#like i'm not her hugest fan or anything
cambrioleur · 29 days
hot take?
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seulgiwifeee · 4 months
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Secret Admirer pt. 2 || Seulgi
♡ Member: Classmate*Seulgi x
♡ Theme: ;)
♡ Warning: None
♡ Description: For months you've communicated with Seulgi by sending her secret admirer letters, but one day you decide to try taking things further between the two of you.
Word count: 4.6k
Seulgi furrows her brows, tilting her head at you with confusion, but still accepts the paper.
Jittering teeth chatter behind your sealed lips and you fiddle with the stray threads hanging from the hem of your skirt as you anxiously watch Seulgi unfold the note. Once she finally reveals it to herself, scanning over the written words, it takes everything in you to not shut your eyes out of fear, clutching tighter onto the fabric of your skirt.
♡ Surprise! I hope you're satisfied. ♡
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ ♡
— XOXO, Candy ♡
Seulgi reads the note out lowly, just enough for you to hear, repeating herself as her mind soaks in and fully comprehends the words.
"Candy.." Seulgi mutters to herself again, slowly lifting her head and staring at you with an unreadable expression. Was it shock? Impressment? Disgust?
To make this interaction go by quicker before you melt into a puddle of shame from the overlapping feelings that continue to sting at you, you reveal Seulgi's Valentine's gifts from behind you and show them off to her. "I.. I got you this."
You pull out a bouquet and set it gently in her arms. "I honestly don't know what kind of flowers these are, but since I saw they were orange and know that your favorite color is orange I bought them for you." You then hand her a tiny gift basket. "I got you this panda bear because you had mentioned it was your favorite animal, and I tried to craft you this uh.. sort of bouquet of lollipops thing instead of giving you anything chocolate related since I remembered you said you weren't the hugest fan of it.. And then there's just some filler confetti down there at the bottom and uh.. yeah.. that's it.
I know it's not a lot, it's just all I could afford and— yeah.”
You pin your focus on anywhere but Seulgi's direction as she takes the basket from you. You grab onto the ends of your pigtails tightly, nervously glancing up to watch her examine your gifts, seeing her pull the stuffed panda out for a better look. She checks out the little orange bowtie detail you'd sewn on it and the custom orange cursive of her name you had embroidered into the bottom of the plushie's foot.
Seulgi looks up at you again in what looks like disbelief, her lips parted in a small 'o.' You squeeze your pigtails tighter, trying so hard not to avoid eye contact as you wait for what she'll say.
"You.. You're seriously Candy? You're the one who's been sending me the admirer letters all this time?"
Your body hairs stick up cold, hesitantly nodding your head in confirmation.
You're so uncertain by Seulgi. There's no telling what her next move could be, but as of what it seems like right now, all you can do is just prepare for the worst for the way her silence is speaking for her.
You ball your shaky fists to your side, squeezing your eyes shut, not able to look at her for any longer as the deafening silence continues on, and the longer it lasts—the longer of it allowing your negative thoughts to speak to you—the more of the war between you and your self-consciousness takes over, your mind unfortunately winning and now has you feeling like you've messed up, badly.
"Seulgi.. I'm so sor—"
At last out of fear, you try to apologize to Seulgi for clearly wasting her time, but to your utmost surprise, your muscles go tense, gasping sharply from the feeling of small arms tied around you as you're forced into a sudden hug.
Your eyes shoot open from the unexpected gesture and your mind runs to a panic when you look down to see Seulgi tightly wrapped around you. You don't know what to do. You continue to stand there frozen in place for what feels like hours until Seulgi eventually lets go of you.
You cover your burning cheeks, staring at Seulgi in embarrassment and confusion.
"Wha—? What was that for?" you ask nervously in a hush, your trembling voice barely audible for even you to hear.
Seulgi smiles, placing her gifts on the bench and pulls you in for another hug, holding you less tightly than before which allows your body to seek comfort of what feels like a homey warmth into the embrace this time.
"Thank you."
You freeze, the contact and scent of her so close to you, the warmness of her voice melting into your ear as she abruptly expresses her gratitude for you, giving you all kinds of jumbled-up feelings you weren't prepared to feel early this morning. "Thank you? A "Thank You?" For what?!" You reluctantly wrap your arms around Seulgi's lower back, hesitant and unsure if this action is appropriate despite her already hugging you twice now.
"Everything!" Seulgi pulls back, grazing her slender fingers down your arms and holds onto your hands, sealing them together by locking your fingers. She gazes at you with gentle eyes. "From the letters to all the thought you put into these gifts, even if you think it's not a lot, remembering all of these specific things about me—No one's ever done anything like this for me!
Like, the determination you have with how consistent you've been for the past months with writing and sending me these letters, the way you're so polite and nice and understanding with me and never fail to keep me engaged. I can always tell you're serious about what you say, and the fact you built up all of this courage to reveal yourself to me despite being this seemingly shy person tells me enough about you and I appreciate it so so much.
My friends don't even have my birthday fully locked in memory, yet, you still remembered from one conversation we had weeks ago that I don't prefer chocolate?!
I don't know.. it just makes me so happy knowing there's someone in this world with all this devotion and would actually waste the time out of their life to do all of these amazing things for me so honestly I don't think I could say thank you enough!"
Your mouth falls in shock.
You weren't expecting this reaction, at all.
She didn't even question anything or think twice about the fact that you, her confirmed secret admirer, are a girl. "I— wow.. so, uh.. do you just not care that I'm a girl?.. a girl that has a crush on you? I mean, you seemed so sure that I was a boy when talking with your friends yesterday— I mean—" You slap your hand over your mouth.
"Well, I can't really say I was expecting my secret admirer to end up being a girl.. but between you and me," she whispers in a playful tone, looking side to side and leans in closer to your ear, "I never minded the thought of it happening."
Your tense gaze at her softens just barely. "Wait.. so.. do you like girls?" you ask, quickly biting back your lip, already regretting if this is too personal of an ask.
"Well—" Seulgi squeezes your hands tighter, cutting herself off by biting her lip as she stares off in thought, looking as if she's almost uncertain about herself. You break the silence, asking her again quickly, a more greater question. "Do you like me? You know, feel any attraction?"
Seulgi looks back at you, more quiet than she was before. "I'd be lying if I said that I've ever been attracted to you because well.. we've never really talked. I don't see you often and if I do you're just so distanced away from anyone, so I've never really been given an opportunity if m being honest..
But, I can say that I can definitely see myself getting to know more about you in the future and see where things can lead to after that."
Seulgi latches her palm onto your cheek, her thumb and pointer finger gently nipping at your baby fat. "And you're just so cute! How could I not want to?"
You blush deeper at her teasing, failingly covering the lower half of your face to hide your sheepishness. "So, does this mean you'll be my Valentine?!" you ask her excitedly, your eyes gleaming when she answers with a single nod. "I would love to—"
You interrupt Seulgi before she can even complete her sentence, this time, you being the one who brings her into a tight bear hug, snuggling your head deeply into the crook of her neck, taking in her sweet scent and embracing the feeling of her body so close with yours. "Thank you! Thank you!" you squeal into her neck.
You pull back, looking away from her embarrassed from your sudden outburst, and scratch your arm. Seulgi smiles, glancing ahead of you, then reaches over to grab her gifts from the bench and looks back at you. "Come on, we should probably go inside before school starts." Seulgi holds her hand out, inviting yours to join hers. You giggle shyly, slowly creeping your hand over until it links with hers. Then you two walk off. "You know, I did these pigtails today just for you because you said it was your favorite hairstyle. How is it?"
Seulgi smiles as you two enter the double doors. "Adorable."
Your tiny mind can't believe that this is truly happening. Not only is Seulgi your valentine now, but she's proud about it, showing it off to the world as you two walk through the hallways hand in hand, although the peers around you probably wouldn't think twice about you two, most likely thinking you're just close friends like every other that's girl seen in this school holding hands with another girl.
You couldn't remember a single thing your teacher mentioned in discussion during first period because all you could think about was wow—this is not a dream. You and Seulgi could potentially be girlfriends by the next few days, or weeks.. or months?.. yeah, you're still not too familiar with the idea of how quickly these relationship things begin and whatnot.
You barely even survived gym class; Seulgi letting you run with her during laps, standing next to her during stretches, and you doing horribly at trying not to be obvious when you'd admire the way her body coordinated in that now blessing of a uniform as she'd bend all around.
But you really knew the beginning of this relationship or bond thing between the two of you was going to be serious once Seulgi invited you to sit with her during lunch. No— forced you to sit with her and her clique, sitting you down right beside her and keeping you in close.
All eyes fell on you as the friend group looked at you, clearly confused as to why you were all of a sudden seated there with them today, and honestly were quite judging with their stares.
All that the staring made you want to do was hide, and you didn't even dare to try sparing any eye contact with these girls. "Who's she?" one of them curiously asked Seulgi, but the hidden tone in her voice sounded very uninvitingly of you being there.
"She's Y/N, one of my new friends!" Seulgi explained to her happily. "—Well, I've never seen you hang out with her," another girl chimed in, raising her eyebrow at the both of you, clearly trying to throw some sort of shade.
"Hence, why I said new friend. We got closer today," Seulgi clarified, her forced smile flashed brightly to mask the tinge of annoyance you noticed in her voice. She was starting to get irritated at all of her friends' judgment. You bit your lip awkwardly as you looked down at your lunch tray, already embarrassed by the thick atmosphere your presence alone just being there had already caused.
Before anyone could make any more comments about you, the girl sitting on the other side of Seulgi looked down, noticing the earlier gifts you had given sticking out from the opening of Seulgi's bag. "Oh my gosh, Seulgi! Who got you these? You have a valentine?!"
Immediately, the tension died down and you were already nothing but a lost topic as everyone leaned over the table to check out the gifts sitting alongside Seulgi. Seulgi waved for everyone to sit and calm down and pulled out the gifts so the girls could see better. "Yes, guys.. I do have a valentine!" Seulgi confirmed to them with a blush, rolling her eyes playfully and covering her mouth to hide her smug smile.
"Who is it?!" one friend demanded, the others murmuring around, wanting to know the same.
You quickly stole a glance over to Seulgi's direction, staring nervously as you wondered what she was going to say to them.
Seulgi shook her head at them. "I'm not telling you!"
"Come on! Why? Is he ugly or something?"
"No— of course not!" Seulgi defended. "You guys just don't need to know everything about my life," she told them jokingly, but behind the smile, it was obvious she was serious about her words.
All of her friends in unison sighed dramatically with a roll of their eyes. "Seriously? Come on! Just give us a hint! Is he from the football team?"
"Is he in our English language class?"
"Is he hot?"
"Do we know him?"
"Is he in here right now?—"
"—Okay guys stop. I'm telling you right now, you're not going to guess who he is! And no matter what you do or say I'm not going to tell you anything," Seulgi stated firmly.
"Okay whatever.. just know, we're still not going to stop bothering you about this until we find out who he is."
Seulgi sighed with a dry laugh, mixing in with her friends' ticklish laughter. The girls around continued to talk with and exchange Valentine's gossip with each other while Seulgi turned over to you, seeing how noticeably uncomfortable you had gotten as you stared down at your tray, not a single bite of your food eaten.
"Can you give me your phone for a sec?" Seulgi whispered to you. You looked up, uncertain of what she would possibly need it for, but nodded anyway and handed your unlocked phone to her.
Really, you were surprised in yourself at how quickly and easily you gave her your phone, not even thinking twice about all of the bad things she could've planned on doing with it.
Not too long after, she handed you back your phone while pulling out her own. You looked at her confused until you felt a vibration a few seconds later come from your phone. You glanced down, seeing a message notification from an unfamiliar contact.
| sorry about them.. they can be a handful to deal with sometimes haha
| also sorry for lying to them about us
| i know ur upset
| i've never told any of them that i find attraction in girls so i had to continue with the thought that my valentine was a guy
| it's nothing against you i promise :(
| I know.. I get it though :):
Seulgi frowned when she heard you exhale a sigh from beside her.
| yk i wish i could've given you something for valentines if i would've known it was you behind those notes
| i would've had something so cute for you!!!
| Oh, NO no it's fine! Really
| Just seeing you enjoy my gifts is perfect enough for me :D
| :) ♡
The corner of your lips reached your cheekbones as you smiled stupidly at your phone, blushing and your heart fluttering around as you read the messages, continuously scanning over the heart emoji she sent.
You turned to face Seulgi, shyly smiling at her while she smiled back. Your attention was brought back down once you felt the buzz of your phone again.
| you should probably eat before your food gets cold
| Oh yeah..
*hearted message*
*Contact name has been changed to
"Seulgi ♡♡♡"*
Seulgi giggled softly watching as you quickly stuffed a spoonful of rice in your mouth after placing your phone down.
You walked to your locker at the end of the day with a joyful heart. For once, you didn't feel like you wanted to hide from the world, you were proud of yourself, strutting down the once terrifying hallways, feeling the most confident you never thought you could be.
Crazy how much Seulgi's effect can have on a person.
After grabbing your belongings you exited the building by yourself, like always, and walked down the concrete steps. While making your detour to the sidewalk, you heard your name from afar get called out which quickly stopped you. You warily turned around, startled by the sudden yell, but settled your nerves once you saw Seulgi standing by the tennis court frantically waving over for you. You could see her motion two fingers for you to come, so of course with your obedient heart, you hurriedly skipped over.
When standing in front of Seulgi, you shyly fidgeted with your fingers. "Hi.."
"Hey, Y/N! Sorry for stopping you at a busy moment like this, but I just wanted to finally give you a Valentine's gift!"
"Really?!" you gasped, glancing down at her arms and the ground, though seeing nothing. "You know, you didn't have to.. What is it?!"
"Close your eyes," she instructed and with no hesitation you did as she said, holding your hands out, expecting a physical item to end up in your possession, but something happened that you weren't expecting in the slightest. Something you had only ever daydreamed of happening.. You wanted to scream, hide, run away, but you managed for your body to accept it, feeling Seulgi's tender lips pressed against your cheek, her lipstick staining pink on you once she lifted back.
By this point, you couldn't control yourself anymore, your legs and hands were shaking violently and you had lost all ability to speak as your jaw hung open. You knew you looked like an idiot, and your face had to have been as red as a chili pepper by then, you could feel the heat emanating from your shaken body.
"S..Seulgi..." you struggled out, entirely caught off guard by her action and touched your cheeks, gently patting on the area where her lips once were.
Seulgi winked at you, finally walking off. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
{One month later}
"I've never had a sleepover before," you admit quietly as you enter Seulgi's bedroom, looking around in awe, admiring the spacious room.
"Seriously? Never?!" Seulgi asks surprised, closing and locking the door behind her. You shake your head sadly and place your night bag near her bed.
"Well then," Seulgi starts, "I guess I'll just have to make this the best, most unforgettable sleepover you'll ever have!" She grabs you from the waist, pulling you in close to her side, and you bubble a coy laugh at the swift movement of her gesture, still not used to being this touchy with anyone. "So uh, what do people usually do at sleepovers? Is it like what the movies show?"
Seulgi shrugs. "I mean, guess they can be like that sometimes. You know, realistically it's usually more tamed down than the movies, but tonight we can just do what you want!"
"Oh, okay," you mumble with a nod, holding your thumb up.
"So, what do you wanna do?"
"I don't know.." you mumble awkwardly, "I guess we could watch a movie?.. People do that at sleepovers, right?" you suggest, your voice rising more high-pitched the more unsure you start to sound. Seulgi chuckles, seeing your lack of experience shine through. "Of course they do!" Seulgi turns on her TV and once on hands you the remote. "You can choose the movie."
"Oh uh, I'm not really that good at choosing stuff.." you mutter, hesitantly taking the remote.
"Don't worry, I'll watch whatever you put on!"
You nod with that and scroll through the catalog until you click on a random comedy movie that you thought was something Seulgi would enjoy. "Do you want anything to eat or snack on?" Seulgi asks as she turns off the light and gets ready to exit the room while you make yourself comfortable in her bed. You shake your head. "You sure?" She asks again and you nod reassuringly, although you are, in fact, hungry.
Seulgi arrives back as quickly as she exits the room, not wanting to leave her guest on her own for too long, and returns with a small carton of strawberry ice cream, your personal favorite, though she doesn't know.
Seulgi scoots next to you on the bed. "You readyy?" she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows playfully to spark your excitement. "Yup!" you reply, trying to mimic her brow movements to match her energy which only causes her to laugh more.
As the movie plays, you sneak glances over in Seulgi's direction from time to time, eying the ice cream, watching as the amount gradually gets smaller. Your glances don't go unnoticed once Seulgi notices your gaze in the corner of her eye and turns to you with a smirk. "Whatcha looking at?" she teases.
You quickly look away embarrassed and put your focus back on the movie, ignoring her question.
"You want some, don't you? Don't worry, you can have some if you'd like!" Seulgi holds her hand out, offering you the carton. You gladly take the ice cream, but once you pull out the spoon, you then realize it's the same spoon she'd been eating off of this entire time. Are you supposed to use it? Is this how friends share things at sleepovers? Did she just forget to give you a different spoon? You hold up the spoon, tilting your head at Seulgi.
"Oh sorry, did you want your own?"
Oh, so it was intentional.
You quickly shake your head at her. "Oh— uh.. no— no! It's good!" You use the used spoon to scoop up the ice cream and shakily place it in your mouth.
This is technically like a kiss, right, you thought. Did you just kiss Seulgi? Or maybe you're just thinking too much into it since you've never had any friends to live the experience of sharing food with before.
After swallowing your spoonful, Seulgi grabs the spoon from you, taking another scoop for herself.
For the next ten minutes of the movie, you and Seulgi take turns eating from the tub, somehow, during the middle of it, creating a sort of silent competition of who could successfully get the final scoop.
You won, afterward teasing and poking fun at Seulgi for being too slow. You two laughed it off, but as it calmed down, Seulgi just stared at you, silently, and continued to do so for a good couple of seconds. The longer she looked at you, the more you started to get self-conscious and ran back to your usual overthinking.
"What? What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" you ask nervously, wondering if she'd been staring at excess ice cream stuck to the corners of your mouth or if what you had thought you both knew was an just innocent game had instead gotten her upset.
"Nothing, you're just really pretty."
Your brain doesn't want to believe her words because after all, you probably do have leftover ice cream sitting on your face. Your hair's messily tied up, you still have on those big ass nerdy glasses.. you're literally wearing my little pony pajamas for goodness sake!
Overall in conclusion, right now you know you're just not attractive in the slightest bit, yet.. you just couldn't help yourself from blushing like a loser and covering your cheeks from the compliment.
Seulgi has called you "cute" and "adorable" many times during the last few weeks, and they definitely flattered you, yes, but this compliment was something new, something you never thought you'd hear from anyone's mouth seriously besides your mother. And in honesty, this was something your fragile mind had been needing to hear for a long time, especially in a moment like this where you're nothing but being and looking like your true self.
"N-No! You're pretty!— I mean— Aaggh!" You grab one of Seulgi's fluffy pillows and stuff your head into it, hiding your cherry-red face. Seulgi giggles at your reaction and leans in to hug you. "Stop, you're always so cute when you react like this!"
The force of her hug somehow manages to push you two down to your backs, her arms still wrapped around you and her leg slightly resting on top of yours. Seulgi pulls the pillow away, allowing your burning face to look at her, all flustered and shy of embarrassment. She smiles down at you and you giggle shyly, wanting to cover your face once more.
Soon, the embarrassment wears off, but now you and Seulgi just remain staring at each other silently. You don't even know why though, but you do know you sure don't want to look away. You can't. It's like there's a force keeping you like this.
Apparently, that force didn't want to just stop at eye contact because before you knew it, Seulgi's lips were pressed softly against yours.
Your foggy mind quickly wakes up, your eyes going wide as you look across at Seulgi whose eyes are shut closed, feeling deep into the kiss. You internally panic, not knowing how to react and look side to side now with so many new confusing thoughts and feelings as your lips mindlessly move in sync with hers.
Oh my gosh— your first kiss and it's with Seulgi.. Seulgi?!
You slightly squeal when you feel Seulgi's lips part and her tongue seek out to find yours. You don't what in the world to do, your virgin lips have never made out with anyone before, so you just try to copy what you feel her doing, mimicking the way her tongue rolls with yours while still looking around the dark room frantically. After a few seconds, you tense down and get used to this feeling, finally closing your eyes and allowing yourself to ease into the kiss.
You don't want this to stop, you want to taste the sweet strawberry coated all in her mouth some more, but after what feels like an eternity, yet somehow not long enough, you two softly pull back from the kiss, fluttering your eyes open and looking right into hers. You two can't even say anything to each other, Seulgi's face now blushing a deep red like yours.
As if it was possible, you were gaining even deeper feelings for Seulgi.. and with the way her eyes are admiring, you can tell she's starting to feel them too.
Without a second thought or word, you quickly dig into your pajama shorts pocket, pulling out a folded paper. You were going to give this to Seulgi the next day, having already made an entire plan beforehand for how you originally were going to use it, but after this kiss something clicked something in you, making you realize you had to do this action quickly because at this point, there was no room in your heart to wait any longer for something you so desperately desired.
Seulgi looks down, feeling the note placed in her hand, you continuing to stay silent.
You would normally be nervous at a moment like this, but the determination you feel drastically overweighs those feelings as you watch her unfold and read the note.
Will you be my G♡rlfr♡end, Kang Seulgi?
— Candy ♡
Seulgi looks at you with a blank expression, suddenly confusing you when she hops off the bed to pick up her school bag without saying a word. She sits back beside you, pulls out a pen, and takes the note.
You watch as she flips it over to the blank side and starts writing on it. Then with a smile, she hands it back to you.
It's about time you'd ask :)
— Candy's girlfriend
LOL hope you guys are satisfied with this ending sorry to keep you so suspenseful for so long
— Seulgiwifee ໒꒰ྀི♡˵ᴗ͈ . ᴗ͈ ꒱ྀི১
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lastweeksshirttonight · 9 months
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Did you want my notes on Strike Force Five episode one? No? TOO BAD! YOU'RE GETTING THEM!
(Heavy spoilers for episode 1 if you plan on listening soon!)
- I love the show's overall vibe and the "roles" that all of the guys play. It's definitely a free-wheeling, off the rails kind of show, where everyone is rambling over each other; the personalities involved can make or break this kind of podcast, and everyone thankfully is playing to their strengths.
Kimmel serves as the overall show runner and is seemingly the only one endeavoring to keep anything on track, which is a slightly thankless job with this group, but he's got a soundboard and all his radio experience guiding him. Colbert also leans into being the other "elder statesman", as it were, but is much easier to derail (and provides his own episode eclipsing derail I'll talk about later). Fallon is surprisingly reserved and a bit awkward - I'm not the hugest fan of Fallon, but in this podcast, that energy serves him pretty well. Kimmel introduces Seth as "the cute one" and he seems the most neutral so far, just there to ask questions and crack jokes. And John is their super sarcastic "evil teammate" who occasionally interjects to just destroy everyone. Perfect dynamics, 10/10, no notes.
- Seth qualifies his eyes as ocean blue. John says they're Gatorade blue. I don't think I've ever laughed harder at a description of someone's eyes.
- There's a point where I assume there must have been a really blunt edit, because Fallon changes the topic abruptly to having a doctorate. Otherwise, I love the image of Fallon just sitting on that revelation and WAITING, BURSTING to talk about how he has a doctorate, while everyone else talks about Kimmel getting paid summers off.
- Everyone mention multiple times that they have sponsors and are doing this show to help pay their staff during the strikes, which is lovely. This does not mean they aren't taking the piss out of their sponsors. I never thought I'd hear worse ad copy reading than I do on The Jeff Gerstmann Show (I love Jeff, don't get me wrong, but his ad copy screaming is hilariously bad), but the Casamigos ad in this is something else. John spends most of his reading time shitting on a bleeped-out competitor that he calls "not fit for human consumption", Stephen says "you're gonna wanna wipe your ass with it" and likens it to the smoothness of sheets you make love on, there's a disembodied "woo" at some point, Seth stumbles all over a few Spanish words, and Fallon delivers his lines in his awful fake French Timothee Chalamet puppet voice. It's pure chaos and I love it so much.
- Kimmel referring to "the despicable Matt Damon" made me so happy.
- John has never done a deposition. Kimmel saying "I'm surprised you're not in prison" gets lost which is sad, that's a fucking hilarious joke.
- Fallon tells an amazing story about his mom being a nun for a week. She left after being reprimanded for taking Lifesavers into the nunnery and then left. My late aunt and best friend, who was also a nun, probably would have loved Jimmy's mom, as she was always going on wine tastings and picked the order she joined entirely based on who would let her continue to drink after taking her vows. Jimmy also has a picture of his mom dressed as a nun holding a doll dressed as a nun, which is absurd and adorable.
- This leads to everyone but Seth confessing that they'd all thought about becoming priests at some point. That doesn't shock me about Stephen at all, tbf, knowing how religious he is.
- I have to shamefully admit that when John mentioned that he told his father he wanted to be a vicar, my brain went to an extremely Fleabag place and I had to rewind the podcast once I snapped out of it and realized I'd missed like 3 minutes of jokes (including a fantastic one from Seth about John having a doll of himself as a child, like Fallon's mom's nun doll).
- "Don't you want a whole new crop of relatives to visit and entertain?" "Do you wanna get cancelled?! :D" The two Jimmys everyone.
- Stephen reveals who he has everyone saved as in his phone, to prevent people from figuring out who his contacts are if his phone gets stolen. John's is Joliver, which 1) was his name as written on TDS scripts to differentiate him from Jon Stewart, and 2) as everyone points out, is a VERY easy code to crack. Don't really need Sherlock for that one.
- ONE OF US ALERT: Stephen collects weird late night shit, like a hat from The Chevy Chase Show (John literally goes "WOW") and a silk jacket from The Pat Sajak Show. I am very jealous of this collection.
- Next episode everyone will talk about first episodes. I cannot wait to hear John talk about how all over the place his first episode is.
- The big story, running joke, and completely wild admission from this episode - Stephen Colbert has a pair of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza's pants. Fallon asks how no one outbid him, and it turns out his MOTHER had them BECAUSE SHE DATED HIM. His uncle went to LaSalle Military Academy with Somoza, and Somoza stayed with them during holiday breaks. Everyone else in the room picks up on the idea that Stephen's mom probably slept with a dictator (or as Kimmel says, "made love to a murderer"), Seth claims his mom drinks coffee out of Ferdinand Marcos' skull, and every other male figure Stephen brings up for the rest of the episode is assumed to be someone his mom slept with.
If you asked me before listening to this podcast if I thought there were going to be a pile of elevated "your mom" jokes holding it together, I would have pretty strongly said "no". Surprises at every turn in this pod.
The beginning of this story also captures John SO STRONGLY, and he wants to hear everything about it. Definite Bugle vibes there, this man will never not want to hear about weird dictator facts. He also manages to completely kill Seth by saying "Anastasio Somoza's pants, brought to you by Casamigos".
- Finally, I have already sent an email to the show asking about Planet of the Bass, to make up for my complete failure to ask at the Q&A. I got y'all, we'll get this answer some day.
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parab0mb · 2 months
So, now that I finished the game (again) and the DLC chapters, I'm going to ramble about Crosscode C:
This game is really bizarre in the sense that, to be completely 100% honest, there isn't any particular part of the game that I think is all that mind-blowing. But all the individual elements (heh) of the game come together so well that the resulting product ends up being so much stronger and memorable than the sum of its parts.
Like, most indie games have one or several notable flaws or shortcomings (and understandably so) but this game is such an airtight experience that I can't help thinking about it and just being like "the how HECK is this game so GOOD?!"
...I am of course just getting started, I've got a wall of text of things I liked and thought her just "meh" under the 'keep reading' if you're interested (you've been warned (also spoilers obviously)):
The combat is definitely one of the strongest elements of the game and probably one of my personal favorites; its brutally difficult and sometimes feels like bullshit (and maybe there is one or two instances where it actually is just bullshit) but once you get the hang of it is really is flashy and satisfying and makes you feel badass to pull off. Plus its got the whole easy to learn, hard to master thing going on (like most of it is just charging SP and pressing the space bar, but knowing what moves to use and when def play into things).
I dunno how much of a hot take this is, but I really liked the puzzles in this game! I won't deny that they can sometimes drag on and interrupt the pacing of a temple, but personally I didn't mind. And just like the combat they're so well constructed that, while you'll spend minutes staring blankly reminded that you're a simple-minded creature and that the human mind wasn't made for this and you should be foraging for mushrooms in the woods and risking death over your next meal, they rarely feel impossible to solve without having to resort to a playthrough and are really satisfying to finally figure out (not to brag but there was exactly one puzzle in the game where I had to look up the solution and another where I did solve it on my own but then looked it up cause I thought I cheesed it by mistake). At first I wasn't a huge fan of how fast/precise you have to be for some puzzles on top of just finding out the solution in the first place, but after a while you kinda get used to it (and there is an option to slow things down which is really nice of the devs to include).
The story is... pretty alright. Yeah. I honestly don't have much to say about it. Bit of a slow pace, does the job, and has it's share of twists and emotional moments, but the narrative itself doesn't really do anything mind-blowing either so... you know. I definitely think it's the characters themselves that are memorable and prop up an otherwise average story. I mean every single one of them is just the hugest goober and even characters who initially seem forgettable or one-dimensional end up subverting your expectations and being super endearing/compelling/layered. Oh yeah, and Lea is a character that can only say like 10 words and SHE DESERVES THE WORLD I WOULD KILL FOR H-
Also, since the DLC is brand new to me I do wanna say that the ending was the tiniest bit underwhelming. Like you break into Vermillion Wasteland, fight a (surprisingly easy) boss, and that's... just it. Like 20 minutes top. I dunno, it feels like... something was missing. Still thoroughly enjoyed the entire thing and it is nice for the cast to get their happy ending (not quite as emotionally impactful as the base game's end imo, but still great and I'm glad they gave us more time with these dorks).
The platforming and navigating the overworld is tedious, which sucks a bit since that makes up a good chunk of the game. Idk man, having to scale different elevations of platforms is made frustrating by the fixed camera and the fact that the different "levels" of platforms aren't distinct from each other at all, so its easy to get duped by the perspective and jump to something you can't actually reach (yes you can use projectiles to check but it still isn't fun). Even without everything blending into each other visually, trying to find which obscure paths from four rooms ago will bring you to a chest just isn't all that enjoyable (some of the later maps like Sapphire Ridge were okay though, if only cause they started to have actually interesting puzzles to do). Basically they're just... there, between the actually fun stuff.
The trading system and farming for resources is confusing and kind of a chore. That's all I got.
Guess I'll touch on the art/music since I don't have too much to say about them. To be perfectly honest I'm not actually super crazy about the artstyle (blasphemy!), but I won't deny that the sprite-work and overall aesthetic are still super-well done, even if they aren't my personal taste (tl;dr I'm neutral on it). The soundtrack isn't something I'd put on my phone and listen to in the car, but like the art it's still well-made and perfectly suits the mood of/drives the emotional impact of the game, and there are still a handful of standout bangers (Lea's theme will live rent-free in my brain of course).
One last thing I'll say (that I mentioned before) is that as fun as this game is, it feels like a commitment to get through at times. Even when I first played it and had more free time, sometimes this game just felt "imposing" to pick back up after a break. Idk its hard to describe, but at least for me it was hard to play any other games alongside this (especially with my limited free time) which kinda sucked a bit.
To wrap things up, if I had to give the game an arbitrary number rating, I have to give Crosscode a 0/10 because its an indie game that doesn't have a fishing game (smh honestly how could they make such an obvious mistake 😔).
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authorred · 2 years
Roman Godfrey Relationship Headcannons cause I'm Procrastinating (Hemlock Grove)
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This'll be based on season 1 Roman Godfrey because S1 Roman is utterly superior--no, this is not up for debate, I will not be hearing ANYONE out
I'm utterly obsessed with this man (Peter is second and Olivia third, but shh) so enjoy :DDDDDDDD
yes I am down horrendously bad for this man. Might make more, haven't decided yet. Might make a series, haven't decided yet
Warning(s): Mostly SFW hc's, could be some NSFW ones in the future, haven't decided yet
As much as some of us may want it, a polyamorous relationship between Peter, Roman, and the reader is not realistic
Roman is way too possessive to share--he got super jealous over Peter talking with HIS COUSIN (at the time)--what makes you think he'd willingly share his SO with him
IN THE VERY UNLIKELY CHANCE Roman agrees to a poly relationship, it'll take a lot of compromising, security, and trust
The literal SECOND he feels second-fiddle to Peter, one of two things can and probably will happen: He distances himself or he lashes out
In the (preferable) case that he's secure enough with himself and the relationship, he still 'acts' possessive over you with Peter, but does so in a joking manner (or maybe in a spicy manner too, ykyk)
Is most likely unsure how to go about a romantic relationship at first because he's only ever dealt with sexual ones, or close familial/platonic relationships
He pretends to know what he's doing though--but it's obvious he's unsure when you look at him (his eyes are very expressive)
In an actual committed AND HEALTHY, relationship, he definitely gives off those, 'no one can make fun of you but ME' vibes, though he knows not to push
Would most likely not use his mesmerisation on you--definitely would not do anything to harm you. The only time I'd think he would, would be in a dangerous situation and you weren't listening to him (and doing so would save your life)
He gets in his head and emotions a lot. A lot. He's pigheaded and very stubborn--his way is most likely the correct way (even if it's not)
Surprisingly, it wouldn't take much to get him to yield--or at the very least--compromise. Empathy and logic combined is the best. Some sort of grounded rationality to help Roman come back down from wherever he goes to would help
Since this is S1, if Roman and Peter ever shared a dream about you (poly relationship or not), Roman would get suffocatingly protective. To the point of crying since he can't--and won't--lose you. At any cost (also Roman crying is just hnhnhnghnnhggg)
His mother isn't the hugest fan of you--but 90% of the time, he defends and/or fights her if you aren't able to. The other 10% would be a lost cause to, and even you would tell him to back off
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webbo0 · 8 months
*sighs* because none of my friends have watched it and I’m at a soccer game and I’m bored out of my mind could I ask you some questions?
Have you watched Remember the Titans? (If you haven’t it’s on Disney Plus and is literally the best football movie I’ve ever seen; plus young Ryan Gosling who plays a guy named Allan which I screamed at because “all his clothes fit me”)
If you have…I dunno, thoughts, favorite moment, anything (beggar me, scrounging for crumbs)
More Tiny Little Headcanons for Henryyyy (+ some Henry Lives AU headcanons)
Because Athena acts in older plays, he’s tried to read more Shakespearean books and stuff like that so they can talk about it together and he can be of assistance when she’s rehearsing. (This is how I see it, you’ll probably have something different: he’s OKAY with them, but not the hugest fan. Whenever Athena is ranting about how useless the female characters are, he’ll just nod with a small smile and agree.)
He’s the kind of person to be kind of awkward around small kids, convinced that they don’t like him. I think that kids can sense a kind person, so that doesn’t deter them and he ends up teaching them how to draw and stuff.
I’ve never been in a hospital as a patient and I’m guessing ways to kill yourself wouldn’t be TOO numerous but when Henry first wakes up to a few weeks out he tries many times to pull the tubes out of him or turn off the numbing medication (the stuff that’s in the bag; not hydration but…ughhhh stoopid), get out of his bed and stuff to the point where they have to tie him down. (IS THIS FACTUAL I DONT KNOW). After that, when Sam comes to visit and he asks what happened, Henry says, “I’m a monster. Thats why.” Or something.
In a lighter note, Henry DEFINITELY makes for some awkward situations when he asks Sam “when are you gonna marry your girl?” And Sam tries to explain that he and “his girl” have been on one half date to get coffee after seeing his broken body being taken away to the hospital. “Where’s your ring?” “What ring, Henry?” “Your- the ring you were gonna give her; you didn’t lose it, did you?” “Who is her?”
That’s all for now. Probably will continue in ten minutes. Thanks for reading all this shit.
I haven't seen Remember the Titans yet, but it's on my list!
And I'm literally so happy to get headcanons I'm twirling my (non-existent) long hair ✨
• I would love to dive into their relationship more! We get so little about her but I love the classic "visual artist doesn't fully understand the literary artist and vice versa but they are super supportive of each other" bit!
• I also think he'd be good with kids, or at least they'd sense that he's chill, he's Definitely a cat person IMO
• I'm honestly planning on him being on a psych hold at some point in the story so I SEE the vision
• And yes!!! The blurring between realities!!! That's also something I'm Super excited to write about!!
As always I owe you my life lol, thanks for the inspiration!
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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The Extra Refuses Excessive Obsession (Webtoon)
Created by: Glize/Pareto
Translators: Truck Sama Scans
This webcomic is exceedingly funny if not only for the story itself but also the scalation group's translations which honestly, I kind of wish I just had a compilation of all of their translation sidenotes because it's just that funny. Anyways, the yanderes in this ones are actually the brothers, but interestingly they're not incestuous or anything, just rather they dote on her a lot, so platonic yanderes (or rather, siscons, I suppose)! Always fun. Again, it's also a webcomic that doesn't take itself too seriously, so that's nice to have as well.
In terms of yandere behavior, both Cedric and Leon have pretty similar traits, with Cedric being more cool headed and "blg brother" like and Leon being more like a puppy. They both are very easy to win over for Amelle, are protective and often threatening in their own right (with Cedric being physically threatening while Leon is more magically threatening, i suppose) and just generally care about her a lot. Caelus could be a yandere, but I don't really see it now since he's more of the teasing and arrogant guy that Amelle has to keep around, though he does have some lines about killing things for her to get what she wants, though he supposedly says it in a joking manner. Still, I wouldn't say that's what I liked about this isekai, I think I really liked Amelle herself. She's a bit plain, but I love her reactions, her drive for getting money and her kindness in things that don't make her seem like she's a complete saint all of the time. She's a bit of a money hoarder, but not to the point of being cruel for the sake of money. Again, though this story is mostly comedic, so most of the two brother's yanderesque moments are overshadowed or stopped by Amelle not wanting to have the entire place go to ruin.
In terms of yandere behavior, both Cedric and Leon have pretty similar traits, with Cedric being more cool headed and "blg brother" like and Leon being more like a puppy. They both are very easy to win over for Amelle, are protective and often threatening in their own right (with Cedric being physically threatening while Leon is more magically threatening, i suppose) and just generally care about her a lot. Caelus could be a yandere, but I don't really see it now since he's more of the teasing and arrogant guy that Amelle has to keep around, though he does have some lines about killing things for her to get what she wants, though he supposedly says it in a joking manner. Still, I wouldn't say that's what I liked about this isekai, I think I really liked Amelle herself. She's a bit plain, but I love her reactions, her drive for getting money and her kindness in things that don't make her seem like she's a complete saint all of the time. She's a bit of a money hoarder, but not to the point of being cruel for the sake of money. Again, though this story is mostly comedic, so most of the two brother's yanderesque moments are overshadowed or stopped by Amelle not wanting to have the entire place go to ruin.
Overall, I like the story quite a bit. It goes into questions I normally don't see in isekai like what happens to the original owner's soul when the person isekaied and while I'm not the hugest fan of Caelus, he is entertaining in his own right. Give it a try if you're interested!
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monzabee · 3 months
i was wondering if you associate any songs with the drivers? other than the obvious ones like smooth operator or that one friday song. just more like “this is written about them” or “this song is their vibe”
there’s this song my boyfriend loves called CHERIE by darius and it reminds me of charles. also taylor swift’s sparks fly for some reason? i think it’s the green eyes lyric. plus feather by sabrina carpenter and karma by taylor. HES TAYLOR CODED TO ME??? and im honestly not even her HUGEST fan so idk why. anyways, these are more songs that remind me of him then ones he’d listen to.
adele reminds me of lando cause i can just fully imagine him knowing every adele song. also greedy by tate mcrae, never be like you (idk who that’s by), blame it by t-pain (i literally have no reason for this one😭), meet me halfway by the black eyed peas, and we found love by rihanna. oh and fireball by pitbull
dangerous woman by ariana, fetish by selena gomez, and moonlight by kali uchis for carlos
voulez-vous by abba and mamas boy by dominic fike (maybe cause it says maxa maxa million or maybe cause the sad tiktok edits) for max.
the real slim shady and without me for seb vettel
5SOS always gives me danny ric but i think that’s cause i accidentally mentally mashed all my fav aussie’s together. also life is a highway and this one rap song i actually got FROM him that’s so stupid but it’s like “i feel real good today.” paper planes by m.i.a and sunflower vol 6 by harry.
i have so many more but this is too long already. i’ll end it by saying i genuinely think the entire sport of F1 gives viva la vida and that “all the birds of a feather” rio song
i do totally agree that charles is taylor swift coded, but i was listening to folklore the other day and he's so mirrorball coded and it definitely breaks my heart, but i also feel like mirrorball can also be fitting for a lot of other drivers😭 he's also so fearless coded if you know what i mean😭 but i feel like adele is more charles' lane because he's a sad boy at heart and he said he does enjoy her music👀
GREEDY BY TATE MCRAE IS SO LANDO CODED AND I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT IT EVER😭 for some reason i do associate a lot of olivia rodrigo's songs with lando, at least the upbeat ones, like i feel like he's just a teenage girl at heart and i love him for that. also, in a weird way unwritten by natasha bedingfield reminds me so much of lando, i guess he also gives me romcom vibes🫠
i've been saying this for months, i even have fic based off of it that i have to finish but maroon by taylor swift is carlos coded!! i do have to finish that fic but yeah😭 also, he's so lana coded?? like million dollar man, off to the races, lust for life... HE EXUDES OLD MONEY ENERGY FOR SOME REASON (probably because he kinda is)
there's this one song that my dad used to play for me called sun goes down by david jordan and i associate that song with seb a lot, but honestly he can be anything coded really?? taylor swift? fits. eminem? also fits because he used to be a little menace. i also kinda think panic! at the disco and seb could be a vibe🫡
to me daniel is definitely country coded and that's it😂 like i'm talking dolly parton😭 9 to 5? definitely his anthem. also, PITBULL😭
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epicspheal · 1 year
I have to say Gen 7 probably would've become my all time favorite generation had USUM and Let's Go been proper sequels instead of just alternate retellings. Because there's a lot of untapped storytelling potential between Alola and Kanto (both separately and together as they are rather linked). Admittedly I'm not the hugest fan of the Aether family plot (which is moreso how it overshadows the native Alolans in their own home region), but I found it to be better in SM than USUM. And so it would've been nice USUM had just focused on the Necrozma plot with Lillie (after she returns from Kanto) and Gladion helping the Kahunas, Tapus and Trial Captains fend off Necrozma and using the Aether Foundation's research to help combat the threat. Then in the post-game do a little sidequest with Mohn and then have Lillie along with Gladion be one of the potential Title Defense matches to show how much she's grown since her original journey as well as having her at the Battle Tree as a multi battle partner. I feel like the Ultra Recon Squad was vastly underutilized in the USUM so by knocking out the Aether family story repeat (since it would be a sequel) they could have a more expanded role as they perhaps clash with the Kahuna's ideas for how to deal with Necrozma. I definitely want to see the Kahunas have more story importance and having them be at odds with the Ultra Recon Squad would definitely make both groups more relevant.
And with a sequel we could see how Alola has progressed in terms of it's burgeoning Pokemon League. It'd be cool to see some different trial captains running things (because although they give vague age ranges-I feel like Kiawe and Mina could've aged out of the trial captain role) and we could even see shifts in the Elite Four. It'd be cool to see say Plumeria and Guzma become Elite Four members and perhaps even have Hau as champion (because Hau deserves champion status). They could even show progress on the "Kantonian Gyms" where maybe some of the retired trial captains and elite four rotate on a daily basis with Ryuki to be the gym leader putting an Alolan on the gym tradition.
Then there's Let's GO which could've fit so well in between HGSS and before SM as a bit of a connection between Kanto and Alola. Like personally, I don't see anything bad about Chase/Elaine and Trace as characters but I feel they weren't used to the best of their abilities because they essentially retrace Red's story and Red and Blue's story...while still having Red and Blue (and Green) in the mix. The results being that pretty much none of the six get served by this except for Green (because it's her first time existing canonically so it's automatically a win) and Blue slightly (he's at least his own established character but I feel like the rewrite dampens the impact of his mentorship because part of what makes him such a good mentor in Masters is the knowledge that he was a little shit in the past but grew whereas Let's Go seems to almost retcon that entirely with no mention). It'd be nice to see an older Red, Blue and Green (or make her Leaf just because I like the FRLG canon) be Chase, Elaine and Trace's mentors while they embark on a whole new journey in Kanto with a new antagonist. Since a younger Mina is already present in Let's Go it'd be cool to slightly expand her plot more to give some more insight on the Alola Island Challenge which would tie in nicely to her debut in SM. It'd be cool to see Red, Blue and Green/Leaf reflect a bit on their journeys now that they're adults and see them pass on the torch in a proper fashion to Chase, Elaine and Trace. This could give rise to Trace perhaps taking up the Viridian Gym once Blue accepts the Battle Tree offer. I'd love for Green/Leaf to have more personality expanded upon both on her own and her dynamic with Red and Blue. Maybe get some insight from Blue (or Red himself) about how they finally got Red down from Mt. Silver and how they repaired their friendship. All the while giving Chase, Elaine and Trace their own type of dynamic and story that helps to further differentiate the New Kanto Trio from the OG Kanto Trio. Also once again with enough time passing it'd be cool to see how the gym and Elite Four lineups would've changed. I could potentially see say Brock and Misty going to the Elite Four replacing Koga and Bruno and then us getting new gym leaders to replace them. Since Sabrina begins to take up acting around BW2 maybe she also gets replaced by someone else as well.
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truessences · 2 years
Some of my fave anime ships
No one asked but I'ma share some of my favorite anime ships. I have't watched every anime or anything but I have some that I just can't give up. I've never been the hugest shipper but there are some that just find their way into my heart.
Nalu (Natsu x Lucy: Fairy Tail)- currently rewatching so they're fresh in my mind. They have such a good friendship and they're so loyal to each other. Natsu is also incredibly sweet when he wants to be when it comes to her and she trusts him without hesitation. She jumped out of a window and knew he would catch her in time. Like... what??
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Edward and Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)- this is my favorite anime and I will rewatch it but I love that they've been friends since they were kids. They may not have liked each other from the beginning (romantically) but grew into it. The fact that she was his mechanic and he didn't let anyone else fit him for automail, or let anyone work on it... not to mention, I loved their arguments lol and I loved the scene where he tells her basically he loves her in his own way lol. "Equivalent exchange! I'll give you HALF of me if you give me HALF of you!"
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NejiTen (Neji x TenTen: Naruto)- Obviously this won't really be a thing since Neji is dead 😭 but I feel like if he wasn't killed, they would have been together. Tenten was the only one Neji seemed to fully respect and trust on his team. They understood each other and I feel like he might have been open about his family with her. I also feel like because Tenten was an orphan and lived on her own, that she felt comfortable around Neji. Plus, Guy and Lee were so over the top that they had to lean on each other.
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Inuyasha x Kagome (Inuyasha)- So I know these two get a lot of flack and I think the road to their romance was complicated but I really and truly believe that Inuyasha loves her. Sure, he might have had a hard time in the beginning because of Kikyo but if he didn't care about Kagome he wouldn't have tried to save her as much as he did. Plus, she was always to break him out of his demon spells. I love them lol. I was never a huge Koga fan so I would never support that ship lol. I'm not caught up with Yashahime so don't spoil me!
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Atem x Tea (YuGiOh)- So this is an old old ship from when I was young but I always thought that while Yugi was one of Tea's best friends, she liked Atem/Yami Yugi. I really felt like they flirted lol. I rewatched it not too long ago and still stand by that lol. She was always super emotional when it came to stuff with him lol. She was emotional period but super emotional lol.
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Senku x Kohaku (Dr. Stone)- I'm not caught up on the manga so no spoilers but I really love the anime and I'm down for this. Now, if it doesn't happen, I'm cool with that because they both seem so... uninterested in romance but they have a trust between them and I think she definitely likes him as of S2. He's so narrow minded on what he's trying to do that he won't notice his feelings for her and hers for him for a while but when he does, I think he'll do everything he can to ignore it. I think that tracks for him.
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Kirito x Asuna (SAO)- Obviously they're together and nothing will come between them lol. I'm watching the current season of Alicitization and when Asuna and Alice kind of got into it over him lol had me cracking up. Kirito also has a harem but Asuna is the only one he actually has eyes for... though if it wasn't for her, I think Sinon would have a chance lol. But I love their relationship. They love each other so much that they will literally move heaven and hell to find each other... love them.
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Marinette x Adrien (Miraculous Ladybug)- Not quite an anime... I want them to get their shit together honestly. I love this show lol. Their romance square is hilarious but this is what I want. I want the tables to switch, where Ladybug starts to look at Cat Noir differently, as well as her to apologize for how she treats him. Cat Noir deserves much better than what he is given. But also, I think the superior part of their square is Marinette x Cat Noir, since this is the only part of the square where their feelings don't get in the way lol.
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That's all I got at this moment lol
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odyshape · 1 year
I also want to do a quick list of novels I read this year that, while I'm not necessarily their hugest fan, think people in general are maligning unfairly. (So I'm being a contrarian in the opposite way than I usually am.)
Books that are better than their Goodreads averages would indicate!
A Touch of Jen by Beth Morgan | I also put this on my list of literary fiction recommendations for fans of new wave sf. It's a genuinely weird book with a bit of a bait-and-switch, so I understand why some people were put off, but I also think it addressed social media and modern consumer culture in a way I haven't quite seen before.
Bina: a novel in warnings by Anakana Schofield | I think the womanbloggers of Tumblr could really get into this. Bina, a woman in her seventies, awaits trial for her involvement with a secretive organization. Schofield does not spoonfeed the readers anything.
Fake Accounts by Lauren Oyler | Horribly misrepresented in the marketing, imo. The marketing copy mentions "social media, sex, feminism, and fiction" as well as conspiracy theories and Donald Trump; it's about a woman who goes into a depressive tailspin post 2016 election and finding out her boyfriend has an alt-right conspiracy theory instagram. Thematically, it's actually about (the myth of) American exceptionalism, in all its forms and that other stuff is just window dressing to explore that.
Vladimir by Julia May Jonas | Lo, the proverbial novel about a middle aged English professor having an affair! Honestly I feel a little bad for the author; it got rave professional reviews on publication and then someone picked it for the Book of the Month Club and now the Goodreads reviews are filled with people like "ew, the narrator excuses sexual assault :-/" which is, hilariously, an attitude directly challenged in the text.
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zyphrr44 · 2 years
I loved how much the entire fandom was talking only about Jennifer Walters when the 1st ep dropped, and ik considering she's the protagonist it's the bare minimum that most of the discourse online should be about her; but given in a time where the hype, speculation and fan service is taking front seat and the protagonist & their story takes a backseat (looking at you Ms.Marvel and the other Disney+ series, but mostly Ms.Marvel), I'm glad the entire fandom was talking about Jennifer and the show itself treated her as a person, rather than a plot device (again looking at you Ms.Marvel).
Come, episode 2 of She-Hulk. We see the consequences of Jen going Hulk mode and saving the people at the court. We see how finding work has become tough for her. We see how even to get excepted into a place, she has to present herself in a particular way and how she worries her colleagues might not consider her cred as a lawyer because she was hired as a superhuman paw representative of sorts. Shit's all too real. Again the show cares about Jen again and so do we. Or atleast I thought the MCU fandom did, until I went online and I see most of the discussion only being around Hulk going to Sakaar, possible World War Hulk storyline, reference to Eternals movie and Tiamut's corpse and literally just a blink-and-you-miss-it possible reference to Wolverine and EEEEEEEVVVERYONE collectively stops giving a fuck about Jen. I really don't know who to blame here that led to where we as a fandom and how we engage with the media we consume. Feels like a "Which came first: chicken or egg?" question.
It's shit like this that makes the MCU fandom come off so goddamn disingenious when they say they care about representation on screen, coz the moment they saw a brief reference to a white dude (idk if MCU Wolverine is gonna be white or not, but for the sake of conversation let's refer to Jackman's Wolverine, and comic Wolverine is white anyway so eh) whom they've known for years they decided not talk about the protagonist the show is trying to make you care about, the hero who's just making her way into mainstream popularity.
Throw in the fact that it's confirmed that every episode will have a post credit scene and confirmed appearances from Wong & Daredevil who's making his grand return to the small screen after 4 years (who's pretty much half the reason people tuned into the show), Idk how much of the fan discourse online be about anything but Jen.
I understand that as a fan it's nice to get hyped about shit and the future of the franchise, but it happens so much at the expense of the current story being told.
Ms.Marvel might be the hugest victim of this, coz every week the focus was only about her powers and how it works and why it works and none of it was about her character, her arc, her story. Hell the series itself wasn't doing much to tell a story about the character, she was just a plot device. At the end, the discussion was only about mutants entering the MCU, not about Kamala Khan's story bcoz there was no story for her. The show and quite frankly the fandom never cared for her story.
Bottomline, ik the series is mostly set in stone at this point, but I'm genuinely worried that as the eps go on the fandom or even worse the show loses focus on Jennifer Walters, because fan service and hype & speculation seems to be more important than telling stories of characters. But that's just me.
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btsxmalereaders · 3 years
1:31 AM
Pairing: Im Jaebeom x male reader
Genre: angst
☆ Requested
Word Count: 2,08k
🎵 잘 지내야해 1:31 AM
[I am always drowned in the thoughts of you. I get exhausted from crying, but I look for traces of you again...]
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The patter of the rain hitting the window has been the only thing that has set the gloomy place for the last couple of hours.
The catheter placed with an uncomfortable sticky tape on the back of your hand feels heavier and heavier. Your eyelids shutting even when you try to keep them open. You're tired despite only spending all the time laying on that stretcher.
Some nurses come from time to time to make sure you're comfortable and you only nod tightly to the questions they make; a routine that you don't have the energy to hate.
Of course, not all days are like this. Sometimes you wake up in a good mood and the personnel would take you out to the small garden behind the hospital, pulling your wheelchair since you're still weak, but it is still something. You would smile and take the sun on good days like those, and if a familiar visited,  they would bring you your painting tools for you to clear your head and have a good time.
But you haven't had good days, lately.
Your friends called you constantly and, when you had enough energy to respond, you tried to put your best smile for them.
You didn't see it as a bad thing, though. They didn't need to know that you were going through thick.
But there was someone you couldn't lie to.
"The receptionist told me 'You can see your fiancé now.'" Jaebeom says as he walks towards you, placing a cute bouquet of flowers on the small table next to you. He looks stunning and always walks in with the hugest smile on his face to greet you. Probably to lift up your mood, too. "Was that an insinuation?"
You can't help but giggle at that, "Maybe. But also they wouldn't let you in if I said you were only my boyfriend. And I don't want to keep this lie."
"Then I better hurry up, right?" He smiles, placing a kiss on your forehead and dragging the chair next to you, taking seat as he grabs your hand tightly. "As soon as you are discharged, I'll put a ring on your finger. I promise."
You keep the big smile to him and cup his cheek with your free hand, being careful because of the catheter. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you so much more," He murmurs. His semblance suddenly changing. "We've been really busy with the tour now that it is starting soon, I'm sorry. I wish I could see you everyday."
"It's okay, love. I understand."
A silence sets in after that. Jaebeom closes his eyes and enjoys your touch for a moment while you observe him in detail; every mole, every mark on his skin, his warm breath against your wrist and his grip on your hand, as if he would never want to let you go.
When he opens his eyes again they're full of tears. You don't even recall when was the last time you've seen him cry.
"Why are you crying? What's wrong?" You ask, sliding your thumb across his cheek to erase every trace of tears falling down.
"I'm sorry," Jaebeom softly whispers. "I hate that I can't do anything else for you."
You sigh, bringing him closer and moving a little, making a space for him to cuddle with you. "Come here. Don't cry."
He does as told, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, calming his nervousness with heavy breaths. It breaks your heart to see him like this.
Your boyfriend gets to calm himself as minutes pass by, with the help of your hand tracing circles on his back, and sweet words whispered to his ears.
You two get to talk properly afterwards, telling each other about how your days have been, although Jeobeom did most of the talk and you only listened, occasionally commenting about it and also asking about your friends.
"As usual, the boys send you greetings and hugs, but only I get to do that, right?" He chuckles, kissing your forehead for the nth time and making you blush. "They might even pop up at the videocall tonight since we'll be rehearsing."
"That's good, don't tell them I said this, but I actually miss seeing their faces and hearing their voices everyday."
Jaebeom laughs at that. "No wonder why I see Bambam sending you voice notes all the time."
A nurse comes back a moment later to let you know that the visiting hours is now over, so Jaebeom stands up and kisses you goodbye, "Don't forget that-"
"-we have a date. For dinner at half past eight. As we do almost every night. Of course I won't forget."
He smiles at you and kisses you again. "And that I love you."
"I love you too." You murmur with a smile and see him walk out of the room.
The nurse changes the serum, as usual, and you only stare at her, not knowing if you should ask...
"Is everything alright, ____?" She asks.
You've known her for a while now, it's almost as if you two were friends, but still, you were still undecided about something that has been in the back of your head for a couple of days.
"Noona, could you do something for me?"
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GOT7's tour was about to kick off two weeks after that visit, although it wasn't the last one. Jaebeom did make sure to visit you whenever he could; after rehearsing or even skipping his time to have meals to rush in to the hospital -thing that you obviously scolded him for, but he promised he would get something in his way back-. He also made sure to show you clips of the rehearsals and some videos with messages from the boys for you, which you truly loved.
However, even if that lifted your spirits, it wasn't enough to make you feel better from the terrible days you've had. Not only you couldn't move and hang out as you did weeks ago, but you were feeling so weak that most of the time you would spend it sleeping. In one of Jaebeom's visit you two were talking until you fell asleep, and next thing you know he was saying goodbye again with a worried expression on his face.
And the worst thing is that you didn't have to be a genius to know the reason why. The disguised words you heard from your doctor were enough confirmation for you to know what was about to come.
And you definitely weren't ready for it.
"So? You got good news for me?" You ask the nurse once you see her entering the room.
She tilts her head and sees the hope shining in your eyes, despite looking so small and weak. "Yes. I talked with the doctors and they gave the authorization."
And that was enough for you to feel happy for the rest of the day.
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"Are you sure you are okay?"
Unlike other days, today you have woken up happy and eager to go out. You suppose it is normal because you have anxiously waited for this day to come
You nod as an answer and the nurses carefully help you to get ready. 
To say you were nervous was an understatement. You weren't even sure how did the idea come to mind, but you were really determined to do it. And as you get in the van, you quickly send a message to Jinyoung to let him know that you were on your way there.
You've thoroughly planned all this; after all, it was a surprise for Jaebeom.
Of course he couldn't believe his eyes. He froze in his place while the boys almost ran to hug you; Jinyoung pushing the chair behind you and telling them to be careful, but you were too happy to even care about the bone crushing hugs you were receiving. It was all you wanted.
Jaebeom walks slowly to you and gives you a hug when they're done, letting out a sigh he didn't even know he was holding.
"Really? H-how did you even- Are you okay?" He asks, concerned, to which you laugh and nod.
"I'm good, hyungie. The doctor allowed it and I've been wanting to see you out of the hospital." You murmur, holding his hands. "And what kind of boyfriend and ahgase I'd be if I didn't attend your first concert of this new tour?"
They all seem very happy because they haven't seen you in a long time, so it's not surprising that everyone is around you all the time in backstage, asking you lots of questions and updating you on everything that happened since the last time they saw you, although no big news since you're used to chat and videocall them quite often.
While they are fascinated to have you there, Jaebeom seems to be more quiet and with a worried expression, indecipherable. You wonder if he knows or at least suspects about the reason behind it.
The concert finally starts and after more worried looks from your boyfriend, you decide to see from the first row the entire show. Even Yugyeom got you a lightstick for you to cheer them up, and Jaebeom stressed that whatever you needed you could ask anyone from the staff.
It goes pretty well, and you didn't feel uncomfortable or bad at all, but that didn't stop your boyfriend from making sure you were indeed okay every time he could; approaching the side of the stage right where you stayed and nodding in your direction from time to time, and the fans close to you were respectful and careful with your space.
Jaebeom gets somewhat sentimental while performing some songs, and when he stares back at you, you know it. He knows it.
So the first thing he does when the concert is over and gets to backstage is kneel in front of you and cry on your lap.
The boys don't understand the situation, but they leave you two alone for a moment, thinking that maybe their leader was too emotional tonight.
"What are you hiding from me? What have the doctors said?" He gets to babble while the tears are covering his face.
You're hurt from seeing him crumble like this in front of you, so you cry too, holding his hands and tracing circles on their back, trying to calm him down.
"Nothing you don't already know," You say. "You've seen me. I'm not doing well, and... I just had this feeling, I had to see you again, one last t-"
"No." He stops you. The lump on his throat making it harder to speak. "Don't say that. Please."
"Hyung, I'm sorry." You murmur, now caressing his back and placing a kiss on his head. "Please forgive me."
Before going back to the hospital, you say goodbye to your friends, who seem to now be understanding of the situation, but being too shocked to even say anything about it. They hug you more and try to lift the mood making lighthearted jokes that genuinely make you laugh.
Jaebeom doesn't want to separate from you anytime; he's either holding your hand or leaving kisses all over your face, letting you sleep on over his chest on your way back and whispering words to your ears.
"I'll come to see you again later today, alright?" He promises as you lay on the bed and get comfortable. "Sleep for now. I'll be here when you wake up."
He kisses you with so much love, not knowing it was the last time he would do it.
He didn't expect to receive that heartbreaking call that soon.
Just when he was getting ready to see you, he received the news, and he couldn't stop crying and shaking for a long moment. His friends were there, trying to calm him and themselves down; hurt by hearing they've just lost you and feeling so wrecked and weak. 
Naturally, the next shows were postponed, which raised suspicions and fear among the fans, who saw you just a few hours ago.
Jaebeom has never felt this empty and pained.
A part of him ruthlessly ripped away.
He can’t believe it,
That when he opens his eyes you won't be next to him.
Even if those memories make it hard on him,
It’s on his head again.
Even if he clears out all those memories,
He will always be drowned in the thoughts of you.
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hello, there <3 Just came across your blog and I adore your writing so much.
I saw your previous post with platonic pairing headcanon with one of the poets, it was so cute and adorable and I would love to get one as well, if you don’t mind?🥺
Here’s how I’d describe myself: I go by she/her pronouns. I’m an INTP and type 9. Also a Slytherin. My style is probably light academia but my general aesthetic is probably dark academia.
Since I’m not that good with socializing, I’m ~really~ struggling with making new friends, but the good thing is that I managed to have a small circle of friends and being the one who is too chill about everything (but can be the silliest one too at some point) in the group. I love to be seen as the extrovert in the room, but sometimes I tend to crave my alone time desperately. I don’t like being straightforward to people or being too honest with them about something and I rarely yell when I get mad. I just can’t hurt people’s feelings and I feel like I have this strong desire to be liked by everyone. I’m definitely not an independent person, but I’m trying to be! Most people I know would often tell me their secrets for some reason, thus I keep literally everyone’s secrets and I remember every single one of them very vividly LOL. My friends would tell me that I’m a bit sneaky :/ They would also often assume that I don’t have any life problems because I'm (indeed) super relaxed and never really showing my emotional side. I absolutely adore quiet meadows, small bakeries and old buildings. I change my hobbies over time, but I always love to read some good books and do some rock painting :D A huge fan of turtlenecks, classical music, scented candles and desserts!!! I wish to study criminology (or perhaps classical studies) once I go to the uni.
Thank you so much and have an amazing day! <3
hello my dear anon (: thank you for your kind words. apologies that it took me a while to get to this, but i hope you like it !! <3 i also hope your mental health continues to get better and you continue to be comfortable with the person you are (:
(platonically) shipping you with everyone’s fav timid poet, todd anderson (: i just think your personalities juxtapose really well and align in certain places, too
todd would find such a calming presence in you, that he couldn't help but be platonically drawn to you. he’d see how kind you were to people (even people you didn’t even know), making him have the hugest friend crush on you
your extrovertedness would encourage todd to open up, leading to countless nights staying up and exchanging silly stories that would leave you both with sore abs from laughing too much
he’d ask about your collection of classical music vinyls and you’d tell him all about it (the next time you saw his and neil’s room, you’d find a couple classical vinyls that todd had bought for himself (‘: )
you guys would totally hang out during the summer when his family was away on vacation (he never liked to go so he stayed home) and you guys would explore every night, finding new places to sneak to in the daytime to read or listen to him recite his poetry
he’d get a little bit closed off for awhile, but when you asked him about it (you thought he was mad at you or you did something wrong, so you just had to ask him), he confessed to you his feelings for neil and that he didn’t know what he was doing/he was scared. naturally, you kept that secret, even after neila and todd started dating (:
as evidenced by the former, todd had a level of trust in you that he seldom had with other people and he would come to you about everything
you guy would have this appreciation for really good desserts, and would often seek out a new place to try pastries or cakes, keeping a record of them all in a shared journal (:
rock painting would confuse todd at first, but once you introduced him, he was endlessly fascinated and always on the hunt for rocks to give you. you’d come back to your dorm room to a bag full of rocks with a note that said “for your creations - t.a.” so you’d definitely paint some to give to the poets (that they absolutely adored)
he would just really like how comfortable he was around you; you never yelled, never made him feel stupid, and you were one of the people in his life that he never felt wronged by (:
you’d drag him along to a haunted building, where he’d be super anxious, but he’d up getting some really good writing inspiration, creating a poem that was beautifully haunting (mr. keating would adore it)
you two would definitely spend multiple evenings melting the leftover wax in your candles into one massive candle that smelled so weird, but interesting nonetheless
he’d buy you a book titled “the top 20 american murder mysteries” after hearing about your plans for college, claiming, “the book will give you a headstart into your studies !”
overall, you and todd would have very good give and take, your calm and level-headed nature would be a huge comfort to him, and he loved that he could trust you about anything and everything. he’d be just as much of a comfort for you, taking an interest in your interests and loving anything/everything you would talk about (he’d just really like to listen to you talk). you’d both need alone time, which somehow aligned, making your friendship that much easier and comfortable (:
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milki-mlqc · 4 years
Hi!! May I ask a question? I know it may sound rude but I just can't like Lucien... idk I think he's just not my type in general so I'm genuinely confused and interested about all of you that like him, he's always so mean, hiding things from mc, like what is his deal?
Hii anon!! It’s completely fine to ask questions and I’m delighted you wanted to ask in the first place  ( ´ ▽ ` ) Albeit, I’m not sure how far you are with the game so I’ll reference some spoilers but I won’t explicitly say anything concrete.
Reasoning and explanation of Lucien
And honestly in the start, I wasn’t the hugest fan of Lucien as well and it’s true. He does hide things from MC, does shady stuff, and he acts mean. But in the end, he’s there for MC. He genuinely cares for her (saves her) and there’s something mysterious in him that attracts me (and MC ahaha). Also he looks damn good with glasses and I’m a sucker for that…
It truly never was his intention to care for MC the way he does. If anything it’s a nuisance from Lucien. 
But I do believe that their love is one that will be worth the trouble in the end. Their love seems unattainable but their attraction and chemistry is clear. I feel with Lucien, MC is comfortable showing her different sides. Whether it’s the side of her that feels comfortable enough to let Lucien guide her, the side that teases Lucien, or the side that teaches Lucien. The many sides of them are interesting and it’s easy to see them as a real couple. Even though the path to a relationship will be hurtful, full of confusion and hesitation the eventual blooming of their relationship will be beautiful. It’s the kind of love that’ll without a shadow of doubt be worth it. 
MC and Lucien complete each other. Not that they’re incomplete on their own, but rather the fact that they have valuable lessons to teach each other. MC can teach Lucien to trust, to show him the kindness of the world, to show him what love is. Lucien can teach MC the dangers of being naive. He can teach her how to fight for herself, how to stand up for herself and her beliefs (even if he disagrees with them, he still encourages her to speak her mind). 
Even in doubtful moments, their trust and concern for each other will not disappear. In a dangerous world these two will protect each other. While neither of them will change their morals and standpoints, they do challenge each other to think. To make them see the other side of an argument. To make them realise that not everything is just black or white. That it’s impossible to only think with your brain. And that it’s also impossible to only think with your heart. They’re both their own individual before anything else. 
And if my answer wasn’t enough then I would also recommend these posts by these wonderful blogs anon  \(≧▽≦)/
lucien character study by @wedreamedlove (love this one!! So good and very in detail anon, definitely a must read in my opinion)
chapter 16 analysis by @sharinluna (great analysis!!! and their blog srsly has some great posts, analyses and translations, another big recommendation) 
Also it’s completely fine if you don’t like him, everyone has different preferences anon (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, I don't recall if you read mythology/magic/fantasy fics. I read Secrets of Eden and Black With Autumn Rain and they are some of my favorites. But I'm in this vibe and I want more fics that has this dark edge, like those two, but the ones I found are cute and adorable - which I love but not what I'm looking for this second. And I thought maybe you could know some other fics or authors to rec? Please?
Awwww, you’re never bothering me! I gotta say, though, I’m not the hugest fan of dark (or of mythological/magic/fantasy, for that matter), but I *do* have a few in the supernatural category that might interest you! Hope these work for ya, even if half of them aren’t really all that “dark” lol...I think the longer ones toward the end might fit the bill!
Snakes and Stones, by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, Eleanor/Taylor, 1.4k, M. If you call a girl a snake enough, sometimes she becomes one. Her legs lengthen and fuse, her pupils shrink to slits. She gets colder and colder, until she has to spread herself on the warm cement beside the pool, soaking in heat, sipping gin and tonics to warm her blood so she does not turn to ice and shatter to bits. (This is mysterious and spooky and I would read more of it, tbh)
One Touch Is Never Enough, by @kingsofeverything, louis/harry, 3k, E. It’s been a rough year for Louis. First, he was turned into a werewolf, which hasn't been so bad, except that he didn't anticipate how it would affect his love life. (A crack werewolf fic that involves massage shouldn’t be this good, and yet, here we are!)
We’ll Never Be Lonely in the Dark, by QuickedWeen, louis/harry, 6.8k, E. Detective Louis Tomlinson keeps getting blocked when he tries to use his psychic gift to locate a missing child. One late night he manages to get through but instead of finding who he's looking for he lands in the bedroom of a mysterious man. (Sexy psychic exchange during a tense police investigation)
One day to believe in you, by Mediaville, louis/harry, 7k, E. Harry blinks and has the nerve to look surprised. "You think about me when you get off?" "Yes," Louis says. He wonders how hard he'd need to punch himself in the face to knock himself out."Often?" "Yes, Christ, Harry," Louis groans. "Probably eight times a week for going on six years now. On average, you know. More when we were touring, less when I've been visiting family. Anything else you'd like to know?" (Eternally on my rec list, a cursed souvenir makes Louis tell the truth for 24 hours)
let me outshine the moon, by sarcasticfluentry, louis/harry, 9.8k, E. Boarding school students Niall and Harry chance a trip to the local vampire bar. (this entire series is FIRE, but here’s where it starts)
Maybe One Day, by @vondrostes, louis/harry, 11k, E. Louis has a strange encounter with a long-haired stranger one night and can't get it out of his head. (I’ve read it twice, and I still couldn’t perfectly describe it? The tags help: Psychic abilities! Supernatural elements!)
Take Me Under the Blue, by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, louis/harry, 19k, E. Louis hasn’t even seen his legs yet. He doesn’t know how they work or how long they’ll be. Maybe they won’t suit the rest of Harry at all, and he’ll have to grow into them or something. It doesn’t matter; Louis has loved Harry for a year with scales, so he can’t imagine wonky legs putting a damper on his attraction (Not a fish dick in sight, but some magical goings on in general)
Sing You Butterflies, by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, louis/harry, 22k, E. Harry’s a clumsy unicorn who accidentally stomps on a witch’s garden and is turned into a human as punishment, so he wanders into a nearby village covered in glitter, still figuring out how to walk on two feet, and meets the fairy-tale-fine Louis, who has to teach him how to live as a human and stop him from eating soap. (A cursed unicorn, and it could have gone dark (it’s a bit dark) but overall sweet)
Soul of the Sea, by Vurdoc, louis/harry, 32k, E. Louis lives a nomadic lifestyle. Never settling down in one place for long, he finds himself caught in a storm, as he’s passing through a small Scottish seaside town. Everywhere is full, except the old B&B perched up on an isolated hill near the coastline, where the recluse owner isn’t what he seems. (A magical mysterious secret keeps Harry tied to his home by the sea)
Purer Than the Water (like we were), by feelsforbreakfast, louis/harry, 33k, E. Louis wants the boy to wade deeper, deep enough that Louis can go under and wrap his fingers around his ankles for just a moment. Pull him under. Just touch skin, for a second. (Just thinking about this fic makes me feel physically cold, but it’s an amazing read)
knives don’t have your back, by @turnyourankle, louis/harry, 51k, E. The lone survivor of an on campus massacre that claimed the lives of his four housemates, Harry is urged to take a sabbatical or transfer. Instead, he chooses to stay in school, move into the dorms, and overcome his fears. (This one doesn’t have magic, but it is DARK and spooky on every level)
The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep, by @helloamhere, louis/harry, 65k, E. For all its complexity, Louis sometimes reminded himself, life could always be simplified into a series of forks in the road. Even overwhelmingly big things were survivable when you broke them down to their choice. One path or the other, left or right. (This is a series that I think is still a WIP, but it’s mysterious and pulls you right in)
Say Hallelujah, Say Goodnight, by @alivingfire, louis/harry, 110k, E. Louis is an angel who is just a little too bad to be good, Harry is a demon who is just a little too good to be bad, and they're both a little too in love to be impartial when angels and demons go to war. (I feel like everyone has probably read or skimmed it, but a LOT is happening (I own the paperback, woo hoo!!))
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