#I do that sometimes
nkgrimmie · 1 month
something i like to imagine sometimes is that alan's creations are... him, in a way. tiny little shards of a full person that broke off in creation, giving them life. breathing life into them.
and despite that, they still have individuality. they're their own people, their personalities starting out were just akin to small little facets in alan's mind.
but the little pieces taken from him were so small, that there was no change. Like dipping an empty glass into an ocean. The amount taken isn't enough to really damage the ocean.
this kind of ties into my headcanon of humans being outer eldritch gods compared to sticks, so different and vast compared to them. so distant and far that in a lot of cases, humans don't even realize that sticks are people too. alan's just a special case cause he realized. anyways thank you for listening :3
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oopsallsyscourse · 7 months
I think fictives should make their icons characters from a completely different media. It would be funny.
Also break the assumption that alter with character icon = fictive.
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megamew-and-crew · 2 months
((Small update, no i will no longer be finishing the gala interactions. Its still cannon though and the trio are home again still waiting on Meg to find her way home…))
Tags i want to highlight:
Megamew Au- anything to do woth Meg and her crew
Stone Takeover- anything to do woth Stone and his crew
Mewten Crew- anything to do woth Eve and her universe
I clarify this because these are three separate universes that will eventually all tangle together for a time. I will be going back to tag the posts woth Stone, Lucia and Dev to make sure the tags ate all up to date.
Ill also be working on chrono links for both my blogs!
Buuut also… a little poll.
Would it make things easier to follow if Stone and his group had thier own blog instead of being on this one?
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notyourhotgothgf · 3 months
i love myself. i love the way i look
the way i smell
the way i taste
(just a little bit of blood below the cut🤍)
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sovenasark · 2 years
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Bonus! A Tigrex appears He screm
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onejellyfishplease · 7 months
Also now that i finished winkwonks gift I CAN FINALLY RESUME THE DONNIE DRAWING ive been avoiding it bc.. The arms.. I dont know what to do with the armss
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maybe im wrong on this so i didnt wanna ruin the post with my dumb tags (the last post i reblogged thats writing advice). but this is another one of those instances where its like... i feel like its important to look at the "wrong style of writing" and recognise that it still makes you some kind of way. it IS monotonous. it IS tedious. so if for whatever reason youre trying to convey that to a reader, do use the five sentence fics, fifteen in a row.
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lee-in-stem · 29 days
Currently thinking about how multiple people have messaged me and tried to be my friend on this app and I just dropped off the face of the planet and never responded to them again.
To all yall.. I am so sorry! I do that sometimes..
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mar-the-magician · 2 years
Man it’d be a shame if a warm golden-retriever-boy werewolf or a warm tsundere fire elemental or a warm big buff sweet himbo earth elemental or an incubus who canonically runs hot came up behind me to give me a hug rn. I wouldn’t like that at all. That’d just be a total shame. A bummer.
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ratsetflummi · 2 years
wait, i have questions. where did hunter think he came from?
we know he is a grimwalker created by belos, he calls belos his uncle, and belos talks about "their" family, so i figured he was raised in the castle and probably told that his parents died in a wild magic accident when he was very young
but in "hunting palismen" hunter told luz he thought he'd never have a future in a world like this until belos found him
what does that mean?!
"until belos found me" implies that he remembers living somewhere else before that! did they implant false memories in his head? surely they didn't actually leave him on some random doorstep and pick him up again when he was old enough?
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thegargantuangourdii · 11 months
I LOVE your art. What are some of your inspirations? It's unique and illustrative~ excited to see what else you make in the future!
Uh thanks so much!! I work loads on my art and I've always liked creepy stuff lol tho I try to keep things relatively tame. Some of my inspo comes from real life and my views on the world which this is coming from an autistic person afraid of the dark. I've always liked invader zim and how it made me feel very icky so I like to add that to my art. I also love the owl house and how it's so developed and can get really eepy )hollow mind( but also kinda cute!
A lot of my inspo comes from the material I'm using. On digital art, the piece I made really depends on the brushes I'm using, they seem to influence me a lot. The more textured the pen is, the more detailed or 'creepy' I'll make the art and the softer the pen, the more lighthearted it becomes.
I don't really have specific artists that I take inspo off of, I usually look for pose references and then let my imagination take over :>
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halinski · 1 year
I did such a buck move today when i aborted my attempt to drink water just to say&wave hi in passing to my favorite co-worker from above the stairway and spilled water over my work uniform, considering that my favorite co-worker is cute as hell, shorter than me, a single mother, we work amazinglu together saving animal lives and i could totally be gay for her if i weren't such an emotional clusterfuck
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mintycurry · 1 year
Good Omens s2? Oh, how lovely it is to see the show I watched to feel closer to a friend of mine return to my screen even as my relationship with her is no longer the way it was.
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elemental-alien · 2 years
Sketch vs Final
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So this was supposed to be a study on subsurface scattering that very quickly got away from me lol
Program: PaintToolSai 2
Character: My oc Sun
Time: Idk hours?
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sunset-mp4 · 2 years
i get, that yall have been waiting for BATDR for years. but please lets not forget the controvercys here.
like maybe we could do a fandom takeover and just- just seperate the characters from Joey Drew Studios / Kindly Beasts. but please- .
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
I know it’s like going back and forth but I think people are just really excited for the new album and are trying to connect dots that haven’t been drawn
I’m 100% certain non of them are unarchiving photos 😭
I don’t even think it’s because of the album I figured they were just bored going through old posts LMAO 😭😭😭
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