#like i'm genuinely asking who is the silver trio
corpsephrog · 2 months
what happened to ginny, luna, and neville being the silver trio i thought we all agreed that was them
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ryuichirou · 26 days
Replies replies! Some shirt ones + one pretty old ask about tops and bottoms.
Anonymous asked:
Floyd/Idia comic?! Noooo, i would love to see that! What a shame DD:
I'm hoping you'll get your Twitter/X Account back. 🙏🏻
Yeah, it really sucks :( There is so much stuff we want to post in general, I hope we’ll be able to do it soon.
Thank you for your support, Anon! Maybe the fact that I keep refusing to call it X is the real issue here lol
Anonymous asked:
get this, idia as public breeding property in a cow bikini (could be female or male idia)
Ah yes. His true and final form… Both versions, please. A boy and a girl. 😔
How many people are going to comment on him not having much milk when they see him like that and why is it everyone… It’s okay, this cow is for other purposes.
Anonymous asked:
raincheck, Ortho and Octavinelle gangbang Idia together because we both love and want to make Idia suffer in this household
Why not add Lilia and Sebek to this mix as well? I’m not driving. 😎
Just kidding; honestly, you’re very right, there is something absolutely special about the Octa+Igni combination, I really really want this entire group to have more interactions… and for Ortho and the Octa-trio to gangbang Idia together!
Idia should’ve known that these fuckers are bad influence on Ortho, but jokes on him: this whole thing is Ortho’s idea lol
Anonymous asked:
Heyy Ryuichi, do you know there's different types of tops/bottoms? like service tops, stone tops, pleasure bottoms, gentle tops, pillow princess/prince, and so on... Which category do you think does the twist cast fall into?
Bc i was thinking, and i think Service Top fits Jade/Rook the most.
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! I am aware that there are different types, but I didn’t really know the names for them.
I think we have a bias when it comes to these things, so a lot of the characters that we see as tops would be classified as stone tops/aggressive tops masquerading as service tops whenever it fits them LOL But there is still nuance and difference to them, even though technically it’s the same category!
For example, both Jade and Rook could absolutely aim to present themselves as service tops, but they’re actually more selfish than that; Rook is closer to being a genuine service top (his demeanor helps this image too), but he still has his own desires that he ultimately ends up prioritising. And Jade, well, Jade loves being the best at any type of customer service activity that he does, but there is always a catch with him…
I would call Sebek (with Malleus) and Trey service tops, but to be completely fair, these two aren’t 100% genuine service tops either…
And if by “stone tops” we generally mean touch-me-nots, those who prefer to do everything and want total control over the situation, I think Azul and Lilia are the biggest ones at that.
When it comes to bottoms, hmmm…
Bossy bottoms and power-bottoms are two different categories, but we don’t have a lot of them either way; I would say that Vil and Malleus are the biggest examples of that. Whenever they don’t feel like being pillow-princesses, of course. Riddle, however, despite being super bossy all the time, is very timid when it comes to sex, and he is one of the biggest pillow-princesses out there. Idia is one too, and also Leona (he lazy).
Malleus is also one of the brattiest ones, but the second brattiest is Epel, and also sometimes Idia… but Idia just talks too much and doesn’t know when to shut up :(
When it comes to service bottoms, Silver is the absolute king of that. He is very obedient and I guess sexually submissive overall.
Anyways, these are my thoughts! I haven’t named every single character this time, but it’s because the rest didn’t give me strong enough vibe to label them as anything… I was thinking about Jamil a lot, but I guess Jamil’s just out there trying to survive, that poor guy lol
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
It's Our Time
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Pairing: C! Etho x Reader
Summary: In which you find out that he loves you as much as you love him
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.9K
Extra notes: This was actually my first ever hermitcraft request. I messed it up last time so I redid it. Enjoy!
Content warnings (If any): Etho thinking hes not good enough for reader (Quickly disproven )
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A ninja in training. 
And your best friend since season 3 of hermitcraft. 
Granted he was off and on due to... Things but he was still the person you always looked forward to seeing each season even if he wasn't there or left early most of the seasons. 
In season 8, You decided to room with Etho and Iskall, the latter supporting Etho's shopping addiction. 
"Etho," You asked as they fixed up dinner for Iskall when he came up while Etho ate at the table "You can't keep forcing the poor man to go mining for diamonds for you." 
"But the 'poor man' doesn't mind! He does it willingly!" Etho insisted playfully as he took of a bite of his steak "Why do you care so much, Y/n? Do you like him?" 
His eyes were narrowed and shoulders much too tense for his usual body language and his voice dripped with non-lethal venom masked by a candy sweetness you had learned to look past. It was the first time he acted like this when it came to your person of interest and while he was usually so calm, cool, and collected, seeing this shocked you and reminded you of when you actually said yes to that question because you had thought you had fallen for the builder named Scar. 
Etho had actually set up a date with him in season 4 for you. It was romantic, set in a beautiful flower field with some steak and vegetables but that day it rained and thundered and bees swarmed the two. It was a disaster but you genuinely know Etho didn't do it. He was so giddy to hear that you liked someone and when he heard the date went wrong he pouted in your arms as you reassured him it was okay and that it was probably for the best. 
"I don't know. Scar was great but there wasn't that connection that I thought there was." You explained and ran a hair through his silver hair. It was still storming but instead of being distraught you felt content, especially with Etho in your arms 
But that was years ago, over time you developed feelings for the silver-haired Ninja and it would be so embarrassing to reveal them like this. 
So, you had two options. 
Lie and Say yes 
Say no and not elaborate on who it was. 
"There's some hesitation!" Etho said, his smile strained as he got up and placed his plate in the sink before washing his hands and wrapping his arms around your shoulders "You like Iskall dont'cha?" 
"No," Y/n replied immediately "And If I did like someone, you would be the first to know." 
"I better," Etho smiled and buried his face in the crook of your neck, his breath filtering through the thin mask of his and sending shivers down your spine "You're important to me. I need to know if my Y/n plans on dating someone." 
before you could ask him what he meant by his Y/n, you were cut off by the third of your trio slamming the door open.
"I'm back!" Iskall called as he walked into the house and his eyes lit up at the smell of fresh and warm food "and there's food! Thank you Y/n!" 
"Of course! Enjoy! Me and Etho already ate and I just served you so just give me your plate to clean." You grinned as Iskall came through the kitchen doorway before his eyes widened in surprise before they glimmered with something knowing as a smirk etched its way onto his face
"No, it's fine!" Iskall smiled "By the way, I need a few things. Can you and Etho get them? I've been in the mines for so long that I just need a shower before passing out." 
"I'd be down!" You exclaim "Etho?" 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the masked man's expression change from... something to a soft smile when he notices you looking at him. 
"Sure!" Etho smiled 
Y/n watched as Iskall pressed a piece of Paper into Etho's hand and hugged him tightly. When the bearded man let go of the ninja, Etho's ears had flushed a pretty pink color and you instantly wonder why? What did the mischievous bearded man tell etho? 
then he moved on to you
"Bye, Y/n." He hugged you and whispered in your ear "Good luck." 
As confused as you were, etho pushed you out and turned to flip off Iskall who was laughing loudly at the ninja. 
"What was that about Etho?" You asked softly and grabbed his hand before he can jump off the cliff to gain some air for his elytra 
"Just Iskall being dumb," Etho said, a pout evident in his voice "Come on, He gave me some diamonds and we need some things fro the G-Train." 
He made sure to look behind you and see you had your elytra on before he picked you up and jumped off with you in his arms. You let out a scream and clinged onto him.
Etho loved this. 
Not you screaming in his ear but you clinging on to him like your life depended on it. 
which it kinda does but still-
Etho's had a crush on you since he met you. Of course he never realized it until you went on that date with Scar when he realized the feeling of puking in his gut was jealousy. Then there was years of pining that came with it, longing glaces, disappointed sighs when you left the room and giddy squeals when you did something extra cute. 
He loved you. 
And he has for a while. 
So for Iskall to come home and immediately ask for You and Etho to do something was fishy. He always finished his chores before he came home. It was only when Iskall gave him a hug and crushed a piece of paper in his hands did Etho finally know what Iskall was doing. 
Confess to them before you come home. I'm tired of seeing the pining glances from you and them. it said and it made Etho blush. A rare occurrence that only you can do to him
"You little-" Etho began to whisper back before Iskall moved to you and he had to cut off his sentence. 
and with all that he still took you to the G-train to find the 'things' Iskall needed. So while you browsed the fake list he gave you he gathered some food and random white-colored blanket and dye. He knew you hated white things getting dirty. 
"Before we head back, and I know we just ate, but would you like to join me on a picnic?" Etho asked and turned with a soft smile 
"I'd love that!" You responded, knowing your eyes lit up like a little kid on holidays. 
Spending time alone with etho was frequent when he or you weren't working on anything so it wasn't anything special, but him asking if you didn't want to go home just yet made your heart flutter. 
"Perfect," Even from under the mask you could see and hear the soft smile he had on his lips, and fondness shone in his eyes "Come on, I have the perfect place." 
Etho lead you to a flower forest some hours away and began to set up, and while you insisted you help he denied all your offers and placed down the blanket he hastily dyed pink and that had dried out while he was flying before placing the basket of food he bought down and spreading it across the blanket and sat down before patting the spot next to him where you sat down. 
"So, what's the special occasion?" You asked him as a joke and leaned your head on his shoulder as you took a bite of a golden carrot before offering him some 
"You?" He said truthfully 
"Me?" You asked back suddenly curious and sat up correctly to look at the male "Me? Why me?" 
"Well- I- Uhm," Etho stumbled over his words not sure where to start 
"Etho? What's going on?" You asked and crawled to be in front of him before cupping his face, which was warm. His cheeks were so warm and his eyes avoided looking at you and you could only wonder what he was gonna say but anxiety pooled in your gut. As he paused to find his words, you thought back to anything you might've done to piss him off since the beginning of the season
"Y/n," He finally said and ripped you away from your thoughts "I'm in love with you. I understand if you don't like me like that and if you hate me but I have to tell you. I fell in love with your eyes, the way you walk, the way you talk, your laugh, and how you hiccup after every time you eat. I fell in love with the builder who cleans my messy building style and who can watch me do and talk redstone for hours on end without falling asleep. I fell in love with my best friend. Y/n, I fell in love with you and I can only hope you can return my feelings." 
His face was burning even more and now his cheeks matched the color of the shiny redstone he tinkers with. 
And you? You were breathless
"Oh Etho," You cooed out softly  and cup his face again "I'm in love with you too. I'm in love with the way your eyes shine like jewels, The way you cackle when a prank went your way, and how the moon shines upon you like your own personal spotlight. I'm in love with the crazy redstone ninja who pushes me to do everything I can even when I don't think I can, I fell in love with the person whos been by my side the longest anyone ever been. I fell in love with you Etho. And you are all I could ever ask for, So no I don't hate you and god I wish I had done this sooner." 
"How long? Cause I've had this crush since season 3 and that's even before I knew." Etho said with a bashful smile "I don't think I old you because I thought I wasn't good enough for you. You deserve the best Y/n." 
"Oh, Etho," You sighed and leaned in to press soft kisses to his face "To me, You are perfect. You have bewitched me with body, mind and soul, and void, I love you, I love you, I love you."
With that last 'I love you', You press a kiss to his lips over his mask
"And I will continue to love you, even when all the mortals have forgotten about us and we are nothing but stardust." You murmured against his masked lips 
but after a second or so, there wasn't any piece of cloth in between their lips and slightly chapped lips met yours as Etho's hands cupped your face and tangled into your hair.
"Please be my partner. Please let me be by your side and I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever." Etho pleaded against your lips, and his words had you in a chokehold
oh how you loved this man 
"Yes, I thought that was obvious."
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liviavanrouge · 1 month
Apology pt 2 of Beaten
Lilia: Livy-
Livia: *Turns and walks the other way, her ears flattened back*
Lilia: *Stares, watching her walk away* Livy?
Silver: Lilia, maybe she's late for class
Lilia: Maybe...
Livia: *Walks around the corner, her tail tucked between her legs*
Lilia: *Frowns* No...she's upset...
Kuro: *Laughs, kicking the ball around with Maria and Golden*
Lilia: *Grins, coming up behind him* Mind if I join?
Kuro: *Leaps away from him, his eyes wide*
Lilia: Kuro?
Golden: Hey, bro, you alright?
Kuro: *Takes off into the air, flying away at full speed*
Maria: *Gasps in surprise* Kuro!?
Lilia: *Stares after him stunned*
Kiara: *Whimpers, trying to brush her tangled hair out after soaking it in water* OUCH!!
Ruggie: Girl, you better be careful!
Lilia: Never fear, I'm here!
Kiara: *Drops her brush, looking at him with wide eyes*
Lilia: *Perks up surprised* Kiara?
Kiara: *Grabs her brush and runs away* S-SHERYN! CAN YOU HELP ME!?
Lilia: *Lifts his hand, staring after her* Kiara...
Ruggie: Woah, you did something bad
Kuro: *Stands with Livia and Kiara away from Lilia, holding his sword*
Lilia: *Stares at them, his shoulders drooping* They're not even asking for help...
???: You did take the challenge fight too far
Lilia: *Looks at Malleus* I was only teaching them a lesson.
Malleus: But your comments afterwards weren't needed, I think they already realized it but you said it out loud anyway
Lilia: *Perks up, his eyes wide* What
Malleus: You told Kiara that she still had a lot to learn, told Livia to get off her high horse and that she wasn't as strong as she thinks she is...and you told Kuro he won't always be able to save his sister's from their stupidity
Lilia: *Stares them looks at the laughing kids* I said...that to them...
Malleus: You and me both know they already realized all that after the fight, there was no need for the extra commentary...
Lilia: *Clenches his fists* I...see...
Malleus: They always work hard to make you proud, Lilia, I guess your words made them feel like disappointments and that they couldn't face you until they got better
Malleus: Forgive me for saying this but yes Livia needed to be taken down off her high horse but you...took the fun out of it for them...
Malleus: So they're keeping a distance so they can have their fun..
Malleus: Lilia, they're kids not soldiers
Lilia: *Stares at Kuro, Livia and Kiara*
Kuro: *Laughs, helping Kiara up* You alright!
Kiara: *Laughs and nods*
Livia: *Grins, showing off her bow skills, Kuro and Kiara cheering her on*
Lilia: *Stands up, walking over to the trio*
Kiara: Go Livy, Go Livy-
Kuro: *Grabs Livias wrists, quickly lowering her arms*
Livia: *Looks over and flinches finding Lilia standing there* Ah...sorry...
Kiara: *Flattens her ears back*
Lilia: I apologize for taking the fun out of things...
Kuro: Hm?
Livia: There's nothing to apologize for-
Lilia: Livy
Livia: During the fight I was confused about what you meant by "high horse", I just wanted to fight you to show you how good I've gotten so far, I knew I wouldn't beat you..
Lilia: *Stares at her, his eyes widening*
Livia: I just acted smug to hide my nervousness like Kuro does, it was the first thing that popped into my head...
Kuro: I egged her on to challenge you, I should've suggested that one of us fights her instead, I jumped in when I realized you thought she was being cocky
Kiara: Yeah, me too, I didn't want her to get hurt because of that...
Livia, Kuro and Kiara: We're the ones who should be sorry...
Lilia: *Stares at them then reaches out and pats each of their heads* Don't apologize to me...
Kiara: *Tilts her head to the side surprised*
Kuro and Livia: *Glances at each other*
Lilia: I...apologize for assuming you've gotten cocky Livia, and for what I said to you three, I wasn't trying to take the fun out of your training
Lilia: ...to be honest, I was genuinely impressed with you three during the duel..
Kuro: You were...
Lilia: *Chuckles* Of course, that trick you did so your siblings could sneak attack me took me by surprise, no joke!
Livia: *Smiles slightly* You did a good job of playing it off as a suspicion...
Kiara: *Laughs quietly* Yeah, he did...
Lilia: *Chuckles* You three are great fighters together, you've done well in your training
Lilia: But Kia, there was no need to apologize to me when you attacked
Kiara: *Giggles, rubbing the back of her head* I know but I still felt bad...
Lilia: Let's have fun again okay?
Kuro, Livia and Kiara: *Beams* OKAY!!
Lilia: *Chuckles and smiles* Alright...
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club @pekoetiikapu @teddymochi
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Idk what do you think about poly ships but could you give your thoughts on Silver x Shard x Larry?
I actually do love polyships! You wouldn't know this anon, but while I do have occasional monoships there is more than one fandom I'm a part of where I just have insanely big and complicated polyships😂
Anyhow, I actually kind of adore the thought of this ship? While out of all of the possible pairings here, Shardilver has always captivated me most, I loved their little trio and can't help but be sad that we won't see more of Joker, Jack, and Ace in action
As for canon stuff, I have to admit that I didn't really pay as much attention to Larry in my original read of the trio's first mission. This is largely because of how much of a sort of in your face rivalry Silver and Shard play with during the "follow Geoffrey" mission. I honestly have to give kudos to Larry for trying to focus on the mission while Shard and Silver take up time competing or arguing, especially since he's just kind of in the middle of it?
I feel like the trio really could have gone somewhere as a team and those couple issues of Sonic Universe (42 and 44) were just the beginning. Why? Well, they are a new team. These three are working together for the first time, learning about each other, and dealing with each other. I find it unfortunate that Shard and Silver's taking charge and Larry's trying not to rock the boat or making a wrong move leads to Larry being a bit out of the spotlight (after all, we only get to learn how Larry joined the secret freedom fighters because Silver asks about his "power"). This is all to say that...we could have seen them evolve and grow as a team and as characters a bit.
I think I'm going to go off for a second on some thoughts I have from them under the cut. In case you don't want to read all that though, the simple answer to anon's question is that I definitely can get behind Shard/Larry/Silver as a ship (though I am partial to Shard/Silver)
Okay, so I want to think about them as a team. All in all they're dysfunctional in that way where things just *barely* turn out. Shard and Silver are constantly competing/arguing, Larry really has no reason not to feel like a burden with his jinxes (especially with them coming into play in ways that present as obstacles when he tries to take charge of the situation), and all 3 of them are trying to prove themselves in some way while the mission goes...not as desired.
But in a way I feel like this trio pairing does or could have had a purpose. Silver has been trying to save his future by traveling to the past, but he's had a bad track record in prevention and actually pinpointing the issue that causes his bleak future (and his doubling down on his accusations to administer justice hasn't allowed him to make friends too well). Shard is the original Metal Sonic. He spent a lot of his existence following orders and obsessively messing with Sonic, uncaring of who he hurt or killed in the process. And although he eventually grew a soul and gave his life for Sonic and Tails, he can’t so easily leave his past behind. He can’t expect people to accept him or to forgive him. His attitude at this point is less about genuine maliciousness (as with his previous altercation with Sonic and Tails) or him actually hating Silver, but is more of a form of self protection. Larry has had a hard life. With his chronic unluckiness, he learned long ago that it was better if he stay away from others and just...try not to burden them, even if he can't help it. It gave him hope way back then, when Sonic helped him learn that he and his jinxes could have a use, and when he became part of the substitute legion of freedom fighters. However, it's clear from the story he tells Shard and Silver that he feels like he had a good thing going, only for his jinxes to ruin everything again. He just wants to be helpful, especially now that he's been given another chance to prove himself, but he's still afraid to be a burden.
All three of them have a past or track record that it's hard to move past, but they want to try. All three of them are looking to get something out of being a member of the secret freedom fighters (and though Silver is mostly doing so to get his information so he can find the traitor and go back to his own time, he, like the other two, is also being given another chance to do good via his membership of this freedom fighting group). For lack of a better term, this is a group of "failures" who are trying to do some good.
So I think if we could have seen more of them, we could have seen Silver and Shard come to care about Larry as a partner, appreciate him as one. Larry's background arc could have been about him starting to speak up and assert himself as a member of the group (instead of acting on his own to the group's detriment, sort of following along, or supplying commentary or advice occasionally). I think we could have seen Shard come to care about Silver and Larry (and their well-beings) beyond the mission at hand or his own goals. Just like Sonic often has to learn, we could have seen him grow more used to working in a team rather than trying to show off or prove superiority by handling most obstacles or decision making. I think this team could start as practice for him possibly trying to make up with others outside the secret freedom fighters in the future, and as a method of creating the "family" he wishes he had. I think we could have seen Silver becoming more closely involved with this time through them (further than he already is with his membership to the secret freedom fighters). His detachment to the people here and the lack of thought he's given beyond completing his goals and enacting justice are part of why he's so reckless, so coming to care closely about a couple of people who are hiding just like them and their well-being/home would do him some good. Like Shard, I think we could have seen him getting used to working better in a team rather than trying to handle things on his own.
They're all outsiders, so perhaps they could have created a kinship together so they don't feel so lonely? They're more similar than they believe, and I feel that they could have all grown together as people with their similar problems and situations
Okay okay, if you've read this far I feel perhaps I should give a slight change of topic. So, for fanon purposes, I bid you to imagine Silver and Larry napping, curling up in their sleep, and Shard...bidding himself to watch. He'll probably tease Silver about it later or make some statement about how not needing sleep makes him superior, but for now he just enjoys the moment of peacefulness. He enjoys watching the two at their most vulnerable, sweetly curled up around each other, sleeping like nothing in the world is wrong.
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bearimba · 4 months
Ethan (HGSS) Character Headcanons
Continuing with the New Bark Town trio headcanons!
Starring Ethan next:
So unlike Lyra, Ethan doesn't really do anything in the main storyline (same as the games, really, if you choose Lyra as the player character).
I thought maybe it would be cool if he had some kind of connection to the legendary beasts? since I associate Silver with Ho-Oh and and Lyra with Lugia. So basically, he experiences the Suicune/Eusine subplot instead of Lyra
I think the way it would go is that while he's out on his journey, he happens to encounter one of (or all of) the legendary beasts but it's scared off by the arrival of Eusine. Ethan asks what in the world just happened and Eusine starts explaining the ✨lore✨. He ends up accompanying Eusine on his quest in the hopes of another legendary encounter (though he doesn't really care about Eusine's reasons. he's used to just nodding along to Lyra's infodumping and Eusine isn't really any different. so). Slowly though, he starts to warm up to Eusine, genuinely getting invested in his efforts to bring back the legendary beasts and learning a bit about maturity/empathy on the way. It ends at Cerulean Cape like in the games, except Ethan doesn't catch Suicune and the event is left on a hopeful note that the beasts can in fact regain their trust in humanity.
After Lyra chose Totodile and Silver stole Chikorita, he was left with Cyndaquil. He already had a starter pokemon (Marill) but since Cyndaquil was left by itself, Elm decided to offer it to Ethan and he was like "yeah why not." His third pokemon is a Pichu, specifically the spiky-eared Pichu (how'd get it without already having a shiny Pichu? Great question, moving on---).
He was the first person to really bring Lyra out of her shell when they were kids. Back then, she had the impulsive ideas but he was the one to actually go through with them. Some of their antics included climbing the windmills in New Bark Town, sneaking into the pen of a very wild pokemon Elm was studying, and sailing down the river on Route 27 all the way to the ocean on a poorly made raft, none of which were very successful. Kris tried to do damage control when she could, but as a research assistant there was no way to keep an eye on them at all times.
He's actually the weaker battler compared to Lyra and Kris, but what he lacks in skill he makes up for in sheer willpower. by which I mean he likes to act big and cocky and tough when he really isn't. Dude loves his pokemon but just has no idea how to battle, he just does whatever feels right in the moment.
He still loves competition though, so when the chance came to compete in the Pokeathlon he was absolutely pumped. He and his pokemon are later considered one of the best teams, and he kinda becomes a celebrity---not necessarily mobbed on the streets, but definitely a well-known name to anyone who keeps up with the sport.
While he's competing, he lives with his grandparents in Goldenrod and helps out around their daycare. They don't initially approve of his participation, but he gets money for winning and he promotes the daycare every chance he gets so they can't really complain.
Partially due to the advertising, business at the daycare blows up and Ethan eventually "retires" to focus on it. He doesn't bother announcing it or anything, he just kinda stops showing up to the Dome. When interviewed about it, he responds "oh yeah, I'm actually done competing lol. anyways if you need any top-tier daycare services---"
He ends up taking over the daycare for his grandparents once they're older and it's too much for them to handle. He occasionally helps Elm with his research since he deals with pokemon eggs and evolutions so often.
Between the Pokelathon and helping out at the daycare, Ethan gains a decent amount of muscle. It gets to the point where he can just throw his friends over his shoulder without warning and parade them around, and it's his favorite thing ever. Kris will just hang there chilling, Lyra will burst into laughter until she's set down, and Silver will either quietly sulk or cuss Ethan out depending on the mood he's in.
He's cousins with Red! They both know the basics of Kantonian Sign Language because sometimes, it's easier to sign than miming or pulling out their pokegears to communicate when Red goes mute.
He cuts his own hair because it "looks cool." Eventually he figures out how to do it well, but for a while his hair just looks like it was put under a weed eater.
Despite getting flak from his friends for occasionally lacking common sense, he's actually very emotionally intelligent. He's easily able to pick up on what other people are feeling and works around that during conversations, which is part of the reason he gets along with almost everyone.
He's the kind of guy to wear shorts no matter the weather. It's fine when he's living in New Bark Town, but unfortunately for him Goldenrod tends to be a bit more chilly. Not that he'd ever actually admit to being cold, of course---he's too cool for that (pun intended >:] )
He hands out nicknames left and right---Crystal, Lyra, and Silver are Kris, Ly, and Silvs respectively. The more he dislikes someone, the more outlandish (and/or insulting) their nickname tends to be.
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pebblysand · 2 years
Hello and Happy Birthday! I just want to start off by saying thank you for replying to asks while you are on holiday. I really appreciate you keeping up with all your fans on your time off.
Today I saw someone ask about Hermione. I would love to know how Ron and the Weasley family see Ginny. We don’t really get to see much of Ron’s perspective other than being angry about the press.
Does he and his family pick up that something might of happened to Ginny? Surely there are rumours around about what happened at Hogwarts. Not necessarily rape but definitely torture. Same with Hermione at school. Shes most likely heard something, seeing as she’s living with students that lived it.
I feel as though it’s kind of like in the Chamber of Secrets, where she was clearly showing signs of struggle but no one really does anything about it. It’s a really sad situation because family, in my opinion, should be the first to recognise such issues and be there to comfort and support her.
Thanks again for responding to our many questions :)
It's been a few days now, but thank you so much for your birthday wishes and kind words <3.
I'm going to confess something: the reason why there's not that much Ron-and-the-Weasleys screentime/reactions in Castles is that I'm not very... comfortable writing them. I love Ron but I find him incredibly hard to write, especially when not a part of the trio, and the rest of the Weasleys are... it's complicated because on the one hand, I really love them in the books, but when it comes to Castles, it feels like unless I was writing from their POV (e.g. castles from the point of view of Molly or something), it's hard to explore their thoughts/feelings from where I'm standing and the limitations of Harry's POV in Castles. Harry's very awkward about the whole thing, so he's basically been avoiding being at the burrow on his own as much as he can, which doesn't make it easy to dive into their psyches, if that makes sense.
This being said, you're right, CoS was definitely an inspiration, when thinking about Ginny's family and their reaction to her struggles. And, I agree with you: it's not exactly pretty. I'm one of those people who have Lots of Thoughts about Molly and Arthur's parenting throughout the series, and I think it's very interesting that while they clearly love their children very much, they're not saints. They're not perfect parents.
I think with Ginny, although she's the youngest and is therefore traditionally "the brat", she's actually always been the one who "gets by". She's the independent one, the self-reliant, self-sufficient one, who doesn't need intervention. Percy was a bit like that for a long time too, but that obviously changed with the war. Ginny is the kid who taught herself how to fly, because no one paid attention. Even after the CoS incident. I think that says a lot, not only about her character, but also about her family's views on her. The common narrative seems to be: Ginny? Ah, she'll be fine. She's always fine. She keeps calm and carries on.
So, in terms of Ron, I think he's closest to what happened through Harry, and you can see him genuinely worried about his sister when they find out the silver trio tried to break into Snape's office, but when it comes to it, I think he's genuinely just angry 1) at the press and 2) at her for sleeping around. He's not someone who's very perceptive (emotional range of a teaspoon, lol) and these are things that bother him because they affect the family at large. He's also someone who, usually, if something's not right with him, you'll know. So, it's hard for him to envision people keeping things to themselves. And, I think there's a lot of putting his head in the sand, regarding the torture she might have faced (I don't think there are rumours about the rape, I think that part was kept a relative secret, outside of Malfoy). He tells himself: oh, she was a minor and pureblood, she was probably fine. Again, because Ginny's always fine.
Regarding the parents, I think Molly and Arthur are worried sick, but unable to do anything about it. Because Ginny's so independent and used to being left alone, she's not someone who's easy to talk to. Her relationship with her mother has always been a bit complicated; Arthur might have more of an in, but he also mostly traditionally leaves the emotional family labour to his wife, so he's not sure what to do. Also, Ginny's in school which makes her harder to "access" for them. I also think that just like Ron, they're definitely putting their heads in the sand when it comes to the torture, though that has begun to slowly change with Umbridge's "sins" coming out. Molly is coming to the realisation that the strategies she put in place to keep her children under wraps was inherently faulty, which is something that I believe will take time to accept, as she probably see that as her own failure as a mother. I think half the time, Molly wants to pull her out of school and talk/hammer some sense into her, because that's the only way she knows to deal with kids, but that technique has never led to good things, so she's trying to learn. Ginny also routinely lies about her whereabouts, what she does, the torture in Hogwarts, etc. which also makes it harder for her parents to figure out what's precisely going on. Especially since, from the outside, not knowing anything, the whole thing looks like more of a huge teenage temper tantrum than the crisis it is. I think Molly is mad, and screaming at her to behave herself, because that's what she's always done with misbehaving children.
With her brothers: I think Charlie is away. Bill is busy with Fleur, although out of all of them, he's the only one who has the sense to send her a letter that's not a howler, which I think means something. I think Percy and George are going through their shit. So, yeah, she's pretty much alone.
And, this is all not even mentioning the fact that they've just lost a child/brother, are mad with grief, and Ginny - as always - is alive. Fine. Thus, secondary. Personally, out of all of them, I think George might be the one who is the most clued in and who sees her general behaviour as a symptom of something bigger, because he's going through similarly hard things. But that doesn't mean he's got the capacity to reach out.
And, if you think all of this is the carbon copy of CoS (i.e. everyone being preoccupied with their own shit and not knowing how to help/pay attention), it's because it is. I think, a lot of the time, no matter how much you sincerely swear to yourself that next time, it'll be different, you'll be better, when it comes to it, you might not be. That learning curve is a lot more complex than well-wishes.
Lastly, regarding Hermione, I think she ... tries. She knows Ginny's been through some hard shit. As stated in one of the scenes, she knows the howlers/an intervention wouldn't work. I think she tries to talk to Ginny, but she's not the one Ginny wants to talk to.
I hope this helps :)
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wilder-fangirl · 1 year
I really do be a compulsive liar when customers try to make conversation with me because i work in a pseudo-prestegious place full of people who know so much about technology and I'm just a person who turned down admission and scholarship into a kinda high level college because I felt pressured by my mother and was too afraid of change to leave home and has chronic burnout at 20.
- are you into software? - what do you mean by that? - well, my daughter is going to college for software development *rambles* - oh. well I'm currently majoring in marketing [at a shitty cheap online school because i'm too afraid I won't be able to keep up with a real college because I'm so lazy] and I'm formally trained as a seamstress [i've spent the last 5 years making couch cushions and once a year i have both the time and inspiration to make a sorta kinda artistic dress or jacket with horrible fucking technique] [not to mention i studied classical piano for 12 years and then i started working full time and i havent practiced for 3 years so all that work went down the fucking drain. i used to be good at one thing. i used to have something that made it so i was caught up with everyone else.]
[when i was in middle school i was in a little inseparable trio of friends. Michael was a professional violinist at 14. He knew taught me how to play Smashbros. Bella's dad was a NASA engineer. She was the most genuinely kind person this world has ever seen, and everyone and every animal loved her. I was the kid who was obsessed with the Scarlet Witch and a christian rock band no one had ever heard of. We drifted apart. Covid happened. I sat on my ass til my mom made me get a job. I feel like that day was yesterday, and i feel like i have never left that job. i feel like i am still racing around a store, trying to keep up with everything everyone was asking from me. i would come home and my feet would ache and i would stare at instagram for hours and form unhealthy bonds with strangers and i would sleep. we came out of it and they had made something of themselves. Michael is going to some college and he has pretty friends and they seem to be really close. Bella was always a homebody. She was always happiest when she was with her family and her birds and she was drawing. She still lives in the same house, and she's a graphic design major, and she has more birds. And she is happy. Michael hasn't responded to any of my texts in three years. I tend to leave Bella on read for months at a time.
I wasted a year in a 15 by 15 foot box. i slept and i became mean and so lonely. I lived thursday to thursday when I could see the pretty boy who made my world turn and make me believe i had a future. I thought I won too. all of a sudden after wishing for them for years, i had friends who loved me and who i loved. i was a valuable and valued part of a whole, just like i always wanted. and just as suddenly as those friends came, i wanted to push them away. i've ghosted all but two of them. I think this is who i've always been. an isolated half-person who's chained to a lit screen who talks about freedom but never pursues it.
But at least I have this job, right mom? at least i have a path to a future if i don't fuck it up. but sometimes she comes out when i'm within those silver walls. sometimes the girl who says she longs for people but sits alone in the corner even when people ask her to come out appears again. sometimes the girl who spent every day in the woods and every night in the biggest pile of stuffed animals you've ever seen is in the blue shirt and looking at the ipad and she is on the verge of tears and she doesn't know why or how she's here.
I live and work in the place of my childhood's ghost and i can see every stage of my life all at once and i call feel my inadequacy so intensely. i'm the youngest and most inexperienced person there and everyone treats me like their child or their little sibling and i love it but it makes me feel like i child and i get so scared of fucking up so i work harder than anyone else and dear God help me i am so tired and i give them everything so i have nothing to give to anyone or anything else, not even you. God i am so afraid i am trying so hard God I am a child trapped in an adults body just as i was an adult trapped in the body and mind of a child GOD WHY DID YOU MAKE US LIKE THIS. why do i constantly feel like i need to check my bank account even though i live at home and hardly pay bills and why do i ignore my friends and all their love why am i too tired to even text them back why did you make me think i am a loving person when i am really just some kind of skittish, reclusive animal that sometimes has delusions of being a man why can't i breathe in my dreams? i lie and i overcompensate and i achieve and i work and i am so lazy its like a profession.
everyone i work with is so incredible and they're so good at what they do and they have lives and hobbies and jobs outside of ours and they're sociable and friendly and interesting and extroverted and have significant others and families and have dreams and work towards them and do so much with their lives. i'm nothing besides my work. i come home and i watch tv and i play my little wizard game and tell myself i'll do something soon
my cousin is in harvard medical school and i write notes that a person cracked their phone screen and i try to explain to old people that they have to remember their passwords 30 times a day. my cousin is in mother fucking harvard medical school and i am on my bathroom floor writing to no one instead of making something of myself. he's the only person my age i share any genetics with. i cant help but see how differently we turned out. his father is a lawyer who works in DC and my father is a copywriter who still thinks he can work for WWE like he's dreamed of for the past 40 years. His mother is a cancer survivor and a statistician. my mother is an abusive bipolar orphan who has lived through horrors at the hands of every person who was supposed to love her. my cousin survived prep school AP classes and i survived living in my own head after being SA'd and having no one help me cope. what a fucking gamble life is
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
What are your thoughts on silver trio?( ginny , Neville and luna)
I have so many things to say about this.
This is going to be a little Ginny-centric because she is the only really well-rounded character out of these three.
Ginny and Neville's friendship
The first time Ginny and Neville are properly associated as characters is with the Yule Ball situation (also known as that time Harry lost the golden opportunity of avoiding the Cho fiasco).
We know that Neville feels comfortable enough to ask Ginny to the Yule Ball but she is not his first choice, he previously asked Hermione. Now here there's a bit of speculation to do because we have no idea if Neville asked Hermione because he had a crush on her and then decided to go with a friend or maybe he was just closer in friendship terms to Hermione. But Ginny seems a bit embarrassed to be going with Neville, I'm mainly basing myself on the fact that she didn't defend him from Harry and Ron when they were making fun of him. I think many people forget that, like Harry, Ginny had her emotional growth in how she saw "the losers". Ginny and Neville seem to have bonded enough thanks to the Yule Ball and in OotP Ginny outright defends Neville, quite ironically from himself. This said, there's never a particular indication of them being close friends, in general, Neville's closeness with Harry too seems often exaggerated by the fandom.
Things supposedly change during DH, Ginny is the main leader of the rebellion at Hogwarts (I don't know why people forget this) and Neville seems to become the Hermione to her Harry. Traumatic experiences bring people together, and I bet leading an illegal group of teenagers against Death Eaters is an excellent bonding exercise. Neville also is canonically Albus's godfather and canon information at hand, including the Epilogue where it's Ginny that reminds James to say hi to Neville, I'd say that the choice of that godparent came more from Ginny than Harry.
Ginny and Luna's friendship
Some people seem to be convinced that Ginny and Luna were childhood friends, but this is not true. I think it comes from the fact that the Lovegoods live relatively near the Burrow.
At the start of OotP, it's Ginny who accidentally calls Luna "Loony Lovegood". This is not done with ill intentions, and Ginny soon corrects herself. But it shows how Ginny didn't really know Luna, and she instinctively called her the way she heard other people call the Ravenclaw girl. Then the two girls seem to become closer during this book. Yet, the relationship that is shown between them during OotP and HBP, looks more along the lines of the popular girl who defends the lonely one from bullies and takes time to talk to her and the isolated girl who because of this becomes overly attached to her. Ginny, just like Harry, seems to view Luna as this cute and funny three-legged puppy that needs to be protected. A weird little sister if you will.
As with Neville, things seem to change during DH and for the same reasons. So Luna becomes the Ron to Ginny's Harry. It's clear that Ginny trusts Luna and cares about her but this time it seems more of a genuine friendship than such an unbalanced relationship like before (Ginny's only true equal is Harry but I think I made it clear what I mean).
Ginny and Harry's third child is called after Luna, and again I think it's a safe bet to say that Ginny had more to do with that decision than Harry. I think it's a nice way to honor this kind of "girl-power" friendship and how Luna symbolized for both Ginny and Harry a growth in terms of how they perceived emarginated people.
Neville and Luna
We don't actually know anything about their relationship? But I think it's a given that they became close during DH. They also seem to have compatible interests (but it's not enough to ship them romantically, sorry folks).
The silver trio
In conclusion, these three became a proper trio during the worst of times, and isn't that how all the best friendships are born? They seem way more chill and self-aware than the golden trio and I think that because of this reason they would have a more solid friendship than the golden trio in like a muggle scenery with no wars and crazy things going around. They seem those kinds of people who would become friends at university and meet in a coffee shop at least once a week to do a summary of what's going on with their lives and they would be there for each other's important moments. I like it.
It took them more time to become friends because Luna is in a different house and Neville is in a different year, plus Ginny is very popular.
The main difference with the golden trio is that Ginny is not only the one with the leadership ability but also the glue in terms of friendship. In the golden trio, Harry is the leader but Ron is the one who keeps them together in terms of friendship and has the social skills. It's also true though, as I said before, that we don't know much about Neville and Luna's dynamic.
I have to say that this friendship is one of the reasons why Ginny reminds me so much of James Potter. James is shown as this "collector of outcasts" to whom he gives support and friendship and love. This seems what Ginny ends up doing.
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
for the fanfic ask game, 6, 18, 19 and 20. love you -🐈‍⬛
hello my beloved!! thank you for these!! my answers ARE long because i am insufferable and love talking about my writing!!
6. Opinions on the 5 + 1 theme?
I genuinely love reading and writing it. I think it's a fun structure to write within!
18. Be honest. How many WIPs do you have at the moment?
JUST for this blog it's 19. yes i consider all of these wips, yes theyre are ALL sitting in my drafts half written. i'm haunted by everything i never publish. if any of these jump out at any of you, send me a message it may just spark my interest again:
aftertaste - yandere!ghostbur-revivebur x reader (title to change)
maybe stupid and cute are enough - yandere!las nevadas!quackity x reader (again, title to possibly change)
but you're talking in your sleep - cc!wilbur x sister-innit!reader (currently at 24k and nearly done)
blood of the covenant - HTLGI side story about the whole corpse & reader adopting bench trio thing
die mad about it - dream/sapnap/famous!reader
untitled meta fic about the reader realising the difference between canon & non canon which is hard to describe so here, to show what i mean;
"This feels like a war crime," but there's a voice in the back of your mind that says something else, something you don't quite understand; I'm pretty sure this violates the Geneva Conventions.
"Oh yeah? And who exactly is going to stop me? One of the other war criminals?" Jschlatt spits, but for some strange reason, you hear an echo of his voice in your head, spoken still with vitriolic sarcasm, but his words don't quite make sense; show me where Geneva is in this world, Y/N, show me on the map. The intent is still the same, still who cares, who cares, who cares, I'm going to kill you, but it's like the arguing voices in your mind are your intentions, and the words you speak are done so through an automatic filter without even meaning to.
Idiots-To-Lovers 4/Finale - dream/reader
neither of us will be missed 4 (parts 1,2,3 already completed by unpublished) - dream/reader squid game AU
covered in the colours pulled apart at the seams - ghostbur/reader
but never zero - c!foolish/god of probability!reader
get golden - dream/lighting designer & streamer!reader
god's perfect idiot - cc!wilbur/reader - reader is a chaos gremlin who joins the smp; shenanigans get used for angst in the lore
untitled cc!quackity/reader friends to lovers
everything about you is something that you stole - c!quackity/villain!reader - what you love you devour backstory fic
How The Light Gets In Parts 3,4,5 - supernatural creatures au - corpse/reader
what you love you devour - c!wilbur/villain!reader
(what are we if not) divine comedy - c!technoblade/reader/c!corpse - established reader/techno as a power couple attempting to woo corpse
take your chances (before they take you first) - corpse/reader mafia AU
keep my pretty name out of your mouth - corpse/reader - queerplatonic/fwb kind of situation
19. What’s something you so desperately want to write, but you haven’t gotten around to it yet?
if i want to write something i'll write it, it just depends on whether i'll follow through and finish and publish it, so i'll take this as something i desperately want to finish and show the world but haven't gotten around to yet, and i have a few.
How The Light Gets In - i'm haunted and vexed because im so in love with that universe.
“Can you stop trying to corrupt Sykkuno for five fucking minutes, Y/N?” He’d snapped during a meeting while you were obviously the imposter, trying to get Sykkuno on your side like a silver-tongued serpent. While the others had laughed about it, you had gone noticeably quiet. Enough so that there was a growing sense of dread in the pit of his stomach, hair standing up on the back of his neck.
While Corpse’s words were said with genuine irritation, the next words out of your mouth were frankly venomous.
“Sorry we can’t all be a paragon of fucking virtue, Corpse,” you’d spat, and the rest of the VC had gone dead silent. Corpse swallowed hard, furious that you’d managed to pierce his armour and point out his insecurity with one sentence.
What You Love You Devour - again, over 20k, i just reread it and like.... it needs so much work but i LOVE villain!reader, and also q corruption arc my beloved,, here is a moment from the reader finally snapping and confronting q in the prison when he's there to torture dream who'd agreed to revive wilbur in exchange for a favour;
“Before breaking your cheap, little heart, I hadn’t been honest a day in my life; everyone had told you as much, you chose to ignore them; did you think you could fix me?” You gave a harsh laugh, stepping forward, crowding him into taking a step back, expression irate, trying to keep up his strong front, “Actually, I guess, wow, you did; since you, I haven’t told a lie,” and you gave him a derisive look, “because fucking you up wasn’t a challenge, making you fall in love with me wasn’t a challenge, getting you to the point where you’d die for me? Not a fucking challenge, Quackity. You offered me your life and it fucking bored me.
“You and your flatmates are the hipster crowd, you don’t need my help with that,” you point out, instead immediately offering the alternative of, “you should slap it in the corner of your first album.” The assuredness of your words, even amidst this joke, catch him by surprise. First album, as if you knew there’s be more than one. But you’re still talking; “you know I do mean weird bitch as a compliment, right?”
“Y/N, you’re a weird bitch,” Wilbur says it fondly, say it like he means obviously. You beam.
“See that’s what I like, you know? People are afraid to be weird bitches but weird bitches make the world go round.”
20. What is something that you know more than you will ever need to because you’ve done copious amounts of research about it for a fic?
hahaha that's the thing, i tend to take my hyperfixations and cram them into my fics, rather than research topics i'm not already interested in. the mafia? an old hyperfixation. lighting design? my profession. the music industry? my last BIG hyperfixation was classic rock and i wrote 600k about that and i have family history there. Dante Alleghri's Divine Comedy? i own it and have already read it for fun. aslkjfslkdjfh even going beyond youtube fics i can't really think of researching something FOR a fic that i didn't already have a vested interest in. a detailed knowledge of A Midsummer Night's Dream? i was in the play as Puck when i wrote that fic. the suburban layout and culture of a small australian lake-side town? set in my grandfather's old town. the process of addiction recovery? i'm in AA -
michellin stars. i dedicated a reasonable amount of time finding out how the michellin star system came to be and when it was expanded to America, and the history from there, for a oneshot for a developed classic rock OC lmfao,, and yes, michellin stars and michellin tyres ARE the same michellin.
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starneko123 · 3 years
Butterfly Effect
Star's Note: So I finally got around to putting my main OC in the MK 2021 movie storyline and the first part is like a...songfic? Yeah so prepare for that and also Korë Nagako X Liu Kang is a crack ship, in general, please don't take it seriously lol.
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OC Characters Involved
Nova Nagako
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Mileena walked through the foyer leading to Shang Tsung's throne. Kabal and Goro were joining her it wasn't like she needed assistance for this. She preferred to do this one alone but the iron lung and royal brute refused. The trio reached Shang Tsung and once he gave Mileena the signal she spoke "She was spotted in Earthrealm far from Raiden's Temple as we speak. She seems to have...a different life with others around her. A caregiver." Mileena finished with an aggravated sigh "A caregiver?" Shang Tsung echoed in question.
Kabal cut his way into the conversation "She means her mother but with the description you gave it made it more difficult to find her. No white streaks in the hair, no pink eyes, and no magical powers. The reincarnation is shit." Kabal spat gesturing behind as if she was there. "Nova-" Shang Tsung began and Kabal cut him off once more. "News Flash she doesn't even go by Nova over there! Who the hell would name their kid Nova in this modern day. Her name is Korë. Not any better but it's different. Not fucking Nova." Now he was finished, and he put his hand on the hip for added flare.
"She's not our Lady Nova but still she stands out." Prince Goro mentioned. Mileena may have sniffed her out but Goro tracked her down. He found her first his chest swelled with pride. "She has companions." Mileena groaned half-heartedly "A friend and a consort." Shang Tsung leaned forward standing up from his throne altogether. "A consort?!" Kabal spoke again, "Yeah, not very good looking or the sharpest tool in the shed but they're around each other." Too bad they couldn't see Kabal rolling his eyes because he was doing so every few seconds. "Are you the better option?" Kabal asked genuinely "She is my Queen, my better half." Shang Tsung's voice echoed dreamily and again Kabal rolled his eyes "That's what they all say." Mileena then stepped closer to Shang Tsung as if it was just the two of them. "She had the marking of a Chosen One." Shang Tsung smirked "All the better." He then snapped his head to the side to look over at Nitara perched on a block of stone petting her wings. "Kabal and Mileena...Nitara will assist you in retrieving Nova." Mileena had no problem with that, she got along with Nitara so far. "Yes, master." Nitara said slyly as she sashayed towards the two said kombatants.
"Kill or injure beyond repair whoever stops you from bringing back my wife!" His voice echoed into the maroon sky.
Korë herself was sitting in a chair next to her close friend and housemate, Soleil. "You know what I think I did a really good job on my eyeshadow." She said brushing it a few more times and facing Soleil to show her eyelids covered in white eyeshadow and silver outline. She also had glitter on her face it must have been from the perfume or another form of body glitter. "I think you did really good this time, you're getting better." Soleil put her brush down and stood up fixing her dress in the process. Korë and Soleil were wearing the same dress it was a short pure white dress with lace at the ends and at Korë thought it was plus since it also wasn't strapless.
"Korë Nagako and Soleil Zaveri... five-minute call out. Almost showtime." It was their manager, Soleil responded with an 'Alright' and Korë an 'Okay'. Soleil stood up from her rolling chair as she finished her winged eyeliner and Korë followed her as she finished putting on her lip gloss.
"Yeah, I'm at the place it's like this, singer stripper bar or whatever, I don't know but she's here," Sonya said as she entered the bar and took a seat in the back, and ordered a drink.
"Now, blessing us with their presence is the femme fatale duo is Korë and Soleil!" The response to the statement was scattered cheers. The duo walked onto the stage and the atmosphere itself changed when she saw Korë. Korë had a slight headache that she had been nursing for a couple of days and Soleil knew that but Korë was convinced that it had gone away and she was just dealing with the aftermath. They both cleared their throat and as the stage light shined on them, Soleil started harmonizing as the beat started playing and Korë started singing.
It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20-20, babe
Made of glass the way you see through me
You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you
How you touch my soul from the outside?
Permeate my ego and my pride
"I love you." Shang Tsung said as he wrapped his arms around Korë twisting her around so she was facing him and she gazed at him lovingly as a teasing smirk spread across her obsidian lips. She leaned in until their lips were ghosting over each other "Do you want me to say it back?" She asked jokingly "I think my heart will truly break if you don't." Shang said dramatically and she giggled "I love you."
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me (trust me)
The way that you trust me (trust me)
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
"If you stop moving it would hurt less Prince Goro." He growled again at her statement and she returned it with a cold, unmoving stare. His growls then calmed down to huffs and puffs "Thank you." She said to him as she finished wrapping the bandage around his arm. "The wound isn't too bad, you'll heal fast either way." She said as she stood up and gathered her healing equipment and before she left she was grated with a rumbling "Thank you." at least he had manners she'll give him that. Before she closed the door she sent him a smile. A kind smile. One to remember.
I'm gеtting used to receiving
Still gеtting good at not leaving
I'ma love you even though I'm scared (oh, scared)
Learnin' to be grateful for myself (oh, oh, oh)
You love my lips 'cause they say the
Things we've always been afraid of
I can feel it startin' to subside
Learnin' to believe in what is mine
"I wouldn't recommend it Mileena," Nova said as she closed her spellbook and stood to face Mileena and they were roughly the same height. "But to ensure my knowledge of it-" Nova sighed and grabbed Mileena by the shoulders "I don't want you to learning just yet, you must stick with the powers you were born with for now. I will teach you myself when you have elevated your powers. Understand?" Nova asked tilting her head for the effect and Mileena nodded. Nova brought her in for a hug and kissed her on the forehead and at that Mileena purred in comfort and delight for the slight praise she got.
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me (trust me)
The way that you trust me (trust me)
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I couldn't believe it or see it for myself
Boy, I be impatient, but now I'm out here
Fallin', fallin', frozen, slowly
Fallin', got me right
I won't keep you waitin' (waitin')
All my baggage fadin' safely (my baggage fadin')
And if my eyes deceive me
Won't let them stray too far away, I
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me, ooh (trust me)
The way that you trust me, baby (trust me)
'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view (oh)
As they finished their performance they got a fresh round of applause and Korë finally let out a breath as she always did after a performance and smiled alongside Soleil. After giving a wave they went backstage and collected their money. Since they didn't feel like staying at the bar anymore that night they decided to head home. "Good night KoKo," Soleil said with a yawn as she kissed her on the cheek and closed the door to her room. Korë was outside on the back porch humming and looking up at the sky, enjoying the night breeze. Until she heard whispering and then shuffling in the bushes 'The fuck?' she said under her breath as she quickly grabbed the steel bat near her that they used for protection.
She walked closer to the bushes and beat them with the bat a few times before staring at them again. She sighed, maybe she was just tired that was more than likely the case. She let out another breath as she turned but then yelped as she was met with a woman who was roughly her size and height. Her eyes glowed in the night and her mouth was covered in blood and it looked almost stained on her face. "Mommy Nova! I have waited so long for you!" She grinned widely showing off her razor-sharp teeth and reached for a hug arms opened wide but Korë moved a couple of steps back, her back bumped into someone and she turned to see a man taller and lankier.
"Hey, sweetness." It sounded like a man, a man who had trouble breathing and could barely compose his words. Korë wasn't thinking straight that's all she could of. She swung her bat wildly at the two intruders causing the man to speed away and the woman teleport back a few feet away from her. But she knows that she has hit one of them by the blood on her bat and the scar that was made on her stomach. She shrieked as she held her stomach and she did a full 360° but she couldn't see them. She felt like she was going to faint from the loss of blood and the lack of sleep. She then heard gunshots and she fell to the ground hoping that nothing else would wound her.
"Get up and get in the car!" She didn't have to be told twice since she was living off of adrenaline at the moment. She ran past the woman who was still letting off gunshots as she got in the car and slammed the door as she leaned into the seat protectively. After letting off a few more shots that the duo continued to dodge Sonya ran back to the car as well and got into the driver's seat starting the car and zooming off as she saw beady red eyes staring at her in the rearview mirror. "Who the hell are you?" Korë asked with a hiss as the woman started looking at her up and down when she suddenly asked "Where is the marking?" She asked indignantly "What fucking marking?! What the fuck are you talking about?" Korë spat and Sonya rolled her eyes as she tugged Korë's hoodie upwards and ghosted her finger over the Mortal Kombat marking.
"You wanna explain that?"
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potionsclasss · 3 years
Hey! I'm very new at tumblr so idk where to send these request so please excuse me for that. Could I get a golden trio era ship please?
Here's a few things about me
My sun sign is cancer and you could say I'm the typical "tom boy" type. I like playing sports and do not really enjoy wearing makeup or dresses, I'm love being in pair of Jean's and comfortable tshirts. I'm an ambivert (not extrovert not introvert, in the middle) and I'm very awkward in the start but once I feel comfortable around someone, they can see more of my crazy side. I'm not the best at studies and I'm not the worst, you could say I score well but not the best. For my physical appearance I have brown skin, black hair and dark brown eyes. I love, and people tell me I'm great at, singing and enjoy baking, reading books (not textbooks) and writting. I am a firm believer in feminism and would NEVER date someone sexist and I'm very short tempered as well. I think that's about it. Thank you:)))
Who your ideal partner is and why
George Weasely, DEFINITELY. You are both kind, smart, and giving, and have a similar tender demeanor - with a bite;). You also have similar love languages, as you both love each other playfully and genuinely, and fiercely. He pulled pranks on you and you teased him gently in return. He would put charms on your flowers to make them sing lullabies and wrote silly love poems to leave under your pillow at night. You stole his boyish hoodies and tee shirts and cuffed his too big ripped-up jeans to fit your smaller frame. He was a bit insecure but you helped him grow and he loved you even more because of it.
How you met
Through Fred, ovi. You had always admired Fred’s individuality and kindness and were quite happy when you found him sitting beside you in transfigurations class (even if he was a constant distraction). However, it wasn't until a quittage after-party that he introduced you to his infamous twin brother; George. Yes, it was a bit awkward at first, the both of you being shy and introverted when first meeting strangers, but after a few butter beers in the two of you, he was twirling you around the room to overly poppy music and you were stifling giggles at his embarrassingly stiff dance moves. He couldn't help but admire the silver moonlight reflecting delicately off your raven black hair, and you in turn felt butterflies in your stomach at the sight of his alcohol-fueled blushy cheek. 
First Date
The Yule Ball. George is a shy nervous romantic at heart and the first time he works up the courage to ask you on a real date, it's to be his partner at the Yule ball. He asks you in the Great Hall, a flustered mess, blushing and stuttering on his words since he's so hopelessly in love with you after all, and of course, you accept. The night of the dance, when he sees you coming down the stairs, he can feel his heart still in his chest. His breath hitches in his throat at the sight of you in a fluttering lovely silk maiden dress, as he'd never seen you in one before. He smiles when he sees you have your signature black converse on under the tulle skirt. When the two of you dance together, you feel a fire envelope the part of your lower back his hand is so gently resting on. To feel the movement together was like new breath for your bodies and nourishment for a tired soul. The music and the adrenaline and the smell of his delicious aftershave made your heart spike, as you felt the ever-shortening gap closing between the two of you.
Little things about the two of you:)
-Holidays at the burrow :) with ALL the Weasleys ALL the time.
-His hands are rough and calloused but you love rubbing your fingers over the tough patches on the pads of his fingers. Those rough hands were your medication, your heart-song, and your light.
-Constant prank wars on each other (he would let you win hehe). 
-Your laughter is literally the soundtrack to his mind and his soul. Your giggle is an energy-elevator, one that can take him onwards and upwards. 
-Fred would be CONSTANTLY bragging 24/7 that he's the reason you two are together.
-You would tutor him in charms class, your hands brushing his while you showed him how to flick his wand properly in front of the crackling common room fire. 
A song that reminds me of your relationship:
Hollywood - Single Version By MARINA
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thedemisedroyal · 3 years
Dangerous Betrayal | TVD/TO
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals
AU Story
In alone scenes, scenes with other celestial beings, or when it revolves around her past memories, she will be referred to as Jordan, but when she is with the cast of TVD/TO she is referred to as Esme. Just a heads up to any confused people.
- a u t h o r
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• E S M E •
"You are a disgrace to the Tesni name! You do not belong here anymore. You are here by banished from the Void! You will be taken to Heaven til further notice." Her mother's voice boomed through the giant throne room, the princess felt her heart drop, more tears flooding her eyes, soon following down her face.
She shook her head furiously,"Please mother! Please!" She begged and pleaded but they fell on deaf ears. The princess eyes widened as her father walked towards her with The First Blade in hand. Her father had a furious and disgusted look on his face as he grabbed his youngest child's hair and pulled her out to her feet.
"Father please, I beg of you!" She whispered, her voice trembling with fear, but he didn't answer. He only struck the blade through his daughters chest, she gasped, her eyes flashing a pure golden-yellow, shining within the light, but soon it was consumed by a fiery orange.
Her silver hair was pushed back as the sky door beneath her opened, revealing a pure black portal, which was glistening. It was a portal that lead anyone to the new place named Heaven. "Please." She muttered one last time before her father pulled out the blade that was sticking out of her chest, and pushed her into the portal. As she fell the princess reach out for her father, who simply walked away from the sight.
Soon the doors closed, revealing the sky doors to be in a shape of a dragon, their family sigil.
Jordan gasped as she rose from the bed abruptly, putting a hand on her chest, breathing heavily as past memories flashed in her mind. She turned her head to face her clock, it read 4:38 AM, it was insanely early, the sun wasn't even out yet.
Jordan laid back down, her heart slowly calming down as she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. "God, I hate this." She whispered, living these types of life's sucked, and the goddess just wanted it to stop already. For the billionth time, probably more but Jordan has lost count, she was reborn at the mere age of five minutes in the life of Esme Gilbert. For the past ten years she has lived as the Gilbert girl, feeling all the pain, all the sadness, every bit of it.
The goddess looked at the clock once more, sighing loudly as she had to go to school for the hundredth time. She despised it, but the princess herself tried to keep telling herself that maybe this life might have some pizzazz to it, and not just a normal, mundane life she had lived too many times.
And just like that, the goddess closed her eyes and forced herself back to sleep, trying not to think of her vicious cycle, now frowning at the thought of the first day of high school.
Jordan groaned loudly as the annoying beeping from her alarm clock filled her room. Jordan roughly hit the top of her clock, stopping the beeping, but the Gilbert was wide awake, with a pillow over her head, her tangled brown hair spread all over the bed. "Dammit." She muttered, though it was quite muffled as she was faced down.
The wavy brown haired girl pushed the pillow off of her head and threw the blanket off her body. Getting up while rubbing her eyes to try and wipe the sleep off. She yawned loudly, stretching as she stood up from her bed, the cold floor sending electric waves to her feet that kind of woke her up.
"I hate life." Jordan pronounced to a empty room, grabbing her healthcare supplies and making way to the bathroom to start the horrid day.
Jordan looked at herself in the full body mirror she had in her room, trying to find any imperfection. She looked good in the outfit Esme's, well her, best friend Caroline Forbes, had picked for her about a week ago. Jordan slightly smile as she topped it off with her rose gold, moonstone ring that was a friendship ring, which Caroline also had. And a silver crescent moon necklace with a blood moon pendant to the side of it, which she got during her fourteenth birthday
Jordan smiled, quickly fixing her bed, picking up her room, tidying it up as she didn't want to do it later in the day when she is tired and extremely lazy. "Okay, let's do this." She spoke to herself, grabbing her satchel and heading downstairs with the rest of her family.
"Toast. I can make toast." Esme's Aunt Jenna spoke to Elena in the kitchen, opening one of the top cabinets, looking over her shoulder to look at Elena, who was pouring herself a cup of coffee. "It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena nonchalantly spoke as she poured her coffee, not looking back.
"Is there coffee?" Jeremy and Esme both asked in unison, walking to the kitchen. The younger daughter separated from her little brother, walking towards the cupboard with the coffee mugs, pulling two of them, for Elena and her, knowing Jeremy would take Elena's.
Elena scoffed quietly as Jeremy took her mug, Turing around to grab another one when she was met with Esme already holding one, smiling. Elena sent one back, taking the mug and pouring herself, then one for her sister. "Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared." Jenna spoke frantically, going to her back to grab her wallet. She pulled out three twenties, walking towards the trio, holding out her hands,"Lunch money?" She questioned, Elena and Esme shook their head,"I'm good." Esme spoke first,"Same." Elena followed, though Jeremy gladly took one of the twenties.
"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?" The aunt asked herself and the kids, putting the remaining twenties back into her wallet. Esme furrowed her brows, tilting her head a bit, "Don't you have a big presentation today?" The youngest daughter asked, sipping her semi-hot coffee. Jenna sighed, looking at her watch"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now. Crap!" Jenna exclaimed, taking her hair out of the flimsy bun.
Elena spoke up,"Then go. We'll be fine." She reassured, Jenna sent a quick smile and quickly walked away, leaving the three alone. Elena and Esme looked at each other, both communicating with their eyes alone. The youngest twin nudged her head forward, taking a quick glance at their brother, Elena nodded, turning to Jeremy. "You okay?" Elena asked, Jeremy rolled his eyes at his two older sisters,"Don't start." Scoffing as he walked away with his coffee in hand.
Elena looked down,"Don't worry Le, he'll come around soon." Esme sent a small smile towards her sister, who gave a sad one back. The two talked before they all had to leave for school. Elena was going with Bonnie while Esme walked to the park to wait for her best friend, as she was strictly instructed to do so. And she knew Caroline, she wouldn't let her live this down if Esme is late.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Caroline questioned her childhood best friend for the hundredth time, Esme giggled and nodded her head. "Yes care-bear, I'm completely fine, you don't have to worry, I've got you." Esme playfully told, the two shared a laugh and continued to walk through the crowded high school hallway.
The two had locked arms, unknowingly walking towards Elena and Bonnie by the lockers, Caroline separated from the youngest daughter of the Gilbert's and to the oldest Gilbert daughter. "Elena. Oh, my god. How are you?" Caroline took the eldest Gilbert into a hug, pulling back swiftly, coming face to face,"Oh, it's so good to see you." She spoke in a calming voice.
The blonde turned to the Bennet,"How is she? Is she good?" Asking her, Elena furrowed her brow a bit,"Caroline," The blonde looked back to the brunette,"I'm right here. And I'm fine. Thank you." Elena reassured her other best friend, nodding her head with a fake smile plastered. "Really?" Caroline asked once more, making Esme shake her head.
"I've been trying to reassure her but she won't listen." Esme finally made her way to the three, "Hey squeakers." Bonnie teasingly said, Esme rolled her eyes playfully,"Hi to you too, branch." Bonnie playfully glared, but she broke into a smile, bringing the younger twin into a hug. The two were also close, well, then again, all four of them were.
Caroline smiled at Elena, bringing her into one last hug, "Oh you poor thing." The Forbes softly spoke, pulling back from the hug quickly, as the first bell would soon ring and she wanted the best seats for her and Esme. "See you guys later? Lunch?" Caroline asked, Bonnie and Elena nodded, a genuine smile on their faces from their bubbly friend,"Yes!" Bonnie exclaimed happily, Elena nodding.
"Okay bye! Come on Esme, we need the best seats!" Caroline dramatically explained, locking arms with her and dragging her along. Esme laughed, waving to her sister and other best friend, they waved back,"See you at lunch!" Bonnie and Elena agreed, quickly saying goodbye.
"I was thinking we should head to the grill for a girls night." Caroline spoke as she reapplied her lipstick, she and Esme were by her lockers for a quick book pickup and fixation of her appearance. Esme nodded,"Sure, if you want. Though I might have to ask Jenna." The brunette talked to the blonde, looking towards to see she wasn't listening at all. But her eyes were glued to a person, a boy, who Esme never recognized before.
Jordan's eyes flashed a scarlet red for half a mili-second, a voice in the back of her head speaking in a hush whisper, "Vampire". Jordan felt her heart race, what the hell was that? The goddess doesn't have powers, they were stripped away when she was turned into this dimension. But the woman didn't think about for to long, as she knew exactly who this was, Stefan Salvatore, just like in the file she had gotten when the goddess switched into this dimension. He matched the description it put, dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes, supposed to show up on the first day back.
The goddess didn't know his purpose nor his life story, just his name, his hair and eyes, and that he had a brother named Damon Salvatore, she wasn't given a lot information about the man, which was odd in her case. She would have kept on thinking if it wasn't for that damn bell, "Come on Care, let's get to class!" Esme spoke with a big smile, locking arms with the blonde who was in a slight trance. Caroline snapped out of it, nodding frantically,"Yeah, come on." Soon the two made their way to the first class...math.
Elena laughed as Esme fell down to the ground, right on her butt. The younger twin glared at the older twin,"I hate you." She muttered, Elena rolled her eyes, shaking her head,"No you don't Me, no you don't." Elena repeated playfully, sending a sarcastic smirk her way.
(Me is pronounced May, that's Elenas nickname for Esme, she's the only one that calls her that. And Esme calls Elena Le, pronounced Lay, sorry for any confusion."
The eldest son got up from her sister bed, walking towards her mirror to check her face, making sure she didn't rub any makeup of hers. Elena smile as she looked behind her in the mirror, seeing her little sister wiping her butt, already off the floor. "Thanks for the help Le." Elena turned around to see a scowling Esme, "You are very welcome, my dear little sister!" Elena laughed more, but squealed as Esme started to chase her around the room, though Esme already had a plan.
She waited until Elena was near the door, then kicking her history book she hadn't put away yet, making it slide through the floor and right next to Elenas feet, who hadn't even noticed the large book as she was looking behind her. Due to the lack of sight, Elena fell harshly, on her side. Making Esme laugh out loud,"You are very welcome, my dear big sister!" Esme exclaimed, holding her stomach as she fell to the floor, laughing. Elena groaned as she pushed herself up,"Oh my god, that was priceless!" Esme giggled, standing up.
"C-Come on Le, w-we g-gotta go already." Esme stuttered, trying to contain her laughter, Elena glared as she stood up as well,"Imma get you back for that!" She grumbled, rubbing her shoulder, trying to soothe the slight aching feeling. Esme wiped her eyes that were wet with tears,"Yeah, okay, sure you will."
The two soon composed themselves, leaving the room and heading downstairs, playfully bumping shoulders with each other as they walked down the stairs. The twins had their coats in hand, passing their aunt Jenna with smiles on their faces. "We're meeting Bonnie and Caroline at the grill." They quickly informed the guardian.
"Okay, have fun. Wait," Both brunettes swiftly turned around,"I got this. Don't stay out late, it's a school night." Jenna pronounced with a smile, the twins sent smiles her way. Elena chucked,"Well done, Aunt Jenna." She spoke happily, Esme sent a playfully soldier salute. The aunt parted ways with the twins, a satisfied look upon her face.
As Jenna left, Esme and Elena made way to the front door, ready for their little night out. Elena grabbed the door, unlocking it and opening it, slightly gasping as she was face to face with Stefan. "Sorry, I was about to knock." Stefan spoke in a soft tone. Esme heard the voice and she recognized it. She would have seen him if she wasn't putting on her jacket, she closely listened it before making her presence known.
"I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. I know it was..strange." Stefan said, his voice was kind of low and rough, sending a smile to her twin. Elena shrugged her shoulders,"I get it, blood makes you squeamish." The two shared a quick and brief laugh. Esme soon lost her train of though whilst listening.
Her mind was thinking,"What did he want with her." He was clearly a vampire, as her power detected pretty easily. There has to be a point to why he was here, and why he had a interest to Elena. And most importantly, was it something bad? Was it good..that's a long shot.. She quickly broke out of thought when she saw her sister walk away, turning her head to see a standing Stefan, looking at the doorframe.
Esme quickly put on her facade, plastering a smile and walking towards the door,"Stefan?" Thank god Caroline talked to him during the fourth and third period, otherwise she would have blown her cover. Stefan furrowed his brows, "Hey Esme, what are you doing here." The vampire questioned,"I live here actually, I see you are acquainted with my sister?" She questioned back, Stefan opened his mouth t speak, but didn't speak for a couple of seconds, thinking thoroughly.
"Talked here and there, came here to give back her journal." Stefan responded with a small smiled, Esme was about to respond but she heard someone walking towards her,"You guys know each other?" Elena asked, putting on her jacket, Esme and Stefan gave each other's quick glance,"Met each other in fourth and third." The youngest Gilbert daughter quickly explained.
Elena smiled,"Caroline?" Esme laughed a bit, nodding her head, muttering a quick 'Yup' in response. Stefan cleared his throat, catching the attention on the twins,"Sorry, were you guys going somewhere?" Elena nodded her head, walking more towards the Salvatore. "Yeah, we're going to meet friends. Do you want to come?" Elena asked, locking eyes with the green eyed boy. Esme slightly smiled, looking at the two. Maybe things might not be so bad..maybe?
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mistwolf45 · 5 years
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Silver Roses
Chapter Three
"Why is he here?" Hellboy groans as he sat down in the briefing room. 
Nuada stood, leaning against the doorframe as Manning set a dossier on the long, oval table. 
"Because I asked him to be." He says simply. Hellboy grumbles to himself, keeping the Prince in his peripheral vision. Liz sat next to him and he rested his stone hand on the back of her chair.
Manning opens the file and pans through it. "We have some reports of a ghost whisperer -a real ghost whisperer- in rural Nebraska." He says.
"So what? It's a fake. A charlatan." Hellboy shrugs.
"Not this one, at least we hope." Manning says. He glances to the seat beside him where a young woman sat. She was a new agent, only in her twenties, but she was smart and very accomplished. Not to mention she had a special...ability. Controlling and manipulating electricity. Agent Lydia Bellaire.
"True ghost whisperers are almost impossible to come by. Mostly because the real ones don't make themselves known to the public. Typically it truly is fakes and charlatans putting on seance's and making money off of the public." She says.
"And we think this one is real because…?" Liz asks.
"According to anyone in town who had a reading by this girl, this…" Lydia took a moment to flip through the file looking for the name. "Rosemary Moore; well they claim whatever she predicted came true and she knew things that she truly couldn't possibly know."
Hellboy scoffs and chuckles. "Doesn't everyone say that about psychics?"
"These are a bit more extreme." Lydia says as she pulls some reports out. "Let's see…"She knew that I had been raped when I was 13 years old, which is something I never told anyone. She even told me his name and gave a description of him"." 
"And she just... magically knew this?" Liz asks.
"No...she apparently channeled this woman's dead grandmother." Lydia says as she keeps looking over the file.
"So her grandmother knew and didn't say anything?" Hellboy raised a brow.
"Apparently the grandmother was dead long before the rape." Lydia sighs softly. "Ghosts are tricky things and from what I've gathered from research is that they can tap into all kinds of knowledge. Seeing into the future, or knowing things that simply shouldn't be known from the past and present."
"So...a psychic gets their readings straight from ghosts?" Liz asks.
"I'm not positive. That's why we'd like to go out and meet this Rosemary." Lydia says.
"And you wanna send us? This ain't a big deal, send someone like Myers." Hellboy says.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you liked going out." Agent Manning mocks, making Hellboy's face go a little redder.
"I was hoping it could be Hellboy, Nuada and myself." Lydia says as she stood. 
"Him? Why him?" Hellboy juts his thumb behind him where Nuada still stood, silent and still like an old oak tree. His gold eyes narrowed at Lydia as he honestly wondered the same thing. Why him?
"Well we're short on agents at the moment, and I also want to test this ghost whisperer." Lydia says.
"Test how?" Hellboy asks.
Lydia reached into her bag and pulled out two necklaces that looked ancient and gold.
Nuada's eyes flashed and he stormed over.
"Where did you get these?" He hisses at the young woman who kept a good poker face, even though she felt her insides shiver with anxiety. 
"Your sister." Lydia says simply. "She's already charmed them to you and Agent Hellboy specifically."
Nuada looked like he was seething. He hated seeing elvish relics in the hands of humans. They didn't belong there! And his own sister had handed them over...
"What are those?" Liz asks.
"Let the demon put his on." Nuada scoffs. "You'll see." He slipped away from the table to skulk in the corner.
Lydia held out a necklace to Hellboy and he looked at it as if she was holding out a dead cat. "What's that gonna do to me?"
"You won't feel a thing." Lydia sighs as she comes around the table to Hellboy. "The Princess already showed me and it's actually pretty cool."
Hellboy winced  and closed his eyes as Lydia reached up and let the necklace fall down around his neck. He didn't feel anything but he heard everyone gasp.
"What? What happened?" He lets one eye crack open a little. 
Lydia fished out a mirror from her bag and held it out to him and as he looked in he just about fell back in his chair.
"What the fuck." He says as he touches his cheek. He still felt the same but the face looking back wasn't him at all. He looked...normal. Pale, human flesh, blue eyes, salt and pepper hair. As Hellboy kept touching his face his fingers touched his horn stubs. He still felt the same.
"It's a glamor spell." Nuada explains. "So even creatures who aren't fae can change how they look."
"And if this girl is legit, she should be able to see through it. Literally or figuratively." Lydia says. "Plus you guys can go into town with me without causing a riot."
Hellboy was still looking in the mirror, checking out his face. He still looked like his original self in some ways, the build of his face and things like that. "Can I keep this?" He asks.
"No." Everyone else says in unison.
"Man this place is small." Hellboy looks out the window of the van as Lydia drove into the small town in Nebraska. 
"Ogallala." Lydia sighs softly. "It's nice. It's quaint." She says.
Hellboy had already slipped on his glamor necklace and tucked it under his shirt to hide it. Nuada was in the back seat of the van, spread out and seemingly asleep. 
Lydia drove through and pulled up next to a small motel. It looked cheap, but they wouldn't be staying here very long.
"Agent Silverlance, your necklace." Lydia says. 
Hellboy looks over his shoulder at the elf prince. He was genuinely curious to see what he would look like as a human.
Nuada sighs and sat up, pulling his golden chain and amulet out of his pocket and slipping it over his head. In an instant he morphed into a handsome human. Tan skin and blue eyes. Instead of long hair his head had a close shave. It was a drastic change and he looked utterly normal.
"Let's do this." Lydia sighs as she got out. Hellboy and Nuada followed. It was overcast and humid, promising rain later. Lydia pulled her leather jacket tighter around her body. A chill in the air signaled Autumn was creeping in. 
Lyida paid for a maximum of two nights for a room. The biggest there only had two beds which meant, if anyone got the chance to sleep she'd have to bunk with someone. She was already picking Hellboy because she was worried the elf prince might kill her if she was in the same bed as him.
They unload the bags they had brought and Lydia pulled out a local map and began going over it with a red marker. 
"So one of these reports actually gives directions to the farmhouse." Lydia bit down on the marker cap and pulled it off before she began to go over the map.
"It's not too far from Ash Hollow." She mumbled around it.
"What's that?" Hellboy asks.
"There's a museum and everything. It's on the Oregon Trail. Some people died of dysentery." Lydia explains as she kept glancing at her papers and slowly traced a red line across her map. "I've heard it's really nice out there ...here we go." Lydia circles a spot in the middle of nowhere.
"The farmhouse should be right here."
After breakfast at a nearby diner -where Lydia had pancakes and yogurt, Hellboy ate as much as he could without drawing attention, and Nuada just had a cup of black coffee that he barely touched- they were off to the farmhouse.
It was a long drive out through nothing but corn and wheat fields and there were no other cars coming or going. Lydia let Hellboy drive since it was something he didn't get to do very often. She would reach over and shift gears for him so he didn't break the shifter with his glamoured stone hand. 
A misty rain had begun to fall and the overcast got thicker. There was an ominous feel in the air with it and Lydia thought of the old "Children of the Corn" movies. 
"This is a long damn drive." Hellboy groans. It felt like they'd hardly been moving, everything looked the same outside. Finally the earth began to change a little, slipping up or down. Bluffs and small cliffs popped up on either side. They would have made excellent look outs for the Native Americans who had once lived on the land. 
It was kind of peaceful actually. The light rain made everything look an even deeper green. Nuada kept his eyes out the window, savoring it. If only he could just throw this door open and jump from the vehicle. To hell with his injuries; he could bolt for the fields and never be seen again.
He rubbed his left wrist hard, tugging at the tracking bracelet that was locked onto him. He remembered the shock it could give him as well. He wouldn't get two feet before someone pushed that button…
"Here!" Lydia says, pointing to a dirt road that broke off the pavement. Hellboy came to a screeching stop making the trio lurch forwards in their seats. 
"Fuck!" He winced and Lydia rubbed her shoulder. "You're ok." She assures him. No one had been behind them thankfully. 
Hellboy kept the van parked in the middle of the road a moment as he and Lydia squinted at an old looking sign posted by the dirt road. 
"Fortune telling and seances like nowhere else! You won't be disappointed! Not for the faint of heart. $60 per person, price non-negotiable. Worth every penny!"
"That seems excessive." Hellboy says as he turns into the dirt road. 
"Money is no object thankfully." Lydia says as she keeps an eye out for anything as they drove down the road. More cornfields on either side of them, closer now and making her feel boxed in. Thankfully the road wasn't long and an old, falling apart farmhouse came into view. 
Hellboy pulled the van up by an old, dead tree and Lydia put it into park for him and turned off the ignition.
"Creepy." She observes.
Good thing that kinda thing doesn't bother us." Hellboy smirks. 
The three got out of the van and stretched a moment. The rain was getting heavier and the sky was getting darker. Lydia quickly went up the old creaking steps into the wrap around porch. She waited for Hellboy and Nuada to be right behind her before she gave the front door a few good, hard knocks.
Just a half-hour earlier
When Rose had found the old hairpin in a crack between the floorboards she almost lost her composure. She'd been slipping away to bed the night before, late like always because she did all the cleaning up after dinner. Her uncle had been in the den, smoking and reading a book, so she had to be discreet about it. She pretended to trip on her chain -which of course awarded her with cruel jokes and chastising from her uncle- but it was just enough. She pried the pin out and found her footing again before slipping away to the closet under the stairs. It had been her bedroom for the whole ten years she'd lived here. Her aunt had said it was the only space she had for Rose; apparently her cousins refused to let her bunk with them in their rooms and there was no sofa to sleep on.
It was small and cramped but it was Rose's little slice of solitude. 
She slipped into the closet and shut the door behind her, stuffing an old rag into the hole where the doorknob should be. One good thing about using the closet as a bedroom, is there was a heating vent right in the corner. Rose could hear every word said in every room of the house, and she waited until she heard everyone go to bed and kept waiting to make sure they were all asleep. 
Finally, the only sounds she could hear was the creaking of the house settling and the furnace in the basement kicking in.
In the closet there was only a small lamp to see by and it's batteries were getting low. The light was dim and flickering and Rose was worried it wouldn't last long enough for her to pick the lock on her shackled leg.
She fumbled with the hair pin, slipping it into the keyhole and twisting it around. Damn it, this used to be so easy…picking locks wasn't that hard!
She was getting frustrated and desperate and her hands began shaking and forcing the pin roughly.
She lost her grip and it popped out of the keyhole, 
Rose bit her tongue to keep from screaming every curse she knew. And of course, because someone up there must have a vendetta against her, her lamp died out, leaving her in the pitch dark.
"Damnit damnit damnit!" Rose hisses as she gritted her teeth. 
Her fingers run along the floorboards in desperation, praying and begging under her breath. Her little closet room had never felt so vast before. The night had already passed and she was beginning to hear birds chirping outside. Once the sun was up, she might have a chance of seeing the floor, but she also had a very high risk of being spotted and caught again if she ran.
For once Rose wished a ghost would just help her for once! Sure, they came around when they needed something from her, but God forbid they could ever give her something in return! 
Yeah, come around and drain my energy. Leave your ugly feelings inside of me when I channel you and give your messages to loved ones. Can't a single one of you just pick up a hairpin and fucking shove it in my hand?!
Cold metal. Her fingertips barely register it at first, but it was there. Rose scrambles up the pin feeling her heart begin to pound so loudly she wondered if she would wake up the entire household.
This time she forces herself to be steady and slow with it. If she lost the pin again she was screwed.
The lock twisted and popped off the shackle and clattered to the floor.
Rose gently removed the metal loop from her ankle and she rubbed the dark and bloodied ring it had left.
No time for that. She tells herself. She could take care of her injuries when she was Scott free. 
She fumbled around in her closet a few moments more, pulling on socks and grabbing a pair of battered cowgirl boots before she slowly opened the closet door. 
The first few bits of sunlight were peeking through the curtains, casting the house in a deep navy blue.
Her covered feet made little noise as she slowly scooted towards the kitchen. She'd have to leave through the backdoor because the lock on it was broken. The front door always stayed locked until her uncle got up, which would be any minute now. Farmers got up as the sun did.
As Rose reached the kitchen door she could hear the distant beep-beep-beep of an alarm clock upstairs and her heart wrenches. 
In a panic she bolted out the door, stumbling and tripping as she pulled on her boots and she ran as fast as she could into the foggy early morning.
The door opened very quickly after Lydia knocked. An older, very scrawny woman stood in the doorway, wearing flannel, jeans and boots.
"Can I help you?" She asks.
"Yes, my brothers and I saw your sign out by the road, about having a psychic?" Lydia says, playing the part very well. Although this woman obviously wasn't convinced that Hellboy and Nuada were her brothers, glamor or none. However, she didn't mention it. In fact the word psychic almost made her look panicky. "Oh."
"I'm sorry, is this the wrong house?" Lydia asks quickly.
"No...ah, our meetings with my niece are typically by appointment only." The woman says.
"We could come back." Lydia suggested but she really hated to do that. One, the trip out here was long but two, most importantly, this woman was giving her a very bad feeling in the pot of her stomach. She seemed off somehow. Crooked.
"No, no...if you have an extra twenty per person, I think we can forgive you." The woman says.
Lydia did the math in her head. $60 per person with an extra $20 tacked on would be $240. Good thing the BPRD was government funded and had very deep pockets, she'd hate to pay that out of her own pocket for what might be a complete scam. She didn't flinch as she pulled out her wallet and counted out two hundred and forty dollars and handed it over. The woman took the time to count it of course before she smiles softly and held out her hand. 
"My name's Bitsy Saunders, come on in."
Lydia shook it before stepping inside. The farmhouse was rustic and quaint. She looked around, spotting a small room sectioned off by thick, red drapes. 
"Head in inside, Rosemary will be with you shortly." Bitsy says. Lydia slipped into the small room. It was dark and cozy with red drapes along the walls. Trinkets and talismans dangled from the ceiling. Nuada scoffs softly as he looks around. All junk just for show. 
Hellboy hung back a little, peeking out from the curtain and keeping a close eye on Bitsy. Lydia hadn't been the only one to catch a funky feeling off the woman.
He narrowed his eyes as he watched the old woman go to the closet under the stairs and knock on the door.
"Rose we have clients." She hisses. "Get your lazy bones up!"
Apparently there was no answer from inside because Bitsy flings the door open and froze.
Hellboy slipped into the seance room and shook his head. "I think you just blew 240 bucks Lyd." 
"Why do you say that?" Lydia was playing around with the lucky rabbits feet that dangled from the sides of the small round table.
As if on cue Bitsy blew in past the red curtain door looking pale. "I'm sorry but she's not feeling very well at all today." 
I'm sorry to hear that." Lydia says, but she didn't believe a word of it. "You don't think I could just see her a moment? I only have a couple of questions to ask her."
"No! No...she's...my husband is taking her to town to see a doctor as we speak." Bitsy says. Something no one believed. There hadn't been any vehicles out front when they'd arrived and the house seemed completely empty save for Mrs. Saunders.
Lydia wasn't sure what she should do. Rosemary Moore could be laying dead somewhere for all she knew.
"You sure about that lady? You looked pretty surprised when you opened that closet. And please don't tell me that's your nieces bedroom." Hellboy scoffs.
Bitsy set her jaw and and shoves the curtain door open. "Please go."
"No refund?" Hellboy cocks his head, trying to get a rise out of this woman.
"Let's just go." Nuada scoffs as he slipped past Bitsy. He glanced over his shoulder, noticing that she was still focused on Lydia and Hellboy, so he slipped towards the closet door that was still standing open.
"I said leave!" Bitsy was getting very agitated and Lydia grabbed Hellboy's arm. 
"Let's go. She's not some monster you can beat in with your hand, she's an old woman." She whispers.
"Fine." Hellboy pulled away from Lydia and shoves past Bitsy and Lydia followed. 
"Your niece run away for a good reason?" Nuada calls from the closet door.
Mrs. Saunders's eyes went wide as she saw him bent over looking into the small space and Lydia quickly joined him and she felt her blood starting to boil. It was a cramped, sorry excuse of a place to keep someone. It was obviously being lived in quite a bit.
"You have no right to be nosing around my house! I'm sorry if we're not rich like you fucking City folk and can afford a nice big house with a bedroom for everyone in it!" She yells. "Now get out before I call the police!"
Hellboy was glaring at the woman, feeling his blood rage in his veins. Even Nuada felt sick and angry. He could see the chain and shackles laying on the floor…the woman had been a prisoner…
Lydia grabbed both men by their shirt collars and drug them towards the front door.
"We'll see who will be calling the police on who!" She yells over her shoulder before slamming the door behind her.
"We can't just fucking leave." Hellboy hisses at her as she storms to the van.
"Why not? She's not here and there's nothing we can do." Lydia sighs. "The woman got away on her own and she's out there somewhere."
"So we just leave?" Hellboy growls. He rested his hands on top of the van, and his stone one was beginning to dent the metal as he gripped it too tight.
"Yeah Red. We leave." Lydia sighs.
By now it was pouring out, and blowing like hell. Hellboy and Nuada had discarded their glamor pendants. Red was driving again down the deserted road back to town, groaning and muttering to himself. This didn't feel right at all. Someone had to save that poor girl.
Lydia was sitting in back talking on the phone with Manning about the situation. "She's in the wind! I don't know what we can do now." 
Nuada sat up front with Hellboy, arms crossed and watching out the window as the rain created rivers down glass. His stomach hadn't settled since he'd seen those chains on the closet floor. He couldn't understand why they'd keep their own niece locked away in such a fashion. Unless maybe she wasn't their niece...maybe some poor girl with a gift they'd kidnapped and abused?
He lets his head rest against the cold glass and he kept watching the scenery go by, dreading being back in the city. As he kept looking out his sharp vision seeing something moving along the road up ahead and he sits up straight again. Definitely a human but why were they walking along the road in this ungodly weather?
"Demon!" Nuada reaches out and grabbed Hellboy's arm, spooking him and making him swerve. 
"Fuck! What the hell is your problem?" Hellboy growls after slamming on the breaks.
"Look!" Nuada points out the window where the human had stopped walking and turned around. Nuada opened his door and looked out; a young woman with long hair being whipped and matted in the wind. She was shaking hard, only wearing a thin nightgown, hooded sweater that had soaked through, and boots.
"Nuada get back in the van." Lydia calls as she stepped out. "It's better if I talk to her first."
Nuada hesitated but eventually complied.
Lyida had slipped on her thick coat and she quickly walked to the poor shivering woman. As she got closer, Lydia could feel her heart wrenching and she knew without asking who this must be standing in front of her.
"Are you Rosemary Moore?" Lydia asks over the wind and rain as she stepped closer. The young woman was about the same age as she was but she seemed younger and smaller. She was thin...too thin…
"Please…" the woman's voice was hoarse. "Please don't take me to my aunt."
"I promise you that won't happen. You'll never have to see her again." Lydia says. 
"Who are you?" Rose shook out, looking Lydia up and down, glancing at the van.
"My name is Lydia Bellaire and I work with the BPRD." Lydia says as she gently took Rose by the arm. "You can't stay out here."
Rose swallowed hard as she followed Lydia to the van. She looks through the window and could see the driver. Big and red…
Lydia opens the van door and helps Rose into the backseat with her and noticed her staring at Hellboy.
Rose sat down shaking as she watched him. "Are...are you the Devil?" She softly asks. Hellboy chuckles softly as he shifted gears. 
"No but don't feel bad. People ask me that all the time."
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