transmasculine · 11 months
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canon/implied bi characters!
asami sato, tiabeanie “bean” mariabeanie de la rochambeau grunkwitz, eda clawthorne, hunter, korra, luz noceda, marceline abadeer
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drimxp · 5 months
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Um rascunho de Lumity pra vcs :D
A draft of Lumity for you guys :D
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i4eth · 6 months
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Neopronouns Flag Re-Desing
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by: Ethan (i4eth)
I made this new flag design because the flag representing the most popular neopronouns wasn't very pleasing to my eyes and I found the meanings a bit vague and not very related to the neopronouns themselves. Not that there is a problem with that, just create an alternative to deal with these "problems".
Color Meanings
Green: Represents Diversity, and I think it's important as there are different types of neopronouns, and different types of ways in which you use pronouns for comfort, so it's important that you know that there is diversity between pronouns
Light Green: Represents Freedom, its about you can use whatever you feel comfortable with as a pronoun, it's almost freedom, it's as if you weren't obligated to use popular pronouns to refer to yourself.
White: Represents Recognition, because neopronouns are generally viewed very negatively by people who only use pronouns recognized by the language, and the idea would be for people to see that neopronouns don't hurt anyone and that they need to be taken seriously along with the people who use them.
Yellow: Represents Harmony, everything that a person who uses neopronouns deserves, everyone deserves to live in peace and harmony, but for this to happen people have to stop having an opinion on how people live and how they decide to be, being themselves, and Learning to respect them, well, it's not that difficult.
Orange: Represents Community, we are a group of people who are attacked for not only using the pronouns recognized by the languages, we need to be united so that anything that tries to stop us, we overcome, community is one of the very important aspects, but not just queers, but as in society itself, we walk together because we are better together
Symbol meanings
I was researching a little about pronouns, and I discovered that there is a symbol that represents pronouns, and also neopronouns, but I found this symbol a bit strange, such as the fact that it only works in the English language, and I, as a person who speaks Brazilian Portuguese, I felt a little left out, but I know that the person who made the symbol didn't do it with bad intentions.
So I decided to reuse the symbol in my own way, I realized that the part that represented the neorponomes looked like a flower, with just a few petals, so I used that to make a metaphor. Neopronouns are diverse and colorful like flower petals, so I placed a flower in the center of the flag with the neopronou symbols around it, using an old symbol, along with a possible symbol/metaphor for people who use neopronouns.
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(Separate symbols, if you want to use them, and a photo by me with the meanings of the flag)
I couldn't think of any possible name for the flag, if you want to give your suggestions, you are free!
Any questions suggestions just call ⭐
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sovaghoul · 6 months
Not my 14 year old pan enby child collecting queer friends in this trumpy town like they're pokemon
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bokuwaamdalla · 1 year
Hiii! I'm here to show you a gaybian flag that I made! The name is Lacinth Gaybian!
This flag wasn't really meant to replace other gaybian Flags, the only flags I don't like are the ones that use Listerine and/or Lipstick (it's Listerine and Lipstick after all), but otherwise, there is no flag that.
I'll make a post with all about this flag (like the Coloring Pan post that I made), with the meanings and the variations of the flag.
The Lacinth Gaybian flag is for represents all gaybian people! If you identify was gay and lesbian, or just gaybian, or whatever! My flag represents you too!
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Some variations of the 9 color flag!
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laranjafox · 5 months
• Buttercup Animation (2022) [G] [+3min] #sapphicfox
This is spectacular! (∩≧ω≦∩)
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ifwebefriends · 2 years
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The Demigirl flag but with colors picked from the Companion Cube
Demiboy Weighted Storage Cube
Agender Rick
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autisticwriter · 10 months
NOOOSSA, qual será o próximo, ein??😱 que mistério😮 Número 20- demirromântico Personagem: Rodard Teslaa C ou hc: headcanon
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Ex-Nonbinary Pride Flag
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Exnonbinary (ex-non-binary) or exenby/exnby/exnb (ex-n-b, ex-enby, or ex-nby/ex-nb): someone who was nonbinary and at some point wasn't or isn't anymore.
An ex-nonbinary folk may be binary or anonbinary, or even aphorian (abinary).
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transmasculine · 11 months
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canon/implied asexual characters!
andy, gwendolyn “gwen” poole, isaac henderson, lilith clawthorne, parvati holcomb, perry the platypus, ruu, seiji maki, spongebob squarepants
bonus: silvia severin that didn’t fit
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drimxp · 5 months
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Meu jeito de desenhar essa duas 💜
My way of drawing these two💙
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sugaroto · 2 years
Friendly reminder that Spyros Deloglou is canonically (the first) asexual character in greek television and that he came out to 4 people he had recently met in an elevator that ended up being he's found family while they were all tied up in a warehouse with a bomb about to explode before his grandmother and her bff along with a literal angel came and saved them because they were stalking him
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marvinrodri · 10 months
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[Como esse post impactou muita gente no Instagram (@marvinrodri), achei válido trazê-lo pra cá.]
No início da semana, eu postei umas bobeiras nos stories, fazendo uma limpa/organizando minha caixa de lembranças e me deparei com essa.
Fiquei reflexivo, óbvio.
Pra quem não entendeu, essa é a resposta do meu pai à carta que eu mandei pra ele, contando que sou gay.
Quem me conhece sabe que eu sempre fui forte sobre isso e não me deixei abalar. Foi triste, claro, mas é a reação que todo mundo esperava, infelizmente.
Quem conhece o meu pai sabe que ele daria a vida pela família. Mas não magoa o gato! Ele vai te ofender como se você fosse um inimigo mortal, um estranho. kkkkk Escorpianos feridos sabem te fazer sentir um lixo como ninguém. 👌🏼
Até essa carta, ele sempre foi um paizão. Era presente, teve maturidade pra me dar oportunidades que ele não experimentou e não me deixava faltar nada (que ele julgasse necessário, claro. Quem era eu pra querer um Motorola V810 de 1.500 reais aos 12 anos?). kkkkkk
Mas era ele que me dava todos os CDs de novelas e É O Tchan. Eu era louco por Sandy e Junior: tinha carteirinha do fã-clube, comprava revistas e pôsteres nas bancas, tinha uma pasta com recortes de jornais e revistas e, claro, todos os CDs. Era ele também que me dava os cadernos e canetas coloridas, com brilho/cheiro, que eu tanto faço piada. Eu ouvia Lady Gaga com ele no carro…
Se bem que ele nunca dava ouvido, quando eu pedia pra fazer Ginástica Olímpica. 🤸🏻‍♂️🤔 Acho que era demais. 😬
Até essa carta, eu recebi infinitas outras totalmente contraditórias. E foi por isso que essa não me abalou. Porque ele não rompeu comigo por falta de sentimento. Foi por ignorância.
Eu sou resultado da educação da qual ele participou. Um homem querido, estudioso, caprichoso, batalhador, honesto, do bem, corajoso (e estressado hihihi). Ele me viu crescer, então, que virada de chave foi aquela?!
Quando eu li essa carta, eu senti raiva. Pena. E alívio.
Raiva e pena pela burrice, óbvio. E alívio pela coragem de ter contado pra ele e acabado com tantas situações constrangedoras e humilhantes.
Quando ele começou a entender que eu não queria exatamente c0m3r a Sandy ou a Gaga (eu queria ser elas 💅🏼 KKKKKKKK), ele me disse com todas as letras que preferia um filho bandido, que fosse pra cadeia e ficasse preso a vida inteira. Em outro momento, lembro dele jogando no ar que o Cazuza era um gênio… “pena que era viado”. 🌝
Como eu disse: a reação dele chocou zero pessoas.
Eu sempre ouvi muita (!!!) nojeira homofóbica e machista do meu pai, mas o que me intrigava era como aquilo desequilibrava ele. Era uma expressão assustadora, berros, a boca pesada de raiva. Eu consigo vê-lo perfeitamente escrevendo “mundinho decadente” com muito “asco” (palavra frequente em seu repertório ofensivo).
17/05 é o Dia Internacional Contra A Homofobia. 🏳️‍🌈 Nesse mesmo dia, em 2022, 10 anos depois dessa carta, Valtinho morreu, tendo o seu veemente desejo atendido.
Ali a ficha caiu. Acabou. Até então, “ah, seu pai é assim mesmo, teimoso, mas é tudo da boca pra fora… Um dia vocês vão se resolver”.
Como se justificasse. Como se eu tivesse que ficar esperando.
O meu pai era extremamente orgulhoso. Eu sabia que, muito provavelmente, aquela carta era uma profecia. Então, desde 2012, eu vinha me acostumando com aquele “até nunca mais”.
Não fiquei esperando, porque eu sabia que ele sabia que tinha ido longe demais e não saberia voltar atrás, e, também, por não achar justo nem digno ficar.
É triste, claro, mas é o sentimento que eu esperava pro resto da vida, infelizmente.
Eu não escrevi esse texto pra te fazer sentir pena de mim (me respeita! kkkkk), mas porque hoje, 28/06, é o Dia Internacional do Orgulho LGBTQIAPN+. 🏳️‍🌈
Vim aqui pra tentar, humildemente, servir de exemplo e te levar à reflexão de como a ignorância é poderosa. Não seja ignorante!
🌈 Mundinho decadente é o c4r4lh0! 🦄
[Post original no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marvinrodri/]
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bokuwaamdalla · 11 months
Lacinth Gaybian flag
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Hii! We're here to do an informative post with all about the Lacinth Gaybian flag!
Whats the Lacinth Gaybian flag?
Lacinth Gaybian is a gaybian/lesbigay/lesbivincian/lesgay/lesburanian/velaurian/geiseric flag that we (Basil, Ennis and Saturno) made, with the intention of being a alternative gaybian flag, free for use!
The name "Lacinth" comes with the mixture of "lavender" and "hyacinth", two symbols of the lesbian/gay community. Want to make it very clear that lavender here has no connection with the radfem movement of the lavender menace.
Our flag is here to represent everyone who identifies as gaybian/lesbigay/lesbivincian/lesgay/lesburanian/velaurian/geiseric, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or anything else. All good faith identifications are valid.
We also want to make it clear that this flag is not meant to replace any other gaybian flag, it is just an alternative flag!
◃ Stripes meaning
#ec448d - Good Faith. To represent our good faith identification as gaybians.
#f17e9d - Different attraction forms. To represent that each gaybian person has his or her own way of attraction and personal experience with it.
#f8b8ae - Happiness. Happiness in celerbrating that we are gaybians, pride in being gaybians, and unity in being gaybians.
#fce0ae - Love. Not necessarily love in a romantic way, but solidarity between the community and ourselves.
#ffffff - Peace and Safety. To represent that we deserve safety and peace, and that we will fight together for it.
#affcae - Hope. Green is the color of hope, the hope to achieve our rights and respect.
#98e8c1 - Freedom. Freedom to express who we are, how we are, and why we are.
#26ceaa - Positivity. We have the virtue of what is positive, optimism of the future, and welcome within our community.
#207b74 - Community. Community is very important in our view. It's representing the entire gaybian community, and the entire union around it.
◃ Symbol meaning
The flag's symbol is a combination of green carnation, hyacinth, lavender, and violet, four flowers that have great representation in the queer and lesbian/gay community.
The significance of the hyacinth is one of the oldest flower on this list and comes from the tragic love story of Apollo and Hyacinth from Greek Mythology. Apollo, God of the Sun, and Hyacinth, a Spartan Prince, were a loving couple who rode chariots drawn by swans, played the lyre and practised the art of prophecy. 
Green Carnation
The green carnation is a very delicate flower which to me looks like a little cute cabbage. It  became a badge of honour for homosexual men back in the the 20th century, as a way for them to signal to each other in a way only they could recognise. 
This tradition came from the famous Irish poet and gay icon Oscar Wilde in his play “Lady Windemere’s Fan”, where he asked one of the actors and a group of his friends to wear the green carnations in their buttonholes. 
It’s believed that the ‘unnatural’ colour of the flower may have been Wilde’s subtle way of mocking the perception that two men in love might be ‘unnatural’ too. Always a man with a message to say.
Turns out Sappho (c. 630-c.570), the Greek poet who lived on the island of Lesbos, often referenced violets in her ancient poems creating this association for female love. Girls frolicked adorned in garlands and had “many crowns of violets.”
“Together you set before more
and many scented wreaths
made from blossoms
around your soft throat…
…with pure, sweet oil
…you anointed me”
The coded reference to violets in the pantheon of female love endured for centuries.
In fact, a scandal occurred in 1926 when a female character in the play The Captive sent a bunch of violets to another female character. Literary scholar Sherrie Inness reported in the National Women’s Studies Association Journal that the theme of lesbianism in this play led to an uproar and calls for censorship. Subsequently, the New York City district attorney’s office shut down the production in 1927.
Violet sales also plummeted as a result of the association.
However, at the play’s showing in Paris, some women wore the flower on their lapels as a show of support.
In his play, Suddenly Last Summer, Tennessee Williams also weaved violets and its symbolism into the plot by naming a character Mrs. Violet Venable.  It’s also why purple is in the rainbow flag.
Lavender has been associated with both gay men and women.
“Lavender boy” was a term used for gay men in the 1920s. A guy who had any characteristic not deemed masculine enough would be accused of having “a streak of lavender.”
In fact, in 1926, historian Carl Sandburg once referred to Abraham Lincoln as having “a streak of lavender” which ran through him.
For women, lavender became associated with lesbians wanting to be included in the women’s movement.
The lavender on the flag has nothing to do with the lavender menace or any connection to radfem.
Other Ver.
To begin with, the 9-color flag has two versions besides the main one, the one with the larger symbol and the one without the symbol. You can found here.
The 7-color versions can be found here.
The 5-color versions can be found here.
The 3-color versions can be found here.
This part will be to answer questions about the Lacinth Gaybian flag. If you don't find the answer to your question, put it in the comments and we will answer it.
“Can aro/ace pan people use this flag?”
Sure! Even, we're aroace!
“I don’t like the flag. I don’t want to use it.”
Ok, if you don't like it, don't use it, we're not forcing anyone to use our flag.
"I've seen you being exclus somewhere"
Yes, we were once exclus, and we totally regret it. In fact, the vast majority of the system uses labels that we once invalidated, when we were still in the uninformation. Ennis, Basil and Saturn label themselves gaybians, for different reasons, but the three of us are gaybians, so we are the creators of the flag.
"Gaybian isn't valid"
Gaybian is as valid as any other queer identity, it is not just because it is different from your experience that it is invalid.
"This dosen't make sense"
Just because it doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to someone else.
"This invalidates real gays and lesbians"
Gaybian are real gays and lesbians if they separately label themselves that way. Invalidating gaybians is lgbtphobia, so think carefully about what you are talking about.
(We don't know what to put beyond that, so feel free to ask things in the comments)
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laranjafox · 2 months
• The Love Letter (2023) [G] [uk] [+21min] #sapphicfox
Similar synopsis of Letters to Juliet, but short and lesbian kkkk
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ifwebefriends · 2 years
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The Demiboy flag but with colors picked from the weighted storage cube
Demigirl Companion Cube
Agender Rick
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