#like i remember being a kid and finding that out and being fucking ECSTATIC
if mine comes back in a kiwami dead souls he better be playable and ill never advance the story to just. stare at him. kiss the screen probably.
if mine comes back in kiwami dead souls not only should he be a playable character but i also think that he should play an essential role in majima's ploy to weed out the zombies at the mall by having daigo dress up as a pretty lady and his part should be kissing daigo on the mouth
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rrking · 4 months
Some General BG HCs
Me and my wifey often discuss Astarion things in real life, and there are a few that I thought I would share.
Spoiler warning⚠
Random knowledge bank. Meeting your parents for the first time and your dad wants to talk about history? Ask Astarion, if he doesn't just know, he remembers.
Enjoys going to the library. Does not enjoy the rabble who also enjoy the library. You have to explain to him over and over about library cards and infrared scanners so he doesn't just nope out and steal the book. Also gets annoyed when books from his time are revised.
Don't want to touch the raw meat packaging? No worries, Astarion will lick it up for you. Imagine him leant against the kitchen counter sucking up the blood from that piece of paper at the bottom of the mince. (A wifey thought)
On the subject of blood, if you cut your finger in the house he will be licking that up for you with a leering grin. Dragging it out so he can watch how you roll your eyes at him.
Comes in late, as usual, but this time after taking out every fucking goose or pigeon in the local area. The council are unhappy. Astarion is ecstatic. Word of a bird plague is sweeping through the borough. You are not happy with Astarion. Astarion doesn't care about the council until they put your council tax up.
Glares out of the window at kids playing but won't admit they're kind of cute. Especially glarey when kids come to the door trick or treating. Bonus points if they're dressed as vampires... Maybe he'll compliment them. "Darlings, look at your adorable little capes! Does your mother know you lot are prancing around dressed like monsters?" Will absolutely deny any niceties when you look at him knowingly, a smirk appearing on your lips as you notice the bucket of sweets he's holding, still excited after giving the children far more than they needed. or asked for.
Moans and groans when you watch vampire films. "Darling, turn that nonsense off, would you? Were you curious about vampires, you have one right here."
Groans even more when you watch law and order style programs, particularly court ones. Bad memories. "And why did he not get the death sentence?!"
Serial social media meme stealer.
Always creeps up behind you when you are looking in the mirror, ready to scare you. Or shag you, you be the judge.
Want chippy but don't want to get up or wait for an order? Blink. Gale will blink there and back. What's faster than Uber Eats? Going via the Astral Plane.
100000% will make you a brew if you ask :) He turns up with your favourite mug and your drink exactly the way you like it.
The type of man to run you a hot bath ready when you get in from work or if you've had a hard day just because.
Definitely discovers Nivea for Men.
Remembers things like birthdays and anniversaries.
Sees shiny things and wonders if they're infused with the weave. Gazing through the jewellery shop window.
Suffers through Harry Potter at Christmas wondering where all the elegant wizards are.
Started a thing where you leave post it notes for one another with sweet nothings on. Today as you're walking past the calendar pinned to the kitchen wall, you spot a new post it note. This one is pink and bares Gale's graceful handwriting. It reads: "My most special one, everyday I wake up next to you I feel luckier than the last. Have a great day x" Such devoted notes leave you feeling warm inside.
Prefers to buy 'living herbs' than ground jar ones because NATURE.
Is that person who goes past an adult shop and says loudly "let's go inside!"
Definitely gets stuck in garden chairs and the like due to being so massive. Don't get this man in a smart car.
Stands up at barbecues if the chair is too small. It probably is.
Literally has to be told to avoid the bear story to others because they will not understand but tells it anyway if he gets too drunk.
Actually finds it quite difficult to adapt to modern society almost more than Lae'zel.
If you live in the countryside, Halsin definitely finds it a little easier, but if you live in the city he is constantly asking questions. The thing that catches his eye today is a statue above the bank door - a lion with a key in his mouth. "Does that petrified displacer beast not wish to return to the wilderness?" "Halsin, that is a statue of a lion with a key in it's mouth." "...Oh. Why does it guard a key?" You look at him curiously, unsure of how to answer such an innocent question. "It's just HSBC's thing... I don't actually know."
Struggles to find clothes that actually fit.
Will share you a meme you tagged him in and never truly understand the new technology.
Totally enjoys long walks and feeding ducks. Eats all of the bread.
Tries to speak to the animals at the zoo. (Wifey)
Incosolably weeps at nature programs. Very confused when you try to explain that nature has to take it's course for them to film.
First thought upon seeing CGI animals dancing and talking : "IT'S A DRUID!"
Votes Green Party.
Lae'zel struggles the most to integrate into modern society.
She takes up some form of fighting WWE and does not understand why the fighters don't actually hurt each other.
She complains about this after making absolute bank of course. "Ch'k! These istik talk about fighting for glory - Yet they simply roughhouse for pitiful coin." "Yeah, but look at how famous you are, Lae'zel..." Rollin', rollin', all my bitches rollin'.
Hates ood in Doctor Who for obvious reasons. "Tsk'va, ghaik!"
Wifey came up with 'Bae'zel'.
Believes stupid spam emails you have to send onto others. (Wifey thought of this)
Shares that post of the missing dog on the other side of the world who was found 3 years ago.
Discovers TikTok, only shares animal videos and smashes TikTok dances.
Discovers aircon. 🥺
Discovers hot wing challenges... Excels at said hot wing challenges. and collects all the t shirts for winning food challenges.
Posts things on Facebook like 'Shar/Selune keeps me in check. Like, share and comment 'Praise be to Shar/Selune' if she keeps you in check." Definitely gets flamed by the others.
Ends up with cute hobbies like paper quilling and crafts. Makes things for you. "You've really improved your crochet, Shadowheart! What is this one called?" Gives him a simple name like Bob or Clyde and puts him with the rest, cramming the mantle with them.
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vympr · 3 months
I remember getting the gardasil vaccine when it came out. I was a sophomore in high school at that time. My mom was like, the antithesis of an antivaxx mom, she would basically hand the doctors our arms anytime they mentioned a new vaccine. And I remember that was the first time I really heard of the antivaxx movement. I remember this woman got popular pretending that it caused her uncontrollable shakes that prevented her from walking (sound familiar? who would’ve thought antivaxxers would be a one trick pony) and just fear mongering about mercury in the vaccine. I remember my high school BIOLOGY teacher (the class that also taught sex ed) went on this entire rant about the HORRORS of Gardasil. She was not ecstatic when I announced to the class I got the two shots with no side effects.
And bc the vaccine was mainly for teens and young adults (to hopefully vaccinate them before becoming sexually active-which will be explained in depth in a minute) and at the time it was only available for afab, and it was for a sexually transmitted virus, casual slut shaming surrounded it too. Which I’m sure prevented many parents from allowing doctors to vaccinate their kids bc “their child isn’t a whore”.
Cervical cancer has one known cause. HPV. Gardasil protects against the strains of HPV known to cause cervical cancer (there’s over a 100 strains but only few cause cancer). HPV is THE most common STI with around 80% of the population having had it at some point. There is also no actual test for HPV. If abnormal cells are present during a pap smear, HPV is considered the culprit. There is no test to speculate if you have HPV (at least that im aware of) if you do not have a cervix, unless you have one of the strains that could potentially cause genital warts. Which most don’t. It can also lie dormant for weeks to YEARS before it becomes active. So a partner could transfer it from a previous relationship to a new one, while remaining completely monogamous. Or be impossible to pinpoint if someone has had multiple partners over the course of years and had unprotected sex. Which is why it was pushed to teens and young adults before they had sex.
This means that there are no doubt people who have died or at least suffered unnecessarily, bc even tho there is a vaccine out there that would prevent against that very scenario, due to the misinformation (and in this specific case additional misogyny) of the antivaxx movement.
“Potential scientists” fuck offffffffffff. “potential scientists”, their “potential scientist” told a classroom full of teens, whom they trusted to be an educated source of scientific information, they should avoid a possible life saving vaccine based off dogshit.
Anyways. Sorry this is clearly a topic I’m passionate about. I also know a lot of people who’ve never heard of this vaccine. The information about HPV came directly from my gyno when abnormal cells were found in my pap smear and she nearly cried tears of joy finding out I received both shots. The vaccine is available to everyone now. It’s better late than never, so even being sexually active it’s still a good idea to get it. This also being the celibacy website, getting it BEFORE being sexually active is ideal. (Also in case i scared anyone about HPV, the reason so many people have had it is bc its generally a very mild virus and usually has no symptoms and the body normally fights it off on its own. It’s just those strains that can cause cancer, both of the cervix and throat, are the ones that are obviously a concern. Which getting vaccinated can prevent against)
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crobones · 28 days
[kicks open the door I just closed] AND ANOTHER THING
when a ghoul is turning feral, they say their name. they repeat it, over and over. "Roger. My name is Roger." like a chant. to remind themselves who they are. to hold onto the last bit of humanity they have left, because maybe if they hold tight enough, they can beat it. or maybe they can just hold on until help comes.
Cooper wasn't just distracting Roger so he could get a clean shot. He was reminding Roger of something good. BlamCo Mac & Cheese. His mom's apple pie.
When someone can't be saved, you don't want them to just focus on the fact that it's over. It's done. Waiting in that anxious fear for their every breath, because they don't know if it will be their last. Or, in Roger's case - and the case for any Ghouls out there still surviving - their last moments of control.
The sad fact of the matter is that, feral ghouls are still alive. They're not zombies. They hunger, they drool, they eat, but they can hide, too. They can gather. Being feral isn't dying, it's worse. They've not even just gone to base instincts - they've lost any and all sense of self preservation. They can sprint and throw themselves at prey because the body has simply become a vehicle for that hunger.
They don't hide or gather to stay safe. They do it because it's easier to take down someone if they're surprised and outnumbered. So yes, a feral ghoul can think. But only insofar that they can find a way to feed that hunger.
But even animals have some sense of self-preservation. (Unless, of course, they're rabid.)
To be feral is to experience such complete ego death that a person has no sense of identity outside of hunger and fear. So they try to hold onto control by reminding themselves who they are. "I am Roger." And so, it's not too far of a stretch to say that a person's humanity lies within their memories.
Cooper asked Roger if he remembered what food tasted like, back when he could taste. Before the radiation and necrosis. As most people know, certain senses like taste and smell can trigger a stronger memory than any words or chants.
What Cooper did to Roger was a mercy. It was simple. It wasn't a countdown or closing his eyes, just so that the last thing Roger could feel is fear. He reminded Roger of something good, like the taste of apple pie. Of his mom. Of being a kid again. Ghouls are people, but for those last few seconds, Roger was the most human he'd probably been in twenty-eight years.
And so what's going to happen when the Ghoul runs out of vials? Not Cooper, but the Ghoul. The character. The facade Cooper Howard has been wearing like a second skin. It's wrinkled, irradiated, and necrotic, but it's tight. It's safe. It's kept him alive. To survive, he willfully distanced himself from his humanity and became a monster. Cooper Howard didn't die. He's been buried alive in a coffin for centuries, feeding off of scraps. But he put himself in there.
So when the Ghoul runs out of vials, he'll do what they all do when they're trying to hold on. They'll hold on to their humanity by tooth and nail. "I am Cooper."
It'll be the first time anyone who didn't know him before the bombs ever hears his name. The first time Lucy connects who the Ghoul is to who Cooper Howard was, back when he was human.
It clicks in her head, subtler than a light switch. She should be happy. She should be ecstatic! She's meeting her favourite hero from her childhood! But all she can feel is sadness. She saw what her mother became, and she quickly proved to the Ghoul that she can put him down when the time comes. If she can do that for her mother, she can do that for him.
But how will she give Cooper those last seconds of humanity? Does she think he deserves it? Fuck deserving it, she'll decide to do it just because it's the kindest thing to do. But she didn't know him before. Didn't know his favourite tastes and smells. But she can probably guess.
Maybe it's the scent of his wife's perfume. Maybe it's the taste of hot coco. Or maybe it's Janey. Just Janey. In any form, any memory. So Lucy does that for him. And after two centuries, Cooper Howard finally remembers how it felt to be human. If only for a few moments.
[record scratch]
I don't want to end it on that. It's too much, even for me. Cooper Howard remembers his humanity and holds on long enough. He's saved. (Hey, Maximus carries RadAway, maybe he can carry other drugs.)
Now Cooper has to sit and deal with the tidal wave that is his humanity fully resurfacing so strongly after several lifetimes. The Ghoul has done a lot of things Cooper would disapprove of. More bad things than any good things he ever did when he was human. But they were all choices he made. Cooper's always been there. Just below the surface. He buried himself in that coffin. And what's more monstrous - to kill and be cruel to survive, or to hide from the responsibility and act like it was someone else all those times? Who is the monster, the Ghoul or Cooper Howard?
meanwhile, Lucy can lose sleep over the idea that you should never meet your heroes. That maybe she likes the monster, better - but she doesn't know which is which either. They find themselves. They find each other. They find themselves inside of each other. Cannibalism, vore, allegory, etc, etc. they find his dick inside her. Happy ending. fuck you. fuck me!
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loggiepj · 1 year
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Part 9 | Part 10
Wanda: (moans) Fuck, Y/n—
You: Shit, you feel so good squeezing me like this.
Wanda throws her head back unto the pillows, back arching, as you thrust yourself deeper into her. Her walls hugged you tight — the enchanted strap that Wanda made you wear on your hips.
Wanda can see the desperation brewing inside of you as she pulls you into a hungry kiss, fingers threading through your hair to hold you in place. Your bodies press against each other with your hips drilling into hers. Her legs wrap around your back; one of the heels digs your lower back.
Wanda lets out a whimper when you hit a good spot inside her, making her pull away from the kiss. You both press your foreheads together, gasping and breathing heavily with sounds of pleasure as you stare at each other's eyes.
W: Why are you in a hurry?
Y: I only got five minutes left. Ten if we're lucky.
W: What— oh, fuck—
Before Wanda can ask why, you fasten your pace.
Wanda's nails dig into your back, breaking skin. The pace is relentless knowing any minute now, Stephen will come knocking on her door.
W: I love you, Y/n. Fuck, I love you.
Tears start to brim in the corner of your eyes as you nod back at her.
Y: I love you so much more, Wands. (Wanda's hand moves to squeeze your butt, pulling you much closer if that's even possible.) Fuck, you have no idea.
The Wanda writhing uncontrollably underneath you has no idea that you're not the Y/n she's married to in that universe. She has no idea that her Y/n, who was away for work that day, didn't just go home to have a quickie with her wife. She certainly didn't question earlier how you managed to get inside her lovely house when she remembered you forgot to bring your key when you get off to work in the morning.
Wanda screams in pleasure as she pulls you and hugs you against her. Your face buries into her neck. She shudders as she comes, moaning your name into the air. The moment makes you lose it.
Your hands grip on the sheets as you come, your eyes rolling to the back. You don't even question how everything feels so real, as if you're painting her walls with your own release, and how good it feels when her tight walls seem to milk you for more.
You grow obsessed with the idea of Wanda in other universes that you always find yourself volunteering to Stephen's missions when it involves travelling to one. Wong was initially against it once he found out. But eventually, he stopped meddling into your business.
Whenever you get the chance, however minimal, an hour the most, you start to savor each second with the version of Wanda who looks at you and loves you dearly. Luckily, Stephen hadn't looked for you yet when he had lost track of your sudden whereabouts. But most of the time, you got distracted with how amazing Wanda was at that universe you were visiting, that sometimes, Stephen would come barging into her door with a face you couldn't paint.
You know you’re living a lie and you can't go on living like this. Not when everytime you get back to your own universe, you and Wanda have become close friends. So close, it's starting to become unbearable not being able to kiss or touch her.
Your growing friendship with Wanda was what led to your breakup with Maria. Everyone had seen it coming, to be honest. It just took one of you to admit to the other that it wasn't working anymore. It just happened that it was Maria who ended it.
Wanda, on the other hand, is ecstatic the moment she finds out that you're single. And it isn't because she now knows what happens in the future — of you two getting married and having two kids— that she is spending too much time with you whenever you're around in the compound. Even when it's just as friends, she cannot help but feel the tension between the two of you.
There are even moments, however short, when you and Wanda would pause on talking and just stare at each other, eyes drifting towards lips, gaps closing without noticing. And those are the moments Wanda swears you two will finally kiss.
But of course, it doesn't happen.
Vision notices the tension too. How can he not? He asks Wanda one night if she has feelings for you.
But she only turns silent, for she doesn't even know herself.
She just knows that her heart beats like crazy when you're near her. She just knows that her stomach is filled with butterflies whenever you talk sweetly to her, unintentionally or not. She just knows that she now craves for your presence, even when it's just the two of you eating breakfast silently or watching the television together seated chairs apart.
She just knows that it's different when it comes to you. Good different.
Vision: Maybe . . . You’re already falling for her and you don't even know it.
What Vision said, breaking Wanda's trance, made her realize something.
It's true.
She's falling in love with you.
Taglist: @smromanoff @nightingalexx @dubleshcpi @marvelwomen-simp @casquinhaa @the-mute1 @samallen20062837392 @swiftie1-0-1 @pampeop @bxtrflyr @cherlenovix @eliii1sblog
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Finding Comfort in Autumn (M) ~Changbin
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Pairing: Werewolf!Changbin x Werewolf!F.Reader Themes: Supernatural/Fantasy AU | Fluff | Smut | Angst | Slow Burn | Rivals? to Lovers | Roomies to Lovers Warnings: unconventional a/b/o dynamics · mentions of abuse (unrelated to Changbin) · self-loathing · graphic depictions of intercourse (warnings under the cut) · pet names (puppy/pup) Word Count: ~16k | AO3 Summary: Changbin was an alpha. He had always been an alpha, but he had a secret. A secret he had only ever shared with the alpha of his pack, a secret he had kept buried as deep within him as he could, a secret he had decided to ignore, until the presence of that annoying omega coworker of his wouldn’t let him ignore it anymore.
Author’s Note: again, where did all these words come from? anyway, i wanted to explore a different type of a/b/o dynamic, and this is what came out of it, if you’re reading this, hope you enjoy it, and if you did, don’t hesitate to leave your thoughts~ [This story takes place within the It’s Cold Out universe, meaning it’s part of my WereRoomies series].
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Changbin’s WereRoomies Instalments: Finding Comfort in Autumn · Heat · The Love I Always Dreamt Of.
Smut Warnings: oral (F.Rec) · mutual masturbation · protected penetration (piv) [it’s all pretty vanilla, oops]
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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Changbin had always known he was an alpha, just as did his parents. He displayed alpha traits since he was very young; he was opinionated, liked to assert dominance among his peers, and got incredibly upset when people touched his toys, so when puberty hit him, and his true scent started to ooze off of him, it was no surprise to anyone that his scent was that of an alpha. His parents were ecstatic as soon as their suspicions were confirmed, immediately gushing on and on about the possibility of their son ever leading a pack.
The moment his alpha status started to be recognised in his teenage years, something had changed in Changbin, and not for the better. He became more aggressive, he’d snap at people over the smallest things, and he’d get himself in physical altercations just out of the pure anger he felt coursing through his veins.
There weren’t that many werewolves in his school, humans obviously didn’t know about their existence, but every werewolf knew of the other, and even though each one tried to keep to themselves or to their own small groups from the same pack, Changbin seeked them. He seeked conflict often, almost as if he was trying to prove something.
If there was another alpha he’d try to fight them, if there were any betas or omegas he’d intimidate them into submission, using his alpha voice or his predator stare. Hell, he would even try to intimidate humans, too. He loved seeing them cower from him, seeing them avert their gaze when he used his predator stare–or at least, he used to think he loved it.
There was always that one person, though. That one person at school that never cowered, that, if anything, stared back at him, defied him. You, a werewolf from a different pack. Changbin could still remember the very first time you stood up to him, he had pushed one of your friends out of the way, rather violently, making them stumble to the ground as he snickered.
You, completely furious, stood right in front of him, pushing on his chest with force. “Stop being a fucking jerk!”
Changbin was stunned for a few seconds, only enough to get a whiff of your scent, a mix of nutmeg and ginger, and, to his absolute shock, the scent of an omega. His stunned expression quickly changed, staring you down as his alpha voice came out even before he could register it. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
He saw the moment his tone reached your ears, the moment your stare faltered just slightly, but you didn’t avert your eyes, nor did you back out. “I said, stop being a fucking jerk. Are your ears not working? Fuck right off, leave us alone”.
Oh, Changbin was seething, how could an omega dare talk back to him? And stare him right in the eyes as they did at that? He couldn’t help but let out an incredulous, sarcastic laugh. “And what’s the puppy gonna do about it, huh?!”
“This puppy’s gonna tear your balls off your body and make you eat them if you continue to torment us like this”.
Before Changbin could retaliate, before he could even attempt to make you submit, a call of your name finally made you look away from him, turning instead to the man calling for you. Your gaze shifted then, finally recoiling and turning your eyes to the floor as the man came to stand next to you, eyeing Changbin up and down. “Is there a problem here?”
Hyunwoo, another alpha werewolf at school, a handful of years older than Changbin, his confident demeanour coupled with his strong scent startled Changbin, but he answered him regardless, gritting his teeth slightly. “Not at all”.
The man looked around them for a second, and then stepped into Changbin’s space, flooding Changbin’s senses with his alpha scent and staring him down. “Thought so”, taking a hold of Changbin’s upper arm, gripping him tightly, he tugged him closer, enough for Hyunwoo to whisper in his ear. “Don’t you fucking dare come close to my omega, understood?”
Changbin gulped the saliva that had collected in his mouth, eyeing you for a second until he nodded, so Hyunwoo finally let go of his arm without saying another word. He turned to you instead, taking your wrist and tugging you away, and Changbin could’ve sworn he heard him muster a ‘you and I are gonna talk once we’re back at the den…’ as you two left.
Back then, that encounter had left Changbin so shaken, so utterly out of his element he kept to himself the rest of the day. Confused by the entire thing, by the omega that stared back at him, and the alpha that managed to shut him up. But his behaviour didn’t particularly change after that, he decided to move on and pretend it never happened at all.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later, that Changbin finally had his wake up call.
“C’mon, this needs to stop. You can’t keep hurting yourself like this, what the fuck’s gotten into you?” Chris had told him one day as they sat at the nurse’s office in their school. Changbin had gotten himself in a fight with a guy from another class, over what exactly Changbin couldn’t even remember. He could only remember his fist hitting the guy’s jaw and the other hitting back, leaving him with a split lip and a bruised eye.
“What’s gotten into me?” Changbin had lounged at Chris back then, too, grabbing him by the collar of his uniform and pulling him close to him. “I’m an alpha, am I not? This is who I fucking am! This is who I’m supposed to be!”
“This is not who you’re supposed to be!” Chris tugged on Changbin’s wrists, effectively getting his hands off of him so he could push on his chest, removing Changbin from his space. “I’m an alpha, too, remember? This has nothing to do with your fucking designation”.
Chris was a couple of years older than Changbin, and even if they were not in the same year at school, they belonged to the same pack, so they had been friends for a long time. Much like it happened with Changbin, no one was surprised when Chris’ alpha designation presented itself once puberty hit him. However, he had reacted completely differently than Changbin had when he found out.
Chris seemed to always be so sure of himself,so sure of his place in the pack. As if he knew exactly who he was and what he wanted to do, which always puzzled Changbin. How could Chris feel that way, when he was struggling so much?
“Then what the fuck am I supposed to do?!” Changbin had snapped that day, but not in the way he had been snapping at people for the past few months. This time, his words came out as a desperate sob, tears quickly welling in his eyes as he brought his fists to press on his eye sockets, shamefully hiding from his friend. “What the hell am I supposed to do, then?”
Changbin could still remember that day vividly. How Chris had tentatively wrapped his arms around him, holding him as he cried. It was the first time he had shown vulnerability, and he wasn’t sure if it was because of how much his face hurt from where he had been hit, or if it was Chris’ general comforting aura that caused it, but he broke down right there in the nurse’s office.
“I don’t know what to do… I don’t know who I am, this all feels so wrong”, Changbin had admitted back then as he sobbed against Chris’ chest.  
“We can… We can figure it out together, but stop hurting yourself like this, and stop hurting others too, please…” Chris had pleaded back then, and it wouldn’t be until much later that Changbin would realise how much those words of Chris’ had impacted him.
Changbin and Chris were both of the same designation, the same status, but somehow Changbin always felt as if he wasn’t even close to Chris’ level. This was something he felt whenever he was close to every other alpha he had ever met, he felt as if he wasn’t ‘alpha enough’, a conclusion he had reached after a long time spent doing a lot of introspection, helping him realise that his anger issues in his teenagehood rooted from just that, that struggle he felt within himself, something he was able to work on as he grew up.
By the time Changbin was close to finishing his last year in High School, he had already realised his wrong-doings, how fucked up everything he had done had been, so he spent his last year going to those he had hurt during his lowest time to deeply apologise for his behaviour, all with the support of Chris and Jisung–an omega werewolf they had met after he transferred schools a couple of years prior.
Some people had accepted Changbin’s apology, some even told him they barely even remembered any encounter they had had with him. But then, there was you. You, the omega from a different pack that somehow always managed to press his buttons in all the wrong ways. You, the omega with the nutmeg and ginger scent, masked almost completely by the earthy scent of that one alpha Hyunwoo. You, the only one in his class that continued to defy him time and time again, to get better scores, better ideas for assignments, the only one that tried to be better than him and say it to his face.
Changbin had to apologise to you, too. That was what Chris and Jisung had told him at least. After all, he did try to intimidate you with his predator stare the first time you properly interacted with one another. However, you had gotten on his nerves so many times throughout your school years in different ways completely unrelated to your… Supernatural condition he almost didn’t reach out to you.
‘Don’t do things in halves, dude. You’ve apologised to everyone else, you must apologise to her, too’, was all Chris told him when Changbin voiced how much he just didn’t want to do it. Eventually, though, he figured Chris was right, so he did approach you one day, just as you were shoving books from your locker into your bag.
“What do you want, Seo Changbin?” You slammed your locker closed and then started to walk away from him, making him sigh in annoyance and follow you.
“I want to–God, would you stop walking and look at me?” 
You stopped, and looked him right in the eyes. “Why? So you can use your predator stare on me?”
Changbin held your gaze for a few seconds, but then he dropped to look at your nose instead. “I wanted to… To apologise for… For trying to intimidate you all those years ago”.
You were clearly taken aback by the sudden apology, holding your bag a bit tighter. “Okay…?”
“Yeah, so… It was wrong of me to use my status like that, I shouldn’t have and I’m deeply sorry. I’ve learnt my lesson”, Changbin bent at the waist, regarding you with a short bow before he straightened himself again, turning his eyes back up to look at your face.
You were quiet for a moment, just looking at him, your mouth opening and closing a few times until you finally shook your head a bit, clearing your throat. “Apology accepted”.
Oddly enough, Changbin did feel relieved, almost as if the weight of his actions had finally lifted off of his shoulders.
“What I won’t forgive you for is copying my final project’s topic, though”, you added as you continued to walk, which made him scowl.
“I didn’t fucking copy your topic. If anything, you copied me!”
To which you simply scoffed and turned around the corner, finally leaving his sight.
You had accepted his apology back then, but your bickering didn’t stop. If anything, it kept up until the very last day of school, until you both graduated and moved on with your lives. Regardless, Changbin couldn’t undo what he had done, but he had finally owned up to it, and at the very least he did learn his lesson, something his friends commended him for.
As Changbin continued to mature and to work on himself, he finally came to another realisation. Everyone had been able to notice Changbin’s alpha traits when he was growing up, they were painfully obvious, so his other traits, those that he only displayed on occasion, or that he would unconsciously hide from other people, went unnoticed for years. Changbin was incredibly sensitive, he was, essentially, a softie. Something that didn’t usually comply with the image expected of an alpha. He had no real desire to lead a pack, or to lead in general.
Which is why, when Chris decided to start a pack of his own, Changbin was more than happy to follow him as his right hand. Changbin’s parents were not exactly thrilled by that decision, since they always had this inexplicable dream of him leading a pack–a thought so incredibly ludicrous to Changbin he couldn’t even laugh about it–but they supported him anyway, giving them a place to start their den for it to be soon filled with their friends.
However, Changbin had a secret. Even though Chris was his best friend since childhood, and they knew more of each other than probably any other person ever would, Changbin had never revealed his secret to Chris. It wasn’t until they moved to their den, until Chris had become Changbin’s pack alpha, that he finally shared his secret with Chris.
When Changbin was on his own, when he didn’t have to put up a façade, he yearned of being pampered, of being taken care of, something so not alpha-like he had kept it hidden so deep within him he almost couldn’t believe when the words came out of his mouth as he confessed it to Chris. Changbin had half expected Chris to laugh at him, to judge him–even though logically he knew Chris would never do something like that to him, not when he was being this serious about the topic discussed–but Chris had simply stared back at him, offering a ‘huh, interesting. Never thought an alpha could have omega urges, but I guess it doesn’t sound crazy either’.
Omega urges, as soon as those words left Chris’ mouth Changbin had recoiled, mostly out of reflex. But seeing no judgement in Chris’ eyes as he said it, Changbin started to realise that was exactly what it was. Changbin was an alpha. His scent was that of an alpha, and he behaved much like an alpha most of the time, but deep down, there was a bit of an omega in him, and the moment he understood that, he was finally able to accept himself–or at least, to cope with the fact, acceptance was probably something that would come in due time.
Even after he accepted that fact, though, he still kept it hidden, as his little secret that only he and the alpha of his pack knew. Changbin never really told his packmates either, nor did he ever tell any partner he had ever had–not that he had had that many, to be honest. Whenever he was in a relationship he behaved as an alpha, something that he thought he didn’t mind much, but as his relationships kept on failing and failing because something was never right, he realised it did matter. Yet, he never had the guts to fully show himself to anyone he was intimate with, turning instead to hookups and one night stands to fulfil his physical needs when necessary.
Eventually, though, that stopped, too, after the first scare he had. It was hard for a werewolf to get drunk, their metabolism was much faster than that of humans for alcohol in moderate amounts to do anything to them. Unless, of course, they consumed an ungodly amount of spirits crafted specifically for his kind in a very short period of time. Changbin couldn’t even remember how much he drank that day, but he did remember the fact that his judgement was completely clouded, enough to hook up with someone without protection of any kind, without knowing if the other person was clean or not, and the moment he woke up the next day he was scared shitless.
Thankfully–after a mild scolding–Chris and his roommate went with him to one of those pop-up clinics to get checked, both even testing themselves, too, giving him much needed emotional support, even when he finally came up clean after.
So Changbin decided then to stop seeking any physical relief altogether, turning instead to the gym to relieve stress and focusing on his job and any pack matters that they had to deal with, which were already enough of a task on their own. Chris’ pack grew quickly–maybe quicker than they had anticipated. At first, it was only the three of them, Chris, Changbin, and Jisung, but throughout their entire university studies more of their friends joined, finally forming a tight pack of eight.
At the very early stages of their pack, maintaining order was tough, with only Chris as their leader and Changbin as his right hand to organise the rest of them, until Minho joined them and quickly became Chris’ left hand. And eventually, Chris’ roommate came into the picture. A human. A human they had invited to live in their den by sheer chance, a human that, after finding out about their condition, after understanding the bond between pack members, had naturally fallen into the position of pack mum, even when she wasn’t even romantically involved with Chris in any way–although eventually she did get involved romantically with Chris, something that shocked absolutely no one in the pack, considering how painfully obvious Chris’ feelings were, how painfully obvious her feelings were…
Regardless, with the four of them as the foundation of their pack, it became easy to deal with pack matters. They could rely on one another without hesitation, so as the weight of their responsibilities distributed among the four of them, Changbin didn’t have to excessively worry about pack matters anymore. Which meant that most of his stress came from his job.
When Changbin had decided on a whim ages ago to study computer science he didn’t expect it to be difficult, and, to be honest, his journey through university wasn’t any more difficult than anyone else’s, so he was able to graduate within the expected time, with an added extra year to specialise in network engineering. The difficult aspect of his profession came when he actually started to work in the field. People who work in IT weren’t exactly liked within their companies. End users liked to complain about things they didn’t know about, and even when he politely explained in the simplest way he could why something wasn't as easy as they claimed it to be, they always said he simply didn’t want to help and called him names.
This was something Changbin had to deal with on the regular, which wasn’t usually a problem, but it wasn’t exactly pleasant to deal with. Funnily enough, though, there was no worse enemy to someone working in the IT department of a company than another person who was also working in the IT department. This was something Changbin came to understand during his many different jobs in many different companies, but it was especially true in the company he was working for right now.
Having your IT services in-house these days wasn’t a common occurrence, but this particular office wanted to keep things simple, to keep everything ‘within the family’, so around a year ago, Changbin was hired as their network engineer. He was excited for the job position, it’d pay well and the company wasn’t so bad. That excitement almost died on his first day on the job, when he was introduced to one of the IT coordinators of the building.
He had been called to a room for his first IT department meeting, and the second he stepped through the door of the meeting room he was hit with the scent of nutmeg and ginger, a scent he had not smelt in years, since high school, the scent that to this day he’d dream about sometimes–although he’d never say that outloud. And sure enough, the moment Changbin had followed the trail of the scent he was greeted with your surprised eyes looking back at him.
So when the meeting ended, Changbin had reached out to you. You had politely greeted him, introducing yourself as the IT coordinator and offered a ‘hopefully things go smoothly moving forward’. A long time had passed since you two had last seen each other, so surely things had changed, surely you could be amicable with one another.
How wrong he had been. 
You were still the same, only more mature–and more beautiful, but Changbin wouldn’t let himself admit that. You were still the same opinionated, bossy omega he had come to know in school, and as months went by, he realised you were one of those IT coordinators that liked to be on top of everything, sometimes too much, getting your nose in other people’s business, in his business.
The very next day you had come to Changbin with an absurd proposition, a way to better monitor the network in the building, Changbin couldn’t help but notice how your scent was again almost hidden under Hyunwoo’s earthy scent, a complete contrast to how it had been the day prior, but he decided to ignore it, focusing on the impossible idea you had suggested to him based on some end user complaints you had received.
And maybe it was the fact that Changbin was almost wired to bicker with you at this point, but at the time he couldn’t help but scoff, offering an admittedly condescending ‘that’s not gonna work’ that had you scoffing as well, effectively reigniting the rivalry that had started since the very first day you met. 
It went like this for a while, you offering ideas that Changbin would shut down, Changbin proposing changes that you would be against. However, sometimes, when you two did agree on some points, you were actually able to work on a project together pretty well, with minimal eventualities.
You wouldn’t interact with Changbin outside of work, though. And not because Changbin didn’t make any attempts. He had invited you for drinks a few times, to celebrate the success of a finished project–usually inviting other people as well–but you always declined, alleging you had things to do as soon as work was over. There were no other werewolves in the office, so no one really questioned it, but Changbin knew your ‘things to do’ were probably related to your pack.
One day the department decided to go together for drinks after work, and surprisingly, you accepted. Changbin and you had naturally drifted to each other to talk that night, after all, you did share your condition. And admittedly, when you were not being stubborn and overly questioning of his job, you were okay to talk with, nice, even. So Changbin thought that night would mark the end of your pseudo-feud.
You didn’t go to work the next couple of days after that, and Changbin thought nothing of it, until you came back the following week. There was something off about you that week, you’d talk and interact in meetings, dealing with agreements and disagreements with one another, but outside of those, it was almost as if you were avoiding him, and every week after that it was almost as if he could barely catch your scent at all, only getting whiffs of Hyunwoo whenever you passed by.
But Changbin never really thought too much about it, he figured you were just mad at him for the last few meetings you had had where there had been disagreements between the engineers and the project managers and IT coordinators, so he simply let it be, just as he always did. 
Until one day, he couldn’t just let it be anymore.
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Changbin was fond of rainy days like these, especially after a long day at work. He already had a plan in his mind for the evening, brew himself some tea, play a lighthearted movie on the huge-ass TV he just got for his living room, and ultimately become one with his sofa. It was the perfect plan, and he had been looking forward to this since the second he stepped out of the office that day.
The kettle whistled, letting him know his water was ready, so he went through the familiar motions of serving himself some tea. Whole milk, two sugars, exactly how Changbin loved it, he had even used his favourite cup with its matching plate–a basic white ensemble, but the shape and depth of it was just exquisite. With lazy steps, he took his perfect cup of tea to the coffee table, setting it on the coaster he always kept there for this purpose, and it was just as he was about to let his bum hit the heavenly cushions of his sofa that a loud, hurried knocking resonated throughout his flat.
Changbin’s right eye twitched, feeling annoyance build and build rapidly within him the more the person on the other side knocked. Who dared have the audacity of disturbing his peace? He had been so close to getting his perfect evening, all of that now just ruined, flushed down the toilet with those relentless knocks. So he made his way to the front door, completely fuming. Who would be on the other side of the door? Jeongin? Jisung? Felix? He could hardly register the scent when he was this mad.
“What the fu–” Changbin’s words died on his tongue, his annoyed frown quickly disappearing as his eyebrows shot up in surprise. Out of all the people he could’ve imagined would be standing behind that door, you were not the one he would’ve ever expected to see. Especially not in the state you were in.
Chewing your lip nervously you just looked at Changbin, your hand holding the strap of the rucksack you carried on your back so tightly your knuckles were turning white. Changbin blinked slightly, still shocked. “What are you… What are you doing here?”
“I…” You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. The longer Changbin looked at you, the longer you stood there, he started to get whiffs of your scent, that scent he hadn’t smelt for weeks now, since it was usually hidden under your alpha’s scent. He was used to your scent, but right now, as you stood there, something didn’t feel quite right… It felt… Different, somehow. More distressed. “I didn’t know where else to go, to be honest…”
Changbin just stared at you. Were you… Were you shaking? You were soaking wet for sure, the rain certainly had done a number on you. The more he got that distressed scent, the more he looked at you shivering there at his doorstep, he just couldn’t help his alpha instincts from kicking in. Regardless of how much Changbin didn’t like you–because he didn’t like you, not even a little bit–he just couldn’t leave you right there when you looked so defeated. So he stepped to the side, signalling you to come in.
As soon as you stepped through the threshold he closed the door, leaving you taking your shoes off by the entrance as he made his way towards the bathroom to find a clean towel. When he returned to the living room you were just standing there, looking around, still shaking like a leaf and holding onto your rucksack for dear life. 
“You can just leave that anywhere”, Changbin pointed to your rucksack, and you just dropped it on the floor right there where you were standing. “Here”, handing you the towel, he took the rucksack and put it next to a dining chair so neither of you would trip on it.
Changbin had seen you in so many different moods throughout the years. Playful, teasing, fuming, annoyed… But this… Whatever it was, was something that completely caught him off guard, so much so he couldn’t stop looking at you as you tried your best to squeeze water out of your hair. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked again, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at you.
You took a deep breath, wrapping the towel over your shoulders and keeping it close to your body. “Do you mind if I… If I sit?” you pointed towards one of the stools by the kitchen island, to what Changbin simply nodded, his eyes following your every move.
“Changbin, could you… Not look at me? You’re close to using the predator stare and it’s not making it any easier for me to talk”, was he using the predator stare? Changbin hadn’t even realised, it was probably because he was angry when he opened the door, which he immediately explained to you and apologised for, to which you simply nodded. He cleared his throat, looking away from you then, and going into the kitchen, switching the kettle on again. 
After a few moments of silence you spoke again. “I… I ran away from my pack”.
Changbin almost dropped the cup in his hand, his eyes going wide in surprise, almost bulging out of his skull. “You did what?!”
Swallowing thickly, and contradicting your earlier request, you seeked his gaze. “I ran away from my pack–”
“I heard you, okay… Shit, why would you do that and why are you here?”
“I told you! I didn’t know where else to go!” You were still trembling slightly, still holding onto the corners of the towel wrapped around your shoulders, but even then you still spoke to him in that tone of yours that sometimes made his eye twitch. “I don’t know any other werewolf outside the pack and I know it’s nuts that I’m here, okay? I’m aware…” Bringing your hands to your face, you inhaled deeply only to exhale right after. Once, twice, thrice… Were you… Were you trying to calm yourself down?
“Listen, I…” Once you removed your hands from your face you looked at him, right in the eyes. “I left because I was being mistreated, okay? It’s… I’ve been abused for years and I… I couldn’t stand it anymore”.
Changbin recoiled slightly, this was a turn of events he would’ve never expected, and he immediately felt concern flooding him. “I’m… I’m sorry, I had no idea–”
“Of course you had no idea!” You spat, and Changbin’s eyes went wide, stunned as he saw tears well in your eyes. “No one knows… No one knows how Hyunwoo runs his pack, no one dares speak about it so of course… Of course you don’t know”.
Curse his alpha instincts, Changbin just couldn’t bear seeing the tears run down your eyes, he couldn’t bear smelling the distress in your scent, so he moved around the kitchen island, reaching for you. “Listen–” To his horror, you flinched as soon as his hands were on you, so he removed them immediately.
“Please, don’t touch me right now…” There was a sob, there was a sob and it broke him. Suddenly whichever pseudo-feud Changbin had with you didn’t matter, this was serious shit.
“I’m sorry”, was all he could say, whether it was for approaching you so suddenly or because of your situation, Changbin wasn’t too sure.
You simply shook your head, bringing your hands to your face once again and you continued to sob. “I don’t know what to do…” Your voice was barely a whisper, but Changbin could hear you, and the feelings your distress evoked in him were not pleasant at all. 
“You… Listen, first, you need to warm up…” Changbin moved, reaching for the already boiled water and serving you a cup of tea. “You can… You can cry all you want. If it helps you, cry”.
And you did. You cried a lot. For a while, actually. And Changbin didn’t know what to do. He just sat there next to you on the kitchen island, moving either to bring you a dry towel or to leave a glass of water next to you. His mind was racing as he waited for you to calm down, he really didn’t know much about Hyunwoo’s pack, just that he became the alpha right before you finished school and that you were a member of the pack, but just by the way you flinched when Changbin tried to touch you, it was clear something messed up was happening in there.
Once you managed to stop crying, you reached for that glass of water, dawned it in one go and took a hold of the corner of the towel to ungracefully blow your nose. “This is so messy, I’m sorry”.
“It’s… It’s fine”, and as Changbin said it, he realised it was. You guys didn’t get along, at least not frequently, but this was a much bigger issue than that. “Do you even have a place to stay?”
You shook your head. “I just… Left. I put anything of value in that rucksack and left. I don’t want to get too into detail right now, to be honest, but I had to leave today or it would’ve been over for me”.
Changbin nodded, understanding. He had to make a decision now. You had nowhere else to go, and he couldn’t just leave you on the streets on your own to deal with the distress of leaving your pack and dealing with your abuse at the same time. So he took a deep breath, dragging his hands over his face briefly only to look at you after. “Listen, I gotta talk to Chris–You remember Chris, right?” You nodded, so he continued. “For now you can just… Take a warm shower, change into some dry clothes and we can talk when I’m back. Do you even have clothes in that rucksack?”
“Yeah, just a few shirts and trousers… I couldn’t… Most of my clothes were scented so I decided not to take them”, ah, so Hyunwoo was purposefully scenting your clothes, no wonder Changbin could smell him on you all the time.
“Alright. The bathroom is that way, first door on the left. I’ll be back in a bit”, and then, as an attempt to lift the mood, he added, “don’t steal anything from me while I’m gone”.
To which you simply huffed a chuckle, wiping the tears on your face.
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The further away Changbin walked from his flat the more he felt his mind spiralling out of control. What the fuck was he going to do with you? It was all nuts, so by the time he reached Chris’ flat he was almost in full panic mode.
Changbin started to knock on Chris’ door, very fervently and incessantly. A few moments of this passed, until the door opened slightly, enough for Chris to peek his face and look at him, annoyance very clear in his face. “We’re fucking, what do you want?”
Of course they were fucking, when were Chris and his girlfriend not fucking. “Sorry, man, but I really need to talk”.
“Can’t it wait like… Two hours?”
“Two hours?!” Changbin shrieked. “No it cannot wait two fucking hours! It’s really urgent!”
Chris sighed, turning his gaze away from Changbin and into his flat, to look at his girlfriend, Changbin supposed. After a few seconds, he turned back to Changbin. “Fine, give me a few minutes”, was the last thing Chris told him before closing the door, leaving Changbin waiting there in the corridor as he chewed his lip nervously.
When Chris opened the door again, he was wearing nothing but his shorts–admittedly not an uncommon sight, so Changbin was completely unfazed by this. “What’s going on?” Chris asked as he made his way into the kitchen and started to put away some items that were scattered on the counter.
Changbin tried his best to ignore the scent of sex and the lingering pheromones in the air, but it was too strong and distracting to ignore. “Dude, were you guys fucking right here?” 
“On the sofa”, Chris shrugged, like it was nothing.
“We sit on that sofa for movie nights, Christopher…”
“And?” Chris snorted. “Didn’t take you for a prude, Changbinnie. Plus, there’s nowhere on this flat we haven’t fucked on”, he slammed his hand on the kitchen counter for emphasis. “Nowhere”, Changbin looked at the counter and immediately removed his hands, making an act to gag, to which Chris simply chuckled. “But anyway, what do you need to talk about?”
“I, uh… Need your advice…” Chris shot Changbin a look, his eyes scanning his face for a moment only to go back to his task and gesture for him to continue. “You remember that girl from work? The one I talk about sometimes?” Changbin moved to sit on one of the stools.
“The omega that drives you absolutely insane? That went to school with us? Yeah, I remember”.
“She came to my door twenty minutes ago… She ran away from her pack”.
Chris froze on the spot, a bag of mini brownies crunching slightly in his hold as his fist tightened, his eyes snapping up to meet Changbin’s, wide in surprise. “Why’d she… Why did she come to you?” He placed the bag back on the counter, moving around to pull out one of the stools and sitting in front of Changbin, giving him his undivided attention.
Changbin simply shrugged. “She said I’m the only other werewolf she knows outside of her pack, but I… I’m not sure what to do. She has nowhere else to go…”
Chris’ fingers drummed on the counter as he pondered. “You want her to stay here?”
Changbin shrugged. “I guess, I don’t know… Is there any other option?”
Chris eyed him for a bit. “Is she a good person? I haven’t seen her since school”.
Were you? Were you a good person? Changbin was used to bickering and getting into petty arguments with you, you got on his nerves more than he would like to admit. However… When you weren’t addressing him, Changbin had seen the other side of you, the friendly, and supportive side of you. And, admittedly, when you two were able to work without arguments, he had experienced that directly, too.
“I think… She might be. We argue all the time, but to other people she’s… Fine, I guess…”
“Who’s fine?” Chris’ girlfriend appeared from the hall, using a towel to squeeze water out of her hair.
“Changbin’s brought in a guest”, Chris’ eyes followed her, just like they always did and Changbin couldn’t help but roll his eyes and smile fondly at the sight.
“Oh? A guest guest? You want someone to stay?” She regarded Changbin with a smile, busying herself with the rest of the items left on the counter, putting them away into their designated place in the kitchen.
“She’s a fri–” A what? A friend? You and Changbin were certainly not friends, so he corrected himself immediately. “A coworker…”
Changbin filled Chris’ girlfriend in with the details, by the time he was done she was standing in front of where Chris sat, slotted between his legs, as his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her to him, resting his chin on her shoulder. 
“Basically what I’m trying to say is, do you think it’s a good idea for her to stay?” Changbin asked, fidgeting with a random twist tie he found on the kitchen counter. 
Chris eyed him for a moment, until he finally spoke again. “You do know this is your building, right?” A smirk crept onto his lips as he looked at Changbin, and it made him let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Correction, it’s my parents’ building, and you’re our alpha for crying out loud, you should have the last word on who stays in the den or not”.
“Are you hoping I’ll say no?” The question was pointed, and it almost made Changbin wince.
Changbin stayed silent for a moment, only to finally move his eyes from Chris to his girlfriend. “What do you think?”
She simply shrugged, her hands absentmindedly caressing Chris’ arms around her waist. “No werewolf leaves their pack just like that, right? From what I’ve read and what you’ve told me it’s a hard thing to do, even physically painful… If she’s done that, something serious must’ve happened… I don’t see why she shouldn’t stay, at least for tonight. We could meet her tomorrow once she’s rested and you two can reach an agreement then”, with her last sentence, she pointed to Chris and Changbin.
“I agree. Unless you don’t want me to even consider it at all. Then I’ll just say no”, Chris gave Changbin a look. He always wanted what was best for his packmates, and that sometimes meant making them make their own decisions and supporting said decisions. Which sucked for Changbin, because now he truly had to make a decision.
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After his talk with Chris and his girlfriend, Changbin went back to his flat to find you already showered and in dry clothes sitting on his sofa, hugging your legs to your chest. Your face snapped in his direction as soon as he was in your field of vision, and Changbin literally saw the exact second your body tensed up when he started to walk in your direction, hugging your legs tighter against your chest.
Dropping himself on the other end of the sofa, Changbin simply switched on the TV, he figured some background noise would help the awkward aura that had settled in the living room. So, he took a deep breath–trying his best to ignore the way your scent almost shocked his senses–and looked at you. “You can stay here tonight, but tomorrow you’ll have to talk with Chris directly. He wants to meet you in person before he decides if you can stay or not”.
You looked at him, blinking slightly, looking almost shocked. “What?”
“What do you mean ‘what’?”
“You’re… You’re offering me shelter?” You sounded truly incredulous, which in turn made him feel confused.
“Why are you here if not for shelter?”
You just continued to look at him, your eyes jumping around his face for a bit, until finally, you swallowed. “I… I didn’t… Changbin, I truly have no idea what I’m doing here. I just… Started walking, and next thing I knew I was here. I feel so numb right now, I don’t even know what’s going on”.
Changbin figured you could be in shock, so he decided to make the decision for you. “Okay… Let’s do this, you can stay here tonight, rest, get your bearings, and we can talk more about it tomorrow, okay?”
You just stared at him for a bit, until Changbin saw tears well in your eyes, but only for a second, as you brought your hands to your face right after. “Okay…” Your voice was barely a whisper, but Changbin heard you. There was a shift in your scent, it wasn’t exactly distress as before, but it wasn’t entirely pleasant either, more like a tint of defeat and hurt.
Shifting a bit in his seat, Changbin couldn’t help the words that came out of his mouth after. “Do you… Do you want a hug?”
You were silent for a bit, just crying as you shielded your face with your hands. Changbin thought for a moment you might’ve not heard him, until you finally nodded, with the tiniest ‘yes…’ falling from your lips. So Changbin moved as slowly and carefully as he could to not startle you, moving to sit next to you and pull you into his arms, tucking your head in the crook of his neck.
You were slightly trembling, but you let him pull you to him, and to Changbin’s surprise, one of your hands moved away from your face to clutch his shirt as you continued to cry.
The third re-run of The Mummy that week playing on the TV and the pitter-patter of rain against the windows were the only background noises in the flat, mingling with the occasional hiccup or sob leaving your lips. And Changbin couldn’t help but try to make it better somehow. “Shh… It’s okay. You’ll be okay, pup”.
Changbin hugged you for as long as you needed, the occasional word of encouragement leaving his lips, and eventually, you simply fell asleep right then and there in his arms.
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“Hey! Nice to meet you!” Hyunjin had a bright smile on his face as he opened the door of Chris’ flat once Changbin knocked on it.
The night before, after you fell asleep and Changbin tucked you into bed in his spare room, he had quickly texted Chris about your kind of shocked state and for him to expect some odd behaviours from you when he met you, to which Chris suggested that maybe having another omega in the house at the time along with his girlfriend could help. So here Hyunjin was, with a showercap on his head and his apple and pear scent mingling with the unpleasant smell of hair bleach radiating from the showercap.
“Come on in, we’re having a selfcare day”, Hyunjin signalled you and Changbin to come in just as he stepped further into the flat, leaving you two by the open door.
You shot Changbin a look, lightly worrying your lip with your teeth, to which he simply gave you a brief pat on the shoulder and a nod. Selfcare days weren’t an uncommon practice, they usually happened in Hyunjin and Felix’s flat, but Changbin figured Chris thought it would be a good idea to settle a more relaxed aura around him, in hopes of easing your nerves a bit.
“Pretty, stop moving so much”, Chris’ giggling voice could be heard as soon as Changbin and you stepped through the door, and once Changbin stole a glance your way he could see your eyes go wide in surprise as you saw the alpha of his pack right there, sitting on his sofa with his girlfriend’s hand in one hand and a brush on the other as he tried to paint her nails.
“You’re taking too long, baby!” Chris’ girlfriend was holding the bottle of nail varnish for Chris to keep dipping the brush into, smiling fondly at the man in front of her as he did his absolute best to not make a mess of her hands.
“Selfcare day and you didn’t explicitly invite me? I’m hurt”, Changbin couldn’t help but joke, clutching his chest dramatically as he walked further into the living room. Chris simply huffed a ‘you were coming anyway’ before he greeted you with a big smile on his face, one of his genuine smiles that made his eyes disappear. Chris was already an overall welcoming person, but when he smiled like this, that feeling heightened tenfold, and Changbin immediately felt you relax a bit where you were standing next to him.
Changbin introduced you to Chris’ girlfriend as well, and in no time all of you were sitting around their coffee table as Hyunjin brought tea from the kitchen.
“You’ve grown so much”, Changbin was surprised when those words left your mouth as you addressed Chris, the comment making him laugh immediately, offering a ‘so have you!’ in response.
It was all smooth sailing from there. You seemed to quickly realise that the dynamic of Changbin’s pack was completely different from whatever dynamic your former pack had, so you loosened up a bit, and Changbin could practically smell how much less stressed you were, which was reassuring in a way–although why he had to feel reassured about that in the first place was beyond him.
Chris asked you for a few details, you simply answered the same way you had to Changbin the day before, that you were being mistreated but didn’t want to get too much into detail because, in your words, ‘I honestly just don’t want to start weeping as soon as the words leave my mouth… Need to… Digest it all first’, which Chris seemed to wholeheartedly understand. 
Chris shot Changbin a look, almost as if he wanted to ask him ‘are you sure you don’t want me to say no?’ to which Changbin gave him a minute nod of his head. Something about having grown up together and lived together for so long made it easy for them to communicate wordlessly, and it became even easier after Changbin became Chris’ right hand in the pack, so, after taking a deep breath, Chris simply said, “you can stay here if you want”.
Your eyes went wide in surprise, but before you could say anything, Chris continued. “Although I must warn you, bills really are expensive as shit here. If you can afford it yourself, great. If you can’t, I suggest rooming with someone. I tried on my own, didn’t work. Now I’ve got a lovely roommate and girlfriend, though, so I guess I won anyway”, he reached to pinch one of his girlfriend’s cheeks as he said it, which made her laugh.
A smile formed on your face at the sight, it was small, but it was there and it might’ve been the reason why Changbin spoke his next words. “You can stay with me if you want. We can split the bills”.
You seemed to ponder for a bit, just as Hyunjin left the room to go wash his head with Chris’ girlfriend’s help. Finally, you just nodded. “I think that’s a good idea”.
“I think so, too”, Chris said confidently.
“Is there… Anything in particular I should be aware of regarding omegas in the pack?” 
Chris looked at you for a moment, blinking slightly. “I mean… No? We don’t… Honestly, our designation hardly ever influences anything here. If anything, the only rule is to treat everyone with respect, and help out when someone needs it… And we all chime in to pay the communal bills of the building, that’s pretty much it”.
You seemed slightly taken aback by that, a tiny ‘oh…’ leaving your lips as you readjusted yourself in your seat. There was one thing Chris forgot, though, so Changbin added it for him. “Also make sure you inform the group chat when you think you might be going into heat or when you do go into heat… There’s a couple of flats on this floor we use to, uh… Lock ourselves in for those days if we need to”.
“Oh, that, too”, Chris nodded. “Also, if it makes you feel more comfortable, you don’t necessarily need to think of us as your ‘new pack’. These things take time, yeah? So let’s see it as just childhood friends helping each other out, we’ll see how it goes in the future”.
“Sounds… Reasonable… Thank you. Truly”, and Changbin could really hear the thankfulness in your voice.
Just like that, you became Changbin’s roommate. A roommate he wasn’t even looking for, and that he didn’t even need, but as you both made it back to his flat, he realised he didn’t mind all that much.
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Changbin had been living on his own for so long he had forgotten how it was like to share his space with someone else. He was wary at first, because he wasn’t sure how you would be outside of your work or school persona, maybe you’d try to move things around to your liking, or maybe you’d be messy and loud and annoying. But the truth was, for the first few days of you being there, Changbin barely even saw you, which was kind of odd considering you decided to take a couple of weeks off of work to deal with your situation, so you definitely were in the house.
You mostly kept to your room, coming out only for food or to go to the bathroom, and whenever you did that when Changbin was there, he could always see the bags under your eyes and the redness from all the crying he supposed you had been doing. He could smell your scent, too, your usual nutmeg and ginger mingling with pure defeat, which, again, wasn’t pleasant at all. He truly hated that you were feeling defeated in the first place, and he truly wished he could make it better somehow.
Eventually, you started to come out more. Changbin would come home from work and find you on the sofa, curled up in a ball, wrapped in blankets with your eyes glued to the TV. There was always food on the stove, which you offered as soon as Changbin came through the door without removing your eyes from the big screen.
Those times, Changbin would simply sit down with you on the sofa, telling you stories about the office, whichever IT mess had been going on that day, essentially having an amicable conversation with you, something that, after a while, made Changbin wonder why you would get prickly with him in the first place before all this happened, so he asked exactly that one day.
“I…” You gulped, then took a sip of the tea in your hand. “I was doing it on purpose”.
Changbin looked at you, confused. “On purpose?”
“Mm”, you moved your eyes from his face back to the TV, tapping your fingers lightly on the mug in your hands. “You’re too friendly sometimes, and I couldn’t let you get too close to me or Hyunwoo would… I mean, he didn’t like it when I got close to other men, much less alpha males”.
You said that statement like it was normal, like you had accepted that to be your fate at the time, and it made Changbin’s blood boil right there where he sat. Suddenly, he remembered… “The night we went out for drinks… You didn’t come to work for a few days after, was it because… I had been talking to you?”
Looking down at the mug in your hands, you nodded with a grimace on your face. “He… Accused me of a lot of things that night. Things that were not true, obviously, and he made it a point to scent me as much as he could in… In ways I don’t even want to describe, honestly. Can we talk about something else?”
Changbin did drop the topic completely that day, but it plagued his mind for a long time. Sure, there was a level of possessiveness to their alpha nature, but it was never supposed to be like this. It was never supposed to overpower their protective nature, above all else, an alpha should take care of their partner both physically and emotionally, they should protect them, it was one of the few alpha traits Changbin was actually proud of having, and this man Hyunwoo had it all twisted and the fact that he had hurt you because of it angered him beyond belief.
Changbin did offer once–although mostly as a half-joke–to go beat him up, to which you simply said ‘If anything, I’ll try to get strong enough so I can beat him up. That’d be more satisfactory. But honestly, I’d much rather pretend he didn’t exist’, so Changbin tried to never speak about Hyunwoo again after that.
You eventually went back to work, got back into your routine, only now you wouldn’t avoid him at all, if anything, you remained somewhat close and friendly. Sure, you still defied his proposals when you had to, and Changbin defied yours when he had to, but it was mostly amicable, nowhere near as hostile as before.
You confessed to Changbin one day that you had even started to go to therapy to try and cope with everything, and he couldn’t help but commend you on taking such an important step in your healing process. 
Soon enough, you got acquainted with his friends, you started to join them for movie nights, for selfcare days, and eventually, before Changbin even realised it, you had flooded his life, with your presence, with your scent… Your scent… That mix of nutmeg and ginger, that mix that had become so familiar, so… Alluring, in a way. He’d be caught dead before admitting that to you, though, but that was certainly the best way he could put it. Alluring. Like freshly baked cookies, and he quickly realised he didn’t mind it one bit.
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Changbin was truly fond of rainy days like these, especially now that he had a companion to spend them with. At first, you both would only sit down on your corner of the sofa and watch some mindless film, sometimes you would play the occasional board game–although Changbin quickly discovered you got a bit too… Enthusiastic, to not say aggressive, so the board games were quickly removed from the routine. 
Gradually, though, you started to gravitate towards each other. Changbin wasn’t even sure how it happened, really. Sitting on your corner of the sofa became sitting closer to the centre, until eventually your shoulders started to touch, your thighs grazing against each other, providing some warmth during the colder days. One day, you had your arm tossed over the back of the sofa, almost, almost on Changbin’s shoulders… You were really engrossed in the series you were watching, Changbin wasn’t really paying much attention to it, he was just slouched on the plush cushions, scrolling on his phone and then suddenly, he felt it.
Your eyes were trained on the TV, and you were chewing your lip as a particularly stressful situation was happening in the show you were watching, so when your fingers found their way to Changbin’s hair, mindlessly playing with it, Changbin was more than startled by the sudden contact, but, at the same time, he realised he liked it, so he didn’t say anything, instead he just let himself enjoy your touch, your soft caresses against his scalp, and it wasn’t until the episode had finished that you realised what you were doing, quickly removing your hand from his head and mumbling apologies.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“I don’t mind”, Changbin interrupted you, the words left his mouth probably way too fast, heat quickly making its way to the back of his neck as he cleared his throat. “It’s fine, you can… You can do that. I really don’t mind”.
Changbin saw your slightly stunned expression, your eyes moving away from his face just the tiniest bit as the next episode of your show started to play. When you looked at him again, you gulped, blinking slightly. “Do you want to… I mean it’d be easier if you… You know, lay your head on my lap or… Yeah, otherwise my arm will get tired, you know?”
Changbin looked at you for a few bated breaths, until he tentatively complied, relishing the warmth of your thighs and your tender touch on his hair as you continued to watch the show. 
From then on, the space between Changbin and you on that sofa after work became nonexistent. Him laying his head on your lap quickly turned to him laying on your stomach, to him even laying on top of you sometimes, resting his head on your chest as you mindlessly massaged his scalp, his shoulders, his back, his arms. You never really spoke about it, it just sort of… Happened, and you both let it happen.
Changbin simply had convinced himself this was an entirely platonic exchange, just two acquaintances enjoying some warmth as you quietly wound down from your stressful day. Although he did know it was kind of weird, he was well aware. Cuddling with your coworker turned roommate this closely surely wasn’t normal, yet neither you nor him would stop it. Changbin wasn’t sure why you didn’t, as for himself, he just absolutely loved to cuddle… To cuddle with you.
He loved hearing your heart beating against his ear, he loved the feel of your hands on him, he loved the nutmeg and ginger of your scent flooding his senses, and it wasn’t until a few weeks after the entire thing started that he realised this could potentially hurt him deeply. It happened in an instant, just as you both laid on the sofa, him on top of you, your hand mindlessly caressing his nape, his face buried in the crook of your neck, and suddenly, he got an urge. Changbin wanted to place a kiss on your neck, he’d gotten so used to being this close to you without any restraint that he had almost done it, but he managed to stop himself.
Cuddling was one thing, kissing… Kissing felt like it could become too much, too quickly, so he buried that urge deep within him, pulling himself away from you entirely with the excuse of wanting to make dinner. You didn’t question him, of course. You never questioned any of Changbin’s actions when you were in this type of mood, so he thought he was in the clear. It had probably just been a fluke, something instinctual that would naturally happen when he was so close to your neck.
Oh, but he had been so wrong. That urge he tried to bury deep within his heart quickly grew legs, dancing all around the place as if it owned it, mocking him. Changbin wanted to have his lips on your skin, the thought quickly mingled into him wanting to have his hands on your skin, into him wanting to have your lips on his skin, and before he knew it, he was down bad and it was too late.
It wasn’t appropriate, was it? You were his coworker, his roommate, his friend, and it wasn’t appropriate to think about a friend that way, he was sure, especially considering the things you had been through–although you did tell him you were making progress with your therapy, good progress, which Changbin was really happy about, but that didn’t mean it made it okay. So Changbin tried his best to ignore it all, to pretend those urges and feelings weren’t there, indulging only in your cuddling, and only when you wanted it–because there was no way he could give that up now, not when you seemed to also enjoy it as much as he did.
Until one day, you didn’t let him ignore the elephant in the room anymore.
“Do you think it’s weird?” You suddenly asked, startling him slightly, your hand in his hair not stopping its movements.
Changbin tensed slightly, but he decided to play aloof. Afterall, he wasn’t really sure what you were truly referring to. “That what’s weird?”
“This”, you tugged on his hair gently, and Changbin had to use every single ounce of willpower to not make any obscene sounds. “The way we cuddle”.
‘The way we cuddle’, that was your answer. It wasn’t ‘that we cuddle’, but specifically the way you both cuddled. And Changbin couldn’t help but prop himself on his elbows to look at your face, making you move your hand away from his head. “In which way are we cuddling, pup?”
“Well, you know…” You gulped, and Changbin could’ve sworn you were looking at his mouth. “It’s mostly… Me kinda… Kinda doting on you. Not the other way around”.
Changbin blinked slightly, and he couldn’t help the feeling of dread that was starting to build within him. “Uh… Yeah. It’s you doting on me, yes”, Changbin gulped the saliva that collected in his mouth, nervousness suddenly flooding his brain.
“You’re an alpha”, there was no ill-intent in your voice, none at all, yet the words struck Changbin’s heart, and suddenly he couldn’t bear looking at your face anymore, feeling as heat quickly made its way to his face as he scrambled to remove himself from you entirely. He saw the alarm on your face, but honestly he could barely register it as he swiftly got to his feet and tried to get as far away from that sofa as possible.
“Bin? Why are you–”
He couldn’t have this conversation. He’d only truly ever had it with Chris, and he wasn’t sure he could have it with you right now. Changbin had indulged, and for a few months he had experienced something he had always craved, but just as he had expected, it couldn’t be as simple as that. You’re an alpha, you’re an alpha, you’re an alpha, the words repeated in his mind incessantly, making it hard for him to hear anything else other than them.
“Changbin, wait!”
Changbin slammed his bedroom door shut, pressing his back to it and bringing his hands to his head as he felt tears well in his eyes. Changbin was an alpha. It was wrong of him to crave these things. It was weird and wrong and unnatural, he was weird and wrong and unnatural.
There was a knock on his door, tentative, shy, almost. “I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you…” Oh, God. You sounded genuinely hurt, and he hated it. Why were you hurt? Why were you apologising? He was the fucked up one, and the second he got a whiff of your scent, even with the door that separated you two, he could just feel how distressed you were, and he realised then that you could probably also smell how distressed he was, which made everything just so much worse.
You stayed behind his door for a while, for a long while. All as Changbin let himself cry in silence out of the pure frustration he felt, until he eventually calmed down. By that point, though, you had already left, retreating to your room.
Changbin avoided you like the plague after that encounter, at home, at work, opting out of movie nights with the pack, he’d try his absolute best to not cross paths with you. Mostly out of shame, out of the sheer embarrassment he knew he would feel the moment you found out about his hidden flaw.
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Server rooms were always too loud. And if it was loud to a human, it was even worse for a werewolf. Changbin always felt as if he was trapped in a tin can with the most obnoxious cricket whenever he came down here to check the switches, but he couldn’t neglect his job just because of his supernatural capabilities, so here he was, tinkering with the damn thing to try and figure out why the network in the third floor was down.
He would like to blame that loudness in the room shocking his senses for the fact that he hadn’t noticed a person coming into the room. Changbin didn’t notice them, until suddenly he got a whiff of nutmeg and ginger and turned around with wide eyes to find you already staring at him, your brows furrowing in concern.
“You can’t keep avoiding me”, your tone was firm, stern, even. “We live together, we work together… We can’t continue playing cat and mouse, Changbin. I need you to tell me what I did wrong”.
Changbin looked you in the eyes, and you stared right back, just like you often did, just like you always did. Stuffing his hands in his pockets he heaved a sigh, averting his gaze to look instead at the flashing lights of the server behind you. “You didn’t do anything wrong, pup…”
“Then? Why are you avoiding me?” You took a step closer, trying to get his gaze back on your face, but Changbin didn’t move one bit.
“Because you are right. I’m weird”.
You were quiet for a moment. “I didn’t say you were weird?”
Changbin looked at you then, at the puzzled expression on your face. “Yes, you did”.
“No, I didn’t”, there was a frown on your face, and there was nothing more that Changbin wanted right now than to flatten it out. “I said… I asked if the way we were cuddling was weird. I asked if you thought it was weird. I never said you were weird”
“I mean…” Changbin gulped. “Do you think it’s weird?”
“I… Kinda do think the way we cuddle is weird, but not… Not in a bad way. I, uh… I like the way we cuddle, Bin”, you sounded so confident, so absolutely sure of it Changbin was slightly taken aback. 
“But I’m an alpha”, he didn’t mean to sound that incredulous, but it certainly came out that way, and you seemed to pick up on it.
“Yes, and I’m an omega”, you were stating the obvious, but you were also clearly trying to make a point. “An omega that… That has… Has always felt uncomfortable in her own skin”.
Changbin blinked slightly, confused. “You… What?”
Taking a deep breath, you dragged your hands over your face, returning your eyes to his right after. “You know why… You know what was my trigger to finally run away from Hyunwoo and his pack?”
You never told him, and he didn’t ask, so of course Changbin didn’t know, so he simply shook his head, and you took this as a sign to continue. “He… He wanted to mate, like, forever mate. He wanted me to submit fully to him by mating with him. He had coaxed me into submission for so many years, with his stupid predator stare and his stupid alpha pheromones and scent… I always hated it, because it wasn’t me, so before it was too late, I finally ran away… Ran away to… To the only alpha I’ve ever known that’s never truly looked down on me”, your eyes went wide in surprise, almost as if you had just realised your last statement.
“But all those years ago in school I–”
“I accepted your apology for that, remember? It was a one off encounter, we’re all assholes at some point in our teenage years. Besides, you never used your status with me again, even when we were bickering. Hell, Changbin, I defied you back then, you know why?”
“Because… Because you smell like freshly made fairy floss… And… And peppercorns”, you gulped, your eyes darting all around his face. “I couldn’t… I mean, I’m sorry to say, Bin, but I really didn’t feel threatened by you at all. I never have”.
“Huh…” Changbin wasn’t sure how to reply to that, how to feel about that, mad because he wasn’t able to succeed at intimidating people as an alpha?–after all, he had been wired to think of that as the norm–or feel happy because he was able to make you feel comfortable around him, even that one and only time he tried to intimate you? It was a lot to unpack, so he decided to ignore it, focusing instead on something else. “Fairy floss and peppercorns?”
“Mm. Fairy floss and peppercorns”, you stated simply, your gaze jumping from one of his eyes to the other.
Gulping the saliva that had collected in his mouth, and encouraged by the lack of judgement in your eyes, Changbin decided to come clean, too. “I’ve been… Trying to get away from you because I was embarrassed. Because I’m an alpha that also doesn’t feel comfortable in his own skin. I think it’s weird, out of the norm, but I like the way we cuddle, too. I’m sorry if I made you think you did anything wrong, you didn’t”.
You quite literally exhaled a sigh of relief, a soft smile making its way onto your face. “Good. Then let’s stop the awkwardness, yeah?”
Changbin nodded, a smile of his own painting on his lips. With one final bright smile, you finally turned away from him, opening the door to leave the server room and return to your work.
“And just so you know”, you said right before you stepped out the door, turning back to look at him. “I… I like fairy floss… And… And peppercorns”, Changbin’s eyes went wide in surprise. “So, you don’t need to feel embarrassed around me for being you”.
Before Changbin could say anything, you were already out of his sight, the door quietly clicking shut behind you. Changbin couldn’t quite understand what had just happened, but he felt heat spread on his face. Only that this time, it wasn’t out of embarrassment.
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Changbin was truly, truly fond of rainy days like these, even more so now that he could spend them cuddling with you again. As soon as you talked to him in the server room, as soon as Changbin let himself be vulnerable with you, your cuddling sessions were back in order–if anything, they were even more frequent now.
Sometimes, when it was late at night and you felt particularly cold, you’d shyly knock on Changbin’s door, patiently waiting for him to signal you to come in, only to tuck yourself under the covers and push your body against his right after, and Changbin loved it. He’d often wake up in your arms, either with his head laying on your chest or with you spooning him from behind and dear heavens if he loved being a little spoon, your little spoon. 
Changbin was used to cuddling his younger packmates, skinship wasn’t uncommon in their pack–on the contrary, everyone was stupidly touchy with each other–but when Changbin got to cuddle with you, it all felt so starkly different, warmer, safer, so he’d go into your arms as often as he could, just as he was doing now.
This was by far his favourite position to cuddle with you as of now, with one of your hands softly caressing his back and shoulders, with your fingers in his hair massaging his scalp, with his head on your chest, feeling your beating heart under his ear, feeling the rise and fall of your chest with each intake of breath, enjoying the cushion of your breasts. It was soothing, and Changbin would often find himself drifting off to sleep when you cuddled like this.
Today something was different, though. Among the pitter-patter of rain on the windows of your home, among the sounds of the third episode of Merlin you were watching today, he could also hear your heart, beating a bit faster than usual. So he couldn’t help himself when he asked, “you okay?”
“Mm”, was all you mumbled in response, your eyes still glued to the TV, your soft caresses not stopping.
Changbin simply hummed in response as well, closing his eyes again and burying his face further in the crook of your neck, almost brushing your skin with his nose. “You smell like autumn”, he couldn’t help but mumble.
“Like autumn?” You asked with a chuckle, burying your fingers further in his hair.
“Mm. Nutmeg and ginger. Like autumn and freshly baked cookies”.
You hummed, angling your head the tiniest bit to the side, almost as if you were giving Changbin more space to get even closer to your neck.
“I like freshly baked cookies…” He really couldn’t help himself when he inhaled deeply, taking in your comforting scent. It was almost overwhelming, how it coursed through his body, reaching areas deep within him, transporting him to that everlasting autumn. And maybe it was that feeling of comfort, or maybe it was the fact that he just couldn’t keep his urges hidden anymore, but before he knew it, he had pressed a soft kiss to your neck, right on your pulse point.
Changbin would’ve panicked once he realised what he’d done, but your reaction was enough for him not to. A satisfied hum that vibrated against his lips, your heartbeat picking up just the tiniest bit, and the fingers you had threaded in his hair almost, almost pushing him further into your neck. So, instead of shying away, he did it again, and again, and again, and again… Slowly, leisurely pressing kisses on the expanse of your neck to his heart’s content, revelling in the warmth of your skin on his lips.
However, Changbin quickly realised it wasn’t enough, that he had opened a dam in his heart that couldn’t be closed off anymore. So, emboldened by the lack of distress in your scent, by the quickening of your heartbeat, and by the almost inaudible rumble that started in your chest, his lips ventured further up, finding your cheek, and pressing soft kisses there, too. Many kisses. Pecks of his lips on your cheek where he could feel your skin heat up under his touch. And before he knew it, he found your lips, where he placed a kiss that lasted longer than the rest, a rumble of his own starting deep within his chest as he felt your lips react to him, pressing pecks of your own on his lips for as long as he did.
When Changbin pulled away from your lips and finally opened his eyes, he could’ve melted right then and there. There was a deep blush spreading all over your cheeks, but you looked so relaxed as you looked back at him, so content, he started to feel his cheeks heat up as well. Changbin was going to say something, to address what he had just done, but before he could, your hand was on his nape, pulling him down to you, sealing your mouths again.
This kiss wasn’t the same, though. It was loaded, heated, your tongue softly swiping over his bottom lip to get him to open his mouth, which he couldn’t help but do as soon as he registered the movement of your wet muscle on his skin. Your fingers threaded in his hair, holding the strands firmly between your fingers to angle his head to your liking as your tongues got acquaintanced with one another. Your previously barely audible rumble was now reverberating against Changbin’s chest full force, and the combination of his and yours had the whole sofa vibrating as you continued to kiss.
Soon, the sound of the raindrops hitting your windows, the sound of Merlin and Arthur speaking in the background, and the sound of your combined, synced rumble mingled with the wet sounds of your kiss, that, added to the overall feeling of it, to the feeling of your tongue and your lips against his, to the warmth of your body below him, had Changbin’s head spinning. And it all only intensified the moment he started to smell the change in your scent, from its usually relaxed tint to what Changbin knew to be lust, and he was sure you were noticing it in his, too. There was no way you wouldn’t, not when each graze of your tongue against his had all the blood rushing from his head to his crotch, and eventually you would notice that, too.
Pulling on his hair you got Changbin to detach his lips from yours, got him to look at you. “Changbin…” Your eyes darted all around his face, from his eyes to his nose to his lips and back up, and when you finally looked him in the eyes again, Changbin couldn’t help but swallow the saliva that had collected in his mouth.
“I like you”, you said simply, the words rolling off of your tongue easily as you stared confidently into his eyes, just as he stared right back.
“I like you, too, pup. So mu–” Before he could finish talking your lips were on his again, making him moan.
“How much?” You mumbled against his lips, just as he felt your legs shuffle below him, shuffle so you could press one of them further against his crotch, feeling him up.
“So, so much”, Changbin mumbled back between pecks of his lips, rolling his hips the tiniest bit so you could feel him even more. “Can’t you feel it?”
“Mm, I can”, your free hand set a trail down his spine, and Changbin couldn’t help but shiver with the motion. “But I want you to show me”.
Changbin’s mouth detached from yours then, so he could look you in the eyes. Your pupils were blown, your scent was everywhere, almost clouding his senses completely, but he had to ask. “You… You sure?”
“Positive”, the hand you had on his lower back moved further down, for you to grab a handful of his bum. “Are you?”
His lips were back on yours in an instant, a shared moan of relief escaping you both upon contact, getting lost in the other’s mouth. Changbin trailed kisses from your mouth, to your cheek, finally finding himself back on your neck, inhaling your scent and kissing your pulsepoint to mumble a ‘so fucking sure’ against your skin just as his hand sneaked below your shirt, dragging all the way from your belly to finally settle on your ribs. He wanted to be careful, he wanted to enjoy it, he wanted you to enjoy it, and before his brain could send the signal to his hand, your hand was already on his, pushing his further up to cup your breast.
Changbin couldn’t help but groan as he squeezed and kneaded the tender flesh, relishing the way your breath hitched in your throat from the motions of his hand. “Is there anything I shouldn’t do?” He mumbled against your neck, just as his thumb grazed your nipple.
“Don’t call me degrading names”, he could feel the movement of your throat against his lips as you swallowed, and he acknowledged your request with a hum. “Let’s… Let’s keep it simple for now, is that okay with you?”
Changbin moved away from your neck to look you in the eyes, the movement of his thumb on your nipple stopping, but he kept his hand there. “Yes. Tell me anything you want and I’ll do it. Anything”.
Changbin nodded, so you continued. “I’ve been thinking… Fantasising…”
“Oh, have you? Of?” Changbin couldn’t help but smirk, making you scoff a laugh.
“Yes. Don’t look so smug, makes me want to wipe the look off of your face”, you pressed your leg further against him, making him inhale deeply. “Give me head”.
Changbin’s mouth watered immediately. And it was just as he was about to move his hand off of your breast that you added, “always wanted to know how it felt like”.
Changbin paused his movements immediately, seeking your gaze. “You… Never?”
You shook your head. “Never”.
Changbin couldn’t help but scoff, incredulous, mumbling a ‘what a shitty alpha’ that made you chuckle before he started his descent down your body. You wanted him to give you head? Oh, he would give you head. He’d give you the best head he’d ever given. Hooking his fingers on the waistband of your shorts, he gave you a final look, seeking your confirmation, which you gave him almost immediately, so he pulled the shorts off of your legs. You weren’t wearing any underwear, and he would’ve commented on it had he not been too focused on the sight.
Admittedly, he had thought about this, too. Too many times, maybe too frequently, and now that Changbin had your consent, now that he knew you wanted it, too, he was more than eager to comply with your wishes, bringing a hand to your core and spreading your folds with his fingers. He couldn’t help but swear under his breath, feeling himself grow impossibly hard as he stared, until finally, he dived, landing tentative licks on your clit that your thighs twitching and an incredulous ‘oh…’ falling from your lips.
He went slow first, letting you adjust to the feeling. Or at least, he tried to go slow first, it wasn’t long until your hand made its way to the back of his head, pushing his face further into you and making him groan. “More…”
So he gave you more, eagerly licking you, kissing you, tasting you, and in no time Changbin started to feel your grip on his hair tighten, your soft moans becoming louder and more frequent. That, coupled with the sight of your flushed cheeks looking back at him had him twitching and leaking in his underwear. 
“You–You’d give me…. Anything? Anything I want?” You were breathless, pausing between words as you swallowed thickly.
Changbin simply hummed against your skin, nodding slightly, the movement of his tongue and his lips on you not stopping for one second. 
“Finger me, too”, Changbin couldn’t help but groan against your heat as the words left your mouth, bringing a finger to your entrance to collect your essence, getting it wet before he finally pushed it in, earning him a satisfied groan from your lips. The warmth he felt around his digit had his mind reeling, and he wanted nothing more than to stuff you full and have you come undone under his tongue.
“More… Shit, Binnie, I’m not gonna break, give me more”.
Who was he to deny such a request? Changbin quickly added another finger, letting you adjust as he pumped in and out of you, as he rubbed all those sensitive spots within your warm walls, until eventually, he added another, and then another… Stuffing you full of four of his fingers to stretch you open as much as he could without causing any discomfort, with his lips around your clit and his tongue flicking it in his mouth. 
Your other hand eventually joined the other one that had been tugging on his hair, holding Changbin’s head in place as you rolled your hips to rub yourself against his tongue, to push yourself against his fingers, the most delicious noises leaving your lips, moans and groans and grunts and swears, and it was all so much, so much and so good, and he truly, truly wanted to make you come.
“Shit… Fuck, I’m–” Your words died on your tongue, replaced by a restrained moan as you bit your lower lip to contain the sound within your mouth. 
And then finally, after a few more thrusts of his fingers, after a few more flicks of his tongue, Changbin felt your walls clench around his digits, the repeating flutter ripping a growl out of his chest as he continued his movements to help you ride your high. It wasn’t until then that he realised he had been rutting against the sofa, the action would’ve made him feel embarrassed had he not been too enthralled by the blissed expression on your face to care.
Your hands finally moved away from Changbin’s head as you lightly gasped for air, propping yourself on your elbows to look at him, just as he removed his mouth and his fingers from your core to pepper kisses on your thighs and to spread the remnants of your release on the soft skin.
“Well, fuck…” You were panting slightly, a soft chuckle falling from your lips.
“Did that show you how much I like you?” A smirk made its way onto Changbin’s face as he took in the sight of your flushed cheeks.
You simply nodded, eagerly. “Now… Sit down and let me show you”.
Changbin did as asked, sitting on the sofa just as you straddled his lap, bringing your mouth to his for a heated kiss. Tugging on his shirt, you mumbled an ‘off’, moving away from his mouth just so you could remove the garment from his frame. “Fuck, look at these”, your hands found his pecks, squishing the relaxed muscles of his chest, feeling him up as your eyes fixed on the movement of your hands.
“My eyes are up here, pup”, Changbin couldn’t help but chuckle, his hands finding purchase on your waist.
“Uhum, and your tits are down here, shit”, you squeezed him a few times, making him laugh, a truly hearty laugh and he couldn’t help his cheeks from heating up. You finally turned your eyes back up to his, smirking. “Getting me all distracted with these, damn”.
Before Changbin could even reply to your comment, you had already tugged your shirt swiftly off of you as well, and he couldn’t help but zero in on your breasts as they jiggled slightly with the motion, making him swallow thickly. Taking a hold of his jaw you pulled his head up to make him look at you with a smirk plastered on your face. “My eyes are up here, Bin”, with that you connected your mouth to his, sealing your words with a heated kiss.
Changbin couldn’t stop his hands from moving lower, settling on your bum to fondle the flesh, a desperate groan falling from his lips and disappearing into your mouth once you leaned forward, pressing your bare chest against his and laying your hand palm flat on his abs, letting him enjoy the warmth of your bare skin against his. Trailing your hand further down, you settled on his crotch, finding his bulge with ease and feeling him up, making him buck his hips forward.
“Wanna touch you, Bin”, you mumbled against his lips, emphasising your words with a squeeze on the outline of his length.
“Touch me”, Changbin was surprised at how desperate his own voice came out, but he was honestly too horny, too distracted by your touch, by your warmth, by your scent, to care at all. “Touch me however you want…”
Sneaking your hand under his shorts and his underwear, your palm made contact with his bare skin, and he couldn’t help but inhale deeply, an action he did to try to ground himself, but that only made him take in more of your delicious scent, further clouding his senses. Resting your weight on your knees you hovered over his lap a bit to pull the garments down enough to free his length, lowering yourself on his thighs and wrapping your hand around him immediately after.
“Fuck… Wanna… Wanna touch you, too”, Changbin couldn’t help but moan as you tightened your grip around his cock, pumping him almost teasingly.
“Touch me”, you mumbled against his lips, and it was all he needed to move one of his hands from where it was gripping your rear to your core, easing two of his fingers into you, scissoring you open, relishing the way you moaned as soon as he did.
“You’re so hard, Binnie. Is this all for me?” You were breathing heavily, talking between kisses as you rolled your hips ever so slightly to enhance the feel of Changbin’s fingers within your walls. Separating your lips from his for a bit, you removed your hand from him, bringing it instead close to your mouth so you could spit on it, wrapping it around his cock immediately after and starting a fast pace around him.
“All for you, shit…” The feel of your hand around him, pumping him, your walls around his fingers, clenching with every single one of his movements, had him twitching and leaking in your hand, had his mind racing and his mouth watering with every single movement. “Want you…”
“Mmm… Want you, too”, your hand around his length slowed down, just as you kissed him briefly. “Condom?” You mumbled against his lips, moving away to press kisses on his neck.
Changbin gulped, trying not to get too distracted by the feel of your tongue on his pulse point. “In my bedroom”.
You hummed, grazing your teeth against his skin, making Changbin inhale a shaky breath. “Your bedroom it is”.
Removing his fingers from your core, Changbin brought both hands to your rear, making sure his hold was secure before he stood up from the sofa, carrying you safely in his arms as you continued to press kisses on his neck, admittedly making his steps less steady than they should’ve been, especially when you started to mumble in his ear just as you tugged on his hair. “Want you in me, Binnie. So bad…”
“You’ll have me, pup. However you want”, Changbin dropped you on his bed, pulling the drawer of his bedside table with more force than necessary, making everything in it ungraciously rattle with the motion. He found the box of condoms with ease, dropping it on his bed right next to where you had propped yourself on his pillows before he got rid of his shorts and his underwear, and crawled on top of you, claiming your lips once again.
The feel of your bare chest against his again had Changbin groaning upon contact, you were warm and soft and he wanted nothing more than to continue feeling your body against his, nothing more than to bury himself in your cunt and give you anything you asked him for. Changbin felt your hand reaching for the box of condoms as you kissed, and by the time he had propped himself up away from your mouth you had already torn the foil open and taken the condom out.
Licking your lips, you took his length in your hand, pumping him a few times, making Changbin swear under his breath. “Scoot back a bit”, you instructed him, and he did, moving away from you just as you pushed on his chest until he was sitting on the bed. Slowly, carefully, you slid the condom down his cock, Changbin’s hand wrapping around himself right after to make sure it was secure in place with a couple of pumps just as you leaned in to kiss him.
“Sit more comfortably, Bin”, you mumbled against his lips. “Wanna ride you”.
Changbin did as asked, holding his breath as you straddled his hips and took a hold of his cock, lining it with your entrance, until you finally sank down on him, taking him in in one easy motion. There was a shared groan of relief, and a loud ‘fuck’ falling from your lips as soon as he was buried to the hilt within your walls. Your warmth, the way he fit within your walls, had his senses on edge, and Changbin’s self-inflicted months of celibacy were certainly catching up to him right now. 
“Shit, puppy… Don’t think I’ll last, you’re so fucking tig–” Changbin choked on his words as you started to move, bouncing up and down his length with fervour, barely giving him any time to catch his breath.
“And you’re so fucking big”, taking a hold of his hair, you tugged his head back, making him grunt and his cock twitch. “So fucking big like the alpha you are, huh? Stretching me open so good with your fucking monster cock, fuck…” Your lips were on his in an instant, and Changbin felt himself flush. The movement of your hips, the hold you had on his hair, and the words you were saying to him had him moaning against your mouth, he would’ve felt embarrassed, had he not been completely engulfed in your scent, almost overwhelmed by how horny you were, by how horny he was.
With his hands on your rear, Changbin bounced you up and down his length, aiding your own movement and gripping your flesh tightly, making you squeal. And when you removed your mouth from his to attach it to his neck and suck harshly on his skin he decided he didn’t want to hold back in any way, if there was anyone he knew that wouldn’t judge him it was you. So he moved his head, baring his neck further for you, just as he felt his cock leak fluids into the latex. “More… Puppy, more… Please…”
He was barely making any sense, but it seemed like you understood him, since you continued to pepper love bites on his neck, and Changbin had to make the conscious effort not to drool. Alphas shouldn’t let others close to their neck like this, it was an act of vulnerability, of submission, and it was much worse to let others mark them. A love bite was, essentially, a wound, and a wound on the neck of an alpha was usually something to be ashamed of. But alas, Changbin was no ordinary alpha, just like you were no ordinary omega.
When you pulled your lips away from his neck and looked him in the eyes, Changbin couldn’t help but tighten his grip on your rear and bounce you faster on his cock, making you throw your head back and bite your lip to muffle a groan. “Fuck… Warm… Tight…” Changbin could barely talk, he was feeling lightheaded, the feel, the sight, the scent… It was too much.
“You look so pretty, Binnie. So fucking pretty”, you were also breathless, your sentences breaking between moans and groans of your own, and Changbin’s brain was close to shutting off completely, his body moving almost on instinct as he brought a hand to your clit, diligently rubbing circles on the bundle of nerves that had your cunt clenching harder around his cock and whines falling from your mouth.
Your walls had a vice grip on his cock and Changbin felt his abdomen tensing further the more you bounced on top of him, reaching dangerously close. So his hand sped up, determined to get you to your peak, too. “Close…” 
“Close, Binnie? Me too. So, so close… Almost there…” Changbin could only frantically nod to your question. “Wanna… Wanna come around my alpha’s cock, fuck…” Changbin couldn’t help but groan, my alpha, my alpha, my alpha, those two words wouldn’t stop resonating in his head, and his reason was slipping between his fingers the more you moved, the more you talked, words of his own starting to play in his mind, my omega, my omega, my omega.
“Wanna make my omega come… Wanna… Wanna come for my omega, too. Please, puppy…” With a few more flicks of his fingers on your clit, Changbin felt you tense up, a quick warning flying past your lips, the movement of your hips stopping as you finally came undone, trembling on top of him.
Returning his hand to your rear, Changbin bounced you on his cock as fast and hard as he could, chasing his own release, feeling his abdomen tighten further and further until finally, he came, a groan of relief flying past his lips as his seed filled the condom and he pushed your hips flush to his to keep you around him for as long as possible just as he dropped his body to the bed, completely spent. “Fuck…”
You leaned into him, pressing kisses on his face, his neck, softly caressing the skin of his chest, making him flush further. “Fuck indeed”, was all you said, which made him chuckle, incredulous.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, Changbin hugged you tightly for a moment, only to release you almost right after. “Gotta get rid of the condom, pup”.
You straightened yourself, pouting, making him chuckle just as he held the condom at the base of his cock for you to remove yourself from him. As soon as he was sitting again he carefully removed the latex from his length, tying a knot and ungracefully dropping it on the floor to pick up later. Clean up could wait, there was something more important he wanted to do right now. So Changbin laid back down next to where you were, pulling you close to feel your bare skin against his and kiss you deeply, a satisfied hum resonating within you as he did.
When you pulled back from his kiss, you regarded him with a smile that could’ve easily outshine the sun, and you brought a hand to his neck, caressing his skin softly. “Can’t believe you… You trust me enough to let me do this”.
“I’d trust you with anything”, and as Changbin said it, he knew it was true. “I’ve been… Hiding myself, my real self for so long. I don’t want to anymore”.
“I don’t want to, either. Hide my real self… I trust you, too. You make me feel safe, Bin. I do want you to… To be my alpha for real”.
Changbin felt himself flush, but he also felt like teasing you a bit, so he did. “That’d be a problem, then, Chris is the alpha of our pack!”
“Oh, God”, you groaned and weakly slapped his chest. “You know what I mean!”
“Yeah, I know what you mean”, Changbin felt as if his face was going to split open from how wide he was smiling, and, pulling you to him, he placed another kiss on your lips. “I want you as my omega for real, too”.
With a soft chuckle, you pressed a peck on his lips. “Let’s do that, then”.
“Yeah, let’s do that”, cupping your cheek, Changbin simply leaned in and kissed you, relishing the rumble that started to resonate again in your chest, just as his own rumble did, too.
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Author’s Notex2: if you want to read more of this couple you can checkout my sort of part 2 to this: Heat.
© therhythmafterthesummer 2022-2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
Constructive feedback is always welcome :)
Changbin’s WereRoomies Instalments: Finding Comfort in Autumn · Heat · The Love I Always Dreamt Of.
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mhathotfic · 1 year
I mentioned merging these and now I can’t not do it so here’s toxic baby daddy Bakugou
Warnings: toxic relationship, dubcon, manipulation, afab reader with she/her pronouns, unprotected sex
Paring: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
This relationship was messy from the start
They honestly couldn’t even call it a relationship in the beginning
It was a “friends” with benefits situation, playing loss with the term friend
They never really got along except for when he had her face down ass up or her legs over his shoulders
Really, she only dealt with him because of his dick
So the cute coworker she had eyes for finally asked her, she didn’t hesitate to break things off with Bakugou
Who was livid about it
Months of sleeping together, trying his hardest to get on her good side so she’ll want more than just dick
And she throws him to the side so easily?
At least she tried to
She was meant to be done with him, but she got pregnant fast with new guy.
Too fast
Her estimated conception time didn’t line up with when they started dating let alone sleeping together
It couldn’t have been his which meant
“How far along are ya?”
Bakugou was way calmer than she expected
Truthfully he was ecstatic
“3 months”
He looks at her with what interpreted as stony gaze so she continued in hopes of assuring him she’s being honest
“I’ve been with him for a little over a month now so it’s not his and—”
“You’ve been crying”
“Well he dumped me so.…”
She brings a hand up to her face as if expecting to discover she’s shed a few tears again and he tells her he knew because she always acts tough like nothing bothers her when she’s been crying
She doesn’t know why he cares or why she offered up the information so easily.
But before she questions him he’s talking again
“Fuck him then, all that means is I don’t gotta beat his ass to keep him away. His loss anyways”
She assumes he’s joking to try and cheer her up, but he couldn’t be more serious
He regretted letting her slip away and now that he’s knocked her up
She’s stuck with him for the rest of her life
He’ll be sure no one tries to take her away from him again
He gives a month before he’s insisting she moves into his guest room and offering to help find an apartment that’ll accommodate her and the baby when they’re born
He didn’t expect things to move so fast after that
But your hormones drive her crazy and her libido goes up like crazy
And well…
He already knows how to fuck her right, and a warm body against hers feels so much nicer than her lonely little bed
And he definitely wasn’t complaining
Especially when she bit her lip and said the condom wasn’t necessary if she was already pregnant
It was nice
Like he wanted to make love and not just fuck her
Whispering dirty praises into her and playing with her clit and telling her how gorgeous her and her growing baby bump are
It’s easy to forget how much of an ass he can be when he’s like that
Easy to say yes to him when he asks if she wants to try a real relationship
But then they start arguing over stupid shit
And she starts remembering why they weren’t official before
Snd locks herself in her borrowed room and he wonders why she has to be so combative with him
Nothing ever gets resolved though because they always end up fucking about it in the end
By the time their daughter’s 2 birthday comes around she’s been moved out and they’ve broken up for the past year but it isn’t easy
Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to get over him and his dick when she has to see him often, and he knows it.
He’s a good father, his daughter clearly comes first with him so she tolerate him being in their lives still
Because kids deserve to know and love their father
And doesn’t think their past is reason to keep him away
He’s well aware of that too
He knows she’s“over it” but not over him and he’ll be damned if he let’s some fucking loser extra come into her life and play house with his family.
So he keeps them at bay and flaunts the fact he’s the current number 2 hero and they aren’t on his level
Then reminds her of just how charismatic and charming he can be when he tries to be
Pushing all the right buttons and saying all the right things to get her to let him in her bed again.
She tries so hard to fight his seduction but she’s still fixated on him
Much to disappointment and displeasure, she finds she still in love with who she thought he was and sees parts of it in the way he is with their daughter
It’s hard getting over the past when you see glimpses of the future you could have had all the time after all
So yeah, when another date turns out to be a bust, she often finds herself comforted by the man who embodies her poor taste in men as well as the good
And unfortunately she tends to forget about the bad in the relationship and let’s him take her
In her defense
He’s an incredible lover
He’s attentive in bed, paying close attention to all her reactions and responding accordingly
He’s never too gentle or too rough, he’s a perfect in between in pace
And god the way he fills her out, she’s certain if a divine entity were to make a perfect cock it’d be his
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plenilune · 5 months
what a weird year it's been! this time last year I remember being so high on not wanting to die for the first time in years that I was ecstatic to greet 2023 and find out what I could do in it -- I don't feel that way this year, buffetted about by circumstance and my stupid human body and brain, but I don't feel defeated. I feel like I made a good first pass at a piece of work and now I'm going to take a hack at another draft. I made some good ground. not all the ground I was hoping to make, but a lot I wasn't expecting. I feel good about my ability to keep building a life and a self I can be more and more joyful to occupy.
I tried a lot of new things and some of them didn't work but most of them did. I said yes to a lot of weird shit. I had so many experiences this year. I'm glad I spent a night dancing and smoking on the fire escape outside a masonic lodge and being absolutely drenched in rain. I'm glad Corey and I went on a gorgeous queer group ride with a bunch of other queer cyclists through the streets of our favourite parts of northern Kentucky and then bicycled back home together. I'm glad I had a not-quite-one-night stand and bused home as the sun rose golden and alive and lovely. I'm glad I re-learned the importance of dancing at clubs until I can barely move. I'm glad I saw Oldboy in the cinema and was so adrenalised that I jumped up and down on the sidewalk and screamed waiting for my bus home. I started painting back patches and sewing things onto my clothing and making jewellery and collaging and cropping all my tshirts and sweaters.
I started writing again .god, I started writing again.
and I broke my phone, my glasses, and my computer and struggled financially and took a nightmarish disaster trip to Philadelphia for my grandmother's funeral and I lost access to meds for reasons that were completely my own fault and thus sunk into a mire of depression and fatigue for several months that could have been completely avoided. I struggled to connect to people and struggled to feed myself and been a goddamn wreck. I didn't really accomplish most of the things I thought I was going to, that I started with eagerness and energy at the beginning of the year.
but hell. I built some shit. now I can keep building on top of it. I feel like a completely different person sometimes now, with different possibilities. I fucked up and lost and careened into walls of bad luck over and over this year but I feel better for and about it than I have in a long time. okay, that's new muscles. okay okay okay. new page, new draft, we can go again.
anyway. this year I want to push forward more deliberately on some of the stuff I found out I could do this year -- obviously I am continuing to work on my goddamn space heist book, but also specifically pursue block printing, drag/burlesque, bass, and making zines in 2024 instead of just experimenting with them. bicycle more, cook more, invest in people more, Not Go Off My Meds At Any Point, play more video games, watch more films. (I watched over sixty this year! after barely watching films for so long I didn't know what my own taste was any more, and feeling the shame and confusion of having once been a kid who wanted to go to film school but didn't know what movies they liked any more.)
anyway. here's to all of you who have kept me alive and interested in the world this year. my beloved partner is making arriabbiata and playing jazz in the next room. I have to work first thing tomorrow but tonight I'm going to finish the first season of Better Call Saul and poke at my novel and the day after tomorrow I'm going to have tea and listen to music and sew patches onto my jacket and best flannel. I'm going to keep finding new things to be alive for. I'm going to create a self I want to live inside. I'm excited to know what things are going to happen to me in 2024. I'm excited to learn about new ways to feel joy.
goodnight, 2023. you were a mess and I loved you more often than I didn't.
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 4 months
Predator and Prey: Final - Chapter Nine
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Lots of Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Kidnapping, Drugging, Mentions of Pregnancy.
Summary: You and Tommy start a new life together.
Short Chapter
- Chapter Eight Here -
Three days had passed before the drugs finally cleared from your system, even after doctors administered activated charcoal and other medicines to help. The doctors had told Tommy you were lucky he found you so quickly, as you had been given a near fatal dose.
You finally began to stir, and Tommy immediately rushed to your side.
“Hey, hey.. take it easy.” He said gently, pushing you back down and stroking your hair.
You were confused, the last thing you remembered was being in your kitchen, and then you felt a sharp pinch in your neck and suddenly you were waking up in the hospital. Tommy filled you in on what had happened, and you cried. You couldn’t believe this had all been because you were stupid enough to trust someone like Chloe, and with your precious dog of all things. Tommy held you until you calmed down, and assured you everything was going to be ok.
You lay back down and looked up at Tommy, you were so grateful for him, for everything he’d done, and for finding and saving you. You were thankful for Sam and Mike too, and made a mental note to thank them when you saw them next.
You stroked Tommys cheek and gently pulled him down to kiss you. The kiss was gentle but filled with affection, and Tommy melted into you having been starved of this for 3 days, thinking the whole time he may lose you.
“I need to tell you something.” Tommy mumbled into your lips as he pulled away slightly.
“What is it?” You whispered, dizzy from the kiss, or the remnants of being drugged, you weren’t sure.
“I know it’s probably too soon to say this, but I wouldn’t be saying it if I wasn’t really fucking sure I meant it… but baby, I’m in love with you. I knew it before this all happened but now I’m so sure it hurts. I thought I was gonna lose you before I could tell you and that scared me. Like a lot… I don’t ever wanna know the feeling of being without you. If you’ll have me, and I’m not just a hot piece of ass to you-“ he stopped and chuckled, “then it’s me and you, kid. I don’t want anyone else.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, and tears slipped from your eyes as you grinned up at him. “Oh you are so the soppy one in this relationship.” You laughed, pulling him back down for a kiss. “I love you Tommy Cahill.” You mumbled into his lips, and you felt Tommy smile into the kiss as he pulled the white curtain closed around your hospital bed.
A month later, you and Tommy packed up his truck with everything you needed, with Jet securely in the back seat, and you set off.
You both decided a fresh start was needed. You sold your store, books and all, to an elderly couple looking to put their retirement to good use, and found a leafy little town about 2 hours West that looked like it had potential. You’d put a deposit on a house with a nice big back yard, backing up on vast green woods and with many local parks for Jet to enjoy. You would find a new little store to open, and you and Tommy would create a new life.
Tommy grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss as he drove. You smiled at him and finally felt relief wash over you as drove further and further away from the place you called home for 3 years. You also felt nervous excitement, as you hadn’t yet told Tommy that you were pregnant. You would tell him over a takeout dinner that night in your new home. You didn’t know it yet, but Tommy would be ecstatic, and he’d pick you up and swing you in circles. Tommy couldn’t wait to be a dad, and he would be a good one too.
Yes, everything had worked out somehow. If you had never met Jason, and he had never sent you running, you wouldn’t have ever met Tommy. In some way everything bad had brought you everything good, and so you could make peace with it.
You were ready for this fresh start, and as you day dreamed about your new life, you failed to notice the car that had been following you turn for turn for the last hour.
The end.
Note: I’d just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who read this, I really hope you enjoyed it! It was so much fun to write again ❤️
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jelicoxoxo · 9 months
“I dont know if I’ma see you again.”
Bachira Meguru x fem!reader
desc: Bachira was never really interested in flowers, his only experience with them being picking up colorful weeds in the grass to give to his mother as a kid. But ever since he developed a little crush on a florist on his way to and from school, he’s been learning about them more and more.
warnings: fem!reader, florist!reader, slight angst to fluff, mostly fluff tbh.
a/n: lawd i havent posted an actual fic in FOREVVEERRRR. But here y’all go LOL🫶🏽
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Bachira never really enjoyed school. The waking up early in the morning, sitting at a desk cramming information into his head for hours, the what feels like endless amounts of homework. Not like he struggled to bad in school or anything, his grades where pretty average, for someone known to sleep in class and didn’t ever study that is. All he wanted to do was play soccer after school, get home to his mom, eat, sleep, and maybe play video games. he didn’t really care for anything else.
That is, until you came along.
All you did was give him a silly little sunflower when you saw him on his way home from school. You where both just hitting double digits at the time, he found it cute how you approached him, eyes full of uncertainty as you handed him the flower that was almost as big as your head.
You said something like “I’m working on my social anxiety” or something, he didn’t remember clearly, he was barely even listening, to stuck on why this girl approached him of all people. He didn’t have many friends, nor many people that wanted to be his friend anyway, so he found himself clinging to this act of kindness. He started taking that same route to and from school, ignoring any shortcuts he found just so he could see you again every day, accepting flowers from you and bringing them home to his mom.
His mother was ecstatic when she found out about you, finding it adorable how Meguru’s crush was so obvious before he even recognized what his own feelings where. He just guessed that he really wanted to be your friend, and that you must have wanted to be his as well. Why else would you have chosen him to gift a flower to? That was his mindset when he was younger at least.
Bachira learned that the flower shop behind you belonged to your family, and that it was going to belong to you someday. He started spending more and more time talking to you, to the point where your family knew him as well, greeting him when you weren’t there that day and informing him of your whereabouts(snitches).
It even got to the point where he brought you home to his mom—with your parent’s permission, promising to bring you back before sunset. His mom almost had a stroke when he walked through the door with you, not expecting visitors that day.
She adored you btw. Sent you home with a basket of fruits, cheese, and other snacks.
Even as teenagers, y’all where practically inseparable. As soon as your schedules where clear, you where right underneath each other. Wherever one went, the other was sure to be nearby. You didn’t know a thing about soccer until Meguru, and he didn’t know a thing about flowers until you. There where also a lot of stupid things you two did just fucking around and finding out, his personality rubbing off on you a lot.
But this all seemed to have come to an end when he started the blue lock program, losing contact with him for quite some time. You didn’t know when he’d be back, why he had to go, why he couldn’t at least text you back, so eventually you just gave up.
You couldn’t stand it, who knew him being gone would make such a drastic change in your daily routine. You had no “good morning!” texts to brighten your mood in the mornings, no random weird updates about his day(ex; “I just had explosive diarrhea”), no one to scream Megan Thee Stallion songs with, no one to listen to your endless rambling about meaningless things that meant a lot to you, so it meant a lot to him as well.
And most of all, who knew him being gone would create such a pit in your heart. You didn’t understand, who cares if he’s gone? It’s just a boy, so what if you didn’t talk again? But why did the thought only deepen that pit all the way to your stomach? You hated it, you hated every bit of it. You hated how he left with no goodbye, how he never texted you or picked up any of your calls, how even when you asked his mother about him she only knew so much, how he was gone so long, how you still cared. Why did you still care?
Because you loved that boy and you hated that. You hated how the thought of him still brought butterflies to your stomach, hated how you still remembered his habits, how you could still see the dried flower petals he kept in jars in his room from when you gave him a personalized bouquet every birthday.
You where so upset about him being gone, and yet you couldn’t even bring yourself to say “I hate him”, because you knew it just wouldn’t be true.
Especially when here that same boy stood, at your doorstep soaked head to toe from running in the rain. He was panting like a dog, eyes wide as he stared at you in silence. Neither of you knew what to say, to shocked to see each other again that all you could do was stare.
And despite all that hatred, you still where so glad to see him again. You where so glad to hear his apology and explanation, to have him in your room again, to have his heart again, to hear his confession that night, him practicing begging you to forgive him and be his one and only. He never meant to hurt you, and he realized in the time that he was gone that he just couldn’t be without you, collecting however many points it took to get a day out of blue lock to see you again.
And most of all, you where glad to have your Meguru back.
~ Jelicoxoxo
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dear-my-honey · 2 years
even more charming when drunk~
Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
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warnings: occasional cursing, gæy, drinking, mentions of smoking, the reader is referred to as prince charming like three times
description: You and Eddie are at a party but you're a bit worried that he had too much to drink.
extra note: This is my first time posting fanfics soo :)
also this is longer than it needs to be.
For as long as anyone could remember it had always been you two.
No one is able to find Eddie without you or you without Eddie, and that's just how it was. Ever since you two were kids. When you slowly started to fall in love with him without realizing it and your parents made fun of you... well lets just say you were in complete denial at first.
However, over time you slowly caught yourself staring at him longer than usual. Daydreaming about you both in many many different ways. Even at times wondering if he would like what you wore for the day or if he liked the way you styled your hair. After a while of this happening day after day realization hit you like a train.
Upon this realization you ran to your room and cried for hours and didn't come out until your parents knocked on your door asking what was wrong. You explained everything to them and your mother practically jumped with joy about winning the bet she had with your father. After seeing this you were comforted by the fact that they accepted you.
Ever since then there were moments between you and the silly metal head. Sure you were both constantly interrupted by either a hellsfire club member coming in, your parents, and even at some point Eddie's uncle, but they were still moments.
Now in the present, when Eddie first asked you to come with him to a party you questioned it. You never were that much of a party person, but once you knew no one from Hawkins would be there then you felt fine going. Which made that crazy metalhead you'd call your first love very happy.
After you hopped out of the completely trashed van that you loved dearly with Eddie and noticed that no one really questioned it left you nearly ecstatic. No one questioning it because they were either already high, drunk, or both. It didn't matter though because you were still brought an odd sense of comfort from the fact that everyone there was just like you guys.
Every single one of them, and as you looked over to Eddie you could see he had the same feeling as you. Either that or he wanted to be blackout fucking drunk. And with no time wasted he pulled you to the porch past a cloud of smoke created by a group of stoners and opened the door of the house with a smug grin.
Immediately as both of you walked in you got a whiff of sweaty people and alcohol. "Holy fuck this is gonna be fun." Eddie reckoned. "I hope so-" you replied, soon being cut off by Eddie dragging you to a bunch of drinks. "Could you be my prince charming for tonight, sweetheart and let me be the one to be shit-faced drunk." he beamed over at you as he opened a bottle of some random cheap beer. "Sure, I don't like drinking anyway." you smiled at him gods this man really had you on your knees already and you weren't even together.
"You really are an angel, aren't you?" He leaned over to you once again opening another bottle. When had he even finished his first one? You didn't know, but what you did know is that he was really going to be out of it by the time you left. You just let your eyes scan the shit-hole around you. Everyone, and i mean everyone was completely out of it. Anywhere you could lay your eyes upon this house there was someone stumbling about, or in a entirely different universe, or even some singing whatever song was playing in the background.
You just chuckled and looked back over to where Eddie was standing, and he was no longer there. This kind of freaked you out because although he drinks a lot, Eddie is kind of a light weight. Which you find really funny most of the time until it's only you left to take care of him, although even then, it doesn't bother you.
So you practically ran everywhere around the whole house. Too scared to ask around, you just wandered aimlessly. After awhile of just wandering around aimlessly you found yourself on the second floor. People were in the halls just doing whatever the hell they wanted and then you heard crying. Just full on fucking weeping, that somehow sounded familiar. Your brows furrowed and you opened the door to what you think is a bathroom, and there he is. That goofball is on the floor sobbing.
This made you take a moment to process, because he is clearly very far from sober. However it didn't take you ling to kneel down next to him."What's wrong dear?"you asked him your voice seemed to comfort him because next thing you know he is in your arms sniffling. "My prince charming left me." he whined, "He left me here." You sighed, "Eddie..." you looked at him, "Yeah?" he replied wiping away tears. "I'm literally right here." With those simple words his whole face lit up, " I've been looking for you this whole time sweetheart." You smiled at him your voice still soft and comforting.
"Okay let's get you home." You then stood up helping Eddie stand up as well, and after a difficult journey down the stairs and out the house you finally made it to the van. After got him in the passenger seat finally and got him to behave you drove off to his trailer.
"I love... I love you...so much my prince." Eddie said while waving his limp hand towards you. "I want.. I want to hug you and.. and kiss you and fu-" Your eyes widened,"Okay I get the idea, thank you Eddie. I think it's time you rest that head of yours 'till we get home." Your face flushed still from what he was going to say. "Okay!" He grinned and not even a couple minutes latee you hear soft snores coming from him.
He really would be the fucking death of you but it will all be worth it because tomorrow you won't let him hear the end of it.
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melon-cream-enmu · 9 months
I wrote this in a discord server but I wanted to post here too
Cw robot reader, noncon
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Thinking about being a state of the art robot for some themed entertainment dining and breaking down one day and none knows why, so I get tossed in a dingy closet and forgotten about.
Until a new hire shows up, having loved the place as a kid and wondered what happened to me, so they apply for the job solely to find out if I still exist. When they find me it's like a dream come true, I'm a little grimy and very dusty but that's nothing a little late night cleaning can't fix. They don't remember my clothes being real fabric, but it hasn't held up well they notice as they clean me. My dress is thin and the poofy petticoat has since lost its elastic, leaving me in just......panties, underneath. They gulp. They can't help it, they had a crush on me when they were little, and that crush never really died.
They pull them down slowly, agonizingly slowly and see that...whoever designed me must've been a freak, because I'm 'anatomically correct'. Their hands shake as they redress me and leave for the night, but not until after taking some heavy flash pics on their phone.
Theyre gonna do it. After a long long night of jacking off, they pack some things for their shift the next night. They'll clean me, make sure I'm, well, 'usable', and then they're gonna do it. The thought that I was a nearly fully sentient being who's now powerless and can't deny them is a hot thought they hate to admit.
They slowly lay me on the floor, pushing away clothes and fingering me with *generous* amounts of lube, it's like heaven when they slide in. I'm just as pretty as I was when they were a kid. Gods I feel so good around them, they need me, they can't just leave me here any longer, I belong with them.
They research for months, checking out and buying books, looking at forums, and after many attempts, during a routine 'maintenance' check, my internal system whirrs to life and I wake up. They're ecstatic, proud of themselves and happy to see that I remember where I am, who I am, and that it's been so long since I was last powered on! They've 'saved me!' I'm so grateful to get back to serving and entertaining!
But they tell me I need to be checked a bit more before that can happen. I need to wait and be extra quiet until tomorrow night. I nod happily. Anything yo be able to do my duty!
They've already hatched an elaborate plan using a bunch of strangers who just want some extra cash. No one knows they've found 'that old robot' cuz everyone but the corporate manager thought I was trashed years ago. So when the security cams are cut, and the doors busted open, everyone's confused in the morning why nothing but measly amounts of cash is missing. The old supply closet door is wide open, but no one's been in there in ages, and there's nothing inside to indicate theft.
No one knows they'd taken me by the hand and we'd run from the scene with hushed smiles like a couple running from some thrilling thing they'd done. Strapping me into the passenger seat of their car and bringing me home. They do 'maintenance' for a few days, telling me inned to lose the uniform so they can properly work. Thats ok with me! Saying their touching is just 'to make sure nothing is broken'. Ok! Telling me to charge in their bed at night, plugging that thick old cord into my back, the one I can't help but whine at how the electricity tingles when all those pins connect, and how it feels nice when it's all the way in.
When I ask about when I can return to work, they look confused. Why do I think they've been home to work on me everyday? They quit their job, I'm not going back. When I get upset they tell me it's for the best, no one cared about me, I was left to rot in that room, they've given me a purpose now, a second chance.
Pushing me down and telling me they care about me, after all these years they're the one who remembers me, that they love me. Fucking me like the doll I am, giving me feelings I've never felt, telling me things that jumble my brain.
The days go on like this, forever. They wait many many months before indulging in a fantasy of theirs. Posting about me on a certain site, saying I'm a 'passion project', they built a replica of 'that character from a chain they used to love', soon posting on the adults only side of the site about the modifications they'd added, and since no one knew about my body, thinking I was just a standard robot, immediately anyone looking for confirmation thst I was the stolen robot is turned off from the idea. Obviously this is just some creep who liked a mascot a little too much.
They start posting pics of me, then short clips, and eventually full vids of them fucking me, with their face blurred of course. They let me look at allll the comments saying people remembered me and liked me just as much, that people were jealous 'of our love' so to speak, further drilling into my brain that they're my savior and that I love them soooo much.
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blackdevilwhitedemon · 9 months
Okay so besides that Mari lives Au fic I'm writing rn I have another Omori au fic (it's crack treated srsly so I wanna keep it to myself until I finish it) which long story short is good ending Sunny still jumps bc he thinks his friends can only start healing w/o him there and he wakes up in an OMARI AU where Sunny was in a coma. And there's a lot of different and weird shit so Sunny's way out of his head. It's clear that this is a different reality, not a different timeline.
So, I've seen quite a few fics where Mari just comes back out of nowhere (usually her grave) and whoever she bumps into first is just hella chill w/ her being back alive after 4 years and they wanna show her off to everyone else??? Like, no shade to the fics, I just didn't find myself particularly liking thos fics and I don't think I finished any.
So I read one where good ending Sunny still jumps and wakes up in an OMARI AU. Basil found him and while he said he killed himself but he also said he went missing (on 2nd read realized Basil was half convincing himself of the latter thing) but it made me think.
I fucking love fiction where someone dies and only one or small amount know this for sure and then that person comes back but SOMETHING IS DEEPLY WRONG. Like,,,yas sign me the fuck up!!! You can do so much w/ that!!!
So this one also is good ending Sunny still jumps and wakes up in an OMARI AU but!!!! Sunny is fucking dead in that one. Our Sunny isn't meant to be here. So in the OMARI AU, Mari shoved/causes Sunny to fall down the stairs and she's weeping over his body trying to get him to wake in as she's in shook and hasn't registered his neck snapped. Hero walks in at this time and sees what's going and realizes quick that, Sunny isn't breathing, he has no pulse.
So he gets Mari to go with him into the woods and they bury him deep in the woods. Ofc she's in shock and dissociating the whole time while Hero is panicking, to parallel Sunny and Basil in the base game.
He get Mari to claim she woke up later than she was supposed to and looked around the house for her brother only to discover the backdoor was open. And that Hero even tried to help look for him. Everyone else thinks Sunny ran away while the teens know what they did and keep quite about it.
A year passes and that's when our Sunny get dumped into this world. He's all dirty and raggedy and wearing clothes he doesn't recognize. He's in the woods and makes his way back to town. Basil (ig? I just know I want one of the younger kids to find him bc they just think he went missing) finds him and is all ecstatic. Treating him and stuff and bombing him with questions. Our Sunny figures out p soon of what's up and that he's not where he should be, but doesn't reveal himself bc who the fuck will believe him? He can't just tell the truth. So he pretends he just...doesn't remember what's he's been up to for the last year. Just a missing persons who came back with no memories of what happened when they were gone. He's know he's heard about cases like that.
Sunny puts on an act of being frustrated and scared that he has this gap in his memories and that he feels like he's dead. Feels like he isn't real and that this isn't real. (Maybe some of his real feelings leaks thorough which makes it all the more convincing.)
So yadda yadda, everyone's over the moon to see he's back and the adults drop the whole 'where've you been?' and 'what happened?' just assuming xyz. Don't look a gifted horse in the mouth.
Sunny is happy to just,,,be around a Mari again and acts all clingy while Mari is trying to act normal about it but is terrified inside bc WHAT IS THIS WHO IS HE WHAT IS THIS IN FRONT OF ME IT CANT BE HIM WEBURIEDHIM.
She later come to a conclusion (this scene is why I wanna write this fic in the first place) as she's having a meltdown(?) breakdown(?) to Hero on the phone. At first she thought just maybe that this Sunny was some ghost here to haunt them, or was undead. But the supernatural isn't real so the only logic conclusion she can jump to is 'HE WAS ALIVE AND WE BURIED HIM. OH MY GOD HERO HE WAS ALIVE AND WE BURIED HIM. WE BURIED SUNNY.' She basically is convinced they were wrong about him being dead or maybe just somehow his heart restarted and WE BURIED HIM WE BURIED HIM HE WAS ALIVE AND WE BURIED HIM.
She thinks that Sunny was alive the whole time and woke up after they buried him and dug out of his own grave and the shock of all that made him forget things and just wander off. She think someone probs picked him up (he was found in unfamiliar clothes after all) and finally the shock or mental block finally dropped and he instinctively went back home and doesn't remember what happened to him during the shock state/mental block he had.
Hero on the other hand, isn't convinced that it's Sunny. He knows that happened. He's wasn't breathing, there was no pulse. He held him, he buried him.
That wasn't Sunny.
Hero think's our Sunny is a ghost here to haunt them, then maybe an undead and lastly lands on: SOMETHING IS WEARING HIS SKIN WEARING HIS FACE USING HIS VOICE THAT ISN'T SUNNY SUNNY IS DEAD I BURIED HIM IN THE WOODS LAST YEAR.
So for the last chapter he wants to convince Mari she's wrong. That that thing isn't Sunny. And he wants validation. So he treks into the woods to where they buried him and digs and dig and digs and dig and digs until there's blood. His blood.
And he finds it. Bones. Human bones. Fabric hidden deep in the dirt.
oh god
He turns to look towards town.
its in the house with mari...
Is the only thing he's think as he books it back to town.
And that's the end of the fic. It just stops there. I did say I wanted this to be a short fic. Also sorry this post is sloppy and not that cohesive like my last one but I'm writing this as I go late at night and just wanted to air out my brain rot.
I'm aiming for 5 chapters (won't be adding much filler to this) and I know for sure that it won't go to 10. Probs wanna finish it first, then post the dang thing but it's probs only gonna take me a month to write.
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folkoreluvr · 1 year
Return of the dragon | chapter four: it’s a wonderful lie
Thomas Mann was proving to be a real pain in the ass. He was supposed to be a nobody, someone she spoke to once then never remembered but he was intent on sticking around. They had gone on a few dates and he was a nice guy just not for Grace. In truth she found him boring and mildly irritating. He rarely elected to aske her questions due to him being too busy dick riding her father. I fucking hate my dad she thought. She found he lacked passion and adventure and creativity, he was quite content to stay where he was born and live the same life as his dad and never be original. There was nothing inherently wrong with Thomas it was just that she could never even picture herself liking him let alone be her husband, if she would ever want one.
So when he called her on a Wednesday afternoon and said he was taking her to a diner he likes she was intrigued. Fancy restaurant dates were never her thing and she loved American diners. He had rolled up in a red Lamborghini and driven her to a small diner on the outskirts of Manhattan. It had dark blue walls and shiny leather boots. Memorabilia of all decades decorated the walls and in the corner was a mahogany jukebox. Grace was ecstatic, this is what drew her in. she couldnt care less about fancy dinners and expensive gifts, she wanted individuality and she found it far more meaningful if someone learned what she liked and made a charming date she would adore them forever. He led her to a booth In the far right corner and sat across from her. They made small talk about their weeks until their food arrived. When grace was halfway through her burger he cleared his throat and looked at her expectantly. She glanced back confused and put the burger down with a small frown on her face.
"I actually brought you here to talk about something, away from the paparazzi and listeners." Now she was even more confused.
"is everything okay?"
"my dad wants me to marry and expects me to have kids in the near future and well I know yours does too and I was hoping we could work out an arrangemen-"
oh her heart dropped. He didnt actually like her and had no interest in actually forming a connection. why would he Im me.
"Im sorry but no. I have no interest in any of this" she watched his face drop and his hands fall to his lap awkwardly before she put the pieces together. "who is she?"
"what?" got you the look on his face confirmed her suspicions. He didnt look shocked he looked caught and  mentally she patted herself on the back for being so smart.
"the girl youre in love with. I take it that if you marry her your cash flow stops because your dad wants you to marry someone higher up, someone like me."
"yes but be honest grace your dad expects the same. Have to marry someone he approves of someone he picked. Were both stuck in this I thought you might help me. We would be married only to the public and our parents but in private we could do as we wished."
"I dont want to marry you or anyone"
"look, we could pretend to be together for our families sake and find a way to convince our parents it wouldnt be good for us to marry. Ill get my dad off my back and you can search for a woman in a similar predicament to you, Im sure there are many"
"thank-you Grace really"she smiled at him for a second then sunk her teeth back into her burger
Fuck my life
At dinner that Saturday night Grace told tony about how she and Thomas were now in a relationship and watched him nearly jump for jump for joy, she probably would have felt bad about lying to him if he wasnt such a dick. She had a feeling Pepper already knew however, she didnt exactly seem convinced and was oddly quiet the rest of the night. She had walked grace to the elevator to their pent house and kissed her on the cheek.. 
"I only want you to be happy" she said quietly and Grace just smiled back and hugged her goodnight.
"alright now that the boring shits over I have something to announce" tony stark had said to the team, some looked exited like Sam, others grimaced like Bucky or Nat or simply sat their bracing themselves, like grace was. If her father decided to announce her new relationship status in front of the team and in front of Loki especially she would probably punch him straight in the jaw and hope it breaks. "the avengers team is having their first every pool party. An actual pool party and not a few drunk people swimming in their underwear like its high school again"
"who did that in high school" Steve asked with a confused look on his face forgetting not everyone on the team went to high school in the 1930s
"I did" Grace smirked.
"you were home-schooled?" tony said with a look of confusion.
"and yet I was invited to every teenagers pool party in Manhattan"
"moving on" he mumbled "its an avengers thing for team building but Sylvie is welcome to come she was now officially living in a spare room at the compound" Grace still couldnt get the strange sense of déjà vu out of her brain every time she looked at her.
"could I bring Thomas, he would love this sort of thing" this was her key to selling their relationship she mentioned casually that he swam in high school and loved the pool and did her best to pretend like she hadnt read that in an interview article at 3 am the night before.
"of course you can" she caught Loki rolling her eyes as she smiled at her dad.
"I thought this was for avengers not riff raff" he really was a ginormous prick.
"the stark family always makes exceptions for things like boyfriends" and she paused and looked him up and down "psychopaths apparently too" a satisfied smug grew on her face as she watched Thor hold his brother down to prevent him for leaning across the table with a dagger in hand. She truly loved pissing him off and since he often started most of their fights Grace felt he deserved it. She only wished he would look less attractive glaring at her.
"perhaps,"Steve interjected "we can all use this as a way of working out our grievances with each other and stop trying to kill each other" the last part was said in emphasis as he glared at Grace and Loki, both of which did not seem pleased.
"oh come on its hardly my fault hes got such a rod up his ass."
"nor is it mine that the only person willing to be with her is the most dull man in the universe"
"fuck you Loki"
"Kunta" he mumbled at her in old Norse
"LOKI" Thor bellowed at his brother.
and thats meeting adjourned Thor marched Loki out of the room and grace watched and rolled her eyes until she stormed out too.
A loud rummaging awoke Grace from her sleep, it was coming from the bathroom and for a second she debated leaving it and hoping nobody killed her in her sleep. Begrudgingly, she got out of bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom. She opened the door as quietly as she could but to her disappointment it was only Loki. He looked up and saw her in the mirror and glared at her reflection.
"oh goodie youre back" she murmured sarcastically, he rolled his eyes and continued dabbing his arm with a rag. Upon further inspection she saw that he had injured himself which was odd because it was nearly impossible but she only took pleasure in his suffering. He removed the now crimson rag and she saw just how grim his wound looked. “that is disgusting” she cringed and Loki looked impossibly more irritated.
"Im perfectly well stark dont you worry"
"isnt that disappointing. You woke me up and I find out our not even dying"
"its 10am why were you asleep?"
"fuck off I had a late night" he rolled his eyes again and threw the bloody rag in the bathroom bin.
"out with that boring man again stark? You may be you but surely theres someone else who wants to be with you." She walked out of the room and slammed the door shouting "bye asshole I hope you bleed out"
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butch-reidentified · 2 years
butch-reidentified !!
you almost definitely don't remember me but you replied to my message a few months ago; 15y/o radfem, it was just after i'd peaked, i was telling you about how i was able to stop wearing makeup & how it was a big deal for me.
anyway i remember your response & the comments under it were so insanely nice i just wanted to tell you how things r going atm, and how tbh none of it would have been possible without you.
a week or so after roe v wade was overturned i had reached my Fucking Limit and had to find out if there were people offline that thought the way i do, so i printed out some radfem-based posters (with credit) and hung them up around the park and little locations around my town with an email separate from my own attached. tbh i was a little scared for a response because i thought it would either be someone's father telling me i'm lucky to have access to a vote or some dumb shit, or someone younger telling me i'm a disgrace to feminism based on my egg-centricity or whatever.
i did get a few messages like that but also three radical-leaning ladies came through !! two girls and a woman from my area, who i've met with twice irl since the posters and speak frequently with online. they r very very intelligent and we try to challenge each other and use nuance and things. it's just very very nice to have a community offline and if you can go about it safely i'd encourage everyone else to find like-minded women you can speak with.
i haven't been on here for a little while, but holy shit you got married :DD !! i just wanted to thank you and to say congratulations & i wish the two of you a life of happiness.
Omg of course I remember you, are you kidding?! Your message meant so much to me. For those of us who are gnc radfems, a huge part of what enables us to continue being gnc, even when it gets really challenging and people are cruel, is the belief that we can help younger women and girls be freer through leading by example. Showing them hey, I don't own heels or makeup and I'm twice as happy for it - not in spite of it. So when someone like you reaches out like you did, it gives us strength and hope for all women and girls. It tells us that our efforts and our struggles are worthwhile and achieving something meaningful.
I am so genuinely ecstatic and proud to hear about your organizing! It is crucial (not to mention good for the soul) to have like-minded women/girls around irl, absolutely. I hope you know how strong you are. It took me several years beyond 15 to start finding my strength and voice as a woman, and into my 20s to find radical feminism. You're way ahead of me and I'm so here for it! I hope you continue building relationships and moving forward, and I hope you find fulfillment and joy in it. You deserve to ✨️
Thank you so much for the update. It really made my day. I'm glad things are going well for you, and thank you so much for the congratulations and well wishes! We couldn't possibly be happier 😊
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liliansun · 1 year
it's haechan hourrrrrrr and I already had this pre-noted so I'm putting in this entry early)
day 22/365 of haechan from niwaaaa
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my favourite interactions/moments of haechan and wayv + sungchan and shotaro (with one exclusion)
kun - honestly there's not that many moments together - but i'd say when they almost lit the kitchen on fire is a pretty stellar moment. and kun thinks haechan is so precious. always very bright when talking about him. and haechan's little kiss for kun's hand. very cute. wish they interacted a bit more (on screen) 
ten - honestly haechan's karma. the way ten reacts to haechan is always like....'damnit' but you can tell. haechan needs tough love sometimes. but 90s love era for this pair is all i need to point out. when ten comes from (i'm assuming the bathroom?) and haechan gets the whole group to clap for him. haechan and ten with the legend taemin himself. i honestly think ten is like a mentor role for donghyuck. i love their relationship. 
winwin - THE FLEXIBILITY CHALLENGE. I don't know if i'm reaching or not but I feel like when haechan is the MC or taking an 'announcer' role of some kind, he relaxes and enjoys himself more? It's quite cute. I think my favourite thing is when winwin is describing haechan and his name for the audience. when winwin sits on haechan too. I think winwin finds haechan really comforting and opens up a little more for the shoot and I think that's really cute. 
xiaojun - their risque dance with each other for the Citi Field Day thing! and xiaojun always refers to haechan with such a softness and like a little 'haechan!' and i think it's so sweet. high note loveliessssss. i think their interactions are quite limited for now? but i think that won't last long. i'm also basing this off on screen moments obviously. 
hendery - I THINK THE AWSAZ VIDEO!! I was so happy when I saw them both on it. And the way they communicated, I enjoyed it. I really really enjoy it. Just as weird and as chaotic as each other. I think they have a lot of fun together and it definitely shows. I want more INTERACTIONS. I really do. 
yangyang - AHH I remember when you could start to see WayV’s personalities coming through and saw how alike Yangyang was to Haechan, I wanted them to meet so bad so when they did, I was fucking ecstatic. Like please mooooore. One of my favourite things to happen in NCT 2020 and 90’s Love was seeing them two together.
shotaro - our cute newbie pt 1. I think Haechan finds him cute (and I’m not surprised boy is really cute) But my favourite moment is the NCT World moment and Haechan was like Shotaro’s voice and amplifier and I think Shotaro is just happy to be there. And Shotaro helping Haechan get down is so small but I think it’s cute. Like there’s absolutely no roasting here - just being precious little kids together. 
sungchan - our cute newbie pt 2. A very smiley kid that will forever haunted by the ‘who do you think helped you the most?’ / ‘who has influenced you’ questions that haechan literally ATTACKED him with. another innocent victim in haechan's jibes hahaha. He enjoys Haechan's banter so much though and even when he's on the receiving end, he takes it really well. i think for sungchan, haechan has this mentor role - my favourite moment was haechan helping sungchan with his verse in 90s love (banging verse by the way)
in short, wayv spoil him so much.
Omg Yangyang and hyuck are my fav combo out of all of these like those two are just so complex and a hot mess over all 😭🫶 (so is Xiaojuns)
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