#like how I have a few of them which I associate to intrusive thoughts (and yes I mean intrusive not compulsive but I got some for that too.)
goldshykitsune · 1 month
Gosh it's so werid right now...
My school gave out awards for the graduating class, with of course only those who got awards and their family can go (or friends if they got it approved by their family.)
I got two of them and it just hit me...
I didn't do the most that I could have.
I know why. I know how I could have improved and what outside factors stopped me. But overall I look and I see what I did get and I just think to myself... like... wow.
I actually made it to getting two awards...
Like... two awards!
I mean I believe some only got one. Though quite a few got more then two. I knew most of the people. A few I couldn't quite recognize or remember if I knew but the majority I did.
And that also made me think. Like I knew so many amazing and successful people and I managed to be up there in rank with them!
It was really cool.
However with this said it also reminded me about the fact that soon I will not be a minor.
Soon I will be an adult.
Very soon, in fact it's only a matter of days.
... 5 or 4 days...
It kind of scares me. Like I will not be a minor. I'll be going to college. Likely will get a job too. I have to clean my room. Make sure I pass one single class or I perish because this one class will determine if I graduate. (I'llget it but like I'm gonna explode with stress.)
I got a bunch of tests this week into next. I got a few projects that aren't done and I got very little time.
However I know I can get through it. I just... mentally might not be very good right now.
#I started hallucinating#I do that sometimes#probably not good but I can't afford to go talk to anyone and I don't trust asking my family for help signing up for this one online thing#it says you must be older than 19 to sign up on your own and like... I definitely ain't there yet.#I also gotta say I've been feeling lonely lately.#I got a voice/fictional person I have who comforts me and forces out bad things and tries helping me tackle the mental issues I got going on#I honestly dunno what to call this one as it only shows when things get pretty bad.#I got multiple fictional people/voices that go around in my mind helping me.#or not helping#like how I have a few of them which I associate to intrusive thoughts (and yes I mean intrusive not compulsive but I got some for that too.)#I even got some for emotions for when I dunno how to feel. sometimes I dunno how to feel sorry for someone or empathic/sympathetic and so#I got a person made up to help in situations. I just pretend I'm them.#or when I'm distraught or panicked or really upset or other strong negative feelings I have two that help.#one of those two will stay even after#However that 1 is the one I mentioned earlier that generally comes at extreme times when I need them most#though I have “seen”/“heard” them without being that way before too.#but by a year of school I can get distraught at the end because of everything being due and it's pass or fail moments so I panic a lot#I also get distraught and upset#and lonely and really a lot of negative things which takes toll on my mental health meaning that's were the one person comes from.#anyways I got off topic. if people want though I might elaborate what these tags mean and are talking about.#so I guess I should go#but I mean I would congratulate my friends here but I dunno their tumblrs/they don't have one.#so instead I will congratulate everyone who got a reward at school ever in their life for whatever reason#even if it's something silly like having the messiest desk.#or something about community service cause that is a great thing and even if you ain't got a reward for it I congratulate you.
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mrsgiovanna · 11 months
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Fighting Imperfections (Don Giorno x Wife!Reader)
I'm sorry, this is just me projecting. I can't remember if I posted this before, but here goes.
Word count: 1.2 k
Warnings: sad, self depreciating reader.
You sighed heavily as you walked out the last of Giorno’s guests. Normally the murmurs of how beautiful of a couple you two are would make you beam with joy, but today it annoyed you because it only amplified your insecurities. Another day… of smiling through the alternating pain and emptiness. Your cheeks hurt, but the physical pain was welcomed, it was so much easier to bear than the ache that thumped in your chest with every heartbeat- a painful reminder that you were still breathing. As the last car rounded the corner away from your luxurious home, your shoulders finally slumped and you trudged away from the door. The master bedroom was one of the few places where you felt safe enough to let your tumultuous emotions wash over you, so there you went.
You had struggled with these negative emotions for many years, losing chunks of time to this unshakeable melancholy. They were difficult to predict or counter. You had locked the door behind you, wanting to try and restore some semblance of calm to your demeanor before facing Giorno again. You threw off the gorgeous designer dress and took a shower before throwing on something soft and comfortable. You had every intention of rejoining your husband but just getting yourself through that little routine had drained whatever energy you had left. He'd be better off catching up with your shared associates though, you mused, feeling as though you wouldn't add anything valuable to their video conferences. Firmly tucked away, drawing your knees towards your chest, you allowed the floodgates to open and let everything out. Usually, a good cry would take care of some of the negative emotions, but this time, it didn't seem to work.
Intrusive thoughts about the worst scenarios plagued your mind despite trying to push them aside. You tried thinking about the good things and how much you had been blessed with but it always morphed into a scenario in which you would ultimately be left alone… so you thought about Giorno and how he makes a daily promise to never leave your side. But you had lost so much, what if he was just lying to you and you'd eventually have to deal with losing him too…
You took as deep a breath as your constricted chest would allow you to and tried to focus your attention on something positive.
Giorno… you thought of him more and your heart ached for a different reason. He loved you, you knew that, but your mind had always managed to convince you that he would be better off with someone else, someone beautiful and vibrant, someone worthy of him because beneath it all you're just a broken doll. The repair is near perfect and nobody can see the fault lines where you cracked, but you feel every fracture, constantly reliving each event that put the cracks there in the first place.
You felt the bed sink on one side as a large comforting hand rubbed your back in circles before pulling back the covers you had buried yourself under.
"You know I'd end anyone who hurts you?"
"I know…"
"So what do I do when you're the one hurting yourself?"
Giorno's glassy eyes didn't leave your face, searching for an answer to his question.
You met Giorno's gaze, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and love in his eyes. His concern was evident, and it touched you deeply. Taking a moment to compose yourself, you reached out and held his hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice filled with raw emotion. "I don't want to hurt myself, but sometimes it feels like I can't escape these thoughts. They consume me, and I can't help but doubt myself, doubt our love."
Giorno's grip on your hand tightened, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand. "You are not a broken doll, my love," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You are the most beautiful and resilient person I know. I fell in love with every part of you, including the cracks. They are a part of your story, a testament to your strength."
Tears welled up in your eyes as his words resonated with you. It was moments like these that reminded you why you fell in love with him in the first place. He saw beyond your insecurities and loved you unconditionally.
"I'm trying, Giorno," you replied, your voice wavering. "I'm trying to believe in myself, in us. But sometimes it's overwhelming."
Giorno leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "You don't have to go through this alone," he assured you. "I'm here for you, always. We'll face these demons together, and I'll do whatever it takes to help you heal."
Feeling his love and support envelop you, a glimmer of hope sparked within your heart. With Giorno by your side, maybe you could overcome these insecurities and find the peace you longed for.
You snuggled closer to Giorno, seeking solace in his comforting presence. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude. "I love you."
Giorno smiled softly, his eyes filled with warmth. "I love you too, more than words can express," he replied, his voice laced with sincerity. "Remember, we are a team, and together, we can conquer anything."
Giorno's gaze held a mixture of tenderness and longing, mirroring the emotions swirling within you. Slowly, he leaned in, his lips hovering just above yours, seeking permission and reassurance. You met his gaze, the unspoken understanding between you palpable.
With a gentle nod, you closed the remaining distance between your lips, initiating a kiss that conveyed both vulnerability and passion. It was a kiss that spoke of shared burdens and unyielding support, a tangible connection that transcended words.
The kiss deepened, as if pouring all the love and reassurance you both felt into this single act. It was a moment of solace, a reminder that you were not alone in your struggles. Each brush of your lips conveyed a promise—a promise to heal together, to support one another, and to cherish the imperfect beauty of your shared journey.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the tenderness of the moment. The world outside your bedroom faded away, leaving only the two of you, entwined in a cocoon of love and understanding.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and yet more at peace than before, you found solace in Giorno's eyes once again. There, in the depths of his gaze, you saw unwavering devotion and a fierce determination to help you find happiness.
With a small smile, you whispered, "Thank you, Giorno. Thank you for loving me."
Giorno's voice was filled with sincerity as he replied, "Always, my love. Always."
And in that moment, you believed him. You believed in the power of love to heal and overcome and to create a future where your insecurities would no longer hold you captive. Together, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, guided by the strength of your bond and the depth of your love.
As you lay in his arms, you allowed yourself to believe in his words, finding solace in the love and support he offered. The journey towards healing would be challenging, but with Giorno by your side, you knew you could face anything that came your way. In the sanctuary of his embrace, his presence soothed your troubled mind, and a moment of quiet intimacy enveloped the room. The weight of your insecurities and pain began to fade as you focused solely on the love between you, knowing that in this imperfect existence, you had found a love that was flawless.
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lefresne · 1 year
heyy if ur interested I'd love 2 know all ur thoughts on the film the green knight that was released a few years ago! I felt like I didn't really get it when I watched it also bc I wasn't familiar with the source material then. I'm rlly curious what ur assessment is since u really are familiar with the work
Hiiii! This is such a fun question, thank you! I seem to be in the minority on this website, but I genuinely enjoyed it! It had some issues, for sure, and I will go into them in a bit, but overall, but I thought it touched on quite a few things I really enjoy about the poem, and I also commend a film that despite being relatively mainstream experiments with narrative form. 
I felt like it actively engaged with the question of ‘retelling’. Instead of a strict adaptation of the poem, I felt like it was more of a retelling of the poem, whose key features were reorganized in a dream-like manner. The film’s attempt to slot a large part of its action within a lacuna from the original poem (Gawain’s journey to Hautdesert) really echoes the ways in which retellings worked in the medieval period and this sort of endless deferral of closure that is associated with it. 
The film’s attitude to ‘merveille’ or the sudden intrusion of the supernatural into everyday life. This being inherent to the world in a way that feels very jarring to a modern audience but is quite consistent with how it is depicted in medieval romance – the film really leaned into that!
The library at Hautdesert, hinting at a concern with intertextuality that is also present in the poem. In the poem, it sometimes feels like Gawain has wandered out of his own romance and is confronted with a reputation that isn’t his (yet or at all) and in the film it is clear that Hautdesert is similarly ‘out of time’, with its hugely anachronistic interiors and costumes. I think the 'camera obscura' also hints at this, and this interest in doubles and reflections leads me to:
The uncanniness: the repetitions, the ghosts, the abjection (the feeling of being confronted with the porosity of the human body and the feeling of shame or repulsion associated with this). I feel like the poem is very interested in the inside of bodies and how these can spill out, I have always been really struck with the poem’s descriptions of mouths (and the things they do! Laughing, eating, kissing) as a symptom of this broader interest in the abject. The film also dwells on the more unpleasant aspects of having a body and on how no amount of pageantry and ritual can save you from toothache, and, er, from other things but I think it misses out some key aspects of SGGK by toning down the hunting / seduction parallel. like to me that is the thematic core of the poem and if you're going to engage with it in any meaningful way you need to reflect quite deeply on what those scenes might mean. the film does not do this.
Concern with matrilineage – Gawain claiming in the poem that his only honour is that he has Arthur’s blood, completely forgetting that Arthur’s blood is also the blood of his mother. Gawain is bound to Arthur through the women he so despises. Gawain’s relationship with his mother in TGK genuinely compelled me. I often felt that the film was rather ‘joyless’ but the fact that the only genuinely joyful moments we see are Gawain with his mother and Gawain with his horse……<3 
Middle English <3
I think the film’s treatment of gender and sexuality is probably the worst part of the film ? I'm sorry I can't articulate this any better but: If I were being particularly cynical, I would say that before setting out to deconstruct something (such as chivalric masculinity) you BETTER have an EXCELLENT grasp of the source material, or it is really going to fall flat. Like I guess it all kinda worked in the context of the film, I just feel like the director REALLY misunderstood a lot of the poem’s subversive powers especially in relation to gender and sexuality. He seemed to never really know what to do with the few elements he did try and include? They’re just kind of….there. What is it even trying to say? Maybe I’m dense but I’m increasingly wondering if we might have lost some good material when the film was re-cut during the pandemic. 
tldr enjoyable, could have been weirder and queerer.
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glacierruler · 6 months
I wanna talk about something...
There was a post I saw a few days ago, that's a few years old at this point(50% sure op deactivated, but I forget). Where they were talking about how their teacher was talking about internet safety and not giving your address to a stranger on the internet because of the dangers.
op basically told their teacher that their internet friends wouldn't take advantage of them. And said to rb if you weren't a predator or smth like that. And it sort of spiraled from there. And there's two things I want to talk about with that.
Again, this post is a few years old, and no hate to op. I get it, no one wants to believe that someone they're close to or think they're close to would do something bad.
It was kind of clear to me that op was probably a younger teenager at the time this post was made(based on the fact that I was pre-teen to young teens when I started getting told things like this, and assuming that they didn't lie about their age to make an acc, which in the US is young teen years). And those years are lonely, or at least they were for me, and it seemed that way for op based on their post. But at the same time, it's not safe to give internet strangers the exact address of your house. Especially if you're not an adult.
And yes, I know I'm not the best example of this. Considering my mental breakdown a little while ago.
However, there are safe ways to meet your internet friends. Meetup in a public area, bring someone you trust irl(if you're not an adult I suggest bringing a trusted adult with you)(and encourage them to do the same!) I am not saying you shouldn't meet your internet friends irl, but it's best to be safe about it. Because at the end of the day you only know the internet persona they put on, you don't know them!
But this isn't just about that.
It's about the fact that people took that post, and then called those who scrolled past or didn't/wouldn't reblog it predators. I get that it's reblog bait in a sense. And I fall for a lot of reblog bait, I'm always scared that someone's going to hate me because I decided not to rb something. Intrusive thoughts and Anxiety are not a fun combo when seeing most of those posts. And I'm probably going to still fall for reblog bait after this as well.
And I guess this is a more general statement, but still. No one should be called names(homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, predator, etc...) because they didn't want to reblog a post. It's one thing to comment something like "reblogging this could save a life," under a post with important information. I prefer those ones, because they tell you the good impact that you could have by reblogging it.
But it's another to call people names, to say that they're a horrible person for not rbing it. And I know I've rbed stuff like that before, and I can't say that I'll be able to stop. But here's why:
I have this terrible terrible fear of people leaving me, of not being perfect enough and people hate me for it.
And these posts, they make it worse, because all of a sudden, if I don't reblog then they're talking about me. Because I saw the post and didn't reblog it. That is who these comments state they are for. And I hate it so much because I know that I'm giving this anxiety to someone else who feels similarly when I've reblogged it. But it's hard not to, when that feels like the only option. When the other option makes it feel like I'm going to lose friends, or that people will associate me with these horrible things.
I've gotten better at ignoring those posts, but I still reblog them. It's hard for me not to, almost impossible at times. And, I'm not mad at the people who reblog them, either in good faith or because they have a very similar fear to mine. But I am mad at the people who make the comments calling people those horrible things, with no regard for the context or how that affects(effects?) other people.
It sucks, because this isn't something that I can say will never happen again. I know it will. But it's also something that I am so sick and tired of.
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maxwellander · 11 months
Making a Roguelike adventure (for Himbos!)
A few months ago a young man put up 38 transparent neon NES and super NES game cases on marketplace. I bought them, completely unsure of what I would do with them, but sure i had to have them. Obviously, my first thought was “limited print rpg something something”. I’ve also wanted to release something to support Himbos recently since it’s, like, a really good game and it deserves my love and attention. So maybe something video game inspired? Like a classic RPG style project? No, that’s been done a lot by people more attached to those old game than me. I knew I also didn’t want to just make a dungeon because I have a back burner project that is a big dungeon for Himbos that I’m hoping to get out by the end of the year. SO THEN WHAT.
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I often have intrusive design thoughts while falling asleep. Things like “pvp face-off game” (vis-a-visage) or “time travel discord message editing game” (someday). A few weeks ago, the intrusive thought of the night was “Roguelike adventure generator”. Roguelike adventure generator? What do those words even mean. How does adding Roguelike to the classic idea of adventure generators change what it does? Well, it turns out im gonna try and figure it out. Or rather, I have been trying to figure it out.
For me, the thing about Roguelike video games, is the balance between the overarching narrative, buffs/powerups that make you feel like your progressing and random obstacles/environments/problems that occasionally repeat elements. The generation part is the easiest for me, breaking down the elements that an adventure needs to go brrrrr. For me this came down to Landmarks (fun environmentmental elements), Problems (adventure hooks), NPCs, Events/Complications, and then some Critters. What I didn’t want to do was just make a bunch of tables to roll on. I love a good table, but one of the things I love about randomly generated video games is the potential for a level to be strangely easy or just really overwhelming, so I wanted a way to change the amounts and rations of the elements being generated. I suppose i could have done something where you roll a d4 for each element to determine how many of them to include in a run, but that feels so uninspired and why not over complicate something when you can!
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Enter custom tokens. Any tokens could do, really, but the idea of tossing a bunch of tokens onto a table to generate an adventure brings me joy! Originally, I thought this would just mean gleaning information from face up or down, each type of token representing one of the elements involved, giving a randomized number of NPCs or Problems and such. I then realized that there was another axis that could be accessed, that of rotation. The tokens could be read like tarot, as upright or inverted. Face up or down could also indicate a different state beyond simply present or not.
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Ok, great, so level (adventure) generation sorted. But what about the overarching quest. How do you finish the whole thing?
I’ve recently started playing a game of Apocalypse Keys by Rae Nedjadi. It’s a great game, that takes the mystery mechanic from Brindlewood Bay, which I have priory been associated with through playing The Between. I love it. Everytime I encounter it I am reminded that, as a player, it is the single most fun I’ve had interacting with a mechanic in any game in recent memory. Each game does it a little differently, but the idea is simple - the players collect clues or hints, and when they feel like they have a good idea of what’s going on, they present their theory and then roll to determine how right they are. In Apocalypse Keys, the clues are extremely evocative vignettes that are all themed to the mystery at hand. But I’ve always wondered what happens if they were completely random. The wonderful thing about the mechanic is that the players will absolutely figure out a way to work each clue into their theory, they will justify that most seemingly random bit of information is ways previously unimaginable. So, it might actually work if random, or, for the application in this design, as more broad and less specific to the scene at hand. The clues have now become the reward for finishing the level at hand, and because giving your players a unique and special piece of equipment is always fun, i’ve linked them to Objects Of Power the entity causing the glitch has left behind. It’s important to remember that all this is for Himbos of Myth & Mettle so OoPs are things like a small box that emits exciting foley sounds when your character is in combat and the visions (clues) that you see when you grasp it for the first time range from images of rat kings to slightly more lewd moments between hidden figures.
The loop as it stands now - Generate level through tossing tokens and rolling on appropriate tables, characters hunt for Objects of Power, and the clues they hold to the larger mystery of the regenerating, repeat until characters feel confident they understand (again, Himbos, the theories will be wild), roll to see if right, and if so move on to a final confrontation with the entities they’ve designed, or they fail and must return to collect more clues till they come up with another idea.
I finally got around to printing some test tokens and attempting to generate a level. Behold, the first session of Bugbears of Unusual Size and Other Tales:
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kaninchenzero · 1 year
even in disability rights circles some things don't get as much traction as they deserve
like, visible skin conditions - few of which are communicable though measles is making a comeback - are just incredibly stigmatized both interpersonally and systemically (dermatology as a clinical practice is seen as frivolous, cosmetic, feminine)
vitiligo is having a moment as models with dark skin and vitiligo are interesting, are exotic, to people who do hiring of haute couture models but being objectified for your skin is not exactly a positive
because humans are social critters, the constant rejection and revulsion these folks face is both disabling in that it is hard to get work when you've got, say, antibiotic resistant acne vulgaris, and life threatening as rates of social murder by isolation are high among people with skin conditions
eugenic habits hit these people hard is what i'm getting at
learn to treat an initial reaction of disgust as an intrusive thought and move the fuck past it
put some thought into the difference between "it's not polite to stare" and "do not look at ugly people"
go into your mind, find the part that associates skin conditions with uncleanliness, and kill it with fire and iron and salt because it's almost always a lie
like, i have fuckin wretched hygiene thanks to my psychological and chronic pain/fatigue issues (could not tell you the last time i took a shower and i do not smell at all nice at time of posting) and the only skin issues i have ever had are a predisposition to cancer from ultraviolet exposure and a birthmark that is visible only when i shave my head and has had zero impact on how i'm seen
i do not consider age related liver spots a skin condition but looking at the brisk business in products for removing or obscuring them many people do because white americans hate and fear any reminder that they are mortal, that all flesh is grass
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thelostchaoswitch · 17 days
Witchcraft and OCD: Finding Balance and Calm in Your Craft
Hey, witchy community! 🌙✨
Today, I want to talk about something very close to my heart: practicing witchcraft while living with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). OCD can make it challenging to engage in practices that require focus and intention, but it's definitely possible to find a harmonious balance. Here are some tips and insights on how to help manage OCD and slow your mind down during your magical practices.
Understanding OCD in the Context of Witchcraft
OCD often involves intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, which can be particularly difficult when you're trying to center yourself for rituals, spellwork, or meditation. The perfectionism associated with OCD can also make it hard to feel satisfied with your work, leading to endless tweaking and anxiety.
Tips for Practicing Witchcraft with OCD
1. Set Clear Intentions: Before you start any ritual or spell, take a moment to clearly define your intention. Write it down if it helps. Having a clear focus can reduce the anxiety of "doing it wrong."
2. Create a Ritual Space: Dedicate a small space in your home for your practice. Keeping this space sacred and clutter-free can provide a sense of calm and order, helping to soothe an overactive mind.
3. Simplify Your Rituals: Instead of complex rituals, opt for simpler ones that require fewer steps and less time. This can make it easier to stay focused and reduce the urge to repeat actions compulsively.
4. Grounding Techniques: Incorporate grounding exercises into your practice. This can include activities like walking barefoot on grass, holding grounding crystals (like hematite or black tourmaline), or visualizing roots growing from your feet into the earth.
5. Mindful Breathing: Deep, mindful breathing can slow your heart rate and calm your mind. Try a simple breathing exercise before and during your practice—inhale for a count of four, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold for four.
6. Use of Mantras: Repeating a calming mantra can help redirect your focus from intrusive thoughts. Choose a phrase that resonates with you, like “I am calm and centered” or “My magic is powerful and pure.”
7. Limit Ritual Time: Set a timer for your rituals to prevent them from stretching on endlessly due to compulsions. Knowing there's a time limit can help keep you on track.
8. Embrace Imperfection: Magic is about intention, not perfection. Allow yourself to make mistakes and remind yourself that your practice doesn’t have to be flawless to be effective.
9. Seek Support: Don’t be afraid to reach out to mental health professionals who can offer coping strategies specific to OCD. Therapists can help you develop techniques to manage your symptoms.
10. Connect with the Community: Engaging with other witches who understand OCD can provide support and shared experiences. Platforms like Tumblr are great for finding understanding communities.
Slow Down and Find Your Calm
Remember, your practice is a personal journey. It’s okay to take it slow and find what works best for you. Here are a few additional ways to slow down and cultivate peace in your practice:
- Journaling: Write about your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Journaling can help you process intrusive thoughts and create a sense of order.
- Nature Walks: Spend time in nature to ground yourself and connect with the earth’s energy. Even a short walk can clear your mind.
- Tea Rituals: A simple tea ritual can be incredibly calming. Focus on the process of making tea, from boiling the water to steeping the leaves, and let it be a mindful, meditative act.
Finding balance between OCD and witchcraft is a journey, but with patience and self-compassion, it's entirely possible to create a practice that brings you peace and fulfillment.
Stay strong, stay well, stay safe.
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OC Associations Tag Game :D
tagged by: @friendlyneighborhood-writer, thank you!
tagging: @italiangothicwriteblr | @lyralit | @andromeda-rising-897 | @did-i-do-this-write | @circa-specturgia | @kapenkoiwrites | and as usual, no pressure, have fun, and this is also an Open Tag!
rules: (as far as I can tell) associate your OCs with the words below, which are divided into categories, and explain why- could be their personality, character arc, just that they like it, etc.
I tried to use the main characters from both Fractured Stars Falling and The City is Ours without leaving anyone out., and everyone got included! This was fun and helped me develop quite a few characters.
Dawn: Princess Hestia from Fractured Stars Falling. Mainly because of her arc with accepting her powers, and forgiving herself, much like how dawn is a beautiful, clean slate for a new day that acknowledges yesterday but is hopeful for and looking forward to today.
Noon: Elliot from Fractured Stars Falling. Very much a summer afternoon with a picnic blanket and a book kind of guy, so it makes sense.
Dusk: Asher from The City is Ours. He’s one of the biggest symbols of hope in the story. The quiet, supportive, “it’s bad right now but we do have each other and that makes it a little bit easier” and “I will do whatever I can to help you however you want me to help, whatever you need I’m here” and "Tomorrow is a new day and maybe it will be better" kind of hope- much like how dusk as seen as a symbol of hope for a brighter day and fresh start tomorrow.
Night: Chase from The City is Ours. He’s a night owl and a lot of his arc is dealing with his depressive and intrusive thoughts and reaching out for help when he’s lost in the dark.
Friend: Lan from Fractured Stars Falling. They’re that best friend who will always have your back and will help you no matter what, even if you don’t want it but need it.
Ex: Cissy from Fractured Stars Falling. One of Raven’s exes who we will get to meet for a short bit during the second to last book where she’s become an ogre (and maybe a little insight into why her and Raven ended so badly if you read between the lines). She’s the ex that gets super possessive of their ex, will get jealous of their ex’s new partner, and tries to sabotage their ex's new realtionship.
Enemy: Jason from The City is Ours. Literally only exists to be bashed by the other characters and abuse his power. While he is technically on the side of the heroes, he doesn’t act like it, and the others end up having to hold him back from taking things too far more often than not.
Spring: Prince Monty from Fractured Stars Falling. He turns into a frog, and when I think of frogs, I also think of a lily pond in the spring filled with frogs and frog eggs, so....
Summer: Princess Sapphire from Fractured Stars Falling. Summer is her favorite season, and she has a very optimistic and adventure seeking personality, much like summer.
Autumn: Kylee from The City is Ours. They definitely has those sweaters, hot chocolate, and the leaves changing color vibes. And her favorite season is autumn.
Winter: Tris Lakewater. She’s from a very cold region, and similar to ice, she’s stubborn- particularly in her beliefs and worldview, but can be slowly changed when exposed to things that challenge it (like how ice melts in the heat).
Tornado: Vira “V” from the City is Ours. They are cocky, and tend to be unpredictable- especially in battle. V means well and has the best of intentions, but their plans are usually wild and dangerous ones that sometimes end up working by some miracle.
Wildfire: Nickelle from The City is Ours. While yes her powers are ones of ice, she tends to use them more like a wildfire, especially towards the last half of her arc. Also because she may not be easy to anger, but when she does get pissed her anger is similar to a wildfire in that it ends up affecting everyone.
Earthquake: Princess Snow from Fractured Stars Falling. Her arc is all about realizing that she can’t let people walk all over her, make excuses for them, and forgive them so quickly over and over again- especially with her stepmother. Like an earthquake, when she fully comes to the realization that her stepmother has been using her the whole time and will never stop hurting her- Snow is hit with a wave of sudden emotions that are overwhelming and shake her whole world- and she finally snaps.
Tsunami: Max from Fractured Stars Falling. He might be an anxious and skittish person that will avoid conflict at all costs, but if something he loves is threatened he will stand up and fight to protect it. When he realizes this about himself and that he can’t avoid all conflict all of the time (especially if he wants to protect Monty and his family), Max becomes a tsunami- plowing his way through the enemy to protect the people and things he cares about when conflict is no longer inevitable.
Mountain: Bryson from The City is Ours. He’s the foundation of the team, and support for a lot of his teammates, both physically and emotionally.
Forest: Raven from Fractured Stars Falling. Like trees, he has deep roots, attachment, and foundation in the people he cares about. And like a forest, he can seem deep and dark upon first impression, but when you get to know him he’s full of sunlight, wonder, and love for all the things he cares for. And like a forest, he can protect those important to him, usually by being a shield and a place of refuge from the storm.
Ocean: Cassandra and Erica from Fractured Stars Falling. Two sides of the same coin. Cassandra is like a sea storm, angry and bitter, and pushing everyone away while turmoil rages and tears her apart on the inside. Erica is the ocean on a sunny, calm day where the waves are rolling onto the shore gently, the warm ocean water is inviting and safe to swim in, and you feel hopeful and like the world can be a beautiful and wonderful place where maybe it’s not all so bad.
Desert: The Witch Queen from Fractured Stars Falling. She was imprisoned with her dark sorcerers in the treacherous sands of doom, locked in by tall, steep mountains on all sides. She’s also like a desert on the inside, cold and barren, with no humanity left- only rage at being caged like an animal and a thirst for blood, more magical power, and revenge on everyone and everything outside her sandy prison.
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mothmanriley · 1 month
so i stop flooding the fucking. backup.
uhHh yea anyways !!!! shit sucks and I can't really talk to my partners about it because they're just sort of. not well-versed in trauma and I'm gonna be real here mine is extensive (I have recently had an increase in a certain amount of intrusive thoughts triggered by a weird line from my belly down, and if it is similar to the ones I've had before, it could be pointing to the source of my hemophobia), I know how I sound so I try not to go too deep into detail when I talk about the Bad Times.
in addition, a lot of moments I associated with supernatural phenomena I've come to realize was just . me, as a kid, having flashbacks. sucks that I've been having them since 4.
you know it's actually weird I distinctly remember coming into consciousness on my fourth birthday. I can't remember the date but I remember waking up in that double bunk bed that only I slept in. my sheets were pink and blue and I was so, so excited because I remember it was the Day I Got To Be Alive! the world was so fucking vivid and bright and it was all hope and childish glee. everything before that is like. gone.
but I was always scared, you know?? I had a few things that terrified me - reflections, small, red lights (which I eventually realized reminded me of a camera. which. uh. rough implications), sleeping alone - I would see shadows twist and hear whispers in the walls.
I never felt safe when I was a kid, not really. there was always that underlying tension, a background radiation that had seeped into the fibres of me; I could ignore it, I could act out, it didn't matter. people noticed, of course - it oozes from me still. part of me wanted (wants - hence why this blog is public) to acknowledge it, but no one ever did, and despite the severity of our current state, it's unlikely our partners will until we are professionally diagnosed (a process i am looking to undergo regardless; however, it will take months of saving up, and I Don't Know If I Can Do Months).
part of me is extremely grateful for the peace the 'weird little sad person' persona has gotten us, despite the reducing our collective anger and grief to 'just kinda sad for no reason'. it just .. makes it hard to talk about the depth of it all.
like. c didn't 'trick' me into thinking I had this. i've always known there were others. my entire life has been shrouded in this haze and I know its fucking name now. I've reached the point where I can't deny its effects on me, its presence. a forbidden truth, locked in some deep fucking part of me - and it's so fucking frustrating because no one in my day-to-day seems to give a fuck even when it's visibly fucking with me.
(there was one time our friend was making magic cards out of everyone in the house. when he showed me mine, it had "if you have lost four or more life this turn, put a counter on Joey. sacrifice 5 counters: transform this creature." the transformed creature was a eldritch energy thing, and it had the same effect in reverse: gain four or more life, etc. it was a silly joke, and maybe a lil insensitive, but the fact that two of my alters were acknowledged in a lighthearted way that wasn't inherently invalidating .. it was really really nice.)
so I just do what I always do - isolate, stay up, spiral, lament and just generally divorce myself from the idea of ever being fully loved (dissociation included); hope that I'm able to scrap together some form of intimacy from people who very clearly do not love me as they love each other (which is fair, and something i thought i would be able to grapple with - and maybe, if I weren't living with them, but as it stands--). which is ungrateful of me, because they've shown me a kindness I didn't know was possible. I just wish like ... I don't fucking know. I'd like for them to stay up with me once. one of them used to, and it made things easier a lot of the time, but our girlfriend didn't like it so much so now he pretty much always goes to bed with her.
it's like ... little things like that? they do things for each other that I crave but I don't think I've ever really had. not long-term.
and im supposed to somehow wake up without any of these things floating through my head and triggering a spiral so I'm not as much as a burden to them.
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free--therapy · 11 months
It's anon. I know I mentioned in the other ask that I'd been dealing with the thoughts very well the past few days but today suddenly, some new thoughts related to it came up which ended up bothering me quite a bit and I feel stuck again.
Umm so about the thoughts with the ceiling fan and stuff, what I had been doing is everytime I started worrying about the what ifs like "what if this always stays?" "what if I always keep imagining that image everytime I'm sitting in a room?" Etc.
What I would do is tell myself "you could share this thought with your elder sister too. she's in this same room as you. so if you tell her about it and she can picture that image too yet despite that, she can ignore it and move on most probably right? then so can you." So whenever I felt myself worry how that thought is something only I'm dealing with, I would remind myself that I could share the same thought with someone else and they can still move on. So I can too.
I did that to basically remind myself of how that particular thought wasn't anymore "abnormal" than any other thought. Because I had been worrying about only me having such thoughts, I rationalised it like that by reminding myself that anyone can have that thought too and it isn't a problem. It's still a thought just like any other and nothing different about it and so I can move on from it too just like anyone can.
This worked great however like I mentioned in my other ask, it's like my mind has been looking for worries that seem different than others, worries/thoughts that I feel others can't relate to, ones that make me feel isolated as if no one would understand. And today, some random intrusive thoughts like that ended up coming to mind again.
You know how right from when I started worrying about intrusive thoughts, one of the common worries I've been having is the idea of any intrusive thought becoming an association.
Like I've mentioned before, when I see pet content on social media or even in real life, many times, it just makes me conscious in a way. As in, I'll be watching a cute pet video and suddenly my mind will subconsciously go "oh it's a 'pet' video" and I'll just get conscious of it for a second or so. But I move on from it quick. Once in a while, i do end up getting intrusive images related to it but either way, I'm okay with it. Or at least, I was okay with it for the past year and a half. I never worried about "whys" or about things like "what should I do about it" or "how long will I keep having those thoughts or keep getting conscious like that."
It's only a month ago that I started overthinking and worrying about all that and ended up making something I was okay with into a problem. However, I also had realised that I was just overthinking and that I was okay. It's still the same as it was tha past year and a half and it's just that I've been thinking and responding to the thoughts differently in the past month is all.
I know people can have different associations and it's normal so I reminded myself that it's the same with me. Basically, I reminded myself that having associations didn't make me different or weird because anyone can have them.
However, since last two weeks, it's like my mind has been subconsciously looking for associations that can trigger me. Like I end up worrying "what if this xyz becomes an association?" Etc. And whatever my mind thinks would be most inconvenient to have as association, it sticks. Like the ceiling fan or ceiling in any room for example. I will mostly always be in areas that have ceilings right? It's the same for everyone. So obviously, the idea that I'll always be reminded of the intrusive thoughts or the related what ifs as long as I'm in a room is scary right? It sounds like a life sentence in a way when I think of it as "always" lol
Today, I randomly got a thought that "what if I end up having many random associations that all remind me of any intrusive thoughts or worries?" But I always used to tell myself that any thought won't be abnormal because I can share it with anyone or anyone can have associations too but they don't "have to" bother you. And then my mind went "and what if it's a thought that others can't relate to?"
And suddenly my mind went "what if your younger sister reminds you of all your worries?" And that triggered me quite a lot. I mean, what if I have intrusive thoughts/images when I look at her? Or rather, what bothered me more was "what if whenever I'm with her, I always remember the things I've ever worried about?"
Like the thing with pet videos where I get "conscious." Similarly, what if looking at my sister also always or many times end up making me conscious like that. I mean, suppose in the future when I'm getting over these worries completely, then at that time, what if when I see her, I remember all my worries again?
I know this sounds pretty much the same as the intrusive thoughts about ceiling fan where I wondered if I'll always get that image but in that case, I was reminding myself that I could share it with my close people and realise that despite thinking of same thought, they aren't bothered so I can learn not to bother too with that image.
But with this new worry, it's like, I'm not exactly imagining any intrusive "image" but more like, just being reminded of all the worries I have related to intrusive thoughts. So in this case, I can't exactly share it with others because even if I did, they won't relate anyway right? I mean, they aren't worrying about intrusive thoughts in any way, so even if I told them something like "I'm worrying that what if looking at my younger sister or spending time with her always makes me remember my worries?" They can't relate because they don't have any worries about that topic to begin with right?
So that makes it slightly different than the thing with the ceiling fan, doesn't it? I mean, if it's just an image, then anyone can have it so I rationalise by reminding myself it's alright because anyone can have it and still be unaffected so I can too. But here, it's not an image but rather like an association that serves as a reminder of all my worries. So my mind keeps thinking that it makes it different.
Do you think I'm just overthinking again? Do you think it's just my mind trying to look for problems that I would have a harder time rationalising? Like looking for more and more complicated problems each time?
Also, when I tell myself that "it won't always remind me of it" or that "it's just a thought" or "it won't become an association, I'm just worrying that's all" or "my mind is lying to me, it's a bluff" then after that, if I see my younger sister and suppose do end up getting conscious and remembering the worries, then my mind is like "see? you actually remembered it. so how is it a lie? it might just become the truth" and this thought worries me more again.
I mean, what if in the future, it makes me want to avoid them because I don't wanna remember that? I mean, I know that's a stretch but what if?
it's sad because I love my sisters a lot. so I don't want myself to be reminded of something negative when I'm with them. and anyway, I'm with them always because I live with them. so it's like my mind is trying to make me worry about forming associations of my worries with things or people that I'd least want it with. like the people or things that I'd be around the most, those the ones my mind makes me worry about forming associations with.
Kind of like worrying if the rain will always remind me of any xyz bad memory. Then it rains and I get conscious"oh it's raining" and my mind goes, the rain = you remembering that memory and then me worrying again if the rain will always remind me of the worry. I don't know if that made any sense lol
the funny thing is here, it's not even any particular one thought that I'm reminded by when I look at my sisters. rather when I look at them or when I'm with them, my mind suddenly gets conscious and the thoughts I end up remembering are exactly the worries about that same thing.
I mean, I'll be with them and suddenly get conscious and my mind will remember "oh I've been worrying about forming associations that remind me of my worries when I'm them."
So it's like when I'm with them, the very thing that my mind reminds me of is the worry about forming an association of remembering my worries when I'm with them. So it's ironic like that.
I'm also worried what if I end up forming random associations like these with many other things or people too? I mean, anything or anyone that I love, that I don't want to be reminded of negative thoughts with, what if all of things end up becoming an association? What will I do then? Is that normal?
Also, when I try to tell myself that I'm just overthinking and that the worrying is making it seem stuck. It's true that if I don't indulge in the constant worrying, I can realise that I can actually carry a conversation like normal with my sisters. I do end up remembering or getting "conscious" but I guess that's because it's only been literally one day. So the intrusive thoughts about the what ifs are fresh right now so obviously they're more at the front of my mind. But maybe with time, I'll come to realise it's not a problem after all? Maybe I'll move on without having any associations then?
Also, one thing I realised is this follows the same pattern as all my other worries until now. As in, more than the association itself, what's making it stick is all the worrying and overthinking that I'm doing. I mean, if I try to not indulge in worrying and overthinking about it, then I can realise that it doesn't even matter much and that it's the same as all my other worries.
It's just the anxious thinking that's making it seem "different" than other worries. And it's also the worrying and overthinking that's reinforcing the thoughts. I know this because it's been the same with all the other thoughts until now no matter how "different" they seemed in the beginning.
In the end, I always came to the same conclusions which would be that I'm just overthinking and worrying about it which is making it seem like a problem but when I let go of the need to "control" the thoughts or when I stop trying to "do" something about the thoughts and let go of control, I always realise that it's the same as all other thoughts despite looking different.
All I had to do was instead of spending ALL my time on thinking about the thoughts and worries and trying to solve them and not spending my time on anything else, what I had to do was remind myself that in the end this is just the anxiety making me overthink and then to actually start engaging with life again. When I start engaging in activities I love again and keep doing things I have to do without caring whether the thoughts come or not, then with some time, I can automatically realise how it's not a problem.
So not ignoring the thoughts or trying to stop them, but rather acknowledging them and allowing my mind to have them without feeling the need to overthink about them or taking them seriously. Mindfully continuing my life whether the thoughts exist or not, because when I do that, I can naturally come to realisations and realise that it's normal for anyone and it's the worrying that's making them seem like a problem. This process takes time...like days or maybe a week or two and it makes me impatient 😭
What do you think? Do you think this new thoughts about association and related to me remembering it whenever I see my sisters are seeming so worrying because of all the overthinking too? Do you think the way to deal with them is more or less the same as always?
This is also tiring how whenever I feel I'm getting over something, another thing pops up out of nowhere. I want to live happily again and be my old self again, how I was pre-pandemic 😭 Constantly worrying or overthinking about irrational things is so tiring honestly 😭
Hey Anon,
You are definitely catastrophizing and jumping to conclusions a lot with a lot of these worries. You have no idea if any of those things are true, but you're still letting these irrational thoughts get the best of you and that's something I think you need to keep reminding yourself. Again, if something starts with "what if…" then it's likely not true or not going to happen.
Do you think I'm just overthinking again? Do you think it's just my mind trying to look for problems that I would have a harder time rationalising? Like looking for more and more complicated problems each time?
Yes, I think you're stuck in these cognitive distortions and they keep perpetuating your anxiety, which is obviously unhelpful. I think you need to learn to recognize these thoughts as they're happening and tell yourself that these are all irrational things, that you're jumping to conclusions, and that you're trying to make certain ends meet where they don't need to or won't.
I don't think that you should let any of this keep you from telling your sister what you want to share. You shouldn't assume that she's not interested or that certain thoughts and triggers might occur when you're around her. It helps a lot to have a support system when you're going through these types of worries and she can be that voice of reason or give you that different/objective perspective that your mind needs to help keep it at ease.
I'm sorry that you feel like there's always something new coming up when you least want it, but it's also up to you to combat them when they do arise by letting your mind know that there's no reason to jump to such conclusions when you don't have any evidence to back up those claims. I understand that it's tiring, but that's why it's important to shut them down before they get so big. A lot of the time you just need to catch yourself in your spirals and figure out a way to break free from them so they don't keep you stuck in such a loop.
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builder051 · 2 years
C, D, P, and X if you please.
C is for calling--
I've never had a moment of "passion" in what I'm doing, either as a job/career, or in any of my other interests. I have completed one of those "Choose your way" journals (I'm addicted to Piccadilly--most of their stuff is a blast to fill out), though, and, probably somewhat due to my disabilities and therefore inabilities to work a set schedule, I'm called to writing and art. I don't mean this to be, like, all superiority complex, or anything, but I remember being in elementary school and taking the "write a story" prompts very seriously. By the time in was in Sophomore AP English 10, my teacher personally complimented me for some random original fiction assignment, saying it was particularly above and beyond the usual drivel. I'm not sure I have another book in me, like Battle of Troy, but my NaNo content, my fanfiction, my Piccadilly prompts-- they're all still there to motivate the urge to create.
D is for dust mop-
My bio family was full of neat freaks, and chores like dusting the baseboards (I'll give it a tiny bit of a pass, considering they were white baseboards on white walls), was done almost daily to keep them from accumulating the smallest greyish hue. What stain remover was for which type of flooring was expected to be memorized. As well as what was "safe" to clean the granite countertops (fyi acetone is not in that category).
Yesterday my roommate and I cleaned the whole dog and cat feeding area with a package of Swiffers (which, interestingly enough, we got as swag at Pridefest back in June). I clean the hammy house with water, paper towels, the tiniest bit of Dawn, and a few alcohol wipes on the tough spots. I have moved most of my painting/figurine restoration studio into my bedroom, so, if I find a dust bunny along with that rogue flower stem, I pick it up and bin it. Cleaning is as cleaning does, I suppose? I like that method much better
P is for privilege
Oooooook, I don't want to get into anyone's crawl here, because I have had some fantastic opportunities, which I only had access to because of where I lived during what span of time and who my bio parents associated with. I get that. There was cushioning in my childhood that allowed me to experience sets of circumstances that others cannot access. I apologize in advance if any of this comes across badly; I mean to share, not brag or condemn.
My bio parents had me in "school" (educational daycare) from the time I was 3 years old. Before that I was completely unsocialized; I was raised as a toddler in a commune-like situation where I only knew 2 or 3 adults and 2 or 3 other children.
As far as education goes, in my opinion, it's a coin flip. The neighborhood school has a good rep or a poor one. The teacher is kind and inventive, of they're mean. You love school, or you hate it. College, too. It's either a great experience to learn how to adult, or it's a red flag that no, no, we are not ready for this yet.
I still have that 50-50 mindset about a lot of things. Will it rain tomorrow and make the baby cranky? Will it be warm enough to wear my Black Panther shirt? Will my child have a meltdown because I opened the refrigerator and didn't take anything out specifically for him? Got to keep playing the odds. Somehow it all turns out alright.
X is for xanax
Very convenient when sleepy is needed (or a convenient "out"). I once, quite some time ago, when I was new on the med, I had, like, 1mg, and I slept on the couch in my roommate's father's office for 3 or 4 hours and completely missed the visit (We're all civil with him. Friendly-ish, but you have to keep a guard up for sudden impossible plans and info dumps that may be, erm, inappropriate for the ears of our younger bunch.)
The X is currently the thing I'm prescribed for relaxation, and more often than not, I'll put it crushed through my J tube for a fairly immediate spray-n-squeegee of the walls to take down intrusive thoughts, then I'll nest like a hamster for the sleepy effects, and hopefully be feeling better and ready to resume problem-solving by the time I wake up.
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nova-bos · 3 years
Hello again, I decided to make and collect some prompts and store them here for others to see. I have them divided up into different topics, so I hope it makes it easier for you to find what you need.
How to Treat Yourself.
How can I be kinder to myself: mentally, physically, etc. In what ways am I subconsciously attacking myself?
What are some things you don't like about yourself, and why?
What are some personality traits / qualities you wish you had.
What are some things you love about yourself? What are some things you dislike? Why do you think you dislike these qualities?
List a few of your coping mechanisms that make you feel bad or guilty. Why do they make you feel that way? What are you using them to cope with? Is there a healthier mechanism you would be using?
When was the last time you forgave yourself?
What unhealthy attachments (things, people, feelings, habits) do you hold onto? What fears do you have around ending these attachments? What do you gain by ending these attachments?
What relationships and friendships do you have that are unhealthy? How would your life improve/change if you let them go?
Do you reward yourself when you accomplish something productive?
Do you completely accept and love yourself the way that you are?
Do you over think, and what causes this? What happens when you start to over think?
What's something you've REALLY wanted for a long time that feels out of reach to you? Why does it feel out of reach? Is it unrealistic or do you feel like you don't deserve it?
What animal(s) do you associate yourself with? What traits, positive and negative, do you associate with this animal?
Trauma & Reactions.
When was a time in your life where you opened up and felt rejected?
When was the last time you forgave yourself?
What negative emotions do you avoid? Why?
What were you like as a child?
What is the worst way someone could describe you?
What is your definition of failure? What's something you have previously failed at and how did it make you feel? How can you deal with failure in a healthy way?
How do you lie to yourself everyday? Why are you doing this and what am you trying to avoid?
How have you internalized your parents' judgement? How do you free yourself from it?
What is something you hate about your body? See if it's related to your trauma or the world around you, and why you hate it.
What are your triggers and why? What events happened to cause that trigger? Do you have any specific triggers, like a song, a movie/tv show, etc?
Did you have a good childhood? Why or why not?
What are some intrusive thoughts you've had lately? What triggered these thoughts, what do you think the root cause is?
Think of a time that you were hurt and felt you deserved it. What made you feel like that? Was it justified?
When reflecting about your childhood, what makes you extremely angry or sad to this day?
Did your parents provide you with everything you needed?
Emotions & Self reflecting.
What emotion do you try to avoid? What makes you so afraid to feel it? 
What negative emotions are you the most comfortable feeling? How often and why do these emotions show up? 
What emotions do you rarely express Infront of others? Why are you hiding these emotions? What would happen if you started expressing these emotions more? 
Are you okay with the fact that not everyone will like you? Why or why not, and how does this make you feel? 
Which behavior that you know is wrong and has negative effects do you repeat over and over again? Why do you do this? 
How long do you spend reflecting on failures and mistakes? Do you have difficulties coming to terms with them? 
Are you self deprecating, or self destructive? When, how, and why did this begin?
What are some of your toxic traits? When do they tend to show themselves? 
Name 5-10 negative beliefs you have about yourself. Where do they come from? Do they have validity? Why or why not? 
What are some things you consider "cringy"? Why do you think that? Do you associate those with someone? If it's yourself, what can you do to be nicer to your child self? 
Think about someone you hate for "no reason." What are some things about them that bother you? Do these things remind you of yourself, or someone who hurt you? 
What are some things you blame yourself for? Is it really fair to blame yourself for this, or were there other factors involved?
What is your greatest experience with confrontation? Do you find it more difficult than it should be or do you feel like you handle confrontation in a healthy way? 
When are you the most critical of yourself? Explain what your self-talk sounds like. 
What do you currently envy in someone's life, and why? 
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
Hey! Can I request a jaeden martell x reader where basically their charters are dating on a tv show and they are really really good best friends in real life and they they both go on the Jimmy fallon show and he keeps on asking if they’re dating because everyone thinks they are and when they say no he obvi doesn’t let it go lol and it ends up slipping up that jaeden did/ does have a crush on reader and they maybe end up sharing a kiss in front is Jimmy & audience & stuff😶just an idea i had 😂:)
i love this idea wow, thinking i’m going to put my own little twist on it but i think you’ll still be pleased ;)
just friends
Tumblr media
warnings!: suggestive topics, fluff
word count: 2.1k
your face was being touched up with powder, the cotton pad dabbing at your nose as the white powder absorbed into any oil your face may have had.
you look over at jimmy, this wasn’t your first talk show, but it had been the biggest one with the most following. it was intimidating, you bounced your foot up and down and played with your hands.
behavior jaeden had grown to recognize. he knew you better then you knew yourself, your anxiety was worse then you put it out to be. “you ok?” he questioned, “fine, i’m fine” you painted a small smile on your face. but he wasn’t easily fooled.
he grabbed one of your hands and rubbed circles into your palm, this sent vibrations of relaxation down your spine.
his eyes locked with yours, you swore they were a different color each time you saw them. sometimes more blue, sometimes more green, sometimes dark with mystery, sometimes light and playful.
‘aaand where on air’
you wiped the hand that was interlocked with his off on your dress, it was clammy. the curtain came up fast, and your vision was soon flooded with bright lights and silhouettes of bodies.
making out the faces in the sea of people was impossible, but you knew your friends were out there. they had flown out to see you, a) they could go see new york and b) you were on national television, and they wouldn’t miss it for the world.
jimmy was talking, you knew that much, but your nerves took over and honestly you weren’t registering a damn thing he was saying. the crowd cheered, you snapped out of your daze.
“and here tonight, we have jaeden martell and y/n l/n from the new HBO tv series: turning tables”
he turned to both of us, and gave everyone time to clap. he tired to speak over the loud hands, moving on with his show, but the crowd made that difficult. eventually the clapping died out and he could continue.
“now, i’ve watched all of the episodes but, for the people who haven’t seen: can you explain what the show is about?” he looked a jaeden, you let go of a breathe you had held in.
“s-sure” jaeden turned to face the audience more, he was soft spoken and shy, so it was important he projected as much as he could.
“turning tables is a teen drama. it’s about families of poverty in the seattle washington area and how they struggle to go to school and work. my character, jennings cooper, is the main protagonist. the show is mainly from his point of view, and how he struggle to support his family.”
jimmy nods and smiles, he looks pleased with his explanation. i’m truth the show wasn’t that simple, he knew that. but, it would take so long to explain.
“and y/n, who do you play?” he knew the answer to this obviously, but you were becoming a crowd favorite. everyone loved your personality, and you were an up-and-coming a list celebrity.
“i play parker marlow, jennings girlfriend” you blushed at this statement, the crowd giggled and ‘ouuu’ed. jimmy rubbed his hands together, getting excited at the upcoming topic of discussion.
“so, your romance on season one was steamy” you thought back to the scenes you did together. all of the kissing, which felt normal at this point. he wasn’t a bad kisser, in fact- you didn’t mind it at all. your romance through the season built up to a sex scene, your mind flashed through the memories of filming it.
filming those scenes isnt half as steamy as you think it is. it’s awkward, you laugh a lot. you had never felt that exposed in your life! however watching it was different, it looked so real, so perfect.
you blurred out your thoughts, mr. fallon still speaking on the subject. “can we expect more -“ jimmy searched for your ship name, it was on the tip of his tongue. the combination of your first names on the show didn’t make an attractive combo. it was either jarker or pennings. your last names matched a little better.
“-carlow” jaeden finished for him. jimmy nodded and smiled “yes- carlow- can we expect more carlow next season?” you both looked at each other and smiled. the writers for the show already had the next four seasons laid out. you knew that carlow was a continuing relationship on the show.
“yes, you should expect more of that sort of content from us” you stated. the people in the crowd had a positive responce to this, the applause lapping until it died out once again.
“right, your characters have so much chemistry in the show. two struggling teens just trying to break even.” jaeden agreed “yes, our characters balance each other out, and being from the same background helps them associate. jennings is kind of a bad boy-as the ladies say- he’s a felon, he steels cars and sells them to counterfeit manufacturers and dealers for money. parker, y/n’s character, has a job at a diner. she shows him the light at the end of the tunnel if he chooses to go down a good path.”
“yes, parker gets jennings a job at the diner with her, and he falls for her sweet disposition even after everything she’s been through” you add.
jimmy licks his lips and pops another question: “so id imagine the chemistry in the show heightens the real life thing?” he cocked an eye brow, the group gasping at the intrusiveness.
“jaeden and i are just friends” you blurt out, your nerves working up again. it was hard, you liked jaeden ever since you had your first kiss with him.
“y-yeah” he stutters, he obviously wasn’t expecting this either “friends” jimmy shakes his head and puts his finger on his lip “recently, you both have been showing a lot of pictures of you two together on social media.”
the audience ‘awwwed’ at the photos that displayed behind you. on the screen, there were pictures of you and him that were on both of your instagrams. you two at gardens, getting food, even watching movies at each other’s houses.
“for just friends, these photos looks intimate , wouldn’t you say” a bunch of ‘yes’’s and ‘mhm’’s came from the crowd as both of your faces became red.
“we’re just best friends, honestly” jaeden laughed nervously, he fixed his hair with his hand has he always does.
“right right- can you tell me when this photo is from?” jimmy asked, the last picture flashing on the screen. it was of you both, you had just filmed your first scene together.
the first scene you filmed together was episode two, he saved you after you fell into ice cold water. it was how the characters met, and it was filmed at a cove on a windy august day.
the picture was a little blurry, but it added character. he had his arm around you, both of your hair soaked, and you share a huge towel. you remember how cold you were, your teeth chattered so rapidly. his hair was stuck to his forehead and more small pieces went up. and your lips were almost purple, half from the makeup, half because you swore that was the coldest water you had ever went in.
“that’s from when we first started filming, it was the first time we met in the show” you recited, re living the memory in your head. you remember jaeden pulling your head into his chest when the wind began blowing. you remember his thumb trying to create friction on your back to make you just a little warm.
“yes yes- you two look so adorable!” jimmy squealed, he was the most teenage-girl-grown-man you had ever met. his hand opened one of the drawers in the faux desk he sat behind, pulling out a small blue camcorder.
the camcorder.
you know how on tv shows, there is special footage? sometimes it’s just behind the scene specials but sometimes- sometimes - it’s footage the actors document when they were just having fun? yeah it was one of those camcorders.
the camcorder was brought in by the two other co hosts wyatt oleff and finn wolfhard (i know this cast is sooo original not really) they played jaedens two best friends on the show. while they weren’t filming, they’d dick around and talk about stupid stuff. you’d never seen what they filmed, but you had been featured quite a few times; their by them pranking you, or invading your personal space.
you looked over at jaeden, you watched his adam’s apple bob and a thin layer of sweat flush over his face. he bounced his leg slightly, a habit he had picked up from you.
“let’s just review our material here” jimmy teased, his tongue darting out between his teeth. the video began to play, the sound was loud; assumingely for jaeden quiet voice in the tape.
the video started with wyatts unsteady hand, him and finn were running around set, they stopped at jaeden, he was playing on his phone in his trailer.
“jaeden wesley we have come for you” finn yelled. you could see jaeden shoot up from his chair. “hey guys” he waved. they talked for around a minute, jokes and all. then finn started to giggle, wyatt zoomed in on jaedens face.
“so jaeden, how’s y/n?” he chuckled, jaeden blushed “she’s ok i guess dunno.” wyatt stopped zooming in when the only thing in frame was jaedens head. “the kiss was good hm?” wyatt asked. jaeden continued to play on his phone, he nodded. “yeah, she’s pretty cute too.”
the video cut to another segment, this was filmed after the sex scene. you knew because jaeden laid on the bed you, in the same underwear that he wore during the scene. the boys were jumping on the bed, and jaeden took the camera and talked to it.
“this is for memory and memory ONLY! h-hey y/nnn” he was talking to the camera like it was you “you’re amazing and cool” you could hear finn explode into laughter as he stole the camera back and started running “yeah! and he wants your babies and loves you so much-“ “SHUT UP FINN!!!” and jaeden chased him around.
the video was taken off the screen. your face had become close to ghostly white. it was weird, it was almost like he was dumb enough to think finn wouldn’t give jimmy this blackmail goldmine. you looked at jaeden, he hit his bottom lip until it was red, he itches his neck and laughed it off.
“yeah ok-ok jimmy, maybe i liked her back in the day” jaeden tried so hard to be casual, but jimmy hit him with a heart stopper: “but mr martell, the last clip was filmed less then a month ago!”
your mind flickered with memories and ideas of him.
your first time meeting, how good his hand felt in yours. when you wiped icecream off his chin, and him dotting icecream on to the top of your nose. the way his hair always fell perfectly above his eye brow. and SHIT how he always smelt so fucking good. how he let you fall asleep in his arms and how he never complained when you put on some stupid romcom and-
“y/n?” jimmy questioned. “huh?” you spaced, come on y/n you gotta stop doing that. “i asked how you felt about all of this.” “well, there isn’t a right word i can use.”
jaeden took this has a bad reaction, he did a small wave to the crowd and stood up to get off the stage.
you stood up, grabbed his hand, and laid one right on him. kissing him felt normal, but now that there was emotion behind it, it just felt so right.
you both stopped for air, the crowd went wild. jimmy was clapping too, you could barley hear them, your heart was pumping throughout your whole body. you swore jaeden could hear it.
after the show, you sat in your dressing room for a bit, contemplating the events of tonight, and how they were all broadcasted for your embarrassment. but it was only the beginning. only the beginning of what was to come for mr. and mrs. jaeden martell.
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Orange is Offence
I've seen several different theories floating around both prior to and post the new aside video, Working THROUGH Intrusive Thoughts. So I decided to throw my two cents in.
So my main cause for concern about Orange's identity has always been that he is never explicitly referenced by ANY of the other sides. They never once speak of him, but he has made himself known before, such as in the episode SVS Redux, when he appears briefly amid one of the videogame cutaways as an orange colored 4110.
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This is the first instance we've had of a dark side choosing to attempt communication individually without aid or disguise from the other sides.
For instance, our first known hint of Remus actually comes from the episode The Sanders Sides 12 Days of Christmas, where Roman says the line:
"May visions of sugarplums dance in your head and hopefully not visions of your naked aunt Patty... Yeah, I don't know where that came from."
And later in Remus's introduction song, this image appears behind him:
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For Janus, his existence was first hinted when he silences Roman from speaking in Accepting Anxiety Part 2/2. Later when he finally did reveal himself, whenever he would appear it would always be as one of the four main sides.
Then why is Orange different? Why was he able to speak to Thomas (in an albeit round about way through a videogame screen) when he has yet to show himself fully to him?
Well first lets look at what the color orange represents.
A few positive meanings of orange, of many, include balance, freedom, and expression. The most common negative associations of the color include crassness, rudeness, and frivolity.
Next, the newest big revelation in TSS since Deceit's reveal.
Logan's outburst:
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Now, many people have been theorizing that Orange is a part of Logan, and that they could be either a dichotomy/set of twins such as with Roman and Remus. But I don't think that's the case.
(I'd like to give credit to @candiecards for this next portion.)
In fact, I don't think Orange has any significant relation to Logan apart from the other sides. Rather, I think Orange is using Logan as an easy target/susceptible vessel. Just like how Janus would only appear by mimicking the other sides and disguising himself as him, I think Orange manipulates the other sides through a sort of mind control. Which is why he would be able to greet Thomas through the 43110 screen, by manipulating and altering Roman's videogame example to suit his needs.
First off, Logan has always been rather short-tempered, this is nothing new. In fact, Thomas called him (and Roman) out on it in the episode Fitting In (Hogwarts Houses!). Also, remember the time in Learning New Things About Ourselves, when Logan grew so annoyed with Roman's constant berating of his character, screamed, and threw a notecard at his eye? If Orange was always a part of him, and can be presumed to appear in fits of rage, why didn't he appear then?
Because he isn't inherently connected to Logan.
But Logan is becoming an easy target for Orange.
Over the past few episodes, and even throughout the series, Logan has been feeling left out and ignored. He was benched in SVS and was skipped and tossed aside in SVS Redux. Besides Roman, I'd say Logan is the most self-engrossed and prideful, believing that he is more important to Thomas than the other sides. He even stated in Learning New Things About Ourselves that he is the one who "maintains order."
However, when we are introduced to the state of Thomas's life in the newest episode, it is clear that Thomas is completely disorganized and has lost any sense of control over minimal things such as keeping clothes off his staircase.
It's then made clear by the way Logan speaks with Thomas that he has been trying for an undetermined amount of time to convince Thomas to reorganize himself, but that Thomas has ignored him each time.
Throughout the episode we see Logan eagerly push Thomas to work on his set schedule, but then conceding several times to Thomas's more pressing needs to deal with Remus and his intrusive thoughts over Nico's lack of a reply to a text he sent the previous day. Logan does appear patient with both Thomas and Remus, trying to logic his way through each set back, telling Thomas it's okay to take a break because of his intrusive thoughts, and trying to reason with Remus to hold himself back so he can work with Thomas more efficiently. Of course, it doesn't work, and he snaps at Remus to stop ignoring him.
Interestingly enough, at the same time Logan snaps, Thomas, who had previously appeared only anxious over Nico, then appears angry that he's being ghosted.
They become offended over the same thing. Being ignored.
Before I continue, allow me to provide a clear definition of the word offence.
Offence (noun): annoyance or resentment brought about by a perceived insult to or disregard for oneself or one's standards or principles.
As a reminder, the color orange can represent both freedom, expression, and crudeness.
When one believes that their freedom and expression of themselves and their beliefs have been insulted they take offence and often lash out in anger and become crude.
Offence can come from many places, it can come from different experiences, different expressions and emotions; but the reaction that is birthed from that offence is almost always outbursts of anger. Just think of a self-righteous Karen demanding to see a manager.
Throughout the story, Logan has been teased and ridiculed for his love and belief in strict and ridged methods and lifestyles. For him, planning and organizing and due dates are all fun things he enjoys, but to the other sides, its all just a bore and they make fun of him for it.
Logan comes off as (one of) the "angriest" side because he is constantly taking offence from others and defending himself. He is also more emotionally stifled than the other sides and does not know how to properly regulate his emotions, making him more prone to outbursts of anger. This would make it easy for Orange to take over/control him, by using his anger to blind him.
I mentioned in an old theory of mine, What is Deceit Really After?, that I believe Janus is plotting to create a power shift a from the "light" sides to the "dark" sides. And while in that theory I said I believe Janus would try to manipulate Virgil to gain power, although I still think that may be possible, I now also believe that Janus wants Orange to use Logan's offence and anger against him to control and manipulate him instead. After all, Janus was the one responsible for keeping the dark sides suppressed, only allowed to appear if Thomas wished to see them. But now they are appearing without Thomas first giving his consent to meet them.
He released Remus, promising that he would make sure that Thomas would no longer "deceive [himself] about the ugliness within [him]." Orange's sudden appearance could be the next step in Janus's plan to gain control, although I'm not sure what he could have offered Orange in exchange.
In the final moments of the episode, Janus is perched on a tree where he eats a green apple and says "Yes, everything is just fine."
As pointed out by @ethecookednoodle green apples represent matters of the mind.
The green apple at the end could very well hint at the upcoming events of the story regarding Logan and orange as the side representing Thomas's mind, and the side that performs mind-control over those who lose themselves to offence.
After all, whether he believes it or not, Logan has the most say in what Thomas does and thinks, comparable only to Patton, who Janus is in the process of seducing.
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beauty-and-passion · 3 years
Silly fun challenge prompt: what languages do you associate with the Sides/what would be the 2nd language each Side learn?
For example I am a big fan of Hispanic (Spanish speaking) Creativitwins fanon. And c! Thomas too could've learnt Spanish in high school and the fact his love interest is hispanic too just makes perfect sense-
And in contrast to Hispanic twins I headcanon Janus as a francophone (French speaking) for two reasons: 1) it was still lingua franca around Victorian era, his aesthetic inspiration and 2) dividing American high school by Spanish class vs. French class is like causing Civil War (I was and still am a language nerd, so I learnt both languages, which was a mistake but the kind of mistake that was worth it when you think about it later)
German suites Logan since lots of famous philosophers are German. I associate Japanese or Korean with Virgil since those two are really dominant in the current subculture world (and maybe our emo could've been inspired and turn into E-boy - wow that sounds terrifying)
I don't have strong preference on Patton's but Italian sounds nice, since all those music and dessert and anything sweet are often from Italy. And maybe 'Orange' can be some language that sounds harsh like Russian, so he can murmur in that in sleep and scares everyone else
I know you're in Europe: 1) you use GMT and 2) Americans wouldn't care about Eurovision. So I wonder how you would think based on your European experience!
Oooh, I like this! As European Who Studied Languages, I definitely approve this and I'll gladly add my two cents about which languages the sides should learn.
Roman: He canonically knows Spanish and that's perfect like that. Spanish is a romantic language, someone speaks Spanish and you can't help but swoon. It’s a great choice for the Side responsible for romance and passion.
Remus: Remus isn't just intrusive thoughts, but there’s a very high chance he’s also responsible for Thomas' sexual urges. So, what is the language made for sex? You’re right, it’s French. French is sexy. You can say anything in French and bam, ✨sexy ✨.
"Je sors la poubelle." Sexy, isn't it? Well, I just said "I'm taking out the trash". See? Very sexy.
(French people, please confirm my words. We all know it’s true)
Janus: Your points are incredibly valid and I love them. But if we should choose among all languages, I would love Janus to be one of the very few (extremely few) people in the world who can speak Latin.
I know Latin is a dead language, but it would be great - and not just because of the connection with his name.
Let’s consider that the other Romance languages, despite evolving from Latin, cannot entirely understand it, because they all changed a lot through the centuries after mixing with the Germanic ones. On the other hand, the Germanic languages (English, German, Swedish and so on) are part of a completely different group, only slightly influenced by Latin, so they cannot understand it.
In other words, Janus would speak a language that only sounds familiar - and maybe you can grasp a couple words here and there if you know a romance language, but the true meaning is hidden. What is he actually saying? Who knows. Is he actually cursing someone? Who knows. After all, do you understand Latin? Yeah, me neither.
If I have to pick a language that is still spoken today instead, I think I'll join you with French. Your points are valid and French is a very elegant language, fitting for Janus’ whole aesthetic. So yes, French could work.
Logan: German is a great choice and you are absolutely right with your point about the philosophers. Also German is a language of harsh sounds and strict grammar rules - for example:
declensions that should be used accordingly for articles, adjectives and nouns
specific verbs for specific meanings
words made by putting together shorter words (like Haustürschlüssel.  Haustür means “front door”, Schlüssel means “key” -> this word means “front door’s key”)
sentences that should follow a specific construction, with parts of the compound verb after the noun and part at the end of the sentence. And secondary phrases also have a specific syntax and should always be introduced by a comma
In other words, it's a very organized language and I think it would fit Logan.
But also, considering that almost all words related to science and philosophy come from Greek, I think Logan should at least understand some Greek. As a treat.
(Also because Greek is another incredibly complicated language, so if someone has the patience to learn it, it’s definitely Logan.)
Virgil: oh my gosh, I never thought about an eastern language for Virgil. In a way, it would be a very peculiar choice and I kinda like it. Japanese and Korean are extremely complicated languages, they have a very specific alphabet (I'm especially thinking about the Japanese one, that even asks for a specific direction to write words) and require a lot of work (and memory) to learn them.
But Virgil is also a poet and when I think of poets and sonnets my first connection is with the french ennui, le mal du vivre and especially Baudelaire and his works. Virgil would appreciate Baudelaire a lot. So French, again.
But hey, there’s too much French now. So I’ll pick the other european literature full of sadness: the russian one.
Russian is supposed to be a big scary language and its alphabet is weird and omg what if they're cursing us? But if you learn it a little bit, you’ll find out that Russian has a lot of soft/open sounds (due to a good use of vowels) and it's very poetic.
So the language itself is a bit like Virgil: he seems scary and evil at a first glance, but if you learn about him, he's actually kinder than he looks.
But never underestimate Russian, because just like Anxiety, fear is just behind the corner: you start learning it and wow, there is just one present tense, one past tense and one future tense? This is great, what a wonderful language!
And then, before you’ll realize it, you will find out that each verb has a “doppelganger” used for entirely different purposes AND there a gazillion verbs of motion and you will end up crying on the floor, because there are just too many verbs - and look, there are also one trillion particles you can put before these verbs and they give them EVEN MORE MEANINGS.
No, this isn't entirely based on my personal experience, what makes you think that.
Patton: I have never thought about Patton learning another language, because English just fits him too well.
But when you proposed Italian... well, my heart just wiped out everything else. There is nothing here, only Patton speaking Italian.
So yes, Patton's second language should be Italian. No, it must be Italian. Because French is the language of sex, Spanish is the language of love, but if you want to declare your eternal love to someone, you use Italian. Do you want to marry someone? Italian. Do you want to tell your significant other how much you adore them? Italian. Italian has one million ways to express love and Patton should use them all with his kiddos.
And yes, Italian is also associated with warm people, warm places and good food, all things Patton deserves and should enjoy. So Italian is a big yes.
Orange: since Orange is a mystery, I am a bit torn between these two languages:
1) Esperanto: This language is amazing, because it isn’t a natural language, born like all others, but it has been built by a man, who wanted to create an universal language in order to foster world peace and international understanding.
So this language has been created to be as simple as possible, with a very regular grammar (unlike all other natural languages) and its words all have references to other language groups (romance, germanic, slavic, indo-europeans, finno-ugric languages and so on).
And if you actually listen to it (especially if you know some latin languages) you will find it weirdly understandable. I found this video in particular and I was impressed by how strangely familiar esperanto sounds.
And... that’s it, I just think it would be kinda poetic that the last side knows a language that all others can use and understand.
2) A Greenlandic language. Why? Because they are insanely polysynthetic.
What does that mean? If in German you can make words by putting together other two/three words (like in the example I used before), in the Greenlandic languages you can build an entire sentence by putting together nouns, verbs, articles and everything else. All together in one single word, whose meaning can be translated with an entire sentence in another language.
Do you want an example? Here is an example from Wikipedia: tuntussuqatarniksaitengqiggtuq.
Yes, this is a word.
This word is from the Yupik language and means "He had not yet said again that he was going to hunt reindeer.". And this word is made of:
tuntu- (= reindeer)
ssur-  (= hunt)
qatar- (future tense)
ni- (= say)
ksaite- (negative)
ngqiggte- (= again)
uq  (3rd.sing.IND)
Is this insane? This is fucking insane. Do you want to be scared? This is real fear. What the heck. How. Why.
You know what? This is perfect for Orange, I’ll leave Esperanto to Thomas. Orange deserves to be this scary. I can already see the other sides quiver before him.
And so, here are my guesses! If someone has other ideas, feel free to add yours and tell us why, so we can all have a nice discussion :D
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blueprint-han · 3 years
desert rose — yang jeongin.
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↪ “ Because love and a red rose could never be truly hid. ”
— “ You’d have never thought that one incident would’ve enlightened you of how much in love you were with your childhood best friend, but it turns out to be more of a problem when you’re threatened with a life-ending disease with no cure whatsoever. Or so you thought. ”
pairing: jeongin x reader
genre: hanahaki au; fluff, angst with a happy ending.
⇥ warnings: hanahaki disease, mentions of blood (not very graphic but enough that it’s tagged), lots of angst, also in this world the hanahaki surgery isn’t discovered yet, because it’s a fairly recent discovery, also y/n’s dad is nowhere mentioned in this fic idk take it as you like but i imagined him to pass away when y/n was 12 for some reason :((, please do not read if you triggered by topics of death or blood or disease! These themes will be prevalent though not in super explicit detail, they are still there. If I missed a warning, let me know. <3
word count: 11.09 K
type: long one-shot.
⇥ disclaimer: this fiction does not represent the activities of the real Yang Jeongin, nor is associated with JYPE in any form. Events are pure fiction. ♡
part of: the @bystay​ skznta event, written for @stayndays​ !!
song: inspired from Desert Rose by Lolo Zouaï <3 No relation to the fic but it did inspire the ~vibes~.
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↯ note: I’m gonna be honest this tired me out so much that I’m glad I finished it, it took me longer than I expected and it got longer than I expected, but nonetheless, here you go shayna! Hi!! It’s me! Your secret santa! Sorry I couldn’t send you that many asks because my uni is a bitch™, and I wish I could’ve made this better, but I guess this will have to do for now. I hope you like it, and I loved being your santa! 🥺 I hope we can interact more in the future, and this isn’t edited so pls go easy on me (>人<;)eiury2y4er okay happy reading! <3 love you shayna! <3 I wish I could give this more editing time :( but... i hope u still like it!  ⇥ dawn.☀️
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Jeongin’s eyes are really pretty.
The first time you'd made this miniscule observation was during your summer vacation road trip when the sun shined a tad bit overly bright, and Jeongin’s umbrella had a hole in it. The exact details of how it ended up torn don’t matter, but the way Jeongin’s eyes seemed to shimmer in the harsh noon sun almost made it seem worth it.
You remember it clearly — He’d smiled brightly when his eyes met yours, eyes crinkling into tiny little half-moons before his expression turned neutral. At that moment, you were lost into the abyss that was his midnight black orbs. They seemed to hold glimmering stars in them, ones that outshone the specks of white in the night sky.
Looking back, you didn’t think of it much, opting to shake your head off it’s daze before running to where Jeongin stood, throwing a bottle of water into his backpack and laughing at some corny jokes the rest of the group cracked.
Jeongin was a friend — a good friend. In fact, you could call him your best friend, though it had never been verbalized. You couldn’t remember exactly when or how you’d gotten closer to him — it just happened, like everything important in this world did. Like how Jeongin says “It was fate, Y/N, fate” in that old-man-philosopher voice to get you to laugh (Of course it would never work, but you’d still laugh, because anything to see him give you that bright, toothy grin and that little scrunch of his nose in acknowledgement).
The memory of how it all started  is as clear as the sky, as pure as the pigment of a rose.
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“Don’t stray too far away, alright? Meet me back here in two hours.” The instructor screams, and all the students chime in with a collective “Yes, ma’am!”. 
 “Good, now go collect your flowers.”
A flower-picking expedition isn’t a common event in a school field trip, at least in your school. You’re more used to the normal visits to the ice cream factory, or the butterfly park (which, to be fair, had some pretty flowers, if only you could pick them) or another affiliated school. Nevertheless, you don’t complain, because the prospect of your school giving you a chance to collect all the pretty flowers you could spot here had you on top of the clouds.
You’re allowed to go alone or in groups of two, and of course, Jeongin has you by the arm the moment your teacher had screamed “Disperse!” at the top of her lungs (P.E teachers had a thing for screaming, apparently). Ignoring the teasing glances the other boys made towards the both of you, you set sail on your path, scanning all the bushes for any wild and unique flowers you could find.
“Oh look, there’s one!” You pointed out after a good four-minute-walk, almost stumbling in your one-inch-too-tight-shoes and ignoring Jeongin’s giggle at your antics. You beckoned him over to where you were standing and he obliged, tucking his sweater paws into his pockets before walking over to where you were staring at the pretty flower.
So, flowers. They’d always fascinated you. You’d developed said fascination ever since you were six. Something about the sheer way the petals were arranged, the various ranges of coloring — vivid, gradient, muted — the beauty of something so delicate and intricate always drew you in. You found yourself examining a flower for hours, and surprisingly, you never grew tired of it. They’d helped you through a lot when you felt particularly down, too. Perfect distraction — snuggling against Jeongin’s arm and playing with the flower he’d always pick out for every visit, surrounded by calming; almost numbing silence along with the sound of his steady breathing, maybe sometimes his heartbeat too when he’d get overly affectionate. Flowers in a way, in every way, were your escape. You loved them. 
“Hmmm.” Jeongin hummed over the sounds of the leaves susurrating and rustling on the ground, the wind enveloping you like a cold, yet oddly comfortable blanket. He fixed his round glasses over his nose, quickly flipping through his encyclopedia. No one really questioned him as to why he carried it wherever he went — but just like you, he had a vivid fascination for flowers too. It was something the both of you fit like a glove on, and you were beyond grateful to meet someone who could click with you so well.
“This is wolfsbane, we can’t pick it.” He said, shaking his head. “It’s poisonous, the whole plant is.”
“Oh…” You pouted, staring at the flower once more. You took in the sight of lush, violet petals, the way they wrapped around the centre and had almost no smell.
“Hey.” He touched your hand worriedly. “You didn’t touch them, right?”
“No, I didn’t. I know better than to touch plants without knowing what they are.”
“Good.” There you could see it again. That lovely, bright smile, one more of relief this time. When you looked into his eyes, you seemed lost — you could capture every flutter of his lashes against his cheeks, count every lustrous star that was laid in his eyes. “That’s good, the poison can be absorbed easily through your skin.”
“Yeah.” You let yourself smile at him, hands dropping down to fiddle with the hem of your frock. 
“Come on, I wanna get some shots for my book. Plus some flowers.” Pulling at your hand, he led you amidst the varying degrees of green and the damp smell of grass for a good distance, before halting in front of a bush. You knew what he’s referencing to by ‘shots’. The camera that hangs around his back, ready to immortalize the memory into his SD card, or rather make a polaroid (or a painting, if he’s being artistic) and tape it to his notebook along with the pressed flower.
Trip a step back, and you yelp at the sudden intrusion to your pace, pouting at Jeongin before looking in the direction he had his eyes fixated on. “Roses.” You giggle, kneeling in front of the bush and hissing when you feel the damp coldness of the grassy floor seep into your knees. “They’re pretty.” 
You can barely hear the sound of students walking past you — the moment seems almost captivating — nothing heard, nothing felt except the whirring of the wind, and the fresh smell of various plants mixed together, it carries.
This part of the garden seems particularly shady and cool, and some of the roses haven’t bloomed yet. A few rosebuds, a few half-bloomed roses, and two fully bloomed, deep red roses, sitting nicely against the green foliage.
Jeongin kneels before you, and you turn to smile at him, chortling at the way his glasses are about to fall over his nose again. You ruffle his black hair gently before fixing the glasses up his nose. 
“You might wanna get a chain attached to that thing. You know those strings that go around your neck and to your glasses to hold them in place?”
Jeongin chuckles. “It’s alright. I don’t like my glasses anyways.”
“Whyyy…?” You whine, poking his arm playfully before directing your focus back on the rose. “You look so adorable with them.”
Your friend feels a smile tug at his lips, leaning in to pinch your cheeks lightly. “You’re adorable.” He says, before focusing on the rose, (thankfully) oblivious to the way your cheeks feel warm after his action.
“Here, let me pick them out and then we can press them into our journals.” Yes. The both of you have matching journals, owing to your near obsession with flowers. You oft share them with each other and get fascinated by how the other views the flower, how they delicately craft words into how the little gift of nature meant to them. It’s a heartwarming tradition — one of the main reasons you follow it till date. 
Jeongin pulls out a pair of scissors from his satchel, and albeit with a lot of force (and the adorable nose scrunch™, manages to cut off a decent amount of stem with the fully bloomed flower, carefully bringing it to his nose to smell it before doing the same to the other one. And all the while, you silently watch.
“Here, this one is more fresh.” It’s so surprising how he can just say that by looking at the flower. Then again, you know him better than anyone, so it’s not surprising at all. He looks at you with dreamy, fluttering eyes and that precious smile on his face, his hair falling perfectly on his forehead. You want to reach out and fix the stray hairs back into position, but you hold back, swallowing the lump in your throat when you look into his pretty, pretty eyes. Trying your damnedest to not get mesmerized, lost in them once again.
It doesn’t seem like a very, very special moment. And to you at that time, it wasn’t special. You simply ignored the heat that crept up your face at his silent gesture, nodding sporadically and ignoring the way you tensed up more when your fingers touched, barely.
Your heart suddenly thumped against your chest with renewed vigour, and you could tell Jeongin was close to noticing it too. 
“T-thank you, that's very sweet.” Fixing the frills of your frock, you smooth them over before looking further and deeper into the garden.
“Lend me a hand, please.”
You once again, ignore the way your heart flutters at his statement, silently extending your hand and covering up your sudden emotion with a smile. His hand feels soft, warm in your hold, fingertips slightly rough from when he used to play the violin. You like it, though.
“Here.” He places the rose carefully in your palm, making sure no thorns prick the delicate skin of your palm, and you can’t help but smile at the tiny reassurance. A nod of approval and you tuck the flower away neatly into your satchel, almost like a valuable present he’d given you, oblivious to the way Jeongin’s eyes twinkled at your action, his smile beaming.
My god, who would’ve known this flower could’ve brought you so, so much trouble?
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It had started simple, almost unnoticeable. Just little glances towards Jeongin when he’d come over to watch a movie, getting lost in the way his hair looked exceptionally soft to touch, silently drifting off into space as you admired him from the backseat during class — sure, you were supposed to be focusing on the lesson and taking notes, but something about the way the rim of Jeongin’s sunglasses caught the sunlight and created a lens flare effect was breathtaking to watch.
That, combined with his beauty, his personality. It was too much, too much to handle.
You found yourself waiting to get a glimpse of him, even a tiny glance of his smile would be enough to make your day — to make your heart flutter. 
He was pretty.
You suppose it’s because being Jeongin’s best friend meant you already knew about the kind and empathetic man he was — but for the love of god, you could not stop your heart from fluttering when you heard his name, let alone looked at him and his mind-numbingly pretty smile, his dazzling eyes that always seemed to keep you off the ground.
Oh my, was this love?
You didn’t believe it. You didn’t agree, couldn’t accept that this was love. Maybe it was just your way of showing appreciation for him, for everything he’d done for you? Yes. That was probably it. 
Love wasn’t something you’d experienced — how could you jump to the conclusion? 
But you couldn’t pin the feeling you were feeling to another word — though you were desperate. The way your heart beat faster around him, the way you started noticing all the tiny details that made you fall for him even more, and for what? Just because he happened to give you a fresher, more lusciously colored rose after choosing them on his own? 
Jeongin had noticed it too — it was hard not to when you’d start fiddling with your thumbs, twirling your hair, and the way heat would rush to your face when he did as little as smile at you — you’d fallen for him — and while he was ever-the-oblivious to realise the implications of your actions, he did know that something was wrong.
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“Y/N, are you alright?” Jeongin asks rather dully, seeming kind of worried about your current state. You’re resting your head against his lap, but Jeongin can feel the warmth of your cheek through the thin material of his shorts — and not the regular kind. The kind of heat one would radiate when they’d either been overly flustered. Or possibly a fever.
He rests a single palm against your cheek and your eyes flutter shut, and there it is again. The butterflies in your stomach, the fuzzies in your head, and the tingling that shot up to your fingertips. “Are you sick? Is that why you’re oddly quiet today? You haven’t said or eaten anything.”
“Ah, no, I’m alright.” You try to hide the dizziness in your voice, snuggling in his hold before fluttering your eyes close. Thankfully, Jeongin doesn’t question it. 
“Alright, we won’t talk about it if you don’t want to.” Even though you aren’t facing him right now, you can feel him smile in melancholy. 
“Hey Y/N?” 
“You know I’m here for you, right?”
Oh, you knew.
Sometimes you wish you didn’t — maybe that would’ve prevented it from ending this way.
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It’s such a common scenario — in movies, in books, in media. Two best friends falling in love with each other, confessing their love in the warm and intimate setting of the night sky, over gentle touches and lingering kisses. You’ve always had an attachment to those kinds of movies or books — because for you, that kind of love was special in it’s own way.
Those little ways the lead characters had of showing each other their undying love, those subtle acts were so special, so special in their own way. Those books had shown you how heartwarming, how vulnerable yet rigid, strong that relationship could be. It was such a pretty world to explore, to fantasize. You kind of felt that you and Jeongin were the protagonists of those books, those movies.
Except, you had no happy ending.
The books failed to show how painful it was to swallow, to digest the fact that you could be nothing more than friends. Sure, there had been some moments where the main leads would be sad, but it was nothing compared to this, this suffocation in your chest that slowly built up, day by day, minute by minute, second by second.
It was hard.
The first prick in your chest hadn’t been entirely painful. It was barely noticeable even. Simply a tiny jolt of pain when you bent forward to grab your books from your locker. It had only been a slight jab, like when you’d accidentally poke yourself in the rib with the edge of your hardcover diary while picking it up. Nothing too hard.
Then came the slight feeling of breathlessness. You found yourself unable to run a full round in P.E (when you could easily do so beforehand), having to stop in between to catch your breath. You figured it could’ve been your dust allergy because the P.E room wasn’t cleaned that often, so it made sense. Somewhat. Still sceptical, but nonetheless, you covered up your random outbursts of coughs with any and every excuse you could find when your parents questioned you about it.
It was hard, but you figured it was just a matter of winter passing by, and soon you’d be alright.
Would you, though? You couldn’t bring yourself to accept that there was in fact something wrong happening to you, pushing behind that feeling of paranoia every time with a smile on your face and a hold of your breath, wishing for the pain to ebb away.
Who would’ve thought that a sudden infatuation would have led to your demise?
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Jeongin can hear the noises.
Those loud, dragged out wisps of air that you borderline struggle to take in and expel out, Jeongin can hear them.
He can feel your struggle. It’s not easy for him to look at you like this, curled up into a ball and ignoring the rampant burn in your chest. The movie isn’t even the main focus right now. Jeongin has something to say, and he’s had enough of watching you struggle. He’s rather here to persuade you to go to the fucking doctor, and get some sort of diagnosis instead of beating around the bush.
Strange. Jeongin feels oddly affectionate today, when usually you’re the one to initiate such gestures. All he wants to do is pull you into his arms and rock you back and forth until you fall asleep, because you seriously seem like you need it.
“Y/N,” he calls, watching you lift your head up from where it’s rested against your knees. You don’t reply, because right now, your throat seems like a barren desert and all you can seem to let out is a croak.
Jeongin sighs and rolls his eyes as if in deep thought, turning on the couch to face you before touching the tops of your cheeks with his hands — they seem overly feverous. 
“What’s going on?” He asks sternly.
“What d-do you mean?” You manage to get out, feeling your chest hurt more and more with each syllable that leaves past your lips in a croaked voice. It felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing your chest with the sharp edge of the knife, the burn in your throat and lungs getting too much to handle. You can’t even tear your focus from the fiery sensation to revel in the feeling of Jeongin’s soft palms cupping your cheeks.
“Y/N, you’ve been acting weird ever since the expedition.” Worry is laced throughout his tone, mixed in with a dash of sorrow to give rise to the most heartbreaking sound you’ve ever heard. Though you know otherwise, it almost seems as though Jeongin is disappointed in you.
“You’ve been getting more and more sick—” he raises a hand to stop you from contradicting his statement. You only look at him with mellow eyes, knowing that what he says is right. You’ve been ignoring your health for too long. 
You can’t help it, either. While you have an inkling of what might’ve happened, you’re too stubborn to accept it, let along your unrequited love for your best friend, who seems ever-the-oblivious.
“—and you can’t tell me it’s the winter allergy, love. I know you more than that to believe it.”
Shaking your head in dismay, you turn around to get up. You can’t be having this conversation right now, not with the faintest taste of blood lingering at the edge of your throat — you can’t be showing yourself like this in front of him — broken down, vulnerable, confused of your own feelings, having no idea of what you should be doing.
Your mother had pointed it out too, at this point. They suggested going to the doctor, and you outright refused. You didn’t want your suspicion to come to life. It couldn’t- it couldn’t be this way-
Jeongin grabs your hands to stop you in your position and turns you around.
And that’s a wrong move.
Your whole chest tightens, and the thorns that stab against your chest has never been more painful. You cry out loudly, only causing them to dig deeper into your skin and almost bleed. Jeongin’s eyes widen in shock at your sudden, unexpected reaction and only tightens his grasp on your hands.
Which again, is a very wrong move, because the following bouts of coughs that take over you shake you up from the core. Jeongin feels blanked out looking at how much you’re suffering right now, so much that he doesn’t feel the wet, yet light flutter on the back of his hand.
When Jeongin snaps back in from his momentary daze, he’s borderline horrified.
He’s convinced, completely certain that there’s nothing more terrifying, heartbreaking, scarring — he could go on and on — than what he just saw. He can almost feel his heart break into a million tiny shards, but he knows that it’s nowhere equivalent to the pain you’re going through.
Well, looks like your suspicion did come to life.
Because what Jeongin sees is, gah, he feels horrified. There’s blood dripping down your lip, staining the skin below garnet red. Your eyes are tinted pinkish-red too, most likely from the exertion that came along with the horrendous amount of coughs that took over you.
Red, red everywhere. Jeongin had previously thought of red as one of the most beautiful, and most interesting colors ever — a symbolism of love, nothing but the pure love he felt towards you.
But now, all he could think of was how much he was tormented by the mere sight of the color.
When his eyes, still blown wide in shock, trail down to his lap, the mere sight of what’s littered on it leaves him in tears.
Red petals, everywhere. All over the back of his hands, all over your lap, all over his lap.
Jeongin could probably spend ages, ages sobbing and whimpering about the sheer pain the sight in front of him brought. It tormented him beyond imagination. This should be a dream — Jeongin wants to wake up any second now, anywhere, in your lap, in his own bed, just anything to save his heart from seeing you this way.
Yet when you cough again, the pain in his heart tells otherwise.
“Y/N!” He chokes out a cry, and from there, he acts quick. He could cry about this later — he needs to find you some help, and now. 
You feel numb. As numb as you possibly can when you see the tears in Jeongin’s eyes, though your sight is clouded by your own tears. You’re numb to the blood dripping down your chin and pooling in your lap, you’re numb to the feeling of those bloody petals littered all over the couch. 
“We need to get you to the hospital, quick.” He gets up, wiping his eyes that are surprisingly, surprisingly overflowing with tears. You barely feel the handkerchief quickly wiping against your mouth, causing you to snap from your trance and look at him. The numbness doesn’t fade yet.
You doubt it ever will.
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You’re not sure that the events after the incident go super quickly or as slow as a snail, and you’re not in any state to care about it either. Jeongin had called your mother when he drove you to the hospital — albeit over the sound of your repetitive and raucous coughs — and now your mom’s standing next to him outside, nervously prancing back and forth as he waits for the doctors to come out.
The hospital corridor is moderately lit — perfect setting for Jeongin’s mood right now. There’s no sound except for the occasional encounter when a nurse or doctor happens to walk past them. The hanahaki treatment section of the hospital isn’t the most crowded place — surprisingly enough, the doctors had immediately known what had happened to you.
Your mother can’t bring herself to thank Jeongin for dragging you to the hospital — she’s too paranoid. Your daughter coughing up blood and — Jeongin hadn’t mentioned it to her — flower petals over a movie night isn't the best news you’d want to receive when her friend calls you; so Jeongin understands why your mother is overly quiet.
He doesn’t try to reassure her either. It’s hard to do so when she’s gonna find out her daughter houses a wedding bouquet in her chest — and Jeongin isn’t that oblivious to not know what’s going on, especially standing in the hanahaki department of the clinic. His mother, not so much. All she can do is silently sob and mutter prayers repeatedly, hoping her daughter would be alright. Jeongin feels his heart break more when he sees your mom like this, and he knows he’s not gonna last at this rate, when he’s allowed to enter your room.
At this point, he can’t get past his own brain screaming a million different things at the same time, none of them coherent enough to make sense. He’s a mess right now — red eyes puffy and swollen, hair completely disheveled and half of his sweatshirt hanging out of where it was  neatly tucked in.
Two hands at his heart, and that’s when he notices the red rose petal stuck to the back of his hand, probably from when you’d coughed all over it. It’s fairly large in size — Jeongin examines it, in a slightly successful attempt at trying to distract from the feeling of anxiety that builds up inside bit by bit. It’s a deep, dark red color, exactly like the rose he’d given you that day, at the trip.
The boy sighs to himself before pulling the petal off his hand, eyes widening when the blood underneath it tints the skin it runs across. 
That’s when a lump forms in his throat, but he isn’t given time to cry, because soon enough, the sound of a door opening clicks through his ears, and Jeongin’s head snaps up.
He can see you from where he’s standing, and his whole world freezes in front of his eyes.
The flowers inside your chest had grown moderately large — that’s what the doctor said, at least. You’d been hiding your disease for two months, and it wasn’t until the end that Jeongin caught on — you’d been too stubborn to accept your fate. Maybe this was how it was supposed to end, after all. 
You couldn’t accept it then, but you did now. Did it seriously make a difference?
Jeongin had seen your scan, and what he saw would’ve truly been pretty, if not for the fact that these flowers could be the cause for your imminent death. The roses had almost fully bloomed — and the thorns were pricklier than ever. Jeongin could almost feel them stab against his skin, and he didn’t even have the disease. It was confusing — things were too confusing right now.
You couldn’t speak much, the painkillers you were on were making you drowsy and causing you to quickly fall asleep. Even if you weren’t asleep, it wouldn’t have made a difference.
Numbness ran through your veins. You couldn’t bring yourself to feel anything after what had happened.
Jeongin and your mother hadn’t spoken to you after the doctor had shown them your scan, and they preferred to not break the news to you either, figuring that you were pretty shaken up from the incident already.
The doctor said he could give you two weeks before the flowers filled your lungs completely and blocked your throat.
And Jeongin is devastated.
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When the effect of your painkillers wear off and you open your eyes, you feel a soft sensation brushing against your thumb, slowly turning to look at your best friend — tears streaked all over his face, eyes ridden with dark circles and red and puffy, his voice sounded nasal as he silently cried, eyesight focused on the floor.
“J-Jeongin…?” You mumble past your oxygen mask, surprisingly not noticing it’s presence until right now,
He perks up at the painful call, lifting his head to gaze into your eyes. He looks worse than you look right now, if you’re to be honest. You doubt he’s even brushed his teeth or had breakfast. The hospital room is pretty dim just like the exterior, but the sunlight coming from the open window is enough to light up the whole room, enough to at least see your friend’s features clearly.
“You’re awake.” he says as a matter-of-fact and you nod, gently taking off the contraption placed against your nose. Jeongin flinches like he wants to stop you. But then freezes when you try to slowly get up.
Turns out that’s a wrong move, because you can soon feel the thorns of the garden you have in your lungs prick against your skin, making you gasp and shriek in agony. Jeongin jerks up and places a hand on your back, and the other across your stomach — and gently maneuvers you into an awkward but comfortable position, before lifting the top of the bed into a reclining position before laying you down onto it.
“Careful, love.”
Your chest tightens at the actions once again, yet you try not to cough like you did the last time. Surprisingly biting on your tongue works to rid the feeling of suffocation, or at least distracts from it.
“Where’s m-mom?”
“She went to pick up some of your essentials, plus a few clothes.”
“D-did she eat? Did you eat?”
Jeongin smiles at your concern. It’s something he’s found endearing about you — how you always seem to put others first, even though you’re in a worse situation. Though the habit isn’t healthy, Jeongin can’t seem to get over how thoughtful one would have to be to act that way all the time. You’re so innocent, so kind — you’re one of a kind, at least for him.
“What?” You chuckle, noticing Jeongin’s lingering stare on you.
Your friend only beams, taking your hand in his once again. “I forced her to eat something because of her medication, so you don’t have to worry. I ate along with her too, though the canteen’s food doesn’t taste that well.” 
A soft giggle leaves your lips and quickly morphs into a set of coughs, more petals fluttering all over your lap and hands. When Jeongin stands up to call a doctor, you lift a hand to stop him, gesturing for him to sit down.
It isn’t as intense as the first time, but there’s still a tiny bit of blood dripping from the corner of your mouth, which Jeongin quickly goes to wipe off with his thumb. You flinch at the warm touch, sighing to yourself before dropping your gaze to your lap.
“So…” You start. “What did the doctor say?”
Jeongin seems visibly tense at your question, kind of like he was dreading it. Which he was. He knows enough about this to know that patients usually don’t like knowing, and in fact can be traumatised by knowing that their apparent death would be in two weeks.
Jeongin in fact has no idea how he’s so calm. He should be sobbing, trashing, looking for a way to hold you back. He shouldn’t be so calm.
He figures he’s just accepted fate. He’s relishing what could be his last moments with you.
You don’t reply, and Jeongin knows he’ll have to make something up.
“They said it’s just a regular allerg-”
The boy freezes.
“Don’t lie to me.” Your voice is laid with so much pain, Jeongin wants to reach out and crush every problem you have into his fist. He wants all your sorrow and worry to dissolve, and right now, he just feels helpless. He feels powerless.
“How many days do I have left?” You ask, sniffling before wiping your tears away. “Just tell me already, Jeongin-”
Jeongin’s grip tightens against your hand as he whispers — “Two weeks.” 
The words are only let out as a soft mumble, as though Jeongin himself is questioning the statement the doctors put forth. Really, in two weeks? Would you really be gone? Would he seriously never see more of your smiles, your loving gaze, those times when you’d get overly shy of his compliments, those times when you’d silently smile at him from afar?
Was this the end?
“Two weeks.” You repeat. Your voice honestly sounds like a croaking frog, but you can’t bring yourself to care. 
“Hey Y/N…?” Jeongin hesitantly calls.
“Can I ask you something?” He puts his other hand on yours. “Two questions, actually.”
“This disease you have… hana-”
“Yeah, that.” A hand runs against the back of his neck and he continues. “Be honest, did you know that- that you had this disease before I found out?”
“Jeongin…” You’re about to shake your head, but then you remember the deadline. The deadline by which, you’re no longer going to be here, no longer going to be able to cuddle Jeongin during movie dates, no longer be able to even look at him from afar, or close for that matter. In other words, you didn’t want to end your days with him based on a lie.
Therefore you sigh, breathing out a ‘yes’ as your shoulders droop down.
You can hear Jeongin’s shaky sigh too.
“W-why?” He clenches your hand tightly, sadness mixing in with what you can only call disappointment. “How could you be so selfish?”
It's too late to take back those words now.
“Wh-what?” You raise your eyebrows, feeling scared at his sudden question. “Jeongin, I wanted to be sure-”
Oh who are you kidding? Jeongin and you both know that you’d hidden it because you didn’t want to accept it. It’s too late to change that now.
And Jeongin seems to know that too.
“Don’t- Y/N.” His breath morphs into sharp inhales, as though he’s downright angry at your actions — you know he has every reason to be — still, it doesn’t ease the pain in your heart. Or maybe that’s just the flowers.
“Do you think this is a joke?” His sobs grow louder in fervour, and you feel yourself break at the sight. The room is so, so quiet that you can hear his faint mumbles. You can hear the cries his heart screams in agony, letting you go is painful for him. The thought, rather the sound, only makes the plant in your heart grow further.
“Y/N- did you not think of your mother? Of me? Did you not think of what would have happened if you left us? You think it’s gonna be easy on the both of us? On everyone?” His gaze stern and his voice stable, you don’t get affected by his words, but you do understand what he means — and maybe wish that you could’ve reversed your actions.
“How could you, Y/N?” He gets up from where he’s seated beside your hospital bed. “How could you think that this would be the most appropriate action?”
Jeongin knows he’s angry. Jeongin knows you’re going through a lot. But he’s too.
He’s not angry at you, not at himself, but fate. He’s mad that this is your fate, that you have to go away so soon. He’s mad that he can’t do anything to help you, in any manner.
You don’t say a word, which only causes Jeongin to sigh — disappointedly, again — and walk to where his coat is hung against the edge of his bed, picking it off and pulling it over him in a hurry. Every cell in you wants to scream at him, apologize for what you did, but your voice feels small, almost like you can’t force it out of your throat.
He goes towards the door that leads to the corridor, stopping for a second before turning to look at you.
“Are you gonna tell me, at least, who this person is?”
“W-what?” Things are too confusing right now.
“Hanahaki comes with unrequited love, Y/N. Are you gonna tell me who didn’t return your love?”
“You didn’t” You want to say. But then again, you stay quiet, not being able to handle the intensity of the moment.
Jeongin wants for two seconds, then sighs and shakes his head. “Whatever, I guess.”
And then he leaves.
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In the next week, your health goes down drastically. More of petals expelled out of your lungs, more blood dripping from between your lips, more of your mother’s horrified expression as she runs away from the room while the doctors tend to your coughs. More sobs from your mother when she thinks you’re asleep, more melancholic smiles when you’re awake.
But you feel so empty.
Every piece of you feels like it’s being ripped apart. You can’t even sit up without someone’s help, of such intensity is the pain. The pain of knowing that your love would never be returned. 
The pain of knowing that you hurt the person you loved truly.
You were put on your oxygen mask 24/7, and instructed to not take it off whatsoever. Your medication stopped taking it’s usual effect, and if anyone saw you the way you were outside the current circumstances, they’d have assumed that you haven't slept for 8 days and were going to crumble into the earth any second.
You gasp at the sudden intrusion to your thoughts, turning around to see your mother, sitting next to you and holding your hand with her own. You hum as a response, clearly unable to respond more than a mere mumble.
“Did you and Jeongin fight?”
A pang of guilt floods through your nerves at the mention of your friend’s name. He’d come to visit you only once in the past week. Perhaps even he couldn’t handle the fact that your death certificate was ready to be signed soon, and was trying to not be tormented by the fact. Or perhaps he was just angry.
“W-why?” You croak.
“I convinced him to come stay here while I go pick up a fresh change of clothes, but it took me quite a bit of arguing.”
You feel sad for her. She’s clearly paranoid — you can hear it in her voice, the shake lingers throughout. Yet she holds it in, trying not to let you worry about it.
You don’t answer her question. The last thing you need is for her to get mad at you too, though you doubt it. Your mom has never been the kind to yell at you for anything — provided, you’ve never given her a reason either.
“Do you think he’s mad because I didn’t tell him about the person who didn’t return m-my l-lo-ve…?” your throat goes dry towards the end and your mother quickly hands you a glass of water. You chug it down and sigh in relief, breath still short.
“Is that person him?” Your mother questions with her gentle, soothing voice one that can make you relax on the first listen. There’s no use lying to her, you figure. She knows you too well to do that, plus, like you said, you couldn’t bring yourself to end your days with her on a lie.
“Oh sweetheart,” She brushes some of your hair off your face, sitting down again before drumming her fingers against the back of your hand gently. “I don’t think he could be mad at you.”
“But he is. Didn’t y-you see? He didn’t bother to meet me as much after our argument. He’c c-clearly mad.”
“Hmmm,” Your mother ponders. “I don’t think so.”
“You don’t?”
“Nope. I have known him for a while, dear. He’s been with you for more than five years. Maybe he’s having trouble taking this in? Just like…” Your mother stops after that, but you know the completion.
Just like her.
“I’m sorry, mom.”
You simply don’t get it. You should be scared. You should be sad and devastated that your end was going to come soon.  You should be thrashing around and crying and wailing in despair — you just don’t have  the energy to even bother about your end. It’s depressing, but you know there’s no way you could avoid the inevitable, or get your lover to return your love.
Love wasn’t supposed to be something forced, it had to happen naturally. And if Jeongin didn’t develop it naturally, you just had to learn to live with it. Or not.
“Don’t be, darling. Everyone deserves to love, just like how they deserve it back. I wish it could’ve ended differently.”
“It’s alright mom. He loves me too… just not on the way I love him.”
You sniffle as a single tear runs down your chin, though you and your mom aren’t given enough time to speak more when you hear a familiar voice at the door. 
“Hey Mrs. L/N.” Jeongin says, shrugging off his half snow-covered coat before hanging it onto the bedside. Did he seriously walk in the snow? All the way here?
“Hello, Jeongin dear.” Your mother stands up, picking her coat before moving to fish the car keys from her purse. “Thank you for watching over Y/N while I’m gone, darling.”
“It’s no problem, Mrs. L/N.”
“Oh, so formal.” Your mom chuckles, though in her despaired state. “Y/N, you get some sleep, it’s about midnight dear.” She leans over to kiss your forehead while Jeongin excuses himself to the washroom, and you nod. 
“Good night mom.”
“Good night, and don’t worry about him. He’ll talk to you eventually.”
Oh, how reassuring. “Mhm.” You smile, closing your eyes to drift into slumber before Jeongin returns, because the last thing you need right now is to feel sad and cry over how you’d hurt him.
By the time the sound of the door clicking resounds through the space, you’re already asleep.
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 It’s way past midnight. Jeongin shouldn’t be up. 
Somehow, he still finds himself seated next to your bed, staring fondly at your calm features as you finally get the rest you’ve needed for the past few days. 
Oh, he wouldn’t be able to compare your sheer beauty to even that of the moon; even when you’re in such a fragile and vulnerable state. Your eyelashes are still and unmoving where they sit against your skin, your breath is calm and slightly wavering as you struggle to breathe slightly. 
His hand slips into your own gently, and his heart melts when you shift, tightening your grasp on his warm skin before falling into a slumber again.
Why was he mad in the first place? Jeongin feels dumb for acting so quickly on his emotions, especially when you’re in a bad place at the moment. He wants to wake you up and apologize, but he can’t, because you’re sound asleep — and that’s a good thing, since seep comes so scarcely to you these days.
Then, a single tear falls from his eyes. His thoughts traverse to the dream he had the previous night — you, cold, dead in his arms. Him, sobbing, trying to wake you up but you’re really gone. He can’t even hear your mother’s cries from behind him, because he’s devastated to know that you’ve left him. The dream had woken him up in a cold sweat — it was then he realised that he’d committed a mistake, and agreed to come visit you, because you had about 5 days left.
His thoughts then traverse to the conversation you had with your mother, while he was standing outside in the cold hospital corridor, curiously listening.
“Is that person him?” “Yeah…”
When he heard those words, countess, infinite thoughts crashed at his head; all at once. Nothing made any sense. The reality of the situation was dawning on him too quickly, and Jeongin was having a hard time processing it. 
You loved him? He was the person who didn’t return your love?
“Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?” He mumbles in confusion — so much confusion, so much hurt — he wanted time to just stop for awhile and give him a fair chance to analyze the situation.
But, once all the initial thoughts were out of the way, only one question remained:
Was he the reason you were going to die?
Jeongin felt like a murderer — like he’d just stabbed you in cold blood. He knows it is’t like that — just like you’d said, love should come natural. So why did Jeongin feel so bad? WHy did he feel like he was the one at fault?
A fond smile crosses his lips when he remembers the book where you keep all your flowers safely. Who would have thought your fondness for flowers would morph into the reason for your demise?
Quiet, hushed in the midnight wind, Jeongin gently brings out the rose he’d picked from his satchel. It’s almost relieving to see a rose in it’s true glory, without scattered petals or blood covering the flower. A part of him grows sad that you won’t be able to gush over flowers together anymore, he won’t be able to see your smile anymore. It hurts him. It stabs his heart over and over again, and Jeongin is pained — almost like he’s being put to death slowly — he wants the pain to end, but only suffers and suffers.
The stem has already been cut and the thorns have been thrown out. Jeongin leans over to tuck the flower behind your ear, fingers brushing against the almost cold skin at the back of your ear before letting another tear slip from his eye, running down his cheek and falling on your palm.
A strange, oh-so-strange feeling creeps up on him. It’s like… a fluttering in his heart? Jeongin can’t quite place it — heck, he doesn’t try to make sense of it. There are more important things to look at, right now. He suddenly has the urge to pull you into his arms and gently murmur sweet words into your ear — seems odd for a situation like this, but oh well, feelings are feelings.
He pats your hand gently and smiles, before moving to sleep on the smaller bed in front of your own. Not allowed to go far, though, because your grip on his hands tighten almost immediately, and Jeongin tightens to look into your eyes, sparkly and slightly droopy from the intrusion of sleep.
“Y/N, go to-”
“Stay.” You mumble, feeling your voice choke as the petals threaten to spill out for what seems like the millionth time. Yet, you manage to spill out another, “Please?”
Jeongin feels like he’s about to cry. Your expression is so, so hopeful, he can’t bring himself to deny. He wouldn’t in the first place, because who was he to deny what could be his friend’s last wish?
A sob bubbles up his throat, but he swallows it down, smiling with melancholy before following your weak pull on his hand, genty climbing on your bed before slotting himself between you and the steel grill that prevented patients from falling down. He gently tucks his hand under you and pulls you close to himself, tensing up for a second when you wrap an arm around his own, gently rubbing on it before drifting off to sleep. You want to cherish this moment — this could be the last time before you could never see him again. Fuck your medication for making you so drowsy. Or not, because you were certain you would start crying, and that would certainly not end well.
The whole room falls silent for two seconds, and you fall asleep almost immediately. 
And then, Jeongin releases all his tears, and everything comes crashing down on him. He breaks apart.
The world was too cruel to you. He was cruel to you. He can’t believe that in less than a week, you’d be gone. Gone from earth. Flowers had lost all their beauty for him, the moment he saw you coughing them up on that couch during movie night.
He wanted to do anything. He wanted any small sign to show that you would stay with him. He was in so much pain, he couldn’t accept your fate. He wanted to grab your hand and pull you to himself, keep you close, he couldn’t let go, he couldn’t give you up, he couldn’t —
“I love you.” You mumble unconsciously in your sleep, and Jeongin loses it then and there. His throat feels dry as tears flow and flow and don’t cease no matter what. His body shakes like a sobbing child, but thankfully you’re knocked out from the effect of your medication. He hasn’t cried this hard in a while, guess there’s a first time for everything. The three words pierce his heart, and they suddenly hold more meaning than anything — Jeongin wants to hear those words on a loop; he feels strangely ecstatic when you say them.
And so, with a shaky voice and a sorrowful tone, Jeongin replies after pressing a kiss to your forehead — “I-I love you, t-too.”
His eyes flutter shut and he basks in your arms just one last time, holding you close to himself as he finally, finally finds himself at peace, next to you.
When your mother finds you both snuggled up and asleep together, a smile crosses her lips. A hopeful smile.
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“Are you ready for your scan, Y/N?”
You feel oddly light today — one would say it’s because your body was close to shutting down completely, but your throat felt a bit, a tiny bit clearer and less barren than a fucking desert. Nevertheless, the scan does make you nervous. This would make clear how long the flowers would take to reach your throat — the doctor’s estimation was about three days, which seemed way too short for Jeongin.
Oh, how embarrassing it was when the nurses, all giggly and mushy-eyed, found you snuggled with Jeongin like a teddy bear at the early hours of the morning, waking you and Jeongin up and only cracking up more at your bewildered expressions when you find yourself tangled with each other.
Before the scan, Jeongin had held your hand softly, leaning down to press another kiss to your forehead. You’d shyly smiled, nodding before letting the nurse drag you to the scanning room.
The details of the scan itself aren’t important, it went pretty well — as decent as a scan could possibly go. You’re able to cooperate with your nurses pretty feasibly, you feel the sudden urge to get out of your wheelchair and try walking. Sure, you can still feel the choked feeling in your throat and the burn in your lungs, but somehow, it’s just a tiny bit lesser than usual. Maybe it’s because your painkillers are working more effectively. Maybe.
Jeongin’s waiting for you outside when you’re led out of the room, and he smiles when he sees you.
You don’t even remember what you’d said the previous night. All you remember was passing out while Jeongin was in the washroom, and then waking up to him cuddled up, warm and snug next to you. His features were clear and calm as the ocean on a sunny day, a small smile on his lips, as though he was dreaming about something happy. You hope he did, because that boy deserves the happiness.
“You seem energetic today.” Jeongin says, taking note of your perky demeanour, that only causes you to giggle slightly. 
Sure, you don’t remember the happenings of last night, but he does — and he’d promised himself to cherish every last second. Because in the end, it’s all he can do — for leading you to this state, for getting mad at you and wasting precious time in which he could’ve stayed with you. He’d promised to not let you live your last moment sad and desolated.
“I feel light, for some reason.” You mumble with a broken voice as Jeongin takes the wheelchair from the nurse, listening to what she has to say before bowing and nodding, leading you back to your room.
“What did she say?” You ask, fiddling with your thumbs.
“She said your scan results would come in an hour.” 
“Oh… alright.”
For some reason, you’re too joyous today, after the little surprise you got as soon as your eyes opened. You can’t seem to bother about the end— you want to live in this moment, right now.
When you come back to the room, Jeongin lifts you up bridal style, causing you to gasp before placing you down onto the bed. The nurse waiting there quickly fixes your IV and helps you sit into a comfortable position (though it’s hard when thorns keep pricking at your ribs) before bowing to the both of you, and leaving.
Your mother has once again left to go fix up the house, leaving you in the trust of your best friend. You aren’t complaining though, especially when Jeongin sits down beside your bed, taking your hand in his before playing with your nimble fingers — just like always.
He looks gorgeous today. After a lot of nagging from your mother, he’d used the hospital bathroom to wash his face and comb his hair neatly, and you’re happy about that because he looks fresher and happier than ever. You want him to be smiling and happy, even when you leave, because… did you need a reason? You just wanted him to be happy and content with his life.
The thought invokes an angsty feeling of melancholy, but you brush it away, trying to focus on Jeongin and the silence that drops on the both of you like a warm blanket. You smile softly at him, gently letting go of his hand before tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear, almost melting when Jeongin’s eyes flutter close.
“Hey Jeongin?” You call, grabbing his hand once again and interlacing the fingers together.
“When I… leave,” You notice the twitch in his expression, but nonetheless, continue. “Will you bring me flowers every week?” 
You remember the red rose you’d found tucked behind your ear when you woke up — it had dried up a bit, but nonetheless, it was one of the prettiest objects you’d ever seen — even though there was a whole bouquet of them spewing out your mouth every two seconds.
“I will.” Jeongin sniffles. The thought of having to visit your grave every week to bring you flowers is immensely saddening, but Jeongin agrees anyways. He agrees, for you.
It’s the least he can do.
It’s funny how you say “leave”, like you’re going to your hometown for a month-long vacation and not actually like you’re going to be buried any time soon. Jeongin thinks it’s because you don’t want him to get too sad over his loss — a stupid thing to wish — Jeongin knows this loss is going to affect him in more ways than one.
“Jeongin, d-don’t cry…” You cup his cheek, gently brushing your thumb against his cheek and wiping away the tears that fall, one by one. Jeongin shakes his head, placing his palm on your hand and smiling at you.
“Can you do me another favor?”
“As many as you’d like Y/N.” He says. He’ll do anything you want — it’s your last wish after all.
“Bury me with my flower journal, please?” It may seem like a weird claim to bury oneself with a dusty old book, but Jeongin understands the significance — you want to hold onto those memories you made with him while writing it together, while picking flowers together and all those happy moments you exchanged.
Jeongin tries not to let his voice break again. “I will.”
You beam at his acceptance. Jeongin feels the slight thump of his heart against his chest, and a warm feeling envelopes him from inside. He’s suddenly overcome with an urge to press delicate kisses on your eyelids, though he tries to shoo it away, because it isn’t the main point of focus right now.
But soon your mother walks in, and it’s all small talk and deep conversations with her at the same time. You have breakfast, persuade (more like force) Jeongin to scarf down his meal and giggle about some random jokes thrown here and there, until the doctor comes in. Both Jeongin and your mother stand up, bowing and wishing good morning while you do too. Wish, not stand up. You’re basically tied to the bed at this point.
“Mrs L/N, I’d have had a word with you in private, but I think Miss Y/N needs to hear this too.” 
“What is it, doctor?”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and Jeongin’s grip on your hand tightens, thumb rubbing over your skin to soothe your obvious tension. The doctor slides the transparent, firm sheet off it’s envelope before letting the sunlight hit the back of it, in order to enable a clearer viewing.
“This is… the most unusual case I’ve ever seen, but —” He points to a junction on the scan. “The flowers have actually reduced in amount, and they've separated from the windpipe by a whole two inches. See?” He points at the edges of the lungs and at the windpipe, but you understand what he means. The flowers are there, no doubt, but it’s almost like — a whole stem of them just disappeared into thin air.
Of course this could’ve been because you coughed them up, but the coughed up flowers go instantly, or so you’ve heard. There’s confusion written on all of your faces right now.
“Is that why I was feeling lighter and easier to breathe today? Because the flowers withered off and gave more space for air?” You ask in your low voice, and your doctor nods.
“Seems like it. Do you have your previous scan?” Your mother hands it to him quickly after a great deal of fishing out of her purse.
He places the earlier scan behind the newer one, and suddenly, you can see what he means. It’s almost like they shrunk — you don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but nonetheless, you’re happy you can breathe a bit more.
“What does this mean, though?” Jeongin asks, bewildered at the strange news. The room is so quiet and the tension is thick enough to cut with a knife, and you can see both your mother and Jeongin waiting for the doctor’s words.
“It means that we’ll take another scan tomorrow, a deeper one. And check if the flowers are actually collecting somewhere else, or just disappearing. And if they are disappearing…” He trails off, and you giggle when Jeongin and your mother lean forward in anticipation, though curious yourself.
“She’ll be home by Christmas. Or even earlier, if the recovery speed is fast.”
“Y-You mean… I can be cured?” Your voice shakes with hope, and the doctor smiles sweetly at you, before nodding.
“Yes dear, you’ll be the first patient who’s walked out of this place cured from hanahaki.”
At that moment, it almost feels like every flower inside your chest wilts out — you feel so light, so ecstatic. You’re over the clouds at the news, and don’t even hear your mother’s cries of thankfulness before the doctor heads out.
“Y/N!” Jeongin exclaims, ignoring the fluttering feeling in his heart and the burn in his cheeks when he cups your own. “You’re gonna come home!”
You shake with soft sobs, and smile at Jeongin.
“I’m gonna come home.” Provided the scan tomorrow showed a positive result, but you don’t bother to mention that part.
And the next day, when your scan results come back, a huge smile adorns your face, and your mother is in tears. Happy tears.
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The sunshine is overly bright today, leaving you squinting for sight, especially when you’re seated in a garden out in the open, book in one hand and the other one resting against the cool, moist grass. The air holds a musky forest scent, and you revel in the feeling of the shivers the cold air that cuts through skin brings.
The park is relatively empty for the morning — you’re glad it is, because it brings on a sense of calmness that you seem to like. The surroundings are just perfect — you don’t want anyone to disrupt your mood right now.
So yeah. The story ends that way. You recover, bit by bit, though it takes a whole bunch of time. There were times when you still had to cough out those petals, but you couldn’t be happier — it felt as though you were spitting out those vicious thorns that had tormented and threatened your life. The doctors had no idea how you’d managed to recover — but this was an interesting case to put into their portfolio, so they weren’t complaining.
And oh, you had Jeongin to help you through all of it, of course. 
It had taken you two weeks to be discharged from the hospital and be able to finally walk again, but when you did it — you felt like a whole new person, in a whole new world. Sure, you had to hold onto your mother or Jeongin wherever you went for the first week or so — it was almost like your legs had turned jelly.
When you returned home, Jeongin insisted that he take you to the garden every day, and when you complained that you couldn’t walk, he’d lifted you into his arms (bridal style, again) and carried you all the way there, and then given you a piggyback ride you all the way back home.
Eventually, you ended up telling him the truth — that the unrequited love that caused everything was because of how you’d fallen for him. You figured he deserved it, especially when he’d stuck with you the whole time without any hesitation and helped you whenever he could — he was truly one of the nicest, kindest people you’d ever met.
Of course, you were surprised when Jeongin only smiled and told you that he knew what you were talking about, and then proceeded to narrate how he’d overheard you in the hospital. Giggles left his lips when you gave him that meme-worthy look, making him shake his head before slinging and arm over his shoulder.
Surprisingly, that night ended just like the books — lovey-dovey confessions exchanged in the warm and intimate setting of the night sky, over shy smiles and lingering kisses. The both of you finally gave in to each other.
Huh, so maybe you were wrong about them — books — after all.
So when, your love was returned in the end, every flower in your chest had finally disappeared, and you couldn’t have been happier.
“You know when I brought you here I wanted you to help me pick flowers and not read a book?”
You laugh at the voice that comes from behind, closing the book shut before placing it on the side while Jeongin takes a seat beside you, hissing at the slight coldness of the grass. Ah, what a romantic scenario — green and colorful flowers as far as the eye could see, a book that you’ve been trying to finish but have never been able to because your boyfriend keeps interrupting you with his random outbursts of affection, and said person sitting right next to you.
“Well, you keep interrupting me all the time!” You chuckle, sliding a hand behind his shoulder before pulling him down to lie on your lap, and Jeongin complies. A sigh of content leaves his lips when he feels your fingers comb through his hair to rid them of any tangles — Jeongin feels stupid to not realise how much he loves you. It feels nice to call you his, feels nice to be able to say I love you, in all of it’s true meaning.
“What, I can’t cuddle my girlfriend now? Come on,” He takes your other hand in his, turning onto his back to look up at you before pressing his lips to the back of your hand. You feel the heat creep up your cheeks when he calls you his girlfriend, still not being able to take it in without growing immensely shy.
“You crybaby, fine. I’ll read the book later only because I love you and you give exceptionally nice cuddles.”
“Hmm, good.” He mumbles sleepily, eyes fluttering shut in calmness when he feels your fingers brush away any stray locks of hair that may get into his eyes. The reaction to your touch is so immediate these days, Jeongin thinks it’s a part of his routine now. Spend at least an hour admiring you in all of your happy, healthy glory.
Meanwhile, you’re sitting there, admiring his features in silence. His hair has grown longer now — Jeongin refuses to cut it no matter your endless verbalizations of how his original haircut looked better — and a small part of you has grown fond of this look too. His warm skin, and his sparkly eyes when he looks up at you, the bright, loving smile that he displays before getting out of your lap, kissing you on your lips to break you out of your focus.
The action only makes you more shy, and Jeongin laughs, cooing at your behavior before standing up, dusting his clothes off the dirt and extending his hand for you.
“Lend me a hand, will you?”
The line seems vaguely familiar and you’re overcome with a sense of deja vu, but nonetheless, you give him your hand, standing up before picking up your satchel and handing him his own.
“Now are you gonna pick a rose for me or do I have to do it myself again?” Jeongin raises an eyebrow and smirks, and you frown, slapping his arm before walking off to check all the flowers in their bushes.
“Hey, wait for me! Y/N!”
When he reaches you, he slides a hand into your own, interlacing the fingers before looking at you lovingly.
“I love you.” You both say at the same time, giggling at each other soon after — perhaps at how well you knew each other to time the confession so well.
So, this is how it ends. While you do think that things could’ve been handled differently, you’re glad that everything went the way it went, because in the end, you’d found him, he’d found you, you’d discovered your feelings together. You loved each other.
Because love and a red rose could never be truly hid.
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but what if she had never recovered?
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