#liam payne one shot
lxndonorris · 8 months
cuddly needs - Liam Payne
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Y/N x Liam Payne Theme: a little bit of everything, (including cockwarming) summary: You're spending some alone time with Liam on his yacht and end up cuddling before it gets more intimate word count: tag list: @game-set-canet feel free to ignore ;)
The sun is shining brightly across the endless blue sky when you find yourself on a little yacht out in the middle of the ocean. Music is playing in the background while you're lying on a soft sofa. Right next to you, you find your boyfriend, Liam, who's enjoying the sun shining on his bare skin. He's wearing a pair of black shorts and a white cap, while you're wearing a light, dark blue bathing suit.
Liam invited you to spend some alone time with him. He wants to take a break from life, essentially, but he specifically asked you to join him. You've been with him for a couple of months now, and it feels like you've known him your entire life. That's why, when you look at him, you notice a spark of doubt flushing his face as his expression turns into a soft frown.
Liam has been like that for a while now, and you can't help but worry about him. He tries to hide those thoughts by smiling, laughing, and being his usual goofball, but at times like these, you can tell there is something else on his mind.
After watching him for a few more seconds, he turns his face toward you, and instantly, a bright smile spreads across his entire face. "Hey." He mouths breathlessly, and his entire demeanor and body language change. "Hi." You smile weakly, unable to shake these thoughts away. For a second, you contemplate what to do or what to say. 'Maybe it's nothing', you think to yourself, but after your eyes meet his once again, you can't stop yourself.
"Liam." You say it softly, and he raises his eyebrows curiously. "Is everything alright?" Swallowing hard, you fear that he plays it down or changes the topic, but instead, he frowns before letting out a long sigh.
"There is no point in trying to hide it, huh?" He smiles weakly and runs a hand across his own chest, something he'd do to calm himself down. "I just want things to be okay." Liam says, and his voice breaks.
"Which things?" You ask him, and you move a little closer toward him as he lifts his cap to run a hand through his sweaty hair.
"All things." He holds back a nervous chuckle. But before you can ask him again, he looks into your eyes. "The album, my friends, my family, and my fans." Liam avoids your eyes, ashamed. The last few years haven't been kind at times, and it shows.
"Oh, Liam." You say, worried. He plays with the bracelet around his waist, and his expression shifts rapidly. Liam is nervous, but he tries to play it cool because he doesn't want you to worry about him.
"That's why I need this." He says this, lifting his gaze to meet yours again. "That's why I want you here." Liam places a hand on your thighs, and his expression finally softens again.
"Okay." You say, smiling. "Tell me what I can do to help you relax." Placing a hand on his, you try to comfort him, and he smiles.
Without the need for another word, he opens his arms, inviting you into a loving hug. You wrap your arms around his firm chest and start stroking his back as he does the same. With this warm embrace, the faint scent of his cologne tingling in your nose, and the way his fingers run along your spine, you can't help but giggle.
Liam just purrs contently, and together, you manage to lie down. With Liam on his back, you're partly lying on his stomach, causing him to growl. "Eh, uh. Hold up." He mutters, trying to adjust his body to yours to make it more comfortable for the two of you.
"Like this?" You shift your bodyweight, causing him to growl again, but that makes you giggle. Feeling his hands all over you, you can't stop giggling while he tries to find the perfect position, until he lets out a low, guttural groan.
"Like this?" Liam giggles now too, and it is perfect.
"Feels good, yeah." You say this, steadying yourself against his strong chest with one hand while the other is around his back.
He licks his lips and turns his face toward you when you start stroking him gently. "Mhmm." He purrs happily and leans in, placing sweet kisses on your mouth, your cheek, and your neck.
"Liam." You breathe and run your fingers down his chest, feeling all of his muscles react to the slightest touch of your fingertips. That's when you feel his fingers stroking the small of your back and running along your waistline.
"Thank you for being here with me." Liam says quietly, and you feel his hot breath on your neck, burning your skin. Goosebumps cover your arms as you lean your head back, taking in a deep breath.
He replaces his breath with more soft kisses before you regain your composure and lean into him as well.
"Always." You say, moving one hand along his arms. Admiring his ink, you let your fingers trail the outlines of his tattoed sleeve. Liam enjoys this and can't help but watch as your fingers brush over his skin.
"That feels so goood." He growls and turns his head back to you, placing more kisses on your neck. Every time his lips touch your skin, even when they just brush over you, it sends shivers down your spine and, after a few more, your entire back.
"That tingles." You smile widely and start to stroke his muscular chest again and again. Enjoying how all of him gets more and more into this, you tease him a little further by playing with his erect nipples.
"Mhmmm." He growls against your skin and moves his head to meet your eyes. "I love you." Liam smiles weakly before his face softens.
"I love you too." You smile softly as well and kiss him as you run your hand down his sweaty chest, making him purr into your mouth.
After a few seconds, he uses his tongue, spreading his sweet taste all over your mouth. It feels incredible. To feel his skin, his muscles, and his chest hair, accompanied by his taste and the faint scent of his cologne hovering all around you.
Liam strokes your back and your shoulders as you make out. "I'm getting hard." He tilts his head and chuckles, his now-sleepy eyes and rough voice giving you goosebumps everywhere.
"Already." You smirk and check by running your hand even further down his chest, through the visible outlines of his abs, following his treasure trail down to his crotch.
You can tell his desire is building up quickly by feeling a bulge form inside his black shorts. As soon as you touch his length, he smirks and tilts his head slightly.
"That's the effect you have on me, babé." Liam grins and goes in for another, more passionate kiss. You embrace his lips on your own and grab his member firmly, causing him to let out a single muffled moan.
"Do you want to do it now?" You separate yourself and ask him, knowing how much he loves to cuddle while inside you.
"If you want to?" He places a hand on your neck and strokes your cheek lovingly.
"Okay." You nod in agreement, and together, you help him slide out of his shorts just enough to expose his length. Liam touches himself as you do the same.
You move in closer again, and gently, he slides into you. He makes sure you're as comfortable as before, but the feeling now is even more intimate and intense.
It's an incredible feeling to be that close to him, and you move together as one. You feel his hands all over you again while you focus on his firm chest, his tight abs, and all of his tattoes.
From time to time, either one of you lets out a soft moan, a groan, a sigh, or just a growl.
"Mhmmm. I love that feeling." Liam chuckles softly and places kisses on your collarbone.
Holding back another moan, you bite your lower lip and return the favor by kissing his neck, and his stubble tickles your lips. "Me too." You smirk and lick your lips, both of you embracing each other.
You stay like this for a little while longer, fondling each other's bodies gently.
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1dpreferencesbr · 8 months
Imagine com Liam Payne
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diálogos: Por favor, não minta / Eu já sei de tudo / Você estava com ela(e) e depois mentiu sobre isso / Eu não preciso ouvir, é sempre a mesma coisa / Você pode ser honesto comigo pela primeira vez? / Já estou farta das suas promessas vazias / Me deixe te amar como você merece
Meu nariz arde de tanto passar o lenço, meus olhos doem e eu me sinto horrível. Encaro toda a decoração ridícula de comemoração que preparei. As velas já queimaram até o final, o jantar esfriou há muito tempo e a foto de Liam e Cheryl em um restaurante chique ainda estampa a tela do meu telefone. 
Já é quase meia noite quando decido acabar com a humilhação própria e volto para a minha casa. 
Era para ser uma boa noite, uma noite para comemorar o primeiro ano do começo das nossas vidas juntos, mas, pelo visto, meu namorado preferiu passar essa noite com a ex mulher. 
Sentada no tapete no meio da sala, deixo mais uma vez que as lágrimas escorram. 
Meu peito dói. Não tem alívio. 
Batidas fortes na porta me acordam. 
Três da manhã, só pode ser uma pessoa. 
Sem encará-lo, deixo que entre. Liam dá passos nervosos até a sala pequena, encontrando em cima do sofá a caixa do presente que demorei semanas para conseguir escolher. 
— Eu cheguei em casa e você já tinha ido… — Ele fala baixo, ainda de costas. Sua voz me causando ainda mais dor do que posso suportar. 
— Onde você estava? — Pergunto, sem esconder a mágoa em minha voz. 
— Bear teve uma emergência médica e… 
— Por favor, não minta. — Imploro. — Eu já sei de tudo. — Como se estivesse em câmera lenta, Liam virou. Encaro seus tênis brancos, sem coragem nenhuma de olhar em seu rosto, isso apenas me destruiria ainda mais. 
— Amor… — Ele tenta se aproximar, mas eu dou um passo para trás. 
— Você estava com ela e depois mentiu sobre isso. — Sussurro, sentindo meus olhos inundarem mais uma vez. 
— S/N, eu… 
— Você pode ser honesto comigo pela primeira vez? — Grito. — Eu não mereço a verdade pelo menos uma vez? — Pergunto, passando as mãos com força pelas bochechas para afastar as lágrimas. 
— Eu estava com a Cheryl… mas não é o que você está pensando. — Sem apressa em dizer. — Eu juro que…
— Eu não preciso ouvir, é sempre a mesma coisa. — Digo com ironia. — “Não é o que você está pensando, não foi bem assim, não vai mais acontecer” — Enumero as coisas que tantas vezes escutei de sua boca. — Já estou farta das suas promessas vazias. 
— Amor. — Ele tenta se aproximar mais uma vez, mas eu não deixo. 
— A verdade, Liam. É só o que eu quero. 
— Encontrei com Cheryl para falar sobre a escola do Bear, fomos jantar para isso. — Ele suspira.
— No dia do nosso aniversário? — Pergunto, finalmente encarando o rosto que tantas vezes me trouxe alegria. A expressão de Liam se contrai, demonstrando que ele havia esquecido completamente da data. Sem conseguir mais segurar, deixo o soluço dolorido fugir, é preciso segurar na parede para que meu corpo não ceda. 
— S/N… 
— Você imagina como foi humilhante? — Sussurro. — Decorar toda a sua casa, fazer seu jantar favorito e esperar por horas como uma idiota enquanto você estava com outra. 
— Amor, eu… — Ergo a mão para que ele não chegue perto, e para que note que ainda não terminei. 
— Imagina como eu me senti quando vi em todos os sites de fofoca especulações sobre vocês? Eu fiquei horas esperando por você, Liam, horas. Sabendo que você chegaria e mentiria de novo sobre onde estava. — Escorrego pela parede, sentando no chão, sem forças para me manter mais. — Você sabe como eu me sinto, e mesmo assim você mente. Toda vez. — Dói. Tudo dói. O meu corpo e até mesmo os sentimentos que estou colocando para fora. 
— S/A, você sabe que eu não posso simplesmente deixar de conviver com Cheryl, ela é mãe do meu filho e… 
— Você quer que eu aceite seu filho, Liam? — Bato com a mão no piso. — Tudo bem! Quando começamos com isso, eu aceitei o pacote completo! Você e ele. O que eu não aceito é uma mentira nova cada vez que vocês dois se encontram! — Grito, sentindo minha garganta doer. Ele parece atordoado com as palavras, pisca lentamente algumas vezes e puxa o ar com força pela boca. — Eu não aguento mais. Não posso mais fazer isso. — Puxo minhas pernas para perto do peito, escondendo o rosto ali. 
— O que você quer dizer? 
— Não dá mais. — Dou de ombros. — Não posso viver assim. 
— Amor, não faz isso. — A voz embarga, me fazendo soluçar alto. — Eu amo você, por favor… 
— Se você me amasse mesmo, Liam, não mentiria pra mim. 
— Eu não vou mais, eu juro. — Sinto as mãos frias afastarem meus braços para erguer meu rosto. — Por favor, não me deixa. — Ele sussurra, me encarando com os olhos molhados. — Eu te amo. 
— Só amor não é suficiente. — Suspiro. — Não confio em você, Liam. 
— Vamos dar um jeito nisso, amor. Não desista assim. 
— Você acha que é fácil? Eu não aguento mais, Liam. Tenho guardado isso há meses, contando cada uma das suas mentiras, fingindo que eu não sei. 
— Eu não traí você, S/N. 
— Mentira também é traição. — Liam soluça, apoiando a testa em meus joelhos, deixando que suas lágrimas escorram pelas minhas pernas. 
— Me perdoa. Por favor, me perdoa. — Sussurra. — Me dê a chance de te amar como você merece.
— Liam… 
— Eu não vou mentir nunca mais, eu não vou dar motivos para que você vá. E, se no futuro você quiser ir embora, eu deixo. Mas vamos tentar, amor, por favor…
— Eu não sei se consigo. — Ele ergue o rosto, aproximando o corpo do meu, me tomando em um abraço desajeitado. Choro alto contra seu peito, molhando completamente a camiseta. 
— Vamos conseguir. — Sussurra, deixando beijos pelo meu cabelo. — Uma última chance. — Implora, me fazendo olhá-lo. — Por favor, meu amor. 
É uma decisão difícil de ser tomada assim. A mágoa ainda está muito recente, todos os sentimentos que transbordaram e foram expostos. 
Peço por tempo, e mesmo hesitante, Liam aceita. 
Por três dias inteiros considerei todos os prós e contras de seguir com a nossa história. A confiança abalada era difícil demais de ser reconstruída. Mas, em contrapartida, desistir do nosso amor sem tentar pelo menos mais uma vez também me parecia injusto. 
Digitei a senha na fechadura eletrônica para que a porta se abrisse. 
Ainda havia alguns resquícios da surpresa que havia preparado espalhados pela casa. Caminhei em silêncio, notando o corpo longo de Liam deitado no sofá, de costas para mim. 
— Liam. — Chamei, fazendo-o pular para sentar e me encarar. Seu rosto inteiro se transformou em uma expressão de choro no momento em que ele focou os olhos em mim. Como um furacão, ele se ergueu do sofá, praticamente correndo em minha direção, quase me sufocando em seus braços. — É a última chance. — Sussurro, passando os braços em sua cintura para retribuir o abraço. 
— Obrigado — Ele sussurra muitas vezes, com a voz embargada. — Obrigado, amor. Eu te amo. 
— Eu te amo, Liam.
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somebucky · 2 years
Somebucky’s One Direction Masterlist
One Direction (Some are requests, and some are not.)
Venture below the line for my Fanfics, and Oneshots of One Direction.
Preferences of the Boys
You’re Latina
Cute Date
Missing Christmas
Wearing His Shirt
“More than I do”
Surprising You
You’re African American
Gym Together
You’re Beautiful
Cute Moments
Harry’s Little Sister
Seeing Him Perform
Pillow Pad
Curvy - Z
Trigger Warning - Depression
Six Flags
Meeting Fans
The Conjuring
Beach Day
Break Up
Curvy - LT
Curvy - LP
You’re Sick
Pranking The Boys
High School: Getting into Trouble
Zac Efron
The Flu
Best Song Ever
You’re my Tomboy
First Concert
Everything has Changed
Scary Movie
Bad Dream
Not Pretty
Can’t Wait
Tickle Monster
Meet the Family
Driving Me Crazy
Preschooler Trouble
Fans give you bracelets
Basketball/Kiss Cam
Learning Dutch/Flemish
Award Presenters
Big Brother Harry
He’s Sick
Your son and Niall
Crazy Boys
Cuddle Buddy
Sick at Christmas
Road Trip
Truly, Madly, Deeply
Club Caddy
Too Perfect
Kids Coloring
Old Friends
Sick Kid
Home Again
Curvy - N
He’s just a friend
Curvy - H
Couple’s Shoot
Plus Size
The Date
Movie Night with the Family
Something Great
Making him Jump
High School: The Office
Fort Styles
He talks to your Dad
Marcel -BSE
Cousin’s Wedding
High School
Scared to Love again
My Family
Black Friday Shopping
Getting Married
Meeting Daniel Radcliffe.
Happy Birthday
Double Date
Date Night Plans
Working Out
Move in
Couple Name
Our Tree
The Hate
Play Fighting
Cake Making
Beautiful Face
Story of My Life
Cheesy Jokes
Meet the grandparents
It’s a girl
I choose you
Food Poisoning
Going to State
This page can be found under the url: https://somebucky.tumblr.com/somebuckywrites  and under the tag on my page #somebucky. You can also find all my writing on Ao3 under the pseud somebucky.
This tag is on all of my writings, so if you want to come back to my masterlist easily or find another work by me, just click the somebucky tag at each work, search my page or all of tumblr for the tag. :)
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1dimagineclub · 2 years
Liam Imagine
“Another One of the Boys Stares at You”
You were on tour visiting Liam for a few weeks and today you and the boys were going to do some sight-seeing. It was a hot day in Paris so you had on your favorite pair of high waisted shorts and a chiffon tank top. You and Liam were ahead of the group, walking hand in hand, and taking pictures of the different sights. You went to turn around to tell the boys that you guys were going to stop for lunch and you were met with Niall who was blankly staring at something.  It took you awhile to figure out just what he was looking at You followed his line of sight and it lead right to your butt. “Oh my god!” you said a little louder than intended. Liam jerked his head in your direction to see what was wrong, and that’s when he saw Niall staring. “Whatcha looking at Niall? Is there a landmark we missed?”, the boys began laughing as they caught on to what was going on. “Mate, you gotta be a little more discrete than that!” Louis said between fits of laughter. You were relieved that Liam stood up and said something for you. Niall made sure to stay ahead of everyone so there would be no more “staring”.
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midnightmemories-1-d · 2 months
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Something about off stage and soft harry makes me all happy. Omg please he looks so cozy in the last one
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harryxmarvel · 13 days
Shatter my soul
Summary : Harry has been suffering from an addiction and y/n decides to take time for herself or based on this ask
Pairing: rockstarboyfried!Harry x reader!y/n
Warnings: Angst
A/n: this piece turned so much better than I hoped for.
My masterlist
When they decided to take time for themselves harry and y/n were in a rough spot with not only their 11 years long relationship but their entire life.
After being falsely accused and getting fired from her dream job, gave up any and all hope y/n had as she came home to her love only to find him passed out in the middle of the living room.
His cocaine addiction was getting out of hand so much that he almost died of overdose saved by y/n who decided to come home early for some reason.He swore to never touch that stuff again but there he was high off his mind as he mumbles incoherently lying on the floor a week later.
The next day after getting him sober y/n decided it was best for them to take a break to figure out themselves and their life as she can't stand by him hurting himself like that. Harry had his issues, stress eating him alive at every wake hour ,he decides it was better if he wasn't in his own mind. The cocaine he could easily get his hands on was just a massive perk for him.
It had been a month and half. Y/n got a job at a restaurant and works as a bartender at night. She moved back to her old appartment after their break up and had been doing well on her own. She missed harry a lot even though their good days were well past months she still loved him, still wanted to help him and show him that she was there for him no matter what. She just wished he was doing better too. After their first week of breakup harry had called her high as he mumbled how much he missed her and promised to be better she just hopes he kept his promise.
It was a month later when y/n was at her favourite arcade bar with her friends. The place was a little loud with drunk men drinking beers and shouting at the screens.
They were seated in a booth after a good round of beers and  fun. She was mindlessly talking with her friend klara when the bartender calls her name.
Y/n walks to the bar and the bartender points to the payphone at the corner of the room.
They still got payphones
Y/n thinks to herself as she brings the phone to her ears. The first thing she hears is a sob which sends her into alert. "Hello?" She questions and the person on the other line replies "Baby, it's me.." he sobs out making y/n quiet as he continues "I'm getting sober. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I'd do anything for you baby. Just want you back, want to love on you like you deserve" he says breathing hard as y/n finds her words.
"I'm so happy to hear that H. That's what I wanted for you." Y/n says a smile breaking on her face as she tries to calm him down but he doesn't he keeps crying which makes y/n a little scared because it would've been really hard for him to be doing this alone.
Y/n should've struck by him, isn't that what their relationship should have meant. She feels incredibly guilty for walking away when things got worse but she did it wishing for the best and maybe it kinda did work out in the end and now all she wanted was to be with him and show him how much she appreciates him doing this for her.
"I'm gonna be there okay? I'm so proud of you baby" y/n says ready to hang up the phone but harry breaths out before she could "No, no i....you can't....I want you to but" y/n cuts him off in worry "what's going on H?"
"I wrote you a letter"he says and the other end is quiet as he continues.
"I wrote it so I could get everything out. I think?" He sounded so unsure his voice raspier than usual. " It should be in your apartment" he adds and y/n says she would read it and come by his place before hanging up the phone.
She bids goodbye to her friends after explaining them about the situation and then waving her off with a concerned look on their face as y/n walks back to her apartment. She goes through all her mail and finds the one harry had sent. Her name and address on the envelope.
She opens it and it had two sheets folded inside it. She didn't know what to expect as she reads through it.
My love,
             Today has been particularly hard without you by my side. My manager has been pressing me for the next album but how could I think about anything but you. It had been 8 weeks since I last heard your voice and I never knew how much it filled my life untill I couldn't hear it anymore and I think maybe that's what made me want to give up the drugs even if it feels like I'm drowning. I'd do it for you.
I still remember the tears in your eyes when you told me about you ex and how mad it made me. I wanted to bury him alive for hurting you like that. I never wanted to infect any kind of pain in you. I swore I never would when I saw the lack of trust in your eyes.
It killed me to see the smile on your face slowly fading away because of me. I wanted to hold you close and tell you I'd be back. We'll get all of the good times we had together back because that was what you deserved. But I couldn't save myself not for me but for you because you are everything i have left. The only person who stood by me through it all and maybe that's what made me realise I was nothing without when you left.
I was always honest with you even when I was out of my mind i tried to explain what I was feeling. I know you blamed yourself that you couldn't help me but this was my own battle and you were the warrior in the front ready to kill anyone even though you didn't have to. You were always there for me and I'm really sorry if I wasn't baby. Because
 You deserve better than that.
You deserve someone who would be there for you.
You deserve someone who would stay true to their promises.
You deserve someone who would stay good for you.
You deserve better than me.
You deserve every happiness in this world.
She is at the end of the page her soul shattered with each word when a knock on the door pulls her out. She has a few tears falling down her cheeks. She wips them off before opening the door to find her close friend klara.
"Hey , what ar-" y/n is cut off as klara bursts "I need to tell you something"
"Oh okay, come on in" y/n opens the door wider to let her in but klara shakes her head as she continues "No, I just need to tell you this....i" she's breathless and y/n patiently waits for her to continue.
"I slept with harry" she says after a few deafening seconds which stretches to minutes after the words are out.
"It was stupid and I was drunk and it just happened. We were both out of our minds and we didn't know what was happening. I'm really sorry y/n. I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm sorry"
Y/n is still as she listens to her ramble. All of y/n's friends hated harry something about him not treating her right while he was the total opposite.  She never knew why that was but to hear her bestfriend had slept with her boyfriend of years cut deep into her poor heart and the stabs just kept coming.
"It happened a few months ago and I couldn't stop myself from going back. I didn't mean for it to happen y/n you have to believe me" klara begs her eyes welled up with tears.
Y/n couldn't stop herself from thinking how much of a fool she was for thinking all those nail marks on his shoulder, love bites on his jaw and chest were from her when she knew it wasn't. The woman's perfumes he used to smell like made her realise it wasn't just Klara. And one thought kept haunting her mind as she stands on her doorway.
Had she really been that delusional ?
A/n: I think I just broke my own heart 😭. Who wants a part 2?
Check out my masterlist  if you are interested
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muserryy · 24 days
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It's 1.30 am. Another lonely night drags on as you toss and turn in bed, unable to sleep. for the last 15 minutes you tried to relax by closing your eyes but you just feel restless. In desperation, you decide to call the only person who would understand and comfort you right now. your boyfie, harry.
You place your phone to your ear after calling on his number, knowing he's usually up late. but just in case he's not you just hope. Two rings and you bite down a smile finally hearing his voice on the other end.
"where are you?"
"Where do you think I would be in the middle of the night, miss y/n?" he asks playfully, you can tell by his voice he wasn't asleep.
"I mean, what are you doing?" you correct with a laugh as you notice the sound of papers rustling from his end, as if he is shuffling through pages of a book and then a quiet thud. He'd just closed his book as if he could already sense this won't be a brief convo.
"I could ask you the same thing… Why are you still up so late? isn't it past your bedtime?"
"yeah.. I can't sleep."
"hmm, well i was going to sleep soon." you make a quiet sound in response. "What's keeping you up? Are you hungry?"
"maybe… I don't know, but now you'll have to stay up with me." you hear him chuckle as you twirl your finger on your stomach. you can't stop smiling to yourself. To be honest your stomach feels a little empty, but your emotions are a little mixed because you're not sure exactly what you need right now.
"Why don't you try and eat something and see if it helps, hm?" he spins on his chair, biting his pen between his teeth as he waits for your response.
"I don't feel like getting up…"
"c'mon honey… you should take care of yourself." you sigh, curling up on the bed as his words sink in. "I will stay on the phone with you, if that's what you want." Now that's better.
"Okay, imma go find something to eat then." you grin, getting up, and paddle to the door with your phone to your ear as you walk to the kitchen. "Okay I'm here…"
"good, keep updating me." he smiles, he likes it when you listen to him.
"alright… let's check the fridge first, though I know there's nothing left in there." he remains silent while you open the fridge and then close. He hears your huff.
"so, I assume the fridge is empty."
"It is." you murmur. "I had some chips left but I don't remember where I'd put them." you check the cabinets, and find a pack of biscuits which you don't feel like eating. You close it back and check another one.
"you're such a cute mess, aren't you?" he laughs slightly.
You flush and you're somewhat thankful he can't see it even though he knows how you react to his words. "Are you gonna do something now??"
"What do you want me to do, darling? all I can do right now is listen to you."
Another huff from you was heard. Your eyes are scanning the kitchen while he continues to speak on call. Your gaze falls on the basket that is on the top of the refrigerator. you bring it down and there they are.
"Found itt!" you hear a "good" from him as you pick the already open packet and by the weight you can tell only few are left. "but that's just a few."
"Now don't say that… a few chips are better than no chips at all."
"heyy don't talk to me like that." you say as you pop a chip into your mouth. he chuckles, thinking how you get embarrassed so fast.
"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just happy you're going to eat something." you hmm in response to him as you start munching the chips quietly. "and make sure you drink plenty of water too... it will help you sleep." you hum again while eating.
"What were you doing though?" you ask him.
The conversation goes on as he tells you he was studying before you called him. you move back to your bed but not before having some water like he said. you snuggle back down, pulling the covers over your body while you both keep talking about anything. mostly him as he chatter away telling you about some random things that happened recently. This continued for another hour.
You just listen to his voice and respond whenever you can but for the most part you just hum. You start yawning and sighing tiredly at some point.
"sleepy?" he asks.
"no," you reply, though you sound drowsy. "stay on for a few more minutes… plwase…" He smiles to himself, finding the moment very endearing. He continues to talk but now slightly in whispers for you. Your eyelids are heavy and are slowly closing and moments after you're too drowsy- to even speak a full sentence- when he calls your name to check if you're asleep.
"y/n?" his voice deep with a soft tone. "Are you falling asleep, sweet?"
you muster another sleepy murmur, telling him to stay on the line and he hasn't stopped smiling for the past few minutes. your grip loosen on your phone.
"don't worry…I'll be right here until you're fully asleep." He stays on the call, the whole time until you fall asleep completely. when he tries and speaks to you again, there's no response.
He hears the faint sound of your breathing as you drift into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of him calling your name and whispering sweet nothings to you, knowing he's still there for you, even if it's by phone.
"Good night, honey."
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1d-oned-1d · 1 year
for everyone's notice, this is my first time writing smut, soo please bear with me and tell me how I can improve.
warning:- kinky shit, smut, a whole lot of filthy hot smut.
pairing:- Y/N and Louis Tomlinson
inspired by his outfit at his documentary premiere. also don't mind me I'm horny as fuck atm and DO NOT JUDGE ME FFS.
summary:- y/n has a fear of thunderstorms. they're in the car and things get a little too steamy.
I slightly woke up because of thirst and irritating clothes when I heard our driver converse with sun. 
"Sir it's raining heavily and the car is stuck in the puddle, extremely sorry sir I'll just go and try to fetch a car for you and ma'am." the driver opened and shut the door. I whimpered as I heard another thundering voice. I slightly opened my eyes to see sun on his phone but then closed it back because of my sleepy mind. I was in that phase where you could listen to everything going on in your surroundings but even lifting a finger was too much of a work. The door opened again.
"Sir I found a car but it's only available for one person and it's going back to the city." He explained. There was a bit of silence until sun spoke up.
"Ok no problem, you might be having kids and wife waiting for you at home and worried, take the ride and head back." As sun completed the sentence, the driver gasped. I don't what made his gasp, probably him getting to go back to his family.
"Thank you so much sir, thank you so much, when I reach there I'll send another car for you." The driver exclaimed.
"Oh no need, we have already covered 3/4 of the ride home, I'll just a call an uber." sun explained.
"Are you sure sir?"
"Very sure, now go before your ride takes off." Sun chuckled, with one last thank you and a smash of the door, driver was on his way to his home.
"Shit! there's no network, looks like we'll have to stay here for the night." sun cursed under his breath. I whimpered again as I heard that, staying here was no problem, but staying in here with these heck of a clothes and with me being thirsty was a problem to me and not to mention thunderstorm. Sun picked me up and cradled me in his lap, brushing my hair out of the way to get a better look at my face but instead I snuggled my face into his neck.
"What's the matter darling?" He asked but I had no power to vocalize my issues, so instead I let him continue on what he was doing, that is asking questions.
"Is it because we're spending the night here?" He asked but got no reply
"Cold weather?" He asked again only to be met with silence and I shifted again in his lap trying to adjust my collar of the shirt.
"are you thirsty? are the clothes irritating you?" He questioned once again but this time I meekly nodded in his neck. He bent forward with me in his lap and put a water bottle in between my lips.
"Come on darling sip it." as he said, I started sipping it, soon enough quenching my thirst. He pulled away the sipper from my lips and bent again. What is wrong with this shirt aah! I tried shift again only to be stopped this time with sun's hands firm grip on my waist.
"Oh it's ok babygirl let daddy change you into his tshirt." He rasped and I was shocked by the change of his mood. While I was on his lap he shuffled below me for a while, only to make me feel his skin, meaning he probably removed his tshirt. With somehow collecting some power left in me I tried to unbotton my shirt.
"No babygirl, daddy will do it, just go back to sleep." He stopped my hands movement and set it in my lap, slowly himself working on my shirt. He was painfully slow while unbottoning my shirt but thankfully he shrugged it off me. I was ready for him to put his shirt on me but instead I felt his one hand on my waist and the other hand on my face as he kissed me. I returned the kiss and he moved his lips down to my jaw, the spot below my ear to finally the sweet spot on my neck making me arch my back and moan out his name.
"Sunn." I breathlessly moaned, he squeezed my waist harshly and marked my neck. He moved down to my cleavage and roughly marked me there too.
"It's daddy to you, you like it don't you when daddy plays with you, do you want me to play with you babygirl?" He rasped and went to unclasp my bra but I stopped him. 
"Yes daddy I want you to play with me but I'm very sleepy." I moved his hands to my waist and shifted closer to him.
"Babygirl I'm not asking you to stay awake, you can sleep and let daddy play with you for a little while." 
"No daddy I want to sleep, I want to sleep with you, you can play tomorrow." I spoke as I started feeling hazy in my mind.
"Princess I'll sleep with you, just let me play for a little while, and you don't want to make daddy angry do you?" He slipped his hands in my skirt and underwear and squeezed my bum, kneading it.
"No daddy I want to sleep, you're being an arse." My eyes shot open as I finished my sentence. One thing that daddy made crystal clear was, I was never supposed to curse or else he'll punish me.
"Okay enough, up and strip." He growled removing his hands from my skirt. "Now" he slapped the skin on my back when I didn't try to move even a little bit. I shifted from his lap and quickly removed the pieces of clothing which were left on me while he was watching me like a hawk watching his prey.
"On my shoulder." He roared making me whimper. Usually he would bend me over his knees if I was being bratty but when he meant over his shoulder it meant I was in serious trouble.
"I'm sorry daddy, I promise I'll never say a bad word again and you can play with me as you like." 
"Did I ask you about your opinion my little slut?" he asked making me shake my head but all he did was raise his eyebrow at me.
"No d-daddy." I stuttered. I better use my words if I don't want to get in anymore trouble.
 "Good now on my shoulder."
"Yes Daddy." I nodded and stood on the seat with my knees on the either side of his legs as he slid down a little to come face to face with my boobs. He further pushed his head in my chest and started licking in between both my breasts as he spanked my backside making me moan and clutch his shoulders for leverage.
"You like it don't you, you little whore. How I wish I could see your face while I punished you, I wish we were in our room." he mumbled, suddenly moving away from me and started fumbling with his mobile. In our room all you'll find is couple of mirrors, so he can see me no matter what he's doing. He set his phone somewhere in the car giving me my phone where I can see myself but the volume was on mute, he facetimed himself?!
"Daddy has two punishments for you, you'll count till 10 as daddy spanks you ok?" He demanded making me nod. "I can't hear you?" 
"Yes daddy, are you recording me?" I whispered, I was never actually comfortable with the idea of him recording me.
"That was the second punishment for you but you have option, daddy won't record you, if you don't feel comfortable babygurl." He sucked on my nipples making my head fall backwards and my eyes roll in pleasure, digging my nails into his shoulder.
"Are you upset with me daddy?" I asked with a very low voice.
"Yes baby girl, very." He bit on my nipple making them hard as ever and me whine for mercy.
"Then you can record daddy."
"Are you sure princess?" He asked.
"Yes daddy." I confirmed. He quickly took my phone from my hand and handed me in a minute or two, and I noticed the screen recording was on. he bent forward taking his phone to do the same thing and set back in it's place within seconds. Once again I was visible on my screen and he spanked me harshly catching me off guard.
"One." I whimpered, I could already feel myself getting wet and dripping down the thighs. I was ready for another hit but it never came instead he trailed his finger along my slit, making me lose my mind and arch my back only burying his face more into my breasts, that made him groan. I expected him to slip his finger in my entrance but he spanked me hard once again.
"Two." I moaned and he continued his torture on me by sucking on my breasts and spanking both my ass cheeks one after the other giving me no time to breathe.
"Three four." I gasped for air, he removed my right breast from his mouth, not before taking my left breast in his mouth and biting it harshly. 
"doing so good for daddy, my little whore, I'll think I'll move it to twenty for you since you're enjoying it." He moaned in my breasts.
"No daddy I'm so sorry." I whimpered but only to be met by another sharp slap of his on my backside. "Five" I counted. Soon enough 20, moved to 30 which further moved to 50. I had tears running down my face as I couldn't control anymore of his teasing, I just wanted his fingers and him inside me.
"Please daddy please." I requested as he pinched my bud roughly. 
"aww just look at your red little glistening pussy, so red , please what baby?" He slapped my breasts, squeezing it harshly and kneading it.
"your fingers, I want your fingers inside me daddy, I want you inside me daddy." I moaned breathlessly, not being able to contain the euphoric feeling as he started running circles on my core in an extremely fast pace.
"You like it don't you, getting punished, getting spanked, so wet from all this, such a filthy little slut, like this baby?" He cockily asked as he pushed two fingers in me and started pumping in and out. Unconciously I tried to close my legs and I guess he noticed it because he further spread his knees which in turn spreaded mine and made me squirm while he continued pumping his fingers in me.
"Don't squirm, once again try to close your legs and I will stop" He roared as he started scissoring inside me with his fingers, not helping with the squirming at all, only getting me to squirm more and trying to close my legs. 
"I said don't squirm you whore and what is that? you tried to close your legs." He growled taking out his fingers and spreading his legs to spread my legs even wider and a burning sensation erupted in my core from being streched out too much making me whimper.
"Please daddy I'm sorry, please I want your fingers inside me, please I promise I won't try to close my legs but it's really difficult to keep it open." I begged him to just put his fingers inside me and fuck me. 
"You've really turned bratty you know, sorry babygurl but you'll be punished really hard this time. Not listening to daddy at all." He threatened. spreading his legs even more resulting me to cry his name out loud. He picked his coat and started rummaging through it, finally taking out his tie. Why does he even have a tie if he was wearing tshirt and a coat. He took the tie and tied it around my eyes like a blindfold making me arch my back repeatedly as he took my breast in his mouth. since my eyesight was closed off my ears perked up and I heard him shuffle around, he took phone from my hand and held both my hands behind my back tying it with a soft material, which now I guess was my underwear. He sat me down on the seat sideways, my back against his side and he pulled my knees to my chest. I was wondering what he was going to do when I heard the window descending and me getting wet from rain which was very harsh on my core, with every ounce of patience I tried not to squirm. Thankfully soon enough the window ascended up.
"Now listen to me babygirl, I'm gonna eat you out but before you're going to cum, you have to ask me okay?" He whispered in my ear, I nodded earning another slap on my core.
"Yes daddy." I moaned as he started rubbing circles on my clit once again. He shifted me away from him, lying me down on the seat to open my legs wide for himself.
"Oh so wet from me doll, I'm gonna eat you out so nicely." I could hear his smirk. He pinched my nipple with his thumb and forefinger and bit on my bud harshly, he entered in me with his tongue, lapping again and again in my walls, I locked my ankles behind his neck pushing him deep in me. I never knew how long somebody's finger could be until he entered his fingers in me straightaway hitting my g-spot making me a moaning mess below him. His tongue and fingers working ruthlessly in me until I felt a pressure in my lower abdomen making me pant.
"Daddy!" my eyes rolled back, not knowing anything while he curled his fingers in me removing his mouth from my core to attack my breasts, just increasing the pressure a lot more.
"Oh how daddy loves your breasts darling, so soft, wish I could have them in my mouth all day, you know how hard it is to resist myself when I see you like this under my control, all tied up, just waiting for daddy to pound into his little whore pussy." he kneaded one of my breasts as he sucked on the other one all while fingering me, sending my mind into a frenzy state.
"You feel the pressure in your stomach baby? that means you're going to cum" His voice dangerously calm but I knew he was onto something devilish. 
"Yes daddy I feel it, I'm going to cum daddy." I moaned, the pressure growing even more when he scissored again inside me but suddenly everything stopped, his hands, his mouth, everything, leaving me frustrated and whining.
"Oh babygurl didn't think I'll let you cum this easily did you?" He laughed, holding my thighs apart to constraint me from creating any friction between them. Few minutes after the pressure in my stomach subsided and I was left horny, juices dripping to my thigh, he turned me around, my ass in the air, face squished into the leather seat and started eating me out, his hands never leaving my breasts. After a few more minutes of torturing I could feel a little pressure again in my stomach. He removed his tongue from me and pulled my ass cheeks apart, licking between them as I shoved my ass into his face for anything more he could do, which resulted in him licking my hole recklessly. He once again removed his face and pulled me towards him by squeezing my neck and jaw from the front.
"How are you doing babygurl, any pressure down here?" He asked, removing his hand from my neck and moving it further south to my core and inserting three fingers in me harshly, pumping at a very high pace while marking my neck.
"Yes daddy yes, I'm going to come daddy." I whined, pushing myself further more into his chest. He removed all three fingers from inside me only to push them in me again. I was gasping for air, as his pace increased even more than before. How is that even possible?
"daddy I'm going to cum, can I cum please?" I pleaded. My breasts bouncing with the movement in between my legs.
"hold on doll, I'm still not done with my pussy, and if you dare cum, things will only worsen." he curled his fingers in me, hitting my g-spot again and again, pressure building in my stomach reaching it's peak as I cum moaning daddy's name, my thighs trembling and my head fell backwards on daddy's shoulder. I knew he purposely did this because he wanted me to cum to increase my punishment. 
"You didn't listen to daddy, daddy's going to pound in his hole and make you cum again and again until he's not done with you, ought to teach you some manners." he growled. He set me against the seat and I heard his belt clunk and his zipper moving meaning now he was going to fuck me senseless until I see stars. He undid his tie and my panties from around my eyes and hands. When I turned to him, he only smirked. I was beyond scared and excited for what coming next. 
"Out!" He demanded and I sat their confused. "out of the car my cute little whore" He opened the door ushering me out. It was still raining heavily making me shiver. I stood there getting wet before his further instructions. 
"On the car's hood baby." He got out after 10 mins or so with his belt and tie in hands. I quickly shuffled infront of the car to see him already on the boot, giving himself a few pumps. "Come on move your ass quickly." He demanded. I climbed onto the car and sat beside him.
"On my dick baby." He held his dick and aligned himself with me. "Sit down baby." He cooed but I knew very well the devil was soon going to unleash. I sit down on him and tried to keep my legs in between so he couldn't spread it but unluckily he caught on and set my knees on the either side of his knees spreading wide open until I cried out loud and held onto him once again.
"Oh baby I know, it's ok." He hushed and picked his belt and tie and tied my ankles with his legs only spreading them further, making me shout in pain. 
"Ride me baby, I wanna feel your bouncing tits on my face." He kept a hand on my waist stimulating me to ride him. He started agonizingly slow, grinding me on him every now and then, making me go mad and loose my common sense.
"Faster daddy, faster." I moaned making him groan, he spread his legs further, taking mine with his too. "aahh daddy no." I whined and he held my waist and started making me ride him faster. He spanked me, only increasing the pressure while my breast in his mouth.
"daddy I'm gonna cum." I started nearing my third orgasm of the day, afraid to be denied.
"Cum baby cum, you're not gonna stop cumming until I'm gonna cum, oh god how I wished I could record you." he groaned. I felt my walls squeezing him, making him throw his head back, his nails digging into my waist, my legs started trembling and I released. Just as I released he picked up his pace and streched his legs, it felt like I could rip apart anytime from being this wide open. I felt the pressure build again it was not minutes before I released again. He quickly untied both our legs and rolled us over. He pounded in me remorselessly with rain having no mercy either. I needed something to hold on, so I held onto his back, surely leaving scratches there. Only thing that could be heard in the moment was us moaning, skin slapping against each other and rain, as I came down from another high. God! sometimes how much I hate his self control, he could last for hours and he did. I released about countless times but he was still nowhere near.
"Please daddy I'm so sorry, please cum daddy." I whined and he pounded into my overly sensitive clit. Once again I released, shrieking, but this time I was not the only one, daddy released too. He filled me with his cum as he rested his head on my shoulder while I pushed out his wet hair from his eyes. He pulled out of me and rested on his side pulling me close to his chest. after a few more minutes of resting on the hood of the car, he got down, and picked me up bridal style and headed inside the car. I winced as he set me down, laying me on the seat and quickly got in. 
"You did so good princess, so good for daddy." He kissed me on the lips and picked up my shirt. He started cleaning me, he cleaned my face, jaw, neck moving to my breasts doing nothing sensual but cleaning me and then moving to lower part. He cleaned between my legs as I could feel his breath on my core, he left a quick kiss there and moved down further cleaning my legs. He again held me up as he dressed me into his tshirt and underwear when I winced.
"What is it babygirl?" He asked taking his hands in mine.
"It's paining down there." I muttered looking down.
"So sorry princess must be really sensitive." He laid me down, removed my panties and blew some air on my pussy making me shudder and close my legs.
"It's ok baby I'm just gonna blow some air so it feels good." He opened my legs and blew on my pussy for a couple of minutes before closing my legs and letting me rest.
He quickly dried himself up, wore his boxers and laid himself on me, only to flip us, so now I was on top with my face in the crook of his neck as he held me closer to him with his hand rubbing my back. 
"I'm sorry if I was too hard on you baby." daddy whispered from below me.
"It's fine daddy." I replied and kissed him on his neck because it was closest to me.
"Couldn't help it darling, all night you were looking so pretty, all I wanted to do was show you how pretty you were." He mumbled against my lips, making me turn beet red and burst out giggling. "My cute little babygirl." He kissed me on the lips and then my forehead. Feeling content in each others arms we fell asleep.
I told you I wasn't lying when I said it was kinky shit.
Requests are open if you want anything specific, I write oned smut so yeah.
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harrys-yellow-snow · 11 months
perfect - an h.s one shot °•. ✿ .•°
word count: 2.5k
themes/triggers/tropes: fluff, angst, lime (do people even say that anymore), arguing, fake dating, relationship...fixing?
It’s been months. Months since that last call, and even longer since that last text. She couldn’t stop thinking of the way she ran her hands through his soft hair. Or the way his fingers traced her jawline when he rested his head in her lap. She hated to admit it, but she missed it. 
Nova looked out her window, admiring the view of New York City from ten stories above ground. The Empire State Building could be seen in the distance. Manhattan was beautiful from the air, but looking down made her nauseous sometimes. 
Most of the time, she kept glancing down at her phone, waiting for a notification. Not just from him, but from anyone.  Her friends, her family, or even people she hadn’t spoken to in years that somehow still had her phone number. Yet, it stayed silent. No sign of life had come from her friends. She hadn’t spoken to anyone in a couple days. Some days, she liked it that way. But other days, like today, she missed them dearly.
She slid off the windowsill and made her way into her kitchen. Nova’s apartment had two rooms, so it was just across the way. Her bed and the bathroom connected from the living room and dining area. She didn’t spend as much time there as she should. The white marble cabinets glistened in the natural sunlight coming from the window. She opened the one above her and took down a box of cereal and a bowl. She liked her cereal dry. She knew she shouldn’t, but it didn’t matter. She sat down at the dining table and began to eat.
It was hard to swallow. Yes, she enjoys dry cereal, but her throat was tight. So were her eyes and her fingers. Nova hadn’t even realized how hard she was gripping the table. She knew she should be over him. It had been months. But she couldn’t stop staring at the empty chair across from her, imagining the perfect way his eyes lit up and the creases that formed near his cheeks when he smiled. She loved his dimples, getting deeper every time she tickled him. As all those memories came flooding back, she slammed her bowl every time she took a spoonful of cereal, She carefully reviewed each and every word she wanted to say to him as he was leaving, as well as the curses she screamed when the door shut for good. All that was left was the smell of his cologne on her sheets. It was impossible for her to sleep in them without thinking of the pain it brought her. All the mistakes she made that night, all of the horrible things she said without realizing. She wanted him back. That’s really all she needed to say.
Nova finished her breakfast and cleaned her dishes. The clouds slowly drifted away from the sun, revealing a beautiful blue sky and a perfect horizon. She looked down from her window to see groups of people cluttered together, walking down the sidewalks. She remembered the countless bags in her hands and the long credit card bills she received. It seemed to be a coping mechanism to get him off of her mind, but it didn’t work all the time. It brought back memories of all the money he spent on the clothes she didn’t deserve. They were deep in her closet, never to be worn again.
Speaking of clothing, she slipped on a light orange t-shirt and a pair of white pants. Her black and white sneakers were a bit tight around the toe, but comfortable overall. She locked up her apartment and made her way down to the street.
When Nova made her way out of her apartment building, she was instantly hit in the face with blaring heat. She felt a bead of sweat drip down her forehead as she started walking. This level of heat always gave her headaches if she wasn’t prepared. The light of the sun reflected off of the cars parked on the side of the road. Puddles were still on the curbs from the rainstorm a couple of nights before. Patches of grass poked out from the cracks in the sidewalk near the drains. All of these disfigurements made her realize not everything was perfect. 
Nova headed down at least ten blocks before she got to Times Square. She made her way through the bustling crowds to get a clear view of the New Year’s Ball. However, a pit in her stomach grew as she remembered their New Year’s kiss. On the balcony of his apartment, the ball drop could be seen half a mile away. The spotlights were flashing, but so were cameras below them. The flashes reproduced, which caught their attention. He shrugged, gave the paparazzi the finger, and they headed back inside. They wouldn’t leave him alone.
For the longest time, she thought he would never leave her alone, but that wasn’t the case. She shook her head, telling herself to snap out of it. She had to get over him sooner or later.
The aura was beautiful. She craned her head to look at all the vibrant billboards giving off appealing flares of color. Pictures moved in unison, all across the Square. Then, she saw it. Him. 
Harry Styles Love On Tour: New York City. September 21-23. Nova froze in her tracks, letting everyone walk around her. She didn’t care about the dirty looks she received, or the people brushing her shoulders to squeeze through. As quickly as the billboard came, it went. She hadn’t seen him in so long. She refused to look at pictures, watch interviews, read articles, or do anything that had to do with him. 
Nova put her head down and kept walking, keeping an eye on her shoes. Out of her peripheral vision, she saw beat-down sneakers, luxurious Gucci boots, and blue flip-flops, but she glanced at her again. She bought these with her own money, not his.
As much as she didn’t want to think about the billboard, she couldn’t stop. His hair was slicked back with the perfect amount of gel. His casual mustache was gone, but his green eyes were sparkling. She thought of all the times he endearingly looked at her from across the room, waiting for a hug or a simple kiss on the forehead. When he wrapped his arms around her, pure bliss and red flush filled her cheeks. His chest was warm like a cushion. She would crane her neck up and rest her chin on his chest, getting a close look at his facial features. Some days, he decided not to shave, leaving small patches of extra hair on his jawline for her to trace her finger over. He moved his head around, squirming underneath her when his face was tickled. He’d pull her in for a kiss and she’d come closer to her. And that was only the beginning.
She had to keep going. Ahead of her was a long street connecting to Times Square, but only a few cars were parked next to the curb. She already needed time away from the bustling crowds, which usually didn’t happen.
No one recognized her. When the first dating rumors came out, her face could barely be seen, even though they were all after her. From the ground, the angle was strange. He was dressed in all black with his hands wrapped around her face, pulling her as close as possible. She was in a gray hoodie as small flakes of snow started piling in her hair. He pulled her hood up and smiled into the kiss, but then they spotted the cameras. After that, she didn’t remember much of what happened. Stories were released, which tore them apart. He was afraid they’d be after her, but they weren’t. She didn’t see many negative responses to the situation, but she knew there definitely were some. That’s what Harry didn’t want her to get caught up on. Then, they started falling apart, not just because of the rumors. They claimed they didn’t love each other as much as before. It broke her. Not just her heart, which she always thought was corny, but her physical health seemed to deteriorate. Sleep deprivation stabbed her like a knife, leaving her in terrible pain. That led to mental misconfigurations, cognition issues, and an overall pissy mood. 
After a couple weeks, Nova could barely function. She refused to go out, claiming she was too tired. The city was too bright for her. Too many people to get in her way. Maybe someone would recognize her, pull her to the side, ask her about her ex-boyfriend, possibly even threaten her for “breaking his heart,” when in actuality, he broke hers. She still wasn’t sure what she did, but it didn’t seem to matter anymore.
She came to the end of the street, both mentally and literally. Her thoughts came to a stop and so did the rough pavement. It went back to being a smooth, cement road, like they decided that this street wouldn’t be paved. In this state, her thoughts of the breakup weren’t paved. They were bumpy and hard to make out. She didn’t have a clear idea of what happened, what caused it, or what she did wrong. What was so wrong with dating him? Other than the fact that they were constantly being followed, she didn’t see anything wrong. New Years was the only night they were ever seen together, then the news somehow suddenly broke out that they had split up.
Mentally, Nova slapped herself, telling her to stop thinking about it. It had been hours since she left the apartment and no other thoughts came to mind except her own mistakes. That stupid billboard didn’t help. 
Her stomach grumbled, telling her it was ready to be fed again. Right down the road, there was a bagel shop. New York City famous bagels were something she craved for months at a time, even if she had them every day. As she neared the shop, she took a deep breath, taking in the crisp, burnt smell of the iconic bakery. She stepped inside and was taken aback by the beauty of her favorite shop. It wasn’t as crowded as it usually was on a Tuesday afternoon. She was just in time for brunch, possibly early lunch. She waved to the familiar man at the counter, who shot her a smile.
“Hey, Nova! What can I get for you? You want your regular?” This was the ideal time for his thick Brooklyn accent to shine.
“Yes, please,” Nova said. As her friend went in the back to place the order with the bakers, she looked around the shop, imagining the food was about to be receive. An everything bagel with ham, cheese, and pickles. She had a strange taste in food (no pun intended), but she didn’t mind. It was mostly unique combinations of healthy foods, but there were a lot of popular foods she didn’t like. She hadn’t eaten meat in a while because she went pescatarian a couple months ago…
Nova sat down at the table closest to the window and looked out at the street. People on both sides passed by quickly. She loved people watching. In airports, on subways or the bus, or at small shops like these. Her eyes scanned across the window, watching some people enter the bagel shop, watching some leave, or just watching some walk by. Her friend tapped her shoulder, making her direct her attention towards him and the basket of food he put down in front of her. She thanked him and began to eat.
This was a flavor she hadn’t had in a while. Smoked ham on a mildly spicy bagel, with a hint of sweetness from the cheese. It was perfect. 
Another ring from the opening door filled the shop. Most people turned their heads like little kids in class whenever an unexpected visitor arrived. Nova was one of those children, poking her head up from her basket after saving a droplet of cheese from getting on her shirt. His hair was short and dark. He wore a blue and gray flannel and light blue jeans. His feet were protected by black and white Adidas sneakers. When he turned around after placing his order, she saw his face. 
She hadn’t seen him in so long. Did no one recognize him? They made eye contact and his blue eyes lit up. A smile spread across his face as he made his way over to her table.
“Nova?” She stood up and they joined together in a quick embrace. He sat down and leaned his arms up against the table. “It’s great to see you again. I almost didn’t recognize you!”
“I know,” she grinned, focusing on her food to make sure she’s eating slower and neater than before he walked in. 
“How have you been?” He reached across and grabbed a lone piece of ham that fell from her sandwich and popped it into his mouth. She looked up at him and smiled, or at least tried to after hearing the question.
“I’ve been alright, thanks for asking,” her smile quickly faded and she took another bite of her sandwich. It was an irritated bite, knowing he’d ask more. He sighed and strung his fingers together.
“You’re not still thinking about him, are you?” he asked with a slight whisper. Nova swiftly looked up from her food again, getting a bit of a head rush. Her eyelids drooped, trying to regain her balance in her seat. She didn’t know how to respond. She knew he’d be upset if she told him, but if she lied, he’d know. With a slow shake of her head, she lied.
Niall sighed again, “don’t lie to me, Nova. This is serious.”
She refused to answer.
“Nova,” he started, rubbing his temple with his calloused fingertips, “you still think about him, right?”
“Yeah, I do. A lot, actually,” she finished the last of her bagel and pushed the basket aside. She looked out the window again. She knew Niall wasn’t there to bother her, but it certainly was working. He was one of her best friends, but hadn’t spoken to him since breaking up with him. 
“Why?” he simply asked. A mixed look of confusion spread across Nova’s face. Why? She didn’t know why. If she did, she’d probably tell him.
“I don’t know why. I just… do. I don’t know.”
“It’s been months–”
“I know it has. I don’t think I’m getting over him any time soon. I just,” she stopped her sentence abruptly to scratch her forehead and sigh, “I keep thinking about him. Everything reminds me of him. I can’t sleep because my bed is empty every night. I should be over him, I know, but I physically cannot.”
“Maybe you should get out of here, then. Live somewhere else for a while,” Niall suggested.
“Where? I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“I’m having a party next week. Maybe you can come and stay at my place in L.A. for a bit,” his Irish accent was more prominent near the end of that sentence. Sometimes, his accent is hard to figure out, either what he’s saying or what accent it is.
“Seriously? You’d let me live with you?”
“Of course. You seem pressured to live here,” he said.
“I appreciate that,” Nova replied.
“Call me when you’re ready to go.”
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heyangel28 · 24 days
ROCKSTAR || Harry Styles (Duplicity AU)
Warnings: Spicy, Smut, Daddy Kink, Gun, Violence, Mafia, Cigarettes, Drugs
A/N: This is a short story I wrote about Duplicity, where there is an extra member of Duplicity that’s dating Harry instead of Aven. It’s sort of a twisted tale with my own added characters and dynamics. Keep in mind that I do not own any of these characters (apart from Eva Turner) as they were originally created by happydays1d on wattpad but nonetheless, please enjoy this alternate version. Enjoy x
Niall Horan - backing vocals, electric guitar
Louis Tomlinson - base guitar
Eva Turner - electric guitar, vocals
Liam Payne - drums
Harry Styles - vocals, lead guitar
Kiwi (Main vocals- Harry)
Why’d You Only Call Me When Your High? (Main Vocals - Harry)
Sex (Main Vocals - Harry)
Sweater Weather (Main Vocals - Harry)
My Kind Of Woman (Main Vocals - Harry, Eva)
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Main Vocals - Harry)
Wanna Be Yours (Main Vocals - Harry)
R U Mine? (Main Vocals - Harry)
Out Of My System (Main Vocals - Harry)
505 (Main Vocals - Eva)
Bad Reputation (Main Vocals - Eva)
She (Main Vocals - Harry)
~ ~ ~
Eva Turner
A lit cigarette was weaved between my fingertips that worked on the delicate strings of the red, electric guitar placed in my lap.
I run a hand through my black hair, slicking it it back and out my face. Revealing my blonde roots where it needed re-dyed. I take a drag from the intoxicating stick of nicotine, letting the smoke rest on my tongue for a moment before exhaling through my nostrils.
My ears perk up when I hear a door being open, lifting my head up to meet the green eyes of my boyfriend. Walking over, he takes the cigarette from my hand and places it to his lips as he takes a long drag, leaning his head back and exhaling the smoke above him.
“Hey! I was smoking that!” I interject, throwing my hands up in defeat.
"It's bad for you, angel." He says, taking another drag of the cigarette.
“So why do you do it then?” I smirk.
"Cause I'm an idiot." He says before blowing the smoke in my face.
“Yeah, you are.” I mutter and waft the smoke away and go back to my electric guitar. Playing a small riff to test it.
He chuckles and walks over, sitting down on the couch, his knees right behind my head.
“Play me a song then.”
I pause for a moment before playing a small riff to one of our songs. He watches in awe as my fingers move along the frets. I finish the final strum and turn to smirk up at him.
“That was so hot Angel.”
I continue to smirk and put the guitar down, standing up and walking over to him. He smirks up at me as he pulls me down, making me sit on his lap. I turn to one side and grab the cigarette from out his hand, taking one last drag before stubbing it out on an ash tray in front of us on the coffee table. He places a light kiss to my neck as I do so.
Placing a hand on my thigh the other boys finally walk into the room. Liam twirling his drumsticks around in his hand and Louis and Niall with their guitars strapped over their shoulders.
Harry look towards them, giving them a small smile. Then turns back to me.
“You ready to rock?"
“You bet your ass baby.” I smirk.
He kisses my neck one more time before patting my thigh.
“Come on, angel. Let's get this show over with."
I gently placing my lips on his before getting off his lap and grabbing my guitar, the Red electric one decorated with different stickers from all over the world. I throw the strap over my shoulder and head out onto the stage behind the curtain.
The boys take their positions behind their equipment as Harry heads to my mic stand behind the stage curtain. I look out at the crowd as I hear the boys start up, ready and waiting for my cue. Before I know it, the lights dim, the curtain comes up and we begin playing Kiwi.
All throughout the show I focus on the frets of the instrument beneath my hands. My ringed fingers delicately running over every string as I play every chord. Every so often my eyes meeting the crowd in front of me or Liam on drums.
I lose myself in the music.
Looking over at Harry I notice his eyes closed and lips slightly parted as he runs my fingers across the cold metal of the microphone stand. God he’s so hot.
The song ends and with Harry playing the final riff, me, Niall and Louis can set up for the next song. Harrys voice runs through the speakers.
“That was Kiwi and we’re Duplicity!”
~ ~ ~
The set ends and we finish the final song and head off the stage. As soon as we're backstage, my hand is grabbed and I’m pulled into a dressing room, the door locking behind us as Harry locks his lips on mine.
I’m taken by surprise but kiss back hastily, wrapping my arms around his neck. He continues to kiss me, gently pinning me against the wall beside the door. I smirk at his eagerness as I move my hands to grip his hair at the back of his head. His hands moving to my waist almost in unison. I move my hands down his chest and to his belt loop, tugging at the metal of the clasp of his belt.
“Someone's eager." He mutters into my lips, chuckling lightly. I roll my eyes at his antics.
“Someone has to finish what you started.”
"You're so goddamn bossy all the time."
“Well maybe you should fuck it out of me.” I smirk teasingly, slipping his belt out of the loops and throwing it to the floor. Making him laugh.
"With pleasure, angel." He says as he pulls me into the bathroom and pushes up onto the counter.
“I see we’ve moved.” I laugh teasingly.
“Why? Was the dressing room to open for your liking? Scared someone could walk in and find us?” I smirk, raising my eyebrows knowingly at him.
“When did you become such a cheeky brat?” He takes a step closer, gripping the back of my hair and fisting it, forcing me to look up at him. A smirk starts to form over his face. I gasp as he grips my hair. I tilt my head to side, knowing he has complete control over me. I smirk knowingly.
“Get on your knees now, angel."
I oblige, nodding and bending down, getting onto my hands and knees.
"Good girl." He says in a low tone as he runs his hand through my hair, tugging on it every so often to keep me in place. A shiver runs down my spine as he tugs at my hair.
"What now, angel?"
I breathe heavily and nod my head in silent agreement. Harry is the only man I’d ever be submissive too.
He pulls at my hair again.
“I'll let you have control again when you can handle it. Understood?”
I nod, letting him know I understood him. I lift my eyes up, looking into his green.
“How do you want to do this, angel?"
“I-I don’t care.” I breathe out shakily.
"Are you sure?" He asks as he tightens the grip on my hair, looking into my eyes, watching them carefully.
"Say please, baby." He says with a smirk as he tugs at my hair once again, his hands moving to zip his fly down.
“Pl-please…” I splutter.
"Please what, baby?" He asks roughly, pulling my hair again. I shake my head.
"Say it, angel?"
“Please-…daddy.” I breathe out.
Something inside him snaps when he hears me call him that.
“Good girl." He whispers seductively as my blue eyes meet green.
“Since you asked so nicely." He pauses and lets go of my hair, standing me back up and lifting me up onto the counter next to the sink. He kisses me hungrily and moves his hands to pull at the hem of my shirt instead. I lift my arms up, knowing the routine he pulls so well by now.
"And you're always just so ready, angel." He comments as he pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it aside, leaving me sat on the counter in front of him in the backstage bathroom in just bra and red leather skirt from the concert, a couple small tattoos inked on my collarbone and ribs now visible.
He grips my red leather skirt in one hand and the hem of my bra in the other, gently tugging on both of them at the same time.
"These need to come off."
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.” I tease. His hands go to my hips, grabbing the soft skin beneath his fingers.
“So needy." He then grabs the red leather and begins to slide it off me, leaving me only in my black lace bra and underwear. He paused and looks at the time on his watch.
“We have to be back on the bus to the hotel in ten minutes so this needs to be quick." He then goes back to kissing my neck.
“The guys are still out in the dressing room so you need to be quiet for me, can you do that?"
I nod in understanding and bite my lip to try and keep me quiet.
I gently place my hands on your hips and look into your eyes.
“Tell me if it gets too much or too fast alright?"
My head rolls back and hits the mirror as it all comes to end, my knuckles turning white as I grip the sink either side of me.
He finishes not long after me, he pulls myself out and leans forward to kiss my lips, both of our breaths coming out heavy as we try to catch them. I kiss him back with a mix of salty tears and saliva.
“Maliki’s going to kill us if we’re late for the heist.” I whisper as we pull back. He smiles at that comment.
“How long do we have?"
I reach for his wrist and check the time on his watch.
“Two minutes.”
I scramble painfully off the dirty bathroom counter and quickly try to throw my clothes back on, my makeup and eyeliner smudged as I look in the mirror, trying to make myself look more presentable. We both stumble out of the bathroom back into the dressing room and see the other three waiting for us. Louis, Liam and Niall look confused and irritated at the same time. Niall is the first one to speak.
“Where the hell have you two been?"
“Getting ready for the heist, c’mon boys Maliki had given us a job to do.” I smirk and walk over towards the door.
“Well you were taking a bloody while." Niall says as he follows me with a raised eyebrow. I lift my hand up to dismiss him as we head out the venue towards the black SUV’s.
"We're going to the warehouse right?” Liam asks, trying to get the conversation going as we walk to the vehicles waiting for us. We all hop into one of them while a man drives off towards a desolate desert.
"Do we have all the supplies?" Niall asks as the SUV begins to make its way through the night. I smirk and lift up my red leather skirt to reveal a small pocket knife strapped to a garter on my thigh. Along with a handgun.
"Oh good, you've got that with you." Niall says, rolling his eyes as he looks down and sees the weaponry.
“Let me guess, you've got more than that?"
I dig into a duffle bag beside me and pull out four guns, handing one to each of them.
“Tuck them into the waistband of your pants.” I instruct.
With skeptical looks they each quickly take the guns and do as I’ve instructed, putting them into the waistband of their pants, making sure that they're concealed and hidden.
“Don’t worry.” I say noticing the look on their faces.
“They’re only for protection.”
As the SUV pulls up at the warehouse all five of us lift our black hoods over our heads and pull up our bandanas to cover our faces.
"Let's do this." Niall says as the SUV comes to a stop outside a large warehouse with broken windows and a graffiti-covered wall outside of it. The area is completely empty. We exit the vehicle and quietly gather near where we are supposed to enter.
“What are we looking for again?” I hiss a whisper.
"Maliki said 10 mill, I believe? And a necklace?” Liam says quietly and then glances at the watch on his wrist.
“We have ten minutes to get in and out."
“Security line very entrance and exit.” I mutter in thought.
“Aright boys, let’s get Maliki his money.”
Niall gestures to the door before nodding at the other guys.
“Let's just get in and out" He says under his breath as the five of us make our way to the entrance of the warehouse, all on high alert for any guards. Liam pushes the door open quietly and we carefully walk inside.
We sneak through each corridor and looming in through small glass windows in every door.
“Does anyone know exactly where we’re supposed to be going?”
"Not a bloody clue." Niall says quietly as we continue moving through corridors inside the warehouse.
"We don't have much time, we need to find the money." Liam says as he goes to push through a door, only stopping himself when he hears voices on the other side of it.
We all freeze. Waiting for the voices to pass. I look around where we were crouched down. I notice a door without a window.
“Hey, didn’t Maliki say something about a plain door? No window?” I whisper to Harry who was closest to me.
He glances over my shoulder to the door that I was talking about, nodding his head slowly when he sees it.
“I think that must be it."
I whistle quietly to get the others attention. Once I have their attention I nod my head over towards the door. Everyone takes notice and glances over at the door I’m pointing to. Liam nods at me and gestures for me to go ahead and open the door. I army crawl out of our hiding spot and reach the door, sitting up onto my knees and trying the handle. Bloody locked.
Liam glances at the watch on his wrist and sighs.
“The last thing we need is to run out of time."
“Hold on, it’s a keyhole.” I mutter, removing one of the pins from my hair and jamming it in, hoping that when I twist it round it will unlock. The keyhole soon turns open, and with a turn of the handle, the door unlatches and you're able to open the door. I look back at the boys one last time before slowly making my way into the room and shutting the door behind me.
The room is very quiet and eerie, with only the sounds of my footsteps against the cold, concrete floor. In the centre of the room is a small table and on the table is a large, locked chest. Seems to be what we were looking for.
It had a passcode for the lock. I know that the code for it will be in one of the file cabinets. There were hundreds and we were on a time crunch.
“Fuck you Maliki.” I mutter to myself, laughing lightly as I begin searching through the file cabinets. He just had to make this difficult.
I walk to the file cabinet but as I look through it, I hear a voice from the other side of the door.
“Someone's in here!”
I panic and reach for my gun, scanning around the empty room for sight of anyone. I hear footsteps approaching slowly, then a beam of light starts to flood through the dark room, as the large metal door to the room clicks open. Two guards enter the room, weapons drawn and pointed in my direction. They are both large, burly men who look like they could overpower a grown adult quite easily. Shit.
I drop my gun, putting it back in my pocket and remove my hood and bandana, raising my hands above me showing them I’m not dangerous. Probably a stupid idea but I have a pathological need for risk.
One of the guards chuckles when he sees me drop my gun.
“She's just a girl.” He says to the other, who lets out a pitiful laugh. I grit my teeth at their laughter. How sexist. I think to myself. I could easily snap their necks in half if I wanted too.
“I-I mean no harm…please-I just…my dad runs this place and he asked me for a file but I can’t find it…and-and-“
I lie, faking crying. I’m good at acting like the weak innocent girl because that’s the way everyone’s always treated me.
“Just please…don’t shoot me…” I sniff still playing it on.
The guards all look at each other, unsure of what to make of this situation. One of them steps forward more.
“Your dad? And what's his name?" He asks in suspicion. Oh fuck.
“D-David.” I take a wild guess, it is a pretty common name right? But luckily the guard seems to buy it. Thank god.
“David...David Smith. That your father?"
I nod timidly.
“Yes sir.”
The guard looks at me carefully, not lowering his gun slowly.
“How old are you?"
“19.” Another lie.
The guard nods and lowers his gun fully.
“Okay. Can I see your identification?"
“I-I don’t have any…” I lower my head in fake despair.
“All I have is an old university card but that doesn’t have a name on it.” Man I was good at lying today.
He seems to believe that I don't have any form of ID on me. Rookie mistake in my opinion but I’m not the one that’s trying to stop me from breaking in.
“So your dad made you come here all alone without any ID? Not very responsible of him if he's sending you into a warehouse like this all by yourself. What was it you needed, again?"
“Just a file.”
“Which one.”
“I don’t know-“ I avert my eyes back to the open cabinet beside me without them noticing, I spot the note of the number code for the safe on top and smirk to myself. Bingo.
“I’m just…I’m just gonna leave- I’ll let my father know I couldn’t find the file…” I mutter timidly and walk towards the door.
Neither of the guards think twice about me heading to the door, since I seem like I’m going to leave without even finding what I came here for.
“Sorry to bother you, you seem very nice.” I say in a sweet tone, god I could almost gag.They follow out after me, leading me back up the corridor towards the exit. I spot Harry and the boys out of the corner of my eye, hiding behind a cart and out of sight. I give them a little smirk and wink, letting them know my plan.
Harry seems to notice my little smirk and wink, and his eyes light up as he realises that I know where the file for the safe is. He gives me a small approving nod, a silent message of understanding. The guards bring me back out and towards the door leading out of the warehouse. I begin to walk up the dirt track and into the middle of nowhere, the sun coming up behind the clouds. I pull my head back up to cover my head. I just hope the boys are able to get into the safe.
I continue walking away from the warehouse before finally reaching a desolate location in the desert, with nothing but dust and sand around me. I take a deep breath and turn back to face the warehouse as the sun begins to come up. The silence is deafening, with only the sound of the wind as it blows through, creating a small breeze.
Once I notice the guards had gone back inside I begin to panic knowing it’s only a matter of time before they find the boys in the room. I run back up towards the warehouse and duck, hiding behind one of the cars.
I can hear loud footsteps from inside the buildings hallway, as well as muffled voices of the guards. They had obviously realised that something was off and were heading back towards the room with the safe in it.
“C’mon Harry, c’mon.” I mutter under my breath nervously. Every passing second is a possible second too late. Suddenly, I hear the loud sound of a gunshot come from the warehouse. Followed by the sound of three more gunshots and heavy footsteps and shouting. After a few more moments, the sound of the footsteps and shouting fades away and is replaced by silence. The silence is only for half a second before the large metal doors are flung open and out run Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam, closely followed by about a dozen security. I can’t help but smile.
The remaining guards try to shoot at the four of them, I hear Harry shout towards me, barely able to be heard over the sounds of the gunshots.
I pull out my own gun, dipping out of my hiding spot for just a second to shoot a guard that was right on their tail. They run closer to the SUV and I jump into the drivers seat, desperately trying to start the vehicle. As they jump inside, the guards keep approaching the vehicle, firing shots towards us. I start up the engine and try to drive away. More and more guards are approaching our direction now, firing shot after shot, coming closer towards the vehicle.
A car pulls right up beside us.
“Duck!” I yell at the boys before a bullet comes flying through the window, shattering it. They all duck down as the bullets narrowly miss them, and before the guards manage to reload and shoot again. I start speeding away away from the warehouse and away from all the guards, taking them on a chase as I try to lose them.
I keep one hand gripped on the steering wheel before aiming my gun out of the now broken window of the SUV and shooting it right through the officers window, straight to his temple. I watch as the driver falls slump at the wheel from my shot and the car steers off track into a massive barrel of gasoline. Instantly blowing up. I can’t help but laugh maniacally as I speed off down the desert, losing sight of the warehouse and the cops. Soon enough, the dust and sand kicks up from my speed, clouding their vision, and making it hard to follow us.
After a few moments of driving in silence, I turn back to the others.
“Did you get everything?”
Harry nods his head as he looks back at you.
“Yeah. We got the money and the file from the safe. I just hope we got it all."
I laugh again, we were all high on an adrenaline rush that’s for sure.
Harry also begins to laugh. After a while all five of us are laughing like idiots as we drive into the early morning.
“God, we're actually insane." Harry says with a chuckle.
“That’s the thrill of it baby!” I shout over the wind. Harry grins at me and grabs my hand, holding it tightly in between his fingers as he looks over and listens to the sounds of the engine on the dirt track. I smile over at him briefly before Turing back to the road.
“I say we have a celebratory party! Huh Niall?”
“Fuck yeah!”
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niall-ate-mynamee · 7 months
note: well…here’s a little one shot for Nialler’s birthday (let’s pretend i didn’t post this 3 days after, yeah? ;))
hope you enjoy! <3
i haven’t proof read this, so any mistakes, please let me know!
It was Niall’s 30th birthday. He was alone. Sure, he had plenty of friends he could’ve invited over and drank until he passed out, but he wanted to be alone. He was missing his boys today. His boys.
Louis, the idiot, the prankster, his partner in crime. Oh, how he missed the laughs they had on and off camera. Louis was the one who could make him laugh in the midst of a breakdown.
Liam, “daddy direction” as everyone called him. His best friend. The man who had a heart of gold, but had demons he had been fighting and overcame. Liam would hold him tight when things got too much.
Harry, his younger-older brother. The man who Niall knew would always be loved by millions around the world and could be on tour every single day for the rest of his life and still have sold out shows. The man who would stay up all night when Niall couldn’t sleep.
Even Zayn, his brother from another mother. The man who protected Niall, no matter the circumstance or consequences. Who showed his love every single day. He would sit silently when Niall would rant and rave about the difficulties he experienced.
Niall missed them. Beyond anything. He knew they were all living their best lives and he was forever proud of everything they achieved. He’d follow their journeys. Their music was indescribable. He had all their albums, listened to them every single day. He’d watch back old interviews and One Direction videos just to feel closer to them.
But, all he ever wanted, was to see them again, hang out with them again, have a massive party, just the five of them. Was that too much to ask?
He was turning 30 now, and the only gift he wanted was them. Don’t get him wrong, the gifts, cards, texts and countless messages he’s received already from friends, family and fans are so amazing and he feels so cared about…but, there’s only four messages he’s yet to receive and if his heart is cracking every hour that passes with nothing, well, nobody has to know.
It’s nearing 5pm, the time his friends had asked him to be ready for because they have some surprise planned for him before they take him out for the night. Niall found it quite pathetic really, how a now-30 year old man was alone in his home moping about the past, but you’ll have to forgive Niall, because he’s never exactly been “normal”. He was always the odd one out.
When he was changed and ready, about to open up a beer to celebrate on his own before he would spend the rest of his day surrounded by people, there was a knock on the door. He bit back a groan, quickly taking a gulp from the bottle, while walking towards the door.
There was a second knock, and Niall rolled his eyes. Sometimes, his friends were so impatient. They knew he was in, and knew he was expecting them, so there was no need to knock more than once, dammit!
“I’ve told you before, if you keep knocking, I won’t-“ He froze as he opened the door, nearly dropping his beer, thinking he was going crazy, because there, standing right on his doorstep, grinning cheekily and arms full of gifts, and alcohol, were the only four people he wanted to see.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIALLER!” They cheered, holding up various gifts wrapped neatly, cards with his name on, Louis of course had enough beer for them all to spend the entire next 12 hours drinking, and every single one of them had eyes sparkling with joy and love.
“Wh-what?” Is all he could choke out.
It was Liam who explained, “You didn’t think we’d ever forget your birthday, did’ya, Ni? Your mum had said you were celebrating alone this year, and we couldn’t have that, could we, boys?” Liam threw a wink to Niall as the boys nodded, “Thought we’d drop by and make sure you had some company. After all, you only turn 30 once!”
Niall was shocked. He couldn’t believe his boys were really here and standing just merely inches away from him. He could feel the tears gathering in his eyes and he thanked the gods his house was protected from any public passer-by’s.
“We love you, Neil, and we miss you…can we have the honour of celebrating your birthday with you?” It was Louis this time, and Niall choked on a sob before nodding frantically and launching himself on them and bringing them all into a group hug.
He could hear their laughter as their arms wrapped around him and held up tight. His nose was hit with all their scents and he breathed them in, making sure it was real and he hadn’t just gotten so drunk that he was hallucinating.
“You idiots…I miss and love you so much,” He whispered, not letting go. He felt a pair of arms under his thighs and he jumped slightly, wrapping his legs around whoever’s waist and feeling them carry him back into his house.
By the smell alone, he could tell it was Liam he was clinging onto, and he started to blush. It’s been over 8 years since he last was carried around by any of the boys like this, but he didn’t care in that moment, because he had his boys again and he’d be damned if he was letting them go now.
When they made it to the lounge, he lifted his head from where it was buried in Liam’s neck, and looked around. Louis was putting all the beers on the table (the one Niall had already was amongst the bunch and for a moment, he wondered how it got there because he didn’t remember putting it down or even letting go), Harry was placing all the gifts they had brought in a neat pile in the corner of the room, Zayn was putting multiple games (board and video), DVDs and CDs he had with him in separate piles on the other table and Liam still had a hold of Niall.
“What did ya wanna do first, Nialler? We’ve got films, music, games? Or we can give you your presents? The choice is all yours!” He heard Zayn ask, and Niall finally let go of Liam to look around at them all. He grinned and wiped at his eyes, making sure to take it all in and laughed, truly laughed, head thrown back and eyes sparkling with so much love and joy.
“You lads better have got me the most expensive gifts you could find, after all, I’m your favourite Irishman ever!” He joked, and everyone burst into laughter.
“Nah, I prefer Bobby Horan!” Harry smirked, earning himself a playful glare before being attacked by Niall and the two “babies” of their group ended up on the ground, and the laughter was even louder.
Five boys who grew into men back together. Their hearts beating as one, once again. Niall wouldn’t change anything for the world, because even though they’ve moved on from their past, and are all doing their own things, they’re family. No matter what life throws at them, they’ve always got four brothers ready to catch them.
Niall spent his 30th birthday with the people who meant more to him than he could ever describe. Niall would never celebrate another birthday alone ever again. He had his boys there for him, and he’d forever be grateful.
Maybe one day in the future, they’d make music together again, maybe they won’t, but either way, Niall had four brothers who he’ll forever love and cherish.
note: Happy birthday, Nialler <3
sorry it took me slightly longer to post, writers block has hit me hard lately!
i hope you guys enjoyed this, anyways! it’s slightly different to what/how i usually write, so let me know what you think! :)
i’ll be working on some prompts over the next few weeks, so there’ll be more coming very soon!
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1dpreferencesbr · 1 year
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Why does this have to be that hard?
Pedido: “ Meu pedido vai ser do Liam, ela sendo brasileiro e a família dele tendo preconceito, nao gostam dela por ser latina, por algum motivo eles todos passam um tempo juntos e ela faz comidas brasileiras e vai falando um pouco da cultura e história do Brasil, isso vai interessando eles e quebrando o preconceito sobre o país, ela também ensina português pra eles e quando eles veem as fotos daqui ficam loucos pra conhecer e até combinam uma viagem para assim poderem conhecer a família dela e o Brasil.”
Meu bem, assim que terminei, vi que não ficou 100% fiel ao pedido, mas espero que você goste mesmo assim! Por favor, me digam o que acharam <3 Lembrando que a ask está aberta para pedidos. Boa leitura! 
Contagem de palavras: 2,369
— Vai ficar tudo bem, babe. — Liam disse massageando meus ombros tensos. Tentei sorrir, mas não estava dando muito certo. A família de Liam estava vindo de Wolverhampton passar os feriados de final de ano conosco. E eu estava mais do que nervosa, desde o inicio do nosso relacionamento, quatro anos atrás, a família de Liam demonstrava que não aprovava nossa relação, piorando muito há três meses, quando ele me pediu em casamento.
— Eu não sei, amor. — Suspirei. — Ainda acho que deveria passar esses dias em um hotel, para que você pudesse aproveitar a sua família. — Me virei para ele, colocando as mãos em seus ombros. Liam me olhou com censura, a mesma expressão de dias atrás, quando eu havia sugerido aquilo pela primeira vez.
— Não mesmo. Essa é a sua casa, você fica. — Ele disse segurando meu queixo com os dedos. — Além disso, a minha família só precisa te conhecer melhor, e vão te amar tanto quanto eu te amo. — Me deu um selinho. Eu esperava que aquilo fosse verdade, mas não estava muito esperançosa. No começo, pensamos que a família de Liam não gostava de mim pelo fato de não ser a Mãe de Bear, e eles serem uma família muito conservadora. Até que Liam me levou para passar seu aniversário na cidade natal, junto da família, e eu precisei ir embora, pois não aguentei ouvir as dezenas de comentários preconceituosos por ser latina. Esse era o grande problema. Por mais que a família de Liam convivesse por meses a fio comigo, eu nunca deixaria de ser brasileira, minhas origens eram muito fortes em mim, e eu tinha muito orgulho, mas ouvir os pais e as irmãs do homem que amo dizendo que se um dia tivéssemos um filho ele seria um “mestiço” ou um “bastardo” era demais para mim. Qualquer erro que eu cometesse, até mesmo falando com eles em uma língua que não era minha, era motivo de chacota.
Mesmo após cinco anos, os finais de ano eram muito dificeis de passar longe da minha família. Liam e eu havíamos ido ao Brasil no começo do ano, meus pais e meu irmão mais novo o adoraram, dando uma recepção digna do meu tão amado país. Pensar que passaria por essa época tão difícil tendo que aguentar comentários desnecessários era ainda mais desanimador. Mas, como minha mãe havia me dito na ligação que fiz lhe contando que eles viriam: Se eu quero ter Liam para o resto da vida, preciso aprender a lidar com a família dele.
Depois de fazer minha costumeira faxina de final de ano com a ajuda de Liam, decoramos a casa com enfeites de natal. E eu decidi comprar as coisas para fazer uma ceia gostosa. Na Inglaterra não era um costume a ceia de natal, diferente do Brasil, eles apenas comem frango frito com pijamas em frente à uma televisão. Liam avisou a mãe que a ceia seria no estilo brasileiro, e precisou ouvir um discurso de mais de uma hora ao telefone sobre “estar sendo castrado por uma latina”. 
A família de Liam chegou toda junta, na véspera de natal pela manhã, como de costume, ninguém retribuiu meu comprimento, apenas abraçaram Liam, que depois os levou para seus respectivos quartos antes de se desculpar pela atitude dos pais. 
— Você precisa ter paciência, s/n. — Minha mãe dizia pelo telefone, apoiado em um armário para que ela pudesse me enxergar pela câmera enquanto eu terminava de temperar o frango que logo iria para o forno. Como eu sabia que ninguém ali entenderia o que diríamos, não me preocupei em colocar fones de ouvido ou cuidar o que dizia.
— Eu não sei não. — Suspirei. — Eles me tratam como se eu estivesse “sujando” a família. — Disse fazendo aspas com as mãos sujas de tempero. 
— Quando eles te conhecerem melhor, vão te amar, filha. — Ela disse sorrindo.
— É o que Liam diz, mas eu acho que já tiveram tempo suficiente, e nada mudou. — Falei lavando as mãos. Liam entrou pela cozinha e sorriu para a sogra na tela do telefone.
— Oi. sogrinha. — Disse com o sotaque arrastado, fazendo minha mãe rir. Ela havia passado um dia inteiro tentando ensiná-lo a falar “sogrinha”.
— Olá, querido! Como está? — Ela perguntou com o inglês não muito utilizado. Assim que contei á minha família que havia começado a namorar um ‘gringo’, todos decidirm fazer um curso da língua estrangeira, para que pudessem conversar com aquele que me fazia tão feliz. Mais uma diferença gritante entre nossas famílias. Meus pais fizeram de tudo para que Liam se sentisse em casa quando estivesse lá, até mesmo aprendendo uma língua com a qual nunca tiveram contato para poder se comunicar bem com o novo integrante.
— Estou bem! Sentindo saudades de vocês. — Liam falou devagar, para que minha mãe entendesse cada palavra. Ele era maravilhoso. — Estão falando mal de mim? Ouvi meu nome. — Ele disse me abraçando por trás, deixando um beijinho em meu pescoço.
— Nunca. — Falei rindo ao sentir cócegas quando sua barba roçou em minha pele. — Nunca falo mal de você. — Falei fazendo um beicinho, e ganhando um selinho.
— Vou levar Nicola para comprar alguns presentes, não devo demorar. — Avisou me dando mais um selinho demorado. Liam se despediu da minha mãe e saiu acompanhado pela irmã. Do ângulo em que estava na cozinha, era possível ver Karen e Geoff sentados no sofá da sala, assistindo algo na televisão.
— Queria estar com vocês hoje. — Suspirei, olhando para minha mãe na tela do telefone. 
— Eu também, querida. Logo damos um jeito. — Ela disse fazendo uma careta. O plano inicial para o final de ano era juntar nossas duas famílias para se conhecerem antes do casamento, mas o visto da minha mãe não havia saído a tempo, então não foi possível.
— Espero que o seu visto saia logo. — Resmunguei, e ela sorriu.
— Eu também, bebê. — Disse me fazendo revirar os olhos. — Christian mandou um beijo. 
— Manda um enorme pra ele. — Suspirei. Depois de mais alguns minutos de conversa, precisei desligar, pois ainda haviam muitas coisas a se preparar para a ceia. Assim que desliguei a tela do telefone, Karen entrou na cozinha, com os braços cruzados.
— Quem é Cristian? — Ela perguntou parando do outro lado da mesa, enquanto eu embalava o frango em papel laminado. A encarei surpresa. — Se você acha que pode fazer o meu filho de idiota, e andar com outros caras por aí, você está muito enganada, garota. — A loira se abaixou, apoiando ambas mãos na mesa, me encarando com raiva. — O meu filho vai saber que você fala sobre outros homens dentro da casa dele. Acha que porque estava falando no seu idioma eu não saberia que está falando de outros homens? — Ergueu uma sobrancelha. Antes que Karen dissesse mais alguma besteira, eu a interrompi.
— Cristian é meu irmão mais novo. Minha mãe estava dizendo que ele me mandou um beijo. — Respirei fundo, tentando controlar meu coração, que já batia a toda. Sempre que ficava muito nervosa, acabava me confundindo nas palavras, e dar a ela mais um motivo de chacota seria um inferno. 
— E você espera que eu acredite nisso? — Ela disse com ironia. 
— Não espero que a senhora acredite em nada. Mas é a verdade. — Dei de ombros. — Você pode perguntar á Liam o nome do meu irmão se quiser, não me importo nenhum pouco.
— O meu filho pode ser cego em relação á você, mas eu não sou, e vou fazê-lo abrir os olhos. — Ela disse me encarando.
— Karen, eu amo o seu filho, e me desculpe, mas eu não ligo para o que você pensa de mim. Liam me conhece, conhece a minha família e sabe muito bem o tipo de pessoa que nós somos. Meus pais já o consideram da família, e o amam tanto quanto a mim. Eu tenho pena da senhora, por ter um coração tão pequeno á ponto de odiar uma pessoa que ama o seu filho tanto quanto eu amo. — Comecei a disparar as palavras, sem conseguir controlar. — Se você quiser ir até Liam e dizer mais uma vez, como eu não sirvo para ele, ou como eu mancho o nome da sua família, pode ir. O amor que há entre Liam e eu é muito mais forte do que qualquer comentário que a senhora possa fazer sobre mim. Eu sequer queria estar aqui hoje, Liam me impediu que sair durante os feriados, porque eu não quero afastá-lo de vocês, mas não aguento mais ter que ouvir todo o tipo de xingamentos e mentiras sobre mim. — Meu rosto queimava, e o dela parecia ter perdido a cor. Eu nunca havia falado nada para a família de Liam, apenas ficava quieta e fingia não ouvir. — Já está sendo difícil o bastante passar o final de ano longe da minha família, então, por favor, não piore as coisas. Eu não vou cruzar o caminho da senhor, por favor, não cruze o meu. — Quando proferi a última palavra, vi Liam entrar na cozinha. Eu já estava com os olhos transbordando meus sentimentos. Me dirigi para fora do lugar, vendo Liam caminhar até a mãe com uma expressão de desagrado. Corri para o meu quarto, e pelo olhar de todos na sala haviam ouvido cada palavra. 
Me sentei na cama deixando que as lágrimas escorressem, na esperança de que aquilo me acalmasse. Depois de alguns minutos, Liam entrou no quarto e se sentou ao meu lado. Depois de um longo momento apenas me abraçando, ele ergueu meu rosto e secou com os polegares.
— Me perdoa, babe, foi uma péssima ideia. — Disse baixinho. 
— Está tudo bem. — Funguei. — Eu passei do limite com a sua mãe…
— Não. — Ele me interrompeu. — Ela ultrapassou todos os limites te acusando de traição, além das piadinhas que sempre faz. Eu nunca deveria ter permitido isso, amor. Se tivesse cortado desde o primeiro momento isso nunca teria acontecido. — Beijou minha testa. 
— Você não controla os outros, meu bem. — Deixei um selinho em seus lábios. — Vou tomar um banho, colocar a cabeça no lugar. — Liam assentiu, selando nossos lábios mais uma vez e se dirigindo para fora do quarto. 
Tomei um banho rápido, mas foi o suficiente para fazer meu corpo relaxar um pouco. Coloquei uma roupa quentinha, já que estava muito frio e voltei para a cozinha. Karen ainda estava lá, quieta, e eu também não disse nenhuma palavra. Não me arrependia de ter dito coisas que estavam entaladas há tanto tempo, mas definitivamente havia escolhido uma péssima data para isso. 
Já era quase meia noite, Liam havia explicado aos parentes que no Brasil todos se arrumam para a virada do natal, o que eles fizeram. Eu estava na varanda, com uma taça de vinho na mão e sentindo meus olhos marejaram mais uma vez, agora de saudade.
— Feliz natal, s\n. — Meu corpo enrijeceu ao ouvir a voz da minha sogra se aproximando.
— Feliz natal, senhora Payne. — Respondi. Karen parou ao meu lado, apoiando os braços na sacada e respirando fundo.
— Liam me contou que Cristian realmente é seu irmão, lhe devo um pedido de desculpas. — Ela disse depois de algum tempo. 
— Está tudo bem. Me desculpe gritar com a senhora.
— Eu entendo. — Ela suspirou. — Nesses últimos anos você aguentou coisas realmente horríveis da minha parte. — Disse olhando para as próprias mãos. — Liam disse que sua família o recebeu como um filho, até mesmo aprenderam nossa língua para que ele ficasse confortável. — Sua voz começava a ficar embargada. — Enquanto isso, nós a tratamos muito mal. Espero que possa nos perdoar, e que possamos recomeçar. — Ela disse erguendo seu rosto, e me olhando com olhos marejados. Tenho certeza de que minha expressão era de pura surpresa.
— Cla… claro. — Falei tentando sorrir, mas ainda tentando digerir tudo aquilo. Será que eu estava bêbada demais e imaginando coisas?
— Posso te dar um abraço? — Ela perguntou, com relutância, e eu assenti. Karen se aproximou, me tomando em seus braços, em um abraço apertado que eu retribuí. Senti que em algum momento ela soluçou, e eu a apertei um pouquinho mais, tentando dar conforto. Não vi o momento em que Liam entrou no local, mas reconheci o perfume assim que ele passou os braços em nossa volta.
— Vocês não tem noção de como estou feliz com essa cena. — Ele disse, a felicidade em sua voz era evidente.
Voltamos para a casa, e fomos jantar. Todos comeram bem, e elogiaram a comida. Depois que a bebida alcóolica fez algum efeito, todos estavam rindo. E por mais que fosse estranho, aquele momento de intimidade repentina, me fez sentir muito bem.
Liam mostrou aos pais fotos dos nossos momentos no Brasil, fazendo seu pai rir alto com a minha imagem preferida, Liam sentado no sofá da minha casa enquanto meu pai estava em sua poltrona com nosso cachorro no colo, Cristian estava entre os dois com os braços cruzados fazendo uma cara de bravo, imitando uma cena de poderoso chefão. 
— Sua família parece muito engraçada. — Geoff disse, se dirigindo a mim. O que era novo, já que geralmente apenas me ignorava.
— Eles são. — Liam que o respondeu. — Cris têm onze anos, mas achei que ele fosse realmente me bater quando chegamos lá, s\n é a princesinha da família. — Ele disse fazendo meu rosto esquentar.
— Eu adoraria ir ao Brasil. — Karen disse, antes de tomar um gole de sua gemada.
— Meus pais estão loucos para virem. Talvez consigam no mês que vem. 
— É mesmo? — Ela disse surpresa, a bebida fazendo-a exagerar nos movimentos e um pouco no tom de voz. Eu assenti com a cabeça. — Precisamos aprender português! Para podermos conversar! — Ela disse largando a caneca na mesinha de centro da sala. — Eu e sua mãe precisamos começar a organizar o casamento. — Disse batendo as mãos, animada, me deixando ainda mais surpresa, e fazendo Liam sorrir o máximo que podia. 
— No fim, não foi uma má ideia. — Liam disse assim que deitamos em nossa cama. — Estou tão feliz que acho que posso sair voando. — Ele disse suspirando. Eu estava com a cabeça apoiada em seu peito e podia ouvir seu coração batendo levemente mais rápido.
— Estou feliz. — Admiti. — Quem diria que eu só precisaria surtar? — Brinquei, fazendo-o rir.
— Eu te amo. — Falou em português, fazendo meu coração derreter, como sempre acontecia quando ele fazia isso.
— Eu te amo.
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somebucky · 2 years
Somebucky Masterlist
Somebucky’s Writings & Info
Venture below the line for my Fanfics, Oneshots, Original Characters Info, Roleplay Info and Requests Info
Note: This page can be found under the url: https://somebucky.tumblr.com/somebuckywrites  and under the tag on my page #somebucky and on my Ao3 account somebucky.
This tag is on all of my writings, so if you want to come back to my masterlist easily or find another work by me, just click the somebucky tag at each work, search my page or all of tumblr for the tag. :)
Masterlist of Marvel & MCU Actors Fanfics and One Shots
I am on archive of our own as SomeBucky. All of my works are published there as well.
One Direction
Masterlist of One Direction Fanfics and One Shots
Roleplay INFO
Masterlist on Info of my Discord and Tumblr Roleplays
The above list features info on my Discord Marvel Server: Marvel RP & Plot Discovery Board
Original Character Info:
Masterlist on Info of my Female OCs
Masterlist on Info of my Male OCs
My inbox is always open. Ask away for your own one shot/imagine. I will write most anything thats available on Netflix, or anything Marvel. If your interests are something else, just ask and I will either write it or try to link you to someone who will.
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welovelouisandbucky · 2 years
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@lokis-girl03 👀
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1dimagineclub · 2 years
Short Liam Imagine
“Girls Day/Night”
You and all the girls were going to go out for the day while the boys were at the studio. You all went to lunch at a little cafe in downtown London and from there went shopping at all the street side boutiques and outlets. You didn’t go unnoticed though; many fans followed you guys around and you took pictures/autographs. When you got back home you bragged to him all night how the fans loved you more than him (joking of course). He laughed, agreeing with you at your statement. He could tell you really enjoyed it and he saw all the pictures from earlier on his twitter timeline.
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harryxmarvel · 11 months
Can you do an angst piece where they have a 3 year old and everything has been really crazy but H is spending the most of his time working and not helping y/n? Bonus points if an ex girlfriend comes back into the picture
Summary : Harry prioritised work over his family
Pairing : famous!Harry x reader!y/n
Warning : but of angst, fluff , none of the personalities of the characters are real. Purely fictional!
A/n : not really an angsty piece tbh but hope you like it :)
My masterlist
Taking care of a three year old while being 5 months pregnant is not an easy task and while y/n had been down playing it as no hard work to everyone asking her ,it was bad. With a popstar husband busy writing the album of the year he seems to have neglected his family and was yet to realise it.
Although y/n was working from home she missed dressing up and going out and enjoying the weather or having her favourite ice cream in the park. But the most she missed was her husband who was working late yet again he couldn't join them for dinner. Their little baby daughter asking for her father before her bedtime for a kiss but how could y/n explain to a three year old that he was working, he was so busy to take some time to spend with his family.
It made her think back to the time when they decided to have a kid and Harry promised to always be there for them but now y/n was worried. Sure he always came back but she needed him here. She needed him when her morning sickness left her tired, she needed him to help her around the house and most of all she needed him to take care of Avery and her even for just a minute.
Her swollen ankles and the bump making it hard for her to do things in their house but Harry had no idea as he climbs into bed at 4 in the morning apologizing for waking her up and by the time y/n wakes up to prepare Avery's breakfast and lunch he was already long gone.
Y/n doesn't even remember the last time they had an actual conversation face to face. He sends texts every now and then to check up on them but that was it.
Y/n was in the shower, she swore off baths since she couldn't get up on her own and had a wave of mood swings had hit her so she had called crying to Harry to come help her up. It was a fond memory now they laugh about. She hears the bathroom door open sending her in high alert as to who it could be. No one has the key or the passcode to the front door except Harry but he was at the studio so who could it be?
She silently peeks through the shower curtain to find Harry with an apologetic look on his face. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Y/n asks suddenly very aware of the fact she was naked with how Harry was eating her with his eyes. The water droplets and pregnancy glow was making Harry crazy enough he was half hard but he gulps it down stammering as he speaks "wow, you are glowing baby." He says eyes running all over her body. And y/n blushes because truth was with how busy he was they hadn't had sex in weeks and Harry loved to love on her when she was pregnant knowing she has some doubts about her body changing. "I just ......I didn't know, I'm sorry. We were just there to celebrate and she just -" Harry stops mid sentence at the confused look on y/n's face as she wraps herself in a towel.
"H, what are you talking about?" She asks getting out of the shower with harry helping and walks towards their closet grabbing a pair of underwear and Harry's shirt as she takes a seat on the bed.
He looks guilty as he murmurs something trying to get away from this situation but he perks up when he sees her questioning look"Kendall...." Was all he had to say for y/n to realise he had messed up big time.
Kendall was obsessed with Harry and she was Harry's last ex-girlfriend before he found his soulmate. Y/n had nothing against her untill Kendall decided to ruin their life by constantly showing up on their dates making both of them uncomfortable. Kendall even turned her whole mass of fans against y/n when she found out they were engaged. She had been trying to sabotage their relationship from the start and against all odds y/n and Harry were truly happy and tried to deal with the situations calmly. But y/n was human too she was jealous when some other woman's hands lingered a bit long for her liking or the eyes on him as he works out or goes out for a walk but she never complained about it and accepted that this was who he was. The was a celebrity and people were always going to be curious about him and his life which she was a huge part of.
But to know he was out partying all night celebrating a song they completed with Kendall of all people broke her poor tired heart. She sits in silence as Harry looks distressed waiting for her response. Y/n never raised her voice. Even with Avery she was firm but her voice never raised so he was a bit taken aback when he hears her "How long are you going to keep doing this Harry?" She had asked anger evident in her tone.
Harry had told everything that happened how Kendall was stuck beside him all night and got really drunk enough to try to kiss him which he thankfully dodged but the pictures on the internet looks like they were kissing but Harry promised y/n that didn't happen.
"Why do you keep letting her mess up our lives? How long do I have to act like it doesn't faze me? I know you wouldn't cheat but I don't trust her. We had this conversation years ago H and you keep doing this again and again it's so hard for me to believe she just keeps coming back after so many rejections from you." With doubt in her voice y/n avoids his eyes, hers filled with tears.
"no baby, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. Kendall is nothing to me. You know I try to avoid her as much as possible" he says firmly making his point but that wasn't the biggest problem.
"It's not just that...." Y/n had been wanting to talk to him about his distance but with how unavailable he was they hadn't had a proper conversation in days.
"What is it?" Harry asks with worry.
"I get it, I really do. I get that people expect from you. I know you are working hard to provide for us but you are getting too involved to even spend time with us Harry. It feels like you don't care about us anymore. Of every person who expects from you, as your family don't we have the right to just expect you to be here for us?" Y/n questions her eyes meeting his stunned ones as he swallows the new information.
His heart beating rapidly as y/n doesn't wait for his reply as she walks out of their shared bedroom.
Harry stands still in his spot, seconds pass....minutes pass as y/n's words keep echoing in his mind and he sees it . How he had been neglecting his family. Harry is left with guilt as he thinks about how he hadn't been present at all to help y/n. He didn't even know her cravings or how the last ultrasound was. He didn't know if their baby was healthy and it teared him apart.
He falls on his knees as realisation hits him, he was going to lose the love of life. His glossy eyes decipher his little baby running towards him with a stuffie tucked under her arm as she hugs him tight. "missed you daddy" Avery sweetly says nuzzling her face into her father's neck as Harry hugs her tight scared he might lose her soon.
It was right then harry decides to honour his vows. Like he should have before. He vowed to always always be there for her and promised that y/n and their future family will always be his first and foremost important priority.
The next few days he stays home and takes care of Avery and helps y/n around the house. But she still wasn't convinced and wasn't talking to him. When he tucks Avery after reading her a bed time story he finds his wife cuddling under the blankets with a romcom playing on the tv.
He sits beside her and pulls her closer and y/n immediately relaxes beside him nuzzling further into his warm chest. Harry cradles her bump as he says "I'm sorry baby, I really am. I'm sorry i didn't realise it sooner. I'm going to be here from now on. You guys means the world to me and you are everything i need."
"It's okay bub, I'm glad you are here now that's all that matters" y/n says lightly kissing his jaw.
Harry cranes his neck and finally attaches his lips with hers. Their lips move in sync as harry pulls y/n onto his lap his hands roaming around her body settling on her bump.
"I love you" harry says eyes meeting hers and y/n whispers the words back and reattaches their lips.
Y/n was glad harry came back. He kept his words and promises and started working less hours, cooked breakfast for them, dropped Avery at her preschool , took care of y/n and they finally felt like a family again.
A/n: I hope this was up to its expectations anon. since most of you voted for happy ending, but some of the requests may have a sad ending.
send in any requests:)
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