in his hand, in his mouth. The bastard. 
“I need to use the office for a few days. I won't disturb you, but we need some space as a base on campus, and this is our best option.”
“Not afraid I'll walk away with critical documents this time?” 
“This time, I have everything memorised. I've read all the documents. You can't ruin the case this time.”
You stood and grabbed your snack from his hand as he lifted it to take another bite, throwing it straight into the trash can. 
“What was that for?”
“For being a jerk.”
You stomped over to your bag and pulled out your headphones, putting them on as he attempted to keep talking to you. 
“Y/N, you're being immature-” 
“You just stole my snack like it's playtime at recess, Spencer. I'm not the immature one.” 
You turned the music on as he attempted to talk to you, but you didn't budge or take them off, returning to the couch to lay comfortably once more. 
Something about the infuriating, beautiful man had you wanting to act out, reaching new levels of immaturity. 
You felt the dip in the couch as he joined you there, felt him waving in front of your face. You smiled at his growing frustration as you heard him raise his voice just slightly. 
Then, your legs were pulled out from under you, and you squeaked in shock as Spencer Reid pulled you into his lap, making you straddle him. Your eyes blew open, and you grabbed at his shirt for balance, leaving you open to his attacks as he knocked the headphones off your head. 
“You're such a…a..” 
“Jackass? Okay, sure, but I'm a jackass you're going to listen to.”
“Make me.” 
The words were a dare, a challenge you didn't think he'd rise to. But his hands snaked around your neck, and he pulled your lips down to him, silencing you completely with another angry kiss.
Your lips parted immediately, all too happy to take in his wondering tongue as you battled for dominance. His hands trailed up and down your body, cupping your ass cheeks, squeezing your already sensitive breasts, pushing your skirt up so his hands could roam underneath. 
You squirmed in his lap, memories of the last night you'd seen him rushing back. His tongue, his hands, fuck, his cock. Pregnancy hormones or just plain old lust, you wanted it all over again, and you didn't stop to think about it for a second. Any second he was kissing you was a second he wasn't talking. 
You ground your hips into his as he worked a finger into your underwear, scraping against your clit as he pulled his head away, burying it in your neck as he began nipping and licking your skin, on a mission to taste every inch of you. 
“Spencer,” You gasped as he began rubbing your clit faster, your body providing all the juices he needed to make you feel good. 
“Spencer, we should- fuck!” It'd been only minutes, but he'd already pushed you over the edge, and you died your first little death cumming on his fingers. 
“We should fuck? Yes, yeah I can get behind that,” he said, laying you down again and slowly pulling down your damp underwear. 
“That's not what I was going to say, you bastard,” you said, grabbing his tie and pulling him in for another kiss. 
“I know, but this is much better, don't you think?” He pulled away and fumbled with his pants, pulling them down only far enough to free his cock before sliding into you. He sheathed Himself inside you, pushing inch by inch until he was at your limit, and then he stopped. 
He kissed your lips, your cheeks, your neck and collarbones, he took his time with each spot, making a line down your body, a record of every place he had possessed you without moving an inch. 
“Spencer, you can't- need to-” you whined, not minding sounding like a petulant child about to throw a tantrum when he was giving you a pretty great reason to do so. 
He had eaten your snacks and now he was just keeping his cock warm inside of you, not even bothering to rub your clit anymore, his hands more focused on keeping his weight up. 
“I need to do what, Y/N? Tell me, but be quiet about it. This office isn't soundproof, remember.” 
 “Shit, shit, shit, shit-” 
You tried to roll your hips under him, to take the pleasure you needed, but he stopped you, letting his hips press deeper into yours, making himself heavy. You tried another tactic. 
“Oh, come on Spencer, you can't even fuck me properly now? Pathetic.’
“Watch it-” he said, but you cut him off again.
“Watch what? You're not doing anything. Maybe I'll ask that little friend of yours outside for some help instead, I'm sure Agent Alvez would be more than happy to-” 
A short, soft slap to your face cut your words off as he spoke, the hand that hit you immediately pushing down to your neck and squeezing lightly. 
“You're. Mine,” he spat, and started immediately rolling his hips into you quickly. 
You wrapped your legs up and around him, your hands lifting to grab his wrist, keeping his hand in place around your throat.
He fucked you harder and your breaths became shallow, eyes locked with his as he panted and writhed above you. He didn't look away. You couldn't. You were drunk on his cock, completely unable to sober up and just waiting for your orgasm to strike you once again. 
You weren't two civilised people in that room, but animals, forcing one another to submit, to give in to temptation. 
His hand on your throat came loose as he came, chest falling down to yours as he flooded your insides with cum once again. To give him credit where credit was due, he kept his cock inside of you and rubbed your clit again to completion, swallowing your every moan and whimper with a kiss, enjoying the feeling of you convulsing on his cock. 
When you were both finally done, he let himself rest on top of you, burying his head in your neck and inhaling your scent as you both dropped back down into reality. 
“Get up,” you said first, pushing him up and watching him peel out of you as you reached back to the coffee table for the box of tissues there. 
“We need to clean up,” You said attempting to tidy the cum leaking out of you away, as if it were merely a spilt drink. 
He sat up, giving his cock a wipe down before putting his clothes back together. You both sat side by side, minding your own business, making yourselves look as inconspicuous as possible and ignoring the elephant in the room. 
He broke the silence first. 
“The girls, they're all our students. The only thing they share is that they all took both of our courses.” 
Your heart dropped as you remembered he wasn't here for you, that he had other jobs and responsibilities. You were merely a pleasurable afterthought. 
“Shit,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair. You stretched out and stood, sore but still able to make your body work for you. 
“You're sure there's nothing else? No clubs, no extra curricular?” His jaw tightened as he ground his teeth together, unsure about how much to tell you. 
“They fit a basic profile which tells us the unsub is killing people as a scapegoat and…hasn't got to his intended target yet.” 
You nodded as you took in the information, standing and leading yourself back to your desk and grabbing your bag again. 
“Look, just… just use the room until you get your guy. I'll work from the library or a study room or something, just…” You ran another hand through your hair, exasperated. 
“Y/N, no, we don't need to out you out, we shared the office space before, we can-” 
“We can't. Five minutes alone in this room together today proved… that we can't. Don't get distracted.” 
You grabbed more books, turning away from him to avoid the guilty looks he was shooting you. 
You'd almost collected everything, hesitating as you grabbed your pregnancy vitamins from your draw, stuffing them quickly into your bag before moving closer to the door. 
It opened before you could open it, and Emily Prentiss made herself known again. 
“Good, you're already packed,” she said, grabbing your bag from your shoulder and slinging it over her own. 
“I didn't know you all wanted rid of me so badly,” you said, trying to keep your voice as even and pleasant as possible and greatly failing. 
“We don't want to get rid of you. Y/N, I'm afraid it's quite the opposite.” 
Your heart slowed to a stop, and your blood ran cold as she offered you a sympathetic glance. You must've stumbled a bit backwards because Spencer's hand was immediately on your lower back, his body curved protectively around you as you too wrapped your arms around yourself, around your baby. 
“We've had contact with the killer, and we think you're his intended target,” Emily explained in as even a tone as you'd ever heard someone give a death sentence. 
“We've contacted WitSec, but until then, we'll be taking you into protective custody ourselves. I have a spare room, and we'll grab some of your things before you move in, everything you need to feel comfortable. Do you understand?” 
“No,” you said, but it wasn't your voice. You felt grateful, though, because you didn't understand. There was someone trying to kill you, and you absolutely didn't understand. You'd just had sex with Spencer Reid again, and you hadn't told him you were pregnant with his child, and nothing made 6 there was someone trying to kill you. 
But it wasn't your voice saying no, so you stopped thinking and kistened. 
“No, she'll… she'll stay with me,” Spencer said, gripping you tighter and pulling you closer, nearly crushing you in his arms. 
“Spencer, it's not up to you,” Emily said, her voice a clear warning even to your buzzing ears. 
“Y/N? Y/N, listen to me, please,” he said, gripping your shoulders again and twisting you around so he was all you could see, ducking his head lower so you were directly in his eyeline. 
“Y/N, I'll keep you safe. Come and stay with me.” 
You thought about his apartment and the message you'd left. You thought about the month you spent waiting for him to call, and the month that you'd spent wanting to rip his throat out. You thought about his hands on your skin, his fingers wrapped around your throat, his cock buried inside of you. You thought, too, about the doctors appointments you'd have to reschedule. You thought about the baby clothes you'd have to leave behind. You thought about how you'd have to hide your morning sickness, and your growing baby bump, and your hormones, and all the supplements recommended by your Doctor because you already loved your baby and you wanted them to be healthy. 
You thought that if you went with him, you'd have to tell him and confront whatever decision he made regarding you and the baby.
You thought logically that you shouldn't do it. But his hand grabbed yours, fingers intertwined, and he rubbed his thumb along the back of your hand, and you were nodding. 
“Yes,” you said when you should've gone with Emily. 
He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and immediately bundled you out of the office and out of your comfort zone. 
🔖@stillhere197 @understandingsunrise @mindfullycriminal @aliteralsemicolon @r-3dlips @alexafromamazon15 @jasf444 @subunitless @thebloomingeagle @lackingoriginalthoughts @empressgraytea @alondralolll @i_heart_mgg @2hiigh2cry @jiuseoks @readinglatenights @placidus @dreamsarebig @pisceslovrr @kbaby-024 @luvdella @feyresqueen @pleasantwitchgarden @lovehadlovelost @kissesforspence @moonchildooh @bubbleebubz @theoraekenslover @flipsideoflife @spicyspirit @chicaconfundidaycuriosa @ivet4 @nox-xie @sarakay-gvf @miss-ev @nvrlandqueen @delicatelittleworld @nokjhg @measure-in-pain @fabulouslynerdy @batrensworld @cattosmush @im-this-girl @sarcasm-and-stiles @lovemelaunic @lllucere @lariclifford @daphnesutton
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 day
Hello! I hope you’re doing well😊
I’ve been stalking your blog for a while and I love how you write the dc boys and was wondering if I could request a head cannon or small blurb?
So, one of my guy friends has a list of things written in his iPhone about his girlfriend, like her favorite food, flower, color, possible gift ideas, any and all anniversaries, etc. just a long list of everything he can think of pertaining to her. It got me thinking about Jason/Tim/Dick having something similar on their phone for their SO. Maybe the reader finds it one day while scrolling through their phone and they just 🥺❤️❤️ while their boy get flustered lol
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Dick had a list on his phone specially made for you and while to some it would seem like what he had listed were mundane or not all that interesting, but that couldn’t be less then the truth to him as everything pertaining to you was worth jotting down and remembering.
From the way you liked your tea/coffee, your comfort movie and or tv show, right down to the way you always wanted to go on a date to a proper aquarium one day, all of this and so much more was taken into account as Dick often used this knowledge for brainstorming your next date night.
He takes it extremely seriously as he wanted everything to be worthwhile for you and also the fact that he’d get to see you smile as brightly as you did, it was his Achilles heel and Dick wasn’t ashamed to admit it.
So one day when he was writing down ideas on where to where to take you for your next date, you were just so happened to be in the room to take notice how on he left his phone open as he went into another room for one reason or another, and got curious as to what he had been so concentrated on; and what you found was enough to melt your heart.
In an extremely long list was filled to the brim with things about you that dick loved/took notice of and adored that even you yourself didn’t notice doing half of these things. It was like as though Dick saw more to you than you ever did and it made you feel…well loved.
‘Aww Dick. Is this list all about me?’ You asked as you read further down the list as Dick burrowed his face into your neck as he held you from behind after seeing you read the list on his phone.
‘It’s not like I can deny it now can I darling,’ he said, tightening his hold on you as he felt his cheeks fluster slightly, he’s not use to someone reading his innermost thoughts and feelings and now that someone has he’s not use to the feeling he was currently experiencing.
‘There’s even stuff in here that I’ve told you ages ago.’ You exclaimed, looking over at him with adoration. ‘You’re amazing you know that.’ You praised him, kissing his forehead softly.
‘So I’ve been told but it means a hell of a lot more when you’re the one praising me.’ Dick chuckled as he kissed your neck, keeping you close as the list on his became long forgotten as you continued to smother your dickie bird in affection.
Jason’s list about was seemingly never ending with how often he was adding onto it with things that you did or have started doing just recently that he couldn’t get enough of.
He had things such as how you’d snuggle up in bed in one of his hoodies, cuddling the pillow on his side of the bed close to your chest whenever you were missing him and stuff like how you latch yourself onto him from behind and chomping down on his shoulders and biceps when you wanted some attention from him.
Anything and everything you did that made his heart melt into a puddle was there and as mentioned beforehand it was growing on a daily basis.
So when you came across this list of his, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were seeing yourself through his own eyes for the first time, and seeing just how serious he was about you from his long and detailed list on just about everything you’ve ever done before and during your relationship.
There were even parts where he would go on about how cute you were during certain moments and how he’d take you to special places for dates when given enough time, and being amazed at how he’d remembered something you had brought up in passing several months ago.
Jason had taken every single detail about you and show just how much he loved them by keeping a list of them on his phone so that he doesn’t ever forget. Perks of being a hopeless romantic who’s read every Jane Austen book in existence. You had consumed his mind, body and soul and this listen only proved it as you delved in just how much you seemingly were on your pretty boy’s mind, much to his embarrassment.
‘Sweetheart.’ He droned from behind you. ‘You weren’t learnt to see that.’
‘Why not?’ You asked, holding his phone close to your chest, pouting, wanting to read more of his list about you and your many, many, many attributes that he adored like no other.
‘It was meant to be kept a secret so that I could surprise you on our next date.’ Jason told you with flustered cheeks at the fact that you now knew just how deeply he thought of you.
You only smiled at him as you peppered his face in kisses. ‘You’re such a hopeless romantic.’ You teased. ‘I love it.’
‘Only for you sweetheart, only for you.’ Jason murmured as he leaned in for more face kisses.
‘You shouldn’t be reading that.’ Tim would say when he found you reading the embarrassingly long list that he had specifically made for you and everything he’s known about you since you started dating. Tim was smart to take safety procedures in most things, but he seemingly forgot that you could easily access his phone that he had left open by accident.
‘Why not, are you embarrassed?’ You asked, smiling at how hellbent your boyfriend was on getting you to stop read in the list that he himself had made.
‘No, it’s just-‘
‘I’m only teasing sweet Tim, I think it’s really sweet that you made a list all about me.’ You interpret him as you reached out to hold his hand, squeezing it reassuringly when you felt his nervousness, kissing the back of it for good measure.
‘You really are a pain.’ Tim groaned as he plopped himself down next to you, still not over the fact that he was left his phone open for anyone to read just how badly your hold over him was, he thanked god that it was you who came across it rather then his siblings. Tim would never be able to live it down if someone like Damian or Jason or god forbid Dick had found his big little list about his perfect partner.
It had everything from your comfort foods, to that childhood plush that you held tremendous sentimental value towards, and things that you’ve mentioned once or twice that didn’t seem like much but were more then worth writing down and kept for future reference.
He couldn’t help it, there was so much about you that was worth writing down as you meant a lot to Tim and he found often found himself coming up with complex ideas for something as simple as your future date nights. Most were mainly date nights spend at home but neither of you were complaining if it meant spending quality time together, regardless of where that might end up being.
‘Well that’s odd because if I was then you wouldn’t have made the equivalent to an Google docs on me.’ You cheekily said, bumping your shoulder with his as he groaned, covering his face with his hands but the tips of his ears were beet red. God he was cute when he wasn’t being sarcastic and a smart ass. ‘I hate you.’ He said, voice muffled by his hands.
You smiled as you kissed the hands covering his face before leaning your head against his shoulder. ‘I love you too Tim Drake, more than anything.’
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Okay, so, I need to talk about the relationship between Persona 5's ending and Persona 5 royal's ending, because I think it isn't discussed enough how one puts into question the themes of the other and in doing so it elevates everything that came before.
Spoilers are coming, you've been warned.
The main thing that's given me an outlet to think about this is a few quotes from the Phantom Thieves when they're in the Velvet Room after being Thanos-snapped by Yaldabaoth. Specifically these quotes:
Ann: "I... I never want anyone to have to go through what I did!"
Yusuke: "Just as art is meant to break boundaries, people should be saved even if they frown upon it. I won't allow the justice I believe in to be shaken any further!"
Ryuji: "We're doin' this to make sure people don't go through the same crap we did. It doesn't matter if they think we're just or not. We gotta do what we believe in!"
Futaba: "I can't let people suffer like this, even if I don't know them personally"
They mention some core ideas: 1. They want to prevent people's suffering because of the suffering they've felt. 2. They must do this regardless of if people want it, because they think it's the right thing to do. 3. Their justice is worth fighting for by virtue of being what they believe in.
Does this seem familiar? Maybe makes you think of a certain therapist who shows up in Royal?
I think Takuto Maruki serves a decent amount of purposes narratively and thematically, but one of the most genius things about him is that he serves as a foil to both the Phantom Thieves and Akechi, and in being that foil, he is, deep down, following the principles that the Phantom Thieves fought for - In the end, it was largely Joker who inspired him to fight for his reality.
Maruki fights for a reality where suffering straight up doesn't exist, because he doesn't want anyone to feel the suffering he's had to endure. Maruki wants the Phantom Thieves and Akechi to never feel suffering anymore, regardless of their stance on the matter. He is "saving" them regardless of their wishes, and will fight them to keep the reality he wants. He thinks the world is unfair, so his "justice" is to make a perfect world for everyone - and that's what makes it worth fighting for, because that's what he believes.
Maruki's rationale to fight against the Phantom Thieves and Akechi is (partly) the same reasoning that the Phantom Thieves use to regain their motivation to fight the Holy Grail/Yaldabaoth.
So, narratively, Maruki serves as a mirror that's telling things not to be told for the Phantom Thieves to look into and to see the ugly parts of their own way of acting. Can they really fight Maruki, knowing that he is just acting how they did?
I see people sometimes refusing Maruki's reality because it "wouldn't actually work" or "it's imperfect". But as far as I'm aware, it's imperfect because it hasn't been completed yet - I think the game is a lot more interesting under the pretense that Maruki truly has the power to erase all suffering, once his reality is complete, past the deadline. I also see the argument, and even the game uses it, that Maruki's world "isn't reality". But did we listen well to Morgana's speech before he disappeared in the Yaldabaoth arc? The world itself is made up of cognition, reality is born from the points of view of everyone. Maruki *can* change reality, and the real question of the game is not about the logistics or "ontological dignity" of his reality, but rather - Do you want a world where all your wishes are granted and no suffering exists?
In the end, the game shows the Phantom Thieves that "sticking to their justice" will make them fight against people with similar ideals as theirs. It's funny, in a way, how Akechi was the one fully willing to fight Maruki from the start. His rebellion has always been more individualistic in nature than the Phantom Thieves' - he wanted revenge for himself, then redemption for himself and now he wants a reality where he isn't under anyone's control anymore. To him, Shido's country, Yaldabaoth's ruin and Maruki's world are all the same - Maruki just has a nicer, more therapy-speaky way of presenting his proposal, and sees people as his equals rather than as insolent masses, but his goal is the same. They're all worlds that shackle you for the "greater good". And in the end, Maruki, and Royal, force the P5 gang to become more like Akechi - to value their individuality in the face of the public's "justice".
To fight for what you believe in you will face people with the same determination as you. They will be your equals in many, many ways. In the end, you can only stick to your guns and hope that what you believe in is worth more than what they believe in.
I have a lot more to write about these topics but I'll leave it there. Maybe about the relationship between Maruki's reality and individuality next? That could be fun ^^
Btw - Special thanks to @thedaythatwas for inspiring me to write up stuff about Persona 5 Royal!
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kpoptarotastrology009 · 13 hours
Lilith in the 1st house : the person has a magnetic aura to them that makes people love them or hate them or both at the same time but in any case they think about them sexually and there's no doubt about that/ dark feminine energy
Lilith in the 10th house: it's the same as Lilith in the 1st house but the only difference when it's in the 10th house that it comes with rumors and maybe some problems in term of work and coworkers so yeah
Scorpio Mars: When these people set their mind to something, nothing can stop them. They’ve got this intense, magnetic energy that pulls you in and won’t let go. Scorpio Mars folks are all about getting to the bottom of things, no matter how deep they have to dig. They’re relentless, driven, and sometimes a little intimidating. You don’t want to mess with them because they play for keeps and don’t back down easily. Their passion is unmatched, and they bring a certain raw power to everything they do.
Sun in the 10th house: so let me tell you something, a lot of people talk about Leo suns and how they like the attention, but have you ever met someone who has their sun in the 10th house?! These people want power baby , they want to be in control and all the eyes on them they like that trust me
Moon in the 12th house : that's a hard placement to have , so first these people when you ask them about their emotion and they say they don't know, believe it or not they really don't know , it's like their emotion being hidden from them, when something happens they just don't feel anything or just don't know how to feel? this is so hard , and another thing, so these people are so delusional specially when it comes to their emotion, they fantasize a lot and live in another world, they love music Sooo much more that normal people do because music just takes them to their emotional World that's filled with illusion and they do anything they want there they just feel so happy doing that
Sagittarius Venus: Love for these individuals is a grand adventure. They’re always looking for a partner who can keep up with their wild spirit and thirst for new experiences. Honesty and freedom are non-negotiables for them, and they won’t stick around if they feel trapped or lied to. They bring a lot of enthusiasm and positivity into their relationships, making everything feel like an epic journey. Being with them means lots of spontaneous trips, deep philosophical talks, and never a dull moment.
Libra Risings: These people have a charming and diplomatic aura that makes them natural peacemakers. They’re always looking for balance and harmony in their relationships and surroundings. Libra Risings are social butterflies, often surrounded by a wide circle of friends. They have a keen sense of aesthetics and are drawn to beauty in all its forms. They’re the ones you go to for advice on style, relationships, and anything else that requires a touch of elegance.
Virgo moon : okay that's another hard placement to have , just imagine the amount of overthinking here , whenever is Virgo in your chart it's will make you overthink about the term of that planet , like some sort of anxiety ? And when it's in the moon , you will overthink your emotions, you will feel everything but you just can't describe it , for example if someone blocked you without a reason that will hurt you in someway and then you will overthink it like why and how and what's the reason and you will be thinking why they did that and 100 reasons comes to your mind and you feel bad, the insecurities and anxiety come to the surface , you're stomach hurts, you can't sleep, you can't stop thinking about it and this is for some basic cases , so imagine if it was a deeper cases ... That's scary to even think about...
Cap moon /Moon- Saturn ( conjunction/ opposite/ square): oh... I'm sorry... These people really needs emotional support, you can tell me anything but these people need love ,need care and need support, they act so strong on the outside but in the inside they are really sensitive, they just need to be loved and nurtured by a person or a mother figure
Neptune in the 5th house: this makes you so creative , your imagination is unlimited
Pisces Suns: These folks are deep in their feels and vibe on a different wavelength. They can sense what others are feeling without a word being said, making them super empathetic. Sometimes they seem spaced out or lost in their own world, which is just them getting lost in their dreams and fantasies. Pisces Suns are the creative types, always imagining new possibilities and seeing the beauty in things others might miss. They're like spiritual wanderers, flowing through life with an almost mystical vibe.
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li0nn3stuff · 1 day
Chapter nine
Kiddo masterlist
English is not my first language, be kind.
Modern!Older!Aemond x Modern!Younger!Reader
•Chapter warnings: obsession, manipulation, talking of sex, smut, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), kissing•
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Three months after the encounter.
“Aemond…” She moaned loudly, looking behind her as she was standing on her knees and hands, as Aemond kept pounding in her from behind. She looked at him with her big eyes, her lips glossy, inviting, red and swollen from his aggressive kisses, her eyebrows arched as if she was in pain, when he knew she was feeling heavenly.
“You’re too big… So big…” She moaned pornographically. God she was such a minx, and she knew that.
“Just marking my size, kiddo, okay?” He smirked as he gripped her buttocks to hold on to it so he could pull her back against him.
“Aemond?” Aegon called him again. Aemond groaned, rubbing his hand over his face.
He was more and more distracted as days passed by.
He hated it.
He liked the reason.
“Your secretary told me to print you these things.” His brother threw some papers on his desk. He sighed and looked down at them, noticing how the printing was messed up.
How could someone mess up those kinds of things?!
He could kill him now.
“You just have to make him care about what he does”
He looked up at Aegon.
“I have to sign these documents.” He told him. Aegon looked at him like “Yeah, and?” making Aemond utterly nervous.
“Do you know what these documents are for?” He leaned back against the chair, looking at him with a serious manner. Aegon sighed, and looked at him rolling his eyes.
“For the company? I guess…” He answered uninterestedly. Aemond let out an amused breath.
“I know you like bars, clubs. I have some clients that own them.” He looks at him, studying his expression. Aegon looked at him slightly more interested, even if he tried to hide it for pride.
“You do parties there? For your company?” He asked.
“No, we are a bank, we have no need for that.” Aemond sighed and got up. 
“But you could.” Aegon stated. Aemond looked at him seriously, the look in his eye not admitting any other comments.
“But we don’t need them. Print them again, and bring them to me.” He passed the papers back to him and as his brother walked out of the office, he took his phone and turned to look out of the window.
-Tonight at 9:30 p.m. everyone will be asleep! You can come over if you want? :) -
She texted him the day after. In the end, he hand answered yes at her offer, even if her foster mother saw him.
He just had to be careful enough.
He was doing nothing wrong in the end, right?
He just wanted to keep her for himself.
It’s not like someone else wants her.
He parked far from her house. Far and hidden, and maybe, during the day he wouldn’t have minded the little walk, but in the afternoon, with the flys attached to the torch of his phone, the holes on the ground and the mud, he hated it.
He will bring her to the city.
Maybe not in an apartment but in a small house, just for the two of them.
Or maybe a bigger one for them and their children.
Anyway, he would never live outside the city. He’ll buy her a house with a garden.
That’s it.
He knocked at her door, which opened a few moments after. She smiled at him, softly and happily as always.
“Hey kiddo.” He smiled slightly at her, stepping inside the house, taking off his shoes.
“We cannot be too loud, they are all sleeping upstairs.” She said gently, taking his hand to guide him in another room, but he resisted and pulled her back to him.
“Where’s my kiss?” He looked down at her, as he grabbed her big shirt to pull her close to him. She blushed immediately and looked down, trying to hide a smile.
“Kiss me.” He ordered her, leaning his head down to be closer to her. She shyly raised on her tiptoes, going for a kiss on his cheek, but he turned his head and looked at her. “What do you think you’re doing?” He smirked as he saw her face getting redder, so he put his hand on the back of her head, caressing her scalp gently.
She looked at him through her eyelashes, but in the end, she raised herself again, giving him a quick peck on his lips.
He wanted more.
He wanted to pull her back and devour her completely.
But he decided to settle.
For now.
“How are you?” She asked shyly as she walked further in the house.
“Tired, but fine.” He said coldly, not explaining much, as he looked around. The house was not messy but so full of things it almost looked messy. 
He guessed that was the price for a lot of kids and an absent mother.
The house was welcoming, the inside mostly in wook and marm, the cool lights gave it a more comfortable place.
He liked that his girl lived there.
“Tired? Do you not sleep enough?” She asked, concerned. He smiled slightly at her reaction.
“Kinda. My brother tires me more.”  They go into the living room and sit on the sofa.
“I’m sorry. What does he do?” She asks curiously.
“He is always thinking about partying, he wants to do these stupid parties for the company.” He sighed, annoyed by the thought. “Useless.”
“You could let him handle that.” She smiles happily. “If he loves parties so much, then he surely knows how to arrange a good one.” He almost laughed at her.
“For what? I’m a bank company, I don’t need parties.” He replied.
“Parties help socialize, I guess, you are handling people’s money, they have to trust you.To know you.” She explains, taking his hand to play with his fingers.
He looks down at her hands, so soft and small, when his is much bigger.
“What is the point of knowing me? They just have to know I work perfectly.” He scoffs, looking away from her.
“They have to trust you, they have to know that you care about them.”
“I don’t.”
“You do. They’re your clients.”
“Yeah, I don’t care about them as people. I don’t care about their life or shit like that.”
“Then you can fake that.” She raises her shoulders. He chuckles. “I could come with you if it could help you…”
He tensed at her words and she looked at him surprised and kind of hurted, stopping to play with his fingers.
“No, kiddo, don’t get me wrong.” He sighed “I’d like to, but… people might not understand our… friendship, you know?” He leaned towards her, caressing her soft cheek as she stared at him. 
Now he had to warn her.
So that no one could ever try to talk her away from him.
“You shouldn’t tell anyone about me, kiddo. Not your mum… or your brothers and sisters.”
“So I should lie?” She asked worriedly. Aemond smiled slightly as he passed his fingers on her lips.
“Do you like kissing me?” He said lowly, looking down at her lips. She looked at him confused, but after a moment of hesitation she blushed all over and nodded, looking away embarrassed.
“I like it too, you know? You’re a good kisser…” He leaned closer to her, brushing his lips with hers.
“I could spend hours just kissing you, kiddo.” He noticed her breathing in sharply and he smirks proudly for the effect his closeness has on her. He kisses her lightly, their lips touching softly before he pulls back a moment to look at her. She looked up at him, her eyes big and innocent, as she blushed even more. He wanted to lean back, kiss her and taste her mouth deeply, but he didn’t move. 
They were close, yes, but he wanted her to be desperate for more of him.
He wanted her to be at least a bit desperate as he was for her.
She looked at him, insecure of what to do about the situation. Her gaze shifted from his eye to his mouth repeatedly, then she looked down. She hesitated at first, then she put her hand on his thigh, close to his knee. 
He looked down at her hand for a moment, quickly looking back at her as he saw her swaying closer to him, so that her thigh was pressed against his.
“Do you like being close to me, kiddo?” He moved his head, brushing his nose on her forehead.
“I—I like… the way you smell…” She admitted shyly, her hand on his thigh clenching in a fist.
“You like the way you smell? What else? Tell me.” He looks down at her, caressing her jaw as he presses his forehead against hers.
“Your smell makes me feel… protected… I immediately feel at ease when I feel your scent…” She looked up at him. “I like the way you look…” She passed her hands in his long hair. “So… unique…” She moves her hands from his hair to his jaw, tracing it with her fingers. 
He just couldn’t control himself.
How could he, after what he just heard?
After knowing, from her directly, how some aspects of him makes her feel?
He wanted to possess her, touch her, feel her till the rest of his days.
He couldn’t bear at the moment the fact that he would have to leave in an hour.
He put his hand on her thigh, and squeezed it not as gently as he knew she liked things.
She gasped and she looked at him with slight pain, her eyebrows furrowed, confused by his somewhat aggression.
“Aemond—“ She gasped again as he started raising her dress.
“Don’t you want to kiss me, kiddo?” He panted, already, his breathing coming in and out faster as he felt his need for her.
She looked at him and slowly nodded, her face turning red tomato.
“Do it. I want you to take the lead.” He kept looking at her, keeping his forehead pressed against hers as his hand dived under the skirt of her dress, caressing her calves, moving slowly up and up.
He hand on his thigh clenched again in a fist as the other clenched on his shirt as she looked at his lips, still hesitant.
“Why so shy, kiddo? I thought you wanted this.” He smirks, mocking and teasing her a bit. She let out a sound close to a whine out of embarrassment, and he smirked even more, his hand reaching his knee.
“Kiss me, and I’ll make you feel good, I promise.” He said reassuringly, making her gaze snap at him.
“You always keep your promises…” She stated as she finally leaned closer, her lips touching his timidly.
“Give me more, kiddo, I know you want this.” He whispered as he moved his head slightly.
She moved closer, pulling him down gently by her grip on his shoulder, parting her lips to give him a good kiss, sucking his lower lip in a messy way, making him more aware of how inexperienced she was. He chuckled lightly, making her pull away immediately, and before she could even start apologizing, he grabbed her jaw, pulling her back immediately, kissing her, biting her lip and slipping his tongue deep in her mouth, finally tasting her somehow. He opened his mouth, trying to encourage her to do the same in the kiss, so he could move his tongue in her mouth, meet hers. He slipped his hand in her hair, keeping her secure, as his other started trailing down her core, slipping her panties to the side, finding her wet already.
“My my, kiddo, what happened here, mh?” He smirked at her, enjoying how she tried to hide her face in his chest.
“Almost looks like it needs some attention, yeah kiddo?”He smirks as she looks at his horrified.
“But… my brothers and sisters…” She whimpers as he brushes his thumb over her clit, barely touching it.
“They won’t come downstairs, and if they do, we’ll just tell them I was helping you check down there, okay?” He smiles, and he kneels on the floor, between her legs. 
He kneeled happily, for his girl.
He would have done it as many times as she wanted, for her, just for her.
She only needed to ask, or push his head down, or even look at him, and he would have been on his knees, lapping at her like a thirsty man, sucking her clit and licking her cunt until she had nothing more to give.
He moved his head down between her thighs raising her dress over her hips, his face getting closer to her. He looked up at her, his eye meeting hers, before he started gently kissing her inner thighs. She looked shyly at him, her hands on her chin, ready to cover her face the moment she won’t be able to handle it. He glanced at her cunt, pulling her panties down, getting rid of them.
“You’re so pretty down here, kiddo… Did you know that?” He kissed his thigh, grabbing them in his hands as he kept her legs apart, securing them.
Her body immediately jerked at the contact of his lips on her skin, so close to her most sensitive spot. He smirked against her skin, enjoying how sensitive she is and how much his touch can affect her.
"Oh, I see....you can't take it when I tease you, kiddo? You want me to get straight to the point then, hm?"
He asks, his voice still playful. He moves his head closer, and lightly and gently kisses her core, feeling the shiver that goes through her body.
“Oh— oh!” She let out a loud whimper, surprised by the weird but pleasurable sensation of his mouth on her core, making him chuckle lightly.
“Your family is upstairs kiddo, you might want to lower your voice…”
He could feel her shivering beneath him as he kissed her core, the reaction of her body making him more turned on and wanting.
"You're so beautiful– So perfect...."
He murmured against her skin, before he started gently licking her, his tongue exploring her slowly and savoring her taste, feeling her as she unconsciously tried to close her legs, but he tightened his grip, his fingers digging in her skin hard enough to be leaving a mark on her, not that she cared at the moment, she was too concentrated in her pleasure.
The pleasure that he was giving her.
He was making her squirm under his tongue, he was tasting her, he was making her feel good, he was the cause of everything she was feeling at the moment, and that made him so fucking proud, and so turned on, it almost hurt.
“Aemond…” He heard her soft whimper, he looked up at her from between her legs, seeing her with her hand over her mouth, her face red, and her eyes teary, as she struggled to keep her voice down. He smirked against her core as he started diving his tongue deeper inside her, making her widen her eyes and almost scream, the sound muffled by her mouth closed and her hand.
“Need help, kiddo?”
He says between kisses and licks, his tongue moving faster and harsher over her core, tasting and savoring her, as he moved his hand on her mouth, pushing two of his fingers in her mouth.
“Suck.” He ordered as he kept looking up at her. She looked at him again, her eyes still widened in uncertainty, but in the end, she wrapped her hand around his wrist and started licking his fingers and sucking shyly.
He groaned as he felt her tongue on his fingers, his head registering her movements, imagining them on his cock, as she choked on it.
"You were born to be with me, kiddo…” He growled as he moved his head from side to side, using his nose to stimulate her clit as he kept licking her entrance, his tongue continuing to work her towards the orgasm, his movements gradually becoming more and more intense.
He could hear her panting loudly, her breathing ragged as she tightened her grip on his arm, trying to suck on his fingers instead of moaning out loud, as much as Aemond would have loved to hear her moan his name.
Another time.
He let out a loud growl as he felt her move one of her hands on the top of his head, pushing his head down, then retrieving her hand immediately. 
She didn’t even realize what she was doing.
She was too overwhelmed by the pleasure he was giving her.
His body responded instinctively to her touch and her needs, burying his face between her legs, grabbing her buttocks to go as far as possible, squeezing her flesh, her addicting softness.
“I can feel you getting tighter, kiddo–” He mumbles against her skin before he starts gently licking her core again, his tongue moving slowly and carefully. He moaned as he pushed his tongue again inside her, he looked up at her again, seeing her chest moving up and down quickly, frenetically, her forehead with a thin layer of sweat as her lips were still around his fingers.
“I–I– I–” She keeps panting, unable to form any phrase.
He groans again as he hears her poor state, his tongue still moving over her core, his movements growing faster and more intense.
“Good– God–” She moaned loudly as he retrieves his fingers from her mouth, just when he feel her getting impossibly close to her climax, and he shoved them inside her, his lips moving to suck at her clit as his fingers crook, hitting the spot he mapped perfectly in his mind, giving her the most pleasure he could.
Her jaw went slack as she whined loudly, gripping his other hand still on her buttock, digging her nails on the back of his palm.
He growled again, feeling her whines, her body responding so beautifully to his touch, his tongue moving faster and more intently as he could feel her body tensing and shaking, her words and moans signaling that she's close to the edge.
"I know, I know, kiddo... come for me– come for me." He mumbled against her, his tongue moving over her clit in quick, firm moves making her squirm, as she desperately tried to get away from his attentions.
He feels her trembling, her body trying to close her legs, but he uses his strong hands to hold her thighs apart, preventing her from closing them.
"No. Don't close them, let me finish– let me give you everything you want....." He ordered, his voice low and rough as he continued to work over her core with his tongue, his movements faster and more eager as she kept raising her voice dangerously.
He feels her squirming, her body struggling to hold on as he continues with his tongue, trying to make her come as fast as possible.
He wanted to savor the moment, but he figured that he was already risking too much.
And most importantly.
His girl had no idea of how to handle her voice with him.
He smirked on her cunt at the idea, as he kept working her faster, moving his fingers just right to make her body shake under his eye.
"Shhhhh.....it's alright, love....you're so close..... l know you're so close.....just let go...let go and come for me, kiddo."
He says in between flicks of his tongue over her sensitive skin, his hand holding her thigh in place, keeping her from closing her legs from one side so he could continue till the very end.
“Ah! Ah— aaaah…” She moaned loudly as she reached her climax, her walls clenching around his fingers too tightly, it almost made it impossible for him to keep moving them, but he still kept going, helping her ride out her orgasm. He pulled his fingers out and licked everything that came out of her, starting directly by her cunt making her jerk, her back arching by the overstimulation.
Then they heard some steps.
She quickly found a blanket to use to cover him, and he kept still, with his body, moving slightly his head to keep licking her, but it wasn’t visible from over the blanket thanks so her legs bent. He groans as he feels her climax against his tongue, her body shaking and trembling from the intensity of her release.
“Cory…” She lets out a sound between a whine of pleasure and annoyance, her hand reaching his head under the blanket, trying to push him away.
“I heard you making strange sounds Sis… I got worried…” The little boy said.
“I–I’m alright, Cory… I–I was wa–watching a horror movie… such a s–stupid idea, right? Please d–don’t tell mum, and I won’t tell her I saw you up at this hour. Okay?” She says quickly, stuttering due to her tenseness.
“Okay!” The boy exclaimed, and Aemond felt the boy run upstairs. He continues lapping at her for a moment, savoring the taste and sensations, giving her core one last open mouthed kiss, before looking up at her again, a smirk on his face as he immediately captures her lips into another kiss.
"Mmmm.....you taste so good, kiddo, better than I ever imagined..." He looked at her, watching her pant as she tried to calm down.
“A–Aemond! It was so risky– Cory could have–” She looked at him with her glossy teared-eyes of hers as he just admired her beauty, interrupting her immediately. “But he didn’t, did he? And you loved it, I saw it.” He gave her a deep kiss, making her taste herself on his tongue.
She looked down, ashamed, fixing her dress quickly. Aemond smirked as he put his hand over his pocket, where he tugged her panties the moment he took them off of her.
“M–my mum… she will be here soon…” She warned him, keeping her gaze down.
“I know, I’ll wait for your text tonight, okay?” He stood up, looking at her from above,
“Okay… and yes.” She said, grabbing his pants on his thigh before he could step away. He looked at her confused, not sure of what she meant by the second part of her sentence.
“Yes?” He questioned her.
“I’ll lie to them.” She looked up at him, her face completely red again, she sniffled. Aemond smiled at her, bending down to wipe one tear she let out, then he kissed her again.
“Good girl.” He whispered to her, then he strided outside the house, walking to his car.
The scent of the grass, and nature hit his nose, but he had something way better.
He took out her panties from his pocket, bringing them to his nose.
They smelled so much like her, they still had a wet patch on them.
He made her that wet.
He will make good use of her panties.
Even if his cock was already impossibly hard, he felt his pants get even tighter as he looked with a smirk at her panties.
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Tag: @zenka69 @blaustappen @julczimozart @diannnnsss @i66cilla @queenofthekeep @summerposie @tssf-imagines @vaylint @sweet-nothings-s @esposamultifandom @av989436751 @ladythornofrivia @xcinnamonmalfoyx @deliaseastar @kotadislikesthissite @nebulamorada @madelynwalt @shari-berri @seraphdayiwah @witchy-jadda @odeioemail @alphard-hydraes-blog @isntitdelicatevivi @famousrebeldaze @ssnapsaurus @paigeestrawfordd @mamawiggers1980 @aemondracarys @aegonswife @iloveallmyboys
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starsandsuch · 3 days
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🎶 we found love in a hopeless place 🎶 timeless reading , pick a picture , what’s going through your crushes mind ?💭
They feel very sure about their feelings for you. I get a calm vibe from them, very relaxed energy. When they decide something, they are firm about it. They feel like you’re very beautiful. Like you set a beauty standard, prettier then anyone else he has his eyes on. I just heard “beauty queen”. I just thought of Lana Del Rey for some reason I think some of you guys look like her or have the vibe/aesthetic/essence. Anyway though they see a future with you, and they’re plotting on you, there’s like a timeline they’re following you know nothing about lol. They think of you as theirs already 👰‍♀️.
The way your crush feels about you is sincere. They seem to be someone who is blunt and direct with their energy. Masculine vibes. He’s seems like a gentleman like he was raised well and he will treat a girl how his parents taught him to. He’s a bit oblivious tho lol like he wouldn’t catch a hint if someone liked him. I see him asking you out one day very formally. Like with some little gift or treat, and asking you on a date “properly”. He has respect for you. If any of y’all are teenagers, he wants to ask you to prom 💐.
Your crush is good at keeping a poker face. They daydream about you so intensely. You’re more than just a person to them but like a ethereal frequency. A divine concept to behold. Aww you’re so special to them, but you’d never know it in the 3D realm. Maybe energetically first. Some of you guys rejected this person indirectly, or they interpreted something you said as rejection. I feel literal distance between you two, but you’ll see each other again definitely. They hope to make you their gf one day but from their end it’s really just only a hope 🥺.
They think you’re a hard nut to crack. Something about you intimidates them, but they can’t stop thinking about you. If you wear glasses they love that. They love if you look like a teacher/librarian. Ok either he’s a nerd or you’re a nerd but it’s giving that for some reason. Like “cute nerdy crush” 🤓. He’d like if you came up to him and just stared him down with intense eye contact. If something does happen between y’all, it’d be in the fall months like October/November. I see them planning something for you around then 🫶.
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edgeray · 3 days
Hi ray
Could write dragon! Arlecchino x hunter! Reader who hunts dragon because she was tasked to even tho she didn't wish to do so but little did the reader know that arlecchino is very strong
So when the reader was tasked she was warned by the villagers but what could the reader do but to only obey the orders when the reader met arlecchino trying to hunt her down she failed to do so
Dragon Hunter Mother
(Arlecchino x Fem! Reader)
A/N - Like always, if you want to request something from me again anon, give yourself a name/emoji ☺️ Also, I love this idea. I don't plan out my requests, plot just kinda comes as I write, so let's see what I do with this. I'm assuming you also want reader to be afab as well. Since you didn't say about arlecchino having a human form, I'm just not going to write it. Don't ask me how this turned to be over the limit I said these requests were gonna be. I got carried away with world building and plot. Sorry 😬 . Hopefully this was okay? Honestly, didn't know how I would make it romantic, but I guess I'll put it under romantic? I tried by best anon, feel free to request again if you want me to write it in a different way 🫶. Sorry for taking so long, but here it is!  Content warnings / info - author doesn't know how to write dragons, semi-graphic violence, if it wasn't obvious, Freminet, Lyney, and Lynette make an appearance, 2.6k words 
Stemming from a long line of dragon hunters, it was no surprise that like the rest of your siblings, you would take up the mantle of also being a dragon hunter. Dragon hunting is a service to the kingdom exclusive to only a few noble families like yours, hence why its hunters are practically revered by the kingdom's citizens. Protecting the kingdom, receiving glory after every slaughter, earning a large chunk of the kingdom's money, it's no doubt that many aggrandize and covet to be in the same position. 
You've never wanted to be a dragon hunter. It's an arduous job in a kingdom known for its dragon outbreaks. The Majesty is prompt in requesting dragon hunters, sending them from one corner of the kingdom to the other unhesitatingly, and frequently underestimate the duration that these kill orders take. When the process of dragon hunting involves tracking the dragon, finding the dragon's sanctum, preparing to combat against a dragon, and finally, killing it, it takes at least a week if it's one of the older dragons. The Majesty has high expectations, and it's a struggle to keep up with them. Kill orders were often piled on top of one another, which means immediately after you complete one, it is off to finishing the next one.
It is a job of ruin. When was the last time you've gotten more than a few hours of sleep? The last time you've had a full meal? The last time you were able to have a relaxing bath? 
Killing dragons is not how you would like to waste away your life, slaving away under a duty that everyone idolizes. As you carry on your role, you begin to learn more and more about these flying reptiles; dragons are fascinating, intelligent creatures. It is a shame that many villagers are so terrified of them, dragons actively avoid humans; though for one reason or another, dragons occasionally seek the nearest human civilization, eating farm animals and destroying any shelter or barricade that stands in their way. Perhaps you're just foolish, but you believe that there is a real reason for this behavior, and that there could be a solution to this. 
Until then, you could do little more but heed each order, slaughtering dragon by dragon. Their dying cries plague your dreams every night, leaving you empty and restless. 
You arrive at a village, the emblem on your chest plate that indicates your occupation glints as you step out of the carriage. The village head greets you quickly, settling you down in front of a cup of tea and some snacks, before cutting straight to the details.
“This dragon… I'd be careful. I've heard of you, a genius among geniuses in terms of dragon hunting, but I warn you right now. This dragon is different. Smarter, more powerful than your typical one, I bet. Its fire… even among other dragons, isn't comparable. It can torch the whole village, and it got damn near close to. Cunning bastard as well, it can pinpoint where our sheeps are and it can evade our traps. It disappeared from our village a few decades… we assumed it died naturally, but then it returned again earlier this season.”
“When was the last time it attacked? Do you know what kind of dragon it is?”
“No. We’ve never seen a dragon like it before. I'm not sure if it follows under the kingdom's classifications. It's black and white with three pairs of wings! And its tail… sharp like, like…like a scythe, can slice houses in half! Its claws are just as dangerous too. Can breathe fire, of course.”
Three pairs of wings… that means this dragon is considerably old. Dragons gain pairs of wings after their first set through molting, which only occurs every five or four sex following reaching maturity, meaning this dragon was at least a century old. You grimace. Older dragons are always harder to get rid of. Most of the dragons that you encounter only have one pair, on the rare occasion, two. This is the first time you've been assigned a three-paired dragon.
Its colorings are also strange; you've never heard of a black and white dragon specifically. The tail description, however, isn't very uncommon; it could be a signifier that this is an incredibly rare hybrid among dragon species. If it's as powerful as it's said, and if you consider its age, then perhaps they come from one of the Dynasty species… but a descendent of that species hasn't been seen in many years. If this is true, then of course it wouldn't follow under the kingdom's ordinary classifications of dragons. Still, a hybrid? Mating between different species almost never happens. This really was a special case. And its disappearance? You couldn't even fathom why.
“Do you know at least where it lives?”
The village head turns to his right, pointing in that direction. “If you continue that direction, you'll come across a forest. That's where it goes. We don't know where it lives, we've been too scared to try and find out ourselves.”
You sigh. Well, this wasn't much to work with. “Is there anywhere I can stay?” 
“Yes, yes. There's a room above the bar that's just for you. Free of charge, of course. The food as well. Just please… eradicate this beast.” 
“I'll do my best.” 
No matter how many forests you go to, you never become fonder of them. Traversing them was always annoying. Too much greenery to walk through, too many streams and rivers to cross, and just too many damn trees. This terrain is especially difficult to find traces of dragons in. It'd be better to make your own traces then scour through the forest to search for them, hence why you're at a stream, catching as much fish as you can with a net. Fish makes for good dragon bait, though you don't intend to use it to trap the dragon. You doubt any trap you could make in the little time you have could kill or harm the dragon, but it will lure the dragon to you.
You pause to take a break, glancing at the pile of fish you've collected. The smell is starting to assault your nostrils. Ugh. 
You hear a crunch behind you, and you turn. Your eyes widen and you pick up your sword, raising them towards the three dragons that surround you. Adrenaline pumps through you as you stand up, observing the creatures. 
All of them only have one-pair of wings, with similar features and size; they’re as large as a full grown bear, if you subtract their tail length, and you realize that they're baby dragons, yet to reach maturity. They have, notably, distinct colorings, but they all share the same black and gray coloring. Perhaps they come from the same hatch? The one to your right has red, almost maroon, splotches over their scales. This one is wide eyed, but its features are relaxed as if playful and curious. The one in the middle seems to be the smallest, fearful as if it’s cowering with its dipped head and the tail wrapping around itself protectively; this one has almost a marigold accent to it. The one to the right is teal, and passive, like it doesn't see you in the slightest. 
Baby dragons are hardly as aggressive or destructive as their adult counterparts, but that doesn't mean they can't pose a danger. Still, you don't want to harm them, not when they haven't done anything that would warrant you to.
The red one approaches, deliberately, sniffing towards your direction. You brace your sword, and it trudges up to you, nostrils grazing against your armor before it nudges against your hand. It then walks past you, its focus deadset on the pile of fish behind you. The two other dragons follow in the red one's lead, and you sigh in relief, placing your sword back in its sheathes.
Baby dragons, three of them especially, are a rare sight, as they're often sheltered in their father's den, and they don't venture out until they've fully matured. This being because they're quite vulnerable despite the threat they hold once they've matured. Eliminating them is a part of your duty, however, you never feel right killing creatures that have just hatched. They couldn't be more than ten years old; they still had a few more decades before they could pose a danger. If they're out like this, it's likely they've been abandoned. Mother dragons often leave their young after childbirth, and the fathers are left to take care of them; it could be that the father died recently. 
Whatever the case, you think that they deserve to live a little longer. Plus, they're kind of cute… 
Although, the more you observe them, the more you feel you should prevent the fish supply you spent all day getting from declining. They seem less cute now. You groan as they eat until there's no more fish, and they turn back to you, croaking as if requesting more. 
What are you, their mother? Your eye twitches in vexation. 
You spend your evening fishing for baby dragons at the river. Un-fucking-believable. Weren't you wonderful at your job? 
You decide to leave the dragons at the river bank as you search for wood to make a campfire. To your slight annoyance and amusement, the young dragons trail behind you. You get random twigs and branches that scatter the forest floor. One of the dragons, the yellow one, picks up a branch in their mouth, before offering it to you. 
Damn it, why did you have to be a dragon hunter? You take the stick in your hand, hesitantly petting the top of its head. This is something you’ve never done before, but you wouldn't mind doing it again. It leans into your hand. You don't deserve this treatment, you hunt their kind. Oh, how you wish you could tell them what you'd have to do once they grow up. Why did you have to be a dragon hunter? You're holding back tears as you continue the petting action. 
Its other siblings, unbeknownst to your existential crisis, follow its behavior, and you've turned the baby dragons into your personal campfire wood carriers. You think dragon trainor fits you better than a dragon hunter at this point, but that profession doesn't grant an affordable life. 
Seating yourself on a tree stump, you build your campfire and light it. You use it to cook a fish over, while you try to fend off said trout from being eaten by the dragons. By the time it's done cooking, the little creatures are exhausated, curling against you as the three fall asleep against your legs and back. You don't want to admit it, but it's a comfortable weight against you. You didn't even know that dragons snore until now.
Peace at last, you think, finally able to eat your fish alone. 
Too soon, too soon. You hear it before you see it, the whipping of winds that you can only associate with the beating of dragon wings as it flies. The sound grows louder, meaning it's heading straight towards you. You stand up, unsheathing your sword and bracing yourself for an assault. Shit, shit, shit, you're not prepared to fight in this territory whatsoever. What was it attracted to? The campfire? The smell of your fish? Or perhaps… you glance at the still sleeping creatures. 
You don't have much time to ponder as the ground shakes when the beast lands in front of you, right on top of the river, its gargantuan form making you tremble. An earth shattering roar escapes its throat, nearly making you tumble back from the sheer force, and your ears ring painfully. 
You've never seen a larger dragon before. You count the pair of wings through squinted eyes. One, two, three. This is the dragon you've been hired to hunt? 
The hand holding your sword doesn't stop shaking, no matter how much you try to control your muscles. The adult dragon nears, and your heart rate pounds louder and louder with each footstep. Black and white colorings? Check. Sharp tail? Check. You know you have to fight it, but how could you possibly? It dwarfs you in every single way possible. 
It swipes its tail at you, and you duck as fast as possible, just barely missing being sliced in half like the trees behind you. Its tail retracts to lunge at you again, and you block the sharp end with your sword, though it just swats you away easily, throwing you across the bank of the river. You land on the gravel with a pained groan, and you scramble to get up, facing the dragon. 
Piercing red-crossed eyes gaze back at you, and you no longer feel like the hunter. Instead, you feel like the prey, and every fiber of your being is telling you to run. You wield your sword again resolutely. If you die, then you die, but you'll die knowing you tried. The dragon tilts its head back, preparing its fiery breath, and you ready your wrist shield. 
Suddenly, a familiar croak comes from behind the adult dragon, and you see the baby dragons rush into the adult dragon, headbutting its feet. The dragon snaps its head back into its normal position, gazing down at the small dragons at its feet. You're afraid that the larger dragon will crush them, but instead it growls. The young ones chirp back, communicating with it. 
You stand there, bewildered, the pieces coming together in your mind quickly. Is the black and white dragon their father? Are they trying to save you? The tension in your shoulders relaxes the slightest bit. The father dragon whips its head back to you, and you freeze, paralyzed under its predatory gaze. Too swiftly does its tail shoot towards you, but instead of impaling you as you prepared, it merely wraps around your midsection, lifting you effortlessly. You drop your sword out of pure shock from being in mid air, and it brings you face to face with the dragon. 
The dragon snarls, baring its teeth, and you think it's the end once you see its pearly whites. Instead, however, it sniffs you, before pausing, observing you more. You're holding your breath, wondering when you will meet your fate. It opens its mouth wide, displaying a row of teeth in its oral cavern. You squeeze your eyes shut but all you feel is something warm, wet, and slimey. A tongue drags across your face, and you cringe, immediately bringing your hands to wipe away the thick saliva. The tail around you loosens, and you fall on your back, grunting from the impact of hitting the floor. 
Okay. Well, you're alive at least, you think, once you get the liquid out of your eyes but it is unfortunately in your hair. If it hasn't killed you yet, then it must mean that it likes you? 
You open your eyes, and see that the dragon lays in front of you, its snout just a feet away from you. Each huff from the dragon blows your hair back with hot air, but you don't mind it. The smaller dragons prance by your side, chirping and croaking with a high-pitched tone. Bemused but just grateful that you've yet met your end, you pet their heads. By the growl from the father, they approve of your action, and your heart melts. You reach out to pet the snout of the larger dragon, and it closes its eyes, further nudging against you before a grumbly purr escapes its throat.
Seems like you've just been forcibly adopted by a family of dragons. You don't think you'll complain that much. 
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mxthtea · 2 days
On Sunday We Rest
sunday x gn reader warnings: cuddling, a single kiss, literally laying on top of sunday, grammar + spelling mistakes, tell me if i forgot any! word count: 808
request rules
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Sunday, despite his name, cannot take a break for the life of him. You know this, his sister knows this, Gopher Wood probably knows this but chooses to ignore it. However, except for Mr. Gopher Wood, everyone who knows this about Sunday is practically begging him to rest. It's all for nothing though. Any concern you voice or reminder in a letter that Robin sends is just pushed away from the Halovian with a little chuckle and a reminder that he'll be fine.
You know that Sunday doesn't care for himself. It's irritating, truly. He spends so much time in the Dreamscape trying to make it perfect for everyone within it, trying to make everyone's worries wash away once they rest in the dreampool. Sunday sees himself as the sacrificial lamb though. After all, for everyone to truly be at peace, someone must bring everyone to that peace. Your boyfriend has taken that sole responsibility onto his shoulders.
Knowing all of this, seeing how much he has been working, missing when you two would spend together, you made a plan. A simple one. One that would force Sunday into taking a teeny tiny day off.
And today's the day you'll make him rest.
The night before you had coaxed Sunday into sleeping on the actual bed in your guys' shared room and not staying in the dreampool to be within the Dreamscape. With words saying how you haven't been able to hold him close to you in some time so you missed it.
You lay awake on the bed, groggy and stretching out your limbs. While you fell asleep with your arms around Sunday, it seems you've separated through the hours of unconsciousness. Now detached from each other and Sunday facing to the door instead of at you. You set an alarm to wake up before Sunday usually does, to ensure that you could catch him instead of sleeping through it all. Turns out you picked the right time to wake up.
You feel the mattress move as Sunday stirs. A yawn falls from his mouth and you can see his wings do a little stretch as his arms go above his head.
Now is the time for you to enact the plan.
You roll over and lay yourself on top of Sunday, effectively pinning him down onto the mattress. If pinning could be defined by… well, laying on someone and putting your weight on someone. Not exactly holding them down per se.
Sunday's breath catches in his throat as your weight is suddenly pushed onto his body. He lets out an exhale a second later. He props his head up to look at you clearly. A small smile dances on his lips, he quirks his brow and looks to you.
"Good morning dearest," a hand reaches up to hold your cheek. His smile widens when he feels you lean into his touch.
"Morning, dove," you trade nicknames to each other.
Your arms find their way wrapping themselves around Sunday and tucked beneath him. Your head moves to his chest as you keep yourself on top of him.
"Now, dear… I'd love to spend more time with you but-"
Your words are clear and cut through anything else that Sunday was going to say. He stutters for a moment trying to grasp at any logic or reasoning in what you've said. You smile cutely against his chest, kicking your legs on the mattress like school girls do in other galaxies. The sight of Sunday being at a loss for words is something very few people are afforded.
"I really should get to work soon-"
"Day off," you interrupt him again, propping your chin on Sunday's chest and looking up at him.
"What?" a simple question. One that Sunday asks to try and understand what the hell you are saying.
"You have the day off. Requested it and it's been approved. Today is our rest day together."
"You- what?"
Taking out your phone, you show the calendar to Sunday. Today clearly being marked as a day off for the both of you.
"See?" you point to emphasize the date, "day off. No work. Rest only."
Sunday lets out a chuckle of disbelief at what you've done and lays his head down on the bed, "dearest… you are going to be the death of me."
You scoot yourself up a bit to be closer to his face, "too bad. Today's a rest day and you can't die on a rest day. I won't allow it."
"Alright. I get it. Today is a rest day."
Sunday relinquishes to you and relaxes into the mattress again, submitting himself fully to the rest day. You kiss his neck gently as you see his tired eyes close.
Just a few more hours… then you two would get up and get something to eat.
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satorusugurugurl · 24 hours
Self-Love Quickie!
Summary: When you finally have time alone for the first time in a week, you can find some stress relief. But maybe you should have checked the apartment first. 😗
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x AFAB!R x Ryomen Sukuna
Warning: Masturbation, oral sex, p in v, smut!
A/N: Just a late night honey drabble ft. Dr. Gojo and Fire Fighter!Sukuna!
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The second you get home from work, noticing your roommates keys aren’t there you’re rushing to the couch. You push your skirt up, running for the couch with excitement. Finally you were alone!
Your roommates keep getting sent home early, and every fucking time you go to grab your toys they barge in, or annoucce that they're home! Making it nearly impossible to get off. It didn't help that your room was smacked down between them and you weren't exactly the quiet in bed. So the fact that both of them weren't home was an opportunity you couldn't miss! The second you lie down on the couch you're sliding your hand into your panties rubbing circles around your clit.
Which wouldn’t be a problem thanks to your smutty audiobook.
You were soaking wet, fingers rubbing faster as you cried out, throwing your head back against the throw pillows. “Fuuuck~ oh my fucking god!” Your walls fluttered, toes curling as you whined into the empty apartment. “Oooh my fuck~ fuck oooh fuck.” A week without masturbating had been literal torture, and you needed to cum to be around fucking Sukuna and Gojo. The stupid sexy assholes had been coming home early every night this week. Gojo said the clinic kept sending him home because he’d been working overtime at the urgent care. And Sukuna had been out on leave from the fire department because of a sprained ankle.
Images of red and blue eyes crossed your mind as you thought back to the sounds of them jerking off through the thin walls of your apartment. God, they were so hot that it was stupid. Fucking assholes and their stupid good looks! Ugh! The least they could do was go out for the night and let you have time to take care of yourself!
“Oooh fuck.” Your eyes shut tight as you imagined the duo kissing your neck, rubbing your wet folds, making you cum. “Oooh my goood~ oh my god~ oh my fuckin’ god!” You threw your head back bucking your hips against your hand as you felt yourself getting closer and closer towards your orgasm. “K-Kuna~ ooooh fuck~ Toru~ Nnngh!” Your eyes rolled back as you rubbed your clit as fast as your hand would allow, until you arched you back off the couch. “I-I’m cumming! Cumming!! Oooh fuck me!!”
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks; the pure intensity of it had you screaming as your pussy throbbed and clenched as you rode the waves. It felt so good; your slick coated your fingers as your legs twitched and shook, as your body went lax against the sofa. God, you needed that so bad to be able to find—a spoon fell, hitting the surface of a table, interrupting your post-orgasmic bliss.
With wide eyes, you slowly sat up, looking at the dining room table across from you where Satoru and Sukuna sat. Satoru’s mouth was agape, cheeks flushed, eyes focused on the hand that was still inside of your panties. While the pink-haired man leaned back in his chair, smirking, his erection visible in his pants. The three of you sat silently as you babbled and tried to think of anything! Literally fucking anything to say in a situation like this!
Not only had you rubbed one out in front of your roommates, but you had also moaned out their names while you fantasized about them doing sexy things to you. This was it, your thirteenth reason. Standing up on shaky legs, you stumbled to the side, pulling your slick fingers out of your panties.
“I-I’m going to go barricade myself in my room! Bye, have a good night!”
“Get that fine ass back over here!” Sukuna barked out with a starved chuckle. “You can't just say my name so prettily like that and leave!
“Sukuna’s righhht~ you should listen to the firefighter and come over here so Dr. Gojo can fully examine you~”
“I would rather eat my shoe.”
Sukuna patted his lap. “Come on~ don't make me get up, Satoru said I need to stay off my foot.” You have watched as Satoru grabbed his chair dragging it to sit across from Sukuna. “Give us a hand~ after all these boners are your fault.”
“Like I said, I’d rather eat my shoe.” Your words held no heat as you stepped towards them. “You pervs.”
A shoe wasn't what you had in your mouth thirty minutes later. Sukuna pierced monster cock, however, as Satoru fucked into you from behind. Your legs were shaking as you struggled to remain straddled in his hips as he bucked into you from his chair. The head of his cock jammed into your cervix as Sukuna forced your head down further on his cock.
Both of your roommates were grunting and growling. Sukuna’s head was tilted slightly back, eyes narrowed down at you as you gagged around him. While Satoru’s head was hanging low, cerulean eyes watched his cock disappear inside of your tight cunt.
All three of you were ducked out of your mind, you especially. Satoru’s cock was hitting your cervix in a painfully pleasurable way, making your eyes roll back as your soul threatened to escape. If it wasn't for the cold chill of Sukuna’s Jacob’s Ladder against your tongue, you were sure you’d be as present as you were.
“Fuuuck yes kitten~ suck my cock~ suuuck it.” The tip of Sukuna’s cock hit the back of your throat causing tears to stream down your cheeks. “What do good fucking girl you are, sucking my cock~ like a good little fucking slut.”
“Sweetheart~” Satoru’s wishing tone had you moaning around the thick cock fucking your throat. “Oh my god, you feel so good sucking me in like that; god, your pussy is so good!”
Their praises made you feel so good, pushing you closer towards release as their movements got sloppier, balls clenching, paces breaking as they lost themselves in the pleasure. Hearing them lose it made your entire body shake as you moaned, crying louder, eyes rolling back into your head as you screamed around Sukuna as your pussy clamped down around Satoru. Both men grunted fucking into you faster and harder before Sukuna’s cock slid down your throat as ropes of cum filled your mouth. Watching both his roommates cum, hard Satoru pulling out of your smooth wet walls, jerking himself off until he came all over your back, with a shuddering cry.
The sound of heavy breathing and gasps filled the apartment as Sukuna gently eased you off his softening cock. “Let me see.” He ordered, watching you open your mouth as you stuck out your tongue, showing him you swallowed every drop of cum he had to offer. “Mhmm such a good kitten~”
“Mhmm~ the best.” As Satoru left for the kitchen, you were gently moved to rest on Sukuna’s lap. You laid there on Sukuna, humming happily as Gojo returned, wiping your back off with a warm rag. “I’ve never been so happy that I locked my keys in my car!”
“Mhmm~” Sukuna pressed his lips against your temple. “I’m glad someone was too horny. She couldn’t wait to get in her room to rub her pretty cunt.”
“Oh my god, please, let’s never discuss that again.”
You eyed both your roommates, who blinked at each other before smirking wide. “Not a chance.” And knowing both of them, they would never let you live it down. But you wouldn't be too upset if it ended up like this whenever it got brought up.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
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graybby · 1 day
PR nightmare
Lando Norris x Russell!reader
The F1 drivers twitch streamer sister series !
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 here 2285 words
sorry for the wait ! hopefully it's worth it <3
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This isn’t good.
Pacing back and forth around her hotel room wasn’t how Y/N planned to start her morning but the constant dinging of her phone had rudely awoken her from her slumber at 5AM. She felt reluctant to check it at first, anxiety swirling through her brain as she racked it for a reason why this was happening, nothing preparing her for what she was about to see. Hundreds of tweets and pictures of her and Lando from the grand prix the day prior - luckily none had captured the dispute between him and her brother, which came as a momentary relief to the drama that presented itself in front of her. The focus was only on the two individuals as they had been papped in the time it took him to find her in that heat stroked state and walk away from the bathrooms, which led to a multitude of both Lando’s and her own fans to start conspiring. Those who watched Y/N and had knowledge of her most recent stream - in which Lando had made his presence known - were already losing their minds, believing that this wasn’t just a coincidence and that she had specifically attended the race as his guest, some of these comments being a lot meaner than others - accusing the smaller streamer of being an ‘attention whore’ and ‘just using him for likes and followers’ however there were a few that sounded excited at the possibility of a blossoming romance between the two. Y/N laughed to herself that people were making assumptions about the two, trying to block out how much some of the hate comments stabbed into her mind but subconsciously agreeing with those that were finding it stupid that others believed Lando would even go for her let alone be dating her. 
She opened her chat with Lando to try and warn him about the social media mess but halted when she realised she was still left on read from the night before, pushing aside the feeling it gave her she began typing. 
I think we’ve got a situation..
The brown haired boy rolled over his plush hotel bed and groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Tired from the race and night he had which left him to return back to his designated hotel room in the early hours of the morning. He didn’t remember too much, only that he had been in a sour mood about something and decided to dull the internal noise with a shit ton of alcohol and crowds of people. His phone began blaring and Lando shot up to accept the call before he registered who it even was. 
“What do you think you’re playing at Lando?” a voice bellowed down the line. “Zak please it’s too early to be screamed at, what did I do now?” rubbing his temples, a hangover beginning to set in. 
“we said no more girl trouble Lando. It’s bad for our publicity right now, we really need a clean slate at the moment to boost our sponsorships. With all your recent antics the tabloids are making you out to be a party obsessed playboy and the current sponsors don’t like it”
“But I haven’t even been spotted with anyone recently it’s a joke- you can’t just expect me to stay put in my room like a good little dog all the time man-” “Hey hey stop, I know how shitty it is but yesterday you got spotted just talking to some youtube or influencer girl and the internet won’t shut up about it, you’ve been trending on twitter for hours and not for much of a good reason”. 
“What the fuck Zak- that’s such bullshit, shes just a friend and we only just met properly the moment it was photographed. It’s not fair”. 
“I know it is, look i’m really sorry Lando but we just need you to keep a low profile for a while- not forever, just until this ‘persona’ everyone is making you out to be is not tabloid front pages”. 
“Fine Zak I get it, I'll try to be a ‘good little boy’ just for you” sarcasm dripping off his tongue as he spoke.
“Whatever you say Lando, just don’t blow this. I’ll talk to you later”
“Yeah bye Zak”
What a fucking headache 
“Y/N are you alright?” George asked approaching his sister carefully, taking in her disgruntled appearance. He had found her sat on the edge of the hotel sofa - head in hands which tightly wrapped around her hair in frustration. 
“No” she groaned, slightly peeking out between her hands to meet her brother's worried expression. 
“I hate twitter” she cried out as George cradled her in his arms. “It's so stupid George, everyone’s going crazy at these images of me and Lando someone took of us talking yesterday. Now everyone’s jumping to conclusions and making up rumours I- WE JUST MET”, “I’m sorry- I don’t know why this is getting to me so much… I think deep down I’m just scared that someone’s gonna find out that we’re related”.
“Well just remember it’s not the end of the world if they do” George remarks, trying to hide the hurt he feels at the idea of his sister being this adamant on hiding their relation. 
“Yeah for you it’s not but the whole life I’ve been trying to build all by myself will just be over, I’ll just be ‘George Russell’s sister’ and who I actually am will come second”. 
“I’m sorry that's how I’ve made you feel” George pulls away from his baby sister in haste, barely looking at her as he rushes to leave the room clearly harbouring offence at her words, which she realises quickly after - attempting to follow him. 
“No George, sorry I didn’t mean it like that- wait!” the door slams shut in front of her before she can continue. 
Crumpling back on the sofa her tears continue to free fall, this time at a quicker pace as her heart tugs against her chest - guilt tearing through her. 
She reaches for her phone just to see that once again Lando planned on leaving her on read. Anger bubbling over the heartache she already felt towards her brother made her snap, hurling her phone against the wall on the other side of the room in a heartbeat as her vision clouds over, sobs racking her frame. 
Clambering out of his room, Lando made his way down the hotel hallways, his throbbing head demanding a remedy which he decided would be a late breakfast. Passing along each door, stopping when he hears a loud bang against the wall he was outside of, followed by loud sobbing coming from a voice he swore he knew. Without even realising his hand was already knocking on the door. 
A moment passed before it cracked open revealing a distraught looking Y/N, her tired eyes made redder by the stream pouring from them. He was taken back by the sight, the shock not lasting long though as she attempted to slam the door in his face. Clearly underestimating the reaction time of an F1 driver as he swiftly wedges his foot between the door, stopping her from closing it as he barges past into her room. 
“I don’t want to talk to you Lando- why are you even here? You clearly don’t want to talk to me so just go..” 
“Wha- what gave you that impression?”
Y/N turns to look at him - straight faced, a scoff passing her lips. 
“You’re joking right?! You ignore every message I’ve sent you and you ask me why I think you don’t want to talk to me??” 
He stiffens as he realises his mistake this morning, too caught up in his own problems that he glossed over hers, he knew that her message would be about the pictures after his call from Zak but he didn’t know what to say to her - the way that Zak spoke to him earlier made Lando feel the need to distance himself from Y/N and the whole situation, something he thought he could manage until he heard her gut wrenching sobs and all his rational thoughts went out the window. 
His face softened as he reached out to her. “Y/N look I’m so sorry about that, I didn’t mean to upset you- I’ve just been caught up in a PR nightmare this morning and everything’s slipped my mind” she sniffles, eyes meeting his “it’s my fault isn’t it, the PR nightmare? Its cause you spoke to me” Lando notices her eyes welling up again as she spoke, he steps forward, his hand wrapping around her smaller one giving it a gentle squeeze - his other hand rising to cup her cheek (too close to the way the stood just the day before when everything began to go wrong). 
“Y/N no it's not your fault. This happens- way too often for my liking but no way is it because of you. It's the fault of nosy journalists and gossip pages that want to tear apart every aspect of my life and I'm sorry you got caught up in it. I can imagine some of the things you’ve seen people say about you today and I want you to ignore it for me okay- it’s just jealous, horrible people with nothing better to do okay? Don’t believe a word of it”. Lando stared at her, still holding her hand so gently as if he applied the slightest pressure that she might break. She nodded her head softly in response to what he said, a small smile breaking through the pained expression she wore since he walked in. He beamed at the change in mood, wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug. He had felt such guilt after ignoring her last night - he was so wound up by her brothers outburst towards him and being so close to his first win that he had given her the cold shoulder, choosing to drown his sorrows in alcohol and loud music instead of responding to her attempts at checking in on him.
Y/N melted into the hug, she hated the way that Lando made her feel so warm in the short time she had spent with him, especially after how cold he had made her feel only the night before, she felt she owed him in a way to hear him out, knowing how messy it can be living in the public eye. She was so glad she did as she stood there basking in the warmth his touch gave her - she felt embarrassed that he had this big of an effect on her, brushing it off and blaming it on how emotional she’s been all day making her overly thankful for his comfort. 
“Feeling better love?” he pulled back from the hug, hands still holding either side of her shoulders - that cheeky smile he always wore gracing his face as he gazed into her eyes. She giggled lightly at the sight before it became a full fledged laugh as he giggled back, smile stretching wider. They stayed like that for a moment just laughing as they held each other. Once they both quieted they sat down together on the sofa just enjoying each other's company. 
“I’m sorry about yesterday by the way, I don’t like arguing with people, George just set me off I guess- but it didn’t give me a right to take it out on you, thank you for checking up on me Y/N” sincerity oozing from every word that passed his lips. 
“Don’t worry about it Lando, but hey guess we’re both in George's bad books right now” she spoke solemnly, fiddling with her hands in her lap. Lando took her hands into his own as he noticed her anxiety bubbling. 
“What happened?” he was honestly quite shocked at her words not believing that her and George could have a full  blown fight. 
“I hurt his feelings pretty bad- I was going on about how scared I was that someone might do too much digging now that the attentions on me and find out that we’re related, I guess it sounded like I resented being his sister and he stormed off slamming the door on me before I could properly apologise, he just can’t understand that I’m scared it will just make all my hard work amount to being an ‘F1 drivers sister’ and not be recognised for my own achievements” she sighed, squeezing his hand softly as she spoke.
“I understand Y/N and I think he will with time, I personally hope that he’ll get over us talking- especially after yesterday, he’s never been that pissed at me before” he chuckled lowly, thumb rubbing the back of her hand. 
“He’ll get over it, he just doesn’t know how to react to me talking to anyone of the other gender without freaking out” she rolled her eyes as she recalled every time George had interrupted a conversation of hers, pulling her away from whatever guy she speaking to at the time before giving her a classic older brother lecture. 
“Good to know- guess I’ll have to start sneaking around and seeing you in private ey?” winking at her jokingly but catching the way her face flushed in response. Cute 
“It’s honestly not a bad idea though, that way we avoid any more media upset, you don’t have to worry about your identity and I don’t have to face the rath of your brother for simply just talking to you” Lando laughs nudging her shoulder as she giggled at his words. 
“I like the sound of that Lando”
“So do I” 
thanks for reading <3
taglist : @bicchaan @lauralarsen @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @ssararuffoni @cherry-piee @eviethetheatrefreak @2pagenumb
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padyprongs · 1 day
I love your writing, could you write an Azriel and Reader story where she has long nails, and he’s obsessed with them? All fluff, but he likes when she plays with his hair or scratches his head, and everyone teases him? Thank you, love youuu
Azriel x reader fluff
Based on this old request :)
Having the entire family together in one room was rare nowadays. Everyone was seated around the fire place, empty bottles of wine and snacks scattered around the room.
It was now several hours later since dinner. Some of your family members had retreated back to their rooms. The only ones to stay behind were Cassian, Nesta and Mor. Along with you and a clearly drunk Azriel, who was currently leaning his head against your chest, the rest of his body resting half on top of yours.
The two of you had settled on one of the couches in the River House. Azriel had decided to shift his body around one hour ago, finding it more comfortable to lay on top of you than sitting down. He didn't even care about his family seeing him snuggle up to you, even though they were too focused on their own conversations to even notice.
You had smiled when he relaxed his entire body against yours. He had grabbed your hand after a few minutes, placing it on his back. You knew what he wanted from you, he didn't even have to ask.
It had actually become a habit over the years. He had always loved your long nails, even before being mated. It didn't matter if he was the one holding you or the other way around, he always wanted you to scratch his head, trace patterns on his back or play with his hair.
It calmed him down. Cleared his thoughts, he had once told you.
You were still listening to Mor and Cassian's conversation while continuing to play with your mates hair when Nesta caught your attention, smiling at the sight of the two of you. Your family never really got to see this side of Azriel.
Your eyes turned back to Azriel, his eyes now closed and his breathing soft and even.
"Look how cute." Mor beamed. You just continued to play with his hair while rolling your eyes.
"Can you just be quiet about it. It's a good thing he's asleep." you told her softly.
Cassian stared at the two of you. "Are you... scratching his head?" he questioned confused.
You sighed, sending Nesta a quick look that told her help. You and Nesta were the only sober ones in the family. Most of the time along with Az, but he decided to just go for it tonight.
"Yes I'm scratching his head, Cassian. Are you jealous?" you asked his, cocking your head.
Cassian's eyes widened, but after a few seconds he started laughing, Mor following. "So that's where the long nails are for! I always wondered why you kept them at this length." he said between the laughter.
They were so annoying when drunk. Mostly Cassian.
"I keep them long because I like the way it looks. And it has its perks." you told him with a sigh. There was no way in explaining yourself. They would most likely forget about this by tomorrow.
"Cute little shadowsinger." Mor said with a giggle.
Azriel huffed against your chest, shifting slightly. He was clearly awake.
"Sorry for disturbing your sleep." you whispered against his head, your hand never leaving his head.
"Never your fault." he spoke so silently you almost didn't hear him. He shifted his body so he could sit.
"Thank you for disturbing my sleep, dickheads." he said in the direction of Mor and Cassian who had finally stopped giggling. "It's not my fault your hair is too dirty to even touch." Azriel shot at Cassian, who looked hurt by his words.
He looked between Azriel and Nesta. "That's not the reason you don't scratch my head. Right?" he asked Nesta unsurely.
Nesta only rolled her eyes, tugging at his sleeve. "Let's go to bed before you hurt your own feelings even more." she gave you an apologetic smile before disappearing out of the room with Cassian, who was still whining to her about his hair being dirty.
Mor trailed after them soon after, giving the two of you a wave. "Have fun scratching each other." she quickly said over her shoulder.
After they all disappeared you fell back against the couch with a sigh. "If they remember this tomorrow they will never let us live this down."
Azriel laughed softly. "Don't worry, they will most likely forget this happened." he said as he stood from the couch. He almost lost his balance as he got to his feet.
You quickly stood, helping him stay steady. "I'm not even sure you will remember this tomorrow." you told him with a snort.
Azriel turned his head to you. He groaned, placing his hands over his face. "I can't even see you clearly. I hate it when I can't see you clearly." he said. "I want to kiss you, but I can't really see your lips."
You laughed, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Let's get you to bed Az."
He leaned into your touch, attempting to move his head closer to your face. "Promise to scratch my back?"
You had to bite back a laugh. "Of course Az."
You didn't even have to scratch his back once you got to your bedroom, since he fell asleep the moment his body touched the mattress.
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lurkingshan · 3 days
10 Things I Love About Triage
I am extraordinarily late to this party but I am here to scream about Triage, a show which I started on a whim after a stray comment from @incandescentflower and subsequently finished in two sittings. This drama has been on my list forever (I didn't watch it live because the distribution was wacky) and then it just kept getting overlooked as I fought to keep up with the deluge of Thai BL coming at us at all times. But I am very glad I finally hunted it down and made the time and I would like to tell you why!
Hello Again, Dr. Sammon
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I am on record as a Sammon fan. She is one of the best writers working in Thai BL and she has a knack for mystery and suspense. Her narratives are always really well constructed with tight plotting and smart character work, and Triage is no exception. This story feels confident, steady, and complete in a way few Thai BLs do.
The time travel rules are blessedly consistent
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Part of what makes the story sing is it's a time travel plot that actually gets the particulars right. In a time loop, the details are everything, and this show understands that. The series of events are consistent, the rules of the time travel mechanics are clearly explained, and when our protagonists learn something new, it always lines up with something we'd gotten hints about before or gives us new context for old information. There are no loose threads in this show.
My boy Tin is going through it
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Tin is a fantastic protagonist. He starts the show disillusioned with his work and hilariously grumpy about this time loop situation--he is a busy ER doctor and he does not have time for this--but as he starts to piece together how the loop works he gets more methodical in his approach, and eventually becomes emotionally invested in his mission to save Tol. Tin felt really well-calibrated in that he was smart and he tried all the things you would be shouting at the screen for him to try, but he's still a human being with flaws and insecurities and so he makes mistakes, learns, and has to try again. The show really successfully put us in the frustration with him.
Tol makes for an interesting damsel
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Because he's kind of an asshole! Tol is rude and disrespectful when he first meets Tin, he hangs around with some truly awful bullies, he treats Rit like garbage, and he's all around an arrogant dick. Until he isn't. I like the choice to make the focus of our mission such a difficult character, not only because it makes Tin's challenge that much harder, but also because it invites us to consider the reasons why someone might be behaving the way he is and whether they can be redeemed.
This show has everything: action, romance, and agony
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It's truly an emotional rollercoaster all the way through, and you can't relax for a moment. The pacing is relentless through most of the show, and even as a bond develops between Tin and Tol and they begin a tentative romance, danger is lurking around every corner. As soon as these boys started making out in episode 9 I knew something awful was coming for me and IT SURE DID.
Jinta, the ultimate frenemy
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On that note let's talk about Jinta, my nemesis!! Jinta is some kind of unspecified deity/whimsical god and the one who appears to be responsible for putting Tin and Tol in this loop. Is he trying to help them? Is he trying to torture them? I definitely think it's both! He seems to delight in showing up to taunt Tin as he struggles to figure out how to get through to Tol, and when it's Tol's turn on the merry-go-round he sends him to the darkest timeline for his high stakes final attempt to save Tin just because he can. I love/hate you, sir!
Sing and Gap and the darkest timeline
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Speaking of which, can we talk about how appropriate it is that Sing and Gap are a couple only in the darkest timeline? I don't know if people were shipping this for real during the live watch, but I definitely was not and so I started cackling when we got to the worst possible timeline and Sing was suddenly calling Gap his boyfriend. Sammon, you are hilarious and I salute you.
Fantastic side characters
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Let's talk about the sides I did love. First of all, aside from his weird aggressive flirting/not flirting thing with Gap, I actually did like Sing's friendship with Tin a lot. I also loved the hospital gang who were around to alternately tease and help Tin, most especially Toy and Fang. Toy is a sweetheart and a gossip who never misses a trick, and Fang is an actual badass who first cracked the case with that evil doctor and saved Tin's life. They are fabulous. Rit was also an excellent character with a lot of complexity and he added some much needed depth to the school storyline (does anyone else think he was basically the proto-DFF Non?). And while Mai and Heart were not my favorite people, I did appreciate that the show gave them a sympathetic portrayal instead of making them evil villains (we had the organ harvesters for that).
That beautiful clocktower
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I must give a shoutout to this gorgeous clocktower featured in several important scenes. I got so excited every time it showed up. Fun fact: in the first clocktower scene I was like oh hey I recognize that from gifs, but it can't be that scene because it's too early for a kis--TIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING! (I was right, it was too early for a kiss and Tol was Big Mad but bless you for going for it anyway, Tin).
The romance is balanced and rootable
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And on that note, let me give a shoutout to the romance part of this story for actually feeling balanced. This is not an epic swoony love affair, but more a story of two people putting in the time to understand and empathize with each other. Sometimes in these kind of time loop stories the romance can end up feeling very one-sided because one character is holding all the knowledge and all the cards. But in this show we have the neat trick of Tol taking over the loop to try to save Tin in the final arc, which means he got to go through a similar process of getting to know the darkest version of his lover and figuring out how to get through to him. I was delighted by all the events of the long loop playing out again, but this time with Tin being the obstinate one. Tol got a taste of his own medicine and it left me feeling like they were both equally invested in this relationship.
TL;DR: If you haven't watched this yet, you really should! It's a fast binge and a great time with some Thai BL favorites. It's unfortunately still not available for international streaming, but it's very easy to find grey now and it's worth the effort. Go forth!
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bitin-and-barkin · 3 days
Keeping him in line
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Warnings: Gunfucking, facefucking, shoe humping, sub Dutch, he's like super pathetic honestly, humiliation (Dutch Receiving), degradation, gender neutral reader, dom reader, the reader is SO fucking mean, Dutch deserves it tho, masochism, pain kink, anal, smut, all consensual dw, I like to think this could've stopped the downfall of the gang
Thinking about being an "old friend" of Dutch.
Used to go out robbing with him back in the day, until some crap went down. He thought you died, and you thought the same for him. But after the blackwater incident, a long overdue meeting happens when you both try to rob the same train.
Thinking about him "Inviting" (practically begging) you to join him, even though you both know you're doing damn well on your own.
Thinking about once you graciously agree, he's consulting you for every little thing, saying something along the lines of "let me consult the missus/mister" before he plans any jobs, finally taking SOMEONE'S advice other than his own. Treating you like Hosea, like himself. A higher up, a leader, despite you having never set foot in this gang in over 10, 15, years.
Thinking about him insisting that you don't have to do any of the "dirty work" if you don't feel like it. Barking orders at others to "take care of it" while dragging you back to his tent for no reason at all, other than to just smoke and drink and chat about everything and nothing.
Thinking about others being weirded out and slightly jealous of all the praise and approval you get from him, with even Molly questioning if he's sweet on you. Everyone is thinking it, that maybe he had something going on with you in the past. But, even when he was with Annabelle? He had never treated her this kindly.
Thinking about him catching glances at your fingers while you handle your gun, the way you draw it and shoot in the blink of an eye. Watching your hands move as you play poker at camp, making everybody else at the table go broke.
Thinking about him watching the way your chest heaves in and out after a gunfight. Watching the way your silver tongue talks them into money and out of trouble, even better than he or Hosea can.
Thinking about him stating he needs to "take a break" with Molly due to him "needing some time alone" while she watches him talk to you the same way he used to chat with her, but with actual longing in his eyes.
Thinking about you talking to him, almost down to him, with a certain smug look on your face as he looks at you with a certain devotion on his. You calling out the flaws in his ideas and plans, doubting him, doing things that would get anybody else labeled as a traitor. But not you. Anybody but you. As when you do it? All he can do is sit there and take it.
Thinking about you pushing him down by the chest where he sits anytime he does something or says something that you don't like. Knocking his drink out of his hand in front of everybody when he gets too out of line.
Thinking about punishing him for his behavior at night, taking long drags of his cigar and putting it out on his arm as you grip his hair and shove his face into his bed as you fuck him into the sheets.
Thinking about you leaving bruises on his neck after you choke him too hard for being too mean to one of his boys or after one of his infamous plans fuck up once again.
Thinking about making him rut up against your boot as you face fuck him, saying he isn't deserving of even touching you, and if he wants release he has to work for it himself. Stating that your shoes better be shining when he's done down there as he rubs his dick against your spurs, desperate for friction.
Thinking of you fucking him with his own gun after he begs you for more, with you degrading him for getting a hard on. Asking him what the Pinkertons, what his gang, would think if they learned that Dutch Van Der Linde himself is no more than a common whore. One barely good enough to fuck. Saying that maybe you should turn him in, that way you can use the money to buy a whore that actually does what they're told.
Thinking about him crying into your lap as he begs for release, and all you do is laugh at him and shove him off, leaving him alone and aching after you climax and he doesn't. Knowing that he needs this punishment to keep him in place.
Thinking about him palming himself for the rest of the night and choking himself with a tie you got him a long time ago, fucking himself stupid with your gun which you left in his tent. But it's not enough. Such a greedy boy. It's never enough for him.
That's why you have to keep him in line. It keeps him sane.
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hazz-a-bear · 3 days
FOODS FOR WORMS, wen junhui
♡⸝⸝ loving junhui comes to you as easy as breathing. so it's only right that you love him with everything you've got till you're nothing but foods for worms to eat.
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.ᐟ fluff. comfort. junhui cries and he should never cry, especially on his birthday. very mild soonyoung slander because he's an alleged furry.
🎧 everywhere, everything - noah kahan, gracie abrams
A/N - This is a love letter to Wen Junhui and nothing less, nothing more. I hope he receives all the love he deserves not only on his birthday, but for the rest of his life <3
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The tenth of June was probably one of the most special days for you.
It was circled with a red marker on the calendar on top of your desk, there was a permanent countdown on your phone leading up to the day and it was also the sequence of numbers that acted as the password to all kinds of devices you owned.
Which, now that you think about it, is probably the most predictable thing and also the reason Soonyoung keeps getting access to your wifi from a five-mile radius of your apartment. But even after years and years of using it, you still haven't gotten the heart to change it. Not even when your internet provider, very concerningly, handed you a bill of your rising wifi charges and a list of browsing history you were honestly too scared to look at.
( You should probably ask him about the context of 'Help I accidentally started a cult' and 'Is it illegal to own a pet tiger?' but it's Soonyoung, so you're sort of glad you never did )
( It's still not as bad as 'Am I a furry if I pretend to be a tiger around people?' though, you have to agree )
The moral of the story is surprisingly not the fact that you should change your wifi password from 100696 so your boyfriend's best friend can't easily feed off of the service that you pay for with your money. ( For diabolical reasons that is, by the way )
The actual moral of the story, however: June 10th is a special day.
Junhui likes to call it his birthday. You like to call it his heritage day, his womb escape anniversary and the day that gave the world what would be the best gift of your entire life.
The fascinatingly beautiful being that is Wen Junhui was created nine months prior and was grazed upon this earth on the 10th of June.
Okay, that's a weird way to put it.
It's Junhui's birthday.
And you are anything but normal about it.
As always, the celebrations start on June 1st itself. You wake him up with a celebratory birth-month breakfast consisting of his favorites - pancakes with blueberries for eyes and a whipped cream smile for a mouth. Junhui gets up every year with a shy smile and a 'Sweetheart, you didn't have to do this' knowing damn well you're not going to be stopped from celebrating him at any point.
The two of you usually stay up the day before his actual birthday. Curling up on the couch with a show on the TV, it's tradition for the two of you to just rest and enjoy the silent night.
This time, Junhui saunters up to you just as you're finishing cleaning up the kitchen after dinner on the ninth of June. With a coy smile, he pulls you into the living room before sitting down next to you on the couch, quickly draping all over you and finding his comfort spot tucked into your side.
As some kind of show plays in the background, you pull him impossibly close to you. Between zoning out and focusing on the plot of the show, you press small fluttering kisses to the crown of his head. Junhui preens and leans into you like a cat, chasing the press of your lips with a tilt of his head. When you pull away at some point, he turns to you with the smallest pout on his lips.
The two of you spend the majority of the night like that, basking in each other's warmth and counting the minutes leading up to the second the clock strikes midnight.
And when it finally does and your phone chimes with a buzzing alarm to announce that yes, the day that you've been counting down is finally here, you turn to him.
Junhui knows the drill so he easily goes when you shift him to face you. There's a hint of a smile pulling at his lips because he knows what's coming.
The clock reads, ⩇⩇:⩇⩇
"It's your womb escape anniversary" Your voice is nothing above a whisper because the two of you are that close already.
"You're never going to stop calling it that, are you?" He sighs but he's clearly trying to hide a grin as he does.
"Never" You shake your head before you bring up a hand to gently cradle his face.
You let yourself stare shamelessly at the face of the man you've loved for what feels like an eternity.
"Happy Birthday, my love" You let the back of your fingers caress the soft skin of his cheeks. "Thank you for letting me share all your days"
Junhui smiles before he brings up a hand to wrap around your wrist. He tilts his head to press his lips to your palm before he holds it close and peers into you with his eyes that you fall in love with every day.
"Thank you"
When you lean in to kiss him, it's all slow and languid, much like the love the two of you share. There's nothing urgent about it, just a continuous press of fluttering lips like you're breathing each other into your lungs. You hold him by the back of his neck, fingers tangling in the fabric of his t-shirt as he presses his lips to yours in a final kiss.
"I love you"
"I love you more", comes out easier than breathing.
On the day of his birthday, usually, the two of you would get an off day to spend the day by yourselves doing whatever Junhui's heart desired.
The year before last, he wanted to go to the Ghibli Studio Museum. The trip, no matter how impromptu or unplanned it was, had been one of the best trips you've ever been. More than the shops, the rides or seeing all the characters from your favorite movies, what made you happy was the sight of Junhui running around the place with twinkling eyes, a beaming smile on his lips and a stuffed Totoro tucked under his arm.
Last year, he very cheekily asked if he could go to one of those build-a-bear showrooms and you were getting in the car as fast as you could, driving to the place at god's speed with Junhui beaming happily in the passenger seat. Totoro from Tokyo gained two new brothers that day - a rainbow bear Jun had named 'Sir Bear the II' and a brown bear you very confidently decided to call not Dirt but 'Durt'
This year, everything was usual from the birth-month breakfast in bed to the mandatory birthday shenanigans Junhui decided to be a part of. But when you'd asked him what kind of adventure he'd like to take on the day itself, Junhui had very carefully sat you down on the edge of the bed with his hands lacing yours.
"Will you believe me if I said I just want to spend the time with you?"
You swear your brain short-circuited for a moment before you managed to kick-start back into reality, asking him what he's trying to say. He had been so sweet as he explained how exhausted he was after all the work he'd been buried under recently. Moving back and forth through countries, doing an ungodly amount of work and on the edge of a teetering peak of his career, he cast his eyes down as he asked you,
"I want to stay home this time, spend the day with you. Just us two, is that okay?"
Not that you were going to, but how can you ever say no to a man ( a child in disguise ) with big brown eyes and a pout that can make you kill for him.
"Of course it's okay. It's your day angel, we're celebrating you. We can stay at home, of course." You had assured him "But there must be something fun that you want to do, no? You can't spend your birthday stuck at home with me all day. That'll get boring, Junnie"
So that is what led you to this situation - slipping out of bed at six in the morning to quietly make your way into the living room.
In hopes of not disturbing Junhui who's still curled up on his side, soft hair falling to his face as he sleeps, you grab your clothes and make your way to the guest washroom to get ready for the day.
Once you're done with your shower, you pad into the kitchen to start breakfast. The pancake mix had been sitting in the fridge already so you turn on the stove before pulling out a batch of berries you'd picked up from the market yesterday. And as quietly and fast as you could, you get the signature pancakes with blueberry eyes and whipped cream smiles done before he wakes up.
It's almost seven when you're cleaning up the kitchen, the plate of breakfast sitting on the counter next to a large gift bag and a pink envelope addressed to my moon.
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My moon,
Hi, my angel. By the time you find this, I'd probably be out of the house. If not I'm probably hiding behind the couch but don't look for me there. I know you don't like waking up to an empty house but I promise love, I'm just out to get you some flowers. That's an excuse for you know I can't stand the sight of you even slightly sad and that's why I ran.
But I'll be back with your flowers before you even realize I'm gone, okay? Don't worry too much pretty boy.
You know that I'm not good with words, Jun, that's why I'm writing a letter in the first place. If only I had the guts to say all this to your face. Because you deserve nothing else, baby, nothing else. But I'm a coward when it comes to voicing out my love to you so here I am in the kitchen at three in the morning, two glasses of wine deep because I'm scared I'll mess this up if I'm sober or if it's not dark outside.
So, it's your birthday today - and no matter how many times you ask me to be normal about it and not call it your womb escape anniversary and make a whole scene - you know I'm going to
When else am I going to celebrate you, my Jun?
You know that if I could, I would, everyday for the rest of my life. Because you deserve nothing less than that.
Sometimes you say that you don't deserve me, or that I'm too good for you. And it makes me so sad because, Jun, what you don't realize is how lucky I am to have you in my life. If anything, I'm not good enough for you.
When I met you years ago, you still in your bleached hair, I never thought for a moment that you'd be the person I'd want to spend the rest of my life with. Not because I never saw you as someone I'd want to share my life with, but rather because how? How in the world can I call you, the kindest, the prettiest and the most beautiful soul I've ever met, mine.
Every single day that I wake up to you lying next to me, I thank the moon for bringing you to me. I don't know what good I'd done in my past life to have this kind of love, have you in my life.
I hadn't realised something was missing from my life till you showed up in front of me, Jun. With your silly little smile and your pretty face and the bounce in your step, you slowly opened the door to a world I had never even known to exist before. I hadn't realised what it meant to love until you came along angel.
I thought I'd been in love, before, you know? I thought love was fancy dinners in restaurants I couldn't afford for a night. I thought love was kisses that you share for the whole world to see. I thought it was going our my way to make myself better for someone else.
But, no.
You're the one who showed me that love is the 'good morning' you mumble around a toothbrush, the leftovers you put in the microwave for me, the sticky notes on the fridge, sending pictures of the sky even if it looks ordinary, the hair tie you keep around your wrist. Love is the way you follow me around the house, the way I cling to you when I come home. Love is putting a blanket on me when I fall asleep on the couch. Love is raising little pixel babies and running a shop in cats & soup.
I think loving you is the easiest thing I have ever done, Junhui. It comes to me as natural as breathing. I didn't need a handler or a guidebook to learn how to love you - actually, I don't think I learned at all. Loving you was so easy that I didn't even realize I did. I didn't realize how much I loved you until I thought about losing you.
You asked me once what my biggest fear was and I said heights because I'm a coward like that. But in truth, a life without you is my biggest fear, I think. Now that I have you, now that I've gotten a taste of what being loved by you feels like, I don't think I'll ever want to let you go. I'm scared I'll never want to let you go. I hope you never want to let me go either, my love. I don't think I'll ever be okay with that.
People like you and me, we don't let ourselves have nice things, Jun. We think it's a burden to be loved, to love. We think it's too much to want to be held and cared for. We think we don't deserve to be loved. But we do. We can have that, my love. You, me, we all deserved to be loved gently. We all deserve the impromptu flowers and the good night message and the 'I love you's. It's hard to not listen to the tiny voice in the back of your head saying you don't deserve this, but you do, Junhui. You deserve to be loved for your soul if not much more.
As much as you don't believe me when I say you're the best thing that happened to me, deep down we both know that each other is what keeps us grounded, we both know. You keep me afloat, Junhui. When I feel like a ship wrecked in the middle of the ocean, you're the one who keeps me afloat and guides me to the shore. You might not know it or not believe it, but without you, I'd be falling apart.
Without me, I believe you would be okay. Manage. But ultimately, I wouldn't be okay without you.
So, as selfish as it sounds, I'm going to let myself have this one thing for the rest of my life. I'm going to keep you next to my heart and love you for as long as you let me have you.
Selfishly, I can only ask you to do the same. Love me as long as you can, keep me in your heart for as long as you can, my moon.
Happy Birthday, angel. I love you for an eternity.
From earth, to the moon, underwater, on shore, with every star in the galaxy, I will love you with everything I have till we're foods for the worms to eat.
Yours forever.
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You knew it was going to make him cry, you knew. That's one of the main reasons you left the house with an excuse to get flowers. You could have gotten the goddamn flowers delivered to your doorstep. Hell, you could have even done it yesterday. But if there was anything you hated, it was seeing Junhui cry. So running away with a flimsy excuse seemed like the best thing to do at the time.
Junhui knew it too - how much it pained you to see him cry. He also knew that it had taken a lot out of you to write that letter. You've never been comfortable with professing your feelings into words and voicing them upright. You showed your love through random gifts thrown his way with a shy 'saw this and thought about you' or occasional 'did you eat?' messages throughout the day that translated into a quiet I love you.
Your love was quiet, but it was strong.
It seeps from you and circles around his whole being, holding him tight until he's grounded to the very earth he stands on. It kept him whole, kept him together.
So this, writing down everything on your mind, two drinks in or not, he knows it must have taken a lot out of you. And the mere thought of you sitting in the kitchen with your head in your hands, trying to turn your feelings into words, destroyed him.
He knows he should have stopped crying when he hears the familiar sound of the front door opening. You're back. You're back and god, he needs to get himself together.
You call out and he can hear the hesitance in your voice. You know he's read the letter and it breaks him to realize that you're probably nervous to face him after such a vulnerable pour of emotions. He wishes he could stop crying but it's so so hard when the words on the paper made him feel like he got stabbed in the heart. And the way some words were blotched in a way only tears could do, twister the knife in the wound even more.
So, here he is now, bleeding on the kitchen counter because he feels loved more than he has ever felt in his entire life of twenty-eight years.
You stand in front of him, lingering in the kitchen door as your face falls at the sight of him. He guesses he doesn't look his best right now. He's bracing himself up against the counter, trying not to fall even more apart as his fingers grip the letter. Valid.
He can't even answer you, let alone acknowledge you. He's still trying to stop his crying and failing miserably right in front of you.
Junhui watches as you carefully approach him with the bouquet you had brought home for him. It's a mix of daisies and baby's breath wrapped in a see-through paper and Junhui thinks it's so pretty. If he wasn't so preoccupied with his sobbing, he would have bounced up to you and accepted it with a big smile and a kiss on your cheek.
"You're crying" Junhui almost laughs as you blindly state the obvious. Your eyes are wide as you reach him, the bouquet still in your clutch. "Why are you crying"
"You're the one who made me cry" He says through his tears, tone accusatory. "This letter- what you wrote, yn it's- It's so...I don't even know- god"
With the force he throws himself at you, he's surprised you manage to stay upright. Junhui curls around your body, arms winding around your frame as he pushes his face to your neck. You can feel the way your skin dampens with his tears.
Carefully putting down the bouquet on the counter, you circle your arms around his shoulders and pull him into your embrace a little tighter.
"I didn't want to cry on my birthday" Junhui whispers, lips fluttering against your skin.
I'm sorry. "I'm not sorry, Jun"
You feel him still in your hold for a fleeting moment before he pulls back to look at your face.
"I'd wanted to say all that for a long time, Jun" You say as you bring a hand up to cradle his face. As always, he leans into it like a preening cat. "I'm sorry for making you cry. But I'm not sorry for anything I said"
Junhui lurches forward to hide his face again, another one of those heartbreaking sobs on the tip of his tongue. You hold him tighter, if it's even possible, as he breaks down on you. One hand rubbing comforting circles on his back, moving the both of you back and forth in a rhythm, you hold him until he's calmed down enough to breathe through his nose. When he pulls away this time, his face is crumpled in a kind of embarrassment and shyness.
"Oh, my baby" You can't help but coo at the sight of his flushed nose and damp eyes. "You're a wreck"
"Your fault" Junhui grumbles before bringing up a hand to wipe at his eyes. You chuckle as you cradle his face and wipe away the tears clinging to his cheek.
"Happy Birthday" You almost whisper, holding his face in the palms of your hand. "You look beautiful"
Junhui averts his eyes from yours, the shyness slithering up his spine at a rapid speed. He doesn't voice out his thank you but it shows in the way the tips of his ears turn red under wisps of soft brown hair.
"Oh- the flowers" You quickly move to pick up the bouquet from the counter. With a coy smile of your own, you hand it to Junhui who takes it with a smile and a soft,
"Thank you. They're so pretty"
Junhui is taller than you, so to land the kiss perfectly square on his forehead, you have to reach up on your tiptoes. Junhui laughs and ducks down when he realizes what you're trying to do. Lifting to hold him by the neck, you press your lips against his forehead.
Junhui only pulls you back in after putting away the bouquet. He takes you by the waist before leaning down to catch your lips with his, pressing forward and dripping honey sweet pure love onto you with a sealed kiss. Your hands cradle the back of his neck as he leans forward, tipping you ever so slightly backwards as his love bleeds through every press of his lips against yours.
Even when he pulls away to breathe, he keeps his forehead pressed to yours, holding you as close as he possibly could.
"I love you so much" You whisper. "I think I made that clear in the letter"
Junhui laughs before pulling you into a hug again. A proper one this time with your face pressed to his shoulder and his lips pressing kisses to the crown of your head.
Your fingers unconsciously grip the back of his shirt tightly like you're scared he'll disappear into the day before you. It makes him think back to what you're written on the letter. About how your biggest fear is a life without him. How you won't be able to live if you didn't have him.
And it makes Junhui come to a realisation of his own. Ultimately, he wouldn't be okay without you either.
Thinking back to how you had claimed you're going to keep holding on to him as long as you can, as selfish as it may sound, Junhui realises that yeah, this is what love means to him. This is the sole reason he's been standing for so long.
Even though there's still a voice in the back of his head screaming that he doesn't deserve this kind of love, he decides that yes, he's going to let himself have this. The pure need to selfishly love you for the rest of your lives overpowers whatever voice screaming at him anyway.
From earth, to the moon, underwater, on shore, with every star in the galaxy, he's going to hold on to this for as long as he can bear. Because there's nothing more he wants than to love you with everything he's got. All until you're food for the worms to eat.
Junhui, true to your words, very selfishly hopes that you keep his hands in yours and your heart in his until your fingers decompose.
For you're his forever as well.
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morganski-19 · 2 days
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 15
part 1, prev part
note: yeah, this one's going to hurt
Dustin takes a few days before returning to the hospital again. Not because he fully wants to. His mom has been too busy to drive him and Steve’s not really available either. Between work and a period of really bad migraines, Dustin hasn’t wanted to bother him. Which is new to him, but they both could use the break.
This time off has actually helped him some. He’s focusing a bit more on school. Getting assignments done on time and paying more attention in his classes. He’s been able to sleep a little better. Can almost get through the night without waking up in a cold sweat.
It’s been better. So Dustin decides to go visit Eddie again.
Steve’s walking next to him, now up to visiting Eddie. Finally, over whatever was keeping him from even thinking of going into the hospital room unless he needed to. Dustin’s glad, it’s been helping him.
There’s a nurse asking Eddie some questions when they enter. And he’s responding. With words. Not just grunts or blinks. But actual words. Dusitn almost can’t believe it.
“What year is it?” the nurse asks.
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Nineteen,” another breath, “eighty-six.” His voice is scratchy and dry.
“Great,” she marks something on her chart.
Dustin takes his seat next to Wayne, looking hopeful.
“What day of the week is it?”
Eddie closes his eyes, as if he’s trying to pull the memories from his mind. He shakes his head. Looking tired and agitated. The nurse marks another thing on her chart.
Dustin looks to Wayne, the joy in his face falling when he sees the anguish in Wayne’s eyes. There’s something more to this. Something’s wrong.
“Can you tell me what happened right before you came in here, Eddie?”
Dustin freezes and sees Steve tense out of the corner of his eye. Both of them looking to Eddie to see what he says. Knowing that he can’t say what happened. Knowing that he technically could. The NDA waiting for him is left unsigned.
Eddie huffs out a breath, struggling to inhale another one. Starting to peel off the bandages around his IV’s. Struggling, trying to sit up.
“Ed,” Wayne leans forward, trying to reason with him. “We talked about this yesterday. You can’t take those things off. They’re keepin’ you alive, son.”
Yesterday. This isn’t the first time. Eddie’s been more awake for at least a day and no one told him.
Dustin glances at Steve, seeing a mix of emotions on his face. Pain, worry, fear. A deep, rich sadness. Like he knows the words Eddie is going to say next. Knows how terrible they are.
“Fuck you,” Eddie exhales. The look in his eyes both blank and full of anger. He continues to pick at the bandage, succeeding in getting it off.
Wayne grabs Eddie’s wrist, pulling it away from his IV. “I know you don’t mean that.”
“Fuck,” breathe, “you.” The anger doesn’t leave Eddie’s face. Terrifying in how much is translated with how little is expressed. The tiredness holding his muscles back from properly emoting. Yet perfectly getting the point across.
Steve leans down to whisper in Dustin’s ear. “Maybe we should leave. Come back later.”
Eddie’s head lifts when he finally registers Steve and Dustin’s presence. A new flicker of something comes to his face. Just to melt off again. Back to the resting ghost that’s taken over.
“Out,” he snaps. Pushing his arm into the air and pointing at Steve. “Out.”
“I think it’s best you both leave,” the nurse interjects. Trying to hold the IV in Eddie’s arm as he continues to pull.
Normally, Dusitn would protest. Say that he needs to be here. That it would make things better. But it’s only a matter of time until the anger turns on him. He’s not sure he could take that.
Wayne has to pry Eddie’s hand away from the IV again, holding it close to the bar. Just like another cuff. Eddie’s using all of his strength to try and wrench it away. But he’s weak. Falls into the pillows breathless. Exhausted.
Tears start to form in his eyes as his face scrunches up. A soundless sob releasing from his throat. He tries to fight the nurse while she’s reapplying the bandage around his IV. Finally giving up.
Eddie opens his eyes again, finally looking at Dustin. Taking one more giant breath before saying the first thing to him since he died. Tears painting down his face. Pain indented in his eyes.
“Leave,” he whispers. Pleads.
Dustin stands and leaves the room, only making a few steps before his own sob breaks free. There was no look of recognition in Eddie’s eyes. No spark when he saw Dustin. Nothing to give him any solace that Eddie knew who he was. Knew what Dustin meant to him. Knew what happened in those last moments. As Eddie’s body crumbled in Dustin arms.
He remembered none of it. But it remembered him.
Steve pulls Dustin away from the hallway. Wraps his arms around him, holding the pieces as they fall. As the hope Dustin foolishly held shatters. He thought waking up meant Eddie was getting better.
He now sees how wrong that idea was.
They sit silently next to each other in the waiting room. Dustin’s tears drying on his cheeks. Steve not knowing what to say, so just not saying anything at all. It’s deafening.
Wayne finds them after some time. Sits across from them. Silent, until he clears his throat. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
Dustin wants to respond. Ask what happened in the days he wasn’t here. But his mouth can’t seem to open for the words to form.
“Eddie,” Wayne continues. “Eddie’s goin’ through a bit of amnesia after fully waking up. It’s making him angry, and he’s fightin’ just because of the pain. It’s nothing against you.”
Dustin wasn’t in the room when Will was possessed by the Mind Flayer. He’s only heard the stories from Mike. How Will didn’t remember him that much. Could barely remember his own mom. How the monster took the memories and hid them away. Smothered them. Sequestered Will in his own mind.
Eddie wasn’t controlled by the Mind Flayer. Or anything from the Upside Down. Dustin had given El a picture of Eddie and asked her to see if he was the only one in there. That there was nothing lingering in the depths of his mind that would take him away.
It apparently didn’t need monsters to do that. Sometimes life did that for them.
“Do they know when, if, the amnesia will go away?” Steve asks. Dustin still speechless.
Wayne shakes his head, fighting the mist in his eyes. “Could be days, could be weeks. Won’t know until he’s more conscious. He’s still in and out of sleep, probably won’t be up again till tomorrow.”
Tomorrow. Dustin can only hope that Eddie remembers him tomorrow.
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
@tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda,
@fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77,
@here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium,
@resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly,
@gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight,
@devondespresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug,
@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
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